location recce


Upload: sophie-smith

Post on 21-Mar-2017




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Page 1: Location Recce


Page 2: Location Recce

INSIDE - WHITE BACK DROPMy location Recce consists purely on the use of a white back drop in my house. The location in which I will take all of the photos of my model is in my house, using a lightly coloured wall as the back drop.

Advantages:An advantage of using this setting is that it is easy to create the right lighting I want for my images, and allows me to use props in my house to add to the picture. With the photos being taken inside, the lighting can be positioned to create the effect I am looking for and stops the issues of low lighting. Taking the photos inside reduces the affects of bad lighting from the weather and makes it possible to take photos at any point during the day. It also allows my model to change outfits easily, and helps her hair and makeup stay the same throughout the shoot. The backdrop will create an affect that is commonly used in music magazines, as the simple backdrop draws attention to the model, making them the focus of my magazine. The lack of colours in the background of the photos also gives me the opportunity to create an desired affect with the colour of the font for my magazine. Another advantage of using a white backdrop is that you can easily change the background colour on Photoshop if a different colour fits better with the theme.

Page 3: Location Recce

INSIDE - WHITE BACK DROPDisadvantages:The disadvantages of using a white back drop is that the right impression has to be created from the model as there is no background to create an affect. This means the hair and makeup of the model must be right, which can be time consuming. Another disadvantage of using a white back drop is that the audiences focus is on the model, so if there is any flaws on the model or the lighting on the model, it will be easily seen. A disadvantage could also be that if there are any marks on the backdrop they will be clearly seen in the photo, especially as the focus will be high in my photos.

There are not many disadvantages to using a white back drop for this photo-shoot which Is why I am using it for all of my photos in my magazine.

Page 4: Location Recce

INSIDE – WHITE BACK DROPRisks:There are no risks with using a white wall as the backdrop for my photos which makes the location ideal. The lights will be both natural lighting and artificial lighting without wires so that the model does not trip on any wires. I will not use a tripod, but will use free hand which eliminates the possibility of the model tripping over the tripod. Because I am using a plain wall to create the white back drop affect, there will be no risk of tripping over a white sheet. I will be using a fan for some of my photos to give the impression that the models hair is lightly being blown in the wind, but mostly to allow the models hair to be off of the models face but still be in a nice position in the photo. With this there may be the risk of her hair getting caught in the fan, however I will prevent this risk by keeping the fan at a safe distance from the model.