location ideas


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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Location ideas


Page 2: Location ideas

My main character is a victim of bullying. The main source of bullying is typically from a school. However I will only show a BRIEF snippet of the school. This will leave a lot up to the viewer and will not give too much away. I am thinking of using the front gates with the actress entering them.

Page 3: Location ideas

This my main character. Played by Amy.

Page 4: Location ideas

There is a viewpoint at the top of this hill. I will be using it to portray a new friendship between my main character and another person. This relationship changes her view on life.

Page 5: Location ideas

This is not the view form the viewpoint but a similar one to which will be shown in my trailer. I took this picture to show the sort of view the characters will be looking at. I shall be taking a picture of the actual viewpoint in the next set of location pictures.