local voice february 2014

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The winter edition of the quarterly member magazine from the Canadian Office & Professional Employees Union, Local 378.



    AT WORK.

  • TraInInG

    energize. engage. empower: job steward seminar

    Energize. Engage, Empower. Thats the theme of COPE 378s biggest job steward training opportu-nity of 2014: our annual job steward seminar, to be held in Vancouver from March 21st to 23rd.

    The job steward seminar is a great opportunity for new stewards to get oriented to their roles and for ex-perienced stewards to gain more specialized knowledge, said Vice-President and COPE 378 Education Committee Chair Gwenne Farrell.

    The seminar traditionally kicks off with a plenary ses-sion featuring speakers from the broader labour move-ment. This years keynote speaker will be Carol Landry, the first woman international vice-president of the United Steelworkers. Landry is a long-time activist and seasoned negotiator who joined the USW in 1986 at Canada's larg-est copper mine. In 1989, when she was the only woman on a 13-member bargaining committee, Landry helped lead a 107-day strike that defeated company demands for outsourcing work, inferior wages and lack of oppor-tunities for women and technical members. Since then, Landry has led negotiations in a variety of industries and spearheaded training to encourage women to seek lead-ership positions.

    Landry will be the only plenary speaker this year, as the education committee wanted to allow stewards more time to talk about issues with people from the same bar-gaining unit or component.

    We have been listening to the feedback from our stewards and while the majority has been very positive, we also received some great, constructive suggestions for improvement. For example, this year we will be do-ing breakout sessions with the various components to allow job stewards to get updates from the union reps, Farrell explained.

    The rest of the seminar, running all day Saturday and Sunday morning, will give stewards the opportunity for more in-depth learning in a specific course. The courses that will be offered are: Job Steward levels 1 and 2, Fac-ing Management, Collective Bargaining, Youth Action, Bullying and Harassment, Stress in the Workplace, Pen-sion, and Parliamentary Procedures and Public Speaking.

    This is where people really get the opportunity to learn, share ideas, and develop new skills that they can bring back to better represent the members in their work-places, Farrell said. We have over 150 people attend the seminar every year and theres something thats useful for everyone from every kind of workplace.

    Farrell is looking forward to the seminar but notes its important to the education committee to keep solicit-ing feedback: We will be looking at further changes go-ing forward based on what the job stewards tell us they would like to see.

    "This is where

    people really get the

    opportunity to learn,

    share ideas, and

    develop new skills..."

    Gwenne Farrell

    2014 AnnUAL JOB




    March 21st to 23rd

    Gwenne Farrell Attendees at the 2013 Job Steward Seminar

    COPE 378 Local Voice voLuMe 9 Issue #1 winter 2014 | 19

  • wInTer 2014 edITIonbarGaInInG brIefs

    bY sheLLeY LockharT, caroL McLuskIe and kIM sMITh

    absThe collective agreement for the members at this unit expired on August 31, 2013. Bargaining is presently on hold pending Union Representative Karen Rockwells return to work. The bargaining committee consists of Nancy DeVries, Melanie Green-law, Mike Novak, Jane Tighe and Union Representative Karen Rockwell.

    aLMa MaTer socIeTYThe collective agreement expired on May 31, 2013. A tentative agreement was reached and membership voted to accept. Interest arbitration has concluded and mediator Debbie Camerons award means keeping the tentative agreement wages, as agreed to in July 2013, and reducing the term of the agreement from four years to three years. The unions bargaining committee consists of Sterling Aurel, Angela Geib and Union Representative Carrol Edwards.

    bcGeuThe collective agreement expires on March 31, 2014. Notice to com-mence bargaining will be served and the bargaining survey will be sent out soon for members input. As of press time for Local Voice the bargaining committee had not yet been elected. The committee will work with Union Representative Bon-nie Merriman.

    bc hYdroThe collective agreement for the COPE 378 members at BC Hydro will expire on March 31, 2014. A bargaining committee has been struck and proposals have been prepared based on the results of the member survey in October. The parties have not yet scheduled dates to exchange propos-als. The union will be holding membership meetings and a telephone town hall to discuss the contract and negotiations. The bargaining committee consists of Andrea Foster, April Young, Bojan Bucic, Calvin Jonas, Rysa Kronebusch and Union Representative Bar-bara Junker.

    berLITz canadaThe collective agreement expired on June 30, 2011. Berlitz has verbally proposed a rollover. The union met with employer to view the financial records and is satisfied the organization cannot offer wage increases at this time. The union has requested the employers proposal in writing and a response to the unions non-monetary proposals for consideration. There will be a membership meeting scheduled to provide status up-date. The unions bargaining committee consists of Collin Patterson and Union Representative Sarah Melsness.

    canadIan freIGhTwaYs LTd.The collective agreement for the members at this unit expired on Decem-ber 31, 2013. The bargaining committee has been selected. At this time the parties have no dates scheduled to commence bargaining. The bargaining committee consists of Sue Heidinger, Lisa Main, Wesley Rickards and Union Representative Ken Howie.

    carPenTers LocaL 1928The collective agreement expired in December 2005. The parties are scheduled to talk in the second week of January. The bargaining committee consists of Union Representative Bon-nie Merriman.

    cIaTuThe collective agreement expires on April 30, 2014. Notice to commence bargaining will be served and the bargaining survey will be sent out to the membership soon for input. As of press time for Local Voice the bargaining committee had not yet been elected. The committee will work with Union Representative Bon-nie Merriman.

    coasT MounTaIn bus co.The collective agreement for the COPE 378 members at Coast Mountain Bus expired on March 31, 2011. Presently bargaining is on hold as the par-ties cannot agree on a deal. The bargaining committee consists of Petro Koromvokis, Ray Manning, Ron Williams, Doug Fergus and Union Representative Kevin Payne.

    coasTaL coMMunITY credIT unIonThe collective agreement expired June 30, 2013. A tentative agreement was reached and ratified by members in November 2013. The tentative agreement provides for a three-year term with wage increases of 2.5 per cent back to July 2013, 2.75 per cent (July 2014), 2.75 per cent (July 2015) and increased pension contributions. The unions bargaining committee consists of Laurie Kirk, Wanda Neil, Emma OSullivan, Donna Hedley, Colleen Berge, Trisha Spring, Carolyn Davenport and Union Representative Sarah Melsness.

    coasTaL coMMunITY InsuranceThe collective agreement expired December 31, 2013. A tentative agree-ment was reached and ratified by members in November 2013. The tenta-tive agreement provides for a three-year term with wage increases of 2.5 per cent back to July 2013, 2.75 per cent (July 2014), 2.75 per cent (July 2015) and increased pension contributions and family leave. The unions bargaining committee consists of Laura White, Myra Charlton, Sunshine Defrane, Lisa Nydahl and Union Representative Sarah Melsness.

    coLLeGe of PharMacIsTs of bcThe collective agreement for the members at this unit expired on February 28, 2013. Notice to commence bargaining has been given, the members have been surveyed and the committee is scheduled to meet in January 2014 to develop proposals. The bargaining committee consists of Megi Koroveshi, Rachel Pryce-Jones and Senior Union Representative Brad Bastien.

    coLuMbIa hYdroThe bargaining between Columbia Hydro Council and Allied Hydro Coun-cil went to interest arbitration as per the collective agreement on June 14, 17 and 24, 2013. The decision of the arbitrator will be final. As of press time for Local Voice time we are awaiting the decision. Senior Union Representative Brad Bastien sits on the bargaining committee.

    coLuMbIa vaLLeY credIT unIonThe collective agreement expires June 30, 2014. COPE 378 has sent out a bargaining bulletin and survey to be completed by membership. The bar-gaining committee will be meeting late January to review survey results. The unions bargaining committee consists of Bonny MacLeod and Union Representative Sarah Melsness.

    coMMunITY savInGs credIT unIonThe collective agreement expires June 30, 2014. COPE 378 has sent out a bargaining bulletin and survey to be completed by membership. The bar-gaining committee met on January 21 to review survey results. The unions bargaining committee consists of Loralee Dallas, Graeme Hutchison and Union Representative Sarah Melsness.

    coraL cabs (rIchMond TaxI)The collective agreement expired on December 31, 2011. The bargaining committee met with the employer on January 23 and 24, 2014 to begin bargaining. The unions bargaining committee consists of Ernie Baliss and Union Representative Cathy Hirani.

    cuPe bc & LocaLsThe collective agreement expired on December 31, 2013. The bargaining surveys have been completed and COPE 378 met with the committee in January and February 2014. The bargaining committee consists of Lori Watt, Nadine Ford and Union Representative Cheryl Popeniuk.

    dw servIcesThis is a newly-organized bargaining unit. The members have ratified a tentative agreement and as of press time for Local Voice we are waiting for a response from the employer. The unions bargaining committee consists of Union Representative Carrol Edwards.

    forTIsbc eLecTrIcIn December of 2013, the members at FortisBC Electric voted overwhelm-ingly in favour of accepting the tentative agreement. The new agreement is for a term of five years with wage increases of 2 per cent, 2 per cent, 2 per cent, 2.25 per cent and 2.5 per cent.The unions bargaining committee consists of Stephanie Smith, Janet Maloff, Richard Gaylard, Pat Junnila and Senior Union Representative Brad Bastien.

    forTIsbc enerGY cusToMer servIceThe parties reached a tentative agreement on February 26, 2014. The term of the new agreement is for three years from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2017. Wage increases are as follows: 1 per cent on April 1, 2014, 1 per cent on October, 2014, 2 per cent on April 1, 2015 and 2 per cent on April 1, 2016. The tentative agreement contains other improvements. The mem-bership will now vote on the agreement. The bargaining committee consists of Frederick Boudrias, Kathryn Prinz, Kelly Barret, Lea McNaughton and Senior Union Representative Brad Bastien.

    More info at


    20 | voLuMe 9 Issue #1 winter 2014 COPE 378 Local Voice

  • handY PackThe collective agreement for the members at this bargaining unit expired on May 31, 2013. The members have been surveyed and proposals are being developed. The bargaining committee consists of Union Representative Mike Novak.

    herTzThe collective agreement expired on October 31, 2013. Bargaining pro-posals have been drafted and the bargaining committee met with the em-ployer on November 5 and 6, 2013. Further meeting dates were held on February 18 to 20, 2014. The unions bargaining committee consists of Jim Fu, Shelly Keil-bart, Praveen Kumar, Shahzad Mansoory and Union Representative Cathy Hirani.

    IcbcThe collective agreement expires on June 30, 2014 and the bargaining survey has been sent out to the membership for their input. The bargaining committee consists of Yasmin Carroll, Karin Cirez, An-nette Toth, Mike Ferguson, Joyce Galuska and Trevor Hansen.

    kekInow naTIve housInG socIeTYThe collective agreement expired on March 31, 2010. Bargaining will re-sume in March 2014. The unions bargaining committee consists of Terry Frank and Union Representative Cheryl Popeniuk.

    keLowna cabsThe collective agreement expired on May 31, 2013. Bargaining com-menced October 21, 2013 with a second meeting on December 17. The union scheduled a meeting to finalize five outstanding items. The unions bargaining committee consists of Al Lewis and Union Rep-resentative Barry Hodson.

    MacLures cabsThe collective agreement expires on March 14, 2014. Union proposals have been drafted and approved. The union is waiting to hear back from the employer on dates to exchange proposals. The unions bargaining committee consists of David Clancy and Union Representative Barry Hodson.

    MasTer Trade unIonThe collective agreement expired on December 31, 2013. Notice to com-mence bargaining was served on December 5, 2013 and the bargaining survey was sent out to the membership for input and input was completed early January 2, 2014. Your bargaining committee will be notified and announced soon, and will join your union representative, Bonnie Merriman.

    new deMocraTIc ParTYThe collective agreement expired on June 30, 2013. Notice to commence bargaining has been served and the bargaining survey and a meeting with the bargaining unit members have been completed. Bargaining proposals have been drafted and approved. The bargaining committee is working on setting dates with the employer. The bargaining committee consists of Karl Riley and Union Representa-tive Stephen Von Sychowski.

    seIu The collective agreement expired on December 31, 2013. Notice to commence bargaining will be served and the members input has been received. Union Representative Bonnie Merriman will conduct bargaining.

    sTraTa corPoraTIon 2321 (MeLvILLe resIdences)This is a newly organized bargaining unit negotiating their first collective agreement. The union continues the process of negotiating with the em-ployer and bargaining dates are set for April 2014. The unions bargaining committee consists of Union Representative Trevor Hansen.

    TeaMsTers LocaL 155The collective agreement expires on March 31, 2014. Notice to com-mence bargaining will be served and the bargaining survey will be sent out to the membership soon for their input. The bargaining committee will be elected to work with Union Repre-sentative Bonnie Merriman.

    TeLecoMMunIcaTIon workers unIon TwuThe collective agreement expired on July 31, 2011. The bargaining com-mittee has met and finalized proposals. Bargaining dates were held Febru-ary 11, 12 and 26, 2014 and tentative dates are scheduled for March 2014. The unions bargaining committee consists of Linda Lund, Bill Nielsen and Union Representative Kelly Quinn. Union Representative Cheryl Popeniuk will also be participating.

    TsML (TransIT PoLIce)The parties exchanged proposals September 12, 2013, and met with the employer several more times to bargain through the end of the year. The employer cancelled bargaining dates on January 20 and 21 to prepare their financial package, which they tabled on January 27 and 28, 2014. The bargaining committee consists of Aaron Chan, Dan Dickhout, Dan McLachlan, Don Mace, Renata Clements , Robert Gladwin and Union Representative Kevin Payne.

    vancouver MusIcIans assocIaTIonA first collective agreement is in the process of being bargained. As a first step we are currently gathering and vetting proposals in order to present a complete representational bargaining package to the employer. Bargaining will be conducted by Union Representative Ken Howie.

    vancouver TaxI (cenTraL TaxI dIsPaTch)The collective agreement expired on June 30, 2011. A tentative agreement was met with a tie vote by the membership, so bargaining will continue. The unions bargaining committee consists of Bernie Stroh and Union Representative Dave Park.

    workInG enTerPrIses - cherYL PoPenIukThe collective agreement expires May 31, 2014. The bargaining surveys have now been completed and a meeting was held January 22, 2014. The bargaining committee consists of Dana Richmond and Union Rep-resentative Cheryl Popeniuk.

    YeLLow PaGesThe collective agreement expired on June 30, 2012 and was ratified by a majority of the membership on January 3, 2014. We would like to thank the bargaining committee and a special thanks to the steering committee; David Swaren, Jay Vergara, Alyssa Dennis and Paul Marchetto, for their support as well. The unions bargaining committee consisted of Traian Moldovan, Ken Simms, Emily Ratson, Patrick Evangelista and Union Representative Cheryl Popeniuk.

    Is PubLIshed bY

    Phone: 604-299-0378fax: 604-299-8211e-mail: [email protected] 1918-9753 coPe Local 378 voice

    coPe 378: President david black Secretary-Treasurer Lori Mayhew

    LocaL voIce editor: sage aaron usw 2009desIGned bY: dansk design Groupdanskdesigngroup.comPrInTed aT: Mitchell Press, burnaby, b.c.

    canadian office and Professional employees union, Local 378,2nd floor, 4595 canada way, burnaby, b.c. v5G 1j9PosTaL aGreeMenT #41267023

    barGaInInG brIefs

    COPE 378 Local Voice voLuMe 9 Issue #1 winter 2014 | 21

  • Young workers return energized from festival in ecuador


    Adelegation of 24 young workers and students from across B.C. joined over 70 others from across Canada in Quito, Ecuador, for the World Festival of Youth and Students. Over 9,000 delegates from more than 100 countries were in attendance.

    The slogan of the event was Youth unite against imperialism for a world of peace, solidarity,

    and social transformation. The festival is the largest gath-ering of youth and student activists in the world. This fes-tival was the 18th to be held since the pro-peace World Youth Conference was held in London in 1945, following the end of World War II. That conference established the World Federation of Youth and Students, and initiated the youth festival movement.

    The festival included workshops and seminars on a vast array of issues of interest to youth, not to men-tion cultural events and presentations, sports events, film screenings, arts activities, and more. Delegates from Canada participated in all aspects of the festival including joining in workshops and seminars and mak-ing presentations on subjects such as post-secondary education, aboriginal rights, and environmental issues.

    But perhaps the most important and exciting as-pect of all was simply having the opportunity to meet young trade unionists and other activists from across the globe; to hear their local issues, to share our own,

    and to see how our issues are connected. This was a lesson on the ever increasing importance of interna-tional solidarity in a globalized world.

    In the lead up to the festival, several young work-ers, mostly labour activists, established an organizing committee in the Lower Mainland where the majority of B.C. delegates hailed from. With the support of the Vancouver & District Labour Council, the BC Federation of Labour, and local unions like COPE 378 they were able to mobilize a delegation more than twice as large as that which attended the previous festival in South Af-rica in 2010.

    What became clear to us through our organizing work was that the delegation could have been many times larger if not for various barriers such as cost and securing time off work. For this reason the committee fundraised thousands of dollars to help assist delegates to attend the festival. The growing interest in the festival is also a reflection of the growing interest in activism and social justice amongst youth as demonstrated by the growth of young workers committees, and of mass movements like Occupy, the Quebec student strike, and Idle No More. We hope that whenever and wherever the next festival arises we will be able to send a delegation twice as large.

    Now that the festival has wrapped up, the dele-gates have returned to their communities, workplaces and unions across Canada, and around the world, en-ergized and ready to put their new knowledge to work in building a better future of peace and solidarity.

    bY erIn searLe, YouTh acTIon coMMITTee co-chaIr and sTePhen von sYchowskI

    "This was a

    lesson on the

    ever increasing

    importance of


    solidarity in a

    globalized world."

    22 | voLuMe 9 Issue #1 winter 2014 COPE 378 Local Voice

  • coPe 378 members work at the following properties

    accenture business services Union Rep: Doug Jeffs

    alma Mater society Union Rep: Carrol Edwards

    alma Mater society security Union Rep: Carrol Edwards

    aviscar Union Rep: Cathy Hirani

    bcaa sc & ers Union Rep: Carrol Edwards

    bc computerized dispatch (Yellow cab) Union Rep: Barry Hodson

    bc federation of Labour Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    bc ferry & Marine workers union Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    bcGeu Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    bc hydro (including Powertech construction services) Union Reps: Barbara Junker, Karen Rockwell

    bc nurses union Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    bc Transit Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    beach Place ventures Union Rep: Barry Hodson

    berlitz canada Union Rep: Trevor Hansen

    bonnys Taxi Union Rep: Barry Hodson

    canadian freightways Ltd. Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    canadian northern shield/rsa Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    capilano university Union Rep: Karen Rockwell

    carpenters Local 1928 Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    catalyst Paper Union Rep: Doug Jeffs

    cIaTu Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    coast Mountain bus Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    coastal community credit union Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    coastal community financial Management Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    coastal community Insurance Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    college of Pharmacists of bc Union Rep: Doug Jeffs

    college of registered nurses Union Rep: Doug Jeffs

    columbia hydro Union Rep: Brad Bastien

    columbia valley credit union Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    community savings credit union Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    coral cabs (richmond Taxi) Union Rep: Barry Hodson

    cuPe 374 Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    cuPe 454 Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    cuPe 1978 Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    cuPe 3338 Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    cuPe bc & Locals Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    da Townley & associates Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    dollar Thrifty Union Rep: Cathy Hirani

    dw services Union Rep: Trevor Hansen

    ecojustice Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    enterprise rent-a-car Union Rep: Cathy Hirani

    fortisbc customer service centres Union Rep: Mike Novak

    fortisbc energy Inc. Union Rep: Mike Novak

    fortisbc Inc. Union Rep: Mike Novak

    Gulf & fraser fishermens credit union Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    handy Pack Union Rep: Mike Novak

    hastings entertainment Inc. Union Rep: Doug Jeffs

    hertz Union Rep: Cathy Hirani

    Icbc Union Reps: Ken Howie, Kelly Quinn, Stephen Von Sychowski

    Island savings credit union and Insurance Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    Iwa forest Industry PP Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    kekinow native housing society Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    kelowna cabs Ltd. Union Rep: Barry Hodson

    konica Minolta Union Rep: Trevor Hansen

    kruger Products (scott Paper) Union Rep: Karen Rockwell

    Ladysmith & district cu Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    Lake city casinos Union Rep: Trevor Hansen

    LuMa native housing society Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    MacLure's cabs Ltd. Union Rep: Barry Hodson

    Marine workers & boilermakers Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    Master Trade office Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    Melville residences Union Rep: Trevor Hansen

    new democratic Party Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    Pacific vehicle Testing Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    schneider Union Rep: Cathy Hirani

    seaspan International Ltd. Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    seIu 244 Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    southern railway Union Rep: Mike Novak

    Teamsters Local 31 Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    Teamsters Local 155 Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    Teamsters Local 213 & 213 Member benefit Plan Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    Telecommunications workers union (Twu) Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    Telecommunication workers Pension Plan Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    Teletheatre bc Union Rep: Doug Jeffs

    Thunderbird winter sports Union Rep: Barbara Junker

    TransLink Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    Transit Police Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    Tree Island Union Rep: Mike Novak

    united fishermen & allied worker union Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    vancouver Musicians association Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    vancouver shipyards Ltd. Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    vancouver Taxi Ltd. (central Taxi dispatch) Union Rep: Barry Hodson

    vantageone credit union Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    victoria shipyards Ltd. Union Rep: Kevin Payne

    victoria Trade union Union Rep: Bonnie Merriman

    westminster savings credit union Union Rep: Sarah Melsness

    working enterprises Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    xylem water solutions Union Rep: Doug Jeffs

    Yellow Pages Union Rep: Cheryl Popeniuk

    COPE 378 Local Voice voLuMe 9 Issue #1 winter 2014 | 23