local news. arrkmooh two · 2017-12-13 · localnews. amu81mshwto-hight....

LOCAL NEWS. AMU81MSHW TO-HIGHT. Grover si hhatmr.."Peg Wofiington" and "Mischief Makiug" comprises the bill this eve¬ ning at Grovel's. Lucille Western, Susan Denin and others appear, the occasion being a testimonial benefit to the enterprisingmanager, Mr. Leonard Grover, whose ettorts to establish a standard place of amnaement in this city de¬ serve a proper appreciation. Miss Western concluded her engagement Saturday evening but volunteered for this occasion. Canterbury..Manager Sinn always has something new, and to-night the novelty will be a fine spectacular extravaganza extitled the .. Fairy Gift, or the Grotto of Ellland," and a new and beautiful ballet by Sxollosy entitled the "Village Coquette." The regular bill of song, dance, «fcc., will also be por'ormed. Eva Brent aud Kate PennoytT will appear. Varieties..The drama entitled a "Glance at New York," Nellie Howard appearing as «>Mose" and Adie Johnson as " Lize," wilt be performed this evening at the Varieties. The regular concert hall bill will also be performed, Ada Tesman, W. S. Budworth, Dick Waikins, Harry Leslie, and others, appearing. Metropolitan Hall..The operatic enter¬ tainments at this resort are visited nightly by well-pleased audiences. The selections are lrein the best English, German and Italian operas, and executed with ranch musical skill. Forr.TH Ward Station Casus..William Mcl>onald, deserter: Naval Worden Edgar, drunk, resisting police; and Win. King, drunk; dismissed. Jos. Dorsey, violating a city law; do. Albert Tolson, do.: do. Clementina .Tones, drunk and disorderly; lined £1.5^. Geo. fncks, do.; do. £1.58. Jno. Thomas Mason, drunk; do. £1.58. Jas. Hawkins, do.; do. $1.58. Martha Francis, do.; do. £1.58. Mary Arthur, sus¬ picious; dismissed. Peter Farrell, asleep in street; military. Geo. Curtis, suspicious char¬ acter: Solomon Mathews, do.; Cornelius Har¬ ris, do.; Geo. H. Clark, do.; Samuel Kodgers, do.; dismissed. John Learv, assault and bat¬ tery; dismissed: do., for profanity aDd disor¬ derly conduct; fined £1.5^. Patrick Hammond, drunk; do. £1.58. Wm. Boston, assault and battery; jail. Harvey Lewis, do.; dismissed. Robert Norburn, vagrancy; do. Michael Long, drunk and disorderly; fined £5.58. Francis McGure, do.; do. £1.58. Juo. Comer, do.: mil¬ itary. Michael Finncgau, do.; do. $1.58. Phillip Dash, sleeping in street; dismissed. Robert R. Stanley, do.; do. Hammond Locke, do.; do. James* Whitney, druuk and disorderly; dis¬ missed. John Buckley, violating ci:y law; lined Police Reports..First Pren'net..Rosanna Gardner, drunk; kept at station till sober. Second Precinct..Thomas Bray, grand lar¬ ceny; jail lor court. Wm. Bailey, drunk and disorderly: military. Henry Jackson, do., £2. Third Precmct..Isaac Swann and Bridget Maloy, vagrancy: workhouse. Hester Chase, prostitution; do. Harriet Briscoe and Frances Snowden, disorderly: £8.44 each. A. H. Brandt, Henry McCuneand Geo. Brand, do.; SS-tM each. Wm. Wright, do.: dismissed. Fovjtii Precinct..Catharine F. Naugnton, disorderly; workhouse. Dan Rice, drunk aud disorderly: do Emeline Johnson, disor¬ derly; £'2. Michael Burke, drunk and disor¬ derly; workhouse. Sixth Precinct..Geo. W. Downer, disorderly; £.'. also for assauit and battery; dismissed. Patrick Deacy, disorderly, £2. Judson Bell, indecent exposure; £1. Owen Gormly drunk; si. Thos.Trainor, do: dismissed. Wm. Wash¬ ington, do: military. Hiram All' n do; £1. i>nth Precinct..Peter McFanand. drunk* military. Sad Act ident to Mrs. Holmf.au, Wife of the Rev. Alfred Hol.mead, Rector op Grace Church..The numerous friends of this mest excellent lady will be pained to learn that yesterday, in passing from her house to Grace Church, while in the street, she fell from an attack of vertigo, dislocating the shoulder joint and iracturing the bone. Mrs. H. was taken to the house of one of her hus¬ band's pari&honers, not far off, and most kind¬ ly attended to. Dr. Morgan was immediately in attendance, and pronounced the case one of dislocation and fracture. Being removed to her residence, the injuries were properly and most skilfully cared for, although with ex¬ treme suffering to the patient. Mrs. H. is now as comfortable as could lx; hoped for. Three weeks ago to-day we noticed the injury xe- oeived by the Rev. Mr. Holmead, from which, even now, he is but partially recovered. The best wishes of the community will attend the auflerers. Fire.. Yesterday morning the carpenter s iop owned by J. B. Williamson, andoccupied bv Messrs. James 'lurton and Wm. Lowry, on Twelfth 6treet, above the Kirlcwood House, was discovered on fire, and in a short time it was entirely consumed. The firemen were promptly en the ground, and succeeded in saving the adjoining property, which was con¬ siderably scorched. The loss amounts to about eight hundred dollars, and falls very heavily upon the firm, who are new beginners. A quan¬ tity ol work, with all their tools, was destroyed. Ths building was of little value. This lire was doubtless the work of an incendiary, no persons having been in the shop since Friday. There can be little doubt but that there is a number of incendiary gangs amongst us, and it is to be hoped that they will be caught and receive their mtrited punishment. Capture op all in "The Bandiox.'". Saturday evening, about 8 o'clock, a general muss occurred among the females at Madame Wolfe's, corner ol Thirteenth and C streets, all about a soger boy belonging to Scott's <H>0. The police were called upon by the neighbors, a id Roundsman Tait, with oiiicers Bigley and Parker entered the house and arrested all nands. Justice Clavton, before whom they were taken, fined Madam Wolf £10 for keeping a dis¬ orderly bouse. Ellen Woods Emma Richards, Alice Jones, Nellie Short, Kate Marshall and Kate Coleman were fined £J.50 each for disor¬ derly conduct. Kate Coleman having the funds, paid all the fines. The house formerly kept by 'he Madam was known as the " Den," but this house she has purchased recently, aud is known as "Bandbox No. 1." Forr.TH of July..Two meetings have al¬ ready been held at the National Hotel, for the purpose ol making arrangements for the proper celebration of the coming Fourth cf July. A committee of arrangements, embracing the namts of Judge Purcell, District Attorney Carriugton, Geo. W. Riggs, Lewis Clephane, Samuel Bacon, Thos. Fisher, Hudson Taylor, Dr. Wru. B. Magruder, Rev. Drs. Sunderland and Channing, A. C. Richards and others, has been appointed to raise funds and get up a celebration hi every way worthy the Capital of the Nation. ? Se< oni> Ward Station Capes..Mary Har¬ rison, suspicion of larceny; dismissed. Anna White, do : do. Henry Harris, drunk: do. Fred. Kemlet, do.; £1.5?. Ellen Wolfe, disorderly- house; £10. Ellen Woods, Emma Richards, Alice Jones, Nellie Short, Kate Marshall, Kate Coleman, disorderly; £2.50 each. Wm. Whe- lan, drunk and disorderly: £2.5£ Anthony Oreely, robber}': for further hearing. Fred. Harris, Elijah "Hill, fighting; 81.5s each. Sick and WorsPKi).-The ambulances were on the move all day yesterday, last night, and this morning, to and lrom the wharl, convey¬ ing sick and wounded soldiers, who had been brought up from the hospitals at Aquia Creek to the hospitals in this city. Over eight hun¬ dred have arrived thus far. Most of taem aro convalescing, and will be able to rejoin their regiments in a few days. To be Rkxiovep..George S. Gideon, Esq , President of the Board, and Superintendent Webb, of the Metropolitan Police, have been ftopointed a committee to select a suitable place for an ofllcefor the Board of Metropolitan »'o «< ». they having been notified to vacate the building on Eleventh street now occupied by them, the owner desiring possession. Pic-Ntc..The first afternoon and evening pic-nic of the Wajbingt'>n and Georgetown Passenger Railroad Relief Association will be giver, on Wednesday, June 17th, at the Wash¬ ington Park, Seventh street. The gentlemanly conductors of this road will certainly give an entertainment delighttnl to all who may par¬ ticipate. ? Promotions in Sixth Acditor'8 Office. The following promotions have been made in the Sixth AudHor's office:.C. Haylett, dis¬ bursing clerk; John B. Stebbins, F. M. B&llin- ger And James A. Jenkins, third class clerks; J. H. Brown, E.Story, L. A. McCord, S. L. Perley and W. J. Leib, second class clerks. Charge op Picking a Pocket DisjIipbed. Cm Saturday night Anthony Gresly was ar¬ reted for picking the pocket of Johu Stuart of a watch, but at the examination neither Stuart nor the witnesses appeared, and Justice Clay¬ ton discharged Gresly from custody. Pbofeppor Alexander Wolowpki. the w -ll-kaown pianist and composer, is giving ti s last course of piano and singing in Wash- ijfcton. All those who desire to become fine »-> gert or excellent performers on the piano, a i*t rof neglect this last opportunity. Pro- lessor s rfoms are No. 451 Tenth atreet. Forauino Party Surprised!.Yesterday, a party from New York, who firmly believeu tha: nothing outeide of that city could be "first rtt:e," were :,urpr.s(*i to rind that Dayton's crackf rs were ^ npenor in all re-peets to nay tht»y had ev> r er tasted at home. It* I>WAI» HOI Mice, Wo. 916 BUttmtk All deeAl loud im the cities of Washington and George¬ town, ud the county beyond the limits of theM cities, will be removed on notice in writing, particularizing the locality of the earcaas, being left at either of the several police stations mentioned below. Patrolmen are required to report dally to their several Sergeants, all dead horses in their respective beats: and Sergeants to transmit immediately, such information to Mr. John H. German, Superintendent Wagon Park, corner of M street north and Nineteenth street west, or these Headquarters. ' POLICE BTATIOSTB- Georgetown Station-House on High street, near the canal bridge. First Ward On Twentieth street, between I and K "streets. Second Ward.Ohio avenue, next to corner Of Thirteenth street. Third Ward..Temperance Hall. Fourth Ward.East wing City Hall. Fifth Ward.South B street, between First and Second streets east. Sixth Ward..Odd Fellows' Hall, Navy Yard. Seventh Ward..Four-and-a-half street, west Bide, between E and"F streets south. County Station-house..Corner of Seventh street and Boundary, for portion north of city; and at Odd Fellows' Hall, Navy Yard, for por¬ tion beyond the Eastern Branch. Notices left at the Department of the Metro¬ politan Police, No. 518 Eleventh street, will re¬ ceive prompt attention. my 27-eolm W. B. Wbbb, Supc. Tut "oldisr's Sakrucakd..This is the title fee- stowed upon Hostetter's Stomach Bitters by ~n officer of the United States Army, writing from the Valley of Virginia. says in a letter to th^ proprietors, Messrs. Eostet.tr sod Smith: "la every Instance where your Bittsrs have oeen takmi regularly and systematically, as a protective against the bilious epidemics so common and so destructive here, they have answered the denirad .nd.and you may therefore claim for yonr cele¬ brated Tonic aod Pre "intive the designation of the Soldier's Saieguaid." Wherever it has been tried in the army, the result has be»n tie same The soldiers themselves are clamorous to nave it substituted for. the pernicious liquers now used as stimulants in the military hospitals. It; well known basis, Spirit* of Rye, the purest stimulant, in the opinion of ebemists, that can be produced from any substance by any process, snd this match¬ less invisoraut is medicated with a combination of the finest tonic, anti-bilious and c >rrective herbs, barks sums, roots. &c , known to modern pharma¬ cy. Hence Hosteiter s fctomach liitters-the best and only preventive in malarious disease- and ibe most powerful of all recuperants in cases of debiii y and utter physical prostration.ahould be in every ar uy hospital »nd convalesce it camp, and nhoulu form a port on of the medicine stores of every regiment, in i.pe field. Given promptly to the wounded, it would save the lives of thousands who mnstotherwis* die of exhaustion on tho battle field, fold by Druggists snd Fsmily Grocers. Wholesale Asentf . A. M. Bininger &. Co.; 237 Penn.ave. je 13 eo3t Havr roc discovkrkd the important fact that the Dollar Stoie, Pennsylvania aVenue, near Fcur-and-s-half street, is the right place to buy Jewelry and Silver plated Ware? If not, take our word for it. or go and see for yourself what a dol¬ lar will buy. _ je 9 lw* Tn]ct no more unpleasant and unsafe Medhints. For unpleasant and dangerous diseases, use llELMllOLb'S hXTBACT ttnCHU. Which has received the endorsement of the most Prominent Physicians in the (J. £>. Is now offered to afflicted humanity as a certain cure for the following diseases anil symptoms origi¬ nating lrom <1 isea>et* and abuse of the Urinary jr Sexual Oritans. General Debiiitv, M ental and Physical Depression, . Imbecility. Determination of Blood to the Head. Confused Iili-a*, Hysteria, General Irritabilitv, Restlessness and Sleeplessner.- at Nisjht, Absence of Muscular Efficiency. Loss of Appetite, Emaciation, Low S) irits. Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Palpitation of the Heart, And, in fact, all the concomitants of a Nervous and Debilitated state of the system, 7o insure <ht genuine, rut this out. Ask tor Helm hold's. Take no other. Cures Guaranteed. Seo advertisement in another column, je 4-2w DIXBi On the loth instant, after a long, painful aflHc- tior . which be bore with chiistiau resignation, WASHINGTON INGRAM, in the Uth year .«f his ate. Blessed are the bead who die in the Lord. A devote"! fa*h<-r and loving hatband. His funeral will take plsc« from his late resi¬ dence No. 37 3 13thitreet near l. A.®*"" Washington Oku. D. 6. SUIT EASTERff, NORTHERN AND WEST- I1H EXPRkSS FORWARDERS I MEEOHANDMB. MONIY, jewelry, tall ABLBS, NOTES, STOCKS, BONDS/fco. Forwarded with SAFETY AND DISPATCH to si; acMSSible Motions of the conntry. This Company has agencies in the principal Railway Towas is .HrOBTH, EAST, WEST. AND NORTHWEST. Its principal offices are 3N,T>. 0., N1W YORK, B08TGH J!.'*,? . 7 * n * * ¦vtsnnn T OXN ^Connections are made at New York and Botto* with lines forwarding to the CAN ADAS and the BRITISH PROVINCES, snd with steamship line* to LIVERPOOL,SO^TkAMPTON and hIvRE. *o5uettoa of MOTES, PRAFTB and BILLS made M an _f»i ' 'Washington, Ft. HEiBBRGBR * 00.. e JNukmmots to LIT^E* 'AIL0M8, Hotbu, 44-tf 169 Fa. aveaas. 1 N.w»cn%w . m it v ***** lAMiffi d&ur it JONES A CO.*. .rl Oemer *«hih and D street* 1?OB SALE.A neat OCTTACMI HOUSE la the F village or Rladeniburg. It is pl«aMatty local- Grkat Pkbrstlvaria >coo/s, via Bait mon nd Harrisbutu, to the ycrth and Wirt..Two trains leave Washington daily and one on Sundiy.quick time- low fare and sure connections. Soldiers1 tickets sold through at Government rates. For tickets and far¬ ther information apply at the office ef Great Penn¬ sylvania Boute, northeast corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth st., Washington. Office open from i s. m. until 9 p. m.; on Sundays from a to 4 p. in. au H-ly ^ E.O. Nortob, Agent. SaoasT Diseases. Samaritan's Gift is the most certain, safe and effectual remedy.indeed, the onlj vegetable rem¬ edy ever discovered. Cures in two to four days, aad recent cases in twenty-four hours. No miner¬ al, no balsam, no mercury. Only ten pills to be taken. It is the soldier's hope, and a friend to those who do not want to be exposed. Male pack¬ ages, $2 j female, $3. Samaritan's Root and Herb Juice*. A positive and permanent cure for Pyphiiis, Scrofula, Clsers, Sores, 8pots, Tetters. 3c c. Price 81. or six bottles for 86. bold by 8. C. Ford. See acvertisement. mfi ThK CBRAPSST A5B BEST HAIR DtS IS THR WORLD. Never Fades or Washes Out..Upham's Hair Dye, iO Cf sts a box. The best in use. Try it. Bold by 8. C. Ford, corner 11th street and Ps. avenue, Wash¬ ington, and Henry Cook. Alexandria. js 6-ly Spermatorrhea cab B3 Chrsd..Dr. Rand's Specific cures Spermatorrhaa. Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Loss of Poio'r, etc., speedily and effectual¬ ly. Its efleets are ^ruly mar»cai. A trial of the Specific, will convince the most skeptical of its merits. Price 81 a box. Sold by S. 0. Fowl, cor¬ ner 11th street and Pa. avenue, Washington, and Henfy Cook Alexandria. Js6-ly Disrasks or thr Nbrvocs, Skmisal, Ujusart amd 8txcAi. STSTKMf...New and reliable treat¬ ment.in Reports of the Howard Association.sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. mar 25-4m Formation or Corks..Corns are formed of j thickened layers of cuticle, and are generally of conical shape, with the points descending into corresponding cells, or depressions of irregular depths, according to the injnry caused upon the immediate parts where the external pressure is most severe. The pain they cause is not in the corn itself but in the part compressed by it. the operation lor their removal is painless, bloodless, and effectual if the predisposing and exciting causes be avoided. To ail alilicted with corns, bunions, troublesome nails, or other disorder* of the feet we would recommeaded an early call on Dr. White.office No. 424 Pennsylvania avenue, between Four-and a-hatfand Sixth streets, my 23 Batohkior's Hair Dyb, "Skt best in the World. WiOlaa A. Batchelor'scelebrated Hair Dye pro¬ duces a odor not to be distinguished from nature- warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; vem- tdiee the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates ths Hsir for life. Grty, Rtd or Rusty Hair instantly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, ft o. The Genuine is signed William A. BATuai- LOR, on tht four si lt« cj each box. Factory, No. 81 Barclay St., Nno York, m 77-ly (Late S33 Broadway and 16 Bond st.) Da. Dcpoit's Sugar-coated Female Regulating Pills are the very best in ust. They operate speedily and effectively, and being sugar-coated create v.o nau . sea upon the most delicate stomach. A trial of these Pills will prove their superiority over all others. Price $la box. Sold by 8. C. Ford, corner 11th street and Pa. avenue, Washington, and Heary Cook, Alexandria. 3a 6-ly Warrartroto Corb ib Six Days..Or. Godfrey's Antidote, an .English Specific of sixty-five years' standing, will cure Gonorrkaa in six days. No change of di#t required. Price 81 9*T bottle. Sold by 8. O.Ford, corner 11th street and Pa, avenue Washington, and Henry Cook, Alexandria, la 6-ly leli-**** GEORGETOWN CORPORATION LAWS. A RisOLtfTio* for repairt on Mont$om»ry btreet . and Firat street. R/sotved by tSe Bomrd af Al4*rnim and Btard «J Common Coimeil *J the Corporation 9f OtorRetovm. That the sum of fifteen dollar* h*., aud the mw« h hereby, impropriated to be paid to the order ot the Commissioner of Street®, for the repair of the gutter on Montgomery- ftreet, between Dun barton and Beail; and for increasing the width of the gutter i>n First street. between Market ami Fred¬ erick str- nts, forty dollars ia hereby appropriated .said work to be executed under the direction of »aid Commissioner. I Appro red May .'10, 18»J. A Riceoi CTtoS in furor of John,A. Smith and Charles Myers. Resolved by the Board af Alderm*v and Board of Common Council af the Corporation qf G tor set own. That the Clerk pav to the order fd John A. Smith, late Clerk of Circuit Court of Washington County of D C.. fortv-ttve dollars and eighty-nine cent?, in full payment for bill of fees and court charges during the year 1862; and to order of C. Myers lorty- six dollars and si\ty-three cents. in fitll for fuel furnished to the Watch House to February 20.1863. Approved May 30,186.". A Resolution suthnriiinir the jrn.le of the street known au Warehouse Alley to be fixed. Retolvid by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council af the Corporation of Georgetown, That the street condemned in accordance with "An ordinance providing for the condemnation of that piece of ground known as 'Warehouse Alley' for the purposes of a public street,'' approved May 3. 1351, is herein declared a public street, and named Worebonse Alley. And be 1l further resolved, That the Commission era of Grad'-a are herein authorised and instruct"d to ti\ ih>- jjrade of said street, and report the .sauie to this Corporation for their approval. Approved June 6,1863. A Resolution providing for the paving of Ware¬ house Alley. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen aud Board of Common Council cf the C-.rpi.nttr.n of Georgetown, That for the purpose of trading a>id paving Ware¬ house Alley. Ill-re be, and hereby is, levied and imposed a tax of eijrhty cents per front foot on all tW lots and parts of lots fronting on said ailey. Retolved. further. That the Collector pay over.to the Clerk the amount of tax hereby authorized, as the same may be collected by him, deducting his commission of three per centum, and that he com¬ plete the same, and close his accounts, within four months from the passage of this ordinance, and the same power be. and is hereby, given him for tiie "n- forcins the collection of said taxes as has heretofore been given in similar caaes. Result ed, further, That the Clerk pay the aino int bi-ri'bv directed to be placed in his hands to the order of the Commissioner ol Streets, under whose direction and control the said improvement shall be made, anu who shall render an accoiuit of his expenditures, v ith the proper vouchers. \Cithin six months after the passage of this resolution. Approved June ti, A Resolution granting a lease of a, portion of Fayette street. Resolved by the. Foard of Aldermen and Board of C>mvton Council af the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mavor be, and li- is hereby, authorized to lease all that part of Fayette street south of the canal to the channel of the river, to Thomas J. Mehaffey f<»' a term ot' liv years, renewable, at the pleasure of the Corporation for n further term of five years, at the expiration of the iirst fivo years, he paying for th< %n n ie two hundred dollars per annum, payable semi-annually: Provided said Thomas J. "MehafTey enter into contract with the Corporation within fifteen days from the passage of this resolution. (Appro\ed Junefi, 1863. A Resolution instrnct'.nc the Street. Co^umis- aioner. Resolved lv the. Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown. That where any repairs to any of the streets are of immediate urgency, the Commissioner of Streets is hereby authorized to have the same done on the best terms. Resolved, furth'r. That for the above purpose : he Mini of three hundred dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated (o bp^hid by the Clerk to the order of the Commissioner, upon proper vouchers. Approved June ti. 1803. A Resolution' in relation to the removal of the town office. Whereas the Secretary of the Treasury has con¬ sented that two rooms in the Custom House may be temporarily occupied by the officers of the town, and used for the sessions ot the two Boards; Therefore, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen mid Board of C<mmon Council of the Corporation ot Gtorgetotcn, Tlmt this Corporation accept the use of r.aid rooms for the object aforesaid, and hereby express their acknowledgements to the Secretary of the Treasury lor his courtesy in affording them this accommoda¬ tion. Risolvtd, further, That the Mayor he, and he is hereby, authorized anu requested to make the nece.--ary arrangements for the transfer of the town offices,books and papers to the apartments afore¬ said. I Approved June ti, 1863. A Resolution in relation to cooking and c«ting benches in the market house. Resolved ly the Board of Aldtrmm and Board of Common Council «/ the Corporation af Georgetown. That no cooking and eating benches be allowed north of the canal, in the market hou ¦«, after the Sis'sage of this resolution, and that the Market aster of the Corporation is hereby directed to notify the proprietors of all benches so occupied to vacate the same within one week after the passage of this resolution, under a penalty of two dollars for I'verv day over that time, to recovered as tines usually are. I Approved Jtiue 6, 1H03. GEORGETOWN ADVER'MTS. ;v~=» GEORGETOWN TAXK8..An abatement ll^C of six per cent, will be allowed upon the General Tax of 1862 if paid on or before the first day of July text. The Water|Taxof 1861, delerred by act of the Corporation, will ba due and payable at the same *A 11 persons in arrears for the School Tax of l-ll and iSf>2 are earnestly requested to settle the same without further delay or cost. je lS-e(8t CHAS. D. WSLCH, Collector. E. SHOEMAKEli, COMMERCIAL BROKER and REAL ESTATE AGENT, Will Attend to the Collection of Rj nt8 and Sale ok Real Estate. Office at Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, George¬ town , D. C. je 3-310 I- 7* JNO. W LUMSbONT * ORWARDING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. 91 and 103 Water Strbkt, Georgetown. D. C., Attend* to the Bale of Prcduce. Flour, Grain, and Merchandise generally; Procures Freight, Char¬ ters Vessels, Ac. BasiresutraiisacteJ alwayt with promptness and dispatch. mar 4-tf F1 ^T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. :>i<i pieces new style Lawns, 6 i) ' " Calicoes, ji,<t " Mozambique, rich styles, 75 .' 8pring and gummer Chailien, 1 ,(00 packs Pins. Fob. 3. 4 and 6, 5Mi rtozen Spool Cotton, im> pieces Tafl»ton for covering pictures, 2"J pieces Shirting Flannel, Our stock is fall in all departments, all of whuh will be sold at the low9*t cash prices. WM. R. R1LBY & BllO., No. 36 Central Stores, oppo. Center Market. ,ie 13 2w between 7th and 8th utreet*. KtES, PILES, PILES.-Dr. WITFIKLD'S VEGETABLE PILLS are warranted a certain cure for Piles. The wcrst cases yield after one or two doses. No surgical operation should be re¬ sorted to, as relief tiius obtiined is but temporary, aDd tit> litre has ever bent perfected !,</ the use of the. knife. The following gentlemen have been cured : Mr. Stiles, No. 'iU'.i Broadway, Mr Hugher. No. lOI Spring street; Mr. fisher. No. ."»44 Brooine street, ana numerous ladies whose addresses cau be obtained at my office. Price 50 cents per box. Sold by all druggists. Wholesale b> D.S.BARNES * CO.. «o. Broadway, and by the proprietor. ' J. YOUNG, je 13 1 m No. 481 Broadway, New York. ("BEAT BARGAINS 1 KKOU THE prize auction sale FRIDAY LAST A Part of tub Cari.0 of the Schooner Emilt. 6 OflO yards CHALLIES, 1>0 " LAWN8, 6 000 .' PLAID bSEB3 GOODS Alae, a large lot of different kinds of damaged DRESS GOODS very low. Damaged BALMORAL SKIRTS. Ac. * S.4 W MEYENBERG, 4>s Market Space, under the Avenue House, je ia between 7th and 8th stre«ts. STEAMER KEYPORT, CAPT. E. A. RYTIIKR, I? leaves baltimere every FRIDAY, JT*** ^ at3p. m., for Alexandria. Washing- ff ^rnrT" V ton and landings on the l'otomac.¦. river, via: Point Leokout, Piney Point, Gougb'a, PJowdec's and Lancaster's Wharl. Returning, leaves Washington every Tuesday, at 6 a. m.,for Baitiniore, stopping at the above landinga. For freight or passage apply on board or to » OH AS. WILSON, Agent, je l-law.n.&f Wa»hipgton, D C. WfCYTHES. ALDUON'S Kngiish Grass and Grain S«> thes for tale by WARD 8R0THBRS, No. 9 South Calvert street, je 12-eogf Baltic ore. Xkr SHUTTS'ONGU1NT, " ARRANTED to »rod«Ce » full »et of WHIS¬ KERS OR MOUSTACitlBS in six weeks upon the smootheetfa e. Batire satisfaction iriven or the money refond«4 Sent post-paid for 3" cents or 4 Raokaees for 91. Address 0. F SHUTTS, Troy, ew York. jeU-fit iNEW GOODS. HAVK Now in store a full stock of WALL PA¬ PERS ol every variety which I am prepared to sell at the lowest retail prices of Baltimore. Philadel phia or New Fork. Also, a large stock nl new WINDOW SHADES of every variety and line; SHADE FIXTURBS and Trimmings of ell kinds; PI0TURH and other TAS8KLS and CORDS, etc., eta. Work in my lla» executed in the best man* Mr, promptly a>d at fair prlc- p CLARK PaMrhanger and U phoisterer. ie 11-t* Ma.a*gpa.av.,bet. Hthand 13thats rjpSIS M TO NOTIFY SUTLERS OF THB J. imy that I am prepared to forniah at aU tkiam iL StrtortViUo- Sulinds of W AGO N S, Ac., *- pertaixung to sutlers CHARLES SLACK, as OOMBTS-OORSBTS. |Y| B3. BOBBETW RIGHT. Pa. avenae. between 13tb and 13th «trests, wishee to than* the ladies for their liberal patron for .ovsral year* pint, aad would inform them tfcat she retiree from bu«irdjii in a fcw da\a bt/o»e whieh ahe would be glad to (itiiik ourthixtf nodded I* Het uap. Id Ll-tPlt* wants. 1X7ANTBD--A SITUATION w oook. wMltr, "" and irowr for A »¦».! fiaiir. &d«r*M k note to Bex 14, gtar QMce. If U7ANTED.By a young girl . SITUATION as cni.d's nurs*. No objection to travel. Ad- d rewi Box 'i t, Star Offiao. It* U ANT1D.One sr<vKl BARBER at No. .19 south vv A street, Onpttol Hill; good futti sal steady wo>k will be given. j* TWO GOOD BARB IBS WANT1D AT M. X. ALLIOT, 'ilS Penn. avenue Good wttM will b>»>id. rmiiwd j«* l'.-ti* WANTED IMMEDIATELY-Ten good HA Ni)8 on diNMD, at MRS. NU3RAUM, No. 3d '.a. av»nue. It* W~ANTEl>-A WHITS WOMAN to cook. wash, and iron and do i«ur»l housework. at No. 394 North Capitol street, between a and 0. 15 3t' WANTED IMMEDIATELY.A smart and aetive " BOY, between 15 and 16 rears of age. to tesrn tha grocery business: most by honest, truthful, and steady Apply at the New York Grocery, bs- tweea 7 *n<l s o'cloc*. opt. I and Hth. je WANTED-A SITUATION as talesman or clerk by a man of experience. (37 yeara of ace,) in a grocery, produce, or hardware store, or out door clerk on a wharf; is not afraid of work; ha* a family ia this city, and desires to make himself us ful to bis employer, and by it get a gool living forbia family. Andreas Box S3, Star Office. The beet of reference for character ftc. ja lB-3t* W/ ANTXD TO RENT.Without board, two or W three UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for a small family, or part of a Small House. Ad- dress D. C. CARY. Box P. 0. je 13 St* 1 41 AAA LADIES WANTED TO CALL AT lUfUUU 361 F street,between 8th ami 9th, opposite the Patent Office, and get their Yokes, Bands, Sleeves and Skirts &o., stamped. Also, splendid Braiding and Embroidery Patterns for Slippers, Pincushions, Joseys. Capes, Dresses. Gar¬ ibaldis and Zouave Jackets, sc. Ladies can ka"e their Stamping done in a few minutes, je 13-lw* W ANTES.A WOMAN to do plain cooking at .196 7th st.jltetwean D and S sts. je 13-tf McKELDEW tt P 1TTER?9N. HE AE QUARTERS METROPOLITAN POLIOE, 31 fi Eleventu street..An owner wanted for a Silver llunting-case Watch (detached lever). Any persons having lost such a watch are requested to call and see if they can identify it je 12-.Tt W. B. WEBB, 8up. Met. Police. VK7ANTXB TO PURCHASE.By nayiag $100 per IT month-a DWELLING HOUSE and LOT worth not over $3,000, situated b^tweeTj pHnnsyl- vania and New York avenu»4 and 1st *!id 7th srs. west. Ample security will be 4ive<i, or would trade » small farm lying in the District for a house and lot. Address CHARLES V. WHITE, Wash¬ ington city, je U-3t .' WJ ANTED IMMEDIATELY-a goodCOLORSD " COOK. Apply h t ii37 G street, between i7to ani 18th. Wages S25. je 10-61* C. R.G0T7 ANTED IMMEDIATELY-At 372 S street between loth and 11th, three experienced 7)RES8 MAKERS and one sewing machine 0?E- RATORfCirover and Baker'smachir,e),noneothers need apply. Also, four or live Apprentices, je 10-eoSt^ ANTED.Wanted, OLD WROUGHT and CAST SC-AF IRON for which the t>ig!i'">t rash prices will be giv<-n. Also, Champitgnn, Porter arid Scotch Ale Bottles in any quantities,at Island Hall, «th street south. my27-lni* B. P. CAREY. %*/ANTED.A dining-room SERVANT at No. v v 39ft 18th st., between F and G streets. Ref.-r- ence requ red. my %1/ANTED IMMEDIATELY-Twenty OAR- II PENTERS. Liberal wages will bo paid to good workmen, and none others will be%ccepled Apply to the Government Carpenter Shop, on K Btreet. near the corner of Seventeenth street. Lieut. Col. E M. GREENE, Chief l^uarterm&ate.r, my 25-tt Department of Washiagton. W ANTED .SECOND-HAND FURNITURE Aiso, Mirrors, Carpets, Reds, Bedding and Housefurniahing Goods of vvery desertion. R. BL.CHLY, 4?» 7th st , mar .T-tf her. G and H. east side WANTED.By a respectable w»man,a SITUA¬ TION as cook, washer or ironer; good refer¬ ences given if required. Call or address at 24il 2"th street, corner of M, for 2 days. ap8 Furnished house wanted..wanted to rent, for from one to three years, a Furnished Dwelling for a private family. Location in the First or Seeonu Ward preferred. Address Lock Box «>S. Washington. D. C. se4-tf LOST AND FOUND. 10ST.A pmall red COW, on the 11th instaut. .a Any it formation left ai 173 Second street, between B and U, will be con penaated for. ie 15 at" 10ST.On Thursday evening last, a GOLD .J WATCH CHAIN, small links, with slide and book The finder will be rewarded if it is left at 3Hr* C street, between KM and 6th st* It* (~AMETO THE SUHSCRIBER ON fRIDAY, y 12th instaut. a small red Cow with a young Calf. The cow has a white stripe ou her back, Hank and belly, with horns bored. The owner can have her by coming forward, p-oviug property, paying charge and takiDg bera*&». ;e 16 3t* MR. EADhS cor. 2fth and Pjjts._ BIRD LOST..Was taken from the house, south¬ east corner of F and l!th streets, an IRISH THRUSH. A suitable reward will be tfiven for the recovery of the bird. j* LOST.In one of the cars running from George¬ town to W'ashiDjjton.thismoruiDg.aPOCKET BOOK containing bills ai d receipts and a Govern¬ ment Pas*. Any person leaving the same with S. BaCON Sc CO., will receive 82 oK je It 3t* rpAKEN UP E**TRAY. A red RUFFAUO STEER; S no Marks, The owner of the above property will cime forward, prove property, p.y charges and ta!ce him away. J, T. T ALBER*1, je 13 2t' on 7th st . near Fort Ma-»achmetrs. tJTRAYED.On the 6t'u of Jute, a light red and r* white buffalo MILK COW. A liheral reward will be fiven for returning her to 3->9 F street, between 9th and loth, near tbe Patent Office. je ];t-3t 8. MEYKNBKBG. 10ST.Ir. going from the corner of E and 7th t to theolhcfc of the Adams' Express Company, a GOLD SiEEVE BUTTON, with letter W en¬ ameled on it. The finder will be saitablv reward¬ ed bv leaving it as above to WM. TULLY. je 13 3t' 1VTOTICE..Was taken up estray, .Tuue 12th a I* COW acd CALF. Cow whit* and red. The owner is requested to come forward, prove proper¬ ty. Buy charges, and take them away. v JAMESKAGGOTELL je 13 st* No. 13 South Capitol street. STOLEN.A bay HOUSE, compactly built; raid- dliu^ lot g tail; about 6 years oi l; ontherisht hind Sunk lias a spot the siee of one's hand, darker than the rent of his t-rjat, (this is a peculiar mark,) was stolen from my private stable, at 4 4.) r street, between 1st and 2d streets, on tke nigat of the nth of June. A liberal reward will p*.id if returned. i«> 13 W A. C. WIDDIUOMBE. 'CAKEN UP ESTRAY.Hy « police ofiicer, and A left at my stable, a sorr* I MaRE; about 15 hands high ; white spot in forehead ; rather thin in lltsh. The j*ar;ies owning said mire will please come lorward, pay charges, or elst» she will be sold to pay livery nnd expenses. App'y, Union Livery, Hii iny, and Sale Stuhle. corner 6th and 0 streets, rear of Metropolitan Hotel. je i.j.3f HENRY MESBKO, Pj#r. STRAYED OR 8T0LEN.On the9th,abrigkt bay HOR^E, marked U.S. C..the 0 rather indistinct; white face and while hind leg*; no shoes en; thin inane and tail; felO reward will be paid if delivered tc T. RILEY .V, SON, Coffee Roaster*, N s'reet, near Island. Je 12-3t fin REWARD..Stray®* from Meridian Hill, (llUon the Hth inrtant. one large red HORS-h. marked with a largo C on left side; ho carries his he^d \ery high. Also, one small blaok HORSE, with a small C on left shoulder and one hind leg romewhat swollen with a callus on the inside near the boof. The above reward will be paid if re¬ turned to the Meridian Hill House. je 12-3t" BOARDING. A LABGE WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE, beautifully situated on Capitol Hill, is now Kreparcd to take permanent boarders; rooms all irge. square high ceilings. Single gentlemen preferred. Reference exchanged. First street e**t. between A ard B. je 13-lwr ROOM and BOARD..a gentleman and wife can be accommodated with a Boom and excel¬ lent board in that delightfully located house.(only house on the square.) on Hth street, between R and S streets. City railroad cars pass the door. No children in the house. Thi* quiet, retired, rural, and healthful location is unsurpassed, je 13 St* FURNISHED R00M8, WITH BOARD, MAY l>e obtained by applying at No. 399 F street, between 9th and l^th streets. Table boarders also accommodated. Je U-3t* l/OK RENT.With board, two first class ROOMS, IT < legantly furnished, in a house containing all the modern improvement.-, at No. * 4L, street, be¬ tween C st. ana City Hall. A few table boarders accommodated je 12-lw* LEEKS FROM THE DEPARTMENTS, ARMY V/ and navy officers and strangws visiting Wash¬ ington, may hnd a comfortable home in one of the most delightful locations in Washington, No. ^3 Missouri artnue. One very large front room.2d story, now vacant. ray 15 . . ¦¦ . BOARD .a I&dy having taken a hotue in the im¬ mediate neighborhood of the Treasury, State. War and Navy Departments, often Urge airl weil furnished rooms, with board, and all the comforts of a home. A few table boarders will be taken, Apply at No. 393 13tb street, between 9 and G streeU, one square south of Pa. avenue Refer¬ ences required. * my 11-tf gun-., 1W w TALLOW ^ Cheap for cash at Nation*. Soap and Candle Works, Green etroet and the Oauw, C«or«etowa D.C. mar y f08 C&SAM AND WATER ICES. I WHOLESALE A^D RETAIL. Parties, (hirs, hote>a, boarding houses aad ex- ennrtons supplH-d with the best lee Cream,and at lo Mat prk>e. delivered to any pert »f tha city and ©er/retonrn. at /OS. pHAPPIBLD'S Ralusore Uoofeotionr. y, 8th st., m IS 1m* botwesn ft aadU. pic nics, ate. ArrKMOOH add ivBHitro no-mo TIB WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWN PAWBN- GM EilLSOAO BILlir ASSOCIATION Will take place «t the WASHINGTON PARK. NrikTA itrsa. on WEDNESDAY, June nth, 19*3 IN AID 0* TH1 RELIEF PUHD. A number of extracars will ba piaced on the road for tie oooMion Tickets 51. admitting a gentleman and ladies B fbmmittvaf Arrant'mtnrs..Metun. Ben JlA rer. Donn. Hagerty. Terry. Eelsey. Little-Gfl^ J«h. Vermillion. Bradley. Williams, Riley, ShoT Graves, Bouvet. a. M. Howard, Kenton, Sorter. master or Ceremonies.Jas. Kenton. Messrs. aourei, Hagerty.Donn, Vermilht n. Williams. Porter. Littlejohn. jel3-lt _ _ _ PIC-NIO. I B, 8 T G K A ND P I C - N I Of OF THR TEBPSICHOBE SOCIALS » Will be given at BECKERS'S GARDEN, Navy Yard, on MONDAY, June 15th, 18(3. Professor Sehro'der'g well known brass and atria* b">.d is engaged for the occasion. ^ cents, admitting a gentleman at an i ladies. To commence at one o'clock, WlMk Committee af Arrangement*. J. OMinger A. Bnrkley, J. Mnler, E. Hart. The strictest order will be preserved. J?»-7t« g. 8WANN. President. FOR SALE AND RENT. FOB RENT-A neatly-furnirfhed H0U8B, one block from toe Capitol, and half blcofc from street c rs Inquire at No. 385 north it street ¦Ho one with children need apply. lC-.'Ji* I^OR8 ALE-A two-story FRAME HOUSE, with a nriCK basement, containing seven good rooms Al^o one rrame House, containing flva aood rooms, at private sale. Inquire on the premises, No. 1 IB I street, between 21st and 22d streets. _ je IS lw* T^O LET. A large unfurnished PROMT PARLOR with gas And tireplace, near the Railroad D»- ana capitol. Call at 495 New Jersey avenue FURN I8HED ROOMfc..A private family wiil .et one or two nicely furnished Rooms to single gentleman, without hoar^; 'oc&tinn very pleasant, near the Patent Office. Addreas "A. B.," 6tar Of-' "ce- je 13 3t- A T,?482JB£*R*F- BETWEEN THIRirAND f*- Pcurth, Pnruiihed or Unfurnished ROOMS to je 12 3tT desirable famished ROOMS I at No. 431 Third street, between l'enn and Missouri avenues. j9 |2-3t* F°^ *"*AURANT, a lirst^ * ^ . ."'n^ a hue bnsin.-ss. Satisfactory rea¬ sons v. ;il be fc-iven tor selling. Address '*J. il >' "tar Oihre. jeli'lw*' 1?URN18HBD HOUSE.With ws, bath-room, .w . r"?l0!M't'! '&e-'in the cantor of the city r0 |,»lT, throuih City Poit Otiice, to W M J U" JJia. je'j-iw- LM KM iOR 8 A LB.About 2fN> acres in Huh culti- ®ilellt-Vn?J wVod *ai fll»e water," fruit ..f various k.nds. The improvements are a good dwelling house, large burn, stabling for 12 bor^s nnWth-r-Dtw 4U.Be *r*n,'P"< &c- Ar. Is sitnat -d on the <th street road, eight miles from the citv A1mtmhSplicul,fila"P1>'.'ifpersonally,to W. ?. BA1 CHELOR, on the premises; if by letter,ai- ireFs Silver Springs Post Office, Montgomery coun- -?-L.'h je 6-2w* l^OR HALK.That valuable frame DWELLING i »ti»a ? G?UUND. No. 2Mo V street, bet ]-4h UyL8Jr8-?M.- Apply to S. CARTJ8I. Liw litnce. Wo. .)i; Louisiana ave. je 5-2w* L'OIl 1? A LB-150 desirable BUILDING LOTS in I. various sectior. of the city of Wa«hin<ton, ai On convenient terms. Apply to JJ. LAKLhl, Law Office, No, 35* Louisiana avenue je 5-1 ji * t^OR 8ALB.A three-story BRICK HOUSE, with water and a-as, in 6th street, between Q H. Inquire at No. 506 Penn av*e., between W an d 3d. je | jw' FURNISHED ROOMS TO R5NT-For rent, at 450 12th Street, east side, between Gar J H itreets, neatiy furnished and vary com''ort*hi* BSD BOOMS, and SITTING EGo5s? and PAB- LOrfS. Ihe neighborhood is one of nos: desirable u tne city Every attention uaid to those oceapy- ngthem. fto children in the house. my B-tf STEAMSHIP GREAT RA8TERN PROM NEW O YORK TO LIVERPOOL. itr^L Thf Steamship great eastern . WaLiLR PAT'l'ON, Comman'ler Will be dispatched From livrkpool krom xkw york. ' ruesdtfy J one SO I Tuesday Jnlv21 md at utervals thereafter of about -i\ weeks from «. . .. * each port. First cabin, from egg to & 13.1 second cabin, >tate room berths raeals furnished at separate tablet *7.1 Excursion tickets, out and back in the first and e^onn cabin only, a fara ana a half. Servants accompanying passengers and children in«ler 12 yesrs of age, half prioa. Infants free. third cahin... ayi steerage. W'th eupsrior accommodations. H! 5311 Price of pas.-age from Liverpool, nme rates'as itove. Ail fares payable in gold, or its equivalent in U. s. currency. Each passenger allowed 30 cubic feet of luggage An experienced sui?- on on board. For p«s»age apply only to "I1ABLE8 A. WHITNEY, . . At the office, 80 Broadway, New York, rojr frtigut. apply on.y to aoWLAND Sc ASP IN WALL \g*nts. je 13 8m ;.-4 South street Nav,- York. JJ^OTEL AND RESTAURANT KEEPERS. Our stock <if goods suitable for your business is- low complete in every particular We invite your especial attention to our itoak of 3AR AND ALE TUMBL1RS. CHAMPAGNE AND SHERRY GLAStfia, ELATED 15AR SPOONS, ' LIQUOR MIXKR8. SHERRY COBBLER asd TODDY STRAINKRS, 8015P BOWLS. STEAK DISHES. 4c., Ac. Our prices are as low as the same articles can be purthafced lor anywhere. C. W. BOTELER fic SON'S Housefurnishini; Store. Je 10 Ct Pa. a»enue,315* Iron HaM J REFRIGERATORS. U8T Received a large assortment from Philadel¬ phia and New York. Upright with and without Water Coolers.9:II'-'|| 3h^st Refrigerators with Ceolers and ^tono. j 1 ft'a re. We wil sell the above low. E. H. A H. I. GREGORY, mT 3il Pa. avenue. ££0 PHOTOGRAPH CARDS. Copies of celebrated Pictures, Paintings, and Statuary, plain and colored, a select variety, at i. MARKRITER'S! No. 48b Seventh st.,s d; ors above . Odd Fellows'Hall. Terms cash. my 4-eo*rW SWINGLE A HOWLETT, 3 CARPENTERS AND B UILDERS, No. 478 Eleventh street, between B and P, re- ipectfully inform their friends and the public gen- irally th*t they have opet ed 4 shop at the above named place, and are now ready to contrast for the ireetion of buildings, Ac., as well as to do general repairing and job work. A share of the public patronage is solicited. my 13-lm* ^JASSJY COLLINS A CO.'8 PHILADELPHIA DRAUGHT ALB AND PORTER. X MB now receiving large quantities of DRAUGHT ll<] and POBTEB from this celebrated Brewery, rhieh I am prepared to furnish on short notloe to ill persons who will favor me with their order*. Satisfaction guarantied. Orders given to my drivers will be promptly at¬ tended to. Goods delivered Is all parti of Washington gad Georgetown, free of charge. T»nng :.Ouk on itHmtr». BILET A. 8HINN, Agent, Wmim Bottimt Dtpet, ST Green rt., .Ql-tf Georgetown, D. Q. NOTIOl B0TEL8, GBOCBRS RESTAUBANTS, PBI- ?ATI fAMILIBB, As fhe MbMriberi have just reeeived a freeh tkl* ment of MO OASES BT. JULIEN AND 7L03RA0 _ w CLARETS. Which they offer for sale at Hew York prices Also, they have constantly on hand A Lmrgt and WtU SiUcXd Stock (holes BRANDIES, r. aoue oftAxi vijKS, a KM aad IRISH u4 lieuh urn IWfW. k»MP'a B1SM JIIOAil i UiUI ¦MflMmwA niOLUBJWOVIAL*. "4»»» w9. 11*1 CF HXHnrGHB A < 1 4 i tiwiril a 1 "AirTTAB'KJ»Ml8P&Ab AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALM 8HI 1W Pifli, ¦¦avtkuimr Br J. C. McGUIRE ft CO. .WNnnn. V aluablb building lols mti mit * LI?.5Sr*M A*lAl.fi.-0»M§R»AYAft«rneo«». JoMlith, atse'eleek.on theeremise*, w*shaa Mil the hUttiat TilutUi Betiding Lots, «m- mencing with the flnt nua«4 : Lot 9 Sauare SIS, fronting K feet on KUrwtt street, between K and L streets, running bMt 94 fHt to an alter. - Lot 46, Square its. fronting 2< feet 8 latfWo* *w side of Thirteenth street, between K. and L street*, running back 130 feet to a a leet alley. Lot 7, Sqaare J14, BS feet front on Viftoeert* street, betwoen L and Mstreets, running WeA to a 30 feet alley. Lot M, lame Square. It feet V* inches on north M street, between Vermont avenue and Fifteenth street, running baek toaHl feet alley. Terms: cne-thira eash ; the remainder in nil and twelve bio nt»s, with interest. ie K'-d J. C. McGUIRE A PP.. Anrta. Br etllM ft WILLIAMS. Auctioneers. \rALUABLE BKICK HOUSE-AND LOT ON PkMhyI VASI A AVBKIin AK» TWO B0ILOIN* Lots at Auotjo* -On 8ATURDAY, the 13th in¬ stant. we * hall sell in front of the premisea.atS o'clock P. M., commencing on the fir*: nimM lot - Lot No. 1. in Square No. 124. This lot hu a front of 09 feet inch on Nineteenth street weet. by US feet 10 Indies deep, at the corner ef no: th D street. Lot No. 10. In 6quare No. 61. This 1st has a front of 61 feel 1 inch on Twenty.second street, ne-.t to the corner of uorth P street, running baok 140 feet 9 iuchos. ALSO On MONDAY, the 16'h instant, wo shall sell part Lota 3 and 4, in Reservation is, with the improve¬ ments, which are a good Brick house now used as a grocery store. This propertr is 16 8-12 feet on Pennsylvania avenue, running back98 feat to a 13 feet alley, and isa good banner? stand, near the eorirer of Second street west and the Old Depot llouse. Terms of sale : One third cash : balance in six and twelve months, for notes bearing interest from day of Hale. A deed given and a deed of trust taken. je li d PREEN A WILLIAMS. Aucta. By W. L. WALL ft CO., Auctioneers. TWO S1W WELL FINISHED F.RIOK HOUSES OK Q STRSHT, BRTWERN PoUKTKKKTH AND Pi f TfcKSTH »T»E*T8, AT AUCTION . On MONDAY AFTERNOON next 15th instant, at d o'clock, we will sell, in front of the premises, Lots , in Square 2«:>, fronting 14 Teet each on Q street, and runnin« back 1W feet, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, and improved by two new Well built Brick Houses, under a rent of ®<30, and with¬ in 1'Ti fret of the city railroad. Terms: One-third cash ; balance in six and twelve months. for no ten bearing internet, and se¬ cured by a deed of trust m tbe uremists, Je li d W. L. WALL tt CO., Ancta. By GRBJSN ft WILLI AMU, Auctioneers. TWO SMALL PRAME HOUSES AND LOT, Fhontiwg oh PirTKgNra street, ustwrm I and K ST his" s north, at A cor iox..By virtue of a ducree of the Orphans' Court, and coca-me<. br the Supreme Court, we shall sell for the be nefit of the minor heirs of John brereton. deceased, on MON DAY, the 15tb instant, at 6 o'clock P. M , in f-ont of the premis. s. Lot No 11, in Square No. 218, hav¬ ing a front of 49 feet on Fifteenth street west, run nicK back 90 fiat to s wide allar. between I and K streets north. Terms of sale: One-half clsh; balanca in aix month?, the purchaser to give «otes for the deferred payments bearing interest from the dar of Bale and satisfactorily endorsed. And upon thi full payment of the purchase money , nnd tbe ratification of the sal?, a deed will be given. Ail conveyancing at the cost of purchaser. If tbe purchaser should fail to comply with the tamis in flvedaya.the property will be resold atthe rlfk and cott of the tirst purchaser, by advertising the siine tl:ree tin:"* in the National lutHiigincer. ELIZA A DRANE, Guardian, jefl-eo&ds GKKJEN k. WILLIAMS, Ancts. F By J. C. McGUIRP & CO., Auctioneers. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS _ ^t Public Auction..On TUESDAY MORN¬ ING. June loth, coin me ncina at lOo'clorit, shall sell the entire Furniture EHocts in tfou_*e No. lfiO G street, between iOtli and 21ft nts., comprising. Walnut hair cloth Parlor Suite. Sofa and Sid* Chairs. Marble-top Center and Side Tables, Frtncb plate Pier Glass, Walnut Secretary and Whatnot. Parlor and Chamber Car, Oilcloth and Matting, Velvet Stair Carpets, Stair Hods and Eyea, Chins and Glass M&ntle Ornaments, Oak Sidfbnarii and Dininsr Chairs, China, Glass and Crockeryware, Silver-plated Ware. Table Cutlery, Walnut marble-top Bureaus and Washstand, Walnut Wardrobes, Cane-seat Chairs. Toilet Glasses, Morocco-covered Lounge, Cottage Bedstea«le, Pine Tables, Washstands, Hair und Husk Mattreeses. Fi ather Beds, Bolster* and Pillows, Tin Toilet Setts, Stoves, Refrigerators, Together with a general assortment of Kitchen Bequisitts. Terms cash. jell tRep.l J. C. McGUIRE & CO . Aucts. By C. R. L. CROWN ft CO., Auctioneers. Horses and wagons at auction.-w# will sell TO MORROW MORNING, at 9 a nv. it the Washington City Horse Markat. on Sixth itreet.near the canal,a large bumoer o! tha above- aame4 stock. Terms cafih C. B. L. CROWN .'c CO.. Auct^. Jei:-lt* No. 3T.7, cor. 6th st. and Pa. av. By W. L. WALL ft CO . Auctioneers. Corner Pa avenue aadytu street, south side. eBOCERlES, TOBACCO. CIGARS, LIQUORS and Small Storks, at Awctioh.On rUESDAY MORNING. 16th inst.. Bt in o'cUx*. re will sell, in front of the Auction Rooma, a lot jf Groceries, embracing. Barrels While and Yellow Sugars 3hests Tea anil Ground Coffee, Dandles and Starch itX) Boies Yellow, Oiive and Castile 8oap Boxes Adamantine, Sperm, aud Mould Oardlea [Jasea Catsup, Sauces anl Pickles, and Brandiod Fruits Oases Natural Preserves and Jel'ies !}ases Must .rd, Cinnamon, Pepper, and Giagw >0 Boxes Extrac; and Concentrated Coffee Cheese, Boxes Canned Fruits, Meats, and Veg^tablea Hi Boxes Navy Tobacco, "J" caddies Tcbacco Smoking and Killikinnicfc Tobacco K large assortment Cigars Jasea Whisky. Brandy, Gin and Coektail Linses Claret Baskets and cases Champagne and German Winen, Daies Whiskey, Rrandy, Uin. and Bitters Barrels Pike's XXX, Miller's Rye. Magnolia. Bourbon, and other Whiskeys, ani h> eallon kegs Suit's Whisky L.{ and ,'i Brandy Kariels Molasses, Mho, a quantity of Small Stores Terms ca*h, je 16 W. L. WALL \ CO., Ancta By J . C. McGUIBE ft CO. Auctioneers. I* KRY VALUABLE BUSINESS LOTS IN THE V C2XTBAL i-ORTION OK THB CITV AT PntLIO AoC- ri'»N..On M0NT\Y AFQBRNO^N, June 2Sd. at i .e o'clock, on tj premises, coafii'ncing with he first earned . a snail sell the following ralu- bie bariae.^s Lot viz : > East half of L 5, Square 3*2, on Loqisiana iveBue , 1 etW3«n .'th and 10th street*, containing 1.671 feet. Lot 3. Square 229. on Ohio avenue, between 14th ind 15th streets, containing 9,019 square feet. Lot 10, square 22J on orner of north i) and llth .treets and Ohio avenue, containing 4,118 square feet Lot 1. Square 360. corner of iSth and Canal streets, containing fi i.61 feet. J ot 3. same 8qns re on Canal street, containing i,fO0 leet. Lot a, same Square, on 1J,S street, containing .,*5l»fert. Terms : One third '-ash ; the residue insixanJ twelve months, with interest,secured by a deed of iru«t on the prrraises. All oonveyances at nost of t>e purchaser. je 16 90<?Ads J. C. MclrUIRB .V CO . Anets. By W, L. WALL ft CO., Auctioneers. l^INB NEARLY NEW BBICK HOUSE ON NEW r Ji'.RSFY avknoh AT AncTioN..On TUB8DAY AFTERNOON zysxt, 16th instant, at 5 o'clock, we will sell, in front of the premises. Lot ., in Bqoar* iSn, fronting 90 feet on New Jersey avenue bylUL between D and E (treats to an alley, and improved by a fine nearly new Brick House, No. 490, fur¬ nished with gas, water, furnace, cooking range, marble mantles, and finished throughout in the latest and best style and under good rent. Terms: One-third cash^ balance in six, twelve, tad eighteen months bearing interest, and secured, by a deed of trust on the premises. je lt-d W. L. WALL ft CO.. Ancta. SBv W. L. WALL ft CO., Auctioneer* MALL TWO 8TORT PRAME OH SOUTH D Stuikt at Auotiob..On THURSDAY 1FTERNOON. 18th instant, at 5»'clock. we will lell iif front of the premises. Lot 36. subdiTiaion or Square 636, improved br a small Pi am* House, oa wuth D stre-t, between 3d and #*4 streets west. Terms : Ono-kalf cash , balance 6 and 12 months, bearing interest, and aeenrvd by a deed of trust on the premises. ie 13 .1 W. L. WALL ft PP.. Aucts. OOMPEOHIS1 WITH TREA80H 01 TRAITOPS N O T J CE. I am anthorifed br the Secretary of War to rain i BATTALION Of 0A7ALBY fer sv*a<U mt- IIMt Kaeh company will be organise! as preacrlbad im General Orders No. 135, series o f 1862. All offioers will be selected and appointed by the Colonel Commanding, subject to the approval of he Secretary of War. From the peculiar nature of tbe aerrlee required if this BattaUion, none bnt #obar, honest ao4 h- elligent men will be enlisted Tbe best, fleetest and most eerrioeable Homes inly will be used. This BattaUion will be armed with the new eel- brated Repeating Rifle, discharging fifteen er minute. for further particulars appJr at He. 91T venue. 0- 8ABLER, mr 111m Colonel Commanding Battallo. ¦LI ADD CEMENT au FOR roopi^g p- Por sale top hjoHN W]# j>1TTIB0MB ooner Mth and 0 sts. soato say a-eolm* Agents for the Pelt Oesipa»y. \USD APPLEb AND PEACHES, J A* JWU ft OO.'S. -if J my i Corner Bights. ; o b'

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Page 1: LOCAL NEWS. ArrKMOOH TWO · 2017-12-13 · LOCALNEWS. AMU81MSHWTO-HIGHT. Groversihhatmr.."PegWofiington"and "MischiefMakiug"comprisesthebill thiseve¬ ning at Grovel's. Lucille Western,


Grover si hhatmr.."Peg Wofiington" and"Mischief Makiug" comprises the bill this eve¬ning at Grovel's. Lucille Western, SusanDenin and others appear, the occasion being atestimonial benefit to the enterprisingmanager,Mr. Leonard Grover, whose ettorts to establisha standard place of amnaement in this city de¬serve a proper appreciation. Miss Westernconcluded her engagement Saturday eveningbut volunteered for this occasion.Canterbury..Manager Sinn always has

something new, and to-night the novelty willbe a fine spectacular extravaganza extitled the.. Fairy Gift, or the Grotto of Ellland," and anew and beautiful ballet by Sxollosy entitledthe "Village Coquette." The regular bill ofsong, dance, «fcc., will also be por'ormed. EvaBrent aud Kate PennoytT will appear.Varieties..The drama entitled a "Glance

at New York," Nellie Howard appearing as«>Mose" and Adie Johnson as " Lize," wilt beperformed this evening at the Varieties. Theregular concert hall bill will also be performed,Ada Tesman, W. S. Budworth, Dick Waikins,Harry Leslie, and others, appearing.Metropolitan Hall..The operatic enter¬

tainments at this resort are visited nightly bywell-pleased audiences. The selections arelrein the best English, German and Italianoperas, and executed with ranch musical skill.

Forr.TH Ward Station Casus..WilliamMcl>onald, deserter: Naval Worden Edgar,drunk, resisting police; and Win. King, drunk;dismissed. Jos. Dorsey, violating a city law;do. Albert Tolson, do.: do. Clementina .Tones,drunk and disorderly; lined £1.5^. Geo. fncks,do.; do. £1.58. Jno. Thomas Mason, drunk;do. £1.58. Jas. Hawkins, do.; do. $1.58. MarthaFrancis, do.; do. £1.58. Mary Arthur, sus¬picious; dismissed. Peter Farrell, asleep instreet; military. Geo. Curtis, suspicious char¬acter: Solomon Mathews, do.; Cornelius Har¬ris, do.; Geo. H. Clark, do.; Samuel Kodgers,do.; dismissed. John Learv, assault and bat¬tery; dismissed: do., for profanity aDd disor¬derly conduct; fined £1.5^. Patrick Hammond,drunk; do. £1.58. Wm. Boston, assault andbattery; jail. Harvey Lewis, do.; dismissed.Robert Norburn, vagrancy; do. Michael Long,drunk and disorderly; fined £5.58. FrancisMcGure, do.; do. £1.58. Juo. Comer, do.: mil¬itary. Michael Finncgau, do.; do. $1.58. PhillipDash, sleeping in street; dismissed. Robert R.Stanley, do.; do. Hammond Locke, do.; do.James* Whitney, druuk and disorderly; dis¬missed. John Buckley, violating ci:y law;lined

Police Reports..First Pren'net..RosannaGardner, drunk; kept at station till sober.

Second Precinct..Thomas Bray, grand lar¬ceny; jail lor court. Wm. Bailey, drunk anddisorderly: military. Henry Jackson, do., £2.

Third Precmct..Isaac Swann and BridgetMaloy, vagrancy: workhouse. Hester Chase,prostitution; do. Harriet Briscoe and FrancesSnowden, disorderly: £8.44 each. A. H. Brandt,Henry McCuneand Geo. Brand, do.; SS-tM each.Wm. Wright, do.: dismissed.

Fovjtii Precinct..Catharine F. Naugnton,disorderly; workhouse. Dan Rice, drunkaud disorderly: do Emeline Johnson, disor¬derly; £'2. Michael Burke, drunk and disor¬derly; workhouse.

Sixth Precinct..Geo. W. Downer, disorderly;£.'. also for assauit and battery; dismissed.Patrick Deacy, disorderly, £2. Judson Bell,indecent exposure; £1. Owen Gormly drunk;si. Thos.Trainor, do: dismissed. Wm. Wash¬ington, do: military. Hiram All' n do; £1.

i>nth Precinct..Peter McFanand. drunk*military.Sad Act ident to Mrs. Holmf.au, Wife of

the Rev. Alfred Hol.mead, Rector opGrace Church..The numerous friends ofthis mest excellent lady will be pained to learnthat yesterday, in passing from her house toGrace Church, while in the street, she fellfrom an attack of vertigo, dislocating theshoulder joint and iracturing the bone. Mrs.H. was taken to the house of one of her hus¬band's pari&honers, not far off, and most kind¬ly attended to. Dr. Morgan was immediatelyin attendance, and pronounced the case one ofdislocation and fracture. Being removed toher residence, the injuries were properly andmost skilfully cared for, although with ex¬treme suffering to the patient. Mrs. H. is nowas comfortable as could lx; hoped for. Threeweeks ago to-day we noticed the injury xe-oeived by the Rev. Mr. Holmead, from which,even now, he is but partially recovered. Thebest wishes of the community will attend theauflerers.

Fire.. Yesterday morning the carpenters iop owned by J. B. Williamson, andoccupiedbv Messrs. James 'lurton and Wm. Lowry, onTwelfth 6treet, above the Kirlcwood House,was discovered on fire, and in a short time itwas entirely consumed. The firemen werepromptly en the ground, and succeeded insaving the adjoining property, which was con¬siderably scorched. The loss amounts to abouteight hundred dollars, and falls very heavilyupon the firm, who are new beginners. A quan¬tity ol work, with all their tools, was destroyed.Ths building was of little value. This lirewas doubtless the work of an incendiary, nopersons having been in the shop since Friday.There can be little doubt but that there is anumber of incendiary gangs amongst us, andit is to be hoped that they will be caught andreceive their mtrited punishment.

Capture op all in "The Bandiox.'".Saturday evening, about 8 o'clock, a generalmuss occurred among the females at MadameWolfe's, corner ol Thirteenth and C streets,all about a soger boy belonging to Scott's <H>0.The police were called upon by the neighbors,a id Roundsman Tait, with oiiicers Bigley andParker entered the house and arrested allnands.Justice Clavton, before whom they were

taken, fined Madam Wolf £10 for keeping a dis¬orderly bouse. Ellen Woods Emma Richards,Alice Jones, Nellie Short, Kate Marshall andKate Coleman were fined £J.50 each for disor¬derly conduct. Kate Coleman having thefunds, paid all the fines. The house formerlykept by 'he Madam was known as the " Den,"but this house she has purchased recently, audis known as "Bandbox No. 1."

Forr.TH of July..Two meetings have al¬ready been held at the National Hotel, for thepurpose ol making arrangements for the propercelebration of the coming Fourth cf July. Acommittee of arrangements, embracing thenamts of Judge Purcell, District AttorneyCarriugton, Geo. W. Riggs, Lewis Clephane,Samuel Bacon, Thos. Fisher, Hudson Taylor,Dr. Wru. B. Magruder, Rev. Drs. Sunderlandand Channing, A. C. Richards and others,has been appointed to raise funds and get upa celebration hi every way worthy the Capitalof the Nation.

?Se< oni> Ward Station Capes..Mary Har¬

rison, suspicion of larceny; dismissed. AnnaWhite, do : do. Henry Harris, drunk: do. Fred.Kemlet, do.; £1.5?. Ellen Wolfe, disorderly-house; £10. Ellen Woods, Emma Richards,Alice Jones, Nellie Short, Kate Marshall, KateColeman, disorderly; £2.50 each. Wm. Whe-lan, drunk and disorderly: £2.5£ AnthonyOreely, robber}': for further hearing. Fred.Harris, Elijah "Hill, fighting; 81.5s each.

Sick and WorsPKi).-The ambulances wereon the move all day yesterday, last night, andthis morning, to and lrom the wharl, convey¬ing sick and wounded soldiers, who had beenbrought up from the hospitals at Aquia Creekto the hospitals in this city. Over eight hun¬dred have arrived thus far. Most of taem aroconvalescing, and will be able to rejoin theirregiments in a few days.

To be Rkxiovep..George S. Gideon, Esq ,

President of the Board, and SuperintendentWebb, of the Metropolitan Police, have beenftopointed a committee to select a suitableplace for an ofllcefor the Board of Metropolitan»'o «< ». they having been notified to vacate thebuilding on Eleventh street now occupied bythem, the owner desiring possession.Pic-Ntc..The first afternoon and evening

pic-nic of the Wajbingt'>n and GeorgetownPassenger Railroad Relief Association will begiver, on Wednesday, June 17th, at the Wash¬ington Park, Seventh street. The gentlemanlyconductors of this road will certainly give anentertainment delighttnl to all who may par¬ticipate. ?

Promotions in Sixth Acditor'8 Office.The following promotions have been made inthe Sixth AudHor's office:.C. Haylett, dis¬bursing clerk; John B. Stebbins, F. M. B&llin-ger And James A. Jenkins, third class clerks;J. H. Brown, E.Story, L. A. McCord, S. L.Perley and W. J. Leib, second class clerks.

Charge op Picking a Pocket DisjIipbed.Cm Saturday night Anthony Gresly was ar¬reted for picking the pocket of Johu Stuart ofa watch, but at the examination neither Stuartnor the witnesses appeared, and Justice Clay¬ton discharged Gresly from custody.

Pbofeppor Alexander Wolowpki. thew -ll-kaown pianist and composer, is givingti s last course of piano and singing in Wash-ijfcton. All those who desire to become fine»-> gert or excellent performers on the piano,a i*t rof neglect this last opportunity. Pro-lessor s rfoms are No. 451 Tenth atreet.

Forauino Party Surprised!.Yesterday,a party from New York, who firmly believeutha: nothing outeide of that city could be "firstrtt:e," were :,urpr.s(*i to rind that Dayton'scrackf rs were ^ npenor in all re-peets to naytht»y had ev> r er tasted at home. It*

I>WAI» HOIMice, Wo. 916 BUttmtk All deeAlloud im the cities of Washington and George¬town, ud the county beyond the limits oftheMcities, will be removed on notice in writing,particularizing the locality of the earcaas,being left at eitherofthe several police stationsmentioned below.Patrolmen are required to report dally to

their several Sergeants, all dead horses in theirrespective beats: and Sergeants to transmitimmediately, such information to Mr. John H.German, Superintendent Wagon Park, cornerofM street north and Nineteenth street west, orthese Headquarters.

' POLICE BTATIOSTB-Georgetown Station-House on High street,

near the canal bridge.First Ward On Twentieth street, between

I and K"streets.Second Ward.Ohio avenue, next to corner

Of Thirteenth street.Third Ward..Temperance Hall.Fourth Ward.East wing City Hall.Fifth Ward.South B street, between First

and Second streets east.Sixth Ward..Odd Fellows' Hall, Navy Yard.Seventh Ward..Four-and-a-halfstreet, west

Bide, between E and"F streets south.County Station-house..Corner of Seventh

street and Boundary, for portion north of city;and at Odd Fellows' Hall, Navy Yard, for por¬tion beyond the Eastern Branch.Notices left at the Department of the Metro¬

politan Police, No. 518 Eleventh street, will re¬ceive prompt attention.my 27-eolm W. B. Wbbb, Supc.Tut "oldisr's Sakrucakd..This is the title fee-

stowed upon Hostetter's Stomach Bitters by ~nofficer of the United States Army, writing fromthe Valley of Virginia. H» says in a letter to th^proprietors, Messrs. Eostet.tr sod Smith: "laevery Instance where your Bittsrs have oeen takmiregularly and systematically, as a protectiveagainst the bilious epidemics so common and sodestructive here, they have answered the denirad.nd.and you may therefore claim for yonr cele¬brated Tonic aod Pre "intive the designation ofthe Soldier's Saieguaid." Wherever it has beentried in the army, the result has be»n tie sameThe soldiers themselves are clamorous to nave itsubstituted for. the pernicious liquers now used asstimulants in the military hospitals. It; wellknown basis, Spirit* of Rye, the purest stimulant,in the opinion of ebemists, that can be producedfrom any substance by any process, snd this match¬less invisoraut is medicated with a combination ofthe finest tonic, anti-bilious and c >rrective herbs,barks sums, roots. &c , known to modern pharma¬cy. Hence Hosteiter s fctomach liitters-the bestand only preventive in malarious disease- and ibemost powerful of all recuperants in cases of debiii yand utter physical prostration.ahould be in everyar uy hospital »nd convalesce it camp, and nhouluform a port on of the medicine stores of everyregiment, in i.pe field. Given promptly to thewounded, it would save the lives of thousands whomnstotherwis* die of exhaustion on tho battlefield, fold by Druggists snd Fsmily Grocers.Wholesale Asentf . A. M. Bininger &. Co.; 237

Penn.ave. je 13 eo3tHavr roc discovkrkd the important fact that

the Dollar Stoie, Pennsylvania aVenue, nearFcur-and-s-half street, is the right place to buyJewelry and Silver plated Ware? If not, take ourword for it. or go and see for yourself what a dol¬lar will buy.

_je 9 lw*

Tn]ct no more unpleasant and unsafe Medhints.For unpleasant and dangerous diseases, use

llELMllOLb'S hXTBACT ttnCHU.Which has received the endorsement of the most

Prominent Physicians in the (J. £>.Is now offered to afflicted humanity as a certain

cure for the following diseases anil symptoms origi¬nating lrom <1 isea>et* and abuse of the Urinary jrSexual Oritans.General Debiiitv,

Mental and Physical Depression,. Imbecility.

Determination of Blood to the Head.Confused Iili-a*,

Hysteria,General Irritabilitv,

Restlessness and Sleeplessner.- at Nisjht,Absence of Muscular Efficiency.Loss of Appetite,Emaciation,

Low S) irits.Disorganization or Paralysis

of the Organs of Generation,Palpitation of the Heart,

And, in fact, all the concomitants of a Nervousand Debilitated state of the system,

7o insure <ht genuine, rut this out.Ask tor Helmhold's. Take no other.

Cures Guaranteed.Seo advertisement in another column, je 4-2w

DIXBiOn the loth instant, after a long, painful aflHc-

tior . which be bore with chiistiau resignation,WASHINGTON INGRAM, in the Uth year .«f hisate. Blessed are the bead who die in the Lord. Adevote"! fa*h<-r and loving hatband.His funeral will take plsc« from his late resi¬

dence No. 37 3 13thitreet near l.

A.®*"" Washington Oku. D. 6.



Forwarded with SAFETY AND DISPATCH to si;acMSSible Motions of the conntry. This Companyhas agencies in the principal Railway Towas is

.HrOBTH, EAST, WEST. AND NORTHWEST.Its principal offices are3N,T>. 0., N1W YORK, B08TGHJ!.'*,? . 7 * n * * ¦vtsnnn T


^Connections are made at New York and Botto*with lines forwarding to the CANADAS and theBRITISH PROVINCES, snd with steamship line*to LIVERPOOL,SO^TkAMPTON and hIvRE.

*o5uettoa of MOTES, PRAFTB and BILLS madeMan

_f»i' 'Washington,

Ft. HEiBBRGBR * 00..e JNukmmots to


44-tf 169 Fa. aveaas.


. m it v*****

lAMiffi d&ur itJONES A CO.*.

.rlOemer *«hih and D street*

1?OB SALE.A neat OCTTACMI HOUSE la theF village or Rladeniburg. It is pl«aMatty local-

Grkat Pkbrstlvaria >coo/s, via Bait mon ndHarrisbutu, to the ycrth and Wirt..Two trains leaveWashington daily and one on Sundiy.quick time-low fare and sure connections. Soldiers1 tickets soldthrough at Government rates. For tickets and far¬ther information apply at the office ef Great Penn¬sylvania Boute, northeast corner of Pennsylvaniaavenue and Sixth st., Washington. Office open fromi s. m. until 9 p. m.; on Sundays from a to 4 p. in.au H-ly

^E.O. Nortob, Agent.

SaoasT Diseases.Samaritan's Gift is the most certain, safe and

effectual remedy.indeed, the onlj vegetable rem¬edy ever discovered. Cures in two to four days,aad recent cases in twenty-four hours. No miner¬al, no balsam, no mercury. Only ten pills to betaken. It is the soldier's hope, and a friend tothose who do not want to be exposed. Male pack¬ages, $2 j female, $3.Samaritan's Root and Herb Juice*.A positive

and permanent cure for Pyphiiis, Scrofula, Clsers,Sores, 8pots, Tetters. 3c c. Price 81. or six bottlesfor 86. bold by 8. C. Ford. See acvertisement. mfi

ThK CBRAPSST A5B BEST HAIR DtS IS THRWORLD.Never Fades or Washes Out..Upham's Hair Dye, iOCf sts a box. The best in use. Try it. Bold by 8.C. Ford, corner 11th street and Ps. avenue, Wash¬ington, and Henry Cook. Alexandria. js 6-lySpermatorrhea cab B3 Chrsd..Dr. Rand's

Specific cures Spermatorrhaa. Seminal Weakness,Impotency, Loss of Poio'r, etc., speedily and effectual¬ly. Its efleets are ^ruly mar»cai. A trial of theSpecific, will convince the most skeptical of itsmerits. Price 81 a box. Sold by S. 0. Fowl, cor¬ner 11th street and Pa. avenue, Washington, andHenfy Cook Alexandria. Js6-lyDisrasks or thr Nbrvocs, Skmisal, Ujusart

amd 8txcAi. STSTKMf...New and reliable treat¬ment.in Reports of the Howard Association.sentin sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. AddressDr. J. Skillin Houghton, Howard Association,Philadelphia, Pa. mar 25-4m

Formation or Corks..Corns are formed of jthickened layers of cuticle, and are generally ofconical shape, with the points descending intocorresponding cells, or depressions of irregulardepths, according to the injnry caused upon theimmediate parts where the external pressure ismost severe. The pain they cause is not in thecorn itself but in the part compressed by it. theoperation lor their removal is painless, bloodless,and effectual if the predisposing and excitingcauses be avoided. To ail alilicted with corns,bunions, troublesome nails, or other disorder* ofthe feet we would recommeaded an early call onDr. White.office No. 424 Pennsylvania avenue,between Four-and a-hatfand Sixth streets, my 23

Batohkior's Hair Dyb,"Skt best in the World.

WiOlaa A. Batchelor'scelebrated Hair Dye pro¬duces a odor not to be distinguished from nature-warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; vem-tdiee the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates thsHsir for life. Grty, Rtd or Rusty Hair instantlytarns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hairsoft and beautiful. Sold by all Druggists, ft o.

The Genuine is signed William A. BATuai-LOR, on tht four si lt« cj each box.

Factory, No. 81 Barclay St., Nno York,m 77-ly (Late S33 Broadway and 16 Bond st.)

Da. Dcpoit's Sugar-coated Female RegulatingPills are the very best in ust. They operate speedilyand effectively, and being sugar-coated create v.o nau .

sea upon the most delicate stomach. A trial ofthese Pills will prove their superiority over all others.Price $la box. Sold by 8. C. Ford, corner 11thstreet and Pa. avenue, Washington, and HearyCook, Alexandria. 3a 6-lyWarrartroto Corb ib Six Days..Or. Godfrey's

Antidote, an .English Specific of sixty-five years'standing, will cure Gonorrkaa in six days. Nochange of di#t required. Price 81 9*T bottle. Soldby 8. O.Ford, corner 11th street and Pa, avenueWashington, and Henry Cook, Alexandria, la 6-ly


GEORGETOWN CORPORATION LAWS.A RisOLtfTio* for repairt on Mont$om»ry btreet. and Firat street.

R/sotved by tSe Bomrd af Al4*rnim and Btard «JCommon Coimeil *J the Corporation 9f OtorRetovm.That the sum of fifteen dollar* h*., aud the mw« hhereby, impropriated to be paid to the order ot theCommissioner of Street®, for the repair of thegutter on Montgomery- ftreet, between Dun bartonand Beail; and for increasing the width of thegutter i>n First street. between Market ami Fred¬erick str- nts, forty dollars ia hereby appropriated.said work to be executed under the direction of»aid Commissioner. I Approred May .'10, 18»J.

A Riceoi CTtoS in furor of John,A. Smith andCharles Myers.

Resolved by the Board af Alderm*v and Board ofCommon Council af the Corporation qf Gtor setown.That the Clerk pav to the order fd John A. Smith,late Clerk of Circuit Court of Washington Countyof D C.. fortv-ttve dollars and eighty-nine cent?, infull payment for bill of fees and court chargesduring the year 1862; and to order of C. Myers lorty-six dollars and si\ty-three cents. in fitll for fuelfurnished to the Watch House to February 20.1863.Approved May 30,186.".

A Resolution suthnriiinir the jrn.le of the streetknown au Warehouse Alley to be fixed.

Retolvid by the Board of Aldermen and Board ofCommon Council af the Corporation of Georgetown,That the street condemned in accordance with "Anordinance providing for the condemnation of thatpiece of ground known as 'Warehouse Alley' forthe purposes of a public street,'' approved May 3.1351, is herein declared a public street, and namedWorebonse Alley.And be 1l further resolved,That the Commission era

of Grad'-a are herein authorised and instruct"d toti\ ih>- jjrade of said street, and report the .sauie tothis Corporation for their approval.Approved June 6,1863.

A Resolution providing for the paving of Ware¬house Alley.

Resolved by the Board of Aldermen aud Board ofCommon Council cf the C-.rpi.nttr.n of Georgetown,That for the purpose of trading a>id paving Ware¬house Alley. Ill-re be, and hereby is, levied andimposed a tax of eijrhty cents per front foot on alltW lots and parts of lots fronting on said ailey.Retolved. further. That the Collector pay over.to

the Clerk the amount of tax hereby authorized, asthe same may be collected by him, deducting hiscommission of three per centum, and that he com¬plete the same, and close his accounts, within fourmonths fromthe passage of this ordinance, and thesame power be. and is hereby, given him for tiie "n-forcins the collection of said taxes as has heretoforebeen given in similar caaes.

Result ed, further, That the Clerk pay the aino intbi-ri'bv directed to be placed in his hands to theorder of the Commissioner ol Streets, under whosedirection and control the said improvement shallbe made, anu who shall render an accoiuit of hisexpenditures, v ith the proper vouchers. \Cithin sixmonths after the passage of this resolution.Approved June ti,

A Resolution granting a lease of a, portion ofFayette street.

Resolved by the. Foard of Aldermen and Board ofC>mvton Council af the Corporation of Georgetown,That the Mavor be, and li- is hereby, authorized tolease all that part of Fayette street south of thecanal to the channel of the river, to Thomas J.Mehaffey f<»' a term ot' liv years, renewable, at thepleasure of the Corporation for n further term offive years, at the expiration of the iirst fivo years,he paying for th< %n n ie two hundred dollars perannum, payable semi-annually: Provided saidThomas J. "MehafTey enter into contract with theCorporation within fifteen days from the passageof this resolution. (Appro\ed Junefi, 1863.

A Resolution instrnct'.nc the Street. Co^umis-aioner.

Resolved lv the. Board of Aldermen and Board ofCommon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown.That where any repairs to any of the streets are ofimmediate urgency, the Commissioner of Streetsis hereby authorized to have the same done on thebest terms.Resolved, furth'r. That for the above purpose : he

Mini of three hundred dollars be, and is hereby,appropriated (o bp^hid by the Clerk to the orderof the Commissioner, upon proper vouchers.Approved June ti. 1803.

A Resolution' in relation to the removal of thetown office.

Whereas the Secretary of the Treasury has con¬sented that two rooms in the Custom House maybe temporarily occupied by the officers of thetown, and used for the sessions ot the two Boards;Therefore,Resolved by the Board of Aldermen mid Board ofC<mmon Council of the Corporation ot Gtorgetotcn,Tlmt this Corporation accept the use of r.aid rooms

for the object aforesaid, and hereby express theiracknowledgements to the Secretary of the Treasurylor his courtesy in affording them this accommoda¬tion.Risolvtd, further, That the Mayor he, and he is

hereby, authorized anu requested to make thenece.--ary arrangements for the transfer of the townoffices,books and papers to the apartments afore¬

said. I Approved June ti, 1863.

A Resolution in relation to cooking and c«tingbenches in the market house.Resolved ly the Board of Aldtrmm and Board ofCommon Council «/ the Corporation af Georgetown.

That no cooking and eating benches be allowednorth of the canal, in the market hou ¦«, after theSis'sage of this resolution, and that the Market

aster of the Corporation is hereby directed tonotify the proprietors of all benches so occupied tovacate the same within one week after the passageof this resolution, under a penalty of two dollarsfor I'verv day over that time, to recovered astines usually are. I Approved Jtiue 6, 1H03.

GEORGETOWN ADVER'MTS.;v~=»GEORGETOWN TAXK8..An abatementll^C of six per cent, will be allowed upon theGeneral Tax of 1862 if paid on or before the firstday of July text.The Water|Taxof 1861, delerred by act of the

Corporation, will ba due and payable at the same

*A 11 persons in arrears for the School Tax of l-lland iSf>2 are earnestly requested to settle the samewithout further delay or cost.je lS-e(8t CHAS. D. WSLCH, Collector.



Will Attend to the Collection of Rj nt8 andSale ok Real Estate.

Office at Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, George¬town , D. C. je 3-310


91 and 103 Water Strbkt,Georgetown. D. C.,Attend* to the Bale of Prcduce. Flour, Grain, andMerchandise generally; Procures Freight, Char¬ters Vessels, Ac.BasiresutraiisacteJ alwayt with promptness and

dispatch. mar 4-tf


^T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.:>i<i pieces new style Lawns,6 i) ' " Calicoes,ji,<t " Mozambique, rich styles,75 .' 8pring and gummer Chailien,1 ,(00 packs Pins. Fob. 3. 4 and 6,5Mi rtozen Spool Cotton,im> pieces Tafl»ton for covering pictures,2"J pieces Shirting Flannel,Our stock is fall in all departments, all of whuh

will be sold at the low9*t cash prices.WM. R. R1LBY & BllO.,

No. 36 Central Stores, oppo. Center Market.,ie 13 2w between 7th and 8th utreet*.


cure for Piles. The wcrst cases yield after one ortwo doses. No surgical operation should be re¬sorted to, as relief tiius obtiined is but temporary,aDd tit> litre has ever bent perfected !,</ the use of the.knife. The following gentlemen have been cured :Mr. Stiles, No. 'iU'.i Broadway, Mr Hugher. No.lOI Spring street; Mr. fisher. No. ."»44 Brooinestreet, ana numerous ladies whose addresses caube obtained at my office. Price 50 cents per box.Sold by all druggists. Wholesale b> D.S.BARNES* CO.. «o. Broadway, and by the proprietor.'

J. YOUNG,je 13 1 m No. 481 Broadway, New York.


prize auction sale

FRIDAY LASTA Part of tub Cari.0 of the Schooner Emilt.

6 OflO yards CHALLIES,1>0 " LAWN8,6 000 .' PLAID bSEB3 GOODS

Alae, a large lot of different kinds of damagedDRESS GOODS very low.Damaged BALMORAL SKIRTS. Ac.*

S.4 W MEYENBERG,4>s Market Space, under the Avenue House,

je ia between 7th and 8th stre«ts.

STEAMER KEYPORT, CAPT. E. A. RYTIIKR,I? leaves baltimere every FRIDAY, JT*** ^at3p. m., for Alexandria. Washing- ff ^rnrT"Vton and landings on the l'otomac.¦.river, via: Point Leokout, Piney Point, Gougb'a,PJowdec's and Lancaster's Wharl. Returning,leaves Washington every Tuesday, at 6 a. m.,forBaitiniore, stopping at the above landinga. Forfreight or passage apply on board or to »

OHAS. WILSON, Agent,je l-law.n.&f Wa»hipgton, D C.

WfCYTHES.ALDUON'S Kngiish Grass and Grain S«> thesfor tale by WARD 8R0THBRS,No. 9 South Calvert street,je 12-eogf Baltic ore.

Xkr SHUTTS'ONGU1NT," ARRANTED to »rod«Ce » full »et of WHIS¬KERS OR MOUSTACitlBS in six weeks upon thesmootheetfa e. Batire satisfaction iriven or themoney refond«4 Sent post-paid for 3" cents or 4

Raokaees for 91. Address 0. F SHUTTS, Troy,ew York. jeU-fit

iNEW GOODS.HAVK Now in store a full stock of WALL PA¬

PERS ol every variety which I am prepared to sellat the lowest retail prices of Baltimore. Philadelphia or New Fork. Also, a large stock nl newWINDOW SHADES of every variety and line;SHADE FIXTURBS and Trimmings of ell kinds;PI0TURH and other TAS8KLS and CORDS, etc.,eta. Work in my lla» executed in the best man*Mr, promptly a>d at fair prlc-

p CLARKPaMrhanger and U phoisterer.

ie 11-t* Ma.a*gpa.av.,bet. Hthand 13thats

rjpSIS M TO NOTIFY SUTLERS OF THBJ. imy that I am prepared to forniah at aU tkiamiL StrtortViUo- Sulinds of WAGONS, Ac.,*-pertaixung to sutlers CHARLES SLACK,

as OOMBTS-OORSBTS.|Y| B3. BOBBETWRIGHT. Pa. avenae. between13tb and 13th «trests, wishee to than* the ladies fortheir liberal patron for .ovsral year* pint, aadwould inform them tfcat she retiree from bu«irdjiiin a fcw da\a bt/o»e whieh ahe would be glad to(itiiik ourthixtf nodded I* Het uap. Id Ll-tPlt*

wants.1X7ANTBD--A SITUATION w oook. wMltr,"" and irowr for A »¦».! fiaiir. &d«r*M knote to Bex 14, gtar QMce. IfU7ANTED.By a young girl . SITUATION as

cni.d's nurs*. No objection to travel. Ad-d rewi Box 'i t, Star Offiao. It*U ANT1D.One sr<vKl BARBER at No. .19 southvv A street, Onpttol Hill; good futti sal steadywo>k will be given. j*

TWO GOOD BARBIBS WANT1D AT M. X.ALLIOT, 'ilS Penn. avenue Good wttMwill b>»>id. rmiiwd j«* l'.-ti*

WANTED IMMEDIATELY-Ten good HA Ni)8on diNMD, at MRS. NU3RAUM, No. 3d '.a.

av»nue. It*

W~ANTEl>-A WHITS WOMAN to cook. wash,and iron and do i«ur»l housework. at No.394 North Capitol street, between a and 0.15 3t'

WANTED IMMEDIATELY.A smart and aetive" BOY, between 15 and 16 rears of age. to tesrntha grocery business: most by honest, truthful,and steady Apply at the New York Grocery, bs-tweea 7 *n<l s o'cloc*. opt. I and Hth. je

WANTED-A SITUATION as talesman or clerkby a man of experience. (37 yeara of ace,) in

a grocery, produce, or hardware store, or outdoor clerk on a wharf; is not afraid of work; ha* afamily ia this city, and desires to make himselfus ful to bis employer, and by it get a goolliving forbia family. Andreas Box S3, Star Office.The beet of reference for character ftc. ja lB-3t*W/ ANTXD TO RENT.Without board, two orW three UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitablefor a small family, or part of a Small House. Ad-dress D. C. CARY. Box P. 0. je 13 St*1 41 AAA LADIES WANTED TO CALL ATlUfUUU 361 F street,between 8th ami 9th,opposite the Patent Office, and get their Yokes,Bands, Sleeves and Skirts &o., stamped. Also,splendid Braiding and Embroidery Patterns forSlippers, Pincushions, Joseys. Capes, Dresses. Gar¬ibaldis and Zouave Jackets, sc. Ladies can ka"etheir Stamping done in a few minutes, je 13-lw*

WANTES.A WOMAN to do plain cooking at.196 7th st.jltetwean D and S sts.je 13-tf McKELDEW tt P 1TTER?9N.

HEA EQUARTERS METROPOLITAN POLIOE,31 fi Eleventu street..An owner wanted for aSilver llunting-case Watch (detached lever). Anypersons having lost such a watch are requested tocall and see ifthey can identify itje 12-.Tt W. B. WEBB, 8up. Met. Police.VK7ANTXB TO PURCHASE.By nayiag $100 perIT month-a DWELLING HOUSE and LOTworth not over $3,000, situated b^tweeTj pHnnsyl-vania and New York avenu»4 and 1st *!id 7th srs.west. Ample security will be 4ive<i, or wouldtrade » small farm lying in the District for a houseand lot. Address CHARLES V. WHITE, Wash¬ington city, je U-3t .'

WJANTED IMMEDIATELY-a goodCOLORSD" COOK. Apply h t ii37 G street, between i7toani 18th. Wages S25.je 10-61* C. R.G0T7

ANTED IMMEDIATELY-At 372 S streetbetween loth and 11th, three experienced

7)RES8 MAKERS and one sewing machine 0?E-RATORfCirover and Baker'smachir,e),noneothersneed apply. Also, four or live Apprentices,je 10-eoSt^

ANTED.Wanted, OLD WROUGHT andCAST SC-AF IRON for which the t>ig!i'">t

rash prices will be giv<-n. Also, Champitgnn,Porter arid Scotch Ale Bottles in any quantities,atIsland Hall, «th street south.my27-lni* B. P. CAREY.%*/ANTED.A dining-room SERVANT at No.v v 39ft 18th st., between F and G streets. Ref.-r-

ence requ red. my%1/ANTED IMMEDIATELY-Twenty OAR-II PENTERS. Liberal wages will bo paid togood workmen, and none others will be%ccepledApply to the Government Carpenter Shop, on KBtreet. near the corner of Seventeenth street.

Lieut. Col. E M. GREENE,Chief l^uarterm&ate.r,

my 25-tt Department of Washiagton.

WANTED .SECOND-HAND FURNITUREAiso, Mirrors, Carpets, Reds, Bedding and

Housefurniahing Goods of vvery desertion.R. BL.CHLY, 4?» 7th st ,

mar .T-tf her. G and H. east side

WANTED.By a respectable w»man,a SITUA¬TION as cook, washer or ironer; good refer¬

ences given if required. Call or address at 24il 2"thstreet, corner of M, for 2 days. ap8

Furnished house wanted..wanted torent, for from one to three years, a Furnished

Dwelling for a private family. Location in theFirst or Seeonu Ward preferred. Address Lock Box«>S. Washington. D. C. se4-tf


10ST.A pmall red COW, on the 11th instaut..a Any it formation left ai 173 Second street,

between B and U, will be con penaated for.ie 15 at"

10ST.On Thursday evening last, a GOLD.J WATCH CHAIN, small links, with slide and

book The finder will be rewarded if it is left at3Hr* C street, between KM and 6th st* It*

(~AMETO THE SUHSCRIBER ON fRIDAY,y 12th instaut. a small red Cow with a youngCalf. The cow has a white stripe ou her back,

Hank and belly, with horns bored. The owner canhave her by coming forward, p-oviug property,paying charge and takiDg bera*&».;e 16 3t* MR. EADhS cor. 2fth and Pjjts._BIRD LOST..Was taken from the house, south¬

east corner of F and l!th streets, an IRISHTHRUSH. A suitable reward will be tfiven forthe recovery of the bird. j*

LOST.In one of the cars running from George¬town to W'ashiDjjton.thismoruiDg.aPOCKET

BOOK containing bills ai d receipts and a Govern¬ment Pas*. Any person leaving the same with S.BaCON Sc CO., will receive 82 oK je It 3t*rpAKEN UP E**TRAY. A red RUFFAUO STEER;S no Marks, The owner of the above property

will cime forward, prove property, p.y chargesand ta!ce him away. J, T. T ALBER*1,je 13 2t' on 7th st . near Fort Ma-»achmetrs.tJTRAYED.On the 6t'u of Jute, a light red andr* white buffalo MILK COW. A liheral rewardwill be fiven for returning her to 3->9 F street,between 9th and loth, near tbe Patent Office.je ];t-3t 8. MEYKNBKBG.

10ST.Ir. going from the corner of E and 7tht to theolhcfc of the Adams' Express Company,

a GOLD SiEEVE BUTTON, with letter W en¬ameled on it. The finder will be saitablv reward¬ed bv leaving it as above to WM. TULLY.je 13 3t'

1VTOTICE..Was taken up estray, .Tuue 12th aI* COW acd CALF. Cow whit* and red. Theowner is requested to come forward, prove proper¬ty. Buy charges, and take them away.v

JAMESKAGGOTELLje 13 st* No. 13 South Capitol street.

STOLEN.A bay HOUSE, compactly built; raid-dliu^ lot g tail; about 6 years oi l; ontherisht

hind Sunk lias a spot the siee of one's hand, darkerthan the rent of his t-rjat, (this is a peculiar mark,)was stolen from my private stable, at 4 4.) r street,between 1st and 2d streets, on tke nigat of the nthof June. A liberal reward will b« p*.id if returned.

i«> 13W A. C. WIDDIUOMBE.'CAKEN UP ESTRAY.Hy « police ofiicer, andA left at my stable, a sorr* I MaRE; about 15hands high ; white spot in forehead ; rather thinin lltsh. The j*ar;ies owning said mire will pleasecome lorward, pay charges, or elst» she will be soldto pay livery nnd expenses. App'y, Union Livery,Hii iny, and Sale Stuhle. corner 6th and 0 streets,rear of Metropolitan Hotel.je i.j.3f HENRY MESBKO, Pj#r.STRAYED OR 8T0LEN.On the9th,abrigkt bay

HOR^E, marked U.S. C..the 0 rather indistinct;white face and while hind leg*; no shoes en; thininane and tail; felO reward will be paid if deliveredtc T. RILEY .V, SON, Coffee Roaster*, N s'reet,near Island. Je 12-3tfin REWARD..Stray®* from Meridian Hill,(llUon the Hth inrtant. one large red HORS-h.marked with a largo C on left side; ho carries hishe^d \ery high. Also, one small blaok HORSE,with a small C on left shoulder and one hind legromewhat swollen with a callus on the inside nearthe boof. The above reward will be paid if re¬turned to the Meridian Hill House. je 12-3t"

BOARDING.A LABGE WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE,beautifully situated on Capitol Hill, is now

Kreparcd to take permanent boarders; rooms allirge. square high ceilings. Single gentlemen

preferred. Reference exchanged. First streete**t. between A ard B. je 13-lwr

ROOM and BOARD..a gentleman and wifecan be accommodated with a Boom and excel¬

lent board in that delightfully located house.(onlyhouse on the square.) on Hth street, between R andS streets. City railroad cars pass the door. Nochildren in the house. Thi* quiet, retired, rural,and healthful location is unsurpassed, je 13 St*

FURNISHED R00M8, WITH BOARD, MAYl>e obtained by applying at No. 399 F street,between 9th and l^th streets. Table boarders also

accommodated. Je U-3t*l/OK RENT.With board, two first class ROOMS,IT < legantly furnished, in a house containing allthe modern improvement.-, at No. * 4L, street, be¬tween C st. ana City Hall. A few table boardersaccommodated je 12-lw*

LEEKS FROM THE DEPARTMENTS, ARMYV/ and navy officers and strangws visiting Wash¬ington, may hnd a comfortable home in one of themost delightful locations in Washington, No. ^3Missouri artnue. One very large front room.2dstory, now vacant. ray 15

. . ¦¦ .

BOARD .a I&dy having taken a hotue in the im¬mediate neighborhood of the Treasury, State.

War and Navy Departments, often Urge airl weilfurnished rooms, with board, and all the comfortsof a home. A few table boarders will be taken,Apply at No. 393 13tb street, between 9 and GstreeU, one square south of Pa. avenue Refer¬ences required. * my 11-tf

gun-.,1W w TALLOW

^Cheap for cash at Nation*. Soap and CandleWorks, Green etroet and the Oauw, C«or«etowaD.C. mar yf08 C&SAM AND WATER ICES.I WHOLESALE A^D RETAIL.Parties, (hirs, hote>a, boarding houses aad ex-ennrtons supplH-d with the best lee Cream,and atlo Mat prk>e. delivered to any pert »f tha city and©er/retonrn. at /OS. pHAPPIBLD'S

Ralusore Uoofeotionr. y, 8th st.,m IS1m* botwesn ft aadU.

pic nics, ate.ArrKMOOH add ivBHitro no-mo


Will take place «t theWASHINGTON PARK. NrikTA itrsa.

onWEDNESDAY, June nth, 19*3

IN AID 0* TH1 RELIEF PUHD.A number of extracars will ba piaced on the roadfor tie oooMion Tickets 51. admitting a

gentleman and ladies Bfbmmittvaf Arrant'mtnrs..Metun. Ben JlA

rer. Donn. Hagerty. Terry. Eelsey. Little-Gfl^J«h. Vermillion. Bradley. Williams, Riley, ShoTGraves, Bouvet. a. M. Howard, Kenton, Sorter.master or Ceremonies.Jas. Kenton.

Messrs. aourei, Hagerty.Donn,Vermilht n. Williams. Porter. Littlejohn. jel3-lt

F» _ _ _PIC-NIO.

I B, 8 T G K A N D P I C - N I OfOF THR


Will be given atBECKERS'S GARDEN, Navy Yard,


MONDAY, June 15th, 18(3.Professor Sehro'der'g well known brass and atria*

b">.d is engaged for the occasion.^ cents, admitting a gentleman at

an i ladies.To commence at one o'clock, WlMk

Committee af Arrangement*.J. OMinger A. Bnrkley,J. Mnler, E. Hart.

The strictest order will be preserved.J?»-7t« g. R» 8WANN. President.


FOB RENT-A neatly-furnirfhed H0U8B, oneblock from toe Capitol, and half blcofc from

street c rs Inquire at No. 385 north it street¦Ho one with children need apply. lC-.'Ji*

I^OR8ALE-A two-story FRAME HOUSE, witha nriCK basement, containing seven good roomsAl^o one rrame House, containing flva aoodrooms, at private sale. Inquire on the premises,No. 1 IB I street, between 21st and 22d streets._je IS lw*

T^O LET.A large unfurnished PROMT PARLORwith gas And tireplace, near the Railroad D»-ana capitol. Call at 495 New Jersey avenue

FURN I8HED ROOMfc..A private family wiil.et one or two nicely furnished Rooms to single

gentleman, without hoar^; 'oc&tinn very pleasant,near the Patent Office. Addreas "A. B.," 6tar Of-'

"ce- je 13 3t-

A T,?482JB£*R*F- BETWEEN THIRirANDf*- Pcurth, Pnruiihed or Unfurnished ROOMS to

je 12 3tTdesirable famished ROOMS

I at No. 431 Third street, between l'enn andMissouri avenues. j9 |2-3t*

F°^ A« *"*AURANT, a lirst^* ^ . ."'n^ a hue bnsin.-ss. Satisfactory rea¬sons v. ;il be fc-iven tor selling. Address '*J. il >'"tarOihre. jeli'lw*'1?URN18HBD HOUSE.With ws, bath-room,

.w . r"?l0!M't'! '&e-'in the cantor of the city r0|,»lT, throuih City Poit Otiice, to W M J

U" JJia. je'j-iw-LMKM iOR 8A LB.About 2fN> acres in Huh culti-

®ilellt-Vn?J wVod *ai fll»e water," fruit ..fvarious k.nds. The improvements are a gooddwelling house, large burn, stabling for 12 bor^snnWth-r-Dtw 4U.Be *r*n,'P"< &c- Ar. Is sitnat -don the <th street road, eight miles from the citvA1mtmhSplicul,fila"P1>'.'ifpersonally,to W.?. BA1 CHELOR, on the premises; if by letter,ai-ireFs Silver Springs Post Office, Montgomery coun--?-L.'h je 6-2w*

l^OR HALK.That valuable frame DWELLINGi »ti»a ? G?UUND. No. 2Mo V street, bet]-4h UyL8Jr8-?M.- Apply to S. CARTJ8I. Liwlitnce. Wo. .)i; Louisiana ave. je 5-2w*L'OIl 1?ALB-150 desirable BUILDING LOTS inI. various sectior. of the city of Wa«hin<ton, ai

On convenient terms. Apply to JJ.LAKLhl, Law Office, No, 35* Louisiana avenueje 5-1 ji *

t^OR 8ALB.A three-story BRICK HOUSE,with water and a-as, in 6th street, between QH. Inquire at No. 506 Penn av*e., between

W an d3d. je | jw'

FURNISHED ROOMS TO R5NT-For rent, at450 12th Street, east side, between GarJ H

itreets, neatiy furnished and vary com''ort*hi*BSD BOOMS, and SITTING EGo5s? and PAB-LOrfS. Ihe neighborhood is one of nos: desirableu tne city Every attention uaid to those oceapy-ngthem. fto children in the house. my B-tf


Thf Steamshipgreat eastern .

WaLiLR PAT'l'ON, Comman'lerWill be dispatched

From livrkpool krom xkw york.'

ruesdtfy J one SO I Tuesday Jnlv21md at utervals thereafter of about -i\ weeks from«. . ..

* each port.First cabin, from egg to & 13.1second cabin, >tate room berths raeals

furnished at separate tablet *7.1Excursion tickets, out and back in the first ande^onn cabin only, a fara ana a half.Servants accompanying passengers and children

in«ler 12 yesrs of age, half prioa. Infants free.third cahin... ayisteerage. W'th eupsrior accommodations. H! 5311Price of pas.-age from Liverpool, nme rates'as

itove.Ail fares payable in gold, or its equivalent in U.

s. currency.Each passenger allowed 30 cubic feet of luggageAn experienced sui?- on on board.For p«s»age apply only to


At the office, 80 Broadway, New York,rojr frtigut. apply on.y to

aoWLAND Sc ASP IN WALL \g*nts.je 13 8m ;.-4 South street Nav,- York.

JJ^OTEL AND RESTAURANT KEEPERS.Our stock <if goods suitable for your business is-low complete in every particularWe invite your especial attention to our





STEAK DISHES. 4c., Ac.Our prices are as low as the same articles can be

purthafced lor anywhere.C. W. BOTELER fic SON'S

Housefurnishini; Store.Je 10 Ct Pa. a»enue,315* Iron HaM

J REFRIGERATORS.U8T Received a large assortment from Philadel¬

phia and New York.Upright with and without Water Coolers.9:II'-'||

3h^st Refrigerators with Ceolers and ^tono. j 1ft'are.We wil sell the above low.

E. H. A H. I. GREGORY,mT 3il Pa. avenue.


Copies of celebrated Pictures, Paintings, andStatuary, plain and colored, a select variety, at

i. MARKRITER'S!No. 48b Seventh st.,s d; ors above

.Odd Fellows'Hall.

Terms cash. my 4-eo*rW

SWINGLE A HOWLETT,3 CARPENTERS AND B UILDERS,No. 478 Eleventh street, between B and P, re-

ipectfully inform their friends and the public gen-irally th*t they have opet ed 4 shop at the abovenamed place, and are now ready to contrast for theireetion of buildings, Ac., as well as to do generalrepairing and job work. A share of the publicpatronage is solicited. my 13-lm*



X MB now receiving large quantities ofDRAUGHTll<] and POBTEB from this celebrated Brewery,rhieh I am prepared to furnish on short notloe toill persons who will favor me with their order*.Satisfaction guarantied.Orders given to my drivers will be promptly at¬

tended to.Goods delivered Is all parti of Washington gadGeorgetown, free of charge.T»nng :.Ouk on itHmtr».

BILET A. 8HINN, Agent,Wmim Bottimt Dtpet, ST Green rt.,

.Ql-tf Georgetown, D. Q.NOTIOl


fhe MbMriberi have just reeeived a freeh tkl*ment of


Which they offer for sale at Hew York pricesAlso, they have constantly on handA Lmrgt and WtU SiUcXd Stock

(holes BRANDIES,


aoue oftAxi vijKS, a


u4 lieuh urnIWfW.k»MP'a B1SMJIIOAil i UiUI

¦MflMmwA niOLUBJWOVIAL*."4»»»

w9. 11*1 CFHXHnrGHB A




tiwiril a 1



¦¦avtkuimrBr J. C. McGUIRE ft CO. .WNnnn.

Valuablb building lolsmtimit* LI?.5Sr*M A*lAl.fi.-0»M§R»AYAft«rneo«».JoMlith, atse'eleek.on theeremise*, w*shaaMil the hUttiat TilutUi Betiding Lots, «m-mencing with the flnt nua«4 :Lot 9 Sauare SIS, fronting K feet on KUrwttstreet, between K and L streets, runningbMt94 fHt to an alter. -Lot 46, Square its. fronting 2< feet 8 latfWo**w side of Thirteenth street, between K.and L street*, running back 130 feet to aaleet alley.

Lot 7, Sqaare J14, BS feet front on Viftoeert*street, betwoen L and Mstreets, running WeAto a 30 feet alley.Lot M, lame Square. It feet V* inches on north Mstreet, between Vermont avenue and Fifteenthstreet, running baek toaHl feet alley.Terms: cne-thira eash ; the remainder in niland twelve bio nt»s, with interest.ie K'-d J. C. McGUIRE A PP.. Anrta.

Br etllM ft WILLIAMS. Auctioneers.\rALUABLE BKICK HOUSE-AND LOT ONPkMhyI VASI A AVBKIin AK» TWO B0ILOIN*Lots at Auotjo* -On 8ATURDAY, the 13th in¬stant. we *hall sell in front of the premisea.atSo'clock P. M., commencing on the fir*: nimM lot -

Lot No. 1. in Square No. 124. This lot hu afront of 09 feet inch on Nineteenth street weet.by US feet10 Indies deep, at the corner ef no: th Dstreet.Lot No. 10. In 6quare No. 61. This 1st has afront of 61 feel 1 inch on Twenty.second street,ne-.t to the corner of uorth P street, running baok140 feet 9 iuchos.

ALSOOn MONDAY, the 16'h instant, wo shall sell partLota 3 and 4, in Reservation is, with the improve¬ments, which are a good Brick house now used as

a grocery store. This propertr is 16 8-12 feet onPennsylvania avenue, running back98 feat to a13 feet alley, and isa good banner? stand, near theeorirer of Second street west and the Old Depotllouse.Terms of sale : One third cash : balance in sixand twelve months, for notes bearing interest fromday of Hale. A deed given and a deed of trusttaken.je li d PREEN A WILLIAMS. Aucta.


OK Q STRSHT, BRTWERN PoUKTKKKTH AND Pi fTfcKSTH »T»E*T8, AT AUCTION .On MONDAYAFTERNOON next 15th instant, at d o'clock, wewill sell, in front of the premises, Lots , inSquare 2«:>, fronting 14 Teet each on Q street, andrunnin« back 1W feet, between Fourteenth andFifteenth streets, and improved by two new Wellbuilt Brick Houses, under a rent of ®<30, and with¬in 1'Ti fret of the city railroad.Terms: One-third cash ; balance in six andtwelve months. for no ten bearing internet, and se¬cured by a deed of trustm tbe uremists,Je li d W. L. WALL tt CO., Ancta.

By GRBJSN ft WILLI AMU, Auctioneers.TWO SMALL PRAME HOUSES AND LOT,Fhontiwg oh PirTKgNra street, ustwrm Iand K ST his" s north, at A cor iox..By virtue ofaducree of the Orphans' Court, and coca-me<. br theSupreme Court, we shall sell for the be nefit of theminor heirs of John brereton. deceased, on MONDAY, the 15tb instant, at 6 o'clock P. M , in f-ontof the premis. s. Lot No 11, in Square No. 218, hav¬ing a front of 49 feet on Fifteenth street west, runnicK back 90 fiat to s wide allar. between I and Kstreets north.Terms of sale: One-half clsh; balanca in aixmonth?, the purchaser to give «otes for thedeferred payments bearing interest from the darof Bale and satisfactorily endorsed.And upon thi full payment of the purchase

money , nnd tbe ratification of the sal?, a deed willbe given.Ail conveyancing at the cost of purchaser.If tbe purchaser should fail to comply with thetamis in flvedaya.the property will be resold attherlfk and cott of the tirst purchaser, by advertisingthe siine tl:ree tin:"* in the National lutHiigincer.ELIZA A DRANE, Guardian,jefl-eo&ds GKKJEN k. WILLIAMS, Ancts.

FBy J. C. McGUIRP & CO., Auctioneers.

FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS_ ^t Public Auction..On TUESDAY MORN¬ING. June loth, coinmencina at lOo'clorit, w« shallsell the entire Furniture EHocts in tfou_*e No. lfiOG street, between iOtli and 21ft nts., comprising.Walnut hair cloth Parlor Suite. Sofa and Sid*Chairs.Marble-top Center and Side Tables,Frtncb plate Pier Glass,Walnut Secretary and Whatnot.Parlor and Chamber Car, Oilcloth and Matting,Velvet Stair Carpets, Stair Hods and Eyea,Chins and Glass M&ntle Ornaments,Oak Sidfbnarii and Dininsr Chairs,China, Glass and Crockeryware,Silver-plated Ware. Table Cutlery,Walnut marble-top Bureaus and Washstand,Walnut Wardrobes, Cane-seat Chairs.Toilet Glasses, Morocco-covered Lounge,Cottage Bedstea«le, Pine Tables, Washstands,Hair und Husk Mattreeses.Fi ather Beds, Bolster* and Pillows,Tin Toilet Setts, Stoves, Refrigerators,Together with a general assortment of Kitchen

Bequisitts. Terms cash.jell tRep.l J. C. McGUIRE & CO . Aucts.

By C. R. L. CROWN ft CO., Auctioneers.Horses and wagons at auction.-w#

will sell TO MORROW MORNING, at 9 a nv.it the Washington City Horse Markat. on Sixthitreet.near the canal,a large bumoer o! tha above-aame4 stock. Terms cafih

C. B. L. CROWN .'c CO.. Auct^.Jei:-lt* No. 3T.7, cor. 6th st. and Pa. av.

By W. L. WALL ft CO . Auctioneers.Corner Pa avenue aadytu street, south side.eBOCERlES, TOBACCO. CIGARS, LIQUORSand Small Storks, at Awctioh.OnrUESDAY MORNING. 16th inst.. Bt in o'cUx*.re will sell, in front of the Auction Rooma, a lotjf Groceries, embracing.Barrels While and Yellow Sugars3hests Tea anil Ground Coffee,Dandles and StarchitX) Boies Yellow, Oiive and Castile 8oapBoxes Adamantine, Sperm, aud Mould Oardlea[Jasea Catsup, Sauces anl Pickles, and BrandiodFruitsOases Natural Preserves and Jel'ies!}ases Must .rd, Cinnamon, Pepper, and Giagw>0 Boxes Extrac; and Concentrated CoffeeCheese,Boxes Canned Fruits, Meats, and Veg^tableaHi Boxes Navy Tobacco, "J" caddies TcbaccoSmoking and Killikinnicfc TobaccoK large assortment CigarsJasea Whisky. Brandy, Gin and CoektailLinses ClaretBaskets and cases Champagne and German Winen,Daies Whiskey, Rrandy, Uin. and BittersBarrels Pike's XXX, Miller's Rye. Magnolia.Bourbon, and other Whiskeys, ani h> eallon

kegs Suit's WhiskyL.{ and ,'i BrandyKariels Molasses,Mho, a quantity of Small StoresTerms ca*h,je16 W. L. WALL \ CO., Ancta

By J . C. McGUIBE ft CO. Auctioneers.I* KRY VALUABLE BUSINESS LOTS IN THEV C2XTBAL i-ORTION OK THB CITV AT PntLIO AoC-ri'»N..On M0NT\Y AFQBRNO^N, June 2Sd. ati .e o'clock, on t j premises, coafii'ncing withhe first earned . a snail sell the following ralu-bie bariae.^s Lot viz :

> East half of L 5, Square 3*2, on LoqisianaiveBue , 1 etW3«n .'th and 10th street*, containing1.671 feet.Lot 3. Square 229. on Ohio avenue, between 14th

ind 15th streets, containing 9,019 square feet.Lot 10, square 22J on orner of north i) and llth

.treets and Ohio avenue, containing 4,118 squarefeetLot 1. Square 360. corner of iSth and Canal

streets, containing fi i.61 feet.J ot 3. same 8qns re on Canal street, containing

i,fO0 leet.Lot a, same Square, on 1J,S street, containing

.,*5l»fert.Terms : One third '-ash ; the residue insixanJtwelve months, with interest,secured by a deed ofiru«t on the prrraises.All oonveyances at nost of t>e purchaser.je 16 90<?Ads J. C. MclrUIRB .V CO . Anets.

By W, L. WALL ft CO., Auctioneers.l^INB NEARLY NEW BBICK HOUSE ON NEWr Ji'.RSFY avknoh AT AncTioN..On TUB8DAYAFTERNOON zysxt, 16th instant, at 5 o'clock, wewill sell, in front of the premises. Lot ., in Bqoar*iSn, fronting 90 feet on New Jersey avenue bylULbetween D and E (treats to an alley, and improvedby a fine nearly new Brick House, No. 490, fur¬nished with gas, water, furnace, cooking range,marble mantles, and finished throughout in thelatest and best style and under good rent.Terms: One-third cash^ balance in six, twelve,

tad eighteen months bearing interest, and secured,by a deed of trust on the premises.je lt-d W. L. WALL ft CO.. Ancta.

SBv W. L. WALL ft CO., Auctioneer*MALL TWO 8TORT PRAME OH SOUTH DStuikt at Auotiob..On THURSDAY

1FTERNOON. 18th instant, at 5»'clock. we willlell iif front of the premises. Lot 36. subdiTiaion orSquare 636, improved br a small Pi am* House, oawuth D stre-t, between 3d and #*4 streets west.Terms : Ono-kalf cash , balance 6 and 12 months,

bearing interest, and aeenrvd by a deed of trust onthe premises.ie 13.1 W. L. WALL ft PP.. Aucts.


I am anthorifed br the Secretary of War to raini BATTALION Of 0A7ALBY fer sv*a<U mt-IIMtKaeh company will be organise! as preacrlbad im

General Orders No. 135, series o f 1862.All offioers will be selected and appointed by the

Colonel Commanding, subject to the approval ofhe Secretary of War.From the peculiar nature of tbe aerrlee required

if this BattaUion, none bnt #obar, honest ao4 h-

elligent men will be enlistedTbe best, fleetest and most eerrioeable Homesinly will be used.This BattaUion will be armed with the new eel-brated Repeating Rifle, discharging fifteener minute.for further particulars appJr at He. 91Tvenue. 0- 8ABLER,mr 111m Colonel Commanding Battallo.

¦LI ADD CEMENTau FOR roopi^gp-Por saletop hjoHN W]# j>1TTIB0MB

ooner Mth and 0 sts. soatosay a-eolm* Agents for the Pelt Oesipa»y.\USD APPLEb AND PEACHES,

J A*JWU ft OO.'S. -if Jmy i Corner Bights. ; o b'