load runner parameters chapter 7

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  • 8/14/2019 Load Runner Parameters Chapter 7


    Krish Hegde 1


    When you record a business process,VuGen generates a script that containsthe actual values used during recording.

    Suppose you want to perform the scriptsactions (query, submit, etc.) using differentvalues from those recorded.

    To do this, you replace the recordedvalues with parameters. This is known asparameterizingthe script.

  • 8/14/2019 Load Runner Parameters Chapter 7


    Krish Hegde 2


    Advantages with Parameterizing:

    2. It reduces the size of the script.

    3. It provides the ability to input uniquevalues.

  • 8/14/2019 Load Runner Parameters Chapter 7


    Krish Hegde 3

    Parameterize Functions

    Parameterization involves the following two


    2. Replacing the constant values in theVuser script with parameters

    3. Setting the properties and data source

    for the parameters

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    Krish Hegde 4

    Parameterize Functions

    To create a parameter:

    1 Right-click on the string to parameterize. Theright-click pop-up menu opens.

    2 From the pop-up menu, select Replace with aParameter. The Select or

    Create Parameterdialog box opens.

    3. Type a name for the parameter in theParameter name box, or select an existing

    parameter name from the list.4. Select a parameter type from the Parameter

    type list.

    5. Click OK.

  • 8/14/2019 Load Runner Parameters Chapter 7


    Krish Hegde 5

    Parameter Properties

    After you create a parameter, you define itsproperties. A parameters properties define thedata source the parameter uses during scriptexecution. To define parameter properties:

    Right-click on the parameter. The right-clickpop-up menu opens.

    From the pop-up menu, select Parameter

    Properties. Enter the properties of the parameter.

    Click Close.

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    Krish Hegde 6


    Different types of Parameters:

    2. File

    3. Date/time

    4. User ID

    5. Group Name

    6. Iteration number

    7. Load Generator name

    8. Random Number parameter

    9. Unique number

    10.User Defined Function

    11.User File path.

  • 8/14/2019 Load Runner Parameters Chapter 7


    Krish Hegde 7


    File type: A file contains the values for the parameter you define in your

    Vuser script. When you run a Vuser script, the Vuser replacesthe parameter with the values from the data file.

    You can create a file using VuGen or you can use an existingfile. The file must have a .dat or .txt extension.

    Date / Time: Replaces the parameter with the current date and /or time. To

    specify a date/time format, you can select a format from themenu list or specify your own format.

    You should select the format of the date and time as it appearsin your script.

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    Krish Hegde 8


    Vuser ID type Parameters:

    Replaces the parameter with the ID assigned

    to the Vuser by the Controller during the

    scenario run.

    When you run a script from VuGen, the Vuser

    ID is always 1.

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    Krish Hegde 9

    Parameter Source

    When you define a parameters properties,you specify the source for the parameterdata. You can specify either of the

    following data source types: Internal Data: Data that is generated

    internally by the Vuser.

    Data Files: Data that is contained in a fileeither an existing file or one that youcreate with VuGen.

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    Krish Hegde 10

    Data Files

    Data Files Data files hold data that a Vuser accesses

    during script execution. Data can be stored inlocal or global files. You can specify an existing

    ASCII file or use VuGen to create a new one.Data files are useful if you have many knownvalues for your parameter.

    The data in a data file is stored in the form of a

    table. One file can contain values for manyparameters. Each column holds the data for oneparameter. Column breaks are marked by adelimiter, for example, a comma.

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    Krish Hegde 11

    Data Files

    When you use a file as the source of

    data for a parameter, you must specify

    the following:

    2. the name and location of the file

    3. the column containing the data

    4. the file format, including column delimiter5. an update method

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    Krish Hegde 12

    Data Files

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    Krish Hegde 13

    Data Files

    Type a name for the data file in the File pathbox, or click Browse to specify the file locationof an existing data file.

    Click Edit. Notepad opens with the parametersname in the first row and original value in thesecond row. Enter additional column names andvalues into the file in the form of a table.

    To add a column to the data file withoutlaunching Notepad, click Add Col in theParameter Properties dialog box.

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  • 8/14/2019 Load Runner Parameters Chapter 7


    Krish Hegde 15

    Verifying Correct execution

    After replacing the value with the

    parameter run the script and check

    whether it successfully works.

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