lng accidents and risks

Compiled by Arthur MacKay Bocabec, NB, Canada September, 2012 From the campaign to prevent LNG terminals in Passamaquoddy Bay Documents and references used to explain LN G RESOURCE FILES Managing LNG Risks

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Managing LNG Risks - From the campaign to prevent LNG terminals in Passamaquoddy Bay Documents and references used to explain LNG


Compiled by Arthur MacKayBocabec, NB, Canada

September, 2012

From the campaign to prevent LNG terminals in Passamaquoddy BayDocuments and references used to explain LNG


Managing LNG Risks


Resource files are created from the contents of the working reference and publication files of Art MacKay and are made available for reference purposes. They contain documents, drawings, photographs and other resources accumulated over a 50 year period, including public domain materials as well as materials with copyrights held by Arthur MacKay and others.

Since online resources come and go, they have been converted to PDFs and archived to preserve their contents. They can be accessed directly where the links are still active. Live links and copyright requirements are speci-fied for each item if still available. Art MacKay can be contacted at art@bayof fundy.ca to clarify availability for further publication.

Entire files composed of physical documents, books, photos, cds, etc. are available and sold separately.


St. Andrews Citizens Will be Burning!© Art MacKay, 2009, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, January 10, 2008

The US Coast Guard’s recently released Waterway Suitability Report, prepared for the Federal Energy Regula-tory Commission’s (FERC) Downeast LNG application, will have the residents of New Brunswick’s premier resort area burning again.

When, on the heels of Quoddy Bay LLC’s earlier proposal at Sipyik, Downeast LNG first introduced their plan to construct an LNG terminal and storage facility directly across the St. Croix River from St. Andrews at Rob-binston, Maine, the citizens of that resort town and the greater Quoddy Region rose as one to denounce these developments and made their position clear with submissions to FERC and government officials in both Canada and the United States, Impressive, passionate, packed public meetings and protests were held. Subsequently, Ca-nadian opponents to the LNG plans have been supported at every political level in Canada. Conservative Prime

Minister Harper and local Member of Parliament Hon. Greg Thompson have publicly and in closed session with President George Bush, expressed their firm position that tankers will not be allowed through Head Harbour Passage, the essential waterway that they consider to be internal Canadian waters and, in the long term, too valuable and hazardous a waterway to be used by supertankers. This was a similar position to that taken about 30 years ago when the Pittston Company of Greenwich, Conn. applied to turn Eastport and Moose Island into a gigantic oil refinery and tank farm, threatening fishing, tourism, marine life, and whales including the endan-gered north Atlantic right whale.

In previous responses to Quoddy Bay LLC, the US Coast Guard stated that the participation of the Canadian government was paramount to their release of a similar report for Quoddy Bay LLC and it was withheld. This is not the case with the Downeast LNG proposal. In this case, while the report requires Canadian consultation by Downeast LNG, the USCC has chosen to assess Canadian waters without the approval of Canada, an interest-ing move that causes great concern in a contest that, more and more, seems to revolve around testing Canadian sovereignty and, not incidentally, Canadian resolve.

As can be seen in the accompanying chart taken from the USCC Waterway Suitability Study, St. Andrews citizens can now see that they are within the hazard zone for this development. A similar study for Calais LNG will, undoubtedly, duplicate this scenario, but will move Zone 3 more deeply into the town as tankers move up the St. Croix River.

The USCC defines these zones as:Zone 1 (red) - 500 meter radius with resultant fire and severe thermal radiation hazards. By definition these • are areas in which LNG shipments occur in relatively narrow harbors or channels, or ships pass under major bridges or over tunnels, or come in within 500 meters of major infrastructure such as military installations, commercial/business centers, or national icons.Zone 2 (yellow with black line) - from 500 to 1600 meters with less severe thermal radiation hazards to pub-• lic safety and property. These are areas of broader channel widths, larger open harbors, or over 500 meters from major critical infrastructure elements.Zone 3 (yellow) – from 1600 to 3500 meters with potential pockets of flammable vapor. These are areas • where LNG traffic and deliveries occur approximately 1.6 kilometers from major infrastructure or in large bays or open water. The thermal radiation risks to public safety and property are significantly reduced.

While thermal risks may be reduced with distance, MIT Professor Emeritus James Fay , points out that the actual zone of impact, the area were fires are ignited and people suffer serious burns, may be greater than the distance used in the report. He states that, “for all credible spills, including terrorist attacks on the storage tank and LNG tanker, the danger zone for humans extends almost 4 miles from the terminal site” or about 2.5 kilo-meters, and life and property will be lost from so-called collatera impacts. This greater distance envelopes all of St. Andrews and the ability of fire departments may be non-existent since their facilities are within the real zone of impact and these professionals may well be immobilized by an event itself. the nearest assistance would be St. Stephen and St. George.

As for bringing tankers through Head Harbour Passage, this is a red herring. Of course it can be done. It’s risk analysis and the real question is for how long will it take to have an accident and at what cost? Since LNG tankers can only enter and leave during the day, at slack tide (if that truly exists in some areas along the route), when the visibility is more than 2 miles, and the wind is less than 25 mph, then the number of days when access is available will be severely limited. In fact, these data are available and it is a wonder that they have not been required for the USCC report and company submissions to FERC. Imagine the financial impacts to Downeast LNG and its leader Dean Girdis during those delightful years like the one when fog held to the West Isles for more than 30 days and 30 nights. At $100,000 a day, layovers adds up! Passamaquoddy Bay and key fishing areas of Campobello Island

could well see numerous gigantic tankers stacked up waiting to move.

Foget the hazardous passage and the old sow whirlpool, layovers will be substantial and local boats will be unable to pursue fishing, whale watching, and recreational activities during passage and while at anchor or at the terminal. The eco-economy of Quoddy will be effectively shut down. Since the arrival of tankers is “secret” due to fears of terrorism, local operators will have little time to respond and will be forced to the side by armed gunboats, as the are in Boston Harbour. What a delightful vision.

Unless the new administration in the United States recognizes the folly of agitating their neighbours, best friends, and largest trading partner, the first LNG explosion may be coming soon, much sooner, than antici-pated by the LNG promoters. A once interesting and functional “international community” that drews upon the abundant natural resources of this unique Quoddy ecosystem, has been split asunder by these LNG develop-ment proposals. In spite of the plethora of carpetbaggers who have wandered through Charlotte and Washington Counties, some folks have never stopped looking for the knight on a white steed; the saviour who will bring economic salvation to an area of perceived poverty. The sad truth is that the wealth required to provide a truly sustainable future for all of the citizens of Quoddy has always been here for those with eyes to see.

They will forget their old laws; they will barter their country for baubels. Then will disease eat the lifefrom their blood. (Hanisse’ono. The Evil One from Iroquois legend.)

Art MacKay is a biologist, writer, and artists with over 40 years professional experience in the Bay ofFundy and northern Gulf of Maine. He is the author of many reports and articles about theseecosystems.


Are we safe around this industry?

”Algeria Blast Has Officials Rethinking LNG Safety” Jan 19th, 2004, 30 dead - 74 injured

(LNG liquifaction trains)

Duke Energy Moss Bluff Texasgas storage site,

Aug.20th, 2004

AP photo

3 mile radius evacuated, could not extinguish blaze for days

Belgian Gas Explosion Kills 14Workers Had Reported Piercing Underground Pipeline

Associated PressSaturday, July 31, 2004

18 dead200 injured

“Society has a way of ignoring the Low Probability-High Consequence accident. This is exactly what terrorists look for.”

Richard Wilson, Harvard, giving a talk at the high security Los Alamos Labs in New Mexico after 9/11

How Does FERC Define Worst Case Accident Scenario?

“A break in one LNG transfer arm that lasts for 10 minutes. Total spill is ~550,000 gallons.This represents less than 1.5% of the capacity of one LNG storage tank. “

Bill Powers, Border Power Plant Working Group, Calif.

James A Fay Professor Emeritus, Senior Lecturer, MIT

• Acknowledged world wide expert on fluid mechanics and spread of hazardous materials on the ocean

• Education, honors, textbooks too lengthy and numerous to list here.

See: www.JamesFay.com

James Fay’s argument in a nutshell:

The FERC regulations do not prevent people living here from getting 2nd degree burns in 30 seconds if a bad accident occurs.

Fay’s limits of exposure by distance ( see circles on next slide) DO prevent these people from getting burned if a bad accident happens.

If Fay’s limits were observed, the LNG tankers could not be allowed in here because of safety reasons.

Safe Distancesfrom Terminal:

Small circle forspill with firefrom one hold of tanker

Large red circle for spill from storage tank

Large blue circle for safe distancefrom tanker spillfor flammable vapor

James Fay report

Safe Distance from tanker pathfor heatradiationfrom spillwith fire

James Fay Green line is the tanker path

• The potential for retarding a pool fire is

nonexistent• A gasoline fire is only 8% of the intensity

of an LNG fire

James Fay

“Its too hot to get near and you can’t put it out until it runs out of fuel”.

ABS Consulting Report for FERC- 2004

For unconfined spills on water:

1.It is impossible to predict with certainty what would happen

2.A pool fire is possible that would burn people and property a mile away

3.This could cause 2nd degree burns in 30 seconds and 3rd degree burns in 50 seconds

4.A flammable vapor cloud could travel several thousand feet

5.Until we understand more we should use the high end of the scale of prediction


The U.S. and FERC with respect to LNG

-Reckless behavior-No public conscience-No vision-No planning -No responsibility -Unacceptable risk

The U.S. and FERC with respect to LNG

-Reckless behavior-No public conscience-No vision-No planning -No responsibility -Unacceptable risk

Tim Riley, California lawyer who opposes LNG says it very well:

A sound, safe energy policy requires solutionsthat make America stronger not weaker, make America more self sufficientnot more dependent, make America safer not more vulnerable,make America fossil free not more polluted.

Prepared by Joyce MorrellCampobello, Oct.2004

Public Safety Issues at the ProposedPleasant Point LNG Terminal

James A. Fay

77 Massachusetts Avenue, Rm. 3-258

Cambridge, MA 02139

August 5, 2004

1 Introduction

Quoddy Bay L.L.C.1 has proposed to construct and operate a liquefied natural gas (LNG) importterminal on the Sipayik tribal land at Pleasant Point, near Eastport, ME. To reach this terminal,ocean-going LNG tankers must move through Canadian waters between Campobello and Deer is-lands (Canada) as well as U.S. and Canadian waters between Eastport and Deer Island. A tankerspill at any location along this route would have serious consequences for persons and property onthe shore adjacent to the stricken vessel, whether that be on Campobello or Deer I. or Eastport andthe Sipayik Reservation.

Natural gas, a hydrocarbon fuel, is usually piped directly from a gas well to the end consumer,never being stored locally in large amounts. When cooled to liquid form, however, as much as50,000 tons can be stored in insulated tanks on land or aboard ship. In this form it is especiallyhazardous if it escapes by accident from its container, spilling onto ground or water and turningvery rapidly into gaseous form, whereupon it will mix with air and then burn if ignited. By its verynature, an LNG import terminal is a hazardous industrial facility which could experience accidentalfires that might harm surrounding populations and property.

To build and operate an LNG terminal at the Pleasant Point site, Quoddy Bay must obtain per-mission from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)2, an independent agency thatregulates interstate commerce in natural gas and electricity. Although primarily an economic regu-lator, FERC has asserted jurisdiction over the safety aspects of the LNG facilities it permits. FERCrequires facility owners to meet certain technical standards in site selection and equipment designand operation before it awards the right to import LNG and to connect the facility to an interstate nat-ural gas transmission line. FERC’s jurisdiction does not extend to safety aspects of marine tankers;they are regulated by the U.S. Coast Guard.3

FERC’s objective in safety regulation is to limit, but not necessarily prevent, harm to personsand property outside the confines of the terminal site, should there be an accidental release of LNGat the site. The principal harmful effects are two: vapor plumes or clouds that can be ignited outsidethe site boundaries and harmful thermal radiation from on-site fires that extends across the siteborders. But FERC’s safety rules do not consider all credible spills on the site or any from the LNGtankers while in transit to the terminal or being unloaded.

This report explains the safety requirements that will likely be applied by federal regulators tothe proposed LNG terminal in Pleasant Point. It delineates the geographic extent of harmful effectsthat could be expected from LNG spills at the site, including those that are excluded from FERCand U.S. Coast Guard safety regulations.

2 FERC site selection criteria

FERC rules4 require the LNG terminal owner to install extensive technological features that willlimit the harmful consequences of an accidental spill of LNG to within the property line enclosingthe terminal. The harmful effects are twofold: combustible mixtures of vapor and air, such as mightbe driven by the wind blowing over an evaporating pool of spilled LNG, and thermal radiation froma fire burning above a liquid spill on the site. The types of spills to be considered are also twofold: a

1Quoddy Bay L.L.C. is owned by Smith Cogeneration (www.smithcogeneration.com).2Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (www.ferc.gov).3The safety of the natural gas pipeline connecting the terminal to the interstate transmission line is regulated by the

Office of Pipeline Safety of the U.S. Department of Transportation, but the FERC permit for the LNG terminal conferson the terminal owner the right to seek seizure of private land to construct the connecting pipeline, if necessary.

4Code of Federal Regulations, 49 CFR 193.


Figure 1: The primary and secondary containment tanks for a ”full containment” storage tank of thetype to be used at the proposed Harpswell LNG terminal.

spill from transfer piping connecting the storage tanks and the regasification or unloading facilities,and the failure of the primary storage tank enclosure.

Limiting these effects at a terminal requires the construction of impounding areas surroundingpotential spill sources so as to collect the spilled liquid and slow its vaporization or burning rate. Ifthe spills are sufficiently small, harmful effects will not extend beyond the site line. For transfer linespills, the LNG is collected in a central impounding area. For storage tank spills, the inner storagecontainer is surrounded by a secondary containment tank of slightly larger size, as shown in Figure2, which can contain all the LNG that might spill from the inner primary container.

The potential for harmful effects to humans from a given spill decreases with distance from thespill site. The harmful effect of ignitable natural gas vapor is measured by the flammability distance,a distance down wind from the spill site at which the vapor has been so diluted by mixing with airthat it cannot be ignited. Any ignition at a closer distance can propagate a flame, but that flame willnot propagate beyond the flammability distance. If the latter distance lies within the site boundary,no flame can extend beyond that boundary.

Thermal radiation from on-site LNG fires fed by an evaporating pool of spilled LNG can causefirst, second or third degree burns to the skin of humans exposed to the radiation, depending upon theintensity of radiation. For a given fire, this intensity decreases with distance from the fire. The leastintense thermal radiation that FERC rules allow humans outside the site boundary to be exposedto is 5 kilowatts per square meter, an amount that produces second degree burns after only thirtyseconds exposure.5

The FERC requirements for the proposed Quoddy Bay terminal can be estimated from the Fi-nal Environmental Impact Statement for the Hackberry LNG project in Louisiana.6 This project,consisting of three storage tanks and two unloading piers, employs the technology likely to be usedat the Pleasant Point facility. Values from this report of the flammability and thermal radiation dis-

5More intense and thereby more damaging exposure is permitted depending upon land use characteristics at the siteboundary.

6Final Environmental Impact Statement, Hackberry LNG Project, Cameron LNG, LLC. FERC/EIS-0156. Office ofEnergy Projects, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20426. August 2003.


Table 1: Flammability and radiation distances for FERC-defined spills

Spill source Size (ton) Flammability (ft) 5 kW/m2 Radiation (ft)

Transfer piping 840 770 320

Storage tank (primary) 74,000 929

tances for a transfer line spill, and the thermal radiation distance for a primary containment spill, arelisted in Table 1, together with the amounts of the respective spill volumes. It would appear that forthese FERC-defined spills neither radiation nor flammability will exceed the FERC limits beyondthe site boundary.

3 Risks that FERC ignores

There are several important public safety risks that are not considered in the FERC regulationsdiscussed above.

1. First of all, FERC allows damaging thermal radiation beyond the site boundary as long as itslevel is below 5 kilowatts per square meter. However, it is not until the thermal radiation in-tensity falls below 1.6 kilowatts per square meter that there is no damage to exposed humans.A safe radiation distance for fires would be that for which the thermal radiation level doesnot exceed 1.6 kilowatts per square meter. Distances at which the radiation exceeds this valuewould lie within athermal radiation danger zone.

2. Secondly, FERC’s regulations ignore the greatest risks of all, that foreign or domestic terror-ists could destroy the storage tank primary and secondary containment systems, or the LNGtanker cargo hold, allowing LNG to spill unhindered onto ground or water, where it wouldmost likely burn. Because the lateral extent of such spills would be so much greater thanthose considered in the FERC regulations, it is to be expected that their harmful effects wouldexist very far beyond the site boundaries.

To show how public safety can be adversely affected by credible spills that have been overlookedby FERC, we have extended Table 1 to include the effects listed above.7 This expanded assessmentis listed in Table 2. Two additional spills are considered, those from the secondary storage tankcontainment system and a single hold of a marine tanker (last two rows of Table 2). For these andthe previous spills of Table 1, the safe radiation distance defining the outer boundary of the thermalradiation danger zone, mentioned in item 1 above, has been calculated for all spills (last columnof Table 2). Also, the flammability distance for the FERC primary containment failure accident isshown in the flammability column.

7The methods used for this assessment are identical to those contained in ”Consequence assessment methods forincidents involving releases from liquefied natural gas carriers”, Report 131-04 GEMS 1288209, ABS Consulting, Inc.,May 13, 2004, (available on FERC web site at www.ferc.gov/industries/gas/indus-act.asp) and its Attachment 1 of June29, 2004, as listed on the FERC site at http://ferris.ferc.gov/idmws/search/fercgensearch.asp under docket AD04-6.


Table 2: Flammability and radiation distances for all credible spills

Spill source Size (ton) Flammability (ft) 1.6 kW/m2 Radiation (ft)Danger zone Danger zone

Transfer piping 840 770 1,230

Storage tank (primary) 74,000 1,490

Storage tank (secondary) 74,000 19,685

Tanker hold 5,250 19,360 7,870

3.1 Thermal danger zones

The thermal radiation danger zones for the largest credible spills listed in Table 2 are shown inFigure 2. All of these extend beyond the site boundaries, especially so for the tanker and secondarytank spill with fire. But even the FERC spills with fire from transfer piping and primary containmentsend damaging radiation beyond the site boundaries. Altogether, about 20 square miles of U.S. shoreland in the Pleasant Point area and 3 square miles on Deer Island are at risk for damage to humansfrom on-site spills at the proposed LNG terminal.

3.2 Tanker danger zones

Spills from a fully loaded LNG tanker can occur not only at the unloading dock, as shown in Figure2, but also at any point along the ship channel while approaching the terminal. Figure 3 shows theproposed path to be followed by an LNG tanker heading for the terminal. Thermal radiation dangerzones for spills at four locations along the path are shown. At any location, about 2 square miles onthe U.S. shoreline and an equal amount on the Canada shoreline (Campobello and Deer Islands) liewithin the thermal danger zone.

3.3 Flammable vapor danger zones

The blue circle in Figure 2 depicts the flammability danger zone for a spill, without fire, from thetanker while located at the terminal pier. For any such spill, the flammable vapor plume or cloudwould extend from the tanker in the downwind direction, encompassing an area of about a squaremile. Winds from the northwest, and clockwise to the southeast, would send the vapor plume toU.S. land area from Eastport to the Passamaquoddy shoreline, while winds from the southwest, andclockwise to the northwest, would send the vapor over land areas of Deer Island.

The spills described in Tables 1 and 2 do not include spills without fire from the secondarycontainment of the land storage tank. Because such a spill would be more than ten times the tankerspill in volume, the corresponding flammability distance would be considerably greater than theblue circle shown in Figure 2.



Figure 2: The thermal radiation and flammable vapor danger zones for spills listed in Table 2. Redcircles are distances to radiation intensities of 1.6 kW/m2 for a spill with fire; larger for loss ofsecondary containment of land storage tank, smaller for spill from one hold of LNG tanker. Bluecircle is flammable vapor distance for a tanker spill.


Figure 3: The path of a tanker approaching the proposed LNG terminal (green dashed line) and theradiation danger zones for a spill at four locations along this path.


4 Conclusions

1. The federal safety requirements for the proposed Pleasant Point LNG terminal will notprevent harm to humans outside the site boundary for the spill scenarios that FERCconsiders.

2. For all credible spills, including terrorist attacks on the storage tank and LNG tanker,the danger zone for humans extends almost 4 miles from the terminal site, encompassing20 square miles of land in the Pleasant Point area.

3. For a tanker spill anywhere along the route leading to the LNG terminal, the thermalradiation danger zone for humans extends 1.5 miles from the tanker route, encompass-ing up to 4 square miles of land along U.S. and Canada shores in Eastport, CampobelloIsland and Deer Island, depending upon the spill location along the tanker track.




SAND2008-3153 Unlimited Release Printed May 2008

Breach and Safety Analysis of Spills Over Water from Large Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers

Anay Luketa, M. Michael Hightower, Steve Attaway

Prepared by Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550

Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

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Unlimited Release

Printed May 2008

Breach and Safety Analysis of Spills Over Water from Large Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers

Anay Luketa

Fire and Aerosol Sciences Department

Mike Hightower

Energy Systems Analysis Department

Steve Attaway

Mechanical Environments Department

Sandia National Laboratories

P.O. Box 5800

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185


In 2004, at the request of the Department of Energy, Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia)

prepared a report, “Guidance on the Risk and Safety Analysis of Large Liquefied Natural Gas

(LNG) Spills Over Water”. That report provided a framework for assessing hazards and

identifying approaches to minimize the consequences to people and property from an LNG spill

over water. The report also presented the general scale of possible hazards from a spill from

125,000 m3 to 150,000 m

3 class LNG carriers, at the time the most common LNG carrier


Because of the increasing size and capacity of many new LNG carriers, the Department of

Energy requested that Sandia assess the general scale of possible hazards for a breach and spill

from newer LNG carriers with capacities up to 265,000 m3. Building on the research and

analyses presented in the 2004 report, Sandia reassessed emerging accidental and intentional

threats and then conducted detailed breach analyses for the new large LNG carrier designs.

Based on the estimated breach sizes, breach locations, and LNG carrier configurations, we

estimated LNG spill rates and volumes and conducted thermal hazard and vapor dispersion

analyses. This report summarizes the different analyses conducted, the expected range of

potential hazards from a large LNG carrier spill over water, and risk management approaches to

minimize consequences to people and property from such a spill.



The authors received technical, programmatic, and editorial support on this project from a

number of individuals and organizations both inside and outside Sandia National Laboratories.

We would particularly like to express our thanks for their support and guidance in the technical

evaluations and development of this report. The authors would also like to thank Marcus

Epperson and Benjamin Taylor at Sandia for providing exceptional support in ensuring

successful computations on the Razor cluster.

The U.S. Department of Energy was instrumental in providing coordination, management, and

technical direction. Special thanks go to DOE personnel in the Office of Oil and Natural Gas,

Office of Fossil Energy, for their help in supporting the modeling, analysis, and technical


To support the technical analysis required for this project, the authors worked with many

organizations, including maritime agencies, LNG industry, and government agencies to collect

background information on ship and LNG cargo tank designs and accident and threat scenarios

needed to assess emerging large LNG carrier breach and spill safety hazard implications. The

following individuals were especially helpful in supporting our efforts by providing information

and data, coordinating industry and governmental agency interactions, and reviewing technical


Robert Corbin – Department of Energy

John Cushing – US Coast Guard

Ray Martin – US Coast Guard

Ken Smith – US Coast Guard

Pavagada Vasanth – US Coast Guard

Terry Turpin – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Chris Zerby – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

David Weimer – Det Norske Veritas

Patricia Outtrim – Cheniere LNG



LIST OF ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................................6

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................7

2. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................9

2.1 Overview of LNG Carriers ..............................................................................................10

2.2 Size and Capacity of Emerging LNG Carrier Designs ....................................................11

3. THREAT AND BREACH ANALYSES..................................................................................13

3.1 Analysis of Intentional Threat Scenarios for Large LNG Carriers..................................13

3.2 Analysis of Intentional Breaching of Large LNG Carriers..............................................13

4. LNG SPILL HAZARD EVALUATIONS AND RISK REDUCTION....................................16

4.1 Pool Fire Hazard Analyses...............................................................................................16

4.2 Vapor Dispersion Analyses..............................................................................................20

4.3 Hazard and Risk Reduction Considerations ....................................................................22

5. CONCLUSIONS.......................................................................................................................23


A1. Surface Emissive Power..........................................................................................................25

A2. Fuel Volatilization Rate ..........................................................................................................25

A3. Flame Height...........................................................................................................................27

A4. Flame Tilt and Drag ................................................................................................................29

A5. Atmospheric Attenuation ........................................................................................................29


Figure 1. Typical Containment Systems for LNG Carriers ..........................................................10

Figure 2. Example of a 205,000 m3 Membrane Regasification LNG Carrier ..............................12

Figure 3: Example of Large Capacity LNG Carrier Structural Model .........................................14


Table 1. Emerging LNG Carrier Size and Capacity .....................................................................11

Table 2. Thermal hazard distances from a pool fire for near-shore operations ............................19

Table 3. Thermal hazard distances from a pool fire for offshore operations................................20

Table 4. Distance to the LFL for vapor dispersion for near-shore operations..............................21

Table 5. Distance to the LFL for vapor dispersion for offshore operations .................................21



CFD Computational fluid dynamics

CTH Hydrodynamics Code 3-D

DOE Department of Energy

DWP Deep Water Ports

GAO Government Accountability Office

FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


kilowatts per square meter

km kilometer – 1000 meter

Knts Knots – 0.514 m/s

L/D Height to diameter ratio

LFL Lower flammability limit

LNG Liquefied natural gas

LNGC LNG Carrier

m meters


square meter (area)

m3 cubic meter (volume)

m/s meters per second

psi pounds per square inch

RLNGC Regasification LNG Carrier

SRV Storage and Regasification Vessel

USCG United States Coast Guard

°C degrees Celsius

°F degrees Fahrenheit

°K degrees Kelvin



The demand for natural gas in the U.S. could significantly increase the number and frequency of

marine liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports [EIA, 2003]. Because of the increased demand for

natural gas, many LNG import terminals around the world are being designed to handle and

operate with larger capacity LNG carriers. While studies have been conducted to assess the

consequences and risks of potential spills from the current size and capacity of LNG carriers, no

hazard studies have been conducted for the emerging larger capacity LNG carriers. Most current

LNG carriers transport 125,000 m3 - 145,000 m

3 of LNG in either four or five cargo tanks. Many

new LNG carriers are being designed to carry up to 265,000 m3

of LNG.

The increasing importance of LNG imports suggests that consistent methods and approaches be

used to identify the hazards and protect the public and property from a potential LNG spill. For

that reason, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Fossil Energy, requested that

Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) assess and quantify the potential hazards and

consequences of a large spill from these emerging larger capacity LNG carriers. The effort

undertaken for these larger LNG carriers was similar to that presented in the 2004 Sandia report

“Guidance on Risk and Safety Assessment of Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spills Over

Water” [Hightower, et.al., 2004]. For this new effort, DOE specifically requested that Sandia:

� Reassess current threat considerations and recommendations from intelligence agencies for

marine energy imports,

� Evaluate the potential breaching sizes and LNG spill rates and volumes for the larger

capacity LNG carriers for both near-shore and offshore operations, and

� Assess the range of potential hazards from a spill from these larger capacity LNG carriers,

and risk management considerations needed to improve public safety.

To support these efforts, Sandia worked with the U.S. DOE, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), LNG

industry representatives, and government intelligence agencies to collect background information

on ship and LNG cargo tank designs and the most recent credible breach scenarios. The

information gathered was used to conduct detailed three-dimensional, dynamic, structural

analyses of cargo tank breaching for various scenarios. These results were then used to calculate

possible spill rates and volumes, and to model the associated hazards and consequences of the

potential spills.

While a discussion of the specific threats and expected consequences is beyond the scope of this

report, we do discuss the range of breaches that were calculated for these events. A detailed

summary of the structural modeling conducted to calculate the potential breaches from various

intentional events is presented in an associated report [Luketa, et al., 2008].

The hazard results developed were based on a range of nominal, or most likely, spill conditions

and are not site-specific. Site-specific hazard distances will change depending upon the location

of the facility, number, size, and type of LNG carriers or regasification vessels used, as well as

environmental conditions. Therefore, the hazard results presented are intended to convey the

scale of possible hazard distances for a large spill over water from emerging large capacity LNG

carriers. While the major hazards expected from an LNG spill for the intentional events


considered are thermal hazards from a fire, vapor dispersion distances for potential spills were

also calculated. Dispersion is significantly influenced by environmental conditions and potential

ignition sources, and the information presented should again be used for identifying the scale of

hazards, not necessarily be used for defining hazard distances for a specific site.

As noted in the 2004 Sandia LNG report, scenarios could include breaching of more than one

LNG cargo tank during intentional events and was considered in these evaluations. Also,

cascading damage to an adjacent LNG cargo tank from initial damage to one LNG cargo tank

may be possible, based on current experimental data and modeling evaluations, and was

considered. As discussed in the 2004 Sandia LNG report, while not considered the most likely

LNG spill events, consideration of up to three tanks spilling at any one time is expected to

provide a conservative analysis of possible cascading damage concerns and associated hazards.

Near-shore Operations

Based on these detailed analyses for emerging LNG tanker designs up to 265,000 m3, the range

of breach sizes calculated for credible intentional scenarios appropriate for near-shore operations,

where there is waterway surveillance, monitoring and control, ranged between 2 – 12 m2. Our

analysis suggests that in these near-shore operations, the most likely or nominal intentional

events would result in an LNG cargo tank breach of approximately 5 m2. For this size breach in

the larger LNG carriers, the spill rates and spill volumes increase slightly and therefore the

thermal hazard distances are approximately 7–8% greater than the previous results presented in

the 2004 Sandia LNG study for similar event considerations. This is due to the greater amount of

LNG above the waterline, or hydrostatic head, and the larger LNG volumes per cargo tank for

the larger LNG carriers. Even with the increase in thermal hazard distances from pool fires for

the larger ships, the most significant impacts to public safety and property are still within

approximately 500 m of a spill, with lower public health and safety impacts at distances beyond

approximately 1600 m for near-shore operations.

Offshore Operations

For offshore operations, where there is less control and surveillance of ship operations, credible

intentional scenarios can be larger and the calculated breach sizes can range from 5 – 16 m2, with

the most likely or nominal intentional breaching scenario resulting in an LNG cargo tank breach

of approximately 12 m2. For offshore LNG facilities where consideration of a breach size of 12

m2 is appropriate, the most significant impacts to public safety and property are within

approximately 700 m of a spill, with lower public health and safety impacts at distances beyond

approximately 2000 m. Given the location of many proposed offshore facilities, these hazard

distances suggest the potential for minimal impact to public safety or property from even a large

spill from these larger capacity LNG carriers.



The increasing demand for natural gas in the U.S. could significantly increase the number and

frequency of marine LNG imports. Net imports of natural gas into the U.S. are expected to grow

from 0.5 trillion cubic feet in 2006 to 2.9 trillion cubic feet in 2030 [EIA, 2008]. Currently there

are five operational LNG marine terminals. Four to eight new LNG terminals are expected to be

constructed in the next four to five years and more than 40 new terminal sites are under

consideration and investigation. A factor in the siting of LNG receiving terminals is the

proximity to market. Therefore, terminals are being considered in areas with high natural gas

demands, which include locations on all three U.S. coasts. Most are being planned to handle one

to two LNG tanker shipments per week. A fleet of over 250 specially designed LNG ships is

currently being used to transport natural gas around the globe. Worldwide, there are over 20

LNG export (liquefaction) terminals and over 50 import (re-gasification) terminals. This

commercial network handles approximately 120 million tons of LNG every year. LNG carriers

often travel through areas of dense traffic. In 2000, for example, Tokyo Bay averaged one LNG

cargo every 20 hours and one cargo per week entered Boston harbor. Estimates are that world

wide LNG trade will increase 35% by 2020. The major areas for increased LNG imports are

Europe, North America, and Asia [EIA, 2008].

As LNG imports have increased in the U.S., safety and security concerns have been raised. In

response to these concerns, background information on LNG properties, siting processes, and

safety and security operations have been developed [FERC, 2004; DOE, 2005; USCG, 2005;

Parfomak, 2003 and 2007]. While many studies have been conducted to assess the consequences

and risks of potential LNG spills for the current class of LNG carrier, none has been conducted

for the newer and larger capacity LNG carriers. Many of the current LNG carriers are designed

to carry approximately 125,000 m3 - 145,000 m

3 of LNG in either four or five cargo tanks.

Because of the increased demand for LNG, many LNG import terminals around the world are

being designed to handle and operate with LNG carriers with capacities up to 265,000 m3.

The increasing importance of LNG imports suggests that consistent methods and approaches be

identified and implemented to help ensure protection of public safety and property from a

potential LNG spill. For that reason, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Fossil

Energy, requested that Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) assess and quantify the potential

hazards and consequences of a large spill from these larger LNG carrier designs. The effort was

similar to what was presented in the 2004 Sandia report “Guidance on Risk and Safety

Assessment of Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spills Over Water”, for the current class of

LNG carriers [Hightower et.al, 2004]. Specifically, DOE requested:

� An assessment of the current threat recommendations from intelligence agencies for marine

energy imports,

� An evaluation of the potential breaching sizes for controlling intentional events against

emerging large LNG carriers and potential spill rates and volumes, and

� An assessment of the potential range of hazards from an LNG spill over water from these

larger capacity LNG carrier designs and potential risk management needs and



To support this effort, Sandia worked with the U.S. DOE, the U.S. Coast Guard, LNG industry

groups, and government intelligence agencies to collect background information on ship and

LNG cargo tank designs and breach scenarios. The information gathered was used to model

potential breach sizes, associated spill rates and volumes, and the extent and severity of hazards

to the public and property.

2.1 Overview of LNG Carriers

Specially designed ships are used to transport LNG to U.S. import terminals. Some of the

special features of LNG ships include:

� Construction of specialized materials and equipped with systems designed to safely store

LNG at temperatures of -260°F (-162.2°C).

� Constructed with double hulls. This construction method not only increases the integrity

of the hull system but also provides additional protection for the cargo tanks in the event

of accidents.

� Coast Guard regulations and the "International Code for the Construction and Equipment

of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk" (International Gas Carrier Code) require that

LNG ships meet a Type IIG standard, which is an intermediate-level safety design

standard for hazardous cargoes that includes requirements on double-hull designs and

materials, subdivision, damage stability, and cargo tank location.

In general, LNG ships are classified according to the type of system that contains the LNG,

either a Moss system or a membrane/prismatic system shown in Figure 1.

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Typical Containment Systems for LNG Carriers

(a) Moss Spherical Design (b) Membrane/Prismatic Design

The difference between the two designs is that the Moss system use spheres built from aluminum

that contain the LNG and have a structural integrity independent of the ship. For the membrane

systems, the LNG is contained within thin, stainless steel membranes directly supported by the

hull structure.


2.2 Size and Capacity of Emerging LNG Carrier Designs

Many new LNG carriers are being designed to carry as much as 265,000 m3 of LNG. The new

215,000 m3 membrane carriers are often referred to as Q-flex designs, and the 265,000 m


membrane carriers are often referred to as Q-max designs. Table 1 provides an overview of the

general size and dimensions of current and emerging LNG carriers for both membrane and

Moss-type cargo tank configurations.

Table 1. Emerging LNG Carrier Size and Capacity

(Poten and Partners, 2006)


145,000 m3

155,000 m3

215,000 m3 265,000 m


Tanks 4 4 5 5

Length (m) 283 288 315 345

Width (m) 44 44 50 55

Draft (m) 11.4 11.5 12 12


138,000 m3 145,000 m

3 200,000 m

3 255,000 m


Tanks 5 4 5 5

Length (m) 287 290 315 345

Width (m) 46 49 50 55

Draft (m) 11 11.4 12 12.5

From the data presented in Table 1, a couple of key points should be noted. One is that the new

larger LNG carrier designs are becoming longer and wider, not necessarily deeper. Because of

channel depth limitations in many ports, the new ships are designed to have similar drafts as

current LNG carriers. The overall heights are slightly greater with the tank height above the

waterline about 20 m versus 15 m for current LNG carriers. Another point is that the volume of

LNG per cargo tank is increasing from nominally 30,000 – 40,000 m3

for the current fleet of

carriers to as much as 53,000 m3 for the larger LNG carriers. This means that spill rates and the

spill volumes from the new large capacity LNG carriers could be larger.

There are several variations of the new larger capacity LNG carriers being developed. For

example, several new LNG carriers are being designed to include regasification capabilities.

With the advent of flexible pipeline and unloading buoy systems, gasification of LNG on the

LNG carrier can now be conducted offshore and the natural gas pumped through a flexible riser

system down to a sea floor natural gas pipeline and then onto shore. This enables LNG

unloading to occur many miles offshore. In some cases this can provide alternatives to on-shore

import terminals, which are being considered by the U.S. Coast Guard in several LNG

DeepWater Port (DWP) applications.

The regasification configured carriers are commonly referred to as Regasification LNG Carriers

(RLNGCs). Figure 2 provides a drawing of a planned 205,000 m3 LNG regasification carrier.

The main difference between an RLNG carrier and an LNG carrier is that the front cargo storage

tanks are often reduced in size to accommodate regasification equipment in the bow, which

reduces overall LNG storage capacity. This change in the size of the forward cargo tank can be


seen in Figure 2. The regasification equipment and buoy docking system reduce the average

LNG cargo capacity by about 10,000 m 3 for both the 215,000 m

3 and the 265,000 m

3 membrane

carriers. While an RLNG carrier contains less LNG, the overall structural design, size, and

dimensions are very similar to the emerging large capacity LNG carrier designs, especially the

membrane carriers noted in Table 1. Therefore, the results presented in this report are applicable

to many of the large regasification LNG carriers being considered and proposed for use at many


Figure 2. Example of a 205,000 m3 Membrane Regasification LNG Carrier

A second variation of emerging, large-capacity LNG carriers are vessels commonly called

Storage and Regasification Vessels or SRV’s. These vessels often are designed to remain

offshore and act as a floating LNG terminal. They are connected through a buoy and riser

system, similar to the RLNGC system discussed above, to a sea floor natural gas pipeline that

goes onto shore. The SRV’s store LNG supplied and transferred from smaller LNG carriers,

regasify the LNG on-board, and then pump the natural gas through the buoy and flexible riser

system down to a sea floor natural gas pipeline. While many proposed SRV designs are similar

to the emerging large capacity LNG carrier designs that were evaluated, some SRV’s have

unique designs, configurations, and operational characteristics developed for specific sites and

needs. Therefore, while the results presented in this report may be applicable and representative

of some SRV designs and configurations, they may not be applicable to others and site-specific

assessments will be required to determine if the results presented in this report would be

applicable to a specific SRV.



The LNG shipping industry has an exemplary safety record, with only eight accidents over the

past 40 years. None of these accidents have led to a loss of life or a breach of the vessel’s cargo

containment system. Even with this excellent safety record, consideration should be given to

what might be a potential LNG cargo tank breach based on a possible accidental collision with

another ship, grounding, or ramming. Based on the previous work on breach sizes for accidental

events in the 2004 Sandia LNG study, it is clear that accidental events in near-shore LNG

operations are smaller and much easier to mitigate through operational safety improvements than

spills caused by intentional events. Therefore, for this report, DOE requested that Sandia focus

on assessing the potential breach sizes, spills, and associated hazard distances for credible

intentional events against emerging larger capacity LNG carriers carrying up to 265,000 m

3 of


3.1 Analysis of Intentional Threat Scenarios for Large LNG Carriers

For the 2004 Sandia LNG report, Sandia worked with intelligence groups and agencies and used

historical data to establish a range of potential intentional LNG cargo tank breaches that could be

considered credible and possible. This included evaluating information on insider and hijacking

attacks on ships, as well as information on external attacks on ships. The level of knowledge,

materials, and planning needed to create these types of intentional breaching events was also


For this report, Sandia again contacted intelligence agencies and reviewed recent threat

information in order to identify the most current estimate by the intelligence agencies of the

credible intentional threats to consider in modeling breaching events against the larger capacity

LNG carriers. The threats identified and considered included attacks with hand held munitions,

attacks with explosives by a team of hijackers or attackers, attacks by boats and airplanes with

and without explosives, underwater mines and explosives, as well as consideration of more

sophisticated techniques. Additionally, with the development of LNG deepwater ports, threats

against both near-shore and offshore operations and facilities were considered.

3.2 Analysis of Intentional Breaching of Large LNG Carriers

Based on the credible intentional threats identified, a series of scoping evaluations were

conducted to identify the controlling threat scenarios that provide the highest spill rates and

largest spill volumes and therefore create the largest hazard zones. For those scenarios and

events identified, a series of very detailed, three-dimensional, shock physics-based analyses were

conducted. Structural drawings of the large capacity LNG carriers obtained through LNG

industry contacts were used to develop detailed three-dimensional models of the LNG carriers.

The structural models included all major vessel structural elements including the inner and outer

hull thicknesses and materials, all stiffeners and their dimensions and materials, and the frame

and web dimensions, spacing, and materials. Figure 3 shows the type of structural elements

included in the breach analyses.


Figure 3. Example of Large Capacity LNG Carrier Structural Elements Modeled

Also included in the analytical model along with the inner and outer hull structural elements

were the LNG cargo tanks, insulation, the LNG, and the sea water next to the outer hull. The

breach analyses were conducted using a three-dimension shock physics code developed at Sandia

called CTH. This computer code is capable of modeling multi-dimensional, multi-material,

strong shock-wave controlled physics problems. This type of analysis approach is necessary to

accurately model large-scale structural deformations and material responses under the very high

strain rates that occur during many intentional threats such as high velocity penetration or

explosion scenarios. The detailed three-dimensional breach analyses conducted required a

massively parallel computing platform using 920 processors. Each analysis required

approximately 2 to 3 weeks of computational time.

A number of different threats and threat locations were analyzed based on the controlling threat

scenarios identified from the scoping studies. A summary of the detailed structural models and

specific analysis results for each of the threat scenarios evaluated is presented in an associated

report [Luketa et al, 2008].

Near-shore Operations Breaching Analysis Summary

Based on these detailed analyses for the emerging large capacity LNG tanker designs, the range

of hole sizes calculated for credible intentional threats appropriate for near-shore operations,

where there is waterway surveillance and control, ranged from 2 – 12 m2. Our analysis suggests

that in these near-shore operations, the most likely or nominal intentional breaching scenarios

would result in an LNG cargo tank breach of approximately 5 m2. The overall results obtained

were not significantly different from the breach results identified in the 2004 Sandia LNG report.

This is for two reasons. First, the controlling intentional threats since 2004 have not increased

significantly, and the general design of the larger LNG carriers are similar to current LNG carrier

designs. While there are differences in the general size, dimensions, and thicknesses of many of

the structural elements in the larger capacity LNG carriers, these structural differences only have


a minor impact on the breach size of the inner hull, which controls the rate of the LNG spilling

onto the water.

Offshore Operations Breaching Analysis Summary

For offshore operations, where there is less waterway control and surveillance of ship operations,

credible intentional threats can be larger and the calculated breach sizes can range from 5 – 16

m2, with a most likely or nominal intentional breaching scenario resulting in an LNG cargo tank

breach of approximately 12 m2. This range of breach sizes should be considered for facilities or

operations about 5 or more miles offshore, where surveillance, control, and risk management of

both intentional and accidental events can be much more difficult.

Cascading Damage Spill Considerations

As noted in the 2004 Sandia LNG report, threats could include breaching of more than one LNG

cargo tank during intentional events, and these types of multiple events were considered and the

impact of the hazard results discussed in the following chapter. Damage to an adjacent LNG

cargo tank from the initial damage to one LNG cargo tank could be possible, based on current

experimental data and modeling evaluations, and was considered in our analyses. As discussed

in the 2004 Sandia LNG report, multiple tank spills are not considered the most likely or nominal

LNG spill event, but should be a consideration in developing risk management and mitigation

approaches to LNG spills and associated hazards. Consideration of up to three tanks spilling at

any one time is expected to provide a conservative analysis of possible multi-tank damage

concerns and associated hazards.



The intent of the fire and dispersion analyses is to provide an understanding of the general scale

of possible public safety hazards from larger capacity LNG carrier spills. It should be

understood that this is not a site-specific analysis which takes into account environmental and

surrounding conditions for a particular site. Thus, the results presented are not to be used

prescriptively, that is, applied generally to any given site. For a given facility, an analysis which

incorporates the particular environmental and facility conditions for that site should be

performed as recommended in the 2004 Sandia report. The following discussions provide a

general description of the models and assumptions used for the fire and dispersion hazard

calculations presented in this report. A more detailed description of the models and approaches

can be found in the 2004 Sandia LNG report.

Note that the experimental data for several parameters used in these analyses vary considerably.

Due to the complexity of the physics involved and the lack of experimental data for an LNG spill

and subsequent fire or dispersion event for the large spills expected, a parametric analysis of the

sensitivity of different values over the range of applicable experimental data was considered.

The various factors that contribute to the variation in LNG hazard analyses has been previously

discussed [Hightower, et al., 2004, Luketa, 2006]. As additional experimental data is obtained,

the conservatism in the approach used in this report could be reduced. The parametric approach

and associated analyses though are useful in providing the scale and range of possible public

safety hazards from spills from larger capacity LNG carriers. The analysis results presented can

be used by government officials to identify the scale of potential hazards for LNG marine import


4.1 Pool Fire Hazard Analyses

As discussed in the 2004 Sandia LNG report, a pool fire is the most likely outcome from the

breach of an LNG tanker due to the high probability of immediate ignition of the LNG during the

event. The extent of thermal damage to populations and structures from the radiated heat from a

pool fire is a function of the total amount of energy received, which depends not only on the

magnitude of the heat flux, but also on the area and the orientation of the receiving object

relative to the fire, exposure duration, and material properties of the object. Thus, an assessment

of the thermal hazards from a pool fire requires evaluating heat flux levels in terms of energy per

unit time per unit area (or power per unit area) as a function of distance away from the fire and

the fire’s duration and the exposed surface area of a receiving object and its properties. The

consideration of these quantities will allow for assessment of the total energy received and hence

the extent of thermal damage.

For this analysis a solid flame model was used to predict thermal hazard distances at levels that

would severely impact populations. A solid flame model represents the surface of the flame with

a simple, usually cylindrical geometry. The thermal radiation is uniformly emitted from this

surface and the average radiant surface emissive power is based upon empirical correlations with

pool diameter. The geometric view factor is modeled, which is the fraction of radiant energy that

is received by an object’s field of view. The attenuation of the thermal radiation by water vapor

and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is included in the analysis.


The disadvantage of solid flame models is their inability to model more complex flame shapes

such as those arising from irregular shaped pools or object interaction with the flame. Therefore,

solid flame models are most appropriately used for sites where pool formation is not restricted,

such as in wide or open waterways, harbors, bays, or open water. For sites where there are

nearby shorelines or structures that can alter the nature of the pool spread and fire, such as

modifying pool geometry or through fire interaction with structures, these models have

diminished capability to predict hazards.

In contrast to an open waterway, the numerous structures comprising an urban environment can

affect the distribution of thermal energy or radiated to people and structures. In some cases

increased shielding can occur, thereby reducing the thermal energy received, or ‘hot spots’ from

recirculation zones or reflecting surfaces can occur, thereby increasing the amount of thermal

energy received. Additionally, the presence of obstacles can affect overall thermal hazards by

providing additional fuel for latent fire propagation. For those cases where solid flame models

are not appropriate for use, many computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based codes have the

ability to model irregular pool geometries as well as fire and smoke propagation. However, to be

used accurately, a CFD model should be validated for use in the specific application proposed.

It should also be noted that thermal damage is only one aspect of assessing the hazards arising

from a LNG pool fire, especially in an urban environment. Smoke propagation can become a

visibility hazard or a hazard when drafted in through ventilation systems of buildings. Human

behavior during fire evacuations can influence the number of casualties/injuries and hence risks

to the public since large populations and complicated pathways for exit can restrict effective

evacuation efforts. All these factors are considerations in understanding the overall risks from an

LNG pool fire in an urban environment, and therefore risk analysis and risk management should

be coordinated with local public safety and emergency response organizations to reduce overall

risks to the public and property for specific sites.

To determine the size of a pool fire, the amount of LNG draining over time from a breached

tank, as well as the spreading of LNG on water must be calculated. The spilling and spreading of

LNG onto water can be classified as a multi-phase, multi-component problem. In the event of a

breach not only will there be LNG flowing out, but there can also be water entering the tank, the

degree to which will depend upon the breach size and location. It is expected that any water

entering the tank would be turned to ice and in the process would cause the LNG to vaporize.

The amount of LNG spilled between the hulls will depend upon the breach size and location, as

well as the framing design. The ability of the tank to maintain atmospheric pressure above the

height of the LNG is also a consideration. Below we summarize our approach for analyzing

each of these different elements of a spill and an associated sensitivity analysis to identify the

scale and range of the potential hazards.

Most simplified models for the draining of LNG from a tank apply the Bernoulli’s equation

which neglects the effect of viscosity. Bernoulli’s equation is a good approximation for large

ratios of tank cross sectional to orifice areas (~100 or greater) since viscous effects will be

negligible. There are free surface CFD-based codes that can model, using simplifying

assumptions, the spilling and spreading of LNG onto water. However the Bernoulli’s equation

which was used for this analysis can provide a reasonable approximation for the rate of LNG


flowing out of a tank that is in accord with the intent of providing the general scale of the range

of hazards from these events.

Once spilled onto the water, the shape and size of a spreading LNG pool can be affected by

several factors: wind, waves, currents, confinement, composition, rapid phase transitions, and

object interaction. Despite these complexities, in order to obtain an estimate of pool size, a

steady mass balance can be utilized in which the mass flux of LNG flowing into the pool is

balanced by the mass flux being evaporated. The results presented in this analysis used such an

approximation. The pool will grow and then eventually shrink and break up after reaching a

maximum diameter. The results presented pertain to the maximum pool diameter during

spreading assuming an average flow rate from the tank.

It should be noted that the hydrostatic head and cargo tank volumes differ between the current

and emerging larger LNG carriers. While the nominal LNG level in the cargo tanks extends

approximately 15 m above the waterline for current LNG carriers, the LNG level for the larger

LNG carriers is approximately 20 m above the waterline. Spill volumes for the larger LNG

carriers are about 41,000 m3. These result in slightly higher spill rates and larger spill volumes,

which result in estimated pool diameters and associated hazards for the larger LNG carriers that

are slightly larger than for the current class of LNG carriers.

As was done in the 2004 Sandia LNG report, nominal fire modeling parameters along with

variations around the nominal case were used to calculate the thermal hazards. The justification

for the range of values used can be found in the Appendix. Due to the non-site specific nature of

the analysis, the affect of wind tilting the flame was not included. It should be noted that a minor

modification to the calculation procedure from the 2004 Sandia LNG report has been made by

way of incorporating an average among several flame height correlations instead of using a

single flame height correlation. This approach was used because of the lack of large-scale data to

identify the best correlation and results in about a 2% decrease in the average thermal hazard

distance relative to past analyses. The flame height correlations considered and the approach is

presented in the Appendix.

Tables 2 and 3 provide the results for thermal hazards from a pool fire for near-shore breach

events and for offshore breach events respectively. The analyses present hazard distances for

heat flux levels of 37.5 kW/m2 and 5 kW/m

2. The 37.5 kW/m

2 value is a level at which process

equipment is damaged after 10 minutes of exposure, and is currently considered to represent the

extent of hazards to structures and equipment. The 5 kW/m2 value is a level at which second-

degree burns occur on bare skin after 30 seconds of exposure, and is currently considered to

represent the extent of hazards to people in an open area.

The time and length scales for cascading cryogenic or thermal damage to additional LNG cargo

tanks is unknown at this time because rapid multi-tank failures involve very complex physical

process that will be an area of ongoing research for some time to come. In order to address the

potential for cascading damage and possible hazard distances, an analysis of the breach and spill

from three LNG cargo tanks at one time was conducted. Each tank breach assumes a similar

hole-size with simple orifice flow. The assumption is that all tanks could possibly fail, which

would affect the fire duration, but in the short timescales that it takes to reach a maximum fire


size from a large spill, only three tanks were considered to be contributing to the maximum size

of the pool fire.

Near-shore Operations Pool Fire Hazard Analysis Results

For near-shore operations, the intentional breach cases considered for the emerging larger

capacity LNG carriers are presented in Table 2. The average thermal hazard distance for the

nominal or most likely breach size of 5 m2 for a 41,000 m

3 spill is about 450 m for the 37.5

kW/m2 level and 1400 m for the 5 kW/m

2 level. For comparison, the nominal hazard distance

results presented in the 2004 Sandia LNG report for the smaller size LNG carriers for similar

breach sizes at the 5 kW/m2 level was about 1300 m. Thus, the increase in hydrostatic head and

tank volumes for the larger capacity LNG carriers results in an approximately 7 – 8 % increase in

the thermal hazard distances, and increased fire durations.

The results though indicate that the thermal hazard distances for the 37.5 kW/m2 and 5 kW/m


heat flux levels for the larger LNG ships for near-shore locations are still expected to be within

the 500 m and 1600 m hazard zones suggested in the 2004 Sandia LNG report. In Tables 2 and

3, “τ” is the atmospheric transmissivity, which is discussed in the Appendix.

Table 2. Thermal hazard distances from a pool fire for near-shore operations








2) τ




37.5 kW/m



5 kW/m




2 3 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 225 57 282 881

5 3 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 615 23 774 2197

5* 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 355 23 446 1344

5 1 0.3 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 251 46 315 975

5 1 0.6 2 x 10-4 220 0.8 435 23 547 1487

5 1 0.6 8 x 10-4 220 0.8 217 23 273 1042

5 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.5 355 23 305 1050

5 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 175 0.8 355 23 373 1188

5 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 350 0.8 355 23 617 1683

12 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 550 10 692 1981

*nominal case

Offshore Operations Pool Fire Hazard Analysis Results

For offshore operations, generally 5 of more miles offshore, intentional threats can be larger and

as noted in Section 3 result in a larger nominal or most likely breach size of 12 m2. The hazard

distance results calculated for a 41,000 m3 spill and a range of possible breach sizes for offshore

operations for the larger LNG carriers are shown in Table 3. The results suggest that for

offshore operations and associated breach events, the thermal hazard distance at the 37.5 kW/m2

and 5 kW/m2 heat flux levels are approximately 700 m and 2000 m, respectively.


Table 3. Thermal hazard distances from a pool fire for offshore operations








2) τ




37.5 kW/m



5 kW/m




5 3 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 615 23 774 2196

12 3 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 953 9.6 1090 3168

12* 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 550 9.6 692 1980

12 1 0.3 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 389 19 466 1429

12 1 0.6 2 x 10-4 220 0.8 674 9.6 786 2335

12 1 0.6 8 x 10-4 220 0.8 337 9.6 407 1261

12 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.5 550 9.6 462 1539

12 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 175 0.8 550 9.6 553 1738

12 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 350 0.8 550 9.6 864 2452

16 1 0.6 3 x 10-4 220 0.8 635 7.2 741 2202

*nominal case

4.2 Vapor Dispersion Analyses

For the controlling intentional breach events identified in this study, which cause the biggest

breaches and largest spills, there is a high expectation that the events will provide secondary

ignition sources that will provide ignition of any spilled LNG. Additionally, if a dispersion event

does occur, the vapor cloud could ignite from ignition sources on the ship itself. Thus, the

probability of a natural gas cloud fully extending, especially in a near-shore populated area

where many ignition sources exist, and then igniting is very low. The cloud will most likely

ignite when it comes in contact with the first available ignition source.

Since the possibility of a dispersion event though cannot be ruled out, dispersion calculations

were performed to determine the distance to the lower flammability limit (LFL) for a vapor

cloud from an un-ignited LNG spill from these emerging larger capacity LNG carriers. The LFL

for natural gas can change slightly depending on the experimental conditions and measurement

techniques used. For this analysis it is defined as a 5% concentration of methane in air by

volume for ambient conditions [Liao, et al, 2005]. These calculations were performed using

Vulcan [Nicolette, 1996, Holen, et al, 1990], a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based code.

It should also be realized that the hazard zone area is elongated in the downwind direction from

the spill point, rather than spread over a uniform circle, for a dispersion event. Therefore,

dispersion distances and associated hazards are significantly influenced by site-specific

environmental and operational conditions. For the analyses and information presented in this

report, nominal environmental and atmospheric conditions were assumed. Therefore, the

information presented should be used to identify the scale of possible dispersion hazards from a

potential spill from the larger capacity LNG carriers, not necessarily for defining hazard

distances for a specific site. For a site where dispersion issues may be a concern, a site-specific

dispersion calculation should be conducted using wind, topography, and environmental

conditions for that location to assess potential impacts on public safety and property. Guidance


on performing vapor dispersion calculations using CFD codes have been discussed by Luketa, et

al., 2007.

Near-shore Operations Vapor Dispersion Analysis Results

The information presented is based on calculations performed for stable atmospheric conditions

with a wind speed of 2.33 m/s for the near-shore intentional events that nominally cause a 5 m2

breach of 1 tank spilling 41,000 m3 of LNG, or approximately 70% of its contents. Dispersion

analyses are more appropriate for the nominal single tank spill events. Multiple tank spills and

large vapor dispersions are more unlikely due to the multiple ignition sources available for these

events and the fact that cascading multiple tank spill scenarios are often from fire damage, such

that an ignition source for most cascading spill scenarios is present. For the given spill volume

and head, an LNG pool will be created that lasts for about 1380 seconds. The vapor generation

and vapor flow conditions from the LNG pool were calculated using a liquid density of 450

kg/m3 and a vapor density of 1.74 kg/m

3. Two values for evaporative mass flux were evaluated

that span the range of experimental values reported in the literature, which vary by an order of

magnitude. Table 4 indicates that the distance to the LFL ranges from 2800 to 3300 m with an

average of 3050 m.

Table 4. Distance to the LFL for vapor dispersion for near-shore operations

*Assumes no Ignition source along path

Offshore Operations Vapor Dispersion Analysis Results

The information presented is based on calculations performed for stable atmospheric conditions

with a wind speed of 2.33 m/s for the offshore intentional threat scenarios that nominally cause a

12 m2 breach of 1 tank spilling 41,000 m

3 of LNG. Again, dispersion analyses are more

appropriate to consider for the nominal single tank events. The larger spill rate will create a

larger LNG pool but will last for only about 576 seconds. Again, the vapor generation and flow

conditions from the LNG pool were based on a liquid density of 450 kg/m3 and a vapor density

of 1.74 kg/m3, and two values of evaporative mass flux were used that span the range of

experimental values noted above. Table 5 indicates that the distance to the LFL ranges from

4000 to 5200 m with an average of 4600 m. As noted, this distance will change depending upon

the offshore facility design, operations, environmental conditions, and the number of ships that

might be involved in an event. The analyses presented should be used as a guide on the scale of

potential hazards, but site-specific analyses may have to be considered for many offshore

operations because of the variability in operational scenarios.

Table 5. Distance to the LFL for vapor dispersion for offshore operations

*Assumes no Ignition source along path








290 5 1 4.5 x 10-4


917 5 1 4.5 x 10-5









450 12 1 4.5 x 10-4


1420 12 1 4.5 x 10-5



4.3 Hazard and Risk Reduction Considerations

Risk prevention and mitigation techniques can be important tools in reducing both the potential

for a spill and the hazards from a spill, especially in zones where the potential impact on public

safety and property can be high. However, what might be applicable for cost-effective risk

reduction in one location might not be appropriate at another. Therefore, coordination of risk

prevention and management approaches with local and regional emergency response and public

safety officials is important in providing a comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective approach

to protecting public safety and property at a specific site.

Near-shore Operations

The analyses presented suggest that for near-shore operations, a nominal intentional event would

result in an LNG cargo tank breach of approximately 5 m2. For this size breach in the larger

capacity LNG carriers, the spill rates and spill volumes increase slightly and therefore the

thermal hazard distances are approximately 7–8% greater than the results presented in the 2004

Sandia LNG study for current LNG carrier designs. With this modest increase in thermal hazard

distances, the most significant impacts to public safety and property for near-shore operations are

still approximately 500 m of a spill, with lower public health and safety impacts at distances

beyond approximately 1600 m. Also, potential vapor dispersion distances for near-shore

operations are similar to those suggested in the 2004 Sandia report.

As such, the risk mitigation and risk management approaches suggested in the 2004 report are

still appropriate for use with the larger capacity ships. Proactive risk management approaches

can reduce both the potential and the hazards of such events. The approaches could include:

� Improvements in ship and terminal safety/security systems,

� Modifications to improve effectiveness of LNG tanker escorts, vessel movement control

zones, and safety operations near ports and terminals,

� Improved surveillance and searches, and

� Improved emergency response coordination and communications with first responders and

public safety officials.

Offshore Operations

For offshore operations, where there might be less surveillance or control, credible intentional

threats could be larger, with a nominal breach size of about 12 m2. From the analyses presented,

the most significant impacts to public safety and property from an LNG spill and fire are within

approximately 700 m of a spill, with lower public health and safety impacts at distances beyond

approximately 2000 m. Vapor dispersion distances for a spill for these offshore operations for

the larger capacity LNG carriers or regasification carriers could extend up to nominally 5000 m.

Given the location of many of these proposed offshore facilities, the hazard distances suggest

that there might be minimal impact to public safety or property from even a large spill. As such,

risk management might best be directed at providing approaches, measures, or systems to ensure

that the offshore facilities and operations are maintained sufficiently offshore such that they do

not inadvertently or inappropriately impact near-shore public safety and property.



Because of the increasing size and capacity of many new LNG carriers, the Department of

Energy requested that Sandia assess the general scale of possible hazards for a breach and spill

from newer LNG carriers with capacities ranging up to 265,000 m3. Building on the research

and analyses presented in Sandia’s 2004 LNG report, we reassessed emerging accidental and

intentional threats and then conducted detailed three-dimensional breach analyses for several

new large capacity (up to 265,000 m3) LNG carrier designs. Based on the estimated breach

sizes, breach locations, and LNG carrier configurations, we estimated LNG spill rates and

volumes and conducted thermal hazard and vapor dispersion analyses.

The results include analysis of the hazards of potential LNG spills at both near-shore and

offshore facilities and operations, which should help improve the understanding of the range of

hazards for different marine LNG import options. The results can be summarized as follows:

Near-shore Operations • For the identified breach scenarios for near-shore LNG marine import operations, the

calculated breach sizes to the inner hull range between 2 – 12 m2. Our analysis suggests

that intentional breaching scenarios would result in a nominal tank breach of 5 m2.

• The estimated thermal hazard distances from a pool fire for the larger capacity LNG

carriers are approximately 7–8% greater than the distances presented in the 2004 Sandia

LNG study for near-shore operations. This is due to the greater amount of LNG above the

waterline, or hydrostatic head, for the larger capacity LNG carriers versus current LNG

carrier designs.

• Even with the increase in thermal hazard distances from pool fires for the larger ships, the

most significant impacts to public safety and property are still within approximately 500 m

of a spill, with lower public health and safety impacts at distances beyond approximately

1600 m.

• Based on current threats, it is possible that more than one LNG cargo tank could be

breached. This includes cascading failure to adjacent cargo tanks from the initial damage.

This type of damage is possible and should be considered as a variation of the nominal case

in site-specific evaluations.

• While the most likely outcome of a large spill from an intentional event is expected to be a

pool fire, a vapor dispersion analysis was conducted. The average distance to the vapor

dispersion LFL from an LNG spill over water for a nominal 5 m2 breach would be about

3,050 m. This result was obtained from the range of 2800 m - 3300 m obtained when

considering a range of mass flux values.

• The likelihood of a natural gas cloud fully extending, especially in a near-shore urban area,

and then igniting is very low. The cloud will most likely ignite from the first available

ignition source and progress to a pool fire. For a dispersion event, the hazard zone area is

elongated in the downwind direction from the spill point, rather than spread over a uniform


• Pool fire and vapor dispersion hazard distances are significantly influenced by site-specific

environmental, topographical, and operational conditions. The results presented use

nominal environmental and operational conditions and can be used to identify the general


scale of possible hazards from a potential spill, but should not be used to define hazard

distances for a specific site.

• For near-shore operations, risk prevention and risk management should be considered as

ways to reduce the hazards to public safety and property, especially for near-shore


Offshore Operations

• For the identified breach scenarios for offshore LNG marine import operations, the

calculated breach sizes to the inner hull range between 5-16 m2. Our analysis suggests that

intentional breaching scenarios would results in a nominal tank breach of 12 m2.

• The most significant impacts to public safety and property from pool fires are within

approximately 700 m of a spill, with lower public health and safety impacts at distances

beyond approximately 2000 m. The 2004 Sandia LNG study did not conduct threat,

breach, and hazard analyses for offshore facilities, such as LNG deepwater ports or other

offshore facilities, since these facilities were not in operation at that time.

• Based on current threats, it is possible that more than one LNG cargo tank could be

breached. This includes cascading failure to adjacent cargo tanks from the initial damage.

This type of damage is possible and should be considered as a variation of the nominal case

in site-specific evaluations.

• While the most likely outcome of a potential LNG spill would be a pool fire, a vapor

dispersion analysis was conducted. The average distance to vapor dispersion LFL from an

LNG spill over water for a nominal 12 m2 breach would be about 4,600 m. This result was

obtained from the range of 4000 m - 5200 m obtained when considering a range of mass

flux values.

• As noted above, the hazard zone area for a vapor dispersion event is elongated in the

downwind direction from the spill point, rather than spread over a uniform circle and will

likely ignite when it encounters the first ignition source. For offshore operations, there

may be fewer ignition sources relative to near-shore operations.

• Pool fire and vapor dispersion hazard distances are significantly influenced by site-specific

environmental and operational conditions. The results presented use nominal

environmental and operational conditions and can be used to identify the general scale of

possible hazards from a potential spill, but the wide variety of offshore facility designs,

operations, and number of LNG ships and designs being considered suggest that the results

presented should not be used to define hazard distances for a specific offshore facility.

• For offshore operations, risk prevention and risk management may have a different focus

than near-shore operations, since many spills and associated hazards might not impact the

on-shore public and property.

Overall, the results obtained from the more detailed analyses conducted and presented in this

report for the emerging larger capacity LNG carriers are similar to the previous conclusions,

recommendations, and guidance presented in the 2004 Sandia LNG report concerning the

general scale of hazards to the public and property from a large LNG spill over water and

approaches to reduce those risks and consequences.



The following provides a discussion of the parameter values used to predict the thermal hazard

distances from a large-scale LNG pool fire on water. It is recommended that the range of

parameter values provided be incorporated into site specific analyses that use a solid flame


A1. Surface Emissive Power

The surface emissive power has been shown to initially increase with increasing pool diameter as

indicated by the Montoir experiments on land for pool fires up to 35 m [Nedelka,1989; British

Gas, 1988; Tucker, 1988]. There is indication that the surface emissive power asymptotes to a

maximum value somewhere between 257 – 273 kW/m2 when plotted as a function of pool

diameter. The limit appeared to be reached near a pool diameter of 35 m, and thus the surface

emissive power would not be expected to significantly increase for larger diameters. Beyond this

maximum value, the surface emissive power would expect to decrease with increasing diameter

due to greater smoke production. Smoke is made up of a mixture of gases, vapors, and

particulate matter from a fire. Carbon particulates, or soot, is included as a particulate matter of

smoke and is responsible for the luminosity of the fire. Smoke will absorb a significant portion

of the radiation to result in much lower emission to the surroundings. Soot and smoke is a result

of incomplete combustion which is affected by radiative losses and limited oxygen supply.

In the Montoir experiments, smoke shielding was observed in the upper half of the 35 m

diameter LNG fires, while the lower half was highly emissive and essentially smoke free. This

behavior is observed with heavier hydrocarbon fuels, but with smoke shielding occurring much

closer to the fuel surface in an equivalent sized fire. The emissive power of black smoke is

approximately 20 kW/m2. Periodically the flame will break through the smoke, revealing areas

of higher surface emissive power around 120 kW/m2. Thus, for heavier hydrocarbons the time-

averaged, area-weighted surface emissive power asymptotes to a value of about 40 kW/m2. Thus,

it would be expected that LNG, at some pool diameter, would display similar behavior, but the

diameter at which this occurs is unknown due to lack of data at very large scales and cannot be

predicted analytically based upon existing data sets.

Although it’s expected that the average surface emissive power will drop below 200 kW/m2 for

pool diameters 100 m and greater, it is unknown by how much it will decrease. It is

recommended that until additional data is obtained, due to safety considerations, a conservative

value for surface emissive power should be used when applying a solid flame model by the range

of values of ±50 kW/m2

around 220 kW/m2 based on existing data for LNG pool fires on water

[Raj, 1979]. The maximum value of 350 kW/m2 obtained from narrow-angle radiometer

measurements from the Montoir tests could also be included as a data point for uncertainty


A2. Fuel Volatilization Rate

The fuel volatilization rate, herein called the burn rate, will affect the size of pool, with higher

burn rates resulting in smaller pools. Higher burn rates also increase flame height, hence there is


a trade-off in the effect that burn rate has on thermal hazard distances. While a decrease in pool

area will tend to reduce hazard distances, the increase in flame height will tend to increase

hazard distances. However, the overall affect will be to decrease thermal hazard distances for

increasing burn rates.

The only experiment able to obtain burn rate data for LNG pool fires on water are the tests

funded by the USCG which reported calculated burn rates ranging from 4x10-4

to 11x10-4


[Raj, 1979]. The calculations use the total quantity spilled divided by the approximate pool area

and time of ‘intense’ burning to derive the burn rate. The volume spilled during steady state

burning was less than the total volume of LNG spilled. By using the total volume of LNG spilled

rather than the volume spilled during steady burning, higher burn rates are calculated. If burn

rates are calculated based upon dividing the reported values for spill rate by the pool area, then

burn rates vary from 2.6 x10-4

to 9x10-4


Since the burn rate is a function of the heat transfer from the flame and from the water, the range

of burn rates for LNG pool fires on water can be estimated by combining data from pool fire

experiments on land and un-ignited spill tests on water. The Montoir tests report an average mass

burn rate of 0.14 kg/m2s performed in wind speeds that ranged from about 3 – 10 m/s. The mass

burn rate was calculated from dip tube measurements assuming a liquid density of 500 kg/m3.

This indicates a burn rate of 2.8 x 10-4

m/s for an LNG pool fire on land. It should be noted that

uncertainties in the burn rate measurements were not provided. The range of values for mass flux

derived from un-ignited LNG pools on water range from 0.64 x 10-4

to 4.3 x 10-4

m/s with no

uncertainty values reported [Boyle, 1973; Burgess, 1970; Feldbaur, 1972; Koopman, 1978]. If

these values are added to the Montoir data, the range of burn rate values for pool fires on water

would be 3.4 x 10-4

to 7.1 x 10-4

m/s. The higher values in this range, above what was calculated

from the LNG pool fire tests on water, could be due to inadequate measurements, differences in

LNG composition, and different wind conditions. Pool fire tests conducted at China Lake and

Sandia National Laboratories have indicated that wind speeds can significantly affect burn rate

as shown in Figure A-1 [Blanchat, 2006 and 2002]. Thus, there is significant uncertainty

concerning current burn rate data for LNG, and it is unknown what burn rates would result for

pool diameters 100 m or greater.








0 2 4 6 8

wind speed (m/s)



n (












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

wind speed (m/s)



n (




DP Fuel Regression (mm/min)

Rake Fuel Regression (mm/min)

Linear (Rake Fuel Regression (mm/min))

Linear (DP Fuel Regression (mm/min))

Figure A-1: Regression rates as a function of wind speed for (a) 18.9 m JP-8 pool fire, 4000 gallons,

China Lake [Blanchat, 2006] and (b) 7.9 m JP-8 pool fire, 2200 gallons, Sandi[Blanchat, 2002].


It is recommended that a range of burn rates be used when applying a solid flame model by

considering the range of 2 x 10-4

to 8 x 10-4


A3. Flame Height There is great uncertainty in predicting flame height for large pool diameters for coherent fire

plumes. Time-averaged flame height is usually defined as the height at which the intermittency

reaches a value of 0.5, while maximum height is defined at an intermittency level of 0.05.

Intermittency is defined as the fraction of time the flame is at a certain height. It has been

demonstrated that the flame height of pool fires decreases for increasing pool diameters. It does

become increasingly difficult to determine flame height for increasing pool diameters due to the

obscuration of smoke and the periodic appearance of much higher temperature luminous zones.

Several flame height correlations based upon pool fires much smaller than the diameters

presently considered have been developed. The majority of flame height correlations are based

on a combination of flame height measurements and dimensional arguments such as the model

by Thomas [Thomas, 1963], or experimental measurement combined with theoretical

mathematical models such as the model by Steward [Steward, 1970]. Several correlations such

as Moorhouse [Moorhouse, 1982] have based their correlation on Thomas’s dimensional form.

That is,


a gD






& (1)

where L is flame height, D pool diameter, m¢¢& burn rate (kg/m2 s), and ρa atmospheric air


The best fitting coefficients, a and b, for LNG fires from 29 tests ranging from 6.9 m to 15.4 m

of equivalent pool diameters were identified by Moorhouse, while Thomas determined the

coefficients with experimental data from wood crib fires up to 2 meters. It should be noted that

LNG is very different than other hydrocarbons in its propensity to not produce as much smoke.

Thus, correlations developed for hydrocarbons other than LNG may have significant error for

predicted flame heights. In spite of similarities in fundamental approaches, a fascinating feature

of these correlations is that they all predict different flame heights for any given hydrocarbon at a

specified pool diameter. Predicted flame height to pool diameter ratios (L/D) for LNG can vary

by a factor of 2 to 3 for a given pool diameter as shown in Figure A-2.










0 100 200 300 400 500diameter (m)





r (L



Thomas 1

Thomas 2


Moorhouse (LNG tests)

Pritchard & Binding (LNG tests)

Figure A-2: Flame height correlations as a function of pool diameter for LNG.

There are at least twenty correlations, but only a few are plotted in Figure A-2 to indicate the

range of disagreement. The variation among the correlations may be due to differences in the

pool geometry tested and environmental conditions, as well as differences in the measurement

technique and definition of flame height. It should also be noted that these correlations assume

that the flame is characterized by a single temperature and gas composition regardless of the

flame size or soot concentration in the flame. They also do not take into account fuel radiation

properties, or turbulent mixing either from the mechanisms due to the fire or induced by the

atmosphere. Thus, this justifies their classification of ‘correlation’ as well as their associated


Table A-1 shows a comparison among several flame height correlations and the largest LNG

pool fire data sets. The burn rates reported from the experiments were used. From this

comparison it would indicate that the correlation by Pritchard and Binding [Pritchard, 1992] is

most appropriate for LNG, even at very large diameters, but caution should be used in coming to

this conclusion since all of the correlations have been developed for a limited range of diameters

and a large extrapolation could have significant error.

Table A-1: Comparison of several flame height predictions for LNG pool fire tests

L/D predicted

Diameter (m) Experiment (L/D)AVERAGE Pritchard Moorhouse Thomas Zukoski* Steward* Heskestad*

8.5 (test 1 china lake)

2.8 2.8 2.0 3.0 4.7 4.1 3.6

9 (test 4 china lake)

(2.2 m/s) 2.8 2.6 1.9 2.5 3.9 3.7 3.1

20 (Mizner, Eyre - land)

(6.2 m/s) 2.15 2.2 1.6 1.6 2.9 3.1 2.4

35 (Montoir) (9 m/s)

2.2 2.2 1.6 1.5 2.9 3.1 2.4

*no correction term for wind conditions


Since most correlations predict a flame height to diameter ratio between 1 and 2 for pool

diameters 100 m and greater, it is recommended that when applying a solid flame model a range

of L/D values of 1-2 be used. In this analysis, the correlations specified in Figure A-2 were used

to obtain an average flame height as a function of pool diameter and burn rate.

A4. Flame Tilt and Drag

When pool fires are subject to wind they will tilt in the down wind direction and the base

dimension of the flame will extend in the downwind dimension, also termed flame drag, while

the upwind and crosswind dimensions remain unchanged. The affect of flame tilt and drag is to

create an elliptical pool and increase the thermal hazard distances in the downwind direction.

Flame tilt and drag have been observed in both the Maplin Sands and Montoir LNG land tests, as

well as the tests performed by Moorhouse [Moorhouse, 1982]. LNG pool fire land tests reported

flame drag to be between 5 m and 10 m for a 20 m diameter pool in a wind speed of 6.16 m/s,

with a flame tilt of 54 degree from vertical [Mizner, 1982]. The Montoir tests reported flame

drag to be 10 m for a 35 m diameter pool in wind speed of 9-10 m/s, and 7 m for wind speeds of

around 2 m/s [Nedelka, 1989;British Gas, 1988; Tucker, 1988]. The tilt decreased with

increasing height, so that the tilt was about 50 degrees from vertical in the bottom portion of the

flame (up to L/D ~ 0.5), and 35 degree from vertical for the remaining height. Thus, a single

flame tilt value could not be used to describe the flame. From the China Lake tests on water, a

flame tilt of 26.5 degrees from vertical was reported for test 4 in a 2.2 m/s wind [Raj, 1979]. For

many tests the shape of the pool was observed to become elliptical. The correlations developed

by American Gas Association [AGA, 1974], and Moorhouse [Moorhouse, 1982] to predict flame

tilt and drag for integral models have been developed from LNG pool fire land tests.

It is recommended that an integral model include the flame drag and tilt for facility locations in

which non-calm wind conditions exist. A variability of ± 30% of calculated values for flame tilt

and drag should be included to account for the variability demonstrated from test data.

A5. Atmospheric Attenuation

The radiation that is emitted from a flame to the surroundings will be attenuated principally by

absorption from CO2 and H2O in the atmosphere. Transmissivity is a measure of this attenuation

and is a function of temperature and humidity since water vapor in the atmosphere depends upon

temperature and relative humidity. It is very difficult to obtain accurate data on transmissivity

because it depends upon knowledge of radiative spectral emission over the surface of the flame,

as well as the absorption through the atmosphere to a receiving object. Thus, there is great

uncertainty associated with transmissivity. Transmissivity curves are calculated based on LNG

pool fires on water from the tests performed at China Lake and range from 0.4 to 0.9 for different

humidity levels over a path length of 10,000 m [Raj, 1979]. The uncertainty associated with this

calculation was not reported.

To account for experimental uncertainty, integral models should account for the variability of

transmissivity by considering a range of values. Note that the transmissivity is a function of

humidity and distance. Even though the level of uncertainty to incorporate is not known

precisely, experiments conducted in outdoor environment will commonly have uncertainties


around ±30%. Thus, given a transmissivity function for a particular humidity level, a variability

of ±30% should be considered. The upper bound value should not exceed the value of 1.



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and Regulation, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, RL32205,

May 2007.

Pritchard, M.J., Binding T.M. (1992) FIRE2: A new approach for predicting thermal radiation

levels for hydrocarbon pool fires, Sym. major hazards onshore and offshore, 491-505.


Poten & Partners, (2006) LNG Shipping Reference Tables, www.poten.com, Copyright 2006.

Puttock, J. S., et al., (1982) Field experiments on dense gas dispersion. J. Hazardous Materials 6


Raj, P.K. et al, (1979) Experiments involving pool and vapor fires from spills of liquefied natural

gas on water, Arthur D. Little, ADA 077073, June.

Steward, F.R., (1970) Prediction of the height of turbulent diffusion buoyant flames, Combust.

Sci. Technol. 2, 203-212.

Thomas, P.H., (1963) The size of flames from natural fires, 9th

Int. Combustion Symposium,


Tucker, R.F., (1988) 35 m LNG pool fire tests at Montoir 1987, 3 volumes, Thornton Research

Centre, May 1988.

USCG (2005) “Liquified Natural Gas – Ensuring its safe and secure marine transportation,”

Proceeding of the Marine Safety & Security Council, Vol. 62, Number 3, the Coast

Guard Journal of Safety at Sea, United States Coast Guard, Washington, D.C., Fall 2005.



1 MS0899 Technical Library, 9536 (electronic copy)

2 MS0847 Steve Attaway, 1534

5 MS1108 Mike Hightower, 6332

2 MS1108 Juan Torres, 6332

5 MS1135 Anay Luketa, 1532

2 MS1135 Sheldon Tieszen, 1532

50 Robert Corbin

United States Department of Energy

Office of Natural Gas and Petroleum Technology

1000 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20585

9/27/12Sandia National Laboratories: Sandia Study Shows Large LNG Fires Hotter but Smaller Than Expected

1/1energy .sandia.gov /?p=7716


Sandia conducts large-scale experiments that provide data

for and verification of high-performance computing

simulations concerning the vulnerabilities of our vital


Sandia Study Shows Large LNG Fires Hotter butSmaller Than Expected (http://energy.sandia.gov/?p=7716)

New research shows that large-scale liquefied

natural gas fires are hotter but smaller than

anticipated, which means regulators can assume

that a slightly smaller area would be at risk in the

case of an LNG incident, an official from Sandia

National Laboratory said Sunday at a meeting of

the National Association of Regulatory Utility


However, the study showed that extreme cold

from spilling LNG combined with extreme heat

from an LNG fire would severely damage a tanker,

making it difficult to quickly move the vessel,

Sandia’s Michael Hightower, told a gas panel at

NARUC’s annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri.

Sandia conducted the study for the US

Department of Energy, after a 2007 report by the

Government Accountability Office recommended more research on the potential for cascading failure of

LNG tanks, Hightower said.

Read the full article (http://www.platts.com/RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/NaturalGas/6676493) at platts.com.

Tagged with: fire behavior (http://energy.sandia.gov/?tag=fire-behavior) • Infrastructure Security (http://energy.sandia.gov/?

tag=infrastructure_security) • large scale expriments (http://energy.sandia.gov/?tag=large-scale-expriments) • liquefied natural gas


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SANDIA REPORT SAND2011-3342 Unlimited Release Printed December 2011

LNG Cascading Damage Study Volume I: Fracture Testing Report

Robert J. Kalan, Jason P. Petti

Prepared by Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550 Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

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Unlimited Release

Printed December 2011

LNG Cascading Damage Fracture Testing Report

Robert J. Kalan

Mechanical Environments, Org. 01534

Sandia National Laboratories

P.O. Box 5800

Albuquerque, NM 87185

Jason P. Petti

Structural & Thermal Analysis, Org. 06233

Sandia National Laboratories

P.O. Box 5800

Albuquerque, NM 87185


As part of the LNG Cascading Damage Study, a series of structural tests were conducted to investigate

the thermal induced fracture of steel plate structures. The thermal stresses were achieved by applying

liquid nitrogen (LN2) onto sections of each steel plate. In addition to inducing large thermal stresses, the

lowering of the steel temperature simultaneously reduced the fracture toughness. Liquid nitrogen was

used as a surrogate for LNG due to safety concerns and since the temperature of LN2 is similar (-190oC)

to LNG (-161oC). The use of LN2 ensured that the tests could achieve cryogenic temperatures in the

range an actual vessel would encounter during a LNG spill. There were four phases to this test series.

Phase I was the initial exploratory stage, which was used to develop the testing process. In the Phase II

series of tests, larger plates were used and tested until fracture. The plate sizes ranged from 4 ft square

pieces to 6 ft square sections with thicknesses from ¼ inches to ¾ inches. This phase investigated the

cooling rates on larger plates and the effect of different notch geometries (stress concentrations used to

initiate brittle fracture). Phase II was divided into two sections, Phase II-A and Phase II-B. Phase II-A

used standard A36 steel, while Phase II-B used marine grade steels. In Phase III, the test structures were

significantly larger, in the range of 12 ft by 12 ft by 3 ft high. These structures were designed with more

complex geometries to include features similar to those on LNG vessels. The final test phase, Phase IV,

investigated differences in the heat transfer (cooling rates) between LNG and LN2. All of the tests

conducted in this study are used in subsequent parts of the LNG Cascading Damage Study, specifically

the computational analyses.



FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... vi

TABLES ....................................................................................................................................... xii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................... xiii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... xiv

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1

2. Testing Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 1

3. Testing Overview .................................................................................................................. 2

4. Fracture Testing .................................................................................................................... 3

4.1 Phase I Exploratory Tests ......................................................................................................3

4.2 Phase II-A Moderate-Scale Fracture Testing – A36 Steel .....................................................9

4.3 Phase II-B Moderate-Scale Fracture Testing – Marine Grade Steels ..................................22

4.4 Phase III Large-Scale Fracture Testing ................................................................................30

4.4.1 Large-Scale Tests without Water .....................................................................................32

4.4.2 Large-Scale Tests with Water ...........................................................................................45

5. Heat Transfer Testing ......................................................................................................... 49

6. Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................................. 61

References ..................................................................................................................................... 62

Appendix A – Stress Concentrations ............................................................................................ 63

Appendix B – Test Data ................................................................................................................ 67



Figure 1. Phase I test plate and trough ............................................................................................ 4

Figure 2. Thermocouple locations for Phase I test plates ............................................................... 4

Figure 3. Filler tube......................................................................................................................... 5

Figure 4. Thermocouple data from initial test ................................................................................ 5

Figure 5. Spray manifold ................................................................................................................ 6

Figure 6. Thermocouple test after painting ..................................................................................... 6

Figure 7. Layout of the thermocouples ........................................................................................... 7

Figure 8. Temperature data from the thermocouple test plate ........................................................ 8

Figure 9. 48 in. x 48 in. x ¼ in. plate and beam test configuration .............................................. 10

Figure 10. Welded 48 in. x 48 in. x ¼ in. Phase II test plate ........................................................ 10

Figure 11. Location of the thermocouples for 48 in plates ........................................................... 11

Figure 12. Test configuration for the 48 in. x 48 in. Phase II plates ............................................. 12

Figure 13. Phase II Test 1 upper surface temperature profile ....................................................... 14

Figure 14. Phase II Test 1 lower surface temperature profile ....................................................... 14

Figure 15. Drilled hole locations Tests 3 and 4 ............................................................................ 16

Figure 16. Notched holes for Tests 5 and 6, center hole (hole 2) shown. ..................................... 16

Figure 17. Thermocouple data for Test 5 ...................................................................................... 17

Figure 18. Crack generated in Test 5, 48 in. x 48 in. x ¼ in. plate with notched holes ................ 17

Figure 19. Crack generated in Test 6, 48 in. x 48in. x ¼ in. welded plate with notched holes .... 18

Figure 20. Phase II test plate 72 in. x 72 in. x ¾ in. ..................................................................... 19

Figure 21. Thermocouple data for Test 7 ...................................................................................... 19

Figure 22. Surface notches cut into 72 in x 72 in plate for (a) Tests 8, (b) Test 9 and (c) Test 10

................................................................................................................................................ 20


Figure 23. Thermocouple data for Test 10 .................................................................................... 21

Figure 24. Cracked formed in 72 in. x 72 in. plate during Test 10 ............................................... 21

Figure 25. The extension of the crack formed in Test 10 beyond the outside of the cooling trough

................................................................................................................................................ 22

Figure 26. Test layout for the Phase II ABS steel plate tests ........................................................ 23

Figure 27. Trough dimensions and thermocouple layout for Phase II ABS steel plate tests ........ 23

Figure 28. Notches used in Tests 11 and 12 ................................................................................. 25

Figure 29. Crack generated in Test 12 ......................................................................................... 26

Figure 30. Thermocouple data for Test 12.................................................................................. 26

Figure 31. Notch geometry used for ABS Grade steel Phase II tests ........................................... 27

Figure 32. Cracking pattern for Test 19 ........................................................................................ 28

Figure 33. Thermocouple data for Test 19 .................................................................................... 28

Figure 34. Thermocouple data for Test 20 .................................................................................... 29

Figure 35. Cracking pattern for Test 21 ........................................................................................ 29

Figure 36. Thermocouple data for Test 21 .................................................................................... 30

Figure 37. Large Phase III structure layout and materials ............................................................ 31

Figure 38. Phase III Test 13 and 14 trough layout, inside the structure (left) and outside the 3 ft

vertical Gr. EH plate (right) ................................................................................................... 33

Figure 39. Trough and thermocouple layout for Phase III Test 13 and 14. .................................. 34

Figure 40. Layout of the Phase III tests (Test 13 and 14) ............................................................. 34

Figure 41. Notch added for use in Test 14 .................................................................................... 36

Figure 42. Trough with added notches and paint repair prior to Test 14...................................... 36

Figure 43. Pipe layouts and Bay/Valve locations for Test 13 and 14 (2 ¾ in. star Test 1

designates in Test 13, 4 in. Cross Test 2 added for Test 14) .................................................. 37

Figure 44. Crack formation during Test 14 .................................................................................. 37

Figure 45. Thermocouple data for Test 14 .................................................................................... 38


Figure 46. Trough and thermocouple configuration for Test 16 .................................................. 39

Figure 47. Trough and pipe layout for Test 16 ............................................................................. 39

Figure 48. Trough layout outside vertical Gr. EH plate for Test 16 ............................................. 40

Figure 49. Interior crack formation during Test 16 ...................................................................... 41

Figure 50. Thermocouple data for Test 16 .................................................................................... 42

Figure 51. Close-up of likely initiation site for Test 16 ................................................................ 42

Figure 52. Fractures caused by LNG spills on actual LNG vessels (Roue, 2011) ....................... 43

Figure 53. Close-up stiffening rib fracture for Test 16 ................................................................. 44

Figure 54. Outside through-cracks for Test 16 ............................................................................. 44

Figure 55. Outside cracking with turning for Test 16 ................................................................... 45

Figure 56. Schematic of the large structure pool tests .................................................................. 46

Figure 57. Polyurethane foam applied to the bottom of the large structure ................................. 46

Figure 58. Test setup for the large structure pool test................................................................... 47

Figure 59. Test 23 notch increased to 8 in. ................................................................................... 48

Figure 60. Crack progression for Test 23 ..................................................................................... 48

Figure 61. Thermocouple data for Test 23 .................................................................................... 49

Figure 62. Plate setup used in heat transfer tests .......................................................................... 49

Figure 63. Heat transfer tests dimensions and thermocouple layout ............................................ 50

Figure 64. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Bare ................................ 51

Figure 65. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy ............................. 51

Figure 66. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple tata – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy Urethane .............. 52

Figure 67. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple fata – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¼ in. Bare ................................. 52

Figure 68. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¼ in. Epoxy ............................. 53

Figure 69. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data – 18 in. x 18 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy ......................... 53

Figure 70. Schematic of the LNG heat transfer tests .................................................................... 54


Figure 71. LNG heat transfer test configuration ........................................................................... 55

Figure 72. Test plate and flow deflector ....................................................................................... 55

Figure 73. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Bare .............................. 56

Figure 74. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy............................ 56

Figure 75. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy Urethane ............ 57

Figure 76. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¼ in. Bare .............................. 57

Figure 77. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¼ in. Epoxy............................ 58

Figure 78. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 18 in. x 18 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy........................ 58

Figure 79. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 18 in. x 18 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy (zoom) ........... 59

Figure 80. LNG vs. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data for TC1 – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Bare .... 60

Figure 81. LNG vs. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data for TC1 – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy

Urethane ................................................................................................................................. 60

Figure 82. Stress Concentration at Circular and Elliptical holes in Plates ................................... 64

Figure 83. Crack Tip Stresses in Plates ........................................................................................ 66

Figure 84. Test 1 – TCs 1-11 ........................................................................................................ 67

Figure 85. Test 1 – TCs 12-22 ...................................................................................................... 67

Figure 86. Test 2 – TCs 1-11 ........................................................................................................ 68

Figure 87. Test 2 – TCs 12-22 ...................................................................................................... 68

Figure 88. Test 3 – TCs 1-11 ........................................................................................................ 69

Figure 89. Test 3 – TCs 12-22 ...................................................................................................... 69

Figure 90. Test 4 – TCs 1-11 ........................................................................................................ 70

Figure 91. Test 4 – TCs 12-22 ...................................................................................................... 70

Figure 92. Test 5 – TCs 1-11 ........................................................................................................ 71

Figure 93. Test 5 – TCs 12-22 ...................................................................................................... 71

Figure 94. Test 6 – TCs 1-11 ........................................................................................................ 72

Figure 95. Test 6 – TCs 12-22 ...................................................................................................... 72


Figure 96. Test 7 – TCs 1-11 ........................................................................................................ 73

Figure 97. Test 7 – TCs 12-22 ...................................................................................................... 73

Figure 98. Test 8 – TCs 1-11 ........................................................................................................ 74

Figure 99. Test 8 – TCs 12-22 ...................................................................................................... 74

Figure 100. Test 9 – TCs 1-11 ...................................................................................................... 75

Figure 101. Test 9 – TCs 12-22 .................................................................................................... 75

Figure 102. Test 10 – TCs 1-11 .................................................................................................... 76

Figure 103. Test 10 – TCs 12-22 .................................................................................................. 76

Figure 104. Test 11 – TCs 1-11 .................................................................................................... 77

Figure 105. Test 11 – TCs 12-22 .................................................................................................. 77

Figure 106. Test 12 – TCs 1-11 .................................................................................................... 78

Figure 107. Test 12 – TCs 12-22 .................................................................................................. 78

Figure 108. Test 17 – TCs 1-10 .................................................................................................... 79

Figure 109. Test 17 – TCs 11-20 .................................................................................................. 79

Figure 110. Test 18 – TCs 1-10 .................................................................................................... 80

Figure 111. Test 18 – TCs 11-20 .................................................................................................. 80

Figure 112. Test 19 – TCs 1-10 .................................................................................................... 81

Figure 113. Test 19 – TCs 11-20 .................................................................................................. 81

Figure 114. Test 20 – TCs 1-10 .................................................................................................... 82

Figure 115. Test 20 – TCs 11-20 .................................................................................................. 82

Figure 116. Test 21 – TCs 1-10 .................................................................................................... 83

Figure 117. Test 21 – TCs 11-20 .................................................................................................. 83

Figure 118. Test 13 – TCs 1-19 .................................................................................................... 84

Figure 119. Test 13 – TCs 36-54 .................................................................................................. 84

Figure 120. Test 13 – TCs 20-35 (TC 25 not used) ...................................................................... 85


Figure 121. Test 14 – TCs 1-19 .................................................................................................... 85

Figure 122. Test 14 – TCs 36-54 .................................................................................................. 86

Figure 123. Test 14 – TCs 20-35 (TC 25 not used) ...................................................................... 86

Figure 124. Test 16 – TCs 1-18 .................................................................................................... 87

Figure 125. Test 16 – TCs 27-44 .................................................................................................. 87

Figure 126. Test 16 – TCs 19-26 .................................................................................................. 88

Figure 127. Test 22 – TCs 1-18 .................................................................................................... 88

Figure 128. Test 22 – TCs 27-44 .................................................................................................. 89

Figure 129. Test 22 – TCs 19-26 .................................................................................................. 89

Figure 130. Test 23 – TCs 1-18 .................................................................................................... 90

Figure 131. Test 23 – TCs 27-44 .................................................................................................. 90

Figure 132. Test 23 – TCs 19-26 .................................................................................................. 91



Table 1. List of thermocouples and mounting methods .................................................................. 7

Table 2 Phase II-A Testing ........................................................................................................... 13

Table 3. Phase II-B Tests with ABS Grade Steel, all with I-Beams ............................................. 24

Table 4. Large Phase III Structure Tests ....................................................................................... 32



The authors would like to acknowledge the following Sandia, DOE, and expert panel members.

Mike Hightower, Sandia National Laboratories, Overall LNG Project Manager

Luis Abeyta, Sandia National Laboratories, Testing Support and Data Acquisition

Amarante Martinez, Sandia National Laboratories, Testing Support and Photometrics

Carlos Lopez, Sandia National Laboratories, LNG Cascading Damage Thermal Lead

Gerald Wellman, Sandia National Laboratories, Test Planning and Design

Frank Dempsey, Sandia National Laboratories, Test Planning and Design

Doug Ammerman, Sandia National Laboratories, Internal Sandia Review

Robert Corbin, DOE Project Manager

Christopher Freitas, DOE

Commander Nick Caron, U.S. Coast Guard, Expert Review Panel

Charles Rawson, U.S. Coast Guard, Expert Review Panel

Professor Stan Rolfe, Kansas University, Expert Review Panel

Dr. James Rawers, DOE, Expert Review Panel

Dr. John Moorhouse, British Gas (formerly of), Expert Review Panel

John Dasch, DNV, Expert Review Panel

Chris Zerby, FERC, Expert Review Panel

Tony Galt, Freeport LNG, Expert Review Panel



The combination of recent and expected future growth of imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG)

with the increased safety and security concerns resulting from the incidents of September 11,

2001, have led to an exploration of possible impacts that an attack on potentially hazardous

cargos would have on the public and other assets. A number of studies (Hightower, et al., 2004,

Hightower et al., 2006) have been performed at Sandia National Laboratories in the aftermath of

September 11, 2001, in order to examine the potential hazards from LNG vessels experiencing

an unintended release of LNG cargo. An unintended release of LNG has two significant

components: 1) the effects of the cryogenic LNG contacting the steel structure of the tanker

vessel, and 2) the flammable nature of LNG and the potential fire hazards to the tanker and to the

public if in a harbor location. Stored LNG has a temperature of approximately -161oC which is

well below the brittle transition for the marine steels that comprise LNG tankers. Rupture of the

LNG containment vessel will results in the LNG flowing out and coming into contact with the

tankers steel structures. Due to the complex nature of this type of event, the US Government

Accountability Office (GAO) has studied the current state of knowledge of the relevant

issues/phenomenon (GAO, 2007). This report was compiled in order to identify the areas of

additional research required in order to gain an improved understanding of these events. The top

two areas recommended for further study were related to improving the understanding of large

LNG fire physics and to improving the state of knowledge surrounding the potential for

cascading damage to LNG vessels. Under two separate projects, Sandia National Laboratories is

examining both areas of concern. This report summarizes one component, the large-scale

fracture testing, performed under LNG Cascading Damage Study. An understanding of the

potential for fracture of the steel that comprises the LNG vessels is potentially critical in

assessing the likelihood of cascading failure of the vessel. Here, cascading failure is defined as

damage that causes the spread of sufficient LNG cargo and/or LNG fires that then lead to

additional damage or breaches to the vessel beyond the damage that produced the initial spill.

This report summarizes the testing performed to better understand the brittle fracture of steel

structures subjected to cryogenic liquids.

The types and method of testing performed here for the LNG Cascading Damage Study are

directly related to how the testing information will be used in the computational analysis

component of the project. The goal of the project is to provide an assessment of LNG vessels

subjected to unintended LNG spills. This will be accomplished through a series of

computational finite element analysis of the vessels. The models created for these analyses are

relatively large, but even so, the smallest elements are approximately 4 inches by 4 inches.

While this resolution provides sufficient stress/strain resolution to capture the global behavior of

the vessel, this resolution is several orders of magnitude too large to capture the stress/strain

fields that are generated at the tip of a crack in the steel that comprises the hulls of LNG tankers.

The progression of brittle cracks in steel plates depends on a number of factors including the

specific geometry, the material properties, the temperature state caused by contact with

cryogenic liquids, and the microstructure of the material. Specifically, the dependence on the

microstructure of the steel plating from point to point makes the tracking of individual brittle

cracks using continuum mechanics in finite element models impossible. However, this level of

detail is not necessary to assess the global behavior of the vessel. What is necessary is an

estimate of the general crack path and directionality. The “damage” caused by crack initiation

and crack propagation will be represented in the finite element models by the removal or “death”


of 4 inch by 4 inch elements along the crack propagation path. The “death” of a finite element is

achieved by removing that element from the analysis after a defined criteria has been reached in

that element causing material separation. For these analyses, a strain/temperature locus is

employed. Due to the transition from ductile to brittle behavior as the temperature drops, the

strain required to “kill” a finite element drops drastically as the temperature falls. The

temperature at which the strain drops most dramatically varies from steel to steel; however, all of

the marine steels used in LNG tanker construction enter the brittle regime at temperature well

above LNG temperatures. The initial strain/temperature locus was developed using basic

material tests (stress-strain tests at multiple temperatures). These test results are not presented in

this report, but are described in the analysis report when discussing the strain/temperature locus

calibration. The fracture tests presented here were used in the secondary calibration and

validation of the strain/temperature locus. The goal of the large-scale fracture tests was therefore

to provide examples of fractured steel plates and structures. Finite element models were created

for the relevant fracture structures to test the ability of the finite element code, element death

modeling, and the strain/temperature locus to reproduce the general crack path and directionality.

These finite element analyses also used 4 inch by 4 inch elements in order to have the same

stress/strain resolution as the models of the full vessel. The analyses of the test structures and the

full vessel have the temperatures of the finite elements reduced at an appropriate rate to induce

thermal strains. The temperature fields were generated with either a heat transfer analysis or by

ramping the temperatures down manually. Since the stresses and strains generated in the 4 inch

element in the analysis would not match the resolution of the strain obtained with strain gauges,

only temperature data was taken for each test. The temperature data was then used to link the

tests with the finite element analyses. The details of the test analyses and the locus calibration

are provided in a separate report on the computational analyses (Volume III, Petti, et al., 2011).

This report focuses on the fracture testing structures, procedures, and results.

As part of the LNG Cascading Damage Study, the series of structural tests conducted here were

used to investigate thermally induced fracture of steel plate structures. The thermal stresses were

achieved by applying liquid nitrogen (LN2) onto sections of each steel plate causing differential

thermal contraction. In addition to inducing large thermal stresses, the lowering of the steel

temperature simultaneously reduced the fracture toughness. Liquid nitrogen was used as a

surrogate for LNG due to safety concerns and since the temperature of LN2 is slightly colder (-

190oC) than LNG (-161

oC). This ensured that the tests could achieve temperatures in the range

an actual vessel would see during a spill.

There were four phases to this test series. Phase I was the initial exploratory stage, which was

used to develop the testing process. The first several tests studied the cooling of steel plates

subjected to LN2. In addition, tests were conducted on various thermocouple types. Finally, to

better represent the typical condition of steel, the plates were coated with paints typically used in

commercial vessels, painting of the steel surface in contact with the LN2 was shown to

significantly increase the cooling rate. Since both the interior and exterior surfaces of LNG

vessel hulls have surface coatings, all subsequent test phases used surface coatings.

In the Phase II series of tests, larger plates were used and tested until fracture. Phase II was

divided into two sections, Phase II-A and Phase II-B. Phase II-A used standard A36 steel, while

Phase II-B used marine grade steels. The three test structure in Phase II-A included plate sizes

ranging from 4 ft square pieces to 6 ft square sections with thicknesses from ¼ inches to ¾


inches. This phase investigated the cooling rates on larger plates and the effect of different notch

geometries (stress concentrations used to initiate brittle fracture). Each of the three Phase II-A

test structures were tested multiple times. For each subsequent test, stress concentrations were

introduced and then made more severe until a fracture was initiated in the plate. Phase II-B used

similar test structures and techniques but with marine grade steels. Specifically, ABS Grade A

and ABS Grade EH were used in construction of the test articles. Two Gr. A plate and two Gr.

EH plate structures were tested.

In Phase III, the three test structures were significantly larger than for Phase II. Each of the

structures was built with a main plate spanning 12 ft by 12 ft and then a height of 3 ft. These

structures were designed with more complex geometries to include features similar to those on

LNG vessels. They included multiple material, intersecting plates, and stiffening elements.

However, they were not scaled versions of any specific section of an LNG vessel. The Phase III

tests showed that stiffening elements and intersecting plates did not arrest brittle cracks. The

cracking that occurred in these test followed the extent of the cooled region and propagated, in

general, in the direction perpendicular to the maximum stress.

The final test phase, Phase IV, investigated differences in the heat transfer (cooling rates)

between LNG and LN2.


1. Introduction

The combination of the expected future growth of imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG)

with the increased safety and security concerns resulting from the incidents of September 11,

2001, have led to an exploration of possible impacts that an attack on potentially hazardous

cargos would have on the public and other assets. A number of studies (Hightower, et al.,

2004, Hightower et al., 2006) have been performed at Sandia National Laboratories in the

aftermath of September 11, 2001, in order to examine the potential hazards from a LNG

tanker vessel experiencing an unintended release of LNG cargo. An unintended release of

LNG has two significant components: 1) the effects of the cryogenic LNG contacting the

steel structure of the tanker vessel, and 2) the flammable nature of LNG and the potential fire

hazards to the tanker and to the public if in a harbor location. Stored LNG has a temperature

of approximately -161oC which is well below the brittle transition for the marine steels that

comprise LNG tankers. Due to the complex nature of this type of event, the US Government

Accountability Office (GAO) commissioned a study on the current state of knowledge of the

relevant issues/phenomenon (GAO, 2007). This previous report was compiled in order to

identify the areas of additional research required in order to gain an improved understanding

of these events. The top two areas recommended for further study were related to improving

the understanding of large LNG fire physics and to improving the state of knowledge

surrounding the potential for cascading damage to LNG vessels. Under two separate projects,

Sandia National Laboratories is examining both areas of concern. This report summarizes

one component, the large-scale fracture testing, performed under the LNG Cascading Damage

Study. An understanding of the potential for the fracture of the steel that comprises the LNG

tankers is critical in assessing the likelihood of cascading failure of the vessel. Here,

cascading failure is defined as damage that causes the spread of sufficient LNG cargo and/or

LNG fires that then lead to additional damage or breaches to the vessel beyond that produced

during the initial spill. This report summarizes the testing performed to better understand the

brittle fracture of steel structures subjected to cryogenic liquids. An explanation of why these

specific tests were performed and how the results of these tests are used in computational

analyses is provided in the next section. The computational analysis portions of the LNG

Cascading Damage Study are contained within additional reports (Figueroa and Lopez, 2011,

Petti et al., 2011).

2. Testing Purpose

The types and methods of testing performed for the LNG Cascading Damage Study are

directly related to the information needed and used in the computational analysis component

of the project. The goal of the project is to provide an assessment of LNG vessels

susceptibility to damage and possibly failure when subjected to unintended LNG spills. This

will be accomplished through a series of computational finite element analysis of models of

the two most common commercial LNG vessels. The models created for these analyses are

relatively large. However, the analysis will be capable of characterizing the materials

response on elements, the smallest of which are approximately 4 inches by 4 inches. While

this level of resolution provides sufficient stress/strain analysis to capture the global behavior

of the vessel, this scale is several orders of magnitude too large to capture the stress/strain

fields that may be generated at the tip of a crack in the steel that comprises the hulls of LNG

tankers when subjected to thermal stresses resulting from contact with the LNG. In addition,


the progression of brittle cracks in steel plates depends on a number of factors including the

specific geometry, the material properties, the temperature state caused by contact with

cryogenic liquids, and the microstructure of the material. Specifically, the dependence on the

microstructure of the steel plating from point-to-point makes it impossible to predict the

individual brittle crack behavior using continuum mechanics in finite element models.

However, specific knowledge at the microscopic level of detail is not necessary to assess the

global behavior of the vessel. What is necessary is an approximate estimate of the general

crack path and directionality. The “damage” caused by cracks will be represented in the

finite element models by the failure or “death” of a path of 4 inch by 4 inch elements. The

“death” of a finite element is achieved by removing that element from the analysis after a

defined criteria has been reached for that element, causing material separation. For these

analyses, a strain/temperature locus is employed as the failure criterion. Due to the transition

from ductile to brittle behavior as the temperature drops, the strain required to “kill” a finite

element drops drastically as the temperature falls. The temperature at which the strain drops

most dramatically varies from steel to steel; however, all of the marine steels used in LNG

tanker construction enter the brittle regime at temperatures well above LNG temperatures.

The initial strain/temperature locus was developed using basic material tests (stress-strain

tests at multiple temperatures). These test results are not presented in this report, but are

described in the analysis report when discussing the strain/temperature locus calibration. The

fracture test results presented here were used in the secondary calibration and validation of

the strain/temperature locus. The goal of the large-scale fracture tests was therefore to

provide examples of fractured steel plates and structures. Finite element models were created

for a selected number of the fractured structures to test the ability of the finite element code,

element death modeling, and the strain/temperature locus to reproduce the general crack path

and directionality observed experimentally. These finite element analyses also used 4 inch by

4 inch elements in order to reflect the same stress/strain resolution as the models of the full

vessels. The analyses of the test structures and the full vessel have the temperatures of the

finite elements in the cooled regions reduced at an appropriate rate to induce thermal strains.

The temperature fields were generated with either a heat transfer analysis or by ramping

element temperatures down manually. Since the stresses and strains generated in the 4 inch

element in the analysis would not match the resolution of the strain obtained from

experimental strain measurements, the temperature data was then used to link the tests with

the finite element analyses. The details of the test analyses and the locus calibration are

located in Volume III of this study (Petti et al., 2011). This report focuses on the fracture

testing structures, procedures, and results.

3. Testing Overview

As part of the LNG Cascading Damage Study, a series of structural fracture tests were

conducted to investigate the effect of liquid natural gas (LNG) flowing on steel structures.

These tests were designed to induce large thermal stresses in the test plates due to differential

thermal contraction while simultaneously lowering their ductility. Liquid nitrogen (LN2) was

chosen as the cryogenic fluid to use in place of LNG. It is significantly safer to work with and

the temperature of LN2 is slightly colder (-190oC) than LNG (-161

oC). The use of LN2

ensures that the tests could achieve temperatures in the range an actual vessel would see

during a LNG spill. There were four phases in this test series. Phase I was the initial

exploratory stage that provided preliminary data to the material's response to LN2 (LNG) and


the insight and direction for the series of larger scale tests. In the Phase II series of tests,

larger plates were used than for Phase I. The plate sizes ranged from 4 ft square pieces to 6 ft

square sections. This phase investigated the cooling rates on these plates and the effect of

different notch geometries (stress concentrations used to initiate brittle fracture) from which

the crack would initiate. Phase II was broken in to two sections, Phase II-A and Phase II-B.

Phase II-A used standard A36 structural steel, while Phase II-B used marine grade steels. In

Phase III, significantly larger 12 ft square structures with more complex geometries were

tested. The final test phase, Phase IV, investigated the heat transfer (cooling) rate differences

between LNG and LN2. Not including the initial exploratory tests conducted as part of Phase

I, twenty two tests were conducted in Phases II and III. Cracking was only achieved in a

fraction of the tests. The same test article could then be retested using a different, more severe

test conditions. Two additional series of the tests were performed for Phase IV. Each of

those series included 6 individual tests.

This report presents the details of the testing described above. Due to the large number of

thermocouples used and the large number of tests conducted, only a small portion of the

temperature data is presented within the main report. The complete set of data can be found in

the Appendix B.

4. Fracture Testing

4.1 Phase I Exploratory Tests

Initial tests conducted for the LNG study were exploratory in nature. The tests used small

plates to develop the basic test methods and procedures using a low pressure dewar to supply

the LN2. These tests explored methods to cool steel plates, flow distribution, surface coatings,

and thermocouple types.

The initial test used ¾ inch thick carbon steel plates (standard A36), which was sectioned into

a 24 in. x 24 in. square as shown in Figure 1. The trough used to hold the LNG was made

from polyurethane foam. It is sealed to the plate with silicone caulk and held in place with 1

inch angles and studs. The inner trough dimensions were 2 in. wide and 5 in. high. The

thermocouples were Type T 30 gauge Teflon and were held in place using Kapton tape (Type

T thermocouples are copper-Constantan). They have an operating temperature range of -

250°C to 350°C. The location of the thermocouples is shown in Figure 2. There were ten

thermocouples (1-10) on the top surface and ten thermocouples (11-20) directly below them

on the bottom surface.


Figure 1. Phase I test plate and trough

Figure 2. Thermocouple locations for Phase I test plates

The trough was filled with LN2 using a low-pressure dewar and a ½ in. filler tube which was

placed centered on top of the trough (above TC 4). The filler tube is shown in Figure 3. The

temperature data was recording using a National Instrument SCXI-1000 Data Acquisition

Unit (DAQ) and a TC-2095 Thermocouple Connector Module. Temperature data from the

test is shown in Figure 4. The data shows a large spread in the temperature of the top

thermocouples and slow cooling of the plate through the thickness.

24.00 in

24.00 in

2.00 in (typ)

4.00 in (typ)

8.00 in (typ)

2.00 in

6.00 in

4.00 in

3.50 in

Located Top and Bottom










2.00 in

Foam Tro ugh

3/4" Plate


Figure 3. Filler tube

Figure 4. Thermocouple data from initial test

The differences observed in the temperatures along the top thermocouples led to an attempt to

distribute the flow of the nitrogen along the length of the trough more evenly. The nozzle was

modified as shown in Figure 5 to include a pipe ½ in. diameter pipe with 16 – 7/64 in.

diameter holes. The nozzle had a minimal effect in normalizing the temperature distribution

along the length of the trough and was not used in future tests.


Figure 5. Spray manifold

The next exploratory test was conducted to determine whether the Type T Teflon

thermocouples fastened with Kapton tape were the most appropriate thermocouples for

determining the plate temperature. A test plate shown in Figure 6 was developed to examine

alternate fastening methods along with type E thermocouples. Type E thermocouples leads

are made of Nickle-Chromium and Copper-nickel. Type E is recommended for use at

temperature above 40K. The Seebeck coefficient for Type E is greater than all other standard

thermocouples, which along with its low thermal conductivity make it ideally suited for low

temperature applications (ASTM, 1993). A complete list of the thermocouples tested is

shown in Table 1. The location of the thermocouples is presented in Figure 7. The

thermocouples were mounted 1 in. from the center of the plate in a radial pattern every 45° as

shown in Figure 7. The test plate was a 12 in. x 12 in. x ¼ in. thick. A dam was made from a

12 in. x 12 in. x 2 in. thick Styrofoam board with a 4 in. diameter hole in the middle. The

Styrofoam was attached to the plate with a bead of room temperature vulcanizing (RTV)

sealant around the hole.

Figure 6. Thermocouple test after painting


Table 1. List of thermocouples and mounting methods

Type Material Type Mounting Technique

T 30 ga. Teflon Insulated Kapton Tape

E 30 ga. Teflon Insulated Kapton Tape

T 30 ga. Teflon Insulated Epoxy embedded in 0.020 in. deep by .040 in. wide slot

T 0.020 in. Sheathed Epoxy embedded in 0.020 in. deep by .040 in. wide slot

E 30 ga. Teflon Insulated Epoxy embedded in 0.020 in. deep by .040 in. wide slot

E 0.020 in. Sheathed Epoxy embedded in 0.020 in. deep by .040 in. wide slot

T 0.020 in. Sheathed Capicity Discharge (CD )weld using 0.003 in x 0.250 in. NiCr Strap

E 0.020 in. Sheathed Capacity Discharge (CD) weld using 0.003 in. x 0.250 in. NiCr Strap

T 30 ga. Teflon Insulated

Epoxy embedded in 0.040 in. hole hole From back side to within 0.020 in. of Surface

E 30 ga. Teflon Insulated

Epoxy embedded in 0.040 in. hole from back side to within 0.020 in. of surface

E 30 ga. Teflon Insulated Intrinsic (CD welded) Front surface

Figure 7. Layout of the thermocouples

Type E SheathGrooveEpoxy

Type T SheathGrooveEpoxy

Type T SheathWelded

Type E SheathWelded

Type T SheathGrooveKapton Tape

Type E SheathGrooveKapton Tape

Type T TeflonKapton Tape

Type E TeflonKapton Tape

Top Surface

Ø4.00 in

Ø2.00 in

Ø4.00 in

Ø2.00 in

Bottom Surface

Type E Teflon w/Epoxy and Type T Teflon w/Epoxy Hole to with 0.020 inches of upper surface


Type E Intrinsic

Type T TeflonKapton Tape


Two tests were run, one with the plate as received (bare steel surface), and one with the

exposed surface painted with a spray-on enamel paint (painted version shown in Figure 6).

The intrinsic CD welded Type E thermocouple provided the best measurement of the plate

temperature. A critical, though not unexpected, observation from these tests is apparent in

temperature data presented in Figure 8. The graph shows the temperature of the intrinsic

thermocouple on the top surface and the Kapton taped thermocouple on the back surface. The

graph clearly shows that there is a higher cooling rate for the painted plate than for the bare

plate. The paint layer acts as an insulation layer that affects the boiling behavior of the

cryogenic liquid when in contact with the paint relative to bare steel. This change in behavior

due to the paint enhances the contact between the surface and the liquid which results in an

increased cooling of the steel plate. Therefore, all subsequent tests were conducted using a

single flow nozzles, intrinsic Type E thermocouples with a National Instrument DAQ, and

paint applied to the wetted plate surfaces. Since both the interior and exterior hull surfaces of

LNG vessels are all painted with epoxy primer and/or polyurethane, painting the surfaces in

this testing program is the most appropriate choice.

Figure 8. Temperature data from the thermocouple test plate







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

Painted vs Bare Steel for Intrinsic TCs

Bare Steel Backside

Bare Steel Topside

Painted Steel Backside

Painted Steel Topside


4.2 Phase II-A Moderate-Scale Fracture Testing – A36 Steel

The initial tests on the exploratory 24 in. x 24 in. x ¾ in. plates showed a very slow cooling

rate through the thickness of the plate. In addition to the lack of paint in those tests, the slow

cooling was believed to be due to the large mass of the plate and the relatively small size of

the cooling trough. In order to more quickly cool the plate and to provide addition constraint

to generate thermal stresses, the second phase of testing includes of a series of 48 in. x 48 in.

x ¼ in. thick plates. These A36 carbon steel plates also had W8x40 I-beams welded around

their circumference. The induction of thermal strain is caused by a region of material

becoming cold while the surrounding material remains warm. The cold material tries to

contract while the warm surrounding material holds the cold material from contracting freely.

This constraint provided by the warm surrounding material causes the generation of a large

amount of tension within the cold material. As the temperature drops, the tension increases in

addition to the continued decrease in the fracture toughness of the steel. Once the stress

increases sufficiently to cause a flaw in the steel microstructure to reach a critical stress level,

a brittle crack initiates and propagates outward with a velocity near that of the speed of sound.

The propagation is based on the structure geometry, the loading on the structure, the

distribution of the cold region, and the material microstructure. Thus, the I-beams welded to

the outer edges of the plate provide additional constraint to the structure helping to induce

larger stresses in the cool regions.

A diagram of a 48 in. plate with the support welded I-beams and the trough location is show

in Figure 9. A foam trough 12 in. wide by 42 in. long and 5 in. deep (inside dimensions) runs

along the center of the plate. The trough was filled with LN2 using a 160 liter low-pressure

dewar with a single ½ in. fill pipe locate in the center of the top trough cover. The surface of

the plate inside the trough was painted with Krylon spray enamel. As describes earlier, the

paint increases the heat transfer between the nitrogen and the plate, resulting in more rapid

cooling. The trough was fastened to the plate using silicone caulk and two 1 in. steel angles.

The bottom surface of the plate beneath the trough was insulated with Styrofoam (14 in. x 48

in. x 3 in. thick) in order to enhance the heat transfer. The bottom surface foam was also held

in place by the steel angles.

Two plate configurations were initially tested with 48 in. size plates. The first is just a plain ¼

in. thick plate welded to I-beams around the perimeter. The second plate consists of two half

sections (24 in. x 48 in. x ¼ in.) welded to each other along the center. The weld runs through

the centerline of the long trough dimension axis. Welding changes the local microstructure

and thus the overall material's response to the stress loadings. The purpose of the weld is to

provide a region of increased stress due to the residual stress in the weld and to provide flaws

for possible crack ignition sites. The plates are also welded to I-beams around the perimeter.

The welded test plate is shown in Figure 10.

In addition to the 48 in. plates with I-beams, one 72 in. x 72 in. plate was also tested as part of

Phase II-A tests. The larger plate used the same size trough and therefore employs the extra

surrounding warm plate material to provide the constraint in place of the I-beams.


For all tests in Phase II-A, eleven type E intrinsic thermocouples were attached to the top and

bottom surface of the plate using a CD welder. The location of the thermocouples is shown in

Figure 11. The same test configuration for all of the Phase II-A test is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 9. 48 in. x 48 in. x ¼ in. plate and beam test configuration

Figure 10. Welded 48 in. x 48 in. x ¼ in. Phase II test plate


Figure 11. Location of the thermocouples for 48 in plates

44.00 in

48.00 in

48.00 in

12.00 in

1.00 in

1.00 in

0.50 in

8.00 in

16.00 in

23.00 in

8.00 in

2.00 in

2.00 inThermocouple Loca tion

48" Pla te Test


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19




1 - 11 Top Surface

12 -22 Bottom Surface


Figure 12. Test configuration for the 48 in. x 48 in. Phase II plates

A list of all of the Phase II-A tests using the three test articles described above is summarized

in Table 2. As described, each of the three test articles was tested multiple times. Each

subsequent test included the addition or slight modification to a stress concentration. These

stress concentration include changing the number of holes, the hole geometry, the shape of

the holes, and the addition of notches and varying the notch geometry (shape and depth).

These holes/notches were increased in severity from test to test until the hole/notch

configuration was sufficient to initiate a brittle fracture. The test numbers in Table 2 represent

the order in which the test were conducted. Tests 1, 3, and 5 used the 48 in. plain plate. Tests

2, 4, and 6 used the 48 in. welded plate. Finally, Tests 7 through 10 used the 72 in. plate.


Table 2 Phase II-A Testing



Note Material Plate Size Notch Type Test Results

1 A36 Steel 48” x 48” x ¼”

thick w/ I-beams

No notch Did not crack

2 A36 Steel 48” x 48” x ¼”

thick w/ I-beams

No notch, weld

seam along

center of plate

Did not crack

3 Same Plate tested in

Test 1

A36 Steel 48” x 48” x ¼”

thick w/ I-beams

Three 3/8” holes

drilled along


Did not crack

4 Same Plate tested in

Test 2

A36 steel 48” x 48” x ¼”

thick w/ I-beams

Three 3/8” holes

drilled along


Did not crack

5 Same Plate tested in

Test 1 & 3

A36 Steel 48” x 48” x ¼”

thick w/ I-beams

Three 3/8” holes

drilled along

centerline with



6 Same Plate tested in

Test 2 & 4

A36 Steel 48” x 48” x ¼”

thick w/ I-beams

Three 3/8” holes

drilled along

centerline with



7 A36 Steel 72”x 72” x ¾”


No notch Did not crack

8 Same Plate tested in

Test 7

A36 Steel 72”x 72” x ¾”


Small groove 2

1/8” x ¼” deep

cut using circular


Did not crack

9 Same Plate tested in

Test 7 & 8

A36 Steel 72”x 72” x ¾”


Small groove 2

7/8” x 5/8” deep

x 5/16” wide cut

using die grinder

Did not crack

10 Same Plate tested in

Test 7, 8 & 9

A36 Steel 72”x 72” x ¾”


4.75” Groove in

Test 9 notched

with jig saw


Each of the Phase II-A tests ran for approximately 10 minutes. The temperature profiles for

the Test 1 upper and lower thermocouples are presented in Figure 13 and Figure 14,

respectively. With the large trough and a thinner plate, the temperature on the upper and

lower surface dropped quickly and in a similar manner. The temperature time histories for

Test 2 were similar to Test 1. However, as reported in Table 2, the Test 1 and Test 2 plates

did not crack.


Figure 13. Phase II Test 1 upper surface temperature profile

Figure 14. Phase II Test 1 lower surface temperature profile


Since the plane plate and welded plate did not contain a flaw large enough to initiate a brittle

fracture given the stress state induced by the cooling applied, stress concentrations were

introduced. This was accomplished by drilling three 3/8 in. diameter holes spaced along the

long dimension of the trough. The locations of the holes are presented in Figure 15. The holes

were sealed with cork material and silicone caulk in order to prevent LN2 from leaking

through the plates. This cork and silicone material adds relatively no strength back to the

steel plate. The holes act as a stress concentration since the material directly adjacent to the

holes will theoretically experience a stress three times that of the test without holes. If the

material in the stress concentrated zone contains a microstructural flaw large enough, and the

stress level is sufficiently high, and the material is in the brittle failure regime, brittle fracture

will occur. The Appendix at the end of this report provides additional discussion on stress

concentrations and fracture mechanics.

These re-tests (Test 3 and 4) were run for approximately 5 minutes, and again, the plates did

not crack. The cooling rates for Tests 3 and 4 were similar to Tests 1 and 2. In order to

further increase the stress, notches were introduced to the sides of the 3/8 in. holes using a

jigsaw. The notches were between 3/4 in. and 7/8 in. long (total length from notch tip to

notch tip). Each notch had a width of approximately 1/16 in. The introduction of the notches

increased the stress significantly more than the three times achieved by the holes alone. The

center holes for Test 5 and Test 6 are shown in Figure 16. These severe notches did lead to

fractures initiating approximately 1.5 minutes in to the cooling of each plate. The temperature

data from Test 5 is given in Figure 17. The cooling rates for Test 5 were very close to the

previous tests (Tests 1 through 4). The cooling rates for Test 6 were also similar to that of

Test 5 and the previous tests. The cracks run in Figure 18 and Figure 19 from the edge of the

center hole (hole 2 in each plate, and the location of maximum stress) perpendicular to the

long dimension of the trough (this happens to also be perpendicular to the direction of

maximum stress). The crack was arrested by the material just under the foam trough where

the plate temperature increased sharply since it was not cooled directly during the test. As

shown in Figure 19, there was a bifurcation of the crack in the plate with the center weld.

This type of bifurcation is typical in brittle fracturing of steel plates.

As explained earlier, the goal of this testing program is to explore the propagation of brittle

cracks in steel plate structures, and not to determine the exact conditions required for crack

initiation. LNG vessels are large complex structures that have sufficient stress concentration

to initiate a brittle cracking when subjected to thermal stresses due to contact with LNG.

These tests are being used to provide example fractured structures to calibrate/validate a

computation failure model as discussed in Section 2.

The tests performed on the two 48 in. plates do not appear to differ significantly. The

introduction of the weld does not appear to have affected the test outcome. However, this

does not in any way demonstrate that welds on LNG vessels will not contain likely sites for

flaws and stress concentrations. The welded plate test was one single test on a simple, non-

fatigued, geometry. As later tests in this report will demonstrate, combining welds with more

complex geometries increases the likelihood of inherent flaws falling within any spill region.


Figure 15. Drilled hole locations Tests 3 and 4

Figure 16. Notched holes for Tests 5 and 6, center hole (hole 2) shown.

44.00 in

48.00 in

48.00 in

12.00 in

1.00 in

1.00 in

9.00 in9.00 in

0.375 (Three Places )

Drilled Hole Size and Loca tion

Pla in Plate Ass embly


Bob Ka lan


Figure 17. Thermocouple data for Test 5

Figure 18. Crack generated in Test 5, 48 in. x 48 in. x ¼ in. plate with notched holes








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 13

tc 14

tc 15

tc 16

tc 17

tc 18


Figure 19. Crack generated in Test 6, 48 in. x 48in. x ¼ in. welded plate with notched


After testing the 48 in. plates, the A36 carbon steel plate with slightly different dimensions,

72 in. x 72 in. x ¾ in. thick, was tested. The thickness of ¾ in. is much closer to the average

hull thickness used in most LNG vessels. The plate and trough are shown in Figure 20. The

trough dimensions are the same as those used on the 48 in. x 48 in. plates. In place of the steel

beams welded around the perimeter of the plate, the extra material and thickness of the plate

provided the warm constraining material.

As noted in Table 2, four successive tests were conducted on this plate in order to generate a

crack. The plate was first tested with no machining to the plate. Part of this experiment was to

investigate the cooling of a thick (¾ in.) plate compared to the 48 in. x 48 in. plates which

were only ¼ in. thick. The thermocouple locations for these tests are the same as those for the

48 in. x 48 in. plates. The temperature distribution for the plate (Test 7) is shown in Figure

21. The ¾ in. thick plate used for Test 7 cooled significantly slower than the ¼ in. thick plates

in Tests 1 through 6. In addition, the lack of I-beams welded around the perimeter did not

prevent the out-of-plane buckling deformation of the plate. The 72 in. plate deformed in a

warping, or saddle shape. There was approximately a 1 1/8 in. warping of the plate along the

long dimension axis of the trough and approximate 7/8 in. along the short dimension axis of

the trough.


Figure 20. Phase II test plate 72 in. x 72 in. x ¾ in.

Figure 21. Thermocouple data for Test 7







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 13

tc 14


After the initial test (Test 7) with the 72 in. plate, several additional tests were conducted to

study different field techniques for introducing stress concentrations for future tests. All

stress concentrations were centered in the trough area with orientations parallel to the short

trough dimension. The first attempt introduced a notch cut into the plate using a die grinder.

The notch for Test 8 was approximately 2 1/8 in. long by ¼ in. deep at the center as shown in

Figure 22(a). This configuration was tested with no crack initiation. Using the die grinder, the

notch size was increased to 2 7/8 in. long by 5/8 in. deep by 5/16 in. wide for Test 9 as shown

in Figure 22(b). However, the slightly longer and deeper surface notch did not lead to crack

initiation for Test 9. From Tests 8 and 9, it was concluded that use of the die grinder to

introduce shallow surface notches did not produce sharp enough regions to produce the stress

required for fracture. For Test 10, the notch length was increased to 4 inches using the die

grinder in addition to cutting completely through the thickness of the plate. In addition, two

¼ in. long thin notches were cut into the ends of the larger die ground notch using a jigsaw.

The resulting notch is shown in Figure 22(c). The cooling rates for Test 10 are illustrated in

Figure 23. This test resulted in a crack initiated and propagating perpendicular to the long

trough dimension as shown in Figure 24. The fracture occurred approximately 4.5 minutes

into the test. The crack extended approximately 1.5 inches beyond the outside surface of the

trough. This is illustrated in Figure 25. As with Tests 5 and 6, the crack arrested when

entering the steep thermal gradient that transitions into warm material. Due to the longer

cooling time to fracture, the cooling, and therefore the crack, extended slightly beyond the


Figure 22. Surface notches cut into 72 in x 72 in plate for (a) Tests 8, (b) Test 9 and (c)

Test 10


Figure 23. Thermocouple data for Test 10

Figure 24. Cracked formed in 72 in. x 72 in. plate during Test 10







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 13

tc 14


Figure 25. The extension of the crack formed in Test 10 beyond the outside of the

cooling trough

4.3 Phase II-B Moderate-Scale Fracture Testing – Marine Grade Steels

Following the initial Phase II-A tests, the Phase II-B series of seven tests were conducted on 4

different test articles using same dimensions and I-beam general configuration as employed in

Tests 1 through 6 (48 in. x 48 in.). However, the plate thickness was increased to ¾ in. in

addition to the use of marine grade steels. ABS Grade A and ABS Grade EH steels were the

two steels chosen for the Phase II-B testing. The ABS Gr. A steel has the lowest stress-strain

curve and lowest fracture toughness of the marine grades, while ABS Gr. EH has the highest

stress-strain curve and the highest fracture toughness. Therefore, testing of these two

materials bounds the different marine grade steels. As with Tests 1 through 6, the test plates

were constructed with the W8x40 steel I-beams welded around the perimeter. One test used a

40 in. x 12 in. trough, ABS Gr. A steel, and the same thermal couple layout as in previous

tests and shown in Figure 11. The remaining three test articles (one Gr. A and two Gr. EH)

employed more significantly modified trough dimensions (24 in. wide by 30 in. long) and a

new thermocouple layout. These new trough dimensions cause a significant change to the

stress field generated during cooling. The trough dimensions and thermocouple layout are

shown in Figure 26 and Figure 27. The wetted area of the trough for this test series was

painted using Blue Water Marine AC 70 primer and Marine Urethane.

The Phase II-B tests are listed in Table 3. The initial two tests (Test 11 and 12) were

conducted using the same Gr. A test plate with a 40 in. x 12 in. trough. A second Gr. A plate

with the 30 in. x 24 in. trough was used in Tests 18 and 19. Finally, two identical Gr EH test

plates (both with 30 in. x 24 in. troughs) were constructed for Tests 17 and 20 and Test 21.

Tests 13 through 16 identify tests in Phase III and Phase IV conducted in parallel with Phase



Figure 26. Test layout for the Phase II ABS steel plate tests

Figure 27. Trough dimensions and thermocouple layout for Phase II ABS steel plate



Table 3. Phase II-B Tests with ABS Grade Steel, all with I-Beams



Note Material Plate Size Notch


Test Results

11 Grade A 48” x 48”x ¾”

40” x 12”


3/8” hole

with 1” star


Did not crack

12 Same Plate as 11 Grade A 48” x 48”x ¾”

40”x 12”


3/8” hole

with 2¾”

star slot

Plate cracked

17 Grade EH 48” x 48”x ¾”

30” x 24”


3/8” hole

with 2 ½”


Did not crack

18 Grade A 48” x 48”x ¾”

30” x 24”


3/8” hole

with 2 ½”


Did not crack

19 Same Plate as 18 Grade A 48” x 48” x


30” x 24”


3/8” hole

with 3 7/8”


Plate cracked

20 Same Plate as 17 Grade EH 48” x 48”x ¾”

30” x 24”


3/8” hole

with 3 7/8”


Did not crack

21 Second EH plate Grade EH 48” x 48”x ¾”

30” x 24”


3/8” hole

with 3 7/8”


Plate cracked


The plate used in Test 11 was tested using Gr. A steel and a stress concentration machined

into the center of the trough. The stress concentration was started with a 3/8 in. diameter hole

and then extended with 8 notches cut in a 1 in. diameter “star” pattern as shown in Figure

28(a). The 40 in. x 12 in. trough dimensions used for Test 11 is very similar to the dimensions

used in the Phase II-A tests. This long but narrow trough severely biases the tensile stress

fields within the cooled region of the plate. The stress generated in the direction of the long

trough dimension is approximated twice the stress generated in the short dimension of the

trough. This would theoretically lead to initiations and crack propagation in direction of the

short trough dimension. The star pattern was introduced to determine whether or not a crack

would initiate in the direction of the long dimension of the trough in addition to the short

dimension, or potentially along the diagonal. The first test (Test 11) on this plate did not

generate any cracking. Therefore, the notch length was extended to 2 ¾” in only two

directions forming a “cross” shape as shown in Figure 28(b). The test with this configuration

resulted in a crack (Test 12) across the trough short dimension as shown in Figure 29

approximately 4 minutes and 45 seconds into the test, but no cracking was generated in the

long dimension of the trough. The temperature time histories for Test 12 are illustrated in

Figure 30.

Figure 28. Notches used in Tests 11 and 12


Figure 29. Crack generated in Test 12

Figure 30. Thermocouple data for Test 12







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400




re (C


Time (sec)










Tests 17 through 21 were conducted using three tests articles, one Gr. A plate and two Gr. EH

plates. Each was tested with a 30 in. x 24 in. trough. Initially, Tests 17 and 18 used 2 ½ in.

long notches parallel to the short tough dimension with Gr. EH and Gr. A plates, respectively.

Neither of the plates fractured. The notch lengths were increased to 3 7/8 in. as shown in

Figure 31. In addition, a second Gr. EH plate was added with the same notch length and is

labeled Gr. EH 2 in Figure 31. The Gr. A plate cracked (Test 19) approximately 8 minutes

into the test with the resulting crack shown in Figure 32. Note that there were two cracks

generated immediately from the one side of the notch. The use of the 30 in. x 24 in. trough

dimensions reduces the level of domination of the maximum stress field and enables a higher

likelihood of diagonal crack propagation as seen here. The thermocouple data from Test 19 is

illustrated in Figure 33. The Gr. EH plate used in Test 17 was retested for Test 20 using the

longer notch but no fracture initiated. The thermocouple data for Test 20 is illustrated in

Figure 34. A nearly identical Gr. EH plate was tested (Test 21) with a crack initiating

approximately 8 minutes into the test and is shown in Figure 35. A second crack propagation

was observed in Test 21 approximately 1 minute after the initial cracking due to a slight

extension of the first cracks as the cooling in the plate extended outward. The thermocouple

data from Test 21 is illustrated in Figure 36. The Gr. EH plate used in Test 20 was not tested

again. Since the two Gr. EH test articles were nearly identical, the conclusion was reached

that the EH plate that did not fail was extremely close to failing. Slight differences in the

material, the construction, and the notch shape could all have contributed to one failing and

the other not failing. This very close threshold of failure was taken into account in the

computational strain/temperature failure locus calibration process and is described in the

computational analysis report in more detail.

Figure 31. Notch geometry used for ABS Grade steel Phase II tests


Figure 32. Cracking pattern for Test 19

Figure 33. Thermocouple data for Test 19


Figure 34. Thermocouple data for Test 20

Figure 35. Cracking pattern for Test 21



Figure 36. Thermocouple data for Test 21

4.4 Phase III Large-Scale Fracture Testing

In parallel with the construction of the Phase II-B test articles, the Phase III test structures

were also assembled. For Phase III of the LNG fracture testing, a larger structure was

designed as shown in Figure 37. The structure consists of a combination of ABS Gr. A and

EH steel plates. The structure was designed with some of the general features found within a

LNG vessel (e.g., intersecting plates, welds, stiffening ribs, etc). The Phase III test structure

was not designed as scaled versions of a section of any existing LNG vessel, but rather to

study the behavior and general features found in LNG vessels (e.g., intersecting plates, welds,

stiffening elements, etc). Referring to Figure 37, the lower plate (blue) is ¾ in. ABS Gr A

steel. The vertical walls are ½ in. ABS Gr. EH steel and extend three feet from the surface of

the ¾ in. thick Gr. A plate. Three ¼ in. thick by 4 in. high ABS Gr. A stiffening ribs are

placed at 2 ft spacings. The ribs were welded perpendicular to the ¾ in. thick Gr. A base

plate. Finally, structural W8X40 I-beams were welded to the edges of the plate to add

additional constraint. Structural W8X40 I-beams were added (welded) to the bottom of the

structure to act as supports. These supports also allowed access to the back surface of the

lower plate for attaching thermocouples and insulation material. Three of these large

structures were constructed for Phase III testing. A list of the five Phase III tests using those

three large test articles is given in Table 4. The first two test structures (Tests 13 and 14 and

Test 16) were cooled using multiple dewars of LN2. This was necessary due to the increased

size of the structures and the surface area being cooled. The third large structure (Tests 22


and 23) was identical to the first two, but the test was conducted with water in contact with

some of the steel structure. This test was of interest due to the scenarios in actual LNG

vessels were a portion of the steel hull may have LNG on one side and have water on the

adjacent side. The presence of the water may affect the cooling of the steel plates. The details

of all three tests are provided below. Note that Tests 17 through 21 were part of Phase II-B.

In addition, Test 15 was part of Phase IV.

Figure 37. Large Phase III structure layout and materials


Table 4. Large Phase III Structure Tests



Note Steel Notch Type Test Result

13 5 valves

Dewars open

same time

See Figure 37 2 ¾” star

notch in Bay


Did not


14 Same

structure used

in Test 13



See Figure 37 New Notch

4” cross in

Frame B


16 6 values




See Figure 37 T-slot 2 ¾” Cracked

22 6 values

First Pool


See Figure 37 2 ¾”notch Did not


23 Same

structure as

Test 22

Second Pool


See Figure 37 8” notch Cracked


turning off


4.4.1 Large-Scale Tests without Water

The tests conducted (Test 13 and 14) on the first Phase III structure used a 30 inch wide

trough constructed perpendicular to the 4 in. stiffening ribs. The layout of the trough is shown

in Figure 39. The trough is separated into two sections. The first section is within the 3 ft

vertical Gr. EH plates and is approximately 74 in. long and spans three rib compartments

within the structure. The other trough section is approximately 24 in. long and is located


outside of the vertical Gr. EH plate. Photos of the trough are shown in Figure 38. The trough

also extends up the first 18 in. of the inside and outside surface of the 3 ft vertical Gr. EH


Fifty-four thermocouples were used during the tests to record temperature data. The layout of

the thermocouples is presented in Figure 39. Five low-pressure dewars were used in the two

tests (Test 13 and 14) performed on the first large structure. The dewars were connected to

five Magnatrol F25M21 solenoid valves to enable remote operation. The layout of the dewar

pipes is also shown in Figure 39. One vertical pipe flows into the center of the three inside

chambers created by the 4 in. ribs and the foam trough. The other two pipes spray the inside

and outside surface of the 3 ft vertical Gr. EH side wall. The flow strikes the 3 ft wall

approximately 1 ft above the Gr. A base plate. An eight segment star notch which measure 2

¾ in. in diameter was machined into the third chamber from the wall (see dark gray spot in

Figure 38(a)). This configuration of notches was machined into the structure after the initial

painting of the trough area. Therefore, the dark gray spot shows the repainting performed in

the notch area. A 4 ft x 8 ft x 2 in. piece of Styrofoam was placed on the underside of the ¾

in. Gr. A plate trough region to act as additional insulation.

The layout of the test structure for Tests 13 and 14 is illustrated in Figure 40. During Tests 13

all five solenoid valves were open simultaneously. The test ran for approximately 30 minutes

and no fracturing was generated.

Figure 38. Phase III Test 13 and 14 trough layout, inside the structure (left) and outside

the 3 ft vertical Gr. EH plate (right)


Figure 39. Trough and thermocouple layout for Phase III Test 13 and 14.

Figure 40. Layout of the Phase III tests (Test 13 and 14)



V iew A-A

Thermocoup les on one side o f w all

The rmoc ouple s on e ac h one s ide of guss e t

Notc h

Dewar Flow

on Wall

Dewar Flow

on bottom

Foa m Trough

TC on both side of floor

(top and Bottom number differ by 35)

TC on Both side of vertical gusset or wall

Thermcouple and Test Layout for First Phase III Test



54 Total

1.00 in

10.00 in

14.00 in

3.00 in

Loc a tion of

TC 's on R ibs

De war Pipe

Loc a tion

30.00 in

8.00 in

12.00 in 4.00 in

10.00 in

Dewar Flowon Wall

6.00 in

12.00 in

20.00 in26.00 in

1.0 in























4.00 in

16.00 in


As with many of the Phase II tests, a second Phase III test (Test 14) was performed using the

same structure that was used in the first test (Test 13). However, the second test on this

structure included a redesign of the notch, notch location, and dewar timing. For Test 14, a 4

in. long cross shaped notch was machined into the middle chamber of the trough as shown in

Figure 41 and Figure 42 (brown tape covering cross notches). The dark grey areas in Figure

42 show the repainting performed in areas that experienced paint flaking after Test 13. The

original star notches in the far bay remained unrepaired (see Figure 43). Longer notches lead

to higher stress concentrations and therefore failure was predicted to occur at the 4 in. cross

notches and not to original star notches. Also, timing of the 5 dewar values was introduced so

that the entire trough region was not cooled simultaneously. During Test 14, the valves were

opened at different times. Referring to Figure 43, valve 2 (Bay B) was opened initially. After

10 minutes and 55 seconds, a crack initiated (audible evidence). Within approximated 15

seconds from this audible sound, valve 3 (Bay C) was opened. At a time of 12 minutes and 23

seconds into the test, a second crack initiation/propagation was heard. Again, within

approximately 15 seconds from this sound, valves 1, 4, and 5 were opened. At 15 minutes and

45 seconds into the test, a third crack initiation/propagation occurred. As the test continued,

significant quantities of leaking LN2 fluid was observed passing through the cracked

structure. Finally at 16 minutes and 26 seconds into the test, the final crack

initiation/propagation occurred. The valves were close 18 minutes and 35 seconds into the

test. The fractures that formed during Test 14 are shown in Figure 44 with the thermocouple

data illustrated in Figure 45. Note that the thermocouple data for TC7 increases rapidly

around 650 seconds. This was due to the thermocouple losing contact with the plate and/or


The goal of the timed value openings was to learn how it affected the cracks propagated after

initiation. The initial region, Bay B, has dimensions 30 in. wide and 24 in. long in the

direction of the full trough. As also observed during the Phase II tests, the crack initially

propagated in the direction of the short dimension (24 in.), which is the direction of the other

sections of the trough (see Figure 44). The second fracture most likely included cracks

propagating into Bay C after value 3 was opened. These cracks immediately turned toward

the sides of the trough. Note that after the second valve was turned on, the cooling region

dimensions were now 48 in. x 30 in. The cooled region now includes Bay C and Bay B, thus

the geometry of the cooled region now has the long axis rotated 90 degrees. This rotation of

the long dimension therefore rotated the maximum stress direction causing the cracks to turn

during propagation. The third observed cracking was most likely the cracks propagating into

Bay A and turning toward the sides of the trough after the remaining valves were opened.

The final observed crack propagation was likely the extension of multiple existing cracks into

material located slightly beyond the borders of the trough. This was observed in the Phase II

tests when the cooling continues for some time. Here, the material outside of the direct

trough cooling region also begins to cool to the point where crack extension is favorable.

Also note that the stiffening ribs were fractured through completely. Since they were nearly

as cold as the base plate, they did not provide any type of crack arrestment.


Figure 41. Notch added for use in Test 14

Figure 42. Trough with added notches and paint repair prior to Test 14


Figure 43. Pipe layouts and Bay/Valve locations for Test 13 and 14 (2 ¾ in. star Test 1

designates in Test 13, 4 in. Cross Test 2 added for Test 14)

Figure 44. Crack formation during Test 14

3' wall

3' wall

Rib Rib Rib






2 3/4" star Test 1

4" Cross Test 2


Figure 45. Thermocouple data for Test 14

The next Phase III test (Test 16) used the trough configuration shown in Figure 46, Figure 47,

and Figure 48. The trough extended the full width (8 ft.) of the region within the vertical Gr.

EH plates and spanned the other direction across two rib sections. The trough ran up the side

of the 3 ft vertical Gr. EH wall approximately 18 inches. For the outer region of the structure,

the trough extended only approximately 4 in. along the entire 8 ft. span, but also extended up

the vertical Gr. EH plate 18 inches along the entire 8 ft. span.

There were filler tubes attached to six low-pressure dewars for Test 16. Four of the tubes

filled the inner trough regions. The two remaining tubes sprayed the inside and outside

surface of the 3 ft. side wall. Similar to Tests 13 and 14, the tubes spray the side wall

approximately 12 in. above the ¾ in. thick Gr. A base plate and centered along the 8 ft. span.

The five filler tubes that supplied the inner regions of the structure are clearly show in Figure

47. The wetted surfaces were painted with marine primer that was used in the Phase II-B


Forty–four thermocouples were attached to the structure. The thermocouple layout is

presented in Figure 46.







0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 2

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 9

tc 10

tc 37

tc 40

tc 41

tc 42

tc 43

tc 44

tc 45


Figure 46. Trough and thermocouple configuration for Test 16

Figure 47. Trough and pipe layout for Test 16

Thermcouple and Test Layout for second Phase III Test

View A-A

Thermocouples on one side of wall

TC on both sides of floor

TC on side of the vertical gusset or wall



44 Total

Location of

TC 's on Ribs

D e w a r P ipe


2.00 in30.00 in

4.00 in

12.00 in

54.00 in

6.00 in

6.00 in

2.00 in

6.00 in15.00 in

12.0 in



Foam Trough



















19 20 21 22 23

24 25 2627


















(black numbers top surface,green numbers bottom surface)

(Blue numbers)


Figure 48. Trough layout outside vertical Gr. EH plate for Test 16

The stress concentration machined into the structure for Test 16 was started with a 3/8 in.

diameter hole with notches then extended away from the hole creating a total notch length of

2 ¾ in. The notch was perpendicular to the ribs and was in the second rib chamber as shown

in Figure 49. Due the large number of cracks, red dye penetrate was used to highlight the

fracture progression. Again, the long dimension of the cooling region for this test was 96 in.

(8 ft.) with the short dimension 48 in. (~52 in. if the section outside of the vertical Gr. EH

plates is added). This configuration would lead to a crack initiation and propagation mainly in

the short cooling dimension; therefore, the notch was machined only in that direction. All six

of the valves were open simultaneously at the beginning of the test. At just over 14 minutes

into the test, a crack initiated (audible detection). The resulting cracks are shown in Figure 49

and with the thermocouple data provided in Figure 50. The uniform drop in all of the

temperature data at about 850 seconds was caused by the vibration that occurred during the

fracture. The data after that point is not considered valid.

Examination of the crack pattern suggested there is a high likelihood that the initial crack

initiation occurred at the weld “toe” attaching one of the stiffening ribs to the ¾ in. thick Gr.

A plate. This rib weld is located adjacent to the “rat hole” near the vertical Gr. EH plate as

illustrated in Figure 51. This spot is the intersection of three different plate and weldments

resulting in a highly stressed geometry. The resulting stress shock wave propagated through

the structure to the machined notches. This was then followed by the subsequent initiation of

two additional sites in the weld region between the ¾ in. Gr. A base plate and the vertical Gr.

EH plate (upper left of Figure 49). This sequence of initiations is based on a study of the

crack propagation and termination pattern. Since only one audible cracking event was

observed, all of the initiations occurred nearly instantaneously. It is also clear from Figure 49


that the cracks, for the most part, run in the direction of the short dimension of the cooling

region. However, with largest cooling region in terms of area of any test performed in this

study, Test 16 exhibited many of the features observed in actual cases of large-scale brittle

fracture in steel plating as shown in Figure 52. These include crack branching and semi-

random propagation. This semi-random nature is based on the stress wave and the

microstructure of the material. Though as mentioned earlier, the direction of the gross path of

the cracks was dominated by the maximum stress direction which propagated them in the

short cooling dimension. A significant outcome of the test was the propagation of the cracks

not only through the stiffening ribs (Figure 53), but also through and up the vertical Gr. EH

plate (Figure 54). The larger vertical wall with the higher fracture toughness Gr. EH plate had

no effect in arresting a propagating brittle crack since the 3 ft. Gr. EH plate was also cold.

Finally, the cracks that propagated through the vertical Gr. EH plate and into the horizontal ¾

in. Gr. A plate turned 90 degrees and joined together to form a crack parallel to the vertical

Gr. EH plate. Part of this turning and joining is illustrated in Figure 55. The reason for the

crack turning lies in the rotation of the maximum stress direction along the narrow cooled

region just outside of the vertical Gr. EH plate. It should also be noted that this crack ran

through the base Gr. A plate and not along the weldment joining the Gr. A plate and the Gr.

EH plate.

Figure 49. Interior crack formation during Test 16


Figure 50. Thermocouple data for Test 16

Figure 51. Close-up of likely initiation site for Test 16







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 4

tc 5

tc 10

tc 14

tc 30

tc 31

tc 36

tc 40


Figure 52. Fractures caused by LNG spills on actual LNG vessels (Roue, 2011)


Figure 53. Close-up stiffening rib fracture for Test 16

Figure 54. Outside through-cracks for Test 16


Figure 55. Outside cracking with turning for Test 16

4.4.2 Large-Scale Tests with Water

The last set of tests (Test 22 and 23) conducted using the third and final large structure placed

the structure inside a 24 ft diameter pool. The purpose of the tests was to investigate cooling a

structure that was in partial contact with water. A schematic of the test configuration is shown

in Figure 56. Only a 48 in. wide plate section was in contact with the water as pointed to in

Figure 56. Polyurethane foam was used to insulate the remaining portion of the structure from

the pool water. The bottom surface was sprayed until forming a 3 in. foam layer as shown in

Figure 57. The wetted surfaces were painted with marine paint.

For Test 22, the trough layout, notch dimensions, and the dewar layout were the same as for

Test 16. A 2 3/4 in slot was cut perpendicular to the ribs in the second chamber. The backside

of this area was insulated from the water by the urethane foam. As with Test 16, six dewars

were used during the test and all of the dewar valves were open at the start of the test. The

pretest setup of the large structure pool test is shown in Figure 58. Several small holes were

drilled into the horizontal plate. Plastic tubes were then attached to the top surface of the

holes so that water could be seen rising above the surface of the horizontal plate. These

holes/tubes were used to attempt to ensure that water was in contact with the bottom surface

of the ¾ in. thick Gr. A plate. The only differences from Test 16 were the water and the

Polyurethane foam preventing water from contacting a portion of the ¾ in. Gr. A base plate.


Figure 56. Schematic of the large structure pool tests

Figure 57. Polyurethane foam applied to the bottom of the large structure


Figure 58. Test setup for the large structure pool test

Test 22 ran for approximately 30 minutes (exhausted the supply of LN2) without cracking the

structure. The notch was subsequently enlarged to 8 in. as shown in Figure 59. Using an

identical test setup as for Test 22, the second pool test, Test 23, was run for thirty minute and

again no cracking was observed. The valves were closed at 30 minutes, the instrumentation

was turned off around 42 minutes, and the disassembly of the test setup was then initiated.

However, draining of the pool had not been initiated. Approximately 46 minutes after

beginning the test (4 minutes after turning off the data acquisition), a crack initiated. The

resulting cracks are shown in Figure 60. The crack initiated from the 8 in. long notches and

then formed an “X” pattern. The cracks propagated through and up the vertical Gr. EH plate.

In addition, the long cooling time caused significant cooling outside of the direct trough

region. This led to a propagation of crack well outside of the trough region (right side of

Figure 60). Since the crack initiated at a time when no physical contact with the structure

was occurring by the test administrators, the most likely reason for crack initiation is that the

structure warmed up through a different path than the structure cooled down through. This

slightly different path of warming caused the stresses nearest the tips of the machined notches

to increase to a level higher than that experienced earlier in the test. Since the data

acquisition system was not collecting data, the exact temperature distribution in the structure

at crack initiation is not known. However, Figure 61 illustrated the thermocouple data up to

approximately 4 minute before fracture. The temperatures are clearly starting to increase at

42 minutes, but the structure was still extremely cold. The warming trend would have

continued for the additional 4 minutes until fracture, but not significantly.


Figure 59. Test 23 notch increased to 8 in.

Figure 60. Crack progression for Test 23


Figure 61. Thermocouple data for Test 23

5. Heat Transfer Testing

The final test series were conducted to collect heat transfer data and to compare cooling rates

with LN2 and LNG. The test plates were 6 in. x 6 in. plates with a 5 in. foam trough caulked

around the perimeter as shown in Figure 62. There was also one 18 in x 18 in plate with a

centered 6 in. x 6 in. trough caulked in the center. The plate thickness varied from ¼ in. to ¾

in. and the plates were tested bare, painted with a marine epoxy primer, or painted with an

epoxy primer and urethane top coat. There were twelve thermocouples on the 6 in. plates and

24 thermocouples on the 18 in. plate. The layout of the thermocouples and the description of

the six tests conducted with LNG and LN2 are presented in Figure 63.

Figure 62. Plate setup used in heat transfer tests







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 4

tc 5

tc 10

tc 14

tc 30

tc 31

tc 36

tc 40


Figure 63. Heat transfer tests dimensions and thermocouple layout

For the LN2 tests (all six tests collectively designated Test 15), the test plates were filled by

pouring in the LN2 from a small 5 liter dewar. The test plates were placed on a Mettler

PC8000 precision balance scale and the trough was filled in about 10 seconds. Hand readings

were taken and recorded every 15 seconds as the LN2 evaporated. The thermocouple data for

the six LN2 heat transfer tests is provided in Figure 64 through Figure 69. A number of

thermocouples lost plate contact or malfunctioned and were not plotted. For the ¾ in. thick

plates, the surface coatings allow for more efficient cooling as observed in the Phase I tests.

However, the differences between the epoxy primer only and epoxy primer with urethane are

minimal. The thinner ¼ in. plates cooled much more efficiently than the ¾ in. plates. The

addition of the surface coating to the ¼ in. plate did have a noticeable effect, but less than of

the ¾ in. plate. For the 18 in. x 18 in. plate tests, only about 200 seconds of data was

collected. Due to the increased mass of the plate, the cooling rate to that point was

considerably slower than for the 6 in. plates.

6.00 in

6.00 in

8.00 in

1.00 in

8.00 in

1.00 in

18.00 in

18.00 in

Foam Trough

2.00 in

1.00 in

2.00 in

1.00 in

Plates for Test

1. 6" x 6" x 3/4" Bare

2. 6" x 6" x 3/4" Epoxy Primer

3. 6" x 6" x 3/4" Epoxy Primer and Urethane

4. 6" x 6" x 1/4" Bare

5. 6" x 6" x 1/4" Epoxy Primer

6. 18" x 18" x 3/4" Epoxy Primer

Small Te s t Pla te

Large Tes t Plate

2.00 in

2.00 in

2.00 in


2 3

4 5 6


8 9

10 11 12


2 3

4 5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12


14 15

16 17 18

19 20

21 22

23 24


Figure 64. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Bare

Figure 65. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 1

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 9

tc 10

tc 11

tc 12







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 1

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 9

tc 10

tc 11

tc 12


Figure 66. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple tata – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy Urethane

Figure 67. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple fata – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¼ in. Bare







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 1

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 10

tc 11

tc 12







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 1

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 9

tc 10

tc 11

tc 12


Figure 68. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¼ in. Epoxy

Figure 69. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data – 18 in. x 18 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 1

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 9

tc 10

tc 11

tc 12







0 100 200 300 400 500 600





Time (sec)

tc 1

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 9

tc 10

tc 11

tc 12

tc 13

tc 14

tc 15

tc 16

tc 17

tc 18

tc 19

tc 20

tc 21

tc 22

tc 23

tc 24


The LNG heat transfer coefficient tests (all six tests collectively designated Test 24) were

conducted remotely as illustrated with the schematic in Figure 70. The low pressure CRYO-

CYL 180 dewar in Figure 71 was purchased from Chart Industries. The dewar was filled

using an LNG tanker brought on site for the LNG fire tests, using a standard truck hose

coupling mounted to the dewar support rack. A Magnatrol F25M21 solenoid valve was used

to control the flow from the dewar during the test plate filling process.

During the tests, the trough filling was monitored by remote camera. A flow deflector, shown

in Figure 72 was use to keep the flow from impinging directly on the bottom surface of the

plate during filling. The fill pipe and deflector were held approximately 1” above the bottom

surface of the test plate.

An Interface SM-25 load cell was used to measure the weight of the LNG as a function of

time. The thermocouple data and the load cell data were coupled in time by using the timing

of the Magnatrol solenoid valve actuation. The thermocouple data for the six LNG heat

transfer tests is provided in Figure 73 through Figure 79. For the ¾ in. thick plates, the

surface coatings allow for only slightly more efficient cooling. As with the LN2, the

differences between the epoxy primer only and epoxy primer with urethane are minimal. The

thinner ¼ in. plates cooled much more efficiently than the ¾ in. plates. The addition of the

surface coating to the ¼ in. plate again did have a slight effect. For the 18 in. x 18 in. plate

tests, approximately 1 hour of data was collected. Due to the increased mass of the plate, the

cooling rate to that point was considerably slower than for the 6 in. plates. Figure 79 provides

the cooling for the 18 in. plate over the first 600 seconds (10 minutes) only.

Figure 70. Schematic of the LNG heat transfer tests

Burst Disk , PRV and Pressure guage

Vent valve Cryo-Cyl

Liquid Fill & Withdrawal Valve

Solenoid Valve

Test Plate

Foam TroughSurrounding Plate

(volume 0.6 gallons)

Test Plate Fill Hose Assembly

(approximate 6 ft)

Foam Insulation Under Test Plate

Test Plate Support

TC WiresBonding Cable

Pressure ReliefValve


Figure 71. LNG heat transfer test configuration

Figure 72. Test plate and flow deflector


Figure 73. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Bare

Figure 74. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy


Figure 75. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy Urethane

Figure 76. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¼ in. Bare


Figure 77. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¼ in. Epoxy

Figure 78. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 18 in. x 18 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000





Time (sec)

tc 1

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 9

tc 10

tc 11

tc 12

tc 13

tc 14

tc 15

tc 16

tc 17

tc 18

tc 19

tc 20

tc 21

tc 22

tc 23

tc 24


Figure 79. LNG heat transfer thermocouple data – 18 in. x 18 in. x ¾ in. Epoxy (zoom)

Comparisons of the LNG and the LN2 cooling rates in Figure 82 and Figure 83 show more

efficient cooling for the LNG for the ¾ in. bare and epoxy urethane plates, respectively. The

LNG tests were conducted with an initial temperature approximately 20oC cooler than the

LN2 tests. However, even when adjusting for this difference, the LNG cooling rates are still

higher than the LN2 rates. Finally, the lowest achieved temperatures in the plates are lower

for the LN2 since it is -191oC and LNG is only -161

oC. This difference is not significant since

the steel will enter the lower shelf fracture toughness regime well above either of these

temperatures. The fracture toughness of the materials used in these tests is discussed in

Volume III (Petti et al., 2011) of this study.







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)

tc 1

tc 2

tc 3

tc 4

tc 5

tc 6

tc 7

tc 8

tc 9

tc 10

tc 11

tc 12

tc 13

tc 14

tc 15

tc 16

tc 17

tc 18

tc 19

tc 20

tc 21

tc 22

tc 23

tc 24


Figure 80. LNG vs. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data for TC1 – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in.


Figure 81. LNG vs. LN2 heat transfer thermocouple data for TC1 – 6 in. x 6 in. x ¾ in.

Epoxy Urethane







0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)









0 100 200 300 400 500 600




re (C


Time (sec)




6. Summary and Conclusions

This report summarizes the four phases of large-scale testing conducted as part of the

Cascading Damage Study to investigate the effect of cryogenic liquids contacting steel plates.

The purpose of these tests were to investigate the cooling of steel plates subjected to

cryogenic liquids and to study the development and propagation of cracks in the plates due to

the induced thermal stresses and lowering fracture toughness. The plate sizes ranged from

simple 4 ft square plates in Phase II to 12 ft x 3ft structures with more complex geometry in

Phase III. Twenty-two structural tests were conducted in Phases II and III, nine of which

resulted in cracking. In order to generate thermally induced fracturing, stress concentration

were introduced with varying degrees of severity and typically in stages. In one instance (Test

16), the crack initiated from the weld toe near the connection of a stiffening plate to the main

base plate and vertical intersecting plate. Two tests (Test 15 and 24) were each a collection of

6 individual heat transfer tests.

The tests performed in the study are used in the validation of the failure model applied in the

computational analysis portion of the project. The details of those analyses are provided in a

separate report. Beyond their use in the computational analyses, the test results have provided

the following observations and insights:

The steel plate cracking observed in these tests is representative of brittle cracking

observed in steel hull sections of commercial LNG tankers subjected to accidental

LNG spills.

Crack initiation requires a sufficient stress concentration given the temperature of the

steel; however, LNG vessels are complex and aged structures containing a large

population of crack initiators.

Fracture propagation generally follows the flow path with the stress fields and

microstructure influencing the local fracture patterns.

Intersecting plates and stiffening elements do not restrict crack propagation along with

the larger base plates if also subjected to the cryogenic temperatures.

Crack propagation is arrested when the crack leaves the low-temperature material

region and propagates into the warmer region where the metal is ductile. At this point,

load redistribution of the structure/tanker could cause the brittle cracks to extend

under ductile tearing. However, since these structures only experienced initial

gravitational loads, no noticeable ductile tearing extension was observed in these tests.

In actual structures, including LNG tankers, other stresses will be imposed that could

theoretically lead to further crack extension by ductile tearing.

Cooling rates on steel plate sections rely on many factors including the size of the

structure, the size of the spill (trough), the plate thickness, the specific cryogenic

liquid (LNG vs. LN2), the presence of water at or near the spill, and the presence of a

surface coating. The cooling rate observations and data from these tests are used in

the computational analyses.



American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), (1993) Manual on the Use of

Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement: 4th

Edition, Manual Series MNL 12.

Anderson, T.L., (1995), Fracture Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition.

Figueroa, V.G., Lopez, C., O’Rourke, K.K., (2011), LNG Cascading Damage Study Volume

II: Flow Analysis for Spills from Moss and Membrane LNG Cargo Tanks, SAND2011-9464,

Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico.

Hightower, M., et al. (2004). Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large

Liquefied Natural (LNG) Spill Over Water, SAND2004-6258. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia

National Laboratories.

Hightower, M., Luketa-Hanlin, A., Gritzo, L.A., Covan, J.M. (2006). Review of Independent

Risk Assessment of the Proposed Cabrillo Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Project,

SAND2005-7339. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.

Hertzburg, R.W., (1996), Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials,

Fourth Edition.

Petti, J.P., Wellman, G.W., Villa, D., Lopex, C., Figueroa, V.G., Heinstein, M., (2011), LNG

Cascading Damage Study Volume III: Vessel Structural and Thermal Analysis Report,

SAND2011-6226, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico.

Roue, Roger, (2011), Personal communication between Roger Roue, SIGTTO (Society of

International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators Ltd) and M. Hightower (Sandia National



Appendix A – Stress Concentrations

In order to explain the effects of stress concentrations, a simple example is provided here.

Equation 1 and 2 along with Figure 82 illustrate a stress concentration at the edge of a

circular or elliptical hole in a plate (Hertzberg, 1996). For a circular hole, the major (a) and

minor (b) axes are equal, a = b, and therefore, max = 3 applied. For an elliptical flaw, Eq. 1

can be modified to be a function of the radius of curvature ( ) of the end of the ellipse

resulting in Eq. 2. Equation 2 also includes the assumption that the length of the ellipse is

much larger than the radius of curvature. Equation 2 illustrates that as the length of the

ellipse increases, or notch in our cases, the stress at the edge of the ellipse also increases. In

addition, a reduction of also increases the edge stress. The introduction of the machined

notches to the drilled holes in our tests increased the stress significantly.

Eq. 1



Figure 82. Stress Concentration at Circular and Elliptical holes in Plates


As continues to decrease toward 0, the ellipse transitions into a “crack” in which the tip

theoretically becomes perfectly sharp. Cracks of prefect sharpness, = 0, do not actually

exist, some small blunting is always present. In addition, material yielding prevents the

stresses from increasing beyond the material strength. Using Linear Elastic Fracture

Mechanics (LEFM) (Anderson, 1995), this mathematically sharp crack tip region is

commonly referred to as a “singularity”. The amplitude of the singularity is defined with the

stress intensity factor, KI-applied. Equation 3 is used to compute the stress intensity factor for a

through crack in an infinite plate as show in Figure 83. The fracture toughness of the

structural steels used in LNG construction decreases with temperature. At LNG temperature

(-161oC), these steels are extremely brittle and have reached their “lower shelf” fracture

toughness. This makes LEFM appropriate in predicting fracture when the applied stress

intensity, KI-applied, exceeds the fracture toughness of the material for a given temperature and

flaw size (a).

Eq. 3


Figure 83. Crack Tip Stresses in Plates



Appendix B – Test Data

The complete set of thermocouple data are provided in this Appendix for the Phase II and III

tests. For Tests 1 through 12, Figure 11 shows the thermocouple locations. For Tests 17

through 21, Figure 27 illustrates the thermocouple locations, For Tests 13 and 14, Figure 39

shows the thermocouple locations. Finally, for Tests 16, 22, and 23, Figure 46 provides the

thermocouple locations.

Figure 84. Test 1 – TCs 1-11

Figure 85. Test 1 – TCs 12-22


Figure 86. Test 2 – TCs 1-11

Figure 87. Test 2 – TCs 12-22


Figure 88. Test 3 – TCs 1-11

Figure 89. Test 3 – TCs 12-22


Figure 90. Test 4 – TCs 1-11

Figure 91. Test 4 – TCs 12-22


Figure 92. Test 5 – TCs 1-11

Figure 93. Test 5 – TCs 12-22


Figure 94. Test 6 – TCs 1-11

Figure 95. Test 6 – TCs 12-22


Figure 96. Test 7 – TCs 1-11

Figure 97. Test 7 – TCs 12-22


Figure 98. Test 8 – TCs 1-11

Figure 99. Test 8 – TCs 12-22


Figure 100. Test 9 – TCs 1-11

Figure 101. Test 9 – TCs 12-22


Figure 102. Test 10 – TCs 1-11

Figure 103. Test 10 – TCs 12-22


Figure 104. Test 11 – TCs 1-11

Figure 105. Test 11 – TCs 12-22


Figure 106. Test 12 – TCs 1-11

Figure 107. Test 12 – TCs 12-22


Figure 108. Test 17 – TCs 1-10

Figure 109. Test 17 – TCs 11-20


Figure 110. Test 18 – TCs 1-10

Figure 111. Test 18 – TCs 11-20


Figure 112. Test 19 – TCs 1-10

Figure 113. Test 19 – TCs 11-20


Figure 114. Test 20 – TCs 1-10

Figure 115. Test 20 – TCs 11-20


Figure 116. Test 21 – TCs 1-10

Figure 117. Test 21 – TCs 11-20


Figure 118. Test 13 – TCs 1-19

Figure 119. Test 13 – TCs 36-54


Figure 120. Test 13 – TCs 20-35 (TC 25 not used)

Figure 121. Test 14 – TCs 1-19


Figure 122. Test 14 – TCs 36-54

Figure 123. Test 14 – TCs 20-35 (TC 25 not used)


Figure 124. Test 16 – TCs 1-18

Figure 125. Test 16 – TCs 27-44


Figure 126. Test 16 – TCs 19-26

Figure 127. Test 22 – TCs 1-18


Figure 128. Test 22 – TCs 27-44

Figure 129. Test 22 – TCs 19-26


Figure 130. Test 23 – TCs 1-18

Figure 131. Test 23 – TCs 27-44


Figure 132. Test 23 – TCs 19-26




Bob Corbin

Director, Oil and Gas Global Security and Supply

United States Department of Energy

Office of Oil and Natural Gas FE32

Forrestal Building

1000 Independence Ave SW

Washington DC 20585


MS1135 R. Kalan, 1534

MS1108 M. Hightower, 6111

MS0744 J. Petti, 6233


Typewritten Text
RIM - Reports Mgmt, 9532


Page 2








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List of pipeline accidents in the United StatesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


1 1890s

2 1920s

3 1930s

4 1940s

5 1950s

6 1960s7 1970s

8 1980s

9 1990s

10 2000s

11 References


1890 On January 24, a gas explosion destroyed a home in Columbus, Ohio, attracting a crowd of

onlookers. While people were still gathered to look at the ruins of the home, a second gas explosion

happened in a nearby home. The second explosion caused 4 deaths, and there were 32 injuries from both


1895 On April 25, a woman in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania was investigating the smell of gas in a basement,

while using a portable lantern. A series of explosions and followed, injuring that woman, and another woman,

and damaging 4 homes. The gas leak was caused by gas being diverted into an older, defective gas main in

the area.[2]


1929 On July 22, two oil company patrolmen were killed by an explosion of a gas pipeline near Castaic,



1930 On April 4, gas leaked into the sewer system in New York City, New York, and later exploded. 6

people were injured, 5,000 were evacuated from nearby buildings, and telephone cables were damaged.[4]

1930 A runaway horse smashed a wagon of lumber against a crude oil pipeline in Ripon, Wisconsin on May

24. The oil ignited and spread to nearby oil tanks, causing a blaze that destroyed a number of buildings.[5]

1930 Excavation in Fairport, New York caused a major gas explosion on July 30. 3 people were killed, 10

9/24/12 List of pipeline accidents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


were injured, and a 4 family house was damaged by the blast and following fire.[6]

1931 4 campers near Kilgore, Texas were burned to death when they were surrounded by gas from a

pipeline leak that caught fire on April 17. The flames also spread to brush and timber in the area, preventing

rescuers from reaching the bodies for 3 hours.[7]

1936 On February 19, a worker inside a sewer in Utica, New York ignited natural gas that had leaked into

the sewer system. An explosion was triggered, and the following fire burned for more than 24 hours. 4,000

people were evacuated.[8]

1936 On November 21, a pipeline serving a loading dock in Port Arthur, Texas, ruptured and ignited. The

burning oil killed 3 people, and injured 6 others.[9]

1937 An oil pipeline being repaired by gas welding exploded near Pryor, Oklahoma on January 26. 2 of the

repair crew, and 4 wives of the repairmen were killed by the explosion and following fire.[10]

1939 On December 12, a pipeline being tested ruptured for 40 miles (64 km), near Wichita Falls, Texas,

injuring one person.[11]


1940 A gas compressor plant exploded in Braintree, Massachusetts on April 4, killing four people and

injuring 12 others.[12]

1940 On August 29, a newly hired crew of repairmen were working on fixing a pipeline leak near Buffalo,

Oklahoma, when the pipeline exploded and started a fire. Five of the crew were killed, 10 others were

burned, and 10 horses burned to death.[13][14]

1943 On January 18, a grass fire near Tyler, Texas spread to a leak in an 8 inch diameter natural gas

pipeline. The gas leak was initially small, but grew quickly, until the gas flames were about 200 feet (61 m)

high. Gas service was cut to 28,000 people.[15]

1944 The "Big Inch" crude oil pipeline ruptured in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, with the crude spill killing fish

along a 12-mile (19 km) stretch of the Laurel Hill creek.[16]\

1946 A crew working to connect a new gas main in Peru, Illinois on July 4, when the old gas main exploded,

killing 5 of the work crew, and injuring 7 others.[17]

1948 On February 28, crude oil spilled from a ruptured pipeline leading to storage tank in Oklahoma City,

Oklahoma. Some teen boys in the area saw crude oil bubbling out of manhole covers, and thought thatigniting the oil would be a good idea. This caused a string of sewer explosions, causing manhole covers to fly

10 feet (3.0 m) into the air.[18]

1948 On March 18, the 20 inch diameter "Little Big Inch" natural gas pipeline near Petersburg, Indiana,

exploded and burned, throwing pieces of the pipe as far as 300 feet (91 m) away from the blast point. 3

homes were destroyed by the fire.[19][20]

1948 October 18: Vapors from a leaking butane pipeline at a refinery in Texas City, Texas spread out along

a nearby highway, causing a number of cars to stall. The gas then exploded, killing 4 people, and seriously

burning 17 others.[21][22]

1948 On November 19, a "Big Inch" pipeline pumping station exploded and caught fire near Seymour,

Indiana, causing $3,000,000 in damage, and injuring 17 workers at the station.[23][24]

1949 A section of the "Little Big Inch" exploded and burned in North Vernon, Indiana on March 4, burning

a mother and her infant. It was the fourth explosion on that pipeline in Indiana that year.[25]

1949 A road grader operator was seriously burned when his grader hit a 6-inch gas pipeline west of

9/24/12 List of pipeline accidents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mankato, Kansas on November 17.[26]

1949 On December 8, an explosion and fire occurred at a compressor station for a 24-inch natural gas

pipeline in Centralia, Missouri. Flames could be seen for 150 miles (240 km) away.[27]

1949 A leaking gas line caused an explosion at a packing plant in Sioux City, Iowa on December 14.

Eighteen workers were killed, and almost 100 inured.[28]

1949 On December 15, a 22-inch natural gas pipeline exploded and burned near Carthage, Tennessee,

injuring two people. Flames shot 1,000 feet (300 m) into the air.[29]


1950 On March 13, an overhead pipeline at a refinery in Martinez, California leaked, causing flammable

fumes to spread onto a highway. An automobile ignited the fumes, killed a woman, and injuring 2 other in

vehicle. 3 auto were also burned.[30]

1950 The "Big Inch" gas pipeline exploded and burned on July 1, near Beallsville, Ohio. A house and a barn

were destroyed by the fire.[31]

1950 Three workers were killed in an underground vault in Los Angeles, California on August 22, when a

gas main exploded. There was no fire.[32]

1950 On September 7, a new natural gas pipeline exploded near Big Rapids, Michigan. Two barns were

destroyed by the following fire, that was seen for 50 miles.[33]

1950 On November 24, a newly built 30 inch natural gas pipeline ruptured for nearly 3,000 feet (910 m),

causing a fire that destroyed 2 homes under construction near King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.[34]

1951 Two men welding on a crude oil pipeline at an oil Terminal in Kansas City, Kansas were severely

burned on January 7, when a nearby valve failed, spraying them with crude oil that ignited. Both later died of

their burns.[35]

1951 On January 10, two gas explosions, 3 hours apart, hit McKees Rock, Pennsylvania, injuring 8 people,

igniting a fire, and causing widespread damage.[36]

1951 A gas main pressure regulator failed in Rochester, New York on September 21, causing a series of

explosion that last for 4 hours. 3 people were killed, and 30 homes were destroyed.[37]

1951 A Halloween Parade on October 31 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was interrupted by 4 gas main

explosions. 29 people were injured.[38]

1951 A 12 inch diameter temporary gas transmission pipeline exploded and burned near Cranberry,

Pennsylvania on November 27, causing a 200-foot (61 m) high flame that could be seen for a number ofmiles away. The explosion was heard for 10 miles around. A pipeline compressor station under construction

at the site was destroyed. A nearby Elementary school was relocated following the failure. [39][40]

1952 Four men working on an 8 inch gas pipeline near Mount Pleasant, Michigan were burned when that

9/24/12 List of pipeline accidents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


pipeline ruptured as they raised it for reconditioning on September 26.[41]

1952 On December 29, twelve persons were injured in a blast that shook the Lawndale district of Los

Angeles, California, when a ditching machine broke a gasoline-carrying pipeline and touched off a fiery


1953 Five square miles of east Boston, Massachusetts was evacuated on September 9 from a pipeline

leaking about 1,000,000 US gallons (3,800,000 L) of gasoline.[43]

1953 On September 10, a gas explosion in Cleveland, Ohio killed one person and injured 50 others.[44]

1953 A US Air Force T-33 trainer jet crashed into a natural gas pipeline bridge over the Mississippi River

on November 24 near Greenville, Mississippi, rupturing and igniting the pipeline.[45]

1954 A 40 to 50-year old LP gas distribution line was blamed for causing an explosion in Goldsboro, North

Carolina on April 12 that killed 5 people, injured 15 others, and demolished 3 buildings.[46]

1955 The "Big Inch" gas pipeline exploded and burned near Roseville, Ohio on March 7. Flames reached

400 feet (120 m) high, and 8 acres (32,000 m2) of brush & timber burned.[47]

1955 On March 9, a pipeline construction crew of 4 were killed while trying to move a pipeline for the

building of a Toll road in Chesterton, Indiana. Two other pipeline workers were injured, and a school a

quarter mile away was evacuated.[48]

1955 A burst pipeline at a Refinery in Sunburst, Montana contaminated groundwater and soil in the area.

Despite pumping out over 182,000 US gallons (690,000 L) of gasoline, pollution from the accident

remained. In 2004, local residents and a school district won a Lawsuit for payments for damages.[49][50]

1955 A bulldozer ruptured and ignited a gas pipeline in Brookshire, Texas. Flames reached 250 feet (76 m),

and the bulldozer operator was killed.[51]

1955 On August 10, a gas leak in Ashtabula, Ohio was ignited by electrical equipment or lightning, causing a

restaurant to explode. 21 people were killed, 15 more were injured, and 6 buildings destroyed.[52]

1955 A gas pipeline being tested in Detroit, Michigan exploded and burned on September 7, injuring one

person, and destroying 50 cars.[53]

1955 On October 10, a crew cleaning the outside of a natural gas pipeline with a heavy rubber ball ruptured

a coupler, causing an explosion and fire east of Orleans, Indiana. Two members of the crew ere killed, and 3

others were injured.[54]

1955 A drag line operation in a gravel pit in Irving, Texas ruptured an 8 inch diameter gasoline pipeline on

November 30. Gasoline spread out over about 10 acres (40,000 m2), then exploded and burned. 1 home

was destroyed, but the family living there was away at the time of the explosion.[55]

1956 On February 11, a corroded gas line from a gas main leaked, causing an explosion that killed 3 people

at a meat packing plant in Toledo, Ohio.[56]

9/24/12 List of pipeline accidents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


1956 A trench digging machine being used in building a freeway cut into a gasoline pipeline in West Los

Angeles, California on February 27. At least 3 people were burned, with 9 homes, a warehouse, and a

laundry catching on fire.[57]

1957 On January 16, an explosion and fire occurred at a natural gas compressor station in Liberal, Kansas,

killing 3 workers at that station. 11 other workers were injured, and the fire burned for 2 hours. The shut

down of this gas pipeline from the explosion affected customers as far away as Ohio in sub-zero weather


1957 Two explosion from a natural gas main killed 3 people in Peoria, Illinois on January 17. 7 others were

injured, and a home and a 2 story building were leveled.[60]

1957 A leaking gas main in Reno, Nevada led to three explosions on February 6. 2 people were killed, 42

others injured, and 5 buildings were destroyed.[61]

1957 On June 3, a 26 inch diameter natural gas transmission pipeline exploded and burned near Ellinwood,

Kansas, destroying a farm house. One person was injured.[62]

1957 On December 5, a gas line in the basement of a store that was being worked on in Villa Rica, Georgia,

exploded. 13 people were killed in the explosion and following fire. At least 6 stores were destroyed.[63]

1958 A natural gas metering station in Kimberly, Idaho exploded on February 17, killing two pipeline

company workers, injuring another worker, and destroyed the metering building. There was no fire.[64][65]

1958 On June 1, gas leaking from a pipeline near Big Spring, Texas was ignited and exploded, killing 3

fishermen and seriously burning another fisherman.[66]

1958 A truck missed a curve on a road and crashed into a gas transmission pipeline compressor station near

Kings Mountain, North Carolina on September 16. There was an explosion and fire, and the 2 men in the

truck were killed.[67]

1958 On October 4, a gasoline pipeline was ruptured by a bulldozer in Hobbs, New Mexico. The gasoline

ignited, injuring 3 people, damaging 6 homes, and threatened a number of other homes for a time.[68][69]

1958 On November 9, a jet fuel pipeline ruptured near the Blue Creek in Idaho. Fuel flowed down the

creek, and later ignited, damaging one home and destroying 6 bridges. Several were sicked by the fumes

from incident.[70][71]

1958 A leaking and burning gasline under a street lead to several explosions at a Hotel in Allentown,

Pennsylvania, on December 14. 7 people were killed and 23 others injured.[72]

1959 A worker on gas transmission pipeline was closing a valve, when it exploded near Newton,

Pennsylvania on September 25. The worker was killed, and another worker was injured.[73]


9/24/12 List of pipeline accidents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


1960 An estimated 125,000 persons in southwest Missouri were without gas in subfreezing temperatures for

several days due to a ditch-digging machine rupturing a pipeline.[74]

1960 In July, excavation work in Merrill, Wisconsin causes a gas leak and gas explosion that killed 10


1960 A ditching machine used in laying a water main hit an 8 inch diameter natural gas pipeline in Sarasota,

Florida on October 5. 9 People were injured in the following explosion and fire.[76]

1960 On October 27, a 16 inch diameter gas transmission pipeline near Checotah, Oklahoma exploded

while it was being worked on to repair a leak. 2 of the repair crew died, and 4 others were injured.[77]

1960 A 30 inch gas transmission pipeline exploded and burned at a gas sub station in Huntington, West

Virginia on December 19. Windows were broken, 1 homes was damaged, and brush burned, but there were

no injuries.[78]

1961 On January 4, a gas pipeline failure near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania ignited, causing a fire that was

widely seen in the area. There were no injuries.[79]

1961 On February 22, a pipeline exploded and burned in a refinery in Borger, Texas, killing 9 members of a

construction crew, and burning another crewman.[80]

1961 The main City of Miami, Florida Garage was destroyed by a gas explosion on February 23. The blast

was caused by a ditch digging machine being used in the garage hitting and rupturing a 2 inch gas pipe. One

person was seriously burned by the blast, and 2 fire fighters were injured fight the fire that followed the


1961 A 36 inch gas transmission pipeline exploded near Laurel, Mississippi on June 18. 10 people were

injured, and one home was destroyed from flames that went hundreds of feet in the air. A crater 30 feet

(9.1 m) long and 20 feet (6.1 m) deep was created by the failure.[82]

1961 A 26 inch diameter gas transmission pipeline exploded and burned near Winchester, Kentucky on

September 11. 22 people suffered various burn injuries.[83]

1961 On October 9, vapors from a leaking pipeline on an oil storage tank exploded and burned in

Bridgeport, Illinois. 4 oil company workers were killed, and 3 others injured.[84]

1961 On November 19, a gas pipeline exploded and burned near Warrenton, Virginia. The blast created a

crater 40 feet (12 m) long, 10 feet (3.0 m) wide, and 6 feet (1.8 m) deep. There were no injuries.[85]

1961 An 18 inch diameter natural gas pipeline exploded and burned near Cadiz, Ohio on November 25.

There were no injuries or damage.[86]

1962 Gas leaking from a 10 inch diameter natural gas transmission pipeline exploded on February 20 in

Portage, Ohio, injuring 6 people and destroying a home.[87]

1962 On June 14, a backhoe ruptured a gas transmission pipeline near Idaho Falls, Idaho. The escaping gas

exploded and ignited later on while a crew was trying to repair the line. One of the crew was killed, and 5

others injured in the fire.[88]

1962 On August 2, a natural gas transmission pipeline exploded and burned in Clearwater, Florida, next to

US Highway 19, forcing that road's closure for a time. There were no injuries reported. Investigators found

the line had previous mechanical damage as a cause of the failure.[89][90]

1962 A 30 inch diameter gas transmission failed on August 2 in Kansas City, Kansas. The gas flowed for 10

minutes before exploding and igniting. An 8 inch gas distribution pipeline was also ruptured, 11 homes were

destroyed, and 23 others were damaged. At least one person was injured.[91]

1962 On September 11, an 8 inch propane/LPG pipeline was ruptured by road building equipment near

Eatonton, Georgia. One of the road workers was overcome and asphyxiated by the propane fumes.

Propane fumes followed the Oconee River for 10 miles (16 km) into Lake Sinclair.[92]

9/24/12 List of pipeline accidents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


1963 On January 2, a gas transmission pipeline ruptured due to a defective weld in San Francisco,

California. The gas ignited, one firefighter died from a heart attack, and 9 other firefighters were injured

fighting the resulting inferno.[93][94]

1963 An explosion and fire spread through a gas pipeline compressor station in Montezuma, Indiana on

March 12, injuring 16 workers.[95]

1963 A crude oil pipeline was hit and ruptured by an earth mover near Fostoria, Ohio, on October 30. The

earth mover operator was seriously burned in the resulting fire.[96]

1963 On October 31, a 6 inch diameter butane pipeline was ruptured by an earth mover near West

Millgrove, Ohio. The equipment operator was critically burned by the following explosion and fire.[97]

1963 On November 17, flammable liquids leaking from a pipeline disposal pit were accidentally ignited,

killing a teen planning to cook alongside a creek in South Carolina.[98]

1964 A Santa Fe Railroad Freight Train apparently ignited fumes from a leaking propane pipeline near

Bosworth, Missouri on February 4. The explosion and fire ignited 4 diesel locomotives and some box cars,

and derailed other box cars. One member of the Rail Crew was injured.[99]

1964 On February 7, 2 workers installing insulation on a valve in a manhole in Richardson, Texas were

overcome by gas when an 8 inch pipeline in the vault ruptured, and were killed.[100]

1964 A front loader ruptured a gas pipeline in Fort Worth, Texas on February 28, seriously burning the

loader operator.[101]

1964 On May 12, a bulldozer hit and broke a valve on an LPG pipeline near Demopolis, Alabama while

grading land. The resulting fire caused fears of flames spreading to an underground storage facility, but the

fire was later controlled. There were no injuries.[102]

1964 A crude oil pipeline ruptured in Gilbertown, Alabama on October 29. More than 72,000 US gallons

(270,000 L) of oil were spilled.[103]

1964 A gas line being moved in Miami, Florida exploded and burned on November 18. 4 people were


1964 On November 25, a recently replace natural gas transmission pipeline exploded and burned in Saint

Francisville, Louisiana, killing 5 workers of the pipeline, and injuring at least 23 others.[105]

1965 On January 6, a house in Garnett, Kansas was destroyed by an explosion, and later on gas was found

leaking from a 2 inch gasline in the street front of it, and was suspected as the cause. A young boy was

killed. The leak may have also caused another nearby house explosion the previous November.[106]

1965 On January 21, an 8 inch diameter propane transmission pipeline 15 miles (24 km) east of Jefferson

City, Missouri leaked. The propane spread along the ground, and exploded several hours later, scorching an

area over a mile wide. A girl being dropped off at a school bus stop was severely burned and later died, and

2 other people were burned.[107]

1965 A 32 inch diameter gas transmission pipeline, north of Natchitoches, Louisiana, belonging to the

Tennessee Gas Pipeline exploded and burned from Stress corrosion cracking(SCC) on March 4, killing 17people. At least 9 others were injured, and 7 homes 450 feet from the rupture were destroyed. This

accident, and others of the era, led then-President Lyndon B. Johnson to call for the formation of a nationalpipeline safety agency in 1967. The same pipeline had also had an explosion on May 9, 1955, just 930 feet

(280 m) from the 1965 failure.[108][109][110][111][112]

1965 A crude oil pipeline ruptured east of Blanding, Utah on April 3, spilling about 5,000 barrels (790 m3)

of crude oil into the San Juan River. The ruptured pipeline was reported to flow "wide open" for over an


1965 On July 24, a natural gas pipeline exploded and burned when workers were welding on a tie-in

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pipeline onto it near Tescott, Kansas. One of the workers died, and 15 others were injured.[114]

1965 On August 21, a 9-year-old girl was killed and eight people were injured in a pipeline explosion in

western Van Wert County, Ohio. The explosion threw up flames that could be seen from 40 miles (64 km)

away and scorched a 100-acre (0.40 km2) area of farmland. Nancy Anna May Rigdon was killed in her bed

in a house 300 yards from the blast site. The rest of her family was injured but survived. Investigators said

the explosion was caused by gas leaking from an eight-inch pipeline apparently ignited by a spark from a

passing train.[115][116]

1965 A 8 inch diameter gasoline pipeline ruptured in Sylvania, Ohio on August 23. The danger of fire or

explosion forced evacuations of residents in a 2-square-mile (5.2 km2) area. There was no fire.[117]

1965 On October 25, a ruptured pipeline spilled naphtha in Mount Cory, Ohio, forcing evacuations until the

naphtha evaporated.[118]

1966 A 6 inch diameter natural gas pipeline ruptured in Norfolk, Nebraska on January 28, shutting off gas to

20,000 people in 10 communities on January 28.[119]

1966 On December 14, a leaking propane pipeline near Swedenborg, Missouri made a car stall. Other

came to aid the stalled car, and someone lit a cigarette, igniting the fumes. 8 people were burned and


1967 A leaking gas main in the Jamaica section of New York City, New York caught fire on January 13. 2

pieces of FDNY equipment responding to the gas leak report were burned, as well as numerous buildings.

The fire spread to 13 alarm size, with 63 fire companies being used to control the situation. The cause of the

leak was the failure of a moisture scrubbing "drip pot" on the pipeline.[121][122]

1967 A 6 inch diameter propane pipeline exploded and burned while it was being worked on in Meeker,

Oklahoma on January 10. One of the workers was killed, and another injured.[123]

1967 Manufacturers Light and Heat Company announced they were requesting to the Federal Power

Commission permission to allow a new pipeline to replace 73.5 miles of older pipeline, which was having

200 to 450 leaks a year in Eastern Pennsylvania.[124]

1967 On May 16, a pile driver ruptured a propane pipeline in Dearborn, Michigan. The escaping gas caught

fire, with 2 construction workers being killed, and 4 others seriously burned.[125]

1967 A leaking pipeline released 30,000 barrels (4,800 m3) of JP-4 grade jet fuel in Wilmington, California

on June 30. There was no fire.[126]

1968 A petroleum products pipeline was discovered to be leaking on January 27, near Kokomo,

Mississippi. Damage to cotton crops and water wells was discovered soon afterward.[127]

1968 On April 6, natural gas leaking from a pipeline in Richmond, Indiana built up in a sporting goods storeand exploded. Gunpowder in the that store exploded later on. 41 people were killed, 150 were injured, and

15 buildings destroyed.[128][129][130]

1968 On April 15, gasoline odor was detected at a drinking fountain in Glendale, California. The source of

the water well that fed the fountain was determined to be a 8 inch pipeline that was leaking. Between

100,000 and 250,000 US gallons (950,000 L) of gasoline were leaked into the local groundwater.[131]

1968 On May 29, a bulldozer ruptured a 1-inch gas service line at a children's nursery in Hapeville, Georgia,

causing an explosion and fire. Seven children and two adults were killed, and three children were seriously

injured in the accident.[132][133]

1968 An 8 inch diameter propane pipeline rupture in a landslide ruptured near Plainfield, Ohio on June 2. 2

people were killed, 3 others injured by burns, and 7 buildings and 7 vehicles were destroyed.[134]

1968 A contractor laying a new pipeline broke an old pipeline in Norwalk, Ohio on August 7, spilling

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gasoline for 4 hours into the Huron River.[135]

1968 On August 22, a 16 inch diameter gasoline pipeline ruptured at General Mitchell Field, spilling almost

200,000 US gallons (760,000 L) of gasoline, and forcing closure of one runway. Previous damage to the

pipeline by heavy equipment working in the area was identified as the cause of the rupture.[136][137]

1968 A coal company digging machine hit an 8 inch LPG pipeline in Fulton County, Illinois on September 3,

killing one person and injuring 4 others.[138]

1968 2 teen boys shooting a rifle ignited gasoline leaking from a petroleum pipeline pumping station near

Midland, Pennsylvania on November 3. A large brush fire ensued. Both boys had moderate burns. A stuck

relief valve on the pipeline was the cause of the leakge.[139][140]

1968 An LPG pipeline, near Yutan, Nebraska ruptured on December 5. Repair crews responded to the

pipeline rupture, and thought LPG vapors were dispersed, but ignited the vapor cloud by driving into it. Five

repairmen were killed. After the accident, the Nebraska State Fire Marshal ordered MAPCO to reduce its

operating pressure, and to hydrostatic retest 52 miles (84 km) of that pipeline. During the tests, 195

longitudinal seams failed.[141][142]

1968 On December 18, a 30 inch diameter gas pipeline exploded and burned at a gas processing plant in

Gibson, Louisiana. One plant worker was injured.[143]

1969 On January 13, a 22 inch diameter crude oil pipeline ruptured in Lima, Ohio, spilling over 2,000 US

gallons (7,600 L) of oil into the sewer system. Cracks from welding were blamed for the failure.[144]

1969 A leaking crude oil pipeline caused a slick 35 miles (56 km) long in the Dry Creek near Greybull,

Wyoming on February 24.[145]

1969 A 10 inch pipeline carrying aviation gasoline was ruptured by explosives on March 17 in Canyon,

California The fuel caught fire short after that.[146]

1969 On May 6, a gas pipeline in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that had been moved, was undergoing pressure

testing when a cap on it blew off, hitting and rupturing another nearby gas pipeline. That pipeline exploded

and burned, killing 1 worker, injuring 9 other workers, and damaging 3 homes.[147]

1969 Overpressure of a low pressure natural gas distribution system in Gary, Indiana caused numerous small

fires and explosions. A gas company worker's errors allowed much higher than normal gas pressure in a gas

distribution system. 56 square blocks were evacuated, 7 people were injured, 6 homes destroyed, and 19

other homes damaged.(June 3, 1969)[148][149]

1969 On September 9, a converted natural gas pipeline running at 789 psi near Houston, Texas ruptured,

causing a massive fire. Construction work downstream of the accident led to a pressure build up that caused

the rupture. 7 people were injured, 13 homes were destroyed, and many others damaged.[150][151]

1969 On December 25, a land leveler ruptured a 22 inch natural gas transmission pipeline in Hermiston,

Oregon. Gas at 600 psi sprayed from the pipeline. A warning sign about the existence of the gas pipeline

was 10 feet (3.0 m) away from the rupture site.[152]


1970 A leak natural gas pipeline exploded in Houma, Louisiana on January 24, killing 3 people, and

demolishing half a block of downtown buildings.[153]

1970 Early on September 2, residents of Jacksonville, Maryland, detected gasoline odors and noticedgasoline in a small creek flowing beneath a nearby road. Because fumes were still present in the late

afternoon of September 2, a resident notified Colonial Pipeline at 6:19 p.m. about the situation. About 12

hours later, on the morning of September 3, an explosion and fire occurred in a ditch in which contractor

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personnel for Colonial were manually digging to further expose the pipeline & catch gasoline trickling from

the ground. Five persons were injured, none fatally. The NTSB later pointed out that workers had failed to

use a flammable vapor percent detector during the work. The leak point was found 4 days later. The failure

resulted in a release of 30,186 gallons (718 barrels) of gasoline and kerosene.[154][155][156]

1970 On September 7, a pipeline leaked thousands of gallons of gasoline onto farmland near Ontario,

Oregon. Roads were closed in the area until the gasoline was removed.[157]

1970 The 1970 Propane vapor cloud explosion in Port Hudson, Phillips Pipeline Company on December 9,

1970. propane gas explosion, Franklin County, Missouri. A leak led to propane cloud explosion with a force

estimated up to 50 tons of TNT. The NTSB cited past external and internal corrosion issues, and poor

welds on the uncoated pipeline as concerns.[158][159][160]

1970 Explosion of a 30-inch diameter 1100 psi inlet natural gas pipeline, bringing offshore natural gas into a

gas drying plant in southern Louisiana. Two plant personnel were killed. Rupture was at a junction of a 12-

inch gas line to the 30-inch main line. (December 1970)

1970 A restaurant owner opened a gas line valve in New York, New York, not knowing that part of the gas

line was open and unconnected. The gas in the building exploded, killing 15 people, & injuring more than 60

others. (December 11, 1970)[161]

1970 On December 28, a 12 inch diameter pipeline ruptured in Jackson, Wisconsin, spilling 200 barrels

(32 m3) of fuel oil into a wildlife sanctuary.[162]

1971 A faulty valve on a 3 inch diameter natural gas pipeline was suspected of causing a gas leak that

resulted in 3 separate explosions, including a house explosion in Lambertville, New Jersey that killed 7


1971 On June 5, an ammonia pipeline failed near Floral, Arkansas, releasing 80 tons of ammonia.[164]

1971 2 gas explosions in North Richland Hills, Texas on October 4. Gas migrated into 2 homes from leaking

gas pipes.[165]

1971 A gas company repair crew was overcome in a service vault on November 17, in Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania. 2 workmen were overcome initially, and 4 others attempting to rescue them were also

overcome by gas asphyxiation. All 6 died.[166]

1972 The second pipeline leak in a month into the Tippecanoe River in Indiana on a Buckeye Pipeline

company (now Buckeye Partners ) line hit on January 12. The Buckeye Pipeline was owned by the bankruptPenn Central Railroad, preventing money from being spent on repairs. One EPA official stated "they know

they have a leaky system".[167]

1972 On January 11, a 10 inch diameter pipeline ruptured in Clinton, Montana, spilling 3,000 barrels

(480 m3) of diesel fuel, with some of it reaching the Clark Fork River.[168][169]

1972 During the blowdown of a pipeline dehydrator, LPG fumes caught fire at Conway, Kansas on January


1972 On February 12, a pipeline rupture spilled 16,000 US gallons (61,000 L) of diesel fuel into the

Spokane River.[170][171]

1972 A Natural gas explosion at Annandale, Virginia, on March 24.[172]

1972 On June 15, a crew was welding on a gas main in Bryan, Ohio that had been shut off, when someone

inadvertently openned a valve that fed gas into that main. The gas ignited, and exploded, serious injuring 2


1972 A 12 inch diameter high pressure propane pipeline, near Butler, Alabama, was ruptured by a road

grader. A short time after the line was ruptured, a car drove into the vapor cloud. The car stalled, and trying

to restart it was suspected to have ignited the vapor cloud, killing four people. (June 20, 1972)[174][175]

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1972 A gasoline pipeline ruptured and ignited at a Plantation Pipeline Terminal in Bremen, Georgia on

September 6. For a time, there were fears the fire might spread to nearby fuel storage tanks, but the fire was

limited to the pipeline.[176]

1972 In October, a crude oil pipeline ruptures near Shiprock, New Mexico, spilling 285,000 US gallons

(1,080,000 L) of crude oil into the San Juan River, polluting it for 200 miles.[177][178]

1972 On October 30, a bulldozer working on a power company construction project ruptured a gas main in

Lake City, Minnesota. Leaking gas accumulated in, then exploded in a nearby variety store, killing 6 and

injuring 9.[179]

1972 A leak in a weld on a 36 inch diameter gas transmission pipeline on November 18 in Bend, Oregon

forced the shutdown of gas service to 3,000 customers.[180]

1973 A cracked gas main leaked in Adamsville, Alabama, on February 7. The escaping gas exploded, killing

3 people and injuring 2 others. A string of other gas main cracking incidents occurred in this city, killing one

other person, and injuring t2 others.[181]

1973 Installation of a sewer was suspected of damaging a gas line in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania on

February 21. Leaking gas later exploded in an apartment building, killing 5 people, injuring 22 others, and

destroying the building.[182]

1973 In Austin, Texas, a natural gas liquids (NGL) pipeline ruptured due to an improper weld. A passing car

or truck set off a vapor cloud explosion and fire. Six people were killed, and 2 others injured. (February 22,


1973 On May 2, a 10 inch diameter pipeline ruptured in Murray, Idaho, causing a mist of diesel fuel to cover

homes and trailers. Between 7,000 and 10,000 US gallons (38,000 L) of fuel were lost. Some of the fuel

reached a nearby creek. There was no fire.[185][186]

1973 Improper sampling procedures on an LPG pipeline killed one worker and injured another from freezing

at Dayton, Ohio on May 3.1973 In the summer, a pipeline ruptured in Diamond, Louisiana. The escaping gas fumes were ignited by a

lawnmower, killing 2 people.[187]

1973 A pipeline failed near Findlay, Ohio on June 27, spill about 150,000 US gallons (570,000 L) of jet

aviation fuel into the Ottawa Creek. A failed gasket caused the spill.[188][189][190]

1973 A crude oil pipeline ruptured in Los Angeles, California on October 18. Crude flowed along several

streets for a time.[191]

1973 On December 4, a pipeline break releases 31,000 barrels (4,900 m3) of oil near Argyle,


1973 On December 6, a pump station on an ammonia pipeline near Conway, Kansas, was started against a

closed valve, and the pipeline failed in a previously damaged section. Two persons who drove through the

ammonia vapors were hospitalized; several rural residents were evacuated from the area; and 89,796 US

gallons (339,910 L) of anhydrous ammonia were lost.[193]

1974 A 22 inch diameter natural gas transmission pipeline failed in Prairie du Rocher, Illinois on January 2.

The resulting fire caused no serious damage, but 7,000 people in the area were left without gas heating for

several subfreezing days.[194]

1974 On March 2, a 30 inch diameter gas pipeline failed at 797 pounds pressure inside a 34-inch diameter

casing pipe under a road near Monroe, Louisiana. 10 acres of forest were burned, but there were no injuries

or deaths. A substandard girth weld was the cause. The failure of automatic valves on the pipeline to close

upon a pressure drop were also cited in contributing to the size of the accident.[195][196]

1974 A gas transmission pipeline ruptured near Farmington, New Mexico on March 15, killing a family of 3

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in a truck driving nearby when the gas ignited. Corrosion along the longitudinal seem weld of the pipe section

caused the failure.[197][198]

1974 A gas line in a commercial building in New York, New York, was ruptured by falling equipment in a

basement on April 22. The escaping gas later exploded, injuring more than 70 people.[199]

1974 A previously damaged gas main ruptured in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 3, causing an explosion

that killed 2, and caused extensive damage to 4 row homes. Earlier plumbing work was suspect to have

caused the gas line damage.[200]

1974 On May 21, a 6 inch gas-gathering pipeline, ruptured at the edge of a rural road south of Meridian,

Mississippi. Three vehicles entered the area which contained the escaping gas, and stalled near the rupture.

The gas ignited at 10:05 p.m., and five persons died as a result. The 3 vehicles were destroyed and 40 acres

(160,000 m2) of woodland were burned. Although less than 4 years old, the 6-inch pipe had corroded

internally and had been embrittled by hydrogen.[201]

1974 A 30 inch gas transmission pipeline failed and gas ignited near Bealeton, Virginia, on June 9, from

hydrogen stress cracking. Failure alarms at the nearest upstream gas compressor station did not activate, and

the pipeline failure was first notice by a compressor station employee happening to see the large fire from the

pipeline rupture.[202][203][204]

1974 On August 13, an ammonia pipeline failed near Hutchinson, Kansas after a pump station was started

against a closed valve. 3 police officers were treated for ammonia inhalation; approximately 200 persons

were evacuated from the area of the vapors; trees, lawns, shrubbery, and crops were burned; and an

estimated 11,000 fish were killed.[205]

1974 On September 14, a propane pipeline to an underground storage cavern failed in Griffith, Indiana. The

propane later caught fire. 1,000 residents were evacuated during the incident.[206]

1974 A 12 inch diameter gas gathering pipeline exploded and burned near Meta, Kentucky on November

24. There were no injuries reported. Acts of previous vandalism against the pipeline company had happened


1974 A crew repairing a leaking crude oil pipeline near Abilene, Texas, were overcome by sour crude oil

fumes on December 1. Six of the repair crew died. The leak was cause by improper welding.[209]

1975 A crude oil pipeline at Lima, Ohio ruptured after a valve was accidentally closed against a pumping

pipeline on January 17. The spraying crude oil ignited, killing a Terminal Operator.[210]

1975 On January 23, a propane chiller exploded violently during maintenance work on it near Iowa City,

Iowa. 2 workers were killed and 3 others injured by the failure.[211]

1975 In March, a leak was discovered in a 14 inch diameter petroleum products pipeline in MecklenburgCounty, North Carolina. Plantation Pipeline repaired the pipeline immediately, and began efforts to recover

the spilled petroleum. From that time through June 1983, approximately 2,022 barrels of spilled petroleum

products were recovered from standpipes at the leak site. Remediation efforts stopped in October 1984.

Later tests raised questions on the possibility of not all of the spill products were recovered.[212]

1975 A 12 inch diameter crude oil pipeline ruptured near Harwood, Missouri, on March 26. Heavy rain

slowed the cleanup.[213]

1975 A natural gas liquids (NGL) pipeline ruptured due to previous mechanical damage at Devers, Texas. 4

people were killed in a following vapor cloud fire. The pipeline had been damaged when a valve was

installed on the pipeline. (May 12, 1975)[214]

1975 An explosion in June 1975 at a home in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, was caused by natural gas

leaking into the home from an open main in the middle of the street. One person was killed. In 1973,

workers hired by the gas company had falsified records showing the main had been closed.[215]

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1975 An LPG pipeline ruptured near Romulus, Michigan, due to previous mechanical damage to the

pipeline, and over pressurization from operator error, caused by closing a valve against a pumping pipeline,

at a storage facility. Nine people were injured in the following vapor cloud fire. Flames 500 feet (150 m) high

engulfed a 600-foot (180 m)-diameter area, destroyed four houses and damaged three others, burned 12

vehicles, and consumed 2,389 barrels (379.8 m3) of propane. (August 2, 1975)[216][217]

1975 On October 13, employees at a gas processing plant at Goldsmith, Texas heard leak gas, and

investigated. Before the leak could be found, a 12 inch diameter pipeline there exploded, killing 3 of the

crew, injuring 2 others, and causing extensive plant damage.[218]

1976 A repair crew working on natural gas gathering compressor station at Cedardale, Oklahoma on

January 7, opened the wrong valve in an attempt to increase gas flow. Natural gas & Natural Gas Liquids

flow out of an open 12 inch pipeline, and were ignited by an open flame heater. 5 of the crew were killed,

and 2 seriously burned.[219]

1976 A gas leak at the Pathfinder Hotel in Fremont, Nebraska, exploded, killing 23 people on January 10.

A compression coupling had pulled apart, causing gas to leak into the Hotel's basement.[220]

1976 An LPG/NGL pipeline ruptured near Whitharral, Texas, leading to vapor cloud fire that killed one,

severely burning 4 others who later died, destroyed two homes, and burned an area about 400 yards wide.

Electrical resistance weld (ERW) seam failure is suspected for the failure. From January 1968 to the date of

the Whitharral accident, 14 longitudinal pipe seam failures had occurred on that pipeline system, which

resulted in 6 other fatalities, and the loss of over 60,000 barrels (9,500 m3) of LPG.(February 25, 1976)[221][222][223]

1976 An improperly assembled compression coupling failed on a gas distribution line in Phoenix, Arizona on

February 8, causing a house explosion that killed 2 people.[224]

1976 On March 27, a two-story building in Phenix City, Alabama, exploded and burned from a gas leak.

The explosion and fire killed the six persons in the building. The NTSB found that gas at 20-psig pressure

had leaked from a cracked, 3-inch cast iron gas main.[225]

1976 A front loader hit an 8 inch petroleum products pipeline in Los Angeles, California, during a road

widening project along Venice Boulevard. 9 people were killed, a plastic factory was destroyed, and other

serious property damage occurred. (June 16, 1976)[226][227]

1976 A road grader hit a 20 inch gas transmission pipeline near Calhoun, Louisiana. Six people were killed

in the ensuing fire, 6 families were left homeless, and a mobile home and 2 houses were destroyed. (August

9, 1976)[228][229]

1976 On August 13, a flash fire in the basement of a house in Bangor, Maine, occurred while a gas company

crew was checking for the cause of low gas pressure at the home. The fire killed one gas company

employee, burned two other employees, and caused minor damage to the house. One of the crew was using

a match to light the basement of the home, and another crew member was smoking when the fire started.[230]

1976 On August 29, an explosion and fire destroyed a house at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Two persons werekilled, four persons were injured, and two adjacent houses were damaged. The destroyed house was not

served by natural gas. However, natural gas, which was escaping at 58 psig pressure from a punctured 2-inch plastic main located 39 feet (12 m) away, had entered the house through a 6 inch sewer lateral that had

been bored through to install the gas line.[231][232]

1976 An explosion and fire at a gas pipeline compressor station in Orange Grove, Texas killed one plant

worker, and injured another on December 7.[233]

1977 On January 2, a gas pipeline ruptured and burned near Nursery, Texas. Some power poles were

destroyed, but there were no injuries.[234]

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1977 A gas pipeline exploded and burned in Stockton, California on February 4. Another gas pipeline fire

had occurred nearby 4 days earlier. There were no injuries.[235]

1977 An explosion on July 8 at Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Pump Station No. 8 kills one worker, injures 5

others, and destroys the pump station. A US House of Representatives Committee later announced the

cause was workers not following the proper procedures, causing crude oil to flow into a pump under repair

at the time.[236][237][238][239]

1977 On July 20, the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline was shut down for the 4th time in a month, when it was hit in a

valve by a front loader. More than 40,000 US gallons (150,000 L) of crude oil was spilled.[237]

1977 A 12 inch diameter propane pipeline ruptured near Ruff Creek, in Greene County, Pennsylvania, from

stress corrosion cracking. The resulting propane vapor cloud ignited when a truck driven into the cloud

stalled, then created a spark when it was restarted. Subsidence of underground coal mines in the area may

have hastened the failure. (July 20, 1977)[240]

1977 A cast iron gas main broke in Cherokee, Alabama on July 30. Gas migrated into a home through a

recently back filled sewer line trench, and exploded 5 days later.[241]

1977 In August, a car drove through the leaking liquid from a petroleum pipeline in Lakewood, California.

The pooled liquid appeared to be mud, but it exploded and burned, injuring a woman in the car.[242]

1977 On August 15, crude oil spilled at Alyeska Pipeline Pump Station No. 9. There was no fire, but a fire

or explosion at that station could have shut down that pipeline, since Pump Station No. 8 was out of service

from the previous month's accident there. This was the seventh accident on this pipeline since the start up of

the Alaska pipeline on June 20, 1977. The NTSB released three recommendations on September 9, 1977,

to correct certain design and operating deficiencies in the pump rooms of each station of the Alyeska


1977 On September 5, 2 brothers in a moving truck drove into a vapor cloud from a leak at a gas

compressor plant in New Cuyama, California, igniting the cloud. One was killed immediately, and the other

died 11 days later.[245]

1977 On September 10, a pipeline rupture spilled 69,000 US gallons (260,000 L) of gasoline into a creek in

Toledo, Ohio. Corrosion of the pipeline caused the failure.[246][247]

1977 A gasline inside a building in San Francisco, California leaked and exploded, injuring 7 and heavily

damaging that building. Gas repair crews were working on the line at the time.[248]

1977 On October 12, a bulldozer ruptured a propane pipeline near Albany, Georgia, causing nearby train

traffic to be halted. The bulldozer engine was left running, nearly igniting the vapors.[249]

1977 A backhoe being used to install a pipeline hit an adjacent 6 inch diameter propane pipeline on

November 21 in Hutchison, Kansas. Fire broke out, but there were no injuries.[250]

1977 Construction workers punctured a 12 inch gas pipeline in Atlanta, Georgia, with an I-beam on

December 1. No fire or explosion followed, but thousands of people were evacuated from nearby


1977 A compression coupling joint between a plastic and a steel gas line pulled apart in Lawrence, Kansas

on December 15. The gas migrated into 2 buildings, and exploded, killing 2 people, and injuring 3


1978 Earth movement was suspected in causing a gas transmission pipeline to rupture and burn near

Stevenson, Washington on January 23. There were no injuries.[254]

1978 On February 15, a gas pipeline being tested with compressed air exploded at a seam on the pipe in

Cincinnati, Ohio on February 15, injuring 8.[255]

1978 A portion of the Alyeska Pipeline east of Fairbanks, Alaska was ruptured by an explosive device on

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February 15. Crude oil spilled in a 600-foot (180 m) diameter spot.[256]

1978 An improperly plugged gas line leaked into service vault in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at a shopping

center, overcoming 5 gas company workers on April 28. Four of the repairmen died of asphyxiation. None

of the repair crew had respirators at the job site.[257]

1978 A gas company crew in Mansfield, Ohio accidentally tied a high pressure gas main into a low pressure

gas main on May 17. Much higher gas flames in gas appliances caused damage in 16 homes, and about

2,000 gas meters were shut off during the incident.[258]

1978 An LPG pipeline at Donnellson, Iowa, ruptured from past mechanical damage and improper lowering

for road improvements. The vapor cloud ignited several minutes after the rupture. Three people were killed

and 2 others severely burned. (August 4, 1978)[259][260][261]

1978 On August 7, in Lafayette, Louisiana, natural gas at 15 psig pressure escaped from a corrosion leak in

an inactive 1-inch steel service line and migrated beneath a concrete slab and into a building where it ignited.

The resulting explosion and fire injured six persons and destroyed the building and its contents.[262]

1978 On August 28, natural gas, which had escaped from a circumferential fracture in a socket heat-fusion

coupling on a 2-in. polyethylene (PE) main, operating at 40-psig pressure, migrated beneath a one-story

house in Grand Island, Nebraska, exploded, and then burned. One person was injured; the house was

destroyed; and three adjacent houses were damaged.[263]

1978 About 7,600 US gallons (29,000 L) of gasoline were spilled in Hampton, Pennsylvania on August 30.

Workers boring for a sewer line had hit the fuel pipeline. Later, the 2 construction firms responsible were

fined only $500 each.[264][265]

1978 A gas pipeline in Brookside Village, Texas ruptured and exploded, killing five people, and injuring 43

others. Seven mobile homes were also destroyed, (October 24, 1978)[266]

1978 A crude oil pipeline leaks into the Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area west of Farmington,

Utah on November 8. About 42,000 US gallons (160,000 L) of crude were spilled. The rupture was caused

by pumping against a valve that had been closed for earlier pipeline maintenance.[267]

1978 A ruptured 2 inch diameter gasline leaking caused a home to explode in Spokane, Washington on

January 6, killing the homeowner.[268]

1979 On January 16, an explosion and fire destroyed five commercial buildings and damaged several other

buildings in London, Kentucky. Two persons were injured. External corrosion was suspected as the cause.

A prearranged pressure increase in the pipeline was also a factor.[269][270]

1979 An 18 inch diameter natural gas transmission pipeline failed underneath the Florida Turnpike in West

Palm Beach, Florida, resulting in a 2 hour road closure.[271]

1979 On April 18, a 24-inch natural gas transmission pipeline pulled out of a compression coupling during a

line-lowering project under Iowa State Highway 181 in a rural area near Dallas, Iowa. Within seconds, the

natural gas ignited and burned a 900-foot (270 m) by 400-foot (120 m) area. Two cars, a pickup truck, and

a trailer housing construction equipment were destroyed. A backhoe was damaged and windows were

broken in a nearby farmhouse. Five of the eight injured workers were hospitalized. The gas company's

accident records indicated that this 24-inch pipeline had experienced 12 previous failures since it was


1979 On May 11, 2 explosions and a following fire killed 7 people, injured 19 others, and destroyed 3

buildings in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Soil erosion under an 8 inch cast iron gas main caused the main to

break and release gas.[273]

1979 On May 13, a 36 inch diameter Colonial Pipeline rupture released 336,000 US gallons (1,270,000 L)

of fuel oil that damaged vegetation and killed fish near Spartanburg, South Carolina. Cracks made in the

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railroad shipping of the pipe before installation were the cause.[274]

1979 A "spud" dropped by a pile driving barge in the Gulf of Mexico near Pilottown, Louisiana ruptured a

4 inch diameter natural gas pipeline on June 5. The escaping gas ignited, and seriously burned the barge. 4

crew members went missing and were presumed dead.[275]

1979 On June 10, the pilot of a helicopter reported sighting oil on the surface of the Atigun River near the

route of the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company's 48-inch crude oil pipeline. Repair crews found a 7 inch

crack which passed through a longitudinal weld. Five days after the first leak, at 3:15 p.m. on June 15, the

pilot of an Alyeska helicopter on a routine surveillance flight reported a leak north of pump station No. 12

near the Little Tonsina River. A crack near a wrinkle in the pipe was found there. The June 10 spill resulted

in a release of approximately 1,500 barrels (240 m3) of crude oil; the June 15 leak resulted in a release of

approximately 300 barrels (48 m3) of crude oil; these losses were estimated by Alyeska personnel at the

leak site. The spills were too small to be verified by the Alyeska metering system.[276]

1979 On June 16, operator error at Colonial Pipeline causes a rail shipping induced crack section of 36 inch

diameter pipeline to rupture in Greenville County, South Carolina. 395,000 gallons of fuel oil were spilled,

causing vegetation, fish, & wildlife kills.[277][278]

1979 A leaking pipeline releasing gasoline in Granger, Indiana caused the evacuation of 400 people on July


1979 An anchor handling boat, PETE TIDE II, damaged an unmarked gas pipeline with a grappling hook

offshore from New Orleans, Louisiana. Two of the crew were missing and presumed dead in the fire that

followed. (July 15, 1979)[280]

1979 On July 25, an explosion and fire destroyed a duplex apartment house in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Two persons were killed, and two persons were hospitalized for burns; adjacent houses were damaged.

Earlier in the day, a crew from Mountain Bell Telephone Company (Mountain Bell) had been using a

backhoe at the intersection of Bridge Boulevard and Atrisco Road to locate a telephone cable. The backhoe

snagged a gas service line but the fact that it was pulled from a 1-inch coupling under the house was not

discovered at that time.[281]

1979 A 34 inch diameter Lakehead (now Enbridge) pipeline ruptured near Bemidji, Minnesota, leaking

10,700 barrels (1,700 m3) of crude oil on August 20. The pipeline company initially recovers 60 percent of

the spilled oil. Later in 1988, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency required Lakehead to extract more oil

using new technology; removal continued on, with studies still underway in the area.[192][282][283][284]

1979 On August 20, a bulldozer operating near Orange, Texas, began to clean a farm drainage ditch. The

corner of the blade cut into a propane line, which crossed beneath the ditch. Propane at 350 psig escaped

and was ignited within seconds. The resulting fire killed one person and injured another, and caused

considerable property damage.[285]

1979 A crude oil pipeline ruptured and spilled oil into a creek new Walnut Grove, Missouri on August 25. 2

miles (3.2 km) of the creek were contaminated, and 32,000 fish killed.[286]

1979 On September 4, the M/V WHITEFACE struck a high-pressure gas pipeline in Lake Verret,

Louisiana. A resulting explosion killed a crewman aboard the vessel.[287]

1979 On October 6, an explosion caused by liquefied natural gas (LNG) vapors destroyed a transformer

building at the reception facility of the Columbia LNG Corporation, Cove Point, Maryland. Odorless

liquefied natural gas leaked through an inadequately tightened LNG pump seal, vaporized, passed through

approximately 210 feet (64 m) of underground electrical conduit and entered the substation building. One

person was killed, and one person was seriously injured. Damage to the facility was estimated at about $3

million. The fire hydrants and deluge water spray system were inoperable after the explosion because the

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water main that supplied the system was broken at a flange above ground inside the substation.[288]

1979 On October 24, an explosion and fire destroyed the county clerk's office building and the adjoining

courthouse building, gutted a connecting building which was under construction, and damaged the adjacent

houses in Stanardsville, Virginia. Thirteen persons were injured and property was damaged extensively. The

following NTSB investigation revealed that natural gas had leaked from a break in a 1 1/4-inch coated steel

service line, which had been snagged by a backhoe which was being used to dig a footing for an addition to

the county clerk's office building.[289]

1979 On October 30, a natural gas explosion and fire demolished a townhouse in Washington, D.C., and

damaged nearby buildings and cars. No one was inside the townhouse at the time, but three persons in a

stopped car were injured when debris from the explosion shattered a car window. After the accident, an

inspection of the gas service line that served the townhouse revealed that it had been struck by excavating


1979 A natural gas transmission pipeline exploded in West Monroe, Louisiana on November 11, causing 3

subdivisions to be evacuated. A gas pipeline explosion had taken place nearby 8 years before.[291]


1980 On January 2, crude oil leaked from a fractured 22-inch pipeline at a levee crossing at Berwick,

Louisiana. At 9:54 a.m., the crude oil ignited. One person was killed, one person was injured, and six homes

were either destroyed or damaged. The pipeline's monitoring system failed to detect a loss of over 1,800

barrels (290 m3) of oil. A defective sleeve weld cause the pipeline to fail.[292]

1980 On January 30, an 8-inch-diameter, refined petroleum products pipeline owned by The Pipelines of

Puerto Rico, Inc., was struck and ruptured by a bulldozer during maintenance work on a nearby waterline in

the Sector Cana of Bayamon, Puerto Rico, about 10 miles (16 km) southwest of San Juan. Gasoline from

the rupture sprayed downhill and ran off into a small creek. About 1 1/2 hours later, the gasoline vapors

were ignited by an undetermined source and exploded; the subsequent fire killed one person and extensively

damaged 25 houses and other property.[293]

1980 On February 21, an explosion and fire destroyed four stores in a shopping complex and severely

damaged an adjoining restaurant in Cordele, Georgia. Of the eight persons who were injured, three died later

as a result of their injuries. Property damage was extensive. The NTSB investigation of the accident has

revealed that natural gas leaked from a 1-inch steel service line, which had been pulled from a 1-inch

compression coupling from a backhoe working in the area, and migrated under a concrete slab floor and into

a jewelry store where it was ignited by an unknown source.[294]

1980 A Colonial Pipeline Dispatcher ignored established procedures for dealing with a pressure surge,

causing a double rupture of a 32 inch steel petroleum products pipeline on March 6. One break, where the

pipe had been thinned by corrosion in a casing under a road, caused the release of 8,000 barrels (1,300 m3)of aviation-grade kerosene adjacent to route 234 near Manassas, Virginia. Before being fully contained, the

kerosene had flowed into Bull Run River, and had entered the Occoquan Reservoir, a source of drinkingwater for several northern Virginia communities. The other break, where a crack in the pipe wall initiated

during rail shipment of the pipe from the steel mill finally propagated to failure, caused the release of 2,190

barrels (348 m3) of No. 2 fuel oil near Locust Grove, a rural area in Orange County, near Fredericksburg,

Virginia. Before being fully contained, the fuel oil had flowed into the Rapidan River and then into the

Rappahannock River, a source of drinking water for the City of Fredericksburg.[295][296]

1980 Sabotage during a labor strike was suspected in a gasoline pipeline explosion in Marcus Hook,

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Pennsylvania on March 7. The following fire burned for about 17 hours.[297][298]

1980 On April 16, gasoline at a pipeline terminal in Roseville, Minnesota, sprayed from the fractured cast-

iron base of a station booster pump at 72 psig pressure, vaporized, and exploded after it was ignited by the

spark of an electric switch in the mainline pump control room 50 feet (15 m) downwind of the booster pump.

One man was killed, 3 others injured, and extensive damage was done to the terminal. About 3,500 barrels

(560 m3) of petroleum products burned and property damage was estimated at $3 million.[299]

1980 On May 27, near Cartwright, Louisiana, an anhydrous ammonia pipeline was struck by a bulldozer,

which was being used to prepare a well site, and the pipeline ruptured. Over 100 people were evacuated

from the area.[300]

1980 A road grader ruptured an NGL pipeline in Aurora, Colorado on August 11. Firefighters had barely

evacuated residents in the area when the vapors exploded, burning one firefighter.[301]

1980 An oil pipeline ruptured and burned while it was being repaired at an oil storage Terminal in Piney

Point, Maryland on September 12, 1980. One worker was killed, and 5 others injured in the fire.[302]

1980 On October 9, a 2-inch-diameter compression coupling located on the upstream side of a gas meter

set assembly in the boiler room of the Simon Kenton High School in Independence, Kentucky, pulled out of

its connection with a 2-inch-diameter gas service line. Natural gas at 165-psig pressure escaped through the

2-inch-diameter opening and, seconds later, exploded and burned. A basement wall was blown down, an

adjacent classroom was damaged, and one student was killed. About 30 minutes later, a second explosion

occurred, which injured 37 persons and extensively damaged the school. The gas main was being uprated at

the time.[303]

1980 A bulldozer digging a ditch for a new pipeline hit a 16 inch crude oil pipeline near San Ysidro, New

Mexico on October 22. The operator was fatally burned.[304]

1980 A pipeline carrying naphtha ruptured under a street in Long Beach, California, causing a fire that

destroyed one home and damaged several others. Two people were injured. Lack of communication of

pipeline valve setups, and pressure relief valves set to open at too high a pressure were identified by the

NTSB as causes of the accident. (December 1, 1980)[305][306]

1980 A dirt pan machine being used for road construction hit a propane pipeline in Sumner, Georgia on

December 10, causing slight injuries to the dirt pan operator. US Highway 82 and a rail line were closed,

and several families evacuated until the vapors dispersed. There was no fire.[307]

1980 On December 22, a pipeline carrying jet fuel ruptured in Las Vegas, Nevada, spilling fuel for 2 hours.

Later, the fuel ignited, forcing road closures. One firefighters was overcome by fumes. Between 50,000 and

100,000 US gallons (380,000 L) of jet fuel were spilled. Prior construction in the area was suspected of

damaging the pipeline.[308]

1980 A natural gas pipeline exploded and burned at a gas plant in Ulysses, Kansas on December 28. There

were no injuries[309]

1981 An ammonia pipeline leaked near Hutchinson, Kansas on July 31, injuring 5 people, including 3children at a Bible Camp. A 2-mile (3.2 km) radius from the leak was evacuated, including 90 from the Bible


1981 On August 25, in downtown San Francisco, California, a 16-inch natural gas main was punctured by a

drill that an excavation contractor was using. Escaping natural gas blew upward and carried into the

Embarcadero Complex and other nearby buildings. There was no ignition; however, the gas stream entrained

an oil containing polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). Fall-out affected an eight-square-block area of the city's

financial district covering buildings, cars, trees, pedestrians, police, and firemen. Approximately 30,000

persons were safely evacuated from the area in 45 minutes. No one was killed or seriously injured, although

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many persons were sprayed with the PCB oil mist. There were delays in shutting down the gas, due to

inaccurate diagrams.[311]

1981 On September 15, during routine maintenance, a pipeline exploded and burned between a gas plant

and a petroleum plant in Goldsmith, Texas. While workers were fighting the fire, another part of the pipeline

burst and burned. 6 workers were burned, and another had other injuries. There were a total of 7 fires from

7 pipeline ruptures.[312][313]

1981 A 12 inch diameter pipeline near Ackerly, Texas, was hit by a rathole drill on September 27, releasing

an ethane-propane mix. There was then an explosion & fire that killed 4 people.[314]

1981 On November 30, at Flatwoods, West Virginia, gas, leaking into a test section of a 26-inch-diameter

gas transmission pipeline, ignited as a welder engaged in installing an end cap placed a tack weld on the east

end of a 180-foot (55 m)-long section of pipe. The resultant explosion blew off-the east end cap, which

struck and killed the welder's helper.[315]

1981 On December 5, hunters near Yutan, Nebraska tried out a new high power rifle by shooting what they

thought was a log in a creek bed. The log was actually an LPG pipeline, and 12 to 16 families needed to be

evacuated for their safety from the resulting vapor cloud. There was no fire.[316]

1981 On December 9, a pipeline carrying gasoline ruptured near Joliet, Illinois, spilling 30,000 US gallons

(110,000 L) of gasoline into the Des Plaines River.[317]

1981 A gas pipeline in Ottawa, Kansas caused 2 explosions and a raging fire that destroyed 2 mobile homes

on December 31. There were no injuries reported.[318]

1982 On January 28 at Centralia, Missouri, natural gas at 47 psig entered a low pressure distribution system

which normally operated at 0.40 psig after a backhoe bucket snagged, ruptured, and separated a 3/4-inch-

diameter steel pressure regulator control line at a regulator station. The backhoe, which was owned and

operated by the city of Centralia, was being used to clean a ditch located adjacent to the pressure regulator

station. The high-pressure gas entering customer piping systems in some cases resulted in high pilot light

flames which initiated fires in buildings; while in other cases, the pilot light flames were blown out, allowing

gas to escape within the buildings. Of the 167 buildings affected by the overpressure, 12 were destroyed and

32 sustained moderate to heavy damages. Five persons received minor injuries.[319]

1982 – An LPG pipeline was ruptured by road construction in North Richland Hills, Texas on April 16. 800

to 1,000 nearby residents were evacuated. There was no fire. The construction crew workers said the

pipeline was 5 feet (1.5 m) away from where it was shown on a map they were using.[320]

1982 A backhoe ruptured a 2 inch-diameter gas pipeline in three places in Tacoma, Washington, causing

evacuations. There was no fire or explosion.[321]

1982 On June 28, a natural gas explosion demolished a house, killed five persons, and critically injured one

person in Portales, New Mexico; the critically injured person died later at a burn treatment center. The gas

service line to the house had been damaged 37 days earlier when a contractor's backhoe pulled up the line

during conduit excavation work for the local telephone company.[322]

1982 On September 7, natural gas at 15 psig escaping from the open ends of a 2 1/4-inch cast-iron gas

main located in a deep, narrow excavation in Dublin, Georgia, was ignited by an unknown source. Four City

of Dublin gas department employees who were working in the excavation were critically burned.[323]

1982 – On October 1, a steel plate, which had been welded by a work crew to cap temporarily the open

end of a section of a 22-inch diameter gas transmission pipeline, blew off at an initial pressure of possibly

260 psig. Escaping natural gas from the pipeline, which had accumulated due to a leak in a nearby gate

valve, ignited almost immediately and the entire work area and a portion of U.S. Route 65 were momentarily

engulfed in flames. Seven persons who were working to replace a section of the pipeline under the road

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about 2 miles (3.2 km) south of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, were burned.[324]

1982 On October 29, a crew mechanic working on new gas service lines at Burke, Virginia, was overcome

by leaking gas and died.[325]

1982 On November 4, a tile plow installing field drainage tile on a farm located 4 miles (6.4 km) west of

Hudson, Iowa, struck and punctured a well-marked, 20-inch natural gas transmission pipeline. Natural gas

escaping at about 820 psig ignited immediately, and the ensuing fire killed five persons.[326][327]

1982 On December 8, a five-member crew was working on a gas compressor at Bonicord, Tennessee,

when a gas explosion occurred. All five crew members were injured seriously, but were able to evacuate the

building. One crew member died later that day, and two others died a few days later.[328]

1983 On February 1, a corroded gas service line caused a natural gas explosion and flash fire that destroyed

a house, killed two persons, and injured three persons in Pryor, Oklahoma, and damaged an adjacent


1983 A gas pipeline failed and caused a fire with flames 250 to 300 feet (91 m) tall near Marlow, Oklahoma

on February 15. There were no injuries.[330]

1983 An 8-inch-diameter LPG pipeline was hit by a rotating auger used for planting trees near West

Odessa, Texas. After several minutes, the escaping LPG at 1,060 psi ignited, killing 5 people and injuring 5

others. Flames went as high as 600 feet into the air.(March 15, 1983)[331][332][333]

1983 On March 27, a pump for a petroleum products pipeline broke, causing up to 420,000 gallons of

diesel fuel to spill into the Bowie River in Collins, Mississippi.[334][335]

1983 A 36-inch-diameter gas transmission pipeline exploded and burned in Caldwell, Ohio on May 21,

destroying two homes, burning 100 acres of vegetation, and closing nearby Interstate 77. There were three

minor injuries.[336]

1983 On June 4, a front loader accidentally dug into a 10-inch-diameter petroleum pipeline near Coeur

d'Alene, Idaho, spilling over 20,000 US gallons (76,000 L) of unleaded gasoline into a creek, killing

everything downstream for 3 miles.[337]

1983 A 16 inch diameter gas pipeline ruptures and burned near Athens, Texas, on July 19. A nearby section

of the same pipeline had ruptured the year before.[338]

1983 On September 23, gas service pressure surged up in a section of Boston, Massachusetts. 3 major

structure fires, numerous smaller fires, and an explosion at a restaurant followed. There was no serious

injuries. A flooded gas regulator vault was the cause.[339]

1983 A crude oil pipeline exploded and burned at an Oil Terminal in Lima, Ohio on December 26.[340]

1984 An 8 inch NGL pipeline near Hurst, Texas, was hit by a front loader, and the escaping gases ignited,

causing burns to the equipment operator. (February 28, 1984)[341]

1984 On June 19, six employees of a contractor working for Washington Gas Light Company (WGL) in

Rockville, Maryland, were using mechanical saws to cut a section of 22 inch diameter steel pipeline when

residual gas at atmospheric pressure in the isolated section of the pipeline was ignited. A flash fire ensued,

and four contractor employees who were operating the saws and a WGL superintendent were burned.[342]

1984 Two natural gas pipelines exploded and burned near Falls City, Texas.[343]

1984 On September 24, a failed gas main of ABS plastic caused an explosion and fire in Phoenix, Arizona.

5 people died and 7 others injured in the accident. Liquid in the pipe had caused it to break down.[344][345]

1984 A tugboat hit and ruptured a gas pipeline on the Houston Ship Channel on October 16. There were no

injuries, but the Channel was closed for a time.[346]

1984 Fast moving water in the Cado Creek near Durant, Oklahoma led to 2 pipelines being ruptured on

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October 27 & 28. About 1,500 barrels (240 m3) of petroleum were spilled.[347]

1984 On November 25, a 30-inch gas transmission pipeline, constructed in 1955 and operating at

1,000 psig pressure, ruptured at a location about three miles (5 km) west of Jackson, Louisiana. Gas

blowing from the rupture fractured the pipe into many pieces and created a hole in the earth about 90 feet

(27 m) long, 25 feet (7.6 m) wide, and 10 feet (3.0 m) deep. The escaping gas was quickly ignited by one of

several potential sources of ignition. The resulting fire incinerated an area extending from the rupture about

950 feet (290 m) north, 500 feet (150 m) south, and 180 feet (55 m) to the east and to the west. Within this

sparsely populated area, five persons involved with the pipeline construction work were killed, and 23

persons were injured. Additionally, several pieces of construction equipment were damaged extensively.

Lack of proper ground support under the pipeline when a nearby section of that pipeline was upgraded and

replaced was identified as a factor in the failure.[348][349][350]

1985 Natural gas from a leaking line traveled through soil and caused a massive gas explosion in El Paso,

Texas on January 8. Eleven people were injured, 2 homes were destroyed, and 88 other homes were

damaged by the blast.[351]

1985 On February 22, 1985, a police patrolman on routine patrol smelled strong natural gas odors in

Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. A gas serviceman was ordered to the scene. Before the serviceman arrived at the

site of the reported leak, the Sharpsville Inn and a connecting building exploded and burned, killing two

persons. Firefighters arriving on scene moments later encountered a second, smaller explosion, which injured

one firefighter. The delay in the gas serviceman getting to the incident was a contributing factor.[352]

1985 On April 5, a lightning caused computer malfunction resulted in a pipeline rupture that sent thousands

of gallons of gasoline into the Yellow Leaf Creek in Alabama.[353]

1985 A 30 inch diameter gas pipeline operating at about 960 psi, weakened by atmospheric corrosion,

ruptured, and tore out about 29 feet (8.8 m) of the carrier pipe, blew apart about 16 feet (4.9 m) of a 36-

inch-diameter casing pipe, blasted an opening across Kentucky State Highway 90, and cut out a pear-

shaped crater approximately 90 feet (27 m) long, 38 feet (12 m) wide, and 12 feet (3.7 m) deep near

Beaumont, Kentucky. 5 people were killed in one home, and 3 injured. The fireball from the incident could

be seen 20 miles away.(April 27, 1985)[354][355]

1985 Workers on the extension of the North Dallas Tollway ruptured a 12 inch gasoline pipeline on June 19,

causing a massive gasoline spill along a creek bed north of Dallas, Texas. The gasoline later ignited. Oneperson had moderate injuries, several office buildings were damaged by fire, and some automobiles were


1985 On July 23, in a rural area about 8 miles (13 km) south of Kaycee, Wyoming, a girth weld cracked

during a pipeline re-coating project on a 23-year-old, 8-inch-diameter pipeline. The cracked girth weld

allowed the release, atomization, and ignition of aircraft turbine fuel under 430 pounds pressure, killing one

person, burning six persons, destroying construction equipment.[357][358]

1985 A gasoline leak of up to 42,000 US gallons (160,000 L) from a ruptured 10 inch pipeline ignited on

August 2 in Indianapolis, Indiana, causing a 200-foot (61 m) high fireball that killed three people, and injured

3 others working to clean up the spill along a creek.[359][360]

1985 On September 23, a 12 inch diameter gasoline pipeline fitting was hit by a backhoe, and sprayed

about 35,000 US gallons (130,000 L) of gasoline 45 feet (14 m) into the air in Staten Island, New York.

There were evacuations, but no fire.[361]

1985 On December 6, a natural gas explosion and fire destroyed the River Restaurant in Derby,

Connecticut. Gas escaping from a broken gas main at a pressure of about 1 pound per square inch had

escaped, migrated into the restaurant basement, ignited, exploded, and burned. Of the 18 persons inside the

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restaurant at the time, 6 were killed and 12 were injured; 1 passerby and 1 firefighter were also injured.

After the accident the street adjacent to the restaurant was excavated where a 24 inch diameter sewer

system had just been installed; An 87-year-old, 3-inch diameter, cast-iron natural gas main was found


1986 A 30 inch gas pipeline ruptured due to corrosion near Lancaster, Kentucky. 3 people had serious

burns, and 5 others had lesser injuries. External corrosion made worse by difficulties of Cathodic protection

in rocky soil was the cause. (February 21, 1986)[363][364]

1986 An 8 inch high-pressure petroleum pipeline ruptures in Muskegon County, Michigan on February 22,

spilling gasoline into creeks.[365]

1986 A backhoe snagged a natural gas distribution line in Fort Worth, TX, causing a break that leaked gas

into an unoccupied building. Later, that building exploded, injuring 22 people, destroying the unoccupied

building, and damaging 40 other buildings. 57 automobiles in the unoccupied building were damaged or

destroyed. (March 12, 1986)[366]

1986 A new water main was being installed in Chicago Heights, Illinois on March 13. While excavating, an

active gas service line was snagged. Gas company crews responded to the wrong site, causing delays in

getting the leaking gas line shut down. Just as crews finished closing the valve on the leaking line, the nearby

house exploded and began to burn; one of the two persons inside this house was killed, and the other was

injured. Two neighboring houses were damaged, and one gas company employee, two construction crew

members, and four persons in the general area were injured by the explosion and subsequent fire. Although

gas company personnel arrived on the scene approximately 10 minutes before the explosion and shut off the

gas at the meter, neither they nor the contractor's crew had made an effort to warn or evacuate the residents

of the house.[367]

1986 On June 28, a pipeline ruptured and spilled diesel fuel into Trail Creek in Michigan City, Indiana. The

fuel later ignited. Thousands of fish were killed.[368]

1986 Early on July 8, a Williams petroleum products pipeline ruptured in Mounds View, Minnesota.

Gasoline at 1,434 psi sprayed a residential area around 4:20 am local time, then ignited. A woman and her 7

year old daughter suffered fatal burns, at least two others were injured, and many homes damaged or

destroyed. Confusion by the pipeline company led to a delay in shutting down the pipeline. Electrical

resistance welded (ERW) seam failure caused the rupture. During a hydrostatic test of this pipeline following

the accident, 7 ERW seams failed. Studies of available data by OPS staff in early 1988 showed that ERW

seams have been involved in 145 service failures in both hazardous liquid and natural gas pipelines since

1970 to early 1988, and that of these failures, all but 2 occurred on pipe manufactured prior to


1986 A gas transmission pipeline fails and burns in a compressor station near Prattville, Alabama, on July 12.

The fire spread by melting flange gaskets on 2 other gas transmission pipelines in the station. 4 homes and

several cars were destroyed in the following fire, with flames reaching 300 feet (91 m) high. There were no


1986 between 800 and 1200 residents were evacuated in East Chicago, Indiana after a gasoline tank at a

pipeline Terminal ruptured on September 4. 28 people were overcome by gasoline fumes. There was no


1986 A petroleum products pipeline failed near Billings, Montana, causing the evacuation of nearby

businesses. There was no fire.[377]

1986 On September 8, a pipeline failed under the Red River near Gainesville, Texas. Fumes from the

pipeline sent 14 to hospitals for treatment.[378]

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1986 A 30 inch diameter natural gas pipe line under Pelahatchie Bay in Mississippi exploded near the

water's edge on the north shore of the bay on December 6.[379]

1986 On December 25, a pipeline ruptures and spills furnace oil into the Des Plaines River near Chicago,

Illinois. About 1,000 US gallons (3,800 L) of furnace oil was spilled. Corrosion seemed to cause the pipeline


1987 A petroleum pipeline ruptured and burned near Corsicana, Texas on March 12, forcing the closure of

an Interstate highway, and cause some evacuations.[381]

1987 A work crew burning the remains of a house near Ladysmith, Virginia ruptured a nearby petroleum

products pipeline with a bulldozer on March 26, igniting diesel fuel from the line. 2 of the worker were


1987 On April 4, an LPG pipeline exploded at a Terminal in Iowa City, Iowa. Due to the fire spreading to a

pipeline for nearby underground gas storage, residents within a 2 1/2 mile radius of the Terminal were

evacuated for a time. The fire burned until April 20. The cause was an ERW seam failure in a pipeline.

During a hydrostatic test of that pipeline, 20 more pipeline segment seams failed.[383][384][385]

1987 On June 11, a "rock ripper" at a construction site punctured a 32 inch petroleum products pipeline in

Centreville, Virginia. Gasoline sprayed from the rupture, but there was no fire. More than 15,500 US gallons

(59,000 L) of gasoline were released. Thirteen emergency response personnel suffered from exposure to the

gasoline fumes.[386]

1987 In July, a fishing vessel, working in shallow waters off Louisiana, the menhaden purse seiner Sea Chief,

struck and ruptured an 8" natural gas liquids pipeline operating at 480 psi. The resulting explosion killed two

crew members. Divers investigating found that the pipe, installed in 1968, was covered with only 6" of soft

mud, having lost its original 3-foot (0.91 m) cover of sediments.[387]

1987 On July 23, a construction crew working on an Interstate 90 project east of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

struck the 10 inch diameter Yellowstone Pipeline, causing a leaking that sprayed out over 200 barrels

(32 m3) of gasoline. The pipeline was supposed to have 30 inches of soil cover, but had only 2 inches of

cover. There was no fire.[388]

1987 A gas leak on a busy road in Wilmington, North Carolina suddenly ignited while gas company workers

were trying to plug that leak, burning them and firefighters on standby nearby in August. 19 people were

burned, with a fire department Assistant Chief later dying from the burns he received.[389]

1988 On January 5, a Colonial Pipeline mainline ruptured, spilling about 100,000 gallons of home heating oil

in Deptford, New Jersey. The cause of the pipeline failure was corrosion.[390][391]

1988 The rupture of a large interstate gas line at Pocono Ridge development in Lehman Township,

Pennsylvania, left a crater about 8 feet (2.4 m) deep and ejected a 6-foot (1.8 m) section of pipe over the

treetops before it landed 50 yards away. One hundred thirty people were evacuated. No one was


1988 On January 18, a natural gas explosion destroyed the building housing the K&W Cafeteria and thelobby of the Sheraton Motor Inn at Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Two adjoining motel wings suffered

structural damage. Of the four persons in the lobby/cafeteria building at the time of the explosion, threesustained minor injuries. The fourth person sustained a fractured ankle. One motel guest also sustained minor


1988 On February 8, an offshore pipeline near Galveston, Texas, that may have been damaged by an

anchor, ruptures, spilling about 15,576 barrels (2,476.4 m3) of crude oil into the Gulf.[393]

1988 On April 9, a 20 inch diameter crude oil pipeline failed in a Peoria County, Illinois subdivision. About

200,000 US gallons (760,000 L) of crude were spilled, contaminating 2 private lakes.[394]

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1988 A pair of MAPCO LPG/NGL pipelines failed in an explosion south of Topeka, Kansas on July 22.

200 nearby residents had to be evacuated, and there was serious damage to US Route 75 nearby from the

explosion & following fire. An ERW seam selective corrosion failure in one of the pipelines caused the


1988 On August 31, a gas company crew struck and ruptured a fitting on a 4-inch plastic gas main in Green

Oaks, Illinois. While the crew was attempting to excavate a nearby valve to shut off the flow of gas, the

backhoe struck an unmarked power cable. The gas ignited and four gas company employees were


1988 A crude oil pipeline ruptured, spilling about 132,000 gallons of crude oil in Encino, California on

September 10. The crude flowed into storm drains, and then into the Los Angeles River. Electrical

interference to Cathodic protection from other pipelines was suspected to have cause the corrosion that

caused the failure. The crude oil pipeline was on top of a steel water pipeline, which would directly interfere

with Cathodic protection efforts.[398][399][400][401][402]

1988 On September 16, a natural gas explosion in Overland Park, Kansas, involved gas leaking from

corrosion holes in the customer-owned line. Gas migrated underground to the house and was ignited. The

house was destroyed and the four residents were injured.[403]

1988 In November, corrosion of a 14-inch underground pipeline owned and operated by the Shell Oil

Company, a predecessor of Shell Pipeline Corporation (Shell), resulted in the release of an estimated

120,000 US gallons (450,000 L) of gasoline. A pool of gasoline about 450 feet (140 m) by 50 feet (15 m)

appeared among fields of corn and soybeans. The site of the release was in Limestone Township in

Kankakee County, about 4 miles (6.4 km) west of Kankakee, Illinois. Approximately 2,100 people live

within a 1-mile (1.6 km) radius of the November 1988 release point.[404]

1988 On November 25, natural gas explosion and fire in Kansas City, Missouri, involving a break in a

customer owned service line at a threaded joint that was affected by corrosion. One person was killed and

five persons injured in the explosion that severely damaged the residence.[403]

1988 A Koch Industries and Ashland Oil subsidiary 16 inch diameter crude oil pipeline failed near

Dellwood, Minnesota, spilling about 200,000 US gallons (760,000 L) of crude on a farm. Snow

complicated the cleanup. The leak occurred late December 1, but was not discovered until early December

2. An ERW seam fatigue crack caused the failure.[405][406][407]

1988 A 22 inch diameter crude oil pipeline ruptures near Vienna, Missouri on December 24, spilling more

than 860,000 US gallons (3,300,000 L) of crude oil into the Gasconade River. A pipeline worker inOklahoma failed to notice the pipeline's plummeting pressure gauges for at least two hours. An ERW seam

defect in the pipe was determined to be the cause of the failure.[408][409]

1989 A crude oil pipeline rupture on January 24 in Winkler County, Texas spills over 23,000 barrels

(3,700 m3) of oil. 6 acres (24,000 m2) of land were covered in oil, and groundwater was contaminated.[410]

1989 February 10, a natural gas explosion and fire in Oak Grove, Missouri, involved the failure of a

customer owned service line at a threaded joint. Two persons were killed and their house was destroyed in

the explosion.[403]

A leaking gas distribution line caused an explosion in Topeka, Kansas on March 25, killing one person. This

was the latest in a string of gas distribution line failures that lead to an NTSB investigation into the regional

gas company. 600,000 gas services lines were replaced as a result of the investigation.[411]

1989 On May 25, a petroleum products pipeline failed, after the San Bernardino train disaster, California.

Damage from a train derailment cleanup caused a CalNev petroleum products pipeline to rupture, spraying

nearby homes with gasoline. Three were killed, 31 were injured, and 15 homes were damaged or destroyed

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in following fire.[412][413][414]

1989 A crude oil gathering pipeline ruptures near Craig, Colorado on June 2, spilling 10,000 US gallons

(38,000 L) of crude into the Yampa River. Federal maintenance oversight of gathering pipelines ended in


1989 On October 3, the United States menhaden' fishing vessel NORTHUMBERLAND, owned and

operated by the Zapata Haynie Corporation (vessel owner), was backing and maneuvering in 9 to 11 feet

(3.4 m) of water when the stern of the vessel struck and ruptured an offshore 16 inch natural gas

transmission pipeline. Natural gas under 835 pounds per square inch pressure was released. An

undetermined source on board the vessel ignited the gas, and within seconds, the entire vessel was engulfed

in flames. The fire on the vessel burned until 4:30 a.m. on October 4, when it burned itself out. Leaking gas

from the pipeline also continued to burn until the flow of gas subsided and the fire self-extinguished about

6 a.m. on October 4. Eleven of fourteen crew members died as a result of the accident.[416]

1989 An explosion at a valve in a natural gas processing station on October 25 near Evanston, Wyoming

kills one worker, and injures 4 others.[417]

1989 A farmer hit a propane pipeline near Butler, Illinois on December 8, forcing evacuation of that town.

There was no fire.[418]

1989 On December 18, a Colonial Pipeline petroleum pipeline failed near Locust Grove, Virginia. 212,000

US gallons (800,000 L) of kerosene spilled into the Rapidan and Rappahannock Rivers. On New Year's

Eve, following a rapid thaw and heavy rains, containment dams broke and kerosene flowed downstream

toward Fredericksburg, Virginia. Fish and game were killed, the City's water supply was cut off, and

drinking water had to be hauled from Stafford County for seven days. This was the seventh major leak from

Colonial Pipeline in Virginia since 1973.[419][420]

1989 New York City Con Edison Steam Pipe explosion, rupture killing three people in the 3rd

Ave./Gramercy Park area.


1990 On January 2, an Exxon underwater pipeline located at the mouth of Morse Creek discharged

approximately 13,500 barrels (2,150 m3) of No. 2 heating oil into the Arthur Kill waterway between New

Jersey and Staten Island, New York.[421][422]

1990 A propane pipeline ruptured and burned, near North Blenheim, New York, on March 13. Stress from

previous work done on the pipeline caused a pipeline rupture and vapor cloud that moved downhill into a

town. Two people were killed, seven persons injured, and more than $4 million in property damage and

other costs resulted when the cloud ignited.[423][424][425]

1990 on March 30, a 10-inch-diameter pipeline, ruptured from overstress due to a landslide in Freeport,

Pennsylvania, resulting in the release of approximately 1,300 barrels (210 m3) of mixed petroleum products.

Spilled petroleum products entered Knapp's Run, a small creek emptying into the Allegheny River and,

eventually, the Ohio River. The product release resulted in extensive ground and water pollution and

interrupted the use of the Allegheny River as a water supply for several communities. Damage to the pipeline

and environmental cleanup and restoration costs exceeded $12 million.[386]

1990 On May 6, a spool on a pipeline ruptured off of the Louisiana coast. 13,600 barrels (2,160 m3) of

crude oil were estimated to have spilled.[426]

1990 On August 29, a private contractor laying conduit for underground power lines ruptured a pipeline that

fouled a Western Branch creek with diesel fuel in Chesapeake, Virginia. Over 67,000 US gallons (250,000

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L) of fuel were spilled.[427]

1990 On August 29, a natural gas explosion and fire destroyed two row houses and damaged two adjacent

houses and three parked cars in Allentown, Pennsylvania. One person was killed, and nine people, including

two firefighters, were injured. A cracked gas main, that was stressed by soil erosion from a nearby broken

water line, was the cause of the gas leak.[428][429]

1990 On November 5, a crude oil pipeline ruptures near Ethel, Missouri, fouling over 35 miles (56 km) of

the Chariton River. 44,000 to 66,000 US gallons (250,000 L) of crude were spilled.[430]

1990 At least 3 leaks that spill over a thousand gallons of oil were found in a pipeline in Cerritos, California,

it was announced on November 23. One of the failed section of pipeline was 6 to 7 years old.[431]

1990 On December 9, a gas system valve between one of Fort Benjamin Harrison Indianapolis, Indiana gas

distribution systems and a discontinued steel gas system segment was inadvertently opened, allowing natural

gas to enter residential buildings that had previously received their gas from the discontinued segment. Gas

accumulating in Building 1025 of Harrison Village was ignited by one of many available sources, and the

resulting explosion killed 2 occupants and injured 24 other persons One building was destroyed, and two

were damaged,[432]

1991 On January 31, a Mobil Company crude oil pipeline ruptured near Valencia, California, spilling up to

75,000 gallons of crude oil. The same day, a report was released showing that particular pipeline had a

99.8% chance of a leak in the next 5 years.[433][434][435]

1991 A Lakehead (now Enbridge) crude oil pipeline near Grand Rapids, Minnesota ruptured on March 2.

More than 40,000 barrels of crude went into the Prairie River. About 4 million US gallons (15,000 m3) of oil

had spilled from that pipeline from the early 1970s to 1991, per Minnesota records. A resident in the area

noticed the smell of oil and alerted the local fire department. Approximately 300 people living in homes near

the site were evacuated for safety, but were allowed to return to their homes later in the


1991 A ruptured propane pipeline on March 2 forced the evacuation of 2,500 from several subdivisions in

Richland County, South Carolina for a time. There was no fire.[441]

1991 On June 29, over 60,000 US gallons (230,000 L) of fuel oil and gasoline leaked from a 10 inch

diameter Koch Industries pipeline in Carson, Wisconsin from a 3 inch crack. A previous significant leak had

occurred on this pipeline in that area the year before. Local officials urged Koch to upgrade it's leak

monitoring equipment. Koch later replaced 12 miles (19 km) of that pipeline in the area[442][443][444][445][446]

1991 On July 17, workers were removing a corroded segment of the Consumers Power Company’s (CP)

10-inch-diameter transmission line pipeline in Mapleton, Michigan. As a segment of the pipeline was being

removed, natural gas at 360-psig pressure exerted about 12 tons of force on an adjacent closed valve (H-

143), causing it and a short segment of connected pipe to move and separate from an unanchored

compression coupling. The force of the escaping gas killed one worker (a welder), injured five other

workers, and collapsed a steel pit that housed valve H-143.[447]

1991 About 42,000 US gallons (160,000 L) of crude oil spilled from a broken pipeline at a barge facility at

High Island, Texas on September 5.[448]

1991 On December 19, a 36-inch-diameter Colonial Pipeline ruptured from prior excavation damage about

2.8 miles (4.5 km) downstream of the pipeline's Simpsonville, South Carolina, pump station. The rupture

allowed more than 500,000 US gallons (1,900,000 L) of diesel fuel to flow into Durbin Creek, causing

environmental damage that affected 26 miles (42 km) of waterways, including the Enoree River, which flows

through Sumter National Forest. The spill also forced Clinton and Whitmire, South Carolina, to use

alternative water supplies.[386][449]

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1991 On December 28, two explosions in rapid succession occurred in apartment No. 3 of a two-story,

eight-apartment, wood-frame structure in Santa Rosa, California. Two people were killed and three others

were injured. Fire after the explosions destroyed that apartment and three other apartments in the front of the


1992 A pipeline offshore of Grand Island, Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico leaked thousands of gallons of

crude oil.[451]

1992 On January 17, while a gas company crew was doing routine annual maintenance work at a regulator

stations in Chicago, Illinois, high-pressure gas entered a low-pressure system. The gas—under as much as

10 psig of pressure—escaped through gas appliances into homes and other buildings, where it was ignited by

several unidentified sources. The resulting explosion and fires killed 4 people, injured 4, and damaged 14

houses and 3 commercial buildings.[452]

1992 On April 7, a salt dome cavern used to store LPG & similar products was overfilled, leading to an

uncontrolled release of highly volatile liquids (HVLs) from a salt dome storage cavern near Brenham, Texas,

formed a large, heavier-than-air gas cloud that later exploded. Three people died from injuries sustained

either from the blast or in the following fire. An additional 21 people were treated for injuries at area

hospitals. Damage from the accident exceeded $9 million.[453][454][455]

1992 A natural gas explosion destroyed a house in Catskill (town), New York, on November 6. The two-

story wood-frame house had not had active gas service since 1969. The explosion killed a woman in the

house, seriously injured her daughter, and slightly injured two children in a neighboring house. Gas had

escaped from a nearby cracked gas main.[456]

1992 On December 3, a ruptured natural gas liquid pipeline caused a vapor cloud to drift across I-70 near

Aurora, Colorado. The Cloud later ignited, burning 6 motorists.[457][458][459]

1993 On March 28, a pressurized 36-inch-diameter (910 mm) petroleum product pipeline owned and

operated by Colonial Pipeline Company ruptured near Hemdon, Virginia. The rupture created a geyser

which sprayed diesel fuel over 75 feet (23 m) into the air, coating overhead powerlines and adjacent trees,

and misting adjacent Virginia Electric Power Company buildings. The diesel fuel spewed from the rupture

into an adjacent storm water management pond and flowed overland and through a network of storm sewer

pipes before reaching Sugarland Run Creek, a tributary of the Potomac River. The cause was latent third

party damage.[460][461]

1993 On April 6, a crude oil pipeline ruptured & spill up to 125,000 gallons of crude oil into a stream bed in

Kern County, California, forcing a temporary closure of the nearby Golden State Freeway.[462]

1993 On June 9, a cinder block duplex at in Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey, exploded as a New Jersey

Natural Gas Company (NJNG) contractor was trenching in front of the building. The explosion killed 3

residents of the duplex, and seriously injured 3 others.[463]

1993 On July 22, a city of St. Paul Department of Public Works backhoe hooked and pulled apart a

Northern States Power Company (NSP) high-pressure gas service line in St. Paul, Minnesota. An explosion

and natural gas-fueled fire resulted about 20 minutes after the backhoe hooked the service line. The

explosion force caused part of the building to land on and flatten an automobile traveling southwest on East

Third Street, and the driver died instantly. The explosion and ensuing fire also killed an apartment occupant

and a person outside the building and injured 12 people.[464]

1993 On July 26, a 6-inch pipeline in Nebraska was exposed by scour in a creek bed and its banks, and

was struck by flood debris, which caused it to rupture. The rupture resulted in the release of 2,203 barrels

(350.2 m3) of anhydrous ammonia [465]

1993 An ammonia pipeline failed in Sperry, Oklahoma on August 20. 80 homes in the area were evacuated.

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Several people were treated for ammonia inhalation injuries.[466]

1993 On November 3, Amoco Pipeline was fined $12,500 for a 1971 pipeline leak that contaminated a

drinking well and caused other pollution problems for people living near Garfield, Minnesota.[467]

1993 On December 2, a 10 inch diameter Conoco pipeline ruptured, spilling 8,400 US gallons (32,000 L)

of gasoline into a creek in Washington, Missouri.[468]

1993 An explosion and fire on a gas transmission pipeline on December 20, near Mellen, Wisconsin, cut off

the gas supply to 3,500 customers in the area.[469]

1994 In January, a pipeline ruptures, dumping almost 162,500 US gallons (615,000 L) of oil in a river, the

Marais des Cygnes River in Osawatomie, Kansas. In addition to a $804,700 fine, BP Amoco agreed to

spend at least $145,300 on a supplemental environmental project involving reconstruction improvements to

Osawatomie's water intake.[470]

1994 On February 1, the third explosion in 7 years hit a LPG/NGL pipeline Terminal in Iowa City, Iowa. 11

workers at the Terminal escaped injury, and 6 families within 1 1/2 miles of the Terminal were evacuated.

The 2 previous explosions were in 1987 and 1989.[471]

1994 The Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion and Fire : Previous

damage caused a 36 inch diameter natural gas transmission pipeline to rupture at Edison, New Jersey on

March 23, 1994. Several apartment buildings were destroyed in the massive fire. One woman died of a

heart attack, and at least 93 others had minor injuries. Delays in shutting off one of the pipeline's valves was

cited as contributing to the damage.[472]

1994 A 2-inch-diameter steel gas service line that had been exposed during excavation separated at a

compression coupling about 5 feet (1.5 m) from the wall of a retirement home in Allentown, Pennsylvania on

June 9. The escaping gas flowed underground, passed through openings in the building foundation, migrated

to other floors, and exploded. The accident resulted in 1 fatality, 66 injuries, and more than $5 million in

property damage.[473]

1994 A residents near O'Fallon, Missouri detected a petroleum smell, early on September 22. The local Fire

Department was called several hours later, and noticed an oily mist in the area, and found a leaking pipeline.

The owner of the 10 inch diameter petroleum products later claimed the spill volume was less than 1,000 US

gallons (3,800 L), but later calculations and batch volume measurements indicate a spill of 29,000 to 37,000

US gallons (140,000 L). EPA officials later admit someone lied about the spill volume. Over the next 10years, 8 attempts at remediation were made, before the O'Day Creek was cleaned of all petroleum


1994 On October 8, a lightning strike shut a valve on a crude oil pipeline, while the oil was flowing, triggering

a pressure buildup that ripped a 50-square-inch hole in a section of the pipe that was already weakened by

corrosion. Pipeline employees — unaware of the rupture in the pipe — turned on the pumps after the

pipeline shut down automatically, sending oil pouring into the creek for about an hour. The spill created a 12-

mile (19 km)-long slick on Nueces and Corpus Christi bays along the Texas Gulf Coast. Nearly seven years

later, delicate coastal marshes that serve as a nursery for shrimp, flounder, crabs and other marine life have

not fully recovered. The estimated spill size was 2,151 barrels (342.0 m3), but that was debated as being too

small a size. The pipeline eventually agreed to pay more than $45 million in damages.[476]

1994 In October, record high flooding along the San Jacinto River in Texas lead to the failure of 8 pipelines

crossing that river. Due to the flooding many other pipelines were also undermined. More than 35,000

barrels (5,600 m3) of petroleum and petroleum products were released into the river. Ignition of the released

products resulted in 547 people receiving (mostly minor) burn and inhalation injuries. Spill response costs

exceeded $7 million, and estimated property damage losses were about $16 million.[477][478]

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1994 A natural gas explosion and fire destroyed a one-story, wood frame building in Waterloo, Iowa on

October 17. The force of the explosion scattered debris over a 200-foot (61 m) radius. 6 persons inside the

building died, and one person sustained serious injuries. 3 persons working in an adjacent building sustained

minor injuries when a wall of the building collapsed inward from the force of the explosion. The explosion

also damaged nine parked cars. A person in a vehicle who had just exited the adjacent building suffered

minor injuries. Additionally, two firefighters sustained minor injuries during the emergency response. Two

other nearby buildings also sustained structural damage and broken windows.[479][480]

1994 A leak of at least 20,000 US gallons (76,000 L) of diesel fuel was discovered on a Koch Industries

pipeline near Plover, Wisconsin on November 29. The leak brought this pipeline's total spill volume to

100,000 US gallons (380,000 L) on a 91 miles (146 km) pipeline section through several years.[481]

1995 Since starting operations in 1954 until 1995, Yellowstone Pipeline had 71 leaks along the Flathead

Indian Reservation in Montana, spilling 3,500,000 US gallons (13,000,000 L) of petroleum products.

Eventually, the Flathead refused to sign a new lease with Yellowstone.[482]

1995 A 26 inch diameter gas transmission pipeline ruptured and burned near Castle Rock, Washington on

March 6. There were no injuries.[483]

1995 On March 20, a natural gas transmission pipeline leaked and burned near Chipola, Louisiana. There

were no injuries reported.[484]

1995 On March 27, a bulldozer operator ruptured a 40 inch diameter gas transmission pipeline in

Huntersville, North Carolina, causing an explosion. The operator was knocked off the bulldozer, then was

run over by the driverless bulldozer.[485]

1995 On December 2, 3 contractors were killed, and another injured, when a vacuum used to control

flammable fumes accidentally reversed during welding at a pipeline facility near McCamey, Texas.[486]

1995 A bulldozer hit a 16 inch diameter gas pipeline in North Attleboro, Massachusetts on December 9,

forcing evacuations of a nearby shopping mall. An estimated 40,000 people were evacuated.[487][488]

1995 On December 19, a gas explosion at a twin dwelling in Norristown, Pennsylvania, killed 2 people and

injured another person. Gas had migrated from a crack in a 6 inch cast iron gas main in the street.[486]

1996 A gas pipeline failure excised a 30-foot (9.1 m) section of pipe, and the gas later ignited, causing a

vegetation fire in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania on January 6. Later inspections found numerous flaws on

this pipeline.[489]

1996 On February 5, a pipeline ruptured and spilled diesel fuel into a creek in Fairview Heights,


1996 A 20 inch diameter pipeline ruptured at a location near Gramercy, Louisiana, on May 23, 1996. The

ruptured pipeline ultimately released about 475,000 US gallons (1,800,000 L) of gasoline into a common

pipeline right-of-way and marsh land. Gasoline also entered the Blind River, causing environmental damage

and killing fish, wildlife, and vegetation in the area. The pipeline controller did not at first recognize the

pipeline had failed, and continued to ignore alarms from the pipeline SCADA system.[491]

1996 A 36 inch diameter Colonial Pipeline ruptured at the Reedy River, near Fork Shoals, South Carolina,

June 26. The ruptured pipeline released about 957,600 US gallons (3,625,000 L) of fuel oil into the ReedyRiver and surrounding areas. The spill polluted a 34-mile (55 km) stretch of the Reedy River, causing

significant environmental damage. Floating oil extended about 23 miles (37 km) down the river.

Approximately 35,000 fish were killed, along with other aquatic organisms and wildlife. The estimated cost

to Colonial Pipeline for cleanup and settlement with the State of South Carolina was $20.5 million. No one

was injured in the accident. The pipeline was operating at reduced pressure due to know corrosion issues,

but pipeline operator confusion led to an accidental return to normal pressure in that pipeline section, causing

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the rupture.[492][493]

1996 On August 4, 420,000 US gallons (1,600,000 L) of unspecified petroleum product spilled from a

Lakehead pipe near Donaldson, Minnesota.[436]

1996 A Koch butane pipeline ruptured, causing an explosion and fire, near Kemp, Texas, on August 24.

Two teenagers were killed after driving into the unseen butane cloud while going to report the pipeline leak.

A mobile home was also destroyed by the fire. The leak was caused by external corrosion. The pipeline was

only 15 years old at the time.[494][495][496][497]

1996 On October 23, in Tiger Pass, Louisiana, the crew of a Bean Horizon Corporation dredge dropped a

stern spud into the bottom of the channel in preparation for dredging operations. The spud struck and

ruptured a 12-inch-diameter submerged natural gas steel pipeline. The pressurized natural gas released from

the pipeline enveloped the stern of the dredge and an accompanying tug, then ignited, destroying the dredge

and the tug. No fatalities resulted from the accident.[498][499]

1996 A Colonial Pipeline stubline in Murfreesboro, Tennessee was undergoing maintenance on November

5. The pipeline was returned to service, but a valve on that pipeline was accidentally left closed from the

maintenance, causing pressure to rupture the pipeline.[500]

1996 On November 21, an explosion occurred in a shoe store and office building in Rio Piedras, Puerto

Rico. Thirty-three people were killed, and at least 69 were injured. Crews from the local gas provider,

Enron, had not found any gas leaks previously, despite complaints of propane odor in the buildings.[501]

1997 A leak was detected on a 12 inch diameter pipeline near Mount Morris, Illinois on May 9. Between

125,000 and 130,000 US gallons (490,000 L) of gasoline were spilled. A month later, gasoline was till being

extracted from the area.[502]

1997 On May 30, Colonial Pipeline spilled approximately 18,900 US gallons (72,000 L) of gasoline, some

of which entered an unnamed creek and its adjoining shoreline in the Bear Creek watershed near Athens,

Georgia. During the spill, a vapor cloud of gasoline formed, causing several Colonial employees to flee for

safety. This spill resulted from a calculation error related to a regular procedure. No one checked the

calculations, nor did Colonial have a procedure in place to check such calculations.[493]

1997 A gas pipeline rupture and fire, in Indianapolis, Indiana, on July 21. A 20-inch-diameter steel natural

gas transmission pipeline ruptured and released natural gas near an intersection adjoining the Charter Pointe

subdivision. The gas ignited and burned, killing one resident and injuring another. About 75 residentsrequired temporary shelter. Six homes were destroyed, and about 65 others sustained damage significant

enough to be documented by the local investigation team. A nearby directional drilling operation had hit &

weakened the pipeline before the failure.[503]

1997 In August, residents in Vacaville, California noticed petroleum fumes, but a leaking pipeline was not

found until September 10. A hairline crack from the pipe's manufacturing was the cause, and 20,000 to

60,000 US gallons (230,000 L) of petroleum products had leaked by the time the source was found.[504]

1997 Over a period of years, more than 420,000 US gallons (1,600,000 L) of gasoline spilled from small

leaks in Colonial Pipeline near Darling Creek in St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, before Colonial finally

discovered the leak in December 1997. As of September 1999, a plume of gasoline, including leaded

gasoline, extended over approximately 14 acres (57,000 m2) on the groundwater surface, more than 60

acres (240,000 m2) of groundwater had been contaminated, and some of the gasoline had entered Darling


1998 On January 23, at least 800 barrels (130 m3) of light crude oil was spilled into the Gulf of Mexico 50

miles (80 km) south of Galveston, Texas by a leaking pipeline.[505]

1998 A rupture in Colonial Pipeline in a landfill at Sandy Springs, Georgia, discovered on March 30,

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resulted in the release of more than 30,000 US gallons (110,000 L) of gasoline. When the pipe was

excavated, it was found to be buckled and cracked. The NTSB found that the pipeline ruptured because of

settlement of soil and trash underneath the pipeline.[506]

1998 On April 4, a tow of the M/V Anne Holly, comprising 12 loaded and 2 empty barges, which was

traveling northbound on the Mississippi River through the St. Louis Harbor, struck the Missouri-side pier of

the center span of the Eads Bridge. Three of these barges drifted toward the President Casino on the

Admiral, a permanently moored vessel below the bridge on the Missouri side of the river. A natural gas leak

resulted when the natural gas supply line to the Admiral was severed in the course of the accident. When the

line broke, natural gas began escaping. Although the escaping gas did not ignite, the gas leak had continued

for about 3 hours before being stopped.[507]

1998 In South Riding, Virginia, on July 7, a natural gas explosion and fire destroyed a newly constructed

residence in the South Riding community in Loudoun County, Virginia. A family consisting of a husband and

wife and their two children were spending their first night in their new home at the time of the explosion. As a

result of the accident, the wife was killed, the husband was seriously injured, and the two children received

minor injuries. Five other homes and two vehicles were damaged.[508]

1998 Lightning struck a Florida Gas Transmission Co. natural gas compressor plant near Perry, Florida on

August 13, causing an explosion and massive fire. A second explosion later followed, injuring 5 firefighters &

pipeline company employees. 6 nearby homes were also destroyed.[509]

1998 On September 22, a 8,810 barrels (1,401 m3) crude oil spill from a Lakehead (now Enbridge)

pipeline near Plummer, Minnesota was caused by an excavator hitting that pipeline.[510]

1998 On December 3, a natural gas liquids pipeline near Moab, Utah failed and ignited near Highway U-

191, injuring 4 pipeline workers. Asphalt in the road was melted, and traffic was stopped.[511]

1998 A natural gas pipeline rupture and subsequent explosion, in St. Cloud, Minnesota, on December 11.

While attempting to install a utility pole support anchor in a city sidewalk in St. Cloud, Minnesota, a

communications network installation crew struck and ruptured an underground, 1-inch-diameter, high-

pressure plastic gas service pipeline, thereby precipitating a natural gas leak. About 39 minutes later, while

utility workers and emergency response personnel were taking preliminary precautions and assessing the

situation, an explosion occurred. As a result of the explosion, 4 persons were fatally injured; 1 person was

seriously injured; and 10 persons, including 2 firefighters and 1 police officer, received minor injuries. Six

buildings were destroyed. Damage assessments estimated property losses at $399,000.[512]

1999 Natural Gas Explosion and Fire at a gas pressure station, Wytheville, Virginia, destroying a home and

motorcycle store.[513] (January 3, 1999)

1999 In Bridgeport, Alabama, on January 22, while digging a trench behind a building, a backhoe operator

damaged a 3/4-inch steel natural gas service line and a 1-inch water service line. This resulted in two leaks in

the natural gas service line, which was operated at 35 psig. One leak occurred where the backhoe bucket

had contacted and pulled the natural gas service line. The other was a physical separation of the gas service

line at an underground joint near the meter, which was close to the building. Gas migrated into a building

nearby, where it ignited. An explosion followed, destroying three buildings. Other buildings within a two-

block area of the explosion sustained significant damage. Three fatalities, five serious injuries, and one minor

injury resulted from this accident.[514]

1999 On January 23, a construction crew ruptured a 10 inch diameter petroleum products pipe near

Germantown, Wisconsin, spilling about 41,000 gallons of gasoline.[515][516]

1999 A pipeline rupture in Knoxville, Tennessee, and released over 53,000 US gallons (200,000 L) of

diesel fuel into the Tennessee River on February 9. A brittle-like crack was found on the pipe in an area of

Engineering SciencesThermal Science

Due to the growing demand for natural gas nationwide, the number of liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker deliveries to U.S. ports (Figure 1) is expected to increase, thus raising concerns about accidental spills or other events. The risks and hazards of a LNG spill will vary depending on its size, the environmental conditions, and the harbor. Risks include not only harm to nearby people, but also significant property damage and economic impact due to long-term interruptions in the LNG supply. Therefore, methods to ensure the security of LNG terminals and shipments in the event of an incident are critical from both public safety and property perspectives. Much progress has been made in LNG threat consequence and vulnerability assessment. A general approach to risk evaluation has been developed, and is used as a basis in site-specific risk assessments. However, there are significant knowledge gaps in the science of very large-scale LNG pool fires. These gaps create serious uncertainties that may either under- or over-estimate latent hazards. Generally, the surface emissive power of a pool fire is a function of pool size and will increase

to reach a maximum value then decrease to reach a limiting value with increasing diameter. For LNG, the limiting power is uncertain. To fill the knowledge gaps and reduce uncertainty, it became necessary to leverage Sandia’s considerable expertise in thermal science to stage very large (> 25-m diameter) LNG pool fires that would surpass by a factor of ten anything that had been attempted previously. To accomplish this task, the Sandia team came up with a simple, low-cost concept of excavating a shallow 120-m diameter pool for the water, and then using the soil to create a deep, insulated 310,000 gallon reservoir to hold the LNG needed for the test (Figure 2). Concrete pipes from the center of the reservoir transported the LNG to the center of the water pool (Figure 3). A simple removable plug allowed gravity to control the flow rate (Figure 4). The considerable safety issues were reservoir integrity, thermal hazards (from cryogenic to extreme heat), asphyxiation, explosion, drowning, and aviation traffic. An advanced three-dimensional transport simulation was used to evaluate both the thermal performance of the reservoir and components, the

Large-scale experiments enable researchers to

examine big spills that would occur from LNG tankers

The Phoenix Series of Liquefied Natural Gas Pool Fires

For more information:

Technical Contacts:Thomas K. Blanchat

[email protected]

Michael M. Hightower505-844-5499

[email protected]

Science Matters Contact:Alan Burns

[email protected]

Figure 1: LNG cargo carrier entering Boston harbor for offload.

Figure 2: Large scale LNG pool fire experimental site.

transport of gaseous boil-off during the cool-down process, and the design of the diffuser in the middle of the pool used to translate the linear momentum of the LNG in the pipes to a radially-spreading pool. Data was captured via cameras (gyroscopically stabilized and suspended from helicopters), spectroscopic diagnostics, and heat flux sensors. Experiments were completed on two LNG spills, with diameters of 25 m and 85 m. Datasets will now allow model development and validation for extrapolation to a scale expected for a spill (300-500 m). The data had unexpected

results in that the fire diameter was smaller than the spreading LNG pool diameter (Figure 5). Previous studies with stagnant pools in pans had resulted in fires the same size as the pool. However, in all such studies, the pans have edges that can result in flame stabilization that would not be available on the open water. The data further showed that, in both very light and significant cross-winds, the flame will stabilize on objects projecting out of the water, suggesting that the ship itself will act as a flame holder.

Figure 3: Schematic of test facility showing LNG reservoir (right), and concrete piping going to the center of the pool.

Figure 4: Schematic of gravity fed flow and removable plug in center of pool.

Figure 5: Image of 85-m pool fire that shows flames not extending across spreading (white area) LNG pool.

Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration

under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. SAND2010-5893P09/2010


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Tanker Fires


L.P.G. Tankers' Fire On 1-11-1998, one L.P.G. Bullet Tanker caught fire at Khanapara, Guwahati, where there was a BLEVE(Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion) in which 8 persons died and 5 Fire Servie Officers and men were injured seriously. Out of the the seriously injured, the Dy.Director(Tech.) Shri D.K.Chakraborty died at the Hospital and one Sr.Station Officer, Shri Thaneswar Nath, survived miraculously after a long treatment.

In this incident, 10 Water Tender Pumps alongwith 40 fire fighter fought the fire for more than 8 hours and saved the densely populated area from further casualities.

Prepare for Worst if LNG Tankers Are Targeted<BR> <IMG SRC="LNGtanker.jpeg" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=210 X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEWIDTH X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEHEIGHT BORDER=2 ALIGN=bottom></B></FONT></CENTER> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><B>By Craig Hooper</B></FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">For South Boston and Dorchester, liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a permanent neighbor. Every week tankers carrying combustible liquefied natural gas trundle past Castle Island, heading toward the Tractebel/Distrigas operated LNG receiving terminal in Everett. These enormous ships, surrounded by a small security armada, are hard to miss. So too is the colorful Keyspan LNG Gas Tank, a long-standing landmark for travelers on the Southeast Expressway. </FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Most local officials consider Boston's liquefied natural gas infrastructure a potential terror target. Last month, former White House official Richard Clarke inflamed local fears by revealing, in his tell-all book Against All Enemies, that al Qaeda associates used Algerian LNG tankers as a conduit into Boston. Reporters pounced on Clarke's claims and used a lot of ink to detail indignant FBI or White House counterclaims. Unfortunately, the stories offered scant analysis of the key question behind Clarke's concern: Does liquefied natural gas infrastructure endanger Boston? </FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Natural gas infrastructure makes a tempting economic target for adversaries seeking to wage economic mischief. During the Cold War, Western operatives duped Russian agents into purchasing booby-trapped components for use in a natural gas pipeline. In June 1982, the newly constructed pipeline blew up, producing, according to former Air Force Secretary Thomas C. Reed, "the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space." The explosion, detailed in a February New York Times

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Tanker Fires

column by William Safire, was estimated to have yielded an explosion of 3 kilotons or better. Natural gas is not something to be treated lightly.</FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">The natural gas industry insists that any threat posed by LNG infrastructure is overestimated and that the risk of an LNG-fueled explosion is limited. But U.S. military leaders think otherwise, and treat LNG facilities with extreme caution. When American military planners discussed retaking Kuwait in 1991, the US Marine Corps insisted a Kuwaiti LNG plant be destroyed before committing troops near the facility. A proposal to preemptively destroy the LNG plant was nixed by General Schwarzkopf, who reportedly claimed, "I do not want to destroy Kuwait in order to save it." In January of this year, an explosion and fire at an Algerian natural gas facility killed more than 20 people, offering further evidence that liquefied natural gas can turn lethal.</FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Keyspan's Gas Tank is the only obvious piece of permanent liquefied natural gas infrastructure in South Boston and Dorchester. The thirty-year old facility, sitting quietly by I-93 and tucked under the approaches to Logan Airport, has a relatively spotless operational history. To Keyspan's credit, the LNG tank has suffered only a handful of leaks due to minor mechanical and human errors. </FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Keyspan contends that the tank poses little danger to Dorchester. In the days after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Boston Globe reported that Keyspan representative Mike Connors insisted the tank could not explode and that heat from a fire at the tank would not harm neighbors. Given that both the Boston Globe and Boston Herald have since reported on studies that say that an LNG fire can release enough heat in thirty seconds to scorch unprotected skin a half-mile away, Keyspan may well be relying upon outdated safety assumptions. </FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Is the double-walled Keyspan gas tank tough enough to take on present-day terrorists? One popular terrorist weapon, the modern, hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, is becoming increasingly powerful. The 2004-2005 issue of Jane's Infantry Weapons, a compendium of modern weaponry, suggests that a light-weight, easily hidden rocket-propelled grenade called an RPG-7, can, when firing a modern warhead, penetrate over three feet of military-quality armor and break through more than a meter

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Tanker Fires

of reinforced concrete. </FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">On land, the rocket threat can be beaten. At the Keyspan LNG tank, a variety of tasteful and relatively inexpensive steps can quickly make Dorchester's liquefied natural gas tank an unappealing target for rocket-wielding terrorists. Simple barriers significantly reduce the chance that hand-held missiles might puncture the tank and ignite the contents. </FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Insuring LNG tanker security is another matter. The terror threat to these high-profile targets is real. According to a recent report published in a Lebanon-based newspaper, the Daily Star, an American counterterrorist official was quoted as saying that al Qaeda has developed a manual to teach how rocket-propelled grenades can "turn liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers into floating bombs."</FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">This threat isn't the product of idle terrorist brainstorming. Terrorists have already successfully targeted tankers. During the Iran/Iraq war, Iranian radicals, sailing small craft, used anti-tank missiles to damage merchant shipping in the Persian Gulf. While no LNG tankers were hit, tankers of similar design were assaulted. The Lloyd's Register/Fairplay database on shipping accidents records that, on July 3, 1988, Iranian terrorists attacked a liquid petroleum gas (LPG) tanker, the Berge Strand. Anti-tank grenades punctured the dual-hulled ship and compromised several of the tanker's LPG storage tanks. While the Berge Strand wasn't carrying fuel at the time, successful penetration of the fuel storage tanks may validate the larger terror threat. </FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">The LNG industry is quick to cite a different Persian Gulf attack as evidence that LNG carriers are able to withstand attack. The fully loaded LPG tanker Gaz Fountain survived after being set ablaze by aircraft-launched rockets. What goes unreported by the LNG industry is that the attack occurred in the open sea, allowing firefighters to operate unimpeded and without regard for secondary blazes ignited by LNG's concentrated combustive power. Even though every gallon of LPG holds several hundred times less potential energy than a gallon of LNG, the Gaz Fountain was kept miles out of port, and experts were flown in to prevent an explosion. An attack in a crowded, closed harbor offers little in the way of conveniences for firefighters and may make controlling an LNG tanker fire much more difficult. </FONT></P>

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Tanker Fires

<P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Any attacked or damaged tanker must leave Boston the way it entered - passing by South Boston and Dorchester. In the event of an LNG emergency at the Keyspan LNG tank or in the harbor, many local neighborhoods may require rapid evacuation. Are the neighborhoods prepared? No. Are the companies that operate Boston's LNG infrastructure encouraging greater neighborhood readiness? No. This is exactly the sort of complacency that led America to a disaster on September 11, 2001.</FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Help isn't on the way. Governor Mitt Romney, the LNG industry and the federal government are working hard to stymie forthright debate over the risks and benefits of Boston's LNG infrastructure. Rather than spend a bit more to better secure LNG, Boston's LNG-associated companies seem brazenly confident that America's growing demand for LNG will outweigh Boston's overwhelming desire for a prudent and secure LNG infrastructure. </FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Boston may need this clean-burning, environmentally friendly fuel, but, given the gathering terror threat, Boston's present safety arrangements are unacceptable. Boston can live with LNG only if our elected officials, insurance companies and entire neighborhoods demand that Boston prepare for the worst. Boston holds a strong position; if Boston's LNG operators come to the table and go the extra mile to be a good neighbor here, the entire LNG sector will benefit. If not, then the LNG industry risks losing Boston and will have a tough time finding a foothold anywhere else in the Northeast.</FONT></P> <P><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><I>Craig Hooper is a graduate student at the Harvard Graduate School of Public Health. He lives on Sagamore Street in Dorchester.</I></FONT></P>

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Appendix C3 C3-1 Chronological List of LNG Accidents

C3-2 Marine Safety and Security Requirements C3-3 Design and Safety Standards Applicable to

Natural Gas Projects

Cabrillo Port LNG Deepwater Port March 2006



March 2006 C3.1-1 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR


Major LNG Incidents

Incident Date

Ship/Facility Name Location Ship

Status Injuries/ Fatalities

Ship/ Property Damage

LNG Spill/ Release Comment

1944 East Ohio Gas LNG Tank

Cleveland, Ohio, US NA 128

deaths NA NA

LNG peakshaving facility. Tank failure and no earthen berm. Vapor cloud formed and filled the surrounding streets and storm sewer system. Natural gas in the vaporizing LNG pool ignited.

1965 Canvey Island, UK

A transfer operation

1 seriously burned


1965 Jules Vernet Loading No Yes Yes Overfilling. Tank covered and deck fractures.

1965 Methane Princess

Disconnecting after discharge

No Yes Yes Valve leakage. Deck fractures.


LNG ship Esso Brega, La Spezia LNG Import Terminal


Unloading LNG into the storage tank


First documented LNG rollover incident. Tank developed a sudden increase in pressure. LNG vapor discharged from the tank safety valves and vents. Tank roof slightly damaged. No ignition.

1973 Texas Eastern Transmission, LNG Tank

Staten Island, NY, US

NA 40 killed No No

Industrial incident unrelated to the presence of LNG (construction incident). During the repairs, vapors associated with the cleaning process apparently ignited the mylar liner. Fire caused temperature in the tank to rise, generating enough pressure to dislodge a 6-inch thick concrete roof, which then fell on the workers in the tank.

1973 Canvey Island, UK NA No Yes Yes

Glass breakage. Small amount of LNG spilled upon a puddle of rainwater, and the resulting flameless vapor explosion, called a rapid phase transition (RPT), caused the loud "booms". No injuries resulted.

1974 Massachusetts Loading No Yes Yes Valve leakage. Deck fractures.

March 2006 C3.1-2 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

Major LNG Incidents

Incident Date

Ship/Facility Name Location Ship

Status Injuries/ Fatalities

Ship/ Property Damage

LNG Spill/ Release Comment

1974 Methane Princess In port No Yes No Touched bottom at Arzew.

1975 Philadelphia Gas Works NA No Yes NA

Not caused by LNG. An iso-pentane intermediate heat transfer fluid leak caught fire and burned the entire vaporizer area.

1977 Arzew Algeria NA 1 worker frozen to death

NA Yes

Aluminum valve failure on contact with cryogenic temperatures. Wrong aluminum alloy on replacement valve. LNG released, but no vapor ignition (LNG liquefaction facility).

1977 LNG Aquarius Loading No No Yes Tank overfilled.

1979 Columbia Gas LNG Terminal

Cove Point, Maryland, US


1 killed, 1 seriously injured

Yes Yes

An explosion occurred within an electrical substation. LNG leaked through LNG pump electrical penetration seal, vaporized, passed through 200 feet of underground electrical conduit, and entered the substation. Since natural gas was never expected in this building, there were no gas detectors installed in the building. The normal arcing contacts of a circuit breaker ignited the natural gas-air mixture, resulting in an explosion. (LNG regasification terminal)

1979 Mostefa Ben-Boulaid Ship ? Unloading No Yes Yes Valve leakage. Deck fractures.

1979 Pollenger Ship ? Unloading No Yes Yes Valve leakage. Tank cover plate fractures.

1979 El Paso Paul Kayser Ship At sea No Yes No

Stranded. Severe damage to bottom, ballast tanks, motors water damaged, bottom of containment system set up.

1980 LNG Libra At sea No Yes No Shaft moved against rudder. Tail shaft fractured.

1980 LNG Taurus In port No Yes No Stranded. Ballast tanks all flooded and listing. Extensive bottom damage.

March 2006 C3.1-3 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

Major LNG Incidents

Incident Date

Ship/Facility Name Location Ship

Status Injuries/ Fatalities

Ship/ Property Damage

LNG Spill/ Release Comment

1984 Melrose At sea No Yes No Fire in engine room. No structural damage sustained - limited to engine room.

1985 Gradinia In port No Not reported No Steering gear failure. No details of damage


1985 Isabella Unloading No Yes Yes Cargo valve failure. Cargo overflow. Deck fractures.

1989 Tellier Loading No Yes Yes Broke moorings. Hull and deck failures.

1990 Bachir Chihani At sea No Yes No Sustained structural cracks allegedly caused by stressing and fatigue in inner hull.

1993 Indonesian liquefaction facility

Indonesia NA No NA NA

LNG leak from open run-down line during a pipe modification project. LNG entered an underground concrete storm sewer system and underwent a rapid vapor expansion that overpressured and ruptured the sewer pipes. Storm sewer system substantially damaged.

2002 LNG ship Norman Lady

East of the Strait of Gibraltar

At sea No Yes No

Collision with a U.S. Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine, the U.S.S Oklahoma City. In ballast condition. Ship suffered a leakage of seawater into the double bottom dry tank area.

2004 Skikda I Algeria NA

27 killed 56 injured(The casualties are mainly due to the blast, few casualties due to fire)


On January 2004: No wind, semi-confined area (cold boxes, boiler, control room on 3 sides). The fire completely destroyed the train 40, 30, and 20, although it did not damage the loading facilities or three large LNG storage tanks also located at the terminal. Complete details are pending until completion of ongoing accident investigation.

Sources: University of Houston, "LNG Safety and Security," October 2003. http://www.beg.utexas.edu/energyecon/lng/. Cited with permission; Sonatrach, "The Incident at the Skikda Plant: Description and Preliminary Conclusions", March 2004.

Cabrillo Port LNG Deepwater Port March 2006



March 2006 C3.2-1 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

MARINE SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 1 Structural Safety Features of the FSRU Some of the major safety features of the FSRU required that would reduce the likelihood of an accidental cargo release and would mitigate any release, regardless of cause are listed in the following table. Safety Feature Description Double Hull Construction

The FSRU and LNG carriers would be constructed with an outer and inner hull to provide protection against collisions and resultant cargo loss. These hulls are separated from each other by structural members and separated from the Moss spherical tanks by the tank mounts. Thus a collision would need to penetrate three layers to result in cargo spillage.

Separation of cargo holds and piping systems

IGC code requires the structural separation of cargo holds from other spaces, as well as separation of cargo piping from other piping systems. Amongst other things, this helps keep cargo leaks away from potential ignition sources and keeps cargo from inadvertently being pumped through the wrong pipes.

Accessibility for Inspection Access

IGC code requires that a tank be constructed so that at least one side is visible and accessible to inspectors. This allows proper periodic inspection of the tank for integrity and signs of corrosion or stress.

Leak Detectors in Hold spaces

IGC code requires that gas detectors and low temperature sensors be placed in a cargo hold in order to cargo leakage. An alarm sounds if either is detected and appropriate repairs and precautions can be undertaken.

Tank Requirements for Cargo Containment

ICG code requires that a tank be constructed with materials that can withstand the temperatures involved so as to properly contain the cargo, and have adequate relief valve systems to avoid over pressurization.

Structural Analysis

IGC code requires structural analysis of the cargo containment system and specifies individual tank stress limitations.

Secondary containment and thermal management

IGC code requires partial secondary containment to contain leaks and prevent contact of cryogenic liquid with the inner hull. This prevents thermal stress. In addition, insulation in conjunction with a primary and backup heating system must be installed that would keep the cargo from exceeding the thermal limitations of the material selected for the inner hull should the leak prevention system fail.

Tank Construction and Testing Requirements

IGC codes address standards for workmanship, quality, and testing of tanks under construction. Each tank on the FSRU will have had its welds non-destructively tested, and have had a pressure test to insure integrity before cargo is pumped aboard.

Isolation, Construction and Testing Requirements for Piping and Pressure Vessels

IGC code specifies piping thickness, leak testing, pressure testing, isolation requirements, welding requirements and many other aspects of pressure vessel and piping design and construction. This insures the integrity of these systems before any cargo is brought aboard.

March 2006 C3.2-2 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

Safety Feature Description Emergency Shutdown Valves and Shutdown Systems

IGC code requires remote control shutdown systems for ceasing of cargo and vapor transfer in an emergency. This system must have the ability to be activated from at least two locations on board the FSRU and will also be automatically activated in the event of a cargo fire.

Pressure Venting Systems

IGC code specifies that appropriate venting of the cargo be installed to keep the cargo under the design pressure of the tank and keep relief valves from needing to operate. The FSRU will use some of this gas for fueling the Submerged Combustion Vaporizers, and will add the rest to the gasified product being pumped to shore.

Vacuum Protection Systems

IGC code requires the installation of relief valves that would prevent under pressurization of cargo tanks in the event that cargo was pumped out without adequately providing for vapor return. The FSRU will have sufficient vapor return capacity to keep the pressures at appropriate levels, however this system will prevent under pressurization should this system fail to be actuated or fail to work properly.

Fire Protection Systems

IGC code requires that LNG carriers have a saltwater fire main system for fighting fires throughout the ship, and fixed dry chemical and CO2 systems for cargo areas and compressor rooms, respectively.

Cargo Tank Instrumentation

IGC code requires that each cargo tank be outfitted with an integrated instrumentation/alarm system that notifies the crew of possible leaks via gas detection and temperature sensors; and tank liquid levels, temperatures and pressures. These systems, as well as the pressure relief systems mentioned above, provide many-layered protection against cargo release either through equipment malfunction or human error.

Additional Gas Detection Systems

IGC code also requires gas detection systems and alarms in spaces where cargo is located, including compressor spaces, spaces where fuel gas is located, and other spaces likely to contain gasified cargo. Venting systems for certain spaces and portable gas detectors are also required.

Automatic Safety Shutdown Systems

IGC code requires that cargo loading areas and the docks be equipped with LNG vapor and fire detection systems that automatically shut down the transfer systems in the event of a leak or fire. These shutdowns can also be manually operated by personnel on the dock (in this case, the FSRU) or LNG carrier.

Loading Arm Emergency Release Couplings

The FSRU loading arms are designed to isolate the flow of cargo and break away from their connection to the carrier if relative motion exceeds safety parameters. This prevents damage to the arms, and averts the spill of cargo which would result from a broken arm. Quantities spilled during this process would be only a few gallons, most of which would be caught in drip trays to prevent deck thermal damage.

2 Operational Measures for Accidental Release Prevention In addition to the design regulations described above, the international and national entities with authority to impose such regulations have also provided operational guidelines to reduce the likelihood and impact of an LNG release aboard carriers. The FSRU, as a Deepwater Port of the United States, is primarily guided by the Deepwater Port Act as modified in 33 CFR 148 -150 by the Maritime Safety and Security Act and other legislation and agency determinations.

March 2006 C3.2-3 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

These measures include:

• Training,

• Formal Operational Procedures, and

• Inspections. 2.1 Training Training requirements for crews of LNG carriers are specified in the IMO STCW Convention and those for the FSRU are detailed in 33 CFR 150. A wide variety of training is included for both, including marine firefighting, water survival, spill response and clean-up, emergency medical procedures, hazardous materials procedures, confined space entry, and training on operational procedures. Specifics are also included in the below summary of the Deepwater Port Operations Manual requirements. 2.2 Formal Operational Procedures Both the FSRU and the visiting LNG carriers would be required to have formal operating plans that cover an extensive array of operational practices and emergency procedures. LNG carriers are required by the IMO to meet the ISM Code, which addresses preparing for responding to emergency situations like fire and LNG releases. The LNG carrier’s navigational, pollution response, and some emergency procedures would also be covered in the Deepwater Port Operations manual, which addresses every aspect of the FSRU operations. The minimum contents of this manual are detailed in 33 CFR 150. This manual provides detailed requirements that cover contingencies and normal operations. The operations manual must meet all requirements set forth by the US Coast Guard, and be approved by that organization before operations begin. The operations manual is required by 33 CFR 150 to address the following areas:

• The DWP facilities must be clearly described physically and geographically, applicable codes for design and construction must be detailed, schematics of all systems must be included which show the positions of all operations and safety equipment. The communications system must be described and communications procedures laid out.

• Procedures for the visiting LNG carriers are also required to be included. Operating

hours must be set and sizes and types of tankers that may be received must be described. Navigation standards for the LNG carriers must be set forth, including operating limits for each type of carrier. Speed limits for the safety zone must be specified, as well as the means of tracking, communicating and giving routing instructions to the carriers. Required notices that carriers must give prior to arrival must be detailed. Rules for navigating in the safety zone and for mooring/unmooring must be detailed. Special equipment needed for mooring or navigating must be described. Procedures for clearing all carriers and support vessels away from the FSRU in the event of an emergency or for normal operations must be specified.

• Weather forecasting and information dissemination procedures must be set forth.

Specific weather limitations must be defined for carrier arrival, cessation of cargo transfer operations and departure of carriers from moorings in the event of adverse weather being forecasted or as it occurs unexpectedly. This includes defining conditions in which the FSRU would be secured and evacuated.

March 2006 C3.2-4 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

• The manning requirements for all operational and emergency situations must be specifically described, with personnel in charge of major evolutions designated by name, in writing. The supervisors would be reviewed by the US Coast Guard to ensure they have the proper qualifications and training to perform their duties.

• Procedures for major evolutions, such as cargo transfers, must be set forth in detail.

Manning and training requirements, specific duties for watchstanders and supervisors and emergency shutdown system settings must be detailed. Special precautions and handling procedures for LNG must be included.

• Maintenance program requirements and specific procedures are required to document

the service and repair of cargo equipment, fire fighting systems, safety equipment and cranes.

• Occupational Health and Safety training procedures and requirements must be detailed,

including: housekeeping, illumination requirements, fall arrest equipment, personnel transfer systems, hazard communication, permissible exposure limits for hazardous substances, protective guards around machinery, electrical safety, lockout/tagout procedures, crane safety, sling usage, hearing conservation, hot work, warning sirens, and confined space entry.

The security plan is part of the operations manual and is covered in detail in the below security section. An environmental monitoring program also must be included, which describes procedures for monitoring the effects of the port on its surroundings. This must include periodic re-examination of the physical, chemical and biological factors examined in the Environmental Impact Statement, as well as air and water monitoring proscribed by other statutes and state law. Detailed studies are required in the event of a spill. 2.3 Inspections The US Coast Guard has the authority and jurisdiction to perform inspections of Project vessels in U.S. waters, or on the high seas after a vessel states intent to moor at the DWP. Additional inspections may be carried out on LNG carriers by their flag states, by classification societies, and by the owners. Per 33 CFR 150, the US Coast Guard also may inspect the FSRU at any time, with or without notice, for safety, security, and compliance with applicable U.S. laws and regulations. 33 CFR 150 mandates that the FSRU be self inspected every 12 months by the owner or operator to ensure compliance with applicable safety and security laws and regulations. The results must be reported to the US Coast Guard COTP within 30 days of completion, and may be checked for accuracy by a Coast Guard inspection at any time. This report must include descriptions of any failure, and the scope of repairs subsequently made. Any classification society certification or interim class certificate must be reported to the COTP as well. The US Coast Guard has marine inspection programs for ships, Outer Continental Shelf structures, DWP Facilities and waterfront facilities. US Coast Guard Officers and Petty Officers receive very detailed training on applicable regulations and inspection techniques. For this project, the most applicable Safety programs include the Port State Control program and 33

March 2006 C3.2-5 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

CFR 160 for the inspection and routing of visiting ships, and the DWP inspection program specified by 33 CFR 150. Ports State Control of visiting vessels occurs by means of a US Coast Guard Boarding, targeted at determining the vessels compliance to international IMO standards for safety, pollution control, loading, and watch stander qualification, training and procedures. Vessel safety, sanitation and cargo handling equipment is inspected, emergency drills and procedures may be ran in order to determine crew proficiency, navigation practices are examined, and all pertinent plans, safety management systems and other required documents are examined. The required 96-hour Notice of Arrival for these vessels allows the Coast Guard ample time to determine which vessels to board, whether to conduct the boarding in port or at sea, or even if entry is denied pending an inspection. The COTP decides which vessels are at highest risk for non-compliance with IMO conventions through a process by which the following factors are considered: The owner, Flag State and classification society of the vessel - some owners, flag states and classification societies have a history of poor inspection and regulation of their vessels; how many times and how recently a vessel has been boarded or detained for violations previously; and the type of cargo the vessel is carrying. The vessels having the most factors of concern are boarded immediately, while others may be boarded on subsequent entries into the U.S. Vessels found to be in non-compliance with IMO standards may be recommended for further flag state or classification society audit, detained in port until their discrepancies are fixed, ordered to anchorage for the same purpose, or forbidden to enter U.S. waters. 33 CFR 160 gives authority to each US Coast Guard District Commander or Captain of the Port to order a vessel to operate or anchor in the manner directed when there is a suspected violation of law or treaty, there is a failure to satisfy the cargo transfer provisions of 33 CFR160.113, or if justified by weather, visibility, port congestion or condition of the vessel. 33 CFR 160.113 Gives COTP the authority to prohibit a vessel from transferring cargo or operating on the navigable waters of the US if the vessel’s history of accidents, pollution incidents, or serious repair problems creates reason to believe that the vessel may be unsafe or pose a threat to the marine environment. It also allows these restrictions for other reasons: The vessel is in violation of a law or regulation, has discharged oil or other hazardous substance in violation of US law or treaty, fails to comply with Vessel Traffic Service requirements, or does not have at least one licensed deck officer on the navigation bridge that speaks English. One of the relevant results of this inspection regimen is that every Project vessel and the FSRU would be inspected at least yearly for compliance to all applicable IMO standards and U.S. laws. Equipment, training, qualifications, operating and emergency procedures, administrative controls, and most every other aspect leading to safe operation of the FSRU and project vessels would be checked by the owners, the flag states (for vessels) and the United States for compliance. 3 Security Measures that Help Prevent Release Incidents Due to Deliberate Attacks Regulation and operational procedures play a vital role in the prevention of terrorist acts. In fact, much of what prevents or mitigates an accident will do the same for a terrorist act (double hulls, fire suppression systems, etc). However, potential deliberate acts of terrorism expose the Project to new threats, many of which cannot easily be prevented, though mitigative actions may be nearly the same after the incident occurs.

March 2006 C3.2-6 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

The foundation for the FSRU and visiting LNG carriers' security would be the requirements for a security plan outlined in 33 CFR 150. This plan would address security issues including, but not limited to:

• Access control for people, goods and material;

• Monitoring and alerting vessels that approach or enter the ports security zone;

• Identifying risks and measures to deter terrorist activity;

• Internal and external notification requirements and responses in the event of a perceived threat or attack on the port;

• Designating a Port Security Officer; providing identification means for port personnel; security training requirements;

• Actions and procedures that are scalable to the threat; emergency procedures such as evacuation; special operations procedures (re-manning, refueling, diving, support vessel operations and logistical concerns);

• Recordkeeping for maintenance; and

• Tests and operations outlined in the operations manual. In addition, radar monitoring of the security zone is a required when any vessel approaches or enters the zone. Such vessels must be identified and warned off via radio. 3.1 Requirements to meet IMO’s International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code (ISPS) Code IMO’s ISPS code has the following additional requirements:

• Security levels;

• Ship security plans;

• Ship security alarm systems;

• Automatic identification systems;

• Port security plans;

• Declarations of security; and

• Facility security plans.

For the U.S., these IMO requirements are addressed in 33 CFR Subchapter H—Maritime Security. 3.1.1 Security levels For the U.S., security levels are covered in 33 CFR 101, which ties the three tiered Maritime Security (MARSEC) level to the five level Department of Homeland Security's Homeland Security Advisory System as the below table depicts.

March 2006 C3.2-7 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

Homeland security advisory system Equivalent maritime security (HSAS) threat condition (MARSEC) level Low: Green MARSEC Level 1. Elevated: Blue Guarded: Yellow High: Orange MARSEC Level 2. Severe: Red MARSEC Level 3. Specific actions would be required of Project personnel at each level, and would be detailed in the security plan for the FSRU and the Ship Security plans. Changes in MARSEC level is communicated by the COTP via Broadcast NTM, and all who are required to have a security plan (facilities, vessels must report attainment of measures in their plan that correspond to the new MARSEC level to the appropriate Coast Guard District Commander. When the USCG determines it is necessary to enact additional measures to counter a maritime threat, the USCG Commandant (or delegate) may issue a directive to those required to have a security plan (or portions of, as needed) to take additional security measures to counter the threat. Reporting of attainment of the measure or its approved equivalent is carried out in the same way as a change in MARSEC, but within a time period specified by the directive. 3.1.2 Vessel security plans 33 CFR 104 requires every vessel owner or operator who operates in U.S. waters to develop and submit to USCG a vessel security plan. The regulations provide the format and requirements for the plan. Vessel security plan implementation must be evaluated by an onboard verification by the flag state or a security organization recognized by the flag state before an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) can be issued for that vessel. These plans must include provisions for access to the ship by ship personnel, passengers, visitors, etc; restricted areas on the ship; handling of cargo; delivery of ship’s stores; handling unaccompanied baggage; and monitoring the security of the ship. These measures are intended to prevent deliberate destructive act on board a vessel and the possible hijacking of the vessel for use as a weapon (ramming other vessels, bridges, blocking channels, releasing cargo near shore, etc). Control and compliance measures for those vessels in violation of this requirement include the vessel’s inspection, delay or detention. Vessel operations may be restricted, port entry into the U.S. denied, or the vessel may be expulsed from a U.S. port. Lesser administrative or corrective actions may be taken. The vessel’s security plan is subject to USCG approval, which may be withdrawn, which would make it illegal for the vessel to operate in, on, under or adjacent to U.S. waters.

March 2006 C3.2-8 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

3.1.3 Ship security alarm systems Ship security alarm systems are required by the ISPS code for Project LNG carriers. These systems are manually operated by the crew in the event of a terrorist destructive act or attempted takeover. An alarm does not sound on the vessel, but does automatically send a signal to appropriate authorities, such as the Coast Guard. 3.1.4 Automatic identification systems (AISs) As described in the above vessel collision avoidance section, an AIS provides augmented data to radar users, which aid in the identification of vessels. The traffic controllers onboard the FSRU, the VTS and USCG responders would be able to locate and identify vessels outfitted with AIS more quickly and accurately, thus decreasing confusion and response time to an emergency, including security alarm activations. 3.1.5 Port security plans The ISPS Code requires ports to have a port facility security officer and to develop a port facility security plan which must interface with the individual vessel security plans. In the United States, 33 CFR 103 mandates an Area Maritime Security plan which applies to all vessels and facilities located in, on, under, or adjacent to waters subject to U.S. jurisdiction. This regulation empowers the COTP to set up counsels to advise on port security, write and exercise the area security plan and defines required elements of the plan. (ex. Plan must address actions to be taken for a change of MARSEC, what to do if a vessel security alert system is activated, estimated response and timeframe for a Transportation Security incident, etc) 3.1.6 Declarations of security Declarations of security are required by 33 CFR 101 for ports across the US, and are intended to serve as the formal means by which the security actions of the vessel and port are agreed upon during mooring and cargo transfer operations. This declaration must be signed by the vessel and facility security officer prior to commencement of offloading. 3.1.7 Facility security plans Under the USCG maritime security regulations (33 CFR 105 Subpart D), LNG facilities that receive LNG carriers will have to develop a facility security plan. Like the vessel security plans that have to meet the ISPS Code, the USCG regulations define areas the facility security plans have to address, including:

• Security administration and organization of the facility;

• Personnel training;

• Drills and exercises;

• Records and documentation;

• Response to change in security level;

• Procedures for interfacing with vessels;

• Declaration of Security;

• Communications;

• Security systems and equipment maintenance;

• Security measures for access control, restricted areas, handling cargo, delivery of vessel stores and bunkers, and monitoring;

March 2006 C3.2-9 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

• Security incident procedures; and

• Audits and security plan amendments.

Like ship security plans, USCG must approve facility security plans. If the COTP deems a waterfront facility unsafe or insecure in any way by, vessels may be prevented from docking there, or be moved if already docked. Other, control and compliance measures for facilities for violations of these requirements include restriction on facility access, conditions being put on facility operations, suspension of operations, or revocation of approval for the facility’s security plan which makes it illegal for the facility to operate. 3.1.8 Coast Guard operational measures applicable to security of the Project The USCG, in addition to its inspection duties, is also an active enforcer of all applicable national and international law on the high seas and within the waters of the United States. The USCG's enforcement of these laws will significantly add to the security of any nearby facility. These actions may include:

• Enforcement of 96-hour Notice of Arrival (NOA) requirements, including vetting crew and passenger lists against terrorist and criminal databases.

• Conducting regular patrols with aircraft and armed surface vessels to support Maritime Domain Awareness (knowing what vessels are within or near U.S. waters).

• Conducting Right of Approach questioning of any vessel to determine county of registry, last port of call, crew nationality and other useful data.

• Conducting background intelligence checks on sighted vessels and like checks on the crews of boarded vessels.

• Monitoring all vessel traffic over 300 GWT with 25 NM of Pt. Fermin Light as part of VTS LA/LB (Note: this area is approx 5nm from the FSRU and covers approaches from the West).

• Conducting armed escorts of vessels deemed to be High Risk.

• Placing Armed Sea Marshals on board High Risk vessels (Note: the determination to provide escort or Sea Marshals for any Project vessel is at the discretion of COTP).

• Conducting searches of vessels suspected of violating immigration, customs and narcotics laws.

• Inspecting the safety gear of all U.S. flagged and state registered pleasure craft and commercial vessels.

• Conducting searches of foreign vessels with flag state or Master's consent for evidence of violation of applicable laws.

• Acting in accordance with the U.S. Military Standing Rules of Engagement to protect U.S. citizens and property.

• Patrolling, warning and boarding vessels to enforce security zones.

March 2006 C3.2-10 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

Should the threat level or other circumstance dictate, the USCG and other military branches would take measures to provide for the security of the Project. The nearby presence of military vessels and aircraft conducting operations and surveillance of the Point Mugu Sea Range would also augment Maritime Domain Awareness, and would periodically result in the presence of armed warships within relatively close proximity to the FSRU. All of these vessels could be hailed on frequencies available in the FSRU communications centers, and all are allowed by the rules of engagement to protect themselves, other U.S. military units, U.S. Citizens and property if being attacked. The COTP may restrict anyone, or anything from entering a waterfront facility subject to U.S. jurisdiction or boarding a vessel subject to U.S. jurisdiction deemed necessary for safety or security. Further, to prevent damage or injury to vessels or facilities or safeguard ports, territory, or waters of the U.S., COTP may establish a security zone, consisting of whatever sections of water and land deemed necessary. No person or vessel may enter this zone or leave any article on a vessel or facility in this zone without COTP (or designee) approval. Any vessel, facility or person in this zone may be inspected or searched, and items or persons may be removed from the zone as deemed necessary. Guards may be posted on any vessel or anywhere in a security zone deemed necessary. Movements of vessels may be controlled as necessary, and within the territorial seas of the U.S., the COTP may enlist the aid and cooperation of Federal, State, county, municipal, and private agencies to assist. Licenses and required documentation may be required by the COTP for personnel entering a waterfront facility, who may revoke/not approve such based on deciding that the person is a security risk. An appeals process is set up, as is a board to hear such consisting of a Coast Guard Officer and members from company management and a labor representative.

Cabrillo Port LNG Deepwater Port March 2006



March 2006 C3.3-1 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

DESIGN AND SAFETY STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO NATURAL GAS PROJECTS Documents Incorporated by Reference into Title 49 CFR Part 192, Appendix A, as amended through June 14, 2004

Title (applicable edition)

A. American Gas Association (AGA) (1) AGA Pipeline Research Committee, Project

PR-3-805 A Modified Criterion for Evaluating the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipe (AGA-PR3-805-1989).

B. American Petroleum Institute (API) (1) API Specification 5L Specification for Line Pipe (42nd edition, 2000). (2) API Recommended Practice 5L1 Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation

of Line Pipe (4th edition, 1990). (3) API Recommended Practice 5LW Transportation of Line Pipe on Barges and Marine

Vessels (2nd edition, 1996) (4) API Specification 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Ball,

and Check Valves) (21st edition, 1994). (5) API Standard 1104 Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities (19th

edition, 1999, including its October 31, 2001 errata).

C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (1) ASTM Designation A 53/A53M-99b Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and

Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless (ASTM A53/A53M-99b).

(2) ASTM Designation A 106 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service (ASTM A106-99).

(3) ASTM Designation A 333/A 333M Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service (ASTM A333/A333M-99).

(4) ASTM Designation A 372/A 372M Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels (ASTM A372/A372M-1999).

(5) ASTM Designation A 381 Standard Specification for Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for Use With High-Pressure Transmission Systems (ASTM A381-1996).

(6) ASTM Designation A 671 Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures (ASTM A671-1996).

(7) ASTM Designation A 672 Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures (ASTM A672-1996).

(8) ASTM Designation A 691 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded for High-Pressure Service at High Temperatures (ASTM A691-1998).

(9) ASTM Designation D638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics (ASTM D638-1999).

March 2006 C3.3-2 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

Documents Incorporated by Reference into Title 49 CFR Part 192, Appendix A, as amended through June 14, 2004

Title (applicable edition)

(10) ASTM Designation D2513-1987 applies to §192.283(a)(1)

Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings (ASTM D2513-1987).

(11) ASTM Designation D2513-1999 Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings (ASTM D2513-1999).

(12) ASTM Designation D 2517 Standard Specification for Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings (D 2517-2000).

(13) ASTM Designation F1055 Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing (F1055-1998).

D. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International (ASME) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

(1) ASME/ANSI B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (ASME B16.1-1998).

(2) ASME/ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (ASME/ANSI B16.5-1996, including ASME B16.5a-1998 Addenda).

(3) ASME/ANSI B31G Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines (ASME/ANSI B31G-1991).

(4) ASME/ANSI B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems (ASME/ANSI B31.8-1995).

(5) ASME/ANSI B31.8S Supplement to B31.8 on Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines (ASME/ANSI B31.8S-2002)

(6) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I

Rules for Construction of Power Boilers (ASME Section I-1998).

(7) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1

Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels (ASME Section VIII, Division 1-2001).

(8) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 2

Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels: Alternative Rules (ASME Section VIII Division 2-2001).

(9) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX

Welding and Brazing Qualifications (ASME Section IX-2001).

E. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. (MSS) (1) MSS SP44-96 Steel Pipe Line Flanges (MSS SP-44-1996

including 1996 errata). F. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (1) NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

(NFPA 30-1996). (2) ANSI/NFPA 58 Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied

Petroleum Gases (NFPA 58-1998). (3) ANSI/NFPA 59 Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied

Petroleum Gases at Utility Gas Plants (NFPA 59-1998).

March 2006 C3.3-3 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

Documents Incorporated by Reference into Title 49 CFR Part 192, Appendix A, as amended through June 14, 2004

Title (applicable edition)

(4) ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NFPA 70-1996). G. Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI) (1) PPI TR-3/2000 Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic

Design Bases (HDB), Pressure Design Bases (PDB), and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings for Thermoplastic Piping Materials (PPI TR-3/2000-Part E only, “Policy for Determining Long Term Strength (LTHS) by Temperature Interpolation.”

H. National Association of Corrosion Engineers International (NACE) (1) NACE Standard RP-0502-2002 Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment

Methodology (NACE RP-0502-2002). I. Gas Technology Institute (formerly Gas Research Institute (GRI) (1) GRI 02-0057 Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of Gas

Transmission Pipelines—Methodology (GRI 02/0057-2002).

DETERMINATION OF HIGH CONSEQUENCE AREAS HCAs must be determined using one of two allowable methods described in 49 CFR 192.903, using the process for identification described in 49 CFR 192.905 and guidance provided in an advisory bulletin (68 FR 42456, July 17, 2003). The length of the pipeline subject to pipeline integrity assessments and mitigation actions – the pipeline segment encompassed by the HCA – is also shown in these figures.

Where a potential impact circle is calculated using either Method 1 or Method 2 to establish an HCA, the length of the HCA extends axially along the length of the pipeline from the outermost edge of the first potential impact circle that contains either an identified site or 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy to the outermost edge of the last contiguous potential impact circle that contains either an identified site or 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy.

The regulations also allow operators to prorate the number of buildings within an impact circle until 2006. This exemption was intended to relieve the data collection burden on operators of existing pipelines but should not be applied to the new pipeline construction proposed for this Project. Pipeline operators are not required to use the same method along the entire length of any pipeline.

March 2006 C3.3-4 Cabrillo Port Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port Revised Draft EIR

Method 2. The area within a potential impact circle containing:

(i) 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy, unless the exception in paragraph (4) applies; or

(ii) An identified site. Paragraph (4) Exception: If the radius > 660 feet (200 m), the HCA may be identified based on a prorated number of buildings intended for human occupancy within 660 ft from the centerline of the pipeline until December 17, 2006. This exception was not intended for use for new pipelines.

Cluster of > 20 homes



Cluster of > 20 homes



660 ft (200 m) PIR > 660 ft (200 m)

Cluster of > 20 homes

PIR < 660 ft (200 m)

Class 3 Location

Class 4 Location

Class 1 or 2 Locations

Method 1. HCAs are defined in 49 CFR 192.903 as an area defined as:

(i) A Class 3 location, or (ii) A Class 4 location, or

(iii) Any area in a Class 1 or Class 2 location where the potential impact radius is greater than 660 feet (200 meters), and the area within a potential impact circle contains 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy (unless the exception in paragraph 4 applies), or

(iv) The area within a potential impact circle containing an identified site.


Example of High Consequence Areas using Method 1

Example of High Consequence Areas using Method 2