lms staff plc pbis meeting may 25, 2011 pbis lewiston middle school universal team members

LMS Staff PLC PBIS Meeting May 25, 2011 PBIS Lewiston Middle School Universal Team Members

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LMS Staff PLC PBIS Meeting

May 25, 2011 PBIS Lewiston Middle SchoolUniversal Team Members

Page 2: LMS Staff PLC PBIS Meeting May 25, 2011 PBIS Lewiston Middle School Universal Team Members


Please find your table

at your table on the handout

Work on Word Scramble

Enjoy a snack!

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By the end of the meeting, Lewiston Middle School staff will have:

• Reviewed and discussed the Classroom Correction Process

• Continued working on Team PBIS processes

“The Blue Tickets”

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Rick Meyers will share the latest and greatest work that he has done with his PBIS student team.

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Feedback on Feedback

Plus Decision

•Appreciated the Feedback on Feedback presentation •Plans are in good shape•Voice level on posters•Repetition of formats for posters•Meeting went well with staff presentations•Content of the message•Like the Gold Staff Dollar•Lesson plan is sequential •Staff at other schools like our plans and posters •Open communication

We will continue with a all the plusses when appropriate

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Feedback on Feedback

Delta Decision

1. Revise the cafeteria poster (wording, simplicity)

2. Consider using demon dollars or pride cards but not both

3. Think about how to fund the school store

4. Be aware of teachers/students on cross-teams when planning rewards

5. Get suggestions from cafeteria staff

6. Make sure that everyone is being consistent, everyone has the same script

7. Need a poster for salad bar procedures

8. Model only good behavior9. Be sure to turn cell phones off10. Think about streamlining demon


1. Thank you we will.

2. We are still working on the details and working with the pride card team

3. Yes, we are working on funding resources before we initiate

4. Thank you we will.

5. Thank you we will.

6. Thank you we will work on a process for monitoring next year.

7. Thank you we will.

8. Students will only model good behavior but we will discuss the role of staff.

7. Thank you. 8. Yes, we will work on the logistics

and ask for feedback.

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Pieces of the PBIS Puzzle

ClassroomBehavior Matrix

Procedures & Routines



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Schoolwide vs. Classwide



Classroom•Reading•Group work•Independent work•In the morning•Transitions

Classroom•Reading•Group work•Independent work•In the morning•Transitions

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Schoolwide vs. Classwide

Schoolwide•Behavior•matrix•Settings/Events, Behavior Indicators & Routines•Acknowledgment System•Responding to inappropriate behavior

Schoolwide•Behavior•matrix•Settings/Events, Behavior Indicators & Routines•Acknowledgment System•Responding to inappropriate behavior

Classroom•Behavior•matrix•Routines, Procedures & Behavior Indicators•Acknowledgment System•Continuum of Corrective Strategies

Classroom•Behavior•matrix•Routines, Procedures & Behavior Indicators•Acknowledgment System•Continuum of Corrective Strategies

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Classroom Essentials

• Expectations & Behavioral Indicators

• Structure: Procedures & Routines

• Strategies to Acknowledge Behavior

• Strategies to Respond to Inappropriate Behavior

• Active Supervision

• Multiple Opportunities to Respond

• Activity Sequence & Offering Choice

• Academic Success & Task Difficulty

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Why Focus on Response Strategies & Error Correction?

• Clearly stating expectations and consistently enforcing them lends credibility to a teacher’s authority (Good & Brophy, 2000)

• When teachers are inconsistent in their enforcement of expectations, students become uncertain of what those expectations are and that the expectations apply to them (Evertson, Emmer & Worsham, 2003)

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• Teachers should focus on increasing positive behavior and interactions by consistently enforcing expectations (Shores, Gunter & Jack, 1993)

• Teachers who respond consistently feel positive about their teaching and help students improve their performance (Freiberg, Stein & Huan, 1995)

Why Focus on Response Strategies & Error Correction?

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Consider this…

“The single most commonly used but least effective method for addressing undesirable behavior is to

verbally scold and berate a student”

(Albetro & Troutman, 2006).

Why Focus on Response Strategies & Error Correction?

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Remember, the P is for Positive . . .

Watching for students to do something wrong•Response Cost•Time OutWatching for students to do something right•Social Reinforcer•Tangible Reinforcer•Praise

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Error Correction Non-Examples…

• How many times do I have to tell you to work quietly?

• Didn’t I just tell you to get your work done?

• Why are you talking when I’m talking?

• Do you want me to send you to the office?

• What’s going to happen if I call your mother?

• What do you think you’re doing?

• Don’t you think you should be using your time better?

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Response Strategies & Error Correction

Should be….

• Calm

• Consistent

• Brief

• Immediate

• Respectful

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Response Strategies & Error Correction

Classroom Continuum of Response Strategies . . .

1.Prompt = visual or verbal cue

2.Redirect = restate matrix behavior

3.Re-teach = tell, show, practice, acknowledge

4.Provide Choice = range of alternates

5.Conference with Student

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Conference Procedures:

1)Positive, private, using quiet voice

2)Describe the problem

3)Describe the alternative (what the student should do instead)

4)Tell why alternative is better

5)Practice (student should tell and/or show)

6)Provide feedback

Response Strategies & Error Correction

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Climate Killers• Sharp or excessive criticism

• Sarcasm or humor at students’ expense

• Reinforcers that are not meaningful to students

• Lecturing students about behavior

• Being inconsistent in behavior indicator enforcement and reinforcement

• Having no social interaction with students

• Showing little interest in students’ lives

• Teaching lessons with no attention to student affect or stress levels during instruction

• Warning an angry student to “calm down” without providing supports to achieve that goal.

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Climate Enhancers

• Always model respectful and polite behavior

• Praise genuinely and frequently

• Set high, but reasonable and attainable expectations

• Know your students

• Spend time interacting with students

• Use effective listening skills

• Design classroom to be appealing to students

• Celebrate student success and achievement

• Use humor

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1. Select a recorder and spokesperson

2. Begin with the routines and procedures template.

3. Agree on routines that everyone on the team will use in their classrooms.

• Agree on procedures for these routines.

1. Go to the Expectations Matrix

2. Write in the Team Routines

3. Agree on the behavior indicators for each routine

4. Go to the Continuum of Classroom Strategies

5. Agree on team rewards – Free & Frequent, Intermittent, and Strong Long Term

6. Team leaders – Please collect the templates and hand them to a PBIS team member. We will copy and return.

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Reflection and Evaluation

Group Plus/Delta

Directions: The recorder will take notes on the Plus/Delta worksheet in the middle of the table.

Plus: What worked for you at this staff meeting.

Delta: What improvement could we make? Begin the statement with a “verb” (i.e Add more time for discussion)