llllltwttcll amlhf ww · 2015. 6. 2. · indee-1-, we think i came" wholly unnecessary. " i...

li Till: PACIFIC roM m k un.iL a i v i: iiti s k it . I, Mblia'l Every Tharcdaf Msrain;. i vrv v f TO Al KKTISKRS AM) M IM RII1K.RS. Oiiitnirii, fu-n- l iui,iii u ami n..ii,'ti or r.n.niuiitrat:n. ntri.!i ily t ft i iliri ln-.- i' lnlii-.- . : trhair.t f TWinled f.f -- n VI piper .r-- i c .untri- - will h f 7 50 r.,r arm., .vltni-i-nirii:- 5 wto--h cerrr the ..TTinn tak and th- - t.-n- e r.f forward-p- C A vf rti viiumi rpl.iynl in l:ir.- - r I lrin utual, r uV .eni la- - ..Iln-ei.- f paLia-ation- . Ail i nl f American ji-- t an .r. will ha- - I'. State iir tan..- - otiiherp, IT Snir.'t-o- fur Ihi l'immi-r'in- l A..frttrr anU A1var-tivnitM- ii which prevent anv American w c r!,:iM i,n ' an- .imI! irihiilit t ih tvji-c- LV.r de! very. r-- i.-- prefer Live th-- ir 1 N.i trai.Mi :t a.l itit-i.t- w .',1 iurtfil un)oi laK-rii- par, t .rwardd throu::h th- - II.iw.ian ma. I. ati jr wu.i rr ii.iiin-m,r- i will e ' H4R-.- t r llllltWttcll AMlHf IT rrT-it.!- . i,ri' fp.n all pur of the I'aoiflc af'll A il transient a reri; wont 'frt insertion) "T line V -- ". WW h1 wry ac-i- : i (each .1... - .... in. , COMMKKCI Ui l'KITIX; OKFICK. r.-s cara. it 1 rv-'--i.- i. im.-.- ) r anr.iuo lyi. ( E.i.-- h a.!. I, line., i. t. X a! way, iri advance. . X lvt I'Mui. ltOOK A M .l)ll I'Hl VTI"fi f f.ips , "-I- iii 4 ii.ki-,- , f.rl 1 11 Each uf.-il- i iit insertion Mrli. rrn UiX'KS, . i'K KM U AXliK 41 astiu . Aucniri-iia- a dl he cl..iriri at the fuilowinir ratr. fATAI.in.rES. Id I.I.P- MK ItlUM). ..J'i.' al the end of 1 ij each ; Hll. I. HKAH.e. 0NS lll.NK., F ir or. .l;ir-- . - r tin- - njK:. of l.ne.) per pi.irtr... 00 lKi l l.IUS, 11 LA K KKKIKS f.xfwt urth i.f an.luiiin. -r vi.irl.-- r Jjj in, At TI Illl.l S. I1AMI ItJLlJ?. f .r of a ............... .foil f rAMI llI.l.TS, HII.IJI. FUr a wn-.l- c lurtiTt. i- - r mi irt r. ....................,"7 .j JT VISITIS.J. M"SIXK. ASM A1PB KSS O KPS lntJ ma Wisiki-- Carl Pre'," in fif l.ii:li- -t ttyW rt thf art. ComiMTcial Advertiser. ITHI.ISHKI) WKKKI.V 18V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANIXS MARCH to, 110. SIX IIOl.l. Alls I'KU ANM .M. ) VOl. IV. o. I- -'. WllOl.t: V.!!)!!, orfip earis. Tbr Tmr Nobility. bt t. r. i rum. H htf the true Nobility 1!' li, nor nam:. n.,r outward ,mi, nor ,wt I'm.! have llp-- .ill rii iou men may be TV id- I an I ti. 1 j;- - ar t of an But ti- t. have a iT and honest heart, AVit- - all an! aKre a!l rrmf An I art ripht an I part I.I frr rirrinn.ti.nr ,,f phicr ami timi. If- - Lu tliu. fr m h. pal-n- t Utkt 4 lln SInkT f mi-- 1 lira tl.e tru- - X'.M.-'oai- i ; WiJt-V- r i an. I vici'iu iWi., Ai"l ai-- f f.11 !. nn. !..ii..-;i- : .l n. Tiin- - c(i.tnL- - ar'.iin.l luin 1, in.-.- - t mu-- Lim rn.l, Thr a:t that K'i U hi ia'.h f il nor um dim. VAKIKT V, Who h.ith acliiog teeth hath Voit cannot tn:iLe velvet of a sow'n c.ir. L.jr cf th? tirent Hdlern Deliy. Fireman's M.fti '.Vater, wattr everywhere, but 111 1 Jrr.p t Jr'.nV. He U tni!j wLk; who can eu Jure evil anj enj.jr Bocir. lir. with h:it little show; you may increase it afterwar 1. It 11 cimraon, ay Tacitus, to entccm most what is not unknown. It & w mors to fx? mi.erahle than W011M make us perffly hapfy. H'Vn rreat run sto..pj or trip, the ?ma!l men arouo'l hiru nuii lvtily Lecunie greater. We iirpoe that toleration is carrie-- I quite far I entiU't wlu'ii men tolerate iiitoU-runce- . Never 'le-pi.-- ie hu :iil.Ie ervicl8; when large shij.s tun aruuii.l, Iitllv liti.ts may pull theut otT. Cbinlren are much liie as they areniollel, to will tiiey turn out. He is first-rat- e collect' r who can. up?n all occ-Fio- collect hU witA. ScinJiI. like the Nile, m fel by innumerable stream; but it is extremely difTicuIt to trace it to its source. Why woul l a printer make a gool lawyer ? lle-ca- 'it h wouU always be sure to unlM-9tati- I the case." A Yankee wh- - rcrently retume j from Newfuun'l- - Un-I- , r that the lv 1 so th:ck there that he used to drive nail in it to ban hii bat on. An Arkansi- - paper say?, that many of the girls in that State frruw bix ft high. They 1uu.1l be uncom- monly well cultivated. Cilin in lln ition. Spill me hot soup over an c!J lres aal nee how she will take it ! Punch. An exchange sa.-- s "in the absence of both editor, the publisher b id euccenie.! in ieciirinif the servioes of a tnllttH.m to edit the parer that week." Wife I d.in'i think, husband, that you are very smart." " No, in deed, wife; but everybody knows I arn awfully thrtutJ." The line which divides some Christians from the world it truly a mathematical line without breadth or thickness. An old lover is ridiculous; you had better give up all thoughts of luve-lette- rs when you cau no longer read thetu without spectacles. We are not deposed to denounce the President hard words no parsnips." Via. Cazrtte. And we too might be disposed to forego the use of hard word.4, if we had no uoller obj'.-c- t in view than to butter parsnips. He that never acknowledges himwlf to have been wrong, probably will never be right : the best confes- sions were written, not by the worst, but by the bet of men. There but one way of aecuring universal equality to man. and that is to regard every honest employ ment as honorable, an-- l theu lor every man to learn, in whatsoever state he may be therewith to be con- tent, and to fulI5l, with strict fidelity, the duties cf his station, and to make every condition a jm.t of honor. CortTET. No woman can be a who would wound or mortify another. No matter Imw beauti- ful, how rt fined, how cultivated she may he, she is in reality coarse, and the innate vulgarity of her nature manifests itself here. Uniformly kind, courteous and poiite treatment of all persons is one mark of a true Woman, and of a true man also. Wisiiom asd Ii;.oR t.vie The wi.-- e are modest in depi rtmct.t. the ignorant assume many airs of conse- quence. An ignorant d in ly may be known by his dictatorial cur-- e at hotels and on steamboats. He makes inort nVi--e th in a hundred Franklins. L.Tease cf crime follows a decrease of criminals. Ireland emptied her penitentiaries", jiils. work-house- s, and housi-- s of upon the United States. Wh'le there has teen a deere:ise of crime in that Country, wh.it has It-e- the state of the case in .the other i A Commentary os Cesar. Julius Caisar's letter, I came, I saw, I conquered," has admired lor nearly two thous.m l yiars for its terseness. We think it rather verb.-- . The words " I saw" are entirety supertluot a. Indee-1- , we think I came" wholly unnecessary. " I conquered" would tell t!ie whole Hut Julius had, 110 doubt, a deal of leisure when he wrote that letter, and his style auJered in consequence. WALL sntEKT. At Hi ti nf thr atreet the lawjrrr ymi prwt at tl ti"tn ih-- : lorv yno're o r:ain 10 meet. ly . lioiM-- . f?y ;e naf r rvtreut. F.-- r tlierr'a i mit in tti- - rier ami run in the atrvet. ma iintiN ani-LT- . AViy .IiOuM h.ti:iy fly to me aafer retrvat In.m the l:gn rr atct iarir ll rot Viu, hen the Ltwyer an? jr.r at the t"p e.f the atreet Au.1 the bar.r, are jt .r at the Kit dm ? Here is a fifty years old jeu d''esprit that is quite as fpiod as new. A rich old irentleinan by the uame of (joul I married a girl not yet out of her teens. After the wedd.n, he wrote the following, to inform a friend of the h ippy event : ia r my r Inrtr. Truih riirhty rar oU, A irirl ntiirtmi fall in love wish iH tioulj '." To which the doctor replied : A pirt of niitt--- I.iy lore thmM. it i true ; But lri.ire me. itear iiir. It i icl.t with ml 4 I !" rBrriciL JuKixii. A few days sir.ee," writes an attorney, "as I was sitting with Brother I) , io his office in Court Square, a client came in and aid. Squire I , Wifgins. the livery-stabl- e man, rhaved me dre vlfully, yesterday, and 1 want to come tip with him. " 'State your case, says I "Client I asked him bow much he would charge me fir a horse and wagon to go to Dedham. He said one dollar and a half. I took the team, and when I came back. I paid him one dollar and a half, and he said he wanted another dollar and a half for coming back, and made me pay it. 1 gave hint 84me legal advice, which the client immediately acted upon, as follows : " He went to the stable keeper and said, " How much will you charge me for a horse and wairon to go to S tlem ? Wijrgins replied, Five dollars. " Harness him up '.' " Client went to Salem, came Lack by railroad, went to the stable saying, " H ire is your money," paying him five dollars. " ' Where is my horst'and wagon ?" says Wiggins. " He is at Silem, savs client, I only hired him " to g to Salem.' " Preparations for Hair. FISH'S 11 I H KKTORATIVE, AU'-ti- 'i Zr!ua!uiium, liofclc'a iiypermn, Barry' Tricr.plieriia, boruetJ Cwiine. For ale ty J. M. .MITII t'U.. 14-2- ai - Corwr Fort ami Hotel tret. .lniinN(ra.or Notice. 'piIK rM)KKl(iEI). HAV1XC BEEN" M. July appmnKil A lminivatirM "f tlw iate of John kich-arUo- n. Ule A Waikaia. Maui. dct-ar.l- , hereby rie notice to B pm indrlitrri to tnr saiil retain to make immediate pay- ment to tkm, amt to all rons having claim, annint the KiiJ tat, to pmeni the tame with pcor ruuchers ami Terifics-tioc- a. kdward p. noxn. Ibaifia, 15. 1S!). 14-l- TIIOS. Yi . KVERfTTT. . r. i:vi:ui:tt, 63-- t 11 ,1.,: ilu. tali a. H. I. .. I (OMilHN, 5-- tr K 'r'-- i t, II .ii'.!u:.i. ihiha. HAWAII A X KbOI'R f'O.MI'A XV. l'X-t- f A. 1'. EV KK KIT, Tr.ra-ur-- rr anJ A:erit. ii. l i:vr. its. I.un.r an-- IttiU.lir-- rnitt' riaU.Eort tu!-i- . lo.S-t- f f)in ..;. w. H. I'.Woso. II. DIMOM) Ac SOX, an.! . r in hardware, .aiut.-i- , mU aul jriri-ra- l ln-- tf IIK.MtV ltOltl.NSO.'S Win-- , rjiirit ami C Charlton Wharf, Honolulu. B. Vi.1 . I T. rn. C. II KICK Von IIOIT A. II I'l t K. Om-ra- t fomniis'iiin II ni'.lulu. O.il.u, ?. 1 105-t- f A i.r.x. j. AitTAvnif;irr, Comm:ii'rt a:il ien-ra- l fhippiti Avut, H"nolulu, Oahn, II. 1. loi-t- f :oiriti:v it h onus, Wholesale lV.al.-- r in Wines au l Joints, Ale ami I'nrter, r the Piit li!:.:.-- , II .li..!iilu. 4'1-- tf (;i:oit(;i: now i:, LuDiiier I :ham Var 1 nn C.uki II'.L-- k. uriKi:, N-- w E. pl an Hi.?. 105-t- f ii. ii v Kri:iii Ac o. Coniini.isinn A.":iiIa, aii-- l ship han ll.-r- Oal.u.. I. loVtf K. O. II A I.I. Iniimrter ami kaWiii llar-lware- , lry i 1, Pi.iiits, Oil, ami general lise. comer f Fort an. Kirii n'r-e- ts. Iu5 t ;i:oit(. k TA II K. Dealer in Irv nl Fam y !.!, II.it-- 1 Mreet ltween Nna.nia ami MauaaVra II 5. I. 11 tf JlHX THOMAS XVATKItllOI Si:, Irai-.rter- , W h..l"ali' ami Hit ail Wal- -r in Merchan.lise. llounlulu. au.1 Laliailta. Maui. T. auiuaai. r h MOSS.MAX Ac SON, Bakers, linirriiuiil Ivalers in lry i.o-ls- , Nuuanu street, Hon oiuiu, il.hu, S. I. 1J7 tf i XV. X. .ADD, Importer aiul Ival.-- r in Hakiiwakc. I'tTLKRr, Mtrii.ixtrs ' T. mils aiul A. .Kii i i.tiual larLiatNTs, Furl street, II. mo-- lulu. loi-- tf j.vxhfX, :itniixv ., Cnrnmi4iiin !er-,i.i- Fire-I- 'f .mf Ihiililint;,. Queen streit-iioui.iu'.- April 1. Is J. loi-t- f XV. CISC II II It. Cabinet Maker ami Freie-- Polish-- r, Hutel Street, oj.josite the Hou..'. 41 tf A. S. Ac .XI. S. tatlXIJACM, Iiupurter ami Wh..;.--al- in C'othimr, Hats, Cap, IH.t and shi-- . a'al ev.'ry variety of ll.'iitlTnen's ui4Tior FiiniL-hi-ii Iioin!. Mure, corner of Fort and Merchant sir.-- . Is, Honolulu. Oahu. ll'J-t- f A. HAKklS, OAHI . F. B. HAWAII Alll'li II VltlllS A. CO., Dealer in all kinds uf Hawaiian Produce. Honolulu. Oahu, II. I. .ira Hi is i.f Exchaiu:.? on Jlessrs. Mcltu. r i; Merrill, fan raoi I'. A. lJii-t- f ItlTSOX Ar II VKT, f ucci--.r- s li Ir. Il'.:iry K"liiri--iii- , W li..les-il- Wine lend Spirit Merchants, Honolulu. II. 1 , under the Kmiiu uf A. J. f ami a', the of Kaahumanu sir., t. 3.1-- 1 f it. r. sxoxv, General Commission Merchant. Honolulu, Oahu, Haa. Islands. AOKNT riiB Regular Une nf Rovtou and Packets. of Cotfi-- fnm the Titcunih Plaiitatt'iu. Sale of Cpick.-- r llp.lhers At Co'a Yellow MeUil. New Itnotii'ic Ceunpauy. I'i3'tf CUAS. R. Bbll'ir. WW. A. ALDHIcn IIISIIOI V CO., Bankers. O.lic.; in tiie east comer of "Makcea Hock," on Kaahumanu -- tr.- t, Hon .lul.l. Will receive il''i.s Ls. liusiuess pajier, and attend to coil.-ctin- . co. 11 tf j XV. A. AM)ItICII, ImHirter and in Ierehandi" ; Cmnmissinn Aireiit f .r the sa.- ! M:ar, .loia-s.-- s ami nuee, an.l inner Island Produce. A.-en-t r the l.mi v. Plaxtati.ix. Con sionnn-nt- uf all kinds of Island Produce soliciteil. Orders ' for Vlerchaiidise promptly altendeil tu. 105-t- f j SAM L. S. AHoS. S. COOKE. casti.!: & cooki:, Importers and Wholesale and a.l dealers in (ieneral at the old stand, corner of the Kinit and Scho. stn-cLs- , near the Liri-'- e Church. AIo at the St-ir- f.nnerly by C. II. Xiiiiolson. in Kins street, oppo- site the Scamans Clia l. A'lenls for Br. Jayues' Medi- cines. lu-t- f J. II. WOOD, Man if u tur. r, Irr. H.n.r and ivali.r in .ts and Shoi-- of evry . Sh.- - 1'iiidipe, Pump, Sole, Rijirine, Harness, and Patent leathers. Call, 'Soat, Iloir, and Buck Skins i Tntiiks, alis.-- . Spurn:. c Gloves. Foils, and Masks, Black inir. Brushi-s- , llosa-ry- , :". A;c. Brick Shoe store, corner of Fort and .Merchant sts., Honolulu. H. I. lf GEORGE C. SIDERS. 51amiftcturer and dealer in Tin. Shei't Iron, and Copier wan. Ka.ihuniai.ll street. op-sit- J. C. Spalding's lloiiolulii. I'.. Summer Bakers. Tin and Cnp-- Pump, liathimr Tubs, Foot and Shower B ith. Tin and Zinc R.mfliiif, and a f a.irtnieiit i.f Til- - ware. Ship work executed with and dispatch. lf IT A I Ar A II II II, Agents f-- r the Suirar Plantations .A Aiko. at Papakoa. and I wo, Ht I'iiI... Ililo ; 1uik .rters and W h..I.-al- e an.l ail Ieal-er- s in China ' ! ; have on hand, for sale, at their estah ments on ivioi stres t, Honolulu, and at Lahaiua, M i. it Sm.-a- Mola.- -. Syrup, T-- a, C.tT.i-- . and a larire ami vari-- d a.'rt-tmen- : of c'-n- i ral merchainlise Honolulu. Au."i.t 11, li7. 53-l- y THOMAS SPII.Xt;Hlt, Ship Chandler, Itealer in M'Tchandise, and Commission Mt rcijiiit. Honolulu, Oahu, S. I., keeps constantly on hand an extensive ass- - rtuient of every description of goods by whaleship and others. Shipping furni'he.1 nh all kinds of crocerie. provision, AiC, at the short--- i n..ti.'. at the very lowest market prices. rr Mouey r wliahrs' o.Us al the lowest rates. 105-t- f It. PITMAN, SHIP C HA NDL Ell . IMPOKTEU AXI DEALER IX (i EX ER AL M ERCH ANDISE, Ililo. I l:i wuii. N. B Money advam-ei- l on Whalers Bills. If4-t- f t. c. WATrKMlX. ' HS r. P..PE. I). C. WATERMAN A. CO.. f V V.n.sO V Mli( Hjyrs. E.pei-j.-- il attention paid to the interests of the Whatinir Fleet, t y the of funds, purclia.' and i f Evh.inw'c. Oil, Bone, ral Merehan. and the ppsuriii: of lnii,ht. ) P.EFr.IlENCES. ) I Me,sr. Iac Il iKuw. Ja., X Co.. N-- w l!ilf..r.l W. G. E I'el-i- - Es.j.. d . j 1..k..ax. Si xk k C.i., San Francisco. ; Mi Ri A: Mi.kkii t.. do. l)5-- :f i CilLMAX .V CO.. Ship Chandkrs and Dealers in Genera! Merchan.Use, L A II AI X A , MAUI, II . I. Ships hupplie-- l with ta.ul facilities for storage. Cash j furnisheil for runs m excnain;e. -- iy HOLMIS A- - CO., bin Chandlers and Csnmission Men-han- t and IValer In lten-ra- l .lercr An'iise. .i;iui. nai'-- r i ai isin-- n with recruits at the shoru-s- t notice-- , in for c-- or bill. 34-- 1 f s. x. k. xir.it sox, Waialua, Oahu. r in General Merchandise, Country Pro luce such as Corn, Beans. Bananas, Butter, Ees. Ac. ! 5.1--1 f J. XVOItTII. DeahT in Men Hilo. H iwnii. Ships supplied with reeruils at the shortest notice, on rease.i.able B:il uf exi haii):" want"!. tf 1. X. n.lTXKK, Continue hi old bu.-i:ii--s at the new st.-r- in !ake s n-- w fire pr-- f iu, l niiL-- i aiu.e sunn r. .,,!. iv lr. Ho;TmaTin, c .ru- -r oi yn-e- aim ixaanuma"u sin-ei- Chnmniieters -- t it- -1 by ol,s. rvati..:. f th- - sun and stars with a transit instrument accural, ly a.ijiite. to the neri.lian of Honolulu. Particular att.-iiti- - n tiven to fine watch S'xtanl and quadrant l'1:i.-.--s silvcn-.- l an I adjute.l. Charts an.l nautical iii.trum.-nt- s con.tantly on hand and sale. 44-- tf CIIAltl.HS XV. VIXCIIXT, CONTRACTOR AX D BOLDER. The uudersiirne.1 would his fre-nd- and the public, that he has taken and fitted up the pr. mis.-- . . n rt street, oppii:c C. Brewer il's Su.re, as a CARI'EX Ti R SHOP, and would solicit that patronage .n- - so lilierally tiestnwe-1- All orders in the various branches of Building. Plans, Specitications and Contracts. to with ir .mp'.ness and diiiatch CHAKLES W. MXCEXT. (. it. DO'iRS, WINDOW S ASH, and all other articles jier ainitiff to lnil.l It.jr , constantly on hand ar.d t r sale. V3- - UN NY HAGS, FOR SALE II V G l'i7-f- f XV. A. ALDRICH. ja:mts5 car Us. IHJ. A. N. CIiAltKi:, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. O.Ti'-- rirt i...r I Vur .,i ai r ?t..r.-- , M.crci.aijt S;rt.rt. oflirt h'.urs fr..m a A. M.. tu li l'.M. 17J-:- f 1K. J. MOTT SMITH X3 13 1NJ T 31 ?3 T . OrS -- e c irri.-- of f..rt ;n: I II :! Stre-.-t- v ; 1 1 i, i VM II I'M Pi I It MVS, Xntarv I'li'iii"-- . :!je il ''io C"url II iii-- c, up slair?. lOJ-t- f J . AV. AI STIX, ATToKNEV ANU till XEI.OR AT LAW". Oltire in Hon-'lui- House, over t!ie I'i.t icVu- - 66-- tf HOC CM A XX. riiysici.tu anJ urj "II, M:ikt:? r. K, O'Til'T lil- en ami Kna iurii;tii!i t. .f J. I. Itl.AIK, Attoriu vand ("..utki II r at Law. an-- l Ai'miralty. ff-fic- e ovi-- r lir. liu.Ui'U lia sinri.-- f i.moluu, . I. 140-t- f I.. Uc( TbbV, Attorney at w. .ir;-- . with . C. llarri.-- . E.. 143--tf oit. roitirs Ulliri- - anJ lni Sturi-- , K.i.ihuiiiniiu Stp'et, opput-it- Mx-- . Slap" M. .liri:i- - th'-- ts ainl can-full- prrpan-il- . IT Hot, colli, vaiMir, uli'iwt-ran--l meilicatcl Iiarus. at all hours ly :iias. r.;nLi,(ir, .M. Lat-- - ?iiru-..- ii t"i.i!.-.- l s.:lt,.4 Navy, ('.insular I'liy -- ietHii tt sick Aim'ri"an :i:i..-n ami pracliiion-r- Office, rorn-- r K.ia'.imi.in.i an J yireei. anl rcsiiltnce at I'r. M tnsiim, II. il l ir.- - t. Mtnliral ati'l iirjrical a.lvice in EiiL'lih, an-- Italian. O.Tice h"iir4 fn.m 11 a. M. to 2 P tit other h urs inquire at his re.iilelll-e- . tf A. I. IIVIIKIITT. COMMISSION M H KC II ANT. J anion's new .jee.i str.ir1, Honolulu, H. I. hi:feekxck.s. Slessrs. Sampsos .t Tappas. - " It. llKli.HAII &L Cel., " lll'TI.KK, Kk.tu X ll!LL, - ii Ilonolu'u, July 1. ls.iT. 6;s-- tf SHKaaAS pmk. niAS. UH. n f.H, 11'. c. itituxv nit a co.. Comiiiissinu an.l ShippiiiL' M rehauts, II itiolulu, Oahu, H. i. HEEEK TO Jauks Hl NXF.WH I., Ei , Huston. 1IHKW I.U, El., S s. M.'Ui i.k A: Mr.Kuu i., &an Francisco. l HAS. ttiiU uTr Es-p- , Mks.RS. W". I'fSTlt Co., Hoinrkoni; lf.ssR.s. 1'kki.i:, III UHl.i.L A; Co., Manil.u ltii-t- f rKIIOHH K L. IIAMiS. Kt'WAUD P. APAMS. CKIIO'K I,. HANKS Ac CO., Commission :uil fhi'pin; Merchants, H molulu, Hawaiian Islands. KEF Ell 1 ) .Mi Ri ra .t Mi- kkii I , San Fritici4.-o- . KIXNel L. Miti as A; Co, New York. fniil A I.I.KX. Xew ltedfor.l. t H is. Set uiii:k i Co., lloston. loo-l-y '. A. A. II. F. POOR, IMPORTERS AND CO.M.MI: MKRCHANTS, Ilu.NOLl Ll', OA 111", SANKWH II ISLANtiS. REFER TO fiKiRi;R V. I'KAn.inv, Esij., Philadelphia. El.lSIIA IlASkKLL, Es., - Xew Bedford. Messrs. Kkau. aiius.:ii .V C. ., Boston. W Al.tio, li.lKIIY .V Co., New York. Aekiixktiiv, I i ikk .v. Co., San Francisco. Kaix.i:k A; Lixukmikhokk, San Francisco j loiV-- tf j. c. SI A M)l... ImiHirtcr an.l Coinmissiiai Merehant, Honolulu. Oalm, A "enc lor IV III. 1 llWIllg dt LU. I noSlon na MnUn..i. 1- - Packets. Full V NiiprrXK Issi baxi e Co., - - Boston. .Neptune Insurance Co., Boston. itaki.k SAKtrv Ixsi raXie, Co., " l:..y Istou Fire and Marine insurance Co., Boston. Ttnvi.sTo.x M . Wihiii't..!i do. do. Boston " " j N. w England Mutual do. do. WaSHIXOTOS 44 l do. do. Ai.i.iaxck 44 44 Alhaoe? 1. do. N. E. Mi rt'AI. 44 44 ' Equitable Safety do. do. Sai.km Makixk 44 - . - Sai n.. Marine Insurance Co., S.il.-m- . XT" Store in Robinson A: Co.'s fire-pro- Mock. ITj-i- i ii. xv. snviniA.Ncn, Ship Chandler and Commission Merchant, II an lulu, S. I. REFERS TO Captain B. F. Sxow, ... Il.niol.ilit. Messrs. I'. C. W lTKKMVX & Co., - 44 Williams Hacks, - New London, M. ill t.K A: Mhikii l, - San F'rancisco. Swikt a: Ali.kx, - - X.-- Bedford. Hfxkv A. Pkiiii k, - - Boston. II. XV. SEN FR ANCE will continue the Ship Chandlery and Commission Business at the Old Stand. Evory description of Ship Chandlery and Merchandise required by Miippim:, will be kept on hand and for sale at low rates. ltU-- tl WII.COX, It I C II A It IS 4V CO., Sh p Chandler. Ieal.-r- in Gem ral Merchandise, and Commis sion Merchaiils. Honolulu, II. 1. Keep constantly on hand a lull supi!y of every description of men handise required by whale ships and others, Money advanci-- at the lowest rates, Ref-renc-es : Messrs. Swikt & Ai.li:x. - - New Bedford. 44 Giiik.ix, Ai.i.icx A; Sox, - 44 Wn. Wilcox, - - 14 Wl. GlKKOHIl, - - - 44 Messrs. Thomas Kxow lks A: Co., - 44 W KSTOX How LAND. Esq., - 44 FkLIII'KII 'K E..p, - 44 Messrs. XV u. I'uii.i u s ,v. S.vs., - 44 A. I'll. m K. Esq., - Boston. Messrs. Bi TLt-.a- Sisk A; Co., - - 44 Ciia.s. W. I'.iioiiK. - - San Francisco. Messrs. Moki.ax, A: Co., - : Williams A: Hivi.:xs, - New London. 175-- tf C. A. W ii.i.iavis .V .'... - Honolulu. juisurar.ce (farlis. ACIINT COIt LLOVII'S The undersiene.1 Wi to notify to Merchants. M.ip owners and Shipmasters, that he lias received th" npn.intmeiit ol AGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LONImiN. 105-- tf R. C. J AX ION, I'LtUIIXS STAPIINIIOltST. A?ent for the p.n-me- and Dresden Board of Underwriters. All averace claim airaiiist the said I nderu rit.-r.- eurrinr in or aln.utll.is Kingdom, will have to lie certified lief. ire him. tf I'HE NORTHERN ISSIRtNCE COM PA- - I liV, fi"statiiisheil ls.j. ) For Fire and Life Assuraia'e at home and a'Tood. Capital 1. -:) "U. Strrliu-;- . The undersigned has been app .inted Airent f.r the Sandwich R. C. JAXIOX. at Honolulu. AGEXT FOR TIIE Nfw X'ork Hoard of Cmlervsri lera. The nnderso--- take, h ave to notify .Merchants, Ship Masters, kc, that he has Ik ii duly apmiiited a, Airent for the Xew York Hoard of L ud.-r- riti r. 13-l- f ALEX. J. CARTW RIGHT. AO EXT I" OK TIIE Liverpool I'nilrrwrilrr's .i.o'iiOion. The u'lder-ici-.i'- -i li'i's h ave to notify Merchani. Mup owners, and Ship malers, that he has receive-- th" apimiuluietit ol AGES T at th.-s- .' !af.l f.r the LOERI'ouL UNDER XVR1TER S AS'CIATlOX. Iu5-l- t R. C. JAXIOX. Tire Insuranee Notice. THE NORTHERN ASSI'RANCK CO. XI1K I' X D E R "H. X E I ) U-i- r to notify M those par T ties who have inired ill this oihce w.n.te:i .inldiii).'9 T their contents within the i f Hoi- that in of .In c.mtiuU'il erection of lar and h -- 'h i.le huilditliTS Close toiT'-th'- ill HalToW street. no rr.'-r-- ' ri'ss oi t;m- - her constructions in the town will lie tak-- n aml thse alna.lv taken will tint lie on the expiraii-- n of th.-i- terms. I . C. J ANIiiX, 6J-t- f AiT-i.- t tlu Nrt!itrT Co. II XI It I' It (.11-H- it II. XI MX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. riMIK CXDERSIGXED. A cents of the nl-.- Ce.m- -i A are prepared to insure risks a jainst fire in and oUuit Honolulu. For particulars apply at the oftce. MEI.CHEUS Jk CO. Hono.ulu, Oct. 11, lsi7. 6s-- if 11 o F FSC 11 1 A EG F. R Jk. STAPEXTIORST Aurnt. for llir p.K15 AX D liUlUI t. L A KDAIUIS lit LLi.K- - W1UTERS. AX'IS AC PUHLIC. ls Sous.-in-'- S, avant t'-- iioinnios Aorifs rr.ur les Assnrcurs m'tritimes J'? Paris ft Je IJor-lcaus- , lreviennent )o Duhlie on iron ral et les Cat.i- - tainesile tnarchan-l- fratp.-ais- . oui viiltfiit Ies H.i ts ile oe ri'.vauitie, en part ioulier, quo ilans tons les cms il'avaries, qui nuraient lieu dans ces parages, ils ijevrmit, l'aire const-.te- r et verifier lea fiits (levant eux jHiur leurs recla- mations ciditre lo ilirs assureiir?. 61-- tf Ei. HoFFSCHLAEGER A: ST A I ' EX 11 0RST. OLE LEATHER FOR SALE UX' s XV. A. ALDRICH. il;jfllinas nr.U ilcnl estate. TO LET I KITlNTiIIKI AHAIITMENTS. 3s f MK.v 11 ( i..i:K'..N, LaapLuii ,;nrL ((ITTAliK Tt MIT. T1IK KIH. I HI.K COTTAi; K DJOIX- - in.' t l.it'-l- .:.'U .'-- 1 the utih r:tiit-il. l'":i'. iins tu'-- j , l at.'i ru..in, c, Jtc. lt i;. . Aj-pi- to 1 "J- - II M. W HITM'Y TO MIT ! rl AT HI! AIA - THE IIAXX'AIIAX ;'"J lli'TKL llLII.L'IMi, liti-I- ovr-ipie- ly T. L. Apl-l- to ill. C. IIEl'CK, irH)-t- f A I r I.. H. Anthon. CO It S OK Tt MIT, v- -. TIIK FOKETUI' IMtKMISKS OX KING lotij .'.r- .'t. Ti-r- l. Applv t luo-- tf C. W. MNCEM', Kurt stivit, H.molulu. O MIT. -- 4Tlli: lIll)fXt. IHH'SK IX TIIK y r :ir of th- -" W lute ll 'if: 11. 'i. 1," with 1- - lv.1 J-r- rM.n:s, al' fiirnisliL.l. lii'iuire on the premises. 111-- tf TO MIT. TIIK P()LMIVI(; UOOlS AM) OF- - tic sin the E1KK I'lliluK UKICK lil ll.Dl.NG, corner of K i.il.ulii.inu ami IJu.t-- tr- -. ts, U : I li - ollliv on the scv. l tl or. ov. r the Savings Hank. The Cellar of the ahove ouil.lii:-- ', fiipahle of sfirae of l.r)UO barn Is. possession piven imme.liatelv. T.mis Apply to ll.i-- tf (. H A? r.KEW Ei;. i'ollcc E'lantnliosi tor Sale ! TIIK CELEUUATEIl Sf.TlTCO.H18 (OI'I'MII PbANTATlOX, AT II ANA LEI, KATAI, Is olT.-rii- l for sale. Th" Lau.l of the Plautati n comj.rises up. wir.lsofHI.lt Arrex. an.l has u(Min it .1l.Ot t'ollee '1'rt't'K. The laml is w-- ll a. tai.l.-- l to the cultivation of suciir ran.. The estate is uuencumliered, anil w ill 1h." s Id t.y Fee simple Title. For full particulars an.l terms of sal ', in,uire uf luMf II- - V. tf.MliV. Waikahaiulii Water Lots! E I'XDKItSIUXKD HAVING I1KEX T pisiiuted aent th? sale and lease of thi X ail..'ili:i)tilii IiOts! icl'S to call the att ntion of Merchants. Ship owners, Simulators an others to this finely situated tract of land which is now of- fered in lots at reduced rates and oti liberal an.l convenient i i eruis. Plans may he seen and all particulars learned l.y application j to the uiidersi;:uetl at Kol.-r- t C Janiou's Fire-pro-- .f i;.iil.ui(:s. X. B. Fairly application .houid if; made for choice Lots. j W. U liKEEX, Airent for the Sale of W iiikahalulu Lota. j Honolulu, Oct. 21, InOS. 121-t- f j THE MOST DI.SIICAIll.l liesidenci 111 Honolulu for Sale TIIE I'XTKRSI;XMI) OFFERS f.rfi sal. his d'velliu.' au.1 premises on .rt street. , 1; The premises are anions the mot d.?irahe and central in Honolulu. '1 he main huil.liug contains a Parlor, Hilling room. Bed room, - children's sleeping rooms. Pantry, And I at'i room. There are nl..i twi cott iL'- s mi th" pr.'inis- -, one containiiiK twa sle piiii; rooms and dres-i- n apartment ; arid the other one l .'piui r.H'in au l a ilf.'--:- n; iipartm.-nt- . lh- - ro are also a cook house, servants' rooms, w ash house, w.io.l house sta- - hie, calTiaite, f.e.vl etc., etc. The pr. mis s are supp'ie 1 with v. ill y water, and als a I. rick cisiiTii, CHp iMe i f containing' 1.VJ harr.-l- of water, with force pinup, which adds to the' security of the I. nil lines, Tin.K. Koval patent fromllis Majestv Kamehnineha III. is Apply to 11. .M. WHITNEY. J. C. SP.LDI.(. ... - . . I' I 1' V T -- - I p, I intent at the Islands fi r the Boston and Salem ndert rilers, vi..: 174-t- f HONOLULU AMRROTVPE ct DA(iL'ERREAN CALLERY! GV ER Ii EOT X' PES AM 1MIOTV PES. 1 and PIIOIOGKAPHS taken in the highest perfection of Art. (103-tf- ) F. BIN Df. HOW LAND'S a is hot v v i : ti a Ij ii b: st v. fBXIIE I'N D ERSIG X ED would call the attkxtio.x of M oi his Friends and the Public to his R.s.ms, over the 14 P.tcilic Commercial Advertiser." Printim; Orliii-- , (m-x- t to the Post onii'e) hi re he is takiuz Pictures whi' h, for elegance of slyie and softness of tone, cantie-- t lie excelled. ISehur in constant receipt of Xew Stock, Chemicals, kc, he is tr prepared to take Pictures with all the latest improvements. 1 f Pictures taken on Glass. Paper, Pat-- nt Leather, India Runlier, A:.., and warranted to eive entire ii. X .B The PuMic are invited to call iiud examine specimens, ll'j-t- f W. F. HOWLAND Artist. Views oi' Honolulu f PERSONS X'ISITIXG OK RESIDING A' on these Islands, should not fad to semi a s.-- t of t.. II. liiirtf.'ao X'it'wn of Honolulu to their Iri.-nd- s abroad, as tuey w ill convey by tar a In to r idea i f tin Scenery, Habits, Customs, etc., of this (dace, than any works or prints ever pub V i of E. BURGESS. HS-- tf Fort street. Tit MAT V I.IXSMIV'S M II I.ODI A XS, New Haven. Cunx. CXSl'R PASSED FOR SWEET. fi liess, richii'-s- and l.roinptness of t"iic. All f A B " fl their varieties furnished al the American retail I prices : of No. 1 5 iH'tai e. scroll - ti oi'tave, wroll leirs. S0 o ." nelave, .iaiio style .... 10.) 4 5 octave, piano, serjientine 110 5 a octave, piano, fancy seriieutine . . . . U.j ti ii is'tave, (.iano style. lJi 7 ortfan meioilian, double hank ISO Freieht and duties to be addid. For fur;h. r particulars. ple ise address H. D. BALDWIN 1 4 I.ahiiiua. Maui. KEEP COOL ! lee Creams ! Ice Creams ! lee Creams ! of T XI. 11. IH DDV IS I'REP.t RED FItOM and alter Septeuilu r 7th to supply his Irieu is and the public a; his Xew K'.- - Cream Saloon, i n Kin sir.-et- , neariy op-- ! posit- - the Re'.hel, with any ord'-r- they may itive, and hopes bv strict attention to ree-iv- his share of the patn.naKe ' s i bestowed. Auv i r.h r over two quarts requires 4S hours' notice.. Suii lav, excepted. 1'iO-- lf Ire ! A Freh Supply! 'OIF. HOMIM'l.r 1CKCOXIPAXV.II.1V m in r."ceiveil a supply of the article- - from Boston, will h supply it at the f..ll avinir rates : 'I'. i l ai monthly deliv.-r.-- by the ice cart, in qil an' ta s tli-- t less than j II s. -r day. a r. nti r ,un n I. e s.,M at the in Fort strei-t- , 1J pound tor one do1 Mr. In smaller quantities the will t 1J' :'. ) r pound. C. II. I.EWERS. Call and See Tliexn. he A CHOICE LOT OF NO. 1 HOG SKIN saddle, w! i ti are warnnbsl to be the best artu'lc of le kind that has ticen in this market f. r s .me time. Here is a'j a cheap lot ! saddles to sail cheap - FOR SALE A l ui-v- horse, Uml and that a In dv may drive him anywher--- . (lv.-3u- i) R- II. R'tlllXSiJX. XOTKII. TIIE UNDERSIGNED WOU LD inform the public ttiat he will furnish ox carts, ox yokes arid felloes made in the m..-- t substantial manner, and at the low-- .l est pries. A 11 w .i.e bv me warranted. Uoloa. J in, lo. Is ?. (l'.'o-;!i-n-) WM. II. WRIGHT. SA LMOX. 1511 ItARRKLS S A LMOX. AT low. st mark- ', rate. sal- - by li-u- " II. W. SEVERANCE. PI II I'ltlTTS, Are. AND llon.LIE, G!!EEX CORN4 k5 Clams, Ha mlin A; B iker's oysti-r- English pie fru;:s, in k- -c and bottles. and A l.iri."4 lit f Slori ., fr sl.iji and fan.i'y use. Foi sale (l'.ni-'- II. XV. SEVERANCE. K II TTI. IIS. Arc. AlCEPAXS. FRVPAXS. STEW KET- - s tl-- s, tea kettle, ship's Cam I - s.-- s c..nipi' te. Coif.-- tt. s, sailors tin ) ts and pans. Stove- - Iiiiituts. For sale bv ll-t- r H. XV. SEVERANCE. XOTKII. VK THIS DAY APPOINTED J. AX'. 111.1 Esq , under p.jw.-- r of Attorney, t..y -, nt, to an me during mv t inpi.nirv absence fr..m the Honolulu. Feb XI, v'.'.WM J. FULLER. Mlfchauiral (T.us. I i:VIS A: A'OUTOX, ('oopors mid (isuiirors. Curner of Uethrl and Kins Streets. A X li F'JUT PT..TWO 1WK: l'.KLOW I'll. Jl"I'p IUIM : au i : x v 114 H1A It HI l O EX. i "'' all in their line ! romptlv at.J af Cil ' .VLSj - ra'.-s- . ihankful p:-.- :itro!ia'.'e. th. y o.i;.ii.!ei;tly rely upon iik ii- olil ca.'ton.eri fir a co;itii;u.iiicc ..I their fav-.r- an. I trut that! their t phas-- . i.i.'l extr.iiie tv.- rates of eliarces, ill insure to them a fair share ol luism.-- in their line. .N. is. New an.l s. e iii l han l caks an sh ks always on haiel. hiih the will sell at the li.aest l ii.nl. rales. l'.iT-M- n Tiiou vs i4i:.:c.A, 1 AS O X , LI) INFORM II IS FRIENDS AXT w tie- I'lil'lic that he ias rcouit:i"nc- ! luisnesj as a mason an 1 it.-r- . Ilaviii): purchases! his materials cheap for cash, is prepared to ilo all work in his line as cheap an-- as well as any oilier man ii Honolulu. slate-.- l at reduced prie-e.s- , and warranii-d- . All manner of joM.inc atieii.ltHl to. Hawaiian and California iiine f. r sate. J lir.lers left at his residence, Nunanu str.'et, or at the Lime House, Fort street, Kiior and Merchant streets, and opHsite the Mack Horse Hotel, will Oe atteud.-.- l to. l'Jj-o- C. K. WBI.lil A.ns, (Viliiiiil Maker and Turner. K (L1 ST A XI), IIOTK1 STREET, NEAR T the corner of tort. Furniture of all kinds mad.' and repairi.l. tin hind and f.r sale, HEADY MAI'K FfllMTl'llE. Kua Hoards. and Plank; Cellar, lilaek W'alaul and Cherry Boards; Kisew.i.Nl and Mah".jany Ven.erinir. A law assortment of Uilr .Mouldim.', an.l larsre sized ilass. A variety of llockim;. l'ininir, Ulliee and Children's Chairs. Polished Collins on hand and made to oiler. 15S-l- y S. JOHNSON. II. ALLKN. .BOIISO v am.i:a, i Carpenters, Joiners in Undertakers. Fort Street, iienr Comer of Hotel Slr-el- . LLY INFORM THE Pl ll i S3ESPKCTFI pr.ii ired to exee-ut- any work in the' aOove line, and hope to merit a share of puhlic patrotui).'e. Koa, Pine and Ti iii.iucd Collins 011 hand and made to order. J lj Johhintr done on reasonable terms. Plans and - j tions drawn to order. lS2-t- f e:oece:i:t .n:v s BLACKSMITH SHOP, OX THE NEW ESl'LAX ADK, IS PIIEI'A RED TO I WORK of all kinds in first rate stvle at prices to vA. j I t suit the times. iSVSvSh ' SHIP, CART, CARKIAOE, and all other work in this line, will he done with a and dis- - j imtch not to lx- - excelled. I 7 Horse shoeing, and all other business in the Farriers dc-- iai tmeut, promptly ntlcnded to. PJ'.-t- f Cooperin JAMES A. dTUDICK IX REMOXTXO HIS RI S1XESS to his new COOPERAGE on the Esplanade, Fort st reet, takes this opmrtunity of return- ing his sincere thanks to his friends ami the puhlic in cent ral, for the supiuirt and patron ,TJ;f' aste which thrv have heen pleased to crant him for the past ten years, and Iiojk's that l.y attention t busi- ness and promptness in the execution of all orders intrusted to him, he will merit a continuance of their favors. He has on han 1 for sale upwards ef JiWO harrels of all sorts and sizes. 1 7 a-- 1 y XEW COOPERATE i ANTJION S r.UILDl.NIi, MERCHANT ST. Honolulu. I'alin, II. 1. X II E FXDERSIGXED HAS TAKEXTHE 1 above premises for the purpose, of carryingou the Cooperini: Business in all its various branches, ana solicits a snare oi me punnc patronage. Beinji a practical cooper, lie Hatters himself that lie can do work as well and on as teas. .liable terms as any other esablish-me- nt in Honolulu or on the Sandwich Islands. 147-o- m C FARDEN. V;.' ;'- MACHINE CARPENTER'S SHOP. rflHE CXDERSIGXED XX'OITD INFORM. M. his friends and the public that on the 5th inst. he will re- sume his former business as a F.l'ILDER AND HOUSE CARPENTER, " At the stand hitherto occupied by Messrs. Watson A: Leonard, on the Swinton Premises, King street. With every facility for doing all branches of oo rl "Vl7" o x- - Ik. j the t advanta', he resjiectfully solicits a share of punlic patronage. H.iviiiL' secured the services of a first rate workman, he will also a. 1.1 t'ji bine! MnUiiiii. Turuinji ninl Cur-ria- .l' XX'orli to his other business. X j Stuff sawed and planed by machinery for carpenters and others. C. II. I.KWKR3. N. B. General lutnlM'r business will be conducted as hereto- fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the liest selected stock will lie sold on the most reasonable terms. ICtJ-- tf TiiOiirsoA & ab:viIaJ.i:, BLACKSMITHS, OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE, THE A liOX'E HAVING PURCHASED il... f..rinerlv lu'i'ill.i.il bv M. l. Mrtf fft I H'. are now prepared to execute Ship, Carriaire and Cart r Work, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms, and hoi by strict attention to business to merit a share the public patronage heretofore so lilierally liestowed. 105--tf HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, B V 1 XX". J. ItAXVMXS. isr,-t- f .i:i:.i: iiiotias, M ASIIX, CALL THE ATTEXTION OF! YV the public to his sf-- of material, eonsitins or Ha waiian Lime, California Lime. Bri.-k- , Cement, Fire Clay, Plaster Paris, German Tile and Fire Brick, at his yard, c.ppoite the Citv Market, on Kim: Street. l'JO-l- Harvey V leClyinoiit, PAINTERS. (iLAZIERS, (JILDERS AND PA PER HANOERS, well At SHOP iy hl.U STREET. 155-l- y THE HOXOLULi: IRON WORKS. HE UNDERSIGNED is now d to repair or manufae-ui- all kinds i.f machinery, mill wind lass geariiit:, ship for'inirs and smith work. Cart bosses, force backs, nnvi'.s ic. on hand and made to order. Iron and and best quality of smith's coal for sale. -- tf D. M. WESTON. Lumber! Lumber! rXIIE UNDERSIGNED XX'OULD IIEKEI1V A MY pive to his customers, and the public ceuerally, that j. is prepareil to si II every description "f Xorth Wot luiuher in of quantity, or by small lots, as cheap or cheaper than any other erson in the market, in other words, he wants to sell, and won't be (l.'l-t- C. H.LEW EKS XVILCOX, ItK' H A It OS Ar Co. TILL CONTINUE THE Sllll' CHAN DLERY and COMMISSION BUSINESS in his Xew F:kk-Proo- k Stoiik, ti..w in curse of erection, where he will be pleas.l to meet a 1 his old customers and friends. He will keep on hand a full supply of Ship Chandlery and every descrip- tion i f Merchandise usually re.piir.-- by shipt.ir.E-- 14S-t- f . XX 1LCOX, RICHARDS V CO. TOOLS. A-- 0. AND SAXX'S. COOPER'S HAMMERS II and d. iv.-r-- , farrier and rivet. nir hammers. Ir.n screws. Collins' sleds'..' hanimi rs. Files of quality, nail hammer-- , S- - ts chisel, scr-- w wrench. , cast st-- el autrer?, C. S. auer hilts, pit saws, etc. For sal- - by i.n tf XV. N. LAIiD. 4 HOSPITAL XtTIC:iI ! E DISFEXSA RX" ATTACH ED TO THE Pine T on Kins: Mrei-t- will he u(-- every day from 7j until V. A. M .. for the lisiensi;ti: of medieines to sick in.li-'ei- it Hawaiians. per order: J. XV. AUSTIN, 101-t- f El RECEIX'ED: R. CHURCHILL'S SYR. IIVPOSPIIOS. I) phites lime and sla. Kenedy's Medical Discovery, General assort metit patent me licines an ! drugs. For sale bv J. Si. SMITH .t Co., 194--2- Ci.rnr Fort and Hotel str-e- -t. HOOTS AND SHOES. M EX'S SPLIT RROGAX'S, DO. DO. CASES do., do. do. kip boot. Cases men's spin. Oxford ti-- s. For sale bv 1 '4 4: A. I". EVERETT. yortigu ii".iriis. J . IS . 1 AI T 1 11 , (LATlt l'lAK .V I A1MIK.) Dnt.'t r ii TYFE, PRESSES. PRLTJ.(i MA 'PE- TER I. I., PAPER, CARDS, And Printer's een.r.illy, 13 2 ('In y h! reel, urn r Su iiiomic. Su Franciaee. l'.'T-l- v I'mlrrw riter's Notice. fMIE r.l)F.KSI(.KI. iiavixc; ItEKX a.s.ii,t.s purveyor for the " New V..rli llornj of t'laltT- - writers. takes this meth.sl of inf.ri.iitnc shipmasters that he is always ready at the shortest notice to attend to any hu:iiirsj r Uired of him in that capacity. S. C. XVOODRCFK, Corner of yu.-eu"- s K oad au.1 Polliugcr Street. Hoiiirkonp, Novcmlier, ls'.-.i- . l'.C-l- y MOMrONll. XK W ZIMLAN d7 WILLIAlxT" BUTLER, GHNEUAL MERCHANT, CUSTOM HOUSE AGENT MuiiKontii, HA S M A D E A R R A XG KM F.NTS TO K E El v on hand a large and well selected stock of SALT PROVISIONS, 15REAI), FLO I'R, (.'KOCEIUKS, L'LOTHINi;, SHIP CHANDLERY, and everythinii required for a complete outfit. 1ST Fresh supplies, potatoes, and fircwuml, S.11 furnished at the shortest notice. Moneouui lii in the s.utth:ist part of Lanristan or DouhtleM Bay, and is in latitude u5 dcg. 6 mill. S.,and longitude 173 deg. 'ii niin. K. IS'i-- if HAKODADI, JATAN. POTATOES TPO'IMTOES! TOOO..' 1CCT.S OF IRISH POTATOES in store houses. ALSO, Heel, Pork, ltrend, Arc. ISS-t- f 1 or a!e l.y KSTRA i CO., Hakodadi, Japan. Charles Henry Smith, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Hit Uoliila, Japau. REFERS TO Hexuv A. Pikhi-f- , Vsq., - . Boston. Chaulks Woi-imt- t Uhooks, Esq., - - Sau Francisco. B. F. Sxow, Esq.. ... Honolulu. S9-6- Ill'SSIIM, HAY OF ISLAXDS, NEW ZEALAND, HEARI IIAV1S Ac CO., SHIP CHANDLERS, Custom House A lien Is. mill General Coiuiiii ion Merehuula. nAVKCOXSTAXTbV OX HAND A LARGE description required by whale ships. Bills of exchange on the United States and Flurojie nego- tiated. ll-5- m A. i:. WE11TI. Ai CO., MERCHANTS, COMMISSION AGENTS & AUCTIONEERS A'niroa, Ni'W Zealand. Gj-m- 's scppi-ie- d XX'ITII POTATOES and stores of every description. Capt. G. II. Sori.u,"ship Milo. 44 A. Bahbkk, ship Benjamin Tucker. J. II A rsi ix, ship Goethe. ' Smith, ship V.. F. Mason. 44 Hi ndks, ship M. 'acorn. 44 Oscar dk (Jkaxpsaiuxk, ship Nil. 44 Daiimaxdahitz, ship Gen. d'HautpooL Lkw-a-st- ship Caulaiucourt. 171 tf .11 r. .IOII A A 1, 12X . II A THEWS, COMMISSION M ER C II AN T , Qurrn's l'lnrr, Sydney. 1j- - Reference to W". L. Oukkx, Honolulu, S. I. 104-C- m CCSTOM HOUSE COMMISSION' AGENT MAXGOXUI, NEW ZEALAND. TT Shipping suppliiil or. the most reasonable terms. aI 35 6 S., Imii;. 173-3S.- . 41-l- y " SAlIIi. c. avooorijfF, ANI)rER. STOREKEEPER AXT SIIIPCII .4(iE.T. Goods bought and sold on com mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice-- ' Corner of yrKEX's Road and Pottixi;kr stiikkt, lloiigkoiiK1 JT Refers to Thomas Spknckk, A. J. Caktwbioht. J. C Spaldixu. Honolulu, Sandwichlslaiids. 104--ly KTOTICE ! Competition the Life of Trade ! VORTII XX'EST LCMI1KR AT 30 PER M 11 fctt, Cfiiitiiti-- i of INCH BOA It I)S, 2t3 3x1 tZxC, ' F ir sale bv 192-t- f GEORGE O.HOWE. ' j LUMBER! LUMBER! XII E UX I) ERSIG X ED OFFERS FOR SALE his well assorted stock of NORTH AVKST LUMBER, Consisting of 2x8 1 H l j :t:t i s c A A T MAG :tx l three cnls a fool. by wholesale or retail. Also, a assorted stock of other Building Materials at Reduced Rates. C. II. I.EWERS. .ILST RECEIVED! PER CLIPPER BAKK " IXiimilircy lNTclso-a,- " FROM LIVlIItl'OOL! AND FOR SALE BY THE UX DERSIGXED, N ENTIRE CARGO OF ENGLISH AND . French p'suls, si cially seli-cte,- ! for this market, and Ob the mot valuable ever hn.ught to this port, including Piece Bonds. Blankets, Fancy (foods, Saildlery. Hardware. Gr':eri , Liquors. Best brands of ale and porter, Meam blacksmith's coal, Liverpool salt. Fencing wire. Sugar pans, etc ALSO. An invoice of procerics and malt liquor per 44 Gomelia" from Liverpool, as well a a very variously assorted invoice per X'ankee" from San Franci.-c- o. 17j.tf J ANION, GREEN CO. Lumber, .Shingles an 1 Clapboards. itm tti FEETX. XV. LUMBER, Jtt. v" f W f c.nsi-tir.- g of roiiirh and planed anil Scantliiiu' of all sizes, loO.OOO Shinirl'-s- , sawed, shaved cedar and Eastern, Claptioards, 4. 6 and J2 f.i t loiip. Spruce do, 4 and G f.s-- t lonir, ;,-- w.aiHl Clapboards. 0. 12, 14 and feet lonir, XVhite oak. 1. 1J and 1 inches. Sheathing, i, i and I inch. .rimr Northwest, spru. e, yellow pine, white pine, Ac, Ai.-- all kinds of buildiiijl Materials wanted in this market. i:jS-t- f For sale at l..w. st rates by C. H. LEWERS. Doors. Window Sash. Blinds, EX " MODERN TIMES." v f. DOORS. ASSORTED SIZES, WITH J W moul.lmps an.l raisisl panel. 50 Sash Doors, assorted sizes. .WO pair XVindow Sash, assorted sizes. i 250 pair Blinds, with and with-ai- swivels, ass d sizes. Selected expresslv for this market, and for sale low l.y ;;7.tf GEORGE G. HOXVE. D. C. M lil KK. J. C. liWI L Tlt lU l i: iV lllilCKILI,, (1oiiiniissioii HciTliants AMI Aicrno.i:i:i:s. Ati EXTS OF TIIK Regular I)iiileli l.iurof Honolwlu I'nckela. 3 7 All freicht arrivine in transitu f.w the Sandwich Islands, will lie received and forwarded hy the Regular liatcti tan," FHKk OF MMI"l.. Particular attei.tioii paid to f..rwanliu and trausliipment of mer.'han.lis.', sale of wiial.iucn'. hill, and othr.' ckrhaaK, of inerchao.lisi' ami secie under o(ien ieiiei-s- , supply iug whah-ships- charterinj; ships, etc. 43 an.l 4.1 Culilorniu .irrrl. KhFIH T : Captain 11. V. Sxow , j Messrs. C. BaKWiii A- - Co., ' . Ilunoluul. A. P. KvKiiKir. Esg., S B. 1IV.WA.X, tsie,., ... Hilo. 120-t- f (HAS. WOLCOTT HKOOliS, SIHPPIXti AND Coinmissiou Merchant. AND FORWARDING AGENT, 123 Siinsome Street, San Frnntisco, Cnl. IJA KTKTLAK ATTENTION CIVKX TO Pnn-has- Shipuieiit and sale of MeicliHiKlie ; to and Transhipment of (l.iols in transit ; the Chartering and Sale of Vest-els- ; the Suppliii; of W halesuips ; and lh Negotiation uf Exchange. Eirkaaxr ou 11 oaalalu in Sum. REFF.RRXCES B. F. Ssow, Ksq., Homilulu. C. BkKWRa, Ki.. TsiaUiu. C. Bmkw kk li. Co , Jas. IUnskwki.i., f-- ' J. S. W'ALkkR, K., " 7 liKxav A. Piaaca, lai., " Wn.eox, RicHAKiis k Co., Bahsim W. Fiklu, Kjk., Honolulu. ItKXJ. PlTMAX, Esq., Hilo. ISS-t- f C. S. Haktow, Ki., laihaina. M. C. MOXSAHBAT. JAMKS Al MOM. .tIOASAKISAT A: AItIO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sau Frnuciseo, California. X'irlorin, - - - - X'amrtatrr't la REFER TO : Baxk ok th RupinLir, - - New X'ork, I. 8. A. Messrs. Oordos, BarcK & MoAi'liff, " Rohkkt C. J ASi.iN, Ksg., I.ivcriKl, Oreat Britain. Messrs. .1 axiox, Jkkrx A- - Co., Honolulu, ii. I A. J. Caktwriuiit. Ksy., iS5tf GRirFITTS MOKUAS. C. 8. HATHA WAT. s. r. sroas MOKGAV, STOXE & CO., Commission ami Forwarding Merrhants, San Francisco, Cat References, T. 8. Hathaway F".sq. Messrs. T. ti A. R. Nye, At Swift A: Perry, Xew Bedford, Messrs. Urium-l- l Minturo a Co., New X'ork, John M. Forl.es Esq., BomUiu, Mmin. Par- kins k Smith, New Londan, Daniel C. W aUrman Ksq. la olulu. tf BAPiItV & IATTEX, IMPORTERS, WHOLES.. LE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN W1XES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, fc. 1 1U Moil I vomer jr al.. San Franeiae. 68-- 1 y ii. Vb:sti:k v co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN AND lsiqi.ory of every IleMcriptioii 101 FRO.VT STREET, Between Washinetou and Merchant. 115 tf SAN FRANCISCO fliHl M.' mm.jm.im m w " mm im.. "i FACTO It V. OF EVERY SIZE MAM CiORDAGK to order. Constantly on Land, larpe as ortmentof MANILA A.D HEMP ROPE, (all slies), Bala Roe, Tow Line, Oakum, Ac, for sale hy TUBUS A CO., 197-l- y 1.19. Front Street, San Francisco. PACIFIC FOUNDRY S; MACHINE SHOP Sail Frniiciwco, ESTABLISHED 1U50. rMXPE I'NDERSIGXED MAXUFACTURK K STEAM ENGINES AND BOILEUS, SAXV, FLOCR AND SI GAB MILL MACHINERY, GEAIUNG. SHAFTING, GASVAND WATER PIPB, AXD IRON AX1) BRASS CASTIXGS tF DE- SCRIPTION. Having every faciliij for doinir koo.1 work in the lt manner, and at very reasonable rates, we have confidence in calling the attention of parties in the Sandwich Islands requiriuir any work in our line to our establishment. Orders will lie with dispatch. I r Messrs. V. I.. Hanks At Co. will receive orders, ana act our Agents it. Honolulu. GODDARI), IIAXSCOM If RANKIN, C Pniprietors. LOOK TO YOUH HOOl Cl TI I . I )S' ELASTIC FIRE AND WATER IBATENT for Imildiiixs of every This material iMissi-sse- s all the virtues with no'ie of TIIE DE- FECTS OF ASPII ALTI.'M, being more elastic and durable ami Ices brittle, while it is pcrfe:tly Secure Against Fire and Water. It is a Perfect resisti-n- t of the atmosphere, havinif fieen thor oughly trieil in New England and varmiis parts of the Uniteil Stau-s- , inrlu linir California and Oregon, ami haa every wber been found to lie the Chrnpml mill Ri-a- t Roof In le. It can also be laid over Leaky Rimfa of Tin and other Mrlal. Onlers fiile.1 for any part of the country, accomiuilel with printed iustructiotis for application of the material, which lisasy and simple. Sold in barrels of forty gallons, at f 40 ier barrel. Also, in half barrels. A barrel will covpr 800 square feet of metal. Soucl for n. Circular. All orders promptly attended to by J. II. PURKTTT, A (rent, 185-2:- n 1H3 California itreet, Han Francisco. a. C. HI OHES. T. If. n'COMMOB III .IIi:S & O'COA'AOK, SOLE AGENTS FOR Phelan's Model Billiard Tables, PATEXT COMBINATION CUSHIONS, Jtc, IN CALIFORNIA AND OKECON. .Tlnii ii factory mid Sales Rooms, ISO Ayn 1S2 Mo'yTliOMERY STREET, CAL. 1J- - purchases of tables an-- l ajiparatus can be made through A. D. C ART W RIGHT, 171-fi- Honolulu. a i.w .ii i sic stoui: i CLAY & IIKRWIC, 17C Clay Slreel, San F'raneiaeo, Califarnla. PIANOS AND MELODEOX. enrtrx aIi l'linK MITSIfr f'TTl FLUTES AND CLARIONETS, ACCORDEONS AND FLUTINAS, VIOLINS AND OUITARS, II VNJOS AM) TAMRORINES, RILASS INSTRUMENTS. Discretionary orders for music filled by one who undersUnds the wants of pupils in all stages of progress. The subscr-lier- call particular attention to their fine assort- ment of Pianos which comprise a full assortment of I nstrumsnls from the following celebrated makers : BROWN, ALLEN & CO.. HALLET, DAVIS & CO., WOODWARD & BROWN, P.OARDMAN & GRAY. Mklopeoss, from CARHART A NEEDHAM. Alo O. A. PRIXCE A Co.'S Roman Violin and Ouitar Ftnrifrs Prices loir.' No "extra charge for packinp and shipping. Or ders forwarded throutrh H. M. XVbitncy, of Honolulu, will & promptly attended to. 171-C- BASS' ALE. BARRELS, I DOZ. EACH, QUA RTS. 50 Ft ssle low by (17J-tf- ) J. C. SPALDING. .1 alwaji Column, constitute th.t, butter lady story. gcod i'lh'!r!i;littl Imp-irii-- r nioluln, Honolulu Furlaial lirst-cla- ss re- quired ailvanced funuhin handise. attended i'milLM SION AOEXT PaIIKKH, ALU separate innlenite. Sandwich charge4 cor piekks always Jl'ST FAC- - EVERY i. h I f I 1 I 3 . I i ; A t

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Post on 25-Jan-2021




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  • liTill: PACIFIC

    roM m k un.iL a i v i: iiti s k it .I, Mblia'l Every Tharcdaf Msrain;. i vrv vf TO Al KKTISKRS AM) M IM RII1K.RS.

    Oiiitnirii, fu-n- l iui,iii u ami n..ii,'ti or r.n.niuiitrat:n.ntri.!i ily t ft i iliri ln-.- i' lnlii-.- . : trhair.tf TWinled f.f --nVI piper .r-- i c .untri- - will h f 7 50 r.,r arm., .vltni-i-nirii:- 5

    wto--h cerrr the ..TTinn tak and th- - t.-n- e r.f forward-p- C A vf rti viiumi rpl.iynl in l:ir.-- r I lrin utual, r uV.eni la- - ..Iln-ei.- f paLia-ation- . Ail i nl f American ji-- tan .r. will ha- - I'. Stateiir tan..- - otiiherp, IT Snir.'t-o- fur Ihi l'immi-r'in- l A..frttrr anU A1var-tivnitM- iiwhich prevent anv American w c r!,:iM i,n' an- .imI! irihiilit t ih tvji-c-LV.r de! very. r-- i.-- prefer Live th-- ir 1 N.i trai.Mi :t a.l itit-i.t- w .',1 iurtfil un)oi laK-rii-par, t .rwardd throu::h th- - II.iw.ian ma. I.ati jr wu.i rr ii.iiin-m,r- i will e ' H4R-.- t r llllltWttcll AMlHf IT rrT-it.!- . i,ri' fp.n all pur of the I'aoiflc af'llA il transient a reri; wont 'frt insertion) "T line V --". WW h1 wry ac-i- : i(each .1... - .... in., COMMKKCI Ui l'KITIX; OKFICK.r.-s cara. it 1 rv-'--i.- i. im.-.- ) r anr.iuo lyi.( E.i.-- h a.!. I, line., i. t.X a! way, iri advance. . Xlvt I'Mui. ltOOK A M .l)ll I'Hl VTI"fif f.ips , "-I- iii 4 ii.ki-,- , f.rl 1 11

    Each uf.-il- i iit insertion Mrli. rrnUiX'KS, . i'K KM U AXliK41 astiu . Aucniri-iia- a dl he cl..iriri at the fuilowinir ratr. fATAI.in.rES. Id I.I.P- MK ItlUM)...J'i.' al the end of1 ij each ; Hll. I. HKAH.e. 0NS lll.NK.,F ir or. .l;ir-- . - r tin- - njK:. of l.ne.) per pi.irtr... 00 lKi l l.IUS, 11 LA K KKKIKSf.xfwt urth i.f an.luiiin. -r vi.irl.-- r Jjj in, At TI Illl.l S. I1AMI ItJLlJ?.f .r of a ............... .foil f rAMI llI.l.TS, HII.IJI.FUr a wn-.l- c lurtiTt. i- - r mi irt r. ....................,"7 .j JT VISITIS.J. M"SIXK. ASM A1PB KSS O KPS lntJma Wisiki-- Carl Pre'," in fif l.ii:li- -t ttyW rt thf art.

    ComiMTcial Advertiser. ITHI.ISHKI) WKKKI.V 18V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANIXS MARCH to, 110. SIX IIOl.l. Alls I'KU ANM .M.) VOl. IV. o. I- -'. WllOl.t: V.!!)!!, orfip earis.Tbr Tmr Nobility.

    bt t. r. i rum.H htf the true Nobility

    1!' li, nor nam:. n.,r outward ,mi, nor ,wtI'm.! have llp-- .ill rii iou men may be

    TV id- I an I ti. 1 j;- - ar t of anBut ti- t. have a iT and honest heart,

    AVit- - all an! aKre a!l rrmfAn I art ripht an I part

    I.I frr rirrinn.ti.nr ,,f phicr ami timi.If- - Lu tliu. fr m h. pal-n- t Utkt 4

    lln SInkT f mi-- 1 lira tl.e tru-- X'.M.-'oai- i ;WiJt-V- r i an. I vici'iu iWi.,

    Ai"l ai-- f f.11 !. nn. !..ii..-;i-: .l n.Tiin- - c(i.tnL- - ar'.iin.l luin 1, in.-.-- t mu-- Lim rn.l,Thr a:t that K'i U hi ia'.h f il nor um dim.


    Who h.ith acliiog teeth hathVoit cannot tn:iLe velvet of a sow'n c.ir.L.jr cf th? tirent Hdlern Deliy.Fireman's M.fti '.Vater, wattr everywhere, but

    111 1 Jrr.p t Jr'.nV.He U tni!j wLk; who can eu Jure evil anj enj.jr

    Bocir. lir. with h:it little show; you may increaseit afterwar 1.

    It 11 cimraon, ay Tacitus, to entccm most what isnot unknown.

    It & w mors to fx? mi.erahle than W011M makeus perffly hapfy.

    H'Vn rreat run sto..pj or trip, the ?ma!l menarouo'l hiru nuii lvtily Lecunie greater.

    We iirpoe that toleration is carrie-- I quite far IentiU't wlu'ii men tolerate iiitoU-runce- .

    Never 'le-pi.-- ie hu :iil.Ie ervicl8; when large shij.stun aruuii.l, Iitllv liti.ts may pull theut otT.

    Cbinlren are much liie as they areniollel,to will tiiey turn out.

    He is first-rat- e collect' r who can. up?n all occ-Fio-collect hU witA.

    ScinJiI. like the Nile, m fel by innumerablestream; but it is extremely difTicuIt to trace it to itssource.

    Why woul l a printer make a gool lawyer ? lle-ca- 'ith wouU always be sure to unlM-9tati- I the

    case."A Yankee wh- - rcrently retume j from Newfuun'l- -

    Un-I- , r that the lv 1 so th:ck there that he usedto drive nail in it to ban hii bat on.

    An Arkansi- - paper say?, that many of the girls inthat State frruw bix ft high. They 1uu.1l be uncom-monly well cultivated.

    Cilin in lln ition. Spill me hot soup over anc!J lres aal nee how she will take it !Punch.

    An exchange sa.-- s "in the absence of botheditor, the publisher b id euccenie.! in ieciirinif theservioes of a tnllttH.m to edit the parer that week."

    Wife I d.in'i think, husband, that you are verysmart." " No, in deed, wife; but everybody knows Iarn awfully thrtutJ."

    The line which divides some Christians from theworld it truly a mathematical line without breadthor thickness.

    An old lover is ridiculous; you had better give upall thoughts of luve-lette-rs when you cau no longerread thetu without spectacles.

    We are not deposed to denounce the Presidenthard words no parsnips." Via. Cazrtte.And we too might be disposed to forego the use of

    hard word.4, if we had no uoller obj'.-c- t in view thanto butter parsnips.

    He that never acknowledges himwlf to have beenwrong, probably will never be right : the best confes-sions were written, not by the worst, but by the betof men.

    There but one way of aecuring universal equalityto man. and that is to regard every honest employment as honorable, an-- l theu lor every man to learn,in whatsoever state he may be therewith to be con-tent, and to fulI5l, with strict fidelity, the duties cfhis station, and to make every condition a jm.t ofhonor.

    CortTET. No woman can be a who wouldwound or mortify another. No matter Imw beauti-ful, how rt fined, how cultivated she may he, she is inreality coarse, and the innate vulgarity of her naturemanifests itself here. Uniformly kind, courteous andpoiite treatment of all persons is one mark of a trueWoman, and of a true man also.

    Wisiiom asd Ii;.oR t.vie The wi.--e are modest indepi rtmct.t. the ignorant assume many airs of conse-quence. An ignorant d in ly may be known by hisdictatorial cur-- e at hotels and on steamboats. Hemakes inort nVi--e th in a hundred Franklins.

    L.Tease cf crime follows a decrease of criminals.Ireland emptied her penitentiaries", jiils. work-house- s,and housi-- s of upon the United States.Wh'le there has teen a deere:ise of crime in thatCountry, wh.it has It-e- the state of the case in .theother i

    A Commentary os Cesar. Julius Caisar's letter,I came, I saw, I conquered," has admired lor

    nearly two thous.m l yiars for its terseness. Wethink it rather verb.-- . The words " I saw" areentirety supertluot a. Indee-1- , we think I came"wholly unnecessary. " I conquered" would tell t!iewhole Hut Julius had, 110 doubt, a dealof leisure when he wrote that letter, and his styleauJered in consequence.

    WALL sntEKT.At Hi ti nf thr atreet the lawjrrr ymi prwtat tl ti"tn ih-- : lorv yno're o r:ain 10 meet.

    ly . lioiM-- . f?y ;e naf r rvtreut.F.-- r tlierr'a i mit in tti- - rier ami run in the atrvet.

    ma iintiN ani-LT- .AViy .IiOuM h.ti:iy fly to me aafer retrvatIn.m the l:gn rr atct iarir ll rot Viu,

    hen the Ltwyer an? jr.r at the t"p e.f the atreetAu.1 the bar.r, are jt .r at the Kit dm ?

    Here is a fifty years old jeu d''esprit that is quite asfpiod as new. A rich old irentleinan by the uame of(joul I married a girl not yet out of her teens. Afterthe wedd.n, he wrote the following, to inform afriend of the h ippy event :

    ia r my r Inrtr.Truih riirhty rar oU,

    A irirl ntiirtmifall in love wish iH tioulj '."

    To which the doctor replied :A pirt of niitt---

    I.iy lore thmM. it i true ;But lri.ire me. itear iiir.

    It i icl.t with ml 4 I !"rBrriciL JuKixii. A few days sir.ee," writes

    an attorney, "as I was sitting with Brother I) ,io his office in Court Square, a client came in andaid.

    Squire I , Wifgins. the livery-stabl- e man,rhaved me dre vlfully, yesterday, and 1 want to cometip with him.

    " 'State your case, says I"Client I asked him bow much he would charge

    me fir a horse and wagon to go to Dedham. He saidone dollar and a half. I took the team, and when Icame back. I paid him one dollar and a half, and hesaid he wanted another dollar and a half for comingback, and made me pay it.

    1 gave hint 84me legal advice, which theclient immediately acted upon, as follows :

    " He went to the stable keeper and said," How much will you charge me for a horse and

    wairon to go to S tlem ?Wijrgins replied, Five dollars.

    " Harness him up '.'" Client went to Salem, came Lack by railroad,

    went to the stable saying," H ire is your money," paying him five dollars." ' Where is my horst'and wagon ?" says Wiggins." He is at Silem, savs client, I only hired him"to g to Salem.' "

    Preparations for Hair.FISH'S 11 I H KKTORATIVE,

    AU'-ti- 'i Zr!ua!uiium,liofclc'a iiypermn,

    Barry' Tricr.plieriia,boruetJ Cwiine. For ale ty

    J. M. .MITII t'U..14-2- ai - Corwr Fort ami Hotel tret.

    .lniinN(ra.or Notice.'piIK rM)KKl(iEI). HAV1XC BEEN"

    M. July appmnKil A lminivatirM "f tlw iate of John kich-arUo- n.Ule A Waikaia. Maui. dct-ar.l- , hereby rie notice toB pm indrlitrri to tnr saiil retain to make immediate pay-

    ment to tkm, amt to all rons having claim, annint the KiiJtat, to pmeni the tame with pcor ruuchers ami Terifics-tioc- a.kdward p. noxn.Ibaifia, 15. 1S!). 14-l- TIIOS. Yi . KVERfTTT.

    . r. i:vi:ui:tt,63-- t 11 ,1.,: ilu. tali a. H. I.

    .. I (OMilHN,5-- tr K 'r'-- i t, II .ii'.!u:.i. ihiha.

    HAWAII A X KbOI'R f'O.MI'A XV.l'X-t- f A. 1'. EV KK KIT, Tr.ra-ur-- rr anJ A:erit.

    ii. l i:vr. its.I.un.r an-- IttiU.lir-- rnitt' riaU.Eort tu!-i- . lo.S-t- ff)in ..;. w. H. I'.Woso.

    II. DIMOM) Ac SOX,an.! . r in hardware, .aiut.-i- , mU aul jriri-ra- l

    ln-- tf

    IIK.MtV ltOltl.NSO.'SWin-- , rjiirit ami C Charlton Wharf, Honolulu.

    B. Vi.1 . I T. rn. C. II KICKVon IIOIT A. II I'l t K.

    Om-ra- t fomniis'iiin II ni'.lulu. O.il.u, ?. 1 105-t- f

    A i.r.x. j. AitTAvnif;irr,Comm:ii'rt a:il ien-ra- l fhippiti Avut, H"nolulu,

    Oahn, II. 1. loi-t- f

    :oiriti:v it h onus,Wholesale lV.al.-- r in Wines au l Joints, Ale ami I'nrter, r

    the Piit li!:.:.-- , II .li..!iilu. 4'1-- tf

    (;i:oit(;i: now i:,LuDiiier I :ham Var 1 nn C.uki II'.L-- k. uriKi:, N-- w E.

    pl an Hi.?. 105-t- f

    ii. ii v Kri:iii Ac o.Coniini.isinn A.":iiIa, aii-- l ship han ll.-r-

    Oal.u.. I. loVtfK. O. II A I.I.

    Iniimrter ami kaWiii llar-lware- , lry i 1, Pi.iiits, Oil, amigeneral lise. comer f Fort an. Kirii n'r-e- ts. Iu5 t

    ;i:oit(. k TA II K.Dealer in Irv n l Fam y !.!, II.it-- 1 Mreet ltween Nna.nia

    ami MauaaVra II 5. I. 11 tf

    JlHX THOMAS XVATKItllOI Si:,Irai-.rter-

    , W h..l"ali' ami Hit ail Wal- -r in Merchan.lise.llounlulu. au.1 Laliailta. Maui.

    T. auiuaai. r hMOSS.MAX Ac SON,

    Bakers, linirriiuiil Ivalers in lry i.o-ls- , Nuuanu street, Honoiuiu, il.hu, S. I. 1J7 tf i

    XV. X. .ADD,Importer aiul Ival.-- r in Hakiiwakc. I'tTLKRr, Mtrii.ixtrs '

    T. mils aiul A. .Kii i i.tiual larLiatNTs, Furl street, II. mo--lulu. loi-- tf

    j.vxhfX, :itniixv .,Cnrnmi4iiin !er-,i.i- Fire-I- 'f .mf Ihiililint;,. Queen streit-iioui.iu'.-

    April 1. Is J. loi-t- f

    XV. CISC II II It.Cabinet Maker ami Freie-- Polish-- r, Hutel Street, oj.josite the

    Hou..'. 41 tf

    A. S. Ac .XI. S. tatlXIJACM,Iiupurter ami Wh..;.--al- in C'othimr, Hats,

    Cap, IH.t and shi-- . a'al ev.'ry variety of ll.'iitlTnen'sui4Tior FiiniL-hi-ii Iioin!. Mure, corner of Fort and

    Merchant sir.-- . Is, Honolulu. Oahu. ll'J-t- f

    A. HAKklS, OAHI . F. B. HAWAII

    Alll'li II VltlllS A. CO.,Dealer in all kinds uf Hawaiian Produce. Honolulu. Oahu, II. I.

    .ira Hi is i.f Exchaiu:.? on Jlessrs. Mcltu. r i; Merrill, fanraoi I'. A. lJii-t-f

    ItlTSOX Ar II VKT,f ucci--.r- s li Ir. Il'.:iry K"liiri--iii- , W li..les-il- Wine lend Spirit

    Merchants, Honolulu. II. 1 , under the Kmiiu uf A. J. fami a', the of Kaahumanu sir., t. 3.1-- 1 f

    it. r. sxoxv,General Commission Merchant. Honolulu, Oahu, Haa. Islands.

    AOKNT riiBRegular Une nf Rovtou and Packets.

    of Cotfi-- fnm the Titcunih Plaiitatt'iu.Sale of Cpick.-- r llp.lhers At Co'a Yellow MeUil.New Itnotii'ic Ceunpauy. I'i3'tf

    CUAS. R. Bbll'ir. WW. A. ALDHIcnIIISIIOI V CO.,

    Bankers. O.lic.; in tiie east comer of "Makcea Hock," onKaahumanu -- tr.- t, Hon .lul.l.

    Will receive il''i.s Ls. liusiuess pajier, andattend to coil.-ctin- . co. 1 1 tf


    XV. A. AM)ItICII,ImHirter and in Ierehandi" ; Cmnmissinn

    Aireiit f .r the sa.- ! M:ar, .loia-s.-- s ami nuee, an.l innerIsland Produce. A.-en-t r the l.mi v. Plaxtati.ix. Consionnn-nt- uf all kinds of Island Produce soliciteil. Orders '

    for Vlerchaiidise promptly altendeil tu. 105-t- f j

    SAM L. S. AHoS. S. COOKE.

    casti.!: & cooki:,Importers and Wholesale and a.l dealers in (ieneral

    at the old stand, corner of the Kinit and Scho.stn-cLs- , near the Liri-'- e Church. AIo at the St-ir-f.nnerly by C. II. Xiiiiolson. in Kins street, oppo-site the Scamans Clia l. A'lenls for Br. Jayues' Medi-cines. lu-t- f

    J. II. WOOD,Man if u tur. r, Irr. H.n.r and ivali.r in .ts and Shoi-- of evry

    . Sh.- - 1'iiidipe, Pump, Sole, Rijirine, Harness,and Patent leathers. Call, 'Soat, Iloir, and Buck Skins iTntiiks, alis.-- . Spurn:. c Gloves. Foils, and Masks, Blackinir. Brushi-s- , llosa-ry- , :". A;c. Brick Shoe store, corner ofFort and .Merchant sts., Honolulu. H. I. lf

    GEORGE C. SIDERS.51amiftcturer and dealer in Tin. Shei't Iron, and Copier wan.

    Ka.ihuniai.ll street. op-sit- J. C. Spalding's lloiiolulii. I'..Summer Bakers. Tin and Cnp-- Pump, liathimr Tubs,Foot and Shower B ith. Tin and Zinc R.mfliiif, and a f

    a.irtnieiit i.f Til- - ware. Ship work executed withand dispatch. lf

    IT A I Ar A II II II,Agents f-- r the Suirar Plantations .A Aiko. at Papakoa. and I wo,

    Ht I'iiI... Ililo ; 1uik .rters and W h..I.-al- e an.l ail Ieal-er- sin China ' ! ; have on hand, for sale, at their estah

    ments on ivioi stres t, Honolulu, and at Lahaiua, M i.itSm.-a- Mola.- -. Syrup, T-- a, C.tT.i-- . and a larire amivari-- d a.'rt-tmen-: of c'-n- i ral merchainlise

    Honolulu. Au."i.t 11, li7. 53-l- yTHOMAS SPII.Xt;Hlt,

    Ship Chandler, Itealer in M'Tchandise, and CommissionMt rcijiiit. Honolulu, Oahu, S. I., keeps constantly on handan extensive ass- - rtuient of every description of goods

    by whaleship and others.Shipping furni'he.1 nh all kinds of crocerie. provision, AiC,

    at the short--- i n..ti.'. at the very lowest market prices.rr Mouey r wliahrs' o.Us al the lowest rates.105-t- fIt. PITMAN,


    Ililo. I l:i wuii.N. B Money advam-ei- l on Whalers Bills. If4-t-f

    t. c. WATrKMlX. ' HS r. P..PE.I). C. WATERMAN A. CO..f V V.n.sO V Mli( Hjyrs.

    E.pei-j.--il attention paid to the interests of the Whatinir Fleet, t ythe of funds, purclia.' and i f Evh.inw'c. Oil,Bone, ral Merehan. and the ppsuriii: of lnii,ht. )

    P.EFr.IlENCES. )IMe,sr. Iac Il iKuw. Ja., X Co.. N-- w l!ilf..r.lW. G. E I'el-i- - Es.j.. d . j

    1..k..ax. Si xk k C.i., San Francisco. ;Mi Ri A: Mi.kkii t.. do. l)5-- :f


    CilLMAX .V CO..Ship Chandkrs and Dealers in Genera! Merchan.Use,

    L A II A I X A , MAUI, II . I .Ships hupplie-- l with ta.ul facilities for storage. Cash j

    furnisheil for runs m excnain;e. -- iy

    HOLMIS A-- CO.,bin Chandlers and Csnmission Men-han- t and IValer In

    lten-ra- l .lercr An'iise. .i;iui. nai'-- r i ai isin-- nwith recruits at the shoru-s- t notice-- , in for c--or bill. 34-- 1 f

    s. x. k.xir.it sox,Waialua, Oahu. r in General Merchandise, Country Pro

    luce such as Corn, Beans. Bananas, Butter, Ees. Ac. !5.1--1 f

    J. XVOItTII.DeahT in Men Hilo. H iwnii. Ships supplied

    with reeruils at the shortest notice, on rease.i.ableB:il uf exi haii):" want"!. tf

    1. X. n.lTXKK,Continue hi old bu.-i:ii--s at the new st.-r- in !ake s n-- w fire

    pr-- f iu, l niiL--i aiu.e sunn r. .,,!. iv lr.Ho;TmaTin, c .ru- -r oi yn-e- aim ixaanuma"u sin-ei-

    Chnmniieters --t it- -1 by ol,s. rvati..:. f th- - sun and starswith a transit instrument accural, ly a.ijiite. to theneri.lian of Honolulu. Particular att.-iiti- - n tiven to fine

    watch S'xtanl and quadrant l'1:i.-.--s silvcn-.- lan I adjute.l. Charts an.l nautical iii.trum.-nt- s con.tantlyon hand and sale. 44-- tf

    CIIAltl.HS XV. VIXCIIXT,CONTRACTOR AX D BOLDER. The uudersiirne.1 would

    his fre-nd- and the public, that he has taken andfitted up the pr. mis.-- . . n rt street, oppii:c C. Breweril's Su.re, as a CARI'EX Ti R SHOP, and would solicit thatpatronage .n-- so lilierally tiestnwe-1- All orders inthe various branches of Building. Plans, Specitications andContracts. to with ir .mp'.ness and diiiatchCHAKLES W. MXCEXT.

    (. it. DO'iRS, WINDOW S ASH, and all other articles jierainitiff to lnil.l It.jr , constantly on hand ar.d t r sale. V3- -


    ja:mts5 car Us.

    IHJ. A. N. CIiAltKi:,Surgical and Mechanical Dentist.O.Ti'-- rirt i...r I Vur .,i ai r ?t..r.-- , M.crci.aijt S;rt.rt.

    oflirt h'.urs fr..m a A. M.. tu li l'.M. 17J-:- f1K. J. MOTT SMITH

    X3 13 1NJT 31 ?3 T .OrS --e c irri.-- of f..rt ;n: I II :! Stre-.-t- v

    ; 1 1 i, i VM II I'M Pi I It MVS,Xntarv I'li'iii"-- . :!je il ''io C"url II iii-- c, up slair?. lOJ-t- f


    Oltire in Hon-'lui- House, over t!ie I'i.t icVu-- 66-- tf

    HOC CM A XX.riiysici.tu anJ urj "II, M:ikt:? r. K, O'Til'T lil- en ami Kna

    iurii;tii!i t. .fJ. I. Itl.AIK,

    Attoriu vand ("..utki II r at Law. an-- l Ai'miralty. ff-fic- eovi--r lir. liu.Ui'U lia sinri.-- f i.moluu, . I. 140-t- f

    I.. Uc( TbbV,Attorney at w. .ir;-- . with . C. llarri.--. E.. 143--tf

    oit. roitirsUlliri-- anJ lni Sturi-- , K.i.ihuiiiniiu Stp'et, opput-it-Mx-- . Slap" M. .liri:i- - th'-- ts ainlcan-full- prrpan-il- .

    IT Hot, colli, vaiMir, uli'iwt-ran--l meilicatcl Iiarus. at all hoursly

    :iias. r.;nLi,(ir, .M.Lat-- - ?iiru-..- ii t"i.i!.-.- l s.:lt,.4 Navy, ('.insular I'liy -- ietHii tt sick

    Aim'ri"an :i:i..-n ami pracliiion-r-Office, rorn-- r K.ia'.imi.in.i an J yireei. anl rcsiiltnce

    at I'r. M tnsiim, II. il l ir.- - t.Mtnliral ati'l iirjrical a.lvice in EiiL'lih, an--

    Italian.O.Tice h"iir4 fn.m 11 a. M. to 2 P tit other h urs inquire at

    his re.iilelll-e- . tf


    J anion's new .jee.i str.ir1, Honolulu, H. I.

    hi:feekxck.s.Slessrs. Sampsos .t Tappas. -

    " It. llKli.HAII &L Cel.," lll'TI.KK, Kk.tu X ll!LL, - ii

    Ilonolu'u, July 1. ls.iT. 6;s-- tfSHKaaAS pmk. niAS. UH. n f.H, 11'.c. itituxv nit a co..Comiiiissinu an.l ShippiiiL' M rehauts, II itiolulu, Oahu, H. i.

    HEEEK TOJauks Hl NXF.WH I., Ei , Huston.1IHKW I.U, El., S

    s. M.'Ui i.k A: Mr.Kuu i., &an Francisco.l HAS. ttiiU uTr Es-p- ,Mks.RS. W". I'fSTlt Co., Hoinrkoni;

    lf.ssR.s. 1'kki.i:, III UHl.i.L A; Co., Manil.ultii-t- f


    CKIIO'K I,. HANKS Ac CO.,Commission :uil fhi'pin; Merchants, H molulu, Hawaiian

    Islands.KEF Ell 1 )

    .Mi Ri ra .t Mi- kkii I , San Fritici4.-o- .KIXNel L. Miti as A; Co, New York.

    fniil A I.I.KX. Xew ltedfor.l.t H is. Set uiii:k i Co., lloston.loo-l-y



    fiKiRi;R V. I'KAn.inv, Esij., Philadelphia.El.lSIIA IlASkKLL, Es., - Xew Bedford.

    Messrs. Kkau. aiius.:ii .V C. ., Boston.W Al.tio, li.lKIIY .V Co., New York.Aekiixktiiv, I i ikk .v. Co., San Francisco.Kaix.i:k A; Lixukmikhokk, San Francisco j

    loiV-- tf

    j. c. SI A M)l...ImiHirtcr an.l Coinmissiiai Merehant, Honolulu. Oalm,

    A "enc lor IV III. 1 llWIllg dt LU. I noSlon na MnUn..i. 1--Packets.

    Full VNiiprrXK Issi baxi e Co., - - Boston. .Neptune Insurance Co., Boston.

    itaki.k SAKtrv Ixsi raXie, Co., " l:..y Istou Fire and Marine insurance Co., Boston.Ttnvi.sTo.x M . Wihiii't..!i do. do.Boston " " j N. w England Mutual do. do.WaSHIXOTOS 44 l do. do.Ai.i.iaxck 44 44 Alhaoe? 1. do.N. E. Mi rt'AI. 44 44 ' Equitable Safety do. do.Sai.km Makixk 44 - . - Sai n.. Marine Insurance Co., S.il.-m- .

    XT" Store in Robinson A: Co.'s fire-pro- Mock. ITj-i- i

    ii. xv. snviniA.Ncn,Ship Chandler and Commission Merchant, II an lulu, S. I.

    REFERS TOCaptain B. F. Sxow, ... Il.niol.ilit.Messrs. I'. C. W lTKKMVX & Co., - 44

    Williams Hacks, - New London,M. ill t.K A: Mhikii l, - San F'rancisco.Swikt a: Ali.kx, - - X.-- Bedford.Hfxkv A. Pkiiii k, - - Boston.

    II. XV. SEN FR ANCE will continue the Ship Chandlery andCommission Business at the Old Stand. Evory description ofShip Chandlery and Merchandise required by Miippim:, will bekept on hand and for sale at low rates. ltU-- tl

    WII.COX, It I C II A It IS 4V CO.,Sh p Chandler. Ieal.-r- in Gem ral Merchandise, and Commis

    sion Merchaiils. Honolulu, II. 1.Keep constantly on hand a lull supi!y of every description of

    men handise required by whale ships and others,Money advanci-- at the lowest rates,

    Ref-renc-es :

    Messrs. Swikt & Ai.li:x. - - New Bedford.44 Giiik.ix, Ai.i.icx A; Sox, - 44

    Wn. Wilcox, - - 14Wl. GlKKOHIl, - - - 44

    Messrs. Thomas Kxow lks A: Co., - 44W KSTOX How LAND. Esq., - 44FkLIII'KII 'K E..p, - 44

    Messrs. XV u. I'uii.i u s ,v. S.vs., - 44A. I'll. m K. Esq., - Boston.

    Messrs. Bi TLt-.a- Sisk A; Co., - - 44Ciia.s. W. I'.iioiiK. - - San Francisco.

    Messrs. Moki.ax, A: Co., - :Williams A: Hivi.:xs, - New London.

    175-- tf C. A. W ii.i.iavis .V .'... - Honolulu.

    juisurar.ce (farlis.

    ACIINT COIt LLOVII'SThe undersiene.1 Wi to notify to Merchants. M.ip owners and

    Shipmasters, that he lias received th" npn.intmeiit olAGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LONImiN.

    105-- tf R. C. J AX ION,

    I'LtUIIXS STAPIINIIOltST.A?ent for the p.n-me- and Dresden Board of Underwriters. All

    averace claim airaiiist the said I nderu rit.-r.- eurrinr inor aln.utll.is Kingdom, will have to lie certified lief. ire him.


    I'HE NORTHERN ISSIRtNCE COM PA- -I liV, fi"statiiisheil ls.j. ) For Fire and Life Assuraia'e athome and a'Tood.

    Capital 1. -:) "U. Strrliu-;- .The undersigned has been app .inted Airent f.r the Sandwich

    R. C. JAXIOX.at Honolulu.

    AGEXT FOR TIIENfw X'ork Hoard of Cmlervsri lera.

    The nnderso--- take, h ave to notify .Merchants, Ship Masters,kc, that he has Ik ii duly apmiiited a, Airent for theXew York Hoard of L ud.-r- riti r.

    13-l- f ALEX. J. CARTW RIGHT.

    AO EXT I" OK TIIELiverpool I'nilrrwrilrr's .i.o'iiOion.

    The u'lder-ici-.i'- -i li'i's h ave to notify Merchani. Mup owners,and Ship malers, that he has receive-- th" apimiuluietit olAGES T at th.-s- .' !af.l f.r the LOERI'ouL UNDERXVR1TER S AS'CIATlOX.Iu5-l- t R. C. JAXIOX.

    Tire Insuranee Notice.THE NORTHERN ASSI'RANCK CO.

    XI1K I' X D E R "H. X E I ) U-i- r to notify M those parT ties who have inired ill this oihce w.n.te:i .inldiii).'9 Ttheir contents within the i f Hoi- that in

    of .In c.mtiuU'il erection of lar and h --'h i.lehuilditliTS Close toiT'-th'- ill HalToW street. no rr.'-r-- ' ri'ss oi t;m- -her constructions in the town will lie tak-- n aml thse alna.lvtaken will tint lie on the expiraii-- n of th.-i- terms.

    I . C. J ANIiiX,6J-t- f AiT-i.- t tlu Nrt!itrT Co.

    II XI It I' It (.11-H- it II.XI MXFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.riMIK CXDERSIGXED. A cents of the nl-.- Ce.m- -i

    A are prepared to insure risks a jainst fire in andoUuit Honolulu.

    For particulars apply at the oftce.MEI.CHEUS Jk CO.

    Hono.ulu, Oct. 11, lsi7. 6s-- if1 1 o F FSC 1 1 1 A EG F. R Jk. STAPEXTIORST

    Aurnt. for llirp.K15 AX D liUlUI t. L A KDAIUIS lit LLi.K- -


    AX'IS AC PUHLIC.ls Sous.-in-'- S, avant t'-- iioinnios Aorifs rr.ur les

    Assnrcurs m'tritimes J'? Paris ft Je IJor-lcaus- ,lreviennent )o Duhlie on iron ral et les Cat.i- -tainesile tnarchan-l- fratp.-ais- . oui viiltfiitIes H.i ts ile oe ri'.vauitie, en part ioulier, quo ilanstons les cms il'avaries, qui nuraient lieu dans cesparages, ils ijevrmit, l'aire const-.te- r et verifierlea fiits (levant eux jHiur leurs recla-mations ciditre lo ilirs assureiir?.


    il;jfllinas nr.U ilcnl estate.

    TO LET IKITlNTiIIKI AHAIITMENTS.3s f MK.v 11 ( i..i:K'..N,

    LaapLuii ,;nrL

    ((ITTAliK Tt MIT.T1IK KIH. I HI.K COTTAi; K DJOIX- -in.' t l.it'-l- .:.'U .'-- 1 the utih r:tiit-il.l'":i'. iins tu'-- j , l at.'i ru..in, c, Jtc.

    lt i;. . Aj-pi- to1 "J- - II M. W HITM'Y

    TO MIT !rl AT HI! AIA - THE IIAXX'AIIAX;'"J lli'TKL llLII.L'IMi, liti-I- ovr-ipie- ly T. L.

    Apl-l- toill. C. IIEl'CK,

    irH)-t- f A I r I.. H. Anthon.

    CO It S OK Tt MIT,v--. TIIK FOKETUI' IMtKMISKS OX KINGlotij .'.r- .'t. Ti-r- l. Applv t

    luo-- tf C. W. MNCEM', Kurt stivit, H.molulu.

    O MIT.--4Tlli: lIll)fXt. IHH'SK IX TIIKy r :ir of th- - " W lute ll 'if: 11. 'i. 1," with 1- - lv.1

    J-r- rM.n:s, al' fiirnisliL.l. lii'iuire on the premises. 111-- tf

    TO MIT.TIIK P()LMIVI(; UOOlS AM) OF--tic sin the E1KK I'lliluK UKICK lil ll.Dl.NG, corner ofK i.il.ulii.inu ami IJu.t-- tr- -. ts, U :

    I li - ollliv on the scv. l tl or. ov. r the Savings Hank.The Cellar of the ahove ouil.lii:-- ', fiipahle of sfirae of l.r)UO

    barn Is.possession piven imme.liatelv. T.mis Apply toll.i-- tf (. H A? r.KEW Ei;.

    i'ollcc E'lantnliosi tor Sale !TIIK CELEUUATEIl


    Is olT.-rii- l for sale. Th" Lau.l of the Plautati n comj.rises up.wir.lsofHI.lt Arrex. an.l has u(Min it .1l.Ot t'ollee'1'rt't'K. The laml is w-- ll a. tai.l.-- l to the cultivation of suciirran.. The estate is uuencumliered, anil w ill 1h." s Id t.y Feesimple Title. For full particulars an.l terms of sal ', in,uire uf

    luMf II- - V. tf.MliV.

    Waikahaiulii Water Lots!E I'XDKItSIUXKD HAVING I1KEXT pisiiuted aent th? sale and lease of thi

    X ail..'ili:i)tilii IiOts!icl'S to call the att ntion of Merchants. Ship owners, Simulators

    an others to this finely situated tract of land which is now of-fered in lots at reduced rates and oti liberal an.l convenient ii eruis.

    Plans may he seen and all particulars learned l.y application jto the uiidersi;:uetl at Kol.-r- t C Janiou's Fire-pro-- .f i;.iil.ui(:s.

    X. B. Fairly application .houid if; made for choice Lots. jW. U liKEEX,

    Airent for the Sale of W iiikahalulu Lota. jHonolulu, Oct. 21, InOS. 121-t- f j

    THE MOST DI.SIICAIll.lliesidenci 111 Honolulu for Sale

    TIIE I'XTKRSI;XMI) OFFERSf.rfi sal. his d'velliu.' au.1 premises on .rt street.

    , 1; The premises are anions the mot d.?irahe andcentral in Honolulu. '1 he main huil.liug contains a

    Parlor,Hilling room.

    Bed room,- children's sleeping rooms.

    Pantry,And I at'i room.

    There are nl..i twi cott iL'- s mi th" pr.'inis- -, one containiiiKtwa sle piiii; rooms and dres-i- n apartment ; arid the other one

    l .'piui r.H'in au l a ilf.'--:- n; iipartm.-nt- . lh- - ro are also acook house, servants' rooms, w ash house, w.io.l house sta- -hie, calTiaite, f.e.vl etc., etc.

    The pr. mis s are supp'ie 1 with v. ill y water, and als a I. rickcisiiTii, CHp iMe i f containing' 1.VJ harr.-l- of water, with forcepinup, which adds to the' security of the I. nil lines,

    Tin.K. Koval patent fromllis Majestv Kamehnineha III.is Apply to 11. .M. WHITNEY.

    J. C. SP.LDI.(.... - . . I' I 1' V T -- -Ip, I intent at the Islands fi r the Boston and Salem

    ndert rilers, vi..:

    174-t- f


    G V ER Ii EOT X' PES AM 1MIOTV PES.1 and PIIOIOGKAPHS taken in the highest perfection ofArt. (103-tf- ) F. BIN Df.

    HOW LAND'Sa ishot v v i : ti a Ij ii b: st v.

    fBXIIE I'N D ERSIG X ED would call the attkxtio.x ofM oi his Friends and the Public to his R.s.ms, over the

    14 P.tcilic Commercial Advertiser." Printim; Orliii-- , (m-x- t to thePost onii'e) hi re he is takiuz Pictures whi' h, for elegance ofslyie and softness of tone, cantie-- t lie excelled.

    ISehur in constant receipt of Xew Stock, Chemicals, kc, he is trprepared to take Pictures with all the latest improvements.

    1 f Pictures taken on Glass. Paper, Pat-- nt Leather, IndiaRunlier, A:.., and warranted to eive entire ii.X .B The PuMic are invited to call iiud examine specimens,

    ll'j-t- f W. F. HOWLAND Artist.

    Views oi' Honolulu fPERSONS X'ISITIXG OK RESIDINGA'on these Islands, should not fad to semi a s.-- t of t.. II.

    liiirtf.'ao X'it'wn of Honolulu to their Iri.-nd- s abroad,as tuey w ill convey by tar a In to r idea i f tin Scenery, Habits,Customs, etc., of this (dace, than any works or prints ever pub

    V i of E. BURGESS.HS-- tf Fort street.

    Tit MAT V I.IXSMIV'S M II I.ODI A XS,New Haven. Cunx.

    CXSl'R PASSED FOR SWEET.fi liess, richii'-s- and l.roinptness of t"iic. AllfA B " fl their varieties furnished al the American retailI prices : of

    No. 1 5 iH'tai e. scroll- ti oi'tave, wroll leirs. S0o ." nelave, .iaiio style .... 10.)4 5 octave, piano, serjientine 1105 a octave, piano, fancy seriieutine . . . . U.jti ii is'tave, (.iano style. lJi7 ortfan meioilian, double hank ISO

    Freieht and duties to be addid. For fur;h. r particulars.ple ise address H. D. BALDWIN

    1 4 I.ahiiiua. Maui.

    KEEP COOL !lee Creams ! Ice Creams ! lee Creams ! of

    T XI. 11. IH DDV IS I'REP.t RED FItOMand alter Septeuilu r 7th to supply his Irieu is and the

    public a; his Xew K'.- - Cream Saloon, i n Kin sir.-et- , neariy op-- !posit- - the Re'.hel, with any ord'-r- they may itive, and hopes bvstrict attention to ree-iv- his share of the patn.naKe

    ' s i bestowed. Auv i r.h r over two quarts requires 4Shours' notice.. Suii lav, excepted. 1'iO-- lf

    Ire ! A Freh Supply!'OIF. HOMIM'l.r 1CKCOXIPAXV.II.1V

    m in r."ceiveil a supply of the article- - from Boston, willh supply it at the f..ll avinir rates :

    'I'. i l ai monthly deliv.-r.-- by the ice cart, inqil an' ta s tli-- t less than j II s. - r day. a r. nti r ,un n I.

    e s.,M at the in Fort strei-t- , 1J pound tor onedo1 Mr.

    In smaller quantities the will t 1J' :'. ) r pound.C. II. I.EWERS.Call and See Tliexn. he

    A CHOICE LOT OF NO. 1 HOG SKINsaddle, w! i ti are warnnbsl to be the best artu'lc of

    le kind that has ticen in this market f. r s .me time.Here is a'j a cheap lot ! saddles to sail cheap

    - FOR SALEA l ui-v- horse, Uml and that a In dv may drive him

    anywher--- . (lv.-3u- i) R- II. R'tlllXSiJX.

    XOTKII.TIIE UNDERSIGNED WOU LDinform the public ttiat he will furnish oxcarts, ox yokes arid felloes made in them..-- t substantial manner, and at the low-- .l

    est pries. A 11 w .i.e bv me warranted.Uoloa. J in, lo. Is ?. (l'.'o-;!i-n-) WM. II. WRIGHT.


    low. st mark- ', rate. sal- - byli-u- " II. W. SEVERANCE.

    PI II I'ltlTTS, Are.AND llon.LIE, G!!EEX CORN4

    k5 Clams, Ha mlin A; B iker's oysti-r-English pie fru;:s, in k- -c and bottles. and

    A l.iri."4 lit f Slori ., fr sl.iji and fan.i'y use. Foisale (l'.ni-'- II. XV. SEVERANCE.

    K II TTI. IIS. Arc.AlCEPAXS. FRVPAXS. STEW KET- -s tl-- s, tea kettle, ship's Cam I - s.-- s c..nipi' te.

    Coif.-- tt. s, sailors tin ) ts and pans.Stove- - Iiiiituts. For sale bv

    ll-t- r H. XV. SEVERANCE.

    XOTKII.VK THIS DAY APPOINTED J. AX'.111.1 Esq , under p.jw.-- r of Attorney, t..y -, nt, to an

    me during mv t inpi.nirv absence fr..m theHonolulu. Feb XI, v'.'.WM J. FULLER.

    Mlfchauiral (T.us.

    I i:VIS A: A'OUTOX,('oopors mid (isuiirors.

    Curner of Uethrl and Kins Streets.A X li

    F'JUT PT..TWO 1WK: l'.KLOW I'll. Jl"I'p IUIM :a u i : x v 114 H1A It HI l O EX.i"'' all in their line ! romptlv at.J af Cil '.VLSj - ra'.-s- .

    ihankful p:-.- :itro!ia'.'e. th. y o.i;.ii.!ei;tly rely upon iik ii-olil ca.'ton.eri fir a co;itii;u.iiicc ..I their fav-.r- an. I trut that!their t phas-- . i.i.'l extr.iiie tv.- rates of eliarces, illinsure to them a fair share ol luism.-- in their line.

    .N. is. New an.l s. e iii l han l caks an sh ks always onhaiel. hiih the will sell at the li.aest l ii.nl. rales. l'.iT-M- n

    Tiiou vs i4i:.:c.A,1 A S O X ,

    LI) INFORM II IS FRIENDS AXTw tie- I'lil'lic that he ias rcouit:i"nc- ! luisnesj as a masonan 1 it.-r- . Ilaviii): purchases! his materials cheap for cash, isprepared to ilo all work in his line as cheap an-- as well as anyoilier man ii Honolulu. slate-.- l at reduced prie-e.s- , andwarranii-d- . All manner of joM.inc atieii.ltHl to.

    Hawaiian and California iiine f. r sate.J lir.lers left at his residence, Nunanu str.'et, or at the Lime

    House, Fort street, Kiior and Merchant streets, andopHsite the Mack Horse Hotel, will Oe atteud.-.- l to. l'Jj-o-

    C. K. WBI.lil A.ns,(Viliiiiil Maker and Turner.K (L1 ST A XI), IIOTK1 STREET, NEART the corner of tort.

    Furniture of all kinds mad.' and repairi.l.tin hind and f.r sale, HEADY MAI'K FfllMTl'llE. Kua

    Hoards. and Plank; Cellar, lilaek W'alaul and CherryBoards; Kisew.i.Nl and Mah".jany Ven.erinir.

    A law assortment of Uilr .Mouldim.', an.l larsre sized ilass.A variety of llockim;. l'ininir, Ulliee and Children's Chairs.Polished Collins on hand and made to oiler. 15S-l- y


    .BOIISO v am.i:a, i

    Carpenters, Joiners in Undertakers.Fort Street, iienr Comer of Hotel Slr-el- .

    LLY INFORM THE Pl ll iS3ESPKCTFI pr.ii ired to exee-ut- any work in the'aOove line, and hope to merit a share of puhlic patrotui).'e.

    Koa, Pine and Ti iii.iucd Collins 011 hand and made toorder. J

    lj Johhintr done on reasonable terms. Plans and - jtions drawn to order. lS2-t- f

    e:oece:i:t .n:v sBLACKSMITH SHOP, OX THE NEW ESl'LAX ADK,

    IS PIIEI'A RED TO I WORKof all kinds in first rate stvle at prices to vA. j I tsuit the times. iSVSvSh '

    SHIP, CART, CARKIAOE, and allother work in this line, will he done with a and dis- - jimtch not to lx-- excelled.

    I 7 Horse shoeing, and all other business in the Farriers dc--iai tmeut, promptly ntlcnded to. PJ'.-t- f

    CooperinJAMES A. dTUDICK

    IX REMOXTXO HIS RI S1XESSto his new COOPERAGE on the Esplanade,Fort st reet, takes this opmrtunity of return-ing his sincere thanks to his friends ami thepuhlic in cent ral, for the supiuirt and patron

    ,TJ;f' aste which thrv have heen pleased to cranthim for the past ten years, and Iiojk's that l.y attention t busi-ness and promptness in the execution of all orders intrusted tohim, he will merit a continuance of their favors.

    He has on han 1 for sale upwards ef JiWO harrels of all sortsand sizes. 1 7 a-- 1 y


    Honolulu. I'alin, II. 1.X II E FXDERSIGXED HAS TAKEXTHE1 above premises for the purpose, of carryingou the

    Cooperini: Businessin all its various branches, ana solicits a snare oi me punncpatronage.

    Beinji a practical cooper, lie Hatters himself that lie can dowork as well and on as teas. .liable terms as any other esablish-me- nt

    in Honolulu or on the Sandwich Islands.147-o- m C FARDEN.

    V;.' ;'-

    MACHINE CARPENTER'S SHOP.rflHE CXDERSIGXED XX'OITD INFORM.M. his friends and the public that on the 5th inst. he will re-sume his former business as a


    At the stand hitherto occupied by Messrs. Watson A: Leonard,on the Swinton Premises, King street. With every facility fordoing all branches of

    o o rl "Vl7" o x-- Ik. jthe t advanta', he resjiectfully solicits a share of punlic

    patronage.H.iviiiL' secured the services of a first rate workman, he will

    also a. 1.1 t'ji bine! MnUiiiii. Turuinji ninl Cur-ria- .l'XX'orli to his other business.

    X j Stuff sawed and planed by machinery for carpenters andothers.

    C. II. I.KWKR3.N. B. General lutnlM'r business will be conducted as hereto-

    fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the liest selected stockwill lie sold on the most reasonable terms. ICtJ-- tf

    TiiOiirsoA & ab:viIaJ.i:,BLACKSMITHS,


    THE A liOX'E HAVING PURCHASEDil... f..rinerlv lu'i'ill.i.il bv M. l. Mrtf fft I H'.are now prepared to execute Ship, Carriaire and Cartr Work, on the shortest notice and most reasonable

    terms, and hoi by strict attention to business to merit a sharethe public patronage heretofore so lilierally liestowed. 105--tf


    XX". J. ItAXVMXS. isr,-t- f

    .i:i:.i: iiiotias,M ASIIX,

    CALL THE ATTEXTION OF!YV the public to his sf-- of material, eonsitins or Hawaiian Lime, California Lime. Bri.-k- , Cement, Fire Clay, Plaster

    Paris, German Tile and Fire Brick, at his yard, c.ppoite theCitv Market, on Kim: Street. l'JO-l-

    Harvey V leClyinoiit,PAINTERS. (iLAZIERS, (JILDERS AND PA

    PER HANOERS, wellAt

    SHOP iy hl.U STREET. 155-l- y

    THE HOXOLULi: IRON WORKS.HE UNDERSIGNED is now d to repair or

    manufae-ui- all kinds i.f machinery, mill windlass geariiit:, ship for'inirs and smith work.

    Cart bosses, force backs, nnvi'.s ic. on hand and made toorder.

    Iron and and best quality of smith's coal for sale.-- tf D. M. WESTON.


    MY pive to his customers, and the public ceuerally, that j.is prepareil to si II every description "f Xorth Wot luiuher in of

    quantity, or by small lots, as cheap or cheaper than any othererson in the market, in other words, he wants to sell, and

    won't be (l.'l-t- C. H.LEW EKS


    DLERY and COMMISSION BUSINESS in his XewF:kk-Proo- k Stoiik, ti..w in curse of erection, where he will bepleas.l to meet a 1 his old customers and friends. He willkeep on hand a full supply of Ship Chandlery and every descrip-tion i f Merchandise usually re.piir.-- by shipt.ir.E--

    14S-t- f . XX 1LCOX, RICHARDS V CO.

    TOOLS. A--0.AND SAXX'S. COOPER'S HAMMERSII and d. iv.-r-- , farrier and rivet. nir hammers.Ir.n screws. Collins' sleds'..' hanimi rs.Files of quality, nail hammer-- ,S- - ts chisel, scr-- w wrench. , cast st-- el autrer?,C. S. auer hilts, pit saws, etc. For sal- - by

    i.n tf XV. N. LAIiD. 4

    HOSPITAL XtTIC:iI !E DISFEXSA RX" ATTACH ED TO THE PineT on Kins: Mrei-t- will he u(-- every day

    from 7j until V. A. M .. for the lisiensi;ti: of medieines to sickin.li-'ei- it Hawaiians. per order:

    J. XV. AUSTIN,101-t- f El

    RECEIX'ED:R. CHURCHILL'S SYR. IIVPOSPIIOS.I) phites lime and sla. Kenedy's Medical Discovery,General assort metit patent me licines an ! drugs.

    For sale bvJ. Si. SMITH .t Co.,

    194--2- Ci.rnr Fort and Hotel str-e- -t.

    HOOTS AND SHOES.M EX'S SPLIT RROGAX'S, DO. DO.CASES do., do. do. kip boot.

    Cases men's spin. Oxford ti-- s. For sale bv1 '4 4: A. I". EVERETT.

    yortigu ii".iriis.

    J . IS . 1 A I T 1 11 ,(LATlt l'lAK .V I A1MIK.)

    Dnt.'t r iiTYFE, PRESSES. PRLTJ.(i MA 'PE-

    TER I. I., PAPER, CARDS,And Printer's een.r.illy,

    13 2 ('In y h! reel, urn r Su iiiomic. Su Franciaee.l'.'T-l- v

    I'mlrrw riter's Notice.fMIE r.l)F.KSI(.KI. iiavixc; ItEKXa.s.ii,t.s purveyor for the " New V..rli llornj of t'laltT- -writers. takes this meth.sl of inf.ri.iitnc shipmasters that he isalways ready at the shortest notice to attend to any hu:iiirsjr Uired of him in that capacity.

    S. C. XVOODRCFK,Corner of yu.-eu"- s K oad au.1 Polliugcr Street.

    Hoiiirkonp, Novcmlier, ls'.-.i- . l'.C-l- y



    HA S M A D E A R R A XG K M F.NTS TO K E Elv on hand a large and well selected stock ofSALT PROVISIONS,

    15REAI),FLO I'R,


    SHIP CHANDLERY,and everythinii required for a complete outfit.

    1ST Fresh supplies, potatoes, and fircwuml, S.11 furnished atthe shortest notice.

    Moneouui lii in the s.utth:ist part of Lanristan or DouhtleMBay, and is in latitude u5 dcg. 6 mill. S.,and longitude 173 deg.'ii niin. K. IS'i-- if


    TOOO..' 1CCT.S OF IRISH POTATOESin store houses.ALSO,


    ltrend, Arc.ISS-t- f 1 or a!e l.y KSTRA i CO., Hakodadi, Japan.


    Hit Uoliila, Japau.REFERS TO

    Hexuv A. Pikhi-f- , Vsq., - . Boston.Chaulks Woi-imt- t Uhooks, Esq., - - Sau Francisco.B. F. Sxow, Esq.. ... Honolulu.




    Custom House A lien Is. mill General Coiuiiiiion Merehuula.

    nAVKCOXSTAXTbV OX HAND A LARGEdescription required bywhale ships.

    Bills of exchange on the United States and Flurojie nego-tiated. ll-5- m


    A'niroa, Ni'W Zealand.Gj-m- 's scppi-ie- d XX'ITII POTATOES

    and stores of every description.Capt. G. II. Sori.u,"ship Milo.

    44 A. Bahbkk, ship Benjamin Tucker.J. II A rsi ix, ship Goethe.

    ' Smith, ship V.. F. Mason.44 Hi ndks, ship M. 'acorn.44 Oscar dk (Jkaxpsaiuxk, ship Nil.44 Daiimaxdahitz, ship Gen. d'HautpooL

    Lkw-a-st- ship Caulaiucourt. 171 tf

    .11 r. .IOII A A 1, 12X . II A THEWS,COMMISSION M E R C II A N T ,

    Qurrn's l'lnrr, Sydney.1j-- Reference to W". L. Oukkx, Honolulu, S. I. 104-C- m


    TT Shipping suppliiil or. the most reasonable terms. aI35 6 S., Imii;. 173-3S.- . 41-l- y


    SAlIIi. c. avooorijfF,ANI)rER. STOREKEEPER AXTSIIIPCII .4(iE.T. Goods bought and sold on com

    mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice-- 'Corner of yrKEX's Road and Pottixi;kr stiikkt, lloiigkoiiK1

    JT Refers to Thomas Spknckk, A. J. Caktwbioht. J. CSpaldixu. Honolulu, Sandwichlslaiids. 104--ly

    KTOTICE !Competition the Life of Trade !VORTII XX'EST LCMI1KR AT 30 PER M11 fctt, Cfiiitiiti-- i of

    INCH BOA It I)S,2t33x1tZxC,

    'F ir sale bv192-t- f GEORGE O.HOWE. 'j


    his well assorted stock of

    NORTH AVKST LUMBER,Consisting of

    2x8 1H l j:t:t i s c A A T MAG:tx l

    three cnls a fool. by wholesale or retail. Also, aassorted stock of otherBuilding Materials at Reduced Rates.

    C. II. I.EWERS.


    " IXiimilircy lNTclso-a,- "FROM LIVlIItl'OOL!


    . French p'suls, si cially seli-cte,- ! for this market, and Obthe mot valuable ever hn.ught to this port, including

    Piece Bonds.Blankets,

    Fancy (foods,Saildlery.

    Hardware.Gr':eri ,

    Liquors.Best brands of ale and porter,

    Meam blacksmith's coal,Liverpool salt.

    Fencing wire.Sugar pans, etc


    An invoice of procerics and malt liquor per 44 Gomelia" fromLiverpool, as well a a very variously assorted invoice per

    X'ankee" from San Franci.-c-o.17j.tf J ANION, GREEN CO.

    Lumber, .Shingles an 1 Clapboards.itm tti FEETX. XV. LUMBER,Jtt. v" f W f c.nsi-tir.- g of roiiirh and planedanil Scantliiiu' of all sizes,

    loO.OOO Shinirl'-s- , sawed, shaved cedar and Eastern,Claptioards, 4. 6 and J2 f.i t loiip.

    Spruce do, 4 and G f.s-- t lonir,;,-- w.aiHl Clapboards. 0. 12, 14 and feet lonir,

    XVhite oak. 1. 1 J and 1 inches.Sheathing, i, i and I inch.

    .rimr Northwest, spru. e, yellow pine, white pine, Ac,Ai.-- all kinds of buildiiijl Materials wanted in this market.

    i:jS-t- f For sale at l..w. st rates by C. H. LEWERS.

    Doors. Window Sash. Blinds,EX " MODERN TIMES."

    v f. DOORS. ASSORTED SIZES, WITHJ W moul.lmps an.l raisisl panel.50 Sash Doors, assorted sizes.

    .WO pair XVindow Sash, assorted sizes. i250 pair Blinds, with and with-ai- swivels, ass d sizes.

    Selected expresslv for this market, and for sale low l.y;;7.tf GEORGE G. HOXVE.

    D. C. M lil KK. J. C. liWI LTlt lU l i: iV lllilCKILI,,

    (1oiiiniissioii HciTliantsAMI

    Aicrno.i:i:i:s.Ati EXTS OF TIIK

    Regular I)iiileli l.iurof Honolwlu I'nckela.3 7 All freicht arrivine in transitu f.w the Sandwich Islands,

    will lie received and forwarded hy the Regular liatcti tan,"FHKk OF MMI"l..

    Particular attei.tioii paid to f..rwanliu and trausliipment ofmer.'han.lis.', sale of wiial.iucn'. hill, and othr.' ckrhaaK,

    of inerchao.lisi' ami secie under o(ien ieiiei-s- , supplyiug whah-ships- charterinj; ships, etc.

    43 an.l 4.1 Culilorniu .irrrl.KhFIH T :

    Captain 11. V. Sxow , jMessrs. C. BaKWiii A-- Co., ' . Ilunoluul.

    A. P. KvKiiKir. Esg., SB. 1IV.WA.X, tsie,., ... Hilo.

    120-t- f


    Coinmissiou Merchant.AND

    FORWARDING AGENT,123 Siinsome Street, San Frnntisco, Cnl.

    IJA KTKTLAK ATTENTION CIVKX TOPnn-has- Shipuieiit and sale of MeicliHiKlie ; toand Transhipment of (l.iols in transit ; the Chartering

    and Sale of Vest-els- ; the Suppliii; of W halesuips ; and lhNegotiation uf Exchange.

    Eirkaaxr ou 1 1 oaalalu in Sum.REFF.RRXCES

    B. F. Ssow, Ksq., Homilulu. C. BkKWRa, Ki.. TsiaUiu.C. Bmkw kk li. Co , Jas. IUnskwki.i., f-- 'J. S. W'ALkkR, K., " 7 liKxav A. Piaaca, lai., "Wn.eox, RicHAKiis k Co., Bahsim W. Fiklu, Kjk.,

    Honolulu.ItKXJ. PlTMAX, Esq., Hilo.

    ISS-t- f C. S. Haktow, Ki., laihaina.M. C. MOXSAHBAT. JAMKS Al MOM.


    Sau Frnuciseo, California.X'irlorin, - - - - X'amrtatrr't la

    REFER TO :Baxk ok th RupinLir, - - New X'ork, I. 8. A.Messrs. Oordos, BarcK & MoAi'liff, "

    Rohkkt C. J ASi.iN, Ksg., I.ivcriKl, Oreat Britain.Messrs. .1 axiox, Jkkrx A- - Co., Honolulu, ii. I

    A. J. Caktwriuiit. Ksy., iS5tfGRirFITTS MOKUAS. C. 8. HATHA WAT. s. r. sroas

    MOKGAV, STOXE & CO.,Commission ami Forwarding Merrhants, San Francisco, Cat

    References, T. 8. Hathaway F".sq. Messrs. T. ti A. R. Nye,At Swift A: Perry, Xew Bedford, Messrs. Urium-l- l Minturo aCo., New X'ork, John M. Forl.es Esq., BomUiu, Mmin. Par-kins k Smith, New Londan, Daniel C. W aUrman Ksq. laolulu. tf


    W1XES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, fc.1 1U Moil I vomer jr al.. San Franeiae. 68-- 1 y

    ii. Vb:sti:k v co.IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN


    lsiqi.ory of every IleMcriptioii101 FRO.VT STREET,

    Between Washinetou and Merchant.115 tf SAN FRANCISCO

    fliHl M.' mm.jm.im m w " mm im.. "iFACTO ItV.

    OF EVERY SIZE MAMCiORDAGK to order. Constantly on Land, larpe asortmentof MANILA A.D HEMP ROPE, (all slies), Bala

    Roe, Tow Line, Oakum, Ac, for sale hy TUBUS A CO.,197-l- y 1.19. Front Street, San Francisco.




    SCRIPTION.Having every faciliij for doinir koo.1 work in the lt manner,and at very reasonable rates, we have confidence in calling the

    attention of parties in the Sandwich Islands requiriuir any workin our line to our establishment. Orders will lie withdispatch.

    I r Messrs. V. I.. Hanks At Co. will receive orders, ana actour Agents it. Honolulu.



    Cl TI I . I )S'ELASTIC FIRE AND WATERIBATENT for Imildiiixs of every

    This material iMissi-sse- s all the virtues with no'ie of TIIE DE-FECTS OF ASPII ALTI.'M, being more elastic and durable amiIces brittle, while it is pcrfe:tly

    Secure Against Fire and Water.It is a Perfect resisti-n- t of the atmosphere, havinif fieen thor

    oughly trieil in New England and varmiis parts of the UniteilStau-s- , inrlu linir California and Oregon, ami haa every wberbeen found to lie the

    Chrnpml mill Ri-a- t Roof In le.It can also be laid over

    Leaky Rimfa of Tin and other Mrlal.Onlers fiile.1 for any part of the country, accomiuilel with

    printed iustructiotis for application of the material, which lisasyand simple.

    Sold in barrels of forty gallons, at f40 ier barrel. Also, inhalf barrels.

    A barrel will covpr 800 square feet of metal.

    Soucl for n. Circular.All orders promptly attended to byJ. II. PURKTTT, A (rent,

    185-2:- n 1H3 California itreet, Han Francisco.

    a. C. HI OHES. T. If. n'COMMOB


    Phelan's Model Billiard Tables,


    .Tlnii ii factory mid Sales Rooms,ISO Ayn 1S2 Mo'yTliOMERY STREET, CAL.

    1J-- purchases of tables an-- l ajiparatus can be made throughA. D. C ART W RIGHT,

    171-fi- Honolulu.

    a i.w .ii isic stoui: iCLAY & IIKRWIC,

    17C Clay Slreel, San F'raneiaeo, Califarnla.PIANOS AND MELODEOX.enrtrx aIi l'linK MITSIfrf'TTl FLUTES AND CLARIONETS,


    Discretionary orders for music filled by one who undersUndsthe wants of pupils in all stages of progress.

    The subscr-lier- call particular attention to their fine assort-ment of Pianos which comprise a full assortment of I nstrumsnlsfrom the following celebrated makers :



    Mklopeoss, from CARHART A NEEDHAM.Alo O. A. PRIXCE A Co.'S Roman Violin and Ouitar FtnrifrsPrices loir.' No "extra charge for packinp and shipping. Or

    ders forwarded throutrh H. M. XVbitncy, of Honolulu, will&

    promptly attended to.171-C-

    BASS' ALE.BARRELS, I DOZ. EACH, QUA RTS.50 Ft ssle low by (17J-tf- ) J. C. SPALDING.








    story. gcod


    Imp-irii-- r




    lirst-cla- ss



















    FAC- -


    i. h







    . I





  • s 4

    is C-



    1 vs








    f t ;




    1 1


    C O 1YI 1YT 2. R CIAX. .TW RsiJAY. march :s. jvro.

    As xaen.r,,-:- y bat f.u!. with srarrear.a.-Tit'a- J 'T-- pr'.ti-. rir rr- - rTTLtf wriajer arl o-- -r Vebate bJti.f u, rport xi the way o trade

    TL cinuc-- r AM.Uai haa- n-- n errterei to re-o--cd to Jofcnso s .Land, to omtrj thr-b- er a snaa toree wh.ohJ vr.5n (V the i.ad- - she -- l hr.rnc u; the aa--r-oi t r Xm, ti d.er,e.:,aued f thj

    Tr--e Astrj:ia Gaaoo Company ar-- hy the 'y.i a., hare su parade! operauoca. Th-- , we irxra, is or..y Vrc-j- -rir.lT. ar-..-- s ffs. the cirruii'-uc- e the t rm cf t;.--

    v r- - n.f" yed is al.-.-i rti..-"-t-l. a-- I j are cxp-con- i.r. v&. yA to I paud off. tut they w... '-j

    Tit arta iu sxth ".d ...err,

    rt -- j j,ly off-u-- r ut p-- v I J.. ii- -. r . .i.1? i

    Lru ri U .J ot frxtiir t I of.r: txil li

    Th Air Wb'iLK F:-P- n r. la ti. Xr,Shirr"'! f it fi r Jm. 17. Srsl thr ai.c: eif.IMj '

    - live ZiK-rr-y ( r TL tai-- - pife cc!i.;i.-- : reje tie tiu.ur jciie 1 J"- -" ya:, ol Lo a

    np.i Jraf, both in .i t.a.T 'A .i-.r--l a.-.- ti.rrvrr catch. Tbt fili.-.- J .? ;n ti.e r.clirr c:; ! vJ

    fr--a t r cjr--l io U ti. 'r afutTij decnue M joSaerf lo ItA J vri Fa.c.e Ct-r- Ti.rvlkvinf jTVj-- :i of li--r w'ul.rg ar tr l'iw U fr ca tie

    per s'. year :hre fjre h'-- y -4.-y !

    l.e few ri. - 'i-i m nA. x.- -c i.w r.-- . ac:k c.r.J.i--- 1 t. irJvw t r-j-.t. .L.p Lav?w.13 ratr-t- ttr. 'mi'.'.t w- - '.f the CS't !rr: k:r. l.ail ! e3t,--:- j rSa.--.:; r fi:r,( v ffje ir:'iO-ir.- 4 '.f ti.' r w.-.- T. cuy--. i to

    or-fi-r. ti-- pr-c- r f o;L Le rriiiiinj ..-- wLit' ery a w jf mu.irrur-.- .

    Tlie ocjiT..x-- r '4-- i mr ir1 f erucwon tSe ltt Ja..1 i STl. a Irrr-: a. c c.;r-- l Utr r:vtoayear. jf -i, iti-- aa arr--?-i- - of li.'rVi t.r. arreatir fcuro.iT tiy.a J t.'-- e a iTOi:nrjr:r; a:rl . (r?-il- ct

    t?i.t UV-r- be aa yrt a f !I.r-- r iLe t yr ain 2iirt.

    Tbe erze price rra '.U f r t?.e year !. a- - V.Csper ra.4"0. a-- a r. 11 rer.vt a-- r e- -un in ipma oil- - law sale, f r led), the arerajre prr mat ,4f c-r-.t per raIoa. aruut eau r alow.c$ a tie-- !ci.e it i.r.ce wha'e oiL

    Th irurr: t,r 1? ji tr-- re f !toi : fxra. 'i.i'-- It' ;wh. li.lll ; boc. liJ.W t- - r n tl.ii e trtfcat U.ere L ln an eareaa oer tlx yt:ir ia frrm,V.oI rU ; Wiir. .17 rl ; awi 1.7'7.1J3 lr--. Te .eicrta .Y 'perm oil lar:y excrrl th"-- e of IsS. wb:le that fvNaJe fca lxn ! rht. T eijl f or. 'iave o;. v t';t; 'aerje ,.f fjrtner y ear. liri ia 1 lliy aid ircr--i- n ? o'ifr nerro oil. both in t oor.try atc Kupjr ; aii or.-tai-

    vUl Kvc t t4.r frfrrrrrr u?e luar.y labric-Uir.- ita-- i; iitn t forced ot..a U.y-- Li.t are cfufjoa-- : cref y ' f fjmii,o lonsr aa iicp--rter- j iiU jupo. f thir tccka at i

    in ioduceir.es.t. Tte ivj( ) it aiI ttie quact.ty v amrer e pjTrra C ae.!r In fixir.z the rsJ valae niion thearttcie i neervbH'a, exiresc-- . a oocvl be aioi-- m cataiiWlto ir.jure rather Utaa advance the tra.!e. ?wrm ii. fnitzi rs-e- nt

    aedirauor.. loiri.e rrii 1V eet.t f r raln, a rice !fun a k-- aa it can he tet-- l f.I'p U !Cor. loth, there arnred at tte ?a.i lkh Iiiaix! 171 '

    e-- l from the Northern Sea it an ay-ru- e aeaaK' ntrh'til hrl whale oiL Te ill rirn that atv:;-l-.- l theNorthern whale ft ry toe pi-- t vxn. aa well ax 'i4oora, at?rri ut poir eDe.wraremeLt t tie pre ui.'n .f thjrtit'rj--'-- - W'haH are Vh acarc-- - ar.l ehy. arid whiie in 'mer yeara hipa wmWl til in r,re cruise. thy are tjf two, 'three aivi foor yean, au--i retcrn. rr a few tt tl-- wi-.-

    tvtliuir. inolina; tlwoovn in ieary Thatthe Ctrrt ta lar-re- r thaa the tHu.oeM wiU warrant ciut be l7T:ouato erery refl-tun- ir mio.1. and oar Lat lt fvr ! we befi-rT- e w;.lihow taat our pri!itj.9 are on fact. A rra!u&! rc- - (tiucJ'jn ia foi-.a- - on, and rucjr ! particnLarly tf.nc ru

    heary will he withdrawn fnta ttie aerre.

    Mmm'w I'lmaea al Ilwwwlala, ia March.iy- - h. m. I dr. h.

    f ail 31oud.... 7 2 JiH. 3 b M.Laat Caarier..la 10 37 A. I first Ciaarter..li! il A.

    LATEST I'ATfiS. rrrrirrai at llaiw Offlrr.an Frarvei-- o ........ HI L,rdot, rpaT).....Jivn. 1

    raoaica. N. it. ........Jan. CO - ..Jaa. 1ew Vora. (p;r-r- ) ...Jan. 20 Pari... ....J ut. 1

    Ltrraohie. .Jan. 2i i Ii ir.ifkor,r ',.TahitiV Feb. 4 J Meiooartie, Vir. x-- v?j

    5 hip M.-til-.

    Fo Saw Fai.-- o per Vi(jH, March 1, an.1 ateamilPchataa. March 21.

    Fob Ltliila T Maria. tlu tlay.Fob Hil-- t T Kaianaa. U.ia day.Foa K a er feieoni Ata. Fn-luy- .F KtTitmi -r Kaiasia, thi day.


    ia Am wh ah.-- 3ioobrziuz.a, H'anao, frona Turtle Bay '.via Kawaihae, l'Ai brU scaauta.

    41 p lMiiia, fritii L'Jia:aa.1'J ssrl.rs Warwick and Ciuero. aa.1 sloop Live Yankee,

    fratB trtrt . 00 Vt a 11 1 ar.rK r.rr . 1 .rrl'j 4.11 fixcet, Kawndiie, trim Koloa, with upr anl

    AUee. Beee. )br!. .p aon, last ..,r"a1Mir,'7 tU .Kawaiha.12 itu( JiuaD, U:r.'i,. '

    id vtarha. from Lahi n a. ,Id s.U Kaiaraa, fr.n liuu. -lih Kino.He.fn-- 1. Kohaia, Hawaii. ' jJt-- 'T K7-r- i' Al K HawaiLH Atn wh chip C.mTe-- etranhurt--, frrju Marque- -,

    aaavii Kawaibae, 5r SfTia the eaon.a Keaatuuoiil, Marccaiit, from Kona, Iiawaa. S


    IIKI'AKTI'KKS.Mirth An Wk-iit- . Jenny Ford, Mire, t.r Victoria ar,J

    F-- l T wn-t- n, 1. .s Unt tark ii-:- hr Be t, Xk.ia, fx- Virtoria. v. I.

    I'l fVh Ilnry. f r Lahair.a aaJ Kawaihae.Am wh .h p M.,tenuT.a. lioraan, JJoniu UUs.it

    a-- ?ft'K-- .

    lit Am wh hip vi.imcrtith. Urmshr. t .rraifle.i svh florae, i arid :.,p ljve Vaaaee. f ir Mni. j1 S- -i l.'i-!- . Mar.'ar-- t. Jeaoette, and Mary fclla, ali

    f-- r ki K iu.'...13 tSih Marnvikawai, Iteraly, Ijt Kona, liawaiL


    Unr-or- r.r IJtt.a .Ui't Ittar Sir: I ud a-rryrt ' I the hnri Alirr, of CoM prinf , since thi) j.ortin Deernvier ut M luie on a rm; south on the Line, and to jto the 4 Tahiti ami the l'aiimota Group, and hwk eaat of orthe Group to toe Mariu4aa Inlands, frcta theiwe t Kawr.lhae

    rlfnmtheretothis,-'.rr,I!ia-.en,o,rmh.I5Uifrerc,,- t!

    time, taking f-- ur, wfirh X.rtil lnwn iio brls of oil. Iecrn!-- r2il, I uw er tint whale ; t-- k two in lat. 2 ' 10 s . lo:..1 ,2 3 VV. ; JJ-.h- , ived u-- ar Car!iae Island, distant 4 noies.Jan. 4. l.). f.a"4i-- l in lon'it of Tahiti, raw two -- hii l.ayir.f off 'and mi. tw- - it thr-- e at anchor in the Iiarl-n- r ; .aed i rith 'HfO Tahiti a:--I Eia". ; 7th. Id. 22 3 1 r1., !or. 1 IS 60 VV,saw two Ir ijrni whaitis t ti e X.E n tryUfcia ; Sih, 9- -. near aritoo IlanI I find it cmaid-rahl- yout of the wxy oa iy churt ; hy my reckoning, I f t it in hit '24' 02 3., loz. 1J7 31 W. f a Ut. 2T, C--0 S ,the f E.trad- -left us, and Egrif , r.orth-i- y wirxis v io. I worked to the -a- .t-war

    1 as far as Fitcaira's IUivI, from thence t the !ar--qa-a- s, having tX, Dorthrrly wimls fir the ni.-- t part, w.th oneheavy blow from the W and X.W., Ualii three dajs : Z'A, Isaw a low, small Islarxl, which I sujeK-je- tl Vt be Ofceowhich is set on my chart li m.!- - farther eot. Feb. 11, arrivedat Xuuhisa, we of the Maro,u-a- s wh'-r- I stnj jd f jT jwood anl water, and sjs rrrrui' ; was there six days. Tr. ycnoif'i-i-n of a drought at Xnuhira, havirp ar.y rain thelaat eiirht ; their prinrl l f.- -l has been rut S verysoui-- h (or the want of rata. Left Xuuhisa t'eb. 17 Srst twolays bafSin wiivts, sitw-- t stri.g trade, r.o calms ;iU, saw spens waia, and tiok two oa the Line, I r.". llu orZl ; atso, next day, chaaed a r od part of the day wr.h-i- t sue- -ees was truiiu.r ahuot there three-ly-s in h of ir. Hemore. March S, tiacbed at Kawaihae f potatnesc Sir-c-e Wav-In- a

    this p rt, I taas aees out; ooe ship, and site aa at a I : gdistance, nxr the equator. southerly except th'- - at fJlCTahiU and At Smhiva, beard from bark CHrar, leLazfetrs, laad left there pur Gum, and had taken 60 spermsi new leas in taaas port. - W. ?. Fsssxa,

    Maaur lark Alice.

    XT Ship Mtnttxnma, Itoman, from Ascension Inland andTur.fcr Ev, 100 tris sra-n- . Lft the coait cn the 2It Feb. ; 'waa 13 cays, to Kawethae. Keprrta the fjtosrins; resIs atAscecaion Inland, Jan. SI : IlBL.4. Wa. to

    Ship General Williams, 71h, ............. &.V)Ocean. Clark

    Park Phor-ni- Ilempatea,! tlieFx. 17. ar Trsma Par .hi

    Ship aV Mary, Waikr,Bark Furtsoe, :,ojship Ohio. Bam-tt- ,

    Erie, Jerargan...... ................ 4'Clmalee. Urecn., .......... ........loo sp and 4 iFaTHua, sauiib...... ......... 0i

    January !lh. so t) New Lai(j.jn. in Baileuas Ray. Ca;-tai- twiScaaimon. with 2 aisl I a.,ner. arl t apt. w.th islrn K,rk aivaon. hoouer. tnB Saa Francisco. .h'p H"r.r7 r,K neeland, in coin irt. the Laoraa. struck, broke .fT the ..wrrU4l.ler-p.ut:- e. an-- l unhurt the rudd-- r. started e of theheathinff off hr bottom, and s;runr a WV ; the curn-n- t swept J

    the shipoa to beranch--- , and broke tt. p John Ilowlandarrhored off the mouth of the La.n. Jan. 2&:a. at Avxni---..." . ' i -Island spoke a rreen boat, men in it, from sLair,n. tand f r Maorarila Hay thy reported this bt as atbet..u3 to ship si.xroii, aud that there wrre nine veets io law

    Lajno, all Joins; well. The Uetaware, Lirij. Pa.ir .n, tiiei'etaipest, Sew l.aUi-d- , and three other vessel

    Xr- - Cai- - Win-r-ar, laat fr.an Tahiti, re,rt : left Tahiti to)'eft. 4. Th- - iHJnwiof tmvm bad been into that but tiad tartyad aailod bwfore the yni,ii left : Ship Splejidul, of Cold Sprins;,


    1.1 been calkin ; ship Manaachusetta stopped to cooper herml ; bark Wartvo hal caulked her up(r works ; France Hen-- anrtta, treat ; hjp Kniily (ilrm whiW) put in to repair spars. ,during the cruise have seen sperm whales are times, taken on-


    24 Mds. Schooner" Matthew Vaaaar, tsea Wi-.rl-i, Mary ,

    U'leen trr at Tahiti waitini ,c.ranirt, br mid b fan Fra:.-- ,'

    VlKLs IV FORT I 1RCII 13.

    A rr. i r "'jr.-l- . fs. --h.

    As r -- '. j. or-- ij -A. li !.ri J i I":. r..; r., f'ot jk.A . r. c.-c- r.A:a t I !.., OJ.Ac wt '.hit l.. N'-J-.A . ri ";.t K"J&;.J.

    ( j til ' a.

    AnA-- .i T.-- r K . . I: :''... r . N, Lir.l.s, J. .. j.

    . A. W . r... c . .. I jeAri - r ;. M- - rr..:. i.r

    li . .. I.Jli ..--1 iiv M w 1 -- A.l f.-- t:w . '.a-- .. f '- r 1 .;...--4 : . Ii. . ' 4- (.

    T li'fTf,. ;.i. t;t : i' wr.i,-r- .0...--r i,rr fr jrt... Li. rr.t . f r t.; : a wri..- - r

    tir I. i .i.'r--T- . . k. .. -. fr.& s e. n.an-- ! crt'' v J. :. 4: e iA3. . - r - r 4 K 4. :. w c. -- :

    Am t. :.r.-- 1 w:.. tn.- ,- ir ui N- - 1.: .n Not.:. w.f: t-- C. A. W 4:Ai, r.t- - W t. . A :.. M - 1; -- : r . J :r.jj, a4 r "rri Ar. ' to 1.4. Iir-- r 4r tv. i.--- -

    ;..-e- -l i i.i ir.i ..-- . 1 J. ;.


    t:-- r 1 a .J F t T ,ww i er Jr.- - t r r !. Ms: r.4- 4'il -- JJii .., ;jr4ull4.l. 4--j ... w L:.::a ;.at. io. .ir.r. li ri-- t . 7 r- .. j Ca-- ,l i.4. o ; . . rv - :. i. : ,.-r. lil 5 j'

    a-- . c. :.-'- :. Tf. i n u. i .5 ?a :. Hj r.c- -j - f i- - r i..! f--1 ! r ". - n.

    ? Vo.--r hi. . I :r h-r iv ::. March i 71 r !rr.-- . i t 4 .liT p.. -- . iJ 1 4 ..-ar, Jijol !l - , i.i1 ;.' " . ' :'J I !,.';-- . s 'j tLi, jj r,1 '.. 2y CJri o.J I ' Wixi.; - c r.ta hraf. 3 c ja'.:.... j.,-:- -. 1 E- -i ',,'--'- t 1 cik j,r.v;e tire., cai'v-- i , U .rn-i! Lrai-- ! J :.t is i

    I'AKXGKRS. j

    .r .'.7 i.:a. V I :- -r Jei:.y F.tI. M.r-.!-. Mrsc:,., I. ii f rtii.---r. s l,c;:, Mr siiart. Fctrr L !

    i!r lr rr.r:.:t. Chaj Uaz-- l.for , V. l.yrr !:':. Mirth I'.tt Ax C

    Orr- - tt. liy a- -. 1 '1 ci...i.-r-i, K'KU? r. i iy. Mr ar.iMrs li.4r--- y. Mr ii:zj-n- S. umi iir ai.J lira rr:aaii,Mu-c- H,,-- e, T II llK.il.

    pout or LAHAiiiA,AI1KIV.1LS.

    MiJ.h i;--Au: ah N:tr-- !. II .cs, ' N. J: . fr-c-j crii:seon la-- : L;:,- -, 17 n,ct,t44 nit, 4 lw L, l'j.'j".J



    "uLMai March lo, at the Qu-e- ra George Co.e-as- i.j

    a uante tag-ai-d- , i0'd 7s J a residcal Iof :nee ts'mzAi. I

    LCiiij kt I I4HWSIV.. Jan. lit, while tli tiara Aiiie wascru..-ir.- .' ia 'anil - It! S.. long H'J- - 17 VV.. jrni wfji4 Iaj,-a,-- e 1. an 1 the boalA w. re r.t off l try thexa. .e h.,tiruci. aal ir.. lr-- w. It bailie ru.-.-e- aid tear dara-- .

    tr...-- r,:i: w. r-- c.4.1el hack ; the cite caiae al i to ti,-eward tohn up. The tu-- rf f ot. witii trie enepuoa of1 U ah-- , In troxae up the ship-- aitie hy a

    T',;r. hat .1 -l aa-- i ir. the at ; th-- y t,,!d 1 inj to k-- e;,.ill ia tae l hut. wh.le the niate and t,. h.t-e-.re- were la

    trie a,?t cf h j..K:i,4r or., h? tr.nl it airai:. sl-- j j '--i an-- . !l t'tatir t,t aa-- i liir h:p. aad the toeti'm t:,e !i.p tie. it h:radown uader her rudder. h-- re !,e have rtu-ji- i 1 h.to, aahe faaae tut , hl exertion to coiae to the t y of the wter :however, lie tat.a to ru-- no iaore aU-u- t two rii ta thevm, w axi t ree ; ci'-s- to har.. hut r.- j.ear cLoinrh to save1. ..a a, Le a:. ia a few c..nat afv r :!.e cry of maa over-jar-Ii : m a ve of i'ra.-.-.a-. hut Ll.lJ from I.'rio.J, L i.:t--d

    where aoine of frieadi now rr,i-le- . Ih'inoia pa;:rI copy.J

    TIIE PACiriC- Commercial Advertiser.

    TllLliSDAY, MARCH 15.The Ja.'anlsE KvBAsr l,as, during the past

    week, vontinued to ngrosjB puhlie atteiiti-n- , andit ia but tl,at wo ehoul i t l,r.jni. Ie all t!;atuuiy be intc-r.-s- t in regard to it. Wjit fcsceoliii.ilj frtiiiitite n ot only f.r the cinha.-- yand oSeers of tL- - Votrhntnn, l,nt a!.j fr our

    , that Admiral Tattnall e-.- . 1 eluded tcmake us a visit. T the firmer it will ? fso,ina.-uiue-!i a.-- it will iie t!iem iiew ideas of theinfluence exerted hy fvi eig;iiers, and jsirtieularlyby American, in changing the habit and cus-- jt.ijna, and in elevating the condition f a jw iilc'li s.irceiv a LT'.-- i lera . 1": 1 si were UliUutroistvag., and will hhow to the Ainbasasadors t!iehannoiii-iu- s working of a mixe-- d go rri merit a.sit here exist, and its it may !; intrvlucel intthtir 1Wn Country. It has given U US also theoptiorturiitv to become acquainted, bv actual ol- -

    with some of the of anInteresting p.-Opl- who for IV tlID Of while thiseiiilafV is in progress, will tngr.jss the attention"...of the civilizel World.

    at- - i i r i - i l .views with the Ambassador., and with most ofthe other officer?, and have found them all coin- -niimieative, and ready to give us anv desired in- -

    . .formation in reply to our interrogatories, luaae I...! .! . ti . . .. i , r'"'"ub" 11-'- "'f-'pi'-aca-- . a nerc- - are several Mthe embassy wiio can steak broken English, butrobubly the one niOst conversant with our lan-



    is Natiiura, who is als familiar withDutch. Frjiu all that we can gather the chiefAmbassador is among the highest in rank in theEmpire. As we stated lat week, t!i-r- e are over j200 princes or nobles in Jajan. Th-s- e vary isomewhat in rank, :t:Cording to the size and iru- -jrtance of the province over which they preside, j

    wj,Jcn ,Miiy t v right,.

    i roVir.ee- - Ct.n muster t.O.OOU Soldi. TS ;others again iijt C,0''. The rank of the fourprincipal dignitaries we find a. follows:

    1. AnJisnir Sinnie-lbijen-no-kau- ii, (Sin-in- e,Iird or Prince of the province of Iluj.-n.- ) 0

    linind is th.-- her'.-litu- ry name of this who j to

    ranks a little higher, or is more powerful in Ja- - heso

    pan, than the following :2. .lri'Mvooor Muragake-Aga- we n.j kami,

    (Muragakc, Lord or Prince of the province ofAgawe.)

    3. fVnoir Ogure, Lord r li incc of the j rov-in- ceof Uungo.

    Thce three are hereditary princes or rulers ofprovin--4- , and a!iut equal in rank. The proprtitle of cud. in England would !.. Royalllfjhnux, and in the 1'nited .t-it- - s, 7ov EkiI- - of

    U-in- the highest titles und. r tlie ign jruler. j

    Theofficeofthe(.Vn.jrhasbninisinterpreted. ;act. as S:T-tar- v to the Emba v it being his '

    dutv Vt record cvervthing for the information ofEmj r ,r. II-- I siVeS a Copy of h is journal to oe

    firward.il to the Emjeror of Jaj-u- ly the j tofir- -t vcsm 1 which may sail from this jH.rt. The of

    w ill probably lx: done by him at an I ran-ci.- -.and ether i.intsvof the journey. i the

    The fourth Ugnitury (Morita Okataro) ap--s t !e Hot S--J high ill rank. He is sent outact as treasurer, and n account of his s und at

    judgment and prud.-n.-e- ; it is his province to ad-vise and counsel. He is the I.rd I'aiUi. .n of

    fmba.i-y- , and nothing can be d die without theapj TuVal. He uproars to ) clothed by the ,

    Emi-rw- r with very high J j't. All th.-s- e four hallj'fn.-er- s are from the nobility the advisors and jcouiieiil. r ..f the Emj-ror- . !

    There are in Jajan, us in m.- -t otlier nations,parti..-- , ..lie f w hich luay call- -

    ttie J'l'r.yr, njir partV, tli' other, the l ri".- - ed,.,: tjl division extend to the Uobil- - on1ar"- - 1 th" Culino, of the Emperor. I he


    rogr-i- i ve arty for a Ii?.-ra- l J.jlieytowards foreigner, the oje ning of the principal

    .rts t- --

    trade ' and in: short the aU.iitioii, were

    lea-- t in a in.-aur- ! t ie ano-- nt restrictiveanl cilsloli.. The r:t " rra-'ir- Jiirty cn

    otii- -r hand, ont.-ii- f-- a rigoroii aliieioii w.the old t.lbll Ulld '1 lie Tt'jT'

    i constat. tlv increasing in number and In-coming

    aidsni .re and is to T-it- f

    entire change in th-- internal of that wereEinpire, nnl- - s foreign goVcTiiin.-iits- , by inJiscrt t '.

    of their officials, should cheek its progress by ; .Mr.entering into open hostilities with the nation, jtheiu,It h.l b'tl thrit the lafe ElilJ-T- or f ri;lg

    tiedc .,:.:.! aii 1 : i l mn vvati'.is on

    1. - ... ti r iT.ie. rr-.c- : : he oioi

    . f this Ill-'-a.- -vV is uttri-UtAt- l t j

    t.t:i-.- - i- -t tT'.-at- t;.at uzitv. t.' r.nit--I VtMi, wi:':.:n . rl i .

    x':.:-- J.irn--i..- - rrr-Li'.-rit siiociuei.tlv'.r.--i t -- I t.I .:.lira.i .n. Kiu. Harris

    . r.- -: : --.j it. i;;jir.tIa:L that it w.jll it.liiU.' IsLtt i.s t: at it

    ..'tt..-- , I . .I". , 5 .. ,. ,v . 1 1Kii. vi.-- a:.'l t:.l- - K.ii'jj.vj i

    vUt. ar.-- l Wrr dubt Hvt will Tj-- i u 17-.-. a.-.-I

    i An..:!.-r- r suh"-- -t that v- r- !,uve tru jroi t j iu- -I ';lj.: is tt.t of the Ti.-- ? J.iiiiv-.- ' a:.-rc- s-

    u!l yiir ju..-ti:r.- si with y-- r'.., uiitl have' !ita u rauch iiif-Tia:- ; n wi i.Ii ; hs.v r, .:

    r-- - ia Th-.i- r currviiov .ic-rta-r- Silvt--r an-- z 11 c An? Thi-r- arc thr-.- er " r Osiris :

    lit. 'ric Ciu-:i- . a r c.n. ar.-.--utthe rlz-- ; of an Ata-.-rica- nickel

    21. 'Qunn-:i- , or a rvuti-- c in, aV:utthe rizc tiic oM Aa.- - rlc.in con:.

    T. ir 100-cu'- .i, mu.i1 to 2 o.-nt-V" i:i--.-- rt here a fic-?ia.i- ;c of thi.-- , t'. .irlar---- : cjjj-.- r cj'm. I:i the .r .f the c iath re i. a iivle, ti.e s.zc ... the r---

    lit is a'';:t as thick ar.. .;ivv a an Er.!i?:ij. r.nv. Triis i- - the h--t iaaJe .f all the Jar-an--

    and tr tho v.-- have net se--n thc:a,will rrive a id-?- of their iavti-- v.

    Ther -- re three silver Ojins :1st. 1 he (c r as the Ja an- -

    --sk; j.ronounce it.) vaiuo 32 vr CC cents. Itsweight with American silver is only 32 cents.

    21. Th-- ? y-rhf-y- u, vr half value 10cent, eight bein ie koiiel equal t- - a eohang.

    G'l. Tiie or quarter valueS ci-rit- eixteen l.vin ing equal ty a eohung.

    We repr.-s.-n- t below the size of theso coins :


    32 Cents.16 Cents. woo.8 Cents.

    The ;old coins are these :1st. The W-ang- . This is of large size, of an

    oval shape--, six inches in length, three and three- -. . . .r.J.l. ...1 ,.f 1.. f.fi uarifr jiiciie-- s iu niuui, auu ui mi.an meriean five-doll- ar coin. The value isabout

    . ,. . ,w ar

    world.21. The Cj-l,n- n'j (01 small bang) i 4 (,f the

    same oval shut' as the ab-jve- , but luuch -- mailer. . .1.- - 1 - 1 1 1. 11111 ...1. 4 .. , .1 ..r..--.It is a 111 lie larger ii... ine i. t

    r:.pr-.nt.- -l above. Its value in Jaan, jri-.- r tothe interference of foreigners wifli thf ir coin-- ,was 12 c uts, at ab.,ut which rate largo ouun- -1titles of them w-r- txnight up ami xj.rt.Mi. Itwas fjund that thev Cvi1t.1in.-- l g..dd t the valueof s 1 42. As S.J..11 a the drain vll th ' l i coinscomin-n- d, the .Japan, nt called intiie r..b:ng-- . and ' xed th. ir vah;.- - at 12 itz''v,at which rat- - they now in J.ij an. Th- - re are

    ..." a , . - cC'3 1" t j 42 each.

    .Some: few count-rfei- t c ir.s are found inJajuin, sjme ret r..-nti:i- gold, ! ing made ofbra-- . and other alloys. AVc have before u aspurious cobang, of the same size and stamp asth? genuine coin , but easily distinguished from it.

    The Japane-- c take: Mexh-a- tf.dl.ir inproduct or for cu.-r--nt coins, tore.?

    itzebues for gin: dollar. When large' quantitiesof silver ar weigh.-d- , the rate i oTl itzebuesfor 1(.' Mexican dollars. After the return of j

    this Emb.ts-- y from its fjreign tour, we doubtnot that American and Mexican gold ar.J silvercoin will be allowed to circulate in Japan, ns


    they d j in other ic countri.-s- .1'ersoTi going to Jajan for the purj-os- of

    trade should carry clean Mexican dollars, other-- !wise thev will have' dilficultv in acargo. At the time the Powhatan left Kana-- j jgawa, the Japan-s- were exchanging only lf.l.i'itzebues a day, a their faciliti-- s f .r coining


    are limited to that amount. Each forci nresident could onlv g-- t from ten totift'.-e- dollars changed each day. Owing to thegreat demand lor current silver, tin; governmenthas d t ru.iii'.-.- l to stamp Mexican dollars withits starij., so as t" enable tln in to pass h r tlj irfull value with the Juram-s- iiieri-Iants- . Inmaking purchases with Mexican dollars, theforeign residents would frequently lose- - fr. in ten

    fifteen cent , owing to the fact that .Ja4in- -traders would iiot allow the full value of the

    jcoin. The bark Onxrard took a quantity ofAm- - ri.-a- half--d dlars, and they only exehung' d277 itzebin s for li t"' dollars, a loss of nearlytwenty per cent.

    Atidit-nr- e nl Ihr l'alnrr.A very interesting ceremony took place on Fri-!a- v

    last, the rec.-t.tioi- i at Court of theirExeellenei. tiie Ambassu-l- . rs from ti,..- - Emperor

    Japan to His Excellency the IY- - sid nt of tl,.;l'nit--1 States. whi-h- , we believe, is the first timethat persons holding the rank of Ambaadorhave isked this kingdom. Uesid-- s the King".Mini-- t rs and the principal officers of the gov. rn- -ment, a numU-- r of foreigners w. rep rf sent on the

    The audi. nee was grant- - ! in response ;the requ-- st of Hi Esccllency the Commissi, .ncrtlie L'nit.-- States, to the Japun.-s-

    Embassy. Admiral Tattnall and tlie dlieers ofPvtrhalan. j to

    The Honolulu Hides, und. r command of Capt.Brown, turned out on the oecisioit, and arrived i

    the Palace ut 1, forming in line on each jseleol ttie jaiace steps. .comjany ol ll.twuih.ilinfantry w.ts also on duty, and was stationed at

    ahgateway. His Majesty, accompanied by H:s

    Ministers and nobles in full unif- rm. the crabout half si.--t one o'clock, and soon after,

    seven carriages arrived with the ollie.-- r of the j ofPoirhnhtn. In the llr--t carriage, we iiotievd Ad-jinir- al j it,

    Tattnall, His Ex. J. V. ll r Capt. j theIV-trs- .n, and lr. i. P. Judd. As they alight--j ste

    tlie band of the sfeam.-r- , w'ni. h was sfati diedthe struck up the s

    'national air of America, and the gu.-.-t- w. re j the.ondu.-t-.- d by His Ex. Mr. Wyllie and the Chaia- - ; anberlain int i the awaiting r -- .in, fr-o- which they A

    into the r-- e. j tioii room, and pre- - itsto th- - King indivio'iially by Mr. R rd- v.. hoi,

    At 2 oYl ck. the carriages, two if wiii. ii u- -r- - th King's, return-l- , bringing the J.q an- -

    soAmbassador and offic-rs- , accoiupatii.1 by the

    id Hi M.ij.-st- and jf Prince I.t. as a guardhon-.r- U'lth the Mn.ha-.-- y tlie

    Capt. Tayl .r and ffi - rs ..f thej

    i,ii';n. Admiral Tattnall, Mr. K rdcii and ,Wyiiie, to show the highest honor to

    rec-i- ve 1 tin; Ambu-sad-.- rs fr-:i- the ar-P.nd b-- d th.-l- ii.ti the iiiVii'iflT r oHI.

    m. tho f.rt An.' as-N- i i r. ;;vra'.k i vkith Mr. lr Jcn. aiuli

    Mar.t ik.' .waz-nKu:- :ii. wi:ri the Aau: .r.u.ar:;i 1:1 nrTil. lt. "J t

    t :im. U.' t!.:Un : th-- ' Am' .iss--i i r.

    :!. vr as th?v t!.. t;.rtLr-.- - t!::.vs vt-r- I. w.acX'r-iB- to

    Hi yW.-.:- j Iro. 1,.. L vn such -.--i a--, th-.-i- a inj I f--el mu h I -1 t we.-- ? rre j : m to my

    1 rr., an 1 i: a:: rls ii-- e crre-- t r taat c.rcu".-.-- istiace b ve f.T.rel thr. uch t:.e a;aJ rru-isyi- c n

    j of the t'n:t-- i S: Ccsai: r.r aal the irer.t".e:r.enin who charge t-,- af ire, tn receive j. u vs

    i Au.li.ii;.M cf tie ;rat Ea:;ror .f Jat-aa- , t:ii y ur wit t . tLe friea !' '.'tfaats: t:. I a.te-- i

    StiTt-- ..:r A::..-r:ca- , a na:Ln to which rry p ; ie arri j iiiuch it, i I h . f! crut.hi-J- , :fy.ur v;.:; t;. ."--to iriir. : is acrecril '.e t t . n ; ri.i

    a e th it vhtn y a returr, t ? J.iria. y:a ::! -- tp-Ij y.r S. e:t"a t:.; fr'.f al'.j ccvi.n - c;i 4 hivehi'l the h- n r "f hivi ith tia. r.t. 1 t' - hi-- h e- -tvcrri I e:.tr:v.a f r Hi 1 ijc:y and Hi IVr .e.'

    II - Ksc.l-a- .j !: Am' r. -i i

    .1 vr

    K:.z'.I.--h ? v Mr. lh:.:.:;i a. jreat'.y f r the trict. iTy rcetti.h v ':rM; -- :y ha- - b -- ,rvl u- -: ar.i I le

    express a:y t.iat, e tr. .e a nave'.r : j tae or. .. j: .iia ::5.. net

    c hjve in 11 leCeiVt l ni tL.sc'ty, t. t cnly ly y .ur M lu: ly the it.bal.untscf y .ar capital."'

    At tiie c jnchis;-..!- ...f t: ahir-.-rs.-- the Ct.s.-r-"t.....l : r all uttiv: -- f the Eiahas-y- . w-r-

    I r. 4. r.t-.-- J mi uf f th.j ...:1c. rscf the E .hl.ssV. tif.-i- i.ls

    I C 1 l'a laiO. v:n.r... in : - lll.tcraj 'i VI 4 J'.airea-l- c n fains th-.s-- i.f inanv Jl -- nitarivs vi

    n - 1.-- h'.wiv.-r- a ii.eiu iiI be exatnined with in -- re euri.-sit- thanj Hi Maj.-tt- having retired, the t'u-x-- so-- , n af--i

    at a. c:.iiii-anh-- by the I'rineess Viet.-- jria, and tea or twelve f..reign lali-.s- . TheAti:'..4.-s- i i,rs. as well as the Admiral and vScers

    'of the Wi.'.rt, w..re j resentei individually toH. r Maj-st- y, and we must say th- -t her bearing dithe vccosivn wa- - graceful, and left be; one iitipres-si.- n

    vn all that she n My f.lled the big!) jdacesiie o"i-i!p:---- t;u-.--- Victoria never enterta ineda r viil Einbasv wit'n more grace and suavity

    j than did n:--e- Emma on this occasion. His; Majesty also apry-are- to i in the best spiri:?,! and receivcl bis royal visitors, the Ja-- j

    j.an-:s- in a stvlj which must have given thetni faVuraMe ;deas. The spoeial attenti on and kind- -

    nes which he Las sh..wii th in during their staywill not pass uniutic-c- l. It was a sintaneuiisimpulse of the generm heart of our .Sovereign,and can only be construed as a mark of respectnot only to the President of the United States,but to the Emperor of Japan.

    After viewing the apartments a ghort time,ti e Japanese Ambassadors and officers" were coii- -duct.-.- ! to the carriages with the same respect as

    j on their arrival, and escorted back t theiri apartments by the guard of honor as before.

    The whole ceremony was conducted withi credit to all concerned. When the Ambassa-- l rsreached the lloval standard, the band struck up,. r .1 f ii U 1 --i .,-.-.hr ' E?lI'r JaIjn.:the King.' Huring the p r .ee-ling- s it alsophivd s.ime natii-na- l airs. The Rifles never a.- j-p-- in ','tt-- r trim. There were some thirtv- -

    , iTi ,:v'' turn"' out an I t,,? billy sustained t.iei .n S'i l..ns enj- .ved of being th? star.1, , r uc"f:c.f. ' e t)4

    TIlC CilV of J('(lt!o.

    Mb. Editor 1 I have not the time to give yourj readers an elaborate description cf the capital ofJapan, which jdst now creates so much interest andinquiry, as well as the charming isbir. l of which itis, both geographically and politically i, the

    ' great center. A few notes, however, may gratifyyour readers, incoiiioieie aim nasiv 4t4vj 4., o.

    Tlie great Day or Gulf of Jedlj is entered iy astrait about six miles wide, the land on each si !e ofwhich is hilly and Lnken, an! never rising into whatcan p.r perly be c illel mountains. In approachingthe strait, vessels run near the Oosirna, in thecenter of which a mountain ri-- es about L'400 fe-- thigh, from whose top a crater sends up a great vol- -'ume id srmke, while at the same time it escapesthrough various small ap.ertures near the base. Nofa i,es have issued for ninny years. The bay opensin its full extent upon passing the strait a magnifi-- Icent sheet of water, like a little inland sea, btirisalmost square, and each side, ns it is said, from 25to S'J milts long. Nothing can be more picturesque ina clear d iy than this bay, with the square sails cfmore than a thousand j., nks and boats spread to thegentle breeze, and th? towns and villages close downto the shores, the cultivated fields and the groveslying l ack, and the great mcun uin cone of l'ui--a ma, which rises into the clou Is, anl above theclouds, some CO miles from tiie bay aud about thesame from Jel i.j. A great m. unta:n chain extendsfrom one end of the island to the ether, run-ning north and south, some cf whose peak? are seencccisicn tlly covert ! with snow, while Fasi-xm- a, the'incomparable mountain,'' lists in solitary dignity, as

    if dtsj inte I from t!ie rest, and ashamed in its auto-cratic pride of Ix-ln- t. uche 1 by inferiors. Some give12hO feet f-- r its bight, and ethers K.,f.i. Tliesurrin.it is always coverel with snow, and for a greatpart of the ye ir the d-- en ravines are fillel with it,which were furri-we- out in o! !en times by the tor-rents of descending lava. The summit is a vast cra-ter, once oveirljwing with burning matter, and ?'ti

    it down into the plains; but since the year 17o7,the volcano has been inactive. The mountain seemsto be utterly nake I, no solitary trees dotting its sides,an ! no dark forests overhanging its p recipices anlcli'Js, and even no grass giving Pfe an 1 beauty to itsvalleys. It is a i mountain to the Japanese,almost as much so as Sinai and Horeh to the Jews,far up whose sides they have built temples, to whichthe devotees resort iu great numbers to fulfill theirvows, ar.d pilgrims to expiate their sins by acts ofper.ance, the rich often g.'ing as logg ars, clothe! iarags, subsisting all the way there, anl while there,and on their return, upon the charities they receive.Almost all the articles of porcelain nn-- lacquer, andtheir bks ari l pictures, are ornamented with d'tftr-e- nt I

    views cf Vusi-am- a. Ptich sunsets I never saw asseveral times I did behind this mcuntain, when theskies for a vast extent seemed converted intolike the thick and rich work on the finest .Miako arti-cles, while tlie sun itself seemed to linger and refuse

    go down in the prile of showing his glory. P.seemed to me that the Japanese must have borrowedsotae cf their fine of art from what they so oftenSee in sunsct behin 1 Pusi-aiu- a.

    Jel lo, or rather Ycddo, as the nr.tives always pro- -nounce it, is situated on the western coast of the bay,

    ! nearly half way between the northern andsouth- -ern shore. Large vessels are oblige! to anchor five

    six miles from the city, -- n account cf the shallow-- jness cf the water, anl nothing is seen indicating t ne

    the greate: eities in the world till.ia approachingtiie five massive f.rhs loom up a mile cr two fromshore, assuring one that there must be a city, in- -

    id of a mere forest, as it seems, lying back to bejdefenleJ. (Ju reaching the shore, a wall of hewustones is seen built up tight or ten feet high above

    water, and exten iir.g as far as the eye can reach,1 as fir as any of our party extended their walks. Astiett level with the t. p cf this sea-wa- ll rti'i aloi.g

    wh.-l- length, wl h is lined in each si le with ., the fr nt j irt of the lwerstry being always

    I is a st.-- or as a -- h p f.r mechanical p irp -- t.fin-r- are c. jettii, or wh irve-- , cr cu-to- in houses,

    fir a iur walks an 1 observations exten -d; an--when the ti ie is w, it requires in Some places coii-- s

    h.ra! le iff rt to climb the ladleis, or clinging toneck of s- - me stalwart Japinee boatman, wh.-.--

    shoullers we have mout.tc-1-, seie anl mount a plat. krunning tut, supj...itel by j r. j. at cne et. l andresting upon the set-wa- ll at the other, uch is theititrlaction into this great city. able

    The f ve f t f '1' e ne ii 1 v in 'i line, in-- iv s ti-- f f

    an 1

    though u;.ur.tcl w.t'j :!.v :ire .ur,;oe.i".":l r. T:.x mV.'.tzir wor.?, e'.l a an. ther

    S.rt in thetrv-ces- , f c. rTi; 1; at Kar.-igawt- .ru ,wiro ,f the Jut:,s

    irI:c 1 ur r. ther ly ;h. Ur" n.c- - t :.- -Lv ir.:o frv.er 1 with vi:..r n .:: 2 :. Iti a c" n.r.icr,tary h:vTr uwn ha?i.a nature, jthat the moment a he-:.:- e 1 t; itn 11 op. us itrif tvnierce aai w ith C' isti.i 1 itccr-c'.'.iri, ly the it;stii.ct ;' at.cr., t.-- pu:its.f ia cor.iitica to rt: :r them.

    Tho r.e'Jt-cu- it r ftx'.i a hrt dis-t- t r. .:.!:;! whenh? 5rt l'. tt h fviZ ia .K : i. . 1 ?an l .tittr-tiy in ::i fosr.-l- i .fWw Ii JcIS. - tl- - :. u. 1.0 K e.

    ' nor a kr nun: t w. thy anieatV .'. : . :. ; :.,:o,hf rt rev'S

    which are ii.;t: n..:. ... , :.t.d tel-vl'a- .cit iu. txt.i ave 1. V4 ; the an. at . r i arvso". iivU lt r :iis. aad always f.tir iii.tt.1.whi'.e a : irt i f evi-r- ::.e is usaai'y Si'.ed with ru:ailwires tiicuih .2 is M'Oti l.ko trade ati 1tnaaaf.ictur::-- i xcv:-- ii the sa a'.. est c:;.e. Hi-- le-- i.


    .I -- .: ifte-.i- . at. -t i ant ii a, that he she aid

    have s i.;i:-e-.- i h:r..s if. ir lull JeCiiil i ly ithers.a,:, i i ii". 1 at i r ce rv: :rn l his sh:r if it uSi ti- -

    i.iv!.t. tise hal '.et the that there mustIc tetter tirge hhu One thit.jstrikes h::u :: is the tua.ler vf trees, :ne::;i-c- sstau ilr z ah -c I ist v.. re :'rc4u. at'y in small graves

    1 ii. e l:' l!.e trer-- ? : hi:te iu ;.ze ar.dl w :h :i; . at. J t.il! as ' t a lrst ,'f the frrst.

    l:.j-.e- the w .ie !. ks l ie a !i rest, er a o:rv i:i ain it. an I ii ea ly U ataiUgn

    all the iiad tun: el n.inks atid n.ii.s. nt, 1c.nverte! ti.e w hi le area if the city into a

    c r c. nvei.t. As s in his excursu :,s, inwhatever direct'.- !i he wanders, unexpected U-aut-and w. n !ers n tit his e;. e, and Ci-- jii him to sfi par.l a i:i.:re. Just c: p- s:te our usual place i ! lan-l-j-

    i n the ipt'. s te side i f the street, is the re-- : iencei.f'.Mr. Alc.'ck.'tiie Ei glish ndntster, l th.iuch

    . . ... .1 c I .1... ,.....-..- .a iratew.y. a:i i aons e. giiuu i, 1.4,1, .1 e.-.,1 n.at el with green grn;s, ana led wna

    trees wL.eii t.ct to Davit 111 u 1 utiueu, i- 11 10have started up into life ages ag., while far hack

    in groves, and surroundel I y artificial i i. ls. with golien fi-- h, with artlricial knvlis anda".:ockrand casci les. and gardens ti. led with plants,shruVs and rl.wers, ure seen at Iciigth a fine teiLjleand spacious hue i nce tmcupied ty the priests, whohave ir.n r utc--i, and givm their lautitul and

    i cc mfvrt ihle j darter to a highly l.et.i rat.'.e rep 1es.11- -'tative if Eur. pean civil'z at'u 11 un 1 Cnristiauity. Yet

    ' all this is unseen and unsuspected til! one enters thegateway and wanders about the griunds, when hesees enoiiuh to occujy days in tl.seratu n and admiring. Sucb is tne ease tnrougncut the city. inseveral parts cf it there are swells and hills andsharp declivities, the peaks if the hills being alwayscoverel with large trees, thus ailing to the picturesque ei-c- t, and giving the idea of a city in a forest.

    Se vera! small rivers run through the c'ty, and oneof ci nsi ierahle size, which is crowded with andiunks even in the heart of the city, and across whicha celebrated bii-iit- is c nstructe 1 which cur partyen sse J, called .V, o.", i r " the bridge of Japan"'

    from thisf distances are calculated toall parts cf the empire. The bridge is well built andkept, and uV.ut iJi'O feet long.

    S.I me cf the streets cf JeuJoare nair-a-uz- rociswide. r even more, and though net paved, are keptremarkably clean, gutters being constructed on eachside with hewn which earry oil all foul matter.Thev are alwavs straight, and cross each ether atr,4tht anzles ; some of them are almost half-a-doze- nmile- - h i;.', and the nouses the whole way on eachsi !? are so closely cr- - wded together that sumcieritspace d es net seem to have been left for another.Gates .are erecrel at different distances which areguarded by policemen, who close them whenever tjieywisti to st--- a crowd. I aid not see a row or a nght,

    , or an altercation in all my walks and riJc3 in theCltv. n..r even rue insianc--e ii m uiiieauess. auc- -Japanese however are fond of liquor, but have the

    . aestv and g. d sense to drink it in their cwnhouses, an 1 at night.

    The Imperial rustle is to be seen tnly in the exte- - ,tier I v itr ruers, unless thev are officials who havei,.,, j,,vi:t--l by the Imperial Ministers f.r the trans- - iaction of public business, or f.-- the sake of courti-- s (and ho.i.T. Commodore ..,,,..,4,1aj t.Mr. Harris, U. S. Minister, were invited to make af isit to the Prime Minister a few days before we left, iwh.i went, accompanied by several ether officer-- , mil '

    j were most ben- - rah'y received and sumptuously en- -itert ained iti the Prime Minister's palace, but sawnettling witinn tne sacrc--i enclosure, iu i.aiaces aim 'other s ructure-- , worthy of adinration, unless it wastiie simplicity and neatness. Even the palaces are ibut one story lugti, the constant recurrence of io:entearthquake mukinz higher structure perilous. Thervofs, instead ol being covered with g'. ll, as was encefabled, were Covered with tiles, like those of commou...,.4...