lkhspartnershipdeed v1.0

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  • 8/11/2019 LKHSPartnershipDeed V1.0



    This Deed of partnership made at Hyderabadon this . Day of April,

    2014 between (1) Ms. .., an

    adlt !ndian "iti#en, residin$ at %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (hereinafter

    referred to as the &irst 'arty (whih epression, nless it be rep$nant to

    the ontet or meanin$ thereof shall mean and inlde its heirs, eetors,

    administrators and assi$ns) and (2) Ms.

    .. , an adlt !ndian

    habitant, residin$ at


    hereinafter referred to as *eond 'art (whih epression, nless it be

    rep$nant to the ontet or meanin$ thereof shall mean and inlde her

    heirs, eetors, administrators and assi$ns) (T+ &!-*T *"/D 'A-T

    *+A 3 "/"T! -&--D T/ A* 'A-T-*)

    5+-A* the &irst 'art is ..

    5+-A* the *eond 'arty is .

  • 8/11/2019 LKHSPartnershipDeed V1.0



    1. The 6rst party and the seond party ha7e deided to enter into a

    partnership for the prpose of arryin$ on the bsiness of pro7idin$

    +ospitality Mana$ement *er7ies alon$ with "onsltin$8Ad7isory

    ser7ies to +ospitality, &ood 3e7era$es other allied bsiness

    setors or sh other bsiness as may be a$reed pon by the parties

    from time to time9

    2. The parties hereto, for ob7ios reasons, ha7e deided to pt in writin$

    the terms and onditions of the abo7e onstittion of 'artnership.

    !T !* +-3 A:-D 3 AD 3T5 T+ 'A-T!* +-T/ A*&//5*;ority of the partners from time

    to time.

    4. The apital of LKHSshall be -s. ?0,0008< (-pees &ifty thosand only)

    whih shall be ontribted by the partners in the followin$

    proportion;ointly or

    in a fashion both of the parties may a$ree pon in ftre.

    Ad6%ss%#$ #7 Ne8 Par"$er

    11. The new partner may not be introded withot the onsent of all the

    eistin$ partners. *h inomin$ partner shall $i7e his8her8its prior

    onsent to at as 'artner of LKHS.

    12. The ontribtion of the partner may be tan$ible, intan$ible, mo7eable

    or immo7able property and the inomin$ partner shall brin$ minimm

    ontribtion as ompted by all the partners.

    1=. The 'ro6t sharin$ ratio of the inomin$ partner shall be deided by

    the eistin$ partners at the time of admission of new partner.

    R%h"s #7 Par"$er

    14. &irst and *eond 'arty ha7e the ri$hts, title and interest in all the

    assets and properties of LKHS in proportion of their ontribtion.

    1?. 7ery partner has a ri$ht to ha7e aess to and to inspet and opy

    any booBs of LKHS.

    1C. !f any partner ad7anes any sm of money to LKHSo7er and abo7e

    his de ontribtion to apital, the same shall be a debt de from

    LKHS to the partner ad7anin$ the same and shall arry simple

    < 4

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    interest at the rate of 12@ per annm or any other rate deided by

    the partners nanimosly.

    1. LKHSshall ha7e perpetal session. Therefore death, retirement or

    insol7eny of any partner shall not dissol7e LKHS

    1E. /n retirement of a partner, the retirin$ partner shall be entitled to fll

    payment in respet of all his8her8its ri$hts, title and interest in the

    partner as herein pro7ided. +owe7er, pon insol7eny of a partner his

    or her ri$hts, title and interest in LKHSshall ome to an end. Gpon

    the death of any of the partners herein any one of his or her heirs

    shall be admitted as a partner of LKHS in plae of sh deeased

    partner. The heirs, eetors and administrators of sh deeased

    partners shall be entitled to and shall be paid the fll payment in

    respet of the ri$ht, title and interest of sh deeased partner.

    1F. /n death of any partner, if his or her heir opts not to beome a

    partner, the sr7i7in$ partners, shall ha7e the option to prhase the

    ontribtion of the deeased partner in LKHS

    D)"%es #7 :ar"$ers

    20. ah 'artner shall be >st and faithfl to the other partners in all

    transations relatin$ to the 'artnership.

    21. ah partner shall render tre aonts and fll information to all the

    partners or their le$al representati7es of all sh matters whih aHet

    the worBin$ or eistene of this 'artnership.

    22. 7ery partner shall aont to the 'artnership for any bene6t deri7ed

    by him withot the onsent of LKHSof any transation onernin$

    the 'artnership, or for any se by him of the property, name or any

    bsiness onnetion of LKHS

    2=. 7ery partner shall indemnify the 'artnership and the other eistin$

    partner(s) for any loss ased to it by his frad in the ondt of the

    bsiness of this 'artnership.

    24. !n ase any of the 'artners of LKHS desires to transfer or assi$n

    his8her interest or shares in LKHS,he8she an transfer the same with

    the onsent of all the partners.

    2?. o partner shall withot the written onsent of other partner(s);

    < ?

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    < mploy any money, $oods or eHets of the partnership or pled$e

    the redit thereof eept in the ordinary orse of bsiness and

    pon the aont or for the bene6t of LKHS9

    < nter into any bond or beome sreties or serity with or for any

    person or do Bnowin$ly ase or sHer to be done anythin$

    whereby the partnership property or any part thereof maybe


    < Assi$n, mort$a$e or har$e his or her share in the partnership or

    any asset or property thereof or maBe any other person a partner


    < n$a$e diretly or indiretly in any bsiness ompetin$ with that of


    < end money or $i7e redit on behalf of LKHS or to ha7e any

    dealin$s with any persons, ompany or 6rm whom the other

    partner pre7iosly in writin$ ha7e forbidden it to trst or deal with.

    Any loss inrred thro$h any breah of pro7isions shall be made

    $ood with LKHSby the partner inrrin$ the same9

    < "ompromise or ompond or (eept pon payment in fll) release

    or dishar$e any debt de to LKHS;

    < nter into any bond or beome bail or srety for any person or

    Bnowin$ly ase or sHer to be done anythin$ whereby the

    'artnership property may be endan$ered9

    < TaBe loan on +ndi or any srety or serity in the name of LKHS


    2C. The meetin$ of partners may be alled by $i7in$ notie of 14 days. !n

    ase if any r$ent meetin$ is alled the notie reirement is to be

    rati6ed by all the 'artners9

    2. Any matter or matters disssed in LKHSs meetin$(s) shall bedeided by way of resoltion passed by a ma>ority in nmber of the

    partners, and for this prpose, eah partner shall ha7e one 7ote

    epet for the matters listed in *hedle !! of this deed whih shall

    reire an nanimos deision9

    2E. The meetin$ of the 'artners may be alled by sendin$ 14 days prior

    notie to all the partners at their residential address or in ase of

    r$ent meetin$ the same an be alled by telephoni on7ersation

    bt the notie reirement shall be rati6ed by all the 'artners9

    < C

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    2F. The meetin$ of 'artners shall ordinarily be held at the prinipal plae

    of bsiness of LKHSor at any other plae as per the on7eniene of


    =0. 7ery partner shall ensre that deisions taBen by them are reorded

    in the mintes of meetin$s within =0 days of taBin$ sh deisions

    and are Bept and maintained at the re$istered oIe of LKHS9

    =1. ah partner shall;:

    41. !f the 'artnership deides to wind p 7olntarily, a resoltion to wind

    p the 'artnership shall be passed with appro7al of the ma>ority of the

    partners and as per the etant pro7ision of the 'artnership At, 1F=2

    or sh other $o7ernin$ at whih may be in fore at the time of

    passa$e of sh resoltion.

    A!"era"%#$ #r a6e$d6e$"

    42. !f any of the 'artners wants to alter or amend or han$e any of the

    terms and onditions of this Deed, then it shold be eeted

    separately and in writin$ as a spplement to this Deed and shall be

    appended with this 'artnership Deed. *h han$ed or appended

    doment shall be treated as an inte$ral part of this Deed.

    < E

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    ! 5!T** 5+-/& the parties ha7e pt their respeti7e hands on the

    day and year 6rst hereinabo7e written.

    *i$ned and deli7ered by the

    *.+ *+

    'artner 'artner












    < F

  • 8/11/2019 LKHSPartnershipDeed V1.0




    1. To enter into any ontrat, A$reement, Memorandm ofGnderstandin$, Koint entre, Arran$ement or sh other mode of

    ontrats as may be reired for smooth ondt of its bsiness with

    any indi7idal, 'rodtion +ose, oal Athority, on :o7ernmental

    /r$ani#ation, 3ody "orporate, *oiety, 'erson or any other

    or$ani#ation whether in !ndia or abroad.

    2. To depte any partner, employee or any other person to any plae in

    !ndia or abroad for the prpose of obtainin$ trainin$ or Bnowled$e in

    the tehnies and methods of rnnin$ or impro7in$ the bsiness of

    the 'artnership or for the prpose of ad7anement or promotion of

    any of its ob>ets, hattels, property, epertise, et.

    =. To enter into Deeds and ontrats with !ndian or &orei$n indi7idals,

    ompanies or other or$ani#ation for tehnial, 6nanial or any other

    assistane for arryin$ ot any or all of the ob>ets of the 'artnership.

    4. To establish and maintain any a$eny, sbsidiary or branh in !ndia or

    any part of the world for ondt of the bsiness of the 'artnership.

    ?. To eperiment or inr epenses neessary for the prpose of

    impro7in$ on the present method and proess of worBin$ of bsiness

    of the 'artnership and sh other ati7ities for better fntionin$ of

    the bsiness for whih the 'artnership is established.

    C. To appoint any person as a$ent, onsltant or ad7isor for the prpose

    of its bsiness.

    . To apply for, prhase or otherwise aire, protet and renew in any

    part of the world, any patents, trademarBs, patent ri$hts, bre7ets,

    in7ention, lienses onessions and the liBe onferrin$ any elsi7e

    or non

  • 8/11/2019 LKHSPartnershipDeed V1.0


    world any bildin$s, oIes, worBshops, fatories, plants, mahinery,

    aessories and other thin$s fond neessary or on7enient for the

    prposes of addin$ to, alterin$ or enlar$in$ all or any of the bildin$s,

    fatories, premises and mahinery for the time bein$ the property of

    the 'artnership and ependin$ from time to time sh sms of money

    as maybe neessary or epedient for the prposes of impro7in$,

    addin$ to, alterin$, repairin$ and maintainin$ the bildin$s and

    mahinery and property of the 'artnership and to onstrt, maintain

    and alter any bildin$s or worBs neessary or on7enient for the

    prpose of the 'artnership.




    1. To han$e the name of 'artnership sb>et to appro7al of onern


    2. To han$e the prinipal plae of bsiness of the 'artnership whether

    otside the loal limits of the ity8state or from one state to another.

    =. To han$e the bsiness ob>et of the 'artnership.

    4. To alter the "apital "ontribtion of the partners.

    C. To Beep re$ister, indeLs, retrns, opies of erti6ates and

    doments in any plae other than the re$istered oIe of the


    . To $i7e loan or $arantees to other ompanies.

    E. To maBe in7estment in other ompanies.

    < 11