
LivingAttributes© USE YOUR LIGHT AND USE IT WELL Cornerstones Handbook

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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We all want to know why we are here. Why do some people know it while others struggle for a clue? Your Archetypes, Attributes and Angels can help you find your purpose in life.


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USE YOUR LIGHT AND USE IT WELL Cornerstones Handbook

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Bee shows us we can accomplish what seems impossible by having dedication and working hard. It asks us to pursue our dreams with incredible focus and fertilize our aspirations. Bee teaches us to cooperate with others who have similar goals so we can learn how to help each other.

Horse represents freedom and power. Horse people are wild spirits that cannot be broken. If Horse comes to you, look for safe passage into the new. We must synchronize our motives with that of others so we can quickly and steadily reach our goals.

Lioness spirit will teach us to assert ourselves, and take control of our life so we can become leaders. Her graceful swiftness shows us how to understand the natural flow of our environment and move into a position of leadership.

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Hawk teaches us to scope out the situation and focus on our talents with a clear and precise vision. Hawk learns to see the big picture in order to understand the past, present, and future. Hawk asks us to be observant of surroundings so we won't get distracted from our path by others.

Wolf teaches us to develop strength and confidence in our decisions. She shows we will learn to trust our insights once we learn how to value our inner voice. If wolf appears in your life examine where you need to develop more confidence and if you need more balance between friends, family, and yourself.

Otter brings understanding of our youthful self and asks us to rediscover our playful side. In its wisdom it advises us to nurture our talents and make good use of them. She also teaches us to find freedom in our ability to play.

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Turtle teaches us to be careful in new situations and to be patient in reaching our goals. Turtle also teaches us to take things slow, for it gives us time to figure out if we need to protect our self or forge ahead. She also teaches us to be adaptable to our environment so we can find the

The Dove represents the feminine power of giving, prophecy, and the hope of a new beginning. The Dove shows and reveals the veils between the spiritual and physical worlds. The dove is the joyful keeper of the higher heart, the doorway to our soul.

The Swan teaches that there is beauty in all things. As an archetype, the swan begins life as an "ugly ducking" and yet emerges into a slender beauty when full grown. This children's story is a tale of soul-growth and also teaches spiritual beauty. The swan's message is that things are not as they appear outwardly.

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Eagle shows us that people with high ideals need to be able to spread their wings so they can reach for the stars. Eagle brings the gift of clarity of vision. As long as we follow our intuition we will be heading in the right direction.

Butterfly enters our life as a messenger for change. If she comes to us hurt or ill, Butterfly asks us to stop keeping our joy at bay. You may need to take some time to be alone with yourself and listen to Butterfly's gentle requests. From this renewed space within, allow the natural transformation of things in your life to

Deer is a keen observer, able to see well in low lighting and its sensitive hearing allows it to perceive a twig snap in the distance. Deer is a messenger of serenity, can see between shadows and hear what isn't being said. Deer teaches us to maintain our innocence and gentleness so we can share our open-heartedness

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The Healer archetype is devoted and committed to the service of others. Her gift is integrity, sound and sincere. She is an inspiration to all, who are touched by her healing hands. Her call is this – ‘KNOW WHAT YOU RADIATE, IS A GIFT FROM GOD’

The Queen archetype is absolute strength and fortitude. Her perseverance and responsible nature make her a trust worthy ally indeed. Her call is this – ‘WHEN ALL SEEMS LOST, FIND YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR’

The Hero archetype has passion and courage. She stands convicted for what she believes in. With enthusiasm and innovation she brings forth change. Her call is this – ‘FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU KNOW, YOU CANT LIVE WITH OUT’

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The Visionary archetype sees the world with a prophetic view. She dreams with hope and clarity, and then brings a message of beauty to the world. A pure and wise mind is she. Her call is this – ‘MINDFUL BEAUTY IS A CELEBRATION’

The Teacher archetype is expressive at heart. Undeniably she is a true and admired communicator. Compassion is her gift and confidence her driving force. Her call is this – ‘DELIVER YOUR MESSAGE WITH ASSURED CALMNESS’

The Maiden archetype is freedom, desire and faith. Her relaxed and youthful display bring harmony wherever she goes. Her call is this – ‘FLEXIBILITY KNOWS FREEDOM, SO RELAX & BE FREE’

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The Holy Mother archetype is all giving; she is the gift of Abundance. She is the one who brings balance through her caring and intuitive nature. Her call is this – ‘THERE IS PLENTY, THERE IS SPLENDOR’

The Divine Child archetype is joyful and generous. She is happy to create and play all the day. Her life is perfect in every way. Her life’s mission is to delight. Her call is this – ‘BEHOLD, I’M HERE, COME PLAY’

The Enchantress archetype is perceptive and knows the power of forgiveness. Her gift is Liberty, her true nature Spiritual. Her call is this – ‘REVERENCE IS THE KEY TO ENLIGHTENMENT’

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!The Alchemist archetype can turn base metal into Gold. She has the gift of transformation. Her goal is to reveal the Divine in all her earthly creations: Her call is this – ‘AS ABOVE, SO BELOW’

The Star archetype is always ready to shine. She expands her sphere of influence by making quality connections. Her gift is humble but strong. Her call is this – ‘UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL’

The Wise Woman archetype has a kind and understanding heart. Her gifts are many and her presence brings with it discernment and Grace. Her call is this – ‘OBEDIENCE IS FAITH IN A PEACEFUL FUTURE’

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I AM Raphael the yellow hue born of the Sun. I lovingly give you my radiant charm. Be truthful to others and to yourself and my light of inspiration will reward you. Commitment is not always given with glee, but I promise you dear one, with out it you will find nee. For a life with out devotion to a higher course will leave you dull and nowhere to go. My Sun, your sun is in your heart and will heal your Soul.

I AM Camael your angel brave and strong. Call on my colour red. For its light is wild and warm. Bring me into your imagination and I will light your way with courage and play. The strength of my red ray is a rich and dancing display. A wonderful start to your year am I, for red is the colour that activates. I AM here to help you up hold your intentions. I AM your lead and humour. I place upon your head your crown and at your feet your glory.

I AM Uriel your resplendent glow of innovation. I come to you with my orange beam of vital enthusiasm. Be hold, for I bring to you a life that is exciting and bold. A divine spark in your mind am I. A complete and supreme delivery of courage that lights your way. Once your passion does arrive and your life finds true purpose. I show you the mirror and you are transformed.

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I AM Zadkiel the ray of Sweet Beauty. Can you see me? My mix is but a mystery. Touch your own inner beauty my child and you will always see it in others. Love invites the heart, but true Beauty invites the Soul. For Beauty is a pure and mindful celebration of Gods pure intent.

I AM Michael brilliance so blue. Be confident, be patient and grow dear one. Know that what you say has power and that your words hold true. A face so expressive, a face so calm, this is where your admiration is given degree. Bring forth your compassion and I will show you God speed. A life of good will is a sacred creed.

I AM Haniel the gift of green, simple and pure. Peace is freedom my child. Find peace in your heart and you will always find your way home. Ask only for harmony and faith to be your friend and the true nature of desire may visit your garden. A secure and relaxed dwelling indeed, a place where your freedom can grow. Faith beyond reason will always bring you Peace.

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I AM The Holy Mothers all Giving. Find a generous heart my child, and the magenta ray will find you. Know there is enough for us all. For Mother Earth gives generously to her children and it is up to us to find a way to share it. Splendour my key, honour my crown. An intuitive nature is a woman’s way - may your way, magnificent one, be a caring and balanced adventure.

I AM you and you are me. Hello my angel child. The gentle pink ray of joy is my gift to you. This simple gift will remind you that you are a joy to the world. The day you were born was adorned with a star spangled ray. A shimmering light that let the heavens know you were on your way. Now a woman so perfect with love, a creative delight from the heavens above. So continue my love and bring to them all, your warm and generous play!

I AM Ariel the ray of Forgiveness. Don’t be afraid of my violet ray, for shadow is just the other side of the light. The key you see is easy. Be forgiving, become the light & the shadows will soon disappear. The path to liberty and success lies in your ability to forgive. Your life my friend will be measured by you reverence and your perception of the spiritual. True enlightenment comes to those who leave the burden of blame and ignorance behind them.

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!I AM Shekinah the golden light of reveal and with it comes a Rainbow of delight. I AM here for you dear one. I will help you find the way to your hearts desire. With hope in your heart and divinity your guiding star, you will find respect where ever you go. In you, is a focused and competent day, that ignites true justice and a new and expansive light, a divine light from your heaven with in. A light so radiant, it will shine forever more.

I AM Gabriel the clear cyan light that brings to you the gift of appreciation & unity. Be grateful dear one, for there is always more to come. A humble heart is innocent and open. Accept your path with gratitude, for in this act of gratitude stillness is born. And from your stillness a connection to all that is, will undyingly be known. A unity beyond a pair, A unity divinely rare.

I AM Metatron your shimmering Silver Light. My presence so soft and gentle. Know that a kiss of kindness touches a delicate heart. Be understanding my child and you will find your true Nature. Discernment delivers life in a gracious manner, no need for cruelty or rudeness. Be the peace you need in the world and conflict will fall away. Peace is here now, Peace is forever.

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LivingAttributes© Elizabeth Ellames creator of LivingAttributes, Cornerstones of your sacred temple, Inner Rainbow

Learn and Play System and Temple de Lumiere.Email [email protected]