living on the smile side of life

You Can’t Spend Winter Waiting for Spring Its cold. Its dark. My clothes are full of static. I have to leave my faucet dripping so my pipes don’t freeze. There are wet boots in the living room. There is a wet dog in the house. My shoulders ache from shoveling. I slipped on the ice and fell on my butt. I could probably keep going on and on with my list of winter misery. I am not a skier or a sledder or a snowboarder, so there isn’t anticipation of that fun to bolster me. I don’t have a roaring fireplace to snuggle in front of, and no Scandinavian relative or friends to teach me the art of going from steam room to outdoor hot tub when the weather is below freezing. No wonder people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. See the list above.

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Post on 25-Jul-2016




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Are you living on the Smile Side of Life? Or, is stress getting the better of you? Learn how to add more humor, happiness and laughter to your life, while enhancing both your wellness and your wellbeing! Laugh and learn!


You Can’t Spend Winter

Waiting for Spring

