live for next 1000 years

This is Indonesia The fathers founding : Syahrir, Soekarno & Hatta

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dedicate for Indonesia Independence day 17-8-2008


Page 1: Live For Next 1000 Years

This is Indonesia

The fathers founding :

Syahrir, Soekarno & Hatta

Page 2: Live For Next 1000 Years



AUGUST 17 TH., 2008AUGUST 17 TH., 2008


© IC2-2008

Page 3: Live For Next 1000 Years


700 – 1300 was golden aged of Sriwijaya Kingdom . The location was at South Siumatera today. They have strong navy and well known as with their trade commodities until china . Mostly

typical people of almost same like China People. Their basic religion is Budhis. The next kingdom : Majapahit conquer this kingdom and let the budhis run away until to Thailand-siam right now.

Majapahit kingdom religion is Hindu,

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Majapahit was next great kingdom based in eastern of java from 1293 to around 1500. Its greatest ruler was Hayam Wuruk, whose reign from 1350 to 1389 marked the empire's peak when it dominated other kingdoms in the southern Malay Archipelago, Borneo, Sumatra, Bali, and the

Philippines. The Majapahit empire was the last of the major Hindu empires of the Malay archipelago and is considered one of the greatest states in Indonesian history. Its influence

extended to states on Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Borno and eastern Indonesia

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The national emblem of the Republic of Indonesia, GARUDA PANCASILA,is emblazoned with the words BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA.Translated, they mean 'Unity in Diversity' or,'We are of many kinds, but we are one'..

The concept of BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA can be traced back to thetime of the construction of Borobudur, when the Sailendra dynastyruled on the plains of Central Java in the eighth and ninth centuries.Two hundred years later, in the Brantas Valley in East Java, KingAirlangga built a united kingdom based on this same principle.Than 14th century poet sage of Majapahit, Mpu Tantular, who is saidto have committed the phrase to writing for the first time. In his


to have committed the phrase to writing for the first time. In hisreligious poem Sutasoma, composed during the reign of KingRajasanagara (Hayam Wuruk), Mpu Tantular expounded a doctrine ofreconciliation between the Hindu and Buddhist faiths. In more recentyears, the words of Mpu Tantular were an inspiration to the foundersof the first Independent Government of the Republic of Indonesia, andtoday they are found immortalized on the national emblem.

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1602-1945Millions people died during this period. Nethreland than become famous and rich country from this nations suffer. Many story told us how the imperialism running. Not many good things left according

to this era, except experience how to be good nation among the nations in the world

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1602-1945The war against the imperialism started from the moslem kingdom Mataram with King Sultan

Agung, and many more. Unfortunately No alliances between them. They fought only for they own local kingdom, local area. ‘Divide et Impera’ is main strategy of Netherland to let this nations never

unite as a nation- but only think as local hero….

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INDONESIAYouth Congress – 28 October 1928

First time all the youth organization declare that we shall united for our freedomThe new fight strategy for imperialism was started when several indonesian got high education, and

several also go to europe. The struggle strategy was changed.

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Independent Declaration-Proklamasi Kemerdekaan –

17 August 1945

MENGUBAH KITAPernah ada suatu masa dalam sejarah, makna tetabuhan kata-kata yang diucapkan dengan

menggelegar membuat kita paham : siapa kita, kemana kita hendak menuju. Dari sanalah sekelumit sejarah kebangsaan kita dibentuk, dari deklarasi “seandainya aku seorang Belanda”-”Als ik Eens

Nederlander Was”-Ki Hajar Dewantara pada 1913 hingga pidato kebudayaan Nirwan Dewanto 17 tahun lalu. Rasanya sudah lama sekali kita tidak mendengar maklumat pemikiran yang membuat kita

tercenung dan berpikir

Declaration that change us permanentlyOne fragment of this nation history, the meaning of the declaration which told us very loud, has give us

understanding about our nation and where we shall to go. From very beginning at 1913 by Ki Hajar Dewantara with title : if I was a Holland people –”-”Als ik Eens Nederlander Was”- until culture speaking of

Nirwan Dewanto last 17 years a go, we should realize it take too long for us to not hear any same declaration that make us think about our nation

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1945-1950We fight We fight For what we shall haveAs a NationLike the othersIn the world

One of the declaration of independent : Soekarno, who known as good spoken Talk in front the people who has been just have their freedom

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1945-1950That timeThat timeThis young countryStart to build What their own

We have suffer more than 350 years for imperialism. Holland has been rich and build their nation after take a lot of resources of this country. Millions has been died. Japanese stay for more 3.5 years since 1941. But they do not give anything accept continue the imperialism. After very long journey this country have their freedom.

But the war still continue. Holland still try to continue their imperialism after world war II finish. Their come back with the alliances force with england, australian and US.

Soekarno meet the youngsters by the train in the east of Java

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1945-1950That timeThat timeThis young countryStart to build What their own

“Dan aku akan lebih tidak perduliAku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi…”

-I do not care, -I wanna live more 1000 years-----

- Chairil anwar

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1959-1965Military Military Finally play their role

After first democracy election day at year 1955- the famous democracy that ever happen in this country- the politician ruins this country.

The stability was not ever happen for long period. Soekarno – lost his continuity and Hatta choose not to support his policy again. Liberalism has been tried to be implemented but not success – and than in 1965 Communist party start their long plan after fail in year 1948 to coup this country – but in other side this condition legitimate the military to take control this nation

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1965-1998The developmentThe developmentBegins

Suharto, who lead the military to legitimate control this nation successfully keep the stability until more than 32 years. Even though he has long period plan – called Repelita : 5 years planning- but corruption and manipulation is part of this period.

The chambers is not work. The parliament only for government stamp. As time bomb, the crisis shoot this condition successfully in year 1998 and let the lies still undercover until today

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1965,-1998,National TragedyNational Tragedy

There are national that would be alwaysRemembered by this nation. This tragedy happen caused by many reasons. When this nations was young, the conflict mainly for local issued, but for tragedy in 1965– the communist party tragedy – G30S-PKI , the conflict become national thousands were died. 1974 we have tragedy that reflect foreign capital investment of japan, and than Timor Leste and Aceh become sad tragedy . Finally at 1998 – Economic crisis hit this nation, the new era of government started.

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Today Ready to meet the competition and collaboration

Competition and Collaboration

Strategic Alliances

– Joint Research

– Joint Manufacturing

– Joint Inventions

Economic Integration (EU)

– One Currency (Euro)

– One Rule

– One Standard

– No Visa

Trade Agreements (NAFTA, AFTA, GCC-6, Southern African Development Cooperation Council)

– No Tariff or Reduced Tariffs

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Today Ready to play as important player in the future trends

Future Trends: Regionalization

Regionalization of the World Economy

Free Trade Area [NAFTA]

– Customs Union [ASEAN’s AFTA]

– Monetary Union [EU]

• Federal Budget Deficit Under 3%

• Public Debt as a Percentage of GDP Under 60%

• No Passports, and No Visas

• Free Flow of Factors of Production

• One Currency

• One Monetary Policy

• One Rule and One Standard

– Political Union [USA]

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Today Ready to make a changing for our next generation

Economic Report

• Competitiveness level was reported • Competitiveness level was reported

only no. 72 of 102 countries by world

economic forum, year 2002-2003

• IMD – World competitiveness in year

2007 confirm indonesia rank is 52 -

lowest rank for south asean nation


• Human resource capability confirm

only in rank 107 of 142 countries.

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Today Many things Has leftThat notMake our heroHappyIf they knowWhat they have doneIs uselessIs useless

The crisis,The reformation eraIs not end of the story

The epic saga today is notA bullet,A imperialismOr A revolution

But a development To be a sustainable country

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