liturgical season of apostles

211 Present Street, Missouri City, TX 77489, Phone: 281-969-7236 |Weekly Bulletin Vol. 17 No.21 June 08, 2014 Parish Contacts Trustees Joy Chencheril - 832-577-6375 Augustine Joseph - 832-692-3456 Jose Uthirakulath - 832-233-1480 John Babu - 832-520-9500 St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago Mar Jacob Angadiath, Bishop Vicar: Very Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil Tel: (832) 609-0813 Office: 281-969-7236 Email: [email protected] Holy Qurbana Schedule Sunday: 9.00am (Malayalam) 10.45am (English) Monday - Thursday: 8.30am Friday: 7.00pm Saturday: 9.00am *** Novena & Devotions St. Joseph - Friday after Holy Qurbana Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Saturday after Holy Qurbana *** Eucharistic Adoration & Night Vigil First Friday : 8.00pm *** Confession Before and after weekday Holy Qurbana and by appointment *** Prayer Meeting : Saturday Adult’s Prayer: Saint John Paul II House : 5.00pm Jesus Youth Prayer: 5.00pm *** CCE Class Sunday : 9.00am Liturgical Season of Apostles

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Page 1: Liturgical Season of Apostles

211 Present Street, Missouri City, TX 77489, Phone: 281-969-7236 |Weekly Bulletin Vol. 17 No.21 June 08, 2014

Parish Contacts Trustees

Joy Chencheril - 832-577-6375

Augustine Joseph - 832-692-3456 Jose Uthirakulath - 832-233-1480

John Babu - 832-520-9500

St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago Mar Jacob Angadiath, Bishop

Vicar: Very Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil

Tel: (832) 609-0813 Office: 281-969-7236

Email: [email protected]

Holy Qurbana Schedule Sunday: 9.00am (Malayalam)

10.45am (English) Monday - Thursday: 8.30am

Friday: 7.00pm Saturday: 9.00am

*** Novena & Devotions St. Joseph - Friday after

Holy Qurbana Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Saturday after Holy Qurbana

*** Eucharistic Adoration & Night Vigil

First Friday : 8.00pm ***

Confession Before and after weekday Holy Qurbana and by appointment

*** Prayer Meeting : Saturday

Adult’s Prayer: Saint John Paul II House : 5.00pm

Jesus Youth Prayer: 5.00pm ***

CCE Class Sunday : 9.00am

Liturgical Season of Apostles

Page 2: Liturgical Season of Apostles

Parish Council(2013-2014) Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil (Vicar) - (832) 609-0813 1. Augustine Vaniapurackal -Trustee & St. Agnes ward - 832-692-3456 2. John Babu -Trustee - 832-520-9500 3. Jose Uthirakulathu -Trustee - 832-233-1480 4. Joy Chencheril -Trustee & St. Sebastian ward - 832-577-6375 5. Lisamma Joseph - St. Antony Ward - 832-576-2136 6. Sunil Kurian - St. Augustine Ward - 281-450-4669 7. Vinoy Kurian - St. Elizabeth Ward - 832-886-2566 8. Biju George - St. Mathew Ward - 832-455-9005 9. George Joseph - St. George Ward - 281-844-0048 10. James Viruthukulangara - St. Alphonsa Ward - 713-530-8026 11 Bobby Joseph - St. Thomas Ward - 713-972-2620 12 Roychen Joseph - Blessed Chavara Ward - 713-478-9573 13 Bose Kurian - Nominated - 832-545-0054 14 Jose Manakalathil - Nominated - 281-731-4570 15 Salby Vincent - Nominated - 281-818-3733 16 Sabeena Roncy - Nominated - 832-475-9962 17 Stacy Ouseph - Nominated Youth - 832-453-5260 18 Rev. Sr. Emilin MSMI - MSMI Superior - 832-287-2926 19 Rev. Sr. Agnes Maria, MSMI - CCE Coordinator - 917-741-9948 20 Jeril Joseph –YOUTH - 281-948-6990 21 Manju Maliekkal (MathruJyothi) - Church Organizations - 832- 656-6335 22 Jessy Kurian - Pastoral Council - 281-857-6572 23 Paul Joseph - Pastoral Council -281-728-3222


Bulletin - [email protected]

(Please email all the announcements,

inserts or materials before 9.30pm Tuesday)

E-mail id & address updates -

[email protected]

Phone: Tomy Arackal - 713-398-0567

Web site :

Read this bulletin online: | Published by: Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil, Vicar, St Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Missouri City, TX June 08 , 2014

June 15, 2014



Malayalam: 9.00am

Kurian Pannapara, Sam Kurian Tomy IC, Tomy Peter

English : 10.45am

Zubin Joseph , Abin Antony,

Joshua James , Mathew Cleetus


Malayalam Holy Qurbana : 9.00am 1st reading: Bett Mundattuchundayil

2nd reading : Jessy Jose

English Holy Qurbana : 10.45am

1st reading: Austin Joseph 2nd reading : Anna Tom

1st Sunday of Apostles 8 Sun First Sunday of Apostles The Feast of Pentecost Ex. 19: 1-9 You are a holy people of God. Acts 2: 1-13 (2: 1-21) Holy Spirit comes on the Apostles. 1 Cor. 12: 1-11 (12: 1-27) Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jn. 16: 5-15 The work of the Holy Spirit. 9 Mon Rom 5: 1-5 Rewards of righteousness. Mt 5: 13-20 You are the salt of the earth and light of the world. 10 Tue 2 Thess 1: 3-12 Accept the sufferings for God. Mt 20: 29-34 Jesus heals two blind men. 11 Wed St. Barnabas, the Apostl Acts 11: 21-26 (11: 21-26+11: 1-3) Barnabas’ Mission. Gal 2: 1-10 Barnabas with Paul. Mt 10: 16-22 Give testimony to Christ before the Gentiles. 12 Thu Heb 8: 7-13 The new covenant inscribed in the heart. Jn 2: 13-25 Jesus is the true temple. 13 Fri Friday of Gold Acts 3: 1-26 A lame man is healed by Apostles. Lk 7: 11-23 (7: 1-23) The blind see and the lame walk. St. Anthony of Padua 1 Cor 2: 1-10 Wisdom is the power of God’s Spirit. Lk 10: 1-9 Pray to the Lord of harvest. 14 Sat 1 Cor 12: 12-20 We are one body in spirit. Jn 6: 25-29 Believe in whom He has sent. 15 Sun Second Sunday of Apostles Joel 2: 18-26 (2:15-26) The mercy of God. 1 Cor 6: 1-11 baptized by Christ and the Spirit of God. Lk 7: 36-50 (7: 31-50) Forgiveness to the sinful women. Feast of Holy Trinity Rom 5: 1-5 Share in the glory of God. Jn 16: 12-15 Fulfillment in true spirit.

Page 3: Liturgical Season of Apostles

Read this bulletin online: | Published by: Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil, Vicar, St Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Missouri City, TX June 08, 2014


Sunday Collection (05/18/2014) Monthly Contribution: 5528.00 Nagpur Diocese Collection: 3406.00 Hall Rent: 330.00 Total : 9264.00

Hearty Congratulations and prayerful wishes to all the graduates of 2014.

High School Graduates:

Ann Sanjeev Blijo Puthenpurayil Carol Jacob Christin Abraham Clevin Kunjumon Dona Uthirakulathu Emily Johnson James George Jamie James Jamie Joseph Joel Jacob Joel Pious Julina Joseph Lance Prince Leslie Vazhapilly Mathew Francis Nicholos Joseph Oshin Joseph Priya Vetticadan Rohin Chittilapilly Ryan Chacko Tania Abraham

College Graduates: Jocelyn Joseph* Joshua Ouseph* Roslyn James* Sheryl Pious* Tony Roshan Special Recognition from the School/Test NICHOLOS JOSEPH - SAT Perfect Score OSHIN JOSEPH Valedictorian – Austin High School Salutatorian — Hightower High School



Page 4: Liturgical Season of Apostles

Read this bulletin online: | Published by: Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil, Vicar, St Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Missouri City, TX June 08, 2014

ന ിൽ വസിക്കു പരിശു ാ ാവ്‌

''നി ൾ ൈദവ ിന്‌െറ ആലയമാെണ ും ൈദവാ ാവ്‌ നി ളിൽ വസിക്കു ുെവ ും നി ൾ അറിയു ിേലല്?'' (1 േകാറി. 3:16). േയശു പറ ു: ഞാൻ പിതാവിേനാട്‌ അേപക്ഷിക്കുകയും എേ ക്കും നി േളാടുകൂെട ആയിരിക്കുവാൻ മെ ാരു സഹായകെന അവിടു ു നി ൾക്ക് തരുകയും െചയയ്ും. ഈ സതയ്ാ ാവിെന സവ്ീകരിക്കാൻ േലാക ിനു സാധിക്കുകയിലല്. കാരണം, അത്‌ അവെന കാണുകേയാ അറിയുകേയാ െചയയ്ു ിലല്. എ ാൽ, നി ൾ അവെന അറിയു ു. കാരണം, അവൻ നി േളാെടാ ു വസിക്കു ു; നി ളിൽ ആയിരിക്കുകയും െചയയ്ും'' (േയാഹ. 14:16-17). ൈദവാ ാവ്‌ ന ിൽ വസിക്കു ു ് എ സതയ്ം പലർക്കും ബു ിപരമായ ഒരറിവ്‌ മാ്രതമാണ്‌. അതിനാലാണ്‌ നിരവധി ൈ്രകസ്‌തവ വിശവ്ാസികൾ ശക്തിയും സേ ാഷവും നെ വരായത്‌. മ ുചിലർക്ക് പരിശു ാ ാവ്‌ ഉളള്ിലുെ േബാധയ്മു ്. പേക്ഷ, അവിടുെ സാ ിധയ് ിന്‌െറ മഹതവ്വും മൂലയ്വും തിരി റിയാെത, സാധാരണ മനുഷയ്രായി ജീവിക്കു ു. േവെറ ചിലർ പരിശു ാ ാവിന്‌െറ സ്‌േനഹസാ ിധയ്ം പലേ ാഴും അനുഭവി റി ി ുളള്വരാണ്‌. എ ാൽ, അമിതമായ തിരക്കും േലാകേമാഹ ളുംമൂലം ആ ാവിെന നിർവീരയ്മാക്കി ജഡികമനുഷയ്െരേ ാെല ജീവിക്കു ു. മ ു പലരുെടയും ്രപശ്‌നം േവെറാ ാണ്‌. അവർ ത ളുെട ഉളള്ിൽ ൈദവം വസിക്കു ുെ ് ഉറ ുളള്വരാണ്‌. പേക്ഷ, മ ുളള്വരുെട ഉളള്ിലും ഈ ൈദവാ ാവ്‌ കുടിെകാളള്ു ു ് എ േബാധയ്മിലല്. ത ൂലം ൈദവഭക്തിയും വിശവ്ാസവും നിറ വെര ് കരുതു പലരും മ ുളള്വേരാട്‌ േമാശമായി െപരുമാറു ു. ജീവിതപ ാളിയിൽ ൈദവാ ാവുെ ിൽ, ജീവിതപ ാളിേയാട്‌ േമാശമായി സംസാരിക്കുകയും െപരുമാറുകയും െചയയ്ുേ ാൾ ൈദവാ ാവിെനതിരായി േലല് ്രപവർ ിക്കു ത്‌? മക്കേളാട്‌, മാതാപിതാക്കേളാട്‌, സേഹാദര േളാട്‌ േമാശമായി െപരുമാറുകയും അേത സമയം വിശവ്ാസികെള ് ഭാവിക്കുകയും െചയയ്ു തിൽ ൈവരു യ്മിേലല്? െതാഴിലാളികേളാടും സഹ്രപവർ കേരാടുെമലല്ാം േമാശമായി െപരുമാറു തിന്‌െറ കാരണവും അവരിൽ വസിക്കു ൈദവാ ാവിെന തിരി റിയാ താണ്‌. എ ിൽ വസിക്കു ൈദവാ ാവ്‌ തെ യാണ്‌ മ ുളള്വരിലും വസിക്കു െത ിൽ, ൈദവ ിന്‌െറ ആലയമായ അപരേനാട്‌ േമാശമായി െപരുമാറുേ ാൾ എ ിലുളള് ൈദവാ ാവും െനാ രെ ടും. ഈ െനാ രം ആ ീയ തളർ യിേലക്കും ്രകേമണ ആ ീയ തകർ യിേലക്കും നെ നയിക്കാം. ഇതുേപാെലതെ ൈദവാ ാവ്‌ നയിക്കു ഇതര ശു്രശൂഷകെള മാനിക്കാതിരിക്കുേ ാൾ ന ുെട ശു്രശൂഷകളുെട ൈചതനയ്ം ന െ ുേപാകും. അതിനാൽ, ൈദവം ന ിലു ് എ തിരി റിവ്‌ ന ളിൽ മാ്രതേമ ൈദവമുളള്ൂ എ േഭാഷതവ്ചി യിേലക്ക് നയിക്കാതിരിക്കെ . അപരനിെല ൈദവെ കാണാൻ ന ുെട ഉളള്ിൽ വസിക്കു ൈദവംതെ നെ സഹായിക്കെ . ്രപാർ ന എ ിൽ വസിക്കു ൈദവാ ാേവ, അ െയ ആദരിക്കാൻ എെ പഠി ിക്കണേമ. എന്‌െറ സേഹാദര ളിൽ വസിക്കു ൈദവാ ാേവ, അ െയ ആദരിക്കുവാൻ എെ പഠി ിക്കണേമ, ആേമൻ.

െബ ി പു റ — ശാേലാം ൈടംസ്‌

Page 5: Liturgical Season of Apostles


Read this bulletin online: | Published by: Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil, Vicar, St Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Missouri City, TX June 08, 2014

BIBLE QUIZ—20 1. How long did the woman suffer from a hemorrhage? 2. Where was Mathew sitting when Jesus found him? 3. Who reigned Judea after King Herod? 4. Whose inscription was found in the coin? 5. Who was the father of Zechariah? 6. Who is the brother of Herod the tetrarch? 7. Who was the Father of Joseph, the husband of Mary? 8. What is the name given to the Potter’s field? 9. Who asked Herod for the head of John the Baptist? 10. How many men were fed with five loaves and two fish? 11. What was the other name of Peter? 12. Whom did John the Baptist call brood of vipers? 13. For whom is it difficult to enter through the eye of a needle? 14. Who was the mother of Solomon? 15. What were James and John doing when Jesus called them? 16. Where did Jesus go after feeding the 4000 men? 17. Who appeared at the time of transfiguration? 18. Which prophet did Jesus compare John Baptist to? 19. How much did the householder pay to the hired laborers? 20. When did Jesus walk on the sea?

“Let us never lose hope! God loves us always, even with our mistakes and sins.” -- Pope Francis

Open to all CCE students. Questions are based on Gospel of St. Mathew (NAB version) and general Catholic quiz questions.

Prizes will be given out every four weeks who makes most correct answers (total points/answers of all four weeks. If there are more than one participant with same points, winners will be selected by lot. Answers can be

emailed to: [email protected]

on or before the following Tuesday before 10pm of the bulletin published date with student’s name and

Winners of Last week : Vimel and Amel Simon, Navya Mukkatt Alesha and Aleena Salby, Aaron and Rose Mary Thomas

Quiz will resume after CCE school opens in September. Thanks for participating

Page 6: Liturgical Season of Apostles

Read this bulletin online: | Published by: Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil, Vicar, St Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Missouri City, TX June 08, 2014

SSVP Announcement Membership of the Conference The society is a Catholic lay organization open to all who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbor. Conference membership is made up of: Active Members (Full) are those who participate regularly in the prayer life, meetings, and charitable activities through personal contact with the poor or the Vincentian Conference or Council into which they have been received. An Active Member accepts The Rule of the Society, belongs to the Catholic Church, and is received as a Vincentian brother or sister into the Society’s Conference or Council with which he or she is affiliated by formal action. Normally membership implies Conference affiliation. Less commonly is membership obtained through direct Council affiliation. Only Active Members hold office in the organization. An Active Member lose his or her status as an Active Member by not attending 3 consecutive meeting of the Conference. Source: SSVP Bylaw: MEMBERSHIP SECTION SSVP Meetings SSVP Meetings are held in a spirit of friendship, simplicity and Christian joy. They provide for spiritual growth, consideration in common of the experiences of each member and the issues encountered in the pursuit of better service. SSVP members will meet on Sunday after the Malayalam Holy Qurbana in the old conference room. Our next meeting will be on June 15th.

Page 7: Liturgical Season of Apostles

St. Anthony of Padua (June 13) Saint Anthony was canonized (declared a saint) less than one year after his death.

There is perhaps no more loved and admired saint in the Catholic Church than Saint Anthony of Padua, aDoctor of the Church. Though his work was in Italy, he was born in Portugal. He first joined the Augustinian Order and then left it and joined the Franciscan Order in 1221, when he was 26 years old. The reason he became a Franciscan was because of the death of the five Franciscan protomartyrs -- St. Bernard, St. Peter, St. Otho, St. Ac-cursius, and St. Adjutus -- who shed their blood for the Catholic Faith in the year 1220, in Morocco, in North Africa, and whose headless and mutilated bodies had been brought to St. Anthony’s monastery on their way back for burial. St. Anthony became a Franciscan in the hope of shedding his own blood and becoming a martyr. He lived only ten years after joining the Franciscan Order. So simple and resounding was his teaching of the Catholic Faith, so that the most unlettered and innocent might understand it, that he was made a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XII in 1946. Saint Anthony was only 36 years old

when he died. He is called the “hammer of the Heretics” His great protection against their lies and deceits in the matter of Christian doctrine was to utter, simply and innocently, the Holy Name of Mary. When St. Anthony of Padua found he was preaching the true Gospel of the Catholic Church to heretics who would not listen to him, he then went out and preached it to the fishes. This was not, as liberals and naturalists are trying to say, for the instruction of the fishes, but rather for the glory of God, the delight of the angels, and the easing of his own heart. St. Anthony wanted to profess the Catholic Faith with his mind and his heart, at every moment. He is typically depicted with a book and the Infant Child Jesus, to whom He miracu-lously appeared, and is commonly referred to today as the "finder of lost articles." Upon ex-humation, some 336 years after his death, his body was found to be corrupted, yet his tongue was totally incorrupt, so perfect were the teachings that had been formed upon it.

Saints of the week: June 08. St. Gildard 09. St. Ephrem 10. St. Timothy 11. St. Barnabas 12. St. Chirstian 13, St. Anthony of Padua 14. St. Methodius I

Read this bulletin online: | Published by: Rev. Fr. Zacharias Thottuvelil, Vicar, St Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Missouri City, TX June 08, 72014