
Little Acorns© “Low Liability Laying” By ADK Publishing Welcome and thank you for your purchase. Following this guide to the letter will put extra money in your pocket, of that I have no doubt – Enjoy! This book is protected by Copyright Reg. No. 285751 Copyright © 2015 ADK Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Email: [email protected]

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Post on 02-Feb-2016




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Little Acorns©

“Low Liability Laying”


ADK Publishing

Welcome and thank you for your purchase. Following this guide

to the letter will put extra money in your pocket, of that I have

no doubt – Enjoy!

This book is protected by Copyright Reg. No. 285751

Copyright © 2015 ADK Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

Email: [email protected]

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Section 1


Section 2

Little Acorns©2015 (The Formula)

Section 3

Staking Plans & Starting Banks

Section 4

When To Place Your Bet

Section 5


Section 6


Section 7

Free Money!

Section 8

Further Information

Section 9

Bonus! – A Nice Little Earner

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Little Acorns© is all about Laying horses to lose. Here we go again I hear you

say….But wait! I believe I have solved most of the negative issues associated with

Laying. That is, the scary scenario of high liabilities that prevents many from

making money long term from this form of betting.

In short, I found a way to make small gains regularly using a short and systematic

method. These small gains are not to be scoffed at, as we all know what Little

Acorns© turn into? Likewise with this plan, we advise you start small, gather

confidence, re-invest gains, and you will soon see what you can achieve from

steady re-investment and compounding.

If You Are New To Laying Horses….

First, if you are new to Laying horses to lose, then its best explained by logging

onto and clicking on ‘Demo’ in the exchange Tab, NOT the

sportsbook page. Or go straight to

Betfair is a betting exchange where you bet against fellow punters. You can either

request a price for your selection to see if it gets matched, or you can offer a price

to see if it gets taken.

If this all seems confusing to you right now, don’t worry, the beginners demo is

excellent. I believe you can only go so far in explaining the concept in written

form. Live examples are far more effective. After a couple of views you will soon

become clear with the concept of Laying in general.

Betting exchanges such as Betfair make their money by charging a commission

rate depending on your volume of activity on winning transactions only. Put

simply, the more you bet the bigger the reduction in your commission charge.

Please view the demo first on Betfair before moving onto the next section, unless

of course you are already familiar with the way betting exchanges work. From


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heron I will be explaining the workings of the formula assuming you are already

fully conversed with the whole Laying process using decimal odds.

A Little Background…….

As a general rule I have never liked the concept of betting on horses to lose. This

was born by my first venture into this way of betting in 2002. I first started laying

at a certain price and was successful on my first 12 races - then disaster struck!

I had 2 horses that I Layed to ‘lose’ actually winning their races wiping out all the

profits made in the previous 7 days. What a soul destroyer! A case of 12 steps

forward and 13 steps back!

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe there are a few laying systems out there doing

very well Laying horses lets say between 5.0 - 8.0 in decimal odds. However, they

MUST have an adequate betting bank and a well thought out staking plan to

ensure long term gains. Last but not least, the user must have balls of steel to carry

on when you get the knock backs I experienced above.

Its ironic how I discovered this excellent money making formula. I was in fact

looking at ways to make money from backing ‘Odds On’ selections to ‘Win’ as

opposed to Laying them to ‘Lose’. I tried using progressive staking (Increasing

stakes after a winner) to see if there was any way of gaining an edge. However,

what shocked me was the amount of odds on selections that lose. Yes, I did have

winning runs of 5 or 6, but then 2 or 3 losers would come along and I was back to

square one – sound familiar?

I then turned my attention to Laying them to lose. So I looked closely at Laying

with a liability equal to, or below my Lay stake. After making a note of several

hundred races I had that Eureka moment! What I found was simply genius, yet so


I then linked the above formula to a sensible staking plan and one very important

selection filter and BINGO!.. The Little Acorn started to grow and grow with the

trend on the profit graph heading north with the odd dip south, but then it would

power northwards again!

The Early Days…

In 2003 some 3 years after Betfair was launched, my publishers offered Little

Acorns© for sale with some small classified Ads in the racing press. At the time,

the liquidity in the Betfair market was not as huge as it is now, and Laying horses

was not that popular.

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The handful who purchased made it pay and made it pay well. Nowadays the

money flowing into Betfair is huge, and so there is plenty of room for many others

to take a nice slice of the cake. Also, as Little Acorns centres around laying

favourites, there is never any shortage of money to Lay in each race.

Having seen and experienced some of the Laying systems around today, we felt the

time was right for a re-launch, and believe Little Acorns© deserves its place in the

portfolio of any serious investor.

I first started with £5 Lays, yes I know its small, but please bear with me on this

one and I will explain why.

Past experience has led me to believe making money from betting or any form of

investment, is as much about confidence as following a successful blueprint.

Let me explain. Sometime ago I developed a backing system that made a profit

every year since I first started using it. Yet, I gave the very same system to a few

others and somehow they failed to make it pay. Why? Well I feel this can be put

down to 3 reasons.

1. They are NOT following it correctly.

2. They give up or question the formula if encountering a losing run

of ‘8’ or more. (A losing run of 8 seems to be the psychological

barrier where punters start to lose their nerve).

3. They expect too much to quick and start with big stakes.

Looking at point 3 above, its very important to feel comfortable with the stakes

you are placing. Those who start big and expect immediate large profits become

very despondent or nervous when they experience a few losing bets. They focus

too much on the money they have lost and think “Oh my starting bank is down by

half! – What if I don’t make it back etc etc”. You see, they are so anxious to make

the profits advertised, they don’t realise that in order to achieve these figures they

will have losers en-route.

The problem here is they have placed stakes uncomfortable to them from the

outset, and are unwilling to really let this money go.

Now lets change the focus for a minute. If you decide to give this a real go, put

aside lets say £300 or whatever suits your own personal circumstances.

What we suggest is, see this money as gone from the start and anything you get

back as a bonus. Now looking at the worst case scenario, the most you can lose is

£300. The money you were prepared to lose from the outset, but don’t worry, you

won’t lose it – it will grow and grow! However, having this mindset will help you

carry on to eventual profit. Become numb to the emotion of winning and losing

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and you will make money hand over fist I can assure you. Now lets move onto to

the Little Acorns© formula itself.

Little Acorns©

“Low Liability Laying”

(The Formula)

First, I will run through the rules with the reason behind each rule as we go along. I

will also give a quick step-by-step summary at the end.

STEP ~ 1

The formula can be used on ALL race types of any amount of runners on every track

including ALL-Weather in the UK, but NOT Irish Racing.

We have every reason to believe that including Irish racing would be every bit as

profitable, but at present we have no officially recorded historical data to support

that it would be profitable long term. For those wishing to include it, then I would

suggest running a small separate sequence running alongside the official one, and

monitor or use small stakes to see whether the inclusion of Irish racing is viable.

So lets first log onto and make sure you are on the exchange Tab

NOT the Sportsbook as it sometimes defaults to. Next click on ‘Sports’ then ‘All

Markets’, then ‘Horse Racing –Today’s card’. As below.


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(If you are yet to open a Betfair account, please see Section 7, and find out how to

obtain a FREE £25 bet and a further bonus after 3 months).

Next, Scroll through each UK race in the ‘Win’ market only. NOT the ‘PLACE’

market, and note down all Favourites with LAY odds showing in the pink column

of between (1.5) & (2.0).

Please Note: The WIN market is the market that has nothing wrote alongside it in


Next, make sure the SECOND favourite has LAY odds in the pink column of (6.0)

or below, and the THIRD favourite has LAY odds in the pink column of (10.0) or

below. This would be a race to note below.

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The Reason...

We need a couple of dangers to the Favourite, and implementing this rule will

ensure two realistic threats.

STEP ~ 2

Next, log onto Its free to view upon a simple registration

process. On the right hand side you will see the list of the days racecards.

Once you click on each meeting individually, click on ‘SHOW ALL RACES AT

THIS MEETING ON ONE PAGE’ to be found at the bottom of the listed races.

This will save you time as you won’t have to click on each race individually.

Simply scroll through each race. Also make sure you are looking at the racecard in


Now check the horses that are Favourite from the races you noted from Betfair in

Step 1.

If any of these Favourites from the races you noted from Step~1 is a Beaten

Favourite (Denoted by the letters ‘BF’ inside a grey box next to the right of the

horses name), then cross that selection out from your list. All other symbols are ok.

Again I repeat, only put a line through the selection if the favourite has ‘BF’ next

to its name. (See Below for a race that would be ok).

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The Reason…

Historically Beaten Favourites who are ‘Odds On’ win far too often. I feel this can

be put down to 2 reasons;

1). If the horse comes from a gambling stable, then connections are usually on a

recovery mission to recoup losses incurred from its previous losing race.

Obviously it was expected to win if it was Favourite last time out.

2). The trainer and all concerned with the horse, would now be looking for an ideal

race where it has a very high chance of winning. Rest assured the jockey would be

trying hard to get it across the line first. Implementing this filter will ensure that

any losing runs are kept well below 7 or 8, which is within the staking plan

sequence this formula is based on.

STEP ~ 3

The horse/s you have left on your list can now be Layed so long as you can obtain

a Lay price of between (1.5) & (2.0), and going according to the staking plans in

Section 3.

IMPORTANT! You can place your Lay bet at anytime when the price of the first,

second, and third favourites all meet with the system’s criteria. Don’t worry if after

placing your bet the Lay price of your selection, or the price of the second and

third goes outside the system price boundaries.

So long as you have ‘Layed’ and fixed your liability within the system rules, then

long-term profitability will be assured.

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I personally check all races on Betfair at around 12pm and note down all qualifiers

and also those that are close to been qualifiers. What I mean by this is; any

favourite that is 2.50 or below in the blue ‘Back’ column. I then re-check all

qualifiers and close qualifiers around 10/15 minutes before the official race ‘off’

time. If they now meet with all the system price requirements at any time during

the 10/15 minutes timeframe I will Lay them in timed sequence order.

Extra Selection Filter For Improved Strike


If you’re of a more cautious nature, or want to start with higher stakes, then

including this extra filter will improve your winning lay strike rate by around 5%.

Quite simply operate this method on All-weather racing and National Hunt

Bumpers (Flat races) only!

However, there is a trade-off here, as your qualifying selections will reduce by

about 30%, so if you want more selections ignore this extra filter.

Staking Plans & Starting Banks…

Staking Plan (A) - Fibonacci sequence

I have run hundreds of past selections via several staking plans, and the one that

gets the edge long term is the one below. It’s a sensible loss retrieval staking plan

that’s fits in nicely with the methods historical win/lose sequence.

The loss retrieval staking sequence (known as the Fibonacci sequence) goes like


1 - 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 - 13 – 21 – 34 (Reverting back to stake ‘1’ after a winning Lay

anywhere in the sequence).

For Example;

Based on £10 Lays at the average price of this formula of (1.76) and a

Betfair commission of 5%

First Stake: £10 Lay - Horse Won (We Lost) -£7.60


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Next Stake: £10 Lay – Horse Won (We Lost) -£7.60

Next Stake: £20 Lay – Horse Lost (We Won) +£19.00 (After 5% commission

deduction) *Profit of +£3.80

(Now revert back to a £10 Lay).

*May not seem like a lot, but that’s almost 10% return on investment over just 3

bets! These small amounts really do build after time, patience, and compounding

as many long term Little Acorns have now found. Hence why this method has now

been passed on almost every respectable review site.

Occasionally when you move up the staking sequence you might experience a

slight loss depending on the price of the previous Layed selection/s. However, this

staking sequence is designed to protect profits already made. For example; We are

always puzzled by those that state “What’s the point of laying out lets say £26.00

just to win £2.00?” Well, we are NOT laying out £26 just to win £2.00, we are

laying out £26 to recoup most, if not all of the previous losses made. We are then

in a great position to take advantage when we hit the inevitable series of winning

lays, streaks as I call them. Once we hit these winning lays, we are quickly

catapulted back into profit as we don’t have to re-coup large previous losses.

Remember, unlike many systems that adopt the use progressive staking, Little

Acorns has the long term stats on its side that will bring about future profits. More

importantly, incorporating the above staking sequence ensures a very efficient way

of pulling back any losses that may occur en-route.

Starting Bank For Staking Plan (A)….

Based on Staking Plan (A) in Section 3, you will need a betting bank of ‘176’

points. So lets look at the amount of starting bank required depending on your

chosen lay stake. As a guide, we have also given your expected winnings per

month which reflect that starting stake and betting bank.

These figures are based on a monthly profits ratio of between 7 – 35 points which

the formula has historically shown. Remember, the minimum unit bet on Betfair is

£2.00, so £2.00 x 176 = £352 as the minimum starting bank.

Expected monthly

profit of between;

*£2.00 Lay stake x 176 = Starting Bank required £352 £14 - £70

*£5.00 Lay stake x 176 = Starting Bank required £880 £35 - £175

£10.00 Lay stake x 176 = Starting Bank required £1,760 £70 - £350

£50.00 Lay stake x 176 = Starting Bank required £8,800 £350 - £1,750

£100 Lay stake x 176 = Starting Bank required £17,600 £1,750 - £3,500

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and so on………

*Its recommended you start with £2.00 or £5.00 Lays until you become familiar with the selection process and see

first hand the results that can be achieved. This will then give you confidence to move up the staking ladder.

If you choose to start on £5 or even £2 lays, then please don’t scoff at the monthly

profits that can be achieved. Remember the title of the book? - You bank will soon

grow! Many of our long-term users are already on £50 Lay units with a handful on

£100 Lays after building up a betting bank of approximately £17,000 and are now

enjoying profits of between £1,750 - £3,500 a month after 2/3 years of usage.

If You Encounter A Losing Sequence Using Staking Plan (A) …

First of all don’t panic, we have the mathematics on our side for strong long-term

growth. The betting bank we recommend above can take over 2.5 losing

sequences. Considering you will only expect one every 15/18 months we have

more than enough in reserve for this eventuality. Also, in time you will have built

up sufficient profits for any losing sequence to be easily absorbed.

When I first started operating the formula I did experience a losing sequence of 9

only once in an 18 month period, but even then I did not come close to losing my

starting bank.

Let me explain;

The average Lay price for Little Acorns is (1.76), therefore you payout £7.60 for

each £10 unit that loses, in other words if the horse wins. Put simply, you are not

losing your full unit Lay stake on most of your bets.

On the other hand, if we were to lay at the maximum price allowed for Little

Acorns of (2.0) on all selections in the sequence, then of course you would lose the

full £880 bank for one sequence. However, as stated above, the average liability

payout for each winning selection is 1.76 (0.76 after deducting your stake). So

taking one losing sequence of £880 x 0.76 would equal a loss of £668.80p.

Divide this by our recommended betting bank of £1,740 for £10 lays, and this

would equal 2.63. So the betting bank could take well over 2.5 losing sequences.

More than enough to protect our bank!

There are simply too many complex variables in horse racing to form any

consistency for the backer of horses at these odds. To prove this, have a go at this

little experiment. Try and ‘Back to Win’ 8 or 9 ‘Odds On’ selections on the trot.

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In other words using the Little Acorns criteria in reverse to ‘Back’ horses to win

instead of Laying them to lose. We have no doubts the conclusion of your

experiment will validate why Little Acorns works, and works well!

Finally, don’t worry even if you have 5, 6 or 7 losing bets on the trot, a winning

Lay will soon arrive to end the sequence. Remember, we have the maths on our


If you do feel uncomfortable when you reach 6 or 7 losing bets in the sequence you

are staking too high! Reduce your stakes and come back within your comfort zone,

so you don’t lose confidence when you reach the higher end of the staking


Staking Plan (B) - Adding Loss to Next Stake

You will need a bank of 150 points and will be laying ‘1’ point on each selection.

So for example starting with a bank of £1,500 your first Lay stake will be £10.00.

If the horse loses, meaning you WIN, then stick with the same £10 Lay stake for

the next bet. If it wins, meaning you LOSE, just add that loss incurred to your next

£10 Lay stake for the next bet.



9/04/08: 3.10 Bath - Sugar Mint 1.77 £10.00 £7.70 Won (WE LOST) -£7.70 £992.30

9/04/08: 4.30 Tow - Dancing Dasi 1.83 £17.70 £14.69 Lost (WE WON) +£16.82 £1009.12

9/04/08 5.00 Tow - Murphys C’nal 1.94 £10.00 £9.40 Lost (WE WON) +£9.50 £1018.62 *All profit/loss figures assuming a Betfair reduction commission of 5%)

Once your bank doubles to £3,000, you may want to move up to £20 Lay bets and

so on…

Staking Plan (C) – Two Steps Back After A Winner

Its has come to our attention from two well respected betting review sites that this

staking plan is fast becoming favourite for many reviewers. Why? Well many have

found that it averages a steady 7 - 15 points profit per month, and appears to be

Using both of the above progressive staking plans will bring about profit. In fact, using progressive

staking alongside any statistically sound formula is a powerful weapon for making profits. There is a

lot myths and scare stories that surround progressive staking, yet if used wisely, its one of the single

most powerful staking tools that can be used to make good gains, especially when you are laying

equal too, or below your actual unit stake. Ask any professional, they will tell you making money

from level stake betting is hard. If you have the right formula, and feel comfortable with the stakes

you place, then you will see with Little Acorns© how progressive staking can, and will make you


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very consistent and fits the Little Acorns Win/Lose pattern like a glove. Therefore,

I feel compelled to include as an option.

I call it the ‘Two Steps Back After A Winner Plan’. Quite simply when you

experience a series of losers, instead of going back to the beginning of the staking

sequence like with the Fibonacci method, with this you just go back 2 steps.

For Example;

You’ve experienced ‘4’ losing lays on the bounce from the start, so your next Lay

stake if you refer to the original Fibonacci staking would be a ‘5’ point Lay on the

next qualifier. Normally if that’s a winning lay (meaning the horse lost), you would

go back to the start of the Fibonacci sequence to stake ‘1’ point on the next


However using this method we only go back ‘2’ steps if we won, so in this

example your next Lay would be ‘1.5’ points. If that’s a winning Lay for us we

again go back ‘’2 steps which would be a stake of ‘1’ point (the beginning). If

however it was another losing Lay after the 4th bet then we would carry on to stake

a ‘3’ point unit Lay and so on.

Some have found using the extended Fibonacci ideal for the ‘Two Steps Back

After A Winner’ staking plan as it has more safety built in. Here it is below;

Extended Fibonacci Sequence:

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6.5 8 10.5 13 17 21 27.5 34

£2 £3 £4 £5 £6 £8 £10 £13 £16 £21 £26 £34 £42 £55 £68

£5 £7.50 £10 £12.50 £15 £20 £25 £32.50 £40 £50 £65 £85 £105 £135 £170

£10 £15.00 £20 £25.00 £30 £40 £50 £65.00 £80 £105 £130 £170 £210 £275 £340

and so on…

(Points value is shown on the top of the table and the monetary value

equivalent below if starting on £2, £5 or £10 stakes).

Staking Plan (D) - Level Stake Laying

All staking plans above will make you money, however feedback has shown that

many do not like loss chasing staking methods and that’s fair enough. If that’s the

case then why not opt for Level stake Laying? So long as you don’t mind months

of little or no profits, and maybe slight losses then level stake laying will deliver

over the long term by around 30-45 points over any 12 months period. It will

certainly beat any bank rates to savers and with compounding can turn into

worthwhile sums in as little as 3 years.

The Power of Compounding

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Did you know that skimming a mere 10% profit every month from your chosen

starting bank (A mere 2 points), and aiming for 10% each month from your new

bank, then by rolling over the profits monthly, you would turn £1,000 into

£3,138.39 in 12 months, and into a staggering £30,911.80p within 36 months!

Little Acorns can quite effortlessly obtain well over 2 points every month on

average no matter what staking plan you choose therefore is ideal for

compounding. Below is a table to really show the power of compounding. Even

with just a £400 starting bank you can build up some serious amounts over a 36

month time frame.

Starting bank £400

Target: 10% each month). Rolling over profits monthly and aiming for 10% of new

bank at the end of each month.

Month 1 = £440

Month 2 = £484

Month 3 = £532.40

Month 4 = £585.64

Month 5 = £644.20

Month 6 = £708.62

Month 7 = £779.48

Month 8 = £857.42

Month 9 = £943.16

Month 10 = £1,037.47

Month 11 = £1,141.21

Month 12 = £1,255.33

Month 13 = £1,380.86

Month 14 = £1,518.94

Month 15 = £1,670.83

Month 16 = £1,837.91

Month 17 = £2,021.70

Month 18 = £2,223.87

Month 19 = £2,446.25

Month 20 = £2,690.87

Month 21 = £2,959.95

Month 22 = £3,255.94

Month 23 = £3,581.53

Month 24 = £3,939.68

Month 25 = £4,333.64

Month 26 = £4,767.00

Month 27 = £5,243.70

Month 28 = £5,768.07

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Month 29 = £6,344.87

Month 30 = £6,979.35

Month 31 = £7,677.28

Month 32 = £8,445.00

Month 33 = £9,289.50

Month 34 = £10,218.45

Month 35 = £11,240.29

Month 36 = £12,364.31

Start Bank £400

End Bank = £12,364.31p (Based on a gain of 10% on Starting bank each month)

Now of course it’s not all plain sailing in the world of investment. You may suffer

a very slight loss in some months that can delay you reaching this target by month

36. However, it shouldn’t take you long past 36 months to reach your target!

Remember, we can make more than 10% in some months that can make up for the

slight deficits you may occur en-route. So don’t be surprised if you reach your

£12,364 target earlier than month 36. Now, imagine starting with a £1,000 or

even £2,000 bank – Just a thought!

Working Out Your New Unit Stake Monthly

To work out your new unit stake on a monthly basis, simply divide your new

betting bank total at the end of each month by your initial starting bank in units.

For example; Say we start with a minimum £176 starting bank for the Fibonacci

sequence, so at £2.00 lay units that’s an 88 point betting bank (88 x £2 = £176).

Lets say we make +11 points in one month which is £22 (£11 x £2.00). We now

add that £22 to our initial starting bank of £176, which equals a new total bank of


We now divide that new total by ‘88’ again to equal £2.25, which is now our new

unit lay stake for the next month and so on.

Although amounts are small to start with I know of several Little Acorns followers

who are compounding their way up to some very amounts from small starting pots.

The message is clear, even when starting with small stakes which most of us do,

Little Acorns can help you build up a very nice lump sum profit in the medium to

long term. What’s more, its there for you to use whenever you need it. Even take

out half and carry on compounding with the other half – The choice is yours.

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An Idea?...

Why not run two staking plans simultaneously with ‘2’ betting banks at a monetary

level comfortable to you?

My best advice for those starting off would be to use both Staking Plan (A) - The

‘Fibonacci sequence’, and Staking Plan (C) – Two Steps Back After A Winner.

For example; Start a Fibonacci sequence with the minimum starting bank of £352

for £2 lay units, and the ‘Two Steps Back After A Winner’ also with a starting

bank of £352 for £2 lay units. Then over a couple of months see how you fair and

evaluate which one suits you best in terms of risk versus reward. This way you will

always have some profits trickling in on monthly basis as using both staking

methods will deliver steady profits almost every month. So no matter what staking

plan you choose, the excitement you get as your profits and stakes build in a safe

and secure manner will be immense. Also, make sure you keep notes and log all

bets as you go along.

When To Place Your Bet…

Ideally its best start looking for qualifying selections from 15 minutes right up to

the race off time and when the prices are all in line you can lay your bet.

Operating down this route will give you a higher win strike rate and more

qualifying selections as more liquidity flows into the market.

Little Acorns is essentially a ‘Market efficient’ method, meaning we need the

prices to accurately reflect the selections actual chances of winning/losing and this

only comes close to the off time when the market tightens price wise.

However if you are unable to do this due to work commitments etc, then you can

take one of the following 3 routes.

1).Either operate the method on one qualifying selection a day and this can be the

first one that qualifies on price at your time of viewing in the morning. Then on

your return home check the result and adjust your stake up or down depending on

the result for your next qualifying bet the next day or whenever you choose to use

it again.

2).You can simply use it at the weekend, evenings, or on your days off.


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3).If you choose to use Staking plan (A), you can place your bets before work by

following the guidelines below.

Lets say you start with £10 Lays, and have found 2 or 3 selections for the day in

the morning. Simply place a level £10 Lay on each of the selections. Then consult

your Betfair account when you get home to see if you have made a profit or loss


If you break even on any day and have NO losses to claw back from the previous

days then you stay on the same stake for the next day.

If you break even on the day but still have losses outstanding from previous days

then you move up the Fibonacci staking sequence by one unit for all selections.

If you win on any day from your chosen selections and have recouped most, or all

of your previous losses, then you go back to the start of the staking sequence.

The way we win with this method is when we get a few days of consecutive

winning lays, maybe if we get 2 or even 3 winning lays each day for a few days in


For example;

Assuming you Layed for £10 stakes at the average price for this formula of (1.76),

and a Betfair commission of 5%.

DAY 1 – (3 Selections)

Losing Lay -£7.60p

Winning Lay +£9.50p

Losing Lay -£7.60p

Total Profit/Loss for the day = -£5.70p

Overall loss of -£5.70p on the day, so for the next day you again place £10 Lays on

any qualifying selections.

DAY 2 – (3 Selections)

Losing Lay -£7.60p

Losing Lay -£7.60p

Losing Lay -£7.60p

Total Profit/Loss for the day = -£22.80p

Overall loss of -£22.80p on day 2, add together the loss of £5.70p suffered on Day

1, equals an overall loss of £28.50p.

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So we now move up the staking sequence and place £20 lays on any selections for

Day 3.

DAY 3 – (3 Selections)

Winning Lay +£18.00

Winning Lay +£18.00

Winning Lay +£18.00

Total Profit/Loss for the day = +£54.00p

Overall profit on Day 3 of +£54.00p, minus the loss of £28.50p from Days 1 & 2

leaves a total profit of +£25.50 over the 3 days with only 4 winning lays and 5

losing lays! (You would now revert to £10 Lays).

If you lost on Day 3, you would move up to £30 lays for Day 4. Then revert back

to £10 lays only when you have recovered the previous 3 days losses and so on.

Having said the above, using it on days when your off or evening racing will still

prove profitable if you don’t want to use the above method.

In Summary…

1). Log onto and scroll through all of the Days UK racing only

in the exchange Tab, NOT the sportsbook Tab.

2). Note down all the races on the Win market where the favourite has current Lay

odds of between (1.5) & (2.0). For example; 1.50, 1.62, 1.76 etc. You can include


Also, make sure the Second Favourite has lay odds of (6.0) or below, and the third

favourite has lay odds of (10.0) or below. Also, if there are just 3 runners in total

for the race then its still valid so long as all 3 meet with the price criteria above.

3). Log onto and check each of the races you have noted

from Betfair where a selection may qualify. Then delete any race where the

Favourite was a Beaten Favourite last time out, denoted by the letters ‘BF’ to the

right of the horse’s name.

4). Any horse/s that are left after applying the filters above are now your

selections. You can now Lay these favourites to your chosen stake & staking plan.


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But remember they must be at Lay odds of between (1.5) & (2.0), with the second

on (6.0) or below, and the third on (10.0) or below. Don’t worry if the Lay price

goes outside the system price rules after you have placed your bet. So long as you

executed your bet and secured your liability when all the above rules have been

met that’s fine.


5). For improved strike rate use on All Weather Racing Only!

In Conclusion…

Well that’s it!....You will soon find out how profitable this formula is without the

worry of high liabilities, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding. We have

provided the pudding, and YOU will see the proof! However, there is one

condition - You must adhere to all the rules contained within this guide and don’t

go outside the price boundaries set.

Monitor it first if you wish, or start with just £2 Lays until you become fully

confident with the selection procedure. See it as a slow burner and re-invest profits.

In time when your bank doubles, you can double your Lay stake. With steady re-

investment or compounding it won’t be long before you are making sizeable sums.

Now you may be wondering how many selections on average you will get daily.

Well, this is a strange one. The amount can vary greatly, some days you will have

several, then you may have a few blank days. Selection wise Little Acorns can be a

bit like a dripping tap at times, then all of a sudden you will get a gush of qualifiers

and the profit will trigger upwards. Therefore, we do urge patience and the formula

will not let you down. It all depends on the races on offer on any given day and this

is something we have no control over. It can also depend on when you decide to

analyse potential selections. If you are looking in the morning many races may not

qualify then, but may well qualify later. Mainly due to speculators requesting silly

lay prices to see if they get matched, this would then put the race outside the

system selection boundaries. So, if you can be at your PC approximately 10/15

minutes before the race off time you will get more qualifying selections as the

market settles down and becomes more accurate.

Having said that, even if you only manage to use it at weekends and/or your days

off you can still build a nice little bank. In fact, you only need around 6/7


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selections a week to reach the minimum monthly profit forecast as outlined in

Section 4 above.

You will also find the winter time brings about far more selections due to smaller

fields and less competitive racing, especially on the All-Weather where far more

‘Odds On’ selections become available and more importantly lose!

One final point, as we are Laying ‘Odds On’ favourites, don’t become too

despondent if you start with a few losing Lays. The secret here is in the staking

plan to give us our edge, and sticking to the rules. Don’t be put off by opinion that

the favourite has a good chance of winning etc, just Lay the selection if it meets

with the price criteria set out.

After all if every ‘Odds On’ favourite was to win bookmakers would soon be out

of business! One thing you can be certain of with horse racing and that’s its

uncertainty. Little Acorns takes advantage of this uncertainty and turns it to your

advantage to drive you into long term profit - Enjoy!

All the best,

Andrew David

Free Money…

Why not start and bet with some FREE MONEY! Just enter this code;

6TRQ9PJH4 when you sign up with Betfair and you will receive £25 GBP or the

equivalent in your local currency within 48 hours. You will also receive a nice

reward after 3 months depending on the amount you bet!

Go to;

Other Betting exchanges

Also £10 FREE from the new kid on the block at Smarkets.

Look out for special sign up offers!


Page 22: LittleAcorns_DWNLD


Further Information…

Racing information and `real' time betting shows can be found from the following


BBC CEEFAX Racing Index Page - 660

Information Page - 661

Results Pages - 670/671/672

Live Betting Shows Pages - 674/675/676

CHANNEL 4 TELETEXT Racing Index Page - 550

Racing Index Page - 551

Live Betting Shows Page - 610


Racing results and ‘real’ time betting shows can be found from the following



Daily coverage of racing available on 'AT THE RACES' channel, Sky page 415, or

Cable channel page 534. Also on the Internet; or Racing

UK on Sky page 432

REMEMBER! – Gamble responsibly!

Added Bonus – A Nice Little


A bit of fun for Saturday’s that has turned into a nice

little earner!

Here is a fun bet I use every Saturday that has given

me some sizeable wins, and some nail biting moments in

my quest for the big payout!



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Basically I back 4 football matches in a *Lucky 15 bet.

This bet is offered as an option by most online

bookmakers once you enter 4 selections from whatever

sport. Or you can simply place your bets at the betting

office on a pre-printed slip.

Each of my selections are backed in the ‘Half Time/Full

Time’ betting market. This market can be easily found

next to the match odds under the column ‘Other Bets’ or

‘More bets’.

What we are doing here is predicting the home side will

be leading at half time but will end up drawing at Full

Time. Its surprising how many times this happens, and I

was equally surprised by the odds on offer which are

around the 15/1 – 16/1 mark!

So here goes;

I scan the football coupon of bookies or Betfair on any

given day I wish to use the method and choose 4 HOME

sides that are favourites priced around the (1.80 – 2.0

in decimal) mark.

I then enter them in a Lucky 15 bet in the market where

we back them to be LEADING at half time and the match

to be a DRAW at full time, called the HT/FT market

found on all the big bookmakers sites.

As stated above you usually get odds of 16.0 per line

for this kind of bet, so with the Lucky 15 bet I

virtually place 15 bets at £1.00 per line for a total

stake of £15.00p

Even if only one of the 4 selections is successful you

will be in profit by the following:

1 selection correct pays: £29.00p (Payout includes

bookies bonus for 1 correct) 2 selections correct pays: £255.00p

3 selections correct pays: £4,095.00p

4 selections correct pays: £65,535.00p!!!

Now I can’t claim to have got any 3 or 4 correct,

although I have come close on many occasions but for

late goals. However, I’ve had several £250+ payouts for

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getting 2 correct, and a lot more of one correct paying

out £29.00, put it this way, I am well in profit every

season, so give it a bash as you never know!

Also, watch out for Bookmaker bonuses that give double

the odds for getting one correct. Betfred and Bet365 I

believe do at present, hence why I’ve shown ‘1’ correct

paying out £29 in the above table.

Some bookies have already cut the odds for this bet due

to many bettors drawing out some nice wins so shop


You can do more than one Lucky 15 if you get more

matches qualifying, but remember you need at least 4

matches for the Lucky 15 bet.

*A lucky 15 system bet consists of:

4 Singles, 6 Doubles, 4 Trebles and One 4-fold

Even with an average amount of luck you will make

profits over stakes invested. Please do let me know if

you hit the big one as its nice to hear the stories!

Good Luck, and don’t take it too seriously.

STOP PRESS!...Just missed out again on almost £4,000

only for a late goal 2 minutes into injury time! - Oh

well, always next time and still got a nice £230

consolation prize!

Also, a nice testimonial received in October says it


Subject: Football Bankbuilder To: [email protected] Received: 27 October, 2012, 16:37 Hi Matt I just had to write to tell you this. I received the system yesterday and last night using £25 stakes I won 2 out of 3 = +£31.04 Today, again using £25 stakes, I won 3 out of 3 = +£71.31 Also today I had a Lucky 15. I staked £15 and the returns were £511 Needless to say (using an appropriate football cliche) I'm over the moon! I've attached a screenshot of my Lucky 15 ticket with B365.

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My only question is, should I transfer the profit from the Lucky 15 to my betfair account (allowing for higher stakes on the bankbuilder system or should I leave it in my bet365 account and keep it separate from bankbuilder?

Congratulations and many thanks! - A Ratcliffe

…And On 21st April Jeff sent this screenshot to Clive

Keeling of What Really Wins Money who passed it onto


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A Lucky 15 win of £5,183 for a £15 Stake by getting 3

out 4 correct on his first day of use with the bonus


And Just in……

Alistair just email to say;

Hi Andrew,

I thought it would be good to let you see this screen clip of my William Hill statement from

yesterday, as you can see your little bonus paid out a nice £6,910.50 for a Lucky 15 at £1.50

per line with 3 out of 4 winners!!

Nice one Andrew, here’s looking forward to the 4 out of 4. I will buy you a beer if it comes

up. Alistair

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