little hairy elements little hairy elements part ii he’s got style cats, witches, and slaughter...

Littl e Hairy Eleme nts Littl e Hairy Eleme nts Part II He’s Got Style Cats, Witch es, and Slaug hter Madmen know Nothin g Choos e Your Wishe s Wisel y 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Excerpt #1: I had no doubt, however, that the real reason it had come to me was Officer White. An attempt to torment me and force me to admit my crime, to bemoan my wretched position in life. In the miniscule cell, there was no escaping it; if I looked away from the book during the night, my hand would fall on it in the paroxysms of unhealthy slumber. When it was daytime, I would hide it under my sleeping board so I would not see it, only to find my foot kick against it when I moved to sit up, the maniacal volume revealing itself by sliding out the other side..Later, after the narrator begins reading the book:

I could not stop repeating the wordsto myself and, worse yet, I could hear the words in the wearied voice of my father. Young man of idle wealth! The wealth that he had transmitted to me with so much industry and sense.If only I knew how his voice sounded, so my mind might abolish the other one! But at the moment, I could not even guessPerhaps he really did speak with my fathers voice. Pestered?...A young man of idle wealth.And laterI was not ill, as you might think. There was no degradation of my mental acumen, despite the long ordeal of incarceration that led me to the realizationthis half-formed idea.

Excerpt # 2Soon after dark they arrived, and gave me a most cordial welcome. Jupiter, grinning from ear to ear, bustled about to prepare some marsh-hens for supper. Legrand was in one of his fits --how else shall I term them? --of enthusiasm. He had found an unknown bivalve, forming a new genus, and, more than this, he had hunted down and secured, with Jupiter's assistance, a scarabaeus which he believed to be totally new, but in respect to which he wished to have my opinion on the morrow. "And why not to-night?" I asked, rubbing my hands over the blaze, and wishing the whole tribe of scarabaei at the devil. "Ah, if I had only known you were here!" said Legrand, "but it's so long since I saw you; and how could I foresee that you would pay me a visit this very night of all others? As I was coming home I met Lieutenant G--, from the fort, and, very foolishly, I lent him the bug; so it will be impossible for you to see it until morning. Stay here to-night, and I will send Jup down for it at sunrise. It is the loveliest thing in creation!" "What? --sunrise?" "Nonsense! no! --the bug. It is of a brilliant gold color --about the size of a large hickory-nut --with two jet black spots near one extremity of the back, and another, somewhat longer, at the other. The antennae are --"

100What are the elements of plot?100Share four elements of Poes style100Plot Questions: What is the narrators motivation for killing his wife?How do the police find the wifes body?100What narrator point of view does Poe most often use, and how does this point of view impact The Tell-Tale Heart?100The Whites end up getting their wish for 200 pounds, but they get it in a way that is not expected. This is an example of what?200What is the difference between internal and external conflict, and provide an example of each


400Discuss Poes use of capitalization and italicized words in the following passage(what purpose do they serve/what effect on the reader):

And now was I indeed wretched beyond the wretchedness of mere Humanity. And a brute beast--whose fellow I had contemptuously destroyed--a brute beast to work out for me--for me a man, fashioned in the image of the High God--so much of insufferable wo! Alas! neither by day nor by night knew I the blessing of Rest any more! During the former the creature left me no moment alone; and, in the latter, I started, hourly, from dreams of unutterable fear, to find the hot breath of the thing upon my face, and its vast weight--an incarnate Night-Mare that I had no power to shake off--incumbent eternally upon my heart!

200The narrator naming the cat Pluto is an example of what literary device? What does Pluto represent in the story?200In The Tell-Tale Heart, do you believe the narrator is sane or insane? Provide one example to support your opinion.200List at least 3 things that define Jacobs style.300What are the three types of irony? Define or provide an example of each.200What is the purpose of using dashes and exclamation points in Poes stories?300At the beginning of the story, where is the narrator when he is telling the story? The rest of the story is told using what literary device?300What is the climax of The Tell-Tale Heart? Justify your answer with an example and explanation. 300What is the theme, or lesson about life, of The Monkeys Paw?400Explain the difference between verbal irony and sarcasm. Give an example of each. 400What is the difference between simile and metaphor and provide an example of each300How did Poes life shape his writing style? Provide at least one example from his life and explain how it impacted style in one of his stories/poems. 400What does the second cat in the story best symbolize? Think along the lines of theme.400Give one specific example of irony in The Tell-Tale Heart. Explain your answer.400Give an example of parallel episode from The Monkeys Paw. What effect is created by using the parallel episode? What is the purpose? 500What is allusion? Give an example of an allusion. What functions do allusions often have in a story (what is purpose), and when an author uses an allusion what is one of the expectations that s/he has?500What is a symbol. Provide a symbol from one of the stories we read, and explain its significance.500Look at the following passages. Which one of these was written by Poe? Justify your answer. 500Give at least two examples of plot events and/or symbols which foreshadow the narrators future in The Black Cat.

500What does the heartbeat noise symbolize in TheTell-Tale Heart?500How would you describe the mood in the following passage? You must be specific and also explain HOW the mood is created (think of the three ways mood is created)He sat until he was chilled with the cold, glancing occasionally at the figure of the old woman peering through the window. The candle end, which had burnt below the rim of the china candlestick, was throwing pulsating shadows on the ceilings and walls.