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LITIGATION STRATEGIES IN OPIOID CASES Aaron L. Cook Andrea Lantz Harris Lisa M. Lorish DISCUSSION OVERVIEW I. The Statutes at Play in Opioid Death and Injury Cases II. Questions re. Causation A. Actual cause B. Legal cause III. Issues Concerning Toxicologic Evidence A. Collection of evidence B. Testing of evidence FDFCDC 121

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Page 1: LITIGATION STRATEGIES IN OPIOID CASES - Litigation Strategies...Litigation Strategies In Opioid Cases Frank Dunham Federal Criminal Defense Conference April 7, 2017 Aaron Cook,


Aaron L. CookAndrea Lantz Harris

Lisa M. Lorish


I. The Statutes at Play in Opioid Death and Injury Cases

II. Questions re. Causation

A. Actual cause

B. Legal cause

III. Issues Concerning Toxicologic Evidence

A. Collection of evidence

B. Testing of evidence


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IV. Plea Negotiation and Sentencing Issues

A. Base offense levels

B. Stipulations in plea agreements

C. Grounds for departures and/or variances

D. Restitution

E. Victims’ rights

F. Good samaritan laws


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Litigation Strategies In Opioid Cases Frank Dunham Federal Criminal Defense Conference

April 7, 2017

Aaron Cook, CJA, W.D. Va. Andrea Harris, AFPD, W.D. Va.

Lisa Lorish, AFPD, W.D. Va.

I. Distribution Resulting in Death or Serious Bodily Injury

The most commonly used drug statutes include the following:

21 USC § 841 Prohibits the manufacture and distribution of, and possession with intent to distribute, controlled substances.

21 USC § 846 Prohibits attempts and conspiracies to manufacture, distribute or possess with intent to distribute controlled substances

21 USC § 952 Prohibits the importation of controlled substances

21 USC § 953 Prohibits the exportation of controlled substances

21 USC § 963 Prohibits attempts and conspiracies to import/export controlled substances.

The penalty structures for these and other drug crimes are set out in 21 USC § 841(b) and 21 U.S.C. § 960(b).

The minimum and maximum statutory penalties are driven by the type and quantity of the drug involved, but may be increased if the offense involved death or serious bodily injury.

If death or serious bodily injury results from the use of the substance, the following enhanced penalties apply:

Statutory Provisions Penalty Enhanced Penalty for Death/SBI 21 USC § 841(b)(1)(A) 21 USC § 960(b)(1)

10 years to Life With 851, 20-Life

20 years to Life With 851, Life

21 USC § 841(b)(1)(B) 21 USC § 960(b)(2)

5-40 years With 851, 10-Life

20 years to Life With 851, Life

21 USC § 841(b)(1)(C) 21 USC § 960(b)(3)

0-20 years With 851, 0-30 years

20 years to Life With 851, Life

21 USC § 841(b)(1)(E) 0-10 years With 851, 0-20 years

0-15 years With 851, 0-30 years


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The sentence enhancement is an element of the offense that must be alleged in the Indictment.

Death or Serious Bodily Injury

“…if death or serious bodily injury results from the use of such substance…”

Serious bodily injury o Defined in 21 U.S.C. 802(25) o Means bodily injury which involves:

A substantial risk of death; Protracted and obvious disfigurement; OR Protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ,

or mental faculty. Results from is not defined

o Relates to Causation

Burrage v. United States, 134 S.Ct. 881 (2014)

Granted certiorari to address two questions related to the enhanced penalty provisions of 21 U.S.C. § 841(b)(1)(C) for distribution of drugs when “death results” from such distribution.

Questions Presented:

1. Whether a person can be convicted for distribution of heroin causing death when the heroin that was distributed “contributed to” death by “mixed drug intoxication” but was not the sole cause of death?

2. Whether the crime of distribution of drugs causing death under 21 USC § 841 is a strict liability crime, without a foreseeability or proximate cause requirement?

First question addresses Actual Cause.

Second question addresses Legal/Proximate Cause.

“The law has long considered causation a hybrid concept, consisting of two constituent parts: actual cause and legal cause.” Burrage, 134 S.Ct. at 887.

“When a crime requires ‘not merely conduct but also a specified result of conduct,’ a defendant generally may not be convicted unless his conduct is ‘both (1) the actual cause, and (2) the ‘legal’ cause (often called ‘proximate cause’) of the result.” Id.

These two categories roughly coincide with the two questions on which certiorari was granted.

Actual Cause = But/For Cause

“[A]t least where use of the drug distributed by the defendant is not an independently sufficient cause of the victim’s death or serious bodily injury, a defendant cannot be liable under the penalty enhancement provision of 21 USC § 841[] unless such use is a but-for cause of the death or injury.” Burrage v. United States, 134 S.Ct. 881, 892 (2014)


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There must be proof “that the harm would not have occurred” in the absence of – that is, but for – the defendant’s conduct

This is the minimum requirement for a finding of causation.

Contributing to the death is not enough.

The language Congress enacted requires death to “result from” use of the unlawfully distributed drug, not from a combination of factors to which drug use merely contributed

Court did not address the rare scenario where multiple sufficient causes independently, but concurrently, produce a result. (i.e., A fatally stabs B at the same time X independently shoots B in the head)

Legal Cause = Proximate Cause

Supreme Court declined to answer the second question presented in Burrage Supreme Court did discuss proximate cause in Paroline v. United States, 134 S.Ct. 1710

(2014) Only some actual causes – those with a “sufficient connection to the result” – are

proximate causes. Proximate cause is often explained in terms of foreseeability or the scope of the risk

created by the predicate conduct See United States v. Hatfield, 591 F.3d 945 (7th Cir. 2010) for extended discussion of

causation. United States v. Patterson, 38 F.3d 139 (4th Cir. 1994)

o Held that plain language of § 841(b)(1)(C) does not require a finding that the death resulting from the distribution was a reasonably foreseeable event

o Statute puts drugs dealers and users on notice that their sentence will be enhanced if people die from using the drugs they distribute

o Affirmed most recently in United States v. Alvarado, 816 F.3d 242 (4th Cir. 2016)

United States v. Burkholder, 816 F.3d 607 (10th Cir. 2016) o Question: whether jury must find that the victim’s death was a foreseeable result

of the defendant’s drug-trafficking offense? o 2:1 decision holding that Section 841 required only proof of but-for causation and

did not require showing of proximate causation (or foreseeability of the result). o Dissent: not convinced that “results from” language unambiguously reveals

Congress’ intent to “forgo a proximate-cause requirement” and impose strict liability on criminal defendants

The Fourth Circuit and many other circuits have interpreted identical “death results” language in other statutes to require not just actual causation but proximate causation


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o A few examples: o United States v. Harris, 701 F.2d 1095 (4th Cir. 1983)

18 USC § 241 (conspiracy to violate civil rights) (“if death results” provision requires actual causation and proximate causation – that is, “death foreseeably and naturally results from the rights-violating conduct”)

o United States v. Hayes, 589 F.2d 811, 821 (5th Cir. 1979)(18 USC § 242) o United States v. Marler, 756 F.2d 206, 215-216 (1st Cir. 1985) o United States v. Martinez, 588 F.3d 301, 317-18 (6h Cir. 2009)(18 USC § 1347) o United States v. Spinney, 795 F.2d 1410, 1415-16 (9th Cir. 1986) o United States v. Woodley, 136 F.3d 1399, 1405-06 (10th Cir. 1998)

II. Toxicology

Toxicology = Study of adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.

Forensic Toxicology = involves related disciplines to assist in detection and interpretation of drugs and poisons in medicolegal death investigations and/or human performance issues

Evidence Collection

Specimens collected by either medical examiner, coroner, or forensic pathologist For drug-related case: blood, urine, vitreous humor, gastric contents, bile, liver, hair

o Blood – Specimen of choice for detecting, quantifying and interpreting drugs and other toxicant concentrations If hospital treatment before death, blood samples taken soon after

admission and immediately before death should be investigated – treatment in hospital can change results

Post-mortem blood can change concentrations and degree of decomposition can interfere with testing

o Urine – Not always available for post-mortem testing Do not directly correlate to drug effects at time of sample collection

because of time it takes to break down and eliminate drugs or metabolites in the urine

Presence in urine is a sign substance was in blood at earlier time (within a few days) and somewhat processed (detecting metabolites gives proof drug ingested)

o Liver – Primary solid tissue for use in post-mortem toxicology because it is where body metabolizes most drugs and toxicants Drugs can be concentrated in liver and found even where no levels in the

blood o Vitreous Humor – Clear gel-like substance that fills the eye

Commonly analyzed for BAC Concentrations are higher than blood by about 20% on average because

lags behind blood by 1-2 hours


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If level higher than blood level suggests excreting phase vs. absorptive phase

Used to determine ethanol levels and whether 6-acetylmorphine present (metabolite of heroin)

Where was analysis done – hospital or Department of Forensic Science


Substance(s) Examples

Alcohol Chemicallyknownasethanol.Testalsoincludesmethanolandacetone1.

Analgesics Paracetamol(acetaminophen),tramadol9(ConZip™,Ryzolt™,Ultracet,UltramintheU.S.),Salicylates(aspirin)

Antidepressants Tricyclics(e.g.,imipramine,amitriptyline);SSRIs(fluoxetine[Prozac®],sertraline[Zoloft®])



Antipsychotics oldandnewergenerationincludingdepotinjections(subcutaneousorintramuscularinjectionsoflong‐‐‐lastingmedication);Haloperidol;Risperidone



Cannabis tetrahydrocannabinol(THC)(Marijuana,pot)anditsmetabolites


Diltiazem(calciumchannelblockers), Disopyramide(namesNorpace®andRythmodan®),propranolol(betablocker)

Cocaine cocaineanditsmetabolites



Stimulants Amphetamine,methamphetamine,MDMA(ecstasy),pseudoephedrine,fenfluramine,phentermine,caffeine

[1]Acetonecanderive fromabnormalbodymetabolism indiabetic ketoacidoticstates.


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Anti‐‐‐convulsants (someonly)lamotrigine(Lamictal®),valproate,phenytoin

Barbiturates Phenobarbital,butalbital,manyotherprescribed(orotherwiseobtained)Barbs

Designerdrugs syntheticcathinonesandsyntheticcannabinoids(‘bathsalts’,‘plantfood’,‘spice’,etc.)

Digoxin usedtotreatarrhythmiasandheartfailure

GHB gamma‐‐‐hydroxybutyrate(“Juice","LiquidEcstasy",Fantasy)

LSD hallucinogenrarelyseenincoronerscases



Immunoassay techniques: Most commonly used drug screening test, antibodies detect reaction with specific substance; Four interpretations possible:

o True-positive: test correctly detects presence of drug o False-positive: test incorrectly detects presence of drug that is absent o True-negative: test correctly confirms absence of drug o False-negative: test fails to detect presence of drug that is present

Metabolites and Analogs o Metabolite is the product of a drug metabolizing in the living body o Analog is a designer drug that is structurally or functionally the same as a

controlled substance, designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug while avoiding detection in standard drug tests

o No quantitative measurements for new synthetic analogues until measures can be developed

o Different analogues have different potency levels Fentanyl

o Acts as CNS depressant like morphine or other opiates o Respiration slows to the point where brain does not receive enough oxygen and

body shuts down o Typical therapeutic level for fentanyl = .001 - .005mg/L but .003+ can be

considered lethal o No way to tell difference between prescription fentanyl and illicit fentanyl

through tox screen o Fentanyl metabolites: o Fentanyl analogues: o Toxicologist cannot tell if fentanyl mixed with acetylfentanyl


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Heroin o Produced from morphine (which is a naturally occurring opiate extracted from the

seedpod of the poppy plant) o Heroin is metabolized by the body into morphine and 6-Acetylmorphine o Heroin is processed into 6-Acetylmorphine quickly – often as soon as 15-20

minutes after use o 6-Acetylmorphine has a very short half-life and results in a very short detection

time in urine (2-8 hours at the most sensitive cutoff limits) o In contrast, morphine is usually detectable in the urine up to approximately 24

hours after heroin use o Because of 6-Acetylmorphine is rapidly eliminated in the body, its absence in

blood or urine does not exclude heroin use, but its presence confirms it Effect of multiple drugs in system

o One drug can affect tolerance level for another drug o Different physiological effects


Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man, 9th Ed., Randall C. Baselt Post-Morten Clinical Pharmacology, R.E. Ferner, British Journal of Clinical

Pharmacology (included with materials)

III. Sentencing Issues/Plea Negotiations

Base Offense Level

Guideline Base Offense Level

Applies If:

2D1.1(a)(1) 43 Conviction under 21 USC § 841(b)(1)(A)-(C) or 21 USC § 960(b)(1)-(3)

Death or Serious Bodily Injury Resulted From Use One or More Prior Convictions For Similar Offense

2D1.1(a)(2) 38 Conviction under 21 USC § 841(b)(1)(A)-(C) or 21 USC § 960(b)(1)-(3)

Death or Serious Bodily Injury Resulted From Use 2D1.1(a)(3) 30 Convicted under 21 USC § 841(b)(1)(E) or 21 USC

960(b)(5) Death or Serious Bodily Injury Resulted From Use One or More Prior Convictions For Similar Offense

2D1.1(a)(4) 26 Convicted under 21 USC § 841(b)(1)(E) or 21 USC 960(b)(5)

Death or Serious Bodily Injury Resulted From Use

NOTE: USSG § 1B1.2(a): Determine the offense guideline section in Chapter Two (Offense Conduct) applicable to the offense of conviction.


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Offense of conviction

o The Commission’s view is that the “offense of conviction” language limits the application of these offense levels to cases where death or serious bodily injury is proved beyond a reasonable doubt by plea or to the factfinder. See USSG App. C, amend. 123 (effective Nov. 1, 1989) (“[t]he purpose of this amendment [limiting the application of §§ 2D1.1(a)(1), (a)(2)] is to provide that subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) apply only in the case of a conviction under circumstances specified in the statutes cited”)1

o Before Alleyne v. United States, 133 S.Ct. 2151 (2013), the circuit courts applied Apprendi to solve the issue if the “offense of conviction” language limited the application of these enhancements to such cases or whether they may be applied after mere judicial fact finding. This resulted in a circuit split.

o After Alleyne, the Seventh Circuit held that Ҥ2D1.1(a)(2) applies only when a

resulting death (or serious bodily injury) was an element of the crime of conviction, proven beyond a reasonable doubt or admitted by the defendant. United States v. Lawler, 818 F.3d 281 (7th Cir. 2006).

Serious bodily injury

o Defined in Comment 1(L) of USSG § 1B1.1.

o Means injury involving: Extreme physical pain or the protracted impairment of a function of a

bodily member, organ, or mental faculty; Requiring medical intervention such as surgery, hospitalization, or

physical rehabilitation. Also deemed to have occurred if the offense involved conduct constituting

criminal sexual abuse under 18 U.S.C. § 2241 or § 2242 or any similar offense under state law.

o This definition differs from the statutory definition under 21 U.S.C. § 802(25). Similar: both apply to protracted impairment of the function of a bodily

member, organ, or mental faculty

1 Amendment 727 added § 2D1.1(a)(3)-(4) as a response to the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008, Pub.L. 110-425. “[T]he amendment addresses the sentencing enhancement added by the Act, which applies when the offense involved a Schedule III controlled substance and death or serious bodily injury resulted from the use of such substance.” The Amendment effective date was November 1, 2009.


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Different: substantial risk of death vs. extreme physical pain or requiring medical intervention

o Courts have not addressed whether the “serious bodily injury” enhancement under USSG § 2D1.1(a)(1)-(4) is triggered by the guidelines definition or the statutory definition.

o However, one court noted in an unpublished opinion that the Supreme Court has held a statutory definition should be given preference over a general guideline definition. See United States v. Alvararez, 165 F.App’x 707, 708-09 (11th Cir. 2006) (citing United States v. LaBonte, 520 U.S. 751, 757 (1997), and Stinson v. United States, 508 U.S. 36, 38 (1993), for the propositions that the guidelines “must bow to the specific directives of Congress,” and “commentary in the Guidelines Manual that interprets or explains a guideline is authoritative unless it violates the Constitution or a federal statute,” respectively).

Plea Agreements

o Stipulation – USSG § 1B1.2(c)

A plea agreement (written or made orally on the record) containing a stipulation that specifically establishes the commission of additional offense(s) shall be treated as if the defendant had been convicted of additional count(s) charging those offense(s).

Better than conviction of greater offense because the defendant can at least argue for a sentence below the guideline range (and below 20 years) based on the § 3553(a) factors.

o Standards for Acceptance of Plea Agreements – USSG § 6B1.2 Court may accept agreement under Rule 11(c)(1)(B) or (C) if the court is

satisfied either that: The recommended/agreed sentence is within the applicable

guideline range OR (A) the recommended/agreed sentence is outside the applicable

guideline range for justifiable reasons AND (B) those reasons are set forth with specificity in the statement of

reasons form

Grounds for Departure (Policy Statement) – USSG § 5K2.1 Death

o If death resulted, the court may increase the sentence above the authorized guideline range.


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o Loss of life does not automatically suggest a sentence at or near the statutory maximum.

o The sentencing judge must give consideration to matters that normally would

distinguish among levels of homicide, such as the defendant’s state of mind and the degree of planning or preparation.

o Other appropriate factors are whether multiple deaths resulted, and the means by

which life was taken.

o The extent of the increase should depend on the dangerousness of the defendant’s conduct, the extent to which death or serious bodily injury was intended or knowingly risked, and the extent to which the offense level for the offense of conviction, as determined by the Chapter Two guidelines, already reflects the risk of personal injury.

o For example, a substantial increase may be appropriate if the death was intended

or knowingly risked or if the underlying offense was one for which base offense levels do not reflect an allowance for the risk of personal injury, such as fraud.

o United States v. Nossan, 647 F.3d 822, 824 (8th Cir. 2011) (5K2.1 departure to 60-

month sentence where guideline range was 10-16 months was appropriate because Nossan set into motion a chain of events that risked serious injury or death, even when an intent to harm is entirely absent and the defendant was not directly responsible for the death)

o United States v. Ihegworo, 959 F.2d 26 (5th Cir. 1992) (District court departed

upward based on 5K2.1 because a preponderance of the evidence clearly related Love’s overdose death to the heroin the defendant was distributing)

o United States v. Russow, 2015 WL 1057513 (D.Conn. 2015) (Having found that the heroin that defendant sold to RP knowing of his addiction and his intended use by injection using defendant’s “pens,” resulted in RP’s death, Court concluded an above-guideline sentence warranted under 5K2.1).


o 18 USC § 3663, the Victim and Witness Protection Act (VWPA), is the restitution statute applicable to offenders convicted of offenses under the Controlled Substances Act


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o 18 USC 3663(a)(2) defines “victim” to mean a person directly and proximately harmed as a result of the commission of an offense for which restitution may be ordered.

o However, after a listing of eligible drug offenses covered by this discretionary

restitution statute, Subsection (a)(1)(A) specifically provides that “in no case shall a participant in an offense under such sections [of the Controlled Substances Act] be considered a victim of such offense under this section”

o US Probation Office in WDVA does not treat the recipients of drugs as victims

due restitution

o But See Cases Below With Very Narrow Reading of “Participant”:

United States v. Mousseau, 517 F.3d 1044, 1048 (8th Cir. 2008) (For the prohibition in Section 3661(a)(1) to apply, the defendant must be convicted of one of the offenses enumerated in the statute, and the person to whom restitution is due must have committed the same offense. Mousseau was convicted of providing a controlled substance to a minor – an offense the minor did not commit, and, thus, was not a participant of).

United States v. Nossan, 647 F.3d 822 (8th Cir. 2011) (Recipient of drug distributed by Nossan did not commit the offense of distributing a controlled substance – though he may have been guilty of other crimes, e.g., drug possession – and his estate was eligible for restitution)

o Note: There is no corresponding proscription in the mandatory restitution statute

(18 USC § 3663A)

Seems likely to be an inadvertent omission United States v. Reifler, 446 F.3d 65, 127 (7th Cir. 2006) (An order

entered under the MVRA that had the effect of treating coconspirators as victims and thereby requiring restitution was a fundamental error adversely reflecting on the public reputation of the judicial proceedings)

Crime Victims’ Rights Act

o Is the person (or estate of person) who overdosed a victim entitled to make Victim

Impact Statement?

o 18 USC 3771 is the Crime Victims’ Rights Act


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Right to be reasonably heard at bond, plea, sentencing, or parole hearing (a)(4)

Right to full and timely restitution (a)(6) Right to be informed of any plea bargain or deterred prosecution

agreement (a)(9)

o CVRA defines “crime victim” to mean a person directly and proximately harmed as a result of the commission of a Federal offense or an offense in the District of Columbia. 18 USC § 3771(e)(2). Does not explicitly contain the same exception found in 18 USC 3663 for

participants in the offense

Good Samaritan Laws

o No federal Good Samaritan Law

o Virginia Code 18.2-251.03 (Safe Reporting of Overdoses)

Became effective July 1, 2015 Provides an affirmative defense to prosecution of an individual for

unlawful possession of a controlled substance if such individual seeks or obtains emergency medical attention for himself or another person if either is experiencing an overdose by contemporaneously reporting such overdose to fire, EMS, police, or 911.

Does not apply to distributor of drug Does not apply to the person overdosing if he or she is not the one who

sought or obtained the medical services for him or herself. Broadus v. Commonwealth, -- S.E.2d --, 67 Va. App. 265 (Va. App. 2017)

o DC Code § 7-403 (Seeking Health Care for an Overdose Victim) Effective: March 19, 2013 Provides that unlawful possession of a controlled substance will not be

considered a crime or serve as the basis for revoking or modifying a person’s supervision for a person who seeks health care for him or herself or for another person if reasonable belief that the person is experiencing an overdose

Does not apply to distributors of the drugs Does contain a mitigation provision that states that seeking health care

for someone having an overdose may be considered by the court as a mitigating factor in any criminal prosecution or sentencing for a drug


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offense other than the possession offenses to which the statute primarily applies

o Maryland Code, Criminal Procedure, § 1-210 Effective: March 14, 2016 Provides immunity from prosecution to person reporting medical

emergency and the person experiencing medical emergency for certain possession offenses

Does not apply to distributors


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Post-mortem clinicalpharmacologyR. E. Ferner

West Midlands Centre for Adverse Drug Reactions, City Hospital and Department of Clinical

Pharmacology, The Medical School, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

CorrespondenceProfessor R. E. Ferner, West MidlandsCentre for Adverse Drug Reactions, CityHospital, Birmingham B187QH, UK.Tel: +44 0 121 554 3801Fax: +44 0 121 507 5407E-mail:

Keywordsforensic pharmacology, autopsy, postmortem, drug-blood-level, tissuedistribution, redistribution----------------------------------------------------------------------

Received16 February 2008

Accepted19 May 2008

Published OnlineEarly15 July 2008

Clinical pharmacology assumes that deductions can be made about the concentrations of drugs from a knowledge of thepharmacokinetic parameters in an individual; and that the effects are related to the measured concentration. Post-mortem changesrender the assumptions of clinical pharmacology largely invalid, and make the interpretation of concentrations measured inpost-mortem samples difficult or impossible. Qualitative tests can show the presence of substances that were not present in life,and can fail to detect substances that led to death. Quantitative analysis is subject to error in itself, and because post-mortemconcentrations vary in largely unpredictable ways with the site and time of sampling, as a result of the phenomenon of post-mortemredistribution. Consequently, compilations of ‘lethal concentrations’ are misleading. There is a lack of adequate studies of the truerelationship between fatal events and the concentrations that can be measured subsequently, but without such studies, clinicalpharmacologists and others should be wary of interpreting post-mortem measurements.


Clinical pharmacology is primarily concerned with twoaspects of the interaction between drugs and humans:pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. This reviewconsiders what can be established of the pharmacody-namics and pharmacokinetics in life from data acquiredafter death. It is important in forensic pharmacology [1] tobe aware of the extent to which post-mortem samples canbe interpreted on the basis of the known pharmacology ofa drug. Pharmacological assumptions of what can bededuced about the concentrations of drugs from knowl-edge of the pharmacokinetic parameters in an individual,and how the effects are related to the measured concen-tration that may be valid during life are often invalid afterdeath. Extrapolation can therefore lead to erroneous, or atleast contentious, conclusions. A recent example is theargument over likely effects of intravenous thiopental,administered as part of a lethal cocktail in the execution ofprisoners, where the effects are deduced from thiopentalconcentrations measured post mortem [2, 3]. Previousreviews have examined aspects of the problem of inter-preting post-mortem data, often from a specialist view-point [4–10]. Here the general problems are systematicallyreviewed.

Search strategy

The information used to assemble this review comes froma systematic search of EMBASE 1974 to June 2007 for thekeywords AUTOPSY#.W..DE. and DRUG-BLOOD-LEVEL.DE.and Medline 1950 to June 2007 for AUTOPSY#.W..MJ.and TISSUE-DISTRIBUTION.DE. Additionally, both weresearched for the text words (postmortem OR (post ADJmortem)) AND (redistribution). Reference lists of retrievedarticles and a personal collection of references were alsoscanned.


In forensic pharmacology, the pharmacodynamic ques-tion asked of a clinical pharmacologist when a person hasdied is usually ‘did a drug cause or contribute to thedeath?’. The answer is likely to come from a combinedanalysis of the medical history, including the reported cir-cumstances and manner of death, a consideration of thelikely effects of some presumed dose or measured con-centration of drug, the role of other drugs and possiblepharmacokinetic factors, and the exclusion of otherpotential causes.

British Journal of ClinicalPharmacology


430 / Br J Clin Pharmacol / 66:4 / 430–443 © 2008 The AuthorJournal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd


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The medical history

A typical medical history may go some way towards dem-onstrating a causal role for a drug. At the least, the medicalhistory needs to be consistent with the presumed mecha-nism of decease and the pathological findings, and thedose and the corresponding effect need to be plausible.For example, if a naive (non-tolerant) heroin user wereobserved to lapse into coma and then seen to suffer arespiratory arrest within a few minutes of a large intrave-nous dose of heroin, then most would postulate a causallink. It might be difficult, on the other hand, to accept apathologist’s assertion that a person died from an anaphy-lactic reaction to an injected medicine if the reactionoccurred hours after the injection.

In considering the role of a drug in causing death, theanalysis of events runs from the fact of death, throughsuspicion of a pharmacological cause, to the reconciliationof the post-mortem pharmacological data with themedical history. The sequence of analysis is unfamiliar tothe clinical pharmacologist, who may be more used toadministering a specified dose and observing the effect, or,alternatively, may take a history and perform an examina-tion, then make tests in order to diagnose drug-induceddisease. Since bias, and sometimes deception, can influ-ence the history obtained after death, accounts docu-mented before death are especially important. A Swissstudy has suggested that the medical history plays animportant role in interpreting post-mortem data in about70% of cases [11].

Qualitative post-mortem analysis

A qualitative test is any test that indicates the presence ofa substance, without providing accurate information as tothe amount. The mere presence of a drug, or its metabo-lites, in post-mortem tissue can be sufficient to reinforcesuspicions of the link between the drug and the death.Theconviction in 2000 of the English General Practitioner DrHarold Shipman for the murder of 15 of his patients restedin part on the sudden demise of a group of otherwisehealthy patients, for the most part elderly women, and inpart on the detection of morphine in skeletal muscle fromthe exhumed bodies of a subset of them, in the absence ofevidence that they had been prescribed morphine or beenin the habit of taking opiates [12].The post-mortem detec-tion of morphine must have played a significant part insecuring a conviction, but was only one of many pieces ofevidence. As Pounder has pointed out [12], there was suf-ficiently strong circumstantial evidence that, for six of theconvictions, no pathological or toxicological evidence wasadduced: those victims had been cremated.

However, a positive result from a qualitative test for thepresence of a poisonous substance is not sufficient of itself

to establish that the poison caused death, nor is a negativeresult sufficient to establish that it did not.

False-positive resultsTests can give erroneously positive results in two ways.First, false-positive test results, where the test shows thepresence of a substance that is absent, can arise fromunsatisfactory or non-specific tests. For example, radioim-munoassays for digoxin can be positive for endogenousdigoxin-like substances that accumulate in renal failure, inthe absence of any administration of digoxin [13]. A variantof this is the measurement of two closely related sub-stances, where only one is toxic. One example is the analy-sis of stereo-isomers that are chemically identical but havedifferent biological properties. R-methadone, for example,is a potent opioid, whereas S-methadone is almost inactivebut not distinguished from it in standard analyses [14].

Secondly, results can truly indicate the presence of asubstance in a sample taken from a dead body eventhough the substance was not present in the body beforedeath. This can arise by generation of toxic substancesafter death, or by contamination. The presence of sub-stances generated after death is a particular difficulty inthe assessment of ethanol concentrations [15–17], e.g. inthe victims of road traffic accidents [18] and in aircrew [19].Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, a rapidly acting anaestheticdrug of abuse, can also be generated post mortem [20].

Contamination after burial has been advanced as anexplanation for the presence of substances such as arsenicand lead that can be present in soil, or in burial containers[21]. Contamination during sampling, e.g. by taking it intoa lithium-heparin tube [22], or during analysis, are alsoimportant possibilities. Even in life, qualitative analysis ofhair for drugs can be misleading unless steps are taken toavoid surface contamination [23].

A safeguard in qualitative analysis is to use more thanone analytical method. Clear recommendations existto reduce the dangers of sample contamination [24].Cautious interpretation is still required.

False-negative resultsFalse-negative tests are possible. In the celebrated 19thcentury case of Dr William Palmer, a man called JohnParsons Cook died from convulsions, consistent withstrychnine poisoning. The prosecution toxicologist, DrAlfred Swaine Taylor, failed to find strychnine in Cook’sbody, but argued that this was a false-negative result dueto the poor analytical method [25].Palmer was convicted; itis less likely that this would happen today. Negative resultscan sometimes be assumed because standard screeningtests have shown nothing suspicious.This may be unwise ifrelevant specific tests have not been conducted.The initialfailure to detect polonium in samples from the RussianAlexander Litvinenko, murdered in London in 2006, may

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have stemmed from a false belief that radioactive sub-stances were absent because standard tests for ionizingradiation were negative [26].

Another important cause of negative post-mortemtests is the disappearance of the drug before analysis. Thiscan occur during life, and in some circumstances is likely orinevitable. For example, if a person dies from hypostaticpneumonia days or weeks after an insult that has causedirreversible brain damage, the agent responsible will notgenerally be found. Paracetamol causes delayed hepatictoxicity that can be fatal. By the time death occurs, para-cetamol cannot be detected in blood (although urinarymetabolites may be detected). Paraquat concentrationfalls rapidly after overdose [27]. Paraquat causes pulmo-nary fibrosis and a sometimes slow and agonising deathmany weeks after ingestion, when poison will no longer befound in blood samples, although it may be found intissues [28].

Even if a true-positive test shows the presence of asubstance that was present during life, a qualitative testis not of itself sufficient to imply drug-taking. Misleadingresults can be due to contaminants from innocent sources:small amounts of opiate can be detected in the urine ofpersons who have eaten poppy-seed cake [29].

There are, therefore, serious difficulties in interpretingqualitative tests on post-mortem samples: both false-positive and false-negative results can occur.

Quantitative post-mortem analysis

One of the central tenets of clinical pharmacology is thatthe pharmacological action of a drug is determined by itsconcentration at the site of action. Most drugs used inmodern therapy have a therapeutic index sufficiently highthat they are efficacious at concentrations lower than

Table 1Approximate pharmacokinetic values in life and of central : peripheral blood concentrations measured post mortem for a series of drugs of forensic interest

Reference [64, 65] [64, 65] [64, 65] [64, 65] [64, 65] [8]

NameVdist (l kg-1

bodyweight)Plasma proteinbinding (%)

Octanol : water partitioncoefficient

Log octanol : water partitioncoefficient pKa

Central : peripheralconcentration ratio

Amitriptyline 14.5 95 87 000 4.94 9.4 3.1

Chloroquine 200 60 42 600 4.63 8.4 3Chlorpromazine 7 98.5 2 500 3.40 9.3 4

Clomipramine 14.5 97.25 158 500 5.20 1.9Clonazepam 3 65 260 2.41 1.5 2

Clozapine 1.6 95 1 700 3.23 7.6 2.8Codeine 3.6 16 4 0.60 8.2 1.8

Desipramine 22.5 90 25 1.40 10.2 2.4Dextroamphetamine 5 32.5 63 1.80 9.9 2

Diazepam 1.5 97 500 2.70 3.3 1.6Dosulepin 45 85 630 2.80 3

Flurazepam 4.5 97 200 2.30 8.2 3Haloperidol 23 92 1 700 3.23 8.3 3.6

Imipramine 21 85 320 2.51 9.5 2Ketamine 4 35 1 250 3.10 7.5 1.6

Meperidine 4.2 45 500 2.70 8.7 2.1Midazolam 1.25 96 20 000 4.30 6.2 4

Morphine 2.25 30 0.8 -0.10 8 2.2Nortriptyline 26.5 92.5 50 1.70 9.7 2.4

Oxazepam 1.35 96.5 160 2.20 1.7 1.9Oxycodone 3 5 0.70 8.9 3.1

Paroxetine 15.5 95 8 900 3.95 9.9 2.7Pentazocine 3.75 62.5 100 2.00 8.5 2

Phenytoin 0.6 91.5 320 2.51 8.3 1.4Promethazine 13.5 84.5 800 2.90 9.1 1.6

Propoxyphene 16 75 16 000 4.20 6.3 3.5Temazepam 1.4 86 155 2.19 1.6 1.6

Thiopental 2.5 65 710 2.85 7.6 1.9Trazodone 92 1 600 3.20 6.7 1.6

Triazolam 1.3 17.5 263 2.42 5 2.8Venlafaxine 7.5 27 2.7 0.43 1.6

Zolpidem 0.54 92.5 7 000 3.85 6.2 2.1

The extent of post-mortem distribution is measured by the central : peripheral concentration ratio, taken from reference [8]. The volume of distribution is taken from [64]. Theregression coefficient of central : peripheral concentration ratio on volume of distribution, r = 0.247, P > 0.1. The octanol : water partition coefficient is taken from [65] Theregression coefficient of central : peripheral concentration ratio on octanol : water partition coefficient, r = 0.035, P > 0.1.

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those capable of producing toxicity [30].The concentrationof a drug in the ‘sampling compartment’ is assumed torelate to the concentration at the site of action, and thatconcentration in turn is expected to relate to the dose.However, even at steady-state in life, the relationshipsbetween dose and plasma concentration, and betweenplasma concentration and therapeutic or toxic effect, canvary widely from subject to subject.This is true even whensamples are taken at specified times after dosing, so as toreduce variability due to differences in absorption. It iscommon for drug analyses to give results whose accuracy,measured by difference from nominal values of controlsamples, and whose precision, measured by differences inrepeated samples, may have standard deviations of >10%of mean values.Analytical specificity can also be an import-ant issue. It is sufficiently important with immunoassaysthat results require confirmation.The sensitivity of an assayalso needs to be sufficiently great that concentrationslikely to have caused harm can be detected.

For most fatalities, assumptions of steady-state beforedeath are invalid, so that greater allowance needs to bemade for variability within and between subjects.The‘sam-pling compartment’ is itself usually different after deathfrom in life. For example, almost all post-mortem analysis isperformed on whole blood. Most drug assays in samplesfrom living patients are made on plasma or serum, andwhole blood is used uncommonly. After death, and in themost favourable circumstances, it is possible to takesamples of whole blood flowing from femoral veins: thissample is thought to be least susceptible to post-mortemchange. Failing this, blood can be collected from the heartor another central site. For many drugs, there are markeddifferences between post-mortem concentrations insamples obtained from peripheral and central sites(Table 1), as discussed below [8].

Even in life, the concentration ratio between wholeblood and plasma varies from drug to drug. It is 0.5 forphenytoin, and 2 for maprotiline [31]. After death, thecomposition of body fluids can change, and so does fluiddistribution. Sedimentation of red cells under gravityaccounts for hypostatic staining, which is a visible manifes-tation of post-mortem change. In addition, death entrainscell lysis, and putrefaction by endogenous and exogenousbacteria. Variable degrees of sedimentation, coagulation,haemolysis, putrefaction and contamination with tissuefluids can render quantitative analysis of blood unhelpful,and of blood-tinged fluids collected from body cavitiesmeaningless.

Other body fluids and tissues, including stomachcontent, urine, liver, muscle and fat, are commonly sampledat autopsy. Quantitative analysis has been used tocompare concentrations in suspected cases with concen-trations in previous cases attributed to poisoning. Thisapproach is potentially misleading in the absence ofknowledge of the changes that can occur under differentconditions after death and without comparative material

from patients who were taking the relevant drugs but diedfrom other causes.

The lethal doseIn animal studies, death will occur at lower concentrationsof a poison in some animals than in others, and this is thebasis for experimental determination of the LD50, the dosethat is lethal to 50% of a cohort of animals. The fiduciallimits (upper and lower confidence bounds) around theLD50 are a measure of the dispersion of susceptibility to thepoison in the relevant population. No such data exist forhuman subjects, and so neither lethal doses (nor lethalconcentrations) measured before death, nor their disper-sion, are known. There are reliable data on human poison-ing in life for a few drugs, such as paracetamol [32], wherethere has been careful study, where there is reasonableassurance that samples are taken after complete absorp-tion, and where either the outcome or a reliable surrogate(liver enzyme elevation) could be observed. There are anumber of counter-examples, such as iron salts and possi-bly aspirin, where the severity of poisoning is poorly cor-related with the concentration of the substance in bloodeven during life.

Extrapolation from post-mortem concentrationsto ante-mortem concentrationsThere are many uncertainties in back-extrapolation froma concentration found post mortem to the concentra-tion before death, and from the putative ante-mortemconcentration to its possible effects. Nevertheless,attempts have been made to establish acute lethal con-centrations [33–36], even if there is some recognition thatthis is not straightforward [36, 37]. The difficulties areapparent from the quoted ranges for lethal concentrationsof, for example, 3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine(‘ecstasy’) (40–8500 mg l-1) and methadone (60–3100 mg l-1) in modern data [38]. Milroy and Forrest foundvalues for the lethal concentration of methadone mea-sured in post-mortem blood variously quoted as 220–3040; 200–4500; 320–3980; 1000–2000; and 100–2500(intravenously) or 100–2600 mg l-1 (orally); the range intheir own series of 111 cases was 84–2700 mg l-1 [39]. In 25cases where they were able to sample blood both from anarm and from a leg, it is possible to compute the mediandifference as 72 mmol l-1, with an interquartile range for thedifference of 20–200 mmol l-1.

Importance of toleranceFor some important drugs, including many oncologicaldrugs and opioids, there is little or no separation betweentherapeutic and toxic concentrations. The opioids repre-sent one class of drugs where receptor downregulationduring chronic therapy shifts concentration–responsecurves, so that much higher concentrations are required toproduce the same effect, whether beneficial or harmful.The same phenomenon is seen with GABA-agonists,

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including ethanol. Although the lethal concentration ofethanol has sometimes been reported as ‘above 500 milli-grams per 100 millilitres’ [40], a patient was still talkingwhen her serum ethanol concentration was >1500 mgper 100 ml, three times this ‘fatal’ value [41]. Jones andHolmgren examined data on 693 deaths from acutealcohol poisoning, and found a Gaussian distribution ofpost-mortem concentrations, with a mean value of 356 mgper 100 ml [42]. The 95% confidence interval around themean (calculated from the quoted standard deviation) wasbetween 185 and 526 mg per 100 ml.The lethal concentrat-ion was three times higher in some subjects than in others.The corollary is that all interpretation of the pharmacody-namic effects based on concentrations should be placed inthe context of the variations in concentration–responserelationships and the degree of tolerance.

Another major concern regarding lethal concentra-tions is that commonly more than one drug is implicated ina fatality.Possible pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamicinteractions between a drug and ethanol or one drug andanother make for still greater difficulties in interpretation.

Site-related and time-related differences inpost-mortem concentrationsHolt and Benstead observed in 1975 that three post-mortem samples of blood from different sites in one bodycontained different concentrations of digoxin, and specu-lated that drug may have been redistributed in the bodyafter death [43]. By 1980, Rouzioux had described in detailtwo types of post-mortem change that could affect bloodconcentrations between the moment of death and thetime of autopsy [44]. These were degradation of the toxicsubstance, e.g. by microbial or enzymatic action, as canhappen with cyanides; and modification of the equilibriumbetween blood and tissues. Both exudation from tissueand cellular lysis could contribute to this change in equi-librium, and Rouzioux reported analyses in 10 cases. Eightcases were marked by blood concentrations, measured inpost-mortem samples from the left ventricle, between 2.58and 17.66 higher than during life, whereas two, both due tocarbon monoxide poisoning, had concentrations afterdeath about 25–30% lower than in life [44].

The term ‘post-mortem redistribution’ was used byKoren and MacLeod in the title for their 1985 paper onchanges in digoxin concentration after death, based onexperiments in the rat [45]. They administered radio-iodine-labelled digoxin to rats 2 h before death. Concen-trations measured at death and 12 h aftewards showed amean heart : blood ratio of 10.6 and 0.9, respectively. Theyconcluded that ante-mortem digoxin concentrations cannotbe reliably inferred on the basis of high post-mortem levels ofthe drug alone (emphasis added).

In the 30 years following the observations of Holt andBenstead, a wide range of potential difficulties in interpret-ing post-mortem concentrations has been uncovered, andthe phenomenon of post-mortem redistribution of drugs

has fully justified its description by Pounder and Jones as‘a toxicological nightmare’ [7].

Several reviews have considered the factors that caninfluence the concentration of drug measured post-mortem [7, 10, 46–49]. They can broadly be divided intotwo processes. First, the drug may remain unaltered, but itsdistribution in the body changes as the result of transferacross barriers that maintain a concentration gradient inlife, notably cellular membranes. The integrity of the barri-ers is lost after death. This leads to flux of drug from (or,more rarely, to) the gut, the solid organs, the bladder andthe alveoli. It is also possible for drug to be gained or lostfrom the system, e.g. by evaporation or absorption fromthe environment. Secondly, the drug can be altered as theresult of physicochemical change in the post-mortemenvironment. For example, as pH changes, so the stateof ionization of the drug may change. The drug itselfcan undergo chemical change. Morphine, for example, canbe measured as free or total drug, the latter includingboth the conjugated metabolites morphine-3-glucuronideand morphine-6-glucuronide. Post-mortem hydrolysis in-creases apparent free morphine concentrations [50].

Transfer across barriersDrugs taken orally have to be absorbed from the gut intothe bloodstream before distribution around the body.Absorption in life depends on the transfer of drug acrossthe intestinal wall, which can be the result of active trans-port or the consequence of physicochemical diffusion.Theactive processes cease after death, and the rate and extentof diffusion depend on the permeability of the gut wall,which increases after death. For example, in life ethanol isabsorbed from the small intestine rather than the stomach.However, after death the stomach wall becomes perme-able to ethanol, which then diffuses into adjacent tissueand blood vessels [51, 52]. Such diffusion through previ-ously impermeable barriers may be most important forsmall nonpolar molecules [47].

Drug already filtered from the bloodstream into theurine can diffuse from the bladder into femoral venousblood by similar mechanisms: in a single autopsy case, con-centrations of diphenhydramine and dihydrocodeine werean order of magnitude higher in the femoral venous bloodthan in the cardiac blood, and a further order of magnitudehigher in the urine than in the femoral venous blood. Theauthors hypothesized that death occurred after a longperiod of unconsciousness during which high concentra-tions of drug accumulated in the bladder [53].

In life, neither drug in the gut nor drug in the urinewould form part of the pharmacologically active bodyburden. If drug is transferred from the gut or the urine intothe blood sampled after death, the blood concentrationswill be erroneous.

When 3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine (‘ecstasy’)is given intravenously to rabbits, post-mortem concentra-tions in heart blood rise primarily as a result of redistribu-

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tion from lung tissue. The patterns of this post-mortemredistribution of ecstasy depend on whether it is infusedinto the stomach, the trachea or the oesophagus. Concen-trations in heart blood rise markedly after ‘supradiaphrag-matic’ administration, whereas concentrations in gastriccontents remain low unless drug is introduced directly intothe stomach [54, 55]. These results show that high post-mortem concentrations can come from absorption acrossthe stomach wall; by redistribution from the lungs of drugalready absorbed before death; and from absorption ofdrug in the trachea or oesophagus, as a result of vomitingor reflux. Studies on cadavers support this last view [56].

Redistribution of absorbed drugAn important part of classical pharmacokinetics is anassessment of the extent to which a drug is distributeduniformly or non-uniformly in the body. For example,heparin, absorbed into the bloodstream, remains localizedin the bloodstream. By contrast, almost the entire bodyload of drugs such as amiodarone and chloroquine liesoutside the bloodstream. Where the distribution is non-uniform before death, the possibility arises after death thatthe distribution will become more uniform simply becausethere will be flow down any concentration gradient fromhigh concentration to lower concentration (and, more gen-erally, along a gradient of chemical potential) [57]. Organsin which drug is concentrated are loci of high concentra-tion, and concentrations in surrounding tissue can be dis-proportionately affected. The concentration measured inblood, in these circumstances, depends strongly on thesampling site. For example, digoxin is preferentially distrib-uted to cardiac muscle.After death, concentrations in heartblood are substantially higher than those in femoralvenous blood, presumably because of redistribution fromcardiac muscle into heart blood [43].

Redistribution from the lungs, which act as a reservoirfor basic drugs that are also lipophilic [58], such as amitrip-tyline, chlorpromazine and methadone, is also important.Movement of drug from the lungs into the left ventricleand aorta after death is rapid and results in a significantincrease in drug concentrations in samples from these twosites [47, 59].

Where energy-dependent processes maintain concen-tration gradients during life, major post-mortem shifts areexpected. For example, the ratio of potassium concentra-tion inside and outside cells in life is about 40 : 1, main-tained by Na+-K+ ATPase. After death, when there is nofurther renewal of the energy supply and when the integ-rity of cell membranes is lost, cell walls become freelypermeable to potassium ions, and the concentration insideand outside cells tends to equilibrate. In consequence,serum potassium concentration rises from about3.5 mmol l-1 prior to death to 18 mmol l-1 at 1 h, and25 mmol l-1 at 24 h after death [60]. Concentrations aboveapproximately 8 mmol l-1 in life are commonly fatal, but

clearly the existence of lethal concentrations before deathcannot be inferred from finding them post mortem.

Some evidence for preferential distribution during lifecan remain post mortem. Mangin and Kintz examined thepost-mortem concentrations of morphine in human axil-lary, head and pubic hair, finding the highest concentra-tions in the last of these [61]. Rather discouragingly, thereappears to be no correlation in life between the dose ofopiates administered and the resulting concentration inhair [62].

Influence of volume of distributionThe volume of distribution is a measure of the extent towhich a drug is distributed outside the bloodstream in life,and can be interpreted as the ratio of the total amount ofdrug absorbed into the body to the amount of drug in oneunit volume of blood (or plasma). The density of the bodyis approximately 1 kg l-1, so a drug that is uniformly dis-tributed in a person weighing 70 kg will have a volumeof distribution of approximately 70 l. Very high in vivovolumes of distribution, implying preferential localizationoutside the bloodstream, have been proposed as a markerof potential post-mortem redistribution [7, 8, 63].

One determinant of volume of distribution of a drug isits lipid solubility, and that can be established by determin-ing the octanol : water partition coefficient, which mea-sures the extent to which the drug enters the hydrophobicoctanol phase (Table 1).There are compilations of values instandard texts [64, 65]. For example, sertraline is extremelyhydrophobic, with an octanol : partition coefficient of195 000, and has a volume of distribution of 20 l kg-1 (i.e.1400 l in a 70-kg person); aspirin, which is strongly hydro-philic, with an octanol : water partition coefficient of 0.08,has a volume of distribution of 0.2 l kg-1. There are,however, many deviations from a simple relationshipbetween octanol : water partition coefficient and volumeof distribution.Venlafaxine,with a volume of distribution of7.5 l kg-1, has a partition coefficient of 2.7; warfarin, whosevolume of distribution is 0.14 l kg-1, has a partition coeffi-cient of 400. A partial explanation for this is that someentities, such as lithium, are subject to specific, active pro-cesses that remove them from the bloodstream. Others,such as warfarin, are preferentially bound to sites outsidethe circulating blood. A further complicating factor is that,for many drugs, a high proportion of the fraction in circu-lating blood is bound to plasma proteins, whereas for a fewdrugs, plasma protein-binding is negligible. Chlorprom-azine is >95% protein-bound, whereas atenolol is <5%protein-bound. For highly protein-bound drugs, theplasma proteins act as a reservoir of inactive, but circulat-ing, drug.

The distribution of protein between the circulatingblood and interstitial fluid depends on the maintenance ofa semipermeable membrane. Changes in membrane per-meability after death allow proteins such as albumin to

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leak out of the bloodstream into tissues, reducing the con-centration of albumin-bound drug in blood [66].

The effect of pH changes on the state of ionization ofan ionizable drug can be deduced from the pKa, i.e. the pHat which the ratio of unprotonated to protonated drugis unity (Table 1). The benzodiazepines clonazepam,oxazepam and temazepam all have pKa values <2 – theunprotonated form predominates at physiological pH;whereas desipramine, colchicine and propofol all have pKavalues >10 – the protonated form predominates at physi-ological pH. If the protonated form of a drug is ionized,then the more acidic the medium, the more ionized drugwill be present; and vice versa if it is the unprotonated formthat is ionized.

Because changes in pH lead to changes in the extent ofionization, and because ionized drug is hydrophilic, theyalso affect octanol : water partition coefficient and proteinbinding. For example, the partition coefficient of fluoxetinebetween octanol and water is 11 000, but between octanoland aqueous buffer at pH 7.4 is 66 [65]. Blood pH falls afterdeath, and also sometimes before death, e.g. in patientswho undergo prolonged resuscitation, or who die fromrespiratory or renal failure.

For all these reasons, the physiochemical properties ofdrugs, which determine their distribution, will not remainconstant after death, and calculations based on pharmaco-kinetic parameters determined in life are bound to beinaccurate. The practice, at one time common in forensicwork, of calculating the ‘body-burden’ of a drug from thepost-mortem concentration and the average volume ofdistribution, determined in vivo, should therefore be aban-doned.

Relationship between concentrationsmeasured before and after deathThe relationship between ante-mortem and post-mortemdrug concentrations is clearly critical in making reasonedjudgements of the importance of quantitative analyses.There are, however, few human studies that provide directevidence. The work of Rouzioux, already referred to, deter-mined the ratios between post-mortem and ante-mortemconcentration in four cases of imipramine poisoning to be4.85, 1.39, 9.94 and 7.60; and in two cases of chloroquinepoisoning to be 17.66 and 14.6 (the timing of the samplesvaried considerably among patients) [44]. A later studyfound post-mortem femoral blood : ante-mortem serumconcentrations of amitriptyline in poisoned patients to be3.6, 4.3 and 12; and of imipramine to be 3.0 and 6.0 [6].For chloroquine, the ratio between ante-mortem serumconcentration and post-mortem peripheral blood concen-tration was 0.7, whereas the ratio between post-mortemheart blood and peripheral blood concentrations was 2.9[67]. Elliott found ratios to be between 1.1 and 6.6 for 3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine (‘ecstasy’) and 1.5 and13.3 for its metabolite 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine[68]. A study in which post-mortem peripheral blood was

compared with ante-mortem serum established ratios of11.7 for dosulepin, 8.3 for propoxyphene, 3.9 for amitrip-tyline, 2.6 for methadone, 1.9 for propranolol, 1.5 for parac-etamol and 1.0 for salicylate in single cases [69]. The post-mortem : ante-mortem ratio was 1.7 in a man who tookan unintentional overdose of diltiazem [70]. Flecainide,digoxin and sotalol concentrations, but not amiodaroneconcentrations, rose after death in an 18-year-old manwith heart disease who suffered a fatal arrhythmia [71].

Animal experiments have been helpful, but extrapola-tion to humans is hampered by differences in bothanatomy and pharmacology. Studies in which animalshave been given substantial doses of drugs and then beenexamined post mortem confirm that concentrations varyby site and by time for: citalopram [72, 73],‘ecstasy’ [54, 55],fluoxetine [74], morphine [75, 76] and paracetamol [8, 77].Crandall and coworkers used swine to examine the rela-tionship between ante-mortem and post-mortem concen-trations of morphine after acute intravenous overdose[78]. Prior to death, mean left ventricular and femoralvenous concentrations were similar for free and for totalmorphine. After death, both ratios were altered. The meancentral : peripheral (C: P) blood ratio for free morphine wasapproximately 0.5 after 30 min, but 1.0 after 120 min; totalmorphine C: P ratio exceeded 1.0 at five time-points afterdeath, and was <1.0 at four time-points, perhaps becausethe study did not examine paired samples, and there mayhave been substantial interanimal variability. Since con-centration in blood from central sites and peripheral sitesis, or is assumed to be, equal during life, C: P different fromunity suggests that changes have taken place after death.For example, redistribution of drug stored in liver, or trans-fer from the stomach, are likely to influence central con-centrations more than peripheral concentrations, and leadto high C: P ratios. The corollary – that a ratio of unity is asign that the concentration measured post-mortem isequal to the concentration immediately before death –does not have to be true.

Strandberg et al. found post-mortem concentrations ofmorphine in rats that died within 10 min of diamorphineoverdose to be nearly 10 times higher in lung tissue than inheart blood, although differences were much less in ratsthat survived for some hours after overdose [79]. Mor-phine : metabolite ratios were variable.Large differences inratios of major morphine metabolites have anyway beenreported in living patients, with variation up to 40-foldbetween individuals [80]. Although differences betweenacute and chronic users, and in those with or without renalimpairment,might be expected, ranges for all these groupsoverlapped. It is difficult to see, therefore, that deductionsfrom morphine metabolite ratios in post-mortem samplescan be made with any certainty.

Animal experiments have also been made to examinethe effects of lipophilicity in determining redistribution ofthree b-adrenoceptor antagonists in rabbits [81]. For somedrugs, such as moclobemide, animal experiments suggest

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that little redistribution takes place [82]. Such experimentsusually consider only a small number of animals, doses andtime-points, and this, taken with the anatomical and phar-macological differences between species, makes it difficultto extrapolate the results to human cases.

Can the extent of post-mortem redistributionbe deduced from the properties of a drug?Leikin and Watson’s review [8] tabulates approximate C : Pratios, where central concentrations were measured inheart blood. The authors, following Hilberg [83], suggestthat drugs with a volume of distribution >3 l kg-1 ‘are can-didates for redistribution . . . ’. The authors do not indicateuncertainty around the estimates of C : P ratio, which isundoubtedly very large. For example, a study of post-mortem concentrations of the opiate analgesic fentanylhas reported heart and femoral blood concentrations in 11cases. The C : P ratio ranged from 0.89 to 3.2 (mean 1.6)[84]. However, the approximate figures can be used as abasis for testing this and other suggested relationshipsbetween the pharmacokinetic properties of a drug and itspropensity to undergo post-mortem redistribution.

The relationship between C : P ratio and volume of dis-tribution for the drugs listed by Leikin and Watson is weak(Figure 1): although most drugs that undergo redistribu-tion, as judged by a C : P ratio >3.0, have large volumes ofdistribution, there are several outlying drugs with largevolumes of distribution that appear to undergo little orno redistribution. Other authors have already noted thatvolume of distribution cannot be the sole determinant ofthe extent of redistribution [81].The C : P ratio exceeds thevolume of distribution in l kg-1 for 15/33 drugs for whichdata were available, so the volume of distribution is not

an indication of the upper limit for divergence betweenante-mortem and post-mortem samples. Likewise, there isno obvious relationship between the C : P ratio and theoctanol : water partition coefficient (Figure 2).

Making deduction frompost-mortem drug concentrations

The general problem is to decide whether a post-mortemconcentration indicates that the deceased died from theaction of the drug, or whether the drug was present inci-dentally. The problem is most straightforward where onlyone drug is involved and its post-mortem redistribution isnegligible, so that concentrations are similar if measured insamples taken from different sites or at different times. Formost, if not all drugs, that is unlikely. The difficulties can beeased by careful sampling [31, 85], even though intrinsicuncertainties in post-mortem analysis mean that compli-ance with the recommendations does not guarantee reli-ability. Early compilations of ‘fatal’ concentrations [33–36]did not specify sampling site, even though it was well rec-ognized that for some drugs concentrations in solid organsdiffered greatly from those in ‘blood’ [86]. Druid andHolmgren addressed this by compiling a table of post-mortem concentrations of femoral venous blood, based ontheir set of Swedish data [87]. An elaboration, quoting 10thand 90th centiles of femoral blood concentrations of anti-depressant drugs in fatal cases, has been published [88].

Good information on the rate of change of drug con-centration with time could help, but there is likely to besubstantial variability due to uncontrolled factors such astemperature and microbial action. Even if there is little or

Volume of distribution (Vdist)










: per


ral c






Figure 1The relationship between the extent of post-mortem redistribution andthe volume of distribution. The extent of post-mortem distribution ismeasured by the central : peripheral concentration ratio, taken from ref-erence [8]. The volume of distribution is taken from [64]. The regressioncoefficient, r = 0.247, P > 0.1








-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Log octanol : water partition coefficent



: per


ral c




n ra


Figure 2The relationship between the extent of post-mortem redistribution andlog octanol : water partition coefficient.The extent of post-mortem distri-bution is measured by the central : peripheral concentration ratio, takenfrom reference [8]. The octanol : water partition coefficient is taken from[65]. The regression coefficient, r = 0.035, P > 0.1

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“Fatal concentration” (FC50) based on the post-mortem concentration


Effect of site Effect of time


Some unknown transform thatdepends on sampling site, timefrom decease, person, and otherfactors




Concentration-response curve in life

Response (%)

Log concentration





Survival (%)




Figure 3A scheme of the relationship between ante-mortem dose–response curve for a lethal drug and the definition of lethal concentration by reference to theobserved post-mortem concentration

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no post-mortem redistribution, and there is a large seriesof cases in which a single drug has been taken, the prob-lems of deciding whether the measured concentrationindicates a drug-induced death (DID) or not (DID-not) areformidable. At its simplest, the problem is to define a con-centration that, if found post mortem, indicates that alethal concentration was present before death (Figure 3).Although the relationship between dose and response canbe clear ante mortem (Figure 4a), any such relationship islikely to be clouded post mortem (Figure 4b). For the

answers to be reliable, a series of deaths in which the drugis detected has to be considered, and each death assignedto the DID or DID-not group without knowledge of themeasured concentrations. That assignment, independentof concentration, is likely to be difficult. It might be pos-sible if there were a characteristic and specific clinicalpicture, and if other competing causes of death could beexcluded. Since, for example, most suicides are unob-served, the clinical picture in an individual death is oftenunknown. Since apparently healthy subjects may have

Measure concentration in thesampling compartment

Use Vdist to determinebody load

(amount in body =concentration in sample

x Vdist)

Use observed dose-response curves todetermine effects

Measure concentration in thesampling compartment


Concentration depends ontime and site

Vdist changes and isunknown

Effect of observedconcentration generally





Figure 4(a) Deductions made from concentrations of drug measured during life. If the relationship between concentration (or dose) and effect is known, then insome circumstances the likely effect can be deduced. Even in life, there are difficulties with drugs, such as ethanol, where responses are very variable; opiates,whose dose–response curve is substantially altered by repeated dosing; and penicillin, where a subset of patients is hypersusceptible to adverse effects. (b)Deductions made from concentrations of drug measured after death. It is now impossible to establish the administered dose, and the effect of a measuredconcentration cannot be deduced from dose–response curves determined in living subjects

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hidden causes of sudden death, notably cardiac arrhyth-mia [89], the exclusion of competing may itself be difficult.

Even if the deceased can be assigned to the DID andDID-not groups, it is very unlikely that drug concentrationsin the two groups will be clearly separated (Figure 5). Theoverlap will partly result from biological variability in sub-jects and partly from sampling and analytical variabilitythat will blur the distinction between samples of suppos-edly different concentrations. The biological variabilitymay be extreme if the death is not due to poisoning, but,for example, to immunological effects, especially anaphyl-axis: a concentration of penicillin that is much smaller thanthe conventional therapeutic concentration will nonethe-less be lethal in a patient with severe Type I hypersensitiv-ity. By contrast, doses of opioids that would be lethal inunexposed subjects are happily tolerated by heroinaddicts whose receptors are downregulated by habitualexposure. Pharmacogenetic variation in the sensitivity ofsubjects to adverse effects may also prove to be important[90].


There is no reliable or obvious connection between con-centrations measured in life and subsequent to death.Con-sequently, concentrations measured after death cannotgenerally be interpreted to yield concentrations present

before death. The definition of lethal concentrations isextremely difficult. For rigour, it is necessary to assign aseries of deaths to the DID and DID-not categories inde-pendent of the drug concentrations, and examine how theconcentrations differ between the two groups. Usuallythere will be a broad overlap, and a correspondingly widerange of uncertainty in deciding whether a concentrationfound after death caused the death. Post-mortem concen-trations have been over-interpreted in the past, and goodevidence should be required before ‘lethal concentrations’are defined in the future.

The author is very grateful to Professor Robin Braithwaite, DrRobert Flanagan, Professor Robert Forrest, Dr Steven Karchand Dr Nigel Langford for stimulating discussions and helpfulsuggestions during the preparation of this manuscript.


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0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00

Drug concentration (arbitrary units)




of p






Figure 5The proportion of patients having a specified post-mortem concentration of some hypothetical drug, and for two groups of subjects: those with drug-induced death (DID); and those with death not due to drugs (DID-not), allowing for likely variability between individuals. The two distributions may differin shape, and may be skewed, but it is very likely that they will overlap considerably: those in whom concentration A was found may have died from theeffects of the drug, whereas those in whom concentration B was found may not. There is no clear ‘lethal concentration’

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