lithuania. culture for development · 2015-09-02 · 5 culture for development more than a hundred...


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Page 1: LITHUANIA. CULTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT · 2015-09-02 · 5 CULTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT More than a hundred scholars from Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Italy


Page 2: LITHUANIA. CULTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT · 2015-09-02 · 5 CULTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT More than a hundred scholars from Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Italy







Page 3: LITHUANIA. CULTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT · 2015-09-02 · 5 CULTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT More than a hundred scholars from Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Italy

Culture is a complex entity, which every individual has to learn in order to live in a society. It enables people to communicate and interact with one another. However, in a political context we understand culture not only as inherited and learnt habits, but rather as a component that interacts in our everyday lives, constructs and shapes social relationships and influences politics.

In a global world, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue has become a major issue linked to the growing variety of social codes within and between societies. Therefore, good and deep knowledge about other cultures helps to understand why people act in one way or another. Right perception of different cultures and making right agreements on that basis is one of the cornerstones for peace and respect in the world. Sharing experience, views and opinions with different nationalities’ people builds bridges between hearts and minds, and helps to find solutions to problematic situations.

In this respect, Lithuania, along with other member states of the European Union, is committed to shape its international relations, paying particular attention to cultural dimension as a vital element of dialogue with other countries. In order to enhance relationships with neighbour countries, Lithuania initiated the scientific and cultural exchange in the framework of its development cooperation policy. Through its cultural development policy, Lithuania contributes to the Eastern Partnership initiative, which was launched by the European Union in 2009. Productive cooperation among the countries promotes the development of democracy, the freedom of speech, open-mindedness and tolerance for one another.

The projects presented in this booklet aim at promoting the culture of Lithuania and its development partners: Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and Afghanistan. We believe that development is much more sustainable, when the people’s diplomacy approach is applied.

I hope readers will find the booklet informative and interesting.

Evaldas Ignatavičius Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania







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The main insight of the book “Ukraine: Lithuanian epoch 1320-1569” is to widen the scope of Eastern Europe’s history during the period when Lithuanian knights ruled the great part of the lands in Ukraine. It seeks both Lithuanian and Ukrainian academic communities to turn their attention to the common cultural heritage as well as to reshape the understanding about that specific epoch. More than 300 hundred written sources were used for the preparation of the book leading by impressive axonometric illustrations of the castles and battles of the time.

The overall goal of the project is to create a dialogue and exchange of scientific ideas among scholars from Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, aiming to explore and promote a long time forgotten historical and cultural heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. One of the main objectives of the project is to achieve cooperation and tighten the existing links between the neighbour countries that share their historical background. The virtual museum and archive “Magnus Ducatus Lithuaniae” ( was created with the aim of improving access for the general public and academic community to written sources of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Portrait exhibitions of significant noblemen families were arranged, books of history of science are being published. On the whole, the project allows exchanging cultural goods and promoting cultural tourism, helps building and strengthening good neighbourly relations with Belarus and Ukraine, as well as implementing the European Union’s Eastern Partnership initiative.

Heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s for Neighborhood Policy and Regional Cooperation (2006-2010) Implementing organization: Academy of Historical Memory

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More than a hundred scholars from Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Russia contributed articles to the new four-volume Encyclopedia of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. For the first time in the history of Lithuania, the research of the Grand Duchy not only laid foundations for new methodologies and topics, but also overstepped Lithuania’s boarders to a certain extent and became an international discipline. The project is intended to spark curiosity and encourage students and the general public to learn more about the cultural heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The project is also important for intercultural dialogue of regional societies. Moreover, the project attempts to promote European values, such as democracy, human rights, freedom of opinion and cross-cultural exploration, as well as to ensure respect between different cultural groups by appealing through a common vision of the past that still keeps them united.

Encyclopedia overcomes boundaries of national historiographies and proposes as broad as possible overview of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Differently from many earlier published syntheses and encyclopedias, it aims to cover the whole territory of the Grand Duchy and to reflect different historiographical accounts adequately. The encyclopedia focuses on the core lands of the Grand Duchy, where the old Lithuanian state was formed and developed.

Cooperation of Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian Scholars: Compilation of an Encyclopedia of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (2007-2012)Implementing institution: The Lithuanian Institute of History

Lithuanian state in the 13–15th centuries

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Peace Treaty of Thorn, 1411

The Battle of Grunwald was fought on 15 July 1410, during the Polish – Lithuanian – Teutonic War. The alliance of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania decisively defeated the Teutonic Knights. The battle shifted the balance of power in Eastern Europe and marked the rise of the Polish – Lithuanian Union as the dominant political and military force in the region. The battle was one of the largest battles in Medieval Europe and is regarded as the most important victory in the history of Poland and Lithuania. It was surrounded by romantic legends and nationalistic propaganda becoming a larger symbol of struggle against invaders and a source of national pride. Only in recent decades have historians made progress towards a dispassionate, scholarly assessment of the battle, reconciling the previous narratives, which differed widely from country to country.

The Commemoration of the 600th Anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (2010)Implementing institution: Lithuanian Art Museum

In 2010, Lithuania commemorates the 600th anniversary of medieval Europe’s one of the greatest battles – the Battle of Grunwald. In 1410, the allied forces of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated the Teutonic Order (German Order). The iconographic exhibition marking this event aims to acquaint the Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian societies with the events that led to the battle, its historical significance, as well as to present the portrayal of the battle of Grunwald in art. In 2009, as a part of the Celebration of the Millennium of the Name of Lithuania (1009-2009), the Lithuanian Art Museum organized a touring exhibition “Lithuania: Culture and History”, which was displayed in Minsk, Kiev and St. Petersburg, and acquainted the societies of these neighboring countries with the significance of Lithuania’s cultural legacy.

State of Teutonic Order, 1260-1410

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State of Teutonic Order, 1260-1410

Continuing to promote cultural and social ties with Belarus and Ukraine, the project aimed to restore the historical memory of the Battle of Grunwald - the extraordinary Lithuanian-Polish victory against the Teutonic Order. The exchange of cultural goods between the countries sought to encourage good neighbourly relations, prospective communication, similarly developing a positive attitude towards Lithuania. Also it is expected to put Belarusians and Ukrainians in touch with the heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The project is a natural continuation of the events that were held in various parts of Belarus and Ukraine in 2009, dedicated to Lithuania’s Grand Duke Vytautas and the meeting of European Monarchs in Lutsk.

Echoes of the Battle of Grunwald (2009-2010)Implementing organization: Academy of Life

Representatives of Ukraine in cultural reserve of Kernavė, Lithuania

Belarusians in Birštonas spa town, Lithuania

Cultural event at Mir Castle, Belarus

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Cross-border research, which brings together Lithuanian, Belarusian and Russian academic youth, professorship and NGO’s, seeks to engage scholars in the preservation of the valuable Litvak cultural heritage in the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Due to the destruction of the Jewish heritage under the Nazi and Soviet regimes, many of the remaining Jewish synagogues were architecturally changed, derelict or used for different purposes. The establishment of this international research aims to promote humanistic approach to the common history and heritage, to cultivate open mindedness, as well as to undermine well-established stereotypes. To make the cultural achievements more visible, the exhibition “The Sounds of Silence” introducing the heritage of the annihilated Litvak communities was presented to the general public in Prague, Vilnius, Tel Aviv and New York.

Research of the Litvak Heritage in Lithuania and Belarus(2008-2010) Implementing organization: The Jewish Culture and Information Center in Vilnius

Litvaks (Lithuanian Jews) are Ashkenazi Jews who have their origins in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (present-day Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine). Lithuania was historically home to a large and influential Jewish community that was almost entirely eliminated during the Holocaust. Before World War II, the Lithuanian Jewish population was some 160 000, about 7% of the total population. Vilnius (Wilno) had a Jewish community of nearly 100,000, about 40% of the city’s total population. As of 2005, about 4 000 Jews were in Lithuania. There are still strong communities of Jews of Lithuanian descent around the world, especially in Israel, USA, South Africa and Australia.

Sinagogue of Slonim in Belarus

Choral Sinagogue in Kaunas, Lithuania

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Heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Poetry of Adomas Mickevicius (2010)Implementing institution: Institute of Belarus

The idea is to present the historical places of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania related to the poetry of well known Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian poet Adomas Mickevicius (Adam Mickiewicz) and arrange the photography exhibition. The exhibition displays photographs of castles, monasteries, palaces and churches that reflect the vitality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and a cultural link between Lithuania and Belarus.

Ruzhany Palace in Western Belarus, 16th century

Halshany Castle, Belarus, 17th century

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Almanac “Evenings of Southernwood” in Lithuanian, Belarusian and Georgian

The project aims to develop national and cultural identity of Belarus as well as it gives a unique possibility for Belarusian writers to create in an open-minded environment. Workshops are organized for the artists from Belarus, Georgia and Lithuania. In the follow-up of this event Writers Union Foundation is performing an exhibition of the artists’ works as well as publishes the book writings in the three languages.

Creative workshops for artists from Belarus, Georgia and Lithuania (2008-2010)Implementing organization: Writers Union Foundation

The aim of the project is to encourage scientific and cultural cooperation between Lithuanian and Belarusian organizations that contributes to the development and promotion of civil society and European values. The main activities of this project are related to famous historical personality, Duke Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis (Michał Kleofas Ogiński, 1765-1833), who still plays an important role in the formation of cultural identity in Lithuania and Belarus. This initiative aims to enhance the international network of organizations embracing Ukraine, Russia, Poland and other European countries that share cultural and historical heritage. In 2010-1015 various events – conferences, publications, presentations, and educational concerts - will take place in Lithuania and Belarus on the occasion of M. K. Oginski’s 250th birthday anniversary.

Lithuania and Belarus, one common past (2010)Implementing institution: The Oginski Cultural History Museum of Rietavas

Statesman, diplomat and composer Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis

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Vilnius CAC for the first time launches a complex presentation of Contemporary Art of Belarus to Lithuanian audience. Since Lithuania’s independence, a contemporary art of Belarus was not yet presented in Lithuania as well as due to a situation in Belarus the contemporary artists do not get a proper attention in their homeland. During the project, Lithuanian organisers together with the Belarusian experts will have a research trip to Belarus where Belarusian artists (living abroad and in Republic of Belarus) would be

Promotion of Belarusian Contemporary Art (2010)Implementing organization: Vilnius Contemporary Art Centre – CAC

invited to Vilnius CAC. Later on, the exhibition of contemporary Belarus art would be organised in Vilnius, the international conference on contemporary art in Belarus would be held and the catalogue about the exhibition and the conference would be published in Lithuanian, English and Belarus languages.

Works of contemporary Belarusian artists

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The project focuses on the protection and promotion of the archaeological heritage of Afghanistan’s Ghor Province, as well as on fostering the interest of the Lithuanian and international public in distant cultures and civilizations. The first ever archeological expeditions, approved by the Ministry of Information and Culture of Afghanistan, were organized in the province of Ghor. More than 20 unknown heritage objects were discovered. The registry of archeological monuments of Ghor Province is compiled with in cooperation with Afghan heritage specialists. The scientific results of the archeological heritage mission in Ghor Province are presented to the local and international public at photography exhibitions, press conferences, a documentary is created and lectures are delivered.

Archaeological Heritage Mission in Ghor Province, Afghanistan (2007-2010)Implementing organization: Archeological project center “Antiqua”

The province of Ghor, located in the centre of Afghanistan, once used to be a flourishing, economically strong area and famous for its mining and color metals trade due to being one of the main branches of the famous Silk Road. From 12th to 13th century it was ruled by the dynasty of Ghurids, Muslims of Iranian origin that gave the name to the province. During that golden age many significant structures were built, such as the Minaret of Jam, the 65-metre high and the second tallest minaret in the world. The architectural monument, which is entirely made of baked-bricks decorated with verses from Koran, was nominated as Afghanistan’s first UNESCO World Heritage site in 2002. Another exceptional memorial is the Buddhist monastery with artificial caves that existed in the first centuries of our era and revealed testimony of daily life of the Buddhist monks.

Minaret of Jam, 12th century Expedition of Lithuanian and Afghan archaeologists

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The project involving more than a hundred Lithuanian children sought to present the culture of Lithuania to the children of Afghanistan and to promote the dialogue among different cultures and religions. During a two-year period, eight books of Lithuanian fairy tales were translated and published in the Dari language. The unique illustrations were created by schoolchildren of Lithuania’s National School of Art. The project promotes Lithuania’s culture in Ghor Province and develops good relations between the Lithuanian Provincial Reconstruction Team and local authorities. As a part of the project, the picture exhibition “Our fairy tales to the children of Afghanistan” was organized and presented to the general public in Vilnius and Chagcharan, the capital of Ghor Province.

Lithuanian Fairy Tales in the Dari language (2008-2009)Implementing institution: Vilnius University

Girls reading the Lithuanian fairy tales books

Expedition of Lithuanian and Afghan archaeologists

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The cultural event “Lithuania - Georgia One Heart” was organized in 2010 dedicated to the Georgian children, who had suffered from the war and were living in camps for internally displaced persons. Famous Lithuanian and Georgian artists and public figures strongly supported the initiative and took part in it. Therefore, the successful event culminated with a joint concert, given by Lithuanian and Georgian performers. All donations, collected during this project, were allocated to the Internally Displaced Children’s Fund, which was opened in Georgia at Lithuania’s initiative and supports the children of war refugees. The main task of all the implementers of this cultural project was to create and to grant a long term intellectual, emotional and educational support to the Georgian children, who had suffered from war. It is expected that the good connections that were established and enhanced by all the participants of the event, will create a good basis for further development of cultural ties and for the friendship of the Georgian and Lithuanian people.

Lithuania - Georgia One Heart (2010)Implementing NGO: Hare Pride

Lithuania-Georgia One Heart Georgian band “AstroGeorgia”

The concert of Lithuanian and Georgian performers in Vilnius

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This new cultural initiative in Georgia continues to encourage communication among distinct cultures and nations. One of the core objectives of the project is to promote education and the interest of Georgians in Lithuanian heritage. The book ‘The Legend of Vilnius’ translated into the Georgian language will acquaint children with the history, cultural aspects and traditions of Lithuania as well as to the art. The publication is decorated by illustrations made by children and teachers of Lithuania’s National School of Art and after releasing donated to Georgian schools and refugees.

Legend says that the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Gediminas, had a dream of an Iron Wolf hauling on a high hill after the hunt in Šventaragis Valley, the site of the present-day Cathedral. A pagan priest Lizdeika enlightened Gediminas interpreting the dream - the Iron Wolf represented a castle and a city which would be established by the Duke on this site. This city would be the capital of the Lithuanian lands, the dwelling of their rulers and the glory of their deeds shall echo throughout the world.

The Legend of Vilnius for Georgian Children (2010)Implementing institution: National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Art

Georgian band “AstroGeorgia”

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Department

J. Tumo – Vaižganto g. 2, Vilnius, LithuaniaTel. +370 5 2362584

Fax. +370 5 236 2574E-mail: [email protected]