lithologic discrimination using selective image processing

JKAU; Earth Sci., Vol. 20 No.1, pp: 193-213 (2009 A.D./1430 A.H.) 193 Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image Processing Technique of Landsat 7 Data, Um Bogma Environs Westcentral Sinai, Egypt Adel Zein Bishta Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia E-mail: [email protected] Received: 1/3/2008 Accepted: 23/6/2008 Abstract. Um-Bogma area located in the westcentral part of Sinai, Egypt is covered by Precambrian basement rocks within the northern part of the Precambrian Arabian-Nubian crystalline massive. Satellite images are among continuous sources of digital data for mapping lineaments and lithology. In the present work, the lithologic discrimination and lineament analysis of Landsat-7 ETM+ data for Um Bogma area have been carried out using Geomatica PCI EASI/PACE (9.1) and GeoAnalyst PCI packages. A selective image processing technique (SIPT) is a new approach in Geomatica, which gives rise to valuable results in this work. The SIPT and the visual interpretation of the constructed Landsat false colour composite (FCC) and ratio images led to discriminate and delineate the lithologic rock units of the study area. The structural lineament pattern for each interpreted lithologic unit has been constructed using SIPT. The prepared rose diagrams for the extracted lineaments are very characteristic for each interpreted lithologic unit. The structural lineament analyses and the discriminated lithologic units are integrated to show their relationships to the high radioactivity occurrences of the study area. The NW-SE trend is the predominant regional structural lineament trend in the investigated area. The NE-SW to the ENE-WSW directions is the predominant minor structural lineament trends. The highest radioactivity zones of the study area are restricted to Um Bogma formation and the younger granitic rocks.

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JKAU; Earth Sci., Vol. 20 No.1, pp: 193-213 (2009 A.D./1430 A.H.)


Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image

Processing Technique of Landsat 7 Data, Um Bogma

Environs Westcentral Sinai, Egypt

Adel Zein Bishta

Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia

E-mail: [email protected]

Received: 1/3/2008 Accepted: 23/6/2008

Abstract. Um-Bogma area located in the westcentral part of Sinai,

Egypt is covered by Precambrian basement rocks within the northern

part of the Precambrian Arabian-Nubian crystalline massive. Satellite

images are among continuous sources of digital data for mapping

lineaments and lithology. In the present work, the lithologic

discrimination and lineament analysis of Landsat-7 ETM+ data for

Um Bogma area have been carried out using Geomatica PCI

EASI/PACE (9.1) and GeoAnalyst PCI packages.

A selective image processing technique (SIPT) is a new

approach in Geomatica, which gives rise to valuable results in this

work. The SIPT and the visual interpretation of the constructed

Landsat false colour composite (FCC) and ratio images led to

discriminate and delineate the lithologic rock units of the study area.

The structural lineament pattern for each interpreted lithologic

unit has been constructed using SIPT. The prepared rose diagrams for

the extracted lineaments are very characteristic for each interpreted

lithologic unit. The structural lineament analyses and the

discriminated lithologic units are integrated to show their relationships

to the high radioactivity occurrences of the study area. The NW-SE

trend is the predominant regional structural lineament trend in the

investigated area. The NE-SW to the ENE-WSW directions is the

predominant minor structural lineament trends. The highest

radioactivity zones of the study area are restricted to Um Bogma

formation and the younger granitic rocks.

Adel Zein Bishta 194


The Um Bogma environs are located to the east of Abu Zeneima town on

the eastern coast of the Gulf of Suez, Southwestern Sinai Peninsula.

These environs are bounded between longitudes 33° 10` & 33° 32` E and

latitudes 28° 50` & 29° 05` N (Fig. 1) covering an area of about 700 km2.

This district has been known for its polymetallic mineralization since the

Ancient Egyptians, especially copper-deposits and torquois. Recently this

area became famous for Mn-ores and some industrial minerals such as

kaolinite and bentonite clays as well as sand glass.

Fig. 1. Location map of the study area.

The radiometry exploration, which was carried out by the Egyptian

Nuclear Materials Authority, led to discovery of some important

occurrences of radioactive mineralization. The investigated area is

topographically moderately mountainous such as Gabal (G.) Samra, G.

Allouga, G. Um Bogma, G. Deleidim and G. Adedia and dissected by

numerous wadies such as W. Lehian, W. Nasib, W. Khababa, W. Abu

Thor, W. Shalal, W. Aseih, and W. Baba. These wadis are structurally

controlled in the NW and N-S directions (Fig. 2).

Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image … 195

Fig. 2. False colour composite Landsat image of Um Bogma area, westcentral Sinai, Egypt.

(ETM bands, 7-4-2).

Um Bogma area is covered mainly by a complex of basement rocks,

comprise migmatized gneisses and schists. The igneous plutonic rocks

comprise diorite to quartz diorite masses, granodiorite batholithic

intrusions, and pink coloured coarse grained granitic plutons.

The Paleozoic succession unconformably overlies the basement with

a separating thin layer (61 cm) of basal conglomerate. The succession

attains a thickness of about 160 m at northwestern end of the studied

environs increasing to 370 m at the southeastern corner. The Paleozoic

succession in some places is capped by Mesozoic basaltic sheets as well

as dissected by basaltic and doloritic dykes (Ashami, 2003).

The selective image processing technique (SIPT) was applied in this

work using different sets of remotely sensed Landsat-7 Satellite data, for

the investigated area. The spatial program software packages of remote

sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) were used in this

study such as PCI-Geomatica-9, Geoanalyst, Spans and Ace. The aim of

applying this advanced technique is to determine and separate the main

lithologic units of the investigated area and determine the main

characteristics of these units, and their relations to the high radioactivity.

Adel Zein Bishta 196

Geologic Setting

The succession is classified into the following formations starting

from the oldest: Sarabit El Khadim, Abu Hamata and Adedia Formations

representing the lower clastic or sandstone series. This is followed

unconformably upwards by Um Bogma Formation representing the

middle carbonate series. This is unconformably overlain by Abu Thora

Formation representing the upper clastic or sandstone series. Owing to

the importance of Um Bogma Formation, for hosting most of

polymetallic mineralization associated with Paleozoic rocks, it is

classified into three members: Lower member comprising siltstone,

claystone and sandy dolostone; middle member comprising marly

dolostone, and upper member comprising sandy dolostone, claystone and

siltstone. The uranium mineralizations are mainly associated with the

middle member of Um Bogma Formation (Ashami, 2003 and Aita,


The Paleozoic rocks are cut by numerous faults in various blocks

with vertical displacement reaching up to 100 m, sometimes forming

horsts and grabens. The major faults usually control the location of deep

wadis as well as the landscape, (Ashami, 2003).

Many geological, structural, geochemical and geophysical works

have been carried out for Um Bogma area such as El Kassas (1967),

Soliman (1975), Mostafa (1987), El Shahat and Kora (1988), El Rakaiby

and El Aassy (1989), El- Sharkawi, et al.(1990a), Mansour, (1994),

Bishay, (1994), Morsy et al. (1995), Botros (1995), Ashami (1995 &

2003), Aita, (1996), El Agami (1996), Amer (1997), Abd EL-Monem, et

al. (1997), Ammar et al.(1999), Afifi (2001) and Abdelaziz (2000). The

U-mineralizations associated with Paleozoic rocks are classified into

three types: 1) Paleo-channel fill deposits in the Quaternary

conglomerates; 2) Paleoplacer deposits comprising lenses of enriched

radioactive heavy minerals such as zircon, monazite and xenotime hosted

within basal conglomerate, sandstones and shales of Adadia Formation;

3) Epigenetic U-deposits comprising oxidized uranyl minerals in the

form of disseminations, encrustations, thin films and minute veinlets

associated with marl, shale, claystone, gibbsite and (Mn, Fe) ores of Um

Bogma formation. The uranyl minerals assemblage comprises: oxide

hydrate (clarkeite), silicates (uranophane, B-uranophane, kasolite),

Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image … 197

phosphates and arsenates (autunite, meta-autunite, metatorbernite,

metazeunerite, metauranocircite, bassetite, phosphuranylite), vanadates

(carnobite, metatyuyamunite, uvanite), sulphates (zipprite, urano-pilite),

and carbonates (leibigite). Weathering of granitic rocks is the major

primary source of U that occurs in sedimentary rocks. The uranyl ion is

fairly soluble in groundwater. The formation of uranyl minerals depends

on Eh-pH conditions. In absence of reactive anions, the hydrated

oxyhydroxides and uranates would form. At pH > 8 uranyl silicates

would form. The uranyl phosphates are most stable at pH ≤ 5 while the

uranyl sulphates may dominate up to pH = 7. The uranyl carbonates are

dominant in the presence of HCO3- in groundwater and pH ~ 8 (Ashami,


The Um Bogma Formation is an important rock unit because of the

polymetallic mineralizations and ores associated with it. Um Bogma

Formation unconformably overlies Adadia Formation. It attains

maximum thickness of 61m at W. Khaboba in the northwestern part of

the environs and decreases towards the south and east to a minimum

thickness of 2 m at G. Syniea. The formation is mainly composed of grey

and pink hard crystalline dolostone beds forming the majority of the

lower and upper parts, while the middle portion comprises intercalation

of ochreaous yellow shale, siltstone and marly dolostone with abundant

and well preseved fossil remains (Ashami, 2003). Soliman (1975) studied

the petrography of Um Bogma Formation and found that dolomitized

sandy oo-bio-sparites, bio-micrites and micrites are the main components

of these rocks.

El Shahat and Kora (1988) recognized two facies belts. The first is

related to the shoal type environment dominating in the lower and upper

members. The second facies is related to the open sea-shelf environment

and dominates in the middle member. Morsy et al. (1995) concluded that

the dolostone association of Um Bogma Formation is the most

predominant lithofacies while oo-bio-sparite and bio-sparite associations

are less abundant. El Agami (1996) reported silicification of skeletal

fragments and ooids within the limestone where the replacement of

carbonates by silica occurs when pH changed to acidic conditions

attained by fresh water influxes. El Rakaiby and El Aassy (1989)

reported that the area was affected by four stages of folding.

Adel Zein Bishta 198

Image Processing Analyses

The study area is included in Landsat -7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper

plus (ETM+) data scene number (path/raw = 175/40) consisted of 7

bands. The acquisition date of this data is 2nd.

November 1999.

Supplementary data covering the study area include geological maps of

the previous works and topographic sheets of scale 1 : 50,000 constructed

by the Egyptian General Survey Authority. These topographic maps are

used in the processing of geometric corrections of the Landsat ETM+

data. A subset covering the study area was obtained from the Landsat

ETM+ data for using in the remote sensing analysis.

The spectral capabilities of the ETM+ bands were used to determine

the best discrimination of the lithologic units or stratigraphic formations

and structural interpretation using an optimum False Colour Composite

(FCC) image. The visible ETM+ bands are used to determine the most

reliable identification of the different rock units in the study area. The

panchromatic band is very useful in the structural interpretation and also

used to improve the spatial resolution of the other multispectral ETM+

bands through spatial software-package (PCI, GeoAnalyst) of the image

processing technique.

Raw digital satellite data usually includes geometric distortions due

to sensor geometry, scanner, platform instabilities, earth rotation, earth

curvature, etc. and it is necessary to correct and adapt them (Mather,

1987, Lillesand et al., 2004, Richards, 1995). The root mean square error

(RMS) in the geometric processing was 0.76 (Bernstein, 1978). The

following parameters have been used in the registration procedures:

UTM Projection, Zone 36N, Row 42 and Datum Egypt.

The image processing analyses was started through a construction of

optimum Landsat ETM+ false colour composite (FCC) image (Fig. 2) by

applying different steps of image rectification and enhancement

techniques. The procedure of image processing and interpretations of

Landsat ETM+ data for lithologic discrimination of Um Bogma area was

carried out through applying the following methods:

- Construction of an Optimum FCC Image

- Band Ratio of Landsat ETM+ data

- Selective Image Processing Technique

- Extraction of lineaments

Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image … 199

Construction of an Optimum FCC Image

The Landsat satellite ETM+ data bands 7, 4 and 2 were used to

construct a false colour composite image of scale 1 : 100000 for the study

area in blue (B), green (G) and red (R) respectively (Fig.2). A histogram

equalization enhancement was carried out for the prepared FCC Landsat

image to be more interpretable (Fig. 2).

The granites in the southcentral part of the mapped area as well as

the Mesozoic rocks have been delineated and identified by their lighter

pink colour and brown colour respectively on the FCC image. While the

dark coloured tones distinguish the gneisses and schists and the mafic-

ultramafic rocks.

Band Ratio of Landsat ETM + data

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of the pixel

brightness from two bands of image data to form a new image are

particularly simple transformations to apply, and can often be

implemented in hardware using look up table (Richards, 1995). Band

ratio technique is applied by dividing the DN pixel values of one band by

the DN pixel values of another band (Drury, 1993). The geological

mapping of serpentinites and Meatiq dome in the Eastern Desert of

Egypt, using band ratios of Landsat thematic mapper, were carried out by

Sultan et al. (1986 and 1987). The band ratios 5/7, 5/1 and 4/1 (Fig. 3) of

ETM+ data were constructed to help in the lithology discriminations of

Um Bogma area. Bishta (2004) used the Landsat ETM+ band ratios for

litholgic discrimination of Gabal Qattar area in the Eastern Desert of


The ratio of band 5/7 was used as a measure of the intensity of the

hydroxyl absorption in the 2.2 to 2.4 um region. This ratio was used

because band 5 is not within the confines of the Fe-bearing

aluminosilicate related or hydroxyl-related absorption features, whereas

band 7 is within the hydroxyl absorption wave lengths (Sultan et al.,

1987). The 5/7 band ratio image (Fig. 3a) shows dark tone characterizing

the younger granitic rocks in the northern part and south central part of

the mapped area, due to the low content of hydroxyl-bearing minerals

and opaques.

The minerals that have low flat spectral reflectance such as magnetite

and ilmenite (due to iron and titanium related overlapping electronic

Adel Zein Bishta 200

transition and crystal field absorption) are defined as opaque phases

(Hunt, 1977 and 1979). The 5/1 band ratio image (Fig. 3b) shows

generally high reflectance value except for the rocks bearing high

contents of opaques. This ratio image exhibits also dark and gray tone

signature for the basaltic sheets in the central part of the map, gneisses

and schists in the eastern part of the map which are relatively enriched in

opaques and hydroxyl bearing phases. The dark tone signature is noticed

also along some fractures and wadis in the 5/1 band ratio image due to

the invasion of opaque minerals.

The 4/1-band ratio image (Fig. 3c) is used to detect rocks bearing Fe-

silicates and opaque phases. This band ratio show bright tone signature

for Um Bogma formation, Mesozoic rocks and Quaternary wadi deposits

because they are poor in Fe-silicate minerals and opaque phases. The

basaltic sheets have a dark tone signature on the image ratio 4/1 due to

their relatively high contents of Fe-silicate minerals and opaque phases

(Fig. 3c).

A false colour composite ratio image is constructed from ETM-bands

5/7, 5/1 and 4/1 displayed in red, green and blue respectively (Fig. 4).

This image helped in the lithologic discrimination of the investigated

area and in construction of the lithologic map shown in Fig. 5.

Visual inspection of the FCC ratio image (Fig. 4) shows that the

gneisses and schists corresponds to green and dark green colour, the

granites corresponds to light green colour, the sarabit El Khadem

formation corresponds to pinkish colour, Abu Thora formation

corresponds to yellowish and dark yellowish colour while the basaltic

sheets corresponds to dark brown colours (Fig. 4 & 5).

Selective Image Processing Technique

A selective image processing technique (SIPT) is applied in this

work using PCI-Geomatica-9 software to delineate and separate the

different interpreted lithologic units of Um Bogma area. The selective

separations of the Landsat FCC image for the different lithologic units as

well as the boundary of each unit of the investigated area are shown in

Fig. 6. The SIPT enable us also to inspect carefully the main spectral

characteristics of each lithologic unit alone. This technique enables us

also to separate and inspect the high radioactivity zone (HRZ) for the

study area (Bishta, 2005).

Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image … 201

Fig. 3. Landsat ETM band ratio images of Um Bogma area.

Adel Zein Bishta 202

Extraction of lineaments

The extraction of lineaments was carried out automaticaly from

Landsat 7 ETM+ data using Geoanalyst PCI EASI/PACE package. The

different ETM+ bands were tested to select the optimum band for the

lineaments extraction. The lineaments extraction algorithm of Geoanalyst

software consists of edge detection thresholding and linear extraction

steps. The steps of lineaments extraction have been conducted under the

default parameters of the “Geoanalyst” package: Edge filter radius (1-

1024) pixels = 3, Minimum edge gradient (0 - 255) = 15, Minimum line

length (1 - 1024) = 15, Line fitting tolerance (0 - 10) pixels = 2,

Maximum angular difference (0 - 10) = 10 and Maximum linking

distance (0 - 1024) pixels = 30.

Fig. 4. False colour composite ratio image of ETM bands 5/7, 5/1, 4/1, displayed in red,

green and blue for Um Bogma area. (original scale 1 : 100.000).

The automatically extracted lineaments from Landsat ETM bands for Um Bogma area show that the SWIR bands exhibit the highest lineament

number compared to the visible and NIR bands. The highest score of the lineaments number "1856" is recorded in band 7, whereas the lowest score of the lineaments number "1452" is recorded in visible band 1. Therefore, the extracted lineaments using band 7 is used for the structural

lineaments interpretation.

Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image … 203

Adel Zein Bishta 204

Fig. 6. Landsat FCC images for the different lithologic units using selective image

processing technique (SIPT) for Um Bogma area.

Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image … 205

The obtained automatically extracted lineaments patterns over ETM band-7 of Um Bogma environs shown in Fig. (7 h) have been edited and correlated with the previous work. The structural lineaments longer than 3 km are considered as regional or major structures, while the lineaments less than 3 km are considered as meso or minor structures. Figure (7 h) shows that the significant major structural lineaments have a predominant trends in the NW-SE directions (as shown in the rose diagram at the upper left of Fig. 7 h) in the trend of the Gulf of Suez, while the minor structures predominate mainly in the NE-SW to ENE-WSW directions (as shown in the rose diagram at the upper right of Fig. 7 h) perpendicular to the major trends.

Major trends for the extracted structural lineaments of UM Bogma environs as interpreted from the digital Landsat ETM data during this research largely coincide with the main trends of the previous geological mapping and previous literature such as El Kassas, 1967, El Agami, 1996, Aita, 1996 and Ashami, 2003.

The SIPT was applied to delineate and separate the structural lineaments patterns for each interpreted lithologic unit as shown in Fig. (7). This result shows that each rock unit has its own structural lineament pattern and structural lineament trend. The constructed rose diagrams for each lithologic unit (Fig. 7) show that the main structural lineament trends affecting all units are in the directions of NE-SW and ENE-WSW.

Aeroradiometric Analyses

Many authors have reported some anomalies associated and related to the rocks of Um Bogma and southern Sinai environs such as El-Kassas (1967), El Aassy et al. (1986), El Reedy et al. (1988), Dabbour and Mahdy (1988), Afify (1991), Hussien et al. (1992), Mansour (1994), Bishay (1994), Ashami (1995), Shata (1996), El Agami (1996), Aita (1996), Abu Bakr (1997), Abdel Monem et al. (1997) and Nigm et al. (2001).

Aeroradiometric gamma-ray spectrometry is a method for estimating the three-radioelement (K, U and Th) concentrations near the surface of the earth. An intensive uranium exploration survey program was conducted by the Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA) of Egypt of the investigated area in 1998. Aeroradiometric surveying provided four main types of gamma-radiation data mainly: Total count (TC, absolute concentrations of the three radioelements) in uR/h, potassium (K) in %, equivalent uranium (eU) in ppm and equivalent thorium (eTh) in ppm.

Adel Zein Bishta 206

Fig. 7. Structural lineament patterns and rose diagrams for the different lithologic units (a

to g) and the total study area of Um Bogma (h), westcentral Sinai, Egypt. (in Fig. h,

the rose diagram in the left is for the major lineaments and in the right for the minor


Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image … 207

The relative concentrations of uranium with respect to potassium and

thorium are important diagnostic factors in the recognition of possible

uranium deposits (IAEA, 1988).

The aerial gamma-ray spectrometric records vary widely from one

type of rock to another and to some extent between units of the same

rock type too. On the aerial total-count (TC) radiometric map, the records

vary from 0.1 to 47 uR/h. On the equivalent thorium (eTh) and the

equivalent uranium (eU) maps the records vary from 2.6 to 51.9 ppm and

from 2 to 18 ppm respectively (Abdelaziz, 2000).

The application of SIPT to separate the different lithologic units and

comparing them with the previous published aeroradiometric and

spectrometric maps revealed that the high radioactivity zones are mainly

restricted to Um Bogma formation and the younger granitic rocks

(Bishta, 2005).

Discussion and Conclusions

The selective image processing technique was applied in this study

for lithological discrimination of Um Bogma area. The result of the

digital image processing of Landsat - 7 satellite data leads to produce a

false colour composite image at scale 1 : 100,000. This FCC image has

been constructed by combinations of the ETM bands 7, 4 and 2 in red,

green and blue respectively. This image helped in the identifications of

the lithologic rock units and formations in the mapped area. The

produced colour composite image of ETM band ratios (5/7, 5/1 and 4/1)

was helpful also in outlining and discriminating the lithologic units of the

investigated area.

The prepared FCC image (Fig. 2) and the colour composite image of

the band ratios (Fig. 4) obtained from the Landsat ETM digital data, have

been used in constructing the detailed lithologic map of Um Bogma area

(Fig. 5) which illustrates the following:

1- The sharp contacts between the Sarabit El-Khadim, Um Bogma

and Abu Thora formations are clearly discriminated.

2- The granitc rocks are discriminated and easily delineated due to

their sharp contacts with all the other rocks and its light green and

pinkish colour on the ETM images. While the dark coloured tones

distinguished the gneisses and schists on the FCC image.

Adel Zein Bishta 208

3- The applications of Landsat ETM+ band ratios were also helpful

in the litholoical mapping of the study area. Using of FCC image of

Landsat band ratios 5/7, 5/1 and 4/1 displayed in red, green and blue

respectively discriminating the gneisses and schists, granites, Sarabit El

Khadem Formation, Abu Thora Formation and the basaltic sheets.

4- The prepared composite ETM images are failed in identifying

some small rock-outcrops in the northern parts of the mapped area, due to

the relatively low spatial resolution of the ETM data (30 m).

5- This map shows the validity and usefulness of applying the

selective image processing technique in the lithological mapping.

Comparing the constructed lithological map of Um Bogma area

(Fig.5) with the previously published maps, the study shows the


1- The lithological map in the present work shows more detailed

informations about lithology and structural lineaments than the previous


2- The FCC image, the ratio images and the detected lineaments

from digital ETM data gave additional information helping in modifying

and improving the previous geological maps of the study area.

3- This new lithological map in this study (Fig. 5) needs more field

investigations and verifications to construct the detailed geological map

of Um Bogma area.

This study proved the important use of both the colour composite

images constructed from the ETM band ratios, and the SIPT for the

lithological mapping. The use of these techniques produced a more

detailed lithological map for the investigated area, which clarifies the

contacts between the different rock units and illustrates the main

structural lineament trends for each selective rock unit of the study area.

The SIP technique enables us to select and separate in individual

layers the remotely sensed ETM+ data. The extracted structural

lineaments and the radioactivity zones for the interpreted individual

lithologic units have been analyzed as discussed before. This technique

enables us to discriminate, identify and delineate the lithological units

and their structural lineament signature of the investigated area.

Lithologic Discrimination Using Selective Image … 209

The application of image processing technique of FCC image, image

ratios and SIPT proved their important usage for the geological mapping

of Um Bogma environs and yielded a detailed lithological map of the

investigated area.


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