literary analysis on dracula

Cash Box # 108 Sandra Cash Professor Bouchard ENG 132 Literary Analysis on Dracula April 16, 2012 Literary Analysis on Dracula The book, Dracula has fascinated plenty of readers since it’s publications in 1897 (SparkNotes Editors). This is due to the interesting characters, themes and symbolism. But, in order for one to understand all of this, one must first know about Bram Stoker’s life, and the plot of the book. Then one can look at and analyze the characters, themes and symbolism. Finally, Dracula can be looked at from a Biblical world view, and it can be looked at from a new historian lens. 1

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Page 1: Literary analysis on dracula


Box # 108

Sandra Cash

Professor Bouchard

ENG 132

Literary Analysis on Dracula

April 16, 2012

Literary Analysis on Dracula

The book, Dracula has fascinated plenty of readers since it’s publications in 1897

(SparkNotes Editors). This is due to the interesting characters, themes and symbolism.

But, in order for one to understand all of this, one must first know about Bram Stoker’s

life, and the plot of the book. Then one can look at and analyze the characters, themes

and symbolism. Finally, Dracula can be looked at from a Biblical world view, and it can

be looked at from a new historian lens.

Bram Stoker was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1847 (SparkNotes Editors). As a

child, he was very sickly, so in order to entertain himself he read many books and

listened to the horror stories his mother told him (“Author Biography”). This is what led

Stoker to start writing ghost stories (“Author Biography”). In Stocker’s early writing

career, he wrote short stories for children that were not very successful (SparkNotes

Editors).It was not until Stoker wrote Dracula, that he became popular. This is what

distinguished Stoker as one of the most well-known Gothic authors of the Victorian fin-

de-siècle (SparkNotes Editors) (Scarborough).


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Gothic fiction is a genre that was extremely popular in the early nineteenth

century (SparkNotes Editors). Gothic fiction traditionally includes elements such as

gloomy castles, sublime landscapes, and innocent maidens threatened by ineffable evil

(SparkNotes Editors). Few Gothic novels are still enjoyed today, but one example at least

is still read: Dracula (“Dracula”). Dracula was one of the last books of this genre, and

its effects can be seen in modern-day writers such as Joyce Carol Oates, and Anne Rice


In 1890, Stoker holidayed in the Northeast coast fishing village of Whitby in

Yorkshire, where it is said he found inspiration for his novel Dracula (C.D. Merriman). It

should be noted that Stoker was not the creator of vampires, but that vampire legends

have been a part of folklore, legends, and myths since ancient times (SparkNotes

Editors). Due to the fact that Dracula became quite popular 'Dracula' is now synonymous

with 'vampire' (“Dracula”). Rather, Stoker gave vampires a history, and the stereotypical

rules we now associate with them. Bram Stoker died in London, England on 20 April

1912 (C.D. Merriman). After his death, his wife had Dracula's Guest and Other Weird

Stories published in 1922 (C.D. Merriman). Some people say that the story "Dracula's

Guest" was in reality supposed to be the first chapter for his novel Dracula (C.D.


Dracula starts out with a journal account of Jonathan Harker’s trip to

Transylvania where he helps Dracula put in order Dracula’s new estate in London.

Dracula makes Jonathan a prisoner in his castle. While Jonathan is a prisoner, he sees

strange things, and starts to believe that he has gone insane. He later escapes, but is in the

hospital for brain fever. While this is happening, back in England, Mina, who is


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Jonathan’s fiancée is visiting with Lucy. Lucy has finally decided which of her three

suitors she will marry. Dr. Seward and Quincey P. Morris both say they will be still good

friends to Lucy. One night, when Lucy is sleep walking, Dracula claims her as his first


Lucy becomes very ill and since Dr. Seward can not treat Lucy, he asks his

mentor Professor Abraham Van Helsing. Helsing figures out what is wrong with Lucy,

but at first does not tell Dr. Seward, or her fiancé Arthur Holmwood, because he does not

believe they will believe him and wants to confirm his suspicions. Sadly, Helsing does

not save Lucy, and she becomes a vampire. This is when Helsing, finally tells

Holmwood, Seward, and Quincey Morris that Lucy now belongs to the undead. At first,

they do not believe Helsing, until they go to her tomb and find her preying on a child.

This is when they decided they must destroy her, so that Lucy’s soul will return to eternal


Mina, who left to help take care of her now husband Jonathan, hears of Lucy

death. She then talks to Helsing about Lucy’s death, and informs him about her

husband’s brain fever by giving Helsing Jonathan’s journal. Helsing then confirms that

her husband’s journal is indeed true. Once Jonathan knows it’s true, he is relieved that he

did not go insane, but he is also terrified because the Count Dracula must be stopped.

This begins the quest of Mina, Jonathan, Quincey, Seward, Holmwood, and Helsing to

“strike in God's name, that so all may be well with the dead that we love and that the

UnDead pass away” (Stoker, 190). During their crusade to kill Dracula, while following

his trail to Transylvania, Dracula attacks Mina. The group following him to his castle,

becomes even more determined to kill Dracula, so that they can save Mina. Finally,


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before Dracula is transported in his box, the team tries to take the box from the gypsies.

During this event, Jonathan and Quincey finally make it to the box and kill Dracula, but

Quincey has been fatally wounded. Now that Mina is free from turning into a vampire,

she and the rest return to England and remain lifelong friends.

An analysis of the main characters gives a more deep understanding of Dracula.

The major characters in the story are Count Dracula, Jonathan Harker, Dr. Van Helsing,

Mina (Murray) Harker, Lucy, Dr. John Seward, Arthur Homwood, and Quincey P.

Morris. Dracula is the greatest vampire, who in life had been a man of legend

(“Dracula”). This is because Dracula is actually based on a real fifteenth-century family

(SparkNotes Editors). He is supposed to be a descendant of the Price of Wallachia Vlad

Dracula (SparkNotes Editors). Vlad was exceptionally smart and infamously violent. He

enjoyed a gory career just like Count Dracula (SparkNotes Editors). Vlad has a reputation

for slaughtering beggars, forcing women to consume their babies, and piercing his

enemies on long spikes (SparkNotes Editors). Dracula is similar to sin: at first sin looks

pleasing, and fun; but only after committing it, does it show how destructive it actually is.

Jonathan Harker is a young solicitor, who is naïve and at first does not take any

heed in the warning he got while on his way to Count Dracula’s castle. Once he finds

himself a prisoner, he is very inquisitive to discover the truth about Count Dracula, and

figuring out a way to escape. It is only after Dracula attacks Mina, that Jonathan changes

from a self-doubting, thinking man into a vicious warrior, always sharpening his knife

(SparkNotes Editors). It is in this way that Jonathan is the dynamic character, for he

becomes almost completely opposite of what he was in the beginning of the story.


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Dr. Van Helsing is a philosopher and a metaphysician, who can be strong-willed,

and is the only character that possesses an open mind enough to contemplate and address

Dracula’s evil intentions. Helsing seems to have knowledge of superstitions and folk

remedies. He lives in two distinct worlds, the old and the new (SparkNotes Editors). The

first is marked by fearful respect for tradition, and the second by ever-progressing

innovation (SparkNotes Editors). He envisions his band as “ministers of God’s own

wish,” and reassures his comrades that “we go out as the old knights of the Cross to

redeem more” (SparkNotes Editors) (Stoker 283).

Mina is the ultimate Victorian woman, for she wants nothing more than to be a

good wife to her husband and to be a good woman in the eyes of God (SparkNotes

Editors) (“Dracula”). In Dr. Helsing words, “She has a man’s brain – a brain that a man

should have were he much gifted – and a woman’s heart. The good God fashioned her for

a purpose, believe me, when he made that so good combination” (Stoker 208). She

proves time and time again that she is equal to the men, who are on this crusade to kill


Lucy is Mina’s best friend and is an attractive, vibrant young woman. Because

she is such an attractive young woman, she has three suitors, Dr. John Seward, Arthur

Homwood, and Quincey P. Morris, from whom she must choose. Lucy chooses Arthur,

but does not marry him, due to the fact that she becomes a vampire. After Lucy has

turned into a vampire, it compromises her much-praised chastity, and virtue. She is the

main reason that Helsing and the rest first start to believe in vampires, and declare war on



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Dr. John Seward runs the insane asylum near to Dracula’s castle. In this asylum,

he conducts ambitious interviews with one of his patients, Renfield, in order to

understand better the nature of life-consuming psychosis. Although he is not as smart,

brave, or in love as some of the other characters, he is a good narrator for the story

(“Dracula”). This is because he smart, and brave enough and informed and inquisitive

enough for the plot of the story to unfold naturally through his eyes (“Dracula”).

Arthur Holmwood becomes Lord Godalming after his father dies. He inherits the

title, and he also inherits large estates from Lucy’s mother. Arthur is a sensitive, sensible

and strong man, and Helsing enjoys him as a colleague. Arthur is strong, because he does

whatever circumstances demand. For example, he agrees to kill Lucy’s demonic form. He

is also generous, for he pays for the whole vampire hunt and lets everyone use his title to

gain access to information about Dracula.

Quincey Morris is an American from Texas, who proves to be a brave and good

hearted man. He is an early American stereotype; he calls ladies “little girl” and he calls

Seward “Jack” (“Dracula”). He only seems to be in this hunt on Dracula because of his

love for Lucy, otherwise he has nothing great at stake. In the end, he sacrifices his life in

order to rid the world of Dracula’s influence.

There are a lot of symbols throughout this story that tie into the themes. Some

people say the symbol of blood is used in a perverted way of Christian Communion

(SparkNotes Editors). Instead of “gain eternal spiritual life by consuming wine that has

been transformed into Christ’s blood, Dracula drinks actual human blood in order to

extend his physical – but quite soulless – life” (SparkNotes Editors). There are Christian


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symbols like the crucifix, which is used to impair a vampire’s power, and holy wafer,

which is also used to impair a vampire’s power.

These symbols help the reader to find themes throughout the story. For example,

there are themes of good versus evil, and science versus religion. For good versus evil,

it’s Helsing’s band of “ministers of God’s own wish,” against Dracula, and his minions

(Stoker 283). Helsing and the rest take this as a holy crusade to kill Dracula. They also

use Christian symbols to combat the supernatural evil Dracula. Dracula is portrayed as a

satanic figure, especially by his appearance; having pointed ears, fangs, flaming eyes, and

drinking blood. Of course, in the end, good always defeats evil. In the story, once Lucy

the vampire dies, she is transformed to “’unequalled sweetness and purity,’ and her soul

is returned to her as a ‘holy calm’” (SparkNotes Editors). Even night and day, fog or mist

and light are used to show good versus evil. For instance, Dracula can only use his

powers in the night, and the fog/mist is a disguise of Dracula. Where day and light are

symbols of good, and night, fog and mist can be symbols of evil.

Another theme is science versus religion. This is shown at first when Helsing tells

Dr. Seward and Arthur about the conclusion he has come to concerning vampires. They

think he’s crazy, for vampires are only in folklore and such. Only after Helsing brings

them to Lucy’s grave and they see her feeding on a child do they finally believe. Helsing

says this:

“You are a clever man, friend John; you reason well, and your wit is bold; but

you are too prejudiced. . . . Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain

all; and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain. But yet we see


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around us every day the growth of new beliefs, which think themselves new; and

which are yet but the old, which pretend to be young. . . .” (Stoker 168).

In this quote Helsing is explaining to Dr. Seward, that he is dismissing the supernatural

phenomenon rather than question the limits of his knowledge, because he only sees them

as religious traditions, that are just that traditions nothing else. Stoker suggests that the

English find themselves targeted precisely because their modern knowledge, instead of

enlightening them, actually prevents them from identifying the true nature of their slayer

(SparkNotes Editors). This is still true today, for people look at science to try to prove

there is no creator therefore, there is no God. The knowledge that was gained through

science is sometimes used by the devil to blind people.

There are a couple viewpoints from which one could look at this story: a biblical

view point, and a new historicism view point. In the biblical view point, in the story its

self-Dracula helps to show that, even though we gain more knowledge, we should not

forget some of the things we consider as “religious traditions.” For in the story, Helsing

explains to Dr. Seward that he tries to use science to explain everything, where he

dismisses the supernatural phenomenon rather than question the limits of his knowledge.

In fact, they go back to using Christian symbols to stop the vampires. For example, the

crucifix is used to impair a vampire’s power. While reading the part where Quincey is

sacrifices his life in order to rid the world of Dracula’s influence, I thought of the bible

verse John 15:13. John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down

his life for his friends” ("Bible gateway").


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Another way this story could be viewed by is new historicism. Dracula can be

seen as an allegory about the collapse of British imperialism (Shmoop Editorial Team). In

Stoker’s day, people were worried that after all the years Britain has spent colonizing,

that the people would fight back and want revenge (Palmer, R, and Joel Colton). This was

also the time when Great Britain’s worldwide empire started crumbling, and other

countries like Germany and the US were starting to gain power (Shmoop Editorial

Team). In Dracula Stoker really emphasizes Dracula being a foreigner, giving Dracula

an accent, his grammar issues with English, and his need for Jonathan’s guidance when it

comes to negotiating British cultural norms and legal procedures (Shmoop Editorial


Dracula, as shown in this paper, can be seen through a biblical world view, and

from a new historian lens. In order to fully understand the story, one must know about

Bram Stoker’s life, analyze the characters, themes, and the symbolism that is used

throughout the story. Dracula is the one of the last works by one of the most

distinguished Gothic authors, and due to this, has fascinated readers since it was

published in 1897 (SparkNotes Editors).


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Works Cited

"Author Biography." Novels for Students. Vol. 18. Gale Cengage, . 17 Apr,


C.D. Merriman,. "Bram Stoker." Bram stoker. The literature Network, 2011. Web. 16

Apr 2012. <>.

“Dracula.” BookRags Book Notes. BookRang Inc., 2009. Web. 16 Apr 2012.


"John 15:13." Bible gateway. Biblica, 2011. Web. 17 Apr 2012.

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McKay, John, Bennett Hill, John Buckler, Roger Ebrey, Roger Beck, Clare Crowston,

and Merry Wiesner-Hanks. A History of World Societies. Ninth. 2. Boston:

Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012. Print.

Scarborough, Terry . "Bram Stoker: A Brief Biography." The Victorian Web. N.p., 2008.

Web. 16 Apr 2012. <>.

SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Dracula.” SparkNotes LLC. 2003.

Web. 16 Apr. 2012.

Shmoop Editorial Team. "Dracula Theme of Foreignness and 'the Other'"


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Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 17 Apr. 2012.

Stoker, Bram. Dracula . Kindle Edition. Public Domain Books, 1995. eBook.