literacy ethnography revised

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  • 8/2/2019 Literacy Ethnography Revised


    Alex Boyd

    Mr. Borrero

    ENGL 1101

    26 April 2012

    Literacy Ethnography

    Crossfit Eternal and the Crossfit Culture

    Revision: Crossfit, defined as a mixture of weightlifting, sprinting, and

    gymnastics, is a new way school of thought on creating an elite level of fitness. A way of

    life dedicated to knowing and testing the extreme limits of your body. This essays

    purpose is to educate people on the advantages of Crossfit as an alternate form of

    exercise, as well how the culture has shaped and influence a different generation of

    warriors. This papers intention is to shed light on the intricate communication system

    between Crossfit gyms and individual home gyms as well as how this new warrior type

    lifestyle is bringing people more in touch with their physical bodies. In addition to this, I

    would like to cover how Crossfit gyms use group exercise systems to increase motivation

    and strengthen the bond between athletes.

    Currently, there are 3400 Crossfit-affiliated gyms worldwide, most of them in the

    United States (Schwechlerl 1). This number does not include the home gyms or people

    that practice Crossfit in standard Olympic style gyms. The gym I studied was Crossfit

    Eternal. Based out of Charlotte North Carolina, Crossfit Eternal serves North Charlotte,

    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 4:43 PM

    Comment [1]: ThefiveskillsIfocusedo







    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 4:43 PM

    Comment [2]: Updatedthedate.

    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 4:44 PM

    Comment [3]: Addedatitletothepape

    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 4:45 PM

    Comment [4]: Statedthatthisisarevis


    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 4:47 PM

    Comment [5]: Madetheintrosentencemoreformal.

    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 4:48 PM

    Comment [6]: Addedcommaandreplaandwithaswell

    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 4:51 PM

    Comment [7]: ReplacedIwithasenten


  • 8/2/2019 Literacy Ethnography Revised


    Concord, and the University area. This gym, as with the others, is based on the teachings

    of Gregg Glassman. Glassman developed Crossfit in the early 2000s, he believed it to be

    more of an ideology than an organized sport.

    As you cross the threshold into Crossfit Eternal, you are greeted by the familiar

    scent of sweat, chalk, and gym equipment. To the left of the door is a small table with

    information on membership pricing, and the all-important medical waiver. The medical

    waivers are required to due to recent criticisms of the sport. Many critics believe that the

    sports high physical demands mixed with the accessibility of the workouts make it

    dangerous to beginners (Cooperman 1). The patrons of Crossfit Eternal who partake in

    the workouts of the day, or WODs, are highly motivated individuals. This motivation

    can be deadly; a condition known as rhabdomyolysis, where muscle tissue breaks down

    into the blood stream, poisoning the kidneys, can lead to hospitalization or even death.

    Lining the entranceway of Crossfit Eternal are t-shirts bearing logos of athletes

    performing Crossfit exercises and cartoons poking fun at serious issues such as

    rhabdomyolysis and puking during workouts.

    Above the main office is a small loft for the children of the athletes, here they

    play during long training sessions. This indicates a strong family dynamic involved

    within the gym and encourages a more social experience as the whole family can be

    involved. As you walk into the main workout area the right side wall is lined with chalk-

    covered pull up bars. The grip tape is well worn from countless repeated kipping pull-

    ups and feet to bar exercises. Coach Stephie, the head trainer at CF Eternal, explained to

    me how they incorporate one-on-one training into their group work out programs. Each

    member gets attention from the multiple trainers to aid in perfecting their form. For each

    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 9:45 PM

    Comment [8]: Replacedandwithheanaddedcomma

    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 9:46 PM

    Comment [9]: Deletedwayoflifeasitwasredundant.

    Jacks Eva 4/26/12 9:48 PM

    Comment [10]: Replacedasyouwalkinwithmoreformalandmorebadassintro.


    Jacks Eva 4/27/12 8:36 AM

    Comment [11]: Replaceddoingwith


    Jacks Eva 4/27/12 8:37 AM

    Comment [12]: Addedcommaandfixerun-on.

  • 8/2/2019 Literacy Ethnography Revised


    station, and each individual exercise, they are all grouped together. This creates a team

    dynamic which is unusual in an individualized sport.

    Crossfit is the perfect tool to expose holes in our movement,

    he says. A Crossfit gym is a lab: its a safe place to press

    boundaries, experiment, test and re-test, see what works and

    what doesnt work, and become better athletes. (Murphy 1)

    To the left, as you move towards the center of the room, you see the main

    workout area. Here you see the men and women of CF Eternal drenched in sweat, some

    lying on the floor near motionless after completing the grueling. The workout on that day,

    Cindy, had drained the athletes. I knew I was next; I talked to many of the members

    about the upcoming workout to get some last minute advice before the 5 oclock group

    started our workout. It seemed that the most difficult aspect of the workout consisting of

    5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air-squats as many times as possible in 20 minutes, would

    not be one certain exercise, but pure stamina. It amazed me as we did the workout the

    level of fitness in the room.

    Similar to the Special Forces, this mixture of soccer moms, CEOs, janitors, and

    chefs knew the ins and outs of every muscle fiber in their body. As you finish your

    workout you are invited to go into the clubroom and cool down by a fan, drink water, and

    relax while you reflect on the prior event. Here the members of Crossfit Eternal brag

    about their times, or complain about the harder aspects of the WOD, bragging rights seem

    to play a large part of this community.

    Jacks Eva 4/27/12 8:45 AM

    Comment [13]: Tookoutthat.

    Jacks Eva 4/27/12 8:52 AM

    Comment [14]: Paragraphbreak.

  • 8/2/2019 Literacy Ethnography Revised


    One of the greatest assets you have inside the Crossfit arena is your peer.

    Communication plays a huge part in your success in Crossfit. Throughout our workout

    the trainers were constantly yelling. Similar to military boot camp, they use theyre

    voices to motivate patrons through the pain of the exercise (Shugart 2). As we moved on

    to the body squats the trainers began to bark out orders for us to squat lower and maintain

    a straight back. These orders were not just to make the exercise more difficult, but also to

    make it more effective and prevent injury. I was told before I started the workout that me

    being the new guy I would be heckled throughout the 20 min workout. This didnt just

    come from the coaches though, everyone chipped in, it was astounding the amount of

    reinforcement I received. The members of Crossfit Eternal truly act as a family.

    It has been my pleasure to expound upon the culture of Crossfit Eternal. It is my

    hope, that with my first hand account paired with the research I have conducted, you now

    have a greater understanding as to what it truly means to partake in Crossfit. I hope you

    can see how this new sport is based on more than just physical prowess. Through

    communication, community, honor and respect, and an intricate knowledge of ones inner

    self, Crossfit has forged itself into the culture of todays elite warrior class.

    Jacks Eva 4/27/12 8:44 AM

    Comment [15]: Movedparagraphbrea


    Jacks Eva 4/27/12 8:45 AM

    Comment [16]: Tookoutuselesswordsandaddedthroughout.

    Jacks Eva 4/30/12 9:08 PM

    Comment [17]: Ideletedthefinal




  • 8/2/2019 Literacy Ethnography Revised


    Works Cited

    Cooperman, Stephanie. "Getting Fit, Even if It Kills You."

    New York Times [New York] 22 Dec 2005, n. pag. Web. 11 Apr. 2012.

    Ferestein, Gregory. "Crossfit: Where Navy SEALs and Pregnant Soccer Moms Help

    Each Other Get Ripped."Fast Company. Fast Company, 08 Feb 2011. Web.11 Apr 2012.

    Murphy, TJ. "Burning Runner: Inside the Crossfit Culture." Competitor. Competitor,

    08 Aug 2008. Web. 11 Apr 2012.



    Shugart, Chris. "The Truth About Crossfit." T-Nation. T-Nation, 4 Nov 2008. Web.

    11 Apr 2012.
