listening - · pdf fileeuroexam level b1. listening. question paper. practice test webset....

EUROEXAM LEVEL B1 Listening Question Paper Practice Test Webset Time: approx. 35 minutes Answer all the questions. You may write on the question paper but make sure you write all your answers on the separate answer sheet (You will have 5 minutes at the end of the test for this). You must not speak to the other candidates. You may use a dictionary to check your work at the end of the test.

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Page 1: Listening - · PDF fileEUROEXAM LEVEL B1. Listening. Question Paper. Practice Test Webset. Time: approx. 35 minutes • Answer all the questions. • You may write on the question


ListeningQuestion Paper

Practice Test Webset

Time: approx. 35 minutes

• Answerallthequestions.

• Youmaywriteonthequestionpaperbutmakesureyouwriteallyouranswersontheseparateanswersheet(Youwillhave5minutesattheendofthetestforthis).

• Youmustnotspeaktotheothercandidates.

• Youmayuseadictionarytocheckyourworkattheendofthetest.

Page 2: Listening - · PDF fileEUROEXAM LEVEL B1. Listening. Question Paper. Practice Test Webset. Time: approx. 35 minutes • Answer all the questions. • You may write on the question

Euro B1 Webset - Listening - QUESTION PAPERPage 2

Task One: Short Conversations – Questions 1-6

You will hear two people talking on a London bus.

• You will hear six short conversations.• Listen and decide which picture they are talking about.• There are two pictures which you will not need.• Place a X in the appropriate box on your Answer Sheet.• You will hear each conversation twice.






Page 3: Listening - · PDF fileEUROEXAM LEVEL B1. Listening. Question Paper. Practice Test Webset. Time: approx. 35 minutes • Answer all the questions. • You may write on the question

Euro B1 Webset - Listening - QUESTION PAPER Page 3

Task Two: Making Notes – Questions 7-15

You will hear a talk about a language school.

• Look at the notes. The notes contain nine gaps.• You have one minute to read the notes.• NowlistentothespeakerandfillinthegapsonyourAnswerSheetwithamaximumof3

words.• Donotwritemorethan3wordsinonegap.• You will hear the recording twice.

Language School

History of the school

• The school has been open since ___7___.• At the beginning there were ___8___ courses.• Alotofstudents___9___.

The courses

• NotjustEnglishoffered.It’spossibletolearnFrench,Spanish___10___.• The courses begin ___11___.• There are never more than ___12___ people in each class.

Free-time activities

• Good restaurants and ___13___ are close to the school.• The good pubs are ___14___.

Other information

• Lookontheinternetfor___15___.

Page 4: Listening - · PDF fileEUROEXAM LEVEL B1. Listening. Question Paper. Practice Test Webset. Time: approx. 35 minutes • Answer all the questions. • You may write on the question

Euro B1 Webset - Listening - QUESTION PAPERPage 4

Task Three: Radio Programme – Questions 16-25

You will hear a radio programme about people who meet after years apart.

• On the test paper you have ten multiple-choice questionsabout the programme.

• Choosethebestresponse(A,B,orC)forquestions16-25.• Place a X in the appropriate box on your Answer Sheet.• You will hear the recording twice.• Youhavetwominutestoreadthequestionsbeforethe

recording starts.

16. About being on television, Amanda..

A has done it many times.B is nervous.C enjoys being on the show.

17. Amanda first met Mr Kay as...

A afamilyfriend.B a paying guest in the house.C afriendofhermother’s.

18. After Mr Kay had arrived, Amanda andher mother...

A became upset.B were even happier.C started singing.

19. The last time Amanda saw Mr Kay...

A at a surprise party.B eighteen months ago.C beforeshelefthometostudy.

20. When Mr Kay left, Amanda says thatshe...

A wasfrightened.B talked a lot about it with her mother.C didn’tknowthereason.

21. Amanda wants to know…

A everythingaboutMrKayandhisfamily.B what Mr Kay is doing now.C two things about Mr Kay.

22. About the money, Mr Kay says...

A itwasn’tenough.B he was happy to tell Amanda about it.C he wanted to keep it secret.

23. When Mr Kay left the house...

A hewasafraidthatsomethingcouldhappentoAmanda.

B Amandamadealotofphonecalls.C hewasworriedabouthimself.

24. During the programme...

A Mr Kay apologises to Amanda.B Amanda gets angry with Mr Kay.C Mr Kay is not happy to see Amanda.

25. In the programme, the relationshipbetween Amanda and Mr Kay is…

A friendly.B cold.C confused.

You now have five minutes to check your work. You may use a dictionary. Don’t forget to transfer your answers to the the Answer Sheet.