list of tests to be out beta 2 glycoprotein-igm...

SL N TEST NAME 1 %Transferrin Sauration Test 2 17OHProgesterone 3 24HRUrine5-Aminolevulinic 4 24HR urine5HIAAI 5 254HRurine Albumin 6 24HRurine Aldoesterone 7 24HRurine calcium 8 24 HR urine calcium creatinine Ratio 9 24 HRurine Catecholamines 10 24HRurine citrate 11 24Hr urine copper 12 24Hr Urine Cortisol 13 24 Hr Creatinine 14 24 Hr Free Cortisol 15 24 Hr Urine Ketosteroids 16 24 Hr Urine Lead 17 24 Hr Urine Magnesium 18 24 Hr Urine Mercury 19 24 Hr Urine Metanephrine 20 24 Hr Urine Microalbumine 21 24 Hr Urine Oxalate 22 24 Hr Urine Phosphorus 23 24 Hr Urine Potassium 24 24 Hr Urine protein 25 24 Hr Urine Sodium 26 24 Hr Urine Urea 27 24 Hr Urine Uric acid 28 24 Hr Urine VMA2 29 24 Hr Urine Zinc 30 5a DihydroTestosterone,5aDHT 31 A/G Ratio ( Albumine :Globuline Ratio ) 32 ABC-Absolute Basophil Count 33 ACE ( Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ) List of Tests to be out sourced

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    1 %Transferrin Sauration Test

    2 17OHProgesterone

    3 24HRUrine5-Aminolevulinic

    4 24HR urine5HIAAI

    5 254HRurine Albumin

    6 24HRurine Aldoesterone

    7 24HRurine calcium

    8 24 HR urine calcium creatinine Ratio

    9 24 HRurine Catecholamines

    10 24HRurine citrate

    11 24Hr urine copper

    12 24Hr Urine Cortisol

    13 24 Hr Creatinine

    14 24 Hr Free Cortisol

    15 24 Hr Urine Ketosteroids

    16 24 Hr Urine Lead

    17 24 Hr Urine Magnesium

    18 24 Hr Urine Mercury

    19 24 Hr Urine Metanephrine

    20 24 Hr Urine Microalbumine

    21 24 Hr Urine Oxalate

    22 24 Hr Urine Phosphorus

    23 24 Hr Urine Potassium

    24 24 Hr Urine protein

    25 24 Hr Urine Sodium

    26 24 Hr Urine Urea

    27 24 Hr Urine Uric acid

    28 24 Hr Urine VMA2

    29 24 Hr Urine Zinc

    30 5a DihydroTestosterone,5aDHT

    31 A/G Ratio ( Albumine :Globuline Ratio )

    32 ABC-Absolute Basophil Count

    33 ACE ( Angiotensin Converting Enzyme )

    List of Tests to be out sourced

  • 34 Acetaminophen level

    35 ACHR (Acetyl choline receptor antibody)

    36 ACP-Total prostatic

    37 ACP-Total(Acid Phosphatase )

    38 ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic )

    39 ADA-Ascitic Fluid

    40 ADA-CSF

    41 ADA-Peritoniel Fluid

    42 ADA -Pleural Fluid

    43 ADA-Synovial Fluid

    44 ADA -(Adenosine Deaminase )

    45 ADH ( Anti Diuretic Hormone )

    46 AFB Stain

    47 AFB Stain ( Concentration Method )

    48 AFP-CSF

    49 AFP( Alpha Feto Protein )

    50 Albert Stain

    51 Albumin

    52 Albumin-Peritoniel Fluid

    53 Albumine-Pleural Fluid

    54 Albumine Synovial Fluid

    55 Albumin Ascetic Fluid

    56 Albumine Corrected Calcuim

    57 AlbumineCreatinine Ratio-Urine

    58 ALC -Absolute Lymphocyte Count

    59 Aldolase

    60 Aldosterone

    61 Aldosterone Renin Ratio

    62 Alkaline Phosphatase

    63 Aller Food3

    64 Alpha 1 Anti Trypsin ( A1AT )

    65 Alpha Keto Acid-DNPH(Urine )

    66 AMC-Absolute Monocyte Count

    67 Amino Acid-Urine (1 Dimension Qualitative ))

    68 Amino Acid Plasma ( Qualitative )

    69 Aminoacid Plasma ( Quantitative )

  • 70 Ammonia

    71 Amoebic Antibody

    72 Amylase

    73 Amylase-Ascitic Fluid

    74 Amylase -Peritoniel Fluid

    75 Amylase-Pleural Fluid

    76 ANA-IF( Immunofluorescence ) method

    77 ANA ( Anti Nuclear Antibody )

    78 Anaerobic culture

    79 ANC -Absolute neutrophil count

    80 Androgen ( Testosterone & DHEA )

    81 Androsteinedione

    82 Anti centromere antibody

    83 Anti Ds DNA ( ds DNA )

    84 Anti filarial Antibody

    85 Anti HBS

    86 Anti insulin antibody

    87 Anti mitochondrial antibody

    88 Anti mullerian hormone ( AMH )PREDIKT

    89 Anti Platelet antibody

    90 Anti smith antibody

    91 Anti smooth muscle antibody

    92 Anti soluble liver antigen ( SLA )

    93 Anti sperm Antibody Semen

    94 Anti sperm Antibody ( ASA )

    95 Anti thrombin III

    96 Apolipoprotein A1

    97 Apolipoprotein B

    98 APTT

    99 ASO( Quantitative )

    100 Aspergillus abs panel IgG,IgM

    101 Auto immune profile

    102 Autopsy

    103 Bacterial meningitis screen

    104 Bence Jone/s Protein

    105 Beta 2 glycoprotein-IgG

  • 106 Beta 2 glycoprotein-IgM

    107 Beta 2 microglobulin

    108 Beta HcG

    109 Beta HcG-CSF

    110 Bicarbonate ( HCO3 ) ( Direct Detection )

    111 Bile acid total

    112 Bilirubin Direct

    113 Bilirubin Indirect

    114 Bilirubi Total

    115 Biopsy

    116 Biopsy

    117 Biopsy

    118 Blood karyotyping-cardblood

    119 Brucella agglutination IgG

    120 BrucellaAntibody IgM

    121 B-type natriuretic peptide ( BNP )

    122 Buccal smear for barrbodies ( sex Chromatin )

    123 BUN ( Blood Urea Nitrogen )

    124 CPKMB

    125 CPKMM

    126 C1 esterase inhibitor,protein

    127 C1Q

    128 C3

    129 C4

    130 CA -125

    131 CA-125-Fluid

    132 CA15.3

    133 CA 19.9

    134 Ca 24.2

    135 CA 27.29

    136 Ca 72.4

    137 Calcitonin

    138 Calcium -Serum

    139 Calcium -Urine

    140 Calcium Creatinine Ratio

    141 C-ANCA

  • 142 Carbamazepine ( Tegretol )

    143 Cardiolipin Antibody IgG

    144 Cardiolipin Antiboy IgM

    145 CBC ( Complete blood count )

    146 CCP Antibodies ( ACCP )

    147 CD 19

    148 CD 20

    149 CD 30

    150 CD 4

    151 CD 8

    152 C -difficile toxin

    153 CEA- ( Carcino Embryonic Antigen )


    155 Cell Count - Fluid

    156 Ceruloplasmin

    157 Chikungunya IgG

    158 Chikungunya IgM

    159 Chlamydial antibody panel

    160 Chloride

    161 Chloride-Ascitic Fluid

    162 Chloride -CSF

    163 Chloride Pleural Fluid

    164 Chloride Synovial Fluid

    165 Chloride-Urine

    166 Cholinesterase

    167 Chromogranina

    168 Chromosome analysis/karyotyping

    169 Chronic myeloid leukemia panel

    170 Chylomicrons-Urine

    171 Clotting time ( CT )

    172 CMV avidity

    173 CMV IgG

    174 CMV IgM

    175 Cold agglutination

    176 Copper-Urine

    177 Cortisol

  • 178 Cortisol-Plasma

    179 C-Peptide

    180 C-Peptide-Fasting

    181 C-Peptide-Plasma

    182 C-Peptide-PP

    183 CPK (Creatne Phospho Kinase,CK-Nac )

    184 Creatinine-Ascitic Fluid

    185 Creatinine-CSF

    186 Creatinine-Pleural Fluid

    187 Creatinine-Urine

    188 Creatinine Clearance 24 HRS

    189 Creatinine Fluid

    190 CRP ( Qualitative )

    191 CRP ( Semi qualitative )

    192 CRT- Clot Retaction Test

    193 Crypto coccal antigen-CSF

    194 Culture-AFB

    195 Culture-Blood

    196 Culture-Blood ( Bactec )

    197 Culture-Bone tissue

    198 Culture-Clot

    199 Culture-CSF

    200 Culture-Fluid

    201 Culture-Petridish

    202 Culture-Pus

    203 Culture-Routine

    204 Culture-Semen

    205 Culture-Sputum

    206 Culture-Stool

    207 Culture-Swab

    208 Culture-Theatre Swab

    209 Culture-Urine

    210 Culture-Water

    211 Culture AFB Sensitivity-5 Drug Panel

    212 Cyfra 21.1 ( CA21.1 )

    213 Cysticercosis antibody )

  • 214 Cystinuria-Urine

    215 Cytology ( 1Slide )

    216 Cytology (2 Slide )

    217 Cytology( 3 Slide )

    218 Cytology( Slide )

    219 DCT-Direct Coombs Test )

    220 D-Dimer

    221 Dengue Antibody IgG

    222 Dengue Antibody IgM

    223 Dengue NS1 Antigen

    224 DHEA ( Dehydroepiandrosterone )

    225 DHEA S ( Dehydroepiandrosterone-s )

    226 Digoxin

    227 Diphtheria IgG

    228 Double marker ( First Trimester Screening )

    229 Drug Assay,Urine

    230 E.Histolytica IgG

    231 Echinococcus ( Hydatid Serology ) IgG

    232 Electrolytes ( Na,K,Cl&HCO3 )

    233 Electrophoresis-haemoglobin

    234 Electrophoresis-Urine

    235 Electrophoresis( Serum Protein )

    236 Endomycial antibody IgA,IFA

    237 Epstein barr virus IgM

    238 ERPR

    239 ERPR+HER2NUE

    240 Erythropoietin

    241 Estradiol ( E2 ) Fluid

    242 Estradiol( E2 )/Estrogen

    243 Estriol/E3

    244 Factor Ix/christmas Factor

    245 Factor v-Functional

    246 Factor v Mutation

    247 Factor vIII

    248 Factor XIII ( Qualitative )

    249 FBS ( Glucometer )

  • 250 FDP ( Fibrin Degradation Products )

    251 Ferritin

    252 Filarial antibody

    253 Filarian antigen

    254 FIT ( Food Intolerance test) 5

    255 FITE-Faraco stain for AFB

    256 Fluid Microscopy

    257 Fluid pH

    258 FNAC

    259 Folic Acid

    260 FragileX-Chromosome Analysis

    261 FragileX-molucular Study

    262 Free Beta HcG

    263 Free PSA

    264 FreeT3

    265 Free T4

    266 Free Testosterone

    267 FSH ( Follicle Stimulating Hormone )

    268 FT I

    269 Fungal Culture

    270 G6PD ( Glucose 6P Dehydrogenase )

    271 GAD 65 Antibody

    272 Gastrin

    273 GBM Antibody ( Glomerular Basement Membrane Ab )

    274 GGT – Gamma GT

    275 GHB – Glycosilated Hb

    276 Globulin

    277 Gram Stain

    278 Growth Hormone( GH )

    279 GTT ( Glucose Tolerance Test )7

    280 Haptoglobin

    281 HAV IgG

    282 HAV IgM

    283 HAV Total

    284 HB ( Haemoglobin )

    285 HbA1c

  • 286 HBC IgG

    287 HBC IgM

    288 HBC Total

    289 HBE AG ( Antigen )

    290 HBE Antibody

    291 HBSAg

    292 HBV DNA PCR ( Qualitative )

    293 HBV DNA PCR ( Quantitative)

    294 HCV

    295 HCV PCR ( Quantitative)

    296 HCV RNA Genotype

    297 HCV RNA Genotype( Linear array)

    298 HCV RNA PCR ( Qualitative )

    299 HDV

    300 HE4

    301 Helicobacter Pylori IgG

    302 Helicobacter Pylori IgM

    303 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen. Neutralisation

    304 Herpes Zoster Virus IgG

    305 Herpes Zoster Virus IgM

    306 HEV IgG

    307 HEV IgM

    308 HIV DNA PCR

    309 HIV DUO Ultra

    310 HIV I & II

    311 HIV Viral Load

    312 HLAB-27

    313 HLAB-5

    314 Homocystine -Serum

    315 Homocystine-Urine

    316 Homogenitisic acid- urine

    317 HSV I & II IgG

    318 HSV I & II IgG-CSF

    319 HSV I & II IgM

    320 HSV I & II IgM-CSF

    321 HSV I IgG

  • 322 HSV I IgM

    323 HSV II IgG

    324 HSV II IgM

    325 HSV II PCR CSF ( Qualitative)

    326 IA2 Antibody

    327 ICH -Markers

    328 ICT -Indirect Coombs Test

    329 IgA (Immunoglobin A )

    330 IgE ( Immunoglobin E )

    331 IGF Binding Protein-( IGF – BP3 )

    332 IgG ( Immunoglobin G )

    333 IgM ( Immunoglobin M )

    334 Immuno Electrophoresis

    335 Immuno histo chemistry

    336 Immuno histo chemistry

    337 Immuno histo chemistry

    338 Immuno histo chemistry-EGFR

    339 Immuno histo chemistry-EGFR ( Fishmethod )

    340 Immuno histo chemistry-hodgkins VS

    341 Immuno histo chemistry-S100

    342 Immuno histo chemistry-Sarcoma Type

    343 Immuno histo chemistry-Any 5 Marker

    344 Indian Ink Stain

    345 Inhal DT

    346 Inhibin A -Pregnancy Marker

    347 Inhibin A- Tumor Marker

    348 Inhibin B

    349 Insulin

    350 Insulin -Plasma

    351 Insulin ( Fasting )

    352 Insulin ( PP )

    353 Insulin Like Growth Factor

    354 Iron ( Fe )

    355 Islet Cell Antibody

    356 Jak 2 mutation PCR

    357 Kappa/Lambada light chains free

  • 358 Kidney Function Test ( KFT )

    359 Lactate

    360 LDH-Ascitic Fluid

    361 LDH -CSF

    362 LDH -Peritoneal Fluid

    363 LDH-pleural Fluid

    364 LDH ( Lactate Dehydrogenase )

    365 LDL -Subfracfraction

    366 LDL Cholesterol Direct

    367 LE sell

    368 Lead PB

    369 LEPTIN

    370 Lepto Spiral Antibodies IGG

    371 Lepto Spiral Antibodies IGM

    372 Leukemia Diagnostic panel

    373 LH

    374 Lipase

    375 Lipase pleural Fluid

    376 Lippo protein

    377 Lithium

    378 LKM antibodies

    379 Lupus Anti-coagulance

    380 Lyme Antibodies Igm

    381 Magnesium-Semen

    382 Malarial Antibody

    383 Malarial antigen

    384 Malarial parasite -QBC

    385 Malarial parasite -Slide

    386 Mantoux Test

    387 Mantox Reading

    388 Measles Antibody IgG

    389 Measles Antibody IgM

    390 Medilip

    391 Meningitis Antibody IgG

    392 Meningitis Antibody IgM

    393 Metanephrine-Urine

  • 394 Methaemoglobin

    395 Micro albumin

    396 Micro albuminurea

    397 Microfilaria-QBC

    398 Microfilaria-Slide

    399 Microfilaria Antibody IgG

    400 Monospot

    401 Mucopoly Sacrades _Urine

    402 Mumps Antibody IgG

    403 Mumps Antibody-IgM

    404 Mycoplasma IgG

    405 Mycoplasma IgM

    406 Myeline basic protien-CSF

    407 Myoglobin -Serum

    408 Myoglobin _Urine

    409 Nasal discharge eosinophil count

    410 Nefro C( Cystatin C )

    411 NEO Spot ( B4 )

    412 NEO Spot ( B6 )

    413 NEO Spot ( FS )

    414 NEO Spot ( FS + )

    415 NEO Spot ( MS )

    416 NEO Spot FS+HB+

    417 Neuron specific enolase (NSE )

    418 Nicotine -Urine

    419 Olygo clonal band -CSF

    420 Osmolality-Serum

    421 Osmolality-Urine

    422 Osmotic Fragility Test

    423 Ovarain Antibody

    424 Oxalate-Serum

    425 Oxalate Creatinine Ratio-Urine

    426 P24 Antigen

    427 P-ANCA

    428 PAP Smear

    429 PAPP -A

  • 430 Paul Bunnel Test

    431 PBF ( Peripheral Blood Film )

    432 PCV -Pleural Fluid

    433 PCV ( Packed Cell Volume )

    434 Peroxidase Stain

    435 Pertussis IgG

    436 Phenobarbitone

    437 Phenytoin( Dilantin )

    438 Phospholipid antibody IgA

    439 Phospholipid antibody IgG

    440 Phospholipid antibody IgM

    441 Phosphorous -Urine

    442 Phosphorous ( PO4 )

    443 Pleural Fluid PH

    444 Polio Antibody-IGG( Enterovirus Abs )

    445 Porphobilinogen-Urine

    446 Porphyrines-Urine

    447 Potassium -Synovial Fluid

    448 PPBS( ( Glucometer )

    449 PRO BNP

    450 Procalcitonin

    451 Progesterone

    452 Progesterone( Fluid )

    453 Prolactin (PRL )

    454 Protein -Ascitic Fluid

    455 Protein-CSF

    456 Protein-Pleural Fluid

    457 Protein-Synovial Fluid

    458 Protein-Total

    459 Protein C

    460 Protein Creatinine Ratio -AsciticFluid

    461 Protein Creatinine Ratio-Urine

    462 Protein S

    463 Prothrombin( Factor II)20210G>A mutation analysis

    464 Prothrombin Time ( PT-INR)

    465 Prothrombin Time Index ( PTI )

  • 466 Protien-Peritoniel Fluid

    467 PSA ( prostate -specific antigen )

    468 PTH ( Parathyroid hormone )

    469 Pyruvate

    470 Pyruvate-CSF

    471 Quadruple marker

    472 RBS ( Glucometer)

    473 RDW

    474 Red Cell Folate

    475 Renin Activity Plasma

    476 Reticulocyte Count

    477 Rubella IgG

    478 Rubella IgM

    479 Salcort

    480 Saliva PH

    481 Scraping for fungus ( KOH )

    482 Selenium

    483 Semen analysis -Detailed

    484 Semen Fructose

    485 Serotonin

    486 Serum Ascitis Albumine Gradient ( SAAG )

    487 SHBG( Sex Hormone Binding Globulin )

    488 Sickling Test

    489 Sjogrens syndrome antibodies

    490 SLE

    491 Smear for diphtheria

    492 Sodium-Synovial Fluid

    493 Sodium -Urine

    494 Sodium ( Na+ )

    495 Sputum Eosinophils

    496 Stain for parasites

    497 Stool fat globules

    498 Stool Occult Blood

    499 Stool reducing sugar

    500 Stool routine

    501 Sugar -Ascitic Fluid

  • 502 Sugar -CSF

    503 Sugar -Peritoniel Fluid

    504 Sugar Pleural Fluid

    505 Sugar -Synovial Fluid

    506 T Cell Profile

    507 T3

    508 T4

    509 TB Gold

    510 TB Immunofluresent Assay

    511 TB PCR

    512 TB PCR Tissue

    513 Testosterone

    514 Testosterone-Fluid

    515 Tetanus Toxid Antibody IGG

    516 TFT ( Thyroid Profile )

    517 Theophylline

    518 Thrombin Time

    519 Thyroglobulin

    520 Thyroglobulin Antibody

    521 Thyroid Microsomal Antibody

    522 Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody

    523 TIBC ( Total Iron Binding Capacity )

    524 Tissue Karyotyping-POC

    525 Tissue Trans Glutaminase ( TTG )

    526 Torch IgG

    527 Torch IgM

    528 Toxoplasma IgG

    529 Toxoplasma IgM

    530 TPHA-CSF

    531 TPHA9

    532 Transferrin

    533 Trcrolimus-CMIA

    534 Triple Marker ( Trimark )

    535 Troponin I

    536 Troponin T

    537 Triglycerides-Ascitic Fluid

  • 538 TSH

    539 TSH Antibody

    540 TSH Receptor Antibody

    541 Typhi Dot

    542 Urea -Fluid

    543 Urea -Urine

    544 Uric acid -urine

    545 Urine complete analysis

    546 Urine eosinophol count

    547 Urine fat globules

    548 Urine hemosiderin

    549 Urine ketone

    550 Urine neurometabolic screening test

    551 Urine protein

    552 Urine reducing substance

    553 Urine specific gravity

    554 Urine Urobilinogen

    555 Urine VMA-Spot

    556 Valproic Acid ( Depakene )

    557 Varicella Zoster IgG

    558 Varicella Zoster IgM

    559 VDRL

    560 VDRL -CSF

    561 VITA DET ( Vit D )

    562 Vitamine A ( Retinol )

    563 Vitamine B12

    564 Vitamine B6

    565 Vitamine C ( Ascorbic Acid )

    566 Vitamine D3

    567 Vitamine E

    568 Vitamine K

    569 WEIL -FELIX

    570 Western Blot

    571 Widal

    572 Zinc

    573 Zinc -Plasma

  • 574 APTT

    575 ANCA P&C

    576 ANA Profile

    577 Antifungal culture

    578 Arterial Blood Gas Analysis

    579 APT Test

    580 Cholesterol Total

    581 Calcium ionised

    582 Copper

    583 CRP/ hs CRP

    584 Cryoglobulin

    585 BK-virus-Qlt

    586 BK-virus-Qnt

    587 Culture AFB

    588 Culture MRSA

    589 CDC Crossmatch(single)

    590 CDC Crossmatch(single + Auto)

    591 CDC crossmatch(All)

    592 Clot culture and Sensitivity

    593 CMV-PCR-Qnt

    594 CMV-PCR-Qlt

    595 CMV IgG

    596 CMV IgM

    597 Complete Hemogram

    598 Coagulation profile (PT/INR, APTT)

    599 Cytology-slide review

    600 Creatinine kinase

    601 CPK-MB/CK-MB

    602 Conjuctival Smear

    603 Conjuctival Swab culture

    604 CSF-AFB Culture

    605 CSF- Automated culture

    606 CSF - Cryptosporidium Stain

    607 CSF- India Ink

    608 CSF-Electrophoresis

    609 CSF-RBC count

  • 610 CSF-Cytology

    611 CSF-Differential count

    612 CSF- Microscopy

    613 CSF- Total Count

    614 CSF-Routine

    615 Electrolytes and Ionized calcium

    616 Estimated GFR(eGFR)

    617 Ear lobe smear clip

    618 Flourescent stain-TB

    619 Fungal stain/Smear

    620 Frozen section

    621 Flourescent stain stoolFibrinogen

    622 Fibrinogen

    623 GCT

    624 Hanging Drop stool

    625 Hb-Urine

    626 HDL-Cholesterol

    627 HBsAg-ELISA

    628 Immunohistochemistry-chromoganin

    629 Immunoglobulins-Kappa&Lamda

    630 Iron+TIBC

    631 Iron+TIBC+Ferritin

    632 Insulin

    633 HCV-ELISA

    634 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test

    635 HAM's Test

    636 Lactate

    637 Magnesium

    638 Magnesium urine

    639 Potassium serum

    640 Potassium urine

    641 Nasal smear

    642 PT mixing study

    643 Pus smear

    644 Polarised microscopy

    645 PLGF-POCT

  • 646 PLA2R

    647 Peripheral smear

    648 Ricketsial Ab

    649 Rh Typing

    650 Ritroviral screening

    651 Rh Antibody titer

    652 Renal Biopsy-IF

    653 Renal Biopsy-Hp

    654 Stool chloride

    655 Stool rectal swab

    656 Smear Lepra bacilli

    657 Smear for Gram staining

    658 Secondline susceptibility Testing

    659 TORCH Panel

    660 Tip C&S

    661 Throat swab smear

    662 Tacrolimus

    663 Sweat Chloride

    664 Stool Vibriocholera

    665 Urea

    666 Urine Acetone

    667 Urine Albumin

    668 Urine Ph

    669 Urine Toxicology screening

    670 Urine AFB smear

    671 Urine cortisol

    672 Urethral smear

    673 Vaginal Wet smear

    674 Venous Blood gas

    675 VLDL Cholesterol

    676 Water Bacteriology

    677 Water Endotoxin

    HIV test kit

    Anti Hb test kit