list of fpga-based computing machines - tu kaiserslautern · list of fpga-based computing machines...

List of FPGA-based Computing Machines Welcome to the list of FPGA-based computing machines. This list was first compiled in the beginning of 1994, where there were a small handful of FPGA boards available. Since then the number has grown considerably. Because of the large and growing number of FPGA-based systems currently available, I have decided to stop making additions to this list and leave it available as an historical document. The last entry added to this list was in March 1999. Other more up to date places to find a variety of FPGA-based hardware are available. I suggest Optimagic's Programmable Logic Jump Station as a good resource. I have also re-ordered the entries grouped by type of device used. This provides a rough chronological order of introduction of these boards. The original list, sorted alphabetically, is still available. Finally, thanks again to everyone who has contributed to this list. List of FPGA-based Computing Machines / Steve Guccione / [email protected] Last updated: 21 August 2000 Return to Steve Guccione's home page Actel: Windchime (Actel 1020A) Algotronix CAL Series: Chameleon CHS 2x4 SPACE Altera: ARC-PCI (EPF10K50) epX31 (EPX780) ipEngine-1 (EPF6016) MSP0 (EPF10K100) RIPP (FLEX 81188) RIPP10 (FLEX 81188) TM-2 (EPF10K50) VIP (FLEX 81500) ATT / Lucent /Lattice ORCA: Cheops SLC1655 (OR2CA15) Intel: nfXboard (NFX780) Stack (iFX780) Xilinx XC3000 Series: Accelerator (XC3195) Anyboard (XC3042) ArMen (XC3090) BORG (XC3042) DSP-56X (XC3042) The Flexible Processor (XC3020) GANGLION (XC3090) HARP-1 (XC3195) Mushroom (XC3090) nP (XC3090) perle-0 (XC3020) Xilinx XC4000 Series: ACME (XC4010) APS X-84 (XC4000 / XC5000) BORG II (XC4003) CHAMP (XC4013) 9204/FPGA/DS-link (XC4025EX) Distributed Virtual Computer (XC4013E) EDgAR-2 (XC4013XLT) ENABLE++ (XC4013) EVC (XC4010) EVC1 Virtual Computer (XC4013E) Functional Memory Computer (XC4010) G-800 (XC4010) G-900 (XC4028EX) ISA Proto Board Virtual (XC4013E) J32 (XC4010) LCM (XC4005) LIRMM (XC4013E) Marc-1 (XC4005) MIT Nerd Kit (XCS30) MoM-3 (XC4000EX) MORRPH-ISA (XC4025) PCI Pamette V1 (XC4010E) PRISM-II (XC4010) P series Virtual Computer (XC4013E) R16 (XC4005) RISC4005 (XC4005) Rasa (XC4010) RC1000-II (XC4010E) RC1000-PP (XC40125XV) RPM (XC4013) SBX+ (XC4013E) SPARXIL (XC4010) Spectrum (XC4013) Spectrum2 (XC4020) SPLASH2 (XC4010) Spyder (XC4003) Spyder2 (XC4010) ST-FPGA (XC4xxx/XC5xxx) Xilinx XC6200 Series: Hades (XC6216) RHO (XC6216) SPACE2 (XC6264) Xilinx XC9000 Series: XS95 (XC9500) Custom IC: Data-Flow Functional Computer DTM-1 ProBoard TERAMAC

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  • List of FPGA-based Computing MachinesWelcome to the list of FPGA-based computing machines. This list was first compiled in thebeginning of 1994, where there were a small handful of FPGA boards available. Since then thenumber has grown considerably. Because of the large and growing number of FPGA-basedsystems currently available, I have decided to stop making additions to this list and leave itavailable as an historical document. The last entry added to this list was in March 1999. Othermore up to date places to find a variety of FPGA-based hardware are available. I suggestOptimagic's Programmable Logic Jump Station as a good resource.

    I have also re-ordered the entries grouped by type of device used. This provides a roughchronological order of introduction of these boards. The original list, sorted alphabetically, is stillavailable.

    Finally, thanks again to everyone who has contributed to this list.

    List of FPGA-based Computing Machines / Steve Guccione / [email protected] updated: 21 August 2000

    Return to Steve Guccione's home page


    Windchime (Actel 1020A)

    Algotronix CAL Series:

    ChameleonCHS 2x4SPACE


    ARC-PCI (EPF10K50)epX31 (EPX780)ipEngine-1 (EPF6016)MSP0 (EPF10K100)RIPP (FLEX 81188)RIPP10 (FLEX 81188)TM-2 (EPF10K50)VIP (FLEX 81500)

    ATT / Lucent /Lattice ORCA:

    CheopsSLC1655 (OR2CA15)


    nfXboard (NFX780)Stack (iFX780)

    Xilinx XC3000 Series:

    Accelerator (XC3195)Anyboard (XC3042)ArMen (XC3090)BORG (XC3042)DSP-56X (XC3042)The Flexible Processor(XC3020)GANGLION (XC3090)HARP-1 (XC3195)Mushroom (XC3090)nP (XC3090)perle-0 (XC3020)

    Xilinx XC4000 Series:

    ACME (XC4010)APS X-84 (XC4000 / XC5000)BORG II (XC4003)CHAMP (XC4013)9204/FPGA/DS-link (XC4025EX)Distributed Virtual Computer(XC4013E)EDgAR-2 (XC4013XLT)ENABLE++ (XC4013)EVC (XC4010)EVC1 Virtual Computer (XC4013E)Functional Memory Computer(XC4010)G-800 (XC4010)G-900 (XC4028EX)ISA Proto Board Virtual (XC4013E)J32 (XC4010)LCM (XC4005)LIRMM (XC4013E)Marc-1 (XC4005)MIT Nerd Kit (XCS30)MoM-3 (XC4000EX)MORRPH-ISA (XC4025)PCI Pamette V1 (XC4010E)PRISM-II (XC4010)P series Virtual Computer(XC4013E)R16 (XC4005)RISC4005 (XC4005)Rasa (XC4010)RC1000-II (XC4010E)RC1000-PP (XC40125XV)RPM (XC4013)SBX+ (XC4013E)SPARXIL (XC4010)Spectrum (XC4013)Spectrum2 (XC4020)SPLASH2 (XC4010)Spyder (XC4003)Spyder2 (XC4010)ST-FPGA (XC4xxx/XC5xxx)

    Xilinx XC6200 Series:

    Hades (XC6216)RHO (XC6216)SPACE2 (XC6264)

    Xilinx XC9000 Series:

    XS95 (XC9500)

    Custom IC:

    Data-Flow Functional ComputerDTM-1ProBoardTERAMAC

  • perle-0 (XC3020)perle-1 (XC3090)PRISM (XC3090)RENNS (XC3064)S56X2 (XC3064)SPLASH (XC3090)X-12 (XC3195)Zelig (XC3090)

    Tao (XC4013E)TbC-Pamette (XC4010)TM-1 (XC4010)V6502 (XC4013)VA1000 (XC4010)The Virtual Computer (XC4013)VZ80 (XC4013)XKL-1 (XC4013E)XS40 (XC4xxx/XC52xx)YARDS (XC4010)


    FPGA Devices:2 XILINX XC3195A

    On-board RAM:None

    External bus:OS Link 32 Way Din 41612 Socket, Mezzanine daughter-board connector.

    Interconnect:16 way configuration and 20 way data header, to daisy chain the boards.

    Contact:Embedded Solutions Ltd.83 Gipsy LaneWokinghamBerksRG40 2BW, UKE-mail [email protected]

    Notes:The Accelerator is a supported target platform for the Handel-C V2.0 programminglanguage. Unlike other programming languages, the output of this compiler is not a binaryfile; it is a net list. The Handel-C tools enable a software engineer to target directly FPGAsin a similar fashion to classical microprocessor cross-compiler development tools, withoutrecourse to a Hardware Description Language. Thereby allowing the software engineer torealise directly the raw real-time processing capability of the FPGA. With Handel-Ccomplete systems can be designed as a programming task, using only conventional andeasily available programming skills. Source code and schematics are commerciallyavailable for the Accelerator to enable OEMs to rapidly produce custom variations of thedesign. More information is available at:


    FPGA Devices:14 Xilinx XC4010s and 6 Xilinx XC3195s

    On-board RAM:7 4K Dual-ported global memories each 4010 has a 4k Dual-ported memory

    External bus:SBUS

    Interconnect:The Adaptive Connectionist Model Emulator (ACME) is a Clos Network between 4010sand 3195s. The 3195s are used as programmable interconnect among 4010s and withglobal memory

    Contact:Pak K. ChanComputer Engineering Board225 Applied SciencesUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA 95064Email: [email protected]

    Notes:See FPGA'94 Berkeley ACM Workshop

  • Anyboard

    FPGA Devices:5 Xilinx 3042

    On-board RAM:384K

    External bus:ISA

    Interconnect:Fixed buses

    Contact:David E. Van den BoutECE DepartmentNorth Carolina State UniversityRaleigh, NC 27695-7911


    APS X-84

    FPGA Devices:XILINX 4000 and 5000 84 pin PLCC family

    On-board RAM:None

    External bus:ISA


    Contact:[email protected]

    Notes:The APS X-84 is a low cost FPGA board which works with the XILINX 4000 and 5000 84pin PLCC family of FPGA parts. The board allows the programming of parts from proms orPC ISA bus via supplied C code. On board oscillators and status LEDs are provided alongwith 24 bits of PC IO lines. The X-84 is a low cost PC ISA card with download software andsample VHDL and C code. It sells for $250.00. See for more information.


    FPGA Devices:3 FLEX EPF10K50

    On-board RAM:16MBytes

    External bus:PCI

    Interconnect:Fixed buses

    Contact:Stephen SmithAltera Corporation101 Innovation DriveSan Jose, CA 95134Tel: (408) 544-7666E-mail: [email protected] Page:

    Notes:One PLD comprises the system controller (PCI 32 bit initiator/target interface, on-boardmemory interface and user-configurable PLD configuration controller) and the other two areuser-configurable PLDs. The memory hierarchy comprises one 1Mx32bits SRAM SIMM

  • cache per user-configurable PLD, and two independent 1Mx32bits SRAM SIMM memorieswhich all three PLDs directly access. The cache signals of each user-configurable PLDalso drive external I/O which may be used to access external memory. These platforms areavailable for free to qualified researchers.


    FPGA Devices:1 3090 per node. The MIMD/FPGA parallel machine is modular and extensible.

    On-board RAM:1, 2 or 4Mb/node each board has a T805 processor with 4 20Mb/s links.

    External bus:SBUS Archipel board with a T805. I/Os can be handled directly within ArMen usingadditional transputer/peripheral boards.

    Interconnect:Processor interconnection is host system dependent. We have two 8 nodes computersconfigures as cubes. 3090 south and west ports are assembled into a linear ring with 36bitsdata path. North ports are mapped in the processor address space, so that they receiveaddress/data from their local processor. The FPGA 32 bit south port is free for extensions orinput/output on each node.

    Contact:Bernard PottierLaboratoire d'Informatique de BrestUniversite de Bretagne OccidentaleUFR Sciences, BP 802,Brest, 29285, FRANCE.Email: [email protected]

    Notes:See Napa FCCM 93 and 94 or Hawai HICSS-94 proceedings. ArMen can easily beconnected to any host having an interface board for transputers. There are projects forcommercial distribution.More information is available at:


    FPGA Devices:2 Xilinx 3030s and 2 Xilinx 3042s

    On-board RAM:2K

    External bus:PC-bus interface in 5th FPGA

    Interconnect:4 FPGAs in a Clos network 2 FPGAs can be used as interconnect or logic

    Contact:Pak K. ChanComputer Engineering Board225 Applied SciencesUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA 95064Email: [email protected]

    Notes:25 boards made by Xilinx and distributed for educational purposes. See FPGA'92 BerkeleyACM Workshop


    FPGA Devices:2 Xilinx 4003As and 2 Xilinx 4002As

    On-board RAM:8K

  • External bus:PC-bus interface in 5th FPGA

    Interconnect:4 FPGAs in a Clos network 2 FPGAs can be used as interconnect or logic

    Contact:Pak K. ChanComputer Engineering Board225 Applied SciencesUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA 95064Email: [email protected]

    Notes:100 boards made by Xilinx and distributed for educational purposes. FPGAs are socketedand can be replaced by any 4000 series pc84 part.


    FPGA Devices:7 Algotronix CAL

    External bus:Interconnect:

    Fixed meshContact:

    Cuno [email protected]

    Notes:Experimental workstation from ETH Zurich with FPGA's closely coupled to MIPS R3000processor and innovative object based design software written in the Oberon language.


    FPGA Devices:16 Xilinx 4013

    On-board RAM:512K Dual-ported

    External bus:VME

    Interconnect:Crossbar (using FPGAs)

    Contact:Brian BoxLockheed SandersNCA01-2244P.O Box 868Nashua, NH 03060Phone: (603) 885-7487FAX: (603) 885-9056Email: [email protected]

    Notes:The Configurable Hardware Algorithm Mappable Processor (CHAMP) is used primarily forhardware prototyping.


    FPGA Devices:ORCA

    On-board RAM:3 MB

    External bus:???

  • Interconnect:???


    Notes:The Cheops Imaging System is a compact, modular platform for acquisition, real-timeprocessing, and display of digital video sequences and model-based representations ofmoving scenes. It is a laboratory tool and a prototype hardware and software architecturefor future programmable video processors. Cheops abstracts out a set of basic,computationally intensive stream operations that may be performed in parallel andembodies them in specialized hardware. In order to simplify programming, a resourcemanagement daemon handles the real-time scheduling and allocation.See: for more information.

    CHS 2x4

    FPGA Devices:9 Algotronix CALs (1 controller + 8 compute)

    On-board RAM:2 MB SRAM

    External bus:ISA

    Interconnect:Fixed mesh

    Contact:Tom KeanXilinx Development Corp.53 Mortonhall GateEdinburgh EH16 6TJPhone: 44 31 666 2600ext204Fax: 44 31 666 0222Email: [email protected]

    Notes:Based on work at the University of Edinburgh by Tom Kean and John Gray.Commercialized by Algotronix. Algotronix purchased by Xilinx in 1993. System cascadableto 2 boards. No longer commercially available.

    Data-Flow Functional Computer (DFFC)

    Application area:Real-Time Image Processing

    FPGA Devices:512 custom-built Field-Programmable Operator Arrays (FPOA). Each FPOA contains 2Configurable Data-Paths (8/16 bit operators) and 10 I/O Ports (10-bit bidirectional businterface).

    On-board RAM:Each Configurable Data-Path includes a 256x9 RAM that can be used as a FIFO, as a dualport RAM operator or as local RAM for specific purposes (histogrammer). Additionnaly, two4MByte RAM boards are currently connected to the DFFC.

    External bus:VME (Sun SPARC2 as host)

    Interconnect:The DFFC is a 3D 8x8x8 array of FPOAs, resulting in a 16x8x8 array of Configurable Data-Paths (CDP). Each CDP has direct access to its 6 neighbors (local connections). Longdistance connections are possible through Configurable Data-Paths and I/O Portsconfigured as routing elements.

    Contact:Georges M. QuenotLIMSI-CNRS, BP133, 91403 Orsay Cedex FRANCE Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

  • Ivan C. KraljicLaboratoire Systeme de PerceptionDGA/Etablissement Technique Central de l'Armement16 bis avenue Prieur de la Cote d'Or,94114 ARCUEIL Cedex FRANCEEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:See: `A Reconfigurable Compute Engine for Real-Time Vision Automata Prototyping',IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, 1994, pp 91-100. Available at The Data-Flow Functional Computer is dedicated to rapid prototyping of real-time visionautomata. The Computer consists of a regular 3D array of very coarse grain application-specific FPGA called the Field-Programmable Operator Array (FPOA).The FPOAgranularity is at the 8/16 bit operator level instead of at the gate level. Its architecture hasbeen designed to implement efficiently a wide range of low-level image processing basicoperators Specific development tools allow an easy and efficient use of the Computer: ahigh-level description (in a functional language) is compiled into a DFFC configurationusing an Operator Library. An environment for automatic derivation of vision automata froma DFFC configuration is currently under development.


    FPGA Devices:16 Xilinx 4005

    On-board RAM:None

    External bus:Fixed


    Contact:Craig ReeseIDA Supercomputing Research Center17100 Science DriveBowie, MD 20715Phone: (301) 805-7479FAX: (301) 805-7602Phone: [email protected]

    Notes:A Connection Machine 2 SIMD machine from Thinking Machines Corporation with theWeitek WTL3164 floating point processors replaced by Xilinx 4005s. De-commissioned1994.


    FPGA Devices:Two Xilinx XC4025E2HQ240C or XC4028EX2HQ240C devices.

    On-board RAM:32kx16 of 12ns SRAM per Xilinx device, plus shared access to the communicationsprocessor and its 8MB of DRAM.

    External bus:Four IEEE 1355 100Mb/s DS Links, Size 4 HTRAM module format. For use in any IEEE 1355 DS-Link based HTRAM system such as the Parsys SN9000series or VITA 13-1995 based VME systems.

    Interconnect:Four IEEE 1355 100Mbit/s DS Links via T9000 communications processor. Two 50 pin headers providing direct access to 25 Xilinx pins per Xilinx device, suitable forinterfacing to external signal sources and output devices. Internal 65 bit bus connecting the two Xilinx devices together independently of the otherinterfaces.

    Contact:Parsys Ltd.

  • Boundary HouseBoston RoadLondon W7 2QEUKTel: +44 181 579 8683Fax: +44 181 579 8365E-mail [email protected]

    Notes:The 9204/FPGA is a reconfigurable FPGA based module designed for use within IEEE1355 DS-Link based systems and VITA 13-1995 VME systems. Each module contains twoXilinx 240 pin XC4025E or XC4028EX devices and a T9000 communications processorallowing communication via four 100 Mbit/second DS links between the Xilinx devices andthe rest of the multiprocessor system. Dual programmable frequency synthesisers areprovided for frequency generation up to 100MHz. Each Xilinx device may be configuredusing standard development tools to provide user defined processing functions, with macrolibraries supplied for message passing across the DS link network and for access to thelocal SRAM and shared DRAM memory. Each Xilinx may be configured and reconfiguredunder program control by the communications processor using a fast download of bit-mapped configuration files. Powerful embedded systems can be constructed using any mix of reconfigurable FPGAnodes, processing nodes and I/O nodes to suit the requirements of an application, with fastefficient message passing available between all nodes. Interfaces are also available toconnect the systems to standard PCs and Unix workstations. More information is availablefrom


    FPGA Devices:1 Xilinx 3042

    On-board RAM:32KW-128KW (shared with DSP56000)

    External bus:SBus & Flexible

    Interconnect:See notes below.

    Contact:Michael C. PeckPresidentBerkeley Camera Engineering3616 Skyline DriveHayward, CA 94542-2521Phone: 510-889-6960Fax: 510-889-7606email: [email protected]

    Notes:The DSP-56X is an SBus card that contains a 40MHz Motorola 5600x family DSP, a Xilinx3042, and memory (32K words or 128K words I believe). The 3042 sits directly on the56000 bus and can be accessed from either the 56000 or the SBus. Some of the Xilinx pinsare connected to the SBus back panel connector.

    See S56X2.


    FPGA Devices:16 DTM chips

    On-Board RAM:32 8K x16 SRAM banks on separate DTM ports, dual ported to host

    External bus:VME

    Interconnect:Packed Exponential Connections (a multi-grid mesh network)

  • Contact:Worth KirkmanMITRE Corporation7525 Colshire Dr.McLean, VA 22102Phone: (703)883-7082FAX: (703)883-6708Email: [email protected]

    Notes:Built from custom DTM chips. These devices are custom RAM-configurable 64x64 arrays ofexpandable-gate cells, each pipelined for 2 boolean input evaluations in a 100MHz cycle.256 I/O pins, each arbitrary direction with echo-cancellation and programmable parallelserial sub-sampling - normally run at 1/4 the internal rate.

    DVC1 - Distributed Virtual Computer

    FPGA Devices:2 - Xilinx XC-4013E-3 FPGA

    On-board RAM:1MEG SRAM

    External bus:Single Slot SBus Board for SUN Compatible Workstations

    Interface:The interface between the your design and the host workstation is handled by the use of aVCC SBus interface Macro placed into the design. Interface Macros (schematic, Verilog &VHDL), 'C' Programming Language function routines and Conversion Program forimplementing designs from with a 'C' Program Application are available with the SBusSoftware Interface Kit.Two SBus Interface Kits are available: Slave Interface Kit and Master Interface Kit. (DesignEntry & Implementation Software is needed).For more information on Hardware Object Technology Programming see: VCC's HOTProgramming

    Specifications:On-Chip Clock & Data Recovery PLL32 bit CRC & Parity Generate/Check8b/10b Encode/Decode of data, ordered sets and line statesCompliance to Fibre Channel Specs of Accredited Standards Committee (ACSX3T9.3)1 Megabytes SRAM (256Kx32bit 20ns Access Time)4 Kbytes FIFOs for transmit and receive dataSMA Coax Connectors (50 Ohm)Programmable Oscillator (360KHz to 120MHz)

    Contact:John SchewelVirtual Computer Corporation6925 Canby Ave #103Reseda CA 91335 USAEmail: [email protected]: (818) 342-8294 Fax: (818) 342-0240Visit Our Web Site at: VCC's Home Page

    Notes:The Distributed Virtual Computertm (DVC), reconfigurable computer is an extension of theEVC1 product line. These add-on modules allows one to connect multiple EVC1 systemsin a true compute through independent virtual network on existing SUN workstations. EachEVC1/DVC1 combination is a user customizable computing node with the ability to beused independently of the host system. The DVC1 The Virtual Computer Nettm allows datato be processed as it passes over the net, independent of the host; yet each node has theentire resources of the host if needed. VCC's software driver, bus interface, HardwareObject Macros and functions gives the designer the ability to create multiple communicationprotocol designs. Dynamic re-programmablity allows the network to change communicationprotocols on the fly, node by node. The reconfigurable aspect of each node can allowdifferent communications protocols to be used within the same network pathway. In aclustered workstation environment the compute through Virtual Computer Net can be usedfor high performance computing applications.

  • More information on the DVC1 is available at: VCC's Website for DVC1.


    FPGA Devices:4 Xilinx XC4013XLT

    On-board RAM:None

    External bus:PCI

    Interconnect:Two 40-pins headers, one 72-pins header, a 32-bits path between each FPGAs pair(building a chain), a 4-bits path between each CPLDs pair (building a chain), an 8-bitsconnection between each CPLD-FPGA pair

    Contact:Antonio J A EstevesInformatics Department, University of MinhoLargo do Paco4709 Braga Codex, PortugalEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:The EDgAR-2 is a standard PCI bus card suitable to deal with the hardware/softwarecodesign paradigm. The architecture is based on FPGA-CPLD pairs, supportingcomputional models like FSMD (FSM with datapath), CFSMD (concurrent FSMD) or PSM(program state machine). The CPLDs included on the board are Xilinx XC95108. The two40-pins headers can be used to build a daisy-chain of boards.The support software provides NT.4.0 driver for the board.


    ENABLE++ is a modular FPGA multiprocessor system and contains three kinds of boards. For adescription see below.


    FPGA Devices:Sixteen Xilinx XC4013 (core), 11 Xilinx XC5005H, eight of them used as backplaneinterface and three for control.

    On-board RAM:12MB SSRAM (synchronous SRAM) configured as 48 banks of 128K*18 (20ns), eightbanks of 4K*18 (20ns) synchronous dual ported RAM.

    External Bus:Four Transputer Links on LCM (see below).Eight 32bit ports (200 MByte/s) to Backplane.

    Interconnect:Eight I-Cube I240 FPIDs for global interconnections between 16 core FPGAs and eight IO-FPGAs, 40 bit wide busses (250MByte/s).


    FPGA Devices:Eighteen Xilinx XC4005H, seven used as module controllers, eight as backplane interfaceand three for control.

    On-board RAM:Eight banks of 4K*18 (20ns) and seven banks of 4K*36 (20ns) synchronous dual portedRAM.IO-Board modules with 128MB DRAM, 32 bit wide, 200MByte/s, up to three modules(384MB) can be plugged on one IO-Board.

    External Bus:Four Transputer Links on LCM (see below).Eight 32 bit wide ports (200MByte/s) to Backplane.

  • IO-Modules for different busses (planned): Hippi, Hot-Link, Fiber Channel, DS-Link.Interconnect:

    Four I-Cube I240 FPIDs for global interconnections between seven module slots, one LCMslot and eight IO-FPGAs, 32 bit wide busses (200MByte/s).


    FPGA Devices:Four (optional eight) Xilinx XC4005H for each of up to six slots.

    On-board RAM:None

    External Bus:Four Transputer Links on LCM (see below) andup to six slots with eight 32 bit wide ports (200MByte/s).

    Interconnect:Interconnections (40 bit) between neighbouring FPGAs which control corresponding portsof different slots.

    Contact:K.H. NoffzLehrstuhl fuer Informatik VUniversitaet MannheimSeminargebaude A568131 Mannheim (Germany)Phone: 49-621-292-5755Fax: 49-621-292-5756e-mail: [email protected]

    Notes:Enable++ is a scalable general purpose FPGA multiprocessor system. It contains a singlereconfigurable Backplane which connects up to six Matrix- and IO-Boards. FPGAs forcomputation are located on the Matrix-Boards (core) while up to seven modules withdifferent kinds of interfaces and custom hardware (DSP's, uP's, RAM, ...) can be plugged onIO-Boards. Therefore the system can be easily expanded with custom hardware for specialpurposes.Every Backplane-, Matrix- and IO-Board is controlled by an LCM (Local Control Module)which contains a single Transputer (T425 or T800) and one Xilinx XC4005. LCMs useTransputer Links to communicate with the host Workstation.Software:SPC-Compiler (Systolic Parallel C), Simulator, Realtimedebugger (handles SPCsourcecode), VHDL-Compiler.


    FPGA Devices:1 ALTERA EPX780 in 84-pin PLCC

    On-board RAM:32 KByte

    External bus:IBM-PC printer port


    Contact:XESS Corp. 1-800-549-XESS 1-919-387-0076 [email protected]

    Notes:The epX31 is a small 4''x 2'' board containing an ALTERA EPX780 FPGA in 84-pin PLCCpackage, an 8031 microcontroller, and a 32 KByte RAM. The epX31 FPGA is programmedusing the PLDasm HDL and Intel's free PLDshell Plus programming environment. The8031 is programmed using MetaLink's 8051 cross-assembler or any other assembler orcompiler that outputs a standard .HEX object file. FPGA configuration files are downloadedto the epX31 through the PC printer port using the JTAG protocol. 8031 object code is alsoloaded into the 32 KByte RAM through the printer port. The FPGA is treated as a

  • reconfigurable peripheral of the 8031. Additional signals from the printer port can be usedto exercise the downloaded design. The results can be observed using the 7-segment LEDon the epX31 or sent back for display on the PC. The epX31 can be used stand-alone or itcan be mounted in a breadboard (all the pins for the FPGA, microcontroller and RAM aremade available on two rows of 42 pins each). Since configuration is done using a JTAGstream, it is easy to cascade multiple epX31s to experiment with multiprocessor and multi-FPGA systems.A book accompanies the epX31:"FPGA Workout". Softcover, 240 pp., 120 illustrations, and index. ISBN 0-9642187-0-4.This book shows how to use FPGAs to build digital systems ranging from simplecombinational logic up to a 4-bit microcontroller. All PLDasm examples in the book can bedownloaded into the epX31 and tested. A separate addendum is included showing how the8031 can use the FPGA as a reconfigurable memory-mapped device. The epX31 has been replaced by newer hardware. See the XESS web site for furtherinformation.


    FPGA Devices:1 Xilinx 4010

    On-board RAM:Daughter board (see notes)

    External bus:SBus


    Contact:Steve CasselmanVirtual Computer CorporationReseda, CA 91335Phone: (818) 342-8294FAX: (818) 342-0240Email: [email protected]

    Notes:The Engineers Virtual Computer (EVC) is a single FPGA based transformable computingsystem. It has a daughter board area that has 96 user I/O from the 4010. A 2 Meg fastSRAM daughter board is available now.

    EVC1 -- Virtual Computer

    FPGA Devices:1 - Xilinx XC-4013E-3 FPGA

    On-board RAM:2MEG SRAM Daughter Board (Optional)

    External bus:Single Slot Sbus Plugin Board for SUN Compatible Workstations

    Interface:The interface between the your design and the host workstation is handled by the use of aVCC SBus interface Macro placed into the design. Interface Macros (schematic, Verilog &VHDL), 'C' Programming Language function routines and Conversion Program forimplementing designs from with a 'C' Program Application are available with the SBusSoftware Interface Kit.Two SBus Interface Kits are available: Slave Interface Kit and Master Interface Kit. (DesignEntry & Implementation Software is needed).For more information on Hardware Object Technology Programming see: VCC's HOTProgramming

    Other Options:A Programmable Oscillator Module is available. This module plugs into a socket on theEVC1 and is programmable via a POM Macro from 360 KHz to 120 MHz.

    Contact:John SchewelVirtual Computer Corporation

  • 6925 Canby Ave #103Reseda CA 91335 USAEmail: [email protected]: (818) 342-8294 Fax: (818) 342-0240Visit Our Web Site at: VCC's Home Page

    Notes:The EVC1 Virtual Computertm, reconfigurable computer is a single SBus board basedreconfigurable computing system utilizing Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)technology. The user can create a a personal coprocessor, customized to their specificcomputing needs. The EVC1 allows the developer to craft a custom hardware solution forsoftware application acceleration. You can create hundreds of special purposecoprocessing chips, downloading them in sequence using a program. The EVC1 alsoserves as an Emulation and/or Rapid Product Development System. The EVC1 can bereconfigured in 150 milliseconds.

    The EVC1 has been designed for maximum flexibilty through the 96 Bits of User I/O to aDaughter Board area. The capabilities of the EVC1 are extended through the use of variousstandard Daughter Boards, such as the 2Meg SRAM module and communications module.Complete schematics are supplied for integrating user-made custom Daughter BoardModules.More information on the EVC1 is available at: VCC's Website for EVC1.

    The Flexible Processor

    FPGA Devices:8 Xilinx XC3020

    On-board RAM:64KB Data + 256KB Microprogram

    External bus:RS232 via MC68HC11 System Controller

    Interconnect:Fixed - Several topologies

    Contact:Andrew WolfeDept. of Electrical EngineeringPrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJ [email protected]

    Notes:Also includes hardwired FP unit. Built in '87-'88 as a technology demonstration at CarnegieMellon - long since decomissioned. Published description at Micro 21 - 1988.

    Functional Memory Computer

    FPGA Devices:Up to 8 Xilinx XC4010s plus 3 Xilinx XC4013s

    On-board RAM:1 MB SRAM configured as 1 bank of 128K by 32 bit data RAM and 1 bank of 128K by 32 bitmicroprogram RAM. Can be configured as 1 bank of 128K by 64 bit of data RAM.

    External bus:PCI short and long card versions

    Interconnect:Up to 12 FPGAs are memory mapped on a 32-bit bus with the 13th FPGA configured as amicroprogrammable processor. An additional single bit daisy chain links 8 XC4010s. 74bits interconnect two XC4013s.

    Contact:Richard Halverson, Jr.Information and Computer Sciences Dept.2565 The Mall, Keller Hall 319University of Hawaii at ManoaHonolulu, HI 96822Email: [email protected],

  • Notes:More information on functional memory is available. The project is supported by the Officeof Technology Transfer and Economic Development at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.


    FPGA Devices:Grouped in modules (maximum 16 -- see Notes below)

    On-board RAM:See Notes below

    External bus:VESA (VL) Local bus VESA Media Channel - 100 MB/sec video bus 80 pin connectorsupports 32 bit devices

    Interconnect:Bus Oriented Communication - Virtual Bus All Interconnect via Xilinx 4010's on G-800 2x32bit buses and 2x16 bit buses on G-800 Configuration is programmable - Virtual Bus

    Contact:[email protected] Eunice St.Berkeley, CA. 94708

    Notes:Modules have standard form factor and pinout. All bus lines to G-800 connect via FPGAs.Up to 16 modules of all types on 1 G-800 board. Visual Computing Module (VMC)= 2xXC4005; 4MB DRAM and 80 MIPS DSPSPGA10MOD = 1 x XC4010, 2MB DRAM, 128K SRAM PROTOMOD = same asPGA10MOD with pinouts extended to pads for wirewrap, logic analyzer, etc. 16xVCMs = 32 XC4005's, 2 XC4010's on G-800, 64 MB DRAM 16xPGA10MODs = 16XC4010's, 2 XC4010's on G-800, and 32 MB DRAM and 2 MB SRAM XPGAMOD = 4xXC4010, 8 MB DRAM, 512K SRAM (available Oct) 16xXPGAMODs = 32XC4010's, 2 XC4010's on G-800, and 128 MB DRAM and 8 MB SRAM

    G-900 RIC

    FPGA Devices:2 XC-PQ240 FPGAs on Reconfigurable Interface Card (9800-RIC). Normally XC4013E +XC5210-5. However, XC4010E, XC4013E, XC4020E, XC4028EX can be substituted forthe XC5210-5. The G900 is socketed for 16 XMODs™

    On-board Memory:512KB surface mounted Flash, 128KB socketed Flash, 128KB SRAM

    External busses:Eight 32-bit busses - maximum 128-bit I/O @ 33MHz to 80MHz.Four 34-bit I/O ports via 68-pin edge fingers.Four 36-bit I/O ports via 50-pin male IDC connectors.Application specific I/O is provided via I/OMODS™ (see SPECTRUM2).

    Interconnect:130-pin Virtual Bus Architecture programmable for 32-bit pipelines, global busses, isolatedbusses, rings, meshes, etc.All interconnect is via Xilinx FPGAs on G900 RIC and is programmable.Dataflow specific bandwidths vary from 96-bit global busses @ 20 MHz to 32-bit pipelines@ 76 MHz.

    Clocks:8 low skew clocks are provided per XMOD, 5 per FPGA. These can be internal, external,self clocking data streams, PLLs, FGENS, XTALs, etc.

    Contact:[email protected] MLK WayBerkeley, CA 94704Phone (510) 848-5446Fax (510) 848-5667WWW:, click on Sponsors, then Giga Ops logo.

    Notes:G900 is socketed for 16 XMODs or I/OMODs as 4 stacks of 4 each. XMODs have 2

  • XC4000 series PQ208 FPGAs on a 2.4" x 3.65" card with 2 100-pin stacking connectors onthe top and bottom. 16 XMODs deliver 32 FPGAs, 128MB DRAM, and 4MB SRAM.XMODs may also be used as embedded processors. [email protected] for the XMOD Design Specification.See SPECTRUM2 LISTING for more details.


    FPGA Devices:24 Xilinx 3090

    On-board RAM:24K PROM

    External bus:VME / Datacube MAXbus


    Contact:Charles CoxIBM Research DivisionAlmaden Research CenterSan Jose, CA 95120-6099

    Notes:Used exclusively for neural networks.

    Hades, ETH Zurich

    FPGA Devices:1 Xilinx XC6216

    On-board RAM:256 KB static RAM

    External bus:Ceres-Bus (ETH proprietary)


    Stefan H.-M. LudwigInstitute for Computer Systems (RZ H3)Swiss Federal Institute of TechnologyETH ZentrumCH-8032 ZurichEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:Hades: Integrating hardware and softwareWe develop a hardware description system for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).On the hardware side of our project, a XC6200 FPGA is used as a universal co-processorin a computer system. On the software side, fast physical design algorithms are used forefficient, automatic hardware development, where the user can influence the designprocess at several stages. Furthermore, we try to close the semantic gap betweenhardware and software using a novel approach to combining the description of hardwareand software with the help of a type-safe interface between the two components.See also FPL'96 Darmstadt.


    FPGA Devices:1 Xilinx 3195

    On-board RAM:64K SRAM / 4MB DRAM

    External bus:4 x 20Mbit/sec transputer links + expansion port (spare FPGA pins)

  • Interconnect:FPGA shares RISC processor bus

    Contact:Ian PageOxford University Computing LaboratoryWolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, U.K. Phone: +44 1865 273853FAX: +44 1865 273839EMail : [email protected]

    Notes:The HARP1 is an industry standard TRAM board (size 6 = 165 x 84mm) containing a 32-bitRISC-style microprocessor (a T805 transputer) with 4 Mbytes of dynamic RAM. Twoindependent banks of 32K x 16-bit fast static RAM are attached to the Xilinx 3195 FieldProgrammable Gate Array. The FPGA has full access to the microprocessor bus. A100MHz frequency synthesiser is used for arbitrary clock generation. An expansion port isconnected to the spare FPGA pins. TRAM motherboards allow for easy integration into avariety of host systems, or for connecting multiple HARP boards together.This board will be commercially available around 2Q95 from:Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd.4 Market SquareAmersham, Bucks HP7 0DQ, U.K.+44 494 431203 (fax 726363)For more information see: Ian Page's Homepage or The HARP Boards.


    FPGA Devices:1 EPF6016

    On-board RAM:128Kx18 Sync SRAM

    External bus:None - Board contains PowerPC CPU, 16 MB DRAM, 2 MB FLASH

    Interconnect:Dual 66x2 Headers with a total of 88 pins of virtual I/O

    Contact:Bright Star Engineering Inc.19 Enfield DriveAndover MA 01810 USATel: +1-978-470-8738Fax: +1-978-470-8878Email: [email protected]:

    Notes:The ipEngine-1 contains the following features:16,000 Gate FPGAPowerPC RISC CPU16 MB DRAM2 MB FlashOn-Board Power SupplyEthernetUSB and Serial PortsLCD/TV VideoIntegrated RTOS and Web Server

    Virtual ISA Proto Board -- Virtual Computer

    FPGA Devices:1 - Xilinx XC-5210-6 FPGA OR Xilinx XC-4013E-3 FPGA

    On-board RAM:Support for 2 - 30pin SIMMs (SIMMS not included), EPROM and 32KB SRAM

    External bus:Single Slot ISA Bus Plugin Board for IBM Compatible Computers

  • Specifications:Supports 8/16 bits ISA operation mode, Plug n Play spec.V1.0a and Windows 95 readyFujitsu MB86701 Plug and Play interface for fully compliant interface (includes all drivers &config.)Two user feed through grids areas (opposite ends of board), for Analog and DigitalprototypingGround and power test points --- Separate power and ground planes for signal integrity(TBD)All Xilinx pins available on .100=F6 headers --- Silk screen coordinates and Signal list forease of useXilinx FPGA supports all configuration modes: including, Serial Slave (Xchecker), MasterParallel (on board ROM), Master Serial (on board serial ROM) or from host busLogic Analyzer interface for industry standard HP logic analyzer through auxillary connectboard

    Other Options:A Programmable Oscillator is available. This module plugs into a socket on the ISA Boardand is programmable via a POM Macro from 360KHz to 120 MHz.A Multi-FPGA Daughter Board is available. This module plugs into the breakout pins of theProto Board's FPGA. The Multi-FPGA Daughter Board comes in two configurations: 4-Xilinx XC-5210-6 OR 4- Xilinx XC4013E-3.

    Contact:John SchewelVirtual Computer Corporation6925 Canby Ave #103Reseda CA 91335 USAEmail: [email protected]: (818) 342-8294 Fax: (818) 342-0240Visit Our Web Site at: VCC's Home Page

    Notes:The Virtual ISA Proto Boardtm , is a reconfigurable development system with prototypingfeatures. It provides an integrated tool set consisting of software driver, Windows softwaresupport, Plug n Play interface, and a reference logic configuration library for cannedconfigurations for the on-board FPGA. Hardware features of the standard board include 10,000 to 13,000 reconfigurable logicgates, signal break-outs, logic analyzer interface, a Plug n Play interface, two PCB gridareas, and an optional programmable oscillator. All Xilinx pins broken out for ease of logicanalysis. The - Virtual ISA Proto Board provides a low-risk platform for the immediate trialand implementation of new projects and continuing development.More information on the ISA Proto Board is available at: VCC's Website for the Virtual ISAProto Board.


    FPGA Devices:1 Xilinx XC4010-5

    On-board RAM:1Mx32 70 ns FPM DRAM SIMM

    External bus:RS-232 and DRAM interface


    Contact:Jan Gray(computer architecture hobbyist)Redmond, WA(206) 881-7567Email: [email protected]

    Notes:Architecture: 32-bit RISC. 32x32 register file. 3 operand instructions: "d = s1 op s2" or "d =s1 op immed" including add/sub, and/or/xor/xnor, 1- and 2-bit shifts and rotates. Load/storesigned/unsigned byte, halfword, word, using "reg + immed" effective address. Z,N,C,Vcondition codes altered on most operations. 2-cycle delayed branch conditional jumps andsubroutine call (jump and link).Implementation: 20x11 CLBs. 16 MIPS, clocked at 33 MHz. Traditional IF/RF/EX/WB

  • pipeline. Load/store stalls pipeline. On-chip DRAM control, RS-232 interface, boot ROM.Design specified in C++ based circuit specification language. Currently only programmedin assembler.


    FPGA Devices:One Xilinx X4005 (PG156)

    On-board RAM:4-32MB DRAM.

    External Bus:Four Transputer-Links, one 32 bit wide LCM port (45 bit including control lines, clocks andIRQ lines).

    Interconnect:FPGA shares RISC CPU bus.

    Contact:A. KugelLehrstuhl fuer Informatik VUniversitaet Mannheim (Germany)Seminargebaeude A568131 MannheimPhone: 49-621-292-5755Fax: 49-621-292-5756e-mail: [email protected]

    Notes:LCM stands for Local Controller Module. It is a small Transputer module (PCB 85x135mm,equiped with a T425 or T800 Transputer) with additional FPGA hardware. Once booted bya host Workstation via one of its Transputer Links it configures and controls the Backplane,Matrix- and IO-Boards of the ENABLE++ system. It is a crucial component for debuggingSPC programs on the Enable hardware but can be used standalone as well.Software: C-Compiler, Debugger, VHDL sample code for mapping CPU bus to externalport.


    FPGA Devices:2 Xilinx XC4013Es

    On-board RAM:2 x 1 Mbit

    External bus:ISA or S-bus

    Interconnect:Connected to TMS320C40 DSP

    Contact:L.TORRES (Phd student) or M.ROBERT (Professor), or G.CAMBON (LIRMM director) University of Montpellier II LIRMM (Laboratory of Informatic, Robotic and Microelectronic of Montpellier)161 Rue ADA 34 392 Montpellier Cedex 5 FRANCE E-mail : {torres},{cambon},{robert} Phone : (33) 67-41-85-85 FAX : (33) 67-41-85-00

    Notes:LIRMM stands for Logic Inside Reconfigurabe Micro Machine. The LIRMM approach is todevelop a hardware/software prototyping system based on the combination of FPGA Xilinxand DSP TMS320C40 chips; the main features of the prototyping system are : -flexible interfaces with the designer; -flexible implementation due to use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays;

  • -PC or UNIX based software to configure and control the board:-interface with common commercial board (Hunt Engineering, TIM40 format).We have realized a protocol communication with the DSP chip. The result obtained, with a40 Mhz clock rate, is a communication transfer data between DSP and Xilinx at 16Mbytes/s. Presently, 7 boards are built and they will be used for: - research: experimentation of the HW/SW design methodology under development; - education on HW/SW system design. These boards a hosted by : - PC/ DOS; - UNIX (4 boards connected to a SPAC20 workstation). You can find more details in our Web page :


    FPGA Devices:25 Xilinx 4005 (18 processing + 5 interconnect + 2 control)

    On-board RAM:6 MB

    External bus:SBus

    Interconnect:5 Xilinx 4005

    Contact:David M. LewisUniversity of TorontoDepartment of Electrical EngineeringToronto, CanadaEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:Marc-1 consists of two modules. Each module contains an instructions unit of 3 Xilinx4005s, a datapath of 6 Xilinx 4005s, a 256K x 64 instruction memory, a 256K x 32 datamemory and a Weitek 3364. These are connected by an interconnect module of 5 Xilinx4005s. Two more Xilinx 4005s are used to interface to the Sun Sparc host.

    MIT Nerd Kit

    FPGA Devices:Xilinx 4000XL in base, 16 XCS30 spartans in device array

    On-board RAM:2 MB DRAM

    External bus:IEEE1284 plus RS232 for config info only

    Interconnect:User-Configurable Serialized Wires

    Contact:[email protected]

    Notes:The MIT Nerd Kit is the affectionate moniker given to the lab kit that undergraduate EECSstudents use to build devices ranging from simple FSMs to multiprocessor computersystems based on simple 32-bit RISC microprocessors. The lab kit features a device arrayof 16 FPGAs that can be configured to emulate compution structures ranging from simpleboolean functions to 32-bit RISC microprocessors. Students connect computational blocksusing wires that carry data in a 32-bit serial format, thus giving them the power to easilywire up the wide datapaths required to build a contemporary microprocessor. The kit alsofeatures an embedded controller which manages kit functions and provides support for aboundary-scan style netlist check of the student's wiring for easy debugging. FPGAs in thedevice array are easily upgraded, and a programmable clock generator is provided so clockspeeds can scale up to 100 MHz as FPGA technology progresses.

  • XPUTER / Prototype MoM-3

    FPGA Devices:2 XC4000E(X)1x XC40108x rDPA-1

    On-board RAM:2MB of SRAM implemented, up to 4GB extendable

    External bus:VME-Bus

    Interconnect:smart memory interface (SmIF) & internal bus, called MoM-bus

    Contact:Reiner W. HartensteinUniversity of KaiserslauternDepartment of Computer ScienceErwin-Schroedinger-StrasseD-67663 Kaiserslautern, GermanyPhone: ++49 631 205 2606Fax: ++49 631 205 2640mailto:[email protected]:

    Notes:Xputers are procedurally data-driven custom computing machines (PDD-CCMs), based ona non von Neumann execution mechanism. A wide variety of computation-intensiveapplications can be acclerated. Xputers are universal and are usable stand-alone or asaccelerators.The Xputer paradigm supports a wide variety of data paths without needing to change thesequencer(s) - in contrast to von Neumann.For info on principles see: for papers about Xputers see:


    FPGA Devices:6 Xilinx Chips (any combination of 4008,4010,4013,4025)

    Additional Logic:Each FPGA dedicates 80 pins for connection with user-defined chips. These chipsmay be memory, arithmetic, interconnect, or other TTL or CMOS chips.

    Interconnect:The six FPGAs are configured in a 2x3 mesh network. Up to 24-bits are used for eachNorth, South, East, and West interconnection bus.

    External Connections:At the North, East, and West edges of the array, the 24-bit busses connect to ribboncables through bi-directional buffers. The busses at the South edge of the arrayinterface with the ISA bus though I/O port locations.

    Contact:Thomas H. DrayerSpatial Data Analysis Lab340 Whittemore HallVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityBlacksburg, VA 24061 - USAPhone (703) 231-8657Fax (703) 231-3362Email: [email protected]

    Notes:13 prototype printed circuit boards are currently being manufactured. As demandrequires, additional units will be fabricated for university or industrial research. SeeFCCM '95 proceedings for more detailed desc of the architecture. A sophisticateddevelopment system (with partitioning and global routing) for image processingdesign creation is nearing completion.Recent articles about the MORPH board may be downloaded from


  • in the "PUB" directory.


    FPGA Devices:2 socketed Altera EPF10K100GC503DX-3 CPLDs.

    On-board RAM:6144K 20 nS SRAM organized as one bank of 512Kx48 bits or two banks of 512Kx24bits per CPLD.

    External busses:Per CPLD:Three 40-bit Quad C40 DSP VME board busses.One 80-bit Front or 80-bit Back bsu (depending on CLPD board position).Four dedicated inputs (spare FPGA pins).

    Interconnect:80-bit Inter-PLD bus, user defineable for n-bit pipelines, global busses, rings, virtualinputs. Throughput is dependent on implementation.

    Clocks:2 low skew clocks are provided per CPLD, with one spare external. These can beused as with the internal PLL in each device to run the CPLD clock-lock or clock-boost function.

    Contact:Jon Alexander Great River Technology3655 Carlisle Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87110Phone: 505 881 6262FAX: 505 837 1620EMail : [email protected] :

    Notes:The Malleable Signal Processor version 0 (MSP-0) is an industry standard VME 9Uboard with two socketed 10K100 CPLDs. There is also a configuration personalitymanager which contains a PIC microcontroller, an Altera EPM7128S CPLD, !6 Megof Intel Flash (for up to 8 program personalities), and Altera EPC1 serial PROMS (fortwo personalities). All of the MSP-0 board I/O goes through fast 74FCT245E devices.A PMC slot is also available. The 10K100 can be used as hardware accelerators,pre-processors, embedded processors, or hardware algorithm benchmarking.


    FPGA Devices:7 Xilinx 3090

    On-board RAM:5Mb 35ns static RAM

    External bus:VME (Sun 3/110 as host)

    Interconnect:Fixed busses

    Contact:Mario Wolczkonow at : Sun Microsystems [email protected] Williamsnow at: ADC, [email protected] was based at the University of Manchester,England, 1987-92.

    Notes:See: `Using FPGAs to Prototype New Computer Architectures,' Ifor Williams, in`FPGAs', Abingdon EE&CS Books, edited by Will R Moore and Wayne Luk, 1991, pp373-382. Mushroom was a prototypical implementation of a RISC architecturedesigned to support dynamic object-oriented languages.

  • nfXboard

    FPGA Devices:1 Intel NFX780 in 84-pin PLCC

    On-board RAM:None

    External bus:IBM-PC printer port


    Contact:XESS [email protected]

    Notes:The nfXboard is a small 4''x 2'' board containing an Intel NFX780 FPGA in 84-pinPLCC package. The nfXboard is programmed using the PLDasm HDL and Intel's freePLDshell Plus programming environment. Configuration files are downloaded to thenfXboard through the PC printer port using the JTAG protocol. Additional signals fromthe printer port can be used to exercise the downloaded design and the results can beobserved using the 7-segment LED on the nfXboard. The nfXboard can be usedstand-alone or it can be mounted in a protoboard (all 84 pins are made available ontwo rows of 42 pins each). Since configuration is done using a JTAG stream, it is easyto cascade multiple nfXboards to experiment with larger designs. Inter-FPGA wiringhas to be added manually, however. A book accompanies the nfXboard:"FPGA Workout: Beginning Exercises with the Intel FLEXlogic FPGA". Softcover, 240pp., 120 illustrations, and index. ISBN 0-9642187-0-4.This book shows how to use FPGAs to build digital systems ranging from simplecombinational logic up to a 4-bit microcontroller. All PLDasm examples in the bookcan be downloaded into the nfXboard and tested. The nfxboard has been replaced by newer hardware. See the XESS web site forfurther information.


    FPGA Devices:2 Xilinx 3090

    On-board RAM:64K SRAM / 1M DRAM

    External bus:ISA


    Contact:National Technology, Inc.9500 South 500 West Suite #104Sandy, UT 84070Phone: (801) 561-0114FAX: (801) 561-4702Email: [email protected]

    Notes:The nP the Nano Processor (nP) is an early commercially available board from NTI.

    PCI Pamette V1

    FPGA Devices:4 XC4010E

    On-board RAM:Two 64k x 16-bitsSRAM banks

  • 4 angled 72-pin SIMM DRAM connectorsExternal bus:


    2x2 matrix of PQ208 footprintsContact:

    Mark [email protected]



    FPGA Devices:25 Xilinx 3020

    On-board RAM:0.5 MB

    External bus:VME

    Interconnect:Fixed mesh

    Contact:Patrice BertinParis Research LaboratoryDigital Equipment Corporation85, avenue Victor Hugo92500 Rueil-Malmaison, [email protected] [email protected]

    Notes:The first board from the Programmable Active Memories (PAM) project at DEC PRL.Replaced by the DEC PAM perle-1.


    FPGA Devices:24 Xilinx 3090

    On-board RAM:4MB SRAM

    External bus:DEC TURBOchannel

    Interconnect:Fixed mesh

    Contact:Patrice BertinParis Research LaboratoryDigital Equipment Corporation85, avenue Victor Hugo92500 Rueil-Malmaison, [email protected] [email protected]

    Notes:The second board from the Programmable Active Memories (PAM) project at DECPRL. Set the record for RSA encryption in 1990. More information is available at


    FPGA Devices:4 Xilinx 3090

  • On-board RAM:None

    External bus:16 bit


    Contact:Mike Wazlowski or Harvey SilvermanLaboratory for Engineering Man/Machine SystemsBrown UniversityProvidence, RI 02912{mew,hfs}

    Notes:The Processor Reconfiguration through Instruction Set Metamorphosis (PRISM) isnotable for its use of C as the description language for the programmable logic.


    FPGA Devices:3 Xilinx 4010 per processing node

    On-board RAM:128K x 32 per 4010

    External bus:64 bit writes, 32 bit reads, on processor bus (it's not external)

    Interconnect:Inverted tree, or none, application selectable

    Contact:Mike Wazlowski or Harvey SilvermanLaboratory for Engineering Man/Machine SystemsBrown UniversityProvidence, RI 02912{mew,hfs}

    Notes:Each Processor Reconfiguration through Instruction Set Metamorphosis (PRISM-II)board is a node in the Armstrong III loosely-coupled parallel processor. The host CPUis a 33Mhz AMD Am29050 RISC processor. There are 20 nodes that are connectedby a reconfigurable (of course) interconnection topology.


    FPGA Devices:12 PROTEUS (Custom designed SRAM-base FPGA)

    On-board RAM:4 dual-port RAMs (8K x 16bit x 4)

    External bus:Original bus

    Interconnect:2 opposing groups of PROTEUS chips (6 PROTEUS for each direction)

    Contact:Kazuhiro HayashiNTT Optical Network Systems Laboratories1-2356 Take Yokosuka-shiKanagawa 238-03 JAPANEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:Line interface modules for ProBoard: 156Mbps X 4 Optical interface, 6.3Mbps X 2coaxial cable interface with clock recovery circuit using time stamp method, 1.5MbpsX 2 metalic cable interface with clock recovery circuit using time stamp method, andHIPPI interface.

  • P Series Virtual Computer

    FPGA Devices:52 - Xilinx XC-4010E-4 FPGA OR Xilinx XC-4013E-3 FPGA -- P4 Series40 - Xilinx XC-4010E-4 FPGA OR Xilinx XC-4013E-3 FPGA -- P3 Series26 - Xilinx XC-4010E-4 FPGA OR Xilinx XC-4013E-3 FPGA -- P2 Series14 - Xilinx XC-4010E-4 FPGA OR Xilinx XC-4013E-3 FPGA -- P1 Series

    On-board RAM:8 MB SRAM 256K dual-ported SRAM -- P4 Series6 MB SRAM 256K dual-ported SRAM -- P3 Series4 MB SRAM 256K dual-ported SRAM -- P2 Series2 MB SRAM 256K dual-ported SRAM -- P1 Series

    Interconnect:24 - ICUBE Programmable Interconnect Devices -- P4 Series18 - ICUBE Programmable Interconnect Devices -- P3 Series14 - ICUBE Programmable Interconnect Devices -- P2 Series12 - ICUBE Programmable Interconnect Devices -- P1 Series

    External bus:Bus IndependantCurrently --- Single Slot SBus Plugin Interface Board for SUN WorkstationCompatible Computers

    Contact:John SchewelVirtual Computer Corporation6925 Canby Ave #103Reseda CA 91335 USAEmail: [email protected]: (818) 342-8294 Fax: (818) 342-0240Visit Our Web Site at: VCC's Home Page

    Notes:The P Series Virtual Computertm (P4), is a single board desktop reconfigurablecomputer. The P Series, with massive reconfigurable logic (over 650,000 logic gates),delivers supercomputer performance and speed at a fraction of the cost of asupercomputer. The P-Series Virtual Computer plugs into existing computer systemsvia an interface card. (SBus Compatable Workstation currently available.)More information on the P Series Virtual Computer is available at: VCC's Website forthe P Series Virtual Computer.




    FPGA Devices:1 Xilinx XC4005 or larger XC4000 series device

    On-board RAM:64K Words (16 bit words)

    External bus:R16 bus, 16 bit addr, 16 bit data, Synchronous at 20 MHz


    Contact:Philip FreidinFliptronics468 S. Frances St,Sunnyvale, CA 94086Phone: (408) 737-8060email: [email protected]

    Notes:A 16 bit RISC processor that requires 75% of an XC4005, 16 general registers, 4stage pipeline, Target speed is 20 MHz. Can be integrated with peripherals on 1

  • stage pipeline, Target speed is 20 MHz. Can be integrated with peripherals on 1FPGA, and ISET can be extended. Instruction set is similar to AMD 29000 RISC, andincludes 3 address instructions like ADD R4,R7,R12 as well as two and one addressinstructions. Memory interface is a pipelined load/store operation. I/O space can beupto 64K of 16bit I/O locations. Software currently includes a macro assembler, gatelevel simulator, ANSI C compiler (but no linker yet), and a debug monitor.


    FPGA Devices:3 Xilinx 4010

    On-board RAM:320K SRAM

    External bus:ISA

    Interconnect:2 Aptix FPICs

    Contact:Herman SchmitECE DepartmentCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, PA 15213Phone: (412) 268-2476

    Notes:Integrated with a behavioral synthesis tool which allows specification of the desiredalgorithm in behavioral Verilog or C.


    FPGA Devices:Xilinx XC4010E

    On-board RAM:256KB, 1MB SRAM. Industry Pack Modules.

    External bus:ISA

    Input / Output:Single slot Industry Pack carrier.

    Contact:Embedded Solutions Ltd.83 Gipsy LaneWokinghamBerksRG40 2BW, UKE-mail [email protected]

    Notes:The RC1000-II is a supported target platform for the Handel-C V2.0 programminglanguage. Unlike other programming languages, the output of this compiler is not abinary file; it is a net list. The Handel-C tools enable a software engineer to targetdirectly FPGAs in a similar fashion to classical microprocessor cross-compilerdevelopment tools, without recourse to a Hardware Description Language. Therebyallowing the software engineer to realise directly the raw real-time processingcapability of the FPGA. With Handel-C complete systems can be designed as aprogramming task, using only conventional and easily available programming skills.Source code and schematics are commercially available for the RC1000-II to enableOEMs to rapidly produce custom variations of the design. More information isavailable at:


    FPGA Devices:Xilinx XC4085XL or XC40125XV and future package compatible devices.

  • On-board RAM:8MB of SRAM

    External bus:PCI

    Interconnect:2 x PMC daughter-board sites and a 50 pin unassigned header

    Contact:Embedded Solutions Ltd. 83 Gipsy LaneWokinghamBerksRG40 2BW, UKE-mail: [email protected]

    Notes:The RC1000-PP hardware platform is a standard PCI bus card. The 8Mb of SRAMare directly connected to the FPGA in four 32 bit wide memory banks. The memory isalso visible to the host CPU across the PCI bus as if it were normal memory. Each ofthe 4 banks may be granted to either the host CPU or the FPGA at any one time. Datacan therefore be shared between the FPGA and host CPU by placing it in the SRAMon the board. It is then accessible to the FPGA directly and to the host CPU either byDMA transfers across the PCI bus or simply as a virtual address.

    The board is equipped with two industry standard PMC connectors for directlyconnecting other processors and I/O devices to the FPGA; a PCI-PCI bridge chip alsoconnects these interfaces to the host PCI bus, thereby protecting the availablebandwidth from the PMC to the FPGA from host PCI bus traffic. The 50 pinunassigned header is provided for either inter-board communication, allowingmultiple RC1000-PPs to be connected in parallel or for connecting custom interfaces.

    The support software provides Windows®95 and NT®4.0+ drivers for the board,together with application examples written in Handel-C, or the board may beprogrammed using the Xilinx XACTstep™ tools and other EDA tools. Moreinformation is available at:

    Reconfigurable Neural Network Server

    FPGA Devices:16 x (one 3064, four 3042, two 3020/3030, all Xilinx)

    On-board RAM:None accessible from the FPGAs16 MByte DRAM, 2 MByte SRAM on each processor bus4 32-bit wide FIFO-channels between processor and FPGAs

    External bus:VME, special designed communication streams controlled by FPGAs

    Interconnect:Some fixed buses

    Contact:Jon G. SolheimDepartment of Computer Systems and TelematicsNorwegian Institute of TechnologyN-7034 Trondheimemail: [email protected]

    Notes:RENSS is a special purpose computer for Neural Networks. It has 16 TMS320C30-33as processing elements, and a dynamic reconfigurable communication system. TheFPGAs are accessible from the processor, and thereby usable for implementing co-processor routines in hardware, as well as intelligent communication (mixingcommunication and computation). All FPGAs are configured the processor.


    FPGA Device:1 Xilinx XC6216

  • On-board RAM:None

    External bus:PS2 (bidirectionnal) parallel port

    Interconnect:multi I/O (with a miniature 50 pins connector)

    Contact:Jean ConterENSEEIHT Informatique-équipe VPCAB2 rue Camichel31071-TOULOUSE-FRANCEEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:RHO: Reconfigurable Hardware OverdriveIt is probably the smallest implementation of the XC6216 RPU : one GAL (16V8), oneoscillator (DS1075), two latches and a XC6216HT144 have been placed on a donglesized board (45*45 mm).This 'coprocessing dongle' connects directly to a regular parallel port. An interactivedevelopment system based on the MDL language is under completion.The direct I/O access provides a simple solution for developping logic analyzers,pulse pattern generators and general purpose interfaces (image processing,cryptography,...)


    (See RIPP10 update below)

    FPGA Devices:8 Altera FLEX 81188

    On-board RAM:2 MB SRAM

    External bus:ISA

    Interconnect:Fixed buses / programmable interconnect (see Description)

    Contact:Nick TredennickAltera Corporation2610 Orchard ParkwaySan Jose, CA 95134-2020Phone: (408) 894-7000Email: [email protected]

    Notes:The Reconfigurable Interconnect Peripheral Processor (RIPP) contains up to 8 AlteraFLEX 81188 parts, each of which may be replaced by an ICUBE IQ160 FieldProgrammable Interconnect Device (FPID). Devices are grouped into 4 pairs of 2devices, each sharing an SRAM device. Designed by David E. Van den Bout of theAnyboard project.


    FPGA Devices:8 Altera FLEX EPF81188

    On-board RAM:2 MB SRAM

    External bus:ISA

    Interconnect:Fixed buses

    Contact:Stephen Smith

  • Altera Corporation101 Innovation DriveSan Jose, CA 95134Tel: (408) 544-7666E-mail: [email protected] Page:

    Notes:The Reconfigurable Interconnect Peripheral Processor (RIPP10) contains up to 8Altera FLEX 81188 parts and four SRAM devices. Devices are grouped into 4 pairs of2 devices, each sharing an SRAM device. Designed by David E. Van den Bout of theAnyboard project. These platforms are available for free to qualified researchers.


    FPGA Devices:7 Xilinx XC4013/board, total of 9 boards

    On-board RAM:2 MB SRAM controlled by 2 XC4013s (first level memory/cache)8 MB SRAM controlled by 3 XC4013s (second level memory/cache)96 MB DRAM controlled by 2 XC4013s (third level memory)

    External bus:SCSI connection to a Sun SPARC host, custom on-board bus and backplaneFutureBus+.


    Contact:Michel DuboisDept. of Electrical Engineering - SystemsUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA 90089-2562Email: [email protected]

    Notes:The USC Rapid Prototyping engine for Multiprocessors (RPM) is used formultiprocessor experimentation. A preprint of a report to appear on IEEE ComputerMagazine in February 1995 obtained through ftp.A homepage for the USC RPM is also available.


    FPGA Devices:1 Xilinx 3064 or optional 3042

    On-board RAM:128KW(24-bit) (shared with DSP56002)

    External bus:SBus & Flexible

    Interconnect:See notes below.

    Contact:Michael C. PeckPresidentBerkeley Camera Engineering1122 B Street, Suite 219Hayward, CA 94541-4227Phone: 510-889-6960Fax: 510-889-7606email: [email protected]

    Notes:The S56X2 is an SBus card that contains a 66MHz Motorola 56002 DSP, a Xilinx3064 memory 128K words (24-bits) SRAM. The 3064 sits directly on the 56002memory bus and has a DC37F connector to the outside world for user defined I/O.New to the S56X2 version is RS-422 I/O (4 pair out, 4 pair in) between some of theXilinx and the DC37F pack panel connector. The Xilinx can be accessed from the

  • 56002 with two signals mapped from the SBus through the PAL.

    Replaces DSP-56X.


    FPGA Devices:Choice between any Xilinx 208 pin part or Altera 240 pin part. Up to four in anycombination.

    On-board RAM:0.5 MB of SRAM

    External Bus:PCI or SBus

    Interconnect:Local bus and up to 87 additional lines.

    Contact:[email protected]

    Notes:Current Xilinx boards have been populated with XC4013E. Bare boards are availablefor other devices. More information available at: SBX+


    FPGA Devices:Portable VHDL design allows operation on Lucent, Altera or Xilinx. Requires lessthan 20% of gates on larger FPGA devices. Evaluation board uses 80% of gates on aLucent OR2CA15 device (including RAM and ROM).

    On-board RAM:512 x 12 instruction ROM, 32 bytes RAM. RAM and ROM can be scaled up or downto fit budget and application.

    External bus:Microcontroller type parallel ports.

    Interconnect:Typical Microcontroller I/O via three 8-bit I/O ports. Device is intended to form acustom microcontroller on a single FPGA.

    Contact:Wade Peterson, Silicore Corporation3525 East 27th Street, No. 301Minneapolis, MN 55406e-mail: [email protected] page:

    Notes:8-bit RISC processor delivered as synthesizable VHDL soft core. This device is 100%software compatible with the PIC16C55 ('PIC(tm)' processor) from MicrochipTechnology. Design can be scaled up or down to match other processors in the samefamily. Assembler, 'C', Fuzzy Logic and BASIC software tools available.Microcomputer instructions reside in ROM inside of FPGA. A VHDL parallel portinterface is included to support application code development through a PC-compatible parallel port interface (software included). Evaluation board available.


    FPGA Devices:3 Xilinx XC4010s

    On-board RAM:2 256Kx32bit SRAMs for user data 1 128Kx8bit SRAM for on-board configurationcache

    External bus:SBus


  • FixedContact:

    Andreas KochInstitut f"ur theoretische InformatikAbteilung Entwurf Integrierter SchaltungenGaussstr. 11D-38106 Braunschweig, GermanyEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:See FPL'93 Oxford workshop


    FPGA Devices:16 Algotronix CAL1024

    On-board RAM:4 MB DRAM (not directly connected to CAL1024s)

    External bus:Custom / 10 Mbps Transputer serial links

    Interconnect:Fixed grid with expansion to other boards

    Contact:George MilneAdvanced Computing Research CentreUniversity of South AustraliaThe Levels, SA 5095AustraliaE-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +61 8 8302 3943

    Notes:The Scalable Parallel Architecture for Concurrency Experiments (SPACE) is used forresearch into reconfigurable computers taking advantage of run-time reconfiguration.Simulation of physical systems modelled as cellular automata, and high speed,adaptive information filtering are two such applications. Design entry is through aMacintosh layout editor, Caledonia. A hardware operating system and shell are usedfor scriptable configuration and system testing. See our Reconfigurable Computingpage. SPACE is no longer being built, and has been replaced by SPACE 2 .

    SPACE 2

    FPGA Devices:8 Xilinx XC6216/XC6264

    On-board RAM:32 MB, 12 ns SRAM SIMMs

    External bus:64-bit @ 33 MHz PCI (host-board) / 2 x 64-bit @ 50 MHz overhead backplane

    Interconnect:2-D toroidal mesh on each board; fixed network to multiple boards

    Contact:Bernard GuntherAdvanced Computing Research CentreUniversity of South AustraliaThe Levels, SA 5095AustraliaE-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +61 8 8302 3986

    Notes:This is the second generation Scalable Parallel Architecture for ConcurrencyExperiments (SPACE). SPACE 2 is a modular reconfigurable computing platformdesigned to accelerate stream-oriented applications, in particular. A completeplatform comprises (typically) a DEC Alpha motherboard with multiple 64-bit PCIslots, hosting at least two processing boards. A passive overhead backplane, carrying

  • two 64-bit board-to-board links, a 17-bit global bus and global clocks, connects theprocessing boards to form large systems with effectively multiple access ports to theprocessing board RAM. Each processing board holds 8 XC6216 FPGAs (and soon,XC6264 devices) for computing, and a XC4025E for PCI interface and central control.The toroidal mesh connecting the computing devices provides four 32-bit east-westpaths and two 41-bit north-south paths. With the XC6216 devices a pair of boardscontains a total of 64-k cells, or approximately a quarter of a million NAND gatesequivalent; this capacity will approach 1 million gates equivalent with the pin-compatible XC6264 devices installed.

    From 4 MB to 32 MB of 12 ns SRAM SIMMs is available for use as a fast buffer(minimum 200 MB/s bandwidth), general-purpose storage, or to hold configurationcontexts. The host processor can access the RAM at 64-bit width, while the FPGAsare limited to 32-bit accesses. Vector address counters in the control logic enableusers to transfer vectors to the FPGAs under programmable control, with the option ofinterrupting the host upon completion. Programmable clock, pulse train, and pulsegenerators drive the XC6200 global clocks at up to 66 MHz. To speed up deviceconfiguration, a number of complete FPGA edit lists, or configuration data, may bepreloaded into the board RAM for later hardware-assisted reconfiguration. The entirecontext of a single XC6216 FPGA can be saved and swapped with a stored context inunder one millisecond.

    Under Digital UNIX the SPACE 2 boards appear as regular character device files thatcan be opened, read/written, and seeked. The on-board RAM and the FPGAconfiguration spaces are accessible in this way. Hardware designs for the XC6216smay be created in VHDL (Synopsys), schematic (Viewlogic), or at gate level using theXilinx XACTstep 6000 tools. Alternatively, the Trianus integrated FPGA designsystem from ETHZ may be used to describe XC6200 circuits in the Lola HDL.SPACE 2 systems (including host, software, and processing boards) are availablecommercially.


    FPGA Devices:2 XC4010s on Reconfigurable Interface Card (G800-RIC)32 XC4013s grouped in XMODules ( -- see Notes below)

    On-board RAM:Maximum 128 MB DRAM and 4 MB SRAM ( --See Notes below)

    External bus:VESA (VL) Local bus (PCI in September, VME in December)30 MB/sec memory mapped, 133 MB/sec bus master burst modeVESA Media Channel)-25 MHz, 32-bit (100 MB/sec) video bus50 pad VMC edge fingers connect to variety of peripherals50-pin external connector supports 32-bit I/O devices

    Interconnect:130-pin Virtual Bus Architecture programmable for 32-bitpipelines, global busses, isolated busses, rings, meshesAll interconnect via Xilinx 4010's on G800 RIC.Dataflow specific bandwidths vary from 64-bit global bus@ 17 MHz to 32-bit pipeline @ 76 Mhz. 5 low skew, high quality clocks are provided per FPGA.

    Contact:[email protected] Eunice St.Berkeley, CA. 94708Phone (510) 528-8438Fax (510) 526-6688

    Notes:XMODs have 2 XC4000 series FPGAs on a 2.4" x 3.65" cardwith 2 100-pin stacking connectors on the top and bottom.Up to 8 XMODs may be in 1 stack. Up to 16 XMODs or I/OMODsof all types on Giga Ops' G-800 RIC in 4 stacks of 4 each.

    X210MOD = 2 x XC4010s, 8 MB DRAM, 256 K SRAM

  • X213MOD = 2 x XC4013s, 8 MB DRAM, 256 K SRAMVIDMOD = I/O for Composite, S-Video, PAL, SECAM, R,G,B

    16 x X213MODs = 32 XC4013s, 128 MB DRAM, 4 MB SRAM16 x X210MODs = 32 XC4013s, 128 MB DRAM, 4 MB SRAM XLINK-OS automates the interface between routed Xilinxconfigurations and FPGAs. Features include condensingbit files to single executables, loading files to correctcorrect FPGAs in system, assigning addresses to variablesand handling parameter passing.

    The Spectrum architecture is open and supported by thirdparty developers. Contact [email protected] for Spectrumspecifications. XMODs may be connected to custom boards orembedded in peripheral devices.

    The XC Compiler is a C syntax HDL for Xilinx FPGAs.The IC Compiler is an ANSI C Compiler for Xilinx FPGAs.Both compilers are available to qualified researchers.Video computing, DSP, and I/O libraries are available.


    FPGA Devices on PCI hostbus board (August, 1996):2 XC4000E(X) series on Reconfigurable Interface Card (G900RIC). The G900 PCI-RIC implements the Xilinx Logicore™PCI Target and Initiator Modes in XilinxX4013E or other PQ240 FPGAs. A second PQ240 FPGA is used to execute therobust clocking scheme and for data routing and switching and processing.

    FPGA Devices for Data Processing/Routing/Switching:32 XC4000E(X)s series in groups of two on 16 XMODs. Maximum of 640,000 Xilinxgates when XC4020s are used (August, 1996).

    On-board Memories:Maximum 128MB DRAM and 4MB SRAM in 16 XMODs. 512KB surface mountedFLASH, 128KB socketed FLASH, 128KB SRAM on G900

    External busses:Eight 32-bit busses - maximum 128-bit sustained I/O @33MHz - 80MHz. Four 34-bitI/O ports via 68-pin edge fingers. Four 36-bit I/O ports via 50-pin male IDC connectors.

    Interconnect:130-pin Virtual Bus Architecture™ programmable for 32-bit pipelines, global busses,isolated busses, rings, meshes All interconnect is via Xilinx FPGAs on G900 PCI-RICand is programmable.Dataflow specific bandwidths vary from 96-bit global busses @ 20 MHz to 32-bitpipelines @ 76 MHz.

    Clocks:8 low skew, high quality clocks per XMOD, 5 per FPGA. These can be internal,external, self-clocking data streams, PLLS, FGENs, XTALs, etc.

    Contact:[email protected] MLK WayBerkeley, CA. 94708Phone (510) 848-5446Fax (510) 848-5667WWW:, click on Sponsors, then on Giga Ops logo.

    Notes:XMODs™ hold 2 Xilinx PQ208 FPGAs on a 2.4" x 3.65" card with 2 100-pin stackingconnectors on the top and bottom. Up to 8 XMODs may be in 1 stack. Up to 16XMODs or I/OMODs of all types on Giga Ops' G-900 RIC in 4 stacks of 4 each.XMODs may be embedded in custom computing boards and peripherals.XC5210MOD = 2 x XC5210s, 8MB DRAM, 256KB SRAM (all MEMs optional)X210EMOD = 2 x XC4010Es, 8MB DRAM, 256KB SRAMX213EMOD = 2 x XC4013Es, 8MB DRAM, 256KB SRAMX220EMOD = 2 x XC4020Es, 8MB DRAM, 256KB SRAMX228EXMOD = 2 x XC4028EXs, 8MB DRAM, 256KB SRAM

  • 4A/DMOD = 4, 12-bit, 40MHz input channels4VIDINMOD = 4 NTSC/PAL input channels4GIGAMOD = 4 1.0625 Fiber Channel Ports VIDMOD = 1 NTSC/PAL I/O channel

    OS Code Generator for Virtual Hardware Architecture™:The Spectrum2 Virtual Bus™ enables a wide variety of computing architectures to beimplemented. XLINK-OS ™ automates communication interfaces between host appsand Spectrum FPGAs, MEMs, interconnect, and I/O and eliminates the need to writecustom drivers for each algorithm or application implemented in a SpectrumReconfigurable Computing Platform. Features including condensing bit files to singleexecutables, loading files to correct FPGAs in system, assigning addresses tovariables, and handling parameter passing.XLINK-OS and monitor, diagnostic, and I/O Libraries are available as RC-NTDEV-SW (August, 1996) in a WindowsNT environment. The Spectrum architecture ismodular, scaleable, reprogrammable, open, and embeddable. [email protected] for the XMOD Design Specification and other papers andpresentations.XL is a language in development at Giga Ops to describe FPGAs.XL is provided free of charge to Spectrum customers, as is XSCRIPTand the XL Compiler, which generates .XNF files. These tools will be posted asshareware in 1997.


    FPGA Devices:32 Xilinx 3090

    On-board RAM:4 MB SRAM

    External bus:VME

    Interconnect:Linear array

    Contact:Jeffrey M. ArnoldIDA Supercomputing Research Center17100 Science DriveBowie, MD 20715Phone: (301) 805-7479FAX: (301) 805-7602Phone: [email protected]

    Notes:Splash has been replaced by Splash 2.

    SPLASH 2

    FPGA Devices:16 Xilinx 4010

    On-board RAM:8 MB

    External bus:Sun SBus

    Interconnect:Linear array plus crossbar

    Contact:Jeffrey M. ArnoldIDA Supercomputing Research Center17100 Science DriveBowie, MD 20715Phone: (301) 805-7479FAX: (301) 805-7602Phone: [email protected]

    Notes:Splash 2 is a successor to Splash.

  • Spyder

    FPGA Devices:5 Xilinx 4003, 2 Actel A1280

    On-board RAM:128K SRAM plus 2K fast registers

    External bus:VME and Sun SBus


    Contact:Christian IseliLogic Systems LaboratorySwiss Federal Institute of TechnologyCH-1015 LausanneSwitzerlandEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:A reconfigurable VLIW machine.


    FPGA Devices:3 Xilinx 4008 (upgradable to 4010), 2 Xilinx 4005, 1 Actel A1280 and 1 Actel A1225

    On-board RAM:128K SRAM plus 4K fast registers

    External bus:VME


    Contact:Christian IseliLogic Systems LaboratorySwiss Federal Institute of TechnologyCH-1015 LausanneSwitzerlandEmail: [email protected]

    Notes:A reconfigurable VLIW machine. A newer version of Spyder.See: for more information.

    The Stack

    FPGA Devices:8 iFX 780

    On-board RAM:4-8x 8kx24 Fast Sram

    External bus:Proprietary 16 bit NRZ bus designed for extensive cabling

    Interconnect:420Mb/s 13/24 bit input bus, 30Mb/s OC bus between all nodes, 600Mb/s memory

    Contact:Peter AverkampTech. Univ. of MunichPhysics Dept. E20James-Franck-Str. 1D-85748 Garching, GermanyEmail: [email protected]


  • Used in conjunction with GHz ECL logic for on-line data reduction algorithms insubnanosecond Synchrotron Experiments


    FPGA Devices:Up to four XILINX 4xxx/5xxx family 208 pin QFP

    On-board RAM:None

    External bus:ISA


    Contact:[email protected]

    Notes:The ST_FPGA system is a family of FPGA development modules which can be usedstand alone or mounted on a PC ISA BUS carrier board. Each module consists of upto four XILINX 4xxx/5xxx family 208 pin QFP chips. Up to two modules (8 FPGAs) canbe mounted to each carrier board to provide a tremendous amount of flexible FPGApower (Up to 160,000 gates). Each ST-FPGA module can be used stand alone, andhas power and over 200 IO and monitoring pins. The ST-FPGA SYSTEM comes withdownload software and sample VHDL and C code and is ideal for ASICdevelopment.See for more information.


    FPGA Devices:Xilinx 4000E in base, user's choice in computation array

    On-board RAM:4-8 MB SSRAM buffers plus address generators

    External bus:PCI

    Interconnect:Toroidal Mesh

    Contact:[email protected]

    Notes:Tao is a high performance platform for implementing reconfigurable hardwaredesigns. The architecture features a high aggregate throughput and a modularprocessor core consisting of four reconfigurable macrofunction units embedded in atoroidal interconnect matrix. The modular core allows the platform to be upgraded asreconfigurable hardware technology progresses. A high aggregate throughput isachieved by striking a balance of bandwidth among all the datapath elements, fromthe PCI bus interface to the intelligent buffers called reformatting engines, to theprocessor core itself. The platform also features an embedded microcontroller for thesupport of dynamic reconfiguration schemes. Tao was implemented on a doubleheight PCI card using Xilinx XC4013E-3 FPGAs as the base reconfigurable hardwaretechnology. See for more information.


    FPGA Devices:1 to 4 Xilinx 40XX in PQ-208 package Currently supported configurations: 4010 +4003H 4 x 4010

    On-board RAM:Daughter board (see notes)

    External bus:

  • DEC TURBOchannelInterconnect:

    Fixed mesh 2 x 2 matrixContact:

    Mark ShandParis Research LaboratoryDigital Equipment Corporation85, avenue Victor Hugo92500 Rueil-Malmaison, [email protected] [email protected]

    Notes:128 user I/O to daughter board. Synchronous RAM daughter board is underdevelopment. Pamette is targeted as a generic I/O adapter with local computecapability. This hardware is from the Programmable Active Memories (PAM) project atDEC PRL.


    FPGA Devices:108 custom FPGA devices/board

    On-board RAM:32MB SRAM/board

    External bus:SCSI

    Interconnect:1 to 16 board system, hardwired design independent 27 chip, 39 layer MCM

    Contact:Rick Amerson Hewlett-Packard 1501 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Email: [email protected]

    Notes:Approx 64K gates/board. Designed for rapid turnaround of designs to allowinvestigation of alternative computing ideas. A program protects hardware from baddesigns which might damage it. Simulation only, no in-circuit emulation. 100%automatic place and route. System compiles in under ten seconds per chip. SeeFCCM'95 for details.


    FPGA Devices:4 Xilinx 4010

    On-board RAM:4 32Kx9 SRAMs

    External bus:Custom to SUN workstation

    Interconnect:Entirely programmable using Aptix AX1024 FPIC

    Contact:Jonathan RoseDept. of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Toronto10 King's College RoadToronto, OntarioCanada M5S 3G4Email: [email protected]

    Notes:The Transmogrifier-1 (TM-1) was operational between 1994 and 1996. It wasintended more for rapid prototyping of circuits, but could be used for computing. Atechnical report on the TM-1 is available on-line. The Transmogrifier C compiler was

  • used to produce circuits for the TM-1, and is freely available.


    FPGA Devices:2 to 32 Altera 10K50 (10K100 soon)

    On-board RAM:4 to 64 banks of ram; each 64 bits wide; each bank is .5 - 2 Mbytes of SRAM or 8-32Mbytes of DRAM

    External bus:Parallel port to SUN workstation plus 64 to 512 pins of general purpose I/O

    Interconnect:Completely programmable one-hop routing through modified partial crossbar; takesadvantage of circuit locality to decrease backplane complexity; uses Icube IQ320programmable crossbar chips

    Contact:Dave Lewis or Jonathan RoseDept. of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Toronto10 King's College RoadToronto, OntarioCanada M5S 3G4Email: {lewis|jayar}

    Notes:The Transmogrifier-2 (TM-2) can have between 1 and 16 modules plugged into abackplane. Each module contains 2 FPGAs, 4 banks of RAM, an I/O connector and aslice of the interconnect network. See "The Transmogrifier-2: A 1 Million Gate RapidPrototyping System" in the FPGA-97 proceedings or visit the TM-2 web site.

    A library of stdio-like routines allow a program on the SUN to transparentlycommunicate with a circuit in the TM-2. The Transmogrifier C compiler can be used toproduce circuits for the TM-2, and is freely available.

    Status as of April 1997: A two module system is working, and a full sized 16 modulesystem (with 10K100s instead of 10K50s) is being constructed. The latter will have amechanism for high-speed (20ms) re-programming of each board.


    FPGA Devices:1 Xilinx 4013

    On-board RAM:Not applicable

    External bus:40 Pin DIP socket to any 6502 motherboard (ex:AppleII-C)

    Interconnect:Fixed wire wrapped interconnect

    Contact:Eric RyherdVAutomation Inc.71 Spit Brook Rd.Suite 306Nashua NH 03060Email: [email protected]

    Notes:From synthesizable VHDL model available from VAutomation. Pin compatiblereplacement for the Rockwell 6502 8 bit uP


  • FPGA Devices:2 Xilinx XC4010s

    On-board RAM:32K + 256K SRAM

    External bus:PC (ISA)


    Contact:Robert DuncanEyepoint Engineering24 Springpoint RoadCastroville, CA 95012Email: [email protected]

    Notes:Real time Ray Casting in a volumetric dataset, rendering shaded perspective imagesfrom an arbitrary view within the dataset. Applications include medical imaging,volume rendering, etc.


    FPGA Devices:Up to 52 Xilinx 4013

    On-board RAM:Up to 8 MB SRAM, 256K dual-ported SRAM

    External bus:Bus Independent - Current SBus interface

    Interconnect:Up to 24 ICUBE FPID

    Contact:Steve CasselmanVirtual Computer CorporationReseda, CA 91335Phone: (818) 342-8294FAX: (818) 342-0240Email: [email protected]

    Notes:The Virtual Computer P-Series consists of P1, P2, P3 and P4. The P1 has 14 4013sthe P2 26 4013s the P3 40 4013s and the P4 has 52 4013s.


    FPGA Devices:5 Altera FLEX81500 and 1 Altera MAX7192

    On-board RAM:6 64Kx32 SRAM modules with 20 ns access time. Each module is upgradable to a256Kx32 SRAM module.

    External bus:PCI (32 bits, 33.3MHz)

    Interconnect:2D torus network with a 2x2 FLEX81500 matrix (processing matrix).

    Contact:Jocelyn CloutierDépartement d'informatique et de Recherche opérationnelleUniversité de MontréalC.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-VilleMontréal, CanadaH3C 3J7Email: [email protected]

    Notes:For more informations, look at this WWW site. This project is done in collaboration

  • with AT&T Bell Labs.


    FPGA Devices:2 Xilinx 4013s

    On-board RAM:Not applicable

    External bus:40 Pin DIP socket to any Z80 motherboard (ex:TRS-80)

    Interconnect:Fixed wire wrapped interconnect

    Contact:Gregory Recupero VAutomation Inc.71 Spit Brook Rd.Suite 306Nashua NH 03060Email: [email protected]

    Notes:From synthesizable VHDL model available from VAutomation. Pin compatiblereplacement for the Zilog Z80 8 bit uP.


    FPGA Devices:Actel 1020A (1-3 per processor)

    On-board RAM:External bus:Interconnect:

    Mesh connected wormhole routingContact:

    Erik BrunvandCS Dept.University of UtahSalt Lake City, UT, 84112 Email: [email protected]: (801)581-4345FAX: (801)581-5843

    Notes:MIMD multiprocessor. Used for self-timed circuit experimentation.


    FPGA Devices:12 Xilinx 3195

    On-board RAM:384K SRAM (32K per FPGA)

    External bus:ISA

    Interconnect:Fixed common bus

    Contact:National Technology, Inc.9500 South 500 West Suite #104Sandy, UT 84070Phone: (801) 561-0114FAX: (801) 561-4702Email: [email protected]


  • XKL-1

    FPGA Devices:2 Xilinx XC4010E-3

    On-board RAM:2 x 8K x 8 x 36 cache2 x 8K x 38 pager (TLB)8K x 36 scratchpad

    External bus:XKL proprietary 2Gbit/sec active backplane bus


    Contact:Product InformationXKL Systems Corp.8420 154th Avenue NERedmond, WA [email protected]

    Notes:This is the CPU for the TOAD-1, a 36-bit computer instruction-set compatible with theDigital Equipment Corporation PDP-10 family of computers (best known as theDECsystem-10 and DECSYSTEM-20, defined by the respective operating systemsTops-10 and Tops-20). The FPGAs are used for all arithmetic, including floating-point and byte-selectionoperations. (Note: The PDP-10 architecture is word-oriented, with byte size andposition within the 36-bit word defined by a pointer word which also contains the wordaddress.)

    XS40 Board

    FPGA Devices:1 XILINX XC4000, XC5200, or Spartan FPGA in an 84-pin PLCC

    On-board RAM:32 KByte

    External bus:IBM-PC printer port, cascade port, 84-pin breadboard bus

    Interconnect:FPGA, microcontroller, and RAM share a common data/address bus

    Contact:XESS Corp. 1-800-549-XESS 1-919-387-0076 [email protected]

    Notes:The XS40 Board is a small 5''x 2'' board cont