
After the Caucasus war, Russia’s tzars exiled people who didn’t do what they wanted.

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Lisa

After the Caucasus war, Russia’s tzars exiled people who didn’t do what they wanted.

Page 2: Lisa

My four grand grand parents who lived in Adygea Republic exiled in Syria, in a village where lived only Adygeans : Breika.

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When my father was six, the Six Days war destroyed Breika.

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My father and his parents went to Damascus to live in. My father changed his name in order to become more integrated.

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Later, he decided to move abroad to continue his studies and became a radiologist. He went on his studies in Grenoble and in Alsace where he met my mother.

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At the beginning of the twentieth century, Luigi GALELLI, a man of italian origin born in 1887, went to Germany for is job. There, a French research team asked him to work with them in mines as a bomb disposal expert.

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So, he went in Alsace to live in. Then, he met Marrie Miesch, a housewife, born in 1890 with German nationality because Germany was often in conflict with France and occupied Alsace. They decided to marry and they had six children. One of them, Louis, born in 1928, was my grand-father.

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Some years after his return in France, he met my grand-mother, Bernadette Schmitt, born in 1938. The two young people married and had six children too.

My mother was the fifth kid, followed by her twin

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Florence GALELLI, born in 1968 began medical studies and met the man who became my father.

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By Lisa, Léa, Bernadette, Mihriban

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Lisa, Léa, Bernadette et Mihriban