lions update, issue i

Members Lion P Badrinath Lion A Amarnath Rao Lion Kamal Kumar Rathi Lion SK Ram Mohan Editorial Dear Members, It’s time to buckle up & never to look back. We have entered new era in Lionism. We have new officers at every all level-from Club President to International President to conquer millions of hearts around the world including Bhutan from this year. I would suggest that every club should hold Brain Storming session at their first regular meetings after taking of the reins of the club. Involve every member including their family to extract ideas for what best program can be taken during the year. By doing so, every member including family gets involved in throwing a idea which usually never struck our minds earlier. As the idea start pouring in, start writing down with the name of the person against it. The number of programmes may run into hundreds but you as the President have surely succeeded in involving almost everyone in the club in designing your Plan of Action for the year. By doing so, you have achieved something which you might have never expected. Meanwhile, I would also suggest President to appoint either club’s PRO or another Lion to be Club Reporter. This Lion shall be assigned to send all the club’s activities, programmes and photos to us for publication in Lions Update. By doing so, we involve another Lion into the activities of Lionism and also make us convenient to keep I touch with the Club Reporter for seeking information. Should you desire any assistance in supporting your activities and projects, please call your Region Chairperson or Zone Chairperson, who would be too happy to be with you. Every human being has some talent. But the talent will come with hard work. Don’t’ under estimate your talent. Do hard work and I am sure successes is yours. Please update us with your activities and photos by post or email. We are waiting to receive them. Till we meet next, enjoy Lionism, Vikrantt Mohan Chief Editor

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Lions Update, Issue I


Page 1: Lions Update, Issue I

MembersLion P Badrinath

Lion A Amarnath RaoLion Kamal Kumar Rathi

Lion SK Ram Mohan


Dear Members,

It’s time to buckle up & never to look back.

We have entered new era in Lionism. We have new officers at every all level-from Club President to International President to conquer millions of hearts around the world including Bhutan from this year.

I would suggest that every club should hold Brain Storming session at their first regular meetings after taking of the reins of the club. Involve every member including their family to extract ideas for what best program can be taken during the year. By doing so, every member including family gets involved in throwing a idea which usually never struck our minds earlier. As the idea start pouring in, start writing down with the name of the person against it. The number of programmes may run into hundreds but you as the President have surely succeeded in involving almost everyone in the club in designing your Plan of Action for the year.

By doing so, you have achieved something which you might have never expected.

Meanwhile, I would also suggest President to appoint either club’s PRO or another Lion to be Club Reporter. This Lion shall be assigned to send all the club’s activities, programmes and photos to us for publication in Lions Update. By doing so, we involve another Lion into the activities of Lionism and also make us convenient to keep I touch with the Club Reporter for seeking information. Should you desire any assistance in supporting your activities and projects, please call your Region Chairperson or Zone Chairperson, who would be too happy to be with you.

Every human being has some talent. But the talent will come with hard work. Don’t’ under estimate your talent. Do hard work and I am sure successes is yours.

Please update us with your activities and photos by post or email. We are waiting to receive them.

Till we meet next, enjoy Lionism,

Vikrantt MohanChief Editor

Page 2: Lions Update, Issue I

Dear Members,

When I was invited to join in 1998 by Lion Allam Panduranga Rao, I had no idea about the length and breath of Lionism. As I grew up as a Lion, the world started becoming smaller and the plight of the poor larger.

My profile is not a hidden one. Having gone through the pathetic times, I am more gifted then many who can feel the pain of the masses in our country. My cabinet is rich with dedication towards their respective offices. I am confident of them delivering their best of experience and knowledge.

While our children has been bestowed with quality education, there are millions unfortunate who are not. I desire to make the children at the government schools be facilitated with the best education and good infrastructure. Hence adoption of 100 schools – one per club shall satisfy me. Similarly conducting of five Lions Quest teachers training programmes, 100 mega health camps, collection of 100 pairs of corneas and 5000 IOL surgeries is designed to achieve greater gratifying levels.

It is my proposal to bring together all the nine districts in our multiple to join hands in organsing ‘human chain’ of friendship, fraternity and forever. Extension of 15 new clubs, achieving 500 membership growths and adding 20 MJF in this Lionistic year are my humble goals.

I have no tall promises but surely towering hope that with you all at my side, I have no doubts that we shall double the figures of our District Goals.

As always, I am available to stand by you in all your endeavors.

The times have just started clicking and remember we are running out of time.

Our time starts now………..

Dr G Babu RaoDistrict Governor

District Governor

Dear Lion Friends,

Greetings to you and family members.

I congratulate all new office bearers and all the cabinet

members of our District 324 C6.

It’s great pleasure to communicate through Lions

Update. As you are aware that already we have started

the lionistic year.

Our beloved District Governor Lion Dr.G.Babu Rao has

set ten goals for this Lionistic Year. So each and every

Lion member of our District needs to strive for it.

We need to extend more clubs this year. We need to

bring members into Lions fold for positive

membership growth and at the same time we need to

work on retention too.

I sincerely request all members of our district 324-C6 to

introduce new members in their clubs and try to see

that to indoctrinate properly, We need to give full

support by extending clubs, membership and service


We need to work as good team and to accomplish his

commitment and goals this year for the

Lionism and society. And we need to concentrate on

various service activities too. By this we can achieve

our district Governors programme.

Let us unite our hands together to achieve and help


With Lionistic Regards,

Lion D PentaiahFirst Vice District Governor

First Vice District Governor

Page 3: Lions Update, Issue I

Dear Lions,

We have started Lionistic year 2010-11 with a blast.

Our Governor Dr G Babu Rao has already achieved his

30% targets within 18 days and you can well imagine

the progress we can see under his dynamic leadership.

Having toured the District, I have gauged the pulse of

Lions. With over 3200 members and 100 clubs, we

have ample opportunities in organizing numerous

service activities. With the LCIF grants we should also

try to plan out in making of permanent projects.

Let us all join hands for making world a better place to

live in.

Best wishes and good luck.

K Penta Reddynd2 Vice District Governor

Second Vice District Governor

Dear Lions,

As the new leaders are taking over the reign of their

respective club, I once again reiterate them with the

best support and guidance from the District office and

its officers.

The visit by the International Director VV Krishna

Reddy, Multiple Council Chairman Ramesh Kosuri and

numerous Past District Governors to our District in the nd2 week of July 2010 has further encouraged and

revitalized us all.

Governor Dr G Babu Rao is a task master and we have

seen his skills on several occasions. His time

management and meticulous planning is worth

adopting. The conduct of 2 day in-house PST Schooling th thon 12 & 13 June 2010 at five star hotel ‘Taj Deccan’ at

Hyderabad has generated huge enthusiasm and

eagerness. The RC/ZC/RS/ZMA workshop ‘Sankalp’ ndheld on 2 May 2010 was no less. In all, it further

cemented the ‘theme’ of our Governor.

The result - effect started pouring in endlessly. With the

induction of around 200+ members and inauguration

of 7 new clubs in just 18 out of 365 days is a reality

which can never be heard ever after. Numerous clubs

have already placed their request for new club

organisation kit. This means that we all set to break

records and make history at the International level.

Destiny is not what is there in our hands. Destiny is

what we strive to create.

Let us do it….together because Living is Giving.

Allam Panduranga RaoDistrict Cabinet Secretary

District CabinetSecretary

A Note from the Chief EditorAll clubs may please send information of activities/programmes conducted along with photos to:-

Vikrantt MohanChief Editor – Lions UpdateM/s. Mohan Auto Service

IOC DealersVidyanagar, Hyderabad-500044

[email protected]

You may even send information on my mobile # 98480-19470

Page 4: Lions Update, Issue I

District Cabinet Treasurer

Dear Lion Colleagues,This may be the first time in the history of our district that 42 (50%) clubs have cleared their entire international and district dues so very early in the lionistic year. The achievement is much the more satisfying because it has happened without any incentives either in cash or kind. I heartily congratulate the treasurers, presidents and secretaries of all these clubs on this mighty achievement. I also congratulate each one of the members of these clubs who have made this achievement possible. I acknowledge the efforts put in by the region and zone chairpersons who have motivated club officers to run their clubs on sound administrative lines.

I have always believed that good financial administration and early clearing of international and district dues are the beginning of improving the quality of our organization. If my belief is right, these payments should bring about a transformation towards better lionism.

Here is the list of the clubs, arranged region wise alphabetically, that have cleared the full international and district dues for 2010-2011 as on July 15, 2010:

I hope the remaining clubs will derive inspiration from this list and clear their fiscal responsibilities at the earliest.

Lion m nagaRAJU

Do you know 7 things live after death:

Eyes – 31 minutes

Brain – 10 minutes

Legs – 4 hours

Skin- 5 days

Heart – 10 minutes

Bones- 30 days


Relationship – Forever

Page 5: Lions Update, Issue I

Sneha Region

RC Yadgiri SAdvisor PDG Goenka OP

ZC Siva Prasad Rao D

Hyderabad SerilingampallyHyderabad SwarnamukhiHyderabad CharminarHyderabad Green City

ZC Arjun Reddy P

Hyderabad Lion CityPDG Reddy CS installed Lion J Gopal Rao as the

thPresident on 7 July 2010 along with six other clubs at a impressive ceremony attended by various District Officers and clubs.

Hyderabad Green HillsPDG Reddy CS installed Lion J Gopal Rao as the

thPresident on 7 July 2010 along with six other clubs at a impressive ceremony attended by various District Officers and clubs.

Hyderabad JansevakPDG Reddy CS installed Lion J Gopal Rao as the

thPresident on 7 July 2010 along with six other clubs at a impressive ceremony attended by various District Officers and clubs.

ZC Dr Yadgiri P

Hyderabad CapitalHyderabad King KothiHyderabad Krishna

Region News

Shanti Region

RC SamrajyamAdvisor PDG C Lalitha Kameshwari

ZC Kamala Reddy PZC Kamal Reddy P donated Rs 5,00,000 (five lakhs) for the construction of a room at RBVR girls hostel, Hyderabad in the memory of Late P Krishna Reddy

th(GM-Nizam Sugar Factory Ltd) on 7 June 2010

Hyderabad Jubilee HillsA permanent health clinic at Road # 13 Jubilee hills was

thconducted on 5 July 2010. Dr Sudha from GHMC was thhonoured on 8 July 2010. Family planning camp was

thorganised on 13 July 2010 at Sriram Nagar Govt Maternity Hospital, Borbanda, Hyderabad. Distribution of incentives was also done at the same hospital.

Hyderabad JananiPDG CS Reddy installed Lion J Gopal Rao as the

thPresident on 7 July 2010 along with six other clubs at a impressive ceremony attended by various District Officers and clubs.

Hyderabad Seva SadanMega Health camp organised on 4-7-2010 At exhibition grounds attended by RC Samrajyam.

ZC K Govardhan ReddyZC K Ravindra Babu

Hyderabad SpandanaHyderabad GodavariHyderabad ManjeeraHyderabad CyberabadHyderabad TungabhadraHyderabad KrishnaHyderabad SerilingampalliHyderabad SwarnamukhiHyderabad VamsadharaHyderabad PennaHyderabad Sree Krishna GreaterHyderabad Suvarna

The 4 looksLook back gives experienceLook forward gives hopeLook around gives reality

Look within gives confidence

Page 6: Lions Update, Issue I

Hyderabad SabariHyderabad Nagavalli

thIn a magnificent ceremony held on 13 July 2010, the effect of DG Dr Babu Rao was at display. Three records was created by installing fourteen (14) club Presidents by MCC Ramesh Kosuri and induction of around 150 members by IPDG Gampa Ramesh at JVN Gardens, Serilingampally, Hyderabad in the presence of huge members and their families. The third record was the inauguration of six (6) clubs which was attended by large contingent of District Officers and sister clubs. PDG Basaveswara Rao, 1VDG Pentaiah D, 2VDG Kallem Penta Reddy, RC Samrajyam, RC Raghavendra Rao, RC Anand Rao Maiya, RC Subba Rao PV and Zone Chairpersons graced the ceremony. The following Lions were installed as the Presidents of the following respective clubs:-

Lion Swarn Latha T Hyd SerilingampallyLion M Ravi Kumar Hyd CyberabadLion Nageswara Rao M Hyd ManjeeraLion Bhogeswara Rao C Hyd GodavariLion Chinta Sivaji Hyd SwarnamukhiLion Kutumba Rao BLV Hyd KrishnaLion Balakrishna Rao K Hyd TungabhadraLion Yagagiri Goud C Hyd SpandanaLion K Nageshwar Rao Hyd NagavalliLion K Srinivas Babu Hyd PennaLion Narayana R Hyd VamsadharaLion Jagdesshwara Goud Hyd Sree Krishna GreaterLion Y Satish Kumar Hyd SuvarnaLion ASV Subba Rao Hyd Sabari

The Installation ceremony of graced by numerous Lions District Officers from city and rural areas, political personalities, friends and well wishers. It was indeed the largest attended gathering at any installation ceremony.

Hyderabad Patancheru

Sahakar Region

RC Sanjay ChoudharyAdvisor PDG Tibrewala OP

ZC Srinivasulu K

Hyderabad CosmothAt a simple but majestic ceremony held on 10 July

2010 Lion Shyam Mundada was installed as the President by PDG HS Rathi. RC Sanjay Choudhary inducted three new members into Lionism. ZC Srinivasulu along with local sister clubs attended and felicitated the new team. President Shyam Mundada announced various committees and handed over the letter of appointment to respective chairpersons. PDG Rathi announced 10% contribution from his side for any permanent project taken by the club in this year which was received with thundering applauses.

Hyderabad Koti

Hyderabad SouthPDG Dr Ravinder Goud installed Lion Narayan Lal Baheti as the President while PDG Basaveswara Rao

thinducted 11 members on 20 June 2010 which was thattended by large Lions from city and outskirts. On 11

July 2010 Rs 2000 was donated to girls towards their school fees. 300 spectacles were distributed to the needy by DC (Eye Care) Ravinder Reddy. 458 patients were screened for the eye care at Baheti Bhawan. 137 people were screened at the Dental camp organised by the club.

ZC Chandrakanth Bacha

Hyderabad BudhapurnimaPDG Reddy CS installed Lion J Gopal Rao as the

thPresident on 7 July 2010 along with six other clubs at a impressive ceremony attended by various District Officers and clubs.

Hyderabad HimayatnagarPRC Brij Mohan Sharma was administered the Oath of

Region News

Life is a continuous challenge and an unending struggle. We are not made rich by what we have in our pockets but we are rich by what is in our heart.

Page 7: Lions Update, Issue I

thPresidency by DCT Nagaraju M on 12 July 2010 at

Hotel Sundarshini, Hyderabad. A sum of Rs 23,000 was

presented to a final year Degree student and Doctor

was honoured on the occasion of Doctor’s Day on the

occasion of installation ceremony.

Hyderabad RajendranagarPDG Reddy CS installed Lion J Gopal Rao as the

thPresident on 7 July 2010 along with six other clubs at a

impressive ceremony attended by various District

Officers and clubs.

Hyderabad EastLion Suneetha Rao M was installed as the President on

th15 July 2010 by PDG Goenka OP in the benign

presence of Shri Mr Dhannajaya Reddy (Municipal Addl


ZC Sama Murthy P

Hyderabad WestPDG Reddy CS installed Lion J Gopal Rao as the

thPresident on 7 July 2010 along with six other clubs at a

impressive ceremony attended by various District

Officers and clubs.

Hyderabad HarmonyLion Shantanu Choudhary was installed as the

President by PDG Sham Kumar SS at a imposing thceremony held on 9 July 2010 at Hotel Expotel. RC

Sanjay Choudhary and ZC Samba Murthy were

present. First Aid demonstration was conducted by Shri

J P Singh for the benefit of the members and guests. A

massive blood donation camp was organised with LC of

Siddipet Spoorthy.

Hyderabad EliteLion Dr Laxman and Lion Eswarappa were installed as

the President and Secretary respectively by PDG

Basaveswara Rao in the presence of 1VDG Pentaiah D that Lions Bhawan on 10 July 2010.

Sanskar RegionRC Sudhakar VAdvisor PDG Bansal BV

ZC Srinath Rao ChekuriHyderabad SanathnagarHyderabad Sanathnagar Team

Hyderabad GreenlandsLion Dr Gulab Rani was installed as the President at an elegant ceremony held at Lions Bhawan by DG Dr Babu

thRao on 11 June 2010 in the presence of numerous District officers. The club donated cash Rs 5000 along

thwith sarees etc to a poor girl for her marriage on 10 June 2010.

ZC Rajender JainHyderabad RajdhaniPDG Basaveswara Rao installed Lion Vallabh Patel as the President in the presence of Mr Ramesh Kumar Bung, Chairman-Mahesh Co-Op Urban Bank Limited on

th4 July 2010 at Lions Bhawan. Local sister clubs participated and felicitated newly installed officers. The club has donated water cooler plant at Khairtabad, Hyderabad.

Hyderabad MetroHyderabad ResidencyHyderabad Greater AnandLion K Vijay Anand was installed as the President by PDG Basaveswara Rao and 16 new members were inducted by DS (Calendar of Events) Dr Jaya Prakash

thon 20 June 2010. Lion Vijay Anand surged into activity by distributing books worth around Rs 2000 to a poor girl. The club has already conducted 7 eye screening camps at various government high schools where 4212 students were checked, 180 students given Spects while around 200 were referred to hospitals for suitable treatments.

ZC Nagesh PampatiHyderabad BluesHyderabad QuestHyderabad Greater Banjara

Region News

Page 8: Lions Update, Issue I

Swarna Report

RC Raghavendra Rao MAdvisor PDG Gampa Ramesh

ZC Sambasiva Rao

Hyderabad SwarnadhamaRC Raghavendra Rao installed Lion R Narayan as the President and his team while DCT M Nagaraju inducted new members. PPDG Gampa Ramesh honoured three Doctors for their meritorious services extended to the club’s activities. Same day there permanent Medical Health Checkup clinic was opened at Swarnadhama colony which will benefit scores of residents in and around.

Narsapur Snehabandhu


ZC Bhagwandas Karwa

SiddipetthLion Vaikuntam was installed as the 38 President of

the club by MCC Ramesh Kosuri. IPDG Gampa Ramesh, PDG Basaveswara Rao, RC Sambasiva Rao and ZC Bhagwandas Karwa were present.




ZC Venugopal K




Seva Report

RC Subba Rao P VAdvisor PDG Basaveswara Rao P

ZC Brahmam P

Banswada Daimond



ZC Triyambakeshwar




ZC Narayan Reddy T



Bansawada Platinum

10% on 100%- PDG HS RathiA generosity came out of the heart of PDG HS Rathi

thspontaneously while addressing the 15 Installation thceremony held on 10 July 2010. His announcement

was received with thundering applause for it was the rarest of rare offer ever announced by any Past District Governor. PDG HS Rathi announced contribution of 10% of financial cost to any permanent project that Hyderabad Cosmo comes up with. His irresistible offer was received with thundering applause by all present. It may please be known that he is the Past District Governor of 324C2 and not C6-Services has no boundaries.

Region News

Page 9: Lions Update, Issue I

Samatha Report

RC G Anand Rao MaiyaAdvisor PDG Dr TVP Chary

ZC Kodali Kishore

Bodhanth nd11 July 2010 - 42 Installations was conducted in a most

distinguished style. ID Krishna Reddy VV was received by contingent of boys from NCC who escorted him for garlanding the statute of our founder Melvin Jones. Later he was taken around the Bodhan Eye Hospital complex. Lion T Narsimha Reddy was fortunate to have been in the presence of ID Krishna Reddy. The outgoing President Kodali Kishore was promoted as the Zone Chairperson. MCC Ramesh Kosuri installed the Board of Directors while IPDG Gampa Ramesh inducted new members. PDG Basaveswara Rao, PDG CS Reddy, PDG KV Anand, PDG Dr TVP Chary, PDG SS Sham Kumar, PDG Manohar Raju, PDG Chenna Kishan Reddy, DG Dr G Babu Rao was the Chief Guest who termed Bodhan Eye Hospital as the Temple of Lionism in our District. The 1VDG D Pentaiah and 2VDG K Penta Reddy also graced the occasion and assured their best support.

Nizamabad DiamondOrganised tree plantation of 200 plants at Megana Dental

thCollege, Nizamabad on 12 July 2010. International Director VV Krishna Reddy, MCC Ramesh Kosuri, DG Dr G Babu Rao, DG Basaveswara Rao, IPDG Gampa Ramesh, PDG Chenna Kishan Reddy and PDG CS Reddy were present. ID Krishna Reddy encourages the students to join the Leo Club. Pamphlets on Blood Donation and Traffic Awareness were also released.

Yedpallyth100 Tree plantation Programme was organised on 10

July 2010 at Government High School, Yedpally.

ZC J Venkateshwara Rao

KamareddystDoctor’s day was celebrated on 1 July 2010 at Brindavan

Garden wherein Dr Srinivas Babu (Skin Specialists) and Dr Harish Kumar (ENT Specialist) were honoured.

Kamareddy SnehasindhuFour Eminent Local Doctors were honoured by the club on

st1 July 2010. Mega Veterinary camp was organised at thRameshwarpally on 14 July 2010 nearly 300 cattle were

examined and also distributed free medicines.

Kamareddy VivekanandardThe club was inaugurated by PDG Basaveswara Rao on 3

July 2010. IPDG installed the new BoD. 63 new members were inducted by PDG Dr TVP Chary. Re The club adopted Government Primary School at Indira Colony. Donated furniture worth Rs 10,000/-. The club is feeding nearly 50 handicapped persons every day with Lunch at Hanuman Mandhir, Kamareddy. The club has 30 couple members. Each couple contributes fruits to the poor people once in a month. Honoured Doctors and meritorious students on

rdthe inauguration & installation function held on 3 July 2010.

ZC Soma Kailashpathi

Siddipet Spoorthy & PrashantnagarLion Jaleel Khan Pattan & Lion Yadgiri were installed as the President of Siddipet & Prashantnagar G Sham Kumar SS in the presence of PDG A Vijay Kumar graced the

thoccasion as the Chief Guest on 27 June 2010 at Vidya Niketan High School, Siddipet. Three eminent Doctors and a popular local poet were honoured by the Club. Rs 5000/- and Rs 1016/- were awarded to the meritorious students of Siddipet who secured their top marks in SSC examination. Blood Donation camp in association with LC

stof Harmony at Hyderabad on 1 July 2010 collected 49 units of blood. So far they conducted four eye screening

th thcamps. 16 IOL operations performed. On 6 & 8 July 2010 eye screening camp were conducted for school children. Donated Spects to 14 children. Two dental camps were 250 school children were examined. Motivated 31 people for family operations. Distributed swine flu medicine to 3000 people in the neighboring villages of Siddipet.

Siddipet Spoorthy inducted six and LC of Prashantnagar inducted 2 new members into Lionism. RamayampetLion Laxman Yadav shall be installed as the President on

th25 July 2010. Meanwhile the club has already set in

Region News

Page 10: Lions Update, Issue I

Sahithi Region

RC Raghu Ram ReddyAdvisor PDG Anand K V

ZC Sudheer Babu

Armoor Navanathapuram

Indur Vanitha

Nizamabad Seva

ZC Shaik Abdul Shafi


Nizamabad Kalyani

Nizamabad Fort City

ZC Narsimha Raju D


Armoor Sreeman


Sandesh Region

RC Suresh VAdvisor PDG Sham Kumar SS

ZC Saya Reddy B

NandipetthLion Janardhan Ganjula was installed as the 13

thPresident of the Club on 4 July 2010 by DCT Nagaraju M in the presence of PDG Basaveswara Rao, PDG Sham Kumar SS, DCS Allam Panduranga Rao, 1VDG Pentaiah D, 2VDG Kallem Penta Reddy, RC Suresh V and ZC Saya Reddy.

Nirmal Panchasheel

Nirmal Fort Town

ZC Hanumanthu


Nirmal Arts


ZC Krishna Reddy G

Nizamabad Indur

Bhainsa Diamond

Kuntla Diamond

Kubeer Diamond

Region News

Sun rises everywhere but crop grows only where the farmer has worked hard. God is everywhere but his grace is only

for one who works hard.

When god leaves you at the edge of difficulty, trust him fully because only two things can happen – either he will catch you when you fall or he will teach you how to fly.

lllGood decision comes from experience but experience comes from bad decisions.

lllComparison is the best way to judge your progress. But don't compare with others. Just compare your 'yesterday' with your 'today'

Page 11: Lions Update, Issue I

Do not re-use Mineral Water Bottles!

Many are unaware of poisoning caused by re-using plastic bottles.

Some of you may be in the habit of using and re-using your disposable mineral water bottles (e.g.Nestle, Bislseri, Aquafina, Kinley, Evian, etc...), keeping them in your car or at work. Not a good idea.

It happesned in Dubai, when a 12 year olf girl died after a long usage (16 months) of SAFA mineral water bottle, as she used to carry the same fancy (painted by herself) bottle to her school daily.

In a nutshell, the plastic (called polyethylene terephthalte or PET) used in these bottles contains a potentially c a r c i n o g e n i c e l e m e n t ( s o m e t h i n g c a l l e d diethylhydroxylamine or DEHA). The bottles are safe for one-time use only; if you must keep them longer, it should be or no more than a few days, week max, and keep them away from heat as well. Repeated washing and rinsing can cause the plasticto break down and the crcinogens (cancer-causing chemical agents) can leak into the water that YOU are drinking. Better to invest in water bottles that are really meant for multiple uses.

This is not something we should be scrimping on. Those of you with family - do please advise them, especially children. Please forward this information.

Prevention is better than cure.

How to avoid:Check on the bottom of the bottle there is a triangle sign and there will be a number on it.

If the number is higher than or equal to 5 —> then this bottle is safe to use.

Whatever number under 5, will release the chemical. For most bottle water, the number is 1.

Did you know chemical released by plastic water bottles can cause cancer.

(It is not the water that affecting you but the chemical releasing from the bottle)

Now it is the time to relax & exercises your brain with easy & interesting PUZZLE.

A series of puzzle will henceforth be published in All (6) issues of the “LIONS UPDATE” (2010-11) with a chance to win a surprise gift.

Unscramble the jumbled “NAME OF CITIES” and write them alongside. In the next round unscramble the alphabets which fall in the circle. This wills from the name one more city famous for its special CHAPPAL (Footwear).

N | P | R | A | K |U | | | | | | |

R | Y | M | E | S | O | | | | | | |

S | H | I | N | A | J | | | | | | |

D | E | I | O | R | N | | | | | | |

O | B | A | P | L | H | | | | | | |

G | N | R | U | P | A | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |



HOME CLUB___________________________________________

P. No.________________________________________________



Entry to be sent on:ZC Rajendra Jain406, Jyothi Residency, 11-6-840, Red HillsHYDERABAD-500 004Cell : 9908855220

1. Entries should be reach us by 31.08.20102. One of the correct entries will be selected by Lucky Draw.3. The winner will be announced in the next issue.4. The decision taken by the Judges will be final.5. All the winners will get again a chance to win a Bumper prize by

Lucky Draw.


F U N T I M E - I

Page 12: Lions Update, Issue I

Clubs Installation Update