linnvale primary school - west dunbartonshire...‘tablet technologies’ within west...

Linnvale Primary School Handbook 2014/15

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Linnvale Primary School

Handbook 2014/15

Page 2: Linnvale Primary School - West Dunbartonshire...‘tablet technologies’ within West Dunbartonshire, and we have been involved in evaluating the use of iPads and iPod Touches to support


Welcome to

Linnvale Primary School

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Contents Statement of Commitment/Learning for Life 3

Welcome to Linnvale Primary 4

Linnvale Primary Aims 5

Who We Are & Where We Are 6

Concerns and Complaints 7

The Staff at Linnvale 8

Enrolment & New Entrants 9

School Improvement and Achievement 10

School Holiday Arrangements 11

Curriculum 12 - 16

Assessment, Tracking & Reporting 17

Equal Opportunities & Additional Support Needs 18 - 20

Promoting Positive Behaviour 21

Home and School Links 22

Homework & Attendance at School 23 - 24

School Community 24

Extra Curriculum & Linnvale Uniform 25 - 26

PE Kit & School Meals 26

Transport & Photography 27

Medical and Health Care, Information in Emergencies & Early Closure


Transfer from Primary to Secondary School & The Parent Council 29

Data Protection and Addresses 30

Appendix 1 Free School Meals/Clothing Grant Application 31 - 34

Appendix 2 Translation and Interpretation Information 35 - 36

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West Dunbartonshire Council



Every person has the right to be educated in a climate in which individuality is recognised and in which everyone feels valued. We are committed to working in partnership with you to provide education of the highest quality.


We will work together to ensure that everyone in our community is valued and has the opportunity to learn for life and to achieve their potential. Vision: To enable everyone in West Dunbartonshire to become:

• Successful Learners • Confident Individuals • Responsible Citizens • Effective Contributors

To achieve our vision, we will:

• Create and deliver courses, activities and events which will motivate and excite learners

• Develop innovative ways to support learning

• Value diversity, promote equal opportunities and foster inclusion

• Promote partnership and community participation

• Value achievement and celebrate success

• Continually reflect on and aim to improve the quality of our services

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Welcome to Linnvale Primary School

Dear Parents and Carers, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to Linnvale Primary School. The staff and pupils at Linnvale are very proud of our school. We are an Eco school – we have held our Green Flag since 2011, and last year we achieved our Recognition of Commitment as a Rights Respecting School. Linnvale is a welcoming, nurturing school, with positive relationships between pupils and staff. Staff have high expectations of pupils, and children are encouraged to have high standards in all that they do. We aim to provide a well-balanced, stimulating curriculum, in line with Curriculum for Excellence. Children are encouraged to develop a range of skills in all areas of the curriculum through a wide range of activities, both in and beyond the classroom. At Linnvale there are many ways that you can be involved in your children’s learning – through helping your child with homework, attending open afternoons and assemblies or by volunteering in school or joining our active Parent Council. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any concerns or would like clarification on any issues – please be assured that no worry is too small to share with us. I look forward to getting to know you and your family as you join us here at Linnvale. Lindsay Thomas, Head Teacher.

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Linnvale Primary aims:

♦ to encourage caring and responsible attitudes from our pupils towards themselves and others.

♦ to develop the full academic and aesthetic potential of all our pupils.

♦ to help pupils face decisions and cope with problems.

♦ to make pupils aware of the world around them.

♦ to encourage everyone within the school community - parents, pupils and staff - to be proud of Linnvale Primary School.

♦ to help our pupils become:

Successful Learners, Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, and Confident Individuals.

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Who We Are Linnvale Primary School is a co-educational, non-denominational school situated in Clydebank. It caters for children between Primary 1 and Primary 7. Linnvale School is situated in the heart of Clydebank community and serves the needs of both Linnvale and Drumry Areas. The school has 9 classrooms, a large multi-purpose hall, a library, an I.C.T. suite, an art room and a general purpose room. Ramps provide access for anyone experiencing difficulties. The school was built in 1953 and its facilities have always been available for use by the community.

School Capacity: 462 (Parents should note that the working capacity of the school may vary, dependent on the number of pupils at each stage and the way in which the classes are organised.)

Present Roll: 208 School Hours

School hours are: 9:00 am – 12:15 pm (Interval 10:30am – 10:45 am) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm For their first few weeks Primary 1 pupils attend for the morning only.

Where We Are Our address is: Linnvale Primary School, Linnvale, Clydebank. G81 2RL Our Head Teacher is: Mrs Lindsay Thomas Our Telephone Number is: 0141 952 2625 Our E-mail address is: [email protected]

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Concerns and complaints

At Linnvale Primary we are committed to providing the best quality service we can and we are constantly striving to improve the service we provide. However, sometimes we may get it wrong. With your help, we aim to identify and solve problems as quickly and efficiently as we can.

If you have a concern about your child, their education or any aspect of their school life you can get in contact with the school by telephone, email or in person. We aim to deal with concerns as quickly as we can – usually within 48 hours of your initial contact.

If you have a complaint

Step 1: Phone or call in at the school and we will try to sort things out for you. You can make an appointment with the class teacher or a member of the SMT. Alternatively, you can raise general issues with the Parent Council (contact details are below).

Step 2: If you are not satisfied, you may wish to contact the Education Department at West Dunbartonshire Council.

Step 3: If you are still not satisfied, please complete a complaint form. Submit a complaint form online at,-complaints-and-compliments/complaints-procedure/

We will make sure that:

� We treat your complaint fairly and that we investigate it thoroughly.

� We tell you the name of the officer handling your complaint.

� We send you a written acknowledgement within 5 working days. If possible, we will give you a full reply at this stage.

� We respond to your complaint within 20 working days. If your complaint is very complex or if we need to contact other organisations it may take longer, but we will let you know.

Step 4: If you are still unhappy once you have a final reply from the department responsible you can contact: The Chief Executive, Council Offices, Garshake Road, Dumbarton, G82 3PU

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The Staff At Linnvale

The full-time equivalent of teaching staff in Linnvale Primary is currently 12.

Head Teacher Mrs. L. Thomas

With overall responsibility for the management of the school.

Depute Head Teacher Mrs. M. McRory

With specific responsibility for the co-ordination of additional support needs and continuous professional development.

Class Teachers Primary 7 Miss D. Macdonald

Primary 6/7 Miss C. Guthrie

Primary 6 Miss L. Gillespie

Primary 5 Miss A. Shah

Primary 4 Mr. McDonald

Primary 3 Mr. J. Martin

Primary 2/3 Mrs. L. Dalrymple

Primary 1/2 Mrs. D. Grieves

Primary 1 Mr. G. Farquhar

Mrs. A. Cairney P.E. & Class Support

Support Staff Mrs. A. King Senior Clerical Assistant

Mrs. A. Clark Clerical Assistant/Learning Assistant

Mrs. H. McMurray Classroom Assistant

Learning Assistants Mrs. A. Clark Miss L. Murray

Mrs. M. Dew Mrs. E. Paul

Mrs. P. MacNab Mrs. M. Jack

Mr. T. Nisbet

Janitor Mr. H. Allison

Our dining hall Staff and Cleaning Staff are employed by Contract Services.

Visiting Staff

We also have a number of visiting staff who support out pupils. Mrs A. Fisher is a Network Support Teacher, and she is in Linnvale one and a half days a week. We also have Miss H. Douglas two days a week. She is an Early Stages teacher, who leads the primary 1 Nurture Group and supports learning in the infant department. Mrs C. Swift is our string instructor. She works with our pupils on a Wednesday afternoon.

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Any parent considering enrolling his/her child in Linnvale Primary School is welcome to visit the school prior to enrolling. Arrangements can be made by contacting the school office. If you wish to enrol your child at Linnvale Primary School you should bring a copy of their birth certificate.

New Entrants

Registration of new entrants at the school of their catchment area takes place in January. The exact dates for registration are announced in the local press. In the summer term there are two induction afternoons, when our new entrants can meet their primary one teachers. During these afternoons there are introductory sessions for parents, with presentations from some of the agencies who work with the school, such as the Credit Union and the NHS. There is also an introduction to the primary one curriculum, school policy and the school rules. Our current P1 pupils will begin to work with their nursery buddies in the Spring and Summer terms. New entrants will also be supported by P7 buddies when they start school in August. If you reside within the catchment area of Linnvale School but decide to place your child in another school under the management of West Dunbartonshire Council, you are entitled, in terms of Section 28A of the Educational (Scotland) 1980 Act, to make a ‘placing request’. For further details please contact the Head Teacher, Linnvale Primary School.

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School Improvement and Achievement

Every school has an annual Improvement Plan which sets out priorities for staff to develop. Our current priorities are:- 1. To raise attainment through improving the quality of learning and teaching. 2. To review and develop the curriculum in line with the principles and purposes of CfE,

with a particular focus on Science, RME and Expressive Arts. 3. To further develop a consistent approach to assessment across the school to support

learning and teaching. CLUSTER PRIORITY: 4. To support the implementation of the Donaldson Recommendations for ‘Teaching

Scotland’s Future’. These build upon the work done on our priorities last session. These were: raising attainment in maths/numeracy and language/literacy, developing assessment, including opportunities for pupils to talk about their learning, and further developing pupil voice, including the introduction of ‘Rights Respecting Schools’. ICT has become a strength for many of our pupils. Linnvale has been a pilot school for ‘tablet technologies’ within West Dunbartonshire, and we have been involved in evaluating the use of iPads and iPod Touches to support learning and teaching. We will also be a pilot school for the ICT refresh which will be starting in 2014. Many of our pupils are confident in using ICT for research and to present their work in photographs, movies and presentations. Nurture is a particular strength in the school – we have nurture groups throughout the school. We also have groups of children who participate in Forest Schools, which helps promote self-esteem and teamwork among our pupils. There are many opportunities for our pupils to be involved in decision making in school. We have an active Pupil Council and Eco Committee, and we also have a Rights Respecting Schools Steering group. Involvement in these groups helps our pupils grow as Responsible Citizens, Successful Learners, Confident Individuals and Effective Contributors. “I like being an Eco Monitor because we always help other classes recycle” Ben, P4 “I like the things the Pupil Council chooses, like the trim track in the playground.” Fitzgerald, P5

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School Holiday Arrangements - 2014/2015


FIRST In-Service Day * Closed for Pupils Tuesday 12th August, 2014 In-Service Day * Closed for Pupils Wednesday 13th August, 2014 Pupils Return Thursday 14th August, 2014 Independence Referendum Closed for Pupils Thursday 18th September, 2014 Local Holidays Closed Friday 26th September, 2014 Pupils Return Tuesday 30th September, 2014 In-Service Day * Closed for Pupils Friday 10th October, 2014 Mid-Term Closed Monday 13th October, 2014 Pupils Return Monday 20th October, 2014 Christmas Close Friday 19th December, 2014 SECOND Re-open Monday 5th January, 2015 In-Service Day * Closed for Pupils Friday 6th February, 2015 Mid-Term Closed Monday 9th February, 2015 Re-open Wednesday 11th February, 2015 Spring Break ** Close Thursday 2nd April, 2015 Re-open Monday 20th April, 2015 THIRD May Day Closed Monday 4th May, 2015 Re-open Tuesday 5th May, 2015 In-Service Day * Closed for Pupils Thursday 21st May, 2015 Local Holiday Closed Friday 22nd May, 2015 Re-open Tuesday 26th May, 2015 Summer Close Thursday 25th June, 2015

* N.B. Pupils do not attend on In-Service Days.

** N.B. Good Friday is 3rd April and Easter Monday is 6th April, 2015

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Curriculum The purpose of Curriculum for Excellence is to develop the ‘Four Capacities’ in our pupils. We encourage our pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. In West Dunbartonshire Council, our priority is to ensure effective teaching and learning. Curriculum for Excellence encourages a balance between knowledge and skills, and is taught through specific subject areas, as well as through interdisciplinary learning, or topics, and cross-cutting themes such as enterprise, citizenship and creativity. Learning ‘beyond subject boundaries’ encourages our pupils to make connections between the different areas of their learning, while providing challenging, relevant and enjoyable learning experiences. The curriculum areas are defined as: Languages, Mathematics, Health and wellbeing, Expressive arts, Sciences, Social studies, Technologies and Religious and moral education

Health and Wellbeing “I like going out at playtime because I like running about with all my friends” Matthew, P1

Our school is a health promoting school and we encourage our pupils to develop and apply their knowledge in order to make informed decisions and choices in order to improve their physical, emotional and social well-being and pursue healthy lifestyles. Pupils are provided opportunities in a variety of cross-curricular contexts, including during our Health and Wellbeing Interdisciplinary focus in term 4. All aspects of our health and wellbeing curriculum are age and stage appropriate for the pupils. The topic areas covered are:

• Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport: All our pupils enjoy a minimum of two hours of PE per week. We have support from the Sports Development Team and Active Schools both in the curriculum programme and for some extra curricular clubs after school. This session PE is mainly delivered by Mr McDonald.

• Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing • Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood: We have a structured

programme in place for our pupils based around a curriculum pack provided by the local authority in partnership with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

• Substance Misuse • Food and Health • Planning for choices, planning for changes: Our pupils are equipped with the

knowledge and information that helps them make informed decisions at the right time. New P1 pupils are supported as they start school life, and our P7 pupils are well prepared by a sound transition into first year at secondary school.

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Literacy & English

“I like learning letters because it’s fun.” Belle, P1 “I like reading because it is fun and active. We imagine we are the characters in the book and we make up challenging questions for each other.” Liam, P5 Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking are central to children’s learning. We give high priority to teaching children skills in literacy and to equipping children with a working knowledge of the structure of language and how to use it. Reading in the school is structured and systematic, based on an accurate diagnosis of the child’s needs, with each pupil’s progress planned, monitored and carefully recorded. At the Infant level we use Story World, a reading scheme designed to cater for the differing needs and varying degrees of development of young children. It uses a ‘whole language’ approach and a ‘story’ method. The reading programme is supported by the Jolly Phonics Programme which introduces all the necessary sounds for reading through a multi-sensory approach. Throughout the school a skills based approach is taken to teaching Reading. Pupils learn the necessary skills to enable them to use reading to improve their learning. The programme is closely linked to our programmes for Talking and Listening and for Writing. Appropriate group reading tasks are also undertaken. A whole-school programme to develop reading is in place following the principles of West Dunbartonshire’s Programme – Reading Routes. We also use Oxford Reading Tree, Wellington Square and Rapid Reading to support individuals and groups where necessary. Every class has a fiction library and times are set aside to promote personal reading. There are also sets of novels which are used at various times throughout the year, particularly during our novel study interdisciplinary topics. A whole-school programme to develop creative writing is also in place following the principles of West Dunbartonshire’s Programme Write to the Top and a whole-school programme to develop talking and listening is now in place following the principles of West Dunbartonshire Council’s programme ‘Hearsay’. French is now successfully established and a very popular area of the curriculum offered to Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils.

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Mathematics and Numeracy “I like bar graphs in maths because we used a ruler and labelled the X and Y axis. We learned to use spreadsheets and make bar graphs with them.” Jack, P6 Through the study of mathematics children develop essential numeracy and mathematical skills which they can apply in different contexts and in the world of work. Mathematics is a key element in engineering, science, technology and business. We use Scottish Heinemann Maths, Heinemann Active Maths and TeeJay as our core maths schemes for P1-7. However other resources and approaches are used depending on the individual needs of each child. We try to ensure that maths lessons have an appropriate balance of oral maths, practical/active experiences; consolidation and practice. Great emphasis is placed on interactive and active leaning. Some of the mathematics curriculum is delivered through our interdisciplinary learning themes and some is developed though our core programme. In 2013/2014 we will have an interdisciplinary maths theme in term 4. We ensure there is progression of skills through planning learning experiences and assessments collaboratively with colleagues.

Social Studies, Science and Technologies “ My favourite topic was in P1/2 when we looked at the human skeleton – I like finding the doctor’s names for everything.” Andrew, P5

At Linnvale Primary we aim to provide a balanced programme of learning through which skills, concepts and knowledge are developed. Engaging in social subjects allows children to develop an understanding of their world by learning about other people, their values and cultures, in different times, places, circumstances and how their environment has been shaped. Children learn about human achievements, conflicts and environmental issues – both in a local and global context. Most of our teaching in social studies, science and technologies is delivered through interdisciplinary learning topics and focus weeks. These topics enable the children to learn and further develop skills associated with other areas of the curriculum such as Mathematics; Language and Expressive Arts.

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Sciences include study in biological, chemical, physical and environmental contexts. Learning through science enables children to investigate their environment, develop an understanding of scientific contexts and achievements as well as recognise the impact science makes on our lives. The use of ICT is an integral part of education. To participate fully in modern society children need to be skilled and knowledgeable users of technology as well as be able to assess its impact in society. At Linnvale we have been fortunate to be part of a ‘Tablet Technologies’ pilot project, and the classes are all timetabled to use iPads and iPod Touches to support their learning in class. Many of our children are confident in using ICT to present their learning, through presentations, movie making and digital photography. Our pupils are also provided with opportunities to use construction materials to help with aspects of Technology. We hope to add to our technology resources quite soon. On occasion, our pupils may be given the opportunity to attend an outing as part of topic work being undertaken. All classes enjoy, where possible, visits to help with school activities. We also look for opportunities for pupils to take their learning outdoors, in the playground or further afield. Throughout the year we have groups of children who visit the woods at Auchnacraig as part of our Forest Schools programme.

Expressive Arts

The Expressive Arts foster imagination and creativity. Expressive arts includes art & design, drama, dance and music. Throughout the year, children are given a variety of opportunities to enjoy creative and imaginative activities to express themselves in different ways. Expressive arts can also be a forum for children to bring enjoyment and entertainment to others through shows, concerts and assemblies. Each year our infants put on a Nativity performance and there is a concert or show in the summer term. Classes are responsible for assemblies at different points throughout the year. Many activities in Art & Design or Drama are integrated within our interdisciplinary learning topics to provide a meaningful context through which the pupils can practise and develop their skills. Our pupils have enjoyed visits to the school by theatre groups to perform, music motivators for music workshops and a visit to the theatre to see a pantomime at Christmas.

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Religious and Moral Education

Social, moral and religious education is an integral part of school life. Linnvale Primary is fortunate in the support of our school chaplain, Mr Gregor McIntyre who is a regular visitor to the school and who leads our end of term services. Mr McIntyre visits the school on a weekly basis for assembly, and works with classes to help them prepare for assemblies. Our weekly assemblies provide us with the opportunity to come together as a whole school and to celebrate achievements. Parents may exercise their legal right to withdraw their child/children from religious education or services and should inform the Head Teacher if they wish alternative arrangements to be made. Parents from ethnic minority religious communities may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school in order to celebrate recognised religious events. Only written requests detailing the proposed arrangements will be considered. Appropriate requests will be granted on not more than three occasions in any one school session and the pupil noted as an authorised absentee in the register.

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Continual assessment of the curriculum is carried out by the head teacher and staff. Each teacher is constantly monitoring and assessing the progress of the pupils. This is done through: a) observation b) oral feedback c) written feedback d) standardised tests A key feature of assessment is formative assessment. Formative assessment involves the teacher and child working together to support learning. It is about teachers giving effective feedback to pupils and the active involvement of children in their own learning. Oral progress reports, are given to each parent at the parent-teacher interviews. However, parents are most welcome to call at the school or to telephone the head teacher at any time to arrange an appointment to discuss their child’s progress.


Self evaluation is a key feature in teaching and learning. Both staff and children engage in self and peer evaluations to continually inform and improve standards across the school. Pupil performance is tracked regularly by the class teacher and head teacher. Teachers meet with the head teacher to ensure pupils are on track with their learning. Pupils are encouraged to know the level that they are working on. Class teachers and the head teacher keep records of pupil progress within levels. Pupils talk about their learning journey and have knowledge of their personal targets.


There are two official parent/carer evenings in Linnvale and an annual written report. Curriculum for Excellence is organised into different levels and your child’s report will tell you about their progress in the levels throughout the year. The written report will include information and teacher comments about:- (a) the breadth of learning your child has experienced within curricular areas (b) the level of challenge planned for your child to ensure he/she is achieving his/her full potential and being supported appropriately (c) how well your child can apply learning in new and unfamiliar contexts LEVEL STAGE

Early The pre-school years and P1, or later for some.

First To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some.

Second To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some.

Third & Fourth

S1 to S3, but earlier for some. The fourth level broadly equates to Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework level 4.The fourth level experiences and outcomes are intended to provide possibilities for choice and young people’s programmes will not include all of the fourth level outcomes.

Senior Phase S4 to S6, and college or other means of study

Progress within a curriculum level will be described as developing, consolidating or secure.

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Equal Opportunities Equal opportunities are a priority within Linnvale Primary School and apply to all aspects of school life, including the content of the school curriculum, the ways in which teaching and learning takes place and to all other activities in the school. The school is committed to providing equal opportunities and social justice. Rights Respecting Schools Rights Respecting Schools recognise achievement in putting the rights of the child at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers/adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils. This provides a clear link for pupils between building up their rights-respecting school, understanding their rights and the need for the children’s rights to be realised everywhere. Children and young people in rights-respecting schools develop a stronger sense of the need to act for global justice. Linnvale Primary School is working towards achieving level 1 of the Rights Respecting School Award.

Additional Support Needs

Most children from time to time experience difficulties with school work. This can be identified by the parent, teacher or even the child. Parents are encouraged to inform us of any concerns. Teachers report difficulties to the Pupil Support Co-ordinator. Support is provided by alternative resources or programmes of work. Other strategies or additional support from outside agencies may be applied, such as:-

• Staff identified to support learning work closely with the class teachers to provide suitable programmes of work for all children experiencing difficulties.

• Support for a pupil can take the form of Paired Reading, help in the classroom, individual help and specialised resources.

Every effort is made to enlist the help and support of parents who can be valuable partners in the education of their children. All parents with children requiring additional support for learning will be given ample opportunity to discuss difficulties with Support for Learning Staff. A few children requiring additional support for learning will require an individualised education programme, setting short-term and long-term targets for their developmental needs. Other pupils may have their needs addressed through split placements with specialist units such as the Language Unit. Outreach teachers may be appointed to support pupils in their mainstream school. Some children may require referral for more expert help, e.g. School Psychologists. Co-operation of parents will always be sought in such cases.

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There are clear established guidelines for pupils requiring additional support in Linnvale Primary School which follow the staged intervention process in place throughout West Dunbartonshire Council. Staged intervention is based on:-

• strong partnership working within education, with partner agencies and with parents;

• early identification of additional support needs by assessing needs carefully and well;

• targeting of resources for maximum effectiveness through careful planning and joint working, and

• regular reviews and assessment of achievements and progress. In West Dunbartonshire we have four stages of staged intervention. Children may move between the stages as appropriate. Parents can enquire at anytime their child has additional support needs and can be expected to be involved at all stages of the staged intervention process. • Stage 1 intervention is a modified programme organised and implemented by the

class teacher. • With Stage 2 intervention, following a referral by the class teacher to the Learning

Support Co-ordinator (L.S.C.) and consultation from the Network Support Teacher and Early Intervention, an appropriate plan is put in place.

• With Stage 3 intervention, after assessment with the Network Support Teacher/Educational Psychologist, a support plan is put in place and additional support from outwith the school can be sought. Some Stage 3 pupils will have an Individualised Educational Programme (IEP).

• With Stage 4 intervention, the pupil has an Individualised Educational Programme with all relevant agencies working together.

Further information can be obtained on all aspects of additional support needs from West Dunbartonshire Council’s website at All staff in the school are required to be aware of child protection issues and are regularly provided with information on child Protection Policy and Procedures. The school maintains close working relationships with all other relevant agencies to ensure appropriate information is shared and that professionals from various agencies work collaboratively for the wellbeing of the children and young people. All staff have a responsibility to report concerns regarding the welfare or safety of a child or young person to the Head Teacher. If the Head Teacher, or the person deputising for the Head Teacher is of the view that there may be grounds for concern, they will immediately contact the duty senior social worker and advise them of the circumstances. Through our staged intervention and child protection procedures, we aim to ensure that the learning experiences for all our pupils are appropriate. Our approach to embrace the national policy of Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is to ensure that we work effectively, and communicate successfully with parents and different agencies to produce maximum benefits for pupils. It also introduces the concept of there being a

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‘named person’ for every child. The following diagram illustrates the ‘National Practice Model’ for GIRFEC. Two of the most important elements the ‘SHANARRI’ (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included) wheel and the ‘My World’ triangle. This model helps us to assess where a child is requiring support, then plan accordingly.


Operated by Children in Scotland, Enquire offer independent, confidential advice and information on additional support for learning through:-

• a telephone helpline - 0845 123 2303

• an e-mail enquiry service - [email protected]

• two websites - (for parents/carers and practitioners), and (for children and young people)

Enquire also provide a range of clear and easy-to-read guides and factsheets explaining everything from ‘additional support in the early years’ to ‘what planning should take place for moving on from school’.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour Our approach to discipline is based on the promotion of positive behaviour and a determination to promote our anti-bullying policy. It is a whole-school approach and based on mutual respect. Reasonable standards of behaviour are agreed by pupils and teachers and then insisted upon to maintain good order in the classroom and to ensure that learning and teaching may take place without disruption. This session, every class has developed a Class Charter which outlines the rights and responsibilities of everyone in the class. We aim to make the whole school community a friendly, non-threatening place.

• A reward system ensures that good behaviour and achievements are recognised with an agreed programme of rewards.

• Outstanding achievements are rewarded at weekly Assembly. Appropriate sanctions are put in place where pupils are behaving in an unacceptable manner. Where a pupil’s behaviour is causing concern parents are notified as soon as possible and their help enlisted. In the case of severe indiscipline a pupil may be excluded from school when all disciplinary methods have been tried and failed, or in the event of an extremely serious incident. In order to avoid such a serious outcome every effort is made to secure help from parents or specialist advice from the Educational Psychologist. An adult presence is provided in playgrounds at break times in terms of the schools (Safety and Supervision of Pupils) (Scotland) Regulations 1990. Breakfast Club starts at 8.30 a.m. and the playground is supervised each morning from 8.50 a.m.

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Home and School Links

"Research consistently demonstrates that where parents are involved with their children’s education and learning both at home and in partnership with the school, their children do better and achieve more. These benefits can be long-lasting and extend to better health and relationships, and improved employment prospects."

“I like the teachers at Linnvale because they listen to you.” Scott, P7 “I enjoyed interacting with my son at the open afternoon and finding out how he enjoyed learning new things” P1 Parent

Parents are always made very welcome in the school. Events such as class open afternoons provide parents with the opportunity to share in their children’s learning and are always well attended. We really do appreciate the unfailing help we get from our parents. Our parental involvement with Kerbcraft has been extremely successful and is now in its 8th year. We have trained volunteers to help with Toe-by-Toe and Stride Ahead. They come faithfully each week, giving each child 1:1 support with guidance from teaching staff. Parental support also enables the school to run a Super Savers programme in conjunction with the Credit Union. Last session we had our first every joint parent/staff working party looking at homework. Linnvale operates an open door policy where parents should feel confident to discuss issues with the Head Teacher or Depute, especially if there appears to be a problem. Our aim is to share in the education of the children. Parents should not, under any circumstances, approach Class Teachers in classrooms before first calling at the school office and speaking with a promoted member of staff. Parents are asked to sign in at the office as security badges must be worn when visiting classes. Similarly, parents should not approach children in the playground or reprimand them. Please allow the school to deal with any in-school problem.

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Children will be encouraged to extend the skills taught in school through further practice and research at home. The time spent on this should vary according to the age and development of the child. Homework might be set as follows:- - phonics, spelling, wordlists; - practice in mathematical processes; - reading of novels/short stories; - practice in language conventions; - home reading book; - research/information collection; - practice in skills of physical education; - practice in musical activities; - voluntary work, i.e. writing stories, poems, sketching, etc. As homework is for the benefit of your child you are asked to cooperate by seeing that the work is completed and the homework signed. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to insist that homework is completed. Parents/pupils have this responsibility. Concerns about homework should be communicated to the head or depute head teacher and an appointment with the class teacher will be organised. Following consultation with parents, there is also an ‘opt out’ option for homework, where parents are asked to sign and return a slip to excuse their child from completing homework.

Attendance At School

Section 30 of the 1980 Education Act lays a duty on every parent of a child of ‘school age’ to ensure that their child attends school regularly.

Parents are asked to inform the school by letter or telephone if their child is likely to be absent for some time, and to give the child a note on his or her return to school confirming the reason for absence. If your child is absent from school, a member of the clerical staff will telephone you to ask why your child is not at school. We sometimes use pupil and family support workers to visit families at home if no contact has been made. The Policies for Parents document “Achievement Through Attendance”, available to all parents from their children’s school, outlines the importance of good attendance. If your child does not arrive at school in the morning you will receive a phone call to yourself or next point of contact. If no contact is made then a pupil and family support worker will be sent to the family home. The reasons for this are to ensure pupil welfare.

The Scottish Government has now issued guidance to all local authorities indicating that family holidays taken during term time should be categorised as unauthorised absence (curricular no. 5/03). Clearly with no explanation from the parent the absence is unauthorised.

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Only in very exceptional circumstances will it be possible for the head teacher, with the approval of the local authority, to authorise a family holiday during term time. No child is allowed to leave school during school hours without the permission of the head teacher. Therefore, if it is essential for a child to leave class, for example for doctor, hospital or dental appointment, an explanatory letter or the appropriate card should be sent in and the child collected from school. In the interests of safety no child will be allowed to leave the school unaccompanied to keep an appointment or to meet a parent. The parent or guardian must come to the school for the child. No child will be allowed to be sent home in a taxi during the school day for any reason. The school will monitor children’s absences. Where no call or letter has been received, parents will be telephoned to ask for an explanation of absence. In some cases a pupil and family support worker will be sent to a house if a child not at school when absences are below an acceptable level without reasonable explanation. Excess absence means that the child/family will be referred to the local education authority Attendance Review Committee.


Linnvale School plays an integral part in the local community, catering for the needs of the Primary children. We are eager to work in partnership with our parents, the other local Primary Schools, Clydebank High School, and any other relevant parties. The school is part of the local community and the facilities within it are available to various groups. Requests for a let of the school premises must be made at least ten days in advance to: Letting Section West Dunbartonshire Council Educational Services Department Garshake Road Dumbarton G82 3PU Tel: 01389 737329

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Extra Curricular Activities

At Linnvale Primary we offer a range of extra curricular activities at different times in the school year. Our P7 pupils spend one week at Ardlui Outdoor Education Centre. A variety of sports clubs are run throughout the year as lunchtime and after school clubs, both by our own staff and through our Active Schools Co-ordinator. During the day sports coaches actively try to promote pupil attendance at evening clubs. All classes will have the opportunity to take part in a number of visits and outings related to their learning. Some of these visits will be within local or wider community, to historic sites, art galleries and other places of interest.

Linnvale Uniform Pupils attending schools within West Dunbartonshire Council are strongly encouraged to wear a school uniform. Our contact with parents in recent years has also made us aware that the vast majority are in favour of uniform. The wearing of school uniform helps promote the identity of the school in the local community and helps create an ethos of sharing and pride in the school. Most people tend to form opinions about a school by the appearance and behaviour of its pupils. West Dunbartonshire Council supports the wearing of school uniform in all of its schools because it:-

• improves school security by making it easier to identify intruders • builds a sense of identity and belonging to the school • gives pupils an equality of appearance thereby discouraging competition • is generally cheaper to buy than other clothing which pupils may wish to wear • encourages school discipline and a work ethic amongst pupils

The forms of dress which are unacceptable in school are items of clothing which:-

• potentially encourage faction (such as football colours) • could cause offence (such as anti-religious or political symbolism) • could cause health and safety difficulties, such as loose fitting clothing, sportswear

made of flammable material, and body piercings/jewellery for PE and sport • could cause damage to flooring • carry advertising, particularly for alcohol or tobacco • could be used to inflict damage on other pupils or be used by others to do • are valuable or expensive items of clothing or jewellery which present a security

issue for the school

We have a very distinctive school uniform which is worn very proudly by 100% of our pupils. It is a brown sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo, white polo shirt, also with logo, or white shirt/blouse with tie, plain grey trousers/skirts. A reversible waterproof fleece is also available, in brown, with the school logo on both sides.

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School uniform orders are taken twice a year, before Christmas and at the end of the school session (for the following session). Order forms are distributed to parents and orders/payments are handed in to the School Office. Parents of new P1 pupils will have a chance to order uniform at the Induction Day(s). Please put your child’s name on all items of clothing to ensure that items can be easily identified if misplaced.

P.E. Kit Children are expected to change into T-shirts, shorts and sandshoes for P.E. Jewellery should not be worn to school as it can be a hazard.

School Meals The school offers a selection of healthy school meals and we operate a pre-ordering system for lunch. Pupils choose what they would like to eat from the menu each morning and every effort is made to ensure that their choice is given at lunchtime. Money for school meals should be sent to the school each day. The Menus for our school meals are available on the West Dunbartonshire Council Website. Special diets are available and parents are asked to let us know if their child requires a special diet for medical reasons. Provision is made in the lunch hall for children who bring their own home prepared packed lunch. Some children may be entitled to a free school meal. Parents can ask at the school office or they can access the information on the council website Appendix 1 of our handbook has a copy of the application form for information.

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If you live more than one mile from the school you may be able to apply for assistance with transport costs. Application forms and information on transport are available on the council website and must be submitted by the end of February each year to enable the appropriate arrangements to be made. Children living in Dalmuir, who are in our catchment area, are entitled to apply for a bus pass. Forms are available at the school office and can be collected at time of enrolment.

Policy on Taking of Photographs on Council Premises

West Dunbartonshire Council has a policy dealing with photographs taken of individuals on premises occupied or managed by the Council or at events organised by the Council:-

• photographs should not be taken of school pupils on occasions and in locations where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy: normally, for example, young people would not expect to be photographed in the classroom, playground, or other areas of the school or during lessons on the sports field or at the swimming pool, except by arrangements;

• sporting events, mass participation events, stage appearances and other similar occasions, will be considered to be public events and photography will be permitted;

• where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, permission to take photographs should not be assumed, in the case of young people under 16 years of age, without the written consent of their parent or guardian; in the case of young people aged over the age of 16 this would refer to the young people themselves;

• parents and young people over 16 years of age should understand that sporting events, mass participation events, stage appearances and the like, where there is an audience, are public events and it is likely that photographs will be taken;

• the policy applies to all photographs and digital images, however taken, including images taken by any camera, camera mobile telephone, video camera or similar equipment.

A full copy of the policy is available for inspection at Council premises. Parental permission must be given in writing each year for pupils to be photographed or videoed.

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Medical and Health Care

West Dunbartonshire Council has strict guidelines and policy on administration of medicines. Consent/information must be given if medicine is to be administered in school. In our school we have a member of staff who is qualified to administer first aid to assist with minor injuries and accidents. Parents are asked to inform the school of any medical requirements of their child. While the school provides minor first aid treatment, parents should provide the school with an emergency contact so that children can be taken home if illness occurs. The school should be notified immediately if the emergency contact changes. Minor accidents will be dealt with in school by staff members. Minor injuries will be noted in our accident log book and a note of this will be given to the child to take home. In the event of more serious injuries and all head injuries, parents will be contacted by telephone. The school nurse is involved with all aspects of health screening and health education. Hearing, vision and dental checks are also carried out throughout the year. Primaries 1 and 2 take part in a tooth-brushing project. The school nurse is also available to help, advise and guide parents/carers with individual concerns over pupils health and wellbeing. Please contact the head teacher if you would like to have an appointment with the school nurse.

Information In Emergencies

We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions circumstances arise which lead to disruption. Schools may be affected by, for example, severe weather, dislocation of transport, power failure or difficulties of fuel supply. In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure or re-opening. We shall keep you in touch using letters, notices in local shops and community centres, announcements in the local churches and announcements in the press and on local radio. It is normal practice within West Dunbartonshire Council to operate a Helpline when emergencies arise. Details will be available when the occasion arises.

Early Closure

In the event of severe winter weather and of any faults developing in the school heating system, the head teacher may decide to close the school early. If an early closure is necessary the head teacher will take whatever steps necessary. This is intended to ensure a standard of care for each and every pupil as would reasonably be expected from prudent parents. Parents are advised to provide the school with the name and phone number of an emergency contact.

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Transfer from Primary School to Secondary School Pupils are normally transferred between the ages of 11½ and 12½, so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education. Parents will be informed of the arrangements no later than December of the year preceding the date of transfer at the start of the new session. Linnvale Primary School pupils will normally transfer to:

Clydebank High School Janetta Street, Clydebank. G81 3EJ

Telephone No.: 0141 533 3000

The Parent Council Linnvale Primary has an active Parent Council which is committed to supporting the life and work of the school. As a new parent you will be eligible to join the Parent Council or take part in fundraising initiatives during the school year. Our parent council members give generously of their time for meetings every six weeks to discuss how they can best support the school with different projects. They plan and organise specific fund raisers and last session secured Big Lottery Funding for some playground improvements. Parents on the parent council represent the wider parent group and often represent viewpoints leading to changes in procedures and routines in the school. New members are very welcome.

Linnvale Primary has established a Parent Council. The Chairperson is Mr. Kevin Gunn. The Vice-Chairperson is Mr. Tony McGraw.

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Data Protection Act 1984

Information on parents and guardians is stored on a computer system and may be used for teaching, registration, assessment and other administrative duties. The information is protected by the Data Protection Act 1984 and may only be disclosed in accordance with the Codes of Practice. For further information please contact the school.


Department of Educational Services Council Offices, Garshake Road, DUMBARTON. G82 3PU

Local Councillors Councillor Denis Agnew, Council Offices, Garshake Road, DUMBARTON. G82 3PU

Councillor John Mooney, Council Offices, Garshake Road, DUMBARTON. G82 3PU

Councillor Jim Brown, Council Offices, Garshake Road, DUMBARTON. G82 3PU

Councillor Patrick McGlinchey, Council Offices, Garshake Road, DUMBARTON. G82 3PU

Registrar &Area Officer Ms. Linda McGinley, Education Office, 57 Kilbowie Road, CLYDEBANK. G81 1BL

Community Learning & Development (Office HQ)

2nd Floor, Rosebery Place, Clydebank. G81 1TG

Although this information is correct at time of printing, there could be changes affecting any of the matters dealt with in the document:-

(a) before the commencement or during the course of the school year in question;

(b) in relation to subsequent school years.

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Appendix 1

Clothing Grant/Free School Meal Application Form

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Application for Free School Meals & Clothing Grant 2013/14 If your child attends a West Dunbartonshire School you may be entitled to free school meals and a clothing grant. If you think you will qualify, please complete this form making sure the benefit you receive is clearly identified and ensure you sign the declaration.

The Clothing Grant is £100.00 per child and payment will be made by BACS (directly into your bank account). The first payments should be made in June and you should receive your payment within 2 weeks of your application being processed. Only one clothing grant will be paid for any pupil during a school year. If you have any queries regarding a clothing grant or free school meals please telephone our contact centre on 01389 738282. Name of parent / legal guardian

First Name National Insurance Number


Name of partner / spouse

First Name National Insurance Number

Surname If you do not have a National Insurance Number and are an Asylum Seeker, please tick the box


Tel No:

Mobile No: For payment directly into your bank account, please complete the following: Account Holders Name

Account Number Sort Code

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Name & Address of Bank

N.B. BACS payments cannot be made to post office accounts. If you have a post office account or would prefer payment by cheque, tick here

List all child (ren) for whom you wish to apply (including children 16 years or over) Surname First Name Male/Female Date of Birth

(DD/MM/YYYY) Name of School/Nursery Attended from August 2013

Clothing Grants will not be paid for children who will be 16 years old between 1 March and 30 September (children of school leaving age), until they return to school in the new session. However you should include these children on your application. I am in receipt of the following benefit(s) (please tick ALL relevant): Tick Entitlement To

Income Support/Universal Credit School Meals & Clothing Grant

Jobseekers Allowance (income based) School Meals & Clothing Grant

Pension Credit School Meals & Clothing Grant

Employment and Support Allowance (income related)

School Meals & Clothing Grant

Housing and/or Council Tax Benefit Clothing Grant

Maximum Working and Child Tax Credit with income less than £6,420

School Meals & Clothing Grant

Working Tax Credit with a gross annual income of £15,860

Clothing Grant

Child Tax Credit ONLY with income less than £15,190

School Meals

Support under Part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999

School Meals & Clothing Grant

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I declare that the information provided by me is a true and accurate statement of my circumstances and that I have not withheld any facts. I agree that the Department for Work & Pensions can give you information about my benefit entitlement so that my application can be processed. I understand that if my application for free school meals is successful and my circumstances change, I must report this. Signed Date

Completed forms can be posted or returned to:

Housing Benefit Section Council Offices Garshake Road Dumbarton G82 3PU Opening hours: 9.00am – 4.00pm Mon – Thursday 9.00am -3.30pm Friday

Housing Benefit Section Council Offices Rosebery Place Clydebank G81 1TG Opening hours: 9.00am – 4.30pm Mon – Thursday 9.00am – 4.00pm Friday

Housing Office Mitchell Way Alexandria G83 0LW Opening hours: 8.30am - 4.15pm Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9.30am - 4.15pm Thursday

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Appendix 2

Information on translation services

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Translation and Interpretation The Council provides interpreters and translated materials on request. Further details on the services provided are detailed below. Telephone Interpreting The Council provides a 24 hour telephone interpreting service, the current provider is Language Line. We are currently reviewing out translation and interpretation services. The telephone interpreting service is simple and easy to use and the supporting material makes it easy to identify language requirements in face to face situations. A ‘Guide to Using Services’ is available from Community Planning and Policy. Face to Face Interpretation Where services need to provide information in community languages guidance is provided within 'Communicating Effectively'. This includes a list of approved contracts and is available on the Council's website or from Community Planning and Policy. Interpreters can be engaged to assist at meetings or in other situations as required. Translated Text All council publications must be offered in alternative formats or community languages. It may not be cost effective to translate a large publication, and in these instances a summary version of the document should be offered, or a meeting, supported by an interpreter, could be arranged to explain the key issues. We are currently reviewing our translated materials and the languages they are provided in and working with relevant community groups on this. For further information on where to access translation services or for any of the items mentioned above please contact: Policy Development Officer Community Planning and Policy, 3rd Floor, Council Offices Garshake Road, Dumbarton, G82 3PU Tel: 01389 737269 or at: [email protected]