linking performance management and pay for performance - s bardot 2010


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I presented this topic at the Global HR conference in Milan, 2010. Employee engagement has a significant impact on an organisation bottom line. After a quick case study of a deployment of a new performance management system, I cover how HR can improve employee engagement through performance management and pay-for-performance activities, especially supporting line managers as they have the most direct impact on their teams' perceptions - and therefore on employee engagement.


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Sandrine Bardot –

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The world is changing

© 2013


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Up, down and back up

© 2013


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Walls are crumbling

© 2013


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© 2013

Quick case study Tips for implementing a Pay-for-

Performance system Potential risks Enablers Bad PFP leads to disengagement Drivers of employee commitment

Tips series 1 : technical aspects of system design Tips series 2 : formal company communication Tips series 3 : the role of managers

Additional resources


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Case study

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Why did we do it ?

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Old system was a mess : Process not followed by managers No impact on pay nor career management Administrative nightmare

Our objectives : Introduce a pay-for-performance culture Encourage alignment between the different BUs IPO plans Share the wealth with employees Develop accountability and on-going feedback and

dialogue between managers and employees


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The system

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Goals catalogue, year-on-year maintenance and sharing / cascading of objectives

Employee self-evaluation Introduction of mid-year review Guided performance distribution curve Moderation sessions across groups Variable pool funding Direct link to individually differentiated payouts

(bonus and increases) Integration with other HR systems (succession

management, learning and development, payroll...)


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© 2013

93% of employee self-appraisals on time (were not mandated in the first year)

90% of manager ratings on time Thousands of employees in 14 countries

reviewed for moderation of ratings in less than a month

Salary increase budget was controlled Bonus payments differentiated by

performance rating Reduced lead-time to pay


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What worked... and what didn’t

Great employee participation and feedback : some managers talked performance with them for the first time

Easy tool and user interface made the move to technology a breeze

Massive cost savings through salary increase budget control

Improved succession planning and training plan

Moderation sessions not very well received by managers

Pay decisions not very collaborative due to the pool distribution

Not enough time for training on how to give feedback

No communication on the results of the appraisal round

Proper pay discussions not held in many departments

© 2013

Positive Negative


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Tips for implementing PFP

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Potential risks

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A conflict between : Employee and manager working together to

improve performance (problem solving, on going, collaborative approach with accountability on both sides)

And opposing interests when discussing the pay and reward impact of the performance appraisal

Potentially more arguments about the appraisal results, as the financial impact makes both parties more rigid in their approach


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© 2013

Top leadership buy-in is a must On-going dialogue with stakeholders for

design IT systems and integration with other HR tools Time... Trial and error... Continuous monitoring

Understand that each system is unique Accept that there is no perfect way to assess

employee contributions accurately


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Bad PFP leads to disengagement

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2/3 of employees are unhappy with how pay-for-performance works at their organisation.

On average, 27% of dissatisfied employees have actually reduced the amount of effort they put in at work. It’s 35% for senior leaders (self-declared) !

(Source : CLC)


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Influencers of employee commitment

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Formal plan communication Manager communication

How organisations pay How organisations communicate about pay

Incentive satisfaction Process fairness perception

Actual fairness of pay distribution

Employee commitment

Discretionary effort - Impact on company results


57% higher vs effort of strongly not committed


Source : CLC


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Tips 1 - Design aspects

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Must : Align individual performance expectations with

organisational goals Strong line of sight Avoid giving too many objectives – focus on core

Recommend : a fuller assessment of performance Results and behaviour-based (competencies) 360-degree reviews ? (be careful before

deciding) Consider an even number of ratings ?


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Tips 1 - PFP is a continuum

Forced distribution

Guided distribution

Uncontrolled ratingsNo rating

Position in SR irrelevant

>2x, within salary range

1.5 to 2 x average

No differentiation

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Small increase for 2d lowest ratingNo increaseSmall



High performers

Low performers


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Tips 1- Support distribution fairness

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Budget or variable pool ? Merit recommendations :

Based on performance rating only / also include another factor like position in salary range ?

Discretionary / “range in the cell” ? Aggressive / moderate differentiation between

cells ? Other data included ? (last increase, other

employees in team, bonus info...) Training and HR support How / Will you hold managers accountable ?


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Tips 2 – Communication of results

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Go beyond regular communication on tool and system

Why ? For fairness, accountability and prevention of abuse

Decide on reasonable level of transparency : By grade, unit, job family, a combination ? Average and/or minimum – maximum ?

Communicate overall results of performance appraisal and pay decisions: Performance rating Pay increase Bonus


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Tips 3 - The role of managers

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Extract from the “10 manager drivers to improve engagement list” from CLC study, 2009 1. Provide fair and accurate informal feedback 2. Emphasize employee strengths in performance

reviews 3. Clarify performance expectations 6. Amplify positive employee performance traits and

filter negative effects 7. Connect employees with the organizations’ strategy

and its success 10. Demonstrate credible commitment to employee



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Tips 3 -What’s in it for me as manager

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Outcomes of good performance mgt


Manager and employee problem-solve together

Non confrontational resolution of issues

Identify which employees : - can benefit from job training - to develop for greater responsibilities

Motivated employees with the right skills to perform the jobIf you’re not replaceable, you’re not promotable

Help each employee to understand his/her contribution to company success

Increased motivation and discretionary effort

Identify performance problems early on

They don’t grow too large to be handled

Remove barriers to performance that are not under employee control

Better productivity

Documentation for disciplinary action

Protection from unjustified legal action


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Tips 3 - Beyond “the form”

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Explain that you are developing management tools, not an HR program and not just a tool : Why and how to differentiate between

employees What to discuss at a moderation meeting How to give constructive feedback How to manage poor performers How to develop individual development

plans How to communicate about pay How to recognise performance (beyond



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Additional resources

© 2013

Linking pay to performance – HumanResourcesIQ podcast

Pay for Performance does not always pay – HBR article

Helping managers talk about pay – 3 tips from Corporate Executive Board survey at Bloomberg

Why managers don’t manage pay – CMC compensation Group blog post

The history of performance reviews (an infographic) Why is "soft stuff” so hard really, at least to assess



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And a final reminder….

© Jim Davis

© 2013


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Thank you !

Sandrine BardotConsultant, trainer, speaker, blogger

+971 566 172 [email protected]

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