linkedin for business guide in 60 mins 2015

LINKEDIN FOR BUSINESS “The best LinkedIn guide on the internet – it will seriously help you get MORE LEADS, SALES & BUSINESS

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“The  best  LinkedIn  guide  on  the  internet  –  it  will  seriously  help  you  get  


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In  60  minutes  or  less!”    

Dawn  Adlam  The  Bizlinks    Social  Media  Coaching  &  Training    

Thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to  read  my  Free  Guide,  it  means  you  are  actively  

looking  to  make  the  best  use  of  your  precious  time  by  understanding  the  

power  of  Social  Media.  I  specialise  in  Coaching  and  Training  on  the  Linkedin  

platform  as  it  dramatically  changed  the  way  I  did  business  once  I  knew  how  to  

use  it  effectively.  No  more  cold  calling  and  no  more  gatekeepers!  You  never  

run  out  of  contacts  on  Linkedin,  it  is  real  time  marketing  where  you  are  

working  “on”  your  business  and  not  in  it.  

I  have  been  running  regular  workshops  and  coaching  sessions  for  the  last  3  

years  helping  Business  Owners  and  Sales  Teams  to  get  the  results  they  want  

from  Linkedin,  whatever  the  type  of  Business,  if  you  know  your  target  market  

then  Linkedin  can  help  you.  

Having  been  a  BNI  member  for  the  last  7  years  in  Birmingham  I  really  

appreciate  the  power  of  Networking  online  and  offline  face  to  face,  there  is  

nothing  better  in  generating  new  Business  opportunities  as  people  buy  from  

people.  The  philosophy  in  BNI  is  Givers  Gain  which  certainly  is  true  of  Linkedin  

too  –  find  the  people  you  can  help,  show  how  you  add  value  and  make  the  

right  approach,  a  simple  but  effective  process  and  my  mission  is  to  share  this  

knowledge  with  as  many  Business  people  as  possible,  knowledge  is  power!  

Using  Linkedin  regularly  as  part  of  your  Sales  and  Marketing  strategy  will  make  

a  massive  difference  to  your  Business  so  don’t  get  left  behind  in  the  Social  

Media  Revolution,  its  here  to  stay...  

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“  Social  Media  is  ever  evolving  and  is  here  to  stay  so  don’t  get  left  behind,  if  you  are  not  using  Linkedin  effectively  then  you  can  bet  your  competitors  will  be!”    


How  to  start  using  LinkedIn  for  Business  Development  (in  60  minutes  or  less)  


LinkedIn  does  not  work  for  me!    

I  hear  this  all  the  time.  The  fact  is  that  for  most  it’s  true.  The  question  is  why?  After  all,  it  has  the  potential  to  connect  you  to  the  businesses,  markets  and  people  that  can  make  the  difference  in  your  business.    

But  it’s  also  complicated,  time-­‐consuming  and  not  a  little  bit  intimidating,  right?  

Not  exactly.  If  you  are  prepared  to  invest  just  one  hour  in  this  free  guide,  I  can  show  you  how  to  get  yourself  set  up  on  LinkedIn  so  that  you  are  ready  to  use  it  for  lead  generation  and  business  development.    


The  guide  will  give  you  the  means  to  make  quick  fixes  and  practical  changes  that  will  set  up  your  LinkedIn  account  in  the  way  it  should  be:  as  a  business  generating  source.  


But  before  we  start,  let’s  look  at  why  LinkedIn  is  so  frustrating  for  so  many  people.  





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Reasons  why  business  &  people  don’t  get  results  from  LinkedIn  

! They  have  a  profile  that  looks  like  an  online  CV  ! They  are  trying  to  sell  to  new  contacts    ! They  are  trying  to  sell  to  existing  contacts    ! No  action  is  taken  after  connections  are  made    ! Inconsistent  activity  ! There  is  no  strategy  for  lead  generation    

If  you  recognise  any  of  the  above  then  this  guide  is  the  first  step  towards  taking  charge  of  LinkedIn  and  transforming  it  into  a  solid  business  development  tool.    


Is  LinkedIn  really  worth  the  time  and  effort?  Firstly,  Let  me  just  deal  with  this  simple  question.    

LinkedIn  Can:  

! Help  you  generate  Leads  in  a  whole  new  way    

! End  your  Cold  Calling  Days  for  ever  

! Help  you  Grow  Your  Business  in  New  Countries  &  Markets    




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But  don’t  I  have  to  sell?    A  lot  of  people  I  work  with  tell  me  they  struggle  with  selling.  I  respond  with  the  following    

! Do  you  have  a  partner?  ! Do  you  have  children?  ! Do  you  have  friends?  

If  you  answer  yes  to  one  or  more  of  the  above  then  you  can  sell,  and  you’re  probably  very  good  at  it  too.    

The  challenge  is  not  selling.  It’s  getting  enough  opportunities  to  sell,  or  in  other  words  Lead  Generation.    


The  WHAT,  the  WHY  and  the  HOW    People  buy  people.  Selling  starts  with  building  trust  and  rapport  not  features  and  benefits.  During  this  guide  I  will  be  talking  about  the  WHY  because  this  is  what  people  buy  first.  Think  about  it.  

Dave  the  Accountant  

! Does  VAT  Returns  and  TAX  Planning  –  the  WHAT    ! Writes  spreadsheets  and  fills  online  returns  –  the  HOW    ! Has  a  drive,  commitment  and  above  all  passion  for  working  with  ambitious  

business  owners  and  helping  them  to  build  a  solid  financial  platform  –  the  WHY    

Which  one  of  those  three  will  you  buy  into  first?    


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The  two  vital  first  steps  to  making  LinkedIn  work  for  you    

1. Build  an  engaging  LinkedIn  Profile    2. Grow  your  network  with  key  people  in  your  market    

The  first  phase  of  my  LinkedIn  coaching  is  based  on  these  two  simple  steps.  This  guide  will  take  you  through  both  of  them,  for  free.    



Step  1  –  Creating  an  Engaging  LinkedIn  Profile  that  works  

The  key  to  building  a  great  LinkedIn  profile  is  to  find  a  solid  answer  to  the  following  questions  

“Who  do  I  want  to  engage  in  business  and  why  should  they  want  to  talk  to  me?”  

Put  yourself  in  your  client’s  shoes  and  work  out  what  your  true  value  is.    

Then  ask  yourself:    

“WHY  do  I  do  what  I  do?”  

The  answers  to  these  questions  should  form  the  foundation  to  your  profile.  

Start  at  the  top:  



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Your  Photo  and  Professional  Headline  



Investing  in  a  professional  picture  is  critical,  social  pictures  or  a  selfie  taken  with  your  mobile  phone  will  just  look  unprofessional.    

The  text  directly  under  your  name  is  called  your  professional  headline,  you  have  120  characters  so  make  every  one  of  them  count.    


My  advice  is:  

Talk  about  your  value,  not  what  you  do.  

Add  in  keywords  because  LinkedIn  search  your  headline  first  when  returning  search  results.  For  example,  I  want  to  be  found  for  “LinkedIn  Training”.    





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 Creating  your  summary    

Your  LinkedIn  Summary  needs  to  focus  on  WHAT  drives  you  and  WHY  do  

choose  the  profession  you  are  in.  Your  summary  is  not  the  place  to  list  your  

services  and  products  because  no  one  will  care  about  that  until  they  buy  into  

you.  It  is  also  a  great  idea  to  end  your  summary  with  a  ilttle  personal  

information  -­‐  what  you  enjoy  doing  outside  of  work.      

Including  your  work  experience    This  is  straightforward  –  this  can  be  generic  and  not  about  you.  It’s  about  your  

business  –  use  the  about  us  statement  on  your  website  if  you  have  one  and  

also  add  in  your  Keywords  at  the  bottom  of  your  work  experience  description  

for  SEO  reasons.    

Providing  Evidence  Clearly  define  the  Top  Skills  you  have  developed.  Aim  for  about  12  if  you  can.    

If  you  need  some  inspiration  find  a  LinkedIn  member  with  a  similar  back  

ground  to  you  and  look  at  what  they  have  listed.    

LinkedIn  also  allows  you  to  add  in  your  own  Skills.  I  recommend  you  also  add  in  

some  soft  skills,  like  Business  networking  or  communication.  This  will  allow  

members  who  have  not  directly  experienced  your  services  to  give  you  an  

endorsement.  The  more  you  have  here  the  better.    

LinkedIn  Recommendations  are  powerful  and  can  also  be  displayed  on  

websites,  sales  copy  and  other  marketing  material.  When  requesting  one  from  

a  connection,  write  a  personal  message  and  ask  for  3  things  that  back  up  the  

value  you  have  outline  in  your  Headline  and  Summary.    

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An  example  of  how  to  create  your  basic  profile    






















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Step  2  -­‐  Building  a  powerful  LinkedIn  network  of  contacts  


Connections  lead  to  opportunities.    

It’s  that  simple  –  The  key  is  to  build  your  LinkedIn  network  strategically  around  

your  target  markets  and  make  full  use  of  your  Members,  Advocates  and  Raving  


The  most  effective  way  to  grow  your  LinkedIn  network  -­‐  at  least  initially  -­‐  is  to  

find  and  connect  with  your  Members,  Advocates,  Raving  Fans,  Clients,  

Associates,  Partners  and  other  people  you  are  currently  working  with.    

The  next  step  should  be  to  reconnect  with  the  people  you  used  to  know  

including  past  Clients,  and  Colleagues.  A  great  place  to  start  would  be  the  

drawer  full  of  business  cards  you  have.    

Another  great  place  to  find  old  contacts  is  your  email  inbox.  Turn  it  upside  

down  and  scan  your  inbox  right  from  the  start  –  you  will  find  and  remember  

people  and  opportunities  you  had  forgotten  about  completely  .  

It  is  very  important  that  you  personalise  each  invite  you  send  especially  if  you  

have  only  met  them  briefly  and/or  a  while  ago,  as  shown  in  the  example  




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Great  phrases  to  use  with  your  invitation  message    ! I’d  like  to  invite  you  to  join  my  network  –  much  more  personal    

! I  would  like  the  opportunity  to  reconnect  with  you  –  great  for  old  contacts    






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Always  Be  Building  Always  look  to  increase  your  LinkedIn  contacts  whenever  you  can  for  example  

attending  network  events,  inbound  phone  calls  or  meetings.  

Get  into  the  habit  of  meeting  someone  new  and  then  connecting  with  them  on  

LinkedIn.  Try  to  connect  with  at  least  one  new  person  a  day.  


Other  great  ways  to  grow  your  network    ! LinkedIn  Groups  –  once  joined  you  can  message  the  members  within  the  


! Your  existing  network  –  introductions  from  your  Advocates  and  Raving  fans  










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Managing  your  growing  LinkedIn  network    LinkedIn  provide  several  great  features  to  help  you  effectively  manage  your  

fast  growing  network.  Below  is  where  LinkedIn  provides  you  with  information  

and  several  ways  you  can  manage  your  network.  



The  first  section  displays  certain  events  for  your  contacts  such  as  birthdays,  

new  jobs,  and  work  anniversaries  –  there  is  a  nice  option  where  you  can  send  a  

personal  note  which  is  great  for  building  and  maintaining  rapport  with  your  









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Segmentation    The  next  section  in  the  “keep  in  touch  page”  allows  you  to  segment  your  

network  into  sub  groups  based  on:    

! Company  name    

! Location  

! Job  title  

! Source    

The  example  below  filters  out  contacts  in  Southampton    


Once  you  have  your  segmented  network  you  can  then  send  group  messages  to  

the  contacts  you  select.  




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Your  own  segmentation    

Tagging  is  a  great  feature  provided  by  LinkedIn  that  allows  you  to  create  your  own  groups  based  on  your  parameters.  


Tagging  Key  Features    

! Up  to  200  groups    ! Private  to  you  only    ! Group  messaging  permitted    ! Contacts  can  be  in  multiple  groups    


Please  note:  customised  tagging  is  covered  in  more  detail  during  my  coaching  sessions.  

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On  all  of  your  connections  you  will  notice  at  the  top  the  Relationship  feature,  this  allows  you  to  make  notes  on  each  contact,  set  reminders,  state  how  you  met  and  apply  tags.  



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Are  you  a  one  in  ten?  In  terms  of  successful  engagement,  if  you  get  your  positioning  right  you  should  

be  looking  at  a  one  in  ten  conversion  from  acceptance  to  appointment.    One  of  

the  key  areas  I  focus  on  when  coaching  my  clients  is  to  create  an  engagement  

strategy  and  process  that  will  produce  real  results.    

If  you  follow  this  process  you  WILL  find  your  prospect  far  more  open  to  what  

you  have  to  say.  


The  next  step:    

I  hope  you  enjoyed  this  free  guide.  Knowing  how  to  set  up  your  profile  and  then  your  network  is  crucial  to  your  LinkedIn  success.  

But  it  doesn’t  stop  there.  

Once  your  profile  is  set  up  and  you  have  started  to  make  inroads  to  building  a  powerful  network  you  then  need  to  start  using  LinkedIn  to  market  yourself.    


What  you  need  to  make  LinkedIn  a  success:  

1. A  solid  strategy  |  profile    2. A  great  LinkedIn  network  3. An  effective  LinkedIn  engagement  plan

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Take  a  look  at  some  of  my  LinkedIn  testimonials    




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To  view  all  of  my  168  Personal  Recommendations  please  do  view  my  LinkedIn  profile                                                      

What  my  coaching  sessions  can  offer  you:    

• The  next  steps  towards  mastering  LinkedIn  for  business  • Quick  and  practical  strategies  for  building  leads  that  create  business  • Techniques  for  building  your  network  even  more,  so  it  becomes  a  24  

hour  inbound  marketing  tool  • How  to  develop  relationships  on  LinkedIn  that  keep  creating  new  

opportunities  • The  confidence  to  create  a  selling  strategy  on  LinkedIn  that  will  become  

a  source  of  new  leads  


This  is  what  works  for  me.  You  have  also  received  some  incredible  (and  free)  advice  on  how  to  start  building  a  powerful  profile  and  a  network  that  will  bring  in  new  opportunities.  

It’s  now  about  taking  that  next  step  to  making  LinkedIn  your  main  business  development  tool.  I  use  LinkedIn  more  than  anything  else.  


" That  means  no  more  cold-­‐calling.    

" No  expensive  ad  campaigns.  


I  want  to  extend  to  you  the  opportunity  to  take  control  of  this  amazing  lead-­‐generation  resource.  I  want  you  to  step  beyond  creating  a  profile  and  starting  a  network  and  into  new  business,  new  revenue  and  an  exciting  future.  


If  you  want  to  take  charge  of  your  business  future,  get  in  touch.    

Page 20: Linkedin for Business Guide in 60 mins 2015


Need  More  Help  with  LinkedIn  –  Call  me  Today  on  07880  725  564  


About Dawn Adlam Having trained 100’s of Business Owners and Sales Teams over the last 3 years

I have the knowledge to share to help others make the best use of the amazing B2B Platform that is Linkedin. Workshops are interactive and engaging from beginners through to more advanced users. Individual Open Workshops or In House Corporate Workshops. Personal Remote Coaching Progammes to suit you over a 3 month period to maximise your time and investment and help you generate real results and new opportunities,

Find out more about me Please do connect with me on LinkedIn LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Remote Coaching – Client Feedback  

LinkedIn Workshops – Client Feedback

LinkedIn for Sales Teams – Client feedback    

View my Speaker Bio

Email: [email protected] M: 07880 725 564


Thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to  read  this  guide  and  please  do  feel  free  to  contact  me  for  help  and  support  with  LinkedIn,  Sales  &  Lead  Generation.