linked open data as element of public administration information management


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Presentation for IRIS Conference, 2011 Salzburg, Austria


Page 1: Linked Open Data as Element of Public Administration Information Management
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Political Mindset

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Transparency Participation Collaboration

““My Administration is committed to creating anMy Administration is committed to creating anUnprecedented level of openness in Government.“Unprecedented level of openness in Government.“

Barack Obama, “Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies - Barack Obama, “Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies - Transparency and Open Government,” Jan. 2009.Transparency and Open Government,” Jan. 2009.

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Open Data Catalogues

State / Federal Private

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Why Open Data? More information might lead to more informed

and better decisions Higher degree of effectiveness & efficiency

● P. Weiss, "Borders in Cyberspace: Conflicting Public Sector Information Policies and their Economic Impacts," ed: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2004.

Strengthen trust in establishment● R. Marcella and G. Baxter, "Information need, information seeking behaviour and participation, with special reference to

needs related to citizenship: results of a national survey," Journal of Documentation, vol. 56, pp. 136-160, 2002.

Leverage benefits of peer production New business models “Peoples right to know”

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Open Data


Konsultationauf Foren, Wikis


Chance, Erfolg oder Misserfolg

der Politik zu Erkennen,

zu Bewerten

und Vorschläge einzubringen

Open Data im Policy Cycle

M. Sengens, M.G. Löhe, P. Müller, J.H. Weitzmann, and H. Lesch, Offene Staatskunst - Bessere Politik durch »Open Government«?Berlin: Internet & Gesellschaft Co:llaboratory, 2010.

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Open Government DataDefinitions & Principles

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Open Government Data

Open Government Data are data sets released by the government on public interest. Usage is unconstrained with the right to re-share and re-purpose

without further notice.

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Open Data Principles Complete Primary Timely Easily Accessible Machine Processable Non-Discriminating Using Open Standards Liberal Licencing Reliable Free of Charge OR Non-Discriminating fees

von Lucke and C.P. Geiger, “Open Government Data - Frei verfügbare Daten des öffentlichen Sektors,” Dec. 2010.

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Open Government Data

Element of Public Administration Information Management

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Information Management (EN)

Collection and management of information

Organization of and control over the structure, processing and delivery of information

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Informationsmanagement (DE) Beschaffung und Bereitstellung von Information Planung, Beschaffung und Bereitstellung der

dafür erforderlichen Informations- und IT-Infrastruktur und notwendiger, personeller Ressourcen● Informationsmanagement wird in der

deutschsprachigen Literatur überwiegend als Informationsgenerierung und Informationsbeschaffung behandelt

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Open Government Data

Architecture Model

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Architecture Model

Five level saturation model by Tim Berners-Lee

★ Available on the web (whatever format), but with an open licence★★ Available as machine-readable structured data (e.g. excel instead

of image scan of a table)★★★ as (2) plus non-proprietary format (e.g. CSV instead of excel)★★★★ All the above plus, Use open standards from W3C (RDF and SPARQL)

to identify things, so that people can point at your stuff★★★★★ All the above, plus: Link your data to other people’s data

to provide context

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URIs for everything

Naming scheme respects federal principle of subsidiarity and autonomy

http://{sector}.{federallevel}{concept}/IDENTIFIKATION {.rdf|html}●


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Ontologies for Non-Information Resources (NIR)

Enable computer systems to reason about reality

Automated service discovery Optimal resource allocation for

processes Ontologies about NIRs classify Open

Linked Data about Information Resources (IR)

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Open Data API Reduce server resources by optimal query strategy Querying data originator rather than local storage

prevents data inconsistencies Extern-facing API by means of RESTful serives

● Integrates seamlessly with web browsers● Well understood and supported standard technology● JSON serialization less verbose and more web friendly than

XML● “Simple” compared to wsdl:SOAP

Eliminates asymmetry of Open Data by enabling information in-flow

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Open Government Data Register Topic of research

C. Koumenides, M. Salvadores, H. Alani, and N. Shadbol, “Global integration of public sector information,” Raleigh, NC, USA: 2010.

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[0] Identify an Open Data Set

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[0] Identify an Open Data Set[1] Browse Url / Uri (eg.

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[0] Identify an Open Data Set[1] Browse Url / Uri (eg.

[2] Transfer minimal Web Page with Javascript RDF-Browser

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[0] Identify an Open Data Set[1] Browse Url / Uri (eg.

[2] Transfer minimal Web Page with Javascript RDF-Browser

[3] Retrieve Data using OGD API

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Architecture (4)

[4] Query RDF-Database

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[4'] Use HTTP-Proxy to Query Databases outside Internet Domain

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Big picture

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Next steps Identify already released data or uncritical data sets;

grab for the low hanging fruits Release as XML, CSV Create an online-catalogue of Open Data Go semantic: Enrich with meta data, create URI

infrastructure, identify open source components Extend government enterprise architecture with

Linked Data elements

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Links and further readingPapers & Literature:C. Koumenides, M. Salvadores, H. Alani, and N. Shadbol, “Global integration of public sector information,” Raleigh, NC, USA: 2010.F. Ortiz-Rodríguez, J.C. Pelaez, and F.J. Pascual, “Semantic model approach for eGovernment to improve sharing, retrieving and exchanging documentation across back-office,” Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Social Networks: Making Connections between Citizens, Data and Government, Digital Government Society of North America, 2009, pp. 319–320.S.K. Goudos, V. Peristeras, and K. Tarabanis, “Reengineering Public Administration through Semantic Technologies and a Reference Domain Ontology,” Semantic Web for eGovernment 2006, p. 25.C. Koumenides, M. Salvadores, H. Alani, and N. Shadbol, “Global integration of public sector information,” Raleigh, NC, USA: 2010.P. Salhofer, “Ontology Driven E-Government,” eGovernment Review, Jan. 2009, pp. 22-23.J. Sheridan and J. Tennison, “Linking UK government data,” Proc. of the WWW Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, 2010.D. Wood, Linking Enterprise Data, Springer, 2010.F. Servant, “Linking Enterprise Data,” CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bejing: 2008.F. Maali, R. Cyganiak, and V. Peristeras, “Enabling Interoperability of Government Data Catalogues,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lausanne, Switzerland: Springer, 2010, pp. 339-350.P.N. Weiss, “Borders in Cyberspace: Conflicting Public Sector Information Policies and their Economic Impacts,” Public sector information in the digital age: between markets, public management and citizens' rights, 2004, p. 137.E. Hornes, A. Jansen, and Ø. Langeland, “How to Develop an Open and Flexible Information Infrastructure for the Public Sector,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lausanne, Switzerland: Springer, 2010, pp. 301-314.. von Lucke and C.P. Geiger, “Open Government Data - Frei verfügbare Daten des öffentlichen Sektors,” Dec. 2010.

Web Links:Empowering the empowered: URIs for the semantic web: HTTP-Header Response Codes for the Semantic Web: Licenses: Semantic Web Software: Library to render RDF as (X)HTML:, SKOS recommendation to create thesauri: Tools and Software recommended by the W3C to deal with RDF and the Semantic Web: