line dance instructions 110211

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    BASIC DANCE STEPS & HOW TO DO THEMCourtesy of Paula Messier

    Line Dan

    We (WeeLineDan

    547 FPocatell


    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Below please find some definitions of basic line dance terms.These are terms that are used frequently in our beginner line dances.These step descriptions are compiled from various sources. There is "no one set"of line dance "official" terms.And I am certainly, not even remotely, trying to do that But what I would like to do isgive the students, where I teach, some of the terms I will be using as cues for ourdances. and how I use them. We want you to have fun and learn as quickly as possible andunderstanding certain basic steps is a big part of learning.BASIC STEPS DESCRIPTIONSAn Example: & 1 or 1 &Half of a quick count Used to denote a Yz beat of music.Ball change :Quick change of wt. from the ball of one ft. to the oppositeBPM :Beats Per MinuteBridge (tag) :An extra set of steps not part of the main dance that are insertedinto one or more parts of the dance to make i t fit the music.Brush:the ball of the designated foot lightly '"brushes" the floor as it swingseither forward or back (no wt change).Chasse (pronounced shah-say):A 3 step pattern. Step to the side onfirst beat, bring other foot over to meet that one (together steplwlwt. change),then step side again on next count. Side, together, side. Can be right or left.aka side shuffle.Example: step side right w/R ft, step together w/L, step side R w/R again.Usually counted as 1 & 2.Coaster (back) :Example: right back coaster- back w/R ft , together with L, forward w/R.Three steps, usually syncopated, stepping back, together, forward. Usual counts are1&2

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    Aleen J. She8r8l'

    Coaster (forward):Example: left forward coaster- forward with/L ft., together with R, back w/L.Three steps, usually syncopated, stepping forward, together, forward. Usual counts are1&2Count Example:32 ct. dance.A dance will state i t has a number of counts in it . This is the number of beats of musicit will take to complete one repetition or sequence of the dance.Important: Remember the number of steps may not be equal to the number of beats.Crossing shuffle :Example: R crossing shuffle: cross R over small R side step,cross R over L.-Usual counts are 1 &21f i t is a R crossing shuffle your body will befacing slightly diagonal left.R crossing shuffles move to L L -crossing shUffles move to R. Crossing one foot infront of the other on 1stcount, then taking asmall side step withe other(keep this one slightly back) on the & count, then cross onee again in front on ct. 2.Body will be ata slight diagonal during this.Foot positions :There are 5. (1) Feet together (2) Feet parallel, hip width apart(3) Heel to instep. Can be extended. (4) Forward or back (in the tracks) (5) Toe to heel.Can be extended.Grapevine (aka vine)Example: R vine -step side R,-then cross L behind, then step side R.A continuous traveling step pattern to the sidewith crosses behind or in front.Vines can also have a tum variation in them, usually turning Y4, %or even %onthe 3rd count. We also have "rolling vineS" where the 3 steps will equal a full360 degrees (o r some portion thereof). Example: R rolling vine - tum % overR shoulder step fwd. wiR ft, continue over R shoulder turning "k & steppingback wll, then finish by turning % more over R shoulder to face originalwall and step side R.Hitch:Lift knee up wlwt on opposite leg.Hold:To do no movement for a se t number of beats.Jazz box (aka jazz square):Example: (a.) step fwd w/R, croSs L over R, _ .step back w/R, step side L. (b) cross R over L, step back wll , step side R, step fwd. w/A dance pattern consisting of 4 weight changes. It may start with a forward step

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    Aleen J. Shear

    or a cross step. When the 4th step is a together step i t should correctly be callea jazz triangle, BUT you will very seldom see that done. It is usually still calledand written as a jazz square or box.Kick ball change :Example: R kick ball change is done by kicking fwd.w/R ft, bring ball of R ft back to center, then change weight immediately to l ft.Counted 1 & 2, 3 steps to 2 beats of music) Can be either R or lKick ball eros :Kick your lead ft. fwd (sometimes will be angled, check step sheets),return lead ft. to center & slightly back, cross other ft. in front of your lead ft . Ussyncopated.Example: Kick R ft . fwd. on count 1, bring back to center (slightly back of centeron "&"count, then cross l in front of R (wt. ends on l).loc :A tight cross of the feetlun e:Transferring of wt. to a bent leg w/ free leg extended. Can be fwd, diagonal or siMonterey_um:May have a variety of degree of tum (1/2, 1/4, 3/4 or even full 360).Touch toe out to side on count 1, tum whatever amount on the ball of the weighfoot bringing the "side touch toe" in to center & changing weight to i t on counttouch other toe to side on count 3, then step the touching foot at center next tothe weighted foot on count 4.Example: Right monterey tum (1/2) -Touch -R toe to R side on count 1, turn 1/2 tover R shoulder bringing R ft . next to left on count 2, touch L toe to l side on coand bring L ft. in to center and step on i t on count 4 (wt ends on L).Pivot (tum):Example: a % pivot tum is a step fwd w/R, tum % or 180degreesover L shoulder, and change weight to L foot. Turns can be various amounts suas 1/8, Y., %, etc.A term that causes much debate. A true pivot tum is a traveling turn executed wthe thighs locked & the feet apart in 5th position. This type of tum is used in"couple dancing" part icularly common in two step. BUT in line dancing i t is a teused when you step forward w/one ft., turning (amt. of tum may vary), and thenchanging wt. to the other ft I f you were to step fwd w/L you would be turning ovR shoulder. It's not necessary to determine what is the way i t "should be" onlythats the way " it is in line dancing at this time".Restart:While in general denotes just to begin the main dance again, i t will be noted

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    Aleen J. Shearer

    occasionally on some dances that you will be restarting the dance again after onlydoing a portion of it. Again used to make the dance f it the music.Rock ste s:Example: R fwd rock -step fwd with R, then rock back onto Lrecovering your weight.Two weight changes in opposite directions using 2 beats of music. Fwd and backrock steps are done in 5th foot position, side rock steps in second position.Sailor shuffle:Example: R sailor shuffle - place R ft behind L, step side L,then step side R recovering your weight. Your cts. would be 1 & 2.Can be either R or L. Cross ft. behind, step side with the other, and side w/original ft .This dance pattern is accomplished by leaning in the opposite direction of the backcrossing foot.Shu e:Example: step side R, together w/L, step side R , A triple step.Side shuffles are executed by stepping to the side, bring the other ft . next to it ,& stepping to the side again . Fwd or Back shuffles: Fwd/Back, together(either .in 1st or 3rd ft. positions), fwd/back.)Ste :A weight change to that footStruts: Can be toe/heel. Example: Touch toe to floor on count 1, then drop theheel on count 2 taking weight to that foot. Can be heeUtoe: Touch heel of foot to flooron 1st ct. then drop toe on 2nd. Can move fwd, back, to the side, diagonal, & crossing.S hes:Touching one ft. out, returning i t to center transferring weight, thenextending opposite out. Can be toes, heels, forward, side, etc.Example: side switches -touch R toe to R side, bring back to center and change R, . ouch L toe to L side, usually bringing L back in to center (but will depend onspecific dance. Check your step sheet) Syncopated cts 1 & 2 &.Ta (aka touch):The toe or heel of the foot touches or taps the floor w/no weight change.T ether:To bring the one foot next to the other, w/ wt. changeWeave:Example: step side R, cross L in frt., step side R, cross L behind

    A l t e ~ a t i n g crossing behind and in front. Can start w/side step, or cross in front,or cross behind. You will find them in various numbers, 4, 6, 8,etc.

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    'f- '-(-1Aleen J. Shearer BARB ..;J'A

    5 ,6 ,7 ,8

    32 Count 4 Wall B Inner Line DanceChoreographed by: Rodeo Ruth (UK)Counts1 -45 -8910111213-1415- 1617-1819-20



    Step DirectionsTwist heels L, twl$t toes L, twist heels L, ClapTwist heels R, twist toes R, twist heels R, ClapStep L toe forward,Stap L heel down, at the same t ime slap L hand on L hlpStep R toe forward,Slap R heel down, at the same t ime slap R hand on R hlpBend knees. Push hips Las you straighten legs.Bend knees. Push hips R as you straighten legs.Step R to R side, close L beside RStep R to R side, touch L beside RWhile performing s teps 17 - 20, lasso with R armStep L to L side, close R beside LStep L to L side, touch R beside LWhile performing steps 21 - 24, lasso with L armStretch arms out to L diagonal, at same t ime tap L heelout to L dlagnolBend elbows & return to chestStretch arms out toR diagonal, at same t ime tap R heelout to R dlagnolBend elbows & return to chestTurn 1/4 turn L while marching In place R, L, R, L, whilerolling L f ist In front of chest & R f ist overhead &shouting 5, 6, 7, 8

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    Aleen J. Shearer 2

    Achy Breaky HeartLE\JE-l 3

    STEP DIRECTIONSStep Right with RightStep Left behind RightStep Right with RightHoldBump Left hipBump Right hipBump Left hipHoldPoint Right Toe BackPoint Right Toe SidePoint Right Toe in Front & push off forthree quarter turn LeftLand on Right foot slightly behind Left footStep back LeftStep back RightHitch Left knee & turn one quarter turn LEFTwhile lifting Right heelStep back on Left footStep back on Right footStep back on Left footStep back on Right footStomp down on Left footBump Left hipBump Right hipBump Left hipHoldMilitary one quarter turn RightStomp Left beside RightMilitary one half turn LeftStomp Right beside LeftRight Vine ending with a Stomp & a Clap

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    AFTER NOON :,A Waltz Line Dance ~horeographed by Lana Harve, Tucson, AZ (520).79.7.-7295., December, [email protected], http:/ Count, 2 Wall Easy Jntermedlata Une DancaMusic: Love In The Hot f t e r n o o ~ M a r k Chesnutt, 111 BPM, Lost In The Feeling CD ,or by Gene watson, t.1.4 BPM.

    The Bigger The Heart, Plain Loco, 98 BPM, Blue Memory CD- - -o r any.waJtz_of your choica---Teaoh: Take It To The Limit, Suzy Boggus, 86 BPM, Common Thread: Songs Of The Eagles CDCROSS FRONT, SIDE, HOb.D; CROSS-BEHIND-, SIDE, HOLD1-3 Cross step L over R, step R to right, hold4-6 Cross step L behiRd R, step R to--r:[ght; roldROCK, RECOVER, SIDE, 1/2 TURN LEFT7-9 Cross rock L over: R, mGk- back 0n- R, st-ep- L turning X left10-12 Turning another X left, waltz forward RLRFWD, CROSS TOUCH-, HOlD, BACK; CROSS TOUCH, HOLD13-15 Step fwd on L, cross touch R toe behind L, hold16-18 Step back on R; Gross-touch L toe over R, holdFORWARD WALTZ Y2 TURN LEFT, BACK WALTZ19 Step forward L ~ t 6 1 H l - l e f t21-22 Step R to right turning X turn left, step L next to R22-24 Step back R, step-b Rext- to-R, step--R Rext tp LFORWARD WALTZ % LEFT, BACK WALTZ % LEFT25 Step forward L X -tum left26-27 Step R to right side turning X left, step L next to R 28 Step back R X tur:R left29-30 Step forward L X turn left, step R next to LFORWARD SIDE TOUCH; HOLD-; BACK, SIDE TOUCH, HOLD31-33 Step forward L, touch R toe to right, hold34-36 Step back on R, touch-L toe to len , .rold% RIGHT WALTZ, % RIGHT WALTZ37-39 Turning X right, w a ~ t z forward LRL40-42 Turning X right, waltz forward RLR

    Note: On 37-42 you wi/Lmake.asma/1 halicil you do them.ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE43-45 Rock to left on-l , recover weight on- R, cross-step L over R46-48 Step R to right, cross-step L behind R, step R to rightStart again

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Aleen J. Shearer

    All Aboard d < . I: - . ' . .'' ; / . l l . .. '" / l ' /1- . J. / -, Four Wall Line Dance , . 32 Counts Intermediate LevelChoreographed by: Max Perry & Jo Thompson

    Count1 -23 -45 -67&8

    9-1011 - 1213-1415 & 16

    17&18&19&2021-2223 &24

    Step D e s c r i p t ~ o nRock Steps and Coaster StepRock Forward on R heel, Step L in placeRock Back on ball of A foot, Step L in placeRock Forward on R heel, Step L in placeStep R foot back, L together, R foot ForwardRock Steps and Coaster StepRock Forward on L heel, Step A in placeRock Back on ball of L foot, Step A in placeRock Forward on L heel, Step R in placeStep L foot Back, R together, L foot ForwardCross Ball ChangesCross R over L, Step L to L side & slightly backCross A over L, Step L to L side & slightly backCross R over L, Step L to L side & slightly backCross R over L .Syncopated Weave with 1/4 Turn R (coaster)Cross Lover R, Step R toR sideCross L behind R, Step R 1/4 turn R,Step L Forward

    Variation on steps 21 - 2421 - 22 Step L behind R, Step R to side23 & 24 Shuffle 1 4 turn to R, L, A, L25-2627-28


    Step 1/2 Pivot Left X 2Step A Forward Pivot 1/2 turn L onto L footStep R Forward Pivot 1/2 turn L onto L footChug Walks ForwardStep R Forward, slide L toe next to RStep L Forward , slide R toe next to LStep R Forward, slide L toe next to RStep L Forward, slide R toe next to LInstead of chug walks, you can just walk forwardR,L, R,L

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Kickit Step Sheet- Are You Lonesome Tonight?:7

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Backstreet AttitudeChoreographed by Jamie Marshall

    Backstreet Attitude

    Description:32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line danceMusic: Everybody (Backstreet's Back) by The Backstreet Boys [108 bpm ]This was choreographed as an "attitude" dance. show your styling!

    TURN LEFT JAZZ BOX, SCUFF, STOMPICK,1&23&45&67-8Kick right forward, replace right next to left , extend left toe backTurn l e f t ~ while tapping left toe twice (3&), extending left heel forwardcross left over right, step right back, step lef t next to rightscuff right, stomp right forward (keeping weight on left)

    FORWARD HIP BUMPS, BODY ROLL BACK1-4 Bump hips forward 4 counts, changing weight to right5-8 slow body roll back changing weight back to l e f t (begin forward roll withshoulders than body)CHARLESTON, LEFT TURNING SAILOR, WEAVE RIGHT1- 2Step right behind lef t , touch left behind right3-4 step left in front of right, touch right in front of lef t5&6 cross right behind lef t , step lef t % left , step right next to left7&8 cross lef t behind right, step right to right, cross left i-n front ofSLIDE12-3&45678REPEAT

    t .e_.( 'l u hRIGHT, DRAG LEFT, STOMP, STOMP, TURNING VINE, STOMPslide step long right to rightslowly drag lef t next to r i ~ h t (no weight)Stomp lef t next to right tw1ce (no weight)step % lef t to l e f tPivot % lef t on ball of left , stepping on rightPivot ~ lef t on ball of right, stepping on leftStomp right next to left (keeping weight on lef t)

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Aleen J. Shearer

    All Aboard d < . I: - . ' . .'' ; / . l l . .. '" / l ' /1- . J. / -, Four Wall Line Dance , . 32 Counts Intermediate LevelChoreographed by: Max Perry & Jo Thompson

    Count1 -23 -45 -67&8

    9-1011 - 1213-1415 & 16

    17&18&19&2021-2223 &24

    Step D e s c r i p t ~ o nRock Steps and Coaster StepRock Forward on R heel, Step L in placeRock Back on ball of A foot, Step L in placeRock Forward on R heel, Step L in placeStep R foot back, L together, R foot ForwardRock Steps and Coaster StepRock Forward on L heel, Step A in placeRock Back on ball of L foot, Step A in placeRock Forward on L heel, Step R in placeStep L foot Back, R together, L foot ForwardCross Ball ChangesCross R over L, Step L to L side & slightly backCross A over L, Step L to L side & slightly backCross R over L, Step L to L side & slightly backCross R over L .Syncopated Weave with 1/4 Turn R (coaster)Cross Lover R, Step R toR sideCross L behind R, Step R 1/4 turn R,Step L Forward

    Variation on steps 21 - 2421 - 22 Step L behind R, Step R to side23 & 24 Shuffle 1 4 turn to R, L, A, L25-2627-28


    Step 1/2 Pivot Left X 2Step A Forward Pivot 1/2 turn L onto L footStep R Forward Pivot 1/2 turn L onto L footChug Walks ForwardStep R Forward, slide L toe next to RStep L Forward , slide R toe next to LStep R Forward, slide L toe next to RStep L Forward, slide R toe next to LInstead of chug walks, you can just walk forwardR,L, R,L

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    COUNTS1, 2 Left Forward3, 4 Right Forward5 Left Forward6 Right Forward7 Left Forward8 Hold9 - 1213 - 1 617 , 1819 , 20212223242526272829303132

    Vine Right ending with Left TouchVine Left ending with Right TouchRight BackLeft BackRight BackLeft BackRight BackHoldLeft step to sideRight step beside LeftLeft Cross step in front of RightHoldRight step to side 1/4 Turn to LeftLeft step beside RightRight step to sideHold

    Aleen J. Shearer

    LEtJEL i

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    VI Ut:::U

    COUNTS123456789101112l J - 16171819 .20212324

    ~ 526~ 7~ 8

    rrun c... r vvv11 .J . .-:nearer

    II BARSTOOLS" LEVE- l .1_STEP DESCRIPTIONR heel to frontHitch it up toward L kneeR heel to frontR foot home by lHeels apartHeels togetherClapClapStep out to R with RTouch L foot next to RStep out to L with LTouch R foot next to lR Grapevine ending by touching L next to RStep L out td" LTouch R next to LStep R out to RTouch L next to RStep L out to LCross R behind LStep i turn l with L footKick R foot forwardStep down on R about 1 foot i n f ron t of youSlide L foot up to RStep forwArd on RStomp L next to R

    fRJz _L'-:_Rt!JYl02 ]J" . i C..D\ \ ,,MUSIC I rny- SEc.orva Ho f r ) - - - !.LI LE.f--r. - OIYV2.W!NCO / URNEO ON-:-- ~ ] ~ 3 CJ)I/_l tF

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Step Descriptions

    BeerForMyHorses StarterSeries Level- 3Choreographed by Christine BassDescription: 40 Count, 4 Wall, Line DanceMusic: ''Beer For My Horses" by Toby Keith [ 115 bpm I CD: Unleashed 1''IfYou're GonnaStraighten Up' ' by Travis Tritt [ 118 bpmiCD: StrongEnough1''Who's Your Daddy?" by Toby Keith [ 132 bpm I CD: Unleashed1

    Aleen J. " ( 1 ~ 1 0

    RIGHT HEEL GRIND, RIGHT COASTER STEP, 1,4 TURN LEFT HEEL GRIND, LEFf COASTER STEP1-2 Touch right heel forward, with weight remaining on left grind right heel right3&4 Step right back, step left together, step right forward5-6 Touch left heel forward, with weight remaining on right grind left heel % left (9:00)This has been verified by the choreographer. It is a LEFT 1,4 tum.7&8 Step left back, step right together, step left forwardSHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK STEP, SHUFFLE BACK, STEP BACK, TAP1&2 Shuffle forward on right-left-right3-4 Step forward on left, rock weight back onto right5&6 Shuffle back left-right-left7-8 Step back on right, up-tap left toe over right foot

    STEP, POINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS , STEP BACK,% TURN, TOUCH1-2 Step forward on left, point right toe to right side3-4 Cross step right foot over left, point left toe to left side5-6 Cross step left foot over right, step right foot back7-8 Step left foot% to left side, touch right next toSIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT, BACK ROCK, SIDE SHUFFLE LEFT, BACK ROCK1&2 Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to right side3-4 Rock back on left, rock forward onto right5&6 Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side7-8 Rock back on right, rock forward onto leftGRAPEVINE% TURN, STEP Y2 PIVOT, 14 TURN , BEHIND, %TURN1-2 Step right to right side, cross left behind right3-4 Step right IA turn right, step forward left5-6 Pivot '12 tum right, make 1,4 tum right, stepping left to left side7-8 Cross right behind left, step left 14 turn leftREPEAT


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Big Blue Note - Step DescriptionBig Blue Note32 Count 4 Wall BeginnerChoreographer: Jan Smith (UK)


    Song: Big Blue Note by Toby Keith on his Honkytonk University CD (BPM 115)Intro:16 beats in as vocals startWalk Walk Shuffle Rock Recover Turn 1/4 Side Shuffle1 - 2 Walk fqrwards right, left,3 & 4 Shuffle forwards stepping right left right5 - 6 Rock forward on left foot, recover weight to right7 & 8 Turning 1/4left into a side shuffle stepping left to left,close right to left, Step left to left4 StepWeave,Cross RockRecover,Side Shuffle9 - 12 Step right across left, step left to left, Step right behind left, step left to left13-14 Cross Rock right over left, recover weight to left, .15&16 Side shuffle right, stepping right to right, close left to right,

    Step right to right 4 StepWeaveWith 1/4 Turn Right, Step Pivot Half, HalfThrning Shuffle17-20 Step left across right, Step right to right, Step left behind right,

    turn 1/4 to right on right footStep forwards left, pivot 1/2 right,1-22

    23&24 Shuffle right - stepping left forwards turning 1/4 right,close right to left and turn 1/4 right stepping back on left foot

    Back,Hook, Shuffle, Jazz Box 1/4 Turn Right25 - 26 Step back on right foot, hook left foot across right,27&28 Shuffle forwards stepping left, right, left29 - 32 1/4 turning jazzbox- stepping right across leftstepping back on left,turn 1/4 right onto right foot,STARTAG;ose left to right. ~ ~

    s l :.UJ(c.\ j .!CF . . l l t c l ~ f i ; . r . . c : i hit '

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Ateen .J ...,,.__

    1:;1 - I { ; - { ) ~F:.o 1 - / ! ~ >

    LEVEL 1 H ~ E E -Double Kicb and ShufOc StepsI-2 Kick R foot forward twice3+4 Shuffle 3tcp in place5-6 Kiclc L foot forward twice7+S Shuffle step in place L-R-L'!.Turn with Rock Step I Shufne Steps with 1ft T u n ~9-12 Point R toe forward, Pivot t /8 tu m to lcftPoint R toe forward, Pivot 1/8 turn to left (1/. turn)13-14 Rock forward on R, Rock back on L.15 + 16 Shuffle: step R-L-R into V1 turn R17-18 Rock forward on L, Rock back on R19+20 Shuffle step L-R-L into Vz turn L.Mexics.n Hat Step and CJaQ21 +22+23 R heel forward, replace. L heel forward, replace R heel forward

    24 (leave R heel forward) and clap hands.Side: Steps and Shoulder Shimmy25-26 R step to right side: (shimmy shoulders as you take step)27-28 L together, Pause.29-32 R e ~ t steps 25-28 .Vine. Scuff. Side Steps wjth Finger Clicks33-36 Vine left (L-R-L) an d :;c!lff37-38 Step R toR side, Pause while clicking fingers shoulder-high in front.39-40 Cross L behind R, Pause while clicking fingers behind hips41-42 Step R toR side, Pause while cliclcing fingers shoulder-high in front.43-44 CrossLin front ofR, Pause while clicking finger:s behind hips.V; Tum Pivot Steps4 5- 4 6 Step forward on R toe an d pivot Vz tum lcfL4 7- 4 8 Step forward on R toe an d pivot Vz tu m left.

    Start Again .......... .. .........


    Helen O'Mallq, 'Nash- Villains 7 (Dubhn, Ireland)Phone: Dublin 282.'1.914West Coast 110-115 bpm4 Wall L1nc Dance!f$?,inner / lnlcrmedislc

    ALBUMffiUD f WATE;R. . { ( : : . ~ {Y\()

    This dance wa.S choreozrapbea as an Anniversary Present for my brother johnny andhis _wife Yvonne on 12th May 1996 . I never dreamed it would orne so popularYours in Dancing . \ \ _ s;__ p.- , ' v-\- - " " ' - - ~ , ~ - - - - - - - ' - . . _ )

    Sup Shed Courtesy of LineDanceFun on the Inte rne t at JPWw.linedance[:m.col!l.

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    Step DescriptionBlueRosels Level- 2Description: 40 Count - Beginner Line DanceMusic: Blue Rose by Pam Tillis I After Sweet Memories (Play Born to Lose Again) byRonnie Milsap I Pride & Joy by Scooter Lee on the More Of The Best CDRIGHT GRAPEVINE WITH A BRUSH, LEFT GRAPEVINE WITH A BRUSH, CROSSROCK, REPLACE, ROCK, BRUSH, CROSS ROCK, REPLACE, ROCK, BRUSH1-4Vme right brush

    5-8 Vine left brush9 - 10 Cross right over lef,t Rock back on left11 - 12 Rock forward on right, Brush left1,3- 14 Cross left over right, Rock back on right15- 16 Rock forward on left, Brush rightBOX STEPS17 Step right to the right18 Step left next to right19 Step right back20 Touch left next to right21 Step left to the left 22 Step right next to left23 Step left forward24 Touch right next to left

    VINE RIGHT, PIVOT, STEPS BACK, TOUCH25 Step right to the right26 Cross/step left behind right27 Step right to the right28 Pivot 1/2 tum to the right on ball of right foot29 Step left foot back30 Step right foot back31 Step left foot back32 Touch right next to left33-40 Repeat 25-32

    '---- REPEAT


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Boomerang xChoreographed by Unknown

    Boomerang x

    oescription:63 count, 4 wall, intermediate line danceMusic:soomerang Love by Jimmy Buffett [101 bpm ]start dancing on lyrics

    1-2 Touch right forward diagonally, right hook in front of lef t as you pivot to1:30 on left foot3&4 Right shuffle right (toward 3:00) - right, left , right5-8 Mirror steps 1-4 starting with lef t 9-1213-1617-1819&2021-2223&2425-2829-32

    Rolling right vine ending with lef t toe-tap near right with clapRolling lef t vine ending with. right toe-tap near lef t with clapPivot % rtgbt on both feet, pivot ~ leftRight shuffle forward: (right, lef t right)Step 1eft foot forwardi vot ~ right on :both feetLeft shuffle ferward ( eft, right, left)" ro11 i ng right vine ending with 1eft toe-tap near rightRolling lef t vine (full turn) ending with nght toe-tap near lef t

    33-34 Right heel touch forward right return as left heel touch forward35&36 Left return as right heei touch forward with forward right hip push, lefthip-push, r i ~ h t hip-push.Styl1ng: DUring this set, ladies elace left hand on lef t hip and right hand~ back of head and on steps &36 all say uh-huh" 38 Left hee1 touch forward, 1eft return as right: hee1 touch forward:i9&40 Right return as lef t heel touch forward with forward lef t hip push, righthip-push, left hip-push (no styling)41&4243-4445&4647-4849-54lEft);i-16

    ~ 7 - ' S I.s9-'oo.61-6263-63REPEAT

    Right shuffle forward, right, left , rightLeft forward, right rock backLeft shuffle back: left , right, lef tRight back: left rock forwardThree lef t basketball turns (step right forward, pivot ~ lef t weight onRight forward, pivot % 1eft Right forward: lef t heel touch crossing in front of rightReturn: right heel touch crossing in front of leftRight return: left heel touch crossing in front of rightReturn: right heel touch crossing in front of lef t

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211




    VtbEO Aleen J. Sheare

    . BOOT SCOOTIN BOOGIECOUNTS STEP DESCRIPTION1 R heel touch front2 R foot cross L shin3 R heel touch front4 R foot step beside L3 Fan sets with L5 L foot fan to L side6 L foot beside R7 L foot fan to L side8 L foot beside R9 1,.. foot fan to L side10 L foot beside R11 Scoot I Hitch with L12 Scoot I Hitch with LVine Left with Kick & Clap13 Step L with L14 Cross R behind L15 Step L with L16 Kick with R across L & ClapVIne Right with Kick &. Clap17 Step to R with R18 Cross L behind R19 Step toR with R20 Kick with L across R & Clap3/4 Turn to Left21 Step L22 Step R23 Step L24 Step R25 Scoot I Hitch with L26 Scoot I Hitch with LStep, Slide 27 Step Forward on L28 Slide R foot up beside L29 Step Forward on L30 Slide R foot up beside L

    Step Touches31 Step to R with R32 Touch L beside R33 Step to L with L34 Touch R beside L35 Step back on R.36 Scoot I Hitch with L37 Step forward on L38 Stomp R foot beside L

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Bosa Nova64 count, 4 wall (Intermediate)

    SIDE TOGETHER SIDE TOUCH, SIDE TOGETHER SIDE KICK1-2 Step left to left, step right beside left3-4 Step left to left, touch right beside left5-6 Step right to right, step left beside right7-8 Step right to right, kick left out to left (diagonally)SIDE CROSS STIDE KICK, BEHIND SIDE CROSS HOLD1-2 Step down on left, cross step right over left3-4 Step left to left, kick right out to right (diagonally)5-6 Cross step right behind left, step left to left7-8 Cross step right over left, holdMAMBO BOX1-2 Step left to left, step right beside left3-4 Step forward left, hold5-6 Step right to right, step left beside right7-8 Step back right, holdSIDE TOGETHER SIDE HOLD, SAILOR STEP HOLD1-2 Step left to left, step right beside left3-4 Step left to left, hold5-6 Turning X right step back right, step in place left7-8 Step forward right, holdLEFT FORWARD LOCK STEP HOLD, RIGHT FORWARD LOCK STEP HOLD1-2 Step forward left, lock right behind left3-4 Step forward left, hold5-6 Step forward right, lock left behind right7-8 Step forward right, hold.FORWARD MAMBO HOLD, BACK COASTER STEP HOLD1-2 Rock forward left, recover in place right3-4 Step left beside right, hold5-6 Step back right, step left beside right7-8 Step forward right, holdSTEP TURN, STEP HOLD, FULL TURN LEFT AND HOLD1-2 Step forward left, pivot X right3-4 Step forward left, hold5-6 Turning X left step back right, turning X left step forward left7-8 Step forward right, holdWALK, HOLD X 3, STOMP HOLD1-2 Walk forward left, hold3-4 Walk forward right, hold5-6 Walk forward left, hold7-8 Stomp right beside left, hold

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Cab Driver Starter Series Level 124 Count 4 Wall Starter Line DanceMusic: Cab Driver- Scooter Lee I Test Of Time CDMusic: Bottle It Up- Scooter Lee /Test Of Time CDStep Together Step Touch1-4 Step right foot right, step left foot next to right, step right foot right,touch left toe next to right foot5-8 Step left foot left, step right foot next to left, step left foot left, touchright toe next to left footAngle Forward Step Together Step Touch1-4 Step right foot angle forward right (1 :00), Slide left foot up nearright foot, Step right foot angle forward right, Hitch left knee up (or ifyou don't want to hitch, you can touch your left toe next to your rightfoot).5-8 Step left foot angle forward left (11 :00), Slide right foot up nearleft fool, Step lert foot angle forward left, Hitch right knee up (or youcan touch your right toe next to your left foot).Back Back Turn Hitch1-4 Step back on your right fool, step back on your left foot, turn 1/4turn right with right foot, hitch your left knee up (again you can touchyour left toe next to your right instead of doing the hitch}Back Back Back Hitch5-8 Step back on your left foot, step back on your right foot, stepback on your. left foot, hitch your right knee up(or touch your right toe next ot your left foot)Start AgainScooter Lee Music & Videos - 1.:800-531-4379

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    4-18-11Aleen J. Shearer

    .32 COUNTCounts1 -4

    5 -8


    11 -12









    Right VIne, Slap LeatherStep A foot to A, step L foot beside A,Step A foot to A, hook L foot behind R, slap w R handLeft VIne, Slap LeatherStep L foot to L, Step R foot beside LStep L foot to L, hook R foot behind L, slap w L handRight Forward Diagonal, Touch L & Clap, aame with LeftStep R foot diagonally forward R, touch L foot beside Rand ClapStep L foot diagonally forward L, touch R foot beside Land ClapRight Back Diagonal, Touch & Clap, same with LeftStep R foot diagonally back R, touch L foot beside R,and ClapStep L foot diagonally back L, touch R foot beside Land ClapHlp Bumps 2 Right, 2 LeftBump hips twice to R, Bump hips twice to LSingle Hlp BumpsBump hips R, L, R, LStep R, Stomp L & Clap, Sway Hips R & LStep R foot in place, stomp L foot beside R with Clap,& at the same time sway hips slightly to R then L.Step R 1/4 turn L, Stomp L & Clap, Sway hlpa R & L Turning 1/4 turn to L, step R foot to R, Stomp L footbeside R with Clap, at the same time sway hips slightlytoR then L.Step R 1/4 turn L, Stomp L & Clap, Sway hips R & LTurning 1/4 turn to L, Step R foot to R, Stomp L footbeside R with Clap, at the same time sway h1ps slightlytoR then L.Step R 1/4 turn L, Stomp L & Clap, Sway hips R & LTurning 1/4 turn to L, Step R foot toR, Stomp L footbeside R with Clap, at the same time sway hips slightlytoR then L.

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    Left heel forwardLeft toe across r ightle f t heel forwardLeft in placeSwivel heels ' l e f t , center , l e f t , centerRight heel forwardRight toe across le f tRight heel forwardRigth in placeSwivel heels r ight , center , r ight , centerRight step to the sideSlap le f t heel behind r ightLeft step to the sideSlap r ight heel b e h i n ~ le f tRight step r ight .Left cross behind r ight

    leg with r ight handleg with l e f t hand , .

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ = ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1I ~ ~ i - ~ ~ ~Step back le f tStep back r ightStep back l e f t J ( j t Right s tomp w w t t?'n 'rlt f "(!)


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Come Dance With MeChoreographed by Jo ThompsonDescription: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner line danceMusic: Come Dance With Me by Nancy HaysNote: This counby music song is a gentle West Coast Swing with a kind of cool-jazz/soft-shoe feel to it, running at122 BPM. It is available at w w c d b a b y . c o m / n a n ~ ' i . ~ for on line orders or [email protected] fo r e-mailorders or 800-448:6369 or 503-595-3000 fo r phone orders (9am-6pm California time) or 503-296-2370 fax orders.

    DIAGONAL FORWARD LOCK RIGHT, DIAGONAL FORWARD LOCK LEFT1-3 Step right forward to right diagonal, step left crossed behind right, step right forward to right diagonal4 Brush/scuff left beside right5-7 Step left forward to left diagonal, step right crossed behind left, step left forward to left diagonal8 Brush/scuff right beside leftJAZZ BOX, ACROSS, VINE RIGHT SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, ACROSS1-4 Step right foot across in front of left, step back with left, step right foot to right side, step left foot across frontof right5-6 Step right foot to right side, step left foot crossed behind right7-8 Step right foot to right side, step left foot across front of rightRIGHT SCISSORS, LEFT SCISSORS1-3 Step right foot to right side, step together with left, step right foot across front of left4Hold5-7 Step left foot to left side, step together with right, step left foot across front of right8 HoldRIGHT SCISSORS, SIDE, BEHIND,% TURN LEFT, FORWARD, %TURN LEFT1-3 Step right foot to right side, step together with left, step right foot across front of left4-6 Step left foot to left side, step right foot crossed behind left, tum % left step forward with left7-8 Step forward with right foot, tum % left shifting weight forward to left footREPEAT

    http:/ 2/17/2006

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Continental Polka Alice

    32 Count 4 Wall Line Dance Beginner LevelChoreographed by: Louise WeberCounts


    9101112131415 & 16


    19 & 20212223 &242526272829303132

    Step Direct ionsR Heel Touch, Cross, R Chasse', L Heel Touch,Cross, L Chasse' R heel touch forwardR touch/cross over LShuffle to A side R, L, RL heel touch forward L touch/cross over AShuffle to L side L, R, LWalk Forward, (RLR), Kick L, Walk back (LR),Coaster StepA step forwardL step forwardR step forwardL kick forwardL step BackA Step backL step back, A step home, L step forwardR heel Touch , Cross, R Chasse', L heel touch,Cross, L Chasse'R heel touch forward,A touch/cross over LShuffle to A side, A, L, RL heel touch forwardL touch/cross over AShuffle to L side, L, A, LR jazz box, R jazz box with 1/4 turn RA step in front of LL step backR step to sideL step homeR step in front of LL step backA step 1/4 turn AL step home

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    I ,:_.

    .___ ._. .

    -./ :

    Cowgirls-Twist (a.k.a Cowgirl 'Twist)- a Line Dance by Bill Bader

    CowgirlsTwist .Description: 4.wan, 32 CountUne Dance, Easiest Beginner level (Nsrla)ClloreoQrapher: Bill Bader V'ancouYer, BC, canadaContact info: 604-6842455 [email protected] http://www.btllbader.OJmSignature Song: "What1beCoWglrts Do by Vince GIH (154 bpm)Other Highly eo You I.Dve Mf! iJy The Contours (60's oklie) (154 bpm)Recommended S o n g s ~ "Mambo No. s- by LOu Bega (176 bpm)"Twistin' The Night Away" by Scooter leeOther Alternate Your choice of energetic songs like:Songs: "The TWiSt" by Ronnie McDowell or Clubby Cllecker (164 bpm)"That's Whcit I LJke by Jive Bunny&.The Mix Masters (166 bpm)"Honky Tonk Twist" by 5oooter Lee (178 bpm)

    4 HEEL STRiJ'iS FORWARD: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT1-2 Touch R heel forward, Snap down R toe stepping forward 3-4 Touch heel forward, Snap down L stepping forward5-6 Touch R heel forward, Snap down R tDe sll!pping forward7-8 Touch Lheel forward, Snap down LtDe stEpping forward

    WALK BACKWARD: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT TOGElltER9-1G-11 Step back: R, l , R12 stEp L beside R3 TRAVEIJ.ING SWIVELS (RAMBLE) TO LEFT SIDE, HOLD13 Swivel both d i a g o n a l l y left

    14 SWivel both mm. diagonally left15 SWivel both diagonally left16 Hold (Option: Oap)3 TRAVEWNG SWIVElS (RAMBLE) TO RIGHT SIDE, HOLD17 SWivel b o t h ~ dlaQonally right18 Swivel both diagonally ight19 SWivel both t= iagonally right20 Hold (Option: Oap)SWIVEL HEELS LEFT, HOLD, SWIVEL HEElS RIGHT, HOLD21-22 Swivel both t= l diagonally left, Hold (Option: Oap)

    23-24 Swivel b o t h ~ diagonally right, Hold (Option: Oap}SWIVEL HEElS LEFTj RIGHT, CENTRE, HOLD25-26- Swivel {not moving anywhere) both heels diagOnally left, right, center2728 Hold (no clap)STEP RIGHTFORWARD, HOLD, PIVOT1URN 1/4 LEFT, HOLD29-30 Step R forward keeping left tDe In place, Hold31-32 Pivot Tum 1/4 left shifting weight onto l , Hold


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    .___.. Cut-A-Rug32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance Choreographed by Jo Thompson & Rita ThompsonMusic: "Roll Back the Rug I ~ l i s h Splash" byScooter Lee- (CD -.More OC:fhe Best)SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE TOUCHl-2 Step Right foot to Right side (1), Step together with Left foot (2)3-4 Step Right foot to Right side (3), Touch Left foot beside Right (4)5-6 Step Left foot to Left side (5),_ tep together :with Right foot (6)7-8 Step Left foot to Left side (7), Tou,ch Right foot beside Left (8)

    Note: The above 8 counts can be done as a vine.right and left bycrossing behind on counts 2 and 6 '

    DIAGONAL STEP TOUCH1-2 Step Right foot to Right front diagonal (1), Touch Left foot beside Right {2)3-4 Step Left foot to Left back diagonal (3), Touch Right foot beside Left ( 4)S-6 Step Right foot to Right back d i a g o n a l ( ~ ) . Touch Left foot beside Right (6)7-8 Step Left foot to Left front diagonal (7), Touch Right foot beside Left (8)FORWARD DIAGONAL SLIDE RIGHTAND Ll!FT1-2 Step Right foot forward to Right diagonal (1), Slide Left foot together (l)3-4 Step Right foot forward to Right diagonal (3), Brush/scuff Left footforward (4) S-6 Step Left foot forward to Left diagonal (5), Slide Right foot together (6)7-8 Step Left foot forward to Left diagonal (7), Brush/scuff Left foot

    forward (8) . .Note: The above 8 counts can be done with a lock step by crossing slightlybehind on counts 2 and 6

    STEP, HOLD, 1/4 TURN LEFT, HOLD, STEP, HOLD, 1/4 TURN LEFT, HOLD1-l Step forward with Right foot (1), Hold (2).3-4 Turn 1/4 Left, put weight onto Left foot (3 ), Hold ( 4).S-6 Step forward with Right foot (5), Hold (6).7-8 Turn 1/4 Left, pu t e i ~ h t onto Left foot (7). 1_-Iold (8).Start again from the beginning.All music available thru: Scooter Lee. Enterprizes, IncPO Box 941505 I Atlanta, GA 31141404-634-9547 /1-800-531-4379 Toll Free in USA/Canada

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Aleen J. ::;nearer

    UCruisin"" Step DescriptionChoreographer: Neil Hale - Smooth Flowing Cha ChaDescription: 32 Count 1 Wall Line Dance (Most popular Cha Cha worldwide)Level: Low Intermediate.Music: Shadows in the Night I Here Lately I Steppin Stone all by Scooter Lee

    ~ ~ q S S B R E A K S & _CI:IA - CHA - CHA:S _C-C-C .means cha cha cha).1 - 2 Left cross over right; Right rock-step back center3 & 4 Step Left; Right; Left (c-c-c in place)5 - 6 Right cross over left; Left rock-step back center7 & 8 Step Right; Left; Right (c-c-c in place).FORWARD & BACK WITH CHA CHA CHA'S (basic 8 count c-c-c).1 - 2 Left rock-step forward; Right rock-step back3 & 4 Step Left; Right; Left; (c-c-c with slight progression back)5 - 6 Right rock-step back; Left rock-step forward7 & 8 Step Right; Left; Right; (c-c-c with slight progression forward).STEP-PIVOT 1/2 TURN RIGHT-TWICE1 - 2 Left step forward; Pivot 1/2 turn right (change weight right)3 .. 4 Left step forward; Pivot 1/2 turn right (change weight right).SIDE BEHIND 1/4 TURN FORWARD.5 - 6 Left step side left; Right cross-step behind left7 - 8 Left step side left into 1/4 turn left; Right step forward1/2 PIVOT, 1/4 T U R N ~ B E H I N D ~ 1/4 TURN F O R W A R D ~ 1/2 TURN, REPLACE1 Pivot 1/2 turn left (change weight left)2 Right step side right into 1/4 turn left (you're now facing forward)3 - 4 Left cross - step behind right; Right step side right into 1/4 turn right5 .. 6 Left step forward; Pivot 1/2 turn (change weight right)7 Left step side left into 1/4 turn right (you're now facing forward)8 Right step in place (change weight right).

    BEGiN AGAiNThis dance was originally created for Cruisin' by Beach Boys.

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    DANCI-NG QUEEN3-Ja-1/,JA;J ~ E6 1'/

    Count: 40 Wall: 2 Level: beginner/intermediate,Choreographer: Wende Vreeland; Music: The Way You Love Me by Faith Hill

    ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP, FORWARD SHUFFLE, % PIVOT LEFT1-2 Rock right forward, recover onto left3&4 Step right back, left next to right, step right forward5&6 Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward7-8 Step right forward, pivot % turn to left (weight ending on right & left toeforward)LEFT COASTER STEP, HEEL & STEP, HEEL & STEP, ROCK STEP1&2 Step left back, right next to left, step left forward3&4 Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, step left forward5&6 Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, step left forward variation :5&6 Full turn left in 2 counts7-8 Rock right forward, recover onto left% RIGHT SAILOR SHUFFLE, % PIVOT RIGHT, ROCK STEP, % E F ~ SAILORSHUFFLE

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    1&2 Swing right into Y.. turn to right and step right back, step left back to right, stepright forwardStep left forward, pivot % turn to right (weight ending on right)Rock left forward, recover onto right3-45-67&8 Sw ing left into Y.. turn to left and step left back, step right back to left, step leftforward

    TOUCH CROSS FRONT, TOUCH CROSS BEHIND, TOUCH CROSS BEHIND, TOUCHCROSS FRONT1-2 Touch right toe to right side, cross right over left (front)3-4 Touch left toe to left side, cross left behind right (back)5-6 Touch right toe to right side, cross right behind left (back)7-8 Touch left toe to left side, cross left over right (front)FORWARD SHUFFLE,% PIVOT RIGHT, ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP1&2 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward3-4 Step left forward, pivot % turn right (weight ending on right)5-6 Rock left forward, recover onto right7&8 Step left back, right next to left, step left forwardREPEAT .aspx?stepsheetid=57942&size=large 3/29/2011

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Alaa'l J. Shearer

    . . D.H.S.S. Step Description

    D.H.S.S. (Del i c ious Hot Strong Sweet)Choreographed by Gaye TeatherDescription: 32 Count- 4 Wall High Beginner Hustle Line DanceMusic: The Hustle on Scooter's Go To The Rock CD or Pretend on Scooter's CDWalking On SurishineWALKS FORWARD, POINT, WALKS BACK, POINT1-4 Walk forward right, left, right, point left toe to left side5-8 Walk back left, right, left, point right toe to right sideCROSS, POINT TWICE, LEFT WEAVE9-12 Cross step right foot over left, point left to left side, cross step left foot over right, point right to right side13-16 Cross step right over left, step left to left, step right behindleft, step left to left

    '-----' RIGHT CROSS ROCK, RIGHT CHASSE, LEFT CROSS ROCK, LEFI' CHASSE17-18 Cross roek right foot over left, recover onto left19&20 Step right foot to right side, close left beside right, step right foot to right side21-22 Cross rock left foot over right, recover onto right23&24 Step left foot to left side, close right beside left, step left foot to left sideCROSS, BACK, CHASSE 1/4 TURN RIGHT, FORWARD ROCK, COASTER STEP25-26 Cross step right foot over left, step back on left27&28 Thrn 1/4 right stepping right foot to right side, close left

    beside right, step right foot to right side29-30 Rock forward on left foot, recover onto right31&32 Step back on left, close right beside left, step fmward on leftREPEAT


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    c:/' /e, l

    . .: .D.H.S.S. Step Description

    D.H.S.S.Choreographed by Gaye TeatherDescription: 32 Count- 4 Wall High Beginner Hustle Line DanceMusic: The Hustle on Scooter's Go To The Rock CD or Pretend on Scooter's CDWalking On SurishineWALKS FORWARD, POINT, WALKS BACK, POINT1-4 Walk forward right, left, right, point left toe to left sideS-8 Walk back left, right, left, point right toe to right sideCROSS, POINT TWICE, LEFT WEAVE9-12 Cross step right foot over left, point left to left side, cross step left foot over right, point right to right side13-16 Cross step right over left, step left to left, step right behindleft, step left to leftRIGHT CROSS ROCK, RIGHT CHASSE, LEFT CROSS ROCK, LEFT CHASSE17-18 Cross rock right foot over left, recover onto left19&20 Step right foot to right side, close left beside right, step right foot to right side21-22 Cross rock left foot over right, recover onto right23&24 Step left foot to left side, close right beside left, step left foot to left sideCROSS, BACK, CHASSE 1/4 TURN RIGHT, FORWARD ROCK, COASTER STEP25-26 Cross step right foot over left, step back on left27&28 Turn 1/4 right stepping right foot to right side, close left

    beside right, step right foot to right side29-30 Rock forward on left foot, recover onto right31&32 Step back on left, close right beside left, step forward on leftREPEAT

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Aleen J. Shearer r a ~ c 1 u1 "-

    THE ELVIS BLUESCount: 64 Wall: 4 Level: intennediateChoreographer: Mark CosenzaMusic: Elvis Presley Blues by Jimmy Buffett

    STEP LOCK STEP BRUSH, STEP LOCK STEP BRUSH1-4 Step forward right, lock left behind right, step right forward, brush left forward5-8 Step forward left, lock right behind left, step left forward, brush right forwardROCK FORWARD, ROCK SIDE, WEAVE AND HOLD1-4 Rock right forward, recover left, rock right side, recover left5-8 Cross right behind left, step left next to right, cross right in front of left, holdSIDE TOUCH, SIDE, CROSS KICK, UNWIND AND POP1-4 Step side left, touch right next to left, step side right, cross kick left over right5 Step left foot across right6-7 Unwind % to the right keeping weight on left8 Pop forward right kneeBUMP BUMP BUMP HITCH, BUMP BUMP BUMP HITCHMoving diagonal right and facing diagonal left1-4 Bump hips right, left, right and move forward right, left, right, hitch & swing leftto face diagonal rightMoving diagonal left and facing diagonal right5-8 Bump hips left, right, left and move forward left, right, left, hitch & swing right toface frontStyling option: put your hands on your hips as you bump and travel forwardROCK FORWARD, ROCK SIDE, STEP, PIVOT, WALK, WALK (OR FULL TURN)1-4 Rock right forward, recover left, rock right side, recover left5-8 Step forward right, tum % left (weight to left), step forward right, step forwardleftAdvanced Option:7&8 Spin a full tum to the leftROCK FORWARD, ROCK SIDE, STEP, PIVOT, WALK, HOLD1-4 Rock right forward, recover left, rock right side, recover left5-8 Step forward right, turn % left (weight to left), step forward right, holdSTEP DOWN, HOLD, POP RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, HOLD, ROCK BACK, RECOVER1-4 Step left next to right, hold, pop right knee inward towards left, pop left kneeinward towards right5-8 Pop right knee inwards towards left, hold, rock back right, recover leftFORWARD STRUT, TURN STRUT, FORWARD STRUT, TURN STRUT1-2 Heel/toe strut forward rightSnap right finger on count 2


    http://www.copperknob .co.uklprintsheet.aspx?stepsheetid=55822&size=large 1/15/2011

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    3-4 Tum Y.. left & heel/toe strut forward left5-6 HeeVtoe strut forward rightSnap right finger on count 67-8 Turn Y.. left & heel/toe strut forward leftStyling tip: when doing the snaps, swing your arm forward exaggerated from back to frontREPEATTAGOn Jimmy Buffett track only, following the end of the second wall (facing back),repeat the last 8 counts again where you will the face the front wall and begin againENDING (OPTIONAL)When the beat ends, you will be on count 46 and facing the 9:00 wall. Jimmy thengoes into a few notes of a capella. At this point, step right forward and slowly tum %to the left stepping onto your left and on the final note, step Y4 tum to the leftstepping right next to left and perform your favorite elvis pose. You should be facingthe front wall


    http://www copperknob co.uklprintsheet.aspx?stepsheetid=55822&size=Jarge 1/15/2011

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    DESCRIPTION: 4 Wall Line DanceMUSIC: "Super Love", "The Gulf of MexicoCOUNTS I STEP DESCRIPTIONte f tHee l Taps, Toe Taps1 - 2 Left heel tap forward; Left heel tap forward3 - 4 Left toe tap back ; Left toe tap backVIne to Left5 - 6 Step side Left; Right cross back of Left7 - 8 Step side Left; Right stomp upStep, Slide, Shuff le1 - 2 Step side Right; Slide Left to Right3&4 Step Right, Left, Right in place5 - 6 Step side Left; Slide Right to Left7 &8 Step Left, Right, Left in placeRight Heel Taps, Toe Taps1 - 2 Right heel tap forward ; Right heel tap forward3 - 4 Right toe tap back; Right toe tap backVIne to Right5 -6 Step side Right ; Left cross back of Right7 - 8 Step side Right; Left stomp upStep, Slide, Shuff le1 - 2 Step side Left; Slide Right to Left3&4 Step Left, Right, Left in place5 - 6 Step side Right; Slide Left to Right7&8 Step Right, Left, Right in placeTwo Western Charlestons (low to floor)1 - 2 Left step forward; Right point forward3 - 4 Right step back; Left touch way back5 -6 Turning 1/4 to Left on first step, Left step forward ; Right point forward7 - 8 Right step back; Left touch way back

    Aleen J. Shearer

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Fly Like A BirdFly Like A Bird(a.k.a. The Boz)choreographed by Hedy McAdamsDescription: 32 count, 2 wall, intermediate danceMusic: Fly Like A Bird by Boz ScaggsStart dancing on lyricsROCK LEFT SIDE, BACK, TURN %, HOLD, TURN %, ROCK, TURN %, HOLD1-4 Rock left to side, recover to right, turn % lef t and step left forward, hold(9:00)5-6 Turn % lef t and rock r i ~ h t to side, recover to lef t (6:00)7-8 Turn % right and step r1ght forward, hold (9:00)TURN %, ROCK, TURN %, HOLD9-10 Turn % right and rock lef t to side, recover to right (12:00)11-12 Turn % lef t and step lef t forward, hold (9:00)KICK-BALL-TURN, KICK-BALL-CHANGE13&14 Kick right forward, step right together, turn % left and step left in place(6:00)15&16 Kick right forward, step right in place, step lef t in placeCROSS,17-1819&2021&22(3:00)23-24(12:00)CROSS,25-2627-2829&3031-32REPEAT

    TURN, CROSS & CROSS, TURN % SHUFFLE, TURN %, TURN ~cross/touch right over lef t , u n w i n d ~ lef t (weight to right, 12:00)cross lef t over right, step right to side, cross lef t over rightTurn % right and step right forward, step lef t together, step right forwardTurn % right and step lef t to side, turn % lef t and step right forward

    TOUCH, CROSS, TURN CROSS & CROSS, BIG STEP, SLIDE/LIFTCross lef t over right, touch right toe to sidecross/touch right over lef t , unwind ~ lef t (weight to right, 6:00)cross lef t over right, step right to side, cross lef t over rightstep right to side, drag lef t toward rightLift lef t toe slightly to blend into step 1

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Kickit Step Sheet - Foot Boogiel..f-1 ( - /{

    Aleen J. SheRr

    Foot BoogieChoreographed by Ryan Dobry

    Decr ip t ion: 32 count , 2 wall , l ~ n e l c o n t r a danceWuio: Baby Like To Rock It by The Trac tor s (160 bpm I Th e Tractors IAvai lable on iTunes]John Deere Green by Joe Dif f i e (132 bpm I Grea te s t Hits]

    Start dancing on lyricsFANICJH't '.l'OK

    1-2I'AN 1 RIGHT '1'01:ran r igh t toesFa n r igh t toes

    to r ight , br ing toes back to center3-4 to r ight again, br ing toes back to centerLEft '1'0& I'AN I LEI"' '1'01: FAN5-6 Fan l e f t toes to l e f t , br ing toes back to center7-8 Fan l e f t toes to l e f t again, br ing toes back to centerRIGH'l' '1'01: OUT 1 HEEL OUT, HEEL IN , '.l'OE IN9-10 Fan r i gh t toes out to r ight , turn r ight heel out to r igh t11-12 Turn r i gh t heel back to l e f t , br ing toes back to centerLEft '1'0& OUT1 HEEL OUT 1 Hli!II:L IN , TOE IN13-1415-16

    Fan l e f t t oes out to l e f t , turn l e f t heel out to l e f tTurn l e f t heel back to r i gh t , br ing toes back to center

    '.l'OI:S OUT1 Hli!li:LS OUT1 HEELS IN , TOES IN17-18 Spread toes apar t , spread heel s : apar t19-20 Bring heel s back in , br ing toes back inSTI:P RIGHT 1 DRAG LEFT, STEP RIGHT, HITCH LEFT21-22 Step r ight forward, s l ide l e f t ins tep to r ight heel23-24 S.tep r ight forward, hi tch l e f t kneeSTI:P LEI"l', DRAG RIGHT, STEP LEFT 1 HOOK/PIVOT RIGHT25-26 Step l e f t forward, s l ide r ight ins tep to l e f t heel27 Step l e f t forward28 Hook r ight over l e f t an d pivot turn r i gh tS'1'EP RIGHT, DRAG LEFT, STEP RIGHT, STOMP LEFT29-30 Step r ight forward, s l ide l e f t ins tep to r ight heel31-32 Step r ight forward, stomp toge the r l e f tUPEAT11lc ending of this dance is often done with the following variations:]. Coulfl28 done tU 11 pivot to the kft swinging the right foot behiml as you turn2. As wll ta bill on tlr.e opposite ee t. (hook left/pivot left)3. 011 t/r.e oppos/Je ed with 11 right pivot, ...,;,ging the left oo t

    S o ~ luwe llfcorrectly credited VIckie Vance with choreographing this tlance. She denied this rumor In 11 person11lt I IHn l l l i tM Ut mid to IIIU 1995.

    Ryan Dobry I EMail: [email protected] in t l ayout ~ 2 0 0 5 - 2010 by Kicki t . A ll r ight s r eserved .

    1/??/10 ?

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Aleen J. Shearer


    GEL4-Wall Line Dance, 32 Co.unts., "Easy" Intermediate levelGrant Gadbois, Ember Schira, and Lisa StrongSlow- Alan Jackson, "I'll Try'', M -"She's Got the Rhythm""Baby Please Come H o m e Scooter Lee

    STEP BACK, ROCK FWD, FORWARD, POINT, BEHIND, SJDE, CROSS, SWAY R,L1, 2 Step R back, Rock forward onto L3, 4 Step R forward, Point L toe to L side (Option: & snap fingers)5 & 6 Cross-step L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross-step L in front of R7, 8 Step R toR side, Rock onto LCROSS & CROSS, 1/4 TURN R, 1/4 TURN R, CROSS & CROSS, SIDE, 1/4 LEFT9 & 10 Cross-step Rover L, Step L to L side, Cross-step Rover L11 Step L to L side while turing 1/4 turn toR12 Step R back while turning 1 4 turn to R13 & 14 Cross-step Lover R, Step R to R side, Cross-step Lover R15 Step R toR side16 Step L making 1/4 turn to LCROSS,_POINT, CROSS , POINT, JAZZ BOX 1/4 RIGHT, SCUFF HEEL17, 18 Cross-step Rover L, Point L to L side19, 20 Cross-step Lover R, Point R to R side21, 22 Cross-step Rover L, step L back23 Step R side while turning 1/4 R~ 4 Scuff L heelHEEL TOE STRUT FWD, HEEL TOE STRU T FWD, HEEL TOE STRUT FWD, 1/4 R2 HEEL BOUNCES25, 26 Step L heel forward, Step L toe down27, 28 Step R heel. forward, Step. R to e.down29, 30 Step L heel forward, Step L toe down31, 32 1/4 turn Ron balls of feet, Bounce heels twice

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Published in Linedancer Magazine August1997

    God Blessed Texas32 count, 2 V\raU, 8 egU1ner

    Choreographer Shirley K. Bats on (USA)Choreographed ToGod Blessed Texas by Lit !e Texas; Fi veO'Cloc k World by Hal Ketchum

    Bea ts per Minute 130

    ~ e c t i o n Step, Touch, Back, Touch, Back, Touch, Step, Touch.1 - 2 Step Left Diagonally Forward Left. Touch Right Beside Left.3- 4 Step Right Diagonally Back Right. Touch Left Beside Right.5-6 Step Left Diagonally Back Left. Touch Right Beside ~ e f t7- 8 Step Right Diagonally Forward Right. Touch Left Beside Right.

    ~ e c t i o n Stomps, Hands On Thighs, Knee Rolls.9- 10 Stomp Forward Left. Stomp Forward Right.11 - 12 Slap Left Hand On Left Knee. Slap Right Hand On Right Knee.13- 14 Roll Left Knee Round To Left Side.15- 16 Roll Right Knee Round To Right Side.

    ~ e c t i o n Right Grapevine, Scuff, Left Grapevine, Scuff.17- 18 Step Right To Right Side. Cross Left Behind Right.19-20 Step Right To Right Side. Scuff Left Beside .Right.21 - 22 Step Left To Left Side. Cross Right Behind Left.23- 24 Step Left To Left Side. Scuff Right Beside Left.:action Step, Kick, 1/2 Turn & Flick Back, Step.25- 26 Step Forward Right. Kick Left Forward.27 On Ball Of Right Pivot 1/2 Turn Right And Flick Left Back.28 Step Forward Left.29- 30 Scoot Forward On Left Twice With Right Knee Hitched.31 - 32 Step Forward Right And Scoot With Left Knee Hitched.

    - - - - - - - ----- -- ---- -- - --------

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    - V


    Counts Description1, 2 R Toe heel strut forward3 ,4 L Toe heel strut forward5,6 R Toe heel strut forward7,8 L Toe heel strut forward9 R toe points R10 R toe points beside L11 R toe points R12 R toe points beside L13- 16 Rolling R vine17 L toe points L18 L toe points beside R19 L toe points L20 L toe points beside R21-24 Rolling L vine25 Hitch R knee out to R26 Hitch L knee out to L27 Hitch R knee out to R28 R step over L & turn (hop) 1/4 L29,30 Shuffle forward R L R31 Step forward L32 Rock back onto R33,34 Shuffle back L R L35 Step back R36 Rock forward onto L37 R step to R with shimmy38 L step beside R39 R step to R with shimmy40 L step beside R

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    n t ~ --- -Honkey Tonk Twist

    1 - 4 Twist heels R, Center, R, Center LEuEL rHR. f.-F-5 Tap R heel forward6 Hook R across L7 R heel forward8 R foot step beside L9 - 12 Twist heels L, Center, L Center13 Tap L heel forward14 Hook L across R15 Tap L heel forward16 TOUCH L toe beside R

    Charleston17 Step forward on L18 Hitch R knee19 Step back on R20 Touch L toe back21 Step forward on L22 Hitch R knee23 Step 1/4 turn R on R foot24 Touch L beside R25- 28 L Vine ending with a scuff29- 32 R Vine end with L step beside R33- 36 (f? toe up & L heel up) Twist L, Center, L, Center37- 40 ( L toe up &1\ heel up) Twist R, Center, R, Center41 R Step back42 Clap43 L Step back44 Clap45-48 Repeat steps 41 - 4449 R Step forward50 L slide up toR51 R Step forward52 Scuff L heel53 - 56 Repeat Steps 49 - 52 with L forward , R slide etc.3 Sailor Walks57 Cross Rover L58 Hold59 Cross L over R60 Hold61 Cross R over L62 Hold63 Stomp L64 Stomp R

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    JAMAICA ME CHA CHACount: 32 Wall : 4 Level: intermediate line/partner danceChoreographer: Jo ThompsonMusic: Almost Jamaica by The Bellamy Brothers

    LEFT CROSS ROCK, SIDE CHASSE, RIGHT CROSS ROCK, SIDE CHASSE1-2 Cross rock left over right, rock back onto right3&4 Step left to left side, step right beside left, step left to left side5-6 Cross rock right over left, rock back onto left7&8 Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right sidePartner note: the above 8 counts are done in side by side position in line with line dancersCROSS ROCK, % TURN LEFT, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, LEFT CROSSING SHUFFLE9-10 Cross rock left over right, rock back onto right11 Step left to left side turning ~ left12-14 Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side15&16 :Step left over right, step right to right side, step left over rightPartner note on the ~ tum left, release left hands, bring right hands over lady's head, downbehind his man's back. Rejoin left hands in front of lady's waist, she is now on left side andslightly behind manRIGHT SIDE ROCK, CROSS, Yz TURN RIGHT, SIDE, CROSS, RIGHT SIDE CHASSE17-18 Rock right to right side, rock onto left in place19-20 Step right over left, step left to left side turning ~ turn right21-22 Step right to right side, step left over right23&24 Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right sidePartner note: on the % tum right, release left hands, bring right hands over lady's head toside by side positionBACK ROCK, y,. TURN RIGHT CHASSE, BACK ROCK, RIGHT SHUFFLE25-26 Rock back on left, rock forward onto right27&28 Step left to left side turning % turn right, step right beside left, step back left29 Rock back on right allowing body and head to bow forward30 Replace weight forward onto left foot straightening body31&32 Step forward right, step left beside right. step forward rightPartner note: on counts 27 & 28 release left hands, lady turns right % to end facing man,both rock back and bow to each other, she turns % tum left on counts 31 & 32 to return toside by side position to begin dance againREPEAT

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    http:/ 73&size=large 217/2011

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Jose' cuervo '97choreographed by Max Perry

    Jose cuervo 97 (1)

    Description:32 count, 4 wall, intermediate l ine danceMusic:Jose cuervo by Kimber clayton [120 bpm ]CROSS, SIDE, SAILOR SHUFFLE1-2 cross lef t over right, step right to side3&4 cross lef t behind right, step right to side, step le f t in placeweight on left , feet sl ightly apartCROSS, SIDE, SAILOR SHUFFLE5-6 cross right over left , step left to side7&8 cross right behind left ; step lef t to side, step right in placeweight on right, feet s ightly apartWEAVE RIGHT WITH % TURN RIGHT9-10 cross lef t over right, step right to side11-12 cross lef t behind right, turn % right and step right forward (3:00)~ T U R N RIGHT, FULL SPIN RIGHT


    13-14 step lef t forward, turn right (weight to right)15&16 Triple s t e ~ in place turning a full turn right stepping lef t , right, lef tI f you don t like to spin, JUSt do a tr iple in place stepping left , right,lef tTWO ~ L K S F O R ~ D , TWO KICK BALL CHANGES, TWO WALKS F O R ~ R D17-18 step right forward, step lef t forward19&20 Kick right forward, step right together, step lef t in place21&22 Kick right forward, step right together, step lef t in place23-24 step right forward, step lef t forwardMONTEREY TURN RIGHT25-28 Touch right toe to side, turn right and step right together, touch lef ttoe to side, step lef t togetherRIGHT SHUFFLE TO RIGHT SIDE, STOMP, KICK29&30 shuffle to side right, left , right31-32 stomp lef t together, kick lef t forwardREPEAT

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    - - ':Just For Grins" Step Description - - --Description:Music: 48 Count 4 Wall Line Dance - Low Intermediate by Jo Thompson Szymanski"Honey Hush" on Best Of Sco;ter Lee CD -

    "Be Young Be Foolish"on Scooter's Go To The Rock CDRIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGE, STEP RIGHT, CLAP1&2 Right kick, ball, change3,4 Step forward on right, clap handsRIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGE, STEP RIGHT, CLAP5&6 Left kick, ball , change7,8 Step forward on left, clap handsTOUCH RIGHT FRONT, SIDE, SWITCH LEFT, SWITCH RIGHT9,10 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to right side11 Jump, placing right at center, and touching left out to left side12 Jump, placing left at center, and touching right out to right sideTOUCH RIGHT FRONT, SIDE, SWITCH LEFT, SWITCH RIGHT13,14 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to right side15 Jump, placing right at center, and touching left out to left side16 Jump, placing left at center, and touching right out to right sideVINE RIGHT, .TOUCH LEFT17,18 Step right with right, step left behind right19,20 Step right with right, touch left beside right

    Touch right foot to right side & Touch right foot beside left footBUMP HIPS LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT21,22 Bump hips to left side, bump hips to the right side23,24 Bump hips to left side, bump hips to the right sideVINE LEFT, TOUCH RIGHT25,26 Step left with left, step right behind left27,28 Step left with left, touch right beside leftBUMP HIPS RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT29,30 Bump hips to the right side, bump hips to left side31,32 Bump hips to the right side, bump hips to left side"CRUISIN"' SIDE, BEHIND, 1/4 TURN, STEP33,34 Step to the right side with the right foot, step behind right with left foot35,36 Step V4 turn right with right foot, step forward with the left footPIVOT, 1/4 TURN, BEHIND, 1/4 TURN37,38 Pivot Y2 turn to the right, step forward with a 1/4 turn right with left foot39,40 Step behind left leg with the right foot, step V4 turn left with left footSHUFFLE RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, STEP FORWARD LEFT, PIVOT RIGHT41&42 Shuffle forward right, left, right43,44 Step forward on left, pivot Y2 turn to rightSHUFFLE LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT, STEP FORWARD RIGHT, PIVOT LEFT45&46 Shuffle forward left, right, left47,48 Step forward on right, pivot Y2 turn to leftBEGIN AGAIN ~ c o o t l.eef....rrte-tl-,fl.z.cs Inc


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    King of the Road.txt

    King of The Roadchoreographed by Pedro Machado & Jo ThompsonD e s ~ r i p ~ i o n : 3 2 count, 4 wall, } g ; e r m ; d j f ~ line danceMus1c:K1ng of The Road by Randy rav1s 0 bpm l King of The Road by Roger Miller [124 bpm lstart dancing on lyrics_VINE RIGHT, BRUSH, ~ T U R N RIGHT, SHUFFLE SIDE, ROCK STEP1-3 step right to right side, cross lef t behind right turning ~ right on lef tfoot, step right forward facing side wall& Small brush forward with lef t sole4 Brush ball of left back,Option: As an easier variation for counts &4, you can just brush the ball ofleft foot forward on count 45&6 shuffle left to left side7-8 Rock back on ball of right, replace weight- forward to left foot

    STEP, LOCK, TURN AND SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP1 step right to right side _2 cross left tightly behind right popping right knee up, keeping ball of righton floor (left leg should be straight)3&4 Toward the wall ~ to your right, shuffle forward with right foot5-6 Rock forward 1eft , rep1ace weight back to right foot .7&8 coaster step (step back with left , step together with right, step forwardwith left) 4 SLOW CROSS WALKS WITH SNAPS1-2 Step right across in front of left a l l ~ n g lef t foot to swivel n a t u r a ~ l y ,snap with right hand3-4 Step left across in front of right a l l ~ n g right foot. to swivel naturally,snap with right hand5-6 Step right across in front of left allowing left foot to swivel naturally,snap with right hand7-8 Step lef t across in front of right a l l ~ n g right foot to swivel naturally,snap with right handOUT, OUT, HOLD, KNEE, HOLD, 4 ELVIS KNEES&1 step back to right side with right foot, place lef t foot back to left sideso feet are apart2 Hold3-4 Turn right knee in like Elvis, hold5-8 Elvis knees left, right, lef t , rightREPEATI f you want to do this dance to Randy Travis' version of "King of The Road" from theTraveler soundtrack, there is a v ~ ~ irregular break in the normal rhythm at the2:00 point which puts you badly off beat. This happens after the 7th repetition ofthe dance and i t onlY. happens once. To make i t work you can add more Elvis knees forapproximately 16"ish' counts(instrumentals with snaps) at this point and then startagain from the beginning with his lyrics through the rest of the song. The extraElvis knees can be slow, fast, or whatever, be creative. .The original version by Roger Mnller does' not do this and you will do the dancestraight through with no problems. With either version you should start the dancewith the lyrics so that i t phrases out right.

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    LOCOMOTION ST!lRTER4 wall - 32 count Line Dance


    1 Rock forward on R2 Recover on L3 Rock back on R4 Recover on L5 Rock forward on R6 Recover on L7 & 8 R, L , R

    9101112131415 & 16

    ROCKING MOTION WITH R FOOT AS ANCHOR ,TRIPLERock forward on LRecover on RRock back on LRecover on RRock forward on LRecover on RL , R ,LR GRAPEVINE END WITH TOUCH

    17 R step toR18 L step behind R19 R step toR20 L touch beside R

    10 - u 1



    R Step behind LL step 1/4 turn to LR touch beside LR GRAPEVINE END WITH TOUCHL GRAPEVINE END WITH TOUCH

    . ,

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Aleen J. Shearer

    Love StoryLove StoryChoreographed by Diane Holtz

    D e s ~ r i p t i o n : 3 2 count, 4 wall, .bf8inner/intermediate l ine danceMus1c:Love Story by Taylor Sw1fStart dance on vocalsROCK1-23&45&67-8

    STEP, T R I P L E ~ TURN (TWICE), ROCK STEPRock ri9ht forward, recover to le f tTriple 1n place turning ~ right steppingTriple in place turning ~ right steppingRock right back, recover to lef tright, lef t , rightlef t , right , 1eft

    STEP TOUCH, STEP TOUCH, CHASSE RIGHT, ROCK, RECOVER1-2 Step right to side, touch le f t together3-4 step lef t to side, touch right together5&6 chasse side right, le f t , right7-8 Rock lef t. back, recover to rightSTEP TOUCH, STEP TOUCH, CHASSE LEFT, ROCK % RIGHT, RECOVER1-2 Step lef t to side, touch right together3-4 Step right to side, touch le f t together5&6 chasse side le f t , ri9ht, l e f t7-8 Rock right back turn1ng % right, recover to le f t (3:00)ROCK,1-23&45-67&8REPEATTAG

    ROCK, SHUFFLE FORWARD (TWICE)Rock right forward, recover to lef tchasse forward right, lef t , rightRock lef t forward, recover to rightchasse forward lef t , right, lef t

    Dance 4 walls (you will be facing front wall) do an 8 count rocking chair:rock forward right, recover lef t , rock right back, recover lef t (twice)choreographer contact Information:

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    MIDNIGHT WA.LT:t.Choreographed by JO THOMPSONDESCRIPTION: Couples or Line DancePOSITION: Side-by-s ide or sweetheartMUSIC: ~ n y slow to mediuw tempo waltz

    COUNTS / STEP DESCRIPTIONSPIRAL WALTZ STEPS, TURN RIGHTl -3 Step L over R, s tep R to r i gh t s ide , s tep L bes ide R4- 6 Step R forward tu rn ing turn r igh t , s tep forward L,

    s tep R beside L :SPIRAL WALTZ STEPS, TURN RIGHT7-9 Step L over R; s t ~ p R to r igh t s ide , s tep L bes ide R10-12 Step R forward turning turn r i gh t , s tep forward L,


    s tep R beside L

    OVER LUNGESCross L over R, s tepCross R over L , s tepOVER LUNGE, LEFT VINECross L over R, s tepCross R over L, s tep


    back R, s tep L beside Rback L, s tep R beside L

    back R st.ep L beside RL to l e f t s ide , s tep R behind L

    25-27 Step L to l e f t s ide , drag R foo t to meet L, touch R toe28-30 Step R to r i gh t s ide , drag L foo t to meet R, touch L toeSTEP FORWARD SWING RIGHT LEG FORWARD, STEP BACK IN TURN LEFT31-33 Step forward on L foo t , swing r i gh t leg forward, hold one count34-36 Step back on R, s tep on L turning turn to l e f t , s tep Rbeside L - STEP FORWARD SWING RIGHT LEG FORWARD, STEP BACK I N ~ TURN LEFT37-39 Step forward on L foo t , swiRg r i gh t leg forward, hold one count40-42 Step back on R, s tep on L turning t u rn to l e f t , .s tep Rbeside L " .. 'STEP FORWARD, \ TURN LEFT, WALTZ BACKWARDS43-45 Step forward turning turn l e f t on L, s tep R beside L,s tep L bes ide R46-48 Step back on R, s tep back on L, s tep back on R



    Indianapol i s , In 46240 / _\)j ~ .W *. ,J317-846-3793 ( ~ ; _ ~ . ~ Y ~ / ~ {


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211



    32 Count 4Wall Beginner Line DanceCounts StepsR Stomps, Back, Touch, Shuffle, Kick-A & Hltqh1 -23 -45&67 -8

    R Stomp beside L twice (weight remains on L)R step back. L toe touch beside RL, R, L, shuffle foi'WardR kick forward. Hitch R knee.RIGHT VINE, 1/4 TURN R," STEP TOUCH9-1011 -1213-14"15 -16

    R step to R side, L step behind R,R step -to R side, L touch beside RL step forward turning 1/4 toR, L touch beside RR step to R. L touch beside R. LEFT VINE, 1/4 TURN L, S T ~ P , TOUCH17 1 8 L step to L side, R step behind L19 - 20 L step to L side, R touch beside L21 - 22 R step forward turning 1/4 to L, R touch beside L23 - 24 L step to L, R touch beside L STEP PIVOT 1/4-TURNS R- X 3, R STOMP, L STOMP 25 - 26 R step forward, pivot 1/4 turn L on ball of L foot27 - 28 R step forward, pivot 1/4 turn L on ball of L foot29 - 30 R step forward, pivot 1/4 turn L on ball of L foot31 - 32 Stomp t:l, Stomp L

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Puttin' On the RitzB ~ i n n e r

    -::;:;::;:: :c::=

    32 count 4 Wall Beginner Line DanceChoreographed 5/03 by Jo Thompson and Rita ThompsonMusic: WCS or slow ECS songs. "Puttin ' On the Ritz" or "Pride and Joy"by Scooter Lee, ''Steam" by Ty HerndonTRIPLE RIGHT, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, TRIPLE LEFT, ROCK BACK,RECOVER1&2 Step Right foot to Right side (1), Step together with Left foot(&), Step Right foot

    to Right side (2).3-4 Rock back with ball ofLeft ~ t (3), Replace weight forward to Right foot (4).5&6 Step Left foot to Left side (5), Step together with Right foot (& , Step Left foot toLeft side (6).7-8 Rock back with ball ofRight foot (7), Replace weight forward to Left foot (8).TRIPLE RIGHT, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, TRIPLE LEFf, ROCK BACK,RECOVER1&2 Step Right foot to Right side (1 , Step together with Left foot (& , Step Right foot

    tO Right side (2).3-4 Rock back with ball ofLeft foot (3 ), Replace weight forward to Right foot (4 .5&6 Step Left foot to Left side (5), Step together with Right foot (& ), Step Left foot toLeft side (6).7-8 Rock back with ball ofRight foot (7), Replace weight forward to Left foot (8).POINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS1-2 Touch Right toe to Right side (1), Step Right foot across front ofLeft (2).3-4 Touch Left toe to Left side (3), Step Left foot across front ofRight (4). 5-6 Touch Right toe to Right side (5), Step Right foot across front ofLeft (6).7-8 Touch Left toe to Left side (7), Step Left foot across front ofRight (8).: .: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <

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  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Aleen J. Sheara'

    Reggae cowboyReggae cowboy~ choreographed by Gene schrivenerDescription:40 count, 4 wall, b e ~ i n n e r l ine danceMusic:Get Into Reggae cowboy by He Bellamy Brothers [124 bpm ]start dancing on lyrics



    CLAP, CLAP X 4step right foot forward, touch lef t foot next to right and clap hands twiceStep left foot forward, touch right foot next to lef t and clap hands twicestep right foot forward, touch lef t foot next to right and clap hands twicestep left foot forward, touch right foot next to lef t and clap hands twiceWALK BACK & HITCH X 21-4 walk back right, left , right and hitch lef t knee5-8 walk back left , right, lef t and hitch right kneeGRAPEVINE & STOMP X 21-2 Step right foot to right side, cross lef t foot behind right3-4 step right foot to right side, stomp lef t foot next to r1ght keeping weighton right foot5-6 step left foot to lef t side, cross right foot behind lef t7-8 step lef t foot to lef t side, stomp right foot next to lef t keeping weight onleft footTURNING GRAPEVINE &STOMP X 21-2 step right foot ~ turn right, step lef t foot ~ turn right3-4 Step right foot ~ turn right, stomp lef t foot next to right keeping weight onright foot5-6 step lef t foot turn lef t , step right foot ~ turn lef t7-8 Step left foot ~ turn lef t , stomp r1ght foot next to lef t keeping weight onleft footDIAMOND" SHUFFLES1&2 shuffle forward to front right diagonal-right, left , right3&4 Turn% turn right and shuffle back facing back lef t diagonal-left, right,left5&6 Turn % right and shuffle forward facing back right diagonal-right, left ,right7&8 . Turn 1/8 turn right and shuffle back facing side wall - left , right, leftREPEAT

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    ........ ..... ........ . ...... .... . .. ., .......... . ... ' ! ! ~

    . - --- .: ' ; " : :.

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    SaturdayNight Fever------ Choreographed by Maggie CadwellDescrlptlon:36 count, 4 wall, beginnernntermediJtte line danceMusic:Stayin' Alive by The Bee Gees [106 bpm I CD Single?]Start dancing on lyrics

    FINGER POINTS1-2 Point right hand down to left hip, point right hand up to right3-8 Repeat 1-2 a further three timesBump hips right & eft with finger pointsHAND ROLLS, HEEL TOUCHES, !4 TURN LEFT WITH HITCH9-10 Roll fists around each other to. ight side11-12 Roll fists around each other to left side13-14 Touch right heel forward, touch right heel to right side15 Touch right heel forward16 On ball of ef t pivot tum left hitching right kneeSTROLL BACK, STROLL FORWARD & POSE17-18 Stroll back - right-left-right20 Touch left heel forward, throwing arms in air & shout "woo"21-23 Walk forward- /eft-right-left24 Touch right toe to right side pointing finger to right

    ---- RIGHT & LEFT ROLLING VINES25 Step right tum right26 On ball of right pivot tum right and step left to left side27 On ball of eft pivot tum right and step right to right side28 Touch left beside right with clap29 Step left tum left30 On ball of eft pivot tum left and step right to right side31 On ball of right pivot tum left and step left to left side32 Step right beside left with clapHIP SWAYS WITH HULA HANDS34&35 Step right to right side swaying hips - right-left-right35&36 Sway hips - left-right-leftHands: during hip sways push hands with hips, palms down at waist heightlike a hula dancerREPEAT

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    3-(-11Kickit Step Sheet - Sea LegsiMeg's Sea Legs http://www.kickitto/ld/List.htmi?PHPSESSID=a917b823

    Aleen J. Shearer ~ l < i c k i tSea Legs(a.k.a. Meg's Sea Legs)' Choreographed by Chris Cleevely

    Description: 32 count, 1 wall, beginner l ine danceMUsic: I 'a Froa The Country by Tracy Byrd [132 bpm I I 'm From The

    Countr,y I Available on iTunes]MOny MOny by The Dean Brothers (141 bpm I CD: Kiss Me Honey,Honey I CD: Simply The Best Linedancing Album]Sea Cruise by Frankie Ford [CD: 50s Rock 'N Roll I Available oniTunes)

    Written for Meg on Royal Caribbean's Legend Of The SeasWALK, WALK; ~ TURN LEFT; TOE STRUTS FORWARD1-2 Step right forward, step le f t forward3-4 Step forward on right and pivot turn le f t (weight on lef t)5- 6 Step right to e forward, drop right heel7-8 Step le f t toe forward, drop l e f t hee lWALK,9-1011-12 .13-1415-16

    WALK; ~ TURN LEFT; TOE STRUTS FORWARDStep r ight forward, step le f t forwa r dStep forward on right and pivot tu rn le f t (weight on lef t)Step right to e forward, drop right heelStep le f t to e forward, drop le f t heel

    STE P FORWARD RIGHT, TOUCH, STEP BACK LEFT, TOUCH; STEP RIGHT SIDE, TOUCH, STEPLEFT SmB , TOUCH17-18 Step right forward, touch le f t to e by r i ght' t 'C IAf19-20 Step le f t back, touch right to e by l e f t 't'C.Litp21-22 Step right to side, touch l e f t back .. . eLAp23-24 Step l e f t to side, touch r i gh t bac k ct C!.llfpRIGHT,25-2627-2829-3031-32REPEAT

    TOGETHER, RIGHT, TOUCH; LEFT, TOGETHER, LEFT, TOUCHStep right to side, step le f t togetherStep right to side, touch le f t toe by r ight ~ ~ ~ ~Step le f t to side, step right togetherStep le f t to side, touch right to e by left*#- C!./fl-f

    Chris Cleevely I EMail : [email protected] 1 Website:http:llwww .

    Address: Chippi ng Norton, Oxon, UK I Phone: 01608 676724Print layout ~ 2 0 0 5 - 2011 by Kickit. Al l r i ghts reserved.

    "1/11/11 10:

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    SNOWBIRD I1.!!!!!Count:36 Wall:4 Level: Intermediate

    Choreographer:Maria Tao (USA) Feb 09 Music:Snowbird by Anne Murray (CD :. r ~ o nGreatest H1ts) ~ . . , _ - ~

    lntro: 18 counts intro - starts on vocals(1-8) SCUFF, HITCH, CROSS, COASTER STEP, SKATE FWD (R & L), TWINKLE FWD%TURN R1&2 Scuff right forward, hitch right knee, cross right over left3&4 Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward5-6 Skate right forward, skate left forward7&8 Step right slightly across left, step left next to right & make a ~ turn right on ball ofboth feet, Step right in place (6:00)(9-18) L ROCK FWD, RECOVER,% L TURN SHUFFLE, PADDLE%& .% TURN L,CROSS SHUFFLE, ROCK & CROSS1-2 Rock left forward, recover onto right3&4 ~ left turn shuffle stepping - left, right, left5-6 ~ turn left touching right toe to right side, ~ turn left touching right toe to right side7 &8 Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right over left9&10 Rock left to left, recover onto right, cross left over right (3:00)(19-26) TOUCH R TOE FWD, TOE BACK, KICK-BALL-CROSS, R KNEE POPS, KICK ,BACK ROCK, RECOVER, %TURN L1-2 Touch right toe forward to right diagonal, touch right toe diagonal back3&4 Kick right to right diagonal, step right beside left, cross left over right5&6 Touch right toe beside left popping right knee in, pop right knee out, kick right to rightdiagonal7&8 Rock right back, recover onto left, t u r n left stepping back on right (9:00)(27-36) SWEEP/STEP BACK (L & R), HOOK, DOROTHY STEP (L & R), STEP/SWAY(L & R), SAILOR STEP1-2& Sweep/step left behind right, sweep/step right behind left, hook left over right3-4& Step left forward, lock right behind left, small step forward on left5-6& Step right forward, lock left behind right, small step forward on right7-8 Step left to left swaying hips left , sway hips right9& 10 Cross step left behind right , step right to right , step left forward (9:00)START AGAIN

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    ........-' ._


    Aleen J. ShearerI{) - II ) - ( / - !FJ. o (7fosr

    tsEC! V NER i.- ..SOUTHERN FRIED Choreographed bytGEORGE DE VIRGILIO

    COUNTS STEP/DESCRiiTIONRIGHT HEEL HOOK1 Right heel forwardover l e f tforwardbeside l e f t2 Hook r ight3 Right h ~ e l4 Right stepLEFT HEEL HOOK5 Left heel forward6 Hook l e f t over r ight7 Left heel forward8 ~ o u c h l e f t toe BACKCHARLESTONS9 Step forward l e f t10 Kick Hight forward11 Step back Right12 ~ o u c h l e f t toe back13 Step forward l e f t14 Kick r ight forward15 Step back r ight16 Touch le f t toe backLEFT VINE & TURN17 Left step side Ueft)18 Right step behind l e f t19 Turn i turn l e f t on l e f t20 Scuff r ightSTRUTS2122_ 232425262728

    Right heel fQrwardStep down on r ightLeft heel forwardS.tep down on l e f tRight heel forwardStep down on r ightLeft heel forwardS.tep down on l e f t


    JAZZ BOXES2930 Cross(step) r ight over l e f tS.tep back l e f t313233343536Musrc

    s:tep side r ightL ~ f t step beside r ightCross (step) r ight over l e f tS11ep back l e f tStep side r ightLeft step beside r ight

    "Get Into Reggae Cowboy" (slow)"Hillbil ly Rock" ( fas t )r -)

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Aleen J. Shearer/()- f ') -t!"'

    f f !J fltos r~ ~ s t t t

    .. -SOUTHERN FRIED Choreographed byaCOUNTS STEP /DESCRIPTIONRIGHT HEEL HOOK1 Right heel forwardover l e f tforwardbeside Left2 Hook r ight3 Right heel4 Right stepLEFT HEEL HOOK5 Left heel forward6 Hook l e f t over r ight7 Left heel forward8 ~ o u c h l e f t toe BACKCHARLES'l10NS9101112131415

    Step forward l e f tKick Right forwardStep back Right~ o u c h l e f t toe backStep forward l e f tKick r ight forwardStep back r ightTouch l e f t toe back6



    19Left step side Ueft)Right step behind l e f tTurn i turn l e f t on l e f tScuff r ight foot20

    STRUTS2122 -'232425262728JAZZ BOXES2930313233343536MUSic

    Right heel forwardStep down on r ightLeft heel forwardStep down on l e f tRight heel forwardStep down on r ightLeft heel forwardStep down on le f tCross(step) r ight over l e f tS.tep back l e f tStep side r ight

    L ~ f t step .beside r ightCross (step) r ight over l e f tSttep back l e f tStep side r ightLeft step beside r ight

    "Get Into Reggae Cowboy" (slow)"Hillbi l ly Rock" ( fas t )

  • 7/28/2019 Line Dance Instructions 110211


    Step Description~ .Stealing TheBest Level2

    32 Count- 4 Wall e g i n n e r Line Dance . . . : . : - ~ , . . *Music: Dance Above the Rainbow by o n ~ }:Iari.iman; ~ a e h ) C. ~ ~ ~ w ~ f FWho The Hell Is Alice by Scooter Lee or t Y ~ ~ . J } # s h a m Rock (Fast tempo)Choreographer. Rosie Multari (Thanks to Kathy H ~ r a : ~ ~ i ; ~ ~ ~ M a g g i e Gallagher and the Padens for their inspiration & step. . ' \ / ~ tCounts Step e s c i p t i o ~ r

    " ...:Stomp Kick Triples . ./1-2 Stomp right (n& weight}, ~ ~ k rig..l:ff,3&4 Triple right, left, right in pliee5-6 Stomp left (no weight),Kitk left,7&8 Triple left, right, left in plAce."-!.

    ,,: .:.: .

    . .

    Vme Tripks i t h ~ TumLeft . . ,1-2 Step right to side, cross left behind right,3&4 'friple right, left, -right-in place .. - ., .5-6 Step left to side, cross right behindiieft,7&8 Triple left, right, left turning % Uft

    . :,,

    Walk Triple and Pivot* turn Triplel-2 Walk rig,."'N, left, .. :3&4 Triple forward right, left, rigqt :.-:,5-6 Step left, Pivot lJ2 turn r i g h t j ~ : a n s f d w e i g h t into right,7&8 Triple forward left, right, left :.. ,TaTripks . . .1-2 Tap right toes forward; right toes to side,3&4 T-riple right, left, r i g h t i r