lincoln · 1987-08-17 · i', i-,, ~,...

i' , i-, , .. . :' . .(., :-:," l' ." - -' , . "- ,. '" <-' _:- '" '.. 1. (lJ 99 1 31 .:- . f::l'J [:l LIS HIN GIN C• -c"'T M1 CRt) ,,(J.. ._ S 0\:1 TH \.J --, NO Ell 0RIV £: r1l3 2627 E. YA .-- 'rx E.L PASO .. ..•- --- .. : ..,... ... " .f. - - •.". .' -,' _.\ -... . Artist meets actress Andrews See· Page 4A , ,j 30 IN OUR 42ND YEAR AUGUST 17, 1987 ...... P.ER COpy . I, 'If; . , .I : " i Airport commission agreement only lacks last' OKs .. .. nse-in our be4t1iig-them over the head, It he added. If the OCtober .bearing results in another moratoriUlD, Potter said the village will in and "make them provide gas.' The gas company announced its moratorimn after describing an in- adequate gas transmission Une. Plans to build a new transmission line also have been put on hold by the state commission. Potter agreed mth the gas com- Jl8DY's contentio-os that demandq have outstripped capabllities of the present trammdsslon Une. ''They're going to nm out of gas ... they're in trouble," said Potter. In its "order to show cause, to cease and c!esist, and notice of bear- ing, " the commission ordered Ruidoso Natural Gas to "show cause, if any there be:" on a series of issues including: -Why Ruidoso has not explored or developed load management alternatives such as interruptible rates for certain customers; -Why the company hasn't en- couraged large customers to utilize inte.rruptible rates; -Why the utility hasn't re- quested its gas supplier, Capitan- CarrizoZo Gas Association, to in- crease supply to the village system before implementing a moratorium; -Why the company hasn't negotiated a contract to require in- creased and constant. preBSUl"eQ nooded for the 1987-88 heating season; -Why Ruidoso Natural Gas hasn't performed a feasibility study of looping its system. 'to alleviate pressure and deliverability 'lbe commission bas the statutory authority to fine and intpose various sanctions against RUidoso Natural Gas, if its. members find such action " - Ruidoso Natural Gas W8$ .Slven 20 days to answer specific c'l!'i m 1. and copies of the answer Will .be mailed to varl()US parties to the case. ed his contract, and he agreed to leave that contract In. effect with Heckman to be given .only .geclfic developmental Beeman has served as airport administrator since April 17. 1986, and is paid -$60 an hQur pJus ex- penses. Through June 29, 1987, Heckman's firm bas received $114.,ff17.87, according to the fiscal agent, county manager Suzanne Cox. The contract lhnited Heckman to 1,500 hours to be paid no more than $97,000. Cox said Heckman was in compliance with that contract, with the amount paid over the $97,000 caR being for expenses. 'Fred (Heckman) is a good man about getting (federal) funding (for the airport) ," said Morris, who said last week he's asked Heckman to submit a proposal to him regarding the filing of an -applicaUon for a grant to pay for airport utilities. ..uf-' .: .... Furr's to buy Safeways Did Gas Co. moratorium break village franchise? 'y"FRAtfKIE JARRELl- - Staff Writer When Ruidoso Natural Gas Co., Inc. refused to connect any new customers during a rE!cent moratorium, that action may have been a violation of the utillty com- pany's 25-year f:ranchJBe agree- ment with the Village of Ruidoso. That moratorium was put on bold by the New Mexico Public Service Commission until a hearing can be conducted on october 29 to bear arguments in the case. Company of- flcialB say they'll honor requests for new hookupS during the interim period, as required by the order. However, when Ruidoso Natural Gas refused service to new customers between June 16 and August oi, the Village of Ruidoso ap- parently had the means to order the public utility to furnish gas to village customers through a provi- sion in the franchise agreement adopted and approved on Jtme 29 t 1978. That agreement, signed by Mayor lloyd L. Davis Jr., reads in part: "SECTION 5. That upon the re- quest of any firm or cor- poration owning or occupying pro- perty along the route of any malD of Grantee. Grantee shaD forthwith construct a pipe of proper size and capacity from such main to the pro- perty line, ... and thereby furnish such person. firm or coworation connection with the main.' Neither Mayor Davis nor village attorney could be reached for com- ment on the agreement, but Village Manager Frank Potter said last week he is the official charged with enforcing any franchise agreement. Potter said he didn't know about the moratorium until he read about it in the and still hasn't received a single citizen's com- plaint. He said the Village of Ruidoso wasn't notified of the moratorium by the gas company. "The guys they have to deal with are the public service sioners,'t noted Potter. "There's no duck ... -it's an ongoing body, just changing configuration," noted Heckman, Who previously served as cbairman of the commission before resigning to become a paid administrator. "'You're dealing with a transition," he added. All three members of the LIncoln County Commission will serve on the reorganized commission, but Ruidoso Mayor Uoyd L. Davis Jr. hasn't yet appointed the three village representatives. He said once councillors may draw straws to see who will Join the airport commission. In another airport commission matter, Heckman said the letter he reportedly submitted during the last meeting. wasn't a letter of resignation. "I asked to be relieved of my responsibilities as administrlltor t" said Heckman. He said discusslOIlB during the executive session includ- handle "other business that may come before the commission. It Some wonder why the "lame duck" commission continues making decisions on the regional airport under construction on Fort Stanton Mesa. "I wish they had the leisure of be- ing a lame duck commission," said airport administrator Fred Heckman. UBut holy mackerel, we're right in the middle of a con- stnIction project," he continued. He said the current commission will band over the reins "when somebody hands us a document that has been signed by all five governnaents and approved by DFA. H He said it could then be sub- mitted to the FAA for its approval as sponsor. I But Frost of OFA said his depart- ment can't consider the document until it is submitted for review. "The commission is not a lame under 5. Berry was qressed like an Indian, and his lamb had Its back dyed blue with vegetable coloring. (Photo by Bonny Christina Celina.) by DARRELL J. PEHR News Editor Downs candidate forum sees issues explored The joint powers agreement, ap- parently approved by all its parties except the DFA, places the county in charge of development and Ruidoso In charge of operations. That agreement also reconstitutes the commission with three elected officials as members from the county and three elected officials as members from the village. Although the agreement was adopted nearly a month ago by most of its parties, lloyd Frost of the DFA said last week it hasn't been submitted to his Santa Fe of- fice. Frost said once the agreement reaches DFA it will be a matter of only a few days it is review- ed and acted upon. Meanwhile, the current commis- sion continues to meet, and has an- nounced plans to conduct a special meeUng at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 19, to approve tbe final lease agreement with Airspace. Inc. and Business. _ _ 8A Opinion 18 Classified 28·48 TV Guide Section B ment made in 1978 by the villages of Ruidoso, RUloSO Downs and capitan along th Uncoln County and the Mesc ero Apache Indian Tribe remains in place until the new document gets all the ap- provals needed. The new document, reportedly approved by all five of its present , members, has no signature line for the FAA. And during a meeting last May involving FAA, local and coun- ty officials, FAA attorney Gary Ew- ing said that agency was less con- cerned with the Joint powers agree- ment than with a financial commit- ment from whomever is responsi- ble for developing the regional airport. "We're not going to dictate to you, J' said Ewing during that meeting. He said each party adop- ting a resolution to acceft various FAA grants is 100 percen responsi- ble for the local share funding. INSIDE ...... t ..... 'to _ ...Jl ........ Jo..:-...- ••.....:.... ,...0,. _..... .:... •• 0_ ... _ __ ,,,". , .... " L ... WEATHER REPORT Elliot Berry had a hard time dragging his pet sheep, Bluehump, into the Lincoln County Fair spotlight. Berry was competing in a "best pet" contest for children Sunday's low III ."- ,, oIli" 40's high 'II "' 84 Monday's low 39 Monday's hjgh _ II 'III' oj 111 85 ................. ...................................... •.•.. ll:! The National Service in Roswell has predicted today will be partly cloudy with isolated afternoon and evening thundershowers. ., Winds will be light and variable at five to 15 mllE!S per hour. Chances for evening and nighttime thundershowers are 10 percent . for tonight and in the Otherwise it will be mostly fair with ligbt and' variaqle winds. Tuesaay will be-partly clondy with isolated thundershowers. Winds w.i11 'be- south at five to 15 miles per Chances of are 10 today and 10 percent for tonight and .. The ex1:endedlotecast for Wednesday through Friday calls for fair skies With cool nights" Highs will be 77;;a2 and the lows 39-45. Racing Wrap-Up 2A-3A People 4A Sports _ 6A-7A The "Dreamer" _ .. 10A well. Hawk Said why should Downs residents shop elseWhere when they could be generating taxes for the A spirit of cooperating to improve DoWns. conditions in Ruidoso Downs was a Hawk is married, bas a step-son key issue of candidates who attend- and works as a waiter ' ed Sunday's Ruidoso Downs Following Hawk at the forum Trustee candidate forum. candidate Webb, who previously The forum, sponsored by the served the village as biJ1ipg clerk Ruidoso Downs Auxiliary at and \rillage clerk. She's been a rem- Ruidoso Downs Hall, was dent of Linoom COunty for 13 years, attended by just seven of the l'can.. and a resident ()f the Downs for the didates running for Downs trUstee past nine years" She'd. like to see in the Tuesday. 25, election. morebusirtesses in the Downs to in· M. mtwk" Jr., crease the tax baSe. Webb said to do wUma L..Webb, LeVerbe _COle, village projects like pa1/ing and Ruidoso Safeway. stores will be .'. '. .., Wf11iam (Bill) .... Stni .. th.t Jacs. tiel ...YJl sewer iInprt)"V'em.ents, a larger tax owned byFutr's Ulin The· 'Fedeii1 M. Branum, JilL. WiJS(fdand 11lur- b8Se1S n€edtRI.. " '. announced ,tiday .. by Jr"rr's, (JUre) the.. man D.. Gattman attended: ···the c'We to work togethel",ushe safeway mld.·PIe Please ... tf.9.-,:p.1I.10A forum. AbSentftomtl1fffortttn were srdd_ "When We- w()tk:togethe... . 0, ' . ." CL (8 lies) 'WrIght, Tt vis' B see progress' 'father than .,."" ..' .•. .. .' .......... ., .' . .. COmnnsS.,1 .•·.0.n:sets .. ·m .••··.·.eetmg-.··,.·· .• 'L .. '.';":" .1., ' .. , ,.,..t' · .... n ·s ·t,tb " ''1:. C) .'.': ..• .. ' ..' '. ". ' .. .,' _. -' ' '• I, • tiCl1.I11SIDr8 an.... U.&l. "" ..e -.1.: 1 _ 1-. _ ·,t _ ..,,- _ ". _. .'I. .., ," - .. - _. ii,', - . 'off I' .$t1d .'CQunl)t ,.iC()mmnmrmets ,. .. ··.1' .. : .. 1,· 9 .. · •. ',.',bl.A=:.· .. !fi't:. '.-:!ti'" .. ..•.... at· .. :,t,tot' •.. r.:replA.',:.···.,.·.·' .. ', .. It- · - f- in·the .DQWl.. !Le "Saldthe glbEk)fi's: , .. Th6re_.·_·.·.rl.· .. '.. .•. ·· ..::m .• be ...• .. ..••....... .. .. .. Ii '·· •. ',. j.e oIHI.'. "'UQ... d. tao .'.· .. . e .. ·.n.e ..·ta .• · ted. , .. ·.:.b .• .. " .i11Cb.: .. ' . ' '8 .gre§SlJUlde b1 'toa.···,'.·'.as.' ......... hr.··.· ...•....Co.un '. ' 1$' _.' :.H.· .. tag ,e:...... IoU" . ' "b1.l$fi\esa<c o. ; . bt1P. t,bft 'Vilht d ., 'lTust, UPll6t "fot',Sletta:SWlca ltQ8d.t . •.• ' Like leading a latnb Local officials say the new air- port joint powers agreement bet- ween the Village of Ruidoso and I.Jncoln County is undergoing a final review by the Federal Avia- tion Administration (FAA) Southwest Region office in Fort Worth, "It has to meet their approval," said SIerra Blanca Airport Com- mission Chairman Tim Morris. He said the agreement won't become effective until it gets approval from FAA and the New Mexico Depart- ment of Finance and Administra- tion (DFA). County manager Suzanne Cox ex- plained that all joint powers agreements entered into by public bodies in the state of New Mexico have to be signed by DFA officials. The cunent joint powers agree- by FRANKIE JARRELL News Staff Writer , , 'J'; f'" I .. ,-.:.._,a,-. •• .. ..2-.:" .......... ..

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Page 1: Lincoln · 1987-08-17 · i', i-,, ~, ~"....:'. .(., :-:,"l'." - -' .'.~~~, . ~-.. "-~ "-,. '" ':~



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E.L PASO.. ..•-._~ --- .~ ..:..,... ..." .f. - ~ - •.".


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Artist meetsactress Andrews

See· Page 4A

, ,j

NO~ 30 IN OUR 42ND YEARtv.tONDA~ AUGUST 17, 1987


~5c P.ER COpy

. I,

'If;. ,

. I : ~



Airport commission agreement only lacks last' OKs



nse-in our be4t1iig-them over thehead, It he added.

If the OCtober .bearing results inanother moratoriUlD, Potter saidthe village will~ in and "makethem provide gas.'

The gas company announced itsmoratorimn after describing an in­adequate gas transmission Une.Plans to build a new transmissionline also have been put on hold bythe state ~gulatol1 commission.

Potter agreed mth the gas com­Jl8DY's contentio-os that demandqhave outstripped capabllities of thepresent trammdsslon Une.

''They're going to nm out of gas... they're in trouble," said Potter.

In its "order to show cause, tocease and c!esist, and notice of bear­ing, " the commission orderedRuidoso Natural Gas to "showcause, if any there be:" on a seriesof issues including:

-Why Ruidoso has not exploredor developed load managementalternatives such as interruptiblerates for certain customers;

-Why the company hasn't en­couraged large customers to utilizeinte.rruptible rates;

-Why the utility hasn't re­quested its gas supplier, Capitan­CarrizoZo Gas Association, to in­crease supply to the village systembefore implementing amoratorium;

-Why the company hasn'tnegotiated a contract to require in­creased and constant. preBSUl"eQnooded for the 1987-88 heatingseason;

-Why Ruidoso Natural Gashasn't performed a feasibility studyof looping its system. 'to alleviatepressure and deliverabilityJlroblems~

'lbe commissionbas thestatutoryauthority to fine and intposevarious sanctions against RUidosoNatural Gas, if its. members findsuch action approp~te.

" -Ruidoso Natural Gas W8$ .Slven

20 days to answer specific c'l!'im 1.and copies of the answer Will .bemailed to varl()US parties to thecase.

ed his contract, and he agreed toleave that contract In. effect withHeckman to be given .only .geclficdevelopmental respO~bilitie:J"

Beeman has served as airportadministrator since April 17. 1986,and is paid -$60 an hQur pJus ex­penses. Through June 29, 1987,Heckman's firm bas received$114.,ff17.87, according to the fiscalagent, county manager SuzanneCox.

The contract lhnited Heckman to1,500 hours to be paid no more than$97,000. Cox said Heckman was incompliance with that contract, withthe amount paid over the $97,000caR being for expenses.

'Fred (Heckman) is a good manabout getting (federal) funding (forthe airport) ," said Morris, who saidlast week he's asked Heckman tosubmit a proposal to him regardingthe filing of an -applicaUon for agrant to pay for airport utilities.

..uf-' .: _.~ ....

Furr's to buy Safeways

Did Gas Co. moratoriumbreak village franchise?'y"FRAtfKIE JARRELl- ­New~ Staff Writer

When Ruidoso Natural Gas Co.,Inc. refused to connect any newcustomers during a rE!centmoratorium, that action may havebeen a violation of the utillty com­pany's 25-year f:ranchJBe agree­ment with the Village of Ruidoso.

That moratorium was put on boldby the New Mexico Public ServiceCommission until a hearing can beconducted on october 29 to beararguments in the case. Company of­flcialB say they'll honor requests fornew hookupS during the interimperiod, as required by the order.

However, when Ruidoso NaturalGas refused service to newcustomers between June 16 andAugust oi, the Village of Ruidoso ap­parently had the means to order thepublic utility to furnish gas tovillage customers through a provi­sion in the franchise agreementadopted and approved on Jtme 29t

1978.That agreement, signed by

Mayor lloyd L. Davis Jr., reads inpart:

"SECTION 5. That upon the re­quest of any perso~ firm or cor­poration owning or occupying pro­perty along the route of any malD ofGrantee. Grantee shaD forthwithconstruct a pipe of proper size andcapacity from such main to the pro­perty line, ... and thereby furnishsuch person. firm or coworationconnection with the main.'

Neither Mayor Davis nor villageattorney could be reached for com­ment on the agreement, but VillageManager Frank Potter said lastweek he is the official charged withenforcing any franchiseagreement.

Potter said he didn't know aboutthe moratorium until he read aboutit in the newspape~.and still hasn'treceived a single citizen's com­plaint. He said the Village ofRuidoso wasn't notified of themoratorium by the gas company.

"The guys they have to deal withare the public service co~is­sioners,'t noted Potter. "There's no

duck ... -it's an ongoing body, justchanging configuration," notedHeckman, Who previously servedas cbairman of the commissionbefore resigning to become a paidadministrator. "'You're dealingwith a transition," he added.

All three members of the LIncolnCounty Commission will serve onthe reorganized commission, butRuidoso Mayor Uoyd L. Davis Jr.hasn't yet appointed the threevillage representatives. He saidonce councillors may draw strawsto see who will Join the airportcommission.

In another airport commissionmatter, Heckman said the letter hereportedly submitted during thelast meeting. wasn't a letter ofresignation.

"I asked to be relieved of myresponsibilities as administrlltort"said Heckman. He said discusslOIlBduring the executive session includ-

handle "other business that maycome before the commission.It

Some citizens~ wonder why the"lame duck" commission continuesmaking decisions on the regionalairport under construction on FortStanton Mesa.

"I wish they had the leisure of be­ing a lame duck commission," saidairport administrator FredHeckman. UBut holy mackerel,we're right in the middle of a con­stnIction project," he continued.

He said the current commissionwill band over the reins "whensomebody hands us a documentthat has been signed by all fivegovernnaents and approved byDFA. H He said it could then be sub­mitted to the FAA for its approvalas sponsor. I

But Frost of OFA said his depart­ment can't consider the documentuntil it is submitted for review.

"The commission is not a lame

under 5. Berry was qressed like an Indian, and his lambhad Its back dyed blue with vegetable coloring. (Photoby Bonny Christina Celina.)

by DARRELL J. PEHRNews Editor

Downs candidate forumsees issues explored

The joint powers agreement, ap­parently approved by all its partiesexcept the DFA, places the countyin charge of development andRuidoso In charge of operations.That agreement also reconstitutesthe commission with three electedofficials as members from thecounty and three elected officials asmembers from the village.

Although the agreement wasadopted nearly a month ago bymost of its parties, lloyd Frost ofthe DFA said last week it hasn'tbeen submitted to his Santa Fe of­fice. Frost said once the agreementreaches DFA it will be a matter ofonly a few days ~or~ it is review­ed and acted upon.

Meanwhile, the current commis­sion continues to meet, and has an­nounced plans to conduct a specialmeeUng at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday,August 19, to approve tbe final leaseagreement with Airspace. Inc. and

Business. _ _ 8AOpinion 18Classified 28·48TV Guide Section B

ment made in 1978 by the villages ofRuidoso, RUloSO Downs andcapitan along th Uncoln Countyand the Mesc ero Apache IndianTribe remains in place until thenew document gets all the ap­provals needed.

The new document, reportedlyapproved by all five of its present

, members, has no signature line forthe FAA. And during a meeting lastMay involving FAA, local and coun­ty officials, FAA attorney Gary Ew­ing said that agency was less con­cerned with the Joint powers agree­ment than with a financial commit­ment from whomever is responsi­ble for developing the regionalairport.

"We're not going to dictate toyou, J' said Ewing during thatmeeting. He said each party adop­ting a resolution to acceft variousFAA grants is 100 percen responsi­ble for the local share funding.


...... t .....'to ~.L~ _ ...Jl ........~. Jo..:-...-••.....:.... ,...0,. _.....-~ -~ .:... •• 0_ ... _ ,'~ ~__ ,,,". , .... -.~ " L ...


Elliot Berry had a hard time dragging his pet sheep,Bluehump, into the Lincoln County Fair spotlight. Berrywas competing in a "best pet" contest for children

Sunday's low III ."- ,, oIli" ~'s high 'II "' ~ 84Monday's low 39

Monday's predicte~hjgh _ II 'III' oj 111 85~E!Sldll3"SJlr~c~l()~ ~


The National Weath~rService in Roswell has predicted today willbe partly cloudy with isolated afternoon and eveningthundershowers. . ,

Winds will be light and variable at five to 15 mllE!S per hour.Chances for evening and nighttime thundershowers are 10 percent

.for tonight and in the momhig~Otherwise it will be mostly fair withligbt and' variaqle winds.

Tuesaay will be-partly clondy with isolated thundershowers. Windsw.i11 'be- southeast~to south at five to 15 miles per bour~

Chances of pr~¢rpitation are 10 perc~nt today and 10 percent fortonight and TU~y..

The ex1:endedlotecast for Wednesday through Friday calls for fairskies With cool nights"

Highs will be 77;;a2 and the lows 39-45.

Racing Wrap-Up 2A-3APeople 4ASports _ 6A-7AThe "Dreamer" _.. 10A well. Hawk Said why should Downs

residents shop elseWhere when theycould be generating taxes for the

A spirit of cooperating to improve DoWns.conditions in Ruidoso Downs was a Hawk is married, bas a step-sonkey issue of candidates who attend- and works as a waiter~ 'ed Sunday's Ruidoso Downs Following Hawk at the forum was~Trustee candidate forum. candidate Webb, who previously

The forum, sponsored by the served the village as biJ1ipg clerkRuidoso Downs La~esAuxiliary at and \rillage clerk. She's been a rem­Ruidoso Downs ViUag~ Hall, was dent of Linoom COunty for 13 years,attended by just seven of the l'can.. and a resident ()f the Downs for thedidates running for Downs trUstee past nine years" She'd. like to seein the Tuesday.A~25, election. morebusirtesses in the Downs to in·~didates~~ene M. mtwk" Jr., crease the tax baSe. Webbsaid to dowUma L..Webb, LeVerbe _COle, village projects like pa1/ing and Ruidoso Safeway. stores will be CO~OD.-_g~.'p~ .'. ' . ..,Wf11iam (Bill) ....~ Stni.. th.t Jacs.tiel...YJl sewer iInprt)"V'em.ents, a larger tax owned byFutr's Ulin a~ent The· 'Fedeii1nade,~onM. Branum, JilL. WiJS(fdand 11lur- b8Se1S n€edtRI.. " '. announced ,tiday.. by Jr"rr's, (JUre) aiutoun~ lt~'Wi1l·till(). D.. Gattman attended:···the c'Wen~ to work togethel",ushe safeway mld.·PIe 'F~eral:Ttade Please ·$~·,:p.1I.10Aforum. AbSentftomtl1fffortttnwere srdd_ "When We- w()tk:togethe... we~ll . 0, ' . ."

C L (8 lies) 'WrIght, Tt vis' B see ~more progress' 'father than .,."" ..' . • . .. ,~. .' ..........• ., .' .

m~~F~~~~ \V~=~lDSt.. ~a:&~~Veme COmnnsS.,1.•·.0.n:sets..·m.••··.·.eetmg-.··,.··.•'L ~~~~.. ~'.';":".1.,.~·t'.. ';~, ,.,..t' ·....n ·s ·t,tb " 1· ''1:.C) ~. '.': ..• .. '..' '. ". ' .. .,' _. -' ' ' • I,• tiCl1.I11SIDr8 an.... .,oe~~f U.&l. ""..e -.1.:1 1~"...,t:;U. _1-. _ ·,t _ ..,,- _ ". _. .~ • .'I. .., ," • ~- - .. - _. ii,', - . .~.:.'

S~ 'off'~oU''was~~Clln-' :c~!'oll:~fiU'W:·~t I' ~d.J'fo't.$t1d ·~Cbbt;· .'CQunl)t ,.iC()mmnmrmets ,. ,·.·.~..a!.'.~..··.1'.. :..·,'~.·.;.'·~.'1,·9.. ·•. ',.',bl.A=:.·..!fi't:.'.-:!ti'"~..~-..•·..:,t,tot'•.. r.:replA.',:.···.,.·.·'.. ', ..It-· - ~ f-

~r:':l\W:tri~W:srn=~ttt dltt:,·T,::~;.tt~=:~:=r~="raf=~~~·~iSubdivis.i~.:~: ~.u~:Mkld1e ~need~ in·the .DQWl..!Le "Saldthe glbEk)fi's: fot2&Y~.:itC)te¢~ro- ,.. _,.g~.lnclude8.~a:bout, ,"~.""-Th6re_.·_·.·.rl.·..'..~ ·~.·.•. ·· ..::m.•·I.~.:•be...•~..',a~~..••.......~~.. >.:~,(,=..~.. Ii'·· •. ',.j.eoIHI.'."'UQ...d. tao.'.· .. ·x.···.~.·.'I.·.e.. ·.n.e..·ta.• · ted., ..·.:.b.•'~.. ".i11Cb.:.. ' . ' '8 .gre§SlJUlde b1 tbe~~'O\fQr·tbe· 'toa.···,'.·'.as.'•··.·...•....Co.un'. ' 1$'_.' :.H.·~.. tag,e:...... IoU"~_mu~.t.u."'jUU·~. ' "b1.l$fi\esa<c o. ; . bt1P. t,bft 'Vilhtd ., 'lTust, UPll6t HOridO~ ,~OZO. "fot',Sletta:SWlca ltQ8d.t~:.p.tQ~ .

~ ~~~~~~~~~$~eO~~~_1~ ~.~~~•.•~,~~ '

Like leading a latnb

Local officials say the new air­port joint powers agreement bet­ween the Village of Ruidoso andI.Jncoln County is undergoing afinal review by the Federal Avia­tion Administration (FAA)Southwest Region office in FortWorth, Texas~

"It has to meet their approval,"said SIerra Blanca Airport Com­mission Chairman Tim Morris. Hesaid the agreement won't becomeeffective until it gets approval fromFAA and the New Mexico Depart­ment of Finance and Administra­tion (DFA).

County manager Suzanne Cox ex­plained that all joint powersagreements entered into by publicbodies in the state of New Mexicohave to be signed by DFA officials.

The cunent joint powers agree-

by FRANKIE JARRELLNews Staff Writer

, ,

'J'; f'" I

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Page 2: Lincoln · 1987-08-17 · i', i-,, ~, ~"....:'. .(., :-:,"l'." - -' .'.~~~, . ~-.. "-~ "-,. '" ':~


Captain Codex captures, , .

Thoroughbred Derby

Jockey Haria Webb has Heroshlma (No. 8) flying at the wire,but could not catch David L1dberg and Captain Codex, whowon the $24,000 Ruidoso Thoroughbred Derby by a neckSunday at Ruidoso Downs. L1dberg brought the son of

Codex from well off the pace to take command of the mlle­long race at the head of the stretch. The victory earned$14,340 for owner Charles Smith of Arlington, Texas.

Charles SmIth's captain Codexheld off bard-cbarging~to post a narrow wbmlDg~ inSunday's $24,000 TborougJjbredDerby at Ruidoso Downs.

The mile-long Derby brought outeight of the reglon's top 3-year-oldswIth recent Land Of EndIantmentDerby winner Pat's Fantasy, the 9.ijfavorite of "700 fans on bandfor theafternoon program.

Prince Ego and Ugbtfoot Lil, thesecond wagering choices, led thefield through eXhausting fractionsas they dueled through the first 6furloDgs in 1:11 4. The sizzling pacetook Its toll on the dUll and foundthem with no reserve when the packcaught them at the top of thestretch.

Jockey David Udberg circled thefield aboard captain Codex aroundthe bend and took command of therace In the final furlong. HarlaWebb and Herosblma, who also badbeen saVing fP"O.und In the earlystsges, came fIylDg down the laneIn a desperate drive to catch cap­tain Codex.

But the Brooks ClarIdge traineeheld on for a neck margin In 1:40 2to earn the $14,340 winner's check

,forSmIth, who resides In Arlington,Texas. ca~ CodeJ: was one oftwo b!lrses In the ]jerby eliglble for$l;,OOO in Bi:'eeders' Cup PremIumAwards. The bonus money boostedhis paycheck to f17,OOO.

"They set some pretty nice frac­tlons" Udberg sald, cOmmentiJIgon iils strategy for the Derby. "Iwas jQ$ hoping theY would comeback enlJll8b because 1 took· myhorse back quite a bit off the paceand let bim relax. 1 bad them qoJ'­nered sitting on a ton of horse whenwe turned for hoJDll."

The Thoroughbred Derby wascaptain Codex's first stakes winthis season at Ruidoso Downs. Thecolt went In to the race With only$13,000 In eamIngs from 13 ap­pearances this year.

Heroshlma's fast-closing secondbanked $5,250 for El Pasoan DlaneFrazzh1i, trainer and owner of theOur Hero colt. Favored Pat's Fan­tasy checked In a dlstsnt thirdunder leading rider Joe Martinez.

Prince Ego held on for fourthfollowed by LIghtfoot til, Make MyMark, Sonic Sbecky and PresentHaste.

Do'Wns resultsRuidoso





Calming f18,2SQ. Pune f2,'lUO.4-IIurrIcane Mack (_117.00, 9.20. 6.00I>&eo (lUVU) '.IJO, 404030Rawcul (cu.bIng) 4.1JOTime - I,()U. Abo ran, 8-My KlD<Ia Pnrtocr,

6-1J>searcbol. ,. I4Iso Pecoo Couoly, I-W.......Schley. 3-&n>et 0- Baby. 6- Gsell. Sam.Quintela (408) pald. S52-OO.

EIGH'I1I:~ • up. 1 mOo. Claimingf2,5OO. PlIne 13,000.

1-WccxnaCIve BruIh (HarlDeI1) 11.00. 7.40, 0.l'J)3-Q>mpaoy Freedom (JolUdbe%B) 3.40, ' (Burg...) 7.00Time • 1:G.2. Abo ran: $-Prinee Fairly,

6-Da!e'. Tnm, 9- Lad,y 1IAlve. :>a>arn.. BrolIJer.l-and< lI!yrtIswood, 4-Lord Of TIle Ilclno.II>-I'<ler1e88 Pant. '1'rlftlcla (7-3-3) paid tIlO7.oo.

NINTH:~ • up.. 870 yards. Claiming$3,000. Purse f2.1oo.

3--Traclt AmbeA-dar (AJfTlUDC'D) 8.00. 3.40, 2..SJ6-VIclous V",,",O (JJlo<It!suez) 7.118, 0.207.~ _ (GIlIurpIq) UOTime • 48.2L Abo ran: 8-Tbo M1shtv Effort,

4-M1Ioballl\)'_. Z.LeadADl1P1oad, 8-Mr RedJo Jo, G-&epOntOf My WIlY. I·Wbon.L QuID!...

~ .. _ k ~ ...'.' , '.'.

8-lnsollto (VaugIm) 3JJOTIme - 2'1.0'1. ollioran, 1<>FIashy F1yboy. ().HeuJ

Gypsy 'roo, &-Dees Joan Dale, 2-8m!IUve Moon,"''1'Tucker Bar, I-DW For Fred, ,.-. So F1ahly.Twtn Trltecta - no wtnrdng Ucllet5., the carryoverlor WocloO"doy Is '10,204. QulnJeIo (...., peld$32'1.00.

FJF1 H: Z--yC8l"*OI.cb. 7 'AI fnrIonga. MotdenPun:e $2.000.

4-Mac'n Ego (MUdberg) 3.20, 2.60, 2.2Da-Hawnll Avenger (Cogbum) 3.20, 2.60I-Rings 01 SabInl (VaIIojo) 2AOTIme • 1,00.2. ollio ran, ~lca""KaI1d. 8-1dle

Toct1co. .. P1nqUclte, ().Po1Iy'. Boy, 7·A.B. 1IonoT.2--Mr. UnJlmltod., 10- SgL Rock. QuIntela (fr.6) pcld57 ...._i>.tTR

SlX111, 3-7car-ollb. 6 '" Iur!lmgll. A1IInounce.Puroo 14,000. .

LhJan'o Sin (Stc:tUag) 2,u1). 0.40. 4..604-VI....." """"'"'" (_I 6.00••.603-L<1I>boc:t Cotmty (M1Ad!>e:ll) • .IJO

Time - l:m.o.. A1Jo ran: l..Juhiloo Jay."'B<gu1IIng IIla:Io, 7· stag.... Las>, I>-N..uve Mom.~"'" (11-4) paid $147.00.

1lEVENTIl,~ &. up. 6 ~ l::r1olIga.

, "

.... ,''''''-.L.

6-Pnndeo (lJlmbert.) 3.20"I1Ina - 00.3. Also ran: 9-Reveree Burn. :s.-TbiB LB

T., ~[von'D Prtnce:s3, I-Ivnn's Aclt. lo-Katlvo.,4-Sundnyn Le<lder. Z- Debonnir Dude. 1BWlaU TwinTrileclll f1.fl.ll) paid $114.....

F01IR'm, • &. <-Y...-.<ilib. , '" Iurllmgo.MnUIen. Purce ,,"000.

lo...scooter Wafer (Burga:J J 8.20, 3.80, 3.00~Whnt'll Up Duek (Germany) 3.40, 2.&0I-G.O_ Boom (Clark) :5040Time -I :35.3. Al!m lUll: 7-Geo:rge'll Friend" 2-BIg

Act, ... Cclcbmte It, Wlrivtng~ fl-ComnncbeSIn,~ Rul1oh, 9--Tboodore'o WIt. Qalnleln (3-10)paid ...00. Twtn Trileclll • 8 llcketll (1"""1) paid$'1,3325).

FlF'I'H: ~!d!J &: up. SSO )IUf"CI.<1. Claiming13,200. Pun:e ,,"000.

l()...R.o.!u The Deck (BlL.-;1nmnnle) lQ.OO, G.2D,'.00

4-&...r-pcdnIly (B1evID:J) 4.00. 8.00lI-We::I OI1be """"" (LIluut) 2.40Time -18.06< A1!:o rw"1~. 2-Myt:l1c

S!gn. a.. C!l'lBMVD!J AffaIr. 1-M1ekey SamdhlDB.{JoMJ' Black Tie. 8- Scrut1n!m. &-Few 80 Good.QulnJeIo 14-101 paid "".00

SIXTH: ""'em""O!xb (.. o:p. J milo. Pun:e $2.IiOO.

I-Fn!=> 6>tuk IClEmumJoI Om, 0.00,....,o.-UndD'o AffaIr (MUdbe:rg) 6.60, 311)~ Heirc:::J (BuI) 3.tOTlme - I,., .1. A1!:o Ran, 4-D;>n, A KnJgh1.

J..8owr Rolph. 7- Ml!;:] IbhIo LOOy. Ezoctc. (l·(Hpaid 1!i8.DO.

SEVENTH, 3-7o=-<ilib. 550 yunb. Claimingp.z,o. Pun:o ,,"000.

4-Dacl11ng Adventure rRBrookD) 47.00, &1.W.'GO

ID-Vldm WW"ICJCk (Blevtn3) 24-.GO, ll20tl-F1lIIlOW Dcallng (MShm't.) 3.40TIme . 'El.IlJ. Aloo run:~ Sl:a Sa:nny,~ 1bougIJ1, l.oanclng Phoebe.. 9-Pol!J FG:l"-­tune. ~W~~ 8-Sume 8.!!J. 7-Bo!rlOlOmplon. QlJlnIeIa (4-10) paid $318.20,

EIGHTH: ...,.~& ttp. 0 furlonga. Oalmlng~. Puree

I-Vuvuvuvoam (Oermnn:y) B..GO. 5.40, 3.404-For Tba WIn (Benitez) n.eo. 7.20l)-lllilce Gab:t.i (BtIflio:J) 3.20Tims:! - I; 111 Also ron: 3-My M.T. Pock~,2-La

vma. "- BuIfy'. Grond lA<1y, Wood Ma=lc,19-8""",, B.".".. 1>-_ Seou3. ,~ N8ll!::rJ'. TrtfGC'l.O (1-4-6, pafd 11.187.00.

NlNTI/' 3-ye:Jr-<l_ 0 furlongo. A1l.u.ronoe.~13.700.

B-BUnd N lnve (S:mo.Dwood) 5.2D, 4.00, 3.005-OTaec:n1c'o J..oa CD1.ld:be:z1i) l2.2'J, 1.2DQ..Arotrlan Big Shot (B1:II"io:J) 5110

Time ·1: 11.0. Ako ran: a-..Joc·u PrIde,4-S00wb0:3Un. In- GnIllc Wrt1Er. 2-Sm:ooth~,10-FI=1ly Plk<>. '-My _.tty.~ll-Ba11y 1'rIn<>e. QulnJeIa (....) paid =40.

TENTH: S-year-oldD & up. B furlcngs..A1lowunco. Pun;a 14.000, I-Lovely Gb= IRlvwl18-..20. 0.40. 5.00

7..ce.l5 (GMurpbyl 5.&0,3.402-Ga:Il.a:m~ (Butl 21m1'ime • 1:10..3. Also ran: 4-MaImm Tr1mhle.

5-MT. Nlebn1ag, a. Btua Gam. 6-Swancy Boy,lI-~.~"'" (1-7) paid $106.00.

E1EVE:NTB, lI-yeaJ'-<l/lIs &. up. !llU ynrdg. <lEn<!Remley Hand!cnp. P'urEe '10,!175.00.

2-F1nancIaI Aid [Vaughn) 6.2D. 3.20. 2..40<-Big Jolm Milo (M""",) 0.00, 2110lo-cberckee Lake (JMartlnez) 2.40Time • 4G.61. Abu ran: 3-Fols Bhl. 6-Raboob.

Ih'lparldlng _ 8-N."Yo Pn:specI.~PDt. 7-BrIgh1; CeWc. 1· OrchIdg To You. Emda(2-4) pald 11I8.40.

TWELFTH, ~. 1 mne. CIaImlng$3,500. Purse $3,500.

3-Marle O1ooolat (JMartinez) 10,GO, 4.GO, 3.00l'-Plndlols (Cogbum' 3.40, '.l'J)9-Ty..... Fled (Smallwood) '.l'J)Time - 1:42.1. Abo ran: f..Sls Is A Bold Babe,

4-Ludde AntG, Il).Native Champ, 6-A BetterSpider. &8ou'o PI1eure. 7-8weet Ginny, 8-Cat'sPromIse. Trlfecta lll-W) Paid fI29.00.

Attendance-&.8S. weather-Clear. 'l'rna.F'am..Hm1d1. """,r0'7.


FORSUNDAY.AVGUST1J, 1J81FIllST,~ &. up. 7 '" __ CIafmo

lng f2,5OO. Purse $2.000.6-MIsty CUrry (1ltor1lJqJ) 1.80. 4.20, 0.00s.'I'itle Role (Blvas) 4..., 4.002oCloudy COver (BeDltft) 7.40Time 1:36.L Aloo l'!llI' 6&D:y Soc!1a1lte, Ia­

DynaDd. Se3eDla, 7·lta.IdIl)', 8-BI_ SbotoI-e&topapber, 4-LIItIe Bully. _

SEa>ND: 3--yeal"-Olds. S50 yard!!. ClAimingf5,ooo. Purse $2.000.

4-Shlney SequlD (8a1d11l..) 7.40,3.40, 2.IJO8-G1e6 C1ll1> (i'ulIerluo. ll.lIO6-1Ady Bug DluJ...,. (By.....) 3.IJOTiiDe·17.81. AIaoranl MAloIdngForFwl, 7-My

Cl'edI!>Dlty, UBtalu.... 9-Wl/clly Wr8JlllIer, l>IIePIay'a Fa1J'. DaI1y Double (&4) paid pa.lJO.Qlllnlela (foI) paid tUO.

'l'HIlID: 3"40)'.-..... 8 % 1'urIonp. Malden._$2,000.

1..celmded Copy (GennenYl 8.lIO. 8.80, 3.801.Qu1ck CIW'tl'f!i' (CoomJw) "lIO, 2.118''''.... Tabo (_wood) 3.ll8TIme • 1:05.2. AI.- _, .&ileIle Of 1'be 1)117.

8-_'. Man, M:1teIiJl I!t.'li<l. j.CheyeruIe ea­","D, lloDtllCOJl1.'. V.J;. ...MII_ ~,lD-UeteiR 1'be1lo!d. 2et Iiall' '1WID 'MfeeIa (~.q-l)

pal" tIO:JIl. .FOtnlTO: ~&Ilp.llIsoyatcl!;CIelmlng

Sf,d. PlUIe tz,OM.4-T.u<b fieIey (Il_18) 11.40, UO, Ull3''t'l/l YO!II'~ (1Ilevln!1) 3ll.4O,~,

Time . 20.43. Al.!l.o roo: 7-8ky 8lus Wotem.l-Beven Jet, 2-- Pleo.d Awny 1', 4-Mr WarRocket, 10-00 It For Dtlvtd, 0- Vc:sperndo. DallyDoublo (:h'I, paid 1631.l'J). QulnJeIo (tHl) paid$2111.20.

THIRD: 3 & 4-yeol'-Old!1. 1 mile. Claiming~_.Puree t2,OOO.

7-Morongo (VnIlejO) l2.29, lJ.GO. 4.40tJ..-Undll B. (C1orll:) 3.GJ, 3.2UM>oc Reno (Benlle:) 6.2l1Time . I :42.4. Also ron. 4-Emrter Reor.on.

~IDc:kttrolb. 0- SDk7 Boy, S--[CIOt' l!3 A Dmldy,16-DakJugle.~ Charge Cord, I--Footnote. 1st­HnIf Twtn TriI.... C7-3-2) paid 1201.....

FOURTH:~ 5 '0; furlongD. MmdeJloUWning 1>.000. Puree $2.000

'I>-Rep Rep AIu (Smallwood) 0.00, 6.l'J).'.oo3--S!rowber'ry SunrtJ:a(~) 4.CoO. 1.f.(l3-OlmpJed DMUng (GMurpbyl 2.&0Tlma . 1:00.0. Aloo run: 9-DnJp1eT Girl,. J-Dn'

Whlto Davtl. Holme, 6-lInnromrle,~Prlnee1y'D T'ur1o.. z..o.m,.tmiD' L.ady, .untoI.rhlne Qnln1elcd8-10) p::rld 110.40. Twtn TrtfccLo. .No wtnn1ng UdtetD the co.rTJover for S!lturd.l::ly L!Jsa,1Zll.

FlF 111.!d::l <& up_ 4tIJ ynnb. Oalmlng"'000 Purce ,,"000

2,.En£rgy Rc.ll (Bo1dlUca) 3..20. 1.40, lLGD7-&ubtle ~Ucot1on=J (BrooJm) G.20, 3...GD1>--Sl<y (CU::hlng' ....,nm.a. 29.23. A1l:o run: e.VDdng Iklcky, S-VOUT

Draw, 1-8o!:.3y vteto:ryo, G-Hy Po.!:J Em, Io-H.I KIteKin.. 4-Rocltet Wlrui,. &- Ilon2:t Seven. Qutnieloc2-71 p:lld,

SIXi1I. 3-year-0.!d3. 6 furlongo.. Oalmlng $$.000Pun:o ,,"000.~B~ (SleTUng I 3.-eD, LIIl. a.VO1-R.c.nI Cockfng <Benitez] lnlnw (But] 3.00TIme . I 13.4. A1l:o Ron 4-Fo.nry Actor, &-Bet

On Me Too. 6-No :Maybe MnIhry, 1,.Pl2nty WolfE.:odo (3-1) p:ili1 136.40.

SEVENTH. 4-yc:lr-o!d::J & tIP 7 ~ furltrng!1.OntmiJl8 12.500. Puree t2.OOO.

3-8ourlbern Sh:I.p (O"NclII) 5O.4D, 16.00, 6.00I-Rl A.mbE:r O:Jwn {Benitez I 4.00, 1,4{I7~ lCoc:Inb:lI (.00'I'lm2 . 1..P.2. AbI nm: WwlgB J.cclr.. Fro::;;t,

6-Nattve BnIU:T. 4-Oz:n.ard. lo-Englf"b Sovere1gn.iJ.On'1<y". Kool. "-Andy'. =a. QulnJeIa (1-3) paid;:<1110.

EIGHTH 4-yeDr-4:z!rl" ~ IIp, 6 ftIrl1mgn. Cnimmg......,. Puree ,,"000.

G-l..ucky IDvE:mIom (Toqtrln1o, U\...OO, 0.11:1, 41112--WWI FQ2" PlEnty (S1erlIngI 4_UJ, 3.ao5o-Cbuotee B1.sd2 f.1Martinez) 4..G11'im2 . I 11.1 Ako ron : J..Drngo:n Troub!e,

4-OoctoT DynmnIte., G-Soutbem Cln!:::::l:!c, 6-BlneDown. IG-&uJ.g-y Trumpet, I-lmnnt EP'P'!T,7--Dlvu1do. TtUecto (&-.2-61~ $524.00.

NINTH.~ & up. B7D ynnb.. Clafming13.200. Puree $2.000

1H',1.oJ.p1ns WmTlar (ApoclDca) o,.t.O. "-4lI, :UOG-Trtp1e Jet Dbnp!e:J CML!dbErg) 10.!O, 7.00<-_ PIgeon(~)UO'l'im2 • "11.51_ Al!:o rail:I~ Ukar

P'rtna:t JoIm. S- Sbecky Who,~ Mm;ter Cause.Q.-Mlghty Jr Bug" 140hneyBoy Mlto_ QttfDIela (5-C)paid ""-",,.

TENTH: 3-year-oldD 6. up. 350 yard9A1Iownnco. Pun;a $3,500.

7-BInnfn 8!D1e: <Fuller) 9.40. 3.40, 3.00G-Up FnAd Rmmer (NlcodaDn9) 2110, 2..GO2-Copp<> BuglI (BI_) '.40Time· 17.47. Also ran: l().S1]]r;y Plan. lJ..FoIlow

The Fox, 3- The Lastofnngel. l-cbargingWrnngler, 9-Dark TIIrlJIa-, 4-My B6Sl TtlIEDt,IJ.S1Wng On Go. Esncta (1-<1) pairl$16.20.

ELEVENTH, l'-y......,ldo. 5 '" furlun3o-A1lowance- Purse S2,9OO.

C>PEsudIIIa (Coambo) ....00. 33.40. 8.804-Bevenlh Game (Cogbum) 4.20. , ...I-Daring _ (MLldMrg) 4.40Time • 1:06.2. Also ran: 3-CoDquIsta CIaso,

2--Flytng J<ryee. 7-My Vans, 5-J'errlee"o Ego,3-Uolfmiteid PearL g..PredOl1!J Treasur9. E:mcto(6-4) paid $316.1JO.

TWELFTH, 4-y<!SI'<l1d> &. up. 6__ C1oJm.lng f2,5OO. Purse $2.000.

l>&m1b1lmmder (Coom"") 6.00. '110, 2AO'I>-Ilayuu Gent (KLewb) 14.00, 41106-Wo1fbaDe (Do1plm5) 3....Time -1: 0.2. Also ran: i-CBtbabeDa·s PrIde,

I-O'Brlen, 7~ Fancy Turn, a-Wbatears,WIn'''''''''d;7. 4-Court Cllmp1faDce. 8- SlroaIdngOn. Trlfecta (9-11)41) paid _3D.

AtteJJdance.3.M. Weatber-Clear. Track....ast.Handle P88,945.


FOB8A.TlJHDAY,AVGUST IS, lJI7FIRST: f.7caN>l4s '" up. 6 furlongs. Claiming

$2.500. 1'urlle 12,OllO.19-PIayboy Doug (GM!1f1lIlY) 11.40. 11.40. UO8-Tough Rangel" (JJlo<It!suez) 52.110, 9.1JO9-_ Palo (__) 2AO

Time 5908. Aloo ran: +By !AJd<y Beven, 1.()upsAnd Mblots, 1· Lead Me Catel<so, UllaWnluJ,8-_btulf.8-N_KIne SIar.

BE(X)ND: 4-y9l'<>Ide .. up. 7 % furlollp.C1.lmlng $2,GllIl, - $2,000.~ (Dolpbuo) 7.40, 4.40, 3.S'4&atbolJ¥Re4(_l 4.40, 3AOG-WorkIJ!Il~ (_>.5.301_ . 1":tiU. Abo tIUl'~

z.o_ am.. z.olil<d mDo,SiIkUla, .WIJb!ng1?OrLuOl, 7o&>1rlt 0IlJl<j ". loMlaehIerCIIItger.~Douf>lll (1G'1) P'l4 JlJ; QIlfDl.t.(1-4) ,jJaId '11'-.

'l'HIlID>l!'~. Slurlllllp', M6lflett.­$2.00Il.

1Jt_jet, (lII>3aI1",oodl IllM, 7.00. YOlhl'llIIe'.1II>1d (COM!W 8:J1l, UlJ


FOR THURSDAV, AUGUST l3., Ul!7All ru~ are All Amerlenn Futurtty tr1llla run

OVeT 440 ylll'ds for a pUJ'l1.E!'bf 81,700. TIle top threeflnI.!1herD 10 each dlvtBlon ndvnnced to timr tna1aan Aug. Z&.

FIRST7-Bennyll Omlcer (MShor1, !J 00, 3.00, 2 40r.-Poy orr The 1Weghorst I JiOO. 4 409-SpecUI.l Tenacity ~ WllJ.iaIns) 2.,40TIme . 2L12... Also ron 6-Mms Debut, 3-M1filer

Grit. 2-EUn::I SerTy, l-80und Ouuce. +-Hes.n ,.·ulJHtmd. B-HeTe:l The Bunny, Io-I~t l..Ddy PD55

SECOND2--The FedernJ F..xpres.'1 'B.aJd.111ez I 1060, !l 00.

'00D-Go D-afihlng NanC')' 1 Nlt"OC1eml.l.'ll 6 00. J 404-Holymolytl<u1!rtrenJr.l'T IMl..ld~rg 1 2,GO~ • Z2..17 Aka ron 7.l.o.dy!l'I Oak.

t-Go.dget Mon. 9- FOTWnrd. Blngo l.m1y. IO-Im.o.Jeweled Moon. 6--Babobon. 6-8«"kyn Han.dy M1ssDally Double t 7·.11 pntd $S GO, ,7 -2' paid $50. ZOQuin!elo (2-a. pntd e:J5.6O

THIRDI-Qnngln Genrn I Fuller 1 00 00, 1!l 00. 10002-TmtWI Super Cbnrge ,Wn1nU'ctl1 11 Gll. 3 W~P'l!lIodn<m IMnrt!n 1 2..l:O1'tme·22..28 Also rut1 ll}-Btffy Stnde. )..ElernnJ

Syndrmne. 9-Co.!:lh EvenL Go- Tf!XD.9 TT1vtu. l-MrCommtmicntm, ~Yukon Bullet 1m H.olf 01 TwmTrtfecto fl-2Ah pald S3S2&O

FOURTH2o-Mcdd1ln Dowh I Myle9 1 8 20. J 00. 2. col-&:lllt.omn IW~ I 2.60. 2. «JlJ..St:rtdIng POT Victory I Oolptnw I 3 (0

TIme . 21 l;J Abo ron G-Do1nc'-e &yo:u,7·Th:u:nderlna Blue. ~ ElntneJ Bedutno. 9...ChnOIl!l,I~opeHe can Soatm. ~Ot.lVf"Hf'IIlpen QuulIew(1-2) pald $4.00 Tlnn TrtIerl.D 1 'l7lJUUtlg u('ke-t(2-1~1 p:JJd S3.lza 40

I'1FTIl3-Coo1 Rainy I (:ogburn I 3D 1tI. 1000. 62D~UC'nteSeavt 1 Myle!ll 300. J t:lJ~ Lan Fly 'Dolphmll 4001'inUi! - 2.1 71 At;o ron 100~g.a~t. 4-IAdY'! A

Chnrm. 2- Tonlght J Ride, I-FrPI' N F...wJy J~.

a-l..ove N I...egDC")', 7'<;0 GoUt'S Boy. >-AnaE'JE":'l.Qu1n1eln 13JJ1 B78..GO

stXnI4--Da!lh Far SJ)E't'd. 'Fuller' 300. 2. 20. 2. 20r.-c..n!lh LegnC'Y 'I..ncir.e,. I 2.. 4tl. 2. 40tH'iia Spednl 8ecTet I NiC'Odemus I 3 2I)

Time . 7) 64 Abo Ran 7-Mtto Effort. ~-[)nvinR

EBart.. J. Bbmden. ~A1one III Pront. Z-lm S1epptn F..imy. I~Ro)--n1 Tea Port)' f::r.ortn r 4---6 I p::ltd S3 m

SEVENTHS-Sprlng Artjan I Martin I 3 00 100, 2. 2Dlo.-oucb Fly High2r , MShor1. ' 5 20, 2 (0

6--T'ruM And Treasure I Wilson I 2.2DT1Jne . 21 GO A..ko ran l·W}rlWe A BIIJl:.

4-Pancho Willy. 7· Strenm11ne Da:nc-er. Q..~ I.a.s1Rero. 3-Bold Boogeroo.~ C--ounty. 2-MadMnsk-Ed Man. Quinl.ela ISo-IOI p;lld 113.2!I

&JGfl"rn2-SpUl Bet •Mnrtin 1 8 00. 200, 2. 407-Yawl Enj-oy Me IPitkenlorl I 240, 2.mB-11WJ Girl Is GonE! IBlev1nslj 3.20TIme • 21..00 Also Ran 1-FAll)' Lourie SUE'.

4-Lemn(' Special Effort.. 30My casanova Filly.~Mng:I«:, Marl Rv. 6- Souzukdem"tome, 9--Mr Danc­ing Tony. Trtfecto t 2--7-61 paid $119 -«I

NINTH,la-shoot Yeah (Martin I 2.£0, 2..00. 2.103-Tener Belle rTT-ensure t 3.211. 2_2'112-Sh::Jke 1be Gash (Wainscott. 2_2DTImE! • 21.45. Also Ran' ~Ughtnlng CosanOVB.

7-Blml Moon Dude, 9-See Cr1rnsIIn. 4-[VC!' Got Sense.G-Awesome Bug. I-Fols Rocket Bar Quinlel.o(3-10) paid $5.00.

TENTH'lj).1)osh To A Star (Martin) 3.40, 3,00, 2..60B-Mh:9 Looms Bug (Burgos) 4.CO, 4.00B-Fols Glow (RB:rooks) 10.40

TIme - 2.l..1l2. Also Ran: :z..8ugged Ego.3--Eooybek1tty, &- Dancing cashier, 9-Danctng ForDollars, 4-Baba Caution, I·No Rurnes.7-Besasj)eclnlity. Ex.acto (10-6, paid $17.00

ELEVENTH,1-6weEtbutnaughty (MLIdb:!rgl 840. 5.20. J.4i1ID-Pnlloos RtD1 rwairulcott) a.CU, 4AlO5-Rega11'r'easure CHnrt I 3.40Time • 22.07. Alro Ron: 2-Overtoker. 4--Tiny

Who. lI-Mll::iI Black -cka, 9-C1assy V""""l8-Power Of Momentum. 7-Heartbeat Harry,ll-&!2rcl1 Party. Elmcto (1-10) ""Id 574.00.

TWELFTH,&--Elan9 Special {BaldDIez} 2.-40, 2.40. 2.m4-1l1ossoDr EalJy (Treooure) 3.20, 2.00s.5pm1 A Bucl<Et (PDkeuton) 4.401'iiDo' • 22.00. Alco Ran, l'-NlgIrtnulno. 3-&>..

&used, 1.-MJster Boon, G-Vocm Lon, 9-HempEasy Qoyr lO-Pumto RmDnnn. 7..coco LIoo~Be­dulno.1'tU.- (6+6) paid $ll8.4O.

Weather-Partly cloudy. Trock·Fasl.Attendan ee-3,376. Hnnd1e-$348.G46.


roRPBlDAY, AUGUST U. JJI'IFJIlllT, &i'-- • UP- till yards. Cl.lmlng

p,felI. t'lIno P.lliMI.Jl.1'lIIn'tb'l'hli>lltl<b (ASIlitJ.!RlIHO.oo, 7.40. 5.00I-l'lII1C.(~)UO. S.4014iDol'twme. (BeDIletl 1:J1l

_ ~".A1il<IUlb~~"'0!bU8~!.()l1'flilI4 '1'rua, ..utu Hull~, U'asl

1ll'XlO1W,H~&tlp. 400yards. Cla,m'ng

$I••,l'llhlr=.~40.00 l2.8O 7.1JOt:=XlildllMd~lsM.«.IIliUl..,~(WiklIDl 5.00

i •

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. .

. .

Tucker has named Jacky Martinto ride Lil Bit Shlney In Wednes­day's secOnd All Anierican tiInetriaL Martin, who is JDaldng blsfirlIt official start onthe TexaHx'edcolt, wm break from tIle No.4 post.

\'.'.' ,~i_.n· .

,,~, .

", t

•Ruldoso Downs hosts trials for from the gates at 1 P-JIL

the .mountain track's premiere' Mis&Bla~~ the Te:a:as-bredthoroughbred event on Thursday as miss who second In the28 freShmen sprinters face off for $100,000 Kachlna stakes In July,starting positions In the $1(0,000 will most llkely be the favorite In(est.) Ruidoso Thoroughbred the featured TJiorougbbred Futuri-FuturitY. tY dlvlsion. .

The Brooks Claridge traineeThe 12-race program features overcame the far outsllle IMllIt to

three divisions for the 6-furlong test win he:.' trial easily for the Kacblnacarded as the 7th, 9th and 11th stakes under re~rlllerRamonraces. The firlIt four horses across Apodaca. Bres from the railtIle wire In each trial will advance post In the finals. Apodaca came·to the final of the Thorougbbred from wen off the J>Il~ to finlsbln aFUturity scheduled LabOr' Day dea~t for second with UttleweekeniL The first field bteaks Codo.


'l'WELF"I'H: S-year-olds. 5 ¥.&furlongs. Claiming $3,500. Purse$2,000. .

I-Kenosha Rye (NB 118)Wuta My Pocket (Smallwood

116)3-Dorenburg (JMartlnez 121)oI-Az Well (Clark 118)5-Nijorca's Blade (ND l1S)6-Power Stride (JRodrIguez 116)

'I-Brilliant Dosage (Mlidberg121)

8-Rymar (Gmurpby 121)9-Mr. Native Native (Sberman

118)llJ.Senco De Mayo (Bui lOB)


FIRST: Lawton MIss, Cut Worm,Classy N Sassy.

SECOND: Salina Love A Buck,Blue Gem, Majolica.

THIRD: Hooked On Cash, DebsRuler, Dashin Unda.

FOURTH: LIlBitShlney, SpeclalSound, Cash Wagon.

l"Il'"I'H: Bully BUllion, SpeclalBlond, Make An Effort.

SIXTH: Native Nita, TheWidgeon, Bug Commander.

SEVENTH: Ronas u.yon. RulerOak. Jet Go Chick.

1lllGH'M: Titanium Lad, TakeThe=aMaPle Sugar Man.

: Plum Special, DoctorBright, Love Me /igBln.. TENTH: Dasbln Special, Wlll BeEasy, Raise A noula.

ELEVENTH: KiddinNStre8lcln,Direct Credit, Joadas Gold Sis.

'l'WELF1'H: Vital Dash, StrictlyWicked, out In Orbit.

Freshmen battle for spot ._S_e_le_ct_lo_n_s-., in Thoroughbred Futurity

",oI-Kiddin N StrealdneMertln)5'(lo Little FlJ'ebug (,TLayton)8-Those LyinEYes (ND)7-TotallY Lulu. (ND)'8-DirecfCredit (wnUaJJIII)ll-Streak;ln Rampage (Myles)1G-TogetIlerAt Last (Pilkenton)'rWELFTH:. All American Derby

TriaL.1-out In Orbit{ND)

~For Gold (Lackey)

3-S E Junlor (MShort)01- eke On Top (ND)5-The partys Over (ND)8-Pesocito (RBrooke)7-Vital Dash (MartIn)8-Pleasant Day (ND)9-Strictly Wicked (Myles)

• .l .


5-DreamYDasb (Wainscott)G-RUler (18k .(Ba1~)7-JetGo Cbicit (Bustamante) .B-SomplXllikaglass (ptlk:enton),9-Ronas Ryon (ND) . .


4-TImmys Dancer (CLewis 120)5-The Whistle Lark (NB 120)B-Country Cocktail (MLldberg

116) .7-<:Oln Keeper (NB 116)Wreck Destroyer (Hallmark

117)9-Natlve Deer (Coombs 120)l0-0lymplc Truck (NB 117)

NINTH: 2-year-olds. 6 furlongs.Ruldoso Thoroughbred FuturitY.Purse $1,700.

1-8llent Boxer (Sterling 120)2-Bo1d Sonego (NB 120)3-LittleCodo (ND 117)4-Tonkawa Chief (COOmbs 120)5-AmpapheUa (GMurpby 117) •6-Popeye Stevens {.JMarthiez

120)7-lIe's No Dummy (JRodriguez

120)B-J.W. Holme (Clark 120)9-Stormln' Dancer (ND 120)

NINTH: All American DerbyTrial. .

I-Reflections Of Belle(JRodrlguez)

2-Doctor Bright (Dolph\lll)3-Romas Magic (Coombs)oI-Love Me Again (ND)5-Lets Go Crazy (ND)6-Troplcal Jet (Vaughn)7-Plum Special (ND)8-Blddy Bye (Wilson)9-SomeSuperJet (ND)

EIGHTH:" All American DerbyTrial. "

1-8is: Sh001:er Tex (ND)2-Take The Rislt (Baldillez)3-PInlt Valentine (Williams) ,oI-MBple Sugar Man eND) .5-Features Favorite (Myles)6'Oh My Gee Whlz (ND)7-MJss Specia!l\ua (Fuller)8-Entourage (MartIn)9-:Titanlum Lad (Blevlns)

. ,'~

5-Dashln TJnda (PUkenton) ,8-MJss April 001 (Myles)7-MariCliilbo (Blevins)8-Hooked On Cash (Bustamante)9-Irish Moon Lass (RBrooke)FOURTH: All American Derby

Trial.I-NaviaUll: (LLayton)2-RambUng Effort (Byers)

, 3-&leclal Hi (ND)oI-Ill Bit sblney (MartIn)5-HennessYHope (RBrooks) Effort {Hart)7-BpecialSound (ND)8-Pie Hawker (Fuller)9-Cash Wagon (Myles)

FIl'''l'H: AU American DerbyTrial '

I-Fols Laico Bird (ND)2-Milllon Dollar, Bug (MartIn)3-Bully BUllion (Blevins)oI-Darfng Dasher (Myles)5-The Quarter Master (TLayton)6-FIying Effort (BaldUlez)7-8peclal Blond '(ND)B-Jet Zero (Bustamante)9-Make An Effort (Wainscott)SIX'1'H: All American Derby

Trial. ' TENTH: -All American Derbyl.Just Dashing By c:-a~n) Trial. .2-Pines Continued ( ) l-Wlll Be Easy (Pllkenton)3-Bug eommander (ND) 2-Us Super Romance (Lackey)

, ~,"'~ita. (~B1Wf.>' ". ' .~ 3-~ul'_A ~U~H?:~\U.i), '~ '-fil~en ,..IevixiSr" , '4'-it et06n..... )'8-Ettawas Velocity (ND) 5-Hero (Myles)7-<:OwboY Serenade (ND) 6-Credence (MShort)8-The Widgeon (Fryday) 7-Paa Lei (MartIn)9-Concho Pearl (Watnscott) 8-Dasbln Speclal (Vaughn)SEVENTH: All American Derby 9-Lady Of Substarice (Baldillez)

Trial. ELEVENTH: All American Ocr-I-Lady Bug Ace (TLayton) by Trial.2-Unles RoCket (ND) l.Joadas Gold Sis (ND)3-Bugsy Seagulls (ND) Ullemon Comeon (Wainscott)oI-Well Priced (Myles) 3-Teresa Master (Weghorst)

Downs Entri8$

Financial Aid (No. 2 onthe, rail) cug$ In through.the . fInal yards to pullaway f~r th~ head verdictOVEJLBlg John Mlto In the.Gene Iiensley Handicap.

.' Sat.urday at Rl,lld9l!tO°DoWns. "We've waited allyear fQr him to winona ofthese," said RuldosoanFrank Sayner, who ownsFinancial Aid In partner­ship with James Pirtle.


'Financialaid wins"


lll87.POST TIME 1 P.M.The SnI through 12th races are

All American Derby trials. Allhorses carry 120 pounds at adistance of «0 yards for a $1,700purse.

FIRST: 3-year-olds & up. 6furlongs. Claiming $2,500. Purse$2.000.

I-Triple Coin (Toqulnto Ill)2-CIBssY N Sassy (O'Neill 116)3-MIss Very Unlque (NB 113)oI-Lawton MIss (KLewIlll2l)5-Zulu IJz (ND 116)6-Cut Worm (Uriegas 118)7-Bueno Iris (Clark 116)8-BeUeve A Lady (BulI18)9-rn Be Drone (ND 118)lo-lmaroanle (Sponenburg lOB)

SECOND: 2-year-olds. 5furlongs. Allowance. Purse $2,000.

I-Pagan's Path (ND 115)2-Mecbanlcal Star (ND 115)3-Fastest L. (KLewIll116)oI-Blue Gem (Coombs 118)5-Sallna Love A Buck (ND 115)6-One Bold Draconlc (MLldberg

115)' .;'~_~~~U:&i~lo-Rfad's Loom (Hartnett 116)AE: Miss Emerald Isle,

Yellafellow. Pandeo, Once Ar,'I.:155le.I, THIRD: All American Derby

Trial.I-Bunny Rockette (JBrooke)2-Victoryfortb (Lackey)3-Debs Ruler (ND)4-Slreak It To Em (Fuller)

Ruidoso Downs Entries

RUIDOSO DOWNS ENTRIES 4-Candy's Coed (NB 118)FOR TBVRSDAY, AUGUST 20, 5-Hawallan Stitcbed (NB 118)

1987 6-Arago PrlnO;:S.JCoombs 118)POST TIME 1 P.M. 7-Bteppin te (Germany

FIRST: 3-year-olds. 1; If.! 118)furlongs. Claiming $4,000. Purse 8-Marvelous Marvlynn (Sber-$2,000. man 116)

I-Let Me Dance (JMartlnez 118) 9-WIn For Gwen (NB 118)2-London Riches (ND 110) IO-Paso Pupple (Webb 118)3-Alpba CharUe (KLewis 121) AE: Sunset Holme, Da' White4-Lassy O'Lordy (Rivas l1S) Devil, Strawberry Sunrise. LInda5-S1n Ojo (Cogburn 121) B.6-Lady's Comment (Toquinto 1O'FIl'TlO"T'T~H: 2-year-olds. 400 yards.

l1S) Allowan~. Purse $2,000.7-Aargon (NB lll) I-LibertY C1ass (ND 120)B-Bm's Charm (Clark 121) 2-Marci Baby (RBrooks 120)9-Masked MJss (Benltez US) 3-Speedy MisS Oh(NB 117)lo-Blls CoIltidant (ND 121) 0I-1i;aster Obielet (ND 117)

. AE:~ePatch, Lets Hook It, 5-Mlater Roon (Dolphus 120)

.' Double ROuriCler, Finally Honor. 6-Sigb Risk Venture (Webb 120)SECOND: 3-year-otdS. tOOyards.'t~l"u2'SBuCket (Baber 120) .

; Claiming $4,000. Purse $2,000. &-Going Van (ND 120): 1-Hose Me Down (ND 117) ll-SenteYa (ND 1171 ." 2-New Year Man (Baber 118) SIXTH: 3-year-olds & up..350, 3-Justan Old Flame (MartIn 118) yards. Claiming' $15,000. Purse

;, ~~~~:;}~) $2'r~OfStlng(ND118) .: 8-Do It For David (CLeWIS 118) 2-~RedRocker (Edwards 120) TENTH: s-year-olds. & furlOngs.: . 7-Petfect Jet (NB l1a) 3-Toucblt1iluy (llBtooks116) Claiming $8,000. Purse $2,300••' B-Space Teese (r..t..aytoIl115) oI-Rl.Ulnln Roro(ltfartIn 118)' . Moyce's Angel (SterUng 117)~; 9-Im The Master (!.Myles 120) 5-Mare Us A Wii1ner (Fuller 122) 2-Btibbles Silverman (ND 112)~ lo-Uttle GliJnp5e (MLldberg114) 6-Chandn Ace eND 1111) 3-Ce1ten (ND 115) .~, .THIRD: s-year-olds.5 ~ 7-Zevi Jo Go (ND 117) oI-Just Uke OITlmes (GermanYr furlongs. Claiming $10,000. Purse 8-Master Kane C1mnbett 120) 117) .,.'$2,300' o,Post ANote (Mlidberg 117):. ' 1.:E'ientyy~ ('1'oquinto 113), SEVENTih 2-vear-olds.6G-AIWays A B1Un"(ND IJ,7),z..MsgicaI PurSuit (CocItnb8118) furlo........ Ruidoso. Thdto•.·....· ........··..• 7-'l'woEyed Tootie (Clark 117)~" ..' s-cotmtry Tout Cn.ancm U8).. li'uturitY. Purse $1,700. ...,....,......, . '8-DraliOlilc ScO\ltes8 am 1!2} .':4-Dad's8elitBet (MIidber jUlS) 1·l1.lSbUtV1Clfcu (ND 120)t, &-XtrilElndo1'f6d(~118) 2t-l:teep'Bo(O~eIJ112O) •'. 1I-Midland poppy (If.artDett 118), 3-A.9.Hoo01' am 120) ,f!)LE'VENTH: :z.yeaNlds~ 6;,. 7..cecllg',.Wn (St!irlilfg 118) t-oarUu ElMma(NIl117) flirlongll. RuldOilO Thoroughbred~. 8-Wol£ Patrol (NEHI8} 5-Rav1sller(lUvu 120) . . .' ' ~tY.PurIie $1.'1GO. .r ~Jm'~~=1:M118) t1u~~~~':20) .' ~f:F~~DM~l20)~.i. Am: Noble ParistO. TiiilThe ~.... (smanWOlld 120) . 3-Arrowllead's (BUtgOil JJO);-: SWitch, dap 'Os, H4. centetltlial o.P.rinCelIsT'61ary(ND U1) 4'-BUSirleM 1lep1y «(;aml)8rt120),,:: J.,adY. ., .' ~ . EIGHTlI:~1d8.up. &'10 li-MiMB1*!khiMt(~11'1)E,ll'OURTH: 3..ye81'-01d•• G 3~l'da.Cl.lmlng $1,200. putse ~omo (smantrOOd12O)'" lurloiigs, Al1Pwanee. PurIie$2,000. $2,000. ' ,.' 'I-Written BlgJit (ND 120)f~' 1,;Trl~Ion(~ 118) l-WlItS 'Muff (ND 120' '&.1Uvercrow {O'Neill 120) .~,mtver Soutb(G'MUi'PbY 1111) . ~BOteroGamleh (NB 120) t-ll:go Bender (J1oIarl;Jnez 117)[i 3-ChoictlEncounter (NS 118) . .3-1tega).HoUdlIY (ND 122), lo.canutlllo (MUdberg 120) ,

) ~,' ,

~ .'L.~~",,~,,",· ''-... -.-.~ ,..- _.""" __ /_' OIl'' iiIIIIlI_lilIIlilillllllilllllilll'iIIIlIlIIiIi'ii' iIlI'iiIlillllillllllllllillll.

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, ,',1Arts and·

·.. cowboysRuldo~() . artist Gor(,:\QnSnidow (left); fil l1'l~mberof tneCQIIIt.boy Artl~ts ofAmerloa,.. IS: snOW... withaotreasand singer Julie-Ahdrewsafter preseritlnght;lr with a oOPY of hisbook, . ~'Han9In9 On."CoWboy Artist ofAmedoa MUseuml:>oardmernbar Alan' R. fSahn(right), looks on as 'An­drews reviews the book.Snidow was a.gUel;lt at aparty. In Andrews' homefor Operatl.on Canfornla,

. Inc., an International andd '0 rn est I c . rei I e forganization.


- - .... -,


" 'i

,.' " .....I __ ".


i __ " . . , ,I -'. ¥. .'

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, <".' .. ,


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Sue Sauer of the Rio. "Grande Zoo In Albuquer­

que shows Ruidosoyoungsters how to han­dle a boa constrictor.This program of bringinganimals to the childrentook place last week atthe R'uldoso PublicLibrary.

I .Hold m.e tight

. ,

",' ;".< .'.......

UNCOI.N COUNTY FOODBANK: board of director/! willmeet at 7 p.JJL Thursday, Augl1st20, at First Presbytei:ian Church.

Wednesday,August 26

Friday, Saturdayand Sunday,August 21-23

A FI..EA MARKET to benefitthe Lincoln County HumaneSociety is planned from 10 5 p.m. Friday, Saturday andSunday, August 21-23, at Wal­Mart. Planners ask that used orunused marketable donations bebrought to the patio annex atWal-Mart before Wednesday.August 19.

RUIDOSO HONDO VAIJ.EYEXTENSION CI,.,UB will meet atnoon Wednesday, August 26. inthe public meeting room of theRuidoso Public Library. Apotluck luncheon will be servedat noon, and a' program onnatural remedies of New Mexicoand landscaping with nativeplants will begin at I p.JJLMembers are urged to attendand visitors are welcome.

RUIDOSO UNCQI.N com·, TV CRIMI!) STOPPERS will,meet st noon Thursday, August2O.·at Don Victor's.

Coming 'up•• ",'

. - .--.. .' ,.--.

Tuesday,August 18

The ~UIDOSO 'GA~DEN,cI,.,uB will meet at 1:30 p.m.Tueaday, AlJ8Wlt 18, at the homeof Olga Ti/lCilreno, 106 Sky!.aneROad. The program will l1e' onlandacaping. For furt;her ,infor­mation call 378-4563 or 258-5509.

Thursday,August 17

Wednesday,August 19

The HUMANI!! SOCIETY OFUNCOI.N COUNTY will meet at .noon Wednesday, August 19, atK-Bob's. All members are urgedto attend and the public isinvited.

RACETRACKER'S REVUE isplann\ld for Tuesday, August 18,at Cree. Meadows Country Club.The gala fashion show and din­ner will benefit the HumaneSociety of Lincoln County. cashbar opens at 6:30 p.m. with din­ner at 7 p.JJL and the show at 8p.m. Tickets are $15 each.

Representative Joe Slteen willbe in Carrlzo;l:o for an ICECREAM SOCLU. at 7 p.JJL Tues­day, August 18, in Spider Parkacross from the CarrIzozo PostOffice. The Republican Party of

. Lincoln County. sponsor for theevent, invites all citi:l:ens in­,terested in government,whatever their party affiliation,to attend. Skeen will talk of localand national current' events. Anews release, invites arearesidents to "bring the children .and make this a flimlly outing."Ice cream and cake will' beserved.






· '·


Margaret A. Coker of RuId:aJeHe is a mlssJe main

apeciaJist with the 321st Otgan12la­tlonal Missle MaintenanceSquadron atGrandForksAirForceBase, North Dakota. Cokergadunted in 1985 from DlmmlttHigh School, Dimmitt, TeltllS.

~~Scare Up A UttIe Business1##Advertise Yours

inThe Ruidoso News


NEW HOUllS9 - 9 Monday - Saturday

9 - 3 SundayMidtown - Ruidoso


If You Thought Exertlse HodTo Hurt To Help, think

Again.The Body Shapers System will change those old no·tlons of exercise y~u learned}n gym closs. This unl·

, que Inch·loss system mokes yau .feel moreenergetic os you work out, not tired andbreathless.

Try our new Acu-Mossoge tQble•.TAN WITH ,THE BEST

There· is! No othermachine comes close .to '. '.

the UWE Supernova 8000.'..-No MeMbership FEE: • No Obllgatl6(t .,

BOD't1tlAPEQ6' .. ?r.~~· ~•. :z.:~....27H3Sudderth' 251..5550

AIRMAN MARK L. COKER hasparticipated in the Strategic AirCommand'S annual readiness train­ing exercise "Global Shield trl."

Selected' Air Force Reserve andGum'd units joined with SAC unitsworldwide in the extensiveexercise.

Coker is the son of Paui D. and



Call 257-7365(answered by the Ruidoso Police)

Ask For FamilyCrisis Center Volunteer

~ : II'. ~.;-' • j - , I .' :: 1. • " 't: r : I '.. r 1:. _"' ,(..:t "ComIng up ····'-'.-~Inc<th'e l;servlcs' 'u'

policyDeadlines for submissions to

"Coming Up" are Thursday at Ip.m. foJ' the following Monday edi­tion, and Tueaday at 1 p.m. for thefollowing Thursday edition.

Submissions by telephone arewelcome but written submissions.delivered or mailed 10 The RuidosoNews, are preferred.

• Contributions to "Coming Up"are welcome from hon-profitgroups, /!ocial organizations,

. Schools and other similar groupswhose functions are open to thegeneral public•

," .

Eve..ett J.KeanetlYll M.D..Ib.,

.Obstetrics and GyneC:ologY·Itdertilitsr .

. lilt

~622 S ..et4erih Uri".'1l..lcI~6.New Mex(e688345

()flke ..0 .... bit .~poillt...b.t (50S) 2$'NJ145

, ,

William A. Harrison., M.D.

.9lt£1Janad!J-lair 'Designs


One·step non-oxidizing process for vstious nstural hl·11Ies~. "Artlsllt;: lind Impt8l1slve"

. 258·3313In 'he PtlddtH;k (/"Ilgh"".y311 TUlllld.y·S.,l/idey$-6

. , Welk·fhfl A{W.y. Wlllct1mll

J.H. "Buster" Hodges of Fritch, Texas,and president Dr. LaNeUe Witt ofRoswell. Tillman was recently electedtreasurer of the organization.

"l.:",~.' ."


Canclles Of All Kinds.Simmer Pots, Scents

And OilsGreeting Cards2605B Sudderth


Ruidoso Public Schools special educa­tion director Karen Tillman (right) Isshown with 1987-88 officers of theEastern New Mexico University AlumniAssociation (from left) president-elect

. .



OUr branch showroom In JlroP10za has been dosed III order tobetter 5"e'tve our customers with

'n-Hotrle ConsurtottonColla36·4141 or437·'1366 Collect


, For a ComplimentaryMary Kay facialCall Pat Arvizu




ENMU alunuli officers

, J!Du !£:sayI'lLnl!flU "sfu4ta1tla .§t~

,.Custom·S.,amstrsssNow Taking." '


-Also Alteratlons-

Page 5: Lincoln · 1987-08-17 · i', i-,, ~, ~"....:'. .(., :-:,"l'." - -' .'.~~~, . ~-.. "-~ "-,. '" ':~

*****"..•*******************************"****"­... ., ..., .. . ..


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30% .50%' 75%

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"G'tit .. ' ".,~ .IS WUEREIT'S A,.i

Theutmos1: fotYQur time and money ,'One unit. five excerCises- firms tonesshapes QndimptQVeS circulotloO: . ..

8 TREATMENTS' $32.00



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t;" O~~N .....d.• R........ W.1'ok.;. __ ... MasterCardj • HOURS ' GROCIRY .. DILl Visa

", !' SOli MecMrn • H1ohwiIIIV*7'. Phorl. 257~2H7j' ..SC...... U ........C..

·"fl.,:, ' ',' "','" ~m••~·•••",,~ ".• 0.. ca O'O' .. O' 69,< e O' O" 219.-[ .. ' "., '~ "', '

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Thureday In Hobbs. The Warrior junior varsity will host·Capitan's varsity ,In a scrimmage Saturday.

;' ..


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IIII I"I Bank of Ruidoso II arid ~'II The Ruidoso News' 'I,I .,care offering a I.11 FREE SUBSCRIPTION -I·1'.. TO THE RDIDOSONEWS '...•.1


for the coming college',year.

I·, If y.···o"a~.daRul.dOse. HIgh School g·rod.uate'·an.d· ·.a.··ttan.. II. . '.' .'.1."I . dl'ng .collage get your .name. odcl·r•••• anclyoar ,of •

.• • graduation Into ThelluldosoN.w•• 1'h.n.. the sank of .'.

home town..' , " . . .' .•

.' .._------------_..•

. ,

0'·· ,


'" ,or...:', .

..A group of Ruidoso High School football players gothrough a play during a workout last week. The·Warrlors gotInto pads Saturday and will scrimmage Hobb's varsity

•--------------------------.:".,..--_.....:._--~.-,,-------~---..... 'r.. , i,



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you have aspecial concern,'t , ...

call Contel.

were 6-2. the Radio Shack Crusherswere 6-2 and Aspen Pharmacy was~2. .

RCSoft~wblch scored 461'UJ1Sin two victories over the Cat­tleBa1"on last week, lost to the Albu­querque strikers. lh'l; and theSilver Bullets of aobbs, 16-7.

The Uncoln County Women's S1o­PitchSoftball League~Tolll'­nament will be Saturday, August22; and the women's A1l-stlll" gamewill beSlInday. Aug1llIt~.The com­petition will be at Eagle CreekSports~lex.

Following the women's leagueAll-stlll" game, there will be a men'sC and D tournament Labor Dayweekend. and a coed tournament Inthe fall.


~:nmf.~~ a bitlast SIolIlSOll. but .~. were be.ttel"th!UJ~. and __tl'e· '1Ie better Qli3' 8e8lIOI1~: ~enc1e.r'­sonwd. "TIJeY'1'e~ 138." .,. RuielO/JO J$ l'e1ativ~~thr ex- .cept fOr senior Todd MOm/!; whO,'bas backproblems and~ustIllt out .tw'oWeeks.

The Warrior ~slim8n footballtearp will open Pl"actlce at 1 . '. . '

RuidO/!O's volleyball f;eII;Ip I;Ilsowill op)3n lis second week of pl'eQotice today.

Ruidoso, with Mound ~ P~el'Sout for the tea.... willbave a lICriJp.­DUlge 8a,t\mlay, August 29. '!beWarrlOl'S will open the ~againllt the visiting Tulal"osaWUdca.tsThursday. September 3.

NOTES-RuidOIJO'll football junlol"varsity will 1H)st Capitan ·lDgIt.School's varsity in a 9 B.m. scrIJp..DUlge Satur'day. Aug1llIt ~.

::'~ .Dr'~~Rand.1I B. COX

617 Sudderth • Charleston SquarePhone 257·5512

Office Hours: 8:30 - 5:00 Monday -Friday

Clinical services provided Include:• Contact lenses • complete eye exams• Pediatric eye care • Visual therapy

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Introducing...eare Line. A speci~ numberthat you can call to get your questions answered.When you <:all care Line. you'll sPeak to a com·

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ClJre./jne 1:800·635-5044 tollfree.· Because we ·care 'about our customers.

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For repaircatl 251·$181.For new service call 251.909d..'

, .

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{.l.\'-';f t ., .I CALL 'I ,, FOR II aU.IN•••I'I We're lOOking for I, your business newel I, n yOU, h:J;vo~ at It\.!C'Otl.! to IhO ,. ~~~\I' WOWOt\1tohc~

I from you f='~ pl'onu:~10 tI now ItoO cf~ from ncrw~ ID

I o:d your~bC~ en Tho ,

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CO' ea3 lhO 0l='0!::.!I ott;:= tl1


251'·4oot ...--------'

Ruidoso" gridders,' spikers .• rr'"

continue workouts this. weekby GARY BROWNN!i!W;;l Sports Writer

Bll1dOIlO .Bigl;t .SChuol~ footballanilV()11eyball teaQIII are ente$lft1lell' llll(!Onclw~kofpl"actlce ~y(MQ.Ilday), August 17. .

Tl:te WarrlOl" football team put onP4IiS fOl" the first tUne 8a,tuntayandWill cod&ue WOl"king outtwi.ce adaY. Ruidoso will travel to HobbsfOl" a 7 p.~. varsityllC1"iJnmage'lbu:rsclay, Aug1llIt 20.

Ruidoso bas 45 playel'S out fOl" thetea....

"We'l'e still working banl. butwe've got a lot of wOl"k to do." beadcoach Coope1' Hendel'SOn said.

The Wanill1'll went through fun­damentals the first week, and willcontinue the first part of tbiB week.'

But Wednesday Ruidoso willbegin prepa1jng for the Hobbsscrimmage. Hobbliis a member ofmgged District 4-AAAA. Ruidosowill open the season against host

SoftballThe cattleBarons were the only

UncoIn County Men';;l Slo-JlitchSoftball League team to win a gamein the state Class D tournamentover the weekend in Albuquerque.

The cattleBaroJlS, second in theUncoIn County tournament and

• Red Division cha...pioJlS. finisbedwith a 1-2 record In the statetournament.

TIJeY lost their first game to aHobbs tea... by a 9-6 score, wontheil" second game againstSllvMado of ClovIs. 15-10; andfol'fe1ted their last game becausethey did not bave enough players.

The other four UncoIn' Countyteams did not win games.

League-toUl"llament championand Black Division champion RCSoftball was 6-2, the Merchants









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Ruido/lo's volleyball team will~ from 2:30 to 4::30 p.m.

BoJ;de Williams Is the new Bravehelld football coa.cb. Jody HQIlldnscoa.~ tbe Brave volleyball team.

Smoke signals are fine,But line for line,

Better results are had

With a.Ruidoso New. Ad!

.,' .

• •

Brave teams will begin practiceItuidoso Middle &$001'8 football

and vCl,lleybaU teamsbegin practicetoday (MonIlaY), .August 17~

TIle Brave gridders will beginpractice at 2 p.m. '!'bey must bringSbirts. shorts and football shoes.

. .

WarriOr. boosters have meeting ., 'l'he 'RuidOl3O High School Wat"- MeetiJlgS will~ue'durinJ(

nor Booster CluJ) will have a tbeschoOlyear. TIleb<lQetercluliI meetlJJgat 7:30 pm. Tuesday. supports ll11 WlIlTior sPOrts

.AJl8UIIt 18. in the bigb schoOl teams.meeting room. '



flight With a 174. A total of 36 teams competed In the three­day tournament.

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'" -'0' .".

, ,

-Mike Massey (right) slnks a putt on the 18th hole In the finalround of the L.lncoln County War Couples Golf TournamentThursday. Massey and Karon Petty won the Billy the Kid

~atrefur"oure\·es.. .Dr. T. T.Marguardt

DiseasesOftheEye • COntactLensesSierraProfessioilal center. 2570S029



,·.-t, "




Sports acti'vities this week

,· ",·•

,BUOO'·"',=:!::::: ==!::.!::=::;::',', .INN0


RESTAURANT~ .• OPEN 7DAVS A WEEK '.!, Break'ast Served 7:00 11:00 a.m.

, Featuring Homemade CinnamOn R,olls, Biscol.ts,1 ' Blueberry Muffins, Buttermilk Pancakes ,

~ .Lunch, Served 11:00",••'2:00p..m.Soup·Of·The~Day,Salad Bar, Sanc:lWlche.. '

, , Hamburger., SpiItClaltles .

Dinner $erved &:00 p.m.- 9:30p.~. '~' Specializing In Prime Rib, st••ks" Chicken "?, , IJ.A1l Steaks CutFr••hOaUy.'·• ' HIGHWAY 70 WEST· .. PHONE 378·4051·\- .: ' ,.I\IIC/VI• .,AMXlOC/CB .,

'.. ~'

• • • •,,

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" Po i "h':',?:., *, '- :I: _',',.,

-OptIonal aulomatlc rce maker (at extra cost)-"extured steel dOllrs .-3 full,wldth gllde-out refrigerator shelves-Up-front freezer and refrigerator controls-2 deep free%er door shelYllIi




"HZ :,,"'. -- I'M' 1:,"",.) _ t.".:

Discover where Fashionconscious Rutdosoans shop•••

V1ragge of Paris, SIdney.Anyo. TannerSport and

more... for less.


rs~~hay ARO*UND1at THE PADDOCK 1

New Arrivals Doily---2o-5O-70~OFF ,





-Adjustable Temp,Control

-Juice Can Shelf

_ ,_.. l ',I _. _- _ • ,'"m,·','. . -" - • ' ,.

,.,'. ,: " . ,-'~ " ,.. . ":' . "'. ",'~'~---".,.. ",". ..', . ,

~ahasp~rson ,Helen KHgQr~ sta..,as In front ·OoWns. Dale'~{,I1as',b'een111bVsine$sln thl&of a credEm;z;s at Dale's FurnlturE/, Rllidoso arE/afar ;1ayeiars.

o'· " •• " , ',. ,. .. '..; .. ~ .. .., .," ' .. ~ . . '. .

J.i ;., "-'" i .. ,X,' . ,)f" '·~E.:'"·""/'t:·'·:ii·-·',, .. ,(~·... i ..·,;,· .' ... ,.',:


.18 Cu. Ft. Frost·FreeRefrigerator '-,8.0 CU. 11., 100% frost·proof .-Fll¢tory·lnstlliled lIutomatic ICll Illaker.Erectrl:Sava, switch-Special meat drawer·/=ully adJu"tllblll catltllever shelves"Adjustatlill door bin."extured doors


Open Mond~yThrough Saturday 9:00AM '111-6:00 PM



-' -' "


'~..~'~~ ~

...,~............' AT THE "V'J' IN RUIDOSO

-Monthly 'P.~enllf eslows a" $15.Ortilppro"ed Ilrl;dlt throulIhl!hltkleYlf

.VIslllMlIlIlercerd/BlIrkl"ys Cr"dll.Llnl!lo

-SlIde-lIi!Ilde basket allowsyou to sto'e fOods on Illorethan f level

-"extured steel finiSh.New atep diVider alsoServes as a drain pan

>Defrost draIn-Power cord retainer


Frigidaire 8.3 Cu. Ft.Chest Freezer

..., ,





Frigidaire 15.6 Cu. Ft. 16.5 Cu. Ft. No·FrostUpright Freezer Energy-Saving Refrigerator

en T If II' ",If ,Mr.l!. Y75i.!iliIfIi'UW}''FTT 'TWp'IU?t- pi ,axtr,w? 'It! ,.; , it :?; HW '-'WF"'TT Jtr mann wean T Fll1rtrS. H'ljilp"WZPW'W en -.P : I l'r' T. iii. .; :TV r" um; -'


'iI,,' , J ... ,·_d".',


, -,'[

, In Sierra MollBehfndRt!.tvca.,,6fnfl~, , 'qJa/J/!' .

, '

PriYete ScreeningRoom


.or F

•;. ,.,.e,': ,.-_.


;Cotning Soon:BenJi1he Hunted~~,~ CLASSIC


b ,

.NTh. filuldo.o N.w.' Mond~. AUClUI' 17.1081T;lU.l:~FI'! _ om 1 '- JI'P,IiWI U.p' _.!f?7I??SVII TP. - ~r:: He j H.n"JdlL_. _ . 11 ' .In,w ry ,'n--Tn L_" "u_n••n

Dale's lu\~ been fu.rnis~ng area for 12 years' '.'~ ;,'

by 130NNY CHRISTINA <:lIiSLlN.e: aboQtl'llsldh1glntblsilr$l."Xt'anot a(!~ tiley've JUIltllOrtofbypildN",wG ::!t~ff Wtl1er, a Ji!gb-paced ptace,~e citle$ are. ueP .tbtbet"l,l'egular 'Price/!•.Wenevel' '

And tbe people ate relql(lnslble,do. ,a . . '.,.. "We stock noibing but qualiW they do whatth~~K:lldQ." . ' ,Illerehant:nse, and J.f' ~I,l hap- The stote l.!! Qpen ".30 IMn. MI th.e :Dalila work in:tile lltcn'e;pens to it, we can fIJI; lt fOr yo",. We to 5:30 p.m. MOnday through Fri· 'and· their Ilalellperllon, Helen,WOn't /leU~ we can't fix. (lay, 8:.;lO':a.J».-4 p.ttl+OD Saturday. KUgore,haa~witbtbecQlllplUlyOur Iltore standa behind ,its "We offe!." furni~, eatPetblg , fol' three ye!U'S. . .. ' .mel'cblllldille. .. and c:Jraperiell. We'rll a full~ervfce "We'relltable,and-olU' 'IlUCCellS .

DQn E. Pale ill a lleriOUll young home 4ee(ll'ating bUlliness. Wehave pJ:'ovell that buIliiIellIle.S can nmlte it .man. HeJJJaIUIgesDale's Fumiture SOllle JamPs anclsQJne wlill, pic- •in Rul40liO lill yellr'J:'ound."oDme'son Highway 70 just east Of Ruidosoturea,' but .you can ,get' those" tone. Of voice' f/;, sincere, and heDowns. Ilia parents, Don and anywhere. 01!1' specilllity is more leansaCJ:'QlIlIo the table to ina1I:e 'IliaDorothy, own the store and they aubstlmtial....· 'point, "O1!1' real ~le Ja.toprovidelI1so own one in Las Cruces. Dale's Furniture has ~ted for Ilervfceto the loealJ!Clllple. 'l'hat'$

"We're fortunate to be in tile fur- 12.yel\l'll. "We don'f: haVIl a lot of what keeps lIS inbUllUlllllll. It's tileniture bUllineSS, and fortunate to sll1ea," o,Dale admits, "becaUlle local$ Who $UpP.,ort us, and welive in 'RuidollO," said Dale, who when do offer.something;Onsale, we return the .favor byaelJjng qualityIIlIJIled the scenery and the attitude want it to be a true value. Some goodS and backing itupwitb qiJjlljtyof the people lllI his favorite things plllclls Mve sales all the time, but service." , . .

. . , .

CCRuidoso·s Finest:"(Across From Racetrack)'

Great AmericaD Land ItCattle Co.Open Nightly At 5:30 p.m.


Race ~erun$ 7:30 P.M.' On Big ScreenDancing 8:30 P.M. till??


FAMILY CRISIS CENTER'~I W_tJl~$Nit;fJ fJf/d. 9'__ fJflw~W_ JI

-support Group For Abused Adults-Mondays 12·1 By Dr. Birgit LaMothe

Professional CounselingAssociatesCounselingCenter. Sierra Professional Center

Beginning Monday. August 17257-5038

Ruidoso Christian SchoolHJghway 70 EastRUidoso DoWDS

Now accepUDg fall euroIImeDt In8J:'ad.e:l!kInder~n, 3 yearold~liftligrade.Space fJllI11ilted.MaxfmUmclass size:twelve atudeDU. LoviJlg, qtI.8JffJecl teachen and aides.

Extended care (7:31 A.M... 5:30 P.M.)TuItion for SChool Year: $He.oO

TuItion and ExteDded care: $1,350.00State UceDsed.

Call 3'184628 For Interview Na G


Gary Lynch Realty hasbecome a member ofHome Marketing Ser­vices (HMS), which offershome buyers and sellersprotection from majorrepair or replacementbills In new homes.Covered are home ap­pliances from electricalsystems to the door bellchime. HMS Is the na­tion's leading supplier of

. 0' real estate support ser­vices with thousllnds ofparticipating firms coast·to-coast. Pictured areGary 'Lynch (center) andstaff members CynthiaBenedict (left) and CindyLynch. The firm also of­fers a relocation programfor homeowners. GaryLynCh Realty can be

, reached at 257-4011.




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Court reportsI. .



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, ,

';Jack Forre!>ter,aO, ofCapitan works ,on ahon~$shoe during .oldLincoln Pays. Thl!> photoWon New!> photographerBonny Chrl!>tlna Celine ablue ribbon In the "por­trait photog rap I1Y"category at "'astweekend's Lincoln Coun-ty Fair.' '-

treated to a wondrollS~cle inthe~ahead rlghtupuntUthelatefall aild even Into the 19Inter.

Among the tavorites .cooling intobloom are: The Scotch Blue-Bell,English ButterclUp, Morning IIlldEvenIng PriJJIrose; llJ1dlaterOIl thepurpl!!, wll1te and golden AutulrmDaiSies.

" At some time in Dearlyeveryone's Bfe there's a Jl&riodwhen thln&'l are enOQgh out of~eI,lO that a~. can use theser­vices ONI mental healtb clinie. InLincoln County ProfessionalCounseling AssoCiates fills t1lisneed," announces a center pressretease.

J.L. WDson is center director.



daughter that went to· renownedquarter horse breeder B.F. PhillipsOf Frisco, T8%l1S, for $35,000.

PossUDl1et, the 1972 All·American Fufur!ty winner, whowas taken by Lynn lmd WallY Lan­drum. of Burkburnett, Tezas, for$30,000. '

Native Noblesse, a Raise YourGlass. mare purchased by Phi1lipsfor $24,500.

Be)rood EnvY, an Easy. Je.tweanling I,lOld to William Vei'd~oof Cloviii, Ca., for $19,500. . -'.

Maggles Fleet, a Fleet Kfl'SChxnare~ fortlt,llOO byBruce autlHm ofAr~.Tuas.~ting the Bl&c1c Type

Sale was the au:etron of a collecfiCin~~~ofWestemartby~-

~~es.~~~''Wefelt~asagreatdea1of~tioo at thesile ftom theI!rtWO~ldand itappeal'll I'lOOle oftheart aflicJanado$ are znaking theC1'O!lSOVel' into the equine ",orld,"Standish said.

''We were ",ell attended with anex:treznely entbnsiast1c croWd," heconcludea. "And all indicato1'l,lpoint to a veryp~~auctionfor the All Atnerican Bale based oninquiries, catalog tequeIJ!B andcredit clearance."

l1uder. the, sJ),

·the>vtUa:ge·s;mithy stands

group sessions for special pro­b1ePls, In addition, an lIfteNiareprogram is availabl!!, as well asdrUg, alcohol and SUbStance abusecounseling"

A finIt offender and jail~are offered, and a rape criSis teamaJI.d financial (:ounseling areaV8iIable at the center. A u-bourHELPline (4S7-8Ef80) is J1U!illtained.

consigned by Lukas.Sales for the four-hour event

totaled $811,000 reP1'MeJltlng anaverage price ~f $14,518. llsing thenation8l market as a yardstick,sts.iadish said the average was"higher at tb.Ul point In time thatany other quartel' horsebreedillgstOck sale to date." .

As ~, the sale topperfrom the"t.ukas consignment wasSome R.oJnance, an ll-year-oldmare purchased by CalifornianJnck Hall for $lOOJ OOO. SomeRoDll1l1ce has. producea two quarterI10tlleS witb~ of motll than$300.000 froms1Jr~~ofra~age. An IUU18D1ed weanung colt bYtIie stakes. produclng mare went toHomer Garza of Mesquite. N.M.,for $30,000.

Starsfruck Dancer was. the se­cond highest set1el' .among theLukaS hOrses.. Mac strill&f:ellow ofsan Antonio purcI1asll4the MitoWiSe Dancer mare for fliO,ooo.~ong the t9P 10se~ in the

J."eDlaining Lull:as. (:onslgmnentwere:.

Easy Morning,. an Easy Jetmare purebased bYHallfor f'5,OOO.

can Me Heidi, a mare by JettyMan bought by Ken Codner ofElbow Lalre, Minnesota, for $40,000.

Native Affair, another Easy Jet

" ,- oL-, •••.. , ,., , .1>. '''M ..~ ,~ ","-_.--' ~_ - _,__--.. driio.< ..-.-..._ .'; , Iljio; ,Ii. ' ' '. f'

, I


T' '_ n _r ,

Professional CounselingAssociates have returned to theirSierra Professional Bnilding loca­tion, 123 Mescalero 1'rail, phone257-5038.

The center. was at 123 E1 PasoRoad, and before that had beenboused In the Sierra ProfessionalBlulding.

The center offe1'l,l JDBrital andfamily counseling llervices, and


. -by Dan Storm"

. .,.

Bidding tops'$870,000 at horse saie

Counseling service moves to Sierra building


The nation'f.l quarter horse in­dustry wu pronounced alive andwell thisweekend after bidding toP­ped $870,000 for the inauguralBlackType Affair horse auctfon oli SatUr­day at Ruidoso Downs.

"We fee1that the resuIta Indicateconsiderable interest In the quarterborse industry in light oft1Jt; recente'conomlc downturn in the

.Soutbwellt," said Bob Standish,director of the All Atnerican SalesCo., a subsidiary of RuidOllO DownsRaCeTrack.

"We were particularly ilnpress­ed bY- the number of 11l!W buYe1'l,l,"stan\lfs.b md. "We saw pU(Cbase1'l,lfrom Minnesota, California, SoutbDakota, Arizona, Oklahoma, T8%l1Sand Nl!W Menco."

A estimated crowd of 3,000 at­tended the finIt edition of the TheBlack TYlJe Sale, which was~Ightedby the complete disper-

of quarter hon;e broodmaresowned by Eclipse Award winningtrainerD. Wayne Lukas. TheLubs~ followed an announce­mentthis SlllDIDer to take hls stablepublic. . .

The Black Type Sale marked tbedispersalof Lukas' private boldingsin quarter horse broodmares undyearlings. Forty-nine of the 63horses. catalogued for the sale were

know that we Will assist you in anyother way possible to ensure awonderfully succeasful paReant,"DiPaolo'. fetter oontlnued. "Pleaselet lUI imcrI'r yourneedtJ .and we Willdo all we can to make your task aUttle easieJ."."

Kowall Indicated her group Willcontinue witb plans to stage thepageant, which will featul'edelegates from across the stateCODlpeting for the title of Miss NewMenco USA. The winner of thepageant Will go on to represent NewManco In the Februet'y 1988 MissUSA pageant.


A chamber conunittee, DUlde upof board D1eD1berll Eddie Parkerand Bates wnt and News EditorDarrell J. Pehl'. adviaed the boardnotto accept the project "forJnlU1Yreasons, ie, the financial risk of theguarantee, competition by thechamber for local advertisingdollars, etc.," according to a letterearner this month from chamberPresident Barbara DiPaolo toKowall.

The letter also stated the board'sacceptance of the committee'srecommendation;

"The board would like you to

A .LIncoln soarecrow keeps watoh over a vegetablegarden In the shadow of mountains just nort\1 of theVillage. Thesoareorow seems to bel dressed In tradl­tlonalgarb In kl:ieplng with thEl reoent Old LincolnDays. . ,



her hoard turns down.... ,..Ii'" L


The Ruidoso Planning and ZoningCommission Will meet at 2:15 (Monday), August 17, incouncil chambers of. RuidosoMunicipal Administrative center.

Commissioners will discussvariance regulations pertaining toproperty liDe setbaCks in olderiniliiiivisions.

MeetIngs are open to the public.


Howard GunterHoward G. Gunter of Burleson,

Texas, died August 8. He was 53.,8etViCeS. for Gunter took place

1"ulll!daY at HillsbcltO, T8%l1S. Inter:­ment followed in Hillsboro~. .

Gunter is survived by Siste1'&BmIe James iii RuidOSO and Mrs.Melvin Boots of Hillsboro.


The Ruidoso Valley Cbmnher ofCOrnm&Ce Board of Dlrecto1'l,l hasturned down an offer to take on a~je(:t offered by P1'OII1Ote1'l,l of thel\WlIl New Menco USA Pageantscheduled for November to·101 atthe Inn of the Mountain Gods.

The project, pres.ented by&W.m:t Slate Director Helen

offered the cbarnberthe op­POrtunity to handle sales of ticketato pageant eventa and sales ofadvertising space in the pageantprogram.

Kowall asked for guarantee of a"negotiable" $25,000 in return.


Downs-·-,--......."...,-..;--.'-"'-'"'-",--,--,.,........,'"-"._..... _.,-"'---,.

Miss NM USA pageant project

,~ , . ..OontloU$dfrortjp""'$1AlItreet$llOO tbe:water $Y$tem. be~cam~out, notbl&~ .ylll!rs. SIte~ber $Umtt of. abe·~ wUersuggestlons roo homes, jlink Carll ancllJn.~plaWll» bullda paviUon ~ttbe tbat the ~ba\Te oVerl:'lden p~ .lItaWJIg of hotlleS 8Il'Q- .'iliUQe~"ll1ch:wouldhol1Setbe MlItJ."ictive c<!vGnants. In am.piel\' l>f vlolatlonlltheY'veRIl1(laeo PoMIaLacUes Auldlhu'f s.u~Vi$lot!ll.~. l» =ld .' Wit.neued.. . ..AttlI Ml!.'~ Fair lmd other. e are . . ... any ,CIlndidates unaniInolJSlY$~event4 . . , ' cOvenlmt# tba peppleb ••. to our ··~.~tbe..WAlk,'¢1S tbatthePfClbltmls

. .• Cole allilollPoke of specUic attentlon," libe: Said.· ,. .'ac!llev@Wn,t$ the cummt .bOatd of "Xtls a ·beautifUJ.. Uttltt, :v.mage." '. "J~ 'lVe'nl w.9Vingmtbllttr.1UItees haf.l ac:compUllbe4 in- llheadde4,andtbe~arfltr1· ditectlon, Wilson said \If $f:riCtercl.~paWlgof village lIheeta, ing t,f'geteYlll'Ythingd~e tbat'lVe~Q~ement,anc:t :n:lany1nt:U(!$~ .andDMlntionEld tbe need to .P/lve can., . '. te~l.· •.• 'n 'an~ • they 'lVoll1d suppOrt·blt!i1g of an or-other.Powns streets. SheflPCl.lre in CalldI.lla ~~x. WiJ,so'" ...In!l\Ul1 ~ enforcement Offf.cer. .'~ 9f vUlagecl.ean-up lJro- hent•. follow iJ:enoted the llUCCCIr . AUdience ,memlie!:' 0Ik1l Aan-graJU!l;.Co1e, 'too, .strelIf.led tbe Im- slon of ~.~ors, ~es, . sl;tOIlg q\l.Mt1oned,cl\lldilhtteWellbpottance of eveJ:'Yone working clerk.sandclogca~tbat .QC- a1l/iut.a llUlt 'Wellb has. l,lgatnf.ltthetog~r to make RuidollO Downs acU1'J."ed dlll'fng Ill!! yeln' moWce. presen.t~f.l. .'.. . .het.t6J."placeto live. Even!\t "t\u'ml)u." 'tbeil.g'~~.·y ~~,~.!E~,,!Il~.e.b'~ ..~ndiJJ,e to a!on froJn an ~bave~ SUCCelllllf1!l old .............. ..'

audlence:n:lemher, Cole said f.lhe ~proj~,$lIld Wilson.' .stateli, aMlJigthe l!.ction woll1dwould favor bonding to enable the ~ ··can<Udatesaid the attitude have '! dll" Witb It neWPl!.v(ng of more streets.. and atm~ereof the Downs need .1lQard \If~s.

Candidate William (Bill) L. wor~ Jnan atmO$pl!ereof fewer ":r know'll have more inputSIIl1tb is an BlJS()Ciate broker with and fewer SOlU"OOS Of outslde fun- withf.leven (t1'U$teef.l)tlwt:,llVerPertest Parks & .Associates. He's ding, 'peoPle in the DOwns tnuat .befOl'e," comIllentlild forumbeen a Ruidof.lo Downs resident work together, he indicated. WilSOn ' mode.-atol' lJaITold ManseU,' whOsince 1980. said he'd w.ork "sincerely and vel'Y W8I,l one of the 9riglnal ;1.7 can-. SIIl1th said RuidOllO Downs couid hard for the' bette1':n:lent of the <Udates in conten~on for the s.evenhe faster growing than Ruidoso. Ad- DoWIIS." He noted. strides. acbieved trustee slota oPeJ\".ManlIell ap­<Utional clean up of the town in in street Pl!.ving, profellllionallmn of parently ended IiilI candidacY wben'general and ensuring the visual ap- the Police Deplll'l::n:lel1t, availability he W8l,l aPJlfllnted municipal judgepearance of the Downs is pleWling of d\Ul1pf,lters and training of Fire late last mO\ltll. Cu1Tellt TriJstee,·can helP people want to live In the De~tDiemhe1'l,l. ColU'lld Buchanan anno\lllced hlsDowns, he indi.cated. He said the ' :r enjoy this job, :r want to con- withdrawal from the .-ace at atrustees should not continue to t1nue and :r ask you for your vote," previous trustee meeting and Boboverride the· res.trictive covenants he conclude4. . L. Power also apparently has left.In subdivisions and should not~ FOllowin8 WilI.lon WIUl candidate the .-ace. . . . .mit disallowed 11Sll$, like keePing GartJDall, a retiJ'ed.Getty on Com- Tba election is the te8\Ut ofttpe1;i·farm antmals. pany' lmlployee and resident for tion by Ruidoso DoWns residents to

He also I,lpOke in favor of IInprov- f.leven· years. . • Increase the size of the board toIng 1ViJ]age f.lervices. . , "U we work together, we can get f.leven IJleIIlbers frODl four. MayOr

"U we have to increase sales.' things done," he said. GartmanJ.C. "Jake" Harris wm not be sf·taJres to get f.lervices up to par. let's . !!poke of the need to continually . fectad by the election. .do it," he said. keep the village cleaned up. ManlIeli said the seven who are

JncUDlbent candidate Jackie ":r f.lee a great future for Ruidoso elected Will draw IOta to deter:mineBran\Ul1, a Ruidoao MidcUe School Downs." which three Will serve two-yearscience teacher, detailed steps the A!on-and-answer period tenus and which four wlU serve~trustees have taken toward followed candidates' remarks. four-year tenus.

ant of the colDIDunity. She Audience meDlbersMr. and Mrs. The afternoon forum was. cappec!noted the trash dwn~1'I,l the ClaUde Walker quel.ltioned can- by cake, punch and coffee f.lel'Vedvillage has supplied resldenta, and didates on wbat they'd do about or- by members of the Ladiesmentioned improvements on dhumces the"'Walke1'l,l claim are not AmdJial'Y.





Page 11: Lincoln · 1987-08-17 · i', i-,, ~, ~"....:'. .(., :-:,"l'." - -' .'.~~~, . ~-.. "-~ "-,. '" ':~

... , ...L ,

655, Ruidoso, 8834$, 257-25U OrLegislative Executive Building,Santa Fe 8'1503, 9MJ.l437.

Maurice Hobson, R-District 52-Box 172.ll, Alamogordo, 83310,437-2392, 585-9070, 58lM545 orLegislative Ezecutive Building,Santa Fe 8'1503. 9M-9515.

Richard Knowles, R-District 51-Box 215, Roswell, lllI201, 623-848f.623-lM' or Leglshitive ExecutiveBuilding, Santa Fe 1l'l'503, 9M-!lU0.

Capitol Building switchboard,1181-93OD

... i . j ,_ ..

, .!

Ed ·· . .' I.·•· •••.·••····.ltorI8,·

.. ! I E &l ;: 1



Ben Hall, R-DlBtrlct 56 -Box

Garrey Carruthers, Statecapitol, Santa Fe.lI7503. 827-3000.


James L. MartIn, P.O. Box 1006,Socorro, 87801, 835-3863 orLegillla.tive Executive Building,Santa Fe, 87503, llSl-9339.

The evlOtnt blOtgins at 6:30 p.m., with dinnlOtr ot 7 ond thlOtshow beginning ot 8. TicklOtts ore QvailobllOt ot RuidosoBus OlOtpot, Plozo O'OrO$ Mall, Sierro Blon,co Motors.Ruidoso Down$ Roce Trock, EI MlOtrcodo and TheRuidoso News•

Where to contactyour lavvmakers

The "Roce Trocker's RlOtvl,.le," schlOtdl,.lled for TulOtsdoy.·Augl,.l$t 18, ot Cr,lOtlOt Meadows Country <;:hJb, 1$ a fO$hlonshowprlOtslOtntlOtd by jockeys, trainers and fomlliEls ofRuidoso Downs RoclOt Track personnlOtl. ApporlOtl to blOtfoshionoo will blOt offlOtrlOtd by lo(:cll merchqnts.

50 whether on lOtvenlng of fl,.ln ond foshlon or thlOt thrillof seorchlng a fleo market for some greot "find" op­peols to you, splOtnd some time during the·next week tohelp support the animal sheltlOtr take it$ flnol stlOtp fromIdeo to reality. Let's not stop now.-DJP

The slOtcond fl,.lndroiser will be a fleo morket sole otWal-Mort from 10 o.m. to 5 p.m. Friday through 51,.1n­day, Augu$t 21-23. USlOtd or I,.Inused artl<:les orlOt soughtas donotions, and moy blOt token to the potlo onnlOtx ofWol-Mort beforlOt Wednesdoy. August 19.

, .N9w , wit~ jl,.lst the finishing tOl,.lches to $la, ariQther;two,fundroi!;ers hqve been schedul$d, 'bythe H,.u!",oneScx;letyof .Lln<:Qln County. whl~h dlOtslOtI"VE? the.S\,lpport

. of this orlOto's onlmol lovers. .

. We~v~ (;Qn:tlil thi$ for, hOlt's not stop n9w~ .

The cQn$trl,.l<:tlon 'Qf onanhl'1~1 shehj;lr for Lin~QI"'C<>l,.In~ty h<:lsbeen <:IlQng ~Qftle, 'with' n'lanyimPQrt<:lnt stepstQward its reci'i')'. alreodv .oc(;Qmplilfhed. A site hO$been lIe(:l,.Irec;!, qgQ~ omo",ot of funding ~QlIbeen,~ol.liltCtec:l due to the generQ$lty ofmdny .residQnts. andvlsitQrs, and the stru<:ture is neQring cQmpletion.· ~

", i .. , ",. i I

, '

Monday, AQQu.t 17, 1087 I Th. Ruldo.o.N~. i -.otlon •t I., J,til'.··,.·,I ...•. , 'l'i .. -I~'Ii:XI .. __'""., .• ,.',j'·'·".,I I:',. 'tr","

" • :1 :., ,

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.Monthly Rate: $3.50 : MinImum Three Months.•....•........•....$10.50

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The Ruldooo News l'eSl!I'Ves the right to reject advertising and edit copythat It considers objectionable. LIability for any error in advertising shallnotexceed the vll1ue of the actual space in which the error occurs and shall besatisfied by correction In the next Issue. The entire contents of the RuidosoNews Is copyrighted, nnd no portion mny be used in any manner without theexpress, written consent of t1iepubUsher. Postmaster send atlcbanges of ad­dress to the Ruidoso News, P.O. Box128, Ruidoso. NoM. 88M5.


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PubUsbed each Monday and Thursday by RuJdoso News, Inc., J. KennethGreen, PresIdent; Walter L. Green, Vice President, at IlK Park Avenue, andentered all second class matter at the Post Office at Ruidoso, N.M. 883'5.Ken nnd Mary Green , PubUsllersllo~d ~os, , .. , , lBUBiness~.Darrell J. Pehr " "., , , , _0 0 0 ••• _ ••••••••Ediwr~en~~ards , JUiverUBing Mgr.Rod Flanagan 0 , •• ' 0 •• 0 0 0 o. _:Compos1Jlg Supei'v1sOr.

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.. -- "

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j . ,: .

,.... , .. ' ..



I....'. . "

number tn\lStbe inclUded fot 'vetWcation ~f' the writer'sIdentity.' ... .Letters may be batld~deR-qeted to The RuidosoNew.s oUical'lt 1M ParleA....enueor mldled to P.O. Box128. RuidOSO N.M. 8834.5.

i .; ,

" ,:


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'~.~~.ALL~f\~T'(O~ ,. C~ -ee: ..~',J1 ,'"

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'rh& lhddoso Newswelcomes ."Lef;tet'll to' the1!ldltor;"Md wIU pUblibhthettI·on the OilbIion pagetwith aU 1ettera tieklgsubjllCl;to edltlngf01"~.

'l'he .name· of the writermust be ,printed. A telephone

•Letters to the editorpoUcy

Inside the Capitolby Jay Miller

I.' ,"



, ,

[} ,

SANTA FE-The .presidential the odds to attempt becoming theprimaries in both political parties first member of the U. S. House ofare shaping up to be real Representatives since James Gar­barJJburners. field to ascend directly to the

Here Ja how the t>emoci:at races JlI'8IddeDcy. NlItfmal POlitical c:oosuI­are iJeveloPhlg in Ne1f :wedco. The tant CIIri8Brown ofSimta Fe Is otleM\IIII1.~(!a~Me (If~'8~ advisOrll. Browndiscuraed in alphabetical order as thin1rii be has foUnd the candidatern,y onlyeffort to avoid being accus- who can go all the way and evenedof sUgbting anyone, thInkS~t b,as a shot in New

ForJnetgovemorBruceBabbittof HampsIl!ri!.Nobodywouldknowbet­Amooa likes to stl:ess hisablUty to .tertlianBrown, tbeguruofwl,nnlngworkwithRenubRcaM.Hedld80as in NewHam~~t hasgovernor of lila aate and achieved some possible lIsbilities lrlth partysomenotablemcceeaes.Atotallack regulars whicbinclude trouble withofnotabilitymarkshiscan:wabalef· the women's movement on some offort in the~state o!'New thelr bn];l,ortant IssUes and his lackMexIco. He bid no~ pre- ofS1JDOOi:tCorHarrlelteWoods inhersentattbeDemocratNatiot18lCoJD. close 11. S. Senate race last GeDhardt's New Mezico campaignandstlD.laclaieventhe1leglnningilof c1lfefIsArchaeo1oglca1COOSeri'anCYan organl",UOl1 In olJl" aate. director Mark Michael, a well-

U. S. Sen.JoeepIi R. 'Sldell, Jr. of seasoned veteran at sevtira1 state­DeIawarewiU receivemilch national wide campaigns.~ in the nen feW months as U. S. SeiL Albert Gore, Jr. of '!'en­chairman of the Senate Judiciary nesseelsezpect!ngamaiorboosttoCommittee wh1le it de1lbetates the hiscampalgri from the ''Super 'lUes­SU~CourtnorninatlOl1ofJudge day" primaries on Match 6, when:B4ik.Bldeomqhavehurthlslltatus states througllotlt the south fromas one of the top CCltltenders for the Baltimore to El Paso make theirpresidential nomination byalready presidential choices. Gore hQpes toannouncing his IlPP9Sltlotl to the benefit from his yonth, good looksBorkcmfiriDatlOl1iildimpJylngthat and lIOUthent exposure. some pun­the bearings mean very little. dits claim noDemocratwill ever winBiden's New MexIco can:wabal Is without carrying the south. Gore'sheaded by former Santa II'eaD' and wife, Tipper, has also received na­nen; ~=uerque attorney 'Ibm tlonal attention with her~Udall. as coming from a tamt- agalnstrocksongbrk& &:meYoulJ1lyperl~.m:nag~~~~li~..,{el:th· groupsarevowing to opposeGoreif

_... ""..... n. begetBsometbinggolnglnNewMe»-a run against Bill Rlcbardson in a ieo. With the loW oartIcipationofThl1"d C()fJ,reSSional District young people in polltles, that mayprimary a years back. not be mnch of a threat. Thus tar

MsssachwJetf.sGovemorMlchael Gore has nothing going in the LandS. Dnkakls JaClIfand runningWith a of Enchantment. . .campaign organl%atlotl headed by 'l'beRevei'ebdJesseJaCksOl1.frOtnAlbUquerque atfome.ys Dick MiJiZ. whetever he happens to be at thener lliId ·Patsy Madrid. Also in his time, has spent somegood effort tI.'1-

. cotner are fOtmer gOVet1lor Jerry ing to ()rganlze in New MexiC(). ms

. Apodaca and 'WJfeClata. KittY eatnp!llgn is captained by a C()uP1el)ijJajkjs and Clara&M!IoPed a close of ex-Anaya admlnlm-atlon employ­frfelldsblpwhllethelrbua1iandiJwere ees Steve CObble and Joe Jolnison.

, 'serving as eernol'B. Clara's an- Toney bas claUned ovel'tUreS'from.~ tshe 'lftlSJeavJngher the Ralnblm' C<Iall.tlon folks but hisCUltural Affairspost litstate gcmtn- Involvementin tbe campaigtlls stillment lndiCatedilbe 'W()U1dbe~ . unclear. . . ,..:.... . ....nJ r ft ....•..,um ottime with~~a~~ ~ .. 'the .DlJkalds~ U. $. Sen. Paul SlD10n at D1inolspoliUciaIl, I)Il1ciI\ls Is very 1Ike1y to loves thoSe bow ties whicbJnask his .Will tbe New~~ liberal views. ~·son tbInks he's a .g.~~t:==~d~the. ~~a:1uWbo~1J:

U. S. Congressman ~ichatd bE!lngebllmploned~ewMell;lCObyGephiltdt froni MlMlluri is bucldng former Lt. GOV'. Mike RunnelS.

,. ,I

4.# au.wdpe :.: .' •.•".: *':'FW*"' #~.5.4:_*";rps:_·••' •• _.,_;.."iM' P;$.' $I" .........-- '__'-.-.. r' ~ _,'" ..



Page 12: Lincoln · 1987-08-17 · i', i-,, ~, ~"....:'. .(., :-:,"l'." - -' .'.~~~, . ~-.. "-~ "-,. '" ':~

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F.I' '.rt-n••Mal /T,.I.... I•• , ••Ia , rt. Ell· weWI.. ...J*wtl" ••Id_ .....,.1.


Cal Je'fa. 554-240'

At McDonald's,You Don't


Have To QuitTo Get.A Day Off.

While ll!Ost ton\PlIJlles make youC(I/Ilol11)to IhelrSChedules. we'lllel~\VOt'kwhenll·el>estforyou,~II yOU glv& ue ertough nouce, we'llgladlygive yOlreday 6lf when~

• lleed It, Il'e &MY lei eeewhypeople,ertJOYWOt1<fng helil,Eepeclil1ly elnce

IVO!' &Ill(>" Offer..Rligular W&gs RevIews• ~ Price Meal~• FflSr= Unlformtl '

•Step Into MCDonllld's1lil<l tillk fo lherilenager abouT ,olir part·llmeoPPOrtunities. '

Alwayil,All £qulll (lpportunltyl '·AlffnnJIlveAcuon I;Jnployer.

McDonald's '.Corporation' .144 SUdderthRuidOso, ,NewP.Jjexlc()Peuple. ' .

! ~~~lImporlatl~ <-!::M:.:::::;Itn:.:;t...... -.11


waitresses and bartenders. Mustbe 21 and at least two years ex·perienee. Contact Food andBeverage Office at Inn of theMountain Gods, 257-4003, ext. 7352.

I.00-4tcCOVER 215,000 HOUSEHOLDS, ­

and buslriesses in New Mexico.For $85.20 yoUr 25 word ad willreach 33 hometown newspapers.Call The Ruidoso News at 251-4001for more information. R-92-tfne

Reach 219,000 readers through 31hometown newspapers. CQntact:. " . "

·Tbe Ruidoso News• Phone 257-4001 •

I ( can work.l(Jf YOU, too.

--- .._-


.~~ 0 _0 _ ....~~ ~!i!jj!iE"/(ff;;6 ~.; .. ~~~ .~~~ i!!f!fIAr ..~..-:== 2JY -=- =: =:::= ~ -.- - ~...

IN SP1TE OF OUf\ SUNNY bAYS, Ametlcl1t1 Tan­NEW MI::XICO lI(tl8 System.f (If Clayton. ,'ndtana Jfke$ Ihe e~·

pOSUTe••,andsellltlg.fUtltalJ tab/e.' to Ne,w MEtxlcdflS.(It's like .fe/J(n/l. StloWcones to e.,kimos, we

• _- i. ' ... , . .. ...• $IIPP().f~·) , .

:"'CLA'SSIFIE'D'· A.f a New Mex(co C/assiflel/Ad Ne/work:. '. A'.•0". •. . lit/llerr(sef, A mel'l/Jatl Taflllln,.'s ad, halle run=.. '.-;'.. tJlOef40 time" (11 1M post year In 31 commutllty

• • • J :)?=- tI/!,ws'[l/lpers (inc/udillk rMs one) anti have reached" .' ,':.-. weii'kly over 2/9,(}()() suh.,crlber.,. , ,

. NETWORK Thai'S somt!l!xp(j,~uTe!qyou 're lOoklnlifof'lhal, , ." . fYI'/! 01 adllertlslllk expos/ire CI1t1tdCt this

l1ewspaper.· . ,


Estate advertised in tbisnewspaper Is subject to theFedel:'al Fair HOUBIM Act of 1968which makes it illegal to advertise"any preference, Umitation, ordislirlIDlnation based on race, col·or, religion, BeX, or national origin,or an liitentloo to make any suchpreference, limitation, orCllscrlminatloo." ThIs newspaperwill not kncrwing!y aeeero. anyadve~!ngfor real. esfatewhlch ISin vio1li.tlon of the law. Our readersare Informed that all dwelllngsadvertised in thIS ~aper areavailable on an equal oppOrtunitybasis, lW2-tfnc

ELKS LODGE BINGO - every Fri-day night, 7:30p.m, ~l·tfnc

FINALLY - we're having Linda Cor­nelius' baby shower, Awmst 19th,6:30. Please come. R,S.V.P.,257-5755. B-30-ltp

FROM A STATE:----::~




r '

Z i


-" "


, "T [ •

County (Na", ..1

. - ,



..... . o------_........_----'--------

·ONLY VOTE FOR _'--.:O::;::N::;'f;:..- _

S I'lle (Na", ..) -,N=E.!!W...!;';M!!:E~:t~I~C~O:!-__



ny submitting. t1tis bid lot, f ~tlest that t meet .tltt' criteria to yote.


Subl'art W of' PllJ't 2054 of Title 1, Code of Fcderul Regulations reqllitesthatull V()lerS for T'IIlUA county or 'area committee eleetiun$ meet 1I1e followintteligibility "reqllirentllnts: <a} be I'lUlllcrs; (b) derive the. ptincipillpart. ot theirincome ftomfllrmin.\t (tbat is more than SO'1'¢teCtlftll' their tttt>ss income tn,)$!come ftolUnttricuJtural producfion); (c) have tbelt prltlcillul f'llrlllbt!t operationwithin the county or a'rea I'Ot which thClo election is bchilt field.

, "

" ,


The slate of nominees for LINCOLN COUNTY are listedin Ule ballot below. The qualiflcatiuns of persons voting are described in the

"Voter Certification Statement." For further information regardinll voting and

VOler eligibilit)', see the county office listed above. FmHA elections are open to

all eligible VOlers without regard to race, color. religion, national origin, age.

polilkal affiliation, marital status, sex, and/or handicap,

The Farmers Home Administration (FmIlA) County Commillee elccllon

thi, ycar wlJl be held on 8-20-87 The b,.lIot below must be fUled out,

del~ched and mailed und received or returned in person to iO~6 ~~~h~ji~~'Ruidoso,NM not laler than 8-20-87 If you do not vote in person you-should mail your ballot inside a blank envelope marked ballot to ensure a ~cret

ballot. TIlis blank envelope should be placed inside the envelope you' use to mail

)'our ballot. Your name and address must be le!!ible on the outer envelope, Failure

to pro\'lde this Information will render your baliot Invalid. Ballots and en\'elopes

nw)' al", be obtainod from your local FmllA office.


.. ",

Page 13: Lincoln · 1987-08-17 · i', i-,, ~, ~"....:'. .(., :-:,"l'." - -' .'.~~~, . ~-.. "-~ "-,. '" ':~


IIOIIDO VAlID' Ku.IILSQvIlIi1y .....""entI..-""

371""for lIppOiII'''11It

A~jDuee~Prompt, Quality servlll. Katee• No Contnclllllquhd 'OdOr1HI


B&LMASONRYAll Masonry Needs

336-8265258-34$0 • 378-8170


Protect your vacationhome while you're aWay.Sulllv.n'. security Servlc.- Reputable. L1cennd - Bonded- Restdel'lUaI- Commercial Patrol'

Private Inv.stlgatlonaServing Ruidoso for 9 V.ars

Call 1-354-2864 s

RBORuidoso Building Corporation

• Remotlellng top to bottom• No Job too email• Difficult remodeling Is ourspecially• COmmercial and ,esldentlaJ con-

struotlon• COntemporary In-house archlteo'• Cuetom disliln lor new homes• COnlmerclal design1'k mUss east of I"Olt cave, Highway 10Call today for free estimate


Ruidoso Lawn Care&: Maintenance

Complete lawn care,hauling, .mowing,- raking,

, ~gtt>g. filling, etc. .Licetisoo NM Contractor

Residential-Commercial. New or Remodel

. License 1125494 ­257'-1$99 ,



.. .'


NigntlV. Weekly. Monthly$50 And Up

258-3013 • 800-624-9148 w


Nightry, S•• lona', M·g.nthl)" R.n!a'.$72.50 up

Pinon Park Condom,fnium.. 25S"'12gCrown R••I E.tat. 257·5100

RENT. SELL OR TRADEUDfuridahed, 3 bedroo~2 bath home. 203 Reser­voirRoad. $500 permontbpIllS utiJ!~e!:can 15051 52t-016L R

HOUSES POR RENT3 bedtoonl/2 bath, unfumlshld

hous.-$400.2 bedroom/1 bath, unfuml.hld

hoU.....$350.lJil'lll 3 bedroaill/2 beth, Alto, unfur·

nlshed"S550.2 bedroom/1 beth, fumtlhed-$300...Vlry nlcI 2 bedroom12 bsth. unfur·

ntshed-$495. Don Harmon.

Four ".pn. "ul .stilt. .Phon. 2$'1-$1 'If


......rlc 1••••'QI' qusllty In _tructlon.".at t9 Springs. 3 Itetkooe, 2%Nth townhouse. CottopJ.teIy".coret." In .outhw..t .....motif, wlth.n furnlt_lndUll... In ..I. prlao. ...Clll....grounds _lnt.I "50.000.

c:..n (214) 722-07.7' •

********.****** APACHE MOTEL ** 14 ROOMS - $2150,000 ** 344 Sudd.rth ** -Locatlon-1.ocatlon- ** Super.dup.r cu.tom..... ** clean. wen,tocked. maIn- ::: talned. 'fWD bedroom IIY· *

Ing quarterswIthfJ~.*:: $35.000 down payment ** with owner financIng. ** By appolntm.nt ** 257·2986 A **************


ExcelJeut cadi Onr mill ..ffnaDclDg. Price ...dowJl. -

PUJSBecreatioIialdewc'lep.h wlMjactiltto Ikl area. Plattea fa~subdivision mOl ad U.....devel0:Cb1e aCRall!e. Neared_~ ftlIOrt -~-Tc8tat'Wars"ptoJect site. ill. sIded NewMeiIco. ' •."-$1,3...... (appral&a1).S411a~~or as pech&e. 0,.._wIIl'tntdeo. . '

J1'JrnVIlUey lU*1ty; r.c.(AS) ••••• .


s....~·of thlrMoll.el

F~MI__ Of 0.11_ OfI'btkIOIO RUL I!$TATIi

C.II 1-8C)O.83t21•





~~~_2,~~~~-.. "':" __ ,--- _ _ ,"""" _ -.__ ..;,, wl.-_""""_"""'''''''''''._''' . o

Page 14: Lincoln · 1987-08-17 · i', i-,, ~, ~"....:'. .(., :-:,"l'." - -' .'.~~~, . ~-.. "-~ "-,. '" ':~

~" ",'P 'I.;.

Apageant ofthe Old West

The Sagebrush StageLine (above) rolls In toLincoln filled withpassengers waving' totownspeople during theenactment last week ofthe Last Escape of· Billythe Kid pageant, 1he OldUncoln Days traditioncontinues (right) as

., Buckshot Robarts (DanStorm) greets childrenbefore meeting hismatch against the blaz­Ing guns of the Kid andhis compatriots atBlaze~s Mill.



, '

'. '

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ForTh.k OfAqlf t7 throlJh

All-It 24

.,!' :~ ~','I" _~ ~I;~ ti, ;,~, ,\. A

,'.' (' ,"• • <

1 ,~

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, ,

GOOD NEIGHIORHOOD-Aad IlYellot ac­clnt thl. very nlc. 2 b.droom, 2 bathmobUe hom. near the lull Ring for only'37,000.

OLLIE TURNER MARCIA SILVER-R...: 257..5239 -Re..~ 257.4979

DAVID MOItALES. . -R"I: 378.4069 .

SPRE~D OUT-In thll lavely 4 bedroommo~lIe hom. slh,at.d on an acre ofbtautlful pllllll 700 square foot d.n withfJrtplace, large covlred dtcb, carport,storageor shop buildIng. Convenl.nt seclu..Ionfor cRt1y $19,500 with largea..~mabJeloaD.


1601 Sudderth

VERY NICELY 3, 2kth~bln .Ituatedon agood plnlCOYlredlot, COVIl'ld dtdc, fIreplace. V.ryWill priced at only 167,000.

~ "' .. - ~ ---~ --rt---ry ,~ --. ~ • ,~ , ~ '. ,~ • " • ,'~ -. '" ~ "

Gtorg. Martin





VALLlY IMI HOME-Th.... btcIroom, 2bath country harM with ewer 300 fltt onlhe rl.l', 1000ly groun. with numerousfruit and shacIt t......1aJYpavtclacca Agreat way of nil for only .100,000.

'22,950 CAIIN-Two bedroom cabin withcltyutllltili and good owner flnClndng.good GC*I and fl•• In RtiidOIO DownJ.

VllW-VIEW-VIEW-Fantmlcwld. openview, 'Icellent ntlghborhood, all city Hr·vleft Clnd on paving, Owner paId 133,000for thl. super lot but will lake "9,900,

$26,OOO-IUY' thl. nice IIttll 2 btcIroommobil, home and IlVel pine cov'l'Id lot.Easy ace... and, firm..

WAYNE WHITLOCK-R.t: 257.5131












Mounlolnlttreotwith~cWrW BEDROOM, 2BATH: 3BEDROOM, 2BATH: AND 2BEDROOM, 2vIew.1ocated20_tsflom~so, BATH). A BEAUTIFUL HORSE FACILITY AMID SPECTACULAR~1tQ D1anco ski area and 10 mInutes SCENERY. AN EXCELLENT HIGH AtTllUDE WORKING RANCH ANDhom proposed nr#~ 120deed· TRAINING FACILITY, BEtWEEN CARRlZOZO 'AND NOGAL, NEWedoaes~ l1j,notIOnolforest.thIN bedroom luxury home plus 3 MEXICO ON STATE HIGHWAY 'l1..bedroom bunk end tack house, all DON'T MISS SEEING THIS PLACE WHENelectllc.ond a3bedroom mobne

. home. 14~. outdoor decks, under· YOU'RE IN tHI RUIDOSO ARIA THIS SliMMERground Uliltfes, ,xceY,ntwoter well, '01 INFORMATION, CONTACT=~:::~ ~~~n. covered FERD SL~UM

ContQct owner for termsl M&• ClnLICOIDAIIY505·622..7330 lOX 1131 NOGAL, NEW MUICO 113.1

Dox 756, Ro:ell, NM 8&20h ..._ ...5O.5..~_'240..· 2.01...50..' .~..2.'40..._ ...

FIXER.UPPER,..On four lot. In Paradise tanYRn, thl.cabin I. built onto allnaU mobil•• Live In 'thll aniwhile you'completelt. Dellgned whlre mobil. canbl moved out and cabin complettd' Into a fullhouse.

Ken Buckley

,,~/. REAL'I . ..' .', .. .... . •••• ESTATE"and INSURANCE, INC.

,JUST LISTED-Alpin, VlIIlIg. cabin on lallt corp.r I(lt, lot. oft.....,good ace...,3bedrooml, 2baths, unlum'••• Niceview overlooking RuldolO. Priced at S79JOOO,

RESIDENCE-OwnerIaglnt hal hi. 3bedroom, 2bath hom. InCountry Club Subdlvl.lon for sal•• Located on a large cor·ntr lot. well landscaped and has very good ytar roundae­ceo. Largl deck with view of Sllrra Ilanca.

SMALL BUSINESS-If you want to be your own ball and don't·mind workln, for II, we have asmall bUllnlu that canbtbought on a Vlry realOnable ba.l. for the right penon.

RESIDENCE-Located on lara' lot In Enchanted FOl'llt Subdlvl­lion, ihl.3bedroom, 2bath home IIv.ln the coun·try and stili be cloll In. Priced at $65,000, thll II worth...Ing.

OWNER FINANCINGGreat1lUIeeabln witb creekfrontagesftaatedona"flat lotwith hugepoaderosa pbtet. Two bedtoonts,SoIltbwestertl style fireplace, aDdcovered deit. CeiltralIy located aDd very acceuible. $fl.Mi.

LARGE HOUSE ON RUNNING CREEKlImarea1lo'red, yetDW'toWIL LovelY ODeI~'.w1tb ot'clIardtwetriDd·water sortener. Nea~ energyeflIcIent,3bedrooD1J,2baths withfbdIhed garage,Zfireplaces, storagebaI1d.IIg,lDdco,be comnterclaLMarveJ9UJ • at$115,., Just _ OfBUddle'slUdlDg stabJet.

REDUCED TO $89,900ftIs clIarmfJIg modified A·frame Is a_r. Hear the rush of the RIoRaJdoIo from thIr3bedrdom that can sleep 11-13 due to aloftand den.Cay fIagmse ffteptaee plus wood stove, new carpet IDd large lot CaDDOW!



COMMIICIM COMIUI HW.OW•• OwnersmUlt HII, offers 3dlltlnct shops In the popularwalking area of Ruidoso; potlntlal abundant.Reduced from $290.000 to $225,000. Call Marge,Four Seasons Rial Estate, 257·9171: at home,257..7681.

'Fast Processing Time

·Competllive Terms

'Customlzed LoanPackaging

tHo Prepayment Penalty•All Loans Assumable



HOMESTEAD ACRES10+ aer... pa.ora.levi.. of Sima BI••CI••d .urol.dlll .01."tall•• Flalbl. t.,... byOWlet. 354·2402.



,- ,


..• ' I •

41 IThe RUldC).o~.w.LMQndaYIAuQyst11)19a7 '.'PlUGllUlPUCED ... by Qwn~!lNOW uNDER coNsmucrloN 1'>-3 'SA~Oa TRADE~ 100 mit motei, MEiIOAN ·STYJ.,E HOUSE'~ on 'iJAv~r HOUSE WlLLmADE' ':lnCOVER a15,OOO' aOUSEHOWf~

, 'Tolm ,UldCountrYNqrthl

~,tiW " ~ma,2batbs'lreplae!t~ cm'reStauran~ lW park ,QUiI-tO/:~ beautiful Jot In WblteMountaln JM Cruce$lorrealdll1UaJ proper-and bUSineam 'in New MeXic~, .. .sq.,ft.,.,. $9M..OO.,.', .,.~.. "..bI..e. n.Q.JeJ 1 , .g.,ara.. sel.luo.H.Uii, '.lI1l.. ,OlIO,,. Cruces. Take1ctear. RuldO$O.llQIQe •Me.dows.a,SOOft,RQOf space. ty in Ruldoso/Capitanarea, . For *85.20YolU'~ word ad willeoMlder trade ,fQrsmall~rhOme, John Addlngton,25&05169. b23-tfc orconunercla 133H781~ T·~tc Three bedro'orns,tb1'ee, full Ule . ..Jj22-97321 . . 1 ·])..Hp· . reach 33 hometown newspapers. '~2$&6161,., ".1 ...•..., V~).3.tfc HQRSESAU.OWED~IlPprQXirllate- ALTOLOT:-'"fuU' roemberiblp,1,3 b9;tM,,900 $fl.ft. covereddeek, FOR SALE ....,retailbusinellS. WUl . ,Call The RuidoaG N~ws,·2$7-4001

BY OWNEll....WeU ~bltSbed 112*roilesfrQID trQck, 3 ,a~eDeer 'Park 'Woods ,With a 2t >:24 'garage. Custom tnade.constder trade. of .pickup, motor' /for mote infonnaU~n. R~92-Une'. quaint mtauran~ in Ruidoso, el" i ]jedrooms, 2,batb$ onahn()St 2 . view, $27,000. CaU~7.l1l,fter6 . doors, triin, ,M!1~ntlgl Bea!Jl$ in home, prMel'ty. ,8 a,m.· 7p-,m" \ ..,.,........................1:\I,~..•.e.U.en.t.· rw.n..tau.. on•...PresenQY·.ln.. ' acre.s,· dOuble ~.r garag.e.,..·Porn•..· :' ' .. '.'.' U'i2.7.•tfe living are.a. Custom b.Wlt•.lnS.. .257~,; after 7p.m,,1-35f28691 , F!AB SA'''''pperaUOQ.' C~ 257~3IlG,258-3527, 'worksh(ll), batn,water WellICo~· .iSTAuRANT FORIJASE 'l or throughout, 258-5892" 37~791. J>.~13tp ," V ....J:l.... I\'R-~tp pletely'f~ced, After 5'&iom, ~r aale,(seats40),locateU at 'The . ... .... . .... WHe f '20% oW~l'Shlp of Q M(ulY 2,8Yr.t~tl .~~~~~.===:r:. n=lIl~~ ijd~oIA\lO,~~h . be~.mJ~bQlllc~nePl .• liVJlIil~, \Qlt, _ BY0WlillR,":1'li,rmfGt'beiiIIliluI, \!lth glil!ll attItUiI&~ loo!Iam.. llWa~uareSli'"e••IVII,rand_ •~:dowlCOIiIll'l' Club, '.

,.. ,cp.veted.·'. d..e.Ck,co'V.ered.coo.kO.U.tatl4 1.4.X'~..,mQbue.h.Qme.Q.n l.¥.ge·lot. bl..tion a.M '. e.o.nststan.t q..,..ty..~usmta~r~,PPPOrt.Ut·n.ltrlur''!~!~.ldctOfttMA ceonbes.ubdMd•. ' ., /O W·.· e..


.On. Q..n.d.oPh·~~.O)(.I·. P!cnic area,carports.$125,OOO. HQrsea allQwed; fenced m. Call '$500/roontbleaae\ Call Barbara ,'.' n c '.' . ea",o~I'P .1 "','..r~"""l' ·L·' ' '. ..mott· f per mQot n.h,

,', ~104.~, '. . R-2ijtp . 258-3116. R·~lltc owner/broker at l)iPa,oIQ}Wal ,Real.~state,15Suddertb,257·9171 ,.d Inlo11 ac~'otl," latedat . ;OoslteoiQoogemeot. dodSALEBYOWNER~aPP.l'o~tely FORTHAT SPECIAL SOMEONE - Es~te,258i477,' ... Dr27·Uc Qr remdence, 25M681, W·Re $@,~~. " ..' '.' heQtedswlmrolog pool. Thltl$

fr:r~~e31\:r= ==~~=: w~~~~~~,':~~r~::n:::::~ '~~~or:f~~=~3~::= .' A~ =bm'-mnr~ own.r~~~:~YMtt~ .'~,ra.dyti~~~819.:Vle,w~~:a. ty. You'OlsQ,r,~elveQ,20%inaturw.gas, pb!lne,e!ectric, ex. AL~ VI~GE HOME WITH - . .. thl. 3bedr()Om, 2' balh ,mobile . anca.e~.un yIP~." .• ,· ~h~~ of the unIt HElSOJUentol .cel!entwaterwellandsep.tic,tank, Vlew,forsale,Versatile,small,but ..............u• ..".of 'h '1 '$"28000' 'T'hl'" III 'call KeVin Hayts at IncQme,!..... .qUiet ~d peacefuI,S36.-8129. spaclollS. Easy upkeep and newl ....."W'1!'!'l..I.. 011.\.0 ,I ~ t quay .. .. ·M.·ark.. 1·.R.e.aI.t·..Y····1.8.00~.4.·.21.06.91.. ,0',(.' ' ,

W•.l4-i.. tfc Gran.d~rents and/or swing,.,ers *,..,s.ttcm,~~~,: ·.hOl11eha$W~.ldlng,pl~Ched "I. .n57·~.2'"1 .. I ·.505/·1"I5·7~JOI:l1 ;,. .a-moos--'-.O_IEA_· ~e~~~= :.."::==='", ~d81'" on' 0illMrJot ~ . H . • ~. w

app'roJUlllltelr. 6,000 sg,ft, ~dobe builders negotiable. 336.8018. 3,$ .._,$",900,__.' hm~'ed near ~" race IllCk~mam house With 5firep.ula.ces; 1,000 . J~~ ...~..",~21,..",.",·'. ,pwner needs out, Call Gary,al:' .. ,".'sq.ft. separate guest b9use; 1,000 ty, Lq~, $22.101' • 522·7$U. ~ 'DIPaolo Real Estat., ~5804477.'"

sq.ft. heated garage/sbQp..,.F.enced fIII"!"II"--..........-1IIII!I'I7acres includes _/basketball MIl,! lUI al!IO VBla,.. ..court, ,irrigated pastures and .,.,"" . lUI. " ,..... .

stables, For sale or lease, wUl con· till you've checked thllsider some trade. Evenings and drcutlc rtduetlcm.11 hal It allweekends, 336-8144, H·15-16tp • Quality. Design'

SALE OR TAKE IN TRADE - for • VI.w • Location -Deck. ·clear mUle or commercial in Thre. bedroomi, 3 baths,Ruidoso; 21~ acre ranch, 5 2-car gelragt. Fully furnl.h.bedroom, 3't.! bath house. Sixty d f II If It139 500miles east of Lubbock. 336-4781. e, u. 1° • .. . ., . •

. T.26-6tc B'Y OWNER 336-4677 "

STnc.,962. W. oH.rthe"ull'sfaterequired hour$ of real estote law and:prQcticewith th~' bestsf(Jte qualifIed instruGtotsl

ft.. JrafroduttlOi1 CI,Cluond Car"fNrght. Iep••&lr 1,191"


'orllClulr."..R-alittatloftPrQOraMdiritftd by Paul R,BrownlpasfdiredlwofthtNMleal iEstat. Commi••iotl, author offh.orlginal N.M. RealElfot. Manocd. '.

..MI.liI..............~" . . .~.~~

01......_NIJI",_ 11I.11I,'." ~.i~..._'

.,. A.MILLIR, GRfS7a.'143



~" 'IIa1"'. ~ """ .... :..,_ ". '-... , •• ,' .... '. ",', '.1._, ... "'" ob: ........ -.......-.,~...', .,,;,-k-, "10'-', .,.~. i ......... 11-.~ ,,,.,, ••1;,:0, \iI::!;..",". ~,••,~~..... ,

fllNKHARHRt,f.4'" '


. 1601 Highway.10 ~Ealt , P.O••ox966.....R..ld6.o·l)own.; NM 88346. .

,.~CUY~TralfqUllify In tftttall~"" 1M:I1JIItt.1htt~$hOppt" tentitMs-'CAIII dvirlookl.,. the Mautl"" RtokgfiWf(u.Hltthlt''''i2Wt,.knOk ~23.oo.o".ft,9fhftft.tl_."tUt~ _••• thk oI4tt teI'l.. 'may 1111' H whattv ffnf c.'r~ I.teaf.lllon aIofJi Ptrfl,Uy fur~ .on '~Ifmettty .1%.,. Of diokI,l~1 you',. looking for. tklod rfvtl'frbn'GgtI. har4nlsh14 .UI35,ooo., . 1fIn4. QUfo:t.f.II".11 prim. t~*"Ww"UdO.. ,•._.IL ·. wlt£ IL.x·Mllii'.·,.,..-.• .. ,.......•·..· tbk.•' *.' : ···~ ' ..2.~ fa.. t.'..h.000~io/_~.tiI~, lfrlc.u.frOm.1.!dO",~l4lotJ.CltyutllltlH 1VIi11t~lf.WUl"'", t,~t.'.H.t~.OOO·.. ·. ·..:.•·.~~f1··.·.~~I·~.·yOll......"1'L~~.ItI.~....~. ~~~,.,.ItIlYMnJthttl ...a21~1ft", A-.W,i'IOfj. ~~I vnllW1 ~ '" ••11 ...,. '"I ."i- U1 the ...".,.. - tIro.1

""W.~b.JftItY.~l;r. =.'='=.,-:~~:~nllht4,hB...tItt,.,tUWll WtUMl4rocatt4 HClcddM••••"..c.llent....., ,"thIMounttInh&~~I.~Ott. ft!'ltiftrlcB lot., .~ltIOO.,. .._ofYOtlllfltOc1t. $50,000. • .. _as. With·,.......w.•.





New Mexlco'.l.Hdlng

IIAL IITATElehool........­


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-_ .. "",', _.'

~ '-.


·m .'MOVIE:.~ .... -t;.:OOaJ ReIIllnIIlIlII (R) ,..."""""""Ar#PfTIIOd~O(l) MOVIE: ...... QrIIlI!$ COolers QI1and~new 'rienllllMtlt uwomonMllYIn • CO\lIIlrY A"'- Pal$Y Cilne'$ IOllllleslUOUalllIs, $VtQflWtkllng~e irl'the Sooth rQfnanc","d~, q woll as herP.aeif1C. Tommy I.H,/()(Jf$, /!icfJJfTO'KHfI. ~ llOISuitQf$lJCC8SS tn sllow business,AWP/III'P#(1~),.' . '.' ; oIffli"~, fdHani${100~) Q .

. m=drMlNtyM...... tM, .;(IS(JJMO~ .... .llIIt ..., AtIifr AP,d2An internatlonal $OX symbolbog/ris a Ilan!ls~~an ~hasil1O .ttomey f.II$lnslnQlo minded seaich tQ find lind destroytlle love WiJha chme marlll\l b/QIogi$l who Ismother silo never of IItteofree·. ~termiOOd .10.. $\IY that W~Y, Vil;t~splritod sehPOI .~hum$, ~$Arm$trrN1f1, /'rinc/Pil, (Jil~ (1982) . . .~ AdJm$, AlI~/I, Dombt~(1984) 8:00 (2) Trllel .... Trlel., '111111' 1987Q . Budwtis.orJlUek;odTprPullCtiamplon· •'ttINeN" t;1 shIps Ir()/l] Phoell1X. Amana (R) ",

,.. eN". .'. . 1o-.ooW8odlaIdloJ1ft1(R) '.«J.... I' ~.e.lIIIl· CIl MOVIE: AllrtfI ~1III\tt' An allen In a(!J) CIOIk ,II4lCbQ .. TeMaStown at(M the tum of the cenlUrye THSll.v"~ l>elrlends 5.DIlIQ school children, WhD proveCDMlME: VIIIlI. f~ An embiltered to the townspeople thathe's harmless, Jack~etnam '" herQ Is recruited, to ~ead a • fflfTl. SPankY McF~iI!dVigilante pollcQ force In aslmll Calffomla 10:301I1=nwilli Ptt\lSIAltdtl{R)boom town, /(ris·Kr/sto/fefS()f/. Rn.:MJ~81 .' Q'J MOVI •SwalkM .... AmaWI For·Vincen' ViCloria.P(jncJ~J (t916) _Tht.lltSIlAgtO\lP 01 adventuresome

1:309l DtsltIInI W""'" ,.,. ,yOlJ\h~ set out 111 protect \he birds nesUng(!J)~ . :alonnl~ liv~r.

8l VarIM . 11:00 11I PIIIp.nlll. Men's CanadianG.CHM ~1d1lH Hm Optn from 'Montreal: Final Mateh (R).:35=~Ieq Thellre . S MOVIE: C," of~ Caapi Afriendly

J.;OO l2l $lIffltIt cowbo~ finds thaI a peaee!ul canyon Is a(I) MIalltIIt... MltIMHI Lila embarksl/n a fUstler S hideout, Genu Au/ly (1942)senUmentaljoumay reeounu~g tlle lile and OJ ~OVlE: TIlt IIIIltII DtII.r Tllttll AnWOlle 01 her laUter, filmmaker VlnCllnte Intelligence agent encounters girls. R$$!iS'Minneln. (1987) sins and flyiag saucers as he battles aW MOWlE: hYcllt III When afrightened C criminal 'Who will destroy the earth unlessYOtlng womall andasex erazed drlfler cheek he'spald $1 bllUon, Dale Roblnelt~. PatrickInto tho Bale~ Motel, Norman becomes Macne6 (1979Jagitated and bea1ns to f~1 mother'o 11:05lJ)MOVIE: TIlt Pa!llllttt CIS' Legal battlopre~ent6 aaaln. fJlthOllY Ptddns, DIana nve.r lite defense and prooecuUon of aSeatWld, Jeff Fahey (1986) Q woman accused!]f murdering her husballd.mMMtylIu. . Gregol)' PtcA:. AIm Todd (t946)W MO~E: The I¥t S~IJ An army oIRcer 11:30m MOVIE: Fl....... Itglll ApIlllt'o aatte~l!lS to repaver autolcn payroll fn the mlsmatthed

rmiXetJ, up romance that lUst

wilda 01 MeXICO, RobeJt .MItchum, J3ns might be pelfeetwhenaflercely IndependelllGroer, Wiliwn Bendix (1~9) llchoollcacher meels a lonely hearth~f:=lr:'~~14It eolumnist•. MifY Tyler Moore. Robert(!) lMIt TomerttW Prcston (1985) Q®yIUC.....Stlr8l HlrdmtllalM McCIfllIkk@MulcVl4mat Cirollllmltn! Tun~,y'l O~Q) My frltld FUell

D:15(J)"',W1'.30 (2) S,odsC..ltf

CIl s,trtl T••ltIdd2l TI1"., JtliI. M.D.o JttHlItY kilo IMIa®F......a £alerta1l1M11 TOIltllliD Httt" •••mtr

10:00 I2l s,om.....(!) (J) l!IJ 11mCIlHm~l!J~w.r1d® HasliiIlII HtwllSlltmlldAlotlaCl•••9 TlIlAl" 0lItIMQI 'AII'AIItID MOVIE: DIICiII 11 III Dm AWiSh.edup Hnllywood tl2111tClr,m aJld caadle:l aQlr1 lie peree.'Ven 8!l a pron'_ YllOO!lattrl!"~, lJlrtiJ hn lcams lttr true lilent~.WilII3ITI Powell, BeI5)' VrakD. 1rWk St~'tJl!l(1949)

10:15(1) Hall 1GtttrJlIIllc~10:30<2> PIA ....

(J) l.Ittt* of DlcJc CMlt payntribute to twD of America's comie legmls,Jaek lletirrf and Grouello "'.aIX. IlasetlIarge.'y tm rl~1l in'm'.e-fm Dick Cn'!IL JJdiBtnny, Gtoocho Ibn@) lts1 " Cal1ll(f) tIJ ."AOS·"=MlM£: F.,,, 111I WI A"'~father ~~ from aWie:lllf t.IllW:l $!Irt!r.~

when I'.b d~JU~el lll'.Jl!ltJll~ ~ ea­g.aV"..ment and oontJnt::r.Q ootl t'lll l1Stm!f:ng liU"...zt !le_ S{JtJ'!W' TI2C1.ffinbelh raytrx, J:r»1 &!mit (1950)all 1m"GrMMII; CNN IftMHH IItnQl1JltSM

10:3$m MOYIE: A'..l.t..."..." T1tl~Cly:"lted lIl'OO'JtI~'{m uf Cc~ll flI¥lr.n!9' OO';eltlllC!!lro!lrtS It, r'~ cf (N,J~antf's (lOW!Iful~'&~'!I!t!Lm fnlt.ef~ .sgs.S~ bY ~1Em... PJfftY Ker,slf. lJJ>d 8aWi~. EddieO'O:I'iM,7 (J9a6) Q

11:OOQ) Morlca. MitlttS QmCrHsI!I'I



CIl MOVIE: PHwit'dltAttHtln Whenhi1 beloved btt:Yl:1e 15 stolen by ru1hlessblkcnepllers. Amerlea'll favlllite nero {IOeson an !nane quOSl 10 retlfovc the trea!:lIredve1l!cte Paul Rcltllens, EI1l2be1h l1J/ly(1985) r:;I

4:30 I2l Jill. Fol'. Oll1door AbtIluI1I (H)5:001Il SptrbCHltr (l)

(lJ MOVIE: De IIIg Slftl An anny officeraltelnplD to rccover aGte:CIl payroll In thewi:da of Moxlco. Robert Mite/lion. Jan~Greer (19-49)


herself. Beau BJldoes. Blair Brown (1979)11:05(1) MOVIE: \I Hlppenlf 10 Jill. Whellll'

lobstEr shlpmenl l!l ruined, amnall tOVtl1lollster grower nuns a penny plnthlnDraJlroatl tycoon and bcecmc$ a nalionalhelolM DorIS 0.11. JJck Lemmoo (1959)MORNING


7 p.m.-SAVING GRACE with Tom Contie p.m.-PSYCHO III with Anthony Perkin.




5 p.m.-HANKY PANKY with G.n. Wilder8:30 p.m.-REAL GENIUS with Val Kilmer

..RldAY7 p.m.-TARGET with Gene Hackman9 p.m.-AT CLOSE RANGE With Se.n Penn

. aATURPAY ,g p,m.-CROSSROADS wJtbJ~ s.neca10:45 p.m.-RED DAWN w'Jb POw.... Boothe

. ·.UtlDAY'1 p.m.-SWEST DREAMS With J.IIICa Lano. .toab p.m.-AMEAICANFLYERS with KevIn COlth*r

257~5121 CAILEYI'SIGN' 111 WIIttfltW A...

Page 2 J The Ruktoso Naws

1:05(JJ MOVIE: NIIIIIIII Agovemmcnl agentand a Qirl wtlose lather was collVlclcd 01, 'IJWOII mrtake a danllclOU5 mission 10 12:30 CD. MOVIE: '''.'"It, ..,IIHI1, ThinBrazJJ In Ihis Hilc!1coclt thnl~er. C;uy Grant stylized productlon 01 Co.ln MatJ;lnos IUIVllItlI1fd lJttipwI (1946) dOtUl1lcntn 1110 we 01 EnQland npowtlful

. youth culture In \he lalo '5<13. Seol!d by Gilt:OOmC'IdIII Nallisto MaYOI SCull National Evans Patsy KeltS/I. OJVId Elmt10 (11186)

CriteOOm (rom Boston. MassachUSllI1S (R) r:;I10:00m ............. (il) 1:OO(l) MOYIE: TItt 811 Skll An army officel

CIl Mll'IIE: SnIIg GrIce As!mp!a priest 1$ atlempts to rccover astolen p'ayrolJ In the~ electetl pope. Tlrtng 01 Ills wilds of Mexico. RaMrt MltchlJfTl, J3nooffICIaldom whlth Iul.feelll cstranllCS him Groer (1949)=:~~~:llSmy. Tom Conti, 2:00 I2l PIA IIowIlq Ladl!$ Pm Bll1t.clll' Teur.

FII- I~ A!b\l'~flC Open from A!buquel¢\.!C, t~e'«

10:30 (J) ....- U11 \ M!lXlCOD == Pm II~Th~ Chll ren's Q) MO '\rd' t', TtItII' A IlrtllsllTlQre ~pany of MllUl/!3jIO.~ perfll1lll$ caplin is ClIdered to fuul and cfestroy Ilitato1M~ 5 b1e aboutayD1lllQ man and a Sir HtlITY MGlQ3lI, wflollas tumet1 GlI tIto~ cat (1982) Brtllsh. KCII soon, JoIm RlClwr1san

11:00mPrMessIeUI r..... lI.en's Canat1ia.1 (196')Open from Molltreal: Sem.'fmaI!J (A) 3:00 ro MOVIE: HtIlo, Frlm, Hellt A sl1alil9,tIOVE:......~A)'O:mU earl oplmllor along San Ftwl$co'o BarbazyIIItveS to sell till! randllie has lnheliled, bul Coasl becomes atuCCCllS when Il6 bWcJ ahe falls in love withhand stayll.GtJlDAutry. JlllllUlar muslcal, bul ha almost IG$e5 it all.Juifth AI/tfl (1937) AJ/~ Faye JoIrn PdyTl! (1943)• Ill'IIE: 1111 ew Slhltr WIlen her 'former husband kidnaps 1Ite:1 two yauno 3:301Il All Allltlleal PvlIlIIt Strlts From FendJUj!tm and tells thtm tIle.'1 molller is wayne. lnd:ana (R)dud. a woman !leQirlS to swch for \I1em 4:001Il Spol1SlMt m













•'--.. - __'---~"~..~.~;!-~~~.~>q~'.~.__. ~."'-'-'. ....:.,""'..---0..:. -.- ' - ",",'.' ;...... ' ' ,' 1 __........

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6:00 (5) MOVIE: Crlttltt Ravenal1s, furrymonsters Invade a peacelul farm andterro/ita the family. Soon, however.extraterrestrial bOtJnty hunfero are on theirtraU. Ote W.Il.1ce Stone. M. Emmel Walsh.81lly Green Bush(i) OayWI'~l)) G..1lllH1~Cadloll,

~ Art ellakJ" YoulI9 lId "autilI!tl» fAde VlIItos(]J New Jedey Peoplta! TNs Weftilll

5:15~ Bf)'erIFerum5:30 (%) IHiII III Mollon

mSptrts CIIs. Upl!7J I,*, Unllmlled~SptclIIs

QJlNm6:00 (%) SptrlsCtlllar

ro KiliYfur(I) DIJ'fta~{I) IIIIIIlI



wOOl'Y'$ChM1es.(197.6) .crustY mllllQllalrll~ abQut lWQtlalr·9 *" ClllIlIffY " '1C1yillt children "nil. tr~$ to ~, JJ1elI'=~ " ' ' ;, SUPOrrlalJJl'al'flO'(Itr~ 1>YI=r11lQ tliem!

':OO~:~inIW:'flW.;Q ft~fblrJ.~¥1!il/llld; . . ~~C#m~ytl\tlllHWs ' . . ' 10:30(2)S",",,'y~~ ,mMulU1drItm Q ., (!jTM/lI$lIO'II·,. '9 0"1$" ' , .' . .""'S"II, ". ,a2l Nm .,.. .' .W dJ VIE:. ~''''' MHMflIko 'I/l!IIReI\llt ~s~monka!Jlndll!lshls holyOldllrstndIS CIOII! lid ellasl travelslllSI.Peter'$blJIO, whtre~ dewlopsall""WIfI dia1lolil:al lnll.e at ·the t~l (:OUrt.lB31tIs WJlkIlllS '. .Chris(~rLHfBarfWa $helley.,RJ_altMOVIE:Wey"'APflva{uye Is f'asai(1966) , 'hiiedtll recllve~ aBritish famlly'llprlceless . OIE~ cw.s Tour~tique va~ whICb~stolen dlJrlllf/World e BelI.1 GfMilll'War II. RcbtrtBlake, Ke8f/an WYnn. MitChell ltil CHNH,llIIlle HewsRyan (1981) , l3\1lt$"".QJ MOVIE': ThfJ, 1farsttlI.'- A Young MOVIE 'C , lal ~ nlM ,' Thwoman $1IUWles to ovtlrli1lme her deeply 10:4:j ro .: ,U.I ~II ... erooted fear of jumplllllto becorl16 aworld misadventurtls 01 ~ P~jladelphla famlly andclasshlll'$omaster, Annelt8 FunfClffto, adashing Frenchman during the Centennial7i""''''V Vl..... Janet' M1unfO'(1961) ExpqsiJillnoJ 1876. Featurinll, muslo,,~ nrln. m' .. Jerome. Kern. ~im, CraIn. comel WildB,

8:15 (l)S..flH4 and Son UI/Ila ~mell l1U46)Q7) Clull MTV . (Jllfltlll Tr.tks;Plrl II .

8:30(2) A.W.A. Championship WresUing 11:00(2) spladl(Odd .'"CD WIU $treet Week (I) ..,asltrpleceThan t;l(!}l ~Ight ~III CIIs In Venlco' lD lsI 1 TI~:Gol", IQl' BrOk, OBI/a Burke.@ Vldtoc.try O,J. Simpson QlW Bill Cosby (i) CrossfirelW CIIM H'ldHIIt Nevn • W KlthUI..Q

1I:45lll MOVIE: BloOd Alley AU.S. merchanl lIIJ CIlS 1.11. Hight " ',nol/ ffDM 1Ir,marino caplaln, llided III escaplnll1M Red ,,~ .Chinese, agrees 10 escort an enUre village to 01 WiIdlIf' CIIltJI\IsatelY In Hon~ Kong, JolIn Wayn",tJufeO lID lIl1f11''- HanlyBaCill. Paul FIX (1955) l17J M.sIc VkItos .(I).Trms:hWltPfay , , SJetFmkllf

8:ooQl'QrIIt PerftI'mIllca$ G!o~al perlor. «! P.WHkHd·Outlaokrnanctl eldl'avaganza. hosted by BtMrly 11:30 ro 8Il'lItY Mlltr .

. Sills, features an International casl olartlsts lD Otll.fCllIoI: SII1H Wr/tld Wnght'slinked together bysatellile 111 a IOYO\IS unIque deadpan style has entertained clubmusical, Grew Burge, Montseml ~/o, aUdiences for years. Now you~ see his~~Cks complete nightclub act for ihe fitst time onro CrfIIlI Story TV.WMOYIE: Al Close 111111' In the Gleamy (i) HewdlJt/ll U,.."backWoods of Louisiana, two reStless III rIO Cim fti CIlllIortteenagers gel to knowthelr~stranoed father, (!J) 11111WU wlllI Harry Bull.ra violent milJl who heads a large thlevery ~ HeW CIIlIIIJY .ring. SelIn PO/ln. Christophel Walken, e J~ "'ny~=nl/(t986) Q QJ.SIQII De.1

WABC Hews Sp.e1I' ABC NIlW3 on PopeJohn PaulU Q '=t:nlllllllt D.rbldIg,qtdvt~Y"C""'lta'@ H'rKas¥t Illd McClHIlIkkOIl CMII IIlIf-.tl01llltW"'"

8:30 /1) s,trbC"",W~T_II!2l T"".r Johll(!J) Ca.'"(!JjfalMl....all bIIltIlIIlHllt ralghta) Dl$ItIy f.mIfr AIfltIm: Aalltlll Usingrum and' televlsfon ~llps and pemMa!pholO$.l/lo most fartlllW Mousketeer traceshercareerfrom mouse ellis'"beach mll"t.esatld beYOnd. (1985)

i:CS (J) NlPt Trlcu: Pirli10:00(2)SJtl\llMk

ro W til HtwI(J) """,K/IhlI!)) SHfeI CWItktt@H,'-H..~ 11m IIId Allen(!lea....91l11S WttkHdatH..I'/lIl....11Cl:8 MOVIe Esca,. to WIfdl MMflfII A

, ", .,·:.'"I_i:'.j~"""''''~~I.~J,. ..~Jl ..... :~ ...a''c''''~''':ff''''_, ..,'A' 1,.•,', .","' _ ' ,'·th., ':I,c• .,.lF-.t':.'.wl", ..~;f-f" .... r,: ... -_.;., '":-:,,,.,-':;'~":-'~'''''-;'''', , ' . ;

, .

• •


6:00 11l MatHtlt/lIfnr lfewIHtw(!) (!) ~ all News(i)PtImIlllWl@MOVlE:T\ltCIKIIoUtll VIO Afermerloolball player, partially. paralyzed InVietnam,voluntel:Jll to roamalootballleam01 boys CQllflned In a juvenile correct/nnalinstitute. RDher! CMJad. Erin Gray, RedWest(1980)o Q.E.D.~ Masllwllft Hn~ IutIIr1Iy 1s1111dlID rill 2lI YIMt CM1dtnt!!I TMs WIIk...13 lllftr S,....=KWsCIII

8:30 /1) $fHdWOIWro WIIttI., ftrlunt Q(f) l!Il1llrfe's Con!p.aayIUl JlIIlrll' Ille 111411(l]) C./IltllItfIs~ CN" 1IddII.. Hewsam ,... Mit ChllClat f.dllfUf.

7:000) Milk"~M.Ik,tro Rap It RIcMsIDMOYlE: Tl!1ttAman's seerot past as aCIA a~ent l!pe~ls dan~tf fat 1ro!IJ tJmselfandIUs SllllWhen thgy mmrt l'ei:tuell;s'It.fefromkidnappers. Gene H3tkman, Mill Di/too,Gai1s Hlmll:wtl (1985) gm1anY KIiIt 1In!tIl MOVIE: C'IIt.II.l· IImlll" Them:~ven!utes of a PIl:'aderph;a famny anlla tla$hffig Ftenttrnan dllJing the CemennialEx!lll~ of 1876. Fmiring musio byJerome Kern. JWUI&' C/'aj», Comel Wlld~LiJltJa 0m1~/1 (19.46) •tllWebllrD(!IJGIIfItIlI III lItt fIaut!l WlJen Jon.GaIfieldand OC:e come dfi'Nfl with ause of thablahs, Jon decides they need aYaQOOn. so1hey head to 1he- moun1aillS flIT a campingoulinll.Q(!J) lllU;pearllt WDfld8J7IIC/Illl!II MO'IlE:Flnt YIIl CJy StOll of newscorresjJ{llidelll BetlyRoliin's slt1Jllllle withbreast tilJl~r and lImast~ttorl)Y, ~ased onher best sefling bOOk. Ma1Y TrW~,M/ho(IyPtrkin$, FlotenD8 EltfTid()e (1978)~ TIIIf Wetk...I3flUIY~~"TII••lr.

1:30 til W1l4'Amtrlci g(l) Mt~,It/vHIrfQ ,. ..M1 H6'1_Mitt_ ... WI$ISugsrahQeS fat and wide thrOOQ~ tbltWestas liedeterminll!l til seltlotetritOti'eS !JI!, ttas wonwilli his wiles, Wisecracks, and Wild and,



12:00ll) 'MOYl~ ....Apl.~tic $Ii~ Is aprime slISpeclln .tIIe mUrders. of former

, patients who. wet!! )Iso mOlIQl$. AlbertFinney. oWTICS Cqbum(198l) .

12:3P Ql Iplt'lIt.rld USAC Midgets fromlridi~napqlis, IndianHR) , ..

1:00(!) MOVlE;J/OOIl ~. AU,S, merchantm~ne tJlltain, aid¢in,e~p1ll\l the RedChInes!!, 3grees to escort an entlro village tosafelY In',/tbllf/ KQIlO. John WayM. LaurenBaCiII (19SS)'. '

1:30 l1J ....d0If M•• (L) •2:00 III Wqrlcl ~I'$I ChJlmplOl!1I!1p WFlIsllhlg

(A)iI2l Maler I.Ilgu. "slllJl. HO\lslon Astrosal ChICago Cubs (L) •o MOVIE: Dallcl.. 1lI1h1 Dirt Awashedup Hollywood star: discOvers and coael1es aQlrl he. perceives as a /lrQmislnQyoungactress. until he leams her true Identity,William Powell, Betsy Drake (1949)

3:00 a> Truck .lId Trlctor Pullll01987BudweiserTruck andTractor PullChampion­shipS from PhoeniX. Arizona (R)(]) HlOVIEI Ylo\els"ft""H' AsuccessfulphotoJournaiisl spends a hoRday in hersleepy, oceanfront hometown nnd realizesshe slilnoves her hlOb $chQOI sweetheart.Sissy Spacek, Kevin Kline (1986) t;lIII MOVIE: Ceelml.I Summ., Thomisadventures III aPhlladelphla famlly andadashing frenchman during the CentennialEx/losition 01 1876. Featurillg music byJerome Kern. Jeanne Crain, Corn6I Wlldo(1946)

4:00 W Spor1sLook (T)4:30 (2) RUI8Iq .lId R.e1.. (T)4:45 (]) MOVIE: AVIIw to I Kill James Bond Is

pitted avainst aNazi bredsupermonsletwhoalms to destroy SiliconValleyand COTIler1heworld market In mIcrochIps. Rogtr Moore.Tanya Rcbtrts(1985) Q

5:00 l]) SiItr1sC...., (l) .III MOVIE: IIII4i Ality AU.s. merchant

1\ matlne captain, aided in 8Gcaplng the RedChjn~e. agrees to escort an enlJre village tosafelY In Hano Kong, JolIn K'.ijlM, LI1JrenBacall (1955)

5:30 IDS"",,orIdNf\SCARWlnstGnCup: PoleOual~ying lor Busch 5lIIl lram Bnstol,Tennessee (L)

5:35 (J) MI/Or 1.111\1' IIsfbl6 PittsbufllhPirates at Atlanta Braves (L)


6:00 (5) MOVIE: n.. ItlH Baron Frankenstelncreates life onca again. This time 8 brldelOltus ong:naJ creature. but lIle Baron ends upfalling In low with her hlmStl1. Sling,Jcnnifu lkaIs (1985) Q

6:30 (2) SpomCell8r (L)7:00 WSptdsl.ook (R)7:30 WAll Atntrlcaa PulRa. Slrl.. from Fort

Wi'j7l8. Imliana (1\)8:00 WRoIIermalta (R)

(I) MDVlE: Zoo Gal' five teeliagem area:dcd by an alcoholic ex wrestler In theirefforts to open a dance club. tien Vereen,JJSM/ Gedticlt

8.115 (J) MOVIE: Gldgel GOIllo R,me Gidg!!t,lnRame lar a hofiday, ll'~smte~re~ tMallention sha retelves from a lamouslournalist Cinrfy carol, James Oarren(1953)

9:00 a> ,,..Norld Off Road Raetng: Fireworks400 flom 8arstmv, CalIfornia (R)

10:00/1) Bt41e.11I MoHa (R)(5) MOVIE: Absolltl IIlglnll" thissly:izell pm!lllttlollol Cor:n Matlnnes' llll\;eldocuments the rise of Ell~!and's pOWerfulymrth culture in the 1m ·50s. Scoretl by GDEvans, Patsy Kensll, David BowIe (19861Q

, ':"; :'; ":",,' '" i -", .--," ' "',,"' ",.' 'f' "', .... ,.... .1"'- " ~. . ,.• ' -. ,,'I ..', •, ,

.Papa 4 I The Ruidoso New•.

lW.Oaklall 'o w,.lher W.lCh 10:00W Spol1lLtok '~ SIIveI SpootIS C!l W III. N.ews... Kldse,., • (i) NI~NII-'~ , @ P,o$ of lilt ...

6:15 CIl MOVIE: T.bSAcID" "'I Rlv.rAyoung 1m Maskvllll NowSpanis~ nob!~man flees 10 Texas a~erbelng , \m8llmullll Allenaccused 01 killing his sweetheart s fiance. l1J) Ca.1 'Dean Martin. Alain Oelol/. RQSemaryFQfSyth 0 frltlav'sOtlUaok(1966) QJ MOVlE: TllI,~1ttI Willi The father of

6:30 (2) VDlltyb.lI adying boy tries to brighten his son's last(!) Yl'n1 01 Fortul' Q months by granting him three wishes. But(f) lIIJ ThFll'~s ClImplllY the lourth wish, his father's, can't bea2\·MOVI£: Jackson COIIIdy Jilt Ayoung granted. John Mell/on, Robert Bettleswoman is falsely failed and savagely raped (1976)by ii deputy. She kills the deputy and 10:20 (]) MOVIE: Saving Onc. Asimple prleSllsbecomes laced With amurder charge, Yv~ttB unexpectedly elected pope. Tinno of theMlmleux. Tomm~ Lee .kJnes (19761 ollicialdom which he feels estranges him@ Shak.spear.1 TIIIOIY from his calling. he slips away. Tom COIII/,\lil CNH tt...llns Nm GJancarlo Glanlnnl Fernando Rey QOJ MiIIlllll Dollar Chance '9 Facts 01 Ulo' 1&.30 (2) HFL FIlms PFlIsenls

C!l Tanlgbl Sltaw1:00 CD Mysteryl Q W OJ M"A"S"H

~ ThMOeV~E:~~u:hpO:ra'jllse The owner 01 a@SlIIlsafSe'rllco:HIWMallaHostedbY\4J. GeraJdo Riverarun down. seedy Island resort creates @ Daels In Spicebrochures Ihat promise sunlit beacheS. 181 Besl af Grouchofantasy days and ro~anllc eveQlngs. Robin (!i) ,eHH Hladllne HewsWllilams. Pcler 0 Toole. Rick Moranls l2!l I.Ite Show(1986)Cll Larry King Uvel 10:45 lllMOVIE: FolJowllle FleelAftera song andIII MOVIE: Follow llIe Aeal Afterasong and dance man joins tile Naw. he and his paldance man joins the Navy. he and his pal encounter trouble when they try 10 help twoencounter trouble when they ttY 10 help two sIsters. one 01 whtllTlls his old p\lltner. FredsIsters. one of whom is his old partner. Fred Aslalre. Ginger RO!l~rs, Randalph SeDl'AslaifEl. Gingor RO/lers, Randolph SeDtt (1936)(1936) 11:00 C2l Australlin Rules Foolb.1J(f) Sledge Hamm.II Q CD Mvsteryl Qll§I Scarecrow II' Mrs. KIng (I) Craunrel!ll Lasl KllIDdoms CIl MOVIE: Relltcea Analve newlywed lrles(l]) 7GO Club to compete with the memory of herlID Music Videos husband's glamorous firsl wife In thisOJ MOVIE: R.bII,. Mlrlon After twel1ly claSSIC directed by Alfred Hitchcock. JcJnYears. an aging Ro~ln HOod Is reunllell with Fontaine. Laurence Olivier, Judith Ande/SOflMaid Marion, now amother supcnor about (1940)10 be impnsoned, Sean Connery. Audrey (!) HlghUlle C ..Hepburn, Robart Shaw (1976) lIIJ MOVIE: CBS 1.111 Movie "".JIlh.P,uIII! Wealller Wllch II Depicls the lilo of the current. charismatic9 F,. GUy Ponti" from his teenage days throlJllh hisl22l MOVIE: Dot and Keelo When alillie girl Installatlon as universal head of the Romannamed Dot shrinks down to !he sile at an Catholic Church. (1984) •Insect, she belriends a mosquito named l!ll AIIlmals althe Grell Horl/lWutKeeto who llaVtlS her IrtllTl an ant/llll, t!Il Laurel I lid Hardy(1985) lID Music Vldtts

7:30 (!) FlmUy TlU l!Il Jot Ft1J1k1le(f) TIlt Charmblgs Q II! PacillC Dvlfoot«)) ""$ £It\1.d 11:30 (!) BIIMY MiM,raJJ No C.ltry (I) HmNIgllt Update

11:00 (J) Speriwortd W Tot CloSt fer ConIlOttCD UJI!IIrs. Drnstalrs l!ll World Allvt® Chttra @ tlew Cl\IIllri(i) EY.."" Hews t!Il Jm 8ttllyW Our WorIcI (1SSS) Q at S.W.A.T.l!Il MOVIE: CUlIlIllWY Movll LmlHmAScottish beachcomber. set In his ways andrellJ$!ng 10 sell bm beach front /lroperty toan oil company. encoun!CtS tho company'shalf crazy bans Peler RIegert. BurtLantasler. lJenls Lswson (1983)azHm@ AllackH lIy I KI.... Shirt® CrMIlIII Cus.(!l) ShIfM FtoIlllht Hlp«) frNaYI OldlookQI MOVIE: CllIIII A re!lident surgeonIniliates her own Investlgation Into aSUt/lrWng number 01 comas oceurrtng alterminor operanons. Gen~6'((J BuJold, MI·eIlEsl Ooug!as. EJIr.a1Jeth Ashley (1977)

11:30 (!) Mitht Court(5) MOVIE: Real Gillin VJhIz kids al ahightech college learn that therr research~b€ingused to develOP a killer laser weapon andseek revenue (In \herr CCrtllptllrclescal. ValKilmer, William Atherton. Gabs JamJI(19as) 0(J) MOVIE: Rife Beyond VenDlln~e

Flashback: rct!lJ1l:nll to It's wile after 1tyears. a bu1f~o hunter is altatk€tl. robbedan~ Ilrnnded. Altcr illS wile ro;CClS lIim. 1mseeks his at1atk£rs. ChuckConr.ors. MichaelREnnie• .f!laJ1 B!ontlell (1965)® VldIocountrr@VIl1oUOJ CHH Headllfte Hews=Meueterpltce l1leatrs

9:00 CD Swlftillt' Onr lIIe IlJIllbow wilh WillIeNIISIIl Jo:n Will:a tJelson and hls familyband in a tribute to iazz V'.ritariS1 OjanijOR2:l1hanltC!l LA. Law(i) MDIII'fIlne 10'.30mGeltlng fit willi Dellise AIIS1II (Rlell MOVIE: Gecrve WIllie'. SeaMals Two @ MOVIE: TIte Great AnItrkII CIWhytalented entertainers lall in love am:d the Year lenll rontest for ~ All Ameritallgrueling hard work and exuherant hf;lnks of Cow!loy We between a veteran who 1I0ldsa Broadway show. .man 03vis. Jack llJIey. the reron1 f01 six Sutll tilles. amI aPhillip TetrY (1045) nC'Ncomer. Joel McCrea narrates. Larry(f) 20(20 Q MahaJl. Phil Lynl1 (1914)~ Tilts IIDm the Dartsllfe 11:00mSpeedWarld Formula One Grand Prix ofIIJ QU. Austria from Zeltweg, Austria (R)® rOIl CIIlIle. Star ~MOVlE:SItI1lIafth"or";Alrtrylssent(l]) H.ldeasUe alllf McCormick to jlut dowtla ~wluti~rtitl M&xico. Genea1J Closet Ctusles Capsule Autry. Smiley Bumetrt(1939)!Ill Clrol BIIfJlet1 ttl MbVle:_ fltf J.Hy Story of theo filtlly's OuUook retatilitltlhip betweenagirl ilJldth~hO~ thatfA1lIe Its'l. ,Walt Disney Presents caplures her heart cathryn Harrisorr. Mark

9:3000 $pemCelter Halden (1918)(i) SporU THlghl 11:05(1) MOVIE: Have Roelle' Will Travel The@ Tlt\iPIr Jolill, M.O. ,Thtes Stooges, handytnetl In a S/late@ Pa~1flC 0l1li001& lablfralory, are aetid~nlally raUi1t11ed Into@ Falld.. S)lilce wllere ,they iCleel a unicorn ilJldlID Music Videos become nalional Iterlles. Jerorrl6 COwan,([I) ElI1eltllftmenl Tllelght Anna usa (1959)











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'tile Rql(lo,o New.',/P.g.S ,• ....l ••1)Ql1Zll1JIImM' CM

9;10(l)~'T~_W'~,1:30W .$\IId$l:"'''' " "(J)~';:rr\!) All HIlIf£Vl$GfJ Ull!lo',1M lostmu,",' .at D.PI,C."Weekly.D 'GOod,_IID. MIckey!

1D:OO(2)RIIlII!IdftII,(J) $lr!1lQ.1alIt(!) l,Jztf Til ACldllllyBl UtlCllIIJftd Chl.n-'s n: TV Around theWOfkI GeorQe Plimpton leadsatour throughwild and variedtelevision programmingIromaround tM world,· See clips ,from varietyshows. mUSic videos, more,(j) N.wsd·rIII MOVlE:WhUI Heal Ruthless gangste\2)has a mother complex, 1IU1 to all othersaround him. he's a heartless killer, JillT1esCagney, VirgInIa Mayo, Edmond O'BrienO~~ - .l!l A\IC Weeklnd Speclll Ql!§J G.IIIY HIgb .il) MOVIE: GeronImo Story 01 Geronimo,who led the Apache Indians In war againstthe U.S. government. Pres/oil Fosler, EllenDrew, Anay Devine (1939)l!}) H.nds@ Black .S~eep Squ.dlon('l! W••IlI" , YOlla WWF WresUlng ,@ W.Ie"", 10 Pooh COlnll

10:30 (l) TIlt CoUlclon(!) PIIHy arlwsllrBl MOVlE:'1tWee's BItMvealure Whenhis beloved bicycle is slo!en by ruthlessbiken.ppers, America's favorite nerd goeson ~n Inane quest 10 ICmeve tlllt treasuredveh!ele. PaUl. Reut1ens, Eliz3.belh Dally.Morg;n fairetlild (1985) QG) EdllS allll Han.(f) TWCal(fJ) CI$ ,SIfIPr.a. H3keem Abdulsamad,H.lmiltoa Cilmp, DaVid Mcl<nigM Q(!]) TrmUff 1sl,II4s~GIllS 01 'Kill SowltIIil CN" Htldllit!ltIal4llllCk PttSlllls

11:00(2) "-Ia,,ltaa' Teallls(J) HIIIltIilllt (1986) Qro DB's of Hl1'l1~WNtWUa~W MOVIE: Jim 11ltfpt, All AmerlCIII Thensa and fall all/le lamed American Indianalh!ete who was Glnllped 01 his OIymplcmedals 101 p!ayin~ profosslonal baseballBurt WCJ5lcr. Ch3JIcs BlckflJld, SIeveCOdIran (1951)l!l Amerlc•• "lIdslau(fJ) 1'*11 American Gimes(!IJ Chlllyamlth F.rmCIDC"~

~1Ii'"@ MMIlc VIdeos(!I) MOVIE: l1It Pm, Scicn1ists at aspacelaboralOIYwhere I1Ullt411 endumnC6 is leslMare menaced by a SlIPCT ptrNer wh:ch IstrYlR~ 10 gel control of tlteiT m~lIs, GeorgeHaml/len, Srllanr.e Plesl1elle. Richarde-rt$(}f/ (1968)II! Wealttt, ... MOVIE: Gl4ttI'. Summtr R.unlonGidGet, now UfO'NIl up with a family andC3reer. throws a reunion party far all the!leach sul1em wh!re she and Moontlogoiafirst meL Ca!}11 Richman. OC3JI Butlc!, DanSfffJlJa (1985)@ TIlt WIld In 1111 Willows

11:3a(J)Vktory GalieftIII H'lIMaker Sllll~ayWK.1tlh Sin8J Irtlllltni@MOVl~flltIll.rthtKaYltllorA12ywall! b~ vanishes from earth and Ilscamesthe p::tlt 111 an {JX\r2OIlf:n~ sp2tetrnltWilen /l!l returns Illlme,ewryons b!l1lle hilSgrllwn tl~~er. Jooy C!aiTlU. VWJ1ica CaJfw.light, Cliff De YOIIJig (1985) Q


. AUheSwJaaaaletlJm3MJlelI North OD)Jfghway3'1

PJmezsa..=The Vleux Chalet Restaurant

and Lounge, located In the SwissChaletInD fuvitesyoutodinein acomfortabie, .{{wet afJ.n06pberefrom fine menu selectiOliB. Therestaurant isbnnous for the Fri·day seafOOd buffetand the-Batur­day pritne rib~-trt it!

Breaifast is served daily !tom7tUll am. and dinnerhours are6tU9 p.m. ClmedTuesdays. C0n­vention facilities can accom­madate up to 180 people.


The Deck House Restaurant,located in Adobe Plaza, has beenserving locals and \'l8itors fineNew Mexican foOd since 1963. Allfood is prepared t're!b _ andcontainS no preservatives of anykind. They are 1)J)el1dally from8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. (closedTuesdaYs); and open through thedinner hour on race days.

CASA BLANCA .501MechemDr.IBWy.3'1

%51-*Servinglunch and dinner daiIr,

the CaBa Blanca~ mS1JI)e!'b Mexican foOd includingenchiladas, f4jitas andchimlcbangas. LunCh is servedU:OO a.m. imtU 4:30 ~.m.; dinner4:30 until 10:00 weekdays and un­til 11:0{} on Fridays andSaturdays•


EnJpy southern New Mexico'sfinest: continental cuisine andmost ~cular smset view inUte elegant turn4-the-centw.'Ysetting of Rebecca's in thehiStoric t-odge in Cloudcroft.

Breaifast Us served from 7:00Wltill():30 am.; lunch11:30a.m.until 2:00 p.m.; dinner 5:30 nnW10:00 P.ln. arid Sunday cbmn­pagnebrunch is 11:30 a.m. until2:30 p.m. Reservati'ODB are'suggeSted.


K-Bqb's, in additiOn toserv:ingthefineststeaksintbeSoUtbwesf.features the largest salad bar inRwdoso-oVer 15 feet of saladIThere is also fiSh and shrimp, ifthat may be your choice.

The Tack llooIt1atK"l3ob's canaccommodate up to 3li people forpaJtics, sale.1'meetings, rehear­SalsJ etc.

K-Bob's is qletl 7days a week.


LocatedacrOis from themeetra"

Phone-3'18-8OO9Open 7days aweek, the, Great

American Land and cattle Co.serv~steaks, seafood and Bilr·B­Que, Banquet facUlties areavailable. Large dance floor and3 fireplaces add to your eveningpleasure. En~rtainJnent in thelounge, 6:30 til closing.

LA POSADA ANTIQUA '.tClrrhoLodgePhone%$'1·$:131

The lodge at carrizo is ahistoric lmidmark estab1Jsbed In1925.

We invite you to ~ceSODle of the finest iIi d1nfngpleasure to be found in the area.

Open seven days a weekJ

breBkfast, lunch and dinner servoed dally.


%57-5111- %S803t33Pizza Huts at two convenient

INN OFtHE locations offeryoo dine-in orMOUNTAIN GODS carry-out service seven days a

UmBelSouth'ofRak1clM week from 11 a.m. unti111 pm.. Ph<8e25'1-51U Pizza Hut serves tastY thin

!njoy casual br~ or crust Pizza~ pizza,. cavatiniItmcli, and ~ence the lux- ~~. aee:::InW;~:1urious evenirlg di.niIm excellence d":Mt-~ -,- eelfor which the InnIi8s become WUUI.::i are t1WU serv "renowned intheDanUKa ROom. CAlfLEIAItONThe Inn also featureil the Top OJ SteakmlStafOOdBeltaurantthe ~dai1Y from 11:30 15'1SudcletthDrivea.m. to 9:00!n.m. Gt1~1l1~ The-CatUeBal'Ofi restaurant isis enbaIiced the etlSY' now~ in-Ruidoso. Located atof the piano J loeated by the 657 SUdderth Drive, ft..m serve

"unique. fireplace intbe. Main lunch and diIllerev~~y fromLo!>bY. l1:00a.m. '!'be caweBai'on was

Supetbfacillties for holiday established in 1976 and bas gain-partIes, banquets, meetings, ed a fine reputation for seivingweddingSandWeddii1greceptiODB only the very best steakS anaare conveniently available. seafood. ... 12:00mSpttlworW

mJnlln Wilm't talalln. Cooijll'

THJ:=G TliE RUIDOSO INN HOLIDAY HOUS! ~ -::V1E: ftttJ Dan Ilaratllutists_ ......_.~ " ~ESt.AURANT '"~'~~e' descend on aqu:el eo:ardo town. tillingc....,..;;_ oJUJ~r;"lIlnY and imprisoning the residents in the

'the BuU.RkIg, of,Jtuidoso bas me:y7G West PIIeae%5'1'- ' bellirm,irlg 01 ~ massi-.oe Soi,et invasion 01been c»mPletelj' remodeled and , P ~ Conveniently loea~ at 310 Amenta. t'.llfltkSW3yze. Lea 'T1lnmpsOil. C,-offers. diners a friendly at- 8ervmg bJ;eSifast, lunch and Sudderth Dtite the Holiday Thomas HMtIJ (1984) Q

and .m,lntY dinner seven days a week the "j..u " .............., mJf8Wllllldllfmosphere fine. ....~. Ruidoso Inri.~U1'Mt offers a House ReSUt.a'811t vuetaa-·7 ([) MOVIE: Tlttte tilllt ClrcIIs DischargedOPenfotdii1ner frOm 5p.m. un- tempting variety' of menU selee- breakf~$t with homema!le from tMselVicec, tlte lroysjolnatircus and

til ~O p.nt. SUnday tbr1i Thurs- ti~. Choose from ~~de biscUits and grlV)t; daily 11!Jl'" ~~b~dci~~~ :~al~~a.~ ~~~~n.JJ%;daYt- from, 5pm. until 11 p.m., c,mnarnon rolls, bISCUIts, cheOn~ 'll'e served mth Lewis. .kidn~Dru {t954)Frinay. and sat\ttday, menu bluebet1'Y muffirt$ «r buttermIDt deliCiOUS:.~ tolls. Din- (f) SWimsuit AMtlM 11selectIons includeste~ks., nancakes d1!ritJgbreakfasthours . ner se1ectlona tficlUde a wide lIZ MOVIE:T~ ... Jhe -srI:" Girl TheBe$foOd, gourmet.~ers 7a.m. tel 114'.m. umcl1, .served varietY'~MeJiC8l1 fOOd andlour people o! a.Vlllage, ~ sutlC1m~ 1rom aand a bOtu'ltiful salad bat. ReSer- fron111 a.m. to ,2 p.m., offers a favorite AIneriC8n.di8be8. Ii. bof.. strang~ dlsea~e, Ux l1J~r, lJentse 03rcel,vations m recoillIheDded.. ' 'Choice of sandWiches, bam- let is served lromll UJiti12 and :::=-J1:Av.t

The lounge~ aally a1.-40 " btu'gers and ~alties. Dinner fro1n 5 until 9m rtidaY. satur- 8T_r~ .'~.In. and bat)py hoUr MooUCI' seleCtfrlnS mclade cbicken,llrime ' dayllndStmday. . lOwe...., .. YOlltIu1IFtidayj!,{:30l.U1til6:30;li~e "ribandsteakS'WhicbatecuUtesb 'l1te reeta\J.'8llt is P1 ~en 12;111r!l~ •musicThursdaY ~,8af;urdJy 9'dailY; ~.8J,'e ~ p.nt. til ,9:30 ~S4week from1:.00 a~Ill. untl11f,30Q)Ka'ilY's 1<lIdIiI. ',' ,p.m. until 1a.Pl. . p.m.. ':00 p.m. .. ' '... '. ,li1,.sfJIf'" ~..t(1ttitCII


%5B-3I'11Ruidos'o's finest restatmUltand

nigllt club Js located on mghwa~37. ServingthebeStMeJlcanfoodin the'SouthWest. COcherais.OJ1el17 da~ a week, with food' beIngserved from 11 a.m.. tn'16 p;m.

The cantina at Cocbera -offersyou a wide selection of mixeddrinks and dancing until 2 a.m'J

except SUnday, 12:00 midnight.Come joinus for the dinirig ex­



UppetCuyou%$7-_Located in the Uppa: Canyon,

the restaurant is~ daily 6:00am. to 2:00~erJng awideselection of aDd lunchitems.

WhIsPering Pines features dai­ly ,bre8kfast and ltincb buffets'With free seconds.

Come out and enjoy good old"home cooking." ,


ACl'OIIlFromRaceTrack, 3'lS411O

Prime Time is open andwelcomes y~ into SPacious yetC<Y1J/ envirotlDlent, wllere you'llbe surrounded bY comfortablesea~:. fine fOOd! and genuinehO§PitaUty.

Prime Time also.offers beer,wine and a fu11ystocked bar,ofyour favorite li'lt.l0t8. Mixeddrinkswillbeserv~to P1easetbemost~PeOPle.

Live entertsintnerit adds thefinal touch to tnake your~at Prime Time amemorable ex­perience. Rettaurantopendaily5pm. till 11


~11 ,Enjoy a~ COlrbo' •meal

servedonatinplateand~S(!t­tie baekfor a' fast paced stage13hOlYfeattJrtng tbli Flying 'JWr~ers. An evening -at theF1Yini J R¥lnch ,is.a~~.•Joyaabb'Ie'S",.' 1!!I1Ce. ,Gates' to'western . ~'Ifid tiCket bOoth.opett at·s:" •• ~Jd.Tj) '1risutesea~~for~rva ..lions, ," bell~. at 1:30s~.Opennightli (excePtSWI­day) June ItJiru~Der '/.,OlleI1.-eek~ irtMa. 'iiCitedl*tnilesNorthofS:l~~chetuPMff on Hi' ,. 31••i:OOitot bigsign onwt~e of highlt'ay. '


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Page B I The Ruidoso News. ail CHN tIQlIIIIIt HIWlI

iIJI ~~~~ • .ur.- 011(1 ,_e-...... .all CNNlltHIItIItftwI 5:00(2}~

1:00(J) NFL Y,.rHal ..u...... ~.~(J) MIclGWlm Art lor~ lIZ _ • CIJIIlIIrYl(!) Major In.... bSftIII: AI lalde 0 .1rvIftLoIk lB COUll'" KIfc/Ifl(l) Your MHIJ 81 ClmpHIIsCD MOVIE: S•• DIVIIs The men of tile U.S. OJ M*' La.... 'l$.b.BCoast Guard 8lhibil dedication and spirit as «I Wetkelll U,.."they save Jives and perf/lIlTlICe patrol work aD 0tlI JIg fJlllllYto aid steamships. Vietor MclAglen, Ida 5:30 I])~Luplno. PrestOil Fosler (f937) . (!) Mtd~.1 Jtura.1(!]) of tile PtlClCk Cll MOVIE: Crltltn Ravenous, lufly monotm Couelry KIlcben sters invade apeaceful farm and terroriZe IhemMllSlc VldeOI . S,,· . I(II MOVIE: DI.ry of Richie 8rDI:k.lm.n family. oon, "owever, exttatenestnaCollege educated private eye joins the big bounty huntersare on Ihelr trail. DeBWalliC8leagues when a woman suffering from StOl/e, M, Emmet Walsh. Billy GreenamneSIa lIires him to lind out wily two men ~sg III S.llIrd.yare trying to kill her. DennIs OUfPn. Suzanne CD =rVlE: Cmarallll Cllap.1rI GeorgePleshetto. Barbara Boson (1916) Bernard Shaw's story bf the teenager WilDlU! W••\lItr , You d da MOVIE: The Ma. WM Lane Cat conqu~ Cllesar, fOllIld romarlCll anOanelag ~ Army captaln, forced to escort became lnvo~ved, In .POllUcal Intrigue Inprelly sUNivor 01 his traIn robbery. ~enJ Vivien Ufgh, Cfmd6 FWII$,diSCOvers hIS love lor her lsal odds with his ~=~.(J'~6)ganlfs plans. Burt Reynolds, Sarah Miles, D Al'" _Lee J. Cobb (1973) . 9 nil Wilt III COlI'" MIlle=O....r Bay Q rmM*JlY l~'"

1:15 (!) NBC'. Ballb.U Glm. 01 \lit Wttk r.II'~ .1:30 (l) Lap Qulltlq a:a MOYIE: hA'I FolIOyt the adventures of a

(l) Mor. PtdlCl Union little pIne squirrel named Penl. as she andlIZ On.SI.p 8eyollll her lamily learn to survive amQng tlJelQ) Commltmenl to Wi,"lng dangers althe loresl. (1951)lBl TIlII Wttk In COII.bY MUile 5."35 (I) Major La.... hIMIIII!5l All•• Smlfll .M J.... .@ HnrI Aalmll World

2:00 (2) THIH1bIKtllRaclll(J) CreallY. UriIgII> MOVIE: l1lt OkIaMmI CIIY Dolls Ayoung woman leads arebelllon oflrustratedwomEn who try III prove 10 tllelr mtn Illatthey lUst don't belong III ttlll home. Theyform nloo1ballteam. Sl&1 814kely. EddieAJMIt. W.y(OII Jennings (1981) Q(l) H... Up'alt(l)1IumtmMaterll......'(!)) AmtrIca'I Cup(!JJ MOVIE: l1lt Far F......' Roy bleaks upalJillg that 19 smuoo1ing crlm.'nCl:l Into IheUS III toybean all cans. Roy RoQt1s. Andytmlf/(J (19-48)@ To, 21 VlMt CIIIlIlItWIlU! W...... , YIII .QJ MOVI£: DIllY Ayoung ttablell!11I1e1~the advite 01 ethers and w!I/llm andpcrteverillte \IJ1Tl$ amitrea1et1 n!low1m1"..nllIlo a Clllllellder for lite ellamplllnstt.'PRslJecr.a ~?'l' .l4Mt Q!Ish, E1d1Wa JWIEhJTwtfI (lu79)

2:10 (l) Splftl Clmup2:30 (J) Al1 I' William~f

(i) TIlt III SlerytD MOVIE: TM Girt MuS lltIl AlllllWwaymus:~ Cllmcdy Ztl1fllll'.'e5 t!l lite COlJIltry10f sama IlUtll 1!l1!l quitt Ilut lilts In toveI'Il1h hel eartoon\!;t nel~l lnslfa1l. D3n03Jley. JlIl11l 1/4.'C1. Der.rJs C1Jy (1953)CD ABC WIdt WarIlI .1 Sportl@W.... TrallI!il CHN H.ldIe Mm

3:00 (2) Ilpttftlllld(J) Frvt.1 GtIIrmeICIJ Nmwakll(I) HOI•••• H.lMS@ SwIldltg O.@ WWf Suptfllall ol WmflliglU! WItt.1IlI U,ulta KIltId RkIIf

3:30 (l) T1lIs ON How Q(l) NmmakullmlUy(J) ... SOlI=MOYlE: AIiIIIItI !IfIt!II Thres ch~llll)l1fIX a Imlk£n TV t£I arul (!l"oover lhat nhloal1U,-U (l;'\e da'i al'.ead. ena!l::ng Iti~ tomake profits a1 thlll2ct1ratk. Lee remKmmnsky, Sectt mer (1935)

4:00 (2) FIsIIIJ' HtIt(l) M1M£: Dr. WIle 11ll11fI ThllS~(!) I.mnIt .lIll SlIlrley(3) IllYI!: AmrI £lcHIltr An a::!lll III aTeX8!l ta1Ill at Ite tt.e Wn 01 1M cemuryllalneMs SlIme school tt.:~ilIen, whlllllO',IOto lha tlrRllSll£llIl!O !hal t'Jl'S ltmn~ess. Jackflam. SP2Jlky McFi1Iu.o, DatU! ~'esl

(l) HlwswatcbCD MllV1t: Cttu111ItII Manlagt R!!i',slitstory 01 the f...-es of IJl'nll:9 w1lo make seto!lllcIto:tll marriallSs andhll'NtIlS'i must paytl18COflSelj1JC1lres for!M;r atlfons.lrtneDurJie,Pat 07Jrren, Mym4 Lortl931)(I) Wotfd C1us C1Ia~ Wmlll..(!) laslde Wllllt.. Cup RacltlI0]1 Can YOti Be 1It/IHI'? Dr JeffreyFeldste:n and Jonathon Hoen. FOUllllers ofthe lI.ullitrym System. discuss the~ toheller health IhtOllgll weIght loSS Dr. JeffreyFerdstein, Jonarhoo HoennJ Re.lm 01 O.rbtu@ CounbycUpl8) BII V.ltlY@ Music VIdeo.IlJl Hew GIlfttlIIB Weekend UPdal' .a UfealYln of IfNl Rlcll .lId'hmous

4:30mStar Tret(i) Plnn.ele(f) Hee Hawnm CBS News














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Th' 'Rid N ··JP .•~J" 010' .WI •..•. au- 7~~O(l)'" r.....Wlik . ~ryr.P/tUI'• Re/.'humortos$f(;'. '~'im'~~.~$6/fH(··1987,MaM

1·Q· .' OO(f)."'" • ", ", lII-.l»ft.' .' .

· ,rl • . " ml1m""'-*'-W ',' " ' . .aHtrtCWII,.,. .~mHIC~..!""" . • , .. . ~........." ··'01 .. (I)~,_'Q"'" . _f--"'.o'JllI;·lI..... . CD.MOVIf: .... ,.p•.Adtlll1a "·'__ . . ......-=''''''' .. II!!!~ '.' .' ... , '$WIland Va«!. In~'~a 'SCHII~ 1tft$.,~Wl.n..=,*-0_-" .• ,. '/1'lIJfOOlrIahospjql 0Ilh1inO l'DiHnallllhls' 'CII~ O.lfttlrfff\lll'"Atluintet

...... -...... ..;.... CJI ....... MIroatt I(l • ctl$~ '. or••t fl,ltI annoYlrKl tilt susPlltts. Alas.lilr of. n.ll""'" sho.rtstftAas'.ls br.....VI... to .•Le·,. ,1$•..·=:....•:--.11_.. · .' """•. ,. '. .~ experim«nt ,nithloll! !s We(! to t./Ill ~~I ' S//71, SiJ,1u G/Ji. ftmW",,-hI (lIUI\\ ~ "'·1 "'... "¥lI'" III

• _ .. ""'..... 'JnteUectualcausinQa make b/llle~ manlaoe '_y'..... 'II..J' . 'N""!! ~ . iI"W/sereon, Wing The Gift of the Magi, The#:4S00SM AAU".O~ of eon.'Oiet.(1979) . .' \loll 1ft """".' 'Rar!somof~ Cbleland ThllCop and the

. ' . . all ....VWtas .!.~~ClIVI~ Anthem. tMrIiS Liugl}ton. Ili~rd Wjif..-,3:09W Nfl.v.... '.' .... O"'"""li·"". '.:::: .1~2D..r.u........ . . mar/(,.• F,"6Y, ~.".NO"" .(1952)· '. Q)~"",,,,,,,Globalpelforrnance - .... . IIU ",_<w. "''''1/1'1

.xlra.Von.• ....., h""led. hu Bell"rly Sill", 0 WMk Akeat . '-JI.._y _ ..rt 1:00 m ~.~ll ,.f~tKe?;n'ii\torn1tion.l~lofaJists1fnked CD2f"$,*1 ; ....;;. " T WlIJ aCII $1t.Offtl3ll.4lh~bY ~tenjte in ajQyQU$ mus~. .6~ (J.\ _m.'fMIIMV Wlllltl ' at 'AI..MlMtt . (!}C*"MII$/c r_ORGrew 81Jr¢,Mont~t ClbjI~. /JI[baraO VletGrIallYaiun '. tilMOVJE:Crm Crftk An amlJ!tlous writer 1Il~0VfE: TIle Cb.~ II I~ the M.II ~!lHliiddcks. 1!J Y&II Y. W... fltJ1 trades. heclic li~ln W20s New Yorll1pr a acquslUye.pltarm~clstand hl~ merlY familyWMOYIE:Uft .... P.m:ThI· SIarY ./1Ill CN,. IItI,t.. NtwI quieter existence IllfUlal Ffor!da:where she go crazy ~Ith credlt~~ds, until they hllrock..."'" 11\ this tIlJeslO/Y, aMan drlvon ,111F~ 1)ff dlaWSon experienceto writeaclassic, Miry bottomandnave to.llUnkthelrwayoutBtfMtQ thelKlltom by alCOlJ(lllOsteverything,bulaTIll Wind II the Wlllowl Sfteflburgen, Ifip Tom, Malcolm McDowell ~n~~~M:her, Hallie Todd (1986)later fOUllded thllllrst rehabjlitaUon center 7:00 lD~~ ,t Popl (1986) '(983) (I) 1he Chlldrtll

· fo.: women alcoholics. (:lim'Burnett, Uoyd' '(!lfanilly Tl.. 10:30mAJto""r CI.ute Summer 6l MOVIE: tlttl'tOlltpolt Young ""'.r.~$, MMiIll Mercer (1982) . III MOVIE: s..t Dre.m. Centers on (!I Stir Trek n~mJ....-.w.~. . clilJl1llY star PatSy COne's tempestuous (J)~ wltIIE11IKIt.lcllveter~ In small milling lown is determined

· aJ kIIt=a.I1NtctuIIY ' rom~e and marria"". as well as her mW·..dT ow to work his mine, RodGameron, JoatlLesl/e,trII u ..._..... ¥". Iftl 0 " Chill.Wllls (1954) .

·1l:J'::::'::'" .' l' doggedjlursuitofsu~sslnshowbuslnQss. WMOVlE: fc~ Caslles A young skater, «JPletllc OllIIoel·$ llIV'lJ;O..,..Wt 3-....r 'lowboy gIves jessIca Lange, EdHarrls, Ann Wedgqworth whose dreams of gliding 10theOlympics are '.. '

everyone acblllJee, even the outlaws. Tim !l965) D .'.. Ct'tJshed in an aecldent returns home to find 1:30 CIl CroilOreMccw. .AJ1[dis/HJtJ (1935) (I) W"ln.fltvftW solace and the boy/rlend she left behind. lDMOVIe:Ro-,.H.rt~rassydancehallglrl

· 11II.8lICk I1fttrI 'c!l1l1OvtE: Ev.ryGirlShIllIId ~ M.rtIIIf Lynn-HollyJohnson, Robby Eknson, Colleen confesses to murder as a publicity stunt.«J WMk A1M1d ,When a ypung, vivacious slJopglrl sets her Dewhurst (1979)' Ginger Rogers. George Montgomery.

,3$00 NFL V.arlIMk sights' on <I bachelor doctor, she encounters tT§l MOVIE': '(.na:. The atmosphere 01 a AdolpheMen/OIl (1942) ,WNtwsmaklf SuJHI.y , complications from her wolfish boss. Cary , small English village Is inundated by ~ M~YIE: Jlls I(lnd. If Womlll Ga,mblerQ) MOVIE: • WlMldIf WIIt't KIIsll1g Hif . Gli/nt, Belsy Ofi/ke, Diana Lynn (1948) thousands of American !lOOps preparing for flOdshlmselfthe fa!1 guyl" agangster s~lotNow. Story base(! on glamorous life of (I) NIliOAII (leogr.phk: Explorir " the Inllaslon 01 Europe during Wond War II. to relum ~o the Umled Slates lram Mexl~o..romantk:IIll\IIladOllrJo~phE.Howard.wh() \BIl ,Af.s.t.l PadVftll: Cilll E••1Wood Atthls Richard Gere, Vanessa RadIJraVB. Lfsa RobertMllchum.iJaneRusself, VincentPnc6Wfotund$aliQtMnatlOn'ssOngsallhetum Ulv~tlOnal black tie entertaJ!JII1l!nt gala, ~~1(19c79>".... . ~~~H Ntwsof tilt ce~tury. June ~ver. frWk Stevens. . more than 100 fellow celebrtties and CO <1M ,,". • ......,. "'" Sr'IWl(1947) Wprk~rshonorthe.C1or,direclor.andmayor tmJ~~ . ..... ......chili Fl& of Carmel, CA. (1986) Q @.CNNH....MI\1II 2:OQ(i} Ntws,Up4ateaJllftWTtdI Tift!tS l!2)Lovt ~., a Lovt Your Skill (!2l MOVl~_ QUill Abeautiful tribal<!]l.1\lHH fit"'" aI DDar. GrlllCrusadl. ·Part 1 11:OQW Halu,. Q ruler In ancient Britain seeks to overthrowall ors.., F.""" A/lIUlII: Ann.l1lI UsIng <!]l MtIoWorld (J) UPd.le the ~9man fo[C!J$. w/Io are occupymg herfilm and television ~ips and personal tm til TMh • (I) Jimmy SWillart territory. Don MutTay. Car/fa, DonaldHustonptfotos.themaslfamousMousketcertraces l!Illftw aRty PIOjlle ' @At",- Mrdes (1961)tiercareer frOl'll mtlusoears lo~ach movles II!!.~a~:!.. '"' Swll hI n I1Zl Muslc.YIftos

· and ~ond. (1985) . Q1 I1 _mm Children Q ail SptC~.I:1 ul iUl PlclflC OIl11ook3:"$(1) \VIM CI," Ck,mptOlllhlp Wrasllllll = TY({1l1 @ Joe FranklJII 2:10(1) ShtwBls-Week4~(D NFL VllrlIook . 7:30<!]l HIdct.IJI.rott (!) Paclflc Olllltok " 2:25 III MOVJ~ ~r..mlor Help A16 year old

• (!l CIII'" 111I Hm at MOYlE; TIlt ~.,Cblmlltr An I~eallstic discovers her sleplalher's murderous plotID lIm••lch ! '~111'lI .....011 /udtoa,flqhtilnflfaQ:llbnstlegaJ 10pphstru°les Wh1!Ch

land no line will beliove her. Nliw she musl

(!) S.wd Gold - '-~'. "'"u so CrlmlO3 s ~ee ,ecomosan!" men a usc her wifs and ingenuity to stay alive,8J tm YOlir Skin 8:00W1k Mil WINIl.ovH Blnfl everything he s fighting agalllsl Michael Rachel Kelly, DJvJd lJJooks, Marte Masters

, @Challtl Solo OOfttOVJE:N8CSIIlIII.yNJthtlltIhtMOYIts Douglas. Hal Holbrook. Y8/Jhol Kolto (1964)® I'Ifftnn.1ICt PI'" S""",~ BJOOklyn disCO Idng Tony (1933) 2:30 al~1ft! MOVIE: TIlt Shape of T!lIMIIo Come Maner.oreturntl,butnowheha.shlse~aet 11'10Cll H••ltflwllll r1'\ _.1aJvM Is delivered an ulumattmi·io surrender on Broadway: He gets Itls blg break (n a ' IZI , ,"'elf ond all lunar .....'.on!eft to an -",., feverish dance finale, John Travolti, Flnota 11:25(1) MOYIE: £Il1e Aluscious, moutlrHateltng ~ eNH lIt.d"" HI"..0 AI' """ UVl farm vixen use$ all her bodilyassets to exact ~ Salltemperor. J.lck Palance. Carol Lynley, John Hughes. Cynlllil IlIIotMs (1983) Q' revenge upon 1110 lamUyw!1o killed lIerfathcr @MOVl£:'1'.,ftctwaITopperfindstho:D'=9L ~= ::n _~ T1If and stole her farm. Sheila Kennedy, Shelloy murdererof agld wlIh the help of his ghostlyaI,.SIfrY Mil JftI FtII"~ery roosely based Mnlers, Edward'Albert (1983) frIends. th~ Kirbys. Roland YOUIIg, Joan9 WItUMU on lhe 1976 film of the same alien 11:30al TilII Wmlll S(ltrts BJonden. Carol, wdls (1941)CI Hew _I travelstoEarthfnanattempttOlJaVellSfram (!) SlarTrtk 3:OO(!)~_IcTtItYIlltft

......a DIsIItJ Prmlll ~~d='i (~~Q.. Iltt Stirs ~ =.~'~:::~" 'lOuIIa Her ~==Girt S1IoIld It M.nItd40.1\1 W NFL J••rhtk Televlsloll, staQe and motion picture stars How Slory based on glamorous lrle of When ayOOllg, vivacious shopgirl sets her

ID(I)=:=V.r abamlOll thelr regular roles 10 d~plij' skill. romantic troUbadour Joseph E. Howard, who slgh~olJ abatllelor doctor, she encounlers_ C.. ........ eouraoe and darlno showman~hlp a:l clrCll5 wroteand sang the nallon's songsat thelum compUcations from her wolfISh boss. Cart..., - ':'"'-1Itt Il performers. Dick Clark. Barba! Eden, Merv ' of tile century. Junfl H.Jver. Mm Srovens, Grant, BetsyDralm, Diwa Lynn (1948)g=:o.:. Griffin and Dionne Warwick serve as Mmhi Stewart (1941) t!3J SItlt Otf.... e- .1It~""uu_ ~~a:m'Q c F."" I!! £IsIIfIl MetMt RtpIl1... "" - -- \WI (9) WIsh VII W.,. IItrt 3:30I]) .... I........ClIMaI W..., @ UIlIII* ClIa..... 12:OaW Nev. (1987) Q CIlII$llltItislllSs

5:00 (II IftdsClllltr ~~ PIP m~ C!l III CIfH fhWIQ) StlfH 8m: MysttrItus all CMItM lim (I) Clwldal CIIIhIrett', FUN 4:00 I]) GtiItIt fit willi DtlIIst AlIstIa 'DldHdIHCl m$hIjIlt~ lilt Hit @ l.I'tklt TIlfttITIW mTIle u.., ...~_lite WI"~~HmlrdltGrIct Asimple priest Is ~=~~ @ =-= 781 CIft Join Lucy an,d Edmond as they tra~el to anunexpectedly erected pOpe, TIrfng llf the at Mr. PtIIIHII ~Male VWtos ~~i?lIdOlll fIIlllUlattd elllirely hyoffICialdom which he fetls estranges l1im =ft1QV1E: o.r 111I MtOII CountIy girl S MOYIE: $httt liltSo0.- Advenlure tl) 0....8from his callinq, he slip!l ~~/· Tom Conti, inherits afortune. Then. with some help. silo 01 U1I1Isual aniilllce. betwetn four offbeal (J) CHN Ill HewsGlancatfIj G~tnnl. FetTIJnoo Rey Q squandelll all <Jf It. Rex 1Urrison. Merf~ tl1aracters: a .lJamurallike loner, scalp (!2l ShlrltyW11M u,dall. " . 0be1'Olt. William K. HowmJ (1937) hunter, slave gill and sea captaJn bound by I!Jl SIICCISS-H.Uft(J) MOVIE:. C-"l .811ft An Aritona 1:30lDMOVlE: TIle 1tI* IIOIIH frem lust far \)Old. _t Kidrfer, 6<J Brundin. tt!l"vw.adeputy shenff ap~lle9 hIS rough. and ready IIPfIl .... A fast talklnu, gun toling GeoIffIY L!wis (1!18O) l!Il.Jillllll1$= .tacllcsof tho frontier when ~eamves (n New . !alQ(ill gat Is lfJstaktn1M aschoolmarm In (\! PICiHe Odoot «J &$tInl R.,..tYork to find, and extralf~e an encaped a hiclc toWiI, &tly Grabls. {;tsar RtxntrtJ. aJ Ztm a3MOYIeCrets CiItIc All amhitious wrfler~=rgaJ1r~~' 1M J. CObb. Rudy=V~JtetL 12:30ws;trtsCllIttr trarleUbl!Ctiell1eln1921!sNewYorldnramAle Wt!i4 Nt1rtIS".,Q ! L . (!) GHrIt Mlcbtl's SJIOfb MatH q!f.eter existence. in rulal Flotilla where she

tat .. N lIoI I GtatraPhIC Q \lD.- liJ s,trts l.att1llIht draws OIlexpetielll:e tllWfote aclaSs:c. Mary.=fallll • • . lUl1CHH~ '!t!'.. (I) lMryJOIItI Sleenbur'/}eJ1. Rip Tom, M3!CIJ!m MclJawelJ(!J AJMrIca', ClIp CI fICt1 ......ill .._ (JJ DyBasty (1983)

® AHlaI SplrtiCmltade 1:OO1Il SHrbC,* ...----.....s ElIItrlIItI TiIII Wtek mMIItttJitCf Tht,tra Q II""(\! Wlik AbUd 1Il11t.ITlI:litlltf.,8t' M.l's H.".... Htw O.J. SImp$(Jf1 QallROYlE:T1IISIGIMy. Glory D.Y' Ymmg CIlII$lIIt IIsIIIISIjournalist fondly recalls her stltoo:difjS (I) ~!!~~ptrlsPagewilen she and her lriendn' Ilhsesslon lllr @ ,_I,slftretssoecer exasperated their teachers and tm~CF"'pIoamused their classmates, Zoe Nar.'lartson, ® "'1'_ 11Im aslllp RodeoSara SuumnaJI. Cathy Murphy (1983) . .~WIfN TIIIltIJIW

5:10rn 011I01 Ole II! MeHafl 0IIla0k... 01.105$:30mIIFL KIckoff t:301Il MOVIE: Amerlcall flyel1 Two Midwes.~=lldl tern brotlJers try fo bridge the gap between(l) MOYIE': R••~.rtBrassy dance hall girl them$elveS and o~CI)ml) lI1e d~ath oftheirCOfifesses to murder as apublicitY stunt father by. competing III a gruelmg,blcycfeGinger Rogers. GeorgI) Montgomery. rata. KeVIn Cost1leT, David Grant. Rae DaW1lMoI~.r (1942) . =~~01 ' (1) JtriJ FIIWtfI .

.~ .DInIpOy .. M.tlpi.ce Michael8rIrHJfXr, Glynld &rber .

'llIlUVMt . , .•:OO~=\r., l!7J TfltV.... OttIChr/srophefRyan. Rlk

(!lOtH' Hom Mali/F,1ti(JIfP/lyer(i}I'riIMMtwl dllt/lWrltlot(mMOVle IIfUty S~l.(lttvlt r., fJllt'UUvltlg~M1l.JfJ Afrea!\lir!telI yOIIIl~l~t. I'D' DIiMY C1IIIIIttl Pmlewfliililsan unlik~ty a1ffan~ Witlr j lIfiVerick ,10:0/rmHFL y'ltHIk 'mat~ leacMt to l\SC8\le tile clutches Ilf U 'W u,ctI{r$. ~Ilalrs

• G , ,..\ '


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.'.....!Ill MIIIIc'VI!IIM . Q .,. auv hoIi,c_

, ; 10'.30~==1I0gm~~··(11_" wIlIl.QavN.·.~r;r(11 . '.'

,. 0 1tIIIIfIlY,"'" :·QCHH....Hm, '=~ 0tICk"..

1t:OOQ') ~·I_.Host; ,~ F1~friw Q, l!J VlIet .f"N.Plo .

W...., ".a> M(IVIE: ~,.GIr!'~ .. MarriedWben aYOUflQ, viv~ioUs shopglrl sets hersigbts (III it.bachelordoctor. sbeenCQlllltersC9mpllpalloos hom her wQlIl~ll bQss. liaryG~t. &fsyrnk~. OIw Lynn (1948)(l2l WII4.WlhI WIS' 'OGrl.IC.~./Bl,.".,.... Pfu$~ CIIIIIINlls .GIl TIlls"W.-kItlBaseIlaHo W.ak " YOll .a'c..., Dlseaut Nttltort@n.~lIlHWIIIm

11:30(2)$pIHWtIId ,.wUvItt..~lIl 'I!l MlJVI£:c~ OW First mannedflight to Mars tullliam til be i h~ andwhen the capsule supposedly. bums ,up In roentlY. the astronauts realize they areexpendable. EllIott Gould. Klren B~ck, HiHoIIItwk (t978)(i)~k(!) Iu_JWtlldl!ll Laltlatl4 i*k .@ CtlIIlOCY HIIoors(!II GlIllI II WIIf se_~MIjor UIQlit "'alIQlI Acml ,=MOVIE: WIY DIWlI tIIltr Three ooysaccidently dlscover alO/llJ forgQUen s~rettunnel used llurino Ule RevlltutloollY War.Butch PJtrlck. Sheldon CQlli(ls. Lindy~'ds(1967)

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