lilies! easter lilies!for all occasions. easter lillies, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and other...

"The Seed Stcu^T* PRIOR SEED CO. 209 So. Fifth St. Garden Seeds! Flower Seeds! u Flowers from Seed." Our little book on growing plants from seeds, roses, <• shrubs, etc., FREE. ' / Come and get one. 5c by ' mail. *^;v Lawn Grass of Superior Quality is FOR EASTER Choice Fresh Cut Lilies, Roses, Carnations, Violets, Daffodils and other Spring Flowers in abundance. Funeral. Designs our specialty. Out of town orders given prompt attention. Place your orders for Easter early and save a disappointment. /, w A JT^ww A T|/r Florist and Decorator^ LA 1 ItAlVl 818 Nicollet Av. .N. W. 8698 J I. T. C, 2706. tLTuy Nasturtiums ; . ° uy Lawn Grass Scied Flower Seeds of All Kinds,! of the Best Grades, 7 : at Most Advantageous Prices. MISS EMMA V. WHITE, Seedswoman, Send postal for free catalog. 818 NlCOllOt. Thousands of Plants N. W. South 867 L-5. «Trli OPPORTII^ITY OF SPRING^ '/'* m J*he "Robin Is hero serena.<Jin«r [vd wltli fal* sonar at twiliarfcit. telHna: us/,thal old Winter |s leaving and tri*t young Spring: la journeying towards us. Tl>« air is freah, the sun 1? h%hev, and our blood ctuiokena &rwe ^alk through the woods and meadows^ ,,,-<_ -'>'., <• '$f-" ' H" The'grass* will foori be green. TljerCroous, Violets, Jack in thei Pulpit. Cow/Slip and other wild flowers lif&*k«niselves pnfitof Mother Earth and $a s £Ure will again greet us with its' Wei^uty a^d ; pViriuj^i;|^7*^;^^>|^'-. . . How about your yard in'the traMor in the -rlpr#t ^o^^much*' room have you and what, have you' decided ;$<»' plant this'yeari^ ' rw% cannot love or understand nature unless we ffrojy, s o m e flowers or Vegetables and after all, the expense, if one has the ground, is but a-trifle,' A little work and time and a few-seeds will' make rosy cheeks,- drive dull care away" and~ repay you a hundred fold in pictures t>f beauty that no artist can paint. Now is the time to buy your seeds fo&your garden.' Sweet' Peas, Nastur- tiums, Pansles, Asters Salvia, Sweet AJyssum, Cockscoxnhf JCosmos, Core- - opsls, Daisies, Dahlia, Forget-me-nolfc, Gaillardia, I^arkepur, Phlox, Pe- • tunias. Sun Flowers, Sweet Willianv^ferbenas, Zinniipl 'and many others are successfully grown in our Western,.states. ,- ...j? ,if~$ ~'i The first step and most important, one in floriculture IS t h e seed .bed. The Bpace set apart for growing of jFj&wr aeecr into little plants and from' which they are to be transplanted ihtonbeds where they are to grow and blossom.;,. „:••- fL^vi' ' : ''%ii^ ! ' ^'"'-"V" Northrup, King & Co., The Priof Seed Oo., Miss-Wh|t«lod other seed dealers,have little booklets tellingChpw and when to jpht seeds that they will be glad to give for the aslghg or will be pleasec'to send *. copy to any, address if an extra stamp enclosed for postage^ J > These .little , booklets should be in every flower lover's home.' ' i\-' r )$i ' If'you prefer to wait, you can bay-plants from yoil£i|geist and for a small sum, they will plant a flower ibed .that .with vfe]£|1$l^e„care Vill be a source.of constant pleasure thru the Summer. ' i^^^^V Let us have fiWers and green grass to oover up £ne"uiisightly places in our yards or, if we live in the oojlntry, a pretty flower garden around the-house will help to make manyfa heart happy and freshen: the air with-sweet perftime. * ' - ' $' - H. L. PATTHET. ' i THE EASTER LILYfVITHQUT A RIVAL ^w*a«if£ •« • * s % * JntrQ#iced From Bermuda,, me Plant Has Been the Subject "7<>PEfctensive Scientific E^peranents to Bring It to Its Prime in the' Easter Season. /' Bermuda is commonly thought o#to blossom at any season of the year as the. habitat of the^ Easter lily, fron#the bulb crop matures in Japan in the ,£he" fact that this favored locality wasf late summer just as it does in Ber- /the source of supply at the time thifmuda. The effort to provide for early popular lily was introduced tfo/thel deliveries of bulbs resulted in disease llora.l trade of the country. It "was 1 _ traduced by a Philadelphia' 2 ' fioris from whom it received the hame o Iailium Harrisii. Its common name the earlier years of its popularity w the Bermuda lily. , V - Deeoratively, the Easter .lily has v rival in the spring, and it fills an i portant place all thru the< year, nothing else is so ef£eptiv 4 « in- givin; masses, of white. For- epeliesiastic there, as in the eastern islets. When it had satisfied itself that [there was no locality yet tested that could supply very early bulbs of , a good quality, the agricultural depart- ment went at the problem from a new standpoint. It determined to try growing bulbs from seed. When t these experiments were begun last year it was believed that it took five years to grow a bulb of flowering size from seed, but the actual test pro- uses it seems to. have a universally duced flowers in six months and bulbs recognized symbolism that makes the favored flower for all cen&noni occasions. The constant demand for is the cause for many inteSces cissitudes "in its history. - 'No* Bermuda the bulbs Tipen abdu summer, but in order to fill for florists who wanted bulbs i for Christmas, th<lt , grower.^ of the stock. For your flower beds —Geraniums, Pansiea Asters, Dahlias, Can- ary otner blooming: plants. Best Flower Seeds that will grow. Mendenhall Grass Mixture can't be beat. Cut Flowers for all occasions. Funeral designs our specialty. M l J J T I U M J B H ^^XlIl 1 Greenhouses—18th St. and'lat Av S." of salable size in ten months •The bulletin of the department de- tailing these ^ experiments considers the results of sufficient importance to "warrant the belief that the seed propagation method will revolutionize the 'lily-growing industry. The idea Originated with George W. Oliver and to believe that it will be possible for florists to raise their own bulbs in the gfcaenhouse latad ro< ftave plants flojsv ering •wlthin £ ,a year from ithe planting of the seed. ^Jt is probable that the work of -plant--breeding will go on It is estimated that the flower crop w j tn a view to developing certain de- of lilies is worth $250,000 annually, sirable characteristics. The florists and the trade might easily-be. larger want the^flxation *>f early, midseason if conditions were more satisfactory, and late varieties, /so*- that they can de- This being the case.v the United States pend upon their bulbs to produce department of agriculture lent a sym- definite and dependable results. It pathetic ear to the complaints of the is expected that this and the elimina- distressed florists. The department tion of bulb diseases will be accom- ascertained the causes of the dissatis- plished by the seed method. The faction with Bermuda bulbs, but, as, three varieties already exist but are the Bermudans did not correct their unreliable. methods, it was necessary to seek a According to a writer in Country remedy in some other quarter. Life in America for April, "the flowers A.t this juncture attention -was should be of the largest size a n d t h e turned to Japan,, which is the native best Keeping quality; the plants should land of the Easter lily, the Harrisii need no stake and .be easily moved; being a variety of the lilium longi- the following May the bulb should florum. An immense trade in lily be capable of garden cultivation, and buds was built up, amounting several in the latitude of New York should years ago to $130,000, but the same survive the winter with only a cover conditions handicapped the Japanese of coarse litter, blooming regularly in trade. While the bulbs can be forced June for four or five years." ••••••••••••••••••«••••*••• UIIIIIHUMIII'"'" —————.»———.———.—— .• .... ART IN LILIES PLANTS AND GUT FLOWERS For all occasions. Easter Lillies, Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils and other spring flowers in abundance. Plants for transplanting into your garden our specialty. D R A K E , F L O R I S T . Fourth Avenue and Lake Street South. School of Fine Arts Does Some Special Easter Work. Among the interesting features of class work at the Minneapolis School of Fine Arts is the study of plant forms carried on in the design classes under the direction of Miss Mary Moulton Cheney. In preparation for Easter the classes have beeen spend- ing much time upon the Easter lily, adapting its stately forms to all kinds of decoration. The border and sev- eral of the ornaments of this page are made from designs by pupils of these classes. This plant study is very fas- cinating and ranks in importance with historic ornament, much of which is based upon plant forms also. All of the simpler plants are studied and may be adapted to ornament with suc- cess, altho some lend themselves to such uses more readily than others. Among the motives that have been used in the classes for good work in design are the daffodil, the violet and the cyclamen. > Don't waste time and ground on old seeds left over from last year. Se- cure a fresh supply from some reliable seed dealer. FRESH '»%f^ff> That' is the kind v -#S^we sell. They cost a little more, but they grow. We know it, be- cause we test them before we sell them. " ,; .* Every kind of seeds for the gar- den, farm and lawn. Catalogue Free* Floral Oalde when and how - to plant seeds. It is free to customers.- ; Our Booklet on Lawns tells how to make new , .^ lawns, how to re- pair old lawns; how to keep lawns green. It is free to>customers. NORTHRUP, KING & CO. 26 to 32 Henntpln Av. and 714 Nloollet Av., Minntapolls. SridvitnPiuttytnm Northrop, KlagA Co.**, Imperial, Qerman Mixture. You are invited to inspect our display of Eas- ter Lilies, Azaleas, Hydrangeas, and other plants at 8th and NICOLLET. Not having room in our store, 518 Nicollet, we have arranged with, the Cable Piano Co. to display our plants in their store where we will be pleased to show you our beautiful exhibit. We deliver to all parts of the city. Order your plants early and get the best. For cut flowers, decorations, wed- dings, funeraldesigns, call at store, 518 Nicollet. >^^A^^A^^^MWWW^W^VM WBSSLING, Florist ,T. G, 37S2. N. W. Main 2863 J. 4. E. Nagei & Son, Flor^t^vand Decorators... EasterMlies,Azatwuand SpireainabmidanceforEaster Roses, Carnations, Hyacinths, Daffodils and other Spring Plovers cut fresh daily. Special attention to out-of-town orders. I i Greenhouses and Salesrooms, I 1118 XV. Lake St. r Both Telephones. . * Minneapolis, Minn. -i^s Order Your Easter Flowers Early. EASTER FLOWERS ROSES, CARNATIONS, LILIES, VIOLETS, DAFFODILS, and other SPRING FLOWERS in abundance; ' H. B. WHITTED, Florist, 4o9 Nicollet Avenue. N. W.. Main 2417-J-2 Twin City. 1966. 5 ketches, Designs, or Complete Working Pians for Home Grounds, Cemeteries and Parks, FRANK H. NUTTER, Londscop* Architect and Engineer, (City Pork Engineer), 710 Sykes Block, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Lilies! Easter Lilies! Beautiful Easter Liilies, Bay Trees, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Hydrangeas, Palms and other decorative plants in abundance. Cut Flowers fresh from the plants, Roses, Carnations, Violets, - Daffodils, Narcissus, Hyacinths and other spring flowers. ' „" , -.:-•.,,•; ' Decorations, Weddings and Designs for Funerals our specialties. Thousands of plants for your flower beds of many kinds. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. ^ ^"i " s ' v WYiliil'*ffifofrfc!? •>¥& 100,000 feet of glass used in growing plants and cut flowers. Minneapolis Floral\C&ygS3a%%$ r ««wov'v**rKrxvi«'i#i«T*UKrir»*CTyTM'ai»'T« »-» Easter Flowers Of Many Kinds in All Their Glories £ ;; -,,^F" |v *lfc-- fagfAi#" " ^-.-.Endicbttii z ^ t ,., ^ Jktcade and Sffy, - ^ift|£ Sixth St., St Paul.p$$ Calhoun Boulevard and 36th St. \i\:/..^Pown Town Store, 714 Nicollet AvJ^r$M N. W, South 891 i J ' . - t ^ t S T . C. 4444. t ., , . .." ^S""W^ ftreeohfnses at Merriain Part NNWOT ^ i **• V-W^ , "«<W-*»th'JC»VV^«kJ^<>«Hve>^JV'»J?J M£.

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Page 1: Lilies! Easter Lilies!For all occasions. Easter Lillies, Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils and other spring flowers in abundance. Plants for transplanting into your garden our specialty

"The Seed Stcu^T* PRIOR SEED CO.

209 So. Fifth St.

Garden Seeds!

Flower Seeds! u Flowers from Seed." Our little book on growing plants from seeds, roses,

<• shrubs, etc., FREE. ' / Come and get one. 5c by

' mail.

*̂ ;v Lawn Grass of

Superior Quality


Choice Fresh Cut Lilies, Roses, Carnations, Violets, Daffodils and other Spring Flowers in abundance. Funeral. Designs our specialty. Out of town orders given prompt attention. Place your orders for Easter early and save a disappointment. /,

w A J T ^ w w A T|/r Florist and Decorator^

L A 1 I t A l V l 818 Nicollet Av. .N. W. 8698 J I. T. C, 2706.

tLTuy Nasturtiums ; . ° uy Lawn Grass Scied Flower Seeds of All Kinds,! of the Best Grades, 7


at Most Advantageous Prices.

MISS EMMA V. WHITE, Seedswoman, Send postal for free catalog. 8 1 8 NlCOllOt.

Thousands of Plants

N. W. South 867 L-5.



J*he "Robin Is hero serena.<Jin«r [vd wltli fal* sonar a t twiliarfcit. telHna: us/,thal old Winter | s leaving and tri*t young Spring: la journeying towards us. Tl>« air is freah, the sun 1? h%hev, and our blood ctuiokena & r w e ^ a l k through the woods and meadows^ ,,,-<_ - ' > ' . , <• '$f-" ' H" The'grass* wil l foori be green. TljerCroous, Violets, Jack in thei Pulpit. Cow/Slip and other wild flowers lif&*k«niselves pnfitof Mother Earth and $as£Ure will again greet us with its' Wei^uty a ^ d ; p V i r i u j ^ i ; | ^ 7 * ^ ; ^ ^ > | ^ ' - .

. . How about your yard in ' the traMor in the -rlpr#t ^o^^much*' room have you and what, have you' decided ;$<»' plant this'yeari^ ' rw% cannot love or understand nature unless we ffrojy, some flowers or Vegetables and after all, the expense, if one has the ground, is but a-trifle,' A little work and t ime and a few-seeds will' make rosy cheeks,- drive dull care away" and~ repay you a hundred fold in pictures t>f beauty that no artist can paint. Now is the t ime to buy your seeds fo&your garden.' Sweet' Peas, Nastur­tiums, Pansles, Asters Salvia, Sweet AJyssum, Cockscoxnhf JCosmos, Core- -opsls, Daisies, Dahlia, Forget-me-nolfc, Gaillardia, I^arkepur, Phlox, P e - • tunias. Sun Flowers, Sweet Will ianv^ferbenas, Zinniipl 'and many others are successfully grown in our Western,.states. ,- ...j? ,if~$ ~'i

The first step and most important, one in floriculture IS the seed .bed. The Bpace set apart for growing of jFj&wr aeecr into little plants and f r o m ' which they are to be transplanted ihtonbeds where they are to grow and blossom.;, . „:••- fL^vi' ' : ''%ii^ !' ^'"'-"V"

Northrup, King & Co., The Priof Seed Oo., M i s s - W h | t « l o d other seed dealers ,have little booklets tellingChpw and when to j p h t seeds that they will be glad to give f or the as lghg or will be pleasec' to send *. copy to any, address if an extra stamp g» enclosed for postage^ J> These .little , booklets should be in every flower lover's home.' ' i\-'r)$i '

If 'you prefer to wait, you can bay-plants from yoi l£ i |ge is t and for a small sum, they will plant a flower ibed .that .with vfe]£|1$l^e„care Vi l l be a source.of constant pleasure thru the Summer. • ' i^^^^V

Let us have fiWers and green grass to oover up £ne"uiisightly places in our yards or, if we l ive in the oojlntry, a pretty flower garden around the-house will help to make m a n y f a heart happy and freshen: the air w i t h - s w e e t p e r f t i m e . * ' -

' $' - H. L. PATTHET. ' '£ i

T H E EASTER LILYfVITHQUT A RIVAL ^ w * a « i f £ •« • *s • % * JntrQ#iced From Bermuda,, me Plant Has Been the Subject

"7<>PEfctensive Scientific E^peranents to Bring It to Its Prime in the' Easter Season.

/' Bermuda is commonly thought o # t o blossom at any season of the year as the. habitat of the^ Easter lily, fron#the bulb crop matures in Japan in the ,£he" fact that this favored locality wasf late summer just as it does in Ber-/the source of supply at the time t h i f m u d a . The effort to provide for early popular lily was introduced tfo/thel deliveries of bulbs resulted in disease llora.l trade of the country. It "was 1 _ traduced by a Philadelphia'2' fioris from whom it received the hame o Iailium Harrisii. Its common name the earlier years of its popularity w the Bermuda lily. , V - Deeoratively, the Easter .lily h a s v

rival in the spring, and it fills an i portant place all thru the< year, nothing else is so ef£eptiv4« in- givin; masses , of white. For- epeliesiastic

there, as in the eastern islets. When it had satisfied itself that

[there was no locality yet tested that could supply very early bulbs of , a good quality, the agricultural depart­ment went at the problem from a new standpoint. I t determined to try growing bulbs from seed. When

t these experiments were begun last year it was believed that it took five years to grow a bulb of flowering size from seed, but the actual test pro-

uses it seems to. have a universal ly duced flowers in six months and bulbs recognized symbolism that makes the favored flower for all cen&noni occasions.

The constant demand for is the cause for many inteSces cissitudes "in its history. - ' N o * Bermuda the bulbs Tipen abdu summer, but in order to fill f o r f lor i s t s w h o w a n t e d b u l b s i for Christmas, th<lt , grower.^

of the stock.

F o r y o u r flower b e d s —Geraniums, Pansiea Asters , Dahlias, Can­

ary otner blooming: plants. Best Flower Seeds that will grow. Mendenhall Grass Mixture can't be beat. Cut Flowers for all occasions. Funeral designs our specialty.

M l J J T I U M J B H ^ ^ X l I l 1 Greenhouses—18th St. and'lat Av S."

of salable size in ten months •The bulletin of the department de­

tailing these ^ experiments considers the results of sufficient importance to "warrant the belief that the seed propagation method will revolutionize the ' l i ly-growing industry. The idea Originated with George W. Oliver and t o b e l i e v e t h a t i t w i l l b e p o s s i b l e f o r florists to raise their own bulbs in the gfcaenhouse latad ro< ftave plants flojsv ering •wlthin£,a year from ithe planting of the seed. ^Jt is probable that the work o f -plant--breeding will go on

It is estimated that the flower crop w j t n a view to developing certain de-of lilies is worth $250,000 annually, sirable characteristics. The florists and the trade might easi ly-be. larger want the^flxation *>f early, midseason if conditions were more satisfactory, and late varieties, /so*- that they can de-This being the case.v the United States pend upon their bulbs to produce department of agriculture lent a sym- definite and dependable results. It pathetic ear to the complaints of the is expected that this and the elimina-distressed florists. The department tion of bulb diseases will be accom-ascertained the causes of the dissatis- plished by the seed method. The faction with Bermuda bulbs, but, as, three varieties already exist but are the Bermudans did not correct their unreliable. methods, it was necessary to seek a According to a writer in Country remedy in some other quarter. Life in America for April, "the flowers

A.t t h i s j u n c t u r e a t t e n t i o n -was s h o u l d b e of t h e l a r g e s t s i z e a n d t h e turned to Japan,, which is the native best Keeping quality; the plants should land of the Easter lily, the Harrisii need no stake and .be easily moved; being a variety of the lilium longi- the following May the bulb should florum. An immense trade in lily be capable of garden cultivation, and buds w a s built up, amounting several in the latitude of New York should y e a r s a g o t o $ 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 , b u t t h e s a m e s u r v i v e t h e w i n t e r w i t h o n l y a c o v e r conditions handicapped the Japanese of coarse litter, blooming regularly in trade. While the bulbs can be forced June for four or five years." • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • • * • • • U I I I I I H U M I I I ' " ' " — — — — — . » — — — . — — — . — — — — . • . . . .


PLANTS AND GUT FLOWERS For all occasions. Easter Lillies, Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils and other spring flowers in abundance. Plants for transplanting into your garden our specialty. D R A K E , F L O R I S T .

Fourth Avenue and Lake Street South.

School of Fine Arts Does Some Special Easter Work.

Among the interesting features of class work at the Minneapolis School of Fine Arts is the study of plant forms carried on in the design classes under the direction of Miss Mary M o u l t o n C h e n e y . I n p r e p a r a t i o n f o r Easter the classes have beeen spend­ing much time upon the Easter lily, adapting its stately forms to all kinds of decoration. The border and sev­eral of the ornaments of this page are made from designs by pupils of these

classes. This plant study is very fas­cinating and ranks in importance with historic ornament, much of which is based upon plant forms also. All of the simpler plants are studied and may be adapted to ornament with suc­cess, altho some lend themselves to such uses more readily than others. Among the motives that have been used in the classes for good work in design are the daffodil, the violet and t h e c y c l a m e n . • >

Don't waste t ime and ground on old seeds left over from last year. Se­cure a fresh supply from some reliable seed dealer.

FRESH '»%f^ff> That' is the kind v-#S^we sell. They

cost a little more, but they grow. We know it, be­cause we test them before we sell them. " ,; .* Every kind of seeds for the gar­den, farm and lawn. Catalogue Free*

Floral Oalde when and

how - to plant seeds. It is free to customers.-

; Our Booklet on Lawns tells how to m a k e n e w

, .̂ lawns, how to re­pair old lawns; how to keep lawns green. It is free to>customers.

NORTHRUP, KING & CO. 26 to 32 Henntpln Av. and 714 Nloollet Av., Minntapolls.

SridvitnPiuttytnm Northrop, KlagA Co.**, Imperial, Qerman Mixture.

You are invited to inspect our display of Eas­ter Lilies, Azaleas, Hydrangeas, and other plants at 8 th and NICOLLET. Not having room in our store, 518 Nicollet, we have arranged with, the Cable Piano Co. to display our plants in their store where we will be pleased to show you our beautiful exhibit. We deliver to all parts of the city. Order your plants early and get the best. For cut flowers, decorations, wed­dings, funeraldesigns, call at store, 518 Nicollet.

> ^ ^ A ^ ^ A ^ ^ ^ M W W W ^ W ^ V M

WBSSLING, Florist ,T. G, 37S2. N. W. Main 2863 J. 4.

E. Nagei & Son, Flor^t^vand Decorators...

EasterMlies,Azatwuand SpireainabmidanceforEaster Roses, Carnations, Hyacinths, Daffodils and

other Spring Plovers cut fresh daily. Special attention to out-of-town orders. I i Greenhouses and Salesrooms, I 1118 XV. Lake St. r

Both Telephones. . * Minneapolis, Minn. -i^s Order Your Easter Flowers Early.


other SPRING FLOWERS in abundance; '

H. B. WHITTED, Florist, 4o9 Nicollet Avenue. N. W.. Main 2417-J-2 Twin City. 1966.

5ketches, Designs, or Complete Working Pians for Home Grounds, Cemeteries and Parks,

FRANK H. NUTTER, Londscop* Architect and Engineer, (City Pork Engineer) ,

7 1 0 Sykes Block, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.

Lilies! Easter Lilies! Beautiful Easter Liilies, Bay Trees, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Hydrangeas, P a l m s and other decorative

plants in abundance. Cut Flowers fresh from the plants, Roses , Carnations, Violets, - Daffodils, Narcissus, Hyacinths and other spring flowers. ' „" , - . : - • . , , • ; ' „

Decorations, Weddings and Designs for Funerals our specialties. Thousands of plants for your flower beds of many kinds.



" s 'v

WYiliil'*ffifofrfc!? •>¥&

100,000 feet of g lass used in growing plants and cut flowers.

Minneapolis Floral\C&ygS3a%%$


««wov'v**rKrxvi«'i#i«T*UKrir»*CTyTM'ai»'T« »-»

Easter Flowers Of Many Kinds in All Their Glories

£ ;;-,,^F"



fagfAi#" "


z^t,., ^ Jktcade and Sffy, - ̂ i f t | £ Sixth St., St Paul.p$$

Calhoun Boulevard and 36th St. \i\:/..^Pown Town Store, 714 Nicollet AvJ^r$M N. W, South 891 i J ' . - t ^ t S T . C. 4444.t., , . .." ^S""W^

ftreeohfnses at Merriain Part

NNWOT ^ i **• V-W^,"«<W-*»th'JC»VV^«kJ^<>«Hve>^JV'»J?J M£.