lifespan, why now short and painful


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Exploring the question on the shortness and painfulness of today's life


Page 1: Lifespan, Why Now Short and Painful

Lifespan, Why Now Short and Painful?The first generation, father Adam and mother Eve and their first batch of children, lived as long as over 900 years (Genesis 5), the last of them was Noah who lived 950 years (Genesis 7:6, 11; 9:28-29).

After the flood, God told Noah that mankind’s lifespan would be reduced or more correctly, would reduce to 120 years (Genesis 6:3). Reason: Meat or fat was introduced (Genesis 9:1-4; Leviticus 11).

In David’s time, the length was further reduced to 80 and below!

Psalms 90:10: [niv]The length of our days is seventy years- or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.[kjv]The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

Why shortened?

Answer: In addition to fats/meat, Israel in particular and mankind general, moved towards eating blood of animals and chemicals and away from the lifespan-prolonging raw fruits, leaves and seeds!

And also, besides becoming short, it was and is going to be accompanied by pains!

Psa 90:9 [niv]All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan.Psa 90:10 [niv]… yet their span is but trouble and sorrow..[kjv]… yet is their strength labour and sorrow…

Why? Why pain and sorrow?

Why? Why pain and sorrow?

Spiritual answer: Pain occurs when a person transgresses the boundary of balance and happiness. This getting off-mark is what we call “sin.” Pain means we have done something wrong. Pain informs us that there is something wrong that needs to be


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corrected. That is the mean meaning, function and purpose of pain: To point the person back to the right path. To remove or kill pain without the person concerned coming to wake up and decide to make corrections, will encourage the person to continue in his error. Therefore, the use of pharmaceutical medicine or pain relievers is an evil act because it encourages the errant to continue in his errors, instead of allowing pain to keep on raging until he is shaken and awakened enough to amend his wrong ways.

Pain informs us that we are doing something wrong; therefore, pain is our friend, not enemy. Nature has its own time to remove pain, to wit: when error has been corrected, and the healing is accomplished. To remove pain before its time, and therefore, forcibly, is wrong and untimely.

When Pharmaceuticals (ancient sorcery) offered mankind the option to achieve pain killing or pain relief through its medicines, mankind decided to cure pain, but continue to sin. Pharmaceuticals is the devil’s tool to encourage mankind to keep on sinning and attempt to escape from its painful consequences (or what we call “penalties”).

Pharmaceutical system hinders spiritual growth and improvement and encourages disobedience leading to spiritual degeneration. It is Satan offering the alternative, thus: “Okay, here you can go on with your harmful yet pleasurable acts and escape its automatic painful consequences. Our medicine can and will do that.” Remarks: To some degree and initially, and for some time, it does. But later on, disease and death will eventually catch up to destroy the evader, when the harm is too much for any pharmedicine to cover or remove, or when it is stage 4!

For the deceitfulness of pharmedicine lies in the fact that it is not going to tell you about the truth of the state of your health; it deadens your nerves to avoid feeling the pain, and so the initial symptoms (signs) of illness which constitute stage 1 are being kept from one’s awareness, the medicine suppresses them, and so, the patient goes on doing what harms this or that organ, until it is stage 4 and too late already. Pharmedicine covers your nerves and senses and keeps your Brain from knowing that your illness is advancing from stage 1 to stage 2 to stage 3 and only at stage 4 are you informed by your doctor, the practitioner of this ancient sorcery renamed Pharmakeia or Pharmaceuticals!... Stage is the perfect time to tell you the truth because it is the perfect time they can snatch your hard earned wealth the easiest way through their dialysis or chemotherapy etc.!

Specific answer: uric acid is a great source of pain in the joints, clogged arteries which hinders the smooth flow of the blood causes chest pain when large amount of blood forces itself into the now-narrowed arteries; cancer is very painful because of oxidation, that is, oxidants (oxygen marred and disfigured by chemicals), burn the cells, which appears as melting or decaying of the flesh. Young cells forced to dismantle (decay, melt) through burning is very painful. Clogged blood vessels as well as nerves are


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sources of pains. Wounds, that is, flesh exposed to the elements, also give pain. Broken bones also cause pain. Other pains are classified as mental and emotional pains.

Arnulfo Yu LanibaAgape Foundation (Agasoft)

June, 2015