life's greatest works................. in a nutshell

1 Life’s Greatest Works…….. In a Nutshell

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Life’s Greatest Works…….. In a Nutshell


Title Page Life’s Greatest works in a Nutshell

Author Bethany Lawson

Custom Publishing Gr8t Workz

Where Hindsville, Arkansas

Date May 10, 2013


Table of Contents Dedication page

Part I About Me Days Fear LOFT Poetry

Part II Stubbornness 11 Years Later

PDA Twilight

Growing up


Friends Part III

Once Upon a Time Requirements Bullying Masks

Dedication This anthology is dedicated to the people of who inspire me the most. These people are my

friends and family. My mom, dad, and sister have made who I am today. My friends have also had a huge impact on life. I would like to give everyone a big Thank You! This book would not

be possible without you. There are a few people in particular though that has made a really big impact. That would be my mom, fro she has stood trough me through thick and thin, and she

has made me as strong as she is. Also there is Mrs. Flannery my kindergarten teacher. She has been through a lot, and I want her to know how much she means to me.


Biographical Sketch I

In this section all of my following work will be about my life and what happens. You may be offended, or may not think all of this is true well if you think this than you don’t have to read

this. Also you may understand what I am talking about, but this is just some of the many random and sometimes weird thoughts that I have this section will have 5 pieces of my work

they are in chronological order. About Me Days Fear Loft Poetry


About Me

Bethany Is

Fun, exiting, caring, and full of energy Daughter of?

Amanda & Larry Lawson

Lover of? Cats, dogs, chickens, and family

Who feels anxious before school, bored at school and happy afterwards? Who gives?

Friendship, love, and Happiness Who Fears

Any snake, or mean chicken Who wants to go to?

Paris, Colorado, and Texas

Who lives in? In a small town



Days So people usually start out saying that they are the best people ever. I won’t lie I am not perfect

and I never will be. But there are days that I just don’t get along with anyone. Then there are days that I get along with even a stranger. But this is not always my fault, because when people

say something that gets on my nerves I tell them about it. So everybody has their off days its ok to admit you’re not perfect! When you have a bad day though don’t take it out on other

people, just tell them to leave you alone.



When we fear that somebody has done something wrong we usually act out of fear and walk away or stop talking to them. We treat people that we think is bad really wrong most of the

time. We treat them like they have committed some horrendous crime, even if they have not. When a person with integrity comes into play though they usually seek the truth no matter how

much scandal it brings upon them. These people are a small section of the population. When they get into trouble though, who will save them? Do you have courage, or do you have fear?



My plane came down about three weeks ago. I was the only survivor of fifty-seven people.

When we crashed we crashed in Greenland, there the temperature was negative twenty degrees. When we landed I had not eaten in three days. Right now I am making a house out of

about anything that I can find that will hold up against the weather. So far I am just now getting

hypothermia. I like to pretend that I have family that is watching over me, but I know that this is not true. There is no way of contacting anyone that can possibly help me.

Four months later, and twenty-two days after the crash I am still alive. The days are blurring together I don’t know specifically the day, or the time but I am sure that I am now as blue as a

monkey. Every day I cry myself to sleep, and dream of being rescued. I am th4e one that told everyone to come on this trip, to Las Vegas. Now they are dead and I am alive. Am ever going to

be rescued?



Chaos Hate, pain, meanness

Ugly, bad, blood Crying yelling, screaming

Neat, nice, good Order


Pain, hate tears Lies, betrayed, scorned

Lonely, lovely, scared Trust, love, forgiveness


Friends Good, kind, caring

Understanding, backstabbing, betrayal Trust, loving, dependent

Always there, never ending love Family


Biographical Sketch II

In this next section, all of my following works are about “My Life at School.” Also there is the same piece of advice that if you. You may not understand this, but you may like it. These

pieces are off the top of my head. They describe sort of what my life is like. There are 6 pieces of work to this section. They are in chronological order.

Stubbornness 11 years later

PDA Twilight

Growing Up Friends



Stubbornness Never giving in, never giving up

Never going against what you believe in Not changing for other people

*If you stand for nothing you’ll fall for anything Always one against the wind

When people break you stand strong Always say what you think when you think it

**What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

*Alexander Hamilton said that quote ** Friedrich Nietzsche


11 Years Later

They tried to hurt us, we are still here. We were bombed, we recovered. But there will always be are scar from where we will never be the same. They cannot take down what has taken a

long time to build. Will they come back? We may never know why they did it, but they can never have a good enough reason to hurt us in that way. If this happens again though, we will

know how to take care of this situation.



Most schools have laws against PDA otherwise known as Public Display of Affection. There are

many ways to show your affection such as, holding hands, kissing, and hugging. There are many other ways to show affection, besides acting inappropriate. There is talking, passing notes, and

there is still after school where you are on your own, time you can do all of that stuff. Personally I think that you are at school to learn, and not to flirt, contrary to what you

may think. I also think that you should wait until you are older to start doing those things you have all of your life to find the right person. In other words you can go out all the time I am not saying I think that it is wrong, but it is not like you’re going to marry this year am I right. Which

do you think is better flirting or learning? I know that there are many people who would disagree with this, but the people who disagree are the people who come to school to flirt, not

learn Every person that takes away from their studies gets worse grades. There are

many people who agree and disagree with this rule. Maybe we should hear from the person who enforces the rule. Mr. Cain what do you think about the PDA rules?

“I think we have to have to have the PDA in order, so that students can understand their limits at school.” How do you punish the people the people that break these rules? “I usually give

them a stern warning.” What do you consider PDA Mr. Cain? “I consider PDA to be holding hands, kissing, and

hugging.” So as you see the rules we have, we need to keep such as the PDA. There are many

ways to show affection besides inappropriately.



The New York bestseller series, Twilight are one of my favorite books. The genre of these books are paranormal/fiction. The series is about a family of vampires, and one guy falls in love with a

mortal, the series is about their life, and the struggles that they go through together. They have made the movies and they are the best movies ever in my opinion. I would recommend these

books to everyone that has not read them.


Growing Up

Growing up can be the best years, or worst years in a person’s life. Everybody has something in their life that they want to talk about. So I am going to talk about growing up in my life. I have

something that I want to talk about. I have a very gifted life, all the things that I need, and some extra too. I have good parents that don’t beat me, and I have a good friend to. But there

is something else that I would like to talk about and that is, how to choose the right people to become close too. There are many people that just want to find out your secrets then tell

everyone that will listen to them. There are also the people that only care about themselves; I once had a friend like that. I guess what I am trying to say is, chose your friends wisely, or you

could get not some sticky situations.



Friends are who define you. When they act in a manner in which is bad people see you as a bad person. They are

also the people in which help you up when you are having a hard day. They can influence you more than anyone

else could even think of. If you are in a group and they do

something bad then you are guilty by association. On the other hand though if they do something good, then people will think that you do good things.

Your image always depends on who is in your company.


Biographical Sketch III In this next section there are 4 pieces of work. “They are about In My World.” Many of

these pieces of works are individual stories about anything that I am thinking of at the moment. These pieces of work may offend you, if they do well don’t read them. The pieces are in chronological order; I hope you enjoy them, even if you don’t get them.

Once Upon A Time Requirements

Bullying Masks


Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time there was a pretty girl. She was beautiful, and had hair as long as all 50 states, the color of chocolate. But she would trade all that pretty hair for just a shot at true

love, or so she thought. She waited 15 agonizing years. Then she decided to go find her true soul mate. Then she went out on her adventure to find her prince she thought she had, but he

turned out to be, self-centered, and arrogant. So she gave up on love, so she thought. But a couple of years later true love came and found her.

And they lived Happily Ever After THE END.



There are requirements in our everyday life. We are required to go to school, to eat, to have a job when we get older, and to have the basic needs in life. But do we need requirements? Well I

think that we need to have all of those requirements, because if we did not well we could not live in this life the way that we should, and have fun when we want.



When people bully, they do it to put people down, and to make themselves

feel better. What they do is illegal, and they know that, but they don’t care, and they don’t even mind what effect that that has on a person’s mind. If a

person gets bullied enough then they will even go as far as to contemplate, suicide. This is a very serious matter and you need to report bulling eve if you are afraid because you can save a




We wear masks everyday as people in society. We have a mask for every feeling that we show. When we are hurt, we cry, when we are

mad, we frown, and when we are happy, we smile. Because of these masks we do not always

have to communicate verbally to show how we are feeling to people. But when you show no emotion, then you will have to tell everyone how we feel on the inside. When you have time I

think that you should know all the masks that a human is capable of showing.