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Lifelong Learning Programme Learning Partnerships Multiple Intelligence & Parents’ Education UK – Project Team

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Page 1: Lifelong Learning Programme Learning Partnerships Multiple Intelligence & Parents’ Education UK – Project Team

Lifelong Learning Programme Learning Partnerships

Multiple Intelligence

&Parents’ Education

UK – Project Team

Page 2: Lifelong Learning Programme Learning Partnerships Multiple Intelligence & Parents’ Education UK – Project Team

Activities (Aug- Dec 2011)

• Attended kick off meeting at the National Agency • Initial discussion with Senior Leadership (SLT) to

raise awareness of the project• SLT agreed the Project Manager• SLT added a member of senior staff to the team• Attended kick-off meeting in Greece• Project manager identified a relevant,

experienced lecturer to join the team

Page 3: Lifelong Learning Programme Learning Partnerships Multiple Intelligence & Parents’ Education UK – Project Team

Activities/Outcomes (Jan – Mar 2012)

• Presentation prepared to raise awareness in college

• Learners identified and MI & PEdu introduced by member of the team (LM)

• MI included in tutorials with Access to HE parents/learners

• Posters & Leaflets produced• MI & PEdu marketing stand at

‘Around the World’ event

Page 4: Lifelong Learning Programme Learning Partnerships Multiple Intelligence & Parents’ Education UK – Project Team

Activities/Outcomes (Mar - Apr 2012)

• Survey designed for parents using SurveyMonkey

• Survey rolled out via ‘My NHC’ (student intranet)

• Survey marketed via ‘NHC Facebook’• Survey analysed, report submitted and

summary presented at 2nd Transnational meeting in Ireland

Page 5: Lifelong Learning Programme Learning Partnerships Multiple Intelligence & Parents’ Education UK – Project Team

Activities/Outcomes (May – June 2012)

• Researched websites and literature for relevant activities for Spatial Intelligence

• Created worksheet for ‘Picture Frame’ incorporating 8 MIs

• Created worksheet for Spatial Intelligence – visit to art gallery or museum

• Completed and submitted the Progress Report• Updated – Googledocs, Sharepoint & MIPEdu


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• Identified further scope within NHC for using outcomes of project Children’s University will provide opportunities for

learners to work together with qualified and trainee teachers to develop activities/resources for children

Member of UK team undertaking Masters Degree to further research the links between MIs and Bowlby’s attachment theory

Activities/Outcomes (June 2012)

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MIPEdu Web site

• Web site created to raise further awareness with parents & to host all relevant resources researched and developed.