life science directory austria 2016

978-3-928383-56-1 Life Sciences in Austria Directory 2016

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aws Temporary Management

Financing of complementarymanagement

aws PreSeed

Financing the pre-start

aws Seedfinancing

Financing the start-up phase of life science

We bringLife Sciences

to Life

50.000 Euro

200.000 Euro

800.000 Euro

Life Sciences in AustriaDirectory 2016

aws Temporary Management

Financing of complementarymanagement

aws PreSeed

Financing the pre-start

aws Seedfinancing

Financing the start-up phase of life science companieswww.seed�

We bringLife Sciences

to Life

50.000 Euro

200.000 Euro

1.000.000 Euro

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aws best of biotech

International Biotech & Medtech Business Plan Competition

get your


10,000 Euro


Medtech Award

1. 15,000 Euro 2. 10,000 Euro 3. 5,000 Euro

Business Plan

3 × 1,500 Euro

Business Idea

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Life Sciences in AustriaDirectory 2016

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© BIOCOM AG, Vienna 2015

Life Sciences in Austria 2016Editor: Simone Ding

Publisher:BIOCOM AG, Mariahilfer Straße 95/14, A-1060 ViennaTel. +43 (0)720, E-Mail: [email protected]

Cover picture:Sergey Nivens/

Printed by:gugler GmbH, Melk, Austria

This book is protected by copyright. All rights including those regarding translation, reprinting and reproduction reserved. No part of this book cove-red by the copyright hereon may be processed, reproduced, and proliferated in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or via information storage and retrieval systems, and the Internet).

ISBN 978-3-928383-56-1

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Introduction ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5.Life Science Report Austria – Summary ................................................................................................ 7

Directory ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35Research, Development, Manufacturing Companies – Biotech/Pharma ................ 37Research, Development, Manufacturing Companies – Medical Device ................. 89Suppliers ................................................................................................................................................................... 125Service Providers ................................................................................................................................................ 181Sales and Distribution – Biotech/Pharma .................................................................................... 249Sales and Distribution – Medical Device ....................................................................................... 267Organizations ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������307Research and Education Institutions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �325

Index ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� .353


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IntroductionThe life sciences belong to the most important pillars within the economies of industrialized na-tions. Offering innovative solutions for medicine, industry and food, as well as for energy and agriculture the companies in the life sciences belong to the drivers of progress. With its strong commitment to life science, Austria is one of the forerunners of this development and has al-ready achieved an excellent reputation as a source of high-quality research, development and manufacturing. This is perfectly illustrated in the third volume of ‘Life Sciences in Austria’. More than four years ago, BIOCOM AG and its partner Austria Wirtschaftsservice GesmbH (aws) be-gan the ambitious undertaking of capturing a complete statistical picture of the Austrian life sciences, and to create a comprehensive overview of the entire sector. This comprises addresses and contacts of all the relevant stakeholders in science and industry. The data presented in the first pages of this reference book was collected through intensive research and on the basis of a survey conducted by BIOCOM AG on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and aws.

The directory section of the book gives an up-to-date and detailed snapshot of the life science sector in Austria (1,370 records), and comprises the following chapters:

Chapter I: Research, Development and Manufacturing Companies (317 records) – Biotech/Pharma Sector (182) – Medical Device Sector (135)

Chapter II: Suppliers in the Life Sciences (259)Chapter III: Service Providers in the Life Sciences (288)Chapter IV: Sales and Distribution Companies in the Life Sciences (389)

– Biotech/Pharma Sector (111) – Medical Device Sector (278)

Chapter V: Organizations in the Life Sciences (60)Chapter VI: Research and Education Institutions in the Life Sciences (57)

BIOCOM AG and aws are proud to present ‘Life Sciences in Austria 2016’, which will enable all stakeholders in biotechnology, pharma and medical devices to better connect with each other. You can find more detailed information at: With this directory, we hope to provide a significant input for the future development of the Austrian life sciences.


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2012 2014

Number of companies in the life science industry 723 823

Number of employees in the life science industry 50,180 51,660

Turnover in the life science industry EUR 17.73 bn EUR 19.11 bn

Number of research and education institutions active in life sciences n.a. 55

Number of life science employees in research and education institutions n.a. 19,830

Key figures of the life science sector in Austria 2012, 2014

1. Life Science Report Austria 2015

Life Science Sector in Austria

Austria is a country with a long tradition of revolutionary discoveries in the life sciences, with famous names such as Ignaz Semmelweis or Karl Landsteiner. This tradition forms the basis of a dynamic scene of researchers, clinicians and entrepreneurs. From this, an excellent network of renowned academic institutions, global players, family-owned firms and innovative start-ups have been established and ties between science and industry have been strengthened to improve the innovation outcome for the society.

Thus, all stakeholders in the Austrian life sciences contribute to a highly attractive sector. However, the system is facing numerous challenges. Whether it is the aging of society, di-gitalization, the increasing cost pressures in healthcare systems or climate change – the life sciences are considered to be among the key technologies for providing solutions. Situated in the middle of Europe, Austria has taken advantage of its geographical location to be the forerunner of innovation.

Austria’s life science industry in figures

With 823 companies active in biotechnology, pharma or the medical device business, life sciences are an important and constantly growing part of Austria’s economy. In 2014, these companies were responsible for a turnover of 19.11 billion euros. Compared to 2012 revenues increased by 7.8%. The life science firms also provide a stable cornerstone for employees. In 2014, almost 52,000 people earned a living working for an Austrian life science company, which means a slight upswing of 2.9% compared to 2012.

The life science industry in Austria is fully diversified and basically consists of two equally important subsegments: biotechnology and pharma on the one hand, medical devices on the other. Although employing a similar number of people, in terms of total company numbers,

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the medical device sector (487 companies) is slightly stronger than the biotech and pharma sector (336 companies). A different picture emerges when the turnover is compared: the bio-technology and pharma companies had revenues of 11.65 billion euros in 2014, the turnover in the medical devices industry was at 7.46 billion euros. In conclusion, the key figures underline the fact that the life sciences are an important pillar in the Austrian economy. Whether its with respect to research, development and manufacturing or to suppliers, service providers, sales and distribution specialists – the sector has established itself as a true powerhouse of innovation and a creator of jobs.

Excellent research fundament

The strong economic development of the life sciences is supported by a dense network of internationally renowned research expertise. A total of 55 institutions are fully dedicated to life science research or have significant activities in this field. Altogether, almost 20,000 life science related employees are working at 16 universities, 14 universities of applied sciences and 25 non-university research institutes, building the innovative fundement of the Austrian life science sector as a whole. Besides high-quality research, the academic institutions also provide the sector with well-trained people, representing a strong pillar in the country’s edu-cational system. In 2014, the total number of life science students at universities and univer-sities of applied science accounted to more than 59,000,


The information of this report is the result of a survey conducted by BIOCOM AG on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and Austria Wirt-schaftsservice GesmbH (aws). Between February and May 2015, a total of 823 companies were contacted and requested to complete the survey. Three hundred and sixty-six of the compa-nies answered either by questionnaire or by telephone, corresponding to a response rate of 44.5%. The collection of data followed internationally accepted guidelines and definitions set out by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD; biotechnology section) and the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN; medical device section). Based on common statistical practice, the data from the survey was extrapolated up to 100% on the basis of subgroups with structurally comparable companies. As needed, further information such as from annual reports or other publicly available sources has been added.

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Map of the Life Science Sector

Distributed According to Federal States

Number of life science companies Number of employees in life science companies

1–49 50–99

100–149> 150


> 20,000



Turnover of life science companies (in € m)


> 2,000

> 8



Number of research and education institutions active in life sciences


8 350

114 1

Tyrol50 5,430

1,844 7Tyrol


42 4,130

1,155 4

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Number of research and education institutions active in life sciences


Upper Austria





Lower Austria





Carinthia18 785

185 2

Styria 75 4,325

1,192 9


9 110



434 22,125


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2012 2014

Number of companies in the biotechnology and pharma sector 288 336

Research, development, manufacturing companies* 157 175

Other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) 131 161

Number of employees in the biotechnology and pharma sector 25,190 26,500

Employees in research, development, manufacturing companies* 18,057 18,480

Employees in other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) 7,133 8,020

Turnover in the biotechnology and pharma sector EUR 10.33bn EUR 11.65 bn

Turnover of research, development, manufacturing companies* EUR 5.11bn EUR 5.72 bn

Turnover of other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) EUR 5.22bn EUR 5.93 bn

Key figures of the biotechnology and pharma sector and pharma sector 2012, 2014

2. Biotechnology and Pharma in Austria


Biotechnology and pharma solutions are the key for tackling current challenges such as de-mographic change or newly emerging infections. Innovative vaccines and novel drugs will provide cures for diseases that are not currently treatable and protect against fatal infections – areas in which Austrian researchers and companies are particularly strong. Another deve-lopment is the further establishment of personalized medicine. Sensitive diagnostic tools will help to differentiate patient subgroups to speed up clinical trials and offer patients not only a more individual picture of their health status, but also the basis for self-determined decisions with respect to preventive measures or therapies.

In recent decades, a dynamic scene of innovative biotechnology and pharma companies has put Austria on the European life science map. With their excellent skilled staff and their broad technical and scientific expertise, these companies can play a pi votal role in developing the medicine of the future. Positioned in the center of Europe, they form a hub for the whole con-tinent and act as an interface between east and west.

Biotechnology and pharma display dynamic rate of growth

The Austrian biotechnology and pharma industry is growing at a tremendous pace. New businesses are being set up on almost a monthly basis. In the last two years, 20 new com-panies dedicated to biotechnology became operative. The significance of biotechnology and pharma in Austria is expected to increase even further in years to come as a result of stable

* dedicated, other biotechnology active, pharma companies

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2012 2014

Number of companies in the biotechnology and pharma sector 288 336

Research, development, manufacturing companies* 157 175

Other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) 131 161

Number of employees in the biotechnology and pharma sector 25,190 26,500

Employees in research, development, manufacturing companies* 18,057 18,480

Employees in other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) 7,133 8,020

Turnover in the biotechnology and pharma sector EUR 10.33bn EUR 11.65 bn

Turnover of research, development, manufacturing companies* EUR 5.11bn EUR 5.72 bn

Turnover of other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) EUR 5.22bn EUR 5.93 bn

growth. It goes without saying that the sector reached a critical mass within a very short period and has become a significant economic factor and a driver for innovation in the he-althcare sector. According to the survey, a total of 336 companies are active in the fields of biotechnology and pharma, which marks a plus of 17% compared to 2012. This figure includes the so-called 175 ‘research, development and manufacturing companies’ that consist of ‘de-dicated biotechnology companies’, ‘other biotechnology active’ and ‘pharma companies’ (for definitions, see page 47) and the 161 specialized service providers, suppliers, and sales and distribution companies (for methodology, see page 45).

All in all, the 336 biotechnology and pharma companies generated 11.65 billion euros of tur-nover in 2014, which means an increase of 13% compared to 2012. The research, develop-ment and manufacturing companies and the supply, service and sales companies equally contributed to these revenues, with more than five billion euros respectively. In 2014, the majority of staff employed by the biotechnology and pharma companies worked in the re-search, development and manufacturing companies: 18,480 of the 26,500 people earned their living in this field. This means on the other hand, that supply, service and sales compa-nies by comparison had 8,020 employees on their payroll.

These figures illustrate the high degree of innovation that exists in the Austrian biotechnolo-gy and pharma sector.

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Map of the Biotechnology and Pharma Sector

Distributed According to Federal States

Number of companies in the biotechnology and pharma sector

Number of employees in the biotechnology and pharma sector

1–9 10–19


> 40


> 4,000



Turnover of companies in the biotechnology and pharma sector (in € m) > 4,000


Vorarlberg Tyrol15 3,545







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Carinthia5 265


Upper Austria



Lower Austria

41 1,945



216 13,950


1 5


Styria25 2,220


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2012 2014

Number of companies in the medical device sector 435 487

Research, development, manufacturing companies* 136 132

Other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) 299 355

Number of employees in companies related to medical device 24,990 25,160

Employees in research, development, manufacturing companies* 7,156 7,200

Employees in other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) 17,834 17,960

Turnover of all companies related to medical device EUR 7.40 bn EUR 7.46 bn

Turnover of research, development, manufacturing companies* EUR 2.26 bn EUR 2.32 bn

Turnover of other companies (suppliers, service providers, sales companies) EUR 5.14 bn EUR 5.14 bn

Key figures of the medical device sector 2012, 2014 * dedicated and other medical device companies

3. Medical Device Industry in Austria


According to the OECD Health Statistics 2015, Austria is one of the countries with the highest health expenditure as a share of the gross domestic product (GDP). According to these data, Austria spent about 10.1% of the GDP in 2013, compared to an OECD average of 8.9%. Within this environment, the medical device industry forms a cornerstone of the country’s health sector. With its state-of-the-art equipment incorporating cutting-edge technology, the com-panies in the field work at the interface between high-class clinics, excellent research facilities and well-trained doctors. Not only does this turn Austria into an attractive market for medi-cal device products, it also makes it an important location for development and production which benefits from a long tradition in the field of engineering and precision mechanics.

Fit for the future – the Austrian healthcare system

Due to demographic developments caused by an ageing population and the challenge to in-tegrate novel developments such as digital health, the demand for new solutions has never been greater. As Austria’s healthcare system is financed by a mix of income-dependent social security fees, tax-financed public funds and private payments, this ensures that innovations in the medical device field will find their way to the patient in one of the 274 public and pri-vate hospitals in Austria. A CE marking (‘Communauté Européenne’) and compliance with the Medical Devices Act (‘Medizinproduktegesetz’) are required for the distribution of medical device products in Austria. With a constant stream of new developments, the medical device

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industry in Austria is an economic sector which focuses not only on the present, but also on the future of healthcare. In spite of a remarkable number of long-established companies, the sector has seen tremendous growth in recent years and is now stable at a high level.

Ready for innovation: 487 companies, 25,000 employees

In 2014, there were a total of 487 companies active in the Austrian medical device industry. Compared to 2012, this is an increase of 12%. The number includes the so-called 132 ‘research, development and manufacturing medical device companies’ which are divided into the ‘dedi-cated medical device companies’ and the ‘other medical device companies’ (for methodology, see page 48). As was also the case two years ago, the information collected about these com-panies was based on Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) guidelines. Another major part of the medical device business in Austria is related to suppliers, service providers and sales companies. Since 2012, the total number of these firms has increased from 299 to 355. With a total of more than 25,100 employees, the medical device industry is an increasingly important pillar in the Austrian life science sector. In 2014, the combined turnover of all com-panies in the field was at 7.46 billion euros. 2.3 billion euros of this was generated by the research, development and manufacturing companies, 5.1 billion euros by the suppliers, ser-vice providers and sales companies. Compared to 2012, these numbers demonstrate a strong economic power of the medical devices industry in Austria.

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Map of the Medical Device Sector

Distributed According to Federal States

Turnover of companies in the medical device sector (in € m)


> 2,000


Number of companies in the medical device sector

Number of employees in the medical device sector



> 100


> 4,000




75735 1,885





8 350


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Upper Austria




Lower Austria

74 1,820



218 8,175

13 520


8 105



53 6,740

Styria 2,105



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Number of research and education institutions active in life sciences 55

Number of life science employees (n=52) 19,830

Number of life science employees in R&D (n=49) 11,229

Number of life science students (n=28) 59,166

Total life science budget of research and education institutions (n=43) EUR 1.44 bn

Third party funding for research and education institutions in life sciences (n=41) EUR 385.6m

Number of peer-reviewed academic publications in life sciences (n=43) 8,779

Key figures of research and education institutions active in life sciences 2014 (n=number of responses)

4. Academic Life Science Research and Education in Austria


Austria’s life science sector profits from the high diversity of the academic life science land-scape across the country. A total of 55 institutions, although varying in size, have activities in life science research. Due to the broad range of the sector, many disciplines are involved: the expertise lies in particular, in biological, medical and health sciences, veterinary medicine, agri-cultural, environmental or industrial biotechnology, bioinformatics and medical engineering.

Nurturing environment for commercial activities

Altogether, the teaching and research undertaken by the 17 universities, 13 universities of ap-plied sciences and 25 non-university research institutes build the innovative cornerstone of the Austrian life science sector as a whole. Moreover, it is a nurturing environment for new commercial activities. Within this report, a total of 52 institutions gave specifications on their life science related staff. According to this, nearly 20,000 employees – of which more than half have a scientific background – were working in the Austrian academic life science sector in 2014. At 56.7%, the proportion of women is at a high level.

Life science budget of 1.44 billion euros

With respect to the overall life science budget in the academic field, the report analyzed data made available by 43 institutions. In 2014, this group alone had a specific life science budget of 1.44 billion euros dedicated to teaching, research, administration and infrastructure. About 73% of the budget (1.06 billion euros) stems from institutional funding, whereas 27% (385 million euros) represents third-party funds. The major funder in terms of institutional as well as third party funding is the Austrian government, which supplied around 940 million euros

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for the academic life science sector in 2014. In particular, the Austrian Ministry of Science, Re-search and Economy provides the institutional budget for the Austrian public universities as well as for the major non-university research institutes. Almost half of the 385 million euros third party funds for life sciences in 2014 are provided by national governmental funds such as the Austrian Science Fund FWF, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, the Christian Doppler Gesellschaft and others. Industrial partners supported life science research with 152 million euros. Further money was raised from regi-onal or European sources. The high proportion of third party funding demonstrates the high academic excellence of the Austrian life sciences. This is also shown when it comes to attrac-ting European funding sources such as the prestigious grants from the European Research Council (ERC). Since the founding of the ERC in 2007, a total of 67 Austrian life science resear-chers raised an ERC grant.

Output data The scientific output of Austrian life science research can be measured by the total number of publications in this field. According to the information given by 43 institutions, more than 8,700 papers (only with first and/or last authorship of the Austrian institution) were published in peer-reviewed journals in 2014. Besides high-quality research, a primary task of the acade-mic institutions is to provide the sector with well-trained people. In 2014, the total number of life science students at universities and universities of applied sciences accounted to more than 59,000, of which more than half of them were female. Moreover, nearly 8,000 students graduated in 2014 in one of the life science related disciplines.

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Map of the Life Science Research and Education Sector

Distributed According to Federal States

Number of life science employees


> 10,000


> 8



Number of research and education institutions active in life sciences

Number of life science students



> 10,000

Number of peer-reviewed academic publications in life sciences


> 2,000







1 13

250 7

Tyrol7 2,796

9,043 1,438


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Lower Austria

Upper Austria










18 11,975

2 60





Styria9 3,637

9,113 1,573



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5. Outlook Life Sciences Austria

Life sciences are widely recognized as a key technology for the 21st century. Innovations from biotechnology and medical devices are supposed to contribute fundamentally in tackling “Grand Challenges” such as demographic changes or climate change. As European countries move steadily towards a knowledge-based economy, Austria is successfully raising its impor-tance in building up the life science sector by improving structures and sites.

As seen across Europe – and Austria is no exemption here – the most visible impact of life sciences can be perceived in the healthcare sector. Not only are hundreds of biotechnology, pharma and medical companies active in this field, Austria is home to service providers, sup-pliers and sales companies, bringing innovative drugs, diagnostics and medical devices to patients. With a turnover of more than 19 billion euros a year, which equals 5.8% of the GDP, the life science industry is a growing economic factor, demonstrating its importance for the whole country. In addition, an excellent network of research centers provides the industry with new ideas and innovative approaches from the academic side.

Improving the framework conditions

The government is a strong supporter of this development. According to Statistic Austria, the government’s spending on research and development will climb in 2015 to a record sum of 10 billion euros. Austria will have invested more than three percent of its gross domestic product for the first time. This lies significantly above the European average of 2.02% and also underli-nes Austria’s aim in becoming one of the most innovative countries within the EU.

To strengthen its position further, the Federal Government in 2011 released a national strategy for research, technology and innovation under the slogan ‘The Path to Innovation Leader’. With targeted funding of strategically important research and development projects, Austria has set the course for building on its strengths and occupying new fields and niches in the future.

Life sciences are a key pillar within these activities. Following the implementation of the “Ac-tion Plan Biotechnology” from 2013, recent changes in governmental administration now offer the possibility for an even larger comprehensive strategic framework for life sciences which is intended to cover the whole innovation chain from early research to market uptake. The strategy process will involve intense commitment from the stakeholders and will be com-pleted by mid-2016.

In this context, Austria has laid the groundwork to tackle current and future challenges. Per-sonalized medicine with its targeted drugs and companion diagnostics which are tailored to determine the best therapeutic strategy for each patient as well as innovative biosimilars, may offer solutions to increasing cost pressures in the health system.

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Austrian life science industry as a trailblazer for innovation

Austrian life science companies are in an ideal position to become trailblazers for these future challenges. The strong network between academia and industry, and between the sectors of biotech, pharma and medical devices lays out a basis for further growth. The frequent closing of multi-million licence and development deals between small Austrian biotech companies and Big Pharma shows an explicit international interest in Austrian life sciences’ results. Mo-reover, some of Austria’s medical device companies are among the world’s market leaders in their line of business, and have built up a worldwide reputation in a couple of sectors: diag-nostic equipment, prostheses, implants and dental instruments plus the construction and management of large-scale hospitals.

However, the impact of the life sciences is not limited to medicine. Most major industries – from chemical to agricultural to the nutrition sector – are becoming increasingly reliant on environmentally friendly production processes. It is in this field that Austria’s life science com-panies, universities and research institutions can help to pave the way for Europe’s reorienta-tion towards a biobased economy.

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Life Science Funding

The most innovative ideas in life sciences only make a difference once they‘ve survived the journey from the laboratory bench to commercial launch. However, that journey requires ca-reful nurturing in a supportive funding environment. Austria has developed a wide range of national and regional funding schemes to back new companies embarking on this journey to-wards business success. Focusing on start-up ideas in biotechnology and medical devices, aus-tria wirtschaftsservice, the Austrian government promotional bank, provides financial support through two custom-designed funding programmes: LISA PreSeed and LISA Seedfinancing.

LISA PreSeed provides funding for the critical phase before a life science company is actually set up. Costs relating to the implementation of the science and the development of a business plan for a project can be funded with non-refundable awards of up to 200,000 euros.

Setting-up an innovative, internationally competitive high-tech company needs significant know-how, courage and capital. LISA Seedfinancing from austria wirtschaftsservice supports this start-up phase by providing up to 800,000 euros, combined with business advice. This Seedfinancing is then refunded to the austria wirtschaftsservice at the point a company is making a profit or is sold. Importantly, in contrast to bank or other more traditional loans, the-re is no requirement for customary securities. However to qualify for this funding a company must be partly and suitably funded through private capital.

Other austria wirtschaftsservice initiatives to support life sciences include guarantees and loans. Furthermore austria wirtschaftsservice operates two new funds to close the financing gap for young companies. aws Business Angel fund provides equity to business angels and other non-institutional investors for the financing of innovative companies in the form of co-investments. aws ‘Gründerfonds’ provides risk capital to companies with high growth poten-tial in the early stage as well as in the growth phase. These instruments are complemented by the Venture Capital initiative that undertakes co-investments with institutional investors.

These powerful finance streams are complemented by financing vehicles from other Austrian agencies. These include the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) which supports basic research and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) which manages applied research funding with an annual budget of approximately 500 million euros, about 40 million euros of which are spent on life sciences projects. As part of this remit, the FFG is also responsible for organising the Comet Centre‘s programmes which are among the most successful technology policy in-itiatives.



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Life Science Austria

Life Science Austria (LISA) promotes the life science sector in Austria on the international sta-ge and is the first point of call for enquiries relating to it. We are committed to the develop-ment, growth and prosperity of the Austrian life science industries as a leading component of the Austrian economy.

In the home market, LISA is a resource for all life science companies within and all companies wishing to relocate to Austria. We see our role in helping companies make connections locally and further afield.

On the international front, LISA also works towards Austria being a country known worldwide for the excellence of its life science sector. Organised through the regional life science clus-ters, LISA represents companies in the therapeutic, medical technology and diagnostic sectors as well as providers of enabling technologies and related service companies located in the following regional cluster organizations:

• ecoplus (Lower Austria) • Human.Technology Styria (Styria) • LISAvienna (Vienna)• MedTech-Cluster (Upper Austria)• Standortagentur Tirol/Cluster Life Sciences Tirol (Tyrol)

Let us know if you want to hear more or have an interest in speaking to a life science business in Austria.

LISA is run by Austria Wirtschaftsservice GesmbH (aws) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.



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ecoplus – Lower Austria Technopol Program

Since 2004, ecoplus, the business agency of Lower Austria, has been entrusted with the imple-mentation of the Lower Austria Technopol Program.The Lower Austrian Technopol locations Krems, Tulln, Wiener Neustadt, and Wieselburg have become the backbones of Lower Austria’s high-tech location development strategy. With its new technology strategy and support for the Technopol Program, Lower Austria has established locations which guarantee future-oriented economic development. These loca-tions – the Technopols – must exhibit the following characteristics:

• A critical mass of R&D facilities carrying out research with one or several areas of high-tech focus and having established the appropriate infrastructure.

• The immediate spatial vicinity to university institutions in order to link research to educa-tion and instruction.

• Professional firms as partners in cooperation for R&D facilities; their task is to exploit and implement the expertise generated at the Technopols in both national and international markets.

• Sufficient available space for companies to set up business in the immediate vicinity of research facilities and suitable infrastructure for R&D-oriented companies, start-ups and spin-offs.

Technopol Krems for health technology:Technology focus: apheresis, inflammation, regenerative medicine, water & health

Technopol Tulln for natural resources; biobased technology:Technology focus: sustainable use of biological resources, wood and natural fibre technology, food and feed integrity, bioactive substances, environmental biotechnology

Technopol Wiener Neustadt for medical and materials technology:Technology focus: materials, tribology, medical technology, sensors and actuators, surfaces

Technopol Wieselburg for bioenergy, agricultural and food technology:Technology focus: bioenergy, biomass, energy systems, agricultural sciences and food technology, water resources management


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Human.Technology Styria –Powerhouse of Innovation Styria (HTS) is a membership organization for the life science and rela-ted industries in Styria, in the south east of Austria. HTS is an economic initiative focused on strengthening the competitive capabilities of Styrian companies, institutions and scientific bodies in the life science sector.

Styria is one of the most attractive economic regions in Europe for technology investment. With an R&D quota of more than 4% Styria has been above the EU targets for many years. As a world-renowned centre for engineering and biological sciences, emphasis is given to three strategic fields with world leading reputations:

• Pharmaceutical engineering and production processes• Advanced biomedical sensor technologies and biomechanics• Biobanking and biomarker technologies

This expertise is rooted in a strong academic tradition in sciences, reinforced by the presence of the Graz Biobank, the world’s largest certified public biobank, the Austrian Centre of In-dustrial Biotechnology, the Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering, 5 universities and 2 universities of applied sciences. With a growing base of life science graduates and a track record of innovation attracting leading minds to Styria, the region is poised for a great future in which Styria is playing a leading part as business catalyst. offers members a range of services in support of business development, help in accessing to government grants and access to a huge network.

Find out more on our website:


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LISAvienna – Connecting Life Sciences

LISAvienna is the joint life science platform operated by austria wirtschaftsservice and the Vienna Business Agency. On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and the city of Vienna, it contributes to the advancement of life sciences in Vienna. LISAvienna supports innovative biotech, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies in Vienna that develop and market new products, services and processes. The platform links these companies with development partners and key customers. As a central knowledge carrier, LISAvienna provides input for decisions to advance the life sciences in Vienna and contributes to positioning the city of Vienna as one of the leading European innovation centers. LISAvienna Services

• Information & Consulting: Tips and contacts relating to sponsorship, private financing options, infrastructure in Vienna, development partners, leading customers and interna-tionalization

• Networking & Matching: Contacts for an improved exchange of experiences and know-ledge transfer as well as contact with development partners, leading customers and in-vestors worldwide

• Expertise: Analyses, background information, reports and studies relating to life sciences in Vienna

• Marketing: Electronic and printed news items from the field of life sciences in Vienna Contact us for your individual interview on the topics of sponsorship and financing and let your network grow at our events in Vienna. We also invite you to join us at international trade fairs and delegation visits and to stay updated with our electronic newsletter or via social media platforms. Please visit our website to learn more about Vienna being a prime locati-on for life sciences. Keep in mind that the majority of Austria’s life sciences companies is based in Vienna. Entrepreneurs profit from an ideal environment for the translation of novel ideas and technologies into thriving businesses in the life sciences. Austria’s capital city also clearly is in first place when it comes to teaching and excellent academic research.


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The MedTech-Cluster – The Network for Medical Technology

The MedTech-Cluster is one of nine cluster and network initiatives of Business Upper Austria. The Cluster represents a special branch network, which is intended to enhance the levels of innovative strength and international competitiveness of companies from the areas of me-dical and health technology, their suppliers, and related educational and technology transfer bodies. One of the key tasks of the Cluster is an intensification of the cooperation between partner companies, health and R&D facilities.

With some 220 partners the Cluster constitutes Austria’s largest network in the medical an health technology area. The main focus of the MedTech-Cluster is on MedTech, especially on the key issues MED-IT and personalized medicine.

Portfolio of the MedTech-Cluster

Cooperation:• Networking of business, science and health care• Project partnerships• Round tables for the exchange of experience• Regional, national and international contacts

Service hub:• Branch events, hosting, workshops• Project support and management, idea transfers• Research, studies, branch information

Visibility:• Price reductions for Cluster media and from media partners• PR consulting• Organization of international trade fair exhibits• Cooperations: LISA & European cluster initiatives

More detailed information: &


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Cluster Life Sciences Tirol

Part of the ‘Standortagentur Tirol’, the cluster management platform brings together top-class Tirolean research institutions from the life science sector with active companies loca-ted in the region. It imparts expertise, provides thematic impetus, offers links to specialist partners, encourages and supports interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary collaborations and research & development partnerships, thereby boosting innovation performance in the regi-on and promoting enhanced competitiveness for both companies and the region. The cluster creates an organized, cohesive presence of the sector which, in turn, leads to an enhanced visibility of Tirolean expertise in the respective specialist fields both in Austria and abroad.

The Tirolean life science scene features three universities and two universities of applied sci-ences conducting excellent, internationally recognized research, while a strongly innovative industry is home to world market leaders as well as highly research driven start-up companies. A total of 60 members, that is to say 2/3 of life science companies in Tirol and all the relevant Tirolean research institutions are interlinked in ‘Cluster Life Sciences Tirol’. The partners work in the fields of medical engineering, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, life science-related services, research and education.


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ma Accanis Biotech GmbH

Karl-Farkas-Gasse 221030 ViennaCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2015

Acticell GmbHBorschekgasse 6/81090 ViennaeMail: [email protected] membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Staff: 5Biotech focus: industrial processing

Activartis Biotech GmbHZimmermannplatz 101090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40170-4085Fax: +43-1-40170-64185eMail: [email protected]: www.activartis.comContact: PD. Dr. Thomas Felzmann (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Staff: 15Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: cell and tissue culture, systems biology/bioinformatics, nanobiotechnologyIndication: neoplasmsProfile: Activartis was founded as a spin-off of the St. Anna CCRI, in 2003. From 2006-2013 it was a subsidiary of AOP Orphan AG, Vienna, Austria, and is currently owned by a group of investors. Tho-mas Felzmann, now Activartis’ CEO, and his team developed Activartis’ proprietary AV0113 dendritic cell (DC) cancer immunotherapy (CIT) technology. The immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICP) pro-gramme started resulted in patents for an RNAi- and a small molecule techechnology platform.Production: Activartis currently produces only for clinical trials.R&D: Activartis conducts two clinical stage DC-CIT development programmes for brain and bone can-

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cer. Both are in mid-stage clinical trials and conti-nue to deliver promising interim results. A confir-matory phase III study is scheduled to start in 2016. Later in 2015, clinical development of ICP inhibitors will be initiated with a phase I pilot study.Sales & Distribution: No product on the market yet.

Advanced Pharma Products GmbH Getreidemarkt 1/171060 ViennaPhone: +43-2732-21133-0Fax: +43-2732-21133-99eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Biotech focus: human health

AFFiRiS AGKarl-Farkas-Gasse 221030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7981575-300Fax: +43-1-7981575-311eMail: [email protected]: www.affiris.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Staff: 77Biotech focus: human healthIndication: diseases of the blood and the immune system, endocrine and metabolic diseases, mental and behavioural disorders, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the circulatory systemR&D: AFFiRiS is an innovative, Vienna based bio-technology company. Using its proprietary AFFIT-OME® technology, it is able to develop customized peptide-based vaccines, called AFFITOPES®, tar-geting chronic diseases with high market values and unmet medical needs. Indications include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Atheros-clerosis, Diabetes and several others. AFFITOPES® mimic the structure of particular natural epitopes in disease targets and are capable of evoking therapeutic antibody responses. AFFITOPE® -based vaccines can be used to induce a specific immune

response against pathological species of a given antigen without inducing adverse side effects like autoimmunity. To achieve its goal of developing therapeutic vaccines without side effects, AFFiRiS does not rely on preclinical data only, but follows its own unique concept of clinical maturation – from scratch (the idea) to commercialization. This includes a short and fast pre-clinical phase, risk di-versification through a pool of product candidates and the development of more than one vaccine for a given target structure.

AGRANA Research & Innovation Center GmbH Josef-Reither-Strasse 21-233430 Tulln/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2272-602-11403Fax: +43-2272-602-11420eMail: [email protected]: www.agrana-research.comContact: Dr. Marnik Wastyn (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1986Staff: 60Biotech focus: agricultural biotechnology, natural re-source recovery, environment, industrial processingFields of activity: biotechnological engineeringProfile: The AGRANA Research & Innovation Cen-ter (ARIC) is the AGRANA Group’s central research and development company. The aim of ARIC is to tap new fields of application for innovative pro-ducts made from the raw materials potatoes, mai-ze, waxy maize, wheat and sugar beet. ARIC is a national and international provider of research & development and other related services in the areas of sugar technology, food technology, starch technology, microbiology, biotechnology and fruit.R&D: Fermentation Technology, Bioethanol first and second Generation, Microbiology, Natural antibacterials.Services: Fermentation capacities (10-300l), Microbio-logical strain collection, Sanitation concepts, Mycoto-xins Analysis, Yeast Strain fermentation performance.Sales & Distribution: Natural antibacterials

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Alvetra u� Werfft GmbH Boltzmanngasse 111090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3191456-331Fax: +43-1-3191456-344eMail: [email protected]: www.alvetrawerfft.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1948Biotech focus: animal health

Angothera GmbHDonau-Oder Kanal IV SW 802301 Groß-Enzersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-680-3323300eMail: [email protected]: www.angothera.comContact: Dr. Gottfried Himmler (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2012Staff: 2Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnological engineeringIndications: infectious diseases, diseases of the blood and the immune system, diseases of the re-spiratory system, diseases of the digestive systemProfile: Angothera develops Secretory Immuno-globulins for topical and oral applications. The proprietary technology can be applied to develop and produce: * SIgA and SIgM from plasma * SIgA and SIgM from milk * monoclonal SIgA and SIgMR&D: oral antibodies

Akron Molecules AGHelmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 21030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2360-429Fax: +43-1-2360429-99eMail: [email protected]: www.akron-molecules.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Staff: 6Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: proteins and other moleculesIndication: diseases of the nervous system

AlgOss Biotechnologies GmbHSchumanngasse 151180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-407-5820Fax: +43-1-407-582010eMail: [email protected]: www.algoss.atContact: Dr. Markus Laub (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 4Biotech focus: human healthIndication: natural bone replacement material

ALK-Abelló Allergie-Service GmbH Bäckermühlweg 594030 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-385372-0Fax: +43-732-385372-677eMail: [email protected]: www.alk-abello.atContact: DI Thomas Horn (CEO)Founded in: 1978Biotech focus: human health

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Annikki GmbHRankengasse 288020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-765114-66Fax: +43-664-39517-80eMail: [email protected]: www.annikki.atContact: Ortwin Ertl (CEO)Founded in: 2007Staff: 12Biotech focus: industrial processingFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineeringR&D: R&D on products from biomass. Proprietary and very mild pretreatment process of biomass (straw, bagasse, corn stover) leading to 80+per-cent yield of materials from biomass at high pu-rity and low cost. Products are cellulose, xylose, xylitol, high purity fructose, furan dicarboxylic acid, biobased resins, biobased polyurethanes, bi-obased high performance polymers (light weight, durable, high impact resistance).

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals AG Wilhelminenstr. 91/ II f1160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-503-7244-0Fax: +43-1-503-7244-5eMail: [email protected]: www.aoporphan.comContact: Dr. Rudolf Widmann (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996Staff: 140Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: cell and tissue culture, systems biology/bioinformaticsIndication: oncology, haematology, infectious diseases

APEIRON Biologics AGCampus-Vienna-Biocenter 51030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8656577-0Fax: +43-1-8656577-800eMail: [email protected]: www.apeiron-biologics.comContact: Dr. Hans Loibner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Staff: 26Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other moleculesIndications: Oncology, neuroblastoma, melanoma, dermatitis, solid tumoursProfile: Apeiron is a private biotech company in Vienna, engaged in immuno-oncology. Ist lead project APN311, a antitumor antibody against GD2, expressed on neuroblastoma and other malignan-cies, recently was submitted for marketing aut-horization in the EU for neuroblastoma therapy. Two innovative projects are devoted to checkpoint blockade to empower the immune system against cancer: APN401 is a cellular therapy in Phase I, APN411 a low molecular drug approach pursued together with Sanofi and EvotecR&D: Novel ways of stimulating the immune system against cancer by way of siRNA and small molecules.

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APEPTICO Forschung und Entwicklung GmbHc/o mingo bueros/Mariahilferstr. 136, Top 1.151150 ViennaPhone: +43-664-143-2919Fax: +43-1-25330337795eMail: [email protected]: www.apeptico.comContact: Dr. Bernhard Fischer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008 Staff: 5Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, other, nanobiotechnologyIndication: diseases of the respiratory systemProfile: APEPTICO is a privately-held biotechnology company based in Austria, developing peptide-based products targeting chronic and life-threate-ning diseases. The peptide molecules correspond to validated, pharmacodynamic active structures and domains of well-known proteins and biophar-maceuticals.Production: APEPTICO’s family of AP301 peptides are synthetic peptides which corresponds to struc-tural motifs of human proteins. All AP301 peptides activate lung fluid clearance and protect both en-dothelial and epithelial lung tissue from microbial toxin- and reactive oxygen species-induced hyper-permeability. The peptides are being developed by APEPTICO in various pulmonary indications. APEPTICO‘s AP301-peptides are subject to phase III clinical studies.R&D: APEPTICO is a privately-held biotechnology company based in Austria, developing peptide-based products targeting chronic and life-threate-ning pulmonary diseases, including edematous re-spiratory failure, acute lung injury, ARDS, Influenza, pneumonia, primary graft dysfunction, ischemia reperfusion injury and high altitude pulmonary edema. By concentrating on synthetically produ-ced protein structures APEPTICO avoids general risks associated with gene- and cell-technologies. APEPTICO makes use of its technology platforms PEPBASE(TM) and PEPSCREEN(TM) to significantly reduce cost and to shorten time to market.Services: APEPTICO’s database PEPBASE(TM) com-bines structural, functional and clinical data from

relevant biopharmaceuticals and well-characteri-sed proteins. Based on the biological and structu-ral assessment of discrete domains and structural elements of well-characterised proteins and bio-pharmaceuticals by PEPBASE(TM), a proposal for a peptide structure is assigned by semi-rational technology, combining molecular visualization, protein-protein interaction calculations, in-silico stability analysis, followed by computerised ener-gy and toxicology evaluations.

Apomedica Pharmazeutische Produkte GmbH Roseggerkai 38011 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-823533Fax: +43-316-823533-52eMail: [email protected]: www.apomedica.comFounded in: 1968Biotech focus: human health

Aposcience AGMariannengasse 14, Top 91090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7966296-100Fax: +43-1-7966296-222eMail: [email protected]: www.aposcience.comContact: Dr. Rainer Henning (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, otherIndications: wound healing, cardiovascular diseases, regenerative medicine, diagnosticsR&D: Aposcience discovers and develops products to be used as therapeutics in regenerative medici-ne applications. These patent protected products are made from secretomes of mononuclear cells. They find applications in wound healing, chronic myocardinal infarction, stroke, spinal injury. First clinical test was started in 2013.

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Arsanis Biosciences GmbHHelmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 21030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-79901-17eMail: [email protected]: www.arsanis.comContact: Eszter Nagy (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Staff: 36Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnological engineering, vectors, systems biology/bioinforma-tics, nanobiotechnologyIndications: infectious diseasesR&D: Arsanis Biosciences GmbH is a biotechno-logy company dedicated to the development of antibodies to fight severe infectious diseases. The company is developing a pipeline of novel monoclonal antibodies targeting diseases where current prophylactic or therapeutic approaches are ineffective or non-existent. The Arsanis vision is to become the leader in the field of antibody based anti-infectives. Arsanis pipeline of four monoclonal antibody programs targets important gram posi-tive and gram negative pathogens. Arsanis colla-borates with strategic partners to employ state-of-the-art antibody discovery technologies to identify lead candidates for further development.

Arthro Kinetics Biotechnology GmbHMagnesitstr. 13500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-76954-0Fax: +43-2732-76954-40eMail: [email protected]: www.arthro-kinetics.comContact: Sylvia Keßel (Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002 Staff: 2Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: cell and tissue cultureIndication: diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissueProfile: AKI is a leader in cell-free biologic implants to regenerate cartilage.Services: AKI’s cell-free biologic, CaReS-1S, has been clinical proven to halt the progression of cartilage degeneration far more simply and easily than any other alternative. It is a medical device class III products. CaReS®-1S is the first and only “off-the-shelf” biologic for cartilage repair incor-porating a patented collagen type I matrix tech-nology. Simple one step procedure resulting in a superior cost-benefit ratio.Sales & Distribution: We are seeking reliable partner worldwide to exploit the full commercial potential of our products and product platforms. Cooperations with the financial ability, sales, marketing and distribution network to leverage Arthro Kinetics proprietary technology into a leading worldwide market position.

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Attoquant Diagnostics GmbHCampus-Vienna-Biocenter 51030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8656577-121Fax: +43-1-8656577-800eMail: [email protected]: www.attoquant.comContact: Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Marko Poglitsch (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Staff: 6Biotech focus: human healthIndication: endocrine and metabolic diseases, di-seases of the circulatory system

Austrianni GmbHVienna Biocenter 51030 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.austrianni.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2015Profile: Austrianni GmbH is a new biotechnology company founded in 2015. Its mission is to develop novel antibody-based therapeutics for the pre-vention and treatment of tuberculosis and other important infectious diseases.

Avienne Pharmaceuticals GmbHProf.-Dr.-Stephan-Koren-Str. 102700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-53117-41Fax: +43-1-253672223-88eMail: [email protected]: www.aviennepharma.comContact: Dr. Burkhard Jansen (Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2007Biotech focus: human healthIndications: dermatology, ophthalmologyR&D: Development of novel anti-angiogenic small molecule drug candidates

Baxalta Innovations GmbHIndustriestr. 671220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-20100-0Web: www.baxalta.comCluster membership: LISAviennaBiotech focus: human healthFounded in: 1962

Baxalta Österreich GmbHIndustriestr. 671220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-20100-0Web: www.baxalta.comCluster membership: LISAviennaBiotech focus: human healthFounded in: 2015

BDS Pharma GmbHc/o Dr. Binder & Co GmbHNeufeldweg 938010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-664-88315161Contact: Dr. Tiziana Adage (Scientific Director)Founded in: 2012 Staff: 2Biotech focus: human healthIndication: diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the circulatory systemProfile: BDS Pharma GmbH (“BDS”) is a drug delivery company founded in June 2012 in Graz, Austria. The Company’s mission is to develop and commercialize a novel drug delivery platform which combines the use of conventional polymer drug delivery vehicles and approved drugs to be administered directly within the Central Nervous System (CNS).R&D: BDS‘s proprietary manufacturing process and polymer- based formulation can provide tailored release of the appropriate dose of drug(s) for the given patient population within the impacted brain and without causing unwanted systemic side ef-fects. Our lead product NicaPlantTM is a slow-release formulation designed to prevent and treat cerebral vasospasm (CV) following aneurismal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). CV is a leading cause of per-manent brain damage and death following aSAH.

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Bio-Products & Bio-Engineering AktiengesellschaftSchottenring 101010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-53239-90Fax: +43-1-53239-909eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Johann Eibl (Management Board )Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996 Staff: 2Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnologi-cal engineering, systems biology/bioinformatics, nanobiotechnologyIndication: infectious diseases, diseases of the blood and the immune system, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the skin and sub-cutaneous tissue, diseases of the musculoskeletal systemProfile: Bio-Products & Bio-Engineering AG, an Austrian based SME, specialises in research and development of new products and improved procedures for biopharmaceutical products. The company was founded by Dr. Johann Eibl, a senior scientist, with more than 50 years of experience in research, development, and manufacturing of vaccines and blood products.Production: The company operates a state-of-the-art GMP-pilot plant consisting of three indepen-dent suites. The pilot plant is equipped with faci-lities for fermentation, downstream purification, aseptic processing, filling and freeze drying. R&D: Advanced vaccines, plasma derivatives and other blood components; the highly skilled staff members are specialised in a variety of advanced procedures for research and development of bio-pharmaceutical products.Services: Bio-Products & Bio-Engineering AG offers scientific advices, technology transfer.Sales & Distribution: Bio-Products & Bio-Enginee-ring AG is not engaged in sales and distribution of biologics.

Bender MedSystems GmbH Campus Vienna Biocenter 21030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7964040-0Fax: +43-1-7964040-400eMail: [email protected]: www.eBioscience.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998Staff: 77Biotech focus: human health, animal health, non-specific applicationsFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue cultureIndication: cell biology, cancer biology, immunolo-gy, angiogenesis etc.

Bey Pharma GmbH Stiftgasse 231070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5269-208Fax: +43-1-5269-20815eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Biotech focus: human health

bio-ferm Biotechnologische Entwicklung und Produktion GmbHTechnologiezentrum Tulln, Technopark 13430 Tulln/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2272-66089-60Fax: +43-2275-66089-611eMail: [email protected]: Christina DonatCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2005 Staff: 9Biotech focus: agricultural biotechnologyFields of activity: DNA/RNAProfile: Biotechnological Plant Protection

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BIOCRATES Life Sciences AGEduard-Bodem-Gasse 86020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-579823Fax: +43-512-579823-329eMail: [email protected]: www.biocrates.comContact: Mag. Martina KlockerCluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2002 Staff: 40Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, systems biology/bioinfor-maticsIndication: endocrine and metabolic diseasesProduction: We are focused on the development of metabolomics products as well as in vitro di-agnostics (IVDs) for early disease detection and progression in areas such as nephrology, diabetes, oncology and endocrinology. Our mass spectro-metry-based, standardized metabolomic kits and IVDs provide unprecedented accuracy, precision and multiplexing potential. Our core technology is triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, which per-mits identification and quantification of a wide range of relevant biological molecule classes in a variety of samples, ranging from blood and serum to cells and tissues.R&D: Metabolomics research and biomarker discoveryServices: Through our services we make our know-how also availble for partners in the pharmaceuti-cal, biotech and life sciences industries: We help to identify relevant metabolic biomarkers, enhance the understanding of biochemical pathways and provide important information of the metabolic state of a cell, tissue or living organism. Sales & Distribution: AbsoluteIDQ® p150 & p180 Kits: The kits are standardized research assays to identify and quantify up to 188 metabolites from up to five different metabolite classes. Metabo-lites can be measured in just a few minutes per sample, requiring very small sample volumes. AbsoluteIDQ® Stero17 Kit: Simultaneous identifi-cation and quantification of 17 steroid hormones.

SteroIDQ® Kit -Steroid IVD. Biocrates Bile Acids Kit: Mass psectrometry based analysis of bile acids from blood

Biomarker Design Forschungs GmbH The Antibody LabDivischgasse 41210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-29107-41Fax: +43-1-29107-6385eMail: [email protected]: www.theantibodylab.comContact: Dr. Gottfried Himmler (Owner Manager), Renate Berger-Mostler (CFO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009 Staff: 9Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: proteins and other moleculesIndication: infectious diseases, diseases of the blood and the immune systemProfile: The Antibody Lab has been set up in 2014 and has evolved from a cooperation between Biomarker Design Forschungs GmbH and Ango-thera GmbH. It is financed by its founders and by a revenue stream from existing partnerships with various life science companies. Some of the deve-lopment projects are supported by grants from Austrian (FFG) and European public agencies.R&D: We develop for our business partners highly sensitive immunoassays for translational research and diagnostics in the field of bone metabolism, cardiovascular and kidney disease, in environ-mental microbiology and veterinary medicine. We develop fully human secretory IgA for topical and oral applications based on proprietary technology.Sales & Distribution: The Antibody Lab‘s (BDF‘s) immunoassays are marketed and sold by its busi-ness partners (e.g. Biomedica, Conidia Biosciences, IDEXX).

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Biomedical International R+D GmbHWagramer Str. 19, Stock 21, IZD Tower1220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-26983-710eMail: [email protected]: www.biomed.ccContact: Mag. Herbert Houf (CFO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Biotech focus: human health, animal healthIndication: vaccine development against allergies and cancerous diseasesR&D: 1.) Allergy is an increasing burden of man-kind and pets with prevalences of up to 40%. The only causative treatment is systemic immu-notherapy (SIT) using allergen extracts which are injected into the patient in order to induce tolerance.By entrapping the allergen into biode-gradable PLGA microspheres it is protected from degradatio. Simultaneously local side effects are prevented. To achieve specific attachment to im-mune uptake sites, the microparticles are decora-ted with a specific lectin - Alaurea aurantia lectin (AAL). AAL is derived from an edible mushroom and specifically binds to M-cells of tonsils and so-called Peyers patches in the intestine. This leads to enhanced efficacy and lower risk for local side effects. 2.) Cancer is a health threat with a great demand of novel, improved therapies. In cancer, immunotherapy is today mostly performed in a passive mode, by supplying the patients´ blood with immunoglobulins against specific molecules on cancer cells. In contrast to these passiveim-munotherapies, we aim to actively stimulate the patient´s immune system to build up own protective antibodies. The principle of vaccination against infectious diseases is well known. Also prophylaxis for high-risk patients can be envisa-ged.The overexpression of the HER-2 molecule in 1/7 breast cancer patients is associated with bad prognosis. The new vaccine is based on HER-2 mimotopes displayed by Adeno-associated virus particles. Moreover, several other tumor types ex-press HER-2 and may thus be also targeted by the Biomed vaccine. 3.) Biomed develops biometric methods for the improvement of PoC studies.

Biomay AGLazarettgasse 191090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7966296-100Fax: +43-1-7966296-111eMail: [email protected]: www.biomay.comContact: Dr. Rainer Henning (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1984Staff: 25Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineering, vectorsIndication: infectious diseases, diseases of the respiratory systemProfile: Biomay is a worldwide leader in the disco-very and development of disease modifying pro-ducts for allergic diseases. In addition we offer re-combinant allergens for research and diagnostics purposes and contract manufacturing services for third party clients under GMP conditions.Production: We manifacture recombinant allegens and other recombinant proteins in an E. coli based system.R&D: Biomay discovers and develops innovative products for allergy immunotherapy based on a patent protected peptide carries fusion protein platform. Our lead product BM32 is in phase II clinical trials. Our pipeline contains vaccines for all major airborne allergies. These products com-bine superior efficacy with improved safety and convenience.Services: We offer contract manufacturing in mg to g scale for all clinical phases and market supply and GMP condition. Our service offering is compri-sed of both proteins and plasmid DNA.Sales & Distribution: We distribute recombinant allergens for research and diagnostic use.

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Services: Research and preclinical Development. Partnering with universities.

Biomedizinische Forschungsgesellschaft m�b�H�Lazarettgasse 191090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4081091Fax: +43-1-4081091-13eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnologi-cal engineeringR&D: Designs and produces microbial antigens by recombinant technology, individual antigens are well-defined and thoroughly investigated for their biological properties. The vaccines will be adjuvan-ted with conventional adjuvans as well as with a pattented nano adjuvant.

Biomin Holding GmbH/ERBER AG Industriestr. 213130 Herzogenburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2782-803-0Fax: +43-2782-803-30eMail: [email protected]:, www.erber-group.netContact: Dr. Eva-Maria Binder (Vice President Research)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1983Biotech focus: human health, animal health, agricul-tural biotechnology, environment, industrial proces-sing, non-specific applications, bioinformaticsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnological engineering, systems biology/bioinformatics, otherProfile: Erber Group is a leading group of com-panies in the field of feed and food safety, with emphasis on natural feed additives, feed and food analysis and biotechnological plant protection. With headquarters in Austria, it generated a tur-

nover of about 250 million euros in 2014. Erber Group comprises Biomin Holding, Romer Labs Holding, Sanphar Holding, Erber Future Business GmbH with its subsidiaries bio-ferm GmbH and Mitterecker GmbH. Including distribution partners Erber Group is represented in over.R&D: Development of innovative feed additives incl. microbials, enzymes, phytogenics and other bioactive substances; detoxification of undesira-ble feed contaminants, particularly mycotoxins and endotoxins; reference testing services and rapid test kits for undesirable contaminants in food and feed.Sales & Distribution: Natural feed additives for improvement of health and performance of ani-mals; testing services and rapid test kits for un-desirable contaminants in food and feed.

Bionorica Research GmbH Mitterweg 246020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-276808-11Fax: +43-512-276808-40eMail: [email protected]: www.bionorica.atContact: Mag. Michael Walder (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2005Staff: 27Biotech focus: human healthIndication: PhytotherapyProfile: Bionorica research GmbH is a subsidiary company wholly owned by Bionorica SE (Neu-markt i. d. Oberpfalz, Germany), founded in 2005. The declared goal of the company is to drive for-ward research and development into herbal me-dicines in not just traditional but also new areas for Bionorica.R&D: The focus of the scientific investigation is on research into, and isolation of, botanical active substances using high-tech analytical and process technologies.

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Biotenzz Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie mbHPlüddemanngasse 398010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-87383-13eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Henry Müller (CEO)Founded in: 2011Biotech focus: environment, industrial processingFields of activity: DNA/RNA, biotechnological en-gineering, otherProduction: Production of microbial preparations containing one or more bacterial and fungal strains applying proprietary fermentation and formulation protocols. These protocols are particularly suitable for sensitive gram-negative, non-spore forming bacteria and for products applicable to seed coatings.R&D: I.) Microbial products for enhanced crop plant growth and health by enhancing stress tolerance, suppressing phytopathogens and im-proving nutrient availability. II.) Stabilization of the vitality of microbes during long-term storage. III.) Concepts to concert structure and beneficial functions of the plant microbiomesServices: Development of fermentation and for-mulation concepts for microbial products. Analysis of soil and plant microbiomes by state-of-the-art sequencing and bioinformatic tools.

BIRD-C – Biotech Innovation Research Development und Consulting GmbH & Co KGDr. Bohrgasse 2-8/14/11030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8906611eMail: [email protected]: www.bird-c.comContact: Prof. Dr. Werner Lubitz (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna, ecoplusFounded in: 2000Staff: 15Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineering, nano- biotechnology

Bioplant R & DAnton-Frank-Gasse 131180 ViennaPhone: +43-676-5004874eMail: [email protected]: www.bioplant.atContact: Dr. Karin Gruber (CEO), Univ. Prof. Dr. Margit Laimer (CSO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Staff: 5Biotech focus: agricultural biotechnologyFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, systems biolo-gy/bioinformaticsIndication: T 78.4 Plant allergensProduction: Plant derived allergen detection assa-ys Plant pathogen detection tools Molecular marker systems for Marker assisted breeding Elite plant material of woody crop plants Elite plant material of small fruit crops Elite plant material of energy cropsR&D: Genetic and phytosanitary quaity of crop plants Food safety Elite planting materialServices: Services in the field of plant breeding and production include molecular diagnostics to determine the genetic background and the phy-tosanitary status of planting material to confirm the quality corresponding to EU standards, but also to enable worldwide exportation. Bioplant provides in vitro culture techniques to sanitate valuable genotypes, to eliminate pathogens of concern, but also in vivo conditions to conserve mother plants under conditions avoiding soil- and airborne re-infection. Quality checks in terms of allergenicity tests are provided for raw material of plant origin.Sales & Distribution: Plant derived allergen de-tection assays Plant pathogen detection tools Molecular marker systems for Marker assisted breeding Elite plant material of woody crop plants Elite plant material of small fruit crops Elite plant material of energy crops

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Indication: infectious diseases, neoplasms, di-seases of the eye and ear, diseases of the respira-tory system, diseases of the digestive systemSupply of: micro- and nanotechnologyProfile: BIRD-C is an acronym for Biotech Innova-tion Research Development & Consulting and has developed the innovative platform technology, which is based on the Bacterial Ghosts (BGs) through many years of scientific research. Bacte-rial Ghosts are empty, non-living envelopes, per-fectly mimicking the Gram-negative bacteria from which they are derived. Due to BIRD-C’s proprieta-ry production process, Bacterial Ghosts retain all the natural surface structures of the bacteria.R&D: Vaccine development based on Bacterial Ghosts (BGs) against infectious diseases and tumor treatment. BGs are empty, non-living bacte-rial envelopes of Gram-negative bacteria.

Blue Sky Vaccines KGAm Heumarkt 7/391030 ViennaPhone: +43-699-1094-7071eMail: [email protected]: www.blueskyvaccines.comContact: Dr. Thomas Muster (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Staff: 3Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, systems biology/bioinformaticsIndication: certain infectious and parasitic diseasesProfile: BlueSky Vaccines‘s mission is to fully exploit the potential of virotherapy against cancer. By combining tumor cell killing activities of oncolytic viruses with immunostimmulatory transgenes and antigenes, oncolytic vaccines are generated. Our platform consists of oncolytic vaccines that • effectively destroy tumor cells • express immunmodulatory cytokines • express tumor associated antigens • replicate selectively in tumor cellsR&D: The unique property of the vaccine vector platform is the availability of antigenically diffe-

rent candidates, which is a pre-requisite for an effective prime/boost scenario. BlueSky Vaccines‘s oncolytic vaccine was designed to induce immune responses capable to overcome the immunosup-pression induced by cancers. These features have the potential to reveal substantial increases in response and overall survival rates as compared to current virotherapy and other cancer therapy approache

Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG Dr. Boehringer-Gasse 5–111120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-80105-0Fax: +43-1-80408-23eMail: [email protected]: Ingeborg Homolka (Communications Austria)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1948Staff: 1439Biotech focus: human health, industrial proces-sing, bioinformaticsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineering, vectors, systems biology/bioinformaticsProfile: The Boehringer Ingelheim RCV is respon-sible for the human pharmaceuticals and animal health business in more than 30 countries from Estonia to Israel and from Switzerland to Russia. Moreover Vienna coordinates the clinical research activities in the whole region. The site is the global cancer research center and one of four centres devoted to biopharmaceutical research, develop-ment and production in the international group of companies.Production: Boehringer Ingelheim in Austria was a pioneer in biotechnology, who started more than 50 years ago with research in chicken interferon. This ground-breaking work led to a number of collaborations. We offer our own bio-pharmaceuticals for several indication areas like cardiovascular diseases, cancer or osteopetrosis. Since 1995 we have been active additionally in

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Briefcase Biotec GmbHReininghausstr. 13a/228020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-650-4223-727eMail: [email protected]: www.kilobaser.comContact: Alexander Murer (CEO)Founded in: 2014Staff: 3Biotech focus: non-specific applications, laborato-ry equipment, consumables/reagentsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, vectorsProfile: Austrian startup Briefcase Biotec GmbH has developed KiloBaser, a device for „printing“ short synthetic DNA sequences. KiloBaser enables individual scientists to easily produce the DNA they need on their desktops, thus speeding up production of the basic building blocks for all ge-netic engineering and synthetic biology research & development.

BS-Immun GmbHGastgebgasse 5–131230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-99717-39Fax: +43-1-236969-89eMail: [email protected]: www.bsimmun.atContact: Dr. med. vet. Astrid Weiss (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Staff: 1Biotech focus: animal healthFields of activity: biotechnological engineeringIndication: infectious diseasesProfile: licensed manufacturer of autogenous vac-cines for animalsProduction: licensed manufacturer of autogenous vaccines for animalsServices: production of autogenous vaccines for animalsSales & Distribution: autogenous vaccines for animals

contract manufacturing, and recently also in the development of biosimilars.R&D: The aim of pharmaceutical research at Boehringer Ingelheim in Austria is the develop-ment of new cancer medicines that offer a clear advantage compared with standard therapies. A team of more than 260 international specialists work there on new ways of treating cancer pati-ents. Our scientists analyze the causes of mali-gnant tumors and develop innovative substances. Since 2013 we have already launched 2 new drugs for the treatment of lung cancer.Services: Apart from its own products Boehringer Ingelheim has helped its customers to bring more than 20 molecules to the market. This has earned us a reputation as one of the most experienced and reliable contract manufacturing organiza-tions in the world. Boehringer Ingelheim BioXcel-lence provides the entire production technology chain from DNA to fill and finish under one roof at our facilities in Vienna (Austria), Biberach (Germa-ny), Fremont (USA) and Shanghai (China).Sales & Distribution: Boehringer Ingelheim’s suc-cess is based on new, innovative prescription me-dicines to prevent strokes in patients with artrial fibrillation, for the treatment of COPD and asth-ma, diabetes or cancer, among other indication areas. We also offer a number of consumer health care products, f.i. for abdominal pain and cramp, for constipation, coughs, or to increase general wellbeing. In the field of animal health we con-centrate on vaccines as well as other medicines to keep animal patients healthy.

Borealis Agrolinz Melamine GmbH St.-Peter-Str. 254021 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-6981-0eMail: [email protected]: Hubert Puchner (CEO)Founded in: 1991Biotech focus: industrial processing

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C�Y�L� Pharmazeutika GmbH Hauptstr. 1408301 Laßnitzhöhe/StyriaPhone: +43-3133-3222-2Fax: +43-3133-3222-9eMail: [email protected]: www.cyl-pharma.comContact: Dr. Peter Moser (CEO)Founded in: 2002Staff: 4Biotech focus: human healthIndication: cancer research, drug development

Cells + Tissuebank Austria gemeinnützige GmbHMagnesitstr. 13500 Krems an der Donau/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-87470-312Fax: +43-2732-87470-4060eMail: [email protected]: www.ctba.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2004Biotech focus: human health

ChironWells GmbH Unterbergerstr. 186020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-664-1134-149Fax: 43-512-2872-86eMail: [email protected]: www.chironwells.comContact: Prof. Dr. Helmut Schmidhammer (CEO)Founded in: 2011Staff: 1Biotech focus: human healthIndication: pain, immunological diseases, gastro-intestinal disordersR&D: Pain research

Chorus GmbHUntergrafendorf 173071 Böheimkirchen/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-42278-61eMail: [email protected]: Otto Kanzler (Chief Executive Officer and Owner)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2011Staff: 1Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, nanobiotechnologyProfile: Chorus GmbH is focused on the establish-ment of a comprehensive, fast and efficient cell line development and production pipeline that allows for the rapid production of material for the pre-clinic using pre-optimized CHO-Host cell lines that harbor one or several advantageous characte-ristics such as enhanced growth, improved specific productivity or superior product quality. R&D: To reach these goals, Chorus uses the prima-ry sequence data of the Chinese Hamster as well as CHO cells used for production of biopharma-ceutical products. The genomic sequence data of Chinese Hamster and CHO cells sets the stage for intelligent engineering and optimisation of the cell line for enhanced performance as well as for developing tools to monitor and control biopro-cesses at a previously unavailable level of control.Services: Chorus is looking for potential long-term stratetic alliances and partners of its research pro-grams for the development of the Chorus Cyber-Speed Cell Plattfrom (CHORUS-CSCP), which will enable efficient synergistic and co-ordinated re-search development and offer advanced genome/ -omics data to its partners.

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Profile: Cyathus Exquirere Pharmaforschungs-GmbH is a pharmaceutical company founded in 2000 with its head office in Vienna, Austria. We invest in the development of innovative formula-tions of medicinal products as well as in advanced drug delivery technologies for the benefit of the patients. Cyathus Exquirere Pharmaforschungs-GmbH is focused on creating a network of reliable partners through licensing-out its products.R&D: Cyathus Exquirere PharmaforschungsGmbH is devoted to the research and development of new formulations of known substances and drug delivery systems with precise dosage.Services: Our business model is based on a mul-tiple approach: • Licensing out: The proprietary pharmaceutical products of Cyathus are availa-ble for licensing out • Licensing in: Cyathus is interested in evaluating medicinal products for licensing in • Regulatory services: Cyathus offers Regulatory support • Drug co-development

Cyprumed GmbHKreidweg 276416 Obsteig/TyrolWeb: www.cyprumed.netCluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2015Biotech focus: human health

DELACON Biotechnik Gesellschaft m�b�H� Weissenwolffstr. 144221 Steyregg/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-640531-0Fax: +43-732-640533eMail: [email protected]: www.delacon.comContact: Helmut Dedl (CEO)Founded in: 1988Biotech focus: agricultural biotechnology

CoaChrom Diagnostica GmbH Hauptstr. 52344 Maria Enzersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-236-2221eMail: [email protected]: www.coachrom.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1994Staff: 9Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other moleculesIndication: drug delivery

Croma Pharma GmbH Industriezeile 62100 Leobendorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2262-68468-0Fax: +43-2262-68468-165eMail: [email protected]: www.croma.atContact: Mag. Gerhard Prinz (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1976

Cube Dx GmbHIndustriezeile 64020 Linz/Upper AustriaFounded in: 2015Biotech focus: human health

Cyathus Exquirere PharmaforschungsGmbH Rudolfsplatz 2/1/81010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-24646-0Fax: +43-1-24646-666eMail: [email protected]: www.cyathus.euContact: Federico Rosado (Business & Marketing Development)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 8Biotech focus: human health

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DIPHA GmbH Rodlergasse 6/Top 101190 ViennaPhone: +43-664-461089-6Fax: +43-664-774610-896eMail: [email protected]: www.dipha.atContact: Dr. Oliver Dinstl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004 Staff: 2Fields of activity: nanobiotechnologyOffer: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, legal advice and IPR managementProfile: Pharmaceutical Development for solid dosage forms (tablet, granulates, a.o.) for Clinical Studies, liquids and creams. Study Development and Monitoring (Phase I-II), CRO Biomarker Development for inflammatory and autoimmun diseases Product Management for Pharmacies, licensing and marketingProduction: Clinical Trial Products for studies (off label use)R&D: bioactive substances and metabolism formulation of APIs qualification and standar-disation of bioactive substances Biomarker development for inflammatory diagnostics solid dose formulation development for synthetic and natural active ingredientsServices: contracting and licensing of products product life cycle management product launch management clinical study design observati-onal studiesSales & Distribution: samples for clinical trials (dermatologics) and observational studies

DirectSens GmbHAm Rosenbühel 383400 Klosterneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-699-1835-5188eMail: [email protected]: www.directsens.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2013Biotech focus: non-specific applications

Dr� A� & L� Schmidgall GmbH & Co KG Wolfganggasse 45-471121 ViennaPhone: +43-1-81158-0eMail: [email protected]: www.dr-schmidgall.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1962Biotech focus: human healthIndication: drug delivery

Dr� Meng Pharma GmbH Hernalser Hauptstr. 24/161170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-405978-6eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAviennaBiotech focus: human health

Dr� Muin Pharma GmbH Schönbrunner Allee 261120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-909-4909Fax: +43-1-909-2201eMail: [email protected]: www.muin.atContact: Sofian MoullaCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 3Biotech focus: human health, industrial processingProfile: The Dr Muin Pharma GmbH was founded in 2006 for the production and sale of the pa-tented Tucarin, by the scientist and physician Dr. med Muin. There are three products, Tucarin®, Tucarin®Prophy and Tucarin®Ginkgo. All of the products contained with the patented Tucarin in different quantities. This consists of a unique composition of different herbal substances, which in their combination have an ideal effect against various types of virus (see also Patent No.: ep2135512a1).Production: Raw materials are produced in Austria in the Dr. Muin Pharma GmbH, Josef Holzinger

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of state-of-the-art monospecific antibody drugs, known as DutaMabs.Services: Engineering ultrastable, high-affinity bispecific antibodies against any pair of drug targets, which comprise only one normal fully human heavy chain polypeptide and one normal fully human light chain polypeptide. The innova-tive engineering process is extremely rapid and reliable, and benefits from patent protection and independently verified freedom-to-operate.Sales & Distribution: Product candidates for sale include a novel and superior angiogenesis blocker for ophthalmology, a novel and superior angioge-nesis blocker for oncology, and a novel and superi-or treatment for inflammation. The service for sale is the engineering of ultrastable, high-affinity bis-pecific antibodies against any pair of drug targets, which retain all the advantages of state-of-the-art monospecific antibodies.

EBEWE Pharma Ges�m�b�H� Nfg�KG Mondseestr. 114866 Unterach am Attersee/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7665-81230Fax: +43-7665-812311eMail: [email protected]: www.sandoz.atContact: Friedrich HillebrandFounded in: 2001Staff: 630Biotech focus: human healthIndication: Oncology

ecoduna produktions-GmbHFischamender Str. 12/32460 Bruck/Leitha/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-88410200eMail: [email protected]: www.ecoduna.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2009Staff: 30Biotech focus: environment, industrial processing

Str. 2, A 2602 Blumau/Neurisshof in Vienna. And therefore tested in Vienna. The final production of the capsule (encapsulation and blistering) takes place in Germany.R&D: Perfectly support the human body, especial-ly in phases of life with high level loads, and to improve quality of life through a better body fee-ling on the long term. Dr. Muin regularly worked al long time with cancer patients, therefore his interest in cancer has increased. For this reason, he established a private research laboratory. There he conducted his own cancer research for years. The research focus are directed to people whoes bodys are weakened by all influences.Services: Sale and distribution of dietary supple-ment.Sales & Distribution: The sale and distribution for the capsules take place in this both companys: Dr. Muin Pharma GmbH, Vienna Dr. Muin Pharmamed GmbH, Germany. There are no mini-mume quantities and it is free of order.

Dutalys GmbHMuthgasse 11/2/31190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-99718-32Fax: +43-1-99718-3201eMail: [email protected]: www.dutalys.comContact: Dr. Roland Beckmann (CSO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other moleculesIndication: neoplasmsProduction: DutaMabs are ultrastable, highly specific and high-affinity antibody drugs that can be engineered angainst any pair of therapeutic drug targets. Current product candidates compri-se a novel and superior angiogenesis blocker for ophthalmology, a novel and superior angiogenesis blocker for oncology, and a novel and superior treatment for inflammation.R&D: Dutalys creates the only bispecific antibody drugs that succeed in retaining all the advantages

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Elatos GmbHCampus-Vienna-Biocenter 31030 ViennaCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Biotech focus: human health

emergentec biodevelopment GmbHGersthofer Str. 29–311180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4034966-10Fax: +43-1-4034966-19eMail: [email protected]: www.emergentec.comContact: Arno Lukas (CEO), Dr. Bernd Mayer (CSO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: systems biology/bioinformatics

enGenes Biotech GmbHMooslackengasse 171190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-47654-6926eMail: [email protected]: www.engenes.ccContact: DI Dr. Jürgen Mairhofer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Staff: 5Biotech focus: industrial processingFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineering, systems biology/bioinformatics, otherProfile: enGenes develops customized solutions for the production of recombinant proteins in microbial expression systems by combining next-generation genetic engineering with a broad expertise in bioprocess engineering. Based on a strong understanding for the requirements of the biotech industry and extensive knowledge and method portfolio, enGenes delivers improved host cell lines, plasmid expression vectors and

optimized production processes to maximize bio-process efficacy.R&D: enGenes Biotech offers patent-protected technology solutions and services for the micro-bial production of recombinant proteins that help contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) reduce cost of goods and that provide start-ups and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMUs) access to difficult-to-express proteins vital for their research.Services: Microbial cell line development Expres-sion vector design/engineering Process develop-ment/scale-up & optimization Proof-of-concept (POC) material production

Epsilon 3 GmbHRotenturmstr. 27/61010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40635-5515eMail: [email protected]: www.epsilon-3.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Biotech focus: bioinformaticsProduction: As a pioneer in the digital EEG field, alpha trace has provided numerous hospitals and private practices with cutting-edge equipment in the field of neurology, neurophysiology and sleep medicine. With more than 25 successful years in the field we supply computer-based diagnostic systems that have been validated and improved over decades. Following a customer-centric inno-vation philosophy, our customers’ needs are the focus and driving force behind everything we do. The networked alpha trace solutions feature an innovative user interface, a common database and premium support. The current alpha trace product range includes EEG systems including VideoEEG EMG systems incl. evoked potentials and neurography Sleep systemsR&D: Our organization was one of the pioneering companies to develop a PC-based paperless EEG. This marked our company’s initial groundbreaking innovation. 25 years later, research continues to drive the core of our business. Following a custo-mer-centric innovation philosophy, our customers’

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Eurofins Genomics AT GmbHBrehmstr. 14 A1110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7966572-70Fax: +43-1-7966572-21eMail: [email protected]: www.vbc-biotech.comContact: Mag. Siegfried Schnabl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 5Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: DNA/RNA

EveliQure Biotechnologies GmbHHelmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 21030 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.eveliqure.comContact: Zoltan Dobai (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Biotech focus: human healthIndication: certain infectious and parasitic diseasesR&D: EveliQure is an innovative biotech company developing novel vaccines for the prevention of diarrheal diseases that are highly relevant for travelers and young children living in developing countries. EveliQure developed a novel vaccine technology platform based on a live attenuated Shigella strain that is able to induce broad pro-tection against shigellosis caused by different species and serotypes. This vaccine strain serves as a platform to achieve broad coverage of di-arrheal pathogens by the designed expression of non-shigella derived antigens. Shigetec™, the first generation vaccine candidate targets Shigella and Enterotoxinegic E. coli (ETEC), the two major causes of diarrhea.

needs are the focus and driving force behind everything we do. In the ever-changing field of neurophysiology it is essential to be current on recent scientific findings. In addition to decades of validation and improvement of our products in clinical practice, we therefore integrate the most current state of research into our develop process. We closely monitor third party findings and con-duct our own empirical research.

EUCODIS Bioscience GmbHCampus Vienna Biocenter II Viehmarktgasse 2 a/2. OG1030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8900-804Fax: +43-1-8900-804-11eMail: [email protected]: www.eucodisbioscience.comContact: Dr. Karl Hübler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 14Biotech focus: industrial processingFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineeringProfile: EUCODIS delivers high-performance enzyme solutions for specific applications in biopharma, fine chemicals, cosmetics industry and others. EUCODIS offers a portfolio of over 50 enzymes including innovative lipases, beta-lactamases, peroxidases, phospholipases D, nitrile hydratases and other enzymes. EUCODIS provi-des customized services in recombinant protein and enzyme production by covering the whole spectrum of bioprocess development up to indus-trial-scale manufacture of your target proteins.Services: EUCODIS offers the whole spectrum of non-GMP custom protein & enzyme services covering protein & enzyme engineering, strain & bioprocess development fermentation in various pro- and eukaryotic host expression systems and routine industrial protein manufacturing.

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EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH Oberburgau 34866 Unterach am Attersee/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7665-20555Fax: +43-7665-20555-910eMail: [email protected]: www.everpharma.comFounded in: 2008Biotech focus: human healthIndication: neurodegenerative diseases

Evercyte GmbHMuthgasse 181190 ViennaPhone: +43-664-4227-861eMail: [email protected]: www.evercyte.comContact: Otto Kanzler (CEO and co-founder)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Staff: 10Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, cell and tissue cul-ture, vectors

F-star Biotechnologische Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-GmbHSchwarzenbergplatz 71030 ViennaPhone: +43-1223-497400eMail: [email protected]: www.f-star.comContact: Dr. Jane Dancer (COO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue cultureIndication: neoplasmsR&D: The development of novel bispecific antibody products for the treatment of cancer. Our modular antibody technology alllows us to rapidly discover and developbispecific antibodies by introducing additional binding sites to the constant region.

F4 Pharma i�G�c/o MChE Trading GmbHBürgerspitalgasse 24/101060 ViennaPhone: +43-664-110-7694eMail: [email protected]: www.f4-pharma.comContact: Mag. Thomas Steiner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 1Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other moleculesIndication: infectious diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the circulatory systemProfile: Our core product FX06 ( Bß 15-42) is effec-tive against the vascular leak independent of the indication which is triggering it ( Viral infections, SARS, Reperfusion injury, shock). Proof of concept in one indication has been achieved ( reperfusion injury in myocardial infarct) multicentre phase IIa study,compassionate use in Ebola in Europe and West Africa, various animal models ( Dengue, shock, SIRS, …). We are focussing on Orphan applications and prepare a phase IIa study in intensive care.R&D: Orphan indications in which vascular leak is a serious complication.

Fianostics GmbHViktor Kaplan-Str. 22700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2622-27514eMail: [email protected]: www.fianostics.atContact: Dr. Gerhard Hawa (General Manager/Founder)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2015Staff: 2Biotech focus: human healthProfile: FIANOSTICS develops highly sensitive fluorescence immunoassays and a new metal en-hanced fluorescence platform in cooperation with SonyDADC BioSciences. The medical focus of FIA-

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Gall Pharma GmbH Grünhüblgasse 258750 Judenburg/StyriaPhone: +43-3572-86996Fax: +43-3572-869969eMail: [email protected]: in: 2004 Staff: 25

GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Austria GmbHKremplstr. 54061 Pasching/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7229-6486-5Fax: +43-7229-6486-6eMail: [email protected]: www.paa.comCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1988 Staff: 110Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: cell and tissue culture

Gebro Pharma GmbH Bahnhofbichl 136391 Fieberbrunn/TyrolPhone: +43-5354-5300-0Fax: +43-5354-5300-733eMail: [email protected]: www.gebro.comFounded in: 1947 Staff: 270Biotech focus: human health

Genericon Pharma Gesellschaft m�b�H� Hafnerstr. 2118054 Graz/ StyriaPhone: +43-316-9003Fax: +43-316-9003-102eMail: [email protected]: www.genericon.atContact: Dr. Wolfgang LeitnerFounded in: 1986 Staff: 120Biotech focus: human healthIndication: drug delivery

NOSTICS will initially be placed on diseases of bone and cartilage followed by neurological disorders, because clinical research in those areas, which become more and more important due to the ongoing demographic changes, will significantly benefit from high sensitivity Biomarker tests.

Fresenius Kabi Austria GmbH Zweigniederlassung LinzEstermannstr. 174020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-7651-0Fax: [email protected]: in: 1997

Fresenius Kabi Austria GmbH Hafnerstr. 368055 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-249-0Fax: [email protected]: membership: styriaFounded in: 1997Staff: 842Biotech focus: human health

G�L� Pharma GmbH Schlossplatz 18502 Lannach/StyriaPhone: +43-3136-82577-0Fax: +43-3136-81563eMail: [email protected]: membership: styriaFounded in: 2002 Staff: 500Biotech focus: industrial processing

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Germania Pharmazeutika GmbH Schuselkagasse 81150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9823399Fax: +43-1-9823399-24eMail: [email protected]: www.germania.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1979Biotech focus: human health

Globopharm GmbH Bräunlichgasse 40–422700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-8031727Fax: +43-1-8031727-372eMail: [email protected]: www.globopharm.atContact: Dr. Kurt Burghart (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1994Biotech focus: industrial processing

Glock Health, Science and Research GmbHHausfeldstr. 172232 Deutsch Wagram/Lower AustriaCluster membership: ecoplus

Green River Polymers Forschungs- und Entwicklungs GmbHTrientlgasse 656020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-319158Fax: +43-512-319158-4eMail: [email protected]. focus: industrial processing

Greiner Bio-One Diagnostics GmbHGewerbepark 24261 Rainbach/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7949-2090-3000Fax: +43-7949-2090-3001eMail: [email protected]: www.gbo.comContact: Mag. Florian Winner (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1999 Staff: 54Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, vectorsIndication: molecular diagnostics, infectious di-seases, sexually transmitted infections, hospitaly acquired infections, vaccine safety, adventitious agents safety products, HPV, MRSA, MycoplasmasProfile: Greiner Bio-One Diagnostics GmbH is one out of four strategic business units of the Greiner Bio-One International. Our field of activity is the molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases. A su-stainable growing market by population growth and demographic trends. Production: Reagents for molecular diagnostics. Microarray production for molecular diagnostics. Microfluidic Test Chip production for molecular diagnostics. Integrated opto-electronic test sy-stems for molecular diagnostics. Software for IVD applications.R&D: Our key products are a) sexually transmit-ted infectious diseases b) health care associated infections especially antibiotic resistance and c) products for safety of vaccines and pharmaceuti-cals. We offer our customers complete solutions for diagnostics, from sampling and analysis to digital results. Moreover we offer automated high-throughput systems for private labs as well as patient-near, personalized and easy to use sy-stems for rapid testing in hospitals and medical practice.Services: Mycoplasma testing of samples from vac-cine production, biologicals, raw materials and cell culture for R&D and pharmacytical product release.Sales & Distribution: We sell our products world-wide through our subsidiaries and our internatio-nal network of distributors.

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Hermes Pharma Ges�m�b�H� Neutorgasse 4–81010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-22711-0Fax: +43-1-22711-3150eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Biotech focus: human health

Hookipa Biotech AGHelmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 21030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8906360Fax: +43-1-8906360-399eMail: [email protected]: www.HookipaBiotech.comContact: Dr. Katherine Cohen (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: vectorsIndication: infectious diseasesR&D: Hookipa Biotech develops a new class of innovative prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines based on its proprietary Vaxwave® technology. The Vaxwave® technology is a novel vaccine platform using a replication-defective viral vector for the prevention and treatment of multiple in-fectious diseases and cancer. The platform is one of the most promising new technologies for next generation vaccines due to its ability to stimulate both potent B-cell and CD8+ T-cell immune re-sponses. Vaxwave® has been validated in various disease models. Unlike other vectors, Vaxwave® vaccines can be administered repeatedly to boost the immune system. The company currently focuses on the development of its lead vaccine candidate HB101 and plans to further industrialize the Vaxwave® technology and build a robust pro-duct pipeline.

Haplogen GmbHCampus Vienna Biocenter 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9165522-10Fax: +43-1-9165522-16eMail: [email protected]: www.haplogen.comContact: Dr. Georg Casari (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010 Staff: 5Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, vectors, systems biology/bioinformatics, otherIndication: infectious diseases, endocrine and metabolic diseases, diseases of the eye and ear, diseases of the respiratory systemProfile: Haplogen is a privately held biotechnolo-gy company based on an entirely novel genetics technology platform. Its goal is to combat infec-tious diseases. Our mission is to identify novel pathogen host factors using our proprietary tech-nology and thereby develop therapeutics to treat infectious diseases. Haplogen‘s most advanced program has developed protective compounds against Virus infection and has entered preclinical development.R&D: Using proprietary haploid human cell lines that have a single copy of each gene Haplogen can inactivate them with a single mutation und unprecedented efficacy. Human host factors are required for the replication and propagation of viral and microbial pathogens causing disease. Haplogen‘s technology platform provides a rapid and reliable method to discover novel host factors against which new chemical or biological entities can be developed. For selected programs Haplo-gen develops drug candidates.Sales & Distribution: Haplogen partners with pharma and biotechnology companies to identify novel targets for treatment of infectious diseases. Contact: [email protected]

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Horizon Genomics GmbHCampus Vienna Biocenter 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-916-5522Fax: +43-1-916-5516eMail: [email protected]: www.horizon-genomics.comContact: Dr. Thomas Moser (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Staff: 14Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, vectors, systems biology/bioinformaticsProfile: Horizon Genomics is a revenue-generating life science company that supplies human gene-edited cell lines as research tools to organizations engaged in life science research.Production: We have a growing collection of hu-man knockout cell lines, engineered by CRISPR/Cas technology. Knockout clones for over 1,200 human genes are available off-the-shelve, knockouts for any non-essential gene can be generated upon your request for a very competitive price within 10 weeks.R&D: Horizon Genomics employs a powerful func-tional genomics platform based on a unique set of haploid human cell lines. Using these cells we established the largest collection of validated hu-man knock-out cell lines thereby empowering bi-omedical research. In addition, Horizon Genomics offers partnerships to perform unbiased genetic screens in human cells for drug target discovery and to elucidate drug mechanism of action.Services: We have access to unique pipeline that we call “Clinical Trial in a Petri Dish”. It allows to experimentally assess the occurrence of resi-stance mutations long before drugs enter clinical trials. The pipeline is based on a unique set ha-ploid human cell lines that can be exploited for unbiased genetic screening. Haploid human cells are perfectly suited for genetic studies because the inactivation of one gene copy is sufficient to elucidate its loss-of-function phenotype.

Sales & Distribution: Horizon Genomics employs a powerful direct sales model combined with an efficient e-commerce strategy. All cell lines can be ordered at Horizon´s webshop ( and are shipped worldwide.

igor – Institut für Gewebe und Organrekonstruktion Ges�m�b�H�Bernadingasse 124600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-44128-30Fax: +43-7242-44128-12eMail: [email protected]. www.igor.atContact: Dr. Martin Fußenegger (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2001 Staff: 6Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: cell and tissue cultureIndication: diseases of the musculoskeletal systemProfile: igor is a private cell labratory founded 2001, developing and optimizing standardized production workflows for human cells und gmp conditions. Being authorised as tissue banc igor is also offering a wide field of services concerning storage and handling of human material.Production: Services in cell culture processing and tissue banking.R&D: Development and testing of gmp based cell culture processes, including authorisation for cli-nical use and clinical trials.

ingenetix GmbHSimmeringer Hauptstr. 241110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-74040-391Fax: +43-1-74040-392eMail: [email protected]. www.ingenetix.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003 Staff: 6Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, vectors, other

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ter, double blind and placebo controlled Phase IIb study was started in 2013. Unlike any medical product, Innovacell’s cell therapiesy offer a natural, minimal-invasive, and potentially a once for a life time tratment. Innovacell’s cell therapy has the potential to set a new standard in the treatment of stress urinary and faecal incontinence. Inno-vacell Biotechnology AG is privately-owned and based in Innsbruck, Austria. Services: Contract manufacturing, storing and process development for cell based products.

INOVIA Hutzinger GmbH & Co KG Am Thalbach 1004600 Thalheim bei Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-350-159Fax: +43-7242-350159-4eMail: [email protected]: www.inovia.atContact: Dr. Michael Hutzinger (President)Founded in: 1998Staff: 5Biotech focus: industrial processingProfile: INOVIA is an Austrian company that specializes in developing and manufacturing products for the food and feed industry. An expe-rienced team provides its customers with rapid and goal-oriented solutions to their product ideas, thereby shortening time to market. R&D: Micro-encapsulation is a process by which small particles (liquid or solid) are encased in a uniform shell. The composition of the shell mate-rial may vary depending on the application and can be of natural (gelatin, Starch, wax) or (semi-) synthetic origin (modified starch and cellulose, acrylates and other synthetic polymers). Typically, enhancement of stability and shelf-life, controlled and delayed release are reasons for micro-encap-sulation of active substances.Services: INOVIA offers a wide range of services ranging from basic research and product develop-ment to large scale manufacturing and is there-fore well equipped to tackle any project however difficult and complex. Micro-encapsulation Spray Drying Granulation Freeze Drying Emulsifying Tableting Pan Coating Blending Filling.

Innovacell Biotechnologie AGMitterweg 246020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-573680Fax: +43-512-5736-805eMail: [email protected]: www.innovacell.comContact: Dr. Ekkehart Steinhuber (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2000Staff: 23Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: cell and tissue cultureIndication: diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the genitourinary systemProfile: Innovacellis a privately-held phase III com-pany engaged in the of autologous, mini-mally invasive, potentially curative cell therapies to re-establish functionality of sphincter muscle in patients with stress urinary incontinence (sui) or fecal incontinence.Production: Today Innovacell operates one of Europe’s largest, good manufacturing practice (GMP) certified production facilities, which is fully equipped and established for the proliferation of autologous muscle cells, hair follicle cells and dendritic cells. Today’s capacity amounts to ap-prox. 5.000 units per annum. Depending on the demand for therapies, the current production capacity can be doubled within a period ofca. 6 months as required. In addition, the company operates a dedicated laboratory for cryopreservati-on. Innovacell’s cryopreservation method is key to store, handle, and ship therapeutic cell cultures of the highest available safety standards. Innovacell’s laboratory and productions facilities are located in the Life Science Center of Innsbruck, Austria. R&D: Innovacell Biotechnologie AG is the first company, which has developed a personalized, cell-based therapy for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Innovacell’s lead product ICES13, is set out to receive regulatory ap-proval by the EMEA 2019. Innovacell’s other cell based therapy ICEF15 is for the treatment of faecal incontinence, for which there is a particularly high medical need. Following the successful completi-on of 2 Phase I/II trials, a multinational, multicen-

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Inoxia Lifesciences GmbHErlgasse 481120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8105366Fax: +43-1-8105366-13eMail: [email protected]: www.inoxia.atContact: Dr. Andreas KubinCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011 Staff: 3Biotech focus: human healthIndication: diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the digestive systemR&D: INOXIA is an innovative Viennese Biotech Company which specializes in the field of Peroxi-dase inhibitor development. Peroxidases are en-zymes of the innate immune system and are (par-tially) responsible for chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Selective potential inhibitors form the basis for new medication,to be used for the treatment of bronchial asthma, COPD,and bowel diseases such as Crohn´s disease and Ulcerative colitis,just to mention a few.

Institut Allergosan Pharmazeutische Produkte Forschungs- und VertriebsGmbHSchmiedlstr. 8a8042 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-405-305Fax: +43-316-405-30520eMail: [email protected]: www.allergosan.atContact: Mag. Anita FrauwallnerCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1991

Interpharm ProduktionsgmbH Effingergasse 211160 ViennaPhone: +43-5-997730-380Fax: +43-5-997730-390eMail: [email protected]: www.interpharm.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1969Biotech focus: human health

Intervet GesmbH – ein Unternehmen der MSD Tiergesundheit Siemenstrasse 1071210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2568787-0Fax: +43-1-2568787-419eMail: [email protected]: www.intervet.atContact: Dr. Klaus Kriebitzsch (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997Staff: 200Biotech focus: animal health

Kwizda Agro GmbH Universitätsring 61010 ViennaPhone: +43-5-9977-10Fax: +43-5-9977-10280eMail: [email protected]: www.kwizda-agro.atContact: Dr. Johann Franz Kwizda (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1950Biotech focus: agricultural biotechnology

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diagnostics and translational research in national and international studies.Services: Successful products and services: Cyto-genetic analysis Fluorescence in situ hybri-dization (FISH) assays Quantitative PCR testing Flow-cytometry and FACS-sorting Analysis of DNA mutations

Lacerta Technologies GmbHDr. Karl-Dorrek-Str. 23–293500 Krems an der Donau/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-883162-05Fax: +43-664-77883162-06eMail: [email protected]: www.lacertatechnologies.comContact: Dr. Zsombor LaczaCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2012Staff: 4Biotech focus: human healthIndication: Bone replacementProfile: Lacerta Technologies is a regenerative medicine company located in Krems/Austria. We are funded through private capital as well as through the SEED financing program of Austria Wirtschaftsservice and regional funding from ac-cent Gründerservice. Lacerta Technologies is deve-loping a coating technology for bone grafts that can induce stem cell proliferation and achieve a better remodeling. Without the use of exogenous growth factors or stem cells, our technology is easy to implement and affordable.Production: albumin coated bone allograft coa-ting device for implants serum isolator device from blood (each of them under development)R&D: improved bone grafts blood-derived proli-ferative factorsServices: improved bone allograftsystem for hos-pital-based bone banks (under development)Sales & Distribution: only our own products - as soon as we obtain market approval

Kwizda Pharma GmbH Effingergasse 211160 ViennaPhone: +43-5-997730-0Fax: +43-5-997730-230eMail: [email protected]: www.kwizda.atContact: Reinhard Mahr (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1981Biotech focus: human health

LABDIA Labordiagnostik GmbHZimmermannplatz 81090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40077-4800Fax: +43-1-40077-7437eMail: [email protected]: www.labdia.atContact: Univ.-Prof. DDr. Thomas Lion (Medical Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 15Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, vectorsIndication: molecular diagnostic, cancer researchR&D: LabDia Labordiagnostik GmbH was founded as a subsidiary of the Children´s Cancer Research Organization and focuses on the development of new diagnostic techniques and their exploitati-on by providing commercial diagnostic services. Thomas Lion, who is Medical Director of LabDia and Division Head at the Children´s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI), and his team perform research directed towards the implementation of new technologies in clinical diagnostics. Several recently developed and patented methodologies are the result of the closely linked activities bet-ween the CCRI and LabDia. LabDia currently offers diagnostic services focusing on hemato-oncology and infectious diseases. In addition to offering services for individual patients and hospitals, LabDia also serves as a reference laboratory for

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Lactosan GmbH & Co� KGIndustriestr. West 58605 Kapfenberg/StyriaPhone: +43-3862-326-0210Fax: +43-3862-326-024eMail: [email protected]: www.lactosan.atContact: Dr. Gerald Blüml Founded in: 1989Staff: 96Biotech focus: industrial processingFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineeringIndication: products based on Lactic acid bacteria, Silage additives, probiotics, starter cultures, en-zyme production, toll manufacturingProfile: The core business of the biotech company Lactosan is the development and manufacturing of products based on Lactic Acid Bacteria, such as starter cultures or probiotics. Three independent production lines equipped with fermentation, lyophilisation and further powder handling like milling, blending, packing in dedicated clean room areas, allows us to offer contract development and manufacturing in the field of food, feed, industrial biotechnology and pharma.Production: Lactosan microbial additives: Spe-cialised knowledge in product development and customized manufacturing of lactic acid bacteria Lactosan biotech: Competence in industrial biotechnology – Process development and large scale contract manufacturing of enzymes Lac-tosan Pharma: Customer oriented contract ma-nufacturing service for microorganism based APIs under GMP/cGMP standardR&D: Our highly efficient team of scientists and technical specialists works to develop new pro-ducts, also often in collaboration with universities. Our strength lies in implementing interdiscipli-nary issues from a concept to production on an industrial scale. One of the services we offer is the development and manufacture of individual pro-ducts, tailored to the customer’s requests.

Larkbio GmbHHainburgerstr. 20/71030 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.larkbio.comContact: Zoltan Kovacs (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Biotech focus: bioinformaticsFields of activity: systems biology/bioinformaticsProfile: Larkbio is a privately held bioinformatics company with offices in Austria and Hungary. Our major focus areas are IT systems and data analysis for health and omics research.Services: We have been managing clinical sample collections since 2008, our first biological sample libraries were set up in the same year. We started to develop alignment algorithms for next genera-tion sequencing in 2009 and ever since we have been working in several international projects as a bioinformatics provider. Sales & Distribution: We work closely with pharma-ceutical and biotech companies, research institutes and clinics. We are dedicated to helping our clients and partners reach their bioinformatics needs.

Lenus Pharma GmbH Seeböckgasse 591160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-405-1419Fax: +43-1-405-141920eMail: [email protected]: www.lenuspharma.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Biotech focus: human healthProfile: The philosophy of the LENUS PHARMA is to develop innovative products based on Evidence-Based Medicine,meeting unmet medical needs. We are specialists in the field of “food for special medical purposes”, and the focus of our expertise lies in the field of urology/andrology, gynecology, IVF and ophthalmology. Founded in 2006 in Vien-na Austria, we are now cooperating with partners in over 50 countries.

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tion and quantification of all known and unknown full-length transcripts by selectively amplifying transcript variants. SQUARE relies on a proprietary library preparation workflow and on an in-house Bioinformatics pipeline ensuring a seamless ana-lysis of the segregated transcript variants. SQUARE is provided as a service.Sales & Distribution: Sales and distribution are or-ganized via a network of distributors which can be found at

LIFE RESEARCH Technologies GmbHSchönlaterngasse 11/131010 ViennaPhone: +43-699-172-494-30Fax: +43-516-33-3000eMail: [email protected]: www.liferesearcht.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: cell and tissue cultureIndication: neoplasms

Magister Hoeveler & Co Gesellschaft m�b�H Carlbergergasse 38/Top 3/1. OG1010 ViennaPhone: +43-7723-42305Fax: +43-7723-42305-15eMail: [email protected]: www.mag-hoeveler.atContact: Robert von Nagy (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1983Biotech focus: human health

Lexogen GmbHCampus Vienna Biocenter 51030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3451212Fax: +43-1-3451212-99eMail: [email protected]: www.lexogen.comContact: Irmlind Gabler (MSc)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 31Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: vectors, otherProfile: Lexogen is a biotech company with a number of proprietary expression profiling tech-nologies that enable detailed profiling of the complete transcriptome as well as individual full length RNAs. Founded in 2007 by both private capital and public funds Lexogen is, and has been, supported by the FFG, the AWS, INiTS and the Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. Lexogen is based in Vienna, Austria, and has a subsidiary in New Hampshire, USA. 50% of Lexogen employees work in R&D.Production: SPLIT RNA Extraction Kits for the extraction of total RNA or small and large RNA fractions, TeloPrime Full-Length cDNA Amplifi-cation Kits, QuantSeq 3‘mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kits for rapid generation of 3‘end libraries, SENSE mRNA-Seq and SENSE Total RNA-Seq Library Prep Kits for fragmentation-free generation of RNA-Seq libraries, as well as all kit prototypes are produced at Lexogen in Austria.R&D: Lexogen is researching the nature of tran-scriptomes to develop novel robust technologies for complete and targeted RNA sequencing while concentrating on RNA purification, NGS library preparation and bioinformatical data evaluation algorithms. Lexogen’s major aim is to facilitate re-liable comparability between RNA measurements which are carried out at different sites, different times and using different sequencing methods.Services: Lexogen’s RNA Kits are compatible for automation. Several automations protocols have been implemented and can be customized on re-quest. SQUARE enables hypothesis-free identifica-

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Marinomed Biotechnologie GmbHVeterinärplatz 11210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2507744-60Fax: +43-1-2507744-93eMail: [email protected]: www.marinomed.comContact: Renate Moser (PhD, BD&L)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 24Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, otherIndication: infectious diseases, diseases of the blood and the immune system, diseases of the eye and ear, diseases of the respiratory systemProfile: Marinomed is a biopharmaceutical compa-ny discovering and developing innovative anti-viral and immunological treatments. Marinomed is focused on the development of MAVIREX, a tech-nology platform for the development of therapies that target more than 200 different respiratory vi-rus strains . The usability of this safe and effective technology has been proven by its first marketed product: an anti-viral nasal spray.Production: Marinomed products, based on its anti-viral respiratory technology platform MAVIREX, are on the market in many countries as anti-viral nasal sprays for the prevention and treatment of common cold and other viral infections such as influenza A. R&D: Marinomed has a track record of success with products already marketed internationally and several follow-on compounds in development. Marinomed is interested in talking to companies interested in the anti-viral respiratory technology platform as well as companies interested in novel immunomodulatory compounds.Sales & Distribution: In Austria the products derived from the Mavirex platform are exclusively sold and marketed by Sigmapharm. Marketing rights for > 50 countries were out-licensed to Boehringer Ingel-heim. Marinomed is proud to be licensee for local partners in further 22 countries all over the world.

Mark53 GmbHMariahilfer Str. 123/31060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40400-6848eMail: [email protected]: www.mark53.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Biotech focus: human healthIndication: neoplasms

MERCK GmbH Zimbagasse 51140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-57600-0Fax: +43-1-57733-70eMail: [email protected]: www.merck.atContact: Daniel RosenauerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1958Staff: 90Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineering, vectors

MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien & Co� Werk Spittal Hösslgasse 209800 Spittal/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4762-5151Fax: +43-4762-5151-440eMail: [email protected]: www.merck-spittal.atContact: Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Raunegger (Prokurist)Biotech focus: industrial processing

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Microsynth Austria GmbHLeberstr. 201110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-74339-69Fax: +43-1-74341-83eMail: [email protected]: www.microsynth.atContact: Mag. Bernhard Binishofer (Operating Manager Austria)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Staff: 2Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, systems biology/bioinformaticsProfile: As a private and independent Swiss com-pany, Microsynth provides services related to DNA/RNA synthesis, various kinds of DNA/RNA analyses and molecular biology project outsour-cing. For more than two decades, our objective has been to serve our customers by delivering products and services of the highest quality, on time and with outstanding service – and all this at competitive prices.

Miti Biosystems GmbHc/o Max F Perutz LaboratoriesDr. Bohr-Gasse 91030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4277-61813eMail: [email protected]: www.mitibio.comContact: Dr. Guntram Christiansen (CTO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014 Staff: 2Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineeringProfile: Miti Biosystems is a biotechnology company specialized in the production of polycyclic peptide libraries for the discovery of peptide drugs and mi-motopes. Utilizing our platform technology (patents pending) we apply randomization techniques to natural product peptide scaffolds in order to achieve complete chemical diversity.

Merz Pharma Austria GmbH Guglgasse 171110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8691604-0Fax: +43-1-8691604-18eMail: [email protected]: www.merz-pharma-austria.atContact: Dr. Karsten Schlemm (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1945Staff: 18Biotech focus: human healthIndication: drug developmentSales & Distribution: Merz Pharma Austria GmbH is engaged in the marketing and distribution of pharmaceuticals. As a CNS specialist, the company also distributes the neurological main products Ebixa ® and Xeomin ® following medical products and medicines: Hepa Merz ®, Hädensa ®, PK-Merz ®, Hofcomant ®, Bocouture ®, Radiesse ®, Belotero ® and Contractubex ®.

microqcmRottenegger Str. 184112 Rottenegg – St. Gotthard/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-720-9857-77eMail: [email protected]. www.microqcm.deContact: Dr. Markus GruberFounded in: 2012Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsIndication: BioinformaticsProduction: Instruments for processing 4, 16 or 96 samples simultaneously. Pre-coated sensors with surface-chemistry for a wide range of dia-gnostic, R&D and QC applications.R&D: Development of instruments and sensors for label-free biomolecular interaction analysis (BIA) for increased sample throughput. For affinity and kinetics measurement.

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Molekulare BioTechnologie GmbHMariagrünerstr. 918043 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-664-8206740eMail: [email protected]: www.molbiotech.comContact: Prof. Dr. Helmut Schwab (CEO)Founded in: 2002 Staff: 1Biotech focus: industrial processingFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, vectorsR&D: Contract Research on Development of Re-combinant Production SystemsServices: Development of microbial recombinant strains for production of enzymes and biophar-maceuticals Development of microbial recom-binant strains for production of metabolites Im-provement of proteins by protein engineering

Mycoplasma Biosafety Services GmbHMuthgasse 11/21190 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.mycoplasma.ccCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014 Staff: 11Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsProfile: Mycoplasma Biosafety Services GmbH is a supplier of high-quality GMP-compliant myco-plasma testing and related services and products for ensuring the absence of mycoplasma conta-mination in cell banks, virus stocks, biologicals, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and ATMPs for cell therapy applications. Mycoplasma Bisaefty Seriv-ces supplies tests, mycoplasma reference stan-dards, media and perfoms porjects to install test systems for ist customers.

NABRIVA Therapeutics AGLeberstr. 201110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-74093-0Fax: +43-1-74093-1900eMail: [email protected]: www.nabriva.comContact: Petra Taylor (Executive Assistant)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006 Staff: 33Biotech focus: human healthIndication: infectious diseases, diseases of the eye and ear, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the genitou-rinary system

NBS-C BioScience & Consulting GmbHBrunnerstr. 69/31230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-74895-00Fax: [email protected]: www.nbs-c.atContact: Mag. Dr. Franz Kricek (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008 Staff: 3Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other moleculesIndication: diseases of the blood and the immune system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissueProfile: NBS-C BioScience is a Contract Research Organisation founded 2009 as a spin off by sci-entists of the Novartis Institutes of BioMedical Research in Vienna, Austria. NBS-C BioScience specializes on contract research for antibody and biosimilar development, protein biochemistry and molecular interaction analysis. In a second busi-ness field NBS-C BioScience develops and com-mercializes research tools and kit components for allergy research and diagnostics.

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Novogenia GmbHSaalchastr. 925020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-4250-9911eMail: [email protected]: www.novogenia.comFounded in: 2009 Staff: 12Biotech focus: non-specific applications

Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsgesellschaft mbH Oberlaaer Str. 2351100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61032-1313Fax: [email protected]: www.octapharma.atContact: Mag. Werner MikschicekCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1983Biotech focus: human healthIndication: haematology, immunotherapy

OncoLab Diagnostics GmbHMahlerstr. 131010 ViennaPhone: +43-699-19235745eMail: [email protected]: www.oncolab.atContact: Prof. Dr. Robert Zeillinger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006 Staff: 8Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, vectorsIndication: neoplasmsR&D: Development of in vitro diagnostic tests based on gene expression signatures for early de-tection of ovarian, breast, colorectal, lung, prostate and pancreatic cancer Development of in vitro diagnostic tests based on gene expression biomar-kers for therapy and post-therapy monitoring as well as early detection of relapse for ovarian, breast, endometrial, cervical, colorectal and lung cancer.

Production: Production of research tools and kit components for allergy researchR&D: Development of research tools and kit com-ponents for allergy research and diagnosticsServices: Contract Research focused on molecular interaction analysis based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Technology (SPR; Biacore TM)Sales & Distribution: Products: Research tools and kit components for allergy research: monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins. Customers: Pharma and Biotech companies, Universities and private research institutions worldwide.Services: Research contract based participation in R&D Projects. Customers: Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies and research institutions worldwide

Novartis Consumer Health – Gebro GmbH Bahnhofbichl 116391 Fieberbrunn/TyrolPhone: +43-5354-563-350Fax: +43-5354-5300-72eMail: [email protected]: www.novartis-gebro.atContact: Dr. Gerhard Lötsch (CEO)Founded in: 1974Staff: 15Biotech focus: human health

Novo Nordisk Pharma GmbH Opernring 31010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-405-1501Fax: +43-1-408-3204eMail: [email protected]: www.novonordisk.atContact: Dr. Joachim Buttgereit (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaBiotech focus: human healthIndication: diabetes research

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OncoQR ML OGWalterstr. 213011 Irenental/Lower AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.oncoqr.comContact: DI Christof Langer (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2013Staff: 3Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineeringIndication: infectious diseases, diseases of the blood and the immune system, diseases of the re-spiratory system, diseases of the digestive systemProfile: OncoQR ML (OQR) is a biotech start-up that develops novel, adjustable cancer immu-notherapies (ACIs) to treat oncologic diseases. OQR’s ACIs are based on the unique, proprietary human specific S-TIR™ technology platform, which enables the patient’s immune system to generate a powerful immune response against tumor associated antigens. OQR was founded by two experienced, senior pharma professionals with top-level research & development as well as ma-nagement backgrounds.R&D: OQR100 targets neutralization of G17 (“little gastrin”) for treatment of pancreatic cancer and is in co-development with TYG Oncology Ltd. OQR200 is a new candidate against Her2/Neu to treat primarily breast cancer indications. In the next 2 years, several new ACIs against EGFR, VEGF, and other targets will be developed until at least in vivo proof of concept, after which the company will either seek for partners to bring these new ACIs into clinic or to out-license the products.

Onkotec GmbHRIZ Nord, Magnesitstr. 13500 Krems an der Donau/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-676-8362-5300Fax: +43-1-31001-72eMail: [email protected]: www.onkotec.euContact: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Köhler (CEO)Cluster membership: styria, ecoplusFounded in: 2007Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, systems biology/bioinfor-matics, nanobiotechnologyIndication: molecular diagnostics, oncologyServices: Life Cell Imaging

Origimm Biotechnology GmbHLeberstr. 201110 ViennaPhone: +43-699-184830-01eMail: [email protected]: www.origimm.comContact: Dr. Sanja Selak (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Staff: 4Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other moleculesIndication: diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissueR&D: OrigImm (ORIGins of IMMunity) is an inno-vative biotech company in Vienna, which is deve-loping a new, highly efficient and reliable techno-logy for a quick selection of the most protective immune targets for protection and treatment of bacterial infections, hence the name, ProVaDis (Protection-based Vaccine Discovery). Based on this new technology, OrigImm aims to develop a vaccine against acne vulgaris, the disease that affects > 85% of teenagers and MEHR ALS 10% of adults. Severe cases are characterized not only by serious infections and permanent scars, but also social rejection, job discrimination, depression and

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Panoptes Pharma Ges�m�b�H�Am Heumarkt 7/3/391030 ViennaPhone: +43-676-644-7510eMail: [email protected]: www.panoptes-pharma.comContact: Dr. Stefan Sperl (COO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Staff: 2Biotech focus: human healthIndication: infectious diseases, diseases of the eye and earProfile: Panoptes was established with the goal of developing medications for eye diseases with high unmet medical need. The primary indications are uveitis, a chronic autoimmune disease, and the highly contagious adenoviral conjunctivitis. Uveitis is an orphan disease and one of the most frequent causes of blindness. As there is no ap-propriate long-term therapy available, two million patients in the USA and in Europe have to live in constant fear of losing their eyesight.

pba3 BioMed GmbHRotmoosweg 33b8045 Graz/StyriaContact: Prof. Karl Lohner (Gründer/CSO)Founded in: 2009Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: biotechnological engineeringIndication: infectious diseasesR&D: Based on proprietary compounds with new mode of action we target specifically Resistance bacterial Infection Bacterial complications Septic complications both in the med tech area as well as therapeutic development

other psychosocial problems, particularly in wo-men, since they suffer longer into adulthood. Cur-rent treatments are ineffective (cremes, lotions), do not provide long-term benefit and induce serious side affects (antibiotics, hormones). A vac-cine against the recently identified acne causing bacteria, would provide a much more effective treatment, and also prevent scar formation. Sub-sequently, the proprietary platform will be used to develop vaccines and better therapies against many other diseases associated with bacterial in-fections. The company will cooperate with pharma and vaccine companies, which are currently facing lack of innovation and high product failures rates.Services: OrigImm provides services for identifi-cation of vaccine and immune therapy antigen candidates, and for evaluation of the efficiency of immune responses induced by candidate antigens or in response to immunization.

Orphanidis Pharma Research GmbH Wilhelminenstr. 91/IIf1160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5037244-77Fax: +43-1-5037244-41eMail: [email protected]: www.orphanidis.euCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005Biotech focus: human health

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Pfizer Manufacturing Austria GmbH Uferstr. 152304 Orth an der Donau/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2212-323-000eMail: [email protected]: membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2014 Staff: 230Biotech focus: human health

pharm-analyt Labor GmbHFerdinand-Pichler-Gasse 22500 Baden/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2252-49050Fax: +43-2252-490509eMail: [email protected]: www.pharm-analyt.comContact: Martin van Dam (Director Business Development)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1986 Staff: 16Biotech focus: non-specific applications

Pharmazeutische Fabrik Montavit Gesellschaft m�b�H� Salzbergstr. 966067 Absam/TyrolPhone: +43-5223-57926-0Fax: +43-5223-52294eMail: [email protected]: www.montavit.comContact: Dr. Oswald Mayr (Gf. Gesellschafter)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1945Staff: 135Biotech focus: human healthIndication: diseases of genito-urological system, antihistaminics, herbal medicinesProfile: Since 1945, Montavit’s international business is focused on the production and distri-bution of pharmaceuticals and associated health related products. We are interested in sustainable and successful development of our business to safeguard our independence as a family owned

company. For this reason, sustainability is a core feature of our business strategy. We have strong own brands which stimulate customer loyalty for our products and a number of reputable contract manufacturing partners.Production: pharmaceutical production: Solid dosage forms (incl. active carbon tablets), sterile powders, semisolids (creams, gels and supposito-ries), liquids Filling and packaging: Sterile gels in laminate tubes and syringes (terminal steri-lisation), Tablet blisters, bottles, Aluminium and laminate tubes. Certified cGMP, ISO 9000 and ISO 13485 for Medical DevicesR&D: development of galenic forms and manuf-acturing methods, analytical methods for plant extracts, preclinical and clinical (I-IV) studiesSales & Distribution:

Pharmonta Dr� Fischer GmbH Montanastr. 78112 Gratwein/StyriaPhone: +43-3124-51368-0Fax: +43-3124-51368-21eMail: [email protected]: www.pharmonta.atContact: Mag Dr. Gernot Fischer (CEO)Founded in: 2004Staff: 30Biotech focus: human health

piCHEM Forschungs- und Entwicklungs GmbHKahngasse 208045 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-681711-0Fax: +43-316-681711-4eMail: [email protected]: www.pichem.atContact: Dr. Fritz Andreae (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1998Staff: 19Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, other

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APIs and vaccine antigens – for clinical studies and the market. Revenues are invested in own R&D projects and the further development of techno-logy platforms. Polymun operates in accordance with current GMP guidelines and holds an Austri-an production license thus meeting all EU for drug manufacturing. In addition, Polymun’s facility is accepted by the US FDA.Production: Mammalian cell culture Microbial cell culture Liposome technologyServices: Contract development and manufactu-ring of biopharmaceuticals Contract development and manufacturing of liposomal formulationsSales & Distribution: Manufacturing and distribu-tion of research reagents, mainly for HIV research

ProComCure Biotech GmbHMagnesitstr. 13500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-732-9015-5601Fax: +43-732-9015-5618eMail: [email protected]: www.procomcure.comContact: Dr. Kamil Önder (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2006 Staff: 4Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineering, otherIndication: infectious diseasesR&D: Development of affinity reagents (peptides, small molecules, proteins and antibodies) tar-geting proteins. Development of antibacterial compounds Peptidomimetics Chemigenomics Proteomics Genomics Protein&Peptide de-sign Gene-synthesisServices: Screening for protein-protein interac-tions Molecular & Cellular Toxicology analysis Development of affinity reagents (peptides, small molecules, proteins and antibodies) targeting proteins. Production of scFVs Cloning, gene-collections Production of custom protein-chips & peptide chips/arraysSales & Distribution: Inhibitor design Techno-logy development Target identification MOA (mechanism of action) identification

PLANTA Naturstoffe Vertriebsges�m�b�H�Erlgasse 481120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-81053-66Fax: +43-1-81053-6613eMail: [email protected] Web: www.planta.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineering, systems biology/bioinformatics

Platomics GmbHMuthgasse 11/2 1190 ViennaPhone: +43-681-8181-8841eMail: [email protected]: www.platomics.comContact: Dr. Albert KriegnerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Biotech focus: bioinformatics

Polymun Scientific Immunbiologische Forschung GmbHDonaustr. 993400 Klosterneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2243-25060-300Fax: +43-2243-25060-399eMail: [email protected]: www.polymun.comContact: Dr. Dietmar Katinger (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1992 Staff: 60Biotech focus: human health, consumables/reagentsFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, otherIndication: diseases of the blood and the immune system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperiumProfile: The core activities of Polymun are contract development and GMP manufacturing of biophar-maceuticals as well as liposomal formulations of

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ProFem GmbH Riglergasse 41180 ViennaPhone: +43-676-72030-70Contact: Marion Noe-Letsching (PhD, MD, CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012 Staff: 2Biotech focus: human healthIndication: Gynecological infectionsProfile: ProFem develops new medicines for gy-naecological diseases addressing hitherto unmet medical needs and therefore high market poten-tial. The focus of interest has developed around chronic urogenital infections, mostly associated with biofilm growth, which up to now represents an unsolved medical problem in some extremely relevant indications. The highly innovative ap-proach is based on the therapeutic interference with microbial adhesion molecules and biofilm disruption.R&D: Profem´s 1st product is a new and patented combination medicine providing fast and effec-tive topical treatment of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis by specifically disrupting the biofilm causing the disease. The project is in the phase of clinical development, the clinical study program is planned to be completed in 2018. Pipeline projects are directed against chronic or recurrent bacterial urogenital infections.

Proteopharm Forschung und Entwicklung GmbHNiesenbergergasse 378020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-676-93014-77eMail: [email protected]: www.proteopharm.atContact: Ivan Simidzieski (Executive Director)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2007 Staff: 2Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: proteins and other moleculesIndication: Diabetic Polyneuropathy, Fatty Liver, Obesity

QPS Austria GmbHParkring 128074 Grambach/StyriaPhone: +43-316-258111-110Fax: +43-316-258111-300eMail: [email protected]: www.qps-austria.comContact: Dr. Robert Wronski (Internal BD & Grant Manger)Founded in: 1999 Staff: 80Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnological engineering, vectors, systems biology/bioinforma-tics, nanobiotechnologyIndication: neurodegenerative diseasesServices: QPS Austria is well-known as a leading preclinical and clinical CRO for CNS Drug-Disco-very and Development. QPS Austria performed hundreds of efficacy and proof of concept studies with a wide range of transgenic in vivo models for neurodegenerative diseases and clinical studies in different phases with thousands of patients. In preclinical projects you will benefit from the experience gained during in vitro and in vivo pro-jects with virtually all drug targets in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and other neurodegene-rative diseases. Extensive behavioral, histological and biochemical evaluations will meet high ex-pectations in terms of precision, quantitation and – very important - timely delivery.

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Recardio GmbHLakeside B07b9020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-210131eMail: [email protected]: www.recardio.euContact: Dr. Roman Schenk (CEO)Founded in: 2011Staff: 2Biotech focus: human healthIndication: diseases of the circulatory systemProfile: RECARDIO is an Austria based life science company founded in 2011. It is focusing on regene-rative therapeutic modalities for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. After establishing proof-of-principle in vivo, it has entered clinical phase and is developing multiple therapeutic leads as the future regenerative medication for patients with various cardiovascular diseases, with the po-tential of improving their cardiac function, quality of life and survival.Production: outsourcedR&D: clinical development

Reckitt Benckiser Austria GmbH Guglgasse 151110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-74003-700Fax: +43-1-74003-444eMail: [email protected]: www.reckittbenckiser.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1987Biotech focus: human health

Qualizyme Diagnostics GmbHNeue Stiftingtalstr. 28010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-34999-511Fax: +43-316-34999-54eMail: [email protected]: www.qualizyme.comContact: Dr. Michael Burnet (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2003Staff: 6Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: biotechnological engineering, otherIndication: diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, diseases of the genitourinary systemProfile: Qulizyme diagnostics is developing novel tools to detect infections early and thus to allow proactive treatment and to reduce or better ma-nage the use of anti-bacterial substances. Our technology is based on reagents that provide for visible changes on coming into contact with infected tissues. The initial focus of the company is wound infection, however, we are exploring and developing other applications within programs with both commerical and academic partners.Production: Our Production activities include: The medium scale production of reagents for diagnostic devices The design and assembly of devices containing our reagents The optimisa-tion and validation of production processes for reagentsR&D: Our research and development activities focus on: The response of the body to the initial stages of infection Synthesis and validation of reagents that detect these changes The design and implentation of devices and kits to detect and monitor these changes The development of new applications for the technologyServices: Qualizyme‘s sister company Qualizyme Biotechnology works together with partners in collaborative development projects in the fields of: Enzyme characterisation and production Substrate design and optimisation Enzyme engineering

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Richard Bittner AG Reisnerstr. 55–571030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5030-972-0Fax: +43-1-5030-972-40eMail: [email protected]: www.richard-bittner.comContact: Magnus Bruhn (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1977Biotech focus: human health

Richter Pharma AG Feldgasse 194600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-490-206Fax: +43-7242-490-17eMail: [email protected]: www.richter-pharma.atFounded in: 1952Biotech focus: human healthIndication: pain, animal health

Romer Labs Diagnostic GmbHTechnopark 13430 Tulln/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2272-61533Fax: +43-2272-61533-13111eMail: [email protected]: www.romerlabs.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: biotechnological engineering

roombiotic GmbHc/o Institut fürUmweltbiotechnologiePetersgasse 12/18010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-873-8814eMail: [email protected]: www.roombiotic.comContact: Mag. Dr. Stefan Liebminger (Head of Science)Founded in: 2013Staff: 3Biotech focus: environmentProfile: roombiotic develops methods based on volatile antimicrobial substances to control micro-organisms in the food industry and selected areas of application in the life sciences industry.R&D: The research focus of roombiotic is the iden-tification of volatile organic substances produced by beneficial plant associated microorganisms. These molecules demonstrate a high and broad spectrum antimicrobial activity at very low con-centrations.Services: A detailed analysis and comprehensive understanding of the manufacturing and pa-ckaging process used is a prerequisite for integra-ting the biotechnological methods into a plant. The effective application of volatile antimicrobials include the use of monitoring the resident micro-biome by next-generation technologies including Real time PCR and DNA sequencing.Sales & Distribution: roombiotic offers antimi-crobial formulations including its technological implementation. The methods developed by roombiotic are primarily designed for bakery pro-ducts in large quantities, at a high frequency and in great variety. Potential growth areas are the meat-processing and dairy industries and all types of food packaging businesses. Moreover, there are a number of options for their use in the non-food sector.

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Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG Boltzmanngasse 111090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3191-456-336Fax: +43-1-3191-456-344eMail: [email protected]: www.sanochemia.atContact: Bettina Zuccato (IR/PR Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1990Staff: 155Biotech focus: human health, animal healthIndication: oncology, pain management, neurode-generation and, in particular, imaging diagnostic marketsProfile: SANOCHEMIA is an internationally ac-tive player with a long-standing tradition in the development and manufacture of active phar-maceutical ingredients and drugs. The Company specialises in segments of the oncology, pain ma-nagement, neurodegeneration and, in particular, imaging diagnostic markets.Through the acquisi-tion of Alvetra und Werfft GmbH, SANOCHEMIA has succeeded in consolidating its standing in the area of veterinary medicine and also acquired ad-ditional subsidiaries in promising markets.Production: Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), Pharmaceutical production (tolperisone), Clinical Diagnostics, Veterinary pharmaceuticals.R&D: The core focus is currently on the deve-lopment of efficient cancer diagnostics such as Vidon®, for use in the photodynamic diagnosis of bladder cancer and Secrelux®, a pancreatic func-tion diagnostic.Services: Development and production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) ranging from establishing laboratory processes through up-scaling to industrial-scale production. In the Pharmaceutical production specialises in the manufacture of sterile and semi-sterile liquid and semi-liquid presentations, including antibiotics and hormones, according to GMP standards.Sales & Distribution: Global marketing of the ra-diological products, Veterinary medicine, Synthetic galanthamine.

S-TARget therapeutics GmbHMooslackengasse 171190 ViennaPhone: +43-664-51600-32eMail: [email protected]: www.s-target.comContact: DI Christof Langer, MBA (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Staff: 4Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnological enginee-ring, vectorsIndication: allergic diseases, vaccines Profile: S-TARget therapeutics is an Austrian bio-tech start-up company founded in August 2010. It develops novel therapeutic vaccines to cure and prevent severe, life threatening allergic diseases. The vaccines are based on a unique, proprietary technology platform and address the cause of the disease and not he symptoms. S-TARget outlicen-sed its platform in the field of allergy to Allergo-pharma/Merck in 2014.

Sandoz GmbH Biochemiestr. 106250 Kundl/TyrolPhone: +43-5338-200-0Fax: +43-5338-200-460eMail: [email protected]: www.sandoz.atContact: Mag. Julia Ager-Gruber (Head of communication)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1946Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnological engineering, systems biology/bioinformaticsIndication: active components

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Savira pharmaceuticals GmbHVeterinärplatz 1, Building IA1210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-25077-5904Fax: +43-1-25077-5999eMail: [email protected]: www.savira.atContact: Oliver Szolar (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Staff: 4Biotech focus: human healthIndication: infectious diseases

SCIOTEC Diagnostic Technologies GmbHZiegelfeldstr. 33430 Tulln/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2272-62777-0Fax: +43-2272-62777-99eMail: [email protected]: www.sciotec.atContact: Lars Nestle (Management Assistant)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2004Staff: 20Biotech focus: human healthIndication: endocrine and metabolic diseases, di-seases of the digestive systemProfile: Enzyme expert diagnostics + therapy for food intolerances worldwide first (and singular) products for histamine + fructose intoleranceProduction: Enzyme Deficiency diagnostic and therapy; food intolerance, histamine intolerance, fructose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, glu-ten intolerance (Coeliac disease)R&D: Enzyme Deficiency diagnostic and therapy; food intolerance, histamine intolerance, fructose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, gluten intole-rance (Coeliac disease)Services: diagnostic servicesSales & Distribution: DAOSiN FRUCTOSiN LAC-TOsolv daoREA calmalind daoVET

Sealife PHARMA® GmbHTechnopark 1/1/23430 Tulln/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2272-62606Fax: +43-2272-62606eMail: [email protected]: www.sealifepharma.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2008Staff: 12Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: cell and tissue culture, biotech-nological engineeringIndication: active components

SELO Medical GmbH Moosham 295585 Unternberg/SalzburgPhone: +43-6476-80-5eMail: [email protected]: www.selo-medical.atFounded in: 2009

Sigmapharm Arzneimittel GmbH Leystr. 1291200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3300671-0Fax: +43-1-3300671-38eMail: [email protected]: www.sigmapharm.atContact: Kurt Schaffer (Marketing/Sales)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1988Biotech focus: human health

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Single Cell Dimensions Genetics for life GmbHc/o Institut für Humangenetik Harrachgasse 21/88010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-329-865Fax: +43-316-329-868eMail: [email protected]: www.singlecell-dimensions.comContact: Prof. Dr. Jochen Geigl (CEO)Founded in: 2009Staff: 1Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNAIndication: molecular diagnostics

Syconium Lactic Acid GmbHMuthgasse 181190 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.syconiumlacticacid.comContact: Dr. Michael Hammerschmid (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Staff: 2Biotech focus: industrial processingFields of activity: biotechnological engineeringProfile: Syconium Lactic Acid GmbH (SLA) has the goal to develop a production process for lactic acid operating at significantly lower costs compared to currently established production processes. The-refore SLA combines the newest knowhow in me-tabolic engineering and genetics of yeast strains with innovative approaches in bioprocess engi-neering to maximize the production rate of lactic acid. SLA sees itself as a link between cutting edge scientific innovation and the large-scale ind

Takeda Austria GmbH St. Peter-Str. 254020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-6919-0Fax: +43-732-6560-66eMail: [email protected]: www.takeda.atStaff: 550Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, biotechnological engineeringIndication: autoimmunity research,oncology

TAmiRNA GmbHMuthgasse 181190 ViennaPhone: +43-699-10709-41eMail: [email protected]: www.tamirna.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, cell and tissue cultureIndication: endocrine and metabolic diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the musculoskeletal systemProfile: TAmiRNA seeks to identify and characteri-ze small non-coding RNA molecules referred to as “microRNAs”, which contribute to the process of aging or the development of age-related diseases. Ultimately, TAmiRNA uses this knowhow to deve-lop novel medical applications of microRNAs as diagnostic tests or therapeutic drugs to enable personalized treatment of disease.

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Technoclone Herstellung von Diagnostika und Arzneimitteln Gesellschaft m�b�H�Brunner Str. 671230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-86373-0Fax: +43-1-86373-44eMail: [email protected]: www.technoclone.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1987Staff: 40Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, otherIndication: diseases of the blood and the immune system, diseases of the circulatory systemProfile: Technoclone is a world leading producer of diagnostic tests and equipment as well as research reagents in the area of blood clotting. It offers both global as well as speciality coagulation tests, and a fully automated coagulation analyzer Ceveron alpha, which completes the company’s product portfolio. Technoclone’s high quality test systems are sold worldwide, both under the Technoclone brand and as OEM products for other diagnostics companies around the world.R&D: Product innovation: to provide customers with ground breaking and cutting edge test systems to support better and more accurate diagnosis of bleeding and thrombotic disorders in the era of personalized medicine Highest qua-lity standards with respect to both products and internal processes Strong R&D efforts that are based on a close cooperation with universities and other research institutesSales & Distribution: A worldwide distributor net-work ensures availability of Technoclone products all over the world.

Themis Bioscience GmbHMuthgasse 11/21190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-23671-51Fax: +43-1-2367151-74eMail: [email protected]: www.themisbio.comContact: Dr. Erich Tauber (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Staff: 5Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: cell and tissue culture, vectorsIndication: certain infectious and parasitic diseasesProfile: Themis – The Vaccine Innovation Boutique Themis Bioscience is a biotechnology company de-veloping vaccines to prevent infectious diseases. The company’s development focus is primarily concentrated on emerging and specialist indica-tions, advancing promising vaccines from preclini-cal to late-stage clinical development phases.R&D: Themis – The Vaccine Innovation Boutique Themis Bioscience is a biotechnology company de-veloping vaccines to prevent infectious diseases. The company’s development focus is primarily concentrated on emerging and specialist indica-tions, advancing promising vaccines from preclini-cal to late-stage clinical development phases.

Thiomatrix Forschungs- und Beratungs GmbHTrientlgasse 656020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-890046-0Fax: +43-512-890046-15eMail: [email protected]: www.thiomatrix.comFounded in: 2003Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, other, nanobiotechnologyIndication: drug delivery

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Tricolum Pharmaceuticals GmbHMariahilfer Str. 361070 ViennaCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2015Biotech focus: animal health

Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbHLeberstr. 201110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-740935-100eMail: [email protected]: www.tubepharma.deContact: Dr. Wolfgang Richter (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: biotechnological engineering, nanobiotechnologyIndication: OncologyR&D: TUBE Pharmaceuticals is developing a pipeline of various products by using different tar-geting principles for conjugation to its toxin plat-forms addressing major disease areas with unmet medical needs. The toxin platforms of proprietory Tubulysins (Cytolysins) and Epothilones are availa-ble for licensing.Services: The Company also offers chemistry services for the synthesis of complex molecules in milligram to gram scale and can also generate libraries on demand.

UCB Pharma GmbH Geiselbergstr. 17-19/2 Stiege/5 Stock1110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-291-8000Fax: +43-1-291-8021eMail: [email protected]: www.ucbpharma.atCluster membership: LISAviennaBiotech focus: human healthIndication: immunotherapy, neurodegenerative diseases

ugichem Gesellschaft für organische Chemie mbHMitterweg 246020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-282285-10Fax: +43-512-282285-11eMail: [email protected]: www.ugichem.comContact: Dr. Holger Bock (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2003Staff: 9Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNAIndication: diseases of the blood and the immune systemR&D: ugichem is developing proprietary new an-tisense therapeutics, the so-called Ugimers, which allow to overcome shortcomings of established antisense technologies. ugichem‘s mission is to establish the Ugimers as a new class of top-grade medicines, initially focusing on indications requi-ring targeting of immune cells, which are cur-rently not therapeutically accessible by standard antisense compounds.

Valericon GmbHLeidesdorfgasse 14, TOP 61190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4277-55310Fax: +43-1-4277-9553eMail: [email protected]: valericon.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Biotech focus: human health

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Valneva Austria GmbHCampus Vienna Biocenter 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-20620Fax: +43-1-20620-800eMail: [email protected]: www.valneva.comContact: M. A. Lena RockenschaubCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997 Staff: 130Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, biotechnologi-cal engineeringIndication: infectious diseasesProduction: Valneva’s manufacturing plant in Livingston, Scotland is currently dedicated to the production of the company’s leading product, IXIARO®/JESPECT®, a preventative vaccine against Japanese Encephalitis. The facility maintains sepa-rate product development and clinical manufactu-ring capabilities.R&D: Valneva’s core competences extend from research to commercialization, specifically addres-sing its focus on vaccines research, development, manufacturing and commercialization, and anti-body research and pre-clinical development.Services: Valneva’s technology platforms comple-ment its product pipeline. The strengths of the company’s technologies are validated by part-nerships and collaborations with world leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. The EB66® cell line is a proprietary embryonic stem cell-based technology for the pro-duction of a wide variety of human and veterinary viral and therapeutic vaccines. It can be used for the manufacturing of inactivated viruses, live attenuated viruses, live vectors, and subunit vac-cines. Valneva’s VIVA|Screen® technology is an innovative, microarray-based single cell screening proprietary technology that allows the rapid high-throughput analysis and discovery of high value fully human therapeutic antibodies directly from human donors. IC31® is a totally synthetic vacci-ne adjuvant which can be simply added to target antigens to improve vaccine response. IC31® has

demonstrated activity in clinical trials supported by a very good safety and tolerability profile.Sales & Distribution: The vaccine against JE was approved in the U.S., Europe, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Israel under the trade name IXIA-RO® and in Australia and New Zealand where it is marketed as JESPECT®. It is the only vaccine being marketed to the U.S. military for JE. The vaccine offers protection against JE for adults who travel to, or live in, endemic areas. IXIARO® is ap-proved for use in individuals 2 months of age and older in the US and EU member states, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. In all other licensed territories, IXIARO®/JESPECT® is indicated for use in persons 18 years of age and above. Partner Biological E. Ltd. commercializes the vaccine JEEV® in India to protect children and adults from JE. This product is based on Intercell’s technology and manufactured at Biological E.’s facility in Hydera-bad, India.

Vela pharm� Entwicklung u� Laboranalytik GmbHBrunner Str. 69/31230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8905979-11Fax: +43-1-8905979-10eMail: [email protected]: www.vela-labs.atCluster membership: styria, LISAviennaFounded in: 2006 Staff: 33Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, otherIndication: molecular diagnosticsProfile:Vela Labs is an international, innovative analytical service provider with focus on develop-ment and characterization of Biologics, Biophar-maceuticals & Biosimilars. VelaLabs has a GMP certificate and is also working in the field of clini-cal development according to GCLP guidelines.VelaLabs is specialized on protein characterization during the development of various therapeutics: preclinical studies, clinical studies (PK, PD, ADA), batch release, stability studies.

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VIDIPHARM GmbHGastgebgasse 5–131023 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8650299Fax: +43-1-865029915eMail: [email protected]: www.vidipharm.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Biotech focus: human health

ViennaLab Diagnostics GmbHGaudenzdorfer Gürtel 43-451120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8120156Fax: +43-1-8120156-19eMail: [email protected]: www.viennalab.comContact: Christian Oberkanins (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1990Staff: 20Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: DNA/RNAIndication: diseases of the blood and the immu-ne system, Endocrine and metabolic diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the genitourinary systemProfile: ViennaLab Diagnostics GmbH was foun-ded in 1990 and is dedicated to R&D, manufactu-ring and marketing of medical in-vitro diagnostics. The current focus is on inherited disorders (he-moglobinopathies, cystic fibrosis, cardiovascular diseases, …), pharmacogenomics and oncology. ViennaLab works under ISO 9001 and 13485 qua-lity management system, and the entire portfolio of tests comply with CE and IVD regulations.R&D: ViennaLab scientists are actively involved in medical research and regularly publish in peer-reviewed journals. ViennaLab has been participant in FP6 and FP7 EC projects, applied for funding in Horizon 2020, and is currently part of research

activities supported by the Österreichische For-schungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) and the Wirtschaftsagentur Wien.Sales & Distribution: ViennaLab distributes its product portfolio in collaboration with expe-rienced and well established local partners in over 50 countries worldwide.

ViraTherapeutics GmbHExlgasse 20a6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-664-73333617eMail: [email protected]: www.viratherapeutics.comContact: Prof. Dr. Meike Dorothee Holm-von Laer (Chief Scientific Officer)Founded in: 2013Staff: 1Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: vectorsIndication: neoplasmsR&D: ViraTherapeutics develops anti-cancer agents based on the oncolytic (cancer-destroying) virus VSV-GP. VSV-GP is highly effective in all can-cers tested in animal models. VSV-GP is the only oncolytic virus so far that does not induce neutra-lizing (virus inactivating) antibodies and therefore can be given repeatedly without loss of efficacy. Thus, ViraTherapeutics‘ VSV-GP-therapeutics have the potential to revolutionize cancer therapy.

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ViruSure GmbHDonau-City-Str. 1–81220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2699-120Fax: +43-1-2699-12022eMail: [email protected]: www.virusure.comContact: Dr. Andrew Bailey (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005Staff: 29Biotech focus: human health, animal healthFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue cultureIndication: infectious diseasesProfile: ViruSure is a privately owned Austrian company specialising in the safety testing of biopharmaceutical products. Our extensive expe-rience in all aspects of biosafety testing ensures a high quality and cost effective service tailored to meet the needs of each product. Our in vitro and in vivo facilities are certified to GLP/GMP stan-dards and our customer service is second to none. Our reports have been accepted by regulatory aut-horities worldwide, including EMEA, PEI, AFSAPPS, FDA, KFDA, JMLHW and TGAServices: • Virus and prion clearance studies (using infectivity or molecular based methods) Cell banking Cell bank characterisation Master virus seed characterisation In vitro and in vivo adventitious agent testing Retrovirus testing (cell culture and molecular biology) Virus contaminant testing Tumorigenicity and onco-genicity testing Bio-distribution studies Virus inhibition/interference tests (testing of antiviral substances) Virus safety assessments (consul-tancy services)

Vita 34 Gesellschaft für Zelltransplantate m�b�H�Mooslackengasse 171190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-533-9443Fax: +43-1-266-910-420eMail: [email protected]: www.vita34.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Biotech focus: human healthIndication: stem cells

Vitateq Biotechnology GmbHInnrain 666020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-9003-70570Fax: +43-512-9003-73570eMail: [email protected]: www.vitateq.comContact: Prof. Dr. Hans Dieplinger (CEO)Founded in: 2000Staff: 3Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules

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Vivaldi Biosciences AGAm Heumarkt 7/391030 ViennaPhone: +49-699-10941071eMail: [email protected]: www.vivaldibiosciences.comContact: DI Dr. Thomas Muster (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Staff: 2Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: vectors, systems biology/bioin-formaticsIndication: certain infectious and parasitic diseasesProfile: Vivaldi AG was formed to rapidly advance the clinical development of a new-generation influenza vaccine to address the urgent, unmet need for a safer and more effective pediatric influ-enza vaccine. deltaFLU is based on a novel method of attenuation and unique mode of action of that confer cross-reactivity and cross-protection against variant influenza strains, key attributes of a long-sought universal influenza vaccine, which has the potential to transform the influenza vac-cine market.R&D: deltaFLU has been evaluated in Phase 1 and 2 clinical studies, demonstrating safety, immu-nogenicity, cross-reactivity, and showing that the deltaFLU vaccine viruses are replication-deficient and non-shedding. Vivaldi is pursuing manufac-turing process development, scale-up, and GMP manufacturing of clinical trial material through a partner with expertise in these fields. Vivaldi plans to undertake Phase 2 clinical trials of its deltaFLU candidate in paediatric subjects.

VTU Technology GmbHParkring 188074 Grambach/StyriaPhone: +43-316-4009-4000Fax: +43-316-4009-4010eMail: [email protected]: www.vtu-technology.comContact: Dr. Thomas Purkarthofer (Head Business Development)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2008Staff: 12Biotech focus: non-specific applicationsFields of activity: DNA/RNA, proteins and other molecules, vectorsIndication: Development of biopharmaceuticals (recombinant proteins) for all therapeutic indica-tionsProfile: VTU Technology is a leading contract research and development company, providing services for the fast track generation of high per-formance, industrial protein production strains and economically viable protein production processes for biopharmaceutical companies and other protein manufacturers. VTU Technology offers outstanding protein expression and process development technologies and services based on a sophisticated in-house production platform.Production: VTU Technology is a leading service provider for the fast track development of protein expression strains and protein production pro-cesses yielding up to 20 g/L of secreted protein for a wide range of (biopharmaceutical) proteins including serum proteins, cytokines, Fabs, antibo-dy derived fragments, (HSA&Fc) fusion proteins, scaffolds, vaccines and enzymes. Within just few weeks of development time VTU Technology delivers expression strains producing recombinant target protein including small scale production processes followed by either technology transfer or further process development and optimization at VTU and preparation purified protein samples. Furthermore, VTU provides unique methanol-free AOX1 controlled protein expression at unmatched expression levels.

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Services: VTU Technology´s services for expression strain and bioprocess development include: Gene design and cloning High speed expression strain development Fermentation and purifica-tion process development and optimization ready for scale-up Small-scale production of purified non-GMP protein samples Technology transfer In addition, VTU Technology offers outlicensing/co-development opportunities for several recom-binant proteins. High-yielding expression strains and process technologies are available. For more information contact: [email protected] & Distribution: VTU Technology offers high quality proteins (biologics, vaccines and enzymes), high performance expression strains, bioprocess development and protein production processes through exclusive expression technologies.

Xiber Science GmbHJosefigasse 242353 Guntramsdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-699-170540-86Web: www.xiberscience.comContact: Dr. Sonja Reingruber (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2009Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue cultureIndication: Peptides Transplantation Intense CareR&D: Development of peptides that prevent or-gan failure in intense care and transplant patients

Zytoprotec GmbHMariannengasse 28/21090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-406-2002Fax: +43-1-406-2002-20eMail: [email protected]: www.zytoprotec.comContact: Mag. Michael Hoffmann (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 11Biotech focus: human healthFields of activity: proteins and other molecules, cell and tissue culture, systems biology/bioinfor-maticsIndication: endocrine and metabolic diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the genitourinary systemProfile: Zytoprotec is a biotech company that specialises in “cell protection/cell repair” and was founded in February 2007. The company is cur-rently focussing on cytoprotection with the first innovative product for renal therapies: PD-Protec. The lives of millions of people/patients worldwide can be saved or improved in the long run by these patent-protected research results. Additional pro-ducts and research areas in the field of cytopro-tection are already being planned.R&D: most advanced product candidates focus on the treatment of patients suffering from kidney failure. For these patients, peritoneal dialysis (PD) is an established treatment option. PD improves quality of life and reduces costs incurred to the health care system in comparison to hemodialysis (HD). Zytoprotec’s pre-clinical research and the completed Phase I/II Trial have demonstrated that the cytoprotective effects of PD-protec™ promise to protect the peritoneum from damages caused by commercial PD-fluids.

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ice 4a medicom GmbH

Industriepark 18772 Traboch/StyriaPhone: +43-3842-45106-610Fax: +43-3842-45106-780eMail: [email protected]: www.glucopearl.comCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2006Staff: 23Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-health

A�M�I� Agency for Medical Innovations GmbHIm Letten 16800 Feldkirch/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5522-90505-0Fax: +43-5522-90505-4006eMail: [email protected]: www.ami.atContact: Marc Jablonski (CEO)Founded in: 1998Staff: 70Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, non-active implantable devices, reusable devices, single use devices, otherProfile: A.M.I. is committed to medical progress, which goes hand in hand with technical innova-tion. Our vision is short and concise: European Leader of Medical Innovations Innovation lea-dership means being smarter and faster. It also means understanding needs of our customers and patients. To accomplish this, we must find the right balance between the absolute best care of patients and the competing requirements in this market, such as: cost, time pressure, ergonomics, and user friendliness.Production: Highest quality for our patients The manufacturing process of our products meets the continuously increasing demands of our cu-stomers – rapid delivery in the required quantity. Our capacity, standardized work processes and permanent optimization in the clean room and

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production make us flexible in order to always meet the needs of our users.R&D: A.M.I. products help patients worldwide improve their quality of life. In the three core areas of Coloproctology, Urology and Urogynecology, we strive to continue to implement new develop-ments and ideas. The implementation of an idea into a finished successful product is our focus – just talk to our development experts! In this pro-cess, we accompany you from the beginning until we reach the common goal of creating a new pro-duct innovation that will only further our success in improving patients’ lives.Services: We offer our OEM services to other pla-yers in the medical device industry as well as out-side of our industry, wherever our experience in CNC manufacturing of high precision parts along with engineering services and regulatory know ledge is of benefit to our customers.Sales & Distribution: A.M.I. Products are sold eit-her by our own subsidiaries in Germany, France and USA, or through our network of authorised distributors in more than 40 countries all around the world.

a�tron3d GmbHPalais Sterneck, Sterneckstraße 199020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-664-886053-95eMail: [email protected]: www.a-tron3d.comFounded in: 2010

AFreeze GmbHEduard Bodem Gasse 8/EG6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-209012-0Fax: +43-512-209012-33eMail: [email protected]: www.afreeze.comContact: PD Dr.-Ing. Gerald Fischer (CTO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2008Staff: 14Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, single use devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: AFreeze is a medical device company with a cryo-catheter to treat atrial fibrillation (AF), a USD 2.5 bn market. Catheters are introduced in a minimally invasive way directly into the heart of the patient and there induce lesions to prevent AF. Conventional ablation catheters require highly trained specialists and are cumbersome. The Cool-Loop® cryoablation catheter uses extreme cold to induce long lesions and thus provides a unique lesion pattern. The handling of the device is very simple.Production: The CoolLoop® cryoablation system consists of a console, a catheter and a sheath. All parts have been designed and extensively tested at AFreeze. The console (a class IIb device) is ma-nufactured at the AFreeze premises in Innsbruck by a team of highly experienced engineers. Medi-cal software development, validation and imple-mentation is also done in-house.R&D: AFreeze has developed a complete cryoabla-tion system to treat cardiac arrhythmias. Research is focused on continuous improvements of the underlying croytechnology and extension into new indications.Sales & Distribution: In the initial marketing phase, AFreeze focuses on selected European centers for ablation of atrial fibrillation. A broader sales and distribution partnership will be sought after the device has been successfully positioned among leading customers.

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Agfa HealthCare Ges�m�b�H�Diefenbachgasse 351150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89966-600Fax: +43-1-89966-110Web: www.agfahealthcare.comContact: Astrid HofmarcherCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1989/2005/2007Staff: 175Medical focus: diagnostic and therapeutic radia-tion devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProduction: We develop, assemble and design our imaging modalities on our own and maintain own manufacturing sites. All of our software solutions are own developed and designed. Partnering is carried out only in specialised branches and for specialised solutions which represent niche pro-ducts to our core markets.R&D: Agfa HealthCare is a pioneer in both ima-ging technologies and diagnostical image enhan-cement as well as in administrative and medical workflow optimisation in hospitals worldwide. Our research focus aims at emprovements and evolution of our imaging equipment and its pro-cessing as well as best-of-practice adaption of our Hospital information IT solutions. Further fields are dermatology and contrast media.Services: As well as own development and ma-nufacturing, our deviced are serviced by us. For analogue imaging, we develop media. Software products are serviced according to industry stan-dard. 24/7 helplines are in service.Sales & Distribution: Agfa HealthCare offers the complete range of imaging equipment. Our focus ranges from classical radiology products, such as scanners and printers, over computed radiography to digital radiology. We also offer retrofit solution for easy conversion. Our IT range goes from Hos-pital information systems with workflow and me-dical support and mobile solutions to radiology information systems and PACS solution.

allomed Medizintechnik GmbHLudwig-Poihs-Str. 102320 Schwechat/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-87840-0Fax: +43-1-87840-529eMail: [email protected]: www.allomed.atContact: Peter Schüller (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusMedical focus: other

ARGOS Zyklotron Betriebs- GesmbHPET Zentrum NMSE, St. Veiterstr. 479020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-500705Fax: +43-463-500705-14eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Christoph Artner (CEO)Founded in: 1996

Asprion e�U�Spitalgasse 15/2/101090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40623-71eMail: [email protected]: www.asprion.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1925Staff: 2Medical focus: ophthalmic and optical devices

Audio lab Austria GmbHSchwarzau 518421 Wolfsberg im Schwarzautal/StyriaPhone: +43-316-581209Fax: +43-316-581224eMail: [email protected]: www.audiolab.atContact: Ing. Lukas SchinkoFounded in: 1997Medical focus: assistive products for persons with disability

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B� Braun Austria GmbHOtto-Braun-Str. 3-52344 Maria Enzersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-46541-0Fax: +43-2236-48479eMail: [email protected]: www.bbraun.atContact: Carl Christian Braun (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1960Staff: 140Medical focus: anaesthetic and respiratory devices, dental devices, hospital hardware, in vitro diagnostic devices, non-active implantable devices, reusable devices, single use devices, biological-derived devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: B. Braun supplies the global healthcare market with products for anesthesia, intensive medicine, cardiology, extra corporeal blood treat-ment and surgery, as well as services for hospitals, general practitioners and the homecare sector. By networking our divisions´ knowledge and de-veloping solutions for the healthcare system, we transform products and services into integrated systems.Production: We create user-friendly products by combining the new with the tried-and-tested. Two factors are of outright importance here: safe-ty and quality. We place the strictest demands on the reliability of our products and services. Quality assurance is therefore a firm component of our activities in all areas. Every product runs through a multitude of tests before it is ready for the market. In this way we are able to offer a constant high level of quality – and that worldwide on all markets.R&D: Through dialogue with those who are using B. Braun’s products, the company is continually gaining new knowledge which it incorporates into product development. In this way, the company contributes with innovative products and ser-vices towards optimizing working procedures in hospitals and medical practices all over the world and improving safety – for patients, doctors and nursing staff.

Services: In dialogue with the people who use the company’s products, B. Braun is continually gaining new knowledge and incorporating it into product development as well as supportive ser-vices. In this way, the company offers value-added services to optimize working procedures, to find customized solutions and to support educational training for hospitals, medical practices and also industry partners. This includes a forum for high-quality medical training, the Aesculap Academy.Sales & Distribution: The Hospital Care Division supplies hospitals with injection and infusion solutions and therapy devices, as well as medical disposable products. Products and services for all core surgical procedures are the focal point of the Aesculap Division. The OPM Division provides pro-ducts and services for medical care needs outside of the hospital and for chronically ill patients. The B. Braun Avitum Division combines the supply of products and medical services for extracorporeal blood treatment.

B� Braun Melsungen AGEntwicklungsbüro GrazNeue Stiftingtalstr. 28010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-228788-10Fax: +43-316-228788-99eMail: [email protected] membership: styriaFounded in: 2009Staff: 15Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-health

Baxter Medical Products GmbHStella-Klein-Löw-Weg 151020 ViennaWeb: www.baxter.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014

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Besurence GmbHHoyosgasse 51040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50359-79Fax: +43-1-50359-7920eMail: [email protected]: www.besurence.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devicesProfile: Besurence is a leading producer and distri-butor of CE-certified in-vitro diagnostic products for self-testing and professional applications.

BHM-Tech Produktionsgesellschaft mbHGrafenschachen 2427423 Grafenschachen/BurgenlandPhone: +43-3359-20078-0Fax: +43-3359-20078-19eMail: [email protected]: www.bhm-tech.atContact: Franz Berl (CEO)Founded in: 2002

Biegler GmbHAllhangstr. 18a3001 Mauerbach/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-97921-05Fax: +43-1-97921-0516eMail: [email protected]: www.biegler.comContact: Ingeborg Biegler (Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplus, Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1973Staff: 40Medical focus: anaesthetic and respiratory devices, dental devicesProfile: Biegler has been successfully involved in development and production of medical devices and disposables for more than 40 years. In addition Biegler offers the integrated develop-ment and productionof medical products as OEM

Services. Biegler is FDA registered for several pro-ducts. Certification: ISO 13485: 2003, CE 0123Production: The product range of Biegler can complete all mechanical production stages, from prototype production (design models) through to series production. Metal working is in state-of-the-art CNC lathes and milling machines and the company can also work on in-house sheet metal working facilities (e.g. hydraulic presses, folding equipment). The tooling production facili-ty enables Biegler to manufacture the equipment required for automation themselves. In addition, there are also facilities for plastic injection mol-ding and the own mold shop. Assembling and packaging of medical disposables can be done in its own cleanroom.R&D: Research and development is one of the core competences at Biegler. The company covers the entire spectrum, from initial concept through to implementation in serial production. Biegler places great value on combining the knowledge of their customers with their own expertise as early as possible, to enable the speediest possible reali-zation of projects.Services: Biegler does not offer just the technical but all the regulatory prerequisites for succesful partnership with OEMs. Biegler has been EN ISO 9001 and EN 46001 certified since 1994, and became EN ISO 13485:2003-certified in 2003. The company can provide the documentation required for receiving the CE Mark and also undertake the entire CE Mark certification process.Sales & Distribution: Biegler has a worldwide dis-tributor network for its own products, the sales of the OEM products is performed worldwide by the respective partner.

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biolitec AGUntere Viaduktgasse 6/Top 91030 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.biolitec.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Medical focus: diagnostic and therapeutic radia-tion devices

Braincon Handels-GmbHGrinzinger Allee 51190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61067-0Fax: +43-1-61067-93eMail: [email protected]: www.braincon.comContact: Christian Schön (COO), Davul Ljuhar (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1992Staff: 12Medical focus: non-active implantable devices, assistive products for persons with disability, soft-ware for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProduction: Software for Data Protection and e-healthR&D: Development of Bone Micro Architecture Assessment Development of Software for e-health (Data Security) DCX Decontamination with Micro Aerosol (H2O2)Services: Software Support and (Customer)Deve-lopment Decontamination of Rooms (H2O2)Sales & Distribution: Bone Densitometer Bone Micro Architecture Assesment Micro CT X-Ray (general purpose) Disinfection Units (DCXpert) Software Solution for Data Protection

Bucinator e� U�Höhenstr. 1016020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-676-96440-00Fax: +43-512-294930eMail: [email protected]: www.bucinator.atContact: Dr. Johannes Hilbe (CEO)Founded in: 2011Medical focus: hospital hardware, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: Buccinators focus is to detect dangerous situations like falls, pressure ulcers and various other medical problems.Production: We produce sensor modules which can be integrated into mattresses, nursing beds and chairs.R&D: Our research activities focus on integrated bed exit sensors for fall prevention. At the mo-ment we focus on a touch-free, cloud/ app based monitoring platform. the generated biometric information can help to improve patient care.Sales & Distribution: Sensor Mattress: detect dan-gerous situations and alarms caregivers

CADstar GmbHSparkassenstr. 45500 Bischofshofen/SalzburgPhone: +43-6462-328-80Fax: +43-6462-6011-11eMail: [email protected]: www.cadstar.atFounded in: 2008Medical focus: dental devices

Carbomed Medical Solutions GmbH & Co KGNeue Stiftingtalstraße 2/5. OG8036 Graz/StyriaWeb: www.carbomed-ms.comFounded in: 2013

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CARE diagnostica Produktions- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbHRömerstr. 82513 Möllersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2252-551-550Fax: +43-2252-551-551eMail: [email protected]: www.carediagnostica.comContact: Dr. Kim Scheuringer (CEO), Iris Daxecker (Export Manager)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1982Staff: 10Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devices

Carl Reiner GmbHMariannengasse 171090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4026-251-0Fax: +43-1-4026-251-19eMail: [email protected]: www.carlreiner.atContact: Dominik Michael Lirsch (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1912Staff: 29Medical focus: anaesthetic and respiratory de-vices, reusable devices, single use devices, soft-ware for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProduction: Carl Reiner production range: High frequency jet ventilators; Jet Instruments; general surgical instrumentsR&D: Carl Reiner research focus is further develop-ment in jet ventilation as alternative ventilation method for several kind of indications in surgical airway procedures and treatments for pulmonary diseases.Services: Carl Reiner Customer Service offers in-stallation; application training; service training; Maintenance; repairSales & Distribution: Today the brand name CARL REINER is a synonym for innovative development and the production of new technologies in me-dicine. This traditional enterprise in Austria is

known to be a competent partner, especially in the fields of anaesthesia with product of respira-tors, ventilators and products for monitoring of patient parameters, in the field of pulmology and cardiology with product for Lung function diagno-sis and ergometers; in the field of urology with products for extracorporal shockwave lithotripsy, in the field of orthopedics with products for extra-corporal shockwave treatment. Internationally the company established a new standard in 2006 by developing jet ventilation apparatuses, and thus assumed the position of a technological leader in the field of superimposed high-frequency jet ven-tilation (SHFJV®).

Carl Zeiss GmbHLaxenburger Str. 21100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-795189-11Fax: +43-1-795189-00eMail: [email protected]: www.zeiss.atContact: Peter Amend (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1902Production: Microimaging products (light and elecron microscopes) and solutions for biomedical reseach and clinical applications, diagnostic and therapeutic products and solutions for ophthal-mology, surgical microscopes for microsurgery, intraocular lenses (IOLs), viscoelastica (OVDs).R&D: biomedical research and medical technolo-gy, system solutions for the semiconductor, auto-motive and mechanical engineering industriesSales & Distribution: Carl Zeiss is a leading inter-national group of companies operating worldwide in the optical and opto-electronic industry. Carl Zeiss AG is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germa-ny. The business groups, which each operate with sole responsibility, are generally ranked first or second in the strategic markets of biosciences and medical technology, system solutions for industry and optical consumer goods. They offer products and services for biomedical research and medical technology, system solutions for the semicon-ductor, automotive and mechanical engineering

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industries, as well as high-quality consumer goods such as camera lenses and binoculars. Carl Zeiss Austria is a regional headquarter for the South-Eastern European region and supports subsidiari-es and sales offices in these countries.

Chirurgie-Mechanik Gesellschaft m�b�HSchumanngasse 301180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-402-6820Fax: +43-1-402-4085Web: www.chirurgie-mechanik.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1968

CNSystems Medizintechnik GmbHReininghausstr. 138020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-723456-0Fax: +43-316-723456-2eMail: [email protected]: www.cnsystems.atContact: Dr. Jürgen Fortin (Vorstand, CSO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1998

CRYPTAS it-Security GmbHFranzosengraben 8/4.OG1030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-35553-0Fax: +43-1-35553-990eMail: [email protected]: www.cryptas.comContact: Stefan Bumerl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Staff: 15R&D: User centric digital identity for federated environments, emergency card applicationServices: User centric digital identity for federated environments, emergency card application

CSD Labs GmbHNikolaiplatz 48020 Graz/StyriaeMail: [email protected]: http://csdlabs.comFounded in: 2014Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-health

CVTec Cerebrovascular Technologies GmbHMariahilfer Strasse 136/1.101150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2367289-5110eMail: [email protected]: www.cvtec.atContact: Georg Mach, BSc (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Staff: 4Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-healthProfile: CVTec is a pure software company, develo-ping products to enable neurointerventionists to concentrate on their main tasks. We are a team of highly diversified specialists in different domains to cover a broad portfolio: the developing team consisting of a neurosurgeon and a software developer is supported by a veterinarian doing the quality management, an attorney at law spe-cialized on corporate and finance and a business and start-up consultant.Production: Our first product, CoilControl3D, an occlusion rate measurement system, will be available at the end of 2015. Further extensions like CoilAlarm as well as further products like FlowControl (a blood flow analysis tool) and Risk-Control (a risk assessment tool) are in the develop-ment pipeline.R&D: Our research focus lies on software to improve cerebrovascular operations, especial mi-nimal invasive coiling operations to embolize cere-bral aneurysms. These ballon-like malformations of brain arteries contain the risk of rupture and life-threatening bleedings. We seek to develope

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tools to reduce complication rates and improve treatment quality.Sales & Distribution: In Europe there are about 215.000 coiling operations and followup proce-dures a year. Charging the use of the software as a service, this would lead to a total market volume of about € 130M. Insurance companies have estimated the annual socioeconomic costs of cerebral aneurysm rupture to be about € 1.9bn for Germany alone.

D�A�T�A� Corporation Softwareentwicklungs GmbHInvalidenstr. 5–71030 ViennaPhone: +43-660-1214-458Fax: +43-1-710-3631eMail: [email protected]: Martina Albert (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997Staff: 23Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-health

Derma Medical Systems Handels- und Entwicklungs GmbHWiedner Hauptstr. 1401050 ViennaPhone: +43-1-31869-90Fax: +43-1-31869-909eMail: [email protected]: www.dermamedicalsystems.comContact: Dr. Thomas Wenkart (MD, CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-health

DiaCoating GmbHc/o Life Science Center/Mitterweg 246020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-676-54530-11eMail: [email protected]: www.diacoating.comContact: Dr. Doris Steinmüller-Nethl (Head of R&D)Founded in: 2013Medical focus: non-active implantable devices, biological-derived devicesProduction: Nanocrystalline diamond on dental implants, titanium implants for improved biocom-patibility, healing of soft tissue, osseointegration, corrosion prevention/passivation.R&D: Nanocrystalline diamond films with tai-lored properties for applications in life science (implants, bone graft substitutes, sensors), wear resistance and tool life improvement.Sales & Distribution: Start of own production, collaboration, joint venture with stakeholders in corresponding market area.

DIALAB Produktion und Vertrieb von chemisch-technischen Produkten und Laborinstrumenten Gesellschaft m�b�H�IZ-NÖ Süd, Hondastr., Objekt M552351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-660910-15Fax: +43-2236-660910-30eMail: [email protected]: www.dialab.atContact: DI Marlene Ramsey (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1988Staff: 50Medical focus: other

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DIOPTEX Medizinprodukte Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbHBaumbachstr. 64020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-7748-76Fax: +43-732-7748-764eMail: [email protected]: www.dioptex.comContact: DI Dr. Albert Daxer (CEO)Founded in: 2003Staff: 6Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, non-active implantable devices, ophthalmic and optical devices, reusable devices, diagnostic and therapeutic radiation devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: Dioptex is an international leader in the field of technology for corneal surgery. The com-pany was founded in 2003 and is located in Linz, Upper Austria.

Dokusys Elektronische Dokumentations- & Datenverarbeitungssysteme GmbHHauptplatz 4/13133 Traismauer/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-57-555-0Fax: +43-57-555-9000eMail: [email protected]: www.dokusys.netContact: Bernhard RiedingerCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2007Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-health

Dr� Grossegger & Drbal GmbHRuthgasse 19/11190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-36817-97Fax: +43-1-36770-23eMail: [email protected]: www.alpha-trace.atContact: Adeline Grossegger (Export Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1981Production: As a pioneer in the digital EEG field, alpha trace has provided numerous hospitals and private practices with cutting-edge equipment in the field of neurology, neurophysiology and sleep medicine. With more than 25 successful years in the field we supply computer-based diagnostic systems that have been validated and improved over decades. Following a customer-centric inno-vation philosophy, our customers’ needs are the focus and driving force behind everything we do. The networked alpha trace solutions feature an innovative user interface, a common database and premium support. The current alpha trace product range includes EEG systems including VideoEEG EMG systems incl. evoked potentials and neurography Sleep systemsR&D: Our organization was one of the pioneering companies to develop a PC-based paperless EEG. This marked our company’s initial groundbreaking innovation. 25 years later, research continues to drive the core of our business. Following a custo-mer-centric innovation philosophy, our customers’ needs are the focus and driving force behind everything we do. In the ever-changing field of neurophysiology it is essential to be current on recent scientific findings. In addition to decades of validation and improvement of our products in clinical practice, we therefore integrate the most current state of research into our develop process. We closely monitor third party findings and con-duct our own empirical research.

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Dr� Schuhfried Medizintechnik GmbHVan Swieten Gasse 101090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4054-206Fax: +43-1-4054-464eMail: [email protected]: www.schuhfriedmed.atContact: Gernot Schuhfried (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1949Staff: 18Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devices, hospital hardware, single use devices, assistive products for persons with disability

Ducest Medical GmbHWaldstr. 617222 Rohrbach/BurgenlandPhone: +43-2626-64550Fax: +43-2626-64550-4eMail: [email protected]: www.ducest.comContact: Gabriel Landl (CEO)Founded in: 2010Staff: 20Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devices, biological-derived devices

EMCOOLS - Medical Cooling Systems AGMarc-Aurel-Str. 10/161010 ViennaPhone: +43-2252-890-152-0Fax: +43-2252-890-152-119eMail: [email protected]: www.emcools.comContact: Dr. Alexander Vodopivec (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005

EMTensor GmbHTechGate Tower, Donau-City-Str. 11220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8906612Fax: +43-1-8906612-15eMail: [email protected]: www.emtensor.comContact: Mag. Ilse Baumann (CEO Personal Assistent)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devicesR&D: EMTensor GmbH is a young privately-owned Vienna-based medical device/technology compa-ny specializing in the research and development of novel 4D electromagnetic imaging devices, unifying anatomical and functional capabilities in a single technology.

Ergospect GmbHOppolzerstr. 66020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-699-16020-200Fax: +43-512-2845-98eMail: [email protected]: www.ergospect.comContact: Mag. Thomas Hugl (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2008Staff: 5Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devicesProfile: Ergospect is an innovative medical technology company specialized in developing, producing and distributing high tech medical ergometers for magnetic resonance imaging. The different ergometers are applied in medical research, clinical routine and sports medicine for noninvasive diagnosis. It enables quick, exact and patient friendly examination of metabolic disease and disorders of the musculoskeletal system (i.e. heart, muscles, joints).

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Medical Device



EUROLAB Medizintechnik Ges�m�b�H�Praschweg 9/15400 Hallein/SalzburgPhone: +43-6245-78954Fax: +43-6245-78954-3eMail: [email protected]: www.eurolab-medizintechnik.atContact: Michael Gruber (CEO)Founded in: 1995Medical focus: other

Eurolyser Diagnostica GmbHBayernstr. 11a5020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-432100Fax: +43-662-432100-50eMail: [email protected]: www.eurolyser.comContact: Michael Gruber (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2005Staff: 9Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProduction: Point of Care Analysers and Testkits for human and veterinary medicine. Analysers for food analysis.R&D: Point of Care Systems for IVD and food analysisSales & Distribution: Point of Care Analysers for human and veterinary medicine CRP-PT-DDI-MER-Troponin I-Lpa-Microalbumin Homocysteine-Ferritin-HGB-FOB Cystatin C (GFR) testkits for Human Medicine cCRP-SAA-Fibrinogen-Fruc-tosamine-T4-NH3 Lipase testkits for Veterinary Medicine

Exias Medical GmbHKratkystr. 28020 Graz/StyriaeMail: [email protected]: www.exias-medical.comFounded in: 2014Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devices

F� Schmidl & Co GmbHMariahilfer Gürtel 161060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5968-5200Fax: +43-1-5968-521eMail: [email protected]: www.schmidl-co.atContact: Alfred Mayr (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1931Medical focus: assistive products for persons with disability

Falcon Medical Medizinische Spezialprodukte GmbHMeiereigasse 22340 Mödling/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-46465Fax: +43-2236-46465-29eMail: [email protected]: www.falcon-med.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002Staff: 12Medical focus: non-active implantable devices

Fresenius HemoCare Austria GmbHGewerbegebiet Pebering, Str. 195301 Eugendorf/SalzburgPhone: +43-6172-686-0Fax: +43-6172-68626-28eMail: [email protected]: in: 1994Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devices

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Fresenius Medical Care Adsorber Tec GmbHMagnesitstr. 93500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-82699-0Fax: +43-2732-82699-15eMail: [email protected]: www.fmc-ag.comContact: Dr. Wolfram Strobl (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1998Staff: 47Medical focus: otherProduction: FMC Adsorber Tec GmbH focuses on the development and manufacture of biomedical devices (adsorbents) for the following clinical applications: Liver support therapy Treatment of auto-immune diseases Treatment of severe hypercholesterinemia Comparable to hemodia-lysis, all devices are used in extracorporeal circuits to provide effective blood purification.R&D: FMC Adsorber Tec GmbH offers profound expertise in developing and manufacturing ad-sorbents for extracorporeal blood purification. Adsorbents consist of porous, spherical particles of less than 1 mm in diameter, designed to bind endogenous and exogenous toxins from blood. They are optimised in chemical nature, structure, and surface modification to attract specific toxins without affecting physiological solutes such as sugars, electrolytes, and hormones. For specific adsorbents also profound expertise in binding of ligands (e.g. peptides) on adsorbent particles is available.Sales & Distribution: Sales and distribution are done by corporate functions at Fresenius Medical Care AG & CoKGaA

g�tec medical engineering GmbH Guger TechnologiesSierningstr. 144521 Schiedlberg/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7251-22240-0Fax: +43-7251-22240-39eMail: [email protected]: www.gtec.atContact: Dr. Christoph Guger (CEO)Founded in: 1999Staff: 17Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, assistive products for persons with disability, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: g.tec produces biosignal acquisition and analysis systems.Production: Brain-computer interface technologyR&D: Brain-computer interface technologyServices: Brain-computer interface technologySales & Distribution: Brain-computer interface technology

GE Healthcare Austria GmbH & Co OGTiefenbach 154871 Zipf/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7682-3800-0Fax: +43-7682-3800-47Web: membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2002Medical focus: diagnostic and therapeutic radia-tion devices

Georg Krämer GmbH & Co� KGNeuhauserweg 14061 Pasching/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7229-64450Fax: +43-7229-70664eMail: [email protected]: www.gk-medizinmechanik.atCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1977Medical focus: hospital hardware

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Medical Device



Greiner Bio-One GmbHBad Haller Str. 324550 Kremsmünster/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7583-6791-0Fax: +43-7583-6791-50eMail: [email protected]: Franz KonradCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1963Medical focus: single use devices

Guger Technologies OGHerbersteinstr. 608020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-675106-0Fax: +43-316-675106-39eMail: [email protected]: www.gtec.atFounded in: 1999Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-health, other

HELBO Medizintechnik GmbHMaria-Theresia-Str. 414600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-207702-0Fax: +43-7242-207702-48eMail: [email protected]: www.helbo.deContact: Andreas Friedinger (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2010Staff: 10Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, single use devices

Heltschl GmbHNiederndorf 304713 Schlüsslberg/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7248-65796Fax: +43-7248-65796-11eMail: [email protected]: www.heltschl.atFounded in: 1994Staff: 5Medical focus: diagnostic and therapeutic radia-tion devices

Hofer GmbH & Co KGJahnstr. 10–128280 Fürstenfeld/StyriaPhone: +43-3382-53388Fax: +43-3382-53093eMail: [email protected]: www.hofer-medical.comFounded in: 1977Medical focus: non-active implantable devices

I�T�S� GmbH part of the MED-HOLD GROUPMax-Tendler-Str. 288700 Leoben/StyriaPhone: +43-316-211-210Fax: +43-316-211-2120eMail: [email protected]: www.its-implant.comCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1997Staff: 19Medical focus: assistive products for persons with disability

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IASON GmbHFeldkirchnerstr. 48054 Graz-Seiersberg/StyriaPhone: +43-316-284300Fax: +43-316-284300-14eMail: [email protected]: www.iason.euContact: Mag. Christoph Artner (CEO)Founded in: 1996Medical focus: other

ImplanTec GmbHGrenzgasse 38 a2340 Mödling/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-8641-94Fax: +43-2236-8642-34Web: www.implan-tec.atContact: Adam Frey (Export-Manager)Cluster membership: ecoplusStaff: 20Medical focus: ophthalmic and optical devices, single use devicesProfile: ImplanTec GmbH is an Austrian family company based in Mödling, Lower Austria, spe-cializes in the development, manufacture and distribution of artificial hip joint prostheses. With the brands ANA.NOVA (hip) and CCG (biological Cerclagen- and stabilization system after Gundolf), the group has established itself as a major supplier in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The consi-stent implementation of customer expectations has been adapted to the patient‘s needs.

IN-VISION Digital Imaging Optics GmbHIndustriestr. 92353 Guntramsdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-304344-0Fax: +43-2236-304344-33eMail: [email protected] Web: Bernhard Trenz (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2000Medical focus: ophthalmic and optical devices

intelligent motion gmbHFranzosenhausweg 514030 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-371244Fax: +43-732-371244-19eMail: [email protected]: www.intelligentmotion.atContact: Alexander Barth (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2009Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devicesProduction: „hirob“ is the first rehabilitation robot which allows a safe, economic and effective imple-mentation of the automated hippotherapy.R&D: Development of high quality rehabilitation robots for neurological rehabilitation.Services: Development and production of automa-ted rehabilitation equipment, focused on neurolo-gical rehabilitation.Sales & Distribution: hirob - rehabilitation robot for automated hippotherapy.

iSYS Medizintechnik GmbHBergwerksweg 216370 Kitzbühel/TyrolPhone: +43-664-24111-40Web: Dr. Michael Vogele (CEO), Thomas Pfeifer (CFO)Founded in: 2010Staff: 6Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devicesR&D: The core competence of iSYS Medizintechnik GmbH is the development, production and distri-bution of computer-aided assistance systems for the real-time positioning of instruments directly within the gantry of the imaging device. The iSYS1 Robot is a new type of positioning aid for the manipulation and placement of surgical and interventional instruments within the gantry. Du-ring the real-time imaging process (CT, CB-CT) the robot acts as athird hand for the doctor carrying out the procedure and permits very precise instru-ment placement without having to expose the doctor’s hands to radiation.

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Medical Device



ITH icoserve technology for healthcare GmbHInnrain 986020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-50-864845-00Fax: +43-50-864845-39eMail: [email protected]: www.ith-icoserve.comContact: Dr. Bernhard Hirsch (CEO)Founded in: 1998Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-healthProduction: In addition to EPR system implemen-tation ITH focuses also on organisational and structural optimization and business process reengineering, using standard IT solutions like EPR (electronic patient record) of different vendors, its owndeveloped software solutions for medical imaging and multimedia long term data archiving (“icoserve AIM advanced image management” for radiology PACS and non DICOM), a comprehensive e health/electronic health record (EHR) solution called “sense smart e health solutions” and also “custom made” innovative IT solutions like real time location systems (RTLS) improving patient safety and quality of services in hospitals.R&D: ITH icoserve technology for healthcare GmbH (ltd.) was founded 1998 as a joint venture of Siemens and TILAK – Tiroler Landeskranken-anstalten, Austria. ITH icoserve has 10 years of experience in design, development, implementa-tion and support of clinical information systems like PACS (picture archiving and communication systems) for radiology, so called non DICOM data like scanned documents, photos, videostreams, bio signals, ultrasound etc. and electronic patient records (EPR) of a broad variety of solutions. ITH icoserve has also been participating in several na-tional research projects with public funding from Austrian ministries and the province of Tyrol, focussing on real time location based solutions for improving patient safety and image management improvement in healthcare.Services: With our staff of about 60+ employees we offer all professional services for developing and implementing IT solutions in the healthcare

industry, covering all relevant areas from (large scale) project management to current state analy-sis, future state design, customizing and software development to end user training, system integra-tion and operations. Bringing together technical IT knowledge with clinical know how the ITH team is consisting of experts from all relevant skills and areas: information scientists, software engineers, technical specialists, IT consultants, physicians and registered nurses, natural scien-tists and experienced project managers.

J4care GmbHEnzersdorfer Str. 72340 Mödling/Lower AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.j4care.comContact: Josef Friedrichkeit (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2007Staff: 7Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-healthSales & Distribution: Creating Client Value by Moving Ideas to Results J4Care GmbH is a inno-vative provider of scalable enterprise-wide VNA archives and advanced visualization and image distribution solutions for clinical and preclinical imaging. Targeted at hospitals and imaging centers of any size, solutions based on J4Care´s SMooTH Suite - Thin Client General Data Archi-ve - offer an optimized, integrated workflow for all primary interpretation, post-processing, and image review tasks within and beyond radiology, via LAN or WAN as well as over the Internet. More-over, J4Care´s thin client technology can be inte-grated into an existing IT environment in order to improve workflow and reading performance. We commit ourselves to high standards of integrity based on continual excellence in contributing to the best interests of business partners, the medi-cal profession and their patients. All of our key employees have at least a decade of years expe-rience in the development and provision of a full range of integrated software products and ser-vices, providing enterprise-wide technology solu-

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tions to large medical corporations and individual medical group practices. Through collaborative learning, we have built a nimble, creative organi-zation: one that is first to market with thin client enterprise wide innovative clinical applications, and offers best-in-class products that are unique, reliable, and assist our customers accelerate their own market innovation and clinical benefit. Our entire product focus is built around optimization through thin client visualization. At J4Care, we design and engineer clinical products that pre-sent our customers with the ability to overcome demanding market challenges and improve dia-gnostic results with accuracy and expedience For the enterprise, this means imaging solutions anywhere along the diagnostic workflow; for clini-cal environments, it provides a thin, fast, and po-werful capability that simplifies reading of images and improves reimbursement.

JEDER GmbHStadtplatz 14/23400 Klosterneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-47001-65Fax: +43-810-95541182-33eMail: [email protected]: www.jedersystem.comContact: Mag. Andreas Bayerle (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2010Medical focus: dental devices, reusable devices, single use devicesProduction: Jeder-System for minimally invasive sinus augmentation: One in four dental implants requires prior bone grafting with sinus augmenta-tion being one of the most frequently performed grafting procedures. Bone mass is increased in the upper jaws of a patient by placing bone re-placement material between the sinus membrane and the jaw bone. The Jeder-System uses high hy-draulic pressure and vibrations for the first entry into the sinus and constantly measures pressure and volume of the inserted saline solution. At the first minimal perforation of the remaining bone, the pressurized fluid in the system pushes the membrane away from the drill ensuring that

the membrane stays intact. On the Jeder-display, the surgeon sees – real time – this pressure drop in the system as the membrane is pushed away, indicating that the first entry into the sinus has been achieved.R&D: Minimally invasive bone grafting procedures for placing dental implantsSales & Distribution: Jeder-System for minimally invasive sinus augmentation: The Jeder-System improves outcomes for sinus augmentation and provides a simpler, easier to use system for the dentist/maxillofacial surgeon. Clinical studies have shown a significant reduction in membrane perforations (5% vs. up to 50% with other pro-cedures), increased height gain achieved for im-plants (GRÖSSER ALS 9mm compared to KLEINER ALS 5mm), and less stress for patients (0.2 days of sick leave compared to 4.5 days).

Josef Babicky GmbHGoldeggasse 21040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50582-690eMail: [email protected]: www.babicky.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1976Medical focus: reusable devices

Kohlbrat & Bunz GmbH RedVac Rescue SystemsLoretostr. 4-85550 Radstadt/SalzburgPhone: +43-6452-7193-0Fax: +43-6452-7193-51eMail: [email protected], [email protected]:, www.kohlbrat-bunz.comFounded in: 1981

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Medical Device



LEOMED Medical Systems GmbHNeubauzeile 1014030 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-778048-0Fax: +43-732-774848-9eMail: [email protected]: www.leomed.atContact: Horst Leopold (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2000

Leonhard Lang GmbHArchenweg 566020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-3342-57Fax: +43-512-3922-10eMail: [email protected]: www.leonhardlang.atContact: Mag. Burrhus Lang (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1994Staff: 274Medical focus: anaesthetic and respiratory de-vices, electro mechanical medical devices, single use devices

Life Systems GmbHRottenberger Str. 33681 Hofamt Priel/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-7414-201010Fax: +43-7414-201010-30eMail: [email protected]: www.lifesystems.atContact: Jürgen Schnabler (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2008Medical focus: assistive products for persons with disability

Lohmann & Rauscher GmbHKirchengasse 172525 Schönau a.d. Triesting/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-57670-0Fax: +43-1-57717-99eMail: [email protected]: www.lohmann-rauscher.atContact: DI Rudolf LeitnerCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1984Medical focus: single use devices

MAS medizinische Produkt Handel GmbHHaupstr. 508431 Gralla/StyriaPhone: +43-3452-85512eMail: [email protected]: www.mas.atFounded in: 2003Staff: 9Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devices

MC Technology GmbHSchmiedberg 104483 Hargelsberg/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7225-20522eMail: [email protected]: www.gschladt.atCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2014Staff: 2Medical focus: dental devices, software for medici-ne, telemedicine and e-health

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mechatron Schnabler GmbH & Co KGRottenbergerstr. 33680 Hofamt Priel/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-7414-201010Fax: +43-7414-201010-30eMail: [email protected]: www.mechatron.atContact: Jürgen Schnabler (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2001Medical focus: assistive products for persons with disability

MED TRUST Handelsges�m�b�H�Gewerbepark 107221 Marz/BurgenlandPhone: +43-2626-64190-0Fax: +43-2626-64190-77eMail: [email protected]: www.medtrust.atContact: Werner Trenker (CEO)Founded in: 1997Medical focus: other

MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbHFürstenweg 77a6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-288-889Fax: +43-512-293-381eMail: [email protected]: www.medel.comContact: Ingeborg Hochmair (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1990Medical focus: active implantable devices

Medexter Healthcare GmbHBorschkegasse 7/51090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-968-0324Fax: +43-1-968-0922eMail: [email protected]: www.medexter.comContact: PhD, MS Klaus-Peter Adlassnig (CEO and Scientific Head)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-healthProfile: Medexter develops and markets know-ledge-based systems for clinical decision support. The aim of these high-tech software solutions is to promote quality assurance and patient safety in diagnosis, therapy, prognosis, and patient ma-nagement. Particularly innovative are our systems for the representation and processing of clinical knowledge using fuzzy logic.Production: We offer tools for the representation and processing of medical knowledge based on a standardized syntax. Our variety of software so-lutions help ensure patient safety and quality ma-nagement in hospitals, wards, laboratories, out-patient departments, and physicians’ offices. They are able to augment existing clinical information systems and are available as web applications.R&D: The purpose of our innovative software so-lutions is threefold: a) to safeguard medical qua-lity and improve patient care; b) to allow com-prehensive quality management that takes into account medical workflows and administrative conditions; and c) to achieve efficient and cost-effective utilization of the available resources.

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Medical Device



Medifina Medizinprodukte Vertriebs-GmbHPuchsbaumplatz 5/3–41100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2368520Fax: +43-1-2368520-9eMail: [email protected]: www.medifina.comContact: Dr. Johann Krocza (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 3Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-healthProfile: Medifina develops and produces medical technical devices and software systems. Medifina also offers software and algorithm development, especially for tele-monitoring and health appli-cations.Production: CardioMon - fast and easy non-inva-sive haemodynamics-measurement.R&D: Non-invasive diagnostics, software algo-rithms and intelligent data-repositories.Services: Software-development, Cloud-compu-ting, distributed computing, algorithm develop-ment, data anylysis.Sales & Distribution: CardioMon - fast and easy non-invasive haemodynamics-measurement; participation in the national grant project „DYNA-MITE“.

medizinkraft solutions GmbH & Co KGDr. Franz-Wilhelm-Str. 23500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-40399-1810eMail: [email protected]: www.medizinkraft.comContact: Christian Kocourek (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2012Staff: 8Medical focus: diagnostic and therapeutic radia-tion devicesProduction: diagnosis and therapy of skeletal- and muscles diseases

R&D: diagnosis and therapy of skeletal- and mus-cles diseasesServices: diagnosis and therapy of skeletal- and muscles diseasesSales & Distribution: diagnosis and therapy of skeletal- and muscles diseases

Medizintechnik Behounek GmbHSchießstattgasse 68100 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-828768eMail: [email protected]: www.therapielaser.atContact: Friedrich BehounekFounded in: 1970Staff: 4Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, single use devices, other

medPhoton GmbHMüllner Hauptstrasse 485020 SalzburgeMail: [email protected]: www.medphoton.atFounded in: 2012Medical focus: diagnostic and therapeutic radia-tion devices

MedTech Donner-Grobois Entwicklungs- und Handels GmbHHauptstr. 27-29 273400 Klosterneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-316-337-500Fax: +43-316-337500-11eMail: [email protected]: www.medtech.atContact: Peter Donner-Grobois (Inhaber)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1994Staff: 1Production: Development of a functional test unit for transmitting the cardiec dataR&D: Simplified representation of heart activity by textile electrodes

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Services: training, evaluation, representation and recommendation on the recordsSales & Distribution: generation of hardware and software sales and service with own spare parts

MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbHLochauer Str. 26912 Hörbranz/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5573-85400Fax: +43-5573-854004eMail: [email protected]: www.megacor.atContact: Dr. Mario Löwenstein (President)Founded in: 1998Staff: 10Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devicesProduction: MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH Dia-gnostic Products for Veterinary use. in-clinic use: FASTestrapidtests for veterinary use laboratory use: FLUOVET indirect immunfluorescence tests for veterinary use laboratory use: MEGAELISA ELIS tests for veterinary use laboratory use: ME-GABLOT W. Blot tests for veterinary use laborato-ry use: MEGAPCR PCRtests for veterinary useR&D: Since 1988 MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH is successful engaged in research and developement of innovative rapid and laboratory tests for the veterinary in-vitro diagnostic market.Sales & Distribution: MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH enjoys today a stable growth on a wide base of expertise in the verterinary diagnostic field, with capabilities to provide versatile diagnostic tools to verterinarians and to specialized laboratories.

Meierhofer EDV-Beratungsgesellschaft mbHWestbahnstr. 464300 St. Valentin/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7435-59170-0Fax: +43-7435-59170-40eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Roland MayerCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1999Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-health

MEON Medical Solutions GmbH & Co�KGNeue Stiftingtalstr. 28010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-337007-0Fax: +43-316-337007-4eMail: [email protected]: www.meon-medical.comContact: Dr. Horst Rüther (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2012Staff: 6Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devicesProduction: Our first product is a film tonometer (TM 8000) for gas equilibration of liquids to pro-duce reference samples for quality control and development of blood gas analysers.R&D: MEON Medical Solutions® GmbH & CoKG aims to develop, produce and distribute innova-tive high quality medical products for the benefit of patients and the health care system. One of our main strengths is the comprehensive know-how in the field of medical diagnostic systems. The main focus of our engineering is to develop diagnostic systems for professional application in hospitals (laboratory, POC) and at resident physi-cians.Sales & Distribution: FILM-TONOMETER TM 8000

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Medical Device



METASYS Medizintechnik GmbHFlorianistr. 36063 Rum b. Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-2052-20Fax: +43-512-2054-207eMail: [email protected]: www.metasys.comContact: Alfred Konzett (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1988Medical focus: dental devices

METEKA GmbHViktor-Kaplan-Str. 78750 Judenburg/StyriaPhone: +43-3572-85-166Fax: +43-3572-85-1666eMail: [email protected]: www.meteka.comContact: Mag. Brigitte OlipCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1987Staff: 14Medical focus: other

MIDES Healthcare Technology GmbHWeinholdstr. 338010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-426500Fax: +43-316-426500-3eMail: [email protected]: www.mides.comContact: Norbert R. Minarik (CEO)Founded in: 2010

MIRACOR Medical Systems GmbHGumpendorferstr. 139/51060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2366576-12Fax: +43-1-2366576-22eMail: [email protected]: www.miracormedical.comContact: Lars Schiemanck (CTO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Staff: 12Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, single use devicesProfile: Miracor Medical Systems GmbH is an Aus-trian medical device (founded 2008) company de-veloping disruptive solutions to treat severe heart diseases; striving to bring back cardiac patients to normal life. Miracor develops and commercializes the PiCSO (Pressure-controlled Intermittent Coro-nary Sinus Occlusion) Impulse System, a technolo-gy platform designed to improve clinical outcome of patients with impaired cardiac function.R&D: Miracor has developed a unique technology platform addressing large unmet clinical needs in acute coronary syndrome, heart failure and cardiac surgery patients. Addressing improved mi-crocirculation and reducing reperfusion injury at the same time. This technology can trigger several scientifically proven modes of action: improved perfusion in the border zone of the infarcted area, enhancing coronary collateral flow washout of toxic wastes in the ischemic area.Sales & Distribution: Miracor is commercializing a unique and potentially disruptive technology, PICSO® (Pressure-controlled Intermittent Corona-ry Sinus Occlusion) for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and later heart failure patients. The initial market opportunity for PICSO® is estimated to be up to 40% of all ACS patients treated per year. This patient group represents an addressable market of more than 700,000 patients and 1.8 Billion USD annually.

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Möller MesstechnikMandellstr. 378010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-664-3417360eMail: [email protected]: www.lipometer.comContact: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Möller (CEO)Staff: 1Production: Lipometer for measuring body fat distributionR&D: Body composition, body fat distribution, risk detection for metabolic diseases and hormonal imbalance

Moltoplast GmbHEgger-Lienz-Str. 1306020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-585407Fax: +43-512-585407-18eMail: [email protected]: www.moltoplast.comContact: Klaus Juffinger (CEO)Founded in: 1956Staff: 32Medical focus: hospital hardware, single use devicesProduction: Polyrethane Foam for medical use such as wound-pads, matresses etc. Further pro-cessing: cutting, punching, sewing, coatingR&D: Wound Dressing - pads of poyurethane foam Mattress Systems - for decubitus prophy-laxis and therapy Fall Mat, shock-absorbing with sensor- and alarm functionServices: sterilisation with steamSales & Distribution: MOMOSAN – special foam for woundcare MPF – medical polymer foam for certificated use FAVUSAN – non energetic decu-bitus therapy mattresses PUNL – polyurthane coated fabric MOMAT ALARM – sensor fall mat

more&g e-Health GmbHThon 49131 Grafenstein/CarinthiaPhone: +43-650-77733-05eMail: [email protected]: www.moreandg.comFounded in: 2009Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-health

MRD PHYSICOM Medical Research and Development Physicom GmbHOberer Markt 54204 Reichenau im Mühlkreis/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7211-4090Fax: +43-7211-4090-50eMail: [email protected]: www.mrd-physicom.atContact: Alfred Hirschmann (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1997Medical focus: other

mySugr GmbHSchottenfeldgasse 691070 ViennaPhone: +43-699-11109-779eMail: [email protected]: http://mysugr.comContact: Frank Westermann (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-healthProduction: 360 degree diabetes data manage-ment and therapy optimization with the support of smartphone enabled technologies.R&D: The focus of research is diabetes therapy data analysis and optimization with the support of smartphones.

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Medical Device



Nessler Medizintechnik GmbHEgger-Lienz-Str. 1d6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-940-34Fax: +43-512-940-342eMail: [email protected]: www.nessler.comContact: DI Bernhard NesslerFounded in: 1993Medical focus: single use devices

Norma Diagnostika GmbHHauptstr. 73011 Untertullnerbach/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2233-52887Fax: +43-2233-52887-15eMail: [email protected]: www.normadiagnostika.comContact: Christa Weyland (Administration Manager)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2011Staff: 5Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devicesProduction: Vision & Mission Statement Our vision is to become one of the leading suppliers of innovative diagnostic equipment and high quality consumables. We know that nothing happens by magic. In order to better address unmet cu-stomer requirements and ensure full satisfaction of those who use our products, we strive to build long lasting partnerships with our distributors and are devoted to our pursuit of improvement and excellence. We are committed to creating value through forward looking engineering, inno-vative thinking, outstanding technology and best services. We might make a concession in price but never in quality.R&D: Norma Diagnostika GmbH is a designer and supplier of innovative blood analysis systems ser-ving the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) market. Norma is a young company that operates globally from its headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and offers high quality, cutting edge products and excellent services. The product range consists of analyzers

and reagents for clinical chemistry, hematology, as well as ion selective analyzers for human medical and veterinary clinics. The company exclusively supplies trained authorized distributors who are responsible for providing the appropriate after sales service. We at Norma have a devoted team with many years of experience in the develop-ment, production and commercialization of labo-ratory diagnostic equipment and reagents. We can rely on our executive management and can build on a solid financial fundament. Norma has opera-ting facilities in Austria and Hungary.

Novotech Medizinprodukte GmbHEinach 588862 Stadl an der Mur/StyriaPhone: +43-1-982-0311Fax: +43-1-982-031117eMail: [email protected]: www.novoplant.atFounded in: 2009Staff: 1Medical focus: dental devices

nstim Services GmbHBrehmstraße 161110 ViennaWeb: www.ottobock.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Oroboros Instruments GmbHSchöpfstr. 186020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-5667-96Fax: +43-512-566796-20eMail: [email protected]: www.oroboros.atContact: Dr. Erich Gnaiger (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2000Production: OROBOROS Oxygraph-2k: the modular system for high-resolution respirometry (HRR) in mitochondrial physiology and pathology.

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R&D: The Oxygraph-2k (O2k) provides the instru-mental basis for high-resolution respirometry (HRR) and represents the technologically leading instrument world-wide for diagnostic evaluation of mitochondrial respiratory function. The simul-taneous measurement of mitochondrial respira-tion and other parameters obtained by optical/multisensor devices opens up the potential for the analysis of various diagnostically significant cellular functions. Services: O2k-Workshops on High-Resolution Respirometry: offered on a regular basis in Aus-tria, and occasionally in various countries in cooperation with OROBOROS MiPNet Reference Laboratories.Sales & Distribution: OROBOROS Oxygraph-2k Core, O2k-Fluorescence LED2-Module, TIP2k Titra-tion-Injection microPump, MultiSensor Modules, Auxiliary tools and Accessories.

Orthorobot Medizintechnik GmbHWaidhausenstr. 111140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-91136-38Fax: +43-1-91136-389eMail: [email protected]: www.orthorobot.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999Staff: 5Medical focus: dental devices, electro mechanical medical devices

ortotec – Medizinprodukte GmbHRainerstr. 95090 SalzburgPhone: +43-664-38368-86Fax: +43-664-42466-80eMail: [email protected]: www.ortotec.atFounded in: 2006Medical focus: reusable devices

Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbHBrehmstr. 161110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5233786-142Fax: +43-1-5232264eMail: [email protected]: www.ottobock.atContact: Notburga Halbauer (Head of Public Relations)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1969Staff: 535Medical focus: assistive products for persons with disabilityProfile: Mobility for people: the name Ottobock stands for high-quality, functional and technolo-gically outstanding products and services around the world. The Ottobock branch in Austria is the ultimate driving force in company’s research and development activities and counts as innovative competence centre specializing in mechatronics. Ottobock manufactures high-tech prostheses and orthoses as well as neuroimplants in Vienna.R&D: The R&D activities focus on future-related fields of functional electrical and neural stimulati-on as well as continuous passive motion.

Panaceo International Active Mineral Production GmbHFinkensteinerstr. 59585 Gödersdorf/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4257-290-64Fax: +43-4257-29064-19eMail: [email protected]: www.panaceo.comFounded in: 2004Medical focus: other

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panno-med GmbHSiemensstr. 157432 Pinkafeld/BurgenlandPhone: +43-3357-422-77Fax: +43-3357-4227-74eMail: [email protected]: www.panno-med.comMedical focus: hospital hardware

Paul Hartmann GmbHIZ NÖ-Süd, Str. 3,Obj.64-Ecopark2355 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-64630-0Fax: +43-2236-64630-17eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Friedrich Thomasberger (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1997Staff: 125Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, single use devices, assistive products for persons with disability, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-health

PCS Professional Clinical Software GmbHIndustriering 119020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-3003Fax: +43-463-3003-343eMail: [email protected]: www.pcs.atContact: Alfred Amann (General Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1987Medical focus: non-active implantable devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-health

Pharma Consult Ges�m�b�H�Divischgasse 41210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-29107-664Fax: +43-1-29107-661eMail: [email protected]: www.pharma-consult.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Medical focus: other

Photonic Optische Geräte GmbH & Co� KGSeeböckgasse 591160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4865-6910Fax: +43-1-4865-69133eMail: [email protected]: www.photonic.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1986Staff: 24Production: Illumination systems and compon-ents for medical products, microscopy, research & industry applicationsR&D: Research & development of illumination systems for microscopy, medical products, life sci-ence & industryServices: OEM illumination modules, products and R&D services for medical products, industry and research/ life science applicationsSales & Distribution: Sales of illumination systems for medical products, microscopy, research & life science and industry applications

Physiotherm GmbHPhysiothermstr. 16065 Thaur/TyrolPhone: +43-5223-54777Fax: +43-5223-54777-1022eMail: [email protected]: www.physiotherm.comContact: Josef Gunsch (CEO)Founded in: 2003Medical focus: other

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Pohlig Austria GmbH & Co KGAltmannsdorfer Str. 891120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8040800-11eMail: [email protected]: www.pohligtappe.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008

REPULS Lichtmedizintechnik GmbHWienerbergstr. 7/5. OG1100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3190799Fax: +43-1-3190799-15eMail: [email protected]: www.repuls.atContact: Brigitte Rumpold (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 9Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devicesProfile: The company was founded in 2005 by Brigitte and Konrad Rumpold (grad. of Business Studies) for the purpose of investigating, develo-ping and disseminating the usefulness of light. Photo Medicine forms the focus of thework of the company. The products developed ensure pain reduction and performance boosting as well as improvement of the quality of life.R&D: Treatment of inflammation & pain with high intensive cold light, Influence on cellular mechanisms.

RISC Software GmbH Unit Medical InformaticsSoftwarepark 354232 Hagenberg/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7236-33432-34Fax: +43-7236-33432-50eMail: [email protected]: www.risc-software.atContact: Mag. Dr. Michael Gietzlehner (Head of Research Unit Medical Informatics)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1992Medical focus: ophthalmic and optical devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-health, otherR&D: The Research Unit Medical Informatics suc-cessfully integrates complex scientific methods into highly specialized medical software for more than a decade now. Our team consisting of 9 researchers has developed multiple software systems with international reputation, i.e. SEE-KID – a world-wide unique software system for simulation of eye motility disorders and their surgical correction. This success is promoted by a large network of regional and international medical collaborators, such as Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder Linz, General Hospital Linz, or the Landesnervenklinik Wagner Jauregg Linz. In cooperation with the latter one, RISC has deve-loped a simulation system for cerebral blood flow based on complex and compuationally deman-ding physical models.Services: Objective documentation and assess-ment using virtual patients is one of the core are-as of our research department Medical-Informa-tics. The starting point of this research area has been set by the project BURNCASE 3D, a tool to optimize the assessment of burn injuries. The de-termination of the burn extent by human beings is distorted due to high error rates and individual variability. For already more than 14 years, the research project SEE-KID has the goal to develop a computer-based simulation system for suppor-ting the diagnosis and treatment of eye motility disorders. For this purpose, the software provides a biomechanical model of the human eye, which

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was developed within the project, as well as a 3D virtual patient with a realistic visualization of the shape and movement of the extraocular eye muscles. In the course of the research project MEDVIS 3D, a clinical software application has been developed, capable of 3D reconstruction and visualization of intracranial aneurysms based on 2D medical image data.Sales & Distribution: In addition to professional research and development services the Depart-ment for Medical Informatics offers the following software solutions: BURNCASE 3D – Diagnosis support for burn injuries SEE-KID – Surgery simulation of eye motility disorders MEDVIS 3D – Fast and simple 3D reconstruction, meshing and flow simulation

Rolle+Rolle GmbH & Co KGTechno-Z 15 Schillerstr. 305020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-890416-0eMail: [email protected]: www.rolleundrolle.atContact: Ingeborg Rolle (CEO)Founded in: 2006

S2-Engineering GmbHTIC Steyr/Im Stadtgut A14407 Steyr/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7252-2208-0Fax: +43-7252-2208-14eMail: [email protected]: www.s2-engineering.comContact: Dr. Oskar Staudinger (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2001

SCARLETRED Holding GmbHCampus Vienna Biocenter 51030 ViennaPhone: +43-664-88506246eMail: [email protected]: www.scarletred.atContact: Harald Schnidar (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Staff: 5Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: SCARLETRED Biomedicals GmbH is an emerging MedTech Startup harbored in Vienna, which focuses on innovative technologies in the field of biomedical engineering and medical in-formation technology. Our interdisciplinary R&D team integrates leading international experts to create novel products for highly demanded appli-cations in the therapeutic treatment and digital analysis of skin diseases.Production: SCARLETRED®vision is our lead pro-duct and the first e-medical device of its kind. The patented system integrates a novel imaging tech-nology, enabling remote monitoring and objective analysis of cutaneous drug effects and diseases in preclinical and clinical phase I-III trials. Com-plemented with our SCARLETRED®SkinMarker it facilitates a high level of standardization and GCP compliant applications.R&D: We develope and provide the first objective dermatologic image analysis system which works in a Cloud environment and can run on iPhone and iPad and so everywhere in everybody’s pocket. Based on this unique feature it is the first multi component medical device system enabling ob-jective visual assessment and analysis of derma-tologic disease and skin drug effect independent of the user and clinical trial location.Sales & Distribution: Licensing

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sch�epp OGAm Parkring 28712 Niklasdorf/StyriaeMail: [email protected]: www.schepp.atContact: DI Christof Hepp (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2011Staff: 2Medical focus: assistive products for persons with disabilityProfile: Martin Schörgendorfer and Christof Hepp, the founders of sch.epp, have set out to support people, who have lost their mobility due to stro-ke or other neurological illnesses, on their way back to normal life. sch.epp was able to develop a unique and economical medical device for gait training.

Schiller Engineering GmbHDefreggergasse 58020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-261609Fax: +43-316-261609-10eMail: [email protected]: www.schillermedilog.comFounded in: 2001Staff: 6

Semperit Technische Produkte Gesellschaft m�b�H�Modecenterstr. 221030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-79777-520Fax: +43-1-79777-630eMail: [email protected]: www.sempermed.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1982Staff: 820Medical focus: single use devices

sense product GmbHLandstraßer Hauptstr. 34/3/81030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71869-60Fax: +43-1-71517-24eMail: [email protected]: www.senseproduct.comContact: Thomas Kogler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Medical focus: other

Sonotechnik Karl Glantschnig GmbHW. Rudniggerstraße 189161 Maria Rain/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4227-849-91Fax: +43-4227-849-92eMail: [email protected]: www.sonotechnik.atContact: Karl Glantschnig (Owner)Founded in: 1988Staff: 6Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devicesProduction: We are producing 4- and 8-Channel pulse oscillography devices with an optional ECG trigger unit in order to measure pulse wave run-time and calculate pulse wave velocity for pAOD screening and localisation of arterial blockages in arms and legs. Optical pulse oscillography allows finger and toe measurement on two channels as well as venous screening with the DPPG/LRR method.R&D: Sonotechnik Austria is developing non in-vasive devices for vascular diagnostics. Focus of research is arterial oscillography with optical and pressure sensors as well as venous plethysmo-graphy. Prior goal is the enhancement of this well known methods with new parameters such as e.g. central aortal pulse wave velocity, and still keep the measurement fast and easy.Services: As the company is distributing medical systems in the field of vascular diagnostics, we are offering not only sales and consulting services, but also presentations and training workshops for

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arterial and venous basic diagnostic methods in cooperation with medical specialists.Sales & Distribution: Sonotechnik Austria is dis-tributing the following products: AngE Phlebo D-PPG/LRR for venous screening AngE Phlebo OPO for arterial measurements on digital arteries AngE PRO4 4-Channel simultaneous pulse oscil-lography AngE PRO8 8-Channel simultaneous pulse oscillography US-Doppler devices Foto-Finder dermoscopy systems

sorbion Mayrhofer GmbHSchwechaterstr. 372322 Zwölfaxing/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-7075390Fax: +43-1-7079638eMail: [email protected]: www.sorbionaustria.atContact: Heinz Mayrhofer (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002Staff: 16Medical focus: biological-derived devices

SYNCRO-MED Orthopädische Erzeugnisse GmbHWinetzhammerstr. 104030 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-371-102Fax: +43-732-371-367eMail: [email protected]: www.syncromed.atContact: KR Harald Sövegjarto (CEO)Medical focus: assistive products for persons with disability

synedra information technologies GmbHFeldstr. 1/136020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-581505Fax: +43-512-581505-111eMail: [email protected]: www.synedra.comFounded in: 2005Medical focus: software for medicine, telemedici-ne and e-health

Synthes Österreich GmbHKarolingerstr. 165020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-8275-11Fax: +43-662-8275-1155eMail: [email protected]: www.synthes.comFounded in: 1963Staff: 120Medical focus: reusable devices

Systema Human Information Systems GmbHPachergasse 44400 Steyr/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7252-587-0Fax: +43-7252-587-9300eMail: [email protected]: www.systema.infoContact: Mag. (FH) Hannes Reichl (CEO), Mag. Willibald Salomon (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1972Staff: 260

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T�M�A� Vertriebsgesellschaft m�b�H� Voellegg 138654 Fischbach/StyriaPhone: +43-38-658633Fax: +43-181-74955-1721eMail: [email protected]: www.tma-medical.comContact: Heinz Drobik (CEO)Founded in: 1993Staff: 4Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devices, in vitro diagnostic devices, single use devices, soft-ware for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: TMA Medical is promoting the MOBILE CARE UNIT – a portable clinic, multi devices, inte-grated. The MCU works off/online and can hold a medical OS and VC. Ideal for remote areas with second opinion and remote diagnostic in emer-gency, occupational health, screening/prevention. No technical knowledge necessary – common userinterface to operate different devices (ex-aminations). More information see www.tma-medical.comProduction: The production of the Mobile Care Unit is done either inhouse (small quantities) or external depending to the area of use.R&D: TMA Medical assits individual integration of devices, handling of medical records, remote auto-matic data synchronisation.Services: TMA Medical offers several service poli-cies mainly remote.Sales & Distribution: TMA Medical sales activities and structure is to cooperate with local distribu-tors worldwide.

THI Total Healthcare Innovation GmbHGewerbestr. 49181 Feistritz im Rosental/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4228-30100-0Fax: +43-4228-30100-20eMail: [email protected]: www.thigmbh.atContact: Dr. Giorgio Rosati (CEO)Founded in: 2009Medical focus: hospital hardwareProduction: Production of OXYGEN Safety System containing OXYGEN Surgical Helmet, OXYGEN Bat-tery Pack, OXYGEN Battery Charger and OXYGEN Sterile LenshoodR&D: Development of infection prevention sy-stemsSales & Distribution: Our OXYGEN Safety System is sold via distributors world wide.

TissueGnostics GmbHTaborstr. 10/2/81020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-216119090Fax: +43-1-216119090eMail: [email protected]: www.tissuegnostics.comContact: Dr. Rupert Ecker (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Staff: 14Medical focus: in vitro diagnostic devices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: TissueGnostics has been a trendsetter in tissue cytometry since it‘s foundation in 2003. The company has an install base in 28 countries on 6 continents, more than 250 reference papers published, and divisions in Europe, USA, and China.Production: Automated scanning systems for inverted and upright microscopes for bright field and/or fluorescence mode. TissueFAXS plus is the flagship of our upright microscope based range, offering the possibility to automatically acquire and analyse. It enables the user to quan-tify and quantitatively analyse any protein or other substance which can be marked with immu-

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nofluorescent or immunohistochemical markers. TissueFAXS plus is based on an fully motorised and automated upright microscope and equipped with two cameras (for immunofluoresence and immunohistochemistry), a high quality 8 slide stage controllable in the three axes (an optional robot stack loader can be added) and the Tissu-eGnostics software packages TissueFAXS (micro-scope control and Tissue Stitching), TissueQuest and HistoQuest controlled and driven by a top of the line- computer workstation with 2 large TFT Flatscreens. TissueFAXS plus offers an autofocus fully tunable for sensitivity and speed and precise up to 100 x objective. A unique and highly acclai-med feature is the partial reacquisition mode, this allows to improve those portions of a digitised slide representation where sharpness or colour rendition is not as good as expected without the need to repeat the entire experiment – time sa-ving, specimen saving and extremely convenient!Services: We scan and analyze customer slides and we develop specific methods of image processing.Sales & Distribution: TissueFAXS, HemoFAXS (Fully autometed System for the analysis of blood smears), Bone Marrow Counter (SW for analysis of bone marrow smears), TissueQuest, HistoQuest and StrataQuest the new multi-layer analysis SW.

TKH-Medical GmbHHauptstr. 1416651 Häselgehr/TyrolPhone: +43-5634-6185Fax: +43-5634-6186eMail: [email protected]: www.swingmed.atCluster membership: Life Sciences Tirol

tyromotion GmbHBahnhofgürtel 598020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-908-909Fax: +43-316-908909-90eMail: [email protected]: www.tyromotion.comContact: Dr. Alexander Simon Kollreider (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2007Staff: 34Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, software for medicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: Tyrosolution offers a concept for the use of robot- and computer-assisted therapy units for all phases of rehabilitation. Flexible therapy ap-plications and the individual adjustability of the therapy units ensure optimum completion of your patient treatment. Tyrosolution offers physicians and therapists more possibilities for an efficient and motivating rehabilitation program tailored to the requirements of in-patient, out-patient and in-home treatment.

VASCOPS GmbHPlüddemanngasse 398010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-660-76551-31Fax: +43-316-87391-09eMail: [email protected]: www.vascops.comContact: Mag. Carmen Gasser (CEO)Founded in: 2008Staff: 2Production: A4clinics A4clinics aims at provi-ding a more reliable index for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) rupture risk, thought to be esta-blished in the routinely clinical data flow. An AAA is a pathological enlargement of the aorta in the stomach area, and if kept untreated, it might en-large until rupture. A4clinics Research Edition A4clinics Research Edition is an extension package for A4clinics, especially developed for biomecha-nical research of Aortic Aneurysms and aims at

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Companies, which are partly active in the medical device field







developing market acceptance for this kind of analysis in a routinely clinical setting.R&D: The company develops and markets a new technology of diagnostic software for the vascula-ture to assist clinical decisions and interventions. VASCOPS has developed the Vascular Analyzers A4clinics Research Edition and A4clinics; other products are under development. The function-ality of A4clinics is continously extended/adapted to make other vascular applications possible, too. Especially the by VASCOPS patented method is used for that.Services: VASCOPS runs a diagnosis service center and offers an innovative and reliable diagnosis service for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA). We provide a full range of expert consultative and clinical services, which is handled by experienced and board-certified faculty and technical staff. Latest technology allows us to serve with state-of-the-art and prompt information. Specific services are: Patient-specific AAA rupture risk assessment with translation to the existing Euro-pean treatment standards. The diagnosis is based on mathematical modeling (Finite Element Ana-lysis) and considers individual patient details. Segmentation of thrombus, lumen and aortic wall from CT-A images. Centerline-based diameter measurements. Volume measurements.Sales & Distribution: A4clinics™ - A novel dia-gnostic system for aortic aneurysms, designed for in-depth analysis of patient-specific vascular formations. The system integrates the latest tech-nology and scientific findings; it is the perfect tool to assist aneurysm screening. A4clinics™ is entire-ly feasible to analyze realistic models on standard PCs. A4clinics-Research Edition™ from VASCOPS is an interdisciplinary research system which combines medical image processing with detailed biomechanical analysis.

VASEMA GmbHBrunner Str. 67, Objekt 4, 1. Stock1230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8904833-0Fax: +43-1-8904833-299eMail: [email protected]: www.vasema.comContact: Dipl.-Ing. Peter Hagl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Medical focus: electro mechanical medical devices, single use devicesProduction: VASEMA GmbH is an innovative high-tech medical device company. We develop and ma-nufacture precision instruments for the detection and diagnosis of skin diseases. The earlier changes in the skin can be detected, the better the chances of recovery for patients. VASEMA GmbH TEWL-meter called dermaMeter® professional allows early diagnosis of skin alterations, birthmarks and moles significantly improving standard optical evaluation. A software program facilitates long-time therapeutic monitoring. VASEMA GmbH is an ISO 13485 certified manufacturer of high qua-lity products based on its patented nano-sensor. The unique VASEMA GmbH-technology stands for reliability, security and speed.R&D: VASEMA GmbH is researching medical devices such as measuring transepidermal wa-ter loss (TEWL) to assess alterations of the skin barrier, which indicates clinical indications such as allergies, atopic dermitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis, desquamation, wound healing or carcinoma.Services: Professional selling of the products and customer services requires training with regard to the functionality and handling of the products. VASEMA GmbH offers the necessary courses and training seminars.Sales & Distribution: For professional use, VASEMA GmbH provides the medical class IIa skin analyzer dermaMeter® professional 100. dermaMeter® professional 100, a new and innovative high-tech device, provides optimal support to customers and complies with all norms and standards of medical technology. The device requires its own hygiene caps.

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Companies, which are partly active in the medical device field

Medical Device



VIBRANT Med-El Hearing Technology GmbHFürstenweg 776020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-2888-89Fax: +43-512-2888-892-99eMail: [email protected]: www.medel.comCluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2003Medical focus: active implantable devices

VIVISOL Heimbehandlungsgeräte GmbHRichard Strauss Str. 101230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-524-6283Fax: +43-1-524-1642eMail: [email protected]: www.vivisol.atContact: Mag. Andreas BudzCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993Medical focus: anaesthetic and respiratory devices

W & H Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbHIgnaz-Glaser-Str. 535111 Bürmoos/SalzburgPhone: +43-6274-6236-0Fax: +43-6274-6236-55eMail: [email protected]: www.wh.comContact: Ing. Herbert TraschwandtnerCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1958Staff: 603Medical focus: dental devices, reusable devicesProfile: The family company W&H Dentalwerk, is one of the leading providers of dental devices in the world. Innovative product and service solu-tions, a modern corporate structure, a strong focus on research and development – these are what makes W&H a successful local and global player. With around 1,000 employees worldwide, W&H exports its products to more than 110 countries.

The company operates two production sites in Bürmoos (Austria), one in Brusaporto (Italy) and 19 subsidiaries.Production: The current range of products inclu-des rotating instruments for dental restoration and prosthetics, endodontics, implantology (put-ting in tooth implants) and prophylaxis, as well as instruments for the field of hygiene and mainte-nance and for dental laboratories. W&H products are among the best quality instruments on the market and are used in dentists’ practices, dental hospitals, dental laboratories and in micro-surgery.R&D: W&H employs around 100 development engineers at its headquarters in Bürmoos. Thanks to close intermeshing of research, development and production at the Bürmoos site W&H gua-rantees shorter innovation cycles. New solutions are available rapidly and facilitate daily work. With current innovations, the company not only sets standards in LED technology for dental handpi-eces, but also demonstrates its pioneering role in the field of oral surgery.Services: Excellent technical service is key to en-suring the lasting satisfaction of the customers. The W&H service is hallmarked by: fast response times, short lead times, highly qualified staff, a high level of reliability, quality and moderate pri-ces. W&H endeavors to have at least one service partner in every country, so that the customers‘ needs can be met as quickly and efficiently as pos-sible. Therefore W&H makes a careful selection of his service partners.Sales & Distribution: W&H has 3 production sites, two in Bürmoos (Austria) and one in Brusaporto (Italy). With 19 subsidiaries (1 purely service sub-sidiary and 18 sales subsidiaries - partly including service), 11 local managers and a large number of outstanding and reliable partner companies, W&H ensures short delivery times worldwide and a full range of technical services. W&H‘s core market is export: 95% of its products are exported to over 100 countries. The most important sales markets include Europe, the USA and Asia.

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Companies, which are partly active in the medical device field







Websinger GmbHWeingartenallee 24 Haus 641220 ViennaPhone: +43-2245-82488Fax: +43-2245-82493eMail: [email protected]: www.websinger.atContact: Andreas Leitner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1982Medical focus: single use devices

West Medica Produktions- und Handels-GmbHFranz-Siegel Gasse 12380 Perchtoldsdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-80481-84Fax: +43-1-80481-85eMail: [email protected]: http://westmedica.atContact: Marie Salin (Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2003Staff: 19Medical focus: electro mechanical medical de-vices, in vitro diagnostic devices, software for me-dicine, telemedicine and e-healthProfile: West Medica feels strongly that innova-tion is the key to a brighter future and improves the quality of life for everyone. Development of “Vision” solutions for digital microscopy is a top priority and the main focus of West Medica. Technology is an increasingly influential factor in many fields as new methods are established every day and that’s the reason why West Medica always tries to be one-step ahead.

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liers 4a engineering GmbH

Industriepark 18772 Traboch/StyriaPhone: +43-3842-45106-600Fax: +43-3842-45106-780eMail: [email protected]: DI Reinhard Hafellner (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2002Staff: 20Supply of: electronic equipment, glass prepara-tion and processing, ceramic preparation and processing, plastic machining and processing, laser technology, mechatronics/mechanical en-gineering, measurement and sensor technology, metal machining and processing, micro- and na-notechnologyR&D: 4a engineering GmbH is a technically ori-ented R&D-company with a focus on engineering of plastic products. The core competence of 4a engineering GmbH resides in concept finding and optimisation of product ideas, supported by a wide range of simulation software and analysing methods. The customers rely on the continuing delivery of creative, high quality solutions and effi-cient project management as well as on the joint economic-technical approach. 4a engineering GmbH accompanies and supports the customer during the entire development process, whereas the early and comprehensive understanding of the mechanical and physical backgrounds with regard to the product is essential for a successful product development.Services: We commit ourselves to the individual needs and special competences of our customers and offer solutions for small problems in our areas of expertise e.g. simulation or material analysis, as well as the overall support and project manage-ment of product developments. Furthermore 4a offers special proprietary development softwa-retools in the area of composite materials. The further development of the tools will be pushed with the objective of improving the significance of the FEM simulation and supporting the handling of the latter.

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abatec group AGOberregauer Str. 484844 Regau/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7672-27720-0Fax: +43-7672-27720-401Web: www.abatec-ag.comCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1991Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sen-sor technologyProduction: Over 5000 m production area at two sites offers sufficient potential and maximum failure safety and thus all pre-requisites for quality solutions from Austria. Several automated SMT and THT lines ensure the just-in time accomplish-ment of standard projects and specific special solutions – from the idea to the finished product, everything from a single source. Competent em-ployees, ultramodern machinery and comprehen-sive production know-how Individual production depth Highest quality standards Flexible batch sizes Short lead times Absolute delivery reliabi-lity SMT-, THT- fitting of rigid and flexible circuit boards Testing of electronic modules (AOI, in-circuit-tests, functional tests, burn-in-tests, end-of-line-tests) Device assembly from simple casings to complex finished devicesR&D: Bespoke solutions Hardware & software engineering from a single source Industrial de-sign Prototype manufacture & transition to seri-al production Circuit board design Mechanical construction (casing, injection moulding)Services: Product rollout & logistics concepts In-dividual service packages Customer-specific pa-ckaging Training for service personnel Network of partners & experts Administrative support (patents, applications to the FFG …) Project finan-cing & participation Sales & marketing conceptsSales & Distribution: Branches which rely on aba-tec Industry Measurement and control units for energy sector Measurement and control units for the wellness sector Access systems Time recording systems Traffic signal and safety tech-nology Remote maintenance systems Rescue systems Consumer electronics Communication

electronics Safety electronics Power electronics Medical Technology Automotive

Agilent Technologies Österreich GmbHMooslackengasse 171190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-25125-0Fax: +43-1-25125-7500eMail: [email protected]: www.agilent.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

AGLYCON DR� SPREITZ KGEuropapark 18412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon/StyriaPhone: +43-3182-6262-2710Fax: +43-3182-6262-2799eMail: [email protected]: www.aglycon.atFounded in: 2004 Staff: 4Supply of: consumables/reagents

Air Liquide Austria GmbHSendnergasse 302320 Schwechat/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-70109-342Fax: +43-1-70109-214eMail: [email protected]: www.airliquide.atCluster membership: ecoplus

AKAtech Produktions- und Handels GmbHUntermühlberg 14890 Frankenmarkt/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7684-8804-0Fax: +43-7684-8804-116eMail: [email protected]: www.ccsedms.comContact: Mag. Michael Farthofer (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2001 Staff: 125Supply of: electronic equipment, plastic machi-ning and processing, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sensor technolo-gy, metal machining and processing

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AL-Labortechnik e�U�Friedmühle 430a3300 Amstetten/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-7472-23423-0Fax: +43-7472-23423-4eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Alfred Langeder (Owner)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1996 Staff: 5Supply of: laboratory equipmentServices: Molecular Biology in Diagnostics and ResearchSales & Distribution: Products for Diagnostics and Life Science Research

ALBIS Plastic Vertriebsgesellschaft m�b�H�Münchner Bundesstr. 1425020 SalzburgeMail: [email protected]: www.albis.comContact: Bernd Ziethen (Managing Director)Founded in: 1980Supply of: plastic machining and processingProfile: ALBIS PLASTIC is one of the global opera-ting companies in the distribution and compoun-ding of technical thermoplastics. In addition to the product portfolio of well-known plastic manufac-turers, ALBIS offers the plastic processing industry a diverse product range of high performance plastics, compound solutions and masterbatches. In the 2014 business year, the ALBIS Group, which has approximately 1024 employees, achieved sales of 876 million euros. With 17 subsidiaries, the Hamburg-based company is represented in many European countries as well as in North Africa, the Far East and North America. For more information, please visit http://www.albis.comProduction: ALBIS manufactures plastic com-pounds and masterbatches at three locations in Europe – Hamburg (Germany), Zülpich (Germany) and Manchester (United Kingdom), as well as in the new production site at Changshu, China.R&D: Thermoplastic Polymer-Compounds.

Allectric GmbHRudolf-Hausner-Gasse 41220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4797127-0Fax: +43-1-4797127-14eMail: [email protected]: www.allectric.comContact: Ulrich Nisslmüller (Managing Director)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 1926 Staff: 14Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, laboratory equipmentProduction: Coolers and freezers for drug storage and laboratory requirements, silenced or clean room solutions with remote compressor installa-tions. The only producer of DIN standard built-in coolers for drug storage.R&D: First company to develop special medical re-frigerators in the 50ies. First company to introduce special electronic controllers for medical cooling in the 90ies. Extended application of steadily im-proved cold controllers and interactive monitoring devices for best reliable product security. Solution integration into modern QM systems. Currently developement of environmentally friendly very low energy-consuming cooling solutions.Services: Product and solution consulting, main-tenance, full service, pre-delivery in-house valida-tions, IQ, OQ, PQ, calibration services, flexible and time saving monitoring solutions according to GMP/GLP/CFR guidelinesSales & Distribution: Commercial coolers and freezers, professional coolers and freezers for drug, medical, technical & scientific refrigeration for all purposes and production facilites. Cooling appliances e.g. for blood, plasma, cytostatics, tis-sue storage for laboratories, research facilities and hospitals. Silenced or clean room solutions with remote compressor installations.

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Amann Girrbach AGHerrschaftswiesen 16842 Koblach/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5523-62333-0Fax: +43-5523-55990eMail: [email protected]: www.amanngirrbach.comContact: Ing. Oliver Amann (Managing Director)Founded in: 2004

AMEDA Labordiagnostik GmbHKrenngasse 128010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-6980-69Fax: +43-316-6980-12eMail: [email protected]: www.amp-med.comContact: Gerald Herfort (COO)Supply of: laboratory equipment, consumables/reagentsProduction: A wide range of in-vitro diagnostic products for use in the routine diagnostic labora-tory is manufactured under the AMP Diagnostics label. The portfolio of analyzers and test kits co-vers the segments of clinical chemistry, immuno-logy, hematology and coagulation, as well as urine and rapid diagnostics. Besides the commitment to highest quality standards and cost efficiency in production also a high degree of flexibility in meeting individual customer requirements is maintained.Sales & Distribution: As an add-on to the compre-hensive portfolio of in-vitro diagnostic products promoted under the AMP Diagnostics label a se-lection of general purpose laboratory equipment is promoted. Among others pipettes, centrifuges, various mixers and shakers, incubators, laboratory and blood bank refrigerators, freezers and ultra freezers are available. These products have been selected due to their outstanding performance and reliability, as well as the attractive price/per-formance ratio.

AMiSTec GmbH & Co� KGLeitweg 236345 Kössen in Tirol/TyrolPhone: +43-5375-202-88Fax: +43-720-720-380eMail: [email protected]: www.amistec.atContact: Dr. Maximilian Lackner (MBA)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2011Staff: 7Supply of: plastic machining and processing, labo-ratory equipmentProduction: Licenses Anti-microbial masterbat-ches of PP, PE, ABS, PS, PC, PA6, PA66, PU, PVC Anti-microbial compounds of PP, PE, ABS, PS, PC, PA6, PA66, PU, PVC Anti-microbial epoxy resin Anti-microbial paints and varnishesR&D: AMiSTec develops solutions for anti-microbi-al surfaces in healthcare, industry, transportation and consumer goods. Our patented technology is based on the model of the body‘s defense me-chanism: acidic surfaces. AMiSTec offers product development and grants licenses for materials from polymers, paints and epoxy resin to ceramics, silicone and textiles. Major advantage of the AMiSTec technology for anti-microbial surfaces are: long lasting effect strong effect no na-no-particles, no inactivation by sweat, protein or sulfur excellent cost/benefit ratio AMiSTec has sold licenses in Austria, Germany and China.Services: Licenses Contract research Product development Testing of anti-microbial perfor-mance by various standards (drop-on test, roll-out test, JIS Z 2801, JIS L 1902, ISO 22196, etc). Quality management Toll compounding (on extruder Berstorff ZE25A), incl. quality testing (filler con-tent, MFR, moisture, etc.)Sales & Distribution: Licenses Anti-microbial masterbatches of PP, PE, ABS, PS, PC, PA6, PA66, PU, PVC Anti-microbial compounds of PP, PE, ABS, PS, PC, PA6, PA66, PU, PVC Anti-microbial epoxy resin Anti-microbial paints and varnishes

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ams AGSchloß Premstätten, Tobelbader Str. 308141 Unterpremstaetten/StyriaPhone: +43-3136-5000Fax: +43-3136-52501eMail: [email protected]: www.ams.comContact: Mag. Michael Wachsler-Markowitsch (CFO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1992

analyse BioLab GmbHEisenhandstr. 4-64020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-781991-222eMail: [email protected]: www.analyse.euContact: Mag. Bernhard Kuchinka (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2007

ANTEMO Anlagen & Teilefertigung GmbHHauptstr. 138755 St. Peter ob Judenburg/StyriaPhone: +43-3573-34514Fax: +43-3573-34514-20eMail: [email protected]: www.antemo.comCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2000Staff: 8Supply of: plastic machining and processing, me-chatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machi-ning and processing

ANTISEPTICA chemisch-pharmazeutische Produkte GmbHHandelskai 265/Büro 3561020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-374 660-0Fax: +43-1-374 660-066eMail: [email protected]: www.antiseptica.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAvienna

Anton Paar GmbHAnton-Paar-Str. 208054 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-257-0Fax: +43-316-257-257eMail: [email protected]:

Ascendor GmbHDrautendorf 484174 Niederwaldkirchen/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7231-40040-500Fax: +43-7321-40040-590eMail: [email protected]: www.ascendor.atContact: Klaus Gahleitner Founded in: 2006Staff: 30Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineeringProfile: Ascendor GmbH was founded in 2006 and manufactures attractive pflatform stairlifts and homelifts of high quality for a huge amount of ap-plications. The Ascendor lifts are 100 % produced at the company location in Niederwaldkirchen, Upper Austria. There you can also find the head office and the administration department.Production: Every unit is produced with modern technology and has to pass our comprehensive quality tests.R&D: A team of competent engineers and mecha-tronic technicians developed the Ascendor lifts. In 2008, the PLK8, the platform stairlift for curved staircases and changes of the gradient was esta-

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blished. Since 2009, Ascendor also offers the platt-form elevator as well as new developed homelift QuattroPorte since 2015.Services: We attach a lot of importance to pro-duct quality and business processes. That‘s also reflected in the choice of our service and com-mercial partners who are chosen carefully and who have to undergo different training courses periodically. Furthermore, there are our competent technicians at your disposal in our company head office who can answer all your pre- and post-purchase questions.Sales & Distribution: Ascendor owns a dense distribution network with commercial partners in many European countries. So we can provide a high level of service and availability. Choose the business partner who is closest to you!

AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AktiengesellschaftFabriksgasse 138700 Leoben-Hinterberg/StyriaPhone: +43-3842-200-0Fax: +43-3842-200-216eMail: [email protected]: www.ats.netContact: Christina Schuller (Head of Corporate Communications)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, styriaFounded in: 1987Supply of: electronic equipment, measurement and sensor technology, micro- and nanotechnologyProduction: AT&S employs around 7,300 people worldwide. Each of the plants concentrates on a specific portfolio of technologies. The Austrian plants are geared to the European market. Short production times, special applications and a grea-ter emphasis on suppliers’ closeness to customers are typical for Europe. The plants in Austria, India and Korea concentrate on small and medium-sized batches for industrial and automotive custo-mers, while in China the focus is on large volumes for mobile communications customers.R&D: AT&S’s increased focus on research and development has also led to more than 62 patents

applied. The aim is to produce smaller volumes and more complex boards in a simpler and more efficient way. AT&S has 4 key development areas: Interconnect density, Mechanical integration, Functionality integration, Printed solutions.Services: AT&S is one of the world’s leading ma-nufacturers of high-end printed circuit boards for smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, etc. Today, AT&S supplies eight of the ten big-name manufactuerers of smartphones. In the Medical & Healthcare Segment size and weight reduction have the highest priority, especially in devices such as pacemakers. In this field our comprehen-sive experience from the Mobile Devices business is adding value to our customers. ECP® (embed-ded component packaging) is AT&S’s patent pro-tected technology for integrated active semicon-ductor and passive component packaging offering miniaturization and reliability benefits.

ATOS Group GmbHUnterkriech 344845 Rutzenmoss/Regau/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7672-22233eMail: [email protected]: www.atos-medical.euCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

ATOX GmbHParacelsusweg 18144 Tobelbad/StyriaPhone: +43-3842-833600Fax: +43-3842-8336021eMail: [email protected]: www.atox.euContact: DI Wolfgang NägeleCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2000Staff: 1

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Attophotonics Biosciences GmbHViktor Kaplan-Str. 22700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2622-23495Fax: +43-2622-23604eMail: [email protected]: www.attophotonics.comContact: Univ. Doz. Dr. Thomas Schalkhammer (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2004

ATV-Elektronik Gesellschaft m�b�H�Küffelstr. 84030 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-301-6000Fax: +43-732-301-60021eMail: [email protected]: membership: Health Technology Cluster

Aurora Feinchemie GmbHHofgasse 38010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-1-85854947-00Fax: +43-1-85854947-01eMail: [email protected]: www.aurorafinechemicals.comContact: Dr. Alexander Kutyrev (CEO)Founded in: 1996Supply of: consumables/reagentsProfile: In November, 2013 Aurora became the biggest supplier of compounds to Chemical Ab-stract Service, a division of the American Chemical Society and the world‘s largest and most reliable collection of chemistry and related science infor-mation. Aurora‘s greatest achievement since its establishment in 1990. Production: Aurora Fine Chemicals catalogue con-tains more than 18.1 millions molecules available in stock. Aurora offers a unique service due to its tremendous database that you can search online, order, and receive the desired compound(s) from only one vendor.Agrochemists, biochemists, bio-

logists, chemists, medicinal chemists, researchers, scientists, and experts in life sciences and the pharmaceutical industry can profit from Aurora‘s service and spend more time for their current and planned research projects.Fast and reliable way to find a chemical you need in the world largest collection of organic substances.R&D: Aurora is involved in several NIH projects in the USA. Aurora‘s cooperation with NIH agencies based on cutting edge technology for in vitro, in vivo and clinical study provides a very good quality of hits, leads and drug candidates as well.Services: Aurora provides services that help you to maximize the value of your research and de-velopment. Our goal is to create unique service experience for every customer by listening to your requirements and responding to them with innovative initiatives. Monitoring our performance against world-class service standards as well as support every client with the Aurora‘s portfolio of services and products belong to our most impor-tant tasks. Drug Discovery Services Hit Identifi-cation Service Hit-to-lead and lead optimization services Drug leads design ADME Modeling Quantitative Drug toxicity prediction (including LD50) Patentability Check Custom Synthesis for small organic molecules. Peptide Synthesis Service.Sales & Distribution: Aurora is headquartered in San Diego, USA and presented by its branch office in Graz, Austria.

Bartelt Gesellschaft m�b�H�Neufeldweg 428010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-475328-0Fax: +43-316-475328-55eMail: [email protected]: www.bartelt.atContact: Fritz Bartelt (CEO)

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BARTOSEK Projektbetreuung GmbHVorlaufstr. 5/I1010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-96106-00eMail: [email protected]: www.bartosek.comContact: Dr. Bernd Bartosek (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

BASF Österreich GmbHMillennium Tower, Entity 1690 Handelskai 94–961200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-87890-227Fax: +43-1-87890-120eMail: [email protected]: www.basf.atContact: Joachim Meyer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1951

BATEGU Gummitechnologie GmbH & Co KGMuthgasse 231190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3682153-12eMail: [email protected]: www.bategu.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sensor technologyProduction: Radiation Protection Measurement Instruments, Antenna Calibration InstrumentsR&D: Proteomics, Doping Analysis, Forensic Ana-lysis, Pharmacokinetics, Radiation Protection, Elec-tromagnetic Fields, NFCServices: Dosimetric Service, Testing of Active In-gredients, Doping and Forensic AnalysisSales & Distribution: Radiation Protection Mea-surement Instruments, Antenna Calibration Instruments

Beckman Coulter GmbHGiefinggasse 6, Top 81210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2590515-020.03.2015eMail: [email protected]: www.beckmancoulter.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1987Staff: 13

BECOM Electronics GmbHTechnikerstr. 17442 Hochstraß/BurgenlandPhone: +43-2616-2930-766Fax: +43-2616-2930-112eMail: [email protected]: Contact: Ing. Johann Pinter (Key Account Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1984Staff: 310Supply of: electronic equipment, measurement and sensor technology, laboratory equipmentProfile: BECOM Electronics GmbH develops and manufactures electronic equipment and systems according to ISO 13485. In the field of medical tech-nology, the focus is on promoting and maintaining good health. From concept design to energy-effici-ent and flexible series solutions „from one source“: with close customer partnership under conti-nuous innovation by excellently trained staff for uncompromising quality and global use of the products made by BECOM ElectronicsProduction: From simple modules through com-plex electronic devices and systems, of numbers 1 to 10 million per year. We offer, depending on the desired amount, fully automated, semi-auto-mated and manual production. In order to follow our zero defect strategy, process quality checks as AOI, X-ray, ICT, Flying Probe and EOL offered. On request, electronic modules can also be pro-tected against different environmental influences, whether by coating or by potting.R&D: One stop shop – from concept through finis-hed product Systemdesign/functionaldevelop-

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ment (Requirements Catalogue, systemarchitec-ture, testplan, testspecification) Hardwaredeve-lopment and PCB layout (DX-designer, pads, circuit diagramm, PCB data) Softwaredevelopment (different µC, Coding Guidelines, Unittesting) Mechanical development (construction heatsink, housing, tolerance analysis, feasability study) Testing (EMV consultion, EMV testing, system-tests, environmentaltests) Services: Projectmanagement Testplaning Test equipment construction QM support After sales Lifecycle management Component data-base Design rules CO engineering

BELAN Ziviltechniker-GmbHDurisolstr. 74600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-9001-511Fax: +43-7242-9001-512eMail: [email protected]: www.belan.atContact: Dr. Thomas Eidenberger (CEO)Founded in: 1997Staff: 8

Belimed GmbHGrüne Lagune 18350 Fehring/StyriaPhone: +43-3155-40699-0Fax: +43-3155-40699-10eMail: [email protected]: www.belimed.comContact: Alois Neumeister (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1991 Staff: 23Services: As one of the global suppliers in the field of Infection Control we also supply customized service packages. Because of our flexible and indi-vidual service we have reached a high satisfaction by our cusomers. Thanks to our professional con-sulting high level support is guaranteed starting already at the pre-project phase, leading through

the whole project until the installation and also covering individual after sales services.Sales & Distribution: As a world leader in infection control, specialising in cleaning, disinfection and sterilization, Belimed has been providing state-of-the-art products in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and laboratory sectors worldwide for over 40 years.

BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES GmbHGoldschlagstr. 1821140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-914 2251-0eMail: [email protected]: www.berthold.comContact: Ing. Josef Schweighofer (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 6Supply of: measurement and sensor technology, laboratory equipmentProfile: We are international leaders in industrial process control, bioanalytics and radiation protec-tion. We focus on developing and manufacturing high-performance and customer-oriented mea-suring systems and devices.Production: Worldwide leader in luminescence measuring technology. Measuring devices for various disciplines of life sciences make up the product range „Bioanalytics“. High quality and sustainability with a long-lasting, rugged design combined with excellent measurement properties and user-oriented operation ensure that devices by BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES are at the fore-front of innovation over and over again.R&D: environmental analytical investigations of biological and chemical contamination and the tracking of the degradation pathways. Lumino-meters, microplate readers and imaging systems are used in basic biomedical research, as well as in pharmaceutical drug discovery for bioche-mical and cellular assays in microplates or tubes (in vitro), but also for the localization of cellular processes in animals and plants (in vivo). HPLC radioactivity detectors are used in pharmacology.Sales & Distribution: PRODUCT RANGE: Lumino-meter, Multi-technology microplate Reader, ELISA

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Reader, in vivo imaging Systems, Gamma Coun-ters, Radioactivity detectors for HPLC.

Bertmann Ges�m�b�H�Sulzengasse 31230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-68846-110Fax: +43-1-68846-1320eMail: [email protected]: www.bertmann.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1974

BIA Separations Gesellschaft für Separationstechnologie mbHEuropastr. 8 (Technologiepark Villach)9524 Villach-St. Magdalen/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4242-41618Web:

Bilfinger Industrietechnik Salzburg GmbHBergerbräuhofstr. 315020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-8695-0eMail: [email protected]: in: 2004

Bio-Rad Laboratories Gesellschaft m�b�H�Hummelgasse 88/3-61130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-877-8901Fax: +43-1-876-5629eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

Biolab Laborgeräte Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Pelzgasse 71150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-98275-75Fax: +43-1-98275-89eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1983Staff: 3Supply of: laboratory equipment, consumables/reagentsProfile: Supply of instrumentation for analytical and clinical laboratories, incl. consumablSales & Distribution: Supply of instrumentation for analytical and clinical laboratories, incl. con-sumables

Biomed Dr� Wieser GmbHGrabenbauernweg 175020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-451669eMail: [email protected]:

Biozym Biotech Trading GmbHWehlistr. 27b/11200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3340156-0Fax: +43-1-3340156-88eMail: [email protected]: www.biozym.comContact: DI Ingo Stefan Nagler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 4Supply of: laboratory equipment, consumables/reagents, otherProfile: Science is our BusinessProduction: Tips, Filtertips (SafeSeal Tips Premium, SafeSeal Tips Professional, SafeSeal Tips Precision, Surphob), PCR tubes, stripes, platesR&D: Molecular Biology Genetics Cell Biology Molecular Diagnostics Immunology Cell Culture

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Services: MTAS Calibrierung of thermocycler and Real Time PCR Machines Pipette calibrationSales & Distribution: Reagents for Molecular Bi-ology (Genomics, RNomics und Proteomics, Next Gen Sequencing, PCR, qPCR) Reagents for Immu-nology und Cell Biology (Flow Cytometry, ELISA, in vivo/vitro Stimulation, Western Blot, IF, IHC) Per-sonal protective equipment gloves for Research, Diagnostics and Production Thermocycler, Real Time Thermocycler 2D Barcode Scanning Cell Counter, Digital Cell Imaging System, X-Clarity Tissue Clearing Manual Pipettes, Electronic Pipettes

BIUTEC - Biotechnologie- und Umwelttechnologie Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft m�b�H�Seeböckgasse 32b1160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4083-5800Fax: +43-1-4083-58034eMail: [email protected]: www.biutec.atContact: Dr. Helmut Effenberger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

BLANCO Professional Austria GmbHIgnaz-Köck-Str. 111211 ViennaPhone: +43-1-27828-23Fax: +43-1-27828-2323eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

BMS Informationstechnologie GmbHDiesterweggasse 7/11140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-52481-3400eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995

Böhm Medical Warenvertriebsgesellschaft m�b�H�Hauptplatz 73452 Heiligeneich/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2275-200-05Fax: +43-2275-200-06eMail: [email protected]: www.boehm-medical.atCluster membership: ecoplus

BOSSARD AUSTRIA Ges�m�b�H�Concorde Business Park 2 F152320 Schwechat/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-797-700Fax: +43-1-797-7061eMail: [email protected] Web: Cluster membership: styria, ecoplus

Bruker Austria GmbHLemböckgasse 47b1230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8047881Fax: +43-1-8047881-99eMail: [email protected]: www.bruker.atCluster membership: LISAviennaSupply of: measurement and sensor technology, micro- and nanotechnology, laboratory equip-ment, consumables/reagents

CAMO Formen- und Werkzeugbaugesellschaft m�b�H�Einsiedlstr. 14690 Schwanenstadt/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7673-6650-0Fax: +43-7673-6650-15eMail: [email protected]: www.camo.atCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1988Staff: 130Supply of: plastic machining and processing

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Camozzi GmbHLöfflerweg 186060 Hall in Tirol/TyrolPhone: +43-5223-52888-40Fax: +43-5223-52888-540eMail: [email protected]: www.camozzi.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2006Staff: 9Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering

CareTec International GmbHStubenbastei 11010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5138-081-0Fax: +43-1-5138-081-9eMail: [email protected]: www.caretec.atContact: Dr. Dietmar Litschel (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

CAS Clean-Air-Service AGAm Euro Platz 2, Business Center Euro Plaza, Gebäude G, Büro B11120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71728-285Fax: +43-1-71728-283eMail: [email protected]: www.cas.chContact: DI Holger Messner (Geschäftsführender Niederlassungsleiter)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, Life Sciences Tirol, LISAviennaFounded in: 1989Services: CAS-Services: Cleanroom measurement (classification, filter system integrity, recovery test, etc.) Flow visualisation Microbiological bacterial count determinations in the air and on surfaces Precess validation of thermal processes Several trainings in our own clean rooms Cali-bration of measuring equipment

Sales & Distribution: CAS-Products: „ CLIMET Particle counters Particle monitoring systems Measurement systems in combination with aero-sol technology Dwyer Magnehelic Gage

CATRA GmbH Pharmaceutical & Biomedical EngineeringSchmiedingerstr. 895020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-4249790-0Fax: +43-662-424979-40eMail: [email protected]: www.catra.atContact: Prof. Karl Gruber (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2013Staff: 14Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machining and processingProfile: CATRA GmbH is a research and develop-ment company in the field of pharmaceutical as well as medical process and product develop-ment. Process- and mechanical engineering are combined with innovation and pharmaceutical know-how. Our core competences are develop-ment, construction and production of customized equipment and turnkey machinery to support or implement a production process in the pharma-ceutical industry.Production: CATRA offers a full range of services in automation. We develop a customized solution with you in line with your requirements, techni-cally reliable and cost-oriented. Benefit from our wide, long-term experience and range of mecha-nical production in the fields of milling, turning, drilling and welding. As a competent partner, our motivated team offers technical expertise and high-quality mechanical processing. Processing strictly adheres to EN ISO9001:2008.R&D: Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes (e.g. diagnostic or therapeutic). This field seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine. It combines the design and problem solving skills

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of engineering with medical and biological know-how to advance health care treatment, including diagnosis, and therapyServices: Our team work is characterized by open, clear communication and positive, constructive feedback. We work together towards common goals. Providing a cooperative and comfortable working environment for our employees, where partnership and respect are taken for granted, is important to us.Commitment and enthusiasm of each employee for our projects makes us a strong team. CATRA is different! Integrity, courage, team-work, commitment and innovation – we live our values.Sales & Distribution: Our network of partners and cooperation with national and international research institutions, high-tech companies and Universities reflect the high standard of CATRA. In addition to its own CFD application of simulation we sell a CFD-DEM coupled software product de-veloped by RCPE GmbH and AVL List GmbH. This simulation software is currently known as eXten-ded Particle Simulation among the industry. Here-by CATRA forms the main retailer of this software and supports its customers.

Celestica Austria GmbHIschlerbahnstr. 155020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-455-600Fax: +43-662-455-463Web: www.celestica.comCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2000Staff: 12Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering

Center for Advanced Bioanalysis GmbHGruberstr. 40-424020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-2468-7500Fax: +43-732-2468-7530eMail: [email protected]: www.cbl.atContact: Alois Sonnleitner (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2010Staff: 26Supply of: measurement and sensor technology, consumables/reagentsProfile: We focus on analysis of mainly biological samples at the ultimate level of sensitivity - the sin-gle molecule. Our assays are applied for diagnostic questions (e.g. ultra-sensitive microarrays for de-tection of mRNA, DNA). With our high resolution imaging tools (sub nanometer) we follow molecu-lar motion and dynamics at video rate under phy-siological conditions . This enables understanding details of molecular function and association and is e.g. used in large molecule drug development.Production: Our products include: substrates (glass and COP) for biological assays with high binding capacity, low background signal, high antiadsorptivity. patterned glass and polymer substrates (feature size: GRÖSSER ALS 3 µm) microfluidic biochipsR&D: A multidisciplinary team of biologists, che-mists, physicists, medical engineers and software developers focuses on enabling the application of single molecule sensitive and sub nanometer resolution methods to diagnostic (infectious diseases, cancer) and therapeutic (drug develop-ment, molecular mechanisms of target molecules, protein interaction) topics.Services: large area microscopy (200 nm up to mi-crotiterplate,6 µm up to 20x20 cm) fluorescence, IR, white light e.g. for quality control imaging of molecular motion with ms time and nm to-pographic resolution (live molecular dynamics) e.g. for drug development rapid prototyping of microfluidic biochips (soft lithography) cell- and molecular biology (cell culture, bacterial culture, ultra-centrifugation, FACS, qPCR, ...)

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Certoclav Sterilizer GmbHGeorg Grinninger-Str. 374050 Traun/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7229-689-0eMail: [email protected]: www.certoclav.comContact: Klaus David (Product Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1993Staff: 3Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sensor technology, metal ma-chining and processing, laboratory equipmentProduction: Laboratory autoclaves

Chem� Fabrik Dr� Weigert GmbH & Co KGWienerbergstr. 11/12a1100 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.drweigert.deCluster membership: LISAvienna

Chemopharma – Chemikalien und Pharmazeutika Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Reindorfgasse 131150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8911-70Fax: +43-1-8911-744eMail: [email protected]: www.chemopharma.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Clariant (Österreich) GmbHLiesinger-Flur-Gasse 81230 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.clariant.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Cleanroom Technology Austria GmbHIZ-NÖ-Süd, Str. 10, Objekt 602355 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-223-320053-0Fax: +43-2236-320053-11eMail: [email protected]: www.cta.atContact: Ing. Roman Czech (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplus, Health Technology Cluster, styriaFounded in: 2008Staff: 18Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machining and processing

cms electronics gmbhEbentaler Str. 1409020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-330340-0Fax: +43-463-330340-125eMail: [email protected]: www.cms-electronics.comContact: Erwin Stöckinger (Director Sales & Marketing)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2003Staff: 250Supply of: electronic equipmentServices: cms electronics is an electronic manuf-acturing service partner that offers to customers one-stop shopping. The customer gets the com-plete electronic assembly - all from one source: from the development through the purchasing of materials, the assembly of printed circuit boards, automation solutions and test procedures to the full device assembly. cms electronics understands service as Electronics all inclusive, customer satisfaction as the ultimate goal. The strengths of cms electronics lie in the focus on the essentials: Electronics manufacturing in premium quality and with maximum efficiency Fully-automated manufacturing solutions desi-gned with the state-of-the-art technology Com-plex, hand-assembled components at optimized cost efficiency Our production sites in Austria

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and Hungary and the offices in Germany, Hong Kong and Türkiye as bridges to the key markets of electronic production. Decades of experience in electronic manufacturing ensures complete relia-bility and flexibility. cms electronics has already received numerous awards for product quality, delivery performance and flexibility and is ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.

COLENTA Labortechnik GmbH & Co� KGNeunkirchnerstr. 1172700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-262-2283-11Fax: +43-262-22831-17eMail: [email protected]: www.colenta.atCluster membership: ecoplus

Commend Österreich GmbHZallweingasse 35020 SalzburgPhone: +43-1-7153079eMail: [email protected]:

Constantia Patz GmbHGuntramserstr. 72620 Loipersbach/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2635-600-0Fax: +43-2635-600-1970eMail: [email protected]: http://patz.cflex.comContact: Dr. Gerald HummerCluster membership: ecoplus

CoolTech Systems Austria GmbHBlockau 64A6642 Stanzach/TyrolPhone: +43-676-6769-800eMail: [email protected]: www.cooltech.atContact: Ing. Wolfgang Lausecker (Owner)Founded in: 2009

Profile: CoolTech offers the Service of Whole Body Cryo therapy as well as the units for such therapy. The so called Cryosauna is a single Person chamber for individual Treatment in teh fields fo medical and pain therapy, Beauty and Wellness and sports.Services: Whole Body Cryo Therapy in a single Per-son individual CryosaunaSales & Distribution: CoolTech is the official dis-tributor for so called Cryosauna made by JUKA/Poland for Austria and Germany.

CRYO LIFE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES Produktions- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbHWirtschaftspark 59131 Poggersdorf/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4224-82052Fax: +43-4224-82052-24eMail: [email protected]:

Digital Elektronik GmbHBerchtesgadner Str. 105083 St. Leonhard/SalzburgeMail: [email protected]:

Dlouhy GmbHKönigstetter Str. 163 A3430 Tulln/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-4895861Fax: +43-1-489 5861-28eMail: [email protected]: www.dlouhy.atContact: Mag. Martin Dlouhy (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusSupply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering

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DONAUCHEM GmbHLisztstr. 41030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71147-0Fax: +43-1-71147-5eMail: [email protected]: www.donauchem.comContact: Dr. Johannes StockingerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1973Staff: 105Supply of: consumables/reagentsSales & Distribution: speciality chemicals

DPI Holding GmbHLeopoldauer Str. 1791210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-740-51eMail: [email protected]: Gerhard Engelbrecht (DI, MSc, MBA CTO)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 1999Staff: 400Supply of: electronic equipment, laboratory equip-ment, consumables/reagents, otherProfile: Druck + Kommunikation GmbH, a member of DPI Group, is an innovative print and communication service provider in the DACH region and market leader in Austria. Although its roots lie in the production of print forms, it has extended its services to classic prin-ting as well as marketing, e-business solutions etc. Its expertise in functional printing and printed electronics combined with modern communi-cation knowhow and an extensive network also comes to use in healthcare.Production: Druck + Kommunikati-on GmbH produces in-house and offers integrated and individual printing and communication so-lutions. Conventional printing such as laboratory test results as well as printed diagnostic tools such as test stripes are part of the company portfolio. They have various advantages over conventionally produced tools (e.g. dipping method or coating),

such as lower production costs and a lower con-sumption of raw materials and operating supplies.R&D: In the healthcare sector, we focus on the de-velopment of personalised printed diagnostic tools and corresponding communication services based on (inhouse) findings in the field of functional printing and printed electronics. Diagnostic tools comprise trend analysis as well as quantitative analysis where paper serves as raw material basis. Communication services are refined and adapted to the country’s specific conditions and healthcare system.Services: Druck + Kommunikation GmbH produces in-house and offers integrated and individual printing and communication so-lutions. Conventional printing such as laboratory test results as well as printed diagnostic tools such as test stripes are part of the company portfolio. They have various advantages over con-ventionally produced tools (e.g. dipping method or coating), such as lower production costs and a lower consumption of raw materials and opera-ting supplies.

DPx Fine Chemicals Austria GmbH & CoKGSt. Peter Str. 254020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-6916-0Fax: +43-732-6916-3890eMail: [email protected]: www.patheon.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Dr� Friedrich Bertoni Gesellschaft mbHJochen Rindt Str. 211230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61688-70Fax: +43-1-61688-7060eMail: [email protected]: www.drbertonigmbh.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1974

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DS AUTOMOTION GmbHLunzerstr. 604030 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-6957-4441Fax: +43-732-6980-6413eMail: [email protected]: www.ds-automotion.comContact: Markus Gartner (Key Account Hospital & Healthcare)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1984Staff: 120Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineeringProduction: For more than 30 years, DS AUTOMO-TION GmbH with its company headquarters in Linz has been specializing in the development and production of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVs) and has become one of the world‘s leading suppliers in this segment. Apart from general AGV logistics applications in various branches of indus-try, DS AUTOMOTION has specialized, in particular, in the sectors Automotive, Print & Paper, Hospital & Healthcare, as well as Intralogistics.Services: Our experienced team of professionals provide preventative maintenance. Through pre-cise inspection and analysis we assess the current situation, recognize defects and draw attention to future weaknesses. The comprehensive expertise of our professionals is implemented fully to re-medy any problems in a timely and cost-effective manner, and the systems are optimized to achieve their full potential. The maintenance and service activities performed by DS AUTOMOTION are tailored to avoid any production line standstills and guarantee you a high degree of plant system availability.Sales & Distribution: Being one of the leading manufacturers of Automated Guided Vehicle Sy-stems, we offer advanced in-house transport and handling solutions to customers worldwide. With our products and services we want to improve our customers‘ competitive edge and autonomy.

Duotec GmbHAubachberg 794941 Mehrnbach/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7752-20830-200eMail: [email protected] Web: www.duotec.atContact: Thomas Dattenböck (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

EBERWEIN GmbHBleichenweg 17a6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-281794eMail: [email protected]: www.eberwein.atCluster membership: Life Sciences Tirol

ECOLAB GESELLSCHAFT MBHRivergate Handelskai 921030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7152-5500Fax: +43-1-7152-550-2850eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

ekey biometric systems GmbHLunzerstr. 894030 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-890500-2000Fax: +43-732-890500-2002eMail: [email protected]: www.ekey.netCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

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ELPACK Verpackungssysteme und Logistik GmbHParacelsusweg 18144 Tobelbad/StyriaPhone: +43-3136-9010101Fax: +43-3136-90109101eMail: [email protected]: www.elpack.atContact: Andrea Elpons (CEO)Cluster membership: styria

ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbHLudwig-Engel-Str. 14311 Schwertberg/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-50-620-0Fax: +43-50-620-3009eMail: [email protected]: www.engelglobal.comFounded in: 1945Supply of: plastic machining and processingProduction: ENGEL is world market leader in its areas of operation. The ENGEL Group‘s key com-petence is building injection moulding machines. In addition, the ENGEL Group offers its customers a single source for a full range of plastics proces-sing technology modules: Injection moulding machines for thermoplastics, elastomers and the packaging industry, all relevant automation components, application technologies to match, and custom processes Furthermore, our port-folio includes services such as training, mould project management, ENGEL e-factory and our comprehensive after-sales service. ENGEL pro-vides solutions and customer value in 5 Sectors: Automotive, Teletronics, Medical, Packaging und Technical Moulding Whether you need multiple component injection moulding, water injection, coated surfaces or the ability to manufacture long sectioned parts in injection moulding, ENGEL has the right technology for any application. ENGEL injection moulding machines, robots and turnkey production plants are produced by eight of the group‘s production facilities based in Europe, North America and Asia.

Engler Steritech GmbHRotenmühlgasse 61/11120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-607-4169Fax: +43-1-607-4669eMail: [email protected]: www.englersteritech.atContact: Georg Engler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Eppendorf Austria GmbHIgnaz Köck Str. 101210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8901364-0Fax: +43-1-8901364-20eMail: [email protected]: www.eppendorf.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005Staff: 23Supply of: laboratory equipment, consumables/reagentsProduction: Eppendorf is a leading life science company that develops and sells instruments, consumables, and services for liquid-, sample-, and cell handling in laboratories worldwide. Its product range includes pipettes and automated pipetting systems, dispensers, centrifuges, mixers, spectrometers, and DNA amplification equipment as well as ultra-low temperature freezers, fermen-tors, bioreactors, CO2 incubators, shakers, and cell manipulation systems. Associated consumables like pipette tips, test tubes, microtiter plates, and disposable bioreactors complement the instru-ments for highest quality workflow solutions. Services: You will never feel unattended after purchasing a product by Eppendorf. With ep-Services, we provide you with a comprehensive customer service package. We ensure that you can always rely on your Eppendorf device. Our global certification services ensure the compliance with legal guidelines and standards. Standardized working provides for an uncomplicated validation of your System, from the implementation to the shut down. Be ensured that, thanks to the regular

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inspection, calibration and service performed by our trained service technicians, your precision instruments will continuously achieve repeatable results. As a matter of course, our customer hot-line helps you with applicatory questions at any time. Sales & Distribution: automated pipetting sy-stems, dispensers, centrifuges, mixers, spectro-meters, DNA amplification equipment, ultra-low temperature freezers, fermentors, bioreactors, CO2 incubators, shakers, cell manipulation systems; consumables like pipette tips, test tubes, microti-ter plates, and disposable bioreactors.

Ernst Wittner GmbHMissindorfstr. 21/21140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9826148-0Fax: +43-1-9826148-20eMail: [email protected]: www.wittner.atContact: Ing. Christian Bruckmüller (CFO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1956Staff: 16Supply of: plastic machining and processingProfile: Ernst Wittner GmbH was founded in 1956 with specialization in injection moulding and tool sets. Since that time EW is primarily concerned with manufacturing technical small parts, tooling and injection moulding technology and experiences in the fields of 3D Laser re-moving. Here they specialized in the production of small series and prototypes, as well as in the production of Micro injection molding tools espe-cially in the field of medical technology.Production: The Tool shop is equipped with the complete machinery for production of moulds and special services in metalworking, microtooling and special devices. Machines: SARIX 3D Micro EDM Milling 3D-Laserabrasionsmachine DMG, So-dik-Sparkerosion , Sodick Wire-erosion, Primacon-HSC-Millingmachine and CNC drilling and milling machines. The injection molding department is equipped with machines from 25 to 60 t and one micro molding machine.

R&D: A defined research focus is not available. The company offers Services in all areas of research and development and thematic areas, where they they need mold and tool manufacturer or plastics or plastic parts with special applications, so we see us as an extended workbench for researchers and developers. The company Wittner was already in several national and international projects as a partner.Services: EW offers a wide range of products, which are applied in telecommunication techno-logy, plant engineering and construction, water technology, pharmaceutics, fixture constructions and car industry. The company produces moulds for different developing divisions and for a wide field of applications, starting with rapid proto-ty-ping mould up to series moulds til micro molding tools. Wittner offers also soecial services in the area of micromachining and special micro devices.Sales & Distribution: Wittner works specific for customer orders and got no own products for sale.

EQ-SERVE EDV & Labortechnik GmbHBürgergasse 111100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-796-8526eMail: [email protected]: http://eq-serve.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

EUBIO, ANDREAS KÖCK e�U�Schwendergasse 17/11150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8950-145Fax: +43-1-8950-14514eMail: [email protected]: www.eubio.atContact: Andreas Köck (Director Marketing)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995

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Eurofoam GmbHGreinerstr. 704550 Kremsmünster/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7583-90500-259Fax: +43-7583-90500500eMail: [email protected]: www.eurofoam.atCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1992 Staff: 340

evolaris next level GmbHHugo-Wolf-Gasse 8/8a8010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-351111eMail: [email protected]: www.evolaris.netCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2000

Ewald Baumgartner Feinoptik Gesellschaft m�b�H�Nuschinggasse 141230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-86592-01Fax: +43-1-86592-0118eMail: [email protected]: www.feinoptik.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1974

exceet electronics GesmbHWildbichlerstr. 2e6341 Ebbs/TyrolPhone: +43-5373-43143-0Fax: +43-5373-43143-888eMail: [email protected]: www.exceet-electronics.comContact: Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang Unterlerchner (Managing Director)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1986 Staff: 80Supply of: electronic equipment, measurement and sensor technology

Profile: Development and manufacturing of me-dical electronics and devices, support in normings and certifications.Production: Manufacturing of electronic boards and devices (e.g. ultrasonic Systems, dental de-vices, optical devices, ...)

FAVEA Handel mit pharmazeutischer Technologie GmbHBernardgasse 191070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58729-47eMail: [email protected]: www.favea.atContact: Herbert Nowotny (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999 Staff: 3Supply of: glass preparation and processing, plastic machining and processing, mechatronics/mechani-cal engineering, metal machining and processing, laboratory equipmentProfile: As exclusive representative in CEE of seve-ral well known european manufacturers for faci-lities and components in the highly specific phar-maceutical industry, FAVEA is acting according our claim „partners for aseptic solutions“ as the link between the pharmaceutical- manufacturers and the supplying industry. With understanding, based on decades of practical experience of both fields, we provide professional support in developing your projects or even assist in solving upcoming challenges. Production: Components and facilities for the BIO- and Pharmaceutical industry, focusing on aseptic liquid dosage.R&D: Detailed analysis of customer´s require-ments and selecting the best product from the se-ries- portfolio or development of a custom-made design in cooperation with our manufacturers.Sales & Distribution: filling machine (including: producing & cleaning & sterilising & closing of various final container) inspection- machine for final container autoclaves/steriliser/washing- ma-chines clean- media generators valves, magnetic mixers, heat-exchangers, hoses, gaskets

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Felcon Reinraum- und Prozeßtechnische Anlagen Produktionsgesellschaft m�b�H�Kerngasse 381236 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8885545-0Fax: +43-1-8885545-23eMail: [email protected]: www.cleanrooms.atContact: Ing. Hans Lintner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

FEMTOLASERS Produktions GmbHFernkorngasse 101100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5037-002-0Fax: +43-1-5037-002-99eMail: [email protected]: www.femtolasers.comContact: Dipl.Ing. Andreas Stingl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1994Staff: 40

FerRobotics Compliant Robot Technology GmbHAltenbergerstr. 694040 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-720-108107-01Fax: +43-720-108107-10eMail: [email protected]: www.ferrobotics.comContact: DI Dr. Paolo Ferrara (CEO), DI Dr. Ronald Naderer (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2006

florever europe gmbhHübing 324974 Ort im Innkreis/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.florever.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

FOKAM Fahrzeugzubehör GmbHDoktorberg 114483 Hargelsberg/Upper [email protected] membership: Health Technology Cluster

FOSS GmbHEitnergasse 71230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-278-1631Fax: +43-1-278-1631-15eMail: [email protected]: www.foss.deCluster membership: LISAvienna

Fuchshofer GmbH CAM-CNC PräzisionstechnikHaselbach 1008552 Eibiswald/StyriaPhone: +43-3466-47025-0Fax: +43-3466-47025-20eMail: [email protected]: www.fuchshofer.atContact: Hannes Fuchshofer (General Manager & Owner)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1994 Staff: 60Supply of: glass preparation and processing, cera-mic preparation and processing, plastic machining and processing, metal machining and processingProfile: For 20 years, our company has been active in the field of CAM-CNC Precision Technology in Austria and the whole European Union. We are supplying renowned companies of several sec-tors such as Aircraft, Aerospace and Electronics Industry as well as Racing & Engine Development. Our CAM-CNC range of services: CNC Turning CNC Swiss type turning CNC 5-axis-milling Ultrasonic – Advanced Materials arking laser Certification: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2009Production: Fuchshofer is a modern and commit-ted manufacturing company that has specialised in CNC precision technology. We offer 2D and 3D processing: CNC milling: 3,4,5 axes machining

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in milling CNC turning & Swiss type turning manufacturing consulting marking laser pro-cessing of „advanced materials“.R&D: We explore the various editing options of Advanced Materials e.g. ceramic, glass, hard metals, composites, silicon, graphite, mother-of-pearl, gemstones.The aim of our research is to process these special materials in the same way as conventional metal alloys (e.g. M3 threads in ceramics).Services: We offer a great experience with a va-riety of material qualities such as stainless steel, case-hardened steel and tempered steel, alumi-nium, titanium, non-ferrous metals like bronze or brass or plastics, further „advanced materials“ e.g. ceramic, glass, hard metals, composites, silicon, graphite, mother-of-pearl and gemstones.We also offer extensive experience in surface treatment. In this section we work with a partner network of surface specialists.

Geschützte Werkstätten – Integrative Betriebe Salzburg GmbHWarwitzstr. 95023 Salzburg-GniglPhone: +43-662-80910-0Fax: +43-662-80910-509eMail: [email protected]: www.gws.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

GHX Austria GmbHSimmeringer Hauptstr. 241110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-74040-5711eMail: [email protected]: www.ghxeurope.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Gilvasan Pharma GmbHKeylwerthgasse 1a1190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-44057-23eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAvienna

Ginzinger electronic systems GmbHGewerbegebiet Pirath 164952 Weng im Innkreis/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7723-5422eMail: [email protected]: www.ginzinger.comCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterStaff: 86Supply of: electronic equipment

Grabner Instruments Meßtechnik Gesellschaft m�b�H�Dr. Otto Neurath-Gasse 11220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2821-6270Fax: +43-1-2807-334eMail: [email protected]: www.grabner-instruments.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1987

Graf Elektronik GmbHIn Steinen 56850 Dornbirn/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5572-9020-0Fax: +43-5572-9020-255eMail: [email protected]: www.grafgroup.comContact: Ing. Helmut Feuerstein (CEO)

H+H SYSTEM GmbHWeissenbach 3255350 Strobl/SalzburgPhone: +43-6137-21793-0Fax: +43-6137-21793-14eMail: [email protected]: www.hhsystem.comContact: Tobias Loidl (Sales Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1977 Staff: 29Supply of: laboratory equipment, otherProfile: The H+H SYSTEM ensures the neat and space-saving division of drugs, lab accessories and every kind of small components. The sliding

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divider system for drawers and racks makes use of every inch of available space, also when subse-quently installed. H+H supply ready-to-fit alumini-um drawers tailored to customers‘ requirements and refrigerators for storing pharmaceuticals and blood. Drug storage in hygienic aluminium dra-wers results in a 30% higher storage capacity.

HÄMOSAN Life Science Services GmbHNeudorf 418262 Ilz/StyriaPhone: +43-3385-8117Fax: +43-3385-8117-44eMail: [email protected]: www.haemosan.comContact: Mag. Angelika Reichl (Director Marketing)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, styriaFounded in: 1988 Staff: 4

HAGE Sondermaschinenbau GmbH & Co� KGHauptstr. 52e8742 Obdach/StyriaPhone: +43-3578-2209Fax: +43-3578-2209-18eMail: [email protected]: www.hage.atCluster membership: styria

Hageneder Medizintechnik GmbHGewerbestr. 84565 Inzersdorf im Kremstal/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.dia-jet.comFounded in: 1998 Staff: 5

Handlfinger GmbHBahnhof-Platz 53200 Ober-Grafendorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2747-7484Fax: +43-2747-7484-4eMail: [email protected]: www.handlfinger.atCluster membership: ecoplus

Heson Metall- und Kunststofftechnik GmbHPettenbacherstr. 664655 Vorchdorf/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7614-8301-0Fax: +43-7614-8301-20eMail: [email protected]: www.heson.comContact: Christian Aschauer (Sales Management)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterStaff: 115Supply of: plastic machining and processing, me-tal machining and processingProduction: Special equipment in metal- and pla-stic technologies.Sales & Distribution: Tanks or Containers and Equipment for Dosing and Mixing Made from high-quality thermoplastic synthetic materials. For the storage of chemicals as well as compon-ents for treatment and preparation plants. For water or food-safe linings. Designed in round or rectangular form, equipped with the most versa-tile accessories, such as manholes, nozzles, filling level indicators, level sensors, agitators, pumps. Exhaust Air Purification When pollutants or liquids are present as contamination in a gas flow in the form of aerosols or drops and must be sepa-rated out for the protection of the environment. Heson has extensive experience in the process technology for exhaust air purification. Com-missioning, performance tests, maintenance and service by Heson specialists ensures good availa-bility and low costs over the service life. Surface Treatment of Sheet Metal Engineering and supply of complete systems. For processes with chemicals, such as Mordanting Pickling Hot-dip galvanizing Galvanizing Anodizing. For their supply (fuel depots, pipelines). For their pro-cessing (troughs for the treatment with liquids). For purifying outgoing air containing pollutants (pipelines, washers). Including control, through to maintenance and service.

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High Q Laser GmbHFeldgut 96830 Rankweil/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5576-43040Fax: +43-5576-43040-50eMail: [email protected]: www.highqlaser.atContact: Ing. Klaus Madlener (CEO)Founded in: 2008

Histocom Medizintechnik VertriebsgmbhTriester Str. 14/1102351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-892-444eMail: [email protected]: www.histocom.infoCluster membership: ecoplus

Hofmann-Kälte Air Engineering GmbHGastgebgasse 51230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-87774-66Fax: +43-1-87774-6620eMail: [email protected]: www.hofmann-kaelte.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Hubertus Goller Gesellschaft m�b�HDonaustr. 1103400 Klosterneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2243-32830-0Fax: +43-2243-32830-85eMail: [email protected]: www.goller.atContact: Mag. Anna Egger-Piskernik (Head of Marketing & Sales)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1947 Staff: 60Supply of: plastic machining and processingProfile: GOLLER Systems - One-stop realisation of your customised system solution - from vision to

realisation We are your development partner and full-service supplier of plastic components and tailormade system solutions. Focus: medical de-vices/primary packaging/special appliancesProduction: Our range of products and services comprises: Construction Design (product & process development, material selection or modi-fication, simulation, modelling) - Injection Moul-ding (in cleanroom environment) - Cleanroom Production: from surface treatment to packaging (printing, labelling, assembling, US welding, glu-ing, bonding) - Filling - Packaging (e.g. blister) - Re-gistration - Our Quality Certificates: ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 15378, ISO 14644 - cleanroom class 6/7 (GMP class B/C)Services: From product idea to serial production - tailor-made to your requirements: We cooperate with a broad network of experts and outsourcing partners in order to ensure the successful realisa-tion of your individual system solution from A to Z. Thus, we have all resources availabe to accom-plish all tasks required: from testing and screening performed by accredited testing institutes to product sterilisation (ETO, gamma) and validation carried out by respective sterilisation institutes.

Hygienic Technology, GMP Services & TestingBreitenfurter Str. 1111120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-804-80280Fax: +43-1-804-802880eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

Hygienicum Institut für Mikrobiologie und Hygiene-Consulting GmbHRobert-Viertl-Str. 78055 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-6941-08Fax: +43-316-6941-25eMail: [email protected]: www.hygienicum.atContact: Dr. Michael Stelzl (CEO)

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Founded in: 1994Staff: 50R&D: Applied research in microbiological stability of food and pharmaceuticals Research in safety of food and pharmaceuticalsServices: Laboratory for microbiology, chemistry and genetics (accreditation for food and cell tis-sue) Consulting in quality management and risk management

IFT Handels- u� Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbHSchmiedberg 104483 Hargelsberg/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected] membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2014

In Vitro-Labor für veterinärmedizinische Diagnostik und Hygiene GmbHRennweg 951030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-79962-290Fax: +43-1-7996229-50eMail: [email protected]: www.invitro.atContact: Dr. Ernst Leidinger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Ing� Helmut Linder KG�Czerningasse 181020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2140105-0Fax: +43-1-2162970-10eMail: [email protected]: www.linder-labortechnik.atCluster membership: LISAviennaSupply of: laboratory equipment

Ing� Sumetzberger GMBHLeberstr. 1081110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-74035Fax: +43-1-74035-200eMail: [email protected]: www.sumetzberger.atContact: Ing. Peter Friedrich Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1958Staff: 330Production: Hospital pneumatic Tube System: Hospitals are highly complex systems with a large number of critical tasks to be mastered, where-by no time may be wasted for after all, people’s health is at stake. The hospital pneumatic tube sy-stem is the transportation medium that combines speed with reliability. This is a problem-free way of transporting laboratory and blood samples, tissue samples, medicines, prescriptions and results, and much more. Markedly convenient and sometimes even life-saving: whether in the OR, in the blood bank or at the nurse’s station – application-speci-fic, innovative solutions are possibly in every area.R&D: Hospitals and pharmacies often need to transfer sensitive goods (units of stored blood, medicine). Pneumatic Tube Systems have been used for this purpose for many years. According to the field of application special carriers are being used for the transport of the items. The research is concerned with the realisation of a new genera-tion of pneumatic tube systems as a result of brin-ging together different innovative elements. This new pneumatic tube system makes it possible to offer suitable solutions for the upcoming problems of our clients concerning: 1. The automation of loading and unloading the carriers 2. A mechani-cal storage for buffering of carriers 3. The possibi-lity of connection to pharmacy and lab automation systems 4. The prevention of the spreading of microbes through the pneumatic tube systemServices: Customer & System Support: Su-metzberger Team supports the customer from planning, installation through start-up the system. Also trainings and ongoing predictive maintanence and technical support around -the

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clock is provided. Support Hospital Architecs & Consultants: Sumetzberger works closely with architects and consultants specializing in hospital design and construction. We provide a depht of system details and specifications to help ensure a smooth and efficient system design.Sales & Distribution: Sumetzberger is a company that operates all over Austria and, in the areas of pneumatic tube systems and conveyor technolo-gy, worldwide. In cooperation with our customers, suppliers, and partners we are working towards delivering the highest possible performance, which is reflected by the company’s structure.

Inte:Ligand Software-Entwicklungs- und Consulting GmbHClemens Maria Hofbauer-Gasse 62344 Maria Enzersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-6991-507-5252Fax: +43-1-81749-551371eMail: [email protected]: www.inteligand.comContact: Prof. Dr. Thierry Langer (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2003

Ionicon Analytik Gesellschaft m�b�H�Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 36020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-214800Fax: +43-512-214800-099eMail: [email protected]: www.ionicon.comContact: Mag. Lukas Märk (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1998Staff: 30Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sensor technology, laboratory equipmentProfile: We are the world’s leading producer of trace gas analyzers with market-leading, real-time, single-digit pptv-level detection limits using Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and Selective Reagent Ionization – Mass

Spectrometry (SRI-MS) technology. Our product portfolio includes quadrupole MS and time of flight MS based instruments, industrial VOC mo-nitoring solutions and custom built instrumen-tation, complemented by our own range of trace calibration devices and accessories.Production: VOC analyzers with real-time, single-digit pptv-level detection limits using the unique Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) technology. These soft and direct chemi-cal ionization mass spectrometers feature a mar-ket-leading detection limit KLEINER ALS 1 pptv and mass resolution GRÖSSER ALS 10,000 m/dm. Our portfolio consists of quadrupole based and high-resolution time-of-flight systems for laboratory and research use, industrial process monitoring and OEM solutions.R&D: IONICON‘s general research focus is the analysis of proton-transfer-reactions (PTR) bet-ween hydronium and various types of (trace gas) molecules. Recently, in addition to PTR, we started investigations on other types of chemical ioniza-tion methods (e.g. charge transfer), which offer the possibility to widen the number of detectable substance classes and to increase the selectivity of our trace gas analyzers. One of the hot-topics our research activities are focused on since 2009 is the detection of illicit/dangerous substances and threat agents. In the framework of this research we published about ten articles in international peer reviewed journals including studies on chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial compounds, explo-sives and prescribed, illicit and „date rape“ drugs.Services: We offer analytical services and contract research. Experienced scientists and a well equip-ped analytical laboratory are available for deve-loping applications, testing customer samples or performing whole studies in trace gas analysis. We also provide instrument maintenance, field services, upgrades and repairs.Sales & Distribution: Systems for laboratory and research use, industrial process monitoring and OEM mass spectrometry solutions.In addition, we offer various accessories such as specialized inlet systems, calibration devices and customized instrumentation.

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IPMD – International Pharma and Medical Devices GmbHSchreyvogelgasse 3/51010 ViennaeMail: [email protected] membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012 Staff: 4Supply of: consumables/reagents, other

iSi Components GmbHKürschnergasse 6A1210 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.isi.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Jabil Circuit Austria GmbHGutheil Schoder-Gasse 171230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-66105-0Fax: +43-1-66105-3077eMail: [email protected]: www.jabil.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002

Joma Kunststofftechnik GmbHWolfholzgasse 14–162345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.joma.atCluster membership: ecoplus

Jungbunzlauer Austria AGSchwarzenbergplatz 161010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50200-0Fax: +43-1-50200-8eMail: [email protected]: www.jungbunzlauer.comContact: Dr. Josef GaßCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 300

K�I�S Krankenhaus Informations Systeme GmbHLeonard-Bernstein-Str. 101220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5952-1500Fax: +43-1-5952-15030eMail: [email protected]: www.kis.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

KASEL BIOTECHNIK Engineering GmbHAlthanstr. 141090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-319-2555eMail: [email protected]: www.kasel.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995

KEBA AGGewerbepark Urfahr 14–164041 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-7090-0Fax: +43-732-7309-10eMail: [email protected]: www.keba.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Kiefer technic GmbHFeldbacher Str. 778344 Bad Gleichenberg/StyriaPhone: +43-3159-2404-0Fax: +43-3159-2404-53eMail: [email protected]: www.kiefertechnic.atContact: Mag. Astrid Kiefer (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1996

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Kinetics Germany GmbH Zweigniederlassung AustriaIndustriestr. 159601 Arnoldstein/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4255-20065Fax: +43-4255-20067eMail: [email protected]: www.kinetics.netContact: Peter BizjakCluster membership: styria, Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2010Staff: 40Supply of: plastic machining and processing, me-chatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machi-ning and processing, otherProfile: Founded in 1973, Kinetics is a full-service process and mechanical contractor specializing in the design and installation of process, mechanical, plumbing and HVAC systems. We have proven experience supporting global clients in the micro-electronic, solar, biopharmaceutical, data center, R&D, and other technology-driven markets. With regional offices in North America, Europe, the Middle-East, India and Asia, Kinetics can support the challenging requirements of our global clients in all regions.Production: Products and services range from planning, manufacturing and installing, to the qualification and technical facility management and services of high-purity supply and process systems including turn key solutions. The se-miconductor sector specializes in highpurity installations for gases, chemicals, slurries, vacuum, compressed air, clean steam and ultra-pure water. The biopharm sector focuses on cGMP installa-tions for biopharmaceutical processes and utility systems as WFI, purified water and clean steam. Several fabrication facilities do pre-manufacturing of purifiers, panels or cabinets. They are fully equipped to handle any piping requirements of process equipment.Services: Kinetics supports electronics, solar, bio-pharmaceutical and general industry customers with design-built system solutions throughout Europe & Asia.

Sales & Distribution: Chemical Delivery: Bulk Transfer/Chemical Dispense/Chemical Storage/Chemical Blending Slurry Blend & Dispense: Key Products 1 Gas Distribution: Gas Panels/Gas Cabinets Water Purification Units Ultrapure Water Systems

Köttermann GmbHGraumanngasse 71150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-54493-74Fax: +43-1-5449374-72eMail: [email protected]: www.koettermann.comContact: Ralf Waldau (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

KOSTA Leichtstahlbau Gesellschaft m�b�H�Drautendorf 574174 Niederwaldkirchen/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.kosta-leichtstahlbau.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Kunststoffwerk Kremsmünster GmbHKremseggerstr. 174550 Kremsmünster/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.kwk.atFounded in: 1950

KVT-Fastening GmbHBahnhofstr. 14481 Asten/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7224-6709-0Fax: +43-7224-6775-2eMail: [email protected]:

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Laborchemie Gerätevertriebsgesellschaft m�b�H�Alfons Petzold-G. 272380 Perchtoldsdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-888-2601Fax: +43-1-889-2355eMail: [email protected]: www.laborchemie.comCluster membership: ecoplus

LabTop Instruments Handels GmbHWagramer Str. 2521220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-729216-4Fax: +43-1-729217-0eMail: [email protected]: www.labtop.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

LARS Vertrieb von Implantaten GmbHWagramer Str. 173 D/2/41220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8795-225eMail: [email protected]: www.larsband.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 3

Laser-Gruppe-Materialbearbeitungs GesmbHMissindorfstr. 211140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-98-55571Fax: +43-1-98-25846eMail: [email protected]: www.lasergruppe.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

LEICA Mikrosysteme GmbHHernalser Hauptstr. 2191170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-48899-0Fax: +43-1-48899-350Web: www.leica-microsystems.comContact: Ian Lambswood (Marketing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1985Staff: 100Production: Ultrasectioning, ion milling, staining, high pressure freezing, coating, controlled envi-ronment transfer, solid state preparation, ultra processing of biological samplesR&D: Nanotechnology, Sample preparation for electron microscopyServices: instrument design and development, production, training and installation, after sales servicesSales & Distribution: see above and

Lenzing AktiengesellschaftWerkstr. 24860 Lenzing/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7672-701-2805Fax: +43-7672-701-3880eMail: [email protected]: www.lenzing.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Lenzing Technik GmbHStandort MechatronikWerkstr. 24860 Lenzing/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7672-70130-46eMail: [email protected]: www.lenzing-technik.comContact: Roland Gammer (Head of Mechatronics)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2003Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sen-sor technology, metal machining and processing

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Production: We are your competent and reliable partner. We offer customized and complete solu-tions. Our services comprise the assembly of high-quality and complex mechatronic subassemblies and of complete devices, and the development and manufacturing of electronic assemblies. When doing such, we place the highest priority upon achieving the greatest possible precision and quality.R&D: Development of electronic assemblies: If you are looking for a partner capably of expertly developing your product idea, we will gladly come up with customized solutions enabling you to realize your product idea and redesign, to solve problems with applications, and to op-timize operations. Our solutions also prove their value in the serial production phase.Services: Our spectrum of services includes con-sulting, development and manufacturing of pro-totypes. We also produce mechanical and elec-tronic series, conduct individual tests and offer sustainability-achieving, life-cycle management.

LeP Lehotzki electronic Products GmbHBerlagasse 45, Top 2/21210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2789013Fax: +43-1-2789013-26eMail: [email protected] Web: www.lepcontrols.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999Supply of: electronic equipment, measurement and sensor technologyProfile: LeP offers a monitoring and alarming sy-stem based on mobil- and network-data transfer. It’s easy to install and very simple to handle and can be customized according to your special re-quirements. This system monitors your laboratory devices (freezers, revcos, incubators) as well as your facility (like motion-, water-, fire-detectors, room-temperature). This systems offers you a real-time overview of your complte facility. The system is already implemented in a number of biotech companies in Vienna.

Linde Gas GmbHCarl-von-Linde-Platz 14651 Stadl-Paura/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-50-4273-1Fax: +43-50-427319-00eMail: [email protected]:

Loba Feinchemie GmbHFehrgasse 72401 Fischamend/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2232-77391-0Fax: +43-2232-76677eMail: [email protected]: Miriam FlorianCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1957Staff: 45

M & R Automation GmbHTeslastr. 88074 Grambach bei Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-4000-269Fax: -43-316-4000-29eMail: [email protected]: Ing. Christian Amon (Head of the Business Development)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1989Staff: 325Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, otherProfile: M&R Automation is an experienced, innovative general contractor for custom-made production lines and testing systems. We develop and manufacture customized solutions for the medical device, automotive, electronics, software programming, testing technology, production data systems, image processing and robotics.Production: M&R Automation is your sole part-ner for the entire production process fulfilling different cleanroom requirements. From layout

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concept, mechanical and electrical construction up to the programming, setup, installation and production start-up, we provide a complete solu-tion. As a supplier of manual stations or complex, fully automated systems, M&R Automation deve-lops and builds production and testing systems for chemical supplies and laboratory equipment in various physical states.R&D: Besides the development and build of production lines, M&R Automation carries out research an development for several different production and measurement technologies. M&R Automation also holds several patents in regards to measuring production technologies. M&R Automation also remains to be committed to be a pioneer and creator of the production of the future.Services: The principle of operation in all depart-ments from design to assembly and programming is consistent with GMP and ISO 14971:2007. M&R Automation also offers production data manage-ment systems to reliably oversee all processes and to securely document and trace every single part. This approach provides detailed part information at any given time. Our service and support team offers 24/7 support possibilities.Sales & Distribution: Our subsidiaries in North America, Europe and Asia enable a local represen-tative to be available on site within a short period of time.

Machatka Vertriebsgesellschaft m�b�H�Heubergergasse 51130 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.machatka.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAvienna

MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KGLiebenauer Hauptstr. 3178041 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-4040Fax: +43-316-404-2671eMail: [email protected]: www.magnasteyr.comContact: DI Günther ApfalterCluster membership: styria

MARK Metallwarenfabrik GmbHGleinkerau 234582 Spital am Pyhrn/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7563-8002-0Fax: +43-7563-8002-700eMail: [email protected]: www.mark.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

MARK Präzisionstechnik GmbHAuf der Schanz 63002 Purkersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2231-62740-810Fax: +43-2231-62740-877eMail: [email protected] Web: www.mark.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, ecoplus

Mattig Präzision GmbHFürnbuch 55162 Obertrum am See/SalzburgeMail: [email protected]:

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MayLab Analytical Instruments GmbHPostgasse 111010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7864258-20Fax: +43-1-7864258-50eMail: [email protected]: www.maylab.netContact: Ing. Hans Mayrhofer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Supply of: electronic equipment, otherProduction: *MistraSwitch (Fully automated co-lumn selection unit, temperature controlled, for up to 10 UHPLC columns) *MultiSwitch (Fully au-tomated column selection unit, ambient tempe-rature, for up to 10 UHPLC columns) *EluSwitch (Fully automated mobile phase selection, for up to 10 mobile phases) *FastSwitch (Fully automated column switching device, 6 or 10 port, UHPLC) UHPLC: up to 20.000 psi All products listed abo-ve with software driver for AB Sciex Analyst and Thermo Scientific Xcalibur and many more...R&D: Front end instrumentation for LC/MS/MS systems. Fully automated columnswitching- and selection devices for untattended overnight and weekend operation. Benefits: Increasement of sample performance by 100% and moreServices: Sales After Sales Support Third party software driver developmentSales & Distribution: See details:

MBB BioLab GmbHTeinfaltstr. 4/81010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-532 279-8Fax: +43-1-478 591-8eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAvienna

MC Kunststofftechnik GmbHAuer-Welsbach-Gasse 358055 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-295654-0Fax: +43-316-295654-4eMail: [email protected]:

MCS Labordatensysteme Ges�m�b�H�Rotenhofgasse 141100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51633-3111Fax: +43-1-51633-3010eMail: [email protected]: www.mcs-ag.comContact: Heidelinde RaabCluster membership: LISAvienna

Medgas-Technik medical systems GmbHGries 609909 Leisach/TyrolPhone: +43-4852-66665-0Fax: +43-4852-66665-400eMail: [email protected]:

Medibena Life Science and Diagnostic SolutionsZeilergasse 38/11170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-990-6497Fax: +43-1-2533-0339-577eMail: [email protected]: www.medibena.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Supply of: consumables/reagents, electronic equipment, laboratory equipment, measurement and sensor technologyProfile: Medibena is a young dynamic company that import and supply outstanding products to our customers in Austria, Germany, Switzerland,

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Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic and other CEE countries. Medibena is a preferred supplier to academic life science research departments, biomedical research institutions in hospitals, universities, federal and national laboratories, private biotechnological companies and medical diagnostic centers.

Mediscan GmbHBad Haller Str. 344550 Kremsmünster/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7583-5152-0Fax: +43-7583-5152-44eMail: [email protected]: www.mediscan.atContact: DI Dr. Markus Niederreiter (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2003Staff: 35

Medizintechnik FaberPassionsweg 102130 Eibesthal/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2572-4121eMail: [email protected]: www.faber-m.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1996Staff: 1Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering

Metall- und Kunststoffwaren Erzeugungsgesellschaft m�b�H�Bahnhofstr. 313860 Heidenreichstein/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2862-52321-132Fax: +43-2862-531-41eMail: [email protected]: membership: ecoplus

Metrohm Inula GmbHShuttleworthstr. 251210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40562-350Fax: +43-1-40562-3599eMail: [email protected]: www.inula.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Microinnova Engineering GmbHEuropapark 18412 Allerheiligen/Wildon/StyriaPhone: +43-3182-62626-0Fax: +43-3182-62626-101eMail: [email protected]: www.microinnova.comContact: Dr. Dirk Kirschneck (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2003

MICROS Produktions- und Handelsges�m�b�H�Hunnenbrunn – Gewerbezone 59300 St. Veit/Glan/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4212-30901Fax: +43-4212-30901-90eMail: [email protected]: www.micros.atContact: Herbert Luttenberger (CEO)Founded in: 1994Supply of: micro- and nanotechnology, laboratory equipmentProduction: MICROS company has been founded in February 1994 and is mainly producing and supplying microscopes and microtomes for use in medical - technical laboratories, but also for appli-cations in the biological and industrial field. New ergonomic designs and new optics for different applications make our product range so success-ful. Our flexibility allows us to focus on extraor-dinary customer service and to adjust to special inquiries and demands.

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Miele Werk Bürmoos GmbHMiele-Str. 15111 Bürmoos/SalzburgPhone: +43-6274-6344-111Fax: +43-6274-6344-89120eMail: [email protected]: www.miele.atContact: DI Manfred Neuhauser (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1962 (Standort Bürmoos)Staff: 259Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machining and processingProduction: Miele Werk Bürmoos GmbH is deve-loping and producing following products: MIELE Professional: For hospitals, clinics (CSSD): steam sterilizers, container and trolley washers For dentists and laboratories: sterilizers and thermo-disinfectors in different sizes Different baskets for sterilizers and disinfectors; MIELE Household: switch covers and panels, stainless steel parts and components for MIELER&D: Sterilization Steam sterilizer Steam ge-nerator Accessories Desinfection Container/ trolly washers Accessories Services: Service is provided for manufactured steam sterilizers, container and trolley washers: On-site assembling, initial operation, validation, pre- and after-sales service, repairs Software up-dates for the productsSales & Distribution: Sales and distribution via MIELE country sales companies , not directly via MIELE Werk Bürmoos GmbH.

Molecular Devices (Austria) GmbHLagerhausstr. 455071 Wals-Siezenheim/SalzburgeMail: [email protected]: www.moleculardevices.comFounded in: 2009

MoNo chem-pharm Produkte GmbHLeystr. 1291200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-33006-71-0Fax: +43-1-3300671-38eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Bernhard Wittmann (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 35

Mould & Matic Solutions GmbHZiehbergstr. 24563 Micheldorf/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7582-61760-0Fax: +43-7582-61760-42eMail: [email protected]: www.mouldandmatic.comContact: Karlheinz Zwicklhuber (Sales Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2004Supply of: plastic machining and processing, mechatronics/mechanical engineeringR&D: high performance thermoplast moulds high prodcuctive automation deviceServices: part design concepts process tech-nologiesSales & Distribution: Moulds Automation Installation Service

Murtac Meß- und Regeltechnik, Analytische Chemie GmbHLobmingerstr. 208720 Knittelfeld/StyriaPhone: +43-3412-75926-0Fax: +43-3412-75926-9eMail: [email protected]: www.murtac.atContact: DI Leopold Faschingleitner (CEO)

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New England Nuclear Corporation Gesellschaft m�b�H�Spandlgasse 581220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-28577-85Fax: +43-1-28577-80eMail: [email protected]: www.perkinelmer.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1972Supply of: laboratory equipment, consumables/reagents

Nikon GmbH Niederlassung Wien Microscopes/Instruments DivisionWagenseilgasse 51120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-972 6111Fax: +43-1-972 6111-40eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Ingo Ohlenschläger (Product Specialist Bioscience)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006 Staff: 8Supply of: laboratory equipment, otherProfile: Today Nikon is a world-renowned brand, firmly established as a market leader in optical instrumentation. With over 90 years expertise in the field, Nikon has always been at the forefront of optical and technological innovation, promo-ting creativity and trustworthiness as part of the company‘s global mission statement. Nikon Instruments manufactures complete optical and digital microscope systems with outstanding versatility, performance and productivity for any application.Services: Nikon Instruments offers service mainte-nance by trained service engineers to cover repairs and comprehensive service on microscopes.Sales & Distribution: With excellent, unrivalled, optics at the heart of every imaging system, Nikon Instruments offers Light Microscope Systems for Education, Clinical Applications and recent cutting

edge Research Applications. Thus Nikon Instru-ments offers diverse Stereo, Macro, Upright and Inverted Microscopes, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopes, Superresolution Microscopes and Live Cell Screening Systems, etc...

nora flooring systems GesmbHRablstr. 30/14600 Wels/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.nora.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Novotech Elektronik GmbHFreistädterstr. 384210 Gallneukirchen/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.novotech.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

O�St� Feingußgesellschaft m�b�H�Deuchendorf, Werk-VI-Str. 568605 Kapfenberg/StyriaPhone: +43-3862-33290Fax: +43-3862-33292eMail: [email protected]: www.ost-feinguss.atFounded in: 1948Staff: 90

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OmniChrom HandelsgmbHc/o Steuerb. BlümmelSieveringer Str.90,1190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-27857-01Fax: +43-1-27275-74eMail: [email protected]: www.omnichrom.comContact: Dr. Andreas Loebers (Area Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaSupply of: consumables/reagents, otherSales & Distribution: OmniChrom HandelsgmbH is the authorized distribution partner for Austria of YMC Europe GmbH (Germany):YMC Europe of-fers a wide range of HPLC columns, bulk silica me-dia for preparative chromatography and lab- and pilot-scale glass columns for customer packing. In addition we provide an on demand service for application support and method development. As a new field of business YMC has strongly invested in the sector of micro reaction technology and continuous synthesis. This new range of products, developed and engineered in YMC facilities, is available worldwide supported by dedicated YMC product specialists.

On Point indicators GmbHPharmaziegasse 59020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-410-355eMail: [email protected]: www.onpoint.atFounded in: 2008Staff: 4

OPTOTEAM Präzisionsinstrumente Vertriebsgesellschaft m�b�H�Mosetiggasse 31230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-48449-000eMail: [email protected]: www.optoteam.atContact: Ing. Erwin Brenner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1990 Staff: 6Supply of: glass preparation and processing, cera-mic preparation and processing, plastic machining and processing, laser technology, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sen-sor technology, metal machining and processing, micro- and nanotechnology, laboratory equip-ment, otherServices: OPTOTEAM - Your partner for optical so-lutions! We are able to offer on-site maintenance of all manufacturer‘s optical microscopes. Please contact us with details of your instruments and we will be pleased to send you a quotation. If you have an instrument that is out of warranty or a vintage scope, we can repair it. Optoteam has an extensive inventory of new and used parts and equipment. Optoteam has experience working on many different models and brands. We work on everything from simple stereo microscopes to multi-axis motorized automated measuring machines with a variety of video equipment. Opto-team technicians can work on your instruments on site or you can ship the instrument to us.Sales & Distribution: OPTOTEAM - Your partner for optical solutions! Since we established our business in 1990, we have been focusing on selling products in the field of biological, stereo-, industry- and measurement microscopy and systems as well as in the field of forensic with products for docu-ment examniation, securing of evidence and evi-dence comparison. We support all of this fields directly from vienna for all of Austria. Furthermore we have partners in all eastern european countries including Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slova-kia, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia Herzegovina.

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ORTNER REINRAUMTECHNIK GmbHUferweg 79500 Villach/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4242-31166-00Fax: +43-4242-31166-04eMail: [email protected]: www.ortner-group.comContact: Mag. Stefanie Rud (Vice President)Cluster membership: styria, Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1996Staff: 86Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machining and processingProduction: As equipment and systems manufac-turer for cleanroom requirements in the life sci-ence industry, the Ortner group offers a selected product range for creating cleanness. The compa-ny has positioned itself as a systems supplier for locks and decontamination processes. Accordingly, Ortner creates clean and high-quality production environments to ensure secure end products for their customers.R&D: The research focus is on innovative deconta-mination technologies and processes (e.g. bioac-tive agents, photodynamic disinfection ...) as well as on the related equipment and machinery (e.g. man locks, disinfection locks, isolators, ...).Services: Ortner products can be maintained with logic and skill. The systems are developed in a way that many steps of maintenance can be done by the clients themselves. For that purpose, Ortner offers specific training packages. Additionally, Ortner‘s service experts are ready for solving any problems which might possibly occur during the cycle of maintenance. Ortner is not only an ex-pert and producer of integrated systems, elements of measurement techniques and advanced quali-fication processes; Ortner additionally offers spe-cial analyses for the Life Science Industry. It offers AFMS Analyses – Approved Food Manufacturing Systems by clean room technology– especially for clients in the food industry. AFMS is an excellent tool for analysing and decision making concerning clean room technology. Safety of process equip-

ment and smooth running of clean rooms is the primary concern and challenge of Ortner.Sales & Distribution: LockLine - Material hatches and contamination locks for people LabLine – Premium Containment DecoLine – Multifunc-tional system for decontamination IsoLine – In-sulators with more flexibility FlowLine – From Laminarflow through Atmos pur systems Service – training and instruction, professional measure-ment and qualification, maintenance

PALL AUSTRIA Filter GmbHHandelskai 94-96, Top 4221200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-49192-0Fax: +43-1-49192-400eMail: [email protected]: Thomas Kraus (Msc, Market Segment Business Leader)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1984Staff: 24Supply of: laboratory equipment, consumables/reagents, otherProfile: Pall Life Sciences provides cutting-edge products and services to meet the demanding needs of customers discovering, developing and producing biotech drugs, vaccines, cell therapies and classic pharmaceuticals. For more information have a look at Pall is a leading provider of separation systems and single-use filtration and purification technologies to pharmaceutical and biotech-nology companies for diverse operations from cell culture to final formulation and filling. For more information have a look at The company’s membranes and membrane devices optimize detection and sample preparati-on in the drug research, clinical diagnostics, geno-mics, and proteomics markets. For more informati-on have a look at The company’s Scientific and Laboratory Services (SLS), Technical Services and Validation

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Laboratories have been a cornerstone of customer support for more than 30 years providing com-patibility studies, extractable/leachable studies, particulate validation and more. For more infor-mation have a look at & Distribution: Check out our Fact book for Fiscal Year 2014 at

Pascom Kommunikationssysteme GmbHTechnologiestr. 44341 Arbing/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7269-60760-0Fax: +43-7269-60760-113eMail: [email protected]: www.pascom.atContact: Ing. Gerhard Mayr (CEO)Founded in: 2003

Payer International Technologies GmbHReiteregg 68151 St. Bartholomä/StyriaPhone: +43-3123-2881-0Fax: +43-3123-2881-11eMail: [email protected]: www.payergroup.comContact: Harald Riedlhuber (Sales Director & Operation Manager Health Care Solutions)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1946Supply of: electronic equipment, plastic machi-ning and processing, measurement and sensor technology, metal machining and processingProduction: Our customers benefit from our glo-bal structure, in which Europe and Asia are mutu-ally complementary. Our group headquarters and technology and skills centre are located in Austria, and our products are made there and at our fac-tories in China and Hungary all to the same high standards of quality and competitive pricing. R&D: Our clients are leading companies with strong national and international brands and they benefit from our many years of experience in research and development and in the industriali-sation of a wide variety of projects.

Services: PAYER Health Care Solutions is part of the PAYER group and a full service contract manuf-acturer having in-depth experience in the field of medical technology. Development and manufac-turing of components and devices for in-vitro dia-gnostics and home care diagnostics is at the heart of our business strategy. PAYER is constantly de-veloping and puts new ideas into practice based on our competences in industrialization, tooling, plastics processing and assembly. Our outsour-cing services contain the entire value chain and guarantee the highest degree of flexibility and customer satisfaction. We are your experienced partner for medical products, ISO 13485/9001 cer-tified and FDA registered.

PAYER Medical GmbHReiteregg 68151 Sankt Bartholomä/StyriaPhone: +43-3123-28810Fax: +43-3123-288111eMail: [email protected]: www.payergroup.comFounded in: 2014Staff: 85Supply of: plastic machining and processing, measurement and sensor technology

PAYR Engineering GmbHWiederschwing 259564 Patergassen/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4275-7070-700eMail: [email protected]: in: 1998Staff: 48

PBD DiagnosticsHofmühlgasse 13/2/61060 ViennaPhone: +43-664-3567-099Fax: +43-1-597-0338eMail: [email protected]: www.pbd-diagnostics.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

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Peinitz Metallproduktion Ges�m�b�H� & Co KGHosnedlgasse 141220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-25687-30Fax: +43-1-2568730-22Web: www.peinitz.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

PerkinElmer VertriebsgmbHFeldstr. 342345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-800-111-933Fax: +43-800-111-934eMail: [email protected]: www.perkinelmer.comContact: Dr. Claudia SteffenCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1947 (Massachusetts, USA)Staff: 15Sales & Distribution: In the research market, we provide a broad suite of solutions including rea-gents, liquid handling and detection and imaging technologies that enable researchers to impro-ve the drug discovery process. These products, solutions and services enable pharmaceutical companies to create better therapeutics by hel-ping to bring products to market faster and more efficiently. Our research portfolio includes a wide range of systems consisting of instrumentation for automation and detection solutions, in vitro and in vivo imaging and analysis hardware and software, and a portfolio of consumable products, including drug discovery and research reagents. We sell our research solutions to pharmaceutical, biotechnolo-gy and academic research customers globally.

Pharma-Glas Koniakowsky & Kuehr GmbHVogelweiderstr. 65a5020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-871320-0eMail: [email protected]: www.pharmaglas.atStaff: 32

Philips Austria GmbH Zweigstelle KlagenfurtKoningsbergerstr. 119020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-3866-0Fax: +43-463-3866-103eMail: [email protected]: DI Ferdinand Sereinig (Site Manager)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1970Staff: 330Supply of: electronic equipmentProfile: Product application Research, Advanced Development, Product Development, Industriali-zation, Tool&Model Shop, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Life Cycle Management ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001 certifiedProduction: Manufacturing and assembly of high precision metal parts&components, moulding of complex plastic parts, rapid prototyping and toolshop R&D: Product application research, predevelop-ment and development of small electrical dome-stic and personal care appliancesSales & Distribution: Intercompany sales only

Piesslinger Gesellschaft m�b�H�Im Gstadt 14591 Molln/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7584-2456-0Fax: +43-7584-2451eMail: [email protected]: www.piesslinger.atContact: Ing. Klaus Waselmayr (CEO)Staff: 400Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machining and processingProfile: Over the last five decades, Piesslinger has emerged as a top international supplier of aluminium surface treatment services. Piesslinger supplies the international market with high-end aesthetical and technical aluminium components that are produced by over 400 qualified emplo-yees using the latest manufacturing technologies.

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Production: Machining of custom-made extruded aluminium profiles, aluminium sheet metal and solid aluminium: Milling, drilling, punching, stam-ping, embossing, nibbling, sawing, deburring, bending Surface design: Polishing, grinding, brushing, ball blasting, chemical matting, chemi-cal polishing, milling, diamond cutting Special fi-nish: stainless steel look, titanium look Printing: into and upon the oxide layerSales & Distribution: Powder-coating is the cove-ring of parts with fine grain polyester powder and following interlacing to form a stable coating in a drying oven. A chromium-free barrier layer bet-ween coating and aluminium prevents parts from corrosion because of the water vapour permeabili-ty of powder-coatings. Super-durable powders are available that increase guarantee periods additi-onally. All powder-coating parts at Piesslinger fulfil all requirements listed in the GSB guidelines (

PIU-PRINTEX Gesellschaft für programmierte Instruktion im Unterricht GmbHPercostr. 181220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-25080-0Fax: +43-1-25080-45eMail: [email protected]: www.piu-printex.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft m�b�H�Mühlbachweg 116250 Kundl/TyrolPhone: +43-505-899-711Fax: +43-505-899-798eMail: [email protected]: www.poerner.atContact: Ing. Martin Embacher (Prokurist)Cluster membership: Life Sciences Tirol

Pollmann Austria GmbHRaabser Str. 13822 Karlstein/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2844-223-0eMail: [email protected]: www.pollmann.atContact: Erwin Negeli (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusStaff: 496Supply of: electronic equipment, plastic machi-ning and processing, metal machining and pro-cessingProduction: Production of hybrid (plastics+metal) components for automotive and non automotive parts. Production and assembly of electro-, and electromechanical components for automotive and non automotive parts.

PRECIPLAST Kunststofftechnik Ges�m�b�H�Schachadorf 754552 Wartberg an der Krems/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7588-7252-0Fax: +43-7588-7252-14eMail: [email protected]: www.preciplast.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

PROFACTOR GmbHIm Stadtgut A24407 Steyr-Gleink/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-725-2885412Fax: +43-725-2885101eMail: [email protected]: www.profactor.atCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1995Staff: 87

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PROMOTECH Kunststoff- und Metallverarbeitungsges�m�b�H�Unterlochen 445231 Schalchen/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7742-4490-0Fax: +43-7742-4490-4eMail: [email protected]: www.promotech.atContact: Mag. Wolfgang Lemberger (Head of Sales)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1995 Staff: 200Supply of: plastic machining and processing, measurement and sensor technologyProfile: Producer of hybrid parts combining diffe-rent shapes of contacts with plastic housings and connectorsProduction: Overmolded housings and connectorsR&D: Overmolded parts based on plasticServices: Development and production of molded/overmolded housings and connectors

raytest Austria GmbHUferstr. 15-19/92103 Langenzersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2244-308-90Fax: +43-2244-308-90eMail: [email protected]: www.raytest.comContact: Dr. Michael Habernig (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2000Staff: 1Supply of: electronic equipment, laser technology, measurement and sensor technologyProduction: Radiodetectors for the detection of radioactive labelled compounds in analytics, dia-gnostics and nuclear medicine. Bio-Imaging sy-stems for chemiluminescence/fluorescence detec-tion of labelled compounds in molecular biology Software for instrument control and evaluationServices: Installation of equipment, customer application training, software training, validation of equipment, IQ,OQ documentation, in-house customer trainings, etc.

Sales & Distribution: Radiodetectors for HPLC, GC, TLC, Phosphor Imagers for detection of radioac-tive labelled compounds Imaging Systems for the detection of chemiluminescence/Fluorescence labelled compounds on blots or in electrophoresis gels.

REMONDIS Austria GmbHVohburggasse 41210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3303-900eMail: [email protected]: www.remondis.atContact: Thomas BreitkopfCluster membership: LISAvienna

RICO Elastomere Projecting GmbHAm Thalbach 84609 Thalheim bei Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-76460Fax: +43-7242-76470eMail: [email protected]: www.rico.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

SAG Motion GmbHNr. 255651 Lend/SalzburgPhone: +43-6416-6500-2003eMail: [email protected]: www.sag.atContact: DI Robert MaasCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1992Staff: 1100Supply of: metal machining and processingProduction: Galvanic processesR&D: Germ free surfaces

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sanartis medical services GmbHKrankenhausstr. 74020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-7770-000Fax: +43-732-7770-0012Web: www.sanartis.atContact: Mag. Ing. Werner Watzinger (CEO)Founded in: 2002

Sartorius Austria GmbHModecenterstraße 22, Top Nr. D20–D24, 3. Stock1030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-79657-6344eMail: [email protected]: www.sartorius.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Sartorius Stedim Austria GmbHModecenterstraße 22, Top Nr. D20–D24, 3. Stock1030 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.sartorius.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007

SBM Schoeller-Bleckmann Medizintechnik Gesellschaft m�b�H�Pharmastr. 12630 Ternitz/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2630-3120Fax: +43-2630-35947eMail: [email protected]: www.boschpackaging.comContact: DI Isa Alkan (Sales and Marketing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1972Staff: 120Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, otherProfile: SBM offers solutions for the sterilization of medical products and equipment. Depending on the customer´s needs either vacuum/steam, steam/air mixture or hot water shower is used for

the sterilization. The autoclave sterilization port-folio includes standard modules as well as custo-mized solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, laboratories and decontmination. Production: Production of terminal and equip-ment sterilizers for the pharmaceutical industry and laboratoriesR&D: We focus on development and improve-ments of sterilization technologies as well as other process units for the production of pharma-ceutical products.Services: We offer validation, qualification, produc-tion, assembly, training, service & maintenance worldwide. As part of Bosch we use the global service hubs with trained stuff to provide our cu-stomers the optimal responstime and serviceSales & Distribution: As part of Bosch we use the global sales offices and partners to promote and sell our products.

SCA Hygiene Products GmbHStorchengasse 11150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89901Fax: +43-1-89901-551eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1973

Schinko GmbHMatzelsdorf 604214 Neumarkt im Mühlkreis/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7941-6906Fax: +43-7941-6906-66eMail: [email protected]: www.schinko.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

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SCHNEEWEIS Customized Safety Belts GmbHKapellenstr. 205302 Henndorf am Wallersee/SalzburgPhone: +43-662-451010Fax: +43-662-451010-65eMail: [email protected]: www.schneeweis.ccContact: Ing. Gerald Schneeweis (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2006Staff: 17Production: Production of customized safety belts and wheelchair restraint systemsSales & Distribution: Production of customized safety belts and wheelchair restraint systems

Schober Laborgeräte & Umweltanalytik KGBillrothstr. 61190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-699-882eMail: [email protected]: www.schober-lab.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1981

SCHRACK SECONET AGEibesbrunnergasse 181120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-81157-0Fax: +43-1-81157-222eMail: [email protected]: www.schrack-seconet.comContact: Brigitte WinkelbauerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1994

Schülke & Mayr Gesellschaft m�b�H�Seidengasse 91070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5232-501-0Fax: +43-1-5232-501-60eMail: [email protected]: www.schuelke.comContact: Mag. Alexis DujmicCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1988

SCL-Sensor�Tech� GesmbHSeestadtstr. 27/27 1220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-890-4345-0Fax: +43-1-890-4345-89eMail: [email protected]: www.sclsensortech.comContact: DI Georg FantnerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006

SECAR Technologie GmbHIndustriepark 148682 Hönigsberg/StyriaPhone: +43-3852-5200-9eMail: [email protected]: www.secar.atFounded in: 1998

Seidel Elektronik GmbH Nfg� KG Seidel Elektronics GroupFrauentalerstr. 1008530 Deutschlandsberg/StyriaPhone: +43-3462-6800-0Fax: +43-3462-6800-165eMail: [email protected] Web: www.seidel.atCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2008 Staff: 275Supply of: electronic equipmentProduction: SEIDEL ELEKTRONIK is a leading manufacturer of custom-made solutions and an

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outsourcing partner for electronic and mechatro-nic product requirements. Our range of products comprises about 15 % Medical Electronics, but also Industrial Electronics, Motion Business, Measuring & Control Technology and other products like con-sumer and public. Services: SEIDEL offers a range of services like R&D, Supply Chain Management, Electronic Assembly, Cables and cable tree configurations. Seidel is also a partner for complete products (Box Build). Our technical service offering will be com-pleted with a comprehensive Distribution Service and After Sales Services! The maximum quality requirements for your products are guaranteed by certifications according to the medical technology standard ISO 13485 and to ISO 9001.

Seletec Plastic Products GmbH & Co�KGGewerbestr. 125723 Uttendorf/SalzburgPhone: +43-6563-20015-10Fax: +43-6563-20015-15eMail: [email protected]: www.seletec.comCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1988Staff: 38Supply of: plastic machining and processing

Semadeni Ges�m�b�H�Kürschnergasse 61210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-25655-00Fax: +43-1-25655-004eMail: [email protected]: www.semadeni.comContact: Roland Pernsteiner (Area Mangager Austria and Germany)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1952Supply of: plastic machining and processing, labo-ratory equipmentProduction: SEMADENI (EUROPE) AG is a member of an MSE group that manufactures and sells pro-ducts made from plastic. Our articles are primarily

employed in the fields of science, healthcare, in-dustry & logistic, food & gastro and building in-dustry. We carry a broad range of more than 6,000 standard and freely available products!

SEMENTIS Engineering GmbHIndustriestr. 12100 Korneuburg/Lower AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.sementis.atCluster membership: ecoplusStaff: 9

Senoplast Klepsch & Co� GmbHWilhelm-Klepsch-Str. 15721 Piesendorf/SalzburgPhone: +43-6549-7444-10201Fax: +43-6549-7942eMail: [email protected]: www.senoplast.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

SER Solutions Österreich GmbHFloridsdorfer Hauptstr. 11210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50395-55Fax: +43-1-50395-5583eMail: [email protected]: www.ser.atContact: Hartmut R. Gailer (Managing Shareholder)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1984Staff: 32Profile: SER is the largest European manufacturer and provider of solutions for integrated Enterprise Content Management (iECM). SER‘s healthcare division specializes in solutions for healthcare providers, medical centers, hospitals and large medical practices. Set up in 1984 as a pioneer for electronic archiving, SER has maintained its top position on the European market as an econo-mically independent company. SER solutions for enterprise-wide management of documents, elec-tronic files, workflow.

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Services: SER stands for reliable partnership and end-to-end project realization – from software licenses, hardware and services to managing entire projects as prime contractor. Our vast ex-perience helps our clients to successfully deploy enterprise wide and complex software solutions. Our services include: management consulting and ECM roadmap design, requirements analyses and specifications, project management, imple-mentation and documentation, trainings and maintenance.

Serobac Labordiagnostika Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Untere Viaduktgasse 251030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71372-92Fax: +43-1-71237-99eMail: [email protected]: www.serobac.atContact: Mag. Barbara Schorr (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Servosan Vertrieb und Service Ges�m�b�H�Albert-Schweitzer-Gasse 6, Objekt 21140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-587108-30Fax: +43-1-585733-3eMail: [email protected]: www.servosan.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Laaer Str. 7-92100 Korneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2262-62601-0Fax: +43-2262-62601-3eMail: [email protected]: membership: ecoplusStaff: 30

Sigma Aldrich Handels GmbHMarchettigasse 7/21060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-605-8110Fax: +43-1-605-8120eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993

SimTech Prüfanlagen GmbHAlleegasse 162603 Felixdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2628-61552Fax: +43-2628-61599eMail: [email protected]: www.sim-tech.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2004

Sistro Präzisionsmechanik Ges�m�b�H�Alte Landstr. 276060 Hall in Tirol/TyrolPhone: +43-5223-45800Fax: +43-5223-45800-30eMail: [email protected]: www.sistro.comContact: Dipl.-Ing. Günter Höfert (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1963Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machining and processing, micro- and nano- technologyProduction: Sistro designs and manufactures high precision parts and components for the medical industry, sealing industry and mechanical engi-neering. Our capabilities range from CNC milling, CNC turning and CNC grinding to polishing and microfinish up to validated cleaning processes and assembly in a clean room environment.

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Smaxtec animal care sales GmbHWastiangasse 48010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-461-588eMail: [email protected] Web: www.smaxtec.comCluster membership: styria

SMB Pharmaservice GmbHAlois-Huth-Str. 79400 Wolfsberg/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4352-35001-11Fax: +43-4352-35001-20Web: www.smb.atCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2012Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineeringServices: SMB Pharmaservice GmbH is located in Wolfsberg and also in Hart/Graz as a professional supplier of high tech installation and mainte-nance services for biotechnical and pharmaceu-tical industry. We assist our customers with pro-viding services such as detail engineering, fabri-cation and installation of process piping as wells as routine maintenance and the supply of spare parts. Our well versed and highly trained staffs are assigned to reputable pharmaceutical companies located in the D-A-CH-region.

SOLVAY ÖSTERREICH GMBHStättermayergasse 28-301150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-716880Fax: +43-1-710426Web: www.solvay.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1883Staff: 55

Sony DADC Austria Aktiengesellschaft BioSciencesSonystr. 205081 Anif/SalzburgPhone: +43-6246-880-333Fax: +43-6246-880-9187eMail: [email protected]: http://biosciences.sonydadc.comContact: Ricarda Pichler (Head of Marketing Bio-Sciences)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2009Staff: 860Supply of: plastic machining and processing, measurement and sensor technology, micro- and nanotechnologyServices: Sony DADC BioSciences offers OEM development, mass manufacture and supply of polymer-based smart consumables. With a main focus on the markets Life Sciences and IVD the services range from design for manufacturing to prototyping, up-scaling and mass manufacturing including content filling, packaging and global logistics. Manufacturing is centered in Salzburg, Austria at our ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 certified facility.Sales & Distribution: Already we have delivered consumable chips to a number of life science and IVD innovators, including Shimadzu Life Sciences, Quanterix, RainDance, Anagnostics and Caliper.

spypach medical servicesSalzbergstr. 13a6067 Absam/TyrolPhone: +43-5223-53021Fax: +43-5223-53021-81eMail: [email protected]:

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Stadler Sensorik, CNC-Technik GmbHGewerbepark Süd 28121 Deutschfeistritz/StyriaPhone: +43-3127-40930-0Fax: +43-3127-40930-46eMail: [email protected]: www.stadlercnc.atContact: Wilfried Stadler (CEO)Cluster membership: styria, Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2001Staff: 40

Stadler Technology GmbHSeebach 24652 Fischlham/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-781 832-16Fax: +43-732-210 022 442-0eMail: [email protected] membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2010

STARLIM Spritzguß GmbHMühlstr. 214614 Marchtrenk/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7243-58596-0Fax: +43-7243-58596-5eMail: [email protected]: www.starlim-sterner.comContact: Danny Freund (Business Area Manager Life Sciences)Founded in: 1974Supply of: plastic machining and processingProfile: starlim//sterner enjoys worldwide success with its elastomer processing. Die making is lo-cated at its headquarters in Marchtrenk, Austria, which is also the location of innumerable injec-tion moulding machines for the production of sili-cone parts. In addition, the company has facilities in Canada, Germany, China and Austria. Group workforce numbers have doubled since 2010 and the same trend is evident with regard to sales re-venues, which are also rising steadily.

Steinbichler Austria GmbHEduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-76020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-363631-1Fax: +43-512-363631-15eMail: [email protected]: www.steinbichler-austria.atContact: Dr. Wilfried Lutz (CEO)Founded in: 2000 Staff: 8Supply of: electronic equipment, plastic machi-ning and processing, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sensor technolo-gy, metal machining and processing

STERILSYSTEMS GmbHMarkt 3845570 Mauterndorf im Lungau/SalzburgPhone: +43-6472-20-007Fax: +43-6472-20-007-20eMail: [email protected]: www.sterilsystems.comContact: DI (FH) Karl-Heinz Schröcker (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterStaff: 7Supply of: laboratory equipmentProfile: STERILSYSTEMS beyond question ranges among the pioneers in the development of UV-C solutions. 25 years of experience in the air and surface sterilisation, with the potable water disin-fection and odour neutralisation have made us a reliable partner. In the food industry or the air-conditioning and ventilation technology, with the water disinfection and in the medical engineering laboratory.

Stölzle – Oberglas GmbHFabrikstr. 118580 Köflach/StyriaPhone: +43-3144-706Fax: +43-3144-706-342eMail: [email protected]: www.stoelzle.comCluster membership: styriaStaff: 400

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Swiss Tec Technology GmbHSportplatzweg 156414 Mieming/TyrolPhone: +43-5264-20254-0Fax: +43-5264-20254-20eMail: [email protected]: www.swisstecag.comCluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2009Supply of: laser technology, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machining and processing

SY-LAB Geräte, Zubehör und Systeme für Laboratorien Gesellschaft m�b�H�Tullnerbachstr. 61-653011 Neu-Purkersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2231-62252-0Fax: +43-2231-62193eMail: [email protected]: www.sylab.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1976 Staff: 25

System Industrie Electronic GmbHMillennium Park 126890 Lustenau/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5577-89900-0Fax: +43-5577-89901eMail: [email protected]: www.sie.atCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterSupply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering

SZABO-SCANDIC HandelsgmbH & Co KGQuellenstr. 1101100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4893-9610Fax: +43-1-4893-9617eMail: [email protected]: www.szabo-scandic.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1963 Staff: 20

TAGnology RFID GmbHGrazer Vorstadt 1428570 Voitsberg/StyriaPhone: +43-3142-28928-10Fax: +43-3142-28928-20eMail: [email protected]: www.tagnology.comContact: Ing. Markus Schriebl (CEO)Cluster membership: styria, Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2003Staff: 16Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sen-sor technology, otherProfile: TAGnology RFID GmbH is specialized in of-fering total solutions in the field of RFID, NFC and AutoID in the ever-expanding market and acts as an industry-independent total solutions provider in the technology sector. Our business plan includes rapid solutions, creating concepts and professional implementation through creative thinking and the use of specialists in hardware and software. A customized project management is based on the more than 15 years of experience and technical know-how.Production: First of all our Container Manage-ment should be mentioned. Container Identifi-cation, Replacement Parts Logistics, Document Identification is in this kind of invention included. The Physical Inventory refers to the Recording, Maintenance and Repair of our various items and products. Forgery Protection includes Product Security and Product Piracy.R&D: We foster our cooperation in science and industry and expand our portfolio of technical know-how through international partnerships in the scope of industry and logistics. Our focus lies on developing new products, making customized modifications, performing field-oriented endu-rance tests in our RFID-Center, constructing pro-totypes, deploying highly-modern infrastructure. Numerous awards and nominations confirm this success and progressive thought and action.Services: In the service category we can refer the following examples: Manufacturing and series

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production by ISO certified manufacturers, total engineering production consultancy by our team, in-house small series production in the TAGnology laboratory, express production is possible in time critical situations.Sales & Distribution: Active RFID components, WLAN, semi-acitve technologies, passive RFID components (LF, HF, UHF, transponders using vari-ous technologies and configurations), NFC, Reader, Printers, Software Tools, Cards, Accessories (i.e. antenna cables) are only a few examples for our wide range on products.

Tecan Austria GmbHUntersbergstr. 1A5082 Grödig/TecanPhone: +43-6246-8933-0Fax: +43-6246-72770eMail: [email protected]: www.tecan.comContact: Dr. Michael Reiter (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1987Staff: 160

technosert electronic GmbHAngererweg 74224 Wartberg ob der Aist/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7236-20900-0Fax: +43-7236-20900-19eMail: [email protected]: www.technosert.comContact: Ing. Johannes Gschwandtner (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Thermo Fisher Scientific wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbHWehlistr. 27b1200 ViennaPhone: +43-810-282 206Fax: +43-1-333 50 34 -26eMail: [email protected]: www.thermoscientific.comCluster membership: LISAviennaSupply of: laboratory equipment, consumables/reagentsProfile: Under the Thermo Scientific brand of Thermo Fisher Scientific we help scientists meet the challenges they face in their work every day. From routine analysis to new discoveries, our in-novations help professionals do the science they need to do, the way they want to do it. Our high-end analytical instruments, laboratory equipment, software, services, consumables and reagents help our customers solve complex analytical chal-lenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity.Services: Through Unity Lab Services, you can ac-cess a complete portfolio of services and support solutions designed to help improve productivity, reduce total cost of ownership and ensure perfor-mance throughout your laboratory. The Services provided include: Preventative Maintenance and Support Plans, Extended Warranties and Instru-ment Installation, Relocation and Disposition.

Tiani Spirit GmbHFasangasse 122102 Bisamberg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-23511-8511eMail: [email protected]: www.tiani-spirit.comContact: Martin Tiani (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplus, LISAvienna

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TWO PI Signal Processing Applications GmbHSeidlgasse 21/161030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-523-8180Fax: +43-1-524-5414eMail: [email protected]: www.two-pi.comContact: Dr. Ernestine Bennersdorfer (Director Business Development)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Supply of: electronic equipmentProduction: Enabling technology packaged as App; IP for hearing devicesR&D: Interactive involvement of hearing device users in fitting and finetuning procedure; signal processing algorithms for BAHA (bone anchored hearing aids), cochlear implants and hearing devicesServices: Product-co-design (software componen-ts), licencing of IP, engineering services related to embedding of licenced IPSales & Distribution: Reproduction of software components through industrial manufacturers on base of “final software release”.

Unilab Technologies OGExlgasse 206020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-2843110Fax: +43-512-284326eMail: [email protected]: www.unilab.atContact: Tina Politakis (CEO)Founded in: 2002Staff: 3Supply of: laboratory equipment, consumables/reagents, otherSales & Distribution: At UNILAB TECHNOLOGIES, we enable science by supplying critical products to the companies in the pharmaceutical, biotech, industrial, educational, governmental and health-care industries. We provide our customers with an expansive choice of premiere products, such

as chemicals, furniture, equipment, instruments, apparel and consumables, from a vast group of leading scientific manufacturers. We help solve analytical challenges from routine testing to complex research and discovery. UNILAB TECHNO-LOGIES also represents a complete range of high-end analytical instruments as well as laboratory equipment, software, services, consumables and reagents to enable integrated laboratory work-flow solutions. your progress - our success!

UNITEK Maschinenbau- und Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Josef Österreicher Gasse 351230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-32255-100Fax: +43-1-33255-15eMail: [email protected]: www.unitek.atContact: DI Bernd Klein (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

VESCON Systemtechnik GmbHIndustriestr. 18200 Gleisdorf/Albersdorf/StyriaPhone: +43-3112-36006-66Fax: +43-3112-36006-88eMail: [email protected]: www.vescon.comCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1996Supply of: mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sensor technology

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VF Services GmbHAndreas-Hofer-Str. 156067 Absam/TyrolPhone: +43-5223-43105Fax: +43-5223-45170eMail: [email protected]: www.vandf.comContact: Dr. Siegfried Praun (General Manager)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2002Staff: 5Supply of: measurement and sensor technologyProfile: Products & Technology: Non-invasive diagnostics: Analysis of human exhaled air Mi-crobiology: Early detection and identification of microorganisms Development of applications for IMR - mass spectrometry Production: IMR-MS (Ion Molecule Reaction - Mass Spectrometer), EI-MS (Electron Ionization - Mass Spectrometer) , SF-MS (Sector Field - Mass Spec-trometer). Manufacturing Company: V&F Analy-se- und Messtechnik GmbH (parent company)R&D: Early detection of microorganisms: Detec-tion of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria at lowest CFU Ievels Non-invasive perioperative real-time monitoring of the anaesthetic Propofol Oxidative stress: Online monitoring of Iipid per-oxidation products in air exhaled by patients suf-fering from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Non-invasive diagnosis of liver diseases by breath analysisServices: Contract research, development of applications using online and offline IMR-mass spectrometrySales & Distribution: Various types of IMR-MS (Ion Molecule Reaction - Mass Spectrometer), EI-MS (Electron Ionization - Mass Spectrometer) , SF-MS (Sector Field - Mass Spectrometer) for online- and offline analysis; distribution via worldwide distri-bution network

VICOS GmbHEugen-Müller-Str. 145020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-4355510eMail: [email protected]: www.vicos.atContact: DI Wolfgang Klier (CEO)Founded in: 2004Staff: 35Supply of: electronic equipment, measurement and sensor technologyProfile: ViCOS ist ein kleines aber leistungsfähiges Elektronikunternehmen mit Sitz in Salzburg. Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte sind: Entwicklung und Produktion von (energieautarken) Kurzstrecken-funkaktoren und -sensoren im Bereich Gebäu-deautomatisierung und Ambient Assisted Living OEM- und ODM-Lieferant von Aktoren und Sen-soren im oben genannten Bereich Elektronikpro-duktion als Dienstleistungen für Industriekunden auch aus der Medizintechnik

VOGELBUSCH Biocommodities GmbHBlechturmgasse 111050 ViennaPhone: +43-1-54661-0Fax: +43-1-5452979eMail: [email protected]: www.vogelbusch-biocommodities.comContact: Katharina Harlander (Marketing Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Staff: 40Profile: Vogelbusch Biocommodities is a global technology and service provider for industrial bioprocess plants. Specializing in white biotechno-logy, the company provides process design and en-gineering services to sugar and starch producers and to the food and beverage industries. R&D: Vogelbusch conducts applied research, concentrating on solving the clients’ problems and responding to new demands. R&D work of bioprocesses is carried out at modern, in-house laboratory facilities and pilot scale facilities and in cooperation with universities.

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Services: With unique expertise in the implemen-tation of microbial production techniques, Vogel-busch offers a variety of proprietary technologies for the industrial production of biocommodities, such as alcohol, bioethanol, yeast, vinegar, as well as starch sugars and organic acids. We design and implement bioprocess plants based on advanced technology and our tried-and-tested expertise, with services ranging from feasibility studies through to the launch of production.

VOGELBUSCH Biopharma GmbHBlechturmgasse 111050 ViennaPhone: +43-1-54661-0Fax: +43-1-54661-100eMail: [email protected]: www.vogelbusch-biopharma.comContact: DI Dr. Schahroch Sarhaddar (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Production: Production Range Vogelbusch Biopharma GmbH designs and builds biotech-nological plants based on the client’s processes. Vogelbusch Biopharma GmbH complements the skills of its clients in the technical, technolo-gical, and organizational aspects for new plant constructions or remodeling of existing plants. Pilot and production plants for cell culture fer-mentation – submerged and carrier technique. Pilot and production plants for aerobic microorga-nism fermentation. Pilot and production plants for downstream processing including separation, ultrafiltration and chromatography process steps. Purified water and WFI systems for production plants CIP systems Fermenter skids Ultrafil-tration skids Chromatography skidsServices: Services Offered for Biopharmaceutical Plants The scope of our services depends on the individual client‘s needs: Conceptional/basic/detail engineering 3D modeling of the process plant Equipment procurement Plant assembly with optional prefabrication Pipework Auto-mation Site supervision Commissioning/start up Qualification

VWR International GmbHGraumanngasse 71150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-97002-0Fax: +43-1-97002-600eMail: [email protected]: http://at.vwr.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Supply of: measurement and sensor technology, laboratory equipment, consumables/reagents, otherSales & Distribution: VWR International, LLC, headquartered in Radnor, Pennsylvania, is a global laboratory supply and distribution company with worldwide sales in excess of $4.1 billion in 2012. VWR enables the advancement of the world‘s most critical research through the distribution of a highly diversified product line to most of the world‘s top companies in the pharmaceutical, biotech, industrial, educational, governmental and healthcare industries. With 160 years of in-dustry experience, VWR offers a well-established distribution network that reaches thousands of specialized labs and facilities spanning the glo-be. VWR has over 8,000 associates around the world working to streamline the way researchers across North America, Europe, and Asia stock and maintain their labs. In addition, VWR further sup-ports its customers by providing onsite services, storeroom management, product procurement, supply chain systems integration and technical services.

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WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen GmbH & Co� KGErdmannsiedlung 1329545 Radenthein/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4246-277-77Fax: +43-4246-277-70eMail: [email protected]: www.waldner-lab.deCluster membership: styriaStaff: 950Supply of: laboratory equipment, otherProfile: WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen GmbH & Co. KG is a company of the WALDNER group and employs approximately 1 350 people worldwide. The company is located in Germany and develops and manufactures laboratory furniture for just about any requirements since 60 years now. In the meantime WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen is Europe’s leading manufacturer of laboratory furni-ture systems for the industrial sector as well as for universities, schools and hospitals.Sales & Distribution: The design of the laboratory furniture programme SCALA will be shaping the laboratory of the future. SCALA can easily be adap-ted to ever new situations in a room due its flexi-ble functional units. With the laboratory furniture SCALA Waldner is providing an innovative, fully developed technology: be it with the laboratory workbenches, the laboratory cabinets, the service modules – first and foremost the service ceiling – or the laboratory fume cupboards. Waldner‘s laboratory fume cupboards feature utmost oc-cupational safety for your laboratory workplace, at best linked with Waldner’s laboratory room control system. However, Waldner is not only furnishing your laboratory but is also taking on the planning of your laboratory by request. Wald-ner is, of course, providing suitable accessories for your laboratory, and the service technicians will visit your laboratory facility in regular intervals for inspection and maintenance works.

Waters Gesellschaft m�b�H�Hietzinger Hauptstr. 1451130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-877-1807Fax: +43-1-877-1808eMail: [email protected]: www.waters.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

WESTCAM Datentechnik Gesellschaft m�b�H�Gewerbepark 386068 Mils/TyrolPhone: +43-5223-55509-0eMail: [email protected]: www.westcam.atContact: Ing. Norbert Mühlburger (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1990

WGT-Elektronik GmbH & Co KG Wickel- und GerätetechnikRettenbergstr. 30a6114 Kolsass/TyrolPhone: +43-5224-68190Fax: +43-5224-67572eMail: [email protected]: www.wgt.atContact: Philipp Gradl (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1950Staff: 14Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineeringProduction: We develope and produce electronic and mechatronic equipment, prototypes and small series.Services: Electronic design, developement of elec-tronic instruments, programming of µ-Controllers, coil winding, building of prototypes (printed cir-cuit boards, housings, mechanics), production of small and smallest batch series.

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WICK Medizin – Innenarchitektur & Einrichtungen e�U�Am Heumarkt 171030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7135-228Fax: +43-1-7135-4484eMail: [email protected]: www.wick-medizin.atContact: Josef Wick (Owner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 5

Wild Elektronik und Kunststoff GmbH & Co KGIndustriestr. 49241 Wernberg/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4232-2527-300Fax: +43-4232-2527-309eMail: [email protected]: www.wild.atCluster membership: styria

Wild GmbHWildstr. 49100 Völkermarkt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4232-2527-0Fax: +443-4232-2527-218eMail: [email protected]: www.wild.atContact: DI Manfred Gallé (Head of Dep. medical technology) Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1970 Staff: 263Supply of: electronic equipment, plastic machi-ning and processing, laser technology, mechatro-nics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sensor technologyProfile: Internationally active & recognised hightech comp. with unique know how and well known as „most trusted“ system partner in deve-lopment and production of sophisticated compo-nents, optiomechatronic systems and complete equipment. We develop and produce on behalf of our clients and do not promote in-house products

under our name. We are commited to clear com-munication & agreements, transparent processes, R&D competence, high level of quality, best possi-ble delivery service and long-term partnership.Production: WILD is your system partner in the development and production of sophisticated medical components, optic-mechatronic systems and complete devices. WILD Group employs 380 people Production capa: 233,000 hours a year. ISO 9001, 13485 /FDA listed Cleanroom and sterile production PRODUCTION at WILD covers prototype construction, commencement of pro-duction or mass production. All processes are, of course, in compliance with the EN ISO 9001 as well as the EN ISO 13485 and the FDA. Machining of precision parts Injection moulding Electro-plating/Painting Medical device assembly (if needet-Cleanroom assembly technology) R&D: Contract R&D in the main areas of our cu-stomers - optomechetronic systems. We develop and produce on behalf of our clients and we do not promote in-house products under the WILD name. DEVELOPMENT by WILD provide: -shortest lead times -most-favourable cost structures -high innovation content -market and customer pro-ximity. Planning, control and documentation are carried out by means of a projekt management software that corresponds to the requirements of medical technology (PMS Wild).Services: SCM/After Sales at WILD, as one-stop-shop partner we secure seamless supply of raw materials and purchased parts, trouble-free pro-duction and speedy delivery. The goal: to optimi-se costs and time. Strategic supplier qualifica-tion Seamless supply chain kanban-controlled Worldwide procurement markets Spare parts supply Repair service Value analysis

WSB Labor-GmbHSteiner Landstr. 27a3500 Krems an der Donau/Lower AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.wsblabor.atContact: DI Günther Groissmaier (Owner)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1996

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Zauner Anlagenbau GmbHGewerbepark Mauer 204702 Wallern an der Trattnach/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7249-48200-0Fax: +43-7249-48200-500eMail: [email protected]: www.zaunergroup.comContact: Martin Joksch (Department Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterProduction: Furnaces, boilers, heat recoveryR&D: Biomass, renewabel energiesServices: engineering designSales & Distribution: furnaces, boilers, heat recovery

ZETA Biopharma GmbHZetaplatz 18501 Lieboch/StyriaPhone: +43-3136-9010-0Fax: +43-3136-9010-9100eMail: [email protected]: www.zeta.comContact: DI Dr. Andreas Marchler (Managing Director)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1989Staff: 126Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, metal machining and processingProfile: The ZETA Group, with headquarters in Lieboch, near Graz, Austria is a specialist in deve-lopment, manufacturing, automation and mainte-nance of made-to-measure process equipment for sterile and aseptic liquid processes. As a recog-nised technology supplier of the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industry, ZETA has compre-hensive competence, experience and references with process technology for biopharmaceutical applications.Production: The plants are manufactured in mo-dular design with state-of-the-art equipment at the production site in Lieboch/Graz (Austria) and dispatched to the operation site under sterile conditions after successful qualification and test operation. At the operation site the plants are

installed and commissioned by qualified staff and engineers.R&D: Freezing and thawing of pharmaceutical Proteins Quality by design approach in bioreac-tors Pilot plant bioreactor with integrated PAT strategy Protein powder characterization for process improvement Process development for API profile at polymeric rings NIR camera system for solid API detectionServices: • Process engineering Mechanical en-gineering Automation Manufacturing and in-stallation Qualification and validation Project management Maintenance After-sales serviceSales & Distribution: • Biopharmaceutical systems for up- and downstream processing Preparation and formulation systems CIP/SIP- and media systems Engineering services Sterile plant installation Magnetic agitators Freeze & thaw systems Special process equipment Automati-on solutions

Ziehesberger ElektronikMühlnerfeldstr. 94501 Neuhofen/Krems/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7227-21021Fax: +43-810-9554-034368eMail: [email protected]: www.ziehesberger.atContact: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Peter Ziehesberger (Key-Researcher)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2005Staff: 3Supply of: electronic equipment, mechatronics/mechanical engineering, measurement and sen-sor technologyProfile: Our main focus is to develop individual hard- and software for embedded systems, to de-sign individual computer-solutions, to trade with office supplies and to implement our own as well as external requested research- and development projects, including prototyping. We especially like to support our customers with our know-how from the first draft for a new product to the serial prodution, and we furthermore assist in applying for public grants.

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Production: Prototype Construction: We rea-lise your ideas and construct first prototypes. Construction of printed circuit boards, assembly, commissioning, test phase monitoring. Since 08/14/2012 Ziehesberger Elektronik is certified with the ISO 9001 certificate for quality assurance.R&D: Research and development for our own concerns as well as for our customers. Support in selection of and applying for appropriate public grants.Services: Electronic Engineering: Development of indivual hard- and software, that matches 100% our customer‘s requests: Support from the first draft for a new product to the serial pro-duction.Sales & Distribution: Trade: Professional distri-bution of high quality electronic products. For in-dividual computersolutions and office supplies.

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s !mprove IT Systemlösungen GmbHStrozzigasse 10/7-91080 ViennaPhone: +43-1-403-4919Fax: +43-1-403-491915eMail: [email protected]: www.improve-it.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

1 A Pharma GmbHStella-Klein-Löw-Weg 171020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-480560-3Fax: +43-1-480560-35103eMail: [email protected]: www.1apharma.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

4myHealth GmbHNeubaugasse 1/111070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-52659-90Fax: +43-1-52659-9016eMail: [email protected]: www.4myhealth.atContact: Helmut Ritter (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Staff: 5Offer: IT, communicationProfile: 4myHealth is an innovative young Austri-an company with a strong focus on the perma-nent interaction between patient and doctors from the first visit on the doctor‘s homepage to a monitoring of the treatment process. Hereby, we link modern IT with the smartphones of doctors and the patients.Production: 4myHealth licenses its software so-lution to modern and innovative doctors who can then easily interact with their patients, monitor their business and not only administrate their activities. Additionally, the software package also includes several modern add-ons such as

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iPad anamnesis, interactive picture integration, patient‘s history, etc.R&D: 4myHealth concentrates its research acti-vities on making this permanent interaction as smart as possible. Herby, the doctors develop their patients to a customers - and modern IT assists in this transition process.Services: 4myHealth offers product related ser-vices for modernizing the doctor‘s IT or installing it from scratch. Additionally, we develop customer specific solutions for certain needs in the health industry.Sales & Distribution: 4myHealth sells this soft-ware package and accompanying services.

a3L e-solutions GmbHRooseveltplatz 4–5/181090 ViennaWeb: www.mednanny.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013

aaa – all about apps GmbHSiebenbrunnengasse 17/TOP 31050 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5471273Fax: +43-1-25367221866eMail: [email protected]: www.allaboutapps.atContact: Michael Steiner (Executive Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Staff: 30Offer: ITProfile: all about app - established in 2011 - is a mobile solutions provider specialized in develo-ping premium medical apps. In addition we are successfully certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. We develop customized mobile ap-plications for iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones and tablets, as well as Windows Phone and Black-berry. Besides developing individual mobile solu-tions we provide services throughout the entire app life cycle.

Production: With over 30 staff all about apps is among Austria’s leading mobile service providers. Our team size enables us to provide expert sup-port during the entire app life cycle. It is flexible, efficient and guarantees high quality. In collabo-ration with medical experts we already developed more than 10 award-winning medical apps for patients and healthcare professionals. Certifica-tions: ISO 9001/13485Services: app consulting/app development/app publishing/app marketing/app monitoring & support

AAADS Life Science International e�U�Anton-Baumgartnerstr. 44/C8/14031230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-66492015-53Fax: +43-1-66226-40eMail: [email protected]: www.aaads.euContact: Dr. Reinhard Schellner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Staff: 1Offer: financing, communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: AAADS is an international knowledge-intensive business service boutique for Inter-national Consulting, Business Development & Management Services - Life Science, Pharma, Consumer Health & Hygiene, Medical Technology - in Asia Pacific, America, Africa/Middle East and Europe! With extensive international experience in Pharma, Medical Technology, Consumer Goods and Public Hygiene Projects AAADS can help to start, improve or expand international business and development.Services: International Business and Talent Deve-lopment in the Areas of Life Sciences.

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ABF Pharmaceutical Services GmbHGastgebgasse 5-131230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8901200-0Fax: +43-1-8901200-11eMail: [email protected]: www.abf-pharma.comContact: Dr. Elisabeth Lackner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004 Staff: 30Profile: ABF Pharmaceutical Services GmbH (ABF) - an independent medium sized global specialist CMO/Central Laboratory, recently opened its new facilities in Vienna, Austria due to the increasing demand of service from our clients. The new 1500m facilities provide state of the art GMP and non–GMP production, packaging and storage faci-lities according to EU GMP standards.R&D: ABF Pharmaceutical Services, a CMO based in Vienna, is assigned with central lab services, IMP handling and pharma distribution.Services: A global CMO/Central Lab specializing in labeling and packaging of IMPs including central lab services, bio sample storage and QP release. Sales & Distribution: Global GDP distribution network

ACETO Medizinische Informationssysteme GmbH & Co�KGHackhofergasse 11190 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.aceto.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013

ACOM Systeme EDV und Medizintechnik GmbHSkraupstr. 24/16/221210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2904828Fax: +43-1-2904828-24eMail: [email protected]: www.ganymed.atFounded in: 2001Cluster membership: LISAvienna

ACTEM Agency for Clinical Trials and Education in Medicine GmbHLindgrabengasse 81230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2310-945Cluster membership: LISAvienna

AEDOS Management & Beratungs Ges�m�b�H�Sandleitengasse 17/20/B31160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-87600-5152Fax: +43-1-87600-53eMail: [email protected]: www.aedos.atContact: Ing. Mag. Michael Pieler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Aeskulapp Mobile GmbHFillgradergasse 7/31060 ViennaPhone: +43-650-6368-906eMail: [email protected]: www.aeskulapp.atContact: Dr. Fritz Höllerer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Offer: ITServices: Aeskulapp Mobile mainly concentrates on developing healthcare and life science apps. Our customers are well-known pharmaceutical companies or start-ups, that need full mobile sup-port for their applications from brainstorming to online marketing. On the other hand Aeskulapp develops own scalable products that focus on medical compliance and adherence, which bring patients closer to their doctors and pharmaceuti-cal companies closer to their clients.

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Agneter PharmaConsulting GmbHMariahilfer Str. 71/151060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-52642-44Fax: +43-1-52643-66eMail: [email protected]: www.pharmaconsulting.atContact: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ernst Agneter (MBA (CEO))Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 3Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingServices: Consulting für Pricing und Reimburse-ment Full-Service Association for preparation of reimbursement dossiers, electronic communica-tion with the Austrian Sick fund, discussions and negotiations with all stake holders.

AHCS Advanced Health Care Solutions AGLakeside B 07/b9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-3283-88Fax: +43-463-328388-99eMail: [email protected]:

AHIT Animal Health IT GmbHPrinz-Eugen-Str. 18/251040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-505-7473eMail: [email protected]: www.ahit.atContact: DI Barbara Tappeiner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

AME International GmbHHoyosgasse 51040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50359-79Fax: +43-1-50359-7920eMail: [email protected]: www.ame-international.comContact: Markus Wuest (Assistant to the Board of Directors)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995Services: AME International GmbH (AME) is an Austrian company with headquarters in Vienna. It was founded in 1995 and focuses its business activities on the health sector. Ever since our esta-blishment, we have distinguished ourselves as a service provider for complex technology projects in the healthcare industry. AME’s objective is the effective realization of the planning, consulting and implementation of complex technology projects in the field of medical technology and eHealth. Our innovative, creative and flexible approach, combined with a sound financial basis as well as our excellent network of technical- and financial partners enables us to provide sustaina-ble benefits to our clients. Together with our cli-ents and business partners, we have managed to successfully implement groundbreaking projects in healthcare information technology. Through our successful strategy of establishing long-term relationships, we have achieved a worldwide pre-sence with subsidiaries and partner companies. Worldwide, the company employs approximately 110 people and is next to Europe active in Sou-theast Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Thus far we have managed to implement more than 40 projects in the health sector with Austrian soft loan financing in China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Albania. AME is certified in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 standard and has received nu-merous national and international awards over the years. Our company was recognized in 2012 as the winner of the Austrian Export Award in the category “Trade”.Sales & Distribution: Products & Services Me-dical Equipment Packages eHealth Solutions

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-Consulting & Engineering Services RIS/PACS Project Management Consulting & Engineering Training & Change Management Best Practice Solutions & Processes Procurement & Installa-tions

ANECON Software Design und Beratung G�m�b�H�Alser Str. 4, Hof 1, 1. Stock1090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4095890-0Fax: +43-1-4095890-998eMail: [email protected]: www.anecon.comContact: Dr. Johannes Adler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

AniMedical – medizinische Animationen KGSalzachtalstr. 45400 Hallein/SalzburgPhone: +43-650-5863613eMail: [email protected]:

Aptiv Solutions GmbHPyrkergasse 10/61190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-360700-8813Fax: +43-1-360700-8810eMail: [email protected]: www.aptivsolutions.comContact: Mag. Marion NeusserCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 6

ARAX Capital Partners GmbHHandelskai 94-96/9 OG1200 ViennaPhone: +43-1370-7474-0Fax: +43-1370-7474-22eMail: [email protected]: www.arax.atContact: Christian Tiringer (Partner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007 Staff: 8Offer: financingServices: ARAX Capital Partners is a venture capi-tal and private equity firm focussing on innovative and growth-oriented Austrian high-tech and bio-tech companies. As investment specialist in the life science sector we aim to support Austria’s best entrepreneurs in developing new medical products that have the potential to improve healthcare.

ARCHIMED LIFE SCIENCE GmbHMariannengasse 28/21110 ViennaWeb: www.archimedlife.atFounded in: 2012Cluster membership: LISAvienna

aringer herbst winklbauer rechtsanwälteGrillparzerstr. 51010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-890 90 17eMail: [email protected]: www.ahwlaw.atContact: Dr. Stephan WinklbauerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Staff: 12Offer: legal advice and IPR managementProfile: aringer herbst winklbauer is a full service Austrian business law firm. Our firm, based in Vi-enna, has succeeded in establishing itself among the top players in Austria. More and more, our

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firm has become the first choice to act as local counsel for leading international and national investment banks, private equity houses, as well as international law firms or top tier national law firms from other jurisdictions.Services: aringer herbst winklbauer assist local and international clients in life science matters and also provide advice in the field of IT- and real estate law. Our firm‘s expertise and practical experience cover the full range of legal services required by undertakings active in life science industries (eg support in regulatory matters, licen-sing agreements, protection of IP, etc).

Artweger GmbH� & Co� KGSulzbacherstr. 604820 Bad Ischl/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-6132-205-0Fax: +43-6132-25034eMail: [email protected]: www.artweger.atContact: Nikolaus Schneider (Sales)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Ashfield Healthcare GmbHHietzinger Hauptstr. 45 DG1130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89051-86Fax: +43-1-8905186-15eMail: [email protected]: www.ashfieldhealthcare.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

ASP Consulting Gesellschaft m�b�H�Graben 101010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51250-00Fax: +43-1-5122020-50eMail: [email protected]: www.asp-consulting.comContact: Alon Shklarek (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Assign Clinical Research GesmbH ASSIGN GroupHainburger Str. 331030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4033805Fax: +43-1-403380566eMail: [email protected]: www.assigngroup.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Athena Wien Beteiligungen AGMarc-Aurel-Str. 10/161010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5321830-12Fax: +43-1-5321830-20eMail: [email protected]: www.wachstumsfonds.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

AUROTEC GmbHWartenburgerstr. 1A4840 Vöcklabruck/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7672-78768eMail: [email protected]: www.aurotec.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Austin, Pock + Partners GmbHAuersperggasse 138020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-581197Fax: +43-316-581197-10eMail: [email protected]: www.austin.atContact: DI Herbert Pock (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, styria Founded in: 1998Staff: 20Offer: financing, management, HR, QM, and regu-latory consulting, otherProfile: The Consulting Company AUSTIN Pock + Partners Ltd. was founded in 1998 and merged

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with the tax and audit company BFP in 2012 to form a preferred partnership. Facts and figures: We support more than 3.000 clients – in regio-nal, national and international markets, with 6 associates, 16 team leaders/project leaders and more than 130 employees, at our locations in Graz and Vienna and our affiliates in Burgenland and Carinthia.

Austin, Pock + Partners GmbHTeinfaltstr. 41010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-31126-26Fax: +43-1-3112626-94eMail: [email protected]: www.austin.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Autonom Talent Consulting GmbH, Niederlassung OÖStiftstr. 2014090 Engelhartszell/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-676-9252500eMail: [email protected]: www.autonomtalent.comContact: Mag. Robert Hartmann (Regional Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2015Staff: 2Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingProfile: AUTONOM TALENT® is an innovative con-sulting company with a focus on talent, stress and resource management. Using a holistic method that takes into account a person’s physical and mental resources, we specialize in identifying and developing human potential in the corporate environment – quickly and objectively. Individual analysis and expert counseling help our clients achieve results faster.R&D: The primary goal of our research is the deve-lopment and implementation of innovative strate-gies in talent, stress and resource management in the biopsychosocial context. With our studies, we offer a contribution to the solving of current chal-

lenges in corporate and economic policy (Healthy.Lead, age-appropriate work, dealing with change), in addition to scientific confirmation of our AUTO-NOM TALENT® 3 step method.Services: Your benefits: More appropriate and effecient dealing with stress, better sleep quality and recovery ability, resolved conflicts, better com-munication, active cooperation with colleagues and employees, enhanced levles of mindfulness.

aws Gründerfonds Beteiligungs GmbH & Co KGWalcherstr. 11A1020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50175-721Fax: +43-1-50175-900eMail: [email protected]: www.gruenderfonds.atContact: Dipl.-Bw. Ralf Kunzmann (CEO and Managing Director)Founded in: 2013Staff: 7Offer: financingProfile: aws Gründerfonds ( is Austria‘s most active venture capital investor with investible assets of EUR 68,5 million made available by the Republic of Austria and Erste Bank. The fund invests up to EUR 3 million in early stage companies with high growth potential. Since its foundation in 2013, ten investments have already been completed and more than 650 business plans examined. The aws Gründerfonds is a subsi-diary of the Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH. Services: aws Gründerfonds ( is Austria‘s most active venture capital investor with investible assets of EUR 68,5 million made available by the Republic of Austria and Erste Bank. The fund invests up to EUR 3 million in early stage companies with high growth potential. Since its foundation in 2013, ten investments have already been completed and more than 650 business plans examined. The aws Gründerfonds is a subsi-diary of the Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH.

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BA&P Beteiligungs GmbHBrehmstr. 10/41110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9174790-44Fax: +43-1-9174790-99Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Barbara Urban – medical media consulting e�U�PR- und KommmuniukationsberatungJosef Lowatschekgasse 222340 Mödling/Lower AustriaPhone: +43 -664-41694-59eMail: [email protected]: www.medical-media-consulting.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2001Offer: communication

Bettschart & Kofler Kommunikationsberatung GmbHKleinmutschen 717452 Unterpullendorf/BurgenlandPhone: +43-1-3194378-12Fax: +43-1-3194378-20eMail: [email protected]:

BINDER GRÖSSWANG Rechtsanwälte GmbHSterngasse 131010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-53480-663Fax: +43-1-53480-8eMail: [email protected]: www. bindergroesswang.atCluster membership: LISAviennaProfile: Binder Grösswang has ranked among Austria’s leading law firms for over 50 years. Today it is one of the largest law firms in Austria. More than 80 highly specialised experts are widely connected and rank amongst the best in their various practice areas. The firm’s strategy is based on outstanding professional expertise combined

with a teamwork approach. Top priority is to act as a partner to its clients.Services: Main areas of practice are Corporate/M&A, Private Equity&Venture Capital, Banking&Finance, Regulatory, Intellectual Property, Dispute Resolution, Tax, Employment Law, Insolvency&Restructuring, Real Estate and Competition Law, Capital Markets, Private Client&Entrepreneur in industries ranging from the financial and energy sector to biotech and life sciences.

BIOCOM AGMariahilfer Str. 95/14 1060 ViennaPhone: +43 -720-880-905eMail: [email protected]: Contact: Dr. Boris Mannhardt (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaOffer: communicationProfile: BIOCOM is a leading specialized commu-nication and information company focused on the life sciences. For nearly 30 years, an expert team analyzes the development of the biotechnology and the medtech sectors in Europe. We offer reports as well as customized consultancy ser-vices, surveys and research studies to our clients. In communication services, our clients receive everything from one source: conferences, videos, websites or brochures are not only designed, but also implemented and produced.

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Biofaction KGKundmanngasse 39/121030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9553753eMail: [email protected]: www.biofaction.comContact: Dr. Markus Schmidt (Founder and CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010 Staff: 6Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, otherProfile: Biofaction is a research and science com-munication company based in Vienna, Austria working with emerging sciences and technology.Production: Documentary film production Mobile phone science games Bio-art exhibitions Science film festival productionR&D: Biofaction has significant expertise in sci-ence communication, film production, technology assessment and the study of ethical, legal and social issues in a number of emerging sciences and technology (genetic engineering, synthetic biology, converging technology). Services: Biofaction provides expertise and service in the following areas: - technology assessment of new and emerging (bio)technologies - art and sci-ence collaboration - film and video production on science and technology - science communication and managing the science-society interface - com-munication training of (early stage) researchers

Biological Services e�UHickelgasse 18/261140 ViennaPhone: +43-664-3514805eMail: [email protected]: www.biological-services.atFounded in: 2013Cluster membership: LISAvienna

biolution GmbHHelmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 2/21030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7869595Fax: +43-1-7869595-20eMail: [email protected]: www.biolution.netContact: Dr. Iris Grünert (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 4Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, otherServices: Biolution is a science communication agency specialized in communication, project administration, and graphic design. We provide professional, cost effective solutions for your in-stitute or agency during the application process of EC funded projects, national projects, website development, and event management. Using a combination of scientific expertise and over 10 years of management experience, the biolution team helps you to proactively achieve your goals. Biolution provides support in preparing and managing international project proposals such as FP7 and ERA net. During the proposal preparation, we assist you in preparing the grant agreement within EC guidelines. We help to gather the neces-sary information and legal documentation needed for the work plan, as well as financial planning for the partners involved: increasing your chances of a successful proposal evaluation. After the positive evaluation of your project, we provide continuous project management support throughout the projects life-time. We also care for disseminating your project’s objectives and achievements, attrac-ting both public and media attention. Why not choose biolution for planning your next event? Scientific issues are often not easily accessible to the general public. We assist you in communica-ting your information correctly, comprehensibly, and artistically. We will assist you in the develop-ment of innovative event concepts, graphics, and guide you through the steps needed for the reali-zation of your event. Biolution unites scientific know-how and precision with professional edito-

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rial work. Our vast experience with the press and advertisement guarantees that our texts (such as press releases, brochures, or website texts) reach your specific target groups. Biolution can also provide a professional web interface, meeting not only your needs, but also the requirements of your visitors. Websites are often the first contact for prospective customers. Feasibility, aesthetics, and accessibility are taken into consideration when creating your website. Whether you are a busi-ness or a group of scientific researchers, we take care that your projects goals are achieved profes-sionally and reliably. For more information about how Biolution can help you achieve your project goals, see

Biomechanische Forschungs-Gesellschaft m�b�H�Rechte Wienzeile 5/21040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58664-46Fax: +43-1-58664-4630Web: www.bmf.atContact: Kurt Peter Judmann Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997

BioScript InternationalBennogasse 16/9a1080 ViennaPhone: +43-1-990-82-33eMail: [email protected]: www.bioscript.deContact: Ruth WillmottCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998

Biospectra Labor GmbHGriesfeldweg 19 a5101 Bergheim bei SalzburgPhone: +43-662-4503-25Fax: +43-662-4503-25eMail: [email protected]:

Biosyn - Wissenschaftliches InformationsbüroWaldburgergasse 535026 SalzburgeMail: [email protected]:

Biotechnology Consulting Life Science UnternehmensberatungPostfach 391150 ViennaPhone: +43-664-14329-19Fax: +43-1-25330337795eMail: [email protected]: www.biotechnologyconsulting.euContact: Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bernhard Fischer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Staff: 3Services: BIOTECHNOLOGY CONSULTING provides high quality and customized expertise to the biotechnology community to allow them to meet more expeditiously and efficiently the regulatory requirements necessary to obtain marketing approval and to sell products on the worldwide market. BIOTECHNOLOGY CONSULTING is a drug development and regulatory affairs management consultancy that assists innovative biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies as well as aca-demic research units to analyse, determine and implement the timeliest, cost-effective and effici-ent strategies to steer a molecule from discovery through the regulatory maze to the market.

bit NC Network Computing GmbHSeilergasse 6/81010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-53379-39Fax: +43-1-5337939-20eMail: [email protected]: www.bitnc.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

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bj-diagnostik science GmbHMooslackengasse 171190 ViennaCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2015

Brenner & Klemm RechtsanwältePilgramgasse 2/1/91050 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8138199Fax: +43-1-8155321eMail: [email protected]: www.brenner-klemm.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

BTZ Biotechnologiezentrum Krems Ges�m�b�H�Magnesitstr. 93500 Krems an der Donau/Lower AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.biotec-area-krems.atCluster membership: ecoplus

buchinger Life Science SolutionsRosensteingasse 45/3/281170 ViennaPhone: +43-664-512 30 68eMail: [email protected]: www.buchinger.orgContact: Petra Buchinger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: CONSULTANCY FOR LIFE SCIENCES COM-PANIES buchinger - Life Science solutions ac-companies businesses: • in targeting product and service offers to promising customers • to become familiar with ethical business strategies, to imple-ment them and to maintain them enthusiastically • to establish themselves long-term in the market and to grow • to build up a positive image as a reliable partner and employer 25 years of expe-

rience and consultancy expertise in the field are at your disposal.Services: buchinger is an expert in the areas of sales, collaboration, client and service orientation and provides individual and flexible solutions in the Life Sciences sector. We can offer you the following services in the context of sales/intercompany partnerships: • Strategic consulting • Functional Key Accounting • Interim Management • Development of the Team & of the Organisation • Coaching • Specialist Consultancy and Training • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) • Business Mediation Busi-ness Ethics

Büro für Sozial- und RegionalplanungStiftstr. 2014090 Engelhartszell/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-676-9352-500eMail: [email protected] membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2002Staff: 1

BWT Austria GmbHWalter-Simmer-Str. 45310 Mondsee/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-6232-5011-0Fax: +43-6232-4058eMail: [email protected]: www.bwt.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

CADS Medical GmbHTechnologiepark 174320 Perg/Upper AustriaWeb: www.cads-medical.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

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CAE Simulation & Solutions Maschinenbau Ingenieurdienstleistungen GmbHPitkagasse 2/1/161210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-97489-910Fax: +43-1-97489-9199eMail: [email protected]: www.cae-sim-sol.comContact: Dr. Wolfgang Krach (Management Board)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 13Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sultingProfile: CAE Simulation & Solutions is an engi-neering company, specialised in the analysis of mechanical structures, fluid flows and thermo mechanical processes. Moreover, we are software reseller for premium simulation software (MSC Software, SolidWorks) and distribute LIMIT, our self-developed software to detect critical zones in components, according to different design codes and engineering standards.R&D: Research activities are performed in bone mechanics including implant design. Additionally tooth replacements (implants) and teeth regulati-ons are investigated. The focus is the mechanical performance of the skeleton system.Services: We design, analyze, evaluate and opti-mize your products and processes by using state-of-the-art simulation technology. Our services are: FE Analysis (Finite Element Method) CFD Simulations (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Multibody System Dynamics Design (concept design and detailed engineering) Measurements Workshops (FE Analysis, Lightweight Design, Fa-tigue, Software) Expertise (expert report acc. to §134 Industrial Code (GewO) or from a sworn and certified authorized expert)

Campus Science Support Facilities GmbH (CSF)Dr. Bohr Gasse 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7962324-7000eMail: [email protected]: aoUniv.-Prof. Dr Andreas Tiran (Managing Director, CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Staff: 60Offer: contract research/clinical research, otherProfile: The CSF is a publicly funded non-profit organization providing cutting edge research in-frastructure for life sciences. CSF services comprise the latest technologies and expert support in va-rious fields such as Next Generation Sequencing, advanced light and electron microscopy, recom-binant protein production, genome engineering, phenotyping/imaging of model organisms and scientific computing. CSF is located at the Vienna Biocenter and is open to academic research insti-tutions and companies.R&D: Development of technologies and applica-tions in all scientific core facilities (e.g. microscopy, genome engineering, preclinical imaging, bioin-formatics, etc.; for more information please see CSF supports basic research in the Life Sciences by providing research services and cut-ting edge infrastructure in the areas of imaging (advanced light and electron microscopy), Next Generation Sequencing, production and cha-racterization of recombinant proteins, genome engineering, phenotyping and preclinical imaging of model organisms, plant sciences, bioinformatics and scientific computing. For more information please see

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Capricorn Consilium GmbHUntere Weißgerberstr. 49/191030 ViennaPhone: +43-676-9303370Fax: +43-1-2533-033-3885eMail: [email protected]: www.capricorn-consilium.comContact: Martin Götting (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Staff: 1Offer: financing, communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, otherProfile: Consulting and Interim Management in the areas of Business Development, Commercial Operations, funding, strategic and operational Marketing & Sales, strategic partnering. New: placement of interim managers across all func-tions and industries.Services: Consulting and Interim Management in the areas of Business Development, Commercial Operations, funding, strategic and operational Marketing & Sales, strategic partnering. New: placement of interim managers across all func-tions and industries.

CARRYMED Pharma & Transport GmbHGünthergasse 31090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-713 3979-0Fax: +43-1-7133979-99eMail: [email protected]: www.carrymed.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005Staff: 5Services: We exclusively focus on air and sea freight of temperature sensitive pharmaceuticals considering product requirements and follow a holistic approach of packaging design based on lane specific transport processes and continuosly run risk assessments prior to each shipment.Sales & Distribution: As forwarder and pharma-ceutical wholesaler we are legally obliged to fol-low GxP guidelines.

CDE – Communications-Data-Engineering GmbHQuellenweg 254222 St. Georgen/Gusen/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7236-3351-4350Fax: +43-7236-3351-4399eMail: [email protected]: www.cde.atContact: DI (FH) Edgar Eidenberger (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2001Staff: 11Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, ITServices: CDE stands for innovation and high quality Hardware/Software solutions since its founding in 2001. The core competencies are Em-bedded Hardware/Software Design, PC-Software development, Web-development including data-base and smartphone interaction. We develop in-dividual solutions in three business segments NFC – Near Field Communication, Mobile & Web and Medical Systems. With this specific combination we provide to our customers exciting solutions in interesting fields of application.

CEMIT Center of Excellence in Medicine & IT GmbHKarl-Kapferer-Str. 56020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-576523Fax: +43-512-576523-301eMail: [email protected]: www.cemit.atContact: MSc. Bernhard Hofer (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2007Staff: 12Offer: contract research/clinical research, finan-cing, IT, communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingServices: Cemit offers tailor-made organizatio-nal services for innovative companies. We help companies to realize their ideas by finding the

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appropriate scientific partner. Our experts are very familiar with industry and research, not just in Tyrol but throughout Austria and internationally. They monitor current technical developments, attractive market opportunities and public fun-ding opportunities. The Cemit team ensures quick and efficient organization of innovative projects thus the input of companies in terms of time and resources, extending your product range and providing the opportunity for a leap forward in the market. Cemit also has extensive experience in the management of EU projects. Our current focus is on research, quality management and IT in (bio)medicine, chemistry, pharmacy, especially cancer and aging research as well as drug scree-ning. The services provided also include finance and accounting, human resource management, legal advice for IPR issues, event management and public relations.

Center for Anti-Infective AgentsEckpergasse 131180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-47970-24Fax: +43-1-47008-98eMail: [email protected]: www.antiinfectiveagents.comContact: Dr. Ursula Theuretzbacher (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1988R&D: Antibacterial research strategies, antibacte-rial resistance, pharmacokinetic/pharmacodyna-mic dosage finding strategiesServices: Dr. Theuretzbacher is principal and foun-der of the Center for Anti-Infective Agents (CE-FAIA) in Vienna, Austria, a private consulting insti-tute dedicated to R&D and usage of anti-infective agents. Since 1988 CEFAIA assists both start-up and established pharmaceutical and biotech com-panies as well as research institutions worldwide to establish research portfolios, assess in-licensing opportunities, and streamline R&D strategy. Ba-sed in Vienna, Austria, CEFAIA has established an international reputation as the goto specialist for anti-infectives in science and business.

Chemgineering Technology GmbHGußhausstr. 221040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-255-7413-0eMail: [email protected]: www.chemgineering.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 1995Staff: 5

Chemiereport�at Austrian Life SciencesRathausplatz 42351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-699-196736-31Fax: +43-1-253303311-87eMail: [email protected]: www.chemiereport.atContact: Josef Brodacz (Publisher & Media Owner)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002Staff: 4Offer: communicationProfile: CHEMIEREPORT.AT has been Austria’s lea-ding magazine for the chemical industry and the life sciences since 2002. In addition to its technical and scientific professional audience, CHEMIERE-PORT.AT deliberately addresses the commercial and economic decisionmakers in the companies. MEDIA PARTNER OF ÖGMBT: CHEMIEREPORT.AT is media partner of the Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology. The-refore, all members regularly receive CHEMIERE-PORT.AT with their subscription.Services: Chemistry is the constitutive cross-sec-tional science within the life sciences. CHEMIERE-PORT.AT encompasses disciplines like biotech-nology, pharmaceutics, medicine, food science, nanotechnology and material sciences as well as classic chemistry topics.Therefore CHEMIEREPORT.AT is Austria’s leading magazine for the chemical industry, material sciences and life sciences. Circulated Copies: 9,000. Publication Frequency: 8 issues per year.

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CIS Clinical Investigation Support Pharmaforschung Gesellschaft m�b�H�Kaiserstr. 431070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-52340-15Fax: +43-1-52340-1599eMail: [email protected]: www.cis-qa.comContact: DDr. Gerhard Nahler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1990Staff: 3Offer: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, otherProfile: Quality Management, Quality Assurance, audits (GCP, GLP, GMP, vendor audits incl. data-management, database and electronic systems/eCTs), regulatory affairs including writing of CTDs, research & development consulting,

Clinical Data Management and Statistics GmbHHollandstr. 9/11020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7890612-37Fax: +43-1-7890612-80eMail: [email protected]: www.cdms.atContact: Mag. Reinhard Riedlsperger (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Offer: contract research/clinical researchServices: data management for clinical studies and non-interventional studies, eCRF solutions and paper-based CRF solutions, statistics

Clinical Trials Management GmbHKärntner Ring 6/61010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58580-63eMail: [email protected]: www.clinicaltrials.atContact: Mag. Thomas Horak (General Manager), Michael Hohlagschwandtner (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003 Staff: 25Offer: contract research/clinical researchServices: CTMs main business is focusing on provi-sion of the following services for Research and De-velopment (R & D) departments of pharmaceutical companies and Research Institutes (e. g. University Departments): Monitoring and Clinical Services: planning of clinical studies preparation of proto-col design of Case Report Form evaluation and selection of sites/investigators clinical trial autho-risation, notification to health authorities prepa-rations for obtaining ethics committee approvals organisation and conduct of investigators meetings and training project management monitoring on site/in house (all phases) management of post-marketing surveillance projects handling of seri-ous adverse events monthly status report inte-grated medical-statistical reports according to inter-national guidelines (e.g. ICH) Data Management and Statistical Services: calculation of sample size preparation of the statistical part of protocols overall, pooled analysis of existing (historic) data for new hypotheses design of data entry screens (SAS, OpenClinica, MS Access, build-in automated checks) data base design Randomisation/Code Breaking Logistic single/double data entry (SAS, OpenClinica, MS Access), data-verification coding (diseases usually according to MedDRA), WHO-ART drugs usually according to WHO Drug Reference List, WHO-ATC, or according to special codes of the client) automated, computer supported generati-on of queries/data clarification forms for monitors and investigators data validation/consistency/logical checks, data cleaning checks for protocol violations, checks for reliability of data statistical programming/analysis statistical report data quality report (on demand) meta-analysis deve-lopment of statistical analysis plan

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Clinicall GmbHAm Euro Platz 2/Gebäude G1120 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.clinicall-austria.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

CLS Ingenieur GmbHTriester Str. 10/3/4/42351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-320 218Fax: +43-2236-320 218-15eMail: [email protected]: membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2010Staff: 17

CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwälte GmbHGauermanngasse 21010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40443-2450Fax: +43-1-40443-92450eMail: [email protected]: www.cms-rrh.comContact: Dr. Johannes Juranek (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1970Staff: 200Offer: legal advice and IPR managementServices: Lifesciences is at the forefront of impro-ving our overall quality of life through discovery and innovation. CMS provides access to specialists who have worked in the sector for many years. The essence of our approach is teamwork, developing shared expertise in the pharmaceutical, biotech-nology, medical devices and diagnostic areas, of-fering advice at both the local and pan-European levels on areas that include anti-counterfeiting, licensing, product liability and regulatory matters. We have advised on numerous groundbreaking developments, including market-changing M&A deals and complex litigation. We offer the ad-

vantage of established industry knowledge, solid relationships with major players, and technical skills. We work with many of the world’s leading lifesciences companies to deliver integrated services across three key areas: Pharmaceutical Medical devices Biotechnology Our lifesci-ences sector group includes lawyers practising in many different areas of law, covering Austria and all of Central and Eastern Europe. Within each of these areas, we cover the full range of contentious and non-contentious legal services.

CogVis Software und Consulting GmbHWiedner Hauptstr. 17/3a1040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-23605-80eMail: [email protected]: www.cogvis.atContact: DI Michael Brandstötter (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 12Offer: ITProfile: CogVis is developing latest machine lear-ning and data analysis algorithms for FCM data. Particularly we aim at developing an objective and automated tool for multi-parameter FCM data analysis with specifically reliable Minimal Resi-dual Disease (MRD) quantification to reduce the subjectivity in diagnosis and the time-consuming analysis. Furthermore browser based visualization of large FCM data-sets is carried out.R&D: Image processing, video/image analysis and computer vision in the context of Ambient Assisted Living, LifeSciences and e-health; Content Based Retrieval in medical image databasesServices: consulting, feasibility studies, research and development in the fields of AAL, lifescience, e-health and medical image processing

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Comprei-Reinraum-Handel- und Schulungs GesmbHEuropastr. 109500 Villach/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4242-440-75Fax: +43-4242-417-82eMail: [email protected]: www.comprei.euContact: Simon Fiala (Key Account Manager)Cluster membership: styria, Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1999 Staff: 52Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: Comprei is specialised in the professional cleaning of cleanrooms of all categories, according to ISO 14644 and GMP protocols. We offer cleaning services that include regular, maintenance, and final detailed cleaning, sterile room disinfection, specialised machinecleaning within cleanrooms. We are experts in teaching and training clean-room personnel. We impart theoretical and prac-tical knowledge in different training courses. Our customers trust our many years of experience and broad expertise.

CompuGroup Medical CEE GmbHNeulinggasse 291030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7151623-0Fax: +43-1-7151623-4515eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Walter Zifferer (Head of Marketing)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAvienna Founded in: 2007Offer: ITProduction: Software products designed to sup-port all medical and organizational activities in doctors’ offices, pharmacies, laboratories and hos-pitals. Web-based personal health records contri-bute towards safer and more efficient healthcare.Services: Information services for all parties invol-ved in the healthcare system, which are based on

a unique customer base of doctors, dentists, hos-pitals, pharmacies and networks as well as other service providers.Sales & Distribution: CompuGroup Medical (CGM) is the eHealth company with one of the highest co-verage among eHealth service providers. CGM sup-ports customers with innovative solutions for the steadily growing demands of the healthcare system.

Confidence DNA-Analysen GmbHHutweidengasse 22/11190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-368-4554Fax: +43-1-367-9664eMail: [email protected]: www.confidence.atContact: Mag. Susanne Haas (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Staff: 3Production: We perform kinship analysis, i.e. main-ly paternity tests for private persons, authorities and for court.We conduct analysis also for siblings, maternity, grandparents etc. and for genealogical purposes to trace back maternal and paternal line-ages. Special prenatal non invasive paternity test.

CRS Riedlsperger KG Clinical Research ServicesBahnhofstr. 125760 Saalfelden am Steinernden Meer/SalzburgPhone: +43-6582-20913Fax: +43-6582-20913-4eMail: [email protected]: www.clinicalresearch.atContact: Mag. Reinhard Riedlsperger (CEO)Founded in: 2004Offer: contract research/clinical research, other, industry associationServices: CRO providing services for phase I-IV studies and non-inverventional studies in Austria. EC/MOH submissions project and document management according to GCP site selection onsite visits (monitoring etc) training indica-tions: all indications, focus oncology

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Das Kinderwunsch Institut Schenk GmbHAm Sendergrund 118143 Dobl/StyriaPhone: +43-3136-55111Fax: +43-3136-55111-5eMail: [email protected]: www.kinderwunsch-institut.atContact: Dr. Michael Schenk (MAS CEO, Medical Director)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1999Staff: 21Offer: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: The Kinderwunsch Institut is an indepen-dent clinic for reproductive medicine, clinical em-bryology and research. By using state-of-the-art technology and methods we can help couples ful-fil their wish to have their own child. In addition, the Kinderwunsch Institut maintains the highest quality standards (DIN EN ISO 9001/2000, GCP, GMP, GLP) in its work as an experienced partner for clinical studies and as an initiator of the Ma-sters programme for Clinical Embryology at the Uni for Life in GrazR&D: FRED (short for fertility, research, education and development) is a research company of Dr. Michael Schenk, Managing Director and Medical Director of Kinderwunsch Institut Schenk GmbH in Dobl. It bases its work on the belief that re-productive medicine requires the exploitation of synergies and provides the missing link between university-led and practically oriented research. FRED fully combines specific areas of science and practice in this highly specialised research field.Services: In particular, the initiative regards itself as a networking platform for geneticists and health professionals, and supports highly ambiti-ous projects on their way into the future.

DATACARE Datenpflege des Pharmagroßhandels Ges�m�b�H�Haidestr. 41110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-401041-950Fax: +43-1-401041-952eMail: [email protected]: www.datacare.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Deloitte Consulting GmbHRenngasse 1/Freyung1013 ViennaPhone: +43-1-53700-4860Fax: +43-1-53700-1000eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1922Staff: 950

Diagnosia Internetservices GmbHFillgradergasse 7/31060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-29566-05eMail: [email protected]: Marco Vitula (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Staff: 13Offer: IT, industry associationProfile: Diagnosia develops „Point of Care“-solutions for the health care industry. We offer a high-quality and up-to-date suite, that provides safe medical treatment. Our main product „Enter-prise“ addresses to modern medical professionals, particularly physicians. The software consists of different modules and can be completely integra-ted into hospital information systems (HIS) and patient data management systems (PDMS), but it can also be used as stand-alone applications for desktop and mobile devices.

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Production: We implemented supervised machine learning approaches enabling us to automatically extract indication, contraindication and dosage information based on a dynamic training set. So called operators are therefore annotating patterns in a defined training set of SPCs and the system stores rules based on this manual input. These rules are applied on a defined test set of SPCs and can be applied to all other SPCs of a certain language.R&D: Due to a lack of further interactive search and filter methods in existing, competitive solutions, Diagnosia decided to deal with the semantic structure of SPCs (Summary of Product Characteristics) and began to do research on su-pervised machine learning approaches, ensuring an automated extraction and understanding of the meanings of SPCs.

Diapharm Austria GmbHGumpendorfer Str. 47/141060 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.diapharm.atContact: Dr. Siegrun Gerlach (Senior Site Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Staff: 1Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingProfile: Diapharm is a leading global service provider and consulting firm. We are dedicated to supporting the consumer healthcare and phar-maceutical industry with our 25 years of market experience, passion and OTC expertise. Multidis-ciplinary experience for regulatory affairs, medical affairs, GMP and pharma consulting.Services: We support our clients when it comes to regulatory affairs, marketing authorisation, scientific and medical affairs, quality assurance and pharma consulting with multidisciplinary experience.

DLA Piper Weiss-Tessbach Rechtsanwälte GmbHSchottenring 151010 ViennaWeb: www.dlapiper.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

DNAPRO Institute for DNA Profiling GmbHEderstr. 74020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-9466-01Fax: +43-732-9466-02eMail: [email protected]: www.dnapro.atContact: Dr. Karl Zehethofer (CEO)Founded in: 2005

DORDA BRUGGER JORDIS Rechtsanwälte GmbHUniversitätsring 101010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-533479-50Fax: +43-1-53347-97eMail: [email protected]: www.dbj.atContact: Dr. Axel Anderl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1976Staff: 155Offer: legal advice and IPR managementServices: DORDA BRUGGER JORDIS Rechtsanwälte GmbH is a leading Austrian business law firm and takes a leading position in the legal structuring and implementation of complex transactions. Its about 80 lawyers (partners, associates) are organized in expert teams and have extensive experience in all aspects of business, civil and commercial law. We do have a specif life science desk dealing with all sorts of lagal issues arising in this context.

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dothealth Burghardt-Pesec OEGSt. Peter Hauptstrasse 428042 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-426609-0Fax: +43-316-426609-4eMail: [email protected]:

Dr� Robert Heinz & Partner GmbHAuhofstr. 84, Stiege 3, Top 391130 ViennaPhone: +43-7258-29126Fax: +43-7258-29126-22eMail: [email protected]: www.heinz-consulting.comContact: Christian Wolflehner (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993Offer: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: Dr. Robert Heinz & Partner GmbH, certi-fied according to EN ISO 9001 and its subsidiary, the CW - Research & Management GmbH, are an independent Contract Research Organization (Expert-CRO) operating in the pharmaceutical, medical device and healthcare industry. Our ex-pertise combined with many years of experience is the basis of our corporate philosophy and our success. Services: Our committed team of experts provides you with services on the following areas: - STU-DIES: Planning/Monitoring/Evaluation - AUDIT: GCP/GDP/GMP - SOP/QM: Preparation/Review/Management Our team has been successfully managing numerous projects since 1993 from our offices in Vienna and Adlwang (Upper Austria) and since 2013 from our office in Munich in Austria/Germany/Switzerland. Take advantage of our flexibility in order to increase your resources with the help of our team.

Dr� Röttinger Pharma KGPenzinger Str. 100/21140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8974723Fax: +43-1-8974724eMail: [email protected]: www.roettinger-pharma.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

DREHM Pharma GmbHHietzinger Hauptstr. 37/21130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-879524-50Fax: +43-1-879524-53eMail: [email protected]: www.drehm.atContact: Dr. Ewald H. Moser (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997Staff: 17Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sulting, otherServices: Regulatory Affairs - Drugs: National/EU-Procedures; Lifecycle-Management; Dossier Update; Writing complete dossiers; Project Ma-nagement; Writing, updating and translating pro-duct information (in german; english and french language); Readability tests; Medical Writing Regulatory Affairs - Food Supplements: Creation and evaluation of labels; product information and promotional material Due diligence evaluation with EU-law Pharmacovigilance: XEVMPD – Third Party Service Provider; Entire maintenance of Pharmacovigilance; PSURs; Assessment of ICSR‘s; Writing RMPs; Providing and maintenance of a pharmacovigilance database; Registration of companies at EudraVigilance; Updating Pharma-covigilance – Systems; QPPV position Quality: Intermediation of analytical laboratories; Batch Release; QP-Services; QM-Systems; Audits and Inspections

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DROGEPHA PHARMACONSULTING GmbHPetrusgasse 14/141030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-533-29110Fax: +43-1-533-7388Cluster membership: LISAvienna

dwh GmbHNeustiftgasse 57-591070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58601-80Fax: +43-1-586018-01eMail: [email protected]: www.dwh.atContact: Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Popper (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Staff: 15Offer: contract research/clinical research, enginee-ring-, design- and production consulting, ITR&D: dwh Simulation Services develops new si-mulation models together with universities and research institutions and is responsible for deve-lopment and practical realisation of these models. dwh Simulation Services combines different methods of simulation as relevant to issue concer-ned. The combination of these methods makes it possible for experts to integrate real data and ex-pert structural knowledge as directly and fully as possible into the simulation, thus making it acces-sible for the calculation of different scenarios.Services: dwh offers (and coordinates) system analysis, modelling and simulation as well as offe-ring both content-relevant. dwh offers structural planning and analysis of the available data and datasets, the development of dynamical and static models, simulation runs and follow-up visualisa-tion and preparation of the results. Wide know-how in many modelling methods and simulation technologies allows dwh Simulation Services to provide all services necessary to implement a mo-del, the simulation environment and the scenario calculation in one package. Thus, dwh Simulation

Services delivers a qualitative and quantitative basis for HTA and EBM decision-making.Sales & Distribution: dwh offers various simu-lation tools and models for Decision Making in Health Care and Health Research.

E�I�S� Executive Information Service GmbHMariahilfer Str. 88a/1/41070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5233928eMail: [email protected]: www.e-i-s-ltd.comContact: Dipl.Ing. Kurt Neumann (Senior Scientific Advisor)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995Staff: 2Offer: contract research/clinical research, enginee-ring-, design- and production consulting, ITProduction: Development and validation of soft-ware. Expert reports for court as witness expert certified by court in Vienna; the certificate of Kurt Neumann expires Dec. 31th, 2018, thereafter a re-newal would be mandatory.R&D: Applied Statistics in health and quality con-trol Pharma-/Health-ecoeconomic models and evaluations depending on client demands. De-sign and Analysis of experiments CRO services for preclinical and clinical studies (human, vete-rinary) Expert reports for courts, social security and commercial clients BIG DATA analysis, inter-pretation and results communication support Trend analysis and forecasting Risk analysis and evaluationsServices: Internet based, validated and table dri-ven electronic data capture system, multilingual and multialphabetic proprietary development On demand development of statistical analysis models. On demand publications for lobbying, advertising and other puproses. Trainings of scientific contents. Assessments of evidence levels of data with respect to empirical reliability, variability and generalisability.Sales & Distribution: See above

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e/n/w/c Natlacen Walderdorff Cancola Rechtsanwälte GmbHSchwarzenbergplatz 71030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71655-0Fax: +43-1-71655-99eMail: [email protected]: www.taylorwessing.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

EBG MedAustron GmbHMarie Curie-Str. 52700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2622-26100-0Fax: +43-2622-26100-119eMail: [email protected]: www.medaustron.atCluster membership: ecoplus

Eblinger & Partner Personal und Management Beratungsgesellschaft m�b�H�Weihburggasse 91010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5323333-0Fax: +43-1-5323333-50eMail: [email protected]: www.eblinger.atContact: Mag. Charlotte Eblinger (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1991 Staff: 22Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingServices: Eblinger & Partner Personal- und Ma-nagementberatungs GmbH has been successfully supplying professional recruitment services to international clients for over 20 years. As proven executive search and selection experts and with our focus on HR Development, we number among the Top 10 HR consultancies in Austria. We offer all-round, strategic, long-term consulting services backed not only by extensive industry contacts and networking activities, but also by a team of highly qualified consultants.

ebps logistics GmbHAlserbachstr. 181090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9551454Fax: +43-1-9551454-15eMail: [email protected]: www.ebps.atContact: Johannes Gneißl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 8Offer: ITProfile: ebps logistics gmbh is an IT-Service Com-pany. Since 2002 our company has been providing blood and blood plasma donation facilities in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic with the perfect hard- and software for donor and do-nation administration. We offer our customers tailor-made database solutions and software applications.

Edith Kotzinger GmbHLerchenfelder Hauptplatz 183502 Krems-Lerchenfeld/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-84672eMail: [email protected]: www.e-kotzingergmbh.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1990

ELGA GmbHTreustr. 35-431200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-21270-50eMail: [email protected]: www.elga.gv.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

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en�co�tec Schmid KGBreitenfurter Str. 401-413/25/R11230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8863491Fax: +43-1-8863491-18eMail: [email protected]: www.encotec.comContact: DI Martin Schmid (Managing Director & Senior Consultant)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 1999Staff: 4Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingProfile: offers unique solutions for medical device manufacturers and suppliers in the fields of regulatory compliance and quality management. The services support in all stages of the product life cycle. Our experts are medical de-vice technicians and quality engineers who have international industry experience in R & D and production. Our goal is to relieve our customers of the technical details and regulations and to provide a „one-stop-shop“ with modular defined „turnkey“ solutions.Services: We offer consulting & training for: commercially viable therapy solutions: market-standard research, feasibility studies regulatory compliant medical devices: Europe (CE), USA (FDA), JAPAN (PAL) ensuring excellent product quality: ISO 13485, ISO 14971, GMP ensuring regulatory compliance: Medical Software, Medical Apps - EN62304

Epherix Consulting & Development e�U�Spechtgasse 122340 Mödling/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-20578-74Web: www.epherix.atCluster membership: ecoplus

EQ-BOKU-VIBT-GMBH (EQ-GMBH) Equipment-BOKU Vienna Institute of Bio Technology – GmbHMuthgasse 181190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-47654-8030eMail: [email protected]; [email protected]: Dr. Hannes Diem (CEO), Ingrid Döller-Diem (Prokuristin)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Staff: 2Offer: contract research/clinical research, finan-cing, otherProfile: The EQ-GMBH was founded in 2010 for the acquisition of large instrumentation for scientific research programs. The equipment will be availa-ble to help academic groups and companies of all sizes, with technical and scientific consultation provided for new and experienced investigators to enhance the effectiveness of their scientific research. Moreover, initation of research project is also intendedR&D: Biotechnology - Nanobiotechnology - Bio-informatics - Food Sciences - Biocatalysis - Water and Wastewater - Chemistry, - Biochemistry - Ge-netics - Cell and MolecularbiologyServices: EQ-GMBH offers the access to well equipped scientific core facilities and provides op-tional scientific services.

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Ernst & Young Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft m�b�H�Wagramer Str. 191220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-21170-0Fax: +43-1-21620-77eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Walter Baumann (Partner), Mag. Erich Lehner (Partner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1849Staff: 600Offer: financing, management, HR, QM, and regu-latory consulting, otherServices: Our aim is to provide our clients with individualized solutions that fit their needs. The-refore we created a unique, worldwide network of professionals in each industry that have deep insight into their clients market environments. In the life science sector we offer the following services: ADVISORY: Risk | Performance Im-provement | IT | Advisory for Financial Services ASSURANCE: Accounting Compliance and Repor-ting | Climate Change and Sustainability Services | Financial Accounting Advisory Services | Financial Statement Audit | Fraud Investigation& Dispute Services TAX: Cash Tax Planning | Country Tax Advisory | Customs and International Trade | Global Compliance and Reporting | Performance and Reward | Global Mobility | Personal Taxes | Tax Accounting | Tax Performance Advisory | Tax Policy and Controversy | Transaction Tax | Transfer Pricing and Tax Effective Supply Chain | Value Added Tax TRANSACTIONS: Lead Advisory | Restructuring | Operational Transaction Services | Transaction Support | Transaction Tax | Valuation & Business Modelling.

ESD - Evaluation Software Development Rumpold & Holzner OGFeldstr. 26063 Rum/TyrolPhone: +43-669-125892-87eMail: [email protected]:

esz AG calibration & metrology Niederlassung ÖsterreichWallackgasse 81230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6981241-0Fax: +43-1-6981241-77eMail: [email protected]: www.esz-ag.deContact: Rudolf Fröschl (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 1976Staff: 120Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, other

etms GmbHRindbachstr. 924802 Ebensee/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-664-232-7411Fax: +43-6133-8672eMail: [email protected]: www.etm-s.atContact: Matthias Schmied (Dipl.-Ing., MSc, General Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2015Staff: 1Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: Based on more than 25 years of industrial experience and expertise with medical product development in a global surrounding we offer en-gineering and technology management services coming along with product development of medi-cal devices and transfer to production. The gain of external funding and utilization of IP is included as well. The offered services will be taylored accor-ding to your needs around the product you want to develop. Services: Engineering management & product development services: prove feasibility, select technology, evaluate business case (investment,

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manufactuing costs), derive & create specs, shape product architecture and topology, make or buy decisions, design for manufacturing, service & test, find collaboration partners, integrated QM/RM/RA, supplier selection, project planning & execution, project reviews, funding submissions & reports, IP submissions, support of start up pro-jects/companies.

eurocom Translation Services GmbHLandstraßer Hauptstr. 99-101, Top B3A1030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5853644-16Fax: +43-1-2535352-50eMail: [email protected]: www.eurocom.atContact: Jakob Dirisamer (Business Development Manager)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 1990 Staff: 22Offer: IT, communication, industry association, regional clusterProfile: eurocom combines translation expertise with technological solutions and central project management. This makes us a unique full-service translation provider delivering tangible benefits for you as our customer. We provide complete language solutions, ranging from translation (case report forms, eCTDS dossiers, package leaflets, Marketing, Websites etc) and interpretation of all major languages to localization and process consulting. For over 25 years, eurocom has been taking your content global!Production: Our dedicated, proactive project managers (PMs) take care of all your translation needs. They are at the core of eurocom’s success. Our long-term clients highly value their work, as our annual customer surveys prove. Our PMs care-fully handpick the translators according to the re-quested expertise and manage the project to your satisfaction. Our translators live in the country of the target language and translate exclusively into their native language.

R&D: We are proud to support Roche, Novartis, Baxter, Actavis, Philips, Siemens, Fresenius Kabi, Agfa Healthcare, Med-El, Sirona Dental, Weleda, Ringana and many more; most of them for many years. Therefore, whether you are launching a new product, need support for a multilingual regulatory process, or are looking for both a de-pendable and flexible partner for translating your clinical documents – eurocom is your life-science specialist!Services: eurocom is a language services provi-der certified in accordance with EN 15038 with a strong focus on information security. We are your one-stop-source for translation and techno-logy: In cooperation with our parent company, Ka-leidoscope GesmbH, we offer complete software and process solutions for language technologies, authoring systems, terminology and documenta-tion management. Specialist fields: Clinical and regulatory documents, labelling, technical manu-als, IFOs and marketing.Sales & Distribution: If you are looking for a reli-able and flexible language service provider with state-of-the-art processes and technologies, euro-com is your choice. Test our flexibility, adherence to delivery dates, quality assurance, terminology management, and personal customer support! We are confident that you will join our list of long-standing clients in the field of health and medical technologies, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

EXCELLENCE Gesellschaft für Wertschöpfung mbHParkring 188074 Grambach/StyriaPhone: +43-316-400-9200eMail: [email protected]: www.excellence-gmbh.deCluster membership: styria

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EXCELLENT Healthsearch Performers e�U� Weinberggasse 16/41190 ViennaPhone: +43-664-140-13-18Fax: +43-810-9554-383848eMail: [email protected]: www.excellent-healthsearch.comContact: Elmar Scheuba (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Staff: 1Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingProfile: EXCELLENT Healthsearch Performers e.U. is a global recruiting- and executive search company for the medtech-, pharma-, life science-, consumer medical- and allied health care industries. We offer recruiting & executive search services at all professional career levels by focusing on all func-tional areas like: Commercial sales and marketing roles, HEOR, market access, quality & regulatory, R&D and production, supply chain & logistics, finance and administration, and many other func-tional areas.R&D: We speak to the most renowned and highly qualified health care industry leaders. We address directors, vice presidents, general managers, busi-ness managers, senior managers, engineers and scientists from all global regions who are current-ly seeking new challenges and career opportuni-ties. At all times we remain mindful of their future strategy and career aspirations.Services: As an International Recruitment and Executive Search Company mainly for the Life Science-, Pharma-, Medical Devices-, Biotech-, Consumer Medical- and Hospital Industry, we are constantly sourcing Top- and Middle Managers, Engineers, Scientists and Industry Specialists at the global, international, national, regional and local level. Although the majority of our business lies within the EMEA region, we are also present in North and South America and Asia. Sales & Distribution: We offer client project exe-cution by a direct search approach from candidate identification to placement and alongside the entire value chain by considering multiple factors

such as: client time, client costs, client HR resour-ces, cultural and ethical aspects. For company clients we are acting as a global advisor for topics related to job market requirements and the gene-ral availability of candidates within a given situati-on. Furthermore we provide recommendations in terms of internal HR topics.

Exputec GmbHPfeilgasse 32/211080 ViennaPhone: +43-1-99728-49eMail: [email protected]: www.exputec.comContact: Ullrich Tröller (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Staff: 8Offer: contract research/clinical research, enginee-ring-, design- and production consulting, ITProfile: Exputec is a software- and consulting company committed to enable efficient process development, safe scale-up and robust manuf-acturing of biotech products. Exputec uniquely combines biotech-, engineering- and data science know how to progress biotechnological products safely from laboratory to commercial production. Our software products and consulting service provide great value to companies of all sizes such as contract manufacturers, biotech companies, startups and biotech investors. R&D: The Exputec innovation center is a global team of dedicated researches actively improving on algorithms, data science methods and best IT solutions in cooperation with companies, research centers and universities around the world. Expu-tec develops innovative solutions in the field of predictive analytics, model-based process monito-ring and control and scale-up. Exputec expands its technology leadership year by year in the fields of manufacturing data science.Services: Faster and Safer from Lab to Production Customers rely on Exputec in order to transfer biotechnological processes from laboratory to production facilities safely. Exputec plays a critical role in helping organizations identify the ideal ap-

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proach for process scale-up. Manufacturing Data Science Exputec uses its innovative know how to improve manufacturing based on the analysis and modelling of big process data. Our customers acquire and act on Big Data insights faster than its competitors. Sales & Distribution: Exputec inCyght - Data Sci-ence Software Companies discover emerging tech-nologies and are using Exputec software and con-sulting services to leverage its big data effectively. During process development and manufacturing, large amount of process data are continuously collected. Using innovative data science features, the software enables customers of the process industry to tap this potential and efficiently ana-lyze, model and report large sets of fermentation process and downstream process data.

EyelabinnovationsFeldstr. 1b6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-699-1509-7860eMail: [email protected]: http://eyelabinnovations.comContact: David Ortner, BSc (Owner)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2012Staff: 1Offer: engineering-, design- and production consultingProfile: Our goal is to offer training possibilities to surgical ophthalmologists. Our trainings concen-trate on the newest surgical techniques with the newest equipment. We offer everything a surgeon or anybody with innovative training desires can imagine.Production: Our production takes place exclusively in Austria.The process was developed by us and all producing tools are made for us.R&D: Our goal is to enable the worldwide ope-rating ophthalmologists ongoing training. This training includes the latest surgical techniques, modern instruments, based on the technical and temporal life of surgeons and those with some innovative training desires.

FERAGEN e�U�Strubergasse 265020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-439383eMail: [email protected]: www.feragen.atFounded in: 2012Staff: 2

Fiebinger Polak Leon & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbHAm Getreidemarkt 11060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58258-0Fax: +43-1-58258-2eMail: [email protected]: www.fplp.atContact: DDr. Karina Hellbert (Partner; Head of Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical Law)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1990Staff: 40Offer: legal advice and IPR managementServices: Fiebinger Polak Leon Attorneys-at-Law is one of the few Austrian law firms that have a particular focus on pharmaceutical companies in IP and product liability related issues, however, the firm‘s particular strength is to provide a one-stop, full service for our life science clients. The firm regularly advises national and international pharmaceutical/medical devices corporations on all areas, particularly in proceedings related to the approval of listed drugs/CE-conformity as well as reimbursement schemes, regulatory issues, patent law, product liability, competition/unfair trade law, anti-bribery rules, contract law and data protection.

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floorfour Agentur für Kommunikation OGWeyringergasse 34/21040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3064-306-0 Fax: +43-1-3064-306-44eMail: [email protected]: www.floorfour.atContact: Mehrdokht TesarCluster membership: LISAvienna

focuz kommunikation – Mag� Viktoria SchichlReininghausstr. 13/EG/58020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-908032Fax: +43-316-90850090eMail: [email protected]: www.focuz.atCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2006Staff: 2Offer: communication

Freimüller Obereder Pilz RechtsanwältInnen GmbHAlser Str. 211080 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40605-51Fax: +43-1-40696-01eMail: [email protected]: www.jus.atContact: Mag. Michael Pilz (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaOffer: legal advice and IPR managementR&D: specialized on IT/IP Law, Austrian and Inter-national Law

fz Strategie & Kommunikation KGReininghausstr. 138020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-908317Fax: +43-316-904349eMail: [email protected]: www.franzzuckriegl.comCluster membership: styria

gcp gamma capital partners Beratungs- & Beteiligungs GmbHSchönbrunnerstr. 218-220, Stiege A, 4. Stock1120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5131072-0Fax: +43-1-5131072-200eMail: [email protected]: www.gamma-capital.comContact: Dipl.Ing. Burkhard Feurstein (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 4Offer: contract research/clinical research, financingProfile: GCP is a venture capital management firm with a decade long track record in life science investments. GCP is focused on providing growth equity and value creation and realization for equi-ty holders.Services: Financing Business Development Com-pany Development Merger & Acquisitions

Gesellschaft für Pharmatransporte GmbHJägerstr. 741200 ViennaCluster membership: LISAvienna

Gotschy OptotechnikWaidach 1165421 Adnet/SalzburgWeb:

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Green Pharma GmbHCarre Rotunde Schüttelstr. 551020 ViennaCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007

Gridlab GmbHGöstinger Str. 2138051 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-225-106Fax: +43-316-269-400eMail: [email protected]: www.gridlab.atContact: Dr. Hermann Maier (CEO)Founded in: 2009Staff: 5Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sultingR&D: Optimisation of industrial plants and pro-cesses with a focus on CFD modelling (multiphase flows, mixing tanks, etc.). The realisation and ma-nagement of R&D projects, our know-how in the field of fluid dynamics, practical experience, ideas and network make gridlab an interesting partner for challenges regarding R&D-projects.Services: Optimisation of industrial plants and pro-cesses with a focus on CFD modelling (multiphase flows, mixing tanks, etc.). The real 3D-flow con-ditions in plants have a significant impact on the plant’s performance and therefore on investment and operational costs of an industrial plant. Many problems that may occur during operation can be attributed to fluid dynamic reasons: poor plant efficiency & product quality, low removal efficiency, high energy & pressure losses, but also plant dama-ges, scaling, accidental shutdowns and more. The reasons of plant malfunctions can be examined and identified by numerical modelling of the fluid dynamics in conjunction with our long term ex-perience. In a second step improvement concepts can be developed at the computer without doing any changes in the real plant too soon. gridlab, lo-cated in Graz, is not only a specialist for modelling of multi-phase flows but also knows to combine complex high-end computations with their skills regarding plant optimisation.

GS1 Austria GmbHBrahmsplatz 31040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5058601Fax: +43-1-505-8601-22eMail: [email protected]: www.gs1.atContact: Klaus Schober (Business Development Manager Healthcare)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaStaff: 50Services: With the GS1 system, GS1 Austria provides its users with a series of harmonized standards and solutions based on the worldwide unique GS1 identification numbers for sites, products, shipping units, etc. The latter are used to create standards for barcodes, electronic data interchange (EDI), master data management (GDSN), and radio frequency technology (RFID/EPCglobal). GS1 Austria combines the flow of goods with the flow of information, thus making business processes faster, more pro-fitable, and more secure. There are more than 1 million GS1 members worldwide in 158 countries. 6.5 billion barcodes are scanned daily. A neutral non-profit organization, GS1 Austria has been in existence since 1977.

GSM-Gesellschaft für Sicherheit in der Medizintechnik GmbHLeitermayergasse 43/11180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40384-90Fax: +43-1-4038490-50eMail: [email protected]: www.gsm.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Guarding Concepts Consulting KG Allerheiligen 518643 Allerheiligen im Mürztal/StyriaPhone: +43-676-58-66-142Fax: +43-3865-31-699eMail: [email protected]:

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H B S Health Business Solutions GmbHDr. Karl Renner Haus 32482 Münchendorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2259-30032eMail: [email protected]: www.hbsolutions.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, ecoplusStaff: 2Offer: IT

Habcore GmbHEduard-Wallnöfer-Zentrum 1 (UMIT)6060 Hall/TyroleMail: [email protected]: www.habcore.atCluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2013

HappyMed GmbHWurlitzergasse 55/121160 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.happymed.orgCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 2015

HealthCare Consulting GmbHZiegelofengasse 331050 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8654278Fax: +43-1-8654278-18eMail: [email protected]: www.hccgroup.euContact: Mag. Dominik Flener (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1989Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingServices: We offer seminars for employees wor-king in the pharmaceutical and medicinal pro-ducts industry. Our offering ranges from specific

trainings for clinical research, to marketing, mar-ket access, administration and sales. One can at-tend one of our open seminars in Vienna or book a tailored made inhouse training. Our speakers are experts in the healthcare industry with experience for several years and a real hands on approach.

Hermann Mucke Pharma Consultancy e�U�Enenkelstr. 28/321160 ViennaPhone: +43-664-1010-121Fax: +43-664-771010-121eMail: [email protected]: www.hmpharmacon.comContact: Dr. Hermann A. M. Mucke (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 2Offer: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingR&D: Database and drug information system development, with a particular focus on patent documents and drug development. Drug repurpo-sing in all fields of pharmacologyServices: H.M. Pharma Consultancy is an infor-mation-driven knowledge foundry in the service of pharmaceutical and medical device business development. Scientific expertise, advanced data retrieval and analysis modalities, and cutting edge knowledge management enable us to operate in-ternationally from our offices in Austria as a high-ly flexible and responsive enterprise. Specialties include strategic patenting, drug development up to early-stage clinical trials, drug repurposing, life science market analysis, and assistance with busi-ness development and regulatory activities.

HL Dr� Hans Loibner Bioscience Research GmbHHeimgasse 231230 ViennaPhone: +43-664-926-3820eMail: [email protected]: www.hl-bioscience.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

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Horizonte Venture Management GmbHc/o Regus Opera Kärntner Ring 5-71010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-20511-60eMail: [email protected] Web: www.horizonte.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

HygCen Austria GmbHWerksgelände 285500 Bischofshofen/SalzburgPhone: +43-6462-5319Fax: +43-6462-32753eMail: [email protected]: www.hygcen.atContact: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Peter WernerCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1999Staff: 6

IDS Media GmbHSerlesstr. 17-196063 Rum/TyrolPhone: +43-512-2020-27Fax: +43-512-202027-55eMail: [email protected]: www.ids-media.atContact: Mag. Lars Tursky (CEO)Founded in: 2000Staff: 4Offer: communicationProfile: IDS Austria provides at ‚the point-of-care‘ communication channels and marketing solutions. Through surgeries IDS Austria enables you to reach millions of consumers and thousands of health-care professionals. We work across many sectors, partnering with clients spanning prescription and OTC medicines, government bodies, charities, di-rect marketing companies, and the FMCG industry.Services: Communications to Healthcare Con-sumers We have media in over 2000 surgery waiting rooms where you can reach millions of consumers. Communications to Healthcare

Professionals We have years of experience in reaching healthcare professionals across all disci-plines. Our range of bespoke solutions using IDS telemarketing and field team mean we have a marketing solution to meet your needs.

IFMS – Infrastrukturelles Facility Management Sercice GmbHGarnisongasse 3/111090 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

IML – Integrated Medical Logistic GmbHRegensburger Str. 64470 Enns/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7223-86600Fax: +43-7223-86600-90Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2001Staff: 5

IMS Health Marktforschung GmbHEuropaplatz 3 Stiege 4 Ebene 6 Top 021150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7800-20Fax: +43-1-7800-29eMail: [email protected]: www.imshealth.atContact: Mag. Erika SanderCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1961Production: Retail data, National data Services: Primary Market Resarch, Information and Data Analytics, Management Consulting, Sales-force Effectivess ProfilingSales & Distribution: Pharmaceutical Audit, Hos-pital data

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in-spectum e�U�Kupelwiesergasse 5/41130 ViennaPhone: +43-664-1010079eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Elisaweta Bubits (Owner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sulting, industry association, regional clusterProfile: in-spectum offers you professional execu-tive/expert search and recruiting in the life science and technology industry in Europe, career consul-ting, out placement consulting and coaching in order to support successful personal and business development. We offer our services in German, En-glish, French and

INFORMATICS Consulting & Development GmbHSalzburger Str. 2054030 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-681-9590eMail: [email protected]: www.informatics.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Ing� Fritz Kern Gesellschaft m�b�H�Fröbelgasse191160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4933-338eMail: [email protected]: www.kern-med.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Initial Austria GmbHDieselstr. 123362 Mauer/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-7472-61770-0Fax: +43-7472-61770-7eMail: [email protected]: www.initial.atCluster membership: ecoplus

Innovation Coaches Stadler KGFavoritenstr. 161040 ViennaPhone: +43-680-20688-53Fax: +43-1-253303384-17eMail: [email protected]: www.innovationcoaches.atContact: Mag. Manfred Stadler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Staff: 5Offer: financingServices: Counselling in applying for Austrian grants in R&D. Optimisation of success rate in receiving those grants. Experience from more than 10,000 R&D projects. Success-based fees sharing customer‘s risk.Sales & Distribution: Financial counselling with an emphasis on governmental grants.

INNOWELD-Metallverarbeitung Gesellschaft m�b�H�Industriepark8682 Mürzzuschlag/StyriaPhone: +43-3852-5412eMail: [email protected]:

Institut für medizinische und chemische Labordiagnostik Gesellschaft mbHRosensteingasse 49 – 511170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-485-6161Fax: +43-1-485-6161-200eMail: [email protected]: www.imcl.atContact: Dr. Renée Tauffer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

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Institut für Pharmaökonomische ForschungWolfengasse 4/71010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-513200-7Fax: +43-1-513200-715eMail: [email protected]: www.ipf-ac.atContact: Dr. Evelyn Walter (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingR&D: The IPF is an independent, non-university research institute, dealing with analyses and strategic research within health economics with the main focus on health economic evaluation like cost-effectiveness-analysis, modeling and health-economic-research. The main focus is centered within the pharmaceutical-, life sciences- as well as diagnostic- and medical devices industry. Eco-nomic evaluation is increasingly used to allocate of scarce health resources and to appraise health care products and services.Services: The IPF offers customized services for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR), Pricing and Reimbursement, Market Ac-cess and strategy development in the following areas Health Economic Evaluation Health Economic Research Pharmaeconomics Public relations Health Economic Evaluation Support throughout the product lifecycle Health Eco-nomic Evaluation Pricing and Reimbursement Support Sales Forecasts Patient Flow Budget-Impact-Analysis Chart Reviews Cost of Illness Analysis Collection of Epidemiological Data Collection of HEOR Data Quality of Life Studies Health Economic Research Providing studies from a health care perspective as well as health financing analysis Health Services Research Health Care Research Health Expenditure Opti-mal Financing Economic Importance of particu-lar Sectors Socio-economic Determinants within the Health Care System National Regulations of the Health Market Health Policy Pharmaeco-nomics Focusing on the pharmaceutical sector within a business environment Observation

of Actors within the Pharmaceutical Sector International Comparisons of Pharmaceutical Prices National Regulatory System within the Pharmaceutical Sector Pharmaceutical Spending Consumption of Pharmaceuticals Distribution of Pharmaceuticals Economic Importance of the Pharmaceutical Sector Public Relation Con-tributing to the scientific state of the art for the experts and the public Publications Training Courses Press Conferences Media Relations Workshops Marketing Solutions Congress Presentations

InterGest Austria Business Development and Administration GmbHSchubertring 9-111010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-31060-1010Fax: +43-1-31060-106eMail: [email protected]: www.intergest.comContact: Dr. Anneliese FraydeneggCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996

Intermedix Österreich GmbHNeulinggasse 301030 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.intermedix.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Intern� Innovation and Business ConsultingSturmkreuzweg 148047 Keinbach bei Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-664-2118382Mail: [email protected]: www.strategy.atCluster membership: styria



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inVentiv Health Clinical GmbHc/o Dr. Werner Loibl Schottenfeldgasse 85/111070 ViennaWeb: www.inventivhealthclinical.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013

IPO Beteiligungs-Management AGArgentinierstr. 42/61040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5056320Fax: +43-1-5056320-50eMail: [email protected]: www.ipo-austria.atContact: Mag. Raimund Gfrerer (Vorstand)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Offer: financing

J&P Medical Research Ltd�Mooslackengasse 171190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8760432-17Fax: +43-1-8760432-33eMail: [email protected]: Univ.-Doz. Dr. Christian Joukhadar (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 42Offer: contract research/clinical researchProfile: Our Institute comprises a group of highly motivated professionals who operate in full com-pliance with ICH-GCP regulations. We perform highest quality clinical projects in accordance with international ICH-GCP guidelines, GLP and local regulatory requirements. All our activities are driven by a highly capable and experienced management team.R&D: J&P MEDICAL RESEARCH Ltd. offers the entire range of clinical research. Our interdisciplinary prin-cipal investigators and research staff have long-standing expertise in conducting phase II-IV clinical

studies. Our outstanding reputation stems from diligently focusing on planning and conducting scientific studies, pharmacokinetic and statistical analyses, clinical trial monitoring and the preparati-on of standardized medical documents.Services: We offer our clients the unique opportu-nity to accomplish complex tasks in the shortest period of time possible through profound know-ledge of the market, promptly available state-of-the-art facilities and cooperations with the best research centers and close ties to medical opinion leaders at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UCLA, Medical University of Texas, Charité Berlin, Ludwig-Boltzmann Insti-tute, Medical Universities in Austria and many more worldwide.Sales & Distribution: We respect strict timelines and make our sponsors´ studies highly cost-effec-tive. Our expertise coupled with a large database of potential study subjects allows us to offer ex-cellence in quality and affordability.

Kaleidoscope Communications Solutions GmbHLandstraßer Hauptstr. 99-101, Top B3A1030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2535-352eMail: [email protected]: www.kaleidoscope.atCluster membership: LISAvienna



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Kapsch BusinessCom AGWienerbergstr. 531120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-0508-110eMail: [email protected]: www.kapsch.netContact: Mag. Claudia Putz (Branchenmanager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998Staff: 949Offer: IT, communication, otherServices: Kapsch BusinessCom – a company of the Kapsch Group – is a leading ICT service partner in Austria, Central and Eastern Europe with over 1,300 employees and annual sales exceeding 250 million euros. Embedded in the Kapsch Group, Kapsch BusinessCom is active worldwide with its own offices in Austria and subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland. Kapsch has positioned itself as an ICT ser-vice partner offering a complete solution portfolio covering the areas of information technology as well as telecommunications. In addition to system integration and continuous optimization mea-sures, Kapsch BusinessCom is increasingly taking on responsibility for the entire area of operations. Kapsch BusinessCom relies on manufacturer independence and partnerships with globally lea-ding technology providers, such as Apple, Aastra, Avaya, Cisco, Google, Hitachi, HP and Microsoft. In concert with these partners Kapsch offers its ser-vices as a consultant, system supplier and service provider, but above all as a reliable, dependable, long-term trusted advisor in a rapidly changing technological environment. Kapsch BusinessCom always generates clear added value for its over 17,000 customers.

kdg mediatech GmbHDorf 916652 Elbigenalp/TyrolPhone: +43-5634-500-351Fax: +43-5634-5302-351eMail: [email protected]:

KLIMENT & HENHAPEL Patentanwälte OGSingerstr. 8/91010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-512-7791Fax: +43-1-512-4715eMail: [email protected]: www.klimenthenhapel.atContact: DI Dr. Andreas Pföstl (Patent Attorney)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1937Offer: legal advice and IPR managementProfile: KLIMENT & HENHAPEL Patent Attorneys is a leading Intellectual Property Law firm in Austria with Austrian and European Patent and Trade-mark Attorneys working in all areas of technology with a strong focus on pharmaceuticals and life sciences. The firm is based in Vienna and has branch offices in Linz and Salzburg. Clients include international and national companies of varying sizes. KLIMENT & HENHAPEL advices its clients in all patent, trademark and design-related matters.Services: We offer services in the field of intelle-ctual property law (patents, brands and designs) and assist our clients in application, registration, cancellation, nullity and infringement proceedings in Austria, Europe and throughout the world.We regularly elaborate expert opinions and conduct freedom-to-operate analyses and support our cli-ents in their Innovation process.

KMU Beratungs GmbHPestalozzigasse 31010 ViennaCluster membership: LISAvienna



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Service Providers

Koordinierungszentrum für Klinische Studien (KKS)Kinderspitalgasse 15/3. Obergeschoß1090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40160-25176Fax: +43-1-40160-925180eMail: [email protected]: [email protected]: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael WolztCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008 Staff: 10Offer: contract research/clinical researchR&D: University based CROServices: Monitoring, data management, regula-tory activities, medical writing

Kwizda Pharmadistribution GmbHAchauer Str. 22333 Leopoldsdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-5-9977 - 26 710Fax: +43-5-9977 - 50 519eMail: [email protected]: www.kwizda-pharmadistribution.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1972Profile: Kwizda Pharmadistribution is the leading Austrian logistic service provider for the health-care industry. With our state-of-the-art distribu-tion centre in Vienna we provide pre-wholesale services for the Austrian Market fulfilling highest compliance standards. Our logistics expertise goes beyond the usual with an additional focus on cold-chain and high value logistics, clinical trial material distribution and providing our clients solutions that are one step ahead.

Laboratorium für Betriebshygiene GmbHMuthgasse 18 Haus B1190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-47654-1250eMail: [email protected]: www.labh.atContact: Helga Weisse (CEOCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 8

LABOVET GmbH Labor für Veterinärdiagnostik und HygieneCampus Vienna Biocenter 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40781-92eMail: [email protected]: www.labovet.atContact: Dr. Louis Fischer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2003Staff: 9Profile: Founded 2003 by Dr. L. Fischer. Focused on veterinary diagnostics of swine deseases. Since 2013 located at Campus Vienna Biocenter 3, 1030 Vienna. Member of F&F d. Schweinemedizin and Austrian Buiatristic Society. Eversince in close co-operation with the University of Veterinary Medi-cine, Vienna; Austrian animal health agencies and zoological institutions. R&D: Enhencement of veterinary diagnostic me-thods. Development and improvement of new analytical methods.Services: Veterinary diagnostics with emphasis on productive livestock. Veterinary consultance. Sere-ology, PCR-Diagnostics, Bacteriology

legis – Kooperation selbständiger RechtsanwälteBrucknerstr. 61040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51365-88Fax: +43-1-51365-8833eMail: [email protected]: www.legis.atContact: Dr. Manuela M. Pacher (Partner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 10Offer: legal advice and IPR managementServices: Company law, including reorganisations, individual and collective labour law, legal counsel for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, intellectuel property law and general contract law.



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Leo Heilinger e�UAlserbachstr. 26 Top 371090 ViennaPhone: +43-664-595-1468eMail: [email protected]: www.leoheilinger.comContact: Leopold-Johann Heilinger (Managing Director & Senior Consultant)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Offer: communication, otherProfile: Leo Heilinger e.U. is a management and or-ganisational consulting firm with a focus on sales and marketing for Medtech companies in national and international sales markets.Services: Export consultancy focused on D-A-CH region, Central and Eastern Europe, Southern Eastern Europe, CIS, Middle East and Africa. Con-sultancy and assistance for Medtech companies in the following areas: • Sales, • Marketing, • Sales Channel Development, • Change Management, • Organisational development.

Liebenwein Rechtsanwälte GmbHHohenstaufengasse 71010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51261140Fax: +43-1-512611460eMail: [email protected]: www.liebenwein.euContact: Mag. Karl Liebenwein (CEO), Stefanie Liebenwein (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1994Offer: legal advice and IPR managementProfile: Austrian law firm with a wide range of legal experience, especially concerning life science matters, and higly specialized attorney‘s at law -

Life Science-TexteObermüllnerstr. 17/421020 ViennaPhone: +43-676-940-2667eMail: [email protected]: www.lifescience-texte.deContact: Dr. Eva Müller (Head of Company)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001Offer: communicationProfile: Freelance Science Writer, Writing Instrucor, Translator in the Life Sciences.Services: SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL WRITING Re-search articles, case reports, posters, brochures, patient information, project reports, etc. for phar-maceutical companies, research institutions, hos-pitals and individual scientists/physicians. LERN TO WRITE Learn in a workshop how to prepare a scientific article step by step or ask for individual coaching. SPECIALIST TRANSLATIONS German - English; a team of native speakers, all with a pro-fessional background in life science.Sales & Distribution: Workshop: „How to write a paper“ Target group: Universities, research institutions, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and whoever wants to learn how to put science into writing.

life-science Karriere ServicesBreitenseer Str. 491140 ViennaPhone: +43-699-111 600 18eMail: [email protected]: DI Gisela Zechner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: life-science Karriere Services is highly specialized in life scientists and the first address when you are looking for qualified professionals. We assist companies, research institutes and scientists in their efforts to find each other easy. We support all companies and branches which



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are looking for employees with life science com-petences and aim to strengthen the scientists in their professional life. We inform about potentials and possibilities to promote an optimistic view on the future.Services: online job market – specialized on life-scientists in any position; management, sales, re-search, administration and others; for professional experts as well as for young graduates. network events - promote socializing within the life-science community and support the exchange of ideas and experiences. news from the scene - in-form about future oriented innovations, business models, calls, events, awards, as well as successful people and give an insight in what’s going on.

lifebrain AGJohannesgasse 20/61010 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.lifebrain.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013

LifeTool gemeinnützige GmbHHafenstr. 47-514020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-997056Fax: +43-732-997056-5201eMail: [email protected]: www.lifetool.atContact: Mag. David Hofer (Director)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2008Staff: 16Offer: contract research/clinical researchProfile: LIFEtool is located in Linz and is founded by Diakoniewerk and Austrian Institut of Techno-logy. LIFEtool wants to contribute to opening up the world of computers, which comes so natural to us, to people who suffer from handicaps, lear-ning disabilities or multiple impairments. LIFEtool wants to enhance these person’s integration and equal opportunities. LIFEtool has developed a number of educational and switch accessible

software programs as well as the awarded Inte-graMouse Plus®.R&D: - Assistive Technology (including Medical devices) Special Needs Software Ambient As-sistive LivingServices: - applied orientated research and deve-lopment in the field of Assistive Technology and Special Needs Software programs applied ori-entated research and development in the field of Ambient Assistive Living for elderly people eva-luation of prototypes and solutions in the field of Assistive Technology, Ambient Assistive Living and Special Needs Software definition of user requi-rements in the field of Assistive Technology, Ambi-ent Assistive Living and Special Needs SoftwareSales & Distribution: Our daughter company LIFE-tool Solutions GmbH provides a worldwide sales network for LIFEtool products like IntegraMouse Plus (a computer mouse solely controlled by mouth for people with high level of spinal injuries, certified as medical device class 1) and Special Needs Software.

Lorenz Consult Ziviltechniker GmbHSparbersbachgasse 468010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-8018-0Fax: +43-316-8018-30eMail: [email protected]: www.lorenz-consult.atContact: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Lorenz (CEO and Owner)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1972Staff: 40Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sultingProfile: We are innovative Overall engineers rea-lizing sustainable visions. Planning Services for buildings are: Project Management master planning due diligance studies building design (architecture, HVAC, structural design) construc-tion supervision Prozess planning for life sci-ences Labor planning Planning Tools used as 3D/BIM technology



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Louise Rosenmayr-Templeton Tower Pharma ConsultingAuhofstr. 197/101130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60034-64Fax: +43-1-60034-64eMail: [email protected]: www.towerpharmacon.comContact: Dr. Louise Rosenmayr-Templeton (Founder)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Profile: Tower Pharma Consulting is a boutique consultancy that provides a variety of specialist services to pharmaceutical and biotech com-panies. Its focus is on pharmaceutical product development, formulation science and drug de-livery technologies. It creates value for its clients through timely provision of ideas, expertise and information where in-house resources are limited and/or specialist knowledge is required.Services: The consultancy services provided by Tower Pharma Consulting include the following: Formulation development of compounds for oral and parenteral delivery including the application of drug delivery technologies to difficult-to-for-mulate molecules. Application of drug delivery technologies for product life-cycle management purposes Technology evaluation and bench-marking studies Service provider evaluation

m27 Fedas Management und Beratungs GmbHSackstr. 4/1.OG8010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-232323-23Fax: +43-616-232323-31eMail: [email protected]: www.m27-finanzierung.atContact: Mag. Michael Schmidbauer (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2008Offer: financing, otherServices: M27 Fedas GmbH M27 is an internatio-nal consulting group that supports companies in their sustained economic growth. At locations in

Graz, Vienna, Bratislava, Bucharest, Budapest and Brno we assist our customers in matters of project funding and corporate finance. M27 specifical-ly focuses on the business areas of innovation grants, tax premium for R&D and the search for equity partners.

Mag� Andreas Raffeiner GmbHReiterstr. 94111 Walding/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-699-133860-62Fax: +43-7234-854-20eMail: [email protected]: www.studien-monitor.atContact: Mag. Andreas Raffeiner (CEO)Founded in: 2002Staff: 10Offer: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, otherR&D: Project management and monitoring of in-terventional and non-interventional clinical trials on medicinal products and medical devices for human useServices: •Data capture and reporting by a user-friendly eCRF-tool Planning, design and evaluati-on of clinical studies; •Project management and monitoring of clinical studies (medicinal products and medical devices)and non-interventional stu-dies Management and project support in the fields of market research and epidemiological studies Management consulting and the asso-ciated lecturing activities Seminars for principal investigators and monitors: GCP, patient briefing and informed consent, practical monitoring in-cluding coaching und start-up support, essential study documentation, SOP trainings, etc.



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Service Providers

MC Toxicology Consulting GmbHSiebensterngasse 31/91070 ViennaPhone: +43-664-2378-137eMail: [email protected]: www.toxicology.ccContact: Dr. Monika Chabikovsky (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006 Staff: 7Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingProfile: With expertise in toxicology and regulato-ry affairs, MC Toxicology Consulting supports drug development by designing tailored, product- and indication-specific non-clinical programs. Respon-ding directly to client needs, the company offers non-clinical and regulatory services and solutions a la carte or as part of an integrated program.

MCW Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Breuninggasse 61230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6675-6650eMail: [email protected]: www.mcw.atContact: Klaus Propst (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

MDP Medizintechnische DekubitusprophylaxeRoggenstr. 154070 Fraham/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-664-9344-416Web:

MEDahead Gesellschaft für medizinische Information mbHSeidengasse 9/Top 1.31070 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.medahead.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Offer: communication

MedCom Medizinische Software-erstellungs- und VertriebsgmbHHerziggasse 5-71230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-869-3658Fax: +43-1-869-5182eMail: [email protected]: www.medcom.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

MedCubes GmbHLakeside B707/B9020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-32838-80Fax: +43-463-328388-99eMail: [email protected]: www.medcubes.comFounded in: 2012Staff: 7 Offer: IT

MedEval – Qualitäts-, Leistungs- und Struktur-Evaluierung im Gesundheitswesen GmbHGrabenweg 36020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-573535-12eMail: [email protected]: www.ami-info.atCluster membership: Life Sciences Tirol

Mediatum Österreich GmbHHietzinger Hauptstr. 55a1130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8775559Fax: +43-1-8775559-20eMail: [email protected]: www.mediatum.comContact: Andreas Perklitsch (CEO)Cluster membership: styria, Health Technology Cluster, Life Sciences Tirol, LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Offer: management, HR, QM, regulatory consulting



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Profile: Mediatum is an international Executive Search Company, which specialises in the place-ment of experts and management positions in the pharma, biotech, MedTech, Diagnostics, Chemicals and Health care industry. Additionally, we offer development services, assessment and coaching. Our Life Science expertise, international contacts and network connect you with leaders, companies and investors.

MediTrainment Consulting GmbHJennisweg 86094 Axams/TyrolPhone: +43-5234-33119Fax: +43-5234-33019eMail: [email protected]: www.meditrainment.comContact: Dr. Alexander Smekal (CMO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2005Offer: communication, otherProfile: Meditrainment is the leading provider of educational training in the domain of Radiology in the German speaking countries. We develop, produce and conduct educational training, video based training & online training for B2B as well as B2C. Beside face-to-face training Meditrain-ment develops multimedial content to realize and support elearning environments & blended learning concepts. In R&D we are focused on communication & educational training of elderly (Andragogy & Geragogy).Production: Multimedial content in medical ed-ucational training with focus on radiology and content for communication & education of elderly persons. Development of multimedial content in medicine and healthcare. Video and audio produc-tion, Design, structural design and implementa-tion of elearning and blended learning platforms.R&D: Partner in FP7 „MONARCA“ and EU frame-work program AAL (ambient assisted living) „You-Do“ in motivational design of elearning environ-ments, content development, content production & -distribution.Services: Educational training courses in medicine with focus on Radiology, as face-to-face training,

in-house training, elearning or blended learning in German, English and Russian. (B2B & B2C) Development of learning scenarios in medicine and healthcare (B2B) HR-development in Radio-logy. QM in Radiology. (B2B & B2C) Consulting in HR-development and radiological infrastructure development. (B2B & B2C)Sales & Distribution: Production & Services

MedMedia Verlag und Mediaservice GmbHSeidengasse 9-11/11070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4073111-0Fax: +43-1-40731-14eMail: [email protected]: www.medmedia.atCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 45Offer: communication

MedTech-Support GmbHRudolf Matt Gasse 193425 Langenlebarn/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-849-6420eMail: [email protected]: www.medtechsupport.atContact: Ing. Aurelius Zdrazil (Owner)Cluster membership: ecoplus

MEDtest, Dr� Schmoranzer GmbHWestbahnstr. 31/II/201070 ViennaPhone: +49-676-9300660eMail: [email protected]: www.medtest.atContact: Dr. Fritz SchmoranzerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005Profile: medical consultingServices: medical consulting (devices, drugs), clinical trial performance (planning, regulatories, monitoring, data/query management, reporting), medical Trainings (physicians, nurses, sales)



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Service Providers

MICHOR CONSULTING e�U�Schönbrunner Str. 238/2/71120 ViennaPhone: +43-699-195216-62Fax: +43-1-8905714-15eMail: [email protected]: www.michor-consulting.euContact: Dr. Salma Michor (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008 Staff: 4Offer: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, industry associationServices: Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Regu-latory Affairs and Quality Assurance Consulting and Training, EUROPEAN AUTHORISED REPRESEN-TATIVE, CE Marking, Vigilance Reporting, Product Development, Artwork and Labeling, SOPs, Due Diligence, Quality Systems, Quality Audits, ISO 13485,HAACP, GLP, GCP, GMP,GDP, CTD, eCTD, Drug Submissions, Drug Development, Medical Device Submissions, Technical Writing, IT, Validation

Moser & Partner Ingenieurbüro GmbHSalzbergstr. 136067 Absam/TyrolPhone: +43-5223-22112Fax: +43-5223-204723eMail: [email protected]: www.moser-partner.atContact: DI (FH) Herbert Wild (Office Manager)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1996 Staff: 24Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, industry association, regional clusterProfile: Moser & Partner provides professional planning services for total building solutions. Our commitment: intelligent energy and techno-logy solutions. At Moser & Partner, our consulting engineers work together with clients and archi-tects to develop optimal Building Services Engi-neering solutions that are fully integrated into building structures.

Services: For over fifteen years, the Moser & Partner team, based in Austria, has conducted Building Services Engineering projects throughout Europe and beyond. The diverse needs and goals of our clients have allowed us to gain extensive expertise and experience across the full range of Building Services Engineering.Sales & Distribution: Professional planning services for total building solutions, located in Absam, near Innsbruck. Our commitment: intelli-gent energy and technology solutions. At Moser & Partner, our consulting engineers work together with clients and architects to develop optimal Building Services Engineering solutions that are fully integrated into building structures.

Moser Medizintechnik GmbHHandelskai 1311020 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.mosermedtech.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, industry associationServices: For over fifteen years, the Moser & Partner team, based in Austria, has conducted Building Services Engineering projects throughout Europe and beyond. The diverse needs and goals of our clients have allowed us to gain extensive expertise and experience across the full range of Building Services Engineering.Sales & Distribution: Professional planning services for total building solutions, located in Absam, near Innsbruck. Our commitment: intelli-gent energy and technology solutions. At Moser & Partner, our consulting engineers work together with clients and architects to develop optimal Building Services Engineering solutions that are fully integrated into building structures.



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MP2 IT-Solutions GmbH Belenos HandelsgmbHEffingergasse 23a1160 ViennaPhone: +43-720-555-955eMail: [email protected]: www.mp2.atContact: Manfred Pascher (CMC, Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996Staff: 30Offer: ITProfile: MP2 ITSolutions GmbH are the specialists when it comes to the healthcare system: for over 15 years we have worked for hospitals, rehabili-tation and health centers, nursing homes, and laboratories integrating highend ITsolution for infrastructure and process optimization. Our team is highly specialized and trained to meet today‘s Life Science industry‘s needs in IT and software.Services: Our products & services include: integra-ted IT solutions, server support, medical software, process optimization, diagnostic tools, interdis-ciplinary equipment connection and support we have the perfect recipe for everything.Sales & Distribution: You can be sure that your company network keeps running. For it is not only the latest technology, but also meets the highest safety standards. this is our emphasis already du-ring the planning stage of your company network and then we work around the clock to ensure smooth operation. In addition, our development department consists of highly skilled software engineers creating the bespoke solution for your needs.

MPL Mikrobiologisches Prüflabor GmbHGrabenweg 686020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-364-353eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Angelika Karl (CEO)Founded in: 1993Staff: 6

mts-the wetlab company GmbHFeldstrasse 1a-b6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-3600-73Fax: +43-512-3600-7315eMail: [email protected]:

NATEX Prozesstechnologie GesmbHWerkstr. 72630 Ternitz/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2630-32120eMail: [email protected]: www.natex.atContact: Dipl.Ing. Helmut SeidlitzCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1993

Netural GmbHPeter-Behrens-Platz 24020 Linz/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.netural.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Newole & Partner, Agency for Industrial Cooperation Gesellschaft m�b�H�Seilergasse 171010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51373-40eMail: [email protected]: www.gapmanagement.atContact: Mag. Peter Newole (Managing Partner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993Offer: management, HR, QM, regulatory consultingProfile: We offer Interim Managers for the phar-maceutical, biochemical and life sciences industry. Our Interim Managers have full knowledge of the Austrian market and work on all levels (from the Specialized Assitant to the Managing Director). Our main focus is on the areas - Marketing - Sales - Market Access - Medical. We can provide you with single specialists or whole teams from one week to many months and years.



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Service Providers

NORTHERN LIGHTS COMMUNICATIONS e�U�Ignaz-Köck-Str. 171210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-53336-5325Web: Mag. Ursula Mayer (Owner)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

NP Neumann & Partners GmbHSchubertring 141010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-205588-31Fax: +43-1-205588-22eMail: [email protected]: www.neumannpartners.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

offisy gmbhHumboldtstr. 40/24020 Linz/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.offisy.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

OMS Objekt Management Service GmbHRömerstr. 14600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-9010-0Fax: +43-7242-9010-6685eMail: [email protected] Web: Thomas ZehetnerCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2006Staff: 250

ONEA-Engineering Austria GmbHSeestr. 114844 Regau/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7672-24522-0Fax: +43-7672-24522-10eMail: [email protected]: www.onea.atContact: Ing. MBA Stefan Robert Zikeli (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2007Staff: 16Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sultingProduction: Process and equipment development and manufacturing for the micro reaction technologyR&D: Micro reaction technology for the develop-ment of fine chemcialsServices: Engineering services, plant engineering, basic detail engineering, feasiblility studiesSales & Distribution: Micro reactors

Opta Data Abrechnungsges�m�b�H�Salzburger Strasse 2054020 Linz/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.optadata.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

OrthoMed GanganalyseKahlenberger Str. 1E/91190 ViennaPhone: +43-688-819-3513eMail: [email protected]: www.orthomed-ganganalyse.atContact: Sandrina IllesCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Staff: 1Offer: contract research/clinical research, otherR&D: Gait Analysis (Foot Model in Plantar Pressu-re Measurement), Varices and Plantar PressureServices: Gait Analysis, Running Analysis, Training Support in Endurance Sports



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P�Solutions Informationstechnologien GmbHWienerbergstr. 11/12a1100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6992466Fax: +43-1-8909317eMail: [email protected]: www.psolutions.atContact: Martin Povazay, MBA (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 7Offer: ITProfile: P.Solutions is a software company settled in Austria. P.Solutions is providing semantic Busi-ness Systems, Consulting and Software Enginee-ring for corporations which have an extensive use of information technology and a strong need for knowledge- and process-based operations. semD-AV is the main solution that offers you a struc-tured data and file repository by flexible order schema to sustainable manage your information.R&D: P.Solutions is focusing on R&D Projects that are data and Information intensive. We realize foundations to store, organize data and find appropriate information. Research on Domain specific knowledge-frameworks and improved ways from unstructured to structured Information is our Focus. P.Solutions is involved in various re-search and development Projects (EU and national based) by undertaking tasks of project manage-ment, design, research and development of Soft-ware for Life Sciences and eHealth.Services: P.Solutions develops semantic software for the analysis and management of big data and complex information for life sciences, healthcare and information management.Sales & Distribution: SemCare-ML simplifies caregivers work documentation and facilitates communication with care Managers. SemCare-ICD supports health professionals with efficient ICD-10 coding and Translation. SemDAV eases struc-turing and retrieving of any kind of Business and Science related Documents and Media.

Patentanwälte Puchberger, Berger & PartnerReichsratsstr. 131010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51223-02Fax: +43-1-51337-09eMail: [email protected]: www.puchberger.atContact: DI Peter Puchberger (Managing Partner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1952Staff: 25Offer: legal advice and IPR managementProfile: Our office provides all services of a patent attorneys firm for inventors, small, medium and large sized companies in all technical fields. Fur-thermore we handle cases of trademark law and designs. It is our aim to serve the needes of our clients for best protection of their IP rights and to support them for their inhouse IP management . The main technical fields of our clients are Che-mistry, Biochemistry, Mechanical and Electric en-gineering, Electronis and software, Construction industry etc.Services: We provide all services of a patent attor-neys firm . We search for existing IP rights, draft, file and prosecute IP applications at the patent offices world wide, give advice and handle cases of opposition, nullification, defence and infringement of IP rights, provide patentability and FTO advice and expert opinions in the field of patent law.



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Service Providers

Patentanwaltskanzlei Matschnig & Forsthuber OGBiberstr. 221010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-52334-96Fax: +43-1-52648-86eMail: [email protected]: www.matschnig-patent.atContact: DI Franz Matschnig (Partner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1983Offer: legal advice and IPR managementProfile: Patentanwaltskanzlei Matschnig & Forsthu-ber was established in 1983 by DI Franz Matschnig. For more than 30 years the firm has been operating on a national and international level in all fields of intellectual property rights. A team of legally trained academics with technical and scientific background covers a wide range of disciplines from physics, mechanical engineering, electronics and telecommunications to chemistry and life sciences.Services: The firm‘s services include professional support and representation of patents, trademarks, designs and other industrial property rights as well as consulting in all aspects of intellectual property. Further services comprise the management of intellectual property in companies, handling of employees’ inventions, monitoring of annual fees, licensing- and collaboration contracts, patent and trademark searches and consultancy for computer program based innovations.

Peri Consulting GmbHLazarettgasse 19/41090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-90811-46eMail: [email protected]: www.periconsulting.atContact: Mag. Hanns Kratzer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 5Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingServices: Consulting for market access, reimburse-ment, austrian health care system

Pharm-Ref-Consulting Mag�Schober u� Partner OGGarbergasse 181060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-59697-91Fax: +43-1-59697-91eMail: [email protected]: Wolfgang Schober (Project Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993Staff: 7Offer: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, otherProfile: Pharm Ref Consulting e.U. was founded 1993 by Wolfgang and Ruth Schober in Vienna. With growing demand of pharmaceutical com-panies of medical representatives Pharm Ref Consulting started to expand the courses of exam preparations to Linz, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Graz and Klagenfurt.Production: Our team of lectures and trainers are experienced health professionals, health scientists and commercial professionals of pharma industry with didactical skills and joy of adult education.R&D: Since 2000 the training program was ex-pended for medical representatives referring to economical and commercial skills and trainings for pharmaceutical companies.Services: Since 2010 we have a unique partnership with Danube University Krems which is based on our quality of education. Students and People with permission for University studies can visit training courses for Key Account Management, Produktmanagement, Commercial Excellence, Me-dical Product Consulting and Pharmareferent with a certificate from DUK.Sales & Distribution: We can count more than 2000 graduates who passed their examination for medical preparation through our education courses .Their Feedback confirms our education conception for more than 20. years in Austria.



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Pharma Logistik Austria GmbHFeldgasse 194600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-490-203Fax: +43-7242-490-17eMail: [email protected]:

PhysTech Coating Technology GmbHKnappenweg 346600 Pflach/TyrolPhone: +43-664-25548-47Fax: +43-5337-20032-22eMail: [email protected]: www.phystech-coating.comContact: Georg Strauss (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2005Staff: 7Offer: contract research/clinical research, enginee-ring-, design- and production consulting

PONTIS Capital GmbHNeuer Markt 1/4/171010 ViennaPhone: +43-533-3233-0Fax: +43-533-3233-30eMail: [email protected]: www.pontiscapital.atCluster membership: LISAviennaOffer: financingServices: PONTIS Capital is a Private Equity in-vestment firm with a focus on small and medium sized growth companies in the DACH region (Ger-many, Austria and Switzerland). The firm is backed by well known Austrian and international institu-tional funds as well as high net worth individuals. Its management team consists of 4 professionals who together bring decades of technology inve-sting experience in Austria and across Europe.

PortConsult Finanzdienstleistungs-, Management Services und Public Relationsgesellschaft mbHObere Donaustr. 65/2/81020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89039-51eMail: [email protected]: www.portconsult.atContact: Dr. Wilhelm Okresek (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1988Staff: 5Offer: financing, communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, otherServices: We accompany start-ups, VC situations and „development in progress“; review of plans, strategic redirection, access to a wide circle of po-tentially interested parties. Organizer of Wiener Investment Forum and Fokus Value Forum with participation of firms like MorphoSys, Avontec, AntisensePharma, 4 SC AG, BB BioTech etc. Longstanding cooperation partner of Hilmar Platz, concepts4value, in Germany. Involved in Laura Bassi projects.

PR&D Kommunikationsdienstleistungen GmbHMariannengasse 8/Top 11090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-505-7044Fax: +43-1-505-5083eMail: [email protected]: www.prd.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001Staff: 5Offer: communicationServices: Science communication is no art, witch-craft or even science… but a symbiosis of common sense, experience and enthusiasm. At our location at Mariannengasse 8 in the 9th District of Vienna, we share this enthusiasm with our immediate neighbours - 2,800 scientists at the Medical Uni-versity of Vienna, along with the numerous sci-



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Service Providers

ence managers at the Haus der Forschung (House of Research), home to the FWF (Austrian Science Fund), the Christian Doppler Research Association, the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency), the Austrian Cooperative Research and the Jo-anneum Research Institute of Technology and Regional Policy. In our work, we draw inspiration from the impressive architecture of the venerable Poliklinik Wien (Vienna Polyclinic) – a building in which the vanguard of science was established as a tradition. Here, well-known Viennese doctors with illustrious names were always successful in keeping that one, decisive step ahead internatio-nally. A tradition that our colleagues are continu-ing – with an understanding of scientific contents and the ability to communicate these contents effectively to the relevant dialog groups.

profi-con Austria GmbH Contamination ControlLiebenauer Hauptstr. 2-6/Stiege D 1. Stock8041 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-9021-63Fax: +43-316-9021-64eMail: [email protected]: www.profi-con.comContact: Frank Duvernell (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences Tirol, Health Technology Cluster, styriaFounded in: 2008Offer: contract research/clinical researchServices: The profi-con Austria GmbH is a profes-sional services provider in the cleanroom sector, maintaining sterile areas within the pharma-ceutical, genetic engineering, biotechnology and medical technology industries. We also provide professional cleaning services for dust-free cleanrooms within the microelectronics, semicon-ductors, optoelectronics, automotive and plastics technology industries.

PRSG Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Services GmbHNibelungengasse 328010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-664-8879-6964Fax: +43-316-873-1030936eMail: [email protected]: www.prsg.atContact: Mag. Lydia Langkammer (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2012Staff: 4Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingProfile: After my academic education in pharma-ceutical sciences, I have specialized in regulatory affairs in a generic drug company and later addi-tionally as consultant in pharmaceutical enginee-ring. Currently I am the CEO of a pharmaceutical consulting company (PRSG) offering services in European and international drug regulatory af-fairs. As certified Austrian representative of the European Drug Regulatory Affairs Consultants (EuDRAcon) we provide one-stop-shop solutions for the entire European market.Services: Business Development, Coordination and Management of regulatory activities for human/veterinary medicinal products and radiopharma-ceuticals, National and European procedures (MRP, DCP), Life Cycle Management, Preparation and submission of national variations, Preparation and submission of renewal applications, Preparation of marketing authorisation dossiers for national and international projects, Applications for Orphan Medicinal Product Designation (EMA/FDA), Sup-port and Consulting, Module 3



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QM Jöbstl e�U� UnternehmensberatungGritzenkogel 68052 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-699-190195-03Fax: +43-810-95543260-85eMail: [email protected]: www.qm-joebstl.comContact: Ewald Jöbstl (Owner)Cluster membership: styriaOffer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingServices: QM JÖBSTL provides services (consulting, training and support) in the field of quality ma-nagement for the life science industry. Our core competence is the support or the complete im-plementation of quality management measures in the highly regulated environment of medical products. With our knowledge and experience we support you in: ISO 13485 • ISO 9001 • Certifica-tions • MPG • FDA 21 CFR Part 820 • GXP • Validati-on • Audits • Risk Management • Documentation.

QMS SELLEMOND Qualitätsmanagement und Dienstleistungen für LaboratorienPuchsbaumgasse 1 C, Top 6.51100 ViennaPhone: +43-676-5330-900eMail: [email protected]: www.sellemond.comContact: Sieglinde Sellemond (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences Tirol, LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Staff: 1Services: QMS SELLEMOND is specialised in phar-maceutical cleanrooms and quality systems. We offer a planning, building and qualification ser-vice. We consult clients on all aspects of their qua-lity assurance systems (GMP, GLP) including imple-mentation and certification, as well as providing public GMP-training courses and inhouse-training. Our services are relevant to medical-research and diagnostic laboratories, pharmaceutical and bio-tech companies, and pharmacies.

QSC – Quality Systems Consulting GmbHFischbachstr. 31/25020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-6246-45Fax: +43-662-6260-72eMail: [email protected]: www.qsc.atContact: Dr. Herbert Syrowatka Founded in: 2002Staff: 2Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sulting, otherProfile: Consulting company, especially focused on Quality Management Systems and Quality Sy-stems for pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as for CROs, CMOs and suppliers for the pharmaceutical industry.R&D: No research activities, except supporting Research Organisations to get GLP compliant and/or GMP-approved.Services: QSC offers international GMP-Consulting services for Pharmaceutical Industry and Biotech Industry: This includes GMP-Training, Third Party Audits, Internal Audits, Preparation for EU and FDA Inspections, Mock-Inspections and Gap-analysesSales & Distribution: Since 2002 we have done consulting business for clients located in Austria, Germany, Russia, Egypt, India, USA, New Zealand, South Korea. For these clients we have performed GMP-audits in Austria, Germany, France, Swit-zerland, The Netherlands, UK, Egypt, India, China, Singapore, South Korea, Argentina, USA. Further, we have performed GMP-trainings for biotech and traditional pharmaceutical companies in Austria, Germany, Egypt and India.



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Service Providers

Quality Austria – Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbHZelinkagasse 10/31010 ViennaPhone: +43-732-3423-22Fax: +43-732-3423-23eMail: [email protected]: www.qualityaustria.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, Life Sciences Tirol, LISAvienna

QUASI4U Consulting e�U�Kleinreith Str. 154694 Ohlsdorf/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-660-737-8257eMail: [email protected]: www.quasi4u.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Quintiles GesmbHStella-Klein-Löw-Weg 15, Rund 4, Haus B, OG41020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7263010-0Fax: +43-1-7263010-1100eMail: [email protected]: Janos Filakovszky (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996

R‘n‘B Medical Software Consulting GmbHGrillparzerstr. 24020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-660-7193-189eMail: [email protected]: www.rnb-consulting.atContact: DI Michael Ring (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2014 Staff: 2Offer: contract research/clinical research, ITServices: Medical Device Software - From the first Idea to the Introduction to the Market. We offer

consulting services along the lifecycle of medical device software, including risk management, usa-bility engineering and the clinical evaluation.

RD&C Research, Development & Consulting GmbHNeuwaldegger Strasse 35/2/31170 ViennaPhone: +43-664-829-3350eMail: [email protected], [email protected]: www.rdc-concepts.comContact: Dr. Norbert Handler (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Staff: 2Profile: RD&C is the first company registered as „Consulting Engineers for Pharmacy“ in Austria combining high educational, professional and quality standards with full independency and the express allowance to officially write Expert State-ments for our clients. RD&C provides customised expertise and services to the life science commu-nity and supports to implement the most time- and cost-efficient strategies for drug discovery and development by giving scientific, strategic and regulatory support.R&D: Development of innovative service tools for pharmaceutical industry; Development of a solid phase reaction toolbox; development of innova-tive solutions for common pharmaceutical issues.Services: expert statements one-stop-shop impurity solutions Environmental Risk Assess-ments regulatory support IP management evaluation of oos events in silico toxicological assessments support for drug discovery and development support for quality management support for due diligence evaluation of patent portfolio CTD (module 3), QOS



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Recognosco GmbHTechGate Vienna, Donau-City Str. 11220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2050155-0Fax: +43-1-2050155-900eMail: [email protected]: www.recognosco.netCluster membership: LISAvienna

REDL Life Science Patent AttorneysDonau-City-Str. 111220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9346605Fax: +43-1-9346605-900eMail: [email protected]: www.redlpatent.comContact: Dr. Gerda Redl (Patent Attorney)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Staff: 8Offer: legal advice and IPR managementServices: At REDL Life Science Patent Attorneys, we are committed to protecting your most valu-able assets. We provide services that cover your needs across all stages of a life science project: From launching a company through financing, licensing and M&A negotiations to defending a product in the market.Sales & Distribution: To best serve our clients, we have built an international network of correspon-ding patent attorneys, associates, collaborators, and translators around the globe. Within this network we are committed to a seamless and responsive cooperation with corresponding patent attorneys, working on a transparent flat-fee basis.

Research Consult Gesellschaft zur Durchführung und Dokumentation biologischer Studien GmbHHütteldorferstr. 441150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-789-5604eMail: [email protected]: www.vcc.atContact: Dr. Friedrich Horak (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

ROBA – Clinical Research Consulting GmbHHutweidengasse 60A/Top 41190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-47867-19eMail: [email protected]: www.roba-crc.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004Offer: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingServices: Monitoring of study centres - You take advantage from a intensive care of local study centres. For international studies, I cooperate intensively with local affiliates of pharmaceutical companies to take advantage of pre-marketing. Project management and study co-ordination Post marketing surveillance studies/field studies for your marketing needs (preparation and support – whatever is needed) Medical writing (study pro-tocols, CRFs and reports, abstracts, reviews, inve-stigator brochures, design and outline of medical brochures …) Clinical Consultancy Training and continued education - The competence of involved study personnel and investigators is one of the deciding “success factors” of each clinical trial Pre-study visits and on-site audits.



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Service Providers

rtd services OGGewerbepark 106094 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-664-83335-69eMail: [email protected]: www.rtd-services.comContact: Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Moser (Managing Director)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2012Staff: 6Offer: financing, communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, legal advice and IPR managementProfile: rtd services supports you in the develop-ment and management of research and inno-vation projects. Our services are tailored to the different types of clients such as universities and research institutes, industry, small and medium sized enterprises (SME) and public authorities. Most of these projects receive national and/or in-ternational funding, typically from the EU Frame-work Programme and national programmes. (FP7, Horizon 2020, Interreg, FFG, Protrans)Production: rtd Services produces know-how, ideas, Innovation and processes together with its clients. We participate as small- and medium sized Enterprise (SME) in EU-funded Projects as Partner for management, dissemination, innovation and exploitation. During our innovation workshops we produce ideas for new research projects and new product development processes. We produce in-teractive travelling exhibitions together with sci-ence centres, museums and exhibition engineers for public outreach.R&D: rtd services offers services along the full life-cycle of research and innovation projects. An initi-al step is the development of the first idea into a full project proposal and business plan to acquire the most appropriate funding programme and/or financing. We support the project with manage-ment, communication and innovation expertise from the idea to the product development. Our concept includes approaches from design & crea-tivity thinking, exhibitions and training.Services: Together with our clients we develop and implement research and innovation projects. This

starts with the identification of the most suitable funding programme and/or financing source, project concept, partner search & meetings and proposal and/or Business plan writing. After posi-tive Evaluation and a „go“ for funding, we support contract finalisation, the project management & communication, meetings organisation, imple-mentation, innovation and exploitation.

Rubikon Werbeagentur GmbHLeechgasse 258010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-831444-0Fax: +43-316-831444-20eMail: [email protected]: www.rubikon.atCluster membership: styria

rumpfhuber�cc consulting companyLeppersdorf 504612 Scharten/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-664-21020-47eMail: [email protected]: www.rumpfhuber.ccCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

S2 ScienceSolutions GmbHMarxergasse 17/2/2.201030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89010650Fax: +43-1-890106566eMail: [email protected]: www.s2sciencesolutions.comContact: DI Petra Schlösser (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Staff: 12Offer: contract research/clinical researchProfile: S2 ScienceSolutions is an owner managed CRO located in Vienna, Austria. As owners of S2 ScienceSolutions we are looking back to more than 20 years knowhow within the pharmaceu-tical, biotechnology and medical device industry with the main focus on research and develop-



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ment. Our concept is a customer and goal-orien-ted work due to slim and personal management.Services: An excellent strategic planning of a clinical trial is one of the most important criteria for the success of a product. Therefore S2 has deci-ded to put the focus on strategic and operational feasibility as well as on site selection. Besides that the geographical location of Vienna is in the heart of Europe with an excellent transport connection. As a result of this all countries can be reached very easily with most cost and time effectiveness.

SALESIANER MIETTEX GmbHLinzer Str. 104–1101140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-98132-0Fax: +43-1-98132-90eMail: [email protected]: www.salesianer.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

SANOSON GmbHWähringerstr. 115/191180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-968-2655Fax: +43-1-968-4723eMail: [email protected]: www.sanoson.atContact: Vera Brandes (CSO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Production: Individualized auditory stimulation programs for the treatment and prevention of de-pression, dysthymia, insomnia, chronic pain, etc. R&D: Application and effectivity studies of specifi-cally developed auditory stimulation programs for the treatment and prevention of psychosomatic disorders Services: Development of individualized treat-ment and prevention plans Sales & Distribution: I-MAT 1, I-MAT 2, I-MAT 3, I-MAT 4, SANOSON -PREVENT-PROGRAMS

SANTESIS Technisches Gebäudemanagement & Service GmbHGumpendorferstr. 1081060 ViennaPhone: +43-732-767771-01Fax: +43-732-767771-02eMail: [email protected]: www.santesis.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 150Services: infrastrucutral, technical and commercial facility management services in according to GEF-MA/IFMA regulations specially for hospitals and public health organisations Sales & Distribution: HSD MT/BT-Data: documen-tation system for medical technology, mainte-nance and facility management in Austria HSD ChargenDoc: quality management system for the documentation of sterile good processing in Austria

SC & C Software Communication & Consulting GmbH & Co KGReininghausstr. 138020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-908500Fax: +43-316-908500-90eMail: [email protected]: DI Martin Schichl (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1996Staff: 5Offer: ITProfile: SC&C is specialised in IT networks for small and medium-sized enterprises with higher security and reporting requirements. We conduct qualifying and validating services in accordance with GAMP. Our services include special databases as well as the programming of detailed websites. SC&C is partner of mesonic, a renowned Austrian ERP software provider.



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Service Providers

SCHACHINGER pharmalogistik GmbHLogistikpark 14063 Hörsching/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7221-707-0Fax: +43-7221-707-17eMail: [email protected]:

Schaffler Verlag GmbHKasernstr. 80/8/258041 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-8205-65Fax: +43-316-820565-20eMail: [email protected]: www.schaffler-verlag.comFounded in: 1997Staff: 8

Schmutterer + Partner Information Technology GmbHHießbergerstr. 13002 Purkersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2231-61899Fax: +43-2231-61899-99eMail: [email protected]: www.schmutterer-partner.atContact: Mag. Hannes Schmutterer (General Ma-nager)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1998Staff: 5Offer: ITSales & Distribution: treatment planning software for healthcare organizations

Schwarz Schönherr Rechtsanwälte KGParkring 121010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-512-4243Fax: +43-1-512-4243-44eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Georg Schönherr (Partner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 16Offer: legal advice and IPR managementServices: Schwarz Schönherr Law Firm represents and assists its clients in all fields of business law. One major focus is Intellectual Property Law. The Law Firm has partners specialized in the fields of Trademark Law, Design Law and Unfair Competition (Georg Schönherr, Markus Grötschl), Copyright Law (Winfried Schwarz) and Patent Law, Life Sciences and Licensing (Thomas Adocker). Furthermore, our office is one of the leading Law Firms pursuing anti- product piracy and anti-counterfeiting claims. Beside IP, Schwarz Schönherr is specialized in the fields of Labor Law, Public Procurement Law (Claudia Wolzt) and Com-mercial Law, Banking and Finance and Real Estate (Winfried Schwarz). In all these fields, Schwarz Schönherr represents in civil, criminal and admini-strative proceedings as well as in non-contentious matters. We represent famous national clients such as Almdudler, Verbund or Doppelmayr as well as several international clients such as Sandoz, Samsung or Starbucks and, in particular, famous leading designer brands such as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Lacoste, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Ralph Lauren, Giorgio Armani or Esca-da. Schwarz Schönherr Law Firm and its partners are top-ranked among the major international rankings of Law Firms such as Chambers, World Trademark Review, Intellectual Asset Magazine (IAM) 1000 as well as in the national lawyer´s ran-king of FORMAT.



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SciCon Pharma Science-Consulting GmbHSchwindgasse 7/4/121040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-99049-56Fax: +43-1-99049-5656eMail: [email protected]: www.scicon.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

science2 public e�U�Heinrich-Collin-Str. 36/51140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8904-283-12Fax: +43-1-8904-283-10eMail: [email protected]: www.science2public.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

scinteco gmbhAuhofstr. 311130 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.scinteco.comContact: Michael Beer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Offer: ITProfile: The company was founded in 2011 by a team of experienced software developers and architects. The team has worked for the pharma-ceutical industry since 2003.Production: Improve for PK/PD modeling The main concept behind Improve is to cover control and traceability over your complete modeling and simulation workflow while retaining the simpli-city and ease of use of a standard file explorer. No matter which analysis, from noncompartmental to multicompartmental models, you choose, improve will keep track of the „who what when where and why“ of your data, while you are com-pletely free to make decisions for the analysis you want to perform.R&D: FDA compliant processes (e.g. CFR 21 part 11) - traceability and secure storage of data.

Seibersdorf Labor GmbHForschungszentrum2444 Seibersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-50550-2500Fax: +43-50550-2502eMail: [email protected]: www.seibersdorf-laboratories.atContact: Mag. Gerd-Peter Mitterecker (Assistant to the Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2009Staff: 120Offer: contract research/clinical research, enginee-ring-, design- and production consultingProfile: Seibersdorf Labor GmbH is providing high quality laboratory analysis and developments for research and industries in the topics of pharma, medical, chemical and ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Five business units cover a broad area of scientific laboratory services. Accreditations/certifications: EN ISO 9001, Test House EN ISO/IEC 17025, Verification- and Calibration laboratory, GLP Test House, GMP Laboratory, WADA-Accreditation, CTBTO-Certification, Notified Body for EMC.Production: Radiation Protection Measurement Instruments, Antenna Calibration InstrumentsR&D: Proteomics, Doping Analysis, Forensic Ana-lysis, Pharmacokinetics, Radiation Protection, Elec-tromagnetic Fields, Near Field Communication, Radiation Hardness, Space Weather.Services: Dosimetric Service, Testing of Active In-gredients, Doping and Forensic AnalysisSales & Distribution: Radiation Protection Mea-surement Instruments, Antenna Calibration Instruments

SES-Tec OGSt. Peter Hauptstr. 508042 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-423207eMail: [email protected]: membership: styria



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Service Providers

SEW – Software Engineering WeichselbaumHeindlstr. 19/44040 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-945200eMail: [email protected]: membership: Health Technology Cluster

Siemer – Siegl – Füreder & Partner, RechtsanwälteDominikanerbastei 101010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5121-445Fax: +43-1-4137-984eMail: [email protected]: www.ssfp-law.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

SIMCharacters Training GmbHGeblergasse 66/101170 ViennaPhone: +43-699-196898-78eMail: [email protected]: www.simcharacters.comContact: Dr. Jens Christian Schwindt (MD, CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Staff: 1R&D: SIMCharacters researches in the fields of Patient Safety, Medical Simulation and Pediatrics. The company is developing patient simulators with a life-like appearance. Several functions (e.g. breathing-related pathologies) represent com-pletely novel developments in the market.Services: SIMCharacters provides high quality-team simulation trainings in the medical sector.

SLI Sterilgut, Logistik und Instrumentenmanagement GmbHGrieskirchner Str. 424600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-210596-6580Fax: +43-7242-210596-6582eMail: [email protected]: www.sli-wels.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH Softwarepark 214232 Hagenberg/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7236-3343-800Fax: +43-7236-3343-888eMail: [email protected]: www.scch.atCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1999

Software Quality Lab GmbHGewerbepark Urfahr 64040 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-890072-0Fax: +43-732-890072-411eMail: [email protected]: Petra BergsmannCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2003Staff: 44Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, regional clusterProfile: Software Quality Lab is a leading, indepen-dent Consulting and Service Company for quality management and testing, specialized on the incre-ase of efficiency, quality and security in System and Software development as well as in IT processes. Make your projects and processes of high quality, more cost-effecitve and efficient. Software Quality Lab advises and Supports you independently and objectively to find the best Solution for you.



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Softwaremanufaktur Grünberg & Redl GmbHGierstergasse 61120 ViennaPhone: +43-181-106-16Fax: +43-181-106-66eMail: [email protected]: www.die-softwaremanufaktur.comContact: DDI (FH) Andreas Redl (MSc, CEO)Cluster membership: styria, LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Staff: 9Offer: contract research/clinical research, IT, ma-nagement, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: Softwaremanufaktur Grünberg & Redl GmbH (SWM) is a software company located in Vi-enna that is specialized in the fields of pharmaceu-ticals, health care and bioinformatics. Besides soft-ware development, SWM offers services for clinical studies such as data management or CRF design. SWM has a strong emphasis on developing easy to use and efficient web and mobile applications.Services: Clinspire Clinical Data Management Software, Drug Safety/Pharmacovigilance Soft-ware, M-Files Document Management/Quality Management Software, Mousezilla Mouse Colony Management SoftwareSales & Distribution: Clinspire Clinical Data Ma-nagement M-Files Document Management Mousezilla Mouse Colony Management

Sonn & Partner PatentanwälteRiemergasse 141010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5128405Fax: +43-1-5129805eMail: [email protected]: www.sonn.atContact: Dr. Daniel Alge (Partner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1851Offer: legal advice and IPR managementProfile: SONN & PARTNER is one of the leading IP Law Firms in Austria with more than 40 collabo-

rators including 7 Intellectual Property Attorneys („Patentanwälte“), who are qualified representa-tives to both Austrian and European authorities. 3 IP Attorneys are specialised in biotech and phar-maceuticals. We serve the needs of our local and international clients offering custom-tailored ad-vice on all patent, trademark and design matters under international, European and AT Law.

sophida GmbHRödergasse 8/162000 Stockerau/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-680-55733-57eMail: [email protected]: www.sophida.atContact: Mag. Elisabeth Smyczko (Owner)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2013

Spath Micro Electronic Design GmbHReininghausstr. 138020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-586939-11Fax: +43-316-586939-39eMail: [email protected]: www.meds.atContact: DI Günther Spath (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1996Staff: 12

spe-consulting GmbHMariahilferstr. 51/7/1/601060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2368-6618Fax: +43-1-2368-6619eMail: [email protected]: www.strategy.atCluster membership: styria, LISAvienna



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Service Providers

SteriLog Instrumentenmanagement GmbHOtto Braun Str. 3-52344 Maria Enzersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-46 541-304Fax: +43-2236-48 479eMail: [email protected]: www.sterilog.atCluster membership: ecoplus

Strategyn iip innovation in progress GmbHFranz-Kollmann-Str. 43300 Amstetten/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-7472-65510-121Fax: +43-7472-65510-3095eMail: [email protected]: www.strategyn.atContact: DI Gerald Steinwender (Managing Partner)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, ecoplusFounded in: 2002 Staff: 13Offer: contract research/clinical research, enginee-ring-, design- and production consulting, commu-nication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, otherProfile: Strategyn iip is the corporate innovation and venturing firm for growth by market-orien-tied innovation - from sensing of opportunities to the creation of comprehensive product and service concepts. The approach is a comprehensive understanding of unmet and oversatisfied custo-mer needs using Outcome-Driven Innovation® based on Jobs-to-be-done Thinking.R&D: Strategyn iip has worked in medical engi-neering, automotive, construction, mechanical engineering, paper, plant engineering, power supply, public transport and steel industries. Focused qualitative and quantitative research identifies importance and satisfaction of unmet customer needs.Services: Strategyn iip helps to identify new growth markets, uncover unmet customer needs, create unique products, services and business models.

StudyMaker – Clinical Trial Management e�U�Wallrisstr. 47/51180 ViennaPhone: +43-650-2666664Fax: +43-1-4405756eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Staff: 2Offer: IT

surfMED GmbHSpittelberggasse 3/131070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-53223-10Fax: +43-1-53223-1056Web: www.surfmed.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

SYMFONY ConsultingHugo-Meisl-Weg 111100 ViennaPhone: +43-680-3200-105eMail: [email protected]: www.symfony.atContact: Sabine M. FischerCluster membership: LISAvienna

Symptoma GmbHHafenstr. 47-514020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-662-4582-06eMail: [email protected]: www.symptoma.comContact: Dr. Jama Nateqi (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2009Offer: ITR&D: Symptoma GmbH focuses on researching medical knowledge management to improve dia-gnostic quality for physicians.



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Services: Symptoma is a medical search engine for diseases. Physicians enter the patient’s symptoms and obtain a list of possible differential diagno-ses – weighted by the probability for each patient (age, gender and region).

SynteractHCR Eastern Europe Forschungsgesellschaft mbHSpiegelgasse 2/Top 411010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5046591-0Fax: +43-1-5046591-44eMail: [email protected]: www.synteracthcr.comContact: Dr. Heide Rampler (Management Assistant)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004Staff: 6Profile: SynteractHCR is a multinational clinical research organization, formed from the merger of Synteract with Harrison Clinical Research in 2013, which provides global, full-service clinical trial services. We have more than two decades of experience supporting biopharma companies in all phases of clinical development across multiple therapeutic areas. SynteractHCR has run trials in more than 60 countries across the globe, offering our clients strong international and regional clini-cal trial support.Services: Our Services: Phases I-IV Project Manage-ment Clinical Operations Data Management IWRS Medical Monitoring Medical & Regulatory Affairs Medical Writing Biostatistics Safety Functional Service Provision

T-Systems Austria GmbHRennweg 97-991030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-057057- 0Fax: +43-1-057057-8155eMail: [email protected]: www.tsystems.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

TeleCare Systems & Communication GmbHLinke Wienzeile 2341150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89988-0eMail: [email protected]: www.telecaresystems.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Terra Institute Dr� Weiß KGParacelsusweg 18144 Tobelbad/StyriaPhone: +43-3136-9015-0eMail: [email protected]: www.terra-institute.euCluster membership: styriaOffer: financing, communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting

The BiotechScoutHadikgasse 1381140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89475-80Fax: +43-1-89221-23eMail: [email protected]: www.thebiotechscout.comContact: Dr. Stefanie Pingitzer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011Staff: 4Offer: financing, management, HR, QM, and regu-latory consulting, otherProfile: Building a successful company needs more than iust a brilliant idea and a clear strategy. Unless companies address wider issues their survival is uncertain. The BiotechScout helps com-panies to ensure they have the best chances of success through funding and strategic expertise in Life Science. Let us evaluate together your business and identify and remedy potential weak-nesses well before facing other stakeholders.Services: Fundraising, Strategic management, Cor-porate Finance, M&A Services, Restructering and Divestment Strategies.



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Service Providers

The Brain Company GmbHDr. Franz Thomas-Str. 34810 Gmunden/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7612-9003-4503Fax: +43-7612-9003-4505eMail: [email protected]: www.thebraincompany.netContact: Dr. Peter Hofinger (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2001

The Siesta Group Schlafanalyse GmbHSchlosshofer Str. 11/3.OG1210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-95512-13Fax: +43-1-95512-1350eMail: [email protected]: www.thesiestagroup.comContact: ao.Univ.Prof.Dr. Georg Dorffner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001Staff: 8Offer: contract research/clinical researchR&D: In an ongoing effort to improve the quality of sleep and EEG analysis, we perform research and development on increasing the efficiency of sleep and EEG signal and data analysis. We concentrate on: new developments in the ana-lysis of sleep macro- and microstructure using state-of-the-art signal processing technology new technologies for data quality control new technologies for effective management of sleep and EEG dataServices: The Siesta Group is service provider for clinical trials and research and worldwide competence center for analyzing sleep and brain activity. Services range from consulting, site identification and training, high-quality scoring and data analysis, all the way to device rental - all according to ICH GCP standards. Clients benefit from the unique cooperation of leading sleep and EEG scientists and professionals The Siesta Group is based on.Sales & Distribution: - Consulting and protocol development Trial feasibility and set-up Site

identification, preparation, training, management Centralized data analysis, such as sleep scoring, EEG spectral analysis, and other endpoint calcula-tion polysomnography (PSG) and EEG data qua-lity monitoring and harmonization Biomarker research and exploratory data analysis Device rentals

the text clinic – medical writing & translation consultancyLustkandlgasse 35/19-201090 ViennaeMail: [email protected] Web: www.the-text-clinic.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Tiani „Spirit“ GmbHTheobaldgasse 191060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-585-6528Fax: +43-1-585-2594eMail: [email protected]: www.tiani-spirit-services.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Tieto Austria GmbHHandelskai 94-961200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-33174-0Fax: +43-1-33174-1092eMail: [email protected]: www.tieto.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005Staff: 100Offer: ITServices: Tieto is the largest Nordic IT services company providing full life-cycle services for both private and public sectors. The company has global presence through its product engineering business and the global delivery centers. Tieto is committed to develop enterprises and society through IT by realizing new opportunities in customers’ business transformation. At Tieto, we believe in professional development and results and we focus on long-term



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customer relationships. Our business is built upon industry knowledge and a deep understanding of our customers’ core processes, technology know-how and on our own products embedded to our services. Our integrated service offering combines Managed Services, Consulting and System Integra-tion and Industry Products that are embedded into each Industry offering. With this service structure, we are able to provide full life-cycle IT services.

Tikopia ConsultingSuedtirolergasse 17-21/53423 St. Andrae-Woerdern/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-660-49557-80eMail: [email protected]: www.tikopia-consult.atContact: Dr. Theodor Langer (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusOffer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sulting, otherServices: Tikopia consulting offers consultancy in the following areas: project management in drug development projects, preclinical and toxicology consultancy, team building, quality management systems, gmp-audits, business development

TONKO ConsultingDr. Hans-Klocker-Str. 126020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-966-5625472-46eMail: [email protected]: www.tonko.infoContact: Dr. Martin TonkoFounded in: 2006Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sulting, otherProfile: Executive Coach Strategic Consultant Investment Advisor

Transform Science Management Beteiligungs- GmbHJesuitensteig 24A/41230 ViennaWeb: www.transform-science.comContact: Dr. Michael Hammerschmid (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingProfile: Transform Science’s mission is to trans-form excellent scientific ideas into rewarding in-dependent business concepts. We support innova-tive projects and start up companies and resume all arising management tasks. Our approach of-fers scientific experts the chance to focus on their specific expertise. Transform Science is a partner that develops strategies, carries out concrete tasks and keeps track of the big picture.

Trauma Care Consult Traumatologische Forschung Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbHGonzagasse 11/251010 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.traumacareconsult.comContact: Prof. Dr. Heinz Redl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998Staff: 8Production: Enabling technology packaged as App; IP for hearing devicesR&D: Interactive involvement of hearing device users in fitting and finetuning procedure; signal processing algorithms for BAHA (bone anchored hearing aids), cochlear implants and hearing devicesServices: Product-co-design (software componen-ts), licencing of IP, engineering services related to embedding of licenced IPSales & Distribution: Reproduction of software components through industrial manufacturers on base of „final software release“.



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Service Providers

TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH Department Medical Devices – Medical EngineeringDeutschstr. 101230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61091-6502Fax: +43-1-61091-6505eMail: [email protected]: Volker Sudmann (Head Certification Medical Devices – Notified Body)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, Life Sciences Tirol, LISAviennaFounded in: 1872Staff: 70Profile: TÜV AUSTRIA GROUP has about 1,300 em-ployees, in the TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES department medical device there are up to 70 employees.Services: TUV AUSTRIA is Notified Body No.0408 in the field of medical devices since 1996. Additio-nally offering services as accredited Testing Body for electrical medcial devices, Inspection Body for medical devices and Systems in medical environ-ment and Certification Body for Management Systems according ISO 13485. Test reports issued by our accredited Testing Body are recognised in-ternational by CB-Scheme. In this section are up to 70 employees working, TÜV AUSTRIA GROUP has about 1300 employees.

UBW Unternehmensberatung Wagenhofer GmbHHermanngasse 6/421070 ViennaPhone: +43-676-3273024eMail: ubw-consulting.euWeb: www.ubw-consulting.euContact: Mag. Gerald WagenhoferCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 5Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingServices: Six Sigma training, coaching and de-ployment (quality and process management

philosophy and methodology) Process map-ping, documentation, analysis, optimization and management Support for the submission and implementation of EU-funded projects (especially Lifelong Learning, Structural Funds) Access to te-sted products from already completed EU-funded education projects (

UHNO-MED Medizin-Technik GmbHBundesstr. 27064 Oslip/BurgenlandPhone: +43-2682-61622-0eMail: [email protected]: www.uhnomed.atFounded in: 2002

Uniplan Medizintechnik Ges�m�b�H� & Co KG�Arnikaweg 181220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7343602-0eMail: [email protected]: www.uniplan-mt.comContact: Ing. Alexander Koubele (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1975Staff: 10Offer: engineering-, design- and production con-sultingProfile: Our company is a family owned company and was founded in 1975 by Ing. Karl-Heinz Kou-bele. Uniplan is specialized in the planning and realizing of medical technics in health facilities. This includes the development of a complete per-mit application, tendering, implementation of the award, and coordination of the supplied medical equipment, as well as site supervision. During the last 40 years, Uniplan realized more than 50 projects in Austria and more than 30 projects around the world.Services: Our Services in field of medical tech-nology Acquisition, coordination, clearance of all demands Inventory/analysis of the existing MT-equipment Medical engineering planning Development of all implementation achievements



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on plan- and specialised technical correctness Tendering, awarding of contract, accounting Su-pervision/coordination of planning and construc-tion inspection achievements Site supervision Supervision/coordination of all project duties

UseNet Software GmbHParkring 18074 Grambach/StyriaPhone: +43-316-402-397eMail: [email protected]: www.use-net.atCluster membership: styria

UTS Geräte Service Ges�m�b�H�Sendnergasse 302320 Schwechat/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-706-1415Fax: +43-1-706-141530eMail: [email protected]: www.uts.atContact: Walter Staffenberger (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplus

Vamed AGSterngasse 51230 ViennaWeb: www.vamed.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

VAMED Management und Service GmbH & Co KGSterngasse 51230 ViennaPhone: +43-732-700990-411Web: www.vamed.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAvienna

VAMED Standortentwicklung und Engineering GmbH & CO KGSterngasse 51230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60127-370Fax: +43-1-60127-394eMail: [email protected]: www.vamed.comContact: Ing. Gerhard Arthold (Head of Biomedical Engineering Dpt.)Cluster membership: LISAviennaOffer: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, financing, IT, otherProfile: Planning of research projects (laboratory equipment,etc.) Facility management of re-search facilities

VAMED-KMB Krankenhausmanagement und Betriebsführungsges�m�b�H�Spitalgasse 231090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40400-9000Fax: +43-1-40400-9050eMail: [email protected]: www.vamed.comCluster membership: LISAvienna



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Service Providers

VAMOS! Nachhaltige Personal- & Organisationsentwicklung/sustainable personal and organizational developmentThalmannsbach 84771 Sigharting/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7766-4011eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Walter Buchinger (Owner)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2014 Staff: 1Offer: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sultingProfile: Organizational consultants, resiliency trai-ners and coaches working in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.R&D: We are currently working in the evaluation of the presence and online training (blended lear-ning) and on the effects on the participants.Services: We developped an online platform on resiliency (information, self evaluation and motivaation based online training) and welcome partners and coaches who want to promote the plattform outside Ger-man speaking coutries - a translation into english language is planned for 2016.

VETWIDI Forschungsholding GmbHVeterinärplatz 11210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2507710-47Fax: +43-1-2507710-90eMail: [email protected]: www.vetwidi.atContact: Mag. Christine Ruckenbauer (Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004Profile: VetWIDI closes the gap between research and business at the Vetmeduni Vienna. It is a holding company Ltd, serving as an incubator for the commercial exploitation of the University‘s scientific potential pooling Vetmeduni Vienna´s commercial activities.

Services: Together with Vetmeduni Vienna´s Office for research support and innovation (FFI) VetWIDI aims to stimulate entrepreneurship and provides full service for innovative life scientists at the Vet-meduni Vienna in the area of technology transfer and entrepreneurship.

Vidavis GmbHRooseveltplatz 4-51090 ViennaPhone: +43-664-130-1774Fax: +43-1-3679-165-33Contact: Dr. Johann Graus (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Vienna Hospital Association (VHA)Thomas-Klestil-Platz 7/11030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40409-0Fax: +43-1-40409-70380eMail: [email protected]: www.wienkav.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002 Staff: 29,427Offer: contract research/clinical research, otherProfile: The VHA is one of the largest healthcare providers in Europe an the main medical care pro-vider in Vienna. It encompasses 11 hospitals (in-cluding the General Hospital GH) and 15 geriatric Centers. Treating approximately 400.000 hospita-lized patients per annum and offering all medical disciplines, enables the VHA to perform clinical/translational studies in large patient cohorts, lea-ding to a scientific output of approximately 900 peer reviewed publications (excluding the GH) from 2012 to 2014.R&D: VHA Researchers have completed numerous clinical/translational projects and published prolifically in the field of metabolic and cardiac disease, musculoskeletal diseases, oncolocy and several other disciplines. The core lab facilities of the VHA offer high quality analytical tools from Standard Routine laboratory parameters, high throughut protein chemistry and nucleic acid technologies up to next generation sequencing.



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VISADES Technologie & Entwicklung GmbHMauermannstr. 25023 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-871224-0eMail: [email protected]:

von der Heyden Planungsgesellschaft für Haustechnische Anlagen Gesellschaft m�b�H� & Co� KG�Türkenstr. 251090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-310 65 32Fax: +43-1-317 15 92eMail: [email protected]: www.von-der-heyden.atCluster membership: LISAviennaOffer: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting

VSZ Versorgungs- und Servicezentrum für medizinischen Bedarf GmbHMagnesitstr. 103500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-78881Fax: +43-2732-78881-20eMail: [email protected]: www.vsz.atCluster membership: ecoplus

VTU Engineering GmbHParkring 188074 Grambach/StyriaPhone: +43-316-4009-200Fax: +43-316-4009-210eMail: [email protected]: www.vtu.comContact: Dr. Michael KoncarCluster membership: styria, Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1990

W�H�U� GmbH Labor für Wasseruntersuchungen und HygieneBodenlehenstr. 155500 Bischofshofen/SalzburgPhone: +43-6462-32852-0Fax: +43-6462-32852-20eMail: [email protected]: www.whu-lab.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Wellacher-ConsultingFranziskusstr. 193032 Eichgraben/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-5048-975Fax: +43-2773-420-39eMail: [email protected]: www.wellacher.atContact: Mag. Hannes WellacherCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2007Staff: 1



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Service Providers

World-Direct eBusiness solutions Gesellschaft m�b�H�Lassallestr. 91020 ViennaPhone: +43-512-564464Fax: +43-512-564464-390eMail: [email protected]: Claudia Kreuscher (Product management)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001Staff: 68Offer: IT, communicationProduction: All projects for our customers are implemented according to proven processes. Our customers benefit from the tools of traditional project management as well as from methods of agile software development. Implementation processes are continuously updated to the latest standards. Our project managers have a vast expertise in software implementation and the necessary certifications. During the implementa-tion regular quality checks are carried out by our development team. This procedure guarantees on the one hand the high quality of the implemented product and on the other, all processes are carried out on a professional basis.Services: World-Direct develops comprehensive business solutions and internet applications for medium to large enterprises focusing mainly on the German-speaking market. In cooperation with our parent company, A1 Telekom Austria AG, we can offer our customers the reliability and strength of a large Austrian enterprise, while at the same time we remain individual specialists maintaining our spirit of innovation in order to find new solutions. Since 2001 World-Direct has successfully implemented more than 750 business projects in the core competence domains Micro-soft SharePoint, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Custom .NET Solutions, Content Management Systems, VoIP-Services and ICT Service Portals for different industry sectors. In addition many customers use our ready to use cloud based products, to handle their business and communication processes faster, more secure and more cost effective. Since

2010 we put high efforts in our products for the medical industry, especially in the preventive and consultation area and in the field of oncology.Sales & Distribution: Expert system for the treat-ment of oncological diseases: With this tool we support the whole process of an oncological treat-ment. The software supports oncologists with the data management (anamnesis and personal data of a patient), personalisation of therapies, treatment planning, diagnostic analysis, staging, concomitant therapy, medication or the assess-ment of risk factors. PGS is an integrated system for the healthcare sector supporting all admini-strative and consultation tasks for governmental health institutions. The system contains different technical solutions like customer relationship management based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM, a collaboration and document management plat-form realised with Microsoft SharePoint and an integrated voice over IP solution.

Wozabal MPZ Medizinprodukte-zentrum Ges�m�b�H� & Co KGFreistädter Str. 2304040 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7223-81881-360Fax: +43-7223-81881-355eMail: [email protected]: www.wozabal.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster



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x-tention Informationstechnologie GmbHRömerstr. 80A4600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-2155Fax: +43-7242-2155-6305eMail: [email protected]: www.x-tention.atContact: Herbert Stöger (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2001Staff: 174 Offer: ITProduction: The activities of the company includes consulting, solution development and manage-ment of information systems in healthcare and welfare sectors - from large hospitals to smaller companies in the social sector. R&D: e-Health The integrated public healthcare (EHR - Electronic Health Record, cooperation of different houses and institutions, e-card appli-cations etc.) requires increasing communication relationships not only between applications, but also across organization boundaries. Services: We provide comprehensive IT services to clients in the healthcare and welfare sector, based on our know-how in the fields of clinical processes and applications as well as Informati-on Technology, so that our partners can focus on treatment and care.Sales & Distribution: Healthcare: x-tention imple-ments clinical information systems. Take hold of our extensive know-how in the areas of patient administration, billing, clinical documentation and patient records. Social Care With the Vivendi solution we serve numerous customers - from small care homes to a large organization. Thereby all the requirements of resident manage-ment billing, care (inpatient, outpatient, mobile) to workforce planning are covered. Integration Information and data must flow quickly and securely from one institution to another, from de-partment to department, from system to system. This particularly counts for the healthcare sector. Whether traditional, message-based communi-cation (HL7, CDA, ...) via Communication-Server, Enterprise Service Bus or complex integration

process - we draw on extensive experience and the best tools. e-Health The integrated public healthcare (EHR - Electronic Health Record, coope-ration of different houses and institutions, e-card applications etc.) requires increasing communica-tion relationships not only between applications, but also across organization boundaries.

YASARA Biosciences GmbHWagramer Strasse 25/3/461220 ViennaWeb: www.yasara.orgCluster membership: LISAvienna

youspi Consulting GmbHWilhelm-Kienzl Gasse 29/88010 Graz/StyriaeMail: [email protected]: www.youspi.comCluster membership: styriaStaff: 7

ZAK-Pharma Dienstleistung Ges�m�b�H�Amalienstr. 48/81130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-879389-50Fax: +43-1-879389-518Web: www.zakpharma.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997

Zentrum für klinische Studien Dr� Hanusch GmbHMillergasse 71060 ViennaPhone: +43-676-387228-1Fax: +43-676-596560-016eMail: [email protected]: www.studien-zentrum.atCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 2



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Zühlke Engineering (Austria) GmbHRivergate-Handelskai 921200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71728-420Fax: +43-1-71728-110eMail: [email protected]: www.zuehlke.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009

ZWT – Zentrum für Wissens- und Technologietransfer in der Medizin GmbHAuenbruggerplatz 28010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-385-72026eMail: [email protected]: www.zwt-graz.atContact: Mag. Anke DettelbacherCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2010Offer: communication, otherProfile: In a first step towards the new MED CAM-PUS Graz, the Wirtschaftsressort des Landes Stei-ermark (Styrian Department of Economics) and the Medical University of Graz established the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Medicine (ZWT), which comprises 10,800 m of la-boratory and office space for research institutions, spin-offs and company premises.R&D: The ZWT is the first Austrian technology and research centre to achieve full physical and organisational integration into a university cam-pus. The ZWT thus offers the perfect venue for cooperation between science and industry. The spectrum of professions ranges from medical re-searchers and laboratory staff to statisticians and technicians.

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249 Companies with R&D-activities







a 1 A Pharma GmbHStella-Klein-Löw-Weg 171020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-480560-3eMail: [email protected]: www.1apharma.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Aalborg-Pharma GmbHGöllnergasse 291030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-79999-266Fax: +43-1-79999-267Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Abbott GmbHPerfektastr. 84A1230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89122-0Fax: +43-1-89122-44eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1977

AbbVie GmbH Lemböckgasse 61/3. OG1230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-20589-0Fax: +43-1-20589-318eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaStaff: 120

Actavis GmbHMünchner Bundesstr. 1425020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-435235-00Fax: +43-662-435235-01eMail: [email protected]:

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Sales Biotech/Pharm


250 Companies with R&D-activities


Actelion Pharmaceuticals Austria GmbH Leonard-Bernstein-Str. 101220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5054-527Fax: +43-1-5054-562Web: www.actelion.comContact: Dr. Martina SchmidtCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 17

Alere GmbHEstermannstr. 174020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-771077Fax: +43-732-771077-391eMail: [email protected]: www.alere.atContact: Dave Sieber (CEO)Staff: 5

Almirall GmbHBreitenfurter Str. 113/Top 1011120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-59539-60Fax: +43-1-59539-60111eMail: [email protected]: www.almirall.comContact: Mag. Günter Schaden (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007

AMGEN GMBH Prinz-Eugen-Str. 8-101040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-502-17Fax: +43-1-50217-20eMail: [email protected]: www.amgen.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995Staff: 120

Amomed Pharma GmbHNikolsdorfergasse 1/15–171050 ViennaPhone: +43-1-545011-3Fax: +43-1-545011-330eMail: [email protected]: www.amomed.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006

Angelini Pharma Österreich GmbHGewerbestr. 18-202102 Bisamberg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2262-606-0Fax: +43-2262-606-600eMail: [email protected]: www.angelini.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1987/1998Staff: 130

Arcana Arzneimittel GmbHHütteldorfer Str. 2991140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4162-418Fax: +43-1-4162-586eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000

Astellas Pharma Ges�m�b�H�Linzerstr. 221 E 21140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8772668-0Fax: +43-1-8771636eMail: [email protected]: www.astellas.atContact: Berthold Cvach (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1973

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AstraZeneca Österreich GmbH Schwarzenbergplatz 71037 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71131-0Fax: +43-1-71131-221eMail: [email protected]: www.astrazeneca.atContact: Dr. Luc Vranken (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1963Staff: 110

Astro-Pharma Vertrieb und Handel von pharmazeutischen Produkten GmbHAllerheiligenplatz 41200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9619313Fax: +43-1-9619314eMail: [email protected]: www.astro-pharma.atContact: Mag. Helmut Kaisergruber (Owner)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004Staff: 28Profile: Astro-Pharma was founded in 2004 by Dr. Sabine Möritz-Kaisergruber and Mag. Helmut Kaisergruber. Both gained many years of expe-rience in international companies. Astro-Pharma is a successful, flexible, Austrian company which stands with it´s employees and products for trust, experience and competence. Astro-Pharma provides biosimilars, antibiotics for hospital use, immunosuppressants, innovative hormones for in-vitro-fertilization and oncological products.Production: Astro-Pharma products are exclusively produced by trustworthy and highly experienced manufacturers with GMP certificates. The manuf-acturing process is absolutely in keeping with the original procedure or even improved on. Packaging is also continuously optimised to improve safety of handling.Services: Information about our products through our professional and experienced sales force team, Pharmacovigilance – regularly audited, Logistic

based in Austria, Medical and pharmaceutical information and inquiries answered by our team, LegalSales & Distribution: Marketing, sales and dis-tribution for own Astro-Pharma products and international partner companies with expe-rienced sales force und back-office team. Part-ner Companies of Astro Pharma: IBSA Institut Biochemique SA Celltrion Healthcare Co., Ltd. Dr. Friedrich Eberth Arzneimittel GmbH Aspen Healthcare FZ LCC A team of more than nearly 30 employees ensures best customer service with hospitals and medical specialists. For more infor-mation please contact us.

Austroplant Arzneimittel GmbHRichard-Strauß-Str. 131232 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6162644Fax: +43-1-6162644-18eMail: [email protected]: www.austroplant.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1958Staff: 20Profile: Austroplant belongs to the Schwab Group, Germany and is spezialized in herbal medicinal products.

Baxter Healthcare GmbHStella-Klein-Löw-Weg 151020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71120-0Fax: +43-1-71120-2451020eMail: [email protected]: www.baxter.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996

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Sales Biotech/Pharm


252 Companies with R&D-activities


Bayer Austria Ges�m�b�H Herbststr. 6-101160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71146-0Fax: +43-1-71146-14eMail: [email protected]: www.bayer.atContact: Mag. Daniela Winnicki-Eisenhuth (Head of Corporate Communications)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1970Staff: 230Profile: Bayer is a global enterprise with core com-petencies in the fields of health care, agriculture and high-tech polymer materials. As an innovation company, it sets trends in research-intensive areas. Bayer’s products and services are designed to be-nefit people and improve the quality of life. Bayer Austria GesmbH is a 100% subsidiary of Bayer AG and is based in Vienna. About 230 employees in Austria are responsible for marketing, sales and clinical studies.R&D: Research and development at Bayer Health-Care focus on identifying and developing new active substances to treat diseases with a high unmet medical need. Focus areas are cardiolo-gy, oncology, ophthalmology, hematology and gynecology. Bayer CropScience is one of the world’s leading research-intensive companies in the agricultural industry, offering a broad range of innovative chemical and biological products for improving plant health, along with high-value seeds. L.AT.04.2015.2055

Bencard Allergie GmbHLerchenfelder Str. 13/6/421070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60611-11Fax: +43-1-60611-24eMail: [email protected]: www.bencard.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Bio Products Mag� Th� Langmann GmbHRoseldorf 592002 Großmugl/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2266-72554-66Fax: +43-2266-72554-44eMail: [email protected]: www.bioproducts.atContact: Mag. Thomas Langmann (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2000Staff: 6

Biogen Idec Austria GmbH Stella-Klein-Löw-Weg 15/31020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-484-4613Fax: +43-1-484-461311eMail: [email protected]: www.biogenidec.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997 Staff: 25

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Gesellschaft m�b�HDr. Boehringer-Gasse 5-111120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-80150-0eMail: [email protected] Web: membership: LISAvienna

Bracco Österreich GmbHFloridsdorfer Hauptstr. 11210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4893495Fax: +43-1-489495-204eMail: [email protected]: www.bracco.comContact: Rudolf RichterCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 7

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Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH Handelskai 921200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60143-0Fax: +43-1-60143-229eMail: [email protected]: www.b-ms.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Celgene GmbH Technologiestr. 101120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-81-144eMail: [email protected]: www.celgene.euCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Staff: 20

Chevita Tierarzneimittel Ges�m�b�HKaplanstr. 104600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-45675-0Fax: +43-7242-45675-14eMail: [email protected]: www.chevita.atContact: Dr. Franz Wolf (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1982

Chiesi Pharmaceuticals GmbHGonzagagasse 16/161010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4073-919-0Fax: +43-1-4073-919-99999eMail: [email protected]: www.chiesi-cee.comContact: Dr. Wolfgang Harrer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995

COVIN Pharmavertriebs GmbHNussdorfers Str. 79/Währinger Gürtel 1701090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3179-344eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAvienna

CSL Behring GmbHWagenseilgasse 3/Gebäude I1120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-80101-2480Fax: +43-1-80101-2810eMail: [email protected]: www.cslbehring.atContact: Norbert PianaCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1977

Daiichi Sankyo Austria GmbH EURO PLAZA, Gebäude J, Kranichberggasse 21120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-48586-420eMail: [email protected]: www.daiichi-sankyo.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Dermapharm GmbHTürkenstr. 25/121090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3193001-0Fax: +43-1-3193001-40eMail: [email protected]: www.dermapharm.atContact: Martin Schröckenfuchs (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001

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Sales Biotech/Pharm


254 Companies with R&D-activities


Easypharm GmbH & CO KGPerlhofgasse 2/22372 Gießhübl/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-3200-38Fax: +43-2236-320038-10eMail: [email protected]: www.easypharm.atContact: Mag. Johannes Schwertner (Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2009 Staff: 4Profile: Easypharm is a young private austrian healthcare company focussing on sales and distri-bution. We market OTC and generic products.Sales & Distribution: We market unique and innovative OTC products in various therapeutic areas. Our generic portfolio is focussed on central nervous system medicines.

Eisai GesmbH Leonard-Bernstein-Str. 101220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-535-19800Fax: +43-1-535-198080eMail: [email protected]: www.eisai.atCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 20

Eli Lilly Gesellschaft m�b�H� Kölblgasse 8-101030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71178-0Fax: +43-1-71178-206eMail: [email protected]: Dieter Hackl (Head Market Access)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1976Staff: 70

Eli-Tec pharmazeutischer Großhandel Mag� Ernst Baurek GmbHDavidgasse 82–901100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60428-22Fax: +43-1-60428-2232eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAvienna

Emonta Pharma GmbHWeidelstr. 211100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-68920-35Fax: +43-1-68920-37eMail: [email protected]: www.emonta.atStaff: 2Cluster membership: LISAvienna

ERWO Pharma GmbHEuroparing F08/1012345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-320255Fax: +43-2236-320255-12eMail: [email protected]: www.erwo-pharma.comContact: Dr. Ernst Wolensky (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2007

Examon Pharma HandelsgesmbhSchottenring 161010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3677-562Fax: +43-1-3677-564Web: membership: LISAvienna

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F� Trenka Chem�pharm� Fabrik Gesellschaft mbHGoldeggasse 51040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5050341-0Fax: +43-1-5050341-31eMail: [email protected]: www.eucarbon.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1971

Ferring Arzneimittel Gesellschaft m�b�H�Wienerbergstr. 111100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60808Fax: +43-1-60808-80eMail: [email protected]: www.ferring.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

first pharma J�M�T� GmbHAlserstr. 23/151080 ViennaPhone: +43-699-1501-0091eMail: [email protected]: www.firstpharma.atFounded in: 2014Staff: 9Profile: Business Model Promotion or Co-Promoti-on of established original pharmaceuticals, which still are important revenue carriers and have po-tential to regain growth Co-Marketing support at launch-phase of (niche-) products Provides capaci-ties and resources for research driven companies, to help them focusing on launches or on patent protected Innovations. first pharma is a business incubator and supports or takes over promotion of pharmaceutical products completelyServices: Offert and planning - Portfolio analysis and forecasting - Compare historic sales with market development - Evaluation of baseline - Calculation of goal achievements - Promotion and action plan - Implementation of strategic goals - Sharing revenues among partners

Sales & Distribution: BENEFIT for Partner Compa-ny Reduction of HR and marketing expenses Focus on innovation Coverage of COGS Externally achie-ved revenue growth Growth provides puffer for „bad times“ Flexibility in FTE – Management (full-time/part-time/synergies) Gain of time No risk

Forest Laboratories Österreich GmbH Kärntner Ring 5-71010 ViennaPhone: +43-664-20073-78eMail: [email protected]: www.forestlabs.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Galderma Austria GmbHAm Winterhafen 114020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-715993eMail: [email protected]: www.galderma.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013Staff: 19

Gilead Sciences GesmbH Wagramerstr. 191220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-26083-77Fax: +43-1-26083-99eMail: [email protected]: www.gilead.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007

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Sales Biotech/Pharm


256 Companies with R&D-activities


GlaxoSmithKline Pharma GmbH Euro Plaza, Gebäude I, 4. StockWagenseilgasse 31120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-97075-0Fax: +43-1-97075-170eMail: [email protected]: www.glaxosmithkline.atContact: Mag. Barbara Masser-Mayerl (Commu-nications Manager GSK Austria, Dep. Corporate Affairs)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1957 Staff: 153Profile: GSK is a science-led global healthcare company. We research and develop a broad range of innovative products in three primary areas of Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Consumer Health-care. GSK has commercial operations in more than 150 countries, about 98.000 employees world-wide, a network of 84 manufacturing sites in 36 countries and large R&D centres. In Austria 75% of the 150 employees are women. GSK is proud to be leading in access to medicine, ethical behavior and transparency. www.gsk.comProduction: GSK is a science-led global healthcare company. We research and develop a broad range of innovative products in three primary areas of Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Consumer Health-care. GSK has commercial operations in more than 150 countries and a network of 84 manufacturing sites in 36 countries. Find more information about GSK at www.gsk.comR&D: As GSK and through our heritage compa-nies, we have a 150-year legacy of applying science to discover and develop new medicines, vaccines and consumer healthcare products that help to transform lives. We have more than 13,000 people working across our R&D organisation dedicated to finding new ways to improve the treatment of diseases and illnesses. Find out more about the main areas of science we are focusing at Find more information about GSK at www.gsk.comSales & Distribution: Find more information about GSK at

gm pharma gmbhZiegeleistr. 325020 SalzburgPhone: +43-7722-807-0Fax: +43-7722-807-12eMail: [email protected]:

Grünenthal GmbH Campus 21- Liebermannstr. A01/5012345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-379-550Fax: +43-2236-379-504eMail: [email protected]: www.grunenthal.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1977Staff: 25

Guerbet Großhandel mit pharmazeutischen Produkten Ges�m�b�H�Neulinggasse 29/I/241030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7106206Fax: +43-1-7106206-22eMail: [email protected]: www.guerbet.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

GYNCOM GmbHIgnaz-Köck-Str. 101210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-890011042-10Fax: +43-1-890011042-12eMail: [email protected]: www.gyncom.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010

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Haemo-Pharma Consult GmbHSiget 87053 Hornstein/BurgenlandPhone: +43-2689-3116Fax: +43-2689-20044eMail: [email protected]:

Herba Chemosan Apotheker-AGHaidestr. 41110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40104-0eMail: [email protected]: www.herba-chemosan.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1916

Hexal PharmaStella-Klein-Löw-Weg 171020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4869622-0Fax: +43-1-4869622-93eMail: [email protected]: www.hexal.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Hospira Austria GmbHGrawatschgasse 4 Top 91230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2351-230Fax: +43-1-2351-230-10eMail: [email protected]: www.hospira.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

HSO Health CareTuchlauben 18/121010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89008-420eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1992

HVD Life Science Vertriebs GmbHWurzbachgasse 181150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-982-9526Fax: +43-1-78636-44eMail: [email protected]:, www.hvdlifesciences.comContact: Werner Bürgler (Sales Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998Staff: 8Profile: HVD Life Science Vertriebs G.m.b.H is a marketing and distribution company located in Vienna, that specializes in sourcing, supplying and supporting life science solutions. We offer a wide range of high quality products from care-fully selected manufacturers of innovative and industry-leading tools and technologies. With all of our suppliers, we focus on building strong re-lationships that will ensure long-term success for our customers, our partners and ourselves. (

Ingo Brandstetter Pharmagroßhandel GmbHZolagasse 281140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5771-587Cluster membership: LISAvienna

InterMune Austria GmbHHeiligenstädter Lände 291190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2361190Fax: +43-1-2361190-90eMail: [email protected]: www.intermune.comFounded in: 2011Cluster membership: LISAvienna

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Jacoby GM Pharma GmbHTeichweg 25400 Hallein/Kaltenhausen/SalzburgPhone: +43-6245-8951-0Fax: +43-6245-8951-68eMail: [email protected]:

Janssen-Cilag Pharma GmbH Vorgartenstr. 206b1020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-610-300Fax: +43-1-616-1241Web: www.janssen.atContact: Dr. Carine BrouillonCluster membership: LISAvienna

Kedrion International GmbHKärntner Ring 5-7, TOP 5071010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51329-44Fax: +43-1-51329-4422eMail: [email protected]: www.kedrion.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005 Staff: 17Profile: Kedrion international distributes Kedrion’s plasma derived therapeutic products for use in treating serious diseases, disorders and conditions such as hemophilia and immune system deficien-cies in many parts of the worldSales & Distribution: Kedrion international or-ganizes Kedrion’s interests in Europe, Asia, along with Russia and the Commonwealth of indepen-dant States.

KRKA Pharma GmbHWagramer Str. 4, Bürohaus Top 71220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-66243-00Fax: +43-1-6624300-45eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

Kwizda Pharmahandel GmbHJägerstr. 741200 ViennaPhone: +43-5-9977-20100Fax: +43-5-9977-20140eMail: [email protected]: www.kwizda-pharmahandel.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

L� Kögl Pharma GmbHMüllerstr. 1a6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-7271-0Fax: +43-512-7271-70eMail: [email protected]:

LEO Pharma GmbHModecenterstr. 17-19/Unit 4/7.OG1110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50369-79Fax: +43-1-50369-87eMail: [email protected]: www.leo-pharma.comContact: Karl Peter Schwarz (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Lundbeck Austria GmbHDresdner Str. 821200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-33107-0Fax: +43-1-33107-9eMail: [email protected]: Barbara Schwarzenberger (Medical Advisor)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1966Staff: 29Profile: Lundbeck is a global pharmaceutical company highly committed to improving the quality of life of people living with a brain di-sease. Therefore Lundbeck is engaged in research, development, production, marketing and sale of

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pharmaceuticals across the world. The products are targeted at diseases such as depression, an-xiety, psychotic disorders, epilepsy, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Lundbeck is the only company in the world solely devoted to the treatment of brain diseases.Production: Lundbeck markets a number of diffe-rent pharmaceuticals for the treatment of brain diseases. The most recently launched compounds include: Brintellix® (depression), Abilify Maintena® (schizophrenia), Selincro® (alcohol dependence), Northera™ (symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension), Cipralex/Lexapro® (depression), Azilect® (Parkinson’s disease), Xenazine® (chorea associated with Huntington‘s disease), Sabril® (epilepsy) and Onfi® (Lennox-Gastaut syndrome).R&D: Lundbeck is one of Denmark’s most re-search-intensive enterprises. Each year, Lundbeck reinvests around 20% of its revenue into research and development of new pharmaceuticals to im-prove treatment options for people living with a brain disease. Lundbeck´s R&D projects focus on: alcohol dependence, Alzheimer´s disease, epilepsy, Huntington´s disease, mood disorders (depression and anxiety), Parkinson´s disease and psychosis (schizophrenia and bipolar I disease).Sales & Distribution: Lundbeck employs approxi-mately 6,000 people worldwide, 2,000 of whom are based in Denmark. Lundbeck has employees in 57 countries, the products are registered in more than 100 countries. The production facilities are located in China, Denmark, France and Italy, the research centres are based in Denmark, China and the US. Lundbeck generated core revenue of ap-proximately DKK 13.5 billion in 2014.

Madaus Gesellschaft m�b�H�Lienfeldergasse 91-931170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5058008Fax: +43-1-5058008-505eMail: [email protected]: www.madaus.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1963

MEDA Pharma GmbHGuglgasse 151110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-863-900Fax: +43-1-863-903161eMail: [email protected]: www.meda.atContact: Mag. Günter CsehCluster membership: LISAvienna

Medicopharm GmbHElisabethstr. 13/1/101010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5137-6660Fax: +43-1-5137-6669eMail: [email protected]: www.medicopharm.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

MedLance Pharma GmbHRankgasse 11/341160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-495 310-0Fax: +43-1-494 969-5eMail: [email protected]: www.medlance.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Merck Chemicals and Life Science GesmbHZimbagasse 51140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-877-89260Fax: +43-1-877-1654eMail: [email protected]: www.millipore.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

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Merck Sharp & Dohme Ges�m�b�H� EURO PLAZA Gebäude G, 5. Stock, Am Euro Platz 21120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-12044-0Fax: +43-1-12044-444eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Paul WachterCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1971/2004

Merz Consumer Care Austria GmbHGuglgasse 171110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-86588-950Fax: +43-1-86588-9518eMail: [email protected]: Franz Pogatsch (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

MIP Pharma Austria GmbHPalais Lodron, Maria-Theresien-Str. 7-116020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-57257Fax: +43-512-581152eMail: [email protected]:

Mundipharma Gesellschaft m�b�H�Apollogasse 16–181070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5232-505Fax: +43-1-5232-50544eMail: [email protected]: www.mundipharma.atContact: Dr. Thomas Dewald (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1973 Staff: 60

Norgine Pharma GmbHHaidestr. 41110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8178120-0Fax: +43-1-7436370Web: www.norgine.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Novartis Pharma GmbH Stella-Klein-Löw-Weg 171020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-86657-11eMail: [email protected]: www.novartis.atContact: Mag. Christian ThonkeCluster membership: LISAvienna Staff: 310

ORION Pharma (Austria) GmbHWienerbergstr. 11/12a1100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-99460-6550Fax: +43-1-99460-5005eMail: [email protected]: www.orionpharma.deContact: Klaus Mecklenburg (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

PELPHARMA Handels GmbHWohndorfweg 363001 Tulbing/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-97913-84Fax: +43-1-97913-85eMail: [email protected]: www.pelpharma.atContact: Werner Peljak (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2001

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Pfizer Corporation Austria GmbH Floridsdorfer Hauptstr. 11210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-52115-0eMail: [email protected]: Claudia Handl (Corporate Affairs)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1956Staff: 250Profile: Pfizer is one of the leading biopharma-ceutical companies worldwide. We are committed to applying science and our global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life. We strive to provide access to safe, effective and affordable medicines and related health care services to the people who need them. We have a leading portfolio of products and medicines that support wellness and prevention, as well as treat-ment and cures for diseases across a broad range of therapeutic areas.Production: Pfizer Global Production & Supply goals are to supply quality products to patients that significantly improve their lives, and to en-sure these products are available when needed. Pfizer‘s global supply network has consistent high standards for quality, safety and environmen-tal protection; provides fast, flexible solutions across the full manufacturing and supply chain spectrum; and delivers safe, effective medicines around the world.R&D: Pfizer‘s purpose is to innovate to bring the-rapies that significantly improve patients‘ lives. R&D is at the heart of fulfilling Pfizer‘s purpose as we work to translate advanced science and tech-nologies into the therapies that matter most. Our core R&D areas include chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, vaccines, oncology, neuro-science and pain, cardiovascular and metabolic disease and rare diseases.

Phadia Austria GmbHDonau-City-Str. 11220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-27020-20Web: www.phadia.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999Staff: 15

PHAFAG Pharma Research & Trading GmbHUnionstr. 90/924020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-316-373300Web: www.phafag.atContact: Eduard Haas (CEO)Founded in: 2006

Pharm-Allergan GmbHWienerbergstr. 11/Twin Tower 12 A1100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-99460-6355Fax: +43-1-99460-5000eMail: [email protected]: www.Allergan.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006

pharmacom Handels GmbHEngelhorngasse 31210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2724-555Fax: +43-1-2724-55514eMail: [email protected]: www.pharmacom.atContact: DI Christian Eder (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

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PHARMADROGA Großhandel Gesellschaft m�b�H�Favoritenstr. 141040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50550-54Fax: +43-1-50469-02Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Pharmaselect Handels GmbHErnst-Melchior-Gasse 201020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7860386-0Fax: +43-1-7860386-20eMail: [email protected]: www.pharmaselect.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

pharmavision GmbHDonaustr. 1063400 Klosterneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-320100-10Fax: +43-1-320100-110eMail: [email protected]: www.pharma-vision.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2010

PHARMOSAN Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Ghegastr. 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8118-20Fax: +43-1-811821-40eMail: [email protected]: www.pharmosan.comContact: Mag. Sigismund Mittelbach (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

PHOENIX Arzneiwarengroßhandlung GmbHAlbert-Schweitzer-Gasse 31140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4914-90Fax: +43-1-4919-99eMail: [email protected]: www.phoenix-gh.atCluster membership: LISAvienna Staff: 168

PINT-PHARMA GesmbHWipplingerstr. 34, 1. OG, Top 1121010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2594735Fax: +43-1-2594735-15eMail: [email protected]: www.pint-pharma.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1994

ratiopharm Arzneimittel Vertriebs-GmbH Albert-Schweitzer-Gasse 31140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-97007-0Fax: +43-1-97007-66eMail: [email protected]: www.ratiopharm.atContact: Dr. Martin SpatzCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1958 Staff: 100R&D: Establish leadership in high-barrier Gx (ge-nerics) Build a unique platform for NTEs (New Therapeutic Entities) CNS (Central Nervous System) Respiratory Selectively invest into on-cology, women‘s health and biologics Sales & Distribution: The foundation of our suc-cess, and at the heart of Teva, is our vision to be the most indispensable medicines company in the world, executing on our obligation to our pa-tients, customers, shareholders and employees. Established in 1901, today TEVA ranks among the 15 top pharmaceutical companies in the world. Head-

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quartered in Israel, Teva is active in 60 countries, with over 46,000 dedicated employees worldwide. As a forward-looking global pharmaceutical company, Teva spearheads the development, pro-duction and marketing of a wide range of specialty medicines, generic and OTC products, active phar-maceutical ingredients (API) and novel new thera-peutic entities. Following our vision, we pursue robust organic growth. This strategy is comple-mented by key alliances with exemplary partners. We extend our presence into new markets and add selectively to our capabilities. We balance invest-ment in growth with return to our investors. We commit ourselves to challenging the unmet medi-cal, societal and patient needs of the day.

Roche Austria GmbH Engelhorngasse 31210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-27739-0Fax: +43-1-277-3912eMail: [email protected]: www.roche.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Roche Diagnostics GmbHEngelhorngasse 31210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-27787-0Fax: +43-1-27787-12eMail: [email protected]: www.roche.atContact: Michael GabathulerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999 Staff: 190R&D: Along with Roche Pharmaceuticals, Roche Diagnostics is an important part of the founda-tion that modern healthcare builds upon. Our broad range of innovative diagnostic tests and systems play a pivotal role in the groundbreaking area of integrated healthcare solutions and cover the early detection, targeted screening, evaluation and monitoring of disease. Roche Diagnostics is active in all market segments, from scientific research and clinical laboratory systems to patient self-monitoring.

Roxall Medizin GmbHMommsengasse 331040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9051183Fax: +43-1-9051183-91eMail: [email protected]: www.roxall.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010

s�a�m� Pharma Handel GmbHJakob-Regenhart-Gasse 162380 Perchtoldsdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-31570-71Fax: +43-1-3157071-77eMail: [email protected] Web: Cluster membership: LISAvienna

S�MED Handels GmbHZachgasse 11220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5139-152Fax: +43-1-5138-695eMail: [email protected]: www.smed.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997Staff: 5

Sanofi Pasteur MSD GmbHCampus 21, Europaring F11/4022345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-8903491-15Fax: +43-1-86670-22204eMail: [email protected]: www.spmsd.atContact: Bernhard Prager (Dep Dir. Commercial & Market Access)Cluster membership: ecoplusStaff: 11

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SANOFI-AVENTIS GmbH Leonard-Bernstein-Str. 101220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-80185-0Fax: +43-1-80185-8000eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaStaff: 100

Sanova Pharma GesmbHHaidestr. 41110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-80104-0Fax: +43-1-80429-04eMail: [email protected]: www.sanova.atContact: Andreas CmolikCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 125

Servier Austria GmbHMariahilferstr. 20/51070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-524-39990eMail: [email protected]: www.servier.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Shire Deutschland GmbHKärntner Ring 5–7/7.Stk1010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2051160-1051Fax: +43-1-2051160-1008Web: www.shire.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014

SIGNATIS Pharma GmbHLainzer Str. 121/91130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-87916-760Fax: +43-1-87916-76414eMail: [email protected]: www.signatispharma.comContact: Wolfgang Krickl (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 7

Sinapharm GmbHDresdner Str. 62–64/2/121200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-408610-600Fax: +43-1-408610-620eMail: [email protected]: www.sinapharm.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005

STADA Arzneimittel GmbHMuthgasse 361190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3678-585-0Fax: +43-1-3678-585-85eMail: [email protected]: Bernd Leiter (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Takeda Pharma GmbHEURO PLAZA, Gebäude F, Technologiestr. 51120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-52440-640Fax: +43-1-52440-64900Web: www.takeda.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

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Thea Pharma GmbHMariahilfer Str. 103/Stiege 3/Top 521060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-595404-90Fax: +43-1-595404-944eMail: [email protected]: www.thea-pharma.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011

TRB Chemedica (Austria) GmbHIZ Nö-Süd, Str. 7, Objekt 58D/1/2. OG2355 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-660600Fax: +43-2236-660600-10eMail: [email protected]: www.trbchemedica.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002Staff: 11

Vifor Pharma Österreich AGLinzerstr. 2211140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4164777Fax: +43-1-4164777-17eMail: [email protected]: www.viforpharma.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Volopharm GmbHEdisonstr. 24600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-90 808-80Fax: +43-7242-908088-85eMail: [email protected]:

Wabosan Arzneimittelvertriebs GmbHAnton-Anderer-Platz 61210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-27003-70Fax: +43-1-27003-7020eMail: [email protected]: www.wabosan.atContact: Walter Bobek (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001Staff: 3

Xenogenetik Biotechnologie GmbHSimmeringer Hauptstr. 241110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-74040-414Fax: +43-1-74040-415eMail: [email protected]: www.xenogenetik.atContact: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Brem (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997Staff: 2

Zoetis Österreich GmbHFloridsdorfer Hauptstr.1210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-27011-00100eMail: [email protected]: www.zoetis.atCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 10

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e 3M Österreich GmbHEuro Plaza, Gebäude J, Stiege 2 Kranichberggasse 41120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-86686-0Fax: +43-1-86686-242eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1961

A� Duschek GmbHLaxenburgerstr. 2181230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8883112Fax: +43-1-8883112-40eMail: [email protected]: www.aduschek.atContact: Werner Duschek (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1944 Staff: 7Profile: Marketing innovative products for cardio-vascular surgery and aesthetics.Sales & Distribution: Cardiovascular prosthesis, Cardiovascular accessories, Oxygenators, Hyaluro-nic Fillers, Mesotherapy, Cosmeceuticals.

A� Menarini GmbHPottendorfer Str. 25–271120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8041-576-0Fax: +43-1-8041-576-150eMail: [email protected]: www.menarini-diagnostics.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1988

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edical Device


Achim Schulz-Lauterbach Vertrieb medizinischer Produkte Ges�m�b�H�Schwarzspanierstr. 15/9/31090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4030858-0Fax: +43-1-4030858-18eMail: [email protected] Web: www.akut-dialyse.deCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013

Acutronic Medical Systems GmbHSterneckstr. 55/55055 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-890-3970Fax: +43-662-890-39715eMail: [email protected]: www.Acutronic-ms.atContact: Andreas Kaltenegger (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

ad rem team GmbH - therapie4youAuenbruggergasse 2/111030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7103165Fax: +43-1-7104065eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999

AFS MEDICAL GmbH MedizinproduktehandelGewerbepark B17/II Str. 1/32524 Teesdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2253-8180-10Fax: +43-2253-8180-18eMail: [email protected]: www.medical.atContact: Fritz Schweinberger (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1978Sales & Distribution: We have made it our goal to sell innovative high quality products combined

with providing the hightst possible level of service for our clients. Our fields of interest are General surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gy-naecology and Urology. We define new trends in surgery, provide solutions, train the users of or products and help them to improve their surgical skills.

Alcon Ophthalmika GmbHStella-Klein Löw Weg 71020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7989294-7043eMail: [email protected]: www.alcon.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Alfamed Medizinprodukte GmbHDaniel-Gran-Str. 573100 St. Pölten/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2742-313829-0Fax: +43-2742-313829-11eMail: [email protected]: www.alfamed.atCluster membership: ecoplus

Allergopharma Vertriebsges� mbHSiebenhirtenstr. 301230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61571-540Fax: +43-1-61571-53eMail: [email protected]: www.allergopharma.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1969

Allmed Sale Gesellschaft mbHAnna-Grundschoberstr. 122700 Stockerau/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2742-67474Fax: +43-2742-67474-25eMail: [email protected]: www.allmedsale.atCluster membership: ecoplus

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Alphamed Medizintechnik Fischer GmbHHauptstr. 1408301 Laßnitzhöhe/StyriaPhone: +43-3133-2527Fax: +43-3133-2527-13eMail: [email protected]:

amacord GmbHKochgasse 71080 ViennaPhone: +43-1-585-2600eMail: [email protected]: www.amacord.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007

Andre Augen-Medizinprodukte GmbHSchwefel 936850 Dornbirn/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5572-225-84Fax: +43-5572-290-04eMail: [email protected]: www.andre.atFounded in: 2012Staff: 13

Andreas Fahl Medizintechnik, Vertrieb GmbHTriester Str. 14/Bürohaus 22351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-89283-80Fax: +43-2236-89283-814eMail: [email protected]: www.fahl-medizintechnik.deCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2003

ArjoHuntleigh GmbHLemböckgasse 49, Stiege A/4. OG1230 ViennaPhone: +43-512-204160-0Fax: +43-512-204160-75eMail: [email protected]: www.arjo.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Arthrex Austria GesmbHIZ NÖ Süd Str. 7 Obj. 58C/102351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-893-3500Fax: +43-2236-893-35010eMail: [email protected]: www.arthrex.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1998Staff: 26

ArthroCare Austria AGConcorde Business Park C32320 Schwechat/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-512-361-538Fax: +43-512-361-548eMail: [email protected]: www.arthrocare.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2006Staff: 5

Askin & Co� GmbHAlbert Schweitzer-Gasse 61140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-97988-44Fax: +43-1-97988-46eMail: [email protected]: K. R. Ing. Herbert LugbauerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1979

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Assista Laborelectronics GmbHDöblinger Hauptstr. 951190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-36984-40eMail: [email protected]: www.assista.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1980

Astro Medtec Medizintechnik GmbHAupoint 175101 Bergheim bei SalzburgeMail: [email protected]:

Atomed HandelsgmbHDraschestr. 881230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6060580Fax: +43-1-6060580-22eMail: [email protected]: www.atomed.atContact: Andreas Tögel (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 3Profile: Mechanical EngineerServices: Installation and maintenance of in-stalled medical systemsSales & Distribution: Medical machinery and (ste-rile) disposables

Attends GmbHFranz-Josefs-Kai 31010 ViennaPhone: +43-800-818818Fax: +43-800-818821eMail: [email protected]: www.attends.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Axon Lab AGGewerbezone 16404 Polling/TyrolPhone: +43-523-8877-66Fax: +43-523-887766-12eMail: [email protected]:

B�R�A�H�M�S� Austria GmbHWehlistr. 27B1200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-585-6667-0Fax: +43-1-585-6667-9eMail: [email protected]: www.brahms.deContact: Hermann SchmidtCluster membership: LISAvienna

Balmung Medical Handel GmbHVienna-Twin-Tower/Wienerbergstr. 111100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-99460-6412eMail: [email protected]: www.balmung.ccCluster membership: LISAvienna

Bard Medica S�A� Niederlassung ÖsterreichModecenterstr. 22/MGC-Top Nr. D36, 3.OG Ebene1030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4949-130Fax: +43-1-4949-13030eMail: [email protected]: www.bard.deContact: Elisabeth Scherbaum (CS-Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009

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Basko Orthopädie Handelsgesellschaft mbHOffice Park I; Top B021300 ViennaPhone: +43-1-283533-0Fax: +43-1-283626-2eMail: [email protected]: www.basko.comContact: Herbert StraußCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1986

Bauerfeind GmbHHainburger Str. 331030 ViennaPhone: +43-800-4430-130Fax: +43-800-4430-131eMail: [email protected]: www.bauerfeind.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1984

Bausch & Lomb Ges�mbHOffice Park I, Top B021300 ViennaPhone: +43-8-1000-1238eMail: [email protected] Web: www.bausch-lomb.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Becton Dickinson Austria GmbHMillennium Tower Handelskai 94–961200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-78951-170Fax: +43-1-78951-1711eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Helmut Hörner (Prokurist)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Beiersdorf GmbHLaxenburgerstr. 1511100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61400-370Fax: +43-1-61400-320eMail: [email protected]: www.beiersdorf.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1914Staff: 130

Berger Medizintechnik GmbHBusinesspark 6/98200 Gleisdorf/StyriaPhone: +43-3112-36-664Fax: +43-3112-36-227eMail: [email protected]: www.bemed.comContact: Erwin Berger (CEO)Founded in: 1999

Bess Medizintechnik GmbHKaiser-Josef-Platz 414601 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7248-66144Fax: +43-7248-62205eMail: [email protected]: www.bess.atContact: Marcus A. Eisenhut (CEO)Founded in: 1995

Beurer GmbHFranz-Hönig-Str. 74910 Ried im Innkreis/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7732-3541-0Fax: +43-7732-3542eMail: [email protected]: www.beurer.comContact: Michael Hofmeister (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2014Production: Blood pressure monitors, blood glu-cose metres, mobile ECG devices, pulse oximetres,

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fever thermometres, nebulizers, daylight lamps, infrared lamps, digital TENS electric stimulation devices, all kinds of accessories to the before-mentioned product-groups like lancets, lancing devices, control strips, software etc.Sales & Distribution: Blood pressure monitors, blood glucose metres, mobile ECG devices, pulse oximetres, fever thermometres, nebulizers, day-light lamps, infrared lamps, digital TENS electric stimulation devices, all kinds of accessories to the before-mentioned product-groups like lancets, lancing devices, control strips, software etc.

BIMED Dr� Karner Spitalbedarfs GmbHSiebenhirtenstr. 131230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-86984-55eMail: [email protected]: www.bimed.atContact: Susanne Binder (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Bio-Klima-Institut Gesellschaft mbHHeinrich-von-Buolgasse 181210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5444-6470Fax: +43-1-5444-74616eMail: [email protected]: www.bioklima.atFounded in: 1951Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Biomedica Medizinprodukte GmbH & Co� KGDivischgasse 41210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-291-0711Fax: +43-1-290-1429eMail: [email protected]:; www.bmgrp.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1978

bioMérieux Austria GmbHEduard Kittenberger Gasse 95b1230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8650-650Fax: +43-1-8650-661eMail: [email protected]: www.biomerieux.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993

Biomet Austria GmbHBreitwies 15303 Thalgau/SalzburgPhone: + 43-6235-20033-0Fax: + 43-6235-20033-9eMail: [email protected]: www.biomet.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997

Biotest Austria GmbHEinsiedlergasse 581050 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5451561-0Fax: +43-1-5451561-45eMail: [email protected]: www.biotest.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1968 Staff: 14Profile: Biotest is a company specialising in inno-vative haematology, immunology products and intensive medicine with the holistic approach of a global pharmaceutical and biotherapeutics group. Our products are used in the treatment of life-threatening diseases such as coagulation disorders , severe infections or disorders of the immune system.Production: The most important starting material for our pharmaceutical products is human blood plasma which we process into effective and highly pure medicinal products in one of the world’s most modern production facilities in Europe, loca-ted in Frankurt, Germany.R&D: One of our highest priorities research projects are the development of new plasma

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derivatives and of monoclonal antibodies, active substances produced by biotechnological tech-niques, which will open up new prospects in the treatment of rheumatism, leukaemia and other autoimmune diseases.Services: Support of medical eductions and re-search activities.Sales & Distribution: The Austrian sales and mar-keting team consits of 14 well educated and moti-vated people. Biotest Austria is active since the year 1968 and the office is located in the city of Vienna.

Biotronik Vertriebs-GmbHAm Euro Platz 2, Stiege 21120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61544-50Fax: +43-1-61544-5010eMail: [email protected]: www.biotronik.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1979

Boresch Medizintechnik GmbHTriester Str. 10/4/4112351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-869010Fax: +43-2236-869010-33eMail: [email protected]: www.boresch-baeuml.atContact: Gerold Boresch (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2004

Bosch + Sohn GmbH u� Co� KGMillennium Tower 23.OG, Handelskai 94-961200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-24027-580Fax: +43-1-24027-581eMail: [email protected]: www.boso.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 4

Boston Scientific GmbHWienerbergstr. 11, Turm A/ 19 OG1100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60810-0Fax: +43-1-60810-60eMail: [email protected]: www.bostonscientific.comContact: Christian JajetCluster membership: LISAvienna

BSN medical Medizinprodukte GmbHLaxenburger Str. 1511100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61400-666Fax: +43-1-61400-480eMail: [email protected]: www.bsnmedical.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001

BSTÄNDIG VERBANDSTOFFABRIK GmbHStrohbogasse 81210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-271-2172eMail: [email protected]: www.bstaendig.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1912

Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbHWienersiedlung 62432 Schwadorf bei Wien/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2230-3700-0Fax: +43-2230-3700-15eMail: [email protected]: www.cpce.netContact: Helge AdamCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1987

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Carestream Health GmbHEuroparing A03 3012345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-89064113-10Fax: +43-1-89064113-29eMail: [email protected]: www.carestreamhealth.atCluster membership: ecoplus

CH Reha Vertrieb GmbHReindorfgasse 361150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2533033 9559eMail: [email protected]: www.chreha.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014 Staff: 2

Chemomedica Medizintechnik und Arzneimittel Vetriebsges�m�b�H�Wipplinger Str. 191013 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5332666-18Fax: +43-1-53247-05eMail: [email protected]: www.chemomedica.atContact: Mag. Alexander Hayn (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1948 Staff: 25Services: Market evaluation, marketing and dis-tribution/supply chain management targeting the following groups: Doctors (mainly dentists, dermatologists and orthopaedists) Hospitals (anaesthesia wards, intensive care units) Rescue organisations (Red Cross, emergency helicopter services, military) Diagnostic labs and research institutions Fully equipped service department for local maintenance & repair of complex medi-cal devicesSales & Distribution: Medical devices for anaes-thesia, intenisve care and emergency medicine Medical devices for wound management (acute and chronic wounds) Pharmaceuticals and pharmacy products for denal and orthopedica applications

CLIMED Medizinische Produkte Produktions- und Vertriebs-GmbHSchlachthausgasse 50/141030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71225-41eMail: [email protected]: www.climed.atContact: Werner Supperer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1996

Coloplast Ges�m�b�HThomas-Klestil-Platz 101030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7075751-0Fax: +43-1-707575140eMail: [email protected]: www.coloplast.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993

Comesa GmbHTillmanngasse 51220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2565-8000Fax: +43-1-2565-80088eMail: [email protected]: www.comesa.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011

Connect Medizintechnik GmbHGspanngasse 42130 Mistelbach/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-2244-015eMail: [email protected]: www.connect-medizintechnik.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2012

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ConvaTec (Austria) GmbHSchubertring 61010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51284-84Fax: +43-1-51284-94eMail: [email protected]: www.convatec.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Cook Österreich GmbHNeustiftgasse 5/1/91070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-97567-121Fax: +43-1-97567-126eMail: [email protected]: www.cookmedical.comCluster membership: LISAvienna Founded in: 2007

Coopetition Med GmbHPschorngasse 64/51160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-95710-37eMail: [email protected]: www.coopetitionmed.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011

Corin GSA GmbH Niederlassung AustriaEuroparing F15/201/205, Campus 212345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-320138eMail: [email protected]: www.coringroup.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1984Staff: 3

COVIDIEN AUSTRIA GmbHCampus 21, Europaring F094022345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-378839Fax: +43-2236-378839-40eMail: [email protected]: www.covidien.comContact: Josef Gallner (CEO, Sales and Marketing Director Surgical Solutions)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1990Production: Energy Devices Endomechanical products Respiratory and Monitoring products Soft Tissue Repair products Vascular Products Medical SuppliesR&D: Energy Devices Endomechanical products Respiratory and Monitoring products Soft Tis-sue Repair products Vascular ProductsSales & Distribution: Energy Devices Endome-chanical products Respiratory and Monitoring products Soft Tissue Repair products Vascular Products Medical Supplies

Crosstec Handels-GmbHRotenlöwengasse 191090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-31031-000Fax: +43-1-31031-020eMail: [email protected]: http://crosstec.euContact: Rudolf Sindelar (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1980

DACH Medical Group GmbHBirkwildhain 25111 Bürmoos/SalzburgPhone: +43-6274-20204eMail: [email protected]:

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Dahlhausen GmbHGroßmarktstr. 181230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6675-454Fax: +43-1-6675-457eMail: [email protected]: www.dahlhausen.atContact: Ulrich Dahlhausen (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1984

Dako Österreich GmbH Pathology ProductsMooslackengasse 171190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-408-4334Fax: +43-1-408-4336eMail: [email protected]: www.dako.atContact: Rosemarie Havranek (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002

Danubia-Med Handels GmbHHerrengasse 53370 Ybbs a. d. Donau/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-7412-55772eMail: [email protected]: www.danubia-med.atContact: Leopold Lackner (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002Staff: 1

Dentsply IH GmbHLiesinger Flur-Gasse 41230 ViennaPhone: +43-316-4815-23Fax: +43-316-481523-13eMail: [email protected]: www.dentsplyimplants.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

DiaMed Österreich GmbHHummelgasse 88/3-6 231030 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.diamed-gmbh.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

DiaSorin Austria GmbHSchottenring 161010 ViennaPhone: +43-800-1023-260Fax: +43-800-1023-262eMail: [email protected]: www.diasorin.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Staff: 9

Dipl� Ing� Frühwald & Söhne GmbH & Co KGBörseplatz 71010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5332-100eMail: [email protected]: www.fruehwald.netContact: Karl FrühwaldCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1969

Dipro med GesmbHEisgrubengasse 2-62334 Vösendorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2254-72072-0Fax: +43-2254-72072-20eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Christian Eder (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2001Production: DIPRO med, has the full licence to as a manufacturer of in vitro diagnostics and medi-cal devices regarding to the European directives. We produce tests for health care, drugs of abuse, pregnancy and fertility and infectious diseases.

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R&D: The research of DIPROmed is focused on the detection of drugs of abuse, especially to detect traces on surfaces and skin. The second research focus in on reading systems for in vitro diagnostic rapid test devices, to give reliable qualitative and semi-quantitative results.Services: DIPRO med, is offering a wide range of In-vitro diagnostic tests for professional and home use to screen, we recalibrate testing devices and customize special test devices onto customers requests. Clinical chemical reagent kits and se-veral chemical investigations like GC-MS, LC-MS, REM are also available. On request we offer special trainings for the proper detection of drugs on sur-faces, in solids and liquids, especially for members of police and customs service.Sales & Distribution: DIPRO med, an Austrian based company, is offering a wide range of In-vitro diagnostic tests for professional and home use to screen: drugs of abuse and adulterations alco-hol pregnancy and fertility infectious diseases as well as for health check and prevention Additionally DIPRO med offers clinical chemical reagents, chemical investigations, electronic de-tectors for the determination of the content of breath alcohol, calibration services, electronic rea-ders for rapid test systems and trainings as well.

doclab GmbHMünzgrabenstr. 38010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-2250-98Fax: +43-316-225098-15eMail: [email protected]:

Dorninger & Leibetseder Dentalwarenhandel GmbH & Co� KGHans-Zach-Str. 24210 Gallneukirchen/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: 8

Dr� Carl Reissigl Ges�m�b�H� & Co�KGFranz-Fischer-Str. 26020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-584482Fax: +43-512-584482-8eMail: [email protected]:

Dräger Austria GmbHPerfektastr. 671230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6093-602Fax: +43-1-6996-242eMail: [email protected]: www.draeger.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Drott Medizintechnik GmbHRicoweg 32D2351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-660880-0Fax: +43-2236-660880-10eMail: [email protected]: www.drott.atContact: Rainer Kappel (MBA, CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1997 Staff: 25Sales & Distribution: High quality standards, contacts to leading suppliers and long term ex-perience enable Drott Medizintechnik to offer its clients tailor-made solutions. The company takes into account the entire client environment including existing facilities and processes and is around in the planning and decision making pha-ses with the overall aim of providing integrated solutions. As market leader Drott Medizintechnik has learned from experience and the dialogue with its clients that the successful implementa-tion of a solution is a continuous process which requires more than just a analyser. The company provides support with the optimization and organisation of analytical processes – ranging from measurement standards all the way to docu-menting results. Accompanying training courses

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for users are Drott’s real strength. Continuous backing both in teaching the basics as well as specialist knowledge gives that additional value which differentiates Drott from its competitors. Products and Services Blood gas analyses: radio-meter analysers have been providing top quality, ease of use and reliability for more than 60 years. Transcutaneous monitoring: transcutaneous equipment enables an effective and non-invasive monitoring of oxygen and carbon dioxide partial pressure. Cardiac, coagulation, sepsis and preg-nancy diagnostics: the AQT90 FLEX analyser com-bines top quality and ease of use to reach quick diagnostic decisions. Blood sugar measurement: the interconnecting glucose monitoring system with integrated bar code scanner and automatic printing of data enables consistent archiving of measurement and patient data. Pulsating magnetic field stimulation: the Salus Talent device creates a penetrating pulsating magnetic field to aid pain management. Osmometer by Advanced® (freezing point osmometer) to measure blood, plasma, stool, urine or sudoral osmolality.

ECOMED Medizintechnik GmbHAbt Maurus-Str. 353390 Melk/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-680-1247479Fax: +43-1-34242-069256eMail: [email protected]: membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2013 Staff: 1Profile: ECOMED Medizintechnik GmbH ...we care about you... As a young company based in Melk/Austria, founded in the course of 2013, we still offer you years of experience in the field of medical and related services. Our know-how and striving for top quality products and services combined with the flexibility of a small company form the basis for a long-term partnership. Convince yourselfServices: our Portfolio: ConsultingSales & Distribution: our Portfolio: - medical sup-plies - stretchers and trolleys - inventory for hospi-tals - X-Ray Accessoires - MRI Accessoires

Edwards Lifesciences Austria GmbHAnton-Baumgartner-Str. 125|6|11230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-20220-0Fax: +43-1-24220-150eMail: [email protected]: www.edwards.comContact: David Wagner (Sales Manager HVT), Hel-mut Lagler (Sales Manager CC)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Sales & Distribution: Transcatheter Heart Valve Pericardial Heart Valves Heart Valve Repair Other Tissue Valves Cardiac Cannula Minimally Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Swan-Ganz Catheters Pressure Monitoring Vascular Sur-gery Investigational Devices Minimal Incision Valve Surgery Noninvasive Hemodynamic Mo-nitoring

EISIMED GmbHHauptstr. 307111 Parndorf/BurgenlandeMail: [email protected]: www.eisimed.atFounded in: 2012Staff: 1

Ekomed Handels-Ges�m�b�HFranz-Heider-Gasse 71230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8692771Fax: +43-1-8692771-17eMail: [email protected]: Bernhard Holzheu (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993Staff: 3

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Elekta GmbHKlostergasse 46020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-5602-20Fax: +43-512-5602-22eMail: [email protected]: www.elekta.comFounded in: 1998Staff: 23

Elimpex-MedizintechnikSpechtgasse 322340 Mödling/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-410-450Fax: +43-2236-860-957eMail: [email protected]: www.elimpex.comCluster membership: ecoplus

EMS Handels Gesellschaft m�b�HSchubertstr. 32100 Korneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2262-61655Fax: +43-2262-61655-3eMail: [email protected]: www.emsbiomed.comCluster membership: ecoplus

Endo Unique Handelsgesellschaft m�b�HNeumayrgasse 211160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-49527-99Fax: +43-1-4952799-15eMail: [email protected]: www.endounique.atContact: Gerald Fritsch (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 22

Erbe Elektromedizin Ges�mbHModecenterstr. 14 TOP B11030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8932-446Fax: +43-1-8932-4463eMail: [email protected]: www.erbe-med.atContact: Sandra Proprenter (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna Founded in: 1968Staff: 11Services: service engineering salesSales & Distribution: electrosurgery

Eumedics Medizintechnik Handels- und Marketingges�m�b�H�Linzer Str. 453002 Purkersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2231-64310-0Fax: +43-2231-64310-33eMail: [email protected]: www.eumedics.atContact: Christian Tutsch (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1999Staff: 10Profile: Eumedics offers solutions in medical tech-nology. The company is a privately held innovative Austrian enterprise since 1999 founded from Mr. Christian Tutsch. The foundation of our national and international activities is the vast experience of our team in various sectors of medical dia-gnostics and therapy.R&D: Respiratory careServices: sale and distribution(including mainte-nance) for hospital units/marketSales & Distribution: in hospital market - products for: anesthetics intensive care neonatologic care patient care

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Euromed Distribution GmbHNobilegasse 23–251150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9793-850Fax: +43-1-9793-850-20eMail: [email protected]: www.euromed.orgCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993 Staff: 3

Exel Medical GmbHGünselsdorfer Str. 3b2544 Leobersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2256-63350-10Fax: +43-2256-63350-20eMail: [email protected]: www.exelmedical.atCluster membership: ecoplus

Exeltis Austria GmbHRivergate Gate 2/2.OG/TOP B Handelskai 921020 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.exeltis.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2012

F� Reiner & Co� GesmbHPelikangasse 61090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4055287eMail: [email protected]: Heinz Tinkel (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Fairmed Medizintechnik KGAu 156143 Vomp/TyrolPhone: +43-5242-68144eMail: [email protected]: www.fairmed.atFounded in: 1999

Ferdinand Menzl Medizintechnik GmbHDonaufelderstr. 1991220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-25589-600Fax: +43-1-25589-6060eMail: [email protected] Web: www.menzl.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1976

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare GmbH & Co KGWagramer Str. 191220 ViennaPhone: +43-800-293123Fax: +43-800-293122eMail: [email protected]: www.fphcare.deCluster membership: LISAvienna

Fresenius Medical Care Austria GmbHLundenburgergasse 51210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-29235-01eMail: [email protected]: www.fmc-austria.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1976Staff: 36

FS-Medizintechnik Handels GmbHScheffau 925440 Golling/SalzburgeMail: [email protected]: www.fs-medizintechnik.atStaff: 4

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Fuji Film Österreich Gesellschaft m�b�H� Nfg� KGTraviatagasse/Pfarrgasse1230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6162-6060Fax: +43-1-61626-06/58eMail: [email protected]: www.fujifilm.atContact: Thomas ScheibenbauerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1966Sales & Distribution: Digital imaging solutions, computed radiography, digital radiography, di-gital mammography, synapse, pacs, life sciences automated nucleic acid extraction, DNA and RNA, ultrasound system

G�M� Medizintechnik Handels GmbHStuttern 69063 Maria Saal/CarinthiaeMail: [email protected]: Wolfgang Mangge (CEO)Founded in: 2004Staff: 2

GE Healthcare Austria GmbH & Co OGTechnologiestr. 101120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-97272-2607Fax: +43-1-97272-2222eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

GE Healthcare Handels GmbHTechnologiestr. 101120 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

GEORG EGGER & Co� Ges� m� b� H�Kapellenstr. 1058053 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-715168eMail: [email protected]: www.georgegger.atFounded in: 1989Staff: 27

Gepa-Med Medizintechnik GmbHSprengersteig 41160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-489-6353Fax: +43-1-489-635343eMail: [email protected]: www.gepa.atContact: Gerhard Pavecic (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Gerhard Pejcl Medizintechnik Handels GmbHAnton-Sattler-Gasse 101A1220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2038-114eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAvienna

Gesellschaft für Medizin- und Labortechnik Fischerlehner & Kucera, Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Andreas-Hofer-Str. 36020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-582083Fax: +43-512-582083-20eMail: [email protected]: www.gml.atFounded in: 1948

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GJM Handel und Service GmbHLangegasse 581080 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40808-41eMail: [email protected]: www.schmidtlabor.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1968

GN ReSound Hörtechnologie GmbHWimbergergasse 14–161070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5245-400-400Fax: +43-1-5245-400-444eMail: [email protected]: www.gnresound.atContact: Norbert Gabriel (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Gratzl Josef MedizintechnikWilhelmfeldstr.304060 Leonding/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.gratzl-medizintechnik.comCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Green Medical MedizintechnikSchlossgasse 128750 Judenburg/StyriaPhone: +43-3572-44080eMail: [email protected]: www.greenmedical.atContact: Josef Schmuck (CEO)Founded in: 2010 Staff: 5Sales & Distribution: Green Medicals is a dynamic medical specialist supplier with the main focus to mobile medical equipment and facilities. The costumers are hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and doctors in Austria and Ger-many. Successful manufactures with the best performance ratio and best service for the clients makes Green Medical a popular reliable partner on the market

GSMTM Medizintechnik und Telemedizin GmbHEuropaplatz 2/1/21150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-86733-30Fax: +43-1-88602-46eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAvienna

Gynial GmbHGablenzgasse 11/III1150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-89014-54eMail: [email protected]: www.gynial.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007

H�M�T� Medizintechnik Handels-GmbHGregor Mendelstr. 6-8/91180 ViennaWeb: www.hmt-austria.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Haemonetics Handelsgesellschaft mbHMariahilferstr. 123/3.Stock1060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-294-2900eMail: [email protected]: www.haemonetics.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

HANSATON Akustische Geräte GmbHJosef-Lindner-Str. 4/45073 Wals-Himmelreich/SalzburgPhone: +43-662-451262-0Fax: +43-662-451262-99eMail: [email protected]: www.hansaton.atCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1961

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Hauser M� MedizintechnikMaurer Lange Gasse 1361230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8654-477Fax: +43-1-8654-4779eMail: [email protected]: www.hauser-medizintechnik.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997

Hauser Medizintechnik GmbHGschwendterstr. 888062 Kumberg bei Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-3132-3939Fax: +43-3131-3939-30eMail: [email protected]:

hcp healthcarepartner GmbHTraunstr. 465026 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-621243Fax: +43-662-621243-11eMail: [email protected]: www.hcp-austria.comContact: Ulrich Pichler (CEO)Founded in: 2012

Heinen + Löwenstein GmbHClemens-Holzmeister-Str. 41109 ViennaPhone: +43-1-615-1134Fax: +43-1-25330-339793eMail: [email protected]: www.hulaustria.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Hellmut Habel Gesellschaft m�b�H�Ignaz Köck Str. 201210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-29266-420Fax: +43-1-29012-45eMail: [email protected]: www.habel-medizintechnik.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1952

Henry Schein Dental Austria GmbHComputerstr. 61100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-52511-0Fax: +43-1-52511-22eMail: [email protected]: www.henryschein-dental.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Henry Schein Medical Austria GmbHComputerstr. 61100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71819-61Fax: +43-1-71819-6122eMail: [email protected]: www.henryscheinmed.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Heraeus Kulzer Austria GmbHNordbahnstr. 36/2/4/Top 4–51020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-408094-10Fax: +43-1-408094-171eMail: [email protected]: www.heraeus-dental.deCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1971

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Hill-Rom Austria GmbHBuropark Donau, Haus 83400 Klostemeuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2243-28550-0Fax: +43-2243-28550-19eMail: [email protected]: www.hill-rom.comCluster membership: ecoplus

Hitachi Medical Systems GmbHIZ NÖ-Süd, Str. 2a, Objekt M39/II2351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-8959-525Fax: +43-1-8959-52525eMail: [email protected]: Ing. Harald Riedner (Country Manager)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1999Staff: 8Profile: Hitachi Medical Systems Austria Sales and Service responsibility for diagnostic ultra-sound systems, optical topography and MRI/CT-systems

HO-MED HandelsgmbHFlorian-Berndl-Gasse 431220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-715-9119Fax: +43-1-71591-1919eMail: [email protected]: www.ho-med.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

HOLLISTER GmbHBergmillergasse 5/1/11140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-877-0800Fax: +43-1-87708-0022eMail: [email protected]: www.hollister.comContact: Wilfried Teufel (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999 Staff: 11

Hospitec WarenhandelsgmbHSchlachthausgasse 291030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7982-2410Fax: +43-1-7982-24111eMail: [email protected]: www.hospitec.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Hüttenegger Medizintechnik GmbHAlpinestr. 598650 Kindberg/StyriaPhone: +43-3865-4600-0Fax: +43-316-4600-16eMail: [email protected]: www.medah.comFounded in: 1996 Staff: 3Sales & Distribution: Since 1996 we distribute medical devices in Austria. Our customers are hos-pitals, emergency service and nursing homes.

icotec Medical GmbHZiegelstr. 208045 Graz/StyriaWeb: www.icotec-medical.comFounded in: 2014 Staff: 2

Illek Sanag Gesellschaft m�b�H�Voitgasse 61220 ViennaPhone: +43-50299-1220eMail: [email protected]: www.sanag.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1975

INNOCEPT Medizintechnik GmbHWiener Str. 373340 Waidhofen/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-7442-557-55Fax: +43-7442-557-559eMail: [email protected]: www.innocept.atCluster membership: ecoplus

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Innovative Diagnostics Vertriebs GmbHStaudgasse 7, 1A1180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-99712-89Fax: +43-1-9971289-10eMail: [email protected]: www.innovativediagnostics.comContact: Mag. Alexander Matis (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Sales & Distribution: Innovative Diagnostics is selling innovative molecular diagnostics products from renowned international providers in Austria. Key customers are hospital and private labs con-ducting PCR and other molecular diagnostics.

INOVAMET Vertriebs GmbHNeubaugasse 27/2/231070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-526-8943eMail: [email protected]: www.inovamet.atCluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 3

INTERVENT Handels GmbHWeinzierl am Walde 233610 Weinzierl am Walde/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-676-369-3030Fax: +43-1-253-3033-4789eMail: [email protected]: www.intervent.atContact: Mag. Ewald Schober (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplus

INTRAMED Handels Ges�m�b�H�Hügelgasse 101130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-876-0101Fax: +43-1-876-010166eMail: [email protected]: www.intramed.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Contact: Manfred Schartner (CEO/President)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1984

IT-V Medizintechnik GmbHKranebitterbodenweg 40a6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-664-400-9009Fax: +43-512-277-577eMail: [email protected]: in: 2008Staff: 1

ivfetflex�com HandelsgmbH & Co KGRechbauerstr. 498010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-834000-0Fax: +43-316-834000-7eMail: [email protected]: www.ivfetflex.comContact: Dr. Hans-Peter Steiner

Ivoclar Vivadent GmbHTech Gate Vienna, Donau-City-Str. 11220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-263-191-10Fax: +43-1-263-191-111eMail: [email protected]: www.ivoclarvivadent.comContact: Gernot Schuller (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014 Staff: 5

Johannes Gangl Medizintechnik GmbHFröhlichgasse 39a8010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-4615-41Fax: +43-316-4615-414eMail: [email protected]: www.grall.atContact: Hannes Gangl (CEO)Founded in: 1912

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Johnson & Johnson Medical Products GmbHVorgartenstr. 206B1020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-360-25Fax: +43-1-360-25502eMail: [email protected]: www.jnjmedical.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Karl Storz Endoskop Austria GmbHLandstraßer Hauptstr. 148/1/G11030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7156-0470Fax: +43-1-7156-0479eMail: [email protected]: www.karlstorz.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

KaVo-AUSTRIA Dentalwarenhandel GmbHGutheil-Schoder-Gasse 7a1100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-665-0133Fax: +43-1-665-013317eMail: [email protected]: www.kavo.atContact: Hans Bättig (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1990

KCI Austria GmbHLemböckgasse 49/Stiege A1230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8633-0Fax: +43-1-8633-06eMail: [email protected]: www.kci-medical.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Köcher KGArnoldgasse 2/51210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-597-1101eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAvienna

Koloszar Medizintechnik GmbHMolkereistr. 6/1442700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2622-86101-0Fax: +43-2622-86101-21eMail: [email protected]: www.koloszar.atContact: Stefan Koloszar (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1985Sales & Distribution: We are an old established company in the emergency market. During the time we build up a supply chain for hospitals and emergency ambulances. We are distributor for Physio Control, Vidacare and other brands.

Krainer Medtechnik Handelsgesellschaft mbHOberlaaerstr. 2221100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-688-4332Fax: +43-1-688-43323eMail: [email protected]: www.krainer-medtechnik.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1979

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Kvs Medizintechnik VertriebsgmbhBundesstr. 52102 Bisamberg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2262-61521Fax: +43-2262-61520eMail: [email protected]: www.kvs-medtech.atContact: Johannes Kainz (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2005 Staff: 1Profile: Intensive Care Medicine (TBI, CA, Stroke), Pupillary Measurement for Standardization and early ICP Feedback, Cardiac Surgery - Minimally invasive Mitral Valve Repair SystemSales & Distribution: Products for: Intensive Care Medicine (TBI, CA, Stroke), Pupillary Measurement for Standardization and early ICP Feedback, Car-diac Surgery - Minimally invasive Mitral Valve Repair System

Kybermed Handelsgesellschaft mbHCottagegasse 69/131190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-328-4800Fax: +43-1-328-4555Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Lab Technologies Medizintechnik GmbHSchönbrunner Str. 1851120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-419-1027Fax: +43-1-419-1026eMail: [email protected]: www.labtechnologies.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

LabNet Laborsysteme GmbHAnna-Widmann-Str. 14901 Ried im Innkreis/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7752-88282-0Fax: +43-7752-88282-88eMail: [email protected]: www.labnet.atFounded in: 2004

Leupamed, Medizintechnik-Geräte Gesellschaft m�b�H�Bundesstr. 1498077 Gössendorf/StyriaPhone: +43-316-403424-0Fax: +43-316-4037-20eMail: [email protected]: www.leupamed.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1988Staff: 15

Lifetool Solutions GmbHHafenstr. 47–514020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-99705652-70Fax: +43-732-99705652-71eMail: [email protected] Web: www.lifetool.atContact: David Hofer (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2008 Staff: 2Profile: LIFEtool Solutions GmbH is a 100% daugh-ter company of LIFEtool gemeinnützige GmbH. Research and development on new solutions in the field of Assistive Technoloy and Alternative and Augmentative Communication happens at LIFEtool gemeinnützige GmbH with an interdiszi-plinary team of researcher, pedagogues, program-mers and specialists.Production: The production of our Medical Devices itself is outsourced to Partners.R&D: The corporate purpose of LIFEtool gemein-nützige GmbH is research & development and counseling in the field of Assistive Technologies, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), learning and training software for children, adolescents, adults and older people with physical and/or mental disabilities. Last research activities: LiveEOG, HOMEdotOLD, AT-LAB, Mobile.Old, Fun-tast-tisch, Prosperity4All, MOSES, SocialCareServices: LIFEtool Solutions GmbH is a 100 % subsidiary of LIFEtool gemeinnuetzige GmbH. The tasks of LIFEtool Solutions GmbH are the national and international distribution of LIFEtool products

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through sales partners all over the world and as service the supply of aids in form of Assistive Tech-nologies in Austria.Sales & Distribution: LIFEtool Solutions GmbH sales different but selected goods – all goods are selected on the focus to enable handicapped and elderly people to use latest computer facilities and communicate with each other – to support inclusion and integration of them all. For fur-ther information please visit our websites: or

LIGAMED medical products GmbHAmraserstr. 806020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-3419-00Fax: +43-512-341900-11eMail: [email protected]: www.ligamed.comStaff: 3

Lima Austria GmbHSeestadtstr. 27, Top 6-71220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2712-469Fax: +43-1-2712-469100eMail: [email protected]: www.lima-austria.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Linvatec Austria GmbHEduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-76020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-3424-35Fax: +43-512-3424-3520eMail: [email protected]:

Lohmann & Rauscher GmbHJohann-Schorsch Gasse 41140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-576-700Fax: +43-1-577-1799Web: www.lohmann-rauscher.atCluster membership: LISAvienna, Health Techno-logy Cluster

M+W Dental Handels GmbHAlbert-Schweitzer-Gasse 61140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9794-8420Fax: +43-1-9794-84220eMail: [email protected]: www.mwdental.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Mag� Klaffenböck Medizintechnik GmbHBahnstr. 1545350 Strobl/SalzburgPhone: +43-613-77878Fax: +43-613-7787878eMail: [email protected]:

Maquet Medizintechnik Vertrieb und Service GmbHPerfektastr. 87/Top 81230 ViennaPhone: +43-2236-677393-0Fax: +43-2236-677393-77eMail: [email protected]: www.maquet.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Masimo Österreich GmbHMeldemannstr. 181200 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.masimo.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

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Matel Medizintechnik GmbHHangweg 208071 Hausmannstätten/StyriaPhone: +43-3135-4744-4Fax: +43-3135-47444-14eMail: [email protected]: www.matel.atFounded in: 1996

Mathys Orthopädie GmbHTriester Str. 10/4/4/42351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-860999-0Fax: +43-2236-860999-11Web: www.mathysmedical.comCluster membership: ecoplus

Matzka Rehatechnik GmbHIZ NÖ-Süd, Str. 2, Objekt M22351 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-47915-660Fax: +43-1-447002-03eMail: [email protected]: www.matzka.atContact: Bojana Matzka (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplus

med CARE MEDIZINTECHNIK Vertriebs Ges�m�b�H�Offenhausener Str. 94623 Gunskirchen/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-1-60362-04eMail: [email protected]: www.medcare-medizintechnik.atContact: Jürgen Kerschbaumer (CEO)Sales & Distribution: Distributor for medical de-vices with focus on neonatal, -paediatric departe-ments, ICU’s, anaesthesiological departments

med-lab GesmbHWolfgang-Pauli-Gasse 51140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-817-9050Fax: +43-1-817-905015eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1992

Medartis GmbHImpulszentrum Fabrik, Rheinstr. 26–276890 Lustenau/VorarlbergPhone: +43-1-9946-064-99Web: www.medartis.comFounded in: 1997

MedDevice Handels GmbHObere Weissgerberstr. 161030 ViennaPhone: +43-676-9182288eMail: [email protected]: www.meddevice-international.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010 Staff: 1Sales & Distribution: medical products for the plastic surgerie

medi Austria GmbHAdamgasse 166020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-5795-15Fax: +43-512-5795-1545eMail: [email protected]:

Medica Medicare GmbH & Co KGOberer Stadtplatz 66330 Kufstein/TyrolPhone: +43-5372-61444-0eMail: [email protected]: www.medica-medicare.atFounded in: 2005

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Medical Sales Consultants Austria GmbHWachaustr. 133123 Neustift/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-957-9715Fax: +43-1-957-8261eMail: [email protected]: www.medicalsci.comContact: Walter Walla (Consultant)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2003

Medice Arzneimittel GmbHRömerstr. 145400 Hallein/SalzburgPhone: +43-800-297534Fax: +43-800-295193eMail: [email protected]: www.medice.atFounded in: 2008

Medichron Gesellschaft m�b�H�Gredlerstr. 51020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-216-3275eMail: [email protected]: www.medichron.atContact: Simon Adler (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995Staff: 5Profile: Pharmaceutical wholesaler and day clinic.

Medicor Medical Supplies GmbHWeyringergasse 6/21040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5046671-0eMail: [email protected]: www.medicor.atContact: DI Heinz Gerhards (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2009Staff: 8

Medika medizinisch-technische Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Seidenhofstr.338020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-584925-18Fax: +43-316-584925-33eMail: [email protected]: www.medika-graz.atFounded in: 1978

medikus medizintechnische und pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbHDiefenbachgasse 35/3/Top 51150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-9441-326Fax: +43-1-25330-332570eMail: [email protected]: Christian Kraule (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006

Meditec Medizintechnik Ges�m�b�HMathilde Beyerknecht-Str. 93100 St. Pölten/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2742-2589-5815Fax: +43-2742-2589-5830eMail: [email protected]: www.meditec.atContact: Dr. Franz Schneider (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1997

MEDIZIN-TECHNIK Schnelzer & Partner Handelsgesellschaft m�b�H�Landwiedstr. 1234020 Linz/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]:

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Medizintechnik Benesch GmbHWiener Str. 10/3/12320 Schwechat/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-70712-00Fax: +43-1-70712-01eMail: [email protected]: www.medizintechnik-benesch.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1988Staff: 6

Medizintechnik POROD e�U�Hörnerstr. 243580 Frauenhofen/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2982-2928Fax: +43-2982-2928eMail: [email protected]: www.porod-medizintechnik.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1996Staff: 2

Medline Austria GmbHc/o CHSH Cerha, Hempel, Spiegelfeld, Hlawati1010 ViennaPhone: +43-800-201-878Fax: +43-800-201-879eMail: [email protected]: http://de.medline.comCluster membership: Life Sciences Tirol, LISAvienna

Medline Medizintechnik GmbHHaberlgasse 41/3/41160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-494 43 80eMail: [email protected] membership: LISAvienna

Medmobile GmbHAlszeile 1031170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-228 88 75eMail: [email protected]: www.medmobile.atContact: Univ. Doz. DDr. Gerold Porenta (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Medos Medizintechnik OGLöwengasse 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71514-74Fax: +43-1-71574-75eMail: [email protected]: www.medosaustria.atContact: Sabine Binder (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008R&D: Distribution for products in Dental and Me-dical marketSales & Distribution: Dental: products for oral sur-gery as ultrasound-bonesurgery, bone subsitutes, dental implant, sterile drapes, special instruments and loupes, safety products for the OR. Medical: Neuromonitoring, Thermotherapy, safety products for the OR, loupes, surgical suction, liposuction, ultrasound-bonesurgery.

Medtronic Österreich GmbHHandelskai 94-961200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-24044-0Fax: +43-1-24044-100eMail: [email protected]: www.medtronic.atContact: Wolfgang Deutschmann (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1973

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MELET SCHLOESING Laboratoires GmbHSüdstadtzentrum I/8/E2346 Maria Enzersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-28023eMail: [email protected]: www.mslab.atCluster membership: ecoplusStaff: 3

Menges Medizintechnik GmbHSpitzermühlestr. 64713 Gallspach/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7248-640-60Fax: +43-7248-640-604eMail: [email protected]: www.memed.atContact: Manfred Menges (Managing Director)Founded in: 1991

Messer Medical Austria GmbHAdmiralstr. 132352 Gumpoldskirchen/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2252-607250-0Fax: +43-2252-607250-202eMail: [email protected]: www.messer-medical.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1964Staff: 24

MET-TIEM technische Geräte Vetriebsgesellschaft m�b�HHnilickastr. 20-223100 St. Pölten/Lower AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.met-tiem.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1988Staff: 9

MICHAEL KLEIN Handelsagentur im Auftrag von Urgo GmbHKarl Schwaha Str. 254680 Haag am Hausruck/Upper AustriaWeb:

MIDES Handelsgesellschaft f� Medizin- & Entsorgungstechnik m�b�H�Weinholdstr. 338010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-426-500Fax: +43-316-426-5003eMail: [email protected]: www.mides.comFounded in: 1995

Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma GmbHZiegelofengasse 33/61050 ViennaWeb: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011

MMM Krankenhauseinrichtungen Gesellschaft m�b�H�Hauptstr. 22630 Ternitz/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2633-4257-90Fax: +43-2633-4257-92eMail: [email protected]: www.mmmgroup.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1988Staff: 14

MMT Moderne Medizintechnik Gesellschaft m�b�H�Fourniergasse 26-291130 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.mmtgmbh.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1993

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Mobilitas Health Group Forschungs- und Vertriebs-GmbHAm Thalbach 34600 Thalheim/Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7242-65162Fax: +43-7242-65162-4eMail: [email protected]: www.mobilitas-group.comFounded in: 2011Staff: 14

Mölnlycke Health Care GmbHWagenseilgasse 141120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2788-542Fax: +43-1-2788542-19eMail: [email protected]: www.molnlycke.atContact: Pierre Guyot (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998

Mositech Medizintechnik GmbHSchwefel 936850 Dornbirn/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5572-34534Fax: +43-5572-34535eMail: [email protected]: www.mositech.atContact: Christof Moosbrugger (CEO)Founded in: 1992Staff: 25

mpö pfm GmbHZwanzigerstr. 49020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-5929-44Fax: +43-463-592944-2eMail: [email protected]: www.mpoe.atFounded in: 1988

MSP Medizintechnik GmbHWürtzlerstr. 161030 ViennaPhone: +43-676-44717-17Fax: +43-1-4038956-50Cluster membership: LISAvienna

MTG Medizinisch Technische Geräte Erzeugungs- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbHRömergasse 271160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-59791-52eMail: [email protected]: www.mtg-wien.atContact: Roswitha PlatnerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1985

Müller Medizinische Labormeßtechnikgeräte Ges�m�b�H�Güpferlingstr. 111170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-48543-77Fax: +43-1-48543-7725eMail: [email protected]: www.muellerwien.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1978

Nascyma Pharma GmbHSiget 87053 Hornstein/BurgenlandPhone: +43-7242-2252-25Fax: +43-125-3303381-87eMail: [email protected]:

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Neurodata GmbHSchulzgasse 241232 ViennaPhone: +43-1-667-9977Fax: +43-1-667-4499eMail: [email protected]: www.neurodata.atContact: Herbert Schachinger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Neuroth Medical Division GmbHMessendorfgrund 308042 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-9977- 88Fax: +43-316-99778-84eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Astrid Bauer (Assistant to the Ma-nagement & Marketing)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2012Staff: 29Profile: Neuroth Medical Division GmbH is part of the Neuroth Group, headquartered in Austria (Sty-ria), and offers a broad service portfolio and sells top of the range products from well-known pro-ducers of manufacturers of medical technology devices and instruments. As the austrian market leader for professional support of ENT doctors, great emphasis ist put on a close and mutually trustworthy collaboration with our customers and partners.Services: Technical support of medical devices Sales of medical products, devices, equipment Installation of medical equipment in hospitals and practicesSales & Distribution: Audiology Medical equip-ment Medical treatment Surgery equipment Hygienics Spare parts IT

NidiCare GmbHFabrikstr. 26460 Imst/TyrolPhone: +43-5412-618-91Founded in: 2009

Nintamed Handels GmbHLeopold-Gattringer-Str. 252345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-21767-89Fax: +43-2236-710671-11eMail: [email protected]: www.nintamed.euContact: Michael Ostermann (General Manager)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2010Staff: 2Profile: Nintamed is a young and dynamic sales organisation, selling innovative diabetes products and services in Germany, Austria, and Switzland to hospitals, physicians,patients and sick funds. Nintamed is focused in continuous glucose moni-toring and insulin pump therapy to provide best therapy options to their customers.Services: Patient-tailored services and home-de-livering of medical devices and assistance in any health care issues.Sales & Distribution: Innovate products for daily diabetes management (CGM, pen-needles, syrin-ges, lancets, infusion sets).

Nobel Biocare (Österreich) GmbHLinke Wienzeile 244-2461150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-892899-0Fax: +43-1-892899-021eMail: [email protected]: www.nobelbiocare.comContact: Michael Studer (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

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Novomed Handelsgesellschaft mbHBaumgasse 621030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-79019-0Fax: +43-1-79019-70eMail: [email protected]: www.novomed.atContact: Ulrike Unger (Assistant to CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1986Staff: 29Profile: Novomed, established 1986, is in 100% pri-vate ownership and distributes medical products to i.e. hospitals and medical practices. We see ourselves as a link between manufacturers and users by technical competent consultations and efficient services. Our team, with its long time experience in different ranges of medical techno-logies is an important component of our company. We stay in close contact with our customers and long-term suppliers.Services: Distribution of medical products is ac-companied by maintenance, service and repair of these devices. Our goal is to offer innovative, prac-tice- and future-oriented products and solutions. We train the useres, organize workshops and attend congresses not only in order to promote products, but also to look for innovative and niche products. We can benefit from the extensive ex-perience of our many long-time employees.Sales & Distribution: We care for all Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers, Sanatoriums, Private Prac-tices, the Red Cross etc. in whole Austria, in the Areas of Heart Surgery, Interventional Cardiology and Radiology, Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and se-veral High-Tech Products. 9 Sales Representatives, 3 Technical Engineers, 3 Persons in our Warehouse and 14 further highly motivated employees are responsible for our success.

Nuance Communications Austria GmbHTechnologiestr. 8 - Euro Plaza, Building D1120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60119-0Fax: +43-1-6011941-45Web: www.nuance.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

NUTRICIA GmbHTechnologiestr. 10 - Europlaza/Gebäude E1120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-68826-260Fax: +43-1-68826-26666eMail: [email protected]: www.nutricia.atContact: Steffen Dreher (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

ODELGA MED GES�M�B�H�Carlbergergasse 681230 ViennaPhone: +431-1-89147Fax: +43-1-89147-213eMail: [email protected]: www.odelga.atContact: Dr. Herbert Kacher (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

OLERUP GmbHLöwengasse 47/61030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7101500-00Fax: +43-1-7101500-10eMail: [email protected]: www.olerup.comContact: Dr. Roswitha Keller (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998

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Olympus Austria GmbHShuttleworthstr. 251210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-29101-0Fax: +43-1-29101-222eMail: [email protected]: www.olympus.atContact: Norbert Vrany (Quality management)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1976

One Globe Biotechnology GmbHHauptstr. 661140 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.oneglobebio.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2014

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics GmbHWienerbergstr. 11/12a1100 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.orthoclinical.comContact: Stefan KaltenbacherCluster membership: LISAvienna

ORTHOMED Medizintechnik GmbHAnnagasse 5/1/Top41010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-53208-31Fax: +43-1-53208-3431eMail: [email protected]: www.ormed.atContact: Eva Stricker (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

OTO FLABeLOS e�U�Joseph-Haydn-Gasse 107111 Parndorf/BurgenlandeMail: [email protected]:

OXYCARE Medizintechnik GmbHZieglergasse 81/1/Top 11070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-8904-553Fax: +43-1-8904-55344eMail: [email protected]: www.oxycare-gmbh.deContact: Stefan KnopfCluster membership: LISAvienna

PAMO Medizintechnik GmbHAmeisgasse 571140 ViennaPhone: +43-416-55 50Fax: +43-416-55 51eMail: [email protected]: www.pamo-med.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010

Philips Austria GmbH HealthcareEuro Plaza, Kranichberggasse 41120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60101-1392Fax: +43-1-60101-1319eMail: [email protected]: J. Robert Pfarrwaller, Robert KörblerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1926

Photo Dynamic Therapy Handelsgesellschaft mbHAnnagasse 11010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-369-7030Fax: +43-1-369-7031eMail: [email protected]: www.pdt.atContact: Günther Hofmann (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1994

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Physio-Control Austria Sales GmbHSchulhof 61010 ViennaWeb: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011

PKP Handelsges�m�b�H�Schopenhauerstr. 511180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40578-46Fax: +43-1-40578-4640eMail: [email protected]: www.p-k-p.atContact: Norbert Jirak (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

planer dentaprise GmbHKranzgasse 221150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4068-134Fax: +43-1-4082-219Web: www.planer-dentaprise.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Polytech Ophthalmologie GmbHSchönbrunner Str. 222-228/3/71120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5132866Fax: +43-1-5134254eMail: [email protected]: www.polytech.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001

Posthorax GmbHRudolf-Waisenhorn-Gasse 391230 ViennaPhone: +43-720-88982-86eMail: [email protected]: www.posthorax.comContact: Waltraute-Ulrika Klügel (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

PT – Medizintechnik GmbHFranz-Fischer-Str. 196020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-59515Fax: +43-512-574098eMail: [email protected]: Werner Praxmaier (CEO)Founded in: 1998

Publicare GmbHNeuhauserweg 164061 Pasching/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7229-70560Fax: +43-7229-70560-60eMail: [email protected]: www.publicare.atContact: Wolfgang Baumgartner (CEO)Founded in: 2002

Reinhard Di Lena GmbHBahnstr. 4/12340 Mödling/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-28026-10Fax: +43-2236-28027eMail: [email protected]: Reinhard Di Lena (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1994

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Remesco HandelsgesmbHGrinzinger Allee 5/251190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-32850-88Fax: +43-1-32829-49eMail: [email protected]: www.remesco.comContact: Franz Reisinger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1997Staff: 8Profile: Remesco distributes high quality exa-mination, surgical and specialty gloves all over Europe. We focus on the launch of the new hygi-ene packaging and dispensing concept “Safedon Cuff First” for examination gloves. As gloves are dispensed individually, without touching gloves outer surface from the Safedon dispenser cross contamination is reduced to an absolute mini-mum. Innovative box design allows doubling box quantities leading to reduced cardboard waste and logistic expense.

Richard Wolf Austria GmbHWilhelminenstr. 93a1160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40551-51Fax: +43-1405-54 54 45eMail: [email protected]: www.richard-wolf.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1994

Rigler Medizintechnik GmbHEllbognerstr. 604020 Linz/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]:

Roraco Ges�m�b�H�Markhofgasse 191030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-310-5868eMail: [email protected]: www.roraco.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1947

Rosner GmbHHuschkagasse 8a1190 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.rosner.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Rudolf Heintel Gesellschaft m�b�H�Erdbergstr. 1661030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4038956-0Fax: +43-1-4038956-50eMail: [email protected]: www.heintel.atContact: Mag. Markus Pöltenstein (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1918Sales & Distribution: Specialised areas and disci-plines The specialised areas of medical technolo-gy are disciplines that constantly challenge us to perform to our utmost for our customers. Within this, fulfilling individual requirements is the su-preme discipline. Our promise: to our customers we are expert advisors and partners in tackling medical technology challenges.

Rüsch Austria Gesellschaft mbHLazarettgasse 241090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-402-4772Fax: +43-1-402-477277eMail: [email protected]: www.teleflex.comContact: Katrin Lhotka (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

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RWM Medizintechnik GmbHGewerbepark Mitterfeld Nr. 92523 Tattendorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-66200-61Fax: +43-1-662 00 61eMail: [email protected]: www.rwm-medtechnik.atContact: Robert Woisetschläger (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2000Staff: 7

SAFERSONIC Medizinprodukte Handels GmbHHerrengasse 53370 Ybbs a. d. Donau/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-7412-55772eMail: [email protected]: www.safersonic.comCluster membership: ecoplusStaff: 1

Sanitas GmbHHolunderstr. 65071 Wals/SalzburgPhone: +43-662-8521-860Fax: +43-662-8521-8670eMail: [email protected]: www.sanitas.atContact: Ludwig Bertignol (CEO)Founded in: 1950

SCHILLER Handelsgesellschaft m�b�HKampmüllerweg 244040 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-709-90Fax: +43-732-757-000eMail: [email protected]: www.schiller.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Schinko Medizintechnik GmbHKasernstr. 52301 Groß-Enzersdorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2249-28170Fax: +43-2249-21532eMail: [email protected]: www.schinko-medizintechnik.atContact: Ing. Johannes Schinko (Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2012 Staff: 3Profile: We are a supplier for hospitals, reha-clinics and physicians. Our product and service portfolio spans from mobile medical equipment (therapy and examination tables,stools and trolleys, pati-ent transport systems) over electromedical thera-py equipment (ultrasound devices, laser systems, current stimulation devices, shockwave systems) and hydrotherapy (medical bathtubs, underwater therapy systems, hydrojet systems) up to accesso-ries for medical wards (paravents, modular moun-ting systems).Services: Consulting, Regular inspection Services, Repair and maintenance of products in focus.Sales & Distribution: Our Company is active in all regions of Austria, see above for product focus.

Schwa-medico Handelsgesellschaft mbHIndustriezeile 255280 Braunau/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7722-66122Fax: +43-7722-66123eMail: [email protected]: www.schwa-medico.atContact: Martina Stamm

Schwandner G&G Klinikprodukte OGFranz-Liszt-Str. 84050 Traun/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7229-218-13Fax: +43-7229-218-14eMail: [email protected]: www.klinikprodukte.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

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SIC invent Austria GmbHKohlmarkt 7/2/581010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-53370-60Fax: +43-1-5337060-50eMail: [email protected]: www.sic-invent.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Siemens AG ÖsterreichSiemensstr. 901210 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.siemens.comContact: DI Christian Zangerl (Head of Business Excellence CRM)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1939Staff: 8017Profile: Siemens Healthcare is one of the world’s largest suppliers of technology to the health-care industry and a leader in medical imaging, laboratory diagnostics and healthcare IT. All sup-ported by a comprehensive portfolio of clinical consulting, training, and services available across the globe and tailored to customers’ needs. With around 43,000 employees worldwide and our presence throughout the world Siemens Health-care helps to ensure that the next generation of breakthroughs becomes a reality.

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbHSiemensstr. 901210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-80101-2417Fax: +40-1-80101-2821Web: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995

Sigvaris, medizinische Kompressionsstrümpfe Gesellschaft mbHHietzinger Hauptstr. 22/A/2/51130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-87769-12Fax: +43-1-87769-15eMail: [email protected]: www.sigvaris.atContact: Alfred Korner (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1971

SIKO Pharma GmbHKenyongasse 18/121070 ViennaPhone: +43-664-1350-910Fax: +43-1-59999-700Web: www.sikopharma.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2010

SinePhase Instruments GmbHWaldgasse 72371 Hinterbrühl/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2236-493350Fax: +43-2236-493355eMail: [email protected]: www.sinephase.comContact: Dr. Felix Trampler (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2005

Sirona Dental GmbHSirona Str. 15071 Wals/SalzburgPhone: +43-662-2450-0eMail: [email protected]: www.sirona.comContact: Simone Blank

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Smith & Nephew GmbHConcorde Business Park 1/C/32320 Schwechat/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-7079-102Fax: +43-1-7079-101eMail: [email protected]: www.smith-nephew.comCluster membership: ecoplus

sonoArena Vertriebs GmbHWiener Str. 115/1.2D2700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-1-89041-83Fax: +43-1-89041-8322eMail: [email protected]: www.sonoarena.comContact: Bernhard Kowanz (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2005

Sorin Group Austria GmbHAres TowerDonau-City-Str. 11/161220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-26308-55Fax: +43-1-2630855-50eMail: [email protected]: www.sorin.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Spectromed GmbH part of the MED-HOLD GROUPAutal 288301 Lassnitzhöhe/StyriaPhone: +43-316-21121-0Fax: +43-316-21121-20eMail: [email protected]: www.spectromed.netContact: René Bernsteiner (CEO)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1991

Spine-Med Ges�m�b�H�Twarochgasse 111170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-47992-81Fax: +43-1-47003-95eMail: [email protected] Web: www.spinemed.atContact: Rudolf Bernegger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008

SPLIPHARM Arzneiwaren HandelsgmbHHauptstr. 51A3400 Klosterneuburg-Weidling/Lower AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.splipharm.comCluster membership: ecoplusStaff: 6

St� Jude Medical Medizintechnik GmbHVienna Twin Tower/Turm B/22. OGWienerbergstr. 111100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-60730-60Fax: +43-1-6073067eMail: [email protected]: www.sjm.comCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1991

Stago Österreich GmbHWienerbergstr. 111100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2530303-11Fax: +43-1-2530303-10eMail: [email protected]: www.stago.atContact: Dr. Ingrid Brown-Rollfinke (Operational Manager and Trade Licence Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2011 Staff: 8Services: Technical service for instruments of Stago, TCoag and Thrombinoscope. Support in

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application and trainings for the complete range of products.Sales & Distribution: Stago offers the broadest range of reagents and analytical instruments in haemostasis in the field of routine as well as research. Stago Austria is responsible for the product range of Stago, Tcoag, Biocytex and Thrombinoscope (CAT)

Stefan Limbeck, Alleininhaber Richard Limbeck e�U�Ganghofergasse 221110 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7675521-0Fax: +43-1-7675521-11eMail: [email protected]: www.limbeck.comContact: Richard Limbeck (Owner)Cluster membership: LISAvienna

Stryker GmbHAm Euro Platz 21120 ViennaPhone: +43-1-813-2000Fax: +43-1-813-1616eMail: [email protected]: www.stryker.atContact: Eric R. Perucco (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1995

SÜSS Medizintechnik GmbHSchnalla 514910 Tumeltsham/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-7752-81702Fax: +43-7752-81703eMail: [email protected]: www.suessmed.comContact: Peter SüssCluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1997

Sunmed Medizintechnische Produkte GmbHJochen-Rindt-Str. 251230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-69922-99Fax: +43-1-69922-991eMail: [email protected]: www.sunmed.atContact: Anton Mayrhauser (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1998

Sysmex Austria GmbHOdoakergasse 34-361160 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4861631Fax: +43-1-4861631-25eMail: [email protected]: www.sysmex.atContact: Dr. Christoph Oliver Herrman (CEO), Dr. Ulrike Blaseio (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Staff: 39Profile: Sysmex has actively set new standards and driven innovation in haematology and our other areas of expertise. We’re the global leader for haematology diagnostics and service. Sysmex is famous for designing and producing diagnostic solutions for medical laboratories, including au-tomation. At Sysmex Austria we take care of the local market. We supply medical diagnostic labs with cutting edge technology and outstanding services.Production: No production facilities in Austria.R&D: R&D is located in Japan (Sysmex Corporati-on). Sysmex Corporation holds a wealth of patents in bioscience.Services: Our decentralised team of technical ser-vice engineers spreads out over whole Austria. Our offer comprises on site services as well as a variety of remote access services.Sales & Distribution: Our sales team consists of a fruitful mix of senior and young experts being in closed contact with our customers. Additionally

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product and IT experts are available to solve any special request and support the busy labs with more information our products - for the best pos-sible workflow!

tec4life Medizintechnik GmbHKirschenallee 571220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-774-1016eMail: [email protected]: www.tec4life.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2013

Technomed-Service, Planung, Handel mit medizinischen, technischen Geräten und Anlagen Gesellschaft m�b�H�Mariengasse 3a8020 Graz/StyriaeMail: [email protected]: www.technomed.atFounded in: 1980

Terumo Deutschland GmbH, Zweigniederlassung ÖsterreichLiebermannstr. F10.3012345 Brunn am Gebirge/Lower AustriaWeb: www.terumo-europe.comCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2013

THP Medical Products Vertriebs-GmbHShuttleworthstr. 191210 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.thp.atCluster membership: LISAvienna Founded in: 2000

TRUMPF Medizin Systeme Österreich GmbHBüropark Donau, Haus 83400 Klosterneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-664-144-8982eMail: [email protected]: www.trumpf.comCluster membership: ecoplus

VISIOVET Medizintechnik GmbHPritschitzerweg 409210 Pörtschach/CarinthiaeMail: [email protected]: www.visiovet.euFounded in: 2013Staff: 4

VISTA MEDICAL Medizintechnik GmbHLinzer Str. 76/61140 ViennaPhone: +43-1-786-2222Fax: +43-1-7862222-20eMail: [email protected]: www.vistamedical.atContact: Christian Czerwenka (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008 Staff: 5

Vivamed Medizinprodukte Vertriebs GmbHDorf 255301 Eugendorf/SalzburgPhone: +43-6225-28428Fax: +43-6225-28428-4eMail: [email protected]: www.vivamed.atContact: Gerhard Gruber (CEO), Herbert Brand-stätter (CEO)Founded in: 2003

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Wagner & Munz GmbHMariahilferstr. 123/31060 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5999-9480Fax: +43-1-5999-9489eMail: [email protected]: www.wagnermunz.comCluster membership: LISAvienna

Werfen GmbHTillmanngasse 51220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2565-800-0Fax: +43-1-2565800-88eMail: [email protected]: www.werfen.comContact: DI Pierre Paolini (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaStaff: 10Profile: For more than 50 years, Werfen has been developing innovative in vitro diagnostic (IVD) so-lutions to improve efficiency and enhance patient care. Our ongoing commitment to this mission has led to our global leadership in the specialised IVD fields of Haemostasis, Critical Care and Au-toimmunity.R&D: At Werfen, we focus on, working hand in hand with healthcare providers and industry specialists to address the most challenging issues of healthcare today. With a strong expertise in in vitro Diagnostics, specifically in Haemostasis, Cri-tical Care, Autoimmunity and Infectious Diseases, our products are derived from our strong commit-ment to innovation in research and development.Sales & Distribution: Werfen (AUSTRIA) employs people in sales and marketing, in technical ser-vices and in administration. We are all dedicated to providing our customers with excellent pre and post sales support. Our commercial facilities are located in the Werfen office in Vienna. It is from here that we manage our sales, service and support operations and where we run our user training seminars and workshops.

Wimmer & Macho Medizintechnik GmbHNovaragasse 44020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-663500Fax: +43-732-663500-35eMail: [email protected]: www.wimmermed.atFounded in: 2002Staff: 3

Wolfgang Herdlicka Medizintechnik GmbHAm Schlossfeld 1858853 Ranten/StyriaPhone: +43-3535-7001-0Web:

Ze�Wa� medicalsystems GmbHGastgebgasse 5–131230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58678- 00eMail: [email protected]: www.medicalsystems.atContact: Dr. Hubert Dreßler, Maria Simic (Office Manager), Peter Buchner (MBA)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1968

Zeppelin Medical Instruments GmbHMozartstr. 36850 Dornbirn/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5572-256-77Fax: +43-5572-256-79eMail: [email protected]: www.zeppelin-medical.comContact: Harald Bösch (General Manager, CEO)Founded in: 1995Staff: 3Profile: Distributor for Medical Technology in Gynaecology, Neurosurgery, Spinesurgery, Ortho-paedics, Gastroenterogology, Pneumatogology, Instruments, Implants, Trauma, Intensiv Care ORs

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Production: medical surgery devices and instru-ments for hospitalsServices: repair service instructionsSales & Distribution: devices and instruments for Gynaecology Neurosurgery Orthopaedics Trauma Intensive Care

Zimeda Medizintechnik und Ärzteservice GmbH & Co KGKenzianweg 84780 Schärding/Upper AustriaeMail: [email protected]: www.zimeda.euFounded in: 2008

Zimmer Austria GmbHGroßmarktstr. 7a1230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-61520-600Fax: +43-1-61520-62eMail: [email protected]: www.zimmeraustria.atContact: Werner Klika (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1975

Zoll Medical Österreich GmbHWienerbergstr. 111100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71021-59Web: www.zollmedical.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004

Zymed Medical Products Handel GmbHRennbahnweg 801220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-203-2566Fax: +43-1-203-369520eMail: [email protected]: www.zymed.atContact: Mag. Richard Weidinger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1979

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nsAAL AustriaWollzeile 11010 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.aal.atContact: Uli Waibel (Secretary General)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, LISAviennaFounded in: 2012Type: industry association

accent Gründerservice GmbHProf. Dr. Stephan Koren-Str. 102700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2622-26326310Fax: +43-2622-2632699eMail: [email protected]: www.accent.atContact: Mag. Michael Moll (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2005Staff: 8Type: financing, management, HR, QM, and regu-latory consulting, legal advice and IPR manage-ment, economic development agencyProfile: A complete package for successful start ups: Professional coaching & expert finance strategy feedback Coaching during the deve-lopment of your business model Education and training in crucial business-relevant special areas Coaching during the early phases of your start up Help with finding suitable experts and a technical/commercial advisory board Financial support

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ACR – Austrian Cooperative ResearchHaus der Forschung/Sensengasse 11090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2198573Fax: +43-1-2198573-13eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Emilie Brandl (Public Relations)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1954Staff: 729Type: industry associationProfile: ACR - Austrian Cooperative Research is an umbrella organisation for RTOs and concentrates on five R&D areas; one of them has a biotechnolo-gical focus: „Food quality & safety“. Three member institutes out of 19 provide services in this field: Le-bensmittelversuchsanstalt (LVA), OFI, and Versuchs-anstalt für Getreideverarbeitung - Österreichische Mühlenvereinigung (VG-ÖMV). They deal with the entire food supply chain, from raw materials and processing to transport, storage, and distribution.

AGES – Austrian Agency for Health and Food SafetySpargelfeldstr. 1911220 ViennaPhone: +43-5-0555-34853Fax: +43-5-0555-9534853eMail: [email protected]: www.ages.atContact: DDr Alois LeidweinCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Research: applied research, developmentProfile: AGES is a government owned agency attached to the Federal Ministry for Health and to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. AGES exe-cutes federal state tasks in the areas public health, animal health, food safety, medical and drug safety, food security and consumer protection by providing professional and independent scientific expertise and risk assessment. AGES is classified as Non-profit Research Organisation.

R&D: - Communicable diseases - Food-borne diseases and zoonoses - Epidemogic models - Con-trol Systems & Risk Assessment - Nutritional Pre-vention - Bee health - Pathogens and allergens in and on plants and veg. products - Animal Health - Food safety - Proper water - Radiation protection - Animal Nutrition and Feed - Safe and effective drugs and medical devices - Agricultural Ecology and Biodiversity - Sustainable Crop Production - Food SecurityServices: Research at AGES is applied research. AGES offers: - sustainable institutional knowledge - broad range of specific and practical expertise (across sectors) - comprehensive and high-quality data from official and regulatory activities such as analysis and experimentation - high security (L3+) and 83 reference laboratories - experimentation stations and greenhouses - 22 Registries and colle-ctions - gene bank

Allotiss Gemeinnützige Gewebebank GmbHMagnesitstr. 13500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-87470-260Fax: +43-2732-87470-56eMail: [email protected]: www.allotiss.euCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2014Staff: 3

Association of the Austrian Chemical Industry – FCIOWiedner Hauptstr. 631045 ViennaPhone: +43-5-90900-3340Fax: +43-5-90900-280eMail: [email protected]: www.fcio.atCluster membership: LISAviennaType: industry association

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Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws)Walcherstr. 11a1020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50175-594Fax: +43-1-50175-900eMail: [email protected]:; www.lifescienceaustria.atContact: Johannes Sarx (Program Manager Life Science Austria)Founded in: 2002Staff: 250Type: economic development agency, financingServices: austria wirtschaftsservice (aws) is the Austrian national promotional bank for facilita-ting economic growth. On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Econo-my (BMWFW) aws manages Life Science Austria (LISA), a bestpractice financing- und support pro-gram for the Austrian life sciences. The following funding programs and services are offered in the area of life sciences: Funding: LISA PreSeed (EUR 200,000;, LISA Seedfinancing for start-ups (EUR 800,000;, additional funding programs for the growth stage (Double Equity, Guarantees, ERP Loans, aws Pro-TRANS – 4.0, Frontrunner-Initiative, Gründerfonds, Mittelstandsfonds, VC Initiative, Business Angels Börse, Discover IP) Businessplan competition BoB – Best of Biotech ( Internationalization activities by LISA Interna-tionales Standortmarketing at various trade fairs worldwide ( Strategic development of the life science location Austria

Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 21010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51581-0eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Patrick Lehner (Director Administration Institute)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1847 Staff: 1300Profile: The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the largest institution conducting non-university re-search in Austria with 1,300 employees in 29 insti-tutes, practicing basic research at the highest in-ternational level. Three institutes, IMBA - Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, GMI - Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, and CeMM - Research Center for Molecular Medicine, with 400 employees are carrying out cutting-edge research in molecular biology, biomedical research, and plant biology.R&D: The Academy’s topical diversity ranges from archaeological research and cultural sciences to global demographic developments, quantum research and molecular biology. Specific areas of emphasis and strict evaluation processes ensure that all research activities aim to provide benefits for society as a whole.

Austrian Biotech Industry (ABI)Wiedner Hauptstr. 631045 ViennaPhone: +43-5-90900-3367Fax: +43-5-90900-280eMail: [email protected]: www.biotechindustry.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001Type: industry association

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Austrian Business Agency ABA – Invest in AustriaOpernring 31010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58858-22Fax: +43-1-58686-59eMail: [email protected]: www.investinaustria.atContact: Friedrich Schmidl (Direktor Norddeutschland, Life Sciences)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1982Staff: 25Type: management, HR, QM, and regulatory con-sulting, economic development agencyServices: ABA – Invest in Austria, the national investment promotion agency of the Republic of Austria, is the first point of contact for foreign investors. ABA supports firms quickly, unbureau-cratically and at no cost in establishing companies in Austria, and offers customized information on Austria as a business location, sectors, tech-nologies and markets, political and economic conditions. ABA also supports in handling admi-nistrative procedures (operating licenses, funding applications, labor permits, visas, etc.) and by esta-blishing national and regional contacts.

Austrian Council for Research and Technology DevelopmentPestalozzigasse 4/D21010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-71314-140eMail: [email protected]: www.rat-fte.atContact: DI Walter Schneider (Secretary General)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Staff: 10Profile: The main task of the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development consists in systematically, independently and thoroughly consulting the Austrian Federal Government in all issues of research, technology and innovation po-

licy. The main goal of its work is to provide an es-sential contribution to a future-oriented RTI policy. Production: The main task of the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development is to make recommendations to the Austrian Govern-ment on all issues relating to research, technology and innovation policy. These either take the form of strategy documents with a recommendatory nature or, in specific cases, are made as individual recommendations.R&D: The Austrian Council sees itself as central node in the network of the broad technology and research landscape, as coordinator and amplifier of the diversified activities, as bridge between ac-tors, as filter, and most of all as setter of priorities.

Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)Sensengasse 11090 ViennaPhone: +43-5-7755-0Fax: +43-5-7755-97900eMail: [email protected]: www.ffg.atContact: Dr. Birgit TauberCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004

Austrian Society for Bimedical Engineering – ÖGBMTc/o Institute for Health Care Engineering with Eu-ropean Notified Body of Medical Devices, TU Graz, Kopernikusgasse 248010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-680-212-4036eMail: [email protected]:

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AUSTROMED Interessensvertretung der Medizinprodukte-UnternehmenBossigasse 24/71130 ViennaPhone: +43-1-87770-12Fax: +43-1-87770-20eMail: [email protected]: www.austromed.orgContact: Mag. Philipp Lindinger (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1981 Staff: 3Type: industry associationProfile: AUSTROMED was founded in 1981 as „Association of Medical Devices Manufacturers in Austria“ and is today the leading Austrian representation for all companies engaged in the development, production, distribution and repro-cessing of medical devices in Austria. 9.000 em-ployees are working in AUSTROMED‘s 106 member companies generating a direct output of 1.5 billion Euro in the Austrian economy.Services: We represent the common interests of our members towards Ministries, Government Agencies, Chambers etc.and maintain a perma-nent cooperation with all relevant participants in the Health Sector at a national and international level.

BBMRI-ERIC Gateway for HealthNeue Stiftingtalstrasse 2/B/68010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-349917-0Fax: +43-316-349917-99eMail: [email protected]: www.bbmri-eric.euContact: Jan-Eric Litton (Director General)Founded in: 2013 Staff: 8Profile: Jan-Eric Litton is Professor of Biomedical Computing Technology at the Karolinska Institu-tet, Stockholm, Sweden. He was appointed BBMRI-ERIC‘s first Director General on 22 January 2014. Litton acts as the chief executive officer and legal representative of BBMRI-ERIC and is responsible to the Assembly of Members. Litton was Executive Director and head of one of the largest medical in-frastructure in Sweden – and coordina-ted several international research collaborations. R&D: Biobanks and BioMolecular Resources; Re-search Infrastructure.Services: Catalogue of Biobanks in Europe; Com-mon Service for Ethical, Legal and Social Issues

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BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbHElisabethstr. 9–118010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-699-15526601eMail: [email protected]: www.bionanonet.atContact: Andreas Falk (CEO)Cluster membership: Styria, Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2006 Staff: 6Type: contract research/clinical research, commu-nication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, regional clusterProfile: BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH is an Austrian scientific network that is specialized in the key enabling technologies nanotechnology and biotechnology on a national and international basis, with an emphasis on (1) nanotoxicology, (2) sensor technologies, and (3) health, safety, and medicine. Additionally BioNanoNet GmbH sup-ports coordination, management, dissemination and communication within projects.R&D: nanosafety; nanotoxicology; sensor techno-logies; health, safety, and medicine; personalized healthcare; nanomedicine; standardization; re-gulatory aspects of nanotechnology; responsible research and innovation; balanced dialogue and outreach in nanotechnologies.Services: BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH contributes expertise as safe-by-design, safety innovation, nanosafety, and regulatory aspects of nanotechnology as well as supports coordination, management, dissemination and communication within national nd European projects (e.g. FFG, HORIZON 2020). BioNanoNet is well known in Europe and internationally as the key coordination point of Austrian community in the field of nanotechnology.

build! Gründerzentrum Kärnten GmbHLakeside B019020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-27008740Fax: +43-463-27008749eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Karin Ibovnik (CEO)Founded in: 2002Staff: 5Services: Since 2002 the build! Gründerzentrum Kärnten GmbH supports and accompanies people in the realization of innovative business ideas in Carinthia by means of consulting and mentoring, as well as providing financial aid and certain in-frastructure.

Business Creation Center Salzburg GmbH (BCCS)Jakob Haringer Str. 5/III5020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-454555Fax: +43-662-454555-410eMail: [email protected]:

CAST Gründungszentrum GmbHWilhelm-Greil-Str. 156020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-282-283-0Fax: +43-512-282-283-50eMail: [email protected]: www.cast-tyrol.comContact: Dr. Florian Becke (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2002Staff: 12Type: regional cluster, otherProfile: In order to stimulate technology-oriented business start-ups from academic and research institutes, CAST‘s main activities are consultancy and start-up financing. The Center for Academic Spin-offs Tyrol (CAST) in Innsbruck is part of the incubator network AplusB (Academia plus Busi-

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ness). AplusB is an initiative started by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) in 2002 and is implemented by the Aus-trian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).Services: The main task is to stimulate and coach business start-ups from Tyrol’s research sector as well as technology and creative industries. Further tasks are related to the commercial exploitation of university research results and the networking of all initiatives which promote technology trans-fer from science to industry. CAST functions as a bridge between academia and business, with the goal of significantly increasing the chances of suc-cess of highly innovative and technology oriented startups.

CECOG – Central European Cooperative Oncology GroupSchlagergasse 6/61090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40977-25Fax: +43-1-40977-26eMail: [email protected]: www.cecog.orgContact: Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielinski (President), Prof. Dr. Thomas Brodowicz (Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999Staff: 8Profile: The Central European Cooperative Onco-logy Group (CECOG) has been formed to unite centers of clinical oncology from Central and Southeastern Europe as well as Israel into a body devoted to conducting clinical trials and providing postgraduate education in oncology. We design and conduct controlled clinical trials in clinical oncology according to guidelines defined by Good Clinical Practice. We cooperate with more than 150 academic centers in 23 countries.R&D: CECOG implemented clinical trials with these tumor types: Metastatic Breast Cancer Non-small-cell lung cancer Metastatic colorectal cancer Gas-troesophageal cancer GIST Prostate cancerServices: Consulting and Protocol Development; Protocol Implementation; Professional Presentation of Results; Organization of Educational Activities

CESAR Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research - EWIVHanglüssgasse 4/1–31150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5223093-10Fax: +43-1-5223093-14eMail: [email protected]: www.cesar.or.atContact: Dr. Berta MoritzCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 7Type: industry associationProfile: CESAR Central European Society for An-ticancer Drug Research-EWIV (CESAR-EWIV) is a non-profit association of scientists in the field of Oncology.It is CESAR´s goal to combine resources and expertise in the field of preclinical, clinical and translational cancer research to build a network Additionally, CESAR offers support and guidance for projects in this field.We build bridges between basic research, preclinical and clinical research projects as well as between industry and science.R&D: Drug Development, Oncology, Solid Tumors, Clinical Studies, Translational Studies.Services: Clinical Studies: Project Management, Regulatory Affairs, Medical Writing, Monitoring, Pharmacovigilance, Quality Management, Bio-marker, Biometry. Preclinical: experimental and in silico pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics to studies on metabolism, drug interactions and molecular pharmacology in oncology.

Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft (CDG)Boltzmanngasse 201090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5042205Fax: +43-1-5042205-20eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1988Staff: 12

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ecoplus� Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbHNiederösterreichring 23100 St. Pölten/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2742-9000196-00Fax: +43-2742-9000196-09eMail: [email protected]: www.ecoplus.atContact: Dr. Verena OssmannCluster membership: ecoplusType: economic development agencyProfile: Technology-oriented location develop-ment: The Lower Austria Technopol Program. Nu-merous technology-oriented companies already enjoy the advantages offered by Lower Austria as an innovative European high-tech location. In order to position itself even more attractively as a top resettlement location for future industries, Lower Austria is banking on its Technopol strategy, which itself is oriented to international bench-marks.Services: Technopol Krems for medical biotech-nology: blood purification systems, tissue engi-neering, cell therapy, cell biology and physiology Technopol Tulln for agrobiotechnology and environmental biotechnology: bioanalytics, envi-ronmental biotechnology, crop breeding, natural resources management, pharmaceutics

European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR)Neutorgasse 9/2a1010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5334064-0Fax: +43-1-5334064-9eMail: [email protected]: www.eibir.orgContact: Mag. Monika Hierath (Executive Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006Type: communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, legal advice and IPR ma-nagement

European Society of RadiologyNeutorgasse 101010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5334064-0Fax: +43-1-5334064-448eMail: [email protected]: www.myesr.orgContact: David Zizka (PR&Media Department)Founded in: 2005Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005Profile: The primary tasks of the ESR include the organisation of the annual European Congress of Radiology (ECR), the leading meeting in radiolo-gy, the harmonisation of teaching programmes throughout Europe, the maintenance of EIBIR – European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Re-search, and the coordination of teaching activities within as well as outside Europe (ESOR – European School of Radiology). ESR strives for a better repre-sentation of the interests of radiology, notably by raising public awareness.

FOPI – Forum der forschenden pharma-zeutischen Industriec/o Abbvie GmbH Lemböckgasse 61/31230 ViennaPhone: +43-1-20589-0eMail: [email protected]: www.fopi.atCluster membership: LISAviennaType: industry associationProfile: The Association of the Research & Deve-lopment-based Pharmaceutical Industry in Austria (FOPI) is an Austrian interest group representing around 27 international pharmaceutical compa-nies focusing upon research and development. As one of the partners in the health care system, FOPI promotes access to innovative pharmaceuticals and thus best possible medical care in Austria.R&D: All members of FOPI are committed to research and development. With a research rate of 15.3 percent the r&d based pharmaceutical industry is in the lead of all industries in Europe

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followed by software and computer systems with a rate of 9.6 percent. Between 2006 and 2010 151 substances have been introduced to the market – one third amongst them in Europe.

Gesellschaft Österreichischer ChemikerNibelungengasse 11/61010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58742-49Fax: +43-1-58789-66eMail: [email protected]: www.goech.atContact: Dr. Erich Leitner, Gabriela Ebner (Head Office)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1897

Gesundheit Österreich GmbHStubenring 61010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-51561-0Fax: +43-1-51384-72eMail: [email protected]: www.goeg.atContact: Reinhard BuchingerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2006 Staff: 164Profile: Public Health InstituteR&D: studies, analyses and consultings about the health care system in austria and international.Services: analyses and consultings for several sta-keholders of the health care system

Health Technology Cluster/Gesundheitstechnologie-Cluster Business Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbHHafenstr. 47-514020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-79810-5156Fax: +43-732-79810-5150eMail: [email protected]: www.gesundheitstechnologie-cluster.atContact: Nora Mack, BSc; MBA (Clustermanager)Founded in: 2002 Staff: 5Type: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, communication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, regional clusterProfile: The MedTech/HealthTechnology-Cluster represents a special branch network, which is intended to enhance the levels of innovative strength and international competitiveness of companies from the areas of medical and health technology, their suppliers, and related educatio-nal and technology transfer bodies. One of the key tasks of the Cluster is an intensification of the cooperation between partner companies, health and R&D facilities.R&D: With respect to R&D our main focus lies on enabling and supporting the technology transfer between R&D institutions and MedTech compa-nies, both on a national and an international level. Additionally, we constantly expand our position - being Austria‘s strongest network in the MedTech field - and continue to work on ensuring that our topics enjoy the widest possible acceptance. In this way, we secure Upper Austria‘s position as an attractive hub for Life Sciences. Services: Medical technology is a business sector with enormous potential for growth. Thus, the cluster facilitates the market entry also for com-panies from other sectors. Additional services are customized to the partners in the network and include activities such as initiating and ac-companying cooperation projects within clusters, enabling internationalisation and providing industry-specific training and qualifications.

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Human�technology Styria GmbHReininghausstr. 138020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-587016Fax: +43-316-587016-16eMail: [email protected]: Johann Harer (CEO)Founded in: 2004 Staff: 10Type: regional clusterProfile: Styria is a member-ship organization for the life science and related industries in Styria. Located in the south east of Austria, Styria is a powerhouse of innovation with world leading reputations in the following fields: Biobanking and biomarker technologies Phar-maceutical engineering and production processes Advanced biomedical sensor technologies and biomechanicsServices: With a growing base of life science gra-duates and a track record of innovation attracting leading minds to Styria, the region is poised for a great future in which Styria is playing a leading part as business catalyst. Styria offers members a range of services in support of business development, help in accessing to government grants and access to a huge network.Sales & Distribution: QM & GxP Qualification pro-gram Public relations Community building e.g. events, newsletter, workshops Fairs/pavillions Contact brokering

ICC – International Association for Cereal Science & TechnologyMarxergasse 21030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-70772-020eMail: [email protected]: www.icc.or.atContact: Michaela Pichler (Secretary General)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1955 Staff: 6Profile: The International Association for Cereal Science and Technology was founded in 1955. Its original objective was the development of internationally approved and accepted standard testing procedures for cereals and flour. Today the ICC is one of the foremost international organisa-tions in our field dedicated to international coope-ration, the dissemination of knowledge, and the improvement in safety and quality of cereal-based foods. ICC‘s headquarters are located in Vienna.

IGEPHA Interessengemeinschaft österr� Heilmittelhersteller und DepositeureDornbacher Str. 491170 ViennaPhone: +43-1-91495-12eMail: [email protected]: www.igepha.atContact: Mag. Christina Nageler (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1967Type: industry association

Industriellenvereinigung SteiermarkHartenaugasse 178010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-321528-0Fax: +43-316-321528-44eMail: [email protected]: www.iv-steiermark.atCluster membership: styria

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INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbHGraumanngasse 7/Stiege B/5. Stock1150 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7157267Fax: +43-1-7157267-25eMail: [email protected]: www.inits.atContact: Dr. Irene Fialka (CEO)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002 Staff: 15Type: engineering-, design- and production con-sulting, financing, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, legal advice and IPR ma-nagement, otherProfile: INiTS is a business incubator designed to improve the rate of startup success in Vienna by helping young entrepreneurs conceive, launch and grow the next great company. During our intensive incubation program, startups receive hands-on support, resources, a network and an office space to bring them to the next level. In 2014 INiTS was selected as one of the “Global Top 25” university incubators by the Swedish Research Initiative UBI Index. INiTS ranked as No. 11 world-wide and No. 3 in Europe.R&D: Since 2002 around 160 startups received support by INiTS. We divide the technological fo-cus of our startups in three industries: Life Science, Information- and Communication Technology and Other Technologies.Services: INiTS is commited to helping startups succeed. We offer an extensive 18-month long incubation program to selected startups. In this period of time we are offering funding, consulting, training, access to know-how, community and a workspace. Sales & Distribution: We are offering consulting services to startups as well as big and established companies in the following areas: - financing and fundraising - marketing - innovation management

Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbHSüdtiroler Platz 115020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-80423141Fax: +43-662-80423150eMail: [email protected]:

Karl Landsteiner SocietyFranziskanergasse 4a3100 St. Pölten/Lower AustriaPhone: [email protected]: www.karl-landsteiner.atContact: Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwarz (President)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2004 Staff: 25Type: contract research/clinical research, manage-ment, HR, QM, and regulatory consultingProfile: The Karl Landsteiner Association is a non-profit research organization. It was founded in 2004, with the aim of accelerating patient-oriented scientific research in Vienna and Lower Austria. It is the largest medical research society in Austria; research is mainly performed at the premises of medical suppliers and is thus close to patients. The society covers a broad range of medical disciplines and results can often be implemented in daily rou-tine with immediate benefits for patients. R&D: Info about the differnet instituts:

KWF | Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs FondsVölkermarkter Ring 21-239020 Klagenfurt/CarinthiaPhone: +43-463-55800-0Fax: +43-463-55800-22eMail: [email protected]: www.kwf.atFounded in: 1993 Staff: 31Type: economic development agency

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LISAvienna – Life Science Austria ViennaWalcherstr. 11A1020 ViennaPhone: +43-1-50175-358Fax: +43-1-50175-900eMail: [email protected]: www.LISAvienna.atContact: Brigitte Tempelmaier (Project Manager Marketing & PR)Founded in: 2002Staff: 5Type: regional cluster, economic development agencyProfile: LISAvienna is the joint life science platform operated by austria wirtschaftsservice and the Vienna Business Agency. On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Econo-my and the city of Vienna, it contributes to the advancement of life sciences in Vienna. LISAvienna supports biotech, pharmaceutical and medical technology firms in Vienna that develop and mar-ket new products, services and processes. The plat-form links these firms with development partners and key customers.Services: Information & Consulting: Tips and contacts relating to sponsorship, private financing options, infrastructure in Vienna and development partners Networking & Matching: Contacts for an improved exchange of experiences and knowledge transfer as well as with development partners, customers and investors Expertise: Analyses, background information, reports and studies relating to life sciences in Vienna Marke-ting: Electronic and printed news items from the field of life sciences in Vienna

ÖDGH – Verband der österreichischen Diagnostica- und DiagnosticageräteherstellerTullnertalgasse 721230 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.oedgh.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

ÖGMBT – Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and BiotechnologyMuthgasse 181190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4765463-94Fax: +43-1-4765463-92eMail: [email protected]: www.oegmbt.atContact: Alexandra Khassidov (General Secretary)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2008Staff: 3Type: industry associationProfile: As the major society representing mole-cular life sciences and biotechnology in Austria, the non-profit scientific association comprises currently 1200 individual and 40 company mem-bers. The aims of the society are to • promote molecular life sciences and biotechnology • provi-de a platform for interdisciplinary interactions of all stakeholders (with training exchanges, event calendar, news,..) • build a bridge between aca-demia and industry • promote young, dedicated scientists R&D: The ÖGMBT is organising scientific sessions such as conferences, symposia, postgraduate trainings, networking events as well as awarding of Research and PhD-Awards for exceptional sci-entific and technical performances. Furthermore ÖGMBT supports young researchers with travel grants and enables the international interaction with associations like FEBS, FEMS and EFB.Services: The association annually organizes the “ÖGMBT Annual Meeting”, which has already established itself throughout the last years as the biggest hot-spot of the Austrian Life Science scene. As our industry partners are an integral and very important part of our meetings, we provide a number of opportunities, such as the industry exhibition, to interact with a lot of key opinion leader from biotech companies, academics, key universities and non-university research institutes.

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Österreichische Gesellschaft für ChirurgieFrankgasse 81090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-408-7920Fax: +43-1-408-1328eMail: [email protected]: www.chirurgie-ges.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Österreichischer GenerikaverbandWiedner Hauptstr. 901050 ViennaPhone: +43-650-544-9292eMail: [email protected]: www.generikaverband.atCluster membership: LISAvienna

Österreichischer Verband der KrankenhaustechnikerInnenWildgansgasse 92700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-5-7979-30033eMail: [email protected]: www.oevkt.atCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1995Staff: 320Type: industry association

Open Science Lebenswissenschaften im DialogCampus Vienna Biocenter 5/Ebene 11030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4277-24090eMail: [email protected]: www.openscience.or.atContact: Mag. Brigitte Gschmeidler (MAS(PR))Cluster membership: LISAviennaType: communicationProfile: Open Science (former dialog<>gentechnik) fosters the well-founded dialogue about life sciences and performs various science communi-

cation projects. Scientific background combined with experience in communication and other areas (e.g. education) is the best qualification for high-standard work. Open Science is a non-profit organisation with Austrian scientific societies as its members.R&D: Participation in research projects in the field of Science in Society

Pharma Marketing Club Austriac/o A. Menarini Pharma GmbH Pottendorfer Str. 25–27/Stiege 3/ 3. Stock/Top 11120 ViennaeMail: [email protected]: www.pmca.atCluster membership: LISAviennaType: communicationServices: The Pharma Marketing Club Austria (PMCA) presents since its inception in 1994, a plat-form with a focus on „Marketing in Healthcare“ for agencies, pharmaceutical companies (Rx and OTC), publishers, service providers and other me-dical-oriented companies. The objective of the PMCA is the elimination of communication barri-ers between the individual marketing participants as well as the recognition of new developments and trends in the health care market. Through the dedicated encouragement of new ideas and inno-vations the PMCA contributes to quality improve-ment in the pharma marketing segment on a long term perspective.

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Pharmig – Verband der pharmazeutischen Industrie ÖsterreichsGarnisongasse 4/1/61090 ViennaPhone: +43-40-6029-00Fax: +43-40-6029-09eMail: [email protected]: www.pharmig.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1954Type: contract research/clinical research, commu-nication, management, HR, QM, and regulatory consulting, legal advice and IPR management, industry associationProfile: Pharmig, the Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry, represents the pharma-ceutical industry operating in Austria. Pharmig is politically independent, and all officials serve in an honorary capacity. There are a number of expert committees and working teams that are actively involved in the association work.Services: Located in Vienna, Pharmig sees itself as central institution representing the topics of the Austrian pharmaceutical industry and as a driving force for quality and supply guarantee of the healthcare system considering the quality of location. Pharmig is seen as professional player as well as participant and contributes to guaran-tee the availability of innovative and established medicinal products for the Austrian patients.

Science Park Graz (SPG)Plüddemanngasse 398010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-8739-101Fax: +43-316-8739-109eMail: [email protected]: www.sciencepark.atContact: Mag. Bernhard Weber (Business Deve-lopment)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2002Staff: 6Type: legal advice and IPR management, other

Profile: Are you a university graduate with an innovative business idea? We help you take the first step towards entrepreneurship. Backed up by a network of experts, the SPG team supports university graduates from all fields (pre- and postgraduates as well as research assistants) by providing professional counselling & coaching, infrastructure and financing during the pre-start-up period.Services: Backed up by a network of experts, the SPG team supports university graduates from all fields (pre- and postgraduates as well as research assistants) by providing professional counselling & coaching, infrastructure and financing during the pre-start-up period.

Standortagentur Tirol/Cluster Life Sciences Tirol Tiroler Zukunftsstiftung Ing.-Etzel-Str. 176020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-576262-248Fax: +43-512-576262-210eMail: [email protected]: www.standort-tirol.atContact: DDr. Petra Stöckl (Cluster Manager Life Sciences)Founded in: 1997Staff: 40Type: regional clusterServices: Tirol is one of the major Life Science regions in Austria with globally operating compa-nies, renowned universities and research centres, highly skilled and motivated employees as well as above-average funds for scientific research. The Cluster Life Sciences Tirol coordinates a strong network of about 60 partners and the sector’s activities. Our partners cover the following fields: Pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology, me-dical engineering, provision of services, research and education. Our major services: We motivate and support strategic innovation and research, initiate and coordinate cooperative projects bet-ween members, investigate corporate needs and actively organize cluster activities, and encourage cross-border collaboration. Furthermore, the inve-

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stor services of the Standortagentur Tirol offer an extensive service free of charge for those compa-nies interested in Tirol as business location.

Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbHNikolaiplatz 28020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-7093-0Fax: +43-316-7093-93eMail: [email protected]: www.sfg.atContact: Dr. Manfred Hall (Project Manager)Cluster membership: styriaStaff: 65Type: financing, other, economic development agencyServices: The SFG is a service provider, which aims to contribute to the consolidation and growth of the Styrian economy. The agency is wholly owned by the province of Styria in Austria. The SFG is re-sponsible for attracting new business to the regi-on in an effort to encourage industrial expansion. We offer companies a broad range of services free of charge, such as general information, advice on grants and financing and location consultancy/lo-cation analysis. We help with forging links to Styri-an technology and centres of excellence as well as to networks and clusters. There is no better place than Styria for innovative companies in search of the best location. No other region of Austria can compete with the number of innovative products and services Styria brings to the market. With a research and development rate of 4.3 %, Styria has long exceeded the goal set by the European Union for this field for 2010. This is thanks to Styria‘s excellent research and education facilities, well-organised networks and clusters and, last but not least, outstanding people, who display a thirst for knowledge, perseverance and entrepreneurial spirit.

Tech2b Inkubator GmbHHafenstr. 47-514020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-90155601Fax: +43-732-90155618eMail: [email protected]: www.tech2b.atContact: Markus Manz (CEO)Founded in: 2002

Techno-Park Tullnc/o ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH IZ NÖ Süd, Str. 3, PF 702355 Wiener Neudorf/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2742-9000-19622Fax: +43-2742-9000-19639Web: www.technopark-tulln.atContact: Mag. Petra Patzelt Cluster membership: ecoplus

tecnet equity NÖ Technologiebeteiligungs-Invest GmbHNiederösterreichring 2, Haus B, 5.OG3100 St. Pölten/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2742-9000193-00Fax: +43-2742-9000193-19eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Christian Lauer (Sr. Investment Manager)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002Staff: 11Type: financingProfile: tecnet equity invests in early stage com-panies in Austria. It focusses on investees with a strong technological/ scientific base, a scalable business model in a growing market and a com-plementary management team. tecnet can invest up to EUR 1m in the first round and likes to part-ner with other investors.Services: As an equity investor tecnet is a partner for its investees with wide experience in structu-ring and supporting start up companies. The sup-

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port ranges from general management support to providing a wide financing network, to developing strategies and building reporting structures.

v-start Kompetenzzentrum für Unternehmensgründung GmbHc/o WirtschaftsstandortVorarlberg GmbHHintere Achmühlerstr. 16850 Dornbirn/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5572-55252-19Fax: +43-5572-55252-6eMail: [email protected]: www.v-start.atType: economic development agency

Verband für Bildgebende Diagnostik Österreich – GeneralsekretariatKremsergasse 16a3101 St. Pölten/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2742-341-122Fax: +43-2742-341-221eMail: [email protected]: www.vbdo.atContact: Mag. Birgit JanischCluster membership: ecoplus

Verein Förderer der Medizinischen Fakultät der Johannes Kepler Universität LinzDinghoferstr. 44020 Linz/Upper AustriaCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Verein Österreichischer Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologenc/o University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, ViennaMuthgasse 181190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4765462-66eMail: [email protected]: www.voelb.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1968

Vienna Business AgencyMariahilfer Str. 201070 ViennaPhone: +43-1-400086-70Fax: +43-1-400086-584eMail: [email protected]: www.wirtschaftsagentur.atContact: Peter HalwachsCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1982Type: economic development agencyProfile: The Vienna Business Agency is the first point of contact for national and international companies. It offers financial support, real estate and urban development incentives as well as free service and advice. The objective is to strengthen Viennese companies and their innovative force. As a result, developing and sustaining the busi-ness location and strengthening the position in international competition. The Vienna Business Agency prioritises and promotes the defined focal strengths of the city.Services: Viennese companies receive compre-hensive support in the form of monetary funding, individual counselling as well as high-quality infrastructure and special properties. For interna-tional companies, who are planning to establish a branch office in Vienna, the VBA offers free and unbureaucratic support in all matters concerning business settlement. The VBA Expat Centre pro-vides individual advice to international experts, managers and executives and their families.

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Vienna Science and Technology FundSchlickgasse 3/121090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4023143-10Fax: +43-1-4023143-20eMail: [email protected]: www.wwtf.atContact: Dr. Michael Stampfer (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2002Staff: 8Type: financing, communicationProfile: The Vienna Science and Technology Fund is a private, non-profit organization established to promote science and research in Vienna. The Fund’s instruments are designed to strengthen top research in Vienna. Life sciences belongs to WWTF’s funding priorities. The Life Sciences pro-gramme concentrates on projects, endowed chairs and Vienna Research Groups in the research fields of biology, biotechnology, medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, bioengineering and related fields.Production: WWTF has two funding instruments: project funding and individual funding. In the latter case excellent international scientists are recruited from abroad for endowed chairs or to build up their own research groups in the city of Vienna. WWTF’s funding opportunities are solici-ted. Applicants can submit their proposals to a call only within a fixed duration and specified date for its opening.R&D: One focus is on elucidating molecular me-chanisms and methods and/or the development of associated methods; another is on aspects of clinical research. The fund also emphasizes work on Food and Nutrition and high risk - high gain projects within and between life sciences and other sciences. Imaging in the life sciences is a further focus of our funding schemes.Services: Funded research should result, in the medium range, in an improvement of human health and welfare or the protection of our envi-ronment.

VOMI – Vienna Open Medical Institutec/o The American Austrian Foundation, Palais Todesco/Kärntner Str. 51/ II/ Top 41010 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5338658Fax: +43-1-53386-5810eMail: [email protected]: www.vienna-omi.atCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2007Production: The Vienna Open Medical Institute (Vienna OMI) is a collaborative effort of the Vien-na Hospital Association, the American Austrian Foundation, the Medical University of Vienna, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Society of Physicians in Vienna and the Medical Chamber Vienna to make Vienna a internationally leading scientfic and biomedical center. The goal is to establish a global medical network to strengthen Vienna‘s position as humanitarian capital in the world.Services: Highly qualified physicians from all over the world are invited to learn and study in Viennese hospitals and research institutions. The Vienna Open Medical Institute has evolved from the Open Medical Institute, a program of the American Austrian Foundation.

Wirtschaftsservice Burgenland GmbH – WiBAGMarktstr. 37000 Eisenstadt/BurgenlandPhone: +43-59010-2120Fax: +43-59010-2110eMail: [email protected]:

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acib GmbH – Austrian Centre of Industrial BiotechnologyPetersgasse 148010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-873-9311Fax: +43-316-873-9302eMail: [email protected]: www.acib.atContact: Mag. Tanja Schärfl (Scientific Coordination)Cluster membership: styria; LISAviennaFounded in: 2010Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: As a one-stop-shop for the biotech in-dustry, acib transfers the methods of nature into production of the pharmaceutical, food/feed or chemical industries. Results are environmentally friendly and more economical processes or pro-ducts that are – with optimized costs, improved environmental performance and scientific pro-gress – an asset to business, research and people. Acib relies on 30+ years of experience, connects 120+ partners and acts as a think tank for progress in industrial biotechnology.R&D: 200 acib scientists improve the entire produc-tion chain in biotechnology through: (i) simulation of bioprocesses, (ii) search for new enzymes, (iii) optimi-zing production cells and processes, (iv) purification of biotech products, (v) design of new biocatalysts, (vi) development of new synthetic routes and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Research at acib is marked by the latest, knowledge driven approaches to create value for the industrial partners within clearly defined IP rules.Services: polymer & environmental biotechnology * bacterial, yeast, fungal & animal production systems * CHO technologies & human cell lines * genomics, metabolomics, proteomics * protein expression systems * metabolite production * en-zyme production, purification & immobilization * fermentation & bioprocess engineering * metabo-lic modeling & bioinformatics * synthetic biology * bioprospecting * reaction engineering & process optimization * biocatalysis in organic synthesis * pharmaceutical technologies.





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ACMIT Gmbh Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and TechnologyViktor-Kaplan-Str. 22700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2622-22859-0Fax: +43-2622-22859-55eMail: [email protected]: www.acmit.atContact: Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Dellantoni (CEO)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2005Research: applied research, developmentProfile: ACMIT is an R&D center building a bridge between science and industry at the highest inter-national level. We are collaborating with renow-ned researchers, scientific and industrial partners worldwide. Our R&D services aim at the design of prototypes that are clinically tested and ready for commercialization. We develop instruments, sensors, microoptics, medical robots and training systems for minimally invasive interventions con-tributing to reduced trauma, improved efficiency and increased safety Production: - Low volume production of medical robots according ISO13485, including purchasing, supplier management, type approval and service. Customer-specific Virtopsy (Virtual autopsy) - Solution, including planning, purchasing, pro-duction, safety-concept, system control, operator training and service. Low volume production of prototypes, including clean room conditions. R&D: Our research is focused on (1) instruments and robotics: Multi-functional surgical tools, novel actuation concepts, advanced robot interaction principles; (2) sensors and microoptics: Multiple, non-invasive, single to multi-parametric sensing systems, multi-focal micro lenses, fiber optics; (3) workflow optimization and skill transfer: Integra-tion of new technologies into surgical workflows, training systems with integrated skill assessment. Services: ACMIT offers R&D services along the complete chain of actions regarding both the medical/surgical procedure performed by the clinical team, as well as the development process as such. ACMIT is your ISO certified partner during

the complete innovation process and offers exper-tise, guidance and assistance in every single step: Technology evaluation, state-of-the-art analysis, feasibility studies, R&D services accord. ISO13485, clinical evaluation, low-volume production of me-dical products.Sales & Distribution: R&D services Medical ro-bots to original brand manufacturers (OBM) only Intellectual property rights.

ADSI – Austrian Drug Screening Institute GmbHInnrain 66a6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-507-36307Fax: +43-512-507-32299eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Laco Kacani (CEO)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2011Research: applied researchProfile: The Austrian Drug Screening Institute (ADSI) is a research enterprise owned by the Uni-versity of Innsbruck that offers screening services for pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions. The focus of the ADSI is on the use of sophisticated and predictive cell-based test sy-stems for hit-to-lead development, toxicology and “mode of action” studies in vitro.R&D: The main goal is development and validation of in vitro assays where cultivated cells behave similarly to the patient’s tissue in vivo. The in vivo-like in vitro models are used for the high-content screening of focused libraries of natural or synthe-tic compounds. Metabolomics and proteomics ap-proaches allow the detection of molecules of in-terest, their changes during incubation with active substances and give a hint on the “mode of action” of particular substance in biological pathways. Services: 1.) Special extraction procedures and che-mical analytics allow optimization of the produc-tion of pharmacologically active substance mix-tures, in particular plant extracts; 2.) Development of custom primary cell test systems consisting of different cell types; 3.) Efficacy screening; 4.)Toxi-

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city and bioavailability testing; 4.) High-content screening by automated microscopy; 5.)Flow cy-tometry and cytokine production read-outs 6.) 6. Metabolomics and proteomics read-outs.

AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology GmbHDonau-City-Str. 11220 ViennaPhone: +43-50-550-0Fax: +43-50-550-2201eMail: [email protected]: Zlata Kovacevic (Communication & Marketing)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, styria, Life Sciences Tirol, LISAviennaFounded in: 1956Research: applied researchR&D: The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria‘s largest non-university research institute, is among the European research institutes a spe-cialist in the key infrastructure issues of the futu-re. AIT provides research and technological deve-lopment to realize basic innovations for the next generation of infrastructure related technologies in the fields of health & environment, energy, mo-bility and safety & security.Services: AIT is a strong partner for innovation in the health sector. AIT is focusing on the latest technology and innovative approaches to assist older people in their everyday lives and to support clinicians in the prevention, diagnosis and treat-ment of chronic diseases. Our Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technologies enable comfort and safety at home for elderly people. Furthermore, AIT experts develop telemonitoring solutions for a patient centered, flexible and efficient treatment process (e-health).

Austrian Breast & Colorectal Cancer Study Group – ABCSGNussdorfer Platz 81190 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4089230-12Fax: +43-1-40909-90eMail: [email protected]: www.abcsg.atContact: Dr. Silvia Bartl (Business Support Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1984Research: applied researchProfile: ABCSG (Austrian Breast & Colorectal Can-cer Study Group) is an Austrian organisation that conducts internationally respected clinical trials to investigate breast and colon cancer. Our primary objectives are to standardise diagnosis, therapy and post-treatment of breast and colon cancer throughout Austria, and to provide patients with the latest and best possible treatments. 25,000 patients have participated in ABCSG trials since 1984.R&D: ABCSG’s area of study initially concentrated on breast cancer, before focussing on colorectal cancer. The organisation is now beginning to inve-stigate other forms of cancer. By this time, ABCSG is also conducting studies on liver metastases and pancreatic cancer. The medical need for such research is very high. Pancreatic cancer may only be the eleventh most common form of cancer, but it is the fourth most common cause of tumour-related fatalities.Services: ABCSG is associated with 100 medical centres in Austria – encompassing a network of approximately 900 investigators and 250 study nurses. All investigators and study nurses un-dertake to participate in national quality checks. Clinical trials are conducted with maximum trans-parency, and are monitored by ethics commissions and the responsible authorities at every stage. The safety and welfare of participants in our trials is of greater importance than the interests of science.

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Austrian Research Institut for Chemistry and Technology (OFI)Franz-Grill-Str. 5, Arsenal, Objekt 2131030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-798160-10Fax: +43-1-798160-18eMail: [email protected]: www.ofi.atContact: Dr. Michael Pyerin (Head of Pharma and Medical Devices Department)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1946Research: applied research, developmentProfile: OFI is one of the largest Austrian non-university service enterprises for application-oriented research and development as well as for product testing, inspection and certification. As a one-stop shop for a wide range of technical services – the two main focus areas of our activi-ties are within materials technology and building renovation.R&D: In close collaboration with companies, our applied research deals with the development of new or improved products, methods and services. Important areas of our work are material deve-lopment (e.g. biofilm resistant surfaces, biocide a/o nanoparticle modified materials, sterilization, biocompatibility), testing of medical devices (e.g. E&L-studies), analytical support within preclini-cal studies, as well as packaging materials and their interaction with food a/o pharmaceutical products.Services: As an accredited testing, inspec-tion and certification body according to ISO 17025/17020/17065, OFI is your competent partner for product development and quality testing. Our applied R&D will make your ideas fit for the market – innovation ensures competitiveness. Starting in the planning phase our technical consulting supports you throughout the whole implementation process. You will not only benefit from our experience but also from the substantial knowledge and engagement of our employees. Sales & Distribution: Application-oriented R&D as well as testing, assessment, inspection and certification represent the most important

customer-oriented services. Specialist training and events round out the ofi program. ofi is a testing and inspection body accredited to EN ISO/IEC 17025/17020, a product certification body accre-dited to EN 45011, as well as a notified body pur-suant to section 18 of the Construction Products Directive. GMP-and non-GMP

BIOENERGY 2020+ GmbH Kompetenzzentrum BioenergieInffeldgasse 21b8010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-873-9201Fax: +43-316-873-9202eMail: [email protected]: www.bioenergy2020.euContact: DI Dr. Walter Haslinger (CEO)Founded in: 2003R&D: BIOENERGY 2020+, which incorporates all important Austrian scientific players, is acting as a scientific backbone of the mainly SME-dominated Austrian bioenergy industry and thus is an impor-tant factor in securing their competitiveness and leading market position. BIOENERGY 2020+ is structured into three areas biomass combustion biomass gasification, fermentation and biofuels modelling and simulation which are supported by an internal working group for data, analysis and measurement techniques. The overall vision of BIOENERGY 2020+ is to concentrate the expe-riences, expertises, human resources and infra-structure of the main Austrian players in one com-petence centre in order to become a world leader in the bioenergy sector support the performance of the Austrian bioenergy industry increase the international visibility of Austrian bioenergy rela-ted R&D and industry establish critical masses for successful R&D provide a one-stop shop for R&D transfer services. BIOENERGY 2020+ has been located in Graz (head-quarters), Wieselburg and Güssing (with 2 additional branches in Pinka-feld and Tulln), which is a consequence of optimal utilisation of existing infrastructure and collabora-tion schemes with industry.

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BioMed-zet Life Science GmbHIndustriezeile 364020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-770-325Fax: +43-732-770-325-13eMail: [email protected]: www.biomed-zet.euContact: Dr. Klaus R. Schröder (CEO)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2009Research: basic research, applied research

Carinthia University of Applied SciencesVillacher Str. 19020 Spittal a.d. Drau/CarinthiaPhone: +43-5-90500-3102Fax: +43-5-90500-1110eMail: [email protected]:

CBmed – Centre for Biomarker Research in MedicineStiftingtalstr. 58010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-385-28801eMail: office@@cbmed.atWeb: www.cbmed.orgContact: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Pieber (MD, CSO)Cluster membership: styria, LISAviennaFounded in: 2014Research: applied research, developmentProfile: CBmed - the Center for Biomarker Re-search is a K1 competence center which links ex-cellent research infrastructure, scientific and me-dical expertise with leading industry partners for systematic medical biomarker research. CBmed identifies, validates and translates biomarkers for products to be used in clinical practice. CBmed develops easily applicable, targeted, minimally invasive biomarkers for better diagnosis, better therapy monitoring and a more personalized treatment of patients.R&D: CBmed has a research focus on medical biomarker research in the fields of oncology,

metabolic diseases, autoimmunity, infection and inflammation.Services: CBmed provides state-of-the-art techno-logies in flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, digital pathology, next generation sequencing and metabolomics in combination with a wide range of medical expertise for investigator driven clinical trials.

Children‘s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI)Zimmermannplatz 101090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40470-0Fax: +43-1-40470-7150eMail: [email protected]: www.ccri.atCluster membership: LISAviennaResearch: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: The Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) is a non-profit research institution solely funded by volunteers’ donations and competitive research grants. It devotes its work to the study of aggressive childhood cancers with the aim of translating clinical and fundamental laboratory findings on mechanisms of tumour initiation and progression into improved therapies. This is achieved by multi-disciplinary research performed in 12 research groups in close association with the St. Anna Children´s Hospital, the largest paediatric oncology centre in Austria. R&D: Our comprehensive approach bundles all fields of childhood cancer research within a permanent cycle: basic, translational and clinical research, the improvement of diagnostic and pro-gnostic methods, and immunological therapies. Major research areas involve the biology of neuro-bastoma, pediatric sarcomas, and acute leukemias. An additional focus is the manufacturing of im-mune cells to fight cancer and improve outcome upon hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.Services: The CCRI is equipped with facilities to perform cutting-edge molecular and cellular research including a bioinformatics core, a flow cytometry core, 2 GMP laboratories, and a GCP

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clinical trial unit that coordinates most national and several international pediatric cancer therapy trials. Access to model organisms for pre-clinical research is provided in-house and by partnership with neighbouring institutions. Labdia GmbH, the ISO9001 certified non-profit subsidiary of the CCRI develops and offers innovative diagnostic approaches for hematology/oncology and infec-tiology.

CTR Carinthian Tech Research AGEuropastr. 49500 Villach/CarinthiaPhone: +43-4242-56300Fax: +43-4242-56300-400eMail: [email protected]: www.ctr.atContact: Dr. Werner Scherf (CEO/CTO/CTR AG)Founded in: 1997Research: applied researchProfile: CTR is an industry-oriented R&D centre and one of Austrians leading research institutes. The main focuses are in the technologies of optics, sensors and microsystems for industrial applica-tions in the field of automated process and quality control. CTR delivers in depth expertise - from feasibility studies, prototyping, simulation and testing to finished system and product solutions. As CTR experts operate in an international R&D network, they can forge R&D links and provide customers with information on available funding. R&D: CTR is s pecialised in developing advanced sensor technologies. The technological focus lies in the following areas: Optics Molecular Imaging Terahertz Microsystems Wireless sensors Laser Simulation PhotovoltaicsServices: R&D services along the development chain: The services we provide cover the entire development chain, including technology research, feasibilty studies, simulation, finished products and system solutions. CTR also supports customers by advising them on the funding available and draws on a broad network to help them find the right partner for the relevant project. Our common goal here is to put high-tech sensor developments into practice profitably in the long term.

Danube Private UniversitySteiner Landstr. 1243500 Krems-Stein/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-676-842-419-302Fax: +43-2732-70478-7060eMail: [email protected]: www.danube-private-university.atContact: Anita Wimmer (Assistant to the Executive Committee)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2009Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: Danube Private University (DPU) is the first and only 100% private university in Austria offe-ring a foundation course in dentistry for Dr. med. dent. as well as postgraduate courses for practi-cing dentists with the academic degree „Master of Science Specialist Areas (M.Sc.)“. In addition, the Bachelor´s program for „Dental Hygiene (BA)“ and the Bachelor´s program for „Medical Journalism and Public Relations (BA)“ complement the DPU portfolio as foundation courses.R&D: Danube Private University focuses on two main fields of research: Digital Technologies in Dentistry and CAD/CAM (Prof. Dr. C. von See) Na-tural and Cultural History of Teeth (Prof. Dr. Kurt Alt)Services: Highest Standard in Dental Technology: 45 students per semester are accepted, following an admissions exam; the propaedeutics labo-ratory has 48 work stations, there are also 48 phantom work placements as part of the clinical introduction and 52 treatment units in DPU’s own dental clinic. Due to a specific social tariff system in DPU’s Dental Clinic Krems the potential for stu-dent contact with patients is high.

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Danube University KremsDr.-Karl-Dorrek-Str. 303500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-893-6000Fax: +43-2732-893-4000eMail: [email protected]: Univ. Prof. Dr. Viktoria WeberCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, ecoplusFounded in: 1996Research: applied research, developmentProfile: The Faculty of Health and Medicine of Danube University Krems stands for medical and health science competence in research and teaching. The Faculty focuses on medical biotech-nology and regenerative medicine, prevention, evidence-based medicine and epidemiology, healthcare management, as well as on biopsycho-social interventions and psychotherapy.R&D: The Department of Health Sciences and Biomedicine provides study programmes in se-lected medical disciplines and strives for research excellence in biomedical technology and regene-rative medicine. Research activities are focused on apheresis systems in collaboration with strategic partners, as well as on regenerative medicine in the field of muscular-skeletal systems, cellular therapy, sensor technology, and diagnostics.

FH JOANNEUM University of Applied SciencesAlte Poststr. 1498020 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-5453-8880Fax: +43-316-5453-8801eMail: [email protected]: www.fh-joanneum.atContact: Elisabeth Pail, MSc MBA, Mag. Dr. Roswitha WiedenhoferCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1995Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: FH JOANNEUM is one of Austria’s leading universities of applied sciences offering about 45 career-oriented bachelor and master degree pro-grammes at 6 Departments: • Applied Computer Sciences• Engineering• Health Studies• Building, Energy & Society• Media & Design• Management Some 3700 students are currently studying at our three campuses in Graz, Kapfenberg and Bad Gleichenberg.Studying at FH JOANNEUM combines the benefits of applied learning with research and individual support with internatio-nal contacts in an optimal learning environment offering a range of future oriented departments. Students on our programmes profit from both high quality teaching standards and a strong practical relevance provided through projects and internships. Graduates of FH JOANNEUM have earned a national and international reputation for their specialist knowledge and problem-solving abilities, their dedication to innovation, and their soft skills.R&D: As a university of applied sciences FH JO-ANNEUM carries out research with the aim of contributing to social development and solving complex problems and issues of our time. Against this background, research and development is a prerequisite for the internationally recognized education provided by FH JOANNEUM, which is based on permanent transfer of knowledge bet-ween teaching and R&D. Student involvement in research projects constitutes a decisive factor for the success of this career-oriented and scientifi-

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cally grounded training. Our research strategy rests on three pillars: It promotes ecologically, so-cially and economically sustainable concepts. It is focused on benefit to society and the living space of individuals and groups. It is committed to an understanding of innovation that combines crea-tive impetus with a solution and market oriented approach. We draw on a wide range of cross-border partner networks as well as university and company consortia to transfer our expertise to our partners, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, thus supporting them in planning and implementing product and process innovations.Services: The highly qualified and experienced staff of FH JOANNEUM are involved in a wide range of research projects and innovative ser-vices, continually generating knowledge for the university, business and society. FH JOANNEUM takes an inter- and transdisciplinary approach in tackling key issues of the future in cooperation with partners from business, industry and public institutions. We draw on a wide range of measu-ring and development services in all of our areas of expertise.

FOTEC Forschungs- und Technologietransfer GmbHViktor Kaplan-Str. 22700 Wiener Neustadt/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2622-90333-100Fax: +43-2622-90333-99eMail: [email protected]: www.fotec.atContact: Helmut Loibl (Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1998Research: developmentProfile: FOTEC is the research subsidiary of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt and was founded in 1998. The task of FOTEC is to support the technical study programmes of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt in the initiation and implementation of research and development projects. FOTEC is in close contact with national and international clients, partners,

universities and colleges as well as research orga-nisations.R&D: FOTEC’s core competences lie in the area of component and product development, manuf-acturing technology, measurement and testing technology, prototype construction and small batch production, software development, aero-space engineering and project management.

Graz University of TechnologyRechbauerstr. 128010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-873-0Fax: +43-316-873-6009eMail: [email protected]: www.tugraz.atContact: Prof. Dr. Horst Bischof (Vice Rector for Research)Cluster membership: styriaFounded in: 1811Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: Graz University of Technology pursues top teaching and research in the fields of science and engineering. Five fields of expertise have been de-fined including Advances Materials Science, Infor-mation, Communication & Computing, Mobility & Production, Sustainable Systems, and Human & Biotechnology.R&D: Human technology focus lies in the fields of bioinformatics, biomechanics, biosignals and image processing as well as bioimaging and health care engineering. The expertise of bio-technology enjoys a long tradition in industrial biotechnology and biocatalysis in particular. The Centre of Biomedical Engineering provides a framework for interdisciplinary cooperation in research and teaching.Services: BioTechMed Graz is an inter-university initiative with the purpose of promoting inten-sive cooperation and cross-linkage between Graz University of Technology, Karl-Franzens-University Graz and the Medical University of Graz at the interface between biomedical research, scientific enquiry, technological development and clinical application.

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Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI) of the Austrian Academy of SciencesDr. Bohr-Gasse 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-7904490-00Fax: +43-1-7904490-01eMail: [email protected]: Dr. J. Matthew Watson (Head of Science Support)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Research: basic researchProfile: The Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI) was founded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) in 2000 to promote research excellence in molecular plant biology. It is one of the few institutes worldwide that focuses on basic plant research. It is located in the ÖAW Life Sciences Center in the heart of the Vienna Biocen-ter (VBC), providing an environment of powerful research synergies for the GMI.R&D: The GMI is the only international center for basic plant research in Austria. Our research covers many aspects of molecular genetics and is carried out by eight independent research groups primarily with the model plant Arabidopsis. Current research focuses (and group leaders) include epigenetics (Mittelsten-Scheid, Nodine), population genetics (Nordborg), chromosome biology (Berger), stress re-sistance (Jonak), developmental biology (Busch), and plant-pathogen interactions (Belkhadir, Djamei).Services: The GMI is home to the Mendel high per-formance computing system which is available to external researchers. Mendel works on a scalable system designed for extremely large data quantities, and customized for working on complex biological questions. GMI is also a shareholder in the CSF, offering cutting edge infrastructure and scientific services, including state-of-the-art plant growth facilities with automated phenotyping, next ge-neration sequencing, and a CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing facility.

HEALTH – Institute of Biomedicine and Health Sciences Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbHNeue Stiftingtalstr. 28010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-876-4000Fax: +43-316-876-94000eMail: [email protected]: PD DI Dr. Frank Sinner (Director Institute)Cluster membership: styriaResearch: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: HEALTH - Institute of Biomedicine and Health Sciences – provides a link between basic medical research and industrial application. By forming strategic partnerships with both regional and international partners in the scientific and industrial sectors, HEALTH develops compre-hensive, interdisciplinary solutions to problems encountered in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, medical technology and health care research.R&D: Our scientific expertise in the fields of medi-cine, pharmaceutical sciences, biotechnology and health economics is grouped into the following customer-oriented research areas: Pharmacoki-netics | Pharmacodynamics | Bioequivalence Bi-oanalysis and Pharmaceutical analysis Metabo-lomics Health Economics and Outcome Research Medical Device Development and Evaluation Planning of Health Care Structures and ProcessesServices: We offer our services to customers in the pharmaceutical and medical technology indus-tries, pharmaceutical research and development industries, health care providers and personnel responsible for strategic decision making in the health care industry. Our portfolio includes six re-search/business areas: Pharmacokinetics | Phar-macodynamics | Bioequivalence Bioanalysis and Pharmaceutical Analysis Metabolomics Health Economics & Outcome Research Medical Device Development & Evaluation Planning of health care structures and processes

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Human Research Institute of Health Technology and Prevention Research GmbHFranz-Pichler-Str. 308160 Weiz/StyriaPhone: +43-3172-44111-0Fax: +43-3172-44111-11eMail: [email protected] Web: www.humanresearch.atContact: Univ. Prof. Dr. Maximilian MoserCluster membership: styriaResearch: basic research, applied research, deve-lopment

IMBA – Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of SciencesDr. Bohr-Gasse 31030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-79044Fax: +43-1-79044-110eMail: [email protected]: Michael Krebs (Managing Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1999Research: basic researchProfile: IMBA - Institute of Molecular Biotechno-logy is a biomedical research institute founded in 1999 as a 100% subsidiary of the Austrian Aca-demy of Sciences, the leading national sponsor of non-university research. IMBA is located at the Campus Vienna Biocenter, the vibrant cluster of universities, research institutes, and biotech com-panies in Austria. With almost 200 employees and an annual research budget of around € 30 million, IMBA is the largest research unit of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.R&D: IMBA scientists focus on different model organisms, functional genomics and stem cell technologies to investigate fundamental molecu-lar processes and to examine the role of genes in physiology and pathogenesis of human diseases. The major research fields are: Disease modeling and mouse genetics, stem cell and cell biology as well as RNA biology.

IMC University of Applied Sciences KremsPiaristengasse 13500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-802-0Fax: +43-2732-802-4eMail: [email protected]: Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Harald Hundsberger (Head of Department Life Sciences)Cluster membership: ecoplus , Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 1994Research: applied researchProfile: The study programs „Medical and Phar-maceutical Biotechnology“ at the IMC Krems prepare students for an international career in the biomedical continuum. The Bachelor- and Master programme in Medical and Pharmaceutical Bio-technology provides a strong international focus on research production, marketing and quality management for medicines and organ replace-ments. R&D: The R&D division of the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems is inter-nationally recognised as an academic innovative centre in translatoric biomedical research. Based on sophisticated and unique cell-based tech-nologies, our R&D activities focus on the rapid identification of clinically effective remedies for the prevention and treatment of human diseases such as cancer and inflammatory disorders or for the promotion of tissue regeneration and wound healing. The cooperation with partners in the biotech industry, academic institutions and clinics and the international communication and inter-action among a wide range of interdisciplinary research teams guarantees rapid progress in the development of novel experimental procedures. The infrastructure established IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems and by the biomedical research projects with a total volume of 4 mill. Euros is instrumental in ensuring high-quality training and in preparing the next generation of young scientists for careers in industry and/or the academic world.

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Services: The Services rendered for industry are the following: Development of customised and miniaturised human cellular/organotypic di-sease models for the cost-effective identification and optimisation of lead candidates (including pathway-specific reporter cell analyses); Deve-lopment of customised phenotype-based and personalised drug discovery strategies including the creation of diagnostic tools for the detection of predictive and prognostic biomarkers and the customised screening for peptide therapeutics or diagnostics using advanced proprietary high-throughput peptide screening platforms and com-plementary phage display technologies.

Institute of Science and Technology AustriaAm Campus 13400 Klosterneuburg/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2243-9000Fax: +43-2243-9000-2000eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Georg Schneider (Managing Director)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2009Research: basic researchProfile: The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) is an international institute dedicated to basic research and graduate educa-tion in the natural and mathematical sciences, located in Klosterneuburg on the outskirts of Vienna. IST Austria is committed to conducting world-class research. By 2026, up to 90 research groups will perform research in an international state-of-the-art environment. R&D: IST Austria is an interdisciplinary research institution whose focus is on basic research in the physical sciences, the formal sciences, and the life sciences. It fosters both theoretical and expe-rimental research. Currently research in the life sciences covers cell and developmental biology, biophysics, systems and synthetic biology, evolu-tionary biology, plant sciences, structural biology, and molecular, systems, circuit and developmental neuroscience.

Services: IST Austria’s scientific service units - bi-oimaging, electron microscopy, preclinical facility, life science facility, scientific computing and core infrastructure, machine shop, and library - provi-de state-of-the-art equipment and professional services. The infrastructure can be used by all re-search groups as well as by external collaborators.

Johannes Kepler University LinzAltenberger Str. 694040 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-2468-0Fax: +43-732-2468-8822Web: www.jku.atCluster membership: Health Technology Cluster

Karl Landsteiner University of Health SciencesDr.-Karl-Dorrek-Str. 303500 Krems/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2732-729020-200eMail: [email protected]: DI Regina Plail (Stabstelle Forschung)Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2013Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences is the first Austrian tertiary education institution to offer a comprehensive range of integrated, interdisciplinary medical and health sciences degree programmes in line with the requirements of the Bologna model. In order to meet future demands with new perspectives on health, KL approaches recent challenges as gro-wing populations, longer life expectancies, and the increasing demand of highly skilled experts in Health Sciences.R&D: As part of a groundbreaking, holistic ap-proach which sees an understanding of health as the key to promoting physical, mental and emo-tional wellbeing, we have brought together four disciplines that have a decisive impact on health policy - health sciences, human medicine, psycho-therapy, and neurorehabilitation - under one roof.

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Research emphasises on biomedical engineering and the interrelation of water and health, with wide options for interdisciplinary cooperation with science and industry.Services: Small groups, a strong focus on medical practice and all-round personal support are the stand-out features of the university’s teaching activities. Our state-of-the-art curriculum with its emphasis on biomedical engineering and health economics opens up prospects in a number of health-sector professions. With our network of university hospitals we provide students with a quality-assured, research-led education, to carry out top-class clinical research with a strong inter-national reputation.

Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbHAltenberger Str. 694040 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-732-246860-02Fax: +43-732-246860-05eMail: [email protected]: www.lcm.atContact: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Markus DiboldFounded in: 2001Research: applied research, developmentProfile: The Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (LCM) is your Partner for research and develop-ment of new as well as for enhancement of exi-sting technical products, system and processes. We support our customers, national as well as in-ternational production plants, from first concepts and feasibility studies up to the market launch. Our infrastructure allows for production of proto-types and small lot sizes. R&D: The specific know-how of LCM’s employees in the different fields of Mechatronics is our Basis for technical and scientific cooperation. Based on this know-how, we emphasis new smart systems for industry. Our hard- and software solutions enable us to create systems, products and pro-cesses of the next generation for and together with our customers.Services: LCM’s competencies: • Solutions for electrical drives and power electronics, motor tests • Solution for hydraulic drives, digital valves,

test engineering • Simulation of components and processes, simulation of dynamic problems, control technology • Active and passive vibration damping and noise reduction • Sensor technology, virtual sensors, wireless communication, localisa-tion technologies • Early detection of errors

Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG)Nußdorferstr. 64, 6. Stock1090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-5132750Fax: +43-1-5132310eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Claudia Lingner (General Manager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1960Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: The Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) is the research incubator in the area of health sci-ences in Austria and operates currently 18 research institutes and -cluster with about 600 employees. Acting according to its motto “Research for the people”, the LBG deals with socially relevant re-search questions.R&D: The Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) is a non-university research organization based in Vienna, operating research institutes in the fields of medicine/life sciences as well as the humani-ties, social- and cultural sciences. The LBG initiates, in collaboration with academic and application oriented partners, innovative research topics and specializes in translational research - the bridge between basic research and application. In Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes, who operate in the field of medicine and life sciences, teams of basic research scientists and clinicians work together in one centre and are therefore catalysts for the connec-tion of preclinical research with clinical medicine. Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes (LBI) are established for a limited period of time after an internationally evaluated tendering procedure. In regard to the su-stainability of Knowledge aquired by a LBI during its existence, the LBG aims to eventually transfer this Know-How as well as its experts into one of the institute‘s partner organisations to retain in-novative research topics in the research landscape.

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Max F� Perutz LaboratoriesDr. Bohr-Gasse 91030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-4277-24001Fax: +43-1-42779-240eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Lilly Sommer (Communications Ma-nager)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2005Research: basic researchProfile: The Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) are a center established by the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna to provide an environment for excellent, internationally recognized research and education in the field of Molecular Biology. On average, the MFPL host 60 independent research groups, involving more than 500 people from 40 nations. The MFPL are part of the outstanding international community at the Vienna Biocenter, one of the largest Life Sciences clusters in Austria.R&D: Research at the MFPL is curiosity-driven and spans the field of Molecular and Cell Biology. Most groups investigate basic research questions but a significant number are also active in more translational fields of biology. Research areas at the MFPL: Immunology & Infection Biology, Cell Signaling, RNA Biology, Integrative Structural Biology, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Chromosome Dynamics, Molecular Mechanisms of DiseaseServices: MFPL researchers are supported by cen-tralized scientific facilities offering cutting edge services, free capacities of which are also offered to other researchers at the Vienna Biocenter (VBC) and beyond: BioOptics (light microscopy, flow cytometry), Fish/Marine Facility (aquatic model systems), Histology (tissue preparation and analy-sis), Mass Spectrometry, NMR Spectroscopy, Plant Facility, Equipment Park – Genomics, Hosted by MFPL – Monoclonal Antibody Facility

MCI Management Center InnsbruckUniversitätsstr. 156020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-2070-0Fax: +43-512-2070-1099eMail: [email protected]: www.mci.eduContact: Prof. Dr. Christoph Griesbeck (Head of Department)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1995 Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: The MCI Biotechnology programs make integrated use of a broad knowledge base in bioscience and process engineering to shape and work with the complete range of biotechnological processes from their genetic foundations to the fi-nal product. With its focus on industrial and phar-maceutical biotechnology, the study programs are designed to enable graduates to convert laborato-ry results in the field of bioscience into full-scale industrial processes.R&D: The research focus at the MCI in Algal Bio-technology applies the range of biotechnological methods to identify, as of yet, unknown substances from this often poorly researched group of photo-synthetic organisms for applications in medicine, chemistry or food technology. Microalgae have also the potential to serve as ideal organisms for the transgenic production of complex molecules. The required research for this application is another focus of the MCI biotechnology cluster. Services: Biobank screening for active agents: Mi-croalgae constitute a diverse group of photosyn-thetic organisms, which have become a focus of biotechnological research in view of the valuable substances to be found in them and the low cost of growth in the presence of light. At MCI, yet un-researched biobanks, e.g. a collection of terrestrial algae, are undergoing screening in search of inno-vative active agents and products for the pharma-ceutical, cosmetics and food industries.

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Medical University of GrazAuenbruggerplatz 28036 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-385720-11Fax: +43-316-385720-30Web: www.medunigraz.atContact: Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Josef SmolleCluster membership: styriaFounded in: 2004 Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: Sustainable health research is the central theme at the Medical University of Graz. Our university is characterized by sustainability in teaching, research and patient care with the main focus on prevention and preservation of health. Not only do students gain knowledge from ex-perts, so does the whole through media coverage, presentations and various events. Continuing postgraduate education for doctors and other target groups completes the broad range of our services.R&D: Preclinical institutes, the university hospital and ultramodern research infrastructure (e.g. Center for Medical Research and Biobank Graz) enable research on diseases, as well as, research on improvement in diagnosis and treatment. Our main areas of research are: molecular foundations of lipid-associated diseases, neurosciences, cancer research, cardiovascular research and sustainable health research. Moreover, the field of personali-sed medicine is a major research focus. Services: The Medical University of Graz operates a number of core facilities (CF), research services and centers (e.g. CF-Molecular Biology, CF-Com-putational Bioanalytics, CF- Imaging, CF-Mass Spectroscopy, CF-Ultrastructure Analysis, CF-Clinical Research Center; Biobank-Graz, Biomedical Research, Comprehensive Cancer Center Graz, Coordination Center for Clinical Trials, Statistical Services, Forensic Medicine, Genetic Counceling, Public Health, Environmental Medicine, Infectious Diseases Services).

Medical University of InnsbruckChristoph-Probst-Platz 16020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-9003-0eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Peter JostenCluster membership: Life Sciences TirolResearch: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: Innsbruck Medical University has ap-proximately 2000 employees and around 3,000 students and, together with the University of Innsbruck, is the largest educational and research institution in western Austria and the regional university for Tyrol, Vorarlberg, South Tyrol and Liechtenstein. The following courses are offered at Innsbruck Medical University: Medicine and Dentistry as the basis of an academic medical degree and a PhD degree (PhD) as the postgradu-ate aspect of scientific work. The bachelor‘s and Masters degree in Molecular Medicine is relatively new. The part-time Clinical PhD can also be taken as a supplement to the study of human medicine or dentistry.R&D: Innsbruck Medical University is involved in numerous international educational and research programmes and networks. The research focuses on the areas Oncology, Neuroscience, Infectious Diseases, Immunology . In addition to scientific research, Innsbruck Medical University is also na-tionally and internationally very successful in the highly competitive field of research funding.

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Medical University of ViennaSpitalgasse 231090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40160-10121Fax: +43-1-40160-910000eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Michaela Fritz (Vice-Rector for Re-search and Innovation)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2004Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: The Medical University of Vienna is the largest medical organisation in Austria, one of the most important top-level research institutions in Europe and provides Europe‘s largest hospital, the AKH Vienna, with all of its medical staff. The University relies on the „triple track“ (Research, education, patient care) strategy. With its 640 year long tradition MedUni Vienna has developed into a highly modern research institution with 5000 employees (1800 researchers, of which 1600 me-dical doctors)R&D: „Inter-disciplinarity“ and „Translational Research“ - catchphrases that are taken seriously by MedUni Vienna. Practically all organisational units are involved in medical science and medical diagnostic related research. MedUni Vienna‘s research activities are broken down into five designated areas of focus, or research clusters:: Allergies/Immunology/Infectious Diseases, Cancer Research/Oncology, Neurosciences, Cardiovascular Medicine and ImagingServices: The Medical University of Vienna pro-vides facilities to support research activities. This includes: the Technology Transfer Office, the University Library with the largest medical media collection in Austria, Preclinical Research Facilities, the Clinical Trial Coordination Center, the Biobank consisting of three joint areas, the Research Ser-vice Office, support for bioinformatics and medical statistics as well as the Core Facilities for Geno-mics, Proteomics, Flow Cytometry and Imaging

ONCOTYROL – Center for Personalized Cancer Medicine GmbHKarl-Kapferer-Str. 5/III. Stock6020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-576523-0Fax: +43-512-576523-303eMail: [email protected]: www.oncotyrol.atContact: Dr. Barbara Frick (Projectmanagement)Founded in: 2008Research: applied research, developmentProfile: Oncotyrol is a translational research center for personalized cancer medicine in Innsbruck. It connects academic, clinical and industrial partners in order to enhance medical progress and bring benefits to the patient.R&D: Research focus lies on the development of new treatment approaches for multiple myeloma and other cancer entities. Another focus lies on the development of IT expert systems and health technology assessment models.Services: Our field of expertise are biomarkers, assay development, drug screening as well as im-mune therapies. Wet lab science is complemented by health technology assessment, IT solutions and bioinformatics.



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Paracelsus Medical University Strubergasse 215020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-2420-80280eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Silke Weineck (Head of Research Office)Founded in: 2002Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: Securing Salzburg in its development as a scientific center and economic hotspot is one of Paracelsus Medical University’s main objectives. The university currently encompasses around 70 scientific work groups, most of which are affili-ated to the university hospital (Salzburg county hospital - SALK). PMU provides study programs in Human Medicine, Nursing Sciences and a range of continuing education programs in affiliated health sciences, with a total of 1.000 students.Production: Study of Human Medicine Online Course of Nursing Sciences Degree and Training: 2 in1 Care Model Master Course of Nursing Sci-ences Postgraduate Degree in Medical Science (Dr. PhD in Molecular Medicine Further Education: Different University Courses Postgraduate Educational and Surgical Courses Simulation CenterR&D: PMU´s core areas of research include Neuro-sciences, Oncology, Immunology, Allergology, Me-tabolic as well as Musculoskeletal Diseases and Regenerative Medicine. Throughout the 11 years since PMU was founded, its research output (ac-cording to original publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals) has multiplied by ten.Services: Services for researchers include the Clini-cal Research Center Salzburg (, a one-stop-shop for clinical trials, a Biostatistics Service as well as the Research Office, a central unit in charge of research management and related ser-vices for all PMU-affiliated researchers.Sales & Distribution: Degree Courses in Human Medicine and Nursing Sciences Postgraduate Degree Courses University Courses – Further Ed-ucation Courses Postgraduate Educational and

Surgical Courses Training Courses (Simulation Center) Biostatistics Service

Paris Lodron University of SalzburgKapitelgasse 4-65020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-8044-0Fax: +43-662-8044-214eMail: [email protected]: www.uni-salzburg.atResearch: basic research, applied researchProfile: The Allergy-Cancer-BioNano Research Cen-tre in Salzburg represents a research focus of the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg (PLUS) that enjoys a particularly high national and interna-tional visibility. Apart from teaching and gaining academic achievements, PLUS aims at performing innovative and excellent research. The University of Salzburg is a sought-after cooperation partner for many companies and research institutions in Austria and abroad.R&D: The University of Salzburg comprises eleven research groups focusing on the topics allergy & immunology, cancer research, proteomics, nanoto-xicity and structural biology. Investigation of the molecular and cellular basis of different diseases serves as the common denominator.Services: The interdisciplinary collaboration with other national and international universities and research centers makes PLUS a source of inspirati-on for research and technology development. This particular feature has been enhanced in recent years with the establishment of the international doctoral program “Immunity in Cancer and Aller-gy.” The major goal of the program is to unravel the cellular and molecular immunological mecha-nisms and pathways and to develop rational and molecule-based strategies for the treatment of these diseases.



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Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) of the Austrian Academy of SciencesLazarettgasse 14, AKH BT 25.31090 ViennaPhone: +43-1-40160-70011Fax: +43-1-40160-970-000eMail: [email protected]: Eva Schweng (Head of Public Relations)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Research: basic researchProfile: CeMM is a young, international, indepen-dent and interdisciplinary Research Center in Mo-lecular Medicine, situated on the campus of the Medical University and the General Hospital in the heart of Vienna. “From the clinic to the clinic”: driven by medical needs, CeMM integrates basic research and clinical expertise to pursue innova-tive diagnostic and therapeutic approachesR&D: The work of 10 research groups with about 150 scientists focuses on cancer, inflammation and immune disorders. The goal of CeMM is to assist in preparing the predictive, preventive and personalized medicine of the future, and to be a training and teaching center for a new generation of researchers in molecular medicine. According to a survey from “The Scientist” CeMM is ranked as the best European place to work in Academia 2012.

Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbHInffeldgasse 138010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-873309-01Fax: +43-316-873309-02eMail: [email protected]: www.rcpe.atContact: Mag. DI Dr. Thomas K. Klein (Director – Business), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Khinast (Director – Science)Cluster membership: styria, Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2008Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: Together with the global players in the pharmaceutical industry, the Competence Center Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering (RCPE) performs cutting-edge research in the field of process and product optimization. The main focus is on the development of new drug delivery systems and the associated production processes and their monito-ring. Thus, being a link between science and industry, RCPE carries out state-of-the-art business-oriented research, as witnessed by many experts in the field.R&D: RCPE is organized in three Areas. The focus of Area I is on Modeling and Simulation, of Area II is the development of drugs and delivery systems and Area III addresses on process technology and manufacturing science. Additionally 4 cross-linking topical fields are established. The needs of patient-centered and personalized medicine are addressed specifically. Continuous Manufacturing is the second field of research activities, in combination with mo-dern technology for quality assurance.Services: RCPE is the partner of choice in the field of pre-competitive, industrially relevant research in the field of pharmaceutical engineering. We focus on the design of pharmaceutical and diagnostic products and the associated manufacturing processes based on a detailed understanding of the underlying effects and deductive engineering principles, while reco-gnizing the multi-level functionality and structure of the products.



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Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP)Dr. Bohr-Gasse 71030 ViennaPhone: +43-1-79730Fax: +43-1-7987153eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Harald Isemann (Administrative Director)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1985Research: basic researchProfile: The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna is a basic biomedical research institute largely sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Currently, over 200 scientists from 35 nations work in 14 research groups, supported by several specialised service departments. All fin-dings are published, resulting in 50-100 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals each year. The IMP is the founding institution of the Vienna Bio-center (VBC).R&D: Research at the IMP spans a wide range of topics, broadly organised into 4 themes: life at the molecular and cellular levels, information proces-sing and storage in neural circuits, mechanisms of organismal development and disease, and interdisciplinary approaches that bring ideas and methods from other fields to bear on biological questions. The common goal in all of these areas is to elucidate the mechanisms and principles that underlie complex biological processes.

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbHJakob Haringer Str. 5/35020 SalzburgPhone: +43-662-2288-418Fax: +43-662-2288-222eMail: [email protected]: www.salzburgresearch.atContact: DI (FH) Mag. Cornelia Schneider (Head of Competence Field e-Health)Founded in: 2000Research: applied researchProfile: Salzburg Research is an independent, inno-vation-driven research & technology organisation (RTO) in the area of information technologies (IT). The institute sees itself as a visionary thinktank, connecting networker and professional research partner.The different research groups provide consulting in technical IT and innovation issues and conduct research in national and internati-onal research programmes and on behalf of the industry.R&D: Today’s health care system is faced with changing needs and demands caused by an incre-asingly aging society, growing planning and docu-mentation requirements, and complex methods of treatment. That’s why ICT support has become a key aspect of health care politics over the past years. With its research focus on e-Health, Salz-burg Research seeks to facilitate innovation in the health care segment.



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TU WienKarlsplatz 131040 ViennaPhone: +43-1-58801-0Fax: +43-1-58801-41099eMail: [email protected]: Tanja HalbarthCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1815Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: TU Wien is among the most successful technical universities in Europe and is Austria’s largest scientific-technical research and educa-tional institution. Research areas cover all classic engineering disciplines; many of them are highly relevant for biotech and medtech industries. TU Wien, for example, hosts expertise in bioana-lytics and sensor development, biomechanics, biomedical engineering, chemical technologies, electrodynamics, material sciences and software development.R&D: TU Wien combines expertise in the research fields of the 5 TU research focal areas (Computa-tional Science and Engineering, Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies, Materials and Matter, Information and Communication Technology, En-ergy and Environment) concerning biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics, biosynthesis, bioenginee-ring, bioelectronics, bioanalytics, bioinformatics, biomechanics, biomaterials under the umbrella term „TU-Bio“.Services: At USTEM, the University Service center for Transmission Electron Microscopy, experts have long-term experience in analytical electron microscopy and take significantly part in recent national and international research projects. Its research and development offers structural and chemical analysis - from atoms to cells. USTEM provides expertise and instrumental equipment for industry, research institutions and private persons.

Tyrolean Cancer Research InstituteInnrain 666020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-5704-8500Fax: +43-512-5704-8544eMail: [email protected]: www.tkfi.atContact: Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kofler (Head of Science)Founded in: 2000Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: The Tyrolean Cancer Research Institute (TCRI) is a private initiative of the Society for Sup-port of Cancer Research in Tyrol. The TCRI is unique in Austria both in its organization and strategy of funding clinically relevant projects. The Insti-tute was financed by the local Hospital (TILAK), Tyrolean banks and industry, and private sponsors. The running costs are being covered by public donations and scientific fundraising (National and European Science Funds) by the working groups at the TCRI.R&D: The „mission statement“ clearly defines „ba-sic cancer research with clinical impact and rele-vance“ as the main aim of the institute. We focus on basic understanding of, and novel diagnostic and therapeutic concepts (in particular immuno-therapy with genetically modified cytotoxic T-cells and discovery of anti-tumor phytotherapeutics) for, the following malignancies: Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, breast and ovarian cancer, cervix carcinoma, multiple myeloma, and neuroblastoma.Services: We provide access to equipment and techniques available at the Institute to local scien-tists working in oncology.



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UMIT – The Health & Life Sciences UniversityEduard Wallnöfer-Zentrum6060 Hall in Tirol/TyrolPhone: +43-50-864830-00eMail: [email protected]: www.umit.atContact: Mag. Hannes Schwaighofer, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Schindler (President)Cluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2002Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: As a modern health university, UMIT in Hall in Tirol has specialized in new vocational fields and research areas and thus in the prevai-ling challenges in the health care system. With its focus areas of mechatronics, biomedical infor-matics/health informatics/technology, business management in the health system, psychology, public health, health sciences, health technology assessment, nutritional sciences and nursing science, complemented by the university training courses, UMIT offers academic education and advanced training of high quality in the fields that have turned out to be of increasing importance in the modern health care system.R&D: UMIT conducts research and teaching at the highest quality level in all its subject areas. UMIT promotes the transfer and implementation of re-search and development results for the benefit of society. UMIT fosters the personality development of its students. We make a significant contribution to the further development of our students and our associates from industry, economy and society through research, teaching and knowledge trans-fer activities. UMIT considerably contributes to the regional development of Tirol and attaches importance to the internationalisation of re-search and teaching.Services: UMIT is dedicated to scientific research and teaching and hereby wants to contribute to the development of society, the scientific and technological competence and the provision of healthcare in the broadest sense. UMIT aims at the individual‘s education through science by

joint action of lecturers and students and by international networking. UMIT strives for high quality in research and teaching and regards high academic principles as obligatory. UMIT supports the establishment and development of long-term cooperation with national and international universities, academies and research institutions. UMIT is constantly optimizing its on-going acti-vities: highest quality in research and teaching is our highest ambition.

University of Applied Sciences FH Campus WienFavoritenstr. 2261100 ViennaPhone: +43-1-6066877-1000Fax: +43-1-6066877-1009eMail: [email protected]: membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2001Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentR&D: signalling pathways: wnt, heat shock modelsystem: medaka fish immunology/aller-gology



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University of Applied Sciences for Health ProfessionsSemmelweisstr. 34/D34020 Linz/Upper AustriaPhone: +43-50-344200-11Fax: +43-50-344200-99eMail: [email protected]: www.fh-gesundheitsberufe.atContact: Mag. Dr. Sylvia Öhlinger (Research & Development)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2010Research: applied research, developmentProfile: The University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria was founded by the OÖ. Gesundheits- und Spitals-AG of Upper Austria (gespag), the AKh Allgemeines Kranken-haus Linz GmbH and the OÖ. Ordensspitäler Ko-ordinations GmbH (OSGK). This close cooperation ensures the union of education expertise. The UAS offers educational programs in the health care sector : 7 Bachelor-Programs, 1 Master-Program and 1 Master-Course in 3 sites, namely Linz, Steyr and Wels.R&D: Research and development of the UAS for Health Professions Upper Austria contribute signi-ficantly in answering questions of healthcare and social system and focuses on assistive technolo-gies as well as on health promotion and preven-tion.The close cooperation with enterprises and network partners in the field of practice ensures the transfer of scientific findings into practice. The development and evaluation of professional and inter-professional teaching and practice is a main aim.Services:

University of Applied Sciences SalzburgUrstein Süd 15412 Puch/SalzburgPhone: +43-50-22110Fax: +43-50-22111099eMail: [email protected]: in: 1995

University of Applied Sciences St� PöltenMatthias Corvinus Str. 153100 St. Pölten/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2742-313228-0eMail: [email protected]: FH-Prof. DI Hannes RaffasederCluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 1996Research: applied research, developmentProfile: The St. Pölten UAS provides practice- and achievement-oriented quality university educa-tion in the six fields of Media & Economy, Media & Digital Technologies, Informatics & Security, Railway Technologies & Mobility, Health & Social Sciences. In the meanwhile 17 study programmes about 2.300 students are guided through their academic years.R&D: Practical research plays an important role as the early involvement of students in research projects with companies is a priority and enables young researchers to gain experience. Research in Health focuses primarily on applied research on topics relevant to health promotion & prevention, to therapy & quality assurance in the fields of Dietetics and Physiotherapy. Digital Healthcare is a new interdisciplinary field and deals with the application of digital technologies in healthcare.Services: Nutrition + exercise in health promotion, prevention, therapy, rehabilitation + quality assu-rance with a special focus on counselling research methodology, geriatric nutrition, research related to posture, exercise + locomotion, health service research + multidisciplinary topics.The inter-disciplinary Digital Healthcare Team deals with application of digital technologies in healthcare, especially emphasizing technical applications + solutions for challenges in physiotherapy + related disciplines.



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University of Applied Sciences Technikum ViennaHöchstädtplatz 61200 ViennaPhone: +43-1-3334077-0Fax: +43-1-3334077-269eMail: [email protected]: www.technikum-wien.atContact: Giuliana SabbatiniCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1994Research: applied research, developmentProfile: With around 8000 graduates and 3800 students, the UAS Technikum Wien is Austria’s largest purely technical university of applied sci-ences. Its R&D activities have grown significantly in recent years and currently concentrate on 4 research focuses: eHealth, Embedded Systems, Renewable Energies and Tissue Engineering. The UAS Technikum Wien became a member of the European University Association in 2012 and is a network partner of FEEI - Association of the Elec-trial and Electronics Industries.R&D: eHealth: The focus is on the exchange, the interoperability and the application of health data, including in the area of ambient assisted living. Tissue Engineering: As part of the wider landscape of intelligent materials that will have an even greater influence on health and production in the future, there are numerous possible applications. They range from the regeneration of joints in the body all the way to various types of material coa-tings for industrial applications.

University of Applied Sciences TyrolInnrain 986020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-50-8648-4700Fax: +43-50-8648-674700eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Claudia PotocnikCluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 2006Research: applied researchSales & Distribution: Founded in 2006 the Uni-versity of Applied Sciences Tyrol is the youngest academic institution in Tyrol. The university offers practice-oriented academic training and educa-tion in the health care sector and has become an important part of the Tyrolean education area. The bachelor programmes encompass biomedical science, dietetics, logopedics, midwifery, occupa-tional therapy, physiotherapy and radiological technology, each with a duration of three years. For continuing education and professional specia-lisation the university offers a wide array of ma-ster programmes and further education courses.



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University of Applied Sciences Upper AustriaFranz-Fritsch-Str. 114600 Wels/Upper AustriaPhone: +43--50804-10Fax: +43--50804-11900eMail: [email protected]: www.fh-ooe.atContact: FH-Prof. Priv.Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johann Kastner (Vice President)Cluster membership: Health Technology ClusterFounded in: 2003Research: applied research, developmentProfile: From 2003 on the University of Applied Sciences has concentrated its R&D activities in a new, legally separated R&D department and has established one research center at each school. By focusing on carrying out research projects, the university is able to be a more flexible and highly qualified partner in all questions of research (dif-ferent enterprises and institutions). The benefit of accumulating all of the research projects is more efficient organization management and practical R&D results.R&D: The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Research & Development Ltd. conducts research and development in close co-ordination with the needs of the economy, a fact which gua-rantees rapid realisation in industry as well as so-ciety. 16 fields of research cover the most current and most significant fields of the 21st century. Our main areas of research you will find on Services: Every year, our researchers carry out more than 300 R&D projects at our 4 schools – cooperating with more than 600 national and international partners in economy and society. The opportunities for collaborating with our Universi-ty in R&D are diverse: • applied R&D projects with partner companies • scientific research projects • international R&D projects • symposia and work-shops • thesis of bachelor or master students

University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt – Campus TullnKonrad Lorenz Str. 103430 Tulln/Lower AustriaPhone: +43-2272-82224-100Fax: +43-2272-82224-109eMail: [email protected] Web: DI Birgit Herbinger (Biotechnical Pro-cesses (Study Programme Director))Cluster membership: ecoplusFounded in: 2002Research: applied researchProfile: The University of Applied Sciences (FH) for Biotechnical Processes in Tulln is a degree program and branch campus of The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt. Founded in 2002 to satisfy ever growing student and industry demand, the FH in Tulln, while relatively young, is already internationally recognized. The FH in Tulln is located in the center of a world-renowned biotech scene – the Technopol Campus Tulln, home to a workforce of over 700 researchers and technicians.Production: Education provider Study pro-grammes: Biotechnical Processes ( Bachelor and Master Programme taught in German) “MedTech” - Functional Imaging, Conventional and Ion Radiotherapy - (Master Programme in English)R&D: The economic value of biotechnology offers a wide range of possibilities to sensibly harness na-tural resources. In recent years research priorities have been established especially in the area of analytics. Ongoing cooperation with research insti-tutes, industry and the business community con-tinuously gives rise to new areas of interest. This involves both the use of research services for direct customer order as well as the implementation of publically or privately funded research projects.Services: The bachelor degree program „Biotechni-cal Processes“ shows the diversity and excitement of biotechnology. The students work in modern laboratories in addition to receiving a biotechnical foundation and insights in marketing, law and management. The master degree program of-fers the possibility to specialize in Cell Factory, En-vironmental Technology, Food Quality or Biogenic



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Agents. Students discover both the economic as well as the environmental opportunities available in this field.

University of GrazUniversitätsplatz 3/18010 Graz/StyriaPhone: +43-316-380-1740Fax: +43-316-380-9117eMail: [email protected]: www.uni-graz.atContact: Dr. Barbara Haselsteiner (Head - Office of Research Management and Service)Cluster membership: Health Technology Cluster, styriaFounded in: 1585Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: The University of Graz is one of the oldest universities in central Europe dating back to 1585. Despite of its long tradition it is a modern and renowned research institution. High level basic and applied research is conducted well embedded in an international network of cooperation. This builds an optimal training environment for about 32.000 students in more than 120 fields of study.R&D: Fields of strength at the university are bundled across the faculties by way of academic research core areas. In this way, close cooperation is fostered - especially in the field of life sciences, humanities, social and cultural sciences. The University of Graz strives to concentrate existing highly socially relevant disciplinary focuses at faculty level in university research core areas. To enhance international visibility additional core areas have been formulated with partnering uni-versities in Graz.Services: Researchers are provided with high level support and counselling for all issues relating to research subjects. Due to the increasing impor-tance of competitive third party funding, one focus of support is linked to project applications (general advice, budgeting, legal issues, strategic ideas, contact to funding agencies,…). Furthermo-re, assistance is also provided for securing IPR and transfer of technology.

University of InnsbruckInnrain 526020 Innsbruck/TyrolPhone: +43-512-507-2000Fax: +43-1-507-2951eMail: [email protected]: Dr. Cornelia RhombergCluster membership: Life Sciences TirolFounded in: 1669Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: The University of Innsbruck was founded in 1669 and is the biggest and most important research and education institution in western Austria, today comprised of 16 faculties, almost 27.000 students and more than 4.000 staff and faculty members. Located in the heart of the Alps, the University of Innsbruck offers the best con-ditions for successful research and teaching, and international rankings confirm the University’s leading role in basic research.R&D: Life sciences at the University of Innsbruck cover three dynamic, molecule-oriented sciences that are closely linked in terms of both content and methodology. It carries out interdisciplinary, biological, chemical and pharmaceutical research in the fields of life sciences (natural and active substances, biomacromolecules, subcellular and molecular structures through to cells, organisms, ecosystems and societies). Diversity is one of the declared aims of the University of Innsbruck.



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University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, ViennaGregor-Mendel-Str. 331180 ViennaPhone: +43-1-47654-2604eMail: [email protected]: Hermine Roth (Research administrator)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1872Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, perceives itself as a teaching and research center for renewable resources, which are necessary for human life. It is BOKU‘s objective to make a considerable contribution to the conservation and protection of resources for future generations by providing diversity in its fields of study. R&D: BOKU’s research is dedicated to the protec-tion and sustainable use of our natural resources. An important feature of BOKU‘s research lies in its recognition of future problems and our efforts to provide and stimulate practical relevance, interna-tionality and among disciplines. Interdisciplinary cooperation of scientists on an international level should help create comprehensive questions about the future of our planet and lead to innova-tive problem solving.Services: As a University of Life, BOKU has special social and political responsibilities. Its core com-petence, achieved through research and teaching, lies in ways to sustainably use and protect natural resources, enabling BOKU to provide both critical insight and educated professionals to tackle socio-political issues that affect society. BOKU serves as the Danube region’s leading university in the field of life sciences and substantially contributes to the region’s technological and social innovations.

University of Veterinary Medicine, ViennaVeterinärplatz 11210 ViennaPhone: +43-1-2507710-02Fax: +43-1-2507710-90eMail: [email protected]: Mag. Doris SallabergerCluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1765Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: The University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is the only academic educational and research institution in Austria that focuses on the veterinary sciences, and at the same time the oldest such institution in the German-speaking world (founded 1765 by the Empress Maria There-sia). Our mission: Responsible teaching, visionary research and ambitious healing.R&D: The University of Veterinary Medicine, Vi-enna conducts research for the benefit of human and animal health. In addition to applied and clinical research, the Vetmeduni Vienna conducts excellent basic research in veterinary medicine. The areas of research are: Animal health Preventative veterinary medicine Comparative medicine Animal models Public health services Food safety Animal husbandry, animal welfare and animal ethics Organismic biology and bio-diversitySales & Distribution: The University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is the only academic educational and research institution for veterinary medicine in Austria, and at the same time the oldest such institution in the Germanspeaking world. It is con-sidered one of the best educational institutions for veterinary medicine in Europe. It acts in various ways as a bridge between animals and humans in the areas of education, research and services.



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University of ViennaUniversitätsring 11010 ViennaPhone: [email protected]: Dr. Lucas Zinner (Head of Research Ser-vices and Career Development)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 1365Research: basic researchProfile: The University of Vienna is the largest research institution in Austria. Approximately 6,900 scientists and academics guarantee its out-standing performance in research and teaching. The 15 Faculties and 4 Centres are dedicated to both basic and applied research. In particular, Life Sciences at the University of Vienna are covered by the Faculties of Life Sciences, Chemistry and the Center for Molecular Biology.R&D: Life Sciences Research at the University of Vienna is curiosity-driven and spans the fields of Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Molecular and Cell Bio-logy, Environmental Biology and Pharmacy. Most groups investigate basic research questions, but a significant number are also active in more applied fields of Life Sciences and have extensive expe-rience in co-operations with industry.Services: Research at the University is supported by cutting edge infrastructure which is increa-singly organised in shared core facility centers which are located at various faculties. Our goal is to provide all University members access to state-of-the-art equipment, techniques and facilities. We can provide the necessary expertise for the use of instruments, for analyses, or materials for further use. Free capacities can, in principle, also be offered to other researchers outside of the University.

Vorarlberg University of Applied SciencesHochschulstr. 16850 Dornbirn/VorarlbergPhone: +43-5572-792-0Fax: +43-5572-792-9500eMail: [email protected]: www.fhv.atContact: DI Dr. Univ.-Doz. Prof. Karl Unterkofler (Breath Gas Analysis), Dr. Johannes Edlinger (Microtechnology)Research: basic research, applied research, deve-lopmentProfile: The group `life science - biomathematics´ at the research center PPE of the FHV is focussing on mathematical models and simulation. We develop mathematical algorithms for ECG ana-lysis (e.g., algorithms for detection of ventricular fibrillation) and models for breath gas analysis. The research center for Microtechnology focusses on processes for realisation of complex 2D- and 3D microstructures in a broad range of materials.



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VRVis – Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbHDonau-City-Str. 11220 ViennaPhone: +43-1-20501-30100Fax: +43-1-20501-30900eMail: [email protected]: www.VRVis.atContact: Dr. Katja Bühler (Area Manager Visualiza-tion, Head of Biomedical Visualization)Cluster membership: LISAviennaFounded in: 2000Research: basic research, applied researchProfile: VRVis one of the leading Research Com-panies for Visual Computing in Europe. Together with our scientific and industrial partners we are combining world class expertise in Data Visuali-zation, Data Analysis, Data Mining and Software Design with expert knowledge to highly user and task oriented solutions. VRVis has a strong focus on life science as application field. Our software solutions support medical doctors in their daily routine and accelerate data driven research of life scientists. R&D: Medical and Bioimage Informatics, like highly optimized and automated software solu-tions for biomedical image analysis and anno-tation, visualization and interactive exploration of biomedical image data, image databases and image mining, medical intervention planning and computer supported diagnosis. Visual Analysis of biomedical and healthcare data, geometric model building, interactive simulation steering, virtual environments for animal experiments, geospatial data analysis.Services: The applied research with a focus on industrial application aims is an important pillar of VRVis services. According to the needs of the industrial partner the whole range of project possibilities from research prototypes to direct implementation into the software framework of companies is offered. Thanks to international net-works and continuous publication activities VRVis can provide fast advice on the current state-of-the-art within the field of Visual Computing and possible implementations.



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x 11 A Pharma GmbH ......................................................... 1811 A Pharma GmbH ........................................................2493M Österreich GmbH .................................................. 2674a engineering GmbH................................................. 1254a medicom GmbH .......................................................894myHealth GmbH ........................................................ 181

Aa3L e-solutions GmbH .................................................182aaa – all about apps GmbH .......................................182AAADS Life Science International e.U. ....................182AAL Austria .....................................................................307Aalborg-Pharma GmbH .............................................249abatec group AG ...........................................................126Abbott GmbH ................................................................249AbbVie GmbH ...............................................................249ABF Pharmaceutical Services GmbH ......................183Accanis Biotech GmbH .................................................37accent Gründerservice GmbH .................................307ACETO Medizinische Informationssysteme GmbH & Co.KG ...................183Achim Schulz-Lauterbach Vertrieb medizinischer Produkte Ges.m.b.H. ......268acib GmbH – Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology ............................................325ACMIT Gmbh – Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology ..................... 326ACOM Systeme EDV und Medizintechnik GmbH ..............................183ACR – Austrian Cooperative Research ...................308Actavis GmbH ...............................................................249Actelion Pharmaceuticals Austria GmbH ............250ACTEM – Agency for Clinical Trials and Education in Medicine GmbH ............................................................183Acticell GmbH ..................................................................37Activartis Biotech GmbH ..............................................37Acutronic Medical Systems GmbH ........................268ad rem team GmbH – therapie4you .....................268ADSI – Austrian Drug Screening Institute GmbH ........................................ 326A. Duschek GmbH ........................................................ 267Advanced Pharma Products GmbH ......................... 38AEDOS Management & Beratungs Ges.m.b.H. ..183Aeskulapp Mobile GmbH ...........................................183AFFiRiS AG ........................................................................ 38AFreeze GmbH ................................................................90AFS MEDICAL GmbH Medizinproduktehandel............................................268AGES – Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety .............................................308Agfa HealthCare Ges.m.b.H. ........................................91Agilent Technologies Österreich GmbH ................126AGLYCON DR. SPREITZ KG ...........................................126

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Agneter PharmaConsulting GmbH ........................184AGRANA Research & Innovation Center GmbH .. 38AHCS Advanced Health Care Solutions AG ..........184AHIT Animal Health IT GmbH ..................................184Air Liquide Austria GmbH ..........................................126AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH ....327AKAtech Produktions- und Handels GmbH .........126Akron Molecules AG ...................................................... 39ALBIS Plastic Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. ........... 127Alcon Ophthalmika GmbH .......................................268Alere GmbH ...................................................................250Alfamed Medizinprodukte GmbH .........................268AlgOss Biotechnologies GmbH ................................. 39ALK-Abelló Allergie-Service GmbH ........................... 39AL-Labortechnik e.U...................................................... 127Allectric GmbH .............................................................. 127Allergopharma Vertriebsges. mbH ........................268Allmed Sale Gesellschaft mbH ................................268allomed Medizintechnik GmbH ................................91Allotiss Gemeinnützige Gewebebank GmbH ....308Almirall GmbH ..............................................................250Alphamed Medizintechnik Fischer GmbH ..........269Alvetra u. Werfft GmbH ............................................... 39amacord GmbH ............................................................269Amann Girrbach AG .....................................................128AMEDA Labordiagnostik GmbH...............................128AME International GmbH ..........................................184A. Menarini GmbH ....................................................... 267AMGEN GMBH ..............................................................250A.M.I.Agency for Medical Innovations GmbH ......89AMiSTec GmbH & Co. KG ............................................128Amomed Pharma GmbH ...........................................250ams AG .............................................................................129analyse BioLab GmbH .................................................129Andreas Fahl Medizintechnik, Vertrieb GmbH ...269Andre Augen-Medizinprodukte GmbH ................269ANECON Software Design und Beratung G.m.b.H. .................................185Angelini Pharma Österreich GmbH .......................250Angothera GmbH .......................................................... 39AniMedical – medizinische Animationen KG ......185Annikki GmbH .................................................................40ANTEMOAnlagen & Teilefertigung GmbH ...........129ANTISEPTICA chemisch-pharmazeutische Produkte GmbH .............................................................129Anton Paar GmbH.........................................................129AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals AG ............................40APEIRON Biologics AG ..................................................40APEPTICO Forschung und Entwicklung GmbH ..... 41ApomedicaPharmazeutische Produkte GmbH ..... 41Aposcience AG ................................................................. 41Aptiv Solutions GmbH ................................................185ARAX Capital Partners GmbH ...................................185Arcana Arzneimittel GmbH ......................................250ARCHIMED LIFE SCIENCE GmbH .............................185

ARGOS Zyklotron Betriebs- GesmbH .......................91aringer herbst winklbauer rechtsanwälte ...........185ArjoHuntleigh GmbH .................................................269Arsanis Biosciences GmbH ......................................... 42Arthrex Austria GesmbH ...........................................269ArthroCare Austria AG ...............................................269Arthro Kinetics Biotechnology GmbH .................... 42Artweger GmbH. & Co. KG ........................................ 186Ascendor GmbH ............................................................129Ashfield Healthcare GmbH ...................................... 186Askin & Co. GmbH .......................................................269ASP Consulting Gesellschaft m.b.H. ...................... 186Asprion e.U. .......................................................................91Assign Clinical Research GesmbH .......................... 186Assista Laborelectronics GmbH ..............................270Association of the Austrian Chemical Industry – FCIO ........................308Astellas Pharma Ges.m.b.H. .....................................250AstraZeneca Österreich GmbH ................................ 251Astro Medtec Medizintechnik GmbH ...................270Astro-Pharma Vertrieb und Handel von pharmazeutischen Produkten GmbH .................... 251Athena Wien Beteiligungen AG .............................. 186Atomed HandelsgmbH ..............................................270ATOS Group GmbH .......................................................130ATOX GmbH ....................................................................130a.tron3d GmbH ...............................................................90AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft..........................130Attends GmbH ..............................................................270Attophotonics Biosciences GmbH ...........................131Attoquant Diagnostics GmbH................................... 43ATV-Elektronik Gesellschaft m.b.H. ..........................131Audio lab Austria GmbH ..............................................91Aurora Feinchemie GmbH ..........................................131AUROTEC GmbH ........................................................... 186Austin, Pock + Partners GmbH ................................ 186Austin, Pock + Partners GmbH .................................187Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) ................. 309Austrian Biotech Industry (ABI).............................. 309Austrian Breast & Colorectal Cancer Study Group – ABCSG ...................................327Austrian Business Agency ABA – Invest in Austria ............................................................310Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development ..........................................310Austrianni GmbH ........................................................... 43Austrian Research Institut for Chemistry and Technology (OFI) ............................. 328Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) ........310Austrian Society for Bimedical Engineering – ÖGBMT .............................................................................310Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws) ............. 309AUSTROMEDInteressensvertretung der Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen ..............................311Austroplant Arzneimittel GmbH ............................. 251

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Autonom Talent Consulting GmbH, Niederlassung OÖ ........................................................187Avienne Pharmaceuticals GmbH ............................. 43aws Gründerfonds Beteiligungs GmbH & Co KG ....................................187Axon Lab AG ..................................................................270

BBalmung Medical Handel GmbH ...........................270BA&P Beteiligungs GmbH .........................................188Barbara Urban – medical media consulting e.U. .................................188Bard Medica S.A. Niederlassung Österreich........270Bartelt Gesellschaft m.b.H. .........................................131BARTOSEK Projektbetreuung GmbH ...................... 132BASF Österreich GmbH ............................................... 132Basko Orthopädie Handelsgesellschaft mbH ..... 271BATEGU Gummitechnologie GmbH & Co KG ..... 132Bauerfeind GmbH ......................................................... 271Bausch & Lomb Ges.mbH .......................................... 271Baxalta Innovations GmbH ........................................ 43Baxalta Österreich GmbH ........................................... 43Baxter Healthcare GmbH ........................................... 251Baxter Medical Products GmbH ............................... 92Bayer Austria Ges.m.b.H ............................................ 252BBMRI-ERIC Gateway for Health ..............................311B. Braun Austria GmbH ................................................ 92B. Braun Melsungen AG ............................................... 92BDS Pharma GmbH ....................................................... 43Beckman Coulter GmbH ............................................. 132BECOM Electronics GmbH ......................................... 132Becton Dickinson Austria GmbH ............................. 271Beiersdorf GmbH .......................................................... 271BELAN Ziviltechniker-GmbH ..................................... 133Belimed GmbH .............................................................. 133Bencard Allergie GmbH ............................................. 252Bender MedSystems GmbH ....................................... 44Berger Medizintechnik GmbH .................................. 271BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES GmbH ......................... 133Bertmann Ges.m.b.H. ..................................................134Bess Medizintechnik GmbH ...................................... 271Besurence GmbH ........................................................... 93Bettschart & Kofler Kommunikationsberatung GmbH ..........................188Beurer GmbH ................................................................. 271Bey Pharma GmbH ................................................... 44BHM-Tech Produktionsgesellschaft mbH .............. 93BIA Separations Gesellschaft für Separationstechnologie mbH...................................134Biegler GmbH .................................................................. 93BilfingerIndustrietechnik Salzburg GmbH ...........134BIMED Dr. Karner Spitalbedarfs GmbH .................272BINDER GRÖSSWANG Rechtsanwälte GmbH .....188BIOCOM AG .....................................................................188BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG ....................................... 45

BIOENERGY 2020+ GmbH ......................................... 328Biofaction KG................................................................. 189bio-ferm Biotechnologische Entwicklung und Produktion GmbH ................................................. 44Biogen Idec Austria GmbH ....................................... 252Bio-Klima-Institut Gesellschaft mbH.....................272Biolab Laborgeräte Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. .......................................134biolitec AG ........................................................................94Biological Services e.U ................................................ 189biolution GmbH ........................................................... 189Biomarker Design Forschungs GmbH .................... 45Biomay AG ........................................................................46Biomechanische Forschungs- Gesellschaft m.b.H....................................................... 190Biomed Dr. Wieser GmbH ..........................................134Biomedical International R+D GmbH .....................46Biomedica Medizinprodukte GmbH & Co. KG ....272Biomedizinische Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. ..................................47BioMed-zet Life Science GmbH ............................... 329bioMérieux Austria GmbH ........................................272Biomet Austria GmbH .................................................272Biomin Holding GmbH/ERBER AG ............................47BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH .......... 312Bionorica Research GmbH ...........................................47Bioplant R & D ................................................................ 48Bio-Products & Bio-Engineering Aktiengesellschaft ......................................................... 44Bio Products Mag. Th. Langmann GmbH ............. 252Bio-Rad LaboratoriesGesellschaft m.b.H. ..............134BioScript International ............................................... 190Biospectra Labor GmbH ............................................. 190Biosyn – Wissenschaftliches Informationsbüro .. 190Biotechnology Consulting Life Science Unternehmensberatung ................... 190Biotenzz Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie mbH .. 48Biotest Austria GmbH .................................................272Biotronik Vertriebs-GmbH .........................................273Biozym Biotech Trading GmbH ................................134BIRD-C – Biotech Innovation Research Development und Consulting GmbH & Co KG.... 48bit NC Network Computing GmbH ....................... 190BIUTEC – Biotechnologie- und Umwelttechnologie Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft m.b.H. ............................ 135bj-diagnostik science GmbH ..................................... 191BLANCO Professional Austria GmbH ..................... 135Blue Sky Vaccines KG ....................................................49BMS Informationstechnologie GmbH ................... 135Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Gesellschaft m.b.H ...................................................... 252Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG ..........49Böhm Medical Warenvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.......................... 135Borealis Agrolinz Melamine GmbH ......................... 50

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Boresch Medizintechnik GmbH ...............................273Bosch + Sohn GmbH u. Co. KG ..................................273BOSSARD AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H................................... 135Boston Scientific GmbH .............................................273Bracco Österreich GmbH ........................................... 252B.R.A.H.M.S. Austria GmbH .......................................270Braincon Handels-GmbH ............................................94Brenner & Klemm Rechtsanwälte........................... 191Briefcase Biotec GmbH ................................................ 50Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH .....................................253Bruker Austria GmbH .................................................. 135BS-Immun GmbH .......................................................... 50BSN medical Medizinprodukte GmbH ..................273BSTÄNDIG VERBANDSTOFFABRIK GmbH ..............273BTZ Biotechnologiezentrum Krems Ges.m.b.H. .. 191buchinger Life Science Solutions ............................. 191Bucinator e. U. .................................................................94build! Gründerzentrum Kärnten GmbH ............... 312Büro für Sozial- und Regionalplanung .................. 191Business Creation Center Salzburg GmbH (BCCS) ............................................... 312BWT Austria GmbH ...................................................... 191

CCADS Medical GmbH ................................................... 191CADstar GmbH ...............................................................94CAE Simulation & Solutions Maschinenbau Ingenieurdienstleistungen GmbH ..........................192CAMO Formen- und Werkzeugbaugesellschaft m.b.H. ............................ 135Camozzi GmbH ..............................................................136Campus Science Support Facilities GmbH (CSF) ..192Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH ..............273Capricorn Consilium GmbH ......................................193Carbomed Medical Solutions GmbH & Co KG .....94CARE diagnostica Produktions- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH ......................................... 95Carestream Health GmbH ........................................ 274CareTec International GmbH ....................................136Carinthia University of Applied Sciences ............. 329Carl Reiner GmbH .......................................................... 95Carl Zeiss GmbH ............................................................. 95CARRYMED Pharma & Transport GmbH ...............193CAS Clean-Air-Service AG ...........................................136CAST Gründungszentrum GmbH ............................ 312CATRA GmbH Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Engineering .........136CBmed – Centre for Biomarker Research in Medicine .................................................................... 329CDE – Communications-Data-Engineering GmbH ........193CECOG – Central European Cooperative Oncology Group ................................... 313Celestica Austria GmbH ............................................. 137Celgene GmbH...............................................................253

Cells + Tissuebank Austria gemeinnützige GmbH .................................................. 51CEMIT Center of Excellence in Medicine & IT GmbH ...................................................193Center for Advanced Bioanalysis GmbH ............... 137Center for Anti-Infective Agents ............................. 194Certoclav Sterilizer GmbH .........................................138CESAR Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research – EWIV ................................................. 313Chem. Fabrik Dr. Weigert GmbH & Co KG ............138Chemgineering Technology GmbH ....................... 194Chemiereport.atAustrian Life Sciences ................ 194Chemomedica Medizintechnik und Arzneimittel Vetriebsges.m.b.H. ............................. 274Chemopharma – Chemikalien und Pharmazeutika Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. ........138Chevita Tierarzneimittel Ges.m.b.H ........................253Chiesi Pharmaceuticals GmbH ................................253Children‘s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) ....... 329ChironWells GmbH ........................................................ 51Chirurgie-Mechanik Gesellschaft m.b.H ................96Chorus GmbH .................................................................. 51CH Reha Vertrieb GmbH ............................................ 274Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft (CDG) ................................. 313CIS Clinical Investigation Support Pharmaforschung Gesellschaft m.b.H. ..................195Clariant (Österreich) GmbH ......................................138Cleanroom Technology Austria GmbH ..................138CLIMED Medizinische Produkte Produktions- und Vertriebs-GmbH ........................ 274Clinical Data Management and Statistics GmbH ....................................................195Clinicall GmbH .............................................................. 196Clinical Trials Management GmbH.........................195CLS Ingenieur GmbH .................................................. 196cms electronics gmbh .................................................138CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwälte GmbH ................................................ 196CNSystems Medizintechnik GmbH .........................96CoaChrom Diagnostica GmbH ...................................52CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH ............. 196COLENTA Labortechnik GmbH & Co. KG ...............139Coloplast Ges.m.b.H .................................................... 274Comesa GmbH .............................................................. 274Commend Österreich GmbH ....................................139Comprei-Reinraum-Handel- und Schulungs GesmbH......................................................197CompuGroup Medical CEE GmbH ..........................197Confidence DNA-Analysen GmbH ..........................197Connect Medizintechnik GmbH ............................. 274Constantia Patz GmbH ...............................................139ConvaTec (Austria) GmbH ..........................................275Cook Österreich GmbH ...............................................275CoolTech Systems Austria GmbH ............................139Coopetition Med GmbH .............................................275

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Corin GSA GmbHNiederlassung Austria...............275COVIDIEN AUSTRIA GmbH .........................................275COVIN Pharmavertriebs GmbH ...............................253Croma Pharma GmbH ...................................................52Crosstec Handels-GmbH ............................................275CRS Riedlsperger KG Clinical Research Services ...197CRYO LIFE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES Produktions- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH .....139CRYPTAS it-Security GmbH .........................................96CSD Labs GmbH .............................................................96CSL Behring GmbH .......................................................253CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG...........................330Cube Dx GmbH ................................................................52CVTecCerebrovascular Technologies GmbH .........96Cyathus Exquirere PharmaforschungsGmbH .......52C.Y.L. Pharmazeutika GmbH ........................................ 51Cyprumed GmbH ............................................................52

DDACH Medical Group GmbH ....................................275Dahlhausen GmbH ..................................................... 276Daiichi Sankyo Austria GmbH ..................................253Dako Österreich GmbHPathology Products ....... 276Danube Private University ........................................330Danube University Krems .......................................... 331Danubia-Med Handels GmbH ................................. 276Das Kinderwunsch InstitutSchenk GmbH .......... 198DATACARE Datenpflege des Pharmagroßhandels Ges.m.b.H. ............................. 198D.A.T.A. Corporation Softwareentwicklungs GmbH ................................... 97DELACON Biotechnik Gesellschaft m.b.H. .............52Deloitte Consulting GmbH ....................................... 198Dentsply IH GmbH ...................................................... 276Derma Medical SystemsHandels- und Entwicklungs GmbH ..................................................... 97Dermapharm GmbH ....................................................253DiaCoating GmbH ......................................................... 97Diagnosia Internetservices GmbH ......................... 198DIALAB Produktion und Vertrieb von chemisch-technischen Produkten und Laborinstrumenten Gesellschaft m.b.H. ................ 97DiaMed Österreich GmbH ........................................ 276Diapharm Austria GmbH .......................................... 199DiaSorin Austria GmbH ............................................. 276Digital Elektronik GmbH ............................................139DIOPTEX Medizinprodukte Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH........................98DIPHA GmbH ....................................................................53Dipl. Ing. Frühwald & Söhne GmbH & Co KG ..... 276Dipro med GesmbH .................................................... 276DirectSens GmbH ...........................................................53DLA Piper Weiss-Tessbach Rechtsanwälte GmbH ................................................ 199Dlouhy GmbH ................................................................139

DNAPRO Institute for DNA Profiling GmbH ....... 199doclab GmbH .................................................................277Dokusys Elektronische Dokumentations- & Datenverarbeitungssysteme GmbH .......................98DONAUCHEM GmbH ................................................. 140DORDA BRUGGER JORDIS Rechtsanwälte GmbH ................................................ 199Dorninger & Leibetseder Dentalwarenhandel GmbH & Co. KG .....................277dothealth Burghardt-Pesec OEG ........................... 200DPI Holding GmbH ...................................................... 140DPx Fine Chemicals AustriaGmbH & CoKG ........ 140Dräger Austria GmbH ..................................................277Dr. A. & L. Schmidgall GmbH & Co KG......................53Dr. Carl Reissigl Ges.m.b.H. & Co. KG ......................277DREHM Pharma GmbH............................................. 200Dr. Friedrich Bertoni Gesellschaft mbH ................ 140Dr. Grossegger & Drbal GmbH ..................................98Dr. Meng Pharma GmbH ..............................................53Dr. Muin Pharma GmbH ...............................................53DROGEPHAPHARMACONSULTING GmbH........... 201Drott Medizintechnik GmbH ....................................277Dr. Robert Heinz & Partner GmbH ........................ 200Dr. Röttinger Pharma KG .......................................... 200Dr. Schuhfried Medizintechnik GmbH ....................99DS AUTOMOTION GmbH .............................................141Ducest Medical GmbH .................................................99Duotec GmbH .................................................................141Dutalys GmbH ................................................................ 54dwh GmbH ..................................................................... 201

EEasypharm GmbH & CO KG ..................................... 254EBERWEIN GmbH...........................................................141EBEWE Pharma Ges.m.b.H. Nfg.KG .......................... 54EBG MedAustron GmbH ............................................202Eblinger & Partner Personal und Management Beratungsgesellschaft m.b.H. ..................................202ebps logistics GmbH ...................................................202ecoduna produktions-GmbH ..................................... 54ECOLAB GESELLSCHAFT MBH ....................................141ECOMED Medizintechnik GmbH ............................ 278ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH .......................................314Edith Kotzinger GmbH ...............................................202Edwards Lifesciences Austria GmbH ..................... 278Eisai GesmbH ................................................................ 254E.I.S. Executive Information Service GmbH ......... 201EISIMED GmbH ............................................................. 278ekey biometric systems GmbH .................................141Ekomed Handels-Ges.m.b.H ..................................... 278Elatos GmbH ....................................................................55Elekta GmbH ................................................................. 279ELGA GmbH ...................................................................202Eli Lilly Gesellschaft m.b.H. ....................................... 254

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Elimpex-Medizintechnik ........................................... 279Eli-Tec pharmazeutischer Großhandel Mag. Ernst Baurek GmbH ......................................... 254ELPACK Verpackungssysteme und Logistik GmbH ...............................................................142EMCOOLS – Medical Cooling Systems AG .............99emergentec biodevelopment GmbH .......................55Emonta Pharma GmbH ............................................. 254EMS Handels Gesellschaft m.b.H ........................... 279EMTensor GmbH Schmid KG ....................................................203Endo Unique Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H ............ 279ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH ...............................................142enGenes Biotech GmbH ...............................................55Engler Steritech GmbH ...............................................142e/n/w/c Natlacen Walderdorff Cancola Rechtsanwälte GmbH ...............................202Epherix Consulting & Development e.U. .............203Eppendorf Austria GmbH ..........................................142Epsilon 3 GmbH ...............................................................55EQ-BOKU-VIBT-GMBH (EQ-GMBH) Equipment-BOKU Vienna Institute of Bio Technology – GmbH.............................................203EQ-SERVE EDV & Labortechnik GmbH...................143Erbe Elektromedizin Ges.mbH ................................ 279Ergospect GmbH ............................................................99Ernst Wittner GmbH ....................................................143Ernst & Young Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft m.b.H. .............204ERWO Pharma GmbH ................................................. 254ESD – Evaluation Software Development Rumpold & Holzner OG .............................................204esz AG calibration & metrology Niederlassung Österreich .........................................204etms GmbH ...................................................................204EUBIO, ANDREAS KÖCK e.U. .......................................143EUCODIS Bioscience GmbH ........................................ 56Eumedics Medizintechnik Handels- und Marketingges.m.b.H. .................................................. 279eurocom Translation Services GmbH ....................205Eurofins Genomics AT GmbH .................................... 56Eurofoam GmbH ...........................................................144EUROLAB Medizintechnik Ges.m.b.H. ...................100Eurolyser Diagnostica GmbH ..................................100Euromed Distribution GmbH ..................................280European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR) .............................................................314European Society of Radiology .................................314EveliQure Biotechnologies GmbH ............................ 56Evercyte GmbH ................................................................57EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH .........................................57evolaris next level GmbH ...........................................144Ewald Baumgartner Feinoptik Gesellschaft m.b.H........................................................144Examon Pharma Handelsgesmbh ......................... 254exceet electronics GesmbH .......................................144

EXCELLENCE Gesellschaft für Wertschöpfung mbH..................................................205EXCELLENT Healthsearch Performers e.U. ......... 206Exel Medical GmbH .....................................................280Exeltis Austria GmbH .................................................280Exias Medical GmbH ...................................................100Exputec GmbH ............................................................. 206Eyelabinnovations .......................................................207

FF4 Pharma i.G. ..................................................................57Fairmed Medizintechnik KG .....................................280Falcon Medical Medizinische Spezialprodukte GmbH .............................................100FAVEA Handel mit pharmazeutischer Technologie GmbH ..................144Felcon Reinraum- und Prozeßtechnische Anlagen Produktionsgesellschaft m.b.H. ..............145FEMTOLASERS Produktions GmbH..........................145FERAGEN e.U. .................................................................207Ferdinand Menzl Medizintechnik GmbH ............280Ferring Arzneimittel Gesellschaft m.b.H. ..............255FerRobotics Compliant Robot Technology GmbH ........................................................145FH JOANNEUMUniversity of Applied Sciences ... 331Fianostics GmbH .............................................................57Fiebinger Polak Leon & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH ................................................207first pharma J.M.T. GmbH ...........................................255Fisher & Paykel Healthcare GmbH & Co KG .......280floorfour Agentur für Kommunikation OG ........208florever europe gmbh ..................................................145focuz kommunikation – Mag. Viktoria Schichl ..208FOKAM Fahrzeugzubehör GmbH ............................145Forest Laboratories Österreich GmbH ...................255FOSS GmbH ....................................................................145FOTEC Forschungs- und Technologietransfer GmbH .......................................332Freimüller Obereder Pilz RechtsanwältInnen GmbH .......................................208F. Reiner & Co. GesmbH ..............................................280Fresenius HemoCare Austria GmbH .....................100Fresenius Kabi Austria GmbH .................................... 58Fresenius Medical Care Adsorber Tec GmbH ....... 101Fresenius Medical Care Austria GmbH .................280F. Schmidl & Co GmbH ...............................................100FS-Medizintechnik Handels GmbH .......................280F-star Biotechnologische Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-GmbH .....................................................57F. Trenka Chem.pharm. Fabrik Gesellschaft mbH ............................................255Fuchshofer GmbHCAM-CNC Präzisionstechnik ..........................................................145Fuji Film Österreich Gesellschaft m.b.H. Nfg. KG ................................................................281fz Strategie & Kommunikation KG ........................208

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GGalderma Austria GmbH ...........................................255Gall Pharma GmbH ....................................................... 58gcp gamma capital partnersBeratungs- & Beteiligungs GmbH .....................................................208Gebro Pharma GmbH ................................................... 58GE Healthcare Austria GmbH & Co OG ................. 101GE Healthcare Austria GmbH & Co OG .................281GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Austria GmbH .......... 58GE Healthcare Handels GmbH .................................281GenericonPharma Gesellschaft m.b.H. .................. 58GEORG EGGER & Co. Ges. m. b. H. ............................281Georg Krämer GmbH & Co. KG ................................. 101Gepa-Med Medizintechnik GmbH ..........................281Gerhard Pejcl Medizintechnik Handels GmbH ...281Germania Pharmazeutika GmbH ............................. 59Geschützte Werkstätten – Integrative Betriebe Salzburg GmbH .................... 146Gesellschaft für Medizin- und LabortechnikFischerlehner & Kucera, Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. .......................................281Gesellschaft für Pharmatransporte GmbH.........208Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker............... 315Gesundheit Österreich GmbH .................................. 315GHX Austria GmbH ..................................................... 146Gilead Sciences GesmbH............................................255Gilvasan Pharma GmbH ............................................ 146Ginzinger electronic systems GmbH .................... 146GJM Handel und Service GmbH ............................. 282GlaxoSmithKline Pharma GmbH ...........................256Globopharm GmbH ...................................................... 59Glock Health, Science and Research GmbH .......... 59G.L. Pharma GmbH ........................................................ 58G.M. Medizintechnik Handels GmbH ....................281gm pharma gmbh .......................................................256GN ReSound Hörtechnologie GmbH ..................... 282Gotschy Optotechnik ..................................................208Grabner Instruments Meßtechnik Gesellschaft m.b.H....................................................... 146Graf Elektronik GmbH ................................................ 146Gratzl Josef Medizintechnik ..................................... 282Graz University of Technology ..................................332Green Medical Medizintechnik ............................... 282Green Pharma GmbH ................................................ 209Green River Polymers Forschungs- und Entwicklungs GmbH ..................................................... 59Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI) .................................333Greiner Bio-One Diagnostics GmbH ....................... 59Greiner Bio-One GmbH .............................................. 102Gridlab GmbH .............................................................. 209Grünenthal GmbH.......................................................256GS1 Austria GmbH ...................................................... 209GSM-Gesellschaft für Sicherheit in der Medizintechnik GmbH ...................................... 209

GSMTM Medizintechnik und Telemedizin GmbH ...................................................... 282g.tec medical engineering GmbH Guger Technologies ...................................................... 101Guarding Concepts Consulting KG ...................... 209Guerbet Großhandel mit pharmazeutischen Produkten Ges.m.b.H. ...........256Guger Technologies OG ............................................. 102GYNCOM GmbH ...........................................................256Gynial GmbH ................................................................. 282

HHabcore GmbH ............................................................. 210Haemonetics Handelsgesellschaft mbH ............. 282Haemo-Pharma Consult GmbH...............................257Hageneder Medizintechnik GmbH ......................... 147HAGE Sondermaschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG .... 147HÄMOSAN Life Science Services GmbH ................ 147Handlfinger GmbH ....................................................... 147HANSATON Akustische Geräte GmbH .................. 282Haplogen GmbH ............................................................60HappyMed GmbH ........................................................ 210Hauser Medizintechnik GmbH ............................... 283Hauser M. Medizintechnik ........................................ 283H B S Health Business Solutions GmbH ............... 210hcp healthcarepartner GmbH ................................. 283HealthCare Consulting GmbH ................................ 210HEALTH – Institute of Biomedicine and Health SciencesJoanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH ...................................333Health Technology Cluster/Gesundheits- technologie-ClusterBusiness Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH ................................ 315Heinen + Löwenstein GmbH .................................... 283HELBO Medizintechnik GmbH ................................ 102Hellmut Habel Gesellschaft m.b.H. ....................... 283Heltschl GmbH ............................................................. 102Henry Schein Dental Austria GmbH ...................... 283Henry Schein Medical Austria GmbH ................... 283Heraeus Kulzer Austria GmbH ................................ 283Herba Chemosan Apotheker-AG .............................257Hermann Mucke Pharma Consultancy e.U. ........ 210Hermes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. .......................................60Heson Metall- und Kunststofftechnik GmbH ..... 147Hexal Pharma .................................................................257H+H SYSTEM GmbH .................................................... 146High Q Laser GmbH .....................................................148Hill-Rom Austria GmbH .............................................284Histocom Medizintechnik Vertriebsgmbh ...........148Hitachi Medical Systems GmbH .............................284HL Dr. Hans Loibner Bioscience Research GmbH ...................................... 210H.M.T. Medizintechnik Handels-GmbH ................ 282Hofer GmbH & Co KG ................................................. 102Hofmann-Kälte Air Engineering GmbH ................148

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HOLLISTER GmbH.........................................................284HO-MED HandelsgmbH ............................................284Hookipa Biotech AG ......................................................60Horizon Genomics GmbH ............................................61Horizonte Venture Management GmbH ...............211Hospira Austria GmbH ................................................257Hospitec WarenhandelsgmbH ................................284HSO Health Care ...........................................................257Hubertus Goller Gesellschaft m.b.H ......................148Human Research Institute of Health Technology and Prevention Research GmbH ..... Styria GmbH ............................316Hüttenegger Medizintechnik GmbH ....................284HVD Life Science Vertriebs GmbH ...........................257HygCen Austria GmbH .................................................211Hygienic Technology,GMP Services & Testing .....148Hygienicum Institut für Mikrobiologie und Hygiene-Consulting GmbH .......................................148

IIASON GmbH ..................................................................103ICC – International Association for Cereal Science & Technology ....................................316icotec Medical GmbH .................................................284IDS Media GmbH ...........................................................211IFMS – Infrastrukturelles Facility Management Sercice GmbH .....................................211IFT Handels- u. Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH .............................. 149IGEPHA Interessengemeinschaft österr. Heilmittelhersteller und Depositeure ...................316igor – Institut für Gewebe und Organrekonstruktion Ges.m.b.H. ...............................61Illek Sanag Gesellschaft m.b.H. ...............................284IMBA – Institute of Molecular Biotechnology ... 334IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems.......... 334IML – Integrated Medical Logistic GmbH ..............211ImplanTec GmbH ..........................................................103IMS Health Marktforschung GmbH ........................211Industriellenvereinigung Steiermark .....................316INFORMATICS Consulting & Development GmbH .................................................... 212ingenetix GmbH..............................................................61Ing. Fritz Kern Gesellschaft m.b.H. .......................... 212Ing. Helmut Linder KG. ............................................... 149Ingo Brandstetter Pharmagroßhandel GmbH ....257Ing. Sumetzberger GMBH ......................................... 149Initial Austria GmbH .................................................... 212INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbH .................................................................... 317INNOCEPT Medizintechnik GmbH .........................284Innovacell Biotechnologie AG.................................... 62Innovation Coaches Stadler KG ................................ 212Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbH ............................................................. 317

Innovative Diagnostics Vertriebs GmbH .............. 285INNOWELD-Metallverarbeitung Gesellschaft m.b.H........................................................ 212INOVAMET Vertriebs GmbH ..................................... 285INOVIA Hutzinger GmbH & Co KG........................... 62Inoxia Lifesciences GmbH ........................................... 63in-spectum e.U. .............................................................. 212Institut Allergosan Pharmazeutische Produkte Forschungs- und VertriebsGmbH .......... 63Institute of Science and Technology Austria .......335Institut für medizinische und chemische Labordiagnostik Gesellschaft mbH ........................ 212Institut für Pharmaökonomische Forschung ...... 213Inte:Ligand Software-Entwicklungs- und Consulting GmbH .........................................................150intelligent motion gmbH ...........................................103InterGest Austria Business Development and Administration GmbH ........................................ 213Intermedix Österreich GmbH ................................... 213InterMune Austria GmbH ..........................................257Intern. Innovation and Business Consulting ....... 213Interpharm ProduktionsgmbH ................................. 63INTERVENT Handels GmbH ...................................... 285Intervet GesmbH ........................................................... 63INTRAMED Handels Ges.m.b.H. .............................. 285inVentiv Health Clinical GmbH ................................214IN-VISION Digital Imaging Optics GmbH .............103In Vitro-Labor für veterinärmedizinische Diagnostik und Hygiene GmbH .............................. 149Ionicon Analytik Gesellschaft m.b.H. .....................150IPMD – International Pharma and Medical Devices GmbH ................................................151IPO Beteiligungs-Management AG ........................214iSi Components GmbH ................................................151iSYS Medizintechnik GmbH .......................................103ITHicoserve technology for healthcare GmbH .. 104I.T.S. GmbHpart of the MED-HOLD GROUP ......... 102IT-V Medizintechnik GmbH ...................................... HandelsgmbH & Co KG .................. 285Ivoclar Vivadent GmbH .............................................. 285

JJ4care GmbH ................................................................. 104Jabil Circuit Austria GmbH .........................................151Jacoby GM Pharma GmbH ........................................ 258Janssen-Cilag Pharma GmbH ................................. 258JEDER GmbH ...................................................................105Johannes Gangl Medizintechnik GmbH .............. 285Johannes Kepler University Linz ..............................335Johnson & Johnson Medical Products GmbH ....286Joma Kunststofftechnik GmbH .................................151Josef Babicky GmbH ....................................................105J&P Medical Research Ltd...........................................214Jungbunzlauer Austria AG ..........................................151

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KKaleidoscope Communications Solutions GmbH ............................................................214Kapsch BusinessCom AG ............................................ 215Karl Landsteiner Society ............................................. 317Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences ..335Karl Storz Endoskop Austria GmbH .......................286KASEL BIOTECHNIK Engineering GmbH ................151KaVo-AUSTRIA Dentalwarenhandel GmbH ........286KCI Austria GmbH ........................................................286kdg mediatech GmbH ................................................. 215KEBA AG ............................................................................151Kedrion International GmbH ................................... 258Kiefer technic GmbH ....................................................151Kinetics Germany GmbH Zweigniederlassung Austria ..................................... 152K.I.S Krankenhaus Informations Systeme GmbH ....................................151KLIMENT & HENHAPEL Patentanwälte OG .......... 215KMU Beratungs GmbH ............................................... 215Köcher KG .......................................................................286Kohlbrat & Bunz GmbH RedVac Rescue Systems ..............................................105Koloszar Medizintechnik GmbH .............................286Koordinierungszentrum für Klinische Studien (KKS) ...............................................216KOSTA Leichtstahlbau Gesellschaft m.b.H. .......... 152Köttermann GmbH ...................................................... 152Krainer Medtechnik Handelsgesellschaft mbH ........................................286KRKA Pharma GmbH .................................................. 258Kunststoffwerk Kremsmünster GmbH ................. 152Kvs Medizintechnik Vertriebsgmbh ....................... 287KVT-Fastening GmbH .................................................. 152KWF | Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fonds .... 317Kwizda Agro GmbH ....................................................... 63Kwizda Pharmadistribution GmbH ........................216Kwizda Pharma GmbH .................................................64Kwizda Pharmahandel GmbH ................................. 258Kybermed Handelsgesellschaft mbH ................... 287

LLABDIA Labordiagnostik GmbH ................................64LabNet Laborsysteme GmbH ................................... 287Laboratorium für Betriebshygiene GmbH ...........216Laborchemie Gerätevertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. ........................ 153LABOVET GmbH Labor für Veterinärdiagnostik und Hygiene ...........................216Lab Technologies Medizintechnik GmbH ............ 287LabTop Instruments Handels GmbH ...................... 153Lacerta Technologies GmbH ......................................64Lactosan GmbH & Co. KG ............................................ 65Larkbio GmbH ................................................................. 65LARS Vertrieb von Implantaten GmbH .................. 153

Laser-Gruppe-Materialbearbeitungs GesmbH ... 153legis – Kooperation selbständiger Rechtsanwälte ...............................................................216LEICA Mikrosysteme GmbH ...................................... 153Lenus Pharma GmbH ................................................... 65Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft ....................................... 153Lenzing Technik GmbH ............................................... 153Leo Heilinger e.U ........................................................... 217LEOMED Medical Systems GmbH .......................... 106Leonhard Lang GmbH ................................................ 106LEO Pharma GmbH ..................................................... 258LeP Lehotzki electronic Products GmbH ...............154Leupamed, Medizintechnik-Geräte Gesellschaft m.b.H....................................................... 287Lexogen GmbH ...............................................................66Liebenwein Rechtsanwälte GmbH ......................... 217lifebrain AG .....................................................................218LIFE RESEARCH Technologies GmbH .......................66life-science Karriere Services ..................................... 217Life Science-Texte .......................................................... 217Life Systems GmbH ..................................................... 106LifeTool gemeinnützige GmbH ................................218Lifetool Solutions GmbH ........................................... 287LIGAMED medical products GmbH........................288Lima Austria GmbH .....................................................288Linde Gas GmbH ...........................................................154Linvatec Austria GmbH ..............................................288Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH ...................... 336LISAvienna – Life Science Austria Vienna ..............318L. Kögl Pharma GmbH ................................................ 258Loba Feinchemie GmbH .............................................154Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH ................................... 106Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH ...................................288Lorenz Consult Ziviltechniker GmbH .....................218Louise Rosenmayr-TempletonTower Pharma Consulting ......................................................219Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) ................. 336Lundbeck Austria GmbH ........................................... 258

Mm27 Fedas Management und Beratungs GmbH ..........................................................219Machatka Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.................. 155Madaus Gesellschaft m.b.H. .................................... 259Mag. Andreas Raffeiner GmbH ................................219Magister Hoeveler & CoGesellschaft m.b.H ........66Mag. Klaffenböck Medizintechnik GmbH ...........288MAGNA STEYRFahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG ...... 155Maquet Medizintechnik Vertrieb und Service GmbH ......................................288Marinomed Biotechnologie GmbH ......................... 67Mark53 GmbH ................................................................. 67MARK Metallwarenfabrik GmbH ............................ 155MARK Präzisionstechnik GmbH ............................... 155Masimo Österreich GmbH ........................................288

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MAS medizinische Produkt Handel GmbH ......... 106Matel Medizintechnik GmbH ..................................289Mathys Orthopädie GmbH .......................................289Mattig Präzision GmbH .............................................. 155Matzka Rehatechnik GmbH .....................................289Max F. Perutz Laboratories .........................................337MayLab Analytical Instruments GmbH .................156MBB BioLab GmbH .......................................................156MCI Management Center Innsbruck .....................337MC Kunststofftechnik GmbH ...................................156MCS Labordatensysteme Ges.m.b.H. .....................156MC Technology GmbH ............................................... 106MC Toxicology Consulting GmbH ..........................220MCW Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. ..........................220MDP Medizintechnische Dekubitusprophylaxe .................................................220mechatron Schnabler GmbH & Co KG ..................107MEDahead Gesellschaft für medizinische Information mbH .............................220MEDA Pharma GmbH ................................................. 259Medartis GmbH............................................................289med CARE MEDIZINTECHNIK Vertriebs Ges.m.b.H. ....................................................289MedCom Medizinische Softwareerstellungs- und VertriebsgmbH ....................................................220MedCubes GmbH ........................................................220MedDevice Handels GmbH ......................................289MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH ........107MedEval – Qualitäts-, Leistungs- und Struktur-Evaluierung im Gesundheitswesen GmbH.........220Medexter Healthcare GmbH ....................................107Medgas-Technik medical systems GmbH ............156Mediatum Österreich GmbH ...................................220medi Austria GmbH ....................................................289Medibena Life Science and Diagnostic Solutions ..........................................................................156Medical Sales Consultants Austria GmbH ......... 290Medical University of Graz ....................................... 338Medical University of Innsbruck ............................. 338Medical University of Vienna ................................... 339Medica Medicare GmbH & Co KG ..........................289Medice Arzneimittel GmbH .................................... 290Medichron Gesellschaft m.b.H. .............................. 290Medicopharm GmbH.................................................. 259Medicor Medical Supplies GmbH .......................... 290MedifinaMedizinprodukte Vertriebs-GmbH ...... 108Medika medizinisch-technische Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. ..................................... 290medikus medizintechnische und pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbH ....................... 290Mediscan GmbH ........................................................... 157Meditec Medizintechnik Ges.m.b.H ..................... 290MediTrainment Consulting GmbH ......................... 221medizinkraft solutions GmbH & Co KG ............... 108Medizintechnik Behounek GmbH .......................... 108

Medizintechnik Benesch GmbH ..............................291Medizintechnik Faber .................................................. 157Medizintechnik POROD e.U. ......................................291MEDIZIN-TECHNIK Schnelzer & Partner Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. ..................................... 290med-lab GesmbH .........................................................289MedLance Pharma GmbH ......................................... 259Medline Austria GmbH ...............................................291Medline Medizintechnik GmbH ..............................291MedMedia Verlag und Mediaservice GmbH ....... 221Medmobile GmbH ........................................................291Medos Medizintechnik OG ........................................291medPhoton GmbH ...................................................... 108MedTech Donner-Grobois Entwicklungs- und Handels GmbH ....................... 108MedTech-Support GmbH ........................................... 221MEDtest, Dr. Schmoranzer GmbH ........................... 221Medtronic Österreich GmbH ....................................291MED TRUST Handelsges.m.b.H. ................................107MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH .................................. 109Meierhofer EDV-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH .... 109MELET SCHLOESING Laboratoires GmbH ............292Menges Medizintechnik GmbH ..............................292MEON Medical Solutions GmbH & Co. KG .......... 109Merck Chemicals and Life Science GesmbH .......259MERCK GmbH ................................................................. 67MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien & Co. Werk Spittal ............................................ 67Merck Sharp & Dohme Ges.m.b.H. ....................... 260Merz Consumer Care Austria GmbH .................... 260Merz Pharma Austria GmbH......................................68Messer Medical Austria GmbH ...............................292Metall- und Kunststoffwaren Erzeugungsgesellschaft m.b.H. ................................ 157METASYS Medizintechnik GmbH ............................. 110METEKA GmbH .............................................................. 110Metrohm Inula GmbH ................................................ 157MET-TIEM technische Geräte Vetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H .......................................292MICHAEL KLEIN Handelsagentur im Auftrag von Urgo GmbH ...........................................292MICHOR CONSULTING e.U. ....................................... 222Microinnova Engineering GmbH ............................. 157microqcm..........................................................................68MICROS Produktions- und Handelsges.m.b.H. ... 157Microsynth Austria GmbH ..........................................68MIDES Handelsgesellschaft f. Medizin- & Entsorgungstechnik m.b.H. ......................................292MIDES Healthcare Technology GmbH ................... 110Miele Werk Bürmoos GmbH .....................................158MIP Pharma Austria GmbH ..................................... 260MIRACOR Medical Systems GmbH ......................... 110Miti Biosystems GmbH ................................................68Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma GmbH .........................292

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MMM Krankenhauseinrichtungen Gesellschaft m.b.H.......................................................292MMT Moderne Medizintechnik Gesellschaft m.b.H.......................................................292Mobilitas Health Group Forschungs- und Vertriebs-GmbH ......................... 293Molecular Devices (Austria) GmbH ........................158Möller Messtechnik ...................................................... 111Mölnlycke Health Care GmbH ................................. 293Moltoplast GmbH .......................................................... 111MoNo chem-pharm Produkte GmbH ....................158more&g e-Health GmbH ............................................ 111Moser Medizintechnik GmbH ................................. 222Moser & Partner Ingenieurbüro GmbH ............... 222Mositech Medizintechnik GmbH ........................... 293Mould & Matic Solutions GmbH .............................158MP2 IT-Solutions GmbH Belenos HandelsgmbH ...............................................223MPL Mikrobiologisches Prüflabor GmbH .............223mpö pfm GmbH ........................................................... 293!mprove IT Systemlösungen GmbH ....................... 181M & R Automation GmbH .........................................154MRD PHYSICOM Medical Research and Development Physicom GmbH ..... 111MSP Medizintechnik GmbH ..................................... 293MTG Medizinisch Technische Geräte Erzeugungs- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH .... 293mts-the wetlab company GmbH ............................223Müller Medizinische Labormeßtechnikgeräte Ges.m.b.H. ...................... 293Mundipharma Gesellschaft m.b.H. ....................... 260Murtac Meß- und Regeltechnik, Analytische Chemie GmbH .......................................158M+W Dental Handels GmbH ...................................288Mycoplasma Biosafety Services GmbH ..................69mySugr GmbH ................................................................ 111

NNABRIVA Therapeutics AG ..........................................69Nascyma Pharma GmbH ........................................... 293NATEX Prozesstechnologie GesmbH ......................223NBS-C BioScience & Consulting GmbH .................69Nessler Medizintechnik GmbH .................................112Netural GmbH ...............................................................223Neurodata GmbH ........................................................294Neuroth Medical Division GmbH ...........................294New England Nuclear Corporation Gesellschaft m.b.H. .............159Newole & Partner, Agency for Industrial Cooperation Gesellschaft m.b.H. .........223NidiCare GmbH ............................................................294Nikon GmbH Niederlassung Wien Microscopes/Instruments Division ........................159Nintamed Handels GmbH ........................................294Nobel Biocare (Österreich) GmbH ..........................294

nora flooring systems GesmbH ...............................159Norgine Pharma GmbH ............................................ 260Norma Diagnostika GmbH .........................................112NORTHERN LIGHTS COMMUNICATIONS e.U. ..... 224Novartis Consumer Health –Gebro GmbH ........... 70Novartis Pharma GmbH ........................................... 260Novogenia GmbH .......................................................... 70Novomed Handelsgesellschaft mbH ....................295Novo Nordisk Pharma GmbH .................................... 70Novotech Elektronik GmbH .......................................159Novotech Medizinprodukte GmbH .........................112NP Neumann & Partners GmbH ............................ 224nstim Services GmbH ...................................................112Nuance Communications Austria GmbH ............295NUTRICIA GmbH ..........................................................295

OOctapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsgesellschaft mbH ................................... 70ODELGA MED GES.M.B.H. ..........................................295ÖDGH – Verband der österreichischen Diagnostica- und Diagnosticagerätehersteller ..318offisy gmbh .................................................................... 224ÖGMBT – Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology ........318OLERUP GmbH ..............................................................295Olympus Austria GmbH ............................................296OmniChrom HandelsgmbH ..................................... 160OMS Objekt Management Service GmbH .......... 224OncoLab Diagnostics GmbH ...................................... 70OncoQR ML OG ................................................................ 71ONCOTYROL – Center for Personalized Cancer Medicine GmbH ............................................ 339ONEA-Engineering Austria GmbH ......................... 224One Globe Biotechnology GmbH ...........................296Onkotec GmbH ................................................................ 71On Point indicators GmbH ....................................... 160Open Science Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog .........................................................................319Opta Data Abrechnungsges.m.b.H. ....................... 224OPTOTEAM Präzisionsinstrumente Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. .................................... 160Origimm Biotechnology GmbH ................................. 71ORION Pharma (Austria) GmbH ............................ 260Oroboros Instruments GmbH ....................................112Orphanidis Pharma Research GmbH .......................72Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics GmbH .........................296OrthoMed Ganganalyse ............................................ 224ORTHOMED Medizintechnik GmbH ......................296Orthorobot Medizintechnik GmbH .........................113ORTNER REINRAUMTECHNIK GmbH ..................... 161ortotec – Medizinprodukte GmbH...........................113Österreichische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie ..........319Österreichischer Generikaverband .........................319

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Österreichischer Verband der KrankenhaustechnikerInnen ....................................319O.St. Feingußgesellschaft m.b.H. .............................159OTO FLABeLOS e.U. .......................................................296Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH ...................113OXYCARE Medizintechnik GmbH ...........................296

PPALL AUSTRIA Filter GmbH ......................................... 161PAMO Medizintechnik GmbH..................................296Panaceo International Active Mineral Production GmbH .........................................113panno-med GmbH ........................................................114Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. ......................................72Paracelsus Medical University ................................340Paris Lodron University of Salzburg .......................340Pascom Kommunikationssysteme GmbH ............162Patentanwälte Puchberger, Berger & Partner .... 225Patentanwaltskanzlei Matschnig & Forsthuber OG....................................226Paul Hartmann GmbH .................................................114Payer International Technologies GmbH ..............162PAYER Medical GmbH ..................................................162PAYR Engineering GmbH ............................................162pba3 BioMed GmbH.......................................................72PBD Diagnostics ............................................................162PCS Professional Clinical Software GmbH ............114Peinitz MetallproduktionGes.m.b.H. & Co KG .....163PELPHARMA Handels GmbH ................................... 260Peri Consulting GmbH ...............................................226PerkinElmer VertriebsgmbH .....................................163Pfizer Corporation Austria GmbH ...........................261Pfizer Manufacturing Austria GmbH .......................73Phadia Austria GmbH ..................................................261PHAFAG Pharma Research & Trading GmbH .......261pharmacom Handels GmbH .....................................261Pharma Consult Ges.m.b.H. ........................................114PHARMADROGA Großhandel Gesellschaft m.b.H. .............................262Pharma-GlasKoniakowsky & Kuehr GmbH ..........163Pharm-Allergan GmbH ...............................................261Pharma Logistik Austria GmbH ...............................227Pharma Marketing Club Austria ..............................319pharm-analyt Labor GmbH .........................................73Pharmaselect Handels GmbH .................................262pharmavision GmbH ..................................................262Pharmazeutische Fabrik Montavit Gesellschaft m.b.H..........................................................73Pharmig – Verband der pharmazeutischen Industrie Österreichs ............320Pharmonta Dr. Fischer GmbH .....................................73PHARMOSANHandelsgesellschaft m.b.H. ...........262Pharm-Ref-Consulting Mag.Schober u. Partner OG ......................................226Philips Austria GmbH Healthcare ..........................296

Philips Austria GmbHZweigstelle Klagenfurt .....163PHOENIX Arzneiwarengroßhandlung GmbH ....262Photo Dynamic Therapy Handelsgesellschaft mbH ........................................296Photonic Optische Geräte GmbH & Co. KG ...........114Physio-Control Austria Sales GmbH ...................... 297Physiotherm GmbH ......................................................114PhysTech Coating Technology GmbH ....................227piCHEMForschungs- und Entwicklungs GmbH ...73Piesslinger Gesellschaft m.b.H. ................................163PINT-PHARMA GesmbH .............................................262PIU-PRINTEX Gesellschaft für programmierte Instruktion im Unterricht GmbH ........................... 164PKP Handelsges.m.b.H. .............................................. 297planer dentaprise GmbH .......................................... 297PLANTA Naturstoffe Vertriebsges.m.b.H. ................74Platomics GmbH .............................................................74Pohlig Austria GmbH & Co KG ..................................115Pollmann Austria GmbH ........................................... 164Polymun Scientific Immunbiologische Forschung GmbH ............................................................74Polytech Ophthalmologie GmbH ........................... 297PONTIS Capital GmbH .................................................227Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft m.b.H. ..................... 164PortConsult Finanzdienstleistungs-, Management Services und Public Relationsgesellschaft mbH........................................227Posthorax GmbH .......................................................... 297PR&D Kommunikationsdienstleistungen GmbH ...........227PRECIPLAST Kunststofftechnik Ges.m.b.H. .......... 164ProComCure Biotech GmbH ........................................74PROFACTOR GmbH ...................................................... 164ProFem GmbH ..................................................................75profi-con Austria GmbH Contamination Control .............................................. 228PROMOTECH Kunststoff- und Metallverarbeitungsges.m.b.H. ................................165Proteopharm Forschung und Entwicklung GmbH ........................................................75PRSG Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Services GmbH ....................................... 228P.Solutions Informationstechnologien GmbH ... 225PT – Medizintechnik GmbH ...................................... 297Publicare GmbH ........................................................... 297

QQM Jöbstl e.U. Unternehmensberatung ..............229QMS SELLEMOND ........................................................229QPS Austria GmbH .........................................................75QSC – Quality Systems Consulting GmbH ..........229Quality Austria – Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH ......................................230Qualizyme Diagnostics GmbH .................................. 76QUASI4U Consulting e.U. ...........................................230Quintiles GesmbH .......................................................230

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Rratiopharm Arzneimittel Vertriebs-GmbH ..........262raytest Austria GmbH .................................................165RD&C Research, Development & Consulting GmbH .......................230Recardio GmbH............................................................... 76Reckitt Benckiser Austria GmbH ............................... 76Recognosco GmbH ....................................................... 231REDL Life Science Patent Attorneys ........................ 231Reinhard Di Lena GmbH ............................................ 297Remesco HandelsgesmbH ........................................298REMONDIS Austria GmbH .........................................165REPULS Lichtmedizintechnik GmbH .......................115Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) ............................................................................341Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH ......................................................341Research Consult Gesellschaft zur Durchführung und Dokumentation biologischer Studien GmbH ...................................... 231Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) ....................................... 342Richard Bittner AG ..........................................................77Richard Wolf Austria GmbH .....................................298Richter Pharma AG .........................................................77RICO Elastomere Projecting GmbH ........................165Rigler Medizintechnik GmbH ..................................298RISC Software GmbHUnit Medical Informatics ..115R‘n‘B Medical Software Consulting GmbH .........230ROBA – Clinical Research Consulting GmbH ....... 231Roche Austria GmbH .................................................. 263Roche Diagnostics GmbH ......................................... 263Rolle+Rolle GmbH & Co KG ....................................... 116Romer Labs Diagnostic GmbH ...................................77roombiotic GmbH ...........................................................77Roraco Ges.m.b.H. ........................................................298Rosner GmbH ................................................................298Roxall Medizin GmbH................................................. 263rtd services OG ..............................................................232Rubikon Werbeagentur GmbH .................................232Rudolf Heintel Gesellschaft m.b.H. consulting company ......................232Rüsch Austria Gesellschaft mbH ............................298RWM Medizintechnik GmbH ...................................299

SS2-Engineering GmbH ................................................ 116S2 ScienceSolutions GmbH .......................................232SAFERSONIC Medizinprodukte Handels GmbH ..........................299SAG Motion GmbH .......................................................165SALESIANER MIETTEX GmbH ....................................233Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH .................................. 342s.a.m. Pharma Handel GmbH .................................. 263

sanartis medical services GmbH ............................ 166Sandoz GmbH ................................................................. 78Sanitas GmbH ...............................................................299Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG ............................... 78SANOFI-AVENTIS GmbH ............................................264Sanofi Pasteur MSD GmbH ...................................... 263SANOSON GmbH ..........................................................233Sanova Pharma GesmbH ..........................................264SANTESIS Technisches Gebäudemanagement & Service GmbH ..............233Sartorius Austria GmbH ............................................ 166Sartorius Stedim Austria GmbH ............................. 166Savira pharmaceuticals GmbH ................................. 79SBM Schoeller-Bleckmann Medizintechnik Gesellschaft m.b.H. ...................... 166SCA Hygiene Products GmbH .................................. 166SCARLETRED Holding GmbH..................................... 116SC & C Software Communication & Consulting GmbH & Co KG .......................................233SCHACHINGER pharmalogistik GmbH................. 234Schaffler Verlag GmbH .............................................. 234sch.epp OG .......................................................................117Schiller Engineering GmbH ........................................117SCHILLER Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H ...................299Schinko GmbH .............................................................. 166Schinko Medizintechnik GmbH ..............................299Schmutterer + Partner Information Technology GmbH .............................. 234SCHNEEWEIS Customized Safety Belts GmbH ...167Schober Laborgeräte & Umweltanalytik KG .......167SCHRACK SECONET AG ...............................................167Schülke & Mayr Gesellschaft m.b.H. ......................167Schwa-medico Handelsgesellschaft mbH ..........299Schwandner G&G Klinikprodukte OG ..................299Schwarz Schönherr Rechtsanwälte KG................. 234SciCon Pharma Science-Consulting GmbH..........235science2 public e.U. .......................................................235Science Park Graz (SPG) .............................................320scinteco gmbh ...............................................................235SCIOTEC Diagnostic Technologies GmbH .............. 79SCL-Sensor.Tech. GesmbH ..........................................167Sealife PHARMA® GmbH ............................................. 79SECAR Technologie GmbH .........................................167Seibersdorf Labor GmbH ............................................235Seidel Elektronik GmbH Nfg. KG ..............................167Seletec Plastic Products GmbH & Co.KG .............. 168SELO Medical GmbH ..................................................... 79Semadeni Ges.m.b.H. .................................................. 168SEMENTIS Engineering GmbH ................................ 168Semperit Technische Produkte Gesellschaft m.b.H.........................................................117Senoplast Klepsch & Co. GmbH .............................. 168sense product GmbH....................................................117Serobac Labordiagnostika Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. ...................................... 169

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SER Solutions Österreich GmbH ............................. 168Servier Austria GmbH.................................................264Servosan Vertrieb und Service Ges.m.b.H. ........... 169SES-Tec OG .......................................................................235SEW – Software Engineering Weichselbaum ..... 236Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. ................. 169Shire Deutschland GmbH .........................................264SIC invent Austria GmbH ......................................... 300Siemens AG Österreich ............................................. 300Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbH............. 300Siemer – Siegl – Füreder & Partner, Rechtsanwälte .............................................................. 236Sigma Aldrich Handels GmbH................................. 169Sigmapharm Arzneimittel GmbH ............................ 79SIGNATIS Pharma GmbH ...........................................264Sigvaris, medizinische Kompressionsstrümpfe Gesellschaft mbH ........ 300SIKO Pharma GmbH ................................................... 300SIMCharacters Training GmbH ............................... 236SimTech Prüfanlagen GmbH .................................... 169Sinapharm GmbH ........................................................264SinePhase Instruments GmbH ............................... 300Single Cell DimensionsGenetics for life GmbH ...80Sirona Dental GmbH.................................................. 300Sistro Präzisionsmechanik Ges.m.b.H. .................. 169SLI Sterilgut, Logistik und Instrumentenmanagement GmbH ....................... 236Smaxtec animal care sales GmbH ..........................170SMB Pharmaservice GmbH .......................................170S.MED Handels GmbH ............................................... 263Smith & Nephew GmbH ............................................301Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH ...................................................... 236Softwaremanufaktur Grünberg & Redl GmbH ..237Software Quality Lab GmbH .................................... 236SOLVAY ÖSTERREICH GMBH ......................................170Sonn & Partner Patentanwälte ................................237sonoArena Vertriebs GmbH ......................................301Sonotechnik Karl Glantschnig GmbH .....................117Sony DADC Austria Aktiengesellschaft BioSciences ................................170sophida GmbH ...............................................................237sorbion Mayrhofer GmbH .......................................... 118Sorin Group Austria GmbH .......................................301Spath Micro Electronic Design GmbH ...................237spe-consulting GmbH .................................................237Spectromed GmbH part of the MED-HOLD GROUP ................................301Spine-Med Ges.m.b.H. .................................................301SPLIPHARM Arzneiwaren HandelsgmbH..............301spypach medical services ...........................................170STADA Arzneimittel GmbH .......................................264Stadler Sensorik, CNC-Technik GmbH .....................171Stadler Technology GmbH ..........................................171Stago Österreich GmbH .............................................301

Standortagentur Tirol/Cluster Life Sciences Tirol Tiroler Zukunftsstiftung ..................................320S-TARget therapeutics GmbH .................................... 78STARLIM Spritzguß GmbH ..........................................171Stefan Limbeck, Alleininhaber Richard Limbeck e.U. ...................................................302Steinbichler Austria GmbH ........................................171Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH ............. 321SteriLogInstrumentenmanagement GmbH ....... 238STERILSYSTEMS GmbH .................................................171St. Jude Medical Medizintechnik GmbH ...............301Stölzle – Oberglas GmbH ............................................171Strategyn iipinnovation in progress GmbH ........ 238Stryker GmbH ................................................................302StudyMaker –Clinical Trial Management e.U. .... 238Sunmed Medizintechnische Produkte GmbH ...302surfMED GmbH ............................................................ 238SÜSS Medizintechnik GmbH....................................302Swiss Tec Technology GmbH ..................................... 172Syconium Lactic Acid GmbH ......................................80SY-LAB Geräte, Zubehör und Systeme für Laboratorien Gesellschaft m.b.H. ............................ 172SYMFONY Consulting ................................................. 238Symptoma GmbH ........................................................ 238SYNCRO-MED Orthopädische Erzeugnisse GmbH ........................ 118synedra information technologies GmbH ........... 118SynteractHCR Eastern Europe Forschungsgesellschaft mbH .................................. 239Synthes Österreich GmbH ......................................... 118Sysmex Austria GmbH ...............................................302Systema Human Information Systems GmbH ... 118System Industrie Electronic GmbH ......................... 172SZABO-SCANDIC HandelsgmbH & Co KG ............ 172

TTAGnology RFID GmbH ............................................... 172Takeda Austria GmbH ..................................................80Takeda Pharma GmbH ...............................................264TAmiRNA GmbH .............................................................80tec4life Medizintechnik GmbH ...............................303Tecan Austria GmbH .................................................... 173Tech2b Inkubator GmbH ............................................ 321Technoclone Herstellung von Diagnostika und Arzneimitteln Gesellschaft m.b.H. ...................81Technomed-Service, Planung, Handel mit medizinischen, technischen Geräten und Anlagen Gesellschaft m.b.H. ...........................303Techno-Park Tulln .......................................................... 321technosert electronic GmbH .................................... 173tecnet equity NÖ Technologiebeteiligungs-Invest GmbH ................ 321TeleCare Systems & Communication GmbH...... 239Terra Institute Dr. Weiß KG ....................................... 239

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Terumo Deutschland GmbH, Zweigniederlassung Österreich ..............................303Thea Pharma GmbH ...................................................265The BiotechScout ......................................................... 239The Brain Company GmbH .......................................240Themis Bioscience GmbH ............................................81Thermo Fisher Scientific wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH ............................. 173The Siesta Group Schlafanalyse GmbH ................240the text clinic – medical writing & translation consultancy ........240ThiomatrixForschungs- und Beratungs GmbH ....81THI Total Healthcare Innovation GmbH ................ 119THP Medical Products Vertriebs-GmbH ...............303Tiani Spirit GmbH ......................................................... 173Tieto Austria GmbH ....................................................240Tikopia Consulting ........................................................241TissueGnostics GmbH ................................................. 119TKH-Medical GmbH .................................................... 120T.M.A. Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. ....................... 119TONKO Consulting .......................................................241Transform Science Management Beteiligungs- GmbH ....................................................241Trauma Care Consult Traumatologische Forschung Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH ....241TRB Chemedica (Austria) GmbH .............................265Tricolum Pharmaceuticals GmbH ............................ 82TRUMPF Medizin Systeme Österreich GmbH ....303T-Systems Austria GmbH .......................................... 239Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH .................................... 82TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH Department Medical Devices –Medical Engineering ............... 242TWO PISignal Processing Applications GmbH .... 174Tyrolean Cancer Research Institute ....................... 343tyromotion GmbH ....................................................... 120

UUBW Unternehmensberatung Wagenhofer GmbH ..................................................... 242UCB Pharma GmbH ...................................................... 82ugichemGesellschaft für organische Chemie mbH............................................. 82UHNO-MED Medizin-Technik GmbH .................... 242UMIT – The Health & Life Sciences University ...344Unilab Technologies OG ............................................. 174Uniplan MedizintechnikGes.m.b.H. & Co KG. ..... 242UNITEK Maschinenbau- und Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. ....................................... 174University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien ..........................................................344University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions ................................................ 345University of Applied Sciences Salzburg .............. 345University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten............. 345

University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna .......................................................346University of Applied Sciences Tyrol ......................346University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.....347University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt – Campus Tulln ...........................347University of Graz ........................................................348University of Innsbruck ..............................................348University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna ...................................................349University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna ..........349University of Vienna ...................................................350UseNet Software GmbH ............................................ 243UTS Geräte Service Ges.m.b.H. ................................ 243

VValericon GmbH ............................................................. 82Valneva Austria GmbH ................................................. 83Vamed AG ....................................................................... 243VAMED-KMB Krankenhausmanagement und Betriebsführungsges.m.b.H............................. 243VAMED Management und Service GmbH & Co KG ............................................................. 243VAMED Standortentwicklung und Engineering GmbH & CO KG ................................... 243VAMOS! Nachhaltige Personal- & Organisationsentwicklung/sustainable personal and organizational development ........244VASCOPS GmbH ........................................................... 120VASEMA GmbH ...............................................................121Vela pharm. Entwicklung u. Laboranalytik GmbH..................................................... 83Verband für Bildgebende Diagnostik Österreich – Generalsekretariat ...............................322Verein Förderer der Medizinischen Fakultät der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz .....................322Verein Österreichischer Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologen .............................................................322VESCON Systemtechnik GmbH ................................ 174VETWIDI Forschungsholding GmbH .....................244VF Services GmbH ........................................................ 175VIBRANT Med-El Hearing Technology GmbH ..... 122VICOS GmbH .................................................................. 175Vidavis GmbH ...............................................................244VIDIPHARM GmbH ........................................................ 84Vienna Business Agency .............................................322Vienna Hospital Association (VHA) .......................244ViennaLab Diagnostics GmbH .................................. 84Vienna Science and Technology Fund ....................323Vifor Pharma Österreich AG .....................................265ViraTherapeutics GmbH .............................................. 84ViruSure GmbH .............................................................. 85VISADESTechnologie & Entwicklung GmbH ...... 245VISIOVET Medizintechnik GmbH............................303VISTA MEDICAL Medizintechnik GmbH ...............303

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Vita 34 Gesellschaft für Zelltransplantate m.b.H. .............................................. 85Vitateq Biotechnology GmbH ................................... 85Vivaldi Biosciences AG..................................................86Vivamed Medizinprodukte Vertriebs GmbH ......303VIVISOL Heimbehandlungsgeräte GmbH ............ 122VOGELBUSCH Biocommodities GmbH .................. 175VOGELBUSCH Biopharma GmbH ............................176Volopharm GmbH .......................................................265VOMI – Vienna Open Medical Institute.................323von der Heyden Planungsgesellschaft für Haustechnische Anlagen Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG.................................... 245Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences ..........350VRVis – Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisie-rung Forschungs-GmbH ............................................. 351v-start Kompetenzzentrum für Unternehmens-gründung GmbH...........................................................322VSZ Versorgungs- und Servicezentrum für medizinischen Bedarf GmbH............................ 245VTU Engineering GmbH ............................................ 245VTU Technology GmbH ................................................86VWR International GmbH ..........................................176

WWabosan Arzneimittelvertriebs GmbH ...............265Wagner & Munz GmbH .............................................304WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen GmbH & Co. KG ............................................................. 177Waters Gesellschaft m.b.H. ....................................... 177Websinger GmbH ......................................................... 123Wellacher-Consulting................................................. 245Werfen GmbH ...............................................................304WESTCAM Datentechnik Gesellschaft m.b.H. ..... 177West Medica Produktions- und Handels-GmbH .............................................................. 123WGT-Elektronik GmbH & Co KG Wickel- und Gerätetechnik ........................................ 177W & H Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbH ...................... 122W.H.U. GmbH Labor für Wasseruntersuchungen und Hygiene .................. 245WICK Medizin – Innenarchitektur & Einrichtungen e.U. .................178Wild Elektronik und Kunststoff GmbH & Co KG ..............................................................178Wild GmbH .....................................................................178Wimmer & Macho Medizintechnik GmbH .........304Wirtschaftsservice Burgenland GmbH – WiBAG ...............................................................................323Wolfgang Herdlicka Medizintechnik GmbH ......304World-Direct eBusiness solutions Gesellschaft m.b.H.......................................................246Wozabal MPZ Medizinproduktezentrum Ges.m.b.H. & Co KG .....................................................246WSB Labor-GmbH .........................................................178

XXenogenetik Biotechnologie GmbH .....................265Xiber Science GmbH ..................................................... 87x-tention Informationstechnologie GmbH......... 247

YYASARA Biosciences GmbH ...................................... 247youspi Consulting GmbH .......................................... 247

ZZAK-Pharma Dienstleistung Ges.m.b.H. ............... 247Zauner Anlagenbau GmbH .......................................179Zentrum für klinische Studien Dr. Hanusch GmbH ...................................................... 247Zeppelin Medical Instruments GmbH ..................304ZETA Biopharma GmbH ..............................................179Ze.Wa. medicalsystems GmbH ................................304Ziehesberger Elektronik ..............................................179Zimeda Medizintechnik und Ärzteservice GmbH & Co KG ....................................305Zimmer Austria GmbH ..............................................305Zoetis Österreich GmbH ............................................265Zoll Medical Österreich GmbH ................................305Zühlke Engineering (Austria) GmbH .....................248ZWT – Zentrum für Wissens- und Technologietransfer in der Medizin GmbH ........248Zymed Medical Products Handel GmbH .............305Zytoprotec GmbH .......................................................... 87

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1400800_LifeScience-Directory-Austria_2016_US.indd 1 18.09.2015 15:51:36 Uhr