life by a. wisth: the abridged version

Life by A. Wisth: The Abridged Version Enjoying the Journey

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Post on 26-Jun-2015



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I'm on a path to self discovery and loving every minute of it. Follow your heart, use your head,and go with your gut. This life was meant for you to use, not abuse. Cherish it, live it, breathe it, love it, and do it. If you don't like it, change it. You have the power to live your dreams.


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Life by A. Wisth:The Abridged Version

Enjoying the Journey

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Before I responded, I threw Mama Wisth straight static with some serious nonverbal communication – I placed my hands on my hips, stuck my left foot out, and started tapping my toe. I tilted my head to the left and replied, ever so matter-of-factly, “A single, independent business woman who lives in New York City.”

At six years old, there was no stopping me.

“Honey, what do you want to be when you grow up?”– Mama Wisth

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Every time I could accompany my mother on a salon visit, I was there.

My activities included but were not limited to:

• Gazing at all of the work the stylists, manicurists, and makeup artists were doing while thinking, “I will do that in New York City.”

• Coloring in face charts with makeup

• Look through hair magazines

• Paint my nails, put on makeup, cut my bangs (it happened)

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Cut, color, makeup, brow shaping – you name, I did it.

School dances, school pictures, house party – whatever the occasion, I was your girl.

In your bathroom, my garage, your best friend’s bedroom – wherever there was good light and space, I set up beauty shop.

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THE GRAND HU$TLEI’ve been employed since I was

first a teen, but the minimum wage from the age of 13 and 18 was between $4.25 - $5.15. After buying my first car for $1,000 and not minding my minimal finances, I didn’t have much (or any) in my savings account.

I was 18 years old, knew I wanted to go to cosmetology school, but couldn’t afford to and nobody else was going to pay for it. So I took action, and a lot of it. From mid 1999 to September 2001, I held down anywhere between 3-4 jobs at a time to save money for school.

I moved out on my own in September of 1999. I had rent, a car payment, groceries, utilities, and life to pay for while trying to stash money away for my education. I averaged 80-90 hours per week of work. I worked as a Merry Maid, a customer service rep, a Visual Specialist for Kohl’s, a receptionist for a car dealership. I was a gas station attendant, a waitress, a cocktail server, a bartender… Whatever I could do (legally) to get myself to the career I dreamed of.

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COSMETOLOGYI couldn’t afford it. I couldn’t afford $10,000 for school. I couldn’t afford to go to school 40 hours/week because I needed to work 90 to have enough to pay for school and live. Federal Financial Aid was not applicable to beauty schools until years later. It was early 2001 and I was 19 years old. I didn’t know what to do.

Until I had an epiphany while dressing a mannequin at Kohl’s. I was thinking “What the hell am I going to do?!” when then I answered myself with, “DUH!! You will go to school for esthiology (facials, waxing, body treatments, and makeup application) and get your foot in the door into the beauty industry! It’s half the cost and you can go part time so you can still work 90 hours a week.”

So I dropped what I was doing ( I literally left the mannequin half-dressed for a poor, defenseless child to stumble upon), called the Institute of Beauty and Wellness, and scheduled my tour and interview.

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In September 2001 I attended The Institute of Beauty and Wellness (IBW) for esthiology. I continued to work 90 hours a week and paid for school out of pocket.

I graduated in April 2002 and went on to find my dream job as an the lead makeup artist and esthetician at Erik of Norway Salon and Spa.

Loving the industry and Aveda, I wanted more – to do more, to give more, to have more.

In March 2004, I started as a Part Time Esthetics Instructor at IBW.

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MAKES THREE!In September 2005 I accepted a dynamic opportunity to work in NYC at the Aveda Institute New York.

I was a single, independent, broke, mostly sad, esthetics instructor – but hell, I made it!

I gained 20 lbs even though I walked everywhere. I figured $2 for two hot dogs was a far better deal than $2 for one apple.

I made two of the greatest friends I could ever ask for – they are still two of the greatest friends I could ever ask for

I shared a one bedroom apartment with my friend in Spanish Harlem. We liked to call it “dorm style” not “broke style” It was $1700/month.

I did makeup for fashion week. Boom.

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POWER IN THE PNWThe Pacific Northwest (PNW) had never

been on my radar outside of the fact that it was home to some of my all time favorite musicians in High School (Especially Seattle as it was the birthplace of Grunge Music). That all changed the day after I did makeup for Fashion Week Fall 2007.

I remember walking out of the venue where the Aveda Team and I provided 8 hours of stellar makeup applications to the models of seven shows. I thoughts to myself, “Yeah, you just did that. You did makeup for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week! And now you’re done. On to the next goal on your list, kid.”

The following morning I received a call from Elizabeth, the Director of the Gary Manuel Aveda Institute in Seattle, WA. She had heard about me via the Aveda channels and wanted to interview me for the position of Esthetic Education Director. They would fly me out, put me up, take me out and show me around, and interview me all within a 36 hour time span.

I had the goal to be the Director of Esthetic Education in an Aveda Institute by the time I was 25.

I jumped on that plan, toured that city, killed that interview and became the Esthetic Education Director for Gary Manuel Aveda Institute two months prior to my 25th birthday.

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After fulfilling my contract with the Gary Manuel Aveda Institute; growing spiritually, personally, and professionally; meeting fabulous, lifelong friends; and getting a hold on who Amanda Wisth really was, I moved back to NYC.

Now I didn’t leave New York that first time with the best taste in my mouth. I was hesitant to go back - but I knew I had to. My gut was telling me to do it, rediscover it, and uncover all that is Amanda A. Wisth. And I did.

I experienced pain, loneliness, sadness, heartbreak, happiness, monetary gain, love, friendship, beauty, and most importantly, I discovered myself.

I tended bar, met amazing people, lived my (then) dream NYC life, was fit and of healthy mind and body, and had money in my bank account. I fell in love with New York. Madly, deeply in love.

And I knew if I wanted to take this love affair a step further, I would need to take my career to the next level.

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STATIONI wanted my next step in my career to be a one that included beauty, business, marketing, and world travel.

As I perused possible career advancement avenues, they all required, at a minimum, a Bachelors Degree.

While washing glasses at my daytime bartending gig, I was having some intense inner dialogue when it hit me – I had to move back to Wisconsin, go to college, graduate with honors, and then move back to NYC!!

Say what?! Leave to come back?! That didn’t make any sense!

Well, let’s figure it out:


$35,000/year at NYU + $2,000/month in rent = Another broke New York Amanda.


NOT $40,000/year at a College + $750/month in rent = One monetary intelligent Milwaukee Amanda

Even though I am not the best at math, I could see that the better monetary choice was Milwaukee.

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UPWARD MOBILITYMarch 10, 2008 I moved back to Wisconsin.

On a dreary day in early April I had an interview with Neroli Salon and Spa (the sister company to IBW). I was greeted with open arms and left with not one, but two career opportunities.

As I drove toward I-43 North, I thought to myself, “Okay, you landed the perfect gig, now where will you go to college?”

I am pretty sure the angels started singing as clouds parted and the sun shone down in a single beam on an Alverno College billboard that read “Upward Mobility.”

As soon as I returned home I got on my computer, went to Alverno’s website and started the application process.

I am currently a senior and will graduate May 2015.

In coming home I found home; plain and simple, Alverno is the greatest decision I have ever made. And through this process, I have loved and continue to love every part of the journey that is “Life by A. Wisth.”