life and ideology of sree sree anukulchandra

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  • 8/10/2019 Life and Ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra




    A A r r ee ss ee aa r r c c hh w w o o r r k k p p u u b b ll ii ss hh ee d d o o nn 11 2 2 5 5 tt hh H H o o ll y y B B ii r r tt hh A A nn nn ii v v ee r r ss aa r r y y

    Life and Principle


    Sree Sree nukulchandra(( TT hh ee W W oo rr ll d d TT ee aa cc hh ee rr oo ff t t hh ee A A gg ee ))

    DD rr .. SS rr ii k k u u mm a a rr MM u u k k h h ee rr j j ee ee

  • 8/10/2019 Life and Ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra




    bout 125 years ago 1888 A.D., on 16th September Sree Sree Anukulchandra

    (Chakraborty) was born in a lower middle class Bengali Brahmin family at

    Himayetpur village of Pabna district of united India (before 1947 AD), now in Bangladesh.

    He was given spiritual-initiation by his mother as per the direction of her Guru Huzur

    Maharaj. Anukulchandra said - h e knows this Name from the very beginning, it is not

    new to him. Sincerely practicing this specific meditation technique , he realized his

    integral inner relationship with the whole creation. He assumed there is no difference

    between matter and spirit, every matter is conscious, but its level differs from matter to

    matter. This drives him to become inquisitive towards his environment and he concluded

    everyone primarily loves his existence to evolve further, but that depends upon his

    environment too. So nourishment to the environment to fulfill self-existence is Dharma.

    So, according to him Dharma welcomes science. This go-of-life brings true awareness of

    total existential-becoming i.e. salvation or Brahma-Darsan.

    His inquisitive childhood in one hand was very concentric towards his mother to

    satisfy herself. On the other hand his boyhood searching mind used to be engaged to

    unveil the secret laws of nature and to understand the cause of people's sufferings. He

    use d to search small plants life cycle at the garden. He detected that there is uniqueness

    and dissimilarities within the same and concluded - there is no resemblance betweennature. Once after travelling by steamer with his father he built a steam engine at his

    home. He also successfully shaped a wooden stick into a fountain pen. One day he

    treated one of his young friends from stomach pain by giving one kind of locally available

    herb, by which once he treated himself as he suffered by the same problem with the

    similar symptoms. He reveals "During my adulthood I found that the formula of Haniman

    - the father of Homeopathy medicine, was similar to what I have discovered and

    experienced in my boyhood."

    Despite struggling with poverty Anukulchandra's relation with the people around

    was becoming better because he was concentrating himself to be more nearer to the

    villagers, who were overwhelmed with gratitude, love and sympathy. He said about his

    deeds of those days "I got the answer when I found in one of the writing in my schools

    exercise book - 'Do unto others as you wish to be done!' "Numbers of events say almost

    the same story that - most of the unsocial and complex obsessed people converted into

    normal social man with his sympathetic behavioral nourishment.

    AA II nn tt rr oo dd uu cc tt oo rr yy ll ii f f ee ss kk ee tt cc hh oo f f SS rr ee ee SS rr ee ee AAnn uu kk uu ll cc hh aa nn dd rr aa

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    Anukulchandra studied at the high school of Pabna but could not matriculate. His

    school career was discontinued when he gave his final examination fees to one of his

    poor friends. After that he went to Calcutta to study Medical science. While studying

    medical he gathered lots of experiences except medical, which helped him in future.

    Being a student from lower middle class family, he had learned the sufferings of life,

    because he stayed for years with the labours at a coal depot. He had also passed days

    without food but water from road side drinking water tap and spent many nights at

    railway platforms. Finally, he returned to his village without any diploma, because he was

    asked to re-appear in the practical examination. Within very short period he became very

    popular doctor and very busy in practice. During that time he noticed - those who were

    getting cured by medicine, revert to him with the same disease. He perceived that

    patients are ill mentally, so they had to be treated with sense, intellect & spirit.

    Then he introduced 'Kirtan' - the group devotional song among the village dwellersto heal their obsessed mind with high pitch. In his words - "The tune of his melodious

    KIRTAN uplifts people's mind to a higher esteem very rapidly." This divine sound brought

    a huge response from people of far districts of Bengal. While Kirtan playing reached its

    level of full motion, - sometimes Anukulchandra would become unconscious and loose

    almost all of the signs of existence of life, it happened for hours having only words on his

    lips. This is popularly known as 'Samadhi'. At this state of his existence he used to utter

    different subjects matters on - the way of life, techniques on control over passions,

    mystery of creation of nature, spiritual realizations, salvation, himself and many

    individual and social matters in Bengali language as well as English, Hindi, Sanskrit and

    some other unknown languages. People would flock in numbers. Progressively people

    from other parts of the country attracted to him. About these incidents of only last 72

    days of Samadhi, had been recorded and published as the 'Punyaputhi' (Holy Book), rest

    that of the initial days could not be noted. The medical explanation of these periods of his

    life is yet to be given. Since then Anukulchandra was popularly known as Sree Sree

    Thakur Anukulchandra.

    He observed closely that the people are getting mentally charged by Kirtan but

    unable to retain the emotion for long run. He concluded that - the people's emotional

    attachment with the higher and pure idea is the only way to harmonize the complications

    and which can only rescue one from the physical and mental disease.

    Now Sree Sree Anukulchandra concentrated on social reformation by building the

    character of the people. He introduced following three-points 'man making' program for

    each individual, viz. Initiation - the psycho-sexual attachment with a higher Ideal

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    person. Education - to follow the path of unfolding the good instincts with Ideal-centric

    guidance. Marriage - to apply the 'law of eugenics' for transmitting the good

    characteristics into next generations. Under which He initiated the massive program on

    psycho-spiritual treatment, family adjustment, education reformation, health hygiene,

    eugenics, industry, agriculture, scientific research, publicity, etc. People of the various

    classes and professions from the different parts of the country and abroad started to

    come to him to find the solutions of their different quests. He introduced Ritwik-Singha

    with the selected spiritually-elevated devotees, who would execute His idea and program

    for the total existential-becoming of mankind. Gradually this took into shape of an

    organized movement popularly known as Satsang - Movement.

    The Satsang organization has been sprout from the person Sree Sree

    Anukulchandra under the demanding circumstances of his popularity. Purpose of Satsang

    organization was to uphold the program of Sree Sree Anukulchandra in undistorted formfor the world of humanity. The most remarkable output of the Satsang movement in the

    context of socio-political scenario was to build the plinth of communal harmony, cultural

    development, modern scientific awareness based on traditional thoughts. Upholding the

    idea of the fulfilling life and ideology of the all world past prophets like Krishna, Buddha,

    Jesus, Mohammad, Chaitannaya, Ramakrishna etc. he said that - true follower of one's

    own prophet never becomes communal. The amazing thing was - thousands of people of

    different religious-ideas accepted Sree Sree Anukulchandra as a master or 'Guru' and

    assembled together to make themselves better spiritual and religious person - the man of


    In those days, Bengal including India was on the volcano of communal tension.

    The demand for division of India was yet to come forward. Sree Sree Anukulchandra

    years before that, launched a program for equalizing the population ratio of Hindu and

    Muslim to resist the forthcoming division of India. He also appealed to the contemporary

    political leaders to support, those came to meet with him, for the probable grave

    situation of the future of this sub-continent, and he received nothing but assurance. He

    also faced obstacles from the local Hindu landlords to implement his programs. Leaving

    all of his big properties including Tapovan School, Mata Monmohini College, the scientific

    research center - Vishwa Vijyan Kendra, press, workshop, hospital, laundry, agricultural

    fields, etc, Sree Sree Anukulchandra left Bengal in 1946. Md. Alam Hossen, an old farmer

    at Himayetpur village standing at the front of his cottage said in an interview "The fields

    you can see so far was of Thakur!" He cried and said "There was no problem till he

    stayed here, he was our Allaha!" So finally he had to go to Deoghar of Santhal Pargana

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    district of Bihar (now in Jharkhand state) and stepped down there in 2 nd September 1946.

    Just after one year, India was divided in 1947 with heavy bloodshed and casualty of life

    and Pabna included to Pakistan (East Bengal i.e. Bangladesh).

    After partition of India in the new arising condition Satsang movement took its

    shape differently. The refugees were given shelter in Satsang Ashram at Deoghar and

    Sree Sree Anukulchandra personally took special care to provide immediate relief to

    them. To tackle post-partition grave scenario he emphasized on organized movement on

    social change throughout the states on the basis of three points non-communal program

    viz. Initiation, Education and Marriage-reform. Thousands of people responded to his call.

    Including that, more people from Europe, America also accepted him as a spiritual guide

    to be pure Christian, Muslim or Hindu.

    On 25 th January 1969 at the early morning 'God' of the devotees, 'Master' of the

    followers, 'Super genius' for the knowledge seekers, 'Most loving sympathizer' for thecommon people - passed away, leaving behind his humanitarian works and substantial

    ideological contribution towards World human society.

    truggle for the existential process of human being, made the evolution of the

    society alive still now. Since, the primitive age of the human society - as Karl Marx

    said it as early communism - human being was gradually becoming intellectuallydeveloped through struggle for survival. After being evolved, their desire of existence

    didnt remain the only desire to them so far. Now people initiate to search for the better

    way of living. Thus desire of becoming also became the invariable part of their life, with

    desire of being. Since then the demand for existence and progress, forced them to be

    reformed-being by adjusting their complexes. Sree Sree Anukulchandra says - .......the

    wants of properly enjoying life or needs of being and becoming is the driving factor of

    evolution. So together, cultural and biological ways of incessant evolution of individual -

    collectively used to be transformed into social evolution.

    Primarily in the agricultural complex societies, distribution of work became the

    most essential thing for better social management. Thus normal emergence of division of

    labour - revolutionary progressively changed the social structure. Initially people had

    choosen different contemporary trades freely according to their own testes (biological

    bent). But cultivating the same trade liberally through generations - they became expert

    of those specific trades by acquiring the respective characters even bio-culturally

    SS FF oo uu nn dd aa tt iioo nn oo f f tt hh ee II dd ee oo lloo gg yy oo f f SS rr ee ee SS rr ee ee AAnn uu kk uu ll cc hh aa nn dd rr aa

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    Division oflabor naturallyevolved firstin the


    Scientificevidence ofVarnashram

    Natural law ofeugenics wasapplied in thehumansociet

    (genetically). Thus, in the society - division of labour according to hereditary instinct

    established. Nesfield says - Occupation is the only factor of this system (caste), where

    as Dezil Ibbison says - This is not sudden, but a product of long process

    of evolution, and occupation became heredity. According to Sree Sree

    Anukulchandra - This is not a man made system, but a universal law of

    division of biological character, which could be found everywhere in the

    nature. He termed this system in human society as - Grouping of society according to

    biological instinct. In his view - it was broadly divided into four natures of work, those

    are - Intellectual, Managerial, Commercial and Physical labour, that found in every

    society of the world in different forms. In Indoaryan society these natures of classes were

    defined by the Aryan Seers as Varna division - in terms of Bipra (hereditarily Brahmin),

    Kashtriya, Vaishya and Sudra respectively. In this Indo aryan society to be a Brahmin

    was set as the goal of all.A report published on one Anthropological and genetic research jointly organized

    by an Indo-US university team on Indoaryan traditional Varna (caste) division system.

    The report says that - still the Varna characters are inheriting through DNA for more than

    past 3000 years. In the hypergamy marriage system (marriage between

    female of lower cultural heredity and male of higher cultural heredity), the

    caste of lower rank female could climb u p to higher caste rank. [Source: Human

    Genome and Indian Caste System;; The Asian Age, London -


    However, now the most rational animal - man out of his long experiences observed

    that random selection of male and female not always comprise qualitatively better

    offspring. Firstly thus they had prohibited marriage between nearer blood relations. This

    has become law in many countries now. Secondly they found that breeding between

    male of less bio-cultural-heredity (lower Varna) and female of higher bio-cultural-heredity

    (i.e. in hypogamy marriage), generation devolves and degenerates by their

    characteristics and potentialities into next. Sree Sree Anukulchandra says - Marriage

    between more evolved female and less evolved male ( hy pogamy

    breeding) normally produce unbalanced nature of issue and for the sake of

    the existence of civilization, practicing of hypogamy should be strictly

    prohibited . Surprisingly the modern scientists in crops and animal breeding for high

    yielding seeds and better animal offspring - follow the same laws. Sree Sree

    Anukulchandra also says - Marriage between any male and female could only be taken

    place, if they have biological and healthy psychological compatibility. Thus females of

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    Ideal-centricservice is thebase of socio-economicsystem

    lower cultural h eredity will be culturally and biologically upgraded. The father of modern

    (Molecular) Genetics and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Watson believes about the hereditary

    up-gradation in Indoaryan marriage system based on the very social structure ( Varna

    system) that - the DNA tests of caste characters excellently support the nature of Varna

    division and its progressive purpose of traditional marriage system. [Report: Chief Guest

    Lecture: 86 th Indian Science Congress, Chennai, 1999 ]. On the basis of this system

    practicing the highest culture (Brahminism) under the guidance of a social Seer, mostly

    adjusted master or leader - through generations, the backwards could acquire that higher

    cultural instinct biologically and promoted to the higher social rank ( Varna ) genetically.

    Because, genetically there is very minor (less than 1%) difference among the different

    classes ( Varna ). In this context Swami Vivekananda also said - Everyone (of all Varnas )

    has to be Brahmin.

    Moving on the path of social evolution human being always required and searchedfor such personalities from whom they could be guided and inspired to overcome the

    struggle of being and becoming and could form better society. Whenever

    many people of different characteristics unite around a center their

    concentration to the center stimulates their native bent of fulfillment. Thus

    new advanced societies gradually appeared out of the peoples inter -

    fulfilling adherence, through the Ideal centric motivation. And to protect and nurture the

    individuals nature of fulfillment, its democratic social mechanism was developed.

    Simultaneously, peoples this existential service according to ones own hereditary

    character ( Varna ) for self-survival - normal social economy also grown up.

    Hence wherever people have got a great leadership, they gathered around. So root

    of all kinds of mass movements are virtually personality - centered movement. Because

    psychologically - the inherent hankering of human being is to be attached with any man,

    matter or material. According to the father of psychology Fraud the inborn libido i.e.

    the normal tendency of attachment of man when gets inclined towards a psychologist,

    the self controlled man, then one gradually becomes normal and balanced. Because,

    ones complications become controlled and adjusted by the attachment of his libido with

    the psychoanalyst. So people flocked together around those normal social leaders, with

    force of loving attraction towards fulfillment of their personality and they started to

    reform themselves and became educated. Studying the effects of these movements, it

    can be found that comparatively Dharma oriented movements the mass mobilization

    of the culture of being and becoming under the leaderships of the world spiritual seers -

    are more successful to influence the larger mass, consistently for longer time. It was

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    Accepting of aLeader wasnormally seen inevery humansociety and itbecame essentialfor ones self -development

    Initiation andeugenicsbecame theprime factors ofHHRRDD thatmakes superiorsociety

    possible because people found comparatively better living expression of existential

    ideology among these extremely self-adjusted personalities than the leaders of the other

    socio-political movements. Thus they discovered the path of life and growth - the

    ultimate desire by adjusting their own complexes - more in better ways. Sree Sree

    Anukulchandra says that - Sree Krishna, Goutam Buddha, Jesus Christ, Hazrat

    Mohammad, Sree Chaitannaya, Sree Ramakrishna, etc. are such personalities who have

    modified the same Dharma (the Aryan culture of life - growth) as per the peoples current

    mental and material conditions and requirements of the contemporary societies. So, each

    of them is the f ulfiller of the past seers, because they are all the cultivators of the Aryan

    culture of existentialism or upholder of Dharma. Sree Sree Anukulchandra also says -

    The way of upholding the urge of our existence is Dharma. He explains

    - Dharma never b ecomes many................Hindu Dharma, Christian

    Dharma, Mohamadan Dharma, Buddhist Dharma etc. are wrong; ratherthey are so many views. In his view the degeneration of humanity

    began when people have deviated from the path of the life of the seers .

    Having no libido towards the latest and past -fulfiller living adjusted-

    personality (social leader), peoples de -centric progress and un-adjustment of complexes

    or abnormal natures increase. This forces drag the social (economic, political, cultural,

    moral, etc.) progress and unity downward and also at the same time it encourages

    communalism, separatism, provincialism, exploitation, etc. various social evil practices.

    Thus historically many big civilizations evolved and destroyed. According to Sree

    Sre e Anukulchandras view in every case the cause of all socio-economic causes

    of destruction of civilizations were virtually lack of Ideal centric integration and

    abnormal sexual-relationships . Virtually these two factors broke the stability of

    mental and biological constitution respectively of oneself. He says if it would be

    possible to rectify these most vital man-making factors, then human

    civilization could be saved and steadily transformed into superior world

    society (communism) - the World United States (WUS). Under the

    leadership of the latest preacher, about communism of the

    contemporary age - the concentric inter-fulfilling attitude will unite every

    people. And then they will find the scientific solution to root out all of the material and

    psychological exploitations which will act as a strong barrier between oneself to protect

    his real peace, bliss and success- in every phase of civilization. According to him thus

    dream of man of being and becoming will be materialized which he is dreaming since his

    journey from the starting moment.

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    he building unit of society is human being. And scientifically human is described

    sexual as well as creative animal. Sree Sree Anukulchandra gives three points

    program, picked from the characteristics and factors of the course of social evolution for

    the Human Resource Development (HRD). He shows solution to the crisis to the

    degeneration of humanity of civilization by using both of the human qualities creativity

    and sexuality. Those three p oints are - (( ii )) Accepting Ideal centric disciplined life, called

    as Initiation (( ii ii )) Complex adjustment training to extract the inborn potentials called as

    Education (( ii ii ii )) Better progeny by Marriage - Reform. FF ii rr ss tt llyy :: by getting Initiation of a

    superior guide or social Seer, one lovingly starts to follow and happily adjust himself

    according to his guidance with activity. Father of Psychology Fraud says about this in his

    terms that - Psycho -sexual attachment to a psychologist the man of balanced andadjusted complex - is the prime factor of psychic treatment (adjustment of complexes).

    SS ee cc oo nn dd llyy :: Education is the technique of self -development under the guidance of a

    balanced master and practicing to invest the urge of complexes for being and becoming.

    TT hh iirr dd llyy :: Marriage - reform is virtually scientific bio - psychic matching for self -

    development and better offspring, which could be most valuable asset of the society.

    Thus Initiation and Education develop the Creativity for becoming and also teaches to

    manipulate Sexuality through Marriage -Reform for procuring more creative instinct of

    human being by birth.

    HH uu mm aa nn EE xx ii ss tt ee nn cc ee :: The purpose of life is to uphold the existence and its continuous evolution. This evolved

    to give birth of human being. His existential-becoming goes on unless he could realize his

    inner relationship with the mechanism of the whole environment. This awareness of self

    existence makes him conscious about his surroundings for better existence and infinite

    psycho-spiritual and material progress. This inquisitiveness towards existential-becomingof life makes his mind research oriented in search of getting peace, prosperity,

    enjoyment and happiness. This journey starts with the quest of life who am I and how I

    am related with the whole in terms of evolution of creation? This inquisitive mind

    explores the source with which he could be attached to reorganize his complexes

    according to the source. And that attachment gives him impulse to make him aware of

    his existence. So he seeks to love man, matter or material.

    T FF uu nn dd aa mm ee nn tt aa ll pp rr iinn cc iipp llee oo f f SS rr ee ee SS rr ee ee AAnn uu kk uu ll cc hh aa nn dd rr aa

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    LLoo vv iinn gg AAtt tt aa cc hh mm ee nn tt :: I I nniit t iiaa t t iioonn There is a center of the universe; sun is the center of attachment of the existence of the

    planets of the solar system; nucleus is the center of existence of the cell, in the

    beginning of human society there were natural leaders. Similarly each man gets attached

    with any object to organize his life. This loving attachment regulates him to explore the

    environment to collect objects to be and become. Since thinking and working process of

    man get handled by his complexes like lust, anger, greed, etc. So his center and intensity

    of attachment re-arrange his complexes to fulfill the wants of the loving-center. So if the

    center of attachment of love is - a man of materialized form of godly qualities, then

    obviously unregulated complexes will be systematically organized to take him at the pick

    of integrated personality and man of efficiency. Anukulchandra made this natural human

    character of loving-attachment to set linked with an integrated personality of realized

    Ideal-man. H e called this indispensible process of human existence as Initiation . Inthis course he introduced the latest and the most refined scientific process of meditation

    (psycho-spiritual technique of making the neurological system sensitive & psychic system

    ordered) for whole mankind which reveals the path of total consciousness to realize quest

    of life. This technique is conveyed in the process of initiation. So, true self-realization

    only starts with initiation.

    SS ee ll f f R R ee aa ll ii zz aa tt ii oo nn :: E E d d uuccaa t t iioonn Systematic organization of habits and instincts with purpose of fulfilling the becoming oflife, by graduated active manipulation of behavior may be called Education . Instinct is

    the natural individual character (genetic) comes from within and habit is the tendency of

    personal activities. Purpose of education is to regulate these for gradual evolution

    towards existence and becoming of individual and the environment. The inner sense is

    building up the character or development of efficiency to manipulate the socio-

    environmental system in favor of being-becoming of life. This learning process starts by

    loving attachment with the master-man who has having the total command over all the

    matters and faculties of knowledge. Regard towards the guides who plays the important

    role of an individual to be educated; either it is institutional study of students, man

    building learning procedure or family education; in terms of teachers, social leaders or

    parents. So these guides have to have a superior-beloved - the man of wisdom, in their

    life. It reveals the right interrelationships of different faculties of knowledge and the

    knowhow of manipulating it for greater cause of life to keep the balance between socio-

    environmental ecological system. This Ideal centric education develops wisdom and this

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    encourages integrity and inquisitive service to the environment. So, true education is

    self-realization and self-realization gives mastery over the whole system that welcomes

    scientific research, industrial growth and economic development. Another important

    aspect is - in education we only nurture the in-born instincts, but to get better instincts

    reformed eugenics is essential.

    GG ee nn ee tt ii cc EE vv oo lluu tt iioo nn :: M M aa r r r r iiaa g g ee r r ee f f oor r mm Marriage reform as conceived by him is also a new idea of Human Resource Development

    (HRD). It is found in chemical-reactions and results of the cross breeding of the plant and

    animal kingdom, only selective mating or specific selection of male and female on the

    basis of genetic matching gives the qualitatively better offspring. Similarly purpose of

    marriage is becoming and better-progeny; that is possible by selective-breeding of male

    female. Naturally in the case of all material and biological multiplication law says that

    female (-ve) of higher hereditary instinct if has been bred with male (+ve) of lower

    hereditary instinct then the issue can neither inherit the better instincts of the male nor

    of the female. So scientists have rejected this system (Hypogamy) of breeding. He also

    opposes this marriage system to stop the birth of issues having destructive nature which

    can seriously harm the evolution of society. The natural law of eugenics is psychogenic

    compatibility of making relationship of opposite sexes for marriage. Here right of mate

    selection primarily goes to female. She would be trained enough to select the best one

    for herself based on better heredity, culture, efficiency, character, health, etc whom shecan love from within forever and strongly reject those male who entice them. This higher

    loving and regardful-tension towards her lover makes her the mother of higher soul.

    Such reformation in marriage begets the genetic-evolution of mankind. The western

    scientists also scientifically proved this law for human resource development. But some of

    them discard any restriction over free- relationships of opposite sexes and selective

    breeding concept; in the name of the possibility of violation of human rights!

    Development of consciousness of science of eugenics one will also take this issue as the

    serious matter of consideration during mate selection.

    AArr yy aa nn ii ss aa tt iioo nn :: A A s s iil l eennt t s soocciioo--ccuul l t t uur r aa l l r r eevvool l uut t iioonn Individual is the building block of society. Devine development of individual only makes

    the social evolution. Aryanisation is a cultural-movement of existential-becoming of each

    individual to uphold world humanity. The objective of this movement is to bring everyone under the fold

    of the culture of existence on the basis of ones own cultural-heritage such as religion, belief, thought,

    practice, habit, instinct, etc. Under this program and action-plan of Aryanisation the fundamental

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    principles of Aryan-existentialism such as - accepting Ideal s guidance or Initiation, unfolding good -

    instinct or education and following the law o f grouping of cultural-heredity or inner mechanism of

    varnashram and eugenics or marriage reform are to be popularized among each individual of the

    world ignoring any confrontation and hostility. This is not a political, communal or racial movement, but

    the movement of existence and evolution of whole human being. Hence this culture will transform into

    social law, then global law of life; obeying the universal law of evolution. This bio-psychic

    transformation of individuals is an inevitable process of silent revolution of Aryanisation to be evolved

    into a divine world society i.e. Aryan communism - which is the ultimate destination of social evolution.

    Aryan communism is the global village of highly conscious people of Brahminic character who will

    instinctively develop oneness-feeling with every individual and objects of the total ecology, and act to

    keep the balance of the existential-becoming of the whole system.

    DD iivv iinn ee GG lloo bb aa ll ss oo cc ii ee tt yy :: A Ar r y yaa nn C C oommmmuunnii s smm Communism is the highest phase of socio-political system. This society can be developedby the most bio-culturally advanced people as viewed by many of the great thinkers from

    like Homar to Marx and so on since the beginning of civilization. Sree Sree

    Anukulchandra focused on this mat ter in terms of Aryan Communism. According to him

    - the Aryan-communism is based on the distribution of work according to the instinctive

    hereditary character of individuals. He says under the leadership of all fulfilling Ideal

    personality in Aryan-socialism will uphold and nurture the division of labour according to

    hereditary instinct or grouping of society of similar hereditary character. The purpose of

    this socio-political system is to promote qualitative transformation of each individual into

    bio-cul turally superior class ( Brahmin ) along with solving the modern socio-economic

    problems. Brahmin s are those who are culturally and hereditarily most advanced people

    and normally being engaged with the cultivation of the culture of existentialism to serve

    others. Aryan-Socialism scientifically could be transformed into Aryan-Communism by

    this cultural and hereditary qualitative change of the people. According to

    Anuk ulchandra this culture of life and growth is Aryan - culture. So, Dharma as the

    scientific culture of life and growth could be accepted to everybody and the Aryan-cultureis also the culture of existentialism for all. So, Dharma cant be many, it is one and

    society cant be Dharmanerapeksha (secular) , but should be non -communal Dharmik

    (adherent of Dharma). Thus following the path of Dharma of life and growth as shown

    by the latest fulfiller the best, all the inter-interested nations of the world dissolving the

    formal boundaries of the states will come together to form one global nation the World

    United States (WUS).

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    DD hh aa rr mm aa aa nn dd SS cc ii ee nn cc ee :: S ree Sree Anukulchandras view of Dharma is not same as the general concept of

    Dharma or Religion - that consists of rituals, essentially faith on God, having a non-

    materialistic go of life, etc. His view says that every man (or any living particle) first of all

    wants to exist in the world and then also wants to develop. It means that - he has a

    tremendous desire of being and becoming. So, best method to fulfill the desire of this life

    and g rowth is Dharma i.e. the science of being and becoming is Dharma. So who exists

    he certainly follows Dharma, but his way of following it, accordingly leads him towards

    the height of achievements. Modern applied science is evolving due to the desire of

    better existence of life i.e. due to Dharma. Hence Dharma is in progress since the

    beginning of life and science started since the beginning of human civilization. Thus by

    following of Dharma - all the successes have taken place in socio-cultural and the

    scientific-technological development and in future due to Dharma (desire of Being-

    Becoming) this will continue. The best demonstrator of Dharma is he who demonstrated

    the best technique of adjustment of human complexes which is advantageous to being

    and becoming. In fact they are called Prophets of humanity or Aryan Seers or World

    teachers as Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Ramakrishna, etc. They had done such

    for whole world according to the socio-cultural situation of the corresponding ages. So

    there is no difference among them in terms of philosophical concept of life.

    MM aa tt ee rr ii aa ll ii ss mm aa nn dd SS pp ii rr ii tt uu aa ll ii ss mm :: As Dharma and science are interrelated, similarly it was found that Materialism and

    Spiritualism are also interdependent as matter is the condensed form of energy. So

    energy is the spirit of matter. Spiritual way is - the cause-finding go of life with

    realization of the fact along with un-repelling adherence to the master-man of life. And

    Material way is - the analytical reasoning and progress towards the root of fact by

    manipulating all to be and become. So w ithout spiritualism materialism cant exist

    properly, in other words one cant be successful in the material world without being afollower of spiritual way of life. By applying the technique of spirituality on the human

    body and making it sensitive; one can realize the truth of nature and his relationship with

    the greater environment, because he has been evolved from the same ingredients by

    which the universe is made. So normally he develops love, sympathy, co-operation, and

    other human qualities from within and thus also discovers techniques of success in

    material life. Sree Sree Anukulchandra says - Spirit is that which makes the matter

    materially stay from behind of it. Matter has fine to finer stages. As we go ahead, we find

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    finer layers condensed form of energy (spirit) is matter. According to him to

    know God is to unfold the cause of the events . Hence the process of searching through

    realization of the material interrelationship of different layers of the universal eco-system

    is the science of spirituality. In his view who knows the secret of this mechanism of

    macrocosmic ecology and who also can manipulate that science for better existence

    may be called Human God.

    SS ee cc rr ee tt oo f f iinn f f ii nn ii tt ee cc oo nn ss cc iioo uu ss nn ee ss ss :: Electronic state is the finer state of matter as per our present knowledge. There is regular

    movement of electrons around the nucleus. So in every atom there is variation. As

    numbers of electrons get changed like in that way the structure of matter gets changed.

    So variety of vibration becomes the cause of variations of character of matter. This is

    proved fact that there was a big blast (vibration) at the beginning of creation of the

    universe and all the world spiritual scriptures as Veda, Bible, Quran, etc also tell the

    same. Similarly human consciousness and intelligence also varies according to the

    rhythm of life (inner - song). If we could find the right scientific technique of infusing the

    finest level of sound-vibration within our psycho-physical system, may change whole

    mechanism of our body, mind and nervous system, which caused the change of the total

    personality. Sree Sree Anukulchandra has revealed the easiest and the latest technique

    of practicing the scientific technique of meditation for mankind irrespective of any

    religion, caste, creed, colour, region; which is the condensed form of all past processes ofspiritual-practice ( sadhana ). According to this sadhana - Firstly every one of any belief

    and cultural heritage can realize the relevance of the truth of his faith in the

    contemporary age. Secondly it intensifies the analytical and perception power of the

    brain and nervous system, which finds the mechanism of the balance of the

    interrelationships of the matters in the creation, in terms of his total existential evolution.

    It means it has the capacity to reveal ones path of journey since the beginning (creation)

    and evolves the feeling of oneness with the totality . Thirdly most important it

    reorganizes the human complexes in order and explores his maximum inner potentials

    towards existential-becoming and minimizes the wastage of energy as well. It is

    absolutely open to everyone to accept this most easy, innovative and outstanding

    Sadhana that works two ways directions simultaneously, those are: psychic-

    manipulation and Vibrolution (imparting specific sound vibration to be evolved into super

    consciousness). Therefore togetherness of the highest level of spiritual realization and

    material analysis, one becomes a perfect authentic man. And he plays the foremost role

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    to: Conserve the balance of evolving mechanism of socio-universal eco-system and

    realize oneness- feeling with the totality!

    LLaa ww oo f f ss uu cc cc ee ss ss aa nn dd hh aa pp pp iinn ee ss ss :: (1) Keeping the physical, mental (adjustment of complexes) and spiritual (concentric go

    of life) health in order. (2) Getting mastery over the urge of complexes to divert towards

    becoming of life. (3) Materialization of coming good impulse immediately in reality. (4)

    Performance of the inquisitive service to the environment to fulfill the Master of life. (5)

    Avoiding Go - between (not keeping words, misuse of money kept for other specific use ,

    makes one a man of dual personality with opposite complexes) and Libido-distortion (if

    one doesnt get that which he st rongly wants, then he behaves as if he never wanted that

    and go as pose of refusal, then inner libido gets distorted).

    II nn dd oo aa rr yy aa nn -- EE xx ii ss tt ee nn tt ii aa ll ii ss mm :: Indoaryanism is: (1) Division of Characters and grouping of matter and life. (2)Centralized motion of universe, atom and concentric life with self realization. (3) Specific

    law of multiplication of matter and eugenics. Existentialism is: (1) Primary desire of life

    is to exist and evolve. (2) Maintaining the balance of socio-environmental ecosystem to

    live and grow. (3) Reveals the consciousness of Oneness with the universal eco -system

    in terms of total evolution.


    Ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra, as found - the principles

    of life and growth posses tremendous potentialities to merge

    the different antagonistic spiritual and material philosophical

    thoughts of east and west into a relevant common stream of idea

    for creating perfect humanity, that intends to form a new

    social world in order by qualitative transformation of each

    individual. Now all fulfilling ideology Indoaryan Existentialism

    has come out in new shape, from the thoughts and works of Sree

    Sree Anukulchandra.

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