lies you believe


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Some of these lies will make you smile, while some will make you frown. There might be some that will make you want to debate. Do laugh and smile while you think as you read these lies? Happy reading with loads of love & gratitude Lifeschool


Page 1: lies you believe

7/9/2014 Lies you believe | Life School - Inspirational Training Organisation 1/2

Lies you believe

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Dearest Darling Readers,

Some of these lies will make you smile, while some will make you frown. There might be some

that will make you want to debate. Do laugh and smile while you think as you read these lies?

5 more minutes of sleep will help: Personally, I believe,

the snooze button is the worst invention by the human race.

Bah! It serves no useful purpose except to make us lazy and

begin the day as a loser. Scientific research proves sleeping

early gives much more benefit than sleeping for another

twenty minutes interrupted by the alarm snoozed every five


I am better or inferior: We are all human beings. We are all

unique. We are all valuable. All of us have some qualities that

nudge us towards the purpose of our life. NO ONE is better or

inferior as a human potential. We are just different. The

qualities of dry grass is different from lush green grass is

different from bamboo (which is also a type of grass). Their

uses are different. The dry grass is used to make thatched

roof. The lush green grass is used for fodder or to play on,

etc. Bamboo can be used for such a variety of purposes

including making furniture. There are all there to serve a

purpose/s. Lets find our purpose and lets help people find their purpose. Lets not brand ourselves as better

or inferior. Do you remember the childhood story on ‘for the want of a nail, a kingdom was lost’? It wonderfully

reminds us while something’s will be in public eye, while somethings may be attractive, EVERYTHING has a

purpose. Lets LIVE that purpose. You will find eternal peace. We may be better at something or not good

enough in something but, but, but, what is important is all of us have our own purpose. That which gives you

joy and if it helps other people, that’s your purpose. Live a purposeful life and you will escape from the trap of

feeling better or inferior. You will feel purposeful. That is the best feeling of life.

I can’t change: We have a training organisation ‘Life School’. Almost everyday, we experience magnificent

stories of inspiring change. What is common to all who change is an ‘eagerness’ to change. Those who chose

not to change even when change is necessary are people who have given up on themselves. They have low

self-esteem. When we succeed in building self-esteem in those people, they look forward to change. Then, we

help them change small things that they feel is possible to change. This makes them ‘believe’ they too can

change. And then, lo and behold, they create their own inspirational stories. Hence, the modus-operendii is….

eagerness, self-esteem, belief, and small first steps. As the saying goes, you can eat a big elephant one bit at

a time. Simple…. (Vegetarians, please do not mind the non-veg example…ha ha ha)

Page 2: lies you believe

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I am too young or too old: If you do your research, you will find, people of all age groups have shaped their

lives. Age is just a detail with reference to the calendar. Just imagine, if there were no calendars, no record of

your date of your birth, what would you believe is your age? I have seen 20 year old youngsters not able to

climb 2 flights of stairs. I have also seen 80 year old people trekking up the hills effortlessly. I have seen

people with enough work experience making the same mistakes. I have seen youth making less mistakes.

Fitness is important. Physical, mental, emotional, learning fitness. Focus on fitness and not on the calendar

age. Stay alive even after your death by the work that you have done, by the contributions that you have

made. Don’t die while you are still alive. Live life. Don’t deny life. Don’t believe in age. Believe in cour’age’.

Believe in learning. Believe in fitness.

I am a victim: Maybe you are right. Maybe, there were moments or experiences where you ‘were’ a victim. I

agree ‘unfortunate’ things might have happened to you. However, dwelling on them serves no purpose. No

matter what has happened, you can begin a new life today onwards. If you are reading this mail, believe, its

time to get out of the victim mindset. Victims believe their life will be what happens to them. Those who do not

want to be a victim believe, they CAN create their own tomorrow. Care to believe in the last statement!!!

The above lies are not comprehensive. They are just a few of the many we tell ourselves to limit ourselves.

Anything that limits you, is a lie. Anything that expands you, is the truth.

Drop all lies and seek the truth. Whatever happens in the journey of seeking, it’s my promise to

you, it will be ‘worth’ it.

With loads of love, prayers and exceptional wishes,

Narendra Goidani

As I Live…I Learn

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“Dancing With Tigers” from – 14th July to 1st August 2014.

WOW Parenting – 13th of July – 1 Day Training program at J.W Marriott

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