
City Hall, 600 Fourth Avenue, Floor 2, PO Box 34025, Seattle, Washington 98124-4025 (206) 684-8803, Fax: (206) 684-8587, TTY: (206) 233-0025 E-mail Address: [email protected] Web: An EEO employer. Accommodations for people with disabilities provided upon request. Printed on Recycled Paper Nick Licata Seattle City Council August 10, 2015 Dear Mayor Murray, I am writing you about enforcement actions against hookah lounges. The tragic slaying of community activist Donnie Chin highlights the need for securing public safety within our neighborhood business districts. However, I believe we should consider the potential unintended consequences of enforcement measures aimed at just one type of business, in this case hookah lounges. I’ve heard from many constituents who see a cultural element to these lounges and do not see anything that would inherently foster violence. Cities such as Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles have a number of hookah lounges, despite statewide indoor workplace smoking bans. Can we learn anything from them? I am interested in the data collected in support of your enforcement actions. Are the incidents inside the establishments, or outside; are the people involved connected to the establishments? I ask because in the late 1990s, data was used in a similar way toward R&B and hiphop music establishments, with a tendency toward collective responsibility. Analysis of the data often did not support the claims. As a result we stopped the practice of focusing on nightlife establishments as a class and instead focus on individual establishments, when necessary. City government worked for many years to build trust and understanding with the nightlife community. This approach has allowed the city to effectively take enforcement action against bad actors, with the support of the nightlife industry. As the sponsor of Ordinance 124808, which allows for enforcement actions against businesses out of compliance with business license regulations, my intent was to address the specific problem of unregulated medical marijuana dispensaries, and to provide a tool that allows for necessary enforcement. I think it’s important to recognize the spirit of the law, and move cautiously toward any broader application. For example, have Race and Social Justice (RSJ) objectives been formally taken into account? I am requesting that you take a more measured approach, and ask that you monitor establishments for the next 60 days, to allow a report to your office and the Council that would review the current crime data and the extent to which it is directly linked to any particular establishments. In addition it would review best practices in the other cities I’ve mentioned to determine if we can achieve our safety concerns without compromising our RSJ goals. By having this information a more effective and fairer law enforcement approach can be applied to hookah lounges. Thank you for consideration of this request. I believe we can work together to meet community concerns. Sincerely, Nick Licata

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Letter from Council Member Nick Licata to Mayor Ed Murray opposing hookah lounge crackdown.


City Hall, 600 Fourth Avenue, Floor 2, PO Box 34025, Seattle, Washington98124-4025 (206) 684-8803, Fax:(206) 684-8587,TTY:(206) 233-0025 E-mail Address:[email protected] Web: An EEO employer.Accommodations for people with disabilities provided upon request. Printed on Recycled Paper Nick Licata Seattle City Council AugusL 10, 2013 uear Mayor Murray, l am wrlLlng you abouL enforcemenL acLlons agalnsL hookah lounges. 1he Lraglc slaylng of communlLy acLlvlsL uonnle Chln hlghllghLs Lhe need for securlng publlc safeLy wlLhln our nelghborhood buslness dlsLrlcLs. Powever, l belleve we should conslder Lhe poLenLlal unlnLended consequences of enforcemenL measures almed aL [usL one Lype of buslness, ln Lhls case hookah lounges. l've heard from many consLlLuenLs who see a culLural elemenL Lo Lhese lounges and do noL see anyLhlng LhaL would lnherenLly fosLer vlolence. ClLles such as orLland, San lranclsco and Los Angeles have a number of hookah lounges, desplLe sLaLewlde lndoor workplace smoklng bans. Can we learn anyLhlng from Lhem? l am lnLeresLed ln Lhe daLa collecLed ln supporL of your enforcemenL acLlons. Are Lhe lncldenLs lnslde Lhe esLabllshmenLs, or ouLslde, are Lhe people lnvolved connecLed Lo Lhe esLabllshmenLs? l ask because ln Lhe laLe 1990s, daLa was used ln a slmllar way Loward 8&8 and hlp-hop muslc esLabllshmenLs, wlLh a Lendency Loward collecLlve responslblllLy. Analysls of Lhe daLa ofLen dld noL supporL Lhe clalms. As a resulL we sLopped Lhe pracLlce of focuslng on nlghLllfe esLabllshmenLs as a class and lnsLead focus on lndlvldual esLabllshmenLs, when necessary. ClLy governmenL worked for many years Lo bulld LrusL and undersLandlng wlLh Lhe nlghLllfe communlLy. 1hls approach has allowed Lhe clLy Lo effecLlvely Lake enforcemenL acLlon agalnsL bad acLors, wlLh Lhe supporL of Lhe nlghLllfe lndusLry. As Lhe sponsor of Crdlnance 124808, whlch allows for enforcemenL acLlons agalnsL buslnesses ouL of compllance wlLh buslness llcense regulaLlons, my lnLenL was Lo address Lhe speclflc problem of unregulaLed medlcal marl[uana dlspensarles, and Lo provlde a Lool LhaL allows for necessary enforcemenL. l Lhlnk lL's lmporLanL Lo recognlze Lhe splrlL of Lhe law, and move cauLlously Loward any broader appllcaLlon. lor example, have 8ace and Soclal !usLlce (8S!) ob[ecLlves been formally Laken lnLo accounL? l am requesLlng LhaL you Lake a more measured approach, and ask LhaL you monlLor esLabllshmenLs for Lhe nexL 60 days, Lo allow a reporL Lo your offlce and Lhe Councll LhaL would revlew Lhe currenL crlme daLa and Lhe exLenL Lo whlch lL ls dlrecLly llnked Lo any parLlcular esLabllshmenLs. ln addlLlon lL would revlew besL pracLlces ln Lhe oLher clLles l've menLloned Lo deLermlne lf we can achleve our safeLy concerns wlLhouL compromlslng our 8S! goals. 8y havlng Lhls lnformaLlon a more effecLlve and falrer law enforcemenL approach can be applled Lo hookah lounges. 1hank you for conslderaLlon of Lhls requesL. l belleve we can work LogeLher Lo meeL communlLy concerns. Slncerely, nlck LlcaLa