librerías y estantes

orga nize all around your home Illustrations & Photos ...... e shelves ina weekend you con build fo r home & shop & elegant bookcases I:.. maximize your storoge space ._ .. _---

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Page 1: Librerías y estantes

organize all around your home

Illustrations& Photos......

e shelvesina weekend

you con build forhome &shop

~::e;~asy & elegant bookcasesI:.. maximize your storoge space ._.._---

Page 2: Librerías y estantes


Oul <>f all the dift,-,,-n! types of projoxls

k",u,w in Woo:!, ..",h rn.g,"'n~<In.',

II><' p.o." 1:1 y""rs, """"'''' thr most popula'h.lw ht..,n b<~,""...... and ,,,dv",,, And fo..

~~>d "'''-,,'''_ l1>oIso' wr"'llil~ P"'it<:t> aU,,,,,

you to l>Tj;dnize and di'f'lay. 1<>1 0/ .luff

wi.hou, "'king up m""h 'P"'~'-

In this b<",~, you'll find "a'y-!<,-hllild

projects '0 fit in almost any room in roo'hum~_ From the el"*,,,t, Knock-<lown

Sheh'ing (al right) lOT your living room

h>. wall 01 Add-on Ih,'".".", (et",,,,) for

y'"'' family rmm. And tl><- "".11 Country

ClaAAic Bookc.... (pag<' 1\4) "'ould fit """

ft'dly in .. kilcht.n We've "'''''n includo.'<l a

rourk>0/ p"*,",,, I,,.. Y<"" ""'P or g.orag(',

Plu., wilh our delailto<l drawings and

..oop-u'Sr.,d lip' and ""MlqWS, yo,,, sue­

"''''' i. gu",.,..k«l, s... WMI a", y"" ",,,it·

ing for - ,,",'.II"! s",",--.;I buildi"l\

GET MORE• Projects

• Tips• Techniques

in Every Issue

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Page 3: Librerías y estantes

table ofCONTENTS




ACCENT SHELVING •••••• •• • • 6n.pqoa_....., ......_"""""d :l Db, Tho-':.",..,...- " ~....,...,--

_ ""' 'hy~_IDI"l_

CRAnSMAN CLASSIC ..•..... 12...... q.M ...__...~-~

pnet'f...-d .lew... _ "'" 'O k por.

led P'qe<t b' "'" 110 _" ........ '" ""two.

q... <k-and ea~y

] ·DRAWER SHELF .. .• .. .. .. 18""""1 ... elep1l 0<cenI )'OlJ .." buId " • <I'O'l....... ~ le.oI>.no. Veil let~ rod . 'WI <Jn......./o< alll:tle 0_-' '110«. &.1<:1.___01___ ""boIh


ow cost lOPSTORAGE SOLUTION •••••••• 24

"""",._'" """P"'"__d'_·.....,n.~ ~

___ ~__'ID1UC

)O'CIU'--.........~ _ ... !hop If't-

TRADITIONAL SHElf • .• .. .•. 32~_ ....._.,..,.e..c__-""" ...__h ...................

..........,_....-_--....."__..fir ......-:e en 'fOoI'_

MANTEL SHElf •.....•.• .• . ]8we..-: <t<N<fO ""'**"C.-.I • . ...... -.1~ "'-"_<ud)oID......OtIh ..... ",.. ..... tun

Page 4: Librerías y estantes


STORAGE SYSTEM ....•.• .. . 44~br_~_'-~-',e....._ ...~ ,__Ioro:.O-'

-............,-.00 ... _.1.2.3

b "A ] ·IN-1 DESIGN 52

Tlfte _ ...... <TC -=~. 'Ibu <Ml_ from _ 001<, co..<lO:Y~, orW••_.yfrlOPle_IO.....'/OI_

ADD-ON BOOKCASE •••••••• 60n._p_~t-.-_"'·c_

.....-IU<ly~odp-­....,."..,.,.......,- .........

SHELVING •••..•.••••••••. 68n.""",,_... ~n------


CHERRY CONSOLE •••••••.• 76SIorl_ ~~ d p/y'Mlod. idd ...... t ........

M'ld _1 ,...; "" '""'" """I'Nl.lool<rt P"OI"'1

COUNTR' CWSIC 84A_ptdIr_.-..",~..­.._-"""--~...,­P'O"""t_-....._ ....

BOOKRACK • ••••••• _•••••• 92O.d~__""_"""_._I0.,....,....r_..,...n_

......,Wood. mi' hSpr<i.I• .<om



Page 5: Librerías y estantes


SHELVESHere are a few, simple projects

that add storage and style withouttaking up any floor space.

Page 6: Librerías y estantes


Page 7: Librerías y estantes




This unique project combines an appealingdesign with some challenging woodworking.Best of all, it won't take long to build.

w...... I firs. ~)"k • look at the.hd.,~. ;1l1h~ photo above,

Ih<>y """iOOt'<! "",of"""orIt.,,,,W(~>d pu7.zb '1'"" knuw, the kindwhen, y,... 1\.>,-,- .Il,tw.t di fl..',,"en~y shdp<'d p""'" Ih.Jt inrerkockl<W'tht>r It> form a cub<>.

Building ,I- ,J,.,h·... turnedouj to be • lot like ..,Iving a

puzzle as ....elL AU the riM'S a'"sJighU~' diff,,,,,,,t,. and they l"ll'I.'dI" fit ,..." dy "'l;dhef w!>enyou'...finislw<110 form II>< "l" shape.Allhough tho- d ...i~ i••im ple,you'll find pk.-nly ofd\oll""ilW inma king ,""'" .hel....... _ the",'.

t'IIO<lgh 10 kep tho> most "'peri·""""" woodwork.... in"'....ted.

Page 8: Librerías y estantes

Wall Display Ideas0 ... '" Iho grNI ,"""""", '" _ .............,. ..'~'. e..:- Iho.l.. ,,"Inum '"11:1" hon~" un ~-""d to Iho on,~........, """"ftc... boo hun« .............'" """"'" ond i1.. le>lu,« ...uig ....__............ Iho rk*-" rWot~ Iho .l'>eh~ _ to _. I,....

• b<>o. •• '" • .....h"lI:· '''11:., ~ '''J'

riith' J'hot<'I n-., .... _ J""o".oto,hl;"" f"' .....1fromb,,,,,'''''''. )'<1

, .... ~' .....rill ""li,,'l~· funclioNl

.......l...ood.m;'liSp«i. lo.rom,

Page 9: Librerías y estantes







Trim the Edging. With oil >iiqhtly '''i>edaux. fence 011 .\'WI" rwter table knee.cut the ~ing fIWJ with NdJ shelf

FIuJh Jli'n ~BIat>hNe>t JoOU 1Afl ....... iJ

flush trim bit and" router table tobring the ~mi""tedblank to firliI! size.

How To: Making the Blanks


LoImi""rion. Aft'" ,tilting O~ pi/'!<.ro finishedlize. joOU (dn glue OIl" 5E'(­

000 !iJyf'r that'> IJighfly o....r>iZf'd,

Page 10: Librerías y estantes



A Top S1de(l) , ... 1.5!4· 25 l?B End Cap$(2l. , .,% ·8C LongSide (l l . 1 , , %·17c Sl>ort Side(ll, .1. S%· 10E 8on om Soden l . . .. 1. 5%-18\'1F Edgir>g(2) . . . __ ... 4h l-6Q,!l!'

(l) -llo' • '11- ' . 24 ' Aluminum Ar>gif'm86. %Fh Woods<~

Building the BlanksIf you loo k dt lh.. d,.wing ""til<' pn",;ou, f"!1", you'll,..... Ilwshel,·... a", m..d~ f,om 'w....i,Aod

blanks tha, l'a'!' in lmg!h, '" be""'" tha, you chock lh.. """"'''L""-'fits. lh.'S<' \>Ianlc, an'!l>"fI mi­",,,-d Iat", and a""""bkd ~l lormthe L""""p'od slwlf

IUllD TMI Ilun. Fo, bt'tl"," ab ility. [buillllw shel""" In'mplywood, But I h",nd lhata slwtfmad" Irom ~.- plywood k.okl.'da Iml< '00 ,b in. So, I d<'<id.'t! 10

Iami""", a pie«' of ~.- p l>'Woo.,.j10 lh.. Y plywmd ~, i"""",... IlwIbkl<ncs!; and 10 ma k< it look jlL"nKb' ... you can s"" """'." in lhed,awing al H '.

To m"k< the blanks, )'OU can..a ll by ruth",. """II pioo.' of~'­plywoo.,.j to Ih,· lini.h<.,j ,",'idthI left Ilwm ""Ira-long ("bt,u' 11,so la'~" I would haw plenty of",,,,k h> cui the mil~rs on ~ach

<md.I-\\Ib thi. finish<,j, I lami""l­<d an ov,'"i,"'" piKe o/~'- ply'woo.>d to ....m. On<-e the glu~ ha>dri<oJ, you ,an lL"-' a fllL'ih trim bt,and yo", "'ut,,,. !dble 10 trim lho.'

pi,'("(" '0 hoal .i,~. y,,,, can findthis sh<","'o ;" !he 1>..» on lho.' bot­

!<>In of ..... ''I'p'''il" 1"'&'.U O THIIOGlfIG . Si"",' y,,,, ha Y<'

finished In... bl.nk>, go .hvadand add th,' edging 10 ,'a<"hbl.o k _ th .. w ill hdp to cow,,n... ''''P'",'C! plyw,~>d alon)l; theI"m' . You ,"0 mak~ the ed)l;ingby planios a pio.'C't-' 01 hardwood10 th kk",,,,,, <"tilting i, io'o l~'-·

wid" strips ".ing ,he ..,b lo,' saw,and !l>"fI gluing it inlO pi"",.

In ord,', 10 trim Ib,· ,.,jgingflu.h wilh t><'lh .id... of <'a<hslwlf, [again uS<'d my /Iusb ,rimbit at the n",t« tabk-,

HAMlin GIGOYII . At this p',int.,h~ <helves can be mounl,oJ lu

'h< wall u,ing a I<ng th of '00"­,hkk alu minum angl~, And, h"dilh.' ",nt haoging options, .im_ply <"tit a g"~lV" io Iht' back <'C!)\<-'01 ....m p....... ~, .lip ,I>< .""If onlh.'fI cui a 'ab!:>« .Iong the <'C!)\<-'~'ma "" 0 pock"! for ,he ongl,'~,

fit flu.n;" d,,' b.-.rk (..". t"" 1>..»;bt'lowl. La"', on in lhe p,,>j«t,youll sc""" the wit in pi"""

.jt,' -J4' . ....

• , ,

Hanger Pocket

cur",. GfOO..... Add" ,.11 rip tile t able saw fa frim fhe weiedgr! gfOOW for tile hange,.

11;0"9'" R_t. Ch-a"9ing the krlCeposition .nd blade height a llo""<>tfor",. """9'" to bI!cur,

.. A groove and ,.<>bet let the ""'-'II

lit ""'" a pi<'<~ of aluminum ar>gl~

thaf'l, t_'-"'<I to IhII! wall.

Page 11: Librerías y estantes

-• ••

...,. SECTMIfItVt....


• •




"" ".",,.•


Anembling the SidesWith ., 11 n,.. hl.>nb compl""-"t,>'ou',,· ",ady to cut til<- bt>vel. atthe end. 0/ t>dCh hlan k and th...,• ,...,mble the pi<.'Ct'S,I"~ WIlli. U's a 110<><1 ide. ttl

look at the drawinl\ abt,.." Mo'"you cut tIM.- I."nds oj """tl blank.especially as there are inside andoutside bo:,·...I•. DoubJe.chKkinK,,,,,h pK>ceb<-fon> ""'kinK Iht> cutswill help k""P things straij\ht.

You'll """" to make sun: you're..,t up to cuI wry """urale, 45"bt'wl•. If the bevels .",n', cui ae_cura tdy, tho.'fI .he come'" won',lit liKhtly wg<'.ho," when you,I.>" ",,,,,,,mblinK ,h....hel,-.... ,

Im a m . Af'er culling ,I>< ,'ndbt-\.'cls. you'", ""dy to asst'm·bk' the miler join". I used myplate joiner to add two tQ bis­cui 's to """h ~"nl, a' shown inIn,. d.-wing ''''we. Tho? bi'ICuits

add st"'lIjI;Ih to tho> joint and

.1"" k""P it ah!tJWd durinl\ Iht.>glu..-up of d'" shelf.

If r<'u don', ahady N ..e •plat<· join,.,., you can u"" ••Ii>!cutle, in your router table It>make a gn''''-'''o """VI a han!­boan! .phn~, a. illu.lTaled onlhe oppo.ilt' P"K~' And, """"lhe joinery is compll."led. youcan loll"" the parts tOKt>llwr.

G1UE·III'. Theshape of the sheh',,"makt-s it difficult to glue andclamp the board> "ithoul Of""'"ing up the milt'r>. [1t>Und a wayanJ<lIld lhis.lInugh.

I u,,>d block> In Tal.., the wall.helf up so that lhedampscouldbe placed abo,'~ and below the.helves. And then, I decided tob",.k down the a...,mbly pro­«'>5 into Iwo <Iiff~",nt ,taS'""(By doing Ihi., it makes I.... pro­«'>5 ~a.i~r "nd ""-'u .... that th~

joints will 1>0.' tighT)

The fi" l .taK~ «msish.'<! of thethn p i"""" 0/ the k"'!\,,' ,i<I~ oft ""If, I pul logeth....- I"" pie<.es on I"" sh"rtt" side during tho.'nv,t .tage, This mad~ lhe finalM••~mbly only a mall", of glu'i"ll I......... two "halves" logelh....-,~/"'., addinK th~ Klu~, I

appUt>d the biscuit. and drya",,'mbled th~ pi~ to chKkfor fit. Then I .p",ad th~ glu~,

clamped the pi~ in pl.>ce and..,1 th~m On", ;'ou"'~

taken the clamp> off, you canromplere the .....mbly.

"Ul; fil l 1"llI. Now, aU lhal'.left i. 10 drill and counlvr>inkholes in the lop 10 hold the hanK"rin pl.>ce, a. you Can...., .Ilt,,,",, inthe drawing ahm..,. 'Then mounlIIw aluminum angl~ hanger tothe wan. Finally, .lip tlw hanK~r

into IIw .k" along the back of the

shelf and sm>W il d""",,,


Page 12: Librerías y estantes
Page 13: Librerías y estantes



" il<Jo<oo<' & 50*1""

Page 14: Librerías y estantes


timeless joinery


Mortise and tenon construction and afew simple details make this the perfectproject for you to build in one weekend.

It' . alwaY" n;a, '0 lind a g"'.I ·lookingrroI''<1lh.ll can be hUl11 ,n a wO'<"k<ond or

IWo. wh}' llik~ Ihi> If, If. w I)'

sI,aightforward to huild, do n 'I n'luin· ak>l of " 'I""",i,... hardwa"" ar<! alk>W.yo"to "f'>nd """"- pn>ductive li m<' in !he shup,Y",,'II t'f'O<l up w;lh • hand..",,,, prnj<'<1 ina .hort amounl (If lim<',

Ilo.-f"", sla rting. 1should ""·nli,,,, s("'''' 'lhing aboul the ""c><>d, Thi••iwtf is h"illwi,h qu.m'.... ""n ""hil~ oak (Ih<' !radi ·Ii,,,,al cho;~ 10, eTaltsman lumilu",).Bu' juslaboulan>' "",nl c.n bt> ,,><'<1

AI"", ~,'.n Ihough you ""on'l n,~od

o 101 of boanJ. h'T Ih. eTallsm.n .iwlt,be awa", lhal il rt'<juin.. Ihn... dith'rmlIhid.n........ (~', "'" ond I"). So if youd,,,,'1 ha,'• .>cct">S In. Ihid",,,,, pla",-r,make '''''' you can gpl . tl lh "", Ihick·"""'.... bet"", you gel.'arWd , Also b<o/"",you bo.-gin, <heck !h<'.><act dimensions inII-..' plon,<10 a,'old mislakes,


Page 15: Librerías y estantes

thm d",n up lhe walls and "or­1"l<"rS w;th a shollp mist-I.

11>< la.l th ing kI do 10

.hle" shap<!he hlp end (detail' ••j. I lap<'d the ,til... log<'lh~,

with double-sid.... lap< SO bothcurves could be laid oot, cut, and'I.>Jl<;1ed srn<>:>lh all . 1on<'<'.

IIllI. N~,t. the "ppr' ,a;1 andlow"," can be glU<'d up from""·lhick " o"k .nd cu, 10 f;n.1m<,. AfM lhis is """,plm-''- you"an cuI k'I>OnS ro hr the roorti><-s

• - o'_ ...._'S" ~.,).~- ,

'"_. ,- ,


" m,'fI. NOn, ,-._-- -... ~-- ?...;.""-- - -~

rn -"~- ••...' '~,

,~@ ~-- ~._.... ,.""'"

,........ 1\. -.. ®.= ,

But ....,• ...,.,. thl' ....."". p"""," ~.ryin lhi<~. lhe mo.>rti,.., ."",',going 1<1 b<.> Cffik'l'f'd on the .tiIt-s.What)'<:lU wanl is t<., ,>ffst.t lht'fTl

"" you t'fld up with a 'io" sl-oulderat tht· front of the fra"", and .UIll<' stiles and r.i...... Au.<h aiill<'back. But b<- sun' 10 I.lke a look a tIll<' illu..tralion..abow.

Th......'. no on.. particularm<'thud yoo ....,...;l to """t<> tt.......morti""" I like '0 drill overlap­pioil h<kl with .. ror.lno't biland

Making the FrameThe "foundation" of ,hi. wall.....11 is. simplefr,__ A. you can...... in ttl<> J rawitljl; .bo,-e, then.>an' just. roup'" stile. """"'-'dt>dwith an uppt"Tand low"fTail, Yo umay",",...TK>!io.-d Ill<' /r.m<'~""""I all Ill<' """,.. lhid"'..... Thestib are cut to .;7£ from I --thick.tock. while the uppt'. and k""....raib ar» only ...- thick.

'UllD IHI 11ml. n,.".. .... juS!Iwo things 10 do 10 the!ltil<'s. FiN

I ...,"'-'<1 working "" !:h<' """""....


foa o fnil<

• '-,- G .

"• .=_. .. - @- ~

@ ,IJ ,

a _ -I ,~. a ,

NOn, ,---.-,, .-< - >.-. 1-. aX • • ,

Im.• ® -,OWf.

'" ~.J~ ';;' ,.-- I ',iJ,;,' I


J I @


How To: Shape the Rails

Cutting _ r..........Use. ,tandardblade towt the renon. Ea<:hfae" will tak" "''If!,alpa~. When you un cut m.. shoulrkl'f,Ieit'lf! a step that will be dNnfId up aftf1, the profile< a,.. wt,

elll !he T.~ At th" band saw,rough (lit _ tap'" on the top oft;'" ,ail. ThM sand it smooth.

Page 16: Librerías y estantes


• • • ••,• ,



fi9 · 8"" ...... ~'J

• •" · ,•• •• • • •®..

"• •.~• , •.. U",,, ,harp,I>i,.., to (lea" up Ihe ';'ould",.o n the

,helfr. il , Takerhi" ,lice, foradea'" ,qjH'eedge.

• • •

that ""t·'" cut ~a.l;~r_ 1 did ,hi,.t the ldt-I~ ,",,"" w;,h • " 1':,,,,,k Y"u'U ~nd up making"fe....., If. p.""'" lor t>adI wn"n,n... ,moo" [did thi> was becausetile should., <ul. "" the top 0/the uPf"" rail . '" to" d,,<'P ~'cut

wi th a dad" !>lode, F<.>t .ddih,,,,,,1help, L,ke" 10<,. at the Ix" on thep"-"';,,,,,, f"l'" lor det.>ih

With the tenon. n>ugtwd out,the profil.. <an Ix> cut. Tht·Uppt'l ra il has tapt'N; that m,-,,,I

• , the """,,,.,., whilt' the Im.,.-, ."il

gds. CU'W' . I cu. the profil""with" b.lnd SOw, ".ying to Ih,>wa,lt' , ide "f the line _",d ,h,-n.."ded the ...agt,> ,m" 'lh. Now,ycu can go .h"ad and d",n up,Iw"'1' and b"llom ,;ho u ld,'l'§ ofth<.· t."""" with a chi",-'I

Gl,UI·U' . Bd",,· ~ "U bo,'l\in glu_ing up the f,~m.' , lh~ I,,,, lhinllI,,, y"u to d" I, to CU' d wid,','hall"w lIro<>"c ~"n_lhc bdckI~ce "j the upl",r rail usinll ~

dad" b l,,,te, ~, you can s.,.,shown in the middle drawlnlldin..,t1y abcwe. henlually, lhl,lIn'''w will h"ld th,' moun'inll<lips for w h.'n yo" h~nll lheshelf "n lh~ wall.

A' this p"inl, you can 1I1",' I""trame h>j\cth<'T. and Ih"" dTilltile munh'"unk shank hol,-", f(>r

when you la"'ra"""h thcshcl"....,You should also L,ke a h >k a' II>ch'P left drawlnl\ a",n'e ~>r addi­1<"",,1 m""sun.'mt'l'll>,

R_ving "... Wa,"". To campl"t" 'h<> I"""n, ru,along "... 5/toukkt; makingsore to sray to~waste'id<> of!hf! Ii"". Be ,ure not to cut too d""p,

• Although ,he 'came i, ,im_pie to build, the .he/v'" arestrong and ,turdy be,"u,,, o f'h<> morti,e and ,.."on joinery


Page 17: Librerías y estantes

• • , , \'>_0'"- ..•

- •,•

SHElf , •,(j» ..- • - - -" --_.• ,., ®

• IIAC«cr .... ev rn, •r , •• r'• fK>Tf: • ~ ...., -• SI>t_~ 14' thi<~ .. l - ev-

"::/,"~ ~ "'. thi<t •.- -.O(.~"_ I' ""'Jc -••


•".,'.. I....,..,

'", ,

'<If ""«<>_--­'0</'''' ~ C1It""Mid ..

Shelves, Uprights, & BracketsNo'" that Iht- fr~"..., is <'(""pM.." can cui them to length I " I......... ,",,'d r"-"'" 'n.odd is the ,ho.>ll Ih.>.n Ih;o width of the Ifdm<',....""bly,.> .....'wo in d,.. draw- The .....,t "''1' in making tl",ing above. The t"" >h~k..., On' .h..¥.., i. '<> cut S(>m~ MId......a",,,,,'dt'J ~l each.'I'Id with 1>0.'0 tn.t .11"", ,n.,m to fit again"uprights and tll,'n ,urr",t<.>d the frame wi th"u! .oy g~f'"

h...k,w wilhacurv..~l brackd. You can u,", th~ '.hle""w w ithSHIlVIl . li k~ the r.l ils. you'll a dado b1kle and a ta ll auxiliary

wanl ~,gluo.'up tr..-Iw""hd,',,,, mi"" ".ug'- fmc<' lOT support,from ~".thlck 'loc k. T1wn y"u as shown b.-low. R'>member, the

1'1,,,,1 .. to "",k~ sure lh<re are no

gap' b.>lw""n th~ s",,1f and th~

. ail, SO .""ak up on 11", si,.., 01the n"Ie"'.. unlil the ,""Iv.. litbo.-tw,"'" the stib in the fra",.,

To compk1~ the s!wh'"" r co!the m"Jti><>s h". the uprights anda sk>ppN dado f". the b.acket.

U,.IGHII , Th~ Iwo .hel,'~.

an' mnnec!,>d by four "'".thic k

How To: Add theShelves

C<tlting _lIordlfo<. To wI tile notc:1>e<,. me a t.1I auxil.'Ymiter gau9" len<e ar>d a dadu blade"" _ Table saw,~~e sure the shelf fits SIlugly with no gaps,

f irting the renOll . u... the dado blade to cuT the fronTshoullk' of the brackeT. The bracket should f i t flush with

the b.lck edge of the shelf

Page 18: Librerías y estantes

Fin.II}'. h"n!'; th,' .fit-If "'ingmounting dip, ""th id,·nti·..I in"'rloelinll halt·.... Se,,''''om' half into the ,t"J with the"points" up, Then. "'".'" theo1ht.-r h.,1f in the !:nK'"e,

1 .3'1,-2S~

-% .61',·31-% .71',·31

-% .S·36\}.2\W·12Y,



A Stil'" (2)B Upper Rail (1)

C I.<:twerRail(1)

D She"'" (2)E Uprigh\S(4)F Brackets (2)

(14) -'8 . 1·11" Fh SCrews(2 pr.) Mounti.-.g Clips(8) _6 . *. Fh WooOscrews(S) _S • 2" Fh WoodK'ews


MATIRIALS & SUPPLlI$ - - - - -


-.orr: "'" ·f"~ ""'""'" ", .. cur '" w"'"'"",-. s· . ,."(110<> _'C/o. H 1<1, Fl-E~,

r· .rn'· ...·(1.• 8<1,,),

"'" • rn·· &a" (110<> _'C/o .l.S 1<1, " f"h)c •

gl",'d and ""n" ...."'11o tt-", frame ,1t~IIH & ~AH G Since mo,t

Craf"man.,tyle pmjfft, ,n-reoriginally f.irly d,,,l. I .ppli,'dMiIPu",, ·,.4»'J ()Jk Ild , <lnd

.. rouple """" of ek·,,, !''I''''''''

upright" Ah~r ""tting th,>upright, t" ,iz~, you can w"rk onculling tho." ,,"""'-, 1<' fit tfit' mo<·Ii_ in tho.> M.:I"",

IIUIU. N"w you ran ma.~

tl><> two hr.or k,1' that 'upp"'rt tl><>bottom ""'U,~ .,,'cutto fin·i.-ho.'d ,0,<, from I"-thick 'k-.ok.

Bef",,' cutting the c"n',,, on'h",,-, bracn>\<;, c""te tl><> l<'n"",'" 1<,1" Afk-r rutling the cht~'k>.

~-ou ran ""'.,k up "" lhe '!ioul­d.. in fn"" unhl the br...k'" ht,

tfit- '''>P~ dado in tl><> both"";fit-I/ and L'flu.>h at the back

UlUllLI At thi. p"'int. the,hel,-..... upright•• ."d hr'''' ke''can b<.> added to the fram~ ­w'''king on each part "''Pa'att'lyStart by gluing tho.> two br.cn1'lO tt-", bottom ""'If,~ow_ add the ooll"m 'helf k'

,he fra""'. To "",ter the >helf "",he hoi,.. al""d~- drill<'d in theframe. you can damp a " ·mpt,..cary. V ·widc d.... t flu.,h with thetop t'dge t>/ tl><> 10""" Wi,hthe deat and the n"teh.... In theboU''''' >h<lt yo" Jon't ha"e toworry abo"t po.ihoning. jU>!

gl",· .,nd ><n"'- it in p!are~,·,t. glu" the upright> in

plat.... and finally. tt-", I<>p 'helf i.

FI/I'~ ."­G,.. "",..""'-",..,

C""h>ring rhe Shelf. To posifion the shelf. clamp a 'f.. -wide cleal flufhwifh !he top edge of rhe 10-' ,.il. Thi. w..y. you can glue .nd .crt'...the ,Mlf inTO pI.ce without the worry of it moving.

CompIEotfng the Assembly; The uprighu.ndthe top .heff c.n nowbe.>ddNJ. Glue . the upri'Jht> bl-tween rhe she!",,~

then f••t"" rhe top shelf to rhe fr."""


Page 19: Librerías y estantes




3-DRAWER SHELFThe drawers on this wall shelf add some handy

storage space. And don't worry about the extraweight - the unique hanging system can handle it.

W ,th many p"*",,,. about th~

him' rm bro._tung"" the fin_ish, <uri<:<;ilJl gt'ts Ihebo1n<'< 01 ".,..[ st.", wondt.";ng what the> pn:;.ctwould".., k,,,W bk if I'd buill it

dilf.rm~y - """'.diflm'nt W<I<>.:!or mad~. miror doIsign ~hange,

!l.lost tim",,_ my qU<'Slio"" go""""-"",,,,'<I. But!hi:; projt'<l W<'l"ll

togriheT so quickly that I didn',""'P with """ shelf. In fad.. llnliltthn,<, oIlhcse shelves.

F.wn though Ih""'.heh.....maysound a bit e."""~ive. I won',

h",'e any trouble finding. homefor..adl. Thefirst two I built with<:h<'rry and can work as a pair oras indi,-idu.ol .....1> lake. lookat the photos you ", t><-re, One>hell has tl>..,., dr.we.... whilethe ""rrower .....If has two.

The last shel/ is'd '0 mdup in the bathroom and hasm"re (If. "n.t.tic· look, see thebo>; on tho- page 23. II was buillwith pi......nd 1 "mugh..-d it up·• bit with sandpaper to give it• oofl, ,",'om look. At thai point,

the whole thing was stained.Then, at the end, just the caseand draw""" we", I"inlcd

R.>gard....01what wood "" fin.ish you c:ho:xJoc, this<hclf is hravierthan rr.osl,~"""of ifsdraWl""5<> to hang it """"",Iy, I used apien> 01 aluminum angle I'd pur­<ha."l'd at a Ioc.l hardwa", slon'One side 01the ""gil> is sen"""'" tothe wall, whiko the oth<>r side "'ipsint" a pock<."l built into the backof the shell. All in all. ifs a simpII'ar<l,.....ysturdy-.p.

Page 20: Librerías y estantes

.......,l'iood.m i'h~pKi.I• .<om

Wall Display ld..sIfllw~.......,.,of_~

.. too ~,..,.. --" nod"""lIw_of IIw ohoti _ ~ ,I ..Ith jIooI: "'""dro-.-.n. Olhn _. _ dol....


Page 21: Librerías y estantes




Building Th. Cas.n,.. ....>lft.>gir<;~dc.-" i 111 thn",op.,nings_ 11>< kmg top and hot­

~"" an" i<>ino'd l>}' ''''0 shor! <.'Ild>;mil rwod;\~_ & >f<.>n' )I<.l\I begin.then' an' a «>upI<' things I won' ~,point out. Firn, Ihf' Ill' and di,'id·

or,;..,.. t.""''''''''~... than the h"ttum;md orois_ lhiscn"t<". p.l ll oj the?,,,,k..~ h", Ihf' aluminum angle.

AI.", b"lore you" cul ­ting ,I><" wrtical f"rts !<'.i,e, you,h"uld no'e Ih.,t the grain run>up and down,.o the pit'«"> can

How To: Case Joinery



DMOfRNOn,c.~ pio<~ <Ul "-' ........."._Iong .... -thi<. po_

"'F"nd and ronlr.,"! wi.h ..,••..."",1 cl\,on~ in hum;,jiry_

CAll UWIIIII. I uS<'<! • lOOgueand 1I,,""'e joint 10 __mble,..... c...., and tilt",~ by cul­ling thoi- gmnw". Then, you ca",n<a k up On ,h" height "I the'ahbt>t that ,,,,.,,,. the '"ngu• .

No't, cuI two dad"'" d,,,,..Ihe '0P and bou""" to hold thedivid",•. S",>.king up on the.ile of the dad,,,,.. "'ill hdp thedivid.", to fit lightly_

Cu' r,,·_,._t ...._to<.1,,,",,,,,,,,~..



_ /' NoR,,,,, ..-.., d"o<riQlo d _I


WI~ unn, Nov.', yoo can bq1;inculling a wide'abbt.-t on the uPf'<"f"'.... of the Iop_ Thisis sized to holdthe aluminum angk>

In 0I'I.k>r IOrnakthenll, use thetable .aw with a tall au,i!ta,yfenco (bo, below), But, eht"Ckthe fit of the aluminum angle inthe ,abbet _ it should be flushw ilh (", .lightly hel".. ) theshoulder "i tilt- rabbet.

Finally, glueup thee_, Be",,,"

the parts are tlu>hal the hoot.

Cuffing file Groo...., The ca,. is a""mbie<j wifh a tongu<'

and groove joint. First cut the groo~, Then, roo shouldsnedk up on the >ize of the rabbet for a snug fit

ClIltlng fhe Rabb<>t. Attach a fall au~iliary "'",e to the rip

fence to cut the wide rabbet. Mallewre the aluminumangle fif:< f1lNl with the >haulder of tile rabbet.

Page 22: Librerías y estantes

a . S_ H ellO.. VIM~~



d , ~ ~~- -"- ~ f-- !lo " .0& .''''"'., --~


Adding the ShelfWhile Ih<' glu~ on Ih<' c.... w ••drying, lbeg.n working on Ih<'sIwlf I"'n<>j tNI will b<>._1wd to

!he l<Jf' of the c...., as you can "'"in the drawing at !he right.

The 'M1I . Iart> out a. a »<,I>ick glued-up p.nel ju,t liketM Ca",. Then it's cu' to linal,i" SO it will owmang tM frontand sid.. of 'I\e caS<' 11'•. (My.h~1f t'ndeJ up 8'," , 41 \1" ,l

.lYI( , Rathe' Ihan leave thepanel eJ~e square, f "li~htt'ned"the look of the shelf wilh a fa'};ebevel on the bollom ed~e .nd a.mall ,hamle' on Ihe to p . TheboI-\-'e1 i. 1" wide and redL><n 'I\eedge thid"""," to \1"(d,-t. il 'a'l.

I cut the wide be"el on thetable 'aW with th~ .1>e1f st.nd·in~ on the edge, He .... .,~aln. atall au xilia',' fence COme. inhandy lor edra . uppo,l, To,ut Ihe be,'el on t h e end. of' h,-,heILI n....d ed lodo .ome·'hing different. The 1><>, !>v'low,how. how f got the job done

After cutting t he bewl. a ~"

rn. mlt-r is routed around the toped~.., of !he shelf (<<'"'1't fur thebackl. Then•• Ihe .hell to!he co",. I g lued the two logether.with the sheff /lush with !he rockand tho.-n cer" ,>n.'<l .ide-"....ide.

Shop T,p : To ma ke the bac k 01the ..",mb ly ,t.y flush, flip tl\e,a", on its bac k wht-n glulng .mddamping tl\e sh.-l( in pL.>tt

AlUMINUMIllGU . At thi, !",in"I cut th<' 2",2" al"minum angleto fit - not k>o tightly - ink>thepocket in the bac k. I cu t the angleabout ~." ,horter than the op<>n·ing (37't,- k'ng), Then, for an e<,,~'

and ....ure lit, you can d ip Ihe

'.0. '0, -rr:

_,i/l<Cobout ' 4 '



flim ""'''''''to ",..~ "'""

..,,., to i..'~1

t'nd. of !he an~le, as yo" can ."ein the drawing above

1"'-", drill .hank ho lo.... in ,ho.­t<>p of U,,-, .h.-ll a"d ,ho.- .Iumi·num a"g"'- To do 'hi" ""t 'h,­ang le intn th,· poc ket, /lu.h"'itl> lho.' bac k, n..'Il, drill 0 holethrough the .helf Into the angle,but be ,ure you don't d rill .n lheway, I".tead, "_m"",, tl\e ~Iuml­

nurn angle k' complete tho.- hok...,

a .

C_ r;"g the Bevel. To cut the wiN~ you con""' iJ ubksaw. For the- end CU!l,. clamp a !Crap piKe of wood fhat willrilk on the top of the rip fence.


Sh.."k Ho~• . Drill .n.nk !>oJel; in the top of the ,n.,1f,and the aiuminum a1Kj/e, Fit the iJ1Kj1e in the pocketdnd drill d hole through the melf to the d1Kjie,

Page 23: Librerías y estantes

fit inln a '/'·d,,,·p gro<'>'e Ihati, cui In each pi""", After Iheb."n,m was cut to ,ile, I gluedthe d"wer It'l;ether,

'liSE '10..1. The "'-' Ihick f. l""Iron",.", """'cut \0"till"-,,- ard k,.,.~'t,,- than !he op<'ning. But, befo","",'wing the fak fn-<11S h, lht' fro'",-,I tht" draw""" Enl(lh:'<!. Ir dIa.....f...- 0""-'00 !he 1n"lOt fdtl1",-,I each.

Alwr applying. n'W coa'" ofan oil finish.. .dd .n .nhque br...knot> 1<.' each dr.w,,, tn'llt. l"'", ",.dy to hang the ,helf,


®. orro"".~6'4° ,"1110°)

Simple, Sturdy DrawersBel,,,,, mounhng!he >helf to !hewall. J made th,' thn.., drawer>lhat fit in Ihe c."" of"",ing.'. F.ach;" • simp'"1><", ~>ino.'tl with t""!:",,aoo join...n.."n a fal"" frontis .dd,'tl to <0\',,, tho< ,'I"ld grain

W...... building a draw'''' w'ithtongl'O" .nd d.d" joint>, if. tho<In",t .00 bar~ pit>l:'" th.It ~1 !het''''gut'S, This method will makethe draw"," strt>nger. Thi••1.0mNRS that both pi"",. an' cu'""""'r lhan!he dr.'w.... "f""'ingto .1Iow h,. Ihe side pi<o.=



To s~"t. I cut lilt' In",', back,.nd .id,', ,,, .i,e .0 ,h., thedraw,'r would fit ii, '>pt'ningwith a ""'. gAP '''' ea"h ,~te andII. at ,he top . Tht-n.'o mal«- lhetoogue and dad" it,inl. then"s a'~-,w'id e kerf cui on each .idepi,,,,, fi",l. Ne,t, a .implt' r.bbetwill form a \ir-·thic k tongue ''''the end. of the fron' aoo backpi"""" of ,he draw...., .

PITWOOO. Bd<>re you b,'gina....mbling 'h,' drawer. add a' .-. plywood bOllom. Thi. will


•• ,~


li •®

,. nCTlON,,~

• ®1-t -l

- , .•• ,,~


too -40.- ,.-I " <••


MAtERIALS. SUPPLIES & CUlliNG DIAGRAM (Three-DraWff5f>t>lf) --- --

A Case Top (1) 'to < iWo • 38 e SheH (1) '1'.. 8\10 . 41\', (3) 'to °-did KnobsB C_Bottom(1) \10<7-38 F Drawer FrJ9k (6) \7.2l\o· Ill\o (112' .2°Afwr,numArxj<!37\O°loogC Case Ends (2) 'to x 7 - 4 G Dr_r Sm 16) \7 , 2l\o . 6'4 (3) *8 , 1\10' Fh Wo<><hc""",o Ca>e D",;d<!rs (2) \10, iWo· 3 H Drawer 81m, m \10 ply,' 6Y" Ill\o (6) *8, '1',' Fh Woo<J<,cf<"M

llio K50."'·Ch«<y(l.JMFr) I F~~Front.m \7>3·12\7

I II: 'II" 'I 'I i 'li J !~ J ' i"!'l I' i' Wlllii:,liu:iillll;;JlliiilWi:: i:I"'P'"~lli' .4'·96' Ch«<y ................. 11 "". Ft. f""hI

• • c ( 0 0

w••.. 96' Ch«<y 10 Sq. Fr)

E: i : ~ } : ~ ± '± 't::~

Page 24: Librerías y estantes

_ M -.. Thio loot fWl

it J""UY "."'".<1.youcan ..... on dw pne.e..~.

e.kft you~~ m.A1oo'....., _,..,.. ~ItIrAlwrunum

~. :r...-..ond.~­

youll n<ftI """ too.ocnorecy_Firs', you can ...... Jo.vfi 10

pooition l1le <OngI< on 1M ..aU

and find !he 0IUd k"'alion. n..n",., d... screws'" .,t.l<h d... angleinto wall .lUd.. Al rhi> point, yo...can slip the shell (th. .poc-kPt) ""..... the ""1':100 .ond tIwn.......... if to ItIr~ tluuuitl> tlw"'*" you drillfd ....rn..,

Two-Drawer Optionn... !WO-dr_ cpIion .......juot_ ..,.;Jy. if_-. IhroripvII_ThioI'fOII'd MoohIppoonolO w... '- _ . ..t.odI.

• "'y lrrontr p.rt. "-bUy.",..,.. """"' 10 do lO ....... tlw .............-er "'"" it 10 ftd__ • irw 01Ihrd.............

In <Odd,...", 10 IN~"'A out •dr....... )">U'I ...,........:1 .........d,,-ide<. You can find ItIr Of"!""ihcd»ng>:o .... 1Iwom.oJlotr o.'\'f'Oion 01th<o Mo.-I/ in tlw drow("ll .t><....,.

-..,....,.....- .. ...,.,.,;11>_.-

... SI~ the v..If OW( IN ."9~

."d ""n K'...... lod ,,,.""'If in pl.u. fA po<hl is illr".. bit<:k of the >h<rlf.J



... To IwnlI l1le JJw.ff. ~m K,.,..,,,.. anq'e infO_" 'fI.ods ,..,tll

1" K",,"- M.~~"',. INt r"..Mlgifo i< _,.

... ItfrH 1UtfWlg' l1le <I>«t_dr• ......" .,:JPIya.,.,., of

milk ~jnt or>Jy to l1le c_ and the dr..-... TI>ootl.wnd the wood to CfNr..di<~i0oi<.

... arw.. II'>r~f"-~ -,,_monof Itwp.JiItf _yo J1lM. )'011 Cln MppIy. fpw roootl o ffitW, for Mi<i«J protwtio<>.

......,....ood.mi'hSpt<i.'• .(om

Page 25: Librerías y estantes




Page 26: Librerías y estantes

low-cost shop

STORAGE SOLUTIONThis simple shelf is great foryour workshop, garage. or anyplace you want to keep thingsclose by - yet out of the way.

Af!''f • IMrtK","'r1y kl<~ Jay. fo.",' "',wb ~", I,h-hl.,J ~'''J't'J1J.(~~'I'k>,,jhi....", rd,,,fllo\ in

my .h"p. WI>.'Il1 ~~ 1<' my ",o,ili'fll-h, h<",~....<'f,I dis«w,'n>J Ih.,t it Wd' lilk,,-,,] with h~,l, and

'''prl;'" - • "'~""''i'k' n.,.,,""I•.', ,,j my ""I1'''. ''1- s.,;,w"oo,i \.,', ••1IV<~ [ "f"-'t11 lh·n.",h"", i"'-.l cl<"'rin)\.,1'1 my bo,·.....h.

A, I wa, deani"" up, I "'.1;,,-.1 th.1I whalI nt~·(lt,j wa,. pl....· t<> put thing' whil~ I'mwo,king <>n a r"~',<l, St,m,' pia,... wh,'n- it'llall lx· "ut ,,( 11>,· way' - "u' ,ti ll ,,"'ithtn ""y",."Ii. Th.,l", wli,'", Iii" ilk, 1m ,hi, utililywall ,11<'11 <.m~ In-m,

It', m~ J,'S,;:rn.J 1<' ",,1.1 ""'>r} t<~~ y'"'' ,,"'n,Uut it', i"'! th<o fight , 1,,'." "-" 'I' .111....· tw l,and 1>.....lw.,,' ilt-m, y'"'' ,,'a<1i fur "',"" "ft.:n"n ynur I>o.',,.-h ond m,' "f ttl<' "'dy. And .i",-.­i' <.m 1>0.' m""nh'<.l "n ,h.· "'dll ow, d ",o,k­I>o.,,,,,h. '"\"'ry'hin~ i> "ill do." ." hond, In fo<l,

,I,,· ''1''''' "hd"in~ d'''''gn "'oll,." it ","'y 'n ~roh

","".·, y"" ",~'<.l. "'h..,"'..... y"" ",~'<l itItG DtFIII IN(I. Whof, ",.,lIy ni<" .,1>0.,,,, thi.

"h<'if i> ,"',. it d,.",,·".,n, """,h """, ",. moh~riol] ,,, huild. ~~i it mon" 0 hig diff,'n'TlC<' in !he"I'P" .1I.,,,,•. •md "~.m""li,,,,nf your ""'-'P' Ik,t.' ,h.'P i",'"h,: ,....Iy pl."", i, ,an 1>0.' u",>oJ.

Ai"... I huil, ,hi, "hdf. ll\<~ ,,, 'hinling ,holt i,"""kl 1>0.. h.>n<ly in t!'.: !I'"a~' ,,,. "'"tid')' ,mmAny pl.l<,' ....I><·n: Y<'" ",,>oJ ",odd " ,.,.......,,-a...''''''''1\<'. bI" dun', ..·.n' '" "f":'l<l ., ",I><>k' k~ "fon,,· ,,, .........-y.fu...., ,,"'n' my hi);l;''''' « ...."'tnS,

Page 27: Librerías y estantes

/OIOTr:_.~-,_."N ......"'"--

and til. tl""" ,1i"lns. TIi"dim"".;"n, Me .h"wn in Ih"d rawing .1><,,,,,,

Shop Note; 6«:a"-,,, lhe ohel"".a", fairly I",,~ yo" mighl wan 'In ronsid atla<hi,,~ a Ion~ aux-iliary h.'II< to your miM gaul\<'1<> hdp s"Ppo" lhe .hdves ••you-'" trimminKlh<"" to ""'Klh.

. 000.IIfO COIN I'\, Ne,~ the fnol l

oomM'S nf "am side a ", " lUJl<k>doff. as in oiL"";l 'a' above, Yn" cancu' away the w ",,!<' will> a sabf<,

""W or bond ..w. Th.'t\ 110 aho.-adand jlJ>l ...nd til<> ,'<Ill'''' S/1'IOO\hby hand or with a di:J< or !l...i,.."der. After ..nd;,,~ simply

I "....l h12 p i"'" b",,,,1> lor myshelf, (1h<-;t. a ,,' n'onJ'l'O.>nlj' avail ­

ablt' at ""...1 hom" «'111<.= )If yo" go this ro"n-. m.,k" !lUre

to "'I,'Cl J:>o,ords that . n· all tho"'rtl<.lhi<kncso.. , tho,.",

to""' ..m<' oilA'_ TN.. way all thed.><k,,-'> th.>l will j<'inthe pi...".«."be rut idt-nlicaUy.

A,..>the, . Ilt-rnati,,, is to buildII>< .hdl oul 0/ plywood. B.>llicbirch plyw<>OO would be a goodd...,,,,,, si"'" it'. >t.lbk- and do"""'"h.l"" many voids in tho> ('<ill""(UHIl(II IO~II . To build ' h,"

""'· If, .lolt by culling the mainpiff'" to si"" - Ih" two sid""

--- -

Building the Cas.This ,to ' d!'l" .hdf i.> wa lly mad;,up "f Iii"", ,he!>'.. sand wichedbo,"w""", tW{'I .id",. The b"lIo",shoAf i.,divide<l into four """"at"...>mp;lrtmffilS whil., the ",kldk'"""If i. split i!l~' two main ...",.h,,,,, with. sf"'<"" in bo,'!W,-m fo.,'"rin~ ..,..lp.,p'-'f.

.AIl.IU. A "'oTd abo", d'"malt";"ls ,,-,,-'<1 to build !his shelf.

How To: Cutting Rabbets and Dadoes

Clltting f/>e lIJd. TI>e fi"t ,tep;s to WI a r"bbf,t On I~back ed~ of each <ide to hold the back. em. an a"i/iliarynf! ~nc.e rcser fhe Sile of !he rabbet

PoJitiorl f/>e 0-.. First ,ize f/>e dado blade to matdlf/>e thirk~ of the >heIf and"'" f/>e rip knee to posi­tion the (lit Then ~'Jin ClIftin'J the liadoes.

Page 28: Librerías y estantes

•'fOil", 1\11 K«'W_.,, """­"" _ III of-



b<'l(in "'''''''m\>l in~ tho,' .....·11 ",ith

d.>J(~., MId "''''..........nm, Alkr d,.> pi,,«-,>. ,,, cuI

k' >lZ." Y<>" can ",1 ,I><, ,hek,,,~'. 11><...·",,;till a hn'" wor" h'd" on ,ho,- ";do.", Fi"". a rabbti i.cut .kJn~ 1r..- w.:k .,j~,. "f 'a<h,;d<' t" ht~d. b.><:k ,hot', . dd.x110k". T" d" ,hi•• ,imply bury adad" \>Iod.· in an ou,iJio'Y ft>no.'('th,Il"' 0"",' 1>0.'<1 hI your rip """,,",a> in .1,'.'

•NOTf,._-¥O , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"" OW'Wr._0'_o.IOOIS. Becau.., t he d.d " .... in

Ih i> p",j,,<:, an' the ..,m,· .i ,c,H mok,", "·n,,.· to cu ' , h" m all.t th.: ""m." tim". ",,'n ' h""l\hyou haven"' mad,- In., .l ivid,-"r«. TIU'Tl, y"u ""Iy h."c to "'lup your d,d" b lad " on"limc ,

Sin<» tht' d.d,.,. art> h,,- ahjo;Jl-""-"", lh<}" dun'l ha,'. It' 1>.. d,..'P'But you'll wanl I" pay cI,...,.",,,,ti,,,, It, the width - it ,h""ldma'rh tlk> thic k""-", "f the slt" k.

!(IIW HOllS. Normally. r d ,i lltho,- pilot h"I.... and add "''''w..h,-, .,,,'mbly. BUI b<'C~u,.., lhei,".' , i", sf"<'" 01 ,h~ ""m!"rI_

m.,n" ~I\' ...~, """'" ...' 1\<1 a dnlli",o, I d''<id,od ,,, pnodnll all tht·""un'~,.,.unl '"'n·... h"k.,; on ,h<.dn!l pn.., loef"n' __""""blinll Iht­.kll Cd" ...i"lI ~"d d'·'~il 'a'),n... d~dt ~.,; ho.>lp ~1il\f1'h<'pit'<l'>durinll ~"",'mbly. whil~ ,",wwSlIiw n",od~d "" ,~ stn-nl\'h.

(ulting fileS~ To wI rt... da~ add an "xtr~ long aUKiliary~ fa your mih'r g;.uge. This will help fo ,upport u,., workpiec".and Pf"YMI INrouf on f!le b«k lM! 01 filt' l/lelf

.. .. ...Wood,mi'hSpe<i.I,,<om

• Ju.f by u,ing .. pair of guide fence••rou c.." ro<J' perlecT d~""", eveT)' ,i,,_'lIe time j'Qu CuI ($Ilown on fH!le JI),

Page 29: Librerías y estantes

IUambling the SheM:s. Apply /he gl..e in the d«Ioe> of the middleand ,-,ppet shelve-s for the la,g<' dMdf>~ ~ then glOR and Krewtogethe, (Ii"e, add small divide~ and lowe' shelf)

..-'-- - '

""·If. This . l«> p,,"'ido/s a mo.......for hanging il on the ...... u. J "...,.je

tilt' up pt" and I"w<,< ,a il. (i,,;t,

n..." ar<' i,,-,t two ,..,m,",,' .trip'

of wood th.ll ha"" a ~"'I\U<' cuton ,,,,,10 end to fit in lIl<'r._in ..... end pieco's. lho.", rut a rat>­b« ak>nl! """ edge 01 Ndl rauto

allow !hem to fit 0' m" '""*'....Finally, tilt' rail glu,-d andscn'Wed in r~,

IAU. To m~"" the b.>ck of U....

. 1Io'1f, simply m"""'" tIM.- """".log bo,'!wc'om the rail. a nd lilt.­sido.'" .nd cut a pie<'e of \:0- hard­boo.rd 10 fil. This rock is simply

Making the Dividers & Backl~ y,,,,',,,, fine-he<! drilhn,.; dl1'" ...-.nbly bl1W<. the twoIh~ fi"k", y"u <~n m<>ve on 10 sid.,>, u.'""II Ilh....."nd s< "",,-m.kin~ tl'<' .livid,-r;. Th,-I'<'. '" UltS . At this point, thc ohdf l<two,i'A"'''-di"Kk.". On ll\o.>.h.-ll. A a1m<>;t «""ph",,", All tNt """"insf"'ir of 1,'1':'- clivi"""" "'l"'~,... the i. for you k' .Jd • l>.ock and ak>p m>m !h.. midoJh';h;'h','S, whik' coup)" "f fail, to ,In'ngtlwn I...•

lhrt't' ,,,,,,II .livid,.... "'I"".'" "".middJo· .r.l boltom shdv•.,..

Tht> """U di,-i<l<m< ,<In 1'... OJ' k>.".." bu' lilt' la'lW d "-id,.,.., ron­"'," a ...nes "j ~.--wid.. d.l,k"",'h.ll will h"ld a ft.w h.lnll::..,,,,d""'Iv"," (lho.'}' ..........1,..1 alh'O' lho,­

.....·It 0; "'''''fTlbk.J).Am.ll' . Wh .." ,h .. divid­

..... a",' fi"i.h.'d. y"u'", , ...dy'0 b..g'" ."..mbly, In '>HI ..rf,,, you I.' g,".'.11 th.· >er<'w

h"I... ,·.,Hy, if. imr",tanl thaty"u wo, k i" a c..,tai" ",d.., ..y"u '"" a,,,,mbin!: th...hI>lf,

h",'. _'rply 'h" glu.. i" lh,'dad".., ,>I lilt' urf"-'1' ,md miJdl......,1"". and """,Iwid\ ,hi> la'l\"divid..,.., in ~~....... Af!<.,. ",,,"",,,

ill); ,h.,,,,, pio.'--e "'l\'wr, th<..., y""c." add I.... ,,,,,,11 d,v"I,-", andk",-,.,. .h<'If, FinaUy....ndwid> th<'


~- ,.. - I- - ••J • TI ®

, ~_. ' 0'1,

, ,1 ,~

Page 30: Librerías y estantes

a . 'ND V" W


(j) -r-


bh''''' .1t"Cl~ '0 the ""'If ""..nt·1"1\ >tTl'W'-- >t' it' , olJtltxl .Ik·, lilt·.h,Af l, rnt\u,,~'<l). I <ho.,·. 411",k,w·pnl/il,· n\1t'n"""",t Ii""n',

Tht-n, ju,t wi", and ..rt'W theli,tun' h, t"" b"llurn ,1/ the ""'II

dad,,,,, in 1hI.- .id... uj the largt'di,-id""" (I didn', glU<' the sandpa-­pt'l' shelve. in~' the .1.,1<... iu'l incas<' I wank'<l k' t,k tI>.'m ,..t.j

1t "1 , 'nr e compartm,'ntshetw,,,,,, tilt' middl~ .nd luw,'1'.hdws an' .i~.'<l 10 huld pla.tic.k"ag<' bins, ..., ohnwn in th" btl'bdow.Or. ~Oll'''' rna'" draw"",for tilt' romrartrnt·nt>. .., you can

"'" .hown on ,I><> nt·" I'<'g•.lIGIIT. At la.t ~ou <an add lhe

light fixto.... , (Th~ light fixt"n'

... ikd in p........ with ,,>ow ""'aUfrnish Mils. Shop Not'" I drill,,,,.....11 pilot hob in tl... h.nib"anlto ""' ~~ the ...iling: "",ie<.

MOUfIllllG. Aft~, wiping on a..'W COol!> of an oillinl<h (llL"''<l&nm,J fi~;,h,,' Arm·R·S••I)mount til<- "",If to thl.- wall with>Crt'W' Ihrough the up!"" andlowrr (h<> 'Ul<' the >erew•• nchor "",ul<'ly 10 wall ,Iud.).Thl• ..,Iid connection gi,·.... tlk>ohdf ""Ira " ....ngth. Shop Not.:You m.~ h.v. t" tlk>""""" !><'t",,,,,,, tl... ><rt'W. to ,0 ittl><> spacing of you, wall ,Iud.

Hilt'" STOll". Th..... '. "",,""..... thing tu add to m., "",II, To=at. fl.t .~".;;t' <ompartmentsfor sandra!"" or p"ojo.'d pl.n.,add .mall .....Iv.... l>etw""" thetwo largr di,-iden;.

Th"", <;<Impa,tm,... t.....mindrn,' of Ih~ mail.,;orting bin, thatused to bo: in hotd lobN.....Onlyhrr~, th. ,Iuts art' ho,i1-<1o'a"nl>! wrtical And in.'t,'ad of lr,·t.IS, thoey hold sandp.!"".

n...... sandra!"" ,lk>lv,," a'"nolhint\ rn,>n' than piec<"S of '1.­h.nlb<>onl that...., <:ut ~, fil in the

"""', Art"'".ghr", .tt.,

"""9'''9 _

Thl"St' co",·i,.....nt pull-<'ul 'Io"g~ bin. a", ag .....ll wa>' 10 org.",i~., nail., >crt'W" '" any othe,lit!i<o<;<lllt'Ct~", of ha,dw.", you may ha," aroundyour shop, And, I>«"u,", Ilk> pi,...."" rn.~ l>e small.tilt> ",tra Iillh'inl! I;,t"n' i. a handy w.y to ",a ksun' y""'", gr.bblng tlk> ,ighl ,>bj~ct. n.., ad d i_titmal 'P"(~ abow the bin> (an Ill> u",'lJ ill. v.ri­ely of w.>"" wht1he, il bt> ""ndpa!",' '" glu• .

www.\\... ...b m;lhSpe<i. lo.<om

Page 31: Librerías y estantes

Optional Draw.,.Bin!; aft' handy~... ""rinll!wdw..., r,d<>lh<-r ....... rot...., Ih.'i'" ''J'.... 1hI'YanroII<cta 1oI00d_R<~IhPbinoWlIh"'~d ...............w...._I"'-t>Ioom.

The d,.WO!t" ronotnI<ti<>n .......aiK!U.fofward. Thed_...~ 10 fltlhP~"IIhP"""""l" ",,·M_.Solid.. \" i; .. .....J ... IhP "'''''-bad, a1d rJ-'>.m-..

The..-do 01 ttr d..- tr..... a1d t.:t._,"-.JlOtdd ttr_ldrtoiI·a....S""....,.--lhPb...Ill -'>r"«-'-a \f-thidhaRh_ bl dr\aiI",' The dra.wn__."ibIo<l W1lh JIJ­a1d ...... MnoIy. ,.,.. an aJof a _.od\10"10'" """rJ-,><bwc<.



•"'l ..- -Ze- _

-­Qno.' • .--<>1""-''''·.-01C '''''_..--...

"- (11) ' S . 1" Fh W""""',f'W1'(lS) 'S. ~'FhW<:>o<:k<_- (S9) 3d Fimh N.l~

' (4 ) 1-~", K"CJb)'

• ()ploonal pam fOf bu'ldi"ll Or"""""

MATIRIAL LISTS, SUPPLIES & CUTTING DIAGIlAM-~-----'" Sdos (1} %'. 11 2O~, ~(lf %,.10%,-Sly'>C ~~Ql %r.l0%r-l0y'>D SmoI~(3) %r.l0%,·4*E lJppft&l~~(l) %r.l*·Sl'4f Il«t. (1) '4 t.:Ild . lS~. Sl'4G ~~(S) '4t.:1ld ·9'lro.l0'lroH Df......, FftIIlt<AKk,' (Sl %,.4\\0.12'-I Df......,'>oclP< '(S) %,.4\\0.101(,J Df......, 801""""(41 '4t.:1ld ·9'lro.l1'-

Page 32: Librerías y estantes

RoUTING DADOESA~ ...... .and • dodo l;olodo;- ............. m\' fi ctoooc.> ..'htfI It~ 10 kinf; <Lad<__ Bu.

---- ~> "",~ Of! 10 handIt "'"Ihotoblr In IhM a.or.II·~b.>t

'"doBop 11 "'.brn:;h _ ItUIIhr~~.-..g.hond.fttld ""*""_.~bn.

n... _ .. 10 """ • J'I" nI-.pIr~Dpnxl.-~

amar." cuI>. And. sp<Ia"r bkd............ • • cu.l<>m-fit" j<>inI.

""011 LKh guide ",,,,"i,11> ,,'tw" p"m:. hanlb<.",j t>"". ,holt...-1,.,. """'''11 plaU"n" and a,,,.><1 fo>nn> to gukle tho.' "",,,....

""''I' N,...·, If you rLonon u""l1, gu;.w,. lor "'...... rn>i<'<1>'.IN tho"" k..-g~ '0 """__ Ihr width oj • full """"01 ~'Wo<-.:;l (-IS" kroK)- A II'.bor'OI ", >to" .,,11> <On .....IF ....

t- ({o ....... '"""~

An.. [\:1""'8 "'" It-.. foontt Ilw_, *" .. '" trim Ihr bIooc- '" ~ •final _"'- Tho idooo ....... IS ""

_ Ihr ........ ""*"" hi roo pW>to.- whm euttJng Ihr d.& ......(I ....,.j ••- >tra,g!lt bit,) ThiserN two ..1EE<'ke edll"" th.o•.....-.. Ihr sid<s 01 Ihr d.d"IW .w 'M' ,he toil .....~ "'~

tor """,,,11~ ~l>'n'd On Ihr J»",.-



..... Ihr """In bit '" rut tho- lullderth ollhr d.>do in onr~l

To definr """ _ 01 Ihr dAdot in drawU'l& briowl,

....m rho rou.... and """ "a!mglhr ........ dlhr ~_

&_IO_Ihr 1hr_I>.- _ord Ilwfoontt

Af\1i!1' """tins .11 , .... war..,...!'OUt wod.piono.Ium)'OUt""'..... 50 Ihr ....'k .. __<Old Ihr fma ... ""'-.-lKU"'" on:! then "-'PN' Ihr ftWlr

1"""""'6"""" ~"'- '!No will~d""" • 'igl".fin,njl; doklo ",in.<'Wry oingIoe li.....

Page 33: Librerías y estantes




TRADITIONALSHELF You can build this shelf

to whatever length you

need and easily have it

hanging on your wall bythe end of the weekend.

W t..., you gel righl down 10 i~ .......If "'lui"", only .. ",,-,pI< of.

br...kcts """,we'" into wall studsand .. bo.lIUd to "I"" th<m. But, ifthestudsin yourwaU ."",·t~w","" you want you, b,,,,,k,>ts 101>0.', 00 Y'''' ;..... Ii"" with the sh<'Ifbcing not quire ",1>0,-.., you hadplaruwd lO pl.oct' it orWnaUy?

With this project. I found •way around tNt rh1dk.m....tThe brad,.,!> a"",'1 sen:wod 10the wanat aiL I""",ad Ih<"',,, fas­t...-...J 10. long wall plal<'_ n...>nyou ~.n """"tion tile w.ll piait'~,acUy whe", you need it and...·now it in'" the stud..

GlOOY~. fl<.>l il you h>k.t themain pOOl"abrn'e. you may ""I­i»: lh.lty"" ,jun'! .,:" OUly ".;n,w,.

Page 34: Librerías y estantes

Thor. l>oo<...... 'hrr'f\' dn'-""""". p'."·r in Ihr ....0 pl.\l<­n..n. .......... t.... """'f ... rut in~,.t hodoo.-!tor~~

p'....... alooIf. Ihr Nd rdlll".,j!tor oMI.~~~ in """"',)n-'........ oholIow iV' ...~~!tor "''P of t.........,.~..._~.. l<> Idd pWro.lIJ'f'IVoIlor d....M I'" P"lI" 'It>~ ~ .-iIr hokb...,- ulhrf~ ,_ .....

....... l<> put OIl on.:-_I If> NOo~ l<> cu..tum­

"'" ..... f""IIKl by <hongtng ilsIIrn#h "'" dtpd> of ""' __An.:! lor >l ,lItt......... from "'"Cr~"""'-•.....,...,., .n.-n"""r,• p,un•...J Colo....1 .-r"ion i..ho....n.ll ngtu .nJ on poll\" 37.

hint" Colonial Sh.lfFor Mdhn~ k J-*droloniol.....,.odd>;o toll.,j ..,. -..1 a:>lJr.., r<"J' " ....... n...-.hrIIi> .w.eo.."", ..."h r--rnodot P""-' ",,'r mold .andpoUR!_ MOOI of llw I«:hn"fUl'" _ ~f\' !he toutturn III p.w'37IU_how if,don>.

Page 35: Librerías y estantes

NOrE: A P p;"., ,,­''''"' l<" ·thi,t ,roc.

...., SECTlOfl VIEw,. .•,



•"'. , ~ . "f b __ ,



NOn: 1'Wt""" 0'm<NJntmg """" In9'OOW ""~ "'Y _.,-,g on """10<._







The Mounting SY51emIlo.i\"" y"'" >l.lrt btl;Iding!he ,J-o,lf,y"" ...,,'01 k' d.,i<.l,' ht",· k",~ ;""...~nl it It> 1><-, (Min,: ,.,.,. 51 ~"_)

".ll n.oll . Sh<""n in th<· dr"",­ing at>"w, II>< " f" und" h" n" "Ifro.- pn';"'ct i, tho.' "",II 1'1"j,". /IIIIll<' "tilt", pit"'''' 'n' ",,,,,,,,,,,,'<1 1<>it. "" I rut thi> pit"" h' sil<" fiN,

n,., w,,11 1'1>1., M." \4-.,j,...'P);". ... 't' down il> l<."'glh k> aro.'pl

th~ 'h,'II, n,., b..,:k •...Jgt· ,,( th<·,!><>If i' lrapp<'<i in th< gn""'" "',Ih<.> <hdf can'l nip "I" 11><- """",!way to cut the g".,,-t> is with ad.,J" 1>1.><1,- in !ho.' Mble ,","',

L",,-r, sh~lf s"rl''''l< .ndbrack.,.. will b.' ",,,,,..,'<1 ... tl,.,

"",11 ria",. s." I drili<'d ",un",.,·,unk ""-'Ilk 1'><,1,,,, for ,t.....,r~.•• ,I>",,'n in dd.ils ". ' and 'b'

"t."y N,>tc: M y b,,,,k,'" w,'''''p<"';h,,,,<'d 24""" ""Ut',.

' UCUTI , N""" if. un to tho.'pit'a'> thot h"ld the .ho.>11 up ­th<' Ii,.......'!> 000 .hdf .uP!"m..

I ,tortt'd on th<' bT...k"'" by glu­in~ up bl"nle, ft,;'m thn~' pi.",...uf \" "" d e as you mn '"-'" b"'""".Sino.'" i,', h",~h h' ~'1 th<' ,'d!\'..oli~"'-'d p",I,,,Uy, u'"-' ow"i7t,


5"'"._,©•G. .. 2 \;

Mabng fM Parum. A poslerboard piOttern will h~lp J"'<J layourr~ bracket:. Cut t~ art fOI eKhblank with a tJilfl(j.lil\\(

In order to smooth our rhe Clirs, tJ$f' a drum sand<>,

Ma~;ng m.5upporU. AngJ<o theb~ 15' ~nd rip theWppom Wwidth. Ttw'{)i!1 binding and kickbdr.k, thrbliKk should tilf ~w~y from th~ rip ~n(~.

Page 36: Librerías y estantes







~ 4 ' "


To amoor Ih@sh@II, til<> b.K kf!dfJ" i, Irapped

'" a groove '"Ih@wdllpla te,dnd Ih@npinnf!din pla<@wilharoupl@K.......,

pl.'h', firs!, lho.' ",,·It ;" (\I' h' ,i,,·,r-.;,·,l. I .....'nhod I" (ul a g",,-"','d"wn it> I,-nglh f", lh,' pl.Ut·g,n'",', bullhi, ",,,,,Id h.1"," Htlh,' pl)'w,,,,J lay~" "'I"""d,s.." my ..,I"li"n w., I" in..>rt",did wmd pi"'" g'H'\'I' inkly,.sy"" (an "". in dd"il. "a' a,,,1 10'.Ix".,·, If you e1"".... ,h.. '>plion,)"" (an '"" hnw iI" d"",·.' ,t.,L'''I,· ..,.... "n 'ho.' ""Xl p.>1\",

I&G'NG. Tho, no,,, thing '0 d""n",kt· """,·,xIWng '0 w"'1' thn"'KI,,, "f lh,· ,,,,·It, ." ,hnwn ind,'L,il 'a', I ,...1 ;Ilhi<-k,~ ,h"n th<'""-'1/ '" I"",Id 1'1.\1'" it flu,"" .f,,·,glUing i' in pl."""

HANGING. F'''','ning Ih,' ,hi'llI" Ih,· ..... 11 is 1''''11)' s;mpl~

StMl b)' linding ,h,· st"d, inlh,' wall wh,·,,· y"" W<lnt ,h"_hdf 10 h''''1\' ~h,k Ihd' I,,,,a·li"n in ,h," gm,"'" .tld u,ill_hdnk h"I,·,.H Ih,·,,· I,"',\li"n,.• , ,h"wn in lh,·I><" '1Ih,·ld'

[,in.,II\'. "ft.., ,h,· .....,11 plat,·is ",,,'w,,1 ,,, Ilk' .....,1 1. ,h,k lh,·,,,,·It in'" ,Ilt' 1\"""", Th,"", youcan screw II ttl me brJ<kt'ts, as,"",,"'n'lldl,

(~)PlATf ""00'" INlAY,•WAU j ,



Making the Sh.lfAll th.l!'s It'll fu, }'U" 1<' .I" i. '<>Ind.,'11>0- ""-If, So i t ",,,uld l>t. less

Iikd)' h' ""up, I m"d~ 'I h"m ply­....",,1 .nd hid th.' "'1""&'\1 "Ig'""'ilh h.,,,lw,,,>d .Bul lx-l",,· in!;Llll­ing lho.· ,oJgin;:, .dd.n "l"i,,,,,,1

II""''''' n~M lh,· bMk "d1\" I"h,~d pl.ll'" "p';1\hl h" di,pl.'y.•l>","'wn in lho.' d','''''i''1\ .Ix,..,·,

IHlLI . C""._lru,1;,'" ,-I d", ,hdl_I,Hh "ff likt· lhal "f lh" "'all

PlMing tile ~1>f'11. With lhe biI(k

edge of the Ihelf In rre grooVl'.Krewit to N<:h br« ket,

Attachthe Shelf

Drilling ~h..n. Hoi"• . Findilnd milr. the studS in theWill, Then. dri ll shin. hok5.

... .... - - ..~.~."

ph~'S. When the ~Ilk' i. Joy. "-',Ilk' thn" b",,,k> '0 fin..1 Wt'.

,\ 'l"kk way to 10" oul tt... arc"."",h blUlk LS to rn.,ko; a I"",k.,-­

l>o,,,,,j 1'-'"'''''''''' ""-",n in tlk·t>.",,,., I~'!'"34.M".. lh.,. .ne LS Llid out.'''''W> <'til th,- ,;1,.'1'" "n tho.-",,,",'.11><,,,. I u,.~i. dnJm ",ndt-rto",n.1 up ~, 1I",li",.,.

\MIU SU'~ I !I. r-,;,·xt. ,"U' th,­

"'1'1",,1> f""" V'lhkk ,~..:k_ Intho.· k,w", ri~t dr""'i~un 1'<'1:":14. "''''' ""1,- ,"'" ,,<1;:.' i, 1><-\-,-k'<.l

Arth '< I",;nt !(I,...and ",,,,,,. ,""1>,.....1<..'" 'u or.., ",.11 1'",1<-, Tu po.'­h, .. d••:m lIu'" ",ith U", ~n_"-,,. ["",,j • """'1' .., pl~ 'w,_'d

F;""l1~'.•he ,h0.'11 '''PI''"ts Cdn

t>.> <"tit '" Ii. b."""'''' the h,,,,,.<'Is1"'[,>11" ",:,,'>'0'111/\ ,I><-m in 1""""-


Page 37: Librerías y estantes


loy.'''' """,', bt· '""P''''~t. T" k,' ~h>l. ", ,c.. bt" hel,,", ,,, i/;<~ a bt~·

It·, idt·~ <lI ,111 lh,· '~'I" in""l ...",PlTWOOO lAlllS Y'>u ,c.n l>o.'~ln

b)' cutti"K a wid,' gn,,,,e in II...r')'"'''"j ,hdl, Thi' V'--dt~'r

K",,'-e c.,ld, U"'M"h"n! ink'IV",iI" -Th<. "" ,' '~'f> I" ,,, cui anint.)' >lOll' ,,, fillhe K"""', I 1t.·1t11... ",iI'" Iitt l,· "Yt.".i,~~, tnm,,,xl ",,,,1 11 fiu,J, with U... ,c.·1f

Th~n. I cut ~ ,m~lIe,K"""" ontb<' inkly ,trip. a,"""om b.>k,w,

IUD I"G AIte' "''''dmK th.,g"""", fi"i'" 11,' ,hell by ottoch­;n~ theM"';w,,>d ...J~in~_

:;~ The groo in the shelf allo W< you fa",'ely <tore plate, up'ight fo' display_

Adding a Plate GrooveAllc.>ugh )"'" c~n mok ~ pl",,' ,c.·It. p'" mOl' ""mt t" C,>n·

,i<l,·, ~d<l,,'g. "riM,' g",,,,,,,'

11>1, ,imrl~ d<1.11 "Ii"""" ."u 1<'u><' Ilk' ,c.'II~, ,c.,,,, ,,1/ d.'<:'''','­li.... rL'1<,,>. f",,,,,,j pho.,t"",<nt'",'n

,n ~'",,1i"g bt,", u 'Yt",",n... r",N,'m i, lholt cu'hng ~

g"""" in 0 r'v",,," ,c.·1t "-" .....,hI' I",'~'" •.,P",....] Th~ II"'"n•.'"" i, it ,,,,,;- ,,'~."' • wurl,·~,t,~ ""p' !<' m",,' ,he g""""b l"n<! riKh' in ,,-j,h the >I>.·lf, 1"",,-"'n't j, u,gl"'-' ~ ,,,,,,1,,'"'' ;nloy,'rir In tlk' ,c.·lf, Tho.", wlk", ,Ik'

1""'" K"""";' cut. tlk' 1'1\""",1

-\> '~~l·~l\71~xlV,)-3;y


-I< pi). • 6~ , SO-\>.!lr SO

-1< .'.(,, -]0

A Wall Pla,e (11B Bracket'OJC Sheff ~uppom (2)o SIlt'~ (1)E PMe Groove Inlay (IIf Edg,ng• (3)'S, 1· fh Wood\.crews• (10)'S, l~· fhWoodKre'M• (4).S. 2v.- Fh Woodl<:re'M""'" Pam rr...,..,. I", (,"", "'"

HowTo: Plate Groove Inlay

,,- -

.NO y,.w

r"" .. '" ..


Cuffing a Groo ..... TIl<' first nep i' fO(ut a 'I,,-<kep groo.... in the 'helf.Then cut iJ pll!(e of hilrrJwrxxJ to fitthe groo.... and glue it in piace,

Complete the Inl~y. Chdnge- to a -11. ­INide <Mdobl~de_ '~M! i t ...... abo....thf! tdble. TheilpmitiorJ rile rip fen<eto a>ntf>r the g' oo.... on~ in l<>y

Page 38: Librerías y estantes






... . - ...,'p .....--





•- ~--,.............._..-

lND ActION Vll.,

• •

a .


Palnled Colonial ShelfL,lu.· the' Craftoman _If. tlx­dnI,;n of thL' CoIonLol ,,,.,;""".......... __v""""""""'" It ...

oham. ........... "obn~...,lhonl) a ""'" d,"",u.,...

1Ulf1"'l1~ t:hio otodf .. ..._ >: 10 boo pM*d. 1 .-d p0p­lar _ a .-lv......dr p-.r eu>y

moIdJ"fl found a' """" hcmr~n-.......-....,~­

P'""'"'y.-;l 10k punt .......IlAU I'l.In In lht rip;ht rt->.

v'.... .... __ tballht w..u~,lIghtlv lon~ tNn ' he'

Cra'''''''''' ' ........"" Tho- low....dta~ ohuw, h<nv ",.add Iht~...,Ih.~.~

lht ...>ur>J<Wft .. <umplrt<-. l"'"CM1 \I.ar1,~lht W'''''''.

IllCllTI & _, The protilrrot In -n \>1"""",'1 ". onooiified''1\'" It Y'....·n· nkn"ll how toJ" thL'• .-' It "", """"1'-'" OIlthe <- r.,t", ,,,,,,, bT",,"''I~n,,' tho:n' 'n' iu.t two hr k·

.... (", t ,,,,",, ,,,,,tl.Y'" ,.U ,'<1, ty , ""'11 ""1'1'<"" .." mainJr '''ll.t nKh' Alit.. this piea'.. <1Jt 't> 'T.·.• roundo\w to

makh lht 1"""'"0/ the .... u plait'L' muO<d."" do.'!.liI 'a'_~ the.Nnk _ pil<Jt ...... .,.. drillrd

ldo.ot.til1>1. """~ and sup­po.-.n ..... t... ",.......,.J In J'Ia<"<'-

lIOI I A d<w It>ol<. <01 dtt.aiI

.' ""_ IN, lht pnotar 01"""~ '" ~"'kd <In .........10<. by !hi' on tIwMwlI "-'PJ'<"l and two~ 0/""....M_ It Thn' madot0/ • poono 0/~ n "' ......... ltoinfilMoUlp

lht tt1l« oInp II C\Il 10.'__

gluod 10lht ...alI pUao-IdtUiI·.,n-cut lht I • aM' molodlnf; toiii bot'!'.... " lht borld> ..... gluor1ft~ undr< lht.twll ""I-'P"'1~U The olwlt, plow gn..w~

onLov ...... tdgt"fl .... all 1ft _ ". lht <-t.~olwll(f'l'i""""" I"'l\"l lht Imgth oflht oJwIf ...,1k lhtt'd~ shouldm<I,.h tt.... ...."'IJ.·'·t,....t>uultkr"","",,, ' 01 the ....Ul'L"t~.

Page 39: Librerías y estantes


~wJ:III no-fuss


Elegant, pre-made crownmoldingand a simple designare just two of the featuresthat make this project agraceful home addition.

T... ......wl ~·~.. 11...r....-Iodp'- ~ ......

iIv -...,.. _- .~... "'__._ ho>....~,tQIhoII:do.~....."..... "'" con', ........ 1NflWl AB,lIhr <'-"'< \ool. ........,. It ... l*nd........ _oth«~..-.._"""con put it ........~a<h-~ho """

.. !hot if......- II<> tu&d.~ ,it• '-'on._-<If'~nII-.

~ igIlt but """"ll """tI ""'"'""', otmpIt' too. k ..... T"tr_form " ......~ "f'«"o'l. I-.t".............."....·n ....>Id,"lI'"Ihr t"."und .....1>. Y'''Han lind"in .11TK'Sl .n~' ho.1mt' (l"fll.... ll' hrlrM~'J' ,.... ronslructi<", .impl<-

MATUIALS & SUPPLIIS---A Front (I) ~ , no· 15~I SdPs(1) ~.)110·.~

( 8onom ( I I ~"\I,-1"4lo

O ClNts Ql lllo-Z......f lop (1) 7· 101lof Ed9" '--'9 {Il \ro.~.~(~)

.>6<>_ 5'" .... '" JW_..-.~· m ~. 1\(" Fh WoocIKfIooM• 12l '8 . 21'.!" fll Woodw;........

• " 8 W~ B'adl.for(..-.~• (S) W -dia -1IIu9'

Page 40: Librerías y estantes

hinling Ih. Shelfn... ....,. 10 ""Y PM"tin« job toPftlI*.....~poirlloOcb_lOa _ _" ourfaao.~br liang.olI t1wnoiil ....willi puny_n­oond t1w....,.".n.Il'_>.:>lh.

.....11 So&nd"'ll;: alorw isn"..-...u#l Su, youll ...... ..-:I1Oapply a COlli 01 primn" {l .-.:I a_ ....."'d ohrIIa<pr;n-_1

n.. pnnwr """" ....._ a dualPUrr-- FIN. il _b lht wood

www.W<><>d.milhSp<'<i.l ",rom

I<>~ up from --in«;­ItInJuWIlht J'"l'" (~Ily iIyou'''' buiIdtfo« lht ohrIl ""I 01ponrt And it aIIowolht paint I<>

iorm a .....-u"" - film" on lhtourf~of lht wn<d

_ , W..... 1appbod tIw r-t­I .-.:I1wu COIl" of awmi~...... ~mrI, Thio pamt pound­td a toug, linioh~ made lhtdoan--up a wholr Iol .......

Page 41: Librerías y estantes

•• ---" .. •""'" .. I• - ,

1.. Im ..- ..... - 1li- J

06.'~'FI, __

'- - - .. •,- .

Building the FrameTIl<' f,am,'w",k "I !he mantd,helf i. ",ally a bux that han;:.'on the wall . Bu! in,t"ad ,,/ I,,,,,ski,... a !<>p. and b"Unm, !hl, 1><",....., !hM' sid,.". In 1"1......, "f a b.><k.tho..,..'u b<'\'<>k'd d,'at thdt is ",...'dtn h.tnK lht· "",n!io.· on !he wall .

I cut tho.' fn",t .md .id<" fn""" ".!hick "'.: Ie ,.~' d,.,wing , 1>.""'.(5h"p ~...': I u...>d p<>pla' fo' lhl'pn'l"'hi",.., il lakes p"in! ""IL "'~.

!he b<", c., p"g" 39,) I npp"d lht",,·pi<'<'e; tt, fini..J>o:d wid'h 0 "'1 bu'101ft l!'o-"" alill" kl<lg. I...""., ih<y'Ubl' mi....''d ",.--1~h

n., """ ''''I' is f,,, you ", cu'an ....-<1,..1' gn,,'w 'l<lth.:,'

f....e "I tho..,., !h" " pi''«">' in ,>{(I...­h' ho.,M . ..--thid b<">lt"m. n­Kn.",·"" cut on tho.' lable SolW

u,,;ng a dad<, blade.M,,,, "f 'ho.' InXl' and ,id,." "f

t....: .ho.' ll will \>0.. """.." it'd by tho.'c",wn molding, B"t, the I"w.,-,',,]g" of ''''''''' p~,,--e; will ,li ll be,';" ible "" ,'n ,f,,·, tho.' ",,~ding isin p T" "" tt..", ,he!;,' ""1""",,]ed!:, I SImply ",,, !,'d a 1\.chamh" .,I''''g the ""kide bot·t,,,,, ''dgo.' of the 1"""'....

Si"", 'h" ~'in! be,w""" th<'Inm' and , id.' pi....... will abohe "i'i\>le. I w."It'd to «"'K'NIth,' jui'w'Y a; much a. I f'O",i'

bly"mld So I u".,,;l mi,,·, ",i""In ",,,,...'mbk· 11...• pit""". I like toslarl by mi""i"g ,1>0.0 fn",t pi"'''It>lin.ll~th Ii",..

Only",,,, <",d"I each >ide pi~

is milt·nod. 8"' '';!'lC<'!he ""'""'''''I,,, t.... b<,U<lm an' aln>ady cut intho."... pit'rei. mak '"n> youmitertl>o.o ,,""'-"'I end "" you a leftand right sid.? T1>o.>n tho.· .id"" canhe trimm",j to final length by"luaring up ,1>0.0 back ends.

tonOlil With ""'milt'1" ~>in!>cul.

I df)' -fillt'd !he F''''''''' h~ tome••un> fi".. b"ttom, This pi~is Cllt h' fit \>0."".",,,, !he 11"""'"" in!he In",t and side p""""

How To: Making the EdgeMolding

• ~,"

Routing !he Molding. In order to nHlke!he edge molding,,taFt with a wide bl.Jnk, Then go ahead and root iI bullno,eprofi~on each edg<: with a 'oondove, bif.

Ripping the Edge MoJding. After routing !he profile, ripthe molding to final width. A P<JSh block /lelps you pushthe narrowpiKe clN' of the bI.Jde,

Page 42: Librerías y estantes


B.-f"", gluing all four pi,,,,,-'"togNher, m."~ a d".t to fit "tIh,' bae" of tlw fr.,m~ ""tw,,,,nIh<- th'o sid..., '"'" dr.wing .,,,0.10.1""11 'a ' at>tw" . Th" d,-at is a""m'h' pi,,,.., ,>/ 'It"'" with. 4~·t>t"'cl ripp,,·d ak"'g nn,' ,'til"'.

:-;ow you'", n'",I}' tn .o.",,·rnbk'I"" fra""'. l'iN you ean gil....• upthe ,ido... and I""'t, tfapping 'h<'t>t~t"m and ckal in t>t1h""n. To,"-,Id I"" clto.>t in pl.>c.'. I d"w,· asen"" thn~ ""'" sid,· in'o tlwenJ, of the clNt.

101'. 'Tho.' iast s"-p tn C(>mrlet~

'he frame is '0 add. tnp. [cut,h,· top [.rg" "",,>ugh so thai itowrhanp the fram,- by 2\)" atth,' Iront and ,m ,h" sid,... a,,h"",n in the dr.,,"'ing on "PP'>­sit~ page, This ",,~rhanK willp,odd,- a nke plac" f,,, attach­ing 'he cn,wn molding la'''' "n,

The 1t'P is sen",..ed d"wn It, "'"sid... and fn",t (>f the f,a,"", ButI>,,,au",,1 d,dn't want the sen'w­ro.'ads'n I>,> vi.'ibl<>, Icount,'Ibt'nod'''''ocn'w.and piul\Ked the hok...

Making the MoldingWi,h the frame c"",pit',,,,W(>I'k"h", 'Iw "",Iding, The :J>t·11US<'S two kind, "f m"Ming - tlwstnn'-ho."'ght crown molding and• ,;h{>p-made ,'<IKe molding.

IIlGI MOtDI~G. In ,,,,1,,, to rna'"tTo.' ,,,1!1'-' m"ldlnj;, n",t a hull-",,,",p,of'k- "n ""I!> ",1",,>,,la wide, l,".

!hkk"Lmle (Sl>.'P r-;,~...; Ifs""h'!' It'wnr>.wil!> a widd,l.nle)

Tht"ll using d pu,h "I,,,," for",f'1;-, I rirl"'d th,· ,'elging nfft>t1h ,,0.1... ,>/ ,h<. bla"I<,.Ioo.'" at ,he

''Ppo,,'" f"1'" I"t nil"" d,-tail.AI this p'~nt, It' Iwlp h"" the

.od~ ai;,.;au and """It> a lip all

.,n>Und Iht>sII<>II, I "",i<'d. >haOo" ..

""1<)\" "" tho Wck vf the <,<Wng.Idrawing book,w). Af,,-, mi">ring!ht•...-.d> ,'IftTo.' "">k!lng It) lml¢>..lglued it h' tht>,od",,,or tTo.' h'P

(IOWMIlOI,IHOG. I ""od "" nff·!ht-:J>t.jfm""" "">W<ng fn"" m;-' ",,'.1I-oum" "-'tlIl'!', TlIl' romrl;c-.",l 1"'>­file (,f this ",,>Wing is difficult'" trv

It>duplica'" in the ""'P,

The'" an' rnany ,""",,'n m,~ding

slv]"". bull'.Y ,ro.. nll...t ,"'l't1Ii<~'

tt< size - minc ",'" 3l>" ,,"'ill,·,fm,oG IH! MOI.0I0G. lI<o<au", tr..,

mnlding i, a,,~I'~L ;·t<u <an cu'the .'I'ld"'t a compot,,,,1 mitt'r.

The "a,""t way i. with a ,.m­pi<> j,~ .".cr.... tn!h<- mite'Ko'u!1'-'. This ii~ .,.db the ITIl~d­

ing. holding it a' tl>,> Sol""- .nl\k­<>t ,,"'hkh i' ,,"'ill t>t- moun'.'d.

01"'<' 'I.... pi,.",.. an' mi't'n'el..."""h them to the >1><·11, ..". boxt>t,I,,,,·, The edge nl<~di"~c",a"".. "lip" 10' ,I\., top ,.Jg~ of them,wn mnkling to "",I .Ko'in,1. To••,.:u", ,he molding, you ••n "-,,­"n,h l\1"" <11'\0.1 b,ads.

HI~G'OG IHI IHHI. Nnw, h' tI",.r..·11 ,)\'<'1'. ",,,,,,,0.1 b."....I..>dgo.'dc!t·., ,1\." i., ocn-w,'d '0 t..., wall.Then. add. hp to ,r.., "'all ck'at.<IS:J>t""n in cit"ail 'd' .""'·t'

RO<Iting. Groove. Route. shallow groo'" on the b.lck oftt>e edg'''9. Thi< <""res a lip on the ,h<-If.nd helps kN'p th<­edging .iigned, Then miter tt>e molding fa fit tt>e st>elf

Art«hing the Molding. U~ glue lind brilds tosecureth<- molding In pliKe, For se, rum the sh<-If upsidedown - it <!>ould "..t ag••n the edrJ<' molding.

Page 43: Librerías y estantes


simple, versatile

BOOKCASESLiving room, kid's room, shop - you

can organize any room of the housewith these easy-to-build projects.

Page 44: Librerías y estantes


Page 45: Librerías y estantes



0 -if •0l:ll -

• ,

Page 46: Librerías y estantes


STORAGESYSTEMHere's a set of shelves that can be customizedand expanded to suit your needs. When youneed more space, just add on another section.

Wh<",,'wr I h<",-l!le \\l>nls '",'0'­

.K~>h<·lw," I t..,.j h. 'hi"".>1tl>:"., gra~'. ""...,1 .c..·jw. lh.1I ""II"'Kdh.". U's ju," dhunch. "U'my !I"'''''' " tha' Ih<- ""'n,, th<­shel..." "n' '"-, ["'PuL,, L. " mpl}'","d""-' ,1>.';- ,-an 1>0,' . _ml>l,,,j~uk "ly and '·'p""d,.,j ,n m.~·t

ju>, "0-,..,, .my ,t,,,..;:<' "",1Y,1 ,00Im,-""w, nw,,,1 ,1w1'-;,,;;

".,'m, m,w .'pp,,,prid!c· insi,],­,,( ....a"·h"",,,' rath", l!Mn inmy' ""od"-,,,.i,,;; ,h"p. And.l'w alw"l" It'll U",t U,,''''' """,1<1he ."me II''') 'n gel the mnn­ni"",... o( ",,1,,1 "h<'ln", with.><Jth.,-jn;; 1<' >ilcrific,- II", "'." mh,L"",1 h·j oj n",,1 ",.",,1

(OH\TIU( II0N The ,h,·h-ingunits ,..,,, ".,. h"n- J" just ,hal.r" 1>'"1;;" ,,-ith, the,'",e bui llwilh rd.1ljvdy i",·'p,·",i...·,,,,mm,," ~,.'d~. d i m"",i",,~1

lumlx" (~v~il.I>I,· .'1 i..' l .,Ix" ,1.'''y h"m.· """"., '" lumlx'",'.,.11. And Ix·...~~'" Iht·'" i,n'l'''v wmpiic",'<! j"i,wry (j~ "

'impl,' h~lf I~p,. ,,,m,> ""':W'.• "J , ,,,,,-, . .1,,,,,,, h",J w"'~J.

,",'" ,h".. ld ,,'> ~"I .. h' " .. ildlI",m in. I"w d.w,.

• O~UIU ~IS'G O BlOt th,' m",1,·",ih"l\ f.-.lun· '''''UI th,·".·,h.-l"In)\ urn!> i, H... f.1d Ih.,Ihn'", "">Jul.,, TIll' un;l' .'"~''''mb~,l ,.,ilh "'>o,,,...~,, "oil>,,, who'll "~lOU Ilt't'd m",,- 'F"'--"

......,\\',,,,.hm " hS p""'1.,• .<om

~II }'''u haw I" J" i, b.,lt "n.' I1<" h. ., ""..-li,>o ," 11", "''''"'''',,I>.,its .,1", all,",,' y"" '" ''Plimi'"'f""~' hy ~dIU"i"l\ 11-..- inJi",d",,1,h.-II',,, up '" d"wn ,,, m.....h ttwhei"" I"f tho- ii,,,,,,, )"",'..-,~Ili"l\,B"I y"u ,.n ~I", "'U,I"mi,,· lhe')" l,'m I>y m.,kinl\ lh~ 'h~IIin)\

u" i" d iff~""'l h.:illh"." >f«'wnin lht-pht ,to b.·I" w,

SIII"GI" On~ lhinll th.t',"Iw'y" a ,""nc~m with .lIl}' l.,fl,h,-I\'in)\ ~ni! lik,- thi, "n,- i,,t.bility. W~'I't- I.,k..n "art' "Ith~1 i»u,- in a ,""up]'- "f way'First. lh.- ,id.-, "f ,'."h uni l " ,,-

",,,d"'i<h,~l lx'lIl't",n a wu pt.."f cap> I" <""lit' an ·l -he~m,"

Th i, , liff"n, th,- ,id~, .ndp",,,,.,,t> Ih~m I,,,m It.- ,inl\.So.~·""d, the ,h"h',,, drt· b"n.'<!'il\idl)' t" th~ ,i.l~, t" ,upportlh~ wh"l.. ,t,uclure. In fact,tho, m",,- ,h.-l",,, y"u US<-. Ih.­,t,onll'" lhe ,tructUI'<'

. ,.,U U OCl,Whil<'l"","" ,,-,tn> ,im pk- I" build, I thin k ,ht­,.-~l b.",,-fj, "flh,,,,- ,ht,I,-,,, Ii,,,in !h.-ir.Pf''''.''''', 'Tht'},.,.. ""'"dy' ~n''''l\h '" Us<- in., ,h,'P. \'11atl,,,,,; ,,,· ''''''-' ''lIh In, a t'ulldryn~>m ,'" ,"" ..... ",,,jn~,m,

.. 8y • • rying theheight of lhe,ide f, ame •.yO" ,an build a,he/.i"'} unit '0Wi! ~ny pvrJIOle,

Page 47: Librerías y estantes


now x u y,·o " 7l %"H




CIMft ..........."_.---


Page 48: Librerías y estantes

• To add on anothersection. build anextra ,et of shel~5,but with only oneaddit ional ,ide.

Short Shelving~1ak in,.; " ,h"rn" I·,·"i,,,, " I,h,> shl'l,·in,.; uni, i, , i",pl~'

a ",atl,·, "I d,,<,,·,,,i,,,.; ,h,'

k"'l': 'h ,If !h<' ,iii,." .nd ,'nd<" 1'" "'~. ,h,' d'...·,"I': ., ,...., il';hl. (Ju,' ma k" "m' tpmaintain ,h,' ",ml' ,p.<;n!':

I,,, thl' "",,,,,,,,,',,r ""It,." "",hi' tull-..i,,, , ...·h·i"lI uni,,)

In .ddih."" ,hi' =t", ,,'il,an bo.> I'limin.".J 1m "."h, ide. Ot""r ,hall this, "II pi,.... """ ,>I' ,hi' f"r1, "",I ,Ii<'

"""'rue'''''' .". ,.... ",rtW a,",;,h ,.... lull."i,.· lmi,.


" •• • SHORT











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Page 49: Librerías y estantes

" • AA' ,'.• " @,.. • ,, " "SlOE v,.w • • -, ," Building the Sides" •• ,

• • Th~r~ are two basic ,ompo_- IlL"'!> k, the, shel"in,; unit ~ ..• ••

, pair of s id ,-. and lht· shel,,~•

• • ® I th<lt sp.on 1>o.1w",-0 .h,'m. M,,,,,~ • of ,h.: """,glh ,,{ ,t", .h~I"i"j\AA W, • • unil com,'. from the fact ,h.,

(1;) • th.- ,hd...·, .. '" ...."'.'d to 'he• ,", ,m,• "w,,,", en,.hng .. rigid "''''''',,'''

@ •'" "

, But ~, ....,.. ino.!i'·id....lly. boIh \ho.'~ •

• ~ shel"", and tl>< >idl'S .... built to

@ •" ..isl ,""kin,;. and ","'i.,ting_

• ,·IIM (00I1111KT1O/I. Each sid.· is,m,NCIT,AJI made up oj .. tall- Ildrn>w lr."",,;.<'" «It""", '\:0' , "mdwichedbrlw."n .. J'dir ,,( orod

• _ 1,,,,<1 ' '' I'".as .1K,wn in the drawinl\ at, • l<"f. _lht' fwnc L. ",ined with half

", • lap' and fils into .. ;;'00'-. cut,al"ng I.... """," ,)/ "",h cap_ lht>

V . "'Suit is "n "[·bo" m" ,hdt', rigid

Vand "",i,,," ''''",'ling much bo1h'l1M" the ftam,- ak_ would., Each framt> is made up 01ti,-,' pi,><:e. - .. pair of shle.and Ih"", Tail•. I .lar'..d by cut-

/ting all th<> .til,', and ,.il. to

TOPWIOW .i7<' to, each sid"~, ta king Col ...

••• " • to g"t all th... matching pi""....

@ to th" ."m"l"ngth and width.HAlf lUi, l'I,th the tr"mt' pk't'CS

cut h'.u-", >'ou can ,tart ""'kin;;

• •• '" • •• the halt lap ,>in;'; thdt hold '-""cry_, , thing hW'thcr, H"U 1"f'S ....,d

h"nI to ""'ko'_ But it y,..""" ""'.".

How To: Building the Sides

---Removing Ihe W...te. To cut tM should« of ed,/> h.1f I.p, po,i'ianrrw rip fenc.e.s a stop for rrw r.ill. Then .fter making !he fir>r cu~remo.... tM .... t of trw w.ste in .......r.1 pa.....,

~'i~ ",.,.,-.,'i"t ....n ...........

_''''0,"""""C,...,. ting th.. Cn>« lap• . Fir:s~ mdrk th ... 'houl­d...r lo'.tion of the ( ro" I.p' on the stile._Then, remov<' tM wa,te befWt't>n trw marks,

Page 50: Librerías y estantes

.l To ""p spHd __

bIy. SC1ft05! toP UI#din pl.c~ of cI. mplwll~n gluing up rll•".~pI«"-

do..... ~_,~ mi@:I'II w... k>

toka ....... Ilw b<"a t.-bo.'(,"" .,... ...., a Ial* ...... .-.d •

...... b&ador k> mak Ihr NIt..!Iul k> ......,;,J ""'irlS 10~ Itwwtup> on~ .aw. In <U""'fl..a ltv _ "'p" in Ihr ,.... IinLThorn .f.... ~~ ,~ fioruoh<d w >lh

Iho._. """'~ , 10 Ihr >tdo..f<>r lhr , the rip """"'

.......'Pk> the ....~"i -to t<.>If lap. '"' >WT1 in Ihrd••,w"'l\ "" ,.... ' 'PP'''' '!<> I"K",N<_, n"",n'" the ,,'.,.11.> t><'!w .~....the .n.~, k,•.,- . rId tho.. ......, I~ , ....

....'"'I'i<w with addili<ntl 1"-"(An .u"I~· k'I1a.- ._'<1 ~, .m'..... lId"ll'" ,.-ill hrIp I" pn 'mr-VJl durWlg Iht>h..u.h <uL1

To cu, ,ht .... If ,,,, , .......,.t..... , long ' iiI<- p~.lOW ,ht '''T>. R<-p<.i",'"..... , rip '"""" by ",,,,,,nit il.....~. "om "'" bladr ... ,....haU laps in I.... ",In 00,11....!do """ width 04 ,......,b

v.non oN.... """ c..- LopoWI Ihr lI'Iiddlr <Jllhr!lbk [ did~ dlllftft>lh.', Ile<-._ <Jl Ihr

.I.........., --. ..... """"" Lop..... the ftid <Jlthe ..ciIr, IIwd ...'......l the h,Mi<... <Jlthe>huu1dt-ro,>i Ihr m_ Lop> di n"cdr ,... Ihr

__ ,.,....,. I~ I .........-..J

............... 1><1-00 0-"''''''-II-u, .....--.....t d,..."'"on Ihr ''Pf'' t will g ....YOU ..,... dri.o,l.

""IISSIutl On.-.r.u ....NIt Lop< _ ~. roo c.onM ublt the"-- II to"" •f"ri'" l'I,x d~ <Jl damr'o ....""" t.a4.. ~.,... IIw 1>...I>rk_ ·10 f, "'~.,j•

...' 1>.' cLtmf"-"l .ocn_ ,I> k"'!l'h,11'1 WId ' h.•nd ,'" ", ,<,,~. ,,,md....• . u n' "'" p""' " "',,' I"'>P-•....~', If r'''' .l",,', ho...• ' ho" n,.",yd., ml"'. )'<lu C.' A " ",' .... ·1,"'1\.......... i"""><l... ....'••m.' ri!(hl

NllIl!OUl . This is. g'"", Ii",,'

'" drill'h. h<>It.. in 'h. ,••""..k" the d -dt_ ...~ In,__ Itw -.".,. '" 1>.' ...dI.oi .....Ur, if . imp<wt.onI , ~T'

thr~ <Jl """'"" .........Irnl. 10 rnoJ..o Ihq;o _. dnUthr ---d:i.L ....... on. d..P"'"_ • Irrcr I<> """'r thr ................. ;00 ohtJwn b<oIoo.

I. UI'S V.·,lh thr &....... do ..... mbIo thr I-b<iitm _ tor,odd~ ..... ftid n..".. orNc.p> .'" ";mplv ......... 1>.>Ud•

wi th.~"..~ cut"""" Ihr ........... '0.>c<:ommod.", ,.... f, ,

,.... d ...."nll on ' ho­

"f'PO"'" P"lI" "'.II iVo...~......~-­~', "'" m........'

.... ling ,.... oN c.p'"no.- <ultin« thr poooc...10"""'" ~"",..

.. <u' 1>._ r"''''''!W>-' P"lI"". f<>r. 1\'. ... htMw__ .....~...~_

Ir , "" wvll •• k . <'0'11'''' .ht..:n~ "n 1.... wkll~,~ , ,.,.,.,c.lp_ I -""<Irk up· ,ot , wkl1h"f ,t... gn,,"'~ ,h">uKh m"l lI pl.·p.,,,,,.,. - flippin..: U", ,..,,,.plt.....,...., ~" ,.-..I in li<""n.....

fItof"... ..,Min..: II c"f" ,,, ,Ik'1..",..., "'m("'~ , .n..,p ,'tiKi""",10. mu'." .nd , ..." "",rid·".~r toi' S,." "'i'h ,he end.and , , ,ht k"'ll <-..Ill"""

fl llv. III 'ht _ c"'l" It>

.....~,>flhrfr_.. "'""" .....up" "i'Jo""I' ........ fr_ "'hi!rcWr>pir<t; thftlt, up Tn pr'<'>'ft1I

..... <iilIJ" tn.... --.. .. '" out..<ul • r.- 'J'iilI<"'" t>k",k. ... f"~ ..... <iilIJ"- Thorn r>-'" c.ondamp thI'm Iu_~ ...... "I .....I,.""" ,,·hi "f'OC"" to""'...'''Pro'' ur- . ' • ,,~hl.nKI~ ,,, 'ho' h._. c..."'n~.p.,'f"",I~"<1 -I·

Assembly and Drill ing

~---....-Ifw"-Clon\lIIfwIidt.' lobIy_lht /fngtt\ >W1lt!, andon lht ~. ()n <t'J~""" GIll fMlM ItW!!pn3 ...1t1 ........ to _ ~.

""rE.- AJl_--­_ <>1._

""Tf,_...._­......_....= ",.. -

Drilling tIw HoIn. DriIIItW!! """" "'fa _ fr.n-. .....king ...... tokHjl HdllpJKf com.<StMt foIlht~ fO~in~bIfClamp. fMa to I!W!! drill prt'U fa lHP rM _ llr.oight

Page 51: Librerías y estantes

cDOM "

,", .. . ,

._~ '4'110

cD.... aE..r.- ~''''

OlI .'W'h_.-l<j' ow""''''''''''";g'g;,';K~


-"C!) <,' .~lV, ~

•• I '•• ,..

••• -.. _. ,'<OrE;

,~ @ Ifovt 110' , @.,."

_r>do_ ,I.\-<OM'

0/1~ ""P 1'r.::-- •• -._. • _of""" ..

G .


Simple. Strong Sh.lvesTh~ "",I>Tl' "I ,hi, , '"r.;;t' unil,.,r, ,, . u".l J'Urp<_. fu'ir "",inIu,.",h"n is ~, h,,1d ilt'm" bul lh.oy• l", "'1 .., >l.Ibi1;"t"" .nd p",,;u,'riH~til)-' It' lht' ' '''It''-, unil,

l""'lt >heli i> ",.de up ,>( 'h"",!d,s," in ,h,' ri);h';. Ad,-o' i, "''''WN ,,, '-Kh ,..,d "fl!>t· ""·If. "".tinH' ,'n"'); ri);h'.nl\l,'.nd p"'''idin);. m~.n. "ff""':!ling ,I>.. ,J"·I",,, I" ,he ,iu....

r,,,, <.n "",,,,.•, "'on;- .. y<>ulih ' fur ,,,,,h unil. I "",d,' >t.,.,..,I,,, ~""h l.lll unil. In ony ~o,..·, lhe"hd"", a>n'''' of iu>t • i<",' p"r1s'th"",k~",ndI",,,ck,,,,..To ",., k~

tI>t' f'lrt> ~t",,'kol. I "'~ up" 'h>pbk.: . "n "';- "''','I' );'''');''

H ill HOLES. With oil 'Il< pi,~~."

cuI I" si7<', y"u ~.n drill 1-.,1,.,.in ,!>t. ~k·."" h" lho.' k",,,,k -d,,wn'.''''no."" )"" m,'k".,,,'" l!>t", Me

p,";li"n,-d M.,,,'oh'I~· - Ih,')'sh""ld Ii",· "p " 'ilh II>.. nul." inlho.· f,.""", lJ,.·. ,It>p h!<><'k, thi,li",,' d.mpinl\ il h' I"" Ima' t>n

lho.· dtill p"...., 'd> ,I>t,wn in Ih~

b<" un lho.· '>pp",il,' p");d,A\ \ IM Il1. n.., <;l,'l> );'~. """,d,~

wr nnJ""j on ,'''' h'f' ,'<I);,,,, "nd"nds, •• d,,,.,. 'ho.' I"""" in'i,k,~tl\" of c.,h 01,',,,, os in d,·,.il,'0' .md .~ . " n¢'l .n.,." .,,,-ml>ft.

How To: Build the Sides Icon6nued!'<OTl: Flip <."bP.......-.""....


Thkk ....'of "i~


M;Jking t~ EndCitps. Atte, rutting ttK> pif!a!s 10 liN!, but withit shallow groove in lhtocen,.., S"....k up on me width of lhegroove by I"kin<} multiple P'I"e, witll I"*' dildo biMJe.

Roonding !he E~ RemoVf! lIJiJrp edges witha router"00,, FOundover bJ't before "dding the <"ps 10 the""me<. St"rt with th~ end$, "n<! !hen the Ion<} edt]e<.

Page 52: Librerías y estantes

Ib.... ..., dt'l.lil '." ,n....~.on.l

><n"W Ihr I>r<><,,",," ", ...dl iroiid</..., 01 ......,. oidoo. AlIt.. "'"~io dry. then 0 Wx ....~ c"" brh 1n.J __ T.-.

-.lot 1I'l1i11 n-.. of Ihr .....Ihro(i;< Ihio~" .mod AnJe.h_., dt..-·,

""'.."'bo-ltIr_....... ior'5.lhr.... 'f*"inIl io lhr_

For add,l......f ""'to. build~o otwhw.ond 0 Mdt b-"-.-..... n. w.,- odd«d """"".... nt;hIlo _ J....II'pIooc.-Ihr _ kJi_>rilh ..............lnr-~.. dofto.- =. uobbno.

_ I would ""M""I ..oil finIoh O......l GtwrrII f ..II<-V'lt.~. ........ c "II" rnari«d u p "'- <-t;o<ts. bul111.. m"" m,noo ..,.0_

tIw >h<-h by lIluu'lt.on<! """-'W-

inll tIw 10 tIw cl<.ol>. l<Ia,~

• •'- "l-'"--.NCb ""'I." Ml To ...ff<n Ihr _ .......

-.I pn"_ Ih<m from~odd 0 brolC'lr 10 Ihr~ ai-n ohrIf Thio brolC'lr io 0 nontJW

~ ai W\nj .....~. """'ried ...h>Ih "-m ..1htboaoInrWw b. Ih IhotI~ 10 Iht\luaa ai ltIr o&Ia-.nfl_ ID odd~

...........~,;IurIrngthoof -~ U_'5 '"Ihr ....... -"""" ai .-il otdln.~.. doOII ond Ihr ....1<........i.'5Iht~""'*'I\'lwo> orrf."~ IIw qu.o""".......,.j -.ldinR. ~ ..... 10 gIw it'" I. Iht doOII -.I Ihr ........

(001001(101 10m Afuot gluing"t'<'" Ihr ........... 10 Ihr oid... ...;!hCi'nn.cto. b<~". U.lnK on Allen...·,,""'h. Ih..-..! , bolt in'o 0nut Ih....., .n id "c.1 wid~.

fl." 1Y.od. A. Ihr nul . n:l t'<~1 ....

ti)\h~......J. thry pull it~""""I . ...""hk~ll"" '~".;:.' SY"~'m

on ~'I"~ ,"" w,,,,~b<,,,,,h~, makeil ,,••It' ' . St."t I",,,, t.... bott"",.00 wo."u p. Slid,' . .... 11tI,,,,,n In"" the '''p .n:l 1••10.",'w,!h """"","".. t'<i '"

' 1'I1l11S l drodtd '" ..&:I leg.......wn '"c""p" _ It..............

Build theShelves

--"­_.-.... ''''......---

o . .-M_-b. 0

". ....cnr


" •..Il) " ... ,,~

._~ M_ , ,- ... , •• "lI,""""~.-,.~ "';;t' -,- -..- --


,••, ,,


•Drillifl'} rM 1IoIP,. VIII' up rile ho~ In 1MfrOfMS by cMmPng 0 JIOp bIo<:k fa rM ff>rK~

on rM dtiIIP'"S- TIloM. drill rM h%!1.

AppIy"'fI1MMoldIng. ToproOO~rnT rMkmg. 9MqUdfT~H'OOfl(J

moId",g fa NCh imi<kc<>merof~~I. M;ol~wre j'OlI.ppfy~giuf> fa both rM (INrandtMsJat fa Mlp k""'f)~pm rigid.

Page 53: Librerías y estantes

lfl -- -..;;;;::;1iiii iIII«u:.::ooIII


Page 54: Librerías y estantes

basic bookcase


bi"",;" lk,kt Ilk' c."", ~')\<.'ht..­

.nd 1"'-' f""" f,.m,,,,., "..,11. Andin ca",' it"> b<"m a whil,' ,inceyo,,'w had l'our ~,jn,'. ,,,,I oflhe ca,,', d,m 'l wo.ry. All )",un,,,,,1 ,,, ",·membe. is I" h ...·py"ur ~,;n,·.·, line of ",'f,·",,,,,,,,,\',,,,, ",ilh 'lk' llyoul Ii",·

If you <.1<",', '\WIl" p\,l.... ~~"'.,.,<1<",', f,,~ li!<t· l'''' "",j ~'~'CI'"''

..-..J buy ,>no,' i.... I." Ihl, pn:oj"ln.... I>..,k<:""." Cdn "t..., ,....ily 1>.'built ""nK m"",' ""adill"n.l"~>i",.'),. N,,,,,. i", j"'1 .' """ ofd,,,~tI,,~ whi<'h "',k· ....f b<.,k<: 'you w.n, ~,b"ild

' ho.' "nly diff""",w "'os dw Iyp<'of wmd lh.u w"-, "",-.J.

CITAlll. n... n,·,' ""I' ".., to.>dd tho.' "knll"* IMl I\dw ""chb""k<".,,' it> uniqU<' .pr""'.~,first, ,'<><h un" Jo;t~ a sliJo:hUy d il­it' f,u- fram,' - dnd "'." dlop P<'nd .md ">me add;I""",1mold;n~. In lho.· ,."..1, 1 ""'., ,,'<1Ih",' diff'·"'f1'.k-.\kin~ b<~\k<:a..'" >-imply 1»-' eh.mgin~ ,lk- "" ..>< d fe", (~lk...d"L,ik

11\(Utl JOINflY. Th,"'" bo"k·ea,..,; ~o 1,')\<'llk" fairly 'luiekly

"".I e<"i ly.0.,.. """'" 1.\1 Ih" i,,h.lI ' lk' y w.'<I pl.,,· ~\i""ry. Th<.

Begin with one master plan and end withthree designs. Country. Contemporary,orTraditional - you choose.

A' ,.~'" as I ,j'''''.kd 10 build alxdue."',l ",,,-, U"",kJ with

i<i..... ~by"", an <~lk Ix)"k".,,·with l..d ilk.....1d,'\<,ils ,,"kl 1>.'n"~' . 11<'1 tho."Ill'w ai" ,,, li kedlht· h,k "fa","try pin Ab<~,k·

<..,.. bui lt fr"", "",po, wiln d"an"",I,,,,I"""'Y lin<., ",,,uld fit injus! .,bnul a",'WIk'n',

WdL in'h'.d of ch'k"in~.

1 d."id,>d to bUIld a ll 1ft""" Icould ,,,sil.- d<> this 1>."."", It>.;.'.U start out th< "'Ilk' wa •. f.><hl>o.k,o'ca,,' lx'll'''' with" !>.lSic"c."," m.lJ,. upof ,;ido.... ,hd.."",and ,h,m" I>.>co.. Al ,hal I", ;n•.

r,;>difiorn>l oak C"",nlty I'i~ Co"fempo,aty Ma~

Page 55: Librerías y estantes

IkEUding the BookcaseUnd"""'ath the f<le<' fra""'" andmoldin~ ,,j I""'" b",nkea,... i,jusl " ,impl~ ca",,; ""lid w,~>d

'id,'" "''''''''Clod with fi"" sr..·h",and a bad " as,huwn in the dr"w­in~ al><>v.,. Bt'St "f ,,11, the pi~c<'S

are pn>lly much the ""me fur ,,11

,,~ , ",.••


,~t I /<Orr,/ ' ~;':;:1-..,

1/thn" nj the honkea ..... nn ""'lttvrwhich ynu'", buildin!\-

GlUE U' 'A NElI. lh.' f'r<;! ....k for

you to t.><kl.> is ~Ui"l'! up tho> solidw,~>d pant'ls, n.." tw" ";d<",. andfi", shoi,''''' a re alll'iUl~t up lit""~..-thickslnck.Mt~r th~ pan~ls It;w~ bt.-""

plant'd 0..1, lheycan bt.-CUIIo>ize.Acrurocy is impn rtant hen'. If the1'o'""ls an",'l e<>r1.,i,tt'llt, the CdS<'

wo,,'t ,,,,d up "l"""'- Sn to help

a .Siz< ,_,

~~ .-@ b«Jc~""

.J- . , I -..~ ®-b.

~-• •


"""- I @~.

~'O. etoac.,

•• -',, " ....._1(>

with 1ht'Se Innll panels. I u...oJ asi mpl~ pan~l <ulti nll iiI\. whichk11T1(' cu' t.... lotg<vr pit'CeS.

Tht' 'idt'S are~." wider than thesr..·I\'t'S. This~ ,tr" ".-..... the /"r Ih~ bark.. '" r cui a rabbelalonll lhe hack ed~ "f each sideI" hold i~ .." d'1ail 'a' ab""e

Nnt<, With the "" k and maplecases, I used p lyw"<><J fm th~

bao;-k (>Iillhtly Wld." In . Bul f"rI.... pine h<.,kca ,." I purcha.sed a

How To: Case Construction ""'.,... TOrVI••


BM;k to BoUk. With 1/1(0 two sides clamped Nek·to-bad" lay 001 the bottom edge of ea<h shelf at<<'flter!i"". for the biscuit <un.

Cutting rtlfo Slots. Wif/) a strair;fl~ e/<Jmpt!d onthe layo"t line, "'" the 00... of the pla te joiner as areference for the rh"'" cuts in each~_

Page 56: Librerías y estantes



• •

, With the lace ftame a ttache-d,'!!ach bootcase is giv'!!n adj,tinctive look by di ffer·ent molding, ~nd def~ils ,

'1.. 2'1, · 55%%>3 - 31

% ' 1~·31

~ x14 ·40

'110. 2 '1, - 55'110% <3· 31

"' x 4'h - ll%x I4 - 4O% , 4 -37~

% , 4 - 12 '" ",·.4\;"· >,. _0.' r>.'5 1d.Ft-J

, Afr"r til" basic "cas,, " isbuilt a lac'!! fran>e is add€?dlot Sfr'!!ngUl. US'!! bis<:ui!> tojoin the f~c'!! fr~me parts.

D f,ller Blocks 12) ~. v. - 4• (461'16.WWi"' S'adl


CUI .An.liLS (co••n 10.u 100«0"').... Sides m ·1.. 11'';'·55% ",. d· . 11· r__fdle J/l<1. Ft f~

B Shelves (5) %" 1 1 ·34'1, A

c IlackW v. -'IIopty.- 35~ "51 %

OlllOOlUU( 5t,~(2J

f Top Raii (1)G Bonom !lad (l)H Top (1)I From Ap,on (I)

I 'ijde Apron<; m

PINE 100lUS!( S,i1es (2)F Top Rail (1)

G llonom Rail (I)H Top (1)

(61.8, 1... • Rh 5m'w;(6) 18 flat Washers(1) 2" Cove Molding (6ft)(16) 3d f ,n" h Natls

.nLliOOUin( Stiles(2) ~ .2!1,·55~

F TopRail(l) ~ d_31

G BonomR.OI(1) ~x 4'h - ll

H Top(l) %>13·38(6).8 . 1... • Rh WO(lljS(rt"W';(6)'8 Fidt Washers

I:'<,.,kd 1",,",' plyw,~>d pio.w thd,

w"" . 1"""" Ill' thick,IWI ~IOI! 101 I' ! IWII! Al ,hi;

point, the ,lot> I,,, tht- bi><ui"can be cut. W"h the ,;de panel>,tI... "''Y lhin~ " thdt tht' 'W"i"l\,",>I> .Ii~ S<' the ";"'1'"I's willI:'<'k", e l wht'fl the C""" i> "",",'<>ehi<-\" thL" Idamped "'" two...""'S back-~>-b.>c k and tht'l1 I.idout the 1:'<>If<>m edK'- ,>I """ >hell

I"""",,, In Ix" "" ''PP''';h' pa!;,,),A ",aighh'<:l;;<' d. mpo.'<:I ,m ,ht'

1a"oulli"e 1:'<"(,,,,<", ,n.- "",,,,,,,'T"

thai tn., pl.... ~"""rbut" .".'i'''',., ,til""" in the ",-"on,l ri"h,d"'",in,,. I <ul ,h,w ,I,>!> in .,...h,id.·,o the ~" nt ",ould be pk'l1ly,t'''''g It" tho.' ""-1...,,"

Aft." th., ,10" ,m- cu' in ,h~

sid,,,,, matchi ng , I"t, c.n ",. cu,in th., .-nd, 01 ,h,' , hel,..." )""l ike th,' ,id,'" yo,,'lI "". theb",., (n,,' tht- I,-nc~) 01 th<- pl.",~>in.-, '0 "-f,'",,,«, the cu".

l UlliNG lHI II U Once ' ho.- bl>'

....i' ...." a", ",mpk'h'<:l. th.'I1 yo..,an dry . , ,,.,,,bk· tho.' ca,,'. n-....,tht> back can be ,~" '0 fil bel",,,,",,

tht' ..bIx.~,Au'" with the topan.!both>m ,ho.-I""" ("',- tho.- d,a",in~,m tho.' l.King p.,~...-).

With ,h~ b" d, c.., '0 ,iL." it',,im., '0 Imd ,ome<"',' 10 h<'ipyo" g." th,' ca,,- a",-mbl ,' d- it's a big iob, and yo.. ha\'~

'0 w<>rk quic kly In ord." '0b,,~'

my,dl a litt le ,-,"a tim~, I u,,>da ,low ,,~ting gl"e. A"d I ,im­ply"" ,he back in plac~ to hold.,,'~"hinl\ "l"a,,-.

M h-' 'he glue d,i"". you c""""i1 ,ho.' b,'<'k in pla<...,. It', awk·,,'ant h' .pply fini,h ' 0 tht> bac k.fl,·, i", in".,I"'d, "-> I wo"ld

'''m'''' d'""g ,h is b...lo,,' "" ilingtht' b.><·k in pi.....,.

t In<~' ,he !>.K·k j, in pklCC. till in'ho.- ,abl>o.~, lx'I."" the pl}'w.,'""'Tk·I. Tn do thi" I , imply cu'1\0.'0",..,11 hlk'r l>fnrKs tosi>" and'ho.'I1 ~lk'd th.'rn in pla<,-'. a, }'OU

ca" ",-,,' in d''''il '1>' on ",gc 54.


Page 57: Librerías y estantes

You can find ..U of ,he dim~n·

>i<ms in ,I>e d,awing,ad i'io"aUy. the Iwo .til", and

two ,a,l.of a f""" f,ame would be~'i.....'<! wilh morti",' and ",,,,m.(which y"u can u,., if you d em',h"wa plaW ~'in(") , Bul who.~ht.",

you build , ho,' f'am" wilh m",..lis<' .nJ I.",,,,, '" d<'Cid.. '" U,o,'

.. r h i, oakbook(a , ~

js Mdressed",pM wi f h(0"" mold­ing and a--

NOlT,'0« /,,_Ouilt~i¢~y

_rho""...._-JoUil 'O'

Traditional Oak BookcaseWith ,h" b••k cas<' buill. if.tim,' add ,ho;- d~m~n" 'ha'gi'-"each bookca,~ il> pa"kul.,"h><lk ," Th" plac~ '0 .'art i.with 'he fac~ f,.m~_

fAU fUIIlI, R''ll,udk.,.. of which..yk' booke.... you ch""".,. ,I><ca... ",ws. f""" f'amo.'~' . hff",it .nd p,..wnt il fmm ",,-king_

s a . .-'"


,~ ~-m -biK"it


'"• . orm...





/,.-"",I"fIy- <-....",....

@80rrO... AAn

(4\', .111

biscuits, you' ", going '0 ha\'~

,I>e same chal"'ng~, You h.",,, tobuild a larg~ f,ame lhal ro,-t'fS'ho.' t"dg'" o f ,tw ca.., t'Mctly, Andif ,ho,' c...., is ~" ('(f a link' ou' ,>/<q\l<l"'. ,lit' f,..nw w",,', l>e If",,,,~,-~n if W. ,lit' rom", "i7~'

To ""1\,,, thc_ pn-.l>k'm. llik<' tobuild ,ho.' fae<> bit wid,,,,

How To: Buildingthe Oak Bookcase

Building ffle Framf!, First size rile frame a bit wider rhantile case. TIle ,lot< for tht> biscuit< are fllen wI. Once thefra""';s pur fOgE'tht>r. glw if to tht> front of tht> (ase,

Routing aStopped Cove. Once the face frame is glued InpiMe. use a hand-held router to <ufa 'to · ,lopped<0Vf' onthe ,files. The <0.... should.fOp flush with~ rails,

Page 58: Librerías y estantes

than i!;cdlkoJ for, fo, u...... I><~,k·

c.""', I ripp<oJ t"" ,tik· pi""...,. .hai, wid~ lal><>u, lin .•s in do.'!.>il'b' on oPf"",ilt· f"#" Then d{t,'r,h,· f= fr.",,· i. Slu,.,j to Ih~

...,.'. ,rim u.., "'-:I,,,, 01 ,.... f,.,m,·Au,,", wi,h ,.... " .....

ITltU& U~I , Tol>uild~ Ira"....I .L" >d b,' cutting t.... "ilt-> 10kongth ' the Itl' d,a,,;ng on~'W ' f'W'. Th", I rirf'toJ thems1igh'ly wid<', Tb; ttl' , , ....t I><~­

It"" ,.iL sIlt""n on ,.... ''PF''"ilt'f"#'. can bt' cul tt, IinN-oo.J '""".

N,,,",' }" >U Cdn '>u' a ....t cuI~sl... for the b,<;cuils, (0, )'OU canrut th<' n.."""".md len<>n joints.)MI,'\' the Ira"... is gJ...,.;I I''I\'....'\',gJU<' it tt, ,h<> In." 01 the c",'\ (b<"..... bo","" d th<' pn,..'",,", I"'il"l-No'~ ,ho' ,h,' bottom ,ail

""'ouldn·l Au,,", wilh ,lit> b<".10m ""'If ' d,'Wil ... . on ,il<''PP<"il~ f"il'" If. I,'P edfW ......isup .. . k",'t"l tMn the .il<11 tt, Cll.L

.lit'. ,;mpk' "",-",I<it· "Now. th~ ,Iil~. o{ ,h< f.ce

f,.."", c.m bt' 'rimn....d flush. .. ~,,,,,j ti",,· It' &,'1' y'>u' blockpl.>",' 00' and m.,k" """dngs, ..sin the "'''' ,X\ 1',&,. 56

\'{"h the I.",," fra",,' trtm"".J, th<'lasl thing tt, ,It, is """ a .tt'PP'.JV. "awe alo,'Kthe ""t,,;id<> " """"'..nlWn in~ S<'Ctru d,.." injI; ,.,

th<. """,..i',·f"jl;lt. This ;" ,""y tt,do wi,h 0 h.>1ld·hdd ""',,.. - the~ n..ts ,,,ooy on th<. I,..,,,,·,Toend til< ""..... flush with the ,.,il,.I l,an'{,'IT(oJ I....i, in,itl,· .'<1;:.".-moo; the ,Iik" with d "JUd"'.

111M & lO~, V,l th I....' I..." I,..n....

rornploct.., it's tim,' '0 ddd , .d!'Mil. 1il.'1 mok<· Ihis ",~,kco",

di.linct. !'iN. I mod,' • "'i,/<'1t'P and dn_oJ il up wilh a"'"mt>ldi"l;, Th",. I add,oJ ..n ,'m"'a,,>und the 1><>Il<"" of th<. <_',

I'" ~."Il, Ill"-",' )'''' Cdn odd the"w!' ",,>khn!;. th<. V -Ihick f"""10,~ "'P ",••1. tt, 1>.' gllk.1 rul to ,i;oA> • You Cdn ,,-h', tt,tho,. d r" wings bd""", 1<, "II."" fo,"". "j """,.n...,,1. I drilbl ,"',,,"'""h,mk Ix.", arod ,....>d n>undlx'»d" "n'WS " rod w"4><",, lt' .'!dCh th<'tt'P. en., "'P l< <l'flM'.J ";· """ Au;h ",oth th<' t.>o,'k.j

(\IYI MO'D' "~ , wm, ,h,· 'opf""'~ in pi......, you can ",..It"""kon in"wlling lilt> ""'~ moldinj;und,,,,,,,,,h the Itl', shuwn in th<d,a"'in~ br·low. (I lound ,h< 2"­'" >d,' "",Idi ng at d lx'Ill<' a'fllt·,,)

Cm',> ",,-.ldi"l\ """,,," k.",,,,,/.

.lI ",lti,,&- it ""lUi"'" mrnF">und01;1,·",. Thi. typica iiy m,'an.ornWinJI "'" mi""- pUI\" ,,, ,,j ' i l ~"l\

""'""w bl.ldt·, Ru' y'>u ".... rna...'the """I' m",,'h ,W>i<.,., by k.."'i01j.(

IIx· ~I.ld,. "'lu,',,' tt' u... tabk· ~nd

lihin~ ,Ix· a'W mt,ld;"!\- 1 "". a,impk.· cradle. lin ,ho.. mi"'" g.>ul\'·tt> Ix>kf tho,. "",. ""oldinjl;.

The ",tt.., I,ick III CUlling tt,..milt'T'> ,,!OCt_fully. i. It' puI y'>u'1"1'" m,·.,u,,' "w"y, In"'·dd. cuiII,.. 1"",1 ",m." ,,{ ""., sid,,· ,mdlho'fl ""Id ;t up ,,, the ca",.ndmMk Ih,· h.'fk ,.,jg~. Aft,·, it's(u. tt, ~"'glh, "'I"'dl Ihi" p"~"'~

.I" .... ~" Itt.· ,~il<, ,id,' pi......· ofmoltfirlj; ..nd d.,mp ",~h sid,,> inpi...", T!K·n. """k " p un lite fi",,1~'nj;lh of t....· I,onl pHo"!' u",il ilfi" b<otw...., ,.... "'Ies, A. y'''' can.... br·I,,,,,. just "" il ,....' "",Idlng '<""ik.J '0 til< tt'!' .rod tho" c.',,'

1IlIIHOII No",'. IIx' k"'l pi""",'0 .,dd ..n' .h,,· fronl .",d , id,'"p""'" .,,,,,,,,,1 lbr' b.>,.\ ..,' righ'd,.,win~ ""1,,,,,, Thl's<> 1'"''''''' .m'~'in,'d wi,h s;mpl,· mil,'",. I!u'",ofo'" ""'tinj; l!>e milt·,.,.. "",Ian''1:'" p",lil,' alon~ lho' "'P ,'d~~.

,," )'''' ("n ..... in d,10il 'a:AI"'ch Ih~ "p",n pi,.,."" '0 ,ho..

ca<;< Ih,' ..m,' way a. ,h~ ' op.Bu'.• lIow fo, w,~"j m'l\','m!'n'by d<illing """";'-!, (",-d id.)sh"nk hoi". In Ih" Cd,., .id,,>.",d u<;ng ,"undh.."d sen'Wswi.h w.",h'·r<..l< i" d"'dil -.:Th,·n . I" ""'p Ih,· mi"'''' lij;hl...pplv glu,' 1<' ,' ....h In"'l "'m,·,.

NO<€.--. ,.....-.<I to <0..- ~I_., m,.." only

NOTE,-. <JD€ AP#ION<OrO ,"' t/'i<' ru t. " lOng!

...·_n:-:-JGt==l.~ .

SfCTIOfI 41;

v'Ewo,•' 0_.- ,.

(3''''" long)

.""'. U CTIOfI V'EW08.' 1<0"


o .

NOn :c_..,_on <"'" -'''1<U, ,,."'""g

Fitting the CDVI' Molding. F!f5t miter t/lf! fronr eras of meM<> side piece<at>dwt~ to ~nglh. Then. mill'/' thro frontpj«e to frf snugly bE'tINo'l'I'l them.

Adding thl' Apronl. fiM four sn agee profile on thetop edges. Use rour>dhud Kit'''''' ~r>d w~shl'I'5 througho"""ize holes 10 ~ff~ch Ihe mirert'd piKe"

www.Wood.mi.hSpt.Ci.l .. rom

Page 59: Librerías y estantes

tht- bo:>tlom ,.,il in PklC(- (witht",t~Iue) \<, "~'p lilt· '"lua,,-,n...... tht> bo:>tt '>rTl 'ail c.n to.. gIOJt'dflu>h with "'" top of tl><- bo:""""sho.·IL II! .... ,,,Itl al", .lilln withtt.. ""1<.< on tt.. Sfi""'.....""n ind,,,.iI 'a' obt"-e_)

TO~ ~ COVI MOlDI.G. Mit" youtrim ' ho.' f..... I,am,' nu,h withthe ~.,., "nd 11", coW pn,fil,- i."'''1'..... On Ih" o'l!,iM edg,,,,..11 Ih.l's 1.-1, i. It' add It.. '''pand "''''',. tt.. moldi"g.., in lilt>d,.win~ . I><"'e, AWOin. It' rut tI>e"'''''I''",nd mite" k" the moltl­ing. 1u,....... a a.dle jig,

11.11" . To !\iv~ tht-pine a warm,!\oldt... It"",. 1fi"" applit'<l a w".1condilion,-, (h> "",,uc.- blotch­ing) arod tht... "'.i"'..... ..... ""."'.00n0.'Y maple ",k", n..... J ....dt-dd fL'w uldb vi a w if'MJIT fini>h.(I h.d pa;n""" tilt> he....,"" b;I~k

bt·lort> ."""hing it It' the «.."'_1

--Foo' l><'9in>or bonomof"",W~, ...

SfCOHO, G'"'blP> ond to(>


NOTE:C_mir.n"" «wo """'''$.<ut ...", u""'" J"J._ro"",,,,,_ll

-- I• •w ..I•

@W JTOM ......

/ll;.llJ-A ....h bonom r~il

~-"""'-mpr~ "'~ <JIuod to "',.

NO"" AJI 1>'«0'

""-""'" t~·..",_"'9}

Country Pin. Bookcos.In additi,,,, \<' It.. ,"' k ht.>1".",", • h.'w 'imp'" .... juSfnwnls to tt..I al,o w,mt",1 to huild . I,·" l ht' iklinll P" ""'"1",m.1L "count,y· n·"ion. "".. Th,' 'i....· ,>I lho.· f."" f,a"", i,pht~" "htwe. I~r... w"" lho.· '*"-'i- tt.... ",me ." Iht· ""k ht",kc.",',,,,,,,·hui<>.· k" tho.' w,--.:1. Oul t"'·,.. - eXH'rt f,,, tho.· holt"m ,ail, I""''n' a I,,,,, ,~ho." dd",I, I loKI in ,t.m,1 by ruthnl\ th,· ,iii,,,, topmind a, ......·11 .(I,-d1<, !\".,'II.., 'ail. and I><,IIom ' ail 1<,,;'-.., N,l!t· ,'.'ht.......'d kltlk." Ihad lW,,,J,!h.·,,,,,1 n.... bollom ,,,il i, only I,," wide,w.'y' in mind. bllt I d<'Cidt,1 \<' u",' whid> i, h' """,,w \<' ",... hi..pi",· plywood, which wa, much ruils, So;', 1jU'1 ",...,1 tho.' bi,...... il> lO,"'"''''loin,l.,II .) cn.. \<·" U-..h" pt'd _"",hly ""tIUt>lD un FiNt of an, 1 wanhi 01 tt.. stilt...rod top "'ii,lho.· ~ast· ,,, lowe a b<-.....-d back 8ul bt1o", !\I"inl\ t"""'· Ihn,'Typ; ~a ll y. this would b,. ind; · pi<~.... \<'l\dht... I shapt'ti lhe k,""id".1 ,..,lid wno.>d ht'''d', but I on tht· I>.,"om, irNdt· t~Il\'''' of tht>k",nd ., hl\ ,ho."'1 ,>/ bt..dt'd pi",· "ilt><. I dry .,...'ITIblt..... "lIlhe 'ail>plyw•• '" that w., mud> ,..",,,, \<' and ,m lt.,.,.u-.d dn"" tht· f',n.'mouliru;L,II. (1l'>t> pi)",""'" w'" .I><'ul "n""'" stilt'. "" in d<..., il 'a' . bo:.....V lhicl<.,.., tl><· ..l'bt1 in lho.· \>.><:k n....... you can ru' tht> m>lile "ith"I 'ho.' ca..· ' id,,, i., ",1 d<~'pt-,,) • b.u,d '"w .nd ..nd il ,,,,,.>tIt

IACI IUMI. n.... olho.·, b;~ di l· ~adrum"'nd<~.

lelt'!'K't' )'''it'li rouce i> lilt- ""h~- The bcnom r~jll'dll<>chl.'ddl~r

m,fi" on tilt' bt>ttom "I tilt- I....... tht> U"""-'I"'d .1.""-'ITIbl}' """ hot...f,,,,,,,', Thi, p,,>fil~ ,>1'11,' "'luin'd I\lued 10 lhe ~.,*, I did d"mp

, A Pdintedtx>aded·panellM~k

add' a"countryNto<Kh to th;,book~a",

Page 60: Librerías y estantes

_'J-- _____~ , J 8

. - .@TC/'

,.­.- _.~


NOn,5I''''and lOp ..."'. "'~',,",t< .,.

W rhi<.

,• •

10. F~OO<I' ..CTlON VI£W

NOn, •...,"""'" p,," ,."""'" ,"'"' ba<" loe..



•• • The (iKe frame'~ONT VI'W 1'0f'.-...:0 --'- ....... lIM:> thkk-, , _0<_

-,- andfeaf:tJn!S<II. IN.,,. I --" -Classic Maple BookcalCt01 ,h" .h,,,, bookeaso.'S_ lh i. bthe ,imp....., to ""'ild. Thl'!\", "'-'mold;n~ 'n il'»101i al .he ~'p url>->ltnm - jU.l a f...., !>',1m<' lWi,ha ru";N k'f' ,ailland a !\lut'<l -uppancl on k'f' l_ ph<>tt, al rW>').

liCl IUIII. Aft~r ,h~ mapl~

ca.", is -.nbW. ~~'" can l>q;inw,,,king on 1"" fa.... i,am~. a.<hnwn in ,h~ drawin~ abo,"e,"",,-,1". uniqu~ abuu"hi. fram"is .hal ,he "ih and I'aib are di'­kn'l11'hic..........., ] ru t tI", .hk..In"" ".--,hick s',xl<. lou' tI", ~'p,ail and l>->lt(>rT\ ,ail ".,.-,hick.

10' U II . ('lr.ct> ,he >Iii,.. andrail,; haw"''''' rul to si7". ru ' tht'<un.., un the ~'f' ,ail. lhen' an- aroupl<' way. ", lay "u' the rurw,y,,,, C;lI'l t'itht.,. d,ow a half pat"..",and Ir..... i, <mo the "''''4'"''''' orputamurk' lliliL<m tho> back laa>nl 11'0.' ,ail blank. bend a A",ibl~

>Ir.i~k'<ll';~ bctw,,,,,, lhem. ond

"...., al<",1'; ,hi, e.JK<'. A 1~1fn'W

>trip "I' Ij," h,udho"n:1 wutl>< lb·ible,'"ou<V> f",. a curve this larw>.

When the rurw is I"id '''',. rutil wi.h a band ""'w 0' a jig ""'w,Slay .o ,he wa,t<' ,.;,].- of thollin<'and >and i. srm.~h with a drum>ande, in the drill pn",.

N""t mula If "",nd<n',.,. on aUthe f...., fr"".. pioln.... fl,.,...,...j "",rboth In",. e.J1';<'S ol' thoI ;lik.... bt"jusl on the h",.,. ,,11';<" lthe Io,,~.,.

'-'<:Igo ,>I the "'f' ,."il and tht· upp''''<'<II'" ,>I the b<,",,,,, rail).

Now, """'fl1bl.' I..... f fram,'wilh ,h" bi«ui" _ ,h diU",....... ,hick"""""" milk" you work-b"< kwa,,,I<." InSh'ad nl ,..ork­ing olt Ill(' Imnl faces, layout andn.f~"""", ,he pl.t..' joi""" ,'" ,<L I"U'S 01 lho..... pit"",", l1l<'fl

~] .....' ,1'0.' 1aCt' f,am<' "'I';."ht-, ,,,,1'0.' Col"'. Thl· uppe' '-'<:I~" "I ,h ..both'm ,ail i.n'l flush wi.h ,....."'P 0/ 1"" I"""" ;hdf. (Ok. ,ail><'1> ~." bd"w ,..... " 'f' 'uri....,.)

IO!' '.~ll. All," ,..... f. C<' I",m"is trimm,,j Aush wilh 11'0.- ",dt",glu,' up ,..... ""lid W'K"; f"""] fmtht' "'P' &"alL,<, tht'n/s no mold·in~ un"'-'I'I'l<,,'h the "'p, it', , im·pi}" mad,- ", "wrhang .1'0.- fnm'and .id", by ] -, "'-'<' d"'.,il '.:l1l<'fl '''' il> 1n",1 .md ",d~ <'<11';<'"n,u' a"'" n>und",·,.,., ju,' like tht­""'-.. "n , f,"me.

Fi""ny, "''''''' ,he "'P 'n ,h,­<a,., ,,-'i"l\ ,w.....i,,· ~,".,j ia . >ha"kholes '""lIow tho.- f'uk'i """'pandand cnnlTart with humidity.

T" the b<.'ke_, I w ipt'<lon thn,<,"",,, 01. """ in" finish,

Page 61: Librerías y estantes


Page 62: Librerías y estantes


ADD-ON BOOKCASESure. it looks great. But that's only partof the story. This project is also versatile,easy-to-build, and solid as a rock.

I 'onl}' L,k,,,,,,,.. yuiek ""'k at tilt- phot" "Ith.-I,," t<> "'" lhal this c1.",ic-lwking h.x,k·

c.... is. ~n...t ""Y' torr,,,,,I,,rm "'>n><'unu"od"""II spa<'<' 3",1 tum it ink' ,'('""hl.. 't"r"~t·_Altho,,!¢'. iI', "'~ unlil you ~d ,n,,,.n "I tho,'

mn,true!i"" d"I.lH, th." y,...." .•l('1u"II" "bk'to d,'w tho.' wht,I,· ri(~un'_

ONf IHUl. Tho.' llip k>ll... 10"*""'3,,1 '..,ill",'wry' qukk aro "1>V un th<' ",.11..1, ()no., ""-~1

,>f ~.' ply,,·.x..t will ""ki·b<~h 1I-o.,,,,,",'.md.1I

tI'l" shel",,>, And, by thn""in.-; in " ft..... b"'rd1>.1 "I h.Jntw""d '"mM.nd. pit"" "I ".pl,....~••t )''''''''311 >t't to );0.

IH/ .-IICS Once p""", back at tho.- shop,thirw; willj;() iust as ....y. Thi, bc.,kca,<' "buIll to ,1.100 lip It, iu-'l "bou' any hld . .md~,,,.n it ~lkes It" ~"OU to ac<t,mpli,h th" Os"""'-' h.:1.;k ~""'''Y ~"hniq .......

fu' c~"" is buHt ..... ith 'fuMy, but <'a,v-lo­CUI, k"'/;"" and d.d., ~,i","Y. So yo,,'ll how!hi> f'''1 ," lht' pr"j.~1 k'l;<'II><.,. in "', tin....t.11 , Tho.- f""" 1,.",,- is .,Iong ,I-..' '"'''''-' Ii",,,.Oi"",il ~""'''Y rn.du.'S thr ~>b qUick and ,....y

wi'ho"t s.><Tif"inll .ny """',,:U>. Tho.'I>,. <"""you .>Jd ",m.,. >h<>p-rn.>d<' ,rim. lht- lx,,""_·~,...... on a whol< "'_w h,'"

Out, lx'h,'"" it '" "ot. tho-",', 0"'- """'-'f,,,·tu", thot mak<. Ihi' p,,>jo.'<l ,,'"'-'" ",--tk-" And.tho,r, how ".s~' it is k' .-spand !h<- "'-"l...,,,,tn fill .n ""h,,' ",.If 'f''''-,'' you ,an ,,~'

'I>o.'..... n in the pho~,.' right. AU ynu ho,·.. dois build mul'ipk ,."". 11,..n yo... c~n ,im·ply m,><;lily th\' trim. bit, .,>J (."t,·n tr..·mk,!:,·th,·" This .11,."". «m,','n;,'nt sp'-~ t<,plde.. b...o"'•• rt, .."II,,,,.,,, 0' .my otlk>,i""''' y"" miw>l hd,',· "'.tt,,,,,j .",,,,.1 tlk'I><,u",. s.." Ill'"'''' "0" might iust '"'v th,\!this pn'>j<'<l is "or'" d,."i~'T1 htSdIl, "

......,\'<ood 'mi th Sf'<'Ci.I •.«>m

-' If you like file ioo o of tlli,project. up~nd it to ,O'erdn enr"e """ii. 5ep<t'dte boll·togefiler unif> mdke it ....W

Page 63: Librerías y estantes

/110ft' ..... _ _------_et""",.-


BOW .. u y,"O .. 7] %"H



-~""p •-­_.--

"tJrE,-,,-,00<1"'" u.._..--


"""rr' r.... _., '-"'1/ _ ""....._""-.--









Page 64: Librerías y estantes


Expanding BookcaseOr", of th., ni,',,,! f""lun'S n/thi, ""x'''',,,,, is Ih.,1 yo" can""rnbin" d. ",clions,lS n,X'<"""y 'n fit your wallsr,""'. And, all it tak,><; ""· .lft·", minnr dt",i!';1l d",~,"S,

fu· id", ;.' IMt ,·,....h "'~1i(~'

is buill ." " n'mpk"', ,",'p.>'••,It, unit 11><... tho.· ",-,,-1Kn, ''''-'",-, ,>dt' by sid,' and b,I<",•.J',"'...11.... wi.h ,"...u\<'<.·h" b;,]l>..

", yn" can " "" in <it"",il 'a',11",,,· dr<' '''' eh.,,,I';'" to

how yo" hllild lh,' b.lSi<' ply_w,,,,,j ,."'..... Si"'...• tho.' _""1i,,ns!>.,,"t" h' bull lillhtly "'I\<'Ih.-,.tl... tu p ,,,,d l><,no", trim an'fit h,!\dht·' ,1 Iiul,' diff"n-nlly_

F,,, ,m "nd ""'li",,, mil,",lho.· trim at tho.· o"hoid,', but litit flush wilh lht· c",,' sid.· <>n,h., ;n.,id." as ,;h<>wn in ddail.'b' ,md ·c.' Tn m" k., " n'nt,',"""li,,n, fillh<' In,,,! tTim f1",h10 l>o'ih ,id,." of U"" c.1....'.

r··c..- c••-


..,. rnmo 4"'_"".,,110'''''''1_






"'" • i Y..· · 72' c....'" IJ,) 8<1, Ft./M

MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & CUnlNG DIAGRAM ----------A C"",S"""W ~pIy.ll'M.73 ""·,r·,,,,·( 1• .,8<I.Fl)B C"", TO\lI801torn (2) ~ ply. '1 • 29 f

( C"'" Back (l) 110 ply • 29¥.> . 67110o F.oce fr."", Slil", (2) ~ x 2· 73

f F.oce f,."", Top Rail (1) ~ x 21',· 26G She4fP.r>els(4) .j>pIy·9 .... x 28 '4H Shelf Edgl"9 (B) .J!.o. , ·28'4I Top Fr."", FrOn1 (1) .J!.o .3¥.>·33I Top frame Side>; (2) 110 • 3 v". 13v"K TopC"""front(1) .J!.o x .J!.o · 31V"L TopC"""S"",,(1) ~ • .J!.o·12~

M B.aseboard Front (l) 110 x 41', . 311'1N'bod,dS",,",W ~.41'1.t2~

o Ba'" Bead front (1) 1'.. .... . 31 '4P BaSE' BeadS""" (2) 1', • ",. 12~

(4) L........... Blocks(IB)'B xl· FI> Woodsc~(12) .8 • 1 '4' fll Woodsc,ew;(16) '4 'Spoon-Style Shelf Pm,(4 f'l'< Add,nonal SKtion) 1!ii' Connl!dOlllolts(4 F'eI Additional section) Ciljl Nu~

......."" ><HI",, i IllS"", id l"-<om

Page 65: Librerías y estantes

, Th. hardboard boJ,. of the

guide i$ trimme<1 SO !he routerrut fall' right along it> ~e,

I,._._.A Simple Guido. Lineup tile two«UE'<ide<

dr¥JdiJrnp !hem C'lfge--~.lhe ~ l/lOp­_ ~ guido !O rout tile dadoes.

Uyout To """'''' the <aU' i<flv<h arro"rile top, 1M a scrap of plywood to Idyout the dadoes in tile !ides.



•-"""~ - lAUY'.W;",........ n.- w __ . -,

l .@w,~

•r NO'"NO..: ,........ -,-, ~ ....- ..-_.~, --,


~. @~"I @ •.. - ~ ~ Shelfpin- ..-

® on;> ",,_..,51,..

/' -•~.

~"- NO"'-r:.r® - 65 fotdot. '

•• .. ,.. , •• r ; ,", I ,--, , _.( "'...... I>0Io, --- W,,. • ...- '.- -• lSG -- "m L

I• \ .~,••W ,

t - T;;:,""_ ,,~"'.. ,... po'", ,, , ," ,

How To: Routing Dadoes

Page 66: Librerías y estantes

Sqw", ,.",,,Ii,,."""" co... _

IK)rf: ......"'''' f"""the bollo" of co..._.0<1 ..,,_,ho ,,,,,,,10,,.ofH<~_--It's d i""ppointing ..... h"" yuu ,et

a ""·If in pi"", unl)' to find thilt)'OU didn't d rill ttit' hult,. 1m th~

,upp'>rt pins "cc; A sht-lfthat n",ks from co",,-' to """"'" ort!o<sn't >it k-v..1wasn't in th<- pla.n.S<> wh,... bUild Ing 'ht> bookea""I didn't l<-aw thi' 't> CMrKt', The.;mpl~ jig m.d,- my job quick~r,

~A'it'" and h~proo/,

The hoi", a", in grouF" of fi"con Z' " .'nt,,,.,. 50 to sF"'" tl>< I><>1t".>cru- in th<- sidL'" for lh< b.Kk p"n..-l. And withr.tdy and kt...'I' them in a straight Ii"", I a ..-I.... , 00 ci!ht-, skit>, th<- jig can simply,tart~d by "", king a drilling tL'rnpl....., as be flipped ()\'"," to drill ,he hob '''' theshown in lh< It"".., drawinjo; bo..k"". oppt»it" <'dl\". By using the "'''''' "-'m-

At thi, point, you oeed a .....ay to spa«' pl.t~hoi" tt, drill bt~h lh< frunt.OO b.>ck,the hob I~" from the /ront <"dgt' and t"', you'Il .....,u'" t.... hoi"" will Ii"" up.rabbt'lt'tl back L'tlgt' ,>f the ca", >idt"" To Finally, yoo oeed a w.y to "",-,,atd,'d<, th is job, I a't.l<ht'd • thin hilcdlx>acd· the jig on lh< caS<' sid,,,, To do this,..-I~"t to "'t"'" ,kI,- ,>I lht· t,,,,,pl."" The I fio;! "'luart'Cl a f"-"'Cil Ii"" thn>UlI:h th<­

two thill ..-I",,,, will fit ()\',", ,he fa;",;;,;ru:;,;.;~;;;;';'";;;'~:.; plate h"l.. out to and a"""".th~ edg~ of th~ t,'mpl.'..

IFig 2). This ,..ft'"""" Ii""c.n be m.tch,'tl up ..... ithyour l.yout lin... "" thec•.., sid..., as ,n FiK' 1.

On", y"ur Ia,'""t is hni-ish,'tl, • h'k at ttit'

Idt drawing, Butt tho.·guid,' up t" thc <'dKc<>I the sidc.OO alil':" it"'ith your I.yo"t Iinc,FiN, clamp it in p~,drill your hoI,,, and

t:hm nip tht> jig ,"'.... to


How To:Shelf-Pin Hole Ji~

fIDn, Ih,db<:."d «fIl"'.,.. "u>/t "i'" _.""_of"~,,,

Building th. CaM\1,- firs! gOdl h,·,~ ",M to putk,!;,·tht".., ,.,lidly built plywwdc" ,." II ,,,u j",t tal«>" h,' at tl><drawinK at h> I"h, y,,,,'11 hiI"""K,~>d id,,, ,>f w~t's in\'oJ",'d.

tIlOUT.«> I Mid boef",,", thet'wk_, i. ".";;:ned ,., tht· maincol,., part' an,t ,h~I,'", can allb<- rut In"" '>n<' ,ht~1 of \ " ply­"n>d. So, bcl'>n> I ,tart<"d ,'ulting,I laid nu' ,h~ p.,." on my ply.",..:land madt· '''n> ,,,,,>'},thin~

h"l>< wa~' I wan','d it k'THEltDEI. Th" maim pd't "I,h,­

w",k on ,hc ca", will in""h'cmdking th~ tw" plyw""d,id,·" So on"" I wmpld"d th,'IdyO"t. I th,'n "Mt~d b~' c"t­ling th,' two cd'" sid"" t" ,i,~,

:-';"w yo" can "t.,1 making theCol"'''' "n the ~,i",-'}', In d,-tail 'a'on th~ 0pP',.it~ pagc, thc c",.,"id,,,, ."... ~,i,lt"i to th,> top .mdbt1t,'ffi with" kmg",> and d.~t"

Thi, ~,int giw. y'''' g,~>d gl"ing,,,rf,,,,, and ",a..inll:" n",i",.mc...

Cutting tho.· ddd.~", in the k",gca,.,,,id,.. '''' tht· tabl<""'w w"uldbe p~' "wkw,ud, So, I """,,,hand-ho.-Id r""',-r and a ,impl,­''''g~ guid~, a. ""'->wn in tho.- bt""n !ht> opp".it,> P"g<-,

With thi" ta,k compl," ,-, tht­"',,' ,,''? is to cu' a rabbo.1 a.m/\the back, in,id~ ''''I\'',>I,>","h .id,-.Thl>ho.'hi> !ht. c.-pl~'w,~>d b.",k

And ~,«>mpl,>~- work on th<>

"i<.J''', y,,,,'11 ""''d to drill """""""If pin ho.>lt",. Tn do this quic klya,,,, ,,",-,rdldy. u"'". "mpl,' ply 'W<o>d drilling jig (Il"" at righ'/.

TO!' AHD 10110• . Thdt'S it Ii" ,ht',id,,,,. r-",t up .'n' tl><- i,i,'ntiCdlc.,.. tt'!' .nd I>o"ttom, Fir>t. ,inet,tht' b.>ck pa",'1 ,imply 1.oF" 'M"'tht' ,''!' and bt~torn,h'y',., si",jIt ",,,n)w," thiln tht' skl,'S. Andtht... a dado bl.d,' Oil th,','""w ....'ill ..kt' ca ,,' ,>I rutting tht't''''gu,.. on th" ,,,,,b "f the topand botT,,,,,, .' in ,1.1->il '~.'

At this pomt, J u",'tl glu., andclamp, to ",,,-mc>l~ th~ ,,,,,,,,One,' lh< damp> an: "ff, ,'ut ttl"b.Kk p"",,1 .md gl"'> it in pl",-~'

Page 67: Librerías y estantes

Simple face FrameTh~ fact· fra me d,,.,. mo.,,,' 'hd"ju,' hid., lh,- plywood .-J g...H p,m·id,.., "'''' m"", ,",'.Y '0,'n-ugh", ,1'0;.,. ...,Tn malo,.., Un>U,," f..... fro",,' I ",tded ,,'., up tt>,.... !.l'k. I did .. k'W thing"

fi,," fo' .,tdt'<l ,trt'nglh, I"",d,' lh<- pout. ".I u.... fd(l" fra..",m"", Ihdn s"""L,nti.>1 _ 2" ·wido.·,til.., ,, 2"""-,,,;.1,' l<>p 'ail, "nd ..O"""-wid., t•..,tt..m, And "",..><>d, o. y"" con ...... in d, '.:I g<>1 !>uj my hi",,,;, j"ilWr tohand I.> all If>< join,>1)'. II """os

the "'<Yrl. II" 'lukkly and the" m,- Pl.'1l'Y rigid.

You'll haw.>"'>ugh "'"m 1<\1"two '10 bi""ui" b<.·l\W,·" 'hebc"j"rn 'a n and the ,tilt", 8utllObe "it, a,,' a bo.111... fit '" the tuprail yuu can _ in d,·t"il 'a:One<- tI,,> bis.:uit sit>!> a", rut. thefi><': fram,· can b<> a""'mblt><l aM1:1u<><l in plao.' un the "..-.

IQUI SHlt~IS 1 had t",,, "".>lsin mind ",h,>n ma kin" the ply"",,~>d ""'-'Iv,,". I ",ant"" them ttl

I,x ,k p"...ty shout and ti' b<' ""I:p"'''/." I acmmpli'h,'<I thi' by"'inf",,-in,, b"th tl'" front .,ndb.>ck "f th<' ,hdf rands " 'ilh asturdy. l """'i<lv pi....., of ,oJ"in!\­as ""'-",'n ind,....i ] b:

( •• 'r_",r •••

D. @J ®, FAC"A"'"E

" ~~, ®•-, @J......M.H CTIO.. @J, - v IEW

FAa'RAM'e ' >lEU .m.@J .-• eo.. n, @•...


'" " •

I.. •, , @ :/k"'1o~,-

6 w<kof

•• .~ -@ 5OCT'O..VIEw ...

• (o'K.", @J ,, • 'Acr "",MEIOI'TOMRAIl

,• • • @ ,

"'.J~" 0-.- ~ ,

• IIICITE, Foc~ "__~ oorn''lKt«I ","""" . tlwd ,to<'

How To: StrongandAccurate BiscuitNOTf, It ,.n~". ,.",...~r...,.". U'~fuJIy

" A n,ong fac~ 'ram<' is quick andalso ea'r to build when you' a plate joiner

The l r. A line <quaredacroj} the stile. and rail< mark,the cente" of the cun.

110 ' i« uit<. I u.ed th~ iayouTline. 10 <ul a <lot for a . ' 0 bI,­

<uit in rhe <liies and railends .

Page 68: Librerías y estantes



WI .i· ffl... " ....


•,' ",.,.



'1J~ --- ,-• • ---• , - •., '1J• •

- ~ •• ,~ •




=.08 a :- JI O) _ ... _-_.....


.......... ".'" tNt "'" bt,....._· ...'"k...·.l.nJ upright. I fiN i",l.Ilk...t• k...·,·..... in ~kh ...... Ct'rnt-r• • •

y"u ••n ..... in ,1d.1I1 1>: 11>o.·n..fl."I"" b",k•.,..· i. «''''pl,·".1.1Id m"....t in .. ' p""", .m"'"" iI..' ' '''' w.1I (d'1.,il '.' .,1>.,,...). Th..will ~liml"""> .nv w''"Y ,,j lho,'1:><".........., "pping.


JfO...,.' ...........--­_.-.­_.





~;u.t .­

...dg~ "~'I ,

I ...o.-I....d onII><- 'I:- b<-~-.,

Wi.h Ih~

bo;-.>d «""rk...·, ~ il ~,1hr ~'J'

ooll" ,,j lho,- ""...+. ,,1. Tho:n lho,'c"mrk'tt,J I,im i. mll,...-d ~' Ii,

."",,>tt lho,' ......... Hni,h ~y ",wh·ing lho,' Irim '" Ih.· ,.. ... "'ilh •....... ..,,,.....,, "-' in ,1,1.,1 'b .

SIIlH;llI 1fl~ Uyn. Wi,h ,ho,. ba...·• .t.t.-d, tho.- l>t" k,."" i. ""..Iy«>mrk'tt·, Yo,.r 1i",,1 •• ,k i. ~,

u •..---......:::: ...._.....- :--_ eL.- ____



AHI.. tit. Tri.\\-,Ib Iht c_ """'*"",l"'" c....c.n '''In...~ Ihrtrill'llhatd...-.. up !tor k'J' ond t>.......... If.......~ t>oJil.h"ll ...ngk-.....-tim.~",,1I find ,,,......'lIung y"" "'-"I'd to


><'<1k""'. "'... ·11 no....,j ." do. thinp.. li"k' oJ ,1h.'f\'I1' Iy. ""t.<.:k out Iht

d~l~rdm'''' I'd!\'. 1>.'IME 10f II I. Th,> dr.winl\'

'''''WI' ""',..... h<\W '<> fini'" oul tho.'"'I' ,>I t...• c. ...·. H",1. I '''''''mhhl.. th"...~.i,j•.,j m"",,,<1 f••m" h'e" ...' " .. wi,le <,v,'1'II.ln;; (d,-,.il"b '), 1I,",u," wIll ho'lp ·"h tho.'• __rnhl~ .nd k..." , mil<-f>;

lij\hI (,j.:~.U 'cl. 1\1 "oblinl:Ih<' fr_, lIwn 1-.l1ht..uK>'>will> .. 'A.- .."""" .

(lnc., ..... If i> l.b/Irrwd lo

t.... c_. oJ,J tho- ""'rio" CU"C

",,>Id~ lNt 61> it- Tho_ ..ant...JnoOdo. .. ""","....wr ill

Ihr .._ UIl*.-l1hon "'*""<I~ 61. ~. I~ ..... """".'" Ihtc_ ond fr_ w,'" gh.wond .. ... bor.od> IdrWI 1>1.

.... "" lUI , up """'""Ihr widr two- tnm -n in IhtrW>i d r.WW'Ip. 11', mod<- up OIl

..." "'P"'''''~ --"'_ ......... roo W m Iht1Dp~_ - _ lhol"c.apo" Iht n " -.,,j<'dlll"'_

T" .......· _ _ . , 1I_k. "f"<"'d .. 1;,,\0- to_ ., n ........1>It . 0..... ,1 '.' .t",0:11. """"...Iht ,,,,,I >t'l'- Att... <ul\ln ;; IhtN ...·t><...'d hb nb h' .uu;;h""'KIn. thom 1 n >ut...l ,n. « w e

......,1'i.>o<I.." i Ih~ r-i.I...,,,,,,

Page 69: Librerías y estantes


Page 70: Librerías y estantes

quick knock-down

SHELVINGUse hassle-free joinery and a few

surprising woodworking tech­

niques to create a classic look.

W....."'..- ""'phr..... - .....~k.d<-..~..,~~

mind ' y,... P"~ POOU"''''''''''<...

&ok> IwolI .. h<_ "'"' a~. .-.JeM>~ ...old "" ,........~

\,..1" Ihr <hftTv knock-<i<-"t>,_>l....htIf., "'" pho'" ~ll.ft d.h­.....~. d,....., ', III INI mold. I.....,t... k",. ~""""" n conslruct>on. butIN!'. ,,·.......w ~.-nd.,

y,....tAn tho- I"''l''d wlln tv.'" ..~­idlv !>u,1I Ir.",," d...d 'Plndk> ",d...U,iT'~ 1>, ... u ll ~)m"ry in p l••~ "f""" I,..· ",,<1 !,'n" " ~"""r~i on 110,­.til,...,n,1 ,.,i l, "mphfi,.. b",',hn~

II><- ,,,I<,,, ..... ,'h ' Sd"ificin~ on,-" .....K'h. And ,ork .....,-,"lt""'''''oqur .11.__ r<'" 10 ~I "'" con­~ >opind.... It, tho- sod..---.n­

b1~«nI"1I'h.ondquodl~-., 01 "'''' ....... lO m • _ boo

_ "'k-d<-.. -lhr v " >h<ould to.- - lhb P"""'"hM _ ..·....... .. "'.......

Page 71: Librerías y estantes


48"W x 14"D " 63 Y:. "H

_I<.,..., oro



NO"-'~ ...~.

_ •.-oJ"•....,with .""".-</0....


Cop "II! ''''' ~ ""'­., !<on. ,,;,1>toi>l<'l<¥> '..........

NO'f ' """"'",~" ~ """"...,..


S''''''ond '''''... '''''''""-NOIt,.­~.

""'" """"_..­to<.W."9"b'in_9'''"

NOW 5><J< " *,¥< WI "om,. _M'" """,114'''''. W­_ . ,1<><'

Page 72: Librerías y estantes

f iller Strip Blink. To mike com ilfent fillerltrip~ starT by culling norehe. into" wid..blank. tl>t>n rip each str,p to fiMI width.

How To: FillerStrips,==;

NOn , s,.,.,• 0<1 ..,,.... jo.'<><d.~.

.... "'-


NOn, In...._,.'k.,~p­

,.;,h 0;0b""""

Starting the Sides11k' '''''' ldo."'ll<dl ,1.1,> d_'mbli<"rn",ld,> n...· mdin ,lnJ<lun' dnd,upp"n for ...... b<~)hhdf . 50., .hl,b a~""d plac-., 1<"1an b"Hding

' HI '''0 S'OIl I u,..,J bi"'''il'." join .he ,hi", ",><I r..ib ,of II",,i<!,,,. Th<' I"'·lhick ,hff's.nd v­.hick, .n, ~~",-'<l Au'" ..k"'Ktho.> i,,,ide f"r d h!lhl ,h"II-I<>->i.1,'

NOn: fi ....s >I>.",·n in d,1"il '..:~ 0} _ Sm"lI h",or,-, '''' .he 'rindl", Ii.

l;" "Iu'''' n"",'i"" In 'he r"H• . Bu•• h'k ".d,·,.,i] 'b' bd,,,,"' ,h"w. ,h., 'hi,i.'n', ynur ,,",,,,,)'.1")' "",m... "nd""''''' ~,I,,'- n..., mnrh,... bo...,;in.1S wn!<>n'<l !In''''·... <u' Into H..·r"i1" Wrum y"u fl ••h,> !In""""",,·i.h ""ICru.'<l fill." "'ips. yo>u.....d up wilh .....u,.,.~ mo>l1i,..",

1l'(1 • • 0 S" H ~ll\ , I ,'an,·dbuilding ,he sid... tmm .h., in.,i,J,·"", - with .h<' ,aib.t>J 'Pit>Jb.Th,· ",.,.on is ,impk. I d''''id,'<lth•• gl"inglht· 'Pi"dk.. inl<) ......morti_ in lht· ,.,ib ""'a,.>". "'-'C"

",,-,'v. On<~ .h,· spind ],,> and,.il, .n· pult,s! t'-'!\t'lher.!lluin;;'h,> ,.il••" th,' ,hie.. will"''''p .h<·m In pLlCt·,

GllXIV11 Ao O nuns. All",- ru'­

tin;; tho.' ,.ib'" <Ut', the fif'>! .1<'1'in lht.' join.,'Y i, tn ,,,,1 lht.' 1o,-..i<' 'P,""'I<"1'.'<l WI"n',,> 'n tht.' rail' lh>..n· t....• >t.lrl ,of the "">rti;o,,, Tht....y'lU ca" mal<· ..,><I "dd .....' filk'r'lrips 1<' 1h<·, (bo.", !><·klWl.

NOn' lpi<>d'".,.,"',9'_'" ..'k

". .... t



""""., "'M/rI' ""'", ...... mort;""



,,,,,,,,,,,p ~..-,",.",


NOn,110"_ fiJ"",trip> gIuod

"'''' gfOO "' ,..k~

0a .

t @, -, 'm', , s ,•t ,, ,, • •

ROik _,~

@ l o rr"",- u ..., '''''''' '"'-

Page 73: Librerías y estantes

tltt' ml,. n.. bi""'t joi'''''Y 'hat1 ""oJ m.,u., thi,. q"",k ~>b. 0'y'''' can ...", in tho.· h<" tN.·I,M, Bt"th<.'''' Ot,'. k·w 'hing< y,,,,'U ",-.oJto "'''-"I' in mind.

n", fi"'t thing I did aft'" c"t·ling the I--thlck sid~ stiw." drill ,I>.- ~"·-.l I"TK·It·, 11<,1... k>-,tho.' Conn,,,,t,,, bolts. U', ~asi,·,

fnr }'ou to do thi, ""w th"n "Itt"a,,,,,,,,bling tht- 'id.....

And '0 ,'n,u,~ a tight fitI:><.~w",'n lh~ 'pindf~, and th~

'.if" 'impf)' d"mp th<.-m h'l;'-~h ­

", on m..' l:><-nch I:><,of<"" laying nuttI", biscuit ~'i",'ry, a' in lhe .1,,,w·Ing at f,>ft, (y"" sh:oufdnnti«' \h.lttI", in.'id~ fa'" is p<lSiti._sJ I","","up "n tho.' I><.....,h.) "Th.'f\, ""'" 'ho.'pi.",", a", ahgno.,>d.nd c"'mped•>impfy ""',ka<rosI; .he sliks.ndthe ,,,if, fo' .he biscuit cuts.

Fin"lIy, In ",.1," 'n c""t~ •flu,h in-,id~ t""", you will ......ntto "'y ,"" ond cu, ..11 the biscuit~'in.:'Y fn,m ,hi••id<-. A .impf~

tip is .0 ",.... "''''''' ~.-·h"rdb""n.lspa"'''' h' ,.i",· th,· 'ails flu.h.... ith 'ho.' lhi<k<". stil,'S, as you <an"''' in ddai] ••• ab<we.

AII IM ItT AI"" you ""t down,he hi>euil ~,i""", ,h<. glut·up ll'''''pn'tty """dhly. All you ",-.oJ h'do i. p"II,h,' >rindl... ond .. il.tight wi'h .. d and .1It", g1"",he "if,.. to 'he ,ail., Thi. willhold ""''rything t''I:''lh<,.

•>1 'Pindk..,And klT 01;<,,><1 ,oil -it,.,.,if fi'. ,t" impor",,,t 'hat the two1<1>g'h-' "". ,""",is',,,,,- So. who.'n f",I .11<' 'PiM.... to Io.",g'h,. 1 .......sJ• ,It'f' bkd <l.Imp<oJ '" the milt"~.ugt· It' "",k,· 'his ,..,i," .n_ Tho.' .pindl~. will "'...oJ

""l""'" It'non on 'M .hati., ,i",j 10 fit th<.' m"rti.... in the,,, i"- Th,' d'awing on the l<'itgi,'." you" g,.><1 id<-" ,>I how It'.]" 'hi<. fho""" both of th<.' 'pin­,11,.,. .Hld ,he h""ln' art· "l"a,,',you mn ,impfy n>!.lh' 'h<' 'pindk''0 "" ",eh t....." ,>I th<.' """",.

IDD'MG IHI tIlm. Onee 'h,',pindl,.,. ,Hl' fit It' lho.' ,,,if,. y""can w",~ "n .dding \h<' ",if,.,. It,


1W rr::~ "_,.,1«,.... ",,'"",lidof".

__ f_o .

Sqw'" T'-""OttS. Ufe a dado bladeb<J'iM in "n ..u~i!i..ry fpr><:e 10cuI~ lenofll "",curarely,

(ompl.'. ,h. Sid.sN"... th.'l th,' gn"'''"'' andfill"r ,t'ip, an' ,mpl,·" ..tilt"" ,.,,, ju,t a k thin~' It'I' to.1" bo.-!,..... you ,"n glut· "p tilt· ,id,'a",,>rnhli.'>-n.. fiN i, t""",I-<'a,\(1

fi' ,ho.' 'pindl,... y"u 'h"uld ""It·!h.,t .....n· an' two .1 iftt,,,,,,t k,.".;lhs

""rr:, "'"......bIo,Ii"" ,.it>. _ ""~

"" - "" .y",,'

,~k """l

How To: Strong and Accurate Biscuit Joinery

,, Biocujtjoinery il a qujck and

t'd1Y .lltM'lal;ve 10 rtadiljONImort;'e "nd tenon jojnery

"'" La)'Oltt, AHgn ondCMmp theW!e3.lnd (.lib, Then, mark .lr;rw;

both for the bi'cuit cut<.

Ahgn lri«u"join«<ind~.""

Cui Slots. /lien Iu<e<i the MyoutIirn:~ to wt • wt frx • 120 bil­(Ilit in the stiles "nd ,..iI>,


Page 74: Librerías y estantes

(j)_.-­11.1, "".,

.. A <003"", 0tJ~t1>rNd"...... _


i<JNI lot _ mendgram.



NOn,f,._ 'ton,;,~._­

~_ .....\.

_O)'-doly .... do'." ',''_0(0)

,owr~ 'AAIIfE.~


,ow,~ ,""..,.m







Make the Base & TapA"hi> po.>i"', ,ho.' hard ,,>,! ""1ch"f Ih<> pn>j<>.:t i> 'w."., N"w, it's ju,'•, "I comwch,,1': 'he 'w"...1<", wilh a couple "I n~nf(),dnl':fra "" .,dd,nl':. !<'P k> U,,-' b.~,k·c •. ,md fin.llly tho.. """k•.,...

IWO fl UlI. Firs' in lin" ,,..',ho.' uppo." .nd I<\W••, " .......>.:ti"l':I,........ n.,,;.. f,......,. "'ill 1><' f" ..M','<i hgh tly II' ,ho.' 'id,,, 1<."",.1<'

• ril':id fr..."'...""k 'ha' will " ..isl,,,,,king, A, y"" c." .,,'.1 HI, 'her·,hick I..m,· ......b.nd 'ho.' v­!h ick fra""" ,idt.. ,m · ~,ined a' 'ho.'",,,,.,,,. ",ith a 1<....1':"" ,md d.d".Bu' """h I,.m" M<. ""upl<' "f",...., d , ",,"'h "'>lIng.

Uffi. fU 1l1 Wh..... y"u .dd tho...,.~ld·""u 1<'1'. y"u'll ....,j. ",ayh,.tL><h i, Ih." .1""'" i' h. ,,,1"',....1and """""" . lhe b.",k ,.,il of thef,....., ha' d"Vly rc>un!<"-bo.,,,.1

, "'*" h' "'*1 tho.' h'l' hl':hll)"with W<xo.b<......." A' tho.. 1n....1, tho..I<>p i......W"h-;y' l>}" ~,bk" ,'P

1""1<""",, 'M' fi l • I':n~w" in lho.'In"" ,.d,n... findl& is. ,.ll>bo.~

cu' int" ..... In"" k>w<" ,,jw.·'~ .....ul'l'" fr,."",-"" ...."'.... in & 'd'.

lOWII IU IlI. A ,.11 1>o.,,,k..,h<·11",..'<i, ,,, , it 1,'i,ly I,·"d. S" Ii",talhl",·t 1,·""I,·rs un lho.·I"".... fr.,rk' ,h., can ".,ily b.'",I ju",-,I by lihinl': lho.· "'ffil"·,,bl.·!x>ll"m shell (d,,~,il 'c'), And • lip,...."',,1 til' , 1. 11.·, In....' " il ujt1". kWH" fr •will ""Ye '0 k,d'ho.' I>o.,n"m shelf in pl....• ",he"it's ",id,,j l,!<" OIl.

0"1 U l i. One,- 'ho.' up!"·,.ndI"",.·, f,.,m ,·, a", ""mpl" "'d,y'>u e.n put 'ho.'m lu "",,-1. ron­"'<.:'inl': ,h.· 'w" ,id.'S, U,,' th"h<'k'S 'h",ul':h Ih<' ,'ik'S ,,, I<",a'"Ih" p",iti"" ul Ihe h"I", forIh<' h.,dw.,,· Ih.' "'ill "","'-",'ho."", I u",j cap nut> in 'ho.' Ii>pfr,'""", buI In ,he bu'I"'" fr.....• Iinsl.lik,j 'h" , ki.,,j i""'",,'

11I1 101' . N," " I",..." , 1my" ",....Ii"" h. m.,ki,,!\ ,h<, I<'p. /Is yo"e.n " •• ,n 'h<' d,.wi"l\ .b.,w, it's,;mply a p.>n..t 1'1ut,j "p fn"" I"·lhi< ~ >t'k'~, wilh. ~...I'·UI un,he und,,,,,,,I,,, Y,,,, can "'.' h"w IdKt Ihi".... lhe .....Xl p.>ge

Page 75: Librerías y estantes

:, hI, III, .

Iii Ii'r-<IT-'\ .....

; i t-,.

• 1 . Illi• ••

~ ;; 4 r4 . t"':"

'.I!' I!

' ! I I~1 I', r .ii ®L ~" -,


-s- ,

1' 1I l!l


!=! WHihl:tl ~ ~~[i~l~ ~ i r '. ! ~~H~HJ~ ;hll r3 ~ ~! tl~.; fd Q. p•. « "0' ., f .;;oii'i lI .. ~r'H"c

~f~r~l ~l ~~!~ :~g:~~I5'~:j, '!fl

. .. 'F' flf"I H " ~L •r '!. il!Jj ... .. l'H ·pt·~1 •~mf[ilf i.• . ~ ~ ~ c Io~ ;l IdlJl~~ C U!lB., ~ J .,n'l~

H!'.Pf~i Ir:"ll,! 'I .~~;H<'-h '.lloP'"·,, ..h.,h,~·" .~ ! .. !:~ l ... fi~ >

t"!! h~r;fl~ ~ H 1·~Pt'H,' .lld>f





•. . u-


- .11

'II '

~ III !lnnl

"w~" h

!IHEllfs13.;I • 06g!!~;r . '~~~. ... . iii! '~1• ~ r ;" . I,.il " .'~ ~ l

is s~,~=_=_~a~'~I~I _~..~

,,,~ I( _t " I_'S p[~~r~o ,~

'i l~ t=::r4:· :;1 ~ihi~ U!\!I'"Il ~. ..!. tJ ' " . I ,• il l!

~ PI! c=: I I Ii <H f ""'. H·! .U

t -

Page 76: Librerías y estantes

MATnlALS & SUPPLIIS ---------------

• (2\)) 10'·20. rCDfV"«lDf ""'"• (4)!O'·20C.",,_

(16) ""·20 t¥:o-orr.. ThrNdfd~(4) W>lt\op f ....l...-..r$

(4) C.aboneI~(4) '8 . 1'1.1" Rh WoodscI?NS

,.. ~ !Iollom R.lIk (2)• ~ lop IWoI5 (2)C ~ I,Iod* IWoI5 (61D ~ '>trop!; (16)E Shan~(16)

F l.on9~(16)

G ~S,*,'4l

H IJppf< f' F'cnl(1)• IJppf< fr IlK'. (1)

J IJppf< fr So::IPs (2)

K ~fr FronI(1)L ~fr lowE< f ' so.. (2)

\1• • 61'1" 6-b* .)·6%0%003·6*!O.~·6*


~ .~·12~




1 ']'ll~

!O . 4-b. 4]~

"". 4~ _ 4 ] 'I.!1 .4~·l1l'o

Pol lop (l)o _~(31, ~~IlK'.IWoI5(])

Q ~~ from IWoI5 (]l

" btom SI'-.Il (I)S Ionom SI'-.Illlact IWot (I)

1 .14·48!O .12·43~

110 .3·43~

!O .I"'·43~


* .IIIt·U!O

CUnlNG DIAGRAM--~-----

" .slO'· ' r c

' · ....··7r

(H .... "

•a.. .. ft.J

•U J"'-fU


• •

, • • ,."•. 17 Olorrp (JwG _ . U IiII I't- _


"" • 'or N ' (Mrrp f7\oo -.... H " ft._I







.......Wood'mithSr-i.I• .ro m

Page 77: Librerías y estantes
Page 78: Librerías y estantes

elegant, low-cost


Start with a basic box made from a singlesheet of plywood, then add a few framesto get a great-looking bookcase.

Wh.,n yu" think "I' a plywood l><~,kca",',,Il'l<' fiN thingthat ",,,ally ",'mo." tn mmd i, ,,,mdhmK y"" hnnK

h.,m., in a <a,db<",rd t><,x and ,1.1' !('l\t'lh~r in. "'''1''''"111<",,,, _ ch,",'ply buile n,,' wry ,(",dy. and b.>n.'tylunch"""I . \lid!. this <1''''1\'' <11..",/;,.. all th.ol. IIy ",ingp,uv"n ~,int"Y ttdmiqu,'S, "n,.' ,h,,,,t "j \" rlyw(~>d.

and •.,mt' ,n..rry facing.. if, • ,,;mp'" ~>b t<> huiki ltw k,wch<'ny l><~,k.<.".yu" '''' in Ih<- phot<>at HI. n... plyw,~,J"""r> th<o '-'1"""." d,,,,m and ,1 cr..·rT)' I.e... ftdlr..• gj,.,.,.th<- bo.x,k_' an ck""mt aoo cl.,..ic h>\;.

l.l'OUI . A, I mo.·nl~",,;J N.I;",. you can build 11'1;, b<~,k·ca,,' ""t ,of ,,,.... sho.~·l of plyw,..>d. Out. in "rd,vr \<' Iimily<>un,t'!1 h' only "no,' ,h,,-t, you'lI ",.mt I" _p'",J "",,,.

bm<' layin~ oul ~II "f lbt' plyw<n:ll'"t, bt>fon' you ,I"rtcullin~ j,l'l' tl>< d,awinl\ ,'" ,I,., nt'xl 1"#')' 11 aL", "",bbt,,110 layout l'"",,, pil'l" a bill,'ll'"' 'hom i'calhl I,,. andlbt", cullbt'll1 ~, tiMI ,i", ..., nt,'>il'>i

Page 79: Librerías y estantes


59"W x 14'/4'0 x n JI/H

'~.I..­P'<'(.. ...

<W '" ,;,._­,_.---."..

- ,­.,­.-;'" «r.....""_P-.

Jo Ail""" Med for r~isproiKl is • •i~ """"ofplywood. By

PiJy;t>g~ al1«>l;on durlt>g Ia)oout """ wi" """" ;omJ­

r.l»Iy >izt f!>e pi«eo. IIwill"4' lO """"'lOin 'Fain "'""''''.......


._­~"'. filafr~me. and

>idIt """"Is_ulao·sklooklOan onijn.>'Y


Page 80: Librerías y estantes

•• .. . '10''''-,~

• -);~ -~_.

••,• • I"

N . , .... ,~ .. ...~----HION...cnoHw,....

•• ,-.-\ 1•@ ..--- •- ,








""'~ c_----_.--:;::;:;

' Il' .......~_.

......] ..ol1


• ,,,, "'"•

"". •• • ,-"•-- • "

•..•• n.7

W~• • @


How To: Cut Dadoes &Rabbets

.ki", .... Casen.1>0,,-.- ...,_~t ""y .. buo.....lIJ'oI~pIr-..>dpoo'I<'Io. 1lwn.~ ftanw. to-."'P. -.d bKk _.oddod I<> d.....up lho "f'P"'''MI<I: 01 tt... e:­.. _ U l!o'gIn by <U!tInS ,...,

tht plrw<"wJ~ /,.". IIw ...p."'''''..... ,.;,j".,..,ond di'-klo....

On., of tho.' "ru'l"" .'1""'''dl>.,U' Ihi, b<., i. ,h<' , ,,hdt U", wr!icdl divid.· n·


--~ f<x .. ""'9 fi t 0In' ......

lJMIoblM ro molCh ...... lhOci ­"..." of ...... piy..ootI.

~ INIdr up 01 two \own0I~. And;l you to ..d<- I"...... you'D __ ......

WJdIh of tho~ I. .......... 1<> ....1dL TIm y. too.>U..d<o....oly ""1,>1 thor e_

l" ....1.(. th<> '·..,.,....1 d,vdo."", 1"",flood by ~uing up tw<, >l,ghUy"" """,,,od pi"""" " I plyw,.od(m.:., tho,. Ill"" dn..., y"" "on trim••...:h ,livid,>, ,,, findl 'Ii,,·,

------~ You Utl cur """ ,.o-,,",0 _rh _ dMk> blMk.

<J$in9 xilWy~_

, _ l,. _ l,. & .....m n...~...."..,. _ lD_iitolo ".."...

.P""'Y""".I"'",,",,_031~ dod.-... ........-..,. llt.>IM"O\' you NI M\)I d IIw ~-.

l""''' "'ani II>1>0- ...... k,dlori, .....Ihic""'- 01 yuut p/yw<. -.l,

In rn",t ,,,"'-.•. ply ".>d i•• Ii~hlly ""0.1,,. \" thi<k hKhmaL<", fith,,!\ t....• ~'i"l••hlli<"It,

So" I ",..oJ I ...· m.·t"'''!. .h"..." i"Iii<' bo,,, at th<' 1,11 Ii' """f>' IhalI ...""Id /;<1 a ~,,,>d hi

To cr..ah· tl><' t,,"It"... un ,....e",b.>4 t...........1..... ,,0.1 "pprrdi,·idon.l cui r.obt>; hulhrnd. of....-ll p Idrt.oil "b·l.With a dado bladr _;on -lI"ry tip lma, Y<'" can • k..s-" "" Ihr finollU<'

Ust !Usa-•. At _ ~ .1'0

"11"'><1" dry _"obIot Ihrc_, Thi> Y<'" dwock

b~_dtill lIY~

"""'"' Once- r'''' "'"'~rI-d.~~ fo, IIY ~_.and

>ClYW it ~'t. V,,,, .Joo.,·I .....""h.o,-..... bIJth.r ....... clomps.


Page 81: Librerías y estantes


e o~rr; Width ~f f.,~

f'_ ,,;/0< mote....I~~. ....~f_


~i" !\


SEerlONVI• •

b •


Frame MoJdjng. After cuttingbe...." on the~'"of" bI" nk,rjp the moldjng to lize,

mite' t ho.· pi,,,,,," tn Irngth andglu,' tll<'m M"und til<' in.,ide nltho.· side I,."", r.ils and sh",,",

" Ul l SIll' 8"f"", m"vinjo; on1\> the L>...., I add,oJ a liller ,tripto the ca", l>.Ick, Tn fit a">lInd theCd,., ,id,,,>, the "nds 01 the lill"ra,,' ""tchett, as sho.,,,,n i" ddoil'd' "1><,,,,", n.., ",>lcll<,,> 0'" cut to/it 1><'I'l\',"'" the CiL,", ,;<It..

~rr' AJI"....",,"'0 •._ •.'-

frod sril", Firsr, r"bln; r rh e~':J'" of" workp~e, TIlen npfhe ,tile< ro wideh.

SholUiP: (orner Face &Molding~

~rr, F"" 9Iu< w_!t,,.. '" <i<h f,."" !t''''.....".,,, 1o "" ",...,odd ,.,.....r>irtg f,Of'" p"'..

IUlIIll()lDIl.r; . Tn gi"e til<· sid,,,,nl tho.· l><.~,ka",· the k~>koj fr."",.nd p.",,1 cn,"'lru>~i"n, I,'<l"",'ding 1\> tti,· insid,· <'<Ig'" nf,...m fe,'me, as ilillslTat<...t in d,""il'c' al><",e. In til<' "'CI>n<! d,.",ing

tIt·I"",. y"" can ..". h"", I llsed,he 'able So'''' t" CII' the "",kl ­ing In"" an ''''t'TSin' ",,,rkpiece,On,,,-' til<' molding is compk1e,

Adding the FramesTil "J""" up" fr..· plyw",xt e~",\ 1aodd,'<! I..." IrA""""" t!I<' fnM't,".,j,id,.., If yo" kd , "I tht·"t>.,,-~. 1","11 "'~' II"..... I did til;'"

001"111. In.,t<-ad uf b"ild;n~ th<'fTa""" "'-'P-'ral<'iy and trying tt, fittnt...., h>gdht'r, II<>Und it N'H.", t<>,t>rt by build in;; the ·"'Tnt',.." ,>Itho-Irames. Tht'n yo" can add tho.'"",t ,>I lilt· r"", fram~by wu,kin;;oul from of U...• COInt''';.

F.ach ,wn"r ~, mad,> up o( al"In' ,,,,d ,tik' tholl" r.'l>b....>d t<la=pt a .ide ITam., ,Ii"" a. ind,'!.,;! 'a' .,1><1\','_ Tu make th<. rat>­bo>\t'<l slI1<'S, I st.>rt.,j with an ",',....

,"",<! ...o,kpin."" (nll!>l 1>,,).0 ..«, yuu\-c cut tho:> 1»-" f'lrts

"I th<' "''''''T, you Cdn 111"" tt",m1''I;,1h,-,. And Ihen tn ,'ast' til,'. harp <dK", I rtlut.'<l a .mallrn"mk" (..... Sh.1p TIp). Fi""lIy I;;lu,'<I th<- "''''''., ,n plln'.

T''''''''pl'1'' t,.... n."t "I II,,· 1...,-fram,>, ,,11 yuu h.we In dn i. ,'titlhe "-",,a,nmK eait. and stil,,,> ,,>

fit ar.l glue th>'tJl tn the CiL,""


• • ••,~

~~ .

••w® ""• ® I .• • ,.•• " - Ch,,"to-


Page 82: Librerías y estantes


!ht. COnk'''. I,,,,'e your ""'" b k,d.,lil h'd 1<> the ,>,.el ..,m,' ""1I1.'­n",n, yo" can m"k" .",,,b,·,p.>"s,.s shown in .1><' fiN <1 ..", in Ihe b,,, I>.'k,w.&-I,,~ I slarl,'<l mbling

the "pm"', I ,ut tl b.l , <"",Isto si,,, f,om Y" .th ic. h."dw,,,,,j,k.:'. !t', imp"'l.ln"o n'mo.-mb."k' >l""'ll'hm the ,' pn",-, dUringa""""biy, '0 I SCI'\-WOO ,h" fn""d ,-a ' to the I,on' ap,on . Aft,-,you'". fin i,h,>d the a",,-'mbly•you eM,.><Id th<- 'wo ,kl,' d,-,,'"

" II MOIOUIG. 50""" you'w no,wfini,hed the lM,,-, ),,,,,,,an ''''" ""


c""'~p;!o'_"" ,!<>c.

th<o molding. n..., molding ~"the

bast' is jus' " pi""" of h.>,dw,,,,,j"'ith a wid,· ....",,] eut!", """ f"""M'"..... n in lhe"'" bt'l".....). And,"''''au,,- thi, m,>lding is ido-n'i,'alk> the mnlding u-<.<'d at the top of!he boo" kc.,,', I mad,· ''!'l<'ugh fu,"'>lh of lho.· a"",·mbl;"...

IISI 'SSIMltT T" "Ilach the ba..­to tho.· ca,,', you can ,I"rt hv g lu­ing and ""n>wing Ih,' f>o.",,'led

mol,l,ng '0 lho.' "'I' ,,j lho.' ap'''''at>d d,"la'''s.''''bly, n...", you cau""n_w 'ho.- ""mpk-!,>d t>.t"" ", the"',uom 01 tho> "a"',a, you'll find","""'n in d"l.\il 'b'.


Nip,,"'"WI fromv _"",,>~­,""'. """'P'",lin<->}

®.~.~.a t..r

•• ,.TOP VIEW ..


" .o •

" ~@ ' 6<,,. ,.

, ,• ,. -

•• ., · 0•••

~ -,@ L__

... 'I> ..

~I SlOE s.ECTKJfI Y,.w

Building the Bas.N<\W lh.>, yo" ","w!he f",v fr~n...<omrl~I'.J. y<>u can tu rn yuur.,tt,,,,h,,,, ~, "",king <I b.,.. for it.

IltI ...Sf As ","-",." in the d " ....-in;; ab",.." the b.l",,' "",-,i,,,, of a, imp*, <lp"m capp<'<J ",ilh "'>In<'bo.'\'~ ~'d molding. You'll lind justa f~w d,'." ht'lp hold ""~ry­

thing 'ullt'lher.OO al"" pr"vid~

a """ns for attaching the 00"<' 1<'Ihe bo.~!<"" uf th<' ,a>e,

I ,I.lrlt'tl by "",kinll the .p"'''''.A. ;"u can ....' ab<,w, the Inm!.,><1 "id~ "P,ons dre joined with"plin~d mit~r ;"ints, 5<,_ "net'y",,'w finished mil" ring .11 of

How To: Miter and Spline&BevelMoldingTilt­,r

Apron Splj"",. After mjtering the <or·nen. leave your saw bladl" tilted to45"and<!lt akerloJiong !he facl",

B<nreI Molding. With blddf" riltf"d to a 1ZOangle. set thf" ff"n<1" Iof" from thf" bIildf"andcur rtw bf"vel for the molding,

, A hardb<nrd ,pljneWt'ngtherll the milt'rjoint in th e apron

www.W.-l,mithSp<'Cial •.<om "'

Page 83: Librerías y estantes

Be.:au«' onl)' Ihe Imnt and.'fl<l, of thi, !"'nt'l will be an.'."nod b)' ,Ilt' mill",od ",igin~ I....Id,,,] a ",,,n'w ,trip of h,mj ­w,.><1 "'-'ging ~, the back I'd!\,'oj Iht· !",n,,,1. Tht'/1 I cuI II><' 'op1'"",'1 ~, final .i",.

IONGUI AND GlOOVI A".,ch themill'''''' lop ''''ging tn t1w torpa",'1 ,",'illi. ,,"'g..... and g,,"'.....~'i n'. Cul .g"""',."" tho.' insi,i.· ofthe ,odging pi",...." and " m.,"tling~""gUt' .k>ng the hunl "nd ,><I,,,,,f the ~'P f"",'1 {b<,. b<'k,w,

!II'OOW liNt . I ,,'.nhod I" m'''~'

• d,,«,,..h,,,' .had,,,,, Ii",· .,\\,,,'"tho.' '''p panel. To do Ihi,. I cu," ,m.1I <abb<1 ol,,,,g tli~ top.i,,-,id., I'd!\" of ,hi' fmnl"nd ,id~

''''ging pit'Ct">. a. "ho:'wn in llIeIhird drawing b<-k"", O OCI' this i,d,>nt', mi~'r Iht· .~Igin~ 'u 1t'/1l1lha,><I II I",· i, ", ,he "'I' panel,

ASlI IlILT. Bd,,,,, a'laching 'he"'I' h' ,....'c.....·.)"",'11 ",~od ~,add

,he b<n·"'...t m,Ming and a "f"<'~r ~, the 'lip 1'<'''''1. Tht-n J'<'" <an",",,'" ,ho.. "'I' ," ,he C_·.

IAU. Alii"''''' 11"1, I" m,'.,- iso plY"',~>d h.><'k. for ,....' grain ,nrun ,·"rti<~lIy, I mad., ,h<. h.><'k intwll pk'Ct'>, Ju.1 cul llIe h.><·k pan­1'1, .nd tho.'/1 >en.....· ", "tt...n,


os . ,,..'''wood·"-

SIDl s,cno.. v'Ew"" 1> ...

""' "'''''Ell<.!; OfOtDlNli


Completing the BookeoM' Nl 'O'. Now, .11'....1" 1..11 L, ,h., f"nel .m.1 ,he ••.., is lhe b<·",'I""lop, II', .1>., m.d.· up of ,",v · m"lding th"t vou m.d.· .,.lTli~,

.",,1 p....~". Tht' main ",~·,inn 01 ("ho:,...-n in lhe d.~ail '.' ab<".~).

lhe top i, a 1'1.."..".><1 f"",-j ..... ilh r" m" .~ lhe ~'P. I .ta.rt<od bymil~nod ,odging on ,lin... ,id,.,. ' Ull ing a '01' panel '0 n'ughSandwich,'d l>cll'..,..m th,· "'I' ,i", Inm, V .h,'rry ply.......><I .

® •~".AN"

OS . ,,..'~wood·


ronANn ~

~"M~,- • @ ®f\>'",,,kj

® '"• •




•• ••


"'" Shadow line. Make a shallowp;o» ~!Dtlg the top of the pk<e , A

rip bi"de wii! cut it f1d1 bottom,


Cut the T<>ngu", set ,"" 'ip "'nee torootell tIlt:-lMgtll of I"" tOngut'. Ma.ea 1"'''- flip tht> nexk ovt'r, and ",,,,


How To: Groove, Tong~ue~, &~S~ha~do~W~Lin~e~====:=;~~

Cent.... th .. G""'...., Soot )'Our "'rn:" sotllf> bI4de (uU 10 tllf> CI~tIl"rline, M~ke ~

1"'''- tfJ<on flip t"" SlOe. and 'epe<>t.

Page 84: Librerías y estantes


A Ca", TopI8ol1om (2)8 Ca", S,de<; (2)C Ca", Cenl ... DiVIder> (2)

D Ca", Upper Oovl<!er>(41E Case f!or,zonlal DiVIders (2)

F Case frontFiller (')G Face F'ame End St,~ (2)Il Face Frame Upper SliI", (3)I Fac~ frame LO'W<'r Stile (I)J Fac~ Frame Ra lls (3)K S"", F,ame Front Shies (2)L S"", F,ame Bac' St,les 121M S"", F,ame Rails (4)N Sidef'ameMolding(l)o case 8ack Filler (I)

""pIy·I1'/j.53% ply. _11!(, . n'/j% ply. _ 11 '/j . 25%%ply.. l1lh 'l%~.ply.II!(,.26

"" • .\(,·52Y,~.'l'1,>·n'/j

.\(, . 1¥.1. 10%.1!(, - 13% .I!(, -52Y,"",2~ -27'/j


.\(, • .\(,·54

P El<IseFront"'Pron( 1)Q Base Side Apro<>s (2)R Base Front Cleat (I)5 Base Side Cleal, (2)T 8eveled Mc>dlng (2)U Top Panej mV Top Panej Back Edglng(')W Top FronlEdglng(l)K Top Si<!e Edg'''9 (21Y Top Back Spacer (I)Z Back Panels (2)

(4) Level", Bloo:ks(76) '8. 1'4 FhW~teW(I 1) ' 8 • 2 Fh Woodscrew(3<) '6 • .\(, Fh Wooclscrew

"" .4·58'1,>~. ,4·14

"" .11',·57"",11', -11"""".2J1-90f9/>"" ply.. 11 ~ . 53%;.0 ,.\(, · 53;.0"", 3% ·59~., 3 ;.o · 1 4 ;.o

.\(,,11',·52'6'4 ply.• 27 • 26'1.

CUnlNG DIAGRAM----- - - - -

~" ""'- !I<l" eM< (4.UIId. ft)



•__ v 0


'SlId. F,

{>1' 8d. Fr_1w, ,w-,,- (

, ,






Page 85: Librerías y estantes
Page 86: Librerías y estantes


COUNTRY CLASSICBuild this frame and panel bookcase with two drawers- in just two days. Sound impossible?We'U show youthe secrets to simple. solid construction.


DC'Si~n ing . proj<.><1 ,h.>, can t>cbuill quickly i. NSy ~nough_

But it oft...... ""'~"" ",.,'inA out a Iolof b" details.. And (cor woOO",:ork­t''', it', the"" detail. that ",ak apnljo.'Cl inten...ting tt> build.

Dotails d"n'! otway. ha,-~ toj,., difficult. And the bt>.odfronl\x,,)k<:~.., i. a great example or,tiL.. For in"~nc<:. the two ,malldr~w"rs .... joi",'<l with .implelocking<>ts. ~nd .11 the beadprofi.... . .... m;.l\,J with. singl,>bit on the n>ul<'r t.>blot. A I.." tho"frame and p.".,1 0.""1"",11,,,, ofthe >idt'S i••traight/()",,'~rdtoo_

Anothe< b"nefit (" build ­ing ,h. book,• .., i. iI. size_ ii's not \'ery big. [ w.nt<'ti,h,' ,as<' \(> ha,'~ ~ ,mall "fool­print" so it "-",,k! fil in ius. about"nv nook an>uod th<' hou.... a,you can ..'" in ,he 1w(> pholo.h~",. This m~.ns y<lu "''''''I b<"'''''Iling "'ilh a la,,!!~ a_mbl~'.

And sina' lhe sht'lw; and lop a'"plywood, Ih~n' ."",-, any "'id~

f"'""b lo glue up.You'll b< abl~ lo c<>mp",l~ ,he

bookca.., in just a couple of da;...,but the tond n'Sult will h >k likp illook Iols of tim< .nd hard work.

.... Nef!dp><lTartorag<>1piK@~ TI>i< ca... ot>Iy

ta'''' up two >qu.o~fNr and will look

great jn .ny room.

Page 87: Librerías y estantes


"'....., "'"""d,~.­_(lUi_


QuidlJoinery~.Building frameand pant>l ..""",blip> usingnub tenonand groovr: joinfj ;, 'a<I;md strong,



"'ON' .......

_M.,-,•.~;o._ ..m,IQ<."'!I ,..-..


TapilfldFTMrIe. The lJe«lededgingontt... lop piJnel con«>als Me plyY.ood~ a nd the joint with the fm',,;,.





­_'"1>1'"jod>«J with,M> "non>_9''''''''''' Ttl. ,helv,,' a!low

plentyofO{>/Kt' for tallIx>oh or om", item<

yw'd lik" t<"hoWO;',.V..... .,


"'S '/l"H x H "W x 13"0

Page 88: Librerías y estantes


t....• bott o m o f , ..... , h it.. (.1",.,1'a'), lht-n, ilL'" ro' ,.... plyw,_>dp.onels '" ...... At !hi> point. tn.w.. If...- can~ KJ....d up.~_, IIOln~ ....rt·

illS on IIr ..-.I oIlhr .-r. I k>ol<_ 011 • w.. _ d<t.o,h. nwfiN "" In drill ...... in Ihr oidc'tr_ .n.... to. ,hr .."......ohrIf _ W'ilI ~ addrd ioafI'.

...ton & .""11 nw ...1Indr'Ioih. In _ on _Iht """"_and r._ ,.... . ........ 10

1._llYcaw. Tht bo:oo briow

""""'"~ h<>o< I<> do !No with •d.>du t>LooJ.. on Ito. tM>lr ......,

Finally. cut tho- d i,·id.-ro .ndc."., bad lu ..,,, .nd ._mblotthe c......, Y,,,,"11 w.nt k' 1ll.....r>J"" ,I the t<> bUlb th., ""'".,d....nd ,f-o,Ji,-i,I,·,.

• •• ~.~. - ,-.''4 - ,. -• ••", ,,I ,

/lIOn.. ,.",..,


,j.. ,

, .•

1M >IUl> ImOn .and ltf\.... " join­....... , ....11 find Ihrd'......-_ind.-1.,1 'b: n... K'o."-...... >V<'dii' ....>ld • 1'''''''' ,'II ~.' p1~'W",J

" K ia NMUl . M ••.,. <"'''inK ,.....

~~"''f)'. I m.d,- A I,'W plu)\. "''''10\1".,1 ,h"m ;n'" Ih,· l\n~>H"" .,1


~,-_._.l lo· ,..,J

~" -... '­_........


10' "'MI ;':"'_:;':'~-l


luUcli.g the CaseIIuokl~ • too_*,,_ can to.-.~P"'l''<t.Nt .-..t"""'*, ........... mo ~ ""~

'1M fl"l~ I _tdl1t'd wIth II><....t~ _'fTlbb..•• Id'dwinK .,bo,,,').Wh,,,, .11 If-", .tilt".oo ,.il. h.".,!'o.~·n cu ' to ",e. ",.., <An -.t.u '! on


How To: Case Joinery----

"_o.don To «If~~ 1M. diKio~Ih.It "",/dloos~ lh.icb..u of 1M plywood. nw rip~. 1M:lUn"S tI..~ Ijrw lIP f1vlh .

tt.tlMf m. I«Jr r~. tM m. d.w~~Wlth.".u>tiliMy rip ~. to <uI!JW'~MtJ !lN1 hold rtw pIywood~. fU'WI.

Page 89: Librerías y estantes

~HHI. Whi'" th<' gill<- w.o, dry­injo;, I cut t"" a.l iu' "",If I"fil in the Cd"'. (I aU""",.; .. 11.­lI"P on ••eh "';1\"', '" you Cd" .....ill",>!,,,,,,,] ind,~.,i1 1>'.)

II.DlD IloGllIG. TlR' ",-"<I sl"p i.tI' hid.' tho- plyw<.>d ,'<Ill"''''' thedi'-id,'''' ,md ,hdL !.1y edgingW." ('lit I" wld,'<md wilh ~.- bo.>.dpnlfih ,,,,,hod <In Ih<-ir ,,j~.,,. d'

yo" ".on ,,";n d.~.,il ',"_With tho,·"."'· ......<nbk>!ht·

hack un. yu,,'n.> "'"g<>ing tI,I>.'.l>IrtI, dlmp II>.' ,,jg;ng fro", In"" t>.'h.>ck. Su. I dKln't " ".,do",!'" at aU.I"-,t,,,d, I ,imply l.lpt'<l the ...J~­

in~ in f'I.>c<', m.lkin~ ,u,,'lIlt' k'f'.>d!«' w,\.' n"", wilh the plyw,~Kl.Packm~ t" pt' with it> "riblx'<l""" w,,,.k the~,

flOIIllAtl , U{J SIIfIl"lt .Tht-",a,,' iu" two mu,,' pi.""" tu addk' tho.' ca".· _ b<"h althe t,'I', n",

1>." heluw ,huw the d.>lail" Fir.;!,add a h.>ck ,htt........ It'.rut lu fith!V>t b<-!....,.... the ,id.", and tho....~Iut'<l k> tho.' h.>ck p.>nrl

N"w, k' rompl.·\>.· tl'o> fnmt oftilt> ca"" y"u c.n add a t,'I' rail,which is cut I" fit "'·tw,~·n tho.­.id.", of the ca"" H.,,," the .......d

"' ,imply n",lt.'d ,mly un the bol­t"m ,'<II\<' of th<o ,.il.

n"m, to .ttach thi, ,.i1 to tilt>c,,,', tr..·n' .n' "'-.,j,,,,? ,.bt>t't, will ",,,.,; to he cut on tilt>Inml "I tho,. ,ail . But you'll'0 ,,,,,ak up on th~ width of,ho.......abbo.'tS "" tho.' ..aillils h!V>1"'""',,,., the lac<' ,hles

,~,.W' ACE,m.@

' '''' VIEW


ilJ1" ADJ,

Ito- 'HE"_CD•


Ir..,><, pi."", " to rout a ' ....,ji.,"''ad .k",,, .',Kh ,~IW-' (M .I>.,...n

in '.' .b"...,) . Whrn "I"ingIr.., ,tik.,.tu the c.,.., you 'll "',m,k' "" ca",ful ., tr..",,', '''0 k'l' r"1un th., c.".' (thi, will lx, "ht.'<Ila"") and Ir.., .'<Ig•.,. of th., c,''''can fk'~ • 1i!!1~, S", ju,1 "",k '"n'lhe .";g<'> "f tr.., f.t~ ,lil•." andlhe c...•,id•." a", nus/1 wr..... y,,,,glu., tr..·m in plat.."



NOn,,,,,,.og "" ",,,,,,,,,,w, '" ""'9nt. SMII ' ;i~~'''lI'''mmod ? '.-

Completing the CaseWith th,· .li\'id,'''', sid,- Ir.m,'S,..nd b"ck .,,,,,·m\>I.'d. y"" canbtWn w,>rl<in~OIl,ho.· fron' "I II....bu,.k".."", Tht' f"m' or lh., mso.',imply "<ll.,i," "I .. p"ir "I ,til.."

dnd .. ",I ". lodging hlr ho,h l!k'""·Ii "rod th<· ,l;vido.·,,_

fA(1 tnus, I """old Ii", sUlI­#,,1 culling ,lil<", f,,.. tho.· In.".)/II... c~.." All y"" ",~,j til d" for



Adding the Fronf Ra;/, After cutlll'S't~ fronr ,.,11<;> 1M9t/>,rou t a bNd "" the I<;>Wffr ed~. Then~k up on the widrhof the rabbet< so It fit< right.

GItI,ng file B.KJ; 5fjffffief. The next l tep " to add the tmk,fifkr,e. and the fronr rail to the c"'" IidE-< and Mck pa,-,.,Is.J1M> <Ii"""", is ,imply cut to fit and gluw in place.

How To: FinishtheCase ' ,••O....@

l~~""'rI,'''''---"I 4 -:~ "'I,.il ,'" kI '"

® ....CK ~--'~-

StD< SECTtON .'EW K ,m,."•• of,_.-" 1<0 ' ....",• •• ~ w_•

<J)~ 1" ...r: V ,-, @1';""_ un

~-" • .tlfFEm"er: ("' , ,""·1<)"'"1•

Page 90: Librerías y estantes

l OP I~.G, lht' .>d~inl\ "ppl~'<IIt' tho.' In"'t "nd ,i<1,'S "I th" 11'1'

1'.""1 is id,'n'ical ,,, tho.' <1i" id ,·,''d;:ing. Th,"'· ... \;"' lhick pi"""'''' I" wid,' wilh" Ix",t p,,,lil~

,,,,,...'<1 ,"In bt~h ,'dl\'-'S'Ag.'in. sla" wilh ,ho.. In"'I pit""

"'ho.-n miMinl\ tho! .'d~in~. An d...ho. if, lim., It' gl"" this t"dl\ingin 1" y.,,-, CM Ust' damp',


,08. ' \'>"

~""""~""".- :::~

••• 2~ "

""'YI,W," • ,• • • @ •r

•• (i<)

"-if ' • @ !>,V. " -,,,r;'

"., .

•• '. • • ,•• S I". ..C1 t.... @.-9__ '"

"dl.....~ .O<I~.


10" ""c'

OIJ" \'>"fh-

Ne't twu ,,'1> ,of ,..,,, ,,t...,,,,,, .pil,~ ""'''''' "an 1>0.' dlilkd in 11><"..·pi<'n>o, "-_ .t><,wn in <1,1.,,1, 'd' and'b: 0 .", "" l b f", allaching thefram" I" tit,· cO,,, and tit" (~Ik',

,," "'ill Ix> u"-'<l I" atl",h tlk' t"f'p.>nd k' llko I..m~ L,t.'T un,

IILl1. , Aftt'Talt.>chin~ tht' Ir.l"'"

I" tht-""', I lillt-d the ''f'''fling ,"the h.>ck 01 tht-Ir"",,' ",ith" hiln.l·",.~>d Ir"",,' hlk'T. • ' >h._n in tho.·d'.lw inll . b<",.'.oo ·c.'

lOP PANU. Now y"" can ~in

"'''''king un the lOp I"'nd .>1 I....,.S<'.lhd~", b...k"" ;h,w. ,,·h.t'>"''t..J~d, The In",t "nd , ill... "Ia pJyw.~>d I"'nd . n' """ppt'<lwith l "-",id~ t,im. Th~ t"d~in;:

u",'Tl.p' lht' I,,, ....., .0 1" ",'<I i' .,• ~ido' It""t the f'",d

At t.... b.K k. 1;:1",'<1 on" \;"_thkk h.nJ",(~>d tMm pi,,,,,. Thi,pi"'" is gl"''<1 tu tho.' 'up ho.'f,,,,,cutling it tu fi",,' ,i,~'.

Making the Top1l<>J<"" yo" can bLoWn work on thedrawt'<>. a tup ",~d, It, boo-.>dd.od It,

<U"pk>tt· lto.>c.>.'o<. 1heCA.'" It,!,,,,".>ctwlly b.''",;. Firsl.Iho,·,,·',• fr."", lhal rnnsan>Und Ihdnpof!ho.·c,-'. n..", y<..,'U abo<>dd. ply­w,~ld h'P will> bo,•.>J..,j ,od~

lOP II U I In th" d<.w;n~

.b<w~. yu... can ".... th~ fram,·which eOI"l.,i," "f th,,~· mik'wdP"-'C<'" h .1"", I'"wid.., an ""y'way t".tt.><h the plyW'Kld It'f'.

1hefmntand t¥.."fmn" >ido."",n'rut m"" "--llUck .ltd. lhe fn"'lcom"" • n' mi""'-'<I so Iho,,,,, won',"",my <'f"d grain ",""",,'ing, W,th .U-shapo'd ..."""bll' Ii,,- lhis, I>1.>.......1 with the /n.,l p it>.:>.>, Miterb.,tlt WId•• ,,,,,. king up un the"'''gllt untill"" pit~...align> w;lhIho,· ..a",·",,,,,,,,,,, Tht" u" ....msid<.p;........ ",ib..,- the frun! end ar<! himthe Nt;.,...nd 10 It-nKlh •., if, Au"'"

with the back"I the cabi_,

•_ 1'1> r

Addthe Top51'" SEm.... VIEW

08 _' \'>"'"--Sizingthe Panel. me-t."plywood pdntl5/lou1dbe tile..."'" s;ze as the ouuide 1i"d'}"'S of the fr.""" Yo<J <an..... how the top edge'l the

'c>- r~

H ~/ "~

'" EDGIN<;

1<07f:c.,_.0<1 ''''"", m.o"'h,,.,,,.,

fr/9irrg the Top Panel. 000" the flip panel iscut to size andsc."'wed in pI"'e" J'O<' c.n.dd the edging. Simplymiter jt tofit and gl"" il on one piKe .t • """'.

Page 91: Librerías y estantes

a . @7! 'W Hh " ,. ."" ••eTION VIEW

101' ....·_1 _." ,, • '"~~K>N ~ ~. OO '~~' •.- ",,~.

I,--{ ' '5,' ,,,,,,.,-.g - }i ..,,.bbo'""nt """"II ,

'<Orr;1_ or><! bo,' /O"'«}... ,1> ""'9....od <Moo

l"o:I.jn~ ,.hb.~ ~,inl t,,, tho.- Iront,,,,nt·'" (...". te..,· dr.lwin~ .,bo.,w.,no.! ,1<''''11 '.'J, Ik"·,, h"'~U,'""t1,.. In.,t 1';"": "h;b" ink,,, d.ld""n tho,· ,,,1,-, (Th<. ",,'k "m...·" .u...wnn,,,,t,·d with .l 1<"')\"'-and.1".1", ," ,."" will find "".wn in

.1,1,'iI '1>' ,m.",,'.) Ilo.", 011 .111. " I,,,,k·i"l\ ,.hI:>M ean t>t. ("u' '''' lht' Llbk'",,,. in i""" ft·w ' I<'P', ,lS y,,,,'11find JII",tr.I<'d in II><' btl> bo.'klW.

DUWII II(ll1TI. S""" th,' f",nto"",-Iap' n", ,id"., it n,,'d, ttlbe .-ut I",m thie..... ,",d, So thed,aw," I"",ts ,ut·v ,hick. whi'"11K' ,id,,,, and ba.-k.s aT<' .mly "'­,hick. I si,,'d tIK' .1,...""., pie<-<->;..' th"y'd In i" lh,' c.",' ''P'"''i"I\' ",i,h \;.- l\<'P' "" ,he ,id....~,p. a"d bou"m. (Iho.' lI"P al tht'""tt,"" will "., ",,·..." od b)' """"nyl,,,, I\lid,' 1,'1'" ,IK' d,a"""" willrid,· 0".)N'll\' ,ha, in Iho;' I""" tIK'd,aw,''''.'''''1 N<."k ~.. I",m ,....,-.ll\inj; on ,ro., di'·id,·"",., y""can "'.' in ddail 'a: At ,h<' b...·k ,>ftIK' .-a,.,. I"" .1 ,a""", MOp ,'g" ins'tIK' ba.-k 1"""'1, ., in dda;1 '1>'

WI>t'l1 tht'~>in<"Y ;,;cu'man tr...p~ws, y"" can t'U' tht' lI"'"'''' lilTtht' ~,- plyw<''<! btlll<>rrts, Thm tht'd",,,,,,,,,.-a,, be j\lUt'd hW'lht-'T.

DUwl1 GUIOI! . In ",der fo,,h,. .1,.",,'''' tn "1"'" and ek....smon'hly. you still ",.od '01 ...ddtWtl it,'m, tt> ,h,' ea",. FiN. '0. " 'P ,h,' d,aw,'''' 0l"'n;nl\ ."d",,,i"j; .tTaij;hl, I add"d hard­",ood d",w,', j;uid,.". Tht."., filin"d,' th,· ca",' .,,,d aT<' cut .0tIK"\I ,Lmd ',," pn""l ,,j tht' f,K<'

NOn ,•.­~- "'''''.."'" 9dP ""...,h,ido



Simple Drawers/Illhi< I"'int ttk' ,,,,... i,,:,m'pM,,','" lho,'I~" 'hin~ In .1<>" build Jr..­!"." ,m~1I dr~",.·", . WI",n,-,'", I"".1 ~,,,,,H<1. ,'n",~ dra""-,,, in,',hort a",o"n' "I tim." I u,....


How To: Lockingl-"Ra""bb""'ets"---- _F<>T the <l m'w ,,, '''' lh" booo>lu:a...•.I"...'oJ • ":king ,.'*"1 join, a t lho,'front com~", And,.11 it ,,-allyt. k,,,, In ,lOt the rabbt>t>,;' Ih n,..

quick ,.,i ups "" ~'our tablt- ..,"',The lust " '1' i.t",rut a ,.--w id~

fro,," (Idl d,awmj;). TtY.. impo'"ta,,'thing is the d,,!,th ,0( the .l<~

_ i, sIK>tdd match tht· thick_of the d'a"'~' .idt-s,

N<"l, b,,'Y tr..' bI.-.d<- in ...,",."il;,'Y ft""", tht' fn>nl pi<=

~'''''ill,' a ~."I"nl\ ,,'nl\u~.

F;nally, ~ut" on lh~

d,. "'t>T . id<-.oit fi" ""''f l ro.·

.101 on tIK' ,."ds 01 ,ht' dr.",~, fLu, Trim it al0''I; tht' i",id<- ed,.;<' t""j;lJt' (right),

rr- • In a locking• E"D V'fW - --;"'. ...D"'EW ' '''' '''EW ~~.

"- ,~,~bber joint

• • - ® >, - (u)


II-, , a tOflgue in

'", ,."", OJ the end Df

" •, 'he drawerf-=- -- r frwIt tiD info~

~ d<tdo in the• dra_' .i~.

Page 92: Librerías y estantes

,ti.... h"... dd"il 'a' "t k'it). Wh<",y"u'", ' UTe tl1<' d,,,wers will''P'''' and ck",' with"ut hindi,,!;.,imply ~Iue tho.,.., ~uid,,, h> the

;",id,' 0' th<' c.',,'Tho.. ,~ i!t"" !ho,t "'ally h.'If'"

!h<·d"' ""h>r'I'"...a!t·""".~hIy ""yk",~li<I<' WI'<. (ThO; will at,,) Iif!!h<- dr.,w"., """ling til<> ~.. *'1' .'t!h<' t>"!I<>m.) Y'><l can simply 1'00'til<> tap" on tl1<' d,a"",,, d i"ider>"""t It>!h<' gukk'>.

II~ IIH . Now IhAi tho.' draw""a,,' c<"npk~,·. y"u c.,n add addi·Ii"nal "',,,><1 k",~ and apply aIini.h tt> th<· ,"'!in' P"";"'t~. I .><Iu·itlly mi".J up my own ,';J·I""...J,t.,in. (1ni, indud,.J a quart 01bo.,;k.J Iin,,'t'd oil"" w<'ll a, IUl-oe"lam>;!', ,,;1. bo.~ti an' a"a;Jabk' inart supply s!tln's.) Tho.'fl for t....finishing t,,,,,,h. lappl".J "'\', al""''' ,>I a wiJ"Lon finish.

.. A wMm-colorM

'Min Mid "'''''M!c""to of wiM-MIfiMh give rn., com­pkfffi book....., it·~tiful glow·

MAIIRIALS & SUPPLIES ---------- - - - - - - - - - -A front St,1es IIIB SMk Stile< (1)

C Side RaHS 161D Lower p"r>ets (1)E Uppet P"r>ets (1)F Dwr. OlV1ders (3)

G Sack P"r>eI (1)H Face Stdes illI Adl Shelf (1)J Edging (41K S.d Stiffener (1)L f'onlRad(l)M f ,ame fron l (1)... F'ame Side 11)o F'ame Fdle< 11)

'1'.0 x 1~·47'I'.od ·47%,1·8'/1

'4 ply.• sV" x 13'/1'4 ply.• SVlX 24

-'4ptv· 11 , 10 '1'.0~ I'll' - 21 v". 41'4

'I'.oxl -41'I'.oPtv·l0~x20'!i



'l'.o.lV,-1 2v"-'4.1-18

P TopPitnel(l) -'4pIY"12<23o TopTnm(l) V.. -!>·23R FrontEdg'ng(l) V"t·24S Side Edging (2) V. ' 1 • 13T Ow,F'ontsI2) -!>.6!io·17f!,U Ow, S'des(4l '11X6~· 11V Ow,Sack,(2) v..,6~·17*

W OW, Stm,. (2) ~ 1'11'.' 101'" 17*X Ow.. Gu'des (4) -'4, 1"'" 11

14) 1\(( Wood Kr>ob, wlS<fP'M14) Spoon-Style She~ Supporn(7) ea • 1'4" fli Wa<>dscrt'WS(7) ea < 11'1" Fh Wood.e,ews(1) Nylon Ghde Titpej4 FM)(52) 18 ·Gae>ge ....tls (W long)

Page 93: Librerías y estantes




Page 94: Librerías y estantes

simple children's

BOOKRACKThis tip-proof rack is a great addition to anyroom. And the sturdy, solid-wood co nstruc­tion means it won't take long to build.

W IYt ""' this a bo.,,>1<,..-kh rn,kl al<" tho- otw+......

"l'Ir. _p>ed 10 hold ch.l·d,ft" -. And. _ booLo

romt .. a ..~' c4 ....... ,....It... .ad,,1t boob - M<'<'J" ........,.,... .......... IhIn 10 sund up__ and ~' l.oII 00''''~

Hoily So" _ ~ .tw!,'"IN. till e.-uds tho- I>.ocl. TNo....~.. fho. .nrI, ·cudw" Ifwbo.,,>b~ bOlt" "'....... .-:l.....b«k~. arwd .. a ....w., thtot>o....... w;lhtond up l>t11>.>r.

01 n,.."",. all ,.... cltil,'.......1><",1.<..,.... r,'~ ~vvr ,..,'" h"ldm,,,,' !h.m ju,t t><",Ic" Thm ' . "..llw"," 1<,),' _ k>l> " I h",•. So , tho.·

......., .... ho"' bo!ftl~'" ft, b<­od,...w.k-. ~' can bP b lWd In

hold boob .". Ioid fLo! ft. b~~ .....~, ~- ~ ......n-!yonL...t.ap<d

Tho<'"'- dr..,;n ole tI..- oIwlf

...iII """"'~ IIw~'" romt - ~ chi1-d.... «quirIt __ n..hwhy I lik Ifw ,.,...... ir. bo.>Ito.oIIo......t.>bIoo and d....... n... d;d",<,<>d ~tnI<1><:lfl ;. ,........

..... to.-hind tlw """'I\th , ,j ,""

./'wh.... which ...........,'lUick.ond

..... ~ It> ..,.,..".,,!>W. And. I <J",",

.....'\1 h' worry ..1>0...... tho.· .n.·lv."Iirrin,o; ow, bo."'d""" (~ tilt· ..n~~·

11>1'<""',,1 fr",,' " "",,," t

.. T1w ..r>gl. of,~~ m"k.. itN 'Y to star" )'0'" clt ild~ fa_irepossessio,," , 1'Iu~ )'O<i don' ha worry abou , fhing. falling off,

..·. 5'W" ·..__u _ . n ........ l,

-.... · 5'W"· .. _ ....... ll _ . J 7IoI .. ..,


%0"1(, .47%0 >2 · 47

%0. 2 ·81',I(,Ill'I' ·1V, .131',

"ply ·1V, .24%olll'l' ·11 . 10%0

IIoIll'l' ·211', .41110%0 _2·47

.. Foonl S!IIes WI k k SlIie>(2)C Sode RaoIs (61D u- p..-....s (2)

E UWt< p..-....s (2)f Dwr Cloroden (31G fl«\;. Panel (1)H f;oce SlIie> (2)

... . S\l". .. _ _ lJ- , ... O'U


Page 95: Librerías y estantes

~".... ....."..-­_. ,-_F'd---


•• --~+ •••, •-.-


· ,'"•••



• ..I ••

. ~l~ I •

, ..• ••

,.,•i - J


I ~•; ,-


,,.• •


• ••..

"., .

• ••



I '•••


""rl,_- ....~_110"."""'_*

~11 ~\ ( In<<- ,"" h<*", ~""

<irilW, "'''' c.on~ lhr <Un.....

,., Ito. """"'" oMin lhr b"" to.k_-,St.oI1.1 Ito. tw..I .....' ~·"'II1o

lhr"'__,,11hP Lo ",llirwo.n,..,,_IhP<d~....,lh~drum..-..i« ,.. tt.. dril~


- .. ~ - -


-I..I~_ ll', _ ". --"

" .." ..,'l It", "d... v"u'li . ddL,h·r.,,, Lw tho.'Il1 ,.., tho.- "",­,i,I,-1,,,,- "I ,..,,'Ii " .I ,> (d<'l" i l

'.'J. Tho.' " ,..,! ...~ "Ih,,"" ho.~d

tho,· ,.j,d f'''rp<of1l,· Tho.".· ~....Ii• . 1>0.,.... an' .",Iy V .1"'1'.nd .". Loid <>ul and drilled"" tl>.· ,n ;Jr foO<'<' ..1 the f'<\I'It"l••(<Jr ·in!t _ "'.....111" ab<n·~),

hut ' .11<_- It..- ..t-d>.... k' tilt..,... ·U drill, hoI..t thl" In""

and two "' <01 the t-:k. n..~ "'win lw:k .. "'- kJw<.o<Ihon Ihr In" ho..

Making the SidesI ho.'l'''' buihl,"K tho' bo._>lJoJ<~ byKI' ''''I\ u p two ,n" 'N " "j p.m,.'!,I,,,. u..·""-k.., ,.•••b.,n', (I"".,1 y.thirk ,,~id ""'1'1<'.) n..'n, ",rod rho.­""",~• • nJ ru llhtm~' fiN.! w~llh

- """""11 tt..m,.. Ira k'"'ll H·n.llTOVT (UI'tt! n.., ",." ' 1\'1';"

k. w,' "..Itt... cu"...."n tt.....oJ.-,y, eM> do Ihi> T'ij;hl , II><-~.... ' alo'mpl.a ,

N lU IlOl11 At !hi> I',,;nl .''''(an dnU a couple _ of ........n..&.... ..,,01_ k...-..,-"'l\ Ihr~ _ --.._


",,",, 1fCI,. · _

JWO". _ ...._"""''--

Rooting tht Proffle. lbing' ",f/cHlefd router, you . re....,... MJIe to rout t1II: 0011_ profi", Use, ',," fOUnd.0....' bit ...r to ta ke ~ ~". -<IMp cut.

-_.--SMId.stnoo!tL tilt, oIvm...rId« on rM d,iII pr-HJ

to sand tM CllTW',


Sh.lping I1lItc~ Cl.lf thtrotW< NndWO\\ It.>y­'ng.oboul 'I" from line-s.

How To: Shaperrthe~S::idesT~~~=~:===;~

Page 96: Librerías y estantes



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Page 97: Librerías y estantes



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Adding Adjustable Shelve.All ,I>.r, Idt ,,, <0"'1"'1.·,krMk is ,,, ",.,k... tho.' th,,~·

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.twI\"" "'- """""'" !hAn ..... .,....."'II: ,..- ................ "'" con ,..., on..... .J<ot..oif •• ' ....-'

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How To: Adjustable Shelves

AddinsI N~ ToMJdthe~m-tf<lPPOI'lIM>d ...r the~in p/«•. ThM .tt.Kh rt>. fron! of the~f to wpportI wi rh K'""'-

, To If'f rn. p/ugJ~ .......~of 1iC1.op _ ......-dNp doodo.

Page 98: Librerías y estantes

looking inside


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