library of congress · t i t v 1---v.--- vesabshaafla.aawvfiews'rctsralmbarip daily appeal....

t i t V 1 - -- v. -- - VesaBsHaafla.aawVfieWs 'rCTSralMBariP DAILY APPEAL. MEMPHIS TUESDAY K0E5IK0, EOVEKBEB 1,. 1857. BASES ASD CREDIT. Anjtsg the leccHst; cjeil0B to an exclusive Lt'jlifc carrtacy, ear neighbor cf the i?oUtiu t-- that la tkat treat, "credit, which is the poor ism's esprtal, is at en eo." We canaot understates why the afeoHtlon of baaks ebeoU necessarily produce tbe abolition of tt credit sjetea. Confidence is the basis of credit, and ttere is no wby c&nfidence may not ex is. setw-ees- i sun and rsan as wetl where there are &o kuu as where there are. The truth is, i a CMMeaee aioae which gives the banks theatselfM any credit with the coaMHHy,aDd we BMtataia that hanks, by means af their aatl smash-op- s, hare dose more to destroy both cmfrleece and credit, than all the o Jwr aases ceasWaed. By their expansions tM over-iMae- s, they lead iarariahly to an chute at the credit system, and, jirwlo, change, by tfeetr cofetractioas, saspeasioas, it, they iWstrBf K altogether. We maintain, tfiea, that there Is bo farce la tbe position of oar Btigh bar en tMs point. Agata, we do Bot aree with him that credit Is tbe paor rasa's capital. Even if it is, let us ask haw staay poor men get aecotoaiodatiocs from oar banks? Not oae in a hoadred. Tbe very Hes. of a poor mechanic or laborer asking for a dfeeoaat, has become to be to ridiculous that tfeey never thitk of asking for sach a faror. No, it is labor, iodoetry and honest iiatfgrpty that constitute the poor man's capital, aad eftaa. after the employment of these for yaa,'he wake! ap some fiae roraiB, aBd fiads that bis bard earaisgs bare rotted in his pockets, lie carries bis bills to the bank, bat is told that it has either sespeaded r failed, and canaot re- deem its premises to pay. la this instance, te ear Bttgheer's argaseat, this iadus-trioa- e laborer ias paid pretty dear far sapport-ia- t; saefa a eredit system ag the baaks aflerd. Oa Ms paisrt, we ceaceire oar neighber again at faalt, aad be mast strike seme other key, be- fore be can enlist tbe sympathies ef the poor in f avar of baaks. yr-ypm- g CQTTOH EABEET THE TIDE CHANGES. A sbart time since some of the Cbarles-ta- a aad Aagasta Bewspapers were ceagratala-ttt- c themselves, aad predictiag woaderful thtags, apea the iHfiereace is prices paid for cattee between Memphis aad the Atlantic mar- kets. Osriag to a temporary diaieolty, cotton did eemaaad a higher price at Cttariestsa, eh aad Aagasta tbaa at Memphis, and Bat, as seme sappesed, to the wjp-ri- or Bataral eoieyed by those cities. The eaase least exteat, .i, jj nr.r ih.v better times Many to to h' f civilized "P"1,0 fic-altuc- )i R sa BMsehU ciBhot them preparing resume atteatioe pknter to f orrferrinff when the grading Central Park which we bare beea pabKlhtag from taste ta Usae, aad wMeh appear ia this mora-ia- as paper, tafcea from the Soothera papers him ta eempare tbe prices paid far cotton ia this city with those received ia efeerSeatlteni cities. It will be faaedthat offers eaperiar iadacaaeots to the ptaatoc for the diopagitioa his crop, also that grocery BsarehaaU can undersell those af aaySMtHMca city, New Orleans nateixept-e- d. Oar grocery market aleo has maojr adraa-taca- s ever the AttaasJc markvL Takiag oar dairy cotton nporto aa an iadeat, saastet far oattaa has beea for weeks paet higher thaa that at Jaaar Orieaae. Why thea sboald Xetapfais ha oeeitoclted, or why etecM eottoa af North Alabama or North Miesteeippi pre-f- ar Cterteetoa ar tbe New Orieaae market1 ZSE COKSTITVTIOfTAJ Uader this captiea the Eigk, af Saturday Hetf devotes a column ta ear benefit, ia an afcrt to aaewer argemeats advanced by aa the da)- - before, relative to baaks aad civilization, hard ataoey and barbariem, &c the af argameat, we quoted an extract fr a the feitrmtiit, to prove that gold and r wee the ooty earreaey kaowa to the Con-- r itBtioa or cnatomplaUd by rts fraaMrs. The JSayie affects to be glad that soch high author- ities as MaiHaoN aad Hamilton-- , (the aathors of sat of papers ia the Ftdtriil,) thoaU qaataat hr as. The tle thea proceeds rhowtfaat m fovswesl the Baak ef the Uaited States. WtM, Dsypose they did ; we had eatd noUtiog in ar attack about the Bask ef the States. Oath contrary, we were endeavoring te show hrtfcie etrct,frm the FfUralitt, ttMt the States had aeaathortty, Batter the (oetitartsoa, eBker te iasat er aatheme tbe isse of hills of crr4it or baiJc sates. We were eadeavoring ta Btere, from the writhrg ef Mawsox and Haatruropi, that the States bed earrsadited the retslattea ef tbe carrency entirely ta the Federal Gevernoent. They did sat hetteee that tbe States casdd farnieh a est fatat cTieney that waaM be e--f eejaal value ia a8 paute at tbe Uaioe, and hence Coagreee wae rarameted with the power ef " coiaiag tsooey aad the vstae thereef." It was bvMd bv tbe Mrrocates ef tbe DaMad States Bank, that each an institatiea woatd break asMra the State ioetitatiees, and ard sum- - cteat aad onKorm earreaey, tbe eU aad silver at tba tine herns; tasaslcieBt fer tbe cooasaer-ci- waata af ceoatry. Well, we have triad a United States Bank. It did net anewer tbe aarpejsj for which it was created, aad tbe people ef tbe Unies have preneaeced their verdict agataet It. It is new, in tbe laagBe of Mr. Wbbsteb, aa oktelttt ssVo a dead car-cae- s. Ai tbe lawyers wanid say, it is ret tbiar; settled. We caauot permit aw settee, just at this time, therefore, to he drawn est ia an argument for or against the merits or deaterits of a United States Btnlr. Tbe question new ie between a specie carrency and saeh an one as the States can as ; whether it ie not wise ia tbe State goeerameats to follow tbe exeasale of tbe Federal Govern- ment, and adopt gold aad silver as the only cMTeacy. The arguments arged by both SIamson' aad Hamilton, as quoted by the Egk, are a, ranch agaiaet State beaks as they are in favor ef an United States Kaak, And, akttongh, for want ef cestitatieal authority, Mr. Xasmok said he earned tbe KeMeaat Bask BSH wttb a trembling band, yet be tM so ta the hope that it weald give tbe coaatry a eaie aad anifem earreaey, of equal valae Id all portions ef the Ueie. He saye : " Ar the imttrtelt f&e cemnueffy at- - ferre, ax veil fmr the furfitt if the Trmetsty, it it (Mfstial taef At aaiios eeeofd jtetiee a cur- rency of efnml wmlut, ertUt and me, tnWecxr it avay drmittfe.." We aek neighber, tbe States, ia their individual capadtiea, sCtti soch a earreaey? Mr. Wabijo.v thought they could aot ; bas proved tbey cannot. We have triad a Uuited States Baak. It hag failed Let as bow try tbe earreaey recognized by th' fraaMM af . tbe Ceasti tattoo, aad if this fa, thee we wU xaaaatt wttb ear Betgbbor as to which ia she best pokey, a recara to a National er tbe State Baak cysteaa of ieeohar paper OoKTBrrn) Elbctsovb It 1 aaderatoad, save that tbe Baetbaare Su, tbat both the seats nf ' iMesers Harris and Davie, retamtd mem bers e to Corgress from the third and fourth C ur D.n'riets of this State, are te be com.-b:.?''- - "r. Broo-- s aoncatKird guar siave at n ttat h- - to coafrrttbe seat of Mr. Dai 3-- We low heir tbat Mr. Whyte bas p a same eaarse la relattoa to tbeeatof Mr. Harris. Ti- - - election is to be eeaiesied, Jt will be upon the groaad tbat a Urge por- tion cf the vora were by latfaUdatiaa aad vio- lence keot from the polk. If the fact can be made clear that Messrs. Davis and obtaiae i their eleettoa ia this way, Congress shoaM aot hesitate to make an example of their ease. It weald go far to step the violence which has diegraced the elective franchise in tbts cove try and for wbkb tbe party are directly t Kamaso or Ships la tbe AanericBn Kary4 tbe names of veetete bave bitberte been select- ed apea system: To ee were givea tbe names of as tbe Dder,ta the Ohio, &c.; to frMtatoa tbe names af rivers, as the Poto-taa- e, tbe MerrKn;c,We RarttaB, &c; to sloops or eorvettes, tbe B&caes of chief riUes, as tbe Albany, tbe St. Lojfej the Bewtoa, it; to brigs theBaatee of vxtl berees, as tbe Someis,lbe Biebridge, and to revenae eatters the cames of the Secretaries of tbe Treaeary Ia compliance with this system tbe new steam reveaoe eatcer sow Bottbiag at lbs Broeklya Navy Yard fcbonld be caHed the Howell Cobb, it has, however, been nanedibe Uaniet Lane, is cocpthnent te the niece ijeot Bncbanan, who presides over his do- - ouseboid. SV ' IkcbbV V i111 ' Kesal at Ovesri jf i.ik. H was f o 0 be arrsetaj. ' The Old Kxktbck? at Gbekatja. attemnt ownd Joseth Col- - Vie . .r-- - time United 3tat,basolsrieitten. Rev. W. Dabbt, th. W Waahmgten wlH, Borne years afe-- t jjie rtsiwetKe oi JHfm - An by Mr. ly in e - te C of Jte ' THE CUEEKKuT OF THE EASBASUES. Our language was explicit that thelEStitu-Uo- a of banks is one part in that great of trade, commerce and credit which his grown ap wiihio the last two centuries. this period in the ratio with which nations hare in creased in civil liberty, in industry aad in their moral aad intellectual derel jpment, banks have BMikipiied. Barbarous aad savage tribes hare had a metallic ctirrenry, geld and silrer. coeval wim ineir History. Eagle and Enqnirtr. l v . ... pleased and, arrive as .r.-t- i grade. The can en, we cave icai a metallic curren- - cy is relic of barbirism, is hostile to freedom get fair wages his labor, the fanner and commercial prosperity, not exist settle in the country and raise everything far day in an enlightened country like ours, that is produced in the Western States, and paper. here they find sale for It all. we This reHc of barbarism," a metallic cur- - T? ? " S, e ' h.n,;:. and reacy, Is highly appreciated, at " -- wiihlBC to reside in town can buy lots at most or uie riutgnrrnrd countries oc ine giooc mojerate prjees ana Diuia uinr owu alon At th. nr...tvt 1t. if K.r. s nreminm I IV. mr. 'em come. over the paper of bants, which, accord- - A Vilijiis Ameitsd. are Pufisd to in to th YEatXe. hare been the barometer, of let. that Libertr Aorrood, .bi8"V civil liberty, of 6 nercent.. and it aot been , iii nrohshlr be sooi here maay days elace it was held at 15 cent trial. As Mrs. Keys recovered from her Prni in the civiHxed city of W.mphis. Hawbarbaro and" savage" ij l.lnthe UrJWena DenScrat. people of city to Cow wis " reiic or oaroa- - at PiKt Bi.orr.-T- be rlsm"inscn J.igarequts.1 nu, ... I EnltrprUt bM the following persist in preferring gew ana silver, in we un,fr9tand gone belligerent spirits high noon of the nineteenth century " to bank biVe jt In contemplatfon to establish a Shoot-pape- r, which, according to the New IK- - iBg Gallery in our hitherto peaceable town Et - T f ip,ifd iaTo in the ratio J,. D0Vice in ,uch matters, we presume ed in civil lloerty, tn industry, ascm tueirmor- - aQ establishment iubu entirely super al and intellectual development ?" We sup- - fluoas." pose the zenith, ia these evidences civiliza- - The sams paper noUces the arrival in that tie, will only have attaiaed whea every place Bishop Brasr, of Little Rock, iadiridaal can beast that be owns, or states that be is about establishing female borrow as machictare money oat of, a bank, at Helena. He has Just returned from as he wishes, aad when gold silver shall the East bringing with him several Sittert to bear a premiamof one buadred per cent. I take charge it over bank bills. Ma. Robckts Suggestid roa Sekatob. A The Easlt coetinually asserts that paper of the Hempstead Democrat sug' money gone hand in haBd with civilization gtsts M. JL ReBCsrs, of iIgrjolia, as can and civil liberty, bat has never yet essayed to dMete for State Senator from tbe counties shew hew the banks bring about weederfol I Union and Columbia. Air. Rooekts is eter- - result, which Is particularly iaenmbeat oa It, Hg Democrat. since it is that the ancients were, too, ignorant of tbe uses banks issae, that tbe Repablics of Greece and Rome were total strangers to our modern bank bub bles aad rejtced in that same "barbarosa" carrency, gold aad silver, aBd parueuiariy Let mat, at uie preseat ume, me oaa.s aie aBj olher tasptBiei same is full iwre.iuf (f) experiment, at an eirIjr dJ- - Bank, BestoD) fflecaxreacyol me sarages oears premium jtis said, are prepared to Specie is cooetaatly orer the best issaea of these ciril- - rapHIv poarlBS into York, and a letter lZM IBSmattODS. frnra that ritr. AitrA Tn.mlar rvrnnr. v Yet after all, we hare the bare assertion of Q b k are n0K. ,,ron tir the JSegle sare by the THiuae, specie reserres that they are that "barbaroas and savage tribes" have able to resume payments, a metallic and coeval the prominent bank men In street currency, to-d- said are willing to step with history." The Apaches, Crowfeet, B0 a8 the coalrv banks are ready to sec- - Camaache;, aad all savage tribes of our ond motion.' point fact, specie pay Western territory, come aader this denomina tion, yet we bare nerer beard mints aceoag them te eoia money, for which iadeed ther verr tittle ae. If cf sritac. at some are be-- 1 v.. , -- -j rain, bope of elsewhere. the gkaater ceaie their former standard rci it ramUwr neichbers aavaatage Meaaphis. We! 2c discharged hinds, to tbe tiw the state-- 1 it to pantr business. The the AUaatic Jdasaphis oar oar the plant- ar tac OPSEBCY." cooclo-aia- a aor sU- - the be to regulating a tbe or ear caa our 51 discovered to present, Wo which so white mea himself pays premium fer tbe farmer, ia all cases prefers it for keeping. We coafesa oarselves aaable ta eemprehead the Eaglet reasoaiag oa this sabfect. How Aease paper raoaey can make the people freer, richer, more ealigbteeed, moral and how gotd silver can make them retrograde ia beyoad ear eoapfeheaaioa, and we hope the JSeff will ex-pl- before the world bersts ;in tgaoraace." If gold aad silver coia be iadeed a "relic barbiuifim," tboa ths s of oar Coast h u- - tioo were barbariaas ia aartmiziag the Feder- al Govenrmeat to ceie money and fix the value thereof," aad we traet that the people will take the earliest eeeasioa to expel by ait this "relic" from the laad, aad forthwith pulldown the United States mint estabtfeh- - meats. Woy, too, did the Ceastitatioa declare that none bat "gold and silver" that "relic barbariem" shall be made legal leader for debt; why did the Coaatitatioo even to meatton tbe word " katik " a word which the Xmcle bolJs be the syneeym for " civil lfterty," " iadustry," "moral aad iatellectMl developmeat," tx., Sec? Ah ! we have solved these problems. Tbe COHEESPONDEUCE. Coiwtitatio. were would iBT0vea qaestion Constitutional Jiaett editor, and of a oi origin of currency, bar- - fPattof: either hands of haroas and and of the ers - dopots, the continent of both of those dfattagiiiihed atates- - e)dous advantages blessiags banks, United give Eaow-Kethl- sg responsible. tbefoHawlag PemMilvaate, correspondent incorporated unsapported, ($20,000,000) to.barbariem, -- civilizatioa," actually establiahed aHnts, or provided for these, to coia gold aad silrer, aBd atade this 18th sach idle. their i"uai swcks co;ion base also earreaey only legal tender ! And tbe peo- - " ttt wwlt the also ieneraat that by the is they geM paper depressed by presence. Retain iag preotam it. We cannot at tbe uks supply, and ancestors, who were also ignorant the nse of steam and the telegraph, hat each is inexcusable is people ef age, especially ia the town where tbe Eagle pasusaea. LiBAJSl INTELLIGEKCE. Bbowklow at Hunts ville. The Inde pendent annoaaees the Rev. G. Bbowk low will, in few days, deliver lecture in Haoteville on Slavery and the It is Mr. Bbowklow's intent to deliver these tore in all the principal cities in tbe Seatb. Foreign Baxk Agencies. A bill has been introduced ia the Alabama Legishitare to prevent the baaks other Stales from carry- ing tbe bostnees ef banking ia that State. Ite provisions sflffideatty stringent, is believed, te evil complained of. Tbe Montgomery Jdtmtiser thinks will readily pass. Suicide at Randolph. We learn from Selma Sentinel, that committed suicide Randolph, Bibb coaaty, the 12th lost. his Memphis, baob after money that place, wrote two letters, brother, Frank S. Hoastea, which sealed up, aad other general tbe which we bave net received. Soon af- ter writinc these I e ttere placed gun te bis chin, discharged the barrel, the which shattered his head, and fell dead. Mr. been citizen ef Bibb coaaty many rears, aad was blchlv esteemed bv his Beigfibers. Dbcbasbb Member or the Legislature. J. Hats, of the members Ala bama Legislature, from the of DeKalb, died ia Montgomery 17th Inst H. foraMfiy resided in Dallas county, and greatly esteemed many virtues. Elections. Hen. James B. Clabce been Chaneeller of the bolkl- - monev kTXa.L mm w I that et bereata, the LegiaUture la session. Bills of the Old State Base. very animated diecaesiea bas eome ia the Ala bama Legislatare prepesities te destroy the bUtf the eW State Baak and branches new deposited in tbe State Treasury. MISSISSIPPI 1NT2LLIBESCZ. MiseitMrrr Cbntbal Oa Mon day laet, this road eommenred ran-ai- throuch to Taylor's Depot, eiebt miles aotew ptaee. Mercury, A'or. The same piper has the following. SA Show. &. Co.'s Varieties appeared on Monday night, and the poorest imac we rum buy cents to tc con sisted seven lair oae buce Datcb- sad frisky IHtle FreBchmaB with wo- man " said to his wife. They in dildiirgear citizens eat of dollars or more, and promised to call us again. hope they will sot. Vicksbokg Sentinel. This paper chi&ged 23rd inaC, Col. selling in the establishment to Mr. all, et tbe Yazoo iiemecraf, aad Mr. R. Diceet, late foreman ef tbe eftce. Seecess to rotgoisg and iacoming admiaiatratiofis. Monkt Lost. A gentleman casMty, ia this State, came down on Bfl, at puce, peefcet-bee- k, coataiatog upwards seven tboasand dollars. Whether the work of some ras- cal, is sadly certain that money i gaae. It consisted, as we understand, bills on the Camde Bank of South Caro- tins. Vtckthurg brsixcs Market. The market lias beea quite active during the past week. Oar public has been crowded dairy Saturday last with cotton and cotton buyers are parrba-ia- g they can, at ranging Kg, Hi cents The foreign news to have had little upon this marKet. We bave liberal cotton merchants In who as fair prices far cotton as our eanobtain elsewhere. He Herald, Xot. 28. Steek Pabboskii. We understand that Jersen Steen, eentfBeed to twenty years in the State Penitentiary bas been pardoned by the Tbe to yesterday the eScial document release. It be tbat some employee of tbe Sheriff has in hands. We don't know anything about thit, bat we know that Steen out on the: street en last Hernando Prett. Collation to Gek. Revbxk Davis. Pre- -i vleus to his departure fer Washington City, as tbe member elect from tbe Third Congressional days sin" fire the ! District, the o I Gen. Davm gave him collation fit Aberdeen. Tbe Sunny South pro- nounces it the most biilH-n- . aSa'x that ever came off In that citv. Xfnatt tf i-- Dflfft Pllf tftinTh. an f0rthe Columbia Junction left . . - Mobile laet Monday. The two hundred twenty-thre- e from The learns that there force engaged upon read above that point, tbat it will be lopg before the cars will Okalona. AHK&H5&8 Fbospeiitt or Fobt Smith. The Herald, of the 21st tilt., says: No " To ! "Every great and small, is filled, In this place, and yetwe hear numerous for houres. The appear particularly with this city .f nr.r.n ronnfe are comirtt Vt, a maUerof course, when they here, with this as a place for cf every mrchint jjjs onndsat a lair prouwi mo n snown a can for aad could can a Sane can t let those has per fot this Stmmm Gailt u " York with a o uie of been of and can a school sad just of I has a of a a known of of Resumption or Patments. A from New Orleans, says the Sun, aaaoances that the banks in that city, which saspended specie peyments during tbe late have resumed. This is agree' able intelligence, and we hope to see own waen banVs adopt the the tide of c(rar.e of a resume. New u bad abandantly specie Some of the gold silver, they takothat their tbe the In of aad ef their have a frame " a they hands since ments at the counters the principal banks are resumed. Gold is so plenty that suspension is only nominal. " While these cheerio? signs risible in financial there is much to encourage to prices of beck .BboPs few the of Uaae and terite af Bktares. is ami aek th States, of system During and of or and of law of aad fail to aad of Harry and bas Holly had and going give work to 1,000 laborers nearly all winter, aad it expected that bv 1st of January 500 more will find something to do new f est Uince, Dtult at lower end or faru." The New York of esti mates that the specie in tbe banks of that city-nex- t week will larger amount than ever the baaks HEW T0HK Tbe followiog letter is from highly respect able commercial house in New York : ( Uie lieratfl Ak1 Sew Tone Smh 21, 1857. Ebitobs: The usual of the great Manchester upon the price of cotton has commenced. Tbe organ the spinners, the Manchester Guardian, of the iesL, at the rale of discount being advanced to per coat, as it says it will materially depress the price of cotton in the United wirfch coaatry they en tirety dependent for supplies. Our growers never had an opportunity to fix the rates of eompeneatioa to suit themselves, as they have this seasea. If the crop reaches 3,500,-00- 0 bales it would be imperatively required, for their mills canaot staad It is proba but actj as tne ia ignorance wwe are no the metalNe tbe in the manufaetur savage tribes, tre- - at en whole Eu rope, France, whereas food is abundant aad cheap. When cotton is sent the sea ports ia time the owner design the to invariably is, growth pie ef day are so ia fPSfated speculators, atd price actually prefer to iesaas, pay- - rts your cotton a tMiideoeae for "P00 J"our ptaatations aatil healthy reaction wonder cross ieseranee ef a" "meant tec, our igne-jsa-ce the oar own is W. a a " Bible." ion lee of oa are it step tbe it the Hoaetoa at oa he one te bis be tbe was a letter, par-pe-rt of be a of he Houston has a V. one of tbe county on the Mr. fer bis LstMSLATivB toe By A. ap en a Railkoad ee this see. of a " be succeeded a on Wood A. E. from his of loss acci- dental, or light-finger- is of Stulhron. oar eo'erprisiog alt from I or no Springs, are planters Springe for stealicg Governor. up It do Monday to a on is Mvertiter Is a nd to inquiries The .i Baltimore our of are a of of Ia to is on tue to tse tDe me Commerce $22,000,000 a in a CrreBe6e&ee manufactarers of rejoices oa are a or to a P4 of al. rwt a yea will bave no to find fault with the price. TWENTY. The Cotton Crsp, Bar lbs VetsaMt Appeal Florence. Ark.. XsTmbrr imt. Membs. Editoks: We, Southeast Ar kaBtag, are having what is most commonly caHed "bd weather," and more of it than known before by that important ual, "the oldest inhabitant." We bave had but little favorable the gathering of crops, (which, by the way, are good crop ua usually so,) since September. And even while I the pattering shower making music oa honse top, and wete I not firm is faith tbat He who sends the rain does all things right, I shoaM for once say tbat we are having too much. The bad weather and the unfavorable pros pect a good price cotton has very srl- oasly the faces of planting friend as a correspondent said ia a letter to me from your in reference the merchants of It seems that-soo- after arrival at the pressure com contents for the. miles raesced " their faces are long that their oldest acquaintances scarcely know But we hope better times than the present. Arkansas will feel so sensibly the pres sure in money most of the other States, in consequence of her having no banks, which .we feel fortunate, as they would doubtless have in the foot steps of rly banks throughout our and suspended, which would have a much amount depreciated paper in our midst than we have to with. In conversation with of political par ties in this section ef the country, I find their opiaioes to be ae cne with reference to the paper I have to meet the first Jitaate uisuter, ilea. Jens weoDWAan is bow in favor of naner In wHHnmaurcaK,iM ahhooje any shape: they seem satisfied Alabama aow of the cars Oxford 26. Humbog Hyatt was ever Yankees, man hundred We the his Inter- est M. Sentinel Carroll tbe ana steppes mis lost tbe was sot known. It the Corro.v square wages; prices per pound. ap- pears effect Holly paying slaves, Sheriff not received for his may his was friends sew first Hon.JoHiC.trainor Junction Mobile. strong the cot run SEWS, Houses boose, peo- ple business ready brought Specie dis patch panic, again already the circles, the Jeursal eqaal by several millioas was before. McesES. war of ten States, ia advance of the present occasion Baaks, of ever individ weather for pretty the corn write, is my tbe for for effected my State, to them." for not matters for followed all country thrown larger of bow contend was persons all currency. vet man air. all west do," aLd exprets themselves this way, Oae of my neighbors, Mr. Gary Williams, bad about eighty dollars abstracted from his bouse the other day, by a nun calling himself Bryant, and said that he was from Napoleon. Bryant had beea here but a few days ; he is of medium size aBd appears very sickly, and got employmebt upon the ground that he could go no farther; bat tbe result shows he soon regained his strength. Notwithstanding tbe derangement in mone- - tiry affairs, our railroad prospects are still Wight. From late aad reliable laformation, there can be bet little doubt of the earlv com pletion of the first section of tbe Mississippi, Ohio and Red River Railroad, which will add greatly to our already raptaiy increasing popu latien. W. D. M. Oa ths Bread Qntjtloa. 1st Ike XempMi Appeal it I fally agree with you in the opinion that bread sheald be ssM by weight, as well as butter, cheese and lard, and think it would be aa improvement if the rule of selling by weight were extended to vegetables, as well as to coal and corn. Bat the plan of selling by the loaf is Bot the oaly evil connected with tbe bread trade. It is, perhaps, not generally known that raseh probably most of the bread seld by bakers in all our cities, Is made of old and damaged flour, sold at half price as tour Jlour. As every loaf weighs nearly double as much as the flour it contains in its dry state, tbe profits on bread are very large when made of Hour at fall price, but these profits are dou- bled when sour flour is used. Certain alkaline substances are used to cor rect the sourness of the flour ; such as potash, soda, magnesia and lime, and then tbe bread is rendered even whiter than that made of fresh flour, by the addition of certain mineral solu tions ; such as common salt, alum, blue vitriol, white vitriol, &c Tbe mcst efficient of tbe articles is the blue vitriol (sulj hate of copper,) but that in most common use is alum, very large quantities cf which are consumed by ba kers. Nearly two ounces of this have been detected by chemical analysis in forty pounds of bread. All these substances bave tbe efiect, also, of retaining in the loaf an increased quantity of water, and thus adding to Its weight. Few families are so situated as to render it difficult to make their own bread, and the ad- vantages are many and important The ex pense is reduced more than one-bal- f, perhaps as much as three-fourth- s, and then tha advan tage and satisfaction cf knowing what each loaf contains, and that it is in no degree n, Is worth something to those wbo set a proper value opon health and life. Since the eooking-stov- e has come into use, with an oven, easily heated and pearly always ready, the baking of domestic bread is 'greatly facili- tated, and tbe art of making it in good perfec- tion is easily learned by any one. A HOUSEKEEPER, KEVIHW : ... THE, REW C0IT05 KAEKET. C1BC0LAR OK T. J, STKWAET ft CO. Sew Toss, NoTembir 31, 1SS7. We have not issued a circular since ours of September 16tb, containing the tabular figures of the crop, closing tbe year on August 31st with an exhausted interior, and a total of bales at tbe seaports, thus falling be- low the general estimates of operators fullr 100,000 bales, and of our own, nearly 200,000 bales, as our correspondents will have percelv-e- d. Tbe absence cf a supply here, and the temporary suspension of a large number of the Cotton Mills in the Northern States, has so narrowed transactions for the past two months, that we have not thought it advisable ta issue a circular until the crop was made, or active business resumed. The position of our spin- ners is dally improving, and ws may shortly look for tbe resumption which bai now com- menced, to be extended on a large scale. At this period tbe floating stock among tbem usu- ally averages 75 to 100,000 bales. It is now exhausted. In Providence, R. I., and all of the North, there Is not 5,000 bales of cotton. In regard to the amount of supply, we desire to exprut s no decided opinion until we can see how far tbe weather may be favorable for pick- ing. Although a killing frost has not been widely published as was the case last season, inasmuch as dealers never bad a smaller inter- est, either in Europe or In this country, still, It is generally known that cotton was arrested In its growth by it as far South as FIorida, as early as tbe 27tb of October; on tbe 21st olt. In Middle Mississippi, and on the 17th alt In Alabama, and during tbe paet fortnight, re- - fieated severe frosts bave been recorded, cover whole cotton section. The effect has been since seen In the dropping of green bolls and tbe destruction of the top crop. Tbe re- peated white frosts which have since interven- ed, destroyed the top foliage, and by that the me- ridian sun was enabled to reach and rapidly ma- ture tbe middle and bottom bolts, which had previously turned brown. Cotton growing, as distinctly expressed, ceased abeut the middle of October. Since that date, tbe plant has only been benefitted as we bave above naned. As a class, the growers are less in debt than any great interest in the cuntry. The deliv- eries have been free since September 1st, ex- cept for about a fortnight. Planters bave been satisfied with prices, and as fast as their crops could be picked they have sent morr, and not lees, than their usul shares to tbe seaports, reserving tneir later pickings until alter m area opens. It is obvious tbe amount rf the crop depends so much upon tbe length of the picking season, that estimates at this period must allow margins of 500,000 bales for ex- tremes. We have given It full attention, and record our belief, that it canno under the most favorable chances, reach 3,000,000 bales, and may not exceed 2,500,000 bales. This may startle tbe uninitiated, and tnose woo may nave been hoodwinked by large crop circulars issued by extensive cotton buyers, and if it would affect their interest, the earlier they send con fidential agents to the cotton plantations to get proper data, tbe better it will be for them. T. J. STEWART Sz CO., Cotton Brotert, Xo. 149 Peart, ceir Watt Street. TENNESSEE LEGISLATURE-VASnriLXi:- , SatcnliT, Xortnitxr 2S, 1SS7. Senate. The regular order was suspended, and tbe following bills passed tbe third time. Directory to the Comptroller, for the pay ment of money expendedfor carpeting the Cap itol. To change the time of holding the Chan cery Uourls in toe western division oc toe State. To repeal the 14'h section of tbe act of Feb. 23, 1856, creating tht office of tax Mr. Walker, from the Committee on Federal Relations, reported adverse to tbe adoption of House resolutions asKtng uongress tor an ap propriation of land to levee the east bank of the Mississippi river on tbe Tennessee border. And the majority or me same committee reported verbally in favor of the passage of the resolutions instructing tbe Hon. John Bell out of his seat in the benate;of the United States. The minority of said committee submitted tbe following report: Tbe undersigned members of tbe committee on Federal Relations, to which committee were referred the preamble and resolutions, request- ing tbe Hon. John Bell to reeign his seat in tbe Senate of tbe United States, beg leave to sub- mit the following minority report. They have been unable to concur with the views oi tne majority ot uie committee, ani feel that it is due to themselves to present in bri'f form the reasons for their difference. They are unable to perceive any necessity or propriety, iu asking Mr. Bell to resign his seat, . , V - ..iYr - wuen uie sioic quvtmon ei iuc naneas aim Ne- braska act, upon whien he is sought to be ar- - raigrd has long since been settled, and neither De nor Dis political mends in J ennessee seec or intend to disturb is provisions. That act, whether wire or unwise, is now the law of the land, upon th subject of slavery in tbe States, and there let the agitating question rest forever. So says Mr. Bell, and so Bay we. The point with Mr. Bell, and those who acted with him, iu ths South, in opposition to that frasvrs of trie not as wise that 4,00M0 bales leave small of worm 'the of that so as who Rut who tbat that power, no sentiment inimical to tbe institution of slavery ; but merely the peace and harmony ot tbe country. And how that peace and har- mony have been disturbed, and the two great sections of tbe Union been brought into antag- onism, let the whole Country bear witness. The strife bas been fearful, and the agitation not only alarming, but embarraseiag to tbe Administration of the Government, such a state of things is deplorable ; and that public man wbo anticipated it awl acted upon bis convictions, deserve praise rather than cen- sure, at the bands of his political opponents. All tbat we now experience as a nation, and all tbat we deplore, of sectional discord, bad its origin in the introduction and paesge of the Kansas-Nebrask- a act. It the fires of opposing paseioos, that had beea al- layed by former compromises, and furnished a new occasion for all the enemies of tbe Union to precipitate themselves into the arena of sec- tional conflict. Mr. Bell apprehended and foretold, what we hare realized. He opposed tbe bill because of the very evils which all good men now lament, and wbat bas it accomplished for the South ? Nothing but the aseertion of the abstract prin- ciple of to which none but fauatics were ever opposed. It has added no new slave State to the Union, and no man in his sober senses, now believes it ever will. But this act, which bas beea claimed by its Southern friends as a great measure fer slave- ry, has at the same time been claimed by its riortb.rnsupporteis, as a measure tf freedom, This generous family rivalry this honest dif ference or opinion, nas not been difficult to harmonize. We ha ve seen those antipodes sup porting me same men toromee, sooutiag In the same nost, ana wen in turn, receiving promis cuously, the showers of public patronage. Is it a measure for freedom of slavery? Its sup porters are aivueu in opinion ami time alone will decide We respectfully urge, however, that those wno are so tolerant ot uitlerences among tbem selves, miguc esreem sometDing oi tlie same virtue towards their political opponents. But there are provisions in that set, according to uie interpretation or a portion oi its support- ers, to which the undersijrtied can never assert. Squatter sovereignty has been claimed under it, and boldly insisted upon a doctrine utterly at . . . . t l-- r-- .1 i i r war hiiu oouiurro men wuo voieu ior tne law. To admit such a doctrine is to wall ud all the territories against the South. Alien suffrage, too, has found place in this act. and has attained a baneful prominence un der its administration. American citizenship ami cien p?i uiAueai resraence nave oeen treat- ed with contempt No solid growth no stable institutions no permanent prosperity can be tne offspring of such radical levelling But the undersigned denv that the Kansas. Nebraska act has ever been anBroved bv th peopie ot itni esxe. certainly not under tbe interpretation now put upon it And the reult likely to follow Its administration, will add but nine to me appropaiion already given it llie elections tbat bave transnired In th State since its enactment furnish bo conclusive test. ADat there is an overwhelming raaioritv against its distarbaace, so far as relates to the subject of slavery, is beyond all question. That scmiraeHi is iouneea more in a desire to stop further agitation than in any fixed views of the law Itself. Popular acquiescence bas been mistaken for approbation. The people never demanded its natsaire. be came uiey uesirea issue, ana tbey are averse to its repeal for the same patroiic reason. Ia all the recent elections other questions have bad a more decided prominence. The fierce antagonism between the North and South Irrespective of the merits or demerits of th. act itself, has notoriously swayed thousands of our voters, and the deepest feeling which now occupies the minds of tbe people of Tennes- see, is one of regret at tbe detractions which petvade the national pablic opinion. Tbe undersigned do not feel called upon to eulogize Mr. Bell. He needs ro such tribute at their hands. His inn? services In hlnir nf the State, iu different departments, and under the eye of the natien, are his best testimonials : and his elevated position in the Senate, is the monument of his greatness. All these ought to have shielded him from the carping censure contained In this preamble and resolution. Ills future in the body of which he is a mem- ber, has been circumscribe., and to permit him to close unmolested, the remainder of his term, would neither impair the ascendency of the party in power, or jeopardize any favorite pol- icy. More than all, the nation ran ill spare the services of such a man upon other questions foreign and domestic, about which there are no party differences. Frr these and other reasons we ditssnt from the views of the majority of the cotnmi'.tee. and resnectfollv ure ihai h. resolution be not passed. All of which is re spectfully submitted. v. LAFAYETTE McCONNICO. JAS. B. HEISKELL. The calendtr was taken on and S.naks Mil. on the second reading passed. Mr. Walker, by leave, presented th rial, of citizens of Fayette county, asking that the office of Cocnty Judge be retained in said county. Mr. W. remark), in presenting the memo- rial tbat it wii from a number of tbe most worthy and respectable citizens of tbe county, and entitled to the mcst rerpeettul considera- tion by the Legislature: for himself, he was not satisfied that such was tbe desire of a ma jority of the people of Fayette, and would, therefore, wuen tne diu came up ior consider ation on Its tnird reading, move to Include the ounty of Fayette, but would, huaself, vote gainst It. House bill to amend the criminal laws in rgard to slaves was taken up. Pending it discussion, The Senate adjont ned till 10 o'clock, Monday morning. ffowe. Mr. Williims, a resolution looklne to tbe abolishment of thecCice of tax collec- tor, and tbe discbarge of their duties by the Trustee. Mr. Algee.-- bill to permit John D. Dadlev to 'hawk apd peddle without, a license. ' Mr Stanton, a resolution to make negroes "of kit sees sabiect to taxation bv an ametnlment off tbe Constitution. Adjaurned to 10 a. f., Monday. Abel AwctTrxo. Oar Memphis exchanges inform us of the acquittal ot Abel, charged with murder. Tbe case was looked upon, by many, as blgE-band- rd and Much bas been said of it in the papers. From what we have learned of the case, we bave no doubt of tbe fact that a guilty man bss been acquit- ted, and turned loose upon the community, with his crimes endorsed by the laws ot the country. But, unlike many, we do not chares this upon the courts, nor the lawyers, nor the jurors. We think it chargeable to the news- papers. Prompted by the best of motives, but actuated by a mistaken and misdirected seal, from tbe day of Abel's arrest, until that of his acquittal, some of tbe Memphis papers, the place of the regular officers ot ths law, bare proiecnted blm until their good in- tentions, and good works, bave been con- structed, by many good and charitable people, into perncstioa. Prominent among these pros- ecuting newspapers bas been our valued eotemporary. the agle and Enquirer. Tbe result, like that of the Ward ease, prosecuted by tbe Louisville Democrat and tbe Louisville Courier, bas been the acquittal jot a guilty man. Every editor has the right to pursue exactly such a course as be pleases, in regard to any question which Is, or whcb be conceives to be, of sufficient public Importance to demand his attention. But, as a matter of taste, or as a matter of policy, we do not approve of pros- ecuting a man, charged with a crime which is punishable by law, through the columns of a newspaper. There are laws, and rs whose duty it is to prosecute offenders against the laws. This duty is laborious and onerous, and, to us, distasteful; and, as we do not re- ceive tbe emoluments of Prosecuticg.Attorney, we prefer to leave the dutlis of that office to blm who does. It is bad policy for a news- paper to prosecute a criminal, because Intelli- gent people know that tbrre are law officers whose duty it Is to make such prosecutions; and any attempt, by a newrpsper, to procure the conviction of one charged with crime, is apt to be regarded as the applying of an out- side pressure, for the purpose of exercising an undueand im proper influence upon tbe eoarts of the country. This inevitably creates a sym- pathy for the accused, and the law officers sue extremely fortunate, if, under such circum- stances, they can make any kind of a convic- tion. It is the province of tbe newspaper press to denounce crime, and contend manfully for a faithful and a strict execution of tbe laws. Law officers should be held responsible for tbe least neglect or dereliction of duty whereby criminals escape punishment ; and, when nec- essary or deserving, courts and juries should not be spared the lash ; but we do Insist that, in the discbarge of this duty, an editor should take higher than any mere personal grounds ; and we still think, as we always bave thought, that the editor who lends his columns to the prosecution of a case pending before tbe courts of tbe country, does an act not required of hla as a public duty, and reduces tbe dignity of tbe press below Its leeltimate standard. We bave alluded to this subject in no unkind feeling towards our Memphis cotemporaries, for we hold them in the highest regard ; but, as we think they bave made a mistake by which a public offender bas escaped by which a mur- derer has bad bis murder endorsed by tbe legal tribunals of the country, we would not be true to tbem, nor to oareelf, If we did not allude to their errors in the past, that similar ones may be avoided In the future. Little Rock Gazette. The Kansas Question. The following Is from the Washington correspondence of the Baltimore Sun : "Tbe Democratic newspapers from Northern States cone to us with articles upon tbe Kansas Convention, and it would appear tbat the oppo- sition to the action of the Convention from leading Democratic journalists is becoming moieandmoredecided and intense. The journals received last night are replete with denuncia- tions of the Convention and its acts, and utterly hostile to the meaning and intent of the Kan bill, and a violation of tbe pledges given by tbe administration, bv Guv. Walker and Judge Douglas to tbe people of Kansas, that tbey should have an opportunity 10 vo-.- e upon tue isunsuiuiion wnicu suouid De framed by tne convention. The Pbiladelphi Prett and tbe Chicago Times follow up their views in daily ana vigorous articles, which wear an air or more tnan usual political au thority. " It is now quite certain that tbe latter organ speaks tbe sentiments of Judge Douglas, the reputed autnor and able defender of tbe Kan- act Were it not so, we should have been advised of the fart ere this. A ru mor prevails, also, tbat Gov. Walker himself Is decidedly and openly hostile to the acts ot the Convention, and will oppose the acceptance of the Constitution to be submitted by them to congress, uan tnts oe so we snail soon see. Gov. Walkei's friends here have supposed that he was on the side of the Convention in this matter. Meanwhile, the administration have deter mined to sustain the Convention, and are favor of tbe acceptance of the Constitution in whatever form it may come and it can only come with the slavery article. " It ia much to be regretted that this disturb ing topic shook! be again brought before Con- gress and th country, and it is now to be pre sented in a more exciting form, apparently, than at any previous time. Tbe contest wilt be so ebarp in the Democratic ranks on thi subject that it will be hardly necessary for the uiact ttepuDiicans to aggravate it. " It is to be hoped that Congress will decld the question one way or the other at an early day, in order tbat tbe Kansas people may pro- ceed to another effirt at Constitution making or menaiag." Wagox Road from Memphis to Calitob :ia. We clip the following from the Wash iDgton Stale t, of the 23d Instant: Tlie Interior Department has received ad vices dated at Franklin, Texas, October 22 from Superintendent J. B. Leach, stating that a portion of bis train had recently arrived at that place, and that tbe men were all well and tae mules in good condition. Col. Leach reports tbat the roads east of fort were very rougb, aud much washed by recent heavy rains. Scarcity of water aaa compelled ins train to tlelleet Its course, between Memphis and Franklin, much further south than was expected, making the distance nearly 1,300 mile. Although tbe gras was scarce and very poor. Col. Leach sueeeeueo. in getting tne train through without losing any mutes. Four working parties have been organized and are at work upon the road between Frank lin and Fort Fillmore. Ose party had gone on in advance to examine tbe country and select poiuis ior noring ror water. Col. Leach confident!? expects that. Hnrln the month of December, he will be able to re pvik troio ron luma tue amount or work ne cessary to be done, with the proper estimates, Death or How. C. H. Williams. The West Tennessee irAfg, of tbe 27th inst, an nounces the death of Hon. C. H. Wiluahs, of Henderson county. It says : "We are pained to learn lhat our old and distinguished friend, Hon. C. H. Williams, died at his residence, in Lexington, on Monday last. Col. Williams was one of the first settlers in iw iei,nessee, and one or the most In the State. Aa a politician he wielded as much Influence as any man in this uifiaivu ui me cute, ne was uie first man that made a speech in this county in defense of Henry Clay. He was emphatically the leader of the Clay party in Tennessee in its j "ifiauiiauon, ana maintained tne integ- rity of his principles to tbfdav of his death He served eight years in Congress, and having more marnanimlM. thin ..c.u - L -- -- o ......j vuai. ewusuucoa, generously declined a In order that oth'er members of his party might share the honors Leh ? lhJd enJ3"d. As a lawyer be ranked high with the profession, and In the private walks of life no man shared mnr l.r.ln t admiration and friendship. Tbe death of saeh a man is a public calamity. He died, we un-- uciskam,. iron a paraietic attacic on the Fridav ....uiu uiO UCdlU." A New Movement. A correspondent of the . .u.iuciitc jjinMi, wnun? from niTnn n i. nols, says: A move basjbeen made bv tbe la dies of Dixon, Illinois. Some twenty of the daughters of Rhode Island, now residing here, have retolted that until every factory ntd calico "MiHuuiurai ot taeir native .Mat is strain in succes efu! operation, they will neither purchase nor consume any fabric, unless of American manufacture, and will rive th nr.r,r.r... the labor of their native State. The sons of Rhode Island, also residing here, have adopted a similar resolution, and ten of them will ap- - r r.ew suns or orosdclotn, tbe materials of whleh Wri fnm!.fi Kw -- j Tl.A. 1.1 I ... ., mvuc laiauu lactones." This is much better than looklne to the Government for protection. They csn thus protect themselves, if they think proper. VEBPAXCT IBSTBBCTED. The Rattlmnre bun states that at Philadelphia last week a youog man named S. W. Cotton, of Maryland, nas m:t ov two resneetable min. In the neighborhood of the Girard House, who accosted him familiarly, and asked blm If he Would decide a bet between them. IT uM ti had no objection, and on accompanying them to a public house, one of them drew a watch from bis pocket and said he had bet his friend tbat be could go around tbe square in less than three miuuics, ana asuea Mr. u. to nold tne watco. After the watch had been taken.he said as ven are a stranger to me I should like to bave your watch as security that you will not leave." Mr. Cotton, who had no suspicion of anything wrong, at once handed over his gold lever, and the other departed. The next minutes windier No. 2 walked to the door, saying that he did not believe his friend could go the distance within the time, and might be disposed to come the giraffe over him. In a minute or two he was gone, and Mr. Colton beginning .o sus- pect be was swindled, proceeded to a watch- maker's, and was told that the watch which he held was-wor- th about S3, while his own, wnicn was placed in the hands or one of tne swindlers, cost him $00. Of course he will neversee It again. S3" We happen to know that Da. Atxb'b Chtrnt Pectoral anrl Catkarl ie PWt" are rood medicines, aad shall proclaim it because we do know it We conGdentlv believe there is a vast amount of relief from suffering for oar afflicted fellow men wrapped up in these skill- ful preparations, and we shall freely use our little Influence to make tbem known to those wbo need them PAildoWpaia Sandy rimer. From Col. Toxac Albebt Pike, M. C, from Ark.: Wairibotob. D. C June fl. 1854. I "I have used two bottles of your Sxrkate't Holland Bitlertf and have found It very useful in case of Indigestion and Headache, and re- - ' 1 I, -- It V , 1 . J - T iuiuuicuu ii iu an wuo ncea a aaa cut cacious remedy and valuable tonic" Dtspbitib Womsn Noticx ! Sarhart'i Holland Bittert hs coreil. me ot Drspcptia by nsire it only oce wtcV. I recommend i: cotifi-dent- ly to all Bnfferiptr froni this dinetse. CLARA E. SCHDCHMAN. PlTTf BtJSGH, Oct. 24, 1S5C (Mrs. S. is trie wfe qt tjie poUd L4ttcrapb(r.) i ALL. SAFE ! XHSroCovlstevcuivaleatlencrptetiultttU. jLUrxe tact of tba iiaj sart kept ronitantt en btsd LOWKSS, OKQIU. ft. 00. . AsxaufsrSttaiaa&jfiiTla. KxnrBlt, Tuts., VmabaU, ISM ileurs. Lovnet, OrgUl - Co.: Gxxtlzmex la rtsir to roar taqnlrlei eoneanlEs tin attempt ni4kr arelt.-c- n tia nljht et the Klh IniUot, ta rob oar Fir Proof 8, Ka. B6S3, w UU pmr atatlix that lha tflort t&OBiti rrliratly xnaietr rtinfal pttom. with tls pjcelJtrlT UU1. totbtlr tUU1mu wort, and peibaraaiaplsjisx a ixHr portion of ths nlrbt, proved a ilzni riair. Tba Safe It tha tarns w bmrht ot Too awa tlm no, and wo ad due to tba maauf attartnt, Xrr. BUtraa ft-- JtaTrtn, to commaeleuto to them thnmch jou tttae facts. attack, ta U prababultT, w flnt mad opon tbe lsc, wbKfctolcr one of U. "L Balis " pawdtixpraat. they bad to abandon, after cmsptatttv damalBs It far je,bycoia chlaelaer ibarp steel tnrtromrati. Tfcty tben cot s hols about tba sist of aa ift to tba rit-h- t ct aodaUttlocelow tbe kex-ho- l. asd after msl a quntltrtf nmni scfartrat to have been rrp!a4 by at a poasd of powder, ejptoaUat wots prod teed, oatsnrTlitUatirfctontktdoor ttf. Tbs vUUlns tica abtadosed tba work, ceapietel bad. Try ratpectlogjv dacl d'Janl KASOK. XORVELL BODXE. Tlie Cures made ljr A. E. Sinltli'fl te. "Electrir. nll. I tell AT a4 u. . ABS .o nearly mlracaloai u to membl. th, famed -- u.' Sf ?! VJT. . ' 6 crlpiore itMuli almUar rar.i la anelaot tits' Oxll oa WUkiwaTrTrbisTi Os!, ' T ar. fonT.,. i ou j IM e tarn o wsndtrtul I nw mt of mausi rsioa. oi . IsaHoo at PtoeBKr. Artaaiaa - .... .wi.., aoaauaiactsry aaq mmiaiagof na-ta- W, as to call upon paKle fBotlanarl sad then tarur charts of pabtU lutltaUoaa far the lie aHdanf- - fsrtnc, to lock Into ths wen itUatnJ xaerlH. ths ilmoie earaey of tbu "ijcctic Oil " I m forfeit 10O if ths SLXOtRIO OIL. siU at sor ter ef Watnnt and Ksbth Straati, PhtMpbu, f .Hi to core allocs ease ot Rttnmatiiaj.or Palm laths Back or Limsj, Pile,, Borra, or Barm, Wenr Sorea. Cleeri. Caked Brest!, Son Klpplea, Bnocbla Affdctlona. Bwcn. Glaadi, rclooa Btlffae la ths Jatata or Xeek, alto PalplUtlon. To Timers an aomtsa aad awtlUai mfiorn 6to53mleatea, U applied to any patUnt, mala or fe male, la taa alnubcois, or aay pablio butitsUoa In ths city. wlu- - COST Soil la Veuphli, by WARD J0KE3, aicl-dj- w jjs w aln-i- tl Sore and Inflamed Eyes. THESE dbagrteable computsu ars tseoBlDz remark- - M!y prevalent of late, and f l.a any tLlnr tnt an tnter- - criag look to ths rotMttar of ths dUsued orsan. "A red and flrrr eye " i. not pretty to kk at, and cortatoly cannot b ajraeaws to hare "far kwpi," aa the bora lay. Wo can tail Vavn afflicted thii manner bow care lbs stU, tn4 won't charst tbem tblsc for ths lnfonaitloa. Let them fat aaiae of BKAGO'S ARCTIC LIKIKIKT andtooea ths loStmed part with tt a fw tunc, lha work la dona. Ths ArsHe Liniment may 2 ootatnel at any of the Dmc (tons la this pUca. GREAT SACRIFICE OK J? M1 GO O&S. FROX MIS DAIS Camiec, Mix sSc Co., WILL OFFXS -- fli.t Oost for- - Oanli Their 1mmcom stoik i f STAPLE AND FAXCT DRF GOODS I In q untitles suit psreaasers. This probably the beat besgk! and best iclectsd stock t n tht Soathweit, embracing emy variety of x SILK AND rANOT GOODS, STAPLE AND PLANTERS' GOODS, BLANUTS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, tic. Wetrujtwtneednstaiicreoer patrons tt onr sin cerity, as only the one pries wW be sited or lakni. u b w e t 11 er h. . it la to an U CAIVDEE, MIX CO. PREMIUM PICTURES ! THE THR snpertorltj sf tbe Asabfetrps or- -r the Disaer- - notrpe la nnlTenaHy stknowledi-- d, tbey In thir tarn art totally eclipsed by tbe whKh ia the result of a nw chemical promt dlicoTiied'by psrfsettd after moth labor SDd perTercto. & and These plctsra and all the ttytet keewn to tbe art ars taken by Professor ItBHINGTON.Ie lbs newooersttnc room ot r. H. CLAREK at CO. norlZ aioo,ooo wojRTi-- i OF DRF GOODS ASD CLOTHING, AT COST FOR CASH. 1TB eaa attention to th sdvertKestenLet 3f easrr. TV alter K Bros , TS Front Row, esrnr ot Adams itrret. and Hettrs. Walker at Co , No 317 iftla itreet, OH FHVowi' HiU. Tbsso Esatleena sre now mWbx tbtir exteeiive stoek of Dry Gdoda, flhthlnr. ate , st Coat for Csib. They ns-r- sbont $150,009 worth of Goods on hand, and wlH sallKro bargain! to Bako room or their Sprint stock. IMs ii a great lnlacraeet te pentss who with to acppy itKuwtres with roth artistes. noi3l-l- m GREAT EXCITEMENT. JDST DISCOVERED. THE only Gallery la JfeEiplill, where yen can get aa kind's ot Pidaret.akMi, at prfces to lt Ibe times. These bemttfsl real of Art, fChrsBtttrpe) hart been recently discovered by X. Yamallo. Tbey wBt aspertede any ether kind of Plcts-re- knows ; there li sa ttrguce and relief eff.t sat tbtObnmialypt that hat only to bo tecs to be appreciated. The Chromtotype is n"t known or taken st say titer GlBerj in the oonntry wai yon boss Bind st to be? or tbia Gallery with a caa and examination of the eompsrsttTe merits ot its irLs- - tical protnetions. They are takes st thtTJkroaittyce OiBery. by r. N. VASSALLO. noTl-1- y No. Hi Main atroet. CLOSING 0DT SALE AT ACTUAL COST FO! VTS offer ACTUAI. COST FOR CASH, the- bslanct of onr stock ct to F. at FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Alto a Itrtt and very complete asstrteatnt of GRNTLSbtKN'S FHHNISniNG GOODS, SHIRT-- ', SnATTXS, BLANKETS, Siperiar SOLE LBATHHR TRTJNKS, LADIES TBONtS, ate. tre Intend ro hnmbng, as oar stock mtut be paid for. and to do as. It atlt bs saM FOR GAS EI. Therefore. ws will price onr Goods st actual cut, ssd will hire bnt ohe rnicr. JOHNSON tt JGST. No. J Otstk't bf artlt Block. 150,000 Worth ot Jewelry, Silver OKxkc, Onnt, Fancy Goods, etc, fer tale st a rreat dednelloa la prices for caab. In satletpatlon of s rood teston we laid In a very large, lucxorcneice Gtede, wbrch rather than hold over, we will f.r the next few months teH at' Great Barjalnt. Ti e public are InrHed to examine our at- - sortmtnt which for extent ssd variety hi no anpciior. norl F. n. at Ns. 1 CSark'slfaible Edmondson & Armstrong, tVLolesale snd Ke'sH Oeslcra In HIVES, OIL AND NO. 317 MAIN STREET, Opposite Court Square Sign of the Ooldon Stir ru. r,. canatsntly tn hand t faB aseertment of srttdes In their cenilttlnsin part ot French snd American Calf Skins. Hemlock snd Sols Leather, Sklrtictt, Harnett, Brtdle, TVix and Kip Upper Leather, Znameled and Leather sf alt kinds; Pad, Hit. Chamott, Untaf sad Ttaflag a fall sitortnwnt ot faddlert', Sboesukers' sad Tsnnert' Tooti, Saddlery Hardware and rlimeu If osatinsa of erery variety to we reipect rally Invil the sttentloa ot persons beyine ta oar list. sngzo-i- y Harness, Bridles, &c TVK art now Jrat recrlrlnr a fresh and well stterted ctock of roods in this each at CO., Block. KXBP line, Patent Seer, SVlcj Alto, which line, SADDLES, BRIDLBS. HARNESS, COLLARS, HAKES, tVHIPS, VTAG0N HABNBSS, BRIDLE FILLINGS, HORSK COTXR3, 6ADDLX BAGS, ETC, BTO., XTC., ETZBY VABIBTT. AH of which we win tell tt the very lowest market, rates. KDKONDSON at ARMSTBOVG, Ns. StT If atn itreet, tnxSO-l- y SUn of tbe GoKen Stlrrop. Bands! Handsl Bands! WBkeepconttanilyon hand a tnH assortment of both Machine-Stretch- Leather and e GIN' AND MILL BANDS, . of an sixes, from two to tlx toes Inches In width, and a. we sre the Arrntt of ths maaeJaeterrri, csn tea them as low as they ran be fonnd tn the market, snd funic tee then to be et the bett qatllty made. CLARC EDMONDSON fr. ARMSTRONG, No. StT Main street, aricSO-i- y Sign of tht Goklen SUrrsp. Hides! Hides! Hides! VTB tre preptrtdst any time to pay ths HIOESST UARCBT PRICES, In CASH, ftr DRY HIDES, SHEEP AND DEER SKINS. Sbipraealt solicited, to which pTomlteoar prompt sad special altentlen. EDMONDSON Jt AR3STItON(J, No. Stri Main itreet, tntW-l- y Sltn of tbe GoMea Stimrp. A. H. HISE, TmOLZSALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN Hides, licalhcr and NO. 262 JIAIN-ST- ., UP STAIRS,-- , " ' Oper G. B. Locke' Store. HAS now on band snd wfll to recelttsC wreklf, by tht Mempklt tnd St. Lonli psckett, direct from the msnnf so-- tartrt, erery description of LsATSZS and L1NINOS, which win be told, wholitalt and retalL at tht St. Lonli Eurkelprices - HIDES t HI2)ESJ'Hn)3 ! ' . I wast TITK HUNDRED THOUSAND DRT aad GREEN HIDES, for whlca I wfll ply ths hfehtft jxrlces in CASTT. Trrnti. v TTJ!t xnvo n.i - mmlE&T i jc ni D euu . tiitici w- -i snt pirini st times ths bltbett csih prices ef call snd tee me, at 2S2 street, cp i KOlzrcijcwtaro. . i I- - J w V Uclr pijf ifccmcttts. For Sale. TWOIlkrtj-hiOE- WOMB. Antrto STE1VABT riXO, dfel-l- w K. is Front Row. Dr. II- - J. IJOLME8. Jr. QTHKNV no siito .treat, Heapalj, Turn. Memphis Lote and Houses for XEGHOES. IHATB ten verr mXuroci. dKlrabte XeiapUa Ffapartr, wWcb dr!-dl- n trassr n. ssiitt $50 Beward W"- - PM for ib mora of a il, act at nUn, wbtb wtf atotaa from ma oa th. IS b nU. dtl-- - W O STOOT i TO MERCHANTS WHO WANT GOODS AT HEW TQBR C0t5T AND ON A CREDIT. I BATS at Wnaphls, In lb rare 0r Wnkloawi. Par-.J5- 1 . Ko. 17 Ffoet Ew, ap auira. THIRTr- - 4 IMUU3AHD DOLLARS WORTH OmilCHAN cswhui vrary vamir or rsiapic ana Fancy Goofls, READY-MAD- E CLOTHINR. SHOES, BOOTS. SADDLERY, "Ul cf by VE. who, art h .nrfi.t. too ed aay FrofsuorBBbtlNGTON, and B. CHROMIOTYPES soon CASH. ware, LEATHER, Saddles, OP Iilnlugs, sa dtcl- -t I:w4t gtlsaaAJtetH,ar espy. vsc. o. oaAWLrr. X ana way. AP thl?ni rUb" yellow boy, . HirlSyaanoM, apara mate, had fx on a btss ctsth BtfHarr caat ami km. v.. I wiH pay s llotat nwaM for tb dollv.rT me km life vi i.i ..uiiij. i uta. wiuwimbv u art atta. B. WOOLDBtBOB. dtetasit XenpMs s Important Eecipes. 1TO make rtaltier Si aed Vlltrusrs aa rood al with nonces., exeaot a m ntantt, . To daks a Waaaiag T sH, thai wtB vuk In sa Bvur, wsm' tuso ne or IBJary te ass's defltra. 3 Toxuka oVwp, at a cost of two cents bcrpeini, that wtHwaib wlCXMH rx!MaxoTl&Jery. To make Wbitewaah, sa good sa palet fer oat. bon. waa TsU reCj coat 10(09, tt la nted on lbs PruWeot'i Ibm. 6. To mats Mea Jay esmc tbe winter, at to ths res. mr. Any one of tbeas rcclr, wfll fcs rorwaniad W .. reoHpt af seoiBta, oraU 8o far SI. Tas moswr r- - inusi i, ii mil at nxJ rrri-nt- 3. Adrr, , i. M. D. XILL5B, Ofsorsl Aries. cl VampM-- . TaM. liost and Unclaimed Freight & Bassaire. TrrtLLba-oMsttl- Xstseais and Chute, ton BaJI- - rij D pot. On the I2tu day of December. TO HT VRKIQfrr ASTD ratMB, t wK: R Biggisg (rafiawira Sal-.- asb toots Traska. stt Bag., wilb 'heir coBltati, s4 ctUeti. lanwu. artleirj, Slp.tlTs ithk tKl-t4- a Baptrt4sdBt TrasspoTtaiaaa. FOR SAM CLAUS I TTTHO tseu dsn . J - YV tosply I t hi a nctsks trt Ji- - t?n.nfl0 nf flnnXa t blm rra.i. SZm uuvuai, uvi twn Jf SBPbki ! ii u nn & iz : J. c n It Xopstet st RODNEll'S. Cornor of Main and 2Iadison-st3- . KyoVsr "Grind Pa" sod Grand V. m .. sad rts htra-Fa- lbsr aast NMbcr al-- 0 IBM WauroatM sndiatiaryeiaMwttk Toys, Uolls, &c, &c, AIo TV AX DOLL3. sd ovtrr deferMioa .r Wigs, Bandeaux, Carls and Braids ! AR ot wbKh arasf Jlree tstpwiailta from Pi-- li A LsJies HAIR DBBSSBR always rs4y ts stbn4 aay Gentle-ai- wtU vitas call n lha aaluunui .i. uko p fa ore to wait nana tbem. ' A Urge uaortBMM tf PBRF UN ERT on band. dt-4- - J 0. KODNBB. Lonklaaa Land for Sale. T OFFER far tils y PLANTATION mm Smmn A LU oanMlttsg tf rerea H rat red and Twee-- i r to--t Htsortu iixl srveiy in a Msb tUte tf est' IwtiM. sd sat hssdriJ fcBtrd and dsadtstrd Tht ItBsevTeQeat. srscsod. Prvenr t?M.a-.t-c-. im IkePiriib twotevetuysawSUad,ssy XMl aleo. Oablnawltbbrlikcblsuey.; t. rtiieri i, as4 fCVr rl Tblt PlssttlloB net tn t W road nm V.UU- - I. sod bw yt school sad stnrsb atTseUtts. For ptrtlf tirf. aJdn.1 tka numw .it .v. n . dfet La MTRs'ir t del I wit The Misses Young's School. I ime xtates IOCNIi'3 SCHOOL wis bt A rau4 eeom IIONDAT NBIT. lbs ll.ty..ri To Contractors. B'M tiLr nitst .TtTBS BAT lit Dtstssbn-arx- r.i tin i uti. . nr , street frten raner ttrat stsdb lb HsiasaA Mk "':.rJ?'1 sMSMvaiawt tfcswta( ajwatMy asd wetk ntrerttil, nOnt .trta karor1. OSJe.Xxcbaa(BsrHaHass. K. TT BBCXEB .so. j Jt Clt j Bactaevr. 41olilcn Svruii. D KCEITED tMs da s lot of Btitbei'a M. Uall OM. JX en 8ynp of apiorsHly. Also, fret BtctvbMi Hear, r saekt aad bnt. Oh. ten .Mhen Bait r aad CVi r jftw il BV. A hirer ttetk tbaa atd JZr,?i tf ertfytblie la IBs Hat tf ""' B M.BPrOBRatSON. Christmas is Hear at Hand, A - " isaiHira csa re y oa esettec tacb srtklei si Iter A. may wast aa.kiM allra. PC . w., In. Aa am9.iir AUrntbaadSw. B- - M. SPICBR it SON. 3?or IZent. A PARK of eirhtr aeret twa sad a half siOe, fX fram Oowt TLb s: e h., aa acres cltarerl. Dstlllas aad all useitarr .a' iBIll Hoce O.eru ! arK rile V r r. tf I tier pirtlen art apply at lb tcftot af TRHADWauTa. VALLINTINB, twodtort below tbs CaauMrtltl nora-- i H VALUNTISI5. Buildins: and Iioan Aqsoriintinn. THK fortc-Sr- .t uuul'B'n. of iht Bsifcilu sivl Loss win be d t oa TCBSDAT, Deeeaabtr 1, 1667, paiaMe te tbe Trraiarer at J. B iminvirirnt odT, comtr of Nadrtw Street aid Biek A asx tbc ratKM wai at lotsrd simfl tvsawM at S o'clock at BKialra Hora's ctBce, North sMt tf Csart taare - -- . duum rastts win ae received In parment ot duet Br r rf the Bjard. "I3 OX J K. CHADWICC 8 reary "I fj nnf. OFTmSfiTorllekln.Iof Cinara A J 3 JJJ ap in tbe 5aunsb abas- - ttb tw ends, i.t ratt ed by notzs-i- w SLHBIIMJS It CO., Sbtlby naootttt JTust Mecelved, Q fl l BOXES IT. K. sal K D. ohette, OUU birre.t Better; 60 a Mack-ee- l, No. S S; ti halt bajTcU Ns. I s&d x, 3i Droas OnJath; SO bcrreit Ale aad Lifer Beer; CO tatreji n aa4 Bre rTbttky; 100 Piper" i Betttettk Obaspatsei SO saekt Loodoa p rter, IBS a Fteth Pttebet and Pise Appitai 100 d Tt freab Care 15 btxt Temite XHebtp; le boxes sMttted Pkktet; 101 boxtt Oae Orackerti M belt. Aaattt; boxes Hi.tetter'l Mau-- a BUaera Alto, Oraneet, litsMBS FbN, RsIibm, Nats, Saretset. Tobacoo. S9fs', C.See, Uo'SMes, att. Ae retsaieoy J r. FBtNX. aetM No. 35 Fmat Bow. roccBTDiABrzs; OOrSTINO HO'-S- B DIARIES; DIART AND POCKr BOOK COXBINSDi PARTT JOURNALS; ALL" SIZES ; ALL PRICES'; AN BXTBNSIT1! AMORTXBNTl At OOTI9 mide eo. rattlson & Co.'?. NOTES of the Wtrttem B akaf VKiNcrpel. ferwhieb firs SO cent, ea the dollar la mvsww o rriBTjtiflnT- - For Sale. MT diraIe neo and 14, t real lex; Madlien fret. H ta eoorrilct nriter I wUI Uko Necroet la exeheBre. to JtWN H. TATLiiR. . at W. B. vIBTa. corner ar and v...,. BortS dxw TUFTS Street Banrb Atpiy NJBWFIRSI. Forsyth, Jameson & Bro. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND CoiumlsBion Mcvehnnts. Ko. 88 Front Bow. TTZPeoniuntlyon band a isr and well rejected IVttocktt GROOKRIbS. Aro.ain-ufortbeaa- le ef tbe ClarkatHI Oltv Mill and nik, in of whKh we will aeu low to the etty trsde sad coaatry -- ".u"'- MS dx a Mare Ozpeninfi. . .. ..muiii iuiur .a'e taeir ettaMlM- i- . ui'ub eu urertoB atreet. ueti th um i. aad Ohio Dtp it cociljtn of a frame Bn Jdiox. 50 by 111 feet. ABneV-rllci- l IQ,tiwr ikirtr horse power, alt the cucblatty ftr carrytaf ea tbe Saab snd Door nuasfarterri toeether wih as niuiebt Saw fcrBox-cuklna- ;, wttlt Celeste of tht hett lot ta srmnoif rorraannraclarlsi' pnrpttes, trragea tb Baros, and cbQUtsisff oae an tbrre-qnsrt- acres ; tt be told low and on but tine. Al B80 000 ftet of tetsoaed white pine Alto s ttt with s Oae Brisk VweHK. n Market ttrett near P. Tlltt. A Lot tf 37 feet front ee Second rtrrrt north of Jack-e- tad oae ef 4b feet front on Llrylea street, near to J.J RtwiiDia. all oa ton lime. tr vrxcuirt at jMctttt. ROYAL ITS MinMaan a .tbCMii next Ordinary Drswirf of tbe Royal ll.Tina THE cuadn-Xr- d bt Ibe Spaaiil GtTernrnenc nn- - deribtttpemBtonof tbeOartain Genera! tt Debs, W',1 Uke pace st Hatana, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 5T, SSO OsO OO!! SORTBO NtTMBRO Sl ORDINARIO. PRIZE 1 Prist tf 41M000 I 0'"" 60.0OJ l - or. so mo 1 of........ . 10.CKS) I ' of 4 0CO mm Prxisof $2,000 8f ef 'ko " t 40Q SO uv. 4apprxtrEatfiu.otlr.$ICO,trO ef 600 each: 4 ol Bi30toS.ll)0t tef $?0 13,000, 4 o, 100 $U000oft0tSi.000. JO" WBOleTickett $ior rtilrc 110; Qtarttrt J. f Pr.iei embed it iliHt at pet tuiira atf toT at iuaxt iakn a' J ar. A dwHrwl:l De forwarded .. .. .. v. comejJtriown. CAPITAL $100,000. Armrt.Tlm.ltnB. Xomn adlrecitd to PON RODRIGUEZ (ctreof C!trPoit, Chrlest.n,S. of Deotfabtr iil.p.tteli.Bta. - ntr!d,twtf SERFAXTSV ISTELUCEXCE. OFFICfe, AK?vttVt JTtatrti near Poplar Street H vim tcnirc Jiitey, Tm, Der and Sheep Skint. Dealers wootd dowta to I TTTHERK rt Swrants sad those deslrint- - 5(t,.iI. Ulrt, before! can biro ttcir wiats attsnaed to. i BUXT. tried rrmm with e Sola gmnscmcnfs.r Ash'slempiiis Tticatrc. trashlaitea street. Lntee Aetlrs aad Staxa Xaaane.... Tmnrr rMcapter LMdr of Ortbttra. ...... Jf n. r. jobnson. ....i........JWHUM. scHiLLWo. LASTNIrtttf XbC3AHPTON a 3 IBdU." trs TOITOAT EVENING Deeobr 111, IS5T. wjl bs prwaUd lbs sisy of 1NGO. Paribtals. Ulat Orampti - Soas by btr eamnpa. To ama.a-- wisb SKB7CHZS IN INDIA; SaBy&rtns, XtasOnaptsa. 7rsartteBlsr. see duly prosTssmet. Mftasis KarAWater tb siett Msjiilmse, ts ensued tad win dee! Crisp's Gaiety Tlieatrc. cStrsoa Ltue ss4 XaasBer..... H amstr ..... Trssanrer... .. OendnetsT ot Orcbeatrs . ..,D. T, ASTf. R. B. AOIBLET. ....rsor. Iicra.r" BAB; Casalt tbort-'- appetr. Sirwt. Stats ..........W. H. CRISP. .Br 3. O CABTUTCU Nr. X. O. LBMOTNB. ....Freffaior HEB5ING. SECCND NIGHT of tbe of Jf r and D3BW. tn three ttcrftrnt plresa. OnTtrcSDATBTSNIBG reraib.r lat, WSJ, wiu taacW tbApstBeosmedyet DBLIOAIKGBOOND, r, PntalalWi Clttiea Samfrole, N r. Jbe Drw; PaslM, Xrt. JsbsiPtsw. Paatfs Dnz-L-A VASOVI-BKN- E Bf tbsilaUFS Hanradt Tbs beaaltrsl 4rsaa lbs IBISK KlflGRANr; O'Brlia, Mr. Jsba Drew; rofty SaesHskvNra Drew. Ts raseHHswHe "INSTBEL; Jns Batca, Xr.J trew. rT HB sartlrslars. ar- - Milt of lb. A AT. ! Great Attraction at Odd Fellows' Mali. 3. lnsco Williams CELEBRATED BIBLE PANORAMA. rHIS mazaMeeat paiaBse matun with Cbwa B flows IB kMartc. Ia IW iaelali Oaptltl. j, enalalatet mmn tbaa fitly J ths moat asbitsar aad BMtf,z,ews Is tht Btfca. Bxbibitimi tT-r- y rnaatc- - Djsrs tia at , ts com TUkataMoisAt W bt bU st tbe BaB. door. CbBdrea nodtr la j--r, bsM sttto. Alan.ttbiMtlM s afttrseon for ramWes 7Tr- - wwa tpesi st i, ssoeasMsws at I pre- - t3 EisI.bs4 by FTf rs-s- e TiabWa. nortvim Voi lCUt. TnBbratBfsiaialdseookaswasa tbeWZLLS msnliw Ossjrt Jaetrs. Aptly srM-i- cosjirr. hill a. talvaiwk Trustee's Sale. NTHHRDAT.D-etsBrIetb- , MoT. IwM at ootbo staw sttasstBf to ptyWn - HarMa. tn Wasd SO. rtnBt abott Kmtts, all tbe tsitw. sastt--. warsea f irstaj sl.ala, wood al wtt bssia.bSau-- r toPtrtra 4. Hi Ms. TEBMf or Sail AB asnss at twtnty osBars and ndr, ewh; lk kiluit uis.tof mij a., Bt- - ! 7 " " nw iltm. ivsi aba aB at prtraU asfr, fr5 acra bit am an Msed ta "'-'- -' X RA8HNB. Tr.ft. Pfpa Feet. nfl E?SS tMm " Fort, mM. rnfiS iri fsr ial r H H POTTER, BTlt ITS Jfais.aC 3rd door More Aiim. it. Cheese. 1 Ofl Bxs3 0ht,jtitertvls4 for aalt by a. W H. H. POKBR. B"' mKata-t- t. , SH door abtT AM.t. VtMrau, NsTabtr ITsb, 1667. HE psnsmbtp brtofn nbntsc brtwa lbs Bsr lbs Irs sa4 mi or L. TEST A CO." la IbUdsr HmoIt4. by setsal earnest B Sts-b- aa bsTtss; btstkt L Trsi's fcsterwt a tb beatsMt st aM trm, h h iy frtharuM ts ested IBs tfM awisc Uitlan4aasnetaadBcditaktstpsrM4Mbl ti. Sstssd, tiRSKIT GBAHAN, JU VBST. S rn v?it arrived sea. asd wiu - B7W5S. L ftr- - blm So. Wftrtli nrr n It Mlit wH.msi tonuls bta i. v uij sf wtH nw i aiu'ltjrvf Stasi. Gsyteo. roll bsne and do, 0d buk'ta bex Oyctni; SOO 103 feet Uiln uhi. wfll " BBlcstltns f Ike laa THE tearrMr sf melT, tV dbBtaWy la exsburrs lbs trtli aettry of paoetaalMr. baa bay Br. L. TBST'A latere.1 m tk. batraet r " L. Tt V Co.," with a tt-- w In siaalSK taMba-tawt-al aad I avtw asrtr at COST FOR CABB, aad maay sjttslss st h-- s tbaa cost; tit taUrt asvk ta hud smaaestat btaTtr fH,oeO. B. GSAIIAX. BttW-lt- S At Actual Oost FOR CASXII 35 5 O .OIBSOX. , ooo FROM THIS DATS, Wo offer our entire Stock of FINE CLOTHING, Fnmlsliinj; Goods, Fine Sole Trunks, Segro Clo.&toj, &c. t&T COST CASHF6STLY! OUR frirr.l, hi tbe aaettjc saaeraDr. ntr M'K to so. B7t tartte sB was si In waattf atyd Cistbttvs, to cull aad txassciM (or ibea-ttrr- tt. SPITBT & CTaBCB. lit Uats-- 9t . tpaoat eO art ?qaare. P. 3 All S4t toss oa credit, si rts- - aw seams. 3. . O. Bttl'-d- 'f Ciirtam Materials. BBOCATEU.B, Ssa Detaiat, vrenW Vastatx. Laeesad MaeMa tirtstae.Traacareat cmmim-- WJltOUH, W'ltBSaw UotUkZH. CBUUIB BtBI sad Pat. XTrry srtMs of 6sdt aad Triatsnaes t- - decorate s Oettaxe er Palsoe. Fsenltttrlar sad Oartalo RuiBf txecattd by sa txpetHatct tksua f ra New Ttrk City. VcKINNKT it OB. C H WIUIASH. in U 9. riciltlcx. TF IK, 1X1.113 & McKIMCK, ATTOKNBre x? LAW. Iltttaalt, Stasetee. OfSe. st iltaW Se.ear- - avrK-i- Bi HAVING aaetciated wttb lit. is nr LVn--SaTls- banaest. JACOB A. BOTGHBRTT. m r-- oasislHbtd BMcksolc,) sllefw-r- s tee Piea. Sia-Gea-r- wr. ae . wsa at txeealit M-- r alt bBittdtsle tsper-Ttslo- a. Be will be feaad st la Ptest Bkatorr. issor to sltead tn tb wi ef sH who iw--rre week la ear Its Tm bailaeaa wBl be dta sa'er tas ty.e f D. NtCOBB u re--- ite e j, 3teCOBB. Xmi'li Netia,r I. I&ST ooeM-t- n HIS! m ! i REDUCES)1 PRICES! FRO lb t't of Jasasry. we will e'l oar surOIXPLETR ASI)ST3IBNT of LAW. jcsuiual evnuut. ia Jiisc.rv,itr3 booes at at SHALL ADVANCE oa EASTERN OOST for 0A3H Lanib,YonDg & Co., BOTlS a btslct street. 1,000 Boxes Tobacco, TtTBT rtctlted trvn lb best Bsiafactnrers Is Tkr- - .1 txBIa, SSM for tale lower 'bax erer ts tba traa. BT wM aapllaite tay Ntrtberm or BaMera bM lesxhl la tne last tattt raeatbt. with tbe time or krsndt coaaBy rH frest aae te ana bvaCred boxec aoTia-l-et J. B. SHARPS It CO EXCITEMENT EXCITEMENT!! The Hush Still Continues at the BAZAAE OF FASHION, WHERE tret. petal bay Goods st half their legs. Calioa st IB e Bit per yard worth $3; Fraseh isfcee ae 2d eeatc per yard, worth SO; Beaotlfet DeLalats st It ctat per yard, worth ; " w " " ac; " " ae - sa; AHwe4BLtttaatBeh SHbt rt Braoorllea la tbe ab.tprles. Seed RwkSUktWioo.nlslotltlyd. Ctsaks at JI sa, wefts Sf ea; "50, S S9 Risk Ttittt Obwkt hi pttBertieB BONNET tttaett st ivr prise; tad tae bstenet of ar bMBtsral stock of coeds st tacb Driest aa wtB be tresttf It tbeadriala;ew Aot was seed (tods ka oar ue. js. BARiNna at on , bot:7 ru KiiattreeL Land asd Other Valuable Fronertj FOU SAWS. H ATIKG dtttrmioed U reraeT to Ar-C- X kin.a, I eff--r fer tle bT TRACT OF jtjSsJl L.1ND, ktteg three mHt avtrth tf i2 Granc s. Bean., It betnt; tbe firm renter! r erca- - atad b- - Caputs Tbet J F4k, sad at prei est by Mr N. A. Cattta, coalir- - rt Karht BaBdred tad Nbttteen Aseet, wtB Irspntrd. A la tad healthy reettwa. sal- - atleatry setr stbeA tb Jftre isd Fettale tMrrret to tad i. Maeel frma nesie A Bat Btrtet far rat est as tee ptaot. H rbtt ptaee tt Bet teM by tb IStb af Duistbtr next, I wffl tei Chat day acTr H ftr lals or reat. rab'iety. totaeblb-Ftb4d- r, at rsy ri'estoee. fear nlle. northwest af LtGesace, sa the Soaw riffle resd, st wblth ttae tad place T wtB tett te lb Mte--tt btoser tee tsottof rsyp-ntbtB-ie property, te tit : Bscs, Ca'tle, Sbeep. fle bftret sad ObMe. Otra, Fsdder, Hoote-ba- 'd tad Clt-h- Fare tar. Fsrttiaf UVsiBt, Be , ate. Tersts BMdo kaowa es sy ef sale. D.T6-t- di Wlf. K. XATO. g-Bts- Je oopT IM Wtb ted tend Ml te tb't trBc. Residence in LaGrange for Sale. B. MT. ANDERbO-v- , at tbe laTendt MBS. Is Meraebls. sffrt her deHnbtt raistB MLtGr.r. fr Fr partwalart. asratrstf T 1. ANORRMN. LaSraace J. AAHatt9t,r. netpeis A Chance for a Home. a BOOSBand let ea corner ef Lied a il fV Otvey tireeti new rraai asaee, let jw ey to feet Terms. $180 caih, the haranca a iim .nrf alT- raealba Jt U. UAIUS flt sua, MT3f'Iw ABtHtteert and Beal Biltro Brotera. TO SAW MILL 0TOESS. TL!??crt!r:. VrmeiUtl perms-J'sSS- 10 M'mPbil, ftr tbs parpote and STRAIGHTENING CIRCOLAB ltiJrlS? 8AP Werk doas it Ctaclnnstl sad tnsrantled, ,?l"":?.'Sti'"d erery ductlnUen of Sawx f1 warranted Stw M owners 4TnUj to M m lor- - Sbop on poplar itreet. opposite UHaa Psanrterr. nerie dawty SAMTjBL P. ARTHUR, Land for Sale. (?1 fifl fiflfl OF th u r the Northern QiyUjUUU Beck ef Mbilrtlppl wasted for property at lowcasaprtcet. Netrtot ttir lack wffl tja take si parf trReal Eater In Shby cecity, Tennessee, orArkantaa. nadoosted matnrmx Jannarylith.iaos.suoca'ircdforthelstsekO tMtBank " J. POWTXE; noTlT dllcwlt VEYCEAT BACIOALCPO'S OYSTER SAL00 NO. 93 FRONT ROW. Corner of TTasliington Street. rilllK proprtetercf thtspcpnlsr fcwHvu mm vi.a.iuB or u- - anaosnciic totlts.pttrona, sssU! CiA - J . t. -- UOf now reiraitrly open for tbe tesrB The lotert ef tbete deHdcns kltalTet, can be (rred tn any ityie from tbe helLtUwrd. rented. aeaBoc-- d or fried. Ho latecdt keeplnt Isrzrtoek. snd will fsraka tre t&a dam. r,-- - or tirreJ, ti reasssbls rates. sorB-cZ- s uclioix Salts. A-- T AUCTION BY W. N. HUNT &. CO. Ns. 10 ituHsoa ,tr.t. TTTI win MI WBDSESDAT MOBNfNG, tb3bt., VV st N at ssr SaKrs Boom. H.U too tl. -- a.. airat af MlMlllii, Brailles, OaMeoa, Bla- n- dt- - r7 Ble, ' Sals wMbeac ttttm. LEVI. oluction Sales EVERY NIGHT, try Tcrfttys flat Otocti, ettry Tirretyl aoa J rtrr A. S. r. Gsnt and erery vtraftv ; no rskM Saayry Abo a larx-- .wtatlsitat of Trolsas. Stum, Plates, Fan. T GokS and Tays Br TfHH. 4. HAHHI3, Ancrlao and Cxno jiloft MiW TT! Mass-t- t. Caaiicl,y Salo or LANDS, NEGRO- -, D0RSJJS, 3IDLE3, Corn, Fodder a." Fanalisg laiple-isen- ts. pnriosBce tf sd rt"cf BV'G reoHOtartof Tsatca IN prtaeeaced at tb ' OeU-be.- tc ra. tSert, tt aald Caart, at Aetttt. to tbe salt .. SV l BeatnroaaBd JtbnBostiatea. AossMMraUr't i w ? Btbtasso. dtorsaed, tad other ti Jmrnrt X. tS tn, 1 Cemsi-ttbtne- ta TTBSDAT and trgTi a tStb and JSlb dais of Deomie- -. I6ST, oa 'he PrtBtttee ot Junes M. Owen, UtIbic 19 ssBte west ct HT on the HenuaJt nil to Caemtrt " x Bitlei ei.t of OsssMrOP, tbe feclewtac artpert. T r'1TTt: Lands, aectltai. ttsbteea aad alaetata. (IB u. 1' Towaahtp threw Oi tf raiet tsa. (10) (Bhsssmw . Taaicaateaty. Jtisilttipei seti'ucs wwaen ssd rbBore; JleeM, Koeies. VTatetsi, tJ FsdJor, snd FarmeK esa att tt tbt Mtbttt bb If eno-thl-rd esb, tbebsUsoo of ib iarsbsss meocj two tqaal payraeast. la ta sad yottt, btsil " Interest st tbe rsle et FUbt per teat, per aaaeai. The abort laaals ta merit s at' rate bstses first, soma fear or St. bandrrxt sens sUa".d. attasltd oa Bsck Idasd Bayee. six assies fftai tb ftaanrc lead lnx. with a ssod rad tbtrrt. Bea4s wMb apprel secsrlty. wBI bt rueieeif, sad, a ttea retabard spea tb leas sad aeerses. FBUX LA8ABTX. ocsiswtm Hlttsbiirg1i Me. t f TABRSLS tepeeitr afttte tf Wtesrt Pitta. LUU rn.-f- h Ate,JnttrtaTTedaadcrtselawte.tb trass. DOTAL, ALSBO i 98. ttrH-l- T asderahned wW Uko tasrs of THB Hx.' Jfeatpbls, Teat , a tb 8 tt ef Jtaasry wubn to bits Sfteen or tweatr H4 an teats, aad three srJ fonrmestotess aad twopsk 'Vteeks f..r tbe next year, far wbwb (tad wates wtu he , albcy. notlS-tla- al 8. P. MHtHIX. IN6BASAM tS DEALERS IJT Wood and W illow' ABB often aiked. Baw la It lt m uauaiur" U'. wet ten .a. Ws sf workais net. anistlTtt alwiyt ea baas, I wil. spea, tad d tbe Ivtr raise by oar tattiawn. Osr ex,"Be seelwbt. Wcatf SarsaahasdatttlsToacJt.stasajv'ebt ly Peter is net obsHcl M pay Jar PisHi feeds. Tsa wHI theresar et oa-- . pet Mr test No. 6 .llonrae bt lb see fer tstb baytrt to ipad notM stret tatsri i $2,500 Worth of TAtiCY GOODS. VARIETY GOOi3, hosiery and gloves, unhershirts and gtjns and pistols, pocket cutlery, violins and FLUTES asH ACrORDBOSS, FANCY" BASK EPS, TRIMMINGS, fee. ic. fee, THE iM,e atfk Is new r4y r laie-Hi- n it rbf a4sf T. J. BABBIS 17 Baas Street. aad It sSered to tat City .mi C aotry' Treat st ai- - uif rer cam Betrt-- tt OHt. pianos CARPBTS, CCBTAIN. I SHADES, au, at (OST II-O- CASH and matt tetretieas frssa ibe lnt tttek td ia Ktmp-bta- . H. X G BOB VBtfOR. nota 4wisa Cat aeon. year ever Bosewood Parlor Suit3. SKTKBAL e ef eat Rawea Pirler Saite ! ktesSSfe of Parattsre.iatt re- - ftijjt .a,i. rgjj trri rsasinria asttdts ptioes frem $Z4B t $SB9 , in which we lattt ta saetta, attea'lea of parraw-Ta- . Prices eery w, at BW aew aad lumeese ettablttbmeat Pte VeCINNBT A Oft. A SUV atyle ot BeotVeiJ.. very Be aad baadam V with H the dbaVrtat sf Freaab. Hlsb-sa- tt sad Cettaf Boiies4a. eat aataacruiata sre oetnd te parcbsaert tbete titlrt tratea. at " BtriNHKT at oos. f Tine Atrtoar,jr LEES Ware. drawers, guitars, Victoria Bedsteads. Furniture. OCR atterUaeat tt rich sad , fuhtoeehM FaiBttaie asaae be aat i aited either la qsa'tty r Cj . Pitticaitr Ie bttittd s few tela of tap rb character, sad Parlor Fwastate Td is New Tork srd BmtTB, fer ear ewa Hat. Titttert to lb elty skonkt aot fsJ to hk lsrfa ear aew sae 'musette tttsbhtass-s- t. B"- - Nerrwif kt at tm. Cheap Carpets. &c. ptDALLHiK Telett Cirptt.; 1 Tatestry Tetm oarprts ; ! ry Beaseert Oarpeta ; l3r 11 Th Carpets ; Baf t-- lasrala Carpet ; Atttriea Inerela Carpet. ; Xtpeel y V, Ivet SWtr Carpels ; Isivslry Bras tit Stair Cstpets; Twllkd Sile H . H ia4 t-- 4 yard wi; Crsssb(Tvtht.S 4 19 1. It t.II t, tt--t laeVW--t, J. Brvftet.; aad Beetle ti; Salter Plated aed Brate - ttlr Boat. Hariae a verr 'inte ssd wen asetttfd itk of girpett, til aw ssd fre-- b sad beatbt ttate tae we att tbe atleail a of parrhsrts, aad aleCfe tarttlrn to Mil fjede at story asiill prett aad tire perfett sssts-fsetl- oa la all csm a. Ciry u made sad pas e we, a NcXINbBT Jt CO. Pianos, Melodeous, xurniturey CARPETS, CURTAINS, UADEa, Jtc. HATB lutt rr'araed.j wbb rutiM bealtb from Norta, wbere btve take reach sera, leetiMs tserinrstertstrat Mum Paraiaere, Car pet, cartstr Hovf, Sbades, which aaa sew and oabriaa; whs -- ae favor wttb their pttroait My earnest wttb farsnth fted lea reaaoa.b't trice. bat esraeed Prnfetaer WINELBB. wht wkB attecl orders for taalac aad itil'lc iBttrBmsats aa-- wal' those wbo with calL AU kiadi Hatutue BUfe orJer 31. GROSVKNOR, eIJ-l- SJMln reot. GREAT BARGAINS TO BR HAD AT PRKB'USf HARNESS AND SADDLERY MANUFACTORY, 231 MAIN'-ST-., 0PP. COURT SQUARE. aow BtaBaraetarlar WE sad kn cactaatly basd ttrres' aad bes as- sorted afl anedt oar Use rter oara Nestabla. All'. GIN BANKS every descripttoas, wsleh Isrlte tbe sttestloa pcreba-tt-- t. eaa aad wilt arit for nrotapt pay tap sbetpeet, asyl faaraatee tire .itlalielm nenirtu saJW'- - promptly attended aad work made oreer Bt8 daw FORD. BBGBIE 00. GEO. FUHEBTT st I i , I I lb I i ' is ae- - ef ate , I Is SIT p to ate tt to at I C P to all ca f r ate a tt ta H are oa tb of ha bt of ts a I af we or sc we or a c at en- - te t at IN otsirqsence ot tbe tuaaisA ntvinn yj TO MONKT. wo are - I oCriaztBrtbxkof st TlTa ml FURNITURE, CARPETS, CIjRTAIKS, SASH, &C, &C, At prket that wBt psy partascers te txtra4ae aad deefcte for tatBHelTet, st CEO. FLAHERTY ct BRO.'S, nsrHI-x- Oarner ot Mass aad VMn ftr-er-e. To llic Public. BYRB'S Incorporated Commercial CoIJege AXO irmnxtr ACADEMY. Iutttatjes It now ia satetetfaf THIS It It tbe tetestsM f tbe Prta-rrp- tl t raske it per raises! aad total, to erery reepect, t aay m tatt er aay star.- -- a Brery sraach will b taaxbt tt aatliry loelk fr s lle life tbe art ef Pesroassruft, (with bs Hi aitjutX tlftuf rofier dy snail.) tbettkateef BoaMe-tati- Book, keeaiac mprared. the rrljeipte sad tat Natare ef Baak-la- x, wttb Baak ate. Ibe attentats sf psreait sad nsnaaat It KtpeeMrelr anieMtdb Ibtt IsstWatltB. He Batters Manetf. ibtpsirsaarehebaaalreaty n orrrxt. that h wM merK s OMltaaasee, by hit aaa- suae ssM ts tbe kMerest of hU ran, ate. rasd kaawa sa appeieaH & st tbe Gewegt, tit Main street I bare the boaor ta refer to the fettewtBf mnrim, aad eckert, wa bare kfcaslr d att aa t Beard ef TiaHtrt tor Bxsmbtatbia. betac poaiatl baaiataa aB. BxrExxacBs. Rer. J X. Temple, Rst I. Ttoiir, TT. A. Janej. Ikj , Ciibter ot Otmmertiil Baak, T. LaasatOo noTSl . etas-a- THB tttek otter frem ' Btatssj BVttoatO.. O.M Pitk'er.KKj.. Lua,TsgiOe. board or THitoas. ReT. I.ToBie. Rer J N.TMstte. W. A. Jem. Csshler O. M. Pteker, Be... of OsmnmetalBaak, R 0 BrlaWey, att., CoL O. B. Locke, Trie. Bee. JOHN BIRD, AND JEWELEY AT COST FOR CASH. TTE ABB SELLING AND WILL SELL 70R THE NEXT Onrlarzeftockef Watches and Jewelry! AT COST FOR CASH! J. E. 3IERUIMAJV Si. CO., not: ra Ie J. Pre ft w. 333 Male itreet, Bnlo Block. ButSUWSL Sc(JL T A C E N C Y PLANTERS, LOOK TO TOOR INTEREST. WB wUl teU No. 1 Sa'l. at 35 per baibel, and OetlTer btrrttt in soud aa. i der t Tb Esnawha Sal hat been Ibertaxlay Ucoiim tbstsatfewjnrs. acd bas pr red t be tb betttalMor N, curiae meat, mors tsf lit handled sad less Haste te watt Ulu mmm. ha. TVJ w BovlSm st'teauaa Carpets. Xariawba SETIER fc TTARREN, Ka. KV WaiB tfreet. Assignee's Notice. HATING beea appointed Astignae of PKTTBw . notice is hereby to til Kr,, hT dtbted I ii Id fnn by sot, tr aceecati te oim q riw4-- 7 immedltlerr and settle, as tednncf eaa4 b?tl stidtbenndersixTiedlaal-B- e srjtborix-- d i elra retadI in dlscisrts of the liabilities to the said arm BOTlWswIa By Us .UorS?. w .Jk. J

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Page 1: Library of Congress · t i t V 1---v.--- VesaBsHaafla.aawVfieWs'rCTSralMBariP DAILY APPEAL. MEMPHIS TUESDAY K0E5IK0, EOVEKBEB 1,. 1857. BASES ASD CREDIT. Anjtsg the leccHst; cjeil0B







-- - VesaBsHaafla.aawVfieWs'rCTSralMBariP




Anjtsg the leccHst; cjeil0B to an exclusiveLt'jlifc carrtacy, ear neighbor cf the i?oUtiut-- that la tkat treat, "credit, which is thepoor ism's esprtal, is at en eo." We canaotunderstates why the afeoHtlon of baaks ebeoUnecessarily produce tbe abolition of tt creditsjetea. Confidence is the basis of credit, andttere is no wby c&nfidence may not exis. setw-ees- i sun and rsan as wetl where thereare &o kuu as where there are. The truth is,i a CMMeaee aioae which gives the bankstheatselfM any credit with the coaMHHy,aDdwe BMtataia that hanks, by means af their

aatl smash-op- s, hare dose more todestroy both cmfrleece and credit, than all theo Jwr aases ceasWaed. By their expansionstM over-iMae- s, they lead iarariahly to anchute at the credit system, and, jirwlo, change,by tfeetr cofetractioas, saspeasioas, it, theyiWstrBf K altogether. We maintain, tfiea, thatthere Is bo farce la tbe position of oar Btighbar en tMs point.

Agata, we do Bot aree with him that creditIs tbe paor rasa's capital. Even if it is, let usask haw staay poor men get aecotoaiodatiocsfrom oar banks? Not oae in a hoadred. Tbevery Hes. of a poor mechanic or laborer asking

for a dfeeoaat, has become to be to ridiculousthat tfeey never thitk of asking for sach afaror. No, it is labor, iodoetry and honestiiatfgrpty that constitute the poor man's capital,aad eftaa. after the employment of these foryaa,'he wake! ap some fiae roraiB, aBd fiads

that bis bard earaisgs bare rotted in his pockets,

lie carries bis bills to the bank, bat is told thatit has either sespeaded r failed, and canaot re-

deem its premises to pay. la this instance,te ear Bttgheer's argaseat, this iadus-trioa- e

laborer ias paid pretty dear far sapport-ia- t;

saefa a eredit system ag the baaks aflerd.Oa Ms paisrt, we ceaceire oar neighber againat faalt, aad be mast strike seme other key, be-

fore be can enlist tbe sympathies ef the poor infavar of baaks.



A sbart time since some of the Cbarles-ta- a

aad Aagasta Bewspapers were ceagratala-ttt- c

themselves, aad predictiag woaderfulthtags, apea the iHfiereace is prices paid forcattee between Memphis aad the Atlantic mar-

kets. Osriag to a temporary diaieolty, cottondid eemaaad a higher price at Cttariestsa, eh

aad Aagasta tbaa at Memphis, and Bat,

as seme sappesed, to the wjp-ri-or Bataral

eoieyed by those cities. The eaaseleast exteat, .i, jj nr.r ih.v better times Many

to to h' f civilized "P"1,0 fic-altuc- )i R

sa BMsehU ciBhot them preparing resumeatteatioe pknter to f orrferrinff when the grading Central Park

which we bare beea pabKlhtag fromtaste ta Usae, aad wMeh appear ia this mora-ia- as

paper, tafcea from the Sootherapapers him ta eempare tbe prices paidfar cotton ia this city with those received iaefeerSeatlteni cities. It will be faaedthat

offers eaperiar iadacaaeots to theptaatoc for the diopagitioa his crop, alsothat grocery BsarehaaU can undersell thoseaf aaySMtHMca city, New Orleans nateixept-e- d.

Oar grocery market aleo has maojr adraa-taca- s

ever the AttaasJc markvL Takiag oardairy cotton nporto aa an iadeat, saastet faroattaa has beea for weeks paet higher thaa thatat Jaaar Orieaae. Why thea sboald Xetapfaisha oeeitoclted, or why etecM eottoa

af North Alabama or North Miesteeippi pre-f- ar

Cterteetoa ar tbe New Orieaae market1


Uader this captiea the Eigk, af SaturdayHetf devotes a column ta ear benefit, ia anafcrt to aaewer argemeats advanced by aa theda)- - before, relative to baaks aad civilization,hard ataoey and barbariem, &c the

af argameat, we quoted an extractfr a the feitrmtiit, to prove that gold and

r wee the ooty earreaey kaowa to the Con-- ritBtioa or cnatomplaUd by rts fraaMrs. The

JSayie affects to be glad that soch high author-

ities as MaiHaoN aad Hamilton--, (the aathorsof sat of papers ia the Ftdtriil,) thoaU

qaataat hr as. The tle thea proceedsrhowtfaatm fovswesl the Baak ef the Uaited States.WtM, Dsypose they did ; we had eatd noUtiog inar attack about the Bask ef the States.

Oath contrary, we were endeavoring te showhrtfcie etrct,frm the FfUralitt, ttMt theStates had aeaathortty, Batter the (oetitartsoa,eBker te iasat er aatheme tbe isse of hills ofcrr4it or baiJc sates. We were eadeavoringta Btere, from the writhrg ef Mawsox andHaatruropi, that the States bed earrsaditedthe retslattea ef tbe carrency entirelyta the Federal Gevernoent. They did sathetteee that tbe States casdd farnieh a estfatat cTieney that waaM be e--f eejaal value iaa8 paute at tbe Uaioe, and hence Coagreee waerarameted with the power ef " coiaiag tsooeyaad the vstae thereef." It wasbvMd bv tbe Mrrocates ef tbe DaMad StatesBank, that each an institatiea woatd breakasMra the State ioetitatiees, and ard sum- -

cteat aad onKorm earreaey, tbe eU aad silverat tba tine herns; tasaslcieBt fer tbe cooasaer-ci-

waata af ceoatry. Well, we havetriad a United States Bank. It did net anewertbe aarpejsj for which it was created, aad tbepeople ef tbe Unies have preneaeced theirverdict agataet It. It is new, in tbe laagBeof Mr. Wbbsteb, aa oktelttt ssVo a dead car-cae- s.

Ai tbe lawyers wanid say, it is rettbiar; settled. We caauot permit

aw settee, just at this time, therefore, to he

drawn est ia an argument for or against themerits or deaterits of a United States Btnlr.Tbe question new ie between a specie carrencyand saeh an one as the States can as ;

whether it ie not wise ia tbe State goeerameatsto follow tbe exeasale of tbe Federal Govern-

ment, and adopt gold aad silver as the onlycMTeacy. The arguments arged by bothSIamson' aad Hamilton, as quoted by theEgk, are a, ranch agaiaet State beaks asthey are in favor ef an United States Kaak,And, akttongh, for want ef cestitatiealauthority, Mr. Xasmok said he earned tbeKeMeaat Bask BSH wttb a trembling band, yetbe tM so ta the hope that it weald give tbecoaatry a eaie aad anifem earreaey, of equalvalae Id all portions ef the Ueie. He saye :

" Ar the imttrtelt f&e cemnueffy at- - ferre,ax veil fmr the furfitt if the Trmetsty, it it(Mfstial taef At aaiios eeeofd jtetiee a cur-

rency of efnml wmlut, ertUt and me, tnWecxr itavay drmittfe.." We aek neighber, tbeStates, ia their individual capadtiea, sCtti socha earreaey? Mr. Wabijo.v thought they couldaot ; bas proved tbey cannot. We

have triad a Uuited States Baak. It hag failedLet as bow try tbe earreaey recognized by th'fraaMM af . tbe Ceasti tattoo, aad if this fa,thee we wU xaaaatt wttb ear Betgbbor as towhich ia she best pokey, a recara to a Nationaler tbe State Baak cysteaa of ieeohar paper

OoKTBrrn) Elbctsovb It 1 aaderatoad,save that tbe Baetbaare Su, tbat both the seatsnf

'iMesers Harris and Davie, retamtd mem

bers e to Corgress from the third and fourthC ur D.n'riets of this State, are te becom.-b:.?''- - "r. Broo--s aoncatKird guar siave

at n ttat h- - to coafrrttbe seat of Mr.Dai 3-- We low heir tbat Mr. Whyte bas

p a same eaarse la relattoa totbeeatof Mr. Harris.

Ti- - - election is to be eeaiesied, Jt will beupon the groaad tbat a Urge por-

tion cf the vora were by latfaUdatiaa aad vio-

lence keot from the polk. If the fact can bemade clear that Messrs. Davis and Hai.suobtaiae i their eleettoa ia this way, CongressshoaM aot hesitate to make an example oftheir ease. It weald go far to step the violencewhich has diegraced the elective franchise intbts cove try and for wbkb tbeparty are directly t

Kamaso or Ships la tbe AanericBn Kary4tbe names of veetete bave bitberte been select-

ed apea system: To ee

were givea tbe names of as tbe

Dder,ta the Ohio, &c.; to

frMtatoa tbe names af rivers, as the Poto-taa- e,

tbe MerrKn;c,We RarttaB, &c; to sloops

or eorvettes, tbe B&caes of chief riUes, as tbe

Albany, tbe St. Lojfej the Bewtoa, it; to brigs

theBaatee of vxtl berees, as tbe Someis,lbeBiebridge, and to revenae eatters thecames of the Secretaries of tbe Treaeary

Ia compliance with this system tbenew steam reveaoe eatcer sow Bottbiag at lbsBroeklya Navy Yard fcbonld be caHed theHowell Cobb, it has, however, been nanedibeUaniet Lane, is cocpthnent te the niece

ijeot Bncbanan, who presides over his do- -ouseboid.

SV 'IkcbbVV i111

' Kesal at Ovesri

jf i.ik. H was fo

0 be arrsetaj.' The Old Kxktbck?

at Gbekatja. attemnt

ownd Joseth Col- -

Vie. .r-- -


United3tat,basolsrieitten.Rev. W. Dabbt, th. W

Waahmgten wlH, Borne years afe--t

jjie rtsiwetKe oi JHfm



by in

e -te C of

Jte '

THE CUEEKKuT OF THE EASBASUES.Our language was explicit that thelEStitu-Uo-a

of banks is one part in that greatof trade, commerce and credit which his grownap wiihio the last two centuries. thisperiod in the ratio with which nations hare increased in civil liberty, in industry aad in theirmoral aad intellectual derel jpment, banks haveBMikipiied. Barbarous aad savage tribes harehad a metallic ctirrenry, geld and silrer. coevalwim ineir History. Eagle and Enqnirtr. l v . ...


arriveas.r.-t- i

grade. The canen, we cave icai a metallic curren- -

cy is relic of barbirism, is hostile to freedom get fair wages his labor, the fannerand commercial prosperity, not exist settle in the country and raise everythingfar day in an enlightened country like ours, that is produced in the Western States, and

paper. here they find sale for It all. weThis reHc of barbarism," a metallic cur- - T? ? " S, e ' h.n,;:. and

reacy, Is highly appreciated, at "-- wiihlBC to reside in town can buy lots at

most or uie riutgnrrnrd countries oc ine giooc mojerate prjees ana Diuia uinr owualon At th. nr...tvt 1t. if K.r. s nreminm I IV. mr. 'em come.

over the paper of bants, which, accord- - A Vilijiis Ameitsd. are Pufisd to

in to th YEatXe. hare been the barometer, of let. that Libertr Aorrood, .bi8"Vcivil liberty, of 6 nercent.. and it aot been , iii nrohshlr be sooi heremaay days elace it was held at 15 cent trial. As Mrs. Keys recovered from her

Prni in the civiHxed city of W.mphis.

Hawbarbaro and" savage" ij l.lnthe UrJWena DenScrat.people of city to Cow wis " reiic or oaroa- - at PiKt Bi.orr.-T- berlsm"inscn J.igarequts.1 nu, ... I EnltrprUt bM the followingpersist in preferring gew ana silver, in we un,fr9tand gone belligerent spirits

high noon of the nineteenth century " to bank biVe jt In contemplatfon to establish a Shoot-pape- r,

which, according to the New IK- - iBg Gallery in our hitherto peaceable town

Et- Tf ip,ifd iaToin the ratio J,. D0Vice in ,uch matters, we presumeed in civil lloerty, tn industry, ascm tueirmor- - aQ establishment iubu entirely superal and intellectual development ?" We sup- - fluoas."pose the zenith, ia these evidences civiliza- - The sams paper noUces the arrival in that

tie, will only have attaiaed whea every place Bishop Brasr, of Little Rock,iadiridaal can beast that be owns, or states that be is about establishing femaleborrow as machictare money oat of, a bank, at Helena. He has Just returned fromas he wishes, aad when gold silver shall the East bringing with him several Sittert tobear a premiamof one buadred per cent. I take charge itover bank bills. Ma. Robckts Suggestid roa Sekatob. A

The Easlt coetinually asserts that paper of the Hempstead Democrat sug'money gone hand in haBd with civilization gtsts M. JL ReBCsrs, of iIgrjolia, as canand civil liberty, bat has never yet essayed to dMete for State Senator from tbe countiesshew hew the banks bring about weederfol I Union and Columbia. Air. Rooekts is eter--

result, which Is particularly iaenmbeat oa It, Hg Democrat.

since it is that the ancients were, too,

ignorant of tbe uses banksissae, that tbe Repablics of Greece and Romewere total strangers to our modern bank bubbles aad rejtced in that same "barbarosa"carrency, gold aad silver, aBd parueuiariy


mat, at uie preseat ume, me oaa.s aie aBj olher tasptBiei sameis full iwre.iuf (f) experiment, at an eirIjr dJ-- Bank, BestoD)fflecaxreacyol me sarages oears premium jtis said, are prepared to Specie iscooetaatly orer the best issaea of these ciril- - rapHIv poarlBS into York, and a letterlZM IBSmattODS. frnra that ritr. AitrA Tn.mlar rvrnnr. v

Yet after all, we hare the bare assertion of Q b k are n0K. ,,ron tirthe JSegle sare by the THiuae, specie reserres that they arethat "barbaroas and savage tribes" have able to resume payments,

a metallic and coeval the prominent bank men In streetcurrency,to-d- said are willing to step

with history." The Apaches, Crowfeet, B0 a8 the coalrv banks are ready to sec- -Camaache;, aad all savage tribes of our ond motion.' point fact, specie payWestern territory, come aader this denomination, yet we bare nerer beard

mints aceoag them te eoia money,for which iadeed ther verr tittle ae. If

cf sritac. at some are be-- 1 v.. , -- -j rain, bope of elsewhere. thegkaater ceaie their former standard rci it ramUwr neichbers

aavaatage Meaaphis. We! 2c discharged hinds, totbe tiw the state-- 1 it to pantr business. The the





the plant-



cooclo-aia- a

aorsU- -

thebe to





ear caa


51discovered to





white mea himself pays premium fer tbefarmer, ia all cases prefers it for keeping.

We coafesa oarselves aaable ta eempreheadthe Eaglet reasoaiag oa this sabfect. HowAease paper raoaey can make the peoplefreer, richer, more ealigbteeed, moral and

how gotd silver can makethem retrograde ia beyoad eareoapfeheaaioa, and we hope the JSeff will ex-pl-

before the world bersts ;in tgaoraace."If gold aad silver coia be iadeed a "relicbarbiuifim," tboa ths s of oar Coast h u- -

tioo were barbariaas ia aartmiziag the Feder-

al Govenrmeat to ceie money and fix thevalue thereof," aad we traet that the peoplewill take the earliest eeeasioa to expel byait this "relic" from the laad, aad forthwithpulldown the United States mint estabtfeh- -

meats.Woy, too, did the Ceastitatioa declare that

none bat "gold and silver" that "relicbarbariem" shall be made legal leader fordebt; why did the Coaatitatioo evento meatton tbe word " katik " a word whichthe Xmcle bolJs be the syneeym for " civillfterty," " iadustry," "moralaad iatellectMl developmeat," tx., Sec?

Ah ! we have solved these problems. Tbe


Coiwtitatio. were would iBT0vea qaestion ConstitutionalJiaett editor, and of a oi

origin of currency, bar- - fPattof: either hands ofharoas and and of the ers - dopots, the continent of

both of those dfattagiiiihed atates- - e)dous advantages blessiags banks,



Eaow-Kethl- sg






unsapported, ($20,000,000)


-- civilizatioa,"

actually establiahed aHnts, or providedfor these, to coia gold aad silrer, aBd atade this




their i"uai swcks co;ionbase


earreaey only legal tender ! And tbe peo- - " ttt wwlt thealso ieneraat that by the is

they geM paper depressed by presence. Retainiag preotam it.

We cannot at tbe uks supply, andancestors, who were also ignorant the

nse of steam and the telegraph, hat eachis inexcusable is people ef

age, especially ia the town where tbe Eaglepasusaea.

LiBAJSl INTELLIGEKCE.Bbowklow at Hunts ville. The Inde

pendent annoaaees the Rev. G. Bbowklow will, in few days, deliver lecture inHaoteville on Slavery and the It isMr. Bbowklow's intent to deliver thesetore in all the principal cities in tbe Seatb.

Foreign Baxk Agencies. A bill has beenintroduced ia the Alabama Legishitare toprevent the baaks other Stales from carry-ing tbe bostnees ef banking ia that State.Ite provisions sflffideatty stringent, isbelieved, te evil complained of. TbeMontgomery Jdtmtiser thinks will readilypass.

Suicide at Randolph. We learn fromSelma Sentinel, that committedsuicide Randolph, Bibb coaaty, the 12thlost. his Memphis, baob after moneythat place, wrote two letters,brother, Frank S. Hoastea, which sealedup, aad other general tbe

which we bave net received. Soon af-ter writinc these I ettere placed gun te bischin, discharged the barrel, the

which shattered his head, and fell dead.Mr. been citizen ef Bibb coaaty

many rears, aad was blchlv esteemed bvhis Beigfibers.

Dbcbasbb Member or the Legislature.J. Hats, of the members Alabama Legislature, from the of DeKalb,died ia Montgomery 17th Inst H.foraMfiy resided in Dallas county, andgreatly esteemed many virtues.

Elections. Hen. James B.Clabce been Chaneeller of the

bolkl-- monevkTXa.L mm w I

thatet bereata, the LegiaUture

la session.Bills of the Old State Base. very

animated diecaesiea bas eome ia the Alabama Legislatare prepesities te destroythe bUtf the eW State Baak and branchesnew deposited in tbe State Treasury.


day laet, this road eommenred ran-ai-

throuch to Taylor's Depot, eiebt milesaotew ptaee. Mercury, A'or.

The same piper has the following.SA Show. &. Co.'s Varietiesappeared on Monday night, and the poorestimac we rum buy cents to tc consisted seven lair oae buce Datcb-

sad frisky IHtle FreBchmaB with wo-

man " said to his wife. Theyin dildiirgear citizens eat of dollarsor more, and promised to call us again.hope they will sot.

Vicksbokg Sentinel. This paper chi&ged23rd inaC, Col. selling

in the establishment to Mr. all,et tbe Yazoo iiemecraf, aad Mr. R. Diceet,late foreman ef tbe eftce. Seecess to

rotgoisg and iacoming admiaiatratiofis.Monkt Lost. A gentleman

casMty, ia this State, came down on

Bfl, at puce,peefcet-bee- k, coataiatog upwards seventboasand dollars. Whether

the work of some ras-

cal, is sadly certain thatmoney i gaae. It consisted, as we understand,

bills on the Camde Bank of South Caro-tins. Vtckthurg

brsixcs Market. Themarket lias beea quite active during the pastweek. Oar public has been crowdeddairy Saturday last with cottonand cotton buyers are parrba-ia- g

they can, at ranging Kg,Hi cents The foreign news

to have had little upon thismarKet. We bave liberal cotton merchants In

who as fair pricesfar cotton as our eanobtain elsewhere.He Herald, Xot. 28.

Steek Pabboskii. We understand thatJersen Steen, eentfBeed to twenty years

in the State Penitentiarybas been pardoned by the

Tbe to yesterdaythe eScial document release. Itbe tbat some employee of tbe Sheriff has in

hands. We don't know anything aboutthit, bat we know that Steen out on the:street en last Hernando Prett.

Collation to Gek. Revbxk Davis. Pre- -i

vleus to his departure fer Washington City, astbe member elect from tbe Third Congressional

days sin" fire the ! District, the oI Gen. Davm gave himcollation fit Aberdeen. Tbe Sunny South pro-

nounces it the most biilH-n- . aSa'x that evercame off In that citv.

Xfnatt tf i-- Dflfft Pllf f0rthe Columbia Junction left.



Mobile laet Monday. The twohundred twenty-thre- e fromThe learns that thereforce engaged upon read above that point,

tbat it will be lopg before the cars willOkalona.


Fbospeiitt or Fobt Smith. The Herald,

of the 21st tilt., says:No " To ! "Every great

and small, is filled, In this place, and yetwehear numerous for houres. The

appear particularly with this city.f nr.r.n ronnfe are comirtt Vt,

a maUerof course, when they here,with this as a place for

cf every mrchintjjjs onndsat a lair prouwi mon snown

a can foraad could can

aSane can



hasper fot

this Stmmm Gailtu


with ao uie

ofbeen of and

can aschool

sadjust of


has aof


knownof of

Resumption or Patments. Afrom New Orleans, says the

Sun, aaaoances that the banks in that city,which saspended specie peyments during tbelate have resumed. This is agree'able intelligence, and we hope to see own

waen banVs adopt thethe tide of c(rar.e of

a resume.New


bad abandantly specieSome of thegold silver, they takothat

theirtbe the In of

aad ef their









ments at the counters the principal banksare resumed. Gold is so plenty that

suspension is only nominal." While these cheerio? signs risible in

financial there is much to encourageto prices ofbeck .BboPs few

the of Uaae andterite af Bktares. is

ami aek








or and




aad fail


aad of







going give work to 1,000 laborers nearly allwinter, aad it expected that bv 1st ofJanuary 500 more will find something to do

new fest Uince, Dtult at lowerend or faru."

The New York of estimates that the specie in tbe banks of that city-nex- t

week will largeramount than everthe baaks

HEW T0HKTbe followiog letter is from highly respect

able commercial house in New York :

( Uie lieratfl Ak1Sew Tone Smh 21, 1857.

Ebitobs: The usual of thegreat Manchester upon theprice of cotton has commenced. Tbe organthe spinners, the Manchester Guardian, of the

iesL, at the rale of discount beingadvanced to per coat, as it says it willmaterially depress the price of cotton in theUnited wirfch coaatry they entirety dependent for supplies. Our growersnever had an opportunity to fix the ratesof eompeneatioa to suit themselves, as theyhave this seasea. If the crop reaches 3,500,-00- 0

bales it would be imperatively required,for their mills canaot staad It is proba

but actjas tne ia ignorance wwe are no

the metalNe tbe in the manufaetursavage tribes, tre- - at en whole Eu

rope, France, whereas food is abundantaad cheap. When cotton is sent the seaports ia time the owner design

the to invariably is, growthpie ef day are so ia fPSfated speculators, atd price

actually prefer to iesaas, pay- - rts your cottona tMiideoeae for "P00 J"our ptaatations aatil healthy reaction

wonder cross ieseranee ef a" "meant tec,our


the oar ownis

W.a a" Bible."

ion lee


are itstep tbe



at oa

he one te bisbe

tbe was a letter, par-pe-rt

ofbe a

of heHouston has a

V. one of tbecounty

on the Mr.

fer bisLstMSLATivB

toe By


apen a




a" be succeeded





loss acci-dental, or light-finger-



oar eo'erprisiogalt from I

or no

Springs, areplanters


for stealicgGovernor.




to a

on is

Mvertiter Is a













ontue to tse tDe


$22,000,000 ain





oa are



aP4 of

al. rwt


yea will bave no to find fault with theprice. TWENTY.

The Cotton Crsp,Bar lbs VetsaMt Appeal

Florence. Ark.. XsTmbrr imt.Membs. Editoks: We, Southeast Ar

kaBtag, are having what is most commonlycaHed "bd weather," and more of it than

known before by that importantual, "the oldest inhabitant." We bave hadbut little favorable the gatheringof crops, (which, by the way, are good

crop uausually so,) since September.And even while I the pattering showermaking music oa honse top, and wete I notfirm is faith tbat He who sends the raindoes all things right, I shoaM for once say tbatwe are having too much.

The bad weather and the unfavorable prospect a good price cotton has very srl-oasly the faces of planting friendas a correspondent said ia a letter to me fromyour in reference the merchants of

It seems that-soo- after arrival at the pressure com





raesced " their faces are long that theiroldest acquaintances scarcely knowBut we hope better times than the present.

Arkansas will feel so sensibly the pressure in money most of the otherStates, in consequence of her having no banks,

which .we feel fortunate, as they woulddoubtless have in the foot steps of

rly banks throughout our andsuspended, which would have a much

amount depreciated paper in ourmidst than we have to with. Inconversation with of political parties in this section ef the country, I find theiropiaioes to be ae cne with reference to thepaper I have to meet the first

Jitaate uisuter, ilea. Jens weoDWAan is bow in favor of naner In

wHHnmaurcaK,iM ahhooje any shape: they seem satisfiedAlabama



the cars

Oxford 26.

Humbog Hyattwas




the his Inter-est M.



ana steppes mis lost

tbe was

sot known. It the



pricesper pound. ap-

pears effect

Holly paying

slaves,Sheriff not received

for his may








Houses boose,






Specie dispatch

panic, again





eqaalby several millioas was


McesES. warof




advance of the





ever individ

weather forpretty

the cornwrite, ismy


for foreffected my

State, to




all countrythrown

larger ofbow contend

was persons all

currency. vetman

air. allwest do," aLd exprets themselves this way,Oae of my neighbors, Mr. Gary Williams,

bad about eighty dollars abstracted from hisbouse the other day, by a nun calling himselfBryant, and said that he was from Napoleon.Bryant had beea here but a few days ; he is ofmedium size aBd appears very sickly, and gotemploymebt upon the ground that he could gono farther; bat tbe result shows he soonregained his strength.

Notwithstanding tbe derangement in mone- -

tiry affairs, our railroad prospects are stillWight. From late aad reliable laformation,there can be bet little doubt of the earlv completion of the first section of tbe Mississippi,Ohio and Red River Railroad, which will addgreatly to our already raptaiy increasing populatien. W. D. M.

Oa ths Bread Qntjtloa.1st Ike XempMi Appeal


I fally agree with you in the opinion thatbread sheald be ssM by weight, as well asbutter, cheese and lard, and think it wouldbe aa improvement if the rule of selling byweight were extended to vegetables, as well asto coal and corn. Bat the plan of selling bythe loaf is Bot the oaly evil connected with tbebread trade. It is, perhaps, not generallyknown that raseh probably most of thebread seld by bakers in all our cities, Is madeof old and damaged flour, sold at half price astourJlour. As every loaf weighs nearly doubleas much as the flour it contains in its dry state,tbe profits on bread are very large when madeof Hour at fall price, but these profits are dou-

bled when sour flour is used.Certain alkaline substances are used to cor

rect the sourness of the flour ; such as potash,soda, magnesia and lime, and then tbe bread isrendered even whiter than that made of freshflour, by the addition of certain mineral solutions ; such as common salt, alum, blue vitriol,white vitriol, &c Tbe mcst efficient of tbearticles is the blue vitriol (sulj hate of copper,)but that in most common use is alum, verylarge quantities cf which are consumed by bakers. Nearly two ounces of this have beendetected by chemical analysis in forty poundsof bread. All these substances bave tbe efiect,also, of retaining in the loaf an increasedquantity of water, and thus adding to Itsweight.

Few families are so situated as to render itdifficult to make their own bread, and the ad-

vantages are many and important The expense is reduced more than one-bal- f, perhapsas much as three-fourth- s, and then tha advantage and satisfaction cf knowing what eachloaf contains, and that it is in no degree n,

Is worth something to those wbo set aproper value opon health and life. Since theeooking-stov- e has come into use, with an oven,easily heated and pearly always ready, thebaking of domestic bread is 'greatly facili-tated, and tbe art of making it in good perfec-tion is easily learned by any one.



: ...THE, REW C0IT05


Sew Toss, NoTembir 31, 1SS7.

We have not issued a circular since ours ofSeptember 16tb, containing the tabular figuresof the crop, closing tbe year on August 31stwith an exhausted interior, and a total of

bales at tbe seaports, thus falling be-

low the general estimates of operators fullr100,000 bales, and of our own, nearly 200,000bales, as our correspondents will have percelv-e- d.

Tbe absence cf a supply here, and thetemporary suspension of a large number of theCotton Mills in the Northern States, has sonarrowed transactions for the past two months,that we have not thought it advisable ta issuea circular until the crop was made, or activebusiness resumed. The position of our spin-

ners is dally improving, and ws may shortlylook for tbe resumption which bai now com-

menced, to be extended on a large scale. Atthis period tbe floating stock among tbem usu-ally averages 75 to 100,000 bales. It is nowexhausted. In Providence, R. I., and all ofthe North, there Is not 5,000 bales of cotton.In regard to the amount of supply, we desire toexprut s no decided opinion until we can seehow far tbe weather may be favorable for pick-ing. Although a killing frost has not beenwidely published as was the case last season,inasmuch as dealers never bad a smaller inter-est, either in Europe or In this country, still,It is generally known that cotton was arrestedIn its growth by it as far South as FIorida, asearly as tbe 27tb of October; on tbe 21st olt.In Middle Mississippi, and on the 17th alt InAlabama, and during tbe paet fortnight, re--

fieated severe frosts bave been recorded, coverwhole cotton section. The effect has

been since seen In the dropping of green bollsand tbe destruction of the top crop. Tbe re-peated white frosts which have since interven-ed, destroyed the top foliage, and by that the me-ridian sun was enabled to reach and rapidly ma-ture tbe middle and bottom bolts, which hadpreviously turned brown. Cotton growing, asdistinctly expressed, ceased abeut the middleof October. Since that date, tbe plant hasonly been benefitted as we bave above naned.As a class, the growers are less in debt thanany great interest in the cuntry. The deliv-eries have been free since September 1st, ex-cept for about a fortnight. Planters bave beensatisfied with prices, and as fast as their cropscould be picked they have sent morr, and notlees, than their usul shares to tbe seaports,reserving tneir later pickings until alter m areaopens. It is obvious tbe amount rf thecrop depends so much upon tbe length of thepicking season, that estimates at this periodmust allow margins of 500,000 bales for ex-

tremes. We have given It full attention, andrecord our belief, that it canno under themost favorable chances, reach 3,000,000 bales,and may not exceed 2,500,000 bales. This maystartle tbe uninitiated, and tnose woo may navebeen hoodwinked by large crop circulars issuedby extensive cotton buyers, and if it wouldaffect their interest, the earlier they send confidential agents to the cotton plantations to getproper data, tbe better it will be for them.

T. J. STEWART Sz CO.,Cotton Brotert, Xo. 149 Peart, ceir Watt Street.


SatcnliT, Xortnitxr 2S, 1SS7.

Senate. The regular order was suspended,and tbe following bills passed tbe third time.

Directory to the Comptroller, for the payment of money expendedfor carpeting the Capitol.

To change the time of holding the Chancery Uourls in toe western division oc toeState.

To repeal the 14'h section of tbe act ofFeb. 23, 1856, creating tht office of tax

Mr. Walker, from the Committee on FederalRelations, reported adverse to tbe adoption ofHouse resolutions asKtng uongress tor an appropriation of land to levee the east bank ofthe Mississippi river on tbe Tennessee border.

And the majority or me same committeereported verbally in favor of the passage ofthe resolutions instructing tbe Hon. John Bellout of his seat in the benate;of the UnitedStates.

The minority of said committee submittedtbe following report:

Tbe undersigned members of tbe committeeon Federal Relations, to which committee werereferred the preamble and resolutions, request-ing tbe Hon. John Bell to reeign his seat in tbeSenate of tbe United States, beg leave to sub-

mit the following minority report.They have been unable to concur with the

views oi tne majority ot uie committee, anifeel that it is due to themselves to present inbri'f form the reasons for their difference.

They are unable to perceive any necessity orpropriety, iu asking Mr. Bell to resign his seat,

. ,V - ..iYr -wuen uie sioic quvtmon ei iuc naneas aim Ne-braska act, upon whien he is sought to be ar--raigrd has long since been settled, and neitherDe nor Dis political mends in J ennessee seecor intend to disturb is provisions.

That act, whether wire or unwise, is now thelaw of the land, upon th subject of slavery intbe States, and there let the agitating questionrest forever. So says Mr. Bell, and so Baywe.

The point with Mr. Bell, and those who actedwith him, iu ths South, in opposition to that

frasvrs of trie not as wise that 4,00M0 bales leave small ofworm











power, no sentiment inimical to tbe institutionof slavery ; but merely the peace and harmonyot tbe country. And how that peace and har-mony have been disturbed, and the two greatsections of tbe Union been brought into antag-onism, let the whole Country bear witness.The strife bas been fearful, and the agitationnot only alarming, but embarraseiag to tbeAdministration of the Government, such astate of things is deplorable ; and that publicman wbo anticipated it awl acted upon bisconvictions, deserve praise rather than cen-sure, at the bands of his political opponents.

All tbat we now experience as a nation, andall tbat we deplore, of sectional discord, badits origin in the introduction and paesge ofthe Kansas-Nebrask- a act. It thefires of opposing paseioos, that had beea al-

layed by former compromises, and furnished anew occasion for all the enemies of tbe Unionto precipitate themselves into the arena of sec-tional conflict.

Mr. Bell apprehended and foretold, what wehare realized. He opposed tbe bill because ofthe very evils which all good men now lament,and wbat bas it accomplished for the South ?Nothing but the aseertion of the abstract prin-ciple of to which none butfauatics were ever opposed. It has added nonew slave State to the Union, and no man inhis sober senses, now believes it ever will.

But this act, which bas beea claimed by itsSouthern friends as a great measure fer slave-ry, has at the same time been claimed by itsriortb.rnsupporteis, as a measure tf freedom,This generous family rivalry this honest difference or opinion, nas not been difficult toharmonize. We ha ve seen those antipodes supporting me same men toromee, sooutiag In thesame nost, ana wen in turn, receiving promiscuously, the showers of public patronage. Isit a measure for freedom of slavery? Its supporters are aivueu in opinion ami time alonewill decide

We respectfully urge, however, that thosewno are so tolerant ot uitlerences among tbemselves, miguc esreem sometDing oi tlie samevirtue towards their political opponents. Butthere are provisions in that set, according touie interpretation or a portion oi its support-ers, to which the undersijrtied can never assert.Squatter sovereignty has been claimed under it,and boldly insisted upon a doctrine utterly at. . . .t l- - r-- .1 i i rwar hiiu oouiurro men wuo voieu ior tne law.To admit such a doctrine is to wall ud all theterritories against the South.

Alien suffrage, too, has found place in thisact. and has attained a baneful prominence under its administration. American citizenshipami cien p?i uiAueai resraence nave oeen treat-ed with contempt No solid growth no stableinstitutions no permanent prosperity can betne offspring of such radical levelling

But the undersigned denv that the Kansas.Nebraska act has ever been anBroved bv thpeopie ot itni esxe. certainly not under tbeinterpretation now put upon it And the reultlikely to follow Its administration, will add butnine to me appropaiion already given itllie elections tbat bave transnired In thState since its enactment furnish bo conclusivetest.

ADat there is an overwhelming raaioritvagainst its distarbaace, so far as relates to thesubject of slavery, is beyond all question. ThatscmiraeHi is iouneea more in a desire to stopfurther agitation than in any fixed views of thelaw Itself. Popular acquiescence bas beenmistaken for approbation.

The people never demanded its natsaire. became uiey uesirea issue, ana tbey are averseto its repeal for the same patroiic reason.

Ia all the recent elections other questionshave bad a more decided prominence. Thefierce antagonism between the North and SouthIrrespective of the merits or demerits of th.act itself, has notoriously swayed thousands ofour voters, and the deepest feeling which nowoccupies the minds of tbe people of Tennes-see, is one of regret at tbe detractions whichpetvade the national pablic opinion.

Tbe undersigned do not feel called upon toeulogize Mr. Bell. He needs ro such tributeat their hands. His inn? services In hlnir nfthe State, iu different departments, and underthe eye of the natien, are his best testimonials :and his elevated position in the Senate, is themonument of his greatness. All these ought tohave shielded him from the carping censurecontained In this preamble and resolution.

Ills future in the body of which he is a mem-ber, has been circumscribe., and to permit himto close unmolested, the remainder of his term,would neither impair the ascendency of theparty in power, or jeopardize any favorite pol-icy. More than all, the nation ran ill sparethe services of such a man upon other questionsforeign and domestic, about which there are noparty differences. Frr these and other reasonswe ditssnt from the views of the majority ofthe cotnmi'.tee. and resnectfollv ure ihai h.resolution be not passed. All of which is respectfully submitted.


The calendtr was taken on and S.naks Mil.on the second reading passed.

Mr. Walker, by leave, presented th, of citizens of Fayette county, asking thatthe office of Cocnty Judge be retained in saidcounty.

Mr. W. remark), in presenting the memo-rial tbat it wii from a number of tbe mostworthy and respectable citizens of tbe county,and entitled to the mcst rerpeettul considera-tion by the Legislature: for himself, he wasnot satisfied that such was tbe desire of a majority of the people of Fayette, and would,therefore, wuen tne diu came up ior consideration on Its tnird reading, move to Include theounty of Fayette, but would, huaself, votegainst It.House bill to amend the criminal laws in

rgard to slaves was taken up. Pending itdiscussion,

The Senate adjont ned till 10 o'clock, Mondaymorning.

ffowe. Mr. Williims, a resolution looklneto tbe abolishment of thecCice of tax collec-tor, and tbe discbarge of their duties by theTrustee.

Mr. Algee.-- bill to permit John D. Dadlevto 'hawk apd peddle without, a license. '

Mr Stanton, a resolution to make negroes "ofkit sees sabiect to taxation bv an ametnlmentoff tbe Constitution.

Adjaurned to 10 a. f., Monday.

Abel AwctTrxo. Oar Memphis exchangesinform us of the acquittal ot Abel, chargedwith murder. Tbe case was looked upon, bymany, as blgE-band- rd and Muchbas been said of it in the papers. From whatwe have learned of the case, we bave no doubtof tbe fact that a guilty man bss been acquit-ted, and turned loose upon the community,with his crimes endorsed by the laws ot thecountry. But, unlike many, we do not charesthis upon the courts, nor the lawyers, nor thejurors. We think it chargeable to the news-papers. Prompted by the best of motives, butactuated by a mistaken and misdirected seal,from tbe day of Abel's arrest, until that of hisacquittal, some of tbe Memphis papers,

the place of the regular officers ot thslaw, bare proiecnted blm until their good in-

tentions, and good works, bave been con-structed, by many good and charitable people,into perncstioa. Prominent among these pros-ecuting newspapers bas been our valuedeotemporary. the agle and Enquirer. Tberesult, like that of the Ward ease, prosecutedby tbe Louisville Democrat and tbe LouisvilleCourier, bas been the acquittal jot a guiltyman.

Every editor has the right to pursue exactlysuch a course as be pleases, in regard to anyquestion which Is, or whcb be conceives tobe, of sufficient public Importance to demandhis attention. But, as a matter of taste, or asa matter of policy, we do not approve of pros-ecuting a man, charged with a crime which ispunishable by law, through the columns of anewspaper. There are laws, and rs

whose duty it is to prosecute offenders againstthe laws. This duty is laborious and onerous,and, to us, distasteful; and, as we do not re-

ceive tbe emoluments of Prosecuticg.Attorney,we prefer to leave the dutlis of that office toblm who does. It is bad policy for a news-paper to prosecute a criminal, because Intelli-gent people know that tbrre are law officerswhose duty it Is to make such prosecutions;and any attempt, by a newrpsper, to procurethe conviction of one charged with crime, isapt to be regarded as the applying of an out-

side pressure, for the purpose of exercising anundueand im proper influence upon tbe eoartsof the country. This inevitably creates a sym-pathy for the accused, and the law officers sueextremely fortunate, if, under such circum-stances, they can make any kind of a convic-tion.

It is the province of tbe newspaper press todenounce crime, and contend manfully for afaithful and a strict execution of tbe laws.Law officers should be held responsible for tbeleast neglect or dereliction of duty wherebycriminals escape punishment ; and, when nec-essary or deserving, courts and juries shouldnot be spared the lash ; but we do Insist that,in the discbarge of this duty, an editor shouldtake higher than any mere personal grounds ;and we still think, as we always bave thought,that the editor who lends his columns to theprosecution of a case pending before tbe courtsof tbe country, does an act not required of hlaas a public duty, and reduces tbe dignity of tbepress below Its leeltimate standard.

We bave alluded to this subject in no unkindfeeling towards our Memphis cotemporaries,for we hold them in the highest regard ; but,as we think they bave made a mistake by whicha public offender bas escaped by which a mur-derer has bad bis murder endorsed by tbe legaltribunals of the country, we would not be trueto tbem, nor to oareelf, If we did not allude totheir errors in the past, that similar ones maybe avoided In the future. Little Rock Gazette.

The Kansas Question. The following Isfrom the Washington correspondence of theBaltimore Sun :

"Tbe Democratic newspapers from NorthernStates cone to us with articles upon tbe KansasConvention, and it would appear tbat the oppo-sition to the action of the Convention fromleading Democratic journalists is becomingmoieandmoredecided and intense. The journalsreceived last night are replete with denuncia-tions of the Convention and its acts, and utterlyhostile to the meaning and intent of the Kan

bill, and a violation of tbepledges given by tbe administration, bv Guv.Walker and Judge Douglas to tbe people ofKansas, that tbey should have an opportunity10 vo-.- e upon tue isunsuiuiion wnicu suouid Deframed by tne convention. The PbiladelphiPrett and tbe Chicago Times follow up theirviews in daily ana vigorous articles, whichwear an air or more tnan usual political authority.

" It is now quite certain that tbe latter organspeaks tbe sentiments of Judge Douglas, thereputed autnor and able defender of tbe Kan-

act Were it not so, we shouldhave been advised of the fart ere this. A rumor prevails, also, tbat Gov. Walker himselfIs decidedly and openly hostile to the acts otthe Convention, and will oppose the acceptanceof the Constitution to be submitted by them tocongress, uan tnts oe so we snail soonsee. Gov. Walkei's friends here have supposedthat he was on the side of the Convention inthis matter.

Meanwhile, the administration have determined to sustain the Convention, and arefavor of tbe acceptance of the Constitution

in whatever form it may come andit can only come with the slavery article.

" It ia much to be regretted that this disturbing topic shook! be again brought before Con-gress and th country, and it is now to be presented in a more exciting form, apparently,than at any previous time. Tbe contest wiltbe so ebarp in the Democratic ranks on thisubject that it will be hardly necessary for theuiact ttepuDiicans to aggravate it.

" It is to be hoped that Congress will decldthe question one way or the other at an earlyday, in order tbat tbe Kansas people may pro-ceed to another effirt at Constitution makingor menaiag."

Wagox Road from Memphis to Calitob:ia. We clip the following from the WashiDgton Stale t, of the 23d Instant:

Tlie Interior Department has received advices dated at Franklin, Texas, October 22from Superintendent J. B. Leach, stating thata portion of bis train had recently arrived atthat place, and that tbe men were all well andtae mules in good condition.

Col. Leach reports tbat the roads east offort were very rougb, aud muchwashed by recent heavy rains. Scarcity ofwater aaa compelled ins train to tlelleet Itscourse, between Memphis and Franklin, muchfurther south than was expected, making thedistance nearly 1,300 mile. Although tbegras was scarce and very poor. Col. Leachsueeeeueo. in getting tne train through withoutlosing any mutes.

Four working parties have been organizedand are at work upon the road between Franklin and Fort Fillmore. Ose party had gone onin advance to examine tbe country and selectpoiuis ior noring ror water.

Col. Leach confident!? expects that. Hnrlnthe month of December, he will be able to repvik troio ron luma tue amount or work necessary to be done, with the proper estimates,

Death or How. C. H. Williams. TheWest Tennessee irAfg, of tbe 27th inst, announces the death of Hon. C. H. Wiluahs, ofHenderson county. It says :

"We are pained to learn lhat our old anddistinguished friend, Hon. C. H. Williams, diedat his residence, in Lexington, on Monday last.Col. Williams was one of the first settlers iniw iei,nessee, and one or the most

In the State. Aa a politician hewielded as much Influence as any man in thisuifiaivu ui me cute, ne was uie first manthat made a speech in this county in defenseof Henry Clay. He was emphatically theleader of the Clay party in Tennessee in its

j "ifiauiiauon, ana maintained tne integ-rity of his principles to tbfdav of his deathHe served eight years in Congress, and havingmore marnanimlM. thin ..c.u - L- - -- o ......j vuai. ewusuucoa, generouslydeclined a In order that oth'ermembers of his party might share the honors

Leh ? lhJd enJ3"d. As a lawyer be rankedhigh with the profession, and In the privatewalks of life no man shared mnr l.r.ln tadmiration and friendship. Tbe death of saeha man is a public calamity. He died, we un--uciskam,. iron a paraietic attacic on the Fridav....uiu uiO UCdlU."A New Movement. A correspondent of the. .u.iuciitc jjinMi, wnun? from niTnn n i.

nols, says: A move basjbeen made bv tbe ladies of Dixon, Illinois. Some twenty of thedaughters of Rhode Island, now residing here,have retolted that until every factory ntd calico"MiHuuiurai ot taeir native .Mat is strain insucces efu! operation, they will neither purchasenor consume any fabric, unless of Americanmanufacture, and will rive th nr.r,r.r...the labor of their native State. The sons ofRhode Island, also residing here, have adopteda similar resolution, and ten of them will ap- -r r.ew suns or orosdclotn,tbe materials of whleh Wri fnm!.fi Kw--jTl.A. 1.1 I ... .,mvuc laiauu lactones."

This is much better than looklne to theGovernment for protection. They csn thusprotect themselves, if they think proper.

VEBPAXCT IBSTBBCTED. The Rattlmnrebun states that at Philadelphia last week ayouog man named S. W. Cotton, of Maryland,nas m:t ov two resneetable min. Inthe neighborhood of the Girard House, whoaccosted him familiarly, and asked blm If heWould decide a bet between them. IT uM tihad no objection, and on accompanying them toa public house, one of them drew a watch frombis pocket and said he had bet his friend tbatbe could go around tbe square in less than threemiuuics, ana asuea Mr. u. to nold tne watco.After the watch had been taken.he said as venare a stranger to me I should like to bave yourwatch as security that you will not leave."Mr. Cotton, who had no suspicion of anythingwrong, at once handed over his gold lever, andthe other departed. The next minutes windierNo. 2 walked to the door, saying that he didnot believe his friend could go the distancewithin the time, and might be disposed to comethe giraffe over him. In a minute or twohe was gone, and Mr. Colton beginning .o sus-pect be was swindled, proceeded to a watch-maker's, and was told that the watch whichhe held was-wor- th about S3, while his own,wnicn was placed in the hands or one of tneswindlers, cost him $00. Of course he willneversee It again.

S3" We happen to know that Da. Atxb'bChtrnt Pectoral anrl Catkarl ie PWt" are roodmedicines, aad shall proclaim it because we doknow it We conGdentlv believe there is avast amount of relief from suffering for oarafflicted fellow men wrapped up in these skill-ful preparations, and we shall freely use ourlittle Influence to make tbem known to thosewbo need them PAildoWpaia Sandy rimer.

From Col.Toxac

Albebt Pike, M. C, from Ark.:Wairibotob. D. C June fl. 1854.

I "I have used two bottles of your Sxrkate'tHolland Bitlertf and have found It very usefulin case of Indigestion and Headache, and re- -

' 1 I, -- It V , 1 . J - Tiuiuuicuu ii iu an wuo ncea a aaa cutcacious remedy and valuable tonic"

Dtspbitib Womsn Noticx ! Sarhart'iHolland Bittert hs coreil. me ot Drspcptia bynsire it only oce wtcV. I recommend i: cotifi-dent- ly

to all Bnfferiptr froni this dinetse.CLARA E. SCHDCHMAN.

PlTTf BtJSGH, Oct. 24, 1S5C(Mrs. S. is trie wfe qt tjie poUd L4ttcrapb(r.)


ALL. SAFE !XHSroCovlstevcuivaleatlencrptetiultttU. jLUrxe

tact of tba iiaj sart kept ronitantt en btsdLOWKSS, OKQIU. ft. 00.

. AsxaufsrSttaiaa&jfiiTla.

KxnrBlt, Tuts., VmabaU, ISMileurs. Lovnet, OrgUl - Co.:

Gxxtlzmex la rtsir to roar taqnlrlei eoneanlEstin attempt ni4kr arelt.-c-n tia nljht et the KlhIniUot, ta rob oar Fir Proof 8, Ka. B6S3, w UUpmr atatlix that lha tflort t&OBiti rrliratlyxnaietr rtinfal pttom. with tls pjcelJtrlT UU1.totbtlr tUU1mu wort, and peibaraaiaplsjisx a ixHrportion of ths nlrbt, proved a ilzni riair.

Tba Safe It tha tarns w bmrht ot Too awa tlm no,and wo ad due to tba maauf attartnt, Xrr. BUtraaft-- JtaTrtn, to commaeleuto to them thnmch jou tttaefacts.

attack, ta U prababultT, w flnt mad opon tbelsc, wbKfctolcr one of U. "L Balis " pawdtixpraat.they bad to abandon, after cmsptatttv damalBs It far

je,bycoia chlaelaer ibarp steel tnrtromrati. Tfctytben cot s hols about tba sist of aa ift to tba rit-h- t ctaodaUttlocelow tbe kex-ho- l. asd after msl aquntltrtf nmni scfartrat to have been rrp!a4 by at

a poasd of powder, ejptoaUat wots prod teed,oatsnrTlitUatirfctontktdoor ttf. Tbs vUUlnstica abtadosed tba work, ceapietel bad.

Try ratpectlogjvdacl d'Janl KASOK. XORVELL BODXE.

Tlie Cures made ljr A. E. Sinltli'fl te."Electrir. nll. I tell AT a4 u. .

ABS .o nearly mlracaloai u to membl. th, famed --u.' Sf ?! VJT. . '6 crlpiore itMuli almUar rar.i la anelaot tits' Oxll oa WUkiwaTrTrbisTi Os!, ' T ar. fonT.,.

i ou j IM e tarn o wsndtrtul I nw mt of mausi rsioa. oi. IsaHoo at PtoeBKr. Artaaiaa- .... .wi.., aoaauaiactsry aaq mmiaiagof na-ta-

W, as to call upon paKle fBotlanarl sad thentarur charts of pabtU lutltaUoaa far the lie aHdanf- -fsrtnc, to lock Into ths wen itUatnJ xaerlH. ths ilmoieearaey of tbu "ijcctic Oil "

I m forfeit 10O if ths SLXOtRIO OIL. siU at sorter ef Watnnt and Ksbth Straati, PhtMpbu, f .Hi tocore allocs ease ot Rttnmatiiaj.or Palm laths Backor Limsj, Pile,, Borra, or Barm, Wenr Sorea. Cleeri.Caked Brest!, Son Klpplea, Bnocbla Affdctlona. Bwcn.

Glaadi, rclooa Btlffae la ths Jatata or Xeek, altoPalplUtlon. To Timers an aomtsa aad awtlUai mfiorn6to53mleatea, U applied to any patUnt, mala or female, la taa alnubcois, or aay pablio butitsUoa In thscity.



Soil la Veuphli, by WARD J0KE3,aicl-dj- w jjs w aln-i- tl

Sore and Inflamed Eyes.THESE dbagrteable computsu ars tseoBlDz remark- -

M!y prevalent of late, and fl.a any tLlnr tnt an tnter- -criag look to ths rotMttar of ths dUsued orsan. "Ared and flrrr eye " i. not pretty to kk at, and cortatolycannot b ajraeaws to hare "far kwpi," aa the boralay. Wo can tail Vavn afflicted thii manner bowcare lbs stU, tn4 won't charst tbem tblsc for thslnfonaitloa. Let them fat aaiae of BKAGO'S ARCTICLIKIKIKT andtooea ths loStmed part with tt a fwtunc, lha work la dona. Ths ArsHe Liniment may2 ootatnel at any of the Dmc (tons la this pUca.



Camiec, Mix sSc Co.,


--fli.t Oost for-- OanliTheir 1mmcom stoik i f


In quntitles suit psreaasers.

This probably the beat besgk! and best iclectsd stock

tn tht Soathweit, embracing emy variety of x








CARPETS, tic.Wetrujtwtneednstaiicreoer patrons tt onr sin

cerity, as only the one pries wW be sited or lakni.

u b w e







la to





THETHR snpertorltj sf tbe Asabfetrps or- -r the Disaer--

notrpe la nnlTenaHy stknowledi-- d, tbey In thirtarn art totally eclipsed by tbe whKhia the result of a nw chemical promt dlicoTiied'by

psrfsettd after moth laborSDd perTercto.



These plctsra and all the ttytet keewn to tbe art arstaken by Professor ItBHINGTON.Ie lbs newooersttncroom ot r. H. CLAREK at CO.


aioo,ooo wojRTi--iOF


1TB eaa attention to th sdvertKestenLet 3f easrr.TValter K Bros , TS Front Row, esrnr ot Adams itrret.and Hettrs. Walker at Co , No 317 iftla itreet,

OH FHVowi' HiU. Tbsso Esatleena sre nowmWbx tbtir exteeiive stoek of Dry Gdoda, flhthlnr. ate ,st Coat for Csib.

They ns-r- sbont $150,009 worth of Goods on hand, andwlH sallKro bargain! to Bako room or their Sprintstock. IMs ii a great lnlacraeet te pentss who withto acppy itKuwtres with roth artistes. noi3l-l- m


THE only Gallery la JfeEiplill, where yencan get aa kind's ot Pidaret.akMi, at prfces to lt Ibetimes.

These bemttfsl real of Art, fChrsBtttrpe) hart beenrecently discovered by X. Yamallo. Tbey wBtaspertede any ether kind of Plcts-re- knows ; there li sattrguce and relief eff.t sat tbtObnmialypt that hatonly to bo tecs to be appreciated. The Chromtotype isn"t known or taken st say titer GlBerj in the oonntrywai yon boss Bind st to be? or tbia Gallery with a caaand examination of the eompsrsttTe merits ot its irLs- -tical protnetions.

They are takes st thtTJkroaittyce OiBery. byr. N. VASSALLO.

noTl-1- y No. Hi Main atroet.


FO!VTS offer ACTUAI. COST FOR CASH, the- bslanct

of onr stock ct




FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING.Alto a Itrtt and very complete asstrteatnt of


tre Intend ro hnmbng, as oar stock mtut be paid for.and to do as. It atlt bs saM FOR GAS EI. will price onr Goods st actual cut, ssd will hire bntohe rnicr. JOHNSON tt JGST.

No. J Otstk't bf artlt Block.

150,000 Worth otJewelry, Silver OKxkc, Onnt, Fancy

Goods, etc, fer tale st a rreat dednelloa la prices forcaab. In satletpatlon of s rood teston we laid In a verylarge, lucxorcneice Gtede, wbrch rather than holdover, we will f.r the next few months teH at' GreatBarjalnt. Ti e public are InrHed to examine our at--sortmtnt which for extent ssd variety hi no anpciior.

norlF. n. at

Ns. 1 CSark'slfaible

Edmondson & Armstrong,tVLolesale snd Ke'sH Oeslcra In


Opposite Court Square Sign of the

Ooldon Stir ru. r,.canatsntly tn hand t faB aseertment of srttdes In

their cenilttlnsin part ot French snd AmericanCalf Skins. Hemlock snd Sols Leather,Sklrtictt, Harnett, Brtdle, TVix and Kip Upper Leather,Znameled and Leather sf alt kinds; Pad, Hit.Chamott, Untaf sad Ttaflag a fallsitortnwnt ot faddlert', Sboesukers' sad Tsnnert'Tooti, Saddlery Hardware and rlimeu If osatinsaof erery variety to we reipect rally Invilthe sttentloa ot persons beyine ta oar list.

sngzo-i- y

Harness, Bridles, &cTVK art now Jrat recrlrlnr a fresh and well stterted

ctock of roods in this each at




PatentSeer, SVlcj Alto,






AH of which we win tell tt the very lowest market, rates.KDKONDSON at ARMSTBOVG,

Ns. StT Ifatn itreet,tnxSO-l- y SUn of tbe GoKen Stlrrop.

Bands! Handsl Bands!WBkeepconttanilyon hand a tnH assortment of both

Machine-Stretch- Leather and e


of an sixes, from two to tlx toes Inches In width, and a.we sre the Arrntt of ths maaeJaeterrri, csn tea themas low as they ran be fonnd tn the market, snd funic teethen to be et the bett qatllty made.


EDMONDSON fr. ARMSTRONG,No. StT Main street,

aricSO-i- y Sign of tht Goklen SUrrsp.

Hides! Hides! Hides!VTB tre preptrtdst any time to pay ths HIOESST


Sbipraealt solicited, to which pTomlteoar promptsad special altentlen.

EDMONDSON Jt AR3STItON(J,No. Stri Main itreet,

tntW-l- y Sltn of tbe GoMea Stimrp.


Hides, licalhcr andNO. 262 JIAIN-ST- ., UP STAIRS,-- ,

" ' Oper G. B. Locke' Store.HAS now on band snd wfll to recelttsC wreklf, by tht

Mempklt tnd St. Lonli psckett, direct from the msnnf so--tartrt, erery description of LsATSZS and L1NINOS,which win be told, wholitalt and retalL at tht St. LonliEurkelprices -

HIDES t HI2)ESJ'Hn)3 ! '.

I wast TITK HUNDRED THOUSAND DRT aadGREEN HIDES, for whlca I wfll ply ths hfehtft jxrlcesin CASTT. Trrnti. v TTJ!t

xnvo n.i - mmlE&T ijc ni D euu . tiitici w- -i

snt pirini st times ths bltbett csih prices ef

call snd tee me, at 2S2 street, cp i


. i




V Uclrpijf ifccmcttts.

For Sale.TWOIlkrtj-hiOE- WOMB. Antrto

STE1VABT riXO,dfel-l- w K. is Front Row.

Dr. II- - J. IJOLME8. Jr.QTHKNV no siito .treat, Heapalj, Turn.

Memphis Lote and Houses forXEGHOES.

IHATB ten verrmXuroci.

dKlrabte XeiapUa Ffapartr, wWcb

dr!-dl- n trassr n. ssiitt$50 Beward

W"- - PM for ib mora of ail, act at nUn,wbtb wtf atotaa from ma oa th. IS b nU.dtl-- - W O STOOT i



I BATS at Wnaphls, In lb rare 0r Wnkloawi. Par-.J5- 1. Ko. 17 Ffoet Ew, ap auira. THIRTr- -

4 IMUU3AHD DOLLARS WORTH OmilCHANcswhui vrary vamir or

rsiapic ana Fancy Goofls,READY-MAD- E CLOTHINR.


cf by VE.who, art h.nrfi.t. too



FrofsuorBBbtlNGTON, and











dtcl- -t I:w4tgtlsaaAJtetH,ar espy.

vsc. o. oaAWLrr.

X anaway.AP thl?ni rUb" yellow boy, .HirlSyaanoM, apara mate, had fxon a btss ctsth BtfHarr caat ami km. v..I wiH pay s llotat nwaM for tb dollv.rT me km lifevi i.i ..uiiij. i uta. wiuwimbv u art atta.

B. WOOLDBtBOB.dtetasit XenpMs s

Important Eecipes.1TO make rtaltier Si aed Vlltrusrs aa rood al

with nonces., exeaot a m ntantt,. To daks a Waaaiag T sH, thai wtB vuk In sa

Bvur, wsm' tuso ne or IBJary te ass's defltra.3 Toxuka oVwp, at a cost of two cents bcrpeini, thatwtHwaib wlCXMH rx!MaxoTl&Jery.

To make Wbitewaah, sa good sa palet fer oat.bon. waa TsU reCj coat 10(09, ttla nted on lbs PruWeot'i Ibm.6. To mats Mea Jay esmc tbe winter, at to ths one of tbeas rcclr, wfll fcs rorwaniad W ..

reoHpt af seoiBta, oraU 8o far SI. Tas moswr r- -inusi i, ii mil at nxJ rrri-nt- 3. Adrr,, i. M. D. XILL5B, Ofsorsl VampM-- . TaM.

liost and UnclaimedFreight & Bassaire.

TrrtLLba-oMsttl- Xstseais and Chute, ton BaJI- -rij D pot.On the I2tu day of December.

TO HT VRKIQfrr ASTD ratMB, t wK: RBiggisg (rafiawira Sal-.- asb toots Traska. stt

Bag., wilb 'heir coBltati, s4 ctUeti.lanwu. artleirj, Slp.tlTs ithktKl-t4- a Baptrt4sdBt TrasspoTtaiaaa.


SAM CLAUSI TTTHO tseu dsn . J -

YV tosply I t hi a nctsks trt Ji- - t?n.nfl0 nf flnnXa tblm rra.i. SZm uuvuai, uvitwn Jf SBPbki !

ii u n n & iz :J. c

n It Xopstet st

RODNEll'S.Cornor of Main and 2Iadison-st3- .

KyoVsr "Grind Pa" sod Grand V. m ..sad rts htra-Fa- lbsr aast NMbcr al-- 0 IBM WauroatMsndiatiaryeiaMwttk

Toys, Uolls, &c, &c,AIo TV AX DOLL3. sd ovtrr deferMioa .r

Wigs, Bandeaux, Carls and Braids !AR ot wbKh arasf Jlree tstpwiailta from Pi-- li

A LsJies HAIR DBBSSBR always rs4y ts stbn4 aayGentle-ai- wtU vitas call n lha aaluunui .i.uko p fa ore to wait nana tbem. 'A Urge uaortBMM tf PBRF UN ERT on band.dt-4- - J 0. KODNBB.

Lonklaaa Land for Sale.T OFFER far tils y PLANTATION mm SmmnA LU oanMlttsg tf rerea H rat red and Twee-- ir to--t Htsortu iixl srveiy in a MsbtUte tf est' IwtiM. sd sat hssdriJ fcBtrd and

dsadtstrdTht ItBsevTeQeat. srscsod. Prvenr t?M.a-.t-c-. im

IkePiriib twotevetuysawSUad,ssy XMl aleo.Oablnawltbbrlikcblsuey.; t. rtiieri i, as4 fCVr rlTblt PlssttlloB net tn t W road nm V.UU- - I.

sod bw yt school sad stnrsb atTseUtts.For ptrtlf tirf. aJdn.1 tka numw .it .v. n .

dfet La MTRs'ir tdel I wit

The Misses Young's School.I ime xtates IOCNIi'3 SCHOOL wis btA rau4 eeom IIONDAT NBIT. lbs ll.ty..ri

To Contractors.B'M tiLr nitst .TtTBS BATlit Dtstssbn-arx- r.i tin i uti. . nr ,

street frten raner ttrat stsdb lb HsiasaA Mk"':.rJ?'1 sMSMvaiawt tfcswta( ajwatMy asdwetk ntrerttil, nOnt .trta karor1.OSJe.Xxcbaa(BsrHaHass. K. TT Jt Clt j Bactaevr.

41olilcn Svruii.D KCEITED tMs da s lot of Btitbei'a M. Uall OM.JX en 8ynp of apiorsHly.

Also, fret BtctvbMi Hear, r saekt aad bnt.Oh. ten .Mhen Bait r aad CVi r jftwilBV. A hirer ttetk tbaa atd JZr,?itf ertfytblie la IBs Hat


""' B M.BPrOBRatSON.

Christmas is Hear at Hand,A - " isaiHira csa re y oa esettec tacb srtklei si IterA. may wast aa.kiM allra. PC . w.,

In. Aaam9.iir

AUrntbaadSw.B- - M. SPICBR it SON.

3?or IZent.A PARK of eirhtr aeret twa sad a half siOe,fX fram Oowt TLb s: e h., aa

acres cltarerl. Dstlllas aad all useitarr .a' iBIllHoce O.eru ! arK rile V r r. tf I

tier pirtlen art apply at lb tcftot af TRHADWauTa.VALLINTINB, twodtort below tbs CaauMrtltl

nora-- i H VALUNTISI5.

Buildins: and Iioan Aqsoriintinn.THK fortc-Sr- .t uuul'B'n. of iht Bsifcilu sivl Loss

win be d t oa TCBSDAT, Deeeaabtr 1,1667, paiaMe te tbe Trraiarer at J. B iminvirirntodT, comtr of Nadrtw Street aid Biek A asx

tbc ratKM wai at lotsrd simfl tvsawM at S o'clock atBKialra Hora's ctBce, North sMt tf Csart taare

- -- . duum rastts win ae receivedIn parment ot duet Br r rf the Bjard.

"I3 OX J K. CHADWICC 8 reary

"I fj nnf. OFTmSfiTorllekln.Iof CinaraA J3 JJJ ap in tbe 5aunsb abas-- ttb twends, i.t ratt ed by

notzs-i- wSLHBIIMJS It CO.,

Sbtlby naootttt

JTust Mecelved,Q fl l BOXES IT. K. sal K D. ohette,OUU birre.t Better;

60 a Mack-ee- l, No. S S;ti halt bajTcU Ns. I s&d x,3i Droas OnJath;SO bcrreit Ale aad Lifer Beer;CO tatreji n aa4 Bre rTbttky;

100 Piper" i Betttettk ObaspatseiSO saekt Loodoa p rter,

IBS a Fteth Pttebet and Pise Appitai100 d Tt freab Care15 btxt Temite XHebtp;le boxes sMttted Pkktet;101

boxtt Oae OrackertiM belt. Aaattt;

boxes Hi.tetter'l Mau-- a BUaeraAlto, Oraneet, litsMBS FbN, RsIibm, Nats, Saretset.

Tobacoo. S9fs', C.See, Uo'SMes, att. Aeretsaieoy J r. FBtNX.aetM No. 35 Fmat Bow.





eo. rattlson & Co.'?.

NOTES of the Wtrttem B akaf VKiNcrpel. ferwhiebfirs SO cent, ea the dollar lamvsww o rriBTjtiflnT- -

For Sale.MT diraIe neo and 14, treal lex;

Madlien fret. H ta eoorrilct nriterI wUI Uko Necroet la exeheBre.

to JtWN H. TATLiiR. .

at W. B. vIBTa. corner ar and v...,.BortS dxw




NJBWFIRSI.Forsyth, Jameson & Bro.


Ko. 88 Front Bow.TTZPeoniuntlyon band a isr and well rejectedIVttocktt GROOKRIbS. Aro.ain-ufortbeaa- le eftbe ClarkatHI Oltv Mill and nik, inof whKh we will aeu low to the etty trsde sad coaatry--".u"'- MS dx a

Mare Ozpeninfi.. .. ..muiii iuiur .a'e taeir ettaMlM- i-. ui'ub eu urertoB atreet. ueti th um i.

aad Ohio Dtp it cociljtn of a frame Bn Jdiox.50 by 111 feet. ABneV-rllci- l IQ,tiwr ikirtrhorse power, alt the cucblatty ftr carrytaf ea tbeSaab snd Door nuasfarterri toeether wih as niuiebtSaw fcrBox-cuklna- ;, wttlt Celeste of tht hett lot tasrmnoif rorraannraclarlsi' pnrpttes, trragea tb Baros,and cbQUtsisff oae an tbrre-qnsrt- acres ; tt betold low and on but tine. Al B80 000 ftet of tetsoaedwhite pine Alto s ttt with s Oae Brisk VweHK. nMarket ttrett near P. Tlltt. A Lot tf 37 feet front eeSecond rtrrrt north of Jack-e- tad oae ef 4b feet fronton Llrylea street, near to J.J RtwiiDia. all oa ton lime.

tr vrxcuirt at jMctttt.

ROYALITSMinMaan a .tbCMii

next Ordinary Drswirf of tbe Royal ll.TinaTHE cuadn-Xr- d bt Ibe Spaaiil GtTernrnenc nn- -deribtttpemBtonof tbeOartain Genera! tt Debs, W',1

Uke pace st Hatana, on



PRIZE1 Prist tf 41M000I 0'"" 60.0OJl - or. so mo1 of........ . 10.CKS)

I ' of 4 0CO


Prxisof $2,000

8f ef 'ko" t 40Q

SO uv.4apprxtrEatfiu.otlr.$ICO,trO ef 600 each: 4 olBi30toS.ll)0t tef $?0 13,000, 4 o, 100$U000oft0tSi.000.JO" WBOleTickett $ior rtilrc 110; Qtarttrt J.

f Pr.iei embed it iliHt at pettuiira atf toT at iuaxt iakn a' J ar.A dwHrwl:l De forwarded .. .. .. v.


CAPITAL $100,000.


Xomn adlrecitd to PON RODRIGUEZ(ctreof C!trPoit, Chrlest.n,S. ofDeotfabtr iil.p.tteli.Bta. - ntr!d,twtfSERFAXTSV ISTELUCEXCE. OFFICfe,

AK?vttVt JTtatrti near Poplar Street Hvim tcnirc Jiitey,

Tm, Der and Sheep Skint. Dealers wootd dowta to I TTTHERK rt Swrants sad those deslrint- - 5(t,.iI.Ulrt, before! can biro ttcir wiats attsnaed to.i BUXT.







Ash'slempiiis Tticatrc.trashlaitea street.

LnteeAetlrs aad Staxa Xaaane....TmnrrrMcapter

LMdr of Ortbttra.


n. r. jobnson.



Deeobr 111, IS5T. wjl bs prwaUd lbs sisy of 1NGO.Paribtals. Ulat Orampti - Soas by btreamnpa. To ama.a-- wisb SKB7CHZS IN INDIA;

SaBy&rtns, XtasOnaptsa.7rsartteBlsr. see duly prosTssmet.Mftasis KarAWater tb siett Msjiilmse, ts ensued

tad win dee!

Crisp's Gaiety Tlieatrc.cStrsoa

Ltue ss4 XaasBer.....H amstr .....

Trssanrer... ..OendnetsT ot Orcbeatrs .

..,D. T, ASTf.R. B. AOIBLET.


BAB; Casalt

tbort-'- appetr.


Stats..........W. H. CRISP..Br 3. O CABTUTCU

Nr. X. O. LBMOTNB.....Freffaior HEB5ING.

SECCND NIGHT of tbe of Jf r andD3BW. tn three ttcrftrnt

plresa. OnTtrcSDATBTSNIBG reraib.r lat, WSJ,wiu taacW tbApstBeosmedyet DBLIOAIKGBOOND,r, PntalalWi Clttiea Samfrole, N r. Jbe Drw;

PaslM, Xrt. JsbsiPtsw. Paatfs Dnz-L-A VASOVI-BKN- EBf tbsilaUFS Hanradt Tbs beaaltrsl 4rsaa

lbs IBISK KlflGRANr; O'Brlia, Mr. Jsba Drew;rofty SaesHskvNra Drew. Ts raseHHswHe

"INSTBEL; Jns Batca, Xr.J trew.rT HB sartlrslars. ar-- Milt of lb. AAT. !

Great Attraction at Odd Fellows' Mali.

3. lnsco WilliamsCELEBRATED

BIBLE PANORAMA.rHIS mazaMeeat paiaBse matun with Cbwa

B flows IB kMartc. Ia IWiaelali Oaptltl. j, enalalatet mmn tbaa fitly J ths moatasbitsar aad BMtf,z,ews Is tht Btfca.

Bxbibitimi tT-r- y rnaatc- - Djsrs tia at , ts com

TUkataMoisAt W bt bU st tbe BaB. door. CbBdreanodtr la j--r, bsM sttto.

Alan.ttbiMtlM s afttrseon for ramWes7Tr- - wwa tpesi st i, ssoeasMsws at I pre- -

t3 EisI.bs4 by FTf rs-s- e TiabWa. nortvim

Voi lCUt.TnBbratBfsiaialdseookaswasa tbeWZLLS

msnliwOssjrt Jaetrs. AptlysrM-i- cosjirr. hill a. talvaiwk

Trustee's Sale.NTHHRDAT.D-etsBrIetb- ,

MoT. IwM at ootbostaw sttasstBf to ptyWn - HarMa. tn Wasd SO.rtnBt abott Kmtts, all tbe tsitw. sastt--.

warsea firstaj sl.ala, wood al wtt bssia.bSau-- rtoPtrtra 4. Hi Ms.TEBMf or Sail AB asnss at twtnty osBars andndr, ewh; lk kiluit uis.tof mij a., Bt--

! 7 " " nw iltm. ivsi abaaB at prtraU asfr, fr5 acra bit am an Msed ta"'-'- -' X RA8HNB. Tr.ft.

Pfpa E?SS tMm " Fort, mM. rnfiS iri fsr ialr H H POTTER,

BTlt ITS Jfais.aC 3rd door More Aiim. it.Cheese.

1 Ofl Bxs3 0ht,jtitertvls4 for aalt bya. W H. H. POKBR.B"' mKata-t- t. , SH door abtT AM.t.

VtMrau, NsTabtr ITsb, 1667.HE psnsmbtp brtofn nbntsc brtwa lbs

Bsr lbs Irs sa4 mi or L. TEST ACO." la IbUdsr HmoIt4. by setsal earnest B Sts-b- aa

bsTtss; btstkt L Trsi's fcsterwt a tb beatsMt staM trm, h h iy frtharuM ts ested IBs tfM awiscUitlan4aasnetaadBcditaktstpsrM4Mbl ti.Sstssd, tiRSKIT GBAHAN,JU VBST.

S rn v?itarrived sea. asd wiu - B7W5S.L ftr- - blm So. Wftrtli nrr nIt Mlit wH.msi tonuls bta i. v uij








rollbsne and














THE tearrMr sf melT, tV dbBtaWy la exsburrslbs trtli aettry of paoetaalMr. baa

bay Br. L. TBST'A latere.1 m tk. batraetr " L. Tt V Co.," with a tt--w In siaalSK taMba-tawt-al

aad I avtw asrtr at COST FOR CABB, aad maaysjttslss st h-- s tbaa cost; tit taUrt asvk ta hudsmaaestat btaTtr fH,oeO. B. GSAIIAX.

BttW-lt- S

At Actual OostFOR CASXII

35 5 O


, o o o


Wo offer our entire Stock of

FINE CLOTHING,Fnmlsliinj; Goods,

Fine Sole Trunks, Segro Clo.&toj, &c.

t&T COSTCASHF6STLY!OUR frirr.l, hi tbe aaettjc saaeraDr. ntr M'Kto so. B7t tartte sB was si Inwaattf atyd Cistbttvs, to cull aad txassciM (or ibea-ttrr- tt.

SPITBT & CTaBCB.lit Uats-- 9t . tpaoat e O art ?qaare.P. 3 All S4t toss oa credit, si rts- -

aw seams. 3. . O.Bttl'-d- 'f

Ciirtam Materials.BBOCATEU.B, Ssa Detaiat, vrenW Vastatx.

Laeesad MaeMa tirtstae.Traacareatcmmim-- WJltOUH, W'ltBSaw UotUkZH. CBUUIB BtBIsad Pat. XTrry srtMs of 6sdt aad Triatsnaes

t- - decorate s Oettaxe er Palsoe. Fsenltttrlar sadOartalo RuiBf txecattd by sa txpetHatct tksuafra New Ttrk City.


C H WIUIASH. in U 9. riciltlcx.TF IK, 1X1.113 & McKIMCK,

ATTOKNBre x? LAW. Iltttaalt, Stasetee. iltaW Se.ear- - avrK-i- Bi

HAVING aaetciated wttb lit. is nr LVn--SaTls-

banaest. JACOB A. BOTGHBRTT. m r--oasislHbtd BMcksolc,) sllefw-r- s tee Piea. Sia-Gea-r-

wr. ae . wsa at txeealit M-- r alt bBittdtsle tsper-Ttslo- a.

Be will be feaad st la Ptest Bkatorr. issor tosltead tn tb wi ef sH who iw--rre week la ear ItsTm bailaeaa wBl be dta sa'er tas ty.e f D. NtCOBBu re--- ite e j, 3teCOBB.

Xmi'li Netia,r I. I&ST ooeM-t- n

HIS! m ! i

REDUCES)1 PRICES!FRO lb t't of Jasasry. we will e'l oar

surOIXPLETR ASI)ST3IBNT of LAW.jcsuiual evnuut. ia Jiisc.rv,itr3 booesat at SHALL ADVANCE oa EASTERN OOST for 0A3H

Lanib,YonDg & Co.,BOTlS a btslct street.

1,000 Boxes Tobacco,TtTBT rtctlted trvn lb best Bsiafactnrers Is Tkr- -

.1 txBIa, SSM for tale lower 'bax erer ts tba traa.BT wM aapllaite tay Ntrtberm or BaMera bM lesxhl

la tne last tattt raeatbt. with tbe time or krsndtcoaaBy rH frest aae te ana bvaCred boxec

aoTia-l-et J. B. SHARPS It CO


The Hush Still Continues at theBAZAAE OF FASHION,WHERE tret.

petal bay Goods st half their legs.

Calioa st IB e Bit per yard worth $3;Fraseh isfcee ae 2d eeatc per yard, worth SO;Beaotlfet DeLalats st It ctat per yard, worth ;

" w " " ac;" " ae - sa;

AHwe4BLtttaatBeh SHbt rt Braoorllea la tbeab.tprles. Seed RwkSUktWioo.nlslotltlyd.

Ctsaks at JI sa, wefts Sf ea;"50, S S9

Risk Ttittt Obwkt hi pttBertieBBONNET tttaett st ivr prise; tad tae bstenet of

ar bMBtsral stock of coeds st tacb Driest aa wtB betresttf It tbeadriala;ew Aot was seed (tods ka oarue. js. BARiNna at on ,

bot:7 ru KiiattreeL

Land asd Other Valuable FronertjFOU SAWS.

H ATIKG dtttrmioed U reraeT to Ar-C- X

kin.a, I eff--r fer tle bT TRACT OF jtjSsJlL.1ND, ktteg three mHt avtrth tf i2

Granc s. Bean., It betnt; tbe firm renter! r erca- -atad b- - Caputs Tbet J F4k, sad at prei est by Mr N.A. Cattta, coalir-- rt Karht BaBdred tad NbttteenAseet, wtB Irspntrd. A la tad healthy reettwa. sal--atleatry setr stbeA tb Jftre isd Fettale tMrrret totad i. Maeel frma nesie A Bat Btrtet far

rat est as tee ptaot. H rbtt ptaee tt Bet teM by tb IStbaf Duistbtr next, I wffl tei Chat day acTr H ftr lals orreat. rab'iety. totaeblb-Ftb4d- r, at rsy ri'estoee. fearnlle. northwest af LtGesace, sa the Soaw riffle resd, stwblth ttae tad place T wtB tett te lb Mte--tt btoser teetsottof rsyp-ntbtB-ie property, te tit : Bscs, Ca'tle,Sbeep. fle bftret sad ObMe. Otra, Fsdder, Hoote-ba- 'd

tad Clt-h- Fare tar. Fsrttiaf UVsiBt, Be , ate.Tersts BMdo kaowa es sy ef sale.D.T6-t- di Wlf. K. XATO.g-Bts- Je oopT IM Wtb ted tend Ml te tb't trBc.

Residence in LaGrange for Sale.B. MT. ANDERbO-v- , at tbe laTendtMBS. Is Meraebls. sffrt her deHnbtt

raistB MLtGr.r. fr Fr partwalart.asratrstf T 1. ANORRMN. LaSraace J.

AAHatt9t,r. netpeis wTiui.aiA Chance for a Home.

a BOOSBand let ea corner ef Lied a ilfV Otvey tireeti new rraai asaee, let jwey to feet Terms. $180 caih, the harancaa iim .nrf alT- raealba

Jt U. UAIUS flt sua,MT3f'Iw ABtHtteert and Beal Biltro Brotera.


TL!??crt!r:. VrmeiUtl perms-J'sSS-

10 M'mPbil, ftr tbs parpoteand STRAIGHTENING CIRCOLAB

ltiJrlS? 8AP Werk doas it Ctaclnnstl sadtnsrantled,

,?l"":?.'Sti'"d erery ductlnUen of Sawxf1 warranted Stw M owners 4TnUj to M m lor--

Sbop on poplar itreet. opposite UHaa Psanrterr.nerie dawty SAMTjBL P. ARTHUR,

Land for Sale.(?1 fifl fiflfl OF th u r the NorthernQiyUjUUU Beck ef Mbilrtlppl wasted forproperty at lowcasaprtcet. Netrtot ttir lack wffl tjatake si parf trReal Eater In Shby cecity, Tennessee,orArkantaa. nadoosted matnrmxJannarylith.iaos.suoca'ircdforthelstsekO tMtBank" J. POWTXE;



Corner of TTasliington Street.rilllK proprtetercf thtspcpnlsr

fcwHvu mm vi.a.iuB or u--

anaosnciic totlts.pttrona, sssU! CiA- J . t. --UOfnow reiraitrly open for tbe tesrB The lotert ef tbetedeHdcns kltalTet, can be (rred tn any ityie from tbehelLtUwrd. rented. aeaBoc-- d or fried. Ho latecdt

keeplnt Isrzrtoek. snd will fsraka tre t&a dam. r,-- -or tirreJ, ti reasssbls rates. sorB-cZ- s

uclioix Salts.A--


Ns. 10 ituHsoa ,tr.t.TTTI win MI WBDSESDAT MOBNfNG, tb3bt.,VV st N at ssr SaKrs Boom. H.U too tl.-- a.. airat af MlMlllii, Brailles, OaMeoa, Bla- n-

dt- -

r7 Ble, '

Sals wMbeac ttttm.LEVI.

oluction SalesEVERY NIGHT,

try Tcrfttys flat Otocti, ettry Tirretyl aoaJ rtrr

A. S.

r.Gsnt and erery vtraftv ; no rskM SaayryAbo a larx-- .wtatlsitat of Trolsas. Stum, Plates,

Fan. T GokS and Tays BrTfHH. 4. HAHHI3,

Ancrlao and Cxno jiloftMiW TT! Mass-t- t.

Caaiicl,y Salo orLANDS, NEGRO- -, D0RSJJS, 3IDLE3,

Corn, Fodder a." Fanalisg laiple-isen- ts.

pnriosBce tf sd rt"cf BV'G reoHOtartof TsatcaIN prtaeeaced at tb ' OeU-be.- tc ra. tSert, tt aaldCaart, at Aetttt. to tbe salt .. SV l BeatnroaaBdJtbnBostiatea. AossMMraUr't i w ? Btbtasso.dtorsaed, tad other ti Jmrnrt X. tS tn, 1

Cemsi-ttbtne- ta TTBSDAT and trgTi atStb and JSlb dais of Deomie- -. I6ST, oa 'he PrtBttteeot Junes M. Owen, UtIbic 19 ssBte west ct HTon the HenuaJt nil to Caemtrt " xBitlei ei.t of OsssMrOP, tbe feclewtac artpert. T r'1TTt:Lands, aectltai. ttsbteea aad alaetata. (IB u. 1'Towaahtp threw Oi tf raiet tsa. (10) (Bhsssmw .

Taaicaateaty. Jtisilttipei seti'ucswwaen ssd rbBore; JleeM, Koeies. VTatetsi, tJFsdJor, snd FarmeK esa att tt tbt Mtbttt bb Ifeno-thl-rd esb, tbebsUsoo of ib iarsbsss meocjtwo tqaal payraeast. la ta sad yottt, btsil "Interest st tbe rsle et FUbt per teat, per aaaeai.

The abort laaals ta merit s at' rate bstses first,soma fear or St. bandrrxt sens sUa".d. attasltd oaBsck Idasd Bayee. six assies fftai tb ftaanrc leadlnx. with a ssod rad tbtrrt.

Bea4s wMb apprel secsrlty. wBI bt rueieeif, sad, attea retabard spea tb leas sad aeerses.

FBUX LA8ABTX.ocsiswtm

Hlttsbiirg1i Me.t f TABRSLS tepeeitr afttte tf Wtesrt Pitta.LUU rn.-f- h Ate,JnttrtaTTedaadcrtselawte.tb

trass. DOTAL, ALSBO i 98.ttrH-l- T

asderahned wW Uko tasrs ofTHB Hx.' Jfeatpbls, Teat ,a tb 8 tt ef Jtaasry wubn to bits

Sfteen or tweatr H4 an teats, aad three srJfonrmestotess aad twopsk 'Vteeks f..r tbe next year,far wbwb (tad wates wtu he , albcy.

notlS-tla- al 8. P. MHtHIX.


Wood and W illow'ABB often aiked. Baw la It lt muauaiur" U'. wet ten .a. Ws sf

workais net. anistlTtt alwiyt ea baas, I wil. spea,tad d tbe Ivtr raise by oar tattiawn. Osr ex,"Beseelwbt. Wcatf SarsaahasdatttlsToacJt.stasajv'ebtly Peter is net obsHcl M pay Jar PisHi feeds.

Tsa wHI theresar et oa-- . petMr test

No. 6 .llonraebt lb see fer tstb baytrt to ipad




$2,500 Worth of


hosiery and gloves,unhershirts andgtjns and pistols,pocket cutlery,

violins andFLUTES asH ACrORDBOSS,


THE iM,e atfk Is new r4y r laie-Hi- n it rbfa4sf T. J. BABBIS 17 Baas Street.aad It sSered to tat City .mi C aotry' Treat st

ai- - uif rer cam Betrt--tt OHt.pianosCARPBTS, CCBTAIN.


and matt tetretieas frssa ibe lnt tttek td

ia Ktmp-bta- . H. X G BOB VBtfOR.nota 4wisa

Cat aeon.year ever

Bosewood Parlor Suit3.SKTKBAL e efeat

Rawea Pirler Saite !

ktesSSfe of Parattsre.iatt re- -ftijjt .a,i. rgjj trri rsasinria


ptioes frem $Z4B t $SB9 , in which we lattt ta saetta,attea'lea of parraw-Ta- . Prices eery w, at BW aewaad lumeese ettablttbmeat


A SUV atyle ot BeotVeiJ.. very Be aad baadamV with H the dbaVrtat sf Freaab.

Hlsb-sa- tt sad Cettaf Boiies4a. eat aataacruiatasre oetnd te parcbsaert tbete titlrt tratea. at

" BtriNHKT at oos.








Victoria Bedsteads.

Furniture.OCR atterUaeat tt rich sad

, fuhtoeehM FaiBttaie asaae be aati aited either la qsa'tty r Cj .Pitticaitr Ie bttittd s

few tela of tap rb character, sad Parlor Fwastate Td

is New Tork srd BmtTB, fer ear ewa Hat.Titttert to lb elty skonkt aot fsJ to hk lsrfa earaew sae 'musette tttsbhtass-s- t.

B"- - Nerrwifkt at tm.

Cheap Carpets. &c.ptDALLHiK Telett Cirptt.;

1 Tatestry Tetm oarprts ;! ry Beaseert Oarpeta ;l3r 11 Th Carpets ;Baf t-- lasrala Carpet ;Atttriea Inerela Carpet. ;Xtpeel y V, Ivet SWtr Carpels ;Isivslry Bras tit Stair Cstpets;Twllkd Sile H . H ia4 t--4 yard wi;Crsssb(Tvtht.S 4 19 1. It t.II t, tt--t laeVW--t, J.Brvftet.; aad Beetle ti;Salter Plated aed Brate - ttlr Boat.

Hariae a verr 'inte ssd wen asetttfd itk of girpett,til aw ssd fre--b sad beatbt ttate tae we att

tbe atleail a of parrhsrts, aad aleCfe tarttlrn toMil fjede at story asiill prett aad tire perfett sssts-fsetl- oa

la all csm a. Ciry u made sad pas e we,a NcXINbBT Jt CO.

Pianos, Melodeous, xurnitureyCARPETS, CURTAINS,

UADEa, Jtc.HATB lutt rr'araed.j

wbb rutiM bealtb fromNorta, wbere btve

take reach sera,leetiMs tserinrstertstrat Mum Paraiaere, Carpet, cartstr Hovf, Sbades, which aaa sew

and oabriaa; whs --ae favor wttbtheir pttroait My earnest wttb farsnth fted lea

reaaoa.b't trice.bat esraeed Prnfetaer WINELBB. wht wkB

attecl orders for taalac aad itil'lc iBttrBmsatsaa-- wal' those wbo with calL

AU kiadi Hatutue BUfe orJer31. GROSVKNOR,

eIJ-l- SJMln reot.




aow BtaBaraetarlarWEsad kn cactaatlybasd ttrres' aad bes as-sorted afl anedt oarUse rter oara Nestabla.

All'. GIN BANKS everydescripttoas, wslehIsrlte tbe sttestloa pcreba-tt-- t.

eaa aad wilt arit fornrotapt pay tap

sbetpeet, asyl faaraateetire .itlalielm nenirtu saJW'- -promptly attended aad work made oreer

Bt8 daw FORD. BBGBIE 00.



Ii , II lb I i' is ae--

efate , I

Is SIT p to atett to

atI C P

to allca f r ate a

tt taH


tbof ha


ts a I af weor

sc weor a c at

en- -te t


IN otsirqsence ot tbetuaaisA ntvinnyj TO MONKT. wo are

- I oCriaztBrtbxkof

st TlTa



SASH, &C, &C,At prket that wBt psy partascers te txtra4ae aad deefcte

for tatBHelTet, stCEO. FLAHERTY ct BRO.'S,

nsrHI-x- Oarner ot Mass aad VMn ftr-er-e.

To llic Public.BYRB'S

Incorporated Commercial CoIJegeAXO

irmnxtr ACADEMY.Iutttatjes It now ia satetetfafTHIS It It tbe tetestsM f tbe Prta-rrp- tl

t raske it per raises! aad total, to ereryreepect, t aay m tatt er aay star.-

-- a

Brery sraach will b taaxbt tt aatliry loelk fr s lle

life tbe art ef Pesroassruft, (with bs Hi aitjutXtlftufrofier dy snail.) tbettkateef BoaMe-tati- Book,keeaiac mprared. the rrljeipte sad tat Natare ef Baak-la- x,

wttb Baak ate.Ibe attentats sf psreait sad nsnaaat It KtpeeMrelr

anieMtdb Ibtt IsstWatltB. He Batters Manetf.ibtpsirsaarehebaaalreaty norrrxt. that h wM merKs OMltaaasee, by hit aaa- suae ssM ts tbe kMerest of hU

ran, ate. rasd kaawa sa appeieaH & st tbe Gewegt,tit Main street

I bare the boaor ta refer to the fettewtBf mnrim,aad eckert, wa bare kfcaslr d att aa t Beardef TiaHtrt tor Bxsmbtatbia. betac poaiatl baaiataa aB.

BxrExxacBs.Rer. J X. Temple, Rst I. Ttoiir,TT. A. Janej. Ikj , Ciibter

ot Otmmertiil Baak,T. LaasatOo









Btatssj BVttoatO..O.M Pitk'er.KKj..Lua,TsgiOe.

board or THitoas.ReT. I.ToBie. Rer J N.TMstte.W. A. Jem. Csshler O. M. Pteker, Be...of OsmnmetalBaak, R 0 BrlaWey, att.,CoL O. B. Locke, Trie. Bee.






Watches and Jewelry!AT COST FOR CASH!

J. E. 3IERUIMAJV Si. CO.,not: ra


J. Preft w.

333 Male itreet, Bnlo Block.



per baibel, and OetlTer btrrttt in soud aa.i der t Tb Esnawha Sal hat been Ibertaxlay Ucoiimtbstsatfewjnrs. acd bas pr red t be tb betttalMorN, curiae meat, mors tsf lit handled sad less Haste te wattUlu mmm. ha. TVJ w





SETIER fc TTARREN,Ka. KV WaiB tfreet.

Assignee's Notice.HATING beea appointed Astignae of PKTTBw .

notice is hereby to til Kr,, hTdtbted I iiId fnn by sot, tr aceecati te oim q riw4-- 7immedltlerr and settle, as tednncf eaa4 b?tlstidtbenndersixTiedlaal-B- e srjtborix-- d i elra retadIin dlscisrts of the liabilities to the said arm

BOTlWswIa By Us .UorS?.

w .Jk.