library of matters. whatfashionable people are doing-personalnotes. mrs. r. 3. c....

SOCIAL MATTERS. What Fashionable People Are Doing- Personal Notes. Mrs. R. 3. C. Walker, of Philadelphia and Williamrport.who spent the pant few days in the «ly, lunched tnth the President's family at the Ho^we yesterday. There were no other gueJte m table. Mrs. Walker returned to Phil¬ adelphia laat evening, but will upend a portion of the nert winter'* season in this city. Mrs. Harriet Lane Johnson, who spent the Clt half year in this city, ha* given tip the use of judge Knott, iu which she lived, and will return to her home in Baltimore to-day. Mrs. Johnson ha*. no doubt, enjoyed this return to the scenes of her former triumphs. Since ¦he last last lived in Washington death has broken all her beloved family ties: the uncle. James Buchanan, who made the world a fairy land for her. the husband and son* of whom .he was so proud. Mrs. Johnson received the attentions and visits of a number of congenial people. She was received by Mrs. Cleveland, and recently made a visit to Mrs. Harrison in company with Mrs. Hobson, who arranged the meeting. Mrs. Johnson's own favorite form of entertainment was the giving of elaborate luncheon parties to ladies, but it has been a 5lace of romantic tradition* revisited with Mrs. ohnsun. and she will be satisfied with the one winter in which she was a looker-on in the capital and saw the passing of one and the ar¬ rival of another administration. The intimate friends of Mrs. Foisom here are not surprise d at the announcement of her mar¬ riage yesterday. It is believed the engage¬ ment took place last December. There was a time about Christinas week when the happy expression of Mrs. Folsom's face attracted notice and comment, Iu those days she smiled without effort aud her face was overspread with the rosy blushes of a girl whenever she was addressed. Mrs. and Miss Potts, who have been for the past few months at the Gramercy, hare re¬ turned to their own home on (i street. Judge and Mrs. James and the Misses James will leave in June for York Harbor, where they will spend the summer. Mr. Wm. C. Endicott, jr., is still in the city. His marriage with Miss Thoron will take place in the late autumn, for which event the ex-Sec¬ retary of War and Mrs. Eadicott will return from Europe. Judge A. I.eo Knott and Mrs. Knott, who have been spending the season at the hotel Arno, will take possession of their K-street res¬ idence. that Mrs. Harriet Lane Johnson vacates to-day. Miss Keenan. who is so pleasant an ac¬ quisition to local circles, is with her sister. Mrs. Knott. Miss Antoinette Ives, of Montreal, is the guest of Miss Aileen Bell, of Georgetown. The Chief Justice and Mrs. Fuller are greatly enjoying the cordial hospitality of the southern cities on the Justice's annual circuit. They are banquetted in each of their court towns, aud the pleasant impression is amply reciprocated. Charleston is the latest stop¬ ping place. Mr. T. S. Williams, of this city, returned yesterday from a brief visit to his father's some in Ithaca. N. Y. Mrs. Lieut. Main has received a telegram from her husband, announcing bis arrival in San Francisco, per steamer Rockton yesterday. The details of the marriage of Mrs. Emma C. Foisom. the mother of Mrs. Grover Cleveland, to Henry E. Perrine, a merchant of Buffalo, the fact of which was announced in yesterday's Stak. are as follows: Mrs. Foisom w. nt to Jack¬ son. Mich., on the 8th instant, aud Mr. Perrine had been there since last Wednesday. The wedding was solemnized at 9 o'clock last even¬ ing. Bev. R. B. Balcom. of St. Paul's Episcopal church, officiating. Those bride was attired in her traveling costume. Those present, besides Mrs. Cleveland and the family of Mr. Cadman. were Mr. and Mrs. Barry latch, the latter a daughter of the groom, and their two sons from Buffalo: Mr. and Mrs. EUsha Flinn, of Detroit; M. Harmon and Mrs. Frank Welch, of Jackson, the two latter near relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Perrine left on the night train for Chicago and the west for a trip before returning to Buffalo to reside. Mrs. Cleveland will remain for a few days the guest of Mrs. Cadman before leaving for home. The other guests will depart for home to-day. The groom is about fifteen years the senior of the bride, who is a well-preserved woman of forty-five. Mr. Perrine's wife was, it is said, a first or second cousin of Mrs. Oscar Foisom. He has two sons aud one daughter, the latter being Mrs. G. Barrett Ritch. wife of the presi¬ dent of the Bank of Attica, of Buffalo. Senor Don Louis B. y Ribera. accompanied by Mr. W. L. Culincorte, will sail for France next mouth. They will remain in Paris until the latu-r part of July, when they will proceed to St. Petersburg, returning to this country and Washington in September or October. The marriage of Mr. Mark B. Kerr to Miss 8h*pard. of California, will take place June 5. When Minister Perry Belmont waited upon the queen regent of Spain to present his let- ] ters of recall the qneen spoke in graceful terms of appreciation of Mrs. Cleveland andexpressed a wish to present her picture to the ex-mistress of the hite House. On Mr. Belmont t x- pressing the pleasure it would give hun to take charge of such a souvenir the queen regent seltcted a handsome photograph, and with her own hand wrote upon it one of those charming messages of compliment to which the Spanish language lends itself so readily. The picture has just been received by Mrs. Cleveland. Miss Lelia Butterworth, of K street, accom- Boied by her brother. Mr. Walt, r Butter worth. t for Richmond, on Saturday. But¬ ter worth will spend some time with her aunt. Mrs. li. Barker, at Richmond, and wdl go thence to Petersburg to visit relatives aud friend* there. Mr. Walter Butterworth re¬ turned to Washington Monday morning. Mr. George Kunnan has purchased a handsome summer cottage and grounds ad¬ joining the estate of Alexandre Graham Bell, on Cape Breton Island. Nova Scotia, aud he will leave the city in a day or two with Mrs. Kennau. to take possession. He will probably be absent from Washington for a couple of years, as he has a number of lecture engage¬ ment* in the north. The parlors of Rev. Dr. Butler's house on 11th street northwest were thronged last eve¬ ning by friends who were invited by Dr. But¬ ler to meet his sons. Rev. Wm. K. and Charles H. Butler. Those attending spent a pleasant and agreeable evening. Tastes Differ. Trots the Sew Turk Sun. Sir J. Gorst said in parliament the other day. to illustrate the ancient truth that "one man's meat is another man's poison." that he was once severely cross-examined by a party of New Zealand chiefs who had strong views on the depraved English habit of eating what they called decayed cheese. He might have further elucidated the proverb with a long list of eat¬ ables in which we delight, but which certain savages cannot fven mention without a feeling of pulsion. A while ago Dr. Kinsch saw hens scratching around iu New Guinea villages, and learned that the domestic fowl is good for nothing «xcept feathers. The natives could hardly conceive that human beings would eat such a creature, and the bare idea of lunching on eggs was enough to make a respectable Papuan ilL Chicken feathers, however. par¬ ticularly if white, heighten the charms of the fair sex when tastefully disposed in their abundant frizzes, and so after all these gentle birds were not made wholly in vain. - . ISI The Virginia state bar association will hold its first annual meeting at the White Sulphur Springs on July '24 and 25. The suit for damage* of Mr. Green, the blind lawyer, against thu Richmond and Danville railroad, for j 10.000 is set for a hearing in Richmond next Saturday. Rev. Sam Jones will visit Richmond after leaving Danville. A special grand jury of the city of Staunton, W. Va.. has been summoned to investigate into certain crimes alleged to have been committed .t the Westeri. asylum. Dr. Alexander Harris, for forty years a very prominent physician, died Monday at his home, at Jefferson, in Culpeper county. Va., after a protracted ll.uess. A verdict of $2,000 h.vs been rendered against Thos. B. Fox. of Clarksburg. W. Va., in favor of Rev. J. W. Hollen. about whom Fox had written a derogatory letter to another minuter. The English sparrows are so numerous in Baicigh. N. C.. thai sparrow-hawks have been trained to catch them, and hundreds are being destroyed. Prof. Edward B. Lefevonr died at Beverly Mass.. Saturday, aged thirty-four. He was con nected with the C. S. coast" survey for sever# years, and afterward was associated with Prof. Gould in his geological work. W. C. Truaael. who has figured in Boston as the leading spirit in the Trussel automatic freezer company, left town last week, and is .aid to be #30,U00 short. Wm. McLaughlin, a private in the fourteenth Infantry, stationed at Fort Randall. Neb., shot and instantlv killed his sweetheart. Maggie Lowene, with a rifle, because she had been talking with another soldier. The steamship Wemfc which left New York tK Southampton and Bremen Saturday took .way Robert Garrett. 8. R. Hoobler, of Saganing, Mich., a state rMreaentatire. has run away to escape arrest far biting the arm of Mrs. McCarthy, TO WELCOME BISHOP KEAXE. Preparations for His Reception This Afternoon and Banquet To-Night. Bishop Kesne will arrive in the city thia afternoon at 5 o'clock. He came from Boston on Friday to Baltimore, where he has been nnce. He will be received at the Baltimore and Ohio depot by a delegation of the city clergy headed by Father Walter. Bishop Keane will go to the pastoral residence of St. I atrick's church and in the evening will attend a banquet at Welcker's. given in his honor by the clcrgy of the city. He will remain in the city nntil Saturday. On Friday evening the members of Carroll Institute will give him a public reception at their halL The recep¬ tion committee is aa follows: H. W. Sohon, I>. I. Murphy, Ed. J. Hannan, N. T. Taylor, a°n ^°'Rht. An address of wele ome will be delivered by the president of the insti- i .: , "-^ohon, and a response will be made decortl? ^tane* will be handsomely AT THE IUXQfrr THIS EVENING Mr. A. Leo Kuott will preside. The following will be present: Bishop Keane. Rev. Dr. Cha- pelle. Dr. D. B. Clarke, Gen. W. S. Rosecrans. Dr. O. L. Magruder. Rev. Father Slatterv, E. Francis Riggs, Rev. Dr. Magnien, Rev. Father Hagan, Marshall A. A. Wilson. Hon. A. Leo. Knott Rev. J. A. Walter, D. O'C. Callaghan, ;. ' I f,fcP'e-v- KeT- b- t- Burke, Chas. Elliott, tapt. Harrington. Philip N. Dwyer. Wm. J. Miller, Milton E. Smith. Rev. Father Hooman. Herbert A. Preston. J. J. McElhone, Geo. Tmesdell, Hon. Frank A. Hatton. Rev. F J (.amgan, I>. D.. Dr. J. M. Toner. Col. M. V. Mierulun. Martin F. Morris, Rev. J. F. Donohuo, Theodore W. Noyes, H. W. Sohon, Capt. O tarrcll. Rtv. J F. MoO-e, M. F. Coughlin, Dr. Bvrnes, E. F. Arnold. Wm. F. Downey. mwV J- Keavick, Rev. Jas. F. Mack in, R. *R. McMalion. Representative Chnrles Tracy. A R Spofford. Rev. E. A. McGurk, Rev. Dr. W W Patten Hon. Wm. B. Webb. Rev. J. Havens Richards. Col. J. G. Berrct. Rev. Dr. Allen, Admiral Franklin. Rev. W. F. Clarke, John Saul, Geo. T. Harbin, D. I. Murphy, P. H. Hill Senor J. Macias. W. H. Clagett. Col. F. A. Reeve. Gen. Vincent, Rev. M. J. Walsh. Rev. 15. K Logan, A. Porter Morse. J. Boefre. F. A. Richardson. R. O. Holtzman. Rev. Father Willard, Thos. Kirby. Wm. P. Welch. THE TOASTS. Rev. Father Chapelle, the pastor of St. Matthew's church, will respond to the toast of ¦The Pope." -The President of the United States" is the toast assigued to A. Porter Morse. Other toasts will be as follows: "The Cardinal " Rev. A. Magnien; "The Honored Guest." Bishop Keane; "The Catholic University." Rev. P. J. Garrigan, D. D.; "Sister Universities." Brother J. Havens Richards; "Our Beautiful Citv." W. B. \\ebb. and "The Press." Frank Hatton The menu ia printed by W. H. Leplev. and is a beautiful specimen of work. The red and blue, being the colors of the cardinal and bishop, are used with good effect in the covers. THE ROCK IjTtHE CHANNEL. Col. Halns Requests that a Buoy be Placed Over It. Col. Hains has received a report of the sur¬ vey made of the upper portion of the George¬ town channel to discover the location of the rock upon which the schooner Concut recently struck while being towed up the river. A sweep of the river discovered the rock to be much nearer the Washington shore than at first thought, and it is covered by about 10 feet of water. Its shape has not been determined, but Col. Hains is of the opinion that it is so formed that the sounding lead used in former survevs of the river has slipped down its sides and has thus prevented its discovery before. He has requested the light-house board to plsce a buov over it to mark it as a dangerous obstacle to tlie free navigation of the river. LOCAL NOTES. "Yes you does; get up and have vour sav," interrupted a colored woman seated in the audience in the Police Court this morning. Jim Wanzel and Sam West, who were on trial, had just told Judge Miller that thev had nothing to say. Sum changed his mind, "but it was too late, for Judge Miller had said each " Delia Miner, colored, was in tho Police Court to-dav charged with assaulting Maria Garnett. l>elia sold Maria's mother a dress, which Maria wore before it h id been paid for, and that's fined ia com,nltteJ the ."fault. Delia was ALEXANDRIA. Reported for The Stab. The Fish Wharf.-/The Alexandria fisher¬ men are all cutting out. storing seines and closing their landings. The season proved mod¬ erately successful to the lessees of the corpora¬ tion fish wharf. The lowest rates during the season have been $1.35 per thousand for her¬ ring and per hundred tor shad. The present lessees retain the wharf under their lease until the 1st of March. 18'JO, and thev will have during the melon season, the monopoly of tho wharfage on water melons or cantaloupes landed ou the river Hide. Scddes Death. .A colored man named Henry i)e Lee. living on the north edge of the city ate thirteen hard-boiled eggs Sunday, and after drinking heartily of ice water fell death The .Mayflies..The mayflies, an Alexnndria institution, were this year much less numerous than ubual. The usual visitation extends over i three or four days, ami sometimes at evening ! in the southeastern section of the citv they fOTJ'r *)?« street-lamps so as to darken the light. Their fall covers the sidewalks like light snow, and each step of the passer crushes I with a sharp crack, hundreds of them. This year they appeared in small numbers for a few hours only, and were swept awav by the rain 1 hese ephemeral insects seldom appear else-! where in such swarms as at Alexandria near the close of the fishing season. Thev are com- mon ou the river front of Washington, and old hshermen say that the mavflies follow the fish and as most of the fish trade has now gone to Hiishington nothing but the rains prevented the Avenue lights from drawing swarms of tiicDi tlii3 reason. Died or His Wocxds..Mr. David Ferguson whose name was first given as Stith. died at the hrmary here last evening from the effects of having both his legs cut off by a Midland train at t hiton yesterday. He is a resident of Fair¬ fax county and the remains will be sent to hiu home. A Shootixo Case at Ablij»gtos..A colored man, named Nelson M. Hill, was brought to ' li4,,t ni«ht by a posse of soldiers from rort Meyer. He is charged with having shot seriously, but not mortally, a colored girl named Mary with a musket. His wife called to see him this morning and she states that the wounded girl says that the shooting wjis en- tirely accidental. The affair took place on the I nited States reservation at Arlington, but as under the law "the state retains concurrent jurisdiction with the United States" over Ar¬ lington, Hill may be tried for the offense if hi-t shooting was not accidental, in the countv court of Alexandria. Notes..Rev. Dr. Bishop, of Trinity M. E. church, preached Sunday night upon the moral value of a vote, denounced the btiving of votes and urged that the Sabbath question should be' met at the polls. Rev. K. H. Porter has been called to the charge of Uie third colored Bap¬ tist church here. He has recently been en¬ gaged at Staunton, Va. The present week will be a very busy one here with preparations JST 7" c<-lebration and canvassing for lhursday s election. The Washington Mer¬ chant Rides, Capt. Costiliet, will be among the military organizations in attendance at the monument dedication here next Friday. The contract for furnishing to the new Wash¬ ington school sixty pair of inside shutters like those on the Anndon building has been awarded to Wm. Gibson, who built the house A, k^'i f ranged 'Lom *SS30° «42G.w;. and the bidden, were Messrs. Gibson. Peake. Stand- lford. Baker A Sutton, Stoutenburgh, Cum- , I*.8- and Lyles. The work of putting on the building the blinds, which have Ions' been needed, will go on immediately. Judee Keith will open in this city next Mondav the count! i?. t'»« circuit court for Alexandria Kn.t« i "I- tnSaK'*J entirely with civil ^. KZT . " Hauxhurst. of Fairfax, has been selected by United States Marshal Farr as his clerk and deputy. Mr. Hauxhurst is one of the leading Good Templars of the s0h^U.Wfca ih- *.n? .ecr*tary of the state s hool board while Mr. Farr was snoerin well kno^n'Th0kl""i7_Mr' °eo- E- Frenoii! the well-known bookseller of King street, has been in ill-health some time, and lies this morning W,"£^ar'0U? COr"1,tio'' »* bis home on North Washington street. The Alexandria firemen are preparing to .end delegate, to the annua" meeting of the Mrgiuia state firemen's associa¬ tion in Norfolk during the first week £TeTt m n. twenty-two acre farm of Septi¬ mus Brown, about a mile from Ball's cross¬ roads has been sold at *230 per acre. The confederate soldiers' monument was tempo¬ rarily unveiled and was photographed yeste?- day a.ternooa.- The Postal Telegraph com¬ ply is receiving a great supply of telegraph r" transporting Uiern southward of the city for a new line. 70 Bf1-"*0**- the schedule of 34 daily trains Washin-ton to Baltimoro via 7" «£' "e ^lhat ^ake 1116 rou »«» *6 minutes 4 in 90 minutes, and 6 in one hour. . ' "W ANTED.HElLP. VtT ANTED - SALARY - EXPERIENCE NOT Ki¬ ll quired; expense* paid; Wiw wanted to sell Nur- wry Stock irMsrauted true to naiuS. Apply.statin* a»re. to w. L McK AY, Box 0, Geneva, N. Y. tiiy'Jl-tn.s-Ot WASTED-WHITE AND COLORED COOKS, BUT- 1" lers, German Xurnw, Maids. Store Boys and Girls, rarm and Dairymen. I>re«tTu::kers aud others. (Re¬ member. we charge all, nt h an well an poor > mytfl-4f BURNHAM'S. 910 !»th st. n.w. W ANTED . AN EXPERIENCED GR O C E R Y "clerk, one who nnderstan.Is cutting most* thor¬ oughly ; references required. UKO F. GILIC'K. 1st and C sts. southeast. my21-3t* \\TANTED-\ WOMAN TO COOK. WASH, AND 11 iron, recommendations required. Apply »» 1>'< East Capitol St. _ niri'l-at* AVANTKD-COOKS. «io to hiiFsemaids, 11 JJaitrw, Nurio«. Salesladies. Lanndres*, Dri- ?era.TV alter*. Farm and Dairy once. DICK'S. 613 i thn.w.. also European Steamship atfrnt. my*Jl-4# AVASTED-A FARM HAND TO MILK. 1TC. ' " Apply Jlft 0th St. s :I0 am. iiiy'il "\X[ANTED.CORRESPONDENCE WITH PARTIES 11 wishimr to establish cold stora^-e. with a view of furnishinir machinery lor same. Address Box SI, star office, niy21-2t* Wantfd-ten GOOD PLUMBERS; STEADY 11 employment. C. G. THORN, 1-13 F at. my.'i a" \VTANTED. LADY FOR POSITION REQUIRING 11 short hours, salary to start, £0. after Icsrninit, $S per week. Apply hUPT. OFFICES, 4 and 5 upstairs, 430 Tth st. D.w. It* vy avtkd-aIjettled woman, to cook and 11 do general housework in a small family; must stay nitfhts and come recommended. Apply to !CJ7 Bhode Island ave. n.w. It* \V"ANTED-A BOY ABOUT 17 TO WORK IN "" (rarden and make himself useful. Apply at 315 w. after 4 p.m. mjltl-W WANTED.BY THE DAY, DRESSMAKER. AP- " 1 i>. aft. r i pjn SMK4 R st.. reference. It1 WANTED-A WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST IN 11 liirht housework; a Kood home for a (rood frirl. C'iV H it. n.w. It WASTED - MACHINIST. USED TO~BICYCLE 11 work. H. W HIUHAM. 00f» G *?. n.w. myVl-3* WAN I I D . FIRST-CLASS PAPElUlANGEUs" 11 Apply t.» It. \V. HENDKKSON, 1113 F st. n.w 1 WONTED-RELIABLE ENERGETIC MEN TO 11 canvasM for watch clubs; a irood livelihood for «< tive j>ersou*. security reiittfrrd lor sample watches furnished. Apply to 1 II Pennsylvania avenue. my~l-3t WANTED- A FT liST CLASS COLORED COOK TO " cook tor city lamily livintr a few miles from the city. No other work: trisal watrea; must have best references. Apply at Star office Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. It WANTED^SPECIAL SALESMAN FoITbPECIAL work trood reierrucea necessary; salary $1',' and bonus weekly. Apply inorniuK, 40S N. J. ave., M. W. HEFL1N. If A%T A N TED.A GOOD OHJh. WASHER, AND 11 i roiier; must stay at night. Apply, after 10 a.m., at o"0 Cth st. n.w. It* *\E7ANTED.ACTIVE INKURAN0E CANVASSER& ? ? Appl> at »> P. m., any cloy, GFIO. W. 1T.TTIT, ¦>14H 11th st. B.w. my'i0-:it* "\\r ANTED.A NEAT. INDI'STHIOIS WHITE 11 wrirl for ireneral housework in taimlyuf three; references required. Call 10\!0 G st. s.e. before Fri- «la.v. niy,'0-:it* Wanticd.two ekperienced millinery 11 and fancy tfoods salej ladies; hiirhnst salary paid, city references required. LONDON BAZAR. my'Jo-'.'t \V ANTED-WOMEN COOKS, fill TO #To. CHAM- 11 liermiids. Nurses, and Laundresses, in city or away; Waiters, Drivers, or Farm Hands; Colored Men Cooks. SAM'L A. COoMBS, OMli Fat. n.w. niyXO-'.'t* WAN I ED.A WHITEGI KLIN A SMALI, FAMILY. 11 Must stay at niKht*. 207 tttli »t. s.e. niy20-3t* "WANTED.A VEST MAKER AT J. J. FUIJ.FJt si ' 1 .>» H st n.w. niyMO-at* VY ANTED.IN A PATENT LAW OFFICE A GEN- 11 tit-man experienced iu Court and patent Office practice. A krissl salary will l>e paid a capable mail. Andres* Lork Box 5S7, city post-office. niy'-'O-'-t' WANTED.TEN STONECUTTERS AND FIVE 11 setters, none hut lirst-clas.s workmen lie* d ai>t>ly. Apply .lollN B1 HNS, 411 South Capitol st.,or>Jst., bet. 17 th and I8th n. w. myU0-3t* WANTED- AT THE INDUSTRIAL EXCHANGE^ 11 4 colored women for ceneral housework; 3 white women; pi ices now ready. best of wages; all kinds of help. Apply at once. I STEINER fc BRADFORD. 100S 1 st. (Walterbuilding), myl4to:n* _ first floor. WAXTKD-THE SERVICES OF A YOI NO MAN >1 as stelu'dTsplier and typewriter; |>emiaiient plu. e to riirlit party. Address, statiiiif experience. X. V. /., Star office. uiy~0-3t* YVanTED-A BRIGHT AND INTELLIGENT 11 trirl, (rotn 1to l.r>, to hi Ip in a confectionery. Must know how to read aud write. No other ueed ap¬ ply. Also, p'lite boy about the same age. Apply at loon M st. n.w. nj9D-3s* W ANTED EMITAiVMENT FURNISHED AT 11 once at the City Intelligence office. lt#7 orden fillisl tins week Special attention paid applications for clerical positions. '1 hree colored men to-day. 711 Gst.n.w inylS-flt* \Y AN rED-TO GO TO THE COUNTRY. A SET- " tlml colored woman who is neat and experienced as nurse for youiiK children. Address, with reference. Box U's, Star office. my 1 S-3t* WANTED A GIRL FOK GKKEKAL HOUSeI * * work, washing and ironing in a family of four; must stay at night. good wages. Address I. S. F. Star office. mylS-3t* YYANTED-LEARNERS loK PROF. CHHIST- 11 NER'S New Interirttiolial Tailor System of Dress and Garment Cutting with inch rule and tape measure alone; lio scales, ana the only system used that (s bas«*d upoii scientific tailor principles. System taught by Mine. S. .1. YIESSER, 1303 II st.n.w. lnyl ">-lm# \Y ANTED LADY "AGENTS AVERA<iE OVER 11 i»40 a week witu my grand new Rubber Under¬ garment Addrcs Mrs. 11. t LITTLE, Chicago, 111. lny l.Vtit* VV ANTED.A FXMA U COOK, WHI1E Ok CI iL- orod. Apply to GLO. F, KOZE1, 1S'J7 14th St. n.w. luyl.VMt YY AN TED-AN AM Bl'i'li US. EARNEST MAN~, 11 lis ated outside principal cities, to represent, in his own locality, a csismsible house. Good salary. References. MANUFACTURER, Lock Box 1111(1 N. Y. myU m&tu,4w X*TANTED - DI N DORK'S EMPLOYMENT Bff 11 reau. conducted by ladie-i, men and women, white and colored, for all kinds of domestic lalior, ior Dialrict and states, with relerelices. 717.Mat. n.w. niyll-1 m* WANTED SITUATIONS. W'ANTED A YOI"N(i LADY OF FINISHED MU- ? f sic»l (,'ducation <irsires a p«>Hitiu:i ^vern» M where studj "f ma k may i"- made u nwcitltf; hi^heiit rfffroucen irivuu aud required. AcldresH A. Ji. t'.. Star Office. no'.* 1 :u' XVASTEI) TO DirK'S Aor.VrV I «>K CO«)Ks". f ? HoiiHcmaidfl. Waitrrs*. Sur.s« k, L»aundress, <'oa< h- meu, Hutlfcr«i. Ua.:t -n and ccueral houw uork. Klii Tth st. n.w. AIho Euroix.'an Steamshipa^ent. iny*Jl 4t* \v an n:i> j;y a skat whi ix giki., a situa- m tiuii as uurse or housemaid. Call Js.'Jti st. ii w. If \\TANTKl»-BY TWO RKHPKC'TABLK ilOLOR£l> ? ? tfirls yituati«.TiKUH« «.«,k. ri.aiii>>ormuid.or waitress; with reference. Call at 15th st. n.w. It* A ST ED BY A NKAT HKTTLED COLOKED NY woman, a plate to c«s>kt wa>ii and iron iu a small i»ri %ni«; family; «"'jod references. Addreus M. II. Star otttee. It#_ \\T \STKD- BY A SB K WHITE UIKL. A PLACE f* to d<» trem ral housework iu a private lamily, l'lt ase call 1st st. n.e., between If and I. It* \Y ANTKI> BY A KEbPECTABLE COLOltEI) G1UL ft a.vitu tion Surse: »fo«H! reference from last place. Call or address 4.'5i N st. n.w. It* WASTED BY A YOUNG MAN OF TEMPERATE li liahit*. a {M>sition as clerk in real estate office: can come well recommended. Addresa A. C. W.t Star office. my'iO-'Jt* \\r UTTBD- BY A Tomo SCOTCH womajijuot f ? eome t<; tii»- United Htatea, a aitaatloDas chamber¬ maid in a first-class family. Address or call WO¬ MAN'S CHUISTIAN HOME, 17111 13th st. n.w. my 20-31* \V AN I KD-PosfiiojTs FOB NURSES, PORTEKS. f ? teachers, housekeepers, drivers, waiters, hotel men, white and colored, in city au«l away, free to em¬ ployers. El KERA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, U10 F st. n.w. myaO-ilt*^ ANTED.AT IIEADQU AUTF.K8 . POSITIONS ? ? for (-ooks,Chambermai.t,Waitress, laundress, suid Nurses, 8eaniHtre3s. M"ii Waiters. Cooks, Coachmen. Lutlers. SA Vl'L A.CUOUBH.1^0 Fit.Q.w. my'JO VJt* \1TANTED SI'il AHONS FOK COOKS. WAIT- m ers, housekee|»ers, housemen, farm anduain men, nurses, ate.; cities, res«>rts. and country. (Selected lp. a fair fee. No tramp agency.) rnylh-Ut4 Bt'ltNHAM'S, B109th st, n.w. WANTED-FHEE-THE CITY INTEIXIGENCE office furnishes highly recommended servants and clerical applicants, ltooms registered free. Gov¬ ernment applications for i>ositions prepared. Unfur¬ nished rooms i:i demand. 711 G n.w. myl8-t>t* \kTANTED.BEMEMBEii THAT ON RECEIPT OF 11 a poatel card wt- will nsd j*ou a tirst-class ser¬ vant of any kind. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also, wanted rooms in all parts of city. STE1NEK A BltAD- FOUD. Industrial Exch^ii^e, 100S F st. n w., Walter BuildinK- inyl4t;il" WANTED-HOUSES. WANTLD-rOH A CLIENT, A DBlitWJj * . Houae. with all modem improvements, located iu the uurthwest and cuatinp almnt $40,000. DLLANY * WHITING. mySl-lw 1320 F at. \V ANTED.A GFTnTLEMAN~AND W IFEr Wll'H- »» ont childran. daain the care of a furnished houie fur the summer. IVrsonal attention KiveD property; rets. AiUiress J. II. C.. Siar office. myL'i ;lt YjlT ANTEDBY FIKhT-CLAHa, PEKMANENT " tenant, a k<ss1 house in unexceptional location; relit not over *:I00 a y«ir; would pay %1(HI cash. Address Bo* lflo. Star olh. e. iny'Jl-'.'t*'i.OOO TO INVEST IN SMALL " ll.mses that will pay at least U i*er cent not. Owners only need answer. IN VESTOK, Star office. WA.M'KD-HOUSE-IN GOOD LOCALITY: N.W. " or near East Cap. at.; price not atiove $5,000; irive full isirticulara. Addrcsa "MONEY," Star office, u-ylttdf WANTED-IN OlOMHOW-A HOUSE WITH large jard and stible to rent to a customer. Hl'TCHINS * Bl'I.KI.EY. l.f,'l F at. n.w. inylM-3t WANTED.ROOMS. WANTED - 4 OK "ft FUKNI8HED ROOMITOB " small furnished house for four months; stat-« pric« and location. Addrasa E. F., Star office. i..\1 J# WANTED.TWO F'l'KNISHKDltOOMSIN NOKTH- western portion of the city, first or second floor, suitable for physician. Address, ffiviiiff terms, M. D., Star office. It* WANTED^TWO OB THREE UNFURNISHED kooins for liirht lioosekeepluff by a widow lady: no childreu; 'inlet house- located between 7th and 14th, 1'eiiu. aud New York avea. n.w. Box 15*. Star office. niy'jl-3t* W'aUTED-TWO-l'NF*UKNISHED BOOMS FOB liirht h«uaelieepiu«; ruutuot to esucad 4IV i*r nio. Address K. S. dZf. V box02S. ltv WANTED- A LADY AND HEK DAUGHTER DE- 11 aire three couimumoaUntr rooma (unfurniahsd) with north and south exposure; the lar^eat room to face the north: priviletr* of bath; Boat be lo>-ated be¬ tween 17th and 1 -th ata. and Pennsylvania ave. and I at.: state lowest terms; references exchanged. Ad- dress Z.. Star office. mjrii0-2t* INSURANCE. T£FvM.FTLAI',Rl^!;RV,! "JWDmi AWH.or N. Y. haa furnished insurance to etrbty-two thoua- and liiemher* duriii* oast aitrht years, mrmit to orer sixteen million dollars, bjr reduct^ar coat below JiUt cbtrgfd by level premium comnauiea JAS a WANTED MISCELLANEOUS YV A NT ED .A FEW HORSES TO PASTURE, T1 rood gr*ss. witrr and shade, careful attention given, horses railed for and returned: city reference. Address box 111, Vienna. Fairfax Or... Vs. my21-3t* W- ANTED.RESPONSIBLE PABtY WILL TAKE horae and carriage for keep far summer or will hire at reasonable price. Address Box 151, Star office. 11* WANTED-A LIVE RED FOX: STATE PRICE and where to be seen. Box 13? Smithsonian In¬ stitution. Washington, D.J!. If WANTED.DRESSMAKING.MBS. It R. MAKIN- SON haa located at 11!" Indiana ave. n. w.: work promptly executed, a (rood fit guaranteed. Prices moderate. It* W ANTED-OENTLEMEN DESIRING GOOD PAS- tnre for horses should wTite to ASA M.ST ABLER. Spencerville. Md., or ALBERT STABLER, Koom 7. Atlantic Building, city. tEJ"21-3t' WANTED-HIGHEST" PRICE PAID FOR OLD »I giild av.d ailvrr, ("all or addrem CEBv'ABCO, the Jeweler, 438 7th at. u.w., up-stnir*. iny21-3t* \\T A N TF.D.TO BUY A LOT OF~OLD LUMBER t * suitable for lencing, must be cheap. Address G. W. A., Star office. my21-2t* WantED-ALL PERSONS WHO CAN APPRECI- 11 ate work when done in first class manner to call on DOTBON fc BAINEY. 503* 14th at. n. w.. opp. Willard's; tinning in all it* branches; we make a specialty of rei*iring and resetting furnaces, ramres and latrobes. my21-2t* \V VNTED.$3*>00 ON FIRST-CLASS REAL ES~ vv tate; no commission. Address ( HAKLKS K. SUTHERLAND, in care of J. JAY GOULD. 421 !>th st. n.w. my21-6t* W A NT ED.TRY SCRIBNER. BEST BUTTERING vv 20c. round; cookintr, 15c. Warranted not to (ret stronif (like butter) for one month, or money re- funded. Try Cotton heed Lard, purer, richer, and (roes further than Hop's Lard. For tale ciity in the (y-nttr Market at stalls 328, 329, 330, middle of fish aisle. Open daily. WM. C. SCRIBNER. myO-flm TV ANTED.TO BENT.A GOOD HOR8E AND Tt Buggy for the summer months-alao, a Ridinir Horse. Address HARPER, Lock Box o87, city poet- office. my20-2t* WANTED-MRS. CARROLL, HAVING LOCATED m st 322 C st. n.w., is prepared to do dressmaking in all its hrauchcs; perfe.t satisfaction guaranteed. A liberal share of patronage solicited. IliyIS-'it* W ANTED. H. BALM PAYS THEHIGHE8T CASH >T prices for second-hand Furniture, Carets and Feathers. Kntiro IluuacholJs a sj>ecialty. Address 219 7th st. s.w. myl8 "WANTED.TO BUY-GOOD SECOND-HAND GEN- v v tleuien's Clothes, Guns, Pistols, &c.. for which highest cash price is paid. Cull or send postal to myl7-lui* A. F.1ZNAR. 1301 11th st. 8,e. \*rANTED.SMOKE POIUUONDO fc CO. '8 CI- 11 gars; Carolina and Concha Floresta, 6c. each: Margarita Lotidre and Zarzuclas. 10c each. JOSEPH M. PORTU'ONDO fc CO., Philadelphia. myl5-lm "W ANTEK-DIU.SS CUTTING" MADE EASY. 11 Madame Washington's "DressCutting Scale,"ltlst patenteil, enables every one to learn to cut all kinds of garments readily and accurately. The system will be taught, and the scale and a measure book furnished for 4H. persons lenrnintr this system are immediately placed in a position to earn good wages. Ready cut ami basted linings guaranteed tu lit. 1223 Fst. n.w. my7-18t" YV ANTED - TYPEWRITING, TYPEWRITING- * 1 neat work; syntactical accuracy: low rate's. F. 8. ARNOLD, Stenographer and Typewriter, 36 St. Clotid Building. myl3-lm* WA N TED.PARLOR FURNITURE UPHOL- stered; Mattresses made over; work done in a neat and substantial manner; Blip covers cut aud made; perfect tit guaranteed. C. NELSON, 1223 G st. u.w. my0-3w* WANTED-HORSES TO PASTURE AT GEN. E.F. Beale's stock farm, 7 miles from city. Address or inquire of E. B. LAFFERTY, Bay Scales, corner 1 Oth st. and Louisiana ave., city. ap2'J-lm YV ANTED STEAM "CARPET CLEANING AND IT Renovating Works; Feathers Renovated, Mat¬ tresses Made over, Furniture Steamed, and Moths De¬ stroyed. F H.YOU NliS.1402 Pa.av.,Telephone 1008-2. apll-7m \VANTED-OOOD SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, " guns, revolvers, old gold and silver, lor which highest cash prices will be paid. Call LASKEY'S Loan Office. 201 Penu. avo., corner 2d st. n. w. my2(J FOR SALE -LOTS. T?OR SALE-TWENTY BEAUTIFUL BUILDING J? lots on Capitol Hill, near reservation; in whole or a |<art: sold on monthly payments. my21 t!t 11ERRON & RAMEY, 1307 F st. n.w._ t~~M)lt SALE-HANDSOME CORNER LOT IN MT 1'lcasant; no waste ground; 00x117 feet. Address 8. C. K., lock Ihix 13, city. my21-4t* IJOR SALE. BARGAINS IN~L0TS- H< autiiul corner lot llkh St., 43x50 $(>,500 Nice lot oil 13th «t., bet. S aud T, per ft $1.25 Kill Capitol st., Dear 8th 1.25 Ka*t Capitol st.. uear Oth 1.40 A «t. s.e., bet. 4th and 5th, 03xH0 1.40 | lwtst. n.w., bet. U and C, 20xK0 1.2T inyl8-3t DAVID D^STUNE^HOOJF^st. n.w. ]?OK SALE.LOT COtt~ M AND MORTH CAPITOL st*., 21 xH4 2lots North Capitol st., near electric railway. 21x04. one lot .isine locality, 20x84; 3 lots M st. n.w., lbxO.'t: Patterson Ht., choice lots, 20x02. my 1 H-3t JOHN SHERMAN & CO., 14U7 Fit i)K SALE.ONE LOT, XIAB DUfONT CIKCLE, 24x08, c heap, $2.2.> a foot; one lot, ne^r Dupont circle, 23x80, cheat*, $ 1 ¦.iO a foot; one lot, near Dn- i ont circle, 23x100, cheap, $1.45a foot; one lot. near impoiit circle, 1 Ox 10O, cheap, $1.45 a foot. Apply CHAKLEb EARLY, 003 14th st. n.w. niyl8-2w 12HJU SALE.A GOOD LOT ON B 81~ A GOOD corner lot, 4^ and O «tn. s.w., 80c. per foot. Lot a X a .X I V* I) " «... 1 11\ ~ .. T ... F on 4V&, between M aud N sts., 25 by 130; 65c. 1/Dt on 4H St., bet. i "" '-* my lS-3t* L»OR SALE- BARGAINS. CAP HILL, TWO ELE- f: Kant building Lota. Mass. ave. near 11th, $1 i>er loot; 3on N. (J avc. near Oth, at $1.10, $1.25 and $1.35; one on 7th near N. C. ave., 08c.; 1 on 11th near C", 6oc.; one on Mass ave.. corner, $1.12: three on 4th Ht. near B, $1; one on lOtli st. near C, 00c; one on 3d near E. Cap. «t, $1 50 one on E. Cap. near 7th, $1 35. C. A. SHIELDS, 1006Fat. n.w. in>lH :u I^OR SALE-FOUR CHOICE LOTsfl IITH ST.". ONE sciuare al>ove Dupont Circle. 19 by 100 to alley; will sell singly. THEO. A. I1ARDINO, my 1 K-3t OOti 11th st. n.w. )R SALE-CHEAPEST LOTS IN NORTHEAST, fronting on throe streets. Delaware ave., L and Col¬ fax sts.: can l>e sulHlivIded to excellent advantage; price, if sold at onco, only 30c. per foot. A. S. CAY- WOOD, H3.3 <nh st. n.w. myls-3f UOR SALE-BETTER THAN GOVERNMENT r Is.nds, 3«v. per foot; only ft left of those clmap building ixjtson Kentucky ave., which is now graded, between E and O sts. s. e.; 17 aud IS feet front to a 30-foot alley, $25 cash, balance $ 10 per month; per- l'ect title; deeds free. Api>ly to WELLER h REPETTI, 3261'enu ave. s. e. my 1H-6t For SALE.A FINE (\)RNER LOT, COLUMBIA Hi ights. at a sacrifice, terms easy. A line triangu¬ lar I-ot, New Hampshire ave.; three fronts, only $3,600 Lot 13tli st. n.e. near H st.; 30c.. easy terms. BTALEY & BARKER, 1213 F st. iuylS :tt_ I "'OR SALE.A VERY ATTRACTIVE LOT. UPPER part of Connecticut ave., 25x100 to alley. Best lot tor the money ill this portion of the city. "kg" " CO . 142 mylM-3t E. C. CUTTER & CO , 1423JFst. J»OR SALE -AT BRItiHTWOOD, WHICH WIL _7simiii Ih- connected with the city by street car lit liow Is'iiig coiistructwl, 50,000 feet of ground, at 4c. -J^OR SALE-AT BKIOHTWOOD, WHICH WILL now being coiistructnl, 50,0l»0 _ REOFORD W. W ALKER, 1006 F St. my lS-3t I.'OR SALE. Ix>t on O st . near New Hampshire ave.; south front; rapidly improving location. To an immediate purchaser io.OOO will buy. 1 my 18-31 E. C CUTTER & CO.. 1423 Fst. I^tjR SAI.E- Very desirable I/it on P at, between 15tli and 16th sts.; 22x125, to wide alley. Will be sold at attractive price. E. C. CUTTER * CO.. _myl8-3t 1423 F st_ IjViR SALE-TO BUILDERS AND INVEST0RS- I will sell, cheap, in blocks or singly, the most eco¬ nomical lots in the best improved square; wl north¬ east. W. E. HL'RFORD, 1422 N. Y. ave. ap20-5w* l?OR SALE--NICE SMALL LOT ON V ST. NEAB J/ 13th St., 20x00, to alley; price f 1.25 per foot. TYLER & RUTHERFORD, myl8-6t* i:»7 F st. n. w. IX)lt SALE BEAUTfFUL LOT^ 50x120, 15TH »t. n«*r Columbia Road, 35c. is r foot; neighbor- hood rapidly improving. Inquire at Ro>uu 36, Ounton Building. 4 > 2 La. ave., l>et. 10a.m. and4 p.m. lH-2w' IM)R SALE-LARGE LOTS, NORTH SIDE NEW York ave.. r.e;;r 17th st. n w.; also, McLean ave., near 4Ja st., suitable for building purposes. B. H. WARNER k CO., raylC-5t 916 Fst. n.w. 1JOR SALE-A VERY DESIRABLE LOT ON CO- lumbia Heights, near 14th st. 35c. per foot. J. R. HERTFOltD, myl5-6t Fleming BuiUling, 1419 G st. |V)R SALE-LOTS IN WAGGAMAN AND BI- dout's addition to the city of Washington, formerly called Woodley Park. This property is situate at the ternnuus of Connecticut ave. extended, and adjoins Kalorama Heights, the new bridge and the park drive, and near by the promised Zoological gardens. An elec¬ tric road will be constructed, a diarti-r having already lieen obtained from Congress. Specicl prices to peo¬ ple of prominence who will build fine houses. Call tor plat; also bulletin of cheap property. JNO. F. WTAGGAMAN, myl0-3m 700 14tji St. MJR SALE.60 LOTS IN "FAIRVIEW." BE- _ tween Eckington aud Natioual lair grounds, 25x 100 and 25x120, from 4150 to $300each, easy terms. This stibdi vision is on the line of improvements and artoribt an opportunity for investment. For plats and information apply to RUST k HUNGKRFORD, my3-to24 624 14th I TOR SALE. 8,000 FEET OF GROUND; New Hampshire avej 25th and U sts., will make twelve or more lots of not less than 15 feet frontage, ap 16 FRANK B. CONOEB, 1415 Fst. F~ OR BALE- THAT SPLENDID LOT on southeast corncr New Hampshire avo. and R at at $3 per foot. FRANK B. CONGER, apltl 1415 F st. PROFESSIONAL. F F MORTON LESTER, _ . Trance Medium, late of London, Enff. The world- renowned and highly-celebrated and only real natural horn Trance Medium in this country. Born with ¦ double veil and wonderful prophetic gift of second- siif ht; hus tue power of any two medi uma you «Ter met This he is pre|*red to prove. Tells your entire life, past, present and a dead trance. Every hid¬ den mystery revealed. Tells the hill name of your future husband or wife, with age and date of marriage, ami tells whether the one you love is true or false Tells all business affairs with utmost truth. Gives ad¬ vice on divorce, contested wills, speculations, Ac Tells your life from the cradle to the grave. Positive¬ ly no imposition. Reveals everything. Haa the won- tlerful "Hindoo and Egyptian charms" for the unsuc¬ cessful in love or business. LESTER wishes it distinctly understood that he L the only genuine seventh son of the present age, and advertises nothing but what be emu do, and would not be classed with the many cheap pretenders found in every city. All who are In sickness or in trouble, all whose fond hope* have been blasted, and who have been deceived and disappointed through the false pre. dictionaof others, before giving up in despair, are Ihs vitud to ciJl and be convinced of the true statements of the above without <)elay. Fee «1 and upwW.1 Parlor*. 62ft K stre et n. w N. B . LEST Lb has returned from* * business Mo and will make this city his future home. ,' I»BOr. CLAY, WONDERFULLY GIFTED voyant. Astrologer uad Spiritual " with second sight and veil. Every hid vealed. Recover* lost or (tolen pr den treaaures. Gives lueky tramb marriage*. Brings asparaUMl t In business, ramcirri all fam linenoes. Cures Sickness. If of others. Judge not all allka. as thel vince the most skeptical. Stranger* from < will save time sad dillppointment by oaUim S do. Sittings, 50c~ lE*-readimr by suit oo rsssli myl-lm- 43isthsta.«. _FOR RENT.ROOMS. 10TH AND E X. W~ 11mIw»' £ " Toa"x- furnished, .«. 1 {»*** front room, fur., suitable forC tantieme WhiwrSf ^ " "eW ."¦lH4 K * B w" _Sentlemen only'. mr-'l-at F?mtawVfTrl£X 13TH- 8T M w . TWO ROOMS mair housekeeping or (or twogentle- "1 mytsl-St* FftL Jh!£ T.7PJ'ijaHTrrI- BOOMsT NEWLY 913 M «t ». nouae, street, and neighborhood. m st. n.w. my-'i ar FK.wrn1":^.* ~ NIC^-Y FURNISHED FRONT frt>m 5V"11 ' «<*; reference required. , 30 , th st. n.w., ^a. door. it* V2 ^.v jX..AT THOMAS CIRCLE." 1333 M \ss mm'-eSlt" ° fl,rui,,h',<1 rooms, with hoard. FVinfun.^Zf17 lr>. 8T N w . FI KNISHEDOR * unfurnished rooms, en suite. also office rooiu to __ my21 (if F^.n^TwT,.,^ Pr.LIGHS-FCT. ROOMS. HAND- bur»»M il.^. i^-en"uite; *01 table lor heads of S^S^^iST f°r ¦«»>««. Kunn^or ho.%E^t TT^R RENT.FROM JUNE 1, THREE I VFI'R. .^^r&ssstjas^ xste'. F2S.kENT~3 LAROK UNFURNISHED ROOMS- "'l^rn "posure: gas *m' water. convenient to . e ?f cw"s; nearmarket. reasonable to mod j artjis. references. 40, New York ave n.w. ft* 1> ig^i'irlur and" ^ht d ^r^'^11 fn .!rth' and ^so^tiF*T~ B5T:J SS8 "ssaswssas* 5- «- a-ftj I" ',.' myVO-lm WB REST-KCiiXISHED ROOMS WITH AIL. Modern improvement*; 44 I st. n.e. myVO-.Tt* F»« RKST-^WO^OOMMUNICATINO CNH'S lilhed Rooms, with gas and water; rent cheap- ou Pennsylvania ave. u.w. myl8-3t* II^B BEST.1340 g ST. M. W.; NICELY FUR^ nisiied rooms, en suite or single, on 1st, L'd and :»d a and cheerful; summer raws reference exchanged; boardeonrentent. mn»-3f F^.inS?T-DELI0.5JFDI' rOO*8. EN SUITE ;V,?r Single; slimmer prices 813 Vermont ave . <11- rectlj opposite the Arlington. JHy 1" 1J«OU RENT.TWO LARGEFRONT-ROOMS ON mshn.'iV ^'rdjoor*; *1"" * beantllul cottatfe at "myll&M* " w>ly at b"U 11 th »t. n.w. B,E^T 1014 1 -Til ST. N.W.. SECOND AND tlilrd-story rooms, lanre and small furnished- Bumnier rat#»s.^ Table boardors takeu. ' myl8-;it* ' For RLNT.814 loTH SX. N W I ARdK Kniivt tir9t floor, private *c!; also third story 1 njylH-fjt F'wfth''i} MAY 13, FCBNI8HED IUXJMS, "*. ^,ln board, at suiumer rates. lJii*l Nat n w corner Vt. avo. and N. my 11-St*" 1^IiitKE1NT-i1 f,AKGE FRONT R~OOM IN KRAME l"'aixL ~ rooms, unfurnixbed, in brick. 1 targeabaseinent room suitable for office, ni-ar 4 lim-sof <-ars, .. tuiuares from latent Office, 00.") feth8t.uiyl«-3» IJ'OR BENT-FURNTSHED ROOMS-ONE ok TWO (heap to persons without children or servants no o'Oection to li^ht housekeeping. Apply 813 11th'st. ? . my 18-3t* Ij'OK KENT.TO MAN AND WIFE, POKHON^OF house completely furnished three or more months. oVoVHi ?u evury convenience. References re- mj^S-lu" rea*ma"le- I^'iuire 1835 loth at. n. w. 1r°B HF.NT-TWO NICELY ]FURNISHKD K< )i IMS in best section of the city, for gentlemen only ltfts Vrt" r,eiU,rtd' t*JBC8HNlLlKaKl'sL . * 11 *. mylti-tit* RENT-HEAIi'T IFL'L R(X IMS, SI NOLL OR EN X suite, in private family: furnished large double- evtrvr.oi^r *"uth and >>a»' front, open fire-places in evtrj rcsun; references required; 1 101 K n.w.spW-32* 1^{i, BENT.1!» IOWA CIRCLE.1HREE COM ., private Lath, second Hoor, and two «orS.n^°^'8, . KT- 'ur- Those having children or servants need not apply. Kef, exchanged. my3-lm FOR RENT.STORES. ¦L-'OK RENT-CORNER STORE 8TH AND H .STS* X n.w.; good stand for business Inquire 71liH 5i!nw- my20-3f Ii'OIi RENT.LARGE STORE. 419 HTH ST N W~ near Pa ave.; central location for any basinem* nne plate-ylass show windows. Kent moderate Al>- ply to J. JAY Got'X.D, 4",'l 9th st. myl6-6t* PJIt RENT-FINE LARGE STORE. 1722 PENT J1? f-:?ear st»te. War and Navy depart men u, d*el- if'SJi^Ji i?""1. *nd oeUnrcan bu rented with store Udesiri'd. Inquire on premises. in vl w1 stokFTnd-swelling, ^1 'viJ-,14th h w.: dwelling contains 8 rooms ami imp®.; larg'e stable In rear price for whole .l^rmont^ WASH'N da^fnhowlk 1115 F at. n w. FOR; RENT. OFFICES. F%^-^SStnRggJSiJ^g f; reut L^i4Ti'.^ Ii»S uEuT "L I^IhABLF.OFnCEROOMS^IN the VSalter Building, louS and 1010 F st nw A& int BVSHNELL i cAKUSL w' _my 16-lOt 1008 F st aw. FBIniMin2T_^HaiK^BfeE BOOMS IN KOBBINfF liuilaiiigr, 4 th and F sts. 11. w. for rent on reasonable tonns. Apply at Room 11. my 1 rt-1 m Ii^B RENT-A VERY DESIRABLE"3FFICE ON hrst floor at 1307 Fst n.w. apl0-30t TYLER & RUTHERFORD. F°vi.RoL^.T.-IXE<?AN.T OFFICES, 1 ST~FLOOR~ at Apply W. ltlLLY DEEBLE, Basement. FOR RENT-STABLES. P"J KKNT.STABLE. REAR Oil U 8T. WII L ^^0'»Vhst'nBw flveh°rsesand two vehicles. Apply busfness chances! 1?$B SALE "COLTON'S SUMMER RESORT" M. linn well-known and popular lieaort offers advant- a^-es unmtr)>a»sed to some one of experience In that It consists of 'JS« acres of land in high state of cultivation. Hotel. Pavilion, Store, Cottages, new Wharf, Barn, htable and a most excellent Orchard BULKLEY^rFst.10 PUfCbMW- UU1^gt* F"® 8AEE-LEAS* AND FIXTIJRES, BRICK office, scale, fencinar, sheds aud stable of coal ysrd f°.er ,)f s- ( aJ'- and Canal sts. rent, $'_'U i>er month irnJKlfS. iT8ry IF YOU W ANT YOUR TIN ROOF REPAIRED OR a new one put on, or your Furnace. Kan ire or La- trobe putin first-class condition at the lowest price c»u on DOTSON A RAINEY. 1«l-» 503«J4th FOR 8ALE-CHtAP-8TOCK AND FIXTURES OF a grocery and confectionery store; two schools *'}£vli\x aif8tlu*rei ^oodrea<*ous for selling-. Apply <00 4th st. s.e. my2l-2t# AN OLD ESTABLISHED-OROCERY~f6r SALE to an immediate purchaser; rare chance for party Willi small capital; satisfa<-tory reasons ^iven for nelf- ing. Apply at 1617J^th nt. n.w. iny^0-3f FOR SALE-GOOD PAYING LUNCH ROOM SAT- l*rty ttvod °^u- «%» LDflCH. Star ofhee. xuy20-3t bX0C£8 FOR SALE THATMPROMISE WELL. kJ -co American Printin^Press. }^»»ston Tyi>e Machine. * > Dynamotfraph. 2.5 Giaphoplione. 1Q Glyniont ImproTement. 2i» Bull Run Panorama. 40 Smith Bicycle. C'«! I^cumatlc Gun Carriage. 1? NHloiial Fair Association. A small investment likely to produce big returns my!8-4t FRANK H. PEIa>UZE. 1313 F stVeet. P<)R SALE STOCK. FIXTURE^ HORSE. * good-will of grocery and provision . °.1J sta.Iul . »P rent; price moderate, consider- viaicivUS? .2" done; location n.w. Address PRO- » ioiu^i. btar offlce. myl8-,'lt* I«HJR SALE.CHEAP CONFECTIONERY, ICE cream and sctda business. complete for manufactur¬ ing; with or without horse and wagon splendid op¬ portunity. _Apply l8 7th st. n.e. ' my i8°lt' fewasus sae faiisea saufsajLTaatasf myiw-Jt A N CHANCE FOR CATERER WITH J\. small capital. Appl* at Restaurant, cor. 4H and La. ave.. opposite City HalL myl8-3t* WANTEI>-A WELL-KNOWN, ACTIVE BU8I- , T * ue®® man of this city, now occupyinir a responsi- Ke.^!ltJ°°.re<AUinn,r ,hl" ***** Part of each day? but free to devote ainule time, together with clerical help aud office room to additional business separate .JV hls personal en^a^rements, desires to obUin a vate°>arty\'or'the ^^m^.^^es^ °Ll£ F°R. ?EJ?'T - ftTO** 216 10TH 8T^ REAR Jj*i-aYe- myl7-iat HJ0TICK.-A1X THE AMUSEMENT PRIVILEGES n. , 5?e P°Pul«' summer resort, Clifton Be«tch. to §s«g^|p&tKwnaw ftnhHE WORLD DO MOVE".REMEMBER THE X Terrestrial Clock," RAMSAY has cut the prices; watches cleaned. #1: ftrst-class niain-spriinrs, warranted one year, «1; all clock and Jewelry workVt 1224°F st D wCe" City; we defy competition. Pa? SAEE.GOOD-WILL AND FIXTURES-OF ?{f?h S? T loalloD. Address nnOIEK, btar office. myl4-8t* \\TANTED.t2,CWp FOB 3 TO 5 YEARS AT ^5 . . per cent, payable semi-annually sscuritv MMitv b^y^J^d;. ^^dr^^AR'CTt^o^' ^ ^ between Hi a.»i. and Ipjn. daily 1 *01 y* ' ". myo-Jm ^OARDIN^.' rnu PJiMtFl. IMS H BT. Pi COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOB SALE - AT A BARGAIN- 13 ACRE h. im- i roved, st Laurel, Ml, will. \ hs' if for improved ctty property. WM. H. BARsTOW. jmystl 615 7th st u.w. ^ilk FARMS AT ODENTON. SILK CULTURE is ntlrf wm inv izklailn ilhu>ci)inf l< ^u). fr mthe few who are making lortuues oat «1 it it «ill si read to the many, until the #50.000.000 now wnt annually to foreign countries lor rtv silk to m!11, > our »ti silk mills *il) pw» into the htiiru of or.r nenvle. timiv to their comfort and wll being The silk ibn ot Mary¬ land will pnw a nun* of wmlth to the owner* tnd * ill Kfor themselves * doaer time* over within the wit years. As the lmi»n venient* advtmynovitl the price of property. There can be m.better investment the lot }t>ti j-ay #300 for this y.*r will sell for .'!'«» rext. if you are lookimr for a country h »me vou i-an find no r>h>r< desirable place. if y. u are looking tor an investment you can find none of great) r hat silk culture has doue 1 France it can easily do for Maryland. Silk lias n »<l- ly,'u« one of the rich -»t cities in ihe world lie- inert liauta aud luantitictiirer* art princee. Her wearer* the aristocracy of the work- lif classes. AnsU«rat« even in their ulliw-demo. r* y, the moat skillful and independent of all knowii labor¬ ers. It only cost* you (300 to enter the 8ilk Colony this year. You yet your deed in fee and the new India Silk moth for this year * Silk crop This offer for 11118 YEAR'S CttOP only holds good this week. SOUTHERN SILK ASSOCI ATION, 410 7th st. n.w., mytl-w Washington. rookland -A FEW OF THK BEST un a I cd lots (with shad* vib the sulxl'.vi*mi fr m 7 to 10c. perfoot. »M. H. BARSTOW. rny jl-ht ttl5 7th st. n.w. 1~~*jr~8alf-AT FOREST <11 i N. MD, A LARGE. commodious house, with alsjut three ..r> « ot lan.i, shade trees, flue water. Ac- , will exchange for dt) pro|<rty. J. li. HERTFORD. 141!«<i -t my'jl-tft 1MB SALF.-TAKOMA PARK. A HEAT TIFl 1. Ia»T tor sale two suuares from dels >t. mnviiolia ave. Price, be. per foot Inquire at DJlttTst. n. w mls-3* I JOB REXT-AT hyattsvil.l.k. MD.. new hix room house; two minutes' walk from station front and side jiorch, good water. +1(1. Mao n w cottage, 8 rooms; |«0. TVI.ek a RUTHERFORD. myu r.'f 1307 F«t. n.w. KJORSALE-ih HARDY cotntv, VIRGINIA, _i 7,000 .vr< s of mountain laud, in vicinity ot H ui- ney. at *1.75 per acre. Title i-erfect. Plat at office. luy-'O-ht A. J. whjtakek, 1 3071» F st. 1x)KSAI.E T AlOM A PARK.c< »TTA( i 1 ufxmv 30.000 feet of ground: highly improve!. all ki>. i- of fruit in bearing; lovely shade ana flowers, in the very highest and liest part of the i"srk. near station; (5,000. immediate poaaession. lewis a HEAroN. ti'.'lt F st. li w. lii> ,'u :tt ju SALE .takoma park SPECIAL rak train.two of the finest lots lu square "(1 for ^ale for a few days at 4 <-cut* |wr foot caah Also V lot«in the old l>ark at t! cents ixr foot cash. LEWIS a iieaton. F St. u.w. my.'o :!t l/ok BALE OR TRADE-A FEW CHOICE maky- r land 1 arms for city i»i\n>ert\ k«»o<i is.rtm.jty to yet a country houie. EiCOCH m .V CI >.. inylK-:!t* (114 fst.n.w. Jihili~8ALE.TWO LOTS AT 'MOXTELLO." WITH ' iVroomf.h »4(Ht 4\a.-rc» witliiu I'lstrict line 'i.imx! 7k .icres lietwoen W;ishin>rton and Alexandria :!,(»<ill 35U a< res ou Potomac rivt r. near Marshall Hall. Ot fer wanted, will exchange for city proiiertv. Other desirable farms in Msryfan i and \ inrtnia. oiylk-at HUTCH1XS A bt LKLEY, i tjl E st n w 1jh)R HALE.TAKOMA PARK-THREE NEW Houses. Just completed. beautifully 1<*-ate i; t.-ni « easy; also a |ps id selection of I>ot« in any (wrt of the Park, a lew chjice lj its on the ls*autitul slur, ¦. p- rt coutempluliw? buyiuk will had it i<> tlieir interest t«> call ou ENOCH MARIS 4i Co., uiylh-3t* til 4 f st. u. w. AOREAT biq baboaix^-oOO A<'kf F\RM at piscauway. p O.'a comity. 1h miles from washiiur- ton; irood la-id and lmjt 'vemeutK SAM'i. 1. \l.- mkak. 310 St. Paul st.. Baltimore, Md. n.y 1 h-iit* Iwr RF.XT at ammfxhale. ml>.. new. 1 INK 7 room house, for country atore and post-ofli favorable for irrts-er's clerk, whose wife could do i.jhi- uess; also two 0 room conaireK near Completion. Ad¬ dress DAXIEL AHMEX.carv Navy department, uiylb-tit* wr RENT.a NEW AMD furnished HOUSE at i^aurtj* B. and O. railroail, sitnatisl in the most desirable j«rt of the village, within a few min i' wslk from the depot; inquire at lo use uejt to acadnny of Music, Prlute (ieorire street. losseasioii s'lxen 1st June. Address Box !»1. Laurel, M<1. mylN-.'o'jw* txjksale.twexty-fin f. ACREM, $ i II n r an. va new S-room house, cellar, well, rav. u-rove. monthly payment. ."> |*rcent on price. House*, lots, and farms, railroad rates reductsl. A. FKEt MAN, Vienna, Va. luyl7 <.t" 1" job RENT hocset FURNISHED OR unfl r lushed, at Falls C'huri h. Va.. id rooms; Caere* of Sround, truit of all kuidt. minutes' unik to the ep*it. Apply to Mrs. Dr. ARlJ.NER, mylc-tit Falls chuivh. Va. ?or RENT .TWO desirable COTTAGES near s ation, ih Hyatteville. ?'.'0 per month e»eh. my 10-1 w F. H. SMITH A SON. 1e st. ^ok^sale AND KENT.WASHINGTON obotb Md., several fine cotuuc s in ditler<-nt i>arts of the Orove. Price*, for sale, 4400 to #'-i,(m» >, and for rent, $40 to $150 for the season. M. D. PECK, 1»34 F st. apl 5-'im FOR brookland, FIRST STATION out from washlnirton on Met. R. R.. near ele. trie cars, op!>oslte University. Hiirh, healthy and beauti¬ fully situated. Lota at from 3 to 10 cents-«aay terms; also very pretty cottage. REDFORU W. WALKER, 101 mi F st. ap'.'7-lm wanted.twant-to rent~fxtb the sum" mer a country | lace, furnished, on line of rail¬ road, within half hour of city. besponsiblc aud care¬ ful. Address, with full particulars, J HE PIANO EX¬ CHANGE, hi 3 Pa. ave., Washington, l> c. luyll-lm 1~j«OR SALE 145 ACRES. *15 PER AC UK. pood dwellinir aud all outbuildintra. fruit, water d woo«l__in a/'undancej 1 mile from Seabrook F station ou b \. 1'. railroad; 10 liulea from city, to l>e sold cheap and terms easy Houses lo'jo and lot* South Capitol st., waahluirtoii, 1>.C. Address MARION duckeit, Trustee aud Attorney-at-Law. Bladens burK, P. g. Co.. Md. inyS-lm SALE. nk\VrCOTTAGE AT "BKOOKLAXdj' first station lrom city, ou Met. Branch B. and o R. R.; eiirht rooms, cellar, attic and bath room. two min¬ utes from railroad atation. and aix minutes from ter¬ minus of electric railway, lot 100x150 with shade. Pricc $4,800 Apply to LEIUHTOX A PAIHO, trug- teeh. 482 l;uiaiana ave. ap30-l m i^oh" 8ale-LOTS AT FOREST OLEK, mi). THE jt moat lieautiful location lor a home outside Wash- inirton;only 2. 'JW aud :k- i«-r foot. J. R. HERT¬ FORD, fleming buildinir, 1410g »t. uihll<-3iu COUNTRY BOARD. A PRIVATE FAMILY OF ADULTS WILL TAKE A few 1 xiarders for summer months. Beautiful ktounds; planiy of shade; larire rooius, newly pai*-red and painted. Three and one-half miles from city, near railroad station. Box lvl. Star office. myVl-5t# ZJuM'SlER BOARD CAN BE OUTAIXEI) at lantt over Station, B. and 1*. R. R , 7 uules from \n asb- mirtou. !4 mile from atation ; lil/h, healthy locatlou terms, $4 to $5 per week. Address MRS. E., Star office. myVl-:;t' tS^mmer boardeics WANTEK pi.ACE in A healthy locality, ..'$» miles from niiln ad station :it uray; terms moderate. Address m1.> L. D. BOM en, hole mills, Pa«re County, Va. my'JO-ot* SUMMER BOARDING NEAli BUTE UIIKiE montitain. brick house, cool rooms, lawn, shade, fruit, horses and carriages; two daily miuis. ic-derate chartres. For partl. ulars. address MISSES CUKRY, Hamilton, Loudoun county, \ a. si)«0-1 m" LEX MAXOR-FOREhT OLEX. kobtooicebt county, .Md., a new house of al>out forty rooms. Just completed for summer boarding Opens June 1, 1S89. xincuen daily trains. Thirty minutes' ride. Hik'i and healthy. Terms moderate. For terms, plati of house, aud full information apply at 1013 14th at. n.vr. until May 28. my 1 s-uw" A FEW BOARDERS ( AX BE ACCOMMODATED at my house this season; plenty of shade and ex¬ cellent water; location near "The Oaks." Apply imme .1; ».1.. VI a t. > r. « »*-. «» . .. ... diatelv Mrs. A. S. ADAMS, rockvjle. Sid., or to A s. ADAMS, W. U. Telegraph office, Corcoran buililit-k. Washington, D.C., bet. 9 a.m. and 4 30 p.i i. my 18-ji* rummer BOARD OX NORTH ii11 i. FARM- LO- cited near the Shenandoah river; water and moun¬ tain scenery: beautiful location; hoalthy. Write for circular furnishing details and terms. C. M. CASTLEMAN P. O. Castleman's Ferry, Clarke County, Va. «nyo-eotjyl5 i TA PLEASANT COUNTBT SEAT IN THE mountains of virfinla, a few isianlers for the sum¬ mer months. Address -ias JF.TT, Washington. Rap¬ pahannock county. Va. niy.'<-lAtu-3w* .vitoodbi RN', STOTT'S STATION'. METROPOLI- tt tan Branch; ready for hoarders June 1st. Addres» MRS. HAMILTON. Star office. myl8-:tt*^ Large cool house and grounds, pleas- ant location; terms moderate for families aud adults occupying the same room. Address Box t>5, Warrenton, Va. myl7-w[. »»bbtbratpb <OTTA'tE." BI.1e rfdoe sum^ »» mit, Penn. oi>etie<l for the season. Special rates for time. Apply to Miss JoHXSON, lol5 N. Oilmor st , Baltimore. iiiy^-tlt* Boarders for the summer taken- at house formerly occupied by Miss Jane Jauney, Hamilton. Loudoun county, Va.; location high and healthy; good table fare. larve, shady yard; ice, fr uit Ac.. relerences given and required. MRS. u L RIC H- ARDS. myl4-3w rummer" boarders wanted- mom vieu hotel. Front Royal. Va. Within four hours of Washington; commodious building, shady piazzas, fruit abundant, scenery beautiful, bass fishing fine. Write for particulars. JOHN r. BTINsoN, Prop, myll-lm* "WHEATLAND," IN A BEAUTIFUL AND t. healthy locality; rood table aud moderate terms; 2h hours from Washington,guest* limited to 14. ROBT. B. W RIGHT, W healland, Loudonn Co., Va. my8-2 w* B~ URGUXDY HOUSE - OPEN fob summeb tioarders; 'J mile* from Alexaudrla; ^ lulle from railroaal; large house, bnc rouius, lanre, shsly grounds; trains met .twice a day. BURGUNDY HOUSE, Alexandria, Va. mys-liu* Board in the~~mountains - deliohtful board in tbe mountains of va.; plenty of shade; large lawn; ice aud milk; spring water, and sulphur and iron water; conveyances for guests Addn-aa Mrs. J. STOCKTON, Bio, Albemarle Co., Va. uiyl-lm CPR1XG BANK FARM OPENS MAY 15. CON- venient for genta in office. meet trains twice i»er day; fruit, ice and milk in abundance, high aud healthy, terms c5. SPRING BANK. aleonoba. va. ap25-lm* LOST AND FOUND. LOST-ON FRIDAY LAST. ONE ROUND GOLD Sleeve Button, with Maaonic emblems. 1 be finder will be rewardad by returning to JOS. B. BA1LY, corner 7th and Fata. a. w. it* Lost^ojtfriday"morning, ay all white Setter Pup; answers by the name of Lily. Rem ard given if returned to 1300 14th at n.w. it* Lost.last bight, near 44* st. and penn a ave^black-and-tan gyp; had ou collar. answer* to name "fly." Reward on return to dr. howland. 211 4k at. n.w. it* whit* and hbindle bull dog return to 1416 New York avc aud rwoeive if g OAT.MONDAY MOBNING ik utb ST. CAR GO- jlitng south of imnlatana avenue; a mm twiatad c type winter with nave on tot pace of W jxcabellr ward will he vtieii if returned toj. h. miixeb, ofly of ooet roller ot currency, Treasury department. t 081:-satureSbevenTnoTmat mt, aooCd XJ aearlms (single bow knotj. with arnall dtamoad in cwrtar. kewarw if retained to 46? Msms hosetu ave. aw. my-.'o-at* t OST.THURSDAY afterkoov AT albauosi JU or tn car goins to address below. Lady's Card Caw, contain tng Gold eyeglaaees and Visiting Cards. saita bu iwwm! given if left at 1818 q at. n.w. my 18-3t* ^architects/ B. FAVA. JR.. 4 CO., *avu VBAt. FOR SALE . MISCELLANEOUS Ij*»K HALE.OLD \n«»UN. FINK IN^TKl MI\T Apply m lt*th at. a a., between :io and . 30 aylVy I>*K SALE \ Vol I MK OF In IMn b\ I'Rt »M- inent V n»ri;aii uot:. ;iifn. privately printed. G G . wyfl-iP Kj K *A< KinCLA M P.I>1<'AL H4T- tery KlAW I^ttrru. n**w Call or »d4iT«011 Hn. ave. - ¦ytl ."it* J,v»K s\LE \1 lVMKN's *1APPE. tfv~ MW V'rkiTf . i aurt. a nt<-« «dtller, fine Juinjvr, ami . uitaMc for bd) >r r<nit)<«»n. Um moat N nut if ul annual in th< city. Alao a pretty baacR b»rae, amtahle for lady or ren tit-man »n haraeaa or ma¬ iler the «wddle. hath J net from N irrinia my £1 -St* IJIOK HA1.I A F1M, RTY1JHH kKAI. HlioWW 1 .-rut. *i\.« 11 li;" >:* h.wh very tine >v.j rrtr* ! riwe borae. ami «iU work i«erfc»tly m ;«v ti»me«; aound. at title, and fearle^K. and «»ne of t!»e \t ndaotti- j eat .'?m-jtir-oKI - - trj » . \ t««r want <>f u***. Apply at private atahi*. r*ar of VllO I uu« iU*vr,ui U) Ma. tl'i'h KMAN. till* 14th I at *.W. 1*»U kali: -OH* \P rot; * Ahtf. A LIGHT Ml»l l«wr lmwv>. run a pti>»rt tr»»e. ir»od aa nfw « wi.^r ha» no uae for it. fcjfttjuire after 5 p in. at SMITH** KTrDlO,cor. #th and Mmi a\e. |3 BALI N KAftl NAlfc 1 I" rMCTttl r rtne ttprnrht fraud piau» m oilered bf an n-ofti lal alio haa left the cltjr uaadtalt \**r> little. coat #.?<*»; ro rvm« nah'.e offer Mmid: <aah or time, iau ba *<i at THE Pi A MO klCHANOtDUK. avr. j^UH __ !>»Kti4Le F1NI SAl>l»Ll MtHisiilFl 1 WU, X eau he *een at JOH N 15 lali,l.\ 's aaiea nul-lr. 1 1 ta .ftitiUr^a miyll m* 1>»R HALB-A HftXXIKD HA\I» HollH, CHKAP. if tai« u at otace. 4NO CI MHEULAM» ft *oN* foot ot I" at and N. H. ave. ii «. my 21 6t 1>»K SALE.THE HANl»*oME \ rl'OIl BKK1I r taat trottiuar Martv K A 1) LAMHERT, ured by Oamel Laml»Tt, d*ui Lad} Hunt, by ix»wnlnar'a bay »rer hate l<ainbert wai> loaled in 1**1. weiahl 1».»0 pound*. i:»V4 hati«K very atyltah, »nl fknetv formed, doe* not ahy or pull, need* u«< boota or weurhtK. mi l *»i,> lor any iim \perieno-ddriver Hl»a trottad alit'ii purt-tia*«\l t wo ut . a*r a time in v! haa lavn QwdmiH t ar a r.^nl mare. Will he mama teed kouihI. knul. w ith. n? fault, a. 1 t<> trot a miW brtter tliau v.' 4o. JUm) h iin< ba> i»h . Uiuily. or l*mane«a horm, »t\»'ii >oar* <H .*» laatida. a vary theerfuU prompt tlriver. t. ;.rle^ .«t ^t. ,i»t mihI all «¦treat uh|ai-U, :r;>l aalt »tnl rviiaMt in .l»-i a.l eir« u-. *t*n. «.« A : \ ni> ish 1 k- «Atoti^ion it r»>. to mat t «ur i^raoua, iiiacle by o *4 the! >1 uiak<r« and «*uual t«- a tiew otn- An t-acellent !>a>t. -n «<ur>>n in |*erte^ t order and alalitV i' n> ptuM n »hat ki >\m» but PttW mt-ar. I M t medlniii-aelrhl double Uameaa, auitrle e*»ui»e harneM, and net aimrk' l»iu-a> liariit'aN. all band Tuadt \N ill all he wold e* |<araU*. Ar»- tlae |Tujert) of a pruatf partj . an.l av>ld for 110 fault, but for Hal ufa«'ti>ry r>a*ou« tbat a ill be ataU d to purrliaaem. An> mil' «vnt« in piatmif | ur» ha>imr aueli artieleai art inxitHd to e*- Miuu.e tbeni, and a#- tli«*> muM lw din]s»«fd of *>p«t*dil> pnn haaere can obtain a^-uuiue Imrv^itia Apply at Oaner'n stablr, real of naiuence 131)1 K at. t u. my*Jl-:if 1"\JK SAli;-l KXTENSItiN T«H' Kin k AW AV.AU inoHt new, 1 roup' harm ».>*. |;i.i; 1 carriage |iulr. ll.V ti > - i ot' Ai 1 1> K .1 . «.<.;* 1 ith «i. n *. Ijok kali: a small library «V lau nuokM eontaiuiiikC ft>uic rare worka. nt> r* a*« .ubir otter refUMed; to In aeen at IOD6 14t!a at. 1. ar. n.\ : 1 tl* 1*>li SA1K CHK AI' A MPK-BAK M KHEV. nearly tM-ar A 1 'raw ami a \ ilia** <'art Alao, a Jump sat. Apply J. fr BIST, 401 14thal.n.a. iuy*'l --f NAI.I (|\| v| oNl»-H \ N 11 1 PKH Piano, in «*plemlid . »nilm« n, or otln r t*r- tnuna are now offered at HI UO WOMCH ft CO.'H. llano tna, 11. hi »i u a. :.» 1;jk s vli: BTArrurL < ih:hk\ cabinkt :tud tb-ak com oined, .to. r.-t fO. Hall atand. 1 J; eoat Library Uble,$IU. <xift #'JV IVw pu « ea oUaer one furniture dieap. 810 oth n.w. 1 } .0 lit* I 1>)R SAL1 KTtX K AMD riXTURER or AM in .1. - A J :> l -'l Pa tt\«. n w inj 'M Vt* 1^>B SALE -THOKOI HHUHKP l»hlVINtt MARE, J 1i» liim la liiarla. 7 yearaold. blootl Imy. from \ ir- ?'inia, kind. h. und. »t\lish arid ajteedy. Apply to UJ.s' ( oluiitbia stablt .». r^ar lTlti 14th at. n.a TRADE KDK MEKt'H\MHSE- I tlapple (tray Home. ? yenr* obi auitatde for ear- naire «»,- n«*avy w:mtoii. Apply ( UK'AUO UK( K'KHY IXlltl'AN Y. KOti «~th at. n.a*. my 15-tit* I.MlK SALE- IMPtiRTAXT! | 1 Pia.not an.l »r-r;in- m , .. r;*-. t t.1. r. Sold «>i, *.> on> i«*uta. my IB Im E. w SMI1H. ! I'a ave. LV»K KAIJC FAIR OF Tlfoltol <«tll5REI> HOIiSE* I from N a. Blink, Ifa hand* hi*rh, five and aeveu year< old, aonnd, trt*ntle and vary Mt>linh. wood i-uwlnkr*. Cau beaotu at 1-AOELLY'8 Stablt*a, btka ht.. le ar I'a. a%e. my lH-.'lt* I~ JUU S4L1 HPBX'IAI. liARCIAIM 5 BkAMM K\ i I KK.H 1 iiHANU I'lANO. Party leavuiK the city baa l»*lt Piano with ma ta el«'*.». i:t I r > a- .. 1 !«. ..lMmmt-nt 1- m l"r- ft* t order and tully Kuarunt«fd. ""t originally t>400. 1 I «. MM 11 11. 1 £25 I'a. ara.^ 1^ 'lt SALE A MAOMFIl ENTLY ( AK\ EH. I tloiibb r .111 d. ill awrafi aa»-.-t ton* I Stoiart' lirand 1'iano. Mnif a* nea, with em- I br< :der»M .< ver a:.d pl.inh Kt-K.i. «.-»*| now *li«.». «t G. 1^ \SlLI>ft BHOH., TOW ?th at. n. a. I iu> IS -Jw* VOH HALi A BEAt'TIFl'L. OOOD \v NEW, I roaewaod agu..r P. »nt earved lt-ws. ricll tuna, all iiukI. 1U1M.J only *1!H». pay menu #lO|«er mouth AuieeUmtHi 1 octave aqunrt piauo. $1 ato.-l and vei * » pay in. nU. hi>eciial *uminer l^rtraanf m all 1 new Pianoa Old PianoM, aquare <.r upriarlit, and Or- waua takt 11 in evhauae at lieet value, and any balauoa can be paid to suit. Kee ua liefore you buy. THE PIANO EXCHANGE WAKEROOMS, The Leading Piano Houae. my-17 Hl,1 Pa. are. EMU SALE 1K1CYCLI 4H-INCH DRIVER; 1 taalla all Krouud taat and eaay . lady t»r (fentlemau; t ail lw a*-en in Waahiiitfton. S Hl'l t'lflMH niylti-tSt* :t01 N Charlea at.. Baltimore |S»i; >A1 I A UAL §UMAtM I H bOMfi> r body- a *70O upriaht trran l llano. elioniied eaae; burl pi4iit la; nearly w . lena than one-third eoat. PELIEEEB ft COX LI EE, 1*^31 E kt. WW. myljUnt t.M>K HALE-THE STEAMER UUM UAVHd been thoroughly overhauled and rv»Mlred. !. now iu firat-<-laaa condition and one of the flneat hoata in city, leiurth. 1 'JO ft.; breadth. *.'0 ft 4 in. main *nd aadooii dtx-ka; tonnaare *-iS^ tJH-11»0. Addrear T HOH M. GKEEN A BKt>. 41J L Baltimore at , Baltimore. Md. in v 11 -eo-#5t* IKH)H SALE.NEW. Dl'HABLE GRAVE DkBlGXi for l>eeomtit»ii Day. made ot metal luarea and i*or- tHrlam flower* alao, iron vasea. t rooka and turra-eutm haiiwim: taiakeU. HCUMID'K, 317 l'Jth at. n. a. myl3-lm* FHOB SALE Ml IKS MkEks MEEKH 1 HAVR _M on haud aud f >r aale a latve atot k of new and aec- loud hand Ckrria^ Btiw»rie». Pliaeton*. Surrey*. Ex- tenaion Cabriolet tea, Keiiainirtoua, Koad Carta, I>ay- ton*, and all «tyle«of Buaineae VNai^ na. liameaat Whi(»a, Lap Kobe*. Ae.. at prw ef and aoeoiumodaQnH terms as « an l«e 1 und in any market. h«<m»- or abroad. Kepairiiuf and naintina promptly atteudetl to. <>iva me a t all at tP-.'l t«» G at n w.. and a«e for your- aww mylO-lm l?OR HALE A'l^A SAt'RlEICE^-ONt~~OE THOKB J7 woDdertul Helf -play imr Parlor Oreheatrouea orifi- nal eoat if 100. now with atool, at G. L. WILD A Blt03. 7o9 7th at. aa.w. 1 j1*-Vw* II ;«»H SALE- OR EXCHANGE A TTME HORMEAMO r Carriage Baraar, '.»40 1a ave. tin lar*»-*t and Ml oattiofttia atock of new aud necoud-hand extecaauon-top OriiaKes. tu|' uiJ uu 1< J hurni,. juiii| -p> »t C*mwn-a, I »rk rt)»eU)U*, Cuu|»' !(¦« k»» »j ». \ n t rik», li i t..r'» I Wt. im. l..|. »ll.l u. t»|> biurmw K|>|r MmT"U«, Koaa « («uc> Delivery Huuiii, Mill ^ i* u», tiroccr'^ Kxi>r»-*ii anil twin »«#ou,. \arul*ti»>l K«r. uu m l WviwtlM. Full ,Uk k aiau of UaruuM . 'l > \< r> <lenrri|'tiuii M reamniftble rncea and on im uiuxt litx-rai tcruia. 8.1. atfvut tor liie Ccurtlaod Wafroii* >i-.'-« »rri«*ts butryira ai*l u^n: .. Waiftii. ai'.'4-liu s. liKNSINGEB. H*LR.«iRKAT KFI>1 1> PBICBH TO rtxluc*- tiiy atock of Hutrtnt-K, Kl.-Toj i'aurtoaa, rti-.Top SurreyK, Cut-UtiiV.- Murrtj,, (aiiipj-l op Mirr> ya, "J aii>l .> ."VTiuir l'LartoUn, Miiuat un i'liu-lona, Victoria*. IXjctor I'liat ioPN a aptvialt), aud bit) Uif- fnvut kiii't* '>1 I u^ukiw watroiiaami truck,. ».'!» aKvut lortfcf Ouluabi,mmri Co. vebicl^a. 110 trouble to allow work »li«tUcryou buj or Hot. J. K. ftiotiF.V, cor.Utb and N. V. av. ana l2:tu :t'Jd at n.w. at ?6iojr4 1a jVHt 8ALK-OVKK »00 I'AKKIAnU -M» AND aecoiid-hand.from the o. «t tiiakt-ra Laudaua, CTin;«a. Broiurhanm, VirUinaa. T-Oaru. V illy Carta, lH-rny and Ki nainirton Matroua, Biurmc*. nileUiQa WatroiK-tu-a and l.lKht Ooaa he Alao. a law luit- uf tiiir liannw. Sjiwial i>rirca to tbt- trade. Notice.A^irate lau.ili'-a, denimua uf dttier bujnnffor atlliiuc turuouta, will tiud it to tbeir advantage to call 011 ine, aa my lacilitx*, for tb> pun baat-aud aaw u< Horsea. Carriaw**. Hirni«, *c.. are m aiiriMard, aud my hinntc. Htabliiur and atoravc fa- uitiaa ar* uue- cualcd by any catoblwluueut iu tlaa country HM F. IWW.V tv. lti'.'U L at. n.w., Man ufact urcr'a A»-t. iublt(-3m I 1~ .MR SALE OK KXCH ANOE rt>R S0 LtAVH. TO r reduce utock. at tb«- N»-w York Carrta^e and Har- r!!.*« Rc|>oalU>r) . trreaU-r bariralua tbui erert- . \er nI- It rctl in the city of all Htylod work, tiotb ik« and aec- oud tia'id. from the auialbat to a l*J |>aaariiirrr Job; also HiirtieaH afid Robe, for caah or oti time W. t\ OF.VFK, 4<H> 1'euua) lvauia an. tuy? tl pob halb.positive hah(>ains is the ttiiCHt ui rt^ht ltano,. to < a< Uanye for auuarn inano* ami« ivaua; term, to suit buyer. THt 1'IAKU LX< 'HANOE. the le»diu«c loauo houae. t*lJ I'a av& iu>:i im 1>OU bAEE. V JOHN M. YOINO Invitee Carriaire Buy. r, toeianane hif larv at.« I of New and Second hand ^ t bi. lc, ot All Style*, at hi* New Repository, 479 and 4S1 C at n * . ¦HMb Rear of National Hotel. I>JR SAEE.VABNISHKll » At«<N8.CARJ-FNl iJt, furniture, uitlk, and fwd wa»ron«. aleo platforui KprlliK w^rona, carriaire, and bili-V lea 2 atairoa. It aprtliif < arta, and 1 pony t an, on <«¦)' parnieuta JOHN J. COOK. TJUb M at . ap0-3m *'e,t Waabliurtou. 1»>li ULE-THI "OTTO" OAK ESOIKE HE- qtiiree no boiler. avoid* all e*peuai»e attotidauc,; no Iom Ol time: no handling of fuel. Send for circular and prwc liat. U. RAAJ^LF. A* t, 731 7th at nil SUBURBAN PROPERTY. Haepin villagk, HAU'IN VIELAUK. HAEPI.N VlIXAQa TWO MILKS THIS SIDE OF ROCK VILLir UU the Aletroivlitan branch B. AO h R. LOCATION L'NSl HI'A8SEI>-PRICE LOW. This New Subdiviaiou. HAU'IN VIEEAOE. 1, beentifully laid out in lou of about 00x100 faet, with atrvets aud avenue* already uuale. !>du shade treea and plank aidewalka on all the ,treeta and ave¬ nues Railroad trains atop at Halpin Villa#* Several of the tnoet de.nrable lots sr»- located on the caWbtated Rockvill- turnpike, litres and terms of aale, to- m'tber with dea>Tiptive plats, may b* obtained, as well as all laforniatioci which may b desired by peraotM who contemplate buildlmr homes or for personal sI ,(. ulauon. at tilt' real estate ofhee of J NO A PREMOOTT. UNiNwk mylS-Im 141« Fst. a w. f|VO LEASE WOODIJCY. ON WOODLKT LAJHL 1 flfte. n uilnutea' drive from Boundary, with furui- ture ready for oocupa&cy. healer, runre and ki>i and cold water. has flrvt-rlaaa bars and canwi liouaea, with cottage for rardeasr. esoallewt paeturavc. and conipleie outfit of utenails can be ln,«r 1 wtth my7-lat . P'O^SALE-ATTOThcHV ILLE HLIGHTI LEWIS i £4¥2".

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Page 1: Library of Congress...SOCIAL MATTERS. WhatFashionable People Are Doing-PersonalNotes. Mrs. R. 3. C. Walker, of Philadelphia and Williamrport.who«ly,spentthepantfewdaysinthe lunchedtnththe

SOCIAL MATTERS.What Fashionable People Are Doing-

Personal Notes.

Mrs. R. 3. C. Walker, of Philadelphia andWilliamrport.who spent the pant few days in the

«ly, lunched tnth the President's family at theHo^we yesterday. There were no other

gueJte m table. Mrs. Walker returned to Phil¬adelphia laat evening, but will upend a portionof the nert winter'* season in this city.

Mrs. Harriet Lane Johnson, who spent the

Clt half year in this city, ha* given tip theuse of judge Knott, iu which she lived, and

will return to her home in Baltimore to-day.Mrs. Johnson ha*. no doubt, enjoyed this returnto the scenes of her former triumphs. Since¦he last last lived in Washington death hasbroken all her beloved family ties: the uncle.James Buchanan, who made the world a fairyland for her. the husband and son* of whom.he was so proud. Mrs. Johnson received theattentions and visits of a number of congenialpeople. She was received by Mrs. Cleveland,and recently made a visit to Mrs. Harrison incompany with Mrs. Hobson, who arranged themeeting. Mrs. Johnson's own favorite form ofentertainment was the giving of elaborateluncheon parties to ladies, but it has been a

5lace of romantic tradition* revisited with Mrs.ohnsun. and she will be satisfied with the one

winter in which she was a looker-on in thecapital and saw the passing of one and the ar¬rival of another administration.The intimate friends of Mrs. Foisom here are

not surprise d at the announcement of her mar¬riage yesterday. It is believed the engage¬ment took place last December. There was atime about Christinas week when the happyexpression of Mrs. Folsom's face attractednotice and comment, Iu those days she smiledwithout effort aud her face was overspreadwith the rosy blushes of a girl whenever shewas addressed.

Mrs. and Miss Potts, who have been for thepast few months at the Gramercy, hare re¬turned to their own home on (i street.Judge and Mrs. James and the Misses James

will leave in June for York Harbor, where theywill spend the summer.Mr. Wm. C. Endicott, jr., is still in the city.

His marriage with Miss Thoron will take placein the late autumn, for which event the ex-Sec¬retary of War and Mrs. Eadicott will returnfrom Europe.Judge A. I.eo Knott and Mrs. Knott, who

have been spending the season at the hotelArno, will take possession of their K-street res¬idence. that Mrs. Harriet Lane Johnson vacatesto-day. Miss Keenan. who is so pleasant an ac¬quisition to local circles, is with her sister.Mrs. Knott.Miss Antoinette Ives, of Montreal, is the

guest of Miss Aileen Bell, of Georgetown.The Chief Justice and Mrs. Fuller are

greatly enjoying the cordial hospitality of thesouthern cities on the Justice's annual circuit.They are banquetted in each of their courttowns, aud the pleasant impression is amplyreciprocated. Charleston is the latest stop¬ping place.Mr. T. S. Williams, of this city, returned

yesterday from a brief visit to his father'ssome in Ithaca. N. Y.

Mrs. Lieut. Main has received a telegramfrom her husband, announcing bis arrival inSan Francisco, per steamer Rockton yesterday.The details of the marriage of Mrs. Emma C.

Foisom. the mother of Mrs. Grover Cleveland,to Henry E. Perrine, a merchant of Buffalo,the fact of which was announced in yesterday'sStak. are as follows: Mrs. Foisom w. nt to Jack¬son. Mich., on the 8th instant, aud Mr. Perrinehad been there since last Wednesday. Thewedding was solemnized at 9 o'clock last even¬ing. Bev. R. B. Balcom. of St. Paul's Episcopalchurch, officiating. Those bride was attired inher traveling costume. Those present, besidesMrs. Cleveland and the family of Mr. Cadman.were Mr. and Mrs. Barry latch, the latter adaughter of the groom, and their two sons fromBuffalo: Mr. and Mrs. EUsha Flinn, of Detroit;M. Harmon and Mrs. Frank Welch, of Jackson,the two latter near relatives. Mr. and Mrs.Perrine left on the night train for Chicago andthe west for a trip before returning to Buffaloto reside. Mrs. Cleveland will remain for afew days the guest of Mrs. Cadman beforeleaving for home. The other guests will departfor home to-day.The groom is about fifteen years the senior

of the bride, who is a well-preserved woman offorty-five. Mr. Perrine's wife was, it is said, afirst or second cousin of Mrs. Oscar Foisom.He has two sons aud one daughter, the latterbeing Mrs. G. Barrett Ritch. wife of the presi¬dent of the Bank of Attica, of Buffalo.Senor Don Louis B. y Ribera. accompanied by

Mr. W. L. Culincorte, will sail for France nextmouth. They will remain in Paris until thelatu-r part of July, when they will proceed toSt. Petersburg, returning to this country andWashington in September or October.The marriage of Mr. Mark B. Kerr to Miss

8h*pard. of California, will take place June 5.When Minister Perry Belmont waited upon

the queen regent of Spain to present his let- ]ters of recall the qneen spoke in graceful termsof appreciation of Mrs. Cleveland andexpresseda wish to present her picture to the ex-mistressof the hite House. On Mr. Belmont t x-pressing the pleasure it would give hun to takecharge of such a souvenir the queen regentseltcted a handsome photograph, and with herown hand wrote upon it one of those charmingmessages of compliment to which the Spanishlanguage lends itself so readily. The picturehas just been received by Mrs. Cleveland.

Miss Lelia Butterworth, of K street, accom-

Boied by her brother. Mr. Walt, r Butterworth.t for Richmond, on Saturday. But¬

terworth will spend some time with heraunt. Mrs. li. Barker, at Richmond, and wdl gothence to Petersburg to visit relatives audfriend* there. Mr. Walter Butterworth re¬turned to Washington Monday morning.Mr. George Kunnan has purchased a

handsome summer cottage and grounds ad¬joining the estate of Alexandre GrahamBell, on Cape Breton Island. Nova Scotia, audhe will leave the city in a day or two with Mrs.Kennau. to take possession. He will probablybe absent from Washington for a couple ofyears, as he has a number of lecture engage¬ment* in the north.The parlors of Rev. Dr. Butler's house on

11th street northwest were thronged last eve¬ning by friends who were invited by Dr. But¬ler to meet his sons. Rev. Wm. K. and CharlesH. Butler. Those attending spent a pleasantand agreeable evening.

Tastes Differ.Trots the Sew Turk Sun.

Sir J. Gorst said in parliament the other illustrate the ancient truth that "one man'smeat is another man's poison." that he wasonce severely cross-examined by a party ofNew Zealand chiefs who had strong views onthe depraved English habit of eating what theycalled decayed cheese. He might have furtherelucidated the proverb with a long list of eat¬ables in which we delight, but which certainsavages cannot fven mention without a feelingof r« pulsion. A while ago Dr. Kinsch saw hensscratching around iu New Guinea villages, andlearned that the domestic fowl is good fornothing «xcept feathers. The natives couldhardly conceive that human beings would eatsuch a creature, and the bare idea of lunchingon eggs was enough to make a respectablePapuan ilL Chicken feathers, however. par¬ticularly if white, heighten the charms of thefair sex when tastefully disposed in theirabundant frizzes, and so after all these gentlebirds were not made wholly in vain.

- . ISIThe Virginia state bar association will hold

its first annual meeting at the White SulphurSprings on July '24 and 25.The suit for damage* of Mr. Green, the blind

lawyer, against thu Richmond and Danvillerailroad, for j10.000 is set for a hearing inRichmond next Saturday.

Rev. Sam Jones will visit Richmond afterleaving Danville.A special grand jury of the city of Staunton,W. Va.. has been summoned to investigate into

certain crimes alleged to have been committed.t the Westeri. asylum.

Dr. Alexander Harris, for forty years a veryprominent physician, died Monday at his home,at Jefferson, in Culpeper county. Va., after aprotracted ll.uess.A verdict of $2,000 h.vs been rendered againstThos. B. Fox. of Clarksburg. W. Va., in favor

of Rev. J. W. Hollen. about whom Fox hadwritten a derogatory letter to another minuter.The English sparrows are so numerous in

Baicigh. N. C.. thai sparrow-hawks have beentrained to catch them, and hundreds are beingdestroyed.

Prof. Edward B. Lefevonr died at BeverlyMass.. Saturday, aged thirty-four. He was connected with the C. S. coast" survey for sever#years, and afterward was associated with Prof.Gould in his geological work.W. C. Truaael. who has figured in Boston as

the leading spirit in the Trussel automaticfreezer company, left town last week, and is.aid to be #30,U00 short.Wm. McLaughlin, a private in the fourteenth

Infantry, stationed at Fort Randall. Neb., shotand instantlv killed his sweetheart. MaggieLowene, with a rifle, because she had beentalking with another soldier.The steamship Wemfc which left New York

tK Southampton and Bremen Saturday took.way Robert Garrett.

8. R. Hoobler, of Saganing, Mich., a staterMreaentatire. has run away to escape arrestfar biting the arm of Mrs. McCarthy,

TO WELCOME BISHOP KEAXE.Preparations for His Reception This

Afternoon and Banquet To-Night.

Bishop Kesne will arrive in the city thiaafternoon at 5 o'clock. He came from Bostonon Friday to Baltimore, where he has beennnce. He will be received at the Baltimoreand Ohio depot by a delegation of the cityclergy headed by Father Walter. BishopKeane will go to the pastoral residence of St.I atrick's church and in the evening will attenda banquet at Welcker's. given in his honor bythe clcrgy of the city. He will remain in thecity nntil Saturday. On Friday evening themembers of Carroll Institute will give hima public reception at their halL The recep¬tion committee is aa follows: H. W. Sohon,I>. I. Murphy, Ed. J. Hannan, N. T. Taylor,a°n ^°'Rht. An address of weleomewill be delivered by the president of the insti-i .: ,

"-^ohon, and a response will be made

decortl? ^tane* will be handsomelyAT THE IUXQfrr THIS EVENING

Mr. A. Leo Kuott will preside. The followingwill be present: Bishop Keane. Rev. Dr. Cha-pelle. Dr. D. B. Clarke, Gen. W. S. Rosecrans.Dr. O. L. Magruder. Rev. Father Slatterv, E.Francis Riggs, Rev. Dr. Magnien, Rev. FatherHagan, Marshall A. A. Wilson. Hon. A. Leo.Knott Rev. J. A. Walter, D. O'C. Callaghan,;.

' I f,fcP'e-v- KeT- b- t- Burke, Chas. Elliott,tapt. Harrington. Philip N. Dwyer. Wm. J.Miller, Milton E. Smith. Rev. Father Hooman.Herbert A. Preston. J. J. McElhone, Geo.Tmesdell, Hon. Frank A. Hatton. Rev. F J(.amgan, I>. D.. Dr. J. M. Toner. Col. M. V.Mierulun. Martin F. Morris, Rev. J. F. Donohuo,Theodore W. Noyes, H. W. Sohon, Capt.O tarrcll. Rtv. J F. MoO-e, M. F. Coughlin,Dr. Bvrnes, E. F. Arnold. Wm. F. Downey.mwV J- Keavick, Rev. Jas. F. Mackin, R. *R.McMalion. Representative Chnrles Tracy. A RSpofford. Rev. E. A. McGurk, Rev. Dr. W WPatten Hon. Wm. B. Webb. Rev. J. HavensRichards. Col. J. G. Berrct. Rev. Dr. Allen,Admiral Franklin. Rev. W. F. Clarke, JohnSaul, Geo. T. Harbin, D. I. Murphy, P. H. HillSenor J. Macias. W. H. Clagett. Col. F. A.Reeve. Gen. Vincent, Rev. M. J. Walsh. Rev.15. K Logan, A. Porter Morse. J. Boefre. F. A.Richardson. R. O. Holtzman. Rev. FatherWillard, Thos. Kirby. Wm. P. Welch.

THE TOASTS.Rev. Father Chapelle, the pastor of St.

Matthew's church, will respond to the toast of¦The Pope." -The President of the UnitedStates" is the toast assigued to A. Porter Morse.Other toasts will be as follows: "The Cardinal "

Rev. A. Magnien; "The Honored Guest." BishopKeane; "The Catholic University." Rev. P. J.Garrigan, D. D.; "Sister Universities." BrotherJ. Havens Richards; "Our Beautiful Citv." W.B. \\ebb. and "The Press." Frank HattonThe menu ia printed by W. H. Leplev. and

is a beautiful specimen of work. The red andblue, being the colors of the cardinal andbishop, are used with good effect in the covers.

THE ROCK IjTtHE CHANNEL.Col. Halns Requests that a Buoy be

Placed Over It.

Col. Hains has received a report of the sur¬vey made of the upper portion of the George¬town channel to discover the location of therock upon which the schooner Concut recentlystruck while being towed up the river. A sweepof the river discovered the rock to be muchnearer the Washington shore than at firstthought, and it is covered by about 10 feet ofwater. Its shape has not been determined, butCol. Hains is of the opinion that it is so formedthat the sounding lead used in former survevsof the river has slipped down its sides and hasthus prevented its discovery before. He hasrequested the light-house board to plsce a buovover it to mark it as a dangerous obstacle totlie free navigation of the river.

LOCAL NOTES."Yes you does; get up and have vour sav,"

interrupted a colored woman seated in theaudience in the Police Court this morning. JimWanzel and Sam West, who were on trial, hadjust told Judge Miller that thev had nothingto say. Sum changed his mind, "but it was toolate, for Judge Miller had said each "

Delia Miner, colored, was in tho Police Courtto-dav charged with assaulting Maria Garnett.l>elia sold Maria's mother a dress, which Mariawore before it h id been paid for, and that's

fined iacom,nltteJ the ."fault. Delia was

ALEXANDRIA.Reported for The Stab.The Fish Wharf.-/The Alexandria fisher¬

men are all cutting out. storing seines andclosing their landings. The season proved mod¬erately successful to the lessees of the corpora¬tion fish wharf. The lowest rates during theseason have been $1.35 per thousand for her¬ring and per hundred tor shad. The presentlessees retain the wharf under their lease untilthe 1st of March. 18'JO, and thev will haveduring the melon season, the monopoly of thowharfage on water melons or cantaloupeslanded ou the river Hide.Scddes Death. .Acolored man named Henry

i)e Lee. living on the north edge of the cityate thirteen hard-boiled eggs Sunday, and afterdrinking heartily of ice water fell deathThe .Mayflies..The mayflies, an Alexnndria

institution, were this year much less numerousthan ubual. The usual visitation extends over ithree or four days, ami sometimes at evening !in the southeastern section of the citv theyfOTJ'r *)?« street-lamps so as to darken thelight. Their fall covers the sidewalks likelight snow, and each step of the passer crushes Iwith a sharp crack, hundreds of them. Thisyear they appeared in small numbers for a fewhours only, and were swept awav by the rain1 hese ephemeral insects seldom appear else-!where in such swarms as at Alexandria nearthe close of the fishing season. Thev are com-mon ou the river front of Washington, and oldhshermen say that the mavflies follow the fishand as most of the fish trade has now gone toHiishington nothing but the rains preventedthe Avenue lights from drawing swarms oftiicDi tlii3 reason.Died or His Wocxds..Mr. David Ferguson

whose name was first given as Stith. died at thehrmary here last evening from the effects ofhaving both his legs cut off by a Midland trainat t hiton yesterday. He is a resident of Fair¬fax county and the remains will be sent to hiuhome.A Shootixo Case at Ablij»gtos..A colored

man, named Nelson M. Hill, was brought to' li4,,t ni«ht by a posse of soldiers from

rort Meyer. He is charged with having shotseriously, but not mortally, a colored girlnamed Mary with a musket. His wife calledto see him this morning and she states that thewounded girl says that the shooting wjis en-tirely accidental. The affair took place onthe I nited States reservation at Arlington, butas under the law "the state retains concurrentjurisdiction with the United States" over Ar¬lington, Hill may be tried for the offense if hi-tshooting was not accidental, in the countvcourt of Alexandria.Notes..Rev. Dr. Bishop, of Trinity M. E.

church, preached Sunday night upon the moralvalue of a vote, denounced the btiving of votesand urged that the Sabbath question should be'met at the polls. Rev. K. H. Porter has beencalled to the charge of Uie third colored Bap¬tist church here. He has recently been en¬gaged at Staunton, Va. The present weekwill be a very busy one here with preparationsJST 7" c<-lebration and canvassing forlhursday s election. The Washington Mer¬chant Rides, Capt. Costiliet, will be among themilitary organizations in attendance at themonument dedication here next Friday.The contract for furnishing to the new Wash¬ington school sixty pair of inside shutters likethose on the Anndon building has beenawarded to Wm. Gibson, who built the houseA, k^'i f ranged 'Lom *SS30° «42G.w;. andthe bidden, were Messrs. Gibson. Peake. Stand-lford. Baker A Sutton, Stoutenburgh, Cum-

, I*.8- and Lyles. The work of puttingon the building the blinds, which have Ions'been needed, will go on immediately. JudeeKeith will open in this city next Mondav the

count! i?. t'»« circuit court for AlexandriaKn.t« i "I- h® tnSaK'*J entirely with civil^. KZT . " Hauxhurst. of Fairfax,has been selected by United States MarshalFarr as his clerk and deputy. Mr. Hauxhurstis one of the leading Good Templars of the

s0h^U.Wfca ih- *.n? .ecr*tary of the states hool board while Mr. Farr was snoerin

well kno^n'Th0kl""i7_Mr' °eo- E- Frenoii! thewell-known bookseller of King street, has beenin ill-health some time, and lies this morningW,"£^ar'0U? COr"1,tio'' »* bis home on NorthWashington street. The Alexandria firemenare preparing to .end delegate, to the annua"meeting of the Mrgiuia state firemen's associa¬tion in Norfolk during the first week £TeTtm n. twenty-two acre farm of Septi¬mus Brown, about a mile from Ball's cross¬roads has been sold at *230 per acre. Theconfederate soldiers' monument was tempo¬rarily unveiled and was photographed yeste?-day a.ternooa.- The Postal Telegraph com¬ply is receiving a great supply of telegraph

r" transporting Uiern southward ofthe city for a new line.

70 Bf1-"*0**- the scheduleof 34 daily trains Washin-ton to Baltimoro via7" «£' "e ^lhat ^ake 1116 rou »«» *6 minutes4 in 90 minutes, and 6 in one hour. .


"WANTED.HElLP.VtTANTED - SALARY- EXPERIENCE NOT Ki¬ll quired; expense* paid;Wiw wanted to sell Nur-wry Stock irMsrauted true to naiuS. Apply.statin* a» w. L McK AY, Box 0, Geneva, N. Y. tiiy'Jl-tn.s-OtWASTED-WHITE AND COLORED COOKS, BUT-1" lers, German Xurnw, Maids. Store Boys and Girls,rarm and Dairymen. I>re«tTu::kers aud others. (Re¬member. we charge all, nt h an well an poor >mytfl-4f BURNHAM'S. 910 !»th st. n.w.W ANTED . AN EXPERIENCED GR O C E R Y"clerk, one who nnderstan.Is cutting most* thor¬oughly ; references required. UKO F. GILIC'K. 1stand C sts. southeast. my21-3t*\\TANTED-\ WOMAN TO COOK. WASH, AND11 iron, recommendations required. Apply »» 1>'<East CapitolSt.


AVANTKD-COOKS. «io to hiiFsemaids,11 JJaitrw, Nurio«. Salesladies. Lanndres*, Dri-?era.TV alter*. Farm and Dairy once. DICK'S.613 i thn.w.. also European Steamship atfrnt. my*Jl-4#AVASTED-A FARM HAND TO MILK. 1TC.' " Apply Jlft 0th St. s :I0 am. iiiy'il"\X[ANTED.CORRESPONDENCE WITH PARTIES11 wishimr to establish cold stora^-e. with a view offurnishinir machinery lor same. Address Box SI, staroffice, niy21-2t*Wantfd-ten GOOD PLUMBERS; STEADY11 employment. C. G. THORN, 1-13 F at. my.'i a"\VTANTED. LADY FOR POSITION REQUIRING11 short hours, salary to start, £0. after Icsrninit,$S per week. Apply hUPT. OFFICES, 4 and 5 upstairs,430 Tth st. D.w. It*vy avtkd-aIjettled woman, to cook and11 do general housework in a small family; muststay nitfhts and come recommended. Apply to !CJ7Bhode Island ave. n.w. It*\V"ANTED-A BOY ABOUT 17 TO WORK IN"" (rarden and make himself useful. Apply at w. after 4 p.m. mjltl-WWANTED.BY THE DAY, DRESSMAKER. AP-"

1 i>. aft. r i pjn SMK4 R st.. reference. It1WANTED-A WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST IN11 liirht housework; a Kood home for a (rood frirl.C'iV H it. n.w. ItWASTED - MACHINIST. USED TO~BICYCLE11 work. H. W HIUHAM. 00f» G *?. n.w. myVl-3*WAN I I D . FIRST-CLASS PAPElUlANGEUs"11 Apply t.» It. \V. HENDKKSON, 1113 F st. n.w 1WONTED-RELIABLE ENERGETIC MEN TO11 canvasM for watch clubs; a irood livelihood for«< tive j>ersou*. security reiittfrrd lor sample watchesfurnished. Apply to 1 II Pennsylvania FTliST CLASS COLORED COOK TO" cook tor city lamily livintr a few miles from thecity. No other work: trisal watrea; must have bestreferences. Apply at Star office Wednesday morningat 9 o'clock. It

WANTED^SPECIAL SALESMAN FoITbPECIALwork trood reierrucea necessary; salary $1',' andbonus weekly. Apply inorniuK, 40S N. J. ave., M. W.HEFL1N. IfA%TA NTED.A GOOD OHJh. WASHER, AND11 iroiier; must stay at night. Apply, after 10 a.m.,at o"0 Cth st. n.w. It**\E7ANTED.ACTIVE INKURAN0E CANVASSER&? ? Appl> at »> P. m., any cloy, GFIO. W. 1T.TTIT,¦>14H 11th st. B.w. my'i0-:it*"\\rANTED.A NEAT. INDI'STHIOIS WHITE11 wrirl for ireneral housework in taimlyuf three;references required. Call 10\!0 G st. s.e. before Fri-«la.v. niy,'0-:it*Wanticd.two ekperienced millinery11 and fancy tfoods salej ladies; hiirhnst salary paid,city references required. LONDON BAZAR. my'Jo-'.'t\V ANTED-WOMEN COOKS, fill TO #To. CHAM-11 liermiids. Nurses, and Laundresses, in city oraway; Waiters, Drivers, or Farm Hands; Colored MenCooks. SAM'L A. COoMBS, OMli Fat. n.w. niyXO-'.'t*WAN I ED.AWHITEGI KLIN A SMALI, FAMILY.11 Must stay at niKht*. 207 tttli »t. s.e. niy20-3t*"WANTED.A VEST MAKER AT J. J. FUIJ.FJt si' 1 .>» H stn.w. niyMO-at*VYANTED.IN A PATENT LAW OFFICE A GEN-11 tit-man experienced iu Court and patent Officepractice. A krissl salary will l>e paid a capable mail.Andres* Lork Box 5S7, city post-office. niy'-'O-'-t'WANTED.TEN STONECUTTERS AND FIVE11 setters, none hut lirst-clas.s workmen lie* d ai>t>ly.Apply .lollN B1 HNS, 411 South Capitol st.,or>Jst.,bet. 17 th and I8th n. w. myU0-3t*WANTED- AT THE INDUSTRIAL EXCHANGE^11 4 colored women for ceneral housework; 3 whitewomen; pi ices now ready. best of wages; all kinds ofhelp. Apply at once. I

STEINER fc BRADFORD.100S 1 st. (Walterbuilding),myl4to:n*_

first floor.WAXTKD-THE SERVICES OF A YOI NO MAN> 1 as stelu'dTsplier and typewriter; |>emiaiient plu. eto riirlit party. Address, statiiiif experience. X. V. /.,Staroffice. uiy~0-3t*YVanTED-A BRIGHT AND INTELLIGENT11 trirl, (rotn 1to l.r>, to hi Ip in a confectionery.Must know how to read aud write. No other ueed ap¬ply. Also, p'lite boy about the same age. Apply atloon M st.n.w. nj9D-3s*W ANTED EMITAiVMENT FURNISHED AT11 once at the City Intelligence office. lt#7 ordenfillisl tins week Special attention paid applicationsfor clerical positions. '1 hree colored men to-day. 711

Gst.n.w inylS-flt*\Y AN rED-TO GO TO THE COUNTRY. A SET-" tlml colored woman who is neat and experiencedas nurse for youiiK children. Address, with reference.Box U's, Star office. my 1 S-3t*WANTED A GIRL FOK GKKEKAL HOUSeI* * work, washing and ironing in a family of four;must stay at night. good wages. Address I. S. F. Staroffice. mylS-3t*YYANTED-LEARNERS loK PROF. CHHIST-11 NER'S New Interirttiolial Tailor System of Dressand Garment Cutting with inch rule and tape measurealone; lio scales, ana the only system used that (sbas«*d upoii scientific tailor principles. System taughtby Mine. S. .1. YIESSER, 1303 II st.n.w. lnyl ">-lm#\Y ANTED LADY "AGENTS AVERA<iE OVER11 i»40 a week witu my grand new Rubber Under¬garment Addrcs Mrs. 11. t LITTLE, Chicago, 111.lny l.Vtit*VVANTED.A FXMAU COOK, WHI1E Ok CI iL-

orod. Apply to GLO. F, KOZE1, 1S'J7 14thSt.n.w. luyl.VMtYY AN TED-AN AM Bl'i'li US. EARNEST MAN~,11 lis ated outside principal cities, to represent, inhis own locality, a csismsible house. Good salary.References. MANUFACTURER, Lock Box 1111(1 N.

Y. myU m&tu,4wX*TANTED - DI N DORK'S EMPLOYMENT Bff11 reau. conducted by ladie-i, men and women,white and colored, for all kinds of domestic lalior, iorDialrict and states, with relerelices. 717.Mat. n.w.niyll-1 m*

WANTED SITUATIONS.W'ANTED A YOI"N(i LADY OF FINISHED MU-? f sic»l (,'ducation <irsires a p«>Hitiu:i a« ^vern» Mwhere studj "f ma k may i"- made u nwcitltf;hi^heiit rfffroucen irivuu aud required. AcldresH A.

Ji. t'.. Star Office. no'.* 1 :u'XVASTEI) TO DirK'S Aor.VrV I «>K CO«)Ks".f ? HoiiHcmaidfl. Waitrrs*. Sur.s« k, L»aundress, <'oa< h-

meu, Hutlfcr«i. Ua.:t -n and ccueral houw uork. Klii Tthst. n.w. AIho Euroix.'an Steamshipa^ent. iny*Jl 4t*\van n:i> j;y a skat whi ix giki., a situa-m tiuii as uurse or housemaid. Call Js.'Jti st.

ii w. If

\\TANTKl»-BY TWO RKHPKC'TABLK ilOLOR£l>? ? tfirls yituati«.TiKUH« «.«,k. ri.aiii>>ormuid.or waitress;with reference. Call at 15th st. n.w. It*

ASTED BY A NKAT HKTTLED COLOKEDNY woman, a plate to c«s>kt wa>ii and iron iu asmall i»ri %ni«; family; «"'jod references. Addreus M. II.

Star otttee. It#_\\T \STKD- BY A SB K WHITE UIKL. A PLACEf* to d<» trem ral housework iu a private lamily,l'lt ase call 1st st. n.e., between If and I. It*\Y ANTKI> BY A KEbPECTABLE COLOltEI) G1ULft a.vitu tion a« Surse: »fo«H! reference from last

place. Call or address 4.'5i N st. n.w. It*WASTED BY A YOUNG MAN OF TEMPERATEli liahit*. a {M>sition as clerk in real estate office:

can come well recommended. Addresa A. C. W.t Staroffice. my'iO-'Jt*

\\r UTTBD- BY A Tomo SCOTCH womajijuotf ? eome t<; tii»- United Htatea, a aitaatloDas chamber¬maid in a first-class family. Address or call WO¬MAN'S CHUISTIAN HOME, 17111 13th st. n.w.my20-31*\VAN I KD-PosfiiojTs FOB NURSES, PORTEKS.f ? teachers, housekeepers, drivers, waiters, hotelmen, white and colored, in city au«l away, free to em¬ployers. El KERA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, U10 F


? ? for (-ooks,Chambermai.t,Waitress, laundress, suidNurses, 8eaniHtre3s. M"ii Waiters. Cooks, Coachmen.Lutlers. SA Vl'L A.CUOUBH.1^0 Fit.Q.w. my'JO VJt*\1TANTED SI'il AHONS FOK COOKS. WAIT-m ers, housekee|»ers, housemen, farm anduainmen,

nurses, ate.; cities, res«>rts. and country. (Selectedh» lp. a fair fee. No tramp agency.)rnylh-Ut4 Bt'ltNHAM'S, B109th st, n.w.

WANTED-FHEE-THE CITY INTEIXIGENCEoffice furnishes highly recommended servants

and clerical applicants, ltooms registered free. Gov¬ernment applications for i>ositions prepared. Unfur¬nished rooms i:i demand. 711 G n.w. myl8-t>t*\kTANTED.BEMEMBEii THAT ON RECEIPT OF11 apoatelcard wt- will nsd j*ou a tirst-class ser¬vant of any kind. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also,wanted rooms in all parts of city. STE1NEK A BltAD-FOUD. Industrial Exch^ii^e, 100S F st. n w., WalterBuildinK- inyl4t;il"

WANTED-HOUSES.WANTLD-rOH A CLIENT, A DBlitWJj* . Houae. with all modem improvements, located

iu the uurthwest and cuatinp almnt $40,000.DLLANY * WHITING.

mySl-lw 1320 F at.\V ANTED.A GFTnTLEMAN~AND W IFEr Wll'H-»» ont childran. daain the care of a furnished houie

fur the summer. IVrsonal attention KiveD property;rets. AiUiress J. II. C.. Siar office. myL'i ;lt

YjlTANTEDBY FIKhT-CLAHa, PEKMANENT" tenant, a k<ss1 house in unexceptional location;relit not over *:I00 a y«ir; would pay %1(HI cash.Address Bo* lflo. Star olh. e. iny'Jl-'.'t*'i.OOO TO INVEST IN SMALL" ll.mses that will pay at least U i*er cent not.Owners only need answer. IN VESTOK, Star office.

WA.M'KD-HOUSE-IN GOOD LOCALITY: N.W."or near East Cap. at.; price not atiove $5,000;

irive full isirticulara. Addrcsa "MONEY," Star office,u-ylttdfWANTED-IN OlOMHOW-A HOUSE WITH

large jard and stible to rent to a customer.Hl'TCHINS * Bl'I.KI.EY. l.f,'l F at. n.w. inylM-3t

WANTED.ROOMS.WANTED - 4 OK "ft FUKNI8HED ROOMITOB" small furnished house for four months; stat-«pric« and location. Addrasa E. F., Star office. i..\1 J#

WANTED.TWO F'l'KNISHKDltOOMSIN NOKTH-western portion of the city, first or second floor,suitable for physician. Address, ffiviiiff terms, M. D.,Star office. It*

WANTED^TWO OB THREE UNFURNISHEDkooins for liirht lioosekeepluff by a widow lady:no childreu; 'inlet house- located between 7th and14th, 1'eiiu. aud New York avea. n.w. Box 15*. Staroffice. niy'jl-3t*W'aUTED-TWO-l'NF*UKNISHED BOOMS FOB

liirht h«uaelieepiu«; ruutuot to esucad 4IV i*rnio. Address K. S. dZf. V box02S. ltvWANTED- A LADY AND HEK DAUGHTER DE-11 aire three couimumoaUntr rooma (unfurniahsd)with north and south exposure; the lar^eat room toface the north: priviletr* of bath; Boat be lo>-ated be¬tween 17th and 1 -th ata. and Pennsylvania ave. and Iat.: state lowest terms; references exchanged. Ad-dress Z.. Star office. mjrii0-2t*


N. Y. haa furnished insurance to etrbty-two thoua-and liiemher* duriii* oast aitrht years, mrmit toorer sixteen million dollars, bjr reduct^ar coat belowJiUt cbtrgfd by level premium comnauiea JAS a

WANTED MISCELLANEOUSYV ANTED .A FEW HORSES TO PASTURE,T1 rood gr*ss. witrr and shade, careful attentiongiven, horses railed for and returned: city reference.Address box 111, Vienna. Fairfax Or... Vs. my21-3t*

W- ANTED.RESPONSIBLE PABtY WILL TAKEhorae and carriage for keep far summer or willhire at reasonable price. Address Box 151, Star

office. 11*

WANTED-A LIVE RED FOX: STATE PRICEand where to be seen. Box 13? Smithsonian In¬stitution. Washington, D.J!. If

WANTED.DRESSMAKING.MBS. It R. MAKIN-SON haa located at 11!" Indiana ave. n. w.: workpromptly executed, a (rood fit guaranteed. Pricesmoderate. It*

WANTED-OENTLEMEN DESIRING GOOD PAS-tnre for horses should wTite to ASA M.STABLER.Spencerville. Md., or ALBERT STABLER, Koom 7.Atlantic Building, city. tEJ"21-3t'

WANTED-HIGHEST" PRICE PAID FOR OLD»I giild av.d ailvrr, ("all or addrem CEBv'ABCO,the Jeweler, 438 7th at. u.w., up-stnir*. iny21-3t*\\T A NTF.D.TO BUY A LOT OF~OLD LUMBERt * suitable for lencing, must be cheap. Address G.W. A., Star office. my21-2t*WantED-ALL PERSONS WHO CAN APPRECI-11 ate work when done in first class manner tocall on DOTBON fc BAINEY. 503* 14th at. n. w..opp. Willard's; tinning in all it* branches; we make aspecialty of rei*iring and resetting furnaces, ramresand latrobes. my21-2t*\V VNTED.$3*>00 ON FIRST-CLASS REAL ES~vv tate; no commission. Address ( HAKLKS K.SUTHERLAND, in care of J. JAY GOULD. 421 !>th

st. n.w.my21-6t*W ANTED.TRY SCRIBNER. BEST BUTTERINGvv 20c. round; cookintr, 15c. Warranted not to (retstronif (like butter) for one month, or money re-funded. Try Cotton heed Lard, purer, richer, and

(roes further than Hop's Lard. For tale ciity in the(y-nttr Market at stalls 328, 329, 330, middle of fishaisle. Open daily. WM. C. SCRIBNER. myO-flmTVANTED.TO BENT.A GOOD HOR8E ANDTt Buggy for the summer months-alao, a RidinirHorse. Address HARPER, Lock Box o87, city poet-office. my20-2t*WANTED-MRS. CARROLL, HAVING LOCATEDm st 322 C st. n.w., is prepared to do dressmakingin all its hrauchcs; perfe.t satisfaction guaranteed. Aliberal share of patronage solicited. IliyIS-'it*WANTED.H. BALM PAYS THEHIGHE8T CASH>T prices for second-hand Furniture, Carets andFeathers. Kntiro IluuacholJs a sj>ecialty. Address219 7th st. s.w. myl8"WANTED.TOBUY-GOOD SECOND-HANDGEN-v v tleuien's Clothes, Guns, Pistols, &c.. for whichhighest cash price is paid. Cull or send postal tomyl7-lui* A. F.1ZNAR. 1301 11th st. 8,e.\*rANTED.SMOKE POIUUONDO fc CO. '8 CI-11 gars; Carolina and Concha Floresta, 6c. each:

Margarita Lotidre and Zarzuclas. 10c each. JOSEPHM. PORTU'ONDO fc CO., Philadelphia. myl5-lm"WANTEK-DIU.SS CUTTING" MADE EASY.11 Madame Washington's "DressCutting Scale,"ltlstpatenteil, enables every one to learn to cut all kinds of

garments readily and accurately. The system will betaught, and the scale and a measure book furnishedfor 4H. persons lenrnintr this system are immediatelyplaced in a position to earn good wages. Ready cutami basted linings guaranteed tu lit. 1223 Fst. n.w.my7-18t"YVANTED - TYPEWRITING, TYPEWRITING-* 1 neat work; syntactical accuracy: low rate's. F. 8.ARNOLD, Stenographer and Typewriter, 36 St. ClotidBuilding. myl3-lm*

WANTED.PARLOR FURNITURE UPHOL-stered; Mattresses made over; work done in a

neat and substantial manner; Blip covers cut audmade; perfect tit guaranteed. C. NELSON, 1223 Gst.u.w. my0-3w*WANTED-HORSES TO PASTURE AT GEN. E.F.Beale's stock farm, 7 miles from city. Address orinquire of E. B. LAFFERTY, Bay Scales, corner 1 Othst. and Louisiana ave., city. ap2'J-lmYV ANTED STEAM "CARPET CLEANING ANDIT Renovating Works; Feathers Renovated, Mat¬tresses Made over, Furniture Steamed, and Moths De¬stroyed. F H.YOUNliS.1402 Pa.av.,Telephone 1008-2.apll-7m\VANTED-OOOD SECOND-HAND CLOTHING,"

guns, revolvers, old gold and silver, lor whichhighest cash prices will be paid. Call LASKEY'SLoan Office. 201 Penu. avo., corner 2d st. n. w. my2(J

FOR SALE -LOTS.T?OR SALE-TWENTY BEAUTIFUL BUILDINGJ? lots on Capitol Hill, near reservation; in whole ora |<art: sold on monthly payments.my21 t!t 11ERRON & RAMEY, 1307 F st. n.w._t~~M)lt SALE-HANDSOME CORNER LOT IN MT1'lcasant; no waste ground; 00x117 feet. Address8. C. K., lock Ihix 13, city. my21-4t*

IJOR SALE. BARGAINS IN~L0TS-H< autiiul corner lot llkh St., 43x50 $(>,500Nice lot oil 13th «t., bet. S aud T, per ft $1.25Kill Capitol st., Dear 8th 1.25Ka*t Capitol st.. uear Oth 1.40A «t. s.e., bet. 4th and 5th, 03xH0 1.40 |lwtst. n.w., bet. U and C, 20xK0 1.2Tinyl8-3t DAVID D^STUNE^HOOJF^st. n.w.

]?OK SALE.LOT COtt~ M AND MORTH CAPITOLst*., 21 xH4 2lots North Capitol st., near electricrailway. 21x04. one lot .isine locality, 20x84; 3 lotsM st. n.w., lbxO.'t: Patterson Ht., choice lots, 20x02.

my 1 H-3t JOHN SHERMAN & CO., 14U7 Fiti)K SALE.ONE LOT, XIAB DUfONT CIKCLE,24x08, c heap, $2.2.> a foot; one lot, ne^r Dupontcircle, 23x80, cheat*, $ 1 ¦.iO a foot; one lot, near Dn-

i ont circle, 23x100, cheap, $1.45a foot; one lot. nearimpoiit circle, 1 Ox 10O, cheap, $1.45 a foot. ApplyCHAKLEb EARLY, 003 14th st. n.w. niyl8-2w12HJU SALE.A GOOD LOT ON B 81~ A GOOD

corner lot, 4^ and O «tn. s.w., 80c. per foot. Lota X a .X I V* I) " «... 1 11\ ~.. T ...


on 4V&, between M aud N sts., 25 by 130; 65c. 1/Dt on4H St., bet. i ""'-*

my lS-3t*L»OR SALE- BARGAINS. CAP HILL, TWO ELE-f:Kant building Lota. Mass. ave. near 11th, $1 i>erloot; 3on N. (J avc. near Oth, at $1.10, $1.25 and$1.35; one on 7th near N. C. ave., 08c.; 1 on 11thnear C", 6oc.; one on Mass ave.. corner, $1.12: threeon 4th Ht. near B, $1; one on lOtli st. near C, 00c; oneon 3d near E. Cap. «t, $1 50 one on E. Cap. near 7th,$1 35. C. A. SHIELDS, 1006Fat. n.w. in>lH :u

I^OR SALE-FOUR CHOICE LOTsfl IITH ST.". ONEsciuare al>ove Dupont Circle. 19 by 100 to alley;will sell singly. THEO. A. I1ARDINO,

my 1 K-3t OOti 11th st. n.w.)R SALE-CHEAPEST LOTS IN NORTHEAST,fronting on throe streets. Delaware ave., L and Col¬fax sts.: can l>e sulHlivIded to excellent advantage;

price, if sold at onco, only 30c. per foot. A. S. CAY-WOOD, H3.3 <nh st. n.w. myls-3fUOR SALE-BETTER THAN GOVERNMENTr Is.nds, 3«v. per foot; only ft left of those clmapbuilding ixjtson Kentucky ave., which is now graded,between E andO sts. s. e.; 17 aud IS feet front to a30-foot alley, $25 cash, balance $ 10 per month; per-l'ect title; deeds free. Api>ly to WELLER h REPETTI,3261'enu ave. s. e. my 1H-6t

For SALE.A FINE (\)RNER LOT, COLUMBIAHi ights. at a sacrifice, terms easy. A line triangu¬lar I-ot, New Hampshire ave.; three fronts, only$3,600 Lot 13tli st. n.e. near H st.; 30c.. easyterms. BTALEY & BARKER, 1213 F st. iuylS :tt_I"'OR SALE.A VERY ATTRACTIVE LOT. UPPER

part of Connecticut ave., 25x100 to alley. Bestlot tor the money ill this portion of the city."kg" " CO . 142mylM-3t E. C. CUTTER & CO , 1423JFst.J»OR SALE -AT BRItiHTWOOD, WHICH WIL_7simiii Ih- connected with the city by street car lit

liow Is'iiig coiistructwl, 50,000 feet of ground, at 4c.-J^OR SALE-AT BKIOHTWOOD, WHICH WILLnow being coiistructnl, 50,0l»0 _REOFORD W. W ALKER, 1006 F St. my lS-3t

I.'OR SALE.Ix>t on O st . near New Hampshire ave.; southfront; rapidly improving location. To an immediatepurchaser io.OOO will buy. 1

my 18-31 E. C CUTTER & CO.. 1423 Fst.

I^tjR SAI.E-Very desirable I/it on P at, between 15tli and 16th

sts.; 22x125, to wide alley. Will be sold at attractiveprice. E. C. CUTTER * CO.._myl8-3t 1423 F st_IjViR SALE-TO BUILDERS AND INVEST0RS-I will sell, cheap, in blocks or singly, the most eco¬nomical lots in the best improved square; wl north¬east. W. E. HL'RFORD, 1422 N. Y. ave. ap20-5w*l?OR SALE--NICE SMALL LOT ON V ST. NEABJ/ 13th St., 20x00, to alley; price f 1.25 per foot.

TYLER & RUTHERFORD,myl8-6t* i:»7F st. n. w.

IX)lt SALE BEAUTfFUL LOT^ 50x120, 15TH»t. n«*r Columbia Road, 35c. is r foot; neighbor-hood rapidly improving. Inquire at Ro>uu 36, OuntonBuilding. 4 > 2 La. ave., l>et. 10a.m. and4 p.m. lH-2w'

IM)R SALE-LARGE LOTS, NORTH SIDE NEWYork ave.. r.e;;r 17th st. n w.; also, McLean ave.,near 4Ja st., suitable for building purposes.B. H. WARNER k CO.,raylC-5t 916 Fst. n.w.

1JOR SALE-A VERY DESIRABLE LOT ON CO-lumbia Heights, near 14th st. 35c. per foot.J. R. HERTFOltD,myl5-6t Fleming BuiUling, 1419 G st.

|V)R SALE-LOTS IN WAGGAMAN AND BI-dout's addition to the city of Washington, formerlycalled Woodley Park. This property is situate at theternnuus of Connecticut ave. extended, and adjoinsKalorama Heights, the new bridge and the park drive,and near by the promised Zoological gardens. An elec¬tric road will be constructed, a diarti-r having alreadylieen obtained from Congress. Specicl prices to peo¬ple of prominence who will build fine houses.Call tor plat; also bulletin of cheap property.JNO. F. WTAGGAMAN,myl0-3m 700 14tji St.MJR SALE.60 LOTS IN "FAIRVIEW." BE-

_ tween Eckington aud Natioual lair grounds, 25x100 and 25x120, from 4150 to $300each, easy terms.This stibdi vision is on the line of improvements andartoribt an opportunity for investment. For plats andinformation apply to RUST k HUNGKRFORD,my3-to24 624 14th

ITOR SALE.8,000 FEET OF GROUND;New Hampshire avej 25th and U sts., will maketwelve or more lots of not less than 15 feet frontage,

ap 16 FRANK B. CONOEB, 1415 Fst.


on southeast corncr New Hampshire avo. and R at at$3 per foot. FRANK B. CONGER,apltl 1415 F st.



F MORTON LESTER,_ . Trance Medium, late of London, Enff. The world-renowned and highly-celebrated and only real naturalhorn Trance Medium in this country. Born with ¦double veil and wonderful prophetic gift of second-siifht; hus tue power of any two mediuma you «Ter metThis he is pre|*red to prove. Tells your entire life,past, present and a dead trance. Every hid¬den mystery revealed. Tells the hill name of yourfuture husband or wife, with age and date of marriage,ami tells whether the one you love is true or falseTells all business affairs with utmost truth. Gives ad¬vice on divorce, contested wills, speculations, AcTells your life from the cradle to the grave. Positive¬ly no imposition. Reveals everything. Haa the won-tlerful "Hindoo and Egyptian charms" for the unsuc¬cessful in love or business.LESTER wishes it distinctly understood that he Lthe only genuine seventh son of the present age, andadvertises nothing but what be emu do, and would notbe classed with the many cheap pretenders found in

every city. All who are In sickness or in trouble, allwhose fond hope* have been blasted, and who havebeen deceived and disappointed through the false pre.dictionaof others, before giving up in despair, are Ihsvitud to ciJl and be convinced of the true statementsof the above without <)elay.Fee «1 and upwW.1 Parlor*. 62ft K stre et n. wN. B .LESTLb has returned from* * businessMoand will make this city his future home. ,'I»BOr. CLAY, WONDERFULLY GIFTED

voyant. Astrologer uad Spiritual "with second sight and veil. Every hidvealed. Recover* lost or (tolen prden treaaures. Gives lueky trambmarriage*. Brings asparaUMl tIn business, ramcirri all famlinenoes. Cures Sickness. Ifof others. Judge not all allka. as thelvince the most skeptical. Stranger* from <will save time sad dillppointment by oaUimSdo. Sittings, 50c~ lE*-readimr by suit oo rsssli

myl-lm- 43isthsta.«.


11mIw»' £" Toa"x- furnished, .«.1 {»*** front room, fur., suitable forC tantieme

WhiwrSf ^ " "eW ."¦lH4 K* B w"

_Sentlemen only'. mr-'l-atF?mtawVfTrl£X 13TH- 8T M w . TWO ROOMS

mair housekeeping or (or twogentle-"1 mytsl-St*


913 M «t ».nouae, street, and neighborhood.

m st. n.w. my-'i ar

FK.wrn1":^.* ~ NIC^-Y FURNISHED FRONTfrt>m 5V"11 ' «<*; reference

required. , 30 , th st. n.w., ^a. door. it*

V2 ^.v jX..AT THOMAS CIRCLE." 1333 M \ss

mm'-eSlt" ° fl,rui,,h',<1 rooms, with hoard.

FVinfun.^Zf17 lr>. 8T N w . FI KNISHEDOR* unfurnished rooms, en suite. also office rooiu to__

my21 (if

F^.n^TwT,.,^ Pr.LIGHS-FCT. ROOMS. HAND-bur»»M il.^. i^-en"uite; *01table lor heads of

S^S^^iST f°r ¦«»>««.



F2S.kENT~3 LAROK UNFURNISHED ROOMS-"'l^rn "posure: gas *m' water. convenient to.

e ?f cw"s; nearmarket. reasonable to modj artjis. references. 40, New York ave n.w. ft*

1> ig^i'irlur and" ^ht d ^r^'^11 fn .!rth' and ^so^tiF*T~B5T:J SS8"ssaswssas*5- «- a-ftjI" ',.' myVO-lmWB REST-KCiiXISHED ROOMS WITH AIL.Modern improvement*; 44 I st. n.e. myVO-.Tt*F»« RKST-^WO^OOMMUNICATINO CNH'Slilhed Rooms, with gas and water; rent cheap-ou Pennsylvania ave. u.w. myl8-3t*II^B BEST.1340 g ST. M. W.; NICELY FUR^nisiied rooms, en suite or single, on 1st, L'd and :»d

a and cheerful; summer raws referenceexchanged; boardeonrentent. mn»-3fF^.inS?T-DELI0.5JFDI' rOO*8. EN SUITE;V,?r Single; slimmer prices 813 Vermont ave . <11-rectlj opposite the Arlington. JHy 1"

1J«OU RENT.TWO LARGEFRONT-ROOMS ONmshn.'iV ^'rdjoor*; *1"" * beantllul cottatfe at

"myll&M* " w>ly at b"U 11 th »t. n.w.

B,E^T 1014 1 -Til ST. N.W.. SECOND ANDtlilrd-story rooms, lanre and small furnished-

Bumnier rat#»s.^ Table boardors takeu.'


For RLNT.814 loTH SX. N W I ARdK Kniivttir9t floor, private *c!; also third story

1 njylH-fjt

F'wfth''i} MAY 13, FCBNI8HED IUXJMS,"*. ^,ln board, at suiumer rates. lJii*l Nat n wcorner Vt. avo. and N. my11-St*"1^IiitKE1NT-i1 f,AKGE FRONT R~OOM IN KRAME

l"'aixL ~ rooms, unfurnixbed, in brick. 1targeabaseinent room suitable for office, ni-ar 4 lim-sof<-ars, .. tuiuares from latent Office, 00.") feth8t.uiyl«-3»IJ'OR BENT-FURNTSHED ROOMS-ONE ok TWO

(heap to persons without children or servants noo'Oection to li^ht housekeeping. Apply 813 11th'st.


house completely furnished three or more months.oVoVHi ?u evury convenience. References re-

mj^S-lu" rea*ma"le- I^'iuire 1835 loth at. n. w.

1r°B HF.NT-TWO NICELY ]FURNISHKD K< )i IMSin best section of the city, for gentlemen only

ltfts Vrt" r,eiU,rtd' t*JBC8HNlLlKaKl'sL.

* 11 *.mylti-tit*RENT-HEAIi'TIFL'L R(X IMS, SINOLL OR ENX suite, in private family: furnished large double-

evtrvr.oi^r *"uth and >>a»' front, open fire-places inevtrj rcsun; references required; 1 101 K n.w.spW-32*

1^{i, BENT.1!» IOWA CIRCLE.1HREE COM., private Lath, second Hoor, and two

«orS.n^°^'8, . KT- 'ur- Those having children orservants need not apply. Kef, exchanged. my3-lm

FOR RENT.STORES.¦L-'OK RENT-CORNER STORE 8TH AND H .STS*X n.w.; good stand for business Inquire 71liH5i!nw- my20-3f

Ii'OIi RENT.LARGE STORE. 419 HTH ST N W~near Pa ave.; central location for any basinem*

nne plate-ylass show windows. Kent moderate Al>-ply to J. JAY Got'X.D, 4",'l 9th st. myl6-6t*

PJIt RENT-FINE LARGE STORE. 1722 PENTJ1? f-:?ear st»te. War and Navy departmenu, d*el-

if'SJi^Ji i?""1. *nd oeUnrcan bu rented with storeUdesiri'd. Inquire on premises. invl w1

stokFTnd-swelling,^1 'viJ-,14th h w.: dwelling contains 8 rooms amiimp®.; larg'e stable In rear price for whole

.l^rmont^ WASH'N da^fnhowlk1115 F at. n w.


f; reut L^i4Ti'.^

Ii»S uEuT "L I^IhABLF.OFnCEROOMS^INthe VSalter Building, louS and 1010 F st nw



_my16-lOt 1008 F st aw.

FBIniMin2T_^HaiK^BfeE BOOMS IN KOBBINfFliuilaiiigr, 4 th and F sts. 11. w. for rent onreasonable tonns. Apply at Room 11. my 1 rt-1m

Ii^B RENT-A VERY DESIRABLE"3FFICE ONhrst floor at 1307 Fst n.w.




FOR RENT-STABLES.P"J KKNT.STABLE. REAR Oil U 8T. WII L^^0'»Vhst'nBw flveh°rsesand two vehicles. Apply

busfness chances!1?$B SALE "COLTON'S SUMMER RESORT"M. linn well-known and popular lieaort offers advant-a^-es unmtr)>a»sed to some one of experience In that

It consists of 'JS« acres of land in high state ofcultivation. Hotel. Pavilion, Store, Cottages, newWharf, Barn, htable and a most excellent OrchardBULKLEY^rFst.10 PUfCbMW- UU1^gt*F"® 8AEE-LEAS* AND FIXTIJRES, BRICK

office, scale, fencinar, sheds aud stable of coal ysrdf°.er ,)f s- ( aJ'- and Canal sts. rent, $'_'U i>er month


a new one put on, or your Furnace. Kan ire or La-trobe putin first-class condition at the lowest pricec»u on DOTSON A RAINEY.


a grocery and confectionery store; two schools*'}£vli\x aif8tlu*rei ^oodrea<*ous for selling-. Apply<00 4th st. s.e. my2l-2t#

AN OLD ESTABLISHED-OROCERY~f6r SALEto an immediate purchaser; rare chance for party

Willi small capital; satisfa<-tory reasons ^iven for nelf-ing. Apply at 1617J^th nt. n.w. iny^0-3f


«%» LDflCH. Star ofhee. xuy20-3tbX0C£8 FOR SALE THATMPROMISE WELL.kJ -co American Printin^Press.

}^»»ston Tyi>e Machine.* > Dynamotfraph.2.5 Giaphoplione.1Q Glyniont ImproTement.2i» Bull Run Panorama.40 Smith Bicycle.C'«! I^cumatlc Gun Carriage.1? NHloiial Fair Association.

A small investment likely to produce big returnsmy!8-4t FRANK H. PEIa>UZE. 1313 F stVeet.


good-will of grocery and provision. °.1J sta.Iul . »P rent; price moderate, consider-

viaicivUS? .2" done; location n.w. Address PRO-» ioiu^i. btar offlce. myl8-,'lt*

I«HJR SALE.CHEAP CONFECTIONERY, ICEcream and sctda business. complete for manufactur¬

ing; with or without horse and wagon splendid op¬portunity. _Apply l8 7th st. n.e.


my i8°lt'fewasussae faiisea saufsajLTaatasfmyiw-JtA N CHANCE FOR CATERER WITHJ\. small capital. Appl* at Restaurant, cor. 4H andLa. ave.. opposite City HalL myl8-3t*WANTEI>-A WELL-KNOWN, ACTIVE BU8I-, T * ue®® man of this city, now occupyinir a responsi-Ke.^!ltJ°°.re<AUinn,r ,hl" ***** Part of each day?but free to devote ainule time, together with clericalhelp aud office room to additional business separate.JV hls personal en^a^rements, desires to obUin a

vate°>arty\'or'the^^m^.^^es^ °Ll£F°R. ?EJ?'T - ftTO** 216 10TH 8T^ REAR

Jj*i-aYe- myl7-iatHJ0TICK.-A1X THE AMUSEMENT PRIVILEGESn. , 5?e P°Pul«' summer resort, Clifton Be«tch. to§s«g^|p&tKwnawftnhHE WORLD DO MOVE".REMEMBER THEX Terrestrial Clock," RAMSAY has cut theprices; watches cleaned. #1: ftrst-class niain-spriinrs,warranted one year, «1; all clock and Jewelry workVt1224°F st D wCe" City; we defy competition.Pa? SAEE.GOOD-WILL AND FIXTURES-OF

?{f?h S? T loalloD. AddressnnOIEK, btar office. myl4-8t*\\TANTED.t2,CWp FOB 3 TO 5 YEARS AT ^5. . per cent, payable semi-annually sscuritv MMitvb^y^J^d;.^^dr^^AR'CTt^o^' ^

^ between Hi a.»i. and Ipjn. daily 1 *01y* '

". myo-Jm

^OARDIN^.'rnu PJiMtFl. IMS H BT.



i roved, st Laurel, Ml, will. \ hs' if for improvedctty property. WM. H. BARsTOW.jmystl b» 615 7th st u.w.

^ilk FARMS AT ODENTON. SILK CULTURE isntlrfwm inv izklailn ilhu>ci)inf l< ^u). fr mthefew who are making lortuues oat «1 it it «ill si read tothe many, until the #50.000.000 now wnt annually toforeign countries lor rtv silk to m!11, > our »ti silkmills *il) pw» into the htiiru of or.r nenvle. timiv totheir comfort and wll being The silk ibn ot Mary¬land will pnw a nun* of wmlth to the owner* tnd * illKfor themselves * doaer time* over within the wityears. As the lmi»n venient* advtmynovitl theprice of property. There can be m.better investmentthe lot }t>ti j-ay #300 for this y.*r will sell for .'!'«»rext. if you are lookimr for a country h »me vou i-anfind no r>h>r< desirable place. if y. u are looking tor

an investment you can find none of great) r\» hat silk culture has doue 1 >¦ France it can easily dofor Maryland. Silk lias n »<l- ly,'u« one of the rich -»tcities in ihe world lie- inert liauta aud luantitictiirer*art princee. Her wearer* the aristocracy of the work-lif classes. AnsU«rat« even in their ulliw-demo. r* y,the moat skillful and independent of all knowii labor¬ers. It only cost* you (300 to enter the 8ilk Colonythis year. You yet your deed in fee and the new IndiaSilk moth for this year * Silk cropThis offer for 11118 YEAR'S CttOP only holds goodthis week.


mytl-w Washington.rookland -A FEW OF THK BEST un a I cdlots (with shad* vib the sulxl'.vi*mi fr m 7 to 10c.perfoot. »M. H. BARSTOW.

rnyjl-ht ttl5 7th st. n.w.

1~~*jr~8alf-AT FOREST <11 i N. MD, A LARGE.commodious house, with alsjut three ..r> « ot lan.i,shade trees, flue water. Ac- , will exchange for dt)pro|<rty. J. li. HERTFORD. 141!«<i -t my'jl-tft

1MB SALF.-TAKOMA PARK. A HEAT TIFl 1. Ia»Ttor sale two suuares from dels >t. mnviiolia ave.

Price, be. per foot Inquire at DJlttTst. n. w mls-3*

IJOB REXT-AT hyattsvil.l.k. MD.. new hixroom house; two minutes' walk from station front

and side jiorch, good water. +1(1. Mao n w cottage, 8rooms; |«0. TVI.ek a RUTHERFORD.myu r.'f 1307 F«t. n.w.

KJORSALE-ih HARDY cotntv, VIRGINIA,_i 7,000 .vr< s of mountain laud, in vicinity ot H ui-ney. at *1.75 per acre. Title i-erfect. Plat at office.luy-'O-ht A. J. whjtakek, 1 3071» F st.

1x)KSAI.E TAlOMA PARK.c< »TTA( i 1 ufxmv30.000 feet of ground: highly improve!. all ki>. i-of fruit in bearing; lovely shade ana flowers, in thevery highest and liest part of the i"srk. near station;(5,000. immediate poaaession. lewis a HEAroN.ti'.'lt F st. li w.lii> ,'u :tt

ju SALE .takoma park SPECIAL raktrain.two of the finest lots lu square "(1 for ^ale

for a few days at 4 <-cut* |wr foot caah Also V lot«inthe old l>ark at t! cents ixr foot cash. LEWIS aiieaton. F St. u.w. my.'o :!t

l/ok BALE OR TRADE-A FEW CHOICE maky-r land 1 arms for city i»i\n>ert\ k«»o<i is.rtm.jty toyet a country houie. EiCOCH m .V CI >..inylK-:!t* (114 fst.n.w.

Jihili~8ALE.TWO LOTS AT 'MOXTELLO." WITH' iVroomf.h »4(Ht4\a.-rc» witliiu I'lstrict line 'i.imx!7k .icres lietwoen W;ishin>rton and Alexandria :!,(»<ill35U a< res ou Potomac rivt r. near Marshall Hall. Otfer wanted, will exchange for city proiiertv.Other desirable farms in Msryfan i and \ inrtnia.oiylk-at HUTCH1XS A bt LKLEY, i tjl E st n w

1jh)R HALE.TAKOMA PARK-THREE NEWHouses. Just completed. beautifully 1<*-ate i; t.-ni «

easy; also a |ps id selection of I>ot« in any (wrt of thePark, a lew chjice lj its on the ls*autitul slur, ¦. p- rt |« .«

coutempluliw? buyiuk will had it i<> tlieir interest t«>call ou ENOCH MARIS 4i Co.,uiylh-3t* til 4 f st. u. w.

AOREAT biq baboaix^-oOO A<'kf F\RM atpiscauway. p O.'a comity. 1h miles from washiiur-

ton; irood la-id and lmjt 'vemeutK SAM'i. 1. \l.-mkak. 310 St. Paul st.. Baltimore, Md. n.y 1 h-iit*

Iwr RF.XT at ammfxhale. ml>.. new. 1 INK7 room house, for country atore and post-oflifavorable for irrts-er's clerk, whose wife could do i.jhi-

uess; also two 0 room conaireK near Completion. Ad¬dress DAXIEL AHMEX.carv Navy department,uiylb-tit*wr RENT.a NEW AMD furnished HOUSE

at i^aurtj* B. and O. railroail, sitnatisl in the mostdesirable j«rt of the village, within a few min i'wslk from the depot; inquire at lo use uejt to acadnnyof Music, Prlute (ieorire street. losseasioii s'lxen 1stJune. Address Box !»1. Laurel, M<1. mylN-.'o'jw*txjksale.twexty-fin f. ACREM, $ i II nr an. va new S-room house, cellar, well, rav.u-rove. monthly payment. ."> |*rcent on price. House*,lots, and farms, railroad rates reductsl. A. FKEt MAN,Vienna, Va. luyl7 <.t"

1"job RENT hocset FURNISHED OR unfl rlushed, at Falls C'huri h. Va.. id rooms; Caere* of

Sround, truit of all kuidt. minutes' unik to theep*it. Apply to Mrs. Dr. <¦ ARlJ.NER,mylc-tit Falls chuivh. Va.?or RENT .TWO desirable COTTAGESnear s ation, ih Hyatteville. ?'.'0 per month e» 10-1 w F. H. SMITH A SON.1e st.

^ok^sale AND KENT.WASHINGTON obotbMd., several fine cotuuc s in ditler<-nt i>arts of the

Orove. Price*, for sale, 4400 to #'-i,(m» >, and for rent,$40 to $150 for the season. M. D. PECK, 1»34 F st.apl 5-'im

FOR brookland, FIRST STATIONout from washlnirton on Met. R. R.. near ele. trie

cars, op!>oslte University. Hiirh, healthy and beauti¬fully situated. Lota at from 3 to 10 cents-«aay terms;also very pretty cottage. REDFORU W. WALKER,101 mi F st. ap'.'7-lm

wanted.twant-to rent~fxtb the sum"mer a country | lace, furnished, on line of rail¬

road, within half hour of city. besponsiblc aud care¬ful. Address, with full particulars, J HE PIANO EX¬CHANGE, hi 3 Pa. ave., Washington, l> c. luyll-lm1~j«OR SALE 145 ACRES. *15 PER ACUK.pood dwellinir aud all outbuildintra. fruit, water

d woo«l__in a/'undancej 1 mile from Seabrook


station ou b \. 1'. railroad; 10 liulea from city, to l>esold cheap and terms easy Houses lo'jo and lot*South Capitol st., waahluirtoii, 1>.C. Address MARIONduckeit, Trustee aud Attorney-at-Law. BladensburK, P. g. Co.. Md. inyS-lm

SALE.nk\VrCOTTAGE AT "BKOOKLAXdj'first station lrom city, ou Met. Branch B. and o R.R.; eiirht rooms, cellar, attic and bath room. two min¬utes from railroad atation. and aix minutes from ter¬minus of electric railway, lot 100x150 with shade.Pricc $4,800 Apply to LEIUHTOX A PAIHO, trug-teeh. 482 l;uiaiana ave. ap30-l m

i^oh" 8ale-LOTS AT FOREST OLEK, mi). THEjt moat lieautiful location lor a home outside Wash-inirton;only 2. 'JW aud :k- i«-r foot. J. R. HERT¬FORD, fleming buildinir, 1410g »t. uihll<-3iu


few 1 xiarders for summer months. Beautifulktounds; planiy of shade; larire rooius, newly pai*-redand painted. Three and one-half miles from city, nearrailroad station. Box lvl. Star office. myVl-5t#ZJuM'SlER BOARD CAN BE OUTAIXEI) at lantt

over Station, B. and 1*. R. R , 7 uules from \n asb-mirtou. !4 mile from atation ; lil/h, healthy locatlouterms, $4 to $5 per week. Address MRS. E., Star

office. myVl-:;t'

tS^mmer boardeics WANTEK pi.ACE in Ahealthy locality, ..'$» miles from niiln ad station :it

uray; terms moderate. Address m1.> L. D. BOM en,hole mills, Pa«re County, Va. my'JO-ot*

SUMMER BOARDING NEAli BUTE UIIKiEmontitain. brick house, cool rooms, lawn, shade,fruit, horses and carriages; two daily miuis. ic-derate

chartres. For partl. ulars. address MISSES CUKRY,Hamilton, Loudoun county, \ a. si)«0-1m"LEX MAXOR-FOREhT OLEX. kobtooicebtcounty, .Md., a new house of al>out forty rooms.

Just completed for summer boarding Opens June 1,1S89. xincuen daily trains. Thirty minutes' ride.Hik'i and healthy.Terms moderate.For terms, plati of house, aud full information applyat 1013 14th at. n.vr. until May 28. my 1 s-uw"

A FEW BOARDERS ( AX BE ACCOMMODATEDat my house this season; plenty of shade and ex¬cellent water; location near "The Oaks." Apply imme.1; ».1.. VI a t. > r. « »*-. «» . .. ...diatelv Mrs. A. S. ADAMS, rockvjle. Sid., or to A s.

ADAMS, W. U. Telegraph office, Corcoran buililit-k.Washington, D.C., bet. 9 a.m. and 4 30 p.i i. my 18-ji*rummer BOARD OX NORTH ii11 i. FARM- LO-

cited near the Shenandoah river; water and moun¬tain scenery: beautiful location; hoalthy. Write forcircular furnishing details and terms.

C. M. CASTLEMANP. O. Castleman's Ferry, Clarke County, Va.

«nyo-eotjyl5 iT A PLEASANT COUNTBT SEAT IN THEmountains of virfinla, a few isianlers for the sum¬

mer months. Address -ias JF.TT, Washington. Rap¬pahannock county. Va. niy.'<-lAtu-3w*.vitoodbi RN', STOTT'S STATION'. METROPOLI-tt tan Branch; ready for hoardersJune 1st. Addres»MRS. HAMILTON. Star office. myl8-:tt*^Large cool house and grounds, pleas-

ant location; terms moderate for families audadults occupying the same room. Address Box t>5,Warrenton, Va. myl7-w[.»»bbtbratpb <OTTA'tE." BI.1e rfdoe sum^

»» mit, Penn. oi>etie<l for the season. Specialrates for time. Apply to Miss JoHXSON, lol5 N.Oilmor st , Baltimore. iiiy^-tlt*

Boarders for the summer taken- athouse formerly occupied by Miss Jane Jauney,Hamilton. Loudoun county, Va.; location high and

healthy; good table fare. larve, shady yard; ice, fr uitAc.. relerences given and required. MRS. u L RIC H-

ARDS. myl4-3wrummer" boarders wanted- mom vieu

hotel. Front Royal. Va. Within four hours ofWashington; commodious building, shady piazzas,fruit abundant, scenery beautiful, bass fishing fine.Write for particulars. JOHN r. BTINsoN, Prop,myll-lm*"WHEATLAND," IN A BEAUTIFUL ANDt. healthy locality; rood table aud moderateterms; 2h hours from Washington,guest* limited to14. ROBT. B. W RIGHT, W healland, Loudonn Co., Va.my8-2w*

B~URGUXDY HOUSE - OPEN fob summebtioarders; 'J mile* from Alexaudrla; ^ lulle fromrailroaal; large house, bnc rouius, lanre, shslygrounds; trains met .twice a day. BURGUNDYHOUSE, Alexandria, Va. mys-liu*

Board in the~~mountains - deliohtfulboard in tbe mountains of va.; plenty of shade;large lawn; ice aud milk; spring water, and sulphurand iron water; conveyances for guests Addn-aaMrs. J. STOCKTON, Bio, Albemarle Co., Va. uiyl-lmCPR1XG BANK FARM OPENS MAY 15. CON-

venient for genta in office. meet trains twice i»erday; fruit, ice and milk in abundance, high audhealthy, terms c5. SPRING BANK. aleonoba. va.ap25-lm*


Sleeve Button, with Maaonic emblems. 1 be finderwill be rewardad by returning to JOS. B. BA1LY,corner 7th and Fata. a. w. it*

Lost^ojtfriday"morning, ay all whiteSetter Pup; answers by the name of Lily. Rem ard

given if returned to 1300 14th at n.w. it*

Lost.last bight, near 44* st. and pennaave^black-and-tan gyp; had ou collar. answer* to

name "fly." Reward on return to dr. howland.211 4k at. n.w. it*

whit* and hbindle bull dogreturn to 1416 New York avc aud rwoeive

ifg OAT.MONDAY MOBNING ik utb ST. CAR GO-jlitng south of imnlatana avenue; a mm twiatad ctype winter with nave on tot pace of Wjxcabellrward will he vtieii if returned toj. h. miixeb, oflyof ooet roller ot currency, Treasury department.

t 081:-satureSbevenTnoTmat mt, aooCdXJ aearlms (single bow knotj. with arnall dtamoad incwrtar. kewarw if retained to 46? Msms hosetuave. aw. my-.'o-at*t OST.THURSDAY afterkoov AT albauosiJU or tn car goins to address below. Lady's Card Caw,contain tng Gold eyeglaaees and Visiting Cards. saitabu iwwm! given if left at 1818 q at. n.w. my 18-3t*

^architects/B. FAVA. JR.. 4 CO.,


FOR SALE . MISCELLANEOUSIj*»K HALE.OLD \n«»UN. FINK IN^TKl MI\TApply m lt*th at. a a., between :io and . 30

aylVyI>*K SALE \ Vol I MK OF In IMn b\ I'Rt »M-

inent V n»ri;aii uot:. ;iifn. privately printed. G G .wyfl-iP

Kj K *A< KinCLA M P.I>1<'AL H4T-tery KlAW I^ttrru. n**w Call or »d4iT«011Hn.ave. - ¦ytl ."it*

J,v»K s\LE \1 lVMKN's *1APPE. tfv~ MWV'rkiTf . i aurt. a nt<-« «dtller,fine Juinjvr, ami .uitaMc for bd) >r r<nit)<«»n. Ummoat N nut if ul annual in th< city. Alao a pretty baacRb»rae, amtahle for lady or rentit-man »n haraeaa or ma¬iler the «wddle. hath Jnet from N irrinia my£1 -St*

IJIOK HA1.I A F1M, RTY1JHH kKAI. HlioWW1 .-rut. *i\.« 11 li;" >:* h.wh very tine >v.j rrtr*! riwe borae. ami «iU work i«erfc»tly m ;«v ti»me«;aound. at title, and fearle^K. and «»ne of t!»e \t ndaotti-j eat .'?m-jtir-oKI - - trj » . \ t««rwant <>f u***. Apply at private atahi*. r*ar of VllOI uu« iU*vr,ui U) Ma. tl'i'h KMAN. till* 14thI at *.W.

1*»U kali: -OH* \P rot; * Ahtf. A LIGHT Ml»ll«wr lmwv>. run a pti>»rt tr»»e. ir»od aa nfw « wi.^rha» no uae for it. fcjfttjuire after 5 p in. at SMITH**KTrDlO,cor. #th and Mmi a\e.

|3 BALI N KAftl NAlfc 1 I" rMCTttlr rtne ttprnrht fraud piau» m oilered bf an n-ofti lalalio haa left the cltjr uaadtalt \**r> little. coat #.?<*»;ro rvm« nah'.e offer Mmid: <aah or time, iau ba*<i at THE PiAMO klCHANOtDUK. avr.j^UH


!>»Kti4Le F1NI SAl>l»Ll MtHisiilFl 1 WU,X eau he *een at JOHN 15 lali,l.\ 's aaiea nul-lr. 1 1 ta.ftitiUr^a miyll m*

1>»R HALB-A HftXXIKD HA\I» HollH, CHKAP.if tai« u at otace. 4NO CI MHEULAM» ft *oN*foot ot I" at and N. H. ave. ii «. my 21 6t

1>»K SALE.THE HANl»*oME K» \ rl'OIl BKK1Ir taat trottiuar Martv KA 1) LAMHERT, ured byOamel Laml»Tt, d*ui Lad} Hunt, by ix»wnlnar'a bay»rer hate l<ainbert wai> loaled in 1**1. weiahl1».»0 pound*. i:»V4 hati«K very atyltah, »nl fknetvformed, doe* not ahy or pull, need* u«< boota orweurhtK. mi l !¦ *»i,> lor any iim \perieno-ddriver Hl»atrottad alit'ii purt-tia*«\l t wo }« ut . a*r a time in v!haa lavn QwdmiH t ar a r.^nl mare. Will he mamateedkouihI. knul. w ith. n? fault, a. 1 t<> trot a miW brttertliau v.' 4o. JUm) h iin< ba> i»h . Uiuily. or l*mane«ahorm, »t\»'ii >oar* <H .*» laatida. a vary theerfuUprompt tlriver. t. ;.rle^ .«t ^t. ,i»t mihI all «¦treat uh|ai-U,:r;>l aalt »tnl rviiaMt in .l»-i a.l eir« u-. *t*n. «.« A \« : \ni> ish 1 k- «Atoti^ion t» it r»>. to mat t «ur i^raoua,iiiacle by o *4 the! >1 uiak<r« and «*uual t«- a tiewotn- An t-acellent !>a>t. -n «<ur>>n in |*erte^ t order andalalitV i' n> ptuM t« n »hat ki >\m» but PttW mt-ar. IM t medlniii-aelrhl double Uameaa, auitrle e*»ui»eharneM, and net aimrk' l»iu-a> liariit'aN. all band Tuadt\N ill all he wold e* |<araU*. Ar»- tlae |Tujert) of a pruatfpartj . an.l av>ld for 110 fault, but for Hal ufa«'ti>ry r>a*ou«tbat a ill be ataU d to purrliaaem. An> mil' «vnt« inpiatmif | ur» ha>imr aueli artieleai art inxitHd to e*-Miuu.e tbeni, and a#- tli«*> muM lw din]s»«fd of *>p«t*dil>pnn haaere can obtain a^-uuiue Imrv^itia Apply atOaner'n stablr, real of naiuence 131)1 K at. t*Jl-:if

1"\JK SAli;-l KXTENSItiN T«H' Kin kAW AV.AUinoHt new, 1 roup' harm ».>*. |;i.i; 1 carriage|iulr. ll.Vti > - i ot' Ai 1 1> K .1 . «.<.;* 1 ith «i. n *.

Ijok kali: a small library «V lau nuokMeontaiuiiikC ft>uic rare worka. nt> r* a*« .ubir otterrefUMed; to In aeen at IOD6 14t!a at. 1. ar. n.\ : 1 tl*

1*>li SA1K CHKAI' A MPK-BAK M KHEV.nearly tM-ar A 1 'raw ami a \ ilia** <'art Alao, aJump sat. Apply J. fr BIST, 401 14thal.n.a.iuy*'l--fNAI.I (|\| v| oNl»-H \ N 11 1 PKHPiano, in «*plemlid . »nilm« n, or otln r t*r-

tnuna are now offered at HI UO WOMCH ft CO.'H. llano\» tna, 11. hi »i u a. :.»

1;jk s vli: BTArrurL < ih:hk\ cabinkt:tud tb-ak comoined, .to. r.-t fO. Hallatand. 1 J; eoat Library Uble,$IU. <xift #'JVIVw pu « ea oUaer one furniture dieap. 810 oth n.w.1 } .0 lit* I

1>)R SAL1 KTtXK AMD riXTURER or AM in.1. - A J :> l -'l Pa tt\«. n w inj 'M Vt*

1^>B SALE -THOKOI HHUHKP l»hlVINtt MARE,J 1i» liim la liiarla. 7 yearaold. blootl Imy. from \ ir-?'inia, kind. h. und. »t\lish arid ajteedy. Apply toUJ.s' ( oluiitbia stablt .». r^ar lTlti 14th at. n.a

TRADE KDK MEKt'H\MHSE-I tlapple (tray Home. ? yenr* obi auitatde for ear-naire «»,- n«*avy w:mtoii. Apply ( UK'AUO UK( K'KHYIXlltl'AN Y. KOti «~th at. n.a*. my 15-tit*

I.MlK SALE- IMPtiRTAXT! | 1 Pia.notan.l »r-r;in- m , .. r;*-. t t.1. r. Sold «>i, *.> on> i«* IB Im E. w SMI1H. ! I'a ave.LV»K KAIJC FAIR OF Tlfoltol <«tll5REI> HOIiSE*I from N a. Blink, Ifa hand* hi*rh, five and aeveuyear< old, aonnd, trt*ntle and vary Mt>linh. woodi-uwlnkr*. Cau beaotu at 1-AOELLY'8 Stablt*a, btkaht.. le ar I'a. a%e. my lH-.'lt*

I~JUU S4L1 HPBX'IAI. liARCIAIM5 BkAMM K\ i I KK.H 1 iiHANU I'lANO.Party leavuiK the city baa l»*lt Piano with ma tael«'*.». i:t I r > a- .. 1 !«. ..lMmmt-nt 1- m l"r-ft* t order and tully Kuarunt«fd. ""t originally t>400.1 I «. MM11 11. 1 £25 I'a. ara.^

1^ 'lt SALE A MAOMFIl ENTLY ( AK\ EH.I tloiibb r .111d. ill awrafi aa»-.-tton* I Stoiart' lirand 1'iano. Mnif a* nea, with em-I br< :der»M .< ver a:.d pl.inh Kt-K.i. «.-»*| now*li«.». «t G. 1^ \SlLI>ft BHOH., TOW ?th at. n. a.I iu> IS -Jw*VOH HALi A BEAt'TIFl'L. OOOD \v NEW,I roaewaod agu..r P. »nt earved lt-ws. ricll tuna,all iiukI. 1U1M.J only *1!H». pay menu #lO|«er mouthAuieeUmtHi 1 octave aqunrt piauo. $1 ato.-l and

vei * » pay in. nU. hi>eciial *uminer l^rtraanf m all1 new Pianoa Old PianoM, aquare <.r upriarlit, and Or-waua takt 11 in evhauae at lieet value, and any balauoacan be paid to suit. Kee ua liefore you buy.


my-17 Hl,1 Pa. are.EMU SALE 1K1CYCLI 4H-INCH DRIVER;1 taalla all Krouud taat and eaay . lady t»r (fentlemau;t ail lw a*-en in Waahiiitfton. S Hl'l t'lflMHniylti-tSt* :t01 N Charlea at.. Baltimore

|S»i; >A1 I A UAL §UMAtM I H bOMfi>r body- a *70O upriaht trran l llano. elioniied eaae;burl pi4iit la; nearly u» w . lena than one-third eoat.PELIEEEB ft COXLIEE, 1*^31 E kt. WW. myljUntt.M>K HALE-THE STEAMER UUM UAVHdbeen thoroughly overhauled and rv»Mlred. !. nowiu firat-<-laaa condition and one of the flneat hoata incity, leiurth. 1 'JO ft.; breadth. *.'0 ft 4 in. main *ndaadooii dtx-ka; tonnaare *-iS^ tJH-11»0. Addrear THOH M.GKEEN A BKt>. 41J L Baltimore at , Baltimore. Md.

in v 11 -eo-#5t*

IKH)H SALE.NEW. Dl'HABLE GRAVE DkBlGXifor l>eeomtit»ii Day. made ot metal luarea and i*or-tHrlam flower* alao, iron vasea. t rooka and turra-eutmhaiiwim: taiakeU. HCUMID'K, 317 l'Jth at. n. a.


FHOB SALE Ml IKS MkEks MEEKH 1 HAVR_M on haud aud f >r aale a latve atot k of new and aec-loud hand Ckrria^ Btiw»rie». Pliaeton*. Surrey*. Ex-

tenaion Cabriolet tea, Keiiainirtoua, Koad Carta, I>ay-ton*, and all «tyle«of Buaineae VNai^ na. liameaatWhi(»a, Lap Kobe*. Ae.. at prw ef and aoeoiumodaQnHterms as « an l«e 1 und in any market. h«<m»- or abroad.Kepairiiuf and naintina promptly atteudetl to. <>ivame a t all at tP-.'l t«» G at n w.. and a«e for your-aww mylO-lml?OR HALE A'l^A SAt'RlEICE^-ONt~~OE THOKBJ7 woDdertul Helf -play imr Parlor Oreheatrouea orifi-nal eoat if 100. now with atool, at G. L. WILD ABlt03. 7o9 7th at. aa.w. 1 j1*-Vw*II;«»H SALE- OR EXCHANGE ATTME HORMEAMOr Carriage Baraar, '.»40 1a ave. tin lar*»-*t andMloattiofttia atock of new aud necoud-hand extecaauon-topOriiaKes. tu|' uiJ uu 1< J hurni,. juiii| -p> »t C*mwn-a,I »rk rt)»eU)U*, Cuu|»' !(¦« k»» »j ». \ n t rik», li i t..r'»

I Wt. im. l..|. »ll.l u. t»|> biurmw K|>|r MmT"U«,Koaa « («uc> Delivery Huuiii, Mill ^ i* u»,tiroccr'^ Kxi>r»-*ii anil twin »«#ou,. \arul*ti»>lK«r. uum l WviwtlM. Full ,Uk k aiau of UaruuM. 'l > \< r> <lenrri|'tiuii M reamniftble rncea and on imuiuxt litx-rai tcruia.8.1. atfvut tor liie Ccurtlaod Wafroii*>i-.'-« »rri«*ts butryira ai*l u^n: ..'.'4-liu s. liKNSINGEB.

H*LR.«iRKAT KFI>1 1> PBICBH TOrtxluc*- tiiy atock of Hutrtnt-K, Kl.-Toj i'aurtoaa,rti-.Top SurreyK, Cut-UtiiV.- Murrtj,, (aiiipj-lopMirr> ya, "J aii>l .> ."VTiuir l'LartoUn, Miiuat un i'liu-lona,Victoria*. IXjctor I'liat ioPN a aptvialt), aud bit) Uif-fnvut kiii't* '>1 I u^ukiw watroiiaami truck,. ».'!» aKvutlortfcf Ouluabi,mmri Co. vebicl^a. 110 trouble toallow work »li«tUcryou buj or Hot. J. K. ftiotiF.V,cor.Utb and N. V. av. ana l2:tu :t'Jd at n.w. at ?6iojr4

1ajVHt 8ALK-OVKK »00 I'AKKIAnU -M» ANDaecoiid-hand.from the o. «t tiiakt-ra Laudaua,CTin;«a. Broiurhanm, VirUinaa. T-Oaru. V illy Carta,lH-rny and Ki nainirton Matroua, Biurmc*. nileUiQaWatroiK-tu-a and l.lKht Ooaa he Alao. a law luit- uftiiir liannw. Sjiwial i>rirca to tbt- trade.Notice.A^irate lau.ili'-a, denimua uf dttier bujnnfforatlliiuc turuouta, will tiud it to tbeir advantage to call

011 ine, aa my lacilitx*, for tb> pun baat-aud aaw u<Horsea. Carriaw**. Hirni«, *c.. are m aiiriMard, audmy hinntc. Htabliiur and atoravc fa- uitiaa ar* uue-cualcd by any catoblwluueut iu tlaa country HM F.IWW.V tv. lti'.'U L at. n.w., Man ufact urcr'a A»-t.iublt(-3m I

1~.MR SALE OK KXCHANOE rt>R S0 LtAVH. TOr reduce utock. at tb«- N»-w York Carrta^e and Har-r!!.*« Rc|>oalU>r) . trreaU-r bariralua tbui erert- . \er nI-It rctl in the city of all Htylod work, tiotb ik« and aec-oud tia'id. from the auialbat to a l*J |>aaariiirrr Job;also HiirtieaH afid Robe, for caah or oti time W. t\OF.VFK, 4<H> 1'euua) lvauia an. tuy?

tlpob halb.positive hah(>ains is thettiiCHt ui rt^ht ltano,. to < a< Uanye for auuarn

inano* ami« ivaua; term, to suit buyer. THt 1'IAKULX< 'HANOE. the le»diu«c loauo houae. t*lJ I'a av&iu>:i im

1>OU bAEE.V JOHN M. YOINOInvitee Carriaire Buy. r, toeianane hif larv at.« I ofNew and Second hand ^ t bi. lc, ot All Style*, at hi*

New Repository, 479 and 4S1 C at n * .

¦HMb Rear of National Hotel.

I>JR SAEE.VABNISHKll » At«<N8.CARJ-FNl iJt,furniture, uitlk, and fwd wa»ron«. aleo platforui

KprlliK w^rona, carriaire, and bili-V lea 2 atairoa. Itaprtliif < arta, and 1 pony t an, on <«¦)' parnieuta


ap0-3m *'e,t Waabliurtou.

1»>li ULE-THI "OTTO" OAK ESOIKE HE-qtiiree no boiler. avoid* all e*peuai»e attotidauc,;

no Iom Ol time: no handling of fuel. Send for circularand prwc liat. U. RAAJ^LF. A* t, 731 7th at nil



TWO MILKS THIS SIDE OF ROCKVILLirUU the Aletroivlitan branch B. AO h R.


1, beentifully laid out in lou of about 00x100 faet,with atrvets aud avenue* already uuale. !>du shadetreea and plank aidewalka on all the ,treeta and ave¬nues Railroad trains atop at Halpin Villa#* Severalof the tnoet de.nrable lots sr»- located on the caWbtatedRockvill- turnpike, litres and terms of aale, to-m'tber with dea>Tiptive plats, may b* obtained, as wellas all laforniatioci which may b desired by peraotMwho contemplate buildlmr homes or for personal sI ,(.ulauon. at tilt' real estate ofhee of

JNO A PREMOOTT.UNiNwkmylS-Im 141« Fst. a w.

f|VO LEASE WOODIJCY. ON WOODLKT LAJHL1 flfte. n uilnutea' drive from Boundary, with furui-ture ready for oocupa&cy. healer, runre and ki>i andcold water. has flrvt-rlaaa bars and canwi liouaea,with cottage for rardeasr. esoallewt paeturavc. andconipleie outfit of utenails can be ln,«r 1 wtth

my7-lat .


LEWIS i£4¥2".