library of congress€¦ · r ti 44kll rtt oi m tj w jm t j 5 rj j ia tiit l 1jw o r i jit y j t nj

r ti 44 kll rtt oi M tJ W JM t J 5 rJ j iA tIIt l 1JW o r i jIt y J T NJ < lJ T to r v M t 7t N i tt V e jN J i 11 1r f1ift tI r iJ iQ i f r i rt 4 1 < 1 1 1 W tt f iP < 4 p > > I 4 j b p iJt IV pM IV l il r i 4 f Til SIN THURSDAY AUGUST 2 ittf MR RHINELANDER STORY Bis covttnnn Ann HAHKiAam JMD- i fff TBOVBLK 71 T fOLtOlTtlD- Ms XWv FiflhI1 I hnd W A- AI JiitirIeW wII his Fiuthsvfll- lAJs l far DeeldlM I Skont Mr Irritkc Mrs niilnolaudor appeared In a dainty toilet to hour Mr llhlnolander croisoxnmlned- M to his snnltr yesterday before the Lunacy Commission In the court room of the General Besilons Her dreSWM of creamy white ma- terial ¬ and was heavily trlmmod with lace In tho centre of a tiny scarlet bow at her throat VTM a diamond brooch rind a 101d pencil dangled at the end of n chain at nor waist Mrs HMnolandora brother Mr Haelnnfo sat nt her Rid dur- ing ¬ Mr lhlnolnnlerl three hours examina- tion ¬ volo WI clear nnd loud and hil articulation distinct even whon he noomnd exasperated by Anslttaut District Attorney Adamss persistent question I Tliero had been applause In tha room on fullda nll Tosterdar nn order was Uxucd that tho sIec tators should keep outside of the bur of the court room as In sosslonn of court Mr lUilnolondcrwas first questioned as to Ills boyhood nnd school and colletta life lie saId ho lived when n boy with hN father anti mother both now llvlnu first at 13 West Nine- teenth ¬ slreot and afterward at 18 West Fortyeighth troot Ho ntlriulfd I grammar school In avenue for three or four months and after that was Instructed br a private tutor Ho entered ColumblaCollcco In the class of 1870 Q You n er went to eliool at Ntwnnrt f ANn II- t lr- Q t How long did you stay In college I AI 1 completed tlie loptiomore year o Why did you leave college P A Becauil I had taken allot the training 1olIIIV in malliema- lId I wai not iludleiof 11 courie lietidei 1 thought a college courie while Ih reticallv agoott Ihol practlcallv liof uu me Then too I wanted lo I w11 3 eari od- V Do you inuoli inoniy was allowed you t AI 1 had no regular allowance g Your bill were a paid r AI nor ran up any LI Your tuition Mill an1 clothing were t AYes anil I received I MO iiuttIilitrat rAlo I r Q Hut yon 4a M a year AYea I think that waa allowed in alter I lift college cod Lor I went to fruroi- eQwIo were corns of you diurnal A Ilobert Almlool Mvlngiinn Was vne and Hk pod Itequler not belong to CIty 01 tile college aocletlei I awl one mUldlh1 logetfriend lle lde I badvery lUlls oonoy Uvlngiion I toy only Intimau fn- Q Yon rrmembr allm111 ynurclniit AVf QId 01 ou a real hat e lllouly iti hInt I AAnp u Now what was that difficulty f AI eat behind JeTigman I never cared to ai oclale with him I neednt Ray why He handed me a slip vt pnp r on which wai written that n friend anil claitmate- liad aald I was inch ant mch railing me- a name I wrote tar lrani1 the name and lie wrote akain adding I ilUrenlUCtful oil liii own arcotint Ve Itml a dlttlcultv over tile mutter and wa arranged that we ihould nght a duel lu liar I lain ll uOiterj It was to ha a joke at my expenre and I kiwi It I Intended to go a erall illitance a llh them Awl top They represented that ai one of the prllicliaU or both would nndotibtedlv l I be killed I l ll 1 houtd l write I to the Press exuueratlng my opponent If ha- ahuuld Rill me I demanded to a my upponcntn letter to tile pras It was not produced We ere to right at Harlem with pMolt eni laid I wni volng to Aghl and It my opponent baiked out and ran away I would ilioot iilmlnthel leck Tint leltled It lApplaneeI Qtu you remetnlr the u ord nviltriiinn wrote I A No It wa nomethlng like blackguard or loafer QYoti are the oldeil of tie ihlldren are you not AYe unlell there lies I been One Mince I Ufl and I Jiav not been Informed of it Luughtir Then Mr Ithlnelandera courtship and mar rlaao wero Inqultcd IntI lie maul that aftiT landing In New York on Mnr 31 1H7S from his trip abroad ho saw Mm Itlilnelanilor at his house Soon afterward alto went to bar slstnrs house In Hocond avnnuo near ttlxtyIlrst street nnd ho visited liar there two or three times not oftcner because he did not know the Miiflnnls family very well They met and wallcid and talked nnd wont touts theatre together lie must have seen her every otliir day until thoy were married in 1U7U by Father Donna In Newark Thoy wore accustomed to moot In Fortyseventh struct Mrx Hhlnolandor walk Jag wet and Mr lllilnulnnder walkini ptst until tboy met Ha was Riot at Unit tune In business but has since been occupied AYou dontI mean wheii I tint became engaged I mymDII In 110 AThe open rronoiltlon wan made about ho > I Q II lien dl1 > ou tell Mr Clark yon teem engaged I I X I tot hint so infer 1 actually proposed He knew 1 was courting tier My family tilt not U Did he ult the family r Certainly not They I dU tint MIS II eel 1 lint any 1 penon In law but they thought nririt hnprin q Why did fa think curb a Ihlnf might happen I Athey talked aliolll it H good deal ai a loltllngilll SiIlillltv- g Who poke alont your marrying twnrtlh 1 > Mother r wo tnkhit 11 Uri vh In the I bement tn r- to101 I reeeltud iifritnttii I that I had bee n waging with a lady who mljht he benenth me aui talked about people harT liu beneMU ihem Q You rt iMid tile remark ni rolnledt Att was a pointed remark Hhc n1ka of the tocaibm of my wife In tier Bl ttr < hotiKo It waO it deli point too I could have nn a ihirpir one QIt t ini remember uanv oecMlnni when marry loir benealt1 vou via enkeii oft AYea O Wiliwh dtdjoucomller that tIle remark were pointed at > nii I A l llecailie I coitrntplrtfd I iltlng what thy II ole opioned to I lad atwn > e xtraedl- ass regard for the theta In Mhlri i they htao rnoted Dace I I couldI not see biw a man tould l be happy who took n wife trio inch H virct- eQAra our relntloni llli > Wnhlnglon t quarrt rttathea friendly t AThey were friendly before niy i marriage Q lio roll rfmemborwby yin went to Neu ark In b- enarrlelt AI wished to conceal the marriage from lay faulty q When were the Mmlly lnfiirme of the marrlnge AUy me leronallr a 11 thlik lit tha tlrm tart iIi jyirtl I was marritMl In Kebruar > hInt > enr when I i the huiiHe slier marrying I saI tiJ wu going I tn tanaia suit fnlllrr uenl to the dloOl v ih hl utllal- offleloiiiiieis art 1 compelled me to lily my ticket uent to tee I bagaife room with me nnd sari me jtelachetk fir my boirkaTe arid got jOin the care vlh me tthtii I they start d I he got our I lumped i fT from the trait in till neighborhood of tort I tuth etreet and proceeded to Munition incline UWhy do you say oniclmuneii end not kind AImn he acted ai It he lint lell told I r tihik lila ffoln to the depot wu luitireiited lu tile heirlnr ai fhoutfh I nlltflit not KO H wells to tints aiiurance doubly acre arid lie didnt do II lHiighler U What Intluelicetl him I AIl hat beta tinder th lOOser ot mother nil bin Iste- rUBut Why dill you think It omcioui In your fattier to atcompany jnu to the depot I AI uy It a man n goIng to the depot when a man I li enough to tube oar of htmielf ant Ills father atf to tho ticket orhui and goes on the car then Iis ofTeninre- V Howdooudiitingnliih It fromalndneii AIl was not kind togo whti hll tried to argu me out nf It slid fan a reluctant oonnt U dlilut ilo ni auy per- sonal good for htm I lo get my trunks checked Then Mr Rhlnelander wa questioned about his Informing tho family of bu marriage He told uls grandmother first hn said and then illS mother tu the proCeItcis of hlsgrandmother It was after his return from Toronto where he had left Ills wlfn He had written horns from there not that the marrlsico lint take place but that It might tako place That was to toad them to believe that he was about to form nn attachment In Canada QhIow lId your grandmother receive the news f ASh alwsyu takes thing without much comment abe sImply lath It would be an awful thing to toll my mother 11110w about Your mother f Ahty mother looked vary solemn when went In I didnt Know but grand- mother hiM Informed her hut then I knw in hail not My mother laid whom haY you married I sill 1 tile I li a totetnn bitter to you To make It a little cheery guess It Mi did ffueM and gneiicd wrong the ant tIme and the second time Kueifeil right linott want to know Ills very thing ihe eald T It wi this May flod Islllamercv take lbs woman Thou wet her easel words Another thing ihe laid I Ive known a parent to ay way a nn have a child and may that child break your heart Ill not make that > tin to you tilt may you never hate a child qWlial did von nnderitand her to mean by taking the woman I ATo die I QWhy I ATo auiolve the family from the awful StaIn QDII you pee your father 1 Afo It wan arranged that the marriage ihould be kept from him because he does tint keep lecret well I It wn a dtliliion to think that they could keep niv niarrlag a merit from this world QDn you remember writing to Mr Drake from Canada that jou were luadeltof serape f ANo I dont regard marriage ii a eripe I applied to him for money as I w a In tight fix for solon Then Mr Ithlnelandnr described his return Canada to New York with Mrs Ithlne from and living nt her sisters Second ave nue bouse whonca they moved to a boarding- ouse In Fiftyseventh street Sl IQ Did the family rom to see your wife I AOh no- AYou taw your father f ATea I called ami time Servant caked It I wished tim see fattier laildjea I He Was in the baienitnt Sad ai I entered h salti What oo > ou com tier for sir f I saId I wante to go up staIrs after my tuba and aiked him If I might go Plot at alt I not at all he laid ffruttlr I wont nave anything to do with aIr out of the house outof tie horse Let me explain I laid No sir no sir he iiMiout of time house nm I have a- right to go up claIre after my thlngi I saId No sir no air tie Iniiiled Out at tIme houie Thin I went out end he rants after me aeemliig Inclined to talk out of the houie On lIme sidewalk I iahl Father If I cant talk tn ymm lu your house then I wont talk to j on at all Then he went toward rhxth avcnu aol I toward Fifth avenue Mr lUilnelnnder testified that while ho was In Canada with Ills wife his mother wrote that his allowance of 800 a year would be con ¬ tinued but afterward1 the witness said whon the found the fire getting too hot for her she wrote You must come hack alone n gen ¬ tleman and only In that way will you 10 re < colvod Mr Drako proposed In 8oi temlwr IbTG that ho should leave hln wife go to Kuropn sail tukn U600 a yeir or May at home and tl take nothing lIe tmsyod at home It win Mr itiilDolanunr H ImpreMlnn he said thnt Ills fattier was Iwhlnd proposition Mr Drake no Bald had ben his misfortune all along HI inenmn after being reduend to nothing wits In 1U77 tW Mr Drake gave him a check if tho payniMnt was a considerable sum and If not a I 5 or sill bill was doled out hlJhen Mr ithlnelauder nnestlonnrl as tn life lie hal been away from hili Thriven little he said They were nt onetime Iti TaniieravlllP In the Catskllls and be loft n tour times to Mme to New York or to go to another village The visits were from one day wa week Last spring when they lived In 243 ncnarmorhorn street be went to Earles lintel f a week while hla wife went to 150 Washing ton BYonuo lirooklyo Q Why 4tilt yams ask hay to c me ta Sew Vofk wttli lee AIIKIIII IwUh tnertaiUjr wMrolle wu QWby did she go thIS t 4 BMSUM abs thoniht to better tierselt QWIUI youreoa ntf AXo- QTota went bask sad separated lnt ATa Then Mr Bhlnelander repeated the story of its shooting Mr Urakn In almost the rerr words ha used on the direct examination O Were you sfrsld Wraaa would skootycuf AI hail formed the purpose to Shoot hIm or glee him a hraihlnglf lieold not gIve aic latlifactlon aol till act o f throwing hllhanll behind him liaaUoad Ibe act of mini QWIrhi dW yon form thiS turpasea AYrnm h- 1111I1 found my wife Aril visIted ills once In the iprlng certain then mat she did- O When you found iha did you formed the MM I A VI was on tue Monday he ICeS 10 akuiivn that lbs Idea took deep root and the declilon Was made I the puto tot your pocket dlil yell i r1InnnY I Al ilidnl think about tha- tQYou shot to hit him I AVII- Mr HtilnolsnJorscroBSoxamlnatlon will be continued toJay urn ClIAHTKH OAK TROTS A Colllilon on lb Track In lb Fncta COB lre Tk- HAirrroiiD Whassa AUf 27A throng of 8000 men women and children attended the Inau- guration ¬ of the circuit trotting meeting In Charter Oak Park today The weather was perfect The drivers 1I1I1r1lba they never sent their horses ovora flnor track A fatal collision occurred when tlie pacers appeared to race for the purse for 337 class side wheelers The Veteran horseman James Golden was driving Princess n very taut exerclslne gait along the outside of tho track toward the three quarters pole Knapsack McCarthy another veteran was sending George 0 very fast In tho upposlto direction toward tho judges stand at the illstnnce stand Both horses turnod from their course and came together hand and bond In a fearful crash The hones reared In the air and woro on > el- oped ¬ In a oloud of dust both drivers woro thrown on the track and tho sulkeys wero shat- tered ¬ While Golden escaped bodily Injury the shock made him so weak that John Murphy drove his maro Butterfly for him In tho 222 class trot Mr Carthy was taken from the track In a carriage Ills ankle was sprained and his system Imd received a severe shook George O was pierced to the heart by one of the shafts of Golden sulkey lie died on the track Princess was carried away on n litter by squad of mono The mares spine was badly wrunched nnd It Is believed that alto will die John Murphy who has seen many collis- ions ¬ said tlmt the coming together was tho most torrlllc lio had ever witnessed Tim meeting opened with H trot for a 1000 purse for iU ChIllS borne Tho Hturtura and rates at whu they old In time pools were nut tnrflr 7S King Wllkus fltO Cornelia 22 Walnut 20 Utmnle flB Juilitii DavU IH In- dex ¬ and Eerie 6 each The talent considered It An open trot The favorite flutterS Indulged In consider ablu runnlnu throughout tlio llrst lient tntllne to gain limo trout Cordolla loLL oil keeping In front to tins backstrutch whore Uoldiimlth showed the way with Walnut Trotting In the van to the wire Walnut took the hunt a length ahead of Judge Davis Index third Time 321X Walnut started off In tile load for the second heat Judge Davis trottej very fast from fourth position ou the backatrvtun I and lotus big King Wilkis nnd Knrlo boforo rounding the lower turn ho collnrnd Walnut on the houiu- slrutch heisting bun undur the wire by nunrly- an open lungtu King t I lIkits third Tlmu 222 In lex wn distanced and Uusslo drawn Judgu Diuls itppotired Ilko it winner of the third treat leading from the liHiidstretch to near the wire whuro Butt rlly emerged from a pocket nt tha hum mi n ti und and bent the Judge In by a hondo King Wilkes u close third Time 225 but tor II y fluttered too touch nnd became tan- gled on thn homestretch In tho fourth heat King Wllkus trotted fast anti evenly at the lIe lab winnliiL thn heat a lull length ahead of- Jtiilge Davis In 222i King Wllkcs trotted away In the load crowd ¬ ed by EerIe In thin IHth heat Jtuluo Davis jollied In tIle light on tile buckstretch and the liattio Want fought by tlieso three to tim wire King WllkiH taking tlio bent n length ahead of Larle JiuluuDatU third Time 22O > < Klni WIlkes won the sixth liat and trot onallv six ItnutbN ahead of JinlLe Davis Judge nwl won second money Uuttcrlly third Walnut wits drawn from till fliml hunt Tito UIIxI rntrsn for 22S trmttcrs hrrittthit out YsitItig lIolr lJlIo SchllckU lihIy II Lily Ullio IIlImuletonlans Laut itiid Whllhor N Yttihtu lIoUe was the tavorito nl50 nalllKt 130 on the Held Unldnn aunt iounir Kolfe for tho 11 rAt until nn tUlnll the woid nnd war never lieiulei Ho won Hit heat three Inngtlm ahead of 1olly II Bolt buhHvkntt at IolUshoad Time 2at- Ohio i Kcuonil heat resulted In ft pruoeB on with Yiitinu bile trottimmir itlimaroly tito lieml- IIii en inn hcunii otter t tho iv Ire tll tee l iiilt the iilmndof Lily Dn Hello SrlmeknH third nut Windfcur M find Inlly II distanced Tlmn 2J5 It was all over whun Ynunc Itolft Htiirr il in tIre TAD for thr ttilnl nnd last heal John Tur- ner ¬ tent Lily Oiilo within lenirih nnd a halt of Young Itolfa lId Ito clashed under tho Win winner cif thin limit and trot In 22 4 IUy Palm won seconiJnKinoy JIlIp llIIckolt third ami HainblutnnliinH IIM fourth titer I tlio dhimtor In Iho pnolnc riee Tolir V Johnston black mnru Ijrune nnd Win U- WcuknV IjlmUtimro liiih lu M worn time only fidiiwh Hicrrt tn cnmietu for tim rnrH- Oriio Lo wIts it ctrruiK favorite Jletsm M tonk time frht hint without it lirunk In 220U Doth broke nnd i ht ground In the second I heat Lornno Iionillnij Ilfsnlu under thin wIre it tinyotl lhlt Its I In JlO1 rurene nlso won I tho third I heat nn n jCt III 220I DarUnofa bou caused n ttfitittiAiitMint IlnlrnrrlMilnt i thin imrk with MitudH In the moniini I Uu reInrlemi i J the iniiru In Mploniltd coijul t thin anil bald I lInt nntlilni I notowortliy- ocoiirrid mi itt trip Iln nnn unnlilo to pro- cure ¬ tits old umirtiTR of Mauri H near time club- house Tlmy wero occupIed bye pacer tile owners of which declined to rbaitco tholr stnljlos Mnud was pmnornvlly placed In a omfortablu Ktnlile ut tile far end nt the track wlinre bier faithful groom Grant wilt keep watch and wart ovr her during hor star at Charter Oak 1tirk hue will bo joirgod as occasion rn- imires nnd bofnro she I Is pent for a fast per formnniw duo notice will bn given Maud weB not shown to the great throng today THE AT1E3DT 7O UK 2 JHJVD S- Th Trunk In IxMllent CoadllUas ror slay KyrHe llffitrt Tuilny Elaborato preparations wero rondo nt tho Prospect Park Fair Grounds yesterday for the trials of spued by JarEycHee and Phallas to- day ¬ Edwlu D Dither tho driver JayEye See nnd Phallus and Mr Hatnlln were super Intending the work on tbe track lowering and raising the scraper and closely watching the work during the afternoon Mr Dither smil- ingly ¬ said i I dont want to make any mis- takes ¬ and should like to beat 210 anyway Mr Hither said he know nothing nbnut any nicotluiloiis between Mr llnbcrt Itonnnr and Mr J I Case for the purchase of JnyEyeHcn by this fnrmur but added Hut If he U sold I would ruttier hnvn Mr Jlonner own him than any man living because I know the horse would be well taken euro of and have a good homo Mr WinCrawford the manager of Mr Cases trotters asked Mr llonnor on Tuesday If he would act its one of the timekeepers Mr Don nor doellnpd but on l hieing asked tn take a sent In tim judges stand binlUnKly replied that he would bu only too happy to ceo for himself with his watch In Ills helmet whether that horse could bent Maud Ht record of 2IKIV If the trials do not cohen off today they will probably hnvo to bo abandoned us the horses have ether engagements the Northwest Mr Vanderbilt Ileeerlbee haul C Mr Vanderbilt wrote this letter to Mr Con- ner ¬ when lie > od Smut t- tIsinoSTitu HOTIL Aug 20 IM4 Role I IJftntirr Km DaiS Slit t Enclied pleai nod receipt for Maud S I inuit congratulal ou upon bilug 1110 owner ot tile fatten aol finest hors In time world I am line you wilt hind her limply perfection Itself In nr particular Hits IS line read 10 dr ciii thing you waul to hays her always I expecting kind treatment cud the fullest cnufldeiic that idle 11 tint to Im hurt She seem to know ai much u a man alll U of tIme most affectionate dlipoitilou Ties are great requIsite No one cm lilt admire them and w tnunt alt toys the animal poiiMilni 1I1Th1 hand R will pleat you lIens herielf ant very uric connected with her I li the eanieit wIsh of yours very truly ifs II UOILr JyEysI e Not For Sale IUCIXE Wls Aug 27Mr JI Case author lie time following ilateinentt With reference to variouS rumors that lily been rifliataitoMr Uotiner- or any oni else bnj Inif JayKyesee nooiie las an iinloi truIsm me lo buy orauthorlt to ell Jaityehea lie I is not for sale I A TcHmlle Illcvel liar l3naxTyonD Ont Aug 7A bicycle race of ten suItes for this champlouihlp of Ontario aud vJJ a tide between Wntlake and 1 Morgan whkh took place hire lodav recoiled IB favor uf Weillak by two feet Time 33 minute I IS lecondi IrnTlni fur MllmtllUDt Destroyed fireteranda healthy lone reitnred to stem eel Beie redeemedi lW wilt I tat firstly case ol mr- I lid cravIng for atlniulinii which tie bottle only of i > r- iecklumi VeKilall Hubitltut for htlruulMit falls to b nul or cure Irlc II I DruggIst Hi rultou- n dpetAdr O O Hhayn manufacturer end wholeial dealer In furs will retail this uaion forcaih at wholesale I prices Ladle wiihlug arellabl nalikln ncaue Newmarket- dolinan or any tinSel faihtonabl fur can an retail eri pronta by guns direct 10 the manufaaturr IOJ Prince it flea Broadway Kepalrmg and altering4 Hunt Kldaey and Liver n nidr hli lived boa dudi wuohk > bUKhD Imp Is dlqASi t l Tapestry Orunil l carptti at talc to ft per yard W J Ulouic Broadway sat IVA ilA4 VnalcMIr r RrMplliwi Speedily tiurd- A wondeiful external remedy aud toUch usury com- bined Aik your drug glit for Dr famplieili Mulphotln lotion none other It Uhn A rink litt William All Bae hail Tit Grud Tday teagn champlftixhlp matehIUehaad vs MtwYork Oaun4P M AduiUaliw SOoA- Orand I tIIit4 3tOtlCf J Then Yuu aa Ma t Work You are almoit illnabled hy that Ume buck RrN ONS- CAPC1NK ILASTIillii will cure U quIckly 2ic- KntlUtnn I remove tan unlMlrn fre ekte re lieu of the skin aol render It ricer nil beiiutltul a pttil1t otitl 1 A VAIN WEIIKVEK that I U WORTH ITri MhtUIIT IS lOll Cor over aT eari Hr TilHUii VbNKUAN LINT lIEN lie been WAHKASBKH TI iiiSi j K HATISKA- OTinsor I tile money would I iTrituuited I fluid Mir I A HOT TLK liAR HKKN RETUIINKII TllllSK WHO FIIIMT- UnKD IT ARK Ml 11 fllllNll RO hnvliK I tril iiianr- otherremedtri I WITHOUT KIMHVd AsnillMI THAI1 CAN ICUUAI I IT It cure CIIDllHA rilliri cPASMH niAKItllffiA i IIYSENTIIHV suit All TuMACH I em I Ill IlAlNTHi Itll I clean to ute all Marinoleliarmle- Hold > loyal drugiil t < at n andvnvht ADV10K It IOIUJIII tire WIS8L01VH snotlllXil SVItUP should always he tiled fir CIIILDItUN IIK1 MINI II hDOfllKH II- IrilllU SOFtENS tIme ILMH 51155 11110 l OUKK4 WINO COLIC and I 10 tile llhsr KbMFIlY Volt DI- AllllliaCA 1UoIY I IIIF CUsrrl A IHllllli- NUAtNEH KIN lISEAMEtioWAVhllt mINTIItNT IIIMMhsr iuri < Tetli hill Khrilin- Rliiiworm Morel IlmrlriPrzeiiiaall Itchy Hklu Kru- tloni no matter i how oVitnmle or Ionic itaultiit- fMAOII iiiixs IAI KINO Uli4 Internal or xtirnal allis and settee 11 dmiffiiti atJ5c only Depot m loll el > iw Vor- kIOHTAI Vt Brooine CotUirl KlUrnllnlirr l itr ibedliiiHiroacheiratiiiilcellea anti lice moth tflnl11Clll UtEDIIOLDIS C4MM1FIE5 01 THH- Hi New York Wt chore hI Ituflalo Itatiwap Company lily apioluted Mr Rulkle I ai Keu- relary with an once at room 1I4JW all I it New York tnrreipoRdeDce tUoiild lus alJrreie 1 n the ecretarj- M b Q JA8 U WUIATECUoUtuia TIlE FAT MEN ANNUAL JO- YA A < x ROAtT fLACKD ITIIERB IT WOULD DO ram MOaT flOOD- tiaMe CMckras M4 Ce r Bnk4 U Seaweed ad Ildg wsi asrlw S Bu4- 8nlB Jet ef II whe tf a fmttmti Early yesterday morning throe mon atartod away In rowboats to vet seaweed from tho blncktocks at Dorlons Point flouth Norwalk Other boats brought In sea but and lobsters and farmers killed chickens and gathered oorn wbllo a crowd of boys kept hsaplng up wood on a fire built upon an Immense level rock dr Dorlon hired a hand and nearly every one around did something toward preparing for the Fat Mens Clambake When the rock was almost red hot sixtyfive bushels of clams wore dumped upon It with seaweed over and under them and hundreds of chickens and lobsters were scattered all through A most delicious fragrance filled the air and soon the fat men began to arrive A big yellow coach with bill seats and drawn by four Normandy horses driven by a driver many feet through wont croaking down to the depot and collected fat mon from every train The stage can hold twenty ordinary mon but It was packttd with ten of yesterdays sort Mot of tile fat mon revolted In their fatness and they rode but a few wets ambitious to bring themselves down below 800 and they dotted tho two mites of dusty road to the Point whIle at Intervals could bo heard the dull sound of Indriven beerkeg bungs Every time tho stage arrived tile band tried to plsy a new tune but an thnband woro all lilt men too they soon got tired and at 3 oclock they struck for the clambake Upon the arrival a cart load of water- melons ¬ the bake was opened A dozen fat men who were sporting In tho son lumped Into their clothes with almost Infantile agility and skipped toward big covered platform where a procession of other fat men wore buying bill rod tickets They walked Inside H railing and sat down at thirty tong tables radiating from a centre In which the musicians were caged up A square Iron box holding 100 clams was set before each man and plates of lobster fish and chicken were scattered all along anti fitted up as soon as tboy wero emptied It was a- long while before anyone stopped eating and tbe bushels of clams and flocks of chickens ware washed away In a grand gugllna stream of beer The pleadings of the musicians were unheeded and thor hod to play right along Toward 4 oclock tim sound of cracking lobster shells grow fainter and fainter and be fore 6 ouiiy tim watermelon rinds were taft of all tile fount Homo of the fat men wont home somn took a walk some got weighed and a good teeny went to sloop The ontlro band went tn dealt after eating They slept until the club had elected officers when they wore aked up to play Hall Columbia After that they went to Bleep ncaln Mr Ililletuii Dorlon was reFlected President Ito weights only 24U pounds and Is tho feather- weight ¬ of the club Mr Patrick Murphy was elected Becretnrv and Treasurer Ho Is one of the tight wnlghtH too weighing only BOS pounds Tho twelve oflfcora weighted together 1018 pounds After tho election they dlxcsrded beer and itnrtml In on champagne but kept on using the boor glasses While tlioonioers were drinking to the club and to each oilIer othor memtiurs woro being weltliod Among them wits a laity Mrs Oscar hnrch Most of thus Indy members dont like to bu wolghid but Sirs Church said sbowuxnt pioud find setting tho 2110 pound weight got on to tOut nunlifi alter It TIle beam ninimd 1 up with bang and It took fl73 > i pounds morl to get It down again Hlio Insisted that Mr Church her husband should be weighed Hi WBluhitd less than she did Groans yore glvon for hire A great many were weighed after Mrs Churh All who weIghed below 2fiu were listed front the scales white the few who reached 400 received nn ovation The tacit utah who weighed himself did It when hn thought no one saw him He was a local young moan with prominent knees slon ler litnis and n hluli collar Ho put on the 100 iiHind wuliiht but the bourn full with it sIcken lnl click Tlum ho tried again and just raised Ill rnindx Ito cliipiKtd his hands and suomcd- Ho ihappy bud gained a pound TilE MtlHlIJtlff JIKltll UACES Han Thompinn llgun Little Fred Mill llrowatcr Adonle und Ilitlly the WlBncra- Tho vlriltorn to thornces it Brighton Doach this Bunion havo boon BO numerous that the grand stand Is to bo extended foot Tho crowd yiRterday Vns tvt tnual very largo Flrjt ra Purse 1250 for beaten holeos three jiliulers of n iiiiln 1oola lion Thomp on 85 tloi MiCulIotuiiJuJ Hiiirtnt fK levoy S 20 flOut 10 lien Thompson noon ttbmvod In time van and won by two lungths Col Morris see and Hairiot third Tiniu 11S > > Mutuals piild 1 1005- Hccond llacff Stilling allowances ono mllo nnd a juarter 1onU Llsitn 210 Jim Car lot2UO itolloro U50 Blue String 115 field 110 Tills was n rloie and oxcltlng race At the hnltinllo polo the horses wore altocotlier not snore than a nock opaiatlng any of thorn flown tho hOmestretch It wits a lflmo strucgloI- mtwonn Ijlean nnd Jim Ciirllslo tile former Inning I by I thnuiiimrterd of a liingth Jim 1 I Carlisle fecund TOil Foster third Tiiu- o2iiS Mntiinlt I mild I Hi 15 Third tbtcoirtin 1lor Handicap for nil ages sixtytwo nninlniuloiiH ninniint tl145 one mile 1oolt Ilttlti Iriul 4IK llllio 11 133- 1Ja Miirniy tMi Miirali ItHilon fill Lytton fIt O Chnrlev Kompland 130 lIelolU2H Tlilr- loen starters came to thet tost and It was some time b fort they got away Lady Loud got a good load but latin Prod Out them all town and won haudsomelv by four lengths Marsh Hedon BBOond a neck In front of Lady Loud Time 143 Mutunls patti 1240 Fourth lmtcalurso S loo handicap one mile nnd an eighth Pools Topsy 100 Miss Hrewster 300 WavnoLlght 30 barney 145 Held 40 Iorleles tonk the lead but gave way at thn halfmile pole to Electrlller who In turn was headed by Ilarney Coming down tbe stretch for home It was a trial of skilful riding betwonn Church on Uarnoy and McLaughlln on lllas Browdter tho latter winning right un ¬ dot tile wire by a neck IJarney second Topsy third Time 158 Mutimls paid 1175 Fifth ltacelor maidens of alt ages seven furlongs Pool Adonis 1160 i Change and Machore ld JanottaIrldn iso Held HO Adonis took the lend from tbe start tail won nnslly by throe longthn Jnnetta Pride second Yorktown third Limo 1U2U Mutuals 810 Hlxth Ilaoo Handicap hurdle race one mile and a half over six hurdles Pools Puritan 225 Guy 116 Dally 125 field 155 Dally won by live lengths Jampaplnl second Purl tan third Tlmo 253 Mutual paid 1225 Nolan the jockey who rode luy In the I last rile wo HUniwndod for wilfully driving Puri- tan ¬ out against tile outside rail nnd In one or two Instances causing him to pull up and al- lowing ¬ holly to win Luinnsnoy Brothers bay running horse Wild man ran nealnat a trotter yesterday morning und was co badly Injured that he was shot Saratoga llaeee BAHATOUA Aug 27The first race today was for two yearoMi uonwlnniri at Saratoga with allow ancci thrre iuarteri of a triPe Auction poole Trouha tour fOi Leonllai itt Tallynimi fl Pejaiui JO- Troiiliarlonr got cBlii lhaleail anil wan never heeled wlniilnK molly by two lentllhi 1egaiui iicotul ten lengths In front of Tallyman third Time II3 trench pool paid f 10 3D Tb second rae WaS a mile dash for spun of HVlj winning nenalllei and nonivitinliiii and man allow sores Aiicllnntooli Sovereltu Iat fX Xi rlnvflel I l Wi Ueeds I Us Minnie Meteor sill hrerlieniirnnk I tM each t nell f 3 I Meecllclilirouk ted to within I fifty yards from I this wire I ti here buvereizn Pat on theotttilile not nn even terine anl 1 the tno made a dead I heal II silo third three lenvllii belilnil Time HIT TIme stakes niredl id UI etueen lifeehenbrook soil sovereign Im Third lUrr Kor threesrilds and uiiwaril Con winners at haratoita thl eari thruciiuarteri of a mile Auction olilreinliita M Mink filHi I Inipector Slim flelil jo Analoita got well off In front fruit Lira Inluira aOl Inrrector the thyme running In Ibis order Iliriiujiinui tie race Analorta ulnnliKliy four lemrtlii- Utrauilnta Mcond two lengthi ahead nf ImitclorI- hlrd Time I ilntj Krciich I rlrnlllt 7i Fourth Kaee Fur alt ages tI one inlu sod halfBa rurlnog Aucllon pooli Mint tJo- llotarhlmle Ilij Ulanton fJJ lleorne I Sill llhott- l 9 lenrtfe Li WOO a leniflh Illantou ran jntIMII a dead heal for olI place tlutuale sju Hen Alder Whie ihei Great Kbar Jisadleap LONDoN Aug 27At the York August meet ¬ lug today the race for the great Fhor handicap stakes nai won by Mr W b Atiion fouryearold cheituiit colt 1 Urn Alder lIlt fhetwyndi three ear old cheit- ma nlly Unlit rame la second and Xr J IllaguUro Ihreooeapold brown colt lien Holt third A Challenge I la DiMntnlc HeC jr- PtTTBiiuiuiH AUI 27fl 0 Hart of Clove laud now I In thlirlt lion to match Mert hun Ihnmp- nn I Mvnlnit Ufimlnio Milafrreyof Illtiburirh to flltlil- tu a hutch with hare aiiuckloe for SIS I a side Xparrln In PktUilelphlK James MltchelU and Nlckey Golden have agreed lo box futir round Marauli of jueeniberry rules tlie winner lo take ilxty per cent of the tietj recelpti at Arthur fhamberi resort lu Ihlladilphla Joarellnwe UlrlIdJ Sleek II a bunliCul present to give almy lady lIullhaI Is a lithe boiL IutlIihisd III pslmuhihiet firiil wllb nol lreIeu- sbus 10 lIterary umuritilmat utoui1 be as alpImprIIe andl- riltCht hi time mII of savIng a lit III II railed Ur K V hircss Truths on Plies iii Wohlmhm fit Whole ruU troimtiss the ruolI Preserilhlnn I IC asp deIty deinrued It li profusely Uhustraeod I with wood cute and colored plates and will be lent to any address for two stampsbr iha Uorlda I > lipen ry Medical Aieo- clatlou BuBlo H V4Ja mm CSOLEMA m JTAXT- f SaprttItSi MM rraMnUMrlMM- In RIsC Lueqa TUIUK Aup UKIng Humbert and Prime Minister Depretls arrived yesterday at Buses a oUr of about 10000 Inhabitants In the prov- ince ¬ of Coneo Piedmont They visited the cholera patients the hospital and left 19000 for the relief of the sutrersra Tho Italian peas anti In the cholera districts repel 1 the doctors and prefer to trust In charms and superstitions observances At BUM a girt waa found dying In a filthy room In which two sheep were feed- Ing The sheep were allowed to be there be cause of the saperstlt belief that their wool would absorb the disease The peasant are profound believer likewise In the powerful efficacy processions A serious tumult oc- curred ¬ yesterday at Lucca because the Prefect prohibited a proces4on It wa necessary to call out Its military quell the disturbance andsevoral of the rioters received wound lioNs Aug 27Tile following bulletin shows the progress of the cholera In Italy during the past tlInt lour hours Aqulla a koch eaten Itergamo 8 deaths and 3 frwih oases Poretta 4 fresh cases Montagna 2 fresh OIlNlICllmllD basso 7 deaths and 10 fresh eases 1aterno 1 fresh case Buses 10 deaths and 80 fresh casesI Fosdlnovo 8d aths and 2 fresh cases 1 Naples 3 fresh case larma3 death and 4 fresh oases Pisa 0 fresh cases Porto Mau rlrlo 1 fresh case Turin 7 deaths and 10 fresh canon At La Boeila during tho put thirtysix hours there have been 17 deaths MABHKIUJHI Aug nThe report of the ray ngos of cholera the southern dopartmonta of France during the last twentyfour hours I la lIa follows HtSrault 7 deaths Oard 1 death Atide 1 death Eastern 1yrennea 12 deaths There were no deaths from cholera here last night The relief olllcet will clone Sept 1 There were tour deaths here from cholera to day TonoNTO Aug 27A local paper here this morning caused great excitement by publish- ing ¬ a report that a cholerastricken emigrant from France bad arrived In the cIty Tlm man In question It asserted bad come to the city by last nights train from Quebec and when seen had all the symptoms of cholera The public health authorities have been unable to- Iindtboman today and It i Is feared that he may have mixed with pauper l Immigrants hero Owing to time oxtremely loose quarantine reg- ulations ¬ of them Canadian Government on tho Ht Lawrence River to the story is given noro credence than It would otherwise receive and much uneasiness exists mm fIM BttiHni rrlrrraMC- ASTCLLAMAKB Aug 7A riot growing out of a case of cholera which took Dlaoa here In the port of Naples yesterday well Illustrates the Ignorance a largo body ot the people of southern Italy Thai relatives and friends of a person trickeD with time cholera became sus- picious ¬ of n young physician who was attend- ing ¬ tho patient A mob Will formed and they attacked and maltreated the physician accus- ing ¬ tile doctors of poisoning the poor peoplo At Hpozla time bodies of persons who bad died from tne cholera have been found secretly burled In private gardens only n fow mouse below tho surface of the ground This tact ex- plains ¬ the sudden Increase of the epidemic after showers the raIn having tot free miasma from tho dead bodloa OCA GORDON UAINB A VICTORY Gen Lrd Walactoy a Take Chie- of Caud iha Troopi I In Egypt LoNDoN Auff 27 Major Kltchonor ole graphs to Cairo from Dongola that a spy has brought In tho report that Olin Gordon gained n great victory over tho rebels on Aug 1 nnd that two of the rebel loaders wero killed There I Is some reason to hope that Major kitcheners mission to Don ola wllllloon afford ho means of opening communications with Gen Gordon again But the Government are of the opinion having regard for tho approach of tile cool Hnnson that no time Hliould bo lost In piocmdlngtnMajnr I Kitcheners osslbUinco In case his mission nhould fall Gee Lord Wolielny will start for Egypt next Sunday Iln will urocued tn Cairo remimo lIlt niedinto command of the fnrwa in Egypt and direct operatloiiH for tilt relief of Klinrtnuui All lie new paiK3r npirovo of tho despatch nf Uttn Wnl Oioy to Egypt to nssunio chief command of the troop there Tile olllclnl mi- noiincoimint of hU appointment to thlt imst says The preparations which have boon in progress for aomu weeks for an expedItion up tile Nile rnmimhle In n great uugren HIOHO which worn adopted In 1870 for the Tied lllver expedition which gave ion Wolselcy nn oxpe rlonco which no other offlcor possossus French Slunk DIrector eatoaced 1AtUB Aus 27The trial of the directors nnd manager of time llanque de lyons et lx ire which tilled two or three years ago was concluded yesterday M- Havary MI ex Uepnty arid at on Urn Under Secrelarr of Vale wan lenleneiil to flue years In trlionto pay a- nne of 21tSi IfHiioi and to uu r for ten yenrn u cue lirnilon of hits civil and political nirliti M Zlelln I I lh lanitn er wai eeiitenrcd to five mrinlhi In lrirlt- ant to ls a nne f Rouo francs M Hellaiituti euliinait aver four militliR In prism with a tine of Ole 41 franc I herein wereonl lined hue amonntH ranging from I um- to loi francs W Havar > the chief offender him lied this country Mr JUdet ne SlitrtliiB for Kdtnhnreh LONDON Aug 27Mr Gladstone started for KdlabnrBli to day lie was greeted by large rronda at time railway statIons ai he paned through At Kdin- liurgh prrparatlotii hare Peon madafora grand wclcomo of the 1rliae MInIster Wlmtoni and balconlri of buil neK nlaren aid reildvliceii throufhoiit r I the city Irate lieen decorated and itlortt hi latge tiuinluri I are arriv- ing Mr t lladitoiie has arptrolll mutation toaltend a meeting 01 wor klogmen lo lie field I In M averley Market on TiiOlll I next Ten ihouiand tickets of adnuiilon to time ineetug have already I been coIl A RID Polar KKpedllton- BT rETrnsnuno Aug 27Tile Ministry of Marine hai issued to aeveral learned aocietlen a plan for a ItuMlan polar expedition The ilea is to lust teveral Urge partIes start front Jeinnatt Island soil proceed entirely on foot arrow I th Ice leavinglarge ilrpuitsi- flruvllns In ttieir rear It I thought that there are manv Inland north of Jcanuette leland thatiouldb utilized A FrancnGrrMnn Alllaacr PARIS Aug 27A special despatch from nero Ito to the NaZis ISatt ots assertS that a rrancoUirrnan alliance usa teen arranged According to this Franca I la to obtain certain terrttorv on condition I of not oppoelng lernianys claim tn two p Tti on the North lIes HotB countrIes are to aialit each other I In acquiring colonies Th Curs lreped Visit t > Warsaw WAHBAW Aug 27Tile pollee of this oltv have poled placards In the public plaice annonnclnit that the Czar nf Ruaela will arrive here at the end of this month sIll Hiving the people parinlMlnn to dcorst and Illuminate their houses on that occailon AolralUii Army M etlaca BanNs Aug 27Them cantonal authoritiesh- ave resolved tuluipoa aflnenf 2t > i fraaci or three dayi Imprlinuinent for vlolatloa of the order prohibit Ins Halvstloa Army meetlnii A torn r WHIUm H Tweed Dead PAnm Aug 27 niehard Tweed eldest son of thelale ttm N Tweed of New VorkhK died In a madhouse It I li undtritood that he left little or no property Ptrlneeee Vletorlit Illnca- riKiiuN AUB l7Tho fever from which tho Prluoeie lctnrla wife of Prime VVIIIiam of lrmuihU I luRerlnff Is continue with unabated Mvcrlty The Irin- cei paieed a reslieso nlxht M re MIners Juts In the fkrikc PITTflBUnoll Aug 27Tim miners working III Jellies UNella mines In the third pool joined the HrUer today tom of the meu were nllllna to ton tluu at work at three rents but as they were notified that liii rate nuM I tie reduced one halt remit next week they ram out In a Italy The Plltibiirirh Coal Kxcliinire met ibis mornlnr and decided not to resume operatloni the mlnei unill irate Improvea- on tttr Auif TWor hno juit been received here- of tli strike of 351 coal mlneri at Jaikion tientre Mer- cer county The men are irettlriir Hxtyflte fentaper ton and want let etity cOlts tIme amount paid at Klone boyd They are hopeful of compelling the adanoe al- though they admit that Jaokion coal ti eailer mlnei Kntei Hmulacy mill Pnatlnc FOnT PLAIN N Y Aug 27Thls the 169th da o Cats Hmulieyi fast tr Zoller says that at his request abs took today a piece of steak the iln of t caramel masticated It well but allowed the Jiiloa only It causal 1 great dutrmi hut I h < will alumni It araln lie believe that titers I la tInt the llf hleel I IHIM for I her tthe stIlt books well Her Ueih i U hard nlie keeps up I he conitant motlou a before and sleeps about one hour a day lie Cut hla Throat with a Haw VATEBnunT Court Aug 27Jamu Hoblmtts aged 80 broke Into the fruit stars ot Ryan A HojUn thIs mornIng while laboring under a nt of delirium treiiene He was furl there at J A St f with hli throat rut and a Tasty law lying near with which lie bad dons thiled lie cannot recover slab Ulllon In Colorado John Dillon exml moor of tho Drltlsh Parl- iament ¬ trout Ireland aunt two years ago Imprlionewi- th with Parnell tan been at Caul Hock Cot tot th Pat inonthi Ills health which was very prior when he raTtle IC this country has Improved Suu inuoli that Iii expect to return lo Ireland lu a short tummy suit return bli place In politic A Umltlmaa Fatal Dose PntNOKTOH Aug 27It Harto a wellknown musicIan and icenlo artist accidentally took an miter dose of morphine today while offering from hatntera colic aol died front IU effect If was an EDtllihmau and unmarried lajusrd WhIU MBliUc a Blalnt Pole LiTTUTTOK K H Aug 27 Oeorge P Shaw wa aertmtly and It I a hired fatally Injured her this tnornlnf while awlillai to rail Repnbllcan lag plee Uhiwrurt wu brku nd ni was badly burl latwasllv 0 0m nMixQB flrjoDJcr WEDDING A Belief tlrat ka PsDe Kninr Ur BrM Sad Win lAvtmg HIM Hobo Vlnlog ottbo Qrau Opera Com- pany ¬ who eloped with R 0 DeWolf a married man while the company was In Newark on Saturday last was married to him at St Cry sostoms Chapel at Thirtyninth street and Seventh avenue In this city The assistant minister thaIler Mr Nltbott gives the follow ¬ ing account of the marriagei The young man came to me on Friday and said his name was H C De Wolf that he was f broker doing business down town and that he wished lobe married to young tidy of this city named Miss Hobo Vlnlng lie represented himself as 21 years ot ago and said he wished the ceremony to be Private though his tether would be present There was nothing strange about this and I said I would perform the cere- mony ¬ the next morning I did not have the slightest suspicion of anything wrong and had I rofusext ho could have readily been married iy any Justice of tile Peace The next morning 11 oclock the young man appeared with throe ladles They wore the bride and her two ulsters one younger anti one older than herself These woro mail its father did not appear When I asked him tile name of the lady hn wished to marry he said Miss Annie llestty This struck me as very strange and I refused to go on with the ceremony but her sister explained the matter satisfactorily antI her name was so ricordnd It Is a very unfortunate nfTnlr and for le Wolfs TUB wifoannka I do not wish to say very rauoh There was nothing said about the young lady being an actress and t bollevn most firmly that she and hor sister wore entirely Innocent In Ho matter There was not it suspicion of any tiling coarse about them Poor girl I She U time victim of a fellow without principle I went over to see hIs father yesterday tn reference to tho unfortunate affair Jin Is a dontlst residing with his family In Thirty fourth street He was Inclined to censure me for not Insisting upon ills presence nt the cere- mony ¬ but the young man was overage and of course as I say if 1 had not married him some one else would have Our Episcopal ser- vice ¬ Is very short and I always make a per- sonal ¬ exhortation to tile groom to remember that the marcioge IB not binding according to VloLLs laws If he holds back anything from the minister which would be n bar to It Well he1 naked mo In the eyes just as squarely as you do now He was I understand married to hi real wife two years ago Hho was a Miss lien rlaues and they have one Infant son He has a sIster who Is finely educated and a brother The members of tho Ornu Opera Company are all very much perturbed over the news and many threats ate made against young Do Wolf All agree ill praising till ladylllco Qualities of Miss Vinlng and Indignantly spurn any sug- gestion ¬ as to her knowledge ot lio Well s pre- vious ¬ marriage Her part In the opera was llled at n moments notice by ono of her sisters Mr Oran U said to have teat Do Wolf consid- erable ¬ mnnny Do Wolf was a clerk for Williams Black ic X brokers of 132 Church street and has borne tile reputation of being fast having squandered considerable money at tile races Ho became acquainted with Miss Vlnlng only two weeks provlouo tn their marriage Alice Hogrnor a member the Orau com- pany ¬ salt that Miss Vlnlng know Do Wolf to bsamarrieel man but that ho had wild he would bo divorced before the cvrotnony LAGGING WIFE 11UVTRR Knrrner Win gran and Farmer irnrtlo Mill Amid the Hnpply Farmer Daniel F Shngrue tile fickle ail miter of Ella Larrabee thin girl burglar gave another Inutanco of Ills fickleness yesterday by falling to appear at Castle Garden toplok out n wife as ho had threatened to do the day before Mr Bhttgrue proposed to MIss Larra ¬ bee at hor tornporory abode In the Brooklyn jail and was accepted but subsequently an- nounced ¬ that tile time his n m an cod would have to remain tn durance was longer than bo could Walt and declared tho brief engagomon broken Ho thon on Tuesday applied to Cut tlo Garden for n brido to take to ills Connecti- cut ¬ farm with tile result ahoy stated Mr HhugrunH rival wife hiintnr Michael Martin a armor from nenr Trantnn was a llttlo butter He too culled nt the Garden on Tuesday said he would call again and kupt ills word Ha appeared smiling tn tlm Labor bureau early yt st rday mnrnlng anti took a critical survey of the rows of young girls who werosonlod on the honcliPB awaiting a chance to work for a living but loft without Impattlng either the result of his examination or his future matrimonial plans Un thn girls know that they are being In Kpoctod by wife hunters V was asked of the Indy In charge of the otnplovment oftlco IndniMl they do not and would consider thomnolvoB Influltid If titoy did Titer are ro Dpectablo girls who am looking for employ- ment ¬ not for husbands Wu oncourngn nn- nonfconho of that kind hut of course there ara nil sorts of curious cranks In tIle world The Xnllonnl Guam Tile worst exhibition of wild throwing by pitcher yet leeti this season at thus Polo grounds tea that which marked the tenth game between the Cleve- land anti New York teams played before lou spectator Noleia tItan twentie eti battery errors marked tIme content of which fifteen were chargeable to the swIft throwing of Dorian and twelve to that of Moffat It was limply a trial ai to which pltehr could deliver tIme ball the swifter Both catcher had to seller and both pluckily faced the muile and did toed effectIve aervlc- In their poililoni ai fir as tIme pitchers would allow them It was a tedIously long Smile with only crItter log chance for the Odder to dlnlngulih themneltee- Caikln made wonderful catch on hit aIde and Jlut- doon another with a double ploy for the Cleveland The battery wai cacti not a run being earned oil tile pitching on either sIte flue new men Ilnekney and Smith of inn Cleveland ihnwcd up well In their uoni- tlone and SirlOin did aome good work for New York The icon Will saw yeas ciKviaiirn- B liroi a B la rnA Phllllpi Rlchardionrfl I I o o- WardIdb lit bu 1 II n 1 I 2413fo- nnor Homing o f1 O 4 II n- flhkner 3db3 U U O flllleiple III 3333It- urchlf 1 f4 U 0 U O o liooMu- ldoon Durian p o o 1 4 0 31bu 1130K- vana MrKlmioo lbl 1 4 I O- Urlrhn rf 1 o 0 o o- HnillhJd 3dbO I a I l b3 S 3 3 0 uklneeel 1331ll- uuiphrlMcl CoflIp0 1 040 Ola S 1 Mushongc0 O 0 O o Total 0 I03TI3 S Totals TIOZTU 3 New York 3 300001130Cle- velaud I 0 3 0 1 1 o S 0 07 Klrnt buss by errora New York at Cleveland 3 Karned runn New Vork Ol i Uveland o The case of Manlov and Brown who were expelled by the Indlanapolt Viol when they signed coniraet to play with the New TerSe haa ben derided In faor of New York anti they will probably join that club At Baltimore i Rllllmore 30003 OOO na- 0 Metropolitan u 0 3 o I 0 o 03 Rue hita Italtlmor ei MetropolItan n Errora- Kaltlmorr I Metropolitan I fiichen Bmill for Baltimore and Lynch for Metropolitan At Phlladelphlal Athletic O O 4 0 1 4 t 0 113 Brooklyn o n o 0 3 I 0 o 08R- aa Inta Athletic 111 Brooklu T Errura Athletic 3l llrookljno other geitee were League At Phllalelnhla RnRalo 3 Philadelphia 0 At Irm Idence Providence Uhlcago a AI Boiton Detroit 3 lloiton a- AmiTlran At Clnrlnnati r Cincinnati 11 In- dlanapnlli li A Indlanapolln 21 Cincinnati 1 At lolllltllle tolumbul 3 Ixuilivllle 1 At 81 l mll Rain At Kiohmond Virginia 7s Allegheny ft- At Newark Ironildei 3i liome > tlc lo At Trenton Trenton II York It At Uilca Utlc 4 Illon a At Iltliburgh 1ltllliUrgh tnlon ll l St Louts Union II At Waihlnglon National H Haltlmor Union 4 At HoHton Bontmi Union 7t Wilmington 1 TIe ioelnd ami Nsw York clubi play on th Polo ground agan today The Stan Athletic Club ot Long Island Cite yeilrday detested the Crescent Club of Plalnfleld by IS to 3 Levying on it Trlecritph Compunr Thin olTloas of the Hankers and Merchants Telegraph Oompany at lIlT Broadway hive been levied upon by Bhcrltl Davldaon lo satIsfy a Judgment obtained agalnit time concern by W A Koebllngi Sons In the turn of f7iloui for wire and other material supplIed Yes lerday afternoon Mr J II Hmlth fieneral Superintend- ent and Treannrer Caie darned that tIre onicei were In time hand of th hOmeriC or that the company was In any trouble and pointed lo the fact that they were stilt carrying on their regular liiiilnex Rherln Davidson who wa teen euh erueiitly nab he lund maul a Iey on the property of the oompnnv to callufy Mr Koeblfng Judgment The levy wa nude on Monday lout when the Iompanv gate tli neceuary lecuriiy and continued their builiieai as iiiual DeareR Whll sand dallas Witthaii Julian Nathan bought a put ot Deacon 8 V Whit on BOH Union Pacific for time week According the practice pf the Hcok Exchange privIleges for the week expire at li I P M on Haturday Nathan who I li a ery orthodox Jew does not deal in anything on batur da > antI tried to get the heat of thiiea prtlc Upon meeting White at the Exchange he told hilt that the privilege he held was one lay to hlidlleilvantage and that cute IturIslitsl could deal upon It for eta ulsyl while he lad only flv to teal In Wilt ainwn uaaMdear Julian I am arellirlmu man m self ant I shall hive to ghe you an exttniloii IoU can put tn me that stork on hunday moe will find Ins at Keecheri church In Brooklyn I ihall hav a chuck ready lu my pockt If you tiring the huh Hath Partners Shed lnt May In a friendly suit brought by William Young Judgo Allen In the Court of Common Ileai S ceterday appointed liallbuntun Vale receiver of the sst of the late Cr111 of F P Jaumues A I bauksrs 30 Wail strait iliutim ulunuiipra of the lirmti Yretierl I Januss amid II hitylor dll ill Slay last 1thie asmeta of the Ilytul are said to I over f2iitleOh Tue receiver ha risen alilolimtl to- fscllllate a settlement of the most FAttit wtm mtira asz Telly Little Urn ge TeaS who Is t > Play U- pern Reef with AtMe Among Iho fifteen or twenty members of the Gnu opera company who arrived on the Bt Laurent yesterday was Mme Cecil La Pont Mine Le Font Is a handsome little lady of the Creole type with Terr black eyes equal- ly ¬ black hair regular features and a wide goodnatured smile Bho U to be the first prima donna to support Mme Thdo and she satin barroom In theBtartevant nouseycstJT day afternoon with a suspicion of homesick ¬ ness In her face and a pen In her hand I have never been across the sea before she said though I havo made long journeys In Europe I played at the Renaissance in Paris last season and the season before at the Porte Bt Uorilu Wo open In Wai lacks Theatre here on Boot 8 lu Msdtme Bent ¬ face though I shall not appear then I will sometimes alternate with Mme Tbeoand dome times will play with her Mme Allude was to have come over with us but her mother was stricken with paralysis and AlnuSe would not leave She will be over In the Normanulo which follows soon I was ill six days of the voyage and hid such a time getting through the customs and- qlIarantne They fumigated utiat Is they did not fumigate us but the ship My baggage las not yet arrived I have many handsome costumes made expressly for my American debut by Felix and other- slsIeilxaamanr Ob yes he Is a gentleman He makes many costumes for ladles of the stage Mr Orau says bathe will koop Mine La Font hack as a surprise and that hn expects she will make something of a sensation In Now York An agreeable characteristic of the lady I s a healthful freedom from affectation and a merry frankness which It Is said adds to the charm of her acting as It dons to her conversa ¬ tion ofT the stage Treek W ilrTU IUIeuaa Frank Westervolt of Staten leland wrote to Jtlsiice Whll ynterday from tile Tombs urlton asking him to set hint free Juitlc Whit did to after flatting out that he wa a mpectable young man On Mondav night the police arrested all the men thy found sleepIng uu this llaltery Hark beaches They arreitd nineteen young men bill ot whom Judging from their appear nchad bottles Ii go to bit Tuesday moriilnv Jnillce whit had th nineteen men stood up before him In a ow and aenUnced them alt lo e month lmprloniunt- n default of 111th bouai for good behavior This prIson ore romplalitMl loudly hut they were tent to III prison reitcrvett I Is th only OB who baa written a letter to Justice White Mutes hy Shark Edward 8 Monroe of Farmersvllle led who is visiting frIends In Bayonn went on a tithing ieur Ion to Prince Bay on Tuesday As he wai dipping his right hand In the water two of till finger were bitten oil by a shark Time shark showed fight and was struck everal time with time oars befor It would leav lbs vicinity of the boat Monroe wa taken lo Huguenot Rtaten Ilaud wbera hU wounds were drilled by a physician F1XANCMI ANZ CUaillKRCZA- LiY York Hloek JKxchMg SaU Aug XT- vmrra iTarn AND irivi COeDS fix IIOJO 1 US 1 dn r 12- 0alltaoiD 1111 OTisIS M DI On lir 9l 83 Atli iacinc2OHI934 3 NYA itueist76 3 AtlA Iaelit tuij I NV tilts St LIst 117 12 fheiAllieil Ml 1 N rf lfSa lOX 1 CII AQ4iDellillvHH- 1IICI > 3 NWdehrM lit AToTaf IU2S 1 Ohio Mm con Ill It tam Ho Zil H- JOUhloCent Ine 5timtLNtljltiu tlsor8Loa 7tkl T7- IU 2 i05 Or Imp let UH DeiVAK Kilt 75 I leoIAYlattEl- I > tea ltclW IetJi 10 Itll A U lstOethlgttaJ 2 3lrhetoiiiat12234 3 Itt A I deli K> snl 3rieuon3dil2t4lut i 1 HtrAlllnnulit 55 ETelmnSebiildwSSi con tl- t Mi KTelin lncl > ia 8trAMall UlU lIAtJosunv10434 5 HI P I A Ua2d HXI 311 A Tex Cent lit I HiLSi2l5lAlaL- Inalatitli1111 2hLitP21lCliIIJl4 2 Iron UIAr1 1V SHt- ltintr 5 hiImI CIIH Ill Inc All I N Ost4i7u4 Mlllt 4 hit1lst 04 hWdtmS AKD hat IIIP hat 8 MUluxj 3 Kill f lit 107- HI 3 8hen Val Kanalcon hjat llf tatlIttI43h15l 3KauATcn im 8 Tx faolt Od r JV- IITellarl 20 Kan A r gi OslJllloele34 g 27 tmtelu 1351 Slex A NO lit Lmke B IJIv miuom 1 laf A 111lit HI 3 VIm fae lit Ill 1 Met Kl II tin III tmhsr c flli H- 34UnlAIthd 17 Norl IMclltlfylc 711 1 NOA Inilnt i- M4NJ I Went Iac toil Mldld aMmt 2l5 IVeot Sh UILHIIAU < 42442 iSD Oflusk Ilmittos Kaltrtxitttici- rxiCnn 2O NY Jt N R 1534315 Io 44U- WOlVnt lUI NV nick W tll NJtJl44lllC ItO Nt MIKAWlif II 12101 Cent Iaf 4Iit44li5 l30lthiihhm- tisll C U A l42W3 43 lull tit 7tI111ilAQl2Ji512t1 2tAJtlit Miss233uurJ ifiChes AC HiJ 1 irIt u IKIClio I All lit pfIi 21o Omit AY UIHDelAII O imiam 4ieuoflio Cent 4452 115 Wll2asiielmg 4IUIIhiiNonllil- UilliiOrA liits lIeu A li UIHV412 TrSuisl7tl4i53 12U Erie oomlt iain- iurle 4uiur Imp mo23422 pref JiH JaltOtdttlS 1 OK renn tuV- laoiKTtnnnf lano heo Ii E1i3nt514b K HS 3J Hull iu t145eml14 IKMI HaWioAHIIl- liMlftTxUet iReadllig 27 jJI- MIU 3f 17 mo Khii A w PX lid I illlhlI IV tlttGS I 5 SW Ito A titta5AS OtSilKanaiex 2 ttOlitocb Istthti5lI5 IMI71 Lake liii l gt4ti lie letusr A HnrtVi 143 UK 14 h A W- aioolxiuANl ItO SlLt S V 34 hl44gJJ3 4 HI Ht 1 AH K siHillauhnltjr iret421t842- ron7737034 10081 1 A fi lit 100 Stet HI iw- luuMloh nref HlX Ceotilt 4X 8t P A stIki4t4114t i l 07imm 5I40U1IH A HI H A lac1IHH12- snwiUn otlntt7tl5R2 IM MKilfXW 12NOO Mo Vanti3e4i4l3 lid tabA Pan0 llxJtioll A lltLhrta 22 WuhA p pf tvj 1 inn Nor- irjooNor Iaa2i525 25774 U> itUTfltn fiii aOht5l44ltiCj HaaJcf 20327 Nrwn ltt24ltsi35 13 Amer hx 134 Sins Nrwn pf 134 tutu tail 3J307S SillS NC uUOianrc- toima > PilCak JIM mmr- ntH Rid 4oteI 4K > e II3U 11- 1VM4Klr M A Ft rjifiiiif naI- B 112 112- 1UH4 Mo K A Tex litt H Itaf 13 NJCint ei U S 4ac W- U 1315 N YUAHudIOo < Its- ititu 8 1 1 > I Nor Pacific 21 at Canada South in 3l3 Nor Pat pf- Norlhweit rut Cliii it A 11114 1221 IU- iiiuiha lea sent Fag 4I 4 413 coin 33 33 tilllc A Alton132 135 Omaha pt U7 15 Del L AW llif Ill Oregon TlJ 1KX 17 nil A thou in us34 Or K AN N2 J 84 lien AllloU IEI 133 Pacific Mall M- Kock 5034 ha tTnn 0- KTenn mih ndliS uu pref hut 514 RICh ADanv 4iS 43 ErIe ICg t6 Heading 272 27V- 91i Illlnolsten124 lIlt XI I P AMan wi Lou A Nash 514 3414 Texas A Paelrlc I1U IS Lake Shori 8234 554 Union Pacinc olV SIlJ- WEDKTSDAr Uluourl Pac P214 923 WastUnTet 0034 L- iiMabtPcom 80t 53 Allg 27 A weak opening and free supply of stocks In the loan department ot the Exchange bcemed to encourage tile belief that no further resist- ance ¬ would bn made to the natural tendency of the market That this view was held was shown by free sales that depressed prices generally nottcably Union Pacific tho Urangurs Lake- Shore and Lackawanna 1 Vcont and the rest of the list to a less extent Before noon how over evidences of u reaction to which the mar- ket ¬ was fairly entitled havlngdocllned steadily since Friday night became apparent antI under the lead ot Union Iaolllo and Ht TMU the en tire market Improved rapidly Toward tile close realizing sales Impaired the strength that characterized the midday deallnc and wiped away a part of this advance Thug close was about steady and Sinai figures showed again for Union Pacific of 2V cent soul for the other active stocks advance averaging fully coot The more Importantohanieo for tha des were IU02A AU927 AUCM iuv 27 Cent Pse 4404 4t4 NJ rent mii5 l tux UcLLAWltlllli2 Ill Omaliaroin 34 HI Deity A K u I2K h134 Ont A Weal IS 1214 Louis A Nasa S4S 34 Oregon AT C lVi l3 Lake Shore hIlt 823 PacidcMall 4li- Iteadlng > 151 Sin lariili 1234 trd 27 i- Hllaul alt Northts cit otohiil lui2 cute hIts SITi Ntriaecoin 2ii4 2i rexa Pacific ll Nor Pee of 4i 0i4 Union Paclnc 40j Bji N T Untral 10374 15034 Weit Un Tel bdj Governments very dull anti unchanged ex- cept ¬ tile 4 is which closed 31 hlglior bin Hull way bonds were quiet and Irrrgnlnr The only changes of note were declines lu Erin 2dsof 34 and Last Tennessee fis > i and advances In Oregon Short Line is IU Union Taolllc sinking funds 1 SlId Went Shore 5s H Money on call nominally 2V cent Rtnrllngexelmnan oulet and firm at t4R3 > i 3- l84 and ll85 iW 18G for COduy bills and dnmand tespectivel- yltooeptsofinternai revenue today 245654 customs 881240 national banknotes for re- demption ¬ 4J7uno Paris advices quoto 3V cents at 7815 Production of anthracite coal for the week ending Aug 237GG430 tons enmo week last year 734561 total since an 1 to date 185U7 029 ton as against 1U60V9G7 luring the cot ¬ responding period of last ear At n meeting of the Executive Committee of the Union 1iiclMo Itallroad Conipnny held In tills city today Mr H K Callaway recently of the Grand Trunk and President of thu Chicago send Western Indiana llallroad was appointed General Manager in plato of H H i If Clarkwho retires on account ol poor health Plans for funding or liquidating the floating jolt wore dlscuRsad but no action taken A director li authority for the statement that the company has recehiil nn offer for the purchase nf tIm 3004 0h first mnrtgNgi boniUof thoHt Joseph and Western Itallrond that tlio company owns provided that the hands under plan of reor- ganization ¬ can bo raado alien upon thnentlro line nf that company Tile proc eds front the sale nf tinso bonds together with those from 12 DOOtMKI collateral trust bond will pay thn float log debt which Is In round flgunis tSoOoOOO Iriislilnnt Charles Francis Adams said that no part ot tile floating debt was pressing and that there was no reason why It should not bo paid from surplus earnings Hn addadthatia fat ns ho knew the business ot the company was Improving and that be could not speak inoro positively upon that nolnt as under a new system of accounting the ro suits of tile operations of tho road were not known to any one before they were finally made up month by month The public he said get the figures as soon as any onu The old system of furnishing estimated earnings of fiaoh week wits owing to tnVayslem of book ¬ keeping formerly used a trawL The street has of late evidently labored under a tnliappr henston M to the Now York pfflce of the eera pany Itjceaied to be anything more than a transfer office shorttr after Mr Adamss aloe tide to the Presidency and It will remain OH aT- priwint simply on offlce tortransfers and pay mont of Interest The regular monthly meetlngofthfl director U the Chicago Milwaukee and Rt Paul lull V way Company was hold In this city today and 5 according to vleoPresldcnt Wadsworth onl- Ul routine buslnoM was transacted That offloei denied most positively that the company In tends to issue any now securities either stock or bond Ho said that the company wits not In need of money In tact had over MilOOOCOcaah In batik He also said that the company did not Intend to build any new road during ths present rear The report of he Long Island RatlroAd CoIn panr to the State Itnllruad Commissioner fot the quarter andlnic June 80 1884 show grow earnings I6V5175 operating expenses 4U3 003 not earnings 1291183 fiicomo from other source 170798 gross Income 301081 n- lereston < funded debt tnxns rentals anti in erect 189191 not Income 172882 assets cost of road and equipments I13R44844 stooks anti bonds of other companies 1005 IH3 duo by agents f 52134 supplies on hand B07H2 cash on bund 27H42 sundries 1389249 total llG414i37 labflltlesCarS ital stock common HOOOOOOO funded debt 5347081 loans sod bills pavabln 500000 lithe for wages supplloaixt 1222 RIG sundries 71713 profit and loss 1292827 total 118 534437 i Tim statement of the business of all lines ol the Pennsylvania Itnllroad Company eat 01 Pittsburgh and Erie fur July1884 as compared I with same month In 1883 snow a decrease U gross earnings of 1141865 a decrease In ex- imnsos > of 140247 n decrease In net earnings ol f UQ1G18 The seven months of 1884 asonnv pared with the same period of 1883 show a da crease tn gross earnings of 1101103 a do i crease In expenses ot 052993 n doorcase lo net earnings of fOOB2tj2 All lines west ol > Ilttsburirh iitid Erie for the seven months ol IBM Dhow n deficiency In meeting nil liabilities of 721322 being a dncroano as coin pared with the sumo period of 1883 of 1058908 I In the race of Henry B Manor against the Texas and Pacific Itnllroad Company to rooov- er In cash the Interest on the land grant In come bonds for them years 1882 and 1883 Judge yt Wallace of the UnltodBtatos Circuit Court has f decided In fnvor of tho plaintiff on tbo around that the company having fulled to exercise IU if option to pay time Interest In scrip on the dates that It bocamn dun must pay In money Mar f lot sued upon ISO bonds but other holders ut who have not accepted scrip are directly 4 toreitedln the suit It i Is understood that an- appnal will bo taken to the Supreme Court ol the United States The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company < declared today a quarterly dividend of IX r > c cent payable Sept 10 i- vv New Turk Markets J- WKDSIJSDAT AUB 27 FLOOR AND MEAt i were In better ilrmMtfl and firmer sales of flour l7oI buILt Net 3 iMifi MH5 lupcrtlne L5Of2 ttiiiplni- DHIIII sItar 5t tt413 So Whottuturei were more aciie M in draflo e J of lrtol ciu > inilnly tnnrlw In ihlc o where there f was tome ooverlliff boll on litvftl slid foreign aocojnt 4J few large bears there however contInue tnnelh sales 4ilditloSi ibij > li No a red hcpimiiirr hl931lljeo Ocio her 9134rgluS Tiotettultr MJKOlc Iec mlj rliSXa IXIHcl on tIns tDalR2Ul > JU huili Including No 2 ChIca- gteprlhugaitoat at BOKc hltallshilest uvitsuc and Nu S ret In rlxator at mi Aitui4c l Oats imiuCluerl sales l iOio bonhi No a mixed 8141530 iln white S4 aaic No a lulled j fur September Kfi3lici October t2Kf32fe Inilian com futuree wrr Ic to lic htirlier but quiet at time advance Clilcniro advance an l Liverpool was firm Pr esles 34410 bIrch Mo a mlxeUi Menfember Oi4yS J mUoiiiclaber i l5tl4Iilo November wignuc on the n- fol sales 30wilni < ti After Ohanre Wheat tlruii No 2 red inisc meltetllier tlhtiel OCtoler hOe No vember trtHoi l ecenil r miJic Corn nrni No S v lamed nmnlual nfloat rirptembirolioiOctoberUlob- nvcmberOuc Omits ann Augun aiic Bnptembe- r31ic j October SJje j Paortsiovii Lanl futnreft j ned dull bul clover I rtMirrri sales HOU ton at 77i47ttIc toy Nepteinber7- 70CV7 4c for Oclober 7 11767 fk for November aul a- 7tt37ttSc fur IJecemler Alter Change the market J wa tcxlv ehiililir at 7Pt2ftLtiIc for Septtmber ISle nJ for Oclober 7ltTu for November and 7u4r for becm tier 8 pmt lard was doll at 7 NIC fur ttrtine cltv soil- 7tSlc fur prime Wcaiern pork quoted at tlMl for suieis Hucon aol cut mean quiet Dretfd logs Arm I at mtSMc Tnllow steady but quIet at 0>jc Butter and ilipene are firmer COTTON KularvM were buoyant on reports of damaira t to time itrimlnit croii by rIta ami the Blirdilnir otb- clonlnv ileadv at lu7uc for Aunut u7lc for Sep j teitii er lii42c for tctoiier lii3o for November b 11uS for December KMNo for January lttt0i for I lilninrv l7A for March In Me fur April lAinc Y for Slay said II uv for Jnnat vale 75iiK > bales Spot > Miiu drarer with nu notIce buMnoni fur home con iiinpll I n I mmtllhIiuiic uplands lo IHlilc Irlnt cloths firm > rKTRotruM Crude oIl rllllcnu > lind another active day rliiLljiAlU on lie down troth mss Iry to I tho deolra1 V 0 terure Innit pniflii Pales luuaioi bbli at HuliJ v i inc clinliiit HxiiHi jc lletlnrl fnr extort vs low i- at Mr for li Lint teat lucre Slit 7c at tIle outicrti- Co eii HIII mil htha iiiitlinnired 3 uieoceaueiItto enflee implIcIt were Ininer > aU > 23SOO T 4 iii rotuK tlrm at ttiv foiinlntf price i hepleinber ii mpl5t4lIic October WtliaHtJir I Noenlber iS 1553 Httcr i Urretnbtr us teoa ear Jan it AM Hia3s7 rVhrury 11v45 TNt Mnrch H7tKH7 > c bi sIll askelt I slut t IHo luMc for old sehea ttT4 larch mlit unit t 51cc trill tuir Ornra 44 SM Ktiilla ltli0i Uamt o I 7ia Iii asultail anJ 3i i tshmlrni American on private ternM Ten firm 1111l In goort dcmnnd mi I i1e sot i time St mar n ette from Chlnn gives Itnhl rH cotiltlvrfiblo mon If nee hut tImer In lio np ouUtioii nt Ihe hxchmitre ami- prlc fiiliTeHrp un ttlfl llnwfufiir rr iiprer titles 4ttXi lilid at 44tt4 ja iKi fir inutcornJo 3iH I 11 lhic fflrretitntiitfAi ttni 4t434u t Our lrnzii nriifil nary flftit and lJOc tu Jit alt more lu Koine cmc mike- dIlve Stock MnrkBt NEw YOIIK Weilnosday A ic 27 Itocolpts of htrfiatllr Jll carload i r JMt bead here was a 1 further iii comic on nil UMr itiln nritde CIIM to nbont Vc V f hull tIme feeling tile tide was not en firm as nub I openiMit Ioorniidonllnur u > tltr steer sold at- tui4hi20 V lb to drnn 51 fc rt cent tufairdn nt 101- 4llli i i i in ilre Ml Si iiood ID irlmr I llal 4 t40 to tIre 0i57 I cairn dn lJm lo tires 3s 215 with S CH lomU up inif7 w s lit Itm Iho HcUht flra- f t Texas steer aid nt s44itr t lit to dress 5S Pie cornfiildii atlljimiiv tu dress rs Its aol arms fed Ueltraitt miitl itt U clodreHKSii Mr Ualtman boiiKht 45th naIl deer lii lie 5 srI tot ennorlaUoa all bad I Ill do illrect from the Wea- lltecliI5 of ciiltvu I IHI firm and lilirher at fla Sjc V t for enl and siaDii for grae > er4 arid hut tuimflhlltCsites Itictlutii of cheep fill Inmbtfl ctr loads or ltirc heel Irlmi sIteS ruled Iii Illet ami truer Inferior slut common could not be rea llt luld t uu at former flu lire Sheep rattle tri m 1C lo r c 4 li units from 4c loOc A entail numbernf choice itctberi reached 5492S V Di and choice Iambi soil up to i4I40- 5t i much trading In live h ie Aileck loud of good Stats logs soil at St v J 5 im IbunJJ car ioniC of Hood U teru were lioldlnit for 5iSt4 Ceinrt fnlindnra this liar StrpijBMB CounT CmMnKiw Court onnns at II AM Calendar called at 13 H Nn 43 Ijl MH- l 1 lIt IM 2m 2i7 Ill IM SIB 21 jac 23J lug > Kit Ttav Matter of railroad In Kortiecoud atret JfJlVKKf- tiT17Ra INIRLLIGENCl ALVilfAO THH any Sun risesS 22 I Sull ete 6 3D I Moon sets 11 II 1IKH WiTlta Tllll OAT Sanity Hook 1231 I Uov Island I II I lieU OatI 01 Arrived Vir Mnir Ant 27 j- Si St Laurent De Joumelin Havre Aug 18 1 1 HI Bohemia harlowa llamburir- Hi Tallahassee Aikini hat annah i Hi Kronprtni Fredk Wllhelni Mirer Bremen Aui 10 I Hi Alamo Bolrer Oalveiton r Si Hidonlan Small Uenoa July 10 4 hi Acorn Duncan Uaracoa Ja- HI Regulator iJoane Wilmington Hi tinyandoite Kelly Newport Newt MUpanto Routers Hull AUK7- Hi East Anxlla Thoma Truest July 31 JK Hi Kioithurc Mliti Ilaltlmore N- Hi Morgan city Attains New Orleani A Its Thornhlll Wetherlll IrOKrelo 1- Hi Mariner Neville Vert Cruz cj hi City of Aleiandrla Tinmierman Vera Cruz v4 Ship Ilna llamer Kltiiue t Hark Keliclmia lucredit Havana Dark Italia Lauro OenoaJ- IRKITPn OUT its Rhrnland from Nw York for Anwerp hu nitiei S the bolllr islands sAiLED rnov roniicv romi i- Ri America front Liverpool for New York J hi UlialU trout llamliurK thy New York Hi Republic fruits gueeiiitown for Nsw York UIKIt- fIOLMEAt Clifton Sprlmti N Y on Ihe 28th Inil thus lev John Stanford Holme I D m the lit1 year of lmtsage Funeral lervlcei will be hell In the Bnptlit Church nf the Kplphany corner of UadUon av and iHth it nottc- of 3 whli h ltrcafler- litJNTEltAug 281SI Wllllim Ifuntrr aged it ns live of Kllll > haudra county Cavan Ireland Funeral from his late residence Ul Nitwatk it lie boken on Friday the KHh at I I P M

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Page 1: Library of Congress€¦ · r ti 44kll rtt oi M tJ W JM t J 5 rJ j iA tIIt l 1JW o r i jIt y J T NJ

r ti 44kll rtt oi M tJ W JM t J 5 rJ j iA tIIt l 1JW o r i jIt y J T NJ < lJ T to r v M t 7tN i tt V e jN J

i 11 1r f1ift tI r iJiQi f r i rt 4 1 <1 1 1

W ttf iP < 4p >> I 4

jb p iJt IV pM

IVl il r i4 fTil SIN THURSDAY AUGUST 2 ittf


Bis covttnnn Ann HAHKiAam JMD-i fff TBOVBLK 71T fOLtOlTtlD-

MsXWv FiflhI1 I hnd W A-

AI JiitirIeW wII his Fiuthsvfll-lAJs l far DeeldlM I Skont Mr Irritkc

Mrs niilnolaudor appeared In a daintytoilet to hour Mr llhlnolander croisoxnmlned-M to his snnltr yesterday before the LunacyCommission In the court room of the GeneralBesilons Her dreSWM of creamy white ma-



and was heavily trlmmod with lace Intho centre of a tiny scarlet bow at her throatVTM a diamond brooch rind a 101d pencildangled at the end of n chainat nor waist Mrs HMnolandora brotherMr Haelnnfo sat nt her Rid dur-ing


Mr lhlnolnnlerl three hours examina-tion


voloWI clear nnd loud and hilarticulation distinct even whon he noomndexasperated by Anslttaut District AttorneyAdamss persistent questionI Tliero hadbeen applause In tha room on fullda nllTosterdar nn order was Uxucd that tho sIectators should keep outside of the bur of thecourt room as In sosslonn of court

Mr lUilnolondcrwas first questioned as toIlls boyhood nnd school and colletta life liesaId ho lived when n boy with hN father antimother both now llvlnu first at 13 West Nine-


slreot and afterward at 18 WestFortyeighth troot Ho ntlriulfd I grammarschool In avenue for three or fourmonths and after that was Instructed br aprivate tutor Ho entered ColumblaCollcco Inthe class of 1870

Q You n er went to eliool at Ntwnnrt f ANn II-


Qt How long did you stay In college I AI1 completedtlie loptiomore year

o Why did you leave college P A Becauil I hadtaken allot the training 1olIIIV in malliema-lId I wai not iludleiof 11courie lietidei 1 thought a college courie while Ihreticallv agoott Ihol practlcallv liof uu me Then tooI wanted lo I w11 3 eari od-

V Do you inuoli inoniy was allowedyou t AI1 had no regular allowance

g Your bill were apaid r AI nor ran up anyLI Your tuition Mill an1 clothing were t AYesanil I receivedI MO iiuttIilitrat rAloI r

Q Hut yon 4a M a year AYea Ithink that waa allowed in alter I lift college cod LorI went to fruroi-

eQwIo were corns of you diurnal A IlobertAlmlool Mvlngiinn Was vne and Hk pod Itequler

not belong to CIty 01 tile college aocletleiI

awl one mUldlh1 logetfriend lle lde I badverylUlls oonoy Uvlngiion I toy only Intimaufn-Q Yon rrmembr allm111 ynurclniit AVfQId 01

oua real

hat e lllouly iti hInt I AAnpu Now what was that difficulty f AI eat behind

JeTigman I never cared to ai oclale with him Ineednt Ray why He handed me a slip vt pnp r onwhich wai written that n friend anil claitmate-liad aald I was inch ant mch railing me-a name I wrote tar lrani1 the name andlie wrote akain adding I ilUrenlUCtful oilliii own arcotint Ve Itml a dlttlcultv over tile mutterand wa arranged that we ihould nght a duel lu liarIlain ll uOiterj It was to ha a joke at my expenreand I kiwi It I Intended to go a erall illitance a llhthem Awl top They represented that ai one ofthe prllicliaU or both would nndotibtedlvl Ibe killedI l ll


houtdl writeI to the Press exuueratlng my opponent If ha-

ahuuld Rill me I demanded to a my upponcntn letterto tile pras It was not produced We ere to right atHarlem with pMolt eni laid I wni volng to Aghl andIt my opponent baiked out and ran away I would iliootiilmlnthelleck Tint leltled It lApplanee I

Qtu you remetnlr the u ord nviltriiinn wrote I ANo It wa nomethlng like blackguard or loafer

QYoti are the oldeil of tie ihlldren are you notAYe unlell there lies Ibeen One Mince I Ufl and IJiav not been Informed of it Luughtir

Then Mr Ithlnelandera courtship and marrlaao wero Inqultcd IntI lie maul that aftiTlanding In New York on Mnr 31 1H7S from histrip abroad ho saw Mm Itlilnelanilor at hishouse Soon afterward alto went to bar slstnrshouse In Hocond avnnuo near ttlxtyIlrststreet nnd ho visited liar there two orthree times not oftcner because he didnot know the Miiflnnls family verywell They met and wallcid andtalked nnd wont touts theatre together liemust have seen her every otliir day until thoywere married in 1U7U by Father Donna InNewark Thoy wore accustomed to moot InFortyseventh struct Mrx Hhlnolandor walkJag wet and Mr lllilnulnnder walkini ptstuntil tboy met Ha was Riot at Unit tune Inbusiness but has since been occupied

AYou dontI mean wheii I tint became engaged ImymDII


110 AThe open rronoiltlon wan made aboutho > I

Q II lien dl1 > ou tell Mr Clark yon teem engagedI

IX I tot hint so infer 1 actually proposed He knew1 was courting tier My family tilt not

U Did he ult the family r Certainly not TheyIdU tint MISII eel 1 lint any 1penon In law but they

thought nririt hnprinq Why did fa think curb a Ihlnf might happen IAthey talked aliolll it H good deal ai a loltllngilllSiIlillltv-

g Who poke alont your marrying twnrtlh 1> Mother

rwo tnkhit 11

Uri vh In the Ibement tn r-to101I reeeltudiifritnttiiI that I had bee n wagingwith a lady who mljht he benenth me aui talked aboutpeople harT liu beneMU ihem

Q You rt iMid tile remark ni rolnledt Att wasa pointed remark Hhc n1ka of the tocaibm of mywife In tier Bl ttr < hotiKo It waO it deli point too Icould have nn a ihirpir oneQIt t ini remember uanv oecMlnni when marry

loir benealt1 vou via enkeii oft AYeaO Wiliwh dtdjoucomller that tIle remark were

pointed at > nii I A lllecailie I coitrntplrtfdI iltlngwhat thy II ole opioned to I lad atwn > e xtraedl-ass regard for the theta In Mhlrii theyhtaornoted Dace II couldI not see biw a man touldl

be happy who took n wife trio inch H virct-eQAra our relntloni llli > Wnhlnglon t quarrt

rttathea friendly t AThey were friendly before niyi

marriageQ lio roll rfmemborwby yin went to Neu ark In b-

enarrlelt AI wished to conceal the marriage fromlay faulty

q When were the Mmlly lnfiirme of the marrlngeAUy me leronallr a 11 thlik lit tha tlrm tart

iIijyirtl I was marritMl In Kebruar > hInt > enrwhen I i the huiiHe slier marrying I saItiJ wu goingI

tn tanaia suit fnlllrr uenl to the dloOl v ih hl utllal-offleloiiiiieis art1 compelled me to lily my ticket uentto tee Ibagaife room with me nnd sari me jtelachetkfir my boirkaTe arid got jOin the care vlh me tthtiiI

they start d Ihe got our I lumped i fT from the trait intill neighborhood of tortI tuth etreet and proceeded toMunition inclineUWhy do you say oniclmuneii end not kindAImn he acted ai It he lint lell told I r tihik lilaffoln to the depot wu luitireiited lu tile heirlnr aifhoutfh I nlltflit not KO H wells to tints aiiurancedoubly acre arid lie didnt do II lHiighler

U What Intluelicetl him I AIl hat beta tinder thlOOser ot mother nil bin Iste-

rUBut Why dill you think It omcioui In your fattier toatcompany jnu to the depot I AI uy It a man ngoIng to the depot when a man Ili enough to tubeoar of htmielf ant Ills father atf to tho ticket orhuiand goes on the car then Iis ofTeninre-

V Howdooudiitingnliih It fromalndneii AIlwas not kind togo whti hll tried to argu me out nf Itslid fan a reluctant oonnt U dlilut ilo ni auy per-sonal good for htmI lo get my trunks checked

Then Mr Rhlnelander wa questioned abouthis Informing tho family of bu marriage Hetold uls grandmother first hn said and then illSmother tu the proCeItcis of hlsgrandmother Itwas after his return from Toronto where hehad left Ills wlfn He had written horns fromthere not that the marrlsico lint take place butthat It might tako place That was to toadthem to believe that he was about to form nnattachment In Canada

QhIow lId your grandmother receive the news fASh alwsyu takes thing without much commentabe sImply lath It would be an awful thing to toll mymother

11110w about Your mother f Ahty mother lookedvary solemn when went In I didnt Know but grand-mother hiM Informed her hut then I knw in hailnot My mother laid whom haY you marriedI sill 1 tile Ili a totetnn bitter to youTo make It a little cheery guess It Midid ffueM and gneiicd wrong the ant tImeand the second time Kueifeil right linott want toknow Ills very thing ihe eald T It wi this May flodIslllamercv take lbs woman Thou wet her easelwords Another thing ihe laidI Ive known a parentto ay way a nn have a child and may that child breakyour heart Ill not make that > tin to you tilt may younever hate a child

qWlial did von nnderitand her to mean by takingthe woman I ATo dieI

QWhy I ATo auiolve the family from the awfulStaIn

QDII you pee your father 1 Afo It wan arrangedthat the marriage ihould be kept from him because hedoes tint keep lecret well IIt wn a dtliliion to thinkthat they could keep niv niarrlag a merit from thisworld

QDn you remember writing to Mr Drake fromCanada that jou were luadeltof serape f ANo Idont regard marriage ii a eripe I applied to him formoney as I w a In tight fix for solon

Then Mr Ithlnelandnr described his returnCanada to New York with Mrs Ithlnefrom and living nt her sisters Second ave

nue bouse whonca they moved to a boarding-ouse In Fiftyseventh street

SlIQ Did the family rom to see your wife I AOh no-

AYou taw your father f ATea I called ami time

Servant caked It I wished tim see fattier laildjeaI HeWas in the baienitnt Sad ai I entered h salti Whatoo > ou com tier for sir f I saId I wante to go upstaIrs after my tuba and aiked him If I mightgo Plot at altI not at all he laid ffruttlr I wontnave anything to do with aIr out of the houseoutof tie horse Let me explain I laid No sirno sir he iiMiout of time house nm I have a-

right to go up claIre after my thlngi I saId No sirno air tie Iniiiled Out at tIme houie Thin I wentout end he rants after me aeemliig Inclined to talk outof the houie On lIme sidewalk I iahl Father If I canttalk tn ymm lu your house then I wont talk to j on atall Then he went toward rhxth avcnu aol I towardFifth avenue

Mr lUilnelnnder testified that while ho wasIn Canada with Ills wife his mother wrote thathis allowance of 800 a year would be con ¬

tinued but afterward1 the witness saidwhon the found the fire getting too hot for hershe wrote You must come hack alone n gen ¬

tleman and only In that way will you 10 re <

colvod Mr Drako proposed In 8oitemlwrIbTG that ho should leave hln wife go to Kuropnsail tukn U600 a yeir or May at home andtltake nothing lIe tmsyod at home It win MritiilDolanunr H ImpreMlnn he said thnt Illsfattier was Iwhlnd proposition Mr Drakeno Bald had ben his misfortune all along HIinenmn after being reduend to nothing wits In1U77 tW Mr Drake gave him a check if thopayniMnt was a considerable sum and If not aI 5 or sill bill was doled outhlJhen Mr ithlnelauder nnestlonnrl as tn

life lie hal been away from hiliThriven little he said They were nt onetimeIti TaniieravlllP In the Catskllls and be loftn tour times to Mme to New York or to go toanother village The visits were from one dayw a week Last spring when they lived In 243

ncnarmorhorn street be went to Earles lintelf a week while hla wife went to 150 Washington BYonuo lirooklyoQ Why 4tilt yams ask hay to c me ta Sew Vofk wttlilee AIIKIIII IwUh tnertaiUjr wMrolle wu

QWby did she go thIS t 4 BMSUM abs thonihtto better tierselt

QWIUI youreoa ntf AXo-QTota went bask sad separated lnt ATaThen Mr Bhlnelander repeated the story of

its shooting Mr Urakn In almost the rerrwords ha used on the direct examination

O Were you sfrsld Wraaa would skootycuf AIhail formed the purpose to Shoot hIm or glee him ahraihlnglf lieold not gIve aic latlifactlon aol till act

o f throwing hllhanll behind him liaaUoad Ibe act ofmini

QWIrhi dW yon form thiS turpasea AYrnm h-

1111I1 found my wife Aril visIted ills once In the iprlngcertain then mat she did-

O When you found iha did you formed the MM I AVI was on tue Monday he ICeS 10 akuiivn that lbs Idea

took deep root and the declilon Was madeIthe puto tot your pocket dlil

yelli r1InnnY I Al ilidnl think about tha-tQYou shot to hit him I AVII-Mr HtilnolsnJorscroBSoxamlnatlon will be

continued toJay


A Colllilon on lb Track In lb Fncta COB

lre Tk-


AUf 27A throng of 8000men women and children attended the Inau-guration


of the circuit trotting meeting InCharter Oak Park today The weather wasperfect The drivers 1I1I1r1lba they never senttheir horses ovora flnor track A fatal collisionoccurred when tlie pacers appeared to race forthe purse for 337 class side wheelers TheVeteran horseman James Golden was drivingPrincess n very taut exerclslne gait alongthe outside of tho track toward the threequarters pole Knapsack McCarthy anotherveteran was sending George 0 very fast Intho upposlto direction toward tho judgesstand at the illstnnce stand Both horsesturnod from their course and came togetherhand and bond In a fearful crashThe hones reared In the air and woro on > el-


In a oloud of dust both drivers worothrown on the track and tho sulkeys wero shat-tered


While Golden escaped bodily Injury theshock made him so weak that John Murphydrove his maro Butterfly for him In tho 222class trot Mr Carthy was taken from thetrack In a carriage Ills ankle was sprainedand his system Imd received a severe shookGeorge O was pierced to the heart by one ofthe shafts of Golden sulkey lie died on thetrack Princess was carried away on n litterby squad of mono The mares spine wasbadly wrunched nnd It Is believed that alto willdie John Murphy who has seen many collis-ions


said tlmt the coming together was thomost torrlllc lio had ever witnessed

Tim meeting opened with H trot for a 1000purse for iU ChIllS borne Tho Hturtura andrates at whu they old In time pools were nuttnrflr 7S King Wllkus fltO Cornelia 22Walnut 20 Utmnle flB Juilitii DavU IH In-dex


and Eerie 6 each The talent consideredIt An open trot

The favorite flutterS Indulged In considerablu runnlnu throughout tlio llrst lient tntllneto gain limo trout Cordolla loLL oil keeping Infront to tins backstrutch whore Uoldiimlthshowed the way with Walnut Trotting In thevan to the wire Walnut took the hunt a lengthahead of Judge Davis Index third Time321X

Walnut started off In tile load for the secondheat Judge Davis trottej very fast fromfourth position ou the backatrvtunI and lotusbig King Wilkis nnd Knrlo boforo rounding thelower turn ho collnrnd Walnut on the houiu-slrutch heisting bun undur the wire by nunrly-an open lungtu King t IlIkits third Tlmu222 In lex wn distanced and Uusslo drawn

Judgu Diuls itppotired Ilko it winner of thethird treat leading from the liHiidstretch tonear the wire whuro Butt rlly emerged from apocket nt tha hum mi n ti und and bent theJudge In by a hondo King Wilkes u close thirdTime 225

but tor II y fluttered too touch nnd became tan-gled on thn homestretch In tho fourth heatKing Wllkus trotted fast anti evenly at the lIelab winnliiL thn heat a lull length ahead of-Jtiilge Davis In 222iKing Wllkcs trotted away In the load crowd ¬

ed by EerIe In thin IHth heat Jtuluo Davisjollied In tIle light on tile buckstretch and theliattio Want fought by tlieso three to tim wireKing WllkiH taking tlio bent n length ahead ofLarle JiuluuDatU third Time 22O> <

Klni WIlkes won the sixth liat and trotonallv six ItnutbN ahead of JinlLe DavisJudge nwl won second money Uuttcrllythird Walnut wits drawn from till fliml hunt

Tito UIIxI rntrsn for 22S trmttcrs hrrittthitout YsitItig lIolr lJlIo SchllckU lihIy IILily Ullio IIlImuletonlans Laut itiid WhllhorN Yttihtu lIoUe was the tavorito nl50 nalllKt130 on the Held

Unldnn aunt iounir Kolfe for tho 11 rAt until nntUlnll the woid nnd war never lieiulei Howon Hit heat three Inngtlm ahead of 1olly IIBolt buhHvkntt at IolUshoad Time 2at-


Kcuonil heat resulted In ft pruoeB onwith Yiitinu bile trottimmir itlimaroly tito lieml-IIii en inn hcunii otter ttho iv Ire tll tee liiilt theiilmndof Lily Dn Hello SrlmeknH third nutWindfcur M find Inlly II distanced Tlmn 2J5

It was all over whun Ynunc Itolft Htiirr il intIre TAD for thr ttilnl nnd last heal John Tur-ner


tent Lily Oiilo within lenirih nnd a haltof Young Itolfa lId Ito clashed under tho Winwinner cif thin limit and trot In 22 4 IUyPalm won seconiJnKinoy JIlIp llIIckolt thirdami HainblutnnliinH IIM fourth

titerI tlio dhimtor In Iho pnolnc riee TolirV Johnston black mnru Ijrune nnd Win U-

WcuknV IjlmUtimro liiih lu M worn time onlyfidiiwh Hicrrt tn cnmietu for tim rnrH-Oriio

LowIts it ctrruiK favorite Jletsm M tonk time

frht hint without it lirunk In 220U Dothbroke nnd iht ground In the secondI heatLornno Iionillnij Ilfsnlu under thin wIre it tinyotllhlt Its IIn JlO1 rurene nlso won Itho thirdI

heat nn n jCt III 220I DarUnofa bou causedn ttfitittiAiitMint

IlnlrnrrlMilnti thin imrk with MitudH In themoniiniI Uu reInrlemii J the iniiru In Mploniltdcoijul t thin anil bald IlInt nntlilniI notowortliy-ocoiirrid mi itt trip Iln nnn unnlilo to pro-cure


tits old umirtiTR of Mauri H near time club-house Tlmy wero occupIed bye pacer tileowners of which declined to rbaitco tholrstnljlos Mnud was pmnornvlly placed In aomfortablu Ktnlile ut tile far end nt the trackwlinre bier faithful groom Grant wilt keep watchand wart ovr her during hor star at CharterOak 1tirk hue will bo joirgod as occasion rn-imires nnd bofnro she IIs pent for a fast performnniw duo notice will bn given MaudweB not shown to the great throng today


Th Trunk In IxMllent CoadllUas ror slayKyrHe llffitrt Tuilny

Elaborato preparations wero rondo nt thoProspect Park Fair Grounds yesterday for thetrials of spued by JarEycHee and Phallas to-day


Edwlu D Dither tho driver JayEyeSee nnd Phallus and Mr Hatnlln were superIntending the work on tbe track lowering andraising the scraper and closely watching thework during the afternoon Mr Dither smil-ingly


saidi I dont want to make any mis-takes


and should like to beat 210 anywayMr Hither said he know nothing nbnut any

nicotluiloiis between Mr llnbcrt Itonnnr andMr J I Case for the purchase of JnyEyeHcnby this fnrmur but added Hut If he U sold Iwould ruttier hnvn Mr Jlonner own him thanany man living because I know the horsewould be well taken euro of and have a goodhomo

Mr WinCrawford the manager of Mr Casestrotters asked Mr llonnor on Tuesday If hewould act its one of the timekeepers Mr Donnor doellnpd but on lhieing asked tn take a sentIn tim judges stand binlUnKly replied that hewould bu only too happy to ceo for himselfwith his watch In Ills helmet whether that horsecould bent Maud Ht record of 2IKIV

If the trials do not cohen off today they willprobably hnvo to bo abandoned us the horseshave ether engagements the Northwest

Mr Vanderbilt Ileeerlbee haul C

Mr Vanderbilt wrote this letter to Mr Con-ner


when lie > od Smut t-

tIsinoSTitu HOTIL Aug 20 IM4Role I IJftntirr Km

DaiS Slitt Enclied pleai nod receipt for Maud SI inuit congratulal ou upon bilug 1110 owner ot tile

fatten aol finest hors In time world I am line you wilthind her limply perfection Itself In nr particularHits IS line read 10 dr ciii thing you waul to haysher alwaysI expecting kind treatment cud the fullestcnufldeiic that idle 11 tint to Im hurt She seem toknow ai much u a man alllU of tIme most affectionatedlipoitilou Ties are great requIsite No one cm liltadmire them and w tnunt alt toys the animal poiiMilni1I1Th1 hand R will pleat you lIens herielf antvery uric connected with her Ili the eanieit wIsh ofyours very truly ifs II UOILr

JyEysI e Not For SaleIUCIXE Wls Aug 27Mr J I Case author

lie time following ilateinentt With reference tovariouS rumors that lily been rifliataitoMr Uotiner-or any oni else bnj Inif JayKyesee nooiie las an iinloitruIsm me lo buy orauthorlt to ell Jaityehea lie Iisnot for saleI

A TcHmlle Illcvel liarl3naxTyonD Ont Aug 7A bicycle race of

ten suItes for this champlouihlp of Ontario aud vJJ atide between Wntlake and1 Morgan whkh took placehire lodav recoiled IB favor uf Weillak by two feetTime 33 minute IIS lecondi

IrnTlni fur MllmtllUDtDestroyed fireteranda healthy lone reitnred to stemeel Beie redeemedilW wilt I tat firstly case ol mr-IIlid cravIng for atlniulinii which tie bottle only of i> r-

iecklumi VeKilall Hubitltut for htlruulMit fallsto b nul or cure Irlc III DruggIst Hi rultou-n dpetAdr

O O Hhayn manufacturer end wholeial dealer Infurs will retail this uaion forcaih at wholesaleI pricesLadle wiihlug arellabl nalikln ncaue Newmarket-dolinan or any tinSel faihtonabl fur can an retaileri pronta by guns direct 10 the manufaaturr IOJ

Prince it flea Broadway Kepalrmg and altering4Hunt Kldaey and Liver n nidr hli lived boa

dudi wuohk > bUKhD Imp Is dlqASi


l Tapestry Orunill carptti at talc to ft per yard WJ Ulouic Broadway sat IVA ilA4

VnalcMIr r RrMplliwi Speedily tiurd-A wondeiful external remedy aud toUch usury com-

bined Aik your drug glit for Dr famplieili Mulphotlnlotion none other It Uhn A rink litt WilliamAll

Bae hail Tit Grud Tdayteagn champlftixhlp matehIUehaad vs

MtwYork Oaun4P M AduiUaliw SOoA-Orand


tIIit4 3tOtlCf JThen Yuu aa Ma t Work

You are almoit illnabled hy that Ume buck RrN ONS-CAPC1NK ILASTIillii will cure U quIckly 2ic-

KntlUtnn Iremove tan unlMlrn fre ektere lieu of the skin aol render It ricer nil beiiutltul


pttil1t otitl 1


WORTH ITri MhtUIIT IS lOllCor over aT eari Hr TilHUii VbNKUAN LINT

lIEN lie been WAHKASBKH TI iiiSij K HATISKA-OTinsorI tile money would IiTrituuited I fluid MirI A HOTTLK liAR HKKN RETUIINKII TllllSK WHO FIIIMT-UnKD IT ARK Ml 11 fllllNll RO hnvliKI tril iiianr-otherremedtriI WITHOUT KIMHVd AsnillMI THAI1CAN ICUUAI IIT It cure CIIDllHA rilliri cPASMHniAKItllffiAi IIYSENTIIHV suit All TuMACHI emI IllIlAlNTHi ItllI clean to ute all Marinoleliarmle-


loyal drugiil t < at n andvnvhtADV10K It IOIUJIII

tire WIS8L01VH snotlllXil SVItUP should alwayshe tiled fir CIIILDItUN IIK1 MINI II hDOfllKH II-IrilllU SOFtENS tIme ILMH 51155 11110l OUKK4WINO COLIC and I10 tile llhsr KbMFIlY Volt DI-

AllllliaCA 1UoIYI IIIF CUsrrl A IHllllli-


IIIMMhsr iuri < Tetli hill Khrilin-Rliiiworm Morel IlmrlriPrzeiiiaall Itchy Hklu Kru-tloni no matteri how oVitnmle or Ionic itaultiit-

fMAOIIiiiixs IAI KINO Uli4Internal or xtirnal allis and settee 11 dmiffiitiatJ5c only Depot m loll el > iw Vor-

kIOHTAI Vt Brooine CotUirl KlUrnllnlirr litr ibedliiiHiroacheiratiiiilcellea anti lice moth

tflnl11ClllUtEDIIOLDIS C4MM1FIE5 01THH-Hi New York Wt chore hI Ituflalo Itatiwap

Company lily apioluted Mr RulkleI ai Keu-

relary with an once at room1I4JW allI it New YorktnrreipoRdeDce tUoiild lus alJrreie 1 n the ecretarj-M b Q JA8 U WUIATECUoUtuia



tiaMe CMckras M4 Ce r Bnk4 U Seaweedad Ildg wsi asrlw S Bu4-

8nlBJet ef II whe tf a fmttmtiEarly yesterday morning throe mon atartod

away In rowboats to vet seaweed from thoblncktocks at Dorlons Point flouth NorwalkOther boats brought In sea but and lobstersand farmers killed chickens and gathered oornwbllo a crowd of boys kept hsaplng up woodon a fire built upon an Immense level rockdr Dorlon hired a hand and nearly every onearound did something toward preparing forthe Fat Mens Clambake

When the rock was almost red hot sixtyfivebushels of clams wore dumped upon It withseaweed over and under them and hundredsof chickens and lobsters were scattered allthrough A most delicious fragrance filled theair and soon the fat men began to arrive

A big yellow coach with bill seats and drawnby four Normandy horses driven by a drivermany feet through wont croaking down to thedepot and collected fat mon from every trainThe stage can hold twenty ordinary mon but Itwas packttd with ten of yesterdays sort

Mot of tile fat mon revolted In their fatnessand they rode but a few wets ambitious tobring themselves down below 800 and theydotted tho two mites of dusty road to the PointwhIle at Intervals could bo heard the dullsound of Indriven beerkeg bungs Everytime tho stage arrived tile band tried to plsy anew tune but an thnband woro all lilt men toothey soon got tired and at 3 oclock they struckfor the clambake

Upon the arrival a cart load of water-melons


the bake was opened A dozen fat menwho were sporting In tho son lumped Into theirclothes with almost Infantile agility andskipped toward big covered platform wherea procession of other fat men wore buying billrod tickets They walked Inside H railing andsat down at thirty tong tables radiating from acentre In which the musicians were caged upA square Iron box holding 100 clams was setbefore each man and plates of lobster fishand chicken were scattered all along anti fittedup as soon as tboy wero emptied It was a-long while before anyone stopped eating andtbe bushels of clams and flocks of chickensware washed away In a grand gugllna streamof beer The pleadings of the musicians wereunheeded and thor hod to play right along

Toward 4 oclock tim sound of crackinglobster shells grow fainter and fainter and before 6 ouiiy tim watermelon rinds were taft ofall tile fount Homo of the fat men wont homesomn took a walk some got weighed and agood teeny went to sloop The ontlro bandwent tn dealt after eating They slept untilthe club had elected officers when they woreaked up to play Hall Columbia After thatthey went to Bleep ncaln

Mr Ililletuii Dorlon was reFlected PresidentIto weights only 24U pounds and Is tho feather-weight


of the club Mr Patrick Murphy waselected Becretnrv and Treasurer Ho Is one ofthe tight wnlghtH too weighing only BOSpounds Tho twelve oflfcora weighted together1018 pounds

After tho election they dlxcsrded beer anditnrtml In on champagne but kept on using theboor glasses

While tlioonioers were drinking to the cluband to each oilIer othor memtiurs woro beingweltliod Among them wits a laity MrsOscar hnrch Most of thus Indy membersdont like to bu wolghid but Sirs Church saidsbowuxnt pioud find setting tho 2110 poundweight got on to tOut nunlifi alter It TIle beamninimd 1 up with bang and It took fl73> i poundsmorl to get It down again Hlio Insisted thatMr Church her husband should be weighedHi WBluhitd less than she did Groans yoreglvon for hire

A great many were weighed after MrsChurh All who weIghed below 2fiu werelisted front the scales white the few whoreached 400 received nn ovation

The tacit utah who weighed himself did Itwhen hn thought no one saw him He was alocal young moan with prominent knees slonler litnis and n hluli collar Ho put on the 100iiHind wuliiht but the bourn full with it sIckenlnl click Tlum ho tried again and just raisedIll rnindx Ito cliipiKtd his hands and suomcd-

Hoihappy bud gained a pound

TilE MtlHlIJtlff JIKltll UACES

Han Thompinn llgun Little Fred Millllrowatcr Adonle und Ilitlly the WlBncra-Tho vlriltorn to thornces it Brighton Doach

this Bunion havo boon BO numerous that thegrand stand Is to bo extended foot Thocrowd yiRterday Vns tvt tnual very largoFlrjt ra Purse 1250 for beaten holeos threejiliulers of n iiiiln 1oola lion Thomp on 85

tloi MiCulIotuiiJuJ Hiiirtnt fK levoy S 20flOut 10 lien Thompson noon ttbmvod In time

van and won by two lungths Col Morris seeand Hairiot third Tiniu 11S >> Mutualspiild1 1005-

Hccond llacff Stilling allowances ono mllonnd a juarter 1onU Llsitn 210 Jim Carlot2UO itolloro U50 Blue String 115 field110 Tills was n rloie and oxcltlng race Atthe hnltinllo polo the horses wore altocotliernot snore than a nock opaiatlng any of thornflown tho hOmestretch It wits a lflmo strucgloI-mtwonn Ijlean nnd Jim Ciirllslo tile formerInningI by Ithnuiiimrterd of a liingth Jim1 I

Carlisle fecund TOil Foster third Tiiu-o2iiS Mntiinlt Imild I Hi 15

Third tbtcoirtin 1lor Handicap for nil agessixtytwo nninlniuloiiH ninniint tl145 onemile 1oolt Ilttlti Iriul 4IK llllio 11 133-1Ja Miirniy tMi Miirali ItHilon fill LyttonfItO Chnrlev Kompland 130 lIelolU2H Tlilr-loen starters came to thet tost and It was sometime b fort they got away Lady Loud got agood load but latin Prod Out them all townand won haudsomelv by four lengths MarshHedon BBOond a neck In front of Lady LoudTime 143 Mutunls patti 1240

Fourth lmtcalurso S loo handicap one milennd an eighth Pools Topsy 100 MissHrewster 300 WavnoLlght 30 barney145 Held 40 Iorleles tonk the lead but gaveway at thn halfmile pole to Electrlller who Inturn was headed by Ilarney Coming down tbestretch for home It was a trial of skilful ridingbetwonn Church on Uarnoy and McLaughllnon lllas Browdter tho latter winning right un ¬

dot tile wire by a neck IJarney second Topsythird Time 158 Mutimls paid 1175

Fifth ltacelor maidens of alt ages sevenfurlongs Pool Adonis 1160 i Change andMachore ld JanottaIrldn iso Held HOAdonis took the lend from tbe start tail wonnnslly by throe longthn Jnnetta Pride secondYorktown third Limo 1U2U Mutuals 810

Hlxth Ilaoo Handicap hurdle race one mileand a half over six hurdles Pools Puritan

225 Guy 116 Dally 125 field 155 Dallywon by live lengths Jampaplnl second Purltan third Tlmo 253 Mutual paid 1225

Nolan the jockey who rode luy In the Ilastrile wo HUniwndod for wilfully driving Puri-tan


out against tile outside rail nnd In one ortwo Instances causing him to pull up and al-lowing


holly to winLuinnsnoy Brothers bay running horse Wild

man ran nealnat a trotter yesterday morningund was co badly Injured that he was shot

Saratoga llaeeeBAHATOUA Aug 27The first race today was

for two yearoMi uonwlnniri at Saratoga with allowancci thrre iuarteri of a triPe Auction poole Trouhatour fOi Leonllai itt Tallynimi fl Pejaiui JO-

Troiiliarlonr got cBlii lhaleail anil wan never heeledwlniilnK molly by two lentllhi 1egaiui iicotul tenlengths In front of Tallyman third Time II3trench pool paid f 10 3D

Tb second rae WaS a mile dash for spun of HVljwinning nenalllei and nonivitinliiii and man allowsores Aiicllnntooli Sovereltu Iat fX XirlnvflelI lWi UeedsI Us Minnie Meteor sill hrerlieniirnnkI tMeach t nell f3 I Meecllclilirouk ted to withinI fifty yardsfrom Ithis wireI ti here buvereizn Pat on theotttilile notnn even terine anl1 the tno made a dead Iheal II silothird three lenvllii belilnil Time HIT TIme stakesniredl id UIetueen lifeehenbrook soil sovereign Im

Third lUrr Kor threesrilds and uiiwaril Conwinners at haratoita thl eari thruciiuarteri of a mileAuction olilreinliita M Mink filHiI InipectorSlim flelil jo Analoita got well off In front fruit LiraInluira aOl Inrrector the thyme running In Ibis orderIliriiujiinui tie race Analorta ulnnliKliy four lemrtlii-Utrauilnta Mcond two lengthi ahead nf ImitclorI-hlrd Time I ilntj Krciich I rlrnlllt 7i

Fourth Kaee Fur alt ages tI oneinlu sod halfBa rurlnog Aucllon pooli Mint tJo-llotarhlmle Ilij Ulanton fJJ lleorne I Sill llhott-

ll9 lenrtfe Li WOO a leniflh Illantou ranjntIMIIa dead heal for olIplace tlutuale sju

Hen Alder Whie ihei Great Kbar JisadleapLONDoN Aug 27At the York August meet ¬

lug today the race for the great Fhor handicap stakesnai won by Mr W b Atiion fouryearold cheituiitcolt 1Urn Alder lIlt fhetwyndi three ear old cheit-ma nlly Unlit rame la second and Xr J IllaguUroIhreooeapold brown colt lien Holt third

A Challenge Ila DiMntnlc HeC jr-

PtTTBiiuiuiH AUI 27fl 0 Hart of Clovelaud now IIn thlirlt lion to match Mert hun Ihnmp-nn


Mvnlnit Ufimlnio Milafrreyof Illtiburirh to flltlil-tu a hutch with hare aiiuckloe for SISI a side

Xparrln In PktUilelphlKJames MltchelU and Nlckey Golden have

agreed lo box futir round Marauli of jueeniberry rulestlie winner lo take ilxty per cent of the tietj recelptiat Arthur fhamberi resort lu Ihlladilphla

Joarellnwe UlrlIdJ SleekII a bunliCul present to give almy lady lIullhaI Is alithe boiL IutlIihisd III pslmuhihiet firiil wllb nollreIeu-sbus 10 lIterary umuritilmat utoui1 be as alpImprIIe andl-

riltCht hi time mII of savIng a lit IIIII railed Ur KV hircss Truths on Plies iii Wohlmhm fit WholeruU troimtiss the ruolI Preserilhlnn IIC aspdeIty deinrued It li profusely UhustraeodI with woodcute and colored plates and will be lent to any addressfor two stampsbr iha Uorlda I> lipen ry Medical Aieo-clatlou BuBlo H V4Ja


fSaprttItSi MM rraMnUMrlMM-In


TUIUK Aup UKIng Humbert and PrimeMinister Depretls arrived yesterday at Busesa oUr of about 10000 Inhabitants In the prov-ince


of Coneo Piedmont They visited thecholera patients the hospital and left 19000for the relief of the sutrersra Tho Italian peasanti In the cholera districts repel1 the doctorsand prefer to trust In charms and superstitionsobservances At BUM a girt waa found dyingIn a filthy room In which two sheep were feed-Ing The sheep were allowed to be there because of the saperstlt belief that their woolwould absorb the disease The peasant areprofound believer likewise In the powerfulefficacy processions A serious tumult oc-curred


yesterday at Lucca because the Prefectprohibited a proces4on It wa necessary tocall out Its military quell the disturbanceandsevoral of the rioters received wound

lioNs Aug 27Tile following bulletin showsthe progress of the cholera In Italy during thepast tlInt lour hours Aqulla a koch eatenItergamo 8 deaths and 3 frwih oases Poretta 4fresh cases Montagna 2 fresh OIlNlICllmllDbasso 7 deaths and 10 fresh eases 1aterno 1fresh case Buses 10 deaths and 80 freshcasesI Fosdlnovo 8 d aths and 2 fresh cases 1

Naples 3 fresh case larma3 death and 4fresh oases Pisa 0 fresh cases Porto Mau rlrlo1 fresh case Turin 7 deaths and 10 fresh canonAt La Boeila during tho put thirtysix hoursthere have been 17 deaths

MABHKIUJHI Aug nThe report of the rayngos of cholera the southern dopartmonta ofFrance during the last twentyfour hours Ila lIafollows HtSrault 7 deaths Oard 1 deathAtide 1 death Eastern 1yrennea 12 deathsThere were no deaths from cholera here lastnight The relief olllcet will clone Sept 1

There were tour deaths here from cholera today

TonoNTO Aug 27A local paper here thismorning caused great excitement by publish-ing


a report that a cholerastricken emigrantfrom France bad arrived In the cIty Tlm manIn question It asserted bad come to the cityby last nights train from Quebec and whenseen had all the symptoms of cholera Thepublic health authorities have been unable to-

Iindtboman today and It iIs feared that hemay have mixed with pauper lImmigrants heroOwing to time oxtremely loose quarantine reg-ulations


of them Canadian Government on thoHt Lawrence River to the story is given norocredence than It would otherwise receive andmuch uneasiness exists

mm fIM BttiHni rrlrrraMC-ASTCLLAMAKB Aug 7A riot growing out

of a case of cholera which took Dlaoa here Inthe port of Naples yesterday well Illustratesthe Ignorance a largo body ot the people ofsouthern Italy Thai relatives and friends of aperson trickeD with time cholera became sus-picious


of n young physician who was attend-ing


tho patient A mob Will formed and theyattacked and maltreated the physician accus-ing


tile doctors of poisoning the poor peoploAt Hpozla time bodies of persons who bad died

from tne cholera have been found secretlyburled In private gardens only n fow mousebelow tho surface of the ground This tact ex-plains


the sudden Increase of the epidemicafter showers the raIn having tot free miasmafrom tho dead bodloa


Gen Lrd Walactoy a Take Chie-of Caud

iha Troopi IIn EgyptLoNDoN Auff 27 Major Kltchonor ole

graphs to Cairo from Dongola that a spy hasbrought In tho report that Olin Gordon gainedn great victory over tho rebels on Aug 1 nndthat two of the rebel loaders wero killedThere IIs some reason to hope that Majorkitcheners mission to Don ola wllllloon affordho means of opening communications withGen Gordon again But the Government areof the opinion having regard for tho approachof tile cool Hnnson that no time Hliould bo lostIn piocmdlngtnMajnrI Kitcheners osslbUincoIn case his mission nhould fall

Gee Lord Wolielny will start for Egypt nextSunday Iln will urocued tn Cairo remimo lIltniedinto command of the fnrwa in Egypt anddirect operatloiiH for tilt relief of Klinrtnuui

All lie new paiK3r npirovo of tho despatchnf Uttn Wnl Oioy to Egypt to nssunio chiefcommand of the troop there Tile olllclnl mi-noiincoimint of hU appointment to thlt imstsays The preparations which have boon inprogress for aomu weeks for an expedItion uptile Nile rnmimhle In n great uugren HIOHO

which worn adopted In 1870 for the Tied lllverexpedition which gave ion Wolselcy nn oxperlonco which no other offlcor possossus

French Slunk DIrector eatoaced1AtUB Aus 27The trial of the directors nnd

manager of time llanque de lyons et lx ire which tilledtwo or three years ago was concluded yesterday M-

Havary MI ex Uepnty arid at on Urn Under Secrelarrof Vale wan lenleneiil to flue years In trlionto pay a-

nne of 21tSi IfHiioi and to uu r for ten yenrn u cuelirnilon of hits civil and political nirliti M Zlelln I

IIlh lanitn er wai eeiitenrcd to five mrinlhi In lrirlt-ant to ls a nne f Rouo francs M Hellaiituti euliinaitaver four militliR In prism with a tine of Ole 41 francI herein wereonl lined hue amonntH ranging from I um-to loi francs W Havar > the chief offender him liedthis country

Mr JUdet ne SlitrtliiB for KdtnhnrehLONDON Aug 27Mr Gladstone started for

KdlabnrBli to day lie was greeted by large rronda attime railway statIons ai he paned through At Kdin-

liurgh prrparatlotii harePeon madafora grand wclcomoof the 1rliae MInIster Wlmtoni and balconlri of builneK nlaren aid reildvliceii throufhoiitr I the city Iratelieen decorated and itlortt hi latge tiuinluriI are arriv-ing Mrt lladitoiie has arptrolll mutation toaltenda meeting 01 wor klogmen lo lie field IIn M averley Marketon TiiOlllI next Ten ihouiand tickets of adnuiilon totime ineetug have alreadyI been coIl

A RID Polar KKpedllton-BT rETrnsnuno Aug 27Tile Ministry of

Marine hai issued to aeveral learned aocietlen a plan fora ItuMlan polar expedition The ilea is to lust teveralUrge partIes start front Jeinnatt Island soil proceedentirely on foot arrow Ith Ice leavinglarge ilrpuitsi-flruvllns In ttieir rear It I thought that there are

manv Inland north of Jcanuette leland thatiouldbutilized

A FrancnGrrMnn AlllaacrPARIS Aug 27A special despatch from nero

Ito to the NaZis ISatt ots assertS that a rrancoUirrnanalliance usa teen arranged According to this Franca Ilato obtain certain terrttorv on conditionI of not oppoelnglernianys claim tn two p Tti on the North lIes HotB

countrIes are to aialit each other IIn acquiring colonies

Th Curs lreped Visit t> WarsawWAHBAW Aug 27Tile pollee of this oltv

have poled placards In the public plaice annonnclnitthat the Czar nf Ruaela will arrive here at the end of thismonth sIll Hiving the people parinlMlnn to dcorstand Illuminate their houses on that occailon

AolralUii Army M etlacaBanNs Aug 27Them cantonal authoritiesh-

ave resolved tuluipoa aflnenf 2t > i fraaci or threedayi Imprlinuinent for vlolatloa of the order prohibitIns Halvstloa Army meetlnii

A torn r WHIUm H Tweed DeadPAnm Aug 27 niehard Tweed eldest son

of thelale ttm N Tweed of New VorkhK died In amadhouse It Ili undtritood that he left little or noproperty

Ptrlneeee Vletorlit Illnca-riKiiuN AUB l7Tho fever from which tho

Prluoeie lctnrla wife of Prime VVIIIiam of lrmuihU I


continue with unabated Mvcrlty The Irin-cei paieed a reslieso nlxht

M re MIners Juts In the fkrikcPITTflBUnoll Aug 27Tim miners working

III Jellies UNella mines In the third pool joined theHrUer today tom of the meu were nllllna to tontluu at work at three rents but as they were notifiedthat liii rate nuM Itie reduced one halt remit nextweek they ram out In a Italy The Plltibiirirh CoalKxcliinire met ibis mornlnr and decided not to resumeoperatloni the mlnei unill irate Improvea-

on tttr Auif TWor hno juit been received here-of tli strike of 351 coal mlneri at Jaikion tientre Mer-cer county The men are irettlriir Hxtyflte fentaperton and want let etity cOlts tIme amount paid at Kloneboyd They are hopeful of compelling the adanoe al-though they admit that Jaokion coal ti eailer mlnei

Kntei Hmulacy mill PnatlncFOnT PLAIN N Y Aug 27Thls the 169th

da o Cats Hmulieyi fast tr Zoller says that at hisrequest abs took today a piece of steak the iln of tcaramel masticated It well but allowed the Jiiloaonly It causal1 great dutrmi hut Ih< will alumni Itaraln lie believe that titers Ila tInt the llf hleel IIHIMfor Iher tthe stIlt books well Her Ueih iU hard nliekeeps up I he conitant motlou a before and sleeps aboutone hour a day

lie Cut hla Throat with a HawVATEBnunT Court Aug 27Jamu Hoblmtts

aged 80 broke Into the fruit stars ot Ryan A HojUnthIs mornIng while laboring under a nt of deliriumtreiiene He was furl there at J A Stf with hli throatrut and a Tasty law lying near with which lie bad donsthiled lie cannot recover

slab Ulllon In ColoradoJohn Dillon exmlmoor of tho Drltlsh Parl-


trout Ireland aunt two years ago Imprlionewi-

thwith Parnell tan been at Caul Hock Cot tot thPat inonthi Ills health which was very priorwhen he raTtle IC this country has Improved Suu inuolithat Iii expect to return lo Ireland lu a short tummy suitreturn bli place In politic

A Umltlmaa Fatal DosePntNOKTOH Aug 27It Harto a wellknown

musicIan and icenlo artist accidentally took an miterdose of morphine today while offering from hatnteracolic aol died front IU effect If was an EDtllihmauand unmarried

lajusrd WhIU MBliUc a Blalnt PoleLiTTUTTOK K H Aug 27 Oeorge P Shaw

wa aertmtly and It Ia hired fatally Injured her thistnornlnf while awlillai to rail Repnbllcan lag pleeUhiwrurt wu brku nd ni was badly burl latwasllv


0m nMixQB flrjoDJcr WEDDING

A Belief tlrat ka PsDe Kninr Ur BrMSad Win lAvtmg

HIM Hobo Vlnlog ottbo Qrau Opera Com-pany


who eloped with R 0 DeWolf a marriedman while the company was In Newark onSaturday last was married to him at St Crysostoms Chapel at Thirtyninth street andSeventh avenue In this city The assistantminister thaIler Mr Nltbott gives the follow ¬

ing account of the marriagei

The young man came to me on Friday andsaid his name was H C De Wolf that he was fbroker doing business down town and that hewished lobe married to young tidy of thiscity named Miss Hobo Vlnlng lie representedhimself as 21 years ot ago and said he wishedthe ceremony to be Private though his tetherwould be present There was nothing strangeabout this and I said I would perform the cere-mony


the next morning I did not have theslightest suspicion of anything wrong and hadI rofusext ho could have readily been marriediy any Justice of tile Peace

The next morning 11 oclock the youngman appeared with throe ladles They worethe bride and her two ulsters one youngeranti one older than herself These woro mail

its father did not appear When I asked himtile name of the lady hn wished to marry hesaid Miss Annie llestty This struck me asvery strange and I refused to go on with theceremony but her sister explained the mattersatisfactorily antI her name was so ricordndIt Is a very unfortunate nfTnlr and for le WolfsTUB wifoannka I do not wish to say very rauohThere was nothing said about the young ladybeing an actress and t bollevn most firmly thatshe and hor sister wore entirely Innocent InHo matter There was not it suspicion of anytiling coarse about them Poor girlI She Utime victim of a fellow without principle

I went over to see hIs father yesterday tnreference to tho unfortunate affair Jin Is adontlst residing with his family In Thirtyfourth street He was Inclined to censure mefor not Insisting upon ills presence nt the cere-mony


but the young man was overage andof course as I say if 1 had not married himsome one else would have Our Episcopal ser-vice


Is very short and I always make a per-sonal


exhortation to tile groom to rememberthat the marcioge IB not binding according toVloLLs laws If he holds back anything from theminister which would be n bar to It Well he1naked mo In the eyes just as squarely as youdo now

He was I understand married to hi realwife two years ago Hho was a Miss lienrlaues and they have one Infant son He hasa sIster who Is finely educated and a brother

The members of tho Ornu Opera Companyare all very much perturbed over the news andmany threats ate made against young Do WolfAll agree ill praising till ladylllco Qualities ofMiss Vinlng and Indignantly spurn any sug-gestion


as to her knowledge ot lio Well s pre-vious


marriage Her part In the opera wasllled at n moments notice by ono of her sistersMr Oran U said to have teat Do Wolf consid-erable


mnnnyDo Wolf was a clerk for Williams Black ic

X brokers of 132 Church street and has bornetile reputation of being fast having squanderedconsiderable money at tile races Ho becameacquainted with Miss Vlnlng only two weeksprovlouo tn their marriage

Alice Hogrnor a member the Orau com-pany


salt that Miss Vlnlng know Do Wolf tobsamarrieel man but that ho had wild hewould bo divorced before the cvrotnony


Knrrner Wingran and Farmer irnrtlo MillAmid the Hnpply

Farmer Daniel F Shngrue tile fickle ailmiter of Ella Larrabee thin girl burglar gaveanother Inutanco of Ills fickleness yesterdayby falling to appear at Castle Garden toplokout n wife as ho had threatened to do the daybefore Mr Bhttgrue proposed to MIss Larra ¬

bee at hor tornporory abode In the Brooklynjail and was accepted but subsequently an-nounced


that tile time his n m an cod would haveto remain tn durance was longer than bo couldWalt and declared tho brief engagomonbroken Ho thon on Tuesday applied to Cuttlo Garden for n brido to take to ills Connecti-cut


farm with tile result ahoy statedMr HhugrunH rival wife hiintnr Michael

Martin a armor from nenr Trantnn was allttlo butter He too culled nt the Garden onTuesday said he would call again and kuptills word Ha appeared smiling tn tlm Laborbureau early yt st rday mnrnlng anti took acritical survey of the rows of young girls whowerosonlod on the honcliPB awaiting a chanceto work for a living but loft without Impattlngeither the result of his examination or hisfuture matrimonial plans

Un thn girls know that they are being InKpoctod by wife hunters V was asked of theIndy In charge of the otnplovment oftlco

IndniMl they do not and would considerthomnolvoB Influltid If titoy did Titer are roDpectablo girls who am looking for employ-ment


not for husbands Wu oncourngn nn-nonfconho of that kind hut of course there aranil sorts of curious cranks In tIle world

The Xnllonnl GuamTile worst exhibition of wild throwing by

pitcher yet leeti this season at thus Polo grounds teathat which marked the tenth game between the Cleve-land anti New York teams played before lou spectatorNoleia tItan twentie eti battery errors marked tIme

content of which fifteen were chargeable to the swIftthrowing of Dorian and twelve to that of Moffat Itwas limply a trial ai to which pltehr could deliver tIme

ball the swifter Both catcher had to seller and bothpluckily faced the muile and did toed effectIve aervlc-

In their poililoni ai fir as tIme pitchers would allowthem It was a tedIously long Smile with only crItterlog chance for the Odder to dlnlngulih themneltee-Caikln made wonderful catch on hit aIde and Jlut-

doon another with a double ploy for the ClevelandThe battery wai cacti not a run being earned oil tilepitching on either sIte flue new men Ilnekney andSmith of inn Cleveland ihnwcd up well In their uoni-tlone and SirlOin did aome good work for New YorkThe icon Will

saw yeas ciKviaiirn-B liroi a B la rnA

PhllllpiRlchardionrfl I I o o-

WardIdblit bu 1 II n 1

I 2413fo-nnorHoming o f1 O 4 II n-

flhkner3db3 U U Oflllleiple III 3333It-urchlf1 f4 U 0 U O o liooMu-ldoonDurian p o o 1 4 0 31bu 1130K-vanaMrKlmioo lbl 1 4 I O-

Urlrhnr f 1 o 0 o o-

HnillhJd3dbO I a I l b3 S 3 3 0uklneeel 1331ll-uuiphrlMcl CoflIp0 1 040Ola S 1 Mushongc0 O 0 O o

Total 0 I03TI3 S Totals TIOZTU 3New York 3 300001130Cle-velaud

I0 3 0 1 1 o S 0 07

Klrnt buss by errora New York at Cleveland 3Karned runn New Vork Ol i Uveland oThe case of Manlov and Brown who were expelled

by the Indlanapolt Viol when they signed coniraetto play with the New TerSe haa ben derided In faorof New York anti they will probably join that club

At Baltimore i

Rllllmore 30003 OOO na-0Metropolitan u 0 3 o I 0 o 03

Rue hita Italtlmor ei MetropolItan n Errora-Kaltlmorr I Metropolitan I fiichen Bmill forBaltimore and Lynch for Metropolitan

At PhlladelphlalAthletic O O 4 0 1 4 t 0 113Brooklyn o n o 0 3 I 0 o 08R-aa Inta Athletic 111 Brooklu T Errura Athletic

3l llrookljnoother geitee wereLeague At Phllalelnhla RnRalo 3 Philadelphia 0

At Irm Idence Providence Uhlcago a AI BoitonDetroit 3 lloiton a-

AmiTlran At Clnrlnnati r Cincinnati 11 In-

dlanapnlli li A Indlanapolln 21 Cincinnati 1 Atlolllltllle tolumbul 3 Ixuilivllle 1 At 81 l mllRain At Kiohmond Virginia 7s Allegheny ft-

At Newark Ironildei 3i liome > tlc lo At TrentonTrenton II York It At Uilca Utlc 4 Illon a AtIltliburgh 1ltllliUrgh tnlon ll l St Louts Union IIAt Waihlnglon National H Haltlmor Union 4 AtHoHton Bontmi Union 7t Wilmington 1

TIe ioelnd ami Nsw York clubi play on th Pologround agan today

The Stan Athletic Club ot Long Island Cite yeilrdaydetested the Crescent Club of Plalnfleld by IS to 3

Levying on it Trlecritph CompunrThin olTloas of the Hankers and Merchants

Telegraph Oompany at lIlT Broadway hive been leviedupon by Bhcrltl Davldaon lo satIsfy a Judgment obtainedagalnit time concern by W A Koebllngi Sons In the turnof f7iloui for wire and other material supplIed Yeslerday afternoon Mr J II Hmlth fieneral Superintend-ent and Treannrer Caie darned that tIre onicei were Intime hand of th hOmeriC or that the company was In anytrouble and pointed lo the fact that they were stiltcarrying on their regular liiiilnex Rherln Davidsonwho wa teen euh erueiitly nab he lund maul a Iey onthe property of the oompnnv to callufy Mr KoeblfngJudgment The levy wa nude on Monday lout whenthe Iompanv gate tli neceuary lecuriiy and continuedtheir builiieai as iiiual

DeareR Whll sand dallas Witthaii

Julian Nathan bought a put ot Deacon 8 VWhit on BOH Union Pacific for time week Accordingthe practice pf the Hcok Exchange privIleges for theweek expire at li IP M on Haturday Nathan who Ili aery orthodox Jew does not deal in anything on baturda > antI tried to get the heat of thiiea prtlcUpon meeting White at the Exchange he told hilt thatthe privilege he held was one lay to hlidlleilvantageand that cute IturIslitsl could deal upon It for eta ulsylwhile he lad only flv to teal In

Wilt ainwn uaaMdear Julian I am arellirlmuman m self ant I shall hive to ghe you an exttniloiiIoU can put tn me that stork on hunday moe will findIns at Keecheri church In Brooklyn I ihall hav achuck ready lu my pockt If you tiring the huh

Hath Partners Shed lnt MayIn a friendly suit brought by William Young

Judgo Allen In the Court of Common Ileai S ceterdayappointed liallbuntun Vale receiver of the sst of thelate Cr111 of F P Jaumues A I bauksrs 30 Wail straitiliutim ulunuiipra of the lirmti Yretierl I Januss amid IIhitylor dll ill Slay last 1thie asmeta of the Ilytul are saidto I over f2iitleOh Tue receiver ha risen alilolimtl to-

fscllllate a settlement of the

most FAttit wtm mtira aszTelly Little Urn ge TeaS who Is t > Play U-

pern Reef with AtMeAmong Iho fifteen or twenty members of

the Gnu opera company who arrived on theBt Laurent yesterday was Mme Cecil LaPont Mine Le Font Is a handsome little ladyof the Creole type with Terr black eyes equal-ly


black hair regular features and a widegoodnatured smile Bho U to be the firstprima donna to support Mme Thdo and shesatin barroom In theBtartevant nouseycstJTday afternoon with a suspicion of homesick ¬

ness In her face and a pen In her handI have never been across the sea before

she said though I havo made long journeysIn Europe I played at the Renaissance inParis last season and the season before at thePorte Bt Uorilu Wo open In Wai lacksTheatre here on Boot 8 lu Msdtme Bent ¬

face though I shall not appear then I willsometimes alternate with Mme Tbeoand dometimes will play with her Mme Allude was tohave come over with us but her mother wasstricken with paralysis and AlnuSe would notleave She will be over In the Normanulowhich follows soon

I was ill six days of the voyage and hidsuch a time getting through the customs and-qlIarantne They fumigated utiat Is theydid not fumigate us but the ship My baggagelas not yet arrived I have many handsome

costumes made expressly for my Americandebut by Felix and other-

slsIeilxaamanrOb yes he Is a gentleman He makes many

costumes for ladles of the stageMr Orau says bathe will koop Mine La Font

hack as a surprise and that hn expects shewill make something of a sensation In NowYork An agreeable characteristic of the ladyI s a healthful freedom from affectation and amerry frankness which It Is said adds to thecharm of her acting as It dons to her conversa ¬

tion ofT the stage

Treek W ilrTU IUIeuaaFrank Westervolt of Staten leland wrote to

Jtlsiice Whll ynterday from tile Tombs urlton askinghim to set hint free Juitlc Whit did to after flattingout that he wa a mpectable young man On Mondavnight the police arrested all the men thy found sleepInguu this llaltery Hark beaches They arreitd nineteenyoung men bill ot whom Judging from their appearnchad bottles Ii go to bit Tuesday moriilnv Jnillce

whit had th nineteen men stood up before him In aow and aenUnced them alt lo e month lmprloniunt-n default of 111th bouai for good behavior This prIson

ore romplalitMl loudly hut they were tent to III prisonreitcrvett IIs th only OB who baa written a letter toJustice White

Mutes hy SharkEdward 8 Monroe of Farmersvllle led who

is visiting frIends In Bayonn went on a tithing ieurIon to Prince Bay on Tuesday As he wai dipping hisright hand In the water two of till finger were bittenoil by a shark Time shark showed fight and was struckeveral time with time oars befor It would leav lbsvicinity of the boat Monroe wa taken lo HuguenotRtaten Ilaud wbera hU wounds were drilled by aphysician


LiY York Hloek JKxchMg SaU Aug XT-

vmrra iTarn AND irivi COeDS fix IIOJO1 US1 dn r 12-

0alltaoiD 1111 OTisIS M DI On lir 9l83 Atli iacinc2OHI934 3 NYA itueist763 AtlA Iaelit tuij I NV tilts St LIst 11712 fheiAllieil Ml 1 N rf lfSa lOX

1 CII AQ4iDellillvHH-1IICI

> 3 NWdehrM litAToTaf IU2S 1 Ohio Mm con IllIt tam Ho Zil H- JOUhloCent Ine5timtLNtljltiu tlsor8Loa 7tkl T7-

IU2 i05 Or Imp let UHDeiVAK Kilt 75 I leoIAYlattEl-I


tea ltclW IetJi 10 Itll A U lstOethlgttaJ 2

3lrhetoiiiat12234 3 Itt A I deli K>

snl 3rieuon3dil2t4luti 1 HtrAlllnnulit55 ETelmnSebiildwSSi con tl-

tMi KTelin lncl > ia 8trAMall UlU

lIAtJosunv10434 5 HI PI A Ua2d HXI311 A Tex Cent lit I HiLSi2l5lAlaL-Inalatitli1111 2hLitP21lCliIIJl42 Iron UIAr1 1V SHt-

ltintr5 hiImI CIIH

Ill Inc AllI N Ost4i7u4Mlllt

4 hit1lst 04 hWdtmSAKD hat IIIP hat 8 MUluxj

3 Kill f lit 107-HI

3 8hen ValKanalcon hjat llf tatlIttI43h15l3KauATcn im 8 Tx faolt Od r JV-

IITellarl20 Kan A r gi OslJllloele34 g27 tmtelu 1351 Slex A NO lit

Lmke B IJIv miuom1 laf A 111lit HI 3 VIm fae lit Ill1 Met Kl II tin III tmhsr c flli H-

34UnlAIthd17 Norl IMclltlfylc 7111 NOA Inilnt i-M4NJ

I Went Iac toilMldld aMmt 2l5 IVeot Sh


< 42442iSD Oflusk Ilmittos


2O NY Jt N R 1534315Io 44U-WOlVnt

lUI NV nick W tllNJtJl44lllC ItO Nt MIKAWlif II

12101 Cent Iaf 4Iit44li5 l30lthiihhm-tisll C U A l42W3 43 lull tit7tI111ilAQl2Ji512t1 2tAJtlit Miss233uurJ

ifiChes AC HiJ 1 irIt u

IKIClioI All lit pfIi 21o Omit AYUIHDelAII O imiam 4ieuoflio Cent

4452 115 Wll2asiielmg 4IUIIhiiNonllil-UilliiOrAliits lIeu A li UIHV412 TrSuisl7tl4i53

12U Erie oomlt iain-iurle

4uiur Imp mo23422pref JiH JaltOtdttlS1 OK renn tuV-laoiKTtnnnf

lano heo Ii E1i3nt514bK HS 3J Hull iu t145eml14

IKMI HaWioAHIIl-liMlftTxUet

iReadllig 27 jJI-MIU3f17 mo Khii A w PX

lid I illlhlI IV tlttGS I 5 SW Ito A titta5ASOtSilKanaiex 2 ttOlitocb Istthti5lI5IMI71 Lake liiil gt4ti lie letusr A HnrtVi 143

UK 14 h A W-

aioolxiuANlItO SlLt S V 34

hl44gJJ3 4 HI Ht 1 A H K

siHillauhnltjr iret421t842-ron7737034 10081 1 A fi lit100 Stet HI iw-luuMloh

nref HlXCeotilt 4X 8t P A stIki4t4114ti l07imm5I40U1IH A HI H A lac1IHH12-snwiUnotlntt7tl5R2 IM MKilfXW

12NOO Mo Vanti3e4i4l3 lid tabA Pan0llxJtioll A lltLhrta 22 WuhA p pf tvj1 inn Nor-irjooNor Iaa2i525 25774 U> itUTfltn fiiiaOht5l44ltiCj HaaJcf

20327 Nrwn ltt24ltsi35 13 Amer hx 134Sins Nrwn pf 134 tutu tail 3J307S

SillS NC uUOianrc-toima


PilCakJIM mmr-

ntHRid 4oteI

4K > e II3U 11-1VM4Klr

M A Ft rjifiiiif naI-B112 112-

1UH4Mo K A Tex littH

Itaf 13 NJCint eiU S 4ac W-U

1315 N YUAHudIOo < Its-ititu8 1 1 > I Nor Pacific 21 at

Canada South in 3l3 Nor Pat pf-


Cliii it A 11114 1221 IU-iiiuiha

leasent Fag 4I 4 413 coin 33 33tilllc A Alton132 135 Omaha pt U7 15Del L AW llif Ill Oregon TlJ 1KX 17nil A thou in us34 Or K AN N2 J 84lien AllloU IEI 133 Pacific Mall M-


ha tTnn 0-

KTennmih ndliS uu

pref hut 514 RICh ADanv 4iS 43ErIe ICg t6 Heading 272 27V-

91iIlllnolsten124 lIlt XI IP AMan wiLou A Nash 514 3414 Texas A Paelrlc I1U ISLake Shori 8234 554 Union Pacinc olV SIlJ-


Uluourl Pac P214 923 WastUnTet 0034 L-iiMabtPcom 80t 53

Allg 27A weak opening and free supply of stocks In

the loan department ot the Exchange bcemedto encourage tile belief that no further resist-ance

¬would bn made to the natural tendency of

the market That this view was held was shownby free sales that depressed prices generallynottcably Union Pacific tho Urangurs Lake-Shore and Lackawanna 1 Vcont and the restof the list to a less extent Before noon howover evidences of u reaction to which the mar-ket


was fairly entitled havlngdocllned steadilysince Friday night became apparent antI underthe lead ot Union Iaolllo and Ht TMU the entire market Improved rapidly Toward tileclose realizing sales Impaired the strength thatcharacterized the midday deallnc and wipedaway a part of this advance Thug close wasabout steady and Sinai figures showed againfor Union Pacific of 2 V cent soul for the otheractive stocks advance averaging fully coot

The more Importantohanieo for tha des wereIU02A AU927 AUCM iuv 27

Cent Pse 4404 4t4 NJ rent mii5l tuxUcLLAWltlllli2 Ill Omaliaroin 34 HIDeity A K u I2K h134 Ont A Weal IS 1214Louis A Nasa S4S 34 Oregon AT C lVi l3Lake Shore hIlt 823 PacidcMall 4li-

Iteadlng> 151

Sin lariili 1234 trd 27 i-


Northts cit otohiil lui2 cute hIts SITiNtriaecoin 2ii4 2i rexa Pacific llNor Pee of 4i 0i4 Union Paclnc 40j BjiN T Untral 10374 15034 Weit Un Tel bdj

Governments very dull anti unchanged ex-cept


tile 4 is which closed 31 hlglior bin Hullway bonds were quiet and Irrrgnlnr The onlychanges of note were declines lu Erin 2dsof 34

and Last Tennessee fis > i and advances InOregon Short Line is IU Union Taolllc sinkingfunds 1 SlId Went Shore 5s H

Money on call nominally 2 V centRtnrllngexelmnan oulet and firm at t4R3 > i 3-

l84 and ll85 iW 18G for COduy bills anddnmand tespectivel-

yltooeptsofinternai revenue today 245654customs 881240 national banknotes for re-demption


4J7unoParis advices quoto 3V cents at 7815Production of anthracite coal for the week

ending Aug 237GG430 tons enmo week lastyear 734561 total since an 1 to date 185U7029 ton as against 1U60V9G7 luring the cot¬

responding period of last earAt n meeting of the Executive Committee of

the Union 1iiclMo Itallroad Conipnny held Intills city today Mr H K Callaway recently ofthe Grand Trunk and President of thu Chicagosend Western Indiana llallroad was appointedGeneral Manager in plato of H Hi If Clarkwhoretires on account ol poor health Plans forfunding or liquidating the floating jolt woredlscuRsad but no action taken A director liauthority for the statement that the companyhas recehiil nn offer for the purchase nf tIm3004 0h first mnrtgNgi boniUof thoHt Joseph

and Western Itallrond that tlio company ownsprovided that the hands under plan of reor-ganization


can bo raado alien upon thnentlroline nf that company Tile proc eds front the salenf tinso bonds together with those from 12DOOtMKI collateral trust bond will pay thn floatlog debt which Is In round flgunis tSoOoOOOIriislilnnt Charles Francis Adams said that nopart ot tile floating debt was pressing and thatthere was no reason why It should not bo paidfrom surplus earnings Hn addadthatia fatns ho knew the business ot the company wasImproving and that be could not speakinoro positively upon that nolnt as undera new system of accounting the rosuits of tile operations of tho road werenot known to any one before they were finallymade up month by month The public hesaid get the figures as soon as any onu Theold system of furnishing estimated earnings offiaoh week wits owing to tnVayslem of book ¬

keeping formerly used a trawL The streethas of late evidently labored under a tnliappr

henston M to the Now York pfflce of the eerapany Itjceaied to be anything more than atransfer office shorttr after Mr Adamss aloetide to the Presidency and It will remain OH aT-priwint simply on offlce tortransfers and paymont of Interest

The regular monthly meetlngofthfl director U

the Chicago Milwaukee and Rt Paul lull Vway Company was hold In this city today and 5according to vleoPresldcnt Wadsworth onl-


routine buslnoM was transacted That offloeidenied most positively that the company Intends to issue any now securities either stockor bond Ho said that the company wits not Inneed of money In tact had over MilOOOCOcaahIn batik He also said that the company didnot Intend to build any new road during thspresent rear

The report of he Long Island RatlroAd CoInpanr to the State Itnllruad Commissioner fotthe quarter andlnic June 80 1884 show growearnings I6V5175 operating expenses 4U3003 not earnings 1291183 fiicomo from othersource 170798 gross Income 301081 n-


funded debt tnxns rentals anti inerect 189191 not Income 172882 assetscost of road and equipments I13R44844stooks anti bonds of other companies 1005IH3 duo by agents f52134 supplies on hand

B07H2 cash on bund 27H42 sundries1389249 total llG414i37 labflltlesCarS

ital stock common HOOOOOOO funded debt5347081 loans sod bills pavabln 500000lithe for wages supplloaixt 1222 RIG sundries

71713 profit and loss 1292827 total 118534437 i

Tim statement of the business of all lines olthe Pennsylvania Itnllroad Company eat 01Pittsburgh and Erie fur July1884 as compared Iwith same month In 1883 snow a decrease Ugross earnings of 1141865 a decrease In ex-imnsos


of 140247 n decrease In net earnings ol fUQ1G18 The seven months of 1884 asonnvpared with the same period of 1883 show a dacrease tn gross earnings of 1101103 a do icrease In expenses ot 052993 n doorcase lonet earnings of fOOB2tj2 All lines west ol >Ilttsburirh iitid Erie for the seven months olIBM Dhow n deficiency In meeting nil liabilitiesof 721322 being a dncroano as coin pared withthe sumo period of 1883 of 1058908 I

In the race of Henry B Manor against theTexas and Pacific Itnllroad Company to rooov-er In cash the Interest on the land grant Income bonds for them years 1882 and 1883 Judge ytWallace of the UnltodBtatos Circuit Court has fdecided In fnvor of tho plaintiff on tbo aroundthat the company having fulled to exercise IU ifoption to pay time Interest In scrip on the datesthat It bocamn dun must pay In money Mar flot sued upon ISO bonds but other holders ut

who have not accepted scrip are directly 4toreitedln the suit It iIs understood that an-appnal will bo taken to the Supreme Court olthe United States

The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company <declared today a quarterly dividend of IX r> ccent payable Sept 10 i-vv

New Turk Markets J-WKDSIJSDAT AUB 27 FLOOR AND MEAt iwere In better ilrmMtfl and firmer sales of flour l7oI

buILt Net 3iMifi MH5 lupcrtlne L5Of2 ttiiiplni-DHIIII

sItar 5t tt413 SoWhottuturei were more aciie M in draflo e J

of lrtol ciu > inilnly tnnrlw In ihlc o where there fwas tome ooverlliff boll on litvftl slid foreign aocojnt 4J

few large bears there however contInue tnnelh sales4ilditloSi ibij > li No a red hcpimiiirr hl931lljeo Ocioher 9134rgluS Tiotettultr MJKOlc Iec mlj rliSXaIXIHcl on tIns tDalR2Ul > JU huili Including No 2 ChIca-gteprlhugaitoat at BOKc hltallshilest uvitsuc andNu S ret In rlxator at mi Aitui4cl OatsimiuCluerl sales l iOio bonhi No a mixed8141530 iln white S4 aaic No a lulled jfur September Kfi3lici October t2Kf32feInilian com futuree wrr Ic to lic htirlier but quiet attime advance Clilcniro advance an l Liverpool was firmPr esles 34410 bIrch Mo a mlxeUi Menfember Oi4yS JmUoiiiclaber il5tl4Iilo November wignuc on the n-

fol sales 30wilni < ti After Ohanre Wheat tlruii No2 red inisc meltetllier tlhtiel OCtoler hOe November trtHoi l ecenil r miJic Corn nrni No S vlamed nmnlual nfloat rirptembirolioiOctoberUlob-nvcmberOuc Omits ann Augun aiic Bnptembe-r31ic j October SJje jPaortsiovii Lanl futnreft j ned dull bul clover IrtMirrri sales HOU ton at 77i47ttIc toy Nepteinber7-70CV7 4c for Oclober 7 11767 fk for November aul a-

7tt37ttSc fur IJecemler Alter Change the market Jwa tcxlv ehiililir at 7Pt2ftLtiIc for Septtmber ISle nJfor Oclober 7ltTu for November and 7u4r for becmtier 8 pmt lard was doll at 7 NIC fur ttrtine cltv soil-7tSlc fur prime Wcaiern pork quoted at tlMl forsuieis Hucon aol cut mean quiet Dretfd logs Arm I

at mtSMc Tnllow steady but quIet at 0>jc Butterand ilipene are firmer

COTTON KularvM were buoyant on reports of damaira tto time itrimlnit croii by rIta ami the Blirdilnir otb-clonlnv ileadv at lu7uc for Aunut u7lc for Sep jteitii er lii42c for tctoiier lii3o for November b11uS for December KMNo for January lttt0i for Ililninrv l7A for March In Me fur April lAinc Yfor Slay said II uv for Jnnat vale 75iiK > bales Spot >Miiu drarer with nu notIce buMnoni fur home coniiinpll I n I mmtllhIiuiic uplands lo IHlilc Irlnt cloths firm >rKTRotruM Crude oIl rllllcnu > lind another active

day rliiLljiAlU on lie down troth mss Iry to Itho deolra1 V0 terure Innit pniflii Pales luuaioi bbli at HuliJ v iinc clinliiit HxiiHi jc lletlnrl fnr extort vs low i-at Mr for li Lint teat lucre Slit 7c at tIle outicrti-Co eii HIII mil htha iiiitlinnired 3uieoceaueiItto enflee implIcIt were Ininer > aU > 23SOO T 4

iii rotuK tlrm at ttiv foiinlntf price i hepleinberii mpl5t4lIic October WtliaHtJir I Noenlber iS 1553Httcr i Urretnbtr us teoa ear Jan it AM Hia3s7rVhrury 11v45 TNt Mnrch H7tKH7 > c bi sIllaskelt I slut t IHo luMc for old sehea ttT4 larch mlitunit t 51cc trill tuir Ornra 44 SM Ktiilla ltli0i Uamt oI 7ia Iii asultail anJ 3i i tshmlrni American on privateternM Ten firm 1111l In goort dcmnnd mi Ii1e soti timeSt mar nette from Chlnn gives Itnhl rH cotiltlvrfiblo monIfnee hut tImer In lio np ouUtioii nt Ihe hxchmitre ami-prlc fiiliTeHrp un ttlfl llnwfufiir rr iiprer titles4ttXi lilid at 44tt4 ja iKi fir inutcornJo 3iH I11lhicfflrretitntiitfAi ttni 4t434ut Our lrnzii nriifil naryflftit and lJOc tu Jit alt more lu Koine cmc mike-

dIlve Stock MnrkBtNEw YOIIK Weilnosday A ic 27 Itocolpts of

htrfiatllr Jll carload i r JMt bead here was a 1

further iii comic on nil UMr itiln nritde CIIM to nbontVc V f hull tIme feeling tile tide was not en firm asnubI openiMit Ioorniidonllnur u > tltr steer sold at-tui4hi20 V lb to drnn 51 fc rt cent tufairdn nt 101-

4lllii i iin ilre Ml Si iiood ID irlmr Illal 4 t40 totIre 0i57 I cairn dn lJm lo tires 3s 215with S CH lomU up inif7 w s lit Itm Iho HcUht flra-f t Texas steer aid nt s44itr t lit to dress 5S Piecornfiildii atlljimiiv tu dress rs Its aol arms fedUeltraitt miitl itt U clodreHKSii Mr UaltmanboiiKht 45th naIl deer lii lie 5 srI tot ennorlaUoaall bad I Ill do illrect from the Wea-

lltecliI5 of ciiltvu I IHI firm and lilirher at flaSjc V t for enl and siaDii for grae >er4 arid huttuimflhlltCsites

Itictlutii of cheep fill Inmbtfl ctr loads or ltircheel Irlmi sIteS ruled Iii Illet ami truer Inferior slutcommon could not be rea llt luld t uu at formerflu lire Sheep rattle tri m 1C lo r c 4 li units from4c loOc A entail numbernf choice itctberi reached5492S V Di and choice Iambi soil up to i4I40-5t

imuch trading In live h ie Aileck loud of good

Stats logs soil at St v J5 im IbunJJ car ioniC ofHood U teru were lioldlnit for 5iSt4

Ceinrt fnlindnra this liarStrpijBMB CounT CmMnKiw Court onnns at

II AM Calendar called at 13 H Nn 43 Ijl MH-l 1 lIt IM 2m 2i7 Ill IM SIB 21 jac 23J lug> Kit Ttav Matter of railroad In Kortiecoud atret




ALVilfAO THH anySun risesS 22 I Sull ete 6 3D I Moon sets 11 II

1IKH WiTlta Tllll OAT

Sanity Hook 1231 I Uov Island I II I lieU OatI 01

Arrived Vir Mnir Ant 27 j-

Si St Laurent De Joumelin Havre Aug 18 11HI Bohemia harlowa llamburir-Hi Tallahassee Aikini hat annah iHi Kronprtni Fredk Wllhelni Mirer Bremen Aui 10 IHi Alamo Bolrer Oalveiton rSi Hidonlan Small Uenoa July 10 4hi Acorn Duncan Uaracoa Ja-HI Regulator iJoane WilmingtonHi tinyandoite Kelly Newport NewtMUpanto Routers Hull AUK7-Hi East Anxlla Thoma Truest July 31 JKHi Kioithurc Mliti Ilaltlmore N-

Hi Morgan city Attains New Orleani AIts Thornhlll Wetherlll IrOKrelo 1-

Hi Mariner Neville Vert Cruz cjhi City of Aleiandrla Tinmierman Vera Cruz v4Ship Ilna llamer Kltiiue tHark Keliclmia lucredit HavanaDark Italia Lauro OenoaJ-


its Rhrnland from Nw York for Anwerp hu nitiei Sthe bolllr islands

sAiLED rnov roniicv romi i-Ri America front Liverpool for New York Jhi UlialU trout llamliurK thy New YorkHi Republic fruits gueeiiitown for Nsw York

UIKIt-fIOLMEAt Clifton Sprlmti N Y on Ihe 28th Inil

thus lev John Stanford Holme I D m the lit1 year oflmtsage

Funeral lervlcei will be hell In the Bnptlit Church nfthe Kplphany corner of UadUon av and iHth it nottc-of

3whli h ltrcafler-

litJNTEltAug 281SI Wllllim Ifuntrr aged it nslive of Kllll > haudra county Cavan Ireland

Funeral from his late residence Ul Nitwatk it lieboken on Friday the KHh at I IP M