library of congress · n, un -- ;:..-..- .norn t, j wi'l jit s'i"itr x;i ', 1...

n, un -- ;:..-..- .Norn t, j wi'l jit s'i"itr x;i ', 1 On Natnrrtay. January St, 1HHO, all (tie Column s, Hi u es of Men, Flsb, Birds, Anlm c's-- In f.ici. all ttie I'AUAPilKRN tLIA OK TI1E ULK3. fc'ali f.;ll t.ioH place ut the Kxposillon Hall. !emph'n.l'". ls-- E. B. BHKT T!D:8. Administrators Sale. T TI1K ARNOLD IT.Aft..IX MILES FROM iV Memphis, on ihe Lii'iu Lake road, Hi.iur.lny.Jaii. 31, lHO. ot lOo cl ka m., I will at public fliic'litn. t the hlnhest bidder, the fiillDW'i.c-iniinw- t Hitler belonging to the estate or K. M Arnold. ll"eee.e-- : H hoises, 2 COWS It Calves, !hi'il. Ol l'0;rH, IW" llMH WaiOII aild tiaine. I. i'm UK ulei s N. X or 4 Mai.d-- i of boiiH-licl- mi'l k li'h ii Immune, an i some fnwis, some 4IK) ls rum. hay and IkW r, 1 cbtsl carpenter's I ,uri. Teiins of ale CSH. ;K"H K HtV(is. Arfmlnltrr. JKT 1. I.ACH. JET PALACE ANNOUNCEMENT ! 1J EetmT eonilielltd, Ur jumU nr.y losses realize money as fast as I will noil my One tuck of Jet l.'oM-Platfl- tl ami .Solid GoM Jewelry, (NOT DAMAGED), AT Ut't: VTI.V UKIIIXKU PKICKS. REMOVED TO 375 Main St , few doors above old stand. Parties Indebted to the .let Palace will please rail and settle. . slnnafcr TO EXCHAIMii:. ""TORNER I.OT-- A uood comer lot, near Mbsls-- " 7 B't'l't an 1 Tei.neesee D pot, for wag in and t.rn r r ad lne'irv rll nl N'o. el Miiliier .t r "v AOhKSOf LAND Well Improved, In a blab '' aiuie of culitva Ion. at (iill's Station, i!V4 miles from city, of M. n'i 0. K. H. Apply to .1 A. FORicr-S- t'O . rt Monroe st JIOMSV '111 LOAM. A f ( NlvY TO LOAN ON LlKF ani ENDOWMKNT . V L INMKANIK tOMI'ItS We also buy Endow-MKN- T l' by Companies, ma- turing wlimu live ye ar Aiidre Inclosing stump for renlv, HtJIif W. nOiiFRd C C.rnnr i evlni'tfiii rhur'- - .'rM, eialtlu-ore- . I'KllXIAAii ('. MC1,L has leiuoved Uls law olllce to No. H 41 t ulHun Mr-f- Txn B. I.. LA-- lias lits lesldnnce and J olinn to HI7 MAIN hT.. Aluuroe una lllllon fivr HK'T'" Inltr-r'1'- n or o' 'Pi i r r. iij inn iuiiuwiiik (Ill I'lty ot Me'iiiitiU Boinl h iv stolon, viz: K.mi i m l:tJ.Mii:l :i.Ml iiT, . J'7. f. 111. fS4i. 1x4M. ln.Ml ii."i7. ldH:.o. 7h7.-J- l I, :)ii:i4 and :4l. and a iiiri ti'f in-- one . i .rti s ijHlinis n lionds wouui do eil lo tii'ik a nolo ft t!i ' liiimlreU dol- lar ihum ' f t f'ir rriifti Ann"! oOt' M iavt t tit miii.i:.. L 'ne lartt-- j liaj bo se rxilt; two Tears old; C-1- tore wniin tret; Ionic tall; mure, and l(t e ln. Tlie ti nier will tie liberally renatued by reuillillilf lb" Mime t' A. KHKLUilf, "H M.irs'inll avenue, ro ner OrleaTi. ItKOVr Kor geiiilacNen, wltb board, at SIMiLK Colli I S'ltifU -- I,iir'i,lieil ro.iins wl'U excellent table V b i'inl. i iy lMwirl.(s war.letl at fill Viimriei tit, "! AKI RH-i- - AnrtlTr- f iunt.-ti- l room also DA torimii. li' 7'.l l.ln leii lieet. AU .K KK"Nr H'K)W Kurnl-lie- d or unfur-Jm-.tie- il I- - ; ilrrssii a nifiii Httj.uue-- ' lr ilrsire,!. Terms to sua i'H "tnler , led 77 M HE hT bf. TTirnTsln-- lot m, Willi board, at I0(". i.aiison s'fi-e- i ftni.n' retjtilivd. .'lllliN 1' rt'Xil K ( lliliilslievl, at No. 1114 J ' Court Miii.itile lor wiilriimn aiid wile, or two .IliL'le i. Rteiel C 'S looms. cheiii, at I- - V N k:. Ma I N sritKET. u i :x c it a iut:. N . 1 I nis . MilinMe for i ug'y. rbafton HOlrSE saclill", Will exel'.a' ir for anillllllK of el na 1 v h m A il lre-- "1 1 IK.- - K." till will e! I A roninioiiloiis and deslnible resl-I- V (Iimico In Bolivar. Tenn., lor like proiierty In Menil lils. J. W. ft if L' 'N. Iei t'ft, l?;r uiln meet. VVfLI.Tx- i- I...IKH ' II" lo llWelllllU With 4 ene lot ciuitenleiu to a: lenolil female col-le- e, in Lai'iam!". lor donliiiK tn Mennihls. f or rtferer.ce aopiy to C. L. fciilllvnn, liall a Dep.t, Teiri NT A CuONTAN r mid Bonk keeper fa CtOMl'f.Ti- linuoitant -- erelaryliit. Adfuess, vllh rel- -r lie, KKI UV, Mil olllce AYBOAItfttua Unve lofuis furnljlied or un-ru- D s'lO. at t:t recoiMl lieei. iOUK i " An K.i3 -- And Oil tflltlOIl-bole- - niuker Afi'l iniiiieiiimeiy. vftri A K. ,l,in. Main stret. lTfAl'l' N- -A cf fiiiu; best of S cit or Ouiuilry references itiven Address J . M., care of L L wiioin Jt Co ..ill f roy mreet, llli iN. 11 I' AI S. mi l all trades ot CottOD. Ortiersby mini pioin; tly ntfrideu to. a liABiV, Agent, No. II. l't mid I'lBcale street. lMI IJATION riy nii"i nun of business hanils, O who tin s a good Hand, and Is a ifiaduate of the Va An. and Jl. ollme deslies a situation as clerk, or Vmiie ir;ciw li re lie cm esrn an hne-- t Hvlni!. Address w i. K. KhaNKI l. ilils titllee. Air iijiu and lioard, hi U'.l Matttson st. turn'r. OUaE Wo. 1 1 4 Court street. Apnlv to H HAIl 11 I liw AKl'. n .leirerson sr. CX'JU-Ntce- ly furnished rooms for re at, at tbe R I erry tlouae, 4-- i roi ir irer. MBS. O. P. KKKFMAN. "I"T OU8S-Kurnlsh- ed tir unrumlsbed, at $35 per XX uiontli; seveial boarders will remain-i- n tbe bouse. If d -- sired. Anplv nt I'.'H Court street. ESIIKNCK Or rart of It. Anrly at No 244 l Wasline.'lon. it ...i inn 4 i .lenersi'ii. IiweHliius. o ::ces, Uo ms STOKK3- - I D.CONAW iv, AKtnt.s Madison st. Korm-rl- y ocounled by A. K. TESlliENfE Poplar Mteel; In order; fill re inoi.lti. Apidv to MENKEN BUOd. Tbe frame HOI'S iue. Mi V!,t Unilen sirett. Just east of lias all the mocein iiiipiovemetits and Is In peilnH or-'e- Also, a neat Coltaire pleasantly li.Csted, at 4'J'I I'ontoioc street, near Oileans. Ap-,,l- y (i, J. H f HKt'HKttn. 10 Madison St. ellnltile corner store, at CtOltNEH 'alti ftreet. cointr ot Court, hereto- fore cccu;iled as a Jeneny store. JOUN M. CAKMAfK, Attorney, lit West court street Sa eral larue ttrst class Main STOUKIIOI'SKS es. rentialiy localed. Storehouses ;:tr and 2:t7 fevr nd street. C'oleiV ' i ' old 8' and WV& See n stieet. No 2'i4 sec mil street, corner Court. Hwelllio.'h"uie on .Jessamine Slit t, recently occu pled li. K. L. Topp. Hwell'ons In le suburbs. ItOtl acres welMeiiced cultlvntable land, two miles fiom the eliy. Weil luiptoveii i isrenf 2'lft Hcres, six miles from city, with Hue cotton ittu rileepliiif- - ooiuaiidolllo. s on Kiotit. Crvi't .trd Second edveis. JuHN iiVElt roN, Jh. Apply to O. N. (iUUnVKiSHK, corner S.siul a"dCourt. j ii I K t'oK UtXIiKN O- K- r7t l.u oen street, ip X. piy to CLAktliK, JOUNrti iN A CO., .'170 Kront streeL l ION-T- be i.iiioii plii.-e- , leu in lies south IjlLANTA cont :mlnrf Jital acres of maid clear ! land tor rn' lor one or more years; plenly or wat'T..inl Ho" stock ranee. Apply to It. Dudley Erajscr, Nj. U MadUon stro-- or Z.KNO T. HAKKI3. at WliMe Have i, Tenn. U oJfTXN lTIorl ONoDALE 1'LACK. or the ciinlnn Jtar the ell known Lons- dale Place; a story bouse, contain- ing fourteen to sixteen rooms, a short distance be- yond tbe corporation line. The lot contains four acres, well Improved. Willi shade trees, maenoilas and other every reens, wltti a Kood nanlen; two lniire cisterns and a well, arables, barns and other out iiiilliiinus. HI be r- - n eo low to a irood tenant. Apply lo H HU'inii'Mi, L'O li..iliMiu st. l l.a"ri;"iMiiiluiiiisiied iroui loom, wilti small 1oO in connect!' X. c m b.i b id. llli K"Od bounl, at 7 J Conn sin et rteien lues n ijoirf o. I )UUt-- i- bli'si or unruini-iieo- . siiiRieor in X suit, wlilion ts'iid: epailinenis sulled lor Imlil housf kerpimt. a' ml Jefferson wireeL ei'roi.-lieu r.sims, til tofrM per UionUi, HOi'MS H7 Jelfr-rw- i rtreer "V I'KNCK - I clean, c iinuidloi.s resl-t- v clems s. Ire- - tnnn fiver Infect Ion. HM'i MK I WK rh K KL L' l Second st. t ici.i Ai I' UiH 'M.i- - lo Hie piaiiiers lusur-- H'ice It'itiilii it, a lew etimmoilUnis oltlis and e'eepli k- - lenus, Willi all inouern Impiovenienis. aud s .1 si".! lfiee I iim eolilemie I B.M.STBATTON Dealer in Staple and Fancy I'resh f.tse d Caiutf d Goods. l.est Green and lilac k Tea on the market. Clmic-- tiri ou an ! Frth rarched Coffee. The Charm l.'aU!ii;r-rovd- cr bus no su- perior for blrength aud purity. Choice Maple and Golden Sjrup, Fresh Hominy, Grit., 1'earl Meal, Cracked Win-alan- Graham Hour. Use the Kl.NU Sc Willi K MVAX FLU UK. B.M.STRATTON r Kl'BBIK'M TIIKATF.K. MA (soimerly ftieuipnls 1 Heater.) HA VEY B.H'JUKM Propiletors and Managers. IMMENSE SCCCKSfl OkThK POPULAR COME-D- l N, UK. I II A It I. KM W. BITTI.Klt, A3 ICHABOD CRANE IN WOLFERT'S ROOST A3 COL.MJLBERRY In COL. SELLERS who, owli K lo tbe continued Illness of Mr. Ray- mond, ba sustained tbe title rolts. MATINEE AT 2 O'CLOCK Farewell performance WOLKERT'S ROOST. Monday. Jan grt -- Miss Annie Plxiey In ' M LIES." AHIKKICAS Jll-iU- ti Ha. a Main street. Open from to 10 pm.,wlth performances each hour. Tbe Egyptian Mystery, or London Ubost Sim. School of Trained Anneals. i.arcesi io- - ceM show In lbs woild. iv- -r 500 Curt isltlts. -- f.ool ebtM en ,1ml"e.1 for nronN fn Hut or . Jf.JII,l.l Atil.v-.- ! It 11,1.1 AKl! C0VUShVS BULIAKf PiKLOB ! Ko. lit 31 on roe Otreet. BiLLiAKII AM) POllt TABLKSi And all kinds of Sportlng(ir-jyr-- , avyT yr.t THE " CO. rttt: it I It l SIOKK, KIKIIS t. .. .11 1 Rllt ! . - JU1CI ! EXTR A IXD C CEMENTS ! HAKTZ MOUNTAIN CAN A It IKS! l EDT HINUEBb ARB OFFERED AT THS FOLLOWING PRICES : Splendid Singer 8 8 00 Cnoice Select SI niterj 8 25 Female Canarte 1 50 Caes from e)5 cents to 5 IM) Presentation Cages from $7 to 60 00 Also, a fine selection of Fancy Grasses, Bouquets, Hirjglng-Basket- Vase?. Uoldnsb, Aquarl-om- a, etc. tST WIre-orl- t, itch! a Oarden-fencln- g and Wire- - guards for doors and at ra k ji I n i ! ituzi store, 811 H4IW KTRItKT. VUK H j ' Hll iSKJWT. 1TOREPOU3E At Central Point, on east side of ? plgeonroo-- t load At ply to w N in tbe nremlse TULU On Safmd-i- last, January 17tb, from iJ near Batt'ett. Tenn.. my b'ack hor-- o mule. afout bands IiIku; has a little sore on tbe top of his nock made by tbe collar; he I Je: black: when last seen bad saddle and bridle on. Will pay a liteial reward on bl return to me. at Bartlttt, Tennessee. J. VAUGHAV, r i t.ivril OIRN-MIf.- l. Onnd as new. ) DrXA N h V t i , KSKE. Concord b:., Memphis. ON Bin CREEK CJuarter of a mile from LAND n Depot, on Memphis and R ulreao; hlleu miles tmin iempnis; 2ii acres; the richest tract In Shelby coi.nt); cover-- d wltb pri- meval forest, eonslsilns of walnut, reilow-nopla- r, pawpaw. bicKory,. sassafras, oak and ab,all 'f the nuet cuaiacler j ne enure tract is nea' ly a plana. Title perlect and sale positive. Term- - cash F. W. KOYaTER & CO. ares ot land, thiee miles enst of LAND-U- S Tenn.; tine improvements; h"use eontalntiiR seren room-- ; 110 acres In cultivation; good Jorciiard and good water. Apply to D. J or Selden & Paiker. 2X5 Main street. sUxslcand fixtures. doltiR a Kood DuTtioritRK, Keason for selling the death of the proprietor A r.sro. hanc Br 'AVKY & ' F RL1N, HO Madison St. I Jlll.s l liill.lbniAi.Aii' HilsnERY Mavinf L pun based the Type, prcasts (Hoe. Campbell a id t"idoni. B'ruk Bii deryanil Machinery of Ihe late "Bjyie Printing Cointuny." we whl sell the s.une In uuiUitltlfc. lo mit purchasers. Ad ires S. C. TOOK It CO.. Mempbls. TiARVf Of rill acMes. one mile from Columbia, J ' Maury oountv, Term , on the ML Pleasant pike; well watered. F r pa llculars apply to & C. M'LOWELL. Attorney at Law, Columbia, Tennessee. Two w-- ll bred Mn?Jle Tennessee Jscks; JACKS well broke; perlinree furnished. J. a. KOKH SI CO.. f.i and 7.1 Monroe sirett. ors -- Two iinimnToved in's on ueorla street, j H7Mj te-- trout each, by J HO teetoeep nearSt. ,1 , iseph's Church T J. LATHAM. tiik -- r, mri or i..u. y.ioiiuiy and lauaiity iruarantiied Le cve or !'?rs el .louii A. Kront sciocl, or W. J. C'.iaxe Co,', 12 vfuln Street. O. H P. I'H'KK. loa sled Ooffee IN rOUSI) PACKAGES. With tlio brst kuown and lafes-- t litiprovrd ruac hinery, we ire d;iily ri'iietiiiif an A 1 grede of Va ffee and pullinsf it up ii POl'XH PAt KMiliN itiiiltrtlie'slLVtU nOLii" bratdof Heat G ildert Kio CiiflVi'. 'ilie wrap-lw- r is neat and thovy, Healed air- tight and packtd ia cases f 20 and o() pounds. e ft 11 1 he same CVS'ec loose, fit her glossed or. pl tin rousted, pnt up in tit an new barrels made for the pnr-po- e. We also EOiST 1'EAXUT?, nicely aud evenly, Tvlikii can be elopped either in Bags or llarrels. Merchants vfishius their own C.'of-fo-a roasted and pnt in tight new bar- rels, can hate it done by sending to us. OLIVER, FIMNIE& CO WHOLESALE GHOCERS, LOCAL FAKAGKAF1I.N. Tho Mieaiasippi has commenced declin- ing. The legislative will hold a meet- ing on Monday next. The weather has moderated again, tho winter season is over. The Emma Abbott opera troupe will be the ut it musical sensation in our city. Yesterday morning frost and ice in tne gutters throughout the city. A fow arrests were made by the police yesterday acd last ni'ht all tor naiuor Tho week after next at the Theater we will have the Emma Abbott 0 era tioapa for tour meats. The woi's of sewerage is progressing un-d- -r the (supervision of Colouel Vvariug and assistants. The muddy streets are drying up rapidly. In Memphis mud and dust follow each uther in tapid succccsicn. The matinee y at the Theater will bo the Inet pertormance given by tbe Ray- mond dramatic company. Thu cotton receipts cmtintie to keep up w;n.der!ully. As a cotton matt Memphis btands in the frout rank. Monday night next r.t thoTheater Mies Annie Pix'ey and conipiuy will appear in M'liss, or tho Cniht of the Sierras. At tho Theater matiuee to-d- IVolfert's Jiooft will be the dramatic nttri cti .n, and tw- ilight Colonel Sellers will be presented. Every Rood citizen should r.ct as a volun- teer member ot tha board of health, and keep hid own premises cleau in eviy particular. Keep your windows open during the cool days ard nights. Ventilation cannot be tco strongly insisted upon as a health movement. An open cihtorn on a vacant lot on Mos-b- y street, between lliil and Cjiimby street?, is in a dangerous condition and requires at- tention. Iho said of seats for the theatrical en- gagement of tha Annie Pixley company in M'lirm, next week, will commence at lljlleu-berg'- a The United Stales court yesterday ad- journed over to Monday next, owing to the do.uh cf Dr. Hammond, lather of Judge Hammond ot the court. Tho vagrant cow, bog, coit or other nni mat running at large (except tha dot) will be impounded. Ihe owners of such stock will takii ciuH notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. Tho railroad pooliug or purchasing of long ii"e8.of rad is the great topic of in circles. The purchasing ot lines in Arkansas, wibt ot Memphis, is now tho bono of couU'itien. Several insane peooiu tic tha ccuuty j lil make it exceedingly lively aad interesting tor tho jailer and In assistants. Thoy preach s rmoua and usa all kinds of ugly language, and oceasiooally tho prison-keepe- have to keep tnem closely conSned. Variety shows do not S 'urish here, they ire gout rally tak n cbariro ot by the sheriff. Years avo tbe variety buiuea waa oa tbe "bxini," but at present that style of thea'.ri cal business is uudei- - a cloud and has goae where tho woodbine twinetu. Godey's Latin's Magazine for February; Xew Scientific Library, containing l'rof.Tyn-dall- 'i work, complete, on the "Forms of THE MEMPHIS JD J 1 1?I?ElJL, SATUBD JJSTTT-A- . 1880. Wafer." rrica fifteen cents: Atlantic, Har per's, Popular Science, CoUmporary, Inter- - national ant iorT A men can ueviews, ai ord'g, 298 Main street. Yesterday Jim Thoman, colored, was td bv the police on the charge of killint; Jee38 Graham, at MtsBiasippt, Borne time since. The murder ia aid to have Lt-e- without provocation. Detective i'ryde took Taoma8 down to Hernando and turned him over to the authorities. The Grenada (Mis.) New South says: "The work of constructing Bewers in Mem-pbt- ?, according to the Waring plau, bep-a- ypsierday. Toe Memphins are thoroughly alivo fo the work they have ia hand. The vi:cr vfiih which they are pushing ahead th'jws thnt there is aad will continue to be life in that enterprising city." Detectives Pryde andM'Cune arretted VY. M. Aibrition, who la charged with pssHina conntr'eit money at Hunts-vi- il , AUibAma. Tne United States marshal ai. Hunts viiie te!etrrftphtd to the poiice here for tbe aircst ot A'.britton, who v.'bb Qur-a- t work at trie CbfirlcstonTajlroad hop4. Albriitin wni be field here subjectto tbe action ot the north Alabama aumonues, who will send for him. IMSKSVyJiAliS. Dr. Guy Liixt and wife, of Kentucky, are at the Peabody. Mk J. W. Couch, editor of the Forrest C'ty Courier, is in the city. Mk. J. W. Mobrissey, manager of the Emma Abbott grand opera troupe, is in the city. Miss Nina "Ward, of Nashville, is visit- ing Mrs. C. H. Evan, at No. 66 Wellington street. Rev. S. Landrum will arrive in the citv todiy, and preach at the Central Baptist church to morrow. Colonel Pat Duffy returned from "Ould Ireland' this morning, and has taken quar- ters at the Peabody. r.psmnt.. Tmr M. Collier, southern Da's.-ng- yr agent of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, ana UOIOnei lom u. carnes, oi v,iu' cinnati, are at the Peabody. Visitors registered yesterday at the cot- ton exchange: P. L. Tipton. Dyersbnrg; Sta art NicuoiHon, Englfftd; W. M. M'Cail, All-lac- : G. W. Dowdy, Sauldbury. Mr. M. Munford, of the Kansas Citv Times, by Lis wife, was in tbe city jeaterday, en route tor t:s borne via vov loijtoii, wbero bis ia.her resides. Mr. Steve Clement, at IS6 Beale street, has anticipated tuu Wauts ot his customers oy laying in an abundar t supoly ot oysters, fish, game and celery. He invites a can. Mr. Herbert Rhett bgs leave to -n ihacka to the party who took his over- coat from his office yesterday and was consid-trat- -i en ugh to take tiie papers oui ot the pockets and leave theux on his table. I,enbrie'eJ Theater. List nifcht Colonel Sellers was presented at tbe Tbei.ter by the Raymond combination with Mr. Charles W. Butier in the title role, owicti; to Ihe illness oi Mr. Raymoud. Mr. Batler, an actr of cietit, acquitted himself in a most ere cH able manner, aud played the part well. Oi' course the drama without Mr. R vmond ns "C.ilonel Syllis" is like Hamlet with tha part of "Hamlet" omitted, becau-- e Mr. Riytunnd has made tha role a speciality and bus a reputation mi's presenta- tion. Thi ch racter ot "Liura Hawkins," was taken by Mm Florence Mitchell, a young lady from Louisville, wbo made her debut be- fore a Memphis audience, atid developed dra- matic talent which gave promioe of a bright future, provided a careful study of (stage and peneral dramatic bnsineHS is to. She succeeded in pleasing the audience, and nas greeted with tnott epcruiasjing applause. lYe o'her roles were well tilled by the mem- bers of the company. ' At tbe matinee to day Wviferfs Roost will be the attraction, and this will close the engagement ot the com-panv- . Thore will be ro performance to- night. Xtxt Week. Monday evening M'liss will be pieseiited bv Miss Anna Pixley and craipauy at Leu brie'a Theater. The play is founded upon California lite and it is interesting and Of the cootpany an exrhacge says: "During the past week the attraction has l)r--- n Aui;ia Pixiey m tlio title role of toe C.ilifornia epis du M'lins, which is not a comedy, lor it has a murder io it, and it is coc a tiai-edy- , for it ends with a marriage. In Rpite ol its it is attractive and mttrotticg, ard together with Miss Pixlej has became an established favorite. The ap plidi.--e from ihe Celestial circles can be heard f'ora the ditt-isc- o of a r lock. The curtain is always iun up, aud alter tht t Mies Pix'ey in her fhot t dress and tangled hair mustc. me before the footlights whether 8'ie wiii or not. Her fong? have excited deserved admiration, and hava contributed in no small degree to tbe suites.! of her engagement. The com- - f pany vsmta supo orta her is excellent. LAiV KEHOilTS. Chancery tonrt-Jnfl- ze 91'Bowell. - Calendar for Montiay the sirae as that t pending last week. The Blatkwell case hes ! preference. line JKotice. Sol Coleman's popular cigar estab- lishment is closed The .tore will ba open until eleven o'clock ht for the accommoda-tio- a of the numerous patrons of the "Smokers' Favorite," SOL COLEMAN'S NO. 10 CIGAR3. An excelierit assortment of fresh IMPORTED HENRY CLAY CIGARS Just received. The Doctors Yielding;. Evf-- since Prof. Green wrote to the Medi- cal Record silvb-ic- g physicians every where to use tbe Suta kidney and liver cure ia their practice, it has ben gaining in favor with tho profession. They can find nothing which is a eubstitufe for it. K. Caulkins, M.D., of Rochester, N. Y , eays ha would now pres- cribe it to ail who nre cfilicted with serious kidney and iiver aiseases. rirtioko VVrighfw ornnti lurham. Army Experience. Tbe ffii-ieii- of Warner's Safe pills was Srst recdered unquesiionuble by their use in the Eaglish army ia malarial regions, where the and bowels were peculiarly sub- ject to derangement. They were found to oo tho best ot army ia dicines in such re- gions. H. J. Foster, ot Toronto, writes that they recently cured him completely of sleep- lessness, caused by biliousness. See other testimonials. Weed ti rain. Klerk, White, tsnd Keel eet Oats, low to the Trade. K. V. BICHAXAX A CO., Ill n1 IS I ntnn street. Reacted Cardinal Capes! A HIGH NOVELTY ! just received by 31EXK.KJS BKOTiiEB. Floyd's Jiiestanrant, "That's Floyd's," is what people a;y. "Lt's go ia and get something nice." Our restaurant become so popular that all the country people go there, and ladies never go shopping without stooping at Floyd's. ftinoLe lYrltstit's (trance Jlu-hain- . I'lojd's Candies And aro delicious. Try them. They will ploitsa you. Over 2UOO flruKgists In various parts of the Uuited Slates have signed the following indorsement, the signa- tures of which may be seen at 21 Piatt street, New Yoik: "Gentlemen For the past few years we have sold various brands ot porous plasters. Physicians r.nd the public prefer Benson's capcine porous plasters to all others. We consider them one of the very few reli-abl- ") household remedies." Scores of emi- nent physicians havo spoken nnd written about this arti-.-ie- , commending it in the bigh-e- s terms. Benson's capcine porous plaster is without doubt the best remedy ever de- vised for lame and weak b ick. stubborn coughs, kidney and spinal complaints and nil local aches and paics. Tne public are special- ly cautioned against cheap aud worthless plasters having similar sounding names ac- cept only Benson's capcine porous plaster. Sold by all druggists. Price, 25c. Turkish JftatbH. Dr. o7 Adams ttreet, opposite t'ao police station, general bathingbouse for ladies and gentlemen. Turkish, hot. cold acd vapor baths for keeping health. Water enro extra apartments for weak nnd elected persons. JiouieopaiDy ana njuropainy are tho only sure and direct cures as a treatment for tue weak and sotfetin?, and restoring health. I will be u-'- .d to watt on all that .way call. ats' bwola, k altera Mtl allppera eheap at Adler A ar.'s,W Ueale street. KA1L.KOADM. The Lace Kailteatt ParchMea by tbe Iionlaville, Maobvllle wa Cireat Meatbera Railroad The Ar-biBi- M Koads la tbe market. The recent railroad transactions resulting in the purchase of short-lin- e connections by tbe Louisville, Nashville and Great Southern raiiroad company created quite a sensation at Louisville, Nashviile and other intermedi- ate points, but at Mempt is, ouiside of rail- road circles, but little interest was developed. Memphis people in business circles do not regard the transactions, so tar, as affecting their interests; out a new development Las taken place which will be of interest to all business men in out city. Negotiations ara being made to (.urchase and abssrb itio rail- road lines in Arkansas immediately west of Memphis tha Little Rjck road and tha Fort Smith road with ,a view to control the trade of Texas. Tbe mainspring ot the railroad pur- chase seems to be in New York city, whence the news of the purchases' of southern ratl-toa- reaches us. An Appeal reporter, while investigating the railroad mystery yet-terd- learned that the Little Rock aud Foit Stuilh roads were in the market for sale, or were at least being bid for by rival combina- tion lines. The Charleston raiiroad company, the St. Louis and Iron Mountain rauroaa company and, possibly, the Memphis and Louisville raUroad combination, are now to purchase these two Arkansas roads, but as to which combination will succeed in securing these roads is as yet a sealed-u- p mystery. In view of the prospective sale the stock of the Memphis and Charleston railroad has advanced to eighteen cents. The rail- road men here are reticent, and assert that tbey know but little as to the prospective purchaser of the roads west of us in Arkansas the trading tor them being conducted ia New York city. Should the St. Louis and Iron Mountain road get possession of the Little Rock and the Fort Smith roads, t will work to the disadvantage of Memphis and Memphis merchants who are interested in tbe Texas trade. MKJll'UlS HlUia MCUOOJLS. UoBtaly Receptions Interesting Kx erclwes Tbe Pupils or the "School lasae a News- paper in tan Interest ot .Education. Since the opening of tha present session Superintendent Foute has inaugurated a se- ries ot receptions in tha Memphis biuh school, to wnich members of the board of education, friends of the ecbool and repre- sentatives of the city press have been cordial- ly invited. The fourth of these receptions took place on yesterday evening, and a large and appreciative audience was present. The programme of exercises consisted of severs! well-writte- n assays one bv Miss Kate Flyun aad read by Mia Lizzie Kennedy, and an- other written acd read by Miss Lillie M'Katn, being especially noticeable for admirable end beautiful literary style. The literary ex- ercises were interaperied with chou9 acd beautiful music, wbicn evinced both care and taste in selection. Tha class cho rus by tha first year cIres, and the duets and trios by the second and third year pupils, were received with much applauds and com- mendation. A specimen of tocical recitation in English history was given by a member of tho first year cla?s, who recited tha entire reicrn of Alired the Great in a manner which reflects infinite credit upon herself and teach- er. By far the most pleasing feature of the programme, however, was the prese-ntntio- of tho iourth number of the High School Her- ald, a rewspaper conducted by the pupils of the high school. The paper, we understand, was started by tha superin- tendent at tkie opening of the present ses- sion os a means ot encouraging work in com position, and has been growing in interest from its inception, the preaent issue was filled with editorial, compositions, selected and local matteis of a character which not only denotes great and commendable skill in writing on the part of the contributors, but much discrimination and judgment on tne part of the teachers in charge of tha high school. Wliicli in the Cheapest, A package) ot Doke s Durham, containing twenty pipe-full- s of the beet smoitng tobacco made, or one common cigar? Eich coats ten cents. coitomy i Wealth. Genta ctothini dyd, cleaned and reDaireJ. by I. Isaacs, 270 Secoi d street, opposite Court square, JVlempb'S, lennessee. French JSteam lyc-Work- s. Ladies acd gentlemen's goods dyed and cleaned at Louis jiit?el . b'i Ji tterson ttreet .Brown & Jones. "Pitt-bart- r, Mhot-fve- ll and Cannel Ca. StHJS Jlaln Htr. et. Who is 31 rs. Winslow? As this question is frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who for up ward ot thirty years has untiringly devoted her time and taiertts as a female physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this tu mere us cla?s, and, as a result ot this effort, and practical knowledge, ob tained in a lifetime spent as nurse and phy sician, she has compounded asoothmg syrup. for children teething. I ' operates like magic, giving rest and health, and is, more- over, sure to regulate the bowels. Iu coesO' auecce of this article. Mrs. Winslow is be coming world renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless ber; especially is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the soothing syrap are daily sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her nama by this invaluablo article, and we sincerely believe thousands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet unborn will share its oeccuts, and unita in calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her Buffering Utile one, in our opinion, until cue has given it tee benefit ot Mrs. Winslow s soothing pyrup, Try it, mothers; try it now. Ladies' Vititor, New York city. bold by all druggists, twenty-hv- e cents a bottle. Just .Received. A fresh shipment of the finest imported HAVANA CIGARS In the United States. Flor d' Cuba, Salamones, 65a each. Flor d Cuba brquet. 3 for 753. J?!or d CubaEscepcionailes, 3 for $1. Aad many other popular brands, at SOL COLEMAN'S, 316 Main st. Thb seeds of sickness and of death In a dtsoroered mouth are sown; "When bad tbe teeth or foul tbe breatb, Both soul and body lose their tone. Till Sozodont's brought Into iilay. And sweeps those dire defects away. For finest flavor, smoke Wright's Or- - snge uarham. At excels nil. Lynn Haves Kay frhell Oysters re reived dally per express st Henry Ainebrmaaa's, ;all sua try in cm. Hall's vegetable Sicilian hair renewer is the best preparation known to preserve tbe hair. Use it. J. W. Alley has opened an office at 285 Main street for the accommodation of his friends and customers, where W. L. Radford can be ioun i to take orders for Pittsburg coal, coke and wood. Pittsburg coal, sixty cents; Ohio river cohI, fittv cents. J.A.F0RREST&C0 DEALERS IN Horses and Mules 61 & 63 Monroe St., near Peabody Hotel, "VTtTE are receiving daily s large assortment ot VV HORaEd aud MULES. Persons WiUitlna stock will save rroney by calling before purcbaslnn elsewhere. Everything sold by us fully guaranteed. Ciders solicited. MARDL-GRAS- ! Masks and Costumes Kor Ladles and Seatlemen-Se- w Htoek, In fcireat Variety. Sam'l Pilay.Costumer, 235 TWAIN RTRWJT. NOTICE 10 COTTON SHIPPERS and after this date, all engagements of cotton ON for foreign and domestic iioints must be deliv- ered to tbe compress wltbln six days (Sundaisnot Induced) arter tne enKaAtementa are made, otner wise the engagements win oe cancelled. B HUHE-5- , Agent Va. Tun. Air Line. JOHN BURNS. Airent L i N. 4 H S B. H. M. RUhKR. Suu't Miss Tenn. BaUmad. B. W. Ll'sHTBURN K,(i. F.Ag't M. A O. K. Fkt Co. j. T. w AsniiMi iu.-s- . Agent. AD STORrt euip't Anchor-Line- , JUjKPH KAiiH, Ag--n- t C. A V Railroad. VING this day purchased the stork, fixtures and HA good will of tbe business or I. K. PETERS CO., and made arrangements with a large eastern boose to place a nrst-clas- s stock of new and eleuant Hats, etc . on my shelves. Tbe entire remainder of fashionable Hats, Caps, etc., must be closed out this week, and will be sold at very low figures, closing tbe balance out Saturday night, at six o'clock, at Auction. JAMES KLKXLAND. Hkmi'ius, January 20, 1880. East India Pile Cnre. The only specific for all forms of Piles. In use in foreign coun- tries for years, lately intro- duced into Anrerica. Warrant- ed to give instant relief and a permanent cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists or mailed free on receipt of price, 50 cents, bythe American agents, Richardson & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Saint Louis, Mo. ZAItA'S BILIOUS PILLS, guaranteed to give immediate relief in all cases of Bilious and Liver Complaints, Cos-tivene- ss, Sick Headache, In. digestion, and . cleansing the system of all impurities. Price 25 cents. All druggists sell them. IN USE FORTY TEARS. Dr. Storm's CELEBRATED SCOTCH Cough Sandy A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, HOARSENESS and Strengthen- ing the Lungs. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Price only 10 Cents. l jet-ju- s i a. v. k f l , im " ii, ' y w - vin!irTv.'c:wK Cincinnati Packing Co PACHKBS OP PORK, LARD, AND " QUEEN OF THE WEST BRAND " OF Kxtra Nngar-Cnre- d Hams, !honIder, and Breakfast JJucon, C'wii MMim Totecii,lcl hiltc prtzr Bl tipwi'MJ i,.r rhnrt o.l'l'.o toi fj.v.'lmor """"f ' f'fr t:r TCV'i'"7 ami jvKlnri" fb n6C tfcrt v,.r r i.iiic A our bin. ftri tile mtrk H note.? iniiiitfl ot iTiferli.r rs, that furktatt1 l ,L every pin? Sold i.v !l dealers cenl for f;;.c. in C '.K..i- A " '!lr'. bllTe ' W. A. FAIRES & GO (Succes-ior- toJ.RiW. A. Falres), Dealers In HOISES and JflUIiISS, No. 55 Union street. keep constantly on band a choice selection WE of Hordes and Mules. Kveiythlng guaran- - teed as repieaemed. Oruers sollc'td. J. riiiEEETY Sz CO And Manufacturers of Flaherty's Patent Preserving L'as&et or Corpse Cooler, S17 and 818 KECONO ST., SKJSPH18 keep on band Tul-- . lines of Metallic So WE Walnut. Bosewood Sinlshed Casket and Cases, trimmed In the highest style of art. CMers Mai r,- - TAimn-iin- n win nr.imnri? inw, i:. u JLUhmUSt' EAN1IABY litOX, A. 1. illfc.lts, manager. 94 Baekman St, New York. W oo jc CO Q i H 1 73mm I lil w 25 3 V7 JENNINGS' TR APLESS WATER CLOSET. " J CO 8 PLUMBERS' GOODS o having for their object clean linesa, dnrability, and exclusion of SEWER OAS. IRON ROOFING I Tg gi n.lTTKLI.K&CO. o " Jk Iron .llscinfselarers, Promenade street, opposite Concord. Memphis. CASEY YOUNG. JOHN D. MABTIN. YOUftG & MARTIN, AT TO U N 13 I S-A- T-li A. W, Ko. 254 Second Street, Jlemghln, Teas. -- J D. Martin will alpo practice In Csarts of Mar- shall, Tunica and Desoto counties. Miss. Greenwood Nursery! F1,1 Sliles from Memphis. Month Clate Klmwood Cemetery. FL0RIST& DEALER IN PLANTS CITY OFFICE AND SALESROOM, Corner Madison and Second. Memphis. Xon-fSeside- nt Notice. No. 3484-- In the Chancery Court of Shelby county, Tennessee Charlotte M. (jailor et aL vs. Mary J. l.oc-.k- et aL It appearing from affidavit In this cause tbat the aelendauts, Mary cj. anaress anu ner nusoana. rv m. v. Anoress, are non residents oi tne state 01 leu nessee: It Is therefore ordered, Tbat tbey make their ap pearance herein, at tbe courtnouse or si eioy county, In Memphis, Tenn., on or before the first uonday In March. lSHfl. and plead, answer or demur to com plainant's bill, or the same will be taken for con fessed as to them ana set lor neanng expane; ana tbat a copy of this order be published once a week, lor lour successive eeas, in tne aiempuis Appear. This 2Ud day of January, 1K80. A copy attest: B J BLACK, Clerk and Master. By E. B. M'Henry. Deputy C. and M. loung fc Ma. tin. Sot for compl'nL sat Trustee's Sale. virtue of a trust deed executed to me by M A. BY M.Uall on the 2tSthof January. 1878, and re- corded on ih28tb of January, 1878, In book No. 122, page lot!, of the Shelby county records, to se- cure to me the payment of f 260 as therein described. 1, as trustee, will, on MHturdtiv. February 28. 1BSO. at one o'click p.m , on the premises, sell at public auction, to tbebtghest bidder, for cash, 121 44 100 acres of land, situated about 2Pg miles east of Morn-Inirsu- n. on the Ralefen and Somervllle road, tn tbe tuu clvtl district of snelby county. Ten.lessee, being a part or a tract rormeny ownea oy ai. h. cnamoers, dej'd. In satisfaction of tbe balance due under said trust deed. MARK KIRK, Trustee. Colilervllie. Tenn. Son-Keblde- nt Aotice. No. 3485 In the Chancery Court of Shelby county, Te- nessee-Charl- otte M ciallor et aL vs. Mary 1, It appearing from affidavit In this cause that-tb- defendants, Mary v. Auareks ana ner o, wnu c. Andreas, are oi me ouue or lea nesseo: It Is therefore ordered. That tbey make their ap pearance herein, at lift courthouse ot Shelby county. In Memphis, Tenn., on or before the first Monday, In March, rs80. and plead, answer or demur to com- plainant's tlll, or the same will be taken for con- fessed as to them and set for bearing exparte; and that a copy of this order be publi-be- d once a week, for four successive weeks, in toe Memphis Appeal. Tuls2!id day of January. 1K80. a ropy-att- est: B. J. BLACK, Clerk and Master. By E B. M'Uenry, Deputy C and M. Younit & Martin, tols forcompl'nt. sat FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Mempbls and Pine Bluff U. S. Mall Line. For Floe bltiir. Little Bock, and through to iron smith str. l&ntie Hooper, Ed. Nowland master J. N. Thomson., . clerk Leaves as above SATURDAY, Jan. 24th, at 5 p.m. Kor freight or passage apply to JOHN nVuABBIN. Sup't, 2821 Kront at AJLIi OTHERS I Kremer, Herzog&r Co ABE OFFERING TO-MOXXtO- W OX neHundred SDecialCounters 100 Great Bargains, as Follows: 500 gross Violets at 5 cents per dozen. 60 pieces 50-cr.- nt Dres Gocds, at 20c, 500 boxes Fresh Roses, 5 cents each, 250 trimmed S5 Hats Tor S2 50. 1000 Silk Hair Sets, 5 cents each. 50 pieces $1 Dress Hoods, at 50 cents 1000 Ornaments, 5 cents each, 50 $10 Jackets at 81 50 each. tarooS'T FORGET-SO- O cross tne Iirt.t time In lth century at this price. t-- UA PItECliDliXTED-SO- O pairs of oar regular 75-ce- nt KID GLOVKM for 35 cents a guaranteed $1 85 Staff ults to order. $33. Black Silk Knits to or der. $30 aud SGO. Combination $35, 0, 915 and 50. inrnnr u r rvnciniiiLi.- nsiniuu & 253 and 255 Main Street. fSTIKAMHOATf. r4rJECI .li SWTICK. Hemp!ls nnd Ht. Vranets Kivcr LTnlted Siac. m ASstl I.lne. TTNTIt, the rallroid bridge r tbe St. jrT5M K ) Krant-'- rtvbi Is coirple'ed. tbe Str. gijwiift MIKE DAVIS, AI Di.vls. master, will make regular weekly trips between Madison and the Sunk Lands. Freight shipped by and Little Bock Batl-- r. ao, care Mike Dav.s, will ko through promptl;. There blrg no mall above WUtsburg. the Davis will take letters la government envelopes sent to ber cre. Madison, Ark , for Ibises, Stanley's, Tyronzie, Wlnnmgham, BufTal i Island. Old Town, Lester's Landing, and all polnU on the unper St. Francis r.ver. J. D. RANDALL. Memphis & Ohio River &PACKT COPAHYii FOB Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati steaheki SDY BACM, COM3 MILL4R. JA3IKS W. fiAFF, VINT SHIXKLE, JAS D. l'AKKtl, V1EUIE LEE. Steamers of this line leave Memphis for CAIKO, LOUlO ViLLlt AMD ClfiCINNAll Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays AT 5 CCLOCK P.M., Coe nectlog at Cincinnati vith Ballroads and Steam ers ror ait Eastern, Northern and Western Points, Giving THBODGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS, CHICAGO, TOLEDO, BUFFALO, RICHMOND NEW YORK, WASHINGTON CITY. PHILA- DELPHIA AND BOSTON. Eastern tourists will find the La Belle River Boute Sale, Delightful ana Economical. Bates by this line Cheaper than any other first-clas- s route. Meals and Staterooms Free Baggage checked through. For full Information, apply to B. W. LIGHTBUBNB, General Freight and Ticket Agent. No. 7 Monroe street, Memphis. t3yPasscng;rs can rely on a splendid trip by this Hue. as the steamers are all first-clas- having beijii expressly built for the accommodation of passen- - gers. aura steamer carries a run string ejann. KOR NEW ORLEANS. tt. Iirtals nnrt New Orleans Anchor I.lae For Vlcksburg, Natchez ana rew Orleans steamer James taoward, 1312 James O'Neal... muster, Will leave the AncboMlue wharfboit SUN DAY, Jan. 25th, at 10 ror freight or passage apply to D STORM. S ip't. FOR DYERSBURG. For llal Pol or, Kry Connor, Ireri- - burir and all Wav LanulDgs. The fine Steamer W P. Hall master-- H. S. Pell clerk Will leave THIS MORNING, January 24'h, at 10 o'clock. Special attention given to way business. For freitht or passaife an iy on noarci. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Ht. I.onlis and Vlckshui-- e f hnr l.'ne l ulled states Jiall FOH HT. LOUIS. Selle jlempliis, jg3g Crane master. Will leave tbe Anchor Line wbarfboat THIS DAY, January 24ih, at 5 p.m. Kor fremht or passage ap- ply to AD. srORVI. Sup't. on wharfboat. FOR VICKSBORG. Ht. LonlH and Vlrhsbarc Anchor I.lnei (Jnlt-- d tAtwten Mail FOR YICKSBUHG. (yiold IltSt, iSil M'Cord master. Will leave the Anchor Ltne wbarfboat SUNDAY, Jan. 25th, at 10 am. For freight or psesage apply to AD. STORM, Sup't, on wuariboat. Alias United mates Alstl Lloe-T- he elegant steamer Coaliounn, E. O. Bank3 master I Wm. Smfther clerk Leaves Memphis as above every TUESDAY, at 5 p.m. Otni-e- . r.n. H Mdlon st. LEE LllK STKAMERS. t or fcileuclale. Helena and riar f olol Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow.. .clerk Will leave as above on every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FBIDAY, at 4 P.m. Office No. 8 Madison street. ARKANSAS CITY and PINE BLUFF R R. Adamw Nrml-werkl- v It. M. Rail 1,1 ne For Arkansas Clly, Pine Bluff RaUroad and all way landings roe elegant steamer Ouaciiita 5elle, Hark B. Check ... master I A. L. Cummins. ..clerk Leaves as above every MONDAY and THURSDAY at ft p m. Office, No. Madison street. FOR OSCEOLA. Jlemums anu Osceola U. . 31 all racket Regular ly V. S. Mall Packet for Bandolpb, Ful'on, Osceola and all way landings The ele- gant passenger steamer Osceola Belle, J. 3. Andrews Master I B. O. Mtchell Ciork. leaves Mempbls every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FBIDAY, at 5 p.m. For freight oe nHssase anplv on boarrt. FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. MILT UAKKY LINK. Hemnhla White Blver and UlaeKKivei V. sj. M all rackets. For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall's BluiT, Des Arc, Augusta, Jacksonport, West Point, Searcy, Batesvllle, Powhattaa, and Pocahontas. The new steamer aposie Harry, -- ssi M. B. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, clerk. Leaves Memphis on and after November 2d. every SATURDAY at 5 p.m., connecting direct with the new Black river D. S. mall packet MILT HABBY for Powhattan and Pocahontas, and wltb Dally Packets to Batesvllle and Upper White river. Through i ates to all points. Freight ccnslgned to MUt Harry Line, Memphis ot Terrene will be promptly forwarded. Freight will be renei t at nil tlm-- on tbe H. E. Lee Wharfboal J. T. WA8HiN-O- vt timnt, Lee wbarfboat. R. W. L1GHTRURNK. Jr , Airent, 5 Madison st FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER. Memiiliin and sir. STranclH Itlver U. Is). 31 all lilne-T- he lltfiit-dra- tt steamer I. At" Jb- - VI Sj B. S2. gzgu, O. K. Joplln master! A. L. Banning clerk Will leave Memphis EVERY TUESDAY AND FBIDAY EVENINGS, at 5 p.m., for llarlanna, the Cut-ot- T and all Intermediate landings. For freight ar passage apply on board, or to I. P RANDALL, fittp't. FOR COMMERCE AND TBE BENDS. 41 till I'll IS ASiU COJlllEaCB. PLANTERS AND BENDS DAILY PACKET. The elegant aid new pass nger steamer Wm. Ashford master Ed. W. Crowell clock LEAVES MEMPHIS DAILY, AT 5 P.M., for Commerce and tbe bends. For f rel-h- or pas;ter pnlv on hoard. FOR HALES POINT. Hegular Asuvurt ua Maien Jfumi rkL For Osceola, Ash port. Hales Point and all Interme- diate landings Tbe elegant passenger steamer Silverthorii, Henry Cooper master I Nell Booker clerk Will leave as above on MONDAYS and WEDNES- DAYS lor At-!- i port; and on FRIDAYS for Hales Point, giving special attention to all way business. For freight or pe-s- anplv on rol. FOR WHITE K1VER. Memphis & White River Packet. Besralar Independent Slemphta aad White Blver Packet For AngusUi, Jacksonport Searcy, and way points. The regular lndepenuenl Packet 11AKD CASK, 3 Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal clerk Will leave Memphis EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 6 P-- For freight or passage apply to B. W. LIuH'l BL'RNK, No. 7 Monroe st.. opp. Peabody boteL ii. P. GLENN, on Wn-itb- aat. 500 40-ce- nt Towels (from oar A'ashville House), 12f cents. One counter 50-oe- nt Flowers for 10 cents. One case 50c and 75c Jewelry far 25c. A million and-a-ha- lf Buttons, 10c, 15c and 20 cents per dozen. 50-cc- nt Leather itelts, at 15 cents 50 812 Black Dolmans for 87 50. tne Suits, Case 81 50 Jewelrr your choice, for 50c Roses and Violet, at 5 cent- s- pair. 500 ptlrs regular and Kid lovesfor 75 cents a pair. n7n n i ? . . VMS & CO., CORNER Mala tt Madison, X UB stock of Boots and Shoe this season is nnu- - v sually large and well selected, we assure our fiatrons that tbey will get better suited at our and save from 16 to 25 per cent, besides. Come and see for yourselves. Stall Orders nromotlv attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sena for our Orxlernlip. We are also Sot Agent for chlldrens' -- Ankle HnDportere," an Inval uable invention ror weak ankles. ZKIiLNFK & CO.. 288 Main St. Warner' ttafe Pill are an Immediate stimulus for a Torpid Liver, and cure Ooative-nea- s. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious DtarrbtB- -, Malaria, Fever and Ague, and are useful at times in nearly all Diseases to cause a free and regular action of the Bowels. Tbe best anti- dote for all Malarial Poison. Price, 2c a box. Warner's Safe Nervine quickly rives Rest and sleep to the sufTering, cures Headache and Neuralgia, Prevents Epileptic Fits, and Is the best remedy for Nervous Prostration brought on by excessive drinking, over-wor- mental shocks and other causes. It relieves the Pains of ail Diseases, and Is never injurious to the system. Tbe beat of all Nervine. Bottles of two sizes; pncn,wc. and S1.0O. Warmr's Safe Remedlea are sold bjrDrafrfrista and Dealers la Medicine every, wbere. EEWAENER4C0- - Proprietors, Itaene-te- r, Bf. TT. for Pamphlet and Testimonial a. Sold wholesale in Memphis by MANSFIELD A CO. AEW LILLY Practical Builder OF FINE LiglitGarriages I KEEP A SELECT STOCK (exelaal-e- lr af tay awn manaraetaee) CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I am also prepared to build (TO OB-- DKB) aiy ar all or tbe modern styles af HietiM, and Kamtiy carriages now in use. I use nothing but the VERY BES f MATERIAL, and employ sineuy nrst-cias- a mecnanics. KEPAIIS1NG, In all Its branch's, done promptly and In the best manner, ewiii il ii. . 44 A sc. T. B. HAYNES. H. V. HERRON. Late Formerly I. B. Haynes & Co. Herron, Connor dc Co. Herron, Haynes & Co. Cotton Factors And Commission Merchants. OFFICE, 26G FROST STREET, MK5IPHIS TEHREBH- E- Llberal advances on consignments. Special at- tention given to filling orders. V. B. THAYER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER and OPTICIAN Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, docks, Spectacles, etc. Repairing ot One Watches and Chrono- graphs a specialty. Xo.307 STREET, UNDER PEABODY HOTEL. Old Gold and Sliver wanted. Vaults Emptied 1 ADOKI1EH8 RXCAVATINM CO. OF. flee. 45 Madison street. nd 103 Washington. INSURANCE. J. J. MURPHY. B. F. HUBPHY. Murphy & Murphy, REMOVED TO NOm 3 -- VXEtcaJ.SOZX St, (In rear of Cotton Exchange.) Bleinphis. ... Tennessee First-Cla- ss Companies. Glnhouses and ONLY Stores Bpeclallles. Authorized by the Commonwealth ot Kentucky, and Fairest in the World. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THB Commonwealth Distribution Co. At Macauley's Theater, In the city ot LoulsvUle, on BATI BDAY, JANUARY 81. 18 SO. ry Tbese Drawings, authorized by act of tbe Leg- islature of lKtSH, and sustained by all tbe courts of Kentucky occur regularly on the last day of every montn (Sun ays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens of tbe State. Every Ticket bolder can be his own Supervisor. Call out his number and see It placed la the wheel. The Management call attention to the grand oppor-nnlt- y presented ot obtaining, for only 82, any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES 1 1 Prize S 80,000 1 Prize 16,000 1 Prize 6,000 10 Prizes $1000 each 10,000 20 Prizes 600 each 10,000 100 Prizes 100 each 10,000 2-- Prizes 60 each 10,000 HdJ Prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 APPBOXUfATIO FBIZBS. Prizes S30O each 2,700 Prizes 200 each. 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each yoo lttflO Prizes 8112,400 Whole rickets. I Half Tickets. Il 27 Tickets, $50. 60 Tickets, 8100 All appllsations for club rates sdvuld be made to the borne office. Full list of drawing pob lshed In Louisville nl and New York Herald, and mailed to ail ticket-holder- s. Bend all orders by money or bank-draf- t. In letter, 01 by express. Orders of 85 and up- ward, ean be sent at hOAhDUAN oT T. J. OO.MXRFORcFtovrvr-Jouma- l BuUdlng. Louisville, Kentucky, or either person at No. 168 Broadway. New York, or to No. 0 West Court street, Memphis, Tnnnraenr i EUR WINTER WE W1LJL, OFFER 500 HANDSOME DOLMANS ! AT LE3S THAN COST. Ladies' and Children's Suits, AT LESS THAN COST. Shawls 1 Shawls! Shawls! AT LESS THAN COST. Felt Skirts! Felt Skirts! AT LESS THAN COST. Winter Dress Goods. AT LESS THAN COST. Waterproofs! Waterproofs! AT LE33 THAN COST. WE WILL ALSO Bargains in Silks! Bargains in Hosiery! ! TO MUST HAVE wheel, OO goods &rl(-- d MlITl! wmfik Bargains in All Departments This Week REDUCE UtlB B. LOWEtJSTEIH & BROTHE FEffl il HAVE JUST Embroideries! Embroideries! 1000 PIECES VERY ELEGANT PATTERNS. EDGES WEST IS! AT HALF 249 is LESS THAN COST. LESS THAN COST. LESS THAN COST. LESS THAN COST. LESS THAN COST. in STOCK. ORDER SAVE 500 .S OO 500 OO SOO 1 500 as 1 OO hair, we Invite careful a Take In friends and public that they are In receiptor Fresh Complete Assoitment of FALL AAD HISTKK e OO !, embracing; the very latest Styles and finest makes or English French and German They request those who Winter to them calL tW Orders solicited and TEE- -- -- o E ROOM FOR OUR SPRING W nave put our shoulder to the and will of at ONE-HAL- F FORMER READ CAREFULLY NEW PRICE-LIS- lien's tiood Salts $5 OO Jlens Vassimere Julfs... 8 Jlen's Casslmere Knits-- . IO Xf en's Fine Dress Suits.. 15 OO Hen's Fine Fants 2 Jleu'ei Extra Fine -- ten's 3 OO Extra Dres Fants 4 OO AU above are an dtwi ene THIS WEEK 500 .HANDSOME CLOAKS! AT Circulars and Ulsters, AT Wrappers! Wrappers! SI CO AND UPWARD. Blankets! Comforts! AT Flannels! Flannels! Flannels! AT Cloths and Cassimeres, AT OFFER THIS WEEK Bargains Underwear! Bargains in Handkerchiefs! IHjaEXSE l!S RECEIVED VAjLUE. rsfi AND IN TO ACCOMPLISH Coats-- . Coats-- . 3 Tests... OO SOO Vests... 75 Tests... 60 10OO Testa.. lOOO Fants and inspection Tn2SiUvX-X- 3 HKACHAII, J. B, POSTOSi. MURRAY & RID GELY, Merchant Tailors 38 Madison. pleasure notifying their the generally, and Manufactures. contemplate ordering Clothing give PKICEHIIODEaATIS. BamnlMaiton ppltcatlon.Q WEEPING AT tell balance stock PRICE. OUB OO OO Pants. .GOODS REDUCTIONS OZ-.OT7iXsr- C3- BLUFF CITY CLOTHING WSE 259 ItCTaEiia. B-txr&&- TO THE BADE Owing to the demand for Flrst-elts- s IVhalAsMe 'l.thln tfsase In this city, have dster-nlne- to enrage In same, and am now RKCEIVINc) DAILY desirable line of goods specially manufactured, and wblcb am enabled to offer to tbe trade a! low prices. An Inspection Is desired. All orders will be promptly attended to. M. VKVIIIIV. t.W 1a street LEGITIF-iAT- E ADVERTISir.G ! J. KIRKIL AMB 5 Iiarse Iota parehased enable me to offer SOO Doaea OOOD I.17CK 8HIRT8 at tne following; prices: Ss. XXXX ood E,ae Halrt st SS each, ar for S OO mo. 7777 Wood Iiuek Walrt si SO ears, ar for S7 SO Ko. lOlO Wood Lack Hklrt SI 75 each, or for S OO No. X. V Porta Hello Uood Lick MMrt Sc SO each, ar for Sis OO Attention la called to the GOLDEN HORSESHOE at the Peaoody Hotel Corner (my Trade Mark and Sum) which will be weighed July 4, 1HKO. Nearest guess gets $100 In gold Second nearest guess gets $50 In gald. Third nearest guess gets $25 In gold. OoTiBiolatlon for :PlgsTa.igrtcc3. W HOT Grocers and Cotton Factors Nos. 371-37- 3 Main street, Memphis. M. 1 HBAflHAV B. K. DVR1K6 : : t HTOCif. a a t a . . . . . - a I a I o I Ma itaSa M E Jai SH aUrlfL llhfjOa Grocers, Cotton Factors, AND SALT AGENTS, H o. O Union street. : : : : llemplif stcnsio

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Page 1: Library of Congress · n, un -- ;:..-..- .Norn t, j wi'l jit s'i"itr x;i ', 1 On Natnrrtay. January St, 1HHO, all (tie Column s, Hi u es of Men, Flsb, Birds, Anlm c's--In

n, un -- ;:..-..- .Norn t, j

wi'l jit s'i"itr x;i ',1 On Natnrrtay. January St, 1HHO,all (tie Column s, Hi u es of Men, Flsb,

Birds, Anlm c's-- In f.ici. all ttieI'AUAPilKRN tLIA OK TI1E ULK3.

fc'ali f.;ll t.ioH place ut the Kxposillon Hall.

!emph'n.l'". ls-- E. B. BHKT T!D:8.

Administrators Sale.T TI1K ARNOLD IT.Aft..IX MILES FROM

iV Memphis, on ihe Lii'iu Lake road,

Hi.iur.lny.Jaii. 31, lHO. ot lOo cl ka m.,

I will at public fliic'litn. t the hlnhest bidder,the fiillDW'i.c-iniinw- t Hitler belonging to the estateor K. M Arnold. ll"eee.e-- : H hoises, 2 COWS It Calves,!hi'il. Ol l'0;rH, IW" llMH WaiOII aild tiaine.I. i'm UK ulei s N. X or 4 Mai.d-- i of boiiH-licl-

mi'l k li'h ii Immune, an i some fnwis, some 4IK)ls rum. hay and IkW r, 1 cbtsl carpenter's

I ,uri. Teiins of ale CSH.;K"H K HtV(is. Arfmlnltrr.



1J EetmT eonilielltd, Ur jumU nr.y losses byflre.torealize money as fast as I will noil my One

tuck of

Jet l.'oM-Platfl- tl ami .Solid GoM Jewelry,(NOT DAMAGED),


375 Main St , few doors above old stand.Parties Indebted to the .let Palace will please

rail and settle.. slnnafcr

TO EXCHAIMii:.""TORNER I.OT-- A uood comer lot, near Mbsls-- "

7 B't'l't an 1 Tei.neesee D pot, for wag in andt.rn r r ad lne'irv rll nl N'o. el Miiliier .t

r "v AOhKSOf LAND Well Improved, In a blab'' aiuie of culitva Ion. at (iill's Station, i!V4

miles from city, of M. n'i 0. K. H. Apply to.1 A. FORicr-S- t'O . rt Monroe st


l' by Companies, ma-turing wlimu live ye ar Aiidre Inclosing stumpfor renlv, HtJIif W. nOiiFRd CC.rnnr i evlni'tfiii rhur'- - .'rM, eialtlu-ore- .

I'KllXIAAii('. MC1,L has leiuoved Uls law olllce to No.H 41 t ulHun Mr-f-

Txn B. I.. LA-- lias lits lesldnnce andJ olinn to HI7 MAIN hT.. Aluuroe unalllllon fivr HK'T'" Inltr-r'1'- n or

o' 'Pi i r r. iij inn iuiiuwiiik(IllI'lty ot Me'iiiitiU Boinl h iv stolon, viz:K.mi i m l:tJ.Mii:l :i.Ml iiT, . J'7. f. 111. fS4i. 1x4M.ln.Ml ii."i7. ldH:.o. 7h7.-J- l I, :)ii:i4 and :4l. anda iiiri ti'f in-- one . i .rti s ijHlinis n lionds wouuido eil lo tii'ik a nolo ft t!i ' liiimlreU dol-lar ihum ' f t f'ir rriifti Ann"! oOt'

M iavt t tit miii.i:..L 'ne lartt-- j liaj bo se rxilt; two Tears old;

C-1- tore wniin tret; Ionic tall; mure, andl(t e ln. Tlie ti nier will tie liberally renatuedby reuillillilf lb" Mime t' A. KHKLUilf,

"H M.irs'inll avenue, ro ner OrleaTi.

ItKOVr Kor geiiilacNen, wltb board, atSIMiLK Colli I S'ltifU

-- I,iir'i,lieil ro.iins wl'U excellent tableV b i'inl. i iy lMwirl.(s war.letl at fill Viimriei tit,

"! AKI RH-i- - AnrtlTr- f iunt.-ti- l room alsoDA torimii. li' 7'.l l.ln leii lieet.AU .K KK"Nr H'K)W Kurnl-lie- d or unfur-Jm-.tie- il



; ilrrssii a nifiii Httj.uue-- ' lr ilrsire,!. Termsto sua i'H "tnler , led 77 M HE hT bf.

TTirnTsln-- lot m, Willi board, atI0(". i.aiison s'fi-e- i ftni.n' retjtilivd.

.'lllliN 1' rt'Xil K ( lliliilslievl, at No. 1114J ' Court Miii.itile lor wiilriimn aiid wile,or two .IliL'le i. Rteiel C 'S

looms. cheiii, atI-

-V N k:. M a I N sritKET.

u i :x c it a iut:.N . 1 I nis . MilinMe for i ug'y. rbaftonHOlrSE saclill", Will exel'.a' ir for anillllllK of

el na 1 v h m A il lre-- "1 1 IK.-- K." till will e!

I A roninioiiloiis and deslnible resl-I- V

(Iimico In Bolivar. Tenn., lor like proiierty InMenil lils. J. W. ft if L' 'N. Iei t'ft,

l?;r uiln meet.VVfLI.Tx- i- I...IKH ' II" lo llWelllllU With

4 ene lot ciuitenleiu to a: lenolil female col-le- e,

in Lai'iam!". lor donliiiK tn Mennihls.f or rtferer.ce aopiy to C. L. fciilllvnn, liall a Dep.t,Teiri

NT A CuONTAN r mid Bonk keeper faCtOMl'f.Ti- linuoitant --erelaryliit. Adfuess,vllh rel- -r lie, KKI UV, Mil olllce

AYBOAItfttua Unve lofuis furnljlied or un-ru-D s'lO. at t:t recoiMl lieei.iOUK i " An K.i3 -- And Oil tflltlOIl-bole--

niuker Afi'l iniiiieiiimeiy.vftri A K. ,l,in. Main stret.

lTfAl'l' N- -A cf fiiiu; best ofS cit or Ouiuilry references itiven Address J . M.,care of L L wiioin Jt Co ..ill f roy mreet,

llli iN. 11 I' A I S. mi l all trades ot CottOD.Ortiersby mini pioin; tly ntfrideu to.

a liABiV, Agent,No. II. l't mid I'lBcale street.

lMI IJATION riy nii"i nun of business hanils,O who tin s a good Hand, and Is a ifiaduate of theVa An. and Jl. ollme deslies a situation as clerk,or Vmiie ir;ciw li re lie cm esrn an hne-- t Hvlni!.Address w i. K. KhaNKI l. ilils titllee.

Air iijiu and lioard,hi U'.l Matttson st.

turn'r.OUaE Wo. 1 1 4 Court street. Apnlv toH HAIl 11 I liw AKl'. n .leirerson sr.

CX'JU-Ntce- ly furnished rooms for re at, at tbeR I erry tlouae, 4-- i roi ir irer.MBS. O. P. KKKFMAN.

"I"T OU8S-Kurnlsh- ed tir unrumlsbed, at $35 perXX uiontli; seveial boarders will remain-i- n tbebouse. If d -- sired. Anplv nt I'.'H Court street.

ESIIKNCK Or rart of It. Anrly at No 244l Wasline.'lon. it ...i inn 4 i .lenersi'ii.

IiweHliius. o ::ces, Uo msSTOKK3- -

I D.CONAW iv, AKtnt.s Madison st.Korm-rl- y ocounled by A. K.TESlliENfE Poplar Mteel; In order;

fill re inoi.lti. Apidv to MENKEN BUOd.

Tbe frameHOI'Siue. Mi V!,t Unilen sirett. Just east oflias all the mocein iiiipiovemetits and

Is In peilnH or-'e- Also, a neat Coltaire pleasantlyli.Csted, at 4'J'I I'ontoioc street, near Oileans. Ap-,,l- y

(i, J. H f HKt'HKttn. 10 Madison St.

ellnltile corner store, atCtOltNEH 'alti ftreet. cointr ot Court, hereto-fore cccu;iled as a Jeneny store.

JOUN M. CAKMAfK, Attorney,lit West court street

Sa eral larue ttrst class MainSTOUKIIOI'SKS es. rentialiy localed.Storehouses ;:tr and 2:t7 fevr nd street.C'oleiV ' i ' old 8' and WV& See n stieet.No 2'i4 sec mil street, corner Court.Hwelllio.'h"uie on .Jessamine Slit t, recently occu

pled li. K. L. Topp.Hwell'ons In le suburbs.ItOtl acres welMeiiced cultlvntable land, two miles

fiom the eliy.Weil luiptoveii i isrenf 2'lft Hcres, six miles from

city, with Hue cotton itturileepliiif- - ooiuaiidolllo. s on Kiotit. Crvi't .trd Second

edveis. JuHN iiVElt roN, Jh.Apply to O. N. (iUUnVKiSHK,

corner S.siul a"dCourt.j ii I K t'oK UtXIiKN O- K- r7t l.u oen street, ipX. piy to CLAktliK, JOUNrti iN A CO.,

.'170 Kront streeLl ION-T- be i.iiioii plii.-e- , leu in lies southIjlLANTA cont :mlnrf Jital acres of maid

clear ! land tor rn' lor one or more years; plenlyor wat'T..inl Ho" stock ranee. Apply to It. DudleyErajscr, Nj. U MadUon stro-- or

Z.KNO T. WliMe Have i, Tenn.


or the ciinlnn Jtar the ell known Lons-

dale Place; a story bouse, contain-

ing fourteen to sixteen rooms, a short distance be-

yond tbe corporation line. The lot contains fouracres, well Improved. Willi shade trees, maenoilasand other every reens, wltti a Kood nanlen; two

lniire cisterns and a well, arables, barns and otherout iiiilliiinus. HI be r-- n eo low to a irood tenant.Apply lo H HU'inii'Mi, L'O li..iliMiu st.

l l.a"ri;"iMiiiluiiiisiied iroui loom, wilti small1oO in connect!' X. c m b.i b id. llli K"Od bounl,at 7 J Conn sin et rteien lues n ijoirf o.

I )UUt-- i - bli'si or unruini-iieo- . siiiRieor inX suit, wlilion ts'iid: epailinenis sulled lorImlil housf kerpimt. a' ml Jefferson wireeL

ei'roi.-lieu r.sims, til tofrM per UionUi,HOi'MSH7 Jelfr-rw- i rtreer"V I'KNCK - I clean, c iinuidloi.s resl-t- v

clems s. Ire-- tnnn fiver Infect Ion.HM'i M K I W K r h K KL L' l Second st.

t ici.i A i I' UiH 'M.i- - lo Hie piaiiiers lusur--H'ice It'itiilii it, a lew etimmoilUnis oltlis and

e'eepli k- - lenus, Willi all inouern Impiovenienis. auds .1 si".! lfiee I iim eolilemieI

B.M.STBATTONDealer in Staple and Fancy

I'resh f.tse d Caiutf d Goods.l.est Green and lilac k Tea on the market.Clmic-- tiri ou an ! Frth rarched Coffee.The Charm l.'aU!ii;r-rovd- cr bus no su-

perior for blrength aud purity.Choice Maple and Golden Sjrup,Fresh Hominy, Grit., 1'earl Meal,

Cracked Win-alan- Graham Hour.Use the Kl.NU Sc Willi K MVAX FLU UK.


r Kl'BBIK'M TIIKATF.K.MA (soimerly ftieuipnls 1 Heater.)HA VEY B.H'JUKM Propiletors and Managers.




who, owli K lo tbe continued Illness of Mr. Ray-

mond, ba sustained tbe title rolts.MATINEE AT 2 O'CLOCK

Farewell performance WOLKERT'S ROOST.Monday. Jan grt -- Miss Annie Plxiey In ' M LIES."


Ha. a Main street.Open from to 10 pm.,wlth performanceseach hour. Tbe Egyptian Mystery, or London UbostSim. School of Trained Anneals. i.arcesi io--ceM show In lbs woild. iv- -r 500 Curt isltlts.-- f.ool ebtM en ,1ml"e.1 for nronN fn Hut or .

Jf.JII,l.l Atil.v-.- ! It 11,1.1 AKl!C0VUShVS BULIAKf PiKLOB !

Ko. lit 31 on roe Otreet.BiLLiAKII AM) POllt TABLKSi

And all kinds of Sportlng(ir-jyr-- ,

avyT yr.t THE " CO.

rttt: it I It l SIOKK,KIKIIS t. . . .11 1 Rllt ! . - JU1CI !




Splendid Singer 8 8 00Cnoice Select SI niterj 8 25Female Canarte 1 50Caes from e)5 cents to 5 IM)

Presentation Cages from $7 to 60 00

Also, a fine selection of Fancy Grasses, Bouquets,Hirjglng-Basket- Vase?. Uoldnsb, Aquarl-om- a,

etc.tST WIre-orl- t, itch! a Oarden-fencln- g and Wire- -

guards for doors and atra k ji I n i ! ituzi store,


VUK H j ' Hll iSKJWT.

1TOREPOU3E At Central Point, on east side of? plgeonroo-- t load At ply to

w N in tbe nremlse

TULU On Safmd-i- last, January 17tb, fromiJ near Batt'ett. Tenn.. my b'ack hor-- o mule.afout bands IiIku; has a little sore on tbetop of his nock made by tbe collar; he I Je:black: when last seen bad saddle and bridle on.Will pay a liteial reward on bl return to Bartlttt, Tennessee.


r i t.ivril OIRN-MIf.- l. Onnd as new.) DrXA N h V t i , KSKE. Concord b:., Memphis.

ON Bin CREEK CJuarter of a mile fromLAND n Depot, on Memphis andR ulreao; hlleu miles tmin iempnis; 2ii acres;the richest tract In Shelby coi.nt); cover-- d wltb pri-meval forest, eonslsilns of walnut, reilow-nopla- r,

pawpaw. bicKory,. sassafras, oak and ab,all 'f thenuet cuaiacler j ne enure tract is nea' ly a plana.Title perlect and sale positive. Term- - cash


ares ot land, thiee miles enst ofLAND-U- S

Tenn.; tine improvements; h"useeontalntiiR seren room-- ; 110 acres In cultivation;good Jorciiard and good water. Apply to D. J

or Selden & Paiker. 2X5 Main street.sUxslcand fixtures. doltiR a KoodDuTtioritRK,Keason for selling the death of

the proprietor A r.sro. hanc Br'AVKY & ' F RL1N, HO Madison St.

I Jlll.s l liill.lbniAi.Aii' HilsnERY MavinfL pun based the Type, prcasts (Hoe. Campbella id t"idoni. B'ruk Bii deryanil Machinery of Ihelate "Bjyie Printing Cointuny." we whl sell thes.une In uuiUitltlfc. lo mit purchasers. Ad ires

S. C. TOOK It CO.. Mempbls.TiARVf Of rill acMes. one mile from Columbia,J ' Maury oountv, Term , on the ML Pleasant pike;well watered. F r pa llculars apply to

& C. M'LOWELL. Attorney at Law,Columbia, Tennessee.

Two w-- ll bred Mn?Jle Tennessee Jscks;JACKS well broke; perlinree furnished.J. a. KOKH SI CO..

f.i and 7.1 Monroe sirett.ors -- Two iinimnToved in's on ueorla street,

j H7Mj te-- trout each, by J HO teetoeep nearSt.,1 , iseph's Church T J. LATHAM.

tiik -- r, mri or i..u. y.ioiiuiy and lauaiityiruarantiied Le cve or !'?rs el .louii A.

Kront sciocl, or W. J. C'.iaxe Co,', 12 vfulnStreet. O. H P. I'H'KK.

loasled OoffeeIN rOUSI) PACKAGES.

With tlio brst kuown and lafes-- t

litiprovrd ruac hinery, we ire d;iilyri'iietiiiif an A 1 grede of Va ffee andpullinsf it up ii POl'XH PAt KMiliNitiiiltrtlie'slLVtU nOLii" bratdofHeat G ildert Kio CiiflVi'. 'ilie wrap-lw- r

is neat and thovy, Healed air-tight and packtd ia cases f 20 ando() pounds.

e ft 11 1 he same CVS'ec loose, fit herglossed or. pl tin rousted, pnt up intit an new barrels made for the pnr-po- e.

We also EOiST 1'EAXUT?, nicelyaud evenly, Tvlikii can be eloppedeither in Bags or llarrels.

Merchants vfishius their own C.'of-fo-a

roasted and pnt in tight new bar-rels, can hate it done by sending to





Tho Mieaiasippi has commenced declin-ing.

The legislative will hold a meet-ing on Monday next.

The weather has moderated again, thowinter season is over.

The Emma Abbott opera troupe will bethe ut it musical sensation in our city.

Yesterday morning frost and icein tne gutters throughout the city.

A fow arrests were made by the policeyesterday acd last ni'ht all tor naiuor

Tho week after next at the Theater wewill have the Emma Abbott 0 era tioapa fortour meats.

The woi's of sewerage is progressing un-d- -r

the (supervision of Colouel Vvariug andassistants.

The muddy streets are drying up rapidly.In Memphis mud and dust follow each utherin tapid succccsicn.

The matinee y at the Theater willbo the Inet pertormance given by tbe Ray-mond dramatic company.

Thu cotton receipts cmtintie to keep upw;n.der!ully. As a cotton matt Memphisbtands in the frout rank.

Monday night next r.t thoTheater MiesAnnie Pix'ey and conipiuy will appear inM'liss, or tho Cniht of the Sierras.

At tho Theater matiuee to-d- IVolfert'sJiooft will be the dramatic nttri cti .n, and tw-

ilight Colonel Sellers will be presented.Every Rood citizen should r.ct as a volun-

teer member ot tha board of health, and keephid own premises cleau in eviy particular.

Keep your windows open during the cooldays ard nights. Ventilation cannot be tcostrongly insisted upon as a health movement.

An open cihtorn on a vacant lot on Mos-b- y

street, between lliil and Cjiimby street?,is in a dangerous condition and requires at-

tention.Iho said of seats for the theatrical en-

gagement of tha Annie Pixley company inM'lirm, next week, will commence at lljlleu-berg'- a

The United Stales court yesterday ad-journed over to Monday next, owing to thedo.uh cf Dr. Hammond, lather of JudgeHammond ot the court.

Tho vagrant cow, bog, coit or other nnimat running at large (except tha dot) will beimpounded. Ihe owners of such stock willtakii ciuH notice and govern themselves ac-cordingly.

Tho railroad pooliug or purchasing oflong ii"e8.of rad is the great topic of

in circles. The purchasingot lines in Arkansas, wibt ot Memphis, isnow tho bono of couU'itien.

Several insane peooiu tic tha ccuuty j lilmake it exceedingly lively aad interesting tortho jailer and In assistants. Thoy preachs rmoua and usa all kinds of ugly language,and oceasiooally tho prison-keepe- have tokeep tnem closely conSned.

Variety shows do not S 'urish here, theyire gout rally tak n cbariro ot by the sheriff.Years avo tbe variety buiuea waa oa tbe"bxini," but at present that style of thea'.rical business is uudei-- a cloud and has goaewhere tho woodbine twinetu.

Godey's Latin's Magazine for February;Xew Scientific Library, containing l'rof.Tyn-dall- 'i

work, complete, on the "Forms of

THE MEMPHIS JD J 1 1?I?ElJL, SATUBD JJSTTT-A- . 1880.Wafer." rrica fifteen cents: Atlantic, Harper's, Popular Science, CoUmporary, Inter- -

national ant iorT A men can ueviews, aiord'g, 298 Main street.

Yesterday Jim Thoman, colored, was td

bv the police on the charge of killint;Jee38 Graham, at MtsBiasippt,Borne time since. The murder ia aid tohave Lt-e- without provocation. Detectivei'ryde took Taoma8 down to Hernando andturned him over to the authorities.

The Grenada (Mis.) New South says:"The work of constructing Bewers in Mem-pbt- ?,

according to the Waring plau, bep-a-

ypsierday. Toe Memphins are thoroughlyalivo fo the work they have ia hand. Thevi:cr vfiih which they are pushing aheadth'jws thnt there is aad will continue to belife in that enterprising city."

Detectives Pryde andM'Cunearretted VY. M. Aibrition, who la chargedwith pssHina conntr'eit money at Hunts-vi- il

, AUibAma. Tne United States marshalai. Hunts viiie te!etrrftphtd to the poiice

here for tbe aircst ot A'.britton, whov.'bb Qur-a- t work at trie CbfirlcstonTajlroadhop4. Albriitin wni be field here subjectto

tbe action ot the north Alabama aumonues,who will send for him.


Dr. Guy Liixt and wife, of Kentucky, areat the Peabody.

Mk J. W. Couch, editor of the ForrestC'ty Courier, is in the city.

Mk. J. W. Mobrissey, manager of theEmma Abbott grand opera troupe, is in thecity.

Miss Nina "Ward, of Nashville, is visit-ing Mrs. C. H. Evan, at No. 66 Wellingtonstreet.

Rev. S. Landrum will arrive in the citvtodiy, and preach at the Central Baptistchurch to morrow.

Colonel Pat Duffy returned from "OuldIreland' this morning, and has taken quar-ters at the Peabody.

r.psmnt.. Tmr M. Collier, southernDa's.-ng- yr agent of the Baltimore and Ohiorailroad, ana UOIOnei lom u. carnes, oi v,iu'cinnati, are at the Peabody.

Visitors registered yesterday at the cot-

ton exchange: P. L. Tipton. Dyersbnrg; Staart NicuoiHon, Englfftd; W. M. M'Cail, All-lac- :

G. W. Dowdy, Sauldbury.Mr. M. Munford, of the Kansas Citv

Times, by Lis wife, was in tbecity jeaterday, en route tor t:s borne via vovloijtoii, wbero bis ia.her resides.

Mr. Steve Clement, at IS6 Beale street,has anticipated tuu Wauts ot his customers oylaying in an abundar t supoly ot oysters, fish,game and celery. He invites a can.

Mr. Herbert Rhett bgs leave to -n

ihacka to the party who took his over-

coat from his office yesterday and was consid-trat- -i

en ugh to take tiie papers oui ot thepockets and leave theux on his table.

I,enbrie'eJ Theater.List nifcht Colonel Sellers was presented

at tbe Tbei.ter by the Raymond combinationwith Mr. Charles W. Butier in the title role,owicti; to Ihe illness oi Mr. Raymoud. Mr.Batler, an actr of cietit, acquitted himselfin a most ere cH able manner, aud played thepart well. Oi' course the drama without Mr.R vmond ns "C.ilonel Syllis" is like Hamletwith tha part of "Hamlet" omitted, becau-- e

Mr. Riytunnd has made tha role a specialityand bus a reputation mi's presenta-tion. Thi ch racter ot "Liura Hawkins,"was taken by Mm Florence Mitchell, a younglady from Louisville, wbo made her debut be-

fore a Memphis audience, atid developed dra-

matic talent which gave promioe of a brightfuture, provided a careful study of (stage andpeneral dramatic bnsineHS is to. Shesucceeded in pleasing the audience, and nasgreeted with tnott epcruiasjing applause.lYe o'her roles were well tilled by the mem-bers of the company. ' At tbe matinee to dayWviferfs Roost will be the attraction, andthis will close the engagement ot the com-panv- .

Thore will be ro performance to-

night.Xtxt Week.

Monday evening M'liss will be pieseiitedbv Miss Anna Pixley and craipauy at Leubrie'a Theater. The play is founded uponCalifornia lite and it is interesting and

Of the cootpany an exrhacge says:"During the past week the attraction hasl)r--- n Aui;ia Pixiey m tlio title role of toeC.ilifornia epis du M'lins, which is not acomedy, lor it has a murder io it, and it iscoc a tiai-edy- , for it ends with a marriage.In Rpite ol its it is attractive andmttrotticg, ard together with Miss Pixlejhas became an established favorite. The applidi.--e from ihe Celestial circles can be heardf'ora the ditt-isc- o of a r lock. The curtain isalways iun up, aud alter tht t Mies Pix'eyin her fhot t dress and tangled hair mustc. mebefore the footlights whether 8'ie wiii or not.Her fong? have excited deserved admiration,and hava contributed in no small degree totbe suites.! of her engagement. The com- -

f pany vsmta supoorta her is excellent.


Chancery tonrt-Jnfl- ze 91'Bowell.- Calendar for Montiay the sirae as thatt pending last week. The Blatkwell case hes! preference.

line JKotice.Sol Coleman's popular cigar estab-

lishment is closed The.tore will ba open until eleveno'clock ht for the accommoda-tio- a

of the numerous patrons of the"Smokers' Favorite,"


An excelierit assortment of fresh


Just received.

The Doctors Yielding;.Evf-- since Prof. Green wrote to the Medi-

cal Record silvb-ic- g physicians every where touse tbe Suta kidney and liver cure ia theirpractice, it has ben gaining in favor withtho profession. They can find nothing whichis a eubstitufe for it. K. Caulkins, M.D., ofRochester, N. Y , eays ha would now pres-

cribe it to ail who nre cfilicted with seriouskidney and iiver aiseases.

rirtioko VVrighfw ornnti lurham.Army Experience.

Tbe ffii-ieii- of Warner's Safe pills wasSrst recdered unquesiionuble by their use inthe Eaglish army ia malarial regions, wherethe and bowels were peculiarly sub-

ject to derangement. They were found tooo tho best ot army ia dicines in such re-

gions. H. J. Foster, ot Toronto, writes thatthey recently cured him completely of sleep-

lessness, caused by biliousness. See othertestimonials.

Weed ti rain.Klerk, White, tsnd Keel eet Oats,

low to the Trade.K. V. BICHAXAX A CO.,

Ill n1 IS I ntnn street.

Reacted Cardinal Capes!A HIGH NOVELTY !

just received by


Floyd's Jiiestanrant,"That's Floyd's," is what people a;y.

"Lt's go ia and get something nice." Ourrestaurant become so popular that all thecountry people go there, and ladies never goshopping without stooping at Floyd's.

ftinoLe lYrltstit's (trance Jlu-hain- .

I'lojd's CandiesAnd aro delicious. Try them.They will ploitsa you.

Over 2UOO flruKgistsIn various parts of the Uuited Slates havesigned the following indorsement, the signa-tures of which may be seen at 21 Piatt street,New Yoik: "Gentlemen For the past fewyears we have sold various brands ot porousplasters. Physicians r.nd the public preferBenson's capcine porous plasters to all others.We consider them one of the very few reli-abl- ")

household remedies." Scores of emi-nent physicians havo spoken nnd writtenabout this arti-.-ie- , commending it in the bigh-e- s

terms. Benson's capcine porous plasteris without doubt the best remedy ever de-

vised for lame and weak b ick. stubborncoughs, kidney and spinal complaints and nillocal aches and paics. Tne public are special-ly cautioned against cheap aud worthlessplasters having similar sounding names ac-cept only Benson's capcine porous plaster.Sold by all druggists. Price, 25c.

Turkish JftatbH.Dr. o7 Adams ttreet, opposite

t'ao police station, general bathingbouse forladies and gentlemen. Turkish, hot. coldacd vapor baths for keeping health. Waterenro extra apartments for weak nnd electedpersons. JiouieopaiDy ana njuropainy aretho only sure and direct cures as a treatmentfor tue weak and sotfetin?, and restoringhealth. I will be u-'- .d to watt on all that .waycall.

ats' bwola, k altera Mtl allpperaeheap at Adler A ar.'s,W Ueale street.


The Lace Kailteatt ParchMea by tbeIionlaville, Maobvllle wa Cireat

Meatbera Railroad The Ar-biBi- M

Koads la tbemarket.

The recent railroad transactions resultingin the purchase of short-lin-e connections bytbe Louisville, Nashville and Great Southernraiiroad company created quite a sensationat Louisville, Nashviile and other intermedi-ate points, but at Mempt is, ouiside of rail-

road circles, but little interest was developed.Memphis people in business circles do notregard the transactions, so tar, as affectingtheir interests; out a new development Lastaken place which will be of interest to allbusiness men in out city. Negotiations arabeing made to (.urchase and abssrb itio rail-

road lines in Arkansas immediatelywest of Memphis tha Little Rjckroad and tha Fort Smith roadwith ,a view to control the trade ofTexas. Tbe mainspring ot the railroad pur-chase seems to be in New York city, whencethe news of the purchases' of southern ratl-toa-

reaches us. An Appeal reporter,while investigating the railroad mystery yet-terd-

learned that the Little Rock aud FoitStuilh roads were in the market for sale, orwere at least being bid for by rival combina-tion lines. The Charleston raiiroad company,the St. Louis and Iron Mountain rauroaacompany and, possibly, the Memphis andLouisville raUroad combination, are now

to purchase these two Arkansasroads, but as to which combination will succeedin securing these roads is as yet a sealed-u- p

mystery. In view of the prospective sale thestock of the Memphis and Charleston railroadhas advanced to eighteen cents. The rail-road men here are reticent, and assert thattbey know but little as to the prospectivepurchaser of the roads west of us in Arkansas

the trading tor them being conducted iaNew York city. Should the St. Louis andIron Mountain road get possession of theLittle Rock and the Fort Smith roads, twill work to the disadvantage of Memphisand Memphis merchants who are interestedin tbe Texas trade.


UoBtaly Receptions Interesting Kxerclwes Tbe Pupils or the "School

lasae a News-paper in tan Interest

ot .Education.

Since the opening of tha present sessionSuperintendent Foute has inaugurated a se-

ries ot receptions in tha Memphisbiuh school, to wnich members of the boardof education, friends of the ecbool and repre-sentatives of the city press have been cordial-ly invited. The fourth of these receptionstook place on yesterday evening, and a largeand appreciative audience was present. Theprogramme of exercises consisted of severs!well-writte- n assays one bv Miss Kate Flyunaad read by Mia Lizzie Kennedy, and an-other written acd read by Miss Lillie M'Katn,being especially noticeable for admirableend beautiful literary style. The literary ex-ercises were interaperied with chou9 acdbeautiful music, wbicn evinced both careand taste in selection. Tha class chorus by tha first year cIres, and the duetsand trios by the second and third year pupils,were received with much applauds and com-mendation. A specimen of tocical recitationin English history was given by a member oftho first year cla?s, who recited tha entirereicrn of Alired the Great in a manner whichreflects infinite credit upon herself and teach-er. By far the most pleasing feature of theprogramme, however, was the prese-ntntio-

of tho iourth number of the High School Her-ald, a rewspaper conducted bythe pupils of the high school. The paper,we understand, was started by tha superin-tendent at tkie opening of the present ses-sion os a means ot encouraging work in composition, and has been growing in interestfrom its inception, the preaent issue wasfilled with editorial, compositions, selectedand local matteis of a character which notonly denotes great and commendable skill inwriting on the part of the contributors, butmuch discrimination and judgment on tnepart of the teachers in charge of tha highschool.

Wliicli in the Cheapest,A package) ot Doke s Durham, containing

twenty pipe-full- s of the beet smoitng tobaccomade, or one common cigar? Eich coatsten cents.

coitomy i Wealth.Genta ctothini dyd, cleaned and reDaireJ.

by I. Isaacs, 270 Secoi d street, opposite Courtsquare, JVlempb'S, lennessee.

French JSteam lyc-Work- s.

Ladies acd gentlemen's goods dyed andcleaned at Louis jiit?el . b'i Ji tterson ttreet

.Brown & Jones."Pitt-bart- r, Mhot-fve- ll and Cannel Ca.

StHJS Jlaln Htr. et.Who is 31 rs. Winslow?

As this question is frequently asked, wewill simply say that she is a lady who for upward ot thirty years has untiringly devotedher time and taiertts as a female physicianand nurse, principally among children. Shehas especially studied the constitution andwants of this tu mere us cla?s, and, as a resultot this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded asoothmg syrup.for children teething. I ' operates likemagic, giving rest and health, and is, more-over, sure to regulate the bowels. Iu coesO'auecce of this article. Mrs. Winslow is becoming world renowned as a benefactor ofher race; children certainly do rise up andbless ber; especially is this the case in thiscity. Vast quantities of the soothing syrapare daily sold and used here. We think Mrs.Winslow has immortalized her nama by thisinvaluablo article, and we sincerely believethousands of children have been saved froman early grave by its timely use, and thatmillions yet unborn will share its oeccuts, andunita in calling her blessed. No mother hasdischarged her duty to her Buffering Utileone, in our opinion, until cue has given it teebenefit ot Mrs. Winslow s soothing pyrup,Try it, mothers; try it now. Ladies' Vititor,New York city. bold by all druggists,twenty-hv- e cents a bottle.

Just .Received.A fresh shipment of the finest imported

HAVANA CIGARSIn the United States.

Flor d' Cuba, Salamones, 65a each.Flor d Cuba brquet. 3 for 753.

J?!or d CubaEscepcionailes, 3 for $1.Aad many other popular brands, at

SOL COLEMAN'S, 316 Main st.

Thb seeds of sickness and of deathIn a dtsoroered mouth are sown;

"When bad tbe teeth or foul tbe breatb,Both soul and body lose their tone.

Till Sozodont's brought Into iilay.And sweeps those dire defects away.

For finest flavor, smoke Wright's Or- -snge uarham. At excels nil.

Lynn Haves Kay frhell Oysters rereived dally per express st HenryAinebrmaaa's, ;all sua try in cm.

Hall's vegetable Sicilian hair renewer isthe best preparation known to preserve tbehair. Use it.

J. W. Alley has opened an office at 285Main street for the accommodation of hisfriends and customers, where W. L. Radfordcan be ioun i to take orders for Pittsburgcoal, coke and wood. Pittsburg coal, sixtycents; Ohio river cohI, fittv cents.


Horses and Mules61 & 63 Monroe St., near Peabody Hotel,

"VTtTE are receiving daily s large assortment otVV HORaEd aud MULES. Persons WiUitlna

stock will save rroney by calling before purcbaslnnelsewhere. Everything sold by us fully guaranteed.Ciders solicited.


Masks and CostumesKor Ladles and Seatlemen-Se- w

Htoek, In fcireat Variety.

Sam'l Pilay.Costumer,235 TWAIN RTRWJT.


and after this date, all engagements of cottonON for foreign and domestic iioints must be deliv-ered to tbe compress wltbln six days (SundaisnotInduced) arter tne enKaAtementa are made, otnerwise the engagements win oe cancelled.

B HUHE-5- , Agent Va. Tun. Air Line.JOHN BURNS. Airent L i N. 4 H S B. H.M. RUhKR. Suu't Miss Tenn. BaUmad.B. W. Ll'sHTBURN K,(i. F.Ag't M. A O. K. Fkt Co.j. T. w AsniiMi iu.-s-. Agent.AD STORrt euip't Anchor-Line- ,

JUjKPH KAiiH, Ag--n- t C. A V Railroad.

VING this day purchased the stork, fixtures andHAgood will of tbe business or I. K. PETERSCO., and made arrangements with a large easternboose to place a nrst-clas- s stock of new and eleuantHats, etc . on my shelves. Tbe entire remainder offashionable Hats, Caps, etc., must be closed out thisweek, and will be sold at very low figures, closing tbebalance out Saturday night, at six o'clock, at Auction.

JAMES KLKXLAND.Hkmi'ius, January 20, 1880.

East India Pile Cnre. Theonly specific for all forms ofPiles. In use in foreign coun-tries for years, lately intro-duced into Anrerica. Warrant-ed to give instant relief and apermanent cure guaranteed.Sold by all druggists or mailedfree on receipt of price, 50cents, bythe American agents,Richardson & Co., WholesaleDruggists, Saint Louis, Mo.

ZAItA'S BILIOUS PILLS,guaranteed to give immediaterelief in all cases of Biliousand Liver Complaints, Cos-tivene- ss,

Sick Headache, In.digestion, and . cleansing thesystem ofall impurities. Price25 cents. All druggists sellthem.



Cough SandyA Safe and Pleasant Remedy for


ing the Lungs.SOLD EVERYWHERE.

Price only 10 Cents.

l jet-ju- s i a. v. kf l , im "ii, ' y w -


Cincinnati Packing CoPACHKBS OP



Kxtra Nngar-Cnre- d Hams,!honIder,

and Breakfast JJucon,

C'wii MMim,lcl hiltc prtzr Bl tipwi'MJ

i,.r rhnrt o.l'l'.o toi fj.v.'lmor """"f 'f'fr t:r TCV'i'"7 ami jvKlnri" fb n6C tfcrtv,.r r i.iiic A our bin. ftri tile mtrk H note.?

iniiiitfl ot iTiferli.r rs, that furktatt1 l,L every pin? Sold i.v !l dealers cenl forf;;.c. in C '.K..i- A " '!lr'. bllTe '

W. A. FAIRES & GO(Succes-ior- toJ.RiW. A. Falres), Dealers In

HOISES and JflUIiISS,No. 55 Union street.

keep constantly on band a choice selectionWE of Hordes and Mules. Kveiythlng guaran- -teed as repieaemed. Oruers sollc'td.

J. riiiEEETY Sz CO

And Manufacturers of Flaherty's PatentPreserving L'as&et or Corpse Cooler,

S17 and 818 KECONO ST., SKJSPH18keep on band Tul-- . lines of Metallic SoWEWalnut. Bosewood Sinlshed Casket and

Cases, trimmed In the highest style of art. CMersMai r,- - TAimn-iin- n win nr.imnri? inw, i:. u

JLUhmUSt' EAN1IABY litOX,A. 1. illfc.lts, manager.94 Baekman St, New York.

W oo jc


Q iH

1 73mm Ilil

w 253 V7


8 PLUMBERS' GOODS ohaving for their object clean linesa,

dnrability, and exclusion of SEWER OAS.


Tg gi n.lTTKLI.K&CO.o " Jk Iron .llscinfselarers,Promenade street, opposite Concord. Memphis.CASEY YOUNG. JOHN D. MABTIN.

YOUftG & MARTIN,AT TO U N 13 I S-A- T-li A. W,

Ko. 254 Second Street, Jlemghln, Teas.--J D. Martin will alpo practice In Csarts of Mar-

shall, Tunica and Desoto counties. Miss.

Greenwood Nursery!F1,1 Sliles from Memphis. Month Clate

Klmwood Cemetery.


Corner Madison and Second. Memphis.Xon-fSeside- nt Notice.

No. 3484-- In the Chancery Court of Shelby county,Tennessee Charlotte M. (jailor et aL vs. Mary J.l.oc-.k- et aLIt appearing from affidavit In this cause tbat the

aelendauts, Mary cj. anaress anu ner nusoana. rv m.v. Anoress, are non residents oi tne state 01 leunessee:

It Is therefore ordered, Tbat tbey make their appearance herein, at tbe courtnouse or si eioy county,In Memphis, Tenn., on or before the first uonday InMarch. lSHfl. and plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the same will be taken for confessed as to them ana set lor neanng expane; anatbat a copy of this order be published once a week,lor lour successive eeas, in tne aiempuis Appear.

This 2Ud day of January, 1K80.A copy attest: B J BLACK, Clerk and Master.By E. B. M'Henry. Deputy C. and M.loung fc Ma. tin. Sot for compl'nL sat

Trustee's Sale.virtue of a trust deed executed to me by M A.BY M.Uall on the 2tSthof January. 1878, and re-

corded on ih28tb of January, 1878, In book No.122, page lot!, of the Shelby county records, to se-

cure to me the payment of f260 as therein described.1, as trustee, will, on

MHturdtiv. February 28. one o'click p.m , on the premises, sell at publicauction, to tbebtghest bidder, for cash, 121 44 100acres of land, situated about 2Pg miles east of Morn-Inirsu- n.

on the Ralefen and Somervllle road, tn tbetuu clvtl district of snelby county. Ten.lessee, beinga part or a tract rormeny ownea oy ai. h. cnamoers,dej'd. In satisfaction of tbe balance due under saidtrust deed. MARK KIRK, Trustee.

Colilervllie. Tenn.Son-Keblde- nt Aotice.

No. 3485 In the Chancery Court of Shelby county,Te- nessee-Charl- otte M ciallor et aL vs. Mary 1,

It appearing from affidavit In this cause that-tb-

defendants, Mary v. Auareks ana ner o, wnuc. Andreas, are oi me ouue or leanesseo:

It Is therefore ordered. That tbey make their appearance herein, at lift courthouse ot Shelby county.In Memphis, Tenn., on or before the first Monday, InMarch, rs80. and plead, answer or demur to com-plainant's tlll, or the same will be taken for con-fessed as to them and set for bearing exparte; andthat a copy of this order be publi-be- d once a week,for four successive weeks, in toe Memphis Appeal.

Tuls2!id day of January. 1K80.a ropy-att- est: B. J. BLACK, Clerk and Master.By E B. M'Uenry, Deputy C and M.Younit & Martin, tols forcompl'nt. sat

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER.Mempbls and Pine Bluff U. S. Mall Line. For Floe

bltiir. Little Bock, and through to iron smith str.

l&ntie Hooper,Ed. Nowland master J. N. Thomson., . clerkLeaves as above SATURDAY, Jan. 24th, at 5 p.m.

Kor freight or passage apply toJOHN nVuABBIN. Sup't, 2821 Kront at



neHundred SDecialCounters100 Great Bargains, as Follows:

500 gross Violets at 5 cents per dozen.60 pieces 50-cr.- nt Dres Gocds, at 20c,

500 boxes Fresh Roses, 5 cents each,250 trimmed S5 Hats Tor S2 50.1000 Silk Hair Sets, 5 cents each.

50 pieces $1 Dress Hoods, at 50 cents1000 Ornaments, 5 cents each,

50 $10 Jackets at 81 50 each.

tarooS'T FORGET-SO- O crosstne Iirt.t time In lth century at this price.

t--UA PItECliDliXTED-SO- O pairs of oar regular 75-ce- nt KID

GLOVKM for 35 cents aguaranteed $1 85

Staff ults to order. $33. Black Silk Knits to order. $30 aud SGO. Combination $35, 0, 915 and 50.

inrnnr u rrvnciniiiLi.- nsiniuu &253 and 255 Main Street.


r4rJECI .li SWTICK.Hemp!ls nnd Ht. Vranets Kivcr LTnlted

Siac. m ASstl I.lne.TTNTIt, the rallroid bridge r tbe St. jrT5M

K ) Krant-'- rtvbi Is coirple'ed. tbe Str. gijwiiftMIKE DAVIS, AI Di.vls. master, will make regularweekly trips between Madison and the Sunk Lands.Freight shipped by and Little Bock Batl-- r.

ao, care Mike Dav.s, will ko through promptl;.There blrg no mall above WUtsburg. the Davis willtake letters la government envelopes sent to bercre. Madison, Ark , for Ibises, Stanley's, Tyronzie,Wlnnmgham, BufTal i Island. Old Town, Lester'sLanding, and all polnU on the unper St. Francisr.ver. J. D. RANDALL.

Memphis & Ohio River&PACKT COPAHYii

FOBCairo, Louisville and Cincinnati

steahekiSDY BACM, COM3 MILL4R.

JA3IKS W. fiAFF, VINT SHIXKLE,JAS D. l'AKKtl, V1EUIE LEE.Steamers of this line leave Memphis for CAIKO,


Mondays, Wednesdays, FridaysAT 5 CCLOCK P.M.,

Coe nectlog at Cincinnati vith Ballroads and Steamers ror ait

Eastern, Northern and Western Points,Giving THBODGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS,



Eastern tourists will find the La Belle River BouteSale, Delightful ana Economical. Bates by this lineCheaper than any other first-clas- s route. Meals andStaterooms Free Baggage checked through.

For full Information, apply toB. W. LIGHTBUBNB,

General Freight and Ticket Agent.No. 7 Monroe street, Memphis.

t3yPasscng;rs can rely on a splendid trip by thisHue. as the steamers are all first-clas- having beijiiexpressly built for the accommodation of passen- -gers. aura steamer carries a run string ejann.

KOR NEW Iirtals nnrt New Orleans Anchor I.lae

For Vlcksburg, Natchez ana rew Orleans steamer

James taoward, 1312James O'Neal... muster,

Will leave the AncboMlue wharfboit SUNDAY, Jan. 25th, at 10 ror freight or passageapply to D STORM. S ip't.


For llal Pol or, Kry Connor, Ireri- -burir and all Wav LanulDgs. The fine Steamer

W P. Hall master-- H. S. Pell clerkWill leave THIS MORNING, January 24'h, at 10

o'clock. Special attention given to way business.For freitht or passaife an iy on noarci.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.Ht. I.onlis and Vlckshui-- e fhnr l.'nel ulled states Jiall FOH HT. LOUIS.

Selle jlempliis, jg3gCrane master.

Will leave tbe Anchor Line wbarfboat THIS DAY,January 24ih, at 5 p.m. Kor fremht or passage ap-ply to AD. srORVI. Sup't. on wharfboat.

FOR VICKSBORG.Ht. LonlH and Vlrhsbarc Anchor I.lnei

(Jnlt-- d tAtwten Mail FOR YICKSBUHG.(yiold IltSt, iSil

M'Cord master.Will leave the Anchor Ltne wbarfboat SUNDAY,

Jan. 25th, at 10 am. For freight or psesage applyto AD. STORM, Sup't, on wuariboat.

Alias United mates Alstl Lloe-T- heelegant steamer

Coaliounn,E. O. Bank3 master I Wm. Smfther clerkLeaves Memphis as above every TUESDAY, at 5p.m. Otni-e- . r.n. H Mdlon st.

LEE LllK STKAMERS.t or fcileuclale. Helena and riar folol

Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow.. .clerkWill leave as above on every

MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FBIDAY, at 4 P.m.Office No. 8 Madison street.

ARKANSAS CITY and PINE BLUFF R R.Adamw Nrml-werkl- v It. M. Rail 1,1 ne

For Arkansas Clly, Pine Bluff RaUroad and all waylandings roe elegant steamer

Ouaciiita 5elle,Hark B. Check ... master I A. L. Cummins. ..clerkLeaves as above every MONDAY and THURSDAYat ft p m. Office, No. Madison street.

FOR OSCEOLA.Jlemums anu Osceola U. . 31 all racketRegular ly V. S. Mall Packet for Bandolpb,

Ful'on, Osceola and all way landings The ele-gant passenger steamer

Osceola Belle,J. 3. Andrews Master I B. O. Mtchell Ciork.

leaves Mempbls everyMONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FBIDAY, at 5 p.m.

For freight oe nHssase anplv on boarrt.


Hemnhla White Blver and UlaeKKiveiV. sj. M all rackets.

For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall'sBluiT, Des Arc, Augusta, Jacksonport, West Point,Searcy, Batesvllle, Powhattaa, and Pocahontas.The new steamer

aposie Harry, --ssiM. B. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, clerk.Leaves Memphis on and after November 2d. everySATURDAY at 5 p.m., connecting direct with thenew Black river D. S. mall packet MILT HABBY forPowhattan and Pocahontas, and wltb Dally Packetsto Batesvllle and Upper White river.

Through i ates to all points.Freight ccnslgned to MUt Harry Line, Memphis ot

Terrene will be promptly forwarded. Freight willbe renei t at nil tlm-- on tbe H. E. Lee Wharfboal

J. T. WA8HiN-O- vt timnt, Lee wbarfboat.R. W. L1GHTRURNK. Jr , Airent, 5 Madison st

FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER.Memiiliin and sir. STranclH Itlver U. Is).

31 all lilne-T- he lltfiit-dra- tt steamer

I.At" Jb- - VI Sj B. S2. gzgu,O. K. Joplln master! A. L. Banning clerk

Will leave Memphis EVERY TUESDAY ANDFBIDAY EVENINGS, at 5 p.m., for llarlanna, theCut-ot- T and all Intermediate landings. For freightar passage apply on board, or to

I. P RANDALL, fittp't.



The elegant aid new pass nger steamer

Wm. Ashford master Ed. W. Crowell clockLEAVES MEMPHIS DAILY, AT 5 P.M.,

for Commerce and tbe bends.For f rel-h- or pas;ter pnlv on hoard.

FOR HALES POINT.Hegular Asuvurt ua Maien Jfumi rkLFor Osceola, Ash port. Hales Point and all Interme-

diate landings Tbe elegant passenger steamer

Silverthorii,Henry Cooper master I Nell Booker clerkWill leave as above on MONDAYS and WEDNES-DAYS lor At-!- i port; and on FRIDAYS for HalesPoint, giving special attention to all way business.

For freight or pe-s- anplv on rol.FOR WHITE K1VER.

Memphis & White River Packet.Besralar Independent Slemphta aad

White Blver Packet For AngusUi, JacksonportSearcy, and way points. The regular lndepenuenlPacket11AKD CASK, 3

Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal clerkWill leave Memphis EVERY WEDNESDAY, at

6 P-- For freight or passage apply toB. W. LIuH'l BL'RNK,

No. 7 Monroe st.. opp. Peabody boteLii. P. GLENN, on Wn-itb- aat.

500 40-ce- nt Towels (from oar A'ashvilleHouse), 12f cents.

One counter 50-oe- nt Flowers for 10 cents.One case 50c and 75c Jewelry far 25c.A million and-a-ha- lf Buttons, 10c, 15c

and 20 cents per dozen.50-cc- nt Leather itelts, at 15 cents50 812 Black Dolmans for 87 50.



Case 81 50 Jewelrr your choice, for 50c

Roses and Violet, at 5 cent- s-

pair. 500 ptlrs regular andKid lovesfor 75 cents a pair.

n7nn i ? . . VMS& CO.,


Mala tt Madison,X

UB stock of Boots and Shoe this season is nnu- -v sually large and well selected, we assure ourfiatrons that tbey will get better suited at our

and save from 16 to 25 per cent, besides.Come and see for yourselves. Stall Ordersnromotlv attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.Sena for our Orxlernlip. We are also Sot Agentfor chlldrens' --Ankle HnDportere," an Invaluable invention ror weak ankles.

ZKIiLNFK & CO.. 288 Main St.

Warner' ttafe Pill are an Immediatestimulus for a Torpid Liver, and cure Ooative-nea- s.

Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious DtarrbtB- -,Malaria, Fever and Ague, and are useful attimes in nearly all Diseases to cause a free andregular action of the Bowels. Tbe best anti-dote for all Malarial Poison. Price, 2c a box.Warner's Safe Nervine quickly rives Rest

and sleep to the sufTering, cures Headache andNeuralgia, Prevents Epileptic Fits, and Is thebest remedy for Nervous Prostration broughton by excessive drinking, over-wor- mentalshocks and other causes. It relieves the Painsof ail Diseases, and Is never injurious to thesystem. Tbe beat of all Nervine. Bottles of

two sizes; pncn,wc.and S1.0O.

Warmr's SafeRemedlea aresold bjrDrafrfristaand Dealers laMedicine every,wbere.EEWAENER4C0--

Proprietors,Itaene-te- r, Bf. TT.

for Pamphletand Testimonial a.

Sold wholesale in Memphis byMANSFIELD A CO.

AEW LILLYPractical Builder


LiglitGarriagesI KEEP A SELECT STOCK (exelaal-e- lr aftay awn manaraetaee) CONSTANTLYON HAND. I am also prepared to build (TO OB--DKB) aiy ar all or tbe modern styles afHietiM, and Kamtiy carriages now in use. Iuse nothing but the VERY BES f MATERIAL, andemploy sineuy nrst-cias- a mecnanics.

KEPAIIS1NG,In all Its branch's, done promptly and In the bestmanner, ewiii il ii. . 44 A sc.

T. B. HAYNES. H. V. HERRON. LateFormerly I. B. Haynes & Co. Herron, Connor dc Co.

Herron, Haynes & Co.

Cotton FactorsAnd Commission Merchants.


Llberal advances on consignments. Special at-tention given to filling orders.



Watches, Jewelry,Silverware, docks,Spectacles, etc.

Repairing ot One Watches and Chrono-graphs a specialty.

Xo.307 STREET,UNDER PEABODY HOTEL.Old Gold and Sliver wanted.

Vaults Emptied 1

ADOKI1EH8 RXCAVATINM CO. OF.flee. 45 Madison street.nd 103 Washington.


Murphy & Murphy,REMOVED TO

NOm 3 --VXEtcaJ.SOZX St,(In rear of Cotton Exchange.)

Bleinphis. ... TennesseeFirst-Cla- ss Companies. Glnhouses andONLY Stores Bpeclallles.

Authorized by the Commonwealth ot Kentucky, andFairest in the World.


Commonwealth Distribution Co.At Macauley's Theater, In the city ot LoulsvUle, on

BATI BDAY, JANUARY 81. 18 SO.ry Tbese Drawings, authorized by act of tbe Leg-islature of lKtSH, and sustained by all tbe courts ofKentucky occur regularly on the last day of everymontn (Sun ays excepted), and are supervised byprominent citizens of tbe State.

Every Ticket bolder can be his own Supervisor.Call out his number and see It placed la the wheel.

The Management call attention to the grand oppor-nnlt- y

presented ot obtaining, for only 82, any ofTHE FOLLOWING PRIZES 1

1 Prize S 80,0001 Prize 16,0001 Prize 6,000

10 Prizes $1000 each 10,00020 Prizes 600 each 10,000

100 Prizes 100 each 10,0002-- Prizes 60 each 10,000HdJ Prizes 20 each 12,000

1000 Prizes 10 each 10,000APPBOXUfATIO FBIZBS.

Prizes S30O each 2,700Prizes 200 each. 1,800

9 Prizes 100 each yoo

lttflO Prizes 8112,400Whole rickets. I Half Tickets. Il27 Tickets, $50. 60 Tickets, 8100

All appllsations for club rates sdvuld be made tothe borne office.

Full list of drawing pob lshed In Louisville nl

and New York Herald, and mailed to ailticket-holder- s. Bend all orders by money or bank-draf- t.

In letter, 01 by express. Orders of 85 and up-ward, ean be sent athOAhDUAN oT T. J. OO.MXRFORcFtovrvr-Jouma- lBuUdlng. Louisville, Kentucky, or eitherperson at No. 168 Broadway. New York, or to No. 0West Court street, Memphis, Tnnnraenr





Ladies' and Children's Suits,AT LESS THAN COST.

Shawls 1 Shawls! Shawls!AT LESS THAN COST.

Felt Skirts! Felt Skirts!AT LESS THAN COST.

Winter Dress Goods.AT LESS THAN COST.

Waterproofs! Waterproofs!AT LE33 THAN COST.


Bargains in Silks!Bargains in Hosiery!




goods &rl(-- d



Bargains in All Departments This WeekREDUCE UtlB






249 is








500 .S OO500 OOSOO 1


1 OOhair, we Invite careful a

Take In friends and public that they are Inreceiptor Fresh Complete Assoitment of FALL AAD HISTKKeOO!, embracing; the very latest Styles and finest makes or English French

and German They request those who Winterto them calL tW Orders solicited


TEE- --

--oE ROOM FOR OUR SPRINGW nave put our shoulder to the and will of at ONE-HAL- F FORMER


lien's tiood Salts $ 5 OOJlens Vassimere Julfs... 8Jlen's Casslmere Knits-- . IOXfen's Fine Dress Suits.. 15 OOHen's Fine Fants 2Jleu'ei Extra Fine --

ten's3 OO

Extra Dres Fants 4 OOAU above are an dtwi ene



Circulars and Ulsters,AT

Wrappers! Wrappers!SI CO AND UPWARD.

Blankets! Comforts!AT

Flannels! Flannels! Flannels!AT

Cloths and Cassimeres,AT


Bargains Underwear!Bargains in Handkerchiefs!







Coats-- .

Coats-- . 3Tests... OO

SOO Vests... 75Tests... 60

10OO Testa..lOOO Fants

and inspection

Tn2SiUvX-X- 3



Merchant Tailors 38 Madison.pleasure notifying their the generally,


Manufactures. contemplate orderingClothing give PKICEHIIODEaATIS.

BamnlMaiton ppltcatlon.Q



tell balance stock PRICE.OUB







TO THE BADE Owing to the demand for Flrst-elts- s IVhalAsMe 'l.thln tfsaseIn this city, have dster-nlne- to enrage In same, and am now RKCEIVINc) DAILY desirable line ofgoods specially manufactured, and wblcb am enabled to offer to tbe trade a! low prices. An InspectionIs desired. All orders will be promptly attended to. M. VKVIIIIV. t.W 1a street



Iiarse Iota parehased enable me to offer SOO Doaea OOOD I.17CK 8HIRT8 attne following; prices:Ss. XXXX ood E,ae Halrt st SS each, ar for S OOmo. 7777 Wood Iiuek Walrt si SO ears, ar for S7 SOKo. lOlO Wood Lack Hklrt SI 75 each, or for S OONo. X. V Porta Hello Uood Lick MMrt Sc SO each, ar for Sis OO

Attention la called to the GOLDEN HORSESHOE at the Peaoody Hotel Corner (my Trade Mark and Sum)which will be weighed July 4, 1HKO.

Nearest guess gets $100 In gold Second nearest guess gets $50 In gald.Third nearest guess gets $25 In gold.

OoTiBiolatlon for :PlgsTa.igrtcc3.

W HOTGrocers and Cotton Factors

Nos. 371-37- 3 Main street, Memphis.M. 1 HBAflHAV B. K.

DVR1K6 :







.. .




aI a





M E Jai S H aUrlfL llhfjOa

Grocers, Cotton Factors,AND SALT AGENTS,

H o. O Union street. : : : : llemplif stcnsio