library of congresslurncy (ieticrul and hi ooadjntora tau lu nut the wh.decf the scandal in lt*...

lurncy (ieticrul and hi ooadjntora TAU lu nut the cf the scandal in lt* legal BIB -et, Iv lt lt should mtrtice tu aroiiir the intention ufa Democratic Civil Ser¬ vice Kcforni i'lesidciil. STILL TRI SILLS OF TUE GRANT FUND. Ori.K-AiT(»i\Ti:i> "Hit sr "i's» gnu. IN AIT.I- MCAMKN'r. Tlie rcsnlit'io'i Basaaeal at tin' meeting of thc tarsal Fond raoirlbatavo sa October 8S,taklag ttoo nm ii s ce ent nf the fund nut of tho banda of George Juno* mid uppoliitliisf tbe fulled States Trust Comp my tiiisteecl tin-fiunl, produce I thc Immediate ImprOOSlBB ou the pulilic mind that thereafter lill wonhl bo smooth MlMas. Nevertheless a smic ba* beru sn ucl. nlncli promises to p. no SS nwkward ann it will bs remernot red thal Ibal meeting wa* not at lirsi "hal inotuOJs," .lay (iuiil.l and UeOTJN jo-aei beraaalug totvolvod la flu rnetrudtetlon*, bal c.colite .luii'-s iiiiisiaici ta explain thal he had in vested "kjiii.uuDof ike fund in Wabash eonauU lated mertgaae build*, wortk ut par oily $188,000, tin- pureba c boris coen malle fl Jil (inverieir Moiirun, who. Ill eui:.ld.'la¬ tino of un a premium ol t*§ per cent, guaranteed prlarlpul uni Intereal ut? par omi for te yean. Ueor«re .Innes dui not ptovc a B.I band Bl explaining a lilian cial tian-acion, nnd Henry liny Madly came to bia relief by telling all aeon! tko guarantee. lt nus perfectly stood ona that Ibe execs of interest over io,it of an ordinary nive- on would oops wuk down be premium of 828.000, end so nu. Oliver Iinji os proas d Ins regret thai hy his adrsce 032,000ol Un-fun,I hud been Invented la Nickol Plate Hist mort -. .mo hoods, li,il -aid Ihat ho weald Bl any tlu.e rive eena for tba Inveotmcnt. Taoniiskul of tbeaaeetlBg aaa Ibal .ii.ije n.vis Bad Hoary Doy were ap- ]i inned a oommittee to draw up a deed of tt nsi, sppuiui- inn Hie f luted state* ii nit Company lbs trustee of thc land, Whoa th" deed of Intel had been prepared Jobs \ stew.u', presldeal af mo United Btatoa 11 u*t Compnnj. Bolly refo.ed la allow nu- eampaay te oesome the rt Bpeaelbhi poalUoa of willi aaebaeeurlttea,and siurgesteii "clean cash " iii lieu thereof. Oliver Hoy I netted promptly that he would sahotltnte BBi c.nh fer Ibo Nickel Plate bones. Bul Ibo harassing; question was lo do willi tho 8188,000 "I Vu1' "I. hiurtl They had defaulted iii tue payment of their lu¬ nns! for aereral maotba Beoeurie wa* then bod lo lbs Buarantee of Qevarnar Monroe to aarei tain if tluoiuh taut the prim-ip al, B18H.000, could be reeov-ie.l. Tba RUoraatee provide* that If witluu the spccillol period ul toil yeats the bonds sh .nhl heroine du tba b.- bin.ul.I bo bused fur tie priaelpol witta intereal up lo the Um.' of the demand. Hy the ter us of ibo mull ira jo uniter wbicii these Wa basil ho nils ate i**iied ihey ur come due «i \ mon Ul s af lei ii dei.usu iii tue payment of Intereet on any ot ibo bonds. pr evbled that a majority of nie ewnerael the out- siaadrag bonds dei-Ure in writing that it li Ui tr domie that tho banda smi: become due. Hut a majority of the buiidboldci ¦ karo,noa, in wr.tiuj, expressed their deoure mat the bonds Shall hecoino due. 1 lie executors of tho Mclean soto ¦ tbarotora eoatead thal tho bosnia aro soi legally ilise, und Unit they cannot, iu the proper dwhurje ni then-1 ms;, r.ti.inn tao 9188.008 af sande sold by Oovor- nor Mers m le the Groat fund unless sim eearto decide thal the bondi are legally due, at leas' to the extent of re- gaiting IBO eutoiceiiieiii of thc teal anteo. Tuer have Bugitcstcd a lt loudly suit he hroujht to toot the quesiton und unit course is at present under discus- sum. Mr. Jones wa- aware of ibis techiiical objeetloe to re- rimuitBg ibe bonds under tho gnarastee os far beek a- August, but for resoias beat knowu io hiiuBelf sjii ii diiiui: ol ii ut ibo meetIns of the contributors in October. Mr. Hu;. I was indie; ..mi wlieii he beard af lbs objection amt cited a (eltei Mri.lrn bj Henry Day, one cf Ibo exe u: or* of the tl or¬ gan ealale, pulilisbed in Tin. i BIBI m som-- ume n. (are (..enei.ii uiun.'sdeath, la wbieh .vu-. Div ania, Lien ii nov il i\v could he mund in ibo goarotttee inun a legal Jim nt ol i lew undi r nu cn cum st aa ie. wu lid tbe exe,-,, tors repudiate Governor Honan'* written promise wbieh be himself regarili-d a* a sacred o lUxatlon." Mr. Iinji thought ihli statement rsi ber lueouimtaul with the preooiil nt nude ol ibe txeea ori ol the vi Cline. ll the Mend y hui! Is broug l end lue lei ision does Ind cuuipol lb.- reclalBllUg cl Hie linois Hilder tlie Mm Jan iillai.uiiee. Hen BOOtU I meet¬ ing of the loutnbuton will be called to arroage for the appulntaient of other trustees. M sir*. Jon Band livy I nu- still the elision ni- ci the lui.d. lt is eoucotied by Mi. Hoyt tiiat tiler.-is i.o liicritliood th it a majority .>! t-e lion im ra will auk that I s bund* b^ declared due brion- the oxpiratMM of the Murgha guaraoteeun Merck 1, 1081. 1 nen Hie lion.I* wu. nave no moro Ihiu tuen in ai tot v .tine. Tbe bouda malara lo l * '-. s in- edon tl il Messrs, .ie,ns nnd Hoyl ooo moklos: to gel olss,iicj.iin eaih, notwitb Undia* that the guarani*! tnauree a payment of 7 per eeui for five year* longer, le ai.s a:i a Uni.-isa Ulallie- lu v e.i.uci.l was had.j planned. -_?--, Stu. PALMBB TOKBBF TUB BADHfOX 8QUABK A. Bf. I'aliiKi'.v. -iii il iv found it nee c.-s.iry to fpre his mm an..di the persistent ramo; Which is relaimj to his ret r -.neut (TWOS th- Mudiiuii Bsjaare Theatre In favui of " Nai" Poad win. .' lt inn trarelled," said he, '. from tho Bootee te the Kaw*Toff prsaa and I Bsa hastening to feel rather annoyed at ii. Beyond the lui t thai I wa ks i up Broadway with 0 oed wis a day or i«u sgo ami in a Jocular wai said I was will.nj to BOB my litter. >t in the theatre if I could SOI my puce, nure ls BO pcs Ino gummi tor iii., ruiner. Wnat I meant wan that 1 am wil.iuj to |MMt Wita any ul my pru|wrty ll I eau gel M 1 a.ll lol tl, lint .o la any man tn ..ny po.i m. A. fal as the Un li-oii (Hjuare i lieiitre ls com et ned, 1 hale nut the least inioiitiuu ul roAtortngat prooentand noror lad." ? MB. WBTTBB1 BOT-A DAXCIXO MATOB." Tba Aeademj of Music la Brooklyn v\u> crowded last evening at tie forty-etgbta annual bull Riven hy the A.soc.iitloii Ul aid of the lioui |f| C'atisiilie orphan Boylan*. The tiBsoebltioo haw ndoed ./.iii.iKio lor chnri'y sisice it was irrgsntsitd. sad in*' mimi'sreeolpta win snell ibo siuount to more tbaa ajaa.000i Belora thc daaelng beans s concert na* gives by uuuuue's h rn I. shortly after 10 o'clock the grand ii.mali began, led by Barnard Leary and M.-. Tuciiiev At Bstdalgbl Ihe duiicnu llnor pn-outed an appcniaiiee ol gnat gayety. and i< was ocorly day¬ light belere the ball was over. The bozos were uocu- pied bv Bernard Lawry, James Cassidy, Ibouias < aailn, P.J. Kennedy and Henry I. Carino. Mayor Whitney, M no tuut Un' i oiiiuiilt -e winell Hilde 1 him Ulai be wa. iud "a dat i io_' Maur." was conspicuous hy bm uli- sciii e uiiiii about uudiiiv'tiU .4 BBCBPTIOX DY BATIOXAL OUABDBMBX. Thc strains of a ".Mikado" walta from Cnppu's hand greeted tho Striving gaSStS at tho soeep- tluii 0VOB hy Couiiianv ll, at the 7tli BBhjtmanl Arumry lalt evciilng. A concert pre¬ coded the reception sad dance Hi -ides tho orchestral selection*, recitation* arete glenn by Viss Olive '1 hempson and Wiluur tt. Kiishmore,lialijo sinus bv Beabea 11 Brooks uud singing hy John D. si..m- .md tbe Ms ¦» t-ehoeolark. Hy fir ne greata* Bamber Of guests (lid nut conic until ihe reception, n bleb began at ll o'clock. On aseeadlng te tho Beean i Moor the rhutors found :nl Hie company rooms thrown open, und on th* (lour above the regimental and mem.nial rooms and the halli wara steered ferdaaiinr, Tue supper room wao thrown open, nad bora tbe comp my found refresh. mein* danna ihe ten c. the erealug. ASOeag IbOSa pre I OBI were (nluue! KmBOtlS (lark and bis Mis. l'i..rk. Oeiirr.l I, CaplBlOO l'ol lard, l^'flei asid < cinover, AriJulOOt Kaud, Thumai (.'. J'uliuek. Mts. (Jiiatle* Douiileduy, Mr. sud Mn. (learn A. Mooan. John Trotter. Mus (.nile IlautuU. Miss Yan Tassel* Min Andrus, Mrs. E. BsjrmoexJ, j. Harry Townsend, D. M. Van vnet. Mi»s Oroendyke, William Manton, tbe Misses Mar-ton, n. m. Iteojaa, Jr. J. n. J'.al twlu.Jr., A. I'. Baldwin, M:** Wnltlag, Mr. and Mis. "Vialnr -r iij-lrr, .Ml.s H.itjer, a. 1,. Poad. Mlsa Hunt. M SO .le.slo Willlauii, Miss florence Winnot, Colotii.i Hugh O'donoghue and Mis. Uraeo hpeucer. BBWMBMBBMM ol' lill: i.i,\m. LB010X. Tiic Loyal Legion belt] ii stated Benetton; at D imoiiico's last eroalog. l'royious te Ibe dinner then was a bunnies* meet in j' In which the roHawUtg meiuliers Were elected tu the Hist ell**: Colonel John Il.iiuiilcn. ll. t*. A ; Ciptuin Benad ll. Hultuunu, f. - \., Caps tim i url.-. I .-. V j llnv i Brigadier-(i.-iieral Jonathan A. Hill, U. 8. V. First LlOnlOBBBI, Ai1)iltant, Howard M. amita, U. B.V. i Breret Bngadicr-Oeucrai .lacob K. Dvryee, l'. S. V.; lUevet Mnicr A. JoitOoO Claik. li. S. V.; Aasislsut l'..ymaster IV lill nu S. Blunt, late r. B. M.; Paymaster Praas h. lim. an. u.B. N., Beccind LOenteoant Uooima H Pisider, U. 8. v.. ami Bre¬ vet lin.adie: (len. ral liir.iiu Inn yen, I ¦*. V. j dwin A. Merritt was elected to the scion i ela--. Sevoinl trana fer* were announced from -.thor Oommautlertes, umi abstaery notices ami roeolailono mapletc a the bn*lness .f ibo oraalug, Over U»0 mem * ¦ sat down iu the dm- Ber. Ueneral K. L, Molineux presided, and a paper was read hy Munr William De Witt Miller on personal n-liiliilsceiicrsitiiring three year 'service in the Jd Corpa, Anny nf tin- I'otonai-. fleSJI Bad Informal tali.! lo,- low. d, until tbe dinner broke up al a lute hour. TICKETS IOU THE .MHOS V.XT.l.. Tho tickets for tba Arion Ballal the Acinlciuy jf Maa e cu Monday Bight sro of a BBlOBM (, On om side i*u rtgaeots cf Pi ino* ss Caroival ami shove ll Un-f.ic-slluil. uf Hie *e.,l of lin- .cclely. Ill lue lower ccrnor I* a boaqeet of Mower* up m Ibo top m winch a I'liiicbiueilii la aiaodlag gaslng m tha race ls tte Tbs rererse side ortho tlekel represeuti Anon reelialag osi thc ssa-shan, and ibu Bsaimabli «iUioii;iiiK f:aj,. t|;(. waves, while lu Ihe sky above lleio l*n \-1o:i ,,f (|.. Muses sad the uew buildiug ul lin- Arion Nudely appcarinc like a inlrog*. HIV BBQOWB OOTILLOB HM.I.. 'J in; Tium \i: ycs'iTil'iy iviih clcccivcil intn puhiishiiiitun ui-ciiuiitoi tan second cuiiiioii ii i.i at Del mumou's. with sls.t of suhseriher* to lt. es If it bad taker, place. It wi.I be bold tieuuUt. Tho m.* isle men, rog UiroiiKb « ri-porter who wa! au Iiiciiiiiim-- , '*' ¦*'il>aututc foran ezperieaeed reporter who was il. J il.a step* have bec-u lakeu to preveul fuilher ure- H-stiinty riuui Wal source. A WIA)DIS ti. Piiii.Ai'Ki.i'iiiA, YvA). '.i (ffpotdan Qsaiiaj ***aafS, h tm mihi r of tbs well kbuwu cricket fauuly ni thal name, married Dil! moriiiug at Ht Luke's Church, Miss Keens, iluuirhtsrof Mr». Bumssel J. Keeve». Jiis* *».*". wsa iiiiemind by sit bltdosiusMs, uiuiiIik them .5 "'..Kale Reynolds, of New-York, s couslu ot BewnolJ; MiM Ljiur. Kum om end Miss KUlott fe RELIGION IN COLLEGES. DISCUSSION BY ]>:;s. McCOSH AN!) ELIOT. iinv (i.vK raaiBTiBWii bkpobkthb mm ti btb Cl n ii.Y The Inclement weather ditl not prevent ;i large ..ti ndiioce ii)ioii Ute monthly meeting of ino Nineteenth Ccnturr Club et tbe roomaoftbe treerieau Art i..i.lories. Tbe paper ol Ibo evening, br Pml- deiit Bilot nf ii:ii v,nd Cali go. waa opou tbe subject .. Tin- Place Kellgion should II ive In a College." Pres!- em .lame* Md ii-li, ui Princeton, van t read a r. ply, . um. a i'u.m. r, pu si o- t of tlie cu-, sud that the dleeasaion mi jiu be sui ia ba el aeeo Ibe rn ut ral sad tbe theological view sol nllgion, and tbat lbs Mneteentfa Century Club might bo said lo Mund apon ihenentnl plana. Ile then Introduced Pnsklent Eliot, tbe aub* -tame c; w tin. p ipei ki embodied In tbe followingi My point of view is that of one who believe! (bal Ihe dos,-, ia; olletie is i ie mosl nieful, bul by bo me.h.* Un-uni', useful kind. In a country which baa nu estate '-*.ic.I ca ... i. an iuui,ui, s ,|. At Ul.iv mt (... lego I h ive* .in!, mi-, div ide nuning a ansi min in l ul il no i,iu,n nu*. The pupil limn of New-In-jlaiul is inc-ie....innly beierogeoeoaa, oomaeh im we stand¬ point. Lei ui pimo n tu e \ illunie tin- ibm iypn of Au.eil. an cull. ne. distillgulsbeiI hy their dllleici.'t relig¬ ion*. |M>lscle*. Plrsi i lie thorough-going denou motion il col ego. Al inch a college, lhere ia no lu] radon ol other fa Ubi nr tunis, i ins, po.-inv .ni tu.ii ls entirely respect- a- le. Im ic is a pu f u- them, lie object 1'iui tc ibi rn nc: Iii- BiBteilU ii'-, Ibejl I" l-peliiuic race ill* motions; the nm ul ndlgiouUt'a, they divide Ibe tnllstati In ilse Blain*! lli-olf cn niurovv ssues; tn-- p.ul.'.ci iu-i's. te eilne non Hies gre ne Bot ymlu opeaneis ol i.1 cr liherallty id s.-iui- ineiil ; Un nail ul I.,,- World's, .ile!' led p.all - .!.t prove hardy, lo mlnlmlM th ¦ -c j ottos send boys lo mich colleges from nfieeii te einbleen or nineteen years nfs o umi thou tu a larger eullege when ad ojeoouilau- ti"li- lil ct. H omi I'he rosumoneil tine nf Am rem enllca**- he som -deiiou ii.mi. mu. There nie many gratti - ol [bia type, lu apiioluiiug towners, theta sn sn.un dc- li e. ul di io danial -I li less. I'l:c pi uiv.* ni ev tro:n a ileiiumui.illu!' lu a Seiul-denomlU I.I ii'Liiii- cou lie traced lu bebliiory ol Harvard ('.i.e.e. inc ev dui un wa- hastened ny tue ntobiisbineui ol -cli-nlili si In.ul* alon..le Hie col,.'ires. Nu rei- un. ib-ervuiice or insimctiou li mi|i.i on ibo seientlBc is nt>.nu. laic or C.lim.Ida. Why iou ( liny are Ute .nile age md have lae same exposer* min gi dna 11.111..11: ii... iiei is a hi m.el--- process, lin ii Ul!) lille i.i iii Hie pus.lim. ul tucll ii cu.e.o ls tlial it is bard to suoge Ila podliosi kiiu.m. Ambtgniiy ol ns tin 11- a serious eve. ii.ii i in- unsee; ar.a ii college, Illustrated hy Hon ird College. lu- the. ls alni .-II en:, are tree Iron. il. le -usu.uni li.Ilene cannot niulntalu ncliurcb Uf IIS OWn, .vin. ll WU .1 I'll ilk. ot ll. dell, Ililli.ill,iii i, vvlneli Ibo pi.-.ii-liei- o mi:-. lue ItUiti-nt* a:.- iniiell l.'.-l euliliecleil willi ihe lo. ill ililli! ll ul Ililli palen * iii.iii an oiiicial ehiii'i.i. Haily prayers cm ie um lu i.iineil. hoc.iu.- Hillel* no op'on linty tor il - it ii li , I ie o-iiinj :it prayer*, bi .1 a inn can be adopts t" sun ., nujordy of the eimlrnis. Il ibe lorre be Protestsutai Congregational,, nu,,., eal.leased, .-un ly vonnie, nil v li e- Uv liuii..|el* n: vat :,,... ilt-mimm i- ii ina cm ". Meal iii the chapel, altteu.lanee Iwii iiniiii v. T'l.i-re *hnuii! be uu u cimieai rellgtani lusirui ile,i. I'lev cali teach an. in- In ..viral t- aili i-. lu sue govern lug boards an denomination quei inn siiuitai evei lie tailed. Ie tin* type ol college belousi Milne ut he Mnti ll ii Ile r-ll li -, Sollie ol fie land colleges ami a few ol Ibe endowment lollere*. The ail valli.i ne* ul Hu. tv pe in-: Its pu.-luca la ii il in,-i a said ll oiler* security against any attack uu the Undent** faith. Voluntary activity In nligluna mallen I- stimulated. The yenna nen moke a con scion* elm,ce. I In j lem ii ea ll Lei! v. I'li'-v leam Um ne t li .11 ni,', runee Ol due r ne- BIM ll el ul in,ne, i ii nu ii. all -nil liver tnnse ul.cut wi. eli the sects differ; Ibsl sweet sod nolie human churn tel i- produced rn oil *ort*. Kverj reasonable mon wi li au nut.k upon btstcrj rejoice* io issuelnte himself In Iraaain it on with the pore in anble ol .ill churches, lin- .adv ,iu.iL'e* ar Iii,it Uni e.innot t-vp-ct mei nun cindi,lem e mid SODpoTI "I lOy d'-iimi iii.i'1-iii. a io*- ol it Un, ne,- omi power. Heooudly, tbi u - etarlan college ¦pusan te oe ImllOereoi lo reunion, notwltbilaudinj one nuv v helton a doctrine ami vi i l.e o n pu. ll lu [nie. lg ll ll. il III III .er. Jun tai OU lille* not mean difference; relljtou* liberty does aol mean ihu intcre-t in religion iii. .ii extinguished. A National cul.oj- mnal pursue ihe Sal luna! |mllej ol loan.Ul.m. Il !- Imp 's-li'ie to hull a -le it Cillh ge on a ..-i-i iii ii coUUtri Witlioul au established religion or il i, ..el. It if undesirable, because ihe. na a.e.i ta..e-. WOllld he .ill!, ed Ililli up.. .... nu jr.up arith too little ielio.v-ie. lin j .mi too Utile sense t I Ibe ImjMU ame ui onluii .i-.uu-i malena -n .m.i lue mere inim il life. Tbenare certnln genera principles sruirh m.y in> ..pp. I tu Oil I IU peel Io le iii ,1 li rellL'lu ll Iii li-, lt lied all Ilia lUl'd filial- llu-l. ,i|. Mil-, ui ii de h. ucl a u on among oecio li a fruitful tonne of lr* religion. J. Every college 1* bound tu promote the con- tlimed allael lue nf - n lo In* parents' lain, and - roiuul ii v ait.n binenl ol re y you if mun t" *iiine relig¬ ious body or utber. nu- in Ui- Interest ".' ian iva. I morality. Nobody know* how to teach morality effec¬ tively wltboui r. ii. i-m. Tuere 1* nu such iiii-.j si s, lenee ut I- liles. Ill Coll '-- -leUl-i eva hil III -Vety ..u u i.i.e ul- lu-, c in lld, Inil li liv" ins .piiu, ou malle r wbal uu subject in '.and t iu which lhere I* . areal rartety at leacidng i. se u.-ii eau do mach I eouutei iel the error thal lhere au ciipo- ..ou bel Min (bi fundamental iirluelpln nf religion .mi iDoilern scleuce. They can llustrale ibo um v in ulm :nul -i' rn n: .iii genuine lt adj ami (carb¬ ina; can lemonstntte thal m -nco i* matins a rerj of iod can show tbtl tbet lino ri liable mc imp i-ih-my bel wei B religion aid science but fiat th- nilgie iin tgiaolloo and tue aeleutlOc lina .na: hm o aol w>t lunn preen lythe ».m- I nug lofthi omni¬ present Ileltj wini h in-y ii du illaro. ii slly, la tbe evtiaur .mi, v dux of reltgtoaeopl ms Willeli IS liuvv Ilpili US, College* ui.lit tu cn slow Iv, ought to bold boes rather 'han pries forward ; tullaw the,r enlist mellelea, bul not ul I.n mi, .nut liol.) to existing pr,sell e- until otor .no .i own ia he fi u-i'1 e, remembenag that religion la sol a thies of ve-'. end thst lt bsa survived aad wUI enrvlve laflulte \n Mindi .*. After the reading af Prestotsni KUat's paper, si Mr. rainier's SOggeOtlOSS, Hie listener, rose (ililli Ibe t ami lifter.nug anon! amt fm a leo nunnie*, were ealled to order by lbs president, who Introduced ur. MeCosh. Tho following m na ai,..trait of Dr, McCosh'l ul Ires* : A trreut ehsnge is going os in AsMrieao rylkigea as to the plsee alloited to religion, nf wbtcii parents are ooi siiitu-ieiiUy swan, I boro aimed looni ge m thia dil eiissam iii miler lo Ownatc rae! Hie lendeni i to lean cul mon end more of religion In lbs teseulnas of cur col .co ,. « <-i I' lo ba uiider-n d that I BIB .ni'lr- Ming believers la relialoB; tint l stand up roowlutely tnt the rigbta ol iuii*cii:iii e, nut requinug ttudeots lo alfoad religious nun-.u timi inlusi ihe will ut tbeli potents. If auder i«e, r their owe will If of iga, ll ls quito pos*i- nu- lo maintain a lively interest ni nllKloB nedi r thll condition, rbis to what is dune In Bearii all oar eui- hui-s, amt mir pooltios i* uni mistakable, Everj uun iuui r-t:i:ol* the s.ul taken np hy Princeton a truly .a bolte religion ami nu huerfenun muli Hi-* nf aili. President I..Int ha* pined ,- Heres in respect oi religi n undei ibm ia,els. i ,,r tin* purpose I divide them mtutvvu: lir-t, those aha snve s place of lm|ionaaee lo rellgloo, mel *eco those w ho iio no: prof' as io lake onj Benoni Interest lo divine I blass, I argos lu favor ul tho nt ea too al re llgren in neollege on two grounds: -ju banoal ur t io Un- eunilli.nilly and then to Hie speaking lo Ihe lint point, 1 fled lt acknowledged oo all bs di thal collet e- Beading forth sou nolly a body of highly educated li en have uri-al ilillueiu e un me ch. il. ul -I cf tm- e.uu- miiuily. ll i" ot rael moment lim these should he trained lo the ktiowledae ul iled sad ol Ulawiilsnd nato. Inthe poet, t lu i-tiH in v bas hod s mighty In¬ fluence lu atitunlatlng nnd foi mini nindi ru civilisation, n tm literature ami iu ai I, s s ir grande st poetry and |unoe, In our llnesi .tutu-*, painting* and bulidlUS . ibo sehoals ami aal teni Un of Karapa ami Amenea were eel up by mao awayr by ri-.on. mi ve.. Har¬ vard alli I'll.i e'en were Ol 'ip to proa 0 B IgiOB niel morality. T..kc mil c hri-iiunily Ii om e. e-.-s, and wo bare naiored one nf tue rmi form which have Kiveit life ami lusly tc our higher education. Ti" iTpieai university reeommeadedby ibepnsideai pf Harvard li denominated nusocisiUn. Thi* is nut a Bogallre pin nie. Over lae un ie. ci tin. InatitutluB uiitsht is written: "Ail knowtodgo Imparted hi mograni relig hun.." lr ieiig on I* aol bnnored In a ruilege every.,,n'- ipi.i,ute,I wr h h lilian nalino kim*, what Will ho tho prerailtnr spirit among tbe students. With thu *pnit in tho air tho Boating si n ume irs would crystallize Into tbe v c.- of aavo-tu ism, v. ii ii j.i its ebtlllag umi deaden* lng influence, am! the great body of tba roaag mea weald settle down wi h tbe conviction thal aothias ese he known of Oed, of the world above or the world tc come. Bon Iv. ihloklos ova, pal rioti a* well ii* pm nt*. ii iv se r un.; y ec n si der » ll ll wnul lie the effect of -eli Ina eal Into eoe etysfew hundred asnoattcs every year, ll I* while Ihcy arc nt college thal the character of students i* emu monly formed for Ufa Coder reltgieaa and morel Inn lin.', iilmllv administered, multitudes ai *'itdeiil« han lieeu .lived fr. vices lido wno li they might nllicrwise halo f li I len ; many hale bi eu led to dev its ihemaelna le high en * T'he.e aro (he pi in.-luif-. vvlneli udviie ite. I an DOW tn eva ni ne liy 1 helli Un- pin. proposed ni Ibo poper of this evening, lu. Kim allow-th.u then may be pro- \ Isl ni u, oh- fur IciliUun Iii eudc-c*. Uni lt lt SS tn have a pl a c ,: ¦ mill. hr nu until Muk.ihl- iuui lou uni uno Aili rvonl, oo I uudeniand it, BttarMlnnee i* required, nuleiery mci inn., hui several nine* a week. lucre li im regular preaching os tbs Pahiath, bul tor a few mimili* in spruu lhere I* paulie Wnnbip, mil cum pu lani v, on ,-uhh.uii eli nim.'*. 'In*- nresidi-til did mo the honor lo ask rae to preach "tie nr the -er.n*. Then wa* a barge attendance,toni nat hell were studeots. Tb BS !. bile sermon! rsnnot make up fur tho link ci regular paataral dtoeoonea, I du nm ie r au attempt to drire religinn ont of » e i ie iio, but lt lonka If aonte wen preparing io le li lin-mu. It la reported nut upward cf mimi undents of iiai v.ird luvi' peiiuniicd nd ic required te otiead pl r. el um! .no silpporlol liv Ile Ia- illly, lam eunlein plsting the possibiliiy er pmbnbillty cf nllgloo being i-lieii ilpili se ie ral of cur eoltogOB, lt will lie an om i,o,. day iv hen caf cr mme of our eoltagOO ure Brought to declare openly: " We, aro io Ki v e B| trying lo ii.iitniHin reiiL'ton in a eollege; it «nu nut be done." It'll even Ihoilvflt things were (ni.a lc Un* pa*', Bl- tempts iane| be made lo bare the areal truths ol' ia- iii-dun im pro ted upon tl.Inda of yoong reen. Tun COI lone Will sillier I .-rous loos If Uley BllBUdOB le- Urson, i nov wm 1 i.o ihe ire, Uwaeal, the octirliy, th hiL'li moral aims vvlneli i'..rt-tinuitv i* lilted In /ender aud foaler. Bul f tba work ti uol dune by colleges, ii ii.u.t be (lune by the rburebea of Christ, wbieh vv I have ni five their lust I lum .-lu* In tho I borough m. iiii.-u'ii'ii umi execution of I will he satlade < if thia dl*en*»tos help, tn awaken the ¦ut ii/.- i]i,-11 dun- lu thia ii.aller. At Ui- UJe vi Iii ll I have now leaeln.i, | laiinot le milch enaaced lu loeb Ulftcoaaioas, I nat rlad aad grateful thal liiiV" heen peimllled tc def nd tWO gi .' cu--. closely ennneetrl, nu the ono liaiol with tbs li k hnliir-l ip, a'.d mi the ether hand ivnh Ibe Immortal lui reel nen. I i-looe In the lanauugi ol my .pp ont. .. rm* i* th- l-iioii u nf tho family sud of muroltty. Bolmdr knows bowtoteooh utorollty effoo- lively wltboui iciijioa." Alter in-. pMoflssli luci Intahed reading hi* p ii-r, PreeldO it Ritot, wh-', nuder lbs rules cf tbs Blab, wa- sllowej Bfteaa mlnntrs ls reply n> lu-. MiHosk's sraemeat, tani bis usu warrie which lenone ie aroaaa rn i»:-. Mecmdt a phnri bumer, inkghl BO il.fleiciitly reg ir led hy dlfSireal BM n, iiecuidii.if In their idea* nf MttnBSa, that fur hlinseir, ho talswOaaaaaaaaaametJjraghy nltgies m i»r. MeCosh and (hat, Indeed, he felt uhllg'-d tn my be wui.l nut want tu truit bli non lo Dr. Mel tish's rellriuus training-. But what he did ninan hy religion, which niljin ho taught from tho two paras'M " IB Ulm we live uuJ Bsasm sud han oir heinz** and ..'en iib are the rcortes lng Brina*1 wm nu,nilly ueteaiary to Ibo trocbiug ol morality. It .Mi di-, ii .ul ho hopi d thatttee two papen of tho evening would W printed and |-oliJ|slted side by side, th it ali ml-lii pi 1 :o -i. l v.i- .: l.ein. lu Hw nil l:.en-,v discussion bctwees lbs twa g. nilen.en un lu* point. Mr. Calmer declared tbe club adjourned io lbs in'.! Monthly n.eel.n , We,lt, -da , ii 1'iu- feasor frisk will rmi a paper on **Tiie Disetlnj olM DECEIVING i HE PKhSlHEST, WHAT is SMI) Ol' s NA li ii: CAM. MR. JONE* .iM> I til: WIDOWn i.u--ul'. i'i" un i::i.iiAl; iiiii.-i -e.iMi: \ nil i..iiaSK. Waoiiinoton, Fell. il..l' pun tim nnsiti nu u <l stain eui uf Cilium s-m.iu l>ung berty, ol Plnrlda, thal Vi lld un M. I.e.!'. ph. n.11-.l-l.-.'-ill Jaoh nev le, WM BU "offensive pill ilnu," tba) official waa rnmormi by INnd luii.iei Uencral Vliat before his term b ut expired, in (bo ..iain de for the offiee ableh ensued Senator Call tonk a cunspieiiii is i ti a* tbs champion of N'ohls ¦.-. tittil tuts I, he a,-idled lill richi lu Sams -:r. Led- iv it h's mi ci cnt- ic the -i mi nd thal lae' vi Ile vv.,« h,* reetctonee. rbi--lai-nieiii would be of little importanee iu Itself wei,- d ol hu Ibo find Unit Mu ile.; C Ul mien cud attempted Ui ptisan* blmoi if of a hume toad awned I by a 1 es i-i lum.-I Barstow. Tho msunoi in whit n bs went ii wc; ¦:, iu ne, uniplus lb it ni'jei t wa* rally ex- rosed la Tua Tarnana al the tune. The rlaim oi the Senator, if it null imy Mitmliug ut all. ought lave .shu vi li I. al fm si \ mu;, hs he ha j Peen a BOBO ." dent apon the homes ead ol which be imposed to nb .>.i,M Thia he altogether failed lo shew, in fae, ina 'et: rte the Pnatmaater-iteeeralof .lune 1:1.1**1, he d.atlnctly arowea hlmoelf aa having urea irerideatof .1 11 -kisitn .ilh fur iiiany year*. A* J.ieksie.vlllc I- oem Ij sereu tr Are n llei Irom Ba aim's hun c-t -ad Ibo ri Un. cf sen .1,ir fall fell to tie grmiml, hot nd islanding the f .11 I tbsl be hun .iu all his orin il mil lenee lo beor upon tba interior Dei mtmeot nnd woo tnstramsatal ls hartog the ...liny 11'Uki law clerk lin reused to the eaoe ol laiuat 8wnim bad been left for decision. Kow thal Mi. Call li as uiiee mero I .hi cl um lu residency In /nek s.liv e. liuiilgll ill lill lilli ii'i-t way, |o BO BUTO, lt I* he im; .I that tie 1.i- stegru Swain will ho left m 1 eneefol pu.... sston ni 1,1* mi e homestead by the powerful Heitotar. If mri, be mighl suv bj wlmt moana Mr. Call secured the appoint meut ot tba preoeal p.oitntaelef at li. (....mi il ie. Mr. Cull, na 1 -ai;. easel tod lbs righi te Bama tbs ¦ sn "ii U..-ginni l that bo waa ¦ ir nm of tbe pi.ce. ile ¦negested bli trleiwl Hull 10 the Pres!seat Mr. Clova- 1 ni-' un lld liol ll-lc lo Hie proposal. Mull WM Ute in lu whom a Dsmotaratls lleneo nnesnted lo moko norn for ni. S K.-pulilieaii Who vvas rightfully clecleil. lae testimony submitted to me committee waa ol inch n nature ai lo leave no roou. tor doabl ut to Hull's na II With the fin.ids perpetrate I m t li.UtlBg Of the Vote. (.von a l» tain Ile iso ccu I,I ind allon! Io ciii.c it* c«ies a uu*: sn h mt Immy, Hull, srareoter, hud tn en Indicted and tried in rion ia foi thu rory Hillier nhd had esc i| ed coin i- lion ci,ly through OOO ld ii is- abamefal len jam* a bis h dofa it thc andi of J saun uni .,10 leo ccminoli Ul lite p.dill, tl nf the -o Uh. Till. Ui ri. si.lent knew and be refused lo af pula! Hull. Call withdrew lsgnstdnditeos. HewMWtos enough, '." rorer, aol lo shew in* sager. \ iliori period etotewed nci'iiro be pi .¦seined himself agata al Ibo White lieu.e. H en he did lie ind t 10 BOtal Ol Henry (lal k lu In* pucket. 'I'u hun the PresidOBl c i lld nut n'.jeet. Mm.Uer iilho WM B good min. I'i.ere was no reason opp mut y win lae >eiiitor's Word sbonld BO doubted. Ibo Pre .de. 1, tberaforo, directed the appointment ol Clark to be made. Tua amariaams had icareely reaebed ,a- new I'.-im i.ti-r whoo hs appointed Hull hi* oap 11 v riiat iel 111 tinily 1 11.Imo.1 the will cf tho President. lt wm done la express doltann or hi* declaration tbsl bs weill l aol appen I Hell io any ofBee, He bas h it. 1 inn lilli, and Mi. dil wno mine tbe wolca nc ruitbi .1- tin Willie U-il -e Unit he caeo wus. Ai Mr. Clari;'. II ni, nu I i" 11. mule iver, i- ponding lu 'in- Be ale, lt ll no! a. oil uni.kell (nat a Ililli- \l lilts llotlss inllaetiee tn iv he evett.-d to Iii iig all,ntl hil - h. vv li Bilgal t'-.nil '. Hi-rida Benotor a toosou, perhspo. sal tu deceive Mr levelao again. Tile ill seme of Mi' Jones, nf I'lori ia. Mr PoIPs rel- . ., iii ie ii Bommeoted npoa, tho igh uobodj to regret li Ho baa not been ben sine- Coagnsi met, and, strange to ooj, the Constitution 1* .nil safe. Mr un Hie lill.tu lllloli. (fe kilo. - H 1.e.r.01- I. ut 1. a-i ne tin ks le' dos. Tue ft. .junee wm. a li:e!i - refer* lo it aud Ho length st which he ...a Its '. inures uheDi'v.-i aa opiiortilBity pre .lill-- tullin sii.piel di ll,at he Hm ei .¦¦ vi- ... r-si.i ir ia: hooper, for tue mloule Mr. .1- . I'l. Ire --e. lin -ea.Ile ell III ll -1 1, -.1 till gi eu. pty sud the (tension n-uri- lo lbs of then 011.11. tl .- i....a,- ur -eek SOUmlallsB uni huunil st lue uf Mi. Page, who ii- r. milk ami oilier lottixti ,1'itig licver i.-"s tu tlur.'y llatrwwicn Se,,,,t,.r .(..lies, I I.O.II. |S speil'lttl.' ll- 'ie. - -. 1.e vi lion- lu lie u e.! laying .1 a kio 1. .;. own really speaking, to the hearts cf two wi lows (mei. 0O0.ll >" in er us 11 runs, omi Um other nu! I,.. Senator li -un un h..i u 1 which t' oboes*, Tom foamaattus 1 ian nor ut ina Plot c. 1 Senator an I tim ipall wbieh hat eon rori ni ni suwu orel ute other tel st iv be in.' rrad from tin foot thal he tum sell 1- a widower willi sine children Tin town i. overrun with fn- tr.nleis who hare all kama to etd m detlvertag ** Bill ** Morrtoos cf bbs aew tariff osoaonn J h Moore, the ¦Pan-emer .lill." I- I- !.. .11 I- I'lVIl \. Wei I limier-! ni that lp PTOVS Um Ul lin fe lillie- e[ Murri-ill's lull. ll Will deal WltS Ui* lue ui-.111.. - of tbs pie- it larifl rattier tuan Kempt a whole* de re istinn nf rale' An exteu ion c. um free not ls ouo of lae principal feature* nin. li im* beoa euumltted to tho lieu . ¦ - of tbs Vi.iv- ami Me iu- u 'limul re an 1 .n< pl.d ii)'tin-in. I hear Unit lt will be Inti"! ieo-1 lld* _ TH ROI Hil Mil) ORR STATE ROBBKD OP Ul* BKIDK rv HI R MOTOBB. Hi min, Fel>. :i [Special),. Frederick J, .Millner, high I tram dispatcher far Ihe I. ii kaWaniia lt.11.road, a year ega wino Bperstol at C..rn ii j. mei Mi-. -i-iiir.r, of Mt. Morrl* Bheaceeptnd from lum a i!..m.omi in j, ami promised to clue Lu wife. Ii) .avlng bli money be wm able to parrhaMa pretty eot- this elly, which was te become tbsl. future heme. goorly 500 Invitations were n«iied te tie niau ve* nnd friend* BotMddsnlj MraeVbenser, it seem.. Ilsteaed la ramon regsrdiog tbe habits of brr pro*peet! vc sen-la-law, nod ruads apbermiod to break lilllie match i he i en nu.nj w... to bore taken plan ll oin. re li at I o'clock till. aftrnaoB. U lien Mlllinn weel Int lu- midi- itu r mel lum al the den willi lim linn..nae..unlit Hutt Ute Wadding ''.old md lake p.a. e. I ne girl, who vv** ni Irur*. made li tn ie dei sian tint abe had been obliged io aeeede io bm mellier'-eouiiiiaiuls. lui: .nd li it the would many bim ll lu- mil wail. Milliner -uv * thal be must br mai honorably ir st all. declining ic entertain the Idea nf running away wuu nit intended m. ie. ? . POBTUgl AWAITI Till: honks. Kim.-io*, Pi -ii. 3.- For several daya past ;i New-York lawyer has hoon iii Dialer Count) loekn.g up 0 v Idol,i e Bl I..Hiing to the " ll. lil, eslate." 'I ho lawyer s'Hieii ihal he ciiiiildereil the estate to heivurih from B.150,000 tc 1400,000, hesnli * 1,000 sst! - of lund either io Uletm or Datehsss Pennties, lt wenM belong to the heirs when a lea-e, given tn arly 100 years agu, ahull have expired. Tbs Rook lamllyexpeet to metre that Betake ne tho astra sf Jabs Oaorga gena, whs came to America from BOlglam In 171*. Ho settled lu New Hurley, III tho present town of Suaw ungani., Lister 1 ii.mir. Rs owned many bread acre* nf kind, ami inning his jin.*-loi . wa* 1,000 nen*, fur Whick lu¬ cile a nlnety-iilniv years' lease. Mr. left two obs Ut. m Belgium, Margaret ami Hannah, (mo uf I hem n at ra d an lliigli.iuuan and iiiomiI lu luigi,md. Ibese sisters died wu Inuit issue, ami their property d ..aide 1 lo I heir broiler. Jenn (i"oi ge Kciik. A* BO Waa Winjeel tc iniiii.ii v linty H he returned tu Belgium, ho wuuli uui leave Aa.el le i. ? wan lien POM UliAVV POROEH1E& Poi ni.ivi.i.i'siK, Feb. 3..Detective "Jack" Keens, et ( leraland, Ohio, an lied here tin* afternoon with bJdWBfd (.'rowell, wini, lioeve* *uy*, is wanted there fer forgery te tbs amount Ol 0*110,000, all cf tlie lunney bal lag boen lost in the bucket-shop husiiie*. lu tho c|iy li linell. The driel tue say* Ihal trowell " damped " all tho tn ne) le Wilgul A Iii., of Cele land, ii nd gd gio,O00 roon oa toned cheeks from tim Union Rank ol 1' rv el nd nd then lied lu I.ut upc 1 he detennve trucked hm. io li jiu tn w hoie iir iu-1 tba eke w, th ni wm orel a vii ago Ti day be found rowell at gc wburg, where be wa running a baehot ahop and tuuk iiiiu Quietly sway. m .mi tim.-1 iii.ui; isii THKftrc, lu iii, Jan. 2..Though Ihe Del receipts of tue V\'-I Mei.ililli, lie.iwate tinnily, pool lillico iiiuoiini lo only f/6 or 06 a year, then wm a general scramble for tbe position by baagry Demoreatle ofhei rei Kei '. llllviA, I'eh. ll (Sptrnih. Ill" keotlUg III UM nf M da m's lilli!., ol Montreal, ,i_- mist the ,|,din M Univ estate for ..ri 1 900,000, bog u here rn-1 ly. The pl m.nil ssaorts that Jabs IrOraw wm a Mm-kholder rd tbe fit, \| ni; iee I. uni alli l.'lui'n'r I iain n V, nf Turee iilvr*. ia ,1 11 i'i- is ll 1 bia to tbs creditors of that I.-.p ny, vi. eh bet railed. lille v, i'll, li '/1 e,u.'i. A iln-W .laci.uui II., lin (toll. 0 nu ide-ag'd mau. in lin employ Of Jo .u Jewill, ul li.lilli;., near lier'', cu 1.lied ¦BtrtdS lass eva lim j by hhi ii<. it. Il 1 nil; 11 vi is fet.d bj bis em- nloyi-rlna thud n-ar his burs oa lu- banda aad sod covered with 1.1 fnma sari* ta the left side of lu* threat ls bis poeketwM lonni a bleed eiolned with whU-k im bad severed tba loft Jagal rum. \ .,.. |i, || ,,,... ... ,. a,- a fiiuml in iii* Ult |IU. nit, up.,1 ...aich ¦-.<¦ aril leo th 1. - Bl 1 ai persoosol Han ny. sba. tho writoc ease, bsd rnlaed him. li wu m.e. nin 0.1 liol boil ooma bUalUCM ti,,, m< ile rn-: a.H.- sea ¦ Uh tba penoi * whoas a nm * nen written il ;..... 'hs ll sec Of pipe, and, ll ls Said Ihat I,,, i.,, cheated, lt wthought that this iraii-aouou prev ed upon lils mind. gimiBBHai. I', h. ll (vKiio'i.-In tbs ca*e of lousl* Wil- lill, tho (leueral Term today ordered thal the prisoner he 1. seiili'M od ou Munday. Tho uew SherlO, Ouurao Young, ho* had many sppiicatljus fruin pursoui wbu ds- ">-:' lo ...i the han pox, 1 l.e in cl r is S3 far tlie i.nv> le.c. 4-> ORD I RBD io PhoDL'CK I'HK ROOI -. S\i:-.iT-!-, ld). :; ',.-(viv(i.-|ii the tiial of IBO "A .in-ou casca I- .ley i en les it.un HlsSSOCk ll. ide ll Ino; iou (ur an al a. Ila. lit MgOUSSl J. P. WllUnSOOl fut cueic., pi ,u nut -,.;.. luring the Batoali i booka » hick aero shawn tobe li: tbe batiking btnea pnrloM to tim fal- ure. Ile dei lue ti. al In ii .(. mimit be found tn li .ve an elco.-nt ci In-geil) il. li ll fun they liol llui-l- -.'. .ie:,i-ii Un- ap nu..1. I directed aa order toll, i,ii-ieii for tho pi..Uni in.ii ol um lino..,-. D:lU .(.l-l - id Ul, WARRED. Albant, Teh.:;.. .M tim nu I'tingof the st nie Board ol 11' ul til I ii--, ti;, In- clo mi*:* I rmi. different patti rn the stat.-, sppolaicd lo investigate the matter,rc- u.anv di 11 ._ l *- -were selling ceri.un drugs below tho regular i ile al pu.iv. They wen ordered ii,.; rm .-nell il: tsj ;*t* thu bj nelliug drugs below thu - nolan! ol purity they made ttosuMives amecahiu to lu- law -. IMi:i;l>'I' v v\ LOPKMKMT. lin m \, Fell. :! \8peciao..The town of En- iii i.i. Un* cou ly, i., stirred up over lbs elopement ol .Mrs .> I,i tue, tige fm t) -secii, with a young Imin, acetwenty-wreo, Ma- Brace nut only raotohed ber- Mlf. hut ctu-eil gtOU ol lu I hil*.anil's ea-li le v.iiil.'a. a warran) ino been lakes mu lac usc guilty pair aud lui ir muveuienis meed te Bim ri. rm-: i um rei <>i:i>. ihi: il< UV (o.M.MIMon < liri.'Cli IN DANGER. I.i.Ml s n .MALU in SOUP Ul'. ns CnVI IUD BY llv-l IIAM'I-. A woman wbos.i1 in tbe rectory adjoining the (' una ii. Hie linly ( -iiimiiiiiou. ut sixili-ave. unit i wen iel il.i yesterday afternoon, looked broagh a .v i lulu vv amt -aw sam lie rlelllg lld ll the reef cf III- si ni li iruisept. Bbe informed the noter, the lier, lu-. Hoary Mallet, and he eon! ant sa alarm ol tire at one* Later a *. w..* summed, ii.e li iciness touinl Haine- In Un-roof ul tho i¦nurdi, li was ci picul thai a defect¬ ive fla bod eas rd tbe ors The roof af galraaised Iron wa* so st, np nial Slippery thal the lil linell found Un¬ gle.iii *t iiiiiuuii v In ailing it open lo pour w nor ob Ibe ilaine.. lue banging ceiliog of Georgia pine burned briskly for mon than bb hour lieiore waler could ba nillup, il lol vv en t ne roof and .u- eel mg. \iinie toe lucile n wera at work ¦evora! hundred per- sims stood io tba drlvlog auow storm lo watch the pro- gress ol the Oro. and for aesrly aa hour il wi- feared that the church wanbi be dei roved, ihe tl.tues were .. uiiim d tu itu- ..-. however, ned were extinguished before tao greater p.nt of tba ceiling hud boen ruined. <iu. ..lau-i d-.ia*. wii..,..vv hud been kn ...... lopteoei bj .li Bremen,and water bad itonmged ibe ... lill loin.title. ll Wa. ..lil Ulai Ute .i.s. m.,. al,..iii ?7,.'. A new furnace wai placed lu Ibe church re¬ cently, and the ba it Irani li* san,Ice WM g euler I bail the old flue mud emiline, lt uni he necessary to build io rt ie « hen the ehui h is repaired. Thc i nun li nf m.- ||..|y I oiiiuuihion iva* tho ll'-i Protestant I.p.-i epa1 11.un I, iii ibo conntrj te hore (ree . ni-aa i iv, k ,i,don service* lt wai founded iii I In l-v Ur du,lil un. rj, siul d hus lu eu Huted .ur il* mable conirthutto ¦>. Among lbs limliuiloui 01- a ne. ny the chorea soetotr sw tbe Old w omen's Home .uni-1 lois'House user ibo church; tbe Mummer Homo for po.ll People IB \\c*lel.e-ler (nilli.J, lilli the Uah. M oiler, tor vv hu III a BeW house lu 1 w n.j 11 -t-st. hus purchased la-t fall Tbe re 0.1 rees nf me di ure a ure de- lived (rum voiutuary contribution* About fifteen , I il * BOW Hie li Ul eli c. ill.:lit lu- al li- lime id ll ( hris'- ma- fi st iv ul and allie near i.eing destroyed. Tho loss 11) the Bra ja-tildi) will fall upou Insorauco eempaulc TUM M:,M'-!I"l BE DWELLER* ALARMED. A Bra of unknown origin was discovered early yeeterday morning ls Cliston Reteh'i lea store. os the iii.t Boor of liii tooemeoi boose No. 203 1 ssl iioiisi.t. mi (smilies in the upper stnrtoa wore alarme I, bul they h ni no dlilied ly In ceca pins hoe iuse each flour wai connect!*! by Ore >ieapn a tn a booie lo i.i- ve. 1 be los- by tho lire wai aboui *'_',.riOO, chiefly in Um i' asl. Bame Inmates al tbs house professed len ye.ter-i 1 lueendlory oii.-ii, bal ttiey mull not gue nay good naoons lor ilu-ir mi -p.. 1 ii*. * *. RM ILL BLAZE IS I II ARERDEER lim Kl. A servant employed in tin vin rdeen Hotel, ut Twenty -in -; *'. ami Broadway, dlaeorored emokeoam 11 a elosel eu Um top ll mi- aim ii 7 o'el-i k last BiOnlbg, An al ir.n w is at suet mil. Fae Ora inned co 1 .0 \. leuiout, bul w,, extlugsi without i: oiiiiD wish n loos of about fl 00. lue srtgiu I* Hill, IIOWII. ? iicsrard wu wu 1 rihm n ru death. i'm i. I'eli. 3..Tho borne of Samuel Wi I- lam* s farmer, about ball a mUo aorth of rrentoo Vito lage, vv .,* .ic; rn) ed hy tu 0 un. mm liing. Mr. Williams siid bis wife were burned to death Tbs rs bi mid to 1 fr-uii a defi etiv tioreplpe, ? \ v l.l ir.!.1. CAI ii.1 l>l*i ROTED. Trot, Ubio, r'eb. 3..Thia atoning the cat* tis obed of C. 1;. c. Dye, eoataletug Mveoty-two head nf J' rsei ni ". a iiroyod hy hie. au uf the sauls per.shed. Tits Iimi lt estimated al tl J.issi. LOasBS in \ \i:l'U* PLACES. Trot, N. V.. Feb. :i. A bailding owned bj I- s. and J. A. Iliiniiell was humed Hil* morning. Ino annora1 looa la 010,000, carered by Inanraaee; LS. j:.iiiii.ii A Vms. m.huh.1-:*. 05,000, bo laearaoee; 1 ,'. .1 ge ii. Heiitis .v (e., co. ar Bwaafaotaran.S7.000. .ns a.. Bowman A Hana, collar ewaafacturen, S5.0O0, mu red j Malla A ... uud»rw< ir, fl.OOO, ia*ured; Moil I.nub. shirts, s-iiii, insured .Nearly nil th" teams iii.icuuii . in mo iiuiiiiiiig oeleaged tu Ibo oner- alive*, aleI f.W Were III-Hired. iiiviu.i.,*.. Tot., r.h. ii. -Che 1 un Halite here WS* seouwyedby ira yssisrday. The reeorde of the Conety Douri *endestroyed. 'linne of the ( lark'soesas were In a rnnlt asa ara soppoeod to inv-e baan incinerated. rn no. Ht...1- fi dollars ol ths cou ly funds wera ia an, w lu. lt I- thought lo un Uro proof. Tho toes 00 un- banding ii 010,000. Vtncsasia, ind., Pi '. .. v lin- iii fioyfanttRna*. bnlMlng yesterday eaased lasses aa foUowa: Os band¬ ing *-J..'. Ii.-ur.iiieo Tl. ""I lu the Home, of Rea Tork; W. J. RawUae, photograph gallery, 02,000, tn- -iiiam o rl.jnii in he (ielman \ .m-i lean, of New Yu:K. alni rii.cnli. Ol, 11 -eu enli-ld Bros.. emili Un -. .* inn, linne I" tba Northern, of lanlim J. .. ll hal .1 Cu.. e hit il iel-, «¦'.. Mill, ll|.iir-it fe' f 1.1 ll ni ||] thc Ll rei pool ami Loudou ami ii.on.., ni Loudoa. Omaha, Web., I'-m ii .Half ol the beetoreoo portion sf De Witt, Nih., waa deetrayed by lire yeeterday. I nae. . 1 ..nun. ( vu h. m.. Koh. :i.Tho huife of siiu.tiei Banger wu* lest roysd by nie u-t sight. I "-* *..'¦"¦.»», partly la- mioiS. V vi I'tmi'ii, imL. loh. it Tbs Plaka murk wa* yesterday. The OfCaclO Of ino Knights Templar 'mniii.iihIi ry wore hut. Loee, 030,000; Insaiaaee ls the Hartford Company for 03,700; Hume, uf Now \ uric. gt.OOOi Uveraaol m Laadoa ami (iioiie, .f-j.iimk .iii.-ni,1 Union, fl.Jun, i-i.1111,. h. uf Philadelphia. ....'inn. Curium Aiiioiicuu, ifl,"iilii; Nurth American ind -Meiealilli. tl ¦'-¦«>. Yul m,-lull v, ((al 1, Keh. I! fpeeUtt). -A general Htnre lelong'tig to J. H. V.iud i-i-n, al the liner lilli Coal sud Ircn Oosnpany*s wm-k*. was daotroyed by Uro tin* nomine. .1 dwo(llog-hon«e adj sining aaa destroyed. I- -. .-.i.nnu; insurance, -Cull). WU AI SENATOR tOUNGBLOOD DRINKS. ,IM,I K Aid, MU \\ Ill.-K IV. IN nu: liol 11 r-Il M- I'llilMI I I (11*1 m I MIN IN' MW-JI.IISKV. moa mi BIMI in 1 "iihi--:-i mu \ ni 1111. 11:1 tn-m:.] I'liKNinN, Feb. 3..The Senate dteeussnd [.neal Option to-iUy. with un evident Intention lo pots he hui. Il provide* fur a county cpuuu BBItStaada, uni un attempt to amend lt was mad" by tho.e wini will 1: cl,iihly oppoSa lt ls any case, bal who de*irn tu ,*ru tho nil iii good shape before it runs thc ordeal of the A sse lu ny. The Senate Steadily voled down the amen.lim ms mill. Wearied With tko apposition, the measure was bud mr until Monda) Bight 'ihe Semite!' fruin Morris. .Mr. foangbtood, objnted oapeemlly io the views ot temper- mee I.-gi",alor- us to Um eVtdOBOB thal slioilld he ronald- .red ncci s-ary to cciivii t of using liquor Illegally, Ile Iraak ginger ale, be explained, without a "sink " in it, mi bo ni i-a.i oiniiy ¦ssteiad a gie* of beer, yet st east once Iii Ins i-areei lt had BOOS his fate to he BCOttSed if earning bunin a bullio nf whiskey, although the hol¬ lo was fan oenone ginger, banaler Pleb SM sal aekaawP ¦de pels,mai t. uu, lim ny wuii uieoiioiio bererages, ml lav 01 ed a ni nu lo al opton Hie ¦olin y ssteii provide*. mit gTOW eloquent ip.,11 the ln.sieg a BMMUrB like til t .vi'iild entail upon hosnies* interest* nf the State. The rig will ooma ap again as Munda) evening as a speolal oder, w iou Beaator Cbaftts, who was elects bs 11 Pre> iiiiiuiiiusi,bal iii* bees mon af a straightout Demo- ¦rat than anything otoo, le espoo ted to maka the offorl if hie life. TbaHenata trauaaeted little other boalnesa if Impoi lanie. lu the isarBihly Mr. Cor sis introduced aaotber phase al In- li inpcraiii e qUeSllOB lu ho .hape ol a BttVUg ;, oil. Bl ll 11 othi r m rsquiriag tba ligns. lille if live I nuieill atc lielClllinrs lo ali appin ut lilli fur licence 1* ponding ht tho mum holy. AMsmolya-an Drake introduced a bill to create a fut dine for sotne- h.-iv m Inipoetot ct m.m 1. Mr. Dtaka repraseuti a tommi distrust, Mr. Key mon introduced bu iuiportuni im Jersey (Uv. 11 psocktos luat tbe uioaej due lue tum.' district* from tim 1I.1 n iii ump enies under thanes law shall bop ld la ibem rorthwitii. Al tue money li bel by ihe -rue, therallreadi kai [,,j paid it In undi in- order ni tba cu sri Should ihe up.iii toe lao -V Hi -.- ,,-.-1 the - ¦ - tue railroads nuntd oe e.,1.1.1 m in- m.iee) again. Iel!! . a Ul 'lamil Ul" Male ila . H. eu.e. I ll vvlse lc hoi I ,,,. ,-a., tu ma treasury, the urobabiiiij of reewrerti g it Hem lim rlslei 1 towoi, sfler haring aooe iwhi it orer. ¦eemios raibei small. Mr. Oeimorei Mil will Im. ware.Iv ad vocab 1 :v .lc, tej ny ii" ui-is. n* a .-,,!,.. - uigly op.'o-ed hy in ti¬ ki 1 - ficus mini 1 "int e-, Wini w.uil I have Hillel! U lo-" li Ihe iniioi) wa* ucl iel.ll .iud Su lue U.-atili) lu COM ot au adverse itoebuon. , . . Anouaeuienu ure bolos mada hr several Senators sn A.-cu.i.i> men, linoel i>i. keadenhip of AoMiablyuiaii A V il. .darill., to lake Un- v, lime la Jl a.lillie IcV.adl- li.giun on Pobvraary Si. R a mas 11 to pay his way. Tbe trip ls to be mm torptoai"" uaae, aad kl rn auImi¬ auled that mn.l nfl he Sniist.o s. A .soinhlyuiell all I Slilt'i UlIIOOl* Will Juill lt, l.aat illsl'lf co-it. mm/Lmmm ibo Ai,»ei.iiily hal adjuaiuoa uiitii -douduy nlfcbt. BTKINITZ WINS X GAME. 0IIB88 CHAMPfOyg BENBWTBZIs. tUTTLE. lita WI.NNKlt .SUV z .ks wira rag gxioirf*o, ii'is ru ru:: ra nowa. J Sr. Luiis, Feb. oWThe sixth (nusM f.r the Um ehumpiouaaip nf the world wu* began in lbs Umuna' room cf ute Baronets Club at j::to p. m. tu¬ ny. Anion-tho strim en present wi re W. li. ll ploy, iry ol lbs Indianapolis! h-s lu!,; Major Henry rutucr. prnl.tont of the Rteehlyn Club t D UeAtee ol '" '."limy iliih; Da K. ,-,..,,,, OI- ^....jv,',,^ ,"!'; -Ml' Imicinls. .f Um Mnnhitlati Club, Sew-York, and .Mr. Perter, uf tho Rnltinsoro lui'. Air,lunn, ins bad been iliad.' fur the seconding if tho players, lethal knkertort had fer kit beat noa iViUioiu Im ami. inni Bteinlti lie.j.ii.n:, g, Poator. stolons che- tba white and Murtoa tbs black bmw. md btcMlU, isln, u.etn il Him. i;*.-,I Um well-known toy l."i"/. Knight', gain,,, -ihe rhassptoM ihemeeives vero sn sit ni ihe centre ul the ni .ding.rm.m. facing Ml uni upon a platform righi feet y * x umi uno font high. This jdatfonu in* Blared directly ni tin- entre of thu p^m afforded by fobJingdeon wbieh wera throwa opee .liing the iimi nu ¦ a auto rtow of the players. Tho li. ctators foUowed ibo game from a l.trje beard wi'h » inly- tight .nih held elevated un an easel. The time' m.* BMosured br a Balsas Brrnageetent nf tm snmii locks, mm fm- each player, hang an a saunas uko i see-saw, and nu adjusted that neiiber wuiihl OB illili*. H WM depressed. Tull second luokcd after be otoeh of his ehempton and aa sooo m tho iiiay aaa aada pr-ss, d duwil bi.* cincic sad the time of tho men legiin to he ticked o.t. At li p. m HtetnllS had a shade he uilvutiiagn ami au adjournment was talion to Hie .cm. Bf Hie m. |, tn, fjjaesa duh in u,ive-*;, where thc .uti' na, rs eived. The inoves aro gu cn below, BU n Kamo lu the luatcli bSCVSOB Messrs. BMInitS aud uiertort. BUT LORI /. Ki'.* QAMI . 1 Winn, I' to K I Kt to K ll 3 il-li to Kl u 4 -Castles fi-Kin K rn 0 Isl takes P 7.11 tick.* Kt iV. * Kt lu lill ! tn UH [!,) I" K to K .1 o) 11 I to ... Kl il I J ./ lo li ll Ul i. lakes Ucl II ll to Kt'J Kl to K l 10 ii lu K 3 i/| 17 ',' to i; 1 ls-Ki io ,vt ;j ni li io K 20 I' 10 K ll 4 .Jl Plo KS 'JJ I' lalo*- I' ¦SA -4J io K ll 'J I <( to ii I li lu K I) 'JU .' to K, I .J7 Kt to lt ."i .J* ifli muk. 1' le K I .j K, 1.1{ i: ii ii k ic k* 4-Kl lak. s I* r> K' to <i ,t li Kt tllKe. Kl 7 I. lo K J 8-c leslie, .I li lo li it 1" i lu K Kt A to K IJ li lo Kl t Hi.Ki lak s u 1 l-l'too li 3 te) l.")-IU" K ii ie.p to u i 17 -li t..i..i IS -lt te K ll lu.Kt to Ki 2 "<>"i'i..iy. J St.R io k II 9 'JJ-li lakes 1' "H-K lc ii m 'J lt lo K tot .Jd Kt to K A 20 Kt lo ii 87.H to lt i .J* K to Kt '2 .JU K to li J Uil-K to Kt J 111 K to I! 'J il'J-K lc Kt 1 33 K tu U a 91 K tc Ki 2 I.' ll lake. O, d" li take- ll 37- K take, lt h* lt te Kt :, HU Kt tu K A I" I' to KUI 4l-l'tn RS (fri ¦u it iii a j 43.P to li I ll Kl loki t .t'-K takes it lu li iu K I 47 I'to ii:, 4- .ls to lt A 4U-C t .ko* I' bil Kt to K- 4 Bl -K to li :, .VJ H to lt H 53 K to K ii M-K lo i^ 7 53 K takes H's V 50 iv takes 'i'i 1' 67.Kio K 7 .'.* lt to K J ."¦ I) to n ii,,m 00 PtaQO li. .ck mn gus. Kt tu ll li eh Kt lu li ."i ell I." Kl le R licit ill-Kt lo ii.", eh II J kl te 1. li ell ('. h.; Kt to R 5 eh III Ki tu lt li eli Iii li take* li ni I.'.- Kt ..ike* (I 1(7 lil' lake* R ll* -Kl takes i' in 30 P h. 'i ll .rn k ic Ka ¦ll Plo Kl I i'i Ki ni i; .i K to Kt 9 I I li to I! «t 1 ¦ li take. Kt 10 K to ii ,i 47 -Ki to |; I .ls ki ie K ciel iu p lukas i' .'el kt to IC. (f| .M-K tink.-. C 53 Kl to R ;, .Mt Kl to KU Kl lakes 63 K io in, 66 Pto UR 1 ... kt tn Kt 1 ch I'lo RS kl In <i n iu k; ultra lt ni Kt to 1^;, Bi ntl ur r ht vin Mni<r*/:r. "U P tot) Ito abm a very good continuation at thn m.nt, i'u in the fourth gnuie of the match Mr. Bteietts now .¦ne.ned the li to k u .i|.i.iio. The u-u move, oil hough b ucki tue ii P, I- . erioiuly mon attaeklag, tn Auother deilailon from bia piny In Hie fourth ailie, Wheo tho Hook was brought hack lo'- ¦(ll ile. -. \ nee.-s.iry pr ec uuhm. as White thnstOttOd Ii - li I'ch ld,owed, if tho Itihbep bc taken, hy (I lo t ll ch ind Xl tu lt :>. cte, ide. (.1 Taking tho (J I* would be extremely hazardous, s* benply 15. KituK l|would give Whites luo.t fonsiiu- i.le attach. if. A very embarrassing move forlllaek. a* tho subec- iteiit play *iiu v *. hr) fl luke* lt, Blthongb ll dmr,|.s White's pawn*. ." ii) ii lioiiiii-. a* wiiite weald presently play In* ptoea to R i>. eramplag li.a k's umveiu'cuu cun- ,', Mr BtoriBltl was probably shorter time hereabout*, Much .m. unit* for the npetlttou of tl eoe check*. iii Had be cheeked seam, bli odrersarjr, we believe, '.riling to the nu.-* geveratotg the match, could bare lalmed a " draw." /i 1 lie pian cf attack commenced hy Mr. BtOOnltS OR ls ilxteentb move bit been admirably carrie.1 utit, and rstut* in tho cain of uus most Important pawn |l>) In'* alon we Moobi have bees sutl*HcU to uko Paws wim Pawn ami Bghl for a draw, Ci R Rh a Pawn bohlndhsnd. and tbe dteerivaatago of lilsii'.pa.aiust a Knight, Ula,k's chancel uf drawing re sinai mil*.'.!. (si) A ilip probabljT, bal one nut nf much rouse- ilrm e, fur ino lilllie WO* Bill tu he save 1. Ino ai.nv e gillio t* il.-, il d Ibe beal noe played hy tr. Meium tu the prsssot comet, and hi* excellent av iu ii will nu donni ^ivo renewed cuiiBdeiii'e to his acker and friend*. w\Ti!!i\i; thu u ami: in rms ctTT. The moven of tba cbeas mutch bmmIo ia st. mu yesterday vi.-ro talegrnpbod 11tbe Rew*Torh Ck* lull, ut No. tu liii.verr, uud ispsstod on a large ms emled hoard, while the record cf the game wa* kapi cn B ad,ai ont blackboard. Thu* lovers of the game were tile to follow tho varying fortunes of tho player* a* .ell a. though they had them in full view. In fait imy found ss rath.r au advantage te have mo players vcr 1,000 ini.'-s away, becsuss tbej were treed ir.uii all csu iimi. nboai m.ah/.mg um gnuie. They gathered in i.nis about the chen boards, .md dlseaane .' tba might- an- lieeii," if mu ilsi ii ul lioue lids, ur /ukeiturt bed line Uta', Wltb a gnat deal of /cit. When then cane a tog hreuk in the game it required hm a little »> retch uf in< aimil to pintara Btotnlta wltb logs wide apart od In.* dampy little lia ids un his thighs, oj mg the nurd With an exproieiou of imitable gravity, while Dr. ukei teri, willi hi* hamil cla-pcl behind hi* hack, paced i ami fm with i|iiick, nervous step*, seemly repdeing lat the flight of tlsae waa halag recorded ag dual bis liniment, iii-.- Btelaiti collected thea Imlioioo tickets. ud sold photographs of the players. Before the gsme rms tba hitting wa* geaerally about 'io to ju ihat Dr, ukertort would wm the mutch. 'JACK" DBMP8B1 WIS S EB IX A PBIXB-FIOITT, The lone tulUoil-ol light lietween ".luck '' Dempsey, ¦m champion UgtnVweighl pagliist of Ameiicit u.ol .luck" Fogarty, of I'hiliulelj Ina, ivlic cl.,iins tba liik'ii|iiuti.|i>p ol I'l-imsv lv.iiiia' wne tonghi i:i a ronni P tuwn Int.- mi Poead iy night.|lt wno sae ol the mest ssperateli e infested sad bloodj ti:;lits that fin* lusa ou sn Kew*York tow a long time. Fogarty wm .imaded by Arthur Chambers sad " Hilly'' dwarda, 'ellipse,y Iuui a- barkers " Qua" Tnthttl ami " lom " iv.nv, the baa Fraaoi<<eo pugilists, "Al" janith ass .in referee. At ll.-io tao referee culled time. Ker ic frat two cr three nundi the nun (might ca-i- ni.siv. Demon y hod got tho eieqaare of bia nimby .is timi, mid in thc tllOOOfdiOS eight ru n.,ls ham- ii-reil Fognrty'i foot pretty nura .»* be please:. A ml iilow m ibe mooth gave Dsaapeej the Brat knock own in thc twelfth roiiiul. lu ilia cightccilii iciiiiil 'euii'soi* l'rioini* claimed tbat Fogarty'! uom waa rokeo, und in tho twearJetk hi* jim wu. fntctured, idliy " laliviinis, kowcrer, dcalei thai bri bone* .te broken. Pogartj ttood up gamelj and tock his uni-hnieiit until the twenty-aereutk rannd. whM he m knoeked dows ead wm toe weak teatasaios lim e again. I hon lu- seeunds threw up tho samage, he tijjtit hut) d ono hour and litlv minute*. TBS IFKATHRH UFA') IL r.iVKUSMUNl IRDICATfORS. POR 39 nOURa, VVA8UINOTOX. Feb 4.-i-'».' .Scw-Kiigil uni, oii-iy weather and iota! mows, geaeraliy toUawed ny .ii weather i uurtbcriy winda geaerally co,der, io. iweii ny Dearly Matloaorjr lemperotun, Ter the Middle At.antic Sl.u.s, etOOting weiilher; i, I. generally mu tlc. slv, slightly Badder, rn hmod bv any station,rv temper, niuo iuui again followed hy lightly wormer woolner during liuiiy. nf s.-w -\ .1 k i ul Ch ' de,phi i, .iwiit local .now* thi* nu liing followed bj lair weather, cooler, followed by cu y ama iv em («. ra lure umi sdglu.y wa. mer eau,' i itu kag Friday. TitPWVe* I.').'M. ORIRRVATIORI I . L_-J-..k_-;-j.j,, li.'.l .'i> Tiir.-i'M Fi ,. I i i. Bk.A sterns entre wi- .. two days bad bean ssavasg from rota* b un- Boc Atlantis reset, aaaaanstad tba ssmBhSB ..lilli td Ibo I.,rn-* ami northeast ward to New-Kncliud .(. rd iv, wub stiuw ur ruin. <Julder WOOahM pievalled n the Hiuitluvest ami In tho At lantie Malo- ; e sos hero no sbaaffss sears lautht lbs BaiaaaMBf bats bsbb mill noun umi then tel), wltb skie* cl. udtns after dswn md aearll tuiou m.-nc, uf suuw. 'ibo tomperaaars augt'.l i<-i wv cn 13" sudj 21a, ibo ave; ago (14.V) ..-¦ SJ bein* eT^v htamr iliii the ieonupswUng kt I yen- au **V low r o .1, ,, '!' .1 .-,-. BRitbi y 1 .inter oesOber, wtek !'.-.¦ sa*>w, ¦. ¦» rg|tected In thai ear s » ela ty I fcluUO Magf bMBapOratSWO and lair Weal nu- Pl >.l . .''.'.' TB vitim .t. f" I lt r til t 'or tko Ff ii'Iic. DRAR .Mil. TfUffOYRl lt i* s: it IJ f V city c'lilhlren lc lay In the -now, a d . letti el lt that tba obi toop rho idas ht ; "! m q - M : th nt Univ might iciv'at 1 ,,.| wo pnhs-iv hut Ute Park clean r, sera ul'th * OW ".1 lbs fl ¦.. ami iv ira 01 allowed to i>.> <m rho gran 1 some paths whteii inst bec mel ne thal !«. .:. oro-* the fall:, hot Un rv a. it .. . mal sn Ool a very mindi rn linn SUS Kb I lie .uv I fur 1.1 uttUic ..ii ii a- - mg in tue *n cv. (un yoi sol Sn m-Huht ror Bs. «i ir.uca)ni the next samwstorm I Vc | (elly years. Mun; M. Cmxunm. So ":t.">r V'ttrihii".. XetoTorB, Feb. ,i. I aaa, [WaarosBMi uri this bri erfratas Itttl , risc* th'- s>"i nu, BltB nf liui.iiinl- ul'c'.i M;u:i >:i Ibis etty, ll rio issi Bligh bo eomplledwi BOOM to ns. It ought to lune 1 ;i u -lt .iii tba hearts af tba soo -na Bred Park Coonah sta aad tattam thoa ta soi Beats me or ta kMBU uv-"i pul1'* bf eua- :-'i:,-. Tho "next .¦diiv " tO winch tR0 lillie Wai:: ll alludfc I* \n',v csu taBB ground. Gtvo ti e i-liaiu' .1 ii ebnnee I -/.rf.' BXOTTBD "i KB a u \;> in, I'AKSoNs, K:>h., Kims. &..Tai* eAjto v.':i» thrown linn n si.Uc Bf eisRSSBSal vealer.lav hy a rabid dust. Il blt MVaWSl pee'. '. Aiuiing them v.'i-i- U.r i-'ii/au. isdrv-g..i..i, .1 rh,aeeioredbay,a Httlesari.>! i Mr*, ii.ow, mil Mr. Heka, praprtrtoref sprhasrili rim report wa* quickly etrealsted, aad alihliahatf bmir upward ul -.ny ti.en, armed willi gnus, wt--ui hot piii-11 I and the doj Wa* sou eve, . [es | lt is oi-iui'i that a gre..t iiiiny dogs uni ic have been hitleu. some ¦'''.'/ .1 I El .1 ra t/ AWALLOW1X0. AtutOR, oiiio, Feb 'i peeutti,.Ai ;a rm ia j nf th" Rertbeeilsra Obta Mouteal teaactatlan bm ilu.v, three Cases of - wilie a 1,1.' fer iga , ah -ta-. SM WOSS reported. Due mau swallowed a rilrar rtollai wino nighing, aiiether iweltowed a lu.-.ria.- ph .l-l woman clicked nowa Ins gu is* ,., a aewla ( aa bubb. Medical sk.ll was hafted, ms' al! th p ittonts r. c., ANUIill.U i.ll. RAIUUk Trsj snipricc nu-I Barjai aa ol Alls ucU's. tim original and only gcniiliii- pi.rou* plaster, hi* BSBBBB ni" atariptos oi Au aiu»s ami Bsusphln ta laatatol is uro ii iis ile. Insdverttoiagtheirtmlielloas ibepaai b .. as .oed M Aloe, k'-," .' ijuieWi-r luau Ailcek'*," " BOB> li r Uian Allene:,'-." " mme iBgmdtoatI t au Alic '*'#," etc. ThOM st Ul eua- ,t, BIB M S OBI With that Iii 1.-hod Um oilier dav teat Hr. -i hileiinuiU iii cm-avalln j iii ruins uf cl issi,. Iroy il;,-cnv -red S sjicoiim n i-f thu urigiiial ami nilly gi inline pmwan piisstor. Clieiiii-u-y t.xpi -e. tf-iai be-y. ;s i.isi Ilia it- RBsr-Tosa, May i".'. H Bunoat .t Yonasoa. (iiiiiioin u ai year raajasM I have (Malata* ev, I nilpie, of 1:041-1111 - ('um iii Pi i ui* la-, m ta I Iles kt l'oiou* I'l.isteis, ter Ci 1 mp. o of ile-oraiin'iig ulm ii cm tains the greater at eunt of MSSBBBal nieilu-iiiai mgr srolnabte in a reeonty fur ex mri a i Kim ii i[.ia ititi. * of oii-ii kind 01 atestsrwori tahoe for auiiij-iii. au tbs BsstfeeSi ot ssssMaarMB saajtoyes s ri nleainal As tho 1, af ny \.n. uiiieii I timi tait lien. ...ii - COpCll . la-:e, UBI m.'- ai- v iii db I CM Ul lil, Hil' ,i,.t 111 llei-CSS Ul HIV o 1. nil iu-1,4 s lu ou bl sli' in- pcs*orr il 11 all flasM pla,ten s.v indi aird, lours re-uoc tull v. J P. in- is' -1:11.1, M. c. Ph. 11. .ii sly! .cal and ,.i.s,ilueg h BefUM .'ill lc ap and SOrtbkM ad a oms mine; Um 11 au -1 of " Csusicin," "(ii stout*," «p.,( inn ci 1.1,1 psssters. ? - Keir 1 Implied In d* ilse ndie's ( munnin I lu.auule 0 lycerise. Depot Othavo. Md --in .: ail drag n MARRIED. KNArr-i'iTTisiiN in ss psnPs Ohanh, Rerwotk, ( 0111, Kibiiany J, ..'i. hy le- .1 .- PrI ll 1. ls-lt, h.,I-' 1! vite, v Howard d. Clapp I'iiul.i N Ka I li.-, elder ilau jiu ur 0. the USS Ker lu; i.e i. I'1 lina*. WAIGHT uri: io Tue. ny, Pe mu y N. J., or lb* Kev. L H i.iciw. Mt, Ads lae P, k.ue, ef i .,:. r. ito sri 0 i>..gai. t .u>.,(,-a. Bast ... pepe ri 1'ie 1- e spy. li lt. BKKRK Al falIBBile "I Bgl ' elorml-i Jan 1 'ry 2-i, l<*\ II bot B liri f 1,11 oas, ll il a 11 vi ah- ,,a e. nan sa li ll -o\ In tuo ...I, rc sr .. ms .un. 1:1 i.iiive.s sac fi leads sre respec milt Invites' ts uti, gm fuaaral ttmuM .1 iii -ia..-on .-1,11 rs Presort .1 lu; eh M.1.11 -en a. al, J Sile-1.. OB 1 nu .-"lal'. 1 1,1 u .r/ 4. at 1 1 a. m. ELIOT.At 110 ur i'm r.'-- Perk Hoi .. M Mig sun ol cy.I una hiloSaS li' t, Iel,rill. . I -* .. al .1 Hup. in. 1 .1. i..i aril!take ,. see rain tua. n r. nf ile- I1.1S1-. i^urs- ison. Kail J 'Us st ai 1 e'i io. k 1 tulay ¦orama. Inn ann ut al ll 11. PlHgl Al -ii'iiiud. f, I c-r'itv .1. 1 . »i, Mary (i.ur I. I- I' 1. viii,- el 11.1,e. Ki-ke. Funeral services al hes ai- res'.dMcs, In kemmis, lc1. usiy .1. at s i a in ,uii at toa baJVh ot U Mar. t j VirgOa, JJ-i a est 4 ta s' .ai . a st iii>k-vi \.\-lu Pataro-urv l, BSa*e*RotV. ot linus vick. '.' r/i 1, Vt: (mia K WtuoW id UC nu Huff.uaii, ami di ..a- l-l 111 lal .-.uu.n-l -inlta.ii-.I Beiaavss aaa friends an nts loUr invitel 11 nit ad tim foiisrsl ssrriOM s t'rin ty chorea, oo aaiur.ii/ ¦cscalog, l-oliruary ... ui u ,,,-,. lc it is tinily rei|tie-ui-,i umi Boftowers bes nt. ki.Mi .\- ni snasay Janaarj Bl, air s-bur; illuets, .1 r K iivoi-,, ,u .he 134 year of hts ago. Kum ral from bf* late reaideaci ai I,ai.lau. >. J. oa i bui*- dav. 1 ehruaiy 4. al J n. ui. Kl SRA LL -At Pal 1*0.:, v I., sa M in-t.. Ilarrj- T, ea o'(liar es il sad starj I. Ki a 1.. ug-.tJl y. ,.r.. Paaeni st 2 o'clock 1 .mr.*: 1 Its last,, tram hui lets red- ..en e. 1.1. i.r ..dwajr. Int. niirat prints, Mi M.i.NA'.I.I -Int re llnlo re it. Janus-y ltd th" BeV.JOtBB II vu sooacte, 1. h. li.ia.,ie, oas ui-i.n ors 11. .1 .'! 11 sits tl tie fun.-rai aer- va . :r, a lu. ,1 ri -ld'' ie 1.41 l'ark av. PhlildelBOl 1. I'ei.n en rharauay. feswasni 1, rn j ii, m. Iliteriiieul al w ash. n ie lon kele, U roll se LO.. X. Y., ou ,*i..tur- civ ab earr si s. a. (l.n.ue aud lah:.UL.a Sajmn pleasa Ci)P)' BOt.CO ufth) (haili, MORROW At Jo; s y Cit.-. February U, 5!o- ru*. aead -<s yeal* Rc .a; v . ano sn nus of the fimiy en lavltsl' te snood bis 1 Ins* lluir.i. sf.. rn.i..11 st J W O'Uoi'B, UM tba 1 ne. .ue .' bi* biutUer. Isaac Wc.rair, I.i7 nr.iiid st, Jer . ¦-. :iy. LB At the ntwtcecs ot bar om, Pr, T. Ntobola Km Bru' h. mu y 11, l.iih 1 .-it'i ls, la tbs OOJ yest 11. kc.- ii*.'. Non,-, ui t ueiai beraafti r. rill 1,11'- Pe -,- J 1 M, Bl '1:* r-nl-i", tu 1 iii. .1.1.11 m .aa sm of the late wi'nam vv. Chi ll .. i». n. Relatives sad trteodi ire lovttedto sttoaltas (woori . r 11. 1.11 Un. 1 nm m.-. a. . 1 ci .1.11 1. ..tb ave, eira, r 1 ltli.,1 ,11 I im... uv alni sum al 1 ni, wk. PRAJ In,'hu ag.. HU OB-lal inlay. SBth Of Januarc, Wiidi* ll. IllV Nulli e ni linn ru Bi Mist RVl lilH' 'Tl SBBOaiT tl. I**'!, Jehu Ityckman. aged sd yean B rasai >* I'tiueisl s. ria s vv ll take Jiln.'e athis hone. No. 7 .. M ears, M. X., oa t'hnrids/, nbnarra>Ma llil'lll- li. Beteune nnd rneoSa ambtrltsa to anent. s nih '. Ul vv did.,' a: is id di.-el Mallen. ROM Bri, v e 11 n -il el t ie J lu nain frani l 10 fo it id Harelay .-l Ne* sera, vii .>. aud U H. lt. BKABUKY.AX .lanni. .1. L . eu 'le.lnsln, fobru .ry .1. 11 ni Ut KiMliuiii.e aifn.'i l. *. senburr Illili lal *' ivicea. ii- .al-' resi-1 SM oa -aturdav. I li m.I., al Se'OtMk. mi Mo.uiv. reorasr;' 1. t *, ,, lleion A wife «f the Inn- Hew .r ^._t lt. -iiiiiv -i iimi 11 ui, sn un.. *l 11 stteal hoc iirnni cst lillis [|,- ,:, -ttl, 1.1 a. Keels:*, Koa;.,'.'. ( aiiiiiiunipi*r ..-, 1- Jersey ,ty. Bl Rt NOB Uie-d.iv. li hm ny'J. st IBS r -i BOMS of h.a ...n. PatcrsM, N.j, Albsri ;s. Btraaya Ut tai rod your of bli ig Nun. 11. 11 ral bm after. iiii. . Hath* Bof Pebraary, lattft, Itasoss Trgrr. wits nf isslliaui 11- ni> liens The 1uiiei.1i will butt ieir residence oa lu-li.-v lu'.-i.s-k ia tue un-ruo,-i m tb hsirai at liratt .charo, Veiuniin, u-i tbs luhu-vl'i: ai.-.-rn ott l-.l .: y 1. ntl 11'ivliT-. WltlUH I'-Ai i'iiiiph ll Hall. Dring* CM uv. H V-MthS l-l ,ed or hean .ii"-:i-e. Mr*. Miry Ann, wife of 1 1 ll. VI 1 mill, in ISM li itt I'ear of be: ag.:. yul nu-an ivi ines 1.1.. I,:,1 in. ,t, I.-;, BTtflsaa Faaaah 11 -iii 4n Vi'ir* Kimer.iiaiTVu«s will tie bel,! at til" ("'larch nf tho Me**i*!i, 1 ark-sn. -uu Sith -... m i miay. I^sbrasry .., uiu m Veteran*! f IV 7th He'lr..-nt, Nalniual Utiarh M. N. V. ale ii ,'i.-,:e t UU I.-- l lal ni lian.... h .till .; 1.11 I u'lii'iuy 1.) Hem ..4 Ucl jil.,'i, ll.Jis.aj ,t,, p' ,.. j.. 11. \vi.\i.iii-..,i..ii, i stsasi Bacdal Kotitti. »,._ IViH'em F. Hoare, tneitooeer. MUnlUi'S Al'CCI'lX UH.. U.illiS, .' ul.. ll AVI-.M I iMIel I-: .IN 1> .vlii.ii-lUN * . ,1 .11 vi u. nt u* and riin-iiri Mn-,1' \ 1 ,.A niUINA <\ DISPLAY. ill l.l >.,l.|i Al Alli KIN THIB Ul n- vi .imi :it n\V. Villi. I AND .. Al 9 tn LOCK Ai'lt DAV. I'u-t OlBee Notice. |sho'iid Le r vd mu v by all totenSBSA as rhau?i s rnvjr oe cur a. any lime la tl. t - fur 1 ni trie*need n d he »pec:allr s'.Jrosscl fi r dispatch lu ii< pu'.u'ill ir »l a .iee xe. n wOmO li 1* il 1 , ,, to s,-... .ii-iia mi "f bi'i* Bl U .1 enlim Ii .1 ''o is ia nts, len er* it apeeiaily a.liire*,*..! u iu* mai by tbi .li de tacstga im is 10 I1,.. *s'V saOms POhraarp 0 win dasi ,, i 11 il ea ¦..- ji thia sSMs sa bMM - Tn f u- li i a- i lil i. ai. ter K 1:0 rn, pera. a. OoaM vu Un ttMiOWBi al u. BL tor Ca e Ila-, ti, sst Kuauiuu iiitJ 'i iii ... -. um, par s.,,1- , fi | a. in- *t rierre anjaeloa, por stsjaisr ii,,ai na dan. Mill i..1.1.1 vii :s. iu. tar Btonps, pur », s OsIJia vis .i.-i,-i -s.-n istten torus souty.ei mun oe diroc. -,,-.,, ,1 i- -. ai . a. IU. lor ll SglUiB d.r- t u<: 4. a. smssadeta "ii».'i- iiiiu-n amt es rarMSM pet . ,. .,. .h. mr........ .ii... i. eera a- via li.esueo: at *iuu a. la. mi J uia.c*. i outr.l \.V. ina ami tm Booth IrBOlSS SSTH, rm h «. ral »h i ii n ni Iv.'. .-''.. Ito*' f"r atsims "i isl Os .i'i'i...'! ii -o" ..mi i -'ii '' .". o »- '". bm *ew- f ¦.oi -ui.": ruin lljhiai. a l.'M,' i.'u ire... ;or ». S fSSMB I ltJ p. Bk M N islai. Ba 1'. P-"' *. ' -tOagsrai ai IS p. ta fj.- i- is7oTh\ per a.*. uyo Be.-liii. vu gaemt Mima ia' Cami aal J*.»-ia. Piena Uai^.o i.'lu SM ITi'i- ,.. ,, .ni' ".".' ' J- '"'/ st i pr -tt. Mu-A if .... >«.« /.'.iU.-i I. sis Iwie i. sTni asi i -li ana tit. a.eia BSCS.S. Aiaiunua lilas -rn r'rtai'.MiJ. Salli isrs ruorosrv '. si i ii. us. nu ou arnvu al S>* Voriot *. a. lirmuuio. wuu d'Uiili iuii.i l-l-- Aaii..-«un. Mau* fin> *a-loiy l»l*i.n. pur a. *. ra uti ifraa tu Irrauiii cai. oiiMJU-i-'. .. O.U11-. Jl at 7 a- u.'-ir Cab*, or rall to Taaiua. Flt., aaa thais j > or sui a-r. tro.u Ka/ kV oat, Fia., cluw a; lan oJboi daily ni .':*v» a. .a. Ti .e *<!ie bile of rlmlngnf Truns-PsciOe mill* li miSjsajaj on lb . juesiiiiipuon of -aoii auloi*.rru,-tj.l ce.iirh.iid liai^il lu *a i F.-ai4Ci»l» ou tbs dav of saning ul staaaisrs aaa dk> pa.cbe-1 ibnca tue »**gfc Q PKAlijMjK, I'osUuialur. I'ust UfBcs, Nsw York, K V.. Jin «0. !.»«¦

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Page 1: Library of Congresslurncy (ieticrul and hi ooadjntora TAU lu nut the wh.decf the scandal in lt* legal BIB-et, Iv lt lt should mtrtice tu aroiiir theintention ufaDemocraticCivil Ser¬

lurncy (ieticrul and hi ooadjntora TAU lu nut cf the scandal in lt* legal BIB -et, Iv lt lt shouldmtrtice tu aroiiir the intention ufa Democratic Civil Ser¬vice Kcforni i'lesidciil.


Ori.K-AiT(»i\Ti:i> "Hit sr "i's» gnu. IN AIT.I-

MCAMKN'r.Tlie rcsnlit'io'i Basaaeal at tin' meeting of thc

tarsal Fond raoirlbatavo sa October 8S,taklag ttoonm ii s ce ent nf the fund nut of tho banda of GeorgeJuno* mid uppoliitliisf tbe fulled States Trust Compmytiiisteecl tin-fiunl, produce I thc Immediate ImprOOSlBBou the pulilic mind that thereafter lill wonhlbo smooth MlMas. Nevertheless a smic ba*beru sn ucl. nlncli promises to p. no SS

nwkward ann it will bs remernotred thal Ibal meetingwa* not at lirsi "hal inotuOJs," .lay (iuiil.l and UeOTJNjo-aei beraaalug totvolvod la flu rnetrudtetlon*, balc.colite .luii'-s iiiiisiaici ta explain thal he had invested"kjiii.uuDof ike fund in Wabash eonauU lated mertgaaebuild*, wortk ut par oily $188,000, tin- pureba c boriscoen malle fl Jil (inverieir Moiirun, who. Ill eui:.ld.'la¬

tino of un a premium ol t*§ per cent, guaranteedprlarlpul uni Intereal ut? paromi for te yean. Ueor«re.Innes dui not ptovc a B.I band Bl explaining a lilian

cial tian-acion, nnd Henry liny Madly came tobia relief by telling all aeon! tko guarantee. lt nus perfectly stood ona that Ibeexecs of interest over io,it of an ordinary nive- on

would oops wuk down be premium of 828.000, end so

nu. Oliver Iinji osproas d Ins regret thai hy his adrsce032,000ol Un-fun,I hud been Invented la Nickol PlateHist mort hoods, li,il -aid Ihat ho weald Bl any tlu.e

rive eena for tba Inveotmcnt. Taoniiskul of tbeaaeetlBgaaa Ibal .ii.ije n.vis Bad Hoary Doy were ap-]i inned a oommittee to draw up a deed of tt nsi, sppuiui-inn Hie f luted state* ii nit Company lbs trustee of thcland,Whoa th" deed of Intel had been prepared Jobs \

stew.u', presldeal af mo United Btatoa 11 u*t Compnnj.Bolly refo.ed la allow nu- eampaay te oesome the rt

Bpeaelbhi poalUoa of willi aaebaeeurlttea,andsiurgesteii "clean cash " iii lieu thereof. Oliver Hoy I

netted promptly that he would sahotltnte BBic.nh fer Ibo Nickel Plate bones. Bul Ibo harassing;question was lo do willi tho 8188,000 "I Vu1' "I.

hiurtl They had defaulted iii tue payment of their lu¬nns! for aereral maotba Beoeurie wa* then bod lo

lbs Buarantee of Qevarnar Monroe to aareitain if tluoiuh taut the prim-ip al, B18H.000,could be reeov-ie.l. Tba RUoraatee provide*that If witluu the spccillol period ul toil

yeats the bonds sh .nhl heroine du tba b.-bin.ul.I bo bused fur tie priaelpol witta interealup lo the Um.' of the demand.Hy the ter us of ibo mull irajo uniter wbicii these Wa

basil ho nils ate i**iied ihey urcome due «i \ mon Ul s af lei ii

dei.usu iii tue payment of Intereet on any ot ibo bonds.prevbled that a majority of nie ewnerael the out-

siaadrag bonds dei-Ure in writing that it liUi tr domie that tho banda smi: becomedue. Hut a majority of the buiidboldci ¦

karo,noa, in wr.tiuj, expressed their deoure mat thebonds Shall hecoino due. 1 lie executors of tho Mcleansoto ¦ tbarotora eoatead thal tho bosnia aro soi legallyilise, und Unit they cannot, iu the proper dwhurje ni

then-1 ms;, r.ti.inn tao 9188.008 af sande sold by Oovor-nor Mers m le the Groat fund unless sim eearto decide

thal the bondi are legally due, at leas' to the extent of re-

gaiting IBO eutoiceiiieiii of thc teal anteo. Tuer have

Bugitcstcd a lt loudly suit he hroujht to toot thequesiton und unit course is at present under discus-sum.Mr. Jones wa- aware of ibis techiiical objeetloe to re-

rimuitBg ibe bonds under tho gnarastee os far beek a-

August, but for resoias beat knowu io hiiuBelf sjiiii diiiui: ol ii ut ibo meetIns of the contributors inOctober. Mr. Hu;. I was indie; ..mi wlieii hebeard af lbs objection amt cited a (elteiMri.lrn bj Henry Day, one cf Ibo exe u: or* of the tlor¬gan ealale, pulilisbed in Tin. i BIBI m som-- ume n. (are(..enei.ii uiun.'sdeath, la wbieh .vu-. Div ania, '¦ Lien iinov il i\v could he mund in ibo goarotttee inun a legalJim nt ol i lew undi r nu cn cum st aa ie. wu lid tbe exe,-,,

tors repudiate Governor Honan'* written promisewbieh be himself regarili-d a* a sacred o lUxatlon." Mr.Iinji thought ihli statement rsiber lueouimtaul withthe preooiil nt nude ol ibe txeea ori ol the vi

Cline. ll the Mend y hui! Is broug lend lue lei ision does Ind cuuipol lb.- reclalBllUg cl Hielinois Hilder tlie Mm Jan iillai.uiiee. Hen BOOtU I meet¬ing of the loutnbuton will be called to arroage for theappulntaient of other trustees. M sir*. Jon Band livy Inu- still the elision ni- ci the lui.d. lt is eoucotied byMi. Hoyt tiiat tiler.-is i.o liicritliood th it a majority .>!t-e lion im ra will auk that I s bund* b^ declared duebrion- the oxpiratMM of the Murgha guaraoteeun Merck1, 1081. 1 nen Hie lion.I* wu. nave no moro Ihiu tuenin ai tot v .tine. Tbe bouda malara lo l * '-. s in- edontl il Messrs, .ie,ns nnd Hoyl ooo moklos: to gelolss,iicj.iin eaih, notwitb Undia* that the guarani*!tnauree a payment of 7 per eeui for five year* longer,le ai.s a:i a Uni.-isa Ulallie- lu v e.i.uci.l was had.jplanned.


Stu. PALMBB TOKBBF TUB BADHfOX 8QUABKA. Bf. I'aliiKi'.v. -iii il iv found it neec.-s.iry to

fpre his mm an..di the persistent ramo; Which is atlu.itrelaimj to his ret r -.neut (TWOS th- Mudiiuii BsjaareTheatre In favui of " Nai" Poad win. .' lt inn trarelled,"said he, '. from tho Bootee te the Kaw*Toff prsaa and IBsa hastening to feel rather annoyed at ii. Beyond thelui t thai I wa ks i up Broadway with0oedwis a day or i«u sgo ami in a

Jocular wai said I was will.nj to BOB my litter. >t in

the theatre if I could SOI my puce, nure ls BO pcs Inogummi tor iii., ruiner. Wnat I meant wan that 1 amwil.iuj to |MMt Wita any ul my pru|wrty ll I eau gelM 1 a.ll lol tl, lint .o la any man tn ..ny po.i m. A.fal as the Un li-oii (Hjuare i lieiitre ls com et ned, 1 halenut the least inioiitiuu ul roAtortngat prooentand nororlad."


MB. WBTTBB1 BOT-A DAXCIXO MATOB."Tba Aeademj of Music la Brooklyn v\u>

crowded last evening at tie forty-etgbta annual bullRiven hy the A.soc.iitloii Ul aid of the lioui |f|C'atisiilie orphan Boylan*. The tiBsoebltioo haw ndoed./.iii.iKio lor chnri'y sisice it was irrgsntsitd. sad in*'mimi'sreeolpta win snell ibo siuount to more tbaaajaa.000i Belora thc daaelng beans s concert na* givesby uuuuue's h rn I. shortly after 10 o'clock the grandii.mali began, led by Barnard Leary and M.-.Tuciiiev At Bstdalgbl Ihe duiicnu llnor pn-outed an

appcniaiiee ol gnat gayety. and i< was ocorly day¬light belere the ball was over. The bozos were uocu-pied bv Bernard Lawry, James Cassidy, Ibouias < aailn,P.J. Kennedy and Henry I. Carino. Mayor Whitney,M no tuut Un' i oiiiuiilt -e winell Hilde 1 him Ulai be wa.iud "a dat i io_' Maur." was conspicuous hy bm uli-sciii e uiiiii about uudiiiv'tiU

.4 BBCBPTIOX DY BATIOXAL OUABDBMBX.Thc strains of a ".Mikado" walta from

Cnppu's hand greeted tho Striving gaSStS at tho soeep-tluii 0VOB hy Couiiianv ll, at the 7tli BBhjtmanlArumry lalt evciilng. A concert pre¬coded the reception sad dance Hi -ides thoorchestral selection*, recitation* arete glenn by VissOlive '1 hempson and Wiluur tt. Kiishmore,lialijo sinus

bv Beabea 11 Brooks uud singing hy John D. si..m- .mdtbe Ms ¦» t-ehoeolark. Hy fir ne greata* Bamber Ofguests (lid nut conic until ihe reception, n bleb began atll o'clock. On aseeadlng te tho Beean i Moor the rhutorsfound :nl Hie company rooms thrown open, und on th*(lour above the regimental and mem.nial rooms andthe halli wara steered ferdaaiinr, Tue supper roomwao thrown open, nad bora tbe compmy found refresh.mein* danna ihe ten c. the erealug.ASOeag IbOSa pre IOBI were (nluue! KmBOtlS (lark and

bis Mis. l'i..rk. Oeiirr.l I, CaplBlOO l'ollard, l^'flei t» asid < cinover, AriJulOOt Kaud, Thumai (.'.J'uliuek. Mts. (Jiiatle* Douiileduy, Mr. sud Mn. (learnA. Mooan. John Trotter. Mus (.nile IlautuU. MissYan Tassel* Min Andrus, Mrs. E. BsjrmoexJ, j. HarryTownsend, D. M. Van vnet. Mi»s Oroendyke, WilliamManton, tbe Misses Mar-ton, n. m. Iteojaa, Jr. J. n.J'.al twlu.Jr., A. I'. Baldwin, M:** Wnltlag, Mr. and Mis."Vialnr -r iij-lrr, .Ml.s H.itjer, a. 1,. Poad. MlsaHunt. M SO .le.slo Willlauii, Miss florence Winnot,Colotii.i Hugh O'donoghue and Mis. Uraeo hpeucer.

BBWMBMBBMM ol' lill: i.i,\m. LB010X.Tiic Loyal Legion belt] ii stated Benetton; at

D imoiiico's last eroalog. l'royious te Ibe dinner thenwas a bunnies* meet in j' In which the roHawUtg meiuliersWere elected tu the Hist ell**: Colonel John Il.iiuiilcn.ll. t*. A ; Ciptuin Benad ll. Hultuunu, f. - \., Capstim i url.-. I .-. V j llnv i Brigadier-(i.-iieralJonathan A. Hill, U. 8. V. First LlOnlOBBBI, Ai1)iltant,Howard M. amita, U. B.V. i Breret Bngadicr-Oeucrai.lacob K. Dvryee, l'. S. V.; lUevet Mnicr A. JoitOoOClaik. li. S. V.; Aasislsut l'..ymaster IV lill nu S. Blunt,late r. B. M.; Paymaster Praas h. lim. an. u.B. N.,Beccind LOenteoant Uooima H Pisider, U. 8. v.. ami Bre¬vet lin.adie: (len. ral liir.iiu Inn yen, I ¦*. V. j dwin A.Merritt was elected to the scion i ela--. Sevoinl tranafer* were announced from -.thor Oommautlertes, umiabstaery notices ami roeolailono mapletc a the bn*lness.f ibo oraalug, Over U»0 mem * ¦ sat down iu the dm-Ber. Ueneral K. L, Molineux presided, and a paper wasread hy Munr William De Witt Miller on personaln-liiliilsceiicrsitiiring three year 'service in the Jd Corpa,Anny nf tin- I'otonai-. fleSJI Bad Informal tali.! lo,-low. d, until tbe dinner broke up al a lute hour.


Tho tickets for tba Arion Ballal the Acinlciuyjf Maa e cu Monday Bight sro of a BBlOBM (, Onom side i*u rtgaeots cf Pi ino* ss Caroival ami shovell Un-f.ic-slluil. uf Hie *e.,l of lin- .cclely. Ill lue ccrnor I* a boaqeet of Mower* up m Ibo top mwinch a I'liiicbiueilii la aiaodlag gaslng m tha race lstte Tbs rererse side ortho tlekel represeutiAnon reelialag osi thc ssa-shan, and ibu Bsaimabli«iUioii;iiiK f:aj,. t|;(. waves, while lu Ihe sky above lleiol*n \-1o:i ,,f (|.. Muses sad the uew buildiug ul lin-Arion Nudely appcarinc like a inlrog*.

HIV BBQOWB OOTILLOB HM.I..'J in; Tium \i: ycs'iTil'iy iviih clcccivcil intn

puhiishiiiitun ui-ciiuiitoi tan second cuiiiioii ii i.i at Delmumou's. with sls.t of suhseriher* to lt. es If it taker, place. It wi.I be bold tieuuUt. Tho m.*isle men, rog UiroiiKb « ri-porter who wa! au Iiiciiiiiim--,

'*' ¦*'il>aututc foran ezperieaeed reporter who was il.J il.a step* have bec-u lakeu to preveul fuilher ure-H-stiinty riuui Wal source.


Piiii.Ai'Ki.i'iiiA, YvA). '.i (ffpotdan Qsaiiaj***aafS, h tm mihi r of tbs well kbuwu cricket fauuly nithal name, married Dil! moriiiug at Ht Luke's Church,Miss Keens, iluuirhtsrof Mr». Bumssel J. Keeve». Jiis**».*". wsa iiiiemind by sit bltdosiusMs, uiuiiIik them.5 "'..Kale Reynolds, of New-York, s couslu otBewnolJ; MiM Ljiur. Kumom end Miss KUlottfe

RELIGION IN COLLEGES.DISCUSSION BY ]>:;s. McCOSH AN!) ELIOT.iinv (i.vK raaiBTiBWii bkpobkthb mm ti btb

Cl n ii.Y

The Inclement weather ditl not prevent ;i

large ..ti ndiioce ii)ioii Ute monthly meeting of inoNineteenth Ccnturr Club et tbe roomaoftbe treerieauArt i..i.lories. Tbe paper ol Ibo evening, br Pml-deiit Bilot nf ii:ii v,nd Cali go. waa opou tbe subject.. Tin- Place Kellgion should II ive In a College." Pres!-em .lame* Md ii-li, ui Princeton, van t read a r. ply,

. um. a i'u.m. r, pu si o- t of tlie cu-, sud that thedleeasaion mi jiu be sui ia ba el aeeo Ibe rn utral sadtbe theological view sol nllgion, and tbat lbs MneteentfaCentury Club might bo said lo Mund apon ihenentnlplana. Ile then Introduced Pnsklent Eliot, tbe aub*-tame c; w tin. p ipei ki embodied In tbe followingiMy point of view is that of one who believe! (bal Ihe

dos,-, ia; olletie is i ie mosl nieful, bul by bo me.h.*Un-uni', useful kind. In a country which baa nu estate'-*.ic.I ca ... i. an iuui,ui, s ,|. At Ul.iv mt ( I h ive* .in!, mi-, div ide nuning a ansi minin l ul il no i,iu,n nu*. The pupil limn of New-In-jlaiulis inc-ie....innly beierogeoeoaa, oomaeh im we stand¬point. Lei ui pimo n tu e \ illunie tin- ibm iypn ofAu.eil. an cull. ne. distillgulsbeiI hy their dllleici.'t relig¬ion*. |M>lscle*.Plrsi i lie thorough-going denou motion il col ego. Al

inch a college, lhere ia no lu] radon ol other faUbi nrtunis, i ins, po.-inv .ni tu.ii ls entirely respect-

a- le. Im ic is a pu f u- them, lie object 1'iui tc ibi rnnc: Iii- BiBteilU ii'-, Ibejl I" l-peliiuic race ill*motions; the nm ul ndlgiouUt'a, they divideIbe tnllstati In ilse Blain*! lli-olf cn niurovv

ssues; tn-- p.ul.'.ci iu-i's. te eilne non Hies grene Bot ymlu opeaneis ol i.1 cr liherallty id s.-iui-

ineiil ; Un nail ul I.,,- World's, .ile!' led p.all - .!.tprove hardy, lo mlnlmlM th ¦ -c j ottos send boys lomich colleges from nfieeii te einbleen or nineteen yearsnfs o umi thou tu a larger eullege when ad ojeoouilau-ti"li- lil ct.H omi I'he rosumoneil tine nf Am rem enllca**-he som -deiiou ii.mi. mu. There nie many gratti - ol[bia type, lu apiioluiiug towners, theta sn sn.un dc-

li e. ul di io danial -I li less. I'l:c pi uiv.* ni ev tro:n a ileiiumui.illu!' lu a Seiul-denomlU I.Iii'Liiii- cou lie traced lu bebliiory ol Harvard (' ev dui un wa- hastened ny tue ntobiisbineui ol-cli-nlili si In.ul* alon..le Hie col,.'ires. Nu rei- un.

ib-ervuiice or insimctiou li mi|i.i on ibo seientlBcis nt>.nu. laic or C.lim.Ida. Why iou (

liny are Ute .nile age md have lae same exposer*min gi dna 11.111..11: ii... iiei is a hi m.el--- process, linii Ul!) lille i.i iii Hie pus.lim. ul tucll ii cu.e.o ls tlialit is bard to suoge Ila podliosi kiiu.m. Ambtgniiy olns tin 11- a serious eve.ii.ii i in- unsee; ar.a ii college, Illustrated hy Hon ird

College. lu- the. ls alni .-II en:, are tree Iron. il. le-usu.uni li.Ilene cannot niulntalu ncliurcb

Uf IIS OWn, .vin. ll WU .1 I'll ilk. ot ll. dell, Ililli.ill,iii i,

vvlneli Ibo pi.-.ii-liei- o mi:-. lue ItUiti-nt* a:.- iniielll.'.-l euliliecleil willi ihe lo. ill ililli! ll ul Ililli palen *

iii.iii an oiiicial ehiii'i.i. Haily prayers cm ie um lui.iineil. hoc.iu.- Hillel* no op'on linty tor il - it ii li , Iie o-iiinj :it prayer*, bi .1 a inn can be adopts t" sun .,

nujordy of the eimlrnis. Il ibe lorre be ProtestsutaiCongregational,, nu,,., eal.leased, .-un

ly vonnie, nil v li e- Uv liuii..|el* n: vat :,,... ilt-mimm i-

ii ina cm ". Meal iii the chapel, altteu.lanee Iwiiiiniiii v. T'l.i-re *hnuii! be uu u cimieai rellgtani lusiruiile,i. I'lev cali teach an. in- In ..viral t- aili sue governlug boards an denomination quei inn

siiuitai evei lie tailed. Ie tin* type ol college belousiMilne ut he Mnti ll ii Ile r-ll li -, Sollie ol fie land

colleges ami a few ol Ibe endowment lollere*. The ailvalli.i ne* ul Hu. tv pe in-: Its pu.-luca la ii il in,-i a saidll oiler* security against any attack uu the Undent**faith. Voluntary activity In nligluna mallen I-stimulated. The yenna nen moke a con scion*elm,ce. I In j lem ii ea ll Lei! v. I'li'-v leam Umne t li .11 ni,', runee Ol due r ne- BIM ll el ul

in,ne, i ii nu ii. all -nil liver tnnse ul.cut wi. eli thesects differ; Ibsl sweet sod nolie human churn tel i-

produced rn oil *ort*. Kverj reasonable mon wi li au

nut.k upon btstcrj rejoice* io issuelnte himself InIraaain it on with the pore in anble ol .ill churches, lin-.adv ,iu.iL'e* ar Iii,it Uni e.innot t-vp-ct mei nun

cindi,lem e mid SODpoTI "I lOy d'-iimi iii.i'1-iii. a io*- olit Un, ne,- omi power. Heooudly, tbi u - etarlan college¦pusan te oe ImllOereoi lo reunion, one nuv v helton a doctrine ami vi il.e o n pu. ll lu [nie. lg ll ll. il III III .er. Jun tai OU lille*not mean difference; relljtou* liberty does aol meanihu intcre-t in religion iii. .ii extinguished. ANational cul.oj- mnal pursue ihe Sal luna! |mllej olloan.Ul.m. Il !- Imp 's-li'ie to hull a -le it Cillh ge on a

..-i-i iii ii coUUtri Witlioul au established religion or

il i, ..el. It if undesirable, because ihe. na a.e.i

ta..e-. WOllld he .ill!, ed Ililli up.. .... nu jr.up arith toolittle ielio.v-ie. lin j .mi too Utile sense t I Ibe ImjMU ame

ui onluii .i-.uu-i malena -n .m.i lue mere inim il life.Tbenare certnln genera principles sruirh m.y in>

..pp. I tu Oil I IU peel Io le iii ,1 lirellL'lu ll Iii li-, lt lied all Ilia lUl'd filial- llu-l. ,i|. Mil-,ui ii de h. ucl a u on among oecio li a fruitful tonne of lr*religion. J. Every college 1* bound tu promote the con-tlimed allael lue nf - n lo In* parents' lain, and -

roiuul ii v ait.n binenl ol re y you if mun t" *iiine relig¬ious body or utber. nu- in Ui- Interest ".' ian iva. Imorality. Nobody know* how to teach morality effec¬tively wltboui r. ii. i-m. Tuere 1* nu such iiii-.j sis, lenee ut I- liles. Ill Coll '-- -leUl-i eva hil III -Vety

..u u i.i.e ul- lu-, c in lld, Inil li liv"ins .piiu, ou malle r wbal uu subject in '.and t

iu which lhere I* . areal rartety at leacidng u.-ii eau do mach I eouutei iel the error thal lhere i«

au ciipo- ..ou bel Min (bi fundamental iirluelpln nfreligion .mi iDoilern scleuce. They can llustrale iboum v in ulm :nul -i' rn n: .iii genuine ltadj ami (carb¬ina; can lemonstntte thal m -nco i* matins a rerj

of iod can show tbtl tbet lino ri liablemc imp i-ih-my belwei B religion aid science but fiatth- nilgie i« iin tgiaolloo and tue aeleutlOc lina .na: hmo aol w>t lunn preen lythe ».m- Inug lofthi omni¬

present Ileltj wini h in-y ii du illaro.ii slly, la tbe evtiaur .mi, v dux of reltgtoaeopl ms

Willeli IS liuvv Ilpili US, College* ui.lit tu cn slow Iv,ought to bold boes rather 'han pries forward ; tullawthe,r enlist mellelea, bul not ul I.n mi, .nut liol.) to

existing pr,sell e- until otor .no .i own ia he fi u-i'1 e,remembenag that religion la sol a thies of ve-'.

end thst lt bsa survived aad wUI enrvlve laflulte \n .«

Mindi .*.

After the reading af Prestotsni KUat's paper, si Mr.rainier's SOggeOtlOSS, Hie listener, rose (ililli Ibe t

ami lifter.nug anon! amt fm a leo nunnie*,were ealled to order by lbs president, who Introducedur. MeCosh. Tho following m na ai,..trait of Dr,McCosh'l ul Ires* :

A trreut ehsnge is going os in AsMrieao rylkigea as tothe plsee alloited to religion, nf wbtcii parents are ooisiiitu-ieiiUy swan, I boro aimed looni ge m thia dileiissam iii miler lo Ownatc rae! Hie lendeni i to lean culmon end more of religion In lbs teseulnas of cur ,. « <-i I' lo ba uiider-n d that I BIB .ni'lr- Mingbelievers la relialoB; tint l stand up roowlutely tnt therigbta ol iuii*cii:iii e, nut requinug ttudeots lo alfoadreligious nun-.u timi inlusi ihe will ut tbeli potents. Ifauder i«e, r their owe will If of iga, ll ls quito pos*i-nu- lo maintain a lively interest ni nllKloB nedi r thllcondition, rbis to what is dune In Bearii all oar eui-hui-s, amt mir pooltios i* uni mistakable, Everj uuniuui r-t:i:ol* the s.ul taken np hy Princeton a truly.a bolte religion ami nu huerfenun muli* nf aili. President I..Int ha* pined,- Heres in respect oi religi n undei ibm ia,els. i ,,r

tin* purpose I divide them mtutvvu: lir-t, those ahasnve s place of lm|ionaaee lo rellgloo, mel *ecothose w ho iio no: prof' as io lake onj Benoni Interest lodivine I blass, I argos lu favor ul tho ntea too al rellgren in neollege on two grounds: -ju banoal ur t io

Un- eunilli.nilly and then to Hie speaking loIhe lint point, 1 fled lt acknowledged oo all bs di thalcollet e- Beading forth sounolly a body of highly educatedli en have uri-al ilillueiu e un me ch. il.ul -I cf tm- e.uu-

miiuily. ll i" ot rael moment lim these should hetrained lo the ktiowledae ul iled sad ol Ulawiilsndnato. Inthe poet, t lu i-tiH in v bas hod s mighty In¬fluence lu atitunlatlng nnd foi mini nindi ru civilisation,

n tm literature ami iu ai I, s s ir grande st poetryand |unoe, In our llnesi .tutu-*, painting* and bulidlUS .

ibo sehoals ami aalteniUn of Karapa ami Ameneawere eel up by mao awayr by ri-.on. mi ve.. Har¬vard alli I'll.i e'en were Ol 'ip to proa 0 B IgiOB nielmorality. T..kc mil c hri-iiunily Ii om e. e-.-s, andwo bare naiored one nf tue v¦ rmi form which haveKiveit life ami lusly tc our higher education.Ti" iTpieai university reeommeadedby ibepnsideai

pf Harvard li denominated nusocisiUn. Thi* is nut a

Bogallre pin nie. Over lae un ie. ci tin. InatitutluB uiitshtis written: "Ail knowtodgo Imparted hi mograni relighun.." lr ieiig on I* aol bnnored In a ruilege every.,,n'-ipi.i,ute,I wr h h lilian nalino kim*, what Will ho thoprerailtnr spirit among tbe students. With thu *pnitin tho air tho Boating si n ume irs would crystallize Intotbe v c.- of aavo-tu ism, v. ii ii j.i its ebtlllag umi deaden*lng influence, am! the great body of tba roaag meaweald settle down wi h tbe conviction thal aothias esehe known of Oed, of the world above or the world tccome. Bon Iv. ihloklos ova, pal rioti a* well ii* pm nt*.ii iv se r un.; y ec n si der » ll ll wnul lie the effect of -eli

Ina eal Into eoe etysfew hundred asnoattcs every year,ll I* while Ihcy arc nt college thal the character ofstudents i* emu monly formed for Ufa Coder reltgieaaand morel Inn lin.', iilmllv administered, multitudes ai*'itdeiil« han lieeu .lived fr. vices lido wno li theymight nllicrwise halo f li I len ; many hale bi euled to dev its ihemaelna le high en *

T'he.e aro (he pi in.-luif-. vvlneli udviie ite. I an DOWtn eva ni ne liy 1 helli Un- pin. proposed ni Ibo poper ofthis evening, lu. Kim allow-th.u then may be pro-\ Isl ni u, oh- fur IciliUun Iii eudc-c*. Uni lt lt SS tn have a

pl a c ,: ¦ mill. hr nu until Muk.ihl- iuui lou uni uno

Aili rvonl, oo I uudeniand it, BttarMlnnee i* required,nuleiery mci inn., hui several nine* a week. lucre liim regular preaching os tbs Pahiath, bul tor a fewmimili* in spruu lhere I* paulie Wnnbip, mil cumpu lani v, on ,-uhh.uii eli nim.'*. 'In*- nresidi-til did mo thehonor lo ask rae to preach "tie nr the -er.n*. Thenwa* a barge attendance,toni nat hell were studeots.Tb BS !. bile sermon! rsnnot make up fur tho linkci regular paataral dtoeoonea, I du nmie r au attempt to drire religinn ont of »e i ie iio, but lt lonka a« If aonte wen preparing io le lilin-mu. It la reported nut upward cf mimi undents ofiiai v.ird luvi' peiiuniicd nd ic n« required te otieadpl r. el um! .no silpporlol liv Ile Ia- illly, lam eunleinplsting the possibiliiy er pmbnbillty cf nllgloo beingi-lieii ilpili se ie ral of cur eoltogOB, lt will lie an omi,o,. day iv hen caf cr mme of our eoltagOO ureBrought to declare openly: " We, aro io Ki v e B| tryinglo ii.iitniHin reiiL'ton in a eollege; it «nu nut be done."It'll even Ihoilvflt things were (ni.a lc Un* pa*', Bl-tempts iane| be made lo bare the areal truths ol' ia-iii-dun im pro ted upon tl.Inda of yoong reen. TunCOI lone Will sillier I .-rous loos If Uley BllBUdOB le-

Urson, i nov wm 1 i.o ihe ire, Uwaeal, the octirliy,th hiL'li moral aims vvlneli i'..rt-tinuitv i* lilted In /enderaud foaler. Bul f tba work ti uol dune by colleges, iiii.u.t be (lune by the rburebea of Christ, wbiehvv I have ni five their lust I lum .-lu* In thoI borough m. iiii.-u'ii'ii umi execution ofI will he satlade < if thia dl*en*»tos help, tn awaken the

¦ut ii/.- i]i,-11 dun- lu thia ii.aller. At Ui-UJe vi Iii ll I have now leaeln.i, | laiinot le milch lom.ilenaaced lu loeb Ulftcoaaioas, I nat rlad aad gratefulthal liiiV" heen peimllled tc def nd tWO gi .' cu--.

closely ennneetrl, nu the ono liaiol with tbs lik hnliir-l ip, a'.d mi the ether hand ivnh Ibe Immortallui reel nen. I i-looe In the lanauugi ol my.pp ont. .. rm* i* th- l-iioii u nf tho family sud ofmuroltty. Bolmdr knows bowtoteooh utorollty effoo-lively wltboui iciijioa."Alter in-. pMoflssli luci Intahed reading hi*

p ii-r, PreeldO it Ritot, wh-', nuder lbs rules cf

tbs Blab, wa- sllowej Bfteaa mlnntrs ls reply n>

lu-. MiHosk's sraemeat, tani bis usu warriewhich lenone ie aroaaa rn i»:-. Mecmdt a phnribumer, inkghl BO il.fleiciitly reg ir led hy dlfSireal BM n,

iiecuidii.if In their idea* nf MttnBSa, that fur hlinseir, ho

talswOaaaaaaaaaametJjraghy nltgies m i»r. MeCoshand (hat, Indeed, he felt uhllg'-d tn my be wui.l nut

want tu truit bli non lo Dr. Mel tish's rellriuus training-.But what he did ninan hy religion, which niljin ho

taught from tho two paras'M " IB Ulm we live uuJ Bsasm

sud han oir heinz** and ..'en iib are the rcortes lngBrina*1 wm nu,nilly ueteaiary to Ibo trocbiug olmorality.It.Mi di-, ii .ul ho hopi d thatttee two papen of tho

evening wouldW printed and |-oliJ|slted side by side,th it ali ml-lii pi 1 :o -i. l v.i- .: l.ein. lu Hw nil

l:.en-,v discussion bctwees lbs twa g. nilen.en un lu*point. Mr. Calmer declared tbe club adjourned io lbsin'.! Monthly n.eel.n , We,lt, -da ,

ii 1'iu-feasor frisk will rmi a paper on **Tiie Disetlnj olM


JONE* .iM> I til: WIDOWn i.u--ul'.i'i" un i::i.iiAl; iiiii.-i -e.iMi: \ nil i..iiaSK.

Waoiiinoton, Fell. il..l' pun tim nnsiti nu u <lstain eui uf Cilium s-m.iu l>ungberty, ol Plnrlda, thalVi lld un M. I.e.!'. ph. n.11-.l-l.-.'-ill Jaoh nev le, WM BU

"offensive pill ilnu," tba) official waa rnmormi by INndluii.iei Uencral Vliat before his term b ut expired, in

(bo ..iain de for the offiee ableh ensued Senator Calltonk a cunspieiiii is i ti a* tbs champion of N'ohls ¦.-.

tittil tuts I, he a,-idled lill richi lu Sams -:r. Led-iv it h's mi cicnt- ic the -i mi nd thal lae' vi Ile vv.,« h,*reetctonee. rbi--lai-nieiii would be of little importaneeiu Itself wei,- d ol hu Ibo find Unit Mu ile.; C Ul mien

cud attempted Ui ptisan* blmoi if of a hume toad awnedI by a 1 es i-i lum.-I Barstow. Tho msunoi in whit n bswent ii wc; ¦:, iu ne, uniplus lb it ni'jei t wa* rally ex-

rosed la Tua Tarnana al the tune. The rlaim oi theSenator, if it null imy Mitmliug ut all. ought .¦ lave.shu vi li I. al fm si \ mu;, hs he ha j Peen a BOBO ."dent apon the homes ead ol which be imposed tonb.>.i,M Thia he altogether failed lo shew, in fae, ina'et: rte the Pnatmaater-iteeeralof .lune 1:1.1**1, hed.atlnctly arowea hlmoelf aa having urea irerideatof.1 11 -kisitn .ilh fur iiiany year*. A* J.ieksie.vlllc I- oem Ijsereutr Are n llei Irom Ba aim's hun c-t -ad Ibo ri Un. cf

sen .1,ir fall fell to tie grmiml, hot nd islanding the f .11 I

tbsl be hun .iu all his orin il mil lenee lo beor upon tbainterior Dei mtmeot nnd woo tnstramsatal ls hartog the...liny 11'Uki law clerk lin reused to the eaoe ol

laiuat 8wnim bad been left for decision. Kow thalMi. Call li as uiiee mero I .hi cl um lu residency In /neks.liv e. liuiilgll ill lill lilli ii'i-t way, |o BO BUTO, lt I* he

im; .I that tie 1.i- stegru Swain will ho left m 1 eneefolpu.... sston ni 1,1* mi e homestead by the powerfulHeitotar. If mri, be mighl suv bj wlmt moana Mr. Callsecured the appointmeut ot tba preoeal p.oitntaelef atli. (....mi il ie.

Mr. Cull, na 1 -ai;. easel tod lbs righi te Bama tbs ¦ sn"ii U..-ginni l that bo waa ¦ irnm of tbe pi.ce. ile

¦negested bli trleiwl Hull 10 the Pres!seat Mr. Clova-1 ni-' un lld liol ll-lc lo Hie proposal. Mull WM Ute in lu

whom a Dsmotaratls lleneo nnesnted lo moko norn forni. S K.-pulilieaii Who vvas rightfully clecleil. lae

testimony submitted to me committee waa ol inch n

nature ai lo leave no roou. tor doabl ut to Hull's naII With the fin.ids perpetrate I m t li.UtlBg Ofthe Vote. (.von a l» tain Ile iso ccu I,I ind allon! Io

ciii.c it* c«ies a uu*: sn h mtImmy, Hull, srareoter,hud tn en Indicted and tried in rion ia foi thu roryHillier nhd had esc i| ed coin i- lion ci,ly through OOO ld

ii is- abamefal len jam* a bis h dofa it thc andi of J saununi .,10 leo ccminoli Ul lite p.dill, tl nf the -o Uh. Till.Ui ri. si.lent knew and be refused lo af pula! Hull.Call withdrew lsgnstdnditeos. HewMWtos enough,'." rorer, aol lo shew in* sager. \ iliori period etotewednci'iiro be pi .¦seined himself agata al Ibo White lieu.e.H en he did lie ind t 10 BOtal Ol Henry (lal k lu In*

pucket. 'I'u hun the PresidOBl c i lld nut n'.jeet. Mm.Uer

iilho WM B good min. I'i.ere was no reason

opp mut y win lae >eiiitor's Word sbonld BO doubted.Ibo Pre .de. 1, tberaforo, directed the appointment olClark to be made. Tua amariaams had icareely reaebed,a- new I'.-im i.ti-r whoo hs appointed Hull hi* oap 11 v

riiat iel 111 tinily 1 11.Imo.1 the will cf tho wm done la express doltann or hi* declaration tbslbs weill l aol appen I Hell io any ofBee, He bas hit. 1 inn lilli, and Mi. dil wno mine tbe wolca nc ruitbi.1- tin Willie U-il -e Unit he caeo wus. Ai Mr. Clari;'.II ni, nu I i" 11. mule iver, i- ponding lu 'in- Be ale, lt ll no!a. oil uni.kell (nat a Ililli- \l lilts llotlss inllaetiee tn iv he

evett.-d to Iii iig all,ntl hil - h. vv li Bilgal t'-.nil'. Hi-rida Benotor a toosou, perhspo. sal tu deceive Mrlevelao again.Tile ill seme of Mi' Jones, nf I'lori ia. Mr PoIPs rel-. ., iii ie ii Bommeoted npoa, tho igh uobodj

to regret li Ho baa not been ben sine- Coagnsi met,and, strange to ooj, the Constitution 1* .nil safe. Mr

un Hie lill.tu lllloli. (fe kilo. - H1.e.r.01- I. ut 1. a-i ne tin ks le' dos. Tue ft. .juneewm. a li:e!i - refer* lo it aud Ho length st which he

...a Its '. inures uheDi'v.-i aa opiiortilBity pre.lill-- tullin sii.piel di ll,at he Hm

ei .¦¦ vi- ... r-si.i ir ia: hooper, for tue mloule Mr..1- . I'l. Ire --e. lin -ea.Ile ell III ll -1 1, -.1 till gieu. pty sud the (tension n-uri- lo lbs of then011.11. tl .- i....a,- ur -eek SOUmlallsB uni huunil st lue

uf Mi. Page, who ii- r. milk ami oilierlottixti ,1'itig licver i.-"s tu tlur.'y llatrwwicn Se,,,,t,.r.(..lies, I I.O.II. |S speil'lttl.' ll- 'ie. - -. 1.e vi lion- lu lieu e.! laying .1 a kio 1. .;. ownreally speaking, to the hearts cf two wi lows (mei.

0O0.ll >" in er us 11 runs, omi Umother nu! I,.. Senator li -un un h..i u 1which t' oboes*, Tom foamaattus 1 ian nor ut ina Plot c. 1

Senator an I tim ipall wbieh hat eon rori ni ni suwu orelute other tel st iv be in.' rrad from tin foot thal he tumsell 1- a widower willi sine childrenTin town i. overrun with fn- tr.nleis who

hare all kama to etd m detlvertag ** Bill ** Morrtoos cf

bbs aew tariff osoaonn J h Moore, the ¦Pan-emer.lill." I- I- !.. .11 I- I'lVIl \. Wei I limier-! ni that

lpPTOVS Um Ul lin fe lillie- e[ Murri-ill's lull. llWill deal WltS Ui* lue ui-.111.. - of tbs pie- it lariflrattier tuan Kempt a whole* de re istinn nf rale' Anexteu ion c. um free not ls ouo of lae principal feature*

nin. li im* beoa euumltted to tho lieu .

¦ - of tbs Vi.iv- ami Me iu- u 'limul re an 1 .n<

pl.d ii)'tin-in. I hear Unit lt will be Inti"! ieo-1 lld*



Hi min, Fel>. :i [Special),. Frederick J,.Millner, high I tram dispatcher far Ihe I. ii kaWaniialt.11.road, a year ega wino Bperstol at C..rn ii j. mei Mi-.

-i-iiir.r, of Mt. Morrl* Bheaceeptnd from luma i!..m.omi in j, ami promised to clue Lu wife. Ii).avlng bli money be wm able to parrhaMa pretty eot-

this elly, which was te become tbsl.future heme. goorly 500 Invitations were n«iied te

tie niau ve* nnd friend* BotMddsnlj MraeVbenser,it seem.. Ilsteaed la ramon regsrdiog tbe habits of brrpro*peet! vc sen-la-law, nod ruads apbermiod to breaklilllie match i he i en nu.nj w... to bore taken planll oin. re li at I o'clock till. aftrnaoB. U lien Mlllinnweel Int lu- midi- itu r mel lum al the den willilim linn..nae..unlit Hutt Ute Wadding ''.old md lakep.a. e. I ne girl, who vv** ni Irur*. made li tn ie dei

sian tint abe had been obliged io aeeede io bmmellier'-eouiiiiaiuls. lui: .nd li it the would many bimll lu- mil wail. Milliner -uv * thal be must br maihonorably ir st all. declining ic entertain the Idea nfrunning away wuu nit intended m. ie.

? .

POBTUgl AWAITI Till: honks.

Kim.-io*, Pi -ii. 3.- For several daya past ;i

New-York lawyer has hoon iii Dialer Count) loekn.g up0 v Idol,i e Bl I..Hiing to the " ll. lil, eslate." 'I ho lawyers'Hieii ihal he ciiiiildereil the estate to heivurih from

B.150,000 tc 1400,000, hesnli * 1,000 sst! - of lund eitherio Uletm or Datehsss Pennties, lt wenM belong to theheirs when a lea-e, given tn arly 100 years agu, ahullhave expired. Tbs Rook lamllyexpeet tometre thatBetake ne tho astra sf Jabs Oaorga gena, whs came to

America from BOlglam In 171*. Ho settled lu New

Hurley, III tho present town of Suaw ungani., Lister1 ii.mir. Rs owned many bread acre* nf kind, ami

inning his jin.*-loi . wa* 1,000 nen*, fur Whick lu¬

cile a nlnety-iilniv years' lease. Mr. left two obsUt. m Belgium, Margaret ami Hannah, (mo uf I hemn at ra d an lliigli.iuuan and iiiomiI lu luigi,md. Ibesesisters died wu Inuit issue, ami their property d ..aide 1

lo I heir broiler. Jenn (i"oi ge Kciik. A* BO Waa Winjeeltc iniiii.ii v linty H he returned tu Belgium, ho wuuli uuileave Aa.el le i.


wan lien POM UliAVV POROEH1E&Poi ni.ivi.i.i'siK, Feb. 3..Detective "Jack"

Keens, et ( leraland, Ohio, an lied here tin* afternoonwith bJdWBfd (.'rowell, wini, lioeve* *uy*, is wanted therefer forgery te tbs amount Ol 0*110,000, all cf tlie lunney

bal lag boen lost in the bucket-shop husiiie*. lu tho c|iyli linell. The driel tue say* Ihal trowell " damped "

all tho tn ne) le Wilgul A Iii., of Cele land, ii nd gd

gio,O00 roon oa toned cheeks from tim Union Rank ol1' rv el nd nd then lied lu I.ut upc 1 he detennve truckedhm. io li jiu tn w hoie iir iu-1 tba eke w, th ni wm orela vii ago Ti day be found rowell at gc wburg, wherebe wa running a baehot ahop and tuuk iiiiu Quietlysway. m

.mi tim.-1 iii.ui; isii THKftrc,lu iii, Jan. 2..Though Ihe Del receipts of

tue V\'-I Mei.ililli, lie.iwate tinnily, pool lillico

iiiuoiini lo only f/6 or 06 a year, then wm a generalscramble for tbe position by baagry Demoreatle ofheirei Kei '.

llllviA, I'eh. ll (Sptrnih. Ill" keotlUg III UM nf

M da m's lilli!., ol Montreal, ,i_- mist the ,|,din M Univ

estate for ..ri 1 900,000, bog u here rn-1 ly. The pl m.nil

ssaorts that Jabs IrOraw wm a Mm-kholder rd tbe fit,\| ni; iee I. uni alli l.'lui'n'r I iain n V, nf Turee iilvr*.

ia ,1 11 i'i- is ll 1 bia to tbs creditorsof that I.-.p ny, vi. eh bet railed.

lille v, i'll, li '/1 e,u.'i. A iln-W .laci.uui II., lin (toll.

0 nu ide-ag'd mau. in lin employ Of Jo .u Jewill, ul

li.lilli;., near lier'', cu 1.lied ¦BtrtdS lass eva lim j by

hhi ii<. it. Il 1 nil; 11 vi is fet.d bj bis em-

nloyi-rlna thud n-ar his burs oa lu- banda aadsod covered with 1.1 fnma sari* ta the left side oflu* threat ls bis poeketwM lonni a bleed eiolned

with whU-k im bad severed tba loft Jagal rum.

\ .,.. |i, || ,,,... ... ,. a,- a fiiuml in iii* Ult |IU. nit,

up.,1 ...aich ¦-.<¦ aril leo th 1. - Bl l« 1 ai

persoosol Han ny. sba. tho writoc ease, bsd rnlaed wu m.e. nin 0.1 liol boil ooma bUalUCMti,,, m< ile rn-: a.H.- sea ¦ Uh tba penoi * whoas a nm *

nen written il ;..... 'hs ll sec Of pipe, and, ll ls Said Ihat

I,,, i.,, cheated, lt wthought that this iraii-aouou

prev ed upon lils mind.gimiBBHai. I', h. ll (vKiio'i.-In tbs ca*e of lousl* Wil-

lill, tho (leueral Term today ordered thal the prisonerhe 1. seiili'M od ou Munday. Tho uew SherlO, Ouurao

Young, ho* had many sppiicatljus fruin pursoui wbu ds-

">-:' lo ...i the han pox, 1 l.e in cl r is S3 far tlie i.nv>le.c.



S\i:-.iT-!-, ld). :; ',.-(viv(i.-|ii the tiial ofIBO "A .in-ou casca I- .ley i en les it.un HlsSSOCk ll. idell Ino; iou (ur an al a. Ila. lit MgOUSSl J. P. WllUnSOOl futcueic., pi ,u nut -,.;.. luring the Batoali i booka » hick aeroshawn tobe li: tbe batiking btnea pnrloM to tim fal-

ure. Ile dei lue ti. al In ii .(. mimit be found tn li .vean elco.-nt ci In-geil) il. li ll fun they liol llui-l- -.'.

.ie:,i-ii Un- ap nu..1. I directed aa ordertoll, i,ii-ieii for tho pi..Uni in.ii ol um lino..,-.

D:lU .(.l-l - id Ul, WARRED.Albant, Teh.:;.. .M tim nu I'tingof the stnie

Board ol 11' ul til I ii--, ti;, In- clo mi*:* I rmi. different pattirn the stat.-, sppolaicd lo investigate the matter, u.anv di 11 ._ l *- -were selling ceri.un drugs

below tho regular i ile al pu.iv. They wen orderedii,.; rm .-nell il: tsj ;*t* thu bj nelliug drugs below thu- nolan! ol purity they made ttosuMives amecahiu tolu- law -.

IMi:i;l>'I' v v\ LOPKMKMT.lin m \, Fell. :! \8peciao..The town of En-

iii i.i. Un* cou ly, i., stirred up over lbs elopement ol.Mrs .> I,i tue, tige fm t) -secii, with a young Imin,

acetwenty-wreo, Ma- Brace nut only raotohed ber-Mlf. hut ctu-eil gtOU ol lu I hil*.anil's ea-li le v.iiil.'a.a warran) ino been lakes mu lac usc guilty pair audlui ir muveuienis meed te Bim ri.

rm-: i um rei <>i:i>.

ihi: il< UV (o.M.MIMon < liri.'Cli IN DANGER.I.i.Ml s n .MALU in SOUP Ul'. ns CnVI IUD BY

llv-l IIAM'I-.

A woman wbos.i1 in tbe rectory adjoining the(' una ii. Hie linly ( -iiimiiiiiou. ut sixili-ave. unit

i wen iel il.i yesterday afternoon, looked broagh a.v i lulu vv amt -aw sam lie rlelllg lld ll the reef cf III- si ni li

iruisept. Bbe informed the noter, the lier, lu-. HoaryMallet, and he eon! ant sa alarm ol tire at one* Latera *. w..* summed, ii.e li iciness touinl Haine-In Un-roof ul tho i¦nurdi, li was ci picul thai a defect¬ive fla bod eas rd tbe ors The roof af galraaised Ironwa* so st, np nial Slippery thal the lil linell found Un¬

gle.iii *t iiiiiuuii v In ailing it open lo pour w nor ob Ibeilaine.. lue banging ceiliog of Georgia pine burnedbriskly for mon than bb hour lieiore waler could banillup, il lol vv en t ne roof and .u- eel mg.

\iinie toe lucile n wera at work ¦evora! hundred per-sims stood io tba drlvlog auow storm lo watch the pro-gress ol the Oro. and for aesrly aa hour il wi- fearedthat the church wanbi be dei roved, ihe tl.tues were.. uiiim d tu itu- ..-. however, ned were extinguishedbefore tao greater p.nt of tba ceiling hud boen ruined.<iu. ..lau-i d-.ia*. wii..,..vv hud been kn ......

lopteoei bj .li Bremen,and water bad itonmged ibe... lill loin.title. ll Wa. ..lil Ulai Ute .i.s. m.,. al,..iii?7,.'. A new furnace wai placed lu Ibe church re¬

cently, and the ba it Irani li* san,Ice WM g euler I bailthe old flue mud emiline, lt uni he necessary to build

io rt ie « hen the ehui h is repaired.Thc i nun li nf m.- ||..|y I oiiiuuihion iva* tho ll'-i

Protestant I.p.-i epa1 11.un I, iii ibo conntrj te hore (ree. ni-aa i iv, k ,i,don service* lt wai foundediii I In l-v Ur du,lil un. rj, siul d hus lu eu Huted .ur il*

mable conirthutto ¦>. Among lbs limliuiloui 01-

a ne. ny the chorea soetotr sw tbe Old w omen's Home.uni-1 lois'House user ibo church; tbe Mummer Homofor po.ll People IB \\c*lel.e-ler (nilli.J, lilli the Uah.M oiler, tor vv hu III a BeW house lu 1 w n.j 11 -t-st. hus

purchased la-t fall Tbe re 0.1 rees nf me di ure a ure de-lived (rum voiutuary contribution* About fifteen, I il * BOW Hie li Ul eli c. ill.:lit lu- al li- lime id ll ( hris'-ma- fi st iv ul and allie near i.eing destroyed. Tho loss11) the Bra ja-tildi) will fall upou Insorauco eempaulc

TUM M:,M'-!I"l BE DWELLER* ALARMED.A Bra of unknown origin was discovered

early yeeterday morning ls Cliston Reteh'i lea store.os the iii.t Boor of liii tooemeoi boose No. 203 1 ssliioiisi.t. mi (smilies in the upper stnrtoa wore

alarme I, bul they h ni no dlilied ly In ceca pins hoe iuseeach flour wai connect!*! by Ore >ieapn a tn a booie loi.i- ve. 1 be los- by tho lire wai aboui *'_',.riOO, chieflyin Um i' asl. Bame Inmates al tbs house professed

len ye.ter-i 1 lueendloryoii.-ii, bal ttiey mull not gue nay good naoons lorilu-ir mi -p.. 1 ii*.



A servant employed in tin vin rdeen Hotel, utTwenty -in -; *'. ami Broadway, dlaeorored emokeoam

11 a elosel eu Um top ll mi- aim ii 7 o'el-i k lastBiOnlbg, An al ir.n w is at suet mil. Fae Orainned co 1 .0 \. leuiout, bul w,, extlugsi

without i: oiiiiD wish n loos of about fl00. lue srtgiuI* Hill, IIOWII.


iicsrard wu wu 1 rihm n ru death.i'm i. I'eli. 3..Tho borne of Samuel Wi I-

lam* s farmer, about ball a mUo aorth of rrentoo Vitolage, vv .,* .ic; rn) ed hy tu 0 un. mm liing. Mr. Williamssiid bis wife were burned to death Tbs rs bi mid to

1 fr-uii a defi etiv tioreplpe,?

\ v l.l ir.!.1. CAI ii.1 l>l*i ROTED.Trot, Ubio, r'eb. 3..Thia atoning the cat*

tis obed of C. 1;. c. Dye, eoataletug Mveoty-two head nfJ' rsei ni ". a iiroyod hy hie. au uf the saulsper.shed. Tits Iimi lt estimated al tl J.issi.

LOasBS in \ \i:l'U* PLACES.Trot, N. V.. Feb. :i. A bailding owned bj

I- s. and J. A. Iliiniiell was humed Hil* morning. Ino

annora1 looa la 010,000, carered by Inanraaee; LS.j:.iiiii.ii A Vms. m.huh.1-:*. 05,000, bo laearaoee;1 ,'. .1 ge ii. Heiitis .v (e., co. ar Bwaafaotaran.S7.000..ns a.. Bowman A Hana, collar ewaafacturen, S5.0O0,mured j Malla A ... uud»rw< ir, fl.OOO, ia*ured;Moil I.nub. shirts, s-iiii, insured .Nearly nil th"teams iii.icuuii . in mo iiuiiiiiiig oeleaged tu Ibo oner-alive*, aleI f.W Were III-Hired.

iiiviu.i.,*.. Tot., r.h. ii. -Che 1 un Halite here WS*

seouwyedby ira yssisrday. The reeorde of the ConetyDouri *endestroyed. 'linne of the ( lark'soesas were

In a rnnlt asa ara soppoeod to inv-e baan incinerated.rn no. Ht...1- fi dollars ol ths cou ly funds wera ia, w lu. lt I- thought lo un Uro proof. Tho toes 00un- banding ii 010,000.Vtncsasia, ind., Pi '. .. v lin- iii fioyfanttRna*.

bnlMlng yesterday eaased lasses aa foUowa: Os band¬ing *-J..'. Ii.-ur.iiieo Tl. ""I lu the Home, of ReaTork; W. J. RawUae, photograph gallery, 02,000, tn--iiiam o rl.jnii in he (ielman \ .m-i lean, of New Yu:K.alni rii.cnli. Ol, 11 -eu enli-ld Bros.. emiliUn -. .* inn, linne I" tba Northern, of lanlim J.

.. .» ll hal .1 Cu.. e hit il iel-, «¦'.. Mill, ll|.iir-it fe' f 1.1 ll ni ||]thc Llrei pool ami Loudou ami ii.on.., ni Loudoa.Omaha, Web., I'-m ii .Half ol the beetoreoo portion sf

De Witt, Nih., waa deetrayed by lire yeeterday. I nae.. 1 ..nun.

( vu h. m.. Koh. :i.Tho huife of siiu.tiei Banger wu*

lestroysd by nie u-t sight. I "-* *..'¦"¦.»», partly la-mioiS.V vi I'tmi'ii, imL. loh. it Tbs Plaka murk wa* yesterday. The OfCaclO Of ino Knights Templar'mniii.iihIi ry wore hut. Loee, 030,000; Insaiaaee lsthe Hartford Company for 03,700; Hume, uf Now\ uric. gt.OOOi Uveraaol m Laadoa ami (iioiie, .f-j.iimk.iii.-ni,1 Union, fl.Jun, i-i.1111,. h. uf Philadelphia.

....'inn. Curium Aiiioiicuu, ifl,"iilii; Nurth Americanind -Meiealilli. tl ¦'-¦«>.Yul m,-lull v, ((al 1, Keh. I! fpeeUtt). -A general Htnre

lelong'tig to J. H. V.iud i-i-n, al the liner lilli Coal sudIrcn Oosnpany*s wm-k*. was daotroyed by Uro tin*nomine. .1 dwo(llog-hon«e adj sining aaa destroyed.I- -. .-.i.nnu; insurance, -Cull).

WUAI SENATOR tOUNGBLOOD DRINKS.,IM,I K Aid, MU \\ Ill.-K IV. IN nu: liol 11 r-Il M-

I'llilMI I I (11*1 m I MIN IN' MW-JI.IISKV.

moa mi BIMI in 1 "iihi--:-i mu \ ni 1111. 11:1 tn-m:.]I'liKNinN, Feb. 3..The Senate dteeussnd

[.neal Option to-iUy. with un evident Intention lo potshe hui. Il provide* fur a county cpuuu BBItStaada,uni un attempt to amend lt was mad" by tho.e wini will1: cl,iihly oppoSa lt ls any case, bal who de*irn tu ,*ru tho

nil iii good shape before it runs thc ordeal of the A sse lu

ny. The Senate Steadily voled down the amen.lim msmill. Wearied With tko apposition, the measure was budmr until Monda) Bight 'ihe Semite!' fruin Morris. .Mr.

foangbtood, objnted oapeemlly io the views ot temper-mee I.-gi",alor- us to Um eVtdOBOB thal slioilld he ncci s-ary to cciivii t of using liquor Illegally, Ile

Iraak ginger ale, be explained, without a "sink " in it,mi bo ni i-a.i oiniiy ¦ssteiad a gie* of beer, yet steast once Iii Ins i-areei lt had BOOS his fate to he BCOttSedif earning bunin a bullio nf whiskey, although the hol¬lo was fanoenone ginger, banaler Pleb SM sal aekaawP¦de pels,mai t. uu, lim ny wuii uieoiioiio bererages,ml lav 01 ed a ni nu lo al opton Hie

¦olin y ssteii provide*. mit gTOW eloquentip.,11 the ln.sieg a BMMUrB like til t

.vi'iild entail upon hosnies* interest* nf the State. The

rig will ooma ap again as Munda) evening as a speolaloder, w iou Beaator Cbaftts, who was elects bs 11 Pre>iiiiiuiiiusi,bal iii* bees mon af a straightout Demo-¦rat than anything otoo, le espooted to maka the offorlif hie life. TbaHenata trauaaeted little other boalnesaif Impoi lanie.

lu the isarBihly Mr. Cor sis introduced aaotber phaseal In- li inpcraiii e qUeSllOB lu ho .hape ol a BttVUg

;, oil. Bl ll 11 othi r m rsquiriag tba ligns.lille if live I nuieill atc lielClllinrs lo ali appin ut lilli fur

licence 1* ponding ht tho mum holy. AMsmolya-anDrake introduced a bill to create a fut dine for sotne-

h.-iv m Inipoetot ct m.m 1. Mr. Dtaka repraseuti a

tommi distrust, Mr. Keymon introduced bu im Jersey (Uv. 11 psocktos luat tbe uioaejdue lue tum.' district* from tim 1I.1 n iii ump enies

under thanes law shall bop ld la ibem rorthwitii. Altue money li bel by ihe -rue, therallreadi kai

[,,j paid it In undi in- order ni tba cu sri Should iheup.iii toe lao -V Hi -.- ,,-.-1 the - ¦ -

tue railroads nuntd oe e.,1.1.1 m in- m.iee) again.Iel!! . a Ul 'lamil Ul" Male ila . H. eu.e. I ll vvlse lc hoi I

,,,. ,-a., tu ma treasury, the urobabiiiij of reewrerti g it

Hem lim rlslei 1 towoi, sfler haring aooe iwhiit orer. ¦eemios raibei small. Mr. Oeimorei Mil

will Im. ware.Iv advocab 1 :v .lc, tej ny ii" ui-is. n* a

.-,,!,.. - uigly op.'o-ed hy in ti¬

ki 1 - ficus mini 1 "int e-, Wini w.uil I have Hillel! U lo-"

li Ihe iniioi) wa* ucl iel.ll .iud Su lue U.-atili) lu COM ot

au adverse itoebuon. , ..

Anouaeuienu ure bolos mada hr several Senators sn

A.-cu.i.i> men, linoel i>i. keadenhip of AoMiablyuiaiiA V il. .darill., to lake Un- v, lime la Jl a.lillie IcV.adl-

li.giun on Pobvraary Si. R a mas 11 to pay his way.Tbe trip ls to bemm torptoai"" uaae, aad kl rn auImi¬

auled that mn.l nfl he Sniist.o s. A .soinhlyuiell all I Slilt'i

UlIIOOl* Will Juill lt, l.aat illsl'lf co-it. mm/Lmmmibo Ai,»ei.iiily hal adjuaiuoa uiitii -douduy nlfcbt.


gxioirf*o, ii'is ru ru:: ra nowa. J

Sr. Luiis, Feb. oWThe sixth (nusM f.r theUm ehumpiouaaip nf the world wu* began in lbsUmuna' room cf ute Baronets Club at j::to p. m. tu¬ny. Anion-tho strim en present wi re W. li. ll ploy,

iry ol lbs Indianapolis! h-s lu!,; Major Henryrutucr. prnl.tont of the Rteehlyn Club t D UeAtee ol'" '."limy iliih; Da K. ,-,..,,,, OI- ^....jv,',,^,"!'; -Ml' Imicinls. .f Um Mnnhitlati Club,Sew-York, and .Mr. Perter, uf tho Rnltinsorolui'. Air,lunn, ins bad been iliad.' fur the seconding

if tho players, lethal knkertort had fer kit beat noaiViUioiu Im ami. inni Bteinlti lie.j.ii.n:, g, Poator.stolons che- tba white andMurtoa tbs black btcMlU, isln, u.etn il Him. i;*.-,I Um well-knowntoy l."i"/. Knight', gain,,, -ihe rhassptoM ihemeeivesvero sn sit ni ihe centre ul the ni .ding.rm.m. facingMl uni upon a platform righi feety * x umi uno font high. This jdatfonuin* Blared directly ni tin- entre of thup^m afforded by fobJingdeon wbieh werathrowa opee.liing the iimi nu ¦ a auto rtow of the players. Tholi. ctators foUowed ibo game from a l.trje beard wi'h »

inly- tight .nih held elevated un an easel. The time'

m.* BMosured br a Balsas Brrnageetent nf tm snmii

locks, mm fm- each player, hang an a saunas ukoi see-saw, and nu adjusted that neiiber wuiihl

OB illili*. HWM depressed. Tull second luokcd afterbe otoeh of his ehempton and aa sooo m tho iiiay aaaaada pr-ss, d duwil bi.* cincic sad the time of tho menlegiin to he ticked o.t. At li p. m HtetnllS had a shadehe uilvutiiagn ami au adjournment was talion to Bf Hie m. |, tn, fjjaesa duh in u,ive-*;, where thc.uti' na, rs eived.The inoves aro gu cn below,BU n Kamo lu the luatcli bSCVSOB Messrs. BMInitS auduiertort.

BUT LORI /. Ki'.* QAMI .


I' to K IKt to K ll 3

il-li to Kl u

4 -Castlesfi-Kin K rn0 Isl takes P7.11 tick.* Kt iV.* Kt lu lill! tn UH [!,)I" K to K .1 o)1 1 I to ... Kl ilI J ./ lo li llUl i. lakes UclII ll to Kt'J

Kl to K l10 ii lu K 3 i/|17 ',' to i; 1ls-Ki io ,vt ;jni li io K20 I' 10 K ll 4.Jl Plo KS'JJ I' lalo*- I'¦SA -4J io K ll'J I <( to ii I

li lu K I)'JU .' to K, I.J7 Kt to lt ."i.J*ifli

muk.1' le K I

.j K, 1.1{ i: iiii k ic k*4-Kl lak. s I*r> K' to <i ,tli Kt tllKe. Kl7 I. lo K J8-c leslie,.I li lo li it1" i lu K Kt to KIJ li lo Kl tHi.Ki lak s u1 l-l'too li 3 te)l.")-IU" K iiie.p to u i17 -li t..i..iIS -lt te K lllu.Kt to Ki 2"<>"i'i..iy. JSt.R io k II 9'JJ-li lakes 1'"H-K lc ii m'J lt lo K tot.Jd Kt to K A20 Kt lo ii87.H to lt i.J* K to Kt '2.JU K to li JUil-K to Kt J111 K to I! 'Jil'J-K lc Kt 133 K tu U a91 K tc Ki 2I.' ll lake. O,d" li take- ll37- K take, lth* lt te Kt :,HU Kt tu K AI" I' to KUI4l-l'tn RS (fri¦u it iii a j43.P to li Ill Kl loki t.t'-K takes itlu li iu K I47 I'to ii:,4- .ls to lt A4U-C t .ko* I'bil Kt to K- 4Bl -K to li :,.VJ H to lt H53 K to K iiM-K lo i^ 753 K takes H's V50 iv takes 'i'i 1'67.Kio K 7.'.* lt to K J."¦ I) to n ii,,m00 PtaQOli. .ck mn gus.

Kt tu ll li ehKt lu li ."i ell

I." Kl le R licitill-Kt lo ii.", ehII J kl te 1. li ell ('.h.; Kt to R 5 ehIII Ki tu lt li eliIii li take* li niI.'.- Kt ..ike* (I1(7 lil' lake* Rll* -Kl takes i' in

30 P h. 'i ll.rn k ic K a¦ll Plo Kl Ii'i Ki ni i; .i

K to Kt 9I I li to I! «t

1 ¦ li take. Kt10 K to ii ,i47 -Ki to |; ki ie K cieliu p lukas i'.'el kt to IC. (f|.M-K tink.-. C53 Kl to R ;,.Mt Kl to KU

Kl lakes (»63 K io in,66 Pto UR 1... kt tn Kt 1 ch

I'lo RSkl In <i n

iu k; ultra ltni Kt to 1^;,

Bi ntl ur r ht vin Mni<r*/:r.

"U P tot) Ito abm a very good continuation at thnm.nt,i'u in the fourth gnuie of the match Mr. Bteietts now

.¦ne.ned the li to k u .i|.i.iio. The u-u move, oilhoughb ucki tue ii P, I- . erioiuly mon attaeklag,tn Auother deilailon from bia piny In Hie fourth

ailie, Wheo tho Hook was brought hack lo'-¦(ll ile.-. \ nee.-s.iry prec uuhm. as White thnstOttOd Ii

- li I'ch ld,owed, if tho Itihbep bc taken, hy (I lot ll ch ind Xl tu lt :>. cte, ide.(.1 Taking tho (J I* would be extremely hazardous, s*

benply 15. KituK l|would give Whites luo.t fonsiiu-i.le attach.if. A very embarrassing move forlllaek. a* tho subec-iteiit play *iiu v *.

hr) fl luke* lt, Blthongb ll dmr,|.s White's pawn*.." ii) ii lioiiiii-. a* wiiite weald presently play In*

ptoea to R i>. eramplag li.a k's umveiu'cuu cun-

,', Mr BtoriBltl was probably shorter time hereabout*,Much .m. unit* for the npetlttou of tl eoe check*.iii Had be cheeked seam, bli odrersarjr, we believe,'.riling to the nu.-* geveratotg the match, could barelalmed a " draw."

/i 1 lie pian cf attack commenced hy Mr. BtOOnltS ORls ilxteentb move bit been admirably carrie.1 utit, andrstut* in tho cain of uus most Important pawn|l>) In'* alon we Moobi have bees sutl*HcU to

uko Paws wim Pawn ami Bghl for a draw,Ci R Rh a Pawn bohlndhsnd. and tbe dteerivaatago oflilsii'.pa.aiust a Knight, Ula,k's chancel uf drawingre sinai mil*.'.!.(si) A ilip probabljT, bal one nut nf much rouse-ilrm e, fur ino lilllie WO* Bill tu he save 1.Ino ai.nv e gillio t* il.-, il d Ibe beal noe played hy

tr. Meium tu the prsssot comet, and hi* excellentav iu ii will nu donni ^ivo renewed cuiiBdeiii'e to hisacker and friend*.

w\Ti!!i\i; thu u ami: in rms ctTT.The moven of tba cbeas mutch bmmIo ia yesterday vi.-ro talegrnpbod 11tbe Rew*Torh Ck* .»

lull, ut No. tu liii.verr, uud ispsstod on a large msemled hoard, while the record cf the game wa* kapi cn

B ad,ai ont blackboard. Thu* lovers of the game were

tile to follow tho varying fortunes of tho player* a*

.ell a. though they had them in full view. In faitimy found ss rath.r au advantage te have mo playersvcr 1,000 ini.'-s away, becsuss tbej were treed ir.uii allcsu iimi. nboai m.ah/.mg um gnuie. They gathered ini.nis about the chen boards, .md dlseaane .' tba might-an- lieeii," if mu ilsi ii ul lioue lids, ur /ukeiturt bedline Uta', Wltb a gnat deal of /cit. When then cane a

tog hreuk in the game it required hm a little »> retch ufin< aimil to pintara Btotnlta wltb logs wide apartod In.* dampy little lia ids un his thighs, oj mg thenurd With an exproieiou of imitable gravity, while Dr.ukei teri, willi hi* hamil cla-pcl behind hi* hack, pacedi ami fm with i|iiick, nervous step*, seemly repdeinglat the flight of tlsae waa halag recorded ag dual bisliniment, iii-.- Btelaiti collected thea Imlioioo tickets.ud sold photographs of the players. Before the gsmerms tba hitting wa* geaerally about 'io to ju ihat Dr,ukertort would wm the mutch.

'JACK" DBMP8B1 WISSEB IX A PBIXB-FIOITT,The lone tulUoil-ol light lietween ".luck '' Dempsey,¦m champion UgtnVweighl pagliist of Ameiicit u.ol

.luck" Fogarty, of I'hiliulelj Ina, ivlic cl.,iins tbaliik'ii|iiuti.|i>p ol I'l-imsv lv.iiiia' wne tonghi i:i a ronni

P tuwn Int.- mi Poead iy night.|lt wno sae ol the mest

ssperateli e infested sad bloodj ti:;lits that fin* lusaou sn Kew*York tow a long time. Fogarty wm

.imaded by Arthur Chambers sad " Hilly'' dwarda,'ellipse,y Iuui a- barkers " Qua" Tnthttl ami " lom "

iv.nv, the baa Fraaoi<<eo pugilists, "Al" janith referee. At ll.-io tao referee culled time. Keric frat two cr three nundi the nun (might ca-i-

ni.siv. Demon y hod got tho eieqaare of bia timi, mid in thc tllOOOfdiOS eight ru n.,ls ham-ii-reil Fognrty'i foot pretty nura .»* be please:. Aml iilow m ibe mooth gave Dsaapeej the Brat knockown in thc twelfth roiiiul. lu ilia cightccilii iciiiiil'euii'soi* l'rioini* claimed tbat Fogarty'! uom waa

rokeo, und in tho twearJetk hi* jim wu. fntctured,idliy " laliviinis, kowcrer, dcalei thai bri bone*.te broken. Pogartj ttood up gamelj and tock hisuni-hnieiit until the twenty-aereutk rannd. whM hem knoeked dows ead wm toe weak teatasaios lime again. I hon lu- seeunds threw up tho samage,he tijjtit hut) d ono hour and litlv minute*.


r.iVKUSMUNl IRDICATfORS.POR 39 nOURa,VVA8UINOTOX. Feb 4.-i-'».' .Scw-Kiigil uni,oii-iy weather and iota! mows, geaeraliy toUawed ny

.ii weather i uurtbcriy winda geaerally co,der, io.

iweii ny Dearly Matloaorjr lemperotun,Ter the Middle At.antic Sl.u.s, etOOting weiilher;

i, I. generally mu tlc. slv, slightly Badder, rn hmod bv

any station,rv temper,niuo iuui again followed hylightly wormer woolner during liuiiy.

nf s.-w -\ .1 k i ul Ch ' de,phi i, .iwiit local .now* thi*nu liing followed bj lair weather, cooler, followed bycu y ama iv em («. ra lure umi sdglu.y wa. mer

eau,' i itu kag Friday.


I.L_-J-..k_-;-j.j,, li.'.l .'i>

Tiir.-i'M .¦ Fi ,. I i i. Bk.A sterns

entre wi- .. two days bad bean ssavasg from rota*

b un- Boc Atlantis reset, aaaaanstad tba ssmBhSB..lilli td Ibo I.,rn-* ami northeast ward to New-Kncliud

.(. rd iv, wub stiuw ur ruin. <Julder WOOahM pievalledn the Hiuitluvest ami In tho At lantie Malo- ; e sos hero

no sbaaffss sears lautht lbs BaiaaaMBf bats bsbb

mill noun umi then tel), wltb skie* cl. udtns after dswn

md aearll tuiou m.-nc, uf suuw. 'ibo tomperaaarsaugt'.l i<-i wv cn 13" sudj 21a, ibo ave;ago (14.V)

..-¦ SJbein* eT^v htamr iliii the ieonupswUng kt Iyen- au **V low r o .1, ,, '!' .1 .-,-.BRitbi y 1 .inter oesOber, wtek !'.-.¦ sa*>w, ¦. ¦»

rg|tected In thai ear s » ela ty IfcluUO Magf bMBapOratSWO and lair Weal nu- Pl >.l

. .''.'.' TB vitim-¦.t.f" I lt r til t 'or tko Ff ii'Iic.

DRAR .Mil. TfUffOYRl lt i* s: it IJ f Vcity c'lilhlren lc lay In the -now, a d . lettiel lt that tba obi toop rho idas ht ; "! m q - M :

th nt Univ might iciv'at 1 ,,.| wo pnhs-ivhut Ute Park clean r, sera ul'th * OW ".1 lbs fl ¦..

ami iv ira 01 allowed to i>.> <m rho gran 1

some paths whteii inst bec mel ne thal !«. .:.oro-* the fall:, hot Un rv a. it .. . mal sn Ool a

very mindi rn linn SUSKb I lie .uv I fur 1.1 uttUic ..ii ii a- -

mg in tue *n cv. (un yoi sol Sn m-Huht ror Bs. «i ir.uca)ni the next samwstorm I Vc |(elly years. Mun; M. Cmxunm.So ":t.">r V'ttrihii".. XetoTorB, Feb. ,i. Iaaa,[WaarosBMi uri this bri erfratas Itttl

, risc* th'- s>"i nu, BltB nf liui.iiinl- ul'c'.i M;u:i >:i

Ibis etty, ll rio issi Bligh bo eomplledwiBOOM to ns. It ought to lune 1 ;i u -lt .iii

tba hearts af tba soo -na Bred Park Coonah s«sta aad tattam thoa ta soi Beats me or takMBU uv-"i pul1'* bf eua- :-'i:,-. Tho "next .¦diiv "

tO winch tR0 lillie Wai:: ll alludfc I* \n',v csu taBBground. Gtvo ti e i-liaiu' .1 ii ebnnee I -/.rf.'

BXOTTBD "i KB a u \;> in,

I'AKSoNs, K:>h., Kims. &..Tai* eAjto v.':i»thrown linn n si.Uc Bf eisRSSBSal vealer.lav hy a rabiddust. Il blt MVaWSl pee'. '. Aiuiing them v.'i-i- U.ri-'ii/au. isdrv-g..i..i, .1 rh,aeeioredbay,a Httlesari.>! i

Mr*, ii.ow, mil Mr. Heka, praprtrtoref sprhasrilirim report wa* quickly etrealsted, aad alihliahatfbmir upward ul 1» -.ny ti.en, armed willi gnus, wt--uihot piii-11 I and the doj Wa* sou eve, . [es |lt is oi-iui'i that a gre..t iiiiny dogs uni ichave been hitleu.

some ¦'''.'/ .1 I El .1 ra t/ AWALLOW1X0.AtutOR, oiiio, Feb 'i peeutti,.Ai;a rm ia j

nf th" Rertbeeilsra Obta Mouteal teaactatlan bmilu.v, three Cases of - wilie a 1,1.' fer iga , ah -ta-.SM WOSSreported. Due mau swallowed a rilrar rtollai winonighing, aiiether iweltowed a lu.-.ria.- ph .l-lwoman clicked nowa Ins gu is* ,., a aewla ( aa bubb.Medical sk.ll was hafted, ms' al! th p ittonts r. c.,

ANUIill.U i.ll. RAIUUkTrsj snipricc l« nu-I Barjai aa ol Alls ucU's. tim

original and only gcniiliii- pi.rou* plaster, hi* BSBBBBni" atariptos oi Au aiu»s ami Bsusphln ta laatatol is uro iiiis ile. Insdverttoiagtheirtmlielloas ibepaai b.. as .oed M Aloe, k'-," .' ijuieWi-r luau Ailcek'*," " BOB>li r Uian Allene:,'-." " mme iBgmdtoatI t au Alic '*'#,"etc. ThOM st Ul eua- ,t, BIB M S OBI With that Iii 1.-hodUm oilier dav teat Hr. -i hileiinuiU iii cm-avalln j

iii ruins uf cl issi,. Iroy il;,-cnv -red S sjicoiim n i-f thuurigiiial ami nilly gi inline pmwan piisstor.

Clieiiii-u-y t.xpi -e. tf-iai be-y.;s i.isi Ilia it- RBsr-Tosa, May i".'. H

Bunoat .t Yonasoa.(iiiiiioin u ai year raajasM I have (Malata* ev,

I nilpie, of 1:041-1111 - ('um iii Pi i ui* la-,m ta I Iles ktl'oiou* I'l.isteis, ter Ci 1 mp. o of ile-oraiin'iig ulm ii cmtains the greater at eunt of MSSBBBal nieilu-iiiai mgr

srolnabte in a reeonty fur ex mri a iKim ii i[.ia ititi. * of oii-ii kind 01 atestsrwori tahoe for

auiiij-iii. au tbs BsstfeeSi ot ssssMaarMB saajtoyes s rinleainal As tho 1, af ny \.n. uiiieii I timi tait lien....ii - COpCll . la-:e, UBI m.'- ai- v iii db I CM Ullil, Hil' ,i,.t 111 llei-CSS Ul HIV o 1. nil iu-1,4 slu ou bl sli' in- pcs*orr il 11 all flasM pla,ten s.vindi aird, lours re-uoc tull v.

J P. in- is' -1:11.1, M. c. Ph. 11..ii sly! .cal and ,.i.s,ilueg h

BefUM .'ill lc ap and SOrtbkM ad a oms mine; Um 11 au -1of " Csusicin," "(ii stout*," «p.,( inn ci 1.1,1psssters.

? -

Keir 1 Implied In d* ilse c¦ ndie's ( munnin I lu.auule0lycerise. Depot Othavo. Md --in .: ail drag


MARRIED.KNArr-i'iTTisiiN in ss psnPs Ohanh, Rerwotk,

( 0111, Kibiiany J, ..'i. hy le- .1 .- PrI ll 1. ls-lt,h.,I-' 1! vite, v Howard d. Clapp I'iiul.i N KaI li.-, elder ilau jiu ur 0. the USS Ker lu; i.e i. I'1 lina*.

WAIGHT uri: io Tue. ny, Pe mu yN. J., or lb* Kev. L H i.iciw. Mt, Ads lae P, k.ue, efi .,:. r. ito sri 0 i>..gai. t .u>.,(,-a.

Bast ... pepe ri 1'ie 1- e spy.

li lt.BKKRK Al falIBBile "I Bgl ' elorml-i Jan 1 'ry 2-i, l<*\

II bot B liri f 1,11 oas, ll il a 11 vi ah- ,,a e. nan sa li ll -o\In tuo ...I, rc sr .. ms .un.

1:1 i.iiive.s sac fi leads sre respec milt Invites' ts uti, gmfuaaral ttmuM .1 iii -ia..-on .-1,11 rs Presort .1

lu; eh M.1.11 -en a. al, J Sile-1.. OB 1 nu .-"lal'. 1 1,1 u .r/4. at 1 1 a. m.

ELIOT.At 110 ur i'm r.'-- Perk Hoi .. M Mig sunol cy.I una hiloSaS li' t, Iel,rill. . I -* .. al .1 Hup. in.

1 .1. i..i aril!take ,. see rain tua. n r. nf ile- I1.1S1-. i^urs-ison. Kail J 'Us st ai 1 e'i io. k 1 tulay ¦orama.

Innann ut al ll 11.

PlHgl Al -ii'iiiud. f, I c-r'itv .1. 1 . »i, Mary (i.ur I.I- I' 1. viii,- el 11.1,e. Ki-ke.

Funeral services al hes ai- res'.dMcs, In kemmis,lc1. usiy .1. at s i a in ,uii at toa baJVh ot U Mar. t j

VirgOa, JJ-i a est 4 ta s' .ai . a stiii>k-vi \.\-lu Pataro-urv l, BSa*e*RotV. ot linus vick.

'.' r/i 1, Vt: (mia K WtuoW id UC nu Huff.uaii, ami di ..a-l-l 111 lal .-.uu.n-l -inlta.ii-.I

Beiaavss aaa friendsan nts loUr invitel 11 nit ad timfoiisrsl ssrriOM s t'rin ty chorea, oo aaiur.ii/ ¦cscalog,l-oliruary ... ui u ,,,-,. lc

it is tinily rei|tie-ui-,i umi Boftowers bes .\- ni snasay Janaarj Bl, air s-bur; illuets,

.1 r K iivoi-,, ,u .he 134 year of hts ago.Kum ral from bf* late reaideaci ai I,ai.lau. >. J. oa i bui*-dav. 1 ehruaiy 4. al J n. ui.

Kl SRALL -At Pal 1*0.:, v I., saM in-t.. Ilarrj- T, eao'(liar es il sad starj I. Ki a 1.. ug-.tJl y. ,.r..

Paaeni st 2 o'clock 1 .mr.*: 1 Its last,, tram hui lets red-..en e. 1.1. i.r ..dwajr.

Int. niirat prints,Mi M.i.NA'.I.I -Int re llnlo re it. Janus-y ltd th" BeV.JOtBB

II vu sooacte, 1.,ie, oas ui-i.n ors 11. .1 .'! 11 sits tl tie fun.-rai aer-va . :r, a lu. ,1 ri -ld'' ie 1.41 l'ark av. PhlildelBOl 1.I'ei.n en rharauay. feswasni 1, rn j ii, m.

Iliteriiieul al w ash. n ie lon kele, U roll se LO.. X. Y., ou ,*i..tur-civ ab earr '¦ si s. a.

(l.n.ue aud lah:.UL.a Sajmn pleasa Ci)P)' BOt.CO ufth)(haili,MORROW At Jo; s y Cit.-. February U, 5!o-ru*. aead -<s yeal*

Rc .a; v . ano sn nus of the fimiy en lavltsl' te snood 1 Ins* lluir.i. sf.. rn.i..11 st J W O'Uoi'B,UM tba1 ne. .ue .' bi* biutUer. Isaac Wc.rair, I.i7 nr.iiid st, Jer. ¦-. :iy.

LB At the ntwtcecs ot bar om, Pr, T. NtobolaKm Bru' h. mu y 11, l.iih 1 .-it'i ls, la tbs OOJ yest11. kc.- ii*.'.

Non,-, ui t ueiai beraafti r.

rill 1,11'- Pe -,- J 1 M, Bl '1:* r-nl-i", tu1 iii. .1.1.11 m .aa sm of the late wi'nam vv.Chi ll .. i». n.

Relatives sad trteodi ire lovttedto sttoaltas (woori . r11. 1.11 Un. 1 nm m.-. a. . 1 ci .1.11 1. ..tb ave, eira, r1 ltli.,1 ,11 I im... uv alni sum al 1 ni, wk.

PRAJ In,'hu ag.. HU OB-lal inlay. SBth OfJanuarc, Wiidi*ll. IllV

Nulli e ni linn ru Bi MistRVl lilH' 'Tl SBBOaiT tl. I**'!, Jehu Ityckman. aged sdyean B rasai >*

I'tiueisl s. ria s vv ll take Jiln.'e athis hone. No. 7 M ears, M. X., oa t'hnrids/, nbnarra>Ma

llil'lll- li.Beteune nnd rneoSa ambtrltsa to anent. s nih '. Ul vv did.,' a: is id di.-el Mallen. ROMBri, v e 11 n -il el t ie J lu nain frani l 10 fo itid Harelay .-l Ne* sera, vii .>. aud U H. lt.

BKABUKY.AX .lanni. .1. L . eu 'le.lnsln, fobru .ry .1.11 ni Ut KiMliuiii.e aifn.'i l. *. senburr

Illili lal *' ivicea. ii- .al-' resi-1 SM oa -aturdav. I li m.I.,al Se'OtMk. mi Mo.uiv. reorasr;' 1. t *, ,, lleion A wife «fthe Inn- Hew .r ^._t

lt. -iiiiiv -i iimi 11 ui, sn un.. *l 11 stteal hoc iirnni cstlillis [|,- ,:, -ttl, 1.1 a. Keels:*, Koa;.,'.'. ( aiiiiiiunipi*r..-, 1- Jersey ,ty.

Bl Rt NOB Uie-d.iv. li hm ny'J. st IBS r -i BOMS of h.a...n. PatcrsM, N.j, Albsri ;s. Btraaya Ut tai rod your ofbli ig

Nun. ,¦ 11. 11 ral bm after.iiii. . Hath* Bof Pebraary, lattft, Itasoss Trgrr. witsnf isslliaui 11- ni> liens

The 1uiiei.1i will butt ieir residence oa lu-li.-v lu'.-i.s-kia tue un-ruo,-i m tb hsirai at liratt .charo, Veiuniin,u-i tbs luhu-vl'i: ai.-.-rn ott

l-.l .: y 1. ntl 11'ivliT-.

WltlUH I'-Ai i'iiiiph ll Hall. Dring* CM uv. H V-MthSl-l ,ed or hean .ii"-:i-e. Mr*. Miry Ann, wife of 1 1 ll.VI 1 mill, in ISM li itt I'ear of be: ag.:.

yul nu-an ivi ines 1.1.. I,:,1 in. ,t, I.-;, BTtflsaa Faaaah11 -iii 4n Vi'ir*

Kimer.iiaiTVu«s will tie bel,! at til" ("'larch nf tho Me**i*!i,1 ark-sn. -uu Sith -... m i miay. I^sbrasry ..,uiu m

Veteran*! f IV 7th He'lr..-nt, Nalniual Utiarh M. N. V.ale ii ,'i.-,:e t UU I.-- l lal ni lian.... h .till .; 1.11I u'lii'iuy 1.) Hem ..4 Ucl jil.,'i, ll.Jis.aj,t,,p' ,.. j.. 11. \vi.\i.iii-..,i..ii, i stsasi

Bacdal Kotitti.»,._ IViH'em F. Hoare, tneitooeer.

MUnlUi'S Al'CCI'lX UH.. U.illiS,.' ul.. ll AVI-.M I

iMIel I-: .IN 1> .vlii.ii-lUN* .,1 .11 vi u. nt u* and riin-iiri

Mn-,1' \ 1 ,.A niUINA <\ DISPLAY.ill l.l >.,l.|i Al Alli KIN

THIB Ul n- vi .imi :it n\V.Villi. I AND .. Al 9 tn LOCK Ai'lt DAV.

I'u-t OlBee Notice.

|sho'iid Le r vd mu v by all totenSBSA as rhau?i s rnvjr oecur a. any lime

la tl. t - fur 1 ni trie*need n d he »pec:allr s'.Jrossclfi r dispatch lu ii< pu'.u'ill ir »l a .iee xe. n wOmO li 1* il 1

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tacstga im is 10 I1,.. *s'V saOms POhraarp 0 win dasi,, i 11 il ea ¦..- ji thia sSMs sa bMM -

Tn f u- li i a- i lil i. ai. ter K 1:0 rn, pera. a. OoaM vu

Un ttMiOWBi al u. BL tor Ca e Ila-, ti, sst Kuauiuu iiitJ'i iii ... -. um, par *¦ s.,,1- ,

fi | a. in- *t rierre anjaeloa, por stsjaisrii,,ai na dan.

Mill i..1.1.1 vii :s. iu. tar Btonps, pur », s OsIJia vis.i.-i,-i -s.-n istten torus souty.ei mun oe diroc. *»

-,,-.,, ,1 i- -. ai . a. IU. lor ll SglUiB d.r- t u<: 4. a.

smssadeta "ii».'i- iiiiu-n amt es rarMSM pet. ,. .,. .h. mr........ .ii... i. eera a- via li.esueo: at *iuu a. la. mi J uia.c*. i outr.l\.V. ina ami tm Booth IrBOlSS SSTH, rm h «. ral »hi ii n ni Iv.'. .-''.. Ito*' .¦ f"r atsims "i isl Os.i'i'i...'! ii -o" ..mi i -'ii '' .". o »- '". bm *ew-f ¦.oi -ui.": ruin lljhiai. a

l.'M,' i.'u ire... ;or ». S fSSMB I ltJ p. Bk MN islai. Ba 1'. P-"' *. ' -tOagsrai ai IS p. ta fj.-i- is7oTh\ per a.*. uyo Be.-liii. vu gaemt

Mima ia' Cami aal J*.»-ia. Piena Uai^.o i.'lu SM ITi'i-,.. ,, .ni' ".".' ' J- '"'/ st i pr -tt. Mu-A if

.... >«.« /.'.iU.-i I. sis Iwie i. sTni asi i -li ana tit.a.eia BSCS.S. Aiaiunua lilas -rn r'rtai'.MiJ. Salli isrs

ruorosrv '. si i ii. us. nu ou arnvu al S>* Voriot*. a. lirmuuio. wuu d'Uiili iuii.i l-l-- Aaii..-«un.Mau* fin> *a-loiy l»l*i.n. pur a. *. ra uti ifraa tu

Irrauiii cai. oiiMJU-i-'. .. O.U11-. Jl at 7 a- u.'-irCab*, or rall to Taaiua. Flt., aaa thais j > or sui a-r.tro.u Ka/ kV oat, Fia., cluw a; lan oJboi daily ni .':*v»a. .a.

Ti .e *<!ie bile of rlmlngnf Truns-PsciOe mill* li miSjsajajon lb . juesiiiiipuon of -aoii auloi*.rru,-tj.l ce.iirh.iid liai^illu *a i F.-ai4Ci»l» ou tbs dav of saning ul staaaisrs aaa dk>

pa.cbe-1 ibnca tue »**gfc Q PKAlijMjK, I'osUuialur.I'ust UfBcs, Nsw York, K V.. Jin «0. !.»«¦