library of congress · lost akd pound. at greatfalls, vt., july 4, silver-rimmed eyeglasses. notify...

LOST AKD POUND. AT GREAT FALLS, Vt., July 4, silver-rimmed eyeglasses. Notify M. V. Mutler, *10 I st. n.w. . BEAGLE HOUND male puppy, black, tan, white, 6 montlis old. Return to Goodacre Lunch, 9th and N. Y. art. Reward. 1 CANE, silver top, bent, dark stick, lost at Great Falls Station on Washington-bound csr, about 9 p.m. July 4, Initials "H. E. C." on handle and name on ferrule. Reward. Address Box 179-T. 8tar office. DOG, sbout two feet high, dart brown, shaggy, with probably collar or broken chain. Reward if returned to Adams Express Co., 2nd and I sts. n.e. OIRL'S COAT.At Marshall Hall, July 2. Re- turn 1812 North Capitol st. HOLD EYUG LASSES, chain and button; reward. Address Box 112-A, Star office. 6* LOCKET, bloodstone cameo, lost July 4. Re¬ ward if returned to office of Rochambeau Apt, LOST.Pocket book on N. Y. are., 12th or F sts. n.w., containing $2.50 in cash and some papers. Return to 904 11th n.w. LOST.On July 3 a female Airedale dog. color tan, with a scar on her back. Reward. 926 L'flth st. n.w. . MONEY.Cash. $80, either on street vicinity 3rd and Pa. ave. n.w. or on 14th st., N. J. ave. or Georgetown cars. Liberal reward and no ques¬ tion asked if returned to C. M. Berry, 736 Hobart place n.w. Phone Col. 3911. POCKETBOOK, on back of purse, souvenir of New York, containing about 8170; lost between Russian embassy and Harvey's. Seventy dollars reward return to C. W. Hill, New Willard Hotel. 5* POCKETBOOK.On Rockville car, arriving in city about lo p.m., July 4; Masonic papers of value to owner only. W. R. Schmucker, Lans- bnrgh A Bro., 420 7th st. POCKETBOOK, containing $131; lost Tuesday night in store on M st. Liberal reward and no iiuestions asked. 3210 N st. n.w. 5* WATCH, gold, in black leather bracelet, Mon¬ day evening. Cougress Hall Hotel to 400 N. J. ave. s.e., and small diamond ring, tied in hand¬ kerchief. Reward. 400 N. J. ave. s.e. WANTED.HELP. AGENTS. OUR AGENTS AVERAGE $25 WEEKLY. WE WANT YOU. EASTLAND STUDIOS. 1107 F st. n.w. MALE. A FIRST-CLASS COOPER. The Corby Co., Langdon. D. C. ALERT MEN.To avail themselves of excellent ©pport unities to enter the government service as trained draftsmen at first-class salaries, after a special course (night or day) at Columbia School of Drafting. Unprecedented demand. Start at once. Get particulars. McLachlen Hdg.. 10th and G. AN ERRAND BOY wanted in tailor shop. 1104 14th st. n.w. An opportunity for employment by The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. For machinist and car repairmen. For white and colored laborers. Apply Room 261. Union atatlon. Washington. D. 0. AUTO REPAIR MAN for country shop; good wages. Address Box 104-A. Star office. ft* BAR( PORTER wanted, good. Apply Sterling BOOKKEEPER wanted, young man, for perma¬ nent position; excellent opportunity for advance¬ ment. Loose Wiles Biscuit Co., 513 R. I. ave. n.e. BOY. to learn the electrotyping trade. Wash¬ ington Electrotype Co.. Inc.. 923 11th st. n.w. BOY.White, about sixteen; mnst be bright and active. Apply at once, the Commercial Photo Co., 1403 H st. n.w. BOY. colored, over 16, as porter 1n drug store; references required as to character. Apply be¬ tween 5 and 6 p.m., 215 14th st. s.e. BOY. about 16, to act as runner and clerk in bank. Address Box 161-A. Star office. BOY, for barber shop. Apply Riggs Barber Shop. 15th and G sts. n.w. BOY8 wanted between the ages of eight and thirteen to prepare for entrance in the choir of St. John's Church. 16th and H sts. n.w.; salaries are paid: good training and discipline. Apply daily at the church, or by mail, to Henry H. Freeman. Choirmaster. BRIGHT errand boy (white) who wants per- manent position to grow. Apply D. J. Ksufman, 1005-7 Pa. ave. BUSHELMAN.Experienced; at once. 1616 Q st. n.w. BUTLER wanted, colored. Apply Thursday and Friday. 3 to 5, 1726 New Hampshire ave. ^ CAR REPAIRMAN, laborers, etc.; good positions open. Apply Room 261 Union Station. CHAUFFEUR (white), for Ford delivery. 2740 14th st. n.w. CHAUFFEUR (white); experience not necessary; good wages. Address Box 89-A. 8tar office. CLEANER and preaser wanted at once for la¬ dles' and men's clothes. Apply 808 18th st. n.w. CLERK in delicatessen shop; must have good references; good salary to industrious man. 2810 14th st. n.w. COLORED young men to remove dishes from tsbles; hours, 5-10 p.m. Apply Wallis Cafe. HI7 12fh st. r rOOK wanted; good wages. Riggs Lunch, 1622 14»h st. n.w. #?. D. E. BOOKKEEPER.One with banking experience preferred; must have first-class references; excellent opportunity for capable man; one with experience of adding machine preferred. Ad¬ dress Box 162-T, Star office. DISHWASHER.Good pay. 1206 Pa. are. n.w.5* DRIVER wsnted; reference required. Applv 1540 North Capitol at. DRUG CLERK, registered. Address Box 171-T, Star office. ELECTRICIANS (two). 808 9th st. n.w. ELEVATOR BOY.Good wages; fine opportunity; bring references. The Burlington, 1120 Vermont ave. n.w. KLE\ATOR BOY (colored>, licensed: knowledge ?! "wltchbo,rd- APImanager, Chatham Court. 1731 Col, road. ELEVATOR BOYS.Experienced; good refer¬ ences. Apply the Altamont. 1901 Wyoming ave. ENGINEER for ice factory. Apply to chief. Crystal Plate Ice Co.. 85th and K. 7* ENGINEER.One familiar with Ice machine and general all-round man; salary, room and bosrd. Apply to Mr. Yowell, Manager, Columbia Coun- try ciqh. Chevy Chase. Md. Phone Cleve. 590. ERRAND BOY with wheel. Apply G. L. Huskc optical Co.. 1429 H st. n.w. FRENCH pastry baker wanted, first-class: wages. *80 per month and board. Apply the Md. Din¬ ing Room. Hagerstown. Md. «;ooI) TYPIST; one of experience preferred: state salary expected. Address Box 140 A, Star office. I'OOD. STRONG MEN to handle ice; white or colored: pay 25c an hour or $2.50 per day. Ad- ply Terminal Plant. 11th and E at*, s. GROCERY and vegetable clerks; must be ex¬ perienced, competent men; permanent positions With good wages. Apply Friday morning, 8 o clock, at 624 Pa. ave. n>w-. HOUSE ROY (colored), with references. 1503 Rhode Island ave. n.w. HOUSEMAN, colored^ experi- enced; stay nights if desired. Ref¬ erences. Mr. Luchs,713 14th st. n.w. JAMTOli., familiar with garage work. Apply Packard Motor Car Co.. 1214 N. H. ave. JOB and cylinder pressmen; good salary; permit tient position. Apply Marvin S. Young Co., 7th and If. I. ave. n.e. Jt.LIUS OARF1NKLE & CO. have several per¬ manent positions open for competent and Intelli¬ gent colored men of good character as porter* etc. Apply t>efore 10 s.m. at 527 13th st. n.w! LABORERS. white, wanted; good pav; change for promotion. Penna. II.R. Co.. 4'^ and E sts s-w. 8* LINOTYPE INSTRUCTION, I)sy snd evening classes: 6 weeks. $25; 3 months. $60. Wash. Mergenthaler Linotype School, 100«S H at. n.w. M. 3319. MAN, not over 40, for permanent position; must ride bicycle. Addresa Box 139-A. Star office. MAX.Colored, to work on country place, on Rockville trolley line; good salary and board. steady Job. Apply F. C. Steward. 12th and F n.w. MAN.To work in washroom. Electric SunTtary laundry. 1385 11 st. n.e. MEAT CUTTER WANTED; good pay and steadv position to competent man. E. T. Goodman, Arcade 4narket. MEAT CUTTERS.Permanent positions; good wag«.« for competent, experienced men. Apply I-riday morning. 9 o'clock. »t »$24 Pa. ave. n.w. SlEN, white or colored, several, to work around Mkery; aUo stable man. White Cross Bakery. 6ft»-41 S st. n.w. MEX for grocery clerks, preferably 30 to SO years of sge; must furnish best reference* as to character, etc. For particulars call 52 O st. n.w.. about 11 a.m. MEN. three, good, reliable, between 35 and 55 ofri5*e;, saI*ry and commission. Apply WttJlS © st .BranC* Co * 308 McGlll bldg., J! EV8 CLOTHING SALESMAN.RELIABLE MATURE YEARS; MUST BE THOR- 2J;25^'J.-£xi>kr,bnced: excellent op- SHS2C7NIIY. AT GOOD SALARY FOR MAN nWPA AVE17' APPLY MR. GR08NER, ^EN(colored) to learn barber trade; all or WANTED.HELP. MALE.Coition**- OFFICE BOY wanted; f^/hance adTanCeT ment. Ernest Glchner. 1107 E at. n.w. PAINTERS.Eight. Apply at once. J. * PAINTERS.First-class. Lang Decorative flhop, r-OKTKR. Apply to foremen, U. Coptland Co.. 409 11th at. n.w. PORTERS, at once. Apply before io a.m., Supt., S. Kann Sons & Co. PORTER At drug store. Connecticut and Florida avenues. _ ¦' PORTER To take care of store; must V. cood reference: good salary and steady JP° fi?n Apply New8 York Waist Store. 1113 f at. pqjjtpr for grocery store; local experience. Apply L'740 14th St. n.w. . j PORTER for tailor store. mo^ F st. n.w. PRESSEli wanted at once. Apply 3420 lltn st. n.w. PRESSER. olored. at once. 300 * st. n.e.. PRESSER wanted. Mertz & Merta Co., 906 st. n.w. ]{QoF SLATERS wanted. Apply 424 1 st st. s.e. SALESMAN.Young man, to assist In hat store. Desn Hat Co.. 422 9th st. n.w. 8A LESMAN.-Capable of ^UciUng for mew^nt tailor in military camp. Address Box zvo , Star office. SALESMEN.Steady position; $50 in casn se¬ curity required; good pay for 8 Hve wir references. Addres« 164-T. Star once. SASH STICKER; also novelty molder. Apply at mill, 1st and N sts. s.e. Ihomas W. Smitn Lumber Co. -.r* SECOND COOK, white; $70. Apply 1105 8thi st. n.w. after 8 p.m. .. SEVERAL WHITE MEN for deHver^ must un- derstand driving horses and have J«ht mendations: cive age. *"*se *. pected. Address Box 10G-A. Star office. ».. SHOE SALESMAN . Experi¬ enced ; permanent position; good opportunity. Confidential. Address Box 147.A, Star officp SHOE MAX.Experienced, to assist as buyer and manager. Ad¬ dress Box 140.A. Star office. SHORT-ORDER COOK wanted for Goodacre Lunchroom. 9th nnd N. Y. ave. SODA BOY.At once. Ogram's, 13th and^Pa. SODA WATER BOY. Affleck's Drug Store, 14th and U sts. n.w. TINNER'S HELPER. 466 K st. n.w. TINNERS.Two: good. Apply 526 13th st. n.w. TINNERS' HELPERS wanted. 113 St. s.w. WAITERS.Two; experienced; white. Apply 2810 14th st. n.w. WANTED.Youns: man to drive laundry wagon. Apply Frazee Potomac Laundry Co., 18th an«#u* WANTED.Porter, colored, aged 30, at 1137 14th n.w. .-.' WANTED.Job press feeders. Franc. E. Sheiry, 1003 E st. n.w. ' WANTED.Driver for Ford delivery wagon and store porter. Reeves. 1200 1 st. n.w. .> WANTED.A colored boy for delivery, one who can ride a wheel. 719 H n.w. WANTED.A young man under 21, who would like the opportunity of learning the automobile insurance business; good opportunity for the right youth; small salary and commission to start. Answer by letter only to L. D. Lngel, 801 Jenifer bldg. . WANTED.A high-class man not under 25 years of age. preferably with selling experience, te handle a very fine local proposition with old- established firm; splendid chance for rapid ad¬ vancement; must furnish best references; all in¬ quiries confidential; commission h«9is and draw- ing account, if you can prove your adaptability to the work. H. C. Bailey. 318 Colorado bldg. WANTED.White boys over 16 for factory work. Apply before 9 a.m. at Topham's. 1219 F st. n.w. WANTED.Three boys to learn tinning and cornice making. Apply 1802 11th st..n.w.. WANTED.For suaiuer hotel, colored dishwash¬ ers, $25 a mouth; potwasher and fireman, a month: fore on5 way; long season. Apply Grafton Hotel. YOUNG MAN. 16 to 20 years. Reed S. Baker, 1322 F st. n.w. YOUNG MAN as steamfitter's helper. Room 1, 817 G st. n.w. .2 YOUNG MAN, with bicycle, to collect bills. It. M. Burton & Son. 911 E st. n.w. YOUNG MAN wanted as bookkeeper; perma¬ nent position; with excellent opportunity for ad- vancement. Address Box 165-T. Star office. , YOUNG MAN.Experienced, to feed job print¬ ing press. OWEN K. TRUITT CO., 1211 lou st. n.w. ___ YOUNG MAN.High school graduate with sales experience: salary, $12. Apply Mr. Lanson, Washington Times office. YOUNG MEN wanted, two. white, to work as driver and helper on towel wagon. Apply to Mr. Vincent. 10ir» 9th st. n.w. 5 YOUNG MAN. under 21 years of age, to work in electrical store. Apply 1207 F st. , YOUNG COLORED MAN. to care for 2 horses and drive delivery wagon; must know city thor¬ oughly. Apply 711 7th n.w. YOUNG MAN wanted to work in store. W. L. Warner. 12th and Florida n.w. 0 ar- YOUNG MAN under twenty-one to collect rents and make himself useful in real estate office;.one with some experience and who can operatelord auto preferred: $30 per month to sta^t. Address Box 323-T. Star office. 2 FIRST-CLASS PAPEBHANGERS. 2728 Sher- man ave. n.w. female. BINDERY WOMEN, experienced; **0 per week; permanent position. Apply Marvin S. loung Co., 7th and Rhode Island ave. n.». _ BOOKKEEPER.On* with good experience, who can also operate typewriter. Apply Brewood, 519 13th st. n.w. CASHIER wanted. good hours and wages. Miss Buch. 1417 New York av«». n.w. CLERK in office with a knowledge of.tonog¬ raphy and typewriting; salary about $8 week- Addiess Box HO A. Star office. l,f.;rn-nje^amljmaiiager. Apply MO H n.w ELEVATOR OPERATORS. colored; can range for instruction. Apply at once Thomas J Fish*»r A Co.. Inc.. 738 15th st. n.w. Ex PERIENCED SALES¬ WOMAN in Art Needlework Dept.; must be neat, energetic and enthusiastic; permanent po¬ sition; good salary. Apply be¬ fore io a.m. to S. Hart, mgr., Lansburgh & Bro. __ EXPERIENCED saleslady in our suit dept.; steady position »n.l aood salarj; only thoM "lth experience need apply. Roberts. tiAA F St. n.w.__ EXFER 1ENC ED SALES¬ LADIES for all departments; permanent positions and good salary. Apply before io a.m. to S. Hart, mgr., Lansburgh &_Bro. t ItlKK for sl.irt waist f.n-1 underwear dept.; fo* .nlary and steady position". Apply New York W«i»t Store. 1113 FIRST-CLASS IN STRUCTOR in all branches of knitting, em¬ broidering. crocheting and lamp shade making. Must be neat and up to date in all branches; perma¬ nent position ; good salary. Ap¬ ply before io a.m. to S. Hart, mgr., Lansburgh & Bro. GIRL f»-r office work, vsith some knowledge of typewriting; salary. $0 week. Address nux 110-A. Star office. '1 GIRL, to work in shop; $5 per week. 720 17th n.w GIRLS for office work. The <juick Service letter Shop. 1426 T st. n.w. , GIRLS wanted to learn corset business. Apply Model for«et Shop. H2ft 11th St. n.w. 7 HAND iSoNERS. experienced. West End Laondry. 172< Pa. ave. n.w. . LADIES' CLOTHES IRONERS .Experienced. De Sales Hand Laundry. 1730 L St. N.W. T-A1>Y CLERK for 1laundry office; state age, ex¬ perience and salary exix-cted. Address Box 13.VA. Star oflic«-. MANGLE I!AND and shakers wanted. Apply Barry Laundry, rear 708 Morton st. n.w. PIANO PLAYER for moving picture theater. Address Box Star office. LADIES wanted for house-to-house work, selling a'guaranteed line of necessities; different from the ordinarv canvassing; a permanent income to those who will work. Write. Address Box 144-A, Star office. LAI* N DRY HELP of ail kinds. Apply Mr. Peck, Mgr.. Electric Sanitary Laundry. 1335 N st._ nj; POSITION open for a first-class head of woman's hosierv stock: not absolutely necessary to have been head of stock before, but one who has been assistant or a very clever, intelligent haleswoinan would be 'considered; only one or reflnem.-nt end with best references as regards character acceptable. Address Box 1L4-A, star office. S. KANN SONS & CO. .require at once .experienced saleswomen for the following departments: .Laces, Neckwear, Ribbons, Notions, Druggist Sundries, Muslin Underwear. .Apply before io a.m., Superin¬ tendent's office, fourth floor. SALESI*ADIES, experienced, for Saturdays, at Beehive Stere..«K 7th auW. WAFTED.HELP. FEMALE.Contlned. REFINED YOUNG LADIES AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS, Between 18 and 23 years of age; 8th grade education; salary paid while learning; rapid advance¬ ment ; splendid surroundings; rest rooms and dining rooms; sick benefits. C. &. P. TELEPHONE CO.. , ROOM 32, 722 12th St. N.W, SALESWOMEN, twenty-five at once. Excellent opportunities open for inexperienced as well as ex¬ perienced women. Apply before 10 a.m., Supt., S. Kann Sons & Co. SHIRT HANDS, experienced. West End L»un- dry. 1723 Pa. ave. n.w. SIX colored woman waitresses. Apply to Mrs. Ford, dining hall. Catholic University. Brook- land, D. C. $25.00 month and board. Take cars on G st. marked Brookland. 9* STARCHERS, experienced. Apply Arcade Laun¬ dry Arcade bldg.. 14th nnd Park road. STENOGRAPHER for large steam laundry; must be accurate and refined; salary, $8; apply statins reference, experience, etc. Address Box 206-T, Star office. , STENOGRAPHER, typewriter and general office work; must be experienced. Apply M. Brooks A Co.. 1109 G n.w. STENOGRAPHER. Apply between 12 and 1 o'clock 509 Union Trust hldg. , STENOGRAPHER. Must be experienced ; steady posi¬ tion and good salary. Apply to Mr. Lester Lansburgh, care of Lansburgh & Bro. STENOGRAPHER and tjrpint In pitent «ttor- ney's office; permanent position; salary, $15 to $18 per week, dependent on proficiency. Address. stating qualifications. Box 107-A. Star office. 0* STENOGRAPHER.Patent experience preferred; good salary. Address Box 125-A. Star office. STENOGRAPHER (bright). Apply 519 Southern building. STENOGRAPHER and typist, by commercial house; $16 per week; must be efficient. Ad¬ dress Box 170-T. Star office. STENOGRAPHER, young lady; if beginner, must be bright and accurate; state salary desired. Address Box 102-A. Star office. 5* STENOGRAPHER and typewriter; $10 per week. Room 218. McGlll hldg.. 912 G st. STENOGRAPHER. At National Hotel, apply Mr. Ruth. Manager. TYPEWRITER.Expert, With knofcvie<Jge shorthand; $60 to start: lawyer's office; state age, experience and previous employment. Ad¬ dress Box 159-A. Star office. WAITRESSES, 6, white, at once. Apply 916 F at. n.w. WAITRESSES wanted, two; experienced. Four- teenth St. Lunch. 500 14th st. n.w. WAITRESS, competent, efficient, neat appearing; good wages. Ap- ply Child's, 1423 Pa. Ave. N.W. WAITRESS, experienced, wanted at once; best wages. Apply Globe Restaurant Co., 1110 F st. n.w. I WANTED.Honest, bright young woman as clerk in hardware and paint store; must have goo<l references and able to answer phone; no experi- ence needed. Apply to 42fl 7th st. s.w. M. 320. WANTED . Experienced ste¬ nographer and typist. Apply Supt., 1st floor, Palais Royal, G andj nth sts. WOMAN, colored, to work on country place .... Rockville trolley line; good salary and board: steady Job. Apply F. C. Steward. 12th and F sts. n.w. WOMEN for general work; good! positions open. Apply Room 261, Union Station. . WOMEN.To work on electric power sewing ma¬ chine; steady work; good pay. 817 King st., Alexandria. Va. YOUNG LADY aa cashier on soda fountain; ex¬ perience and references necessary; hours. 5:30 p.m. to 12. Address Box 137-A. Star office. * YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER nod typewriter with knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply D. J. Kaufman. 1005-7 Pa. are. YOUNG LADY for office work, with some ex¬ perience in bookkeeping. The Norria Peters Co., 45S Pa. ave. YOUNG LADY to work In coffee store; make out billa. etc.; must be accurate at figures and five references; state age and salary. Address Box 129-A. Star office. 6* YOL'K'G LADY.Bookkeeper, typewriter^ state experience and salary expected. Address Box 94-A. Star office. T,« YOUNG LADY.Neat; over 18 years. Apply Hnyler's. 12th and F sts. YOUNG LADIES, from 16 to 25 yeara old, to sew on FAULTLESS PAJAMAS AND NIGHT SHIRTS. Learners taken and paid while under Instruction. Apply after 1 p.m.. D. Roscnfield & Co., 1422 1st st. n.e. HALE AND FEMALE. A CIVIL SERVICE PHOTO, 20c. FOB EX¬ AMINATIONS. GET YOUR8 NOW. BROOKS' STUDIO, 1329 F 8T. W W. MAIN 1078. U. S. GOVERNMENT needs thousands clerks (men-women) for war preparations; $100 month; life Jobs; write immediately for liat position ob¬ tainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 48-F, Roches- ter. N. Y. CIVIL SERVICE.Quick prepsratlon for coming examinations. Our plain and alrwplified course of coaching will save you time and labor. Fee, $3, complete. Call or addreaa 521 Rock Creek Church road. COACHING for first-grade departmental, field, statistical and other civil service examinations; 2 weeks for $3. Address Box 271-M, 8tar office. FILE CLERK.Man or woman; must be careful and accurate. Technical Supply Co.. 725 14th st. SPECIAL PREPARATION for first-grade civil service examination. July 7; also for examina¬ tion July 11; tuition for entire course for both examinations. $4. Box 56-M. Star office. WANTED.For i»ermanent commercial work, young man or woman for general office work. Apply by letter, stating experience. If any, and salary expected. Address Box 166-T. Star office. YOUNG MAN or girl, at once, to answer pri- vate switchboard. 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.. at 2650 Wisconsin are.. Georgetown: resident preferred; reasonable salary. Phone West 1900. FEMALE DOMESTIC. A NEAT GIRL for general housework. Apply 2722 13th st. n.w. * 1 CHAMBERMAID and waitress; references. Ap¬ ply 1839 It st. n.w. CHAMBERMAID, assist In laundry; $20. 183 12th a e. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, $25; leave city: small family: other places, city, suburbs and away. Ladles' Exchange. H07 Vermont ave. 5* CLEANERS, white, day. Apply Housekeeper, St. .Tames Hotel. COLORED WOMAN for general housework; ref¬ erence. 3ft v st. n.w. 1 COOK-HOUSEWORKER for four, $25 (suburbs); other cooks, city and resorts. Ladies' Exchange, 807 Vermont ave. 5* COOK and housework: small family: stay nights. Phone Cleve. 244. 5406 41st at. n.w. COOK--In private home in country; all modern convenience. F. 8teln. 434 7th st. n.w. 5* COOK and general housework. Apply Burch's I>rygoods Store, 808 II n.e. Will pay $5 per week if satisfactory. 5* COOK and general houseworker: small family; r<-ferences required. 1427 Longfellow st. n.w. EXPERIENCED NURSE to help with car.; of 1 wo bablea. Address Box 132-A. Star office. 7* EXPERIENCED nurse girl. 1202 Delafleld place. Columbia 1070-J. GENERAL HOUSEWORK.References required. 1*H Adams Mill road. GIRI. wanted for general housework. 27 Ontario road n.w. . GIRL for general housework; stay nights; ref¬ erences. Phoni N. 8334. 2109 18th St., Apt. 21. c,« GIRL to help wth general housework" «85 F GIRL for general housework. Apply Monday. July 9, after 7 p.m.. Mrs. Evans, Mendota Apartment. 20th and Kalorama road. GIRL wanted, settled, white, help mind 2 chil¬ dren while mother is at work. Call at once, 1002 11th st. n.w.. in basement. * LAUNDRESS and assist with waiting. 1836 I st. n.w. . LAI NDRE8S for two; take clothes home; car fare; white preferred. Address Box 56-A, Star office. MAID, colored, to do general housework; two Apply bet. 10 a.m. and WANTED.HELP. FEMALE DOMESTIC-.CoBtlawc*. WOMAN for funeral housework; go home night*. 1120 Girard at. n.w. . WOMAN for light housework at once; nter* ences. 1010 Massachusetts ave. n.e. WOMAN to clean apt. and do laundry; city references required. 208 Hammond Court, 80th and Q ata. n.w. WOMAN to cook, waah and Iron. 1474 Clifton at. n.w. YOUNG GIRL to look after small child and assist in light housework. Phone Cleve. 898, or call 8825 Morrlaon St.. Chevy Chaee. P. C. WANTED.SITUATIONS. MALIC. ACCOUNTANT will open, clow, »adlt, keep books, install prepare Bn«n<rl»l .««*- ments, tax report®, etc.: reasontbl. charge. Ad* dr»», Box 122-A. Star offlce. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN. Parla Beaur Arta training, many years of practical exg^rt- ence, seeks position. Address Box 06-A, Star offlce. CHAUFFEUR'S POSITION for Ford delivery car; can furnish good references. 512 U st. n.w. CHAUFFEUR.Colored: private family: 21 yeara one place. Jesse Williams. 1406 Corcoran n.w.ft* CHAUFFEUR.French-Swiss; careful driver; good mechanic; do own repairs; wishes position with private family; good references. Address Box 5*>-P. Star offlce. " JOBBING and carpenter work; large or small; also brick work, concrete work and small Jobs of hauling: big Jobs of window washing. Call me. W. S22-J. NIGHT POSITION by educated colored man; of any kind; best references. Tall after 5 p.m. or before 9 a.m. Phone N. 1A37-W. A WANTED.Paperhanger, painter, flrst-claae, de¬ sires work city or country; reasonable rates. Paperhanger. 1819 Park road. WATCHMAN.Well recommended; reliable and wide-awake. F. Horback. 26 Eye n.e. 6* YOUNG MAN with farm experience wanta work on dairy farm; small wages. Address Box <W-A, Star office. 8" FEMALE. SCHOOL TEACHER wants clerical position for summer; state salary. Address Box 79-A, Star offlce. UNDERGRADUATE NURSE would like position in doctor's offlce or private nursing; willing to. travel; also chaperon young girls or children. Ad dress Box 133-A. Star office. WANTED.To nurse; stay nights; reference. 330 K st. s.w. YOUNG LADY would help in home in ex¬ change for room. Address Box 123-A. Star offlce. YOUNG WOMAN of considerable business ex¬ perience wishes responsible position: stenog¬ raphy; references. Address Box 120-A, Star office. MALE AND FEMALE. COOK.Widow and son wish place together; re¬ liable; no objection suburb or country. Box 98-A, 8tar offlce. ° MAN AND WIFE, white, aged 42; man aa but¬ ler, chauffeur, houseman or caretaker; wife plain cook, chambermaid or laundress; very reliable couple; 8 yeara last place; best of references; good wages expected; state wages and partlcu- lars. Address Box 294-T. Star offlce. 11* FEMALE DOMESTIC. ANY KIND OF WORK.Reliable colored woman; by the day. 1425 Church st. n.w. . CHAMBERMAID and waitress; small family; colored woman. 2011 9th st. n.w. COLORED GIRL wants nosltion as cook for small family. Call at 1827 Vermont ave. n.w. . COLORED GIRL wants position as cook and general houseV^ork. 71H f»th s.w. COMPETENT WHITE WOMAN, with excellent reference, wishes laundry to take home; large lawn for bleaching. Address Box lo«-A, Star offlce. *!__ GENERAL HOUSEWORK.In Chevy Chase; go home nights; colored. 1116 4th st. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORK or waitress wanted by neat colored girl. 229 O st. n.w. , GENERAL HOUSEWORK.Private; references. 210r» 12th st. n.w. HOUSEWORK.By colored girl; reference. 1826 Rlggs st. n.w. J PLACE as first-class cook. Address 2250 12th st. n.w. .' TRAINED NURSE.Will take every kind of case, invalid or confinement; willing to leave city. 2612 Georgia ave. n.w. A* WILL MANAGE housekeeping, also canning »nd preserving for families or hotels; experienced and references. Address Box 156-A, Star of¬ fice. WOMAN wants work, any kind, by week, day or half day. Call or write 201 12th n.e. ^WANTED.MISCELLANEOUS. MOTOR CYCLE wanted; one '16 or *17 model Harley-Darldson or Indian; will pay cash; state lojyeft price. Address Box 178-T. Star offlce. TYPEWRITER.State make, model and condi¬ tion, lowest cash price. Address Box 186-T, Star office. WANTED.Canoe; guaranteed good condition; reasonable; lowest price. Address Box 78-A, Star offlce. p* WANTED.Carload of manure. Address D. Bis- set, Garrett Park, Md. 5 WANTED.To buy old furniture and feather beds. When selling, why not drop a postal te the old reliable firm? . H. MARKS. 1002 Fairmont st. Phone Col. 881-1 IF YOU HAVE any pianos, talking machines, antiques. Jewelry, diamonds, silverware, mirrors, brasses or art objects to sell see Ellis Jk Arnold, 1823 Q st. n.w. Phone M. 4506. ENTIRE VALUE given for genuine old mahog¬ any furniture, mirrors, clocks, engravings, and¬ irons. fenders; also old sliver, trays. uins, Ua seta, porringers, etc. Correspondence invited. JORDAN. 817 17th st. n.w. Phone M. SMO. IF YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE, RUGS, CARPETS, ANTIQUES, FEATHER BEDS, STORE FIXTURES. STOCKS OF MERCHAN¬ DISE OR ANYTHING TO SELL. SEND FOR THE OLD. RELIABLE DEALER. "LOUIS NOTES, 814 E ST. N.W.," AND YOU WILL GET A SQUARE DEAL. TELEPHONE MAIN 4110. YOU WILL FEEL SATIS- FURNITURE, fled with prices I pay for r u ^ 8. WEIBENBERO. Only store, 622 E n.w. Main 1840. NOTICE.PAWN TICKETS CASHED. LOUIS ABRAHAMS. SIB G ST. Opposite Patent Ofltee, Second-hand diamonds and Jewelry bought. VICTROLAS exchanged for upright pianos. Lib¬ eral allowance* made. We carry a full line ef Vlctrolas, Grafonolas and records. Commodious soundproof rooms. Hugo Worch. 1110 Q. HIGHEST CAfcH PRICES PAID FOR SECOND- hand furniture, household goods and antiques. M. SHAPIRO. Phone M. 4026. 600 La. ave. n.w. A~SQUARB DEAL. Give us a trial. Highest prices paid for old, useless auto tires, papers, rags, metals and Junk of all kinds. Star Junk Co., No. 6 N st. n.e. Lincoln 4486. WE PAY BIG PRICES FOR IRON. AUTO TIRES. METALS. RAGS. PAPER 8T0CK, ETC. WE CALL PROMPTLY. EAGLE RAG AND METAL CO., BTH AND K N.W. PHONE MAIN 7687. WANTED . FURNITURE, PIANOS. CARPETS, etc. Phone M. 1282 for wagon, or have us call. "WESCHLER'S." 920 Pa. ave. n.w. WILL CALL CITY OR SUBURBAN. PAY highest cash prices for ladlea', men's and chll- dren'a worn clothing and ahoea. Write or Phone. J. TARSHES, 1308 7th n.w. Phone North 499. "A SQUARE DEAL" OUR MOTTO.HIGHEST prices paid for nien'a worn clothing, any quan¬ tity Be wise. Turn your clothes Into cash. Send postal. We will call. H. Blum A Son. 228 Q n.w. WANTED.OLD FALSE TEETH. Don't matter if broken. I pay $1 to $10 ner set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. F. TERL, 403 North Wolfe st., Baltimore. Md. Jyl8 CLOTHES wanted; highest prices paid for ladles', men's and children's worn clothes, ahoea North 8315. G. Llchtman. 1T44 7th n.w. FURNITURE. RUGb AND ANTIQUES. Special prices for high-grade goods. 8. A. CAMAiACK, Main 7080. 637 La. ave. n.w. I pay HIGHEST CASH PRICES for ladles* gents' and children's worn clothing, hats and shoes. Send postal and I will call. BEN BASS. 806 4% at. s.w. Main 8681, WANTED . Feather beds and furniture; beat prk" BQUARB DEAL FURNITTTRB CO.. PhoneMain BC88. 601 gy. St. a.w. AUTOGRAPHS, libraries, scarce ft good modern hooks, prints, portraits A engravings: cash down. The Rsre Book Shop. 813 17th. M. 1291. WANTED FURNITURE FOR CASH. SELL your goods to the man who glees you the most money. hopwooD'S. 8th and K. WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING OF VALUE. Best cash prices paid for Furniture, household goods, store and office fix¬ tures contents of hotels, stores and stocks of merchandise, clothing, shoes. Old gold and ailver. Phone M. 3080. Call or write. LITTLE JOE'S AUCTION HOUSE. 619 La. ave. WILL CALL IN MY UNLETTERED WAGON, rltv or subtirbsn, and pay you hlgheat prices for ladles, gentlemen's, children's discarded cloth- in* all descriptions. Address postal or phone. Wll rall W RICB. 1832 7thTw. N. 1788. "TURN YOUR old CLOTHES INTO CASH. Highest prices paid for men's and children's worn clothes and shoes. Send postal or phone. 11M 7th at. ».w. Ph.p. N.rtb MM. Wanted-aix kinds FURNITURE. W?FSKSBEr"r: (Ml I*. 83M. >AQU paid KOR TOOK rDBNITOBl. l_A.Z>n Merchandise, etc. 633 LA. AVE. N.W. NOTES. MAIN 8006. OLD GOLD. SILVER. ETC. rfrrnv vour 0i,i gold, silver and diamonds into CASIi wi the hifUMt I'RICKS In tho ciljr. CASH. WUAMT^. JEWEI.ET CO.. THE QUA LI 438 9th st. n.w. pXt'nJsT' BOUGHT ABE ABRAHAMS. We- Rnv and traae ,n,gold' Diamonds we JDUy tiiver. Jewelry. rp, r Jewelry Co., 508 9th st. n.w. The Lorenz ph M 9559. opp. Gayety. WANTKIj ALT. THI^OLI) U»ELE88 OOtD .nd .liver Ijlng Idle In your moud., jewelry P^tlnnm ;nJ f C. KAHR. Jeweler- #1* 13th «t.. «n»T. w. "HIGHEST CASH PRICES __ild for Jewelry, old gold, ailver. diamonds, « .' a'ALlfEA s. i - OLD GOLD. «.%TTTM SILVER, PLATINUM, lm coins and curtoa bought tad mm, TBin ~ PERSONAL. _ all kinds cement work done at wSA- aonable price.. For flrat-claaa work "JSTT" JOHN WIGNALL. 1201 Irving .tract n.e. N 9184. \ TOT OF RESPONSIBILITY RESTS OS OUR shoulder. aa a rt-.pan.lhlr taouw that M*« »« you get . fair deal. and It pay. na to t««t you square; that'. how we boy «o many men . worn suits, pants, .hoot, etc.; gtTe us a trial. JI-STTI'S OLD STAND. «» D- MASSAGE.GENERAL OR SI ECIAL. MRS. DREW. J.rrm Phone Columbia 1151. Main 7999. DUPLICATE KEYS. _ . Yale H71 (mad* bymaehlae). AB .».*» » fewinlnutes; 25c fuRNBR i OLAKK. g~ tricians and Locksmiths, 1507 H n.W. 11 16B5. Open ontil 6 p.m. ; Superfluous Ha<r, Warts, Moles, Permanently removed by electrolysis. Miss PRICKER. 408 Kenois bid*., 11th and Q. M.2S09. fCBN TOBR CLOTHES INTO OASHI W pay you a fancy price for men's. *0®"' .1" garments, WASHINGTON CLOTHING *X- CHANGE. «M P St. M. 8878 or drop paatal. Dr. Evans, 1347 L N.W. N. 2328 Consultation and one treatment free, that auf- ferers may learn of the wonderful reaulta from my new drugless treatment of Indigestion. coa- .tlpatlon and nervousness. . ZANCIG.Palmist and Psychic Headings, 50c and $1. Hours. 10 7. _ 904 14th at. n.w. 1 BTISDrESS~AN^JNCTEMIJrr3. CHIROPODIST. WILSON, CHIROPODIST, 1340 EYE ST. N.W.. CORNER »th AND ETE UTS. CARPET CtEAXlHO. DAWHAKL ft DAVIS. Formerly with Slumph ft LyforJ. Carpet cleaning and inattre.. mawnf. ML St. n.w. Phon. Llnca. 2878- CARPETS THOROUGHLY AND CABErPLH cleaned; rag; woyen from old carpets, mattwjgj renovated. Estimates fnralabed. ALBERT T-ttRT 4 CO.. 883 B at. a.w. M. 30»»; for the ladies. MATTRESSES renovated and remade, W.JJ; prompt attention to suburban orders. capiwt Renovating Co.. 441-48 Q at. M. 1114. , HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. No Job too large, none too small. H. L. TROTTER, 1703 Pa. are. M. 2084. MATTRESSES AND BOX IPBWOfc IV TOUR MATTRESS IS HARD <M Cf) and lumpy let ns make It over. A../V EAGLE BEDDING CO., 180» 7th st. a.w. Pbona W. 5110. PAPEHHANGIKO AS0 PAIOTW PAPERHANGING AND PAINTimi ** reasonable price. In Or.t-cla.s msjineT, e.tlm.Us cheerfully furnished. E. O. WOLFF, 413 O at. M. Phone Line. 2596. . PAPERING. PAINTING ft PICTURE FRAMING. Call Lincoln 40fl. M. O. JARVIS. 641 H n.e. FAFERHANGINOAND PAINTINa rKKtiAnuim* LiL':*' IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. CHAS. R. HTSAN. SIS H at- n.e. Phone Lincoln piano Tvmna- PIANO TUNER.17 years tuner for W..hlng- ton's musical critics. Ettimat.j cheerfully gWen on repairs of players, oeo. I. Comatock. Cava naugh apt. N. 8554. TUNING, 11.50. OPT *fT PRICES OI» NEW Estey aad Kurtimann ft Co. planoa. CASH TALKS. Used piano. of ¦t^ make*- Half stora prices guaranteed. ^BANK A. .HUM, DIB Masa. it«. n.w. Phone Main 1519. WM~~W. SAUNDERS. ESTABLISHED IN 1892. Phone Colombia 1099. 410 Shepherd at. a.w. Expert piano and organ tuning and repairing. Player-piano work a specialty. Eatlmatea free. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING. SEWING MACHINE OUT OF ORDER? Let ua put It In perfect condition at a email expense. All work guar¬ anteed one year. Oppenheimer's, 8th & E Sts. N.W. WALL PAPER. , BEDROOM DESIGNS. 10c ROLL; DUPLEX oatmeals, 25c roll. LANG decorative SHOP. 705 12th n.w. ~ WINDOW SHADES; SHADES.Good quality opaqn. ahades fltted t. your windows,, obly 4Sc: the beat'inallty ®n spaque shades. (10c; hung free. We call wu» samples. KLEEBLATT'S. 11th and H sta. n-a. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, BAD BILLS COLLECTED or no charge. Writing of wills and aettllng of cstatca a specialty. Phone Main 417*. Hammer, Attorney. B15 14th st. n.w. BOARDING HOUSE.20 regular boarders; small rent and exp.; bargain; Investigate. Grocery store; good location; suitable ,or woman; $850; 5 living room" and bath. Lunch bus. for $550; includes fur. of 5 living r00nra.'ilC'huV"; V^rt'room.; Ifl batha. Rooming house; 8325 for quick .ale; bargain. Call here to buy or sell. _ ... Champion Business Brokers. Jenifer bldg. BOARDING and rooming house, near Iiibrary; well furnished; 6ickness cause of sell- lnRoKg. 15 room., near 10th room, all rented; a moneymaker; price right. Boarding and rooming, \ermont ave., In room., 3 bath.; electric light; h^w.h ; thl. eiclualre and paving business must be sold. $i,ow. Hotel. 60 rooms: h.-w.h.; bell service; well furnished; we are In a position to sell at a sac¬ rifice; spe us today. General store, including hardware and palnta, old-eatabltalied; price, $6,000. Confectionery, lea cream and candy, opposite two schools; living room furnished; rent, $15, sacrifice at $175. Note the best Is placed in our handa. We are continually listing new places. Grocery, nice corner store, s.e.; 6 living rooms; rent. $25; price, $550. Grocery, n.e.; rent. $12; price, $3.»0. Special.Rooming house, near 13th and Mass. ave.; 12 rooms; newly furnished; price, $425. Rooming house, near 14tli and L sts.; 15 rooms; h.-w.h.; nicely fumishe#; $500. MARSHALL BCS. BROKERS. 91.3 N. Y. ave. BT'SINESS MAN. with $500. to Join expert for interest in rsilway invention of world-wide im¬ portance; replies confidential. Address Box 148-A. Star office. COMPETENT MAN, with some capital, to help put new invention upon the market necessary In the marine commerce of the world; open to rigid Investigation. Address Box 100-A. Star office. FOR SALE.Shoe shining parlor; good business. «38 H st. n.e. | GROCERY.Doing $250 cash business a week; reason for selling, illness. Address Box 1-7^A, Star office. 8* GROCERY and confectionery store; cheap for cash. 107 7tii st. n.e. 7^_ HALF INTEREST for sale In profitable business for three thousand dollars to acceptable person: Investment guaranteed. Address Box 155-A, Star office. 1! I HAVING ENLISTED, I am offering for sale my well established and profitable showcard and sign business. 1411 Irving st. n.w. 9. LEAVING CITY for the north, will offer my elegant rooming and boarding house for sale; all filled; large income. Address Box 145-A, Star office. MARKET and grocery stores; cheap; also some store fixtures. Call 1017 20th n.w. 11* PICTURE THEATER and park; one most promi¬ nently located and paying places in n.w.; clear¬ ing over $10 day; best of reasons for selling at low price, $1,200. Also have bargains in print shop, cigar, confectionery, delicatessen, grocery, etc stores. To buy or sell seo us. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1428 F. PLUMBING BUSINESS.Good location; good lease; business can be doubled In short time by a party with capital; terms to responsible party. Address Box 214-P. Star office. . ROOMING and boarding house; 45 rooms; all furnished and occupied. Address Box Star office. » WANT competent, aggressive man as president of a local corporation of great promise If you All the bill, it will pay you to Investigate; re¬ plies confidential. Address Box 134-A, Star office. FOR SALE.MISCELLANEOUS. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES. CANOE.Morris; perfect condition: full equlp- ment: good bargain. Call Line. 4405. 10 EVINRUDE, twin-cylinder, 4 h.-p.; never been used; attach to any boat. J. L. Thompson, -10 Star bid., or 182rt G n.w. DIAMONDS. ETC. DIAMOND BROOCH.5 diamonds; sacrifice price. $150. Address Box 29-A, Star office. 7 furniture. if * hog ANY and mission furniture, one-room hall apartment «»nmnlete for FOB SALE.rasCBHABEOUa. ftORggg. CARRIABlt ETC. <C.M.> HORSES . According to thm custom of the Downey Stables for 80 7«tn of eelUnf at the doee of the busy aetMa, we are bow cfferln* SO carriage, driving and work horaaa: alao 100 vohlclee. l6$2-28 L at. n.w. Main 2280. ONE large bay horse cheap. 422 8th at. n.w. 7* OVER 180> high-grade second-hand carriages of every description, sold en account of owners hav- lnf automobile; alao alnfle and doable and saddles and bridles. Call a " Willsrd Btorafe, 400 14th at. n.w. PONT, runabout, saddle, bridle, alelgh and equipment; none better. ?. Radne. 110 Too n.w. 5* 15 SETS food single and double wagon, baggy and carriage harneaa, $0 up; large lot leathei fJSSL hsir-fsc*d collare, 60c to $1.50. Cogswell'a, 1104 O at. n.w. MOTOR CYCLEi AJfD BirTCLM. FOR 8AL&.Cheap; new Smith motor wheel, With automobile attachment: electric lights and horn. Louis Monnakoa. 1401 0th st. n.w. 7* MERKLE motor cycle, twin, in A1 condition; will sell cheap. 1837 D st. n.e. «._ 8INGLE motor cycle; good running order; will eHl for $10. 627 Va. ave. a.e. MUSICAL IXSTRUMENTS. HIGH-GRADE upright piano; uaed very little: will sacrlflce. Address Box 88-A. Star office. 0' KNABE UPRIGHT.Mahogany; beautiful condl- V°n: cost $450; for quick ssle to close estate, $85. Ellia A Arnold. Auctioneers. 1328 Q st. PIANO BARGAINS^.Fisher upright, fine condl- w/b,tPr nprlght.- mahogany case, KohlerA Campbell, $120. Hugo Worth, 1110 G st. Pianos for rent. RECORD EXCHANGE. 817 »th st. n.w. Records bought, sold, exchanged. Note our new location. UPRIGHT PIANO, in fine musical condition, #75. Another splendid $300 upright for only $18C (not over six months old). Standard make 8& no* ^syei^pUno, $600 grade, less than one yeai D. G. PFEIFFER. 425 Woodward bldg., cor. 15th and H streets. L'PRIGHT PIANO.Standard mske; cost $450: mahogany cane, will tune and deliver for $00: act quick. 519 Mass. ave. n.w. VICTOR VICTKOLA, $100 style with records; cheap for cash; will exchange for piano. 519 Mass. ave. n.w.; act quick. gEWIXG MA CHUTES. Pt?* W. A W.A Standard, guaranteed! $10; box tope, all makes. $5; new d.h. Blngera, $2 month. Renting, repairing. Open evening* Larkln, 818 Pa. ave. s.e. Line. 275. FOR 8 DATS ONLY.4 latest improved 08 Bln- 1 automatic. 2 Standard. 2 W. A Wilson. $10 up. All d. h. and guaranteed. Rent¬ ing and repairing. Open eves. Beamy. 825 Pa, ave. a.e. L. 8872. TYPEWRITERS. BEFORE RENTING A TYPEWRITER Beeour Underwood at $2.50 a month. Typewriter paper. 500 sheets. 60c. Renting our specialty. ^ GENERAL TYPEWRITING CO., Wwt U. MM, an 14th .1 ».w. BREWER LETTER BUREAU. Rent an Oliver. 8 months. $4.00. OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY. 1820 F st. n.w. Phone Main 7688. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO. (INC.). 717 12th st. n.w. Main 8584. AGENTS NATIONAL PORTAbKeTyPeVt Rl'l'EB .TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. n.w. (formerly 36 Randolpth pL). Jorth 2864. No. 2 L. 0. Smith. $2.25 no.; S ns^ $8; 6 mo.. $10.60. Monarcha. $1.75 mo. $2.5(K-UNDERWOOD RENTED.$2.60. 8peclal rates for two months. Typewriter and Office Supply Oo^ 722 13th at. n.w. MISCELLANEOUS. BABY CARRIAGE.Bloch make; reversible; good aa new; reasonable. 1312 Spring rd. n.w. BUILDING MATERIAL. BATH TUBS. LAVATORIES, SINKS. WIN DOWB, SASH, FRAMES. SLATE AND CABINET] MANTELS, FLOORING. DOORS. JOISTS, TIN, ALL FROM 508H TO 520 18th ST. N.W. BIT] OF LOEWS NEW THEATER. BIDNEY HECHINGER HOUSE WRECKING CO- 18th AND C STB. N.W. MAIN 8158. CAMP.On Potomac, opposite Three Sisters, ot Mrglnla side. Address Box 162-A. Btsr office. V CLOTHES.Workingmen, think about it and de vote sparo time to seeing the big stock we havi in some fine grsde uncalled-for tailored ne* suits, stylish as you can buy, and price, oh, my think of good quality at $8 up; yes, think of it Justh's Old Stand. 019 P. FIREWOOD from buildings 712 to 730 8th streel n.w.; $2 large load, delivered. Apply J. C Ellis, on premises, or drop postal to 607 H a.w 10* FOLDING WARDROBE BED, $15. 2nd floor, 8602 14tli st. n.w. GAH ENGINE.12-h.p. Fairbanks; stationary; good order. H. C. Cragg Mfg. (So.. 228 K a.w. IRON SAFE. 25 in. wide, 33 high, 25 deep: large dairyman's brine tank, platform scales, McCraj refrigerating showcase. 451 K at. n.w. NEWSPRINT PAPER, cut to any alae In anj reasonable quantity: reasonable price. Appli Press Room. 8tar office. Call I hicN^-''S' 16xl2; WIU Ml1 very che*P PISTON CASTINGS. and PISTON RINGS All sizes in atock. H. C. Cragg Mfg. Co.. 228 K at. a.w. SECOND-HAND BUILDING MATERIAL.Man tels, doors, sash, frames, sheathing. Joiat. atud ding, flooring, bath tuba, toileta, boilers, pipe, al! plumbing material, atovea, ranges, steam heating plant, gas fixtures, gas ranges, iron, lead, brass plate glass, brownstone steps. Apply at build¬ ings. 712 to 730 8th st. n.w. g" £"2** CASES AND STORE FIXTURES. BAM PLE FLOOR AND COUNTER CASES AT 8PB- ££*L PRICES. "BUY AT THE FACTORY.*1 JtUSH A COMPANY, 808 LOW ST.. BALTI¬ MORE, MD. STREET GOWN.Blue silk poplin: brand-new; will alter to suit buyer. 1431 E. (5apitol st. SWEATER, PURPLE; new angora collar and cuffs; dresses, size 40; also new pumps, size 5, Apply 3705 Keokuk st.. Chevy Chase. D. C. THIRTY FEET of glass partition for counter quartered oak. E. S. Brashears. 4th floor Union Savings Bank bldg.. 710 14th st. TICKET to Atlanta, Ga.; good until July 6 1917. Phone L. 3590. ' TWO storage batteries. Witherbee, type X slightly used; four Inside tubes. 84x4; one aprins bumper and trunk rake. Dr. Czarra. West Hv- sttsvllle. Md. 7* WATCHMAKER'S tools and supplies, machln- st a e°° de*Jta an(i bookcases. Call 124 13th 7* «~ WATCH.Gentleman's, 18-carat, minute reDeat- er, stop watch; cost $500; will sacrifice for $150- a bargain; act quick: owner leaving city Satur¬ day. Phone Line. 1273. r '9® BOX; "Ranta" make; will aell for $75 cash. Call at 500 G st. n.w. POUTTRY, PETS & LIVESTOCK ANGORA KITTENS.Pedigreed; brown tabby pure white; reasonable. 1924 Eye n.w. CANARIES and cages. 3345 18th n.w. c^T 3088. «. * t'OW (fresh), with calf. Dr. Czarra. Weat Hvl attsvllle, Md. 7.y FLOUR for hog feed; cheapest feed on the mar- ket. Larimer Bag Co., 700-708 7th a.w.; M. 5471 9* FOR SALE.Boston terrier puppies. Dee i>c Keimels, 730 Fairmont st. n.w. Telephone Col. PUPPIES, thoroughbred English bull; mother and father both registered. Phone North 8861 Mr. Holmes. ' SINGLE-COMB White Leghorns, Youna and Rlee strains; 15 eggs. $1; 100 eggs, $6. Every egg guaranteed fertile. Thos. C. Pollock. 1614 W a.e. Phone Linen. 1670. AUTOMOBILES. "* AUTOMOBILES.FOR SALE. Al AUTO TIRE RETREADING Money-saving prices. All work absolutely guaranteed 2,500 miles. New, 3,500 miles. Polarine, 35c gallon. GIBSON, 25 H st. n.w. Tel. Line. 4148. AN A-l STUDEBAKER, 1915, touring car* elec- trie lights, starter; new top and tires;'$825 Guarantee Radiator and Lamp Co., 1411 14th st. n.w. A-l AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Never in history were there such remarkable bargains offered as you will find here. 1915 Mercer roadster, i 1916 Oldsmobile, 5-passenger, 1910 Overland, 5-passenger. 1915 King, 5-passenger. 1915 Ford touring. 1916 Mitchell, 5-passenger. 1915 Buick, 5-passenger. i 151® Studebaker, 7-passenger. "6," 5-passenger. 1913 Cadillac, 5-passenger. 1913 Oakland, 5-passenger. 1913 Thomas, 7-passenger. 1915 Oldsmobile, 5-passenger. Prices range from $200 up. AGENTS' AUTO CO.. Used Car Clearing House, 226-234 14th st. n.w. A-l BARGAIN UPEDjCAR week; Cedillaca and other makes, from $200 to $1,600. THE COOK & STODDARD COMPANY. Tel. Nogth 7810. 1138 40 Conn, ave. n.w. AUBURN, 1916; 7-pass.; newly painted and gcod tires; will sell cheap. 1210 Pa. ave nw Main 6276. ** A8K GLASSER what he will pay for that old *ou eventually aell; beat dealer la town to aell your car to; spot-cash paid. 2025 7th at. North 8960. AUTO TIRES bought ana aold: spot r««h; c^.r'iela'i^j, ^ ALL METALS WELDED AM."'I'brJI bj lutoitnuoa prom. rarely ch«w wwaf & ^MX7;..p5S«eb86^KPA,B aH0P- AUTO ACCESSORIES. Tires.Vulcanizing. "Miles of service." , ADDI80N SMITH, «. I. ave. and 10th at. n.w. North 1075. AUTUMOBILE8 WANTED.Condition no object- nearly all make cara alwaya on hand; tires alao. Bobert Heraon. 110-112 at. a.w. 2Mb AUTOMOBILES. AtTTOMOBILgl.TOR IAL1 o.«.«. AUTOMOBILES AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Every ear in good running order, ready for iiiBMtrattea and delivery. Cole "8." 1917. aevan-pasosnger. Cola "40." 1914. flve-paaeeager. Cola "SO." 191S, eevan-passenger. Oakland "Six." 1918. areea-paaaeagar. KlMal Kar "Six." 1917. flve-paaaenger. Studebaker "81*." 1918. flve-paaaenger. Palmer-Singer "Six." 1914. five-peeaenger. Cadillac. 1918. aeven-paaaenger. Reo. 1914, flve-paaaenger. American. 1912. (our-paeeenger. lluvoll roadster. 4-cylinder, two-passenger. Locomobile touring. 4-cylinder, flve-paaaenger. Prices from $200 up. and every rar a good buy at tbe figure we will Quote. Terms to responsible partlea. HENDERSON-ROWE AUTO CO., 1012 14th n.w. Mala TOTS-SOT*. BROC ELECTRIC.In good condition; original price, $3,200; will sell for $800 cash: owner or¬ dered out of country. Address Box 39-M, Star office. SfICK (1*13) EOADBTER.Newly painted: »x- cellent running order; will demonstrate; 8200. 110-112 4fr st. s.w. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE. Lire and dead storage, repairing, all makaa. gasoline snd accesaories; open day and nlgfct. PORTLAND OARAGE. 612 L n.w. Main 1888. Babcoclc Commercial Bodies Por Fords and Trucks. COMMERCIAL GARAGE. T»L Main 247. 807 8th st. n.w. BROKEN CAST IRON And other metals welded by autogeneon* Weldlt Co.. 810 N. J. are, n.w. Lin. 281 CHANDLER 1917 touring; never used. REO Biz. 7-paas.; in fine condition. REO Roadster; late model; a snsp. MARION Touring; full elec. equipment; cheap. Any of tbe above cars can be bought at bar¬ gain price. Full information upon request. THE TREW MOTOR 00., North 810. 1887 14th st. n.w. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND, 1916; fine condi¬ tion; 4 new tires; extra tire; 3 extra tubes: spot light and bumper; $500 for quick aale. Phone N. 1804. DODGE BROS.' 8EDAN. 1917 model; good as new. Call or phone Mr. Kltt. Arthur Jordan Piano Co.. cor. 13th and Q sfe. n.w. DORT 1916 touring car. 208 Carlysle Courts, 14th and Columbia road, between 8 and 6:30 p.m. ELECTRIC CARS for aale; coupea and victorias; fine condition; must be sold. Fidelity Storage Company. 1420 U st. n.w. FORD TOURING CAR for sale cheap. 1737 Johnson ave.. between 14th-15th and R-S. 7# FORD touring, 1915; new tires all sround; terms cssh. 810 10th n.e. * Phone L. 1185. FORD touring car. 1916; excellent running order; will demonstrate; cash, $800. Robert Herson. 110-112 4y% st. s.w. FORD ROADSTER.Msny extras; running order good; bargain. 222 11th st. n.e. 7* FORD delivery truck; line condition; a bargain. Phone Line. 2112. W. H. Coleman. So. Cap. and N sta. FORD TOURING, 1914; lately overhauled; one- man top; cash or terms. Address Box 131-A, Stsr office. FORD TOURING CAR.1913 model; excellent running order; cash. $195; will demonstrate. Robert Herson, 110-112 4^ st. s.w. FORD COMMERCIAL BODIES. New panel aide bodies. $45. New open body. $20. Probey Auto Exchange. 8240 Prospect ave. (Georgetown). HUDSON, 1916, light six, touring. Semxnes Motor Co., 1132 Conn, ave. N. 4107. Little FOUR ROADSTER.Has Bosch mag- neto and three new tires; $100. 222 11th n.e. 10* MAXWELL foredoor roadster, two-cylinder; good condition; $90; will demonstrate. Phone Line. 672-W. MICHIGAN touring car; 5-passenger; excellent running condition; good looking; will give dem¬ onstration; price, $200; $100 cash, balance $10 monthly. Apply Seaton Garage, Lincoln road and Seaton st. n.e. MITCHELL, 1916, 5-paaaenger; used carefully; first-class condition; will make terms for quick sale. Megrath. 2004 15th st. n.w., between 5 and 6 p.m.. or phone North 2080. 6* NEW FORD CARS.Touring, roadster or de¬ livery; $100 caah, balance monthly. Addreaa Box 232-M. Star office. NEW CHALMERS CARS. Seven paeaengers. Driven by owners. Day and night. North 4236. NEW open and parcel delivery bodies for Ford cars. 616 Pa. ave. a.e.. basement. 6* OVERLAND 1914 roadster; excellent condition: electric lights and starter; $225 cash. 2102 18th st. n.w. OVERLAND light roadster; summer and winter bodies; good mechanical condition; tires; Bosch magneto; bargain at $175. 210 2nd st. n.w. PACKARD 2-pasaecger classy roadster; new tires; Just overhauled: will sell at very reason- able figure. Apply 1802 14th n.w. Phone N. 249. PATHFINDER roadster; cruiser body; elec. starter and lights; excellent condition; rood tires; one extra; run 13,000 miles; consider Ford touring in good condition in trade. See at 625 G st. n.w. 5* SAXON ROADSTER, 1817.Practically new: electric starter; bargain. 222 11th at. n.e. 10* SCRIPPS-BOOTH, 1916 model; three-paasenger roadster; owner must sell; leaving city. 3240 Prospect ave. (Georgetown). SEVEN-PASSENGER Studebaker; good condi¬ tion; ideal for hacking; bargain; owner ill. Address Box 158-A. Star office. . SIX-CYL. LOCOMOBILE; excellent running order; will demonstrate; cash, $325. Robert Herson. 110-112 4% st. s.w. SPECIAL.Old autoe bought and aeld; parts of 75 different cars on band; aerood-hand tires: high-tension Bosch magnetoa, $11 each. Wat Junk Co.. 717 4H s.w. Main 7179. STEWART'S GARAGE, Authorized Ford Agent. We have a large stock of new Ford commercial bodies. We Invite your inspection. Our prices are right. A bargain in a Ford touring car at $225; also a light delivery with new body: very reasonable. 141 12th N.E. LINC. 1203. USED CARS. MITCHELL 1918 7-passenger touring, A1 con¬ dition. . ; MARMON 1914 touring, self-starter, electric lights: bargain. DETROITER, 8-cyllnder, 1916 touring, per¬ fect condition. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. D. B. GISH, INC., 1529 M ST. N.W. PHONE NORTH SSI. WINTON SIX road.ter; ran 1m. than 18,000 miles; perfect condition: bargain. 832 H n.e. 80c PER CYLINDER for burning carbon: ao pay if not aatlsfied with my process or work; owner to remove caps and wire*; cracked cylinders, aluminum ring geara and castings welded equal to new and absolutely guaranteed or no pay. M. M. COLEMAN, Phone Main 4598. 207 12th st. n.W. AUTOMOBILE®.WANTED. LATE MODEL. 6 or 8 cyl. machine, for $750 cash; state full particulars. Address Box 188-A, Star office. 7* WANTED.Light 5-passenger, late model car; I five best cash price and full particulars; no ords. Address Box 143-A. Star office. ~ WILL TRADE EOUITY in Chevy Chase, D. C., | building site, with all Improvements, for auto¬ mobile. Address Box 289-T. Star office. I SELL AUTOMOBILES BY AUCTION EVERT Saturday, 12 noon. A quick and satisfactory method. Inquire for special ratea at "WESCH- LBR'B." 920 Pa. are, n.w. AUTOMOBILES.FOR HIKE. Mount Pleasant Auto Service PHONE COL. 1036 Seven-Passenger Touring Cars Reliable White Chauffeurs LARGE, comfortable 1917 5-pass. touring car; driven by owner; reasonable prices. Phone North 7215-J. DODGE TOURING CARS, $2.00 per hour. FORD TOURING CARS. $1.50 per hour. PHONE WEST 84. PHONE WEST 84. 50c.Ten blocks. 78c.Any distance in city propac. &28.Shopping, per hour. 80 Touring, per hour. OPEN ALL NIGHT. New Taxi Service Co., Inc, CALL MAIN 17 AMERICAN TAXICAB CO. 25 NEW CARS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. 50c.Ten blocks. 75c.Any distance in city proper. $1.25.Shopping, per hour. $1.50.Touring, per hour. OPEN ALL NIGHT. TAXICABS. TOURING CARS. GARY TAXI SERVICE. North Lms tban 10 blocka BOe 11U1UI Within city proper 78c ml Shopping, per hour $1.23 «J/ Touring, per hour $1.50 1 to 5 passengers. BONDED WHITE CHAUFFEURS. TOURING CARS. 5 AND 7 PASSENGERS, $2.80 AND $8.00 PER HOUR. LARGE, COMFORTABLE, LATE MODEL. 6- passenger touring car; driven by owner; apeclal prices evening driving. Columbia 5222. 5-PASSENGER SAXON TOURING CAR for hire, $2.00 per hour. Call Main 948. 1917 FORD; WITH WINTER TOP. Driven by owner. 8L28 and «L60 pas banc; OoL Itffc AUTOMOBILES. ArroMoiim.ww hibk <ro««*<»% HUDSON SUPER-SIX , new T-PA»»K»OE* TOURING OAKS. _ Strictly far KlTtta 1 MAIN " NEW APPERSON CARS. gSPCSfVSS tMl 844. Xlltt and Col. 1321. 5 NATIONAL TAXI SERVICE. enc it ««.*. citr pnvt ». 500 or In*. I Shopping. par bom J] 2 1 Toonng. p«r hoar .»1.3« Same prle^ 1 « » Pasa. WW-"* NEW £aRS. MAIN 236. MAIN 9716. COL. 4483. Klein's Auto Service. 1917 7-passenger 8-cylinder Cadillac and Premie* on for hire. "CALL LINCOLN 51. . Soc g*, 75c JMM O. to aw ptwwpr*. Op. *u FOR RENT.GARAGES. PART OR ALL OF OARAGE AT 1«4 14th ST n w.; very reasonable. Apply 0\>>ek. *. 1248 11th st. _____ _ SPACE in garage *or Ford. near Iowa Circle. Address Box S3-A. Stat o«ce. s* NEAR 19th AND K. INDIVIDUAL GARA'iK. 10x18. with water: 00 wide alley; $7 per won (a. Addrew* Box 812-P. Star office. fioDERN BRICK GARAGES. HOLDING KlU'Vf 1 to 4 car* or tracks, near 14th and Columbia road, at from $7 to 825 monthly. Best la city. A. F. FOX COMPANY. 1811 "H" a.w. FOR KENT.LA&GB GARAGE IN THE KI"AR of 1515 R ®t. n.w.; rent, $10. THKO. FHIK- BUg, 1320 N Y. are. n.w. NEW GARAGE FOR RENT, LARGE ENOUGH for any car; wide alley. Rear 1320 Fairmont st. n.w. Col. 1434. _ GARAGE FOR RENT. NEW, AT 1737 K !* T. n.w. Inquire JANITOR. 1122 COLUMBIA ROAD. PHONE COL. <W3. Accommodate Urge car; wide alley. FOR SALE.OARAGES. CEMENT BLOCK OARAGES BCILT TO ORllU. fiunbtwtf fireproof. Will Uit for.Ter. H. C. BALL. Clarendon. Va. Phono Boaalya 1**-°- I WILL BUILD YOU ANT KINO OX GARAGE aalckly ud at the right price. r K. FEftOCSOif. . ^ »ea. n. 7099. 1011 »tH st- M. 18T. rrlEL-COVEBED OARAOE8 COMPLETE® With Cement Floors, $75 " promptly ittwdeJ to. MOT O ,t. ¦.*. GET A GARAGE THAT WILL OUTLAST ANt (.race on the m.rk.t, In appearaace. durmMUg and price. V. T. H. BIEN. Erana bid!.. Baa« 202. Phone M. 3159. FOR RENT.ROOMS. FTTRjriSHF.n ROOM. 1337 I. N.W..Cboire front room!, bath; boar® If desired; price reasonable. 1318 15th N.W..Second-floor front room; four windows; adjoining bath; hot water; phone; central. 1719 EUCLID N.W..For n*nt. one or two largo rooms; a.m.L; near two car lines. Phone CoL 6304. . 1120 11th ST. N.W..Furnished rooma for l*b,.k« 825 11th 8T. N.W., APT. 7.Large front rooms suitable for two gentlemeji. 226 13th ST. S.W..One large furnished room; let floor: heat and gss. ®_- 1203 11th ST. N.W..Desirable front room and kitchenette adjoining; complete for l.h.k.; 81- per month. _ THE BRUNSWICK. Apt. 75.Corner room; two large window*; overlooking Franklin Park, pri¬ vate bath: all-night elevator. 827 EYE N.E..Two nicel.v furnished l.h.k. rooms: gas: gas range: li.-w.h.: no children. 1914 R ST. N.W..One large second-story front room, bath adjoining; suitable for one or tw# gentlemen: privste fsmlly. " 112# GIHARD N.W..Room. with screened porch. $10; three adulta in family. Phone CoL 4312-W. Owner. 7 - 930 O ST. N.W..Two nicely furnished second- story front rooms, adjoining bath; private lani- lly: no children: l.h.k. 2900 14th N.W.. Apt. 21.Large room; l.h.k. if desired. . 13iH PARK ROAD.Nicely furnished room: sec¬ ond floor; next to bath: with screen porch; phono and electricity; for gentleman: 814 18th ST. N.W..Newly painted and papered; electric lights. 1122 13tli N.W., overlooking Mass. ave..Largo and small rooms: electric light. «. APT. 10. 1117 8th st. n.w..Room for one or two; next to bath: modern. g 1311 L ST. N.W..Large front basement room, with use of kitchen, for housekeeping; also ona on aecond floor, next to bath; auitable for two, phon 907 13th ST. N.W..Furnished rooms; New Eng¬ land people preferred. 825 N. y. AVE. N.W.Front hall room; 2nd floor: near bath: hot water J" 1">11 FAIRMONT 8T..Large, airy front room; southern exposure; private home; tetwnllth and Hth St. cars; convenient to good boarding, gentleman only. _i. 1205 N ST. N.W..Two communicating rooma lor l.h.k.': next to bath. ., 1935 CALVERT.2nd-floor rooma; bath adjoining. i-i.iQ KKNYON N.W..I-arRe. well ventilated. 2nd or 3rd story front rooms; near cars; board If desired. Phone Col. WW. _2 1°4 13th ST 8.E..Two desirable rooms; near l^ncoln Park: will let to men only. 1213 EUCLID ST. N.W-Two .mmunl»tin| second-floor rooms._ next to bath. Call, alter o p.m. Phone Col. 5457. 8 IOWA CIRCLE.Rooms, overlooking psrk; bath on same floor; unlimited phone, tabia bonrd. if desired. N. 83fi2. . 10ift vrrlll) \nt. 24.Cool, comfortable south room, In second-floor apt.; electric llajus; hot water: phone: two In family, lady desired. 7^1 k ST nTw..Attractive, modem private Come, near Capitol, to refined man south front room, with closet; ?6 per month, larger, fl^. 937 MASS. AVE. N.W..Large 2nd floor front room: two beds if desired. .. EUCLID ST. N.W..Beautifully furnished rrom. second floor, next to bath; private family; gentlemen preferred: references. 1331 IRVING.A large front room; four wln- dows: private family. i°0 3D ST. N.E..Nice, cool room with porcn; iScining fcitSu Call bet. 12 and 5 p.m. Line.. 4979-J. rr- T5iMi H4RVARD ST.. APT. 7.Front r«wm. suit¬ able for two gentlemen; twin beds; continuous hot water: electric light: three windows. ^ 1329 M ST. N.W. (Thomas Circle).Cool front room: reasonable. 1309 12th ST. N.W..I/arge, <omforta»»le room; second floor, adjoining bath; *3 per week. N. 915 N. Y. AVE.. Apt 2.Two lieautiful exposure rooms, with all convenleacM. M. 8189. 1332 IRVING N.W..TWO ROOMS. PBIVATB bath; telephone; electricity; men only. CoL 1072. 5. THE COLUMBIA. 14th and Clrard, Apt. 3. Tnrire front room: southern exposure. juth N.W..'Two handsomely furnished rooms and bath; line neighborhood; private fam- ilv: between two car lines. *1SOO BELMi»NT ROAD-Between Ml. and Chevy Chase car lines: rooms and bath, sin¬ gle or en suite; in best location; $S and $10. ref¬ erences. ALABAMA APTS.. cor. lltli and N sts^.Apt. 501.Delightful, cool front room; continuous not water: for gentleman. N. 3650. , ROYALTON, 40. 918 M ST. N.WLarge front, bay window: newly furnished; twin beds; eleva¬ tor: electricity: abundance of hot water. 48 EYE ST. N.W..Attractive rooms, single or en suite; newly papered and painted: elegantly and completely furnished; all modern improve¬ ments: three squares from Union station; very reasonable. Linen. 396i. TRANSIENTS.75c per night, two blocks from Union depot. 323 E st. n.e. ' 1421 HARVARD N.W..Comfortable rooms for one or two persons in office: phone. 2137 K ST. N.W..3 3d-floor rooms; l.h.k.; adults. -.r. g-»-> 8th ST. N.W..Large room. 2nd floor; three exposures: twin beds; clean: gentlemen. 510 MAINE AVE. &.W., corner of eili.Nicelr furnished communicating rooms for l.h.k., op¬ posite park. . 1111 lltb ST..First-floor apt.: porch; pri**1* bath: l.h.k.: other rooms. N. 1982. 6 742 ROCK CREEK CHURCH ROAD N.W..TWO nicely furnished, cool rooms; single or en suite, privste bsth; electricity; steam heat; phone. 5.< t T\rrni N 10th "nd H ,u* L 1 IN] LU Liv Summer rates. Rooma. running water; baths In double rooms. . CKTOKMItHEP ROOMS. l4->8 nth N.W..Three Urge unfurnishwl rooma anil bath: flrst or second floor: reasonable. ".>« 13th ST. S.W..Three unfurnished rooma; second floor; heat and gaa; near bureau, tenna moderate. .f... jjJ 7'hj 12th N.W..'TWO rooms, go*, bath, Jlfl rnonlh: also others. j ! illO K ST. N.W..Entire aecond floor of thre. larae rooms for 1-h-k- .. . term8>th^ p H gMITH coMPAirr. 815 FIFTEENTH STREET. , 2316 18th ST. N.W..Two rooma OB third floor; larre front room. 2.. J87 MD. AVE. 8.W..Two back rooma; heat, gaa. Oath: l.h.k.; 110; convenient to onreaa. o 1806 U ST. N.W..Four rooma; larg, doaatal private bath; south porch. L414 U ST. N.W..Three rooms and bath; »awly jape red and painted: very reaaonaMe. . 1328 MONROE ST. N.W..Thre. nllftinillkad rooma; l.h.k. Call after . p.m. 1418 NEW JERSEY AVE. N.W..UTO J*flW ilahed Iroat room; fir, window*; atst ¦ {

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Page 1: Library of Congress · LOST AKD POUND. AT GREATFALLS, Vt., July 4, silver-rimmed eyeglasses. Notify M. V. Mutler, *10 I st. n.w. . BEAGLEHOUNDmalepuppy, black, tan, white, 6 montlis

LOST AKD POUND.AT GREAT FALLS, Vt., July 4, silver-rimmedeyeglasses. Notify M. V. Mutler, *10 I st.n.w. .

BEAGLE HOUND male puppy, black, tan, white,6 montlis old. Return to Goodacre Lunch, 9thand N. Y. art. Reward. 1

CANE, silver top, bent, dark stick, lost at GreatFalls Station on Washington-bound csr, about9 p.m. July 4, Initials "H. E. C." on handleand name on ferrule. Reward. Address Box179-T. 8tar office.DOG, sbout two feet high, dart brown, shaggy,with probably collar or broken chain. Rewardif returned to Adams Express Co., 2nd and Ists. n.e.

OIRL'S COAT.At Marshall Hall, July 2. Re-turn 1812 North Capitol st.

HOLD EYUGLASSES, chain and button; reward.Address Box 112-A, Star office. 6*LOCKET, bloodstone cameo, lost July 4. Re¬ward if returned to office of Rochambeau Apt,LOST.Pocket book on N. Y. are., 12th or F sts.n.w., containing $2.50 in cash and some papers.Return to 904 11th n.w.LOST.On July 3 a female Airedale dog. colortan, with a scar on her back. Reward. 926L'flth st. n.w. .

MONEY.Cash. $80, either on street vicinity 3rdand Pa. ave. n.w. or on 14th st., N. J. ave. or

Georgetown cars. Liberal reward and no ques¬tion asked if returned to C. M. Berry, 736Hobart place n.w. Phone Col. 3911.POCKETBOOK, on back of purse, souvenir ofNew York, containing about 8170; lost betweenRussian embassy and Harvey's. Seventy dollarsreward return to C. W. Hill, New WillardHotel. 5*POCKETBOOK.On Rockville car, arriving incity about lo p.m., July 4; Masonic papers ofvalue to owner only. W. R. Schmucker, Lans-bnrgh A Bro., 420 7th st.POCKETBOOK, containing $131; lost Tuesdaynight in store on M st. Liberal reward and no

iiuestions asked. 3210 N st. n.w. 5*WATCH, gold, in black leather bracelet, Mon¬day evening. Cougress Hall Hotel to 400 N. J.ave. s.e., and small diamond ring, tied in hand¬kerchief. Reward. 400 N. J. ave. s.e.



EASTLAND STUDIOS.1107 F st. n.w.

MALE.A FIRST-CLASS COOPER. The Corby Co.,Langdon. D. C.ALERT MEN.To avail themselves of excellent©pportunities to enter the government service as

trained draftsmen at first-class salaries, aftera special course (night or day) at ColumbiaSchool of Drafting. Unprecedented demand.Start at once. Get particulars. McLachlenHdg.. 10th and G.AN ERRAND BOY wanted in tailor shop. 110414th st. n.w.

An opportunity for employment byThe Pennsylvania Railroad Co.

For machinist and car repairmen.For white and colored laborers. Apply

Room 261. Union atatlon. Washington. D. 0.AUTO REPAIR MAN for country shop; goodwages. Address Box 104-A. Star office. ft*

BAR( PORTER wanted, good. Apply Sterling

BOOKKEEPER wanted, young man, for perma¬nent position; excellent opportunity for advance¬ment. Loose Wiles Biscuit Co., 513 R. I. ave.n.e.BOY. to learn the electrotyping trade. Wash¬ington Electrotype Co.. Inc.. 923 11th st. n.w.

BOY.White, about sixteen; mnst be bright andactive. Apply at once, the Commercial PhotoCo., 1403 H st. n.w.

BOY. colored, over 16, as porter 1n drug store;references required as to character. Apply be¬tween 5 and 6 p.m., 215 14th st. s.e.

BOY. about 16, to act as runner and clerk inbank. Address Box 161-A. Star office.BOY, for barber shop. Apply Riggs BarberShop. 15th and G sts. n.w.

BOY8 wanted between the ages of eight andthirteen to prepare for entrance in the choirof St. John's Church. 16th and H sts. n.w.;salaries are paid: good training and discipline.Apply daily at the church, or by mail, to HenryH. Freeman. Choirmaster.BRIGHT errand boy (white) who wants per-manent position to grow. Apply D. J. Ksufman,1005-7 Pa. ave.

BUSHELMAN.Experienced; at once. 1616 Qst. n.w.BUTLER wanted, colored. Apply Thursday and

Friday. 3 to 5, 1726 New Hampshire ave. ^CAR REPAIRMAN, laborers,etc.; good positions open. ApplyRoom 261 Union Station.CHAUFFEUR (white), for Ford delivery. 274014th st. n.w.CHAUFFEUR (white); experience not necessary;good wages. Address Box 89-A. 8tar office.CLEANER and preaser wanted at once for la¬dles' and men's clothes. Apply 808 18th st. n.w.

CLERK in delicatessen shop; must have goodreferences; good salary to industrious man.2810 14th st. n.w.

COLORED young men to remove dishes fromtsbles; hours, 5-10 p.m. Apply Wallis Cafe.HI7 12fh st. r

rOOK wanted; good wages. Riggs Lunch, 162214»h st. n.w. #?.

D. E. BOOKKEEPER.One withbanking experience preferred;must have first-class references;excellent opportunity for capableman; one with experience ofadding machine preferred. Ad¬dress Box 162-T, Star office.

DISHWASHER.Good pay. 1206 Pa. are. n.w.5*DRIVER wsnted; reference required. Applv 1540North Capitol at.DRUG CLERK, registered. Address Box 171-T,Star office.ELECTRICIANS (two). 808 9th st. n.w.

ELEVATOR BOY.Good wages; fine opportunity;bring references. The Burlington, 1120 Vermontave. n.w.

KLE\ATOR BOY (colored>, licensed: knowledge?! "wltchbo,rd- APImanager, Chatham Court.1731 Col, road.ELEVATOR BOYS.Experienced; good refer¬ences. Apply the Altamont. 1901 Wyoming ave.

ENGINEER for ice factory. Apply to chief.Crystal Plate Ice Co.. 85th and K. 7*ENGINEER.One familiar with Ice machine andgeneral all-round man; salary, room and bosrd.Apply to Mr. Yowell, Manager, Columbia Coun-try ciqh. Chevy Chase. Md. Phone Cleve. 590.ERRAND BOY with wheel. Apply G. L. Huskcoptical Co.. 1429 H st. n.w.FRENCH pastry baker wanted, first-class: wages.*80 per month and board. Apply the Md. Din¬ing Room. Hagerstown. Md.«;ooI) TYPIST; one of experience preferred:state salary expected. Address Box 140 A, Staroffice.I'OOD. STRONG MEN to handle ice; white orcolored: pay 25c an hour or $2.50 per day. Ad-ply Terminal Plant. 11th and E at*, s.

GROCERY and vegetable clerks; must be ex¬perienced, competent men; permanent positionsWith good wages. Apply Friday morning, 8o clock, at 624 Pa. ave. n>w-.HOUSE ROY (colored), with references. 1503Rhode Island ave. n.w.

HOUSEMAN, colored^ experi-enced; stay nights if desired. Ref¬erences. Mr. Luchs,713 14th st. n.w.JAMTOli., familiar withgarage work. Apply Packard Motor Car Co..1214 N. H. ave.

JOB and cylinder pressmen; good salary; permittient position. Apply Marvin S. Young Co., 7thand If. I. ave. n.e.

Jt.LIUS OARF1NKLE & CO. have several per¬manent positions open for competent and Intelli¬gent colored men of good character as porter*etc. Apply t>efore 10 s.m. at 527 13th st. n.w!LABORERS. white, wanted; good pav; changefor promotion. Penna. II.R. Co.. 4'^ and E stss-w. 8*

LINOTYPE INSTRUCTION,I)sy snd evening classes: 6 weeks. $25; 3

months. $60. Wash. Mergenthaler LinotypeSchool, 100«S H at. n.w. M. 3319.MAN, not over 40, for permanent position; mustride bicycle. Addresa Box 139-A. Star office.MAX.Colored, to work on country place, onRockville trolley line; good salary and board.steady Job. Apply F. C. Steward. 12th and Fn.w.

MAN.To work in washroom. Electric SunTtarylaundry. 1385 11 st. n.e.

MEAT CUTTER WANTED;good pay and steadv position tocompetent man. E. T. Goodman,Arcade 4narket.MEAT CUTTERS.Permanent positions; goodwag«.« for competent, experienced men. ApplyI-riday morning. 9 o'clock. »t »$24 Pa. ave. n.w.

SlEN, white or colored, several, to work aroundMkery; aUo stable man. White Cross Bakery.6ft»-41 S st. n.w.

MEX for grocery clerks, preferably 30 to SOyears of sge; must furnish best reference* asto character, etc. For particulars call 52 O st.n.w.. about 11 a.m.

MEN. three, good, reliable, between 35 and 55ofri5*e;, saI*ry and commission. Apply

WttJlS © st.BranC* Co * 308 McGlll bldg.,


2J;25^'J.-£xi>kr,bnced: excellent op-SHS2C7NIIY. AT GOOD SALARY FOR MAN


^EN(colored) to learn barber trade; all or


OFFICE BOY wanted; f^/hance adTanCeTment. Ernest Glchner. 1107 E at. n.w.

PAINTERS.Eight. Apply at once. J. *

PAINTERS.First-class. Lang Decorative flhop,

r-OKTKR. Apply to foremen, U. CoptlandCo.. 409 11th at. n.w.

PORTERS, at once. Apply beforeio a.m., Supt., S. Kann Sons & Co.PORTER At drug store. Connecticut andFlorida avenues.


PORTER To take care of store; must V.cood reference: good salary and steady JP°fi?n Apply New8York Waist Store. 1113 f at.

pqjjtpr for grocery store; local experience.Apply L'740 14th St. n.w.

. jPORTER for tailor store. mo^ F st. n.w.

PRESSEli wanted at once. Apply 3420 lltnst. n.w.

PRESSER. olored. at once. 300 * st. n.e..PRESSER wanted. Mertz & Merta Co., 906st. n.w.

]{QoF SLATERS wanted. Apply 424 1 st st. s.e.

SALESMAN.Young man, to assist In hat store.Desn Hat Co.. 422 9th st. n.w.8ALESMAN.-Capable of ^UciUng for mew^nttailor in military camp. Address Box zvo ,

Star office.SALESMEN.Steady position; $50 in casn se¬curity required; good pay for 8 Hve wirreferences. Addres« 164-T. Star once.

SASH STICKER; also novelty molder. Applyat mill, 1st and N sts. s.e. Ihomas W. SmitnLumber Co.

-.r*SECOND COOK, white; $70. Apply 1105 8thi st.n.w. after 8 p.m.


SEVERAL WHITE MEN for deHver^ must un-derstand driving horses and have J«htmendations: cive age. *"*se

*.pected. Address Box 10G-A. Star office. »..SHOE SALESMAN. Experi¬enced ; permanent position; goodopportunity. Confidential. AddressBox 147.A, Star officpSHOE MAX.Experienced, toassist as buyer and manager. Ad¬dress Box 140.A. Star office.SHORT-ORDER COOK wanted for GoodacreLunchroom. 9th nnd N. Y. ave.SODA BOY.At once. Ogram's, 13th and^Pa.SODA WATER BOY. Affleck's Drug Store, 14thand U sts. n.w.TINNER'S HELPER. 466 K st. n.w.TINNERS.Two: good. Apply 526 13th st. n.w.TINNERS' HELPERS wanted. 113 St. s.w.

WAITERS.Two; experienced; white. Apply2810 14th st. n.w.

WANTED.Youns: man to drive laundry wagon.Apply Frazee Potomac Laundry Co., 18th an«#u*WANTED.Porter, colored, aged 30, at 1137 14thn.w.


WANTED.Job press feeders. Franc. E. Sheiry,1003 E st. n.w. '

WANTED.Driver for Ford delivery wagon andstore porter. Reeves. 1200 1 st. n.w. .>

WANTED.A colored boy for delivery, one whocan ride a wheel. 719 H n.w.WANTED.A young man under 21, who wouldlike the opportunity of learning the automobileinsurance business; good opportunity for theright youth; small salary and commission tostart. Answer by letter only to L. D. Lngel,801 Jenifer bldg.


WANTED.A high-class man not under 25 yearsof age. preferably with selling experience, tehandle a very fine local proposition with old-established firm; splendid chance for rapid ad¬vancement; must furnish best references; all in¬quiries confidential; commission h«9is and draw-ing account, if you can prove your adaptabilityto the work. H. C. Bailey. 318 Colorado bldg.WANTED.White boys over 16 for factory work.Apply before 9 a.m. at Topham's. 1219 F st. n.w.

WANTED.Three boys to learn tinning andcornice making. Apply 1802 11th st..n.w..WANTED.For suaiuer hotel, colored dishwash¬ers, $25 a mouth; potwasher and fireman,a month: fore on5 way; long season. ApplyGrafton Hotel.YOUNG MAN. 16 to 20 years. Reed S. Baker,1322 F st. n.w.YOUNG MAN as steamfitter's helper. Room 1,817 G st. n.w. .2YOUNG MAN, with bicycle, to collect bills. It.

M. Burton & Son. 911 E st. n.w. 6»YOUNG MAN wanted as bookkeeper; perma¬nent position; with excellent opportunity for ad-vancement. Address Box 165-T. Star office.


YOUNG MAN.Experienced, to feed job print¬ing press. OWEN K. TRUITT CO., 1211 loust. n.w.

___YOUNG MAN.High school graduate with salesexperience: salary, $12. Apply Mr. Lanson,Washington Times office.YOUNG MEN wanted, two. white, to work asdriver and helper on towel wagon. Apply to Mr.Vincent. 10ir» 9th st. n.w. 5YOUNG MAN. under 21 years of age, to workin electrical store. Apply 1207 F st.


YOUNG COLORED MAN. to care for 2 horsesand drive delivery wagon; must know city thor¬oughly. Apply 711 7th n.w.

YOUNG MAN wanted to work in store. W. L.Warner. 12th and Florida n.w. 0


YOUNG MAN under twenty-one to collect rentsand make himself useful in real estate office;.onewith some experience and who can operatelordauto preferred: $30 per month to sta^t. AddressBox 323-T. Star office.2 FIRST-CLASS PAPEBHANGERS. 2728 Sher-man ave. n.w.

female.BINDERY WOMEN, experienced; **0 per week;permanent position. Apply Marvin S. loung Co.,7th and Rhode Island ave. n.».


BOOKKEEPER.On* with good experience, whocan also operate typewriter. Apply Brewood,519 13th st. n.w.CASHIER wanted. good hours and wages. MissBuch. 1417 New York av«». n.w.CLERK in office with a knowledge of.tonog¬raphy and typewriting; salary about $8 week-Addiess Box HO A. Star office.

l,f.;rn-nje^amljmaiiager. Apply MO H n.w

ELEVATOR OPERATORS. colored; canrange for instruction. Apply at once Thomas JFish*»r A Co.. Inc.. 738 15th st. n.w.

Ex PERIENCED SALES¬WOMAN in Art NeedleworkDept.; must be neat, energeticand enthusiastic; permanent po¬sition; good salary. Apply be¬fore io a.m. to S. Hart, mgr.,Lansburgh & Bro.


EXPERIENCED saleslady in our suit dept.;steady position »n.l aood salarj; only thoM "lthexperience need apply. Roberts. tiAA F St. n.w.__EXFER 1ENC ED SALES¬LADIES for all departments;permanent positions and goodsalary. Apply before io a.m. toS. Hart, mgr., Lansburgh &_Bro.

t ItlKK for sl.irt waistf.n-1 underwear dept.; fo* .nlary and steadyposition". Apply New York W«i»t Store. 1113

FIRST-CLASS INSTRUCTORin all branches of knitting, em¬broidering. crocheting and lampshade making. Must be neat andup to date in all branches; perma¬nent position ; good salary. Ap¬ply before io a.m. to S. Hart,mgr., Lansburgh & Bro.GIRL f»-r office work, vsith some knowledge oftypewriting; salary. $0 week. Address nux110-A. Star office. '1GIRL, to work in shop; $5 per week. 720 17thn.w

GIRLS for office work. The <juick Serviceletter Shop. 1426 T st. n.w.


GIRLS wanted to learn corset business. ApplyModel for«et Shop. H2ft 11th St. n.w. 7HAND iSoNERS. experienced. West EndLaondry. 172< Pa. ave. n.w.


LADIES' CLOTHES IRONERS.Experienced. De Sales HandLaundry. 1730 L St. N.W.T-A1>Y CLERK for 1laundry office; state age, ex¬perience and salary exix-cted. Address Box13.VA. Star oflic«-.MANGLE I!AND and shakers wanted. ApplyBarry Laundry, rear 708 Morton st. n.w.PIANO PLAYER for moving picture theater.Address Box Star office. .»

LADIES wanted for house-to-house work, sellinga'guaranteed line of necessities; different fromthe ordinarv canvassing; a permanent incometo those who will work. Write. Address Box144-A, Star office.LAI*NDRY HELP of ail kinds. Apply Mr.Peck, Mgr.. Electric Sanitary Laundry. 1335 Nst._ nj;POSITION open for a first-class head of woman'shosierv stock: not absolutely necessary to havebeen head of stock before, but one who hasbeen assistant or a very clever, intelligenthaleswoinan would be 'considered; only one orreflnem.-nt end with best references as regardscharacter acceptable. Address Box 1L4-A, staroffice.

S. KANN SONS & CO..require at once

.experienced saleswomen for thefollowing departments:

.Laces, Neckwear, Ribbons,Notions, Druggist Sundries,

Muslin Underwear..Apply before io a.m., Superin¬

tendent's office, fourth floor.SALESI*ADIES, experienced, for Saturdays, atBeehive Stere..«K 7th auW.



Between 18 and 23 years of age;8th grade education; salary paidwhile learning; rapid advance¬ment ; splendid surroundings;rest rooms and dining rooms;sick benefits.C. &. P. TELEPHONE CO..

, ROOM 32,722 12th St. N.W,

SALESWOMEN, twenty-five atonce. Excellent opportunities openfor inexperienced as well as ex¬

perienced women. Apply before10 a.m., Supt., S. Kann Sons & Co.SHIRT HANDS, experienced. West End L»un-dry. 1723 Pa. ave. n.w.SIX colored woman waitresses. Apply to Mrs.Ford, dining hall. Catholic University. Brook-land, D. C. $25.00 month and board. Takecars on G st. marked Brookland. 9*STARCHERS, experienced. Apply Arcade Laun¬dry Arcade bldg.. 14th nnd Park road.STENOGRAPHER for large steam laundry;must be accurate and refined; salary, $8; applystatins reference, experience, etc. AddressBox 206-T, Star office.


STENOGRAPHER, typewriter and general officework; must be experienced. Apply M. BrooksA Co.. 1109 G n.w.

STENOGRAPHER. Apply between 12 and 1o'clock 509 Union Trust hldg.


STENOGRAPHER.Must be experienced ; steady posi¬tion and good salary. Apply toMr. Lester Lansburgh, care ofLansburgh & Bro.STENOGRAPHER and tjrpint In pitent «ttor-ney's office; permanent position; salary, $15 to$18 per week, dependent on proficiency. Address.stating qualifications. Box 107-A. Star office. 0*STENOGRAPHER.Patent experience preferred;good salary. Address Box 125-A. Star office.STENOGRAPHER (bright). Apply 519 Southernbuilding.STENOGRAPHER and typist, by commercialhouse; $16 per week; must be efficient. Ad¬dress Box 170-T. Star office.STENOGRAPHER, young lady; if beginner, mustbe bright and accurate; state salary desired.Address Box 102-A. Star office. 5*STENOGRAPHER and typewriter; $10 per week.Room 218. McGlll hldg.. 912 G st.STENOGRAPHER. At National Hotel, applyMr. Ruth. Manager.TYPEWRITER.Expert, With knofcvie<Jge o£shorthand; $60 to start: lawyer's office; stateage, experience and previous employment. Ad¬dress Box 159-A. Star office.WAITRESSES, 6, white, at once. Apply 916F at. n.w.

WAITRESSES wanted, two; experienced. Four-teenth St. Lunch. 500 14th st. n.w.

WAITRESS, competent, efficient,neat appearing; good wages. Ap-ply Child's, 1423 Pa. Ave. N.W.WAITRESS, experienced, wanted at once; bestwages. Apply Globe Restaurant Co., 1110 F st.n.w. IWANTED.Honest, bright young woman as clerkin hardware and paint store; must have goo<lreferences and able to answer phone; no experi-ence needed. Apply to 42fl 7th st. s.w. M. 320.

WANTED. Experienced ste¬nographer and typist. Apply Supt.,1st floor, Palais Royal, G andjnth sts.WOMAN, colored, to work on country place ....

Rockville trolley line; good salary and board:steady Job. Apply F. C. Steward. 12th and Fsts. n.w.

WOMEN for general work; good!positions open. Apply Room 261,Union Station. .

WOMEN.To work on electric power sewing ma¬chine; steady work; good pay. 817 King st.,Alexandria. Va.YOUNG LADY aa cashier on soda fountain; ex¬perience and references necessary; hours. 5:30p.m. to 12. Address Box 137-A. Star office. *

YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER nod typewriterwith knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply D. J.Kaufman. 1005-7 Pa. are.YOUNG LADY for office work, with some ex¬perience in bookkeeping. The Norria Peters Co.,45S Pa. ave.

YOUNG LADY to work In coffee store; makeout billa. etc.; must be accurate at figures andfive references; state age and salary. AddressBox 129-A. Star office. 6*YOL'K'G LADY.Bookkeeper, typewriter^ stateexperience and salary expected. Address Box94-A. Star office. T,«YOUNG LADY.Neat; over 18 years. ApplyHnyler's. 12th and F sts.

YOUNG LADIES, from 16 to 25 yeara old, tosew on

FAULTLESS PAJAMAS AND NIGHT SHIRTS.Learners taken and paid while under Instruction.

Apply after 1 p.m.. D. Roscnfield & Co.,1422 1st st. n.e.

HALE AND FEMALE.A CIVIL SERVICE PHOTO, 20c. FOB EX¬AMINATIONS. GET YOUR8 NOW. BROOKS'STUDIO, 1329 F 8T. W W. MAIN 1078.U. S. GOVERNMENT needs thousands clerks(men-women) for war preparations; $100 month;life Jobs; write immediately for liat position ob¬tainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 48-F, Roches-ter. N. Y.CIVIL SERVICE.Quick prepsratlon for comingexaminations. Our plain and alrwplified course ofcoaching will save you time and labor. Fee, $3,complete. Call or addreaa 521 Rock Creek Churchroad.COACHING for first-grade departmental, field,statistical and other civil service examinations;2 weeks for $3. Address Box 271-M, 8tar office.FILE CLERK.Man or woman; must be carefuland accurate. Technical Supply Co.. 725 14th st.SPECIAL PREPARATION for first-grade civilservice examination. July 7; also for examina¬tion July 11; tuition for entire course for bothexaminations. $4. Box 56-M. Star office.WANTED.For i»ermanent commercial work,young man or woman for general office work.Apply by letter, stating experience. If any, andsalary expected. Address Box 166-T. Star office.YOUNG MAN or girl, at once, to answer pri-vate switchboard. 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.. at 2650Wisconsin are.. Georgetown: resident preferred;reasonable salary. Phone West 1900.

FEMALE DOMESTIC.A NEAT GIRL for general housework. Apply2722 13th st. n.w. * 1CHAMBERMAID and waitress; references. Ap¬ply 1839 It st. n.w.

CHAMBERMAID, assist In laundry; $20. 18312th a e.

CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, $25; leave city:small family: other places, city, suburbs andaway. Ladles' Exchange. H07 Vermont ave. 5*CLEANERS, white, day. Apply Housekeeper,St. .Tames Hotel.COLORED WOMAN for general housework; ref¬erence. 3ft v st. n.w.


COOK-HOUSEWORKER for four, $25 (suburbs);other cooks, city and resorts. Ladies' Exchange,807 Vermont ave. 5*COOK and housework: small family: stay nights.Phone Cleve. 244. 5406 41st at. n.w.COOK--In private home in country; all modernconvenience. F. 8teln. 434 7th st. n.w. 5*COOK and general housework. Apply Burch'sI>rygoods Store, 808 II n.e. Will pay $5 per weekif satisfactory. 5*COOK and general houseworker: small family;r<-ferences required. 1427 Longfellow st. n.w.EXPERIENCED NURSE to help with car.; of1 wo bablea. Address Box 132-A. Star office. 7*EXPERIENCED nurse girl. 1202 Delafleld place.Columbia 1070-J.GENERAL HOUSEWORK.References required.1*H Adams Mill road.GIRI. wanted for general housework. 27Ontario road n.w. .

GIRL for general housework; stay nights; ref¬erences. Phoni N. 8334. 2109 18th St., Apt. 21.

c,«GIRL to help wth general housework" «85 F

GIRL for general housework. Apply Monday.July 9, after 7 p.m.. Mrs. Evans, MendotaApartment. 20th and Kalorama road.GIRL wanted, settled, white, help mind 2 chil¬dren while mother is at work. Call at once,1002 11th st. n.w.. in basement. *

LAUNDRESS and assist with waiting. 1836I st. n.w. .

LAI NDRE8S for two; take clothes home; carfare; white preferred. Address Box 56-A, Staroffice.MAID, colored, to do general housework; two

Apply bet. 10 a.m. and


WOMAN for funeral housework; go home night*.1120 Girard at. n.w.


WOMAN for light housework at once; nter*ences. 1010 Massachusetts ave. n.e.WOMAN to clean apt. and do laundry; cityreferences required. 208 Hammond Court, 80thand Q ata. n.w.

WOMAN to cook, waah and Iron. 1474 Cliftonat. n.w.YOUNG GIRL to look after small child andassist in light housework. Phone Cleve. 898,or call 8825 Morrlaon St.. Chevy Chaee. P. C.


ACCOUNTANT will open, clow, »adlt, keepbooks, install prepare Bn«n<rl»l .««*-ments, tax report®, etc.: reasontbl. charge. Ad*dr»», Box 122-A. Star offlce. 1°ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN. Parla BeaurArta training, many years of practical exg^rt-ence, seeks position. Address Box 06-A, Starofflce.CHAUFFEUR'S POSITION for Ford deliverycar; can furnish good references. 512 U st. n.w.

CHAUFFEUR.Colored: private family: 21 yearaone place. Jesse Williams. 1406 Corcoran n.w.ft*CHAUFFEUR.French-Swiss; careful driver;good mechanic; do own repairs; wishes positionwith private family; good references. AddressBox 5*>-P. Star offlce. "

JOBBING and carpenter work; large or small;also brick work, concrete work and small Jobsof hauling: big Jobs of window washing. Callme. W. S22-J.NIGHT POSITION by educated colored man; ofany kind; best references. Tall after 5 p.m. orbefore 9 a.m. Phone N. 1A37-W. A

WANTED.Paperhanger, painter, flrst-claae, de¬sires work city or country; reasonable rates.Paperhanger. 1819 Park road.WATCHMAN.Well recommended; reliable andwide-awake. F. Horback. 26 Eye n.e. 6*YOUNG MAN with farm experience wanta workon dairy farm; small wages. Address Box <W-A,Star office. 8"

FEMALE.SCHOOL TEACHER wants clerical position forsummer; state salary. Address Box 79-A, Starofflce.UNDERGRADUATE NURSE would like positionin doctor's offlce or private nursing; willing; also chaperon young girls or children.Address Box 133-A. Star office.WANTED.To nurse; stay nights; reference. 330K st. s.w.

YOUNG LADY would help in home in ex¬change for room. Address Box 123-A. Star offlce.YOUNG WOMAN of considerable business ex¬perience wishes responsible position: stenog¬raphy; references. Address Box 120-A, Staroffice.

MALE AND FEMALE.COOK.Widow and son wish place together; re¬liable; no objection suburb or country. Box 98-A,8tar offlce. °

MAN AND WIFE, white, aged 42; man aa but¬ler, chauffeur, houseman or caretaker; wife plaincook, chambermaid or laundress; very reliablecouple; 8 yeara last place; best of references;good wages expected; state wages and partlcu-lars. Address Box 294-T. Star offlce. 11*

FEMALE DOMESTIC.ANY KIND OF WORK.Reliable colored woman;by the day. 1425 Church st. n.w.


CHAMBERMAID and waitress; small family;colored woman. 2011 9th st. n.w.

COLORED GIRL wants nosltion as cook forsmall family. Call at 1827 Vermont ave. n.w. .

COLORED GIRL wants position as cook andgeneral houseV^ork. 71H f»th s.w.

COMPETENT WHITE WOMAN, with excellentreference, wishes laundry to take home; largelawn for bleaching. Address Box lo«-A, Starofflce. *!__GENERAL HOUSEWORK.In Chevy Chase; gohome nights; colored. 1116 4th st. n.w.

GENERAL HOUSEWORK or waitress wanted byneat colored girl. 229 O st. n.w.


GENERAL HOUSEWORK.Private; references.210r» 12th st. n.w.

HOUSEWORK.By colored girl; reference. 1826Rlggs st. n.w. JPLACE as first-class cook. Address 2250 12thst. n.w. .'TRAINED NURSE.Will take every kind ofcase, invalid or confinement; willing to leavecity. 2612 Georgia ave. n.w. A*WILL MANAGE housekeeping, also canning »ndpreserving for families or hotels; experiencedand references. Address Box 156-A, Star of¬fice.WOMAN wants work, any kind, by week, day orhalf day. Call or write 201 12th n.e.

^WANTED.MISCELLANEOUS.MOTOR CYCLE wanted; one '16 or *17 modelHarley-Darldson or Indian; will pay cash; statelojyeft price. Address Box 178-T. Star offlce.TYPEWRITER.State make, model and condi¬tion, lowest cash price. Address Box 186-T,Star office.WANTED.Canoe; guaranteed good condition;reasonable; lowest price. Address Box 78-A,Star offlce. p*WANTED.Carload of manure. Address D. Bis-set, Garrett Park, Md. 5WANTED.To buy old furniture and featherbeds. When selling, why not drop a postal tethe old reliable firm?

.H. MARKS. 1002 Fairmont st. Phone Col. 881-1IF YOU HAVE any pianos, talking machines,antiques. Jewelry, diamonds, silverware, mirrors,brasses or art objects to sell see Ellis Jk Arnold,1823 Q st. n.w. Phone M. 4506.ENTIRE VALUE given for genuine old mahog¬any furniture, mirrors, clocks, engravings, and¬irons. fenders; also old sliver, trays. uins, Uaseta, porringers, etc. Correspondence invited.JORDAN. 817 17th st. n.w. Phone M. SMO.IF YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE, RUGS,CARPETS, ANTIQUES, FEATHER BEDS,STORE FIXTURES. STOCKS OF MERCHAN¬DISE OR ANYTHING TO SELL. SEND FORTHE OLD. RELIABLE DEALER. "LOUISNOTES, 814 E ST. N.W.," AND YOU WILLGET A SQUARE DEAL. TELEPHONE MAIN4110.YOU WILL FEEL SATIS- FURNITURE,fled with prices I pay for r u^

8. WEIBENBERO.Only store, 622 E n.w. Main 1840.


SIB G ST. Opposite Patent Ofltee,Second-hand diamonds and Jewelry bought.

VICTROLAS exchanged for upright pianos. Lib¬eral allowance* made. We carry a full line efVlctrolas, Grafonolas and records. Commodioussoundproof rooms. Hugo Worch. 1110 Q.HIGHEST CAfcH PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-hand furniture, household goods and antiques.

M. SHAPIRO.Phone M. 4026. 600 La. ave. n.w.

A~SQUARB DEAL.Give us a trial. Highest prices paid for old,

useless auto tires, papers, rags, metals and Junkof all kinds. Star Junk Co., No. 6 N st. n.e.Lincoln 4486.



BTH AND K N.W. PHONE MAIN 7687.WANTED . FURNITURE, PIANOS. CARPETS,etc. Phone M. 1282 for wagon, or have us call."WESCHLER'S." 920 Pa. ave. n.w.WILL CALL CITY OR SUBURBAN. PAYhighest cash prices for ladlea', men's and chll-dren'a worn clothing and ahoea. Write or Phone.J. TARSHES, 1308 7th n.w. Phone North 499."A SQUARE DEAL" OUR MOTTO.HIGHESTprices paid for nien'a worn clothing, any quan¬tity Be wise. Turn your clothes Into cash. Sendpostal. We will call. H. Blum A Son. 228 Q n.w.

WANTED.OLD FALSE TEETH.Don't matter if broken. I pay $1 to $10

ner set. Send by parcel post and receive checkby return mail. F. TERL, 403 North Wolfe st.,Baltimore. Md. Jyl8CLOTHES wanted; highest prices paid forladles', men's and children's worn clothes, ahoeaNorth 8315. G. Llchtman. 1T44 7th n.w.

FURNITURE. RUGb AND ANTIQUES.Special prices for high-grade goods.8. A. CAMAiACK,

Main 7080. 637 La. ave. n.w.I pay HIGHEST CASH PRICES for ladles*gents' and children's worn clothing, hats andshoes. Send postal and I will call.

BEN BASS. 806 4% at. s.w. Main 8681,WANTED . Feather beds and furniture; beatprk" BQUARB DEAL FURNITTTRB CO..PhoneMain BC88. 601 gy. St. a.w.

AUTOGRAPHS, libraries, scarce ft good modernhooks, prints, portraits A engravings: cash down.The Rsre Book Shop. 813 17th. M. 1291.WANTED FURNITURE FOR CASH. SELLyour goods to the man who glees you the mostmoney.


Best cash prices paid forFurniture, household goods, store and office fix¬tures contents of hotels, stores and stocks ofmerchandise, clothing, shoes. Old gold and ailver.

Phone M. 3080. Call or write.LITTLE JOE'S AUCTION HOUSE.

619 La. ave.

WILL CALL IN MY UNLETTERED WAGON,rltv or subtirbsn, and pay you hlgheat prices forladles, gentlemen's, children's discarded cloth-in* all descriptions. Address postal or phone.Wll rall W RICB. 1832 7thTw. N. 1788."TURN YOUR old CLOTHES INTO CASH.Highest prices paid for men's and children's

worn clothes and shoes. Send postal or phone.11M 7th at. ».w. Ph.p. N.rtb MM.

Wanted-aix kinds FURNITURE.W?FSKSBEr"r: (Ml I*. 83M.>AQU paid KOR TOOK rDBNITOBl.l_A.Z>n Merchandise, etc.633 LA. AVE. N.W. NOTES.MAIN 8006.

OLD GOLD. SILVER. ETC.rfrrnv vour 0i,i gold, silver and diamonds intoCASIi wi p« the hifUMt I'RICKS In tho ciljr.CASH. WUAMT^. JEWEI.ET CO..THE QUA LI

438 9th st. n.w.

pXt'nJsT' BOUGHTABE ABRAHAMS.We- Rnv and traae ,n,gold' Diamondswe JDUy tiiver. Jewelry.

rp, r Jewelry Co., 508 9th st. n.w.The Lorenz ph M 9559. opp. Gayety.WANTKIj ALT. THI^OLI) U»ELE88 OOtD.nd .liver Ijlng Idle In yourmoud., jewelry P^tlnnm ;nJ fC. KAHR. Jeweler- #1* 13th «t.. «n»T. w.

"HIGHEST CASH PRICES__ild for Jewelry, old gold, ailver. diamonds, «.' a'ALlfEA s. i -


lm coins and curtoa bought tad mm,



all kinds cement work done at wSA-aonable price.. For flrat-claaa work "JSTT"JOHN WIGNALL. 1201 Irving .tract n.e.N 9184.\ TOT OF RESPONSIBILITY RESTS OS OURshoulder. aa a rt-.pan.lhlr taouw that M*« »«you get . fair deal. and It pay. na to t««t yousquare; that'. how we boy «o many men . wornsuits, pants, .hoot, etc.; gtTe us a trial.


MRS. DREW.J.rrmPhone Columbia 1151. Main 7999.

DUPLICATE KEYS._ .Yale H71 (mad* bymaehlae). AB .».*» »

fewinlnutes; 25c fuRNBR i OLAKK. g~tricians and Locksmiths, 1507 H n.W. 1116B5. Open ontil 6 p.m. ;Superfluous Ha<r, Warts, Moles,Permanently removed by electrolysis. MissPRICKER. 408 Kenois bid*., 11th and Q. M.2S09.fCBN TOBR CLOTHES INTO OASHI Wpay you a fancy price for men's. *0®"' .1"garments, WASHINGTON CLOTHING *X-CHANGE. «M P St. M. 8878 or drop paatal.Dr. Evans, 1347 L N.W. N. 2328Consultation and one treatment free, that auf-

ferers may learn of the wonderful reaulta frommy new drugless treatment of Indigestion. coa-.tlpatlon and nervousness.


ZANCIG.Palmist and PsychicHeadings, 50c and $1. Hours. 10 t» 7.

_904 14th at. n.w.





DAWHAKL ft DAVIS.Formerly with Slumph ft LyforJ.Carpet cleaning and inattre.. mawnf.ML St. n.w. Phon. Llnca. 2878-

CARPETS THOROUGHLY AND CABErPLHcleaned; rag; woyen from old carpets, mattwjgjrenovated. Estimates fnralabed. ALBERTT-ttRT 4 CO.. 883 B at. a.w. M. 30»»;

for the ladies.MATTRESSES renovated and remade, W.JJ;prompt attention to suburban orders. capiwtRenovating Co.. 441-48 Q at. M. 1114.



No Job too large, none too small.H. L. TROTTER, 1703 Pa. are.


IV TOUR MATTRESS IS HARD <M Cf)and lumpy let ns make It over. A../VEAGLE BEDDING CO.,

180» 7th st. a.w. Pbona W. 5110.PAPEHHANGIKO AS0 PAIOTW

PAPERHANGING AND PAINTimi **reasonable price. In Or.t-cla.s msjineT, e.tlm.Uscheerfully furnished. E. O. WOLFF, 413 O at.M. Phone Line. 2596.



M. O. JARVIS. 641 H n.e.


SIS H at- n.e. Phone Lincolnpiano Tvmna-

PIANO TUNER.17 years tuner for W..hlng-ton's musical critics. Ettimat.j cheerfully gWenon repairs of players, oeo. I. Comatock. Cavanaugh apt. N. 8554.TUNING, 11.50. OPT *fT PRICES OI» NEWEstey aad Kurtimann ft Co. planoa. CASHTALKS. Used piano. of ¦t^ make*- Half storaprices guaranteed. ^BANK A. .HUM, DIB«. n.w. Phone Main 1519.WM~~W. SAUNDERS. ESTABLISHED IN 1892.Phone Colombia 1099. 410 Shepherd at. a.w.Expert piano and organ tuning and repairing.Player-piano work a specialty. Eatlmatea free.SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING.


Let ua put It In perfect conditionat a email expense. All work guar¬anteed one year.

Oppenheimer's, 8th & E Sts. N.W.


BEDROOM DESIGNS. 10c ROLL; DUPLEXoatmeals, 25c roll.LANG decorative SHOP. 705 12th n.w.~

WINDOW SHADES;SHADES.Good quality opaqn. ahades fltted t.your windows,, obly 4Sc: the beat'inallty ®nspaque shades. (10c; hung free. We call wu»samples. KLEEBLATT'S. 11th and H sta. n-a.


or no charge. Writing of wills and aettllng ofcstatca a specialty. Phone Main 417*. Hammer,Attorney. B15 14th st. n.w.BOARDING HOUSE.20 regular boarders; smallrent and exp.; bargain; Investigate.Grocery store; good location; suitable ,or

woman; $850; 5 living room" and bath.Lunch bus. for $550; includes fur. of 5 living

r00nra.'ilC'huV"; V^rt'room.; Ifl batha.Rooming house; 8325 for quick .ale; bargain.Call here to buy or sell.

_ ...Champion Business Brokers. Jenifer bldg.BOARDING and rooming house, nearIiibrary; well furnished; 6ickness cause of sell-

lnRoKg. 15 room., near 10th room,all rented; a moneymaker; price right.Boarding and rooming, \ermont ave., In room.,

3 bath.; electric light; h^w.h ; thl. eiclualreand paving business must be sold. $i,ow.

Hotel. 60 rooms: h.-w.h.; bell service; wellfurnished; we are In a position to sell at a sac¬rifice; spe us today.General store, including hardware and palnta,

old-eatabltalied; price, $6,000.Confectionery, lea cream and candy, opposite

two schools; living room furnished; rent, $15,sacrifice at $175. Note the best Is placed in ourhanda. We are continually listing new places.Grocery, nice corner store, s.e.; 6 living rooms;

rent. $25; price, $550.Grocery, n.e.; rent. $12; price, $3.»0.Special.Rooming house, near 13th and Mass.

ave.; 12 rooms; newly furnished; price, $425.Rooming house, near 14tli and L sts.; 15 rooms;

h.-w.h.; nicely fumishe#; $500.MARSHALL BCS. BROKERS. 91.3 N. Y. ave.

BT'SINESS MAN. with $500. to Join expert forinterest in rsilway invention of world-wide im¬portance; replies confidential. Address Box148-A. Star office.COMPETENT MAN, with some capital, to helpput new invention upon the market necessary Inthe marine commerce of the world; open to rigidInvestigation. Address Box 100-A. Star office.FOR SALE.Shoe shining parlor; good business.«38 H st. n.e. |GROCERY.Doing $250 cash business a week;reason for selling, illness. Address Box 1-7^A,Star office. 8*GROCERY and confectionery store; cheap forcash. 107 7tii st. n.e. 7^_HALF INTEREST for sale In profitable businessfor three thousand dollars to acceptable person:Investment guaranteed. Address Box 155-A, Staroffice. 1! IHAVING ENLISTED, I am offering for sale mywell established and profitable showcard andsign business. 1411 Irving st. n.w. 9.LEAVING CITY for the north, will offer myelegant rooming and boarding house for sale;all filled; large income. Address Box 145-A,Star office.MARKET and grocery stores; cheap; also somestore fixtures. Call 1017 20th n.w. 11*PICTURE THEATER and park; one most promi¬nently located and paying places in n.w.; clear¬ing over $10 day; best of reasons for selling atlow price, $1,200. Also have bargains in printshop, cigar, confectionery, delicatessen, grocery,etc stores. To buy or sell seo us.NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1428 F.

PLUMBING BUSINESS.Good location; goodlease; business can be doubled In short time bya party with capital; terms to responsible party.Address Box 214-P. Star office.


ROOMING and boarding house; 45 rooms; allfurnished and occupied. Address BoxStar office. »

WANT competent, aggressive man as presidentof a local corporation of great promise If youAll the bill, it will pay you to Investigate; re¬plies confidential. Address Box 134-A, Staroffice.


CANOE.Morris; perfect condition: full equlp-ment: good bargain. Call Line. 4405. 10EVINRUDE, twin-cylinder, 4 h.-p.; never beenused; attach to any boat. J. L. Thompson, -10Star bid., or 182rt G n.w.

DIAMONDS. ETC.DIAMOND BROOCH.5 diamonds; sacrificeprice. $150. Address Box 29-A, Star office. 7

furniture.if *hogANY and mission furniture, one-room

hall apartment «»nmnlete for

FOB SALE.rasCBHABEOUa.ftORggg. CARRIABlt ETC. <C.M.>HORSES . According to thm custom of theDowney Stables for 80 7«tn of eelUnf at thedoee of the busy aetMa, we are bow cfferln* SO

carriage, driving and work horaaa: alao100 vohlclee. l6$2-28 L at. n.w. Main 2280.ONE large bay horse cheap. 422 8th at. n.w. 7*OVER 180> high-grade second-hand carriages ofevery description, sold en account of owners hav-lnf automobile; alao alnfle and doableand saddles and bridles. Call a "

Willsrd Btorafe, 400 14th at. n.w.

PONT, runabout, saddle, bridle, alelgh andequipment; none better. ?. Radne. 110 Toon.w. 5*15 SETS food single and double wagon, baggyand carriage harneaa, $0 up; large lot leatheifJSSL hsir-fsc*d collare, 60c to $1.50. Cogswell'a,1104 O at. n.w.

MOTOR CYCLEi AJfD BirTCLM.FOR 8AL&.Cheap; new Smith motor wheel,With automobile attachment: electric lights andhorn. Louis Monnakoa. 1401 0th st. n.w. 7*MERKLE motor cycle, twin, in A1 condition;will sell cheap. 1837 D st. n.e. «._8INGLE motor cycle; good running order; willeHl for $10. 627 Va. ave. a.e.

MUSICAL IXSTRUMENTS.HIGH-GRADE upright piano; uaed very little:will sacrlflce. Address Box 88-A. Star office. 0'KNABE UPRIGHT.Mahogany; beautiful condl-V°n: cost $450; for quick ssle to close estate, $85.Ellia A Arnold. Auctioneers. 1328 Q st.PIANO BARGAINS^.Fisher upright, fine condl-

w/b,tPr nprlght.- mahogany case,KohlerA Campbell, $120. Hugo Worth,

1110 G st. Pianos for rent.RECORD EXCHANGE.

817 »th st. n.w.Records bought, sold, exchanged.

Note our new location.

UPRIGHT PIANO, in fine musical condition, #75.Another splendid $300 upright for only $18C(not over six months old). Standard make 8&no* ^syei^pUno, $600 grade, less than one yeai

D. G. PFEIFFER.425 Woodward bldg., cor. 15th and H streets.

L'PRIGHT PIANO.Standard mske; cost $450:mahogany cane, will tune and deliver for $00:act quick. 519 Mass. ave. n.w.

VICTOR VICTKOLA, $100 style with records;cheap for cash; will exchange for piano. 519Mass. ave. n.w.; act quick.


Pt?* W. A W.A Standard, guaranteed!$10; box tope, all makes. $5; new d.h. Blngera,$2 month. Renting, repairing. Open evening*Larkln, 818 Pa. ave. s.e. Line. 275.FOR 8 DATS ONLY.4 latest improved 08 Bln-

1 automatic. 2 Standard. 2 W. AWilson. $10 up. All d. h. and guaranteed. Rent¬ing and repairing. Open eves. Beamy. 825 Pa,ave. a.e. L. 8872.

TYPEWRITERS.BEFORE RENTING A TYPEWRITERBeeour Underwood at $2.50 a month.Typewriter paper. 500 sheets. 60c.

Renting our specialty.^

GENERAL TYPEWRITING CO.,Wwt U. MM, an 14th .1 ».w.

BREWER LETTER BUREAU.Rent an Oliver. 8 months. $4.00.


717 12th st. n.w. Main 8584.


.TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE.n.w. (formerly 36 Randolpth pL).

Jorth 2864. No. 2 L. 0. Smith. $2.25 no.; S ns^$8; 6 mo.. $10.60. Monarcha. $1.75 mo.

$2.5(K-UNDERWOOD RENTED.$2.60.8peclal rates for two months.

Typewriter and Office Supply Oo^722 13th at. n.w.

MISCELLANEOUS.BABY CARRIAGE.Bloch make; reversible;good aa new; reasonable. 1312 Spring rd. n.w.



18th AND C STB. N.W. MAIN 8158.CAMP.On Potomac, opposite Three Sisters, otMrglnla side. Address Box 162-A. Btsr office. VCLOTHES.Workingmen, think about it and devote sparo time to seeing the big stock we haviin some fine grsde uncalled-for tailored ne*suits, stylish as you can buy, and price, oh, mythink of good quality at $8 up; yes, think of itJusth's Old Stand. 019 P.FIREWOOD from buildings 712 to 730 8th streeln.w.; $2 large load, delivered. Apply J. CEllis, on premises, or drop postal to 607 H a.w

10*FOLDING WARDROBE BED, $15. 2nd floor,8602 14tli st. n.w. 7«GAH ENGINE.12-h.p. Fairbanks; stationary;good order. H. C. Cragg Mfg. (So.. 228 K a.w.

IRON SAFE. 25 in. wide, 33 high, 25 deep: largedairyman's brine tank, platform scales, McCrajrefrigerating showcase. 451 K at. n.w.

NEWSPRINT PAPER, cut to any alae In anjreasonable quantity: reasonable price. AppliPress Room. 8tar office.

Call I hicN^-''S' 16xl2; WIU Ml1 very che*P


H. C. Cragg Mfg. Co.. 228 K at. a.w.SECOND-HAND BUILDING MATERIAL.Mantels, doors, sash, frames, sheathing. Joiat. atudding, flooring, bath tuba, toileta, boilers, pipe, al!plumbing material, atovea, ranges, steam heatingplant, gas fixtures, gas ranges, iron, lead, brassplate glass, brownstone steps. Apply at build¬ings. 712 to 730 8th st. n.w. g"£"2** CASES AND STORE FIXTURES. BAMPLE FLOOR AND COUNTER CASES AT 8PB-££*L PRICES. "BUY AT THE FACTORY.*1JtUSH A COMPANY, 808 LOW ST.. BALTI¬MORE, MD.STREET GOWN.Blue silk poplin: brand-new;will alter to suit buyer. 1431 E. (5apitol st.SWEATER, PURPLE; new angora collar andcuffs; dresses, size 40; also new pumps, size 5,Apply 3705 Keokuk st.. Chevy Chase. D. C.THIRTY FEET of glass partition for counterquartered oak. E. S. Brashears. 4th floorUnion Savings Bank bldg.. 710 14th st.TICKET to Atlanta, Ga.; good until July 61917. Phone L. 3590.


TWO storage batteries. Witherbee, type Xslightly used; four Inside tubes. 84x4; one aprinsbumper and trunk rake. Dr. Czarra. West Hv-sttsvllle. Md. 7*WATCHMAKER'S tools and supplies, machln-

st a e°° de*Jta an(i bookcases. Call 124 13th7*«~

WATCH.Gentleman's, 18-carat, minute reDeat-er, stop watch; cost $500; will sacrifice for $150-a bargain; act quick: owner leaving city Satur¬day. Phone Line. 1273.


'9® BOX; "Ranta" make; will aell for$75 cash. Call at 500 G st. n.w.

POUTTRY, PETS & LIVESTOCKANGORA KITTENS.Pedigreed; brown tabbypure white; reasonable. 1924 Eye n.w.CANARIES and cages. 3345 18th n.w. c^T3088. «.


t'OW (fresh), with calf. Dr. Czarra. Weat Hvlattsvllle, Md. 7.yFLOUR for hog feed; cheapest feed on the mar-ket. Larimer Bag Co., 700-708 7th a.w.; M. 5471

9*FOR SALE.Boston terrier puppies. Dee i>cKeimels, 730 Fairmont st. n.w. Telephone Col.

PUPPIES, thoroughbred English bull; motherand father both registered. Phone North 8861Mr. Holmes. '

SINGLE-COMB White Leghorns, Youna and Rleestrains; 15 eggs. $1; 100 eggs, $6. Every eggguaranteed fertile. Thos. C. Pollock. 1614 W n£a.e. Phone Linen. 1670.



Money-saving prices. All work absolutelyguaranteed 2,500 miles. New, 3,500 miles.

Polarine, 35c gallon.GIBSON, 25 H st. n.w. Tel. Line. 4148.

AN A-l STUDEBAKER, 1915, touring car* elec-trie lights, starter; new top and tires;'$825Guarantee Radiator and Lamp Co., 1411 14thst. n.w.

A-l AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS.Never in history were there such remarkable

bargains offered as you will find here.1915 Mercer roadster,

i 1916 Oldsmobile, 5-passenger,1910 Overland, 5-passenger.1915 King, 5-passenger.1915 Ford touring.1916 Mitchell, 5-passenger.1915 Buick, 5-passenger.

i 151® Studebaker, 7-passenger."6," 5-passenger.

1913 Cadillac, 5-passenger.1913 Oakland, 5-passenger.1913 Thomas, 7-passenger.1915 Oldsmobile, 5-passenger.Prices range from $200 up.

AGENTS' AUTO CO..Used Car Clearing House,

226-234 14th st. n.w.A-l BARGAIN UPEDjCAR week; Cedillaca andother makes, from $200 to $1,600.

THE COOK & STODDARD COMPANY.Tel. Nogth 7810. 1138 40 Conn, ave. n.w.

AUBURN, 1916; 7-pass.; newly painted andgcod tires; will sell cheap. 1210 Pa. ave nwMain 6276.


A8K GLASSER what he will pay for that old*ou eventually aell; beat dealer la

town to aell your car to; spot-cash paid. 20257th at. North 8960.AUTO TIRES bought ana aold: spot r««h;c^.r'iela'i^j, ^i.workALL METALS WELDED

AM."'I'brJI bj lutoitnuoa prom. rarely ch«w

wwaf&^MX7;..p5S«eb86^KPA,B aH0P-

AUTO ACCESSORIES.Tires.Vulcanizing."Miles of service."


«. I. ave. and 10th at. n.w. North 1075.AUTUMOBILE8 WANTED.Condition no object-nearly all make cara alwaya on hand; tires alao.Bobert Heraon. 110-112 at. a.w. 2Mb



Every ear in good running order, ready foriiiBMtrattea and delivery.Cole "8." 1917. aevan-pasosnger.Cola "40." 1914. flve-paaeeager.Cola "SO." 191S, eevan-passenger.Oakland "Six." 1918. areea-paaaeagar.KlMal Kar "Six." 1917. flve-paaaenger.Studebaker "81*." 1918. flve-paaaenger.Palmer-Singer "Six." 1914. five-peeaenger.Cadillac. 1918. aeven-paaaenger.Reo. 1914, flve-paaaenger.American. 1912. (our-paeeenger.lluvoll roadster. 4-cylinder, two-passenger.Locomobile touring. 4-cylinder, flve-paaaenger.Prices from $200 up. and every rar a good buy

at tbe figure we will Quote. Terms to responsiblepartlea.


1012 14th n.w. Mala TOTS-SOT*.BROC ELECTRIC.In good condition; originalprice, $3,200; will sell for $800 cash: owner or¬dered out of country. Address Box 39-M, Staroffice.SfICK (1*13) EOADBTER.Newly painted: »x-cellent running order; will demonstrate; 8200.110-112 4fr st. s.w.

AUTOMOBILE STORAGE.Lire and dead storage, repairing, all makaa.

gasoline snd accesaories; open day and nlgfct.PORTLAND OARAGE. 612 L n.w. Main 1888.

Babcoclc Commercial BodiesPor Fords and Trucks.

COMMERCIAL GARAGE.T»L Main 247. 807 8th st. n.w.

BROKEN CAST IRONAnd other metals welded by autogeneon*Weldlt Co.. 810 N. J. are, n.w. Lin. 281CHANDLER 1917 touring; never used.REO Biz. 7-paas.; in fine condition.REO Roadster; late model; a snsp.MARION Touring; full elec. equipment; cheap.Any of tbe above cars can be bought at bar¬

gain price. Full information upon request.THE TREW MOTOR 00.,

North 810. 1887 14th st. n.w.

CHEVROLET BABY GRAND, 1916; fine condi¬tion; 4 new tires; extra tire; 3 extra tubes: spotlight and bumper; $500 for quick aale. PhoneN. 1804.DODGE BROS.' 8EDAN. 1917 model; good asnew. Call or phone Mr. Kltt. Arthur JordanPiano Co.. cor. 13th and Q sfe. n.w.

DORT 1916 touring car. 208 Carlysle Courts,14th and Columbia road, between 8 and 6:30 p.m.ELECTRIC CARS for aale; coupea and victorias;fine condition; must be sold. Fidelity StorageCompany. 1420 U st. n.w.FORD TOURING CAR for sale cheap. 1737Johnson ave.. between 14th-15th and R-S. 7#FORD touring, 1915; new tires all sround; termscssh. 810 10th n.e. * Phone L. 1185.FORD touring car. 1916; excellent runningorder; will demonstrate; cash, $800. RobertHerson. 110-112 4y% st. s.w.

FORD ROADSTER.Msny extras; running ordergood; bargain. 222 11th st. n.e. 7*FORD delivery truck; line condition; a bargain.Phone Line. 2112. W. H. Coleman. So. Cap.and N sta. 7»FORD TOURING, 1914; lately overhauled; one-man top; cash or terms. Address Box 131-A,Stsr office.FORD TOURING CAR.1913 model; excellentrunning order; cash. $195; will demonstrate.Robert Herson, 110-112 4^ st. s.w.

FORD COMMERCIAL BODIES.New panel aide bodies. $45.

New open body. $20.Probey Auto Exchange.

8240 Prospect ave. (Georgetown).HUDSON, 1916, light six, touring. SemxnesMotor Co., 1132 Conn, ave. N. 4107.Little FOUR ROADSTER.Has Bosch mag-neto and three new tires; $100. 222 11th n.e.

10*MAXWELL foredoor roadster, two-cylinder; goodcondition; $90; will demonstrate. Phone Line.672-W.MICHIGAN touring car; 5-passenger; excellentrunning condition; good looking; will give dem¬onstration; price, $200; $100 cash, balance $10monthly. Apply Seaton Garage, Lincoln roadand Seaton st. n.e.

MITCHELL, 1916, 5-paaaenger; used carefully;first-class condition; will make terms for quicksale. Megrath. 2004 15th st. n.w., between 5and 6 p.m.. or phone North 2080. 6*NEW FORD CARS.Touring, roadster or de¬livery; $100 caah, balance monthly. AddreaaBox 232-M. Star office.

NEW CHALMERS CARS.Seven paeaengers. Driven by owners.

Day and night. North 4236.NEW open and parcel delivery bodies for Fordcars. 616 Pa. ave. a.e.. basement. 6*OVERLAND 1914 roadster; excellent condition:electric lights and starter; $225 cash. 210218th st. n.w.OVERLAND light roadster; summer and winterbodies; good mechanical condition; tires; Boschmagneto; bargain at $175. 210 2nd st. n.w.PACKARD 2-pasaecger classy roadster; newtires; Just overhauled: will sell at very reason-able figure. Apply 1802 14th n.w. Phone N. 249.PATHFINDER roadster; cruiser body; elec.starter and lights; excellent condition; roodtires; one extra; run 13,000 miles; consider Fordtouring in good condition in trade. See at 625G st. n.w. 5*SAXON ROADSTER, 1817.Practically new:electric starter; bargain. 222 11th at. n.e. 10*SCRIPPS-BOOTH, 1916 model; three-paasengerroadster; owner must sell; leaving city. 3240Prospect ave. (Georgetown).SEVEN-PASSENGER Studebaker; good condi¬tion; ideal for hacking; bargain; owner ill.Address Box 158-A. Star office. .

SIX-CYL. LOCOMOBILE; excellent runningorder; will demonstrate; cash, $325. RobertHerson. 110-112 4% st. s.w.SPECIAL.Old autoe bought and aeld; parts of75 different cars on band; aerood-hand tires:high-tension Bosch magnetoa, $11 each. WatJunk Co.. 717 4H s.w. Main 7179.

STEWART'S GARAGE,Authorized Ford Agent.

We have a large stock of new Ford commercialbodies. We Invite your inspection. Our pricesare right.A bargain in a Ford touring car at $225; also

a light delivery with new body: very reasonable.141 12th N.E. LINC. 1203.

USED CARS.MITCHELL 1918 7-passenger touring, A1 con¬

dition.. ;

MARMON 1914 touring, self-starter, electriclights: bargain.DETROITER, 8-cyllnder, 1916 touring, per¬



WINTON SIX road.ter; ran 1m. than 18,000miles; perfect condition: bargain. 832 H n.e.

80c PER CYLINDER for burning carbon: ao payif not aatlsfied with my process or work; ownerto remove caps and wire*; cracked cylinders,aluminum ring geara and castings welded equalto new and absolutely guaranteed or no pay.

M. M. COLEMAN,Phone Main 4598. 207 12th st. n.W.

AUTOMOBILE®.WANTED.LATE MODEL. 6 or 8 cyl. machine, for $750cash; state full particulars. Address Box 188-A,Star office. 7*WANTED.Light 5-passenger, late model car; Ifive best cash price and full particulars; noords. Address Box 143-A. Star office. ~

WILL TRADE EOUITY in Chevy Chase, D. C., |building site, with all Improvements, for auto¬mobile. Address Box 289-T. Star office.I SELL AUTOMOBILES BY AUCTION EVERTSaturday, 12 noon. A quick and satisfactorymethod. Inquire for special ratea at "WESCH-LBR'B." 920 Pa. are, n.w.


Mount Pleasant Auto ServicePHONE COL. 1036

Seven-Passenger Touring CarsReliable White Chauffeurs

LARGE, comfortable 1917 5-pass. touring car;driven by owner; reasonable prices.

Phone North 7215-J.DODGE TOURING CARS, $2.00 per hour.FORD TOURING CARS. $1.50 per hour.


PHONE WEST 84.50c.Ten blocks.78c.Any distance in city propac.

&28.Shopping, per hour.80 Touring, per hour.

OPEN ALL NIGHT.New Taxi Service Co., Inc,



50c.Ten blocks.75c.Any distance in city proper.

$1.25.Shopping, per hour.$1.50.Touring, per hour.


GARY TAXI SERVICE.North Lms tban 10 blocka BOe11U1UI Within city proper 78cml Shopping, per hour $1.23«J/ Touring, per hour $1.50

1 to 5 passengers.BONDED WHITE CHAUFFEURS.


LARGE, COMFORTABLE, LATE MODEL. 6-passenger touring car; driven by owner; apeclalprices evening driving. Columbia 5222.5-PASSENGER SAXON TOURING CAR for hire,$2.00 per hour. Call Main 948.

1917 FORD; WITH WINTER TOP.Driven by owner.

8L28 and «L60 pas banc; OoL Itffc

AUTOMOBILES.ArroMoiim.ww hibk <ro««*<»%

HUDSON SUPER-SIX ,new T-PA»»K»OE* TOURING OAKS._ Strictly far KlTtta 1


NEW APPERSON CARS.gSPCSfVSStMl 844. Xlltt and Col. 1321. 5NATIONAL TAXI SERVICE.enc it ««.*. citr pnvt ».500 or In*. I Shopping. par bom J]21 Toonng. p«r hoar .»1.3«Same prle^ 1 « » Pasa. WW-"*NEW £aRS. MAIN 236.MAIN 9716. COL. 4483.

Klein's Auto Service.1917 7-passenger 8-cylinder Cadillac and Premie*

on for hire.

"CALL LINCOLN 51.. Soc g*, 75cJMMO. to aw ptwwpr*. Op. *u

FOR RENT.GARAGES.PART OR ALL OF OARAGE AT 1«4 14th STn w.; very reasonable. Apply 0\>>ek. *.1248 11th st.

_____ _

SPACE in garage *or Ford. near Iowa Circle.Address Box S3-A. Stat o«ce. s*NEAR 19th AND K. INDIVIDUAL GARA'iK.10x18. with water: 00 wide alley; $7 per won (a.Addrew* Box 812-P. Star office.fioDERN BRICK GARAGES. HOLDING KlU'Vf1 to 4 car* or tracks, near 14th and Columbiaroad, at from $7 to 825 monthly. Best la city.

A. F. FOX COMPANY. 1811 "H" a.w.FOR KENT.LA&GB GARAGE IN THE KI"ARof 1515 R ®t. n.w.; rent, $10. THKO. FHIK-BUg, 1320 N Y. are. n.w.NEW GARAGE FOR RENT, LARGE ENOUGHfor any car; wide alley. Rear 1320 Fairmontst. n.w. Col. 1434.


GARAGE FOR RENT. NEW, AT 1737 K !* T.n.w. Inquire JANITOR.1122 COLUMBIA ROAD. PHONE COL. <W3.Accommodate Urge car; wide alley.


fiunbtwtf fireproof. Will Uit for.Ter.H. C. BALL. Clarendon. Va.

Phono Boaalya 1**-°-I WILL BUILD YOU ANT KINO OX GARAGEaalckly ud at the right price.

r K. FEftOCSOif.. ^»ea. n. 7099. 1011 »tH st- M. 18T.

rrlEL-COVEBED OARAOE8 COMPLETE®With Cement Floors, $75 " promptly ittwdeJ to. MOT O ,t. ¦.*.

GET A GARAGE THAT WILL OUTLAST ANt(.race on the m.rk.t, In appearaace. durmMUgand price. V. T. H. BIEN. Erana bid!.. Baa«202. Phone M. 3159.


1337 I. N.W..Cboire front room!, bath; boar®If desired; price reasonable.1318 15th N.W..Second-floor front room; fourwindows; adjoining bath; hot water; phone;central.1719 EUCLID N.W..For n*nt. one or two largorooms; a.m.L; near two car lines. Phone CoL6304.


1120 11th ST. N.W..Furnished rooma for l*b,.k«825 11th 8T. N.W., APT. 7.Large front roomssuitable for two gentlemeji.226 13th ST. S.W..One large furnished room;let floor: heat and gss. ®_-1203 11th ST. N.W..Desirable front room andkitchenette adjoining; complete for l.h.k.; 81-per month.


THE BRUNSWICK. Apt. 75.Corner room; twolarge window*; overlooking Franklin Park, pri¬vate bath: all-night elevator.827 EYE N.E..Two nicel.v furnished l.h.k.rooms: gas: gas range: li.-w.h.: no children.1914 R ST. N.W..One large second-story frontroom, bath adjoining; suitable for one or tw#gentlemen: privste fsmlly. "

112# GIHARD N.W..Room. with screenedporch. $10; three adulta in family. Phone CoL4312-W. Owner. 7


930 O ST. N.W..Two nicely furnished second-story front rooms, adjoining bath; private lani-lly: no children: l.h.k.2900 14th N.W.. Apt. 21.Large room; l.h.k.if desired.


13iH PARK ROAD.Nicely furnished room: sec¬ond floor; next to bath: with screen porch; phonoand electricity; for gentleman:814 18th ST. N.W..Newly painted and papered;electric lights.1122 13tli N.W., overlooking Mass. ave..Largoand small rooms: electric light. «.APT. 10. 1117 8th st. n.w..Room for one ortwo; next to bath: modern. g1311 L ST. N.W..Large front basement room,with use of kitchen, for housekeeping; also onaon aecond floor, next to bath; auitable for two,phon907 13th ST. N.W..Furnished rooms; New Eng¬land people preferred.825 N. y. AVE. N.W.Front hall room; 2ndfloor: near bath: hot water J"1">11 FAIRMONT 8T..Large, airy front room;southern exposure; private home; tetwnllthand Hth St. cars; convenient to good boarding,gentleman only. _i.1205 N ST. N.W..Two communicating rooma lorl.h.k.': next to bath.


1935 CALVERT.2nd-floor rooma; bath adjoining.

i-i.iQ KKNYON N.W..I-arRe. well ventilated.2nd or 3rd story front rooms; near cars; boardIf desired. Phone Col. WW. _21°4 13th ST 8.E..Two desirable rooms; nearl^ncoln Park: will let to men only.1213 EUCLID ST. N.W-Two .mmunl»tin|second-floor rooms._ next to bath. Call, alter op.m. Phone Col. 5457.8 IOWA CIRCLE.Rooms, overlooking psrk;bath on same floor; unlimited phone, tabiabonrd. if desired. N. 83fi2.


10ift vrrlll) \nt. 24.Cool, comfortable southroom, In second-floor apt.; electric llajus; hotwater: phone: two In family, lady desired.7^1 k ST nTw..Attractive, modem privateCome, near Capitol, to refined man south frontroom, with closet; ?6 per month, larger, fl^.937 MASS. AVE. N.W..Large 2nd floor frontroom: two beds if desired.


EUCLID ST. N.W..Beautifully furnishedrrom. second floor, next to bath; private family;gentlemen preferred: references.1331 IRVING.A large front room; four wln-dows: private family.i°0 3D ST. N.E..Nice, cool room with porcn;iScining fcitSu Call bet. 12 and 5 p.m. Line..4979-J. rr-T5iMi H4RVARD ST.. APT. 7.Front r«wm. suit¬able for two gentlemen; twin beds; continuoushot water: electric light: three windows.

^1329 M ST. N.W. (Thomas Circle).Cool frontroom: reasonable.1309 12th ST. N.W..I/arge, <omforta»»le room;second floor, adjoining bath; *3 per week. N.

915 N. Y. AVE.. Apt 2.Two lieautifulexposure rooms, with all convenleacM. M. 8189.1332 IRVING N.W..TWO ROOMS. PBIVATBbath; telephone; electricity; men only. CoL1072. 5.THE COLUMBIA. 14th and Clrard, Apt. 3.Tnrire front room: southern exposure.

juth N.W..'Two handsomely furnishedrooms and bath; line neighborhood; private fam-ilv: between two car lines.*1SOO BELMi»NT ROAD-Between Ml.and Chevy Chase car lines: rooms and bath, sin¬gle or en suite; in best location; $S and $10. ref¬erences.

ALABAMA APTS.. cor. lltli and N sts^.Apt.501.Delightful, cool front room; continuous notwater: for gentleman. N. 3650.


ROYALTON, 40. 918 M ST. N.WLarge front,bay window: newly furnished; twin beds; eleva¬tor: electricity: abundance of hot water.

48 EYE ST. N.W..Attractive rooms, single oren suite; newly papered and painted: elegantlyand completely furnished; all modern improve¬ments: three squares from Union station; veryreasonable. Linen. 396i.TRANSIENTS.75c per night, two blocks fromUnion depot. 323 E st. n.e. '

1421 HARVARD N.W..Comfortable rooms forone or two persons in office: phone.2137 K ST. N.W..3 3d-floor rooms; l.h.k.;adults.

-.r.g-»-> 8th ST. N.W..Large room. 2nd floor; threeexposures: twin beds; clean: gentlemen.510 MAINE AVE. &.W., corner of eili.Nicelrfurnished communicating rooms for l.h.k., op¬posite park. .

1111 lltb ST..First-floor apt.: porch; pri**1*bath: l.h.k.: other rooms. N. 1982. 6

742 ROCK CREEK CHURCH ROAD N.W..TWOnicely furnished, cool rooms; single or en suite,privste bsth; electricity; steam heat; phone. 5.<t T\rrni N 10th "nd H ,u*L 1 IN] LU Liv Summer rates. Rooma.running water; baths In double rooms.



l4->8 nth N.W..Three Urge unfurnishwl roomaanil bath: flrst or second floor: reasonable.".>« 13th ST. S.W..Three unfurnished rooma;second floor; heat and gaa; near bureau, tennamoderate. .f... jjJ7'hj 12th N.W..'TWO rooms, go*, bath, Jlflrnonlh: also others. j !illO K ST. N.W..Entire aecond floor of thre.larae rooms for 1-h-k-

.. .

term8>th^ p H gMITH coMPAirr.815 FIFTEENTH STREET.


2316 18th ST. N.W..Two rooma OB third floor;larre front room. 2..J87 MD. AVE. 8.W..Two back rooma; heat, gaa.Oath: l.h.k.; 110; convenient to onreaa. o

1806 U ST. N.W..Four rooma; larg, doaatalprivate bath; south porch.L414 U ST. N.W..Three rooms and bath; »awlyjapered and painted: very reaaonaMe.


1328 MONROE ST. N.W..Thre. nllftinillkadrooma; l.h.k. Call after . p.m.1418 NEW JERSEY AVE. N.W..UTO J*flWilahed Iroat room; fir, window*; atst

¦ {