library of congress · f (ififr # fmntitfi i a j _ - ^tur. jl^v' j_ vol. xxv1i1. washington.d....

f # (ififr I a j _ - jl^V' J_ fmntitfi ^tur. VOL. XXV1I1. WASHINGTON. D. C.. FRIDAY. AUGUST 24. 1866. N°. 4.202. ..i^..i... ! m rmiffln) vmt, at mt irrit buiuuhqs ^ 9T 1 W. D. WALLAOH. . o Tha ST AS to mttwI by Um cnrrVtr* to Utttr ahscrtber* la » Oity and Dtatrtc at Tn oam m vm- u*pmutfe«ec«iur,witk or without wrapper*, Two Owu sack. Plica »oa Mailis* Tbm« months, Om PV> ** catha, SWm Mtar»; om year, PW« JMtara. Mo pip. an Mt from th« offle* longer than paid tor. Tfea WKKSJLT STAH.pnblUhed on FrMaj WW.BMP BANKERS, j^ARROW * ., BASK BBS. Cointr Loilrlaat iteaw tal S«»»nth atraet, niALIla IB BOYEltNMEMT SECURITIES, GOLD AJtD 81LVKB IT » If AMD LAND WABBABT8. | EW1S JOHKSON A CO., . Bill BBS, «*D PBALK&8 IB F0BB10B EXOBABGB, GOVBBlt BBBT SB0CBITIB8, 8TOCK8. B0ND8. GOLD ABO 8ILVCB. BOCODT AHD SOLD. n.h * tf JAY (OOKE A CO., niiiii, Pi/Utwh strttt, orpoiUe Trtafvry, It? Mil at cnrreat rata*. aad kw» always o Lacd, a full mpply of a|l OYEBNHBBT BOKD8, 1 AO TBBA8D&T BOTES, r«B»iBiriftii nr mniiTtnu**a V -- T And («> th« kltheat price* to UI'ABTIRMASTIAS' CB*CK8 _ AMP OPCHKB8. »n3dtf Vint National Bank of Washington. B. D. COOEB. (of J&y Cooke A Co.,) President. «l. 8. BIKTINGTON, Csskler. OOYBBBMKBT D1P03IT0BT ARB VllANClAli AOBHT OF TH1 UBITBB TATB8, 10U ftriti, rrto.<»r» Dtparnntnt. Otitruuat SecurltiM wHh Tntnt« U&lUd ItatM. mrONE MILLION DOLLARS^ We bu> »nd aetl »H cUnti of GOVERNMENT klCl'RlTIES»X corrent market r»tM. FURNISH EXCHANGE ami tnak* Oalkttwnx mm ALL TBE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE VKITED STATES. inrcDiM vvmnntDi i o«CMra on im MOST FATORABLS TERMS, and give careful tlOBVt »ttMti«« tO ACCOUNTS ct BUSINESS MEN and FIRMS, u4 U> mmj other baain«M aatrnat«d to a*. FULL lKFOEMATlOH 1b retard to GOT 1KB II1T LOAHS at at! timrt cheorfailr forniahed y> M. 8 HDHTINQTOa, Oeihler. W^hincton, Merck M. IBM. »M-tf CLOTHING, 4e. I^ATBBT BMWB rum OAS. HALL, BKADQVABTBBft CLOTH IK» DBPABT MBBT. djiitn chutumma * vv., Noi. 460 and 4fc4 8BVBNTH STBBBT TWBBTT FIB CXBT. SAYBD BY BH1NQ TOUH FALL ABD VUBTBB CL0THB8 BOW. » «S«t an a tock of DMMJIB, FALL AID WINTER CLOTHING AT TWBNTY PBB CBNT LBS8 tLan the earn* goods can t>e maaulactared for tomti greatly by buying now for next I 1 ailaad Winter » aee. _ We are alao making CLOTHING to order fer Be stFall and Winter at met lees than tbey will !»'«* . a. *kia mA ItQfll&nwntiv BiiesHvu »v .r ti t m wum 7°n SMITH BEOS * CO., >0. 460 and 404 Seventh afreet, nil-1 j Q»»oelto Pott Office. HKHBY B HELM SEN, MBBCHANT TAILOB, >M Bm removed from 394 P etreet, to the |Q »catbwe«t corner of LouJaui* avenue and *f w cth Mrwt. ana/? Metropolitan Hotel , late Brown'a, Iw S«2 FesuylTuItkma* " * my 1 tf WaehlBirtop. P. C. DENTismr. DKMOVW-Pft J. H. WOOLLIT. Den tilt, IV ku n»OT«d from 314 7th street to his ttrf* and eleiut office, Ho. Market Space, between 8th and »th atrteta, north tide. Tint clftM and pensar.cnt OPBBATIOM8 nerfomad at muck retiuttd bat enough to allow me to do justice to my ntlwti. no 1 ! * T. cocmbb. DENTIST. No 349 9th atraat, . bttwMi H nod 0 atreeta, will Ixtrici,^*^ Fill, and Insert Teeth on GoldToliTer, orfliJEfil Bobber Plat*, at Boat moderate yrlcaa?*. w Beat Material aaad. au l lm* n> LOCKWOOD, Waablugton Building, 344 1" Ptou t avenue. will fill Teeth wltb^M^ gold and Inaert TBETH on Bubbar atHH| *r> reduoed price Teeth extracted arlth-^ *** out pain. jy 14 1m* 1)b lbwib. li>?s?8ralh- HK07Id frani i 24 A to *60 Paon. avenue, tan doora^M^ akow Gr.l Dlttorery 11 D'n'f trt MKB ttmn r.titos:»a mtihm fat*. All yw "*''1 ** one btTiuTMtb toex tract ,1 *»«U tdviHthem to call »lDi. LSW1BH offl e, and Uti them taken ont. Te«th Inaerted on, Quid and Hirer Plater In order that all persons should hare Teeth, we hare reduced the price rery low. To convince* of the fart, call and see for yoor« mItm. Also, call and aee the new and Imprered oietk*<l ol inserting Teeth. Ko. 2M Peua'a arcane, between 12th and Uth treats. je 3-tf B. ». HWH, M. D . Pentlst. TI 1 T H . PLATE TIITH. attend* penonally fcla office in thia city. Many person* canAaBSI ear throe teeth who cannot *ear other*, 'in> and do term can wear othen who aooaot wear ^Peraona calling at my office can bo ar com mod* ted with any atyle and price of Tooth thoy nay deaire, bat to tbeae who or* par tic alar, and wish the pareat. cleanaet, atroacat and moat perfect denture that art coo pro*ore, the MllilAli TIITH will be more fully warranted. Hooaa in this city.Ve. 33** Penn'a arcane, between »th and 10th ata. AUo, 907 Arch atroet, Philadelphia. oc 20 ly EXPRESS COMPANIES. ^DAMB KXPKB8S OOMPAHT, OFFICE HA PES*'A AVENUE. RAiicH orrio* U19 IENNSYL VAN IA A VENUE, OPPOSITE WilLARD s. )l»rcka>4<M. Money. and Valuable" of all kiada lorvar«t4 with diopttck to all sccMaiblo Mctioaa 1 tka rovltrT. OOLLSCTlOS or NOTJ8, »*A»T«, AHD IIU8 MmU In aeeeMit 1* )trU of the United Stater C O DUNK, Ageat, BhM tf \»Mhi»top. D. Q. W ' * Vuil.makblb *a8Tl?e?mo5dmEire, tablb ad WASHSTAVP TOPS, Ac. &2f«A** . r..>! IKM S5lWBeff"WM 111 Or<m f«rPI*Bb«r^ BLABS »WwiH J* ' »» '"om,b««. un MS Mas. *mt, P.O. l/« WB1ATONH SLBMSMTW or AJtTAJI**T10* A L LAW, Ml wlrtlou, lir, w«th MIM *y VIM, #7J|. IJUSCA XATLOB. , " I PIC NICS, EXCURSIONS, Ac. AmvuusuH'ns!i. Moei A-NCl, take fre*t pleasure anncntufaf to The pun lie that tbtrMNHh K»tt ckuterH tbe iteaner WhmnI. for a* a*, careion 10 the T.mb of WMhlutu m fklDAT aFTBBJMKJH. Aaguat Utb 1?« Tb« boVt will 1 the foot of 7th-street wharf iruiuii at iu. o'c O'ki n Tkic^D»uy will reaaain et Mount Trmon m til 7 o'clock, after which the Boat will proceed dovn the Potomac ma far aa Qhment, re tnralLg to the city at 1®H oVIeck. The character o* the orfaalaattoa by vileh thla ezcor«loa la given will comsead it to all who wtah to pay a quiet Tiatt to the Tom* of the Father ef hi* Goantr>. A limited number of ticket* hare been turned to guard againat a crewd. Mmic on tho B<>at. Ticket#. $1 each, dm lurflog admiaalen to the ground*,) mar be obtained at the Matte Store of Mr. J V. Kllie, 30® Pa afeaae.of the meatben of the DlTieion. and if »nr remain nnaold, at tbe Boat on the nfteraooa of the Bicareioa. ALPBKB WOOD, an 21-St* Chairman of Committee. B* **<irM*,TflB PIO BIO m% BOC Til B tV SipaVH A#? LU MS. A Will be^^pAY Avnxm .THl 0* Al AXAL.USTAX I SI. A .V D. F*rrrf»e«. Kirvt t>o»t le»ve« f ot of high atr*«t »t)« rk>(kp D *a4rr«ry t<-o minot«a thereafter. Tickets f I. admitting at mtlpmen fend radi»« I'pmmuttt..H W Bhfk^ll, Walter Drew, Dr. H E. Price, Bcctt BrvJdock, A. 1. Mudd, Joeeth Dfewt<n. aa»-t* 1AMIB LK AT*B TDK MODN T VKHMON © EVERY _ THURSDAY, AT 10 A. EKTIHKS AT4* P. M. wa **P vriB wnniin TBTD *1 * uun r V 1 Ski t One-third of thin amount for dm of Monat Vernon Aeeocletion. Washington »nd Alexandria Boat* lea^a each pUre even bom from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. The fine Steamer WawMet can fee charters I for Iirnnion* J. VAN BIBW1CK, AMUSEMENTS. nnilTI 1 « A n d ir DViai 1 DANC1HG ACADEMY, A Oppoaite Metropolitan Hotel. ift Onr fleaaea will con tinned during theffummer, commencing TL'IHDAT, HAT 39, I860. Dayf end Hours of 7Vtl»<>« For LMim, Miaaeeand Batter*, T need ay and Friday afternoon#, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Gentlemen a Olaeeee, same evening*, from 9 to 10 oVloek. For farther information, apply daring the hour* of tnltlon, or addreea a note to tho Academy. myHy EDUCATIONAL. m m tbc n antai ' - . Miu * aann A * i lonD* riy IV Birvtf t BO( 01 > t W111 r»-npen her SCHOOL f OB YOUKQ LABIBi on Monday. September 3d,on I atreei, Ho t!04, second doer frpm Itth street west. Paptls will t>e received for tultian In Music and French only if d pel red. Profeaeor* of French, Meadaaee Mallard and Carrier, from Parle. an M IOt« QXOBGSTOWN OOLLBGK, D. O. The next session of thia Institution will commence en the flrat Monday of September. The pension for the scholastic year lar tuition, board. Ac , ia #3fiO. For further information addreea B. A. MAGC1BK, 8. J.. _au O-lm Preetdent. S'CMBIBLAKD VALLEY INSHTT'TE. v for yor.vf; hektlemes, MBCHANH'sBWEO PA. Bar.O. Xr.s A So*. Ppventh Baholaatic Tear under its present Managemt nt. Course of atndy Academic and Commercial. Duties renamed MONDAY. 8eptem»>er S Cbaraea for five mouths'session, 9l». Noextraa. Send for a circular. an 23 iw OLL'MBIAN COLLEGE, WASHINGTON, D. 0. The several departments of will open as followa; ratorj Department. Wednesday, Septem- | " A'-ademlc Department. V«dn«id»r, September aeth. Law Department, W ednesdij, October lOtta. Mediral Department, Monday. October 13th. Tar further information agrees G. W. SAMSON, T> D , n IS-Jtawtu * Prwldant. Mrs"vernon oprse y *s seleot»ohooi> lor YOUNG LADIES, No. 4- Kant Capitol treat, corner of 3d street, Capital Hill, will be oaanad on MliNDAY. 3d ^pfomtar. References.J. Carroll Brest. Eaj , S. a. Elliott, Esq , Thoe. h. Parson*. Em., John CraDch,B*j., General Thomas Swing an21-eolm* M&s. j a. kuliy will open a school. for ronii ladtee and int»»*s on the FIRST HAKniT U l.a.«lu. jmA »- «* .. m. m mm wvywviavci t 1 <AI« I £IU< XI * «nUlU aide PfDD a avenne, between 10th tnd 2C*b «tre«t». Ad opportunity will » « alorded for a thorough and fall cenrae in Bagliah. Preach, Mnaio, D awing and Painting, by experleuoed and appreved Profaaaorg. _ an T1 -lui MI88 MAORI?DIB 8 DAT SCHOOL FOB TODNO LADIK8 will reopen on MONDAY, September 3. Pupila will be received for tuition in French Mir. tf Aeeired French teacher*, n»na. and Madam MALLABD, frem Paria. Mo. 1 Weatatraet. Qeorgetoirn. an 14 taep3» PBOF. O. W. WOOLLBT*8 OOMMBBOIAL COLLKOB.491 Mh at., ia Main open for tb « reception »t nnplla. The moat tharonsn acie&USc inatruction girtm in Writing, Bookkeeping, Phonography, Ac. Taraa the moat moderate an 14-im* j^OABDIHQ ABDDAl^ SCHOOL FOBYOGBO Mm ANNB J. MITCHBLL will open a Boardin t and Day 8c hoe 1 for Yonnf Lad lea at her rent too n.-. « " , .«« v«/ vjrrvi ibiuwii, V. V/ . OQ Monday. Mptemtoer 10.18M. »o>Th.M,gtd F bbdbbick femalb seminary, FBBDCB1CK MD. PoMMtlnjr fall collegiate power*, will oomtnence lu 3«tb arholwtic year on the Flrat MOM DAY to September. ¥or catalnene*. «c., a Id rata Bar. THUS. M. CABM, A. M., Preaident. jy t4ectae»tl* rii 6T.TIM0TBY8.1ALL. J BE dattea of tfcla inetituticn will b»* reaamed an Sept. 13,19M For terraa. Ac., tee catalogue aad cii< ular Ht the principal bookatorae of ibis clty.«r addreaathe principal no 31 E. PABSOS8. Catonvilie. Md. PERSONAL. '««>iuhs. black. wakdh.lahow. c.t. black. LAW OFFICE. BLACK, LAMON * CO., Ooon^ellor- md Attorney* tt la« 1 n the Suareme Conrt of «hf Dotted Slates, the Cnart of Oltlmi, the Courts of the District, the executive Departments. end Committees of 0*n<rees. Office, 46? l«iu street, (directly opposite WWUnto' Hotel ) de 18-tf C' INGLK ATTOBNEY AT LAW, No 36 Louisiana even** al>ove *'.th street, oeSily Wa»his«.tom. D G. pCBK OLD POST WIN* I here received fro® the private stock of a wellknown and honored citisen a ehort supply of pare si.d Irst quality I'OBT WINK, "Alto Douro r 18*7 " ipmwinr nM Dr«ll >DOWUW> mi K Ttrll fNri, and ttseflecta upon persons stiffs ring with allnients incident to the season have been very beneItisordered and recommended by physicians, and c»n be relied on in every particular. N. W BUBCHILL, corner 14th and T atraets, I jy M wader Bbbttt Hons*. DEfABTMElIT OF THE 1HTEE10E. VyiTED STATES PATENT OFFICE, Washington, Ancvst 1, l&tf. On the petition of LEMlEL O. J INKS, of Boston Mass., praying for the extension of a patent granted to nlxn on the 2d day af Hoyembar, lasa, Jos an lmptoTsaient in " Machine* for Driiiin® U J. orth* iK. .rf, _ **' «'*c? | fet'^"."tsiii"®",;" 5S®R!'g2 i!u1b5'rt«« I toff "s^fi^SSSSSS Uieday of hearing, all testimony Bled by either arty, to be a ltd at the Mid heart o*. timet be ip&r^rin rfflasfft'SHR' ^Deposition* and other pa pen, relied naoa m i teetinoay, BDitb* filed la the offlre twtn'y day* .«1«re the day ofYearlag; the arnmiiti, if any,' with! a ttn day* after fltln* the testimony. Ortfre4. atao that thi* notice be aabllibed la the atytiMioa aad Qm hviUgt*cU, Washington. D. O., aad in tte Jnrr*n, Bootoa, Maoe,. once a »eah for tbreeear««**v«e waeke; Mm flret of aaid «£r? U^M? ti8c7, » .f «nlrt«t»> tliiimil, w^ltfiv ' . TVr . - f? f \ " * 4". . .1 i 81 ^* U..... J" (* J ., 4 m4 4 SPECIAL NOTICES. - i. KBBOB8 Of YOUTH A Hitlimu who itdrrti for imt« from N»r»'UiDfliilltj. FrematureDrui.twl all ihctlTtcti of >«uthfnl tudiacretion. mill, for the «*ke of enffering bnmatitry «end free to *11 «r»o tt*«d It, the r*celp|l»Bd;rtireetioM for making'he »l«ple r*mf&Tj'T which he w«« cared. Batferare wiehing to profit bt the edvertieer n experience cab do eo by eddreeaiag, is perfect confidence, john b ooom, anU-Vtm« v.. * n n i » « v~.fc . . .. *1V . « wu »* o««w»* WPAINT1RG HAB OIVIH 08 TH»"Heert »f the And**," but tbe perfnn** of Um-m- Bdea vale* is wanting in the picture. That c*d only he realized b»re, is tb» perfnme of PHALOH'i MIGHT BLOOMING CKBEU3.'' prepared from Uuir moat fi agrant flowers. Bold everjrwhere. MABBIAHB AMD CKL1BA0Y, ia In»t «f Warning and Instruction tor Tonng Men. Alto, Diieatee and Abaeee which prostrate the Tlte) powers, with anre meaaa of relief. Bent ire* 01 hum m maim latter envelopee. AUtM J>r J 8RILLIN B0OOBT«N,B«ward Aaaoclatfon. Philadelphia. t>a an* U Sm BALL'S) VSUBTABLB SICILIAN HA1B RENEWKHhu prored itself to be the most perfect preparation for the hair erer offered to the public. It is a vegetable com pound, and contain! no injurious properties whatever. It will ExstoksGkay Hair to its Original Color. It will keep the hair from fatting oat. It cleanse* tbe scalp, and makea the hair oft, lnstrons and allken. «t ia a splendid hair drearing. [ft Mra/tn alrl A* <*« » «W«nH #aa!1 n«A I# It i* RtcowirRifDiD awd Diir by thi Fisrr Mkcical Authority. . , _ KT Auk for Ball a Vegetable Sicilian Hair Benewer, and take no other. B P HALL A OO., Nwhoa, K. H., Proprietor*, for tale by all PrnggleU. j* 25-Tb,ly MOTH AND r&SOKLSS. Ullei afflicted with Dlaoolorationa on tht VUl, nlM moth patchee or freckles, ahould an P*BBY*8 celebrated MOTH and£ BBCKLB LOTIOH. II la infallible Prepared bfbr. B. 0. Perry. Der- m*tok>giit,49 Boad it., V. T. Sold toy all drai(lata la Washington and «lM«b«r*, mi 1>-*oIb COLGATE'S ABOMATIO YIQBTABLB SOAP A anterior Toiut Soap, fra>ar«d from rafiaad bsktablb Oiia 1b combination with Qltcbbih b ud eaftelatlr d«d|Md far the bm of La tubs, and far tba Bcbsbbt. IU farfama la axqnlaita, ud wnahlnf proyartlaa nnrl vailed. For a*V« by *11 drngf lata. fa t-Mly ffVMSL T, STEADILY, BVCCBSBFOLLY, nOLAHDUV BXTBAOT BCOEO m imaa wi mm «f Ktam Pram, limuvui, Obatkli Ueijiabt DuoBSXBa, Wbakkmb md Paih» la the Back. Vimui OoKTLAiim and TmocBLMBrtalngfrom licina of but Kirs. 00MB, T I if r LIOTBDI TBT SMQLANBBB'8. TiWK rrn nrfffB a rrrrr n Bold by all Apothecaries. Price #1. D.BABHH * CO., Hew York, Ud BASHU. WARD ft 00., Iiv OrlMUi Southern A|«U. BUBLBIQH ft BOOBBB. Wk«Uuli BniSfUrti, Boston, Mm., Qwenl At.». Mll-ll BBOBBT DI8BABBB. BamjlBItaji's 0i»t )»t Inmost oertala, hB ud effectual remedy.Indeed, the only vegetable remedy ever discovered. Cares In two to ronr days, and recent ceeee In twenty-fonr hours. Ho mineral,no mercury. Only ten pilleto be takan. It te the soldier's hope, and a friend to thoee who do not want to be expoeed. Mala packages, #2, famale. |t. Samabitaiv's Boot amdHebb Juieaa. A positive and permaosntcnre for SpyhlUs, Bcrofota,Ulcere, Boree, Baots. Tetter*, Ac Price #1 25 per bottle. Baldbyi.O. Pard. Beeadrertlsement. ayl ft MODBBH MIBA0LB1 VfAffl aIA And unnnei .I-V * ~'vA" * ..e. mvui n«.u >u<l . iruiu high born and lowly, coiim tb« Dilnrw Votoe ef praiae for HALL'S VIOKTABLK SICILIAN HAIR BSNSWBB. It !a ft perfect and miraculoaa »rticl«. Onrea baldness. Makee hair crow. A bettor dreealng thftn any "oil" «r "pomatum." Softeni braab, dry and wiry hair Into Beautiful Silken Treaaea. Bat above all. the (Teat wonder la the rapidity with which it reatorea Gray Hai k to its Oeisimal Colo*. Uaa it few timet, and PRKSTO, CHANGS! the whiteet and worat I "eking hair roaumea ita youthful beauty. It doea not dye the hair, but alrikes at the root and fllla It with new life and ootorinf matter. It will not take a long disagreeable trial to prore the truth of thl» matter. The flrat application will * .in -..i.." »vb , |«U will «« HATCUL VOLOt returning ererr day. and BXrOBK TOU KNOW IT, the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair will be gone, giving place to fuatrous, shining and tMutlful locka. Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Benewer: no other article is at all like it in effect. Ton will find it obkap to But, PlliSAXt to Tbt, And Sun* to »o Too Good. There are many imitations. Be sure yen procure the genuine, manufactured only by B. P. HALL ft 00., Haabna, N H. For sale hy nil druggists. jaJT-8,ly TWB BAD 0&II8 Or PILBB 6UBBD »T DB STRICKLAND'S PILB BBMBDT. Mr. Glass, of JanesTille, Wisconsin. wrltee Cor tlu benefit of all who suffer with the Pilee, that he hM kMn troubled for eight years with an aggravated cut of Piles, and Ms brother wm discharged roia the army w incurable, (he being «nlte pareyied with the Pilee.) Both theee diet reeelnf oaeee were cared with one bottleof Dr. STBIO BLAND'S PILB BBMBDY. The reoauneodntloa of tbeee gentlemen, beelde the daily testimonials roceUed by Dr. Strickland, ought to oonrlace those cfferlag that the most aggravated chronic oases of Piles are cured by Dr. Strickland's Pile Btoedj. It Is old by Druggists everywhere. Bold by J. W. HA1BN * 00.: OBAS. CBBIST1AHI. ST1 Pa. vmeud BOil Wieth street. nM-U HALL'S YIQBTABLI SICILIAN BAIB BBNBWIB Benews the Hair. HiU'i "Vksetabl* Sicilian Hair Bimwir Bestores gray hair to the original ooler. Ball's Vegetable Stcilian HaikRknewkk Prevents the hair from falling off. Bail's Vkoitabl* Sicilian Bat* Bkniwke Makes the halt soft and Kloesy. Hau'1 Ykcktabl* flicittAJi Haih Bexkwkh Dors not stain the skin. Ham."s Sicilian Vmetabl* BAim Binvwkk Bas prorsd Itself the bast preparation for the hair ew preneated to the public. Price 41. For sale by si I druggUts. je30-Toly A 8UP1BI0B BBMBDT. _ We m oonscienttonsly recommend to thoassnf ferine (rem MttreMhs oongb, DB. IfllOl. LAND'S MBLLIVLUOU8 COUGH BALSAM. It glTee relief almost Instantaneous, and Is withal not disagreeable to the taste. .There ta mo «oabt K,Sssaaa; syy* etorciaimi tor It. We bare tried it daring the to«UMn street, Cincinnati, Ohio, and lor sal* by Prnfilate. SoM br J. W. BAIBrf A OQ.,al.o at WJJJIJB _DpH Store, and OH AS. 0BTB1STI- *are^ii ri. maw Mi » » Ilath all Ml. HOTKLgTRESTADEAJJTS, Ac. salt watb®imvth^int pavilion. . Tk'e well tao*B Booort will be o..» A for Ut nmiUob of TUitor nUMttthwXjV |14 per wftk, »M. MITOHILL, Proprietor. 8tMB>n k*n WiiUnitti every Wedneeday ud Batnrday at I o'clock a. m., and Baltimore every Tut sd^y and Batard»v at 4 o clock p m., torching (roing and coming at tho Point, en7-lw* yy A LLACH HOLteB K8TAUBAHT AMD DIMIHO SALOON, Bonlhweit corner of Penna oV®. and nth ttreet. *Sm_c ! A- JIXOAN, proprietor. BTATM HOTEL, OAPI IBLAMDJV1W IBB8KT. knt Mtunn to aanoaaoo to onr Mttdi iW Ike Nblk tb«t this .ciout. mod-A . m. A Arm -A > " A U BJmA y M UOW VLMV " BEIT BATBIBQ SBASOB. **®" »l»ce warraaU utnU* b*H*t Ckitn cu offer lDdnc«m*»u of comfort asd lOKnry Dot to rarc®saw.vA.a4.s«°3css.?jji»- " ' I I .V t1 i'B.' «' -I 4' i f- « ? 4 K?';' I j 4 jnOT. .L ; id'. ~ \ it k #wi TELEGRAMS. *<Mayor Hoffman Collector Smyth*, and others representing Now York city and the National Government, hav* iak»n steps for the reception of Prvaident Johnson. President .lobason will arrive there at noon on tbe i»tn inst, and accepts tbe military reception tendered by the city division of the militia, and vriil Irate the ollowmg morning for West Point. The Common Council, U>e merchants, th» Timman* . .>utiu j uiv v/u»mwr» VI WW* meres. and the Demo-rattc Committees will t*ke proper action relative to the President's reception. A ditpatch, dated San Francisco. Aug. 22. states that tbe bare Yaletta, from Kaaagawa July ly, brings 2,H» paekacM and 1,t31 half chests of tea. The new crop of tea Is o f good quality, and Is com in* Id freely. Prises are the Bame as last reported. The stork of silk is small. A. lodre of Masons had Wn estab. lisbed at Yokohama. Tbe eaptain of tbe Italian frigate Magnet* bad arrived, accredited with powers from Victor Emmanuel to enter into a treaty with Japan. Kica at Yeddo bad fallen in price. A general order baa been issued by Gen Sheridan, revoking General Order No. 00, issued by Gen Baird, declaring martial law In New Orleans, and appointing a military Goternor, but continues in fore* Gen. Sberidan's General Order No. IS, declaring martial law to exist fortbspreeervationof the public peace, and the preservation of life and property, which was tbe status existing before the riot. Governor Cuttin hie issued a circular inviation to tbe representative in Congress from Penntylvania, inviting such of them as can respond to the call of the Southern loyalists for a convention in Philadelphia to be preeent and participate in tbe deliberation! of tbeee patriots. It is bis earnest desire to have Pennsylvania represented in that body, and it is expected that be will appoint Senatorial delegates. Matamorae affairs are quiet. General Oanales is in command at that place. Gen Josia and all the officers, civil and military, rave in their adhesion to htm. Oeaeral (Jararajal remains with bis family at Brownsville. Gen. Wallace has obtained a peremptory order from Can ales for the delivery of arms and ammunition, which have just bees safely stored on the American side. Governor Orr, of Sooth Carolina, has leaned a proclamation convening the Legislature on the 4th of September in an extra seeeion, for the purpose of adapting State laws to the recent acts of Congress, and for the relief of the financial embarrassments of the people of the State. A dispatch from Santa Fe. New Mexico dated the 12th last, says..Ex- Governor Con. nelly died to-day. Got. Mitchell will |oon& visit to the Gila river gold mines. Secretary Arms 2 will be acting Governor daring bis absence. Very rich gold and silver mines have been discovered thirty-five miles from Fort Stanton. Accounts from the interior of Alabama represent that the crops in Lowden, Dallas, Green, Marengo, Wilcox, and Perry coon tie* are ravaged by caterpillars. Tbe factors at Mobile have received orders from tbe planters withdrawing their cotton from sale in consequence. It has been discovered that a trnnk containing $500,OUO in securities, deposited in the vaaltof one of the banks of New York citv. ha* been stolen. The loss is shared pertly by & bouse in that city, and partly by a house in Boston. Tbere Is no clue to the perpetrators of the robbery. A mass meeting of Democrats and others of Eastern and Middle Maine in favor ot the principles of the Philadelphia convention, was held at Bangor yesteTday. Hon. K. D. Rice, of Augusta presided. The principal speakers were Judge liead,Senator Doolittle, and Judge Parsons of Alabama. The annnal convention of the New York State Sunday School Teacher's Association is in session at Vtiea. Upward of a thousand delegates are in attendance.and the proceedings of the convention have been marked by the greatest enthusiasm and good feeling Manuel Grullen, the Mexican Imperial Consul. give notice that Port Angelos. in the State of Oataca, Mexico, is now open to a limited number of vessels bringing loreign goods. Only Ave cases of cholera were reported in new xortc yesterday morning, none tataL Ten case*, three fatal, were reported in Brooklyn. Colonel D- E. Huntington, late of the Army of the Potomac, left recently San Francisco with filty men to join Juarez in Mexico. A session of the Fenian Senate is called for Thursday next In New York city. There were deaths from cholera at New Orleans Tuesday. Electlea*. F.lArtinm iri th» . . . . . . . . wv » V. WIMWS VUlU|lilOilI{ the Union are as follows: New Hampshire.First Tuesday in March. Connecticut.First Monday in March. Khode Island.First Wednesday in April. Virginia.Fourth Thursday in May. Oregon.First Monday In August. Alabama.First Monday in August. Arkansas.First Monday in August. Kentucky.First Monday in August. Texas.First Monday In August. North Carolina.Second Thursday in August. Vermont.First Tuesday in September. Maine.Second Monday in September. Florida.First Monday in August. Mississippi.First Monday in August. Georgia.First Wednesday in October. Indiana.First Tuesday in October. Iowa. FirstJTuesday in October. i;nio.urt-t innaay in uctooer. Pennsylvania.First Tuesday in October West Virginia.Fourth Thursday in October. Louisiana.First Moaday in November. Delaware.FirsqTuesday in November. Illinois.First Tuesday in November. Kansas.First Tuesday in November. Maryland.First Tuesday in November. Massachusetts.First Tuesday in November. Michigan.First Tuesday in November. Minnesota.First Tuesday in November. Missouri.First Tuesoay in November. Nevada.First Tuesday in November. New Jersey.First Tuesday in November. New York.First Tuesday in November. Wisconsin.First Tuesday in November. Colorado.Second Tuesday in November. Sonth Carolina~-Fourth Monday in November. There are no State elections held in the mnnlhs afJUD&rv. V»bru»r«. .Tnlw nr Iko/vam ber. Financial..The New York Post of last evening says .Gold is excited and scarce.^ to 1 per cent, having been paid for loans. The selling price baa rises as high aa 141 J*. The loan market it fairly active at 5 per cent., with some transactions at 6. . The How of currency to the West, continues, and has soma influence in stimulating the activity in money. The discount demand continues to be limited, but is gradually increasing, good bills passing at 5#a?X- The stock market is dull. Governments are lower. Ooapon 5-2n.'s ct 1&68 are quoted at no, and 1866 at 1(j6. Ten-forties are selling at 101K. Seven-thirties are not so much inquired for, and are offered at 106 V for the first series, which are convertible into livetmnntiea TKa eu/inn/l aaviaa »»a /vffauJ * »ff VMt'VB* A UC srvuuu VCIIW (U O UUOIOU Hi. 106&1L6W. state stocks are firm. New York county loan are quoted at 104j|(al041£, with no bntioess doing. For Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and Missouri bonds there is pome inquiry at full rates. Bank shares are fall ana railroad bonds lira without much activity. Kail road shares are strong.Illinois Central, Reading, Rock Island, and Northwestern attracting the chief attention. Railkoad FROM M.IDDL»TOWB TO ELKTOH,. A railroad is protected from Middletown to Klkion. It is intended by this road to go direct from that oortioa of the State of Delaware and Eastern Shore of M&rylana below Middletown to the'city of Baltimore. The present rente by railroad from Middletown to Baltiro^refohy thiactty. Tfciairew route will be about eighteen milee la length, taring abont twenty.two miles of travel. Tha Delaware railroad bids fair to have more branche* and feeders man moat others railroads in the country.. IFiftMiaffea (Dtl.) Republican. GTThe Montreal papers are making aome complaint aJMqt the extensi ve circulation of ai)«rd» (n Poniia Tha* aaw that /twvaivwu !!« « mtm 4 » / !«« ibis money bas driven bank notes oat of circalatiea in th« towns, and tbey are now excla. sl*#ly in tbs hnads of tit ewitrj people, .<end U* daeger is the^eater to easeaf.atiy sadden alarm or tstpJ*»o« ' *11 Old Woma.Ther* are three classes into wbicb al| tbe wemen pant seventy that ever I knew w»Te to be divided: 1. That dear eld so a 1, 3. tkat old woman; 3. (bat old wutk. [Oo»erM«e > f l^J7| /, fj 1r"'Z<i '***! ' Jki ef a * 1 '* ** - v «4 -a % ......c THE RATIOTIU LABOR COKI«RBM. 4 POCRTH DAV. ' Wf snake up irom tne Baltimore Amtnctn 1 the foMuwin* report of the doings yesierday of 1 tb»» Labor 1'ongreM in sesMun id that city. Mr Coop«r, of Maryland, chairman of the J Committee on a auonal Labor Organ, reported J thai in Tie w of ifce diversity of Interest* repre- ' rented in tlte labor reform movement, they 1 deem it inexpedient to designate, at tbte time, any particular journal as a National Labor 1 Ore an, and suggest that publications of matter* 1 of interest be made iiB*itan«Anai« « >-.»« i . .- » w »n B«V« papers as arc In any way favorable to tbe 1 working men. Eeport adopted, after some de- 1 bate. ' Mr. Stewart, from tbe Committee on Public ' Lands and National Debt, made a report. The 1 cause of the complaint is the monopoly of the 1 new or Government lands, using the MgiMatioa 1 of the country the medium in which thia < monopoly is created. Tbe committee recom- J mend that the committee appointed to visit and k confer with the PresidFht be requested to call c bis attention to tbe subject, with » »' » . J co-operation tm Hcsnun mib* appropriate measures of reform. With reference to the c public dsbt. tbe committee cannot see any ob- 4 jectiona to apply much the same principle as TT vurw *u VI 1U«UV1UU»I iUUCUKWiBf|. For Instance, it ia conceaed that Uncle Samuel (. or Brother Jonathan own a large debt, that it 1 ia not possible, it desirable, to pay at this time. It ia also conceded that be ia the owner of a large tract of land that is not at all productive. Would it not be well first to Improve this land by occupation and cultivation in the most practicable manner, with reference to the greatest amount of production I In the meantime, aa the debt becomes due, and perhaps sooner, the amount should be funded in bonds running twenty or fifty years, and that interest be reduced, and your committee think that U need not evreeo fonr an/1 * h*ir nr »» cent., and that they be wade subject to ttit- 1 tion. It is Mr to presume that oar utNwd valuation will doable in that length of time, 1 making tbe burden much lighter if paid by ' direct uz. A portion, at least, of the burden * of taxation should be paid in this war. 1 Adopted. 1 Mr. Armstrong, of Pa., moved a reconsideration of tbe vote by which the report in relation J to the eight hour system was adopted on tbe * previous evening. Mr. Harding moved to lay the motion on the 1 table, which was decided in the negative. 1 The question recurring on the moUon to reconsider, it was determined in tbe affirmative _ Mr. Troop proceeded to say that he thought ' there had been a misunderstanding as to the purport of the reeolntlons whieb has just been " reconsidered. He understood that It was not J intended to eschew affiliation with either the * Republican or Democratic party, but tbat it was designed to make workinpnen the first choice in the candidacy for all otBoas. Mr. Roberta was not satisfied with the explanation made by the gentleman from Massachusetts. He thought the tendency of this movement was to array capital face to face against labor, and everyone knew what mast be the inevitable issue of such a contest and how much it was to be deplored. Mr. Phelps, of Conn., briefly gave bis reasons for opposing the report and resolutions. He was in favor of making a new party, but not sosoddenly. Mr. Hinchcliffe. of 111., was glad that tbe question had been reopened, as it would afford an opportunity for a more ample discussion. He hoped those wbo complained of these resolutions would recommend some remedy for thft flTiArfitto* an/1 nnfil »»* ~ - he mint regard the opposition as somewhat factions. Mr. Gathers, of Md , said that it was dn« to their constitneucy that a portion of the Mary, land delegation should be heard in explanation of their vote In opposition to the resolutions. He understood the resolutions as making it obligatory upon me workingmen to form a party at once In consequence of the peculiar circumstances surrounding many ot the workingmen of Maryland.the fact that many could not vote because of their political disfranchisement.they bad opposed tnis movement to form any at this time. At this juncture the previous question was called, snd the report was recommitted. The Convention then adjourned until 2 3j p. m AFTBBKOO* BK88IOK. Mr. Troup moved that one thousand copies of the forthcoming Address to the Workingmen of the I'nited States he nrlntiui in rn»ii.h < M .»MU £ five hundred in German, and copies sent t the several trades' unions, eight-hour leagiiVs, 1 Ac., oi tbe country, with ttoe request that they t circulate it as widely as possible. The motien was carried, and was further de- : termlned ttoat the Secretary sbould furnish , each delegate with two copies in English and one is German. Mr Beid, of N. Y., offered tbe following, ] whtcb wa* adopted: j Whereat, Most of oar trades' unions have na- t tlonal organizations to support, which in tbe r aggregate arc very onerous, consequently dis- f; posing many of them to withdraw from their I respective trades' assemblies: and whereas, it c is necessary for obvious reasons that those n trades' assemblies should be kept up in an or> a ganised capacity: therefore, Brmtdrfii Th»t thii «» - * - , SM«.t .»««) wu icwmmruu vu the various trade#' assemblies throughout the c conn try the propriety of meeting 1pm frequent- ly, in order th&t their expenses may belighl- t f ned, thus keeping their organization intact. <1 \ny emergency arising may be met by a ready > and well-arranged method ®f calling special I meetrags. i The following, offered by Kr. Harding, of N. c Ti» was adopted: t Whereas, a World1* Congress of Labor is abont to be belQ in the city of Oeaeva, situate in one of the Canton* of the Swiss Republic; ® and whereas, the time is now too short for a , delegate to be sent from these United States ' therefore, . , That lk> » » 'MV tiA(vuvi«c<UUUaCll UI Liltt " National Labor Union be authorized to tender r the thanks of this Convention to tbe Ontr&l * Organization of Labor in Europe, together witb a copy of tbe proceedings of this Con- c Tention, bidding them Clod speed in their f glorione work; and that tbe Executive Coua- < the event of another such Convention Q being beld before another meeting ol this Coa- r authorized to aend a delegate to such B Contention. Mr. Whaley, of the D. C , presented the following, which was adopted: Whereas, It is both dasirableasd proper that c the whole country sbonld participate in the j great labor movement which this Convention t ersays to inaugurate; and whereas, the States c ol Georgia and Virginia, and the reception of c communications from tbe trades' assemblies t of Mobile and Mew Orleans, is a source of gratification and usefulness, offering an earnest of tbelr desire and intention to join with as a in this attempt to ameliorate the condition of * the working claeses; therefore be It 1 Retolced, That we hail with much pleasure r tbe presence here of the delegations from tbe tJ South, and cordially and fraternally invite the people ot that section of our common comvy a to join with 86 in the movement we have-undertaken, and to again renew the reciprocal * relations so unhappily suspended in the lamentable civil strife throngh which we have recently paseed. 0 XLECTIOJt Or OFFICERS. Tbe Congress then proceeded to an informal fa ballot for permanent utficers of tbe National Labor Union, wben tbe following were cfaosen t> President.J. O. C. Whaley, Lhstrict of Colombia _ Vice President at large.Edward Schlager. of Illinois. a Vice PreaidenU from tbe State*.Masaacbusett#, Alex. Troop: Maryland. Wm. Gathers TI Pennsylvania. M. Roberts. District of Colnm- 01 bia, R. Emmons, Delaware, R. L. Maston; New " York, W. J. Jeesop; Indiana, J J. Alford; w Micbigan, T. M. I)olan; Missouri, James Ash. worth, llWnois, A. O. Cameron, Iowa, James " McKim; Georgia, W. B. lies. Virginia, D. B. Balaam; Connecticut, A- W. Phelps. pi Recording Seoret&ry.J. B. Overton, Mary, land. * is Assistant.W H Lee, Virginia Corresponding Secretary.wuiiam Uibnon, s Connecticut «f Anlitut-Menry Georre, Michigan. Treasurer.J. Hracficlitt^, Illinois Committee on Finance.T. S. Everett. Md.: W Baldwin, N. T.; J- Aah worth. Mo. The place of mutiBi of Ike next Congress - a was fixed upon as Chicago. Ill bi An adjournment wu then bad until to-nor- lc row at nine a. m. A telegram was received lrocn the Present t) of the United States. announcing that he * woold rsortT* the committer of this Congress «j on Saturday neat, which elicited considerable spplaoae. % TTM Milwaukee New* and Um Dnbmqne " Herald a*re« that the damage by the recant ® reins tn IUiaoie, lewa aad Wieionaia, waeaot . so xreataa apprehended. The tar men of Wee- J wUU will »* the flu* aUke cru^s f*rtk«r Wwt f » I » ,!*»' JT «r« i ... no 1 I . »! #i 4 I-; s. > >* ir' « « Uj.4 < »»* «1 , ^taniJ <> (d.:».u ft A Mt*« . piTtMocf of i petoiisbfNi §otici th# Yi»rc» of tbe National Latxr UouT*nt»on la* vt«iDg hrld a bin m^unf at Krarsitw Tferatra. Shortly at*#r #ifb* ©'. «r. mating waa tilled 'o cfbv T v tnnv VI wujiua, WM MWtSM W KMovifif list of oActn President. Wm Catb»r», Mary) sad. V ice I'rrsiienia- J O- , JorB*.iuut: A >cbroeder, Misaoan. >1 Ltolan. Illtart* J It tvenrTlvftat* l> BaUoru. Vireima M J. Htnr n. New ttrk. Mr. ka»d. IU»ucbiw(-< Mr. fceed, i>i»trict of Columbia. K. L, Masiiu. In-la ware . W. B lie* Owrrit; Mr MX^sifT. Iowa ana I.O. Vo*iwr, Mirjlud. SwrourHo-W H Ldt*y Virginia, aaa R H. Judfe. M»rriua. ["be noroinsiioBs bavinf teen lOnf rmnl. Mr. >tbers assumed lb* rbair. and briefly thanked bo»e preeeat for the boa or con fcrred Mr H Troup, ot Bostoa. was then tatrcda >eo, and satd iuat be a«.aroe|y ihoafftu 11 ba. :&m>' him to address an audience m tbe city of Baltimore. where nei bad been elaasert to tbe J»tT Council wba bad mart* dTgbt boors a e^ni day's work under tbe city Government, abile ibe workinfinen ot Boston bad not yet escbed «bst stage ol prof n ss la tbe caase of abor. Me bope.i. however, that (p the nsit Z*ity Council ot Bo*'on the workingmen would isve a larger influeace la conciasloa, he ace tbe worklagmea of Baluaors God spew* o mrir toun* Mr Hardin* ofl*. Y . Kreatdeat of the lawOotoiiniAkrn I 'uiou, ml lollawed. ind raid that the people ol tfai* country bad >a**ed throufh Tarioti* a*e* and «iacev until ir* bad oow reached ib* ace ol lb* in. pro recent ol worfcinfmen He refrained from rejourning the wronf« under which labor bad ufleied. bat would oonlldeatly eipre«» the lop** tbat a betur aad bri»bu-r day vai dawnng Tbe workincmen of tbe l niir.1 Stavee. If hey ex pec tad to accomplish anything, nuit ) it for tbenwelTe* Tbemanwbo doe* not irotect tuoiteif doa't deeerra to be pru»cad »v oibers lie conu-nded tbat the principle* >f justice and hnmamtr demanded tbat »omehfii* should be done for the amelioration of be Condition or tbe worktngmaa and women »f tbe I niteu StatM. m they were, at the preaAt rate of labor, beinc wiim w Mr. Emmon*, of wubmruin, P C . aleo »ho made a few remarka pertinent to the a< . uioi The dobatee and dr liberations of tb» Sauonal Ooogreae. be raid had maugurauHi me ol those rrand revolutions thai change U»e * bole f»ce of society. Mr. Cameron. of Chicago. was called out. and *de the mechanics of Halumore, In the name >f tbelr frl low-workmen of Illinois, Ood-apeod tbr noble work begun. He waa followed by Mr Roberta, of Philadelphia. who briefly eferrod to the action of the National CoagreA* rhich will be Instrumental in cementing the rttre nation of workinfmen. eren if the poliictana den't afrat. Mr. A^hworth, of Misoouri, next followed riefly. and waa ancooadod by Mr. Finchor. of Philadelphia. who waa in* rod need as >ube war horae of the eight hour ystom." He briefly spoke of the National .abortkmgre«a a* marking an ora in tbe hi*, ory of tbia country. Owing to the latoneoa of be boor, be aaid but littla. The meeting adjourned with cheer* for tbe 'ongreea, and tbe crowd preoent which, about inlf filled tbe theatre, quietly o taper nod, It bould be stated that a number of ladloa wore n attendance and manifested deep interoat in be proioodluga..B+ltimort Thb Was id Pakaocav.The bark traveler, from Rio Janeiro bnsp particulars f the Paraguayan war to tb<- lOtb of Jnly A trtmrr bad arrived at Hio from MontretdBo, .riogiBg lutaihfeBce of tfa* general ftul&re of be allied forces is tbeir operations afaimi lb* araguaj ans, ud tbai the lattw bad »r> oended tbeir army in a iwamp saar Humana. b tbe Paraguay rtrer. The stock of tbe allied jedy was dying of rapidly, and L«opez, ib» om wander of tbe Paraguayan army, wan on fl dan t and energetic in fan efforts to daal a lnal blow to tbe war On tbe *d of J nly tbare was a grand celebra- on ax jiMFncorw in Donor or we Lmptrar of 3raxil firing away in dutu(f a large budwr of orphan girl*. All the naval sausdrons stationed along tba oa*t cf South America bad commenced to tarbor In Rio for lb* winter. Of the American squadron stationed in theee waters there rere anchored %t Rio the flagship Brooklyn, Admiral Gordon, and tbe gunboats Onward. Vipsic. and Shawmut. The Jnnlata bad ;one to tbe island of St Helena, bat Intended o return In a few days. The general financial business at Rio waa in complete state of stagnation. Money was at a lisrount and everything doll. Coffee waa loll, with but six shipments in a week. JirrxBPO* Davis..It Is considered prohibit tbat Mr. I>avis will soon be rHeaaed ou lis parole. Several surgeons, especially commssioned for tbe purpose, have recently eximiaed tbe physical condition of tbe prisoner, ind upon their rej-ort tbe action of the Pre*.lent depends. It is well knewn that Mr. Davia is in exceedingly wretched lininv &1a«Iv. 11» ».»- . .r> . j .. j .»lit «"1j hi .be (rave, and it is quite impossible thai any turgeons, Dot in Radical pay. can do otherarlse tliau testify to the fact.RicKmtmU LlMM ner. A Km- Wat to MaeiMoiit .A boy.son it John Day.who bad been absent Trom bis icme in Albany, N. Y ., returned the otber lay, saying that be bad beon employed by a nan in Troy, N TC . who. after having young Day'e life insured, took bim to a lonely wood, md made threatening demonstrations with a uatol. He says be ran away and tbiakt the nan intended to kill bim and then claim the nsurance money Killbd bt a Oopfbkbbad..Mr. Jeremiah .oran. passing through aa oat Aeld. near iichmond. Va., recently, was bitten oo the leg ty a copperhead snake. At Brat he frit no tain, and thought nothing of it, but after ranch* Dg home bis leg began to swell, withm aix lonrs be became delirious, and dunnc the tuc- eedinf nifrht died. Hie whole body was very aoch swollen before be died. and became of a urplitb green color. VA French paper contains the followmr urious s aiement ."A younf f'rl, 11 yaars of C*. attempted sucossnvely Um life of ber Bother and sister for the sole parpoee of Irtnxtnc their blood Tbe chjd bu been ex. aiMd by competent pkjiietui and proved o be attacked by tbe strmnce mania of aatbro. >opbajcy. Her extreme youtb leads tbe pbysifani to bope tbat ber care may be accomtlUhed." vA Not* Scouan wbo bad been burned ut by tbe lire at Portland, Ma, attempted to airy off with bim to tbe Provinces tbe tents a which be bad been living, and wbieb bad mi loaned btm by tbe Charitable Committee, ie was arrested, bat allowed to leave on coalition tbat be wonld restore the stolen nrnw. j and never come back. *" r KoMiVATtoa PoH-rrovsu,.Tbe comrenuon if the radical taction of tit* Union party of tht» Irft eongreesional district of Maryland, act at 3ambrid(:e. on Wedkeaday Hon Jacob Ttmie >f Ocil. waa cboeen pmidnt, and Mr. Farow, of Worcester, eacretary. After consider ktion, it waa reeolred to poatpone tbe nomtnaion of a candidate for Ooncrveefor tbepraeeni. The Cholkka in L#ohdo*..The cholera ontinnee to race in London. Tbe Buhop of ^nndnn tnH 1 uw * " m , » - iau ir~ MtUilUDiril IU luniBjr, and clergymen from tbe beattfcy parts if l^ondon hare offered tb«»ir mtticm in tbr listncu afflicted wltb tbe cholera Qn»' neat ba* re*nlted from their exertion*. ^"There m an ice-maaataeuu-iac oompacy t Shrereport, La., working om tar ammontar apor principle, which ba* declared dividend* or three month* to tbe 1*1 inatant of eighteen er cent. Tbe company manufacture* eight hoaaaad pound* of ice a daj VOn. Scbofleld, wbo take* Terry'* plaoe t Kicbmond. occuutM J«f VTbere are t«e public actaocls in New "ork, and 219.000 pupils. 7" Chicago la building tbe largest railway epot tn the world. V A man in Oohoea walked 100 mllea in 100 our® for taoo. y Chicago swindler* bave cleared #300.000 y a bogus gift enterprise WTfce hailstones out Weat bare broken early all tbe windows in tbat section of the jnmry. ^"Tbe advertisement recently inserted In Ifi PstriAt k* gfr\K^s* DklllsM ^ * J J »uu|m,juruiaujlf Mf e m&rrjrloic Rosalinda Pratt, mm, »be prom*d u> marry him. bu had thf dealrvd effect, ad > has *iven in and tulftiled ber promtee. i will beiMBby refamnt to oar iaarrla«e t .BmmttaU* PmtrioL . VBaafor baa exported 1M,00U basbeU of otatoe* thia aeaaon. W^Tbe lead!DC income in Cleveland, Obio, A. Stone s, rt* 9183,937. mw >uc iurinauin'n.lVITIJtl pTOIOtlCM ania Anna "a Dead I)nckM.or a rorMr Mo. WA white man a#ed 64 has recently Bared a black flrl aged le la Daerfleld. VPkiladelpbia papers are mock graaflad t ika increaaiag trude ia petroleum. The niicau aow aaouau to about i:,ija,0(jw gaJ per aoaam. VHata. tka Republican Oengteaaima la M Nth Mew York diatnot, tan the Radical octriDM arc traorbt witk danger aot only to te party but to tka country. MT Tlia water of tka Ok to at Clkeiaaatt baa innH a light green color aad aa u a wholejmf odor, and the people are ad need«e boil it I *> * »' r * 1 Ut,£.. -j K 4i .'.1^1*1* '1 »

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Page 1: Library of Congress · f (ififr # fmntitfi I a j _ - ^tur. jl^V' J_ VOL. XXV1I1. WASHINGTON.D. C.. FRIDAY.AUGUST24. 1866. N°. 4.202...i^..i... ! mrmiffln) vmt, atmtirrit buiuuhqs



(ififr I a j _ - jl^V' J_fmntitfi ^tur.VOL. XXV1I1. WASHINGTON. D. C.. FRIDAY. AUGUST 24. 1866. N°. 4.202.

..i^..i... !

m rmiffln) vmt,at mt irrit buiuuhqs

^9T 1


Tha STAS to mttwI by Um cnrrVtr* to Utttrahscrtber* la » Oity and Dtatrtc at Tnoammvm- u*pmutfe«ec«iur,witkor without wrapper*, Two Owu sack.Plica »oa Mailis* Tbm« months, Om

PV> ** catha, SWm Mtar»;om year, PW« JMtara. Mo pip. anMt from th« offle* longer than paid tor.Tfea WKKSJLT STAH.pnblUhed on FrMaj



j^ARROW * .,

BASKBBS.Cointr Loilrlaat iteaw tal S«»»nth atraet,

niALIla IB




Bill BBS,«*D



n.h * tf

JAY (OOKE A CO.,niiiii,

Pi/Utwh strttt, orpoiUe Trtafvry,It? Mil at cnrreat rata*. aad kw» always

o Lacd, a full mpply of a|lOYEBNHBBT BOKD8,

1 AO TBBA8D&T BOTES,r«B»iBiriftii nr mniiTtnu**a

V -- T

And («> th« kltheat price* toUI'ABTIRMASTIAS' CB*CK8


AMP OPCHKB8. »n3dtf

Vint National Bank of Washington.B. D. COOEB. (of J&y Cooke A Co.,) President.

«l. 8. BIKTINGTON, Csskler.



10U ftriti, rrto.<»r» Dtparnntnt.

Otitruuat SecurltiM wHh Tntnt« U&lUdItatM.

mrONE MILLION DOLLARS^We bu> »nd aetl »H cUnti of GOVERNMENT

klCl'RlTIES»X corrent market r»tM.FURNISH EXCHANGE ami tnak* Oalkttwnx


inrcDiM vvmnntDi i o«CMra on im

MOST FATORABLS TERMS, and give carefulD« tlOBVt »ttMti«« tO

ACCOUNTS ct BUSINESS MEN and FIRMS,u4 U> mmj other baain«M aatrnat«d to a*.

FULL lKFOEMATlOH 1b retard to GOT1KBII1T LOAHS at at! timrt cheorfailr forniahed

y> M. 8 HDHTINQTOa, Oeihler.W^hincton, Merck M. IBM. »M-tf




djiitn chutumma * vv.,Noi. 460 and 4fc4 8BVBNTH STBBBT



» «S«t an a tock ofDMMJIB, FALL


AT TWBNTY PBB CBNT LBS8tLan the earn* goods can t>e maaulactared for tomti

greatly by buying now for next I1 ailaad Winter » aee.

_We are alao making CLOTHING to order ferBe stFall and Winter at met lees than tbey will!»'«* . a. *kia mAItQfll&nwntiv BiiesHvu »v .r ti t m wum

7°n SMITH BEOS * CO.,>0. 460 and 404 Seventh afreet,

nil-1 j Q»»oelto Pott Office.


Bm removed from 394 P etreet, to the |Q»catbwe«t corner of LouJaui* avenue and *fwcth Mrwt. *°

ana/?Metropolitan Hotel , late Brown'a, Iw

S«2 FesuylTuItkma* " *

my 1 tfWaehlBirtop. P. C.

DENTismr.DKMOVW-Pft J. H. WOOLLIT. Dentilt,IV ku n»OT«d from 314 7th street to his ttrf*and eleiut office, Ho. 1§ Market Space, between8th and »th atrteta, north tide. Tint clftM andpensar.cnt OPBBATIOM8 nerfomad at muck retiuttdbat enough to allow me to do justiceto my ntlwti. no 1 ! *

T. cocmbb. DENTIST. No 349 9th atraat,. bttwMi H nod 0 atreeta, will Ixtrici,^*^Fill, and Insert Teeth on GoldToliTer, orfliJEfil

Bobber Plat*, at Boat moderate yrlcaa?*. wBeat Material aaad. au l lm*n> LOCKWOOD, Waablugton Building, 3441" Ptou t avenue. will fill Teeth wltb^M^gold and Inaert TBETH on Bubbar atHH|*r> reduoed price Teeth extracted arlth-^ ***

out pain. jy 14 1m*

1)b>?s?8ralh- HK07Id frani i24 A to *60 Paon. avenue, tan doora^M^akow Gr.l Dlttorery 11 D'n'f trtMKBttmn r.titos:»a mtihm fat*. All yw "*''1 **one btTiuTMtb toex tract,1 *»«U tdviHthem

to call »lDi. LSW1BH offl e, and Uti themtaken ont. Te«th Inaerted on, Quid andHirer Plater In order that all persons shouldhare Teeth, we hare reduced the price rery low.To b« convince* of the fart, call and see for yoor«mItm. Also, call and aee the new and Impreredoietk*<l ol inserting Teeth.Ko. 2M Peua'a arcane, between 12th and 3-tf B. ». HWH, M. D . Pentlst.

TI 1 T H .

PLATE TIITH. attend* penonallyfcla office in thia city. Many person* canAaBSIear throe teeth who cannot *ear other*, 'in>

and do term can wear othen who aooaot wear

^Peraona calling at my office can bo arcommod*ted with any atyle and price of Tooth thoy nay deaire,bat to tbeae who or* particalar, and wish thepareat. cleanaet, atroacat and moat perfect denturethat art coo pro*ore, the MllilAli TIITHwill be more fully warranted.Hooaa in this city.Ve. 33** Penn'a arcane, between»th and 10th ata. AUo, 907 Arch atroet,Philadelphia. oc 20 ly



)l»rcka>4<M. Money. and Valuable" of all kiadalorvar«t4 with diopttck to all sccMaiblo Mctioaa1 tka rovltrT.OOLLSCTlOS or NOTJ8, »*A»T«, AHDIIU8MmU In aeeeMit 1* )trU of the United Stater

C O DUNK, Ageat,BhM tf \»Mhi»top. D. Q.

W ' *Vuil.makblb *a8Tl?e?mo5dmEire, tablbad WASHSTAVP TOPS, Ac.

&2f«A** .r..>! IKM

S5lWBeff"WM 111Or<m f«rPI*Bb«r^ BLABS »WwiH

J* ' »» '"om,b««. un MS Mas. *mt,P.O. l/«

WB1ATONH SLBMSMTW or AJtTAJI**T10*AL LAW, Ml wlrtlou, lir, w«th MIM*y VIM, #7J|. IJUSCA XATLOB. ,

" I

PIC NICS,EXCURSIONS, Ac.AmvuusuH'ns!i.Moei

A-NCl, take fre*t pleasure t» anncntufafto The pun lie that tbtrMNHhK»tt ckuterH tbe iteaner WhmnI. for a* a*,careion 10 the T.mb of WMhlutu m fklDATaFTBBJMKJH. Aaguat Utb 1?« Tb« boVt will1 the foot of 7th-street wharf iruiuii at iu.o'c O'ki n Tkic^D»uy will reaaain et MountTrmon m til 7 o'clock, after which the Boat willproceed dovn the Potomac ma far aa Qhment, retnralLg to the city at 1®H oVIeck. The charactero* the orfaalaattoa by vileh thla ezcor«loa lagiven will comsead it to all who wtah to pay aquiet Tiatt to the Tom* of the Father ef hi* Goantr>.A limited number of ticket* hare beenturned to guard againat a crewd. Mmic on thoB<>at. Ticket#. $1 each, dm lurflog admiaalen tothe ground*,) mar be obtained at the Matte Storeof Mr. J V. Kllie, 30® Pa afeaae.of the meatbenof the DlTieion. and if »nr remain nnaold, attbe Boat on the nfteraooa of the Bicareioa.

ALPBKB WOOD,an 21-St* Chairman of Committee.

B* **<irM*,TflB PIO BIO m%BOC Til BtVSipaVH A#?LU MS.AWill be^^pAY Avnxm .THl 0*Al AXAL.USTAX I SI. A .V D.F*rrrf»e«. Kirvt t>o»t le»ve« f ot of high atr*«t»t)« rk>(kp D *a4rr«ry t<-o minot«a thereafter.Tickets f I. admitting at mtlpmen fend radi»«I'pmmuttt..H W Bhfk^ll, Walter Drew, Dr.H E. Price, Bcctt BrvJdock, A. 1. Mudd, JoeethDfewt<n. aa»-t*


EKTIHKS AT4* P. M.wa **P vriB wnniin TBTD *1* uun r v« V 1 Ski t

One-third of thin amount for dm of Monat VernonAeeocletion.

Washington »nd Alexandria Boat* lea^a eachpUre even bom from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m.

The fine Steamer WawMet can fee charters Ifor Iirnnion* J. VAN BIBW1CK,

AMUSEMENTS.nnilTI 1 « A n d ir DViai


Oppoaite Metropolitan Hotel. iftOnr fleaaea will b« continned during theffummer,commencing

TL'IHDAT, HAT 39, I860.Dayf end Hours of 7Vtl»<>«For LMim, Miaaeeand Batter*, T need ay andFriday afternoon#, from 4 to 6 o'clock.Gentlemen a Olaeeee, same evening*, from 9 to 10oVloek.

For farther information, apply daring the hour*of tnltlon, or addreea a note to tho Academy.myHy

EDUCATIONAL.m m tbc n antai ' - .

Miu * aannA * i lonD* riy IV Birvtf t BO( 01 > t W111r»-npen her SCHOOL fOB YOUKQ LABIBion Monday. September 3d,on I atreei, Ho t!04,second doer frpm Itth street west. Paptls will t>ereceived for tultian In Music and French only ifdpelred. Profeaeor* of French, Meadaaee Mallardand Carrier, from Parle. an M IOt«

QXOBGSTOWN OOLLBGK, D. O.The next session of thia Institution will commenceen the flrat Monday ofSeptember.The pension for the scholastic year lar tuition,board. Ac , ia #3fiO.For further information addreea

B. A. MAGC1BK, 8. J.._auO-lm Preetdent.S'CMBIBLAKD VALLEY INSHTT'TE.v for yor.vf; hektlemes,MBCHANH'sBWEO PA.

Bar.O. Xr.s A So*.Ppventh Baholaatic Tear under its present Managemtnt.Course of atndy Academic and Commercial.Duties renamed MONDAY. 8eptem»>er SCbaraea for five mouths'session, 9l». Noextraa.Send for a circular. an 23 iwOLL'MBIAN COLLEGE,

WASHINGTON, D. 0.The several departments of will open as followa;ratorj Department. Wednesday, Septem- |"

A'-ademlc Department. V«dn«id»r, Septemberaeth.Law Department, W ednesdij, October lOtta.Mediral Department, Monday. October 13th.Tar further information agrees

G. W. SAMSON, T> D ,n IS-Jtawtu * Prwldant.

Mrs"vernon oprse y *s seleot»ohooi>lor YOUNG LADIES, No. 4- Kant Capitoltreat, corner of 3d street, Capital Hill, will beoaanad on MliNDAY. 3d ^pfomtar.References.J. Carroll Brest. Eaj , S. a. Elliott,Esq , Thoe. h. Parson*. Em., John CraDch,B*j.,General Thomas Swing an21-eolm*

M&s. j a. kuliy will open a school.for ronii ladtee and int»»*s on the FIRSTHAKniT U l.a.«lu. jmA -» »- «*.. m. m mm wvywviavci t 1 <AI« I £IU< XI * «nUlUaide PfDD a avenne, between 10th tnd 2C*b «tre«t».Ad opportunity will » « alorded for a thoroughand fall cenrae in Bagliah. Preach, Mnaio, D awingand Painting, by experleuoed and apprevedProfaaaorg.

_an T1 -lui

MI88 MAORI?DIB 8 DAT SCHOOL FOBTODNO LADIK8 will reopen on MONDAY,September 3. Pupila will be received for tuitionin French Mir. tf Aeeired French teacher*,n»na. and Madam MALLABD, frem Paria. Mo.1 Weatatraet. Qeorgetoirn. an 14 taep3»PBOF. O. W. WOOLLBT*8 OOMMBBOIALCOLLKOB.491 Mh at., ia Main open for tb «

reception »t nnplla. The moat tharonsn acie&UScinatruction l» girtm in Writing, Bookkeeping,Phonography, Ac. Taraa the moat moderatean 14-im*

j^OABDIHQ ABDDAl^ SCHOOL FOBYOGBOMm ANNB J. MITCHBLL will open a Boardint and Day 8choe 1 for Yonnf Ladlea at her rent toon.-. « "

, .«« v«/ vjrrvi ibiuwii, V. V/ . OQMonday. Mptemtoer 10.18M. »o>Th.M,gtd

Fbbdbbick femalb seminary,FBBDCB1CK MD.PoMMtlnjr fall collegiate power*, will oomtnencelu 3«tb arholwtic year on the Flrat MOM DAY toSeptember. ¥or catalnene*. «c., a Idrata Bar.THUS. M. CABM, A. M., Preaident.jy t4ectae»tl*

rii 6T.TIM0TBY8.1ALL.J BE dattea of tfcla inetituticn will b»* reaamedan Sept. 13,19M For terraa. Ac., tee catalogueaad cii< ular Ht the principal bookatorae of ibisclty.«r addreaathe principalno 31 E. PABSOS8. Catonvilie. Md.

PERSONAL.'««>iuhs. black. wakdh.lahow. c.t. black.

LAW OFFICE.BLACK, LAMON * CO.,Ooon^ellor- md Attorney* tt la« 1 n the SuaremeConrt of «hf Dotted Slates, the Cnart of Oltlmi,the Courts of the District, the executive Departments.end Committees of 0*n<rees.Office, 46? l«iu street, (directly opposite WWUnto'Hotel ) de 18-tf

C' INGLKATTOBNEY AT LAW,No 36 Louisiana even** al>ove *'.th street,oeSily Wa»his«.tom. D G.

pCBK OLD POST WIN*I here received fro® the private stock of a wellknownand honored citisen a ehort supply of paresi.d Irst quality I'OBT WINK, "Alto Douro r18*7 "

ipmwinr nM Dr«ll >DOWUW> mi K Ttrll fNri,and ttseflecta upon persons stiffsring with allnientsincident to the season have been very beneItisorderedand recommended by physicians,and c»n be relied on in every particular.N. W BUBCHILL,

corner 14th and T atraets,I jy M wader Bbbttt Hons*.

DEfABTMElIT OF THE 1HTEE10E.VyiTED STATES PATENT OFFICE,Washington, Ancvst 1, l&tf.On the petition of LEMlEL O. J INKS, of BostonMass., praying for the extension of a patentgranted to nlxn on the 2d day af Hoyembar, lasa,Jos an lmptoTsaient in " Machine* for Driiiin®

U J.orth* iK. .rf, _**'«'*c? |

fet'^"."tsiii"®",;" 5S®R!'g2 i!u1b5'rt«« I

toff"s^fi^SSSSSSUieday of hearing, all testimony Bled by eitherarty, to be altd at the Mid heart o*. timet beip&r^rin rfflasfft'SHR'

^Deposition* and other papen, relied naoa m iteetinoay, BDitb* filed la the offlre twtn'y day*.«1«re the day ofYearlag; the arnmiiti, if any,'with!a ttn day* after fltln* the testimony.Ortfre4. atao that thi* notice be aabllibed la theatytiMioa aad Qm hviUgt*cU, Washington. D.O., aad in tte Jnrr*n, Bootoa, Maoe,. oncea »eah for tbreeear««**v«e waeke; Mm flret of aaid

«£r?U^M? ti8c7,».f «nlrt«t»> tliiimil, w^ltfiv


. TVr . - f?f \ " * 4". .« . .1 i 81

^ * U..... J" (* J ., 4 m44


KBBOB8 Of YOUTHA Hitlimu who itdrrti for imt« from N»r»'UiDfliilltj.FrematureDrui.twl all ihctlTtctiof >«uthfnl tudiacretion. mill, for the «*ke of enfferingbnmatitry «end free to *11 «r»o tt*«d It, ther*celp|l»Bd;rtireetioM for making'he »l«ple r*mf&Tj'Twhich he w«« cared. Batferare wiehing toprofit bt the edvertieer n experience cab do eo byeddreeaiag, is perfect confidence,

john b ooom,anU-Vtm« v.. * n n i » « v~.fc.. .. *1V . « wu »* o««w»*

WPAINT1RG HAB OIVIH 08 TH»"Heert»f the And**," but tbe perfnn** of Um-m- Bdeavale* is wanting in the picture. That c*d only herealized b»re, is tb» perfnme of PHALOH'iMIGHT BLOOMING CKBEU3.'' prepared from

Uuir moat fi agrant flowers. Bold everjrwhere.MABBIAHB AMD CKL1BA0Y,

ia In»t «f Warning and Instruction tor TonngMen. Alto, Diieatee and Abaeee which prostratethe Tlte) powers, with anre meaaa of relief. Bentire* 01 hum m maim latter envelopee. AUtMJ>r J 8RILLIN B0OOBT«N,B«ward Aaaoclatfon.Philadelphia. t>a an* U Sm

BALL'S) VSUBTABLBSICILIAN HA1B RENEWKHhuprored itself to be the most perfect preparationfor the hair erer offered to the public.It is a vegetable com pound, and contain! no injuriousproperties whatever.

It will ExstoksGkay Hair to its OriginalColor.It will keep the hair from fatting oat.It cleanse* tbe scalp, and makea the hair oft,lnstrons and allken.«t ia a splendid hair drearing.[ft Mra/tn alrl A* <*« » «W«nH #aa!1 n«A I#

It i* RtcowirRifDiD awd Diir by thi FisrrMkcical Authority.

. , _KT Auk for Ball a Vegetable Sicilian Hair Benewer,and take no other.B P HALL A OO.,

Nwhoa, K. H., Proprietor*,for tale by all PrnggleU. j* 25-Tb,ly

MOTH AND r&SOKLSS.Ullei afflicted with Dlaoolorationa on tht VUl,nlM moth patchee or freckles, ahould an P*BBY*8celebrated MOTH and£BBCKLB LOTIOH.II la infallible Prepared bfbr. B. 0. Perry. Der-m*tok>giit,49 Boad it., V. T. Sold toy all drai(latala Washington and «lM«b«r*, mi 1>-*oIb

COLGATE'S ABOMATIO YIQBTABLB SOAPA anterior Toiut Soap, fra>ar«d from rafiaadbsktablb Oiia 1b combination with Qltcbbih b

ud eaftelatlr d«d|Md far the bm of Latubs, andfar tba Bcbsbbt. IU farfama la axqnlaita, ud

wnahlnf proyartlaa nnrlvailed.For a*V« by *11 drngflata. fa t-MlyffVMSL T, STEADILY,


m imaawi mm «f Ktam Pram, limuvui,Obatkli Ueijiabt DuoBSXBa, Wbakkmb mdPaih» la the Back. Vimui OoKTLAiim andTmocBLMBrtalngfrom licina of but Kirs.

00MB, T I if r LIOTBDITBT SMQLANBBB'8.TiWK rrn nrfffB a rrrrr n

Bold by all Apothecaries. Price #1. D.BABHH* CO., Hew York, Ud BASHU. WARD ft 00.,Iiv OrlMUi Southern A|«U. BUBLBIQH ftBOOBBB. Wk«Uuli BniSfUrti, Boston, Mm.,Qwenl At.». Mll-ll

BBOBBT DI8BABBB.BamjlBItaji's 0i»t )»t Inmost oertala, hB udeffectual remedy.Indeed, the only vegetable remedyever discovered. Cares In two to ronr days, andrecent ceeee In twenty-fonr hours. Ho mineral, mercury. Only ten pilleto be takan. Itte the soldier's hope, and a friend to thoee who donot want to be expoeed. Mala packages, #2, famale.|t.Samabitaiv's Boot amdHebb Juieaa.A positiveand permaosntcnre for SpyhlUs, Bcrofota,Ulcere,Boree, Baots. Tetter*, Ac Price #1 25 per bottle.Baldbyi.O. Pard. Beeadrertlsement. ayl

ft MODBBH MIBA0LB1VfAffl aIA And unnnei .I-V * ~'vA"

* ..e. mvui n«.u >u<l . iruiuhigh born and lowly, coiim tb« Dilnrw Votoe efpraiae forHALL'S VIOKTABLKSICILIAN HAIR BSNSWBB. It!a ft perfect and miraculoaa »rticl«. Onreabaldness. Makee hair crow. A bettor dreealngthftn any "oil" «r "pomatum." Softeni braab,dry and wiry hair Into Beautiful Silken Treaaea.Bat above all. the (Teat wonder la the rapiditywith which it reatorea Gray Hai k to its OeisimalColo*.

Uaa it few timet, andPRKSTO, CHANGS!the whiteet and worat I"eking hair roaumea itayouthful beauty. It doea not dye the hair, butalrikes at the root and fllla It with new life andootorinf matter.

It will not take a long disagreeable trial to prorethe truth of thl» matter. The flrat application will* .in -..i.."»vb , |«U will «« U« HATCUL VOLOt returningererr day. andBXrOBK TOU KNOW IT,the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hairwill be gone, giving place to fuatrous, shining andtMutlful locka.Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Benewer: no otherarticle is at all like it in effect. Ton will find itobkap to But, PlliSAXt to Tbt,And Sun* to »o Too Good.There are many imitations. Be sure yen procurethe genuine, manufactured only by

B. P. HALL ft 00., Haabna, N H.For sale hy nil druggists. jaJT-8,ly

TWB BAD 0&II8 Or PILBB 6UBBD »T DBSTRICKLAND'S PILB BBMBDT.Mr. Glass, of JanesTille, Wisconsin. wrltee Cortlu benefit of all who suffer with the Pilee, that hehM kMn troubled for eight years with an aggravatedcut of Piles, and Ms brother wm dischargedroia the army w incurable, (he being «nlte pareyiedwith the Pilee.) Both theee dietreeelnf oaeeewere cared with one bottleof Dr. STBIOBLAND'SPILB BBMBDY. The reoauneodntloa of tbeeegentlemen, beelde the daily testimonials roceUedby Dr. Strickland, ought to oonrlace those cfferlagthat the most aggravated chronic oases of Pilesare cured by Dr. Strickland's Pile Btoedj. It Isold by Druggists everywhere. Bold by J. W.HA1BN * 00.: OBAS. CBBIST1AHI. ST1 Pa.vmeud BOil Wieth street. nM-UHALL'S YIQBTABLI SICILIAN BAIB BBNBWIB

Benews the Hair.HiU'i "Vksetabl* Sicilian Hair BimwirBestores gray hair to the original ooler.Ball's Vegetable Stcilian HaikRknewkkPrevents the hair from falling off.Bail's Vkoitabl* Sicilian Bat* Bkniwke

Makes the halt soft and Kloesy.Hau'1 Ykcktabl* flicittAJi Haih Bexkwkh

Dors not stain the skin.Ham."s Sicilian Vmetabl* BAim BinvwkkBas prorsd Itself the bast preparation for the hair

ew preneated to the public.Price 41. For sale by siI druggUts. je30-Toly

A 8UP1BI0B BBMBDT._Wem oonscienttonsly recommend to thoassnfferine (rem MttreMhs oongb, DB. IfllOl.LAND'S MBLLIVLUOU8 COUGH BALSAM.It glTee reliefalmost Instantaneous, and Is withalnot disagreeable to the taste. .There ta mo «oabtK,Sssaaa; syy*etorciaimi tor It. We bare tried it daring the

to«UMn street, Cincinnati, Ohio, and lor sal* byPrnfilate. SoM br J. W. BAIBrf A OQ.,al.o atWJJJIJB_DpH Store, and OHAS. 0BTB1STI-*are^ii ri. maw Mi » » Ilath allMl.

HOTKLgTRESTADEAJJTS, Ac.salt watb®imvth^int pavilion..Tk'e well tao*B Booort will beo..»Afor Ut nmiUob of TUitor nUMttthwXjV

|14 per wftk,»M. MITOHILL, Proprietor.8tMB>n k*n WiiUnitti every Wedneedayud Batnrday at I o'clock a. m., and Baltimoreevery Tut sd^y and Batard»v at 4 o clock p m.,torching (roing and coming at tho Point, en7-lw*


K8TAUBAHT AMD DIMIHO SALOON,Bonlhweit corner of Penna oV®. and nth ttreet.

*Sm_c ! A- JIXOAN, proprietor.BTATM HOTEL,

OAPI IBLAMDJV1W IBB8KT.W» knt Mtunn to aanoaaoo to onr MttdiiW Ike Nblk tb«t this .ciout. mod-A . m. A

Arm -A > " A U BJmAy M UOWVLMV"


»l»ce warraaU utnU* b*H*t Ckitn cu offerlDdnc«m*»u of comfort asd lOKnry Dot to b« rarc®saw.vA.a4.s«°3css.?jji»-



II .V t1 i'B.' «' -I 4' i f- « ? 4 K?';' I j 4 jnOT.

.L ; id'. ~ \ itk #wi

TELEGRAMS. *<MayorHoffman Collector Smyth*, andothers representing Now York city and theNational Government, hav* iak»n steps forthe reception of Prvaident Johnson. President.lobason will arrive there at noon on tbe i»tninst, and accepts tbe military reception tenderedby the city division of the militia, andvriil Irate the ollowmg morning for WestPoint. The Common Council, U>e merchants,th» Timman*. .>utiuj uiv v/u»mwr» VI WW*meres. and the Demo-rattc Committees willt*ke proper action relative to the President'sreception.A ditpatch, dated San Francisco. Aug. 22.

states that tbe bare Yaletta, from KaaagawaJuly ly, brings 2,H» paekacM and 1,t31 halfchests of tea. The new crop of tea Is of goodquality, and Is com in* Id freely. Prises arethe Bame as last reported. The stork of silk issmall. A. lodre of Masons had Wn estab.lisbed at Yokohama. Tbe eaptain of tbe Italianfrigate Magnet* bad arrived, accredited withpowers from Victor Emmanuel to enter into atreaty with Japan. Kica at Yeddo bad fallenin price.A general order baa been issued by Gen

Sheridan, revoking General Order No. 00, issuedby Gen Baird, declaring martial law InNew Orleans, and appointing a military Goternor,but continues in fore* Gen. Sberidan'sGeneral Order No. IS, declaring martial lawto exist fortbspreeervationof the public peace,and the preservation of life and property,which was tbe status existing before the riot.Governor Cuttin hie issued a circular inviationto tbe representative in Congress from

Penntylvania, inviting such of them as canrespond to the call of the Southern loyalistsfor a convention in Philadelphia to be preeentand participate in tbe deliberation! of tbeeepatriots. It is bis earnest desire to have Pennsylvaniarepresented in that body, and it is expectedthat be will appoint Senatorial delegates.Matamorae affairs are quiet. General Oanalesis in command at that place. Gen Josia

and all the officers, civil and military, rave intheir adhesion to htm. Oeaeral (Jararajalremains with bis family at Brownsville. Gen.Wallace has obtained a peremptory order fromCan ales for the delivery of arms and ammunition,which have just bees safely stored on theAmerican side.Governor Orr, of Sooth Carolina, has leaned

a proclamation convening the Legislature onthe 4th of September in an extra seeeion, forthe purpose of adapting State laws to therecent acts of Congress, and for the reliefof thefinancial embarrassments of the people of theState.A dispatch from Santa Fe. New Mexico

dated the 12th last, says..Ex- Governor Con.nelly died to-day. Got. Mitchell will |oon&visit to the Gila river gold mines. SecretaryArms 2 will be acting Governor daring bis absence.Very rich gold and silver mines havebeen discovered thirty-five miles from FortStanton.Accounts from the interior of Alabama representthat the crops in Lowden, Dallas, Green,

Marengo, Wilcox, and Perry coontie* areravaged by caterpillars. Tbe factors atMobile have received orders from tbe planterswithdrawing their cotton from sale in consequence.

It has been discovered that a trnnk containing$500,OUO in securities, deposited in thevaaltof one of the banks of New York citv.ha* been stolen. The loss is shared pertly by& bouse in that city, and partly by a house inBoston. Tbere Is no clue to the perpetratorsof the robbery.A mass meeting of Democrats and others of

Eastern and Middle Maine in favor ot the principlesof the Philadelphia convention, washeld at Bangor yesteTday. Hon. K. D. Rice, ofAugusta presided. The principal speakerswere Judge liead,Senator Doolittle, and JudgeParsons of Alabama.The annnal convention of the New York

State Sunday School Teacher's Association isin session at Vtiea. Upward of a thousanddelegates are in attendance.and the proceedingsof the convention have been marked by thegreatest enthusiasm and good feelingManuel Grullen, the Mexican Imperial Consul.give notice that Port Angelos. in the State

of Oataca, Mexico, is now open to a limitednumber of vessels bringing loreign goods.Only Ave cases of cholera were reported in

new xortc yesterday morning, none tataL Tencase*, three fatal, were reported in Brooklyn.Colonel D- E. Huntington, late of the Armyof the Potomac, left recently San Francisco

with filty men to join Juarez in Mexico.A session of the Fenian Senate is called for

Thursday next In New York city.There were deaths from

cholera at New Orleans Tuesday.Electlea*.

F.lArtinm iri th» ..... .. . wv » V. WIMWS VUlU|lilOilI{

the Union are as follows:New Hampshire.First Tuesday in March.Connecticut.First Monday in March.Khode Island.First Wednesday in April.Virginia.Fourth Thursday in May.Oregon.First Monday In August.Alabama.First Monday in August.Arkansas.First Monday in August.Kentucky.First Monday in August.Texas.First Monday In August.North Carolina.Second Thursday in August.Vermont.First Tuesday in September.Maine.Second Monday in September.Florida.First Monday in August.Mississippi.First Monday in August.Georgia.First Wednesday in October.Indiana.First Tuesday in October.Iowa.FirstJTuesday in October.i;nio.urt-t innaay in uctooer.Pennsylvania.First Tuesday in OctoberWest Virginia.Fourth Thursday in October.Louisiana.First Moaday in November.Delaware.FirsqTuesday in November.Illinois.First Tuesday in November.Kansas.First Tuesday in November.Maryland.First Tuesday in November.Massachusetts.First Tuesday in November.Michigan.First Tuesday in November.Minnesota.First Tuesday in November.Missouri.First Tuesoay in November.Nevada.First Tuesday in November.New Jersey.First Tuesday in November.New York.First Tuesday in November.Wisconsin.First Tuesday in November.Colorado.Second Tuesday in November.Sonth Carolina~-Fourth Monday in November.There are no State elections held in the

mnnlhs afJUD&rv. V»bru»r«. .Tnlw nr Iko/vamber.

Financial..The New York Post of lastevening says .Gold is excited and scarce.^to 1 per cent, having been paid for loans. Theselling price baa rises as high aa 141 J*. Theloan market it fairly active at 5 per cent., withsome transactions at 6. . The How of currencyto the West, continues, and has soma influencein stimulating the activity in money. Thediscount demand continues to be limited, butis gradually increasing, good bills passing at5#a?X- The stock market is dull. Governmentsare lower. Ooapon 5-2n.'s ct 1&68 arequoted at no, and 1866 at 1(j6. Ten-forties areselling at 101K. Seven-thirties are not somuch inquired for, and are offered at 106 V forthe first series, which are convertible into livetmnntieaTKa eu/inn/l aaviaa »»a /vffauJ *»ff VMt'VB* A UC srvuuu VCIIW (U O UUOIOU Hi.

106&1L6W. state stocks are firm. New Yorkcounty loan are quoted at 104j|(al041£, with nobntioess doing. For Tennessee, North Carolina,Virginia and Missouri bonds there ispome inquiry at full rates. Bank shares arefall ana railroad bonds lira without muchactivity. Kailroad shares are strong.IllinoisCentral, Reading, Rock Island, and Northwesternattracting the chief attention.

Railkoad FROM M.IDDL»TOWB TO ELKTOH,.A railroad is protected from Middletown toKlkion. It is intended by this road to go directfrom that oortioa of the State of Delawareand Eastern Shore ofM&rylana below Middletownto the'city of Baltimore. The presentrente by railroad from Middletown to Baltiro^refohythiactty. Tfciairew route will beabout eighteen milee la length, taring abonttwenty.two miles of travel. Tha Delawarerailroad bids fair to have more branche* andfeeders man moat others railroads in thecountry.. IFiftMiaffea (Dtl.) Republican.

GTThe Montreal papers are making aomecomplaint aJMqt the extensi ve circulation of

ai)«rd» (n Poniia Tha* aaw that/twvaivwu !!« « mtm 4 » / !««

ibis money bas driven bank notes oat of circalatieain th« towns, and tbey are now*#ly in tbs hnads of tit ewitrj people,.<end U* daeger is the^eater to easeaf.atiysadden alarm or tstpJ*»o«

' *11

Old Woma.Ther* are three classes intowbicb al| tbe wemen pant seventy that ever Iknew w»Te to be divided: 1. That dear eld soa1,3. tkat old woman; 3. (bat old wutk. [Oo»erM«e


f l^J7| /, fj 1r"'Z<i '***! 'Jki ef a

* 1'* ** - v «4 -a




Wf snake up irom tne Baltimore Amtnctn 1

the foMuwin* report of the doings yesierday of 1tb»» Labor 1'ongreM in sesMun id that city.Mr Coop«r, of Maryland, chairman of the JCommittee on a auonal Labor Organ, reported Jthai in Tie w of ifce diversity of Interest* repre- 'rented in tlte labor reform movement, they 1deem it inexpedient to designate, at tbte time,any particular journal as a National Labor 1Orean, and suggest that publications of matter* 1of interest be made iiB*itan«Anai« '» « >-.»« i..- »w »n B«V«

papers as arc In any way favorable to tbe 1

workingmen. Eeport adopted, after some de- 1bate. 'Mr. Stewart, from tbe Committee on Public '

Lands and National Debt, made a report. The 1cause of the complaint is the monopoly of the 1new or Government lands, using the MgiMatioa 1of the country a» the medium in which thia <monopoly is created. Tbe committee recom- Jmend that the committee appointed to visit and kconfer with the PresidFht be requested to call cbis attention to tbe subject, with » »' » . Jco-operation tm Hcsnun mib* appropriatemeasures of reform. With reference to the cpublic dsbt. tbe committee cannot see any ob- 4jectiona to apply much the same principle as

TT vurw *u VI 1U«UV1UU»I iUUCUKWiBf|.For Instance, it ia conceaed that Uncle Samuel (.or Brother Jonathan own a large debt, that it 1ia not possible, it desirable, to pay at this time.It ia also conceded that be ia the owner of alarge tract of land that is not at all productive.Would it not be well first to Improve this landby occupation and cultivation in the mostpracticable manner, with reference to thegreatest amount of production I In the meantime,aa the debt becomes due, and perhapssooner, the amount should be funded in bondsrunning twenty or fifty years, and that interestbe reduced, and your committee think that Uneed not evreeo fonr an/1 * h*ir nr »»

cent., and that they be wade subject to ttit- 1tion. It is Mr to presume that oar utNwdvaluation will doable in that length of time, 1making tbe burden much lighter if paid by 'direct uz. A portion, at least, of the burden *

of taxation should be paid in this war. 1Adopted. 1Mr. Armstrong, of Pa., moved a reconsiderationof tbe vote by which the report in relation Jto the eight hour system was adopted on tbe *

previous evening.Mr. Harding moved to lay the motion on the 1

table, which was decided in the negative. 1The question recurring on the moUon to reconsider,it was determined in tbe affirmative _

Mr. Troop proceeded to say that he thought '

there had been a misunderstanding as to thepurport of the reeolntlons whieb has just been "

reconsidered. He understood that It was not Jintended to eschew affiliation with either the *

Republican or Democratic party, but tbat itwas designed to make workinpnen the firstchoice in the candidacy for all otBoas.Mr. Roberta was not satisfied with the explanationmade by the gentleman from Massachusetts.He thought the tendency of this

movement was to array capital face to faceagainst labor, and everyone knew what mastbe the inevitable issue of such a contest andhow much it was to be deplored.Mr. Phelps, of Conn., briefly gave bis reasonsfor opposing the report and resolutions.He was in favor of making a new party, butnot sosoddenly.Mr. Hinchcliffe. of 111., was glad that tbe

question had been reopened, as it would affordan opportunity for a more ample discussion.He hoped those wbo complained of these resolutionswould recommend some remedy forthft flTiArfitto* an/1 nnfil »»* ~ -

he mint regard the opposition as somewhatfactions.Mr. Gathers, of Md , said that it was dn« to

their constitneucy that a portion of the Mary,land delegation should be heard in explanationof their vote In opposition to the resolutions.He understood the resolutions as making it obligatoryupon me workingmen to form a partyat once In consequence of the peculiar circumstancessurrounding many ot the workingmenof Maryland.the fact that many couldnot vote because of their political disfranchisement.theybad opposed tnis movement toform any at this time.At this juncture the previous question was

called, snd the report was recommitted.The Convention then adjourned until 2 3j


Mr. Troup moved that one thousand copiesof the forthcoming Address to the Workingmenof the I'nited States he nrlntiui in rn»ii.h <M .»MU £five hundred in German, and copies sent x» tthe several trades' unions, eight-hour leagiiVs, 1

Ac., oi tbe country, with ttoe request that they tcirculate it as widely as possible.The motien was carried, and was further de- :termlned ttoat the Secretary sbould furnish ,

each delegate with two copies in English andone is German.Mr Beid, of N. Y., offered tbe following, ]whtcb wa* adopted: jWhereat, Most of oar trades' unions have na- ttlonal organizations to support, which in tbe r

aggregate arc very onerous, consequently dis- f;posing many of them to withdraw from their Irespective trades' assemblies: and whereas, it cis necessary for obvious reasons that those ntrades' assemblies should be kept up in an or> aganised capacity: therefore,

Brmtdrfii Th»t thii «» - * -

, SM«.t .»««) wu icwmmruu vuthe various trade#' assemblies throughout the cconn try the propriety of meeting 1pm frequent-ly, in order th&t their expenses may belighl- tfned, thus keeping their organization intact. <1\ny emergency arising may be met by a ready >and well-arranged method ®f calling special Imeetrags. iThe following, offered by Kr. Harding, of N. cTi» was adopted: tWhereas, a World1* Congress of Labor isabont to be belQ in the city of Oeaeva, situatein one of the Canton* of the Swiss Republic; ®and whereas, the time is now too short for a ,delegate to be sent from these United States '

therefore, .,That lk> -» »

*« » 'MV tiA(vuvi«c<UUUaCll UI Liltt "

National Labor Union be authorized to tender rthe thanks of this Convention to tbe Ontr&l *

Organization of Labor in Europe, togetherwitb a copy of tbe proceedings of this Con- cTention, bidding them Clod speed in their fglorione work; and that tbe Executive Coua- < the event of another such Convention Qbeing beld before another meeting ol this Coa- authorized to aend a delegate to such BContention.Mr. Whaley, of the D. C , presented the following,which was adopted:Whereas, It is both dasirableasd proper that cthe whole country sbonld participate in the jgreat labor movement which this Convention tersays to inaugurate; and whereas, the States col Georgia and Virginia, and the reception of ccommunications from tbe trades' assemblies tof Mobile and Mew Orleans, is a source of

gratification and usefulness, offering an earnestof tbelr desire and intention to join with as ain this attempt to ameliorate the condition of *the working claeses; therefore be It 1Retolced, That we hail with much pleasure rtbe presence here of the delegations from tbe tJ

South, and cordially and fraternally invite thepeople ot that section of our common comvy ato join with 86 in the movement we have-undertaken,and to again renew the reciprocal *

relations so unhappily suspended in the lamentablecivil strife throngh which we haverecently paseed. 0

XLECTIOJt Or OFFICERS.Tbe Congress then proceeded to an informal fa

ballot for permanent utficers of tbe NationalLabor Union, wben tbe following were cfaosen t>President.J. O. C. Whaley, Lhstrict of Colombia


Vice President at large.Edward Schlager.of Illinois. a

Vice PreaidenU from tbe State*.Masaacbusett#,Alex. Troop: Maryland. Wm. Gathers TIPennsylvania. M. Roberts. District of Colnm- 01bia, R. Emmons, Delaware, R. L. Maston; New "

York, W. J. Jeesop; Indiana, J J. Alford; wMicbigan, T. M. I)olan; Missouri, James Ash.worth, llWnois, A. O. Cameron, Iowa, James "McKim; Georgia, W. B. lies. Virginia, D. B.Balaam; Connecticut, A- W. Phelps. piRecording Seoret&ry.J. B. Overton, Mary,land. *

isAssistant.W H Lee, VirginiaCorresponding Secretary.wuiiam Uibnon, sConnecticut «fAnlitut-Menry Georre, Michigan.Treasurer.J. Hracficlitt^, IllinoisCommittee on Finance.T. S. Everett. Md.:W Baldwin, N. T.; J- Aahworth. Mo.The place of mutiBi of Ike next Congress - a

was fixed upon as Chicago. Ill biAn adjournment wu then bad until to-nor- lc

row at nine a. m.A telegram was received lrocn the Present t)of the United States. announcing that he *

woold rsortT* the committer of this Congress «jon Saturday neat, which elicited considerablespplaoae. %TTM Milwaukee New* and Um Dnbmqne "

Herald a*re« that the damage by the recant ®reins tn IUiaoie, lewa aad Wieionaia, waeaot .so xreataa apprehended. The tarmen of Wee- JwUU will »* the flu* aUke cru^s f*rtk«r Wwt f »

I» ,!*»' JT «r« i ... no 1 I . »! #i 4I-; i« s.

> >* ir' « « Uj.4 < »»* «1, ^taniJ <> (d.:».u


A Mt*« .

1® piTtMocf of i petoiisbfNi §otici th#Yi»rc» of tbe National Latxr UouT*nt»on la*vt«iDg hrld a bin m^unf at U» KrarsitwTferatra. Shortly at*#r #ifb* ©'. «r.

mating waa tilled 'o cfbv T vtnnv VI wujiua, WM MWtSMWKMovififlist of oActn President. Wm Catb»r»,Mary)sad. V ice I'rrsiienia- J O- ,JorB*.iuut: A >cbroeder, Misaoan. >1Ltolan. Illtart* J It tvenrTlvftat* l>l» BaUoru. Vireima M J. Htnr n. Newttrk. Mr. ka»d. IU»ucbiw(-< Mr. fceed,i>i»trict of Columbia. K. L, Masiiu. In-la ware .

W. B lie* Owrrit; Mr MX^sifT. Iowa anaI.O. Vo*iwr, Mirjlud. SwrourHo-W HLdt*y Virginia, aaa R H. Judfe. M»rriua.["be noroinsiioBs bavinf teen lOnf rmnl. Mr.>tbers assumed lb* rbair. and briefly thankedbo»e preeeat for the boaor con fcrredMr H Troup, ot Bostoa. was then tatrcda

>eo, and satd iuat be a«.aroe|y ihoafftu 11 ba.:&m>' him to address an audience m tbe city ofBaltimore. where nei bad been elaasert to tbeJ»tT Council wba bad mart* dTgbt boors ae^ni day's work under tbe city Government,abile ibe workinfinen ot Boston bad not yetescbed «bst stage ol profn ss la tbe caase ofabor. Me bope.i. however, that (p the nsitZ*ity Council ot Bo*'on the workingmen wouldisve a larger influeace la conciasloa, heace tbe worklagmea of Baluaors God spew*o mrir toun*Mr Hardin* ofl*. Y . Kreatdeat ofthe lawOotoiiniAkrn'I 'uiou, ml lollawed.ind raid that the people ol tfai* country bad>a**ed throufh Tarioti* a*e* and «iacev until

ir* bad oow reached ib* ace ol lb* in. prorecentol worfcinfmen He refrained from rejourningthe wronf« under which labor badufleied. bat would oonlldeatly eipre«» thelop** tbat a betur aad bri»bu-r day vai dawnngTbe workincmen of tbe l niir.1 Stavee. Ifhey ex pec tad to accomplish anything, nuit) it for tbenwelTe* Tbemanwbo doe* notirotect tuoiteif doa't deeerra to be pru»cad»v oibers lie conu-nded tbat the principle*>fjustice and hnmamtr demanded tbat »omehfii*should be done for the amelioration ofbe Condition or tbe worktngmaa and women»f tbe I niteu StatM. m they were, at the preaAtrate of labor, beinc wiim wMr. Emmon*, of wubmruin, P C . aleo»ho made a few remarka pertinent to the a< .

uioi The dobatee and drliberations of tb»Sauonal Ooogreae. be raid had maugurauHime ol those rrand revolutions thai change U»e* bole f»ce of society.Mr. Cameron. of Chicago. was called out. and*de the mechanics of Halumore, In the name>f tbelr frllow-workmen of Illinois, Ood-apeodtbr noble work begun. He waa followed byMr Roberta, of Philadelphia. who brieflyeferrod to the action of the National CoagreA*rhich will be Instrumental in cementing therttre nation of workinfmen. eren if the poliictanaden't afrat.Mr. A^hworth, of Misoouri, next followedriefly. and waa ancooadod byMr. Finchor. of Philadelphia. who waa in*rodneed as >ube war horae of the eight hourystom." He briefly spoke of the National.abortkmgre«a a* marking an ora in tbe hi*,ory of tbia country. Owing to the latoneoa ofbe boor, be aaid but littla.The meeting adjourned with cheer* for tbe'ongreea, and tbe crowd preoent which, aboutinlf filled tbe theatre, quietly o tapernod, Itbould be stated that a number of ladloa woren attendance and manifested deep interoat inbe proioodluga..B+ltimortThb Was id Pakaocav.The barktraveler, from Rio Janeiro bnsp particularsf the Paraguayan war to tb<- lOtb of Jnly Atrtmrr bad arrived at Hio from MontretdBo,.riogiBg lutaihfeBce of tfa* general ftul&re ofbe allied forces is tbeir operations afaimi lb*araguaj ans, ud tbai the lattw bad »r>oended tbeir army in a iwamp saar Humana.b tbe Paraguay rtrer. The stock of tbe alliedjedy was dying of rapidly, and L«opez, ib»omwander of tbe Paraguayan army, wanon fldan t and energetic in fan efforts to daal alnal blow to tbe warOn tbe *d of J nly tbare was a grand celebra-on ax jiMFncorw in Donor or we Lmptrar of3raxil firing away in dutu(f a large budwrof orphan girl*.All the naval sausdrons stationed along tbaoa*t cf South America bad commenced totarbor In Rio for lb* winter. Of the Americansquadron stationed in theee waters thererere anchored %t Rio the flagship Brooklyn,Admiral Gordon, and tbe gunboats Onward.Vipsic. and Shawmut. The Jnnlata bad;one to tbe island of St Helena, bat Intendedo return In a few days.The general financial business at Rio waa incomplete state of stagnation. Money was at alisrount and everything doll. Coffee waaloll, with but six shipments in a week.

JirrxBPO* Davis..It Is considered prohibittbat Mr. I>avis will soon be rHeaaed oulis parole. Several surgeons, especially commssionedfor tbe purpose, have recently eximiaedtbe physical condition of tbe prisoner,ind upon their rej-ort tbe action of the Pre*.lentdepends. It is well knewn that Mr.Davia is in exceedingly wretched health.delininv &1a«Iv. 11» ».»- .

.r> . j .. j .»lit «"1j (rave, and it is quite impossible thai anyturgeons, Dot in Radical pay. can do otherarlsetliau testify to the fact.RicKmtmU LlMMner.

A Km- Wat to MaeiMoiit .A boy.sonit John Day.who bad been absent Trom bisicme in Albany, N. Y ., returned the otberlay, saying that be bad beon employed by anan in Troy, N TC . who. after having youngDay'e life insured, took bim to a lonely wood,md made threatening demonstrations with auatol. He says be ran away and tbiakt thenan intended to kill bim and then claim thensurance moneyKillbd bt a Oopfbkbbad..Mr. Jeremiah.oran. passing through aa oat Aeld. neariichmond. Va., recently, was bitten oo the legty a copperhead snake. At Brat he frit notain, and thought nothing of it, but after ranch*Dg home bis leg began to swell, withm aixlonrs be became delirious, and dunnc the tuc-eedinf nifrht died. Hie whole body was veryaoch swollen before be died. and became of aurplitb green color.VA French paper contains the followmrurious s aiement ."A younf f'rl, 11 yaars ofC*. attempted sucossnvely Um life of berBother and sister for the sole parpoee ofIrtnxtnc their blood Tbe chjd bu been ex.aiMd by competent pkjiietui and provedo be attacked by tbe strmnce mania of aatbro.>opbajcy. Her extreme youtb leads tbe pbysifanito bope tbat ber care may be accomtlUhed."vA Not* Scouan wbo bad been burnedut by tbe lire at Portland, Ma, attempted toairy off with bim to tbe Provinces tbe tentsa which be bad been living, and wbieb badmi loaned btm by tbe Charitable Committee,ie was arrested, bat allowed to leave on coalitiontbat be wonld restore the stolen nrnw.j and never come back. *" r

KoMiVATtoa PoH-rrovsu,.Tbe comrenuonif the radical taction of tit* Union party of tht»Irft eongreesional district of Maryland, act at3ambrid(:e. on Wedkeaday Hon Jacob Ttmie>f Ocil. waa cboeen pmidnt, and Mr. Farow,of Worcester, eacretary. After considerktion, it waa reeolred to poatpone tbe nomtnaionof a candidate for Ooncrveefor tbepraeeni.The Cholkka in L#ohdo*..The choleraontinnee to race in London. Tbe Buhop of^nndnn tnH 1 uw * " m

, » - iau ir~ MtUilUDiril IUluniBjr, and clergymen from tbe beattfcy partsif l^ondon hare offered tb«»ir mtticm in tbrlistncu afflicted wltb tbe cholera Qn»'neat ba* re*nlted from their exertion*.^"There m an ice-maaataeuu-iac oompacyt Shrereport, La., working om tar ammontarapor principle, which ba* declared dividend*or three month* to tbe 1*1 inatant of eighteener cent. Tbe company manufacture* eighthoaaaad pound* of ice a dajVOn. Scbofleld, wbo take* Terry'* plaoet Kicbmond. occuutM J«fVTbere are t«e public actaocls in New"ork, and 219.000 pupils.7"Chicago la building tbe largest railwayepot tn the world.VA man in Oohoea walked 100 mllea in 100our® for taoo.y Chicago swindler* bave cleared #300.000

y a bogus gift enterpriseWTfce hailstones out Weat bare brokenearly all tbe windows in tbat section of thejnmry.^"Tbe advertisement recently inserted InIfi PstriAt k* gfr\K^s* DklllsM ^ * J J

»uu|m,juruiaujlfMfe m&rrjrloic Rosalinda Pratt, mm, »be prom*du> marry him. bu had thf dealrvd effect,ad >b« has *iven in and tulftiled ber promtee.i will beiMBby refamnt to oar iaarrla«et .BmmttaU* PmtrioL .

VBaafor baa exported 1M,00U basbeU ofotatoe* thia aeaaon.W^Tbe lead!DC income in Cleveland, Obio,A. Stone s, rt* 9183, >uc iurinauin'n.lVITIJtl pTOIOtlCMania Anna "a Dead I)nckM.or a rorMr Mo.WA white man a#ed 64 has recently Bareda black flrl aged le la Daerfleld.VPkiladelpbia papers are mock graafladt ika increaaiag trude ia petroleum. Theniicau aow aaouau to about i:,ija,0(jw gaJ

peraoaam.VHata. tka Republican Oengteaaima laM Nth Mew York diatnot, tan the RadicaloctriDM arc traorbt witk danger aot only tote party but to tka country.MTTlia water of tka Okto at Clkeiaaatt baainnH a light green color aad aa uawholejmfodor, and the people are adneed«e boil it

I*> * »' r * 1

Ut,£.. -j K 4i .'.1^1*1* '1»