liber azag- the book of tarot


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8/10/2019 Liber Azag- The Book of Tarot 1/26

8/10/2019 Liber Azag- The Book of Tarot 2/26

Liber Azag: The Book of Tarotwritten by Frater Akenu


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Table of ContentsIntroduction...............................................................................................4How to seect cards...................................................................................!"#reads.....................................................................................................$

%ard &f The 'ay....................................................................................( Two %ards &f The 'ay...........................................................................) Three %ard "#read................................................................................*Bind "#ot............................................................................................+, The %ross............................................................................................+2 The -eationshi# "#read.....................................................................+4 The 'ecision a/e.............................................................................+$

"#ecia cards...................................................................................+$ The 0ath..............................................................................................+) The %etic %ross..................................................................................+*Astroogy %irce...................................................................................21

How to read the astroogy s#read...................................................2! The Foo a/e s#read........................................................................2$


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 Tarot is a truy a/azing #iece of diination syste/. It wasoriginay deried fro/ a card ga/e caed tarocchi. 3any#eo#e cai/ that the diination syste/ was first butcheck the history.

 The thing is that it doesn5t reay /atter which was firsttarot is sti an aweso/e too for diination. It s#eaks to usthrough na/es #ositions sy/boogy corres#ondencesbut /ainy through our own intuition.

 The nice #art is that you don5t need to necessariy beieein the #ower of tarot and it can sti /es/erize you. It cangie you the #roof you need to beiee. But the best #artis you do not to be a s#iritua #erson at a you yoursefcan take the whoe thing #sychoogicay. 6ou can foowthe #aradig/ that you unconsciousy knew or e7#ectedso/ething to ha##en and the tarot5s sy/boogy 8usthe#ed you to na/e it. 9hateer the reaity is 8ust en8oy

the too.

In this book we wi use %rowey5s Thoth Tarot deck. seany deck you are resonating with 8ust kee# in /ind thatdescri#tions written here /ight hae itte to nosignificance for other decks but s#reads described herewi sti be usefu no /atter what deck you got.

 There is aso so/ething to re/e/ber things reeaed bytarot are not to be taken as a guide /ore ike areco//endation kee# that in /ind and don5t screwso/ething u# ok; -e/e/ber to aways think about stuffbe anaytica and be #atient.

 The Tarot deck is s#it into 3a8or and 3inor arcana. 3a8orarcana <aso caed tru/#hs= contains 22 cards. 3inor

arcana contains !$ cards.


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 Those !$ cards are s#it into suits each suit has +4 cards."uits co//ony are 9ands "words %u#s and 0antaces<or %oins=. >ach suit contains +, nu/eric cards and 4

court cards: ?nights @ueens 0rinces 0rincesses <ortraditionay: ?ings @ueens ?nights 0ages=.

How to select cards

 There are two /a8or ways of seecting cards forinter#retation. First /ethod is to s#read the whoe deck

and seect cards with your eft hand <eft #art of the bodyis controed by right he/is#here the intuitie haf of thebrain=.

"econd /ethod is to shuffe the cards ti you get the thisis right feeing when you sto# and then you #ick cardsfro/ the to#. This feeing is hard to describe but don5tworry you wi know e7acty when to sto#.

I reco//end to use the shuffing /ethod for s#readswhere there are /ore cards and eft hand #icking /ethodfor s#reads with fewer cards. A good /ethod for the efthand is to wae your hand sowy right aboe the deck and#ick cards that see/ to e/it heat unfortunatey this/ethod is ti/e consu/ing so use it reay 8ust for fewcards.

?ee# aso in /ind that no one ese shoud touch yourdeck it is aways better when #ersona eectro/agneticfuids are not /i7ed whether you beiee it or not. 9henyou do a reading for so/eone ese aways #ick cards forthe/. "#eaking of readings for others so/e #eo#e usereersed cards for readings as we. sua uestion insuch situation is whether cards shoud be taken as

reersed fro the #oint of iew of a reader or of a uerent.


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-eader inter#rets the cards so the reader5s #oint of iew isaways the one that is being considered.


 The heart of the Tarot are s#reads. An inde#thinter#retations of correcty chosen s#read gie us the bestunderstanding of the uestion at hand. It is a co//onsense that si/#e s#reads are easier to earn but essdescri#tie so bear that in /ind during the beginning.


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Card Of The Day 

Let5s start with the easiest of the s#reads. 6ou #ick 8ustone card and that card re#resents the e7#erience of your

day these are usuay seected in the /orning to seewhat5s co/ing at you. 6ou can either try to /e/orize itand /atch your day accordingy or you can 8ust seect thecard kee# it se#aratey so/ewhere and reea what thecard was during the eening that way it won5t be a sefCfiing #ro#hecy.

 This s#read is reay si/#e een a beginner can do it

unfortunatey one card won5t gie you /uch infor/ationso this s#read is usuay used 8ust for the beginning whenyou start working with Tarot.


Image 1: Onecard spread

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Two Cards Of The Day 

 This s#read is hardy eer used or described and franky Ido not know why. It5s a si/#e yet a/azing beginner5s

s#read teaching you so/ething you wi need to use aterfor /ore co/#icated s#reads it teaches you areationshi# between cards. 6ou know eery #osition ins#reads has its uniue /eaning but you aways need toconsider the s#read as the whoe ese your readings wibe 8ust an haf of what it shoud be.

For this s#read you #ick two cards. >ach card re#resents

one uaity of your day one #ositie and one negatiebut what is reay the ery definition of your day is thedifference between those two cards. It can be ery trickyto s#ot the difference so/eti/es es#eciay when cardssee/ to /ean the sa/e thing but when you get it youwi be a/azed how /uch infor/ation this s#read canactuay gie to you.

 This s#read aso can be used as an uick oeriew of whatha##ens if we do so/ething. Then the first card shows the#ositie as#ect of the action and the second card showsthe negatie as#ect of the action. 6ou coud say thesecards re#resent good and bad conseuences.


Image 2: Two cards spread

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Three Card Spread 

Infa/ous Three %ard "#read aso known as the0ast0resentFuture s#read. As the na/e hints you seect

three cards. First refers to your #ast second to your#resent and the third one to the future.

 This s#read is heaiy used by beginners and rarey by ane7#erienced reader who wants 8ust so/e basic oeriewof the #rogression of the situation.

Biggest /istake with this s#read is to consider cards

se#aratey ony. This s#read shows a fow of eents andthis fow naturay goes fro/ #ast to the #resent fro/ the#resent to the future and fro/ the #ast to the future so tointer#ret it correcty you aso hae to consider thedifference between the 0ast and 0resent between 0resentand Future and between the 0ast and the Future. This isthe ski that we /entioned in the Two %ards &f The 'ays#read.


Image 3: Three cards spread

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Blind Spot 

An a/azing intros#ection s#read it5s the easiest of aintros#ection s#read <these are usuay difficut=. It can

gie you an insight into who you reay are and how youare #erceied by others. It is uite heathy to use thiss#read at east eery two weeks.

For this s#read you need to #ick 4 cards.%ard +: 9e known identity This card re#resents a we known as#ect of you known byyou and the others reay we.

%ard 2: Big unknown This card re#resents the #art of your #ersonaity that isknown neither to you nor to the others. "a/e as for thecard nu/ber 4 this card is hard to inter#ret.

%ard 1: "hadow This is so/ething you know about yoursef but you

#ur#ortedy hide it fro/ the others. It /ight be so/ethingyou are asha/ed of or what you think #eo#e woudn5tunderstand.

%ard 4: Bind s#ot This is the #art known by others but you are not aware ofit. The heart of this s#read ies here. It can be ery difficutto inter#ret the card on this #osition but when that

ha##ens it5s a truy dee# e7#erience.


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Image 4: Blind spot 

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The Cross

Dery si/#e s#read with a ariety of uses it gies agenera oeriew of the situation tes what the ne7t ste#

shoud be or e7#ains certain eents. It is aso used toe7#ain other cards. For this s#read #ick 4 cards.

Dariation A:%ard +: This is what5s it about%ard 2: This is what isn5t i/#ortant%ard 1: This is i/#ortant now%ard 4: This is where it eads to

Dariation B: Ee7t ste#%ard +: This is what it5s about%ard 2: This shoudn5t be done%ard 1: This is the ne7t ste# this shoud be done%ard 4: This is where it eads to.

Dariation %: %ard e7#anation

%ard +: This is what5s it about%ard 2: This is what the card doesn5t /ean%ard 1: This is what the card truy /eans what itre#resents.%ard 4: This is what the card is good for where it eads to.

Dariation A is good for the genera su//ary of thesituation. Dariation B is to ask what your ne7t ste# shoud

be to achiee so/ething. Then the first card re#resentsyour desired goa second card what you shoud aoidthird card shows what shoud be done and fourth cardshows the best #ossibe scenario that can take #ace if youfoow the defined ste#. If card nu/ber + or nu/ber 4 isnegatie /aybe you shoud try to reconsider your goa.

Dariation % is used after other s#reads. Let5s say you haea 9hee of Fortune card on so/e weird #osition in so/e


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s#read and you want to know what it /eans. 6ou then #ickfour cards with the intention to understand this card onthis #osition and The %ross wi e7#ain what it /eans.


Image 5: The Cross

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The Relationship Spread 

An a/azing s#read to gain so/e insight into the currentstate of a current reationshi#. It can be a reationshi#

between coeagues friends oers etc.

For this s#read you hae to seect ( cards. The first card inthe center re#resents the genera su//ary of thereationshi# the oeriew of the current state. Left cou/nre#resents the uerent and the right cou/n re#resentsthe other haf of the reationshi# <coeague oer friendetc=.

 To# row re#resents the /enta #ane of the reationshi#<what you think about the reationshi# and about eachother=.

3idde row re#resents e/otiona #ane <how you feeabout the reationshi#=.

Botto/ row re#resents the #hysica ee <how you act=.

Eow a court cards hae a s#ecia /eaning in this s#read.&##osite gender cards <fe/ae for a /an or /ae for awo/an= shows so/e sort of affection either to another#erson or to so/e /enta i/age of how the uerentshoud behae <or behaed in the #ast=. "uch a court cardin the to# row of the #artner5s side /eans your #artner

thinks about such a #erson in the /idde row that heikesoes such a #erson and in the botto/ row he has a#hysica reationshi# with such a #erson <now awaysre/e/ber to use e.g. The %ross s#read for furthercarification don5t 8ust attack so/eone because you haedoubts=.

Haing a sa/e se7 court cards can /ean your #artner <oryou of course= are trying to thinking ike so/eone ese


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fee ike so/eone ese or ook ike so/eone ese<de#ending on the row=. It /eans you hae so/e roe/ode you want to i/itate. This can aso be the reason ofa bad reationshi# situation.


Image 6: The Relationship Spread

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The Decision Game

 This s#read see/s to hae a itte unreasonabe setu# it5sbecause of its history <co/ing fro/ the Two %ards s#read

and Three %ards s#read=.

Let5s say you hae to decide if you shoud do so/ething orwhat way to go if you are stick between two ways. Thiss#read gies you an oeriew of the situation and asoeents that wi arrie on either of these #aths in thechronoogica order.

%ard nu/ber ( shows the genera su//ary of the whoe#robe/ here you wi earn if the whoe situation isactuay worth the consideration.

%ards 1 + ! show the chronoogica order fro/ eft toright of what wi ha##en if you choose #ath A. 9ork withthese the sa/e as if they were the Three %ards s#read.

%ards 4 2 $ shows the chronoogica order fro/ eft toright of what wi ha##en if you choose the #ath B.

 There are aso s#ecia cards that hae s#ecia /eaningswhen they a##ear on either of the #ath <so eerywheree7ce#t card (=.

Special cards

 The 'ecision a/e aso has a s#ecia cards. 9hen one ofthese s#ecia cards a##ear on either of the #ath <soeerywhere e7ce#t card (= it has a s#ecia /eaningVI The Lovers:  This /eans that decision was aready/ade to foow that #athX Wheel of Fortune: 3eans that uerrent isn5t free inthe choice and at east in the beginning he shoud try to

wak this #ath


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XVII The Star: "hows the #ath of the futureXX The Aeon: "a/e as GDII The "tarXXI The Universe: "hows the rea #ace where uerrentbeongs into.


Image : The !ecision "ame

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The Path

 This s#read is ery usefu to find out what we shoud do toachiee our goas.

%ard nu/ber + is the significator it is a su//ary of ourgoa in uestion.

Left cou/n shows how we behae and the right one howwe shoud behae to achiee our goa and fro/ the to#row to the botto/ row on the /enta e/otiona and#hysica ee <8ust ike in the case of -eationshi# s#read=.


Image #: The $athspread

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The Celtic Cross

 The /ost fa/ous of a s#reads unfortunatey aso the/ost oerused one. The %etic %ross is a co//onCuse

s#read if you don5t know what s#read to use for thereading use this one. This s#read has uaities of /anyafore/entioned s#reads #us it shows /any tendencieswe want to use or aoid. nfortunatey it aso contains agreat dea of reations between different card #ositionswhich nor/ay isn5t we taught. That5s why I wi teachyou this s#read traditionay as I was taught.

For this s#read you need to seect +, cards. 3eanings ofthese cards are as foows:%ard +: That5s it

%ard 2: That crosses it

%ard 1: That5s the crown of it

%ard 4: That5s the base of it

%ard !: That was before it

%ard $: That co/es after it

%ard (: That5s the uerrent%ard ): That5s where it takes #ace%ard *: Those are ho#es and doubts.%ard +,: This is the resut This is where it eads to.

 This e7#anation /ight ook a bit confusing but it5s theone I started with and it5s aso #robaby the ony one thatshows the basic reations of cards to the card + <hence the


  word=. But et5s gie so/e a bit /ore e7tensiee7#anation now.

%ard + shows the current situation %ard 2 shows either#ositie or negatie infuences that cross the situation<so/eti/es the unierse is on your side and so/eti/es it#ushes obstaces in your way=.


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%ard nu/ber 1 shows what consciousy dries us into thissituation why we want to achiee what we want toachiee. %ard nu/ber 4 shows what dries usunconsciousy <that5s the base of it=. Fourth card is why we

reay are in such situation but it isn5t a##arent at the/o/ent.

%ard nu/ber ! shows what #receded this situation <the#ast= and card $ shows what co/es after <the future=.Fro/ this sense cards !+$ are The Three %ards s#readand hae the sa/e reations as in that s#read.

%ard nu/ber ( shows the uerent5s take on the situation.How he behaes and how he fees about the situation. Itcan ha##en that the situation wi be good according tothe reading 8ust this card wi show bad signs that /eansthe uerent is too #essi/istic about the whoe thing to seethings as they reay are <o##osite can ha##en too=.

%ard nu/ber ) shows the surroundings of the uerent


  ha##ens. This card can show the e7ternainfuence regarding the situation andor the uerent <if youuse The %etic %ross instead of the -eationshi# s#readthen this card re#resents uerent5s #artner=.

%ard nu/ber * shows ho#es and doubts. 0ositie cardsare ho#es and negatie one are doubts <or fears=. Thiscard shows the the uerent ho#es for or what he is scaredof.

%ard +, is the fina resut. 9e can say that card $ is thenear future and card +, is the distant one. &nce again wecan do a Three %ard s#read co/#arison of cards !++, aswe originay did !+$. The difference between $ and +, isaso i/#ortant as it shows the deeo#/ent of thesituation in the future so use these two as a Two %ards &f The 'ay s#read.


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Eow the reading of the s#read has a bit different order.First cards you reea are card nu/ber ! and card nu/ber*. 6ou want to see these two first to find out what

ha##ened and what are e7#ectations of the uerent. Thedifference between these two shoud aso gie you so/einfor/ation about the current situation.

Ee7t card you reea is card nu/ber + the current state ofthe situation. Then card nu/ber 2 what is crossing thecurrent situation. Then cards 1 and 4 to check thebackground of the situation then foowed by cards (

<uerent= and ) <surroundings=. 9hie reeaing each ofthe cards you are checking a the reationshi# betweenthe cards and you are trying to sort of guess what wiha##en ne7t.

%ards nu/ber $ and +, future reated cards are reeaedas the ast one. After you check a reationshi#s betweenthe cards you then shoud try to see the whoe #icture to

read the s#read as the whoe.


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Image %: The Celtic Cross

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 Astrology Circle

 The /ost genera s#read there is. This s#read shows abasic su//ary of /any different as#ects of the ife. It can

be used either as the #roof for a doubting uerent or tohe# an unsure uerent to find to#ics to further discusswith the reader. It is actuay unfortunate but readersusuay use The %etic %ross where Astroogy %irce shoudbe used instead I a/ #retty sure you wi understand whywhen we get through this s#read. If no ti/ea#se is gienthen this s#read shows the #resent and i//ediate #ast ofthe uerent.

%ard + shows the basic /ood of the uerent. This cardaso infuences a other cards in the s#read as these arethe gogges through which the situation is 8udged this isthe #oint of iew of the uerent.

%ard 2 shows the financia situation of the uerent. Hereyou can read on how good the uerent is in kee#ing his

finances or earning new /oney.

%ard 1 shows uerent5s eeryday reaity and card 4 showshis reaity at ho/e.

%ard nu/ber ! shows the fun #art how /uch the uerentis abe to en8oy hi/sef and his ife. It can aso beassociated with card 2 <finances C #ay with /oney=.

%ard $ is work reated situation regarding the 8ob and thework eniron/ent.

%ard ( shows a situation regarding a reationshi# oe ife/arriage generay a oe reated.

%ard ) shows the background taboos occut e7#eriencesse7uaity etc


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%ard * is about Higher understanding /oras faith oftenaso associated as the resut of endeaors described bycard ).

%ard +, shows the 0ubic Acce#tance es#eciay a workingreated success or the future of the #rofession.

%ard ++ is associated with friends and friendshi#

%ard +2 is about hidden doubts and ho#es of the uerent.


Image 1&: 'strolog( Circle Spread

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How to read the astrology spread

• First of a you uncoer one card after the other toget a genera understanding of the situation.

•  6ou then co/#are cards on #ositions + and ( forunderstanding /eyou to#ic.

• Ee7t co/#arison is between 4 and +, /eaning fro/where and to where.

 Then we hae house #rinci#es <aso caed ee/enta triCsounds=.

• +!* is a Fire triCsound associated withte/#era/ent and sefCreaization.

• 2$+, is an >arth triCsound associated with workand finance situation

• 1(++ is an Air triCsound associated with ideasthoughts co//unications contacts andconersations

• 4)+2 is a 9ater triCsound associated withe/otions feeings and /oods.


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The Fool Game spread 

 This s#read is ery good for finding out so/e /ore detaiabout a current situation co//on uestions are 9hat is

/y current situation in work or where a/ I on /y #ath. 6ou #ick +2 cards fro/ the deck then you add , The Foobetween the/ and you shuffe. Then you s#read theseseected cards. Fro/ eft to right they show thechronoogica #rogress of eents and The Foo shows thecurrent #ace in ti/e.
