icollections.mun.ca/pdfs/hgstandard/harborgrace... · lfell ~jlc'utll~ r,th ia unccrt11in; but...

·. AND \ ' . '. COICEPTIOft BAY ADVERTISER. j ij· I .. I I; .- ·v oLUME 14, HARBOR GRACE, SATUBDAY, OCTOBER 1873. 48. . ' AGENTS For SnJt'. \ Notices. , ---------------------------- -1 «lri ginnl. «"ptiblr. Unity 11tt without l •inn o£ tho Di"inity. •' }'rom GilA, who ._____ !;I'OI'rat!ng uricty : ia of n('('ePiily ,\ t'IIU'(', wo•proec:ed to 1 and rn!"' cty be protlu L't'd elcf'pt I t!10 world ho ha• \'rCfltl·d . }'rom er:- ' \. ron TUJ.: l14llUO'l otu c& b) " umty . :I'ho hto ai'O eflnn rct r d by tl o n, wo 11ro b:u·k to TOE Llf ' F. AND OF tho nolation of NIUPI', whirh rrlnti <>n is ns t lmt n- h1•·h l'omrrehcntls i t,and i• tho r on Tua Ltllllber! 1 IN .Harbor Grace Standard J J 's ...... .... .' .. .ll r. · r. )l rC'oonlln. B111 <o l:'l ..... .. ........ . " 0. Guahuo. , .. Hum:nu i . ... .. l 1 t>RT IIE· G llAl '& ,(:) " " J. AndN'wa· u\RI -'U !O ... .. ) ] SL \." D L'un: ........ '' J 1•hn C\I IUO":A ' n· .......... " J. 1::. l' ikc. lhs t.: .t l " H. J. HndJon ...... ... j r,r ,.. . . . ..... .. " ,V' . Piltmno. :iOCSD.. ... •• A. '!'\Ill·\ ·. ... .... ...... CnpL '1' . ............ J. L'l\\rt'Ucc. G lli:&...,Sl'O!I'D ... ....... . ·• 1-' . \\' hit u. }'ooo ...... ...... : .. .. .. •· J .. l'wtLLIYOATt: .. ...... " J. J. PearN. !" CTIIE fl . UIF. B. \'\' --i) -- Now ex A.falanftr aod A l111ira (rom 1\o•A Sc o tia, aod !or ulo by t ho Subacribor,- SPRUCE PLANK, 2 inoh:PINE Do .. 3 inch SPRUCE DEALS, .USOBTED Sprlice Studding & J oisting. Noun ......... lir. P. (Xo'l'l\ Scot.iaD Newf ou odlaoJ .) LtTTU: DlT ... " J. Cnmpb\'11 I · IOO,OOOft. Pine. !!fpraeeA: U emtoc:k .. No ta eo Aod daily CJpe c tcd, HOLLOWAY'S A Cargo of Gre en Bny PRIME PINEs W. J. S. DOXSELLY. Juno 2!!. lf . CUOKING ST9VES! 1b 1M pvh/Wrcl in · .Y or:rmber, loi3: :f:aOVELL'S GAZETTEER -o r- BRITI SH &:nEiliC.l Containing the lntcet 11nol moat Authvn· ti c dear ri ptiona ol on ·r ,ix t hou,nnd TuiY I15 lln•l in th\1 l'r •incc• or Ont .lrt •. ll uo·b.l•·, :\o,·n & • 111:1, :oiow Urun• ri ck , :"c wf o un dlnnd, l 'r im·u :Jwnrd leland, ·l>a. L'o· lumi1111 nud tho Nort!J \\'nt TerrttNics and 10foruu1 tt on, Jr.1 wn from offi l'illl •u urccP, ns tu tlu• 1 nmea, locnhty, l'xtcn t, &<-., uf o•• ·r 6n N!n hundred Lllkea a1 uf with" T.. Li c or .howing t bu pNxi•mt • uf tho Hllilro!ld :itatiooa,11nd ::it'll, L.akt'lllld l<iver l'u rla to tho C it iei, \ 'i ii:IJ:I'•, . teo., in tho l'r o•·iuc< ·• · l'ri.·e 111 It i l 'ricc lB. 1- 'ull l'n lf, ea. is A&;oota wanr cd to t'a.nvou for t ho work. LO\'ELL, llu a CJ. L. Aos:oat 30. " T he Nigltt COIIIell. ItO M1111 can T f'ur.l: ." Fold )t th• lee- cold hond a C•lrn on the put.•lrlt buaol, Tbt tuil or t h• Summer d•'f ;, o'tr, .... cna-.••h l ht rt tl ; And the f oldtd hand• hue ortl•l ) WTfiUSht I hroush d1n and atrlfr, And tnt o hL Dtl•u heart hath t.raul1 touch 1 ln lbP cu .. Jut war of lift, Smrotb ye thf' t lme ·l llinntd hair ::!t o ll t•n thf b•ow, No uoth ly el oud ll o•h t here, 'fo 1nar ill n'••· . Dul brow en I hp aoJ darktn'd Bur a •ha Ia or <!up repu•o, Ao iliilht • hodowa eoftly he Oo tba wt olo Wtoltr ·•now .. \\' ILLL4.M COLD\Vl:LL.• of AII n11turo. ln1'3eh, wo ___ fro m their l't' .aultt nil rcalit; li nd thu throo ideaa -Jnit r, muhipli•·ity, 1od life. Theae two t trn a-unil1 an\! l nnt.l t'aueo-wbicb oro r too found:aliofl lN XIX I' A PERS. plura lity-uprr's the uhimnto poi nt.A or all Tbo reault at 'fhich tl1o -- or ColJwl'll '• nnl\lyaia,nnJ tnct thl ·r with pbilosop}lcr arriru, on tbo A Crttlclll He\ le w by Rosc:lcrucluJ. tho rt>lation of rl\uer, by which thry :n o l' irdo of I'Xioloorr, bum11o aud du inr, __ occesll:lrily uoitetl, ronatitutr, to u•c ia th is r;: nsool truth, t h11t bi1to ry, which P.t.rt :n xur. nwn n tri pliri ty which r.-aoht •a is the ima:;oof human ity, may bo res ol \'· itsclfin1o unity. This unity j,. J:n r:t.· r•l in to tho u mo olcmc nll; 'rbcnro it Tlut pN'ci•o lon11th of time that CotJ. LIOK!I'CI: on i\hx o. Tt li:IJ• hr, t he follows that thcro ran bo b ut thrto lfell R,th ia unccrt11 in; but it vico o[ both ancrent nndntlld crn epocha in hiatory, cnr h uf wh irh 1 :1 <'Otnmonly bcliured not to huo uJ .. thAt thl'y uni ty fr, >m ie c L:t r:tetc rii cd tho prcdominanco of c.,cJrJ the yc11n. llo 1\ 'U a priwo lbo infi nite from t he finite, 10 tl1111 tl;o rrtconcert cJ pr liminari010, or, or o \o j (1\vnri tc lfith tloo Yiaito ra thoro, ne r nueh pAliiiii(O from ono to the othf'r itnpOI· or thcso cl emente O YC'r tho othe r, 11{,i fo r t he eu: nity ot b.- AJdro:11, aa Cor hi• siblo. Out tho nbo.ol uto :tnJ tho infinite by tho dcgruo io which ono modi6ca tho brtlliant powc:-a or convun11t iuo. Dut muat in th o rclstiro and t he other. l:uiJ wull wu no ColcriJ::;c, thM ia to finite, becnuao tho lint is n t'nuac, and }' rom t his eondcooeod generalization l aay, lut wu no mono p•1l11t of "tablo rel11ti on ia or ita c.'cnco. of Coldwell'• elaborate work, the t end. t.tlk." A-n rule ho pl"''rorn:d ailonco Tho union or tho inllnito with t ho oncy And fo reo of hia aublimo argument t •• •perch; :and in thi• wiso cbuico bo finite, b7 tho rciAti(lo o£ r11.uaco, ia tho .. ill bo at onre appr ehended . At t ho w t;: ht bu lnuJably copied br mAny n rc11turo of Coldwell'• pfriod 10 ho it wu ac- No t'Oi t'e of 'I'UU l:<'l liUI or thll vr ciiCn\ dl\r, Ly maoy ll t heo ry - tho brid,;o by whic}l ho erOIICI COJi lod ... 6oally a j'ng The ul• n...- • •ill ud dur. ColoriJt;c, or auclr.ing tho imp :uuble gulf. 11.L rcat 11.1l aprrula t1001, relalit'O 11 n. And!" f•r·•· ff •ou nd uf • orld lr •trif• Tall) mnJ . Y ot, on tho of Coldwell, A rri red At tbia aublimc nnin t, bo Addt, tollectllal philoaophy. But t la er Co out hrral& the dr .. "'ll tM olttp 1. ..-- Oh! rttl in a hrart long........ •uch D restriction u pon uie Au cut ADd wo bavo !oat of cuth; wo t'AD di•· inrN liSfttions or Darwin an Jl uilo,, Oa the udo nf •nd ,,.,, _ ripct wiadom wu to bo d cpio red ; for com not bins but th ceo tbreo nbatrac· conduc WI upon purely aeienti6c ptinri. To th• l•ett bal haw. waadcr.d fat aod wide huw mt\nyn of would t iooa-unitv, multiplieity, ADd CI\Uio-- pies, huo in part ofo rtu rocd Col!hfell'• O'er weery 'l'atlt or Jtar.. thu. Mt'n bcoo luat to th o \<'orld, buo which AI'O l ntognl elcmrnta or huml\n tboorie• ; in jmt ico to him, I II 0L 10 V been etill-boro , u it \tero . Perb:tpt, NllUOD, and also of tho Divine l nt elli· Am ca u tious in m:aking aueb AD aut•rtinn, ) ,\. l ':) ] 1 1 j, L. \' ·rom th• l "fltoua glue of day it ia not known , for o. nmp lo, geneo. llo proc:eoda t o en mine, moro u I hno T1'Cently aacerta ined t hat C(IJd. -- \\ tiCOIIIIlbf I.,Hit ni cbt, that tho" .\Carioer" W&l 1frlt· at argo, t hO natUre of the10 abetraotiona. wcll WDI t ho anonTmOU8 ( at tbot timr) J be I l I tbr tronqiul i .• u e••T• t b ,., 1 · 1 b 1 n II · · b.A b £ · • 1 ..rt no nne on::er ""treo•eol ,. ;, 1 1 ,. , 1•11 Y \.O ent J:O very I ort 1 a vr umao rc&aon 11 rmr.cnonal, t :n ia, nu l oro an trCAtiao, en t itled · tl o.• l r,, ·. 11':11 ·.••1• · , ·. ,,,,.,,, ·I•' " 1 II '1•··· Sol omn, ••H .I calm, enol blight. h · th · d I d - d ' - ·• · ' d d f II 'V " 'f · I _ _. · ' ·• Tbtnltl d ·rly. 1 01 .,,, fold t bt banda u wctr o gclll cmuo ,.,.... ID 10 l'peo oot o our WI . o cnn 11 r t, " 11n eo nat,. c...,.. u 110 A annal ; lil a l'ill· luuu ,.,,J n inr .. ,.,1. \ ,.,, In r n the puhtlt•• br•a•l, it, hut and lllo.,.ing with ita Tivid bar. ornofr.lin from acting; but wo cannot primary, c ru do, emhM',onic crel\tion, nod il ueel \\ttl t cul.J\C 1110 runtt 1 ..:: ut 11 I tl I' ' I' f C ld II b h · aJ b cd · For tl.t n•n•na o h•ol ow• eome quicl dy 00 !'ON row 10 1\lllg •p• o o we • e ango a mal cmallr eou ecptioo ·, we 111 tl'quont bip al d!lYolopcment," from -- Wll18, nnol tl •t'll': ul'\,! c•uult•lc.d I' u:,.,J nl O · I I I B "d T .A- s, B• . d Br-•ts, Ul,.,.,.._ 1 1 . And a•Ht h thP Cbnet iao'a r•••· no may JU<!,!O t ten to w 111.t" TU t OJ· c11nn ot mako eq uAlity tlifl'erenco, or vir· "hicb both D11rwin and Huxley h11ve .. """"" A ._.. ..... .... I uctulll•, n o li,;J_ IIoc lufi'"' hH·I,I o Abac:esae. 1 Wounds and Sor ca GO Til IC GRATES &c ., &c. lic•o tloo ki ol uc,., dc.w c ; , "o muat buo auA'cNld from <AIId. tuo Tiec; tborl' oro, pl'ntlllllllify conaialt llll'l!l'ly drawn in aupport of thei r rc'. ,\U 111fferera fTnm roujlba. oolda, hl"\nchi· lis, ut.buiA, Md irrt,.'lthr :artiou llf 1M l>eV1, arc mnn..,tJy l'fCUIIInk ''"l«l t•l rub lloll<>- w,y'a _,-chin UinLn.t<'nl well 0\"U the throat, r.nd l.ot-k. u the mAY n>- quire. lWl"' a <L>1. Ju,· :Ui1t. 10•7 ly ruly "I""' lb.: bt.nellcial t'Nw Ih .. ln«tlncnt: lh.ia OinLmc11t ia the IDC.t tnl-'wortby rt!ll' H17 fur .U mluual ant.1 oxtcnoal .. Jn .. nta of the thN<>t.. of 1\ll kin ds J •IIIO L !ou.J, 111111 CVli iCr uu' O> cly ..... Arn : crroll'.-Wo IOQlCtitrtl'a mee t well'a retiring modOity iu tho matter of io tho wiU. llc!UOn i•11baolute, u nit l' apeetire IJ ftoma, tho •imilarity t r N il )' llf' l hl"l''OI,:hly Ly the aJ'l'llc:a>- : IX G11E.J.1 Lc:.ltloful •is;uur. with men 11'lao aoem to thiltk thllt A::t'l' •prrch. u l, diTino. ll ulllllo. reuoo it impel'· which, inderd, wonlu tend to eorrobor· b"n OJ! tlua t un tmcnt t.• t. hc 1 .. rta .A.T Til& lnlpuriti cs of lltn Blooc l. it ululgeoco of afl'octio!Uto foehn ;-, IJut t ho li_mita o[ t bil Pnpcr f eet , bcc:auao it i• con ln pl'<l in 11 lin ito •to the opi nion th1t & hey wer'o dorind .rt ..r 111,.,. hn• · •· ' """ •lulv r •• u .. ntco l woth Tboy wtll return f/' my •.£_eeulauog a t AD.Y length th11 nat uro; but atill it ia a frasmtnt or tho from a 1i111ilor aource, to wit, Coldwell.' WUlll u'kr. t 'no.lcr t la.! •. r lhtJ poHarbor Grace Stove Depot, WOOII C'riul Pi! l· arc •nlt:t'l nt th J 'ou rn cy nml arec t tb . r T I h l:f..ad· . • 1 hATU DOW to P'!'ltDt puro inco rruptible iotl'llect--the abto. But bow 0%1JUitilo II trait ia it in crlul tltnhncnt, .uJ.,J loy the f'llla. .1.,.. , . hurnhlcot heal! r& "''" ., . i 11 tl11' '•··•··•· • · ' · . " elr 8101 101 t a to t he 1ntcrutcd 10 a oew hs:bt, lute who10 ONODce i1 allfaya tho chllraetcr of Coldwell, to find him, in II f , 1 1 11 be 11 1.1 18 • t comfort a n•l wc:Jh lo. 'I ht·• .... , 1. a tl" ""':.: d••t:aut d1g01:y, aod amon t lleir · t ... 1 . h f h'l h 'uh 'l h .umo•l!n " •·•· · • • y ... , q • 1 -s \lXI I C , b'ld . 1 h Jd d 1 10 <JO I}; o a p 1 oaop er. ,T 1 c ume. ' t o mttl•t hia mi"h'- iott>lloc1uall:a· _ ., r 1 ... ••I -n 1\lld foul r 111irio:atio•n tltr .. u"J"'"' ,.1, .. 1, •'• "'' e 1 rl'o wtt • t e eo an oh •r.len.. " h '"'-ld II h' , " " 1 ., In• '""; C\'Cil """ u - ,.. dnr of lin i b d. d . . :at uat • "" Wt' wro to II ••moua Idoaa aro not the product of intelli . bon, in devout ao&IOOI or lau•c•'d' old ur im<'tcnk, cantLu.t be Oppo s it e M ess r s. Jo ns :\l oN:-1 •• broken au;r:uo ? Ita work, eut itled, "A!f llctaODUCTIOlf ro gonce, but intolligooco itaclf; wo ean. humiliat ion a nd ae)f. abuement He ro Rh t' d N & Co's rremi"SCS. ·•hich L"\111 > 1::11 lena ul dtuU•Anrl tnoro unnllturnl •ight J:n :..: Th U& or PnlLOSrOPUY." Jlereb. ia not call t hem ount; they 11'0 DOt 10 ia a abort or bia, at Lilia .:l " -.vut, · eamn tsm. an eu· d . . . ' be to> an early J:rll rc. .,r tlnao fa T 'tb h V t o open tog Jlau&AO o work, w tch, much coocoptiob1 of human reuon, a• t ime. U il called ) ra.l.gic P.tins. Tn II dttton to the above th o Subecl'l r I d' r UT c I . h ·, . IDIIM •• not" c. rt. ' ho [or its aincurtly aud luciCJ ergumeol or tbat ebsolute ro&IOn or wbicb OUnt " A." ODE Tioi• Oi"'"" ul ,,..,., r f:u l• t.l '"' '" kcop• on haoJ n tg cs JOO, I lOUS om l' :u n I t nt Ill n 'pc:rirn c:ed t he jny• of r ricnd commend• iteolf at o uc:o to t.bo impu•;·t' _. Tb l I •· - and Sick ll cndoc lw. j ' hip,11nd Yaluct nmpotby •ud affe<"ti(ln, ·t· .... a pan. ey arc 00 '! ent, u It wor«-, Oil tbc Fntlllty or Ba•IU'I Pbllo-' l t.a '"'') ' •ql'e:.tMI ,..,. ... ,.. tho intla- L•uoE uso nTYOT r I.S 1 11 ba . . en IC :- to humiD re:uon; and their existence ault no, ""'' J... tl, h•« t and po.in. No in the human i .. ' li. II• not rn,thcr "' 0 a t t 11 hl'IUh- " WhAt I propo10 to ioeo leatc, ia o ot thoro ie wbol11 intellc:etu1l. Tho C:OD· Mpblml Sprc:•latlon. Th is ll i !lllll<nt. t.:• •l ··t""'tin! the t KER QS EN£ LAMPS to diHlnlcr u tho lircr. an•l n' <ouo iJ n•·ln I th:an aurh or luch plliloeophy, dltion or int olhgeo eo i• not merely t ha t Yan I fool WI t:Diln I blo• .. t " " ''' n nt" t.• • ' ' " "" , r'• when to t.r."'"'e o t let I co tro• uuro of btl . hcarL ? pbiloaophr it.el£ . not attilcbmcot to it eJitt. in the mind, but t hat it bo do. So:sroo know'at thou how bepn I !"'"•· l.,.. •m•.,,.a 1:•.-.J: Lr ut.nn. n ,...,. ,"' J:cnocullx·r "''"'" •.nu .... .,. , r,, , u' ·1 Who would nnt rather follow hta child h ch ' I . Scarce hut thou t bougbt tllQ Ugb to pro.e u .. J cho.uv OJ..,. 11•· ..... ,, ;: .rJJ:'ll.) t.... I'L E U OSE.\' B 0 J L ·uf i:li'!J best' or, en t1•c ''.!.'" I!!.." ... lh t ' to th o ArAfO t han to entomb hi a pArent· •uc beo r au IOl\fOTur It Tol oped; that ia, wo mu.at bo eooaeioua t hou lll't i b kcu: u J•unf)u,.:, olkntl\e aool ........ I . cf'JI()oll'· 1 011 .'' l lfUC'\.._ 1 ,t, 11 ;: l'r••J C herish the n, your mny , nor A m1rattoo o any o£. for .in tellijlcocc, eoo- Ytl •t.rrltd "!ilb at udltd boldtlea, tbota w'"'""" 'l"'" ' • pL -.cn th,. wb<>k nws o:. r tjutlllt.Y f Or sale. l! o 1 , • 1110 c•cr)'. hl'urt'• bt .. t · • in tho wbatevnr _ may h11'· te;•?n•ne'!, 11 t.be .abttrnct polll · dAroJL try a t>l.iJ. Du ,l llul!t. iu t.o . wbc.kll'> mo OOIULl ion, I alr('ngth In 1'\ crf l!l):tlll,tJ>I't'lhh l't'mo·l' w d b. . go mua, but tba pb•luaopbtcal IJllrlt, IU· bth ty of lnt clliACDCO. Now, CIIOaeioOI· To thy rtMOn'a duzled ero The .Mother's Frieaa -Skin Dis· l J ulv 10 C. L. K"EXNEDY all eault"> of a nil hctol· arm"" . mg 0 ra " " ' or to allayatowa auJ philo•opbiea; octa impliea diiTorooec ; t hut, un i ty, 'l'bro'bgb tllo my•t.orioua aulr oC nat 1m· tases . however Desperate may -- ·- ache, and cfl'cet a rcn•lllnt' nt culn. loYo. It oot a Wl'lriDOSII. TeAch .&hAt ia tD ' ·;;WifHlllld love or truth which u iotolliueucc, r o•nlt bo Radically Cured. nnrl O ... hi a ity. whereaoet"or ia to bo eom· in miety; aad t hat t hia i• tbrou:;h tho thtro dl.te.ro, ai oeh h. •n< U. itch. Llukht" "" the lllrl n L••- £nJ•/ In cuet of tl cl,i!i:y. arul ncn .. u• God . Le't bo tho ltudied of all ayatoms wbicb proTea of ei::!¥., .Qoldwoll Vain wroteb I .uprre- thr knowtol toerf\(ul .. uut•"" or kiu .: o , ... 1. hko SW!'IIMJI.:; o-. t,y et . ro..e 11r au\' L.in.J their dntncCIIO cul ture t Q, Jfiyo t he m It parti311J, Aml rcapoct for all tho men to ahow b( I' furtbe ·r Uiininll:! Q!l:... pri de I •ff o: t iUIJS. yield'" 0: .. uuo:hty 1 -. w rT ct thlo whether the rtl't'<'IJ ul warm hu •ta rd t 11 t' 8 .S who hue •ought or who at iU 1\Cek it , In eoow1deriog ourselfl!.l, we uc:eciaM.· - ...- . !_-llf1 thyleamed luatl 6ne ' " "tm.. nt, ;.t .. t 1 t r,.., nt bU.,. \aooout.d -o- thete b"' tho o !egt"C b 1 'a . I'D a ec: IODa. Ill with nbility aod einc:entr. Tho i'onuioe rily eoeouoter aomething not ourael,.et, Vain arc tny the afft-ck·d pouta 1 ," ur 11m ... day. Bl' TilE SUBSCRIBER. renor••ing, and f"MI .I'ra:ho. 1'1ocr tln;e )Our w 0 e famllj toget her by th Ole ioapirulioo or tbe of philoao· hv which Wd arc limited aod oonll'olled. duat. a.nd lh 1' lla LolA" ::oNI th i- from tho •v•tem the mvrl.j,J muON o1 co rd•. !" ou eaoodt Dlllko t he111 to h • • t h -·• b 1 .a b lh · b · ' e ' . ,.en &CO "i t.o e pnD r ho Car sn or Sc hooner Atal4nl4, from C!UC, tile n.·n uJMc uh l lroog. p y Ia DO ut O'fO; an .. t e ia gne l Ul t e Idea or tJie finite thlt ' cd diroctiou..o. lf cdwAy, X. s., I tl•e ICC!"ti u n., etn: .'·gtllcll .,, ,. protiuc:e of eriticiam i• oot only to poiot il, tho li mited; but the &nito Dro-icnl Para lvaitst!ld - C 0 YS IS TIN G 0 F- tem, 111 ..,. 0 the pauc_u t• .• ,,1 "" 'l- Bouka arc a io youth, and en out t bo relll and' n umcrou1 extra fa· ariao io the mind.. without tho idoa of y t t.o hope II Cd bark .) Stilf Join ts ' - beck tho rramo t.o ptloUU\1 he&h la 11110: for ago. Thty •npport gBocea ia J-biloaophieehyatem• ; the in8olt.o. The io8nite ia knolfn only e 't . 'I , ' :Ma.; nt t h(l wVI1!<0 .,._ ol the wa. .., .... , Seasoned Prime e 1 Y ijpu r. ua uoder 110t 1 tu:lc, and 111 from be· but al.o toeJ.lnet and dtaeo taogle from by ita acta 1 bcoc:e, wo get the idea of tpl'8dlns Fate'• Ude. -will yirl<l iu a cnJUtlCU'&uvtoly ahorU irM Q ""• · 1n Turn of Lif e nnd Drops ionl rom111,c a buroon to o unciYCI, l'boy ou t t he10 erTONl.bo which mey cauee . It it not io tbc pQJrer or Mao &bouah a Lilli& fwther&eDdf if tb4l OWt mtJDt llCdiliJ;:enUy applied t.o \he ...,_ iJ s II' help Ul to (org«-t tho CI'Oitlletl of mco aod moat bo tb cr \)ID lD\'o!Ylld, end, to d6at-roy tbCIO three idee a, "hieb aro sun ' tia &riber floom Ita tDd I a.ITectod fll\rte. e,-eo olbel' h:l,.. ..v""'r WP mgll. end thing., t'OWpotiCI our tare• end our therehy, te n:.Ytal human rtuoo to &be ro uodatioo ohll hi• conaeionancu . .ADd, in the bolomol &.bU bourldt..--. \Vheiln-c tho ma.bd! barfl been ul ... ' Tho tum of I if.: iJ thu moat tl i.-:,..,..in . d I d' aelf, to tbu obiloauphy of Lbo Thtyuo D OLa n ubit .. no production or ortw lttaatbta It• wq .. loag OiniD'IeotahouJJ he ..ut.. period in WI\.'Tian'• C1itteurc: it dPotiW)t P 1 "' 0 lll, an 1 1 oor •qppoto tmonl# l:d nl . tha t. b Whh dariq pride , ed oy llollowa 1 1 purilyinr Pi1ll wiiJch "" 20 ][ H.EJILOOX Do 'fh.: ..-lwlo ur th<' .1.'""' hunoo•m t.!let'p. Whe1. we arc weary of the paat, to co au umtne t o . umao reuon i tbe1 eonatituto y doubt. NIOlred bout, JO* opool.he domach ·and en,.. · collect tugc\her,11n.J liko a titlo .. . eel''"'"" !iring, we mar repair to t he dead wbo tbo future. reuon ; aod what ia true of that, 1e OW'Iaboar1 crowned. 7011 " 011 Wlin;r ioto tLt di.aOrdered SO f4 N 0 2 PINE L bcahb '"" life 11 .. 11. ir " "t tilllc•" a .. ;: hue not hint: of pceriahoea, pnde or A«9rding to Coldwell, eeeh IJitlm true ;t.n of abaoloto rouon, a pert of ADd avau 1 J'OU' rorwoo&h il ro-d tW.e, which the pain, nldlou.n-, and t enr, ' 0 powerfnlly chrckc;l The tno..t ttl111in anti· do•iao in the ir eoonr-Ution. ' • whic.b baa pro Tailed, owee ill tempora11 wbic:b it iL Tb ia a btolute I"'!&IOn, lnc»mprehenalbloADd Wmlte. . atto.Ddiug the. ailment. it apt to produce, a. W TBo\1". L 1. dote for all tlt.,..o i• '• 1uc:e1111 to tho tru\h contained 1n i t; of a c:aD.If', · mutt of nc:etNity Bu& b be thereiONfOUDdf Tala ...... ,., :=;hi .w rat.u>la reot>'r'ffrl, and eom.. A. j>ril 0. Pin.. Armed wi th them tho fitr1 o ... e.J Escellonco ; 1 DOter araotOcl to man being fo undod on ll pan ill riew or ertoate; thu•, wo artt cooductcd from no , cno ,...,. .. Krioua the Ia pa-t through, and t he ia onee b h rd " tbe mental pbeo ome oa- 1lthooah of. God to tbo uni rene, b'{ creation. Let rour dellnltloalbo", Pil83. Piatnlas, and Intern&l h · Not I c: e • • moro ri.'Atori'Ol to t he poHt'lfion or nuiu'l"'' "" . ot u t t' r en of It fered It fait. t.o explain Tho common idea o ereat•on i•, thllt Thr" nothlo& JOU. U..weak fuunmations · .... ed hcahb. lt ia butlittle knm•n tluu at •Joe IDdl'ed, 00 small atre,gt b of mind to t.be wbolo, and thua doubt, eomothiog ia m1do out or But .. . ao-nllcd "t um of man al.a, when pr oaen e in the habita qf in1lu•try with · d laa · · ., b -'I b -&r wb7abouJd t.be oolleoted mala Lo Pcnorw amict«l with thee ... •erging on fin• or 6hfi•e, out the pleaaum or lllet'CleiYing t boao IU , at l, lt'epllc:llm. puilo.qp C'l'll t ., \II t at nothing c:ao JtNif within lteelfoontal,nt . mrQinl.fl w:U Bncl in U.ia wundorful •••• e.--.e8. hit health ia Cor.J:.Jorablr df'tanjn'd II lid ed Tautagn, wbicb, -the b anda of a A• the hiator1 or pl&iloeophy ia a .wmo of ootbior ; whence it'roJIOWI, that Whr to Ia. oa..-,aboulcl It IOIDI ..... eloc\ wbiln b _ IIIUII\ boorly .. dollablotd alltDet aleep it in aruU 8PEOlruOTICE. reruo•od by reeourM w t he»> J'illa. . 10 pnl;.iaary tlt10rnt to ueertain tbo oot be crea ted, It m111t be .elf.elht.ot OD the lond boiOaa orla. ; • ''I mu " ntmrnt, u they The Kidn cyD-thei r Dtl.r:\nl!C· , lll11monta whereof tbi• le Tbu.a we baTe, too, aelf.ewteot priac:i. 1 Wb7 aboald Ita oliiiMoi'OOI w...,.. ... ,. ponrrtho t.f· IOO uod noT..,alate tho ttom.wlt. .- .. Tb d ·- - ,. J' L tL- •L- ,__ 1 In coaaelr dllclpll..... aDd .. .... . mc nt .s nrd Cure. W N J L-- o u n lae ... o.-r ._. p e.. . . ....., ..... _,_' BolA 1M Oi rt!IIVTII anti p , jJ. •lttmld h MERCHANTS ten their yeqeJa f iDOII .- OYer be Mnawcd of C'OO· ultiee. ia detelopod befoN lc le.oblitrnd But tf WO uamioe the Idea of Dotbio _g, nu wiDdl and •un tWr 00111• t&Ud ia lA.cf uU.. III "1 eo 11p/.:s illl4, :o Bot too in tho Win tor mo ntht, H Pilla bo nttd aC'C'Oroiug to the furiog you r ignoraoco; tor tho wi.e a: and uamiaed. Wbta it bepa to · be we- 1ball Dod it to be 'a mtro mancb t fud 11'1 C: ( "'J') t'AD order a ny of ou r W a rl!.l, to be pnntc.J dircetiont, and th'-l Oi111nwnt """.. DJ>?D earth i• ifaM.ot of 0 t d the b'l b &.--- h t ( T " tb j Tbn promp& and I'MdJ' to;p;;:dobe7 1 , _ _. I """' QUI f 0 • tJ· . r II '·' It ft ( t thin...._ lo•omu"h tt._t -t.• be Jtoo-1 I '• re OC I OD, D p I OIOp 1 __.a. Wll 011 proo 0 «"Mte, ll a ng Why do tho r:::e. aQriM ""' II'OMU Ccmt aod by return Teuule, and a I l n1'oicet d ated "" 1 e ° 10 "" •·T• or a .-. aa ft lt bu been tho obi--t of aU •L- pbiJ. not d1 ' 1B•ult to -n-I'Te, for - c-•· --1r -IA o' llltrru _... J · J lout hnlf an lt .. ur at •• •• met'e th ' · · · b ha "" - ' ... v •• ._.. .... ., .... _., erllrib '• 11unl . 0 " .. G-,:.•ut.a :anuary lint, eoaujng. A redoetioo in no tDK m companaoo wtt w t oeopben who hafe left uy trace in bit. e Tf rT t imo we will-we produ- eo ef. lire bead, < ,. tto h I d . . roreod into meat, it will pcn!'lntle the .1· be doee DOt know. c:aunot be A r b ... ... A. r tctlll:ur "' 0 0 •• ... en I> ace, ID It c:am01 ncya aud correct.,,,. dcr.&nJ:cl"""SJ .. .,. I, J ( 11 . tory, to gire eo &HOUIIt o t • u nder- feet whi ch wo aaeribe to oone other than arebias lhrouab paU.t.o dlf· l 'h 1 11 01 with it .a red11rtion or coat io our the aftlictioo bo awnc or ...... · :t l, it i# 1 .,., ,j. greeter 0 Yin t.be world t han to up- •tand io" ill oeturo laWI, ud ri""t:t · --Ina . T\e ld "-'n• bT Ynue of fereat laDd.t ' · il " S•tlllilaw \V · ... - polO that we know -e ..... bl ' og. ,., ' <r l J.um'-gol ..; n Jr- II TOt. cuJarl1 tloat t il" Ointmt'l t, . "' ' 'I" but I nJOI'OUIIId ecieatiftc Of the pr ioeivlo of eaueat lon, which uilt. ' •· =,. 1 .&liiERICAN NET & TWI:tE C•• in tuch UIK .. I nil( Ill rnd . .a ll ba1 betn ooly twice at&.tnpted-lra' ill u-. and ileeeeotial to our miod. To OD Mrtb. in air, laid'* u,._. ' &Dd atd-, Wlounuliam "''"' '-'- 43 coa:aMreW Street, by itA judiciou• aprli(lltton themottutound· It •lny• grioYoa me to contemplatt b1 AriatotJo, and by KAnt.. Cohl · c:auN, tbon, to Coldwell, i• Koaatemo. riM I IV"'' · ' ipplee I T1 "''' n.n s t 0 ing cnNllma1 be J>Oriflnuod. tho initi1t ioo of ebildrcm ioto t he .. ,, doe, not edmit ei ther or t.beie flO& to out ootbior, but to 81· '*'-lUI will ., .... , 11 . ._ cp · · Uollorcn!J'' Pilla Mt II •; btt t nn trtlJJ.l ·no 1 ,.,. ohf t 1 l«'1 IICarecJy mo"' phil010pbo,. hal errivl U a perftlet 8f'.:tl0 any inberen. jiOWrr. God ttMtel To S..OO'• IMJ&ierie&. OC' Uae IDiDM Of - E y · t au •o••n ta. t eht!t'b their l'on8 .. -u_ n •I t1 h d' __ _. II " th pD'IIC ( b t · H' t WI•: The l 'illa,sn.l 0int·- 1 ent 11'1< 1 V E B. j., t!.t world for lltef iJII oll'iu'l rllltiiiU :- d . 1' ""' w •J 111- teJ a 1 .-· o...,.. a .rom e r, o eren 10 "1:111 oro 1 , ,..1o,r 11 " '·'·""' \\ ... J:,:-l.l. . .. ft .·s, o-. AI[Uo •bn 1101 P Ietty, two of the be.Jt qoelitie• &be elementl of t he hltell t'Ct, or all u He i• eh-olute, to c-re.te in 111m il Yet •UII mt.t.klnJ maa, "' - Inve ntor ... ,e bn . A h ' ,. f t•n t aL Hu\oen "ifee them, aod d-·nd• •be' t I I t •• w h d tb d'.. L. t Eaob bour - _.... _ L-- :.0...- - r ;...,J •I. J;.'"''": nl·, t.r u.-vly r.. , " c ntc et ma •eten ton o ne If mu ua one. .-o we Dee.oM'1; an lnl'ronco .,. weep ·-r- - ....... - _. \ •·1·•l r f ' •• u nD.I Ma nufactures, Builder Dillioua <Aimrlainta&m•fnla, or King'• that &b ey•haro our ha•e obtained th taeelemeutl, wbea we the er?atife power in men aod God ,.. ward f,l'elll 111 .. f'i• 1! ... t \\',. r-:.1 itt nnt.l l' .. ta at .E on the Skin I E•il aro capable.or oouno1 1 oto our •ojo1· O.re Toclucecl them, •hen we bafe Lbo paeral of u ebeolll!• ADd IITell 0 1 a Ood ble wanderiar .... , •• 1e 1 -::.t. :!•. :. t, ta. t:d., 1 ,,.., ?! .. , •IKI .'.:Je,. ngi n t'c r, Chemist Bowel Complaint& re Throats zueoll. all tbeir relation-iboo aad rei.Ati.,. C'liUW. (n men, the rrel. = l'v'l. 'O.t- •. hi.,.; ••coon'rm• ' '•mo. t •, .. la J:'nrmer, Merc hant, Oebili11 t nneanclGraYCI only .ball we be in poeMeai4D or tJae t iYe power ('annut .,. .. the or bi• d.efpa.lr . .i/e •:h tJ ... lit. " '" •h t ... ·u, t•,. !!'.!a Oror •J Sct'c·n•lnq •S .rnlptoma It oniuet a nd abaurd of "'"r'IOn• f d • f IWCl ol 'g b' i d nd · bee'd llf'd b X.. to lila:) · thor' ··t ', ,. .,. M ,<l .:... ...• n·tr·'••. Should at once tend hi.a oe me and ed· Female hTe-•lantii'S Ti Doloreu& ad ., ·- oun auon• o rtUOD, ... Olfn ID o , • II 1 ee c:ontro 1 to Kaktlt U.. ...,_ .d Wl"'tda .. ' ' .. ' d .. u f&OClDIIR "t!llra to ea""ct or tbe to " 'd t 'tl. t d th' Dt II ' ,;. .. tiu,.. th.• 'l"''\ 'tit7 CJ! n I•. 1·:!·1. J... l m rrM with 81.60 Col' ooe yeer 1 aub - Fert!f" of all ki11d. I lr!'r 1 ' "" ry . ua tm '• WI aoo " 0 llfl 10 "' 1 I &ou: l' •.t •n 1 c, a-tll'•llo t ll •t .. f l'ill• Mnt.i n 1 er 1 ption to Oont f 'enert'al .<\!t!('fi""' yodUDJC tl a t COIIUdeore lhoald eomo ell Coldwell, tb.... Core,aoaly111 tM1aiDd ill enatire ponr, aod 10 tar a 11pe of c- Dd Uaat oetare, IW' roW- UOI.<'ll: an<l ,. ,., .. u ... IIM Put of Oiut. 'nf'lll or all kintt. ao only (IO t hdr lide rhe bumau ano" . !:le beciol br IIIUIIIiDio whet ... cliTia• cnatiun. wiU, lllt 'lt 0!11' I IIIII ' Qlannbian J)atrnt eice lttrorb \ 'ea\.111.'11' from h"Nri, It "hat o\'e r OPf'lll ODIJ' to tblolu DO ooe will Ull1, &bat btamali . TN priocipl• of e&ll•tioo i• - el· :.:,"-o::::-• 11 Full priniHI l"t'C'tinn• liN •f!Lud II\ ee.eb r.iver whaw 1r t:I\II(S. t.be heart tbat open• ID whether eppliecl to internal or ..._.. bJ itt etrene, b•t retaiu all iw :b., ':.o"!::. "u,.., are, llow II•'C 1111 ,1 l' u! .., .. 1 '"'" 1 .,. ,,., 1 in any IAn· .A.l'O f .nmbego &e... I:.<;. rat ma] tbinp, coneeifea undtr twa utare. Tbe c:t'Mtioa of .. iu T .. •.,.,.IJr. • \rn"" JlECHANIC'S MAGAZINE Pi!fi.c Pillaancf Ointml'nl nrosnl<l r t Tho trul r atrourend 10jod toind i• idl'u , tbe the · ,.., tho ucb Deet_..,,. aod a Tuoocnr ana ... 1 n••"• l'•·ntia11 or f 'hilw .e. lloOony'a F ... tr hl i ,hnlcnt. the mind lbat eau etnbflee tqual rot of aalt¥1tky . tion of God, don no& nua•t Ts .n -•An WD MilT ro&ftl ..... ar. 1 'IO TB& •ouuu:a-. 0\ford., t. J...,..cf nn : 11 J, ,, b) t. crt' f'f'"J""'t thing'l eod 1111&11. 1 a aatl 1'b- t ... o id .. lt.an beeA ...... tMcf , II wt.a IN will, i& ... DOt MIGIIT 10 A ...... U1'DD UCII .&ftll ·Messrs. J. & B. 'M"a.ddock OEOIIGE & DEIBAKATS. ""'e ''" rr-t in I'"" &Dct , elepa& io io all ay•tema.e"d bJ - ..... 1 1M poww ofwilliaa. 1'dUf ,'f! wo1ld in Jkn t'fl au•l Ja.lfol..;!!a.od . hitle ibiojp. I tonnt, •och aa, tbe aod .dM .. raODJ of the uoi...- Poa ln'M1' .._ B t'l inform thr pu IJiie or Coorep- Honuu . h.Od. 1 j,, 21!3.. ar iol :t· lf,. l!ll!'lt . 11to 2a. fld the abaolu ... ,_ad ... uity of Ged; ba' tM laa.rmea1 il .......... I t •c n onrl Triui t\' BM" that th ty 4 t'Optof tJ, lir1l uaH1- CG•IHI a.11 til eontai'n• ,;stl the I !,j It i1 ooly by labor tba' thought eaa tin, tbo 1u8oita a od 1M &mt.. 111b- 80t aaity, for il ••ppoeea ftriety. 'I'M Ilif f! etu r .,.J tho or nn CX· tl.u 0/IN. wiJteen, I If' .' ze I llriJ• be made healthy, and b, t bou&b' Mlk'll .. cr pbe.OIHIIOO. A jal& whole World ..... God. ..... the Jltrtt· nced the 3.,._., •iaeflfty•lwo Unlet the quanhty o! h •-L- be -....&.c 1... •il.. io Oold"ell'• opinioo, ideo841ee all el·--•· of WY:- Difiae •'!iJ.It the 1 14. 1 &d .. Box Ot' }'ot. 11tO rmaRNI 801 ot t It ......,.. eu - J .-PP11 ud &be,._. d a1ao II t.he ,._...... lUll i} lillinrr « BLANK rloeiiDallell .... .,aa al IICODClotU... aodTirie&f : U...pue iaco " ; "!! • .: m p"' of Oint mont ono onn.$11- oit7, ; -.., aod redaoee tM. to twv, 11 '1&1& end N&ai'D ..... _ to tile eooulra• .. I •·crilotMI and are Prtpt.N\<i t.o fl ll all order. io the FuD JW{oted .nl"lC'ti0111 e ro •ffind to e&b · 11 or .._ 11 ... of ••• Uaa& ir. aN,..-, ... ud ... Da.-. · d bote with puoetualjty tuld Ex ecut ed With NEATNESS and Jlor; •rtd rue. and ran ... half Ia Tbe ordiaarr or ... ,. aoi'J IIHlaal&iolicity. 01 .... ....... .., lai-. -'I'M v ...... llfld 1n tho I IJuPATCU at tho OJfice of tbi' ..., ltatt n•;e C\'elltn':'er\illa ie tM .ukof• P'*1 aiaid, ud Itt rali&J. 'l'ltel .. n. ia *'-.W. ri,..a. '!lnM. -'tiJIIoUfJOilla .... ..tu., ., ... .... , IIJ el . v t:T)I lAtut 8ft.lu· J 'aper. . 'A ral<ie, Ameuila. p... no,...,, . t.o OOfer h!-•11 .fa ... WMOarlr; •• if aabiplhltJ• ............... to GoL Sillft ... ,..,, ........... .,. · 3 .u ar Clli...- plaoe, ailooftl'l limlelfia uotJier, tmitr, \M •eanrioD II _,_., ,_. .. --.it •• iA - t. por. o: .... a.. .. ..

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ij· I


I I; .-


AGENTS For SnJt'. \ Notices. , -----------------------------1 ----------------------~'~----- • «lriginnl. «"ptiblr. Unity ~nnot 11tt without l •inn o£ tho D i"inity.•' }'rom GilA, who

~-- ._____ !;I'OI'rat!ng plurnlit~, n11mel~. uricty : ia of n('('ePiily ,\ t'IIU'(', wo•proec:ed to 1 and rn!"'cty rann• ·~ be protluL't'd elcf'pt I t!10 world ho ha• \'rCfltl·d . }' rom er:-' a· \.ron TUJ.: l14llUO'l otuc& n.~oxD.\RD.] b)" umty. :I'ho hto ai'O eflnnrctr d by tlon, wo 11ro brou~;ht b:u·k to hun1an11~,

TOE Llf'F. AND U'RITI~G!I OF tho nolation of NIUPI', whirh rrlnti<>n is ns t lmt n-h1•·h l'omrrehcntls it,and i• tho

r on Tua Ltllllber! 1 IN PRJ~:):): .Harbor Grace Standard J

~T. J :>n~ 's ...... .... .' .. .ll r. ·r. )lrC'oonlln . B111<ol:'l ..... .. ........ . " 0. Guahuo. ll.~o , .. Hum:nu i . ... .. l 1t>RT IIE·G llAl' & ,(:) "

" • J . AndN'wa· u\RI-'U!O ..... )

] SL \." D L'un: ........ '' J 1•hn Cr:~ne. C\IIUO":A' n· .......... " J . 1::. l'ikc.

OR~"" lhs t.: .t l " H. J . HndJon fonn:~l! ...... ... j

TNI~I r,r ,.. . . . ....... " ,V'. Piltmno. }U~" :iOCSD.. ... •• A. '!'\Ill·\· . {,~!1'\ ............. CnpL '1'. s,·,,. ,~.

!loT~ ............ ~lr. J. L'l\\rt'Ucc.

G lli:&...,Sl'O!I'D ... ....... . ·• 1-'. \\' hitu. }'ooo ...... ...... : .. .. .. •· J .. Fih.:cr:~ld. l'wtLLIYOATt: .. ...... " J . J . PearN.

!"CTIIE fl .UIF. B.\'\'


Now landin~r, ex A.falanftr aod A l111ira (rom 1\o•A Sco tia, aod !or ulo by tho Subacribor,-



Sprlice Studding & J oisting. Noun ~uonc ......... lir. P. Tbom:t~. (Xo'l'l\ Scot.iaD ~od NewfouodlaoJ.) LtTTU: DlT l s~..>~o ... " J. Cnmpb\'11 I · ==.=======~======· IOO,OOOft. Pine. !!fpraeeA: U emtoc:k

.. No ta eo JEJOA.R.~

Aod daily CJpec tcd,

HOLLOWAY'S OL\TME~T. A Cargo of Gre en Bny


Juno 2!!. lf.


1b 1M pvh/Wrcl in ·.Yor:rmber, loi3:



BRITISH ~OllTII &:nEiliC.l

Containing the lntcet 11nol moat Authvn · tic dearri ptiona ol on ·r ,ix t hou,nnd ('iti~:a, TuiYI15 lln•l \'•lln~o~o~ in th\1 l'r" · • incc• o r Ont.lrt •. lluo·b.l•·, :\o ,·n & •111:1, :oiow Urun••rick, :"cwfoundlnnd, l'rim·u I·:Jwnrd leland, ~ln~oit ·l>a. Uri ti~h L'o· lumi1111 nud tho Nort!J \\'nt TerrttNics and ~t'nernl 10foruu1tton, Jr.1wn from offi l'illl •uurccP, ns tu tlu• 1 nmea, locnhty, l'xtcnt, &<-., uf o••·r 6n N!n hundred Lllkea a1uf H'v-r~. with" T .. Lic or 1toutt·~ .howing t bu pNxi•mt • uf tho Hllilro!ld :itatiooa,11nd ::it'll, L.akt'lllld l<iver l'urla to tho Citiei, Tu"'n~. \ 'iii:IJ:I'•, .teo., in tho eo~oral l'ro•·iuc<·• · l'ri.·e 111 l:lo.~t It ~:! .:iO i l'ricc lB. 1-'ull l'nlf, ea. is A&;oota wanrcd to t'a.nvou for t ho work.

JOll~ LO\'ELL, J',Mi.~u. llu s~ a CJ. L.

Aos:oat 30.


" The Nigltt COIIIell. 10~111 ItO M1111 can Tf'ur.l:."

Fold )t th• lee-cold honda C•lrn on the put.•lrlt buaol,

Tbt tuil or th• Summer d•'f ;, o'tr, ~n .... cna-.••h l ht ~••mn~ r t tl ;

And the foldtd hand• hue ortl•l) WTfiUSht I hroush ~o~oltolt'e d1n and atrlfr,

And tnt ohLDtl•u heart hath t.raul1 touch 1 ln lbP cu .. Jut war of lift,

Smrotb ye thf' tlme ·lllinntd hair ::!toll t•n thf mad·l~ b•ow,

No uoth ly eloud llo•h l in~ttr there, 'fo 1nar ill !Maul~ n'••· .

Dul brow en I hp aoJ darktn'd ~7• Bur a •ha Ia or <!up repu•o,

Ao T~ iliilht • hodowa eoftly he Oo tba wtolo Wtoltr ·•now ..

\\' ILLL4.M COLD\Vl:LL. • IIID<'CI'!Itlry 'l~ lhc l'lcmcullthrml!•ht't· I COUlpendium of AII n11turo. l n1'3eh, wo ___ from their eJialen~o l't'.aultt nil rcalit; lind thu throo ideaa-Jnitr, muhipli•·ity,

1od life. Theae two t trn•a-unil1 an\! l nnt.l t'aueo-wbicb oro rtoo found:aliofl lN XIX I' A PERS. plura lity-uprr's the uhimnto point.A or all tbin~t•· Tbo reault at 'fhich tl1o

-- or ColJwl'll '• nnl\lyaia,nnJ tnct•thl·r with pbilosop}lcr arriru, on romplctin~: tbo A Crttlclll He\• le w by Rosc:lcrucluJ. tho rt>lation of rl\uer, by which thry :n o l'irdo of I'Xioloorr, bum11o aud du•inr,

__ occesll:lrily uoitetl, ronatitutr, to u•c hi~ ia this r;:nsool truth, t h11t bi1tory, which P.t.rt:n xur. nwn '~or.b. n triplirity which r.-aoht•a is the ima:;oof humanity, may bo res ol\'·

itsclfin1o unity. This unity j,. J:nr:t.· r•l into tho u mo olcmcnll; 'rbcnro it Tlut pN'ci•o lon11th of t ime that CotJ. LIOK!I'CI: on i\hxo. Tt i ~. li:IJ• hr, the follows t hat thcro ran bo but thrto

lfe ll ~JlC'Utll~ R,th ia unccrt11in; but it vico o[ both ancrent nndntlldcrn p~·~rm1, ~;nsnd epocha in hiatory, cnrh uf whirh 1:1 <'Otnmonly bcliured not to huo uJ .. thAt thl'y ~I'IJDI"Illo unity fr,>m pl~tmlitv, ie cL:t r:tetcriic d IJ~ tho prcdominanco of c.,cJrJ the yc11n. llo 1\'U a priwo lbo infi nite from the finite , 10 tl1111 tl;o rrtconcertcJ pr liminari010, or, or o\o

j (1\vnritc lfith tloo Yiaitora thoro, ne rnueh pAliiiii(O from ono to the ot hf'r i~ itnpOI · or thcso clemente OYC'r t ho other, 11{,i fo r t he eu:nity ot b.- AJdro:11, aa Cor hi• siblo. Out tho nbo.oluto :tnJ t ho infinite by tho dcgruo io which ono modi6ca tho brtlliant powc:-a or convun11t iuo. Dut muat rcaul~ in tho rclstiro a nd t he other. l:uiJ wull wu no ColcriJ::;c, thM ia to finite, becnuao tho lint is n t'nuac, and }'rom t his eondcooeod generalizat ion

laay, lut wu no monop•1l11t of "tablo thi~ rel11tion ia or ita c.'cnco. of Coldwell'• elaborate work, the tend. t.tlk." A-n rule ho pl"''rorn:d ailonco Tho union or tho inllnito with t ho oncy And foreo of hia aublimo argument t•• •perch; :and in thi• wiso cbuico bo finite, b7 tho rciAti(lo o£ r11.uaco, ia tho .. ill bo at onre apprehended. At t ho wt;: ht bu lnuJably copied br mAny n d1atingui1bin~ rc11turo of Coldwell'• pfriod 10 wbi~h ho Jif~, it wu ac-

No t'O it'e of c!i·~·d 'I'UU l:<'lliUI or t hll v rciiCn\ dl\r, Ly maoy ll theory- tho brid,;o by whic}l ho erOIICI COJilod un~•ervedl~, ... 6oally a j'ng The u l• n...- ••ill ud dur. •~ i1 o rly juvc~oilo ColoriJt;c, or auclr.ing tho huber~ imp:uuble gulf. 11.L rcat 11.1l aprrulat1001, relalit'O 11 n .

And!" f•r·•·ff •ound• uf • orldlr •t rif• Tall) mnJ. Y ot, on tho p:~rt of Coldwell, A rrired At tbia aublimc nnint, bo Addt, tollectllal philoaophy. But t la er Co out hrral& the dr .. "'ll tM olttp 1. ..--

Oh! lcom~ rttl in a hrart long........ •uch D restriction u pon uie Aucut ADd wo bavo !oat ai~tht of cuth; wo t'AD di•· inrN liSfttions or Darwin an Jluilo,, Oa the udo nf hor~• •nd ,,.,,_ ripct wiadom wu to bo dcpiored ; for com not bins but thceo tbreo nbatrac· conducWI upon purely aeienti6c ptinri.

To th• l•ettbal haw. waadcr.d fat aod wide huw mt\nyn ~:em of tbour.b~ would tiooa-unitv, multiplieity, ADd CI\Uio-- pies, huo in part ofortu rocd Col!hfell'• O'er weery 'l'atlt or Jtar.. thu. Mt'n bcoo luat to tho \<'orld, buo which AI'O lntognl elcmrnta o r huml\n tboorie• ; ohhou~:h in jmtico to him, I

II 0 L 10 V been etill-boro, u it \tero. Per b:tpt, NllUOD, and also of tho Divine l ntelli· Am cautious in m:aking aueb AD aut•rtinn,

) ,\. l ':) ]1 1 j, L. \'· rom th• l "fltoua glue of day it ia not ~:encrally known , for o.nmplo, geneo. llo proc:eoda to en mine, moro u I hno T1'Cently aacertained that C(IJd. -- \\ tiCOIIIIlbf I.,Hit nicbt, that tho" Ane~ant .\Carioer" W&l 1frlt· at argo, t hO natUre of the10 abetraotiona. wcll WDI t ho anonTmOU8 (at tbot timr)

J be I l I F•d•n~: tbr tronqiul i .•u e••T• t b ,., 1 · 1 b 1 n II · · b.A b £ · • 1 ..rt no nne on::er ""t•reo•eol ,.;, 1 1 ,. , 1•11 Y \.O ent J:O very I ort 1 a vr umao rc&aon 11 rmr.cnonal, t :n ia, nul oro an on~:m11 trCAtiao, entitled · llnt t'o~tl tlo.• l r,,·. 11':11·.••1•· ,·. ,,,,.,,, ·I•'" 1 II '1•··· Solomn, ••H.I calm, enol blight. h · th · d I d '·- d ' - ·• · ' d d f II 'V " ' f · I _ _. · ' ·• ~ • Tbtnltl d ·rly. 1• 01.,,, fold tbt banda ~-.nng u wctr ogclll cmuo ,.,.... ID 10 l'peo oot o our WI . o cnn 11r t, " 11n eo nat,. c...,.. u 110 A annal ; lila pm il,\in~:: l'ill· luuu ,.,,J n inr .. ,.,1. \ ,.,, In l•ta~e r n the puhtlt•• br•a•l , it, hut and lllo.,.ing with ita Tivid bar. ornofr.lin from acting; but wo cannot primary, crudo, emhM',onic crel\tion, nod ilueel \\ttl t cul.J\C 1110 runtt1

• • ..:: t·ut 11 I t l I ' ' I' f C ld II b h · aJ b cd · For tl.t n•n•na oh•olow• eome quicldy 00 !'ON row 10 1\lllg •p• o o we • e ango a mal cmallr eouecptioo ·, we 111 tl'q uon t bip al d!lYolopcment," from -- Wll18, nnol tl•t'll': ul'\,! c•uult•lc.d• I' u:,.,J nl O · I I I

B" d T .A- s, B•. d Br-•ts, Ul,.,.,.._

1 1 . And a•Ht h thP Cbnetiao'a r•••· no may JU<!,!O t ten to w 111.t" TU t OJ · c11nnot mako equAlity tlifl'erenco, o r vir· "hicb both D11rwin and Huxley h11ve

.. """"" A ._.. ......... I ;,...lur~.J uctulll•, noli,;J_IIoc lufi'"' hH·I,Io ~f Abac:esae.1

Wounds and S or ca GO Til IC GRATES & c ., &c. lic•o tloo .,L.mtct~-..1 kioluc,., dc.w c ; , ~ ten~ " o muat buo auA'cNld from <AIId. tuo Tiec; tborl' oro, pl'ntlllllllify conaialt llll'l!l'ly drawn in aupport of their rc'.

,\U 111fferera fTnm roujlba. oolda, hl"\nchi· lis, ut.buiA, Md irrt,.'lthr :artiou llf 1M l>eV1, arc mnn..,tJy l'fCUIIInk''"l«l t•l rub lloll<>­w,y'a _,-chin • UinLn.t<'nl well 0\"U the throat, b~ r.nd l.ot-k. u the en~~~> mAY n>­quire. lWl"' a <L>1. Ju,·:Ui1t. 10•7 contld~n~ ly ruly "I""' lb.: bt.nellcial ~lT<...ta ~tinr. t'Nw I h .. ln«tlncnt: lh.ia OinLmc11t ia the IDC.t tnl-'wortby rt!ll' H17 fur .U mluual ant.1 oxtcnoal .. Jn .. nta of the thN<>t..

of 1\ll kinds J•IIIO L!ou.J, 111111 CVliiCr uu' O> cly ..... .~;. Arn:crroll'.-W o IOQlCtitrtl'a meet well' a retiring modOity iu tho matter of io tho wiU. llc!UOn i•11baolute, u nit l'r· apeetire IJ ftoma, tho •imilarity t r N il)' llf' lhl"l''OI,:hly h~l.d Ly the aJ'l'llc:a>- : IX G11E.J.1 f'.l.lliET~, Lc:.ltloful •is;uur. with men 11'lao aoem to thiltk thllt A::t'l' •prrch. u l, diTino. llulllllo. reuoo it impel'· which, inderd, wonlu tend to eorrobor· b" n OJ! tlua t untmcnt t.• t.hc

1 .. rta Mf·-ct~ .A.T Til& lnlpuritics of lltn Bloocl. itululgeoco of afl'octio!Uto foehn ;-, IJut t ho li_mita o[ tbil Pnpcr prcelu~o feet, bcc:auao it i• con lnpl'<l in 11 lin ito •to the opinion t h1t &hey wer'o dorind

.rt .. r 111,.,. hn•·•· '""" •lulv r •• u .. ntcol woth w~kneu. Tboy wtll return f/' my •.£_eeulauog a t AD.Y length u~n th11 nat uro; but at ill it ia a frasmtnt or tho from a 1i111ilor aource, to wit, Coldwell.' WUlll u'kr. t 'no.lcr tla.! ll~tiuu •. r lhtJ pow· Harbor Grace Stove Depot, Tit~ WOOIIC'riul Pi!l· arc •nlt:t' l nt th J'ourncy nml arect tb . r T I h l:f..ad· . • 1 hATU DOW to P'!'ltDt l:ol~wtll puro incorruptible iotl'llect--the abto. But bow 0%1JUitilo II trait ia it in the~ crlul tltnhncnt, .uJ.,J loy the f'llla. tl~o• .1.,.. , . hurnhlcot heal! I~ r & "''" ., . i11 tl11' '•··•··•· • · ' · . " elr 8101 101 t a to the 1ntcrutcd ~der 10 a oew hs:bt, lute ~on, who10 ONODce i1 allfaya tho chllraetcr of Coldwell, to find him, in

II f , 1 1 11 be 11 1.1 18 • lll'llilt~r ~trc t comfort a n•l wc:Jhlo. 'I ht·• .... , 1. a t l" ""':.: d ••t:aut d1g01:y, aod mort~ amon t lleir · t ... 1. h f h ' l h 'uh' l h • rrs•·~ .umo•l!n " •·•·· • • y ... , q • 1 -s \lXI I • C , b' ld . 1 h Jd d 1 10 <JO I}; ~ o a p 1 oaop er. ,T 1 c ume. ' t o mttl•t o£ hia mi"h'- iott>lloc1uall:a· _ . , r 1 ... ••I - n 1\lld foul r 111irio:atio•n tltr .. u"J"'"' II~<· ,.1, .. 1, • ' •"'' e 1 rl'o wtt • t e eo an oh •r.len.. " h '"'-ld II h ' , " "


., In•'""; C\' Cil """ u '·- • ,.. dnr o f lin i b d. d . . :at uat • "" Wt' wroto II ••moua Idoaa aro not the product of intelli. bon, indul~:ing in devout ao&IOOI or

.~,.., lau•c•'d' old ur im<'tcnk, cantLu.t be Oppos ite M essrs. J o ns :\l oN:-1 :~~~~~~~;;1::V~~~~~n:~~~.l~~~~ •• ~·n,'t:::.~~ ~:::~~·~; broken fro~~~~~ au;r:uo ? b•ntd~ Ita work, eut itled, "A!f llctaODUCTIOlf ro gonce, but intolligooco itaclf; wo ean. humiliat ion and ae)f.abuement H e ro :·nl<l~ Rh t ' d N & Co's ~lercnutile rremi"SCS. complo~iut• ·•hich L"\111>1::11 lena ul dtuU•Anrl tnoro unnllturnl •ight o::~b J:n :..: ThU& ::>TO~Y or PnlLOSrOPUY." Jlereb. ia not call t hem ount; they 11'0 DOt 10 ia a abort pi~ or bia, wri~tcu at Lilia .:l "-.vut, · eamn tsm. an eu· d . . . 'be to> an early J:rllrc. .,r tlnao fa T ' tb h V t o open tog Jlau&AO o ~bo work, w tch, much coocoptiob1 of human reuon, a• t ime. U il called )

• ra.l.gic P.tins. • Tn II dttton to the above tho Subecl'l r I d' r UT c I . h ·, . IDIIM •• not" c.rt. ' ho [or its aincurtly aud luciCJ ergumeol or tbat ebsolute ro&IOn or wbicb OUnt " A." ODE Tioi• Oi"'"" ul ,,..,., r f:ul• t.l '"''" rt'li~r. kcop• con~l:ontly on haoJ n tgcs JOO, I lOUS om l' :u n I~ I t nt Ill n 'pc:rirnc:ed the jny• of r ricnd commend• iteolf at ouc:o to t.bo impu•;·t' _. Tb l I •· - and Sick llcndoclw. j ' hip,11nd Yaluct nmpotby •ud affe<"ti(ln, · t· .... a pan. ey arc 00 '! ent, u It wor«-, Oil tbc Fntlllty or Ba•IU'I Pbllo-' lt.a '"'')' '"'~ •ql'e:.tMI ,..,. ... ,.. tho intla- • L•uoE usonTYOT r I.S •1 11 ba . . en IC :- to humiD re:uon; and their existence aultno, ""'' •knm:~br1 J... tl, h•« t and po.in. No or~n in the human bod~ i .. ' li. II• wu~ not rn,thcr "'0 a t t 11 hl'IUh- " WhAt I propo10 to ioeoleatc, ia oot thoro ie wbol11 intellc:etu1l. Tho C:OD· Mpblml Sprc:•latlon. This ••~'l!un.: lli !lllll<nt. t.:• •l··t""'tin! the t KER QS EN£ LAMPS to diHlnlcr u tho lircr. an•l n'<ouo iJ n•·ln I f~l•to nh~~~ro • ~~ecnery' th:an ~,rubbed aur h o r luch apuei:~l plliloeophy, bu~ dltion or intolhgeoeo i• not merely t hat Yan I fool WI t:Diln I blo• .. t " " ''' n nt" t.• • ' ' " "" thor"fl~ , •r'• when nc~:lcctl'<l, to t.r."'"'e <>n·~··l. o t let I co tro•uuro of btl . hcarL ? pbiloaophr it.el£ . not attilcbmcot to it eJitt. in the mind, but t hat it bo do. So:sroo know'at thou how th~lr bepn I !"'"•· l.,..•m•.,,.a 1:•.-.J:Lr ut.nn. n ,...,.,"' ~- J:cnocullx·r "''"'" •.nu .... .,., r,,, u'• ·1 Who would nnt rather follow hta child h • ch ' I . Scarce hut thou tbougbt tllQUgb to pro.e u .. J cho.uv OJ..,. 11•· 1~! . .... ,,;: .rJJ:'ll.) • t.... I'L E U OSE.\' B 0 J L ·uf i:li'!J best' ~'!. or, aci~ity en t1•c ''.!.'" ~u_., I!!.." ... lh t ' to tho ArAfO t han to entomb hi a pArent· •uc beor au 'j''t.cw~ IOl\fOTur gree~ It To loped; that ia, wo mu.at bo eooaeioua t hou lll't i b kcu: u th~'r J•unf)u,.:, olkntl\e aool ........ I . cf'JI()oll'· 1011 .'' l~~Jit llfUC'\.._

1,t,11;: l'r••J c!q·'~TI!-lff'n'ft !!.!!] Cherish then, your mny , nor A m1rattoo o any partie~- o£. i~ ; for .intellijlcocc, withou~ eoo- Ytl •t.rrltd "!ilb atudltd boldtlea, tbota

w'"'""" 'l"· "'"' • pL-.cn th,. wb<>k nws o:.r tjutlllt.Y f Or sale. l!o ,o" l·~· 1 , • rc~:u 1110 c•cr)'. t .1~,.1101, hl'urt'• bt .. t 11~ · • • odul~:_o in tho l~r ~n, wbatevnr _may h~TO b~~n h11'· te;•?n•ne'!, 11 ~crely t.be .abttrnct polll· dAroJL t ry at>l.iJ. Du,l llul!t. iut.o . wbc.kll'>mo OOIULlion, I $tl~C alr('ngth In 1'\ crf l!l):tlll,tJ>I't'lhh l't'mo·l' w d b. . gomua, but tba pb•luaopbtcal IJllrlt, IU· bth ty of lntclliACDCO. Now, CIIOaeioOI· To ~nd thy ~oubtin~ rtMOn'a duzled ero The .Mother's Frieaa-Skin Dis· l J ulv

10 C. L. K"EXNEDY all eault">of indi~tc:~ tlfln,hile. a nil .i~k hctol· arm"" . ~0! mg emoho~a 0 ra " " 'or to allayatowa auJ philo•opbiea; octa impliea diiTorooec ; t hut, unity, 'l'bro'bgb tllo my•t.orioua aulr oC nat 1m·

tases . however Desperate may --·- ache, a nd cfl'cet a rcn•lllnt'nt culn. loYo. ~hllllr It oot a Wl'lriDOSII. TeAch .&hAt ia tD ' ·;;WifHlllld love or truth which u iotolliueucc, n~etlllrily ro•nlt• mcn~itJ. bo Radically Cured. Weaknel'~ nnrl O ... hi aity. :~:~~~~d-~~ ~T~o~b'c~: ~~~~ntt~o ;b'~; whereaoet"or i~ ia to bo ~ the eom· in miety; aad t hat t hia i• tbrou:;h tho Mu~hctt~u,:;;!. thtro dl.te.ro, aioeh

~d h.•n<U. itch. Llukht" "" the lllrln L••-£nJ•/ In cuet of tlcl,i!i:y. l.J.n ~;our arul ncn .. u• God. Le't i~ bo tho ltudied ob]~t e~r ~rehenaion of all ayatoms wbicb proTea ~til!l! of ei::!¥., .Qoldwoll und~~rtakct Vain wroteb I .uprre- thr knowtol toerf\(ul .. uut•"" or kiu.: o , ... 1. :m•lau~h hko SW!'IIMJI.:; o-. )t\'nerat~-d t,y et.ro..e 11r au\' L.in.J their dntncCIIO culture tQ, Jfiyo them It parti311J, Aml rcapoct for all t ho men to ahow b( I' furtbe·r Uiininll:!Q!l:... pride I •ffo:tiUIJS. yield'" 0: .. uuo:hty

1-.wrT ct thlo whether m~n~l or ph~•1c-al . the rtl't'<'IJ ul warm hu•ta rd t 11 t ' 8 • .S who hue •ought i~. or who atiU 1\Cek it, In eoow1deriog ourselfl!.l, we uc:eciaM.· - ...- .!_-llf1 thyleamed luatl

6ne ' " "tm .. nt, ~ ;.t .. t 1t r,.., ntbU.,.\aooout.d -o- thete l'ill~ b"' tho ln~h._..t o!egt"C 1·1 ~,;"" b 1 'a . I'D a ec: IODa. Ill with nbility aod einc:entr. Tho i'onuioe rily eoeouoter aomething not ourael,.et, Vain arc tny Utw!a~&a.pl~~ ~ the afft-ck·d pouta

1, " ur 1~ 11m ... • day. Bl' TilE SUBSCRIBER. renor••ing, and f"MI.I'ra:ho. 1'1ocr tln;e )Our w 0 e famllj toget her • by thOle ioapirulioo or tbe b~t~nao of philoao· hv which Wd arc limited aod oonll'olled. ..,.~ duat. ""~

a.nd lh 1' lla LolA" ::oNI th • i- from tho •v•tem the mvrl.j,J muON o1 .li~ cord•. !" ou eaoodt Dlllko the111 to h • • t h -·• b 1 .a b lh · b · ' e ' . ,.en &CO "i t.o e pnD r ho Carsn or Schooner Atal4nl4, from C!UC, ~oiLii·h tile ''·~:··~t iun n.·nuJMc uh l lroog. p y Ia DO ~hvu, ut O'fO; an .. t e ia gnel Ul t e Idea or tJie finite thlt '

cd diroctiou..o. Por~ lfcdwAy, X. s., I tl•e ICC!"tiun., etn:.'·gtllcll '!·~· nc•~·u"~ .,, ,. protiuc:e of eriticiam i• oot only to poiot il, tho limited; but the &nito ~not ~~ ':!t:~~~t:&.!'~==~; Dro-icnl Smllin~. Paralvaitst!ld - C


0 F- tem, 111..,.0 the pauc_ut • ~1 ,._11 1~ .• ,,1 "" ' l- Bouka arc a ~uido io youth, and en out t bo relll and' numcrou1 extra fa· ariao io the mind.. without tho idoa of y t t.o hope II r~11 Cd bark ~ .) Stilf Joints ' - beck tho rramo t.o •~ ptloUU\1 he&hla 11110: cotllftlinmc~~ for ago. Thty •npport gBocea ~ittiog ia J-biloaophieehyatem•; the in8olt.o. The io8nite ia knolfn only e .~t.te ' t . 'I , '

:Ma.; nt th(l wVI1!<0 .,._ ol the a~ wa. .., ...., Seasoned Prime p· e 1 Yijpur. • ua uoder 110t1tu:lc, and k~p 111 from be· but al.o toeJ.lnet and dtaeotaogle from by ita acta 1 bcoc:e, wo get the idea of Dom~ tpl'8dlns Fate'• ~Tipble Ude. -will yirl<l iu a cnJUtlCU'&uvtoly ahorU irM Q ""• · 1n Turn of Life nnd Drops ionl rom111,c a buroon to o unciYCI, l'boy out t he10 erTONl.bo t~u\~ which mey cauee. It it not io tbc pQJrer or Mao w~ &bouah a Lilli& fwther&eDdf if tb4l OWtmtJDt llCdiliJ;:enUy applied t.o \he ...,_ iJ s II' help Ul to (org«-t tho CI'Oitlletl of mco aod moat bo tbcr\)ID lD\'o!Ylld, end, to d6at-roy tbCIO three idee a, "hieb aro sun ' tia &riber floom Ita tDd I a.ITectod fll\rte. e,-eo ..-b~n olbel' tuoaz~a h:l,.. ..v""'r WP mgll. end thing., t'OWpotiCI our tare• end our therehy, te n:.Ytal human rtuoo to i~ &be rouodatioo ohll hi• conaeionancu . .ADd, in the bolomol &.bU bourldt..--. ~led. \Vheiln-c tho ma.bd! barfl been ul ... ' Tho tum of I if.: iJ thu moat tli.-:,..,..in . d I d ' • aelf, to j' uatif~ tbu obiloauphy of Lbo Thtyuo DOLan ubit .. no production or Still~~~ ortw lttaatbta wit!~ It• wq .. loag ~tho OiniD'IeotahouJJ he ..ut.. period in WI\.'Tian'• C1itteurc: it dPotiW)t P1"'0lll, a n 11 oor •qppototmonl# ~\d l:d nl . tha t. b ·--~ Whh dariq pride aocfbuoliD&d~D&h& , ed oy llollowa


purilyinr Pi1ll wiiJch "" 20 ][ H.EJILOOX Do thon<:~ndf. 'fh.: ..-lwlo ur th<' .1.'""' hunoo•m t.!let'p. Whe1. we arc weary of the paat, to 0~, co au umtne t o . umao reuon i tbe1 eonatituto t~t y doubt. NIOlred bout, JO*

opool.he domach ·and linT,~ en,..· • collect tugc\her,11n.J liko a titlo ... eel''"'"" !iring, we mar repair to t he dead wbo tbo future. reuon ; aod what ia true of t hat, 1e OW'Iaboar1 crowned. 7011

"011 ~ Wlin;r ioto tLt di.aOrdered SO f4 N

0 2 PINE L bcahb '"" life 11 .. 11. ir " "t tilllc•" a .. ;: hue not hint: of pceriahoea, pnde or A«9rding to Coldwell, eeeh IJitlm true ;t.n of abaoloto rouon, a pert of ADd avau 1 J'OU' ~ rorwoo&h il ro-d

tW.e, which the pain, nldlou.n-, and tenr, • ' 0 • powerfnlly chrckc;l The tno..t ttl111in anti· do•iao in their eoonr-Ution. ' • whic.b baa pro Tailed, owee ill tempora11 wbic:b it iL Tbia abtolute I"'!&IOn, ~ing lnc»mprehenalbloADd Wmlte. . atto.Ddiug the. ailment. it apt to produce, a . W TBo\1".1£ L 1. dote for all tlt.,..o rlan~:ent i• llullcw~ • '• 1uc:e1111 to tho tru\h contained 1n it; of oec:oe~ity a c:aD.If',· mutt of nc:etNity Bu& b be thereiONfOUDdf Tala......,., :=;hi.w m-~~~· rat.u>la reot>'r'ffrl, and eom.. A. j>ril 0. Pin.. Armed with them tho fitr1 o ... e.J Escellonco ;1 DOter araotOcl to man bu~ being foundod on ll pan ill riew or ertoate; thu•, wo artt cooductcd from no ,

cno ,...,. .. Krioua the a~~&btfti-. Ia pa-t through, and the ~t~IJC'rer ia onee b h rd " tbe mental pbeoomeoa- 1lthooah of. God to tbo unirene, b'{ creation. Let rour lmperf~ dellnltloalbo", Pil83. Piatnlas, and Intern&l h · Not I c: e • • moro ri.'Atori'Ol to the poHt'lfion or nuiu'l"'' "" . ot u t t' ren of ~bor. It argu~. fered It completo-i~ fait. t.o explain Tho common idea o ereat•on i•, thllt Thr" nothlo& JOU. U..weak de8nor,~. •

• ~ fuunmations· .... ed hcahb. lt ia butlittle knm•n tluu at •Joe IDdl'ed, 00 small atre,gtb of mind to t.be wbolo, and thua geo~n~t.oa doubt, eomothiog ia m1do out or notbin~t. But .. . ao-nllcd "tum of lifo,~ man al.a, when proaen e in the habita qf in1lu•try with· d laa · · ., b -'I b -&r wb7abouJd t.be oolleoted mala

LoPcnorw amict«l with thee ~ -.;,~ ... .~~ •erging on fin• or 6hy·fi•e, ti~\"Ctlt tf~t out the pleaaum or lllet'CleiYing t boao IU , at l, lt'epllc:llm. puilo.qp C'l'll t., \II t at nothing c:ao JtNif within lteelfoontal,nt . mrQinl.fl w:U Bncl in U.ia wundorful Oil~ ~ ••••• e.--.e8. hit health ia Cor.J:.Jorablr df'tanjn'd II lid edTautagn, wbicb, lik~ -the banda of a A• the hiator1 or pl&iloeophy ia a .wmo of ootbior ; whence it'roJIOWI, that Whr to Ia. oa..-,aboulcl It IOIDI..... •

~d!.,.-~.!:'e~~'.;tU::!,'r'~·~~: t~oiU~ no~tllll~l::;t!ct~:~ ~~~·~i~•c!u: eloc\ wbiln b t~ey _IIIUII\ boorly ·~- ;r:-~•b:i::~~·~o;:U~ ~u:. ~o~::::; ~:~~od:. i:J:i\~\,i:~d .. •i~t'ileo~~d ~.:lib dollablotd alltDet aleep •

~ntuty ~any ~-th'f'be0il'11ls, it in aruU 8PEOlruOTICE. reruo•od by reeourM w the»> J'illa. . ~1';;jy: :: ~·b!;~~~:~cd 10 pnl;.iaary tlt10rnt to ueertain tbo oot be created, It m111t be .elf.elht.ot OD the lond boiOaa orla. ~pf ; • ~ ~~'"'~ ''I mu " ntmrnt, u they The KidncyD-their Dtl.r:\nl!C· , lll11monta whereof tbi• le com~. Tbu.a we baTe, too, aelf.ewteot priac:i.

1Wb7 aboald Ita oliiiMoi'OOI w...,.. ... , .

ponrrtho t.f·IOO uod noT..,alate tho ttom.wlt. .- .. Tb d ·- - ,. J' L tL- •L - ,__ 1 In coaaelr d llclpll ..... aDd .. ~ .... . -~ • m c nt.s nrd Cure. W N J L-- o u n ton..u<~IDJ, lae ... o.-r ._. p e.. . . ....., ..... _,_' BolA 1M Oirt!IIVTII anti p , jJ. •lttmld h MERCHANTS ten din~: their yeqeJa • fiDOII.- OYer be Mnawcd of C'OO· ultiee. ia detelopod befoN lc le.oblitrnd But tf WO uamioe the Idea of Dotbio_g, nu wiDdl and ~ •un tWr 00111•

• t&Ud ia lA.cfuU.. III "1 eo 11p/.:silll4, :o Bot too in tho Win tor montht, H th~ Pilla bo nttd aC'C'Oroiug to the furiog your ignoraoco; tor tho wi.ea: and uamiaed. Wbta it bepa to · be we- 1ball Dod it to be 'a mtro bYpothe.t~, mancb t fud 11'1 C: ("'J' ) t'AD order a ny of our W arl!.l, to be ~nt pnntc.J dircetiont, and th'-l Oi111nwnt """.. m~o DJ>?D earth i• ifaM.ot of m~ny 0 t d the b' l b &.--- • h t ( T " tbj Tbn promp& and I'MdJ' to;p;;:dobe7 1, _ _. I """' QUI f ~-• 0 • tJ· . r II '· ' It ft ( t thin...._ lo•omu"h tt._t -t.• be Jtoo-1 I'• re OC I OD, D p I OIOp 1 __.a. Wll 011 proo • 0 «"Mte, ll a ng Why do tho r:::e. aQriM ""' II'OMU Ccmt aod S~ by return Teuule, and a I l n1'oicet dated "" v~r 1e rr~;wn ° 10 "" •·T• or a .-. ~ aa • • ft lt bu been tho obi--t of aU •L- pbiJ. not d1' 1B•ult to -n-I'Te, for - c-•· --1r -IA o' llltrru _... J · J lout hnlf an lt .. ur at b~..J-timt. •• to~~l •• met'e th' · · · b ha •"" - ' ... v ~~ •• ._.. .... .,...._., erllrib'• ~abaala- •

11unl.0" .. G-,:.•ut.a :anuary lint , eoaujng. A redoetioo in no tDK m companaoo wtt w t oeopben who hafe left uy trace in bit. e Tf•rT t imo we will-we produ- eo ef. lire bead, < ·~· ~·· , . tto h ~L I d . . roreod into meat, it will pcn!'lntle the ~ .1· be doee DOt know. '~'~~- c:aunot be A r b • ... ... (.1ull•l'~~"' A. r tctlll:ur "'0 0 •• ... en I> ace, ID It c:am01 ncya aud correct.,,,. dcr.&nJ:cl"""'· SJ .. .,.I,J ( 11 . • tory, to gire eo &HOUIIt o t • under- feet which wo aaeribe to oone other than arebias lhrouab d~t paU.•t.o dlf·

l 'h 1 11 01

with it .a red11rtion or coat io our the aftlictioo bo awnc or ...... ·:tl, it i# 1.,., ,j. greeter 0 Yin t.be world than to • up- •tandio" ill oeturo laWI, ud ri""t:t · --Ina. T\e ld "-'n• bT Ynue of fereat laDd.t ' · • '~ il " S•tlllilaw \V · ... - polO that we know -e ..... bl'og. ,., ' <r • ~~ ~"'· l J.um'-gol ..; n Jr- II TOt. • cuJarl1 ~mmende<J tloa t til" Ointmt'l t, . "' ' 'I" but I nJOI'OUIIId ecieatiftc ~ya-. Of the prioeivlo of eaueat lon, which uilt. ' 1 1•le~ • · =,.

1 .&liiERICAN NET & TWI:tE C•• in tuch Cll~~CJ<,bo UIK .. I nil( Ill rnd momio~ . .a ll ba1 betn ooly twice at&.tnpted-lra' ill u-. and ileeeeotial to our miod. To OD Mrtb. in air, laid'* u,._. '&Dd atd-,

Wlounuliam "''"' '-'- 43 coa:aMreW Street, Bot~n. by itA judiciou• aprli(lltton themottutound· It •lny• grioYoa me to contemplatt b1 AriatotJo, and DU~ by KAnt.. Cohl· c:auN, tbon, •~rdiog to Coldwell, i• Koaatemo. ~ol•oMen riM I IV"'' · ' ipplee I T1"''' n.n s t

0 ing cnNllma1 be J>Oriflnuod. tho initi1t ioo of ebildrcm ioto t he .. ,, }"t~ll doe, not edmit tha~ either or t.beie flO& to Cl'\.'11~ out ~f ootbior, but to 81· W~lt.towftlal '*'-lUI will .,....,

~~.. 11 t,~.~:; . ._ cp · · Uollorcn!J'' Pilla Mt II•; bttt nntrtlJJ.l·no1,.,. ohf lif~ ~beo t

1l«'1 ~ro IICarecJy mo"' phil010pbo,. hal errivl U a perftlet 8f'.:tl0 any inberen. jiOWr r. God ttMtel To S..OO'• IMJ&ierie&. OC' Uae IDiDM Of

,. ,..~. - E y · t au •o••nta. t eht!t'b their l'on8 .. -u_ n •I • ~hat t1 h d ' ~r __ _. II " th pD'IIC ( b t · H ' t WI•: The l 'illa,sn.l 0int·-1ent ~"' 11'1<

1 at~ V E B. j., t!.t world for lltefiJIIoll'iu'l rllltiiiU : - d . 1' • ""' w • •J 111- teJ a 1.-· o...,.. a .rom e r, o eren 10 "1:111 oro 1 •

, ,..1o,r 11" '·'·""' \\ ... J:,:-l.l. Ju~· . .. ft.·s, o-. AI[Uo ~lhoumitifm •bn 1101P Ietty, two of the be.Jt qoelitie• &be elementl of t he hltellt'Ct, or all u He i• eh-olute, to c-re.te in 111m il Yet •UII iDqulrio~UU mt.t.klnJ maa, • "' - Inve ntor ... , e bn . A h ' ,. f t•n t aL Hu\oe n "ifee them, aod d-·nd• •be' t I I t •• w h d tb d'.. L. t Eaob bour - _...._ L-- :.0...- -r ;...,J •I. J;.'"''" : nl·, t.r u.-vly ~•f'T)' r.. , " c ntc et ma •eten ton o ne • ~v- • If mu ua ~a one. .-o we Dee.oM'1; an • lnl'ronco .,. weep ·-r- - .......- _. - ·

•r •~'l.,l·le \ •·1·•l r f ' •• u nD.I tl'"'"~h,.._11 M a nufactures, Builder Dillioua <Aimrlainta&m•fnla, or King'• that &bey•haro our ~n:c'"' ber~e tiJ,.y ha•e obtained thtaeelemeutl, wbea we the er?atife power in men aod God ,.. ward f,l'elll 111 .. f'i• 1! ... t \\',.r-:.1 itt ~~~u nnt.l l' .. ta at .E Dlotehc.~ on the Skin I E•il aro capable.or oouno1 1oto our •ojo1· O.re Toclucecl them, •he n we bafe Lbo paeral diff~ of u ebeolll!• ADd IITell

01 a Ood ble wanderiar...., ••

1e 1-::.t . :!•. :.t , ta. t:d., 1,,.., ?! .. , •IKI .'.:Je,. ngin t'cr , Chemist Bowel Complaint& re Throats zueoll. a-~-ertaintcl all tbeir relation-iboo aad rei.Ati.,. C'liUW. (n men, the rrel. ~~ = ~~w...:C:::.a...-..: l'v'l. 'O.t- ~ •. hi.,.; ••coon'rm• ''•mo. t•, .. la J:'nrmer, M e r c hant, Oebili11 tnneanclGraYCI only .ball we be in poeMeai4D or tJae t iYe power ('annut .,. .. the limi~ or bi• d.efpa.lr r~ . .i/e •:h tJ ... lit. " '" •ht ... ·u, t•,. !!'.!a Oror•J Sct'c·n•lnq•S.rnlptoma It i~ oniuet and abaurd of "'"r'IOn• f d • f IWCl ol 'g b ' i d nd · bee'd llf'd b X.. to lila :) · ''~ thor' •··t',,..,. M,<l t.•~ .:... ... • n·tr·'••. Should at once tend hi.a oeme and ed· Female hTe-•lantii'S Tir·Doloreu& ad ., •·- oun auon• o rtUOD, ~ ... Olfn ID o , • II 1 ee c:ontro 1 to Kaktlt U.. ...,_.d Wl"'tda .. ' ~ ' .. ' d .. u f&OClDIIR "t!llra to ea""ct or tbe to " 'd t ' tl. t d •th' Dt II ' ,;. ..

tiu,.. th.• 'l"''\'tit7 CJ! n I•. 1·:!·1. J ... l m rrM with 81.60 Col' ooe yeer 1 aub- Fert!f" of all ki11d. I lr!'r• 1 ' "" ry. ua tm ' • WI aoo "0

llfl 10

• "'1

I &ou: l'•.t •n

1c, a-tll'•llo t ll •t .. f l'ill• Mnt.in 1er1ption to Oont f 'enert'al .<\!t!('fi""' yodUDJC tlat COIIUdeore lhoald eomo ell Coldwell, tb....Core,aoaly111 tM1aiDd ill enatire ponr, aod 10 tar a 11pe of c- Dd Uaat oetare, ad~ IW' •

roW- UOI.<'ll: an<l ,.,., .. u ... IIM Put of Oiut. He~rlaehe ' nf'lll or all kintt. ao only (IO t hdr lide rhe bumau ano" . !:le beciol br IIIUIIIiDio whet ... cliTia• cnatiun. • wiU, • lllt 'lt 0!11' I IIIII' t~e Qlannbian J)atrnt eice lttrorb fncfi~tstion \ 'ea\.111.'11' from h"Nri, It "hato\'er ·~ OPf'lll ODIJ' to tblolu DO ooe will Ull1, &bat btamali . TN priocipl• of e&ll•tioo i• - el· ~boeo !:put~ :.:,"-o::::-•11

Full priniHI l"t'C'tinn• liN •f!Lud II\ ee.eb r.iver Complain~ whaw 1r t:I\II(S. t.be heart tbat open• ID .n~i/rD- ret~aon, whether eppliecl to internal or ..._.. bJ itt etrene, b•t retaiu all iw :b., ':.o"!::. "u,.., are, llow II••'C 1111,1 l'u! .., .. 1 '"'" 1.,. ,,. ,1 in any IAn· .A.l'O f .nmbego • &e... I:.<;. rat ma] tbinp, coneeifea undtr twa ~nd utare. Tbe c:t'Mtioa of ~ge .. ,.~u iu T .. r~:·••. •. ,.,.IJr . • \rn"" JlECHANIC'S MAGAZINE Pi!fi.c Pillaancf Ointml'nl nrosnl<l r t ~ Tho trulr atrourend 10jod toind i• idl'u, "b~baN tbe ohi~~~&te ~ta the · ,.., thoucb Deet_..,,. aod a Tuoocnr ana oeau,~ ... 1

n••"• l'•·ntia11 or f 'hilw.e. r~<nf' ' lloOony'a F ... trhli,hnlcnt. r~.rr., the mind lbat eau etnbflee tqual rot of Jboaabu-aoi~y e~td aalt¥1tky. tion of God, don no& nua•t Ts.n -•An WD MilT ro&ftl .....ar. 1 'IO TB& •ouuu:a-. 0\ford.,t. J...,..cfnn : 11J,,, b) t . crt' f'f'"J""'t thing'l eod 1111&11. 1 wbu~baTe a aatl 1'b- t ... o id .. lt.an beeA ...... tMcf , II wt.a IN will, i& ... DOt MIGIIT 10 A ...... U1'DD UCII .&ftll

·Messrs. J. & B. 'M"a.ddock OEOIIGE & DEIBAKATS. ""'e \'MJt!;..nf~lt:fliein· thr~~ntr. ''" .,..il~ rr-t in I'"" t.bio~~t &Dct , elepa& io io all ay•tema.e"d a~ bJ -.....1 1M poww ofwilliaa. 1'dUf ~ ,'f! wo1ld in Jkn t'fl au•l l't~t•.at Ja.lfol..;!!a.od. hitle ibiojp. • I tonnt, •och aa, tbe ~ aod .dM .. raODJ of the uoi...-~ Poa ln'M1' .._ B P.~. t'l inform thr pu IJiie or Coorep- Honuu. h .Od. 1 j,, 21!3.. ariol :t·lf,. l!ll!'lt. 11to 2a. fld coot.inpa~. the abaolu ... ,_ad ~.......... ... uity of Ged; ba' tM laa.rmea1 il ..........

I t •cn onrl Tri uit\' BM" that tht y 4 t'Optof tJ, lir1l uaH1- CG•IHI a.11 til eontai'n• th'ree.1th~ ~"' t~o:1 1.1'~ ,;stl the I !,j It i1 ooly by labor tba' thought eaa tin, tbo 1u8oita aod 1M &mt.. 111b- 80t aaity, for il ••ppoeea ftriety. 'I'M

Ilif f! •etur.,.J tho .~rviee• o r nn CX· tl.u 0/IN. ·l~e wiJteen, I If' 1'~ • .' ze I llriJ• ~~~.. be made healthy, and ~ly b, t bou&b' Mlk'll .. cr pbe.OIHIIOO. A jal& aaa~,. whole World ..... God. ..... the Jltrtt·nced the 3.,._., •iaeflfty•lwo Unlet the quanhty o! h •-L- be -....&.c 1... •il.. io Oold"ell'• opinioo, ideo841ee all el·--•· of WY:- Difiae ~· •'!iJ.It the

1 14. 1 &d .. Box Ot' }'ot. 11tO rmaRNI 801 ot t It ......,.. eu - J.-PP11 ud &be,._. d a1ao II t.he ,._...... lUll

i}lillinrr « !' r··~~ ~l'tr, BLANK ~08.18. Pillaeont•lnfonrdn~en;~r~d rloeiiDallell t.betwoeauotbe~Witlai•pG-o .... .,aa al IICODClotU... aodTirie&f : U...pue iaco " ; "!! • ·~ .:m p"' of Oint mont ono onn.$11- oit7, • ; -.., aod redaoee tM. to twv, 11 '1&1& end N&ai'D ....._ to tile eooulra• .. I •·crilotMI and are Prtpt.N\<i t.o fl ll all order. io the • FuD JW{oted .nl"lC'ti0111 ero •ffind to e&b · 11 ,..,~~, or .._ 11 ... ~. of ••• Uaa& ir. aN,..-, ... ud ... Da.-. · dbote do •partQJ~ll with puoetualjty tuld E x ecuted With NEATNESS and Jlor; •rtd rue. and ran ... half Ia Tbe ordiaarr •plot--~ or ~- ... ,. aoi'J IIHlaal&iolicity. 01 .... ~ ....... .., lai-. -'I'M v ...... 3-~ ~'~patch, llfld 1n tho I IJuPATCU at tho OJfice of tbi' ..., ltattn•;e C\'elltn':'er\illa ie tM .ukof• P'*1 aiaid, ud Itt rali&J. 'l'ltel .. n. ia *'-.W. ri,..a. '!lnM. -'tiJIIoUfJOilla .... ..tu., ., ... ...., IIJ • el ~ • . v t:T)I lAtut 8ft.lu· J'aper. . ~ • 'Aral<ie, Ameuila. p... no,...,,. t.o OOfer h!-•11 .fa ... WMOarlr; •• if aabiplhltJ• ............... to GoL Sillft ... ,..,, ........... 4·-·~ .,.

·3 .u ar Clli...- plaoe, ailooftl'l limlelfia uotJier, tmitr, \M •eanrioD II _,_., ,_. .. --.it •• iA - t. ~ por. o:....a..



Page 2: Icollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · lfell ~JlC'Utll~ R,th ia unccrt11in; but it vico o[ both ancrent nndntlldcrn p~·~rm1, ~;nsnd epocha in hiatory, cnrh uf whirh


• ' .

.· , I


•nrt","' wt'llurmGt. to tho fr malil'a o r Extracts. I F.n~:li•hm11n to do undrr tho circum~ 1· News' in Brief: :By Telegraph. I ~ tho acttlcra Jle.id .... , ""'und tht'ar, .t.uJc:ea than fly hi• ftoj! iu caeu of ueed; · ~~-eq_ :-\.11&1 tlon.. the umber cut do,vn. Jun nr: the wintrr '-------- ir 09t, what i• tbo ditruron~o bch,'un ..... -- -month•, flnda a rcadJ m:srkN 10 the Pcat-CoDden•tus Mac:bJacry. an Endt~hm•o'a bouH and " S p11uith -Tho ltnlian t\uoci" tion for tho pro. Lo!(Do~. -~~t. U..-Tto P ?ro a nd To the Honourable_F _B T-•prinr:. Wo kno w of no 1 ueh ioveat - hou c P Jllotion df ~ciunco \nil w coL iu ltomo on Emperor \\ tlhllut 11ro d1wruc..•tn~: Ocr ' Carte d W • • . went, •• tho cultivatiOn 0~ tlte land, (ConcluJtd.) l atk tho Driti•b public if, in CillO or tho :!Ulb October. DIAII Church IUilllert. 'l'bo lllltOr L:s• hit r an . 0. wOOd for our lhhtrmcn, a sood portion o r At tho deli•ery end of tho cylinder d:ln~ter, thcr would not ono 11od nil of ---- wtnd made up ,to t bow hia ~o~lo t ho Esquire. , "hOAo timo. if not eo hu,b:snded, in too tho pulped po:iltt forced out tbrough them tbi11k it oaly nl\tur:sl to boi•t tlto -Tho Du}te of };dinb_ur~:b it expect · I\ a}' t o Hcuen.aa woll1u to 1 nr11. Ot.s n,r. IJu s _ . IUI\oy intllncea,.. rune to w:uto. on6coa, of auy aec:tion that mu !HI com moo red GQai~:n, knowinJI , by dOIOj.t t'd t o rut u rn [rom tho Criwca about l 'repnr:liiOOI lifO being -m:lflo for a • • • •

--- found auihalllc, on to tl 8Jitsm of rollrna thie, thor hA•o'rull prot<'Ct ioo both or tho l:Jtb of N ovcmbCf' gcneml nltuc!. by lnuJ nod r.ca on 'Car- ·'\ I, tho lllllrrptzncd rlrctorw or the Tine dafl't' rtont J:lrcloral d~ttrictt an- lfhtrh cnrry iL forw:srd to tray•, wb~re it lire• nnd pr:ooerty, IliON cepccil\ll,v ---- Ill,::~ nil. Ot~ ~rtrt of l l:!.rLrtr Om·~. inll{·tlr of t~

lakuly to be conlNII•d wtth murb kt'OD· i• c ut into h•ng th•, and etthcr Cllrrted wbrn wo' t'Onllder thot a t'Olllamllck of - Thn Oovl'rnwcnt o f tho Capo of N.~:w Yon~;, 11-\"a~itins: P.Ytln~tli- ,·hot co of ~t .. mbcr. lo f<'Jirt .. •ut 111 ° Futt '!lfoo:J ........ , . . 6 h; 2.01 A. lol cu. r:v~n in the \nptta l, tho PIIJII'Ort· or pauod alous: 11 l 1'3mwny to tho dry- onlv IJJ ton• hn• tha~ prirtlrgo. Good lloro'ttavo otrcn:d £ ,j()() to lin} clllt woro pu!Jh.:ly rccoi•cd by Onsnl tLo liCit ll on&o of .\ .,C'mhly, rr•ptc';~ l.A.It QI'ART~a... . ..13 th, 2 (i,j A.l.l rna of t ho O nvernm••nl nro hk d 'l' lo · b d 1 b h d · if the inlernAtionlll low• n o ~uch onu 'll hll ahnll d iiL'orcr tonltu lho col- and Cnlltut t fully requ{',lt thn1 you w;ll 1111ow, }i CW ~foos 2 1 -,. •_1 t , \ , " b J J d 1 • Ill{; I C I, W IUf'U Ill II OUt t ret• nya It nJ Q iJI h d d • •eln• t b l • ,•Jur-

. · ·· ·· · 11, • - mcC't wtl l'l"t " Oltro~ttu•n . t 11 to bl.'coruco auffictuO\Iy Jry 10 perout ofiu tl111t l .o mnn D ""con" crl! ll ht• ouy. 'fho U cpullhL·Ilnl CArraed P~nna11- • 11 o pu •u u<>mtoatiuu f,1r tbat }"llln ~L'A.RTEa. .... · . , ' th. ~'> :19 r ll . be bored th:~t the11• I.'Oott>eta .vtll be bcm~e taken from tho porLA!Jio t nsya, .tuty t o aend auch tnlt ructtont to tho t<ani:s ond Jo"n )'caterolnf pu;poRo. • ~=============~ ennduetcd to 3 propt•r •1•tri t, nnJ not aud alAI.'kod 10 open rllcka of a aouJe- Conaul, t ho ~nooer au inqmry is 01:1do -It is r l'por tctl that Mr. D j raoli i~ Scroro l fnt!urcs to·~oay, indudios; .1-roiU ~ft. CAnT£11 ft l~>nt: pvlitic.-al or-To 8ub~rlltc,...__._lt., u1J .>ur cnrrtr r• wtth thllt llmruotttyt lnt too frt'QUI'ntly ,.,b:st •P~'l'•n l conalrudton, but this j , into t ho lltlcrnllhonnl rt::bta bet\\ C:('Il rn~;n;:<'d on" III!W noH•I, JCAiiu~ With G tlmnn & • on•, b.mkcr•. porwnct', 11nll ~lr \\"(l<lt/s knv'ldf'd,.o

ODlll at any timo, to 103TO thl' lanJ- l'h:tr:tl"lt'n•rtl our rormor' l'irt ttona tn lllt'rdy n IJUiltltio n \Jf ,::etti•lg •he heat ::lpnio nnd t-:n~:fand the bruer. . th~· <JUI! lion• o f :IOCtllhiW a nd COOl· Oold 10 :. or tho 1\1\nlll o r ou r Di: trlct. t.t-~id~ orJ, at tho hou.cA of our '•ub,.-nbcn ' :\cwfoundlnnol \\.t' obll'tvl' hf tho ''entt latiun in tLo am:~ll.,,t ~r.aco \TL.:ro E n&:hhhml'u, a• ll rul<•, nru ~rcnt ly r l'- tnur.t•ut. OTT A. W.\ l :t -Comwiuion at wo rk op hnl'll11: C't<ery cnnfidrn.-o an I hi' inlfognt plcuo to notify us, and t bo omtnton St. J ohn'• Ttmn th11t i\fr J ou"' ~l.t. llf.ll the finl\1 dr.r tng 18 c<>mplr tci . ~P!'I' t•·•l in t htA l'nll torr•, ond tho wntl•r t Lctr rrpo,'t l<1·t.lav. uf pnrpoeo .• uJ nLility o( cal'! a 11tr 1,.u1

will be reell~t!d. hu oiTea+d nan Caudidntl" fur ~t J ohn'• 'I'hu (:rear f(onture, ll8 tt nppl'nrs to u•, frt·l~ rcr111in tbat no l'lp11n i•!• nut hnnt'. - ;\ prorl:lm:llton f rom Pro&id('nt Los nos, t!i _ Humoured trouble be· wo ful uti~IM-·1 t lrat tho lJ~ttnct wtli 1-~at. Wo nl~o oll•rrt<<> thnt )lr II \ll· 111 t ho \\ holo o f 1r.14 run tupula\ tOn 11 t ho wh:~t••1·er l11d pohttrlll opalotom•, \Hntld Or:1nt nnnnuau:"s t ho nLoltta.•n of tlae t wcen Fr:tnco nnd Italy. 'J'ho HtgLt by r ou llo cflickutly rl'pr~:~~:uttd.

The Harbor Grace Sta.nda,..d oos, l ntrrctor of l'clao.•l•, •~ ob.>ut to bn·11k 1n~; up of t ho cc·llul~~r 11.,.~01 of rrcvt'ut nn l::nj:lr~h aoan Orm~ h11 colnura ola uwuuottn" duty upon ~uoJ• tm - ccntrt', net tug m 1111ion with tho,11111118 Hobert s. M unn, IInne Bartlett. contt'at tho n .. tric~ llf lhariU \Vttb ~lr. l ito pt'Al, 1\ hich COll i& Ill \\ hlli mnv not I HI l":t•n o r nc04l.-Currupo11denu JAn- I port~J m lo A trol'ri O:I\ Ill l:'reudt Teseel• try. tnt end t o oro long :U.:Mahon .. ton· (leo c. H nth .. rforJ Ch:~rll' f)

Ar•c. iumptly J.o calll'<l tho ji.rrol moi~turu; don 1imu. ure . . '! 'lao L•·h rrntro wrll whccl toto Charle~ \V. ](.,,., James j)t'l~:~" It Will bo •ccn by tho euhjoint'd t'~ - tho moro hygroscopac <>r frco wnt.' r cl\n -l'he c:c.natrur ta,lll of t ho lin.t Pel' hno tf :1 plnu bo dcu ecJ for ,.die de6ntto C L Kcnued,· "'t<'Jtb r · · , t• ~! • t-~t tllken frow tho y ,.,cr.•unollandl'r I b J I "''xt. ordl Dl n • A or u I • I I bl" ' . • . ,., • n ar..otll ..-on.C£11 1011 i'!!l!! ci'bbtrtistr. ••• · • :~w • a w:sy• o Nil 1 _r .:ot r id of. bu" firto "" m nury •c '• rr u- 11:1n r.1dron•J ts uow 111 vrog rcu 1 •e Ol)!nllwllaon ol t te repu u:. Jlark p3 .,0 n• IR 11 T 1 •

- -- r - -~--- thlll UIO lion A. t\ ll t:\ h:u !>«u I'Oitdt· nud closo trituratu:-n I!! nbeolut ,•ly IIC'CCI· wun Remntu... 6r3t ~od Will turn~.J \\ tth thtJ u•ual ro- Jlullt•111:1n tho u~nk '?f J:ngland UO· J ohu [' J tll::t.rJ. \ \;tiiiJIO n~. or; SA1'UHUA r. ocr·'"EI' "-~. 1 -.s. N by rcq ui .. ti'ln to placo himtd£ .. a l.lrf to cunblo tbo othrr to bo rewoTcd, ' Vorkmen have been fllr .)10[00 t ime rl'lnony Ill U·. citt, ou thfl lith Ill · cr.·:u. cJ .£_1,:!!};),l)O() d u rtng tho wcok.. J. :) ~forri•. IJ oltn Jar·larana er.

v u • " C11ndtdaLo for ~~ J obn't .E3• t - J 1 1 11 .J · fo J ( 1 :'\ ,. G D d · u ---~~--------~. :m t tnt tu~ •~ rrn 1· r.·:~oh..ed tho ro· l'n!P~• 111 oxCAfah n!:( or t 10 ouuo a · et:~ut. •. cw ... ou, 1 .- omocnr.u c::t.rtlo ·r. llarriso::t U1J ioy Hobert '\imraon, Wa: pubhth Ill IO day'• ·~'110 thr .. A. mretin~: of tOIXIO forty o r fifty ell'C· utukable ehrinka;t~ <fhtda t:~ '-cs pi3CO in tion of tho DOW ll'iOj: of t hu Luoolon Ohau Hrn ry Trl\pnell l r hl)m3• r ohio

ll<'qJ.taitiuu 11r 1 11,. 1-:le t· to;..,. u f tlotd 0 , . tor~ to.•k ple.:o la•t evt'n.ug at the hou o thu block a or briqu" ttl'l 111 o!n·tnt: •• thll lluopitnl , for t •o erect iou of n-hach - Tttr l'r.ACf So~:u:rr ,\l' o TilE .'.~It· O uld 10 . llach:aul Shurtr::~. W. 1-; ..: .. ,1,.• • tr11 t, a.JJn:e•~J In 1;,0 ll t'n 'F U 'I". ,I ( ilr. G~OI).:C Wtlt.biru in Cochrant~ beat 11nrl moat t11upblo .. ~ .. ,:. 'llrt' con- £ l lli),OO() has ~rcaU.I' Leon l'UI.Is.:rtbNI olSTfl. \\' \ll -Acommattou of tloo l'c11c<> OTT.llY.\, }G.-South Uuron elected J oho Jluh:hut!,OS J o•inb Ca l rio t:.u n[x and w. 0 \\" noo F.•q , a n.l 'trtl<lt, ;\[ r. !\:~muel Q,,.. 111 tiro t·h:ur, dcn•r d prnl, wlwn mndu n·:• ly r.,r the I It wtll otnnd oq tho a1to of Lbo old llcu 1 Sot tety h:1d bt·tll' formed Ill lllrmtng· ~ 8Uprort<'r of S tr J ohn A. )fe Donald. A.rclttbllld ~luuu: \\" •lli..tut , 10 1 II t ho roph· ot thr.u O entlrmen to thl' to ronaiJ•·r tho propri•·ly of innt trl~ tho oa:~rl..c t, which, we nr" !l•au ·,•J , oot s not ar:~l Clllle<.:o, lfhlch ainco ib dt~u•o u I h:tm to IT&tch t ho pro •roas of t h<> A sh. T ho Pno:llh: ec:nwbl wn• tL~t to• t que•- Joltn•:-tq uire~ l'h•llllad \r ' .~' · 1111mr 'J'bo numt•n>us :Ullt mfluentt.il lfo n Aan !Jro.c ~htll to atond ror S t rr4u tru more thnu t·t ~ht •Inn 111 tlro l 11uch,tn t ho )'l'tlr· l ;';l, h:sa b··en cnn l nutc" lfar. • tton. douth Jl uro.u bcin~ a SrtL c:ou~ty, J ohn Stt• I On~on Elt;lb V~w~r,or. t iJ:nDt UI"Ca, :!Jlpt'n.J, ti 111 t hll !(,.,1,1,. 111011, John'• I:1•t at the cumin~ ell'!' I io n. A vcrv ou lotdc. is o f J.:ruL fir, ;IIIPM a nol l h •:ll·d tulo wards fur tont:~j.ttoua d11- ---- tbo rC'111lt ts IIJ:nthc3nl Potor )J u lio" noy. Chn rlc• Fr.•nch fu lly ahow t ht- f't'IIJII'~t in 1\ hu.· h t h•·•~ drpulllt iun wat nppotnt.-d to 1mit ou )lr ~nJuht1·, nod q uttt' n• atruug 111 ~~~ rr. 1 11a~··• nnol n po•t·;nortcm tollm. l n 3 - Dr. Oold Shobun, of \ eddo • .T3- Lo:~>oo~. 17.- Tho ~:tncral optnton 11 Htch:~l\l r~lhj. IJ ohn (iru·obuJ Oeotlcmen ,aro held bt< t h!' C•n•tttu ~b,•:t. nnd mnt.• htQt to :~!tend tho mo<' t •••tu1wo to :1 l"ut uus: ctl~:~• :u 10 . ny nf •puN <·orcrr nolJOIIIIUj; tho 11ork et:~nd~. pnu, 1• rcportcJ to hnvu da~~u,l.'rl·d " thiiL tho b:~n k rate w1ll adfllOL'O before Wtlhnm l'll pp. John rr,•nclt • ency, .and w~uld lt·ad 1,· 1ho •np •n•itton I OJ! , \T!t tdt hi' oltd uccorJing ly, 1\0ll t h<•l ou r "".fll•r woool• .• \. t•• 111 n•:l .. mm:sblu l n Ahl'll Ull,•d to thb roof \\tth hum:tn raJt, al curu for lcpro•y,lttthort.l ~up- 1'hu,.,.d:~y next J oltn S t rll! lue Wrllt:~ rn 1'.11:»0 that httlo or no n 11postLion nt'Cd bo 110 ohjt!ct bl'int: o:rpl:unetl, ~r. ~hrn at:ll!-.1 quQiatte•, "'"''all onl~· ' ·'" th:\1 \\O &:II\' 11 "'""'" llt',ttl••• tbcer, no h·u A.l~:~u u:: J•o•cd to bo tncnmble, nnd to lmvo Ar•horrko Caatlo, former rct~idenro of O <'oF{:o Jlarrlf. Johu D.•lanuy ne. ttcipated to tbetr lnumph:lnt rt't urn 10 tha t hu h~·1 dc!'tdcd onuot of!'.·ran~ ham· I bra~ht clear llro IJUrrt llll! 111 0 1111 uf lh 1 roffind fil lt•d 11'llh bouet l111vo booo ro~. fuundcd 11 ltoaptt31 t bcro for tho prac- tho l>ukc of A.bercorn wna burned Wtlhnm Urowo. Jftm<'lt Cr.lll•• · 1ellla1U our Jlou•oot .\uentbly 'l tl(' r•·· .wlf, for hi• lluJi ocn cbtoLed nll ln•li nt•· olh~u r,lflnul nt lfl•ur11 C l.t.\1\lll's " ltwl1 muvt..J to IIford for rcinterwout. h ts taco of tho cure. ~Inuy Mt work1 11nd etcbtoga bJ I.An4- Thotono W,·ll•. J utovh Drore(~ Jtl! to tho Ut-quit~ t lllu 11 bold, ~trst~lot. nnd nltentinn, bn t thnt tf tt ftbould l l!l'tn l '"n~ m1~olo1 up of t he C<IIHio•u•c,l pt!al, 1·nl•·uhto•·l lLnL wh:~t n•mam~ will fill30 ec<'r were d.:.:royod. Thorn•~ (h),JJcn. John Youn~. ""11.~ -: for•unl, anll tu.{epcudoDI. Wnh )I r to bun (;Oilers I " i tit th:lt Lc ahould cut:~r l ane " "'' t \fnt da•ttn.:tly :~l noo••t adnur· 1 • uoro clainr Tho rontcut~ of enrh - It is onnouncr•l from n omo th:~t OTT I\\' 1 • 11 - J C'hn Cmwfnl'll, ~f p l'npt G uo. Dro wn J ohn Crano

'A. liTER ll IIUi rrellt'lllt :til t ho• tuh•llt- lorwuru, pn thtd fth' l bclllj: thO\VII btl llllly :ubptt .. l lu l'Oukiu~ l' utrl furth,• r lc .. tliu ll'ct,:h z c:wL• .• Ol:lkin&: 10 nil n Ent:l:utol, Au Jtraa :rnol l t.1ll' or.> ngr,•cd f<>r W <'s t o .• t:triO.' Will be 11ppoantcd W m. )I Fnrd. Archab~IJ Vrovcr. gout F.ll't'tors arc t twrou,:hl ' CN<H'r "'ould 1:' ' " tLt' mntt r r lna bc•t co;,~:J. t'Xpe.ri m<.'nts h:1vo b~·en m~do i~ •~ tut · bo1u t K tons of bone•. l'nkinr. t ile nrl'r· n~ to the IH"I"'""oua t o bu auppo1 ted G ot<crnor <>I U ntarao Aaul od ... ,... 1.,.., nuwcrou. 10 me t' uut ; And w nb the othc•r C:1ud•dnt1'. )I r rr.oltoo .\ l'ouor01ltro 'IT :II thtn form. poa•tbl<' fo r Ul W ~ro nuy dlltn " " tu n..:•• 1\ tt.:ht of" hum:tn alrcl<'l on to .be n~ t ho SuN C:m:tl cnn ft•r<'ucr, " 1: . h Lord Duff.:riu a nd LaJ y arriu .-d to- Oct. l:JLb, 1Si3. 0 ll D, ' Vooll, t ho <.:ons titu~o.-y If, fur tho m•nt ~d to 1\t't up a rcquttit wn t o ~(r. '!au. wlu\1 w:1y bo t ho w~~oler·uYup.orstw~: lltlb , IL •~ fo uull t boL t l111 thD<I con l.una 1 1~111 opoo ou t ho h•. of October, 11t Cuu· d:~\· rart, acq u111n ti'J, nuJ lilt' I •~•u~J that .u1J 1 hus t ho IOtotiCr ~11111Ja at pro· power ol thtt n<'W fuel; !Jut , juJ:.:n:f.: ull tll:lt uow l"'l'?lltna of no lc • t hao alnutwoplc. Htl'l w:~• electnd by acelam11ti!'o for 1111 t hl'tr 11a · ~at., :r uJ tlto•e of ' ""'r ·<:Ut •• fron. 11Jlp{':lr:loc~•· wo arr d"Jl"tc•l co 12 0 ~uru 111 b~ms•· !low t h."Y cnmu I · Proveuchur 110J •• on htt waJ to Ottawa


To the l ndt'prntlent Elector~ of c:bildnsn, nn bo l'llfl'IJ r ontidc•rl to hlf !Jehcn t hat It n·tll bu Couud htt;h, "luleL I to bo d,•po•tted rn tins pla~o " unc•·r- - It 11ppeare froru 3 Oibr:tltnr t ela- to tnk•· Ius ernl. the Di~trict U/ Ha'rbor Grac. hand•: J t.- ia crattr.}llll: to t htuk thllt I QttT& II nutnber of pnt•l'n~:ers 'II'ODl j Ill to t ho red uctJttn of Iron Ill bl:ttt lato , but, I h<>U!!h tiii'Y nro ., 1111 Ost·el· I sr:~m t h:lt t Lo 81111 or tho Into J:mperor u •vm o l l'nt to trial for tho murdor o( G • tbero II hkelr t .. be 'IIIII(• 1\ nuor!Jcr cor bv tho ltt :u ncr L.:zu fu r St. J olo(l'• , on furnace~. wo llr'C pn•par~~ Ill once to a:ty l ien\ ~bto or prctc rntlllO, tboy h:uo I of ~oroc:c:u .. not to be nllowotl lo Ill- Ctlt t £~LEY£~. & youthful mrmoor• r<' turncd for t la• \fonclu l:vt Amouj: the number, •~e - !I nti our cxprrrrncn '"'h " "o'l ch~r- Ol'tt.ll'ntly been bcnl'l\th tbe srouud for cond the throno HI pc.1cc Another em r.n..,!sor.no, N. S, 17.-M4ilman'• . '\"e aro highly bonourr<l br thll


Jluu•l', tbecommg t t rm. t>n au• h mru, ub.crn~ (.'~pt 0 11t ~" of tbc S ::; Ilu- ~"~~31 l•ao nnt been tnl"nn~tdrra!Jio-t l.:l t ! a t;rll3t number of Je:ln. puror h.u bcon proclaimed m llorocco l lr•nl for " t'o nutr..!or commenced to•duy, rtllltton o f 11 l~~r~o number of-.lHpo ct •• lJ, ... rs l' t:fu:.' T, l :lluscl'<, J(,ITt:e, r111lu, :sml !>orttlr L,~t. 'l lu' i~ n:o•t It 18 :uluurabl! lll.llph•,l f:•r t hllt nee. ! 11nd a. d11l \\Dr it exported. · l'('(•llltl!s ~troug nG'I'in c pneooer. ablu nnd influential t:: lectora 111 To r 'v 000 :~nd Oo•ut•r.. 111"0 our bopo• fo r hkclr to uo I he Dor tor'• i:l•t \'l•it to Tho dtlfi.-ult! Ill till. proce·~ h•• nl" "Y• Tllr ll:n f! Trlldc In Alrlc:n. I :'\ !:If r Ollli:, 17.-0old 10~. very tmportA~ t Dttlrlll t'.J offer ~.u,... J rogreaaiTtoleguiiiU')Il centered CooC:C'(Itiou Day. fo r. llWiur: to dolic.-at!' bet;u 10 got tho peat 10 II •ulliclt'ut ly Tho follulflllft lrttor from St r s. llak · -)lr. o:~~i.) ll utchetoo. of tho well . Lo:(DOS, 1 .-Spcci3l to tho Ttm•l AUIVCI Ill! Caudadates for t'OUr •utrra~·

'J'bo L'urbot.C.lr and u~y dt'· \'rrJ 011· health. lll•,intt'nJ• to lr:av('1 fn r Cahfor. ll{)hd fnrru to rc!!l<t tho P~•ouro orbl:ut e r w..t• ~d !Jy t ho pr!'•ltll'llt of tho knOil'O Ot'et or ll•~:hhnd 'IC'Illlli'N, lin• l:lfl'l t ho fulloWlng llddttlonlll P.Otnt• Ill nf the appro3chin::; .f.lcetton .. r )tem­tnct.Dro attll wttht•ut t ll'ch>olll attr, .r uta " 'o trual th11l h,• and h11 lauuly JUtt lit tho \u~ ore~ • but wo behove that gcogr:tpbtcal aecrton uf tho Bratioh :\ a- rcccu cd fr.,m ll••r )II!JCMlf a ecarf, pm •·hambord'a prol{rarnmc : ~hgabihty of bena to servo 1u th'l !lou~ of .\u~m­we •·Ieept the lt•q ua.utou that hua t-r('ll m11v hRro" plraunt trtp :arNtt tho lleunt Clny ton, &>n and Howlett'• p:s- 1oc:iatioo on Moudny .-'• C:.1aro, ~n•l ' •ot \\ 1th br.tlh :\u t" : ariJ n eulll or won· nil p~r•••n• to cui I e mployment, uni•or- bly_; .11~d ~o chl'crfull.v nc~cpL thl Oat­for .-.ardcod to our to \\otntDn. llr Jou" continent, aud he auccc .. ful 10 tb.:tr lent. produce~ tt ' 0 condcne~l tlult tt ScptcUlbt'r , 1 i3 Upon my IHriYnl OJ h:u buuu e~:ul f<>r oh•trthutll,u amonJ: s.,laufl'•·rn~;c. rcaaonAblo liber ty of t)to tortog toTtlatron. \\' c 11ru:{tetermiued-SQ')Inu. Tho IIDlO " du•fl :\ I hatHI, new bomo. ~·II bo foa n<l cqu:sl to IU.OI:IIIIIIIJ; t he horo, 1 lfliiL ~:tlnddened b\" your kant.! t ho ere~ ol tho OonJolu r, t ho ' "·"·lau ~)rl'~·. lra · c:olnr to bo tbo !lag or Fnsnco. ly Oprrotled t ol t he proocnt Governmont., a ud &chon to be effccttfO muet bo dect - 101P10SI'mcot of 11 ptllnr o f llh•!l nf, •Ry, noto and ttmtatton of t ho l Oth o ( J ulv. whtch Iter ~ltjclly Jl.IIIC.I t hrough t ho l'ho Auo·obly c:allod to meet not Ill tor 1rho buo l:rot1Jiy Yll•lllteJ t hotr pro-l iTo &lld a harp. TDAT f:at.'\1 d"u.""''· cure Lr.1 " l'ina ~~b 10 ~lib • wht~b 11111DlPIJ t ufli,•trnt 1 1boutd u ko crt'llttntcrl'llt Ill Lho pao· Colt:dont:ln Can1d. t han l ho ::!itlt. . m11t1, made to t ho count ry, and lfho,

aoer.tr~:ht t:•. haw adoh•d a nother ~arl) \ 0 may nl80 ""II tho att.•nlt<>n o ( t ho c:qo<!tn.;• oflho l.Jntialt Ae&ocfl.hon, buL I ---- t:mperur W illiam arri•ed at Vienna 11mon~; numero uo 11thrr mi•d rd:t 10 tbl 111' a country •ueh u tb ... coo would ~l010••>m lQ the churchp,..l )fr ::ITt:· 1 m:~nufacturea of t'Lart'olll l tnucJ-pllllet, I mut·h fear that it wtll bo impo~11blo - ;\ youn~ laoly of )l' Mtnmille, whfio ~·c•tcrd~'·· t t'rtouo dnannj!O of public inl.oreel,, haft

bo led to tbtok t hat th<' m tNt'lts of Pttl:~ llH• \ li: 'Eil h:~t lu•t 1111 t'IJut •on , ;hosodaupph~• of "00~ nro ue,·e~a~tlfa for mo to n:arh in time, n• I hMc much out 1u tbo hall• ulac:koorrytnf.!, 1ua ro• ~E\T \"onx, 18.-stokes' trial con t in- opoulr d111i.:d t ho rt):ht of t ho rcoplo t ho }:iahcra~• aro paramouut. ~nd onco b~ t l111 fr:uful mnl:~dy. \\" tth ttbc"•olr f'1Y ccr~:llln,::, .'0 t ht• proii'I'M•, •vhtc 1 to llrniOj:O ITtl h thll E:;:yptllln O ororn- crntl~· c:onfrt•ntcd by II rou~:ar Sl1o ur•, nothtul( ocw trAoaptred. t h.rou~h th• 1r rcprt',.enlnttn·,, 10 rn~ would eupposc thllt ofery "J,:~n laht- r~waog p~l'\'nta, wu ttn.:, rdy. ') ~I'll· I r,occ~ 'lrtt d'r tbr tr ~1\C'h 11 fuel ndmtrll· ment. Uno f.1ct t~' tll bo in tl.in:eting to yiuiJ<.-d up her f'lllll l'r, nud t ho cougn r O uh1 10 ~. mtno m~o thn pubhr, X!Jt'ntilturc. l:pon' would •urely be tnken ot tho mod,·ru tht <.:. • b Y.11 apte or uao 10 thct:- hollow a nd Eu;;land ,;cnerslly. 1'hu \'lcl'roy L"" dl•nrourl'J to lind eomo lnc:sl n ow• tn 0rTAWA., lb.-,lcmbers lito pourin:;: t ho aubj t:Ct ur Couft•dumtton, wo plcogo fi nJaogt of icieoce to roote r 1 1111 lmn~ aurkmg· down fii"Ce. . ·dl'Lermtned that 110 t:n:;liah o t hu n• 1/l R~por/rr. A t llll::b pam· tn {row 1111 :qUDrte re lt iJ r umoured ourar iTel to oppotoO. th!lt WC!:Il!nre, un· t hem to a htgbllr tlaodar.sJ. thr~n h.,rete. lfr. J ott.'( (',.TIIR \ I. lu• returuOif fmm It ll tlllled t hat t hll fuel ran bo p~A 1hoofd • uccced IXIO iu tho !;ofl•r oo hip ~rapL llUCk 10 bta t bro:~t, oud he dtod I nat the )fintat!'r o f Juatic:e Wll MCilt to leta dumnndl'd at t\Jo ['\IllS llftur b~illg fore. So fu, wo are o ot a ,..arc or any. tho W eatward. llo louk• woll aftor bia pared 10 England at 11 coat o f from fi~o of Coutnsl Africo. l 'hi••• :sn inco. Cit· to an bour. intercept Htol, pnd induce Lim not t o d iellnctlv aubmitteJ • t btng, baTing for itt aim 1ho multtply- •ummor truel to 111 •lnlhnga per too of tho dry bn I nblo proof or tho detnrmtnatioo ( t bo I cnmo t n Ott:swa. Thorc· i• onot her' subjec-t of mueb 1ng of our aupln, beto,; dono U•<'•· ;bet:oa. The c:at.t of p roductton hero f:rt':t.t E;t'l'phuf reformer to earn• out -X ow• from Capo Cout Caatlo t> Mr. ]lou in, of Quebec. wu Appoint· tmportauco to ,~b ach r t-fcrcnc:u ., oow fiahtng, tn many matAoce•, 11 the w:~t t'h. Toe wtatlter for the put wt'ek hu • 00 d be, •f anythtD.f:, len thlln th:st, the work to a~:ood cod Thoro i1tn bo tho do~to of the !Jth u lt ., is brought od Flour l n•poctor !Jy f ote. fNqut'ntly made, rcepr.· t lltl: what u wo rd, and drtenorat ron t he oorol"r or th. been f Or'J mtld Tho mean tuoopers. and would moreo•ergt"C! f'!J!plo!mcmt to no chance for tho aluo•trod11. T ho tO • by tht- •~:~mer Congo, which Arrirod 10 Lc~~D£DO, N. S., 18 -~failrnan'• ku

1o!"n u the Tclo<"raph M<>mopolr.

chy. 'Vo look With lldmtr:IUOII upon turo WAI -'2° 'aad t ho mean or barom· h undreda l~f ~~ur po&ulall~n wflbo n?W eAIIcd trollers are to bo dri•cn o ut eo t ho l\(crsoy on llundmy. Tho A•bllO· trill! not JilL 6ni•hod. CourL in l'eUIOU \\ luta wr ahDII di)Jlotbing ia auy •• , t.'to toqutriea 11od tnvuatl~a t 1 .,11 ~ or tho etcr 80 .21. co annua l 0 or 10 ,1 0 llctnnn muse, And the GoYernlllt't~ willlluumo I t'~• h~d.bcen quiet llllt'fl tho nf!'rnJ 111 a11 d11y. EnJonco against tho pri•oucr to coufirw ~hat llt•hnpul.v, W<' tb:~ll, a1: Naturnt Jl11tory o r t ho food fi~llcs o( ;nd ~C'k· ·~• f tloo ::!tal<!ll -Cntln tho mono;>ly of the iTOry t mdc until Chnrn11h. They nro undur•tood to bo mo•t conclueivl', ho IS unwovcJ, buL lcr a. full lltl'Ct!t~:lttou of 1111 Cll't"UID·

l'iortb Amenl":s, u bctng punrc_ed b.r W e bno tho painful do\Y to•d:\y of '~" atur.t ce !Uc>rtJ ai«<..MecAan- aucb timll u opportunity ID3JOO nO'ord· l wnttin:.: for Ute t erruinllLt~>n ol t he nstny look• hn~~31"(1. atancc1 co nnecl u With it, bu prtp::t.rrd tho geotlrmen of tho t';utc:d ~t11 tc.-1 ant.l ~eordtog tho dut'l of Mr Utrhard '" MagruJM . ed for 11 further cbang~. (Signed) acuon, 'bu~ 10 t ho mo:~ntiato aro io n Lo!'C'DO!'C', 2ht.-Dr. CanJiith, tho to tAlco 11u.-h etopa na •hall.-m our onio· t ho Dommion of C:mntl•, durii•C tht Atwell, tn&IOO, winch oc:c:urrcd on Sun· Suou ,v. lJ \ !;Ell."-Tho ro:ldin~:: of Ita to or acmi-•tllrution. groat ::lc:otcb T•teacber ia dead. lOll, teuJ UIOII to tbo " '"lllllll. or"l. preaont ~on Tboao ~te.trehe•aro d11y, 19th iuat. The c:tn:utllat:lncl' .. aro Returala~ Ltp~ ProrcsAtonnl ~be lettor wat followed 'Jy wucb cheer- I E npor~r W illtaD\ ia IJlt-n'lt'd ~ith tho Colon~·. W o 11"..1' .r.nf!!.ruuuy:.:otnon • uot ~vLfiu~'li to tho aalt 11!11 fi•t•e~. but mo•t dtttreumg. Ou Thursd4/ morn. •n1. __ - - · ~tl\rl:-~o_.odu~ !l-.tli ~'lf.rn.lo:nlr'll'llll~ ull Wodno.- awOll('fVU to w~~rmnt ue in •11'1rtuac oro f' tlcod~d to tho•o of t hfl fn •h ~<a tog IMt he rotc. Aod f.roccc:de to the It is not often thd a profeasional . , .-;--- ~ - • . ~><;en bombordcd !Jy tho . Urtttah frt.:ato dar fo r rou r aecepton~, that. tf elected roar ter l•k~ 1nd nYenr, 11lao l n tin• liC'IJ. new """'10111° Cbape · which hn h::t.d msn hu tho opporlunity or pt'rb:spa .~~or~' plllaeo nt Otborno 11 :-' 1obe, lxlc:DuaD t he Drttaah warobo~!C~

1 Tbo ~n•urgont.. threaten to bombrd rcpreacnlativc., 'll'o elull, 10 tbD uhlll&

it would be advt.ablo to follow t ho modOll bceo " 111111Sed in butlrling tbo p111t ~um . t leelw equal to tho etrort of ro '• .' pnr11to property, purchn11ed hy bor !lnd 10 thfl town h:sd been aac:h-d, Urtt~th \ alc nc.-ta. or oul"abiliiJ, u r ncatly endenour &lf uf wqutrJ, a • pr11c:med liy the Anll'rt nwr • t l.oro ho UC<'Itdod a ecnffuld, 1 two r,•e• uta, 1 " umon ~ch in l 'rinco Conaort1IOIXIC 30 JC:Irt .~;;o. It tub; ecta impri•onod, 11nd. our ft11g in Stx cont<entt taken pnaao11ioo of to· prom uto tit& betl intci"C•I• tod .dftDet <"&Ill tn prefcronco to t bo•o d£ for(ll •'" "btrh from aomo l':.uso full, rert tt,, t he couc~ tho to:smo fl'ftr. lt 11 un- coouioa 11bout 6000 3crea of ll'ood 11od euhod. To ftt:sy tho bombardmDr.t the d"y 10 Romo by orJcr of O ofornmcnt, tho proeperity or thi• our X Ill ire Land· countn~•. u our rltru3tll 11nd otlr.·r ;n lmg La :n 10 1 .,.u n•, nnd <'IIUfiD~ I o~:Ood, ltowoTI'r, th:~l t bia hu ocurl' f11rm land, and t~o driYce through tho Authoritiea o f t!to tmvn reiC:t.eod t Lo 11nd the G eneral or too Jeauit• .ia offi· &lld wo be lieve th11t _.11 ahalltho bot&.; 'flutnc .. a re idtnh cal Outi~r .l', ~" :s inj ury lie waa apcrdtlr ~ wuh Str ll cnry 'l'homp~on t hia yea r. pnrkennd t ho •iew•11ro c:h4rruing. Eier priaonert, 11od gunr~ulcod thom cow- <'iDIIy notitiod to 'tlcat.o t6e prew1101 bo ablo to 11!rord you .. ttafacti:~o wi .. • •mmer a1!11~J'r~ 1 ' - 'l takt'o to ht• home. wh aijP ho had left Tlte fir•t OC•·a•aon 111'111 10 connectto~n ~l11jcety nnd lamtly wlt~lt! io O•borne veontioo. now oecu piod by hit pMple io Romo. regard to local mAlton~ f rom t ho eif• li-d h ovUth' '1'·1 d a,u . .!'m,n, tU'hP bef<>ro 10 nerfoct hrn1t h 111111 ltrcn"th I With thl' 111!1<'11 of tho E 1npC'ror N n· tl d ::1 d . c J ,~_ d ·- . - ·· t . hd f • 11 10 0 Jnuroll ~. ern''" n fl ,. . ~ , 1 1 11

r h I'' 11

. h 11 en aof\•aco c\'l•ry uu "Y moru•nt: "~ unl\r vu. c...,rmtn"" o wtl raw cumllancct u ooo of u• bcior a ....t-atudf of fiab cultu,.c t h:~t 11 uumlc:r or "lrcro he hngerr·~l tn n ~:n n~ ttl!. o iltnrn 1r o •'Ott • " r n ." tury •n t o Wbiprin;:ham Chui"Cioa, 11n u::;l'J ltttlo -Tho atesmor Du11a, 1rhi~h with their ahip• from the WetL Iodies11nd ckol\t 11t tbo SM t o r Go•ornll!eot, aH the ~oat tmmeut ~tunh•t• b~ w t-l'cn suc:rumbe<l nod htll aptnt fi t!d tuto tho I IUnht <ll'h<"llto nud loud ly m11nner, re· cbope buil l in the pabl:o by tho Q oecn l!r. Lel!:h Su11lh of Loudon, ~t.nd n r un d:tiiJ bollt.e between Liforpool and tho other in tho·Diatrict acec.ibl.e to e.ogagod upon fi•b ic:ulturo 10 nil tt• pr,.,.rnro or h11 llokcr t urned half of lts !e'.! of ~ wo t~ouund anJ Prince Albert. 'l'hc R oy31 · pew, s l numt.er ot other cenllomcn, hu bocn Now 7 ork. • you 1 t all tiwc~. , • • ltno wn brancbea, th~ bC'• t ktnda of h:tll In t bo dtc:e:t•o of \!r. Atwell, ouT r,umeae, 11nd tho accond ts 11n .m~tnnce lmr~;o " lUDro ioc:losurr, i' p lainly fur- cxplo ri•ti; the polnr rrsions, retu rned ~~"'Yoast, 23 -lfompbit rcturna 'Vo hue t ho honoul' to be for li.bios purpot<'W, tho t rm Prs turl' lolfn h:~~ I oat on tnh·lh::e,, t and •o,Ju.w - J'·"t moro hnuounsblc to pnfr11!on11l•1o~- n i1bed IYith a row or cllaira uphol•torCI! to l>uud,;o on tho 2:JLh ult, nil Wf ll, I n a bow 1500 d<'ltbt ID ll wceka, 110d 29.; . Gentleweo • ..,1 tbe wat~n, 10 'llhtch t ho ~•ficrent traous t'thzen-t hc Ordt'r of tit•• Sona l acnry. C11llfl<l: t o t l c ll.t!fldo of n wath blue vclro( H er .i>l aJC»ty'e •~l con'•'<)ucnco of. botaterous Wl':~th~r and ln~t weuk. Two moro JlMeAtt burif'd rour obediont ,e;,&nt. tpeciM abound, And puabto,: tho CX· or Tt'mpcr:toco II mo•t wort hy nnd 1'011· \!'enlt h_r frw.nd 10 the llwhlandl, n~nr daill'n from not:lo o{ lLt' o ther•, buL i• tho pro~ulooco o(ico. tho IUL'C<lll or tho yeatcrJ~y. ~··thel' ·K<>lly f0111111na a.. ].' n 1' OARl'BJl )'H'nmeottao high 11• ro 1\•ccrtDin 'll' h<'lh Jelt•nhou" mom!Jc~. and h,. f~~rn al.r " 1


wlooau ahuoho~: lorl~:e h~ Wll .. pu••n!! pbt ed iturul'fhatt•ly uudcr a 6 oc ~!\Ural e xpodtlton ba.a not boco ao f!T'Cilt u Wilt live. I · 'V · OLIVB WOOD. • er or uot aalmon could bo •uccet~full f11thrul 11n.J •fTcc.-ttolnnlt< head \\re of. hta To~!\llon, he •pent 01no d1111 of un - l111Jiet to l'riuce A lbert.. oreclod io oxpoc:t.cd. ' Gold lOSf. . • c ulmatod, when COIIfioed to fretb wate! fer h tt det'ply ~mactt'd . f:snnly ou r rbmttttos f u ondshnco d At the cod 1\ ~owor1 o! tho bc•t o f hu~b11nda, "by OT'UW.t.. 21.-,BettiDs 011 reJu.lt or -alone. Aod f urther · ·o find •om~ \'fllrme~t aywr~hte.t 10 thll 110\ 0re bCl- c t que 0 ! II t OU!IIQ f;UIOt':\a .w•• bta brokoo.!tcllrtl!d ITtdo w Victoria." -Tho dillt'OfOry hllll' ~con made at 6ru TOto in COIXIIXIOQI continuo. una- New Advertisements.

h. 'tb ' · h h rtueml'nt,- Tenrp.-ranc. JourMI Oc- handed to lnrn , but wu firm I~ de11lmed ' Romo, on the Prot! inc Hill, or eomu an- bate, d, thou3h GoYorument will be tUt· are pua tog 0 expenmt'ota 11:: er , . • ,,. 2,_ · ' no 'he "round t bat the 111•-n IID"O -·· Tta "-· dl • I .. _ ~· t II d a d t f 1 IX/ t " ..., • ~- e ~3 "" P.~c: ac .-.lhvny. ctenL f eMoll in nott11ry w:aro, tho b r ot- t11inotl b{. l to 30 mnJ'ority. 1 1 • a n ro en tav.turtn~: 0 uru•~ 1

---- ••ivcn t o " friend nnd durio"" holida" ,. Ri 1 a ~upenolr nr h,vlond fi·h, beth•r 10 ... ---- 0 .. ' . Tho Lioerpool D'l•ly Poll ~~Y· it ia IJII· Cit Cfor foo od, a nd nf such a ti&O that c • tbo gr-t'at . dit!culcy or tho quality than t hat urnu••lrt furlb 111 tlw T he S S ltimrod, C11pt Cummint dorst<>od t h11t the Canadi:~n P11dfic Rnil· a mnn could 0&3111 ltvo in one. Tho hour. Sir J ohu mu.•t either arkoow-

o I • h t f • I , ' Tho Brllt•h •·tuo; In !pnh~ ( . b " b h ( I I th . f d Aatun~l wnv. t'lt t 11 p.>r or r• nov 11t - ll. m. Jt'l· , Wll~' Comp11ny hll1 •u rronl!l'red itt ch:srt- 11ct ts t rro.uro cleAr t ae t o srnoua ,... I!O o promtle o amnea~ an tum I I " 0 r 11 ' b h h Str,-Thc "r~atrr ruort of the " tt" li•h ' .. f"" - d d -'1 0 t · · b' · Notbiu~ •• mom plcr8~in .. to tho atu. "'" "'!· o:h n t v ,J t· to '"'" 1 o c r. " ,... 0

,. c>r toto t!lo hsade of tho Dominion Oov- tu ~ o .1110•ftODOI wu no~ ma o ol woo , ru n ano as:••n•t 1111, or onr•t and d " 0 n 1 ,. I u ~ • inhllbi t :lot ~ hiiYilll: lc•(t tlua pl:tc:e, the b f b . . I _ .. b J .. :! .• rt r 11 th ............__.. 1". eot of ~•tural lh•t·•rv thnn to bl" ,r.,,am, - "tnt ca 1• o :~po :SpeAr, ornmcnt. Jt i• oxpect.o<l th:at t ho Gov · ut o esrt oowaro, !lilt tmp ,..,. 1 U · <Dr Ol• auppo o a e .:n:::ue<~ ..,.. 'Dlado awaro that t he ~ou !1!a.· take a n tO· -;nth a ••;;1..111 of claotre• • ~I rtf:, hn' in~: ( tw wLo rtm:1in nro priorip:~lly people ornme ut will oow tako t ho m:11tcr in Tonal, nadtl\nt.

• .. t d d d I . I - I 'll'hO It :I\ e lllr"l' intc n-tlll tll the couotn, . Lo 20 '\or B . h 1 a wreet an theac n utirc•. u thor arc !:'If · •ern t#mn•tl' 11" ot ten\l~o uomng<-u " band itac1f, 11nil will p roceed vi••or i!uel" :fDO~, -.ur. r!B t wue ecte b I h f b f ~ \" h Or "'hoJO J.ouotnOU COII IlCliOn~ pN>fl'ill I> J ' tb t • • • "" y t '" pn·s•.rnotuluut- to ttme T l"') '" n ca " rt czo rom :-5 "· t o pro . 11o•ith tho undl'rbldn~;. with ~bo rl.l• o! -Tho '\"ienna correapoodnot of tho Wt ou oppotttioo.

are not inatructt!'C 11louc, but !II"C a l•o •i~us ni~:ht. Thl' l':l platn r:Hnc•t lv ro • :1~1'-'~1 :~~":/~a;;·~~~~f .. P~:~te~t'h![~: goU iu~~ tbo ltoo puahcd torward na Daily N t'ICI '"Y' t hat a eommen:i3t c )hdrid achi c:u 1tato that ono inaur h isbly a.od pnsclwally u ... · ful. T h11 1<'1· qu~•ted to be t~krn tn to"' by tbo ~y.,,.. .. ' ··~~ qutckl}"bt po.siblo tnlo Abnitobll, which lrc:llf bat be~o concluded bc:lwoen Rua- gent fripto rao lo£o attd 'utrk another

H I bo f h . .1 b , 1 ' I tllla.-k on tho town \\"Ould be mado l.y . b d · h·'f t on u c " na o t o Amrrtrso '"':~nP. 'u;.J· u 11 cBec IIIla unrnanllgl'nu e. b C l' "'"II opened up fo r HttlotDcnt. Tho t i:lllnd Kaeb ••llr. Roaaian aub,;~-. aro rowmog ., be erow

tl d d f I ( t h k 1 h d 1 t e arliett. hit C'attl! tm:~.nned that " ,~"" B' L • ..... "'r. wo o m~t watb IIigL fnvor from t he an 1 c t nn t' WI'('<' e. an • rut)C tt 1 'd h , . Ion.::!. L. Tilley. C. B, the Dom101on rr11o •- ~·rry o n ---c-and ••tablt'alt tl.lllar ... w_ at 'lOilnata terday to d.,.. be 1 t. C t C • ..•. a ong toll ent io t 11 country cannot .., - 'u~~ •wv "'" 1 , ... "'L

lucrent pooJtl••· along t ht' c:ouu 'II' here• oa np ummana. to " ' ' crcut!, , I h f . d h C Mwi•tar of FirlllnCO, roturncd to Cao,d11 buat'nA•• ltoua~a throu .. hou• v . .... .,11r. c GAo C'!Drorenco wi ... we mperor.

llf the nuttu of tlae .&ttJ/1 O/ THOlf.U UlOOflfl,~ .. of Hnrbor Grace }» Ct'aiM-,

A SECO~D Dl'VlDRND o( , Six fihilliags and .Eirht. pence in the pound will be paid to Creditors of the abt)Ve FAtale, on applicntjoa· to

LEW IS W. EMERSON, . 7huw.

b --• d t th 1 1 1 I' •II to :lfO neu 1 IIIXIOD" t o 11rliett ..,.., ~ " • n.ro..,,. M I O t rao labor• ara bt·iu~t punoul'd. IIC<'cuC P tt rcoquos .- ,, n mo at- ~~ ., <>n the Stb ult. io tho Allnn •te.aior Hu-.ia ha, ll"" uirod tho right to e•t.,b- .. ~ntroa rangemoa agrocd to po-

'1'~• li!And t hat ou ~btto r fir~t tn tacbf'd l l\ hor \ftth eon•tdunblu •hfficultv oro t han ouc of the Eu~liah re.oidenl• .Aiufri'lll, ha•iog to ropoi~ tho ~reat lisb ngcnc:iea ·w IUptrintcnd t ho anict lthon G o•ornmont to arroet and prole IT arbor Grace, Octobor25, 1878, t\e llc-1 of aurh purelr p ile lortlll in. -a bco:~ ., IC:t. runnmg :It tho lime-n nil hero Ltu ~n adriN"d b'J hi• fritndt in aucceu whicq baa attended 1tho tloaltn,. ox~u·=· ·n of tho t-•h-. Ordor -•goa cuto Rielabould be •t•"ar at Otuwa.

' b h h ~ 1 t · h r t ho Carli•~ rank a t h11L 10 no WllJ dtd thev ., .... uw ·~ •J ' " Tb ~ -.-q utr} ,,,. ,., JN tnkru not II leaPt Ill· rnu~ t cr •n •. '1 to pnr HI t c nrter - With to wolo•t ~n,.li-hmoo o r their of lho Canadia.~ Four per Cent. Loan. in enrr pllrl or Khtfl, ey protoot a.cain•t II oot.oritiJ Par-teres~ 10 au"b tpN'ul.uion . 110•111 T l1o 0 fha~a•• 11 from P actoo " ltamout. ~

, 11 11h ll c~ r.:" of timber fo r the Govern. proptrty, and thattht'J Dtightbe11ble to •••••••••••••••• A"xul!oU or o ur La!Jrador tlahin~ mrnt W harr, na '"" u n•lrr.t:~ud. d i•lio;:uiah thtir houaet :snJ proporttc• Hottow.t.t'• Otn.uan A.li'D Pn.t.a.- -It appllilre fro~ fbo o•erl11nd mail

I h · . ~ d h 1'ho C. Crulrnm •• nenrly " n·'.v vu,.tll . tbe.r . ad•i•ec! them to h:lng out a amall A fffijurut ea o•c o r ,..,ut :snd rheurn11• DO'II'a f rom N o" Ze11lllnd tb11t t ho dan· Teue 1 na arrt•,.,l Urtnft t e put t.·n r ~ ' U b ft ' ' f h n d T h nnd worth, '!tlb ht:r eAr

0•o, ~omo~OO'JO- " 11' 11:· •• oooo I e rC'II tdonte im · t ttm II tho tnft atnLDAtOrf a•:lt.o o f ) tbu I:(Or of a Nononl of tbo Maort 'lr.lr.,

ay• ho wtn•l · ur of tho cr..!O• cry. "'•a•r• D"inoo it uoeruarw to h11ngoutt1 Union bl d U d d · b d " b 1 u~n th11t ('....,,_., "rll be a fr>i r urn, ', -.r k II L :• b 00 • • en r mtb a ciisoatiun and t o reeu t of the murder of a colon in J nc , we anow1ug t ~t t hi" wu oolv ~::ent1ral dcbilit.f . A fow 4.,108 o f thto by na•irl!ll baa paucd. T bo Go•ornor

w ieb, cooplt'fl wttlt thl' ~>tood call·h or ufCIJ at tb11 Conauln'C; and , conll'<)uent· l'tlla, Ill ken io time, oro an aff,..,.tUDI hat N!Cei.,f'd •ddreu from all tho l ,rrrir.p. "'II gtro II h wuralllo roturn 1111 E xctllrucy tho O oTcroor hu lr, " number of tbern hoi' t"d tho Dlf' r ~ f or tbe outl:s1 , 'T11 al•o jlmt if.vin~ to find brrn plnr.ed to 11pf'omt J au.r • Jonlan, dtnot alript' en,inn. Som,• of t lte•o were r rc vent!'0 •~to:tinat gout 11nd rhouma· moat powrrful chiuh eondomoios tho t hat Upnl ~I II larr. 110'"' or e:r,, trl r. ... l . Ill be :-)tiprnrh:tr.v Comuli•oioner of .. "'111• .:>.OJ ooe who hat an attack or mun!er, II lid tti~iD" rt'IICWOd IIIIUnlDC'e$

I . .. , I ._1' r .,,• o • , burrOWed rru01 thipl Ill t he riVt'r, 110d tb fto Jd ) " ct • - t.tl• rtl, ,,,..,., ltu beeo, I'Oill(l:lr&trrelv, th(' l'o<~r. iu phro of tbo Ia to J oiopb othors were made hero. Tbo wntcr and e

0•1 ~!;,,18• ~u UIU lOLLO \VA Y'~ ot their loJ&Il!, Tho Governor h:u

aft fit t ' - 1--· or ,,.,A and Jlropcrt" ·, $ lwll, E•tl . M 0 , rlt!C:C'~84'<1. • • ., •• r llleo, tho powerful' action determined to proceed againJt tho -· I "' ...... "' -- . , ntbor rcetdeutfl <'110 teatify to t ho fa"t f h' I b' d p iOJ Jt1n1: rnnlrvt tn l hu of t he ~od . hap- ~cr'"l'\ry'a Office, 0dobcr :! 1at, 1&73. thn~ when t bey hue "·An Wtthtn - .·c'h 0 w IC 1• eom tne with the operation murdorol'll io tho ordinary eourro of

k d fi f I ' t ' Gazdlt! """ ·~~ of tho l'tllt, mu1t mfallibly elfoct aeure· tho law, but \ hDy bafo tJO~ yo~ boen "* rec: "· an u c n r r 0 110• upon '11 - nr &' to Carlitt gunt, o n 1howin.: th o fta~; Tbeto Ptlla act diNe! If 00 tbo blood'

uti,~;hb.lu tmg ..... t inl'nl. Th.. pntnlo Pent "" 0 "ub•lltule for COlli. t hey hno not. only _c:meed to fire, but whtc:b t bey purify a nd improTO. Jlorin.,~ causbt.. crop•, b~on~; nJ•., 010 1 rmluctiT!', arid t u ren.ierod the- ovory 11••••t• nrft .. ~~ d ... _ • h I r :1 f ' I I d h b f ... • " ~ on eo luuuoo t nct ICfOritr ort.ho diaeaaoa Tb Sh b r p . . _.. ,... T t e •nmo com o. - c1 In•• r cnr "• nn" A l't'll y PO'\l "' ~o ouud to an. lt wou ld ap""ilr l'llo L'oro1·.,0 Ol"'- •' n . b - o a o cnrta arrlff'<l lu o-t . r tl I I II r II ' I . ..- " 0 ru~ peree•e.rance WI\ thto Oiuhneot., 1\lter b ..... _ • A tel r ,. urutog r~ •rar aurlllner 01 "· ut awer nr prop~ tut.; ll<'nmotl fe.t, 11nrl t ho En):!and hu ~~ent inatrlletiooa to tbe f b II eran OQ ~ uOIClaT· egram rom

l~J,r., no~tht o bo mu rh mure of tht• l'lellcnbeau: and tiu:l'l' •ecm1 to be lit 8 h C 1 M , 0!DentiD(t t 111 ~teeS jointa with wann tho Plinian Capttal 1tatoa that t he a~eri(Uitll ral ralth 111 thn lllan•l t loan t lu d.tUbt hut thl\t tt "''" 1oon bo I>"" "'" ooau ' r. .. oung, that 0 0 hnAe, will •poedily "'1111 all t l.iffncu, whore population lined tho atr..ot.. to at preocnt. Tnt- l'lllrrt!Jit, "' t by tbu p3rM 111 11 forrn ~uttablo for bo•Jtoboll ~n~!ibb 4 reaicJoot h'f hDilbilo ~0 fly 11 and prefont ally porman811Jt cootucl · welcolno h i•ltJUeaty homo, •nd mado ...ttll'tneotato tho :'\oorlhward,taon .. d t' o·on•uutptton a nd . m•on:1bly ch811,

1 d 11 3

1: o• ortl "th00c10 or P1roper:'1· tloo. {{ grea~ demonatra~ioot o( t heir loyalt.I.

•eninc of t he C'lon-11t iuutalion •I " 0 ' eonaoctuen y, 0 omu' actmg - ---. At ll~ · aadioneo whicb be gue the

1beae "IIIC:f'll, we find aln<n~t IIO f () U"I C upon thotte inetruc:tioo•, bu aent round Fct<ora aeldom ~ko ~ attack with: • d .. •- h ' ··d ,, r 6

Al'TCRR OJ'" ~L\'1"-R -flOilDrlltr. ~t.,drc:ular which I now enclo•e. To . d prtnc:e. &ll mtnthan w o ua atayl'd amount o • lr <'IU,;ht, u b• lb(' p•m·ly Sc~s~ - ll cr lbj~tf• t loofJ Dllplm• tbtne who hlfo no• Yt'at'tod "'lbao I' o~tbwarotog. an way o'W!a be &brown a~ Toberan daring hi• tour, hit llijeatl flabintr ""PUia\ion. To t he furmf\r t to·· I t d . .. 8 h J • ur • Ou y eoalttn. the root iD Wlllll water atatod •·"-t tb . L b' t ( I addlll··n' . . o. f • well It'll-.. A n or ,,..·~~-r~ 1M Cllp urc I.CIIr •ue ttye o ea • alave would occur to them, no donbt, ,L .• a·n • . b-: • . ...,. II lpeel& o ~l'C o •~

v - """ttV ""' · Q 1lhpw which hnd th~o buodred f h " .... wrapptDJ up warm 10 IICI, "&lld tak •ng j'Jorney wu to obtAin informatioll ou farm to (all batok u pon in the d~lao• of 1 rd a .,.ae o emorgooey t ey could aoek two or lbree or PA.RlSONS' puul"! • . h ' '· b ~' ~ • .\Vl!a on hos UniJ tltlJ, who • •·re ' th 1 •-- · f h Co ...... -... " tcu to ue an impro'od 19it11D of hit, ie a l-nn•o!Ato ry c:ollaiderstinn In rr,fucetl to Dlflre ,keletou•l wrrv &life. ot her t '! p ro ..... ,u.oLn o t o naulllle TIV.B PILLS. Go•C"roment for Penta. "


Oo ~rond&y moruin~: lut, ann a eborl illoc., \Yill'iam, eldeal eon o£ Mr. R~phon lln:nkor, aged 13 ye~~rt. Thu dec:l.'uod JOUth waa a Scholar of tho Wealcyan Sabbath ~ool, and i• lfin. c:erely m g retlod by a.ll coooocted t borell'itb. " Tbuu art cone w tb& araYo; bo~ we "Ul

not deplore thoo, • S:noe Ood •ra.)tby r.~mom, t.by pardlao.,

&ll•l.cuJ<to I UD £UO thoe1 be toJk thoo, IUIIl b4l wlll

~LOre tAco, Aud do..rb h:u no aUDa liau tho

Sanoar lutb ' d iod." 1

At ~1 d8" V erd•, ou tbe 28rd ln~t. aCter a painful illnoe., at,ogtheood b; tl•o cooaolatioua or religiun Mary the bolore.l wife or .Mr. J ~IXIOI Moore ~Od 88 Y«'~ ra. ,. Jl. L P... '

RIDLEY & Co • . Having received a further _,.

ply of ·

Provision~t . -~

Will aell t he aa:n~ on ~

For on. Fish or Helrilp Bubor Gna~o, Oct. 2G.

Oar Dry. Goods Stock I~ ihe largC'If t yet. imported, ... _.. IIIUf partly Of

FANCY l)RESS GOODS, lleriooa, Cobu.r~tt, Twe!Ha, PlaiU.

f',ncy .l!'IAonul, llllii&Ud, Laooo, Q uil ta, ' hoete, H oaad Cottl.

Dlmlflr, Quildug,

. S/uno 1, Ha~tdkerchitf11 Titl,.,

•White 'l.tWtnitl', Rracee, ~[uffe.~ 'Vatt rod \furl'<"• Car pd1Dl(,

one aottlrmi'J t thia fl'l'uon, w" lind t lr,. r t.b h d od qr t at orrone o ... o gunboat• in the Tb bi o er• a dt of am11ll~ pox:. • b • b · t h e reat,.nalion of tho Grand Vi&ier potato c:ropa auffic-i.,ot tur home 0 nur, U•IDC 11 no t ocaae ' lheCoa· A, Mieaiooary.juat. r11tarned, 1rya ho [p ~ "

-- . J:o'lo.1r Otl Cl.rth. Otl £1..&tt~•· -a; O re-1n 'and Itt I Datu-, lJtd ,_

r 3UOOI, Call\.?.."t tl.eeurpluti:&YinJ: becn " 'nt to tbo Cap: aulate ielituatod in tbo tubu;be of the J'Cfrard• JOI:I.NIWNS'S • ANODlNH o e ia .,., tho reaul\ of • c:ooeptr;~cy ic&l for fliP. Th.,,. 'O·~'·• ... ·ble llo • .,. A blut in tho Btu~ Riur, N ewl"'orlr, unPt~, &fld beyond the rao- ot1Jie for- Ll NUIB"'l' be by tho prioeoe io the aulte of the ~bah

• _,,.,... u ra11od axuc:re of water 201> flk'ioto tbe tift ti tJIJ • ,1-L. ~· aa yori\1. all pric:o and durint: hi• E~&ro..,..,. tour and tbo l tNdl, for tho m(hlt part huo !K'tln re. air, hurled •c,.uJ thipa upon ' hildoeka ca on-, eo at" wou ... - iapoeei· eJI~CAODt beyoocl at~7 otbll!r m~c:ioe. priea&a at Teheran."'iio 9bah aeeepL· elai111f'd fram the foreat, ia tbo intenal ot~od 111ade tbuinr U.!Dtllo u 1,.._ ." ble to Oy there lor ufetr. The pa- It II ~ted to &IJ'M& ,........., ol .o...oc. od b" • • -'•L oftba 11.1.-, aDd AN a 10"-of r'-- eattbqn•L-, • ., ,.._ - boag are Mfell miJ" rroa tbe tOtnl • ia} r d • tL- ..__. ··:-·~ •r ~ II rntpltion WI08 re)udarace. aod -·I -- - -~ tlaen.lorto, wlaU i. aoro uttanl lw .. .: , ,ara II .,. .....,. paul' tu(W io it it be!ie'ed. tlaal be will IMctlJ b.

- wor . robutaa-1.

' CI.&U&.D. •

o~t. u.-Patr.. tJwomn, Linrpoo1, on & ellU.,a.-.1. M.tinu .t Oo.

23-.Keloue_ Cltltl.a, Barbadoea, lafa & lalmoa.-do,

B.a'ta do OaP• Umbrrllu, Cra'"''· Blnket-. ~ ...

Towela. 'l:nread. Oo&toa. ...._._ w­Yaru, Wamproolaf• et.!., ....



Page 3: Icollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · lfell ~JlC'Utll~ R,th ia unccrt11in; but it vico o[ both ancrent nndntlldcrn p~·~rm1, ~;nsnd epocha in hiatory, cnrh uf whirh

l\"Cw .Adt•t•rtisrments.

----------------------/ Ha.mbnrg-1Jremen


IllS ~fll•ts IIC~ COMPANY.

---o--EST,\BLI!-IICil I~.H.

CA t'tT" t. -£300,000. "terling.

:Jlanagir~g D~t·rrtur in 1/u"bur:J, .

AL~'IlED I{L,\l' UOLP.

Annual itJc(lruc 1 pw:mls of .i:!Ji ,1)(10, Stcrli ng .

Lo~oo~-)bnaton llot:sll B u1!JinJ:•·

.lfoJnOfl' '" on.l Su·rrltli'!J,

T. s. · S 1-: \\' ll E H Y .




( 111 prrmlltton of l"e • .Utin!J D itfricl Juti!J~.)

! '!0 Tickets nt 5 Sll illings :Ench

Henry Trapnell & Co.'s



" TFust what Time has sanctioned !"

JoiiJISOII'S ANODYNE LlftiMENT. lnt·tntcd and cstablislutl, 18 10

b!J lJ R, A. J o u NsoN. 011e of tl1e grerrtest P/,;sicians

of lii'i time. An lntrrna1u •clru ar: external remrdy.

Clll . ..V.·L and GLASS JJI:iR£. U cm'l (orfic& II· I•. It• p.1in•• nf nc~l· ltllt\ ar. , l. 'l'hc uui .. r.ahly with wh ich

. to l'rlz.l'S. \ 'lz .• :-it rna)' be unci. :! . 1u ~:rear valu• u a •(lt ClftC f, r durA\U cnumerote•1 htr~in. 3 . It it co~m;> ,.,atd o ( old ami well-know n <'rn•·

L-1 g rt If Ht•llllmo On•on and Jiu odeuu6cally combinrd. 4 lu mcchrl. (; ,,1.1 \":uc~. a to ' ct .. ~ G 0 ne1 qualitin ere auprrt~tiuly grut•r than

2-l l'nir I £3ndtomo Blue 111111 thoae of. any oth.r known gene•• I r.n1rdy. {iu]J Lus tre., Cul Ol:lu G. 1: ia cl•an a .rtl auilahlr t u b• tak rn inh• 1Jrolp~ . .. ... .... ... ....... 1 12 0 the atomach, and g irt• imo1rtli .. r reli•f

3-1 Ouly ll:md~omo W hite j,, tlnrt~:•nciet . a. It walua r.ul fri•od• nnJ Oold do ......... . :. 0 12 0 of tho•• • ho ~•e it once. , , ..

~-1 ~c·t Whito and or~-cn ~ ~obnson !i 6\no~~nc ~11\tUtrnl t'h iM , (·U pi~'('('<!) . .. .. l 10 0 Ia the ohl·fuhior.td liq~rd uvoJd .tuc, aad

T 11 c nuJini'M uf tl.o Pnc:lbllr~- .'i-1 ~ I \\'hi to aooi Pink Jo. 1 10 0 l wu 10 ctllttllor many ~ · .u. nrc ulr n i• r.mfi1 c•J '' " 1 l\t lf l;-11l.,£.t:ut .;;lusPtlrl \\'·in,•• 1 i 0 l-or atl llun ... a ol th~ ~·hrou, ~.un~;t

F 1 Th ' I ; - I " " S herrica 1 ~ tl anJ llu l, l ttcb u harJ rlrJ t;uu.,: l., \\ h•"'l'· (.) l.r: . '"'l'·"''"'. '' "' i' IIIII II J ~- I " " d 1 : iuj; ~o~u,ch , Co.~ l.t •, l nO .. ~IIAt,l' o rarr l .. Uroll· nrul lUllut•nu• ••I II~ ll~n···~·•r8 nr.ol ,1 . .. ., (' 0 I ~ 0 cltlllt , A•lhDJa, C'O tunun :,,11, l'hr .. ~t . l•u!lhl :-~.llr<'hol.h•r•, <'Oi r l• ll~t'\.1 \rllh 11~ Wt·U· I · - . uatnn 1 0 1 0 'ore 'l'hroA' and u i111 tr~ 11a Johu~ou•-.

. . . Ill l .. .. '1' bl • 1 .• li I . . J.nn<\'n pntu'tjll••• :lntl c•<'oootmrnl uuu- 1 - um en - .\noclruc Llulrncut i11 u"'l"""llon~l>l) a•'t'Olt'n t lt.t\t' ,•1t.ll•lt•J tlw C.1m1 '"'' I.! ! 1- 1 " " do 0 1 • 0 th• bett rrmr.h · rh.t un bt uo•ol . Out-1-~tahli.· h' •ur1·r r•f 1: l r l:!r:tnch U tli.:o•s f 1~-l ·: . " , . do . U l S 0 j "•rdly it h ~t/d lor Sl'rarn•. ll ruioeo. ~ut•, and :\ ·~n<'il'" abro• :-~•1 • 1 13-1 \\ hlte 1 o rltt Elet Wlth Swollen or StilT J •• int •. Coutr~•••J C·•rd•

,\ ; ;n illu:lrnt i~n ;, f thl' cslithltiou in lllut• ll:snd, IN't .-u mplclo 0 18 0 I 0~ :llu•ct ... l:hilblail)•, CnaJ>(I~J Hanel~ or

h·. h II L• 1 IJ ' L · onlr 1 11- 1 Do: \\'lrilo ,t Gllld Chin~ l.rt a,tht Ullr of ~1 .. oquuoea anJ all I'"'•"""

W tr 11.! Jnl (l:ln)' Ia It' ' l ~~ • n' l, f •I ) • l 0 0 OUI Jn•<CIO, With ll• f rt-fatlin ' •UC'XI• ; nt•~••llrJ to 1'\'('01'\l th" f3.:1 t h:1t ll w t.i 1 :1" 31tl , " .mea · h'l ( " ld d II · ~ · I I t ... 1 D d d d 1 O • It' ur -.1c:4 • a11 ~rns 1L c,. rum y ••· ~~ ~.Jt:lll'ly on nrpl_ic·ntitll~. :ulmi.llerl 0 ··- .?1.· .0 • .

0· 0· -

0 no trtu•lln ""''"inl{ th• psin. l'hyt lrhn• h.'I!(('Jt"r of t l~t• n•>tl('l~h·d l•rru lllhc~· of l~-l " . tl J • • J o. T~11a 0 l.1 0 ~·· h fr••lr in t br ir prortrc• and r<coorrnon.t Lor.Jwn, !r11w "hum It cont • uur~ to rc- 1,-1 \\ .htln k GoiJ Lmo 11 to othtn, •nd 11 i• ackn.>•l~tlj:d IJy all cel~c <'\lll~iJrnbl,• support in :he •h"l"' l .~ ~ lower Ur<'nkfuts 1 0 0 Yho kuow it• mtrih to t,.. ,t.doltdly th• of rc-ioPor.\ni"l'~. (anJ Ill thia pr.•.: 1l ' I - 1 n.•t. do, do l'c3~ ...... 0 1~ 0 ~·at l:•nera l tl'mtd r that can Itt htUoducJ r m .. h:~s3l:lr •c .:nouot of rc.~i·l~Urnn····· \!l-1 !•.tir l!:m<laomo On~n lDtO lbe family or tb• ..-ork•hop. on ~-c" fu01 dl~nd ri•ka for l::nj:liah of· l " _em boned . 'Fiow~rpoiA 0 1;; 0 PLEUE I&Ct\D ft ' I'd 1\.prC>tl'lllttl in t lri~ I.'Ol;ntr) ) . and :?.)-1 I'atr tlo. Whtl ll Cln!l~ Jo 0 10 0 with ~ttcntion ~he rullowing certific:ltea furthc•r. t h:ul ho n·suh <>f thl' lin. I '' <'ar'~ ! :! l - l Uoz. ho~y-handlu Km•·ca o£ those who h:n·u bccu bcoctillc:d by opcmtioos io London, <'on•idl!r:tl•lr c\ · 1 nnd }·~rka ............. 0 1 0 u1iog ~oedL'<I tho mo~l run~:ui~>c expecl:~littn• :!:!- 1 l>ot. \\ luto do .... 0 1:! 0 J t. A d L .. of t ho Di rnclo,.... :'ofur~ovcr, tlh' l:sr..:e :!.1- 1 l.11r-~t.' Pru-lor lArop .. .. 0 10 0 ounson's no )'n<' tntment. nu1ou ut of dir~d buJirh'lf " hu·h c:o n· 1:! l-1 :'olrJtulll do .. .. 0 b 0 t:rnmp and Pnln In d tc Stom nch l lllt:ut 10 now Ill J:.ily , i• II he,!thy indl · l :.!j - 1 do .... 0 8 0 A:--oonm, N. ll . Aug. s, 1 G . r:1 inn u( rho tl:obthl v of ll1c l.'n lliJI., III'. :!'l- 1 do ...... 0 -6 0 Urt. Juu:-so:-1. tllr: l lomtg rrr•iotd a uJ tl• ju1 lappr•'l.'l.t.l !on by tho pu bli ,· 1 :!7- 1 " do .... 0 R 0 11rcal reh•f by t he uae o ( your Auo.J1 n<1

- bu•inr•~. 1 ~ - 1 Sri ·l Uoltlo Cr11it St~Jod 0 0 Liniment, (or a dlatrru :ngromplain•, l fet'l 'l'his l'uaip:ln\' inmre.

11 .. 11in&t lt)n 0'~ ~~ 1- l " ·l Jo do 0 0 in dutr bound, (yr your beno6tand tht ceu•e

d)mo••t- b-f l•'ir-4'. nlmo3l t';err dc·aaip· :Jl>-1 " !l Jo do 0 i 0 o( hum~ nit~, to gi•• m)' trotimon) in ila " ' · j 1 1 ·• f d 0 fa •?r. lh• ing ~.n troubl•d at inte" alo

t ion ol p;,.pertl' in ~CI"fou:•JIBoJ :1 - " ;, 1 0 0 7 0 d d ' · t' d 'lc~·alt l . '.o l;l. k· . llrJton. r~· 1n·u- n· a:!-1 Luso }'iab Globe .... 0 0 With a THJ ae•cn an l•lfeUlll!; C'O It aL _, .. • ~ · • _ o •~ cramp, I•J the utt o()our Linim<nl intrrnal-

('{'•, ru•·h :11 l hn;lhn.:~. !:>hop•, F urru· :t:J-1 •· do do ...... 0 M 0 ly l •m a:w•y• • b!e to pre•ent a rhrrat~ned t urt', ,tc., dfcc·U•d :ll t he• t'ur:cnl r.tte • :1 ~- 1 " do . do 0 7 0 a111ek, anJ thua tue my•clf (rom !••Ina

l n eurnm·1·s d fu·tt·d r ... r >r ·H ' O n·:tr~ :l:i- l Cut G laaa Totlct DoLtlu, whlcb D? one can imagine u c:eplll o•~ a Lo b~· 30 immcdiato f>O~ mcd , 11u:sl .;, "1 (al nr p~ttcrn) .... ... 0 10 0 ban alllfcrt.! in Ilk• manner. rt'2no~l'rl'mium oulv,nnd tu propurt toHII :\lo-1 C'u! do do 0 0 Mt\ltG,\ltlH DOW:Ilt\~. for 3 ~bortcr ttu:c ~·ou·t.!('rnblo l r.>u l•l<'l :17- 1 do do 0 7 G a nd clvcnJo ruay 1,.., ~:1•·, J by aJ..opun~: :h ·:! ' ' G liiSil J uCll. . .. 0 1:! 0 BASCOII, F t bruary, lSi :!. t hie method . a:l-:! do do ...... . 0 to 0 ~a. f on.:csos. Vrar Sir : w~ hoYt uatd

1 1 " d d 0 0 your AoOll) ne Linlm•nt rn our (or:arly Cor 'l'bo un<lcrti!;ocd b:t.\'iO~ bel'n ap• ()- 0 0 ..... ... .. 0 • · au, and 11 Ia elmott thr only mrl!ocme we

pointed .\ .:t•nt f ,, r ~cwfuoudl:tud, It I Jo uu ; and we uto tbit (or almot t ntrJ Jlr~pllr ... lt" 1-.u.: l'ul'•·tc•.;:.::u n•t lu><lr) £:10 0 .() thirg. 'l'hia wiot•r, ray httlc aon, •-l·'m',:ll•<ltoj:l~:lll Frr.-cl.u::l pro:n(•t!). horn ai& \Ura ulo had a U\tr~ allack o (

l' r.>Jp,-ctu•• • . Fc,rm • of apf'!io·,, pn:l Tu bo d r:twn :ta.&aon ns tho T ickets are lllrUTn t:RL\, and •~ cured him by gidng f llr Fir~ l ll>ur:l 0<'1 '· :ttu1 3:1 ' tho·r iufllr · dt•po.ed or. hrm ) OUr AnnJ) n• Linimtnt. h qaiel#d n.;1U"u c.lll l"' , ,,,1,. 111,.J :II tlr<J nliiro o f 0.-t I S. hirn, reli•~•d hla br•athinJt, anc! ~rntntrtl

• \ : U . 11 .\. y ~\' .\ ]( U . • i ;cr.l, I t paanu "btn nothing elao dill. ' e thlnlt. il tho our loii!UliCI:<I! fur thl• (earful and

/'it , J .. l ... · •. ~.· \\ fuut .. lttUJII Fee-Simple Propertv f•t•l dlauu, and (or ell Cou~ha aocll:ulda. or w U . Tl!0:'\11' o-.:. 1 • I ilove uitdth•t\ncxhnt 1.inimtnlallntll·

·''u l, .i •l'.''· ttroalappllcetlon for 'Rh•uoulic 'lf<lllog In J!:.r:w r CJ r.1cr, , F or Sale by printb contr:act, a~d im· DlJ L:mbe, with .&ltont•hing and g_ratil)tng

O..t. !?-;. I r wedHt tu pt~>liC~IOP giYen, rttulla. l wiah tury b<.dy knew the worth o(

I the AnOldJao L iniment • • a farerl~ m•dltine.

'111 ir'1! U- Cfl f DEUS The Dwelling, Outbouees, and lllltAll OULIN.

Mo ~r r 11 ' • • Lands, E-:-t,-\. '11£ rt'~p('(· t U V <•1.!!; IO 3 1l n OU ih '' I ,. 1 "' •

to tht•tr nuuu'· rou• P.tln•n~. t h:u l tl,·•rclo h<'lon~o:i ug, eituateJ immeclintcly Put In two or thrn drop• or A)'(OOTJI~ t heir F.\LI. :-. !'UCK 11 no..- '"" mp!•·t ,·. 1 110rth oi tho Cuatom llousl'. bouudcd J. HHloll:lCT; u op the · •• wrtb unJreuod woo~l,

. Full :hrrf' It•· I hu :\lain Strel't, nnd ell end in~ b•tlu tbe feu in warm wattr on lt.linc 10 Every Depar tment . l•l II tr~t·.r Slroo·l, latt• io t ho poa•eaaion ~d and kttp tho bHd warm at nigbl. 1 !w PrMi•ton~. l hrdw:Ho and Clm of .llr. Ucor~:e !lo well, u tollllPt . CHAPPED H ANDS.

l'l'rli'O nn.> """ • t r:lrAI~d from t he L:.r::·· Terms A ccommodating. Rub thtm well at lltd lim• witlr A:CODT!I~ ~Imp. All m t hllt h uo '"!I bo lllut.J LtSiloii'.NT and eur luther nr khlclouo in tho A pply to durrng the ni" ht. 1'111 ~b•pvec1 lip• applt

:N<Y'~7~T Sl:l.Op J .B rES DA YLY, it witt. the 6ngm.

Out' duor \V e• t , ~bcrl' we :ue pr. pued M ilil.ur. H~4· , ·J ohuson's Anodyne Liniment t o giYo. GOU• U B.\.H .. v.\.1~:) . r... to J''ll."" l.llODD~l~· • .,.0. 10 1

• h both t .... r iLieroaland tllletnal uH, end Ia r • b 1 '" v ·' '- "' tqu1lly sc.CICI fur men or bn•t . l: o r o.. Oi , 't.oh or O tl. Harbor Grace. __ ..., _ _

--....--J_Il_.l_.~_ nu BHOTlil:lt i th Oct. 1573. t f. THE GREA.T :Lvery de-:cri ('t ion ''' I I nb~rdnsh ·

cry nod Fancy

G- p <> ::J:) s .. Dl rrk a ad C·•lnrl'•l Fnnst·~. Sd k · 'l'tt;J. l<i l boo&-in n!l tho new ab:ld ~•. N ileon 3nd Linen Sote-tbc nOif Xtleon

Sela in U oll3nd. Fur and .:)wan..down Trimming. Ladie• Cloth and \ "clrelocn J ackett.

Blnc:k .nud Coloured VC'ln~u,

W hite 11ud R!sek Silk, a nd Cluny Laee nud J naertione.

Crotcb~>t Edj.jiUR~. 'ewed Muslin~. Boot~•. lufaut l'el. L:l.:o Sctr, Ruffiea, Chcme.ettcs. et c., e\('.


llAYiDG' p3id j:::urieubr llnd epec:ial at· 1eut1on to tho

- Ready-Made De~art ent We aro prrpllrl!d to · YO

Men's J nckets, \" es and Pnnts, , a t eo uuoauelly luw fh;oro.


LEATHE.RWARE. ' )feiJ'r,.tluti: Hioll', l:'clt, Lon£:, 'fhreo· quwtir anJ Jlalf

BOOTS, :1UOF.!J MOC.\!1!!11~5

anti Ulut hl'no, T'ou tb,' f.lutie . i~o B•IDI,, L:~diea'and lt i~,t'~· U"ut1, ~hC)(',, )fo·

ntoins and :Siippcn~-io every etyl~ aud price.


CLOCJJ ', H'A1'Cl1ES, Sisnet and J\.,.)per Uin::;,.,

TO Le"t.


Slaop, For piU'ticulars nppl ,_;to

. J OSEPll OODDE:s-. Oefobcr 4 .

Furniture t Furniture!!

180 matt'f ~trrct, 180 Oppo•il~ tlte Jbrau,li/4 L"•tabliJ,tHII

Q/ Jlull'f . Jolin Jlunn cf' Co.

A.& E. PARSONS} Cabinet. ;\fakers, Upholsterers,

U ndertakers, &c~.

BEG to tbauk thoir uuany friend• in ll nrbor Oraco 11od Cun('eption

Ill~ ~:enernlly, (or tho pa t rooraso lu ther­to n'CCi¥cd ; and would int imlllo that thoy huo now Oil haod, & veriod ... Ort· mcut or

Household Furniture. --cO~IUTl:fO OF--

SofaS, Lounges, Bedsteads, ll ul't'llu•, W uhatnoda, 'l,'ablo•,

l'erambulaton, ~idoboarde, W hat• Noll, Chain,&<:.,

all of which they are prepartd to dilpoae of at tbe LOWEST POII.'It DU PntCE:I.

Aln'I-BlLJOlJ~ UE.UEDl".

Parsowt' Purgative Pillsi Ar• not (I flu mo.t otber•J compo ... d or anti· wrtn)', quintn,.., 111rrcury and calomel, bu~ of catbaruc. u•*d aud apprortd by allmt'tllra l pracutronua. 'l'ht J do nut uqulre tbt pa· tit !It ro tell• from tt& to • do••o. a• do moll othwra, l.ul one or ~·o u( .. 0.-.GDS' PJII.t taken occettvoally ere aulflri•nt (nec!Jl in utr•m• caw a) tu cv1e Uj •l'"V•I•, NerYou• llebthlf• IJ•btlilJ, lloal!acht, Oppreaaiun alttr u tinJt, l'rlca, ll<trlburn, l'uned l'ongu•, IJ .. tenuoo of t:~e Stomath and llo•-'•• Uruiuna, Sick u .. dacht, Lon of Acopcttitt, l'aiu tn the !Jack or St.Se, Jollam· matlon of the KldneJ, &o~

llarso ns' l)urgn tibt I) ills !l.ro • ~a(r, wholhornc, ugettble 111<1 oalural mrdtctot, and may !I• reh••l upon u b11ng lhe be•c antl·lllhou• uttdioine m tllioteoct, I be «mponoru• of :hue wonderful pillt ere no• •uoniobing n er ybo<l) by (t iTing rtllr f ln l.ondredt e r.d thDUta n~a u( caau thot h••• l(enttally btcn auppottd to be lncura• IJio, hue b· eo ueed br one of our but pbJ · aician• In bta pr.ctte. ror tbt latt flny JU"­• h b marlttd euccua. In ch~ •prior of tbr ) tar, PAUO)'(s' Poaontu l'tu..• era 1ndh . penaabio to lnorignrat• and giu to:~• to tbt ay11em. By uking

PDrtont' PariCRllvc Plll.t tbt bod) I• imbueu wllh new ltft , hulth and regulartiT I tbr freer and hurt will bt anlt t• rd and otr•n1th•ntd to d iachaJ&• lh•lr fonotion•. end ch• boYr lt rejtulattd. Thty do not make the wuk • taker, but cln auengtb ud r igor co the dlguli ... orran•.

u t all IDAO nreJ pltjliC tal:"

P. P. PXLL9. Duooa, Me., M t f, 1 870 . r ---SHERIDAN'S.



HARBOR S ~1\.NDl). RD.

N"eVV ~Cl. -ver"t:tsem.Qn. "· ----------------~------------

~.®[ll®X[K}®a~~ :\YJiJil~S .



... .

Portable OU R

--- o---



20 Horse power with 52 inch saw-capacity 6 to Ef thousand feot lumber por day.

25 Horse power with 60 to 66 inch saw-capacity 8 to 12 thousand feet per day.

laget grained mills of all cap~cities estimated for on application.

We hnvc e rected over 60 of our )f ills iu 1\cw Brunswick nnd .N ovn Scotia, during the pnst t.wo years. .

The ~0 horse po,,ror h<'ing fnvuritn si1.e fur Sllipynrtls. I Would r efer to .Mr. ll. Youdnll, lla rbor Gruce, 1\cwfoundland, who

power in operation. bas one of our 20 horse

Send for large illo7trated catnlog1.1e of our 150 png<:s to C. II. WATE R OUS k Co ..

In""""'" ' ' 1\'oth'c"

PHCENIX-Fire Assru·ance Compauy.

Lumbt~rd lnct \~' Clwri11g Cross

L O ~ uox .

-;­r~.\BUSIU:u 1~ 11R'1. •

rna:. TEES •Y JJ/lfl:OTOUS : , Sir J. I.YI,I <>r!( , II sri \I. \\\ uirn:. 1:-q.

)1.1'., I-' II. "'I .J . O•~d lhl)hUt ),F.''l· ll..cimuo llurt~n . t-:.q · . II. li t~ I;:•· n, p,.,,. l'u•o•• llust ,.n. E,q Jru. 11. ~I ·~•n•, 1:••1· ll•m. J aint1 lhnr, llrnj rmin ~~~· ,.., l:••t· J"'" Ciullo"· l·:aq. W.J. 'I hnnt:>•lln , E•q. 0 . E. Coup•·· 1-:0~ ' 1{. II. To•rlrrin, ~·"I· Jolin (', ll3• i•. h.q. ('. E. Goo·lh•arl. E•q, 0. A. Fu:l.r. E•q. J . A. Gurdun, F.tq. G eo'bo 1\T. Lovrll, 1Sj., «nt.s,.y, Johu J. Ur.)ODlliciJ, .111i11rmt :51-crdary

Th~ J>r om'ltmlc end LJbNotlfy wllh •l•ich all rl tim • ·t;toll t he

l 'llCE.VJ"X OFFJCE ha\e brtn 1••id Art' a-ell kno\fn, onJ the con· t.nual 1nc:c~ " m,: bu . int.s• uf l h !! Com1 .. ••1 :>OW ;.,t:,\ll \ :>I'LT\' \'1 .. \ ll' I' U t Tt.\1;£, • I •• ~ •the lu0 h t•Oat:I\D 11 bu !h IU p111hc ~ t llro:uinn.

.-\n.iuol anti t bort timt l nouranet • arc e(.

ft c:·.·,l on a lm .. t' ... ,~ "'"" u((JI"I" r\' rn :'\• " fl Ut~1l uuJ 00 the tUH.t l (a \ t r.ltiC" l t'f 0'\&

1tu,t.. a a t•l fl•rtu: 1l ua uf !1aur.uocc u••Y II: bad ou "ll'hcouon tu

W . ,\: U . m:~ I>ELT •• '-T. J o u:-.'ll,

.Aq'tt/1 j~J I' 'Xrlt'JOUIIJ/,,,J, ur to W .O. \\'U' HJ, t;~Q ., U:nriott·r-3 t - l.u w,

J huuou G u~~~~. ' en t .

qUEEN Insurance Company.

CHITAI.-£2,0(10.00~ lz~

Qt.: I;l:~ 1~ Ulr.\:'\CJ: Dt: ll.DlX G S Ll \' J-:Hl'OUL;


llr r:F.:s- 1 ,:\s t· J( 'xcE Bn r.nr :s-o s W ·u LL\.~1::- <.'11 t; HCill)l 'lLl::t:'r,


; n point o( Se('orily, _j t i~ bdiorf'd thnt qnct!n l'ollrl~ nrc Unlinrprt~tt.

T hl! follut\'iu~ oxtrnet from thu 'l' ruu. n :E:>Tll ,\ s:-- t.: \I, lh' t'OnT Q·c:sr enrlin,.: ' :Jhl .Uc.:cmbcr, l SiO), \\ Ill eht•W II• nmplu ch:trnctcr.

'l'ho 1-'U ~ U.::i of tho C~>mpany et:md ns lorlluwt :-

C•pital l'ard ttp ....... ...... .. ... .(l;!l..sno Unlutford, Ontnrio,

Or' W. 11. OLIVB, St. John,~

t"rr~ l ••urau"" ltucn• l'.an.S.... .. 90,(\J() Lite- A••Yrana. A« &t1UU1atiun ruu' t!•.I~J Apnuaty l'uod •• • •.•••••• • • • • •... :' • "!I

October ll. , l y. .1/rj.ro.-'fho Aut.hori~·d Cl\pitnl i .. £:!~

===========~===;--:..==-=-==-=-=-=--=-=-=-~~-~====================~= (J(x.I,OtlO; aod tho tiubacribeJ Capital

Notices. . •·J!Oli THE BLOOJJJ::J TUELJF.Jt.'.' '

-~e .DtuteNUOUIT, C'l!".J141 XII , fC'IM 23.



Trade M.ark- .. Bloocl MlJUare."

Tht- Great Blood Purifier and Restorer,

For clranslnjl and c!tartDI th• blood from all impurlt in, unnot be loo bl~rb ly ucom· mon4oc1·

For tlcrofula, SeurYy, Skin Vit•uea. and S:>r .. of all ldad.a it 4 & ocur-fo Uloif a ad vermanrol cure. It curra old Soru .

Curta Ulcerattd Sor~• on the Xtck. Curu Ulc .. all<l Sore l~lf., Curtt Blodcht ad•, or l'IID~e• on lbt Fa.:.. burn Scur•J Sor. a. Ca rel Can~roa• U e.ra. Curta Rlootl end Skin Dileuu. Curet Olar.dular Snllin~a • • Cltera lhP BIOOC: (rom ell impure Matter. From whatnrr CIIIM .u~alnr~ A• thi• mi11ura ia pl• .. n• 1o the tut•,

en•l wuranltd (rc:e rrom aoythinc lnjurinu• to the moat d;licale eon1111alion or c'ith•r ttx, lht l'r'llprietor aohciti aJIJ·~n to c i'l'e 1 a trial to t ••t ill Yalu•.

Thou .. nd• of Ttathnoaial• (rom all parll. Sold in Bo•t111 2• :Sd ~•eh . and In Cure,

contarn1ftJiis thr.tlthtqJilllt ity, lit each­ltlfficitnt J.o fil'tcl a p.rm&Denl cure io •tbt l(rtal .. ajnriiY. 11 f tlw lonc-•tendin~t r••"· UY t\l.r. CIIP.\IISr8 aa' l't r~s r )JH­U1C1NE VKNUOR

tbrOUIC bOUt lht' world,

Sole P rcpr iator, F . J . CLAitKK. Chtmlal APOTHBOI\RI RS liALt., LINCOL~.


E'XPOAT AGENTS Bargoynt, Uurb1rl~t•• aad (.'t)., Colflllcn

S ff'ec. l.ont!on. .. Nt wbery anc! Sou, 37 N•aorw."Strtol, Lon·

doo. , ~ .

Notices. n .ucoon Gll.\ t:E


Bo~aat•. T IlB LA nn~~· C'OlD.tiTTEE re•

. llp.ectru lly req\Jc1t t haL t hose o( thetr .fr•cnd• \Tho hn1·c kindly promi•l'd co ntrtbuti11n1 to thp abovo object will boplc&ocJ tu !'or lurJtbcm "' th:sl they mny bo rcc:oifcd Oil Or bc(oro the l1t N orember. llra. t:. t\S1tRr:1n, Mra. A. RITnJDrOIUI

" \\'. u. Wooo, , .. JJAOCOCJ.:, Enu, " F uno,

u TA1···· •• A. CLt,., .. c. no~s. .. lhcotss,

Mn. D E'IITLL.lol Jons. October 5.

FLOWER ROOTS. ll!'.\ C'l'ITiiS, V:trlou• Coloure, Tli Ll P:i, ~in:;lo 11ud ])o"ulllo IlUS, Hucliah and Spaniah AXEllOXl-:, ~inglc a nd D oublo CltOC US, Y ellow, Dluo, P u.rplo and

Whitc,-Y cry fino. Nnrei .. u•, Sin~tlt 11uJ Duublo • S C I L~ Comtlllnulata COUJ:t XE, lntpcrulc,

&c. l.c. juet r tct' Ytd a nd in~~~ orcer for Ows

a nd Gardea Cuhuro . THOllA:S AicCOXNAN.

S~ Jobo'e, Oct. 7.



IS warranted to cure "ll diaehargo• from tho Urinerr 01"1CJ1n', io oit hor

aex, ac9uircd or c;onllitutiolllll, Oruel IIUd PalO» in tho rJ:Jrlt. &ld in Doxu, 4•. Gd. c:u:b, by 111! Chemuta and l'a, tou t M odictue \'enduN.

Nets, . Seines, Pounds

FISH NETTINGS or everr d t..,.ulptJoa,

For l3alo at Lo1'UT Parcu. llaYing •upoHo r f11cilitic. fnr Manufaeturin~;, wo Aro prntluctog a t r.ow a.t.TE.S tho beet of


Suitable t or

0 o,d, Herring or Caplin


Olt POll

POUNDS Ordot'l filled promptly, and Jn"oieea

or llllmO made aa flll'omblc to Purchuen aa at any other Manufactor,r. '

Please aend for Price List.


D •• G . W . LOUD, 111 Commercial lcreet,

Botrtcin, MatL lr~


Life :Branch .

NOTW11'US'l'A~1Jl,:\G tl.o d ir · aiona nri•inJ,"OU~ of t wo (!ninquen­

Pilll \ 'aluatiOllW,IIOd t ho pRJUl<lll' urn1. ebim1 an d OX(lC!lj.et, tho nmouut. lit t ho credit of tho Lll:'B l:'GND ia o1·c r SlXTf-.1:'1\'E per cent . of tho eutiro l'rcmiu ma recciYod ou ercry l'olieJ now in e~iatcnco.

Ne-w DUJlncu· Fint QuiQqu~nlum CI8.3M 'U.llo . Sceood d1U0 A: l , IU,~Ga

Qlrefill !Jelec"t i«<D of LlVM, 0114 (eoJUeqDCII&lllll )ai'J(e 80RII'JC:S.

SIYOY UO~OV AN, Oe11eral A !Jell I f o,. Nell:jo1Hidloll4

Sub..ilqcnu: ANDRE\V' T. DRYSD.U."E,

H arbor Graco.

Aug . 9. R. 0. SIIEEJI.L~ ct Co.

SL ll:--

F1red)L11 Assurance Oompa.

OF LO!'DOI'f. ,

Esta.b is hed 1812~ StrBICIUDED OIJ'ITA.L . .. £2,000,000 Stg.

T.n.u. h~TI:ll FoJJ.oa UPW.a.DI OP •.• .••.••••• 2,1,50,000 ' '

A!(!C'tJU IscololE, or- ' W.t.&DI Of............... 86!>,000 u

I The "GUARDIAN" beio~ a fl,..t.

el ... .Buglieh l naurance Oomp&Of, o fl'ort all /boll(! adnn/a~u motl d011ir'able to in. auren; ri11. : uodoup/ed atabilitr, faTOUT"' able / ormt ani prompl acttlemaota of r:laitnt for \"8a.

'rho u nder•ii('Dod haring heeD appoint .. od A gf'Dt for Xaw(ouodland, u prepared to i:Muo l'olieie• a~:~inll lo" byl''ire.

JA.ll.ES S. WINTEil, SL Johu'r.

lOS.BPII GO.DDE~, Sub-A!ent, Ua~~ Gr&e• O.r.,I•J and Bona, DJ lanlotc=on SUttl,

L'lnoloo. • Sanrtr and Son• O&ford SIHI. London.

Solo Proprietor , .1:'. J . Cf,.'\RR B,

Al'OTUEGARl ES' HAJ.f,, LlN• COL.:\, BNG L~\ ~D . .

AU CT 10 N MART j ~_eb_l'UI....::.rr_'l. --------=-. ' '0/lTli&RN And elltbo LooC:on \Vbo(•lllt llouMI

AGENTS IN CANADA. Mo:'IT&UL.-Eu nt , ,\hreet & Co. Wbole­

ul• Urugal•u. ' ' !.rm•n•, Clart and Co.

Toaono.-1-;lllott& Co .. Wholen1~rug­r ill ..

" bltat•l•r end Owen. RA)IILTO:f.- W intr and Co. tlA UFAX.-.o\•ery, Browa •nd l'o.

d ept. 0. ly.

O.A.R.D. ~ .

Alillinery, Drtii·Jlaking, ~c. · - ·

EX PORT AOENTS. Bu11;oyne, Ourbidge• a ud Co., Coleman

titrt.'()t, J..,urdt~n. N ewbery and Son•, a7 Xews3td Slroct,

Londbn 03rc:h1y ,And &•n•, t).j l:'arriugdoo Str~t,

London. Sanger and Soot, Oxto~d Street, Lon·

doo. Aod all the J .ondoo Wholeulo Houte~.

AGENTS IN CANADA. Jl4n tl'tlli - E •ane, Merter aud Co.,

Wbol~:a1o Uruggi•t.a.

75 talatcr .$trttt, , 75 ASSU RA NCE COMPANY

H A R B 0 R · G R A C E . 1 rott

--o- PXB.EJ d)Lx.H'E W o oll'ur for Sale,

Pa•ovisions, GROCERIES, &e. &c.

C.u>IUt..-TWO MlLL(ON'S' Bro.

..klr~ t. lumcru. I'I&Oil Fru . 1 PAJOOUlll ... ...... .. ...... £180,000 ~o~L Bnuo£ J J&Oll :Ltr»

PulnUt~l ...... ...... ...... £110,000 A,no.u.HETP'UII: P&Olll bTU·

ur ui'OY lJrn:nu .l!'u•os. Jn:.\ALX ..... ~ ..... . ....... . £'2,000

liEAD OFFICES. \Vl'tlding Rmj;'- Bron• h e•, l::.rr-rinll'• .Elect ro autl A lb•ua plat \)d fockt,

nnd ~pot>nl, \'al!()tl, T.-i•ttd:iund.ud Platcli'>Oitin~ Gl;uaea, l'•nr• Satin ' Vood and lliiJit'P .MAcL~:


l uspcctiou -Fr~I!J lnr;itctJ... Fo,. Jio,.m, Callk , 81tup 11nd H 1g• . JCrs. George B. Taylor. Put vp without adult.eratlon, and cu•ren. • h 1

" Lflnaul, Claro aud Co • To,.,M/o,- E IIiott an,l\ Co., Wboloaalo

D rug;:1.t.a.

At fui~ remunerating pricet for

CASH. F"JSH OR btL, a-Auctiol!- & .'e6 ond Qmamil­

lionl promptly attended to.

OEORGR ~ARRI8& Oo. LoNDOII-1 Moorgate Street Aasao.zu--5 King Street.

F.uurly .llmcins M.,cbir.te,

. SEWING MA<.:HJNES, Tr 'U• nta M to. l T C3pot.. aoJ Cr uet

;,tauu•, Eloc:tro pl:lted Cruet Standt, etc. , etc.

all of 'Thich will · bo fivld at the lCiwest f Oaaible pricea.


N D.-The UlfDER'l'U.HIO Bt:ll!f1!.tt nlao fo rmtpart of their occupation, and 1111 orden 111 tbnt department, will ro ­eoivo t heir mo t careful attent ion.

I!Br'Partleular alteAt.ion paid to Out.. porl Ordert.

Soptembor 27.

BLANK FO.RMS i'or aale at the Otftce of thia

. P~tper.

ud to ba fully DOOIILI tbe etr•OIIA of any ~s£G:J ~pectfullflO lbtO t. U I le ull .. r kind. No p•ro~~o cao uoe &belli ortc~ has , .u•t t:<lutiDI!IIt~ buttocu io wtthout b•ioe aathlltd o( thl o feel. 'fne t he abofe mnt he r ,_1denee, underai&ne.i will Oll<erfu!ly ttnd , free to an7 oo• requtttrolf lt. • pamvhl•l d~terlbinr tile ut• anll Ulorlll of tile ebun rcmed1re. r;, For Sale at tbo Drug Storet of M~•rt. W. H . TllolUIIO~ dil l . J . Dannr.

L S. JOH.NoO~ & Co., Proprieton, BAMIIO~ H.wra.

Oe&ober lt, ' .

tio. 209 8littrr citrcct. 'MAJ u . . :I

BLANK fORIS ~c;oud with Nau!f&IS and Du.-nca at the Oftloe of UW l'ii1er,

" Sb:tj)ter a ud Oweo. • 1111111ilfoJtr-W tner anrl (.;o. llt~ljju ...... AYerf, Browo .and Co.

6eptomboc G. l y.

, r • N.D.-~i~theet Pntea o•i~ for

F1•l:1 db C> 11 -ALl o-

For Old Juk, Ba1, Net_ o.o .... , Iroo Ltad, t op_per, Brut. &e.


Aug. 9, 1873, tr.

Two Hundred Sharea •• ~a&



• • 4 \ • .ApplJ to

r'W. 1. 8. DONB.ILL't' ~ . .. r:

l.uorucee "o!'oettcl oi .Pruperiy U. Vc• • • fol&.lldlaod a1. CureDt ,Baw 0! l'Nci· um.

flroapoetuw.l.-~n!D ol Ap~tloa for l!t.N ud ~ l D.lUNiaeBu.lall ~er lD~ ._._~atdae

OJict of L 0. JU.TW~ . *-~n·a ·

~,_.lfiA flj 'leal l a'lt J. Jlt7Q. . A


Page 4: Icollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · lfell ~JlC'Utll~ R,th ia unccrt11in; but it vico o[ both ancrent nndntlldcrn p~·~rm1, ~;nsnd epocha in hiatory, cnrh uf whirh






lmilv ~tilbing. nncr IUt'b an neul"'inn, I uw V11Dc:t' -----------~--- Re&ina~t~rrowfu)IT upon her,11od koew

t hat he felt grined u I, notwithttnnd­in.: his 'lllguc, 11lmo1t indiffcrTnt Mm• mrnte when tho •ubjc:ct •a• bf'OIIcbcd.

miaerablo ft-.ar amote my heart, and witb ne"oua bu!o I atarted f rom my ro. c:umbcut potitiou, udaiwiug :-

A cbeerfu16re lit ~ho room bril- 'Indeed. inde4ul, it did, Adela! 1be how much n earer heavt'n ._u felt l~a.st five minute• wnitin~>'~(-:_ liantly, and 1 threw myeelf on the crird, u~:erly, a , i.,id bluah dyein_gr to be, I pray tbeeeworldings may •~1. 0 o dt or a

b • L d d 1 --• ~~~.en. r a m 1 qua' tc coo · low conch drawn befo it, wit 1 atneo •On•••ra an t .,..,..., 1 11gn

(~ tit~ L iUt"pool J.Ju-rllry.) MN~or, hn;. I tnnll' lo wendrr

Mr. GnmL l Tboro muaL hllwo been a tharp ten'(lr

in my 'voirc, for it • •• with on alarmed counttnanco that he •tc:pped f.rom be­hind tho draping curl~ina g{ t ho bny· ,.,indow at tho utrcm111 of tbu ruom.

of comploto 01hauatiot· Tho reart ion Wateh1og tho prettr color f11dc away, 60 0 0 e a!0 • • · ed to obli viou. had eome-1 t'OUltl thi k no more. J.'u- I lllid, muaiDJ(ly . • I quntlcd at sight o f the fa~ ~ ~n t in a . r emote comet or th lure onnta mu•t bo lefdor tho dec:iaioo ." L ifo i• ~ull . of auch • orrowful milia r penmanship, but in trac• bnlhnntl \' •• Jtghted room~ b 'de

\Vhere \ltto ••••r• ow~•• and low, 6inll' the mu•lc ro/1 he atnunlll••

ln tho mid•t of thi• 1nn•hino and ahadow tl1ft aurnmrr fled on, and 110 othl'_r 'octobcor had c.ut it• t inteJ •plendors a bou t our home and O\'C:r the dc:ar lfr&l'o at Urffnwood.

uf a futuro hour. mt~tnkc•, hut •t •• only ~0 unrc:grn· ing the b itter r e..,r e t nuu tu:lf• n litt.l e table struwcd ·; .,,1.e&e1

tho ftr&Y da~ tho uorl of whorl• thue tried. into an ant;ry, 'lwbittcrod C?mJem~atJOn ° t te cw pen .. gravmgs. In my hnntl \Yns 1\ re . In tbit balf torpid ] to I lay till in et11to loYo of eelf, thn~ brau•l~• a wom11n • fcl ~ • • ,.

1o •h• nown' that bu\lano blew, Oh I I'm ~•erY nf thr eily,

And [ ll'ndor the drli: ht • Tbat prnadfll •limy t...in&:

~bmma Nit11'1 dcdtion to clo~o thr hou~ on tho day follo .. in~t my marriase part~d ue for a ti'IIIOn from M no. 1'hraco, who1e priw11to interoeta clemandcrl an ab•f'nCO of" rew wc.kl. Thou,:h Wt aaclly miAtod tho placid face and .:ulti. •atcd mind of o~ar drar olJ fric:nd , tho 'hours dmpptod awi(tlr a•ide, t ill but oi~:bt weeki of maiden froodom remained to me.

AJelo ! :\liM Uritta1n I I om hero I J thou"ht you ha(l lt•n me.

rruehiog throu;th tbo cy cru1t t.f tho epirit. J'h~ <lrar. pampcrrd • 1' r11n ctllcd hnes, I gathered new mar.kably fine p botogrnph of th •now told tba~ Ra lillY Grant had neYor bear 'fOUndin~:. or being dc:prin•d streng th fo r the tus k u cfoJ r(' mn. v nttcan. 'A~ I gn7.ed pon \ ii c ..i ~tartcd fnr tho city. yrrr aoon Aftrr, I of any of ita bauble... a h ! "·el! may I nod very soon 1 bad writte~ memory, qu1etly lllrned bnc'-~ lo.arncd in tho 1111mo woy that I ~hould thank Ooo that I knal'l tho pl'('('t.>uwncll . f I . "· A • l dru cr.•na laylut ni. ht.

Lay your hu d upnn my bo•om, Tell ma deoro-•t or your dttam,

Ia my • lu on I ••• waftr<!,

Ob, no"! Not un til auur~d tha t my I'Orl'icL'I 11ro no lou~cr rcqu1rtd would 1 think ut 101'h a thing'" ll'anng you. Can 1 do au~;ht for ynu P ,

1 wu uncNiain "Khethcr ho had w1t· not$4ld tht aceuc, and if eo, of hi• in· tt·nJod c-ou noo. )Jy lip• part.cd in an un:1Y11ilin~:: efl'ort to 11i•o uttornnco to tho qotatioo.£:A low voico broko tbt

bo tpnred tho mitery of an int<'rYiC:W of~COj:ni&ing J1i1 Jovint; provid.t·l.lCO Or trOm nn CB~neSt, p c th:C U henr~ )Vnrd SOrnC pt~g('S iU Jife, and with Vnpco. Bo h:ld lllken an c:arlier pe ri11ion in tho moattrh·illl enola of n rt'ply wh1ch I knP.w Vance I bad ~ltog~ther~.forg\>tten .. train thttn uaual, and tbua eur d both !".fl.if": Ar C'.I'ptcd from Ilia hand, <'nc-h wouhl ne\'l'r Jisr<>gu rtl, Nor surroud~ngs 1u g lancin

1p OYer trny'

Mrtbtr, to a mouulai,. tlrum 1 Son and In• tha winth ... ,.. "lfhtng

Throu11h tbt nnlonl. bloominjl' trrtt ; Do•n thr &l•n ~me •Wttlttl mu•ie.

of ~ 1 very nc:edlru t rial. W l'nrily I ~uy " m~on~•fied, and each aorrow bnt did t r est till Bob hi'd b een <lis- h d c , ho e~pt into bl'd, hopin~ for tho in'lig •t• crleat111l hl\lo. t h d t t th .

5. f l l on

1cc-c arm: klcn,·es nnw pow.

orating r(!at. ol .ieep for both toJy aud W it h a carcuiog gcetu~ N ita mur- pn c C O p os C rots l\'C II • or ess t.o qutc e n n p ulse, 1 bad mind . ' murt'd : ' freighted with joy for the two felt • ~spcciully disinclined

P toaun& oo 1~ ptrfumtd bru1e..

f•.:ldtnlf tbtre •tc.od btfnre mt Quilt a 1hron11 of maidl't.e felr­

flv• dt~o l!M their robt• or ~~:lory. Or :ne remetb•t dtektd 1holr hair P

Lo•ir.Jlythey •miltd .upon me Th•n, in uc.nh ••~t and ~IU,

Bald wuh ITYmulnue tmnlloc, Come • •tb IU. poor littlo dll'd.

We • ill fttd thtt to a city 'fhet no lrtanl f'lrr troJ,

I" or lhboe dro•uure of pity . Who un ~•nh molce ~,.),j their 1111 I.

6 t•b• ond lntt-anrf (ruil or anrict­Sn~r r•• fnunrt -ntran~ h•r•

And my Jo:tclrr llr~ lltorr'• j!ln11 ' Makerb all thins• .. oudr<•; e fair I

S<otnu or •••r Rrowlror l '"r) ! l'ad .. .. e.; •• ,. nf ...... , , .. tum··

Rl.-er llo•wirjl' tl,.ro• rn• l• l ' Tb YUill> • •• rulm• •·•v• 1 d 1b1 1omb!

F .. ,.. •• ~ttl t a:ratn. of mu lc Ar tto.our.dong •h"' u~e tt lbr 11r 1

lf .. rt. ~lintd br ... ,lhly ' "'ow, W •111DK IO r•r:.-;,,. J OU l~fl !

'I'll Ujlb •h1 (orm ... Wn \ 1nd fre~tl'•, tuun•d l~nra•h IIIIo r11n <:II!'· Wn":~ p•oud anu•l• ro ~~:bt he wriu•n

" llh m•,n'• nl• "r• m, ••~t)'lletle­C m• •• h u• tu l••· tl• a•raohic,

Far m~,. 1>-aul ifulthan u.;., W >oJt lhe t.-ore I hot dtm 1hy • i•inn

t!halls"• plae. '" ll<fftrt bliao.

Tl•11 ·~ -rrurlt 1h•ir •old•n he·r,..tr'nr. Wntd lbror la'lt l••• Cr11WDI on hitrh

Gl~1~d &•nil) dnwn !"• •ell•r, ' Loet lor•_.• r to nune t yr.

Uu• n lte 81•11• • • e • .. alinr brautt I'••JI••a on m) N·•••d bru• ,

A• .. t oroubd m• floe I n~ muaio­llwtl I lll<lhm.ka I bur i1 now!

'WI•h 1 rry htr 111 •lh r ll&rrad, .c.r.,.pe.j hrr dortinoc'• •c7 lland,

"hou pure •pfril had dorertrrl \\ i•b lho ••e•l en~~:• lie bear!,

5hr •e• l•n alono • ••b onrrow Tbr~rb •be • ury romin~r r ••r• t

w~p101f • tdow! ... ,. la;l ' """'' M11ht be • riuen ra rhy ''""·

ltY fTEP·11tA10lA.

P4U' n . eilen!'c. It wu t ho first of D«omber. Tho Miu Brittain, you m11y tru1t mr. But

day bad bct-o wilci with hurrying clourle talk nomoro to-uir:ht. Wait t ill mom· and f'<ldying guata nf wind t h11t wailod ing. I '11'111 toll them you aro faint and and ehril'kt'd around the houec: like aome buo ~ti~d. unl'&rtbly thinJl, and t ho ni~:ht waa Tbt'n you do knnw ? ~ wilder still with anow and hail. Vance I do ! Il ia 1'0ire wu lu1rd 11nrlatc:rn. bad promitc:d to como up in tho fou r You willlllll'IO nil t hi• l t1 we, Mr. o'c-lock m in tbot e'loning ; but tbero Grant P I entrc:lltin~:lv nakr1l. hlld bffn no joyuna c:xpe<-tatioo on my "To, you, poor rb1id !. Do you for­p3rt, t he 1tormy 11tmo~phcN! forbiddiop s:ct that .X ita it my aietor? Ala,, that f'ftory bopo of tho kin•h Orr1 t, thtorc:· 1l thould bo my uwn ai.tcr who h:Hl fore, wu tb!' eurpriao and 1lclight of •lallb••d to tho he:ut tho lnmll 1 1\'ould ~famm11. .Xitl\ and myarlf whl'n both eo glndly hnYO •hrltc:r .. d from cv\'ry l1.am11ay Orant anrl V11nr«• atcp~d in ot eorrow ! And, flin:;:ins: him rlf on n a latrr hour. Something co1111Cdl'tl 1·hair, ho llurieJ hi~ (o~co iu bis nrme on with th11 final ~l'ttlcmcot of p3pa'" cat11to tho tablo befMo Lim. 1

had brou~ht tho forrpcr. and <rc:ry eoon The -i~;h~ ,,f thi- unl's pc:c:lf'\1 cmNiorn aftf'r Ctoa ho retired)<? tho libnary, with ~a.vo ml' atren~tth. 1 rc:ali&•·•l t Cim•·· the unwelcome intimation t hn t hl' thing of his ehllDIO and lt~•·f. A Jt· ,hould, afuo~ :\while, bo ollli;:ed tn clnim pi'Oilcltln,;: hr~, I laid uryj•ttnd ito nia ll portion of DIY t imo. I ~<'It ctpcri:~lly nrro, nyin~; eutly aa 1 <li •v :-\J annof<'o.l, for I 'a"' that \'ano:o waa bar- \'oil nuJPl \\' h·o your ri~;ht '"II broth· a .. ,eci aml worn, aod 1 s:ruds:td t ho mo· rr in f.•wor of my holit'r one, Mr. Or:~nt. mrnta l Dluet deny h1m. ~either word nor movro•cnt rcpJi,..J to

\'If' thrro eat tulkins: for ~nrno timl', mo. 1 know tho hcllrt'~ nnl!ui~h pierc­and thon 1 lw-r.:s:«"d ll:lmml\ ~itA to by ...I my toni's 11• 1 continued : l uJerd 1uido hc:r work ami ein;: for ue \' nncc you must do !Ia 1 eay. 1 pr:1y you Jo r:1~erly ,cronrlcd my n'qnc,t, 11n<l in a no otb.-r weight upon mo. few minutn the -turm'a wi.ml h .. wl n"l\11 1 j!rirveJ ut t~o ti:h~ of the troublt'J lost in tho wondl'rful melod,v 1lostin~ fi\CO liftt'd to mine. He ruao from hi• tbrouc:h tbGt quit't room. Whl\t &bo chair, Gnd placmg bie ltnnd within hie uo~: 1 do not know. 1 uoly knrw the arm led me bt~t'k to t lto loun~o. ::iCAt­burninl! pu•iou, tho dt'('p rntht•8, tho io~r himself bc:aido mr, be Nlld :-la•t wail of unultl'rablo woo WI'Nl a• I luuo been eclfi~bly for~:etrul, ?lli11 di•tioct to my Jli'I"C«'I'Iinoe 1\a it roOfi'V· Brittain,· Pardon rno! 1111d lay any ed in m1' O'll'n llluj:Uft~r, in•trnd· of In command• on mo that will <'niUNl you the ~o(t.ltnlia n whit"h .!'Juno •n• mtlody puco or happint•u , and I willllbidu by ( J'('Im her lipa. My pbl-ea throb!led, my them. . • fnmo t hrilled bcotoe-ath the rower of For the: first timo l wu mo<rod t o that magie 'loi~. till tho ~•crwron11ht telln. After a little, 1 replied .­feeling apent it.Nolf in the low, •hiYrrlng " Allow me to MY all th11t must bo tO'> that eteapt"tl mt. ::loftly, nrto by 1aid. To.worrow r ou lc:~vo Ul, Gu n<~t.e, dioJ tho ttwc:et eound•, :1nd onro without onu word of reproach to either. mort~ tho 'll'ind howll'd it8 fierce eon a: and Think bow t hey mu•t hue •uiJ'ored. moane-i Ita aorrowful dir.:o witb uoron- Al111! bow blind I buo befon! teltt'd powt'r. Thu m3ttcr of. faC'L 'loire It a boll bo jn1t Aa you requo1t, if you of ou r buxom ouiJ, l..etty Paynl', 1um· will promiao to 4nform me abould yon monio~t mo at tlollt moment to the at any timo fec:l my aorvieM to bo do­lihnry, w.u actu11lly welcomed u 11 re- eirable. When"' fnther'• or a broU!­Iief. A• 1 ltft tho roo:n, :\famm" ="ita e r'• a iel il oeedoJ, will yon Nlly u pon ~tlided in\n a loYely aria of which '~" mo. waa particularly food, aod which, iu •t• TbeTO ia no ono nn whom I could 1o ripplin~t molody, alway• nomincied ml' willingly call, Mr. Grnot. of raindrop• drippio~: ~quieito wua1c. Tbaok you I and now rou will reti~.

1 cloaed the librar<r·door wit h much and le.uo all tLi• miaerablo work for a !Clntdlkltd.) moN! ofan o'luy-tafTerlin~t. and qui~ new day, Mill Brittam I

Y ou are looking n ry 111, Mr. Grant ~dy {or the incon'ldtl'1lblo ta•k befoN! I cannot, Mr. Grant I IoJoed, I tan· I aai~, un bidden tean rutbing to my ru, koowio~: that Vance would be hap· not! rJOI n my mind rewcrt.ed to the ll:ld pily ent.ert.aiot!d for a while. A abort llo looked nnzionaly at me for a caa.e, ana dwelt gratefully upon bie no· time eufficod to complete our work. I moment. and tbrn uid :-remitting kiodneu. Somn name!- puebed my c:lair bac:k from tho table " Perbareyou aN! right." emjltion croued hie fac:ou r cootio. ued: with a balf-amocberod aigh, for there I role, ll}'ing M I g~Ye him my I trio.,e I<> lt'e bow lh~Mf .OI"'"Dw{u1 dayt wat eYer a uddening illftuence in thia ba od :-are tellin~t upon you. eootact with papa'• put life. ,. I tball not tee you again. Fare.

Tho forc:M emile and eonetraioed I la'lo w•ned yon, u id Ramaay well I" tone• griefed mo •till n.ore u be re· Grant, but it ia the lut time you will be He duped it tightl7 for ao iDttant plied :- t.ued in tbil war. Your iotelligeol with a murmured,' Beano blf!Myou I"

You IN! •ery kind. I boJie.,e I I'D acqaaiott.Deo with Mr. Brittain'• buai- • Aglliu 1 pUM~ from tho librarr into 11nt fcelin~r quite 10 brijlbt u ueual a neet bu rendered your aid indiaponu· tbe parlor b,oyond, Ramuy Grant'a Jut aleepl- night la'liog etoleq eome' o{ blo, or I · would not, 1 a•aNl you, Ia Yo worda following mu with wondt'rfnl lllf elatticitr. B10t, pardon mo ! you Yozod you with tboee thing.. power, and atrongtbeoing mo with hoa­•':ll•taodiDg all t~ia t ime, •tartiog from Ob, no! I am not wearied in the Yenly ttrength, u 1 went forward to , ,. Ilia aoat, aod tum• oil tho dwr toward 11igbto.t, 1 returned. It ia tbe hunger· nr tb~e that wu froUiol( tboao two .. befoN! 1 could object. inl[ and tbil"'tiog for papa'• proeence wea!:f bearta 1111d rendin1 mine with an.

;Thank you ! 1 c:au re.maio but a mo- that oplli"'AA'' mo. I bru.abod u ide a guieb, 1 felt no .angor. ~ly life, it it moot, addioa, u my ~e re~t.d Oil Ute tear aa I apoke, and 1t.eppod butily to trur , aeomed mieorabl7 barren, etrippod papel"'tntlered OYf'r the table. I woulcl the clool'. or all ita earthly Nljuidoa, but [rea !iced

dl7 reline you of .omo or tbeee bur- Tho hall wu dimly lighted, and I that VAnc:o bad ne.,or Jo.,ed me, and 1 •· Can I help you io aoy way P loitered for a few .. iou~t in the low ~trioYod more oYer tho terrible mietako looked up ae 1 aaked tho qoe.tion. window -eat to allow t ho trace~ or •mo· be lud made, and tho aulferini tber ,. .. reprding me gra•oly, Intently. tion to pau from my fac:r. Vainly I b:~d endunld, than O'lor my o"n Jon. 1 " our nea met, the aa1oo eu:otion atroYO to diatioguiab eomct bing of tho bad be<'n ponf!Mod o( Joyo't aemblant'o

p~t O'lor hi• f~o. Abruptly ho re- night without. All wu impenetrablt only. h bad boeo a happy eeemiog-.ed :- darkoeN, tiro wind'• inereuiog bl.ut ootbinst more I You ean do nothing for me, aod u .-looo brinriog me it. doleful tldioge. Van~o atood by tho grate with one

abruptly len tho room. Aa I li•tened, a oamete.a dread took arm re.ting on tho lo• mantlo, and l wu nceediogly pained, but a few poueuion oF me, an!l I roeo with a bandt looaotr eluped on ita edge, gu­

minutee latt"r, watching him pacing th,. abirt-r aod huniod into MammA Nita'• in~: ab.tracledly at tho glowing coab, garden walke with bent bead and foldeJ boudoir, which papa. in bit wor~~hipping wboeo ruddf hue failed to impart tho arm.., I decided thAt .ome aet"ret c:aro loYo. bed fitted up with exqui1ite tatte, •l ia:hteat tin co of eo lour to bit pal Jill nppreued hie mind, and endn<rorod to and 10 coot ri•od uto communiut.l with faet', whilo llamma Nita .at droopioa ritl myatlf of thf' wnunded foelin~r parlor aod libraTJ. After hi a dnth ebo o.,.r hn eof t bright IU'pbyn, tbe tN!m· Wbeo at the breakf .. t-tRblo we again had •hnnnod t be room, ao4.-it bad be- bling little hande,dilli~teutly oc:copied, "'"'· h•• manner lud reJ,'aiood all the come at her uproae wit h, a part of tho aod tho oyn IK'rupuloualy a•o•diog f:1'ntle lrindline11 htthrrto marlriog it. parlor, and wae t he frequent modo of Vanee'a 'licioitor. I knew theo. and •aa Yet tbrnt wae a faint ahadow of r .. e"e ae«M to tho library. 1 tbc:refoN! en· bappy to know, that a ~uddtn pa11ion· moro n•ily felt than d.-.cnbeCI, and tba; terod without be.ic.t1on, and pauod on ate impulae bad eurprieed thoae worda , .,•dow, JlradUAlly iru:reuiog, coat ua to the parlor. I had nurly roaehed it from Vance. · TheN! bad ~n oo lonif a ll the olJ cordiAl iuterTOUnft. when I waa arrt!lltod by a 1iaht that course of culpable duplicity, but eacb

By J>IIP''• will ou r bnutiful homo be· glued my feet to the ftoor. had battled in bopo of lloal Yictory. 1 nme tho pro~rtY o()famm• Nita and Could tbat bo Vanc:o p Mr Vaoeo? eeemed to be lifted more eompletelr io apite of the 'tameat in'litatio~a of Could it bo Mamma Nita upon whom out of tbo narro• cirelo of eolf at that Couein Phil and i\fill) that my roeideoee he wula'liehintt th01110 pu•iooato word• moment, Aa I entered t ho parlor, t hould the~~ct!forwal'fi be~itb them I of endearment, and wheae hand bo wu tho eyee of botb rested upon me. Si-Yery willlu~tl' •rc:otded to M.a a Ni~'• pretting in eucoh a mad fenor of ten· multaneou•lr they u claimod 1 prnpOI'itien t hat wo •houlc! maio lo · deme11 to hia Jive p .. Adele !' £1'thrr till m7 bridal da Her rac:o "" turnMI frnm him, aod ' You aro ill. Adelo c:ri_ed Vance,

&m,ay Orant ' 00n •«urod an t'lder- co•el"f!d with one ha nd, her f'lbow rett- huteniog to wheal forward ao epy I.Y CCIIDI!anioo fnr ~ in the pel"'lln of ing on tbe arm of tho quaint old chair ebair. :.Mra. 1'hrarl', tiM! widow of a rl'mOit' ebo ~trac:ed 10 well. J 111w that abo Will j r~at~ my banda on the chair back, eooneet.ioo of tht~il"'. ·Tho gro.ae1t Wt't'pin~. I kntw that aho Jo.-od bim, for mr hmba were t~mbling, aod urg­uhrre muttt hue ackoowlodttl'd tho and acruu my mind 11Athed the roc:ol- ins: mo to prompt aetion. C"l•arma of thi' fairolrll•dT· The whit- lf'ction uf countlo11 tnlloa whi .. h misrbt Vaneo I Nita I SometbiD~t io my f'ned lorlt., whi"h, in thtck manee of hno m'de aio au•pect tbo bitter truth face or lone a rretted \'aoco u ho waa tioy natural rurl•, In rloao to her fnl't"' loner, lon~r befoN!. about to place me io tho chair, aod he heed, beo'lllth tire deliCAto lare bo"lo>r 1 t urned away with a hol'lit>r weight d~w back a fd" pac:oa. VAoc:o 1 Nita 1 of the noprf'ttndin~ cap. made a lnY«'lJ 31 m~ heart than t hat lt·ft theN! by poor 1 know it a!l I All t ho aad troth you nown AboYe" lonlr brow. And newt>r papa'• dt'atb. J wu within a fow paree ban wiabed to eooeeal from me, and 1 d1d I wearr or guinJ: upon tho (.,~o of nf the ball door 'II' hen the blaekntu of am beN! to utter' ~u•t •neb wordtt u 1 tt.lay ao wonderful!~ illuminl'd by t ho mght ~:athered bcofoN! my eis;ltt. I reel- tbould 1f_ef'O I ~ymg. You IN! !reo, hght oft ho hN'If'U•Ilom apirit • ithin. rod, would haye fal)en but for a at ron~: Vaneo-IN'n u 1f I were, indeed, dl'&d.

Qui.,tl.•,e•rrl h$ppil!, r-HOtd tho win· arm that cau~rht me. Noi•e!eHiy and Lowe eae,h otberalwaye, and know that t er, anrl by tho timfl too biOL'W'Imed ••iftlr 1 •ne borne (rom t be room to you hue my_praye,.. (or your bappi· proiDIIIC of tb~pnn~: h&d ~),.en rr<lf'om. tho library louogo. I waa not. uucon- n-. Ma, our Father ble11 yoa both 1 rd in rirb clu rsoffruit. Mamma Nitn ~c:ioua, only dtathiY faiot, and like ono And bofoN! they bad roeo.,ured from 1utd rec:"ered Ut'h of her old rhrerfial- paraliud. Tho aacno ro.dy haod• cbaf the ehoc:k of mr · worde, I had ODeO

11ea1 . A Fn~tf'nn~t ah•d• of nduea al· cd mine ioto tOmothiog ltke warmth, mor_e glided ioto the dim old hall. waya marked hl'f' fa~. but what. really and bat bod m• fnrehtAd till tho lifo I .tumbled nror the m1t at the foot <troubltod me Wtl tho 1pirit of f'N~e-a. blood oneo more conned frt'I'IT t hrough of tho 1taircue, aod f. 1igh or a ltro.D

n- 10 fNOq"lltntly manifmrtin~t Jt.tel' . the •eio•. Soon I opt~ned my eyea upon mu•t hAye I'ICaped mylipt, for tbo Ji­ApiD and a;:oain, when \tanc:o'a pN>· a wt'ary world. H ow glatfl7 would I brary door opeued and llamu

1 CSrant

~coe aecurod me .aai'W'IIhle t'Om,_nton• then hue opened them upon tho beau· butooed to my t ide. W ithout a word, jb•p, the foul:!, •ltp quhtly otr, te .. ain- u ru l Uneeeo, 10 near, and yet 10 f1r ho dntw mr hand witbio hie arm eod ;]' a 'h:y b:. !''j tOjtetbe_r, 011ly put- away I But not tbua ia tho immortal aided ~roo up to my room. At the door: n' , r UllfU bead Ill • ) Jra. l crown •on, Loag ( Jay tbero t bioking be uid : 0

NN 1 door, to •r. tu J.. own • io• -tbio~in~ how to bring three wntkbed "~ball I ees:d Lett1 to 1 •J y way :- I h~ out of U.. aby• of mieery juat cobild r"

",..eTbball ha~na .a~ IO'Nly. ftowen, reYea.led ~ met praJinc for atrenath How t11010 t•o worda .. m1 child," ir~ ~. r~.•. e WI woocltt temp~ It from tbe ~Diolte to aupport, aDd wit- ~oo• bcd me l 1 (fie. a h iUJ J . eolate

'l'tMtu a~'"· c!om to gu•deme. I..oet in tho anguith tbeu . 1 •he would retarD lateiatheclar c.f tlteM thouaiiU. I bacl fnrgot&eD tile •hook my head, anclellen••

1 LeJcl

•dee wltb e ow='-but eo - ..... , ,, f .. _ G 1 .. u ...a. ... ._.. . x.N".~!- - ~..-...oee o .... mur raat, 1faae ld ;~:,:{Unci, •bieb ...... 11leotlt - LCI'IIa &lie IOOCD, DO ODe WM &faen. A ! u4 4fopp..&. w

. - ' '

H wu hi~h dfy •hcn l wu waktnrd " You r uintly pardon ia tc:arhin~: me so clear to me. s. pend this plt>nsant April e\·e to f f('lm a rc:frething tlumbor by Letty'• aweetlrunn•, .Adclo. 1, 0\'('11 I, ."o.u ld It was with a sense o f r~licf b 1'1• quiet moTomc:.._ot.t a.bout o1y room. AI- tuto of tho' mc:r of wa,ter of Ltfl', o£ · . 1ng n road : but fin ally } icldiog mo•t tho first"'thing-lttract in~: my at- which you hiiVo dronk •o frtWIT. th nt 1 found, upon dp«ccnclmg to ~Hiy's aolicitution s , had iu tent ion waa a " letter oo_tbo dro.eins· "Let him tba t ie at !tint como!" to the dining-rol'm tbn t ~lrs !he lcnrnest conscient iou s c tablo. ' l'or reply a t('ftr rolled down htr Thrnce had returned ; for I had d t ' b n.

Nuw it waa no undi•puttd fact t hat ch"Ck and dropped upnn my hand. M y b d d' h I b . . 1 eavor 0 contn u t a to t he hnp., Lotty Payno·- <~Ycrflowin~: eymp11thiea no~a"IA wtN! drnwn from the hr11utiful j een ren lOg t e tours w 1.' 1 p i ness of those abou t m t, sccur. abed balm on tho head• or nil tho loTing fnco I bAd lx·cu rontc:mpl11tin~r, and must be spent tete-a-tete With c d ~ .large portion for my" elf 11.;,. of who01 whe bad uc:r beard, thl'y fixed upon tho. word lC"u reapon~e. h 1 Nil I\, nnd most ~speciall y h nu 1 nnd 1n m ost contented spi • bring ohj<'<'t t of aupnomo 1nd undyio~t ~aa o httlo. th1 ng to_tbo oy~. •h•~mer· drt'nued this first meal after the sought the com pnrnli,·e tctJ'rri& it: t ere~~t, till tho oupti:1l lin denuded 1ng thoro •n tho f,.tr mommA h~tht ; • f 1 ta f th 1 t t t e .. them or thrir A~ and •unk them to but wae iL not t ho •is;oet eel upon my palo u even

7° e. a s w e n Y mcut of the aforementioned

tho Je,.el of ord1na ry <'ntmg and drink- drat! pnet? And more than th nt, wn• f o ur hours, ' e ry ntccly, ho\~- corllcr. ing mortals. Aod moro thnn once this it nrt moulded out of a humnn bcart'w ever, diu it p RSS ove r • the I w as SO!Jlt' \Vh nt s tnrtl eu b maio I ol oJr~t bad tubjrelf•d he. raclf to ! 6erc:o thrne• ? Antl moro, far moro wea ther Mrs 1'hraee' s \'is it' nod tl f T · '! in.,idious remnrk by t ho eu1phatic cl.e- than all, might not tho "E':1ther :1bovo be· . ' If d. • b l e nmt lOr \'<liCe SO une:<p('<'~ rlnl'll tion , " if I laMe a wc11knua, it i• hold in it eumrtbing bryond tho reach •J OUrne y n or tng us an a . un- e?ly .breaking ~n upon my rne-. for Jo,·cu !" Poor l~t•tly'a mcllnjn~, 1 o.f my fiuito vition-ll _Pr<tph~cy or th.o d aR t suppl)l of conversnt10nnl cl1tnt1on•, anrl Wttbou t lifting my thou11h •omcwhat tni,::nt:tl i••"lly co•ncy. tiDy gorm of t ho new hfo wbto:h all ll11 material , eyes, wnitin~ for the co ncludi •·d. ·l i·l t' rt'tlit to hrr wnu~:m'a htart, anti 111ioh onco rccei.,od P A fe,.; brief d ny s and tli e w o rds of the spe~ ' ·or,' 'J'ho n eog I tully nprreriattd tho pl:1cid bcni1oity Nitl\'e <roico a rutued mo t o a recollcc· . W\ xt Cll her counteoaneo u eho took t ho tion of bnr vre•coce .- pnrttng honr came. As 1 exo ,minute I bad c o couutered ~ letter fro01 th11 tl\blo whon uomi•takll· Yea, Adrolc:, you h&Ye, 1111 unronsci- c h nnged the last words w it h Ni .. kinJly s m ile o f U tt rusny Grat1~ bly nuurc•l or my wnkm~; at. to. Ilolol- ouwly, minietc.-c:d to my eoul'• nocd, and tn 1 s lipped into ht'r h a nd Cnn it be p ossible 1 I cxcl:tirnea ' int:: itnl~ft. 38 if~cairou" thu• t o r~n· poured bll~m mto my hcnrt. 'tpu clln• V~nce's nns wer to m y letter. d' I ' der tho 111form1111on d.1ubly tmpl'fVIYC, not eonce••o bow murh I dre3ded you I . extcn lrt~ my 1nncJ, ,ho uitl, with tentcniioua fot'l"o " Mr. I noger, and tho oat rans.:ement which 1 1 knowtng tha t she w ould there And when• fore not t he rt,. Ha.dyn !" :1ntl thrn tt'ndcrly re'pl11cing knew mu•t bo tho ro•ult. Out '11'0 will find s11nahine e nough t o illumine turned, taking it in the old fi it, proc:c~cd to busy bel"'olf acniu n- ~· ahnya loro each other, Adl'lo? the o vershadowing clouds, c l nsp 1 r e m cmborcd so \Ve)l, rrn bout her duti~ e~idontlr fesrrul of Alwaye, dear, a.g:1in touc:oiog my ipt marrin .. tho felic-itY of tho oc:c:a•ion by to tho f11ir bro". l'I.RT ur. 1 mnd~ n o reply, not feeli many

0 worrl~. litiln •uepec:tio~: bow I And eoon, nry aeon, our lin• will -dispo.5ed to sny just w hnt I long tbo ae.'l would rom.:lio uobrok- eome t o ftow on in ' bo old eonny wtty, Cousin Millv Rivers was a tbinkin~t• nnd he contiiiUed • on. . . . an.d hour by boor wo .. · i:l 0~ t hi• 1 denr little m im ou ; chnbhy, 1 h ave given you rea

100 to'

Stand•o~: at the wmdow 111mo t uno m1aerablo •Jiol from our mom11r1et. tl · b l f II i 'b' l ' • b tcr, 11hou11bt ,how puro and peaceful T ho c:agorncu with which •ho apoko I an Wtt a . u Ol senst 1 ~~y C-'D! tder yourself forgotten-il tho oarth lo::~kt\d in it1 t pollt&J robo could not eoot'cal her onde,A'Ior to and \\' arrn I'UJHtlses. Ant.l dlltt)' thut in yo ur mind f n~tcr t ho epeot 1t~n.o ~r tho pN!Yiou• ~mothtJ_r . ~er eacrct cooYic~ion• or tho I h e r blithe, lovi~g voice fell upon I s mile d tusent. rugbt., and 1wo!!d~rcod. ID 3 bal(·dree?'y tmpo~~a•b•hlJ of turh a th•ng. I Wlla 'I my ear with ren t medicinal vir You should Lave l"apec'·d ''"1• wbelbor our bearta would reco1wo prompt to 11~tor the truth :- . k . ./ "' ..., ...., the wbito coTerie::: of God'• holy truth Wo will Jo,e n eh other, Nita, but tue ~or my SIC h eart, wbue nod a ppr eciated one o t my mo. in tho.mi.Jat of tb" kmpett of p .. ion ynu mu•t too thatl t'Annntre!Dair. here. heahn~ seemed to flow from the tives for the course wbich· l ner· ood anguiah awec:ping o'ler ,them ... A• :\tr hom~ willlloneefo•th bo wiU! Coueio dainty childlsh fingers and~at.. ceive you havu condemned ' tho door clv•t'd upon Lett~ • t rohno:; M~!. !Lifol"'. . . r b terin"' fee t of our worshipped Ilotlked nt h 1·n1

enq'at'rt,.ngl fit::uro. 1 knelt befoNl t ho Window• t eat, .,, .. n wore now ram•o~: rom t o oyea c N . y, aod tho aiml~ thought and conj~toro which poor papa blld onco lo'el ao woU. Penates , ed nod Ruby R1vers. He s~oke en get Jy, pasaioontc:.l weN! moulded i11to a prayer ~at rc:.C"h · .t'alteringlr dropped tho worrla :- l\o Vunce cnme. Milly w as Be h cvc, nhrnys b c li e \'P thn yj eci tho dear Slfiou'r•a e'ery- 'lldy ear, 1 hue been rcjoi~ini in tho• •hougbl q uie tly observant for nwbile ; have n.ct .,d. in. tlirecL oppoaitf· and ~rouRht bac:k. ~n ' !l'w!r ot peace, t hat wo would c:ontmuo to~:etber here. but she w ns by no means a DR" on ftoodmg all my •p•nt w•th 1t1t heue ruy aee muet htl'IO oxpre-.cd eomo or • . . to m y mchnntlons Miu HrittaiP. aweetno•~ & .. when .in t ho cours of tho aatoniabmeDt tbia ..-il•i •cht'!"o t1e nt . wntter, and s oon se.ttled How coulcl 1 delicntely seek t ho morn g, :'11ta eought mo with alo awl\kened. 1 forced tho needful m· the d1fficulty by uncerc montous. your presen ce t ll<Jw could · 1'. face and •t~D?ing oyH, 1 w11 • .ell quir! :- Jy bursting in upon m o one nig ht hope t o b.e an}·tlling but a pa prepared l"f'CfiYe her. A holy p•ty And what of Vanco? as I stood in half \Venry mood 10" moyed m h11art for the poor httlo W ith a quick, roprollchful ~laoeo, 1ho fu\ and dtsngr cenule reminder of t hiog-wei hed down by th.l ~;rief •h&r exclaimed :- b e fore my b edroom fire. Grasp· the past f But seeing you ht'•e dowing hcrbliu. Aa •ho unk on tbo Adelo, cou1cl you think we wnuld do ing my shoulders with her fair, to-mght, I g ladly n\•nil myself f euabiltU at my ite., cluping her hand• ot.hcr lhlln part foruer? Mr. Hndyn v'ump bauds, a be assailed me the nriviiC'go I \VOuld loJ.Ig .o onr my koee, with that pleading, piti- w11l rot urn tn &mo, and you 11nd 1 will · 0 h b d d a· ago fullook, 1 leani.i down and ;~rouod liYe hero in tbo old pltlco, aud iu tho old : ~lt · t 0 muc • reode quea. have sought h a d I dared to do my lipe to tho brow which God bad loYin~: way. tton :- so. toAdo 10 , .,,.,., n ry beautiful. The luw, at rained toneaand whitened •· What is the mattf'r. Adele l I knew my ch<'eks were c:ri

Poor N1ta I I murmured, .in · tow, lip• b~tray~ t~e heut'J Ncrifiu, A Why does not Vanw Hadyn son·dyed, Uamsny G. rnnt'•lA~ d ear tooea. Be happY, poo,r httle one ferten~ adll\1rahoo filled my heart aa I l ._ be happr. The dtai ~our, beroro looked dowo upon tbe ~~tty, petted come - •lnd tone, far more than bil whom •uball botb aomodaratand with cN!ature, whom r woul huo de.·meJ 1 knew that my secret some 1yord'\, bau bee n a re velati u~.,eiled ~Y"'• ~on~ bow trulr1'pray utte.rly ineapa~l~ ur ezhibitiug eo mag. time mus~ b e committed to th& fwice blind 1 I thought to OD. ll•Tb• blNaJng ufon you. . na~!!"oua a apmt. . • ·s--' . d kt:epin" of others • so firmly self as I repl t' ed ·.- • mJ ..

o grac:ofu he.d, 'll'lth itl w•ltb of ., 1ta,yon ero 11ot JU't' "" tn nee - • 0 • .:.t- ~ rl'len loeb, Jar pillowtd on my knee. le•lr darkooin~ your Ji,e,, and tinc:o cru!hmg bnck a very cowardly X ou s h ould n ever hnve irn A dee I? fOb 'll'iaoall tbe reply. • cona~der:ation for mo diotatf'd t~o eourae de s u o to run away from -the ined 1ucb a thing, ·M r, Graut.-rc

GuUJg dor.~upoo her tbua, I 1"0- rou IDd!c:alo, 1 •hall take tbo ltberty of frank blue eyes searching m y II not 10 neve-r b ns been 10. coUwt bow ofte.l paP''• kMO bad been lntarfennst. fa~ 1 re lied. t be reeling plaeo of tbia umo hoed, and You a re 'an aoael, Adele ! eulaimNI ,. ' P . .- Then 1 entreat tha t tbf're may bu• be Jo.,ed to draw awar1 the con6n· Nit ... preNiog my haodt puaionat~Jr t.o Knowmg bow. maeb I Jon be a rene we-I of our old friendly ing golden arrow, aod ftws tbe •hining her lipa. and trust you, Milly, yoa mast rel.arions M iu Brittain, laddi ~·e• to their full wa'lylength, till tho Huah_, hueh. Nita I O nly ~ happf, b e content with a btief reply h . • . ng t1oyllgure wae almoat ahrooCied in it. poor cb•ld. What follr your httlo head }~or good and euffi . t • t. " next 1nstam Ill a lo" tmpu. woman's glory. A:nd then J pictured baa !>eeo eoncoeting I And noW" •• a · • • cten reaaonft, uoned tone: And if I should what bo would baYe felt coulcl the fu. first u•amptioo er tho authority I claim my engagement IS broken, · 10 ne day gro\• ltrang 1 t uro bun h9eu foroeeen br ~im. Quick· .. my right, I •ball ioaiat on taking you MiUJ's plump banda Clropped $Umvtuons' a d k . e y rr" Jy thia. •trango Dl~b}e tbOUiht 'II'U to your, eba~ber, . and batbln~ tbOifl from my !bOUlderS a nd h er eyes d I Q 88 more, Adelt, put Utde, and I .&pin ·~ko to tho ••ollen Utla Wltb roee-water. Then I r t d 'h . • ed par on me • ,win•omo thing reminding 1110 of aomo •h~ll bid..J"ou eleeP. and' •.Ito your own g IS :ne • • ~tl ' uawont tears, 1 A {e,.. month1 Jnter he did pretty tropieaJ t.ird witb broken w;inr, bn, hc ."u t.o .the lire of l o•e aod joy aa • e cned :- aak more nnd I-p'\ d d hl and the poor bullld h•rt lutteredand •hu:h 11 opeomr.before roo. ''I did not dream of auch 1 ' r en m. throbbed againet mr kneo.~ Witb a amile, which I ~oped wae 1 thiosr as thai, Ade le Be aa

I know you mnut m no efil; 1 m~l"tt than abedowy, I •aid tbia. A• I I d I . · S?r· ~now you etro•e to do rigb deor. Nor hnoed mrarm about hftr waiat to lirt e ~111 n e •er harass you Wtth A place • hunter beiag admitf• do I WMder that Va'ltO I Yed you, I her from tbe e .. hion, abo CJcbimed.- quelhons , But, Adele, since ed to a private conrenaticSn trith continu~, a alil:ht tremou !~ my Yoic:o Stay, kdelo I You hue not told mo this is the cue. you will not re- the then prime mini1ter, wuult• at mention of the long· faahlw name, wb~n-when you l~'e mo, and . teara fUflo to make Ph'tl and m h n.. ed by hi's lordshl·pJtow be d e fi • for you are ao Yet'J lDnlyJ and mu1t agam ftllod bor oy"' to oYerllowing. . • . e ,.. a," D• pleaae en artiat eye like )111, wllile I You know I intend to go to New PY by rema10mg WJtb Ul 1 ::sure. ed wit. • My r.d,' repl1ed am plain~r thua moat ·•omeo. And Ynrk oo~ '!eok t? .malo Couai o M.illy ly Nita . can p.roJicle for heraelf the applicant. 1 wit it likl! what "~ I t.lunk- , \ . a lonJt·promiaod ""t? in 1ome othor way a · pension ~ould be-mnn to

Tbo tearful faee wu hf\ed to 1111ne 'Yes she si"hed d btl ,.... . • ' 1 °' aod t ho quiYerinx .,<>ice iaterroptod_: • • .g . • ou en re· ~'Ita ts not an obstacle, Mil· your bumble tenant-a goocl

You aN not plain, Ade o No nee c~lhng 1\1 I dld, t~at my mar• ly A lettet; rf'cei'N from her thing wellapplied.'j , eould be J!lain witb tboeo • ul-er• and nage wae to hue 1mmedia~ly tbis morning inform• me that i tbat noble, iatelloetual fac • But bot· followed that vis it. Directly 1Le the Jlarvinl eail {o E • ter thao all, Yon make 11 ~ feel tb•~ dd d • 1'h 1 f • r orope to A yonJ~g ependtbrift was coaa boaYeo i• a liitle Dt&Nt' wben rou a k e • en you " 11 aot or- a fortnlalit. I lid that abe hu de .. plainiog last week that altbou~ aro wiLb w. And eo ··l :amu1 aaid " e '?e at once, u I feared 1 cided {o accompany the m, ac. be I! ad been ttndeavourins ft ".bjj id Mad 1~ 1 h I wall not go a day ~artier cording -to eng~elbtnt, notwitb- eome time to reduce the nutnt* hng Jip,m!.,cl ND~r:!ed,o"...t t ~bd than the oae appointed, d•ar, •tanding theY. go •9 much eoon. of hi• erediton. thev •tilleeome4 aunk lo' h• oJd hi:'tioa I •ad er•h--I Eor " eeaeon we •ball e•cape thts er than ,be' anticipated, • t ~- f 4

v ... ld w be on tlie increue, No \t'oa think bow f•rfu tho lio he muethue wor '• curious eye arid critical Milly fuoured me with a der replied his fri~ad Iince -lUI~. had .,0 •pokeo tho lrre,oeablo topgue, bnt for & seuon only. quick, i olpiolone Rlanc:e only 1 ~ '" mam11ge Yo•. I thank lrim who ootM Now 1 . b ' are & w ays endeav i ring &o ... neo the ,;...._ ... , faiJ tt. • I ' come sa yang, owenr :- 6l th tftted frc:;;·-., rroat a ·~U:,t;,P.:dd V erj ehortly !returned tn my ... Then o~ar home is at your ~ oro. ! V ~nee from eo . blult a ein I Then room to occupy my1elf with tlie 1emcu f ·1 jtr!OYO ~0 moro, Nua, but d~· ll,.!'t'r ditty 10 lately di•covered to me. I IUD at your aemce.for the The Harbor G~ sta:l;ll tbe &noor'e feet. and let h1m punfy p · · · d f d · your hart through tbie ~ft of eartbl erceiVIng c le arly that my hand, remaau er o rpy aye. dear Mtl.. -An+ Jo,o. .BelieYe me; Bt• •oice thu! my voict m ust build the hAppi- ly. . . • 1 ' 1 pl•d• .111 .,_, jo1 ancl eYory eor .. nen ot Vanet' and Ni~ 1 drew K1111ng my cheek. ehe aigh- ~~ctfti1D J:tf Jbbtrtiar. roThe belautiful &ee ..,.. ill lined hi• 1lill uno pen~ l e tter from ~d : . .. It il ·•orrowful that onr I' ,~l•ttd 111d r•bfl•lltd "•"' !ATUI­aod tho, OJ• full of .. ;!; eo b~ my deek u a ftrsl -.tep toWJtrd JOY ebould come through your JJAT -n•lar. br AacD. -aaioe. • Ui tbe accomplishment of my pur. ·grief. Then. alter a moment's It-t""' •nd Proprl .. tnr, t .s Ill• ....,_

I .taD readilr: eoD~'IO tllet fOil ant poae. thonght.. lhe qtteeaioned : •• l Water Strtet .Batt-Harbor a~. x.-teeltftl and &ek111 eomewba& like tbe T 11 h. I k ma t II Pbil Ad 1 1 fouodltod. holy anp l• do, Adele, but, while ,._ 0 a t · II D~* that thtt ~ e , • e e T-.e-Twut1' snu!ul'o~,... .... 'lerencinf yo11 ·I •till grien for I cold and wvrldly WJll ecornfulh· wrtatol)'. but no one else. P•r .. •l• h•lf.yNrly. h..,o dar eatd h r Urean.J ~oo1. ~~- en?ug~ cry, ·• Unnatural!" '.Dii ~nd from .~his hour Je t the aub- Doo1t uo Jors PIU:n'IMO, 0r..,,....,. pt ft. I ' . qu1te JUitly. too for IUch impul- J ect, be btlned by ~acb of 01, tlon nec~~re:lln • ••tMrlor •a11otr.

'l'be roo ore of dtnppoletm•t aad let are not nat 1 b t h 1" I So when ' t T1u1 roa AtfnanttJ'O r-Pirtt I•.,.. paia iAt tran'amitted into pont cold. N ita, Tb un ' u e•ven ,. • I wee annonnc-.d,. -r9f th,_ ll"e tbot•• .. ol. tYP') I e. • lla!r wbt'n we pern.it &he Great AJobemi•' to ey are tbe •ery atmosphe re early tn March, that Vance HL ,,.,,. •·JdlllnLal lin• ~ t For ,....,. wakb ower tho crucible. Tbe ~atber'a of heaYeit. and hf!nen'a O)Yn dyn had ' followed the b!autifut t huaa•ioa Mtll1l d oft•• fl"t.,_..

!ti:,.,U:ad~:; .. !~~ru1U:.!'euu:::! preciou• ~(t t~ us. Ah, w e ll! M~ Britta~11 ~ ~pe, and l'h .. r•p•r ra ea t ''""'~to • ., a..,.. he dNlpe il\te oar heart• more t.lwa the tc~namg w1ll never mar the made her h11 wa(e, 1t elicitt:d no ,.., a,." tant ' 11" '1~' _ .... eom~?"to for U. letting "rth jo1• truth. , 1 know that. more lil!ea commeout from ue; and the world ---o--1 ..!r. Trull Th• .. ,.. or lobe LoN '- wit• and Vtole ta bleas tbe 'Hrtb for was allowed to gloat fnr the W AhmiM•e•t• ,.,,.,,;etJ 111 t.a.'"r":"".

~':,': :::: ';-~ ffi~' --~ ~'!.I I t~~ .to.Ye fill hag oa! bearta. an~ nine , daJI OYe! itl •onder. ~~:!~~ ~,t~-:;,:.;; clnip so iDjllN .,., tbt Joq _: ditt.i.ll!DS from 011r hps and deedJ . 80 you arp d~tl!rmi ned to ;1• (1httiou, ~ • .. 4 311/M:a, Into JOUr ~ betore you ..... , beautiful fonna aud embltiDI of llOl'e" the 'Preee~Cf or ·an· old tl.tu.- ,....,. ~-/ ·= • .,. • l • &be apirit'a bol7 emoiloDa, aD~ frie;J 1 I !taft 1atoud here at ';r::;!.~ ~.:::.;:;,

' -